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diff --git a/Config/ b/Config/
--- a/Config/
+++ b/Config/
@@ -1,22 +1,42 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the CloneBase class.
#include "CloneBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Ariadne5;
-CloneBase::~CloneBase() {}
+CloneBase::~CloneBase() {
+ // allocated.erase(uniqueId);
void CloneBase::fillReferences(CloneSet &) const {}
void CloneBase::rebind(const TranslationMap & trans) {}
// Definition of the static class description member.
describeAriadne5CloneBase("Ariadne5::CloneBase", "");
void CloneBase::Init() {}
+map<unsigned long, const CloneBase *> CloneBase::allocated;
+long CloneBase::allocount() const {
+ return allocated.size();
+void CloneBase::allocdebug() const {
+ for ( map<unsigned long, const CloneBase *>::iterator it = allocated.begin();
+ it != allocated.end(); ++it )
+ cerr << it->first << ": " << typeid(*(it->second)).name() << endl;
diff --git a/Config/CloneBase.h b/Config/CloneBase.h
--- a/Config/CloneBase.h
+++ b/Config/CloneBase.h
@@ -1,108 +1,133 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef ARIADNE5_CloneBase_H
#define ARIADNE5_CloneBase_H
// This is the declaration of the CloneBase class.
#include "Ariadne5.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Rebinder.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassDescription.h"
#include "CloneBase.fh"
#include "Ariadne/DIPSY/DipoleState.fh"
#include "Ariadne/Cascade/DipoleState.fh"
namespace Ariadne5 {
* CloneBase is used as base class for most of the classes in the
* Ariadne dipole cascade. It defines the basic clone and rebind
* methods which are used when cloning a whole dipole state. Maybe
* this class is general enough to be a part of ThePEG base
* classes.
class CloneBase: public PersistentBase {
* A set of pointers to CloneBase objects.
typedef set<cClonePtr> CloneSet;
* The Rebinder class for CloneBase objects.
typedef Rebinder<CloneBase> TranslationMap;
friend class ::Ariadne5::DipoleState;
friend class ::DIPSY::DipoleState;
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
- inline CloneBase() {}
+ inline CloneBase() {
+ // allocated[uniqueId] = this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The default constructor.
+ */
+ inline CloneBase(const CloneBase & x): PersistentBase(x) {
+ // allocated[uniqueId] = this;
+ }
* The destructor.
virtual ~CloneBase();
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name The virtual functions to be overridden in sub-classes. */
* Return a simple clone of this object. Should be implemented as
* <code>return new_ptr(*this);</code> by a derived class.
virtual ClonePtr clone() const = 0;
* Fill the provided set with all pointers to CloneBase objects used
* in this object.
virtual void fillReferences(CloneSet &) const;
* Rebind pointers to other CloneBase objects. Called after a number
* of interconnected CloneBase objects have been cloned, so that
* the cloned objects will refer to the cloned copies afterwards.
* @param trans a TranslationMap relating the original objects to
* their respective clones.
virtual void rebind(const TranslationMap & trans);
+ /**
+ * For debugging purposes
+ */
+ static map<unsigned long, const CloneBase *> allocated;
+ /**
+ * For debugging purposes
+ */
+ long allocount() const;
+ /**
+ * For debugging purposes
+ */
+ void allocdebug() const;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
CloneBase & operator=(const CloneBase &);
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
#endif /* ARIADNE5_CloneBase_H */
diff --git a/DIPSY/ b/DIPSY/
--- a/DIPSY/
+++ b/DIPSY/
@@ -1,2103 +1,2103 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the DipoleXSec class.
#include "DipoleXSec.h"
#include "Dipole.h"
#include "DipoleState.h"
#include "Parton.h"
#include "DipoleEventHandler.h"
#include "RealParton.h"
#include "RealPartonState.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Current.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Debug.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DebugItem.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
// #include "DipoleXSec.tcc"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h"
using namespace ThePEG;
using namespace DIPSY;
DipoleXSec::~DipoleXSec() {}
DipoleInteraction::DipoleInteraction(Dipole & dlin, Dipole & drin,
const ImpactParameters & bin, int ordering)
: dips(&dlin, &drin), dnext(dlin.neighbors().first, drin.neighbors().first),
dprev(dlin.neighbors().second, drin.neighbors().second),
b(&bin), sints(tSPartonPtr(), tSPartonPtr()),
f2(0.0), uf2(0.0), norec(false), kt(ZERO), id(0), status(UNKNOWN),
intOrdering(ordering) {
// If different colours interaction is either between c-c or
// cbar-cbar. If the same colour we only haver c-cbar.
ints = make_pair(dlin.partons().first, drin.partons().first);
spec = make_pair(dlin.partons().second, drin.partons().second);
if ( dlin.colour() == drin.colour() ) {
// if ( UseRandom::rnd() > 0.5 )
if ( UseRandom::rndbool() )
swap(ints.second, spec.second);
swap(ints.first, spec.first);
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().compat ) {
// *** TODO *** debugging to be removed!
InvEnergy2 rr11 = bin.dist2(*dlin.partons().first, *drin.partons().first);
InvEnergy2 rr22 = bin.dist2(*dlin.partons().second, *drin.partons().second);
double dummy = (rr11 + rr22)*GeV2;
while ( dummy > 100 ) dummy /= 10;
if ( 1000000.0*dummy - long(1000000.0*dummy) > 0.5 ) {
swap(ints.first, spec.first);
swap(ints.second, spec.second);
} else {
// if ( UseRandom::rnd() < 0.5 ) {
if ( UseRandom::rndbool() ) {
swap(ints.first, spec.first);
swap(ints.second, spec.second);
Parton::Point r = bin.difference(ints.first->position(), ints.second->position());
d2 = min(min(r.pt2(), dlin.size2()), drin.size2());
// kt = 1.0/sqrt(d2);
rec = -Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().pTScale()*r/r.pt2();
kt =;
if ( ints.first->shadow() ) {
sints = make_pair(ints.first->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.first),
ints.second->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.second));
void DipoleInteraction::prepare() const {
sints = make_pair(ints.first->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.first),
ints.second->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.second));
void DipoleInteraction::debug() const {
sints.first->memememe = sints.second->memememe = true;
TransverseMomentum rrec;
if ( !norec ) rrec = rec;
cerr << setw(15) << rrec.x()/GeV << setw(15) << rrec.y()/GeV << endl;
rrec = b->invRotatePT(-rrec);
cerr << setw(15) << rrec.x()/GeV << setw(15) << rrec.y()/GeV << endl;
sints.first->memememe = sints.second->memememe = false;
list<PartonPtr> plist = dips.first->dipoleState().getPartons();
LorentzMomentum sum;
for ( list<PartonPtr>::iterator it = plist.begin(); it != plist.end(); ++it )
if ( (**it).onShell() ) sum += (**it).momentum();
cerr << "left: "
<< setw(15) << sum.x()/GeV << setw(15) << sum.y()/GeV
<< setw(15) << sum.z()/GeV << setw(15) << sum.t()/GeV << endl;
plist = dips.second->dipoleState().getPartons();
sum = LorentzMomentum();
for ( list<PartonPtr>::iterator it = plist.begin(); it != plist.end(); ++it )
if ( (**it).onShell() ) sum += (**it).momentum();
TransverseMomentum sumt = b->rotatePT(TransverseMomentum(sum.x(), sum.y()));
cerr << "right: "
<< setw(15) << sumt.x()/GeV << setw(15) << sumt.y()/GeV
<< setw(15) << sum.z()/GeV << setw(15) << sum.t()/GeV << endl;
void DipoleInteraction::fail(int i ) const {
int off = i < 0? 4: 0;
if ( i > 0 ) status = ORDERING;
else {
if ( ints.first == dips.first->partons().first &&
ints.second == dips.second->partons().first )
i = 10;
else if ( ints.first == dips.first->partons().first )
i = 11;
else if ( ints.second == dips.second->partons().first )
i = 12;
i = 13;
i += off;
if ( uf2 > 0.2 ) ++o1fail[i];
// *** TODO *** Remove status, it is only for debugging.
