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diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,22025 +1,22057 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# This file contains the set-up of the decayers for Herwig outputted
# from the Herwig Particles Database at 13:26:23 on the 8/5/2022.
# load libraries which are needed
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau1Meson
newdef Tau1Meson:Iteration 1
newdef Tau1Meson:Ntry 500
newdef Tau1Meson:Points 10000
newdef Tau1Meson:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Tau1Meson:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau1Meson:WeightLocation 1 0
insert Tau1Meson:MaximumWeight 0 0.50
insert Tau1Meson:MaximumWeight 1 0.02
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent Tau1MesonCurrent
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef Tau1MesonCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
newdef Tau1Meson:WeakCurrent Tau1MesonCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2Pion
newdef Tau2Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau2Pion:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau2Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2Pion:WeightLocation 1 3
insert Tau2Pion:MaximumWeight 0 1.64338
insert Tau2Pion:MaximumWeight 1 0.00863434
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 0 0.812615
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 1 0.146317
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 2 0.0410682
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 3 0.51195
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 4 0.396123
insert Tau2Pion:Weights 5 0.0919263
create Herwig::TwoPionRhoCurrent Tau2PionCurrent
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoMasses 0 774.6
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoMasses 1 1408
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoMasses 2 1700
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoWidths 0 149
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoWidths 1 502
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoWidths 2 235
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:RhoParameters 1
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiMagnitude 0 1
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiPhase 0 0
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiMagnitude 1 0.167
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiPhase 1 180
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiMagnitude 2 0.05
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiPhase 2 0
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:PiModel 0
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau2PionCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau2Pion:WeakCurrent Tau2PionCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer TauKEta
newdef TauKEta:Iteration 10
newdef TauKEta:Ntry 500
newdef TauKEta:Points 10000
newdef TauKEta:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert TauKEta:WeightLocation 0 0
insert TauKEta:WeightLocation 1 3
insert TauKEta:WeightLocation 2 6
insert TauKEta:MaximumWeight 0 0.021307
insert TauKEta:MaximumWeight 1 0.040893
insert TauKEta:MaximumWeight 2 0.00107674
insert TauKEta:Weights 0 0.842908
insert TauKEta:Weights 1 0.0652633
insert TauKEta:Weights 2 0.0918287
insert TauKEta:Weights 3 0.84012
insert TauKEta:Weights 4 0.0665051
insert TauKEta:Weights 5 0.0933754
insert TauKEta:Weights 6 0.549109
insert TauKEta:Weights 7 0.196521
insert TauKEta:Weights 8 0.254371
create Herwig::KPiKStarCurrent TauKEtaCurrent
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarMasses 0 892.1
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarMasses 1 1700
insert TauKEtaCurrent:KstarMasses 2 1717
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarWidths 0 51.3
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarWidths 1 235
insert TauKEtaCurrent:KstarWidths 2 322
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KstarParameters 1
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KMagnitude 0 1
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KPhase 0 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KMagnitude 1 0.038
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KPhase 1 180
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KMagnitude 2 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KPhase 2 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:KModel 0
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -3
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -3
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef TauKEtaCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -3
newdef TauKEta:WeakCurrent TauKEtaCurrent
create Herwig::Hw64Decayer DecayME0
newdef DecayME0:MECode 0
create Herwig::Hw64Decayer DecayME100
newdef DecayME100:MECode 100
create Herwig::Hw64Decayer DecayME101
newdef DecayME101:MECode 101
create Herwig::a1ThreePionDecayer a13Pi
newdef a13Pi:Iteration 5
newdef a13Pi:Ntry 500
newdef a13Pi:Points 10000
newdef a13Pi:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef a13Pi:LocalParameters 1
newdef a13Pi:Coupling 90.44
newdef a13Pi:Lambda2 1.2
newdef a13Pi:a1mass2 1.5129
newdef a13Pi:SigmaMass 0.8
newdef a13Pi:SigmaWidth 0.8
newdef a13Pi:SigmaMagnitude 1.39987
newdef a13Pi:SigmaPhase 0.43585
newdef a13Pi:RhoMagnitude 0 1
newdef a13Pi:RhoPhase 0 0
newdef a13Pi:RhoMasses 0 0.7761
newdef a13Pi:RhoWidths 0 0.1445
newdef a13Pi:AllNeutralWeights 0 0.339108
newdef a13Pi:AllNeutralWeights 1 0.335601
newdef a13Pi:AllNeutralWeights 2 0.325291
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 0 0.19616
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 1 0.191408
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 2 0.12137
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 3 0.115498
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 4 0.12729
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 5 0.127183
newdef a13Pi:OneChargedWeights 6 0.12109
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 0 0.188163
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 1 0.192479
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 2 0.121658
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 3 0.12135
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 4 0.127298
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 5 0.124835
newdef a13Pi:TwoChargedWeights 6 0.124217
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 0 0.153071
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 1 0.165741
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 2 0.107509
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 3 0.10275
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 4 0.109738
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 5 0.11254
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 6 0.125344
newdef a13Pi:ThreeChargedWeights 7 0.123307
newdef a13Pi:ZeroMax 19.144
newdef a13Pi:OneMax 7.83592
newdef a13Pi:TwoMax 6.64804
newdef a13Pi:ThreeMax 6.66296
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau4Pion
newdef Tau4Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau4Pion:Ntry 2000
newdef Tau4Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau4Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau4Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau4Pion:WeightLocation 1 12
insert Tau4Pion:MaximumWeight 0 0.24
insert Tau4Pion:MaximumWeight 1 2.41
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 0 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 1 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 2 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 3 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 4 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 5 0.1058
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 6 0.0668
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 7 0.0668
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 8 0.0668
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 9 0.054903
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 10 0.054903
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 11 0.054904
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 12 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 13 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 14 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 15 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 16 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 17 0.0659
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 18 0.0558
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 19 0.0558
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 20 0.06175
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 21 0.06175
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 22 0.0781
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 23 0.0781
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 24 0.0550
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 25 0.0550
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 26 0.0517
insert Tau4Pion:Weights 27 0.0517
create Herwig::FourPionNovosibirskCurrent Tau4PionCurrent
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:rhoMass 0.7761
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1Mass 1.23
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:sigmaMass 0.8
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:omegaMass 0.782
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:rhoWidth 0.1445
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1Width 0.45
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:sigmaWidth 0.8
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:omegaWidth 0.00841
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:IntegrationMass 1.4
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:IntegrationWidth 0.5
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:SigmaMagnitude 1.39987
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:SigmaPhase 0.43585
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Lambda2 1.2
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:LocalParameters 1
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Initializea1 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 0 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 1 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 2 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 3 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 4 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 5 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 6 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 7 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 8 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 9 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 10 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 11 1.2668e-09
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 12 7.25154e-07
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 13 5.44727e-06
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 14 1.8636e-05
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 15 4.51749e-05
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 16 9.01909e-05
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 17 0.000159011
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 18 0.00025717
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 19 0.000390448
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 20 0.000564921
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 21 0.000787028
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 22 0.00106365
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 23 0.00140218
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 24 0.00181066
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 25 0.00229787
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 26 0.00287348
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 27 0.00354818
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 28 0.00433394
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 29 0.00524412
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 30 0.00629386
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 31 0.00750026
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 32 0.00888287
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 33 0.0104641
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 34 0.0122697
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 35 0.0143294
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 36 0.016678
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 37 0.0193556
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 38 0.0224095
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 39 0.025895
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 40 0.0298766
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 41 0.0344302
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 42 0.0396437
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 43 0.0456187
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 44 0.0524703
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 45 0.0603249
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 46 0.0693166
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 47 0.0795701
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 48 0.0911959
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 49 0.104253
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 50 0.118728
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 51 0.134509
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 52 0.151382
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 53 0.169043
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 54 0.187144
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 55 0.205332
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 56 0.223296
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 57 0.240783
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 58 0.257608
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 59 0.273644
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 60 0.288817
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 61 0.303092
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 62 0.316463
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 63 0.328939
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 64 0.340546
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 65 0.351317
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 66 0.36129
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 67 0.370505
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 68 0.379004
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 69 0.386827
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 70 0.394014
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 71 0.400604
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 72 0.406634
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 73 0.412139
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 74 0.417151
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 75 0.421702
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 76 0.425822
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 77 0.429538
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 78 0.432877
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 79 0.435862
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 80 0.438551
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 81 0.440898
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 82 0.442955
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 83 0.44475
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 84 0.446231
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 85 0.447525
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 86 0.448599
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 87 0.449464
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 88 0.450137
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 89 0.450632
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 90 0.450953
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 91 0.451115
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 92 0.451131
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 93 0.45101
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 94 0.450759
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 95 0.450388
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 96 0.449905
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 97 0.449318
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 98 0.448719
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 99 0.447944
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 100 0.446996
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 101 0.446057
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 102 0.445045
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 103 0.443964
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 104 0.442821
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 105 0.441618
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 106 0.440362
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 107 0.439058
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 108 0.437707
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 109 0.436533
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 110 0.434872
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 111 0.4334
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 112 0.431896
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 113 0.430362
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 114 0.428803
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 115 0.427213
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 116 0.425602
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 117 0.42397
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 118 0.422326
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 119 0.420655
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 120 0.418972
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 121 0.41728
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 122 0.415571
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 123 0.413857
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 124 0.412098
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 125 0.4104
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 126 0.408663
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 127 0.406921
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 128 0.405176
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 129 0.403429
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 130 0.40168
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 131 0.399931
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 132 0.398181
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 133 0.396433
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 134 0.394687
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 135 0.392944
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 136 0.391209
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 137 0.389472
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 138 0.38774
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 139 0.386011
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 140 0.38429
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 141 0.382576
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 142 0.380868
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 143 0.379168
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 144 0.377475
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 145 0.37579
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 146 0.374113
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 147 0.372446
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 148 0.370786
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 149 0.369135
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 150 0.367492
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 151 0.365861
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 152 0.364237
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 153 0.362623
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 154 0.361021
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 155 0.359431
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 156 0.357847
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 157 0.356276
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 158 0.354717
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 159 0.353165
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 160 0.351626
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 161 0.350098
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 162 0.348581
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 163 0.347074
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 164 0.345601
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 165 0.344092
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 166 0.342625
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 167 0.341161
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 168 0.339711
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 169 0.338272
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 170 0.336663
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 171 0.335428
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 172 0.334023
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 173 0.332629
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 174 0.331247
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 175 0.329873
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 176 0.328516
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 177 0.327166
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 178 0.325828
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 179 0.324499
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 180 0.323183
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 181 0.321879
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 182 0.320585
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 183 0.319302
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 184 0.318029
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 185 0.316768
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 186 0.31552
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 187 0.314277
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 188 0.313048
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 189 0.311828
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 190 0.31062
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 191 0.309424
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 192 0.308226
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 193 0.30706
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 194 0.305893
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 195 0.304738
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 196 0.303589
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 197 0.302453
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 198 0.301326
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 199 0.300207
insert Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 200 0.299101
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 0 0
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 1 0.0157885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 2 0.0315769
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 3 0.0473654
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 4 0.0631539
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 5 0.0789423
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 6 0.0947308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 7 0.110519
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 8 0.126308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 9 0.142096
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 10 0.157885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 11 0.173673
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 12 0.189462
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 13 0.20525
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 14 0.221039
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 15 0.236827
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 16 0.252615
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 17 0.268404
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 18 0.284192
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 19 0.299981
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 20 0.315769
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 21 0.331558
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 22 0.347346
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 23 0.363135
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 24 0.378923
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 25 0.394712
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 26 0.4105
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 27 0.426289
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 28 0.442077
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 29 0.457866
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 30 0.473654
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 31 0.489442
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 32 0.505231
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 33 0.521019
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 34 0.536808
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 35 0.552596
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 36 0.568385
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 37 0.584173
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 38 0.599962
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 39 0.61575
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 40 0.631539
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 41 0.647327
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 42 0.663116
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 43 0.678904
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 44 0.694693
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 45 0.710481
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 46 0.726269
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 47 0.742058
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 48 0.757846
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 49 0.773635
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 50 0.789423
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 51 0.805212
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 52 0.821
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 53 0.836789
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 54 0.852577
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 55 0.868366
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 56 0.884154
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 57 0.899943
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 58 0.915731
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 59 0.93152
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 60 0.947308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 61 0.963097
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 62 0.978885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 63 0.994673
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 64 1.01046
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 65 1.02625
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 66 1.04204
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 67 1.05783
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 68 1.07362
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 69 1.0894
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 70 1.10519
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 71 1.12098
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 72 1.13677
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 73 1.15256
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 74 1.16835
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 75 1.18414
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 76 1.19992
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 77 1.21571
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 78 1.2315
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 79 1.24729
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 80 1.26308
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 81 1.27887
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 82 1.29465
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 83 1.31044
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 84 1.32623
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 85 1.34202
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 86 1.35781
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 87 1.3736
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 88 1.38939
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 89 1.40517
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 90 1.42096
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 91 1.43675
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 92 1.45254
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 93 1.46833
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 94 1.48412
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 95 1.4999
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 96 1.51569
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 97 1.53148
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 98 1.54727
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 99 1.56306
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 100 1.57885
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 101 1.59464
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 102 1.61042
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 103 1.62621
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 104 1.642
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 105 1.65779
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 106 1.67358
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 107 1.68937
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 108 1.70515
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 109 1.72094
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 110 1.73673
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 111 1.75252
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 112 1.76831
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 113 1.7841
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 114 1.79989
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 115 1.81567
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 116 1.83146
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 117 1.84725
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 118 1.86304
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 119 1.87883
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 120 1.89462
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 121 1.9104
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 122 1.92619
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 123 1.94198
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 124 1.95777
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 125 1.97356
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 126 1.98935
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 127 2.00514
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 128 2.02092
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 129 2.03671
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 130 2.0525
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 131 2.06829
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 132 2.08408
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 133 2.09987
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 134 2.11565
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 135 2.13144
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 136 2.14723
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 137 2.16302
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 138 2.17881
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 139 2.1946
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 140 2.21039
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 141 2.22617
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 142 2.24196
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 143 2.25775
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 144 2.27354
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 145 2.28933
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 146 2.30512
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 147 2.3209
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 148 2.33669
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 149 2.35248
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 150 2.36827
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 151 2.38406
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 152 2.39985
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 153 2.41564
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 154 2.43142
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 155 2.44721
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 156 2.463
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 157 2.47879
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 158 2.49458
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 159 2.51037
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 160 2.52615
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 161 2.54194
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 162 2.55773
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 163 2.57352
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 164 2.58931
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 165 2.6051
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 166 2.62089
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 167 2.63667
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 168 2.65246
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 169 2.66825
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 170 2.68404
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 171 2.69983
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 172 2.71562
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 173 2.7314
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 174 2.74719
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 175 2.76298
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 176 2.77877
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 177 2.79456
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 178 2.81035
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 179 2.82614
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 180 2.84192
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 181 2.85771
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 182 2.8735
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 183 2.88929
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 184 2.90508
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 185 2.92087
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 186 2.93665
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 187 2.95244
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 188 2.96823
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 189 2.98402
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 190 2.99981
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 191 3.0156
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 192 3.03139
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 193 3.04717
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 194 3.06296
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 195 3.07875
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 196 3.09454
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 197 3.11033
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 198 3.12612
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 199 3.1419
insert Tau4PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 200 3.15769
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau4PionCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau4Pion:WeakCurrent Tau4PionCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2MesonPhoton
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:Iteration 10
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:Points 10000
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2MesonPhoton:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2MesonPhoton:MaximumWeight 0 0.0107705
insert Tau2MesonPhoton:Weights 0 1
create Herwig::TwoPionPhotonCurrent Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:omegamass 0.782
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:omegawidth 0.0085
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:grho 0.112389
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:grhoomegapi 12.924
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:IntegrationMass 1.2
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:IntegrationWidth 0.35
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:Weights 0 1
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:Weights 1 -0.1
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoMasses 0 773
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoMasses 1 1700
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoWidths 0 145
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:RhoWidths 1 260
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau2MesonPhoton:WeakCurrent Tau2MesonPhotonCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer VectorVP
newdef VectorVP:Iteration 1
newdef VectorVP:Ntry 1000
newdef VectorVP:Points 10000
newdef VectorVP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 113 22 111 0.0002527 1.60721
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 213 22 211 0.000221 1.62841
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 113 22 221 0.000492 1.6601
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 223 22 111 0.000727947 1.6066
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 223 22 221 0.000143 1.61151
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 111 3.97e-05 1.57772
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 221 0.000212 1.59018
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 331 0.000219 1.75157
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 333 223 111 4.17e-05 1.82785
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100333 323 -321 0.003934 4.69434
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100333 313 -311 0.004011 4.43694
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 313 22 311 0.000384 1.60146
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 323 22 321 0.000253 1.59626
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 423 22 421 0.000616 1.60404
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 413 22 411 0.000152 1.5979
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 433 22 431 0.000764 1.60184
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 533 22 531 0.000248 1.59746
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 543 22 541 0.000266 1.59608
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 523 22 521 0.000553 1.59875
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 513 22 511 0.00031 1.59075
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30113 113 221 0.002663 3.81111
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30213 213 221 0.002663 3.83583
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30113 323 -321 0.000894 4.7074
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30113 313 -311 0.000908 4.7438
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30213 323 -311 0.001265 4.62484
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30213 -313 321 0.001273 4.88974
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30223 213 -211 0.002996 3.32873
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30223 113 111 0.002996 3.33537
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100223 213 -211 0.004507 3.88723
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100223 113 111 0.004507 3.71504
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 323 -211 0.00336 3.81291
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 313 111 0.00238 3.50939
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 313 211 0.00336 3.33937
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 323 111 0.00238 3.17369
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 -213 321 0.004159 2.90637
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30313 113 311 0.002939 2.94708
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 213 311 0.004159 2.95133
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30323 113 321 0.002939 2.9179
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100313 323 -211 0.009469 5.36672
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100313 313 111 0.006781 5.47961
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100323 313 211 0.009469 5.37021
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100323 323 111 0.006781 5.34432
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 441 0.000149 28.2694
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 331 2.5e-06 1.64689
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 213 -211 2.74e-06 3.14147
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 113 111 2.74e-06 3.15398
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 323 -321 1.8e-06 5.49223
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 313 -311 1.8e-06 5.30256
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 221 1.54e-06 5.62993
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 221 1.03e-06 1.60784
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 221 1.1e-06 5.27399
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 331 8.5e-07 5.15443
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 111 7.3e-07 5.67454
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 113 221 5.4e-07 2.95976
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 113 331 4.5e-07 2.58819
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 331 5.8e-07 5.78299
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 111 1.77e-07 1.59256
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 443 221 0.00023 1.66072
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 441 1.14e-05 3.23618
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 331 6.2e-07 1.63014
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 443 111 1.06e-05 1.6029
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30443 443 221 0.000135 1.61494
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30443 333 221 7.6e-06 5.31316
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 323 -321 2.1e-07 6.27385
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 313 -311 5.4e-07 6.24771
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 333 221 2.9e-07 5.36123
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 333 331 3.3e-07 5.16099
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 213 -211 1.7e-07 3.45613
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 113 111 1.7e-07 3.47115
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 223 331 3.2e-07 5.80649
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 113 221 2.5e-07 3.31378
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 223 111 2.2e-07 5.54156
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 113 331 2.6e-07 3.3628
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 -533 531 0.000149 1.54526
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 -513 511 0.000195 1.55437
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 -523 521 0.000195 1.55739
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30223 223 221 0.00462 12.6483
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30333 223 221 0.00186 5.22461
do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 30333 333 331 0.00482 7.5409
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 100331 2.83e-06 3.01562
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 100441 0.00891 35.4282
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100553 22 551 7.49e-05 2.41144
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100553 553 221 0.000804 1.71743
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 100543 22 541 0.000123 1.59954
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 200553 22 551 3.23e-05 2.10347
+do VectorVP:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 9020221 9.33e-07 4.67138
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2Leptons
newdef Tau2Leptons:Iteration 1
newdef Tau2Leptons:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2Leptons:Points 10000
newdef Tau2Leptons:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Tau2Leptons:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2Leptons:WeightLocation 1 1
insert Tau2Leptons:MaximumWeight 0 1.4
insert Tau2Leptons:MaximumWeight 1 1.35
insert Tau2Leptons:Weights 0 1
insert Tau2Leptons:Weights 1 1
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent Tau2LeptonCurrent
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef Tau2LeptonCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef Tau2Leptons:WeakCurrent Tau2LeptonCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMeson2MesonDecayer Vector2Meson
newdef Vector2Meson:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2Meson:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2Meson:Points 10000
newdef Vector2Meson:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 113 211 -211 6 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 213 111 211 6 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100113 211 -211 2.082 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100213 111 211 2.082 1.60125
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 211 -211 1.655 1.60103
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 111 211 1.655 1.60314
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 321 -321 0.194 1.61146
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 311 -311 0.194 1.59231
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 321 -311 0.274 1.5977
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30113 100211 -211 7.828 3.96846
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 100111 211 7.828 3.96787
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30213 111 100211 7.828 4.01174
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100113 100211 -211 17.9 3.92182
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100213 100111 211 17.9 3.89871
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100213 111 100211 17.9 4.05484
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 223 211 -211 0.1847 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 313 321 -211 4.57 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 313 311 111 3.23 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 323 311 211 4.57 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 323 321 111 3.23 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100313 321 -211 1.296 1.60116
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100313 311 111 0.916 1.59304
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100323 311 211 1.296 1.58997
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100323 321 111 0.916 1.60422
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30313 321 -211 3.114 1.59993
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30313 311 111 2.201 1.5941
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30323 311 211 3.114 1.59278
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30323 321 111 2.201 1.60125
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 321 -321 4.48 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 311 -311 4.59 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 211 -211 0.008986 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100333 321 -321 0.912 1.60035
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100333 311 -311 0.918 0.0762376
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30443 411 -411 12.83 1.60934
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 30443 421 -421 12.83 1.5897
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 423 421 111 6.309 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 413 411 111 6.313 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 413 421 211 8.938 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 433 431 111 1.398 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 10321 111 14.45 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 10311 211 20.46 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 10311 111 14.27 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 10321 -211 20.43 12.4
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 321 10221 20 0
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 311 10221 20 0
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20323 321 10221 23.34 0.0623979
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20313 311 10221 23.34 0.0596804
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 300553 521 -521 24.188 1.62728
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 300553 511 -511 24.188 1.57433
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 211 -211 0.002568 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 321 -321 0.001111 3.00
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 311 -311 0.000873 0.000227768
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 211 -211 0.001055 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 321 -321 0.000905 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 311 -311 0.000905 8.49446e-05
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20223 9000111 111 4.169 6.7
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20223 9000211 -211 4.169 5.5
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20333 9000111 111 0.968 4.30758
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 20333 9000211 -211 0.968 4.32395
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 443 130 310 0.000873 3.00
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100443 130 310 0.000905 3.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 333 130 310 4.59 3.2
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 100333 130 310 0.918 1.6008
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 511 -511 1.33 1.60538
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 521 -521 1.33 1.60989
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 531 -531 0.75 1.57946
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10323 321 10221 1. 1.
do Vector2Meson:SetUpDecayMode 10313 311 10221 1. 1.
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau3Pion
newdef Tau3Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau3Pion:Ntry 1000
newdef Tau3Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau3Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau3Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau3Pion:WeightLocation 1 12
insert Tau3Pion:MaximumWeight 0 2.3
insert Tau3Pion:MaximumWeight 1 2.45
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 0 0.13068
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 1 0.131829
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 2 0.0729247
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 3 0.0729963
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 4 0.0763421
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 5 0.076501
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 6 0.0824364
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 7 0.0827193
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 8 0.0675151
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 9 0.0677209
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 10 0.0696064
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 11 0.0687289
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 12 0.182751
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 13 0.183206
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 14 0.107469
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 15 0.106478
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 16 0.109374
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 17 0.109834
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 18 0.08196
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 19 0.0597712
insert Tau3Pion:Weights 20 0.0591571
create Herwig::ThreePionCLEOCurrent Tau3PionCurrent
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoMasses 0 774.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoMasses 1 1370
insert Tau3PionCurrent:RhoMasses 2 1720
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoWidths 0 149.1
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoWidths 1 386
insert Tau3PionCurrent:RhoWidths 2 250
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_2Mass 1.275
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_2Width 0.185
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_0Mass 1.186
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f_0Width 0.35
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaMass 0.86
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaWidth 0.88
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1Mass 1.331
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1Width 0.814
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:KaonMass 0.496
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:KStarMass 0.894
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:KaonCoupling 3.32
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:Fpi 92.4189
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1WidthOption 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWaveMagnitude 0 1
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWaveMagnitude 1 0.12
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWavePhase 0 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoPWavePhase 1 3.11018
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWaveMagnitude 0 3.7e-07
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWaveMagnitude 1 8.7e-07
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWavePhase 0 -0.471239
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:RhoDWavePhase 1 1.66504
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f0Phase -1.69646
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f2Phase 1.75929
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaPhase 0.722566
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f0Magnitude 0.77
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:f2Magnitude 0.71
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:sigmaMagnitude 2.1
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:Initializea1 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 0 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 1 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 2 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 3 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 4 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 5 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 6 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 7 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 8 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 9 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 10 0
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 11 0.000212435
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 12 0.01073
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 13 0.0555214
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 14 0.150291
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 15 0.304161
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 16 0.523206
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 17 0.812079
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 18 1.17487
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 19 1.61557
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 20 2.1384
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 21 2.74801
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 22 3.44963
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 23 4.24924
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 24 5.15367
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 25 6.17076
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 26 7.30953
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 27 8.58034
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 28 9.99512
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 29 11.5676
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 30 13.3136
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 31 15.2514
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 32 17.4021
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 33 19.7904
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 34 22.4445
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 35 25.3978
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 36 28.6887
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 37 32.3625
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 38 36.4717
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 39 41.0778
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 40 46.2524
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 41 52.078
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 42 58.6497
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 43 66.0744
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 44 74.4694
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 45 83.9592
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 46 94.6658
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 47 106.696
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 48 120.121
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 49 134.956
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 50 151.134
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 51 168.502
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 52 186.822
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 53 205.804
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 54 225.143
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 55 244.553
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 56 263.794
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 57 282.682
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 58 301.088
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 59 318.93
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 60 336.162
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 61 352.768
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 62 368.747
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 63 384.115
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 64 398.894
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 65 413.111
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 66 426.795
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 67 439.978
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 68 452.687
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 69 464.956
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 70 476.812
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 71 488.281
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 72 499.391
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 73 510.164
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 74 520.625
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 75 530.792
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 76 540.688
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 77 550.329
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 78 560.254
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 79 568.918
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 80 577.897
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 81 586.684
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 82 595.292
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 83 603.735
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 84 612.022
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 85 620.165
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 86 628.174
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 87 636.058
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 88 643.827
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 89 651.491
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 90 659.052
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 91 666.522
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 92 673.909
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 93 681.217
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 94 688.454
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 95 695.626
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 96 702.739
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 97 709.799
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 98 716.81
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 99 723.784
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 100 730.71
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 101 737.611
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 102 744.479
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 103 751.327
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 104 758.151
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 105 764.964
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 106 771.772
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 107 778.567
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 108 785.357
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 109 792.152
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 110 798.959
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 111 805.774
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 112 812.592
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 113 819.435
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 114 826.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 115 833.19
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 116 840.11
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 117 847.061
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 118 854.054
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 119 861.078
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 120 868.15
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 121 875.265
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 122 882.432
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 123 920.524
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 124 946.31
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 125 966.538
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 126 984.278
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 127 1000.56
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 128 1015.75
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 129 1030.24
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 130 1044.15
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 131 1057.56
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 132 1070.66
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 133 1083.47
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 134 1095.99
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 135 1108.33
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 136 1120.51
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 137 1132.55
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 138 1144.48
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 139 1156.32
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 140 1168.08
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 141 1179.79
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 142 1191.47
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 143 1203.12
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 144 1214.76
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 145 1226.4
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 146 1238.05
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 147 1249.69
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 148 1261.41
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 149 1273.14
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 150 1284.93
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 151 1296.77
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 152 1308.67
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 153 1320.7
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 154 1332.68
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 155 1344.79
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 156 1357.01
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 157 1369.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 158 1381.69
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 159 1394.16
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 160 1406.76
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 161 1419.49
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 162 1432.27
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 163 1445.19
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 164 1458.24
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 165 1471.41
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 166 1484.71
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 167 1498.14
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 168 1511.69
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 169 1525.39
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 170 1539.22
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 171 1553.19
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 172 1567.32
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 173 1581.58
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 174 1595.99
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 175 1610.55
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 176 1625.27
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 177 1640.14
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 178 1655.18
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 179 1670.37
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 180 1685.73
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 181 1701.25
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 182 1716.94
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 183 1732.79
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 184 1748.85
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 185 1765.02
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 186 1781.39
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 187 1797.94
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 188 1814.68
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 189 1831.58
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 190 1848.67
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 191 1865.94
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 192 1883.41
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 193 1901.05
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 194 1918.89
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 195 1936.92
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 196 1955.13
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 197 1973.64
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 198 1992.16
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 199 2010.95
insert Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningWidth 200 2029.97
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newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 1 15788.5
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 2 31576.9
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 3 47365.4
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 4 63153.9
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 5 78942.3
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 6 94730.8
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 7 110519
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 8 126308
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 9 142096
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 10 157885
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 11 173673
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 12 189462
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 13 205250
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 14 221039
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 15 236827
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 16 252615
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 17 268404
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 18 284192
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 19 299981
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 20 315769
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 21 331558
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 22 347346
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 23 363135
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 24 378923
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 25 394712
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 26 410500
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 27 426289
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 28 442077
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 29 457866
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 30 473654
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 31 489442
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 32 505231
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 33 521019
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 34 536808
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 35 552596
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 36 568385
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 37 584173
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 38 599962
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 39 615750
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 40 631539
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 41 647327
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 42 663116
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 43 678904
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 44 694693
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 45 710481
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 46 726269
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 47 742058
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 48 757846
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 49 773635
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 50 789423
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 51 805212
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 52 821000
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 53 836789
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 54 852577
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 55 868366
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 56 884154
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 57 899943
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 58 915731
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 59 931520
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 60 947308
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 61 963097
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 62 978885
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 63 994673
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 64 1.01046e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 65 1.02625e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 66 1.04204e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 67 1.05783e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 68 1.07362e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 69 1.0894e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 70 1.10519e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 71 1.12098e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 72 1.13677e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 73 1.15256e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 74 1.16835e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 75 1.18414e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 76 1.19992e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 77 1.21571e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 78 1.2315e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 79 1.24729e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 80 1.26308e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 81 1.27887e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 82 1.29465e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 83 1.31044e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 84 1.32623e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 85 1.34202e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 86 1.35781e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 87 1.3736e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 88 1.38939e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 89 1.40517e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 90 1.42096e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 91 1.43675e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 92 1.45254e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 93 1.46833e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 94 1.48412e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 95 1.4999e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 96 1.51569e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 97 1.53148e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 98 1.54727e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 99 1.56306e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 100 1.57885e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 101 1.59464e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 102 1.61042e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 103 1.62621e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 104 1.642e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 105 1.65779e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 106 1.67358e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 107 1.68937e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 108 1.70515e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 109 1.72094e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 110 1.73673e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 111 1.75252e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 112 1.76831e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 113 1.7841e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 114 1.79989e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 115 1.81567e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 116 1.83146e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 117 1.84725e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 118 1.86304e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 119 1.87883e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 120 1.89462e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 121 1.9104e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 122 1.92619e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 123 1.94198e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 124 1.95777e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 125 1.97356e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 126 1.98935e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 127 2.00514e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 128 2.02092e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 129 2.03671e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 130 2.0525e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 131 2.06829e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 132 2.08408e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 133 2.09987e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 134 2.11565e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 135 2.13144e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 136 2.14723e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 137 2.16302e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 138 2.17881e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 139 2.1946e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 140 2.21039e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 141 2.22617e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 142 2.24196e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 143 2.25775e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 144 2.27354e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 145 2.28933e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 146 2.30512e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 147 2.3209e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 148 2.33669e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 149 2.35248e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 150 2.36827e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 151 2.38406e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 152 2.39985e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 153 2.41564e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 154 2.43142e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 155 2.44721e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 156 2.463e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 157 2.47879e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 158 2.49458e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 159 2.51037e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 160 2.52615e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 161 2.54194e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 162 2.55773e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 163 2.57352e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 164 2.58931e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 165 2.6051e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 166 2.62089e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 167 2.63667e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 168 2.65246e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 169 2.66825e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 170 2.68404e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 171 2.69983e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 172 2.71562e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 173 2.7314e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 174 2.74719e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 175 2.76298e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 176 2.77877e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 177 2.79456e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 178 2.81035e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 179 2.82614e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 180 2.84192e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 181 2.85771e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 182 2.8735e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 183 2.88929e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 184 2.90508e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 185 2.92087e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 186 2.93665e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 187 2.95244e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 188 2.96823e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 189 2.98402e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 190 2.99981e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 191 3.0156e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 192 3.03139e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 193 3.04717e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 194 3.06296e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 195 3.07875e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 196 3.09454e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 197 3.11033e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 198 3.12612e+06
newdef Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 199 3.1419e+06
insert Tau3PionCurrent:a1RunningQ2 200 3.15769e+06
newdef Tau3Pion:WeakCurrent Tau3PionCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer TauEtaPiPi
create Herwig::EtaPiPiDefaultCurrent TauEtaPiPiCurrent
newdef TauEtaPiPi:WeakCurrent TauEtaPiPiCurrent
newdef TauEtaPiPi:Ntry 500
newdef TauEtaPiPi:Points 10000
newdef TauEtaPiPi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert TauEtaPiPi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert TauEtaPiPi:MaximumWeight 0 0.03
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 0 0.0233
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 1 0.0172228
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 2 0.0177817
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 3 0.348627
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 4 0.225423
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 5 0.22759
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 6 0.0645809
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 7 0.0373083
insert TauEtaPiPi:Weights 8 0.0381665
create Herwig::HQETStrongDecayer CharmMeson
newdef CharmMeson:Iteration 10
newdef CharmMeson:Ntry 500
newdef CharmMeson:Points 10000
newdef CharmMeson:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef CharmMeson:fPi 130.2
newdef CharmMeson:g 0.566
newdef CharmMeson:h 0.544
newdef CharmMeson:hp 0.413
newdef CharmMeson:k 0.407
newdef CharmMeson:kp 0.242
newdef CharmMeson:gtilde 0.283
newdef CharmMeson:Lambda 1
newdef CharmMeson:psiL 0
newdef CharmMeson:psiS 0.041
newdef CharmMeson:DeltaEta 0.0228833
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 413 421 211 1.31861
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 413 411 111 1.31029
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 423 421 111 1.33047
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 433 431 111 0.00421025
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 411 111 2.88287
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 421 211 2.95662
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 411 -211 1.94659
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 421 111 2.03457
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 411 311 2.42643
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 421 321 2.42032
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 413 111 3.41396
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 415 423 211 2.69729
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 413 -211 2.34226
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 425 423 111 1.87924
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 413 311 1.75845
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 435 423 321 1.31503
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10413 413 111 4.52314
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10413 423 211 3.47116
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10423 413 -211 5.22341
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10423 423 111 4.3453
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10433 413 311 1.57906
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10433 423 321 1.43562
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10411 411 111 6.57442
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10411 421 211 6.61319
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10421 411 -211 6.5581
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10421 421 111 6.65623
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10431 431 111 0.23295
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20413 413 111 5.06988
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20413 423 211 3.89552
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20423 413 -211 4.7005
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20423 423 111 3.81833
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20433 433 111 0.312448
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100411 423 211 0.702697
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100411 413 111 0.459932
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100421 413 -211 0.91423
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100421 423 111 0.353773
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100431 413 311 0.312344
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100431 423 321 0.268127
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 421 211 0.529936
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 411 111 0.262229
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 411 -211 0.522623
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 421 111 0.265886
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 411 311 0.425155
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 421 321 0.439374
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 423 211 0.709016
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100413 413 111 0.466036
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 413 -211 0.927575
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100423 423 111 0.356375
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 413 311 0.555473
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 100433 423 321 0.439498
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20415 423 211 0.875288
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20415 413 111 0.567836
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20425 413 -211 1.1261
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20425 423 111 0.441275
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20435 413 311 1.0999
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20435 423 321 0.889948
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 421 211 0.725507
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 411 111 0.354557
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 411 -211 0.704963
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 421 111 0.364866
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 411 311 0.604124
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 421 321 0.637948
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 423 211 0.400638
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 417 413 111 0.259993
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 413 -211 0.517613
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 427 423 111 0.201602
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 413 311 0.331208
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 437 423 321 0.266494
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 421 211 0.756428
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 411 111 0.371794
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 411 -211 0.742232
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 421 111 0.378897
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 411 311 0.834109
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 421 321 0.857459
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 423 211 0.216795
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30413 413 111 0.141882
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 413 -211 0.283003
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30423 423 111 0.108743
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 413 311 0.288347
do CharmMeson:SetUpDecayMode 30433 423 321 0.224403
create Herwig::HQETRadiativeDecayer HQETMesonEM
newdef HQETMesonEM:Iteration 10
newdef HQETMesonEM:Ntry 500
newdef HQETMesonEM:Points 10000
newdef HQETMesonEM:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef HQETMesonEM:Ch 0.76
newdef HQETMesonEM:Lambda 1
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 413 411 1 1.58438
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 423 421 1 2.5813
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 433 431 1 0.89415
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 513 511 1 1.76346
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 523 521 1 1.75655
do HQETMesonEM:SetUpDecayMode 533 531 1 3.52061
create Herwig::Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer Spin3VS
newdef Spin3VS:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3VS:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3VS:Points 10000
newdef Spin3VS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3VS:SetUpDecayMode 227 10213 -211 9.83 14.4611
do Spin3VS:SetUpDecayMode 227 10113 111 9.83 14.541
create Herwig::Spin3MesonVectorScalarDecayer Spin3VP
newdef Spin3VP:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3VP:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3VP:Points 10000
newdef Spin3VP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 117 223 111 2.56 14.3724
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 217 223 211 2.56 15.0937
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 117 -323 321 1.31 23.915
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 117 -313 311 1.31 23.3936
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 217 -313 321 1.87 22.3731
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 217 323 -311 1.87 20.2477
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 227 213 -211 3.36 5.2274
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 227 113 111 3.36 5.17949
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 337 -323 321 2.04 9.45735
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 337 -313 311 2.04 8.75126
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 213 311 3.96 8.704
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 113 321 2.81 8.67937
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 -213 321 3.96 8.66011
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 113 311 2.81 8.87377
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 323 111 1.84 8.61878
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 327 313 211 2.61 8.66593
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 323 -211 2.61 7.884
do Spin3VP:SetUpDecayMode 317 313 111 1.84 8.03042
create Herwig::TensorMesonTensorScalarDecayer TensorTS
newdef TensorTS:Iteration 1
newdef TensorTS:Ntry 2000
newdef TensorTS:Points 10000
newdef TensorTS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 225 211 7.03 2.61509
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 225 111 7.03 2.62074
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 115 111 4.69 3.76572
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 215 -211 4.69 3.72084
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10335 115 111 4.08 2.56465
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10335 215 -211 4.08 2.58711
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10335 225 221 5.6 5.64108
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 225 321 11.5 6.54852
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 225 311 11.5 6.46993
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 325 111 0.86 4.11563
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 315 211 1.23 3.65465
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 315 111 0.86 3.5513
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 325 -211 1.23 4.21926
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 225 321 6.04 5.01724
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 225 311 6.04 5.00233
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 325 111 5.12 3.91523
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 315 211 7.44 3.55145
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 315 111 5.12 3.40497
do TensorTS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 325 -211 7.44 4.06722
create Herwig::Spin3MesonTensorPScalarDecayer Spin3TP
newdef Spin3TP:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3TP:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3TP:Points 10000
newdef Spin3TP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3TP:SetUpDecayMode 217 215 111 14.7 59.2194
do Spin3TP:SetUpDecayMode 217 115 211 14.7 56.0268
do Spin3TP:SetUpDecayMode 117 215 -211 14.7 55.8436
create Herwig::TensorMesonVectorScalarDecayer TensorVS
newdef TensorVS:Iteration 1
newdef TensorVS:Ntry 2000
newdef TensorVS:Points 10000
newdef TensorVS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 213 111 3.05 2.82807
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 113 211 3.05 2.82476
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 213 -211 3.05 2.80708
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 323 -311 1.85 4.52436
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 -313 321 1.85 4.90551
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 323 -321 1.29 4.58409
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 -313 311 1.29 4.68448
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 323 -321 1.49 6.69558
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10225 -313 311 1.49 7.19528
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 323 111 1.81 6.13777
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10325 313 211 2.58 7.80842
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 313 111 1.81 7.53973
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10315 323 -211 2.58 7.43458
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 323 111 0.99 6.6902
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20325 313 211 1.41 7.05247
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 313 111 0.99 6.17997
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 20315 323 -211 1.41 6.93157
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10215 22 211 0.163 1.59356
do TensorVS:SetUpDecayMode 10115 22 111 0.163 0.00124589
create Herwig::PseudoTensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer PTVV
newdef PTVV:Iteration 1
newdef PTVV:Ntry 1000
newdef PTVV:Points 10000
newdef PTVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PTVV:SetUpDecayMode 10115 113 223 2.21 20.2476
do PTVV:SetUpDecayMode 10215 213 223 2.21 14.7618
create Herwig::TensorMesonTensorPScalarDecayer TTP
newdef TTP:Iteration 1
newdef TTP:Ntry 1000
newdef TTP:Points 10000
newdef TTP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TTP:SetUpDecayMode 215 225 211 45 5.70402
do TTP:SetUpDecayMode 115 225 111 45 6.58157
create Herwig::VectorMeson2FermionDecayer Vector2Leptons
newdef Vector2Leptons:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2Leptons:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2Leptons:Points 10000
newdef Vector2Leptons:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 113 11 -11 0.018524 1.60839
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 113 13 -13 0.018524 1.60498
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 223 11 -11 0.005429 1.60161
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 223 13 -13 0.005429 1.59833
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 333 11 -11 0.006852 1.60556
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 333 13 -13 0.006852 1.60986
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30443 11 -11 0.00159 1.5993
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30443 13 -13 0.001509 1.4405
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30443 15 -15 0.001509 1.53038
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 443 11 -11 0.008215 1.60017
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 443 13 -13 0.008215 1.60016
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 11 -11 0.005031 1.59862
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 13 -13 0.005031 1.6008
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 15 -15 0.005031 1.60219
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 553 11 -11 0.002315 1.6003
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 553 13 -13 0.002315 1.6003
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 553 15 -15 0.002315 1.6006
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100553 11 -11 0.00152 1.60068
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100553 13 -13 0.00152 1.60068
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100553 15 -15 0.00152 1.60751
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 200553 11 -11 0.00127 1.6002
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 200553 13 -13 0.00127 1.6002
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 200553 15 -15 0.00127 1.60626
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 300553 11 -11 0.001081 1.59966
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 300553 13 -13 0.001081 1.59966
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 300553 15 -15 0.001081 1.59171
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 11 -11 0.001 1.56074
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 13 -13 0.001 1.56074
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 15 -15 0.001 1.55385
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 443 3112 -3112 0.001342 1.5934
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3112 -3112 0.0009273 1.5978
do Vector2Leptons:SetUpDecayMode 30223 11 -11 0.00462 1.60088
create Herwig::VectorMeson2SpinThreeHalfBaryonsDecayer Vector2Baryons3Half
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:Points 10000
newdef Vector2Baryons3Half:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 443 3114 -3114 0.00150640470181 0.00093350341391 0. 5.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 443 3224 -3224 0.00153402258271 0.00107528142563 0. 7.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 443 3214 -3214 0.0015323974485 0.000860759359361 0. 5.5
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3114 -3114 0.000260326162249 0.000561082932891 0. 5.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3224 -3224 0.000362882855521 0.000526423800011 0. 5.
