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Index: trunk/RELEASE_NOTES
--- trunk/RELEASE_NOTES (revision 20)
+++ trunk/RELEASE_NOTES (revision 21)
@@ -1,116 +1,127 @@
Release notes for nuCraft
+2018-06-26, rev21, Marius Wallraff
+Minor changes:
+- Fixed the incompatibility of EarthModel's construction from file with Python
+ 3; to achieve this, the built-in function "file" was replaced by "open".
2017-01-09, rev20, Marius Wallraff
Minor changes:
- Bug fix in EarthModel's init method; setting custom Earth radii by providing
init arguments did not work as intended because of "==" instead of "=".
Thanks to Justin Lanfranchi for finding and reporting this.
- Minor improvements in the documentation.
- Removal of matplotlib "usetex" in the standalone example for improved compat-
ibility; had been removed already in CPC version.
2015-03-09, rev19, Marius Wallraff
Minor changes:
- Made detectorDepth and atmHeight more easily configurable by adding keyword
arguments with default values to the NuCraft class.
- Backported keyword argument numPrec to CalcWeightsLegacy method.
- Replaced the built-in eval function with ast.literal_eval for reading in
EarthModel files to eliminate security risks.
- Added text to the assertions and improved README, docstrings and comments;
cleaned up code.
- Improved the example script.
- Slightly adjusted ODE solver settings:
- Order was changed from 4 to 5, where 5 is the highest order that features
changes compared to lower orders; seldom requires less steps than before,
therefore a miniscule performance increase
- Removed min_steps and max_steps and increased nsteps; those parameters were/
are chosen not to be reached, anyway
2014-08-01, rev18, Marius Wallraff
Minor changes:
- Added a small README file in compliance with the Computer Physics
Communications Programm Library guidelines.
- Fixed a small error in an inline documentation string.
2014-06-16, rev17, Marius Wallraff
Minor changes:
- Added or improved various docstrings and brought them in line with Python's
recommended docstring conventions, PEP 257.
2014-05-20, rev16, Marius Wallraff
Minor changes:
- Cleaned up the example script.
- Removed useless output of one line of code for every warning.
- Made code compatible with Python 3 (tested Python 3.3.2 and scipy 0.12.0).
2014-02-06, rev14, Marius Wallraff
New feature:
- Added optional keyword argument numPrec to CalcWeights() to govern the
numerical precision with which the ZVODE ODE solver solves the Schroedinger
equation. The actual meaning of the parameter is the allowable upper limit
for the deviation of the sum of the oscillation probabilities from one, i.e.,
from the unitarity condition. An additional cross-check was implemented to
ensure the precision is met; if not, a warning is issued.
The new default value for numPrec is 5e-4 and gives slightly lower precision
then the old hard-coded default value 5e-5.
2013-11-05, rev13, Marius Wallraff
Major change:
- Switched from Geant-style particle IDs to the PDG Monte Carlo particle
numbering scheme (DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.86.010001, chapter 39) for known
flavors; sterile neutrinos are using the numbers +/- 81+ (reserved for MC
internal use), because PDG only reserved numbers for one additional
generation of fermions (7,8 for quarks, 17,18 for charged lepton and
This breaks backwards compatibility! Errors due the use of the old
convention will be raised as exceptions.
Conversion table for your convenience:
name: old --> new
nu_e 66 12
nu_e_bar 67 -12
nu_mu 68 14
nu_mu_bar 69 -14
nu_tau 133 16
nu_tau_bar 134 -16
nu_ster_i -2*i 80+i
nu_ster_i_bar -2*i-1 -80-i
2013-xx-xx, Marius Wallraff
older changes to be documented
Index: trunk/
--- trunk/ (revision 20)
+++ trunk/ (revision 21)
@@ -1,846 +1,846 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Main and only module of the nuCraft package that computes neutrino oscillation
probabilities for atmospheric neutrinos by directly solving the Schroedinger
It contains the main class NuCraft with its main method CalcWeights, as well as
the auxiliary class EarthModel.
For default usage, only CalcWeights and the NuCraft constructor are needed:
nC = NuCraft([1., 7.50e-5, 7.50e-5+2.32e-3], [(1,2,33.89),(1,3,9.12),(2,3,45.00)])
nC.CalcWeights([(type1, energy1, zenith1),(type2, energy2, zenith2),...])
For more information please see the docstrings of the respective classes and
methods, or check out the example script.
Copyright (c) 2013, Marius Wallraff (
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the RWTH Aachen University nor the
names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
NuCraft heavily relies on NumPy and SciPy. If you want to use nuCraft, you might
want to cite scipy (see and the publication related
to the ODE solver ZVODE,
NuCraft is shipped with a table of data points sampled from the Preliminary
Earth Reference Model PREM, see
Also, please cite our publication; a link and bibTeX entry will be added to this
file as soon as it is available.
from __future__ import print_function, division
from math import sqrt as ssqrt
from math import cos as scos
from math import fabs as fabs # more restrictive than abs() (in a good way)
from numpy import *
from scipy import interpolate, integrate
from scipy.stats import lognorm
from ast import literal_eval
import warnings
def CustomWarning(message, category, filename, lineno):
print("%s:%s: %s:%s" % (filename, lineno, category.__name__, message))
warnings.showwarning = CustomWarning
from os import path
set_printoptions(precision=5, linewidth=150)
class EarthModel:
Auxiliary class with informations regarding Earth matter properties
at a given distance from the center of the Earth, for use with nuCraft.