DipoleInteraction::Status DipoleInteraction::check(int mode) const {
- DebugItem breakme("DIPSY::Stop", 6);
+ static DebugItem breakme("DIPSY::Stop", 6);
if ( mode >= 0 && breakme ) breakThePEG();
status = UNKNOWN;
sints = make_pair(ints.first->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.first),
ints.second->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.second));
ShadowParton::Propagator ppl =
sints.first->propagator(d2, spec.first, mode);
ShadowParton::Propagator ppr =
sints.second->propagator(d2, spec.second, mode);
if ( || ) return status = PROPFAIL;
LorentzMomentum pl = ppl.p;
LorentzMomentum pr = ppr.p;
if ( mode >= 0 ) {
TransverseMomentum ptr0(pr.x(), pr.y());
checkShadowMomentum(pl + lightCone(pr.minus(),,
TransverseMomentum rrec;
if ( !norec ) rrec = rec;
TransverseMomentum ptl =
TransverseMomentum(pl.x(), pl.y()) + rrec;
Energy2 mtl2 = ptl.pt2() + sqr(sints.first->mass());
TransverseMomentum ptr =
TransverseMomentum(pr.x(), pr.y()) + b->invRotatePT(-rrec);
Energy2 mtr2 = ptr.pt2() + sqr(sints.second->mass());
Energy PP = + pr.minus();
Energy PM = pl.minus() +;
if ( PP <= ZERO || PP*PM + mtl2 - mtr2 < ZERO ||
PM <= ZERO || PP*PM + mtr2 - mtl2 < ZERO ) return status = KINEFAIL;
Energy2 sqrl = (sqr(PP*PM + mtl2 - mtr2) - 4.0*mtl2*PM*PP)/sqr(PM);
Energy2 sqrr = (sqr(PP*PM + mtr2 - mtl2) - 4.0*mtr2*PM*PP)/sqr(PP);
if ( sqrl < ZERO || sqrr < ZERO ) return status = KINEFAIL;
sints.first->pTplus(ptl, 0.5*(PP + mtl2/PM - mtr2/PM + sqrt(sqrl)));
sints.second->pTplus(ptr, 0.5*(PM + mtr2/PP - mtl2/PP + sqrt(sqrr)));
if ( intOrdering <= 2 ) {
if ( PP > min(ppl.colpos, ppl.acopos) ||
PM > min(ppr.colpos, ppr.acopos) ) return status = ORDERING;
} else if ( intOrdering == 4 ) {
if ( orderfail(ppl, ppr) ) return status = ORDERING;
if ( !id ) return status = ACCEPTED;
if ( mode >= 0 ) {
if ( mode > 0 ) {
if ( mode >= 0 ) checkShadowMomentum();
return status = ACCEPTED;
void DipoleInteraction::checkShadowMomentum(const LorentzMomentum & pin) const {
static DebugItem checkkinematics("DIPSY::CheckKinematics", 6);
if ( !checkkinematics ) return;
Sum20Momentum sum20;
dips.second->dipoleState().checkShadowMomentum(sum20, b);
sum20 -= pin;
if ( !sum20 ) {
<< "Shadow trees had inconsistent momentum" << Exception::warning;
bool DipoleInteraction::orderfail(const ShadowParton::Propagator & ppl,
const ShadowParton::Propagator & ppr) const {
pair<bool,bool> parcol(ints.first == dips.first->partons().first,
ints.second == dips.second->partons().first);
Energy2 ptl = ppl.p.perp2();
Energy2 ptr = ppr.p.perp2();
Energy2 ptm = (ppl.p - sints.first->momentum()).perp2();
Energy2 ptlm = max(ptl, ptm);
Energy2 ptrm = max(ptr, ptm);
if ( parcol.first && disorder(cending(ppl.acoptp, ptl, ptm),
ppl.acopos, ppl.aconeg, sints.first) )
// If left is coloured it should be ordered wrt. previous emissions
// on the anti-colour line.
if ( !parcol.first && disorder(cending(ppl.colptp, ptl, ptm),
ppl.colpos, ppl.colneg, sints.first) )
// And vice vers.
if ( parcol.second && disorder(cending(ppr.acoptp, ptr, ptm),
ppr.acopos, ppr.aconeg, sints.second) )
// If right is coloured it should be ordered wrt. previous emissions
// on the anti-colour line.
if ( !parcol.second && disorder(cending(ppr.colptp, ptr, ptm),
ppr.colpos, ppr.colneg, sints.second) )
// And vice vers.
if ( parcol.first != parcol.second && disorder(cending(ptl, ptm, ptr)) )
// If colour--anto-colour combinations,left and right should be
// ordered wrt. eachother
if ( parcol.first && parcol.second ) {
// If both partons are coloured they should be ordered wrt. the
// others incoming emissions on the colour line.
if ( disorder(cending(ppl.colptp, ptlm, ppr.colptp),
sints.first, ppr.colneg, ppr.colpos) )
if ( disorder(cending(ppr.colptp, ptrm, ppl.colptp),
sints.second, ppl.colneg, ppl.colpos) )
if ( !parcol.first && !parcol.second ) {
// ... and vice versa for anti.colour - anti-colour
if ( disorder(cending(ppl.acoptp, ptlm, ppr.acoptp),
sints.first, ppr.aconeg, ppr.acopos) )
if ( disorder(cending(ppr.acoptp, ptrm, ppl.acoptp),
sints.second, ppl.aconeg, ppl.acopos) )
return ( status == ORDERING );
void DipoleInteraction::reject() const {
void DipoleInteraction::accept() const {
sints = make_pair(ints.first->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.first),
ints.second->shadow()->resolveInteraction(d2, spec.second));
InvEnergy DipoleXSec::rMax() const {
return theRMax > 0.0*InvGeV? theRMax: Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->rMax();
double DipoleXSec::fSinFn(const Parton::Point & rho1, const Parton::Point & rho2,
const TransverseMomentum & pt) const {
if ( sinFunction == 1 ) {
double r1 = rho1.pt2()*pt.pt2();
double r2 = rho2.pt2()*pt.pt2();
return r1*r2/(4.0*(r1 + 1.0)*(r2 + 1.0));
double s1 = pt.x()*rho1.x() + pt.y()*rho1.y();
double s2 = pt.x()*rho2.x() + pt.y()*rho2.y();
return sqr(sin(s1)*sin(s2));
double DipoleXSec::
fij(const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left,
const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right,
const ImpactParameters & b, bool veto) const {
tcPartonPtr p11 = left.first;
tcPartonPtr p12 = left.second;
tcPartonPtr p21 = right.first;
tcPartonPtr p22 = right.second;
//TODO: keep only interaction 0, as that is the only one supported anyway
if ( theInteraction == 0 || theInteraction == 1 || theInteraction == 3 || theInteraction == 4 ) {
InvEnergy2 rr11 = b.dist2(*p11, *p21);
InvEnergy2 rr21 = b.dist2(*p12, *p21);
InvEnergy2 rr12 = b.dist2(*p11, *p22);
InvEnergy2 rr22 = b.dist2(*p12, *p22);
if ( veto && kinematicsVeto(left, right, b) ) {
return 0.0;
TransverseMomentum pt;
double pTScale = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().pTScale();
InvEnergy rscale = sqrt(min(min(min(rr12, rr21),min(rr11, rr22)),
min(p11->dist2(*p12), p21->dist2(*p22))));
double fudgeME= 1.0;
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
pair<bool, bool> ints;
ints = int0Partons(p11, p12, p21, p22, b);
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference((ints.first ? p11->position():p12->position()),
(ints.second ? p21->position():p22->position()));
if ( r1.pt2() < min(p11->dist2(*p12), p21->dist2(*p22)) &&
Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeME() ) {
double deltay = ( ints.first? p11->y(): p12->y() ) +
( ints.second? p21->y(): p22->y() );
fudgeME = 1.0 - 1.0/(1.0 + cosh(deltay));
fudgeME *= Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeFactorME();
pt = pTScale*r1/r1.pt2();
rscale = sqrt(min(min(r1.pt2(),p11->dist2(*p12)), p21->dist2(*p22)));
if ( theInteraction == 1 ) { //4 parton distance
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference(p11->position(), p21->position());
Parton::Point r2 = b.difference(p11->position(), p22->position());
Parton::Point r3 = b.difference(p12->position(), p21->position());
Parton::Point r4 = b.difference(p12->position(), p22->position());
pt = pTScale*(r1/sqr( + r2/sqr( +
r3/sqr( + r4/sqr(*0.35;
if ( theInteraction == 3 ) { //2 parton distance
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference(p11->position(), p22->position());
Parton::Point r2 = b.difference(p12->position(), p21->position());
pt = pTScale*(r1/sqr( + r2/sqr(*0.6;
Parton::Point rho1 = (p12->position() - p11->position())/2.0;
Parton::Point rho2 = b.rotate(p22->position() - p21->position())/2.0;
return 8.0*fudgeME*sqr(Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->alphaS(rscale))*
fSinFn(rho1, rho2, pt)*
sqr(sqr( + sqr(pTScale/rMax()));
return 0.0;
double DipoleXSec::
fij(const Dipole & dleft, const Dipole & dright,
const ImpactParameters & b, bool veto) const {
pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left = dleft.partons();
pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right = dright.partons();
pair<bool, bool> ints;
double fudgeME = 1.0;
tcPartonPtr p11 = left.first;
tcPartonPtr p12 = left.second;
tcPartonPtr p21 = right.first;
tcPartonPtr p22 = right.second;
ints = int0Partons(p11, p12, p21, p22, b);
//TODO: keep only interaction 0, as that is the only one supported anyway
if ( theInteraction == 0 || theInteraction == 1 || theInteraction == 3 || theInteraction == 4 ) {
InvEnergy2 rr11 = b.dist2(*p11, *p21);
InvEnergy2 rr21 = b.dist2(*p12, *p21);
InvEnergy2 rr12 = b.dist2(*p11, *p22);
InvEnergy2 rr22 = b.dist2(*p12, *p22);
if ( veto && kinematicsVeto(dleft, dright, b, ints) ) {
return 0.0;
TransverseMomentum pt;
double pTScale = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().pTScale();
InvEnergy rscale = sqrt(min(min(min(rr12, rr21),min(rr11, rr22)),
min(p11->dist2(*p12), p21->dist2(*p22))));
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference((ints.first ? p11->position():p12->position()),
(ints.second ? p21->position():p22->position()));
if ( r1.pt2() < min(p11->dist2(*p12), p21->dist2(*p22)) &&
Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeME() ) {
double deltay = ( ints.first? p11->y(): p12->y() ) +
( ints.second? p21->y(): p22->y() );
fudgeME = 1.0 - 1.0/(1.0 + cosh(deltay));
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeME() > 1 ) {
if ( dleft.colour() == dright.colour() ) fudgeME *= 9.0/2.0;
else fudgeME *= 9.0/16.0;
pt = pTScale*r1/sqr(;
rscale = sqrt(min(min(sqr(,p11->dist2(*p12)), p21->dist2(*p22)));
if ( theInteraction == 1 ) { //4 parton distance
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference(p11->position(), p21->position());
Parton::Point r2 = b.difference(p11->position(), p22->position());
Parton::Point r3 = b.difference(p12->position(), p21->position());
Parton::Point r4 = b.difference(p12->position(), p22->position());
pt = pTScale*(r1/sqr( + r2/sqr( +
r3/sqr( + r4/sqr(*0.35;
if ( theInteraction == 3 ) { //2 parton distance
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference(p11->position(), p22->position());
Parton::Point r2 = b.difference(p12->position(), p21->position());
pt = pTScale*(r1/sqr( + r2/sqr(*0.6;
Parton::Point rho1 = (p12->position() - p11->position())/2.0;
Parton::Point rho2 = b.rotate(p22->position() - p21->position())/2.0;
return 8.0*fudgeME*sqr(Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->alphaS(rscale))*
fSinFn(rho1, rho2, pt)*
sqr(sqr( + sqr(pTScale/rMax()));
return 0.0;
DipoleInteraction DipoleXSec::
fij(const ImpactParameters & b, Dipole & dleft, Dipole & dright,
bool veto) const {
DipoleInteraction di(dleft, dright, b, theIntOrdering);
double fudgeME = 1.0;
if ( veto && kinematicsVeto(di) ) return di;
Energy m0 = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().pTScale()/rMax();
Parton::Point r1 = b.difference(di.ints.first->position(), di.ints.second->position());
if ( r1.pt2() < min(dleft.size2(), dright.size2()) &&
Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeME() ) {
double deltay = di.ints.first->y() + di.ints.second->y();
fudgeME = 1.0 - 1.0/(1.0 + cosh(deltay));
fudgeME *= Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeFactorME();
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeME() > 1 ) {
if ( dleft.colour() == dright.colour() ) fudgeME *= 9.0/2.0;
else fudgeME *= 9.0/16.0;
Parton::Point rho1 = di.dips.first->vSize()/2.0;
Parton::Point rho2 = b.rotate(di.dips.second->vSize())/2.0;
di.f2 = 16.0*fudgeME*sqr(Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->alphaS(sqrt(di.d2)))*
fSinFn(rho1, rho2, di.rec)*sqr(di.rec.pt2())/sqr(di.rec.pt2() + sqr(m0));
di.uf2 = unitarize(di.f2);
return di;
bool DipoleXSec::kinematicsVeto(const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left,
const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > ints = doesInt(left, right, b);
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().compat ) {
pair<bool,bool> int0 =
int0Partons(left.first, left.second, right.first, right.second, b);
ints = make_pair(make_pair(int0.first, !int0.first),
make_pair(int0.second, !int0.second));
InteractionRecoil recs = recoil(left, right, b, ints);
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
//the key partons for f_ij
pair<bool, bool> ints0 = int0Partons(left.first, left.second, right.first, right.second, b);
//first set up effective partons with range etc
tPartonPtr p1 = (ints0.first ? left.first:left.second);
tPartonPtr p2 = (ints0.second ? right.first:right.second);
//there MAY be secondary partons in the interaction, decided by ints.
