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Index: trunk/npstat/nm/
--- trunk/npstat/nm/ (revision 909)
+++ trunk/npstat/nm/ (revision 910)
@@ -1,978 +1,979 @@
#include "npstat/nm/ContOrthoPoly1D.hh"
#include "npstat/nm/allocators.hh"
#include "npstat/nm/StorablePolySeries1D.hh"
#include "npstat/nm/Triple.hh"
inline static int kdelta(const unsigned i, const unsigned j)
return i == j ? 1 : 0;
namespace npstat {
const ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_zero = 0.0;
void ContOrthoPoly1D::calcMeanXandWeightSums()
// Calculate wsum_, wsumsq_, and meanX_
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
precise_type xsum = precise_zero;
if (allWeightsEqual_)
const precise_type lw0 = measure_[0].second;
wsum_ = mSize*lw0;
wsumsq_ = mSize*lw0*lw0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const double x = measure_[i].first;
xsum += x;
if (x < minX_)
minX_ = x;
if (x > maxX_)
maxX_ = x;
meanX_ = xsum/mSize;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const double x = measure_[i].first;
const precise_type w = measure_[i].second;
wsum_ += w;
wsumsq_ += w*w;
xsum += w*x;
if (x < minX_)
minX_ = x;
if (x > maxX_)
maxX_ = x;
assert(wsum_ > precise_zero);
meanX_ = xsum/wsum_;
// Shift the measure
double shift = meanX_;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
measure_[i].first -= shift;
// Try to improve the mean
xsum = precise_zero;
precise_type dx;
if (allWeightsEqual_)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
xsum += measure_[i].first;
dx = xsum/mSize;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const precise_type w = measure_[i].second;
xsum += w*measure_[i].first;
dx = xsum/wsum_;
// Shift the measure and the mean
meanX_ += dx;
shift = dx;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
measure_[i].first -= shift;
void ContOrthoPoly1D::calcRecurrenceCoeffs(const OrthoPolyMethod m)
rCoeffs_.reserve(maxdeg_ + 1);
switch (m)
throw std::runtime_error(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::calcRecurrenceCoeffs: "
"incomplete switch statement. This is a bug. Please report.");
assert(rCoeffs_.size() == maxdeg_ + 1);
double ContOrthoPoly1D::effectiveSampleSize() const
if (allWeightsEqual_)
return measure_.size();
return wsum_*wsum_/wsumsq_;
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::monicpoly(
const unsigned degree, const precise_type x) const
assert(degree <= maxdeg_);
precise_type polyk = 1.0, polykm1 = precise_zero;
for (unsigned k=0; k<degree; ++k)
const precise_type p = (x - rCoeffs_[k].alpha)*polyk -
polykm1 = polyk;
polyk = p;
return polyk;
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::normpoly(
const unsigned degree, const precise_type x) const
assert(degree <= maxdeg_);
precise_type polyk = 1.0, polykm1 = precise_zero;
for (unsigned k=0; k<degree; ++k)
const precise_type p = ((x - rCoeffs_[k].alpha)*polyk -
polykm1 = polyk;
polyk = p;
return polyk;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::powerAverage(const unsigned deg,
const unsigned power) const
switch (power)
case 0:
return 1.0;
case 1:
return kdelta(deg, 0U);
case 2:
return 1.0;
if (deg > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::powerAverage: "
"degree argument is out of range");
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
precise_type sum = precise_zero;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
sum += measure_[i].second*powl(normpoly(deg, measure_[i].first), power);
return sum/wsum_;
const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2, const precise_type x) const
precise_type p1 = precise_zero, p2 = precise_zero, polyk = 1.0, polykm1 = precise_zero;
const unsigned degmax = std::max(deg1, deg2);
for (unsigned k=0; k<degmax; ++k)
if (k == deg1)
p1 = polyk;
if (k == deg2)
p2 = polyk;
const precise_type p = ((x - rCoeffs_[k].alpha)*polyk -
polykm1 = polyk;
polyk = p;
if (deg1 == degmax)
p1 = polyk;