The class can be constructed from an entry of the included dictionary of models,
in which case the parameter 'name' should just be the name of the model, i.e.,
the key value of the dictionary entry; or it can be constructed from a file, in
which case 'name' should be the path to the profile file. An example profile
file is provided as EarthModelPrem.txt. Names in the dictionary have priority.
In both cases, values for the (relative) electron numbers y and for the radii
of mantle (including crust), outer and inner core that are given by the model
can be overwritten with keyword arguments:
y: tuple of electron numbers, (y_mantle, y_oCore, y_iCore), 0 <= y <= 1
rE: radius of the Earth in km
rOCore: radius of the outer core in km
rICore: radius of the inner core in km, 0 <= rICore <= rOCore <= rE
# models is a dictionary: name:(r values, rho values, y, rE, rOCore, rICore),
# where r are radii in km, rho the corresponding matter density values in kg/cm^3,
# y the tuple of electron numbers for mantle, outer and inner core, and the last
# three entries the corresponding radii (in km)
models = {"prem":
([0., 200., 400., 600., 800., 1000., 1200., 1221.5, 1221.5005, 1400.,
1600., 1800., 2000., 2200., 2400., 2600., 2800., 3000., 3200., 3400.,
3480., 3480.0005, 3600., 3630., 3630.0005, 3800., 4000., 4200., 4400.,
4600., 4800., 5000., 5200., 5400., 5600., 5600.0005, 5701., 5701.0005,
5771., 5771.0005, 5871., 5971., 5971.0005, 6061., 6151., 6151.0005,
6221., 6291., 6291.0005, 6346.6, 6346.6005, 6356., 6356.0005, 6368.,
6368.0005, 6371., 6371.0005, 8000.],
[13.08848, 13.07977, 13.05364, 13.01009, 12.94912, 12.87073, 12.77493,
12.76360, 12.16634, 12.06924, 11.94682, 11.80900, 11.65478, 11.48311,
11.29298, 11.08335, 10.85321, 10.60152, 10.32726, 10.02940, 9.90349,
5.56645, 5.50642, 5.49145, 5.49145, 5.40681, 5.30724, 5.20713,
5.10590, 5.00299, 4.89783, 4.78983, 4.67844, 4.56307, 4.44317,
4.44317, 4.38071, 3.99214, 3.97584, 3.97584, 3.84980, 3.72378,
3.54325, 3.48951, 3.43578, 3.35950, 3.36710, 3.37471, 3.37471,
3.38076, 2.90000, 2.90000, 2.60000, 2.60000, 1.02000, 1.02000,
0., 0.],
(0.4957, 0.4656, 0.4656),
def __init__(self, name, y=None, rE=None, rOCore=None, rICore=None): = name
if name in self.models:
# see doc for models above
model = self.models[name]
self.y = model[2]
self.rE = model[3]
self.rOCore = model[4]
self.rICore = model[5]
# x (radius r) and y (matter density rho) values of the Earth density profile
profX = model[0]
profY = model[1]
elif path.isfile(name):
- profFile = file(name, 'r')
+ profFile = open(name, 'r')
profLines = profFile.readlines()
# previous verions of nuCraft used the eval function which can be unsafe;
# there are no known security risks in ast.literal_eval, but the check for underscores
# in the file has been kept in place to warn the user of files that were possibly intended
# to exploit security holes of the eval function
for l in profLines:
if "_" in l:
raise Exception("Underscore detected in EarthModel file '%s'; possibly malicious code, see README!" % name)
self.y = literal_eval(profLines[1])
self.rE = literal_eval(profLines[2])
self.rOCore = literal_eval(profLines[3])
self.rICore = literal_eval(profLines[4])
profX = [float(prof.split()[0]) for prof in profLines[6:-1]]
profY = [float(prof.split()[1]) for prof in profLines[6:-1]]
raise NotImplementedError("The Earth model name '%s' can not be found!" % name)
assert len(profX) == len(profY), "Density profile must have exactly one density per radius."
self.profInt = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(profX, profY, k=1)
# self.mod indicates whether this is the profile indicated by its name, or if it has been modified
self.mod = False
if not y == None:
if not self.y == y:
self.mod = True
self.y = y
assert len(self.y) == 3 and logical_and(0 <= array(self.y), array(self.y) <= 1).all(), \
"Electron number tumple must be (y_mantle, y_oCore, y_iCore), with 0 <= y <= 1."
if not rE == None:
if not self.rE == rE:
self.mod = True
self.rE = rE
if not rOCore == None:
if not self.rOCore == rOCore:
self.mod = True
self.rOCore = rOCore
if not rICore == None:
if not self.rICore == rICore:
self.mod = True
self.rICore = rICore
assert 0. <= self.rICore <= self.rOCore <= self.rE, \
"Radii of Earth's inner and outer core and surface must be positive and monotonically increasing."
