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Index: trunk/src/omega/src/
--- trunk/src/omega/src/ (revision 5343)
+++ trunk/src/omega/src/ (revision 5344)
@@ -1,2594 +1,2578 @@
(* $Id$
Copyright (C) 1999-2014 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
with contributions from
Christian Speckner <>
Fabian Bach <> (only parts of this file)
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
let rcs_file = RCS.parse "Modellib_SM" ["Lagragians"]
{ RCS.revision = "$Revision$"; = "$Date$"; = "$Author$";
= "$URL$" }
(* \thocwmodulesection{$\phi^3$} *)
module Phi3 =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Modellib.Phi3"
["phi**3 with a single flavor"]
open Coupling
let options = Options.empty
type flavor = Phi
let external_flavors () = [ "", [Phi]]
let flavors () = ThoList.flatmap snd (external_flavors ())
type gauge = unit
type constant = G
type orders = unit
let orders = function
| _ -> ()
let lorentz _ = Scalar
let color _ = Color.Singlet
let propagator _ = Prop_Scalar
let width _ = Timelike
let goldstone _ = None
let conjugate f = f
let fermion _ = 0
module Ch = Charges.Null
let charges _ = ()
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
let vertices () =
([(Phi, Phi, Phi), Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1, G], [], [])
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
let max_degree () = 3
let parameters () = { input = [G, 1.0]; derived = []; derived_arrays = [] }
let flavor_of_string = function
| "p" -> Phi
| _ -> invalid_arg "Modellib.Phi3.flavor_of_string"
let flavor_to_string Phi = "phi"
let flavor_to_TeX Phi = "\\phi"
let flavor_symbol Phi = "phi"
let gauge_symbol () =
failwith "Modellib.Phi3.gauge_symbol: internal error"
let pdg _ = 1
let mass_symbol _ = "m"
let width_symbol _ = "w"
let constant_symbol G = "g"
(* \thocwmodulesection{$\lambda_3\phi^3+\lambda_4\phi^4$} *)
module Phi4 =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Modellib.Phi4"
["phi**4 with a single flavor"]
open Coupling
let options = Options.empty
type flavor = Phi
let external_flavors () = [ "", [Phi]]
let flavors () = ThoList.flatmap snd (external_flavors ())
type gauge = unit
type constant = G3 | G4
type orders = unit
let orders = function
| _ -> ()
let lorentz _ = Scalar
let color _ = Color.Singlet
let propagator _ = Prop_Scalar
let width _ = Timelike
let goldstone _ = None
let conjugate f = f
let fermion _ = 0
module Ch = Charges.Null
let charges _ = ()
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
let vertices () =
([(Phi, Phi, Phi), Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1, G3],
[(Phi, Phi, Phi, Phi), Scalar4 1, G4], [])
let fuse2 _ = failwith "Modellib.Phi4.fuse2"
let fuse3 _ = failwith "Modellib.Phi4.fuse3"
let fuse = function
| [] | [_] -> invalid_arg "Modellib.Phi4.fuse"
| [_; _] -> [Phi, V3 (Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1, F23, G3)]
| [_; _; _] -> [Phi, V4 (Scalar4 1, F234, G4)]
| _ -> []
let max_degree () = 4
let parameters () =
{ input = [G3, 1.0; G4, 1.0]; derived = []; derived_arrays = [] }
let flavor_of_string = function
| "p" -> Phi
| _ -> invalid_arg "Modellib.Phi4.flavor_of_string"
let flavor_to_string Phi = "phi"
let flavor_to_TeX Phi = "\\phi"
let flavor_symbol Phi = "phi"
let gauge_symbol () =
failwith "Modellib.Phi4.gauge_symbol: internal error"
let pdg _ = 1
let mass_symbol _ = "m"
let width_symbol _ = "w"
let constant_symbol = function
| G3 -> "g3"
| G4 -> "g4"
(* \thocwmodulesection{Quantum Electro Dynamics} *)
module QED =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Modellib.QED"
["QED with two leptonic flavors"]
open Coupling
let options = Options.empty
type flavor =
| Electron | Positron
| Muon | AntiMuon
| Tau | AntiTau
| Photon
let external_flavors () =
[ "Leptons", [Electron; Positron; Muon; AntiMuon; Tau; AntiTau];
"Gauge Bosons", [Photon] ]
let flavors () = ThoList.flatmap snd (external_flavors ())
type gauge = unit
type constant = Q
type orders = unit
let orders = function
| _ -> ()
let lorentz = function
| Electron | Muon | Tau -> Spinor
| Positron | AntiMuon | AntiTau -> ConjSpinor
| Photon -> Vector
let color _ = Color.Singlet
let propagator = function
| Electron | Muon | Tau -> Prop_Spinor
| Positron | AntiMuon | AntiTau -> Prop_ConjSpinor
| Photon -> Prop_Feynman
let width _ = Timelike
let goldstone _ =
let conjugate = function
| Electron -> Positron | Positron -> Electron
| Muon -> AntiMuon | AntiMuon -> Muon
| Tau -> AntiTau | AntiTau -> Tau
| Photon -> Photon
let fermion = function
| Electron | Muon | Tau -> 1
| Positron | AntiMuon | AntiTau -> -1
| Photon -> 0
(* Taking generation numbers makes electric charge redundant. *)
module Ch = Charges.ZZ
let charges = function
| Electron -> [1; 0; 0]
| Muon -> [0; 1; 0]
| Tau -> [0; 0; 1]
| Positron -> [-1;0; 0]
| AntiMuon -> [0;-1; 0]
| AntiTau -> [0; 0;-1]
| Photon -> [0; 0; 0]
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
let vertices () =
([(Positron, Photon, Electron), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q;
(AntiMuon, Photon, Muon), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q;
(AntiTau, Photon, Tau), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q], [], [])
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
let max_degree () = 3
let parameters () = { input = [Q, 1.0]; derived = []; derived_arrays = [] }
let flavor_of_string = function
| "e-" -> Electron | "e+" -> Positron
| "m-" -> Muon | "m+" -> AntiMuon
| "t-" -> Tau | "t+" -> AntiTau
| "A" -> Photon
| _ -> invalid_arg "Modellib.QED.flavor_of_string"
let flavor_to_string = function
| Electron -> "e-" | Positron -> "e+"
| Muon -> "m-" | AntiMuon -> "m+"
| Tau -> "t-" | AntiTau -> "t+"
| Photon -> "A"
let flavor_to_TeX = function
| Electron -> "e^-" | Positron -> "e^+"
| Muon -> "\\mu^-" | AntiMuon -> "\\mu^+"
| Tau -> "^\\tau^-" | AntiTau -> "\\tau+^"
| Photon -> "\\gamma"
let flavor_symbol = function
| Electron -> "ele" | Positron -> "pos"
| Muon -> "muo" | AntiMuon -> "amu"
| Tau -> "tau" | AntiTau -> "ata"
| Photon -> "gam"
let gauge_symbol () =
failwith "Modellib.QED.gauge_symbol: internal error"
let pdg = function
| Electron -> 11 | Positron -> -11
| Muon -> 13 | AntiMuon -> -13
| Tau -> 15 | AntiTau -> -15
| Photon -> 22
let mass_symbol f =
"mass(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let width_symbol f =
"width(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let constant_symbol = function
| Q -> "qlep"
(* \thocwmodulesection{Quantum Chromo Dynamics} *)
module QCD =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Modellib.QCD"
open Coupling
let options = Options.empty
type flavor =
| U | Ubar | D | Dbar
| C | Cbar | S | Sbar
| T | Tbar | B | Bbar
| Gl
let external_flavors () =
[ "Quarks", [U; D; C; S; T; B; Ubar; Dbar; Cbar; Sbar; Tbar; Bbar];
"Gauge Bosons", [Gl]]
let flavors () = ThoList.flatmap snd (external_flavors ())
type gauge = unit
type constant = Gs | G2 | I_Gs
type orders = unit
let orders = function
| _ -> ()
let lorentz = function
| U | D | C | S | T | B -> Spinor
| Ubar | Dbar | Cbar | Sbar | Tbar | Bbar -> ConjSpinor
| Gl -> Vector
let color = function
| U | D | C | S | T | B -> Color.SUN 3
| Ubar | Dbar | Cbar | Sbar | Tbar | Bbar -> Color.SUN (-3)
| Gl -> Color.AdjSUN 3
let propagator = function
| U | D | C | S | T | B -> Prop_Spinor
| Ubar | Dbar | Cbar | Sbar | Tbar | Bbar -> Prop_ConjSpinor
| Gl -> Prop_Feynman
let width _ = Timelike
let goldstone _ =
let conjugate = function
| U -> Ubar
| D -> Dbar
| C -> Cbar
| S -> Sbar
| T -> Tbar
| B -> Bbar
| Ubar -> U
| Dbar -> D
| Cbar -> C
| Sbar -> S
| Tbar -> T
| Bbar -> B
| Gl -> Gl
let fermion = function
| U | D | C | S | T | B -> 1
| Ubar | Dbar | Cbar | Sbar | Tbar | Bbar -> -1
| Gl -> 0
module Ch = Charges.ZZ
let charges = function
| D -> [1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
| U -> [0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0]
| S -> [0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0]
| C -> [0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0]
| B -> [0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0]
| T -> [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1]
| Dbar -> [-1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
| Ubar -> [0; -1; 0; 0; 0; 0]
| Sbar -> [0; 0; -1; 0; 0; 0]
| Cbar -> [0; 0; 0; -1; 0; 0]
| Bbar -> [0; 0; 0; 0; -1; 0]
| Tbar -> [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; -1]
| Gl -> [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
(* This is compatible with CD+. *)
let color_current =
[ ((Dbar, Gl, D), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((Ubar, Gl, U), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((Cbar, Gl, C), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((Sbar, Gl, S), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((Tbar, Gl, T), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((Bbar, Gl, B), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs)]
let three_gluon =
[ ((Gl, Gl, Gl), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_Gs)]
let gauge4 = Vector4 [(2, C_13_42); (-1, C_12_34); (-1, C_14_23)]
let four_gluon =
[ ((Gl, Gl, Gl, Gl), gauge4, G2)]
let vertices3 =
(color_current @ three_gluon)
let vertices4 = four_gluon
let vertices () =
(vertices3, vertices4, [])
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
let max_degree () = 4
let parameters () = { input = [Gs, 1.0]; derived = []; derived_arrays = [] }
let flavor_of_string = function
| "u" -> U
| "d" -> D
| "c" -> C
| "s" -> S
| "t" -> T
| "b" -> B
| "ubar" -> Ubar
| "dbar" -> Dbar
| "cbar" -> Cbar
| "sbar" -> Sbar
| "tbar" -> Tbar
| "bbar" -> Bbar
| "gl" -> Gl
| _ -> invalid_arg "Modellib.QCD.flavor_of_string"
let flavor_to_string = function
| U -> "u"
| Ubar -> "ubar"
| D -> "d"
| Dbar -> "dbar"
| C -> "c"
| Cbar -> "cbar"
| S -> "s"
| Sbar -> "sbar"
| T -> "t"
| Tbar -> "tbar"
| B -> "b"
| Bbar -> "bbar"
| Gl -> "gl"
let flavor_to_TeX = function
| U -> "u"
| Ubar -> "\bar{u}"
| D -> "d"
| Dbar -> "\bar{d}"
| C -> "c"
| Cbar -> "bar{c}"
| S -> "s"
| Sbar -> "\bar{s}"
| T -> "t"
| Tbar -> "\bar{t}"
| B -> "b"
| Bbar -> "\bar{b}"
| Gl -> "g"
let flavor_symbol = function
| U -> "u"
| Ubar -> "ubar"
| D -> "d"
| Dbar -> "dbar"
| C -> "c"
| Cbar -> "cbar"
| S -> "s"
| Sbar -> "sbar"
| T -> "t"
| Tbar -> "tbar"
| B -> "b"
| Bbar -> "bbar"
| Gl -> "gl"
let gauge_symbol () =
failwith "Modellib.QCD.gauge_symbol: internal error"