tPartonPtr p1sec, p2sec;
if ( ints.first.first && ints.first.second )
p1sec = (ints0.first ? left.second:left.first);
if ( ints.second.first && ints.second.second )
p2sec = (ints0.second ? right.second:right.first);
//only distance between key partons will affect range (reasonable?)
InvEnergy range1 = sqrt(min(left.first->dist2(*left.second)/4.0, b.dist2(*p1, *p2)));
InvEnergy range2 = sqrt(min(right.first->dist2(*right.second)/4.0, b.dist2(*p1, *p2)));
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().rangeMode() == 1 ) {
range1 = sqrt(left.first->dist2(*left.second)/4.0);
range2 = sqrt(right.first->dist2(*right.second)/4.0);
EffectivePartonPtr ep1 = EffectiveParton::create(*p1, range1);
EffectivePartonPtr ep2 = EffectiveParton::create(*p2, range2);
EffectivePartonPtr ep1sec, ep2sec;
if ( p1sec ) ep1sec = EffectiveParton::create(*p1sec, range1);
if ( p2sec ) ep2sec = EffectiveParton::create(*p2sec, range2);
TransverseMomentum rec1 = (ints0.first ? recs.first.first:recs.first.second);
TransverseMomentum rec2 = (ints0.second ? recs.second.first:recs.second.second);
Energy pt1 = (ep1->pT() + rec1).pt();
Energy minus1 = sqr(pt1)/ep1->plus();
Energy pt2 = (ep2->pT() + rec2).pt();
Energy minus2 = sqr(pt2)/ep2->plus();
//sum up total supplied and needed LC momentum from each side
Energy leftPlus = ep1->plus() + (p1sec ? ep1sec->plus():ZERO);
Energy leftMinus = minus1;
if ( p1sec ) {
TransverseMomentum rec1sec = (ints0.first ? recs.first.second:recs.first.first);
Energy pt1sec = (ep1sec->pT() + rec1sec).pt();
Energy minus1sec = sqr(pt1sec)/ep1sec->plus();
leftMinus += minus1sec;
Energy rightPlus = ep2->plus() + (p2sec ? ep2sec->plus():ZERO);
Energy rightMinus = minus2 + (p2sec ? ep2sec->minus():ZERO);
if ( p2sec ) {
TransverseMomentum rec2sec = (ints0.second ? recs.second.second:recs.second.first);
Energy pt2sec = (ep2sec->pT() + rec2sec).pt();
Energy minus2sec = sqr(pt2sec)/ep2sec->plus();
rightMinus += minus2sec;
if ( theIntOrdering == 2 ) {
Energy maxRec = max(max( ,,
max( ,;
if ( leftPlus*rightPlus < 16.0*sqr(maxRec) ) return true;
else return false;
//check enough energy to set all on shell
if ( leftPlus*rightPlus < 16.0*leftMinus*rightMinus ) {
return true;
//take LC momentum transfers in account
Energy plus1 = ep1->plus()*(1.0 - rightMinus/leftPlus);
minus1 /= 1.0 - rightMinus/leftPlus;
Energy plus2 = ep2->plus()*(1.0 - leftMinus/rightPlus);
minus2 /= 1.0 - leftMinus/rightPlus;
//check ordering of the key partons (secondaries can be unordered if they want)
double PSInf = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PSInflation();
if ( theIntOrdering == 0 ) {
//just check plus and minus ordering after recoils
if ( plus1*PSInf < minus2 ) return true;
if ( plus2*PSInf < minus1 ) return true;
else if ( theIntOrdering == 1 ) {
//check p- ordering from both sides, as if it was evolution.
//that is, as if no future recoils.
double PMOrd = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PMinusOrdering();
TransverseMomentum rec1 = (ints0.first ? recs.first.first:recs.first.second);
TransverseMomentum rec2 = (ints0.second ? recs.second.first:recs.second.second);
if ( sqr(max(,*PSInf) < minus1*minus2*PMOrd )
return true;
//check that the partons stay on their side, to avoid doublecounting
double yInt = 0;
if ( p1->dipoles().first ) yInt = p1->dipoles().first->dipoleState().ymax();
else if ( p1->dipoles().second ) yInt = p1->dipoles().second->dipoleState().ymax();
double y1 = 0.5*log(minus1/plus1);
if ( y1 > yInt ) return true;
double y2 = 0.5*log(plus2/minus2);
if ( y2 < yInt ) return true;
//should we check secondaries as well here?
//if no veto triggered, it should not be vetoed
return false;
else {
cerr << "only interaction 0 is supported in kinematics veto atm, sorry" << endl;
return false;
bool DipoleXSec::kinematicsVeto(const Dipole & dleft,
const Dipole & dright,
const ImpactParameters & b,
const pair<bool,bool> & ints0) const {
pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left = dleft.partons();
pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right = dright.partons();
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > ints = doesInt(left, right, b);
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().compat ) {
ints = make_pair(make_pair(ints0.first, !ints0.first),
make_pair(ints0.second, !ints0.second));
InteractionRecoil recs = recoil(left, right, b, ints, ints0);
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
//first set up effective partons with range etc
tPartonPtr p1 = (ints0.first ? left.first:left.second);
tPartonPtr p2 = (ints0.second ? right.first:right.second);
//there MAY be secondary partons in the interaction, decided by ints.
tPartonPtr p1sec, p2sec;
if ( ints.first.first && ints.first.second )
p1sec = (ints0.first ? left.second:left.first);
if ( ints.second.first && ints.second.second )
p2sec = (ints0.second ? right.second:right.first);
//only distance between key partons will affect range (reasonable?)
InvEnergy range1 = sqrt(min(left.first->dist2(*left.second)/4.0, b.dist2(*p1, *p2)));
InvEnergy range2 = sqrt(min(right.first->dist2(*right.second)/4.0, b.dist2(*p1, *p2)));
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().rangeMode() == 1 ) {
range1 = sqrt(left.first->dist2(*left.second)/4.0);
range2 = sqrt(right.first->dist2(*right.second)/4.0);
EffectivePartonPtr ep1 = dleft.getEff(p1, range1);
EffectivePartonPtr ep2 = dright.getEff(p2, range2);
EffectivePartonPtr ep1sec, ep2sec;
if ( p1sec ) ep1sec = dleft.getEff(p1sec, range1);
if ( p2sec ) ep2sec = dright.getEff(p2sec, range2);
TransverseMomentum rec1 = (ints0.first ? recs.first.first:recs.first.second);
TransverseMomentum rec2 = (ints0.second ? recs.second.first:recs.second.second);
Energy pt1 = (ep1->pT() + rec1).pt();
Energy minus1 = sqr(pt1)/ep1->plus();
Energy pt2 = (ep2->pT() + rec2).pt();
Energy minus2 = sqr(pt2)/ep2->plus();
//sum up total supplied and needed LC momentum from each side
Energy leftPlus = ep1->plus() + (p1sec ? ep1sec->plus():ZERO);
Energy leftMinus = minus1;
if ( p1sec ) {
TransverseMomentum rec1sec = (ints0.first ? recs.first.second:recs.first.first);
Energy pt1sec = (ep1sec->pT() + rec1sec).pt();
Energy minus1sec = sqr(pt1sec)/ep1sec->plus();
leftMinus += minus1sec;
Energy rightPlus = ep2->plus() + (p2sec ? ep2sec->plus():ZERO);
Energy rightMinus = minus2 + (p2sec ? ep2sec->minus():ZERO);
if ( p2sec ) {
TransverseMomentum rec2sec = (ints0.second ? recs.second.second:recs.second.first);
Energy pt2sec = (ep2sec->pT() + rec2sec).pt();
Energy minus2sec = sqr(pt2sec)/ep2sec->plus();
rightMinus += minus2sec;
if ( theIntOrdering == 2 ) {
Energy maxRec = max(max( ,,
max( ,;
if ( leftPlus*rightPlus < 16.0*sqr(maxRec) ) return true;
else return false;
//check enough energy to set all on shell
if ( leftPlus*rightPlus < 16.0*leftMinus*rightMinus ) {
return true;
//take LC momentum transfers in account
Energy plus1 = ep1->plus()*(1.0 - rightMinus/leftPlus);
minus1 /= 1.0 - rightMinus/leftPlus;
Energy plus2 = ep2->plus()*(1.0 - leftMinus/rightPlus);
minus2 /= 1.0 - leftMinus/rightPlus;
//check ordering of the key partons (secondaries can be unordered if they want)
double PSInf = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PSInflation();
if ( theIntOrdering == 0 ) {
//just check plus and minus ordering after recoils
if ( plus1*PSInf < minus2 ) return true;
if ( plus2*PSInf < minus1 ) return true;
else if ( theIntOrdering == 1 ) {
//check p- ordering from both sides, as if it was evolution.