# compute induced mass potentials for three flavors of neutrinos; see SetDim() below
def SetDim(self, dim):
Set the number of neutrino flavors (self._dim) this instance should take into account.
The dimension of A depends on this quantity. The function also computes the
dim-dimensional A arrays.
Calling this manually should not be needed because it is called by nuCraft automatically.
assert isinstance(dim, int) and dim >= 3, "Dimension must be an integer larger than two."
self._dim = dim
# A and AxCore are constants of the squared mass potentials induced by matter
# effects, which still need to be multiplied by the neutrino energy, mass
# density, and by -1 if the particle is an anti-neutrino;
# the two versions take into account that the elementary composition of the
# inner and outer Earth cores is very different from that in the mantle, which
# is important because the relevant quantities are electron and neutron number
# densities instead of the mass densities given by the PREM profile
# A = sqrt(2) * G_F * rho / m_N * (2*Y_e,0,0,1-Y_e,...) * E_nu
# = sqrt(2)*1.16637e-5 / 0.939 * (2*Y_e,0,0,1-Y_e,...)
# * (1/1.783e-27)*(1.973e-15)**3 * rho/(kg/dm^3) * E/GeV * 1e18 * eV^2
self.A = array([15.256e-5*self.y[0], 0., 0.]+[7.6525e-5*(1-self.y[0])]*(dim-3))
self.AOCore = array([15.256e-5*self.y[1], 0., 0.]+[7.6525e-5*(1-self.y[1])]*(dim-3))
self.AICore = array([15.256e-5*self.y[2], 0., 0.]+[7.6525e-5*(1-self.y[2])]*(dim-3))
def __str__(self):
if self.mod:
return "EarthModel('%s', modified)" %
return "EarthModel('%s')" %
def __repr__(self):
# assumes that EarthModel was imported into the main namespace (i.e., from NuCraft...),
# like numpy repr do; do nc = eval("NuCraft."+repr(nc)) otherwise
return "EarthModel('%s', y=(%.17f, %.17f, %.17f), rE=%.17f, rOCore=%.17f, rICore=%.17f)" \
% (, self.y[0], self.y[1], self.y[2], self.rE, self.rOCore, self.rICore)
class NuCraft:
Main class that calculates atmospheric neutrino oscillation probabilities
by directly solving the Schroedinger equation. It includes matter effects (using the
PREM Earth density profile, modified for neutron abundance in the core), and supports
an arbitrary number of neutrino "flavors". The first flavor is interpreted as electron
neutrinos, the next two as non-electron non-sterile neutrinos, and all other flavors
as sterile neutrinos; to modify this, edit self.A and self.ACore.
An instance of the class is created by calling NuCraft(deltaMi1List, angleList),
where deltaMi1List is a list like described in ConstructMassMatrix, and angleList like
described in ConstructMixingMatrix. The constructor also accepts keyword arguments that
can be used to change default values:
earthModel: an instance of EarthModel class for the computation of matter effects
detectorDepth: depth of the detector relative to the surface of the Earth in km (>= 0)
atmHeight: height of the atmosphere relative to the surface of the Earth in km,
only used for atmMode 0 (see CalcWeights documentation)
The last two can also be changed after initialization by modifying self.detectorDepth
(default 2. km) and self.atmHeight (default 20. km).
The recommended method to calculate the oscillation probabilites is CalcWeights;
it solves the Schroedinger equation in the interaction basis (i.e., where vacuum
oscillations are flat), and it supports proper handling of the Earth's atmosphere,
which is enabled by default (atmMode 3; see docstring).
The other method CalcWeightsLegacy solves the Schroedinger equation in the flavor basis;
it is mostly kept for comparability, as it is much slower and less precise for
most problems. It can be suitable for high-energy sterile neutrino problems, where
vacuum oscillations are reeaaally slow. Its handling of the Earth's atmosphere is
very basic (atmMode == 0 of the other method).
The code should NEVER throw warnings like "excess work done"; if it does, adjust the
ODE solver parameters as specified in the warning, or contact the author.
Seldom warnings saying "the computed unitarity does not meet the specified precision"
are unproblematic if the inequalities thereafter are not off by much (e.g., 50%).
def __init__(self, deltaMi1List, angleList, earthModel=EarthModel("prem"),
detectorDepth=2., atmHeight=20.):
if len(deltaMi1List) == 2 and len(angleList) == 1 and angleList[0][1] == 2:
deltaMi1List = list(deltaMi1List)
angleList = list(angleList)
# mainly used for __repr__, do not modify in instances ("private")
self._deltaMi1List = deltaMi1List
self._angleList = angleList
self.M = self.ConstructMassMatrix(deltaMi1List)
self.U = self.ConstructMixingMatrix(angleList)
dim = len(self.M)
assert self.M.shape == self.U.shape == eye(dim).shape, "Shape mismatch between M and U."
