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diff --git a/bin/yodaplot b/bin/yodaplot
--- a/bin/yodaplot
+++ b/bin/yodaplot
@@ -1,110 +1,112 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
Usage: %prog data1 [data2 ...]
Make a plot from each of the given plot data files (can be .yoda or make-plots .dat).
- Should be able to do default plotting of all plots loaded from a .yoda file
- Overlay option (print all plots from a file, overlaid)
- Command-line legend specification cf. Rivet cmphistos and mkhtml
- Add a "--outdir" option and
- Add a "collate" option to gather output into a single PDF?
- Handle regex'd PLOT sections
- Allow CLI specification of default plotkeys
## Command line args:
import os, optparse
op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
op.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="FORMAT", default="PDF",
help="output format string consisting of desired output formats separated by commas [default=%default]")
op.add_option("--mode", dest="MODE", default="CMP",
help="mode of plot combination: CMP=compare same histograms across files -> one file per histo path; "
+ "FILE=overlay all histograms per file arg -> one file per arg [default=%default]")
op.add_option("-m", "--match", dest="MATCH", metavar="PATT", default=None,
help="only use histograms whose path matches this regex")
op.add_option("-M", "--unmatch", dest="UNMATCH", metavar="PATT", default=None,
help="exclude histograms whose path matches this regex")
op.add_option("-E", "--engine", dest="ENGINE", default="PGF",
help="choose rendering engine: 'PGF' = LaTeX PGF plotting, "
+ "'TEX' = TeX text renderer, 'MPL' = matplotlib MathText (fast but very limited)")
# op.add_option("-n", "--nproc", dest="NPROC", default=None, type=int,
# help="number of plotting processes to run in parallel")
op.add_option("--debug", dest="DEBUG", action="store_true", default=False,
help="run in debug mode with more verbosity and no parallelism")
op.add_option("--quiet", dest="QUIET", action="store_true", default=False,
help="run in quiet mode with no status output to terminal")
opts, args = op.parse_args()
## Set the verbosity level in response to --debug and --quiet args
opts.VERBOSITY = 1
if opts.DEBUG:
opts.VERBOSITY = 2
if opts.QUIET:
opts.VERBOSITY = 0
import yoda
mpl = yoda.mplinit(opts.ENGINE)
from matplotlib import cm
COLORS = [cm.jet(i) for i in yoda.linspace(0.2, 0.8, len(args))]
STYLES = ["-", "--", ":", "-."]
def plot(plotargs):
i_n, name, hists, plotkeys = plotargs
## Plan for output in (potentially) several different formats
formats = opts.FORMAT.lower().split(",")
outfiles = [name+"."+f for f in formats]
## Print status update to terminal
if opts.VERBOSITY > 0:
outstr = " ".join(outfiles)
print "Plotting to {o} ({i:d}/{n:d})".format(o=outstr, i=i_n[0]+1, n=i_n[1])
## Do plotting
# TODO: allow plotting order specification via PlotIndex (-ve = no plot)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = yoda.plot(hists, **plotkeys)
for of in outfiles:
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ plt.close()
## Assemble plotting arguments depending on mode
plotargs = []
if opts.MODE.upper() == "CMP":
hists, plotkeys = {}, {}
for datfile in args:
- aos =
+ aos =, patterns=opts.MATCH, unpatterns=opts.UNMATCH)
for i, (aopath, aos) in enumerate(sorted(hists.items())):
name = aopath.replace("/", "_")
if name.startswith("_"):
name = name[1:]
plotargs.append([(i, len(hists)), name, aos, plotkeys])
elif opts.MODE.upper() == "FILE":
for i, datfile in enumerate(args):
import os
- aos =, asdict=False)