//that is, as if no future recoils.
double PMOrd = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PMinusOrdering();
TransverseMomentum rec1 = (ints0.first ? recs.first.first:recs.first.second);
TransverseMomentum rec2 = (ints0.second ? recs.second.first:recs.second.second);
if ( sqr(max(,*PSInf) < minus1*minus2*PMOrd )
return true;
//check that the partons stay on their side, to avoid doublecounting
double yInt = 0;
if ( p1->dipoles().first ) yInt = p1->dipoles().first->dipoleState().ymax();
else if ( p1->dipoles().second ) yInt = p1->dipoles().second->dipoleState().ymax();
double y1 = 0.5*log(minus1/plus1);
if ( y1 > yInt ) return true;
double y2 = 0.5*log(plus2/minus2);
if ( y2 < yInt ) return true;
//should we check secondaries as well here?
//if no veto triggered, it should not be vetoed
return false;
else {
cerr << "only interaction 0 is supported in kinematics veto atm, sorry" << endl;
return false;
bool DipoleXSec::kinematicsVeto(const DipoleInteraction & di) const {
if ( di.sints.first ) return di.check(-1); // Hey! We're using shadows!
ImpactParameters b = *di.b;
const Dipole & dleft = *di.dips.first;
const Dipole & dright = *di.dips.second;
//first set up effective partons with range etc
tcPartonPtr p1 = di.ints.first;
tcPartonPtr p2 = di.ints.second;
//only distance between key partons will affect range (reasonable?)
InvEnergy range1 = sqrt(min(dleft.size2()/4.0, b.dist2(*p1, *p2)));
InvEnergy range2 = sqrt(min(dright.size2()/4.0, b.dist2(*p1, *p2)));
EffectivePartonPtr ep1 = dleft.getEff(p1, range1);
EffectivePartonPtr ep2 = dright.getEff(p2, range2);
TransverseMomentum rec1 = di.rec;
TransverseMomentum rec2 = di.b->invRotatePT(-di.rec);
Energy pt1 = (ep1->pT() + rec1).pt();
Energy minus1 = sqr(pt1)/ep1->plus();
Energy pt2 = (ep2->pT() + rec2).pt();
Energy minus2 = sqr(pt2)/ep2->plus();
//sum up total supplied and needed LC momentum from each side
Energy leftPlus = ep1->plus();
Energy leftMinus = minus1;
Energy rightPlus = ep2->plus();
Energy rightMinus = minus2;
if ( theIntOrdering == 2 ) {
if ( leftPlus*rightPlus < 16.0*rec1.pt2() ) return true;
else return false;
//check enough energy to set all on shell
if ( leftPlus*rightPlus < 16.0*leftMinus*rightMinus ) {
return true;
//take LC momentum transfers in account
Energy plus1 = ep1->plus()*(1.0 - rightMinus/leftPlus);
minus1 /= 1.0 - rightMinus/leftPlus;
Energy plus2 = ep2->plus()*(1.0 - leftMinus/rightPlus);
minus2 /= 1.0 - leftMinus/rightPlus;
//check ordering of the key partons (secondaries can be unordered if they want)
double PSInf = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PSInflation();
if ( theIntOrdering == 0 ) {
//just check plus and minus ordering after recoils
if ( plus1*PSInf < minus2 ) return true;
if ( plus2*PSInf < minus1 ) return true;
//check that the partons stay on their side, to avoid doublecounting
double yInt = 0;
if ( p1->dipoles().first ) yInt = p1->dipoles().first->dipoleState().ymax();
else if ( p1->dipoles().second ) yInt = p1->dipoles().second->dipoleState().ymax();
double y1 = 0.5*log(minus1/plus1);
if ( y1 > yInt ) return true;
double y2 = 0.5*log(plus2/minus2);
if ( y2 < yInt ) return true;
//should we check secondaries as well here?
//if no veto triggered, it should not be vetoed
return false;
return false;
double DipoleXSec::
sumf(const DipoleState & sl, const DipoleState & sr,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
Nfij = 0;
NBVeto = 0;
NScalVeto = 0;
scalVeto = 0.0;
bVeto = 0.0;
vector<tDipolePtr> dl;
vector<tDipolePtr> dr;
double sum = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dl.size(); i < N; ++i )
for ( int j = 0, M = dr.size(); j < M; ++j )
sum += fij(*dl[i], *dr[j], b);
return sum;
double DipoleXSec::
sumf(const ImpactParameters & b, const DipoleState & sl, const DipoleState & sr) const {
Nfij = 0;
NBVeto = 0;
NScalVeto = 0;
scalVeto = 0.0;
bVeto = 0.0;
vector<tDipolePtr> dl;
vector<tDipolePtr> dr;
double sum = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dl.size(); i < N; ++i )
for ( int j = 0, M = dr.size(); j < M; ++j ) {
if ( (M*i + j)%8 == 0 ) UseRandom::rnd();
DipoleInteraction di = fij(b, *dl[i], *dr[j], false);
if ( !di.check(-1) )
sum += di.f2/2.0; /*** TODO: this is because we need proper f here. FIX CONFUSION */
return sum;
DipoleXSec::flist(const DipoleState & sl, const DipoleState & sr,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
FList ret;
vector<tDipolePtr> dl;
vector<tDipolePtr> dr;
//dont save the lowest fij. Otherwise the FList for LHC PbPb will take too much memory.
double cutoff = min(0.00000001, 1.0/double(dl.size()*dr.size()));
if ( dl.size()*dr.size() < 1000000 ) cutoff = 0.0000000001;
int total = 0;
int skipped = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dl.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0, M = dr.size(); j < M; ++j ) {
double f = fij(*dl[i], *dr[j], b, false)*2.0;
//extra 2 added from the non-diffractive interaction probability.
if ( f > cutoff &&
!kinematicsVeto(dl[i]->partons(), dr[j]->partons(), b) )
ret.insert(make_pair(make_pair(f, unitarize(f)), make_pair(dl[i], dr[j])));
else skipped++;
return ret;
DipoleXSec::flist(const ImpactParameters & b,
const DipoleState & sl, const DipoleState & sr) const {
nIAccepted = 0;
nIBelowCut = 0;
nIPropFail = 0;
nIKineFail = 0;
nIOrdering = 0;
DipoleInteraction::List ret;
vector<tDipolePtr> dl;
vector<tDipolePtr> dr;
//dont save the lowest fij. Otherwise the FList for LHC PbPb will take too much memory.
