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diff --git a/inc/LauKMatrixPropagator.hh b/inc/LauKMatrixPropagator.hh
index a38c18c..465306b 100644
--- a/inc/LauKMatrixPropagator.hh
+++ b/inc/LauKMatrixPropagator.hh
@@ -1,485 +1,486 @@
// Copyright University of Warwick 2008 - 2013.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Authors:
// Thomas Latham
// John Back
// Paul Harrison
/*! \file LauKMatrixPropagator.hh
\brief File containing declaration of LauKMatrixPropagator class.
/*! \class LauKMatrixPropagator
\brief Class for defining a K-matrix propagator.
Class used to define a K-matrix propagator.
See the following papers for info:
hep-ph/0204328, hep-ex/0312040, [hep-ex]0804.2089 and hep-ph/9705401.
#include "LauComplex.hh"
#include "LauKinematics.hh"
#include "LauParameter.hh"
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class LauKMatrixPropagator {
//! Constructor
\param [in] name name of the propagator
\param [in] paramFileName the parameter file name
\param [in] resPairAmpInt the number of the daughter not produced by the resonance
\param [in] nChannels the number of channels
\param [in] nPoles the number of poles
\param [in] rowIndex this specifies which row of the propagator should be used when summing over the amplitude channels
LauKMatrixPropagator(const TString& name, const TString& paramFileName,
Int_t resPairAmpInt, Int_t nChannels, Int_t nPoles,
Int_t rowIndex = 1);
//! Destructor
virtual ~LauKMatrixPropagator();
//! Calculate the invariant mass squared s
\param [in] kinematics the kinematics of the current event
void updatePropagator(const LauKinematics* kinematics);
//! Calculate the K-matrix propagator for the given s value
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void updatePropagator(Double_t s);
//! Read an input file to set parameters
\param [in] inputFile name of the input file
void setParameters(const TString& inputFile);
//! Get the scattering K matrix
\return the real, symmetric scattering K matrix
TMatrixD getKMatrix() const {return ScattKMatrix_;}
//! Get the real part of the propagator full matrix
\return the real part of the propagator full matrix
TMatrixD getRealPropMatrix() const {return realProp_;}
//! Get the negative imaginary part of the full propagator matrix
\return the negative imaginary part of the full propagator matrix
TMatrixD getNegImagPropMatrix() const {return negImagProp_;}
//! Get the real part of the term of the propagator
\param [in] channelIndex the channel number
\return the real part of the propagator term
Double_t getRealPropTerm(Int_t channelIndex) const;
//! Get the imaginary part of the term of the propagator
\param [in] channelIndex the channel number
\return the imaginiary part of the propagator term
Double_t getImagPropTerm(Int_t channelIndex) const;
//! Get the 1/(m_pole^2 -s) terms for the scattering and production K-matrix formulae
\param [in] poleIndex the number of the pole required
\return the value of 1/(m_pole^2 -s)
Double_t getPoleDenomTerm(Int_t poleIndex) const;
//! Get coupling constants that were loaded from the input file
\param [in] poleIndex number of the required pole
\param [in] channelIndex number of the required channel
\return the value of the coupling constant
Double_t getCouplingConstant(Int_t poleIndex, Int_t channelIndex) const;
//! Get scattering constants that were loaded from the input file
\param [in] channel1Index number of the first channel index
- \param [in] channelIndex number of the second channel index
+ \param [in] channel2Index number of the second channel index
\return the value of the scattering constant
Double_t getScatteringConstant(Int_t channel1Index, Int_t channel2Index) const;
//! Get the "slowly-varying part" term of the amplitude
\return the svp term
Double_t getProdSVPTerm() const {return prodSVP_;}
//! Get the full complex propagator term for a given channel
\param [in] channelIndex the number of the required channel
\return the complex propagator term
LauComplex getPropTerm(Int_t channelIndex) const;
//! Get the DP axis identifier
/return the value to identify the DP axis in question
Int_t getResPairAmpInt() const {return resPairAmpInt_;}
//! Get the number of channels
/return the number of channels
Int_t getNChannels() const {return nChannels_;}
//! Get the number of poles
/return the number of poles
Int_t getNPoles() const {return nPoles_;}
//! Get the propagator name
/return the name of the propagator
TString getName() const {return name_;}
//! Get the unitary transition amplitude for the given channel
\param [in] s The invariant mass squared
\param [in] channel The index number of the channel process
\return the complex amplitude T
LauComplex getTransitionAmp(Double_t s, Int_t channel);
//! Get the complex phase space term for the given channel and invariant mass squared
\param [in] s The invariant mass squared
\param [in] channel The index number of the channel process
\return the complex phase space term rho(channel, channel)
LauComplex getPhaseSpaceTerm(Double_t s, Int_t channel);
//! Get the Adler zero factor, which is set when updatePropagator is called
\return the Adler zero factor
Double_t getAdlerZero() const {return adlerZeroFactor_;}