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3214 -3214 0.00025226758188 0.000500391020504 0. 4.5
do Vector2Baryons3Half:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3314 -3314 0.000397805035356 0.000678994938986 0. 0.0012
create Herwig::WeakPartonicDecayer WeakPartonic0
newdef WeakPartonic0:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef WeakPartonic0:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef WeakPartonic0:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef WeakPartonic0:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic0:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic0:Exclusive 1
newdef WeakPartonic0:Intermediates 0
newdef WeakPartonic0:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef WeakPartonic0:MECode 0
create Herwig::WeakPartonicDecayer WeakPartonic100
newdef WeakPartonic100:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef WeakPartonic100:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef WeakPartonic100:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef WeakPartonic100:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic100:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef WeakPartonic100:Exclusive 1
newdef WeakPartonic100:Intermediates 0
newdef WeakPartonic100:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef WeakPartonic100:MECode 100
create Herwig::VectorMesonPScalarFermionsDecayer VectorVPff
newdef VectorVPff:Iteration 5
newdef VectorVPff:Ntry 500
newdef VectorVPff:Points 10000
newdef VectorVPff:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 223 111 11 0.2179 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 5.2618 0.273309
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 223 111 13 0.2179 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 26.8941 1
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 221 11 0.0643 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 4.3391 0.215086
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 221 13 0.0643 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 3.31309 0.375026
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 111 11 0.0120094 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 4.83188 0.218805
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 333 111 13 0.0120094 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 3.16628 0.327872
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 443 221 11 0.0643 2 443 3.0969 9.29e-05 2.34926 0.189627
do VectorVPff:SetUpDecayMode 443 221 13 0.0643 2 443 3.0969 9.29e-05 0.420516 0.200787
create Herwig::VectorMeson3PionDecayer Vector3Pion
newdef Vector3Pion:Iteration 5
newdef Vector3Pion:Ntry 500
newdef Vector3Pion:Points 10000
newdef Vector3Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef Vector3Pion:Incoming 0 223
newdef Vector3Pion:Coupling 0 178.71
newdef Vector3Pion:DirectCoupling 0 0
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Coupling 0 0
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Coupling 0 0
newdef Vector3Pion:DirectPhase 0 0
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Phase 0 0
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Phase 0 0
newdef Vector3Pion:MaxWeight 0 16.
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho1Weight 0 0.333333
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Weight 0 -1
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Weight 0 -1
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho1Mass 0 0.7755
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Mass 0 1.459
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Mass 0 1.72
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho1Width 0 0.1494
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Width 0 0.147
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Width 0 0.25
newdef Vector3Pion:DefaultParameters 0 1
newdef Vector3Pion:Incoming 1 333
newdef Vector3Pion:Coupling 1 8.788
newdef Vector3Pion:DirectCoupling 1 0.78
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Coupling 1 0
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Coupling 1 0
newdef Vector3Pion:DirectPhase 1 -2.47
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Phase 1 0
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Phase 1 0
newdef Vector3Pion:MaxWeight 1 16.
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho1Weight 1 0.333333
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Weight 1 -1
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Weight 1 -1
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho1Mass 1 0.7758
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Mass 1 1.45
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Mass 1 1.7
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho1Width 1 0.1439
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho2Width 1 0.31
newdef Vector3Pion:Rho3Width 1 0.24
newdef Vector3Pion:DefaultParameters 1 0
create Herwig::a1ThreePionCLEODecayer a1CLEO
newdef a1CLEO:Iteration 5
newdef a1CLEO:Ntry 500
newdef a1CLEO:Points 10000
newdef a1CLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef a1CLEO:f_2Mass 1.275
newdef a1CLEO:f_2Width 0.185
newdef a1CLEO:f_0Mass 1.186
newdef a1CLEO:f_0Width 0.35
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaMass 0.86
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaWidth 0.88
newdef a1CLEO:RhoMasses 0 0.7743
newdef a1CLEO:RhoMasses 1 1.37
insert a1CLEO:RhoMasses 2 1.72
newdef a1CLEO:RhoWidths 0 0.1491
newdef a1CLEO:RhoWidths 1 0.386
insert a1CLEO:RhoWidths 2 0.25
newdef a1CLEO:f0Phase -1.69646
newdef a1CLEO:f2Phase 1.75929
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaPhase 0.722566
newdef a1CLEO:f0Magnitude 0.77
newdef a1CLEO:f2Magnitude 0.71
newdef a1CLEO:sigmaMagnitude 2.1
newdef a1CLEO:Coupling 45.57
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWaveMagnitude 0 1
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWaveMagnitude 1 0.12
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWavePhase 0 0
newdef a1CLEO:RhoPWavePhase 1 3.11018
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWaveMagnitude 0 3.7e-07
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWaveMagnitude 1 8.7e-07
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWavePhase 0 -0.471239
newdef a1CLEO:RhoDWavePhase 1 1.66504
newdef a1CLEO:LocalParameters 1
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 0 0.132162
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 1 0.116638
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 2 0.121088
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 3 0.10656
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 4 0.102577
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 5 0.101169
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 6 0.104587
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 7 0.104663
newdef a1CLEO:AllNeutralWeights 8 0.110557
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 0 0.177017
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 1 0.176011
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 2 0.110129
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 3 0.108023
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 4 0.110553
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 5 0.109976
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 6 0.0886337
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 7 0.0591042
newdef a1CLEO:OneChargedWeights 8 0.0605533
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 0 0.173357
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 1 0.172283
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 2 0.116031
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 3 0.114642
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 4 0.109058
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 5 0.114073
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 6 0.0809455
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 7 0.0601352
newdef a1CLEO:TwoChargedWeights 8 0.059477
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 0 0.125022
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 1 0.129911
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 2 0.0741652
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 3 0.0758126
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 4 0.0711541
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 5 0.0777299
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 6 0.0822551
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 7 0.0867606
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 8 0.0671056
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 9 0.0701714
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 10 0.0701456
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeChargedWeights 11 0.0697667
newdef a1CLEO:ZeroMax 13.0704
newdef a1CLEO:OneMax 6.91104
newdef a1CLEO:TwoMax 6.94654
newdef a1CLEO:ThreeMax 6.40086
create Herwig::PScalarVectorVectorDecayer PVV
newdef PVV:Iteration 1
newdef PVV:Ntry 500
newdef PVV:Points 10000
newdef PVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 331 223 22 0.1412 1.17937
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 111 22 22 0.0178 1.08444
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 221 22 22 0.0176 1.08656
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 331 22 22 0.0221 1.09105
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 213 -213 0.0525 2.6
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 113 113 0.0371 2.63569
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 333 333 0.0267 8.54466
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 22 22 0.00521 1.10127
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 323 -323 0.0308 5.0763
do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 441 313 -313 0.0308 5.22846
+do PVV:SetUpDecayMode 100541 543 22 0.0757 1.10098
create Herwig::PScalarVectorFermionsDecayer PVff
newdef PVff:Iteration 1
newdef PVff:Ntry 500
newdef PVff:Points 10000
newdef PVff:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 111 22 11 0.00761872 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.0270172
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 221 22 11 0.00755416 2 113 0.707 0 2.82505
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 221 22 13 0.00755416 2 113 0.707 0 2.19738
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 331 22 11 0.0104 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 5.19839
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 331 22 13 0.0104 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 3.01441
do PVff:SetUpDecayMode 331 223 11 0.0428 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.000532818
create Herwig::EtaPiPiGammaDecayer Etapipigamma
newdef Etapipigamma:Iteration 1
newdef Etapipigamma:Ntry 500
newdef Etapipigamma:Points 10000
newdef Etapipigamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef Etapipigamma:fpi 130.7
newdef Etapipigamma:RhoMass 771.1
newdef Etapipigamma:RhoWidth 149.2
newdef Etapipigamma:LocalParameters 1
newdef Etapipigamma:OmnesC 1
newdef Etapipigamma:OmnesA 0.840908
newdef Etapipigamma:Incoming 0 221
newdef Etapipigamma:Coupling 0 0.00506
newdef Etapipigamma:MaxWeight 0 3.95436
newdef Etapipigamma:Option 0 3
newdef Etapipigamma:Incoming 1 331
newdef Etapipigamma:Coupling 1 0.004278
newdef Etapipigamma:MaxWeight 1 3.53871
newdef Etapipigamma:Option 1 3
create Herwig::ExperimentalOmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Initialize 0
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesPoints 100
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesCut 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 0 300
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 0 0.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 1 320
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 1 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 2 340
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 2 0.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 3 360
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 3 1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 4 380
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 4 1.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 5 400
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 5 2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 6 420
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 6 2.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 7 440
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 7 3.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 8 460
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 8 4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 9 480
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 9 4.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 10 500
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 10 5.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 11 520
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 11 7.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 12 540
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 12 8.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 13 560
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 13 10.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 14 580
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 14 12.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 15 600
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 15 14.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 16 620
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 16 17.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 17 640
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 17 20.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 18 660
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 18 25.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 19 680
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 19 31.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 20 700
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 20 38.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 21 720
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 21 48.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 22 740
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 22 60.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 23 760
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 23 74.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 24 780
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 24 90
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 25 800
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 25 103.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 26 820
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 26 115.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 27 840
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 27 124.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 28 860
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 28 131.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 29 880
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 29 136.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 30 900
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 30 141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 31 920
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 31 144.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 32 940
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 32 147.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 33 960
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 33 149.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Energy 34 980
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:Phase_Shift 34 151.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 0 282.534
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 0 0.860715
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 0 0.00243348
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 1 289.32
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 1 0.851815
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 1 0.00089491
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 2 296.107
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 2 0.843732
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 2 -0.000612618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 3 302.893
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 3 0.835875
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 3 -0.00209199
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 4 309.68
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 4 0.828085
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 4 -0.00354375
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 5 316.466
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 5 0.820287
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 5 -0.0049678
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 6 323.252
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 6 0.812437
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 6 -0.00636377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 7 330.039
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 7 0.804502
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 7 -0.00773106
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 8 336.825
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 8 0.796459
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 8 -0.00906897
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 9 343.612
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 9 0.788299
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 9 -0.0102967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 10 350.398
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 10 0.77978
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 10 -0.0114782
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 11 357.184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 11 0.770921
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 11 -0.0127871
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 12 363.971
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 12 0.761746
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 12 -0.0144895
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 13 370.757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 13 0.752725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 13 -0.0165141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 14 377.543
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 14 0.743833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 14 -0.0186278
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 15 384.33
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 15 0.735053
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 15 -0.0206378
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 16 391.116
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 16 0.726157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 16 -0.0225401
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 17 397.903
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 17 0.717151
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 17 -0.0243864
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 18 404.689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 18 0.70801
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 18 -0.0260833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 19 411.475
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 19 0.698521
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 19 -0.0277387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 20 418.262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 20 0.688706
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 20 -0.0294853
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 21 425.048
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 21 0.678618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 21 -0.0315488
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 22 431.835
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 22 0.668555
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 22 -0.0338262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 23 438.621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 23 0.658496
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 23 -0.036209
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 24 445.407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 24 0.648429
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 24 -0.0385969
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 25 452.194
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 25 0.638272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 25 -0.0410051
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 26 458.98
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 26 0.628033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 26 -0.0434404
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 27 465.767
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 27 0.61771
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 27 -0.0458955
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 28 472.553
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 28 0.607297
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 28 -0.0483627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 29 479.339
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 29 0.596791
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 29 -0.0508343
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 30 486.126
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 30 0.586171
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 30 -0.0532532
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 31 492.912
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 31 0.575358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 31 -0.0556833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 32 499.699
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 32 0.564361
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 32 -0.0581587
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 33 506.485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 33 0.553214
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 33 -0.0607547
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 34 513.271
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 34 0.541985
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 34 -0.0634188
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 35 520.058
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 35 0.530667
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 35 -0.0661334
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 36 526.844
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 36 0.519264
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 36 -0.0688841
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 37 533.63
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 37 0.507774
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 37 -0.0716561
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 38 540.417
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 38 0.496218
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 38 -0.0744314
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 39 547.203
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 39 0.484506
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 39 -0.077109
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 40 553.99
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 40 0.472569
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 40 -0.0798124
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 41 560.776
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 41 0.460391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 41 -0.0825951
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 42 567.562
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 42 0.448121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 42 -0.0856021
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 43 574.349
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 43 0.43585
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 43 -0.0886757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 44 581.135
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 44 0.423613
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 44 -0.0917407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 45 587.922
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 45 0.411225
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 45 -0.0946244
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 46 594.708
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 46 0.398597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 46 -0.0975017
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 47 601.494
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 47 0.385723
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 47 -0.100435
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 48 608.281
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 48 0.372704
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 48 -0.103516
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 49 615.067
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 49 0.35959
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 49 -0.106676
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 50 621.854
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 50 0.3464
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 50 -0.109892
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 51 628.64
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 51 0.333098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 51 -0.113121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 52 635.426
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 52 0.319686
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 52 -0.116385
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 53 642.213
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 53 0.306191
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 53 -0.119664
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 54 648.999
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 54 0.292541
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 54 -0.12291
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 55 655.786
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 55 0.278725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 55 -0.126184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 56 662.572
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 56 0.264753
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 56 -0.129498
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 57 669.358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 57 0.250639
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 57 -0.132862
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 58 676.145
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 58 0.236391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 58 -0.136272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 59 682.931
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 59 0.222033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 59 -0.139718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 60 689.718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 60 0.207536
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 60 -0.143174
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 61 696.504
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 61 0.192894
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 61 -0.14665
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 62 703.29
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 62 0.178087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 62 -0.150158
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 63 710.077
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 63 0.163157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 63 -0.153716
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 64 716.863
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 64 0.148098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 64 -0.157273
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 65 723.649
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 65 0.132821
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 65 -0.160847
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 66 730.436
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 66 0.117442
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 66 -0.164522
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 67 737.222
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 67 0.101967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 67 -0.168175
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 68 744.009
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 68 0.0862558
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 68 -0.171796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 69 750.795
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 69 0.0704105
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 69 -0.17551
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 70 757.581
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 70 0.0544364
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 70 -0.179198
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 71 764.368
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 71 0.0381918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 71 -0.182849
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 72 771.154
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 72 0.0217336
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 72 -0.186618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 73 777.941
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 73 0.00508918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 73 -0.190478
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 74 784.727
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 74 -0.0116074
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 74 -0.19445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 75 791.513
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 75 -0.028463
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 75 -0.198325
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 76 798.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 76 -0.0455796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 76 -0.202216
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 77 805.086
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 77 -0.0628507
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 77 -0.206212
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 78 811.873
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 78 -0.0803257
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 78 -0.210165
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 79 818.659
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 79 -0.0980796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 79 -0.214176
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 80 825.445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 80 -0.115981
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 80 -0.21834
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 81 832.232
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 81 -0.134042
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 81 -0.222474
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 82 839.018
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 82 -0.15233
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 82 -0.226615
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 83 845.805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 83 -0.170884
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 83 -0.230769
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 84 852.591
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 84 -0.189711
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 84 -0.234988
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 85 859.377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 85 -0.208805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 85 -0.239289
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 86 866.164
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 86 -0.228132
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 86 -0.243689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 87 872.95
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 87 -0.247688
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 87 -0.24814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 88 879.736
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 88 -0.267485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 88 -0.25262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 89 886.523
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 89 -0.287624
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 89 -0.257087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 90 893.309
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 90 -0.308122
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 90 -0.261627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 91 900.096
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 91 -0.328979
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 91 -0.266226
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 92 906.882
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 92 -0.350331
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 92 -0.270868
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 93 913.668
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 93 -0.372196
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 93 -0.275687
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 94 920.455
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 94 -0.394597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 94 -0.280733
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 95 927.241
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 95 -0.417472
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 95 -0.286075
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 96 934.028
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 96 -0.440914
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 96 -0.291621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 97 940.814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 97 -0.465088
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 97 -0.297381
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 98 947.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 98 -0.490461
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 98 -0.303462
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesEnergy 99 954.387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesReal 99 -0.51781
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction:OmnesImag 99 -0.310381
newdef Etapipigamma:OmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction
create Herwig::EtaPiGammaGammaDecayer Etapigammagamma
newdef Etapigammagamma:Iteration 1
newdef Etapigammagamma:Ntry 500
newdef Etapigammagamma:Points 10000
newdef Etapigammagamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef Etapigammagamma:grhoomega 12.924
newdef Etapigammagamma:Fpi 130.7
newdef Etapigammagamma:grho 5.89977
newdef Etapigammagamma:RhoMass 771.1
newdef Etapigammagamma:RhoWidth 149.2
newdef Etapigammagamma:RatioFpiF8 0.769231
newdef Etapigammagamma:RatioFpiF0 0.961538
newdef Etapigammagamma:Theta -0.349066
newdef Etapigammagamma:EtaMax 2.37239
newdef Etapigammagamma:EtaPrimeMax 9.76071
newdef Etapigammagamma:LocalParameters 1
create Herwig::EtaPiPiPiDecayer Etapipipi
newdef Etapipipi:Iteration 1
newdef Etapipipi:Ntry 500
newdef Etapipipi:Points 10000
newdef Etapipipi:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 221 111 1 0.06477 -1.17 0.21 0.06 1.72861
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 221 111 0 0.0883547 0 -0.062 -0.062 1.45813
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 111 1 0.02576 -3.08 0.13 0.62 2.94049
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 111 0 0.01891 0 -0.86 -0.86 1.827
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 221 1 49.42 -0.093 -0.059 -0.003 1.421
do Etapipipi:SetUpDecayMode 331 221 0 20.62 -0.105 -0.065 -0.004 1.42649
create Herwig::TensorMeson2PScalarDecayer Tensor2PScalar
newdef Tensor2PScalar:Iteration 1
newdef Tensor2PScalar:Ntry 3000
newdef Tensor2PScalar:Points 10000
newdef Tensor2PScalar:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 221 111 10.9 1.65316
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 215 221 211 10.9 1.64258
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 331 111 9.92 1.75949
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 215 331 211 9.92 1.70722
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 310 310 5.2 1.58967
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 130 130 5.2 1.58967
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 115 321 -321 7.36 1.67672
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 215 321 -311 10.41 1.63467
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 211 -211 18.73 1.57416
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 111 111 13.24 1.58603
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 221 221 8.362 1.71393
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 321 -321 11.03 1.58584
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 130 130 8.05 1.59016
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 310 310 8.05 1.59016
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 321 -321 14.65 1.60028
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 310 310 10.36 1.15672
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 130 130 10.36 1.16794
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 221 221 9.15 1.61424
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 211 -211 0.86 1.60017
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 335 111 111 0.608 1.60798
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 325 321 221 1.52 1.73005
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 315 311 221 1.52 1.59146
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 325 321 111 8.3 1.59797
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 325 311 211 11.74 1.57335
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 315 311 111 8.68 1.59206
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 315 321 -211 12.28 1.60384
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 525 521 111 27.23 1.61058
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 525 511 211 38.52 1.58036
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 515 511 111 27.16 1.59641
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 515 521 -211 38.62 1.59448
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 425 421 111 18.07 1.29457
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 425 411 -211 25.56 2.50567
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 415 411 111 14.91 0.867481
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 415 421 211 21.09 1.76064
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 435 421 321 23.39 2.89468
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 435 411 311 23.39 2.76409
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 535 521 -321 45.43 1.58715
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 535 511 -311 48.84 1.56884
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 211 -211 0.02 1.5984
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 111 111 0.0141 1.5916
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 321 -321 0.056 1.59793
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 445 311 -311 0.056 1.59259
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 225 9000221 9000221 104.1 43.4218
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10115 9000221 111 15.3 7.28776
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10215 9000221 211 15.3 7.29621
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10225 9000111 111 11.3 6.45245
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10225 9000211 -211 11.3 6.4156
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10335 9000111 111 4.43 2.88423
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 10335 9000211 -211 4.43 2.94995
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 100445 411 -411 22.3 1.60573
do Tensor2PScalar:SetUpDecayMode 100445 421 -421 22.3 1.61147
create Herwig::TensorMesonVectorPScalarDecayer TensorVP
newdef TensorVP:Iteration 1
newdef TensorVP:Ntry 2000
newdef TensorVP:Points 10000
newdef TensorVP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 115 213 -211 21.1 4.68304
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 215 113 211 21.1 4.71348
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 215 213 111 21.1 4.73233
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 215 22 211 0.551 1.7
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 115 22 111 0.551 1.7
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 223 311 11.66 40.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 223 321 11.66 40.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 22 321 0.553 1.9
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 545 22 541 0.651 1.63579
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 113 321 10.14 7.09367
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 213 311 14.33 6.86114
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 113 311 10.14 6.65245
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 -213 321 14.33 8.1
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 323 111 9.733 2.9
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 325 313 211 13.77 2.796
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 313 111 9.733 3.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 315 323 -211 13.77 3.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 425 423 111 8.035 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 425 413 -211 11.67 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 415 413 111 6.801 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 415 423 211 9.527 6.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 423 321 13.1 5.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 413 311 13.1 5.
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 525 523 111 4.99 1.61535
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 525 513 211 7.059 1.5842
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 515 513 111 4.99 1.61501
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 515 523 -211 7.059 1.58463
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 423 321 13.09 1.78925
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 435 413 311 13.09 2.06728
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 535 523 -321 7.29 1.60271
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 535 513 -311 9.43 1.59959
do TensorVP:SetUpDecayMode 20555 22 10551 1.11 1.82265
create Herwig::TensorMesonVectorVectorDecayer TVV
newdef TVV:Iteration 1
newdef TVV:Ntry 1000
newdef TVV:Points 10000
newdef TVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 115 22 22 0.0162 3.11504
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 225 22 22 0.0262 2.78159
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 335 22 22 0.00481 4.59851
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 553 223 0.178 1.79713
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 553 22 0.263 1.60345
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 100553 22 0.712 1.6244
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 100555 333 333 0.452 9.76591
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 443 22 0.69 1.82472
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 323 -323 0.0404 20.851
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 313 -313 0.0406 24.2076
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 333 333 0.0423 10.832
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 22 22 0.0202 1.63476
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 555 553 22 0.569 1.61091
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 115 223 113 18.3 25.7157
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 215 223 213 18.1 28.7855
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 225 113 113 13 31.8738
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 225 213 -213 12.8 33.3322
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 315 113 313 12.6 42.8508
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 315 -213 323 16.7 33.5317
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 325 113 323 12.5 43.344
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 325 213 313 17.8 40.1134
do TVV:SetUpDecayMode 445 223 223 0.0408 12.9271
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer ISGW
newdef ISGW:Iteration 1
newdef ISGW:Ntry 500
newdef ISGW:Points 10000
newdef ISGW:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 0 5.424e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 1 5.41804e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 2 3.893e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 3 7.59854e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 4 7.74351e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 5 5.13206e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 6 0.00136557
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 7 0.00142736
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 8 0.000823295
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 9 3.0946e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 10 3.02772e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 11 1.1885e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 12 0.000139391
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 13 0.000138853
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 14 7.29822e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 15 0.000449845
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 16 0.000482517
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 17 0.000210263
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 18 1.81584e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 19 1.8153e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 20 9.3705e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 21 6.15054e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 22 6.14914e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 23 4.59853e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 24 0.000997071
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 25 0.000975911
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 26 0.000445402
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 27 3.33599e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 28 3.31068e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 29 1.27265e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 30 0.000309993
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 31 0.000308636
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 32 8.9226e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 33 0.000200307
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 34 0.000200465
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 35 0.000127083
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 36 1.6939e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 37 1.72911e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 38 7.4697e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 39 0.120635
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 40 0.11301
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 41 0.0231386
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 42 0.146282
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 43 0.140715
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 44 0.0370693
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 45 0.00853693
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 46 0.00852123
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 47 0.000300696
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 48 0.0229497
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 49 0.0209246
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 50 0.00104239
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 51 0.00909127
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 52 0.00891799
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 53 0.000961694
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 54 0.0048722
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 55 0.00455352
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 56 0.000321721
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 57 0.00011395
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 58 0.000113855
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 59 8.51126e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 60 0.00150609
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 61 0.00153757
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 62 0.000747443
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 63 6.09267e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 64 6.23095e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 65 2.30318e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 66 0.000552937
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 67 0.000559378
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 68 0.000162807
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 69 0.000365874
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 70 0.000364205
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 71 0.000233785
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 72 3.16293e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 73 3.18219e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 74 1.37143e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 75 0.110313
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 76 0.103445
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 77 0.0210801
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 78 0.147362
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 79 0.147419
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 80 0.0384639
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 81 0.0111543
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 82 0.0103842
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 83 0.000319557
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 84 0.0211162
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 85 0.0193068
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 86 0.000966967
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 87 0.00819478
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 88 0.00823409
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 89 0.000922852
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 90 0.00451283
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 91 0.00419498
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 92 0.000294157
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 93 0.00578922
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 94 0.00516882
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 95 0.00492885
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 96 0.00482429
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 97 2.25872e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 98 1.87372e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 99 0.000308952
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 100 0.000227327
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 101 0.000319546
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 102 0.000269116
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 103 3.55367e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 104 2.49126e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 105 0.127728
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 106 0.107291
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 107 0.0670801
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 108 0.0655003
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 109 3.5304e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 110 2.5821e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 111 0.0023046
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 112 0.00152967
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 113 0.000513018
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 114 0.000456772
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 115 0.00229334
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 116 0.00182456
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 117 0.00357344
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 118 0.00305374
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 119 0.00155629
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 120 0.00121146
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 121 0.0129117
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 122 0.0127254
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 123 8.71673e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 124 8.13552e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 125 0.000669791
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 126 0.000503811
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 127 0.000192319
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 128 0.000174441
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 129 3.41743e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 130 2.08608e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 131 0.00733276
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 132 0.00655274
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 133 0.00633683
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 134 0.00619396
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 135 3.00359e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 136 2.49679e-06
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 137 0.000406841
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 138 0.000300569
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 139 0.000419858
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 140 0.000352772
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 141 4.70378e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 142 3.28597e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 143 0.325353
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 144 0.27348
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 145 0.169488
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 146 0.165556
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 147 9.51603e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 148 7.10445e-05
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 149 0.00591948
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 150 0.00402664
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 151 0.00135309
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 152 0.00118354
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 153 0.00575264
insert ISGW:MaximumWeight 154 0.0045926
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent ISGWCurrent
newdef ISGWCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef ISGWCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef ISGWCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef ISGWCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef ISGWCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef ISGWCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef ISGW:Current ISGWCurrent
create Herwig::ISGWFormFactor ISGWFormFactor
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Kappa 0.7
newdef ISGWFormFactor:DownMass 0.33
newdef ISGWFormFactor:UpMass 0.33
newdef ISGWFormFactor:StrangeMass 0.55
newdef ISGWFormFactor:CharmMass 1.82
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BottomMass 5.12
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSud 0.31
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSus 0.34
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSuc 0.39
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaSub 0.41
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaPud 0.27
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaPus 0.3
newdef ISGWFormFactor:BetaPuc 0.34
newdef ISGWFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.174533
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 0 -211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 0 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 0 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 1 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 1 -213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 1 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 2 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 2 -215
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 2 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 2 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 3 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 3 -10213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -20213
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 4 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 5 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 5 -10211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 5 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 5 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 6 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 6 221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 6 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 6 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 7 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 7 331
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 7 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 8 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 8 223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 8 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 8 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 8 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 9 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 9 225
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 9 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 9 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 9 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 10 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 10 10223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 10 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 10 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 10 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 11 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 11 20223
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 11 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 11 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 11 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 11 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 12 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 12 10221
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 12 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 12 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 12 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 12 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 13 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 13 111
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 13 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 13 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 13 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 13 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 14 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 14 113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 14 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 14 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 14 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 14 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 15 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 15 115
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 15 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 15 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 15 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 15 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 16 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 16 10113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 16 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 16 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 16 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 16 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 17 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 17 20113
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 17 1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 17 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 17 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 17 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 18 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 18 10111
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 18 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 18 -2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 18 5
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 18 2
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Incoming 19 -521
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 19 -321
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 23 -2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 34 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 36 -1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 63 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 64 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 73 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 74 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 83 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 84 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 85 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 86 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 87 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 93 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 95 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 96 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 97 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 98 1
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 102 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 103 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 104 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 105 10211
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spin 105 0
newdef ISGWFormFactor:Spectator 105 -1
newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 105 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 105 2
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 106 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 107 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 108 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 109 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:Outgoing 110 -20313
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 110 3
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newdef ISGWFormFactor:InQuark 111 4
newdef ISGWFormFactor:OutQuark 111 3
newdef ISGW:FormFactor ISGWFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer ISGW2
newdef ISGW2:Iteration 1
newdef ISGW2:Ntry 500
newdef ISGW2:Points 10000
newdef ISGW2:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 0 3.95005e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 1 3.94637e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 2 2.93349e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 3 0.000150493
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 4 0.000150827
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 5 8.10329e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 6 2.3802e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 7 2.26572e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 8 7.1564e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 9 9.89996e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 10 9.64194e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 11 4.2888e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 12 9.44215e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 13 9.51828e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 14 4.50299e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 15 2.20544e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 16 2.24693e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 17 6.73668e-07
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 18 0.021715
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 19 0.0208858
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 20 0.00664402
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 21 0.0255404
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 22 0.025497
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 23 0.00658113
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 24 0.00185728
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 25 0.00183174
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 26 0.000111333
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 27 0.00524991
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 28 0.00484557
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 29 0.000352201
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 30 0.00227392
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 31 0.00224978
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 32 0.000208191
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 33 0.00099356
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 34 0.000945282
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 35 7.59346e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 36 0.00132341
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 37 0.00111119
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 38 0.00169353
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 39 0.00164428
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 40 3.15924e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 41 2.25269e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 42 0.00026745
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 43 0.000246837
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 44 8.41891e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 45 7.91348e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 46 3.28996e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 47 2.30262e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 48 0.0362303
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 49 0.0288704
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 50 0.0365415
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 51 0.0353279
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 52 3.53069e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 53 2.15061e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 54 0.00110415
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 55 0.000809087
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 56 7.615e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 57 5.52131e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 58 2.05362e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 59 1.08796e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 60 0.000383419
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 61 0.000379941
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 62 0.000216721
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 63 0.00290645
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 64 0.00319323
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 65 0.00142608
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 66 0.000114956
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 67 0.000115039
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 68 3.64242e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 69 0.000783639
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 70 0.00078457
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 71 0.000339043
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 72 7.63314e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 73 7.5e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 74 2.61161e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 75 1.9627e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 76 1.93806e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 77 6.61598e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 78 0.0983649
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 79 0.0923127
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 80 0.019695
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 81 0.104439
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 82 0.103932
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 83 0.0256158
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 84 0.03
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 85 0.025
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 86 0.000845781
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 87 0.0212356
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 88 0.0194916
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 89 0.0012394
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 90 0.00345276
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 91 0.00325754
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 92 0.000199332
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 93 0.0040565
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 94 0.00376841
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 95 0.000258548
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 96 0.000260051
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 97 0.000254568
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 98 0.00012644
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 99 0.00014772
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 100 0.000144913
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 101 6.99968e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 102 0.00211882
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 103 0.00173084
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 104 0.00100721
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 105 9.99083e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 106 9.76224e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 107 2.53588e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 108 0.000336413
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 109 0.000331348
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 110 0.00012059
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 111 0.000397433
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 112 0.000454929
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 113 0.000157429
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 114 1.26452e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 115 1.25165e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 116 4.22398e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 117 0.000325529
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 118 0.000317369
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 119 0.000151852
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 120 0.0010775
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 121 0.00123644
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 122 0.000527677
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 123 9.54949e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 124 9.31059e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 125 2.4608e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 126 0.000453889
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 127 0.000481848
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 128 0.00011418
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 129 0.000178262
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 130 0.000177812
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 131 8.26077e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 132 1.11824e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 133 1.11997e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 134 3.32397e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 135 0.127942
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 136 0.119623
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 137 0.0238566
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 138 0.142655
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 139 0.140889
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 140 0.0340506
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 141 0.0134676
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 142 0.0126132
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 143 0.000340657
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 144 0.0174635
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 145 0.0159783
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 146 0.000864979
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 147 0.00297466
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 148 0.0027692
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 149 0.00019588
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 150 0.00298341
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 151 0.00277861
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 152 0.00016309
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 153 0.000600003
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 154 0.000584006
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 155 0.000279706
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 156 0.00220229
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 157 0.00211059
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 158 0.000841777
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 159 0.000174515
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 160 0.000171267
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 161 4.5077e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 162 0.000911064
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 163 0.000879918
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 164 0.000212121
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 165 0.000328061
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 166 0.000327529
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 167 0.000152402
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 168 2.10645e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 169 2.03215e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 170 6.1047e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 171 0.117102
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 172 0.109383
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 173 0.0217237
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 174 0.143488
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 175 0.144097
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 176 0.0335686
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 177 0.0170693
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 178 0.0153559
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 179 0.000359761
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 180 0.0160343
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 181 0.0146767
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 182 0.000791707
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 183 0.00273854
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 184 0.0025512
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 185 0.000181231
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 186 0.00272446
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 187 0.00254633
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 188 0.000149885
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 189 0.00735218
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 190 0.00640181
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 191 0.00289181
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 192 0.00280707
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 193 7.22655e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 194 5.71371e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 195 0.00086489
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 196 0.000689459
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 197 9.66759e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 198 9.21125e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 199 2.21916e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 200 1.67084e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 201 0.0618348
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 202 0.052149
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 203 0.0557922
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 204 0.0438118
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 205 0.116
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 206 0.116357
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 207 0.000106906
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 208 8.05859e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 209 0.00374456
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 210 0.00268945
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 211 0.000780993
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 212 0.000765418
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 213 0.000122102
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 214 8.68203e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 215 0.00809387
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 216 0.00701118
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 217 0.00303307
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 218 0.00292443
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 219 4.67003e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 220 3.16221e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 221 0.000394407
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 222 0.000303672
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 223 0.000436069
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 224 0.000379057
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 225 2.72813e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 226 1.70894e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 227 0.158135
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 228 0.131371
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 229 0.0481235
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 230 0.0467254
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 231 4.57786e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 232 3.12143e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 233 0.00330961
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 234 0.00240096
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 235 2.847e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 236 2.09826e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 237 0.000239374
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 238 0.000174513
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 239 0.00554538
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 240 0.00466466
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 241 0.00109984
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 242 0.000842737
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 243 0.0075
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 244 0.0072
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 245 1.91206e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 246 1.58666e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 247 0.000832562
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 248 0.000669596
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 249 0.000256716
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 250 0.000250306
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 251 2.53586e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 252 1.48864e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 253 0.0103666
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 254 0.00895946
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 255 0.00395922
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 256 0.00378779
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 257 6.20415e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 258 4.24016e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 259 0.0005196
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 260 0.00039878
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 261 0.000567317
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 262 0.000489709
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 263 3.57757e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 264 2.37409e-06
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 265 0.402115
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 266 0.334931
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 267 0.122752
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 268 0.118601
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 269 0.000113546
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 270 9.35595e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 271 0.00851783
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 272 0.00630654
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 273 7.51719e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 274 5.56299e-05
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 275 0.000606862
insert ISGW2:MaximumWeight 276 0.000454977
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent ISGW2Current
newdef ISGW2Current:Quark 0 11
newdef ISGW2Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef ISGW2Current:Quark 1 13
newdef ISGW2Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef ISGW2Current:Quark 2 15
newdef ISGW2Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef ISGW2:Current ISGW2Current
create Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor ISGW2FormFactor
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:DownMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:UpMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:StrangeMass 0.55
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CharmMass 1.82
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:BottomMass 5.2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0ud 0.41
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0us 0.44
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0ss 0.53
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0cu 0.45
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0cs 0.56
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0ub 0.43
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0sb 0.54
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0cc 0.88
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1S0bc 0.92
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pud 0.28
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pus 0.3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pss 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pcu 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pcs 0.38
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pub 0.35
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Psb 0.41
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pcc 0.52
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta1Pbc 0.6
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1ud 0.3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1us 0.33
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1ss 0.37
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1cu 0.38
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1cs 0.44
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1ub 0.4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1sb 0.49
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1cc 0.62
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Beta3S1bc 0.75
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:AlphaCutOff 0.6
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfDrho 0.889
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfDKstar 0.928
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfDsKstar 0.873
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfDsphi 0.911
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBrho 0.905
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBDstar 0.989
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBsKstar 0.892
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBsDstar 0.984
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBcDstar 0.868
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBcpsi 0.967
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBcBsstar 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:CfBcBstar 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.349066
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 0 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 0 -411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 0 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 0 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 1 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 1 -413
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 1 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 2 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 2 -415
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 2 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 2 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 3 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 3 10413
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 4 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 4 -20413
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 4 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 5 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 5 10411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 5 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 5 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 6 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 6 -421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 6 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 6 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 7 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 7 -423
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 7 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 7 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 8 -425
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 8 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 8 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 8 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 9 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 9 -10423
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 9 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 9 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 9 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 10 -20423
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 10 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 10 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 10 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 11 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 11 -10421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 11 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 11 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 11 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 11 2
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 12 -431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 12 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 12 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 12 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 13 -541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 13 -433
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 13 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 13 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 13 3
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 14 -435
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 14 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 14 3
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 15 -10433
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 15 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 16 -20433
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 16 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 17 -10431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 17 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 17 4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 17 3
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 18 441
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 19 443
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 19 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 19 4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 20 445
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 20 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 21 10443
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 21 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 21 4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 22 20443
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 22 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 22 -4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 22 4
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 23 10441
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 23 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 23 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 23 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 23 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 24 541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 24 511
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 24 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 24 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 24 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 24 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 25 541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 25 513
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 25 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 25 5
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 25 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 25 -1
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 26 515
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 26 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 26 -1
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 27 10513
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 27 -1
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 28 -1
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 29 -1
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 31 523
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 31 -2
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 32 525
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 32 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 32 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 33 541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 33 10523
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 33 1
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 33 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 33 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 34 541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 34 20523
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 34 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 34 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 35 541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 35 10521
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 35 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 36 541
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 36 531
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 36 5
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 36 -3
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 37 533
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 37 -4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 37 -3
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 38 535
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 39 -3
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 130 313
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newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 130 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 130 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 130 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 131 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 131 315
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 131 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 131 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 131 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 131 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 132 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 132 10313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 132 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 132 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 132 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 132 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 133 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 133 20313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 133 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 133 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 133 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 133 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 134 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 134 10311
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 134 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 134 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 134 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 134 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 135 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 135 321
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 135 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 135 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 135 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 135 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 136 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 136 323
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 136 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 136 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 136 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 136 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 137 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 137 325
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 137 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 137 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 137 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 137 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 138 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 138 10323
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 138 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 138 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 138 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 138 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 139 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 139 20323
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 139 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 139 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 139 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 139 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 140 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 140 10321
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 140 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 140 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 140 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 140 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 141 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 141 221
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 141 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 141 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 141 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 141 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 142 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 142 331
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 142 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 142 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 142 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 142 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 143 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 143 333
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 143 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 143 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 143 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 143 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 144 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 144 335
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 144 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 144 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 144 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 144 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 145 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 145 10333
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 145 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 145 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 145 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 145 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 146 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 146 20333
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 146 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 146 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 146 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 146 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 147 431
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 147 10331
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 147 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 147 -3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 147 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 147 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 148 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 148 -211
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 148 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 148 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 148 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 148 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 149 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 149 -213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 149 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 149 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 149 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 149 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 150 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 150 -215
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 150 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 150 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 150 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 150 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 151 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 151 -10213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 151 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 151 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 151 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 151 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 152 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 152 -20213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 152 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 152 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 152 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 152 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 153 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 153 -10211
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 153 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 153 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 153 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 153 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 154 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 154 111
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 154 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 154 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 154 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 154 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 155 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 155 113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 155 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 155 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 155 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 155 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 156 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 156 115
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 156 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 156 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 156 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 156 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 157 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 157 10113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 157 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 157 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 157 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 157 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 158 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 158 20113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 158 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 158 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 158 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 158 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 159 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 159 10111
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 159 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 159 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 159 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 159 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 160 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 160 221
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 160 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 160 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 160 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 160 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 161 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 161 331
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 161 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 161 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 161 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 161 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 162 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 162 223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 162 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 162 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 162 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 162 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 163 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 163 225
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 163 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 163 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 163 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 163 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 164 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 164 10223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 164 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 164 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 164 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 164 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 165 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 165 20223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 165 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 165 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 165 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 165 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 166 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 166 10221
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 166 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 166 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 166 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 166 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 167 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 167 -321
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 167 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 167 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 167 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 167 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 168 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 168 -323
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 168 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 168 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 168 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 168 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 169 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 169 -325
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 169 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 169 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 169 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 169 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 170 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 170 -10323
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 170 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 170 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 170 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 170 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 171 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 171 -20323
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 171 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 171 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 171 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 171 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 172 421
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 172 -10321
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 172 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 172 -2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 172 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 172 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 173 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 173 221
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 173 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 173 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 173 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 173 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 174 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 174 331
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 174 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 174 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 174 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 174 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 175 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 175 223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 175 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 175 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 175 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 175 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 176 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 176 225
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 176 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 176 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 176 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 176 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 177 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 177 10223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 177 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 177 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 177 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 177 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 178 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 178 20223
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 178 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 178 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 178 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 178 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 179 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 179 10221
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 179 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 179 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 179 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 179 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 180 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 180 111
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 180 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 180 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 180 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 180 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 181 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 181 113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 181 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 181 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 181 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 181 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 182 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 182 115
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 182 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 182 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 182 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 182 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 183 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 183 10113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 183 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 183 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 183 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 183 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 184 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 184 20113
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 184 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 184 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 184 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 184 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 185 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 185 10111
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 185 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 185 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 185 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 185 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 186 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 186 211
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 186 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 186 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 186 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 186 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 187 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 187 213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 187 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 187 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 187 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 187 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 188 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 188 215
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 188 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 188 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 188 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 188 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 189 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 189 10213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 189 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 189 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 189 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 189 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 190 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 190 20213
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 190 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 190 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 190 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 190 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 191 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 191 10211
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 191 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 191 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 191 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 191 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 192 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 192 -311
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 192 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 192 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 192 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 192 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 193 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 193 -313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 193 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 193 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 193 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 193 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 194 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 194 -315
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 194 2
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 194 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 194 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 194 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 195 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 195 -10313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 195 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 195 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 195 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 195 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 196 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 196 -20313
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 196 1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 196 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 196 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 196 3
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Incoming 197 411
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Outgoing 197 -10311
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spin 197 0
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:Spectator 197 -1
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:InQuark 197 4
newdef ISGW2FormFactor:OutQuark 197 3
newdef ISGW2:FormFactor ISGW2FormFactor
create Herwig::SMZDecayer ZDecayer
newdef ZDecayer:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef ZDecayer:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 0 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 1 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 2 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 3 3.
newdef ZDecayer:QuarkMax 4 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 0 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 1 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 2 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 3 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 4 3.
newdef ZDecayer:LeptonMax 5 3.
newdef ZDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef ZDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef ZDecayer:Points 10000
newdef ZDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef ZDecayer:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::PScalarLeptonNeutrinoDecayer PScalarlnu
newdef PScalarlnu:Iteration 1
newdef PScalarlnu:Ntry 500
newdef PScalarlnu:Points 100
newdef PScalarlnu:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 211 127.27 2 0.000138471 1.08315 0
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 321 36.06 2 1.87067e-05 0.731058 0
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 431 281.36 3 1.83428e-07 0.00782778 0.0760936
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 411 51.2 3 1.19915e-08 0.000511418 0.00135052
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 541 16 3 1.7429e-09 7.47667e-05 0.0179128
do PScalarlnu:SetUpDecayMode 521 0.759 3 1.19578e-11 5.12844e-07 0.000114138
create Herwig::VectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer VectorVV
newdef VectorVV:Iteration 1
newdef VectorVV:Ntry 1000
newdef VectorVV:Points 10000
newdef VectorVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 30213 213 113 3.21 35.