if isinstance(earthModel, EarthModel):
self.earthModel = earthModel
raise ValueError("The provided earth model '%s' is not of the EarthModel class." % earthModel)
# tuple entry 0 is 1 for particles and -1 for antiparticles; it became redundant because of the
# transition from Geant-style particle IDs to PDG-style particle IDs, where IDs < 0 signify
# antiparticles; kept it because of readability
self.mcTypeDict = {}
self.mcTypeDict[ 12] = ( 1, array([1.] +[0.j]*(dim-1))) # NuE
self.mcTypeDict[-12] = (-1, array([1.] +[0.j]*(dim-1))) # NuEBar
self.mcTypeDict[ 14] = ( 1, array([0.j,1.] +[0.j]*(dim-2))) # NuMu
self.mcTypeDict[-14] = (-1, array([0.j,1.] +[0.j]*(dim-2))) # NuMuBar
self.mcTypeDict[ 16] = ( 1, array([0.j,0.j,1.]+[0.j]*(dim-3))) # NuTau
self.mcTypeDict[-16] = (-1, array([0.j,0.j,1.]+[0.j]*(dim-3))) # NuTauBar
for i in range(1,dim-2):
self.mcTypeDict[ 80+i] = ( 1, array([0.j]*(2+i)+[1.]+[0.j]*(dim-3-i))) # NuSterile_i
self.mcTypeDict[-80-i] = (-1, array([0.j]*(2+i)+[1.]+[0.j]*(dim-3-i))) # NuSterileBar_i
# depth of the (center of the) detector below the surface of the Earth sphere, in km
self.detectorDepth = detectorDepth
if detectorDepth < 0:
warnings.warn("detectorDepth was set to a value smaller 0; your detector is %.3f km above ground!"
% abs(detectorDepth))
# extension of the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth sphere, in km; ignored in default
# atmosphere handling mode (uses Gaisser/Stanev model instead, see InteractionAlt method below)
self.atmHeight = atmHeight
def __repr__(self):
# assumes that nuCraft was imported into the main namespace (i.e., from NuCraft...),
# like numpy repr do; do nc = eval("NuCraft."+repr(nc)) otherwise;
# availability of the class EarthModel is essential
if ( (self.M == self.ConstructMassMatrix(self._deltaMi1List)).all()
and (self.U == self.ConstructMixingMatrix(self._angleList)).all()):
return "NuCraft(%s, %s, earthModel=%s)" % (self._deltaMi1List, self._angleList, repr(self.earthModel))
return "NuCraft(%s, %s, mod)" % (self._deltaMi1List, self._angleList)
def __str__(self):
return "nuCraft(n=%d)" % len(self.M)
def ConstructMassMatrix(self, parList):
Construct and return a squared-mass matrix out of the input list;
the first parameter is the mass of mass state 1, the following parameters are
the correctly ordered squared mass differences of the other states to state 1,
all given in units of eV or eV^2, respectively, i.e.,
parList[i] = m_i^2 - m_1^2 for i > 0; e.g.,
parList = [1., 7.50e-5, 7.50e-5+2.32e-3]
# ensure that all masses are positive
assert -parList[0]**2 <= min(parList[1:]), "All masses have to be positive!"
return diag([parList[0]**2] + [parList[0]**2 + m for m in parList[1:]])
def ConstructMixingMatrix(self, parList):
Construct and return a mixing matrix out of the input list;
the list should consist of tuples of the format (i,j,theta_ij), i<j, with theta
in degrees, and the mixing matrix will be constructed in reverse order, e.g.:
parList = [(1,2,33.89),(1,3,9.12),(2,3,45.00)]
=> U = R_23 . R_13 . R_12
For CP-violating factors, use tuples like (i,j,theta_ij,delta_ij),
with delta_ij in degrees.
dim = max([par[1] for par in parList])
def RotMat(dim, i, j, ang, cp): # actually not rotation matrices, but Gell-Mann-generated matrices
if not i < j <= dim:
raise Exception("Missconstructed rotation matrix: "+repr(dim)+", "+repr(i)+", "+repr(j)+", "+repr(ang))
if cp == 0:
R = eye(dim)
R[i,j] = sin(ang)
R[j,i] = -sin(ang)
R = eye(dim, dtype='complex128')
R[i,j] = sin(ang) * exp(-1j*cp)
R[j,i] = -sin(ang) * exp(1j*cp)
R[i,i] = R[j,j] = cos(ang)
return R
degToRad = pi/180.
U = eye(dim)
for par in parList:
if len(par)>3:
U = dot(RotMat(dim,par[0]-1,par[1]-1,par[2]*degToRad,par[3]*degToRad), U)
U = dot(RotMat(dim,par[0]-1,par[1]-1,par[2]*degToRad,0), U)
return U
def InteractionAlt(self, mcType, mcEn, mcZen, mode):
Return a list of weight-altitude tuples for atmospheric propagation.
Helper method; depending on mode, returns a list of one or more tuples of
weights and altitudes in which the neutrinos should start to be propagated.
