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// TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2019 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// $Date:$
// $Author:$
#include "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay.h"
#include "TGenPhaseSpace.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl;
mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance();
mRandom = EventGeneratorSettings::randomGenerator();
pair<TLorentzVector, TLorentzVector>
TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::decayVectorMeson(TLorentzVector& vm, int daughterID)
// Simple 2-body decay flat in phase space
TGenPhaseSpace decay;
pair<TLorentzVector, TLorentzVector> daughters;
double daughterMass = mSettings->lookupPDG(daughterID)->Mass();
double daughterMasses[2] = {daughterMass, daughterMass};
if (decay.SetDecay(vm, 2, daughterMasses)) {
double weight = decay.Generate(); // weight is always 1 here
if ((weight-1) > numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
cout << "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::decayVectorMeson(): Warning weight != 1, weight = " << weight << endl;
daughters.first = *decay.GetDecay(0);
daughters.second = *decay.GetDecay(1);
else {
cout << "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::decayVectorMeson(): Warning, kinematics of vector meson does not allow decay!" << endl;
return daughters;
pair<TLorentzVector, TLorentzVector>
TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::decayVectorMeson(TLorentzVector& vm, Event& event, int daughterID)
// Decay correctly treated with polarization of the virtual photon taken into account
// (SCHC approximation).
// This code was developed with the help of Athira Vijayakumar and Barak Schmookler
// from Stony Brook University.
// Essentially we create the daughters in the rest frame of the vector meson.
// Angels are generated randomly, flat in phi, and cos(theta) according to the
// respective distribution found in literature (see cosTheta()). At the end we
// boost back in the lab system.
pair<TLorentzVector, TLorentzVector> daughters;
double daughterMass = mSettings->lookupPDG(daughterID)->Mass();
// Get matrix element from the cross-section ratio sig_L/sig_T.
// An alternative is to not use the ratio from Sartre directly but calculate
// it using Eq. 16 in PLB 449, 328. However, this is (i) model dependent and
// (ii) would introduce value that is not always identical to the one from
// Sartre. Tests by Athira showed that the two are very close so we use the
// actual value generated by Sartre, which is stored in the Event structure.
// Note also that the PLB version is t-integrated while Sartre's one is not.
double polarizationParameter = (1 - event.y)/(1 - event.y + (event.y*event.y)/2);
double a = event.crossSectionRatioLT * polarizationParameter;
double r0400 = a/(1+a);
// Generate random angles with the proper distributions
TRandom3 *random = EventGeneratorSettings::randomGenerator();
double phi = random->Uniform(2*M_PI);
double costh = cosTheta(r0400, daughterID);
if (fabs(costh) > 1) {
cout << "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::decayVectorMeson(): Error, falling back to simple decay scheme." << endl;
return decayVectorMeson(vm, daughterID);
double theta = acos(costh);
// Daughters in center-of-mass of vector meson,
// relying on both daughters having the same mass (and spin).
double psquare = vm.M2()/4 - daughterMass*daughterMass;
if (psquare < 0) {
cout << "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::decayVectorMeson(): Error, vector meson mass too small for decay into given "
"daughters. Will result in 'nan' values." << endl;
double p = sqrt(psquare);
double E = sqrt(p*p + daughterMass*daughterMass);
TVector3 p3(sin(theta)*cos(phi)*p, sin(theta)*sin(phi)*p, cos(theta)*p);
daughters.first = TLorentzVector(p3, E);
daughters.second = TLorentzVector(-p3, E);
// Boost to lab
TVector3 labVec = vm.Vect()*(1/vm.Energy());
return daughters;
double TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::cosTheta(double r, int daughterID)
// cos(theta) is generated according to the distributions derived by H1 et al.
// See: Eur. Phys. J. C 6, 603 (1999) and Eur. Phys. J. C 13, 371 (2000)
// To generate a random number we invert the cumulative of this distribution.
// It ends up with a (reduced) cubic equation that is solved analytically.
// We cover several cases since the solution scheme depends on the matrix
// element r (R^04_00).
// If something goes wrong we return 42 instead of -1 < cos(theta) < 1.
double p, q;
double rnd = mRandom->Uniform(1);
if (abs(daughterID) == 211 || abs(daughterID) == 321) { // spin 0 decay particle
p = (3-3*r)/(3*r-1);
q = 1+(3-3*r-4*rnd)/(3*r-1);
else if (abs(daughterID) == 11 || abs(daughterID) == 13) { // spin 1/2 decay particle
p = (3+3*r)/(1-3*r);
q = (4-8*rnd)/(1-3*r);
else {
cout << "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::cosTheta(): Cannot handle particle ID=" << daughterID << "." << endl;
return 42;
double R = sqrt(fabs(p)/3.)*(q < 0 ? -1 : 1);
double D = pow(p/3, 3) + q*q/4;
double result, phi;
if (p > 0) {
phi = asinh(q/(2*R*R*R));
result = -2*R*sinh(phi/3);
else if (p < 0) {
if (D <= 0) {
phi = acos(q/(2*R*R*R));
//result = -2*R*cos(phi/3);
//result = -2*R*cos(phi/3 + 2*M_PI/3);
result = -2*R*cos(phi/3 + 4*M_PI/3);
else {
phi = acosh(q/(2*R*R*R));
result = -2*R*cosh(phi/3);
else {
if (-q >= 0)
result = pow(-q, 1./3.);
else {
cout << "TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay::cosTheta(): Warning, cannot generate cos(theta)." << endl;
return 42;
return result;

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Sat, Dec 21, 12:56 PM (1 d, 1 h)
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TwoBodyVectorMesonDecay.cpp (6 KB)

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