//!< Get default process constants for pp processes
fastNLO::ScenarioConstants sc;
sc.ScenarioName = "fnlXYZ"; // no white spaces here!
sc.ScenarioDescription.push_back("test for nnlojet"); //< Description of the scenario
sc.PublicationUnits = 12; //< we are usually working in units of [pb]
// Dimensionality of binning
// also decides if SingleDifferentialBinning or DoubleDifferentialBinning is used
// 1: single-differential,
// 2: double-differential;
sc.DifferentialDimension = 1;
// Labels (symbol and unit) for the measurement dimensions (from outer to inner "loop"),
// e.g. "|y|" and "p_T [GeV]".
// This may also help to define the observables to be calculated in an automatized way!
// Specify:
// 0 : the cross section is NOT differential,
// i.e. there are two bin borders (but NO division (normalization) by bin width);
// 1 : the cross section is point-wise differential, i.e. only one point is given;
// 2 : the cross section is bin-wise differential, i.e. there are two bin borders and division by bin width
sc.CalculateBinSize = true; //< Calculate bin width from lower and upper bin boundaries
sc.BinSizeFactor = 1; //< Possibility to provide additional normalization factor, e.g. of 2 for bins in |y|
//sc.BinSize = ; //< If 'CalculateBinSize' is 'false' provide table with bin widths for normalization.
sc.ScaleDescriptionScale1 = "scale1"; //< "<pT_1,2>_[GeV]" # This defines the scale to be used (Note: The 1st scale should always be in units of [GeV]!)
sc.ScaleDescriptionScale2 = "scale2"; //< "pT_max_[GeV]" # Specify 2nd scale name and unit (ONLY for flexible-scale tables)
//DB: binning remains empty here and has to be set later.
// Observable binning Use either 'SingleDifferentialBinning' or
// 'DoubleDifferentialBinning' or 'TripleDifferentialBinning' in