+ aos =, asdict=False, patterns=opts.MATCH, unpatterns=opts.UNMATCH)
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datfile))[0]
plotkeys = yoda.plotting.read_plot_keys(datfile)
plotargs.append([(i, len(args)), name, aos, plotkeys])
## Distribute the plotting jobs
# TODO: fix the multiprocessing
# if opts.DEBUG:
for pa in plotargs:
# else:
# import multiprocessing
# nproc = opts.NPROC or multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1 or 1
# print nproc
# pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nproc)
#, plotargs)
diff --git a/pyext/yoda/ b/pyext/yoda/
--- a/pyext/yoda/
+++ b/pyext/yoda/
@@ -1,449 +1,450 @@
# -*- python -*-
Plotting utilities, particularly for interaction with matplotlib and Rivet make-plots
import yoda
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
# TODO: Move to core objects
# def same_binning_as(self, other):
# if self.dim != other.dim:
# return False
# if not (other.x == self.x).all() and \
# (other.exminus == self.exminus).all() and \
# (other.explus == self.explus).all():
# return False
# if self.dim == 2:
# return True
# return (other.y == self.y).all() and \
# (other.eyminus == self.eyminus).all() and \
# (other.eyplus == self.eyplus).all()
def read_plot_keys(datfile):
import re
re_begin = re.compile("#*\s*BEGIN\s+PLOT\s*(\w*)")
re_comment = re.compile("#.*")
re_attr = re.compile("(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)")
re_end = re.compile("#*\s*END\s+PLOT\s+\w*")
plotkeys = {}
with open(datfile) as f:
inplot = False
name = None
for line in f:
l = line.strip()
if re_begin.match(l):
inplot = True
name = re_begin.match(l).group(1)
elif re_end.match(l):
inplot = False
name = None
elif re_comment.match(l):
elif inplot:
m = re_attr.match(l)
if m is None: continue
plotkeys.setdefault(name, {})[] =
return plotkeys
def mplinit(engine="MPL", font="TeX Gyre Pagella", fontsize=17, mfont=None, textfigs=True):
"""One-liner matplotlib (mpl) setup.
By default mpl will be configured with its native MathText rendering
backend, and a Palatino-like font for both text and math contexts, using
'lower-case numerals' if supported. Setting the engine to 'TEX' will use
standard mpl rendering, with calls to LaTeX for axis labels and other text;
setting it to 'PGF' will use the TeX PGF renderer: both these modes are much
slower than MPL mode, but the latter only supports a limited set of LaTeX
macros and does not render as nicely as the TeX backends.
The font and mfont optional arguments can be used to choose a different text
font and math font respectively; if mfont is None, it defaults to the same
as the text font. The textfigs boolean argument can be set false to disable
the lower-case/text/old-style numerals and use 'upper-case' numerals
everywhere. These options do not currently apply to the MPL rendering engine.
"text.usetex" : (engine != "MPL"),
"font.size" : int(fontsize),
"" : "serif", #< TODO: make configurable? auto-detect?
texpreamble = [r"\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}", r"\usepackage{mathspec}"]
mfont = mfont if mfont else font
fontopts = "[Numbers=OldStyle]" if textfigs else ""
mfontopts = fontopts.replace("]", ",") + "Scale=MatchUppercase" + "]"
texpreamble.append( r"\setmainfont{fopts}{{{font}}}".format(fopts=fontopts, font=font) )
texpreamble.append( r"\setmathsfont(Digits,Latin){fopts}{{{font}}}".format(fopts=mfontopts, font=mfont) )
- if engine == "PGF":
+ if engine.upper() == "PGF":
mpl.rcParams["pgf.preamble"] = texpreamble
- elif engine == "TEX":
- mpl.rcParams["tex.preamble"] = texpreamble
+ # TODO: Fix?