let pdg = function
| D -> 1 | Dbar -> -1
| U -> 2 | Ubar -> -2
| S -> 3 | Sbar -> -3
| C -> 4 | Cbar -> -4
| B -> 5 | Bbar -> -5
| T -> 6 | Tbar -> -6
| Gl -> 21
let mass_symbol f =
"mass(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let width_symbol f =
"width(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let constant_symbol = function
| I_Gs -> "(0,1)*gs"
| Gs -> "gs"
| G2 -> "gs**2"
(* \thocwmodulesection{Complete Minimal Standard Model (Unitarity Gauge)} *)
module type SM_flags =
- val higgs_coupling : bool (* flag for all higgs couplings *)
val higgs_triangle : bool (* $H\gamma\gamma$, $Hg\gamma$ and $Hgg$ couplings *)
val higgs_hmm : bool
val triple_anom : bool
val quartic_anom : bool
val higgs_anom : bool
val k_matrix : bool
val ckm_present : bool
val top_anom : bool
val top_anom_4f : bool
module SM_no_anomalous : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = false
let higgs_hmm = false
let triple_anom = false
let quartic_anom = false
let higgs_anom = false
let k_matrix = false
let ckm_present = false
let top_anom = false
let top_anom_4f = false
module SM_no_anomalous_ckm : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = false
let higgs_hmm = false
let triple_anom = false
let quartic_anom = false
let higgs_anom = false
let k_matrix = false
let ckm_present = true
let top_anom = false
let top_anom_4f = false
module SM_anomalous : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = false
let higgs_hmm = false
let triple_anom = true
let quartic_anom = true
let higgs_anom = true
let k_matrix = false
let ckm_present = false
let top_anom = false
let top_anom_4f = false
module SM_anomalous_ckm : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = false
let higgs_hmm = false
let triple_anom = true
let quartic_anom = true
let higgs_anom = true
let k_matrix = false
let ckm_present = true
let top_anom = false
let top_anom_4f = false
module SM_k_matrix : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = false
let higgs_hmm = false
let triple_anom = false
let quartic_anom = true
let higgs_anom = false
let k_matrix = true
let ckm_present = false
let top_anom = false
let top_anom_4f = false
module SM_Higgs : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = true
let higgs_hmm = true
let triple_anom = false
let quartic_anom = false
let higgs_anom = false
let k_matrix = false
let ckm_present = false
let top_anom = false
let top_anom_4f = false
module SM_anomalous_top : SM_flags =
- let higgs_coupling = true
let higgs_triangle = false
let higgs_hmm = false
let triple_anom = false
let quartic_anom = false
let higgs_anom = false
let k_matrix = false
let ckm_present = false
let top_anom = true
let top_anom_4f = true
(* \thocwmodulesection{Complete Minimal Standard Model (including some extensions)} *)
module SM (Flags : SM_flags) =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Modellib.SM"
[ "minimal electroweak standard model in unitarity gauge"]
open Coupling
let default_width = ref Timelike
let use_fudged_width = ref false
let options = Options.create
[ "constant_width", Arg.Unit (fun () -> default_width := Constant),
"use constant width (also in t-channel)";
"fudged_width", Arg.Set use_fudged_width,
"use fudge factor for charge particle width";
"custom_width", Arg.String (fun f -> default_width := Custom f),
"use custom width";
"cancel_widths", Arg.Unit (fun () -> default_width := Vanishing),
"use vanishing width"]
type f_aux_top = TTGG | TBWA | TBWZ | TTWW | BBWW | (*i top auxiliary field "flavors" *)
QGUG | QBUB | QW | DL | DR |
type matter_field = L of int | N of int | U of int | D of int
type gauge_boson = Ga | Wp | Wm | Z | Gl
type other = Phip | Phim | Phi0 | H
| Aux_top of int*int*int*bool*f_aux_top (*i lorentz*color*charge*top-side*flavor *)
type flavor = M of matter_field | G of gauge_boson | O of other
let matter_field f = M f
let gauge_boson f = G f
let other f = O f
type field =
| Matter of matter_field
| Gauge of gauge_boson
| Other of other
let field = function
| M f -> Matter f
| G f -> Gauge f
| O f -> Other f
type gauge = unit
let gauge_symbol () =
failwith "Modellib.SM.gauge_symbol: internal error"
let family n = matter_field [ L n; N n; U n; D n ]
let rec aux_top_flavors (f,l,co,ch) = List.append
( other [ Aux_top(l,co,ch/2,true,f); Aux_top(l,co,ch/2,false,f) ] )
( if ch > 1 then List.append
( other [ Aux_top(l,co,-ch/2,true,f); Aux_top(l,co,-ch/2,false,f) ] )
( aux_top_flavors (f,l,co,(ch-2)) )
else [] )
let external_flavors () =
[ "1st Generation", ThoList.flatmap family [1; -1];
"2nd Generation", ThoList.flatmap family [2; -2];
"3rd Generation", ThoList.flatmap family [3; -3];
"Gauge Bosons", gauge_boson [Ga; Z; Wp; Wm; Gl];
"Higgs", other [H];
"Goldstone Bosons", other [Phip; Phim; Phi0] ]
let flavors () = List.append
( ThoList.flatmap snd (external_flavors ()) )
( ThoList.flatmap aux_top_flavors
[ (TTGG,2,1,1); (TBWA,2,0,2); (TBWZ,2,0,2); (TTWW,2,0,1); (BBWW,2,0,1);
(QGUG,1,1,1); (QBUB,1,0,1); (QW,1,0,3); (DL,0,0,3); (DR,0,0,3);
(QUQD1L,0,0,3); (QUQD1R,0,0,3); (QUQD8L,0,1,3); (QUQD8R,0,1,3) ] )
let spinor n =
if n >= 0 then
let lorentz_aux = function
| 2 -> Tensor_1
| 1 -> Vector
| 0 -> Scalar
| _ -> invalid_arg ("SM.lorentz_aux: wrong value")
let lorentz = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> spinor n | N n -> spinor n
| U n -> spinor n | D n -> spinor n
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Ga | Gl -> Vector
| Wp | Wm | Z -> Massive_Vector
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Aux_top (l,_,_,_,_) -> lorentz_aux l
| _ -> Scalar
let color = function
| M (U n) -> Color.SUN (if n > 0 then 3 else -3)
| M (D n) -> Color.SUN (if n > 0 then 3 else -3)
| G Gl -> Color.AdjSUN 3
| O (Aux_top (_,co,_,_,_)) -> if co == 0 then Color.Singlet else Color.AdjSUN 3
| _ -> Color.Singlet
let prop_spinor n =
if n >= 0 then
let prop_aux = function
| 2 -> Aux_Tensor_1
| 1 -> Aux_Vector
| 0 -> Aux_Scalar
| _ -> invalid_arg ("SM.prop_aux: wrong value")
let propagator = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> prop_spinor n | N n -> prop_spinor n
| U n -> prop_spinor n | D n -> prop_spinor n
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Ga | Gl -> Prop_Feynman
| Wp | Wm | Z -> Prop_Unitarity
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip | Phim | Phi0 -> Only_Insertion
| H -> Prop_Scalar
| Aux_top (l,_,_,_,_) -> prop_aux l
(* Optionally, ask for the fudge factor treatment for the widths of
charged particles. Currently, this only applies to $W^\pm$ and top. *)
let width f =
if !use_fudged_width then
match f with
| G Wp | G Wm | M (U 3) | M (U (-3)) -> Fudged
| _ -> !default_width
let goldstone = function
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Wp -> Some (O Phip, Coupling.Const 1)
| Wm -> Some (O Phim, Coupling.Const 1)
| Z -> Some (O Phi0, Coupling.Const 1)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let conjugate = function
| M f ->
M (begin match f with
| L n -> L (-n) | N n -> N (-n)
| U n -> U (-n) | D n -> D (-n)
| G f ->
G (begin match f with
| Gl -> Gl | Ga -> Ga | Z -> Z
| Wp -> Wm | Wm -> Wp
| O f ->
O (begin match f with
| Phip -> Phim | Phim -> Phip | Phi0 -> Phi0
| H -> H
| Aux_top (l,co,ch,n,f) -> Aux_top (l,co,(-ch),(not n),f)
let fermion = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| N n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| U n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| D n -> if n > 0 then 1 else -1
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl | Ga | Z | Wp | Wm -> 0
| O _ -> 0
(* Electrical charge, lepton number, baryon number. We could avoid the
rationals altogether by multiplying the first and last by 3 \ldots *)
module Ch = Charges.QQ
let ( // ) = Algebra.Small_Rational.make
let generation' = function
| 1 -> [ 1//1; 0//1; 0//1]
| 2 -> [ 0//1; 1//1; 0//1]
| 3 -> [ 0//1; 0//1; 1//1]
| -1 -> [-1//1; 0//1; 0//1]
| -2 -> [ 0//1; -1//1; 0//1]
| -3 -> [ 0//1; 0//1; -1//1]
| n -> invalid_arg ("SM.generation': " ^ string_of_int n)
let generation f =
if Flags.ckm_present then
match f with
| M (L n | N n | U n | D n) -> generation' n
| G _ | O _ -> [0//1; 0//1; 0//1]
let charge = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n -> if n > 0 then -1//1 else 1//1
| N n -> 0//1
| U n -> if n > 0 then 2//3 else -2//3
| D n -> if n > 0 then -1//3 else 1//3
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl | Ga | Z -> 0//1
| Wp -> 1//1
| Wm -> -1//1
| O f ->
begin match f with
| H | Phi0 -> 0//1
| Phip -> 1//1
| Phim -> -1//1
| Aux_top (_,_,ch,_,_) -> ch//1
let lepton = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n | N n -> if n > 0 then 1//1 else -1//1
| U _ | D _ -> 0//1
| G _ | O _ -> 0//1
let baryon = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L _ | N _ -> 0//1
| U n | D n -> if n > 0 then 1//1 else -1//1
| G _ | O _ -> 0//1
let charges f =
[ charge f; lepton f; baryon f] @ generation f
type constant =
| Unit | Half | Pi | Alpha_QED | Sin2thw
| Sinthw | Costhw | E | G_weak | I_G_weak | Vev
| Q_lepton | Q_up | Q_down | G_CC | G_CCQ of int*int
| G_NC_neutrino | G_NC_lepton | G_NC_up | G_NC_down
| G_TVA_ttA | G_TVA_bbA
| G_VLR_ttZ | G_TVA_ttZ | G_TVA_bbZ
| G_VLR_btW | G_VLR_tbW
| G_TLR_btW | G_TRL_tbW
| G_TLR_btWZ | G_TRL_tbWZ
| G_TLR_btWA | G_TRL_tbWA
| G_TVA_ttWW | G_TVA_bbWW
| G_TVA_ttG | G_TVA_ttGG
| G_SP_ttH
| G_VLR_qGuG | G_VLR_qBuB
| G_VLR_qBuB_u | G_VLR_qBuB_d | G_VLR_qBuB_e | G_VL_qBuB_n
| G_VL_qW | G_VL_qW_u | G_VL_qW_d
| G_SL_DttR | G_SR_DttR | G_SL_DttL | G_SLR_DbtR | G_SL_DbtL
| C_quqd1R_bt | C_quqd1R_tb | C_quqd1L_bt | C_quqd1L_tb
| C_quqd8R_bt | C_quqd8R_tb | C_quqd8L_bt | C_quqd8L_tb
| I_Q_W | I_G_ZWW
| I_G1_AWW | I_G1_ZWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_plus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_plus_G4_ZWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_minus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_minus_G4_ZWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_plus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_plus_G4_ZWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_minus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_minus_G4_ZWW
| I_lambda_AWW | I_lambda_ZWW
| G5_AWW | G5_ZWW
| I_kappa5_AWW | I_kappa5_ZWW
| I_lambda5_AWW | I_lambda5_ZWW
| Alpha_WWWW0 | Alpha_ZZWW1 | Alpha_WWWW2
| Alpha_ZZWW0 | Alpha_ZZZZ
| D_Alpha_ZZWW0_S | D_Alpha_ZZWW0_T | D_Alpha_ZZWW1_S