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 30113 -213 213 3.21 35.
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 100213 213 113 9.59 52.2482
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 100113 -213 213 9.59 45.0477
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 533 -533 5.2 1.50168
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 513 -513 1.9 1.50069
do VectorVV:SetUpDecayMode 9000553 523 -523 1.9 1.50134
create Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer ISGW2Hadronic
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:Iteration 1
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:Ntry 500
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:Points 10000
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a1Bottom 1.1
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a2Bottom -0.24
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a1Charm 1.3
newdef ISGW2Hadronic:a2Charm -0.55
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
insert ISGW2Hadronic:Currents 0 ISGW2HadronicScalarCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:ID 16 10433
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
insert ISGW2Hadronic:Currents 1 ISGW2HadronicVectorCurrent
create Herwig::ISGW2FormFactor ISGW2HadronicFormFactor
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:DownMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:UpMass 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:StrangeMass 0.55
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CharmMass 1.82
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:BottomMass 5.2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0ud 0.41
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0us 0.44
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0ss 0.53
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0cu 0.45
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0cs 0.56
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0ub 0.43
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0sb 0.54
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0cc 0.88
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1S0bc 0.92
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pud 0.28
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pus 0.3
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pss 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pcu 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pcs 0.38
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pub 0.35
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Psb 0.41
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pcc 0.52
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta1Pbc 0.6
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1ud 0.3
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1us 0.33
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1ss 0.37
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1cu 0.38
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1cs 0.44
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1ub 0.4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1sb 0.49
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1cc 0.62
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Beta3S1bc 0.75
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:AlphaCutOff 0.6
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDrho 0.889
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDKstar 0.928
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDsKstar 0.873
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfDsphi 0.911
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBrho 0.905
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBDstar 0.989
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBsKstar 0.892
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBsDstar 0.984
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcDstar 0.868
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcpsi 0.967
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcBsstar 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:CfBcBstar 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.349066
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 0 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 0 -411
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 0 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 0 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 1 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 1 -413
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 1 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 2 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 2 -415
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 2 2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 2 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 3 10413
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 3 -2
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Incoming 4 -541
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -20413
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 4 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 5 10411
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 5 0
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 5 1
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -421
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 6 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 6 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 7 -423
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 7 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 8 -425
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 8 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 8 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 9 -10423
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 9 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 9 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 10 -20423
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 10 -4
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 10 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 11 -10421
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 11 2
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 12 -431
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 13 -433
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 14 -435
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 15 -10433
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 16 -20433
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 17 -10431
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 18 441
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 19 443
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 19 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 19 4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 20 445
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 21 10443
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 21 4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 22 20443
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spin 22 1
newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 22 -4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 22 4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 23 10441
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Spectator 23 4
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 42 311
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 43 313
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 44 315
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 48 321
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 50 325
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 54 221
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 55 331
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 56 333
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newdef ISGW2HadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 57 335
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insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1501 3.51392e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1502 2.62619e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1503 4.82711e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1504 4.86653e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1505 1.2628e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1506 3.60766e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1507 0.00128518
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1508 6.15486e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1509 3.13414e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1510 1.24113e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1511 1.01578e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1512 0.000362136
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1513 1.04208e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1514 1.6022e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1515 1.99376e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1516 1.44953e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1517 0.000513428
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1518 3.39376e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1519 5.45222e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1520 5.78621e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1521 2.14348e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1522 9.50426e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1523 2.77321e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1524 9.35602e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1525 1.51489e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1526 5.39663e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1527 3.06082e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1528 3.96726e-12
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1529 6.64529e-13
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1530 2.37078e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1531 2.08119e-12
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1532 0.0906514
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1533 0.00655737
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1534 0.194663
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1535 0.00720782
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1536 0.168179
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1537 0.0242007
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1538 0.00128659
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1539 0.151883
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1540 0.0064175
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1541 0.0349962
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1542 0.000119961
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1543 1.99774e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1544 0.0082
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1545 0.00888319
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1546 0.000159215
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1547 0.00160848
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1548 2.21177e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1549 6.84286e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1550 6.33654e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1551 7.10972e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1552 2.2482e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1553 1.03081e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1554 3.71723e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1555 0.000219427
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1556 1.84988e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1557 0.000250142
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1558 1.50801e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1559 1.06989e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1560 0.000294318
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1561 0.000248944
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1562 0.00796066
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1563 0.000288656
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1564 0.00608008
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1565 0.00205386
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1566 9.52966e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1567 0.00174605
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1568 1.50321e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1569 1.85848e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1570 0.00547791
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1571 9.45203e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1572 0.00653332
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1573 0.000892962
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1574 0.00525054
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1575 3.60714e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1576 7.93914e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1577 2.68419e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1578 2.06545e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1579 9.0377e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1580 0.00138584
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1581 5.37466e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1582 0.00182377
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1583 1.72699e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1584 3.2425e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1585 0.00047197
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1586 2.13647e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1587 0.000898207
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1588 1.33171e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1589 3.1837e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1590 8.03532e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1591 2.52199e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1592 1.03332e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1593 1.42268e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1594 7.61904e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1595 0.00753127
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1596 0.000273977
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1597 0.00958453
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1598 0.000436011
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1599 0.0170353
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1600 0.00236283
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1601 4.43421e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1602 0.0144288
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1603 0.000410463
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1604 0.00515483
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1605 1.67725e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1606 1.69155e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1607 5.55169e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1608 1.24044e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1609 5.50562e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1610 0.000942081
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1611 3.25734e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1612 0.0010801
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1613 8.48479e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1614 1.05941e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1615 0.00381795
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1616 2.65595e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1617 0.00719333
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1618 2.34508e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1619 1.97446e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1620 8.74246e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1621 2.15809e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1622 5.10599e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1623 8.03246e-15
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1624 9.84887e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1625 0.0859114
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1626 0.00665947
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1627 0.000152355
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1628 0.115277
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1629 1.59278e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1630 0.501858
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1631 0.00487397
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1632 0.00014329
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1633 0.18175
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1634 3.02994e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1635 4.46212e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1636 5.80007e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1637 2.0662e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1638 9.99202e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1639 5.19569e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1640 3.80089e-11
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1641 1.36745e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1642 1.00467e-10
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1643 0.000169181
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1644 0.000152837
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1645 1.13787e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1646 0.00405351
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1647 0.000190006
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1648 5.21745e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1649 2.48955e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1650 0.000885514
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1651 1.80427e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1652 9.29678e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1653 0.433737
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1654 8.81207e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1655 7.74234e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1656 0.207994
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1657 1.58071e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1658 3.06389e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1659 7.03968e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1660 2.50744e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1661 9.03655e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1662 1.77767e-15
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1663 6.34078e-13
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1664 0.0167046
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1665 0.0183919
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1666 0.00327335
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1667 0.016342
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1668 0.000318794
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1669 6.91014e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1670 3.74945e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1671 8.81558e-14
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1672 0.0230301
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1673 0.000433045
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1674 0.00440227
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1675 7.14496e-07
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1676 0.00016
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1677 0.000165861
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1678 1.98216e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1679 6.41893e-05
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1680 3.34973e-09
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1681 1.15405e-08
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1682 0.000563589
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1683 4.93522e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1684 0.000655498
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1685 4.05064e-06
insert ISGW2Hadronic:MaximumWeight 1686 2.96856e-05
create Herwig::PScalar4FermionsDecayer PScalar4f
newdef PScalar4f:Iteration 1
newdef PScalar4f:Ntry 500
newdef PScalar4f:Points 10000
newdef PScalar4f:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PScalar4f:SetUpDecayMode 111 11 11 0.0251591 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.000287254
do PScalar4f:SetUpDecayMode 221 11 11 0.0248 2 113 0.7758 0.1503 0.000268792
create Herwig::ScalarScalarScalarDecayer ScalarSS
newdef ScalarSS:Iteration 1
newdef ScalarSS:Ntry 500
newdef ScalarSS:Points 10000
newdef ScalarSS:GenerateIntermediates 0
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 111 111 1660 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 211 -211 2350 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 321 -321 1020 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9010221 311 -311 1020 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 111 111 745 1.18096
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 211 -211 1054 1.18029
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 100111 111 5027 2.3846
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 100211 -211 5027 2.30756
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 321 -321 886 1.19989
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 311 -311 886 1.19012
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 111 111 503 1.1012
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 211 -211 711 1.09915
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 321 -321 2096 1.05631
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 311 -311 2096 1.05209
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000221 111 111 3654 1.09971
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000221 211 -211 5178 1.09997
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 221 111 3330 1.10192
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000211 221 211 3330 1.10212
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 321 -321 2540 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000111 311 -311 2540 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000211 321 -311 3590 1.1
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 221 111 1357 1.09914
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10211 221 211 1357 1.09815
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 331 111 995 1.13279
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10211 331 211 995 1.13026
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 321 -321 950 1.10325
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10111 311 -311 950 1.09597
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10211 321 -311 1344 1.10042
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 221 221 235 1.26383
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10331 221 221 2189 5.4
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10221 9000221 9000221 21460 7.54408
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10311 311 111 2837 1.1139
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10311 321 -211 4000 1.1087
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10321 321 111 2837 1.1165
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10321 311 211 4000 1.10612
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10411 411 111 5472 1.09982
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10411 421 211 7714 1.09992
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10421 421 111 5447 1.09983
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10421 411 -211 7818 1.1194
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10511 511 111 9698 1.10058
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10511 521 -211 13710 1.09697
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10521 521 111 9698 1.10162
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10521 511 211 13710 1.09592
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100311 10311 111 6595 2.13753
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100311 10321 -211 9445 2.13275
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100321 10321 111 6595 2.13257
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100321 10311 211 9445 2.13815
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10431 431 111 103 1.10901
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10531 531 111 8314 0.664961
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100221 9000111 111 2057 1.89242
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100221 9000211 -211 2057 1.91997
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 9000111 111 1470 1.85695
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 9000211 -211 1470 1.89707
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 221 9000221 4051 1.76697
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 100221 9000221 221 4316 1.75782
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 321 -321 104 1.18153
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 311 -311 104 1.18066
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 211 -211 93 1.10662
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 111 111 66 1.11492
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 221 221 64 1.17978
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 211 -211 1398 1.09972
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 111 111 989 1.10202
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 9000221 9000221 6079 7.35565
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 221 221 809 1.12039
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 221 331 2844 6.5
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 321 -321 686 1.1015
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 311 -311 686 1.09478
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 100111 111 2615 2.28089
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 100211 -211 2615 2.23395
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000311 311 111 3834 1.10384
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000311 321 -211 5406 1.10171
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000321 321 111 3834 1.11557
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 9000321 311 211 5406 1.08994
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 10321 -10321 104 1.53966
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 10311 -10311 104 1.50609
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10531 511 -311 12170 1.07391
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10531 521 -321 12170 1.1278
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10441 9010221 9010221 84 1.31568
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10311 311 221 5973 1.25177
do ScalarSS:SetUpDecayMode 10321 321 221 5973 1.25638
create Herwig::PScalarPScalarVectorDecayer PPVDecayer
newdef PPVDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef PPVDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef PPVDecayer:Points 10000
newdef PPVDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100111 -211 213 3.57 0 4.85468
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100211 111 213 3.57 4.92159
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100211 211 113 3.57 4.77463
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 311 113 1 3.79851
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 321 113 1 3.8839
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 321 -213 1.41 3.92582
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 311 213 1.41 3.83809
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 111 313 1.55 1.63383
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 111 323 1.55 1.64466
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100311 -211 323 2.19 1.64501
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100321 211 313 2.19 1.61787
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100331 -321 323 2.92 4.09876
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100331 -311 313 2.92 3.68371
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 -321 323 0.956 4.40423
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9020221 -311 313 0.956 3.48178
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10221 -211 20213 2.68 3.30881
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10221 111 20113 2.68 3.42189
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 -211 20213 1.147 3.21729
do PPVDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 111 20113 1.147 3.28207
create Herwig::QuarkoniumDecayer QDecayME0
newdef QDecayME0:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef QDecayME0:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef QDecayME0:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef QDecayME0:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME0:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME0:PartnerFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder
newdef QDecayME0:SplittingGenerator /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator
newdef QDecayME0:KinematicsReconstructor /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor
newdef QDecayME0:Shower Yes
newdef QDecayME0:Exclusive 1
newdef QDecayME0:Intermediates 0
newdef QDecayME0:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef QDecayME0:MECode 0
create Herwig::QuarkoniumDecayer QDecayME130
newdef QDecayME130:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef QDecayME130:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef QDecayME130:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef QDecayME130:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME130:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef QDecayME130:PartnerFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder
newdef QDecayME130:SplittingGenerator /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator
newdef QDecayME130:KinematicsReconstructor /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor
newdef QDecayME130:Shower Yes
newdef QDecayME130:Exclusive 1
newdef QDecayME130:Intermediates 0
newdef QDecayME130:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef QDecayME130:MECode 130
create Herwig::VectorMesonVectorScalarDecayer VVSDecayer
newdef VVSDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef VVSDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef VVSDecayer:Points 10000
newdef VVSDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 9000111 0.238 9.00936
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 333 22 9010221 0.267 14.2908
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 10331 0.00207 2.22552
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 10331 0.00144 8.11845
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 10331 0.00127 7.04697
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 333 9010221 0.00064 5.78346
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 223 9010221 0.00044 6.12632
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100553 22 10551 0.105 1.84492
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 200553 22 110551 0.16 1.95828
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 10441 0.258 3.80961
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 331 0.0508 1.64121
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 22 10331 0.00068 1.8543
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 333 9010221 0.000509 5.66804
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 213 9000221 5.056 4.95975
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100113 113 9000221 5.056 5.10698
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 22 9030221 0.00114 2.8072
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 20313 -311 0.00127 3.57449
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 20323 -321 0.00127 3.58
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 10213 -211 0.00106 7.98666
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 443 10113 111 0.00106 8.01101
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10313 -311 0.00152 3.70225
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10323 -321 0.00152 4.09967
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10213 -211 0.000694 8.30558
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10113 111 0.000694 8.31092
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 10223 211 1.45 2.82326
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30113 10223 111 1.45 2.83643
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 20213 111 1.09 2.82168
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30213 20113 211 1.09 2.78114
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30113 20213 -211 1.09 2.79808
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 10223 211 1.2 2.81029
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100113 10223 111 1.2 2.85301
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 20213 111 1.83 2.96886
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100213 20113 211 1.83 2.92035
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100113 20213 -211 1.83 2.92087
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100223 10113 111 1.659 2.55908
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100223 10213 -211 1.659 2.33324
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 100443 10443 111 0.0029 1.86135
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10333 313 -311 4.889 2.44776
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10333 323 -321 4.156 2.51169
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10223 113 111 4.411 3.29541
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10223 -213 211 4.411 3.32547
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10113 223 111 3.862 5.9555
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10213 223 211 3.862 5.6102
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10213 22 211 0.195 1.58726
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10433 413 311 0.161 2.09271
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10433 423 321 0.161 1.62303
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20533 513 -311 0.389 1.57892
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20533 523 -321 0.389 1.65181
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 213 311 4.98 2.21683
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 113 321 3.4 2.22014
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 -213 321 4.87 2.21695
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 113 311 3.55 2.21985
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 213 311 0.97 2.5873
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 113 321 0.69 2.67905
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 -213 321 0.97 2.62517
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 113 311 0.707 2.67986
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 223 321 4.76 3.5592
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 223 311 6 3.13577
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 223 321 0.6 5.60103
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 223 311 0.6 5.65356
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 313 211 0.941 3.34513
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10323 323 111 0.656 3.44165
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 323 -211 0.932 3.52483
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 313 111 0.658 3.35878
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 313 211 2.845 6.20364
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20323 323 111 1.99 7.14694
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 323 -211 2.84 6.18289
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 313 111 2 6.27914
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10423 413 -211 0.489 1.97898
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10423 423 111 0.347 1.76435
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10413 423 211 0.542 1.75368
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10413 413 111 0.383 2.00289
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20423 413 -211 1.933 3.82352
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20423 423 111 1.367 1.81635
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20413 423 211 1.926 1.91055
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20413 413 111 1.367 2.01247
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10523 513 211 0.13 1.5882
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10523 523 111 0.0924 1.61264
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10513 523 -211 0.13 1.58872
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10513 513 111 0.0924 1.61211
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20523 513 211 0.445 1.59926
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20523 523 111 0.314 1.59799
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20513 523 -211 0.445 1.59924
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20513 513 111 0.314 1.59793
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20433 433 111 0.022 1.6163
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20433 22 431 0.0587 1.60079
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 22 531 0.142 0.253632
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 533 111 0.0074 0.126654
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10543 22 541 0.0759 1.60144
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20543 22 541 0.175 1.60099
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10443 22 441 0.329 3.98776
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10553 22 551 0.0356 0.221701
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20213 323 -311 3.42 3.19968
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20213 -313 321 3.42 3.53218
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20113 -323 321 3.42 3.57566
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20113 -313 311 3.42 3.31095
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20113 22 111 0.01 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20213 22 211 0.01 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20333 -323 321 1.637 5.43736
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20333 -313 311 1.737 4.63598
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10313 22 311 0.119 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 20313 22 311 0.22 1.6
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 513 -311 0.0418 1.60089
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10533 523 -321 0.0373 1.60358
do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 30333 333 9010221 1.73 6.54072
+do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 200553 10553 111 0.00356 1.71427
+do VVSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 200553 22 10551 0.00458 1.67882
create Herwig::HeavyDecayer HvyDecayME0
newdef HvyDecayME0:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef HvyDecayME0:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef HvyDecayME0:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef HvyDecayME0:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME0:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME0:Exclusive 1
newdef HvyDecayME0:Intermediates 0
newdef HvyDecayME0:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef HvyDecayME0:MECode 0
create Herwig::HeavyDecayer HvyDecayME100
newdef HvyDecayME100:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef HvyDecayME100:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef HvyDecayME100:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef HvyDecayME100:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME100:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef HvyDecayME100:Exclusive 1
newdef HvyDecayME100:Intermediates 0
newdef HvyDecayME100:Partonic_Tries 100
newdef HvyDecayME100:MECode 100
create Herwig::ScalarMesonTensorScalarDecayer STSDecayer
newdef STSDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef STSDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef STSDecayer:Points 10000
newdef STSDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
do STSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10441 325 -10321 0.0217 4.36393
do STSDecayer:SetUpDecayMode 10441 315 -10311 0.0217 4.35748
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonLight1
newdef BaryonLight1:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonLight1:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonLight1:Points 10000
newdef BaryonLight1:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 0 2.29031
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 1 3.98905e-05
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 2 0.000122986
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 3 4.63043e-10
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 4 2.99887e-20
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 5 1.02435e-09
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 6 0.0037
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 7 0.00055
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 8 9.60594e-13
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 9 3.14573e-13
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 10 0.00404325
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 11 0.00135948
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 12 0.00239575
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 13 0.000490015
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 14 0.000228
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 15 3.58814e-06
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 16 0.00075
insert BaryonLight1:MaximumWeight 17 7.52759e-06
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonLight1Current
newdef BaryonLight1Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonLight1Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonLight1Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonLight1Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonLight1Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonLight1Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonLight1:Current BaryonLight1Current
create Herwig::LightBaryonQuarkModelFormFactor BaryonLight1Form
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 0 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 0 1.25
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 0 1.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 0 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 0 0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 0 0.96
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 0 0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 0 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 1 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 1 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 1 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 1 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 1 -0.32
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 1 -1.72
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 1 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 1 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 2 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 2 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 2 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 2 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 2 -0.32
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 2 -1.72
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 2 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 2 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 3 1.41
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 3 0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 3 0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 3 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 3 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 3 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 3 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 3 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 4 -1.41
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 4 -0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 4 -0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 4 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 4 0.6
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 4 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 4 0.77
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 4 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 5 -1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 5 0.24
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 5 0.73
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 5 0
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 5 0.56
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 5 0.71
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 5 0.76
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 5 1.04
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 6 -1.19
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 6 -0.99
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 6 -0.85
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 6 -0.025
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 6 0.71
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 6 0.98
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 6 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 6 1.12
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 7 -0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 7 0.19
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 7 0.44
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 7 0.0043
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 7 0.64
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 7 0.84
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 7 0.83
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 7 1.16
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 8 -0.97
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 8 0.27
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 8 0.62
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 8 0.0061
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 8 0.64
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 8 0.9
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 8 0.83
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 8 1.16
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 9 1.19
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 9 0.33
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 9 0.07
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 9 0.0076
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 9 0.68
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 9 0.89
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 9 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 9 1.1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 10 0.69
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 10 0.94
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 10 0.98
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 10 0.022
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 10 0.75
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 10 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 10 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 10 1.12
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f1 11 0.98
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g1 11 1.33
newdef BaryonLight1Form:f2 11 1.38
newdef BaryonLight1Form:g2 11 0.031
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf1 11 0.75
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdaf2 11 1.05
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag1 11 0.81
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Lambdag2 11 1.12
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 0 2112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 0 2212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 0 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 0 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 0 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 1 3222
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 1 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 1 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 1 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 2 3112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 2 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 2 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 2 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 2 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 2 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 3 3112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 3 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 3 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 3 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 3 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 3 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 4 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 4 3222
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 4 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 4 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 4 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 5 3312
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 5 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 5 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 5 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 6 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 6 2212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 6 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 6 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 7 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 7 2212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 7 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 7 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 7 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 8 3112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 8 2112
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 8 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 8 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 9 3312
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 9 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 9 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 9 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 9 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 10 3312
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 10 3212
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 10 1
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 10 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 10 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Incoming 11 3322
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Outgoing 11 3222
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:Spectator2 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1Form:InQuark 11 3
newdef BaryonLight1Form:OutQuark 11 2
newdef BaryonLight1:FormFactor BaryonLight1Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonHeavy1
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Points 10000
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 0 0.224655
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 1 0.223647
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 2 0.0680859
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 3 0.261028
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 4 0.259932
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 5 0.081155
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 6 0.261825
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 7 0.260714
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 8 0.0813646
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 9 6.31228e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 10 6.64235e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 11 1.66042e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 12 6.40337e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 13 5.98422e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 14 1.57092e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 15 6.19344e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 16 5.98856e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 17 1.59245e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 18 0.116794
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 19 0.111392
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 20 0.031394
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 21 8.71083e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 22 8.08105e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 23 2.10457e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 24 8.60724e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 25 8.27541e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 26 2.03931e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 27 1.07084e-10
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 28 1.06392e-10
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 29 2.51075e-11
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 30 0.164188
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 31 0.164551
insert BaryonHeavy1:MaximumWeight 32 0.0460406
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonHeavy1Current
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonHeavy1Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonHeavy1:Current BaryonHeavy1Current
create Herwig::BaryonThreeQuarkModelFormFactor BaryonHeavy1Form
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Order 50
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:LightMass 0.42
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:StrangeMass 0.57
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:LambdaQ 2.5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Lambdaqq 0.71
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Lambdasq 0.85
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Lambdass 1
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 0 0.000375628
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 1 0.00343009
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 2 0.0199814
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 3 0.0917634
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 4 0.359697
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 5 1.2551
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 6 4.00327
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 7 11.8929
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 8 33.3858
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 9 89.612
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 10 232.335
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 11 587.125
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 12 1457.96
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 13 3583.66
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 14 8774.68
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 15 21515.4
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 16 53045.1
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 17 131869
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 18 331096
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 19 840161
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 20 2.15444e+06
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 21 5.57995e+06
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 22 1.45848e+07
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 23 3.84373e+07
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 24 1.0205e+08
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 25 2.72723e+08
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 26 7.33119e+08
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 27 1.98107e+09
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 28 5.37853e+09
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 29 1.46646e+10
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 30 4.01372e+10
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 31 1.10242e+11
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 32 3.03769e+11
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 33 8.39505e+11
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 34 2.32642e+12
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 35 6.46325e+12
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 36 1.79984e+13
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 37 5.02307e+13
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 38 1.40473e+14
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 39 3.93594e+14
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 40 1.10481e+15
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 41 3.10643e+15
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 42 8.74841e+15
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 43 2.46747e+16
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 44 6.96937e+16
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 45 1.97116e+17
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 46 5.58224e+17
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 47 1.58279e+18
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 48 4.49307e+18
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 49 1.27686e+19
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 50 3.63244e+19
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 51 1.58249e-43
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 52 1.55096e-43
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 53 7.6833e-42
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 54 3.77428e-42
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 55 1.25131e-40
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 56 4.63466e-41
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 57 1.23766e-39
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 58 3.85248e-40
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 59 8.90842e-39
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 60 2.45582e-39
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 61 5.11996e-38
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 62 1.29144e-38
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 63 2.4948e-37
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 64 5.89613e-38
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 65 1.07799e-36
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 66 2.43358e-37
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 67 4.28681e-36
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 68 9.39947e-37
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C0 69 1.62026e-35
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insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 68 4.95279e-37
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insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 71 3.25063e-35
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 72 7.03967e-36
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 73 1.20917e-34
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 74 2.62249e-35
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 75 4.52583e-34
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 76 9.88547e-35
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insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 79 6.67068e-33
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 80 1.48541e-33
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 81 2.6361e-32
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 82 5.92285e-33
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insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 84 2.40017e-32
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 85 4.32644e-31
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 86 9.86219e-32
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 87 1.78867e-30
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 88 4.10053e-31
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 89 7.47622e-30
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 90 1.72232e-30
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 91 3.15449e-29
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 92 7.298e-30
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 93 1.34197e-28
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 94 3.11625e-29
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 95 5.7503e-28
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 96 1.3397e-28
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 97 2.47979e-27
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 98 5.79439e-28
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 99 1.07552e-26
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 100 2.51974e-27
insert BaryonHeavy1Form:C2 101 4.6887e-26
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 0 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 1 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 1 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 1 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 1 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 1 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 2 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 2 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 2 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 2 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 2 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 3 5112
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 3 4112
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 3 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 3 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 3 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 4 5212
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 4 4212
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 4 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 5 5222
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 5 4222
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 5 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 5 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 6 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 6 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 6 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 6 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 7 5112
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 7 4114
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 7 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 7 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 7 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 8 5212
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 8 4214
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 8 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 8 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 8 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 9 5222
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 9 4224
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 9 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 9 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 9 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Outgoing 10 4334
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutSpin 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:InQuark 10 5
newdef BaryonHeavy1Form:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy1:FormFactor BaryonHeavy1Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonHeavy2
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Points 10000
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 0 0.224529
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 1 0.220339
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 2 0.0563864
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 3 2.99041e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 4 3.16203e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 5 5.07564e-12
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 6 2.20245e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 7 2.73425e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 8 4.50209e-12
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 9 3.83095e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 10 3.46566e-11
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 11 6.57251e-12
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 12 0.266394
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 13 0.247822
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 14 0.0409128
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 15 0.273397
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 16 0.267639
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 17 0.0666931
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 18 0.273754
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 19 0.268016
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 20 0.0667733
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 21 0.100
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 22 0.098
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 23 1.72323e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 24 1.46686e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 25 1.71899e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 26 1.45838e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 27 1.75848e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 28 1.49537e-10
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 29 0.164607
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 30 0.143456
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 31 0.041659
insert BaryonHeavy2:MaximumWeight 32 0.0362478
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonHeavy2Current
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonHeavy2Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonHeavy2:Current BaryonHeavy2Current
create Herwig::SingletonFormFactor BaryonHeavy2Form
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:CharmMass 1.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaLambda 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaSigma 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaXi 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:ThetaXiPrime 0.785398
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 0 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 1 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 2 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 3 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 4 6.4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 5 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 6 6
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 7 2.5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 8 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 9 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 10 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 11 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:PoleMass 12 2.8
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 0 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 1 5112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 1 4112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 1 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 1 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 2 5212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 2 4212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 2 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 2 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 3 5222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 3 4222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 3 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 4 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 4 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 4 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 4 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 5 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 5 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 5 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 6 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 6 5
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 6 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 7 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 7 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 7 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 7 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 8 4112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 8 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 8 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 9 4212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 9 3212
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 9 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 9 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 9 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 10 4222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 10 3222
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 11 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 11 3322
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 11 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Incoming 12 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Outgoing 12 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InSpin 12 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutSpin 12 2
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator1 12 1
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:InQuark 12 4
newdef BaryonHeavy2Form:OutQuark 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy2:FormFactor BaryonHeavy2Form
create Herwig::KornerKramerCharmDecayer CharmBaryon1
newdef CharmBaryon1:Iteration 1
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ntry 500
newdef CharmBaryon1:Points 10000
newdef CharmBaryon1:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:OneOverNc 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Fpi 131.7
newdef CharmBaryon1:FK 160.6
newdef CharmBaryon1:Frho 0.272
newdef CharmBaryon1:fKstar 0.238
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mdcplus 2.42
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mscplus 2.54
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mdcminus 2.01
newdef CharmBaryon1:Mscminus 2.11
newdef CharmBaryon1:Cplus 0.73
newdef CharmBaryon1:Cminus 1.9
newdef CharmBaryon1:H2 0.119
newdef CharmBaryon1:H3 -0.011
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 0 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 0 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 0 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 0 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 0 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 0 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 0 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 0 0.0131
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 1 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 1 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 1 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 1 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 1 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 1 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 1 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 1 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 1 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 1 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 1 0.00585
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 2 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 2 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 2 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 2 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 2 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 2 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 2 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 2 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 2 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 2 111
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 2 0.0059
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 3 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 3 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 3 -0.169102
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 3 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 3 0.204124
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 3 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 3 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 3 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 3 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 3 221
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 3 0.00247881
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 4 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 4 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 4 0.985599
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 4 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 4 0.204124
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 4 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 4 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 4 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 4 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 4 331
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 4 0.0215345
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 5 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 5 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 5 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 5 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 5 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 5 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 5 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 5 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 5 2212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 5 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 5 0.045
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 6 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 6 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 6 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 6 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 6 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 6 321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 6 0.00427652
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 7 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 7 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 7 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 7 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 7 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 7 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 7 1.63299
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 7 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 7 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 7 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 7 0.136
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 8 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 8 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 8 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 8 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 8 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 8 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 8 -1.63299
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 8 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 8 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 8 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 8 0.067
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 9 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 9 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 9 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 9 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 9 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 9 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 9 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 9 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 9 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 9 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 9 0.0023
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 10 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 10 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 10 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 10 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 10 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 10 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 10 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 10 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 10 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 10 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 10 0.025
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 11 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 11 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 11 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 11 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 11 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 11 -321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 11 0.00201135
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 12 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 12 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 12 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 12 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 12 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 12 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 12 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 12 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 12 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 12 111
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 12 0.00075
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 13 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 13 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 13 -0.169102
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 13 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 13 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 13 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 13 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 13 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 13 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 13 221
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 13 0.0048
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 14 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 14 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 14 0.985599
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 14 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 14 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 14 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 14 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 14 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 14 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 14 331
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 14 0.0142804
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 15 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 15 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 15 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 15 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 15 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 15 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 15 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 15 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 15 3312
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 15 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 15 0.0176031
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 16 1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 16 -1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 16 2
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 16 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 16 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 16 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 16 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 16 0.0200215
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 17 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 17 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 17 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 17 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 17 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 17 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 17 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 17 0.41
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 18 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 18 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 18 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 18 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 18 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 18 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 18 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 18 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 18 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 18 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 18 0.0554171
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 19 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 19 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 19 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 19 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 19 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 19 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 19 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 19 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 19 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 19 113
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 19 0.0550436
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 20 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 20 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 20 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 20 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 20 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 20 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 20 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 20 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 20 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 20 223
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 20 0.201805
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 21 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 21 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 21 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 21 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 21 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 21 333
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 21 0.00524444
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 22 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 22 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 22 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 22 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 22 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 22 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 22 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 22 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 22 2212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 22 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 22 0.0798045
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 23 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 23 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 23 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 23 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 23 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 23 323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 23 0.00335682
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 24 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 24 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 24 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 24 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 24 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 24 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 24 1.63299
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 24 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 24 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 24 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 24 0.0465517
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 25 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 25 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 25 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 25 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 25 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 25 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 25 -1.63299
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 25 4232
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 25 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 25 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 25 1.72674
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 26 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 26 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 26 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 26 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 26 0.166667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 26 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 26 0.666667
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 26 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 26 3122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 26 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 26 0.0299461
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 27 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 27 0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 27 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 27 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 27 -0.288675
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 27 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 27 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 27 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 27 3212
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 27 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 27 0.0108903
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 28 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 28 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 28 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 28 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 28 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 28 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 28 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 28 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 28 3222
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 28 -323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 28 0.0072
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 29 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 29 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 29 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 29 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 29 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 29 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 29 1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 29 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 29 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 29 113
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 29 0.0288654
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 30 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 30 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 30 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 30 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 30 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 30 0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 30 -1.1547
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 30 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 30 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 30 223
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 30 0.12
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 31 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 31 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 31 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 31 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 31 0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 31 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 31 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 31 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 31 333
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 31 0.00536368
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 32 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 32 -0.408248
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 32 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 32 0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 32 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 32 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 32 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 32 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 32 3312
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 32 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 32 0.27
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 33 1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 33 -1
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 33 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 33 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 33 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 33 2
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 33 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 33 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 33 3322
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 33 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 33 0.0159979
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 34 0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 34 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 34 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 34 3214
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 34 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 34 0.0203127
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 35 0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 35 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 35 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 35 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 35 111
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 35 0.0206847
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 36 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 36 0.569036
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 36 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 36 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 36 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 36 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 36 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 36 4122
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 36 221
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 36 0.0243183
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 37 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 37 -0.097631
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 37 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 37 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 37 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 37 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 37 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 37 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 37 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 37 331
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 37 3.90584e-07
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 38 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 38 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 38 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 38 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 38 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 38 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 38 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 38 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 38 0.0172628
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 39 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 39 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 39 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 39 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 39 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 39 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 39 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 39 -321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 39 0.0519786
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 40 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 40 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 40 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 40 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 40 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 40 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 40 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 40 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 40 321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 40 0.0160487
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 41 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 41 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 41 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 41 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 41 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 41 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 41 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 41 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 41 0.00944063
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 42 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 42 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 42 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 42 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 42 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 42 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 42 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 42 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 42 -321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 42 0.0193036
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 43 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 43 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 43 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 43 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 43 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 43 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 43 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 43 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 43 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 43 111
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 43 0.0138565
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 44 0.097631
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 44 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 44 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 44 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 44 221
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 44 0.000755889
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 45 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 45 -0.569036
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 45 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 45 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 45 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 45 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 45 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 45 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 45 331
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 45 9.59072e-06
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 46 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 46 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 46 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 46 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 46 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 46 0
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 46 3314
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 46 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 46 0.0273069
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 47 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 47 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 47 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 47 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 47 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 47 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 47 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 47 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 47 3334
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 47 321
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 47 0.00570461
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 48 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 48 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 48 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 48 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 48 -311
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 48 0.00685019
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 49 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 49 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 49 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 49 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 49 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 49 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 49 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 49 4332
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newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 49 211
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 49 0.0101584
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 50 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 50 0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 50 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 50 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 50 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 50 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 50 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 50 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 50 3214
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 50 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 50 0.0380711
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 51 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 51 0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 51 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 51 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 51 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 51 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 51 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 51 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 51 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 51 113
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 51 0.0380348
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 52 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 52 0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 52 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 52 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 52 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 52 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 52 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 52 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 52 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 52 223
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 52 0.0213052
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 53 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 53 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 53 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 53 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 53 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 53 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 53 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 53 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 53 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 53 333
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 53 3.89911e-07
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 54 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 54 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 54 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 54 2214
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 54 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 54 0.0797601
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 55 -0.816497
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 55 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 55 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 55 2224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 55 -323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 55 0.244574
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 56 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 56 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 56 4122
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 56 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 56 323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 56 8.19361e-05
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 57 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 57 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 57 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 57 3214
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 57 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 57 0.0224257
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 58 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 58 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 58 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 58 3224
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 58 -323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 58 0.0459226
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 59 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 59 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 59 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 59 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 59 113
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 59 0.0405582
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 60 -0.333333
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 60 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 60 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 60 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 60 223
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 60 0.0176579
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 61 -0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 61 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 61 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 61 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 61 333
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 61 2.00738e-09
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 62 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 62 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 62 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 62 3314
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 62 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 62 0.0742392
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 63 0.471405
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 63 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 63 4132
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 63 3334
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 63 323
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 63 0.000160371
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 64 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 64 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 64 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 64 3324
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 64 -313
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 64 0.041161
newdef CharmBaryon1:I1 65 -0.57735
newdef CharmBaryon1:I2 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I3 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I4 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:I5 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat3 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Ihat4 65 0
newdef CharmBaryon1:Incoming 65 4332
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingB 65 3334
newdef CharmBaryon1:OutgoingM 65 213
newdef CharmBaryon1:MaxWeight 65 0.0643286
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonHeavy3
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Points 10000
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 0 0.155059
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 1 0.154479
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 2 0.0478423
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 3 0.183107
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 4 0.18242
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 5 0.0558729
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 6 0.183291
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 7 0.182598
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 8 0.0559255
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 9 0.116825
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 10 0.110605
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 11 0.0267389
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 12 0.132773
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 13 0.132352
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 14 0.0365608
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 15 0.0227486
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 16 0.0222433
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 17 0.0338862
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 18 0.0334095
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 19 0.1
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 20 0.097
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 21 0.025
insert BaryonHeavy3:MaximumWeight 22 0.025
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonHeavy3Current
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonHeavy3Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonHeavy3:Current BaryonHeavy3Current
create Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor BaryonHeavy3Form
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:DownMass 0.322
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:UpMass 0.338
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:CharmMass 1.6
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:BottomMass 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMassbc 6.34
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMassbc 6.73
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMassbs 5.42
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMassbs 5.86
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMassbd 5.32
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMassbd 5.71
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMasscs 2.11
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMasscs 2.54
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:VectorMasscu 2.01
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:AxialMasscu 2.42
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 1 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 2 0.707107
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 3 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 3 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 5 0.707107
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 5 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 6 0.707107
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 6 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 7 0.5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 8 0.5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 9 0.288675
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 9 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 10 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 10 -0.333333
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 11 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 11 -0.333333
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 12 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 12 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 13 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 13 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 14 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 14 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 15 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 15 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 16 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 16 0
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 17 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 17 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 18 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 18 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Nfi 19 0.57735
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Eta 19 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 0 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 1 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 1 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 1 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 2 5122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 2 2112
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 2 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 2 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 3 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 3 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 3 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 3 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 4 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 4 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 4 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 4 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 5 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 6 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 6 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 6 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 7 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 7 3212
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 7 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 7 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 7 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 8 5132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 8 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 8 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 9 5232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 9 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 9 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 9 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 10 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 10 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 11 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 11 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 11 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 11 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 12 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 12 4334
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 12 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 12 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 12 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 13 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 13 3334
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 13 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 13 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 13 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 13 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 13 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 13 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 14 5332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 14 3314
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 14 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 14 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 14 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 14 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 14 5
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 14 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 15 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 15 3334