+ # elif engine.upper() == "TEX":
+ # mpl.rcParams["text.latex.preamble"] = texpreamble
return mpl
## Alias
initmpl = mplinit
setup_mpl = mplinit
def show():
Convenience call to
NOTE: done this way to avoid import of pyplot before mplinit()
or mpl.use() has been (optionally) called.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mk_figaxes_1d(ratio=True, title=None, figsize=(8,6)):
"Make a standard main+ratio plot figure and subplot layout"
## We need to use pyplot here to set up the backend-specific canvas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
#fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=figsize, tight_layout=True)
if title:
fig.suptitle(title, horizontalalignment="left", x=0.13)
## Make axes. GridSpec may not be available, in which case fall back ~gracefully
axmain, axratio = None, None
if ratio:
gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3,1], hspace=0)
axmain = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
axratio = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=axmain)
axratio.axhline(1.0, color="gray") #< Ratio = 1 marker line
sys.stderr.write("matplotlib.gridspec not available: falling back to plotting without a ratio\n")
ratio = False
if not ratio:
axmain = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
return fig, (axmain, axratio)
def set_axis_labels_1d(axmain, axratio, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, ratioylabel=None):
axmain.set_ylabel(ylabel, y=1, ha="right", labelpad=None)
if axratio:
axratio.set_xlabel(xlabel, x=1, ha="right", labelpad=None)
axmain.set_xlabel(xlabel, x=1, ha="right", labelpad=None)
def mk_lowcase_dict(d):
"Convert the keys of a str->obj dict to lower-case"
return dict((k.lower(), v) for (k,v) in d.items())
# TODO: Needs generalisation for 2D marginal axes)
def setup_axes_1d(axmain, axratio, **plotkeys):
## Case-insensitize the plotkeys dict
plotkeys = mk_lowcase_dict(plotkeys)
## Axis labels first
xlabel = plotkeys.get("xlabel", "")
ylabel = plotkeys.get("xlabel", "")
ratioylabel = plotkeys.get("ratioylabel", "ratio")
set_axis_labels_1d(axmain, axratio, xlabel, ylabel, ratioylabel)
## log/lin measures
# TODO: Dynamic default based on data ranges?
# TODO: take log axes and preference for round numbers into account in setting default axis limits
xmeasure = "log" if yoda.util.as_bool(plotkeys.get("logX", False)) else "linear"
ymeasure = "log" if yoda.util.as_bool(plotkeys.get("logY", False)) else "linear"
ratioymeasure = "log" if yoda.util.as_bool(plotkeys.get("ratiology", False)) else "linear"
if axratio:
## Plot range limits
if plotkeys.has_key("ymin"):
if plotkeys.has_key("ymax"):
if plotkeys.has_key("xmin"):
if plotkeys.has_key("xmax"):
if axratio:
# TODO: RatioSymmRange option
# axratio.set_xlim([xmin-0.001*xdiff, xmax+0.001*xdiff]) # <- TODO: bad on a log scale!
if plotkeys.has_key("xmin"):
if plotkeys.has_key("xmax"):
if plotkeys.has_key("ratioymin"):
if plotkeys.has_key("ratioymax"):
# TODO: Ratio plot manual ticks
def plot_hist_on_axes_1d(axmain, axratio, h, href=None, default_color="black", default_linestyle="-", **plotkeys):
## Case-insensitize the plotkeys dict
hkeys = mk_lowcase_dict(h.annotationsDict)
plotkeys = hkeys
# TODO: Split into different plot styles: line/filled/range, step/diag/smooth, ...?
## Styles
default_color = plotkeys.get("color", default_color)
marker = plotkeys.get("marker", plotkeys.get("polymarker", None)) # <- make-plots translation
marker = {"*":"o"}.get(marker, marker) # <- make-plots translation
mcolor = plotkeys.get("linecolor", default_color)
errbar = plotkeys.get("errorbars", None)
ecolor = plotkeys.get("errorbarscolor", default_color)
line = plotkeys.get("line", None)
lcolor = plotkeys.get("linecolor", default_color)
lstyle = plotkeys.get("linestyle", default_linestyle)
lstyle = {"solid":"-", "dashed":"--", "dotdashed":"-.", "dashdotted":"-.", "dotted":":"}.get(lstyle, lstyle) # <- make-plots translation
lwidth = 1.4
msize = 7
## If no drawing is enabled, default to a step line
if not any([marker, line, errbar]):
line = "step"