if (deg2 == degmax)
p2 = polyk;
return std::pair<precise_type,precise_type>(p1, p2);
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::normpolyprod(
const unsigned* degrees, const unsigned nDeg,
const unsigned degmax, const precise_type x) const
precise_type prod = 1.0, polyk = 1.0, polykm1 = precise_zero;
for (unsigned k=0; k<degmax; ++k)
for (unsigned i=0; i<nDeg; ++i)
if (k == degrees[i])
prod *= polyk;
const precise_type p = ((x - rCoeffs_[k].alpha)*polyk -
polykm1 = polyk;
polyk = p;
for (unsigned i=0; i<nDeg; ++i)
if (degmax == degrees[i])
prod *= polyk;
return prod;
ContOrthoPoly1D::monicInnerProducts(const unsigned degree) const
precise_type sum = precise_zero, xsum = precise_zero;
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const precise_type x = measure_[i].first;
const precise_type p = monicpoly(degree, x);
const precise_type pprod = p*p*measure_[i].second;
sum += pprod;
xsum += x*pprod;
return std::pair<precise_type,precise_type>(xsum/wsum_, sum/wsum_);
void ContOrthoPoly1D::weightCoeffs(double *coeffs,
const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (maxdeg > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::weightsSquaredCoeffs: "
"maximum degree out of range");
std::vector<precise_type> scalarProducts(maxdeg+1U, precise_zero);
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const double x = measure_[i].first;
const double w = measure_[i].second;
const precise_type f = w;
precise_type polyk = 1.0, polykm1 = precise_zero;
for (unsigned k=0; k<maxdeg; ++k)
scalarProducts[k] += polyk*f*w;
const precise_type poly = ((x - rCoeffs_[k].alpha)*polyk -
polykm1 = polyk;
polyk = poly;
scalarProducts[maxdeg] += polyk*f*w;
for (unsigned deg=0; deg<=maxdeg; ++deg)
coeffs[deg] = scalarProducts[deg]/wsum_;
void ContOrthoPoly1D::calcRecurrenceStieltjes()
precise_type prevSprod = 1.0;
for (unsigned deg=0; deg<=maxdeg_; ++deg)
const std::pair<precise_type,precise_type> ip = monicInnerProducts(deg);
rCoeffs_.push_back(Recurrence(ip.first/ip.second, ip.second/prevSprod));
prevSprod = ip.second;
void ContOrthoPoly1D::calcRecurrenceLanczos()
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
std::vector<precise_type> dmem(mSize*2UL);
precise_type* p0 = &dmem[0];
for (unsigned long i=0; i<mSize; ++i)
p0[i] = measure_[i].first;
precise_type* p1 = &dmem[mSize];
clearBuffer(p1, mSize);
p1[0] = measure_[0].second/wsum_;
const unsigned long mm1 = mSize - 1;
for (unsigned long n=0; n<mm1; ++n)
const unsigned long np1 = n + 1UL;
precise_type xlam = measure_[np1].first;
precise_type pn = measure_[np1].second/wsum_;
precise_type gam = 1.0, sig = 0.0, t = 0.0;
for (unsigned long k=0; k<=np1; ++k)
const precise_type rho = p1[k] + pn;
const precise_type tmp = gam*rho;
precise_type tsig = sig;
if (rho <= 0.0)
gam = 1.0;
sig = 0.0;
gam = p1[k]/rho;
sig = pn/rho;
const precise_type tk = sig*(p0[k] - xlam) - gam*t;
p0[k] -= tk - t;
t = tk;
if (sig < 0.0)
pn = tsig*p1[k];
pn = t*t/sig;
tsig = sig;
p1[k] = tmp;
for (unsigned deg=0; deg<=maxdeg_; ++deg)
rCoeffs_.push_back(Recurrence(p0[deg], p1[deg]));
double ContOrthoPoly1D::poly(const unsigned deg, const double x) const
if (deg > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::poly: degree argument is out of range");
return normpoly(deg, x - meanX_);
std::pair<double,double> ContOrthoPoly1D::polyPair(
const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2, const double x) const
if (deg1 > maxdeg_ || deg2 > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::polyPair: degree argument is out of range");
const std::pair<precise_type,precise_type>& ld =
twonormpoly(deg1, deg2, x - meanX_);
return std::pair<double,double>(ld.first, ld.second);
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::empiricalKroneckerDelta(
const unsigned ideg1, const unsigned ideg2) const
if (ideg1 > maxdeg_ || ideg2 > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::empiricalKroneckerDelta: "
