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diff --git a/Hadronization/StandardModelHadronSpectrum.h b/Hadronization/StandardModelHadronSpectrum.h
--- a/Hadronization/StandardModelHadronSpectrum.h
+++ b/Hadronization/StandardModelHadronSpectrum.h
@@ -1,644 +1,623 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef Herwig_StandardModelHadronSpectrum_H
#define Herwig_StandardModelHadronSpectrum_H
// This is the declaration of the StandardModelHadronSpectrum class.
#include "Herwig/Hadronization/HadronSpectrum.h"
#include <ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h>
#include <ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h>
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h>
#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h>
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* Here is the documentation of the StandardModelHadronSpectrum class.
* @see \ref StandardModelHadronSpectrumInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for StandardModelHadronSpectrum.
class StandardModelHadronSpectrum: public HadronSpectrum {
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
StandardModelHadronSpectrum(unsigned int opt);
* The destructor.
virtual ~StandardModelHadronSpectrum();
/** @name Partonic content */
* Return the id of the gluon
virtual long gluonId() const { return ParticleID::g; }
* Return the ids of all hadronizing quarks
virtual const vector<long>& hadronizingQuarks() const {
static vector<long> hadronizing =
{ ParticleID::d, ParticleID::u, ParticleID::s, ParticleID::c, ParticleID::b };
return hadronizing;
* The light hadronizing quarks
virtual const vector<long>& lightHadronizingQuarks() const {
static vector<long> light =
{ ParticleID::d, ParticleID::u, ParticleID::s };
return light;
* The light hadronizing diquarks
virtual const vector<long>& lightHadronizingDiquarks() const {
* Diquarks q==q_0 are not allowed as they need to have antisymmetric
* spin wave-function, which forces the spin to 1
* Diquarks q!=q'_1 are not allowed as they need to have antisymmetric
* spin wave-function, which forces the spin to 1
* */
// TODO: strange diquarks are turned off for the moment
// since in combination with the current ClusterFission
// they fail (overshoot) to reproduce the Xi and Lambda
// pT spectra.
// One may enable these after the ClusterFission
// kinematics are settled
// TODO why ud_1 not allowed?
// exceptions: Could not find 2103 1 in _table
// but no problem for 2103 2 ???
// ParticleID::ud_1
switch(_hadronizingStrangeDiquarks) {
case 0:
static vector<long> light = {
// ParticleID::ud_1,
return light;
// break;
case 1:
static vector<long> light = {
// ParticleID::ud_1,
// ParticleID::su_1,
// ParticleID::sd_1
return light;
case 2:
static vector<long> light = {
// ParticleID::ud_1,
// ParticleID::su_1,
// ParticleID::sd_1,
return light;
// break;
static vector<long> light;
return light;
* The heavy hadronizing quarks
virtual const vector<long>& heavyHadronizingQuarks() const {
static vector<long> heavy =
{ ParticleID::c, ParticleID::b };
return heavy;
* The lightest quarks, used for finding the lightest Hadron Pair
virtual const vector<long>& lightestQuarks() const {
static vector<long> light =
{ ParticleID::d, ParticleID::u};
return light;
* Return true if any of the possible three input particles contains
* the indicated heavy quark. false otherwise. In the case that
* only the first particle is specified, it can be: an (anti-)quark,
* an (anti-)diquark an (anti-)meson, an (anti-)baryon; in the other
* cases, each pointer is assumed to be either (anti-)quark or
* (anti-)diquark.
virtual bool hasHeavy(long id, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2 = PDPtr(), tcPDPtr par3 = PDPtr()) const {
if ( abs(id) == ParticleID::c )
return hasCharm(par1,par2,par3);
if ( abs(id) == ParticleID::b )
return hasBottom(par1,par2,par3);
return false;
* Return the threshold for a cluster to split into a pair of hadrons.
* This is normally the mass of the lightest hadron Pair, but can be
* higher for heavy and exotic clusters
virtual Energy hadronPairThreshold(tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const;
* Return the weight for the given flavour
virtual double pwtQuark(const long& id) const {
switch(id) {
case ParticleID::d: return pwtDquark(); break;
case ParticleID::u: return pwtUquark(); break;
case ParticleID::s: return pwtSquark(); break;
case ParticleID::c: return pwtCquark(); break;
case ParticleID::b: return pwtBquark(); break;
return 0.;
* The down quark weight.
double pwtDquark() const {
return _pwtDquark;
* The up quark weight.
double pwtUquark() const {
return _pwtUquark;
* The strange quark weight.
double pwtSquark() const {
return _pwtSquark;
* The charm quark weight.
double pwtCquark() const {
return _pwtCquark;
* The bottom quark weight.
double pwtBquark() const {
return _pwtBquark;
* The diquark weight.
double pwtDIquark() const {
return _pwtDIquark;
- /**
- * The diquark weight.