## MPL plotting
# TODO: Split this into different functions for each kind of data preparation (and smoothing as an extra function?)
# TODO: First convert h to scatter
artists = None
if errbar:
artists = axmain.errorbar(h.xVals(), h.yVals(), xerr=h.xErrs(), yerr=h.yErrs(), color=ecolor, linestyle="none", linewidth=lwidth, capthick=lwidth) # linestyle="-", marker="o",
if line == "step":
artists = axmain.step(np.append(h.xMins(), h.xMax), np.append(h.yVals(), h.yVals()[-1]), where="post", color=lcolor, linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth)
elif line == "diag":
artists = axmain.plot(h.xVals(), h.yVals(), color=lcolor, linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth)
elif line == "smooth":
from scipy.interpolate import spline
xnew = np.linspace(min(h.xVals()), max(h.xVals()), 3*h.numBins)
ynew = spline(h.xVals(), h.yVals(), xnew)
artists = axmain.plot(xnew, ynew, color=lcolor, linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth)
if marker:
artists = axmain.plot(h.xVals(), h.yVals(), marker=marker, markersize=msize, linestyle="none", color=mcolor, markeredgecolor=mcolor)
## Legend entry
if h.title and artists:
## Ratio
ratioartists = None
if href and h is not href:
# TODO: exclude and specify order via RatioIndex
# assert h.same_binning_as(href)
# TODO: log ratio or #sigma deviation
yratios = np.array(h.yVals())/np.array(href.yVals())
# TODO: Same styling control as for main plot (with Ratio prefix, default to main plot style)
## Stepped plot
ratioartists = axratio.step(np.append(href.xMins(), href.xMax), np.append(yratios, yratios[-1]), where="post", color=lcolor, linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth)
# TODO: Diag plot
# axratio.plot(href["x"], yratios, color="r", linestyle="--")
# TODO: Smoothed plot
return artists
def plot(hs, outfile=None, ratio=True, show=False, axmain=None, axratio=None, **plotkeys):
Plot the given histograms on a single figure, returning (fig, (main_axis,
ratio_axis)). Show to screen if the second arg is True, and saving to outfile
if it is otherwise non-null.
## Case-insensitize the plotkeys dict
plotkeys = mk_lowcase_dict(plotkeys)
## Handle single histo args
if isinstance(hs, yoda.AnalysisObject):
hs = [hs,]
ratio = False
## Get data ranges (calculated or forced)
xmin = float(plotkeys.get("xmin", min(h.xMin for h in hs)))
xmax = float(plotkeys.get("xmax", max(h.xMax for h in hs)))
xdiff = xmax - xmin
# print xmin, xmax, xdiff
# TODO: Tweak max-padding for top tick label... sensitive to log/lin measure
ymin = float(plotkeys.get("ymin", min(min(h.yVals()) for h in hs)))
ymax = float(plotkeys.get("ymax", 1.1*max(max(h.yVals()) for h in hs)))
ydiff = ymax - ymin
# print ymin, ymax, ydiff
## Identify reference histo by annotation (unless explicitly disabled)
href = None
# TODO: Use ratio to setdefault RatioPlot in plotkeys, then use that to decide whether to look for href
if ratio:
for h in hs:
hkeys = mk_lowcase_dict(h.annotationsDict)
if yoda.util.as_bool(hkeys.get("ratioref", False)):
if href is None:
href = h
#print "Multiple ratio references set: using first value = {}".format(href.path)
if href is None: #< no ref found -- maybe all were disabled?