The weights have to add up to one.
mode 0:
returns self.earthModel.rE + self.atmHeight with weight 1., which means that the
interaction is expected to happen at a fixed hight (default 20 km) above ground level
mode 1:
samples a single altitude from a parametrization to the atmospheric interaction
model presented in "Path length distributions of atmospheric neutrinos",
Gaisser and Stanev, PhysRevD.57.1977
mode 2 and mode 3:
returns eight equally probable altitudes from the whole range of values allowed
by the parametrization also used in mode 1
The interaction height distributions in the paper quoted above are only given
implicitely as differential equations without closed-form solutions.
The parametrization was obtained by solving those equations numerically at a fixed
energy of 2 GeV, as the energy depedence is weak and 2 GeV is the energy where
oscillation effects start to become significant at the horizon, where the relative
impact of the atmosphere is large. These numerical solutions were then parameterized
by log-normal distributions as described in the nuCraft publication.
As the equations in the paper are only given for six discrete zenith angles down to
cos(zen) = 0.05, the solutions had to be inter- and extrapolated to other zenith
angles. The interpolation was done by fitting the two parameters mu and sigma of the
log-normal distributions as function of cos(zen), using a polynomial for mu and and
a power function plus linear polynomial for sigma.
The extrapolation was done by adding a cubically suppressed constant term to cos(zen)
(see formula below), such that cos(zen) never falls below 0.05, thereby possibly
underestimating the path length for very horizontal events, but achieving a realistic
smooth transition between particles above and below the horizon.
if mode == 0:
return [(1., self.earthModel.rE + self.atmHeight)]
# extrapolation formula described above:
# get the cosine of the zenith angle, and compensate for not having a parametrization
# for the effective zenith angle (i.e., the zenith angle relative to the Earth's curvature
# averaged through the atmosphere) at cos(zen) < 0.05; 0.000125 == 0.05**3
cosZen = (fabs(scos(mcZen))**3 + 0.000125)**0.333333333
# interpolation part described above, with numbers gained from the parametrizations
if mcType in (12, -12): # electron neutrinos, mostly from muon decay
mu = 1.285e-9*(cosZen-4.677)**14. + 2.581
sigma = 0.6048*cosZen**0.7667 - 0.5308*cosZen + 0.1823
else: # muon neutrinos, from muon and pion/kaon decay
mu = 1.546e-9*(cosZen-4.618)**14. + 2.553
sigma = 1.729*cosZen**0.8938 - 1.634*cosZen + 0.1844
# log-normal distribution, shifted 12 km upwards as required by the parametrization
logn = lognorm(sigma, scale=2*exp(mu), loc=-12)
if mode == 1:
# draw a random non-negative production height from the parametrization
z = logn.rvs()*cosZen
while z < 0:
z = logn.rvs()*cosZen
return [(1., z+self.earthModel.rE)]
elif mode in [2, 3]:
# get eight equally probable altitudes, using the cumulative distribution
cdf0 = logn.cdf(0)
# the array contains the central values of the partition of [0,1] into eight equally-sized
# intervals, in ascending order
qList = cdf0 + array([0.0625,0.1875,0.3125,0.4375,0.5625,0.6875,0.8125,0.9375])*(1.-cdf0)
return list(zip(ones(8)/8., logn.ppf(qList)*cosZen + self.earthModel.rE))
raise NotImplementedError("Unrecognized mode for neutrino interaction height estimation!")
def CalcWeights(self, inList, vacuum=False, atmMode=3, numPrec=5e-4):
Calculate neutrino oscillation probabilities in the interaction basis.
inList may be provided in three formats:
1 - as a tuple of three lists: mcType, neutrino energy and zenith angle,
i.e., ([type1, type2, ...],[energy1, energy2, ...],[zenith1, zenith2, ...])
2 - as a list of tuples (mcType, neutrinoEnergy, zenith angle),
i.e., [(type1, energy1, zenith1),(type2, energy2, zenith2),...]
3 - a list of particles of a customizable format:
from collections import namedtuple
SimPart = namedtuple("SimPart", (..., "zenMC", "eMC", "mcType", "oscProb", ...))
part = SimPart(..., zenith, energy, mctype, -1., ...)
mcType uses PDG conventions:
NuE: mcType = 12
NuEBar: mcType = -12
NuMu: mcType = 14
NuMuBar: mcType = -14
NuTau: mcType = 16
NuTauBar: mcType = -16
NuSterile_i: mcType = 80+i i = 1,2,3...
NuSterileBar_i: mcType = -80-i
energy is expected in units of GeV, zenith angles in radian
return format:
in input format cases 1 and 2, the return format is a list of [P_E, P_Mu, P_Tau, ...];
in case 3, the list of particles is returned with updated oscProb fields
atmMode controls the handling of the atmospheric interaction altitude:
0 assumes a fixed height of self.atmHeight (20 km by default)
1 draws a single altitude from a parametrization described in the InteractionAlt method
2 calculates the average for eight altitudes distributed over the whole range according
to the same parametrization as in mode 1; this is SLOW and only meant for debugging
3 uses the same altitudes as mode 2, but only propagates the lowest-altitude neutrino
and adds the remaining lengths as vacuum oscillations afterwards; this is pretty fast
and used by default
numPrec governs the numerical precision with which the Schroedinger equation is solved;
the unitarity condition (i.e., the fact that the sum of the resulting probabilities
should be 1.) is used as a simple cross-check, a warning is issued if the deviation from
1. is larger than numPrec.