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 15 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 15 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 15 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 15 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 15 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 15 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 16 4332
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 16 3324
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 16 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 16 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 16 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 16 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 16 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 16 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 17 4122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 17 3122
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 17 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 17 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 17 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 17 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 17 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 17 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 18 4232
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 18 3322
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 18 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 18 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 18 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 18 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 18 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 18 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Incoming 19 4132
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Outgoing 19 3312
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InSpin 19 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutSpin 19 2
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator1 19 1
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:Spectator2 19 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:InQuark 19 4
newdef BaryonHeavy3Form:OutQuark 19 3
newdef BaryonHeavy3:FormFactor BaryonHeavy3Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer WSB
newdef WSB:Iteration 1
newdef WSB:Ntry 500
newdef WSB:Points 10000
newdef WSB:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 0 0.21439
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 1 0.0902162
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 2 2.29241e-14
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 3 9.67869e-15
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 4 0.126126
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 5 0.10663
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 6 0.320113
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 7 0.272174
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 8 0.0107195
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 9 0.00938398
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 10 0.013847
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 11 0.0121369
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 12 0.00305138
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 13 0.00258198
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 14 0.000647596
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 15 0.000490013
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 16 0.0787667
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 17 0.0764814
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 18 0.19791
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 19 0.193905
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 20 0.00689828
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 21 0.00673749
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 22 0.00898338
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 23 0.0087807
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 24 0.0152457
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 25 0.0144707
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 26 0.0790222
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 27 0.0674034
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 28 0.0235821
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 29 0.0185835
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 30 0.00803963
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 31 0.00695707
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 32 0.00646112
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 33 0.00630702
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 34 0.183436
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 35 0.188816
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 36 0.0893685
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 37 0.0834068
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 38 0.0188587
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 39 0.0814216
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 40 0.0762031
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 41 0.0171754
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 42 0.000282313
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 43 0.00027201
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 44 0.000143382
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 45 0.000516226
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 46 0.000498686
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 47 0.000262857
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 48 0.000100106
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 49 9.60475e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 50 4.7111e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 51 4.8426e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 52 4.66258e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 53 2.04411e-05
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 54 0.115875
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 55 0.114911
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 56 0.0302228
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 57 0.117263
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 58 0.114856
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 59 0.032145
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 60 0.000700866
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 61 0.000690372
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 62 0.000331167
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 63 0.00126096
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 64 0.00130993
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 65 0.000608944
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 66 0.00170589
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 67 0.00165399
insert WSB:MaximumWeight 68 0.000855379
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent WSBCurrent
newdef WSBCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef WSBCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef WSBCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef WSBCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef WSBCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef WSBCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef WSB:Current WSBCurrent
create Herwig::WSBFormFactor WSBFormFactor
newdef WSBFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 0 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 0 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 0 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 0 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 0 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 0 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 1 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 1 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 1 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 1 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 1 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 1 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 2 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 2 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 2 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 2 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 2 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 2 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 3 0.992
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 3 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 3 0.494
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 3 1.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 3 0.892
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 3 1.273
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 4 0.762
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 4 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 4 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 4 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 4 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 4 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 5 0.762
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 5 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 5 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 5 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 5 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 5 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 6 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 6 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 6 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 6 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 6 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 6 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 7 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 7 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 7 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 7 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 7 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 7 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 8 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 8 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 8 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 8 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 8 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 8 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 9 0.692
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 9 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 9 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 9 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 9 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 9 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 10 0.681
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 10 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 10 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 10 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 10 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 10 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 11 0.681
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 11 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 11 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 11 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 11 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 11 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 12 0.655
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 12 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 12 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 12 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 12 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 12 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 13 0.655
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 13 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 13 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 13 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 13 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 13 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 14 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 14 1.226
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 14 0.733
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 14 0.88
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 14 1.147
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 14 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 14 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 14 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 14 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 15 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 15 1.226
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 15 0.733
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 15 0.88
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 15 1.147
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 15 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 15 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 15 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 15 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 16 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 16 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 16 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 16 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 16 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 16 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 16 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 16 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 16 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 17 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 17 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 17 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 17 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 17 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 17 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 17 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 17 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 17 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 18 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 18 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 18 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 18 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 18 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 18 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 18 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 18 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 18 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 19 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 19 1.225
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 19 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 19 0.775
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 19 0.923
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 19 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 19 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 19 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 19 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 20 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 20 1.236
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 20 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 20 0.772
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 20 0.92
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 20 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 20 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 20 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 20 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 21 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 21 1.236
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 21 0.669
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 21 0.772
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 21 0.92
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 21 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 21 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 21 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 21 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 22 0.723
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 22 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 22 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 22 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 22 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 22 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 23 0.704
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 23 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 23 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 23 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 23 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 23 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 24 0.643
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 24 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 24 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 24 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 24 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 24 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 24 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 24 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 24 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 25 0.643
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 25 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 25 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 25 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 25 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 25 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 25 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 25 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 25 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 26 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 26 1.25
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 26 0.634
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 26 0.717
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 26 0.853
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 26 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 26 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 26 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 26 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 27 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 27 1.25
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 27 0.634
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 27 0.717
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 27 0.853
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 27 1.87
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 27 2.47
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 27 2.01
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 27 2.42
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 28 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 28 1.319
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 28 0.7
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 28 0.82
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 28 1.076
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 28 1.97
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 28 2.6
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 28 2.11
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 28 2.53
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 29 0.69
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 29 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 29 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 29 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 29 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 29 6.3
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 29 6.8
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 29 6.34
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 29 6.73
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 30 0.69
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 30 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 30 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 30 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 30 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 30 6.3
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 30 6.8
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 30 6.34
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 30 6.73
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 31 0.379
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 31 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 31 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 31 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 31 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 31 5.38
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 31 5.89
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 31 5.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 31 5.82
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 32 0.379
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 32 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 32 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 32 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 32 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 32 5.38
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 32 5.89
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 32 5.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 32 5.82
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 33 0.333
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 33 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 33 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 33 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 33 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 33 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 33 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 33 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 33 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 34 0.333
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 34 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 34 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 34 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 34 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 34 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 34 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 34 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 34 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 35 0.333
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 35 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 35 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 35 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 35 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 35 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 35 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 35 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 35 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 36 0.333
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 36 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 36 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 36 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 36 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 36 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 36 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 36 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 36 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 37 0.307
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 37 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 37 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 37 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 37 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 37 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 37 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 37 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 37 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 38 0.307
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 38 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 38 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 38 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 38 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 38 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 38 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 38 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 38 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 39 0.254
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 39 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 39 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 39 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 39 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 39 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 39 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 39 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 39 5.71
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 40 0.254
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 40 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 40 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 40 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 40 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 40 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 40 5.78
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 40 5.32
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 40 5.71
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newdef WSBFormFactor:V 41 0.705
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 41 0.623
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 41 0.651
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 41 0.686
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 41 6.3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 41 6.73
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newdef WSBFormFactor:V 42 0.705
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 42 0.623
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 42 0.651
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 42 0.686
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 42 6.3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 42 6.73
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 43 0.321
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 43 0.328
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 43 0.331
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 43 5.89
newdef WSBFormFactor:VectorMass 43 5.43
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 43 5.82
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 44 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 44 0.369
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 44 0.321
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 44 0.328
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 44 0.331
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 44 5.38
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 44 5.89
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 44 5.82
newdef WSBFormFactor:F0 45 0
newdef WSBFormFactor:V 45 0.329
newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 45 0.281
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 45 0.283
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 45 0.283
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A0 46 0.281
newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 46 0.283
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 46 0.283
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 46 5.27
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 46 5.71
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A1 47 0.283
newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 47 0.283
newdef WSBFormFactor:ScalarMass 47 5.27
newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 47 5.78
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newdef WSBFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 47 5.71
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 48 0.283
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 49 0.281
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newdef WSBFormFactor:A2 50 0.281
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 14 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 15 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 16 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 17 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 18 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 19 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 20 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 21 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 22 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 23 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 24 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 25 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 26 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 27 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 28 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 30 4
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 31 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 32 -311
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 32 3
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 33 111
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 33 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 34 211
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 34 2
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 35 -521
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 35 -211
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 35 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 36 111
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 36 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 37 221
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 37 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 38 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 39 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 40 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 42 413
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 42 4
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 43 -521
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 43 -323
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 43 3
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 44 -511
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 44 -313
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spin 44 1
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 44 -1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 44 3
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 45 -521
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 45 113
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 45 -2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 45 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 46 2
newdef WSBFormFactor:Incoming 47 -521
newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 47 -213
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spin 47 1
newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 47 -2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 47 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 48 1
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Outgoing 49 223
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newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 49 2
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newdef WSBFormFactor:Spectator 50 -1
newdef WSBFormFactor:InQuark 50 5
newdef WSBFormFactor:OutQuark 50 1
newdef WSB:FormFactor WSBFormFactor
create Herwig::BaryonFactorizedDecayer BottomBaryonScalar
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Iteration 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Ntry 500
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Points 10000
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a1Bottom 1.23
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a2Bottom 0.33
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a1Charm 1.1
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:a2Charm -0.5
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:CKM /Herwig/CKM
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 0 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 1 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 2 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 3 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 4 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 5 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 6 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 7 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 8 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 9 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 10 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 11 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 12 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 13 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 14 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 15 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 16 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 17 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 18 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 19 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 20 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 21 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 22 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 23 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 24 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 25 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 26 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 27 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 28 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 29 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 30 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 31 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 32 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 33 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 34 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 35 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 36 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 37 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 38 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 39 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 40 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 41 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 42 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 43 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 44 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 45 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 46 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 47 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 48 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 49 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 50 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 51 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 52 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 53 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 54 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 55 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 56 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 57 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 58 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 59 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 60 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 61 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 62 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 63 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 64 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 65 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 66 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 67 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 68 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 69 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 70 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 71 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 72 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 73 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 74 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 75 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 76 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 77 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 78 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 79 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 80 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 81 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 82 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 83 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 84 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 85 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 86 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:WeightLocation 87 0
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 0 0.021
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 1 0.0018
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 2 0.0024
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 3 0.070
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 4 0.006
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 5 8.56063e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 6 4.41438e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 7 4.27007e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 8 6.07688e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 9 9.19826e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 10 1.19065e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 11 6.16384e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 12 6.01101e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 13 8.8887e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 14 3.7768e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 15 0.027
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 16 0.0025
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 17 0.0035
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 18 0.09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 19 0.0045673
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 20 0.028
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 21 0.0025
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 22 0.003
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 23 0.088
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 24 0.00457512
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 25 1.77806e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 26 9.17422e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 27 8.88518e-09
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insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 29 1.9241e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 30 1.79105e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 31 9.24135e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 32 8.95234e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 33 1.28062e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 34 1.9384e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 35 1.12622e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 36 5.83167e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 37 5.69376e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 38 8.42658e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 39 3.58044e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 40 1.12936e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 41 5.84801e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 42 5.70908e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 43 8.4519e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 44 3.5912e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 45 2.69015e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 46 1.39361e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 47 1.36195e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 48 2.02555e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 49 8.60654e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 50 0.018
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 51 0.00110106
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 52 0.0023
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 53 0.07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 54 0.00367262
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 55 1.43709e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 56 7.35099e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 57 6.98837e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 58 9.30994e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 59 3.95578e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 60 0.00598854
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 61 0.000472722
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 62 0.000640993
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 63 0.0169935
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 64 0.00128473
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 65 1.61781e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 66 7.84416e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 67 6.68216e-09
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 68 6.88474e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 69 1.04211e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 70 8.01444e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 71 3.82459e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 72 3.05222e-07
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 73 0.000225103
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 74 9.43004e-08
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 75 0.0131163
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 76 0.000866485
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 77 0.000102483
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 78 0.0002451
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 79 2.59124e-06
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 80 1.44122e-05
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 81 0.00511908
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 82 0.020127
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 83 0.00153056
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 84 0.0501601
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 85 0.00379703
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 86 0.0128147
insert BottomBaryonScalar:MaximumWeight 87 0.000969737
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent BottomBaryonScalarCurrent
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:Current BottomBaryonScalarCurrent
create Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor BottomBaryonScalarForm
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:DownMass 0.322
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:UpMass 0.338
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:CharmMass 1.6
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:BottomMass 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMassbc 6.34
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMassbc 6.73
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMassbs 5.42
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMassbs 5.86
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMassbd 5.32
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMassbd 5.71
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMasscs 2.11
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMasscs 2.54
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:VectorMasscu 2.01
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:AxialMasscu 2.42
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 1 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 2 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 5 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 5 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 6 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 7 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 8 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 9 0.288675
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 10 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 10 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 11 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 11 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 12 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 12 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 13 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 13 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 14 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 14 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 15 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 15 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 16 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 16 0
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 17 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 18 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 18 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Nfi 19 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Eta 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 0 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 1 5122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 1 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 1 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 2 5122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 2 2112
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 2 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 3 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 3 4232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 3 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 3 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 4 5132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 4 4132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 4 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 5 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 6 3312
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 6 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 7 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 7 3212
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 7 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 7 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 8 5132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 8 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 8 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 9 5232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 9 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 9 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 10 4332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 10 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 11 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 11 3312
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 11 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 11 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 12 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 12 4334
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 12 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 12 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 13 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 13 3334
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 13 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 13 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 14 5332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 14 3314
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 14 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 14 5
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 14 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 15 4332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 15 3334
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 15 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 16 4332
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 16 3324
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 17 4122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 17 3122
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 17 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 17 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 18 4232
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 18 3322
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 18 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Incoming 19 4132
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Outgoing 19 3312
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator1 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:Spectator2 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:InQuark 19 4
newdef BottomBaryonScalarForm:OutQuark 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonScalar:FormFactor BottomBaryonScalarForm
create Herwig::BaryonFactorizedDecayer BottomBaryonVector
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Iteration 1
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Ntry 500
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Points 10000
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a1Bottom 1.23
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a2Bottom 0.33
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a1Charm 1.1
newdef BottomBaryonVector:a2Charm -0.5
newdef BottomBaryonVector:CKM /Herwig/CKM
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 0 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 1 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 2 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 3 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 4 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 5 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 6 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 7 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 8 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 9 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 10 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 11 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 12 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 13 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 14 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 15 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 16 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 17 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 18 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 19 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 20 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 21 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 22 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 23 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 24 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 25 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 26 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 27 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 28 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 29 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 30 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 31 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 32 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 33 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 34 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 35 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 36 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 37 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 38 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 39 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 40 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 41 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 42 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 43 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 44 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 45 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 46 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 47 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 48 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 49 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 50 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 51 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 52 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 53 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 54 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 55 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 56 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 57 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 58 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 59 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 60 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 61 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 62 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 63 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 64 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 65 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 66 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 67 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 68 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 69 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 70 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 71 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 72 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 73 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 74 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 75 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 76 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 77 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 78 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 79 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 80 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 81 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 82 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 83 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 84 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 85 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 86 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 87 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 88 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 89 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 90 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 91 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 92 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 93 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 94 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 95 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 96 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 97 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 98 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 99 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 100 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 101 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 102 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 103 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 104 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 105 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 106 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 107 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 108 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 109 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 110 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 111 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 112 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 113 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 114 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 115 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 116 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:WeightLocation 117 0
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 0 0.06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 1 0.00612163
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 2 0.18
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 3 0.00309077
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 4 0.0695929
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 5 0.0324241
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 6 2.65172e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 7 8.37622e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 8 7.93362e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 9 8.953e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 10 1.3552e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 11 0.00115009
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 12 0.000972447
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 13 3.66488e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 14 1.13877e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 15 1.08871e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 16 0.000121201
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 17 5.14972e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 18 4.50002e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 19 4.13094e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 20 0.08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 21 0.00731867
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 22 0.23
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 23 0.00368031
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 24 0.0833327
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 25 0.038913
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 26 0.08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 27 0.00731593
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 28 0.24
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 29 0.00370561
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 30 0.083468
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 31 0.038978
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 32 5.49863e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 33 1.72936e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 34 1.64202e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 35 1.84595e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 36 2.79291e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 37 0.00237386
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 38 0.00201395
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 39 5.53851e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 40 1.7474e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 41 1.65383e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 42 1.85805e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 43 2.81345e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 44 0.00239027
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 45 0.00202752
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 46 3.45745e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 47 1.08706e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 48 1.02367e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 49 0.000112858
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 50 4.79645e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 51 4.13834e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 52 3.74634e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 53 3.46681e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 54 1.0836e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 55 1.02634e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 56 0.000113141
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 57 4.80722e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 58 4.14795e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 59 3.75666e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 60 8.25592e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 61 2.59006e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 62 2.44365e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 63 2.69568e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 64 1.1447e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 65 9.97623e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 66 9.23672e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 67 0.05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 68 0.00425156
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 69 0.15
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 70 0.00155878
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 71 0.041
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 72 0.0119752
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 73 4.20717e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 74 1.29436e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 75 1.16536e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 76 0.000100101
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 77 4.25338e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 78 2.30658e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 79 1.52993e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 80 0.0225479
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 81 0.00340359
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 82 0.0670545
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 83 0.00207781
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 84 0.0485642
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 85 0.0249597
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 86 5.19428e-08
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 87 1.602e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 88 1.55161e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 89 2.07183e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 90 3.13573e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 91 0.006
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 92 0.00355305
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 93 2.20399e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 94 4.56021e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 95 6.2865e-06
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 96 0.000590819
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 97 2.72562e-07
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 98 0.000250635
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 99 0.000233231
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 100 0.0666776
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 101 0.00385387
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 102 0.00895393
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 103 0.000482572
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 104 0.000972852
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 105 0.00180393
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 106 6.10446e-05
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 107 0.0217848
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 108 0.000128913
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 109 0.0832288
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 110 0.00593006
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 111 0.0408944
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 112 0.203886
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 113 0.0137325
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 114 0.0871771
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 115 0.0520421
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 116 0.00349373
insert BottomBaryonVector:MaximumWeight 117 0.0220737
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent BottomBaryonVectorCurrent
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.16632
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.16632
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.16632
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
newdef BottomBaryonVector:Current BottomBaryonVectorCurrent
create Herwig::ChengHeavyBaryonFormFactor BottomBaryonVectorForm
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:DownMass 0.322
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:UpMass 0.338
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:StrangeMass 0.51
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:CharmMass 1.6
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:BottomMass 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMassbc 6.34
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMassbc 6.73
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMassbs 5.42
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMassbs 5.86
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMassbd 5.32
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMassbd 5.71
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMasscs 2.11
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMasscs 2.54
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:VectorMasscu 2.01
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:AxialMasscu 2.42
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 1 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 2 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 3 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 5 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 5 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 6 0.707107
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 7 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 8 0.5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 9 0.288675
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 10 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 10 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 11 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 11 -0.333333
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 12 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 12 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 13 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 13 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 14 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 14 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 15 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 15 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 16 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 16 0
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 17 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 18 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 18 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Nfi 19 0.57735
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Eta 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 0 5122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 0 4122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 0 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 0 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 0 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 0 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 1 5122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 1 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 1 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 1 3
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newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 2 2112
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 2 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 2 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 2 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 3 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 3 4232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 3 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 3 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 3 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 3 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 4 5132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 4 4132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 4 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 4 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 4 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 4 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 5 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 5 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 5 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 6 5132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 6 3312
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 6 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 6 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 6 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 7 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 7 3212
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 7 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 7 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 7 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 8 5132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 8 3112
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 8 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 8 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 8 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 9 5232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 9 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 9 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 9 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 9 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 10 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 10 4332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 10 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 10 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 10 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 11 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 11 3312
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 11 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 11 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 11 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 12 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 12 4334
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 12 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 12 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 12 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 12 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 13 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 13 3334
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 13 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 13 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 13 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 13 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 14 5332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 14 3314
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 14 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 14 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 14 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 14 5
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 14 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 15 4332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 15 3334
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 15 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 15 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 15 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 16 4332
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 16 3324
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 16 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 16 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 16 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 17 4122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 17 3122
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 17 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 17 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 17 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 17 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 18 4232
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 18 3322
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 18 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 18 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 18 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Incoming 19 4132
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Outgoing 19 3312
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutSpin 19 2
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator1 19 1
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:Spectator2 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:InQuark 19 4
newdef BottomBaryonVectorForm:OutQuark 19 3
newdef BottomBaryonVector:FormFactor BottomBaryonVectorForm
create Herwig::StrongHeavyBaryonDecayer HeavyStrong
newdef HeavyStrong:Iteration 1
newdef HeavyStrong:Ntry 500
newdef HeavyStrong:Points 10000
newdef HeavyStrong:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef HeavyStrong:gSigma_cLambda_cPi 8.88
newdef HeavyStrong:gXiStar_cXi_cPi 8.34
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_c1Sigma_cPi 0.52
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_c1Xi_cPi 0.36
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_c1*Sigma_cPi 21.5
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_c1*Xi_cPi 20
newdef HeavyStrong:gSigma_bLambda_bPi 8.88
newdef HeavyStrong:gXiStar_bXi_bPi 8.34
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_b1Sigma_bPi 0.52
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_b1Xi_bPi 0.36
newdef HeavyStrong:fLambda_b1*Sigma_bPi 21.5
newdef HeavyStrong:fXi_b1*Xi_bPi 20
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 0 4222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 0 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 0 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 0 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 0 2.00656
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 1 4212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 1 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 1 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 1 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 1 2.32796
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 2 4112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 2 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 2 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 2 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 2 2.00361
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 3 4224
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 3 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 3 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 3 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 3 2.25125
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 4 4214
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 4 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 4 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 4 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 4 2.16303
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 5 4114
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 5 4122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 5 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 5 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 5 2.06737
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 6 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 6 4232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 6 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 6 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 6 1.99324
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 7 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 7 4132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 7 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 7 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 7 1.50601
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 8 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 8 4132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 8 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 8 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 8 1.72816
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 9 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 9 4232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 9 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 9 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 9 1.68833
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 10 101242
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 10 4222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 10 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 10 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 10 2.34015
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 11 101242
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 11 4212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 11 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 11 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 11 5.25433
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 12 101242
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 12 4112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 12 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 12 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 12 2.50106
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 13 101244
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 13 4222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 13 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 13 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 13 11.5795
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 14 101244
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 14 4212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 14 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 14 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 14 13.7322
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 15 101244
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 15 4112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 15 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 15 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 15 11.5641
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 16 5222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 16 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 16 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 16 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 16 1.60113
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 17 5212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 17 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 17 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 17 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 17 1.59965
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 18 5112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 18 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 18 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 18 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 18 1.5982
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 19 5224
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 19 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 19 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 19 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 19 1.5944
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 20 5214
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 20 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 20 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 20 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 20 1.60103
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 21 5114
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 21 5122
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 21 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 21 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 21 1.60585
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 22 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 22 5232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 22 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 22 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 22 1.88378
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 23 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 23 5132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 23 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 23 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 23 1.42109
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 24 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 24 5132
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 24 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 24 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 24 1.63003
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 25 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 25 5232
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 25 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 25 1
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 25 1.59544
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 26 101252
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 26 5222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 26 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 26 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 26 4.22387
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 27 101252
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 27 5212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 27 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 27 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 27 4.21194
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 28 101252
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 28 5112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 28 211
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newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 28 1.96324
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 29 101254
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 29 5222
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 29 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 29 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 29 0.107134
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 30 101254
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 30 5212
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 30 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 30 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 30 0.132231
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 31 101254
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 31 5112
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 31 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 31 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 31 0.0747326
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 32 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 32 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 32 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 32 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 32 1.50908
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 33 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 33 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 33 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 33 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 33 1.5594
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 34 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 34 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 34 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 34 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 34 1.48272
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 35 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 35 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 35 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 35 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 35 1.75973
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 36 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 36 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 36 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 36 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 36 2.24229
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 37 102344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 37 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 37 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 37 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 37 2.09263
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 38 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 38 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 38 111
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newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 38 2.36559
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 39 101344
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 39 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 39 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 39 0
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newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 40 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 40 4322
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newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 40 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 40 1.56278
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 41 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 41 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 41 211
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newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 41 1.49557
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 42 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 42 4312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 42 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 42 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 42 1.56355
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 43 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 43 4322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 43 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 43 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 43 1.55762
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 44 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 44 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 44 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 44 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 44 0.00928127
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 45 102342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 45 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 45 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 45 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 45 0.0125624
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 46 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 46 4314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 46 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 46 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 46 0.0120602
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 47 101342
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 47 4324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 47 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 47 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 47 0.0167952
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 48 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 48 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 48 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 48 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 48 1.87626
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 49 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 49 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 49 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 49 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 49 1.616
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 50 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 50 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 50 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 50 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 50 1.84227
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 51 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 51 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 51 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 51 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 51 1.82865
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 52 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 52 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 52 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 52 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 52 2.77725
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 53 102354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 53 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 53 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 53 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 53 2.5378
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 54 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 54 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 54 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 54 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 54 2.93925
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 55 101354
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 55 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 55 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 55 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 55 2.69015
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 56 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 56 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 56 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 56 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 56 1.34628
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 57 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 57 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 57 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 57 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 57 1.28732
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 58 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 58 5312
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 58 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 58 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 58 1.34676
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 59 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 59 5322
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 59 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 59 0
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 59 1.34286
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 60 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 60 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 60 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 60 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 60 0.00860417
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 61 102352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 61 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 61 211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 61 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 61 0.0153272
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 62 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 62 5314
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 62 111
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 62 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 62 0.0115148
newdef HeavyStrong:Incoming 63 101352
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingB 63 5324
newdef HeavyStrong:OutgoingM 63 -211
newdef HeavyStrong:ModeType 63 2
newdef HeavyStrong:MaxWeight 63 0.0153888
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3StrongRoper
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Iteration 1
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Ntry 500
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Points 10000
newdef SU3StrongRoper:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Fcoupling 0.11
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Dcoupling 0.6
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Parity 1
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Proton 2212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3StrongRoper:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedProton 202212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedNeutron 202112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedSigma+ 203222
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedSigma0 203212
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedSigma- 203112
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedLambda 203122
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedXi0 203322
newdef SU3StrongRoper:ExcitedXi- 203312
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 0 1.80705
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 1 1.83437
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 2 0.626841
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 3 0.315783
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 4 0.0801244
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 5 0.495582
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 6 1.81893
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 7 1.82169
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 8 0.796182
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 9 0.417085
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 10 0.0805194
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 11 0.473075
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 12 1.67933
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 13 1.69741
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 14 1.601
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 15 3.86444
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 16 0.114795
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 17 0.119024
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 18 3.04579
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 19 2.91748
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 20 0.469575
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 21 0.45577
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 22 6.20849
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 23 10.9318
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 24 3.41669
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 25 4.09249
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 26 0.444487
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 27 0.464752
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 28 2.93537
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 29 3.02507
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 30 11.1723
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 31 10.8365
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 32 4.04486
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 33 3.44034
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 34 0.45577
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 35 0.448599
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 36 5.93298
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 37 11.0765
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 38 3.41669
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 39 3.94553
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 40 2.10871
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 41 0.177081
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 42 10.815
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 43 5.22192
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 44 0.225516
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 45 0.46041
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 46 1.59995
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 47 10.3094
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 48 5.47674
insert SU3StrongRoper:MaxWeight 49 0.210177
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3Strong2
newdef SU3Strong2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Strong2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Strong2:Points 10000
newdef SU3Strong2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Strong2:Fcoupling -0.33
newdef SU3Strong2:Dcoupling 0.6
newdef SU3Strong2:Parity 0
newdef SU3Strong2:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3Strong2:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Strong2:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Strong2:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Strong2:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Strong2:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Strong2:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Strong2:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Strong2:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedProton 102212
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedNeutron 102112
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedSigma+ 103222
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedSigma0 103212
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedSigma- 103112
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedLambda 103122
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedXi0 103322
newdef SU3Strong2:ExcitedXi- 103312
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 0 1.62119
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 1 1.63297
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 2 13.6826
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 3 6.91591
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 4 7.5876
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 5 0.497088
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 6 1.62475
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 7 1.62009
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 8 11.8384
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 9 6.60507
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 10 7.74213
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 11 0.472179
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 12 18.252
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 13 18.5175
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 14 17.7211
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 15 11.4144
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 16 11.7404
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 17 11.9092
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 18 7.03876
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 19 6.94796
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 20 8.3926
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 21 8.33094
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 22 1.70959
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 23 52.0614
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 24 13.5324
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 25 3.05822
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 26 8.14647
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 27 8.37524
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 28 0.841043
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 29 0.854517
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 30 52.3542
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 31 51.8405
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 32 2.9055
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 33 13.5578
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 34 8.27111
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 35 8.18578
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 36 1.63768
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 37 52.1333
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 38 13.5324
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 39 1.94042
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 40 8.1767
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 41 4.11344
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 42 48.938
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 43 47.8208
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 44 23.6554
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 45 2.17309
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 46 8.21707
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 47 4.06565
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 48 47.7349
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 49 49.0244
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 50 23.5405
insert SU3Strong2:MaxWeight 51 2.21665
create Herwig::SU3BaryonDecupletOctetScalarDecayer SU3Decuplet
newdef SU3Decuplet:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Decuplet:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Decuplet:Points 10000
newdef SU3Decuplet:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Decuplet:Ccoupling 1.5
newdef SU3Decuplet:Parity 1
newdef SU3Decuplet:Fpi 92.4
newdef SU3Decuplet:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Decuplet:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Decuplet:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3Decuplet:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3Decuplet:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3Decuplet:Omega 3334
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3Decuplet:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 0 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 1 4.52362
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 2 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 3 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 4 2.64073
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 5 1.44792
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 6 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 7 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 8 2.63609
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 9 1.41052
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 10 2.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 11 4.06786
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 12 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 13 3.0
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 14 12.761
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 15 3.20000
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 16 6.30188
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 17 6.54799
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 18 3.0
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 19 3.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 20 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 21 3.0
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 22 3.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 23 14.29
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 24 3.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 25 4.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 26 5.2
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 27 0.356554
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 28 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 29 4.8
insert SU3Decuplet:MaxWeight 30 1.72199
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer SU3RoperDecuplet
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Iteration 1
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Ntry 500
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Points 10000
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Coupling 1.35
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Parity 1
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Proton 202212
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Neutron 202112
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma+ 203222
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma0 203212
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma- 203112
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Lambda 203122
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi0 203322
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi- 203312
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Omega 3334
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3RoperDecuplet:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 0 2.56576
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 1 84.0227
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 2 2.56781
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 3 2.73098
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 4 56.7064
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 5 28.0791
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 6 2.57358
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 7 2.72882
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 8 57.6277
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 9 28.2219
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 10 2.56025
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 11 74.9779
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 12 16.1559
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 13 14.0751
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 14 0.791015
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 15 0.00104774
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 16 12.8492
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 17 43.7074
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 18 0.590208
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 19 0.608962
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 20 0.000397168
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 21 0.000528759
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 22 20.9576
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 23 12.4322
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 24 47.985
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 25 38.7633
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 26 12.8808
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 27 22.1448
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 28 1.10029
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 29 0.000365739
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 30 44.9148
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 31 12.3086
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 32 5.64695
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 33 2.7869
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 34 2.73645
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 35 1.57765
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 36 4.1449
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 37 5.09824
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 38 2.73002
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 39 2.48197
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 40 1.43915
insert SU3RoperDecuplet:MaxWeight 41 4.43562
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3Strong3
newdef SU3Strong3:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Strong3:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Strong3:Points 10000
newdef SU3Strong3:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Strong3:Fcoupling -0.69
newdef SU3Strong3:Dcoupling 1.75
newdef SU3Strong3:Parity 1
newdef SU3Strong3:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3Strong3:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Strong3:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Strong3:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Strong3:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Strong3:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Strong3:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Strong3:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Strong3:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedProton 102214
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedNeutron 102114
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedSigma+ 103224
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedSigma0 103214
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedSigma- 103114
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedLambda 103124
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedXi0 103324
newdef SU3Strong3:ExcitedXi- 103314
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 0 3.76502
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 1 3.80624
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 2 15.886
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 3 8.10483
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 4 49.1548
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 5 0.056859
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 6 3.7818
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 7 3.78946
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 8 16.046
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 9 8.07833
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 10 46.8005
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 11 0.0570574
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 12 38.4119
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 13 38.6815
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 14 37.2037
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 15 5.04034
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 16 1.81489
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 17 1.85277
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 18 0.297424
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 19 0.289611
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 20 4.94361
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 21 4.81691
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 22 1.3823
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 23 95.9447
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 24 29.2431
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 25 4.33187
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 26 4.6988
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 27 4.89784
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 28 0.662332
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 29 0.682562
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 30 98.0671
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 31 95.2452
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 32 4.18468
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 33 29.4475
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 34 4.81691
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 35 4.7443
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 36 1.28206
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 37 97.3651
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 38 29.2431
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 39 4.11443
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 40 26.6185
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 41 29.2309
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 42 460.632
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 43 450.193
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 44 18.8397
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 45 0.0169732
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 46 30.2496
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 47 28.0834
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 48 446.415
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 49 464.428
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 50 18.3862
insert SU3Strong3:MaxWeight 51 0.0191169
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer SU3OctetDecuplet2
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Points 10000
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Coupling 0.085
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Parity 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Proton 102212
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Neutron 102112
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma+ 103222
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma0 103212
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma- 103112
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Lambda 103122
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi0 103322
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi- 103312
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Omega 3334
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet2:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 0 2.32934
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 1 0.416437