| D_Alpha_ZZWW1_T | D_Alpha_ZZWW1_U | D_Alpha_WWWW0_S
| D_Alpha_WWWW0_T | D_Alpha_WWWW0_U | D_Alpha_WWWW2_S
| D_Alpha_WWWW2_T | D_Alpha_ZZZZ_S | D_Alpha_ZZZZ_T
| G_Htt | G_Hbb | G_Hcc | G_Hmm | G_Htautau | G_H3 | G_H4
| G_HGaZ | G_HGaGa | G_Hgg
| G_HGaZ_anom | G_HGaGa_anom | G_HZZ_anom | G_HWW_anom
| G_HGaZ_u | G_HZZ_u | G_HWW_u
| Gs | I_Gs | G2
| Mass of flavor | Width of flavor
| K_Matrix_Coeff of int | K_Matrix_Pole of int
(* Two integer counters for the QCD and EW order of the couplings. *)
type orders = int * int
let orders = function
| Q_lepton | Q_up | Q_down | G_NC_lepton | G_NC_neutrino
| G_NC_up | G_NC_down | G_CC | G_CCQ _ | G_Htt | G_H3
| G_Hbb | G_Hcc | G_Htautau | G_Hmm | I_Q_W
| I_G_ZWW | I_G1_AWW | I_G1_ZWW | I_G_weak
| G_HWW | G_HZZ | G_HWW_u | G_HZZ_u | G_HGaZ_u
| G_HWW_anom | G_HZZ_anom | G_HGaZ | G_HGaGa | G_HGaZ_anom
| G_HGaGa_anom | Half | Unit
| I_G1_plus_kappa_plus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_plus_G4_ZWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_plus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_plus_G4_ZWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_minus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_plus_kappa_minus_G4_ZWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_minus_G4_AWW
| I_G1_minus_kappa_minus_G4_ZWW | I_kappa5_AWW
| I_kappa5_ZWW | G5_AWW | G5_ZWW
| I_lambda_AWW | I_lambda_ZWW | I_lambda5_AWW
| I_lambda5_ZWW | G_TVA_ttA | G_TVA_bbA
| G_VLR_ttZ | G_TVA_ttZ | G_TVA_bbZ
| G_VLR_btW | G_VLR_tbW | G_TLR_btW | G_TRL_tbW
| G_TLR_btWA | G_TRL_tbWA | G_TLR_btWZ | G_TRL_tbWZ
| G_VLR_qBuB | G_VLR_qBuB_u | G_VLR_qBuB_d
| G_VLR_qBuB_e | G_VL_qBuB_n | G_VL_qW | G_VL_qW_u | G_VL_qW_d
| G_SL_DttR | G_SR_DttR | G_SL_DttL | G_SLR_DbtR | G_SL_DbtL
| G_TVA_ttWW | G_TVA_bbWW | G_SP_ttH -> (0,1)
| G_HHWW | G_HHZZ | G_H4
| Alpha_WWWW0 | Alpha_WWWW2 | Alpha_ZZWW0
| Alpha_ZZWW1 | Alpha_ZZZZ
| D_Alpha_WWWW0_S | D_Alpha_WWWW0_T | D_Alpha_WWWW0_U
| D_Alpha_WWWW2_S | D_Alpha_WWWW2_T | D_Alpha_ZZWW0_S
| D_Alpha_ZZWW0_T | D_Alpha_ZZWW1_S | D_Alpha_ZZWW1_T
| D_Alpha_ZZWW1_U | D_Alpha_ZZZZ_S | D_Alpha_ZZZZ_T -> (0,2)
| Gs | I_Gs | G_TVA_ttG | G_TVA_ttGG | G_VLR_qGuG
| C_quqd1R_bt | C_quqd1R_tb | C_quqd1L_bt | C_quqd1L_tb
| C_quqd8R_bt | C_quqd8R_tb | C_quqd8L_bt | C_quqd8L_tb -> (1,0)
| G2 | G_Hgg -> (2,0)
(* These constants are not used, hence initialized to zero. *)
| Sinthw | Sin2thw | Costhw | Pi
| Alpha_QED | G_weak | K_Matrix_Coeff _
| K_Matrix_Pole _ | Mass _ | Width _ | Vev | E -> (0,0)
(* \begin{dubious}
The current abstract syntax for parameter dependencies is admittedly
tedious. Later, there will be a parser for a convenient concrete syntax
as a part of a concrete syntax for models. But as these examples show,
it should include simple functions.
\end{dubious} *)
(* \begin{subequations}
\alpha_{\text{QED}} &= \frac{1}{137.0359895} \\
\sin^2\theta_w &= 0.23124
\end{subequations} *)
let input_parameters =
[ Alpha_QED, 1. /. 137.0359895;
Sin2thw, 0.23124;
Mass (G Z), 91.187;
Mass (M (N 1)), 0.0; Mass (M (L 1)), 0.51099907e-3;
Mass (M (N 2)), 0.0; Mass (M (L 2)), 0.105658389;
Mass (M (N 3)), 0.0; Mass (M (L 3)), 1.77705;
Mass (M (U 1)), 5.0e-3; Mass (M (D 1)), 3.0e-3;
Mass (M (U 2)), 1.2; Mass (M (D 2)), 0.1;
Mass (M (U 3)), 174.0; Mass (M (D 3)), 4.2 ]
(* \begin{subequations}
e &= \sqrt{4\pi\alpha} \\
\sin\theta_w &= \sqrt{\sin^2\theta_w} \\
\cos\theta_w &= \sqrt{1-\sin^2\theta_w} \\
g &= \frac{e}{\sin\theta_w} \\
m_W &= \cos\theta_w m_Z \\
v &= \frac{2m_W}{g} \\
g_{CC} =
-\frac{g}{2\sqrt2} &= -\frac{e}{2\sqrt2\sin\theta_w} \\
Q_{\text{lepton}} =
-q_{\text{lepton}}e &= e \\
Q_{\text{up}} =
-q_{\text{up}}e &= -\frac{2}{3}e \\
Q_{\text{down}} =
-q_{\text{down}}e &= \frac{1}{3}e \\
\ii q_We =
\ii g_{\gamma WW} &= \ii e \\
\ii g_{ZWW} &= \ii g \cos\theta_w \\
\ii g_{WWW} &= \ii g
\end{subequations} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
\ldots{} to be continued \ldots{}
The quartic couplings can't be correct, because the dimensions are wrong!
g_{HWW} &= g m_W = 2 \frac{m_W^2}{v}\\
g_{HHWW} &= 2 \frac{m_W^2}{v^2} = \frac{g^2}{2} \\
g_{HZZ} &= \frac{g}{\cos\theta_w}m_Z \\
g_{HHZZ} &= 2 \frac{m_Z^2}{v^2} = \frac{g^2}{2\cos\theta_w} \\
g_{Htt} &= \lambda_t \\
g_{Hbb} &= \lambda_b=\frac{m_b}{m_t}\lambda_t \\
g_{H^3} &= - \frac{3g}{2}\frac{m_H^2}{m_W} = - 3 \frac{m_H^2}{v}
g_{H^4} &= - \frac{3g^2}{4} \frac{m_W^2}{v^2} = -3 \frac{m_H^2}{v^2}
\end{dubious} *)
let derived_parameters =
[ Real E, Sqrt (Prod [Const 4; Atom Pi; Atom Alpha_QED]);
Real Sinthw, Sqrt (Atom Sin2thw);
Real Costhw, Sqrt (Diff (Const 1, Atom Sin2thw));
Real G_weak, Quot (Atom E, Atom Sinthw);
Real (Mass (G Wp)), Prod [Atom Costhw; Atom (Mass (G Z))];
Real Vev, Quot (Prod [Const 2; Atom (Mass (G Wp))], Atom G_weak);
Real Q_lepton, Atom E;
Real Q_up, Prod [Quot (Const (-2), Const 3); Atom E];
Real Q_down, Prod [Quot (Const 1, Const 3); Atom E];
Real G_CC, Neg (Quot (Atom G_weak, Prod [Const 2; Sqrt (Const 2)]));
Complex I_Q_W, Prod [I; Atom E];
Complex I_G_weak, Prod [I; Atom G_weak];
Complex I_G_ZWW, Prod [I; Atom G_weak; Atom Costhw] ]
(* \begin{equation}
- \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_w}
\end{equation} *)
let g_over_2_costh =
Quot (Neg (Atom G_weak), Prod [Const 2; Atom Costhw])
(* \begin{subequations}
- \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_w} g_V
&= - \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_w} (T_3 - 2 q \sin^2\theta_w) \\
- \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_w} g_A
&= - \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_w} T_3
\end{subequations} *)
let nc_coupling c t3 q =
(Real_Array c,
[Prod [g_over_2_costh; Diff (t3, Prod [Const 2; q; Atom Sin2thw])];
Prod [g_over_2_costh; t3]])
let half = Quot (Const 1, Const 2)
let derived_parameter_arrays =
[ nc_coupling G_NC_neutrino half (Const 0);
nc_coupling G_NC_lepton (Neg half) (Const (-1));
nc_coupling G_NC_up half (Quot (Const 2, Const 3));
nc_coupling G_NC_down (Neg half) (Quot (Const (-1), Const 3)) ]
let parameters () =
{ input = input_parameters;
derived = derived_parameters;
derived_arrays = derived_parameter_arrays }
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{EM}} =
- e \sum_i q_i \bar\psi_i\fmslash{A}\psi_i
\end{equation} *)
let mgm ((m1, g, m2), fbf, c) = ((M m1, G g, M m2), fbf, c)
let mom ((m1, o, m2), fbf, c) = ((M m1, O o, M m2), fbf, c)
let electromagnetic_currents n = mgm
[ ((L (-n), Ga, L n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q_lepton);
((U (-n), Ga, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q_up);
((D (-n), Ga, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Q_down) ]
let color_currents n = mgm
[ ((U (-n), Gl, U n), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs);
((D (-n), Gl, D n), FBF ((-1), Psibar, V, Psi), Gs) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{NC}} =
- \frac{g}{2\cos\theta_W}
\sum_i \bar\psi_i\fmslash{Z}(g_V^i-g_A^i\gamma_5)\psi_i
\end{equation} *)
let neutral_currents n = mgm
[ ((L (-n), Z, L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_lepton);
((N (-n), Z, N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_neutrino);
((U (-n), Z, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_up);
((D (-n), Z, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VA, Psi), G_NC_down) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{CC}} =
- \frac{g}{2\sqrt2} \sum_i \bar\psi_i
(T^+\fmslash{W}^+ + T^-\fmslash{W}^-)(1-\gamma_5)\psi_i
\end{equation} *)
let charged_currents' n = mgm
[ ((L (-n), Wm, N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC);
((N (-n), Wp, L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC) ]
let charged_currents'' n = mgm
[ ((D (-n), Wm, U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC);
((U (-n), Wp, D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CC) ]
let charged_currents_triv =
ThoList.flatmap charged_currents' [1;2;3] @
ThoList.flatmap charged_currents'' [1;2;3]
let charged_currents_ckm =
let charged_currents_2 n1 n2 = mgm
[ ((D (-n1), Wm, U n2), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CCQ (n2,n1));
((U (-n1), Wp, D n2), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_CCQ (n1,n2)) ] in
ThoList.flatmap charged_currents' [1;2;3] @
List.flatten (Product.list2 charged_currents_2 [1;2;3] [1;2;3])
let yukawa =
[ ((M (U (-3)), O H, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Htt);
((M (D (-3)), O H, M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Hbb);
((M (U (-2)), O H, M (U 2)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Hcc);
((M (L (-3)), O H, M (L 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Htautau) ] @
if Flags.higgs_hmm then
[ ((M (L (-2)), O H, M (L 2)), FBF (1, Psibar, S, Psi), G_Hmm)]
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{TGC}} =
- e \partial_\mu A_\nu W_+^\mu W_-^\nu + \ldots
- e \cot\theta_w \partial_\mu Z_\nu W_+^\mu W_-^\nu + \ldots
\end{equation} *)
let tgc ((g1, g2, g3), t, c) = ((G g1, G g2, G g3), t, c)
let standard_triple_gauge = tgc
[ ((Ga, Wm, Wp), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_Q_W);
((Z, Wm, Wp), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_ZWW);
((Gl, Gl, Gl), Gauge_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_Gs)]
(* \begin{multline}
= g_1 \mathcal{L}_T(V,W^+,W^-) \\
+ \frac{\kappa+g_1}{2} \Bigl(\mathcal{L}_T(W^-,V,W^+)
- \mathcal{L}_T(W^+,V,W^-)\Bigr)\\
+ \frac{\kappa-g_1}{2} \Bigl(\mathcal{L}_L(W^-,V,W^+)
- \mathcal{L}_T(W^+,V,W^-)\Bigr)
\end{multline} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
The whole thing in the LEP2 workshop notation:
\ii\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{TGC},V} / g_{WWV} = \\
g_1^V V^\mu (W^-_{\mu\nu}W^{+,\nu}-W^+_{\mu\nu}W^{-,\nu})
+ \kappa_V W^+_\mu W^-_\nu V^{\mu\nu}
+ \frac{\lambda_V}{m_W^2} V_{\mu\nu}
W^-_{\rho\mu} W^{+,\hphantom{\nu}\rho}_{\hphantom{+,}\nu} \\
+ \ii g_5^V \epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}
\left( (\partial^\rho W^{-,\mu}) W^{+,\nu}
- W^{-,\mu}(\partial^\rho W^{+,\nu}) \right) V^\sigma \\
+ \ii g_4^V W^-_\mu W^+_\nu (\partial^\mu V^\nu + \partial^\nu V^\mu)
- \frac{\tilde\kappa_V}{2} W^-_\mu W^+_\nu \epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}
- \frac{\tilde\lambda_V}{2m_W^2}
W^-_{\rho\mu} W^{+,\mu}_{\hphantom{+,\mu}\nu} \epsilon^{\nu\rho\alpha\beta}
using the conventions of Itzykson and Zuber with $\epsilon^{0123} = +1$.