# for the input format checks, assume that inList is homogeneous
assert type(vacuum) is bool, "Argument vacuum has to be a Boolean."
assert atmMode in range(4), "Only atmModes 0, 1, 2, and 3 are supported."
partMode = False
if not len(inList): # empty input
return []
elif type(inList) is tuple and not type(inList[0]) is tuple: # input case 1
assert len(inList[0]) == len(inList[1]) == len(inList[2]), \
"The lists for type, energy and zenith have to be of the same length!"
inList = zip(*inList)
elif not type(inList) is tuple and type(inList[0]) is tuple: # input case 2
assert len(inList[0]) == 3, \
"Input tuples need to have three attributes: type, energy, and zenith angle."
elif type(inList[0]).__base__ is tuple: # input case 3
if not set(("zenMC", "eMC", "mcType", "oscProb")).issubset(inList[0]._fields):
raise Exception("NamedTuple in inList does not have the required fields!")
except AttributeError:
raise NotImplementedError("Format of the input inList is not supported!")
partMode = True
raise NotImplementedError("Wrong input format!")
VAC = dot(self.U, dot(self.M, conj(self.U).T))
(svdVAC0n, svdVAC1, svdVAC2n) = linalg.svd(VAC)
svdVAC0n = array(svdVAC0n, order='C')
svdVAC2n = array(svdVAC2n, order='C') # svd returns fortran-ordered arrays
svdVAC0a = conj(svdVAC0n)
svdVAC2a = conj(svdVAC2n)
# caching of some quantities that will be used often later on
rE = self.earthModel.rE
rOCore = self.earthModel.rOCore
rICore = self.earthModel.rICore
rDet = self.earthModel.rE - self.detectorDepth
profInt = self.earthModel.profInt # matter density profile interpolation
global lCache
global aMSW
global modVAC
lCache = pi
def calcProb(inTuple):
Calculate the oscillation probabilities of an individual nu.
The constant -2.533866j that appears throughout this function is -2*j*1.266933,
where j is the imaginary unit and the other factor is GeV*fm/(4*hbar*c), which
is the factor required to transition from natural units to SI units.
It is hard-coded as it is not a free parameter and will never change.
# python 3 does not support tuple parameter unpacking anymore
mcType, mcEn, mcZen = inTuple
def dscM(l, en, zen):
Update the MSW-induced mass-squared matrix aMSW with the current density,
and update the state-transition matrix modVAC to the current time/position.
global lCache, aMSW, modVAC
# if l did not change, the update is unnecessary
if l == lCache:
# modVAC is the time-dependent state-transition matrix that brings a state
# vector to the interaction basis, i.e., to the basis where the vacuum
# oscillations are flat; see calcProb docstring for magic-number explanation
if isAnti:
modVAC = dot(svdVAC0a * exp(-2.533866j/en*svdVAC1*(L-l)), svdVAC2a)
modVAC = dot(svdVAC0n * exp(-2.533866j/en*svdVAC1*(L-l)), svdVAC2n)
# <==> modVAC = dot(dot(svdVAC0, diag(exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*(L-l)))), svdVAC2)
# distance from the center of Earth
r = ssqrt( l*l + rDet*rDet - 2*l*rDet*scos(pi - zen) )
if r <= rICore:
aMSW = aMSWWoRhoICore * profInt(r)
elif r <= rOCore:
aMSW = aMSWWoRhoOCore * profInt(r)
aMSW = aMSWWoRho * profInt(r)
lCache = l
def f(l, psi, en, zen):
dscM(l, en, zen)
return -2.533866j/en * dot(modVAC, aMSW*dot(psi, conj(modVAC)))
# <==> return -2.533866j/en * dot(modVAC, dot(diag(aMSW), dot(conj(modVAC).T, psi)))
def jac(l, psi, en, zen):
dscM(l, en, zen)
return -2.533866j/en * dot(modVAC*aMSW, conj(modVAC).T)
# <==> return -2.533866j/en * dot(dot(modVAC, diag(aMSW)), conj(modVAC).T)
mcType = self.mcTypeDict[mcType]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("The mcType %d is not known to nuCraft!" % mcType)
isAnti = mcType[0] == -1
# inefficient performance-wise, but nicer code, and vacuum is fast enough anyway
if vacuum:
aMSWWoRho = zeros_like(self.earthModel.A)