- */
- double pwtDIquark() const {
- return _pwtDIquark;
- }
- /**
- * The diquark weight.
- */
- double pwtDIquark() const {
- return _pwtDIquark;
- }
- /**
- * The diquark weight.
- */
- double pwtDIquark() const {
- return _pwtDIquark;
- }
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* The array _repwt is initialized using the interfaces to set different
* weights for different meson multiplets and the constructHadronTable()
* method called to complete the construction of the hadron tables.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Return the id of the diquark (anti-diquark) made by the two
* quarks (antiquarks) of id specified in input (id1, id2).
* Caller must ensure that id1 and id2 are quarks.
long makeDiquarkID(long id1, long id2, long pspin) const;
* Return true if any of the possible three input particles has
* b-flavour;
* false otherwise. In the case that only the first particle is specified,
* it can be: an (anti-)quark, an (anti-)diquark
* an (anti-)meson, an (anti-)baryon; in the other cases, each pointer
* is assumed to be either (anti-)quark or (anti-)diquark.
bool hasBottom(tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2 = PDPtr(), tcPDPtr par3 = PDPtr()) const;
* Return true if any of the possible three input particles has
* c-flavour;
* false otherwise.In the case that only the first pointer is specified,
* it can be: a (anti-)quark, a (anti-)diquark
* a (anti-)meson, a (anti-)baryon; in the other cases, each pointer
* is assumed to be either (anti-)quark or (anti-)diquark.
bool hasCharm(tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2 = PDPtr(), tcPDPtr par3 = PDPtr()) const;
* Return true, if any of the possible input particle pointer is an exotic quark, e.g. Susy quark;
* false otherwise.
bool isExotic(tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2 = PDPtr(), tcPDPtr par3 = PDPtr()) const;
* Return true if the two or three particles in input can be the components
* of a baryon; false otherwise.
virtual bool canBeBaryon(tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2 , tcPDPtr par3 = PDPtr()) const;
* Construct the table of hadron data
* This is the main method to initialize the hadron data (mainly the
* weights associated to each hadron, taking into account its spin,
* eventual isoscalar-octect mixing, singlet-decuplet factor). This is
* the method that one should update when new or updated hadron data is
* available.
* This class implements the construction of the basic table but can be
* overridden if needed in inheriting classes.
* The rationale for factors used for diquarks involving different quarks can
* be can be explained by taking a prototype example that in the exact SU(2) limit,
* in which:
* \f[m_u=m_d\f]
* \f[M_p=M_n=M_\Delta\f]
* and we will have equal numbers of u and d quarks produced.
* Suppose that we weight 1 the diquarks made of the same
* quark and 1/2 those made of different quarks, the fractions
* of u and d baryons (p, n, Delta) we get are the following:
* - \f$\Delta^{++}\f$: 1 possibility only u uu with weight 1
* - \f$\Delta^- \f$: 1 possibility only d dd with weight 1
* - \f$p,\Delta^+ \f$: 2 possibilities u ud with weight 1/2
* d uu with weight 1
* - \f$n,\Delta^0 \f$: 2 possibilities d ud with weight 1/2
* u dd with weight 1
* In the latter two cases, we have to take into account the
* fact that p and n have spin 1/2 whereas Delta+ and Delta0
* have spin 3/2 therefore from phase space we get a double weight
* for Delta+ and Delta0 relative to p and n respectively.
* Therefore the relative amount of these baryons that is
* produced is the following:
* # p = # n = ( 1/2 + 1 ) * 1/3 = 1/2
* # Delta++ = # Delta- = 1 = ( 1/2 + 1) * 2/3 # Delta+ = # Delta0
* which is correct, and therefore the weight 1/2 for the
* diquarks of different types of quarks is justified (at least
* in this limit of exact SU(2) ).
virtual void constructHadronTable();
* Insert a meson in the table
virtual void insertMeson(HadronInfo a, int flav1, int flav2);
* Methods for the mixing of \f$I=0\f$ mesons
* Return the probability of mixing for Octet-Singlet isoscalar mixing,
* the probability of the
* \f$\frac1{\sqrt{2}}(|u\bar{u}\rangle + |d\bar{d}\rangle)\f$ component
* is returned.