\end{dubious} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
This is equivalent to the notation of Hagiwara et al.~\cite{HPZH87}, if we
remember that they have opposite signs for~$g_{WWV}$:
\mathcal{L}_{WWV} / (-g_{WWV}) = \\
\ii g_1^V \left( W^\dagger_{\mu\nu} W^\mu
- W^\dagger_\mu W^\mu_{\hphantom{\mu}\nu} \right) V^\nu
+ \ii \kappa_V W^\dagger_\mu W_\nu V^{\mu\nu}
+ \ii \frac{\lambda_V}{m_W^2}
W^\dagger_{\lambda\mu} W^\mu_{\hphantom{\mu}\nu} V^{\nu\lambda} \\
- g_4^V W^\dagger_\mu W_\nu
\left(\partial^\mu V^\nu + \partial^\nu V^\mu \right)
+ g_5^V \epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}
\left( W^\dagger_\mu \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial_\lambda}
W_\nu \right) V_\sigma\\
+ \ii \tilde\kappa_V W^\dagger_\mu W_\nu \tilde{V}^{\mu\nu}
+ \ii\frac{\tilde\lambda_V}{m_W^2}
W^\dagger_{\lambda\mu} W^\mu_{\hphantom{\mu}\nu} \tilde{V}^{\nu\lambda}
Here $V^\mu$ stands for either the photon or the~$Z$ field, $W^\mu$ is the
$W^-$ field, $W_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu W_\nu - \partial_\nu W_\mu$,
$V_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu V_\nu - \partial_\nu V_\mu$, and
$\tilde{V}_{\mu\nu} = \frac{1}{2} \epsilon_{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}
\end{dubious} *)
let anomalous_triple_gauge = tgc
[ ((Ga, Wm, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T (-1),
((Z, Wm, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T (-1),
((Wm, Ga, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T 1,
((Wm, Z, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T 1,
((Wp, Ga, Wm), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T (-1),
((Wp, Z, Wm), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T (-1),
((Wm, Ga, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L (-1),
((Wm, Z, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L (-1),
((Wp, Ga, Wm), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L 1,
((Wp, Z, Wm), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L 1,
((Ga, Wm, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L5 (-1),
((Z, Wm, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_L5 (-1),
((Ga, Wm, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T5 (-1),
((Z, Wm, Wp), Dim4_Vector_Vector_Vector_T5 (-1),
((Ga, Wp, Wm), Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge (-1),
((Z, Wp, Wm), Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge (-1),
((Ga, Wp, Wm), Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge_5 (-1),
((Z, Wp, Wm), Dim6_Gauge_Gauge_Gauge_5 (-1),
I_lambda5_ZWW) ]
let triple_gauge =
if Flags.triple_anom then
(* \begin{equation}
\mathcal{L}_{\textrm{QGC}} =
- g^2 W_{+,\mu} W_{-,\nu} W_+^\mu W_-^\nu + \ldots
\end{equation} *)
(* Actually, quartic gauge couplings are a little bit more straightforward
using auxiliary fields. Here we have to impose the antisymmetry manually:
(W^{+,\mu}_1 W^{-,\nu}_2 - W^{+,\nu}_1 W^{-,\mu}_2)
(W^+_{3,\mu} W^-_{4,\nu} - W^+_{3,\nu} W^-_{4,\mu}) \\
= 2(W^+_1W^+_3)(W^-_2W^-_4) - 2(W^+_1W^-_4)(W^-_2W^+_3)
also ($V$ can be $A$ or $Z$)
(W^{+,\mu}_1 V^\nu_2 - W^{+,\nu}_1 V^\mu_2)
(W^-_{3,\mu} V_{4,\nu} - W^-_{3,\nu} V_{4,\mu}) \\
= 2(W^+_1W^-_3)(V_2V_4) - 2(W^+_1V_4)(V_2W^-_3)
\end{subequations} *)
(* \begin{subequations}
W^{+,\mu} W^{-,\nu} W^+_\mu W^-_\nu
\end{subequations} *)
let qgc ((g1, g2, g3, g4), t, c) = ((G g1, G g2, G g3, G g4), t, c)
let gauge4 = Vector4 [(2, C_13_42); (-1, C_12_34); (-1, C_14_23)]
let minus_gauge4 = Vector4 [(-2, C_13_42); (1, C_12_34); (1, C_14_23)]
let standard_quartic_gauge = qgc
[ (Wm, Wp, Wm, Wp), gauge4, G_WWWW;
(Wm, Z, Wp, Z), minus_gauge4, G_ZZWW;
(Wm, Z, Wp, Ga), minus_gauge4, G_AZWW;
(Wm, Ga, Wp, Ga), minus_gauge4, G_AAWW;
(Gl, Gl, Gl, Gl), gauge4, G2 ]
(* \begin{subequations}
&= \alpha_4 \left( \frac{g^4}{2}\left( (W^+_\mu W^{-,\mu})^2
+ W^+_\mu W^{+,\mu} W^-_\mu W^{-,\mu}
\right)\right.\notag \\
&\qquad\qquad\qquad \left.
+ \frac{g^4}{\cos^2\theta_w} W^+_\mu Z^\mu W^-_\nu Z^\nu
+ \frac{g^4}{4\cos^4\theta_w} (Z_\mu Z^\mu)^2 \right) \\
&= \alpha_5 \left( g^4 (W^+_\mu W^{-,\mu})^2
+ \frac{g^4}{\cos^2\theta_w} W^+_\mu W^{-,\mu} Z_\nu Z^\nu
+ \frac{g^4}{4\cos^4\theta_w} (Z_\mu Z^\mu)^2 \right)
\mathcal{L}_4 + \mathcal{L}_5
= (\alpha_4+2\alpha_5) g^4 \frac{1}{2} (W^+_\mu W^{-,\mu})^2 \\
+ 2\alpha_4 g^4 \frac{1}{4} W^+_\mu W^{+,\mu} W^-_\mu W^{-,\mu}
+ \alpha_4 \frac{g^4}{\cos^2\theta_w} W^+_\mu Z^\mu W^-_\nu Z^\nu \\
+ 2\alpha_5 \frac{g^4}{\cos^2\theta_w} \frac{1}{2} W^+_\mu W^{-,\mu} Z_\nu Z^\nu
+ (2\alpha_4 + 2\alpha_5) \frac{g^4}{\cos^4\theta_w} \frac{1}{8} (Z_\mu Z^\mu)^2
and therefore
\alpha_{(WW)_0} &= (\alpha_4+2\alpha_5) g^4 \\
\alpha_{(WW)_2} &= 2\alpha_4 g^4 \\
\alpha_{(WZ)_0} &= 2\alpha_5 \frac{g^4}{\cos^2\theta_w} \\
\alpha_{(WZ)_1} &= \alpha_4 \frac{g^4}{\cos^2\theta_w} \\
\alpha_{ZZ} &= (2\alpha_4 + 2\alpha_5) \frac{g^4}{\cos^4\theta_w}
\end{subequations} *)
let anomalous_quartic_gauge =
if Flags.quartic_anom then qgc
[ ((Wm, Wm, Wp, Wp),
Vector4 [(1, C_13_42); (1, C_14_23)], Alpha_WWWW0);
((Wm, Wm, Wp, Wp),
Vector4 [1, C_12_34], Alpha_WWWW2);
((Wm, Wp, Z, Z),
Vector4 [1, C_12_34], Alpha_ZZWW0);
((Wm, Wp, Z, Z),
Vector4 [(1, C_13_42); (1, C_14_23)], Alpha_ZZWW1);
((Z, Z, Z, Z),
Vector4 [(1, C_12_34); (1, C_13_42); (1, C_14_23)], Alpha_ZZZZ) ]
(* In any diagonal channel~$\chi$, the scattering amplitude~$a_\chi(s)$ is
unitary iff\footnote{%
Trivial proof:
-1 = \textrm{Im}\left(\frac{1}{a_\chi(s)}\right)
= \frac{\textrm{Im}(a_\chi^*(s))}{|a_\chi(s)|^2}
= - \frac{\textrm{Im}(a_\chi(s))}{|a_\chi(s)|^2}
i.\,e.~$\textrm{Im}(a_\chi(s)) = |a_\chi(s)|^2$.}
\textrm{Im}\left(\frac{1}{a_\chi(s)}\right) = -1
For a real perturbative scattering amplitude~$r_\chi(s)$ this can be
enforced easily--and arbitrarily--by
\frac{1}{a_\chi(s)} = \frac{1}{r_\chi(s)} - \mathrm{i}
let k_matrix_quartic_gauge =
if Flags.k_matrix then qgc
[ ((Wm, Wp, Wm, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_WWWW0_S);
((Wm, Wp, Wm, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_WWWW0_T);
((Wm, Wp, Wm, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_13_42)]), D_Alpha_WWWW0_U);
((Wp, Wm, Wp, Wm), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_WWWW0_S);
((Wp, Wm, Wp, Wm), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_WWWW0_T);
((Wp, Wm, Wp, Wm), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_13_42)]), D_Alpha_WWWW0_U);
((Wm, Wm, Wp, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_WWWW2_S);
((Wm, Wm, Wp, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_13_42); (1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_WWWW2_T);
((Wm, Wp, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW0_S);
((Wm, Wp, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_13_42); (1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW0_T);
((Wm, Z, Wp, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_S);
((Wm, Z, Wp, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_13_42)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_T);
((Wm, Z, Wp, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_U);
((Wp, Z, Z, Wm), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (1,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_S);
((Wp, Z, Z, Wm), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (1,
[(1, C_13_42)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_U);
((Wp, Z, Z, Wm), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (1,
[(1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_T);
((Z, Wp, Wm, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (2,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_S);
((Z, Wp, Wm, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (2,
[(1, C_13_42)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_U);
((Z, Wp, Wm, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (2,
[(1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_ZZWW1_T);
((Z, Z, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_ZZZZ_S);
((Z, Z, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (0,
[(1, C_13_42); (1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_ZZZZ_T);
((Z, Z, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (3,
[(1, C_14_23)]), D_Alpha_ZZZZ_S);
((Z, Z, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_jr (3,
[(1, C_13_42); (1, C_12_34)]), D_Alpha_ZZZZ_T)]
(*i Thorsten's original implementation of the K matrix, which we keep since
it still might be usefull for the future.