aMSWWoRhoOCore = aMSWWoRho
aMSWWoRhoICore = aMSWWoRho
aMSWWoRho = mcType[0] * self.earthModel.A * mcEn
aMSWWoRhoOCore = mcType[0] * self.earthModel.AOCore * mcEn
aMSWWoRhoICore = mcType[0] * self.earthModel.AICore * mcEn
# depending on the mode, get a list of interaction altitude tuples, see method doc string;
# the first number of the tuples is the weight, the second the distance of the interaction
# point to the center of the Earth; the weights have to add up to 1.
if atmMode == 3:
# first get the tuples and propagate only the lowest-altitude neutrino:
rAtmTuples = self.InteractionAlt(mcType, mcEn, mcZen, 2)
rAtm = rAtmTuples[0][1]
L = ssqrt( rAtm*rAtm + rDet*rDet - 2*rAtm*rDet*scos( mcZen - arcsin(sin(pi-mcZen)/rAtm*rDet) ) )
dscM(L, mcEn, mcZen)
solver = integrate.ode(f, jac).set_integrator('zvode', method='adams', order=5, with_jacobian=True,
nsteps=1200000, atol=numPrec*2e-3, rtol=numPrec*2e-3)
solver.set_initial_value(dot(modVAC, mcType[1]), L).set_f_params(mcEn, mcZen).set_jac_params(mcEn, mcZen)
if isAnti:
endVAC = dot(svdVAC0a * exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L), svdVAC2a)
endVAC = dot(svdVAC0n * exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L), svdVAC2n)
# <==> endVAC = dot(dot(svdVAC0, diag(exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L))), svdVAC2)
results = [rAtmTuples[0][0] * square(absolute( dot(conj(endVAC).T, solver.y) ))]
# now for all the other neutrinos, add the missing lengths as vacuum oscillations
# at the end of the track; keep in mind that atmosphere is always handled as vacuum
for rAtmWeight, rAtm in rAtmTuples[1:]:
L = ssqrt( rAtm*rAtm + rDet*rDet - 2*rAtm*rDet*scos( mcZen - arcsin(sin(pi-mcZen)/rAtm*rDet) ) )
if isAnti:
endVAC = dot(svdVAC0a * exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L), svdVAC2a)
endVAC = dot(svdVAC0n * exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L), svdVAC2n)
results.append( rAtmWeight * square(absolute( dot(conj(endVAC).T, solver.y) )) )
# in this case, just stupidly propagate every neutrino in the list...
results = []
for rAtmWeight, rAtm in self.InteractionAlt(mcType, mcEn, mcZen, atmMode):
L = ssqrt( rAtm*rAtm + rDet*rDet - 2*rAtm*rDet*scos( mcZen - arcsin(sin(pi-mcZen)/rAtm*rDet) ) )
dscM(L, mcEn, mcZen)
solver = integrate.ode(f, jac).set_integrator('zvode', method='adams', order=5, with_jacobian=True,
nsteps=1200000, atol=numPrec*2e-3, rtol=numPrec*2e-3)
solver.set_initial_value(dot(modVAC, mcType[1]), L).set_f_params(mcEn, mcZen).set_jac_params(mcEn, mcZen)
if isAnti:
endVAC = dot(svdVAC0a * exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L), svdVAC2a)
endVAC = dot(svdVAC0n * exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L), svdVAC2n)
# <==> endVAC = dot(dot(svdVAC0, diag(exp(-2.533866j/mcEn*svdVAC1*L))), svdVAC2)
results.append( rAtmWeight * square(absolute( dot(conj(endVAC).T, solver.y) )) )
if not solver.successful():
raise ArithmeticError("ODE solver was not successful, check for warnings about 'excess work done'!")
prob = sum(results, 0)
if abs(1-sum(prob)) > numPrec:
warnings.warn("The computed unitarity does not meet the specified precision: %.2e > %.2e" % (abs(1-sum(prob)), numPrec))
return prob
if partMode:
# return the list of input particles with updated oscProb fields
return [p._replace(oscProb=calcProb((p.mcType, p.eMC, p.zenMC))) for p in inList]
# return a list with one oscillation probability array per input tuple
return [calcProb(t) for t in inList]
def CalcWeightsLegacy(self, inList, vacuum=False, numPrec=5e-3):
Calculate neutrino oscillation probabilities in the flavor basis.
Legacy mode, solves the Schroedinger equation in the flavor basis; better
use CalcWeights, unless you know what you are doing.
inList may be provided in three formats:
1 - as a tuple of three lists: mcType, neutrino energy and zenith angle,
i.e., ([type1, type2, ...],[energy1, energy2, ...],[zenith1, zenith2, ...])
2 - as a list of tuples (mcType, neutrinoEnergy, zenith angle),
i.e., [(type1, energy1, zenith1),(type2, energy2, zenith2),...]
3 - a list of particles of a customizable format
from collections import namedtuple
SimPart = namedtuple("SimPart", (..., "zenMC", "eMC", "mcType", "oscProb", ...))
part = SimPart(..., zenith, energy, mctype, -1., ...)
mcType uses PDG conventions:
NuE: mcType = 12
NuEBar: mcType = -12
NuMu: mcType = 14
NuMuBar: mcType = -14
NuTau: mcType = 16
NuTauBar: mcType = -16
NuSterile_i: mcType = 80+i i = 1,2,3...
NuSterileBar_i: mcType = -80-i
energy is expected in units of GeV, zenith angles in radian
return format:
in input format cases 1 and 2, the return format is a list of [P_E, P_Mu, P_Tau, ...];
in case 3, the list of particles is returned with updated oscProb fields
numPrec governs the numerical precision with which the Schroedinger equation is solved;
the unitarity condition (i.e., the fact that the sum of the resulting probabilities
should be 1.) is used as a simple cross-check, a warning is issued if the deviation from
1. is larger than numPrec.