"degree argument is out of range");
precise_type sum = precise_zero;
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const std::pair<precise_type, precise_type>& p =
twonormpoly(ideg1, ideg2, measure_[i].first);
sum += measure_[i].second*p.first*p.second;
return sum/wsum_;
ContOrthoPoly1D::empiricalKroneckerMatrix(const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (maxdeg > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::empiricalKroneckerMatrix: "
"matrix size is out of range");
Matrix<ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type> kd(maxdeg+1U, maxdeg+1U, 0);
std::vector<ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type> polyv(maxdeg+1U);
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type* polyBuf = &polyv[0];
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
for (unsigned long ipt = 0; ipt < mSize; ++ipt)
const double weight = measure_[ipt].second;
getAllPolys(measure_[ipt].first, maxdeg, polyBuf);
for (unsigned i=0; i<=maxdeg; ++i)
const ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type polyI = polyBuf[i];
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type* row = kd[i];
for (unsigned j=i; j<=maxdeg; ++j)
row[j] += weight*polyI*polyBuf[j];
for (unsigned i=0; i<maxdeg; ++i)
for (unsigned j=i+1U; j<=maxdeg; ++j)
kd[j][i] = kd[i][j];
- return kd/wsum_;
+ kd /= wsum_;
+ return kd;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::jointPowerAverage(
const unsigned ideg1, const unsigned power1,
const unsigned ideg2, const unsigned power2) const
// Process various simple special cases first
if (!power1)
return powerAverage(ideg2, power2);
if (!power2)
return powerAverage(ideg1, power1);
if (power1 == 1U && power2 == 1U)
return kdelta(ideg1, ideg2);
// General calculation
if (ideg1 > maxdeg_ || ideg2 > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::jointPowerAverage: "
"degree argument is out of range");
precise_type sum = precise_zero;
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
const std::pair<precise_type, precise_type>& p =
twonormpoly(ideg1, ideg2, measure_[i].first);
sum += measure_[i].second*powl(p.first,power1)*powl(p.second,power2);
return sum/wsum_;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::jointAverage(
const unsigned* degrees, const unsigned nDegrees,
const bool sorted) const
if (nDegrees)
// See if we can avoid a direct calculation
if (nDegrees == 1U)
return kdelta(degrees[0], 0U);
if (nDegrees == 2U)
return kdelta(degrees[0], degrees[1]);
// Check if we can remove leading zeros
unsigned nonZeroDegs = nDegrees;
while (nonZeroDegs && !degrees[0])
if (nonZeroDegs < nDegrees)
return jointAverage(degrees, nonZeroDegs, sorted);
// Check if we can remove any other zeros
if (!sorted)
bool allNonZero = true;
for (unsigned ideg=0; ideg<nDegrees && allNonZero; ++ideg)
allNonZero = degrees[ideg];
if (!allNonZero)
unsigned degBuf[256];
if (nDegrees - 1U <= sizeof(degBuf)/sizeof(degBuf[0]))
unsigned nonZeroDegs = 0;
for (unsigned ideg=0; ideg<nDegrees; ++ideg)
if (degrees[ideg])
degBuf[nonZeroDegs++] = degrees[ideg];
return jointAverage(degBuf, nonZeroDegs, sorted);
unsigned degmax;
if (sorted)
degmax = degrees[nDegrees-1U];
degmax = *std::max_element(degrees, degrees+nDegrees);
if (degmax > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::jointAverage: "
"degree argument is out of range");
precise_type sum = precise_zero;
const unsigned long mSize = measure_.size();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < mSize; ++i)
sum += measure_[i].second*normpolyprod(
degrees, nDegrees, degmax, measure_[i].first);
return sum/wsum_;
return 1.0;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::empiricalKroneckerCovariance(
const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3, const unsigned deg4) const
double cov = 0.0;
if (!((deg1 == 0 && deg2 == 0) || (deg3 == 0 && deg4 == 0)))
