// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Authors:
// Thomas Latham
// John Back
// Paul Harrison
/*! \file Lau2DHistDP.hh
\brief File containing declaration of Lau2DHistDP class.
/*! \class Lau2DHistDP
\brief Class for defining a 2D DP histogram.
Class for defining a 2D DP histogram.
Employs linear interpolation to get the histogram value based on how far away a point in (x,y)
is to nearby bin centres. The returned values are not normalised to the total histogram area
(useful for efficiency histograms for example).
The histogram can be defined in the conventional DP (m13Sq vs m23Sq) or in the square DP.
#ifndef LAU_2DHIST_DP
#define LAU_2DHIST_DP
#include "Lau2DAbsHistDP.hh"
class TH2;
class LauDaughters;
class LauKinematics;
class Lau2DHistDP : public Lau2DAbsHistDP {
//! Constructor
\param [in] hist the 2D DP histogram
\param [in] daughters the daughter particles
\param [in] useInterpolation boolean flag to determine whether linear interpolation between bins should be used or simply the raw bin values
\param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors (useful for systematic error evaluation).
The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins.
The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] avEffError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins
\param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to specify that the supplied histogram contains only the upper half of a symmetric DP
\param [in] squareDP boolean flag to specify whether the supplied histogram is in square DP coordinates
+ \param [in] errorHi the 2D DP histogram containing the upper uncertainty
+ \param [in] errorLo the 2D DP histogram containing the lower uncertainty
+ \param [in] daughters the daughter particles
+ \param [in] useInterpolation boolean flag to determine whether linear interpolation between bins should be used or simply the raw bin values
+ \param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors (useful for systematic error evaluation).
+ The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins.
+ The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] avEffError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins
+ \param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to specify that the supplied histogram contains only the upper half of a symmetric DP
+ \param [in] squareDP boolean flag to specify whether the supplied histogram is in square DP coordinates
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Authors:
// Thomas Latham
// John Back
// Paul Harrison
/*! \file Lau2DSplineDP.hh
\brief File containing declaration of Lau2DSplineDP class.
/*! \class Lau2DSplineDP
\brief Class for defining variations across a 2D DP using a spline.
Class for defining variations across a 2D DP using a spline.
Employs a 2D cubic spline to get the histogram value based on an input histogram.
The returned values are not normalised to the total histogram area
(useful for efficiency histograms for example).
The histogram can be defined in the conventional DP (m13Sq vs m23Sq) or in the square DP.
#include "Lau2DAbsHistDP.hh"
class TH2;
class Lau2DCubicSpline;
class LauDaughters;
class LauKinematics;
class Lau2DSplineDP : public Lau2DAbsHistDP {
//! Constructor
\param [in] hist the 2D DP histogram
\param [in] daughters the daughter particles
\param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors (useful for systematic error evaluation).
The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DSplineDP::raiseOrLowerBins.
The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] avEffError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DSplineDP::raiseOrLowerBins
\param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to specify that the supplied histogram contains only the upper half of a symmetric DP
\param [in] squareDP boolean flag to specify whether the supplied histogram is in square DP coordinates
+ \param [in] errorHi the 2D DP histogram containing the upper uncertainty
+ \param [in] errorLo the 2D DP histogram containing the lower uncertainty
+ \param [in] daughters the daughter particles
+ \param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors (useful for systematic error evaluation).
+ The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DSplineDP::raiseOrLowerBins.
+ The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] avEffError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DSplineDP::raiseOrLowerBins
+ \param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to specify that the supplied histogram contains only the upper half of a symmetric DP
+ \param [in] squareDP boolean flag to specify whether the supplied histogram is in square DP coordinates
//! Set the efficiency variation across the phase space using a predetermined 2D histogram.
The efficiency is defined in terms of x = m_13^2, y = m_23^2 or x = m', y = theta' for the square Dalitz plot
\param [in] effHisto the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the efficiency variation
\param [in] useInterpolation boolean flag decision to switch on/off linear interpolation between bins should be used or simply the raw bin values.
\param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors.
The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour.
