THEPEG_DEFINE_ENVDEFAULT(ThePEG_GZREAD_FILE,GZREAD_FILE,gunzip -c,[The command which, taking the name of a gzipped file as argument, unzips it and prints it to stdout. Default is "gunzip -c"])
THEPEG_DEFINE_ENVDEFAULT(ThePEG_GZWRITE_FILE,GZWRITE_FILE,[gzip -c > ],[The command which, taking the name of a gzipped file as argument, reads stdin, zips it and writes it to the file. Default is "gzip -c > ".])
THEPEG_DEFINE_ENVDEFAULT(ThePEG_BZ2READ_FILE,BZ2READ_FILE,bunzip2 -c,[The command which, taking the name of a bzipped file as argument, unzips it and prints it to stdout. Default is "bunzip2 -c".])
THEPEG_DEFINE_ENVDEFAULT(ThePEG_BZ2WRITE_FILE,BZ2WRITE_FILE,[bzip2 -c > ],[The command which, taking the name of a bzipped file as argument, reads stdin, zips it and writes it to the file. Default is "bzip2 -c > ".])