unsigned degs[4];
degs[0] = deg1;
degs[1] = deg2;
degs[2] = deg3;
degs[3] = deg4;
cov = (jointAverage(degs, 4) - kdelta(deg1, deg2)*kdelta(deg3, deg4))/
if (std::min(deg1, deg2) == std::min(deg3, deg4) &&
std::max(deg1, deg2) == std::max(deg3, deg4))
if (cov < 0.0)
cov = 0.0;
return cov;
ContOrthoPoly1D::recurrenceCoeffs(const unsigned deg) const
if (deg > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::recurrenceCoeffs: "
"degree argument is out of range");
const Recurrence& rc(rCoeffs_[deg]);
return std::pair<double,double>(rc.alpha, rc.beta);
ContOrthoPoly1D::jacobiMatrix(const unsigned n) const
if (!n) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::jacobiMatrix: "
"can not build matrix of zero size");
if (n > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::jacobiMatrix: "
"matrix size is out of range");
Matrix<precise_type> mat(n, n, 0);
unsigned ip1 = 1;
for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i, ++ip1)
mat[i][i] = rCoeffs_[i].alpha;
if (i)
mat[i][i-1] = rCoeffs_[i].sqrbeta;
if (ip1 < n)
mat[i][ip1] = rCoeffs_[ip1].sqrbeta;
return mat;
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::integratePoly(
const unsigned deg1, const unsigned power,
const double xmin, const double xmax) const
if (!deg1)
return xmax - xmin;
if (deg1 > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::integratePoly: "
"degree argument is out of range");
const unsigned nGood = PreciseQuadrature::minimalExactRule(deg1*power);
if (!nGood) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::integratePoly: "
"product of poly degree and power is too large");
PreciseQuadrature glq(nGood);
PolyFcn fcn(*this, deg1, power);
return glq.integrate(fcn, xmin - meanX_, xmax - meanX_);
ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type ContOrthoPoly1D::integrateTripleProduct(
const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3, const double xmin,
const double xmax) const
const unsigned maxdex = std::max(std::max(deg1, deg2), deg3);
if (maxdex > maxdeg_) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::integrateTripleProduct: "
"degree argument is out of range");
const unsigned sumdeg = deg1 + deg2 + deg3;
const unsigned nGood = PreciseQuadrature::minimalExactRule(sumdeg);
if (!nGood) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::integrateTripleProduct: "
"sum of the polynomial degrees is too large");
PreciseQuadrature glq(nGood);
TripleProdFcn fcn(*this, deg1, deg2, deg3);
return glq.integrate(fcn, xmin - meanX_, xmax - meanX_);
Matrix<ContOrthoPoly1D::precise_type> ContOrthoPoly1D::tripleProductMatrix(
const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> >& pairs,
const unsigned maxdeg, const double xmin, const double xmax) const
typedef npstat::Triple<unsigned,unsigned,unsigned> Key3;
typedef std::map<Key3,precise_type> TripleProductMap;
const unsigned nPairs = pairs.size();
if (!nPairs) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::tripleProductMatrix: "
"empty vector of degree specifications");
const unsigned nPolys = maxdeg + 1U;
npstat::Matrix<precise_type> design0(nPairs, nPolys);
TripleProductMap tmap;
// Avoid calculating the same integral more than once
for (unsigned ipair=0; ipair<nPairs; ++ipair)
const unsigned n = pairs[ipair].first;
const unsigned m = pairs[ipair].second;
for (unsigned ipoly=0; ipoly<nPolys; ++ipoly)
unsigned degs[3];
degs[0] = m;
degs[1] = n;
degs[2] = ipoly;
std::sort(degs, degs+3);
const Key3 key(degs[0], degs[1], degs[2]);
TripleProductMap::iterator it = tmap.find(key);
if (it == tmap.end())
const precise_type value = integrateTripleProduct(
n, m, ipoly, xmin, xmax);
std::pair<TripleProductMap::iterator,bool> where =
tmap.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
it = where.first;
design0[ipair][ipoly] = it->second;
return design0;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::cachedJointAverage(const unsigned deg