+ //The Centauro jet algorithm is described in arXiv:2006.10751, "Asymmetric jet clustering in deep-inelastic scattering", Miguel Arratia, Yiannis Makris, Duff Neill, Felix Ringer, Nobuo Sato.
+ fastjet::contrib::CentauroPlugin * centauro_plugin = new fastjet::contrib::CentauroPlugin(1.0);
+Implementation of the Centauro jet algorithm (described in "Asymmetric jet clustering in deep-inelastic scattering" by Miguel Arratia, Yiannis Makris, Duff Neill, Felix Ringer, Nobuo Sato, arXiv:2006.10751) using the FastJet contrib classes.
+The Centauro jet algorithm is intended to be used in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) and is suited for the family of frames connected to the Breit frame by longitudinal boosts. Its distance measure accounts for the forward-backward asymmetry in the Breit frame. It is longitudinally invariant and can cluster jets with Born kinematics, which enables novel studies of TMD observables.
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