let k_matrix_quartic_gauge =
if Flags.k_matrix then qgc
[ ((Wm, Wp, Wm, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (0, [K_Matrix_Coeff 0,
K_Matrix_Pole 0]), Alpha_WWWW0);
((Wm, Wm, Wp, Wp), Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (0, [K_Matrix_Coeff 2,
K_Matrix_Pole 2]), Alpha_WWWW2);
((Wm, Wp, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (0, [(K_Matrix_Coeff 0,
K_Matrix_Pole 0); (K_Matrix_Coeff 2,
K_Matrix_Pole 2)]), Alpha_ZZWW0);
((Wm, Z, Wp, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (0, [K_Matrix_Coeff 1,
K_Matrix_Pole 1]), Alpha_ZZWW1);
((Z, Z, Z, Z), Vector4_K_Matrix_tho (0, [K_Matrix_Coeff 0,
K_Matrix_Pole 0]), Alpha_ZZZZ) ]
let quartic_gauge =
standard_quartic_gauge @ anomalous_quartic_gauge @ k_matrix_quartic_gauge
let standard_gauge_higgs =
[ ((O H, G Wp, G Wm), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, G_HWW);
((O H, G Z, G Z), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, G_HZZ) ]
let standard_gauge_higgs4 =
[ (O H, O H, G Wp, G Wm), Scalar2_Vector2 1, G_HHWW;
(O H, O H, G Z, G Z), Scalar2_Vector2 1, G_HHZZ ]
let standard_higgs =
[ (O H, O H, O H), Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1, G_H3 ]
let standard_higgs4 =
[ (O H, O H, O H, O H), Scalar4 1, G_H4 ]
(* WK's couplings (apparently, he still intends to divide by
\mathcal{L}^{\tau}_4 &=
\left\lbrack (\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial^{\mu}H)
+ \frac{g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{4} V_{\mu} V^{\mu} \right\rbrack^2 \\
\mathcal{L}^{\tau}_5 &=
\left\lbrack (\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial_{\nu}H)
+ \frac{g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{4} V_{\mu} V_{\nu} \right\rbrack^2
V_{\mu} V_{\nu} =
\frac{1}{2} \left( W^+_{\mu} W^-_{\nu} + W^+_{\nu} W^-_{\mu} \right)
+ \frac{1}{2\cos^2\theta_{w}} Z_{\mu} Z_{\nu}
(note the symmetrization!), i.\,e.
\mathcal{L}_4 &= \alpha_4 \frac{g^4v_{\mathrm{F}}^4}{16} (V_{\mu} V_{\nu})^2 \\
\mathcal{L}_5 &= \alpha_5 \frac{g^4v_{\mathrm{F}}^4}{16} (V_{\mu} V^{\mu})^2
\end{subequations} *)
(* Breaking thinks up
\mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^4}_4 &=
\left\lbrack (\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial^{\mu}H) \right\rbrack^2 \\
\mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^4}_5 &=
\left\lbrack (\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial^{\mu}H) \right\rbrack^2
\mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^2V^2}_4 &= \frac{g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{2}
(\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial^{\mu}H) V_{\mu}V^{\mu} \\
\mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^2V^2}_5 &= \frac{g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{2}
(\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial_{\nu}H) V_{\mu}V_{\nu}
\mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^2V^2}_4 &=
(\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial^{\mu}H) W^+_{\nu}W^{-,\nu}
+ \frac{1}{2\cos^2\theta_{w}} (\partial_{\mu}H)(\partial^{\mu}H) Z_{\nu} Z^{\nu}
\right\rbrack \\
\mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^2V^2}_5 &=
(W^{+,\mu}\partial_{\mu}H) (W^{-,\nu}\partial_{\nu}H)
+ \frac{1}{2\cos^2\theta_{w}} (Z^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}H)(Z^{\nu}\partial_{\nu}H)
\end{subequations} *)
(* \begin{multline}
\tau^4_8 \mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^2V^2}_4 + \tau^5_8 \mathcal{L}^{\tau,H^2V^2}_5 = \\
- \frac{g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{2} \Biggl\lbrack
\frac{1}{2}(\ii\partial_{\mu}H)(\ii\partial^{\mu}H) W^+_{\nu}W^{-,\nu}
+ \tau^5_8
(W^{+,\mu}\ii\partial_{\mu}H) (W^{-,\nu}\ii\partial_{\nu}H) \\
+ \frac{2\tau^4_8}{\cos^2\theta_{w}}
\frac{1}{4} (\ii\partial_{\mu}H)(\ii\partial^{\mu}H) Z_{\nu} Z^{\nu}
+ \frac{\tau^5_8}{\cos^2\theta_{w}}
\frac{1}{2} (Z^{\mu}\ii\partial_{\mu}H)(Z^{\nu}\ii\partial_{\nu}H)
where the two powers of $\ii$ make the sign conveniently negative,
\alpha_{(\partial H)^2W^2}^2 &= \tau^4_8 g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2\\
\alpha_{(\partial HW)^2}^2 &= \frac{\tau^5_8 g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{2} \\
\alpha_{(\partial H)^2Z^2}^2 &= \frac{\tau^4_8 g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{\cos^2\theta_{w}} \\
\alpha_{(\partial HZ)^2}^2 &=\frac{\tau^5_8 g^2v_{\mathrm{F}}^2}{2\cos^2\theta_{w}}
\end{subequations} *)
let anomalous_gauge_higgs =
[ (O H, G Ga, G Ga), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_HGaGa_anom;
(O H, G Ga, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_HGaZ_anom;
(O H, G Z, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_HZZ_anom;
(O H, G Wp, G Wm), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_HWW_anom;
(O H, G Ga, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_TU 1, G_HGaZ_u;
(O H, G Z, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_U 1, G_HZZ_u;
(O H, G Wp, G Wm), Dim5_Scalar_Vector_Vector_U 1, G_HWW_u
let anomalous_gauge_higgs4 =
let anomalous_higgs =
let higgs_triangle_vertices =
if Flags.higgs_triangle then
[ (O H, G Ga, G Ga), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_HGaGa;
(O H, G Ga, G Z), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_HGaZ;
(O H, G Gl, G Gl), Dim5_Scalar_Gauge2 1, G_Hgg ]
let anomalous_higgs4 =
let gauge_higgs =
if Flags.higgs_anom then
standard_gauge_higgs @ anomalous_gauge_higgs
let gauge_higgs4 =
if Flags.higgs_anom then
standard_gauge_higgs4 @ anomalous_gauge_higgs4
let higgs =
if Flags.higgs_anom then
standard_higgs @ anomalous_higgs
let higgs4 =
if Flags.higgs_anom then
standard_higgs4 @ anomalous_higgs4
let goldstone_vertices =
[ ((O Phi0, G Wm, G Wp), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_G_ZWW);
((O Phip, G Ga, G Wm), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_Q_W);
((O Phip, G Z, G Wm), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_G_ZWW);
((O Phim, G Wp, G Ga), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_Q_W);
((O Phim, G Wp, G Z), Scalar_Vector_Vector 1, I_G_ZWW) ]
(* Anomalous trilinear interactions $f_i f_j V$ and $ttH$:
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{tt\gamma} =
- e \frac{\upsilon}{\Lambda^2}
\bar{t} i\sigma^{\mu\nu} k_\nu (d_V(k^2) + i d_A(k^2) \gamma_5) t A_\mu
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_ttA =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (U (-3)), G Ga, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVAM, Psi), G_TVA_ttA) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{bb\gamma} =
- e \frac{\upsilon}{\Lambda^2}
\bar{b} i\sigma^{\mu\nu} k_\nu (d_V(k^2) + i d_A(k^2) \gamma_5) b A_\mu
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_bbA =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (D (-3)), G Ga, M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVAM, Psi), G_TVA_bbA) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{ttg} =
- g_s \frac{\upsilon}{\Lambda^2}
\bar{t}\lambda^a i\sigma^{\mu\nu}k_\nu
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_ttG =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (U (-3)), G Gl, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVAM, Psi), G_TVA_ttG) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{ttZ} =
- \frac{g}{2 c_W} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}\left\lbrack
\bar{t} \fmslash{Z} (X_L(k^2) P_L + X_R(k^2) P_R) t
+ \bar{t}\frac{i\sigma^{\mu\nu}k_\nu}{m_Z}
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_ttZ =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (U (-3)), G Z, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VLRM, Psi), G_VLR_ttZ);
((M (U (-3)), G Z, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVAM, Psi), G_TVA_ttZ) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{bbZ} =
- \frac{g}{2 c_W} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_bbZ =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (D (-3)), G Z, M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVAM, Psi), G_TVA_bbZ) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{tbW} =
- \frac{g}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}\left\lbrack
\bar{b}\fmslash{W}^-(V_L(k^2) P_L+V_R(k^2) P_R) t
+ \bar{b}\frac{i\sigma^{\mu\nu}k_\nu}{m_W}
+ \textnormal{H.c.}
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_tbW =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (D (-3)), G Wm, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VLRM, Psi), G_VLR_btW);
((M (U (-3)), G Wp, M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VLRM, Psi), G_VLR_tbW);
((M (D (-3)), G Wm, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TLRM, Psi), G_TLR_btW);
((M (U (-3)), G Wp, M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TRLM, Psi), G_TRL_tbW) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{ttH} =
- \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \bar{t} (Y_V(k^2)+iY_A(k^2)\gamma_5)t H
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_ttH =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (U (-3)), O H, M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SPM, Psi), G_SP_ttH) ]
(* quartic fermion-gauge interactions $f_i f_j V_1 V_2$ emerging from gauge-invariant
effective operators:
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{ttgg} =
- \frac{g_s^2}{2} f_{abc} \frac{\upsilon}{\Lambda^2}
\bar{t} \lambda^a \sigma^{\mu\nu}
(d_V(k^2)+id_A(k^2)\gamma_5)t G^b_\mu G^c_\nu
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_ttGG =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,1,0,true,TTGG)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVA, Psi), G_TVA_ttGG);
((O (Aux_top (2,1,0,false,TTGG)), G Gl, G Gl), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_Gs) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{tbWA} =
- i\sin\theta_w \frac{g^2}{2\sqrt{2}} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}\left\lbrack
(g_L(k^2)P_L+g_R(k^2)P_R)t A_\mu W^-_\nu \right\rbrack
+ \textnormal{H.c.}
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_tbWA =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,true,TBWA)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TLR, Psi), G_TLR_btWA);
((O (Aux_top (2,0,1,false,TBWA)), G Ga, G Wm), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_weak);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,0,1,true,TBWA)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TRL, Psi), G_TRL_tbWA);
((O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,false,TBWA)), G Wp, G Ga), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_weak) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{tbWZ} =
- i\cos\theta_w \frac{g^2}{2\sqrt{2}} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}\left\lbrack
(g_L(k^2)P_L+g_R(k^2)P_R)t Z_\mu W^-_\nu \right\rbrack
+ \textnormal{H.c.}
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_tbWZ =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,true,TBWZ)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TLR, Psi), G_TLR_btWZ);