* @param angleMix The mixing angle in degrees (not radians)
* @param order is 0 for no mixing, 1 for the first resonance of a pair,
* 2 for the second one.
* The mixing is defined so that for example with \f$\eta-\eta'\f$ mixing where
* the mixing angle is \f$\theta=-23^0$ with $\eta\f$ as the first particle
* and \f$\eta'\f$ the second one.
* The convention used is
* \f[\eta = \cos\theta|\eta_{\rm octet }\rangle
* -\sin\theta|\eta_{\rm singlet}\rangle\f]
* \f[\eta' = \sin\theta|\eta_{\rm octet }\rangle
* -\cos\theta|\eta_{\rm singlet}\rangle\f]
* with
* \f[|\eta_{\rm singlet}\rangle = \frac1{\sqrt{3}}
* \left[|u\bar{u}\rangle + |d\bar{d}\rangle + |s\bar{s}\rangle\right]\f]
* \f[|\eta_{\rm octet }\rangle = \frac1{\sqrt{6}}
* \left[|u\bar{u}\rangle + |d\bar{d}\rangle - 2|s\bar{s}\rangle\right]\f]
double probabilityMixing(const double angleMix,
const int order) const {
static double convert=Constants::pi/180.0;
if (order == 1)
return sqr( cos( angleMix*convert + atan( sqrt(2.0) ) ) );
else if (order == 2)
return sqr( sin( angleMix*convert + atan( sqrt(2.0) ) ) );
return 1.;
* Returns the weight of given mixing state.
* @param id The PDG code of the meson
virtual double mixingStateWeight(long id) const;
virtual double specialQuarkWeight(double quarkWeight, long id,
const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const {
// special for strange
if(abs(id) == 3)
return strangeWeight(cluMass,par1,par2);
return quarkWeight;
* Strange quark weight
virtual double strangeWeight(const Energy cluMass, tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2) const;
* Strange diquark option for Hadronization
unsigned int _hadronizingStrangeDiquarks;
* The weights for the different quarks and diquarks
* The probability of producting a down quark.
double _pwtDquark;
* The probability of producting an up quark.
double _pwtUquark;
* The probability of producting a strange quark.
double _pwtSquark;
* The probability of producting a charm quark.
double _pwtCquark;
* The probability of producting a bottom quark.
double _pwtBquark;
* The probability of producting a diquark.
double _pwtDIquark;
* Singlet and Decuplet weights
* The singlet weight
double _sngWt;
* The decuplet weight
double _decWt;
* The mixing angles for the \f$I=0\f$ mesons containing light quarks
* The \f$\eta-\eta'\f$ mixing angle
double _etamix;
* The \f$\phi-\omega\f$ mixing angle
double _phimix;
* The \f$h_1'-h_1\f$ mixing angle
double _h1mix;
* The \f$f_0(1710)-f_0(1370)\f$ mixing angle
double _f0mix;
* The \f$f_1(1420)-f_1(1285)\f$ mixing angle
double _f1mix;
* The \f$f'_2-f_2\f$ mixing angle
double _f2mix;
* The \f$\eta_2(1870)-\eta_2(1645)\f$ mixing angle
double _eta2mix;
* The \f$\phi(???)-\omega(1650)\f$ mixing angle
double _omhmix;
* The \f$\phi_3-\omega_3\f$ mixing angle
double _ph3mix;
* The \f$\eta(1475)-\eta(1295)\f$ mixing angle
double _eta2Smix;
* The \f$\phi(1680)-\omega(1420)\f$ mixing angle
double _phi2Smix;
* The weights for the various meson multiplets to be used to supress the
* production of particular states
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^1S_0\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight1S0;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3S_1\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3S1;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^1P_1\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight1P1;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3P_0\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3P0;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3P_1\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3P1;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3P_2\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3P2;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^1D_2\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight1D2;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3D_1\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3D1;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3D_2\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3D2;
* The weights for the \f$\phantom{1}^3D_3\f$ multiplets
vector<double> _weight3D3;
* Option for the construction of the tables
unsigned int _topt;
* Which particles to produce for debugging purposes
unsigned int _trial;
* @name A parameter used for determining when clusters are too light.
* This parameter is used for setting the lower threshold, \f$ t \f$ as
* \f[ t' = t(1 + r B^1_{\rm lim}) \f]
* where \f$ r \f$ is a random number [0,1].
double _limBottom;
double _limCharm;
double _limExotic;
#endif /* Herwig_StandardModelHadronSpectrum_H */

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Tue, Nov 19, 8:38 PM (1 d, 1 h)
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