double cutoff = min(0.00000001, 1.0/double(dl.size()*dr.size()));
if ( dl.size()*dr.size() < 1000000 ) cutoff = 0.0000000001;
int total = 0;
int skipped = 0;
for ( int i = 0, N = dl.size(); i < N; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0, M = dr.size(); j < M; ++j ) {
if ( (M*i + j)%8 == 0 ) UseRandom::rnd();
/*** TODO: WHY IS VETO FALSE - because we don't want to check
kinematics if below cut ***/
DipoleInteraction di = fij(b, *dl[i], *dr[j], false);
if ( di.f2 > cutoff && !kinematicsVeto(di) ) {
} else {
if ( di.f2 <= cutoff ) ++nIBelowCut;
else switch ( di.status ) {
case DipoleInteraction::PROPFAIL:
case DipoleInteraction::KINEFAIL:
case DipoleInteraction::ORDERING:
case DipoleInteraction::UNKNOWN:
case DipoleInteraction::ACCEPTED:
return ret;
DipoleXSec::recoil(const DipoleInteraction & di) const {
InteractionRecoil ret;
if ( di.norec ) return ret;
if ( di.ints.first == di.dips.first->partons().first )
ret.first.first = di.rec;
ret.first.second = di.rec;
if ( di.ints.second == di.dips.second->partons().first )
ret.second.first = di.b->invRotatePT(-di.rec);
ret.second.second = di.b->invRotatePT(-di.rec);
return ret;
DipoleXSec::recoil(const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left,
const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right,
const ImpactParameters & b,
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > doesInt) const {
return recoil(left, right, b, doesInt, int0Partons(left.first, left.second,
right.first, right.second, b));
DipoleXSec::recoil(const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left,
const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right,
const ImpactParameters & b,
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > doesInt,
pair<bool, bool> ints) const {
tPartonPtr p1 = left.first;
tPartonPtr p2 = left.second;
tPartonPtr p3 = right.first;
tPartonPtr p4 = right.second;
double pTScale = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().pTScale();
if ( theInteraction == 2 ) { //swing recoil, only new dips
TransverseMomentum rec14 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p4->position())/
( b.dist2(*p1,*p4) );
TransverseMomentum rec23 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p3->position())/
( b.dist2(*p2,*p3) );
return make_pair(make_pair(rec14, rec23),
make_pair(-rec23, -rec14));
//4 parton-parton recoils (full diagonals)
if ( theInteraction == 1 ) {
TransverseMomentum rec13 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p3->position())/
(b.dist2(*p1,*p3) );
TransverseMomentum rec14 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p4->position())/
(b.dist2(*p1,*p4) );
TransverseMomentum rec23 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p3->position())/
(b.dist2(*p2,*p3) );
TransverseMomentum rec24 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p4->position())/
(b.dist2(*p2,*p4) );
return make_pair(make_pair(rec14 + rec13, rec23 + rec24),
make_pair(b.invRotatePT(-rec23 - rec13),
b.invRotatePT(-rec14 - rec24)));
//2 parton-parton recoils (no diagonals)
if ( theInteraction == 3 ) {
TransverseMomentum rec13 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p3->position())/
(b.dist2(*p1,*p3) );
TransverseMomentum rec14 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p4->position())/
(b.dist2(*p1,*p4) );
TransverseMomentum rec23 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p3->position())/
(b.dist2(*p2,*p3) );
TransverseMomentum rec24 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p4->position())/
(b.dist2(*p2,*p4) );
if ( doesInt.first.first && doesInt.first.second &&
doesInt.second.first && doesInt.second.second )
return make_pair(make_pair(rec14, rec23),
make_pair(b.invRotatePT(-rec23), b.invRotatePT(-rec14)));
else {
TransverseMomentum rec11 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.first.first && doesInt.second.first ) rec11 += rec13;
if ( doesInt.first.first && doesInt.second.second ) rec11 += rec14;
TransverseMomentum rec12 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.first.second && doesInt.second.first ) rec12 += rec23;
if ( doesInt.first.second && doesInt.second.second ) rec12 += rec24;
TransverseMomentum rec21 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.second.first && doesInt.first.first ) rec21 -= rec13;
if ( doesInt.second.first && doesInt.first.second ) rec21 -= rec23;
TransverseMomentum rec22 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.second.second && doesInt.first.first ) rec22 -= rec14;
if ( doesInt.second.second && doesInt.first.second ) rec22 -= rec24;
return make_pair(make_pair(rec11, rec12),
make_pair(b.invRotatePT(rec21), b.invRotatePT(rec22)));
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) { //dip-dip recoil
TransverseMomentum rec13 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p3->position())/
(b.dist2(*p1,*p3) );
TransverseMomentum rec14 = -pTScale*b.difference(p1->position(), p4->position())/
(b.dist2(*p1,*p4) );
TransverseMomentum rec23 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p3->position())/
(b.dist2(*p2,*p3) );
TransverseMomentum rec24 = -pTScale*b.difference(p2->position(), p4->position())/
(b.dist2(*p2,*p4) );
/*** TODO: WHAT IS THIS? ***/
if ( !Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().compat ) {
if ( p1->oY() + p3->oY() > p2->oY() + p4->oY() ) rec24 = TransverseMomentum();
else rec13 = TransverseMomentum();
// if ( p1->flavour() == ParticleID::g ) {
// rec13 /= 2.0;
// rec14 /= 2.0;
// }
// if ( p2->flavour() == ParticleID::g ) {
// rec23 /= 2.0;
// rec24 /= 2.0;
// }
// if ( p3->flavour() == ParticleID::g ) {
// rec13 /= 2.0;
// rec23 /= 2.0;
// }
// if ( p4->flavour() == ParticleID::g ) {
// rec14 /= 2.0;
// rec24 /= 2.0;
// }
TransverseMomentum rec11 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.first.first && doesInt.second.first ) rec11 += rec13;
if ( doesInt.first.first && doesInt.second.second ) rec11 += rec14;
TransverseMomentum rec12 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.first.second && doesInt.second.first ) rec12 += rec23;
if ( doesInt.first.second && doesInt.second.second ) rec12 += rec24;
TransverseMomentum rec21 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.second.first && doesInt.first.first ) rec21 -= rec13;
if ( doesInt.second.first && doesInt.first.second ) rec21 -= rec23;
TransverseMomentum rec22 = TransverseMomentum();
if ( doesInt.second.second && doesInt.first.first ) rec22 -= rec14;
if ( doesInt.second.second && doesInt.first.second ) rec22 -= rec24;
return make_pair(make_pair(rec11, rec12),
make_pair(b.invRotatePT(rec21), b.invRotatePT(rec22)));
return make_pair(make_pair(TransverseMomentum(), TransverseMomentum()),
make_pair(TransverseMomentum(), TransverseMomentum()));
DipoleXSec::initialiseInteraction(const pair<DipolePtr, DipolePtr> inter,
RealPartonStatePtr lrs, RealPartonStatePtr rrs,
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > doesInt,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
RealInteraction ret;
ret.lrs = lrs;
ret.rrs = rrs;
ret.d1 = inter.first;
ret.d2 = inter.second;
if ( doesInt.first.first ) ret.p11 = lrs->getReal(ret.d1->partons().first);
else ret.p11 = RealPartonPtr();
if ( doesInt.first.second ) ret.p12 = lrs->getReal(ret.d1->partons().second);
else ret.p12 = RealPartonPtr();
if ( doesInt.second.first ) ret.p21 = rrs->getReal(inter.second->partons().first);
else ret.p21 = RealPartonPtr();
if ( doesInt.second.second ) ret.p22 = rrs->getReal(inter.second->partons().second);
else ret.p22 = RealPartonPtr();
if ( ret.p11 && ret.p11->fluct != -1 && ret.p12 && ret.p12->fluct == ret.p11->fluct )
lrs->splitFluct(ret.p11, ret.p12);
if ( ret.p21 && ret.p21->fluct != -1 && ret.p22 && ret.p22->fluct == ret.p21->fluct )
rrs->splitFluct(ret.p21, ret.p22);
ret.range11 = sqrt(min(min(inter.first->partons().first->dist2
ret.range12 = sqrt(min(min(inter.first->partons().second->dist2
ret.range21 = sqrt(min(min(inter.second->partons().first->dist2
ret.range22 = sqrt(min(min(inter.second->partons().second->dist2
if ( theInteraction == 3 ) {
ret.range11 = sqrt(min(inter.first->partons().first->dist2
ret.range12 = sqrt(min(inter.first->partons().second->dist2
ret.range21 = sqrt(min(inter.second->partons().first->dist2
ret.range22 = sqrt(min(inter.second->partons().second->dist2
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
pair<bool, bool> ints;
ints = int0Partons(ret.d1->partons().first, ret.d1->partons().second,
inter.second->partons().first, inter.second->partons().second, b);
InvEnergy2 range2;
if ( ints.first && ints.second ) range2 = b.dist2(*ret.p11->theParton,*ret.p21->theParton);
if ( !ints.first && ints.second ) range2 = b.dist2(*ret.p12->theParton,*ret.p21->theParton);
if ( ints.first && !ints.second ) range2 = b.dist2(*ret.p11->theParton,*ret.p22->theParton);
if ( !ints.first && !ints.second ) range2 = b.dist2(*ret.p12->theParton,*ret.p22->theParton);
InvEnergy range = sqrt(range2);
ret.range11 = min(range, ret.d1->size()/2.0);
ret.range12 = min(range, ret.d1->size()/2.0);
ret.range21 = min(range, ret.d2->size()/2.0);
ret.range22 = min(range, ret.d2->size()/2.0);
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().rangeMode() == 1 ) {
ret.range11 = ret.d1->size()/2.0;
ret.range12 = ret.d1->size()/2.0;
ret.range21 = ret.d2->size()/2.0;
ret.range22 = ret.d2->size()/2.0;
InvEnergy2 rr11 = (ret.p11 && ret.p21) ? ret.p11->theParton->dist2(*ret.p21->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rr12 = (ret.p11 && ret.p22) ? ret.p11->theParton->dist2(*ret.p22->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rr21 = (ret.p12 && ret.p21) ? ret.p12->theParton->dist2(*ret.p21->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rr22 = (ret.p12 && ret.p22) ? ret.p12->theParton->dist2(*ret.p22->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rm11 = (ret.p11 && ret.p11->mothers.first ?
InvEnergy2 rm12 = (ret.p12 && ret.p12->mothers.first ?
InvEnergy2 rm21 = (ret.p21 && ret.p21->mothers.first ?
InvEnergy2 rm22 = (ret.p22 && ret.p22->mothers.first ?
ret.max11 = rr11 < rm11 && rr11 < rm21;
ret.max12 = rr12 < rm11 && rr12 < rm22;
ret.max21 = rr21 < rm12 && rr21 < rm21;
ret.max22 = rr22 < rm12 && rr22 < rm22;
Energy2 den = ((ret.p11 ? 1./rr11:ZERO) + (ret.p12 ? 1./rr12:ZERO)
+ (ret.p21 ? 1./rr21:ZERO) + (ret.p22 ? 1./rr22:ZERO));
ret.P11 = ret.p11 ? (1./rr11)/den:ZERO;
ret.P12 = ret.p12 ? (1./rr12)/den:ZERO;
ret.P21 = ret.p21 ? (1./rr21)/den:ZERO;
ret.P22 = ret.p22 ? (1./rr22)/den:ZERO;
//look only at the new dipole pairs, the cross pairs get zero weight.
if ( theInteraction == 3 ) {
den = (1./rr12 + 1./rr21);
ret.P12 = (1./rr12)/den;
ret.P21 = (1./rr21)/den;
ret.P11 = 0.0;
ret.P22 = 0.0;
//set only the selected pair to weight 1, the others to 0.