((O (Aux_top (2,0,1,false,TBWZ)), G Z, G Wm), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_weak);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,0,1,true,TBWZ)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TRL, Psi), G_TRL_tbWZ);
((O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,false,TBWZ)), G Wp, G Z), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_weak) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{ttWW} =
- i \frac{g^2}{2} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}
\bar{t} \frac{\sigma^{\mu\nu}}{m_W}
(d_V(k^2)+id_A(k^2)\gamma_5)t W^-_\mu W^+_\nu
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_ttWW =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,0,0,true,TTWW)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVA, Psi), G_TVA_ttWW);
((O (Aux_top (2,0,0,false,TTWW)), G Wm, G Wp), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_weak) ]
(* \begin{equation}
\Delta\mathcal{L}_{bbWW} =
- i \frac{g^2}{2} \frac{\upsilon^2}{\Lambda^2}
\bar{b} \frac{\sigma^{\mu\nu}}{m_W}
(d_V(k^2)+id_A(k^2)\gamma_5)b W^-_\mu W^+_\nu
\end{equation} *)
let anomalous_bbWW =
if Flags.top_anom then
[ ((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (2,0,0,true,BBWW)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, TVA, Psi), G_TVA_bbWW);
((O (Aux_top (2,0,0,false,BBWW)), G Wm, G Wp), Aux_Gauge_Gauge 1, I_G_weak) ]
(* 4-fermion contact terms emerging from operator rewriting: *)
let anomalous_top_qGuG_tt =
[ ((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (1,1,0,true,QGUG)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VLR, Psi), G_VLR_qGuG) ]
let anomalous_top_qGuG_ff n = mom
[ ((U (-n), Aux_top (1,1,0,false,QGUG), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Unit);
((D (-n), Aux_top (1,1,0,false,QGUG), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, V, Psi), Unit) ]
let anomalous_top_qGuG =
if Flags.top_anom_4f then
anomalous_top_qGuG_tt @ ThoList.flatmap anomalous_top_qGuG_ff [1;2;3]
let anomalous_top_qBuB_tt =
[ ((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (1,0,0,true,QBUB)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VLR, Psi), G_VLR_qBuB) ]
let anomalous_top_qBuB_ff n = mom
[ ((U (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QBUB), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VLR, Psi), G_VLR_qBuB_u);
((D (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QBUB), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VLR, Psi), G_VLR_qBuB_d);
((L (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QBUB), L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VLR, Psi), G_VLR_qBuB_e);
((N (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QBUB), N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qBuB_n) ]
let anomalous_top_qBuB =
if Flags.top_anom_4f then
anomalous_top_qBuB_tt @ ThoList.flatmap anomalous_top_qBuB_ff [1;2;3]
let anomalous_top_qW_tq =
[ ((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (1,0,0,true,QW)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (1,0,-1,true,QW)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (1,0,1,true,QW)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW) ]
let anomalous_top_qW_ff n = mom
[ ((U (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QW), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW_u);
((D (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QW), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW_d);
((N (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QW), N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW_u);
((L (-n), Aux_top (1,0,0,false,QW), L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), G_VL_qW_d);
((D (-n), Aux_top (1,0,-1,false,QW), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), Half);
((U (-n), Aux_top (1,0,1,false,QW), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), Half);
((L (-n), Aux_top (1,0,-1,false,QW), N n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), Half);
((N (-n), Aux_top (1,0,1,false,QW), L n), FBF (1, Psibar, VL, Psi), Half) ]
let anomalous_top_qW =
if Flags.top_anom_4f then
anomalous_top_qW_tq @ ThoList.flatmap anomalous_top_qW_ff [1;2;3]
let anomalous_top_DuDd =
if Flags.top_anom_4f then
[ ((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,0,true,DR)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), Half);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,0,false,DR)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), G_SL_DttR);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,0,false,DR)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), G_SR_DttR);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,0,true,DL)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), Half);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,0,false,DL)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), G_SL_DttL);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,DR)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), Half);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,1,false,DR)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SLR, Psi), G_SLR_DbtR);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,DL)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), Half);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,1,false,DL)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), G_SL_DbtL) ]
let anomalous_top_quqd1_tq =
[ ((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,QUQD1R)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), C_quqd1R_bt);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,true,QUQD1R)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), C_quqd1R_tb);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,QUQD1L)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), C_quqd1L_bt);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,true,QUQD1L)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), C_quqd1L_tb) ]
let anomalous_top_quqd1_ff n = mom
[ ((U (-n), Aux_top (0,0, 1,false,QUQD1R), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), Half);
((D (-n), Aux_top (0,0,-1,false,QUQD1R), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), Half);
((U (-n), Aux_top (0,0, 1,false,QUQD1L), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), Half);
((D (-n), Aux_top (0,0,-1,false,QUQD1L), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), Half) ]
let anomalous_top_quqd1 =
if Flags.top_anom_4f then
anomalous_top_quqd1_tq @ ThoList.flatmap anomalous_top_quqd1_ff [1;2;3]
let anomalous_top_quqd8_tq =
[ ((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,1,-1,true,QUQD8R)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), C_quqd8R_bt);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,1, 1,true,QUQD8R)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), C_quqd8R_tb);
((M (D (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,1,-1,true,QUQD8L)), M (U 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), C_quqd8L_bt);
((M (U (-3)), O (Aux_top (0,1, 1,true,QUQD8L)), M (D 3)), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), C_quqd8L_tb) ]
let anomalous_top_quqd8_ff n = mom
[ ((U (-n), Aux_top (0,1, 1,false,QUQD8R), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), Half);
((D (-n), Aux_top (0,1,-1,false,QUQD8R), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), Half);
((U (-n), Aux_top (0,1, 1,false,QUQD8L), D n), FBF (1, Psibar, SL, Psi), Half);
((D (-n), Aux_top (0,1,-1,false,QUQD8L), U n), FBF (1, Psibar, SR, Psi), Half) ]
let anomalous_top_quqd8 =
if Flags.top_anom_4f then
anomalous_top_quqd8_tq @ ThoList.flatmap anomalous_top_quqd8_ff [1;2;3]
let vertices3 =
(ThoList.flatmap electromagnetic_currents [1;2;3] @
ThoList.flatmap color_currents [1;2;3] @
ThoList.flatmap neutral_currents [1;2;3] @
(if Flags.ckm_present then
charged_currents_triv) @
- (if Flags.higgs_coupling then
- yukawa @ gauge_higgs @ higgs
- @ higgs_triangle_vertices
- else
- []) @
- triple_gauge @
+ yukawa @ triple_gauge @
+ gauge_higgs @ higgs @ higgs_triangle_vertices
@ goldstone_vertices @
anomalous_ttA @ anomalous_bbA @
anomalous_ttZ @ anomalous_bbZ @
anomalous_tbW @ anomalous_tbWA @ anomalous_tbWZ @
anomalous_ttWW @ anomalous_bbWW @
anomalous_ttG @ anomalous_ttGG @
anomalous_ttH @
anomalous_top_qGuG @ anomalous_top_qBuB @
anomalous_top_qW @ anomalous_top_DuDd @
anomalous_top_quqd1 @ anomalous_top_quqd8)
let vertices4 =
- quartic_gauge @
- if Flags.higgs_coupling then
- gauge_higgs4 @ higgs4
- else
- []
+ quartic_gauge @ gauge_higgs4 @ higgs4
let vertices () = (vertices3, vertices4, [])
(* For efficiency, make sure that [F.of_vertices vertices] is
evaluated only once. *)
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
let max_degree () = 4
let flavor_of_string = function
| "e-" -> M (L 1) | "e+" -> M (L (-1))
| "mu-" -> M (L 2) | "mu+" -> M (L (-2))
| "tau-" -> M (L 3) | "tau+" -> M (L (-3))
| "nue" -> M (N 1) | "nuebar" -> M (N (-1))
| "numu" -> M (N 2) | "numubar" -> M (N (-2))
| "nutau" -> M (N 3) | "nutaubar" -> M (N (-3))
| "u" -> M (U 1) | "ubar" -> M (U (-1))
| "c" -> M (U 2) | "cbar" -> M (U (-2))
| "t" -> M (U 3) | "tbar" -> M (U (-3))
| "d" -> M (D 1) | "dbar" -> M (D (-1))
| "s" -> M (D 2) | "sbar" -> M (D (-2))
| "b" -> M (D 3) | "bbar" -> M (D (-3))
| "g" | "gl" -> G Gl
| "A" -> G Ga | "Z" | "Z0" -> G Z
| "W+" -> G Wp | "W-" -> G Wm
| "H" -> O H
| "Aux_t_ttGG0" -> O (Aux_top (2,1, 0,true,TTGG)) | "Aux_ttGG0" -> O (Aux_top (2,1, 0,false,TTGG))
| "Aux_t_tbWA+" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 1,true,TBWA)) | "Aux_tbWA+" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 1,false,TBWA))
| "Aux_t_tbWA-" -> O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,true,TBWA)) | "Aux_tbWA-" -> O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,false,TBWA))
| "Aux_t_tbWZ+" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 1,true,TBWZ)) | "Aux_tbWZ+" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 1,false,TBWZ))
| "Aux_t_tbWZ-" -> O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,true,TBWZ)) | "Aux_tbWZ-" -> O (Aux_top (2,0,-1,false,TBWZ))
| "Aux_t_ttWW0" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 0,true,TTWW)) | "Aux_ttWW0" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 0,false,TTWW))
| "Aux_t_bbWW0" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 0,true,BBWW)) | "Aux_bbWW0" -> O (Aux_top (2,0, 0,false,BBWW))
| "Aux_t_qGuG0" -> O (Aux_top (1,1, 0,true,QGUG)) | "Aux_qGuG0" -> O (Aux_top (1,1, 0,false,QGUG))
| "Aux_t_qBuB0" -> O (Aux_top (1,0, 0,true,QBUB)) | "Aux_qBuB0" -> O (Aux_top (1,0, 0,false,QBUB))
| "Aux_t_qW0" -> O (Aux_top (1,0, 0,true,QW)) | "Aux_qW0" -> O (Aux_top (1,0, 0,false,QW))
| "Aux_t_qW+" -> O (Aux_top (1,0, 1,true,QW)) | "Aux_qW+" -> O (Aux_top (1,0, 1,false,QW))
| "Aux_t_qW-" -> O (Aux_top (1,0,-1,true,QW)) | "Aux_qW-" -> O (Aux_top (1,0,-1,false,QW))