//! Get the THat amplitude for the given s and channel number
\param [in] s The invariant mass squared
\param [in] channel The index number of the channel process
\return the complex THat amplitude
LauComplex getTHat(Double_t s, Int_t channel);
//! Calculate the scattering K-matrix for the given value of s
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void calcScattKMatrix(Double_t s);
//! Calculate the real and imaginary part of the phase space density diagonal matrix
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void calcRhoMatrix(Double_t s);
//! Calulate the term 1/(m_pole^2 - s) for the scattering and production K-matrix formulae
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void calcPoleDenomVect(Double_t s);
//! Calculate the pipi phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcPiPiRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the KK phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcKKRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the 4 pi phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcFourPiRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the eta-eta phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcEtaEtaRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the eta-eta' phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcEtaEtaPRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the Kpi phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcKPiRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the K-eta' phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcKEtaPRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the Kpipipi phase space factor
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\return the complex phase space factor
LauComplex calcKThreePiRho(Double_t s) const;
//! Calculate the "slow-varying part"
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
\param [in] s0 the invariant mass squared at the Adler zero
\return the SVP term
Double_t calcSVPTerm(Double_t s, Double_t s0) const;
//! Update the scattering "slowly-varying part"
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void updateScattSVPTerm(Double_t s);
//! Update the production "slowly-varying part"
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void updateProdSVPTerm(Double_t s);
//! Calculate the multiplicative factor containing severa Adler zero constants
\param [in] s the invariant mass squared
void updateAdlerZeroFactor(Double_t s);
//! Check the phase space factors that need to be used
\param [in] phaseSpaceInt phase space types
\return true of false
Bool_t checkPhaseSpaceType(Int_t phaseSpaceInt) const;
//! Get the unitary transition amplitude matrix for the given kinematics
\param [in] kinematics The pointer to the constant kinematics
void getTMatrix(const LauKinematics* kinematics);
//! Get the unitary transition amplitude matrix for the given kinematics
\param [in] s The invariant mass squared of the system
void getTMatrix(Double_t s);
//! Get the square root of the phase space matrix
void getSqrtRhoMatrix();
//! Copy constructor (not implemented)
LauKMatrixPropagator(const LauKMatrixPropagator& rhs);
//! Copy assignment operator (not implemented)
LauKMatrixPropagator& operator=(const LauKMatrixPropagator& rhs);
//! Create a map for the K-matrix parameters
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<LauParameter> > KMatrixParamMap;
//! Initialise and set the dimensions for the internal matrices and parameter arrays
void initialiseMatrices();
//! Store the (phase space) channel indices from a line in the parameter file
\param [in] theLine Vector of strings corresponding to the line from the parameter file
void storeChannels(const std::vector<std::string>& theLine);
//! Store the pole mass and couplings from a line in the parameter file
\param [in] theLine Vector of strings corresponding to the line from the parameter file
void storePole(const std::vector<std::string>& theLine);
//! Store the scattering coefficients from a line in the parameter file
\param [in] theLine Vector of strings corresponding to the line from the parameter file
void storeScattering(const std::vector<std::string>& theLine);
//! Store miscelleanous parameters from a line in the parameter file
- \param [in] theLine Vector of strings corresponding to the line from the parameter file
+ \param [in] keyword the name of the parameter to be set
+ \param [in] parString the string containing the value of the parameter
void storeParameter(const TString& keyword, const TString& parString);
//! String to store the propagator name
TString name_;
//! Name of the input parameter file
TString paramFileName_;
//! Number to identify the DP axis in question
Int_t resPairAmpInt_;
//! Row index - 1
Int_t index_;
//! s value of the previous pole
Double_t previousS_;
//! "slowly-varying part" for the scattering K-matrix
Double_t scattSVP_;
//! "slowly-varying part" for the production K-matrix
Double_t prodSVP_;
//! Real part of the propagator matrix
TMatrixD realProp_;
//! Imaginary part of the propagator matrix
TMatrixD negImagProp_;
// Integers to specify the allowed channels for the phase space calculations.