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
pair<bool, bool> ints;
ints = int0Partons(inter.first->partons().first, inter.first->partons().second,
inter.second->partons().first, inter.second->partons().second, b);
ret.P11 = 0.0;
ret.P22 = 0.0;
ret.P21 = 0.0;
ret.P12 = 0.0;
if ( ints.first && ints.second ) ret.P11 = 1.0;
if ( ints.first && !ints.second ) ret.P12 = 1.0;
if ( !ints.first && ints.second ) ret.P21 = 1.0;
if ( !ints.first && !ints.second ) ret.P22 = 1.0;
return ret;
DipoleXSec::initialiseInteraction(const DipoleInteraction & di,
RealPartonStatePtr lrs, RealPartonStatePtr rrs) const {
RealInteraction ret;
const ImpactParameters & b = *di.b;
ret.lrs = lrs;
ret.rrs = rrs;
ret.d1 = di.dips.first;
ret.d2 = di.dips.second;
if ( ret.d1->partons().first == di.ints.first ) ret.p11 = lrs->getReal(di.ints.first);
if ( ret.d1->partons().second == di.ints.first ) ret.p12 = lrs->getReal(di.ints.first);
if ( ret.d2->partons().first == di.ints.second ) ret.p21 = rrs->getReal(di.ints.second);
if ( ret.d2->partons().second == di.ints.second ) ret.p22 = rrs->getReal(di.ints.second);
if ( ret.p11 && ret.p11->fluct != -1 && ret.p12 && ret.p12->fluct == ret.p11->fluct )
lrs->splitFluct(ret.p11, ret.p12);
if ( ret.p21 && ret.p21->fluct != -1 && ret.p22 && ret.p22->fluct == ret.p21->fluct )
rrs->splitFluct(ret.p21, ret.p22);
ret.range11 = sqrt(min(min(ret.d1->partons().first->dist2
ret.range12 = sqrt(min(min(ret.d1->partons().second->dist2
ret.range21 = sqrt(min(min(ret.d2->partons().first->dist2
ret.range22 = sqrt(min(min(ret.d2->partons().second->dist2
pair<bool, bool> ints(ret.d1->partons().first == di.ints.first,
ret.d2->partons().first == di.ints.second);
InvEnergy2 range2 = b.dist2(*di.ints.first, *di.ints.second);
InvEnergy range = sqrt(range2);
ret.range11 = min(range, ret.d1->size()/2.0);
ret.range12 = min(range, ret.d1->size()/2.0);
ret.range21 = min(range, ret.d2->size()/2.0);
ret.range22 = min(range, ret.d2->size()/2.0);
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().rangeMode() == 1 ) {
ret.range11 = ret.d1->size()/2.0;
ret.range12 = ret.d1->size()/2.0;
ret.range21 = ret.d2->size()/2.0;
ret.range22 = ret.d2->size()/2.0;
InvEnergy2 rr11 = (ret.p11 && ret.p21) ? ret.p11->theParton->dist2(*ret.p21->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rr12 = (ret.p11 && ret.p22) ? ret.p11->theParton->dist2(*ret.p22->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rr21 = (ret.p12 && ret.p21) ? ret.p12->theParton->dist2(*ret.p21->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rr22 = (ret.p12 && ret.p22) ? ret.p12->theParton->dist2(*ret.p22->theParton):ZERO;
InvEnergy2 rm11 = (ret.p11 && ret.p11->mothers.first ?
InvEnergy2 rm12 = (ret.p12 && ret.p12->mothers.first ?
InvEnergy2 rm21 = (ret.p21 && ret.p21->mothers.first ?
InvEnergy2 rm22 = (ret.p22 && ret.p22->mothers.first ?
ret.max11 = rr11 < rm11 && rr11 < rm21;
ret.max12 = rr12 < rm11 && rr12 < rm22;
ret.max21 = rr21 < rm12 && rr21 < rm21;
ret.max22 = rr22 < rm12 && rr22 < rm22;
Energy2 den = ((ret.p11 ? 1./rr11:ZERO) + (ret.p12 ? 1./rr12:ZERO)
+ (ret.p21 ? 1./rr21:ZERO) + (ret.p22 ? 1./rr22:ZERO));
ret.P11 = ret.p11 ? (1./rr11)/den:ZERO;
ret.P12 = ret.p12 ? (1./rr12)/den:ZERO;
ret.P21 = ret.p21 ? (1./rr21)/den:ZERO;
ret.P22 = ret.p22 ? (1./rr22)/den:ZERO;
//look only at the new dipole pairs, the cross pairs get zero weight.
if ( theInteraction == 3 ) {
den = (1./rr12 + 1./rr21);
ret.P12 = (1./rr12)/den;
ret.P21 = (1./rr21)/den;
ret.P11 = 0.0;
ret.P22 = 0.0;
//set only the selected pair to weight 1, the others to 0.
ret.P11 = 0.0;
ret.P22 = 0.0;
ret.P21 = 0.0;
ret.P12 = 0.0;
if ( ints.first && ints.second ) ret.P11 = 1.0;
if ( ints.first && !ints.second ) ret.P12 = 1.0;
if ( !ints.first && ints.second ) ret.P21 = 1.0;
if ( !ints.first && !ints.second ) ret.P22 = 1.0;
return ret;
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> >
DipoleXSec::doesInt(const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> left,
const pair<tPartonPtr, tPartonPtr> right,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
//decide which of the 4 partons will end up on shell
// if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().compat ) {
// pair<bool,bool> int0 =
// int0Partons(left.first, left.second, right.first, right.second, b);
// return make_pair(make_pair(int0.first, !int0.first),
// make_pair(int0.second, !int0.second));
// } else {
return make_pair(make_pair(true, true), make_pair(true, true));
// }
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().singleMother() ) {
//when single mother not all are chosen
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > ret =
make_pair(make_pair(false, false), make_pair(false, false));
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
//if interaction 0, then always keep the same partons used in fij
pair<bool, bool> ints;
ints = int0Partons(left.first, left.second, right.first, right.second, b);
if ( ints.first ) ret.first.first = true;
else ret.first.second = true;
if ( ints.second ) ret.second.first =true;
else ret.second.second = true;
else {
//select which two partons the gluons are exchanged between,
//weighted by 1/distance^2
InvEnergy2 r11 = b.dist2(*left.first, *right.first);
InvEnergy2 r12 = b.dist2(*left.first, *right.second);
InvEnergy2 r21 = b.dist2(*left.second, *right.first);
InvEnergy2 r22 = b.dist2(*left.second, *right.second);
Selector<int, double> sel;
sel.insert(1./r11/(1./r11 + 1./r12 + 1./r21 + 1./r22), 1);
sel.insert(1./r12/(1./r11 + 1./r12 + 1./r21 + 1./r22), 2);
sel.insert(1./r21/(1./r11 + 1./r12 + 1./r21 + 1./r22), 3);
sel.insert(1./r22/(1./r11 + 1./r12 + 1./r21 + 1./r22), 4);
double dummy = (r11 + r22 + r12 + r21)*sqr(GeV);
double pseudoRnd = 10000.0*dummy - int(10000.0*dummy);
switch ( sel[pseudoRnd] ) {
case 1:
ret.first.first = true;
ret.second.first = true;
case 2:
ret.first.first = true;
ret.second.second = true;
case 3:
ret.first.second = true;
ret.second.first = true;
case 4:
ret.first.second = true;
ret.second.second = true;
//check for swinged emission, in which case both partons are real
if ( !(left.first->parents().second == left.second ||
left.second->parents().first == left.first) ) {
ret.first.first = true;
ret.first.second = true;
if ( !(right.first->parents().second == right.second ||
right.second->parents().first == right.first) ) {
ret.second.first = true;
ret.second.second = true;
return ret;
//if not single mother, all partons are on shell
return make_pair(make_pair(true, true), make_pair(true, true));
pair<bool, bool> DipoleXSec::int0Partons(tcPartonPtr p11, tcPartonPtr p12,
tcPartonPtr p21, tcPartonPtr p22,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
//chose partons (pseudo-)randomly
InvEnergy2 rr11 = b.dist2(*p11, *p21);
InvEnergy2 rr22 = b.dist2(*p12, *p22);
double dummy = (rr11 + rr22)*GeV2;
while ( dummy > 100 ) dummy /= 10;
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->fudgeME() > 1 ) {
pair<bool, bool> ret = make_pair(true, true);
if ( p11->dipoles().second->colour() == p21->dipoles().second->colour() )
ret.second = false;
if ( 1000000.0*dummy - long(1000000.0*dummy) > 0.5 ) {
ret.first = !ret.first;
ret.second = !ret.second;
return ret;
bool firstDipole = ( 1000000.0*dummy - long(1000000.0*dummy) > 0.5 );
bool secondDipole = ( 10000000.0*dummy - long(10000000.0*dummy) > 0.5 );
return make_pair(firstDipole, secondDipole);
void DipoleXSec::updateMomenta(RealInteraction * i) const {
if ( i->p11 ) {
pair<Energy, Energy> pm11 = i->p11->effectivePlusMinus(i->range11, true);
i->effectivePlus11 = pm11.first;
i->effectiveMinus11 = pm11.second;
if ( i->p12 ) {
pair<Energy, Energy> pm12 = i->p12->effectivePlusMinus(i->range12, false);
i->effectivePlus12 = pm12.first;
i->effectiveMinus12 = pm12.second;
if ( i->p21 ) {
pair<Energy, Energy> pm21 = i->p21->effectivePlusMinus(i->range21, true);
i->effectivePlus21 = pm21.first;
i->effectiveMinus21 = pm21.second;
if ( i->p22 ) {
pair<Energy, Energy> pm22 = i->p22->effectivePlusMinus(i->range22, false);
i->effectivePlus22 = pm22.first;
i->effectiveMinus22 = pm22.second;
void DipoleXSec::doTransverseRecoils(RealInteraction i, InteractionRecoil recs) const {
if ( Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->eventFiller().mode() != 1 ) {
i.lrs->totalRecoil += recs.first.first + recs.first.second;
i.rrs->totalRecoil += recs.second.first + recs.second.second;
if ( i.p11 ) i.p11->intRecoil += recs.first.first;
if ( i.p12 ) i.p12->intRecoil += recs.first.second;
if ( i.p21 ) i.p21->intRecoil += recs.second.first;
if ( i.p22 ) i.p22->intRecoil += recs.second.second;
if ( i.p11 ) {
if ( i.p22 ) i.p22->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p11, i.range11, true, ZERO, -recs.first.first);
else i.p21->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p11, i.range11, true, ZERO, -recs.first.first);
if ( i.p12 ) {
if ( i.p22 ) i.p22->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p12, i.range12, false, ZERO, -recs.first.second);
else i.p21->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p12, i.range12, false, ZERO, -recs.first.second);
if ( i.p21 ) {
if ( i.p12 ) i.p12->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p21, i.range21, true, ZERO, -recs.second.first);
else i.p11->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p21, i.range21, true, ZERO, -recs.second.first);
if ( i.p22 ) {
if ( i.p11 ) i.p11->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p22, i.range22, false, ZERO, -recs.second.second);