| "Aux_t_dL0" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 0,true,DL)) | "Aux_dL0" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 0,false,DL))
| "Aux_t_dL+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,true,DL)) | "Aux_dL+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,false,DL))
| "Aux_t_dL-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,DL)) | "Aux_dL-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,false,DL))
| "Aux_t_dR0" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 0,true,DR)) | "Aux_dR0" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 0,false,DR))
| "Aux_t_dR+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,true,DR)) | "Aux_dR+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,false,DR))
| "Aux_t_dR-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,DR)) | "Aux_dR-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,false,DR))
| "Aux_t_quqd1L+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,true,QUQD1L)) | "Aux_quqd1L+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,false,QUQD1L))
| "Aux_t_quqd1L-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,QUQD1L)) | "Aux_quqd1L-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,false,QUQD1L))
| "Aux_t_quqd1R+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,true,QUQD1R)) | "Aux_quqd1R+" -> O (Aux_top (0,0, 1,false,QUQD1R))
| "Aux_t_quqd1R-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,true,QUQD1R)) | "Aux_quqd1R-" -> O (Aux_top (0,0,-1,false,QUQD1R))
| "Aux_t_quqd8L+" -> O (Aux_top (0,1, 1,true,QUQD8L)) | "Aux_quqd8L+" -> O (Aux_top (0,1, 1,false,QUQD8L))
| "Aux_t_quqd8L-" -> O (Aux_top (0,1,-1,true,QUQD8L)) | "Aux_quqd8L-" -> O (Aux_top (0,1,-1,false,QUQD8L))
| "Aux_t_quqd8R+" -> O (Aux_top (0,1, 1,true,QUQD8R)) | "Aux_quqd8R+" -> O (Aux_top (0,1, 1,false,QUQD8R))
| "Aux_t_quqd8R-" -> O (Aux_top (0,1,-1,true,QUQD8R)) | "Aux_quqd8R-" -> O (Aux_top (0,1,-1,false,QUQD8R))
| _ -> invalid_arg "Modellib.SM.flavor_of_string"
let flavor_to_string = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L 1 -> "e-" | L (-1) -> "e+"
| L 2 -> "mu-" | L (-2) -> "mu+"
| L 3 -> "tau-" | L (-3) -> "tau+"
| L _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_string: invalid lepton"
| N 1 -> "nue" | N (-1) -> "nuebar"
| N 2 -> "numu" | N (-2) -> "numubar"
| N 3 -> "nutau" | N (-3) -> "nutaubar"
| N _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_string: invalid neutrino"
| U 1 -> "u" | U (-1) -> "ubar"
| U 2 -> "c" | U (-2) -> "cbar"
| U 3 -> "t" | U (-3) -> "tbar"
| U _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_string: invalid up type quark"
| D 1 -> "d" | D (-1) -> "dbar"
| D 2 -> "s" | D (-2) -> "sbar"
| D 3 -> "b" | D (-3) -> "bbar"
| D _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_string: invalid down type quark"
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> "gl"
| Ga -> "A" | Z -> "Z"
| Wp -> "W+" | Wm -> "W-"
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip -> "phi+" | Phim -> "phi-" | Phi0 -> "phi0"
| H -> "H"
| Aux_top (_,_,ch,n,v) -> "Aux_" ^ (if n then "t_" else "") ^ (
begin match v with
| TTGG -> "ttGG" | TBWA -> "tbWA" | TBWZ -> "tbWZ"
| TTWW -> "ttWW" | BBWW -> "bbWW"
| QGUG -> "qGuG" | QBUB -> "qBuB"
| QW -> "qW" | DL -> "dL" | DR -> "dR"
| QUQD1L -> "quqd1L" | QUQD1R -> "quqd1R"
| QUQD8L -> "quqd8L" | QUQD8R -> "quqd8R"
end ) ^ ( if ch > 0 then "+" else if ch < 0 then "-" else "0" )
let flavor_to_TeX = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L 1 -> "e^-" | L (-1) -> "e^+"
| L 2 -> "\\mu^-" | L (-2) -> "\\mu^+"
| L 3 -> "\\tau^-" | L (-3) -> "\\tau^+"
| L _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_TeX: invalid lepton"
| N 1 -> "\\nu_e" | N (-1) -> "\\bar{\\nu}_e"
| N 2 -> "\\nu_\\mu" | N (-2) -> "\\bar{\\nu}_\\mu"
| N 3 -> "\\nu_\\tau" | N (-3) -> "\\bar{\\nu}_\\tau"
| N _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_TeX: invalid neutrino"
| U 1 -> "u" | U (-1) -> "\\bar{u}"
| U 2 -> "c" | U (-2) -> "\\bar{c}"
| U 3 -> "t" | U (-3) -> "\\bar{t}"
| U _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_TeX: invalid up type quark"
| D 1 -> "d" | D (-1) -> "\\bar{d}"
| D 2 -> "s" | D (-2) -> "\\bar{s}"
| D 3 -> "b" | D (-3) -> "\\bar{b}"
| D _ -> invalid_arg
"Modellib.SM.flavor_to_TeX: invalid down type quark"
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> "g"
| Ga -> "\\gamma" | Z -> "Z"
| Wp -> "W^+" | Wm -> "W^-"
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip -> "\\phi^+" | Phim -> "\\phi^-" | Phi0 -> "\\phi^0"
| H -> "H"
| Aux_top (_,_,ch,n,v) -> "\\textnormal{Aux_" ^ (if n then "t_" else "") ^ (
begin match v with
| TTGG -> "ttGG" | TBWA -> "tbWA" | TBWZ -> "tbWZ"
| TTWW -> "ttWW" | BBWW -> "bbWW"
| QGUG -> "qGuG" | QBUB -> "qBuB"
| QW -> "qW" | DL -> "dL" | DR -> "dR"
| QUQD1L -> "quqd1L" | QUQD1R -> "quqd1R"
| QUQD8L -> "quqd8L" | QUQD8R -> "quqd8R"
end ) ^ ( if ch > 0 then "^+" else if ch < 0 then "^-" else "^0" ) ^ "}"
let flavor_symbol = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n when n > 0 -> "l" ^ string_of_int n
| L n -> "l" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| N n when n > 0 -> "n" ^ string_of_int n
| N n -> "n" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| U n when n > 0 -> "u" ^ string_of_int n
| U n -> "u" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| D n when n > 0 -> "d" ^ string_of_int n
| D n -> "d" ^ string_of_int (abs n) ^ "b"
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> "gl"
| Ga -> "a" | Z -> "z"
| Wp -> "wp" | Wm -> "wm"
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip -> "pp" | Phim -> "pm" | Phi0 -> "p0"
| H -> "h"
| Aux_top (_,_,ch,n,v) -> "aux_" ^ (if n then "t_" else "") ^ (
begin match v with
| TTGG -> "ttgg" | TBWA -> "tbwa" | TBWZ -> "tbwz"
| TTWW -> "ttww" | BBWW -> "bbww"
| QGUG -> "qgug" | QBUB -> "qbub"
| QW -> "qw" | DL -> "dl" | DR -> "dr"
| QUQD1L -> "quqd1l" | QUQD1R -> "quqd1r"
| QUQD8L -> "quqd8l" | QUQD8R -> "quqd8r"
end ) ^ "_" ^ ( if ch > 0 then "p" else if ch < 0 then "m" else "0" )
let pdg = function
| M f ->
begin match f with
| L n when n > 0 -> 9 + 2*n
| L n -> - 9 + 2*n
| N n when n > 0 -> 10 + 2*n
| N n -> - 10 + 2*n
| U n when n > 0 -> 2*n
| U n -> 2*n
| D n when n > 0 -> - 1 + 2*n
| D n -> 1 + 2*n
| G f ->
begin match f with
| Gl -> 21
| Ga -> 22 | Z -> 23
| Wp -> 24 | Wm -> (-24)
| O f ->
begin match f with
| Phip | Phim -> 27 | Phi0 -> 26
| H -> 25
| Aux_top (_,_,ch,t,f) -> let n =
begin match f with
| QW -> 0
| QUQD1R -> 1 | QUQD1L -> 2
| QUQD8R -> 3 | QUQD8L -> 4
| _ -> 5
in (602 + 3*n - ch) * ( if t then (1) else (-1) )
let mass_symbol f =
"mass(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let width_symbol f =
"width(" ^ string_of_int (abs (pdg f)) ^ ")"
let constant_symbol = function
| Unit -> "unit" | Half -> "half" | Pi -> "PI"
| Alpha_QED -> "alpha" | E -> "e" | G_weak -> "g" | Vev -> "vev"
| I_G_weak -> "ig"
| Sin2thw -> "sin2thw" | Sinthw -> "sinthw" | Costhw -> "costhw"
| Q_lepton -> "qlep" | Q_up -> "qup" | Q_down -> "qdwn"
| G_NC_lepton -> "gnclep" | G_NC_neutrino -> "gncneu"
| G_NC_up -> "gncup" | G_NC_down -> "gncdwn"
| G_TVA_ttA -> "gtva_tta" | G_TVA_bbA -> "gtva_bba"
| G_VLR_ttZ -> "gvlr_ttz" | G_TVA_ttZ -> "gtva_ttz" | G_TVA_bbZ -> "gtva_bbz"
| G_VLR_btW -> "gvlr_btw" | G_VLR_tbW -> "gvlr_tbw"
| G_TLR_btW -> "gtlr_btw" | G_TRL_tbW -> "gtrl_tbw"
| G_TLR_btWA -> "gtlr_btwa" | G_TRL_tbWA -> "gtrl_tbwa"
| G_TLR_btWZ -> "gtlr_btwz" | G_TRL_tbWZ -> "gtrl_tbwz"
| G_TVA_ttWW -> "gtva_ttww" | G_TVA_bbWW -> "gtva_bbww"
| G_TVA_ttG -> "gtva_ttg" | G_TVA_ttGG -> "gtva_ttgg"
| G_SP_ttH -> "gsp_tth"
| G_VLR_qGuG -> "gvlr_qgug"
| G_VLR_qBuB -> "gvlr_qbub"
| G_VLR_qBuB_u -> "gvlr_qbub_u" | G_VLR_qBuB_d -> "gvlr_qbub_d"
| G_VLR_qBuB_e -> "gvlr_qbub_e" | G_VL_qBuB_n -> "gvl_qbub_n"
| G_VL_qW -> "gvl_qw"
| G_VL_qW_u -> "gvl_qw_u" | G_VL_qW_d -> "gvl_qw_d"
| G_SL_DttR -> "gsl_dttr" | G_SR_DttR -> "gsr_dttr" | G_SL_DttL -> "gsl_dttl"
| G_SLR_DbtR -> "gslr_dbtr" | G_SL_DbtL -> "gsl_dbtl"
| C_quqd1R_bt -> "c_quqd1_1" | C_quqd1R_tb -> "conjg(c_quqd1_1)"
| C_quqd1L_bt -> "conjg(c_quqd1_2)" | C_quqd1L_tb -> "c_quqd1_2"
| C_quqd8R_bt -> "c_quqd8_1" | C_quqd8R_tb -> "conjg(c_quqd8_1)"
| C_quqd8L_bt -> "conjg(c_quqd8_2)" | C_quqd8L_tb -> "c_quqd8_2"
| G_CC -> "gcc"
| G_CCQ (n1,n2) -> "gccq" ^ string_of_int n1 ^ string_of_int n2
| I_Q_W -> "iqw" | I_G_ZWW -> "igzww"
| G_WWWW -> "gw4" | G_ZZWW -> "gzzww"
| G_AZWW -> "gazww" | G_AAWW -> "gaaww"
| I_G1_AWW -> "ig1a" | I_G1_ZWW -> "ig1z"
| I_G1_plus_kappa_plus_G4_AWW -> "ig1pkpg4a"
| I_G1_plus_kappa_plus_G4_ZWW -> "ig1pkpg4z"
| I_G1_plus_kappa_minus_G4_AWW -> "ig1pkmg4a"
| I_G1_plus_kappa_minus_G4_ZWW -> "ig1pkmg4z"
| I_G1_minus_kappa_plus_G4_AWW -> "ig1mkpg4a"
| I_G1_minus_kappa_plus_G4_ZWW -> "ig1mkpg4z"
| I_G1_minus_kappa_minus_G4_AWW -> "ig1mkmg4a"
| I_G1_minus_kappa_minus_G4_ZWW -> "ig1mkmg4z"
| I_lambda_AWW -> "ila"
| I_lambda_ZWW -> "ilz"
| G5_AWW -> "rg5a"
| G5_ZWW -> "rg5z"
| I_kappa5_AWW -> "ik5a"
| I_kappa5_ZWW -> "ik5z"
| I_lambda5_AWW -> "il5a" | I_lambda5_ZWW -> "il5z"
| Alpha_WWWW0 -> "alww0" | Alpha_WWWW2 -> "alww2"
| Alpha_ZZWW0 -> "alzw0" | Alpha_ZZWW1 -> "alzw1"
| Alpha_ZZZZ -> "alzz"
| D_Alpha_ZZWW0_S -> "dalzz0_s(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_ZZWW0_T -> "dalzz0_t(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_ZZWW1_S -> "dalzz1_s(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_ZZWW1_T -> "dalzz1_t(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_ZZWW1_U -> "dalzz1_u(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_WWWW0_S -> "dalww0_s(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_WWWW0_T -> "dalww0_t(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_WWWW0_U -> "dalww0_u(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_WWWW2_S -> "dalww2_s(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_WWWW2_T -> "dalww2_t(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_ZZZZ_S -> "dalz4_s(gkm,mkm,"
| D_Alpha_ZZZZ_T -> "dalz4_t(gkm,mkm,"
| G_HWW -> "ghww" | G_HZZ -> "ghzz"
| G_HHWW -> "ghhww" | G_HHZZ -> "ghhzz"
| G_Htt -> "ghtt" | G_Hbb -> "ghbb"
| G_Htautau -> "ghtautau" | G_Hcc -> "ghcc" | G_Hmm -> "ghmm"
| G_HGaZ -> "ghgaz" | G_HGaGa -> "ghgaga" | G_Hgg -> "ghgg"
| G_HGaGa_anom -> "ghgaga_ac" | G_HGaZ_anom -> "ghgaz_ac"
| G_HZZ_anom -> "ghzz_ac" | G_HWW_anom -> "ghww_ac"
| G_HGaZ_u -> "ghgaz_u" | G_HZZ_u -> "ghzz_u"
| G_HWW_u -> "ghww_u"
| G_H3 -> "gh3" | G_H4 -> "gh4"
| Gs -> "gs" | I_Gs -> "igs" | G2 -> "gs**2"
| Mass f -> "mass" ^ flavor_symbol f
| Width f -> "width" ^ flavor_symbol f
| K_Matrix_Coeff i -> "kc" ^ string_of_int i
| K_Matrix_Pole i -> "kp" ^ string_of_int i
(* \thocwmodulesection{Incomplete Standard Model in $R_\xi$ Gauge} *)
(* \begin{dubious}
At the end of the day, we want a functor mapping from gauge models
in unitarity gauge to $R_\xi$ gauge and vice versa. For this, we
will need a more abstract implementation of (spontaneously broken)
gauge theories.