The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] absError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour
\param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to determine whether, in the case of a symmetric DP, the histogram supplied only includes the upper half of the DP.
\param [in] squareDP boolean flag to determine whether the supplied histogram is given in square DP coordinates
+ //! Set the efficiency variation across the phase space using a predetermined 2D histogram.
+ /*!
+ The efficiency is defined in terms of x = m_13^2, y = m_23^2 or x = m', y = theta' for the square Dalitz plot
+ \param [in] effHisto the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the efficiency variation
+ \param [in] errorHi the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the upper uncertainty on the efficiency variation
+ \param [in] errorLo the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the lower uncertainty on the efficiency variation
+ \param [in] useInterpolation boolean flag decision to switch on/off linear interpolation between bins should be used or simply the raw bin values.
+ \param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors.
+ The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour.
+ The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] absError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour
+ \param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to determine whether, in the case of a symmetric DP, the histogram supplied only includes the upper half of the DP.
+ \param [in] squareDP boolean flag to determine whether the supplied histogram is given in square DP coordinates
//! Set the efficiency variation across the phase space using a spline based on a predetermined 2D histogram.
The efficiency is defined in terms of x = m_13^2, y = m_23^2 or x = m', y = theta' for the square Dalitz plot
\param [in] effHisto the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the efficiency variation
\param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors.
The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour.
The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
\param [in] absError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour
\param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to determine whether, in the case of a symmetric DP, the histogram supplied only includes the upper half of the DP.
\param [in] squareDP boolean flag to determine whether the supplied histogram is given in square DP coordinates
+ //! Set the efficiency variation across the phase space using a spline based on a predetermined 2D histogram.
+ /*!
+ The efficiency is defined in terms of x = m_13^2, y = m_23^2 or x = m', y = theta' for the square Dalitz plot
+ \param [in] effHisto the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the efficiency variation
+ \param [in] errorHi the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the upper uncertainty on the efficiency variation
+ \param [in] errorLo the 2-dimensional histogram that describes the lower uncertainty on the efficiency variation
+ \param [in] fluctuateBins boolean flag to determine whether the bin contents should be fluctuated in accordance with their errors.
+ The seed for the random number generator used to fluctuate the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] avEff the desired average efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour.
+ The seed for the random number generator used to raise or lower the bins should first be set using LauRandom::setSeed.
+ \param [in] absError the error on that efficiency - see Lau2DHistDP::raiseOrLowerBins, values less than zero switch off this behaviour
+ \param [in] useUpperHalfOnly boolean flag to determine whether, in the case of a symmetric DP, the histogram supplied only includes the upper half of the DP.
+ \param [in] squareDP boolean flag to determine whether the supplied histogram is given in square DP coordinates
// Check that the efficiency is in the allowed range (0-1)
// If we're using a spline then out-of-range efficiencies can be caused by adjacent bins that all contain a value of either zero or one.
// The spline requires the efficiency, its first derivatives and the mixed second derivative to be continuous and to match the input histogram
// at the bin centres. Derivatives are calculated using a finite difference approximation taking the difference between the neighbouring bins.
// If two bins are zero but the third is not then the second bin will have a positive first derivative causing the spline to dip below zero
// between the two zero bins to remain smooth. The analogous case with adjacent maximised bins will cause peaks above one. Such dips are
// unavoidable but are correctly removed here.
if ( eff < 0.0 ) {
if(!lowBinWarningIssued_) {
std::cerr << "WARNING in LauEffModel::calcEfficiency : Efficiency " << eff << " is less than 0 - setting to 0. You may want to check your histogram!" << std::endl
<< " : If you are using a spline then this could be caused by adjacent empty bins. Further warnings will be suppressed." << std::endl;
eff = 0.0;
} else if ( eff > 1.0 ) {
if(!highBinWarningIssued_) {
std::cerr << "WARNING in LauEffModel::calcEfficiency : Efficiency " << eff << " is greater than 1 - setting to 1. You may want to check your histogram!" << std::endl
<< " : If you are using a spline then this could be caused by adjacent full bins. Further warnings will be suppressed." << std::endl;