ratio = False
## Make figure and subplot grid layout
title = plotkeys.get("title", "")
if not axmain:
fig, (axmain, axratio) = mk_figaxes_1d(ratio and not axratio, title)
fig = axmain.get_figure()
## Setup axes appearances
axmain.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
axmain.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
if axratio:
axratio.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
setup_axes_1d(axmain, axratio, **plotkeys)
# TODO: specify ratio display in log/lin, abs, or #sigma, and as x/r or (x-r)/r
## Draw ratio error band (do this before looping over cmp lines)
# TODO: Actually we can call this when we hit the href, and force the zorder into groups: bands, lines, dots, legend, text, frame
if axratio:
ref_ymax_ratios = np.array(href.yMaxs())/np.array(href.yVals())
ref_ymin_ratios = np.array(href.yMins())/np.array(href.yVals())
# TODO: Diag: (needs -> limit handling at ends)
# axratio.fill_between(href.x, ref_ymin_ratios, ref_ymax_ratios, edgecolor="none", facecolor=ratioerrcolor, interpolate=False)
# Stepped:
def xedges_dbl(h):
edges = np.empty((2*len(h.xVals()),))
edges[0::2] = h.xMins()
edges[1::2] = h.xMaxs()
return edges
def dbl_array(arr):
return sum(([x,x] for x in arr), [])
ratioerrcolor = plotkeys.get("ratioerrcolor", "yellow")
axratio.fill_between(xedges_dbl(href), dbl_array(ref_ymin_ratios), dbl_array(ref_ymax_ratios),
edgecolor="none", facecolor=ratioerrcolor)
# TODO: Smoothed: (needs -> limit handling at ends)
# Redraw ratio = 1 marker line:
axratio.axhline(1.0, color="gray")
COLORS = ["red", "blue", "magenta", "orange", "green"]
LSTYLES = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
## Dataset plotting
some_valid_label = False
for ih, h in enumerate(hs):
#print ih, h.path
aa = plot_hist_on_axes_1d(axmain, axratio, h, href, COLORS[ih % len(COLORS)], LSTYLES[ih % len(LSTYLES)])
if aa and not aa[0].get_label().startswith("_"):
# print "@@@", aa[0].get_label()
some_valid_label = True
## Legend
# TODO: allow excluding and specify order via LegendIndex
if some_valid_label: #< No point in writing a legend if there are no labels
pass #axmain.legend(loc=plotkeys.get("LegendPos", "best"), fontsize=plotkeys.get("LegendFontSize", "x-small"), frameon=False)
## Tweak layout now that everything is in place
# TODO: merge tight_layout() into the Figure constructor, and maybe the ratio ticker when retrospectively drawing the zorder'ed err band
if axratio:
axratio.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(4, prune="upper"))
## Save to an image file if we were asked to
if outfile:
#print "Saving to " + outfile
## Show to screen if requested
if show:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## Return the figure objects
return fig, (axmain, axratio)
## Aliases
plot_hists_1d = plot
plot_hist_1d = plot
def _plot1arg(args):
"Helper function for mplot, until Py >= 3.3 multiprocessing.pool.starmap() is available"
return plot(*args)
def nplot(hs, outfiles=None, ratio=True, show=False, nproc=1, **plotkeys):
Plot the given list of histogram(s), cf. many calls to plot().
hs must be an iterable, each entry of which will be the content of a single
plot: the entries can either be single histograms or lists of histograms,
i.e. either kind of valid first argument to plot().
Outfiles must be an iterable corresponding to hs, and ratio may either be a
bool or such an iterable.
The return value is a list of the return tuples from each call to plot(), of
the same length as the hs arg.
The main point of this function, other than convenience, is that the Python
multiprocessing module can be used to distribute the work on to multiple
parallel processes.
The nproc argument should be the integer number of parallel processes on
which to distribute the plotting. nproc = None (the default value) will use
Ncpu-1 or 1 process, whichever is larger. If nproc = 1, multiprocessing will
not be used -- this avoids overhead and eases debugging.
argslist = []
for i, hs_arg in enumerate(hs):
outfile_arg = outfiles[i] if outfiles else None
ratio_arg = ratio[i] if hasattr(ratio, "__iter__") else ratio
show_arg = False #< we just do this once, at the end
plotkeys_arg = plotkeys if type(plotkeys) is dict else plotkeys[i]
argslist.append( (hs_arg, outfile_arg, ratio_arg, show_arg, None, None, plotkeys_arg) )
#print argslist
# TODO: make the multiprocessing work
import multiprocessing
nproc = nproc or multiprocessing.cpu_count() or 1
if nproc > 1:
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nproc)
res = pool.map_async(_plot1arg, argslist)
rtn = res.get()
## Run this way in the 1 proc case for easier debugging
rtn = [_plot1arg(args) for args in argslist]
if show:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
return rtn

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 7:34 PM (1 d, 8 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(22 KB)

Event Timeline