\end{dubious} *)
module SM_Rxi =
let rcs = RCS.rename rcs_file "Modellib.SM_Rxi"
[ "minimal electroweak standard model in R-xi gauge";
"NB: very incomplete still!, no CKM matrix" ]
open Coupling
module SM = SM(SM_no_anomalous)
let options = SM.options
type flavor = SM.flavor
let flavors = SM.flavors
let external_flavors = SM.external_flavors
type orders = SM.orders
type constant = SM.constant
let orders = SM.orders
let lorentz = SM.lorentz
let color = SM.color
let goldstone = SM.goldstone
let conjugate = SM.conjugate
let fermion = SM.fermion
(* \begin{dubious}
Check if it makes sense to have separate gauge fixing parameters
for each vector boson. There's probably only one independent
parameter for each group factor.
\end{dubious} *)
type gauge =
| XiA | XiZ | XiW
let gauge_symbol = function
| XiA -> "xia" | XiZ -> "xi0" | XiW -> "xipm"
(* Change the gauge boson propagators and make the Goldstone bosons
propagating. *)
let propagator = function
| SM.G SM.Ga -> Prop_Gauge XiA
| SM.G SM.Z -> Prop_Rxi XiZ
| SM.G SM.Wp | SM.G SM.Wm -> Prop_Rxi XiW
| SM.O SM.Phip | SM.O SM.Phim | SM.O SM.Phi0 -> Prop_Scalar
| f -> SM.propagator f
let width = SM.width
module Ch = Charges.QQ
let charges = SM.charges
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
let vertices = SM.vertices
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
let max_degree () = 3
let parameters = SM.parameters
let flavor_of_string = SM.flavor_of_string
let flavor_to_string = SM.flavor_to_string
let flavor_to_TeX = SM.flavor_to_TeX
let flavor_symbol = SM.flavor_symbol
let pdg = SM.pdg
let mass_symbol = SM.mass_symbol
let width_symbol = SM.width_symbol
let constant_symbol = SM.constant_symbol
(* \thocwmodulesection{Groves} *)
module Groves (M : Model.Gauge) : Model.Gauge with module Ch = M.Ch =
let max_generations = 5
let rcs = RCS.rename M.rcs
("Modellib.Groves(" ^ ( M.rcs) ^ ")")
([ "experimental Groves functor";
Printf.sprintf "for maximally %d flavored legs"
(2 * max_generations) ] @
RCS.description M.rcs)
let options = M.options
type matter_field = M.matter_field * int
type gauge_boson = M.gauge_boson
type other = M.other
type field =
| Matter of matter_field
| Gauge of gauge_boson
| Other of other
type flavor = M of matter_field | G of gauge_boson | O of other
let matter_field (f, g) = M (f, g)
let gauge_boson f = G f
let other f = O f
let field = function
| M f -> Matter f
| G f -> Gauge f
| O f -> Other f
let project = function
| M (f, _) -> M.matter_field f
| G f -> M.gauge_boson f
| O f -> M.other f
let inject g f =
match M.field f with
| M.Matter f -> M (f, g)
| M.Gauge f -> G f
| M.Other f -> O f
type gauge = M.gauge
let gauge_symbol = M.gauge_symbol
let color f = M.color (project f)
let pdg f = M.pdg (project f)
let lorentz f = M.lorentz (project f)
let propagator f = M.propagator (project f)
let fermion f = M.fermion (project f)
let width f = M.width (project f)
let mass_symbol f = M.mass_symbol (project f)
let width_symbol f = M.width_symbol (project f)
let flavor_symbol f = M.flavor_symbol (project f)
type constant = M.constant
type orders = M.orders
let constant_symbol = M.constant_symbol
let max_degree = M.max_degree
let parameters = M.parameters
let orders = M.orders
let conjugate = function
| M (_, g) as f -> inject g (M.conjugate (project f))
| f -> inject 0 (M.conjugate (project f))
let read_generation s =
let offset = String.index s '/' in
(String.sub s (succ offset) (String.length s - offset - 1)),
String.sub s 0 offset)
| Not_found -> (1, s)
let format_generation c s =
s ^ "/" ^ string_of_int c
let flavor_of_string s =
let g, s = read_generation s in
inject g (M.flavor_of_string s)
let flavor_to_string = function
| M (_, g) as f -> format_generation g (M.flavor_to_string (project f))
| f -> M.flavor_to_string (project f)
let flavor_to_TeX = function
| M (_, g) as f -> format_generation g (M.flavor_to_TeX (project f))
| f -> M.flavor_to_TeX (project f)
let goldstone = function
| G _ as f ->
begin match M.goldstone (project f) with
| None -> None
| Some (f, c) -> Some (inject 0 f, c)
| M _ | O _ -> None
let clone generations flavor =
match M.field flavor with
| M.Matter f -> (fun g -> M (f, g)) generations
| M.Gauge f -> [G f]
| M.Other f -> [O f]
let generations = ThoList.range 1 max_generations
let flavors () =
ThoList.flatmap (clone generations) (M.flavors ())
let external_flavors () = (fun (s, fl) -> (s, ThoList.flatmap (clone generations) fl))
(M.external_flavors ())
module Ch = M.Ch
let charges f = M.charges (project f)
module F = Modeltools.Fusions (struct
type f = flavor
type c = constant
let compare = compare
let conjugate = conjugate
(* In the following functions, we might replace [_] by [(M.Gauge _ | M.Other _)],
in order to allow the compiler to check completeness. However, this
makes the code much less readable. *)
let clone3 ((f1, f2, f3), v, c) =
match M.field f1, M.field f2, M.field f3 with
| M.Matter _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _ ->
invalid_arg "Modellib.Groves().vertices: three matter fields!"
| M.Matter f1', M.Matter f2', _ -> (fun g -> ((M (f1', g), M (f2', g), inject 0 f3), v, c))
| M.Matter f1', _, M.Matter f3' -> (fun g -> ((M (f1', g), inject 0 f2, M (f3', g)), v, c))
| _, M.Matter f2', M.Matter f3' -> (fun g -> ((inject 0 f1, M (f2', g), M (f3', g)), v, c))
| M.Matter _, _, _ | _, M.Matter _, _ | _, _, M.Matter _ ->
invalid_arg "Modellib.Groves().vertices: lone matter field!"
| _, _, _ ->
[(inject 0 f1, inject 0 f2, inject 0 f3), v, c]
let clone4 ((f1, f2, f3, f4), v, c) =
match M.field f1, M.field f2, M.field f3, M.field f4 with
| M.Matter _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _ ->
invalid_arg "Modellib.Groves().vertices: four matter fields!"
| M.Matter _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _, _
| M.Matter _, M.Matter _, _, M.Matter _
| M.Matter _, _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _
| _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _, M.Matter _ ->
invalid_arg "Modellib.Groves().vertices: three matter fields!"
| M.Matter f1', M.Matter f2', _, _ -> (fun g ->
((M (f1', g), M (f2', g), inject 0 f3, inject 0 f4), v, c))
| M.Matter f1', _, M.Matter f3', _ -> (fun g ->
((M (f1', g), inject 0 f2, M (f3', g), inject 0 f4), v, c))
| M.Matter f1', _, _, M.Matter f4' -> (fun g ->
((M (f1', g), inject 0 f2, inject 0 f3, M (f4', g)), v, c))
| _, M.Matter f2', M.Matter f3', _ -> (fun g ->
((inject 0 f1, M (f2', g), M (f3', g), inject 0 f4), v, c))
| _, M.Matter f2', _, M.Matter f4' -> (fun g ->
((inject 0 f1, M (f2', g), inject 0 f3, M (f4', g)), v, c))
| _, _, M.Matter f3', M.Matter f4' -> (fun g ->
((inject 0 f1, inject 0 f2, M (f3', g), M (f4', g)), v, c))
| M.Matter _, _, _, _ | _, M.Matter _, _, _
| _, _, M.Matter _, _ | _, _, _, M.Matter _ ->
invalid_arg "Modellib.Groves().vertices: lone matter field!"
| _, _, _, _ ->
[(inject 0 f1, inject 0 f2, inject 0 f3, inject 0 f4), v, c]
let clonen (fl, v, c) =
match M.field fl with
| _ -> failwith "Modellib.Groves().vertices: incomplete"
let vertices () =
let vertices3, vertices4, verticesn = M.vertices () in
(ThoList.flatmap clone3 vertices3,
ThoList.flatmap clone4 vertices4,
ThoList.flatmap clonen verticesn)
let table = F.of_vertices (vertices ())
let fuse2 = F.fuse2 table
let fuse3 = F.fuse3 table
let fuse = F.fuse table
(* \begin{dubious}
The following (incomplete) alternative implementations are
included for illustrative purposes only:
\end{dubious} *)
let injectl g fcl = (fun (f, c) -> (inject g f, c)) fcl
let alt_fuse2 f1 f2 =
match f1, f2 with
| M (f1', g1'), M (f2', g2') ->
if g1' = g2' then
injectl 0 (M.fuse2 (M.matter_field f1') (M.matter_field f2'))
| M (f1', g'), _ -> injectl g' (M.fuse2 (M.matter_field f1') (project f2))
| _, M (f2', g') -> injectl g' (M.fuse2 (project f1) (M.matter_field f2'))
| _, _ -> injectl 0 (M.fuse2 (project f1) (project f2))
let alt_fuse3 f1 f2 f3 =
match f1, f2, f3 with
| M (f1', g1'), M (f2', g2'), M (f3', g3') ->
invalid_arg "Modellib.Groves().fuse3: three matter fields!"
| M (f1', g1'), M (f2', g2'), _ ->
if g1' = g2' then
injectl 0
(M.fuse3 (M.matter_field f1') (M.matter_field f2') (project f3))
| M (f1', g1'), _, M (f3', g3') ->
if g1' = g3' then
injectl 0
(M.fuse3 (M.matter_field f1') (project f2) (M.matter_field f3'))
| _, M (f2', g2'), M (f3', g3') ->
if g2' = g3' then
injectl 0
(M.fuse3 (project f1) (M.matter_field f2') (M.matter_field f3'))
| M (f1', g'), _, _ ->
injectl g' (M.fuse3 (M.matter_field f1') (project f2) (project f3))
| _, M (f2', g'), _ ->
injectl g' (M.fuse3 (project f1) (M.matter_field f2') (project f3))
| _, _, M (f3', g') ->
injectl g' (M.fuse3 (project f1) (project f2) (M.matter_field f3'))
| _, _, _ -> injectl 0 (M.fuse3 (project f1) (project f2) (project f3))
(* \thocwmodulesection{MSM With Cloned Families} *)
module SM_clones = Groves(SM(SM_no_anomalous))
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Index: trunk/src/omega/src/modellib_SM.mli
--- trunk/src/omega/src/modellib_SM.mli (revision 5343)
+++ trunk/src/omega/src/modellib_SM.mli (revision 5344)
@@ -1,66 +1,65 @@
(* $Id$
Copyright (C) 1999-2014 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
(* \thocwmodulesection{Hardcoded Models} *)
module Phi3 : Model.T with module Ch = Charges.Null
module Phi4 : Model.T with module Ch = Charges.Null
module QED : Model.T with module Ch = Charges.ZZ
module QCD : Model.T with module Ch = Charges.ZZ
module type SM_flags =
- val higgs_coupling : bool (* flag for all higgs couplings *)
val higgs_triangle : bool (* $H\gamma\gamma$, $Hg\gamma$ and $Hgg couplings *)
val higgs_hmm : bool
val triple_anom : bool
val quartic_anom : bool
val higgs_anom : bool
val k_matrix : bool
val ckm_present : bool
val top_anom : bool
val top_anom_4f : bool
module SM_no_anomalous : SM_flags
module SM_anomalous : SM_flags
module SM_k_matrix : SM_flags
module SM_no_anomalous_ckm : SM_flags
module SM_anomalous_ckm : SM_flags
module SM_Higgs : SM_flags
module SM_anomalous_top : SM_flags
module SM : functor (F : SM_flags) -> Model.Gauge with module Ch = Charges.QQ
module SM_Rxi : Model.T with module Ch = Charges.QQ
module Groves : functor (M : Model.Gauge) -> Model.Gauge with module Ch = M.Ch
module SM_clones : Model.Gauge with module Ch = Charges.QQ
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* mode:caml
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