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 2 2.32724
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 3 2.39008
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 4 0.288323
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 5 0.115812
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 6 2.32373
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 7 2.38921
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 8 0.281336
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 9 0.146149
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 10 2.32736
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 11 0.436271
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 12 0.101687
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 13 0.116201
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 14 0.0246518
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 15 0.748111
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 16 0.0736602
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 17 0.201734
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 18 0.00868203
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 19 0.00795239
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 20 0.362188
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 21 0.378257
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 22 0.0641479
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 23 0.08768
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 24 0.215179
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 25 0.302509
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 26 0.0757243
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 27 0.086701
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 28 0.0197644
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 29 0.83081
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 30 0.27337
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 31 0.0652819
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 32 0.644853
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 33 0.308066
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 34 0.0241458
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 35 0.00953046
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 36 0.438785
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 37 4.80464e-05
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 38 0.713118
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 39 0.298617
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 40 0.0186567
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 41 0.0109833
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 42 0.341691
insert SU3OctetDecuplet2:MaxWeight 43 5.03293e-05
create Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer SU3SingletOctet1
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Iteration 1
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Ntry 500
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Points 10000
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Coupling 0.39
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Parity 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Proton 2212
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3SingletOctet1:ExcitedLambda 101232
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 0 1.60862
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 1 1.65601
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 2 1.44904
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 3 10.9271
insert SU3SingletOctet1:MaxWeight 4 10.791
create Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetScalarDecayer SU3SingletOctet2
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Points 10000
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Coupling 1.5
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Parity 0
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Proton 2212
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3SingletOctet2:ExcitedLambda 101234
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 0 1.84716
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 1 1.88647
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 2 1.63557
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 3 0.00132433
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 4 0.93801
insert SU3SingletOctet2:MaxWeight 5 0.80882
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetScalarDecayer SU3Strong4
newdef SU3Strong4:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Strong4:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Strong4:Points 10000
newdef SU3Strong4:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Strong4:Fcoupling -0.48
newdef SU3Strong4:Dcoupling 0.68
newdef SU3Strong4:Parity 1
newdef SU3Strong4:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3Strong4:Proton 202212
newdef SU3Strong4:Neutron 202112
newdef SU3Strong4:Sigma+ 203222
newdef SU3Strong4:Sigma0 203212
newdef SU3Strong4:Sigma- 203112
newdef SU3Strong4:Lambda 203122
newdef SU3Strong4:Xi0 203322
newdef SU3Strong4:Xi- 203312
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedProton 102212
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedNeutron 102112
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedSigma+ 103222
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedSigma0 103212
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedSigma- 103112
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedLambda 103122
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedXi0 103322
newdef SU3Strong4:ExcitedXi- 103312
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 0 0.0639544
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 1 0.0683901
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 2 0.0719544
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 3 0.0190191
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 4 1.56023
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 5 0.0352242
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 6 0.063882
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 7 0.0681114
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 8 0.189404
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 9 0.0737446
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 10 1.43798
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 11 0.0475399
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 12 1.83818
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 13 2.27413
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 14 2.14365
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 15 0.00257397
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 16 0.439475
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 17 0.494001
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 18 3.83517
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 19 3.9436
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 20 0.00603613
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 21 14.2647
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 22 3.48259
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 23 0.0893589
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 24 3.94828
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 25 3.98963
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 26 0.00113937
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 27 0.000501017
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 28 4.56376
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 29 6.14187
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 30 0.119288
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 31 3.62416
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 32 3.74573
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 33 2.9989
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 34 0.00187852
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 35 13.8324
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 36 2.84881
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 37 0.117276
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 38 1.19996
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 39 0.609627
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 40 164.291
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 41 84.1802
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 42 27.2875
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 43 2.56877
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 44 1.25728
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 45 0.647119
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 46 187.091
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 47 77.3773
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 48 25.0159
insert SU3Strong4:MaxWeight 49 5.49723
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetDecupletScalarDecayer SU3OctetDecuplet3
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Iteration 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Ntry 500
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Points 10000
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Coupling 0.35
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Parity 1
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Fpi 130.7
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Proton 102214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Neutron 102114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma+ 103224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma0 103214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma- 103114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Lambda 103124
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi0 103324
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi- 103314
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta++ 2224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta+ 2214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta0 2114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Delta- 1114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma*0 3214
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Sigma*- 3114
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Omega 3334
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi*0 3324
newdef SU3OctetDecuplet3:Xi*- 3314
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 0 1.08203
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 1 1.6621
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 2 1.08106
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 3 1.11398
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 4 1.13352
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 5 0.555956
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 6 1.08058
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 7 1.11181
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 8 1.10991
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 9 0.577804
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 10 1.08122
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 11 1.66787
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 12 0.511277
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 13 0.428777
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 14 0.262264
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 15 0.187729
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 16 0.0581627
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 17 1.16719
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 18 0.134985
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 19 0.132211
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 20 0.0842445
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 21 0.0831287
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 22 0.405935
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 23 0.429367
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 24 1.07034
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 25 1.26643
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 26 0.442732
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 27 0.385974
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 28 0.201153
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 29 0.15828
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 30 0.941479
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 31 0.0514224
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 32 2.16926
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 33 2.19241
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 34 3.46377e-07
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 35 8.02372e-08
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 36 1.97192
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 37 1.84709
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 38 1.3873e-08
insert SU3OctetDecuplet3:MaxWeight 39 3.14856e-07
create Herwig::OmegaXiStarPionDecayer OmegaXiStar
newdef OmegaXiStar:Iteration 1
newdef OmegaXiStar:Ntry 500
newdef OmegaXiStar:Points 10000
newdef OmegaXiStar:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef OmegaXiStar:Acomm 2.091e-07
newdef OmegaXiStar:AP -9.2e-08
newdef OmegaXiStar:AS -6.32e-08
newdef OmegaXiStar:BP 2.301e-06
newdef OmegaXiStar:BS -1.008e-06
newdef OmegaXiStar:MaximumWeight 0.00252403
newdef OmegaXiStar:Incoming 3334
newdef OmegaXiStar:Outgoing 3324
create Herwig::NonLeptonicOmegaDecayer OmegaNL
newdef OmegaNL:DStar -3.98e-07
newdef OmegaNL:FStar 5e-08
newdef OmegaNL:omegad -6.44444e-09
newdef OmegaNL:omegaf 8.5e-09
newdef OmegaNL:CBstar 1.35
newdef OmegaNL:sc -0.85
newdef OmegaNL:C 1.5
newdef OmegaNL:Fpi 92.4
newdef OmegaNL:hc 3.9e-08
newdef OmegaNL:hpi 3.2e-07
newdef OmegaNL:d 4.4e-08
newdef OmegaNL:f -5e-08
newdef OmegaNL:MLambda 1115.68
newdef OmegaNL:MXi 1314.83
newdef OmegaNL:MOmega 1672.45
newdef OmegaNL:MXiStar 1531.8
newdef OmegaNL:Mpiplus 139.57
newdef OmegaNL:MKplus 493.667
newdef OmegaNL:Mpi0 134.977
newdef OmegaNL:MK0 497.648
newdef OmegaNL:MBstar 1620
newdef OmegaNL:MR 1500
newdef OmegaNL:LocalMasses 1
insert OmegaNL:MaxWeight 0 1.5
insert OmegaNL:MaxWeight 1 0.40
insert OmegaNL:MaxWeight 2 0.20
newdef OmegaNL:Iteration 1
newdef OmegaNL:Ntry 500
newdef OmegaNL:Points 10000
newdef OmegaNL:GenerateIntermediates 0
create Herwig::NonLeptonicHyperonDecayer HyperonNL
newdef HyperonNL:Iteration 1
newdef HyperonNL:Ntry 500
newdef HyperonNL:Points 10000
newdef HyperonNL:GenerateIntermediates 0
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3122 2212 -211 3.15441e-07 -2.56965e-06 1.02233
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3122 2112 111 -2.34823e-07 1.71077e-06 0.572769
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3222 2212 111 -2.6763e-07 -3.24965e-06 0.825223
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3222 2112 211 1.39742e-08 -4.2112e-06 0.773064
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3112 2112 -211 4.26814e-07 1.42866e-07 1.59759
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3322 3122 111 3.45387e-07 1.05341e-06 1.59532
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 3312 3122 -211 -4.51957e-07 -1.5189e-06 1.59161
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4132 3312 211 2.89666e-07 2.71413e-06 0.0167771
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 3122 211 3.56697e-07 1.91559e-06 0.0205336
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 3222 111 2.10027e-07 2.23662e-06 0.0197528
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 3212 211 2.95892e-07 2.18669e-06 0.0203823
do HyperonNL:SetUpDecayMode 4122 2212 211 -8.18977e-08 1.99027e-06 0.025117
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3RoperGamma
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Iteration 1
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Ntry 500
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Points 10000
newdef SU3RoperGamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Fcoupling -0.009
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Dcoupling -0.024
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Parity 1
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Proton 2212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3RoperGamma:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedProton 202212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedNeutron 202112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedSigma+ 203222
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedSigma0 203212
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedSigma- 203112
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedLambda 203122
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedXi0 203322
newdef SU3RoperGamma:ExcitedXi- 203312
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 0 1.34534
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 1 2.3978
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 2 0.01954
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 3 0.00189107
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 4 0.00998248
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 5 0.000310286
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 6 0.0310247
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 7 0.024809
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 8 5.2804e-05
insert SU3RoperGamma:MaxWeight 9 0.014572
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma2
newdef SU3Gamma2:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma2:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma2:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma2:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma2:Fcoupling -0.046
newdef SU3Gamma2:Dcoupling 0.033
newdef SU3Gamma2:Parity 0
newdef SU3Gamma2:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma2:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma2:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma2:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma2:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma2:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma2:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma2:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedProton 102212
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedNeutron 102112
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedSigma+ 103222
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedSigma0 103212
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedSigma- 103112
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedLambda 103122
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedXi0 103322
newdef SU3Gamma2:ExcitedXi- 103312
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 0 2.9575
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 1 1.97747
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 2 0.0962338
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 3 0.00969098
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 4 0.0522884
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 5 0.00991625
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 6 0.0712376
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 7 0.0130695
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 8 0.36402
insert SU3Gamma2:MaxWeight 9 0.0548153
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma3
newdef SU3Gamma3:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma3:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma3:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma3:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma3:Fcoupling 0
newdef SU3Gamma3:Dcoupling 0.056
newdef SU3Gamma3:Parity 1
newdef SU3Gamma3:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma3:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma3:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma3:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma3:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma3:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma3:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma3:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedProton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedNeutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedSigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedSigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedSigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedLambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedXi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma3:ExcitedXi- 3312
insert SU3Gamma3:MaxWeight 0 1.58351
create Herwig::SU3BaryonDecupletOctetPhotonDecayer DecupletGamma
newdef DecupletGamma:Iteration 1
newdef DecupletGamma:Ntry 500
newdef DecupletGamma:Points 10000
newdef DecupletGamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef DecupletGamma:Ccoupling 1
newdef DecupletGamma:Parity 1
newdef DecupletGamma:Proton 2212
newdef DecupletGamma:Neutron 2112
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma+ 3222
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma0 3212
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma- 3112
newdef DecupletGamma:Lambda 3122
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi0 3322
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi- 3312
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta++ 2224
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta+ 2214
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta0 2114
newdef DecupletGamma:Delta- 1114
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma*+ 3224
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma*0 3214
newdef DecupletGamma:Sigma*- 3114
newdef DecupletGamma:Omega 3334
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi*0 3324
newdef DecupletGamma:Xi*- 3314
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 0 1.35718
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 1 1.34224
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 2 0.0314619
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 3 3.09183
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 4 0.00772277
insert DecupletGamma:MaxWeight 5 0.122963
create Herwig::SU3BaryonOctetOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma4
newdef SU3Gamma4:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma4:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma4:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma4:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma4:Fcoupling -0.093
newdef SU3Gamma4:Dcoupling 0.087
newdef SU3Gamma4:Parity 1
newdef SU3Gamma4:Proton 2212
newdef SU3Gamma4:Neutron 2112
newdef SU3Gamma4:Sigma+ 3222
newdef SU3Gamma4:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma4:Sigma- 3112
newdef SU3Gamma4:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma4:Xi0 3322
newdef SU3Gamma4:Xi- 3312
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedProton 102214
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedNeutron 102114
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedSigma+ 103224
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedSigma0 103214
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedSigma- 103114
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedLambda 103124
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedXi0 103324
newdef SU3Gamma4:ExcitedXi- 103314
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 0 0.415222
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 1 0.417084
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 2 0.0204893
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 3 0.00210252
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 4 0.00955353
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 5 0.00222245
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 6 0.0283485
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 7 0.00715258
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 8 0.0517918
insert SU3Gamma4:MaxWeight 9 0.0120169
create Herwig::SU3BaryonSingletOctetPhotonDecayer SU3Gamma5
newdef SU3Gamma5:Iteration 1
newdef SU3Gamma5:Ntry 500
newdef SU3Gamma5:Points 10000
newdef SU3Gamma5:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef SU3Gamma5:Coupling 0.252
newdef SU3Gamma5:Parity 0
newdef SU3Gamma5:Sigma0 3212
newdef SU3Gamma5:Lambda 3122
newdef SU3Gamma5:ExcitedLambda 101234
insert SU3Gamma5:MaxWeight 0 1.60087
insert SU3Gamma5:MaxWeight 1 2.20194
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau1Vector
newdef Tau1Vector:Iteration 1
newdef Tau1Vector:Ntry 500
newdef Tau1Vector:Points 10000
newdef Tau1Vector:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Tau1Vector:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau1Vector:WeightLocation 1 0
insert Tau1Vector:WeightLocation 2 0
insert Tau1Vector:MaximumWeight 0 0.655878
insert Tau1Vector:MaximumWeight 1 0.0320164
insert Tau1Vector:MaximumWeight 2 1.05267
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent Tau1VectorCurrent
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef Tau1VectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
newdef Tau1Vector:WeakCurrent Tau1VectorCurrent
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer BZVector
newdef BZVector:Iteration 1
newdef BZVector:Ntry 500
newdef BZVector:Points 10000
newdef BZVector:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 0 0.000599733
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 1 0.000579422
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 2 0.000339457
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 3 0.00104623
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 4 0.00103622
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 5 0.000630363
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 6 0.00128096
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 7 0.00124115
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 8 0.000739429
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 9 0.0022
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 10 0.0022
insert BZVector:MaximumWeight 11 0.00122368
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BZVectorCurrent
newdef BZVectorCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef BZVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BZVectorCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef BZVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BZVectorCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef BZVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BZVector:Current BZVectorCurrent
create Herwig::BallZwickyVectorFormFactor BZVectorFormFactor
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:CutOff 0.01
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_1 0 0.738927
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Vr_2 0 -0.509824
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_1 0 1.07975
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0r_2 0 -0.86267
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 6 40.87
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 7 31.58
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 7 32.94
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A2mfit2 7 40.14
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1mfit2 7 32.83
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T2mfit2 7 33.01
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mR2 7 -1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 7 39.38
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T1r_2 8 -0.954
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A0mfit2 8 31.57
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:A1mfit2 8 36.54
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:T3mfit2 8 45.56
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 1 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 2 -511
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 2 213
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 4 -323
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 5 3
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Incoming 6 -521
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 6 223
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Outgoing 7 323
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newdef BZVectorFormFactor:Spectator 8 -3
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef BZVectorFormFactor:OutQuark 8 3
newdef BZVector:FormFactor BZVectorFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer BZScalar
newdef BZScalar:Iteration 1
newdef BZScalar:Ntry 500
newdef BZScalar:Points 10000
newdef BZScalar:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 0 0.000172345
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 1 0.00017204
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 2 0.00012728
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 3 0.000315966
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 4 0.000315402
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 5 0.000233225
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 6 0.000105173
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 7 0.000104496
insert BZScalar:MaximumWeight 8 7.67637e-05
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BZScalarCurrent
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newdef BZScalarCurrent:Quark 1 13
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newdef BZScalarCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef BZScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BZScalar:Current BZScalarCurrent
create Herwig::BallZwickyScalarFormFactor BZScalarFormFactor
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 0 0.980757
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 0 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 0 32.22
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_10 1 0
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1plus 1 -0.526087
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 1 0.343654
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_1T 1 -0.980757
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 1 32.22
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2plus 2 -0.486
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 2 -1.134
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 2 40.73
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 2 32.22
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_20 3 0.258
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 3 40.73
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:m_12T 3 28.3024
newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 3 32.22
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:r_2T 4 0.198
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2plus 4 -1
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 4 -1
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 5 -1
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:mfit2T 6 -1
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 1 111
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newdef BZScalarFormFactor:Outgoing 2 211
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newdef BZScalar:FormFactor BZScalarFormFactor
create Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer WSBHadronic
newdef WSBHadronic:Iteration 1
newdef WSBHadronic:Ntry 500
newdef WSBHadronic:Points 10000
newdef WSBHadronic:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef WSBHadronic:a1Bottom 1.1
newdef WSBHadronic:a2Bottom -0.24
newdef WSBHadronic:a1Charm 1.3
newdef WSBHadronic:a2Charm -0.55
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent WSBHadronicScalarCurrent
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 130.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 159.8
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 159.8
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 200
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 200
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 241
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 73.7
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef WSBHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
insert WSBHadronic:Currents 0 WSBHadronicScalarCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent WSBHadronicVectorCurrent
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.1764
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.2019
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.2019
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.4626
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.4626
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.4626
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.402
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.402
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.509
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.223
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef WSBHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
insert WSBHadronic:Currents 1 WSBHadronicVectorCurrent
create Herwig::WSBFormFactor WSBHadronicFormFactor
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 0 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 0 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 0 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 0 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 0 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 0 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 1 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 1 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 1 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 1 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 1 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 1 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 2 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 2 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 2 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 2 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 2 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 2 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 3 0.992
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 3 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 3 0.494
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 3 1.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 3 0.892
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 3 1.273
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 4 0.762
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 4 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 4 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 4 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 4 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 4 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 5 0.762
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 5 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 5 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 5 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 5 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 5 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 6 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 6 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 6 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 6 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 6 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 6 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 7 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 7 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 7 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 7 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 7 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 7 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 8 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 8 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 8 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 8 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 8 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 8 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 9 0.692
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 9 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 9 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 9 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 9 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 9 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 10 0.681
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 10 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 10 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 10 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 10 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 10 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 11 0.681
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 11 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 11 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 11 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 11 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 11 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 12 0.655
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 12 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 12 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 12 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 12 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 12 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 13 0.655
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 13 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 13 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 13 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 13 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 13 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 14 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 14 1.226
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 14 0.733
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 14 0.88
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 14 1.147
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 14 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 14 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 14 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 14 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 15 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 15 1.226
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 15 0.733
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 15 0.88
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 15 1.147
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 15 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 15 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 15 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 15 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 16 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 16 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 16 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 16 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 16 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 16 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 16 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 16 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 16 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 17 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 17 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 17 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 17 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 17 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 17 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 17 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 17 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 17 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 18 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 18 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 18 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 18 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 18 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 18 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 18 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 18 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 18 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 19 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 19 1.225
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 19 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 19 0.775
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 19 0.923
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 19 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 19 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 19 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 19 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 20 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 20 1.236
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 20 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 20 0.772
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 20 0.92
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 20 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 20 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 20 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 20 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 21 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 21 1.236
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 21 0.669
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 21 0.772
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 21 0.92
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 21 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 21 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 21 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 21 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 22 0.723
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 22 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 22 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 22 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 22 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 22 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 23 0.704
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 23 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 23 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 23 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 23 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 23 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 24 0.643
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 24 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 24 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 24 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 24 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 24 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 25 0.643
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 25 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 25 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 25 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 25 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 25 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 25 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 25 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 25 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 26 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 26 1.25
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 26 0.634
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 26 0.717
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 26 0.853
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 26 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 26 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 26 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 26 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 27 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 27 1.25
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 27 0.634
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 27 0.717
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 27 0.853
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 27 1.87
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 27 2.47
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 27 2.01
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 27 2.42
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 28 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 28 1.319
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 28 0.7
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 28 0.82
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 28 1.076
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 28 1.97
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 28 2.6
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 28 2.11
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 28 2.53
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 29 0.69
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 29 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 29 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 29 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 29 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 29 6.3
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 29 6.8
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 29 6.34
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 29 6.73
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 30 0.69
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 30 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 30 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 30 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 30 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 30 6.3
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 30 6.8
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 30 6.34
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 30 6.73
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 31 0.379
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 31 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 31 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 31 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 31 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 31 5.38
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 31 5.89
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 31 5.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 31 5.82
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 32 0.379
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 32 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 32 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 32 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 32 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 32 5.38
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 32 5.89
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 32 5.43
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 32 5.82
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 33 0.333
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 33 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 33 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 33 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 33 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 33 5.27
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 33 5.78
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 33 5.32
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 33 5.71
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 34 0.333
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 34 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 34 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 34 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 34 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 34 5.27
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 34 5.78
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 34 5.32
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 34 5.71
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 35 0.333
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 35 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 35 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 35 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 35 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 35 5.27
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 35 5.78
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 35 5.32
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 35 5.71
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 36 0.333
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 36 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 36 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 36 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 36 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 36 5.27
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 36 5.78
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 36 5.32
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 36 5.71
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 37 0.307
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 37 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 37 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 37 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 37 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 37 5.27
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 37 5.78
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 37 5.32
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 37 5.71
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 38 0.307
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 38 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 38 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 38 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 38 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:ScalarMass 38 5.27
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoScalarMass 38 5.78
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:VectorMass 38 5.32
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:PseudoVectorMass 38 5.71
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:F0 39 0.254
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:V 39 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A0 39 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A1 39 0
newdef WSBHadronicFormFactor:A2 39 0
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insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 323 5.8463e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 324 4.67133e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 325 8.3142e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 326 9.33899e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 327 0.000259491
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 328 6.11303e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 329 0.000160028
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 330 8.33209e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 331 1.13692e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 332 4.39093e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 333 6.67366e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 334 3.00292e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 335 0.000206543
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 336 0.00010703
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 337 0.000123779
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 338 5.25496e-08
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 339 1.96087e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 340 1.15348e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 341 3.01429e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 342 0.000318598
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 343 1.35584e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 344 9.56531e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 345 4.91327e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 346 2.05039e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 347 5.47924e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 348 4.50713e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 349 0.000207201
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 350 5.52843e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 351 0.000159173
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 352 8.48333e-05
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 353 0.000211542
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 354 8.94187e-08
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 355 4.96693e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 356 4.87691e-06
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 357 0.000568379
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 358 2.4122e-07
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 359 0.000188805
insert WSBHadronic:MaximumWeight 360 0.000117368
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer Melikhov
newdef Melikhov:Iteration 1
newdef Melikhov:Ntry 500
newdef Melikhov:Points 10000
newdef Melikhov:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 0 0.000574253
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 1 0.000523847
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 2 0.000240896
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 3 0.000999546
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 4 0.00102111
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 5 0.000430377
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 6 0.000224393
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 7 0.000224168
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 8 0.000271174
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 9 0.000411405
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 10 0.000411092
insert Melikhov:MaximumWeight 11 0.000496488
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent MelikhovCurrent
newdef MelikhovCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef MelikhovCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef MelikhovCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef MelikhovCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef MelikhovCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef MelikhovCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef Melikhov:Current MelikhovCurrent
create Herwig::MelikhovFormFactor MelikhovFormFactor
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Fit 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 0 113
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 0 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 0 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 0 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 1 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 1 213
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 1 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 1 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 2 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 2 -213
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 2 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 2 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 3 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 3 113
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 3 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 3 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 4 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 4 111
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 4 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 4 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 4 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 4 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 5 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 5 211
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 5 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 5 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 5 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 5 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 6 -521
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -211
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 6 2
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 6 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Incoming 7 -511
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Outgoing 7 111
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:Spectator 7 1
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef MelikhovFormFactor:OutQuark 7 1
newdef Melikhov:FormFactor MelikhovFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer MelikhovStech
newdef MelikhovStech:Iteration 1
newdef MelikhovStech:Ntry 500
newdef MelikhovStech:Points 10000
newdef MelikhovStech:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 0 0.132629
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 1 0.113122
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 2 0.337711
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 3 0.288721
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 4 0.043953
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 5 0.0431442
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 6 0.11173
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 7 0.109121
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 8 0.0106357
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 9 0.00957266
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 10 0.0137684
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 11 0.0123875
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 12 0.00391499
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 13 0.00386552
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 14 0.0051021
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 15 0.00504751
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 16 0.0843044
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 17 0.0792922
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 18 0.0187027
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 19 0.0770893
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 20 0.072427
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 21 0.0169877
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 22 0.124776
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 23 0.121677
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 24 0.0305758
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 25 0.125676
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 26 0.125481
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 27 0.0311555
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 28 0.000214676
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 29 0.000211978
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 30 0.000128561
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 31 0.000394065
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 32 0.000388644
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 33 0.000235631
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 34 0.000598245
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 35 0.000610799
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 36 0.000268044
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 37 0.00112259
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 38 0.0011597
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 39 0.000483222
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 40 0.0100923
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 41 0.00884077
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 42 0.00381443
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 43 0.00374616
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 44 0.0794698
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 45 0.068976
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 46 0.0324752
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 47 0.0258154
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 48 0.118027
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 49 0.113887
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 50 0.000401303
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 51 0.000399862
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 52 0.000234707
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 53 0.0028559
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 54 0.00274908
insert MelikhovStech:MaximumWeight 55 0.00116194
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent MelikhovStechCurrent
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef MelikhovStechCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef MelikhovStech:Current MelikhovStechCurrent
create Herwig::MelikhovStechFormFactor MelikhovStechFormFactor
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:ThetaEtaEtaPrime 0.698132
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 0 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 0 0.24
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 0 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 0 0.38
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 0 0.46
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 0 0.75
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 0 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 0 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassP 0 1.97
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 0 2.11
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 1 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 1 0.24
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 1 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 1 0.38
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 1 0.46
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 1 0.75
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 1 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 1 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassP 1 1.97
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 1 2.11
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 2 1.03
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 2 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 2 0.76
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 2 0.17
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 2 0.66
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 2 0.3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 2 0.2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 2 0.49
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 2 0.67
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 2 0.16
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T10 2 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 2 0.25
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 2 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T20 2 0.78
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 2 0.02
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 2 1.8
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 2 0.45
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_1 2 1.23
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 2 0.34
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassP 2 1.97
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 2 2.11
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FPlus0 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_1 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 3 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V00 3 1.03
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_1 3 0.27
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:V0sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A00 3 0.76
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_1 3 0.17
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A0sigma_2 3 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A10 3 0.66
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_1 3 0.3
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A1sigma_2 3 0.2
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A20 3 0.49
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_1 3 0.67
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:A2sigma_2 3 0.16
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_1 3 0.25
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T1sigma_2 3 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_1 3 0.02
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T2sigma_2 3 1.8
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T30 3 0.45
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 3 0.34
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 3 2.11
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F+sigma_2 4 0
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F00 4 0.69
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_1 4 0.54
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:F0sigma_2 4 0.32
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FT0 4 0.6
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_1 4 0.34
newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:FTsigma_2 4 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:T3sigma_2 6 0
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newdef MelikhovStechFormFactor:MassV 6 2.01
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newdef MelikhovStech:FormFactor MelikhovStechFormFactor
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer BaryonLight2
newdef BaryonLight2:Iteration 1
newdef BaryonLight2:Ntry 500
newdef BaryonLight2:Points 10000
newdef BaryonLight2:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 0 2.29013
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 1 4.14333e-05
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 2 0.00012764
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 3 4.70199e-10
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 4 3.04697e-20
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 5 1.02959e-09
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 6 0.0028835
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 7 0.000392968
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 8 9.43244e-13
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 9 2.69324e-13
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 10 0.00405493
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 11 0.00117335
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 12 0.00239207
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 13 0.000443089
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 14 0.000229395
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 15 3.35965e-06
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 16 0.000719781
insert BaryonLight2:MaximumWeight 17 7.04736e-06
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent BaryonLight2Current
newdef BaryonLight2Current:Quark 0 11
newdef BaryonLight2Current:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef BaryonLight2Current:Quark 1 13
newdef BaryonLight2Current:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef BaryonLight2Current:Quark 2 15
newdef BaryonLight2Current:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef BaryonLight2:Current BaryonLight2Current
create Herwig::BaryonSimpleFormFactor BaryonLight2Form
newdef BaryonLight2Form:g_A 1.25
newdef BaryonLight2Form:alpha_D 0.6
newdef BaryonLight2Form:eta_V 0.97
newdef BaryonLight2Form:eta_A 1.08
newdef BaryonLight2Form:rho_E 0.094
newdef BaryonLight2Form:rho_M 0.86
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 0 2112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 0 2212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 0 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 0 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 0 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 1 3222
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 1 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 1 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 1 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 1 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 2 3112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 2 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 2 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 2 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 2 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 2 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 2 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 3 3112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 3 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 3 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 3 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 3 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 3 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 3 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 4 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 4 3222
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 4 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 4 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 4 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 5 3312
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 5 3322
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 5 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 5 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 5 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 5 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 5 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 6 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 6 2212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 6 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 6 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 6 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 7 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 7 2212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 7 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 7 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 7 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 8 3112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 8 2112
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 8 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 8 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 8 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 8 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 8 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 9 3312
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 9 3122
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 9 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 9 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 9 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 9 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 9 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 10 3312
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 10 3212
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 10 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 10 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 10 1
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 10 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 10 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Incoming 11 3322
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Outgoing 11 3222
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutSpin 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator1 11 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:Spectator2 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2Form:InQuark 11 3
newdef BaryonLight2Form:OutQuark 11 2
newdef BaryonLight2:FormFactor BaryonLight2Form
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer KiselevBc
newdef KiselevBc:Iteration 1
newdef KiselevBc:Ntry 500
newdef KiselevBc:Points 10000
newdef KiselevBc:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 0 0.175615
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 1 0.136474
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 2 0.137341
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 3 0.131993
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 4 0.0137226
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 5 0.0111086
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 6 0.0168782
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 7 0.0163124
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 8 0.000135914
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 9 0.000132475
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 10 6.16844e-05
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 11 0.00106059
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 12 0.00106038
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 13 0.000447588
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 14 0.027841
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 15 0.0259921
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 16 0.0101164
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 17 0.0397051
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 18 0.0395602
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 19 0.00990111
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 20 0.00068535
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 21 0.000682114
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 22 8.18378e-05
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 23 0.00136992
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 24 0.0013625
insert KiselevBc:MaximumWeight 25 0.00014084
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent KiselevBcCurrent
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef KiselevBcCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef KiselevBc:Current KiselevBcCurrent
create Herwig::KiselevBcFormFactor KiselevBcFormFactor
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 0 1.3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 0 -5.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 0 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 0 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 1 1.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 1 8.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 1 0.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 1 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 1 1.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 2 1.27
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 2 -7.3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 2 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 2 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 3 1.27
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 3 -7.3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 3 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 3 1.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 4 1.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 4 9.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 4 0.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 4 2.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 4 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 4 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 4 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 4 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 4 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 5 1.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 5 9.8
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 5 0.35
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 5 2.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 5 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 5 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 5 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 5 2.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 5 3.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 6 0.32
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 6 -0.34
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 6 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 6 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 7 0.32
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 7 -0.34
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 7 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 7 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 8 0.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 8 3.6
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 8 -0.062
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 8 0.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 8 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 8 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 8 -1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 8 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 8 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 9 0.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 9 3.6
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 9 -0.062
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 9 0.1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 9 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 9 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 9 -1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 9 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 9 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 10 0.45
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 10 -0.43
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 10 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 10 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 11 0.24
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 11 4.7
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 11 -0.077
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 11 0.13
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 11 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 11 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 11 -1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 11 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 11 6.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 12 0.66
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 12 -0.36
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 12 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 12 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 13 0.11
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 13 5.9
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 13 -0.074
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 13 0.12
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 13 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 13 5.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 14 0.17
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 14 -0.16
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 14 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 14 4.5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fplus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Fminus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FV 15 0.035
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:F0A 15 1.686
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FplusA 15 -0.015
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:FminusA 15 0.052
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminus 15 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFV 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleF0A 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 15 4.2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 0 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 0 531
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 0 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 0 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 0 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 1 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 1 533
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 1 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 1 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 1 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 2 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 2 511
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 2 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 2 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 2 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 2 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 3 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 3 521
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 3 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 3 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 3 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 3 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 4 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 4 513
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 4 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 4 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 4 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 4 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 5 541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 5 523
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 5 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 5 -5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 5 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 5 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 6 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -411
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 6 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 6 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 6 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 6 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 7 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 7 -421
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 7 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 7 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 7 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 8 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 8 -413
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 8 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 8 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 8 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 8 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 9 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 9 -423
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 9 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 9 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 9 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 10 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 10 -431
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 10 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 10 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 10 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 10 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 11 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 11 -433
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 11 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 11 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 11 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 11 3
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 12 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 12 441
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 12 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 12 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 12 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 12 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 13 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 13 443
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 13 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 13 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 13 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 13 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 14 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 14 100441
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 14 0
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 14 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 14 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 14 4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Incoming 15 -541
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Outgoing 15 100443
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spin 15 1
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:Spectator 15 -4
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:InQuark 15 5
newdef KiselevBcFormFactor:OutQuark 15 4
newdef KiselevBc:FormFactor KiselevBcFormFactor
create Herwig::ScalarMesonFactorizedDecayer BcHadronic
newdef BcHadronic:Iteration 1
newdef BcHadronic:Ntry 500
newdef BcHadronic:Points 10000
newdef BcHadronic:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef BcHadronic:a1Bottom 1.14
newdef BcHadronic:a2Bottom -0.2
newdef BcHadronic:a1Charm 1.2
newdef BcHadronic:a2Charm -0.317
create Herwig::ScalarMesonCurrent BcHadronicScalarCurrent
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ThetaEtaEtaPrime -0.194
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 0 211
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 1 111
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 2 111
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 3 221
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 4 221
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 5 221
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 6 331
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 7 331
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 8 331
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 -132
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 9 311
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 -162
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 10 321
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 -162
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 11 411
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 -214
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 12 421
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 -214
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 13 431
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 -237
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 14 10431
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 -73.7
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:ID 15 441
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 -564
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 8 3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -3
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:Quark 15 4
insert BcHadronicScalarCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
insert BcHadronic:Currents 0 BcHadronicScalarCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMesonCurrent BcHadronicVectorCurrent
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 0 213
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 0 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 1 113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 1 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 2 113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 2 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 3 223
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 3 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 4 223
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 4 0.16
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 5 333
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 5 0.238
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 6 313
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 6 0.197
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 7 323
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 7 0.197
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 8 20213
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 8 0.278
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 9 20113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 9 0.278
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 10 20113
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 10 0.278
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 11 413
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 11 0.457
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 12 423
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 12 0.457
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 13 433
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 13 0.55
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 14 443
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 14 1.256
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 15 100443
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 15 1.08
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:ID 16 20433
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Decay_Constant 16 0.397
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 1 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 3 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 5 3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 6 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 6 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 7 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 7 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 8 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 8 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 9 1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 9 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 10 2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 10 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 11 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 11 -1
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 12 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 12 -2
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 13 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 13 -3
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 14 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 14 -4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 15 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 15 -4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:Quark 16 4
newdef BcHadronicVectorCurrent:AntiQuark 16 -3
insert BcHadronic:Currents 1 BcHadronicVectorCurrent
create Herwig::KiselevBcFormFactor BcHadronicFormFactor
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 0 1.3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 0 -5.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 0 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 0 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 0 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 1 1.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 1 8.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 1 0.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 1 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 1 1.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 2 1.27
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 2 -7.3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 2 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 2 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 2 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 3 1.27
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 3 -7.3
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 3 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 3 1.7
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 3 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 4 1.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 4 9.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 4 0.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 4 2.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 4 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 4 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 4 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 4 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 4 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 5 1.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 5 9.8
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 5 0.35
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 5 2.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 5 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 5 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 5 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 5 2.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 5 3.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 6 0.32
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 6 -0.34
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 6 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 6 5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 6 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 7 0.32
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 7 -0.34
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 7 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 7 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 7 5
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 7 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 8 0.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 8 3.6
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 8 -0.062
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 8 0.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 8 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 8 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 8 -1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 8 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 8 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FV 9 0.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:F0A 9 3.6
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 9 -0.062
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 9 0.1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplus 9 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 9 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 9 -1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 9 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 9 6.2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 10 -0.43
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 10 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 11 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 11 -0.077
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 11 0.13
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 11 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 11 -1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 11 6.2
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 11 6.2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 12 -0.36
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 12 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 12 4.5
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FplusA 13 -0.074
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 13 0.12
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 13 0
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFV 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleF0A 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFplusA 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 13 5.5
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fplus 14 0.17
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Fminus 14 -0.16
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:FminusA 14 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminus 14 4.5
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 14 0
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:MpoleFminusA 15 4.2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 0 531
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 1 533
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 1 3
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 2 511
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 3 521
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 3 2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 4 513
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 5 523
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 5 2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 6 -411
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 7 -421
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 7 2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 8 -413
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 8 1
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 9 -423
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 9 2
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 10 -431
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 10 -4
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 10 3
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 11 -433
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 11 -4
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 11 3
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 12 441
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 12 4
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 13 443
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 13 4
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Outgoing 15 100443
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spin 15 1
newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:Spectator 15 -4
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newdef BcHadronicFormFactor:OutQuark 15 4
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insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 113 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 114 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 115 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 116 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 117 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 118 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 119 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 120 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 121 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 122 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 123 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 124 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 125 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 126 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 127 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 128 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 129 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 130 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 131 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 132 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 133 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 134 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 135 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 136 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 137 0
insert BcHadronic:WeightLocation 138 0
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 0 0.193116
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 1 0.0124475
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 2 0.20794
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 3 0.0025397
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 4 0.00122669
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 5 0.084093
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 6 0.00487514
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 7 0.282946
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 8 0.00246642
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 9 0.00277351
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 10 0.0125732
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 11 0.000818638
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 12 0.0175067
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 13 0.000433506
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 14 0.000472281
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 15 0.000439635
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 16 0.000944917
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 17 9.54905e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 18 5.69733e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 19 0.020296
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 20 0.000609773
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 21 0.000755185
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 22 1.69391e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 23 2.91996e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 24 0.010402
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 25 1.69718e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 26 0.0109577
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 27 0.00065288
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 28 0.0341826
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 29 0.00119113
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 30 0.00118643
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 31 0.000382964
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 32 0.000725851
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 33 7.9988e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 34 4.52867e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 35 0.0161328
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 36 0.00119259
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 37 0.00221337
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 38 7.96752e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 39 0.0283814
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 40 4.22191e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 41 9.08505e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 42 4.59476e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 43 4.25866e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 44 5.70395e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 45 5.36411e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 46 0.000198872
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 47 2.3597e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 48 6.31403e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 49 2.76313e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 50 6.53392e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 51 1.16228e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 52 0.000235939
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 53 2.05836e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 54 5.9122e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 55 4.70365e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 56 1.10156e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 57 1.67266e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 58 1.53556e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 59 1.82907e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 60 1.79884e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 61 1.40662e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 62 2.91319e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 63 7.40867e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 64 1.24654e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 65 6.23803e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 66 5.52852e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 67 6.86018e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 68 0.000379401
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 69 5.19375e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 70 1.2337e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 71 7.15604e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 72 0.000326321
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 73 3.0374e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 74 0.00032888
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 75 1.19174e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 76 7.10892e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 77 5.61702e-07
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 78 2.84121e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 79 1.59808e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 80 3.1846e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 81 4.98412e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 82 4.0687e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 83 6.63582e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 84 4.36959e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 85 9.2186e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 86 4.66808e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 87 4.33871e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 88 5.88252e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 89 0.00413246
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 90 2.39036e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 91 6.43915e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 92 2.79334e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 93 6.52122e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 94 0.00570196
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 95 0.000504975
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 96 9.5212e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 97 4.76489e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 98 4.31181e-09
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 99 5.13987e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 100 0.00820037
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 101 4.05699e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 102 9.73322e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 103 4.94781e-08
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 104 2.19891e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 105 0.00646066
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 106 0.00019162
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 107 0.00194861
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 108 0.000156104
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 109 0.000658833
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 110 0.00495538
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 111 0.000541734
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 112 0.00568466
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 113 0.00192927
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 114 0.00141085
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 115 0.000111666
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 116 0.000256352
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 117 0.00473289
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 118 0.000725369
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 119 0.00597086
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 120 0.00507513
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 121 8.38225e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 122 6.62744e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 123 9.59456e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 124 0.000214975
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 125 1.67729e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 126 0.000202917
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 127 2.00142e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 128 0.00022541
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 129 7.04733e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 130 0.000134124
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 131 2.3384e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 132 8.24132e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 133 6.50316e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 134 6.40716e-06
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 135 0.000286851
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 136 4.44615e-05
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 137 0.000366705
insert BcHadronic:MaximumWeight 138 0.000226844
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicBaryonDecayer ExcitedLambda
newdef ExcitedLambda:Iteration 1
newdef ExcitedLambda:Ntry 500
newdef ExcitedLambda:Points 10000
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 0 0.00284407
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 1 0.00277839
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 2 0.000412905
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 3 0.00244756
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 4 0.0024288
insert ExcitedLambda:MaximumWeight 5 0.000347225
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent ExcitedLambdaCurrent
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef ExcitedLambdaCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef ExcitedLambda:Current ExcitedLambdaCurrent
create Herwig::LambdabExcitedLambdacSumRuleFormFactor ExcitedLambdaForm
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Xi 0.29
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Rho2 2.01
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Incoming 0 5122
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Outgoing 0 101242
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InSpin 0 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutSpin 0 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator1 0 1
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator2 0 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InQuark 0 5
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutQuark 0 4
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Incoming 1 5122
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Outgoing 1 101244
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InSpin 1 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutSpin 1 4
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator1 1 1
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:Spectator2 1 2
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:InQuark 1 5
newdef ExcitedLambdaForm:OutQuark 1 4
newdef ExcitedLambda:FormFactor ExcitedLambdaForm
create Herwig::RadiativeHeavyBaryonDecayer HeavyGamma
newdef HeavyGamma:Iteration 1
newdef HeavyGamma:Ntry 500
newdef HeavyGamma:Points 10000
newdef HeavyGamma:GenerateIntermediates 0
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4312 4132 1 1.1004e-05 0 1.66921
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4322 4232 1 9.4102e-05 0 1.67004
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5312 5132 1 1.1004e-05 0 1.63358
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5322 5232 1 9.4102e-05 0 1.60473
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4214 4122 1 0.000376 0 0.035949
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5214 5122 1 0.000376 0 0.03294
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4314 4132 1 3.74e-05 0 0.000579519
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4324 4232 1 0.00032486 0 0.0462769
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5314 5132 1 0.00010132 0 0.00429418
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5324 5232 1 0.00032486 0 0.0463449
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4212 4122 1 0.0001088 0 0.064517
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5212 5122 1 0.0001088 0 0.0325132
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4224 4222 1 0.0003337 0 0.00297666
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4214 4212 1 8.34e-05 0 0.000203503
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4114 4112 1 -0.0001688 0 0.000903461
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4314 4312 1 -0.000611 0 0.0178619
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4324 4322 1 -0.0003607 0 0.00671238
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 4334 4332 1 0.001055 0 1.59261
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5224 5222 1 0.0009945 0 0.00818774
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5214 5212 1 0.0002486 0 0.000627892
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5114 5112 1 -0.0004973 0 0.0025886
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5314 5312 1 -0.0004371 0 0.00938573
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5324 5322 1 0.0003088 0 0.00506067
do HeavyGamma:SetUpDecayMode 5334 5332 1 -0.0003769 0 1.67242
create Herwig::ScalarVectorVectorDecayer SVV
newdef SVV:Iteration 1
newdef SVV:Ntry 2000
newdef SVV:Points 10000
newdef SVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10221 113 113 5.24 17.5926
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10221 213 -213 7.49 19.1659
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 113 113 0.979 16.8
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 9030221 213 -213 1.390 17.
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 443 22 0.258 1.1081
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 323 -323 0.0358 12.5
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 313 -313 0.0358 12.5
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 333 333 0.0264 9.85019
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 22 22 0.0384 1.10652
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10111 113 223 13.9 8.
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10211 213 223 13.9 8.
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10441 223 223 0.0397 11.5
do SVV:SetUpDecayMode 10111 22 22 3.12 1.32957
create Herwig::a1SimpleDecayer a1Simple
newdef a1Simple:Iteration 5
newdef a1Simple:Ntry 500
newdef a1Simple:Points 10000
newdef a1Simple:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef a1Simple:LocalParameters 1
newdef a1Simple:Coupling 47.95
newdef a1Simple:OneMax 12.
newdef a1Simple:TwoMax 12.
newdef a1Simple:ThreeMax 12.
