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diff --git a/pyext/professor2/core.pyx b/pyext/professor2/core.pyx
--- a/pyext/professor2/core.pyx
+++ b/pyext/professor2/core.pyx
@@ -1,183 +1,190 @@
#cython: embedsignature=True
cimport professor as c
cimport cython.operator.dereference as deref
def version(astuple=False):
"Professor version code, as a string by default or a tuple on request"
v = c.version()
return v.split(".") if astuple else v
def numCoeffs(dim, order):
return c.numCoeffs(dim, order)
cdef class ParamPoints:
cdef c.ParamPoints* _ptr
def __cinit__(self, pvec):
self._ptr = new c.ParamPoints(pvec)
def __del__(self):
del self._ptr
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ del self._ptr
cdef class Ipol:
"""An interpolation of a scalar function built from a list of values across
a set of parameter point anchors.
The main workhorse object in Professor. The interpolation coefficients are
calculated lazily, i.e. when first used.
cdef c.Ipol* _ptr
def __cinit__(self, *args):
# NOTE: we shouldn't invent Python-only constructors for a one-off purpose that can be done adequately/better with an explicit call...
# if len(args) == 3 and type(args[0]) is str and type(args[1]) is str and type(args[2]) is str:
# self._ptr = new c.Ipol(args[0])
# self._ptr.setMinParamVals([float(x) for x in args[1].split()])
# self._ptr.setMaxParamVals([float(x) for x in args[2].split()])
if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) is str: # Backward compatibility --- no scaling
self._ptr = new c.Ipol(args[0])
# self._ptr.setMinParamVals([0 for x in xrange(self._ptr.dim())])
# self._ptr.setMaxParamVals([1 for x in xrange(self._ptr.dim())])
pp = ParamPoints(args[0])
vals = list(args[1])
order = int(args[2])
name = ""
threshold = 1e-40 #< ???
if len(args) == 4:
threshold = float(args[3])
name = str(args[3])
if len(args) == 5:
name = str(args[3])
threshold = float(args[4])
self._ptr = new c.Ipol(deref(pp._ptr), vals, order, name, threshold, True)
def __del__(self):
del self._ptr
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ del self._ptr
def coeffs(self):
return self._ptr.coeffs()
def structure(self):
#rtn = []
return self._ptr.structure()
def longvector(self, params):
return self._ptr.longVector(params)
def dim(self):
return self._ptr.dim()
def order(self):
return self._ptr.order()
def name(self):
def value(self, *params, vmin=None, vmax=None):
"""Calculate the value of this interpolation at the given params point,
forcing return within the range vmin..vmax.
params can be an expanded tuple of floats, an unexpanded iterable of
floats, or an ordered dict of paramname -> value.
import collections
## Detect if the params have been passed as a single iterable and convert
if len(params) == 1 and isinstance(params[0], collections.Iterable):
params = params[0]
## Further, detect if the params have been passed as a (ordered!) dict-like and extract the (ordered) values
if isinstance(params, collections.Mapping):
params = params.values()
## Ensure that the param values are floats
params = [float(p) for p in params]
## Compute the interpolated value at 'params' and impose optional range limits
v = self._ptr.value(params)
if vmin is not None and v < vmin:
return vmin
if vmax is not None and v > vmax:
return vmax
return v
## Alias
val = value
def derivative(self, *params):
import collections
## Detect if the params have been passed as a single iterable and convert
if len(params) == 1 and isinstance(params[0], collections.Iterable):
params = params[0]
## Further, detect if the params have been passed as a (ordered!) dict-like and extract the (ordered) values
if isinstance(params, collections.Mapping):
params = params.values()
## Ensure that the param values are floats
params = [float(p) for p in params]
return self._ptr.derivative(params)
## Alias
der = derivative
def gradient(self, *params):
import collections
## Detect if the params have been passed as a single iterable and convert
if len(params) == 1 and isinstance(params[0], collections.Iterable):
params = params[0]
## Further, detect if the params have been passed as a (ordered!) dict-like and extract the (ordered) values
if isinstance(params, collections.Mapping):
params = params.values()
## Ensure that the param values are floats
params = [float(p) for p in params]
return self._ptr.gradient(params)
## Alias
grad = gradient
def setParamLimits(self, pmins, pmaxs):
"Set the minimum and maximum param values via 2 lists ordered cf. the param names. Used in SVD internal scaling."
self._ptr.setParamLimits(pmins, pmaxs)
def minParamVals(self):
"Get the minimum param values used in SVD internal scaling."
return self._ptr.minParamVals()
def setMinParamVals(self, pmins):
"Set the minimum param values via a list of values ordered cf. the param names. Used in SVD internal scaling."
def maxParamVals(self):
"Get the maximum param values used in SVD internal scaling."
return self._ptr.maxParamVals()
def setMaxParamVals(self, pmaxs):
"Set the maximum param values via a list of values ordered cf. the param names. Used in SVD internal scaling."
def toString(self, name=""):
"Produce a persistent string representing this Ipol object"
return self._ptr.toString(name)
def __repr__(self):
return self.toString(
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