// Please keep Zero at the start and leave TotChannels at the end
// whenever more channels are added to this.
//! Integers to specify the allowed channels for the phase space calculations
enum KMatrixChannels {Zero, PiPi, KK, FourPi, EtaEta, EtaEtaP,
KPi, KEtaP, KThreePi, TotChannels};
//! Scattering K-matrix
TMatrixD ScattKMatrix_;
//! Real part of the phase space density diagonal matrix
TMatrixD ReRhoMatrix_;
//! Imaginary part of the phase space density diagonal matrix
TMatrixD ImRhoMatrix_;
//! Identity matrix
TMatrixD IMatrix_;
//! Null matrix
TMatrixD zeroMatrix_;
//! Real part of the square root of the phase space density diagonal matrix
TMatrixD ReSqrtRhoMatrix_;
//! Imaginary part of the square root of the phase space density diagonal matrix
TMatrixD ImSqrtRhoMatrix_;
//! Real part of the unitary T matrix
TMatrixD ReTMatrix_;
//! Imaginary part of the unitary T matrix
TMatrixD ImTMatrix_;
//! Number of channels
Int_t nChannels_;
//! Number of poles
Int_t nPoles_;
//! Vector of squared pole masses
std::vector<LauParameter> mSqPoles_;
//! Array of coupling constants
LauParArray gCouplings_;
//! Array of scattering SVP values
LauParArray fScattering_;
//! Vector of phase space types
std::vector<Int_t> phaseSpaceTypes_;
//! Vector of squared masses
std::vector<Double_t> mSumSq_;
//! Vector of mass differences
std::vector<Double_t> mDiffSq_;
//! Vector of 1/(m_pole^2 - s) terms for scattering and production K-matrix formulae
std::vector<Double_t> poleDenomVect_;
//! Constant from input file
LauParameter mSq0_;
//! Constant from input file
LauParameter s0Scatt_;
//! Constant from input file
LauParameter s0Prod_;
//! Constant from input file
LauParameter sA_;
//! Constant from input file
LauParameter sA0_;
//! Defined as 0.5*sA*mPi*mPi
Double_t sAConst_;
//! Defined as 4*mPi*mPi
Double_t m2piSq_;
//! Defined as 4*mK*mK
Double_t m2KSq_;
//! Defined as 4*mEta*mEta
Double_t m2EtaSq_;
//! Defined as (mEta+mEta')^2
Double_t mEtaEtaPSumSq_;
//! Defined as (mEta-mEta')^2
Double_t mEtaEtaPDiffSq_;
//! Defined as (mK+mPi)^2
Double_t mKpiSumSq_;
//! Defined as (mK-mPi)^2
Double_t mKpiDiffSq_;
//! Defined as (mK+mEta')^2
Double_t mKEtaPSumSq_;
//! Defined as (mK-mEta')^2
Double_t mKEtaPDiffSq_;
//! Defined as (mK-3*mPi)^2
Double_t mK3piDiffSq_;
//! Factor used to calculate the Kpipipi phase space term
Double_t k3piFactor_;
//! Factor used to calculate the pipipipi phase space term
Double_t fourPiFactor1_;
//! Factor used to calculate the pipipipi phase space term
Double_t fourPiFactor2_;
//! Multiplicative factor containing various Adler zero constants
Double_t adlerZeroFactor_;
//! Tracks if all params have been set
Bool_t parametersSet_;
//! Control the output of the functions
Bool_t verbose_;
//! Control if scattering constants are channel symmetric: f_ji = f_ij
Bool_t scattSymmetry_;
ClassDef(LauKMatrixPropagator,0) // K-matrix amplitude model
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