Does not properly take into account the atmosphere (only atmMode 0 is available).
warnings.warn("Legacy mode methods are often slower and less precise, use at your own risk")
# for the input format checks, assume that inList is homogeneous
assert type(vacuum) is bool, "Argument vacuum has to be a Boolean."
partMode = False
if not len(inList): # empty input
return []
elif type(inList) is tuple and not type(inList[0]) is tuple: # input case 1
assert len(inList[0]) == len(inList[1]) == len(inList[2]), \
"The lists for type, energy and zenith have to be of the same length!"
inList = zip(*inList)
elif not type(inList) is tuple and type(inList[0]) is tuple: # input case 2
assert len(inList[0]) == 3, \
"Input tuples need to have three attributes: type, energy, and zenith angle."
elif type(inList[0]).__base__ is tuple: # input case 3
if not set(("zenMC", "eMC", "mcType", "oscProb")).issubset(inList[0]._fields):
raise Exception("NamedTuple in inList does not have the required fields!")
except AttributeError:
raise NotImplementedError("Format of the input inList is not supported!")
partMode = True
raise NotImplementedError("Wrong input format!")
VACn = dot(self.U, dot(self.M, conj(self.U).T))
VACa = conj(VACn)
# radius of the Earth, radius to the center of the detector,
# and radius including the atmosphere, all in units of km
rE = self.earthModel.rE
rDet = self.earthModel.rE - self.detectorDepth
rAtm = self.earthModel.rE + self.atmHeight
global lCache
global aMSW
lCache = pi
def calcProb(inTuple):
Calculate the oscillation probabilities of an individual nu.
The constant -2.533866j that appears throughout this function is -j*1.266933,
where j is the imaginary unit and the other factor is GeV*fm/(4*hbar*c), which
is the factor required to transition from natural units to SI units.
It is hard-coded as it is not a free parameter and will never change.
# python 3 does not support tuple parameter unpacking anymore
mcType, mcEn, mcZen = inTuple
def dscM(l, zen):
Update the MSW-induced mass-squared matrix aMSW with the current density.
global lCache, aMSW
# if l did not change, the update is unnecessary
if l == lCache:
# distance from the center of Earth
r = ssqrt( l*l + rDet*rDet - 2*l*rDet*scos(pi - zen) )
if r <= self.earthModel.rICore:
aMSW = aMSWWoRhoICore * self.earthModel.profInt(r)
elif r <= self.earthModel.rOCore:
aMSW = aMSWWoRhoOCore * self.earthModel.profInt(r)
aMSW = aMSWWoRho * self.earthModel.profInt(r)
lCache = l
def f(l, psi, en, zen):
dscM(l, zen)
# see calcProb docstring for magic-number explanation
if isAnti:
return -2.533866j/en * dot((VACa + aMSW), psi)
return -2.533866j/en * dot((VACn + aMSW), psi)
def jac(l, psi, en, zen):
dscM(l, zen)
if isAnti:
return -2.533866j/en * (VACa + aMSW)
return -2.533866j/en * (VACn + aMSW)
mcType = self.mcTypeDict[mcType]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("The mcType %d is not known to nuCraft!" % mcType)
isAnti = mcType[0] == -1
# inefficient performance-wise, but nicer code, and vacuum is fast enough anyway
if vacuum:
aMSWWoRho = diag(zeros_like(self.earthModel.A))
aMSWWoRhoOCore = aMSWWoRho
aMSWWoRhoICore = aMSWWoRho
aMSWWoRho = diag(mcType[0] * self.earthModel.A * mcEn)
aMSWWoRhoOCore = diag(mcType[0] * self.earthModel.AOCore * mcEn)
aMSWWoRhoICore = diag(mcType[0] * self.earthModel.AICore * mcEn)
L = ssqrt( rAtm*rAtm + rDet*rDet - 2*rAtm*rDet*scos( mcZen - arcsin(sin(pi-mcZen)/rAtm*rDet) ) )
dscM(L, mcZen)
solver = integrate.ode(f, jac).set_integrator('zvode', method='adams', order=5, with_jacobian=True,
nsteps=12000000, atol=numPrec*2e-2, rtol=numPrec*2e-2)
solver.set_initial_value(mcType[1], L).set_f_params(mcEn, mcZen).set_jac_params(mcEn, mcZen)
if not solver.successful():
raise ArithmeticError("ODE solver was not successful, check for warnings about 'excess work done'!")
prob = square(absolute(solver.y))
if abs(1-sum(prob)) > numPrec:
warnings.warn("The computed unitarity does not meet the specified precision: %.2e > %.2e" % (abs(1-sum(prob)), numPrec))
return prob
if partMode:
# return the list of input particles with updated oscProb fields
return [p._replace(oscProb=calcProb((p.mcType, p.eMC, p.zenMC))) for p in inList]
# return a list with one oscillation probability array per input tuple
return [calcProb(t) for t in inList]
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Tue, Nov 19, 4:06 PM (1 d, 12 h)
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