else i.p12->doEffectiveRecoil(i.p22, i.range22, false, ZERO, -recs.second.second);
pair<double, double> DipoleXSec::findBoosts(RealInteraction i) const {
Energy neededMinus = ZERO;
if ( checkOffShell ) neededMinus += i.lrs->neededValenceMinus();
if ( i.p11 ) neededMinus += i.p11->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range11, true);
if ( i.p12 ) neededMinus += i.p12->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range12, false);
Energy neededPlus = ZERO;
if ( checkOffShell ) neededPlus += i.rrs->neededValenceMinus();
if ( i.p21 ) neededPlus += i.p21->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range21, true);
if ( i.p22 ) neededPlus += i.p22->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range22, false);
Energy intPlus1 = ZERO;
if ( i.p11 ) intPlus1 += i.effectivePlus11;
if ( i.p12 ) intPlus1 += i.effectivePlus12;
Energy intPlus2 = ZERO;
if ( i.p21 ) intPlus2 += i.p21->inRangeMinus(i.range21, true);
if ( i.p22 ) intPlus2 += i.p22->inRangeMinus(i.range22, false);
Energy intMinus1 = ZERO;
if ( i.p11 ) intMinus1 += i.p11->inRangeMinus(i.range11, true);
if ( i.p12 ) intMinus1 += i.p12->inRangeMinus(i.range12, false);
Energy intMinus2 = ZERO;
if ( i.p21 ) intMinus2 += i.effectivePlus21;
if ( i.p22 ) intMinus2 += i.effectivePlus22;
Energy evoPlus2 = neededPlus - intPlus2;
Energy evoMinus1 = neededMinus - intMinus1;
pair<double, double> boosts = findBoosts(intPlus1, intPlus2, intMinus1, intMinus2, evoPlus2, evoMinus1);
if ( boosts.first == 0.0 || isnan(boosts.first) || isnan(boosts.second) ) {
return make_pair(0.0,0.0);
if ( boosts.second < 0.0 || boosts.first < 0.0 ) {
//can be over 1.0 if the valenceminus is more than needed
return make_pair(0.0,0.0);;
return boosts;
void DipoleXSec::doBoosts(RealInteraction i, pair<double, double> boosts) const {
doBoost(i.p11, i.range11, i.p12, i.range12, boosts.first);
doBoost(i.p21, i.range21, i.p22, i.range22, boosts.second);
void DipoleXSec::reduceRecoil(RealInteraction RI, InteractionRecoil recs) const {
//check if the interacting partons have passed each other
while ( max((RI.p11 ? RI.p11->y:RI.p12->y), (RI.p12 ? RI.p12->y:RI.p11->y)) >
-max((RI.p21 ? RI.p21->y:RI.p22->y), (RI.p22 ? RI.p22->y:RI.p21->y)) ) {
//and if the recoil is larger than 1 GeV
if ( max(max(,,
max(, < 1*GeV ) {
//then undo the recoil and redo 90% of it.
recs = make_pair(make_pair(-recs.first.first, -recs.first.second),
make_pair(-recs.second.first, -recs.second.second));
doTransverseRecoils(RI, recs);
recs = make_pair(make_pair(-recs.first.first*0.9, -recs.first.second*0.9),
make_pair(-recs.second.first*0.9, -recs.second.second*0.9));
doTransverseRecoils(RI, recs);
bool DipoleXSec::doInteraction(InteractionRecoil recs, const FList::const_iterator inter,
RealPartonStatePtr lrs, RealPartonStatePtr rrs,
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > doesInt,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
static DebugItem checkkinematics("DIPSY::CheckKinematics", 6);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at start of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at start of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
RealInteraction RI = initialiseInteraction(inter->second, lrs, rrs, doesInt, b);
doTransverseRecoils(RI, recs);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after transverse recoil in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after transverse recoil in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( theRecoilReduction ) {
reduceRecoil(RI, recs);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after recoil reduction in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after recoil reduction in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
updateMomenta(& RI);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after update in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after update in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
pair<double, double> boosts = findBoosts(RI);
if ( boosts.first == 0.0 ) {
return false;
doBoosts(RI, boosts);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after boost in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after boost in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( ordered(RI, recs, b) ) {
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at end of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at end of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
return true;
return false;
bool DipoleXSec::doInteraction(InteractionRecoil recs,
const DipoleInteraction::List::const_iterator inter,
RealPartonStatePtr lrs, RealPartonStatePtr rrs,
pair<pair<bool, bool>, pair<bool, bool> > doesInt) const {
const ImpactParameters & b = *(inter->b);
static DebugItem checkkinematics("DIPSY::CheckKinematics", 6);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at start of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at start of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
RealInteraction RI = initialiseInteraction(*inter, lrs, rrs);
doTransverseRecoils(RI, recs);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after transverse recoil in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after transverse recoil in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( theRecoilReduction ) {
reduceRecoil(RI, recs);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after recoil reduction in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after recoil reduction in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
updateMomenta(& RI);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after update in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after update in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
pair<double, double> boosts = findBoosts(RI);
if ( boosts.first == 0.0 ) {
return false;
doBoosts(RI, boosts);
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after boost in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found after boost in interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( ordered(RI, recs, b) ) {
if ( checkkinematics && lrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at end of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
if ( checkkinematics && rrs->checkForNegatives() )
<< "negatives found at end of interaction!" << Exception::warning;
return true;
return false;
bool DipoleXSec::ordered(RealInteraction i, InteractionRecoil recs,
const ImpactParameters & b) const {
//this options means only momentum conservation, and that is already checked by
//finding a boost. no extra ordering wanted.
if ( theIntOrdering == 2 ) {
return true;
double PSInf = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PSInflation();
bool ordered = true;
bool both = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().bothOrderedFS();
//if not a local pt max, check p+- ordering
if ( theIntOrdering == 0 ) {
if ( theInteraction == 0 ) {
//check ordering only for the key partons
pair<bool, bool> ints0 = int0Partons(i.d1->partons().first, i.d1->partons().second,
i.d2->partons().first, i.d2->partons().second, b);
Energy effMinus1 = (ints0.first ? i.effectiveMinus11:i.effectiveMinus12);
Energy effMinus2 = (ints0.second ? i.effectiveMinus21:i.effectiveMinus22);
Energy effPlus1 = (ints0.first ? i.effectivePlus11:i.effectivePlus12);
Energy effPlus2 = (ints0.second ? i.effectivePlus21:i.effectivePlus22);
if ( effPlus1*PSInf < effMinus2 ) ordered = false;
if ( effPlus2*PSInf < effMinus1 ) ordered = false;
else {
if ( !i.max11 && i.p11 && i.p21 ) {
if ( i.effectivePlus11*PSInf < i.effectiveMinus21*(both ? 1.0:i.P11) ) ordered = false;
if ( (both ? 1.0:i.P11)*i.effectiveMinus11/PSInf > i.effectivePlus21 ) ordered = false;
if ( !i.max12 && i.p11 && i.p22 ) {
if ( i.effectivePlus11*PSInf < i.effectiveMinus22*(both ? 1.0:i.P12) ) ordered = false;
if ( (both ? 1.0:i.P12)*i.effectiveMinus11/PSInf > i.effectivePlus22 ) ordered = false;
if ( !i.max21 && i.p12 && i.p21 ) {
if ( i.effectivePlus12*PSInf < i.effectiveMinus21*(both ? 1.0:i.P21) ) ordered = false;
if ( (both ? 1.0:i.P21)*i.effectiveMinus12/PSInf > i.effectivePlus21 ) ordered = false;
if ( !i.max22 && i.p12 && i.p22 ) {
if ( i.effectivePlus12*PSInf < i.effectiveMinus22*(both ? 1.0:i.P22) ) ordered = false;
if ( (both ? 1.0:i.P22)*i.effectiveMinus12/PSInf > i.effectivePlus22 ) ordered = false;
if ( theIntOrdering == 1 && theInteraction == 0 ) {
double PMOrd = Current<DipoleEventHandler>()->emitter().PMinusOrdering();
//check ordering only for the key partons
pair<bool, bool> ints0 = int0Partons(i.d1->partons().first, i.d1->partons().second,
i.d2->partons().first, i.d2->partons().second, b);
Energy effMinus1 = (ints0.first ? i.effectiveMinus11:i.effectiveMinus12);
Energy effMinus2 = (ints0.second ? i.effectiveMinus21:i.effectiveMinus22);
Energy rec1 = (ints0.first ?;
Energy rec2 = (ints0.second ?;
if ( sqr(max(rec1, rec2)*PSInf) < effMinus1*effMinus2*PMOrd ) ordered = false;
if ( (i.p11 && i.p11->searchNegative(i.range11, true)) ||
(i.p12 && i.p12->searchNegative(i.range12, false)) ||
(i.p21 && i.p21->searchNegative(i.range21, true)) ||
(i.p22 && i.p22->searchNegative(i.range22, false)) )
ordered = false;
return ordered;
void DipoleXSec::setOnShell(RealInteraction i) const {
if ( i.p11 ) i.p11->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range11, true);
if ( i.p12 ) i.p12->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range12, false);