newdef a1Simple:RhoMasses 0 773
newdef a1Simple:RhoMasses 1 1370
newdef a1Simple:RhoMasses 2 1750
newdef a1Simple:RhoWidths 0 145
newdef a1Simple:RhoWidths 1 510
newdef a1Simple:RhoWidths 2 120
newdef a1Simple:RhoWeights 0 1
newdef a1Simple:RhoWeights 1 -0.145
newdef a1Simple:RhoWeights 2 0
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 0 0.224559
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 1 0.2198
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 2 0.137131
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 3 0.138579
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 4 0.138346
newdef a1Simple:OneChargedWeights 5 0.141585
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 0 0.224847
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 1 0.220554
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 2 0.135879
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 3 0.13917
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 4 0.138596
newdef a1Simple:TwoChargedWeights 5 0.140955
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 0 0.223434
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 1 0.222521
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 2 0.141309
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 3 0.134317
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 4 0.139732
newdef a1Simple:ThreeChargedWeights 5 0.138687
create Herwig::MamboDecayer Mambo
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau5Pion
newdef Tau5Pion:Iteration 10
newdef Tau5Pion:Ntry 4000
newdef Tau5Pion:Points 10000
newdef Tau5Pion:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau5Pion:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau5Pion:WeightLocation 1 12
insert Tau5Pion:WeightLocation 2 30
insert Tau5Pion:MaximumWeight 0 0.12
insert Tau5Pion:MaximumWeight 1 1.10
insert Tau5Pion:MaximumWeight 2 0.19
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 0 0.0829231
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 1 0.0837284
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 2 0.0832389
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 3 0.0828526
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 4 0.0841606
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 5 0.0834426
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 6 0.0834811
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 7 0.0824631
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 8 0.0836733
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 9 0.0830621
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 10 0.0832661
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 11 0.083708
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 12 0.0655493
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 13 0.0669399
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 14 0.06701
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 15 0.065621
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 16 0.066326
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 17 0.069194
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 18 0.0643572
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 19 0.0671479
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 20 0.0680149
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 21 0.0660456
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 22 0.0667967
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 23 0.0674793
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 24 0.0355917
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 25 0.0340749
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 26 0.03507
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 27 0.0355398
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 28 0.0292482
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 29 0.0299938
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 30 0.0832497
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 31 0.083435
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 32 0.0839012
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 33 0.0831666
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 34 0.0820835
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 35 0.0843757
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 36 0.0825918
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 37 0.0838889
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 38 0.0838214
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 39 0.0830818
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 40 0.0826944
insert Tau5Pion:Weights 41 0.08371
create Herwig::FivePionCurrent Tau5PionCurrent
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:RhoMass 776
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:A1Mass 1260
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:SigmaMass 800
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:OmegaMass 782
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:RhoWidth 150
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:A1Width 400
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:SigmaWidth 600
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:OmegaWidth 8.5
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:LocalParameters 1
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:RhoOmega 0
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:C 4
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:C0 3
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:fomegarhopi 0.07
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:grhopipi 6
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:garhopi 6
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:faaf 4
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:ffpipi 5
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau5PionCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -1
newdef Tau5Pion:WeakCurrent Tau5PionCurrent
create Herwig::OniumToOniumPiPiDecayer OniumPiPi
newdef OniumPiPi:Iteration 1
newdef OniumPiPi:Ntry 500
newdef OniumPiPi:Points 10000
newdef OniumPiPi:GenerateIntermediates 0
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 200553 553 3.92e-06 1 0 -2.523 1.189 0 0 4.26075 4.82302
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 200553 100553 0.000311 1 0 -0.395 0.001 0 0 2.40535 2.36975
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 100553 553 6.14e-05 1 0 -0.753 0 0 0 3.26611 3.64848
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 300553 553 1.77e-06 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.94445 2.98196
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 300553 100553 6.88e-05 1 0 -2.35 0.55 0 0 5.1262 5.45035
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 100443 443 6.62e-05 1 0 -0.336 0 0 0 3.04451 3.08418
do OniumPiPi:SetUpDecayMode 30443 443 2.06e-05 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.60132 3.2421
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2K1Pi
newdef Tau2K1Pi:Iteration 10
newdef Tau2K1Pi:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2K1Pi:Points 1000000
newdef Tau2K1Pi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 1 15
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 2 30
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 3 57
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 4 81
insert Tau2K1Pi:WeightLocation 5 105
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 0 0.0432342
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 1 0.0402371
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 2 0.0377649
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 3 0.00891024
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 4 0.00892244
insert Tau2K1Pi:MaximumWeight 5 0.0289829
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 0 0.135963
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 1 0.0544693
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 2 0.103456
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 3 0.0407584
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 4 0.0406337
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 5 0.055166
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 6 0.0410856
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 7 0.17814
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 8 0.0714935
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 9 0.0701645
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 10 0.0533418
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 11 0.038983
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 12 0.0671185
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 13 0.0251201
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 14 0.0241059
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 15 0.134816
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 16 0.0533723
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 17 0.104429
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 18 0.0421405
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 19 0.0408935
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 20 0.0542975
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 21 0.0412704
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 22 0.177165
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 23 0.0707521
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 24 0.0697738
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 25 0.0541069
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 26 0.0395385
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 27 0.0677817
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 28 0.024839
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 29 0.0248236
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 30 0.060583
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 31 0.0599504
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 32 0.0321508
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 33 0.0461654
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 34 0.0453398
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 35 0.0260173
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 36 0.0267423
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 37 0.0259576
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 38 0.0259962
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 39 0.0343573
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 40 0.0344674
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 41 0.0270866
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 42 0.0805987
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 43 0.0787342
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 44 0.0453765
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 45 0.0443932
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 46 0.0443514
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 47 0.043594
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 48 0.0332234
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 49 0.0332983
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 50 0.0247822
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 51 0.030008
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 52 0.0303925
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 53 0.0170077
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 54 0.0162828
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 55 0.0163017
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 56 0.0168413
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 57 0.0689969
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 58 0.0688125
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 59 0.0530756
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 60 0.0532699
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 61 0.0281161
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 62 0.0283676
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 63 0.0286176
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 64 0.0286531
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 65 0.0371487
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 66 0.0369731
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 67 0.089269
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 68 0.0897125
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 69 0.0478451
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 70 0.0480762
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 71 0.0481653
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 72 0.0467581
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 73 0.0360446
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 74 0.0353376
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 75 0.0316765
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 76 0.0313933
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 77 0.0154869
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 78 0.0159134
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 79 0.0160241
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 80 0.0162663
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 81 0.0691784
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 82 0.06884
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 83 0.0527187
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 84 0.0533145
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 85 0.0281019
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 86 0.0287812
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 87 0.0286907
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 88 0.0283158
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 89 0.0370588
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 90 0.0371021
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 91 0.0897679
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 92 0.0899712
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 93 0.0477173
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 94 0.0483365
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 95 0.0479435
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 96 0.0459924
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 97 0.0356369
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 98 0.0363713
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 99 0.0315165
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 100 0.031417
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 101 0.0157208
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 102 0.0154267
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 103 0.0160225
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 104 0.0160575
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 105 0.0662738
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 106 0.0667806
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 107 0.0329099
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 108 0.051158
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 109 0.0519009
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 110 0.0518297
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 111 0.0515922
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 112 0.0518303
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 113 0.051487
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 114 0.0320661
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 115 0.0320866
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 116 0.0263489
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 117 0.0421899
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 118 0.0420786
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 119 0.042311
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 120 0.0404591
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 121 0.0405805
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 122 0.0409838
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 123 0.0308081
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 124 0.0313261
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 125 0.0241062
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 126 0.0163214
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 127 0.0165679
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 128 0.0159972
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 129 0.0166933
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 130 0.0167966
insert Tau2K1Pi:Weights 131 0.0165165
create Herwig::TwoKaonOnePionCurrent Tau2K1PiCurrent
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 0 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 1 -0.145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 2 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 0 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 1 -0.135
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 2 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:VectorRhoWeight 0 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:VectorRhoWeight 1 -0.25
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:VectorRhoWeight 2 -0.038
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:OmegaKStarWeight 0.707107
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:EpsOmega 0.05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Initializea1 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1WidthOption 1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 0 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 1 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 2 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 3 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 4 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 5 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 6 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 7 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 8 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 9 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 10 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 11 0
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 12 1.47729e-06
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 13 1.19209e-05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 14 3.884e-05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 15 8.83255e-05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 16 0.00016561
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 17 0.000275439
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 18 0.000422332
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 19 0.000610773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 20 0.000845357
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 21 0.00113092
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 22 0.00147264
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 23 0.00187616
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 24 0.0023477
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 25 0.00289413
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 26 0.00352315
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 27 0.00424342
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 28 0.0050647
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 29 0.00599808
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 30 0.00705616
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 31 0.00825335
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 32 0.0096062
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 33 0.0111337
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 34 0.0128579
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 35 0.0148041
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 36 0.017002
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 37 0.0194858
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 38 0.0222956
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 39 0.0254781
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 40 0.0290874
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 41 0.0331862
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 42 0.0378467
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 43 0.0431501
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 44 0.0491862
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 45 0.0560496
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 46 0.0638341
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 47 0.0726215
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 48 0.0824662
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 49 0.0933765
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 50 0.105297
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 51 0.118103
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 52 0.131602
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 53 0.145564
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 54 0.159749
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 55 0.173938
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 56 0.18795
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 57 0.201649
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 58 0.214943
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 59 0.227773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 60 0.240109
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 61 0.25194
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 62 0.263268
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 63 0.274104
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 64 0.284466
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 65 0.294372
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 66 0.303845
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 67 0.312905
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 68 0.321576
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 69 0.329878
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 70 0.337832
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 71 0.345456
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 72 0.35277
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 73 0.35979
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 74 0.366532
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 75 0.373012
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 76 0.379243
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 77 0.38524
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 78 0.391014
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 79 0.396577
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 80 0.401939
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 81 0.407111
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 82 0.412102
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 83 0.416923
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 84 0.421577
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 85 0.426078
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 86 0.430427
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 87 0.434636
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 88 0.43871
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 89 0.442654
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 90 0.446475
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 91 0.450177
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 92 0.453765
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 93 0.457245
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 94 0.460621
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 95 0.463899
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 96 0.467077
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 97 0.470164
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 98 0.473162
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 99 0.476076
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 103 0.486934
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 117 0.516846
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 191 0.579834
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningWidth 198 0.582586
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 59 0.936201
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 74 1.17422
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 75 1.19009
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 76 1.20595
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 77 1.22182
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 78 1.23769
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 79 1.25356
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 80 1.26942
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 81 1.28529
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 82 1.30116
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 83 1.31703
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 84 1.3329
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 85 1.34876
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 87 1.3805
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 88 1.39637
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 89 1.41223
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 91 1.44397
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 92 1.45984
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 93 1.47571
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 94 1.49157
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 95 1.50744
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 96 1.52331
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 97 1.53918
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 98 1.55505
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 99 1.57091
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 100 1.58678
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 108 1.71372
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 109 1.72959
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 110 1.74546
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 111 1.76133
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 112 1.77719
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 113 1.79306
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 115 1.8248
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 116 1.84067
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 117 1.85653
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 132 2.09455
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 135 2.14215
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newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 141 2.23736
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 142 2.25323
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 143 2.2691
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 144 2.28496
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 145 2.30083
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 146 2.3167
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 147 2.33257
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 148 2.34844
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 149 2.3643
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 150 2.38017
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 151 2.39604
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 152 2.41191
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 153 2.42777
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 154 2.44364
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 155 2.45951
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 156 2.47538
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 157 2.49125
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 158 2.50711
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 159 2.52298
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 160 2.53885
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 161 2.55472
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 162 2.57058
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 163 2.58645
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 164 2.60232
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 165 2.61819
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 166 2.63406
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 167 2.64992
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 168 2.66579
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 169 2.68166
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 170 2.69753
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 171 2.71339
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 172 2.72926
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 173 2.74513
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 174 2.761
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 175 2.77687
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 176 2.79273
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 177 2.8086
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 178 2.82447
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 179 2.84034
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 180 2.85621
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 181 2.87207
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 182 2.88794
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 183 2.90381
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 184 2.91968
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 185 2.93554
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 186 2.95141
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 187 2.96728
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 188 2.98315
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 189 2.99902
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 190 3.01488
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 191 3.03075
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 192 3.04662
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 193 3.06249
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 194 3.07835
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 195 3.09422
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 196 3.11009
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 197 3.12596
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 198 3.14183
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:a1RunningQ2 199 3.15769
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:A1Width 0.475
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:A1Mass 1.251
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:OmegaWidth 0.00843
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:OmegaMass 0.782
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:PhiWidth 0.00443
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:PhiMass 1.02
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:FPi 92.4189
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 0 0.773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 1 1.37
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 2 1.75
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 0 0.145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 1 0.51
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 2 0.12
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorMasses 0 0.773
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorMasses 1 1.5
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorMasses 2 1.75
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorWidths 0 0.145
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorWidths 1 0.22
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:RhoVectorWidths 2 0.12
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 0 0.892
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 1 1.412
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 2 1.714
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 0 0.05
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 1 0.227
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 2 0.323
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 3 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 3 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 4 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 4 -1
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:Quark 5 2
newdef Tau2K1PiCurrent:AntiQuark 5 -1
newdef Tau2K1Pi:WeakCurrent Tau2K1PiCurrent
create Herwig::TauDecayer TauKPi
newdef TauKPi:Iteration 5
newdef TauKPi:Ntry 500
newdef TauKPi:Points 10000
newdef TauKPi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert TauKPi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert TauKPi:WeightLocation 1 5
insert TauKPi:MaximumWeight 0 0.07
insert TauKPi:MaximumWeight 1 0.14
insert TauKPi:Weights 0 0.667015
insert TauKPi:Weights 1 0.0215203
insert TauKPi:Weights 2 0.0176676
insert TauKPi:Weights 3 0.253612
insert TauKPi:Weights 4 0.040185
insert TauKPi:Weights 5 0.652889
insert TauKPi:Weights 6 0.0361892
insert TauKPi:Weights 7 0.0173992
insert TauKPi:Weights 8 0.261652
insert TauKPi:Weights 9 0.0318708
create Herwig::KPiCurrent TauKPiCurrent
newdef TauKPiCurrent:LocalParameters 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:Transverse 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:cV 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:cS 0.465
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMagnitude 0 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorPhase 0 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMagnitude 1 0.075
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorPhase 1 82.5
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMagnitude 0 1
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarPhase 0 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMagnitude 1 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarPhase 1 0
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMass 0 895.47
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorWidth 0 46.19
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorMass 1 1414
newdef TauKPiCurrent:VectorWidth 1 232
insert TauKPiCurrent:VectorMass 2 1717
insert TauKPiCurrent:VectorWidth 2 322
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMass 0 878
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarWidth 0 499
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarMass 1 1429
newdef TauKPiCurrent:ScalarWidth 1 287
newdef TauKPiCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef TauKPiCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -3
newdef TauKPiCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef TauKPiCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -3
newdef TauKPi:WeakCurrent TauKPiCurrent
create Herwig::BtoSGammaDecayer BtosgammaKagan
newdef BtosgammaKagan:PartonSplitter /Herwig/Hadronization/PartonSplitter
newdef BtosgammaKagan:ClusterFinder /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFinder
newdef BtosgammaKagan:ClusterFissioner /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterFissioner
newdef BtosgammaKagan:LightClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/LightClusterDecayer
newdef BtosgammaKagan:ClusterDecayer /Herwig/Hadronization/ClusterDecayer
newdef BtosgammaKagan:Exclusive 1
newdef BtosgammaKagan:Intermediates 0
newdef BtosgammaKagan:Partonic_Tries 100
create Herwig::BtoSGammaKagan BtosgammaMass
newdef BtosgammaMass:TopMass 175
newdef BtosgammaMass:BottomMass 4.8
newdef BtosgammaMass:CharmMass 1.392
newdef BtosgammaMass:StrangeMassRatio 0.02
newdef BtosgammaMass:WMass 80.425
newdef BtosgammaMass:ZMass 91.1876
newdef BtosgammaMass:Lambda2 0.12
newdef BtosgammaMass:BMesonMass 5.2794
newdef BtosgammaMass:Mu 4.8
newdef BtosgammaMass:Delta 0.9
newdef BtosgammaMass:Lambda1 -0.3
newdef BtosgammaMass:alpha 0.00729735
newdef BtosgammaMass:CKM 0.976
newdef BtosgammaMass:FermiNormalisation 1.21691
newdef BtosgammaMass:MaximumTries 100
newdef BtosgammaMass:ycut 1
newdef BtosgammaMass:NSpectrum 100
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 0 0.825
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 1 0.867257
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 2 0.909515
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 3 0.951772
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 4 0.994029
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 5 1.03629
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 6 1.07854
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 7 1.1208
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 8 1.16306
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 9 1.20532
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 10 1.24757
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 11 1.28983
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 12 1.33209
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 13 1.37435
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 14 1.4166
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 15 1.45886
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 16 1.50112
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 17 1.54338
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 18 1.58563
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 19 1.62789
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 20 1.67015
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 21 1.7124
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 22 1.75466
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 23 1.79692
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 24 1.83918
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 25 1.88143
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 26 1.92369
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 27 1.96595
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 28 2.00821
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 29 2.05046
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 30 2.09272
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 31 2.13498
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 32 2.17724
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 33 2.21949
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 34 2.26175
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 35 2.30401
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 36 2.34626
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 37 2.38852
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 38 2.43078
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 39 2.47304
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 40 2.51529
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 41 2.55755
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 42 2.59981
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 43 2.64207
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 44 2.68432
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 45 2.72658
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 46 2.76884
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 47 2.8111
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 48 2.85335
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 49 2.89561
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 50 2.93787
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 51 2.98013
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 52 3.02238
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 53 3.06464
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 54 3.1069
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 55 3.14915
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 56 3.19141
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 57 3.23367
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 58 3.27593
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 59 3.31818
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 60 3.36044
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 61 3.4027
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 62 3.44496
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 63 3.48721
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 64 3.52947
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 65 3.57173
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 66 3.61399
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 67 3.65624
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 68 3.6985
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 69 3.74076
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 70 3.78302
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 71 3.82527
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 72 3.86753
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 73 3.90979
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 74 3.95204
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 75 3.9943
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 76 4.03656
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 77 4.07882
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 78 4.12107
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 79 4.16333
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 80 4.20559
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 81 4.24785
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 82 4.2901
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 83 4.33236
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 84 4.37462
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 85 4.41688
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 86 4.45913
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 87 4.50139
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 88 4.54365
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 89 4.58591
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 90 4.62816
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 91 4.67042
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 92 4.71268
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 93 4.75493
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 94 4.79719
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 95 4.83945
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 96 4.88171
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 97 4.92396
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 98 4.96622
newdef BtosgammaMass:mHValues 99 5.00848
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 0 7.66578e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 1 8.88774e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 2 0.000101655
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 3 0.000114816
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 4 0.000128169
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 5 0.000141542
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 6 0.000154679
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 7 0.000167399
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 8 0.000179472
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 9 0.00019078
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 10 0.000201121
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 11 0.000210346
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 12 0.00021833
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 13 0.00022497
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 14 0.000230231
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 15 0.000233996
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 16 0.000236281
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 17 0.000237093
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 18 0.000236431
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 19 0.000234426
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 20 0.000231119
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 21 0.000226602
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 22 0.000220987
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 23 0.000214393
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 24 0.000206948
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 25 0.000198784
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 26 0.000190058
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 27 0.000180856
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 28 0.00017133
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 29 0.000161602
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 30 0.000151786
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 31 0.000141971
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 32 0.000132288
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 33 0.0001228
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 34 0.000113581
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 35 0.00010469
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 36 9.61778e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 37 8.80815e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 38 8.04295e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 39 7.32403e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 40 6.65241e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 41 6.02879e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 42 5.45173e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 43 4.92076e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 44 4.43443e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 45 3.9909e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 46 3.58802e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 47 3.22326e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 48 2.8946e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 49 2.59925e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 50 2.33464e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 51 2.09823e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 52 1.88754e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 53 1.70019e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 54 1.5339e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 55 1.38655e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 56 1.25614e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 57 1.14085e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 58 1.03894e-05
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 59 9.48883e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 60 8.69297e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 61 7.9892e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 62 7.36625e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 63 6.81403e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 64 6.32388e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 65 5.88784e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 66 5.49905e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 67 5.1515e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 68 4.83997e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 69 4.55992e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 70 4.30743e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 71 4.07914e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 72 3.87217e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 73 3.68409e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 74 3.51284e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 75 3.35671e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 76 3.2143e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 77 3.08444e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 78 2.9662e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 79 2.85934e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 80 2.76345e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 81 2.67832e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 82 2.60408e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 83 2.54259e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 84 2.51139e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 85 2.5295e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 86 2.60152e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 87 2.72469e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 88 2.89586e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 89 3.11368e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 90 3.37949e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 91 3.69773e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 92 4.07611e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 93 4.52598e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 94 5.06366e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 95 5.71246e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 96 6.50607e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 97 7.49463e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 98 8.75571e-06
newdef BtosgammaMass:Spectrum 99 1.04156e-05
newdef BtosgammaKagan:HadronicMass BtosgammaMass
create Herwig::SMTopDecayer Top
newdef Top:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef Top:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 0 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 1 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 2 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 3 5.
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 4 1.5e-05
newdef Top:QuarkWeights 5 5.
newdef Top:LeptonWeights 0 5.
newdef Top:LeptonWeights 1 5.
newdef Top:LeptonWeights 2 5.
newdef Top:Iteration 1
newdef Top:Ntry 500
newdef Top:Points 10000
newdef Top:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef Top:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SMHiggsFermionsDecayer Hff
newdef Hff:NLO Yes
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 0 2.116e-06
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 1 4.47418e-07
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 2 0.000763237
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 3 0.0276405
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 4 0.571455
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 5 0
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 6 5.76739e-09
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 7 0.000246492
newdef Hff:MaxWeights 8 0.0696381
newdef Hff:Iteration 1
newdef Hff:Ntry 500
newdef Hff:Points 10000
newdef Hff:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef Hff:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef Hff:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef Hff:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SMHiggsWWDecayer HWW
newdef HWW:WMaximum 0 19.5935
newdef HWW:ZMaximum 0 1.84109
newdef HWW:WMaximum 1 183.963
newdef HWW:ZMaximum 1 39.4542
newdef HWW:Iteration 1
newdef HWW:Ntry 2000
newdef HWW:Points 10000
newdef HWW:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef HWW:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SemiLeptonicScalarDecayer HQET
newdef HQET:Iteration 1
newdef HQET:Ntry 500
newdef HQET:Points 10000
newdef HQET:GenerateIntermediates 0
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 0 0.0762401
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 1 0.0723751
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 2 0.0189018
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 3 0.105976
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 4 0.105066
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 5 0.0261202
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 6 0.0700031
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 7 0.066446
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 8 0.0172756
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 9 0.10208
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 10 0.106631
insert HQET:MaximumWeight 11 0.0278126
create Herwig::LeptonNeutrinoCurrent HQETCurrent
newdef HQETCurrent:Quark 0 11
newdef HQETCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -12
newdef HQETCurrent:Quark 1 13
newdef HQETCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -15
newdef HQETCurrent:Quark 2 15
newdef HQETCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -16
newdef HQET:Current HQETCurrent
create Herwig::HQETFormFactor HQETFormFactor
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 0 -521
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 0 421
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 0 0
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 0 -2
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 0 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 0 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 1 -521
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 1 423
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 1 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 1 -2
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 1 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 1 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 2 -511
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 2 411
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 2 0
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 2 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 2 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 2 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:Incoming 3 -511
newdef HQETFormFactor:Outgoing 3 413
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spin 3 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:Spectator 3 1
newdef HQETFormFactor:InQuark 3 5
newdef HQETFormFactor:OutQuark 3 4
newdef HQETFormFactor:F1Scalar 1.02693
newdef HQETFormFactor:F1Vector 0.84
newdef HQETFormFactor:Rho2Scalar 1.17
newdef HQETFormFactor:Rho2Vector 1.179
newdef HQETFormFactor:R1 1.417
newdef HQETFormFactor:R2 0.836
newdef HQET:FormFactor HQETFormFactor
create Herwig::CLEOD0toK0PipPim D0K0PipPimCLEO
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:Points 100000
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:DRadius 5
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:ResonanceRadius 1.5
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:MaximumWeight 4.0e+10
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 0 0.0315344
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 1 0.143317
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 2 0.0614656
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 3 0.316689
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 4 0.0334101
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 5 0.108971
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 6 0.112036
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 7 0.070267
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 8 0.0527859
insert D0K0PipPimCLEO:Weights 9 0.0695232
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:RhoMass 769.3
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:RhoWidth 150.2
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:OmegaMass 782.57
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:OmegaWidth 8.44
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f980Mass 977
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f980Width 50
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:gPi 0.09
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:gK 0.02
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f0Option 1
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f_2Mass 1275.4
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f_2Width 185.1
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f1370Mass 1310
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f1370Width 272
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KstarMass 891.66
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KstarWidth 50.8
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:K_01430Mass 1412
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:K_01430Width 294
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:K_21430Mass 1425.6
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:K_21430Width 98.5
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:Kstar1680Mass 1717
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:Kstar1680Width 322
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KStarPlusAmplitude 0.11
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KStarPlusPhase 321
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:RhoAmplitude 1
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:RhoPhase 0
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:OmegaAmplitude 0.037
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:OmegaPhase 114
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KStarMinusAmplitude 1.56
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KStarMinusPhase 150
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f980Amplitude 0.34
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f980Phase 188
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f2Amplitude 0.7
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f2Phase 308
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f1370Amplitude 1.8
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:f1370Phase 85
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KK_0MinusAmplitude 2
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KK_0MinusPhase 3
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KK_2MinusAmplitude 1
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:KK_2MinusPhase 335
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:K1680MinusAmplitude 5.6
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:K1680MinusPhase 174
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:NonResonantAmplitude 1.1
newdef D0K0PipPimCLEO:NonResonantPhase 340
create Herwig::DtoKPiPiE691 DKPiPiE691
newdef DKPiPiE691:Iteration 10
newdef DKPiPiE691:Ntry 500
newdef DKPiPiE691:Points 10000
newdef DKPiPiE691:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipNonResonantMagnitude 1
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipNonResonantPhase 0
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipK892Magnitude 0.78
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipK892Phase -60
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipK1430Magnitude 0.53
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipK1430Phase 132
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipK1680Magnitude 0.47
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPipK1680Phase -51
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0NonResonantMagnitude 1
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0NonResonantPhase 0
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0K8920Magnitude 3.19
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0K8920Phase 167
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0K892mMagnitude 2.96
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0K892mPhase -112
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0RhoMagnitude 8.56
newdef DKPiPiE691:KmPipPi0RhoPhase 40
newdef DKPiPiE691:K0PipPimNonResonantMagnitude 1
newdef DKPiPiE691:K0PipPimNonResonantPhase 0
newdef DKPiPiE691:K0PipPimK892Magnitude 2.31
newdef DKPiPiE691:K0PipPimK892Phase 109
newdef DKPiPiE691:K0PipPimRhoMagnitude 1.59
newdef DKPiPiE691:K0PipPimRhoPhase -123
newdef DKPiPiE691:LocalParameters 1
newdef DKPiPiE691:K8920Mass 0.8961
newdef DKPiPiE691:K8920Width 0.0505
newdef DKPiPiE691:K892MinusMass 0.89159
newdef DKPiPiE691:K892MinusWidth 0.0498
newdef DKPiPiE691:K1680Mass 1.714
newdef DKPiPiE691:K1680Width 0.323
newdef DKPiPiE691:K1430Mass 1.429
newdef DKPiPiE691:K1430Width 0.287
newdef DKPiPiE691:Rho0Mass 0.7681
newdef DKPiPiE691:Rho0Width 0.1515
newdef DKPiPiE691:RhoPlusMass 0.7681
newdef DKPiPiE691:RhoPlusWidth 0.1515
insert DKPiPiE691:MaximumWeights 0 1.76526e+09
insert DKPiPiE691:MaximumWeights 1 6.09945e+09
insert DKPiPiE691:MaximumWeights 2 1.02351e+09
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 0 0.192843
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 1 0.198588
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 2 0.108339
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 3 0.114322
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 4 0.192924
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 5 0.192984
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 6 0.226201
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 7 0.217755
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 8 0.556044
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 9 0.453208
insert DKPiPiE691:Weights 10 0.546792
create Herwig::DtoKPiPiMarkIII DtoKPiPiMarkIII
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Iteration 10
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Ntry 500
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Points 10000
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0RhoMagnitude 1
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0RhoPhase 0
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0KstarmMagnitude 0.4018
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0KstarmPhase 154
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0Kstar0Magnitude 0.4244
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0Kstar0Phase 7
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0NonResonantMagnitude 2.0693
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPi0NonResonantPhase 52
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPimRhoMagnitude 0.0975
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPimRhoPhase 93
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPimKstarMagnitude 0.2225
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPimKstarPhase 0
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPimNonResonantMagnitude 1
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPimNonResonantPhase 0
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPi0RhoMagnitude 1
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPi0RhoPhase 0
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPi0KstarMagnitude 0.5617
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPi0KstarPhase 43
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPi0NonResonantMagnitude 2.725
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:K0PipPi0NonResonantPhase 250
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPipNonResonantMagnitude 1
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPipNonResonantPhase 0
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPipKstarMagnitude 0.04749
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KmPipPipKstarPhase 105
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:LocalParameters 1
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Kstar0Mass 0.8695
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Kstar0Width 0.0502
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KstarMinusMass 0.8921
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KstarMinusWidth 0.0511
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Rho0Mass 0.77
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Rho0Width 0.1533
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:RhoPlusMass 0.77
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:RhoPlusWidth 0.1533
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:RhoRadius 5
newdef DtoKPiPiMarkIII:KstarRadius 2
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:MaximumWeights 0 3.40137e+10
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:MaximumWeights 1 1.26052e+09
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:MaximumWeights 2 7.78925e+10
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:MaximumWeights 3 3.50351e+09
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 0 0.508183
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 1 0.186959
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 2 0.304858
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 3 0.442997
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 4 0.557003
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 5 0.576273
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 6 0.423727
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 7 0.497905
insert DtoKPiPiMarkIII:Weights 8 0.502095
create Herwig::RadiativeHyperonDecayer RadiativeHyperon
newdef RadiativeHyperon:Iteration 1
newdef RadiativeHyperon:Ntry 500
newdef RadiativeHyperon:Points 10000
newdef RadiativeHyperon:GenerateIntermediates 0
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3222 2212 -1.81e-07 4.7e-08 0.0245809
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3312 3112 8e-09 1.5e-08 6.02591e-05
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3212 2112 -2e-09 -4.5e-08 1.34599e-12
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3122 2112 -5.2e-08 -5e-09 0.00237221
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3322 3212 5e-09 7e-08 0.00175107
do RadiativeHyperon:SetUpDecayMode 3322 3122 -3.4e-08 -8e-09 0.00171032
create Herwig::SMWDecayer WDecayer
newdef WDecayer:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef WDecayer:AlphaEM /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQED
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 0 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 1 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 2 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 3 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 4 3.
newdef WDecayer:QuarkMax 5 3.
newdef WDecayer:LeptonMax 0 3.
newdef WDecayer:LeptonMax 1 3.
newdef WDecayer:LeptonMax 2 3.
newdef WDecayer:Iteration 1
newdef WDecayer:Ntry 500
newdef WDecayer:Points 10000
newdef WDecayer:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef WDecayer:PhotonGenerator /Herwig/QEDRadiation/SOPHTY
create Herwig::SMHiggsGGHiggsPPDecayer HPP
newdef HPP:MaxWeights 0 0.624291
newdef HPP:MaxWeights 1 1.17718
newdef HPP:MaxWeights 2 1.15963
newdef HPP:SMHGGVertex /Herwig/Vertices/HGGVertex
newdef HPP:SMHPPVertex /Herwig/Vertices/HPPVertex
newdef HPP:SMHZPVertex /Herwig/Vertices/HZPVertex
newdef HPP:Iteration 10
newdef HPP:Ntry 500
newdef HPP:Points 10000
newdef HPP:AlphaS /Herwig/Shower/AlphaQCD
newdef HPP:GenerateIntermediates 0
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau2Kaon
newdef Tau2Kaon:Ntry 500
newdef Tau2Kaon:Points 10000
newdef Tau2Kaon:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau2Kaon:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau2Kaon:MaximumWeight 0 0.014
insert Tau2Kaon:Weights 0 0.505259
insert Tau2Kaon:Weights 1 0.43015
insert Tau2Kaon:Weights 2 0.064591
newdef Tau2Kaon:WeakCurrent TwoKaonCzyzCurrent
+create Herwig::PseudoVectorMesonVectorVectorDecayer AVV
+newdef AVV:Iteration 1
+newdef AVV:Ntry 1000
+newdef AVV:Points 10000
+newdef AVV:GenerateIntermediates 0
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 553 20443 22 0.0227 1.60207
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 100443 20443 22 0.0816 1.67717
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 100553 20553 22 0.0257 1.60373
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 200553 20553 22 0.0418 1.59983
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 200553 120553 22 0.0317 1.61356
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20443 443 22 0.178 1.70231
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20553 553 22 0.0478 1.60209
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 553 22 0.0185 1.60901
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 100553 22 0.0529 1.60262
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 120553 553 223 0.0207 1.94571
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 553 22 0.012 1.60562
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 100553 22 0.017 1.5984
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 220553 200553 22 0.0501 1.60926
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20223 113 22 0.389 2.85408
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20223 333 22 0.0544 6.00413
+do AVV:SetUpDecayMode 20333 333 22 0.129 6.83714
create Herwig::HQETStrongDecayer BottomMeson
newdef BottomMeson:Iteration 10
newdef BottomMeson:Ntry 500
newdef BottomMeson:Points 10000
newdef BottomMeson:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef BottomMeson:fPi 130.2
newdef BottomMeson:g 0.566
newdef BottomMeson:h 0.544
newdef BottomMeson:hp 0.413
newdef BottomMeson:k 0.407
newdef BottomMeson:kp 0.242
newdef BottomMeson:gtilde 0.283
newdef BottomMeson:Lambda 1
newdef BottomMeson:psiL 0
newdef BottomMeson:psiS 0.041
newdef BottomMeson:DeltaEta 0.0228833
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 511 111 1.95802
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 521 -211 1.9329
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 511 211 1.87623
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 521 111 1.91432
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 511 -311 1.54908
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 521 -321 1.80933
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 513 111 1.97116
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 515 523 -211 1.93093
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 513 211 1.87396
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 525 523 111 1.913
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 513 -311 1.35449
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 535 523 -321 2.22418
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10513 513 111 7.62316
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10513 523 -211 7.51603
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10523 513 211 8.21482
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10523 523 111 8.32594
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10533 513 -311 1.05995
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10533 523 -321 1.51482
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10511 511 111 6.05498
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10511 521 -211 6.04809
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10521 511 211 6.03197
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10521 521 111 6.06396
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10531 511 -311 6.94284
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 10531 521 -321 7.28808
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20513 513 111 7.60088
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20513 523 -211 7.57955
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20523 513 211 7.57639
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20523 523 111 7.6011
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20533 513 -311 9.14945
do BottomMeson:SetUpDecayMode 20533 523 -321 9.64881
create Herwig::EtaPiPiFermionsDecayer EtapipiFermions
newdef EtapipiFermions:Iteration 1
newdef EtapipiFermions:Ntry 500
newdef EtapipiFermions:Points 10000
newdef EtapipiFermions:GenerateIntermediates 0
newdef EtapipiFermions:fpi 130.7
newdef EtapipiFermions:RhoMass 771.1
newdef EtapipiFermions:RhoWidth 149.2
newdef EtapipiFermions:LocalParameters 1
newdef EtapipiFermions:OmnesC 1
newdef EtapipiFermions:OmnesA 0.840908
newdef EtapipiFermions:Incoming 0 221
newdef EtapipiFermions:Coupling 0 0.00506
newdef EtapipiFermions:Lepton 0 11
newdef EtapipiFermions:MaxWeight 0 0.00231953
newdef EtapipiFermions:Option 0 3
newdef EtapipiFermions:Incoming 1 331
newdef EtapipiFermions:Coupling 1 0.004278
newdef EtapipiFermions:Lepton 1 11
newdef EtapipiFermions:MaxWeight 1 7.48945
newdef EtapipiFermions:Option 1 3
create Herwig::ExperimentalOmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Initialize 0
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesPoints 100
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesCut 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 0 300
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 0 0.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 1 320
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 1 0.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 2 340
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 2 0.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 3 360
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 3 1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 4 380
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 4 1.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 5 400
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 5 2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 6 420
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 6 2.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 7 440
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 7 3.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 8 460
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 8 4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 9 480
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 9 4.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 10 500
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 10 5.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 11 520
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 11 7.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 12 540
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 12 8.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 13 560
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 13 10.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 14 580
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 14 12.1
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 15 600
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 15 14.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 16 620
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 16 17.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 17 640
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 17 20.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 18 660
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 18 25.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 19 680
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 19 31.2
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 20 700
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 20 38.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 21 720
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 21 48.4
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 22 740
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 22 60.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 23 760
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 23 74.9
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 24 780
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 24 90
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 25 800
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 25 103.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 26 820
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 26 115.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 27 840
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 27 124.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 28 860
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 28 131.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 29 880
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 29 136.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 30 900
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 30 141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 31 920
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 31 144.5
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 32 940
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 32 147.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 33 960
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 33 149.7
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Energy 34 980
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:Phase_Shift 34 151.8
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 0 282.534
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 0 0.860715
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 0 0.00243348
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 1 289.32
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 1 0.851815
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 1 0.00089491
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 2 296.107
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 2 0.843732
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 2 -0.000612618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 3 302.893
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 3 0.835875
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 3 -0.00209199
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 4 309.68
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 4 0.828085
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 4 -0.00354375
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 5 316.466
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 5 0.820287
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 5 -0.0049678
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 6 323.252
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 6 0.812437
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 6 -0.00636377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 7 330.039
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 7 0.804502
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 7 -0.00773106
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 8 336.825
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 8 0.796459
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 8 -0.00906897
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 9 343.612
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 9 0.788299
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 9 -0.0102967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 10 350.398
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 10 0.77978
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 10 -0.0114782
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 11 357.184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 11 0.770921
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 11 -0.0127871
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 12 363.971
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 12 0.761746
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 12 -0.0144895
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 13 370.757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 13 0.752725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 13 -0.0165141
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 14 377.543
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 14 0.743833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 14 -0.0186278
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 15 384.33
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 15 0.735053
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 15 -0.0206378
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 16 391.116
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 16 0.726157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 16 -0.0225401
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 17 397.903
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 17 0.717151
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 17 -0.0243864
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 18 404.689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 18 0.70801
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 18 -0.0260833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 19 411.475
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 19 0.698521
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 19 -0.0277387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 20 418.262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 20 0.688706
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 20 -0.0294853
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 21 425.048
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 21 0.678618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 21 -0.0315488
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 22 431.835
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 22 0.668555
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 22 -0.0338262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 23 438.621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 23 0.658496
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 23 -0.036209
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 24 445.407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 24 0.648429
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 24 -0.0385969
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 25 452.194
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 25 0.638272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 25 -0.0410051
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 26 458.98
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 26 0.628033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 26 -0.0434404
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 27 465.767
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 27 0.61771
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 27 -0.0458955
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 28 472.553
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 28 0.607297
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 28 -0.0483627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 29 479.339
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 29 0.596791
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 29 -0.0508343
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 30 486.126
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 30 0.586171
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 30 -0.0532532
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 31 492.912
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 31 0.575358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 31 -0.0556833
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 32 499.699
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 32 0.564361
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 32 -0.0581587
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 33 506.485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 33 0.553214
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 33 -0.0607547
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 34 513.271
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 34 0.541985
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 34 -0.0634188
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 35 520.058
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 35 0.530667
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 35 -0.0661334
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 36 526.844
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 36 0.519264
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 36 -0.0688841
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 37 533.63
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 37 0.507774
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 37 -0.0716561
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 38 540.417
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 38 0.496218
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 38 -0.0744314
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 39 547.203
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 39 0.484506
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 39 -0.077109
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 40 553.99
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 40 0.472569
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 40 -0.0798124
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 41 560.776
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 41 0.460391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 41 -0.0825951
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 42 567.562
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 42 0.448121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 42 -0.0856021
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 43 574.349
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 43 0.43585
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 43 -0.0886757
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 44 581.135
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 44 0.423613
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 44 -0.0917407
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 45 587.922
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 45 0.411225
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 45 -0.0946244
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 46 594.708
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 46 0.398597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 46 -0.0975017
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 47 601.494
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 47 0.385723
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 47 -0.100435
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 48 608.281
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 48 0.372704
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 48 -0.103516
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 49 615.067
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 49 0.35959
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 49 -0.106676
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 50 621.854
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 50 0.3464
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 50 -0.109892
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 51 628.64
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 51 0.333098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 51 -0.113121
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 52 635.426
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 52 0.319686
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 52 -0.116385
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 53 642.213
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 53 0.306191
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 53 -0.119664
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 54 648.999
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 54 0.292541
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 54 -0.12291
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 55 655.786
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 55 0.278725
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 55 -0.126184
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 56 662.572
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 56 0.264753
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 56 -0.129498
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 57 669.358
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 57 0.250639
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 57 -0.132862
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 58 676.145
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 58 0.236391
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 58 -0.136272
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 59 682.931
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 59 0.222033
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 59 -0.139718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 60 689.718
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 60 0.207536
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 60 -0.143174
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 61 696.504
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 61 0.192894
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 61 -0.14665
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 62 703.29
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 62 0.178087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 62 -0.150158
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 63 710.077
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 63 0.163157
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 63 -0.153716
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 64 716.863
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 64 0.148098
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 64 -0.157273
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 65 723.649
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 65 0.132821
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 65 -0.160847
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 66 730.436
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 66 0.117442
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 66 -0.164522
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 67 737.222
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 67 0.101967
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 67 -0.168175
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 68 744.009
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 68 0.0862558
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 68 -0.171796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 69 750.795
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 69 0.0704105
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 69 -0.17551
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 70 757.581
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 70 0.0544364
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 70 -0.179198
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 71 764.368
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 71 0.0381918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 71 -0.182849
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 72 771.154
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 72 0.0217336
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 72 -0.186618
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 73 777.941
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 73 0.00508918
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 73 -0.190478
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 74 784.727
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 74 -0.0116074
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 74 -0.19445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 75 791.513
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 75 -0.028463
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 75 -0.198325
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 76 798.3
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 76 -0.0455796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 76 -0.202216
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 77 805.086
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 77 -0.0628507
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 77 -0.206212
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 78 811.873
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 78 -0.0803257
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 78 -0.210165
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 79 818.659
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 79 -0.0980796
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 79 -0.214176
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 80 825.445
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 80 -0.115981
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 80 -0.21834
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 81 832.232
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 81 -0.134042
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 81 -0.222474
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 82 839.018
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 82 -0.15233
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 82 -0.226615
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 83 845.805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 83 -0.170884
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 83 -0.230769
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 84 852.591
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 84 -0.189711
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 84 -0.234988
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 85 859.377
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 85 -0.208805
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 85 -0.239289
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 86 866.164
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 86 -0.228132
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 86 -0.243689
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 87 872.95
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 87 -0.247688
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 87 -0.24814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 88 879.736
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 88 -0.267485
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 88 -0.25262
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 89 886.523
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 89 -0.287624
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 89 -0.257087
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 90 893.309
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 90 -0.308122
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 90 -0.261627
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 91 900.096
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 91 -0.328979
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 91 -0.266226
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 92 906.882
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 92 -0.350331
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 92 -0.270868
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 93 913.668
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 93 -0.372196
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 93 -0.275687
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 94 920.455
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 94 -0.394597
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 94 -0.280733
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 95 927.241
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 95 -0.417472
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 95 -0.286075
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 96 934.028
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 96 -0.440914
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 96 -0.291621
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 97 940.814
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 97 -0.465088
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 97 -0.297381
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 98 947.6
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 98 -0.490461
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 98 -0.303462
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesEnergy 99 954.387
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesReal 99 -0.51781
newdef ExperimentalOmnesFunction2:OmnesImag 99 -0.310381
newdef EtapipiFermions:OmnesFunction ExperimentalOmnesFunction2
create Herwig::Spin3Meson2PScalarDecayer Spin3PP
newdef Spin3PP:Iteration 1
newdef Spin3PP:Ntry 500
newdef Spin3PP:Points 10000
newdef Spin3PP:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 447 411 -411 6.01096 1.59891
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 447 421 -421 6.01096 1.6008
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 117 211 -211 1.548 7.52271
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 217 211 111 1.548 7.54001
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 117 321 -321 0.53 13.8703
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 117 311 -311 0.53 13.7072
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 217 321 -311 0.737 13.3601
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 317 311 221 3.04 8.38239
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 327 321 221 3.04 8.44805
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 327 321 111 0.92 6.12415
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 327 311 211 1.3 6.09512
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 317 311 111 0.92 6.11427
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 317 321 -211 1.3 6.13277
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 337 321 -321 1.83 6.56579
do Spin3PP:SetUpDecayMode 337 310 130 1.83 2.10003
create Herwig::RadiativeDoublyHeavyBaryonDecayer RadiativeDoublyHeavy
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:Iteration 1
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:Ntry 500
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:Points 10000
newdef RadiativeDoublyHeavy:GenerateIntermediates 0
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 4414 4412 0.134 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 4424 4422 0.121 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 4434 4432 0.0412 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5514 5512 0.0111 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5524 5522 0.0256 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5534 5532 0.00858 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5414 5142 0.0213 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5424 5242 0.0305 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5434 5342 0.0175 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5412 5142 0.00615 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5422 5242 0.00615 1.
do RadiativeDoublyHeavy:SetUpDecayMode 5432 5342 0.00600 1.
create Herwig::TauDecayer Tau1K2Pi
newdef Tau1K2Pi:Iteration 10
newdef Tau1K2Pi:Ntry 500
newdef Tau1K2Pi:Points 1000000
newdef Tau1K2Pi:GenerateIntermediates 1
insert Tau1K2Pi:WeightLocation 0 0
insert Tau1K2Pi:WeightLocation 1 30
insert Tau1K2Pi:WeightLocation 2 60
insert Tau1K2Pi:MaximumWeight 0 0.0273874
insert Tau1K2Pi:MaximumWeight 1 0.0811559
insert Tau1K2Pi:MaximumWeight 2 0.0860745
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 0 0.0982712
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 1 0.0985845
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 2 0.0754198
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 3 0.0751768
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 4 0.00576148
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 5 0.0054422
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 6 0.0030416
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 7 0.00282067
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 8 0.00292896
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 9 0.00333228
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 10 0.0354826
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 11 0.0362049
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 12 0.0288883
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 13 0.0290415
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 14 0.0706914
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 15 0.070505
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 16 0.0273647
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 17 0.0276436
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 18 0.0318761
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 19 0.0313382
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 20 0.0386597
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 21 0.0385886
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 22 0.0334508
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 23 0.0337579
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 24 0.0256563
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 25 0.0256098
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 26 0.0105038
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 27 0.0103908
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 28 0.0116108
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 29 0.0119557
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 30 0.0643114
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 31 0.135241
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 32 0.0462792
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 33 0.132393
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 34 0.00228711
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 35 0.00712326
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 36 0.00250683
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 37 0.00711817
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 38 0.00214168
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 39 0.00734524
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 40 0.056539
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 41 0.0371129
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 42 0.0419097
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 43 0.024564
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 44 0.0387979
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 45 0.0235521
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 46 0.0389098
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 47 0.023459
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 48 0.0389241
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 49 0.0234025
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 50 0.0564586
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 51 0.0414258
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 52 0.0424572
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 53 0.0306962
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 54 0.014456
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 55 0.0105052
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 56 0.0143489
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 57 0.0105307
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 58 0.0143897
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 59 0.0108141
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 60 0.0689819
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 61 0.061703
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 62 0.0616514
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 63 0.0386958
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 64 0.0453983
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 65 0.045033
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 66 0.00234914
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 67 0.0017299
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 68 0.00225587
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 69 0.00149289
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 70 0.00146865
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 71 0.00133644
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 72 0.00127344
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 73 0.00154511
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 74 0.0013302
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 75 0.0491598
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 76 0.0264942
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 77 0.0264046
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 78 0.0288977
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 79 0.0179427
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 80 0.017631
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 81 0.0417104
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 82 0.0358827
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 83 0.0414594
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 84 0.0165004
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 85 0.0267491
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 86 0.0163126
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 87 0.0191507
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 88 0.026621
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 89 0.0189324
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 90 0.0464448
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 91 0.0292149
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 92 0.0286853
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 93 0.0277957
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 94 0.0201043
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 95 0.0201356
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 96 0.0138683
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 97 0.0116343
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 98 0.0140018
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 99 0.00576547
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 100 0.00879157
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 101 0.00565538
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 102 0.00658881
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 103 0.00871664
insert Tau1K2Pi:Weights 104 0.00650336
create Herwig::OneKaonTwoPionCurrent Tau1K2PiCurrent
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 1 -0.145
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialRhoWeight 2 0
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 1 -0.135
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AxialKStarWeight 2 0
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:VectorKStarWeight 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:VectorKStarWeight 1 -0.25
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:VectorKStarWeight 2 -0.038
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:FPi 92.4189
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Masses 0 1.27
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Masses 1 1.402
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Widths 0 0.09
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1Widths 1 0.174
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 0 0.773
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 1 1.37
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialMasses 2 1.75
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 0 0.145
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 1 0.51
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:RhoAxialWidths 2 0.12
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 0 0.892
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 1 1.412
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialMasses 2 1.714
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 0 0.05
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 1 0.227
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarAxialWidths 2 0.323
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorMasses 0 0.892
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorMasses 1 1.412
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorMasses 2 1.714
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorWidths 0 0.05
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorWidths 1 0.227
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:KstarVectorWidths 2 0.323
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightKStarPi 0 0.33
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightKStarPi 1 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightRhoK 0 1
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:K1WeightRhoK 1 0
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:Quark 0 2
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AntiQuark 0 -3
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:Quark 1 2
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AntiQuark 1 -3
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:Quark 2 2
newdef Tau1K2PiCurrent:AntiQuark 2 -3
newdef Tau1K2Pi:WeakCurrent Tau1K2PiCurrent
create Herwig::VectorMeson2SpinHalfBaryonsDecayer Vector2BaryonsHalf
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:Iteration 1
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:Ntry 500
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:Points 10000
newdef Vector2BaryonsHalf:GenerateIntermediates 0
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 2212 -2212 0.00135736265293 0.00163222616377 0. 1.6
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 2112 -2112 0.0015117595557 0.00158881446341 0. 1.6
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3122 -3122 0.00137881900413 0.00163561699791 0.740 2.1
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3212 -3212 0.001988067505 0.000944247071286 0. 1.5
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3222 -3222 0.00233118573611 0.00102277134344 -0.270 2.0
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3312 -3312 0.000852659560453 0.00141162244048 0. 2.
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 443 3322 -3322 0.000801719253474 0.00150424724997 0. 2.1
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 2212 -2212 0. 0.00103222902272 0. 1.7
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 2112 -2112 0.00084599445285 0.00098818310509 0. 1.7
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3122 -3122 0.000621041230885 0.00119542938517 0. 2.5
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3212 -3212 0.000599393812308 0.000941856299908 0. 1.6
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3222 -3222 0.00194199600339 0.00288222568159 0.379 15.
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3312 -3312 0.000327664954147 0.00108249234586 0. 2.
do Vector2BaryonsHalf:SetUpDecayMode 100443 3322 -3322 0.000664382626732 0.00102912698738 0. 2.
create Herwig::CLEOD0toKmPipPi0 D0KmPipPi0CLEO
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Iteration 10
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Ntry 500
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Points 100000
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:GenerateIntermediates 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:DRadius 5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:ResonanceRadius 1.5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:MaximumWeight 1.52393e+10
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 0 0.279469
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 1 0.14109
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 2 0.0801408
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 3 0.093447
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 4 0.166967
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 5 0.0844772
insert D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Weights 6 0.154409
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K_01430Mass 1412
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K_01430Width 294
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Kstar1680Mass 1717
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Kstar1680Width 322
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:rho1700Mass 1700
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:rho1700Width 240
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Kstar0892Mass 896.1
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Kstar0892Width 50.5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:KstarPlus892Mass 891.5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:KstarPlus892Width 50
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:RhoMass 770
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:RhoWidth 150.7
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:NonResonantAmplitude 1.75
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:NonResonantPhase 31.2
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:RhoAmplitude 1
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:RhoPhase 0
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:KStarMinusAmplitude 0.44
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:KStarMinusPhase 163
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:KStar0Amplitude 0.39
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:KStar0Phase -0.2
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K_0MinusAmplitude 0.77
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K_0MinusPhase 55.5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K_00Amplitude 0.85
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K_00Phase 166
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Rho1700Amplitude 2.5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:Rho1700Phase 171
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K1680MinusAmplitude 2.5
newdef D0KmPipPi0CLEO:K1680MinusPhase 103
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,2188 +1,2189 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# file containing the decays for the mesons
# the 1^1S_0 multiplet
decaymode pi+->mu+,nu_mu; 0.999877 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode pi+->e+,nu_e; 0.000123 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode pi0->gamma,gamma; 0.988227 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode pi0->gamma,e-,e+; 0.01174 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVff
decaymode pi0->e-,e+,e-,e+; 3.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalar4f
decaymode pi-->mu-,nu_mubar; 0.999877 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode pi-->e-,nu_ebar; 0.000123 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode eta->gamma,gamma; 0.394082 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta->pi0,pi0,pi0; 0.326779 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipipi
decaymode eta->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.229175 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipipi
decaymode eta->pi+,pi-,gamma; 0.0422 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipigamma
decaymode eta->e-,e+,gamma; 0.0069 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVff
decaymode eta->mu-,mu+,gamma; 0.00031 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVff
decaymode eta->pi+,pi-,e-,e+; 0.000268 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode eta->pi0,gamma,gamma; 0.000256 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapigammagamma
decaymode eta->e-,e+,e-,e+; 2.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalar4f
decaymode eta->mu-,mu+; 6.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta'->pi+,pi-,eta; 0.42441 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipipi
decaymode eta'->pi+,pi-,gamma; 0.294528 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipigamma
decaymode eta'->pi0,pi0,eta; 0.22341 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipipi
decaymode eta'->omega,gamma; 0.025 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta'->gamma,gamma; 0.022466 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta'->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.00361 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipipi
decaymode eta'->pi0,pi0,pi0; 0.0025 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapipipi
decaymode eta'->pi+,pi-,e-,e+; 0.0024 1 /Herwig/Decays/EtapipiFermions
decaymode eta'->pi0,gamma,gamma; 0.00062 1 /Herwig/Decays/Etapigammagamma
decaymode eta'->e-,e+,gamma; 0.000494 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVff
decaymode eta'->omega,e-,e+; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVff
decaymode eta'->pi+,pi-,pi0,pi0; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode eta'->mu-,mu+,gamma; 9.8E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVff
decaymode eta'->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 8.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode eta_c->g,g; 0.720947 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode eta_c->eta,pi+,pi-; 0.032667 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->eta',pi+,pi-; 0.027333 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K-,K0,pi+; 0.023333 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.023333 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->eta,pi0,pi0; 0.016333 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*0,K*bar0,pi+,pi-; 0.015 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode eta_c->eta',pi0,pi0; 0.013667 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->rho+,rho-; 0.013333 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta_c->K0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.011667 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K+,K-,pi0; 0.011667 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->f_2,f_2; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*-,K0,pi+; 0.00847 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*bar0,K+,pi-; 0.00847 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*0,K-,pi+; 0.00847 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.00847 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->rho0,rho0; 0.006667 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta_c->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 0.005333 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode eta_c->K*0,K*bar0; 0.0046 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta_c->K*+,K*-; 0.0046 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta_c->K*-,K+,pi0; 0.00423 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*bar0,K0,pi0; 0.00423 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.00423 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->K*+,K-,pi0; 0.00423 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->phi,phi; 0.0027 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta_c->phi,K0,Kbar0; 0.00157 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->phi,K+,K-; 0.00157 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->n0,nbar0; 0.0013 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->p+,pbar-; 0.0013 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c->gamma,gamma; 0.00028 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode eta_b->g,g; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode K+->mu+,nu_mu; 0.635573 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode K+->pi+,pi0; 0.206679 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K+->pi+,pi+,pi-; 0.05583 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K+->pi0,e+,nu_e; 0.0507 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K+->pi0,mu+,nu_mu; 0.03352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K+->pi+,pi0,pi0; 0.0176 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K+->pi+,pi-,e+,nu_e; 4.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K+->pi0,pi0,e+,nu_e; 2.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K+->e+,nu_e; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode K+->pi+,pi-,mu+,nu_mu; 1.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K+->pi+,gamma,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K0->K_L0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K0->K_S0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K-->mu-,nu_mubar; 0.635573 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode K-->pi-,pi0; 0.206679 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K-->pi-,pi-,pi+; 0.05583 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K-->pi0,e-,nu_ebar; 0.0507 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K-->pi0,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.03352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K-->pi-,pi0,pi0; 0.0176 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K-->pi-,pi+,e-,nu_ebar; 4.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K-->pi0,pi0,e-,nu_ebar; 2.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K-->e-,nu_ebar; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode K-->pi-,pi+,mu-,nu_mubar; 1.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K-->pi-,gamma,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Kbar0->K_L0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Kbar0->K_S0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c+->B_s*0,rho+; 0.202 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B_s0,pi+; 0.164 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B_s0,rho+; 0.072 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B_s*0,pi+; 0.065 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B_s*0,mu+,nu_mu; 0.0506 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B_s*0,e+,nu_e; 0.0506 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->c,sbar; 0.049 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode B_c+->B_s0,mu+,nu_mu; 0.0403 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B_s0,e+,nu_e; 0.0403 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B*0,rho+; 0.0257 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B+,Kbar0; 0.0198 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,mu+,nu_mu; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,e+,nu_e; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B*+,K*bar0; 0.0167 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->tau+,nu_tau; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode B_c+->B*+,Kbar0; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->dbar=u,cbar=c; 0.011134 1 /Herwig/Decays/WeakPartonic100
decaymode B_c+->B0,pi+; 0.0106 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B_s0,K+; 0.0106 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B0,rho+; 0.0096 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B*0,pi+; 0.0095 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,mu+,nu_mu; 0.0075 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,e+,nu_e; 0.0075 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,D_s*+; 0.0067 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B*0,mu+,nu_mu; 0.0058 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B*0,e+,nu_e; 0.0058 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,tau+,nu_tau; 0.0048 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B+,K*bar0; 0.0043 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,rho+; 0.0042 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,rho+; 0.004 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B_s*0,K+; 0.0037 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B0,mu+,nu_mu; 0.0034 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B0,e+,nu_e; 0.0034 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,D_s+; 0.0028 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,D_s*+; 0.0027 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,tau+,nu_tau; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,pi+; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,D_s+; 0.0017 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,pi+; 0.0013 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->psi(2S),mu+,nu_mu; 0.00094 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->psi(2S),e+,nu_e; 0.00094 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->B*+,rho0; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B0,K+; 0.0007 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B*0,K*+; 0.00058 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B*0,K+; 0.00055 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B+,pi0; 0.00037 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B+,rho0; 0.00034 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D*+,D*bar0; 0.00033 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B*+,pi0; 0.00033 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,D*+; 0.00028 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,K*+; 0.00022 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,K*+; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c(2S),mu+,nu_mu; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->eta_c(2S),e+,nu_e; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->D*0,mu+,nu_mu; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->D*0,e+,nu_e; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,D+; 0.00015 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->B0,K*+; 0.00015 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,K+; 0.00013 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,K+; 0.00011 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->eta_c,D*+; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->Jpsi,D+; 9.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D*0,tau+,nu_tau; 8.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->psi(2S),tau+,nu_tau; 8.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->D+,D*bar0; 7.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D+,Dbar0; 5.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D*+,Dbar0; 4.9E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D0,mu+,nu_mu; 4.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->D0,e+,nu_e; 4.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->D_s*+,D*bar0; 2.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D0,tau+,nu_tau; 2.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->eta_c(2S),tau+,nu_tau; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c+->D_s+,D*bar0; 7.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D_s+,Dbar0; 5.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c+->D_s*+,Dbar0; 5.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B_s*bar0,rho-; 0.202 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B_sbar0,pi-; 0.164 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B_sbar0,rho-; 0.072 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B_s*bar0,pi-; 0.065 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B_s*bar0,e-,nu_ebar; 0.0506 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B_s*bar0,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.0506 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->cbar,s; 0.049 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode B_c-->B_sbar0,e-,nu_ebar; 0.0403 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B_sbar0,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.0403 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B*bar0,rho-; 0.0257 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B-,K0; 0.0198 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,e-,nu_ebar; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B*-,K*0; 0.0167 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B*-,K0; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->tau-,nu_taubar; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/PScalarlnu
decaymode B_c-->d=ubar,c=cbar; 0.011134 1 /Herwig/Decays/WeakPartonic100
decaymode B_c-->B_sbar0,K-; 0.0106 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Bbar0,pi-; 0.0106 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Bbar0,rho-; 0.0096 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B*bar0,pi-; 0.0095 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,e-,nu_ebar; 0.0075 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.0075 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,D_s*-; 0.0067 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B*bar0,e-,nu_ebar; 0.0058 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B*bar0,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.0058 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,tau-,nu_taubar; 0.0048 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B-,K*0; 0.0043 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,rho-; 0.0042 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,rho-; 0.004 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B_s*bar0,K-; 0.0037 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Bbar0,e-,nu_ebar; 0.0034 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->Bbar0,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.0034 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,D_s-; 0.0028 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,D_s*-; 0.0027 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,tau-,nu_taubar; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,pi-; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,D_s-; 0.0017 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,pi-; 0.0013 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->psi(2S),e-,nu_ebar; 0.00094 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->psi(2S),mu-,nu_mubar; 0.00094 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->B*-,rho0; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Bbar0,K-; 0.0007 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B*bar0,K*-; 0.00058 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B*bar0,K-; 0.00055 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B-,pi0; 0.00037 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B-,rho0; 0.00034 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->B*-,pi0; 0.00033 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->D*-,D*0; 0.00033 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,D*-; 0.00028 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,K*-; 0.00022 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,K*-; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c(2S),e-,nu_ebar; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->eta_c(2S),mu-,nu_mubar; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->D*bar0,e-,nu_ebar; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->D*bar0,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->Bbar0,K*-; 0.00015 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,D-; 0.00015 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,K-; 0.00013 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,K-; 0.00011 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->eta_c,D*-; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Jpsi,D-; 9.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->D*bar0,tau-,nu_taubar; 8.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->psi(2S),tau-,nu_taubar; 8.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->D-,D*0; 7.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->D-,D0; 5.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->D*-,D0; 4.9E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Dbar0,e-,nu_ebar; 4.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->Dbar0,mu-,nu_mubar; 4.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->D_s*-,D*0; 2.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->Dbar0,tau-,nu_taubar; 2.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->eta_c(2S),tau-,nu_taubar; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/KiselevBc
decaymode B_c-->D_s-,D*0; 7.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->D_s*-,D0; 5.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
decaymode B_c-->D_s-,D0; 5.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/BcHadronic
# the 1^3S_1 multiplet
decaymode rho+->pi+,pi0; 0.99955 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho+->pi+,gamma; 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho0->pi+,pi-; 0.998956 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho0->pi0,gamma; 0.00047 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho0->eta,gamma; 0.0003 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho0->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.000101 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho0->e-,e+; 4.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode rho0->mu-,mu+; 4.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode rho0->pi0,pi0,gamma; 4.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho0->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 1.8E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode rho0->pi+,pi-,pi0,pi0; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode rho-->pi-,pi0; 0.99955 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho-->pi-,gamma; 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.897637 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector3Pion
decaymode omega->pi0,gamma; 0.085494 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega->pi+,pi-; 0.0153 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode omega->pi0,e-,e+; 0.00077 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode omega->eta,gamma; 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega->pi0,mu-,mu+; 0.000134 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode omega->e-,e+; 7.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode omega->mu-,mu+; 7.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode omega->pi0,pi0,gamma; 6.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode phi->K+,K-; 0.492008 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode phi->K_L0,K_S0; 0.340007 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode phi->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.1524 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector3Pion
decaymode phi->eta,gamma; 0.01303 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi->pi0,gamma; 0.00132 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi->f_0,gamma; 0.000322 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode phi->e-,e+; 0.000297 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode phi->mu-,mu+; 0.000297 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode phi->eta,e-,e+; 0.000108 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode phi->a_00,gamma; 7.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode phi->eta',gamma; 6.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi->omega,pi0; 4.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi->pi0,e-,e+; 1.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode phi->eta,mu-,mu+; 6.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode phi->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 4.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode phi->pi0,mu-,mu+; 3.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode Jpsi->g,g,g; 0.486225 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Jpsi->u,ubar; 0.0791 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->e-,e+; 0.05935 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Jpsi->mu-,mu+; 0.05935 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Jpsi->g,g,gamma; 0.05 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Jpsi->d,dbar; 0.0198 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->s,sbar; 0.0198 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta_c; 0.013 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->omega,pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 0.0085 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->rho-,pi+; 0.00563 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->rho0,pi0; 0.00563 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->rho+,pi-; 0.00563 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,pi+,pi-,pi0,pi0; 0.005 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->omega,pi+,pi-; 0.00475 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta'; 0.00471 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->n0,nbar0,pi+,pi-; 0.0045 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->p+,pbar-,pi+,pi-; 0.0045 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->f_2,omega; 0.0043 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->a_20,rho0; 0.003634 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->a_2-,rho+; 0.003633 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->a_2+,rho-; 0.003633 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.0036 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->K*-,K*_2+; 0.00335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K*bar0,K*_20; 0.00335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K*0,K*_2bar0; 0.00335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K*+,K*_2-; 0.00335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.0033 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta,pi+,pi-; 0.0031 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,rho+,rho-; 0.003 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta(1475); 0.0028 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta(1475); 0.0028 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->K-,K*+; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->Kbar0,K*0; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->K0,K*bar0; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->K+,K*-; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->p+,pbar-,pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->omega,pi0,pi0; 0.00217 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,nbar0; 0.00217 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->p+,pbar-; 0.00217 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,K+,K-,pi+,pi-; 0.0021 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->n0,nbar0,eta; 0.00209 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,pbar-,eta; 0.00209 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,n0,pi+; 0.00204 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,nbar0,pi-; 0.00204 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,K*0,K*bar0; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,K*+,K*-; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K'_1-,K+; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->K'_1bar0,K0; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->K'_10,Kbar0; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->K'_1+,K-; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->omega,eta; 0.00174 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->phi,pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 0.00166 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->b_1-,pi+; 0.00162 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->b_10,pi0; 0.00162 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->b_1+,pi-; 0.00162 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta,pi0,pi0; 0.0016 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,omega,omega; 0.00159 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Lambda0,Lambdabar0; 0.00154 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,rho0,rho0; 0.0015 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->pi+,pi-; 0.00147 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f_2; 0.00138 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f_0(1710); 0.00134 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->omega,K*-,K+; 0.001325 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,K*bar0,K0; 0.001325 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,K*0,Kbar0; 0.001325 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,K*+,K-; 0.001325 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma-,Sigmabar+; 0.00131 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma0,Sigmabar0; 0.00131 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma+,Sigmabar-; 0.00131 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->n0,nbar0,omega; 0.0013 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,pbar-,omega; 0.0013 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Delta-,Deltabar+; 0.0011 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Delta0,Deltabar0; 0.0011 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Delta+,Deltabar-; 0.0011 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Delta++,Deltabar--; 0.0011 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,K0,Sigma*+; 0.00102 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,p+,pi0; 0.00102 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->nbar0,K+,Sigma*-; 0.00102 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,nbar0,pi0; 0.00102 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,K-,Sigma*bar+; 0.00102 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,Kbar0,Sigma*bar-; 0.00102 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta; 0.000966 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f_2,f_2; 0.00095 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->eta',n0,nbar0; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->eta',p+,pbar-; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Xi-,Xibar+; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->Xi0,Xibar0; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,K+,Lambda0; 0.00089 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->nbar0,K0,Lambda0; 0.00089 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,Kbar0,Lambdabar0; 0.00089 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,K-,Lambdabar0; 0.00089 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,f'_2; 0.0008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f'_1; 0.00079 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,pi+,pi-; 0.00078 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->f_0(1710),omega; 0.00076 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->phi,eta; 0.00074 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->phi,K0,Kbar0; 0.00074 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,K+,K-; 0.00074 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,K0,Kbar0; 0.00071 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,K+,K-; 0.00071 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->omega,f'_1; 0.00068 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f_1; 0.00061 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,K0,Sigma+; 0.00058 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->nbar0,K+,Sigma-; 0.00058 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,K-,Sigmabar+; 0.00058 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,Kbar0,Sigmabar-; 0.00058 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f_0(1500); 0.00057 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->f_0(1710),phi; 0.00057 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->Sigmabar-,pi+,Lambda0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigmabar0,pi0,Lambda0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigmabar+,pi-,Lambda0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma-,pi+,Lambdabar0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma0,pi0,Lambdabar0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma+,pi-,Lambdabar0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*-,Sigma*bar+; 0.000515 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*0,Sigma*bar0; 0.000515 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*+,Sigma*bar-; 0.000515 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,K+,Sigma*0; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->nbar0,K0,Sigma*0; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K-,K*+,phi; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Kbar0,K*0,phi; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K0,K*bar0,phi; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K+,K*-,phi; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,Kbar0,Sigma*bar0; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,K-,Sigma*bar0; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,f'_2; 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta(1405); 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Jpsi->gamma,eta(1405); 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->omega,pi0; 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->Xi*bar0,Xi0; 0.000446 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Xi*bar+,Xi-; 0.000446 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Xi*-,Xibar+; 0.000446 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Xi*0,Xibar0; 0.000446 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,phi,phi; 0.0004 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,eta'; 0.0004 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,n0,nbar0; 0.00038 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,p+,pbar-; 0.00038 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,f_0; 0.00032 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->pbar-,K+,Sigma0; 0.00029 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->nbar0,K0,Sigma0; 0.00029 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->n0,Kbar0,Sigmabar0; 0.00029 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->p+,K-,Sigmabar0; 0.00029 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,f_1; 0.00026 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K-,K+; 0.000237 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Jpsi->Lambda0,Lambdabar0,pi0; 0.00022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->rho0,eta; 0.000193 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->omega,eta'; 0.000182 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*bar-,Sigma+; 0.000155 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*bar0,Sigma0; 0.000155 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*bar+,Sigma-; 0.000155 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*-,Sigmabar+; 0.000155 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*0,Sigmabar0; 0.000155 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->Sigma*+,Sigmabar-; 0.000155 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->K_L0,K_S0; 0.000146 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Jpsi->omega,f_0; 0.00014 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Jpsi->rho0,eta'; 0.000105 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->phi,n0,nbar0; 4.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->phi,p+,pbar-; 4.5E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Jpsi->gamma,pi0; 3.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Jpsi->eta,e-,e+; 1.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVPff
decaymode Upsilon->g,g,g; 0.820252 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon->u,ubar; 0.033195 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->c,cbar; 0.033195 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->e-,e+; 0.024896 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon->mu-,mu+; 0.024896 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon->tau-,tau+; 0.0247 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon->g,g,gamma; 0.022 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon->d,dbar; 0.008299 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->s,sbar; 0.008299 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->gamma,f_2; 0.000101 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->gamma,pi+,pi-; 6.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon->gamma,chi_c1; 4.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Upsilon->gamma,chi_c1; 4.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode Upsilon->gamma,f'_2; 2.9E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->gamma,pi0,pi0; 1.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon->gamma,K+,K-; 1.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K*+->K0,pi+; 0.666013 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*+->K+,pi0; 0.333007 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*+->K+,gamma; 0.00098 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K*0->K+,pi-; 0.665027 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*0->K0,pi0; 0.332513 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*0->K0,gamma; 0.00246 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K*-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.666013 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*-->K-,pi0; 0.333007 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*-->K-,gamma; 0.00098 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K*bar0->K-,pi+; 0.665027 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*bar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.332513 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K*bar0->Kbar0,gamma; 0.00246 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode D*0->D0,pi0; 0.647 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*0->D0,gamma; 0.353 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode D*+->D0,pi+; 0.677 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*+->D+,pi0; 0.307 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*+->D+,gamma; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode D*bar0->Dbar0,pi0; 0.647 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*bar0->Dbar0,gamma; 0.353 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode D*-->Dbar0,pi-; 0.677 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*-->D-,pi0; 0.307 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*-->D-,gamma; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode D_s*+->D_s+,pi0; 0.942 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s*+->D_s+,gamma; 0.058 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode D_s*-->D_s-,pi0; 0.942 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s*-->D_s-,gamma; 0.058 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B*0->B0,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B*+->B+,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B*bar0->Bbar0,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B*-->B-,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B_s*0->B_s0,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B_s*bar0->B_sbar0,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/HQETMesonEM
decaymode B_c*+->B_c+,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode B_c*-->B_c-,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
# the 1^1P_1 multiplet
decaymode b_1+->omega,pi+; 0.9984 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode b_1+->pi+,gamma; 0.0016 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode b_10->omega,pi0; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode b_1-->omega,pi-; 0.9984 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode b_1-->pi-,gamma; 0.0016 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h_1->rho0,pi0; 0.333334 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h_1->rho-,pi+; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h_1->rho+,pi-; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h'_1->K*-,K+; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h'_1->K*bar0,K0; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h'_1->K*0,Kbar0; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h'_1->K*+,K-; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h_c->g,g,g; 0.6 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode h_c->eta_c,gamma; 0.4 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h_b->eta_b,gamma; 0.52 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode h_b->g,g,g; 0.462 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode h_b->g,g,gamma; 0.018 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode K_1+->K0,rho+; 0.28 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1+->K*_00,pi+; 0.186667 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1+->K+,rho0; 0.14 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1+->K+,omega; 0.11 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1+->K*0,pi+; 0.106667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1+->K*_0+,pi0; 0.093333 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1+->K*+,pi0; 0.053333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1+->K+,f'_0; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_10->K+,rho-; 0.28 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_10->K*_0+,pi-; 0.186666 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_10->K0,rho0; 0.14 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_10->K0,omega; 0.11 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_10->K*+,pi-; 0.106667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_10->K*_00,pi0; 0.093333 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_10->K*0,pi0; 0.053333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_10->K0,f'_0; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_10->K0,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1-->Kbar0,rho-; 0.28 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1-->K*_0bar0,pi-; 0.186667 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1-->K-,rho0; 0.14 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1-->K-,omega; 0.11 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.106667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1-->K*_0-,pi0; 0.093333 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1-->K*-,pi0; 0.053333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1-->K-,f'_0; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1bar0->K-,rho+; 0.28 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1bar0->K*_0-,pi+; 0.186666 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1bar0->Kbar0,rho0; 0.14 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1bar0->Kbar0,omega; 0.11 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.106667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1bar0->K*_0bar0,pi0; 0.093333 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.053333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K_1bar0->Kbar0,f'_0; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K_1bar0->Kbar0,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode D_10->D*+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_10->D*0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1+->D*0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1+->D*+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1bar0->D*-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1bar0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1-->D*-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1+->D*0,K+; 0.540541 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1+->D*+,K0; 0.459459 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1-->D*bar0,K-; 0.540541 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.459459 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_10->B*+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_10->B*0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_1+->B*0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_1+->B*+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_1bar0->B*-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_1bar0->B*bar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_1-->B*bar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_1-->B*-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s10->B*0,Kbar0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s10->B*+,K-; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s1bar0->B*-,K+; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s1bar0->B*bar0,K0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_c1+->B_c*+,gamma; 0.82 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c1+->B_c+,gamma; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode B_c1-->B_c*-,gamma; 0.82 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c1-->B_c-,gamma; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
# the 1^3P_0 multiplet
decaymode a'_0+->omega,rho+; 0.827532 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode a'_0+->pi+,eta; 0.07734 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_0+->K+,Kbar0; 0.068059 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_0+->pi+,eta'; 0.027069 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_00->omega,rho0; 0.827531 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode a'_00->pi0,eta; 0.07734 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_00->K-,K+; 0.034029 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_00->Kbar0,K0; 0.034029 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_00->pi0,eta'; 0.027069 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_00->gamma,gamma; 2.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode a'_0-->omega,rho-; 0.827532 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode a'_0-->pi-,eta; 0.07734 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_0-->K-,K0; 0.068059 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a'_0-->pi-,eta'; 0.027069 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->sigma,sigma; 0.438181 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->rho+,rho-; 0.150788 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode f'_0->rho0,rho0; 0.075394 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode f'_0->pi+,pi-; 0.052606 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->pi'-,pi+; 0.050424 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->pi'0,pi0; 0.050424 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->pi'+,pi-; 0.050424 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->K0,Kbar0; 0.026364 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->K+,K-; 0.026364 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->pi0,pi0; 0.026303 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f'_0->a_1-,pi+; 0.017091 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode f'_0->a_10,pi0; 0.017091 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode f'_0->a_1+,pi-; 0.017091 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode f'_0->eta,eta; 0.001455 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1710)->K0,Kbar0; 0.316456 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1710)->K+,K-; 0.316456 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1710)->eta,eta; 0.303797 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1710)->pi+,pi-; 0.042194 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1710)->pi0,pi0; 0.021097 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->g,g; 0.788568 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->f'_0,f_0(1710); 0.026 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->rho-,pi+,pi0; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->rho0,pi+,pi-; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->rho+,pi-,pi0; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->Jpsi,gamma; 0.013 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode chi_c0->K_1-,K+; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K_1bar0,K0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K_10,Kbar0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K_1+,K-; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->pi-,pi+,pi-,pi+; 0.00739 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c0->K0,Kbar0; 0.0054 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->K+,K-; 0.0054 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->pi+,pi-; 0.0048 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->K-,K*0,pi+; 0.0044 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->Kbar0,K*+,pi-; 0.0044 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K0,K*-,pi+; 0.0044 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K+,K*bar0,pi-; 0.0044 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->pi+,pi-,K+,K-; 0.00277 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c0->pi0,pi0; 0.0024 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->K*_00,K*_0bar0; 0.002363 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->K*_0+,K*_0-; 0.002363 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->omega,omega; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode chi_c0->K*-,K+,pi0; 0.0022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K*bar0,K0,pi0; 0.0022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K*0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.0022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->K*+,K-,pi0; 0.0022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->f_0,f_0; 0.00215 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->K+,K-,K+,K-; 0.0021 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c0->K*_0-,K*_2+; 0.001912 1 /Herwig/Decays/STSDecayer
decaymode chi_c0->K*_0bar0,K*_20; 0.001912 1 /Herwig/Decays/STSDecayer
decaymode chi_c0->K*_00,K*_2bar0; 0.001912 1 /Herwig/Decays/STSDecayer
decaymode chi_c0->K*_0+,K*_2-; 0.001912 1 /Herwig/Decays/STSDecayer
decaymode chi_c0->pi+,pi-,p+,pbar-; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c0->eta,eta; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode chi_c0->K*0,K*bar0; 0.0018 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode chi_c0->K*+,K*-; 0.0018 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode chi_c0->K+,K-,K_S0,K_S0; 0.0015 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c0->phi,phi; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode chi_c0->Lambda0,Lambdabar0; 0.00044 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->gamma,gamma; 0.000276 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode chi_c0->n0,nbar0; 0.000216 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c0->p+,pbar-; 0.000216 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b0->g,g; 0.9806 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_b0->Upsilon,gamma; 0.0194 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K*_0+->K0,pi+; 0.609333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0+->K+,pi0; 0.304667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0+->K+,eta; 0.086 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_00->K+,pi-; 0.609333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_00->K0,pi0; 0.304667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_00->K0,eta; 0.086 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.609333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0-->K-,pi0; 0.304667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0-->K-,eta; 0.086 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0bar0->K-,pi+; 0.609333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0bar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.304667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K*_0bar0->Kbar0,eta; 0.086 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode D_0*+->D0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*+->D+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*0->D+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*0->D0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*-->Dbar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*-->D-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*bar0->D-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0*bar0->Dbar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s0+->D_s+,pi0; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s0-->D_s-,pi0; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B*_00->B+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_00->B0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_0+->B0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_0+->B+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_0bar0->B-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_0bar0->Bbar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_0-->Bbar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_0-->B-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_s00->B0,Kbar0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_s00->B+,K-; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_s0bar0->B-,K+; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_s0bar0->Bbar0,K0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B*_c0+->B_c+,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B*_c0-->B_c-,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 1^3P_1 multiplet
decaymode a_1+->pi+,pi0,pi0; 0.499099 1 /Herwig/Decays/a1Simple
decaymode a_1+->pi+,pi+,pi-; 0.4881 1 /Herwig/Decays/a1Simple
decaymode a_1+->K+,K*bar0; 0.0064 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_1+->K*+,Kbar0; 0.0064 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_1+->pi+,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_10->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.987199 1 /Herwig/Decays/a1Simple
decaymode a_10->K*0,Kbar0; 0.0064 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_10->K*+,K-; 0.0064 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_10->pi0,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_1-->pi-,pi0,pi0; 0.499099 1 /Herwig/Decays/a1Simple
decaymode a_1-->pi-,pi-,pi+; 0.4881 1 /Herwig/Decays/a1Simple
decaymode a_1-->K*-,K0; 0.0064 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_1-->K-,K*0; 0.0064 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode a_1-->pi-,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode f_1->a_0-,pi+; 0.14257 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode f_1->a_00,pi0; 0.14257 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode f_1->a_0+,pi-; 0.14257 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode f_1->rho-,pi+,pi0; 0.110471 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->rho0,pi+,pi-; 0.110471 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->rho+,pi-,pi0; 0.110471 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->eta,pi+,pi-; 0.107123 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode f_1->rho0,gamma; 0.055235 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode f_1->rho0,gamma; 0.055235 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode f_1->eta,pi0,pi0; 0.053562 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->K-,K0,pi+; 0.008071 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->K+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.008071 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->K0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.004036 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f_1->K+,K-,pi0; 0.004036 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode f_1->phi,gamma; 0.000743 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode f_1->phi,gamma; 0.000743 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode f'_1->K*-,K+; 0.1886 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode f'_1->K*bar0,K0; 0.1886 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode f'_1->K*0,Kbar0; 0.1886 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode f'_1->K*+,K-; 0.1886 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode f'_1->K-,K0,pi+; 0.0709 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f'_1->K+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.0709 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f'_1->K0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.0355 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f'_1->K+,K-,pi0; 0.0355 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode f'_1->a_0-,pi+; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode f'_1->a_00,pi0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode f'_1->a_0+,pi-; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
-decaymode f'_1->phi,gamma; 0.0028 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode f'_1->phi,gamma; 0.0028 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode chi_c1->g,g; 0.608569 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
-decaymode chi_c1->Jpsi,gamma; 0.356 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode chi_c1->Jpsi,gamma; 0.356 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode chi_c1->rho-,pi+,pi0; 0.0039 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->rho0,pi+,pi-; 0.0039 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->rho+,pi-,pi0; 0.0039 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 0.0037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c1->pi+,pi-,K+,K-; 0.00237 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c1->K-,K0,pi+; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.0023 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*0,K*bar0; 0.0016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*+,K*-; 0.0016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.00115 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K+,K-,pi0; 0.00115 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*-,K0,pi+; 0.00107 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*bar0,K+,pi-; 0.00107 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*0,K-,pi+; 0.00107 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.00107 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.000537 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*-,K+,pi0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*bar0,K0,pi0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->K*+,K-,pi0; 0.00053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->pi+,pi-,p+,pbar-; 0.00039 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c1->K+,K-,K+,K-; 0.00039 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c1->Lambda0,Lambdabar0; 0.00024 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->n0,nbar0; 6.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c1->p+,pbar-; 6.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b1->g,g; 0.648 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1->Upsilon,gamma; 0.352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode chi_b1->Upsilon,gamma; 0.352 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode K'_1+->K*0,pi+; 0.626667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1+->K*+,pi0; 0.313333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1+->K0,rho+; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1+->K+,f'_0; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'_1+->K+,rho0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1+->K+,omega; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_10->K*+,pi-; 0.626665 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_10->K*0,pi0; 0.313333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_10->K0,f'_0; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'_10->K+,rho-; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_10->K0,rho0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_10->K0,omega; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_10->K0,gamma; 2.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.626667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1-->K*-,pi0; 0.313333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1-->K-,f'_0; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'_1-->Kbar0,rho-; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1-->K-,rho0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1-->K-,omega; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.626665 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.313333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1bar0->K-,rho+; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1bar0->Kbar0,f'_0; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'_1bar0->Kbar0,rho0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1bar0->Kbar0,omega; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode K'_1bar0->Kbar0,gamma; 2.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode D'_10->D*+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_10->D*0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_1+->D*0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_1+->D*+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_1bar0->D*-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_1bar0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_1-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_1-->D*-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_s1+->D_s*+,pi0; 0.656068 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_s1+->D_s+,gamma; 0.206139 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode D'_s1+->D_s+,pi+,pi-; 0.091862 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode D'_s1+->D_s+,pi0,pi0; 0.045931 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode D'_s1-->D_s*-,pi0; 0.656068 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D'_s1-->D_s-,gamma; 0.206139 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode D'_s1-->D_s-,pi-,pi+; 0.091862 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode D'_s1-->D_s-,pi0,pi0; 0.045931 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B'_10->B*+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_10->B*0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_1+->B*0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_1+->B*+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_1bar0->B*-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_1bar0->B*bar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_1-->B*bar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_1-->B*-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_s10->B*0,Kbar0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_s10->B*+,K-; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_s1bar0->B*-,K+; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_s1bar0->B*bar0,K0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B'_c1+->B_c+,gamma; 0.88 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode B'_c1+->B_c*+,gamma; 0.12 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B'_c1-->B_c-,gamma; 0.88 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode B'_c1-->B_c*-,gamma; 0.12 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 1^3P_2 multiplet
decaymode a_2+->rho0,pi+; 0.3397 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_2+->rho+,pi0; 0.3397 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_2+->pi+,eta; 0.143105 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_2+->omega,pi+,pi0; 0.100946 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode a_2+->K+,Kbar0; 0.047736 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_2+->f_2,pi+; 0.020588 1 /Herwig/Decays/TTP
decaymode a_2+->eta',pi+; 0.005358 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_2+->pi+,gamma; 0.002867 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_20->rho-,pi+; 0.339699 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_20->rho+,pi-; 0.339699 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_20->pi0,eta; 0.143102 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_20->omega,pi+,pi-; 0.100942 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode a_20->K+,K-; 0.023868 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_20->f_2,pi0; 0.020588 1 /Herwig/Decays/TTP
decaymode a_20->K_L0,K_L0; 0.011934 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_20->K_S0,K_S0; 0.011934 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_20->eta',pi0; 0.005358 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_20->pi0,gamma; 0.002867 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_20->gamma,gamma; 9.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode a_2-->rho-,pi0; 0.3397 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_2-->rho0,pi-; 0.3397 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode a_2-->pi-,eta; 0.143105 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_2-->omega,pi-,pi0; 0.100946 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode a_2-->K-,K0; 0.047736 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_2-->f_2,pi-; 0.020588 1 /Herwig/Decays/TTP
decaymode a_2-->eta',pi-; 0.005358 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode a_2-->pi-,gamma; 0.002867 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode f_2->pi+,pi-; 0.581171 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->pi0,pi0; 0.290586 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->rho+,rho-; 0.03487 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode f_2->sigma,sigma; 0.025924 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->K+,K-; 0.023 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->rho0,rho0; 0.017435 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode f_2->K_L0,K_L0; 0.0115 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->K_S0,K_S0; 0.0115 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->eta,eta; 0.004 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f_2->gamma,gamma; 1.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode f'_2->K+,K-; 0.437927 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f'_2->K_L0,K_L0; 0.218964 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f'_2->K_S0,K_S0; 0.218964 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f'_2->eta,eta; 0.115855 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f'_2->pi+,pi-; 0.005526 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f'_2->pi0,pi0; 0.002763 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode f'_2->gamma,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->g,g; 0.700639 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_c2->Jpsi,gamma; 0.202 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->K0,Kbar0; 0.0093 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode chi_c2->K+,K-; 0.0093 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode chi_c2->K0,K-,pi0,pi+; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->K0,Kbar0,pi+,pi-; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->K+,K-,pi+,pi-; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->K+,Kbar0,pi0,pi-; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->rho-,pi+,pi0; 0.007 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c2->rho0,pi+,pi-; 0.007 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c2->rho+,pi-,pi0; 0.007 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c2->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 0.0053 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->K*0,K*bar0; 0.0038 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->K*+,K*-; 0.0038 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->omega,omega; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->K0,Kbar0,pi0,pi0; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->K+,K-,pi0,pi0; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->phi,phi; 0.0019 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->pi+,pi-; 0.001427 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode chi_c2->pi+,pi-,p+,pbar-; 0.00121 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->K+,K-,K+,K-; 0.00095 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode chi_c2->pi0,pi0; 0.000713 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode chi_c2->Lambda0,Lambdabar0; 0.00027 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c2->gamma,gamma; 0.000259 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_c2->n0,nbar0; 6.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_c2->p+,pbar-; 6.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2->g,g; 0.82 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_b2->Upsilon,gamma; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2+->K0,pi+; 0.332677 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2+->K+,pi0; 0.166339 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2+->K*0,pi+; 0.164681 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2+->K*0,rho+; 0.089355 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2+->K*+,pi0; 0.082341 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2+->K0,rho+; 0.058008 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2+->K*+,rho0; 0.044677 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2+->K+,omega; 0.029012 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2+->K+,rho0; 0.029004 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2+->K+,gamma; 0.002401 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2+->K+,eta; 0.001505 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_20->K+,pi-; 0.33296 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_20->K0,pi0; 0.16648 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_20->K*+,pi-; 0.165032 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_20->K*+,rho-; 0.089869 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_20->K*0,pi0; 0.082516 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_20->K+,rho-; 0.058195 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_20->K*0,rho0; 0.044935 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_20->K0,omega; 0.029292 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_20->K0,rho0; 0.029097 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_20->K0,eta; 0.001624 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.332677 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2-->K-,pi0; 0.166339 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.164681 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2-->K*bar0,rho-; 0.089355 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2-->K*-,pi0; 0.082341 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2-->Kbar0,rho-; 0.058008 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2-->K*-,rho0; 0.044677 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2-->K-,omega; 0.029012 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2-->K-,rho0; 0.029004 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2-->K-,gamma; 0.002401 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2-->K-,eta; 0.001505 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2bar0->K-,pi+; 0.33296 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2bar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.16648 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode K*_2bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.165032 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2bar0->K*-,rho+; 0.089869 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.082516 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2bar0->K-,rho+; 0.058195 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2bar0->K*bar0,rho0; 0.044935 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode K*_2bar0->Kbar0,omega; 0.029292 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2bar0->Kbar0,rho0; 0.029097 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode K*_2bar0->Kbar0,eta; 0.001624 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode D*_20->D+,pi-; 0.402117 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_20->D*+,pi-; 0.26455 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_20->D0,pi0; 0.201058 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_20->D*0,pi0; 0.132275 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2+->D0,pi+; 0.402117 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2+->D*0,pi+; 0.26455 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2+->D+,pi0; 0.201058 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2+->D*+,pi0; 0.132275 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2bar0->D-,pi+; 0.402117 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2bar0->D*-,pi+; 0.26455 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2bar0->Dbar0,pi0; 0.201058 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2bar0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.132275 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2-->Dbar0,pi-; 0.402117 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.26455 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2-->D-,pi0; 0.201058 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D*_2-->D*-,pi0; 0.132275 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2+->D+,K0; 0.478927 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2+->D0,K+; 0.478927 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2+->D*+,K0; 0.021073 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2+->D*0,K+; 0.021073 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2-->Dbar0,K-; 0.478927 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2-->D-,Kbar0; 0.478927 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2-->D*bar0,K-; 0.021073 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.021073 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_20->B+,pi-; 0.362319 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_20->B*+,pi-; 0.304348 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_20->B0,pi0; 0.181159 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_20->B*0,pi0; 0.152174 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2+->B0,pi+; 0.362319 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2+->B*0,pi+; 0.304348 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2+->B+,pi0; 0.181159 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2+->B*+,pi0; 0.152174 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2bar0->B-,pi+; 0.362319 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2bar0->B*-,pi+; 0.304348 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2bar0->Bbar0,pi0; 0.181159 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2bar0->B*bar0,pi0; 0.152174 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2-->Bbar0,pi-; 0.362319 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2-->B*bar0,pi-; 0.304348 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2-->B-,pi0; 0.181159 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_2-->B*-,pi0; 0.152174 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s20->B0,Kbar0; 0.47 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s20->B+,K-; 0.47 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s20->B*0,Kbar0; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s20->B*+,K-; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s2bar0->B-,K+; 0.47 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s2bar0->Bbar0,K0; 0.47 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s2bar0->B*-,K+; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_s2bar0->B*bar0,K0; 0.03 1 /Herwig/Decays/BottomMeson