if ( i.p21 ) i.p21->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range21, true);
if ( i.p22 ) i.p22->effectiveGiveMinus(i.range22, false);
bool DipoleXSec::reconnect(tDipolePtr d1, tDipolePtr d2) const {
if ( d1->children().second && !d1->children().first ) {
return reconnect(d1->children().second, d2);
if ( d2->children().second && !d2->children().first ) {
return reconnect(d1, d2->children().second);
if ( !d1->children().first && !d2->children().first ) { //none has rescattered
interact(*d1->children().first, *d2->children().first);
// d1->children().first->interact(*d2->children().first);
// d2->children().first->interact(*d1->children().first);
return true;
tPartonPtr p11 = d1->partons().first;
tPartonPtr p12 = d1->partons().second;
tPartonPtr p21 = d2->partons().first;
tPartonPtr p22 = d2->partons().second;
tDipolePtr d11 = p11->dipoles().second;
tDipolePtr d12 = p12->dipoles().first;
tDipolePtr d21 = p21->dipoles().second;
tDipolePtr d22 = p22->dipoles().first;
tDipolePtr swing1;
tDipolePtr swing2;
if ( d11 == d12 ) d1 = d11; //dipole has swinged back
if ( d21 == d22 ) d2 = d21;
if ( !d1->children().first && !d2->children().first ) { //both are original dipole
swing1 = d1;
swing2 = d2;
else if ( d1->children().first && !d2->children().first ) { //one dip d1 is rescattering
tDipolePtr temp = d1;
d1 = d2;
d2 = temp;
p11 = d1->partons().first;
p12 = d1->partons().second;
p21 = d2->partons().first;
p22 = d2->partons().second;
d11 = p11->dipoles().second;
d12 = p12->dipoles().first;
d21 = p21->dipoles().second;
d22 = p22->dipoles().first;
if ( !d1->children().first && d2->children().first ) { //one dip d2 is rescattering
if ( p11 != d21->partons().second && p12 != d22->partons().first ) {
//no connections, swing with one of the two randomly
swing1 = d1;
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > 0.5 ) swing2 = d21;
else swing2 = d22;
else if ( p11 == d21->partons().second && p12 != d22->partons().first ) {
//share one swinged dip, swing with the other
swing1 = d1;
swing2 = d22;
else if ( p11 != d21->partons().second && p12 == d22->partons().first ) {
//share other swinged dip, swing with the first
swing1 = d1;
swing2 = d21;
else if ( p11 == d21->partons().second && p12 == d22->partons().first ) {
//share both swinged dip, swing back to original
swing1 = d21;
swing2 = d22;
else if ( d1->children().first && d2->children().first ) { //both dips are rescattering
bool found = false;
int i = 0;
while ( !found && i < 1000 ) {
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > 0.5 ) swing1 = d11;
else swing1 = d12;
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > 0.5 ) swing2 = d21;
else swing2 = d22;
if ( swing1 != swing2 && swing1->partons().first != swing2->partons().second &&
swing2->partons().first != swing1->partons().second )
found = true;
if ( !swing1 || !swing2 ) {
return false;
interact(*swing1->children().first, *swing2->children().first);
// swing1->children().first->interact(*swing2->children().first);
// swing2->children().first->interact(*swing1->children().first);
return true;
void DipoleXSec::interact(Dipole & d1, Dipole & d2) const {
d1.interact(d2, partonicInteraction());
d2.interact(d1, partonicInteraction());
vector<pair<DipolePtr, DipolePtr> >
DipoleXSec::getColourExchanges(tRealPartonStatePtr lrs, tRealPartonStatePtr rrs) const {
vector<pair<DipolePtr, DipolePtr> > ret;
while ( ret.empty() ) {
list<tDipolePtr>::iterator rightDip = rrs->interactions.begin();
for ( list<tDipolePtr>::iterator leftDip = lrs->interactions.begin();
leftDip != lrs->interactions.end(); leftDip++, rightDip++ ) {
if ( unitarize(fij((*leftDip)->partons(), (*rightDip)->partons(),
ImpactParameters(), false))*0.99
< UseRandom::rnd() || true )
ret.push_back(make_pair(*leftDip, *rightDip));
return ret;
pair< double, double> DipoleXSec::findBoosts(Energy intPlus1, Energy intPlus2,
Energy intMinus1, Energy intMinus2,
Energy evoPlus2, Energy evoMinus1) const {
Energy2 A = (intPlus1 - evoPlus2)*intMinus2;
Energy2 B = intPlus1*(evoMinus1 + intMinus1 - intMinus2) -
evoPlus2*(evoMinus1 - intMinus2) - intPlus2*intMinus2;
Energy2 C = -intPlus2*(evoMinus1 - intMinus2);
if ( sqr(B/(2*A)) - C/A < 0.0 ) return make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
double y = -B/(2*A) + sqrt(sqr(B/(2*A)) - C/A); //is the + sqrt() always the right solution?
double x = 1.0 - intPlus2/(y*intPlus1) - evoPlus2/intPlus1;
return make_pair(x, y);
void DipoleXSec::doBoost(tRealPartonPtr p1, InvEnergy range1,
tRealPartonPtr p2, InvEnergy range2, double x) const {
//we here have to use the plusweighted recoil to fit the x, y above.
//Other weights get a lot more complicated equations for the boosts.
if ( p1 ) {
pair<Energy, Energy> pm1 = p1->effectivePlusMinus(range1, true);
p1->doPlusWeightedRecoil(p1, range1, true, (1.0 - x)*pm1.first, TransverseMomentum());
if ( p2 ) {
pair<Energy, Energy> pm2 = p2->effectivePlusMinus(range2, false);
p2->doPlusWeightedRecoil(p2, range2, false, (1.0 - x)*pm2.first, TransverseMomentum());
double DipoleXSec::unitarize(double f) const {
return Math::exp1m(-f);
void DipoleXSec::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << ounit(theRMax, InvGeV) << theInteraction << sinFunction << usePartonicInteraction
<< theIntOrdering << theRecoilReduction << checkOffShell;
void DipoleXSec::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> iunit(theRMax, InvGeV) >> theInteraction >> sinFunction >> usePartonicInteraction
>> theIntOrdering >> theRecoilReduction >> checkOffShell;
// Static variable needed for the type description system in ThePEG.
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
describeDIPSYDipoleXSec("DIPSY::DipoleXSec", "");
void DipoleXSec::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<DipoleXSec> documentation
("There is no documentation for the DipoleXSec class");
static Parameter<DipoleXSec,InvEnergy> interfaceRMax
"The confinement scale (in iverse GeV). If set to zero, "
"the value of <interface>DipoleEventHandler::RMax</interface> of the "
"controlling event handler will be used.",
&DipoleXSec::theRMax, InvGeV, 0.0*InvGeV, 0.0*InvGeV, 0*InvGeV,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Parameter<DipoleXSec, int> interfaceInteraction
"Which interaction to be used. Determines f_{ij} and recoils. "
"0 is the sinus interaction with 4 identical recoils"
"1 is the sinus interaction with recoils between all 4 parton pairs"
"2 is the swing interaction"
"3 is the sinus interaction with recoils between the 2 parton pairs"
" that get the new dipoles",
&DipoleXSec::theInteraction, 1, 1, 0, 0,
true, false, Interface::lowerlim);
static Switch<DipoleXSec,int> interfaceSinFunction
"Determine what approximation to the sine functions in the interaction strength "
"to use.",
&DipoleXSec::sinFunction, 0, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceSinFunctionExact
"The actual function.",
static SwitchOption interfaceSinFunctionAverage
"Average over angle of dipole and of the resulting bessel fuction.",
static Switch<DipoleXSec,int> interfaceIntOrdering
"How the real state is found from the virtual cascade. "
"Speed versus consistency.",
&DipoleXSec::theIntOrdering, 0, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceIntOrderingDefault
"plus and minus reuired to be ordered after all recoils.",
static SwitchOption interfaceIntOrderingAsEvo
"Try to emulate the ordering in the evolution by requesting ordering"
" on the colliding particle if it would've been part of the cascade."
" That is, ignore recoils from the colliding cascade.",
static SwitchOption interfaceIntOrderingVeryOpen
"Only checks that there is enough energy to put the interaction recoil "
"on shell. Does not care about ordering, or setting evolution pt on "
"shell. Same as Emils code.",
static SwitchOption interfaceIntOrderingShadowOpen
"Only checks that there is enough energy to put the interaction recoil "
"on shell.",
static SwitchOption interfaceIntOrderingShadowColour
"Check that all partons on the same colour line are ordered.",
static Switch<DipoleXSec,int> interfaceRecoilReduction
"What to do with large recoils",
&DipoleXSec::theRecoilReduction, 0, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceRecoilReductionOff
"Do nothing special.",
static SwitchOption interfaceRecoilReductionRapidityOrdered
"Reduce the recoil until all interacting partons are rapidity ordered with each other.",
static Switch<DipoleXSec,bool> interfaceCheckOffShell
"Make sure there is energy available to put incoming particles on-shell. Only necessary for virtual photons.",
&DipoleXSec::checkOffShell, true, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceCheckOffShellYes
"Do the check",
static SwitchOption interfaceCheckOffShellNo
"No check is made.",
static Switch<DipoleXSec,bool> interfacePartonicInteraction
"Flag determining if only one parton in each dipole is considered interacting or both.",
&DipoleXSec::usePartonicInteraction, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfacePartonicInteractionDipole
"The both partons in a dipole interact.",
static SwitchOption interfacePartonicInteractionParton
"Only one parton in a dipole interacts.",
vector<int> DipoleInteraction::ofail(18, 0);
vector<int> DipoleInteraction::o1fail(18, 0);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 1:10 PM (18 h, 59 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(84 KB)

Event Timeline