decaymode B_c2+->B_c+,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode B_c2-->B_c-,gamma; 1 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
# the 1^1D_2 multiplet
decaymode pi_2+->pi+,f_2; 0.555752 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode pi_2+->rho0,pi+; 0.15047 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2+->rho+,pi0; 0.15047 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2+->pi+,sigma; 0.079299 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode pi_2+->rho+,omega; 0.024508 1 /Herwig/Decays/PTVV
decaymode pi_2+->K*bar0,K+; 0.019414 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2+->K*+,Kbar0; 0.019414 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2+->pi+,gamma; 0.000673 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_20->pi0,f_2; 0.555916 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode pi_20->rho-,pi+; 0.150573 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_20->rho+,pi-; 0.150573 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_20->pi0,sigma; 0.079473 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode pi_20->rho0,omega; 0.024565 1 /Herwig/Decays/PTVV
decaymode pi_20->K*-,K+; 0.009725 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_20->K*bar0,K0; 0.009725 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_20->K*0,Kbar0; 0.009725 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_20->K*+,K-; 0.009725 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2-->pi-,f_2; 0.555752 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode pi_2-->rho-,pi0; 0.15047 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2-->rho0,pi-; 0.15047 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2-->pi-,sigma; 0.079299 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode pi_2-->rho-,omega; 0.024508 1 /Herwig/Decays/PTVV
decaymode pi_2-->K*-,K0; 0.019414 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2-->K*0,K-; 0.019414 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode pi_2-->pi-,gamma; 0.000673 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode eta_2->a_20,pi0; 0.29078 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta_2->a_2-,pi+; 0.290779 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta_2->a_2+,pi-; 0.290779 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta_2->a_0-,pi+; 0.02219 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode eta_2->a_00,pi0; 0.02219 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode eta_2->a_0+,pi-; 0.02219 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode eta_2->K*-,K+; 0.015273 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode eta_2->K*bar0,K0; 0.015273 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode eta_2->K*0,Kbar0; 0.015273 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode eta_2->K*+,K-; 0.015273 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode eta'_2->f_2,eta; 0.361849 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta'_2->a_2-,pi+; 0.20627 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta'_2->a_20,pi0; 0.20627 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta'_2->a_2+,pi-; 0.20627 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode eta'_2->a_0-,pi+; 0.006447 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode eta'_2->a_00,pi0; 0.006447 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode eta'_2->a_0+,pi-; 0.006447 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode eta_b2->h_b,gamma; 0.9 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_b2->g,g; 0.1 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode K_2(1770)+->K+,f_2; 0.74 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)+->K*0,pi+; 0.153333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)+->K*+,pi0; 0.076667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)+->K*_20,pi+; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)+->K*_2+,pi0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)0->K0,f_2; 0.74 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)0->K*+,pi-; 0.153333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)0->K*0,pi0; 0.076667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)0->K*_2+,pi-; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)0->K*_20,pi0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)-->K-,f_2; 0.74 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.153333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)-->K*-,pi0; 0.076667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)-->K*_2bar0,pi-; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)-->K*_2-,pi0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)bar0->Kbar0,f_2; 0.74 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.153333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.076667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1770)bar0->K*_2-,pi+; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1770)bar0->K*_2bar0,pi0; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B_c1+,gamma; 0.758 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B_c2+,gamma; 0.106 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B'_c1+,gamma; 0.084 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B_c+,pi+,pi-; 0.017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B_c*+,pi+,pi-; 0.017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B_c+,pi0,pi0; 0.009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)+->B_c*+,pi0,pi0; 0.009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B_c1-,gamma; 0.758 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B_c2-,gamma; 0.106 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B'_c1-,gamma; 0.084 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B_c*-,pi+,pi-; 0.017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B_c-,pi+,pi-; 0.017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B_c*-,pi0,pi0; 0.009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(L)-->B_c-,pi0,pi0; 0.009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 1^3D_1 multiplet
decaymode rho''+->rho+,sigma; 0.209974 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho''+->h_1,pi+; 0.127484 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''+->pi+,pi0; 0.119985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''+->pi'0,pi+; 0.112486 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''+->pi'+,pi0; 0.112486 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''+->rho+,eta; 0.092239 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''+->rho+,rho0; 0.067492 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode rho''+->a_10,pi+; 0.059993 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''+->a_1+,pi0; 0.059993 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''+->K*bar0,K+; 0.017998 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''+->K*+,Kbar0; 0.017998 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''+->K+,Kbar0; 0.001872 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''0->rho0,sigma; 0.209974 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho''0->h_1,pi0; 0.127484 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''0->pi+,pi-; 0.119985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''0->pi'-,pi+; 0.112486 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''0->pi'+,pi-; 0.112486 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''0->rho0,eta; 0.092239 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''0->rho+,rho-; 0.067492 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode rho''0->a_1-,pi+; 0.059993 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''0->a_1+,pi-; 0.059993 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''0->K*-,K+; 0.008999 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''0->K*bar0,K0; 0.008999 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''0->K*0,Kbar0; 0.008999 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''0->K*+,K-; 0.008999 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''0->K-,K+; 0.000936 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''0->Kbar0,K0; 0.000936 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''-->rho-,sigma; 0.209974 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho''-->h_1,pi-; 0.127484 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''-->pi-,pi0; 0.119985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''-->pi'-,pi0; 0.112486 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''-->pi'0,pi-; 0.112486 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho''-->rho-,eta; 0.092239 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''-->rho-,rho0; 0.067492 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode rho''-->a_1-,pi0; 0.059993 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''-->a_10,pi-; 0.059993 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho''-->K*-,K0; 0.017998 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''-->K*0,K-; 0.017998 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode rho''-->K-,K0; 0.001872 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode omega''->omega,eta; 0.201478 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega''->rho-,pi+; 0.180746 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega''->rho0,pi0; 0.180746 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega''->rho+,pi-; 0.180746 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega''->omega,pi+,pi-; 0.170854 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode omega''->omega,pi0,pi0; 0.085427 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode omega''->e-,e+; 3.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode phi(2170)->omega,eta; 0.384324 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi(2170)->phi,eta'; 0.320243 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi(2170)->phi,f_0; 0.295433 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(3770)->D0,Dbar0; 0.595969 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode psi(3770)->D+,D-; 0.400064 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode psi(3770)->Jpsi,pi+,pi-; 0.00193 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode psi(3770)->Jpsi,eta; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(3770)->Jpsi,pi0,pi0; 0.0008 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode psi(3770)->phi,eta; 0.00031 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(3770)->e-,e+; 1.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode psi(3770)->mu-,mu+; 1.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode psi(3770)->tau-,tau+; 5.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon_1(1D)->chi_b0,gamma; 0.602 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(1D)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.318 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(1D)->g,g,g; 0.062 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon_1(1D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(1D)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 0.001333 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(1D)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 0.000667 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K''*+->K0,pi+; 0.258 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*+->K0,rho+; 0.209333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*+->K*0,pi+; 0.199333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*+->K+,pi0; 0.129 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*+->K+,rho0; 0.104667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*+->K*+,pi0; 0.099667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*0->K+,pi-; 0.258 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*0->K+,rho-; 0.209333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*0->K*+,pi-; 0.199333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*0->K0,pi0; 0.129 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*0->K0,rho0; 0.104667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*0->K*0,pi0; 0.099667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.258 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*-->Kbar0,rho-; 0.209333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.199333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*-->K-,pi0; 0.129 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*-->K-,rho0; 0.104667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*-->K*-,pi0; 0.099667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*bar0->K-,pi+; 0.258 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*bar0->K-,rho+; 0.209333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.199333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*bar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.129 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K''*bar0->Kbar0,rho0; 0.104667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K''*bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.099667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode D_1*(2760)0->D+,pi-; 0.52278 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)0->D0,pi0; 0.26687 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)0->D*+,pi-; 0.139301 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)0->D*0,pi0; 0.071049 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)+->D0,pi+; 0.529493 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)+->D+,pi0; 0.260253 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)+->D*0,pi+; 0.140847 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)+->D*+,pi0; 0.069407 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2760)0->D-,pi+; 0.52278 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2760)0->Dbar0,pi0; 0.26687 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2760)0->D*-,pi+; 0.139301 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2760)0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.071049 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)-->Dbar0,pi-; 0.529493 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)-->D-,pi0; 0.260253 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.140847 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2760)-->D*-,pi0; 0.069407 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)+->D*0,K+; 0.265999 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)+->D*+,K0; 0.25781 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)+->D0,K+; 0.241382 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)+->D+,K0; 0.234809 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)-->D*bar0,K-; 0.265999 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.25781 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)-->Dbar0,K-; 0.241382 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2860)-->D-,Kbar0; 0.234809 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_c(1D)*+->B*_c0+,gamma; 0.588 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*+->B'_c1+,gamma; 0.299 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*+->B_c1+,gamma; 0.047 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*+->B_c*+,pi+,pi-; 0.031 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*+->B_c2+,gamma; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*+->B_c*+,pi0,pi0; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*-->B*_c0-,gamma; 0.588 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*-->B'_c1-,gamma; 0.299 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*-->B_c1-,gamma; 0.047 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*-->B_c*-,pi+,pi-; 0.031 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*-->B_c2-,gamma; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(1D)*-->B_c*-,pi0,pi0; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 1^3D_2 multiplet
decaymode psi_2(1D)->chi_c1,gamma; 0.486 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi_2(1D)->Jpsi,pi+,pi-; 0.1893 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi_2(1D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.122 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi_2(1D)->g,g,g; 0.108 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode psi_2(1D)->Jpsi,pi0,pi0; 0.0947 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_2(1D)->chi_b0,gamma; 0.7781 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVP
decaymode Upsilon_2(1D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.203 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_2(1D)->g,g,g; 0.009 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon_2(1D)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 0.0066 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_2(1D)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 0.0033 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_2(1820)+->K*_20,pi+; 0.513333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)+->K*_2+,pi0; 0.256667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)+->K+,f_2; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)+->K*0,pi+; 0.033333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)+->K*+,pi0; 0.016667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)0->K*_2+,pi-; 0.513333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)0->K*_20,pi0; 0.256667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)0->K0,f_2; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)0->K*+,pi-; 0.033333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)0->K*0,pi0; 0.016667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)-->K*_2bar0,pi-; 0.513333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)-->K*_2-,pi0; 0.256667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)-->K-,f_2; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.033333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)-->K*-,pi0; 0.016667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)bar0->K*_2-,pi+; 0.513333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)bar0->K*_2bar0,pi0; 0.256667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)bar0->Kbar0,f_2; 0.18 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorTS
decaymode K_2(1820)bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.033333 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode K_2(1820)bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.016667 1 /Herwig/Decays/TensorVS
decaymode D_2(2740)0->D*+,pi-; 0.657996 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_2(2740)0->D*0,pi0; 0.342004 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_2(2740)+->D*0,pi+; 0.671485 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_2(2740)+->D*+,pi0; 0.328515 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_2(2740)0->D*-,pi+; 0.657996 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_2(2740)0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.342004 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_2(2740)-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.671485 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_2(2740)-->D*-,pi0; 0.328515 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2(2850)+->D*0,K+; 0.517484 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2(2850)+->D*+,K0; 0.482516 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2(2850)-->D*bar0,K-; 0.517484 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s2(2850)-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.482516 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B'_c1+,gamma; 0.689 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B_c1+,gamma; 0.161 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B_c2+,gamma; 0.103 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B_c+,pi+,pi-; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B_c*+,pi+,pi-; 0.015 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B_c+,pi0,pi0; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)+->B_c*+,pi0,pi0; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B'_c1-,gamma; 0.689 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B_c1-,gamma; 0.161 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B_c2-,gamma; 0.103 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B_c-,pi+,pi-; 0.016 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B_c*-,pi+,pi-; 0.015 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B_c*-,pi0,pi0; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c2(H)-->B_c-,pi0,pi0; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 1^3D_3 multiplet
decaymode rho_3+->pi+,pi0; 0.23581 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode rho_3+->a_20,pi+; 0.234443 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3TP
decaymode rho_3+->a_2+,pi0; 0.234443 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3TP
decaymode rho_3+->pi+,omega; 0.16 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_3+->rho+,rho0; 0.081547 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho_3+->K*bar0,K+; 0.018985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_3+->K*+,Kbar0; 0.018985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_3+->K+,Kbar0; 0.015787 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode rho_30->pi+,pi-; 0.235811 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode rho_30->a_2-,pi+; 0.234443 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3TP
decaymode rho_30->a_2+,pi-; 0.234443 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3TP
decaymode rho_30->pi0,omega; 0.16 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_30->rho+,rho-; 0.081547 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho_30->K*-,K+; 0.009492 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_30->K*bar0,K0; 0.009492 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_30->K*0,Kbar0; 0.009492 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_30->K*+,K-; 0.009492 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_30->K0,Kbar0; 0.007894 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode rho_30->K+,K-; 0.007894 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode rho_3-->pi-,pi0; 0.23581 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode rho_3-->a_2-,pi0; 0.234443 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3TP
decaymode rho_3-->a_20,pi-; 0.234443 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3TP
decaymode rho_3-->pi-,omega; 0.16 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_3-->rho-,rho0; 0.081547 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode rho_3-->K*-,K0; 0.018985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_3-->K*0,K-; 0.018985 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode rho_3-->K-,K0; 0.015787 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode omega_3->rho0,pi0; 0.194933 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode omega_3->rho-,pi+; 0.194932 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode omega_3->rho+,pi-; 0.194932 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode omega_3->b_1-,pi+; 0.138401 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VS
decaymode omega_3->b_10,pi0; 0.138401 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VS
decaymode omega_3->b_1+,pi-; 0.138401 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VS
decaymode phi_3->K_S0,K_L0; 0.322582 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode phi_3->K+,K-; 0.322582 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode phi_3->K*-,K+; 0.088709 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode phi_3->K*bar0,K0; 0.088709 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode phi_3->K*0,Kbar0; 0.088709 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode phi_3->K*+,K-; 0.088709 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode psi_3(1D)->D0,Dbar0; 0.576 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode psi_3(1D)->D+,D-; 0.424 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode Upsilon_3(1D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.954 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_3(1D)->g,g,g; 0.043 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon_3(1D)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 0.002 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_3(1D)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_3*+->K+,eta; 0.300601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*+->K0,rho+; 0.207081 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*+->K*0,pi+; 0.133601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*+->K0,pi+; 0.125585 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*+->K+,rho0; 0.10354 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*+->K*+,pi0; 0.0668 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*+->K+,pi0; 0.062792 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*0->K0,eta; 0.300601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*0->K+,rho-; 0.207081 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*0->K*+,pi-; 0.133601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*0->K+,pi-; 0.125585 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*0->K0,rho0; 0.10354 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*0->K*0,pi0; 0.0668 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*0->K0,pi0; 0.062792 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*-->K-,eta; 0.300601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*-->Kbar0,rho-; 0.207081 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.133601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.125585 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*-->K-,rho0; 0.10354 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*-->K*-,pi0; 0.0668 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*-->K-,pi0; 0.062792 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*bar0->Kbar0,eta; 0.300601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*bar0->K-,rho+; 0.207081 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.133601 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*bar0->K-,pi+; 0.125585 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode K_3*bar0->Kbar0,rho0; 0.10354 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.0668 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3VP
decaymode K_3*bar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.062792 1 /Herwig/Decays/Spin3PP
decaymode D_3*(2750)0->D*+,pi-; 0.464082 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)0->D*0,pi0; 0.240121 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)0->D+,pi-; 0.194915 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)0->D0,pi0; 0.100882 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)+->D*0,pi+; 0.47212 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)+->D*+,pi0; 0.231895 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)+->D0,pi+; 0.198821 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)+->D+,pi0; 0.097164 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_3*(2750)0->D*-,pi+; 0.464082 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_3*(2750)0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.240121 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_3*(2750)0->D-,pi+; 0.194915 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_3*(2750)0->Dbar0,pi0; 0.100882 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.47212 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)-->D*-,pi0; 0.231895 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)-->Dbar0,pi-; 0.198821 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_3*(2750)-->D-,pi0; 0.097164 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)+->D0,K+; 0.37044 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)+->D+,K0; 0.350777 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)+->D*0,K+; 0.143907 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)+->D*+,K0; 0.134876 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)-->Dbar0,K-; 0.37044 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)-->D-,Kbar0; 0.350777 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)-->D*bar0,K-; 0.143907 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s3*(2860)-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.134876 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_c3(1D)*+->B_c2+,gamma; 0.948 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c3(1D)*+->B_c*+,pi+,pi-; 0.035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c3(1D)*+->B_c*+,pi0,pi0; 0.017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c3(1D)*-->B_c2-,gamma; 0.948 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c3(1D)*-->B_c*-,pi+,pi-; 0.035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c3(1D)*-->B_c*-,pi0,pi0; 0.017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 1^3F_4 multiplet
# the 2^1S_0 multiplet
decaymode pi'+->rho0,pi+; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode pi'+->rho+,pi0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode pi'0->rho-,pi+; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode pi'0->rho+,pi-; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode pi'-->rho-,pi0; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode pi'-->rho0,pi-; 0.5 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1295)->sigma,eta; 0.349999 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1295)->a_0-,pi+; 0.216667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1295)->a_00,pi0; 0.216667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1295)->a_0+,pi-; 0.216667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1475)->K*-,K+; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1475)->K*bar0,K0; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1475)->K*0,Kbar0; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1475)->K*+,K-; 0.25 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta_c(2S)->g,g; 0.9752 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode eta_c(2S)->eta_c,pi+,pi-; 0.0125 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c(2S)->eta_c,pi0,pi0; 0.0063 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_c(2S)->h_c,gamma; 0.006 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_b(2S)->g,g; 0.9943 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode eta_b(2S)->h_b,gamma; 0.0057 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K'+->K*_00,pi+; 0.3 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'+->K*0,pi+; 0.279487 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'+->K*_0+,pi0; 0.15 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'+->K*+,pi0; 0.139744 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'+->K0,rho+; 0.087179 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'+->K+,rho0; 0.04359 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'0->K*_0+,pi-; 0.3 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'0->K*+,pi-; 0.279487 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'0->K*_00,pi0; 0.15 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'0->K*0,pi0; 0.139744 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'0->K+,rho-; 0.087179 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'0->K0,rho0; 0.04359 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'-->K*_0bar0,pi-; 0.3 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.279487 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'-->K*_0-,pi0; 0.15 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'-->K*-,pi0; 0.139744 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'-->Kbar0,rho-; 0.087179 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'-->K-,rho0; 0.04359 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'bar0->K*_0-,pi+; 0.3 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.279487 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'bar0->K*_0bar0,pi0; 0.15 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode K'bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.139744 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'bar0->K-,rho+; 0.087179 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K'bar0->Kbar0,rho0; 0.04359 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode D_0(2550)0->D*+,pi-; 0.660707 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0(2550)0->D*0,pi0; 0.339293 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0(2550)+->D*0,pi+; 0.669476 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0(2550)+->D*+,pi0; 0.330524 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_0(2550)0->D*-,pi+; 0.660707 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_0(2550)0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.339293 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0(2550)-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.669476 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_0(2550)-->D*-,pi0; 0.330524 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s0(2590)+->D*0,K+; 0.531455 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s0(2590)+->D*+,K0; 0.468545 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s0(2590)-->D*bar0,K-; 0.531455 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s0(2590)-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.468545 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_c(2S)+->B_c+,pi+,pi-; 0.587 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)+->B_c+,pi0,pi0; 0.294 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)+->B_c1+,gamma; 0.094 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)+->B'_c1+,gamma; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode B_c(2S)+->B_c*+,gamma; 0.005 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode B_c(2S)+->B_c*+,gamma; 0.005 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
decaymode B_c(2S)-->B_c-,pi+,pi-; 0.587 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)-->B_c-,pi0,pi0; 0.294 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)-->B_c1-,gamma; 0.094 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)-->B'_c1-,gamma; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode B_c(2S)-->B_c*-,gamma; 0.005 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode B_c(2S)-->B_c*-,gamma; 0.005 1 /Herwig/Decays/PVV
# the 2^3S_1 multiplet
decaymode rho'+->pi+,pi0; 0.270072 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'+->pi'0,pi+; 0.135037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'+->pi'+,pi0; 0.135037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'+->rho+,sigma; 0.124088 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'+->a_10,pi+; 0.09854 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'+->a_1+,pi0; 0.09854 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'+->rho+,rho0; 0.080292 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode rho'+->h_1,pi+; 0.058394 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'0->pi+,pi-; 0.270072 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'0->pi'-,pi+; 0.135037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'0->pi'+,pi-; 0.135037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'0->rho0,sigma; 0.124088 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'0->a_1-,pi+; 0.09854 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'0->a_1+,pi-; 0.09854 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'0->rho+,rho-; 0.080292 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode rho'0->h_1,pi0; 0.058394 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'-->pi-,pi0; 0.270072 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'-->pi'-,pi0; 0.135037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'-->pi'0,pi-; 0.135037 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode rho'-->rho-,sigma; 0.124088 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'-->a_1-,pi0; 0.09854 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'-->a_10,pi-; 0.09854 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode rho'-->rho-,rho0; 0.080292 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode rho'-->h_1,pi-; 0.058394 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode omega'->rho-,pi+; 0.233 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega'->rho0,pi0; 0.233 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega'->rho+,pi-; 0.233 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode omega'->omega,sigma; 0.112876 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode omega'->b_1-,pi+; 0.062708 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode omega'->b_10,pi0; 0.062708 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode omega'->b_1+,pi-; 0.062708 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode phi'->K*-,K+; 0.233645 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi'->K*bar0,K0; 0.233645 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi'->K*0,Kbar0; 0.233645 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi'->K*+,K-; 0.233645 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode phi'->K_L0,K_S0; 0.03271 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode phi'->K+,K-; 0.03271 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode psi(2S)->Jpsi,pi+,pi-; 0.318 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
-decaymode psi(2S)->g,g,g; 0.183093 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
+decaymode psi(2S)->g,g,g; 0.182393 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode psi(2S)->Jpsi,pi0,pi0; 0.1646 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode psi(2S)->chi_c0,gamma; 0.092 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
-decaymode psi(2S)->chi_c1,gamma; 0.087 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode psi(2S)->chi_c1,gamma; 0.087 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode psi(2S)->chi_c2,gamma; 0.081 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Jpsi,eta; 0.0309 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->e-,e+; 0.00735 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode psi(2S)->mu-,mu+; 0.00734 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode psi(2S)->tau-,tau+; 0.00285 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode psi(2S)->eta_c,gamma; 0.0026 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->Jpsi,pi0; 0.00126 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->K_1-,K+; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->K_1bar0,K0; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->K_10,Kbar0; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->K_1+,K-; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->h_c,pi0; 0.001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->eta,pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.00095 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,pbar-,pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.00073 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
+decaymode psi(2S)->gamma,eta_c(2S); 0.0007 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->eta',pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.00045 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->pi+,pi-,p+,pbar-; 0.0004 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->K*-,K0,rho+; 0.00035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*bar0,K+,rho-; 0.00035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*0,K-,rho+; 0.00035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*+,Kbar0,rho-; 0.00035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*-,K0,pi+; 0.000335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*bar0,K+,pi-; 0.000335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*0,K-,pi+; 0.000335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*+,Kbar0,pi-; 0.000335 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->b_1-,pi+; 0.0003 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->b_10,pi0; 0.0003 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->b_1+,pi-; 0.0003 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambda0,Lambdabar0,pi+,pi-; 0.00028 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->n0,pbar-,pi+; 0.000266 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,nbar0,pi-; 0.000266 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->n0,nbar0; 0.000265 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,pbar-; 0.000265 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambda0,Lambdabar0; 0.00025 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->Sigma-,Sigmabar+; 0.00023 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode psi(2S)->Sigma0,Sigmabar0; 0.00023 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->Sigma+,Sigmabar-; 0.00023 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->rho-,pi+,pi0; 0.00022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->rho0,pi+,pi-; 0.00022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->rho+,pi-,pi0; 0.00022 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->f_2,gamma; 0.00021 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,f_2; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Xi-,Xibar+; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->Xi0,Xibar0; 0.0002 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2BaryonsHalf
decaymode psi(2S)->K*-,K*_2+; 0.00019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*bar0,K*_20; 0.00019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,f_0(1710); 0.00019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*0,K*_2bar0; 0.00019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*+,K*_2-; 0.00019 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,K0,Kbar0; 0.000185 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,K+,K-; 0.000185 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambdabar0,p+,K-,pi+,pi-; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambda0,pbar-,K+,pi+,pi-; 0.00018 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->K*-,K+,rho0; 0.000175 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*bar0,K0,rho0; 0.000175 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*0,Kbar0,rho0; 0.000175 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*+,K-,rho0; 0.000175 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*-,K+,pi0; 0.000168 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*bar0,K0,pi0; 0.000168 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*0,Kbar0,pi0; 0.000168 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K*+,K-,pi0; 0.000168 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->eta',gamma; 0.00015 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.000136 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->n0,nbar0,pi0; 0.000133 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,pbar-,pi0; 0.000133 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Delta-,Deltabar+; 0.000128 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Delta0,Deltabar0; 0.000128 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Delta+,Deltabar-; 0.000128 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Delta++,Deltabar--; 0.000128 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Xi*-,Xi*bar+; 0.000115 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode psi(2S)->K+,K-,K+,K-,pi0; 0.00011 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->Sigma*-,Sigma*bar+; 0.00011 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode psi(2S)->Sigma*0,Sigma*bar0; 0.00011 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode psi(2S)->Sigma*+,Sigma*bar-; 0.00011 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Baryons3Half
decaymode psi(2S)->Kbar0,K*0; 0.000109 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->K0,K*bar0; 0.000109 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambdabar0,n0,Kbar0; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambdabar0,p+,K-; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,f_0; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->n0,pbar-,rho+; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,nbar0,rho-; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambda0,pbar-,K+; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->Lambda0,nbar0,K0; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->f_0(1710),gamma; 0.0001 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode psi(2S)->rho-,a_2+; 8.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->rho0,a_20; 8.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->rho+,a_2-; 8.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->pi+,pi-; 8.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,K0,Kbar0; 7.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,K+,K-; 7.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,n0,nbar0; 6.9E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,p+,pbar-; 6.9E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K+,K-,K+,K-; 6.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->n0,nbar0,eta; 6.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,pbar-,eta; 6.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->K_L0,K_S0; 5.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode psi(2S)->K+,K-; 5.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,pi+,pi-; 5.3E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->n0,nbar0,rho0; 5.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,pbar-,rho0; 5.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,f'_2; 4.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,eta'; 3.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,eta'; 3.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,eta; 2.8E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->phi,pi0,pi0; 2.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode psi(2S)->p+,pbar-,K+,K-; 2.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->rho0,eta; 2.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->omega,pi0; 2.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->pi+,pi-,pi+,pi-; 2.0E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode psi(2S)->rho0,eta'; 1.9E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->K-,K*+; 1.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->K+,K*-; 1.7E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->rho-,pi+; 1.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->rho0,pi0; 1.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode psi(2S)->rho+,pi-; 1.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->g,g,g; 0.414645 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 0.1785 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 0.086 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.0715 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(2S)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.069 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Upsilon(2S)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.069 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->chi_b0,gamma; 0.038 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->u,ubar; 0.025881 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->c,cbar; 0.025881 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->e-,e+; 0.019411 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->mu-,mu+; 0.019411 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->tau-,tau+; 0.019291 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->g,g,gamma; 0.0187 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->d,dbar; 0.00647 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(2S)->s,sbar; 0.00647 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(2S)->eta_b,gamma; 0.00055 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(2S)->Upsilon,eta; 0.00029 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Upsilon(2S)->eta_b,gamma; 0.00055 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
+decaymode Upsilon(2S)->Upsilon,eta; 0.00029 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*+->K*0,pi+; 0.622667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*+->K*+,pi0; 0.311333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*+->K0,pi+; 0.044 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*+->K+,pi0; 0.022 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*0->K*+,pi-; 0.622667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*0->K*0,pi0; 0.311333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*0->K+,pi-; 0.044 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*0->K0,pi0; 0.022 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*-->K*bar0,pi-; 0.622667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*-->K*-,pi0; 0.311333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.044 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*-->K-,pi0; 0.022 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*bar0->K*-,pi+; 0.622667 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*bar0->K*bar0,pi0; 0.311333 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode K'*bar0->K-,pi+; 0.044 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode K'*bar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.022 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode D_1*(2600)0->D*+,pi-; 0.501937 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)0->D*0,pi0; 0.255727 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)0->D+,pi-; 0.16062 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)0->D0,pi0; 0.081716 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)+->D*0,pi+; 0.506472 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)+->D*+,pi0; 0.251168 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)+->D0,pi+; 0.162132 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)+->D+,pi0; 0.080228 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2600)0->D*-,pi+; 0.501937 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2600)0->D*bar0,pi0; 0.255727 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2600)0->D-,pi+; 0.16062 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode Dbar_1*(2600)0->Dbar0,pi0; 0.081716 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)-->D*bar0,pi-; 0.506472 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)-->D*-,pi0; 0.251168 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)-->Dbar0,pi-; 0.162132 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_1*(2600)-->D-,pi0; 0.080228 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)+->D0,K+; 0.264387 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)+->D+,K0; 0.25583 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)+->D*0,K+; 0.245676 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)+->D*+,K0; 0.234107 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)-->Dbar0,K-; 0.264387 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)-->D-,Kbar0; 0.25583 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)-->D*bar0,K-; 0.245676 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode D_s1*(2700)-->D*-,Kbar0; 0.234107 1 /Herwig/Decays/CharmMeson
decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B_c*+,pi+,pi-; 0.531 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B_c*+,pi0,pi0; 0.265 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B_c2+,gamma; 0.08 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B'_c1+,gamma; 0.066 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B*_c0+,gamma; 0.04 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B_c1+,gamma; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B_c+,gamma; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode B_c(2S)*+->B_c+,gamma; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B_c*-,pi+,pi-; 0.531 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B_c*-,pi0,pi0; 0.265 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B_c2-,gamma; 0.08 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B'_c1-,gamma; 0.066 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B*_c0-,gamma; 0.04 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B_c1-,gamma; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B_c-,gamma; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode B_c(2S)*-->B_c-,gamma; 0.008 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
# the 2^1P_1 multiplet
decaymode h_b(2P)->eta_b(2S),gamma; 0.48 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode h_b(2P)->g,g,g; 0.246 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode h_b(2P)->eta_b,gamma; 0.22 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode h_b(2P)->eta_b2,gamma; 0.034 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode h_b(2P)->g,g,gamma; 0.02 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
# the 2^3P_0 multiplet
decaymode chi_b0(2P)->g,g; 0.9809 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(2P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.0138 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(2P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.0038 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(2P)->Upsilon_1(1D),gamma; 0.0015 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 2^3P_1 multiplet
decaymode chi_b1(2P)->g,g; 0.6613 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1(2P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.181 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1(2P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.099 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode chi_b1(2P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.181 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
+decaymode chi_b1(2P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.099 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode chi_b1(2P)->Upsilon_2(1D),gamma; 0.0236 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1(2P)->omega,Upsilon; 0.0163 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode chi_b1(2P)->omega,Upsilon; 0.0163 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode chi_b1(2P)->Upsilon_1(1D),gamma; 0.0097 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b1(2P)->chi_b1,pi+,pi-; 0.00607 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b1(2P)->chi_b1,pi0,pi0; 0.00303 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 2^3P_2 multiplet
decaymode chi_c2(2P)->D0,Dbar0; 0.5291 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode chi_c2(2P)->D+,D-; 0.4709 1 /Herwig/Decays/Tensor2PScalar
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->g,g; 0.81157 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.089 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.066 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->Upsilon_3(1D),gamma; 0.0142 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->omega,Upsilon; 0.011 1 /Herwig/Decays/TVV
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->chi_b2,pi+,pi-; 0.0034 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->Upsilon_2(1D),gamma; 0.0029 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->chi_b2,pi0,pi0; 0.0017 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(2P)->Upsilon_1(1D),gamma; 0.00023 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 2^1D_2 multiplet
# the 2^3D_1 multiplet
decaymode Upsilon_1(2D)->chi_b0(2P),gamma; 0.5381 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(2D)->chi_b1(2P),gamma; 0.2728 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(2D)->chi_b0,gamma; 0.1046 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(2D)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.0663 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(2D)->chi_b2(2P),gamma; 0.0144 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_1(2D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.0038 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 2^3D_2 multiplet
decaymode Upsilon_2(2D)->chi_b1(2P),gamma; 0.6382 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_2(2D)->chi_b2(2P),gamma; 0.1721 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_2(2D)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.1461 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_2(2D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.0436 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 2^3D_3 multiplet
decaymode Upsilon_3(2D)->chi_b2(2P),gamma; 0.8053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon_3(2D)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.1947 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 3^1S_0 multiplet
decaymode eta_b(3S)->g,g; 0.9983 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode eta_b(3S)->h_b(2P),gamma; 0.0012 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode eta_b(3S)->h_b,gamma; 0.0005 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 3^3S_1 multiplet
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->g,g,g; 0.357563 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b2(2P),gamma; 0.131 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b1(2P),gamma; 0.126 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b1(2P),gamma; 0.126 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b0(2P),gamma; 0.059 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->Upsilon(2S),gamma,gamma; 0.05 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 0.0437 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->u,ubar; 0.029373 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->c,cbar; 0.029373 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->Upsilon(2S),pi+,pi-; 0.0282 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->e-,e+; 0.022029 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->mu-,mu+; 0.022029 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 0.022 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->tau-,tau+; 0.02191 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->Upsilon(2S),pi0,pi0; 0.0185 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b2,gamma; 0.01 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->g,g,gamma; 0.0097 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME130
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->d,dbar; 0.007343 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(3S)->s,sbar; 0.007343 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b0,gamma; 0.0027 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(3S)->h_b,pi0; 0.000827 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode Upsilon(3S)->eta_b,gamma; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b0,gamma; 0.0027 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
+decaymode Upsilon(3S)->chi_b1,gamma; 0.0009 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
+decaymode Upsilon(3S)->h_b,pi0; 0.000827 1 /Herwig/Decays/VVSDecayer
+decaymode Upsilon(3S)->eta_b,gamma; 0.00051 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
# the 3^1P_1 multiplet
# the 3^3P_0 multiplet
decaymode chi_b0(3P)->g,g; 0.9773 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(3P)->Upsilon(3S),gamma; 0.0105 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(3P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.005 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(3P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.0046 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b0(3P)->Upsilon_1(2D),gamma; 0.0026 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 3^3P_1 multiplet
decaymode chi_b1(3P)->g,g; 0.6925 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon(3S),gamma; 0.1531 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.0559 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
-decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.054 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
+decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon(3S),gamma; 0.1531 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
+decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.0559 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
+decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.054 1 /Herwig/Decays/AVV
decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon_2(2D),gamma; 0.0315 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b1(3P)->Upsilon_1(2D),gamma; 0.013 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 3^3P_2 multiplet
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->g,g; 0.8404 1 /Herwig/Decays/QDecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->Upsilon(3S),gamma; 0.0827 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->Upsilon,gamma; 0.026 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->Upsilon(2S),gamma; 0.0258 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->Upsilon_3(2D),gamma; 0.0206 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->Upsilon_2(2D),gamma; 0.0042 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode chi_b2(3P)->Upsilon_1(2D),gamma; 0.0003 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
# the 4^3S_1 multiplet
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->B+,B-; 0.510004 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->B0,Bbar0; 0.487307 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->h_b,eta; 0.00218 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->Upsilon,eta; 0.000181 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 8.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->Upsilon(2S),pi+,pi-; 8.2E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 4.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->Upsilon(2S),pi0,pi0; 4.1E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/OniumPiPi
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->Upsilon,eta'; 3.4E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->e-,e+; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->mu-,mu+; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(4S)->tau-,tau+; 1.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
# the 5^3S_1 multiplet
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*0,B*bar0; 0.184007 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*+,B*-; 0.184007 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B_s*0,B_s*bar0; 0.179726 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVV
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B-,B*+; 0.050276 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Bbar0,B*0; 0.050276 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B0,B*bar0; 0.050276 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B+,B*-; 0.050276 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B0,Bbar0; 0.04927 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B+,B-; 0.04927 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*-,B0,pi+; 0.012234 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B-,B*0,pi+; 0.012234 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B+,B*bar0,pi-; 0.012234 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*+,Bbar0,pi-; 0.012234 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon(2S),pi+,pi-; 0.0078 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B_sbar0,B_s*0; 0.006893 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B_s0,B_s*bar0; 0.006893 1 /Herwig/Decays/VectorVP
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B0,B*bar0,pi0; 0.006117 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*0,Bbar0,pi0; 0.006117 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B+,B*-,pi0; 0.006117 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*+,B-,pi0; 0.006117 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->h_b(2P),pi+,pi-; 0.0057 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon,pi+,pi-; 0.0053 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B_s0,B_sbar0; 0.005106 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Meson
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon_2(1D),eta; 0.0048 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon(3S),pi+,pi-; 0.0048 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon(2S),pi0,pi0; 0.0039 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->h_b,pi+,pi-; 0.0035 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*-,B*0,pi+; 0.003352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*+,B*bar0,pi-; 0.003352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->h_b(2P),pi0,pi0; 0.00285 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon,pi0,pi0; 0.00265 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon(3S),pi0,pi0; 0.0024 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->chi_b1,omega; 0.00185 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->h_b,pi0,pi0; 0.00175 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*0,B*bar0,pi0; 0.001676 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->B*+,B*-,pi0; 0.001676 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon,K0,Kbar0; 0.00061 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->Upsilon,K+,K-; 0.00061 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->chi_b2,pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.0006 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->chi_b2,omega; 0.0006 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->chi_b1,pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.00052 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->e-,e+; 8.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->mu-,mu+; 8.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
decaymode Upsilon(5S)->tau-,tau+; 8.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/Vector2Leptons
# The meson which are not part of a multiplet
decaymode f_0(1500)->pi+,pi-; 0.232667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->sigma,sigma; 0.127426 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->pi0,pi0; 0.116333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->pi'-,pi+; 0.081683 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->pi'0,pi0; 0.081683 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->pi'+,pi-; 0.081683 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->eta,eta; 0.051 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->K0,Kbar0; 0.043 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->K+,K-; 0.043 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0(1500)->rho+,rho-; 0.042475 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode f_0(1500)->rho0,rho0; 0.021238 1 /Herwig/Decays/SVV
decaymode f_0(1500)->a_1-,pi+; 0.019604 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode f_0(1500)->a_10,pi0; 0.019604 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode f_0(1500)->a_1+,pi-; 0.019604 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode f_0(1500)->eta,eta'; 0.019 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode sigma->pi+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode sigma->pi0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0->pi+,pi-; 0.493994 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0->pi0,pi0; 0.247 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0->K+,K-; 0.139 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0->K0,Kbar0; 0.12 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode f_0->gamma,gamma; 6.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode a_00->eta,pi0; 0.906997 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a_00->K+,K-; 0.049 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a_00->K0,Kbar0; 0.044 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a_00->gamma,gamma; 3.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode a_0+->eta,pi+; 0.907 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a_0+->K+,Kbar0; 0.093 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a_0-->eta,pi-; 0.907 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode a_0-->K-,K0; 0.093 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1405)->eta,sigma; 0.479845 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1405)->a_0-,pi+; 0.159949 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1405)->a_00,pi0; 0.159949 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1405)->a_0+,pi-; 0.159949 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode eta(1405)->K*-,K+; 0.010077 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1405)->K*bar0,K0; 0.010077 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1405)->K*0,Kbar0; 0.010077 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode eta(1405)->K*+,K-; 0.010077 1 /Herwig/Decays/PPVDecayer
decaymode K_S0->pi+,pi-; 0.691968 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_S0->pi0,pi0; 0.306869 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_S0->pi-,e+,nu_e; 0.000352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_S0->pi+,e-,nu_ebar; 0.000352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_S0->pi-,mu+,nu_mu; 0.000228 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_S0->pi+,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.000228 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_S0->gamma,gamma; 3.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->pi-,e+,nu_e; 0.202758 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_L0->pi+,e-,nu_ebar; 0.202758 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_L0->pi0,pi0,pi0; 0.195202 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->pi-,mu+,nu_mu; 0.1352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_L0->pi+,mu-,nu_mubar; 0.1352 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME101
decaymode K_L0->pi+,pi-,pi0; 0.125401 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->pi+,pi-; 0.002008 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->pi0,pi0; 0.000864 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->gamma,gamma; 0.000547 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->pi0,pi-,e+,nu_e; 2.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K_L0->pi0,pi+,e-,nu_ebar; 2.6E-5 1 /Herwig/Decays/Mambo
decaymode K_L0->e-,e+,gamma; 9.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode K_L0->pi0,gamma,gamma; 1.0E-6 1 /Herwig/Decays/DecayME0
decaymode kappa0->K+,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappa0->K0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappabar0->K-,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappabar0->Kbar0,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappa-->Kbar0,pi-; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappa-->K-,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappa+->K0,pi+; 0.666667 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS
decaymode kappa+->K+,pi0; 0.333333 1 /Herwig/Decays/ScalarSS

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 1:02 PM (1 d, 38 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(1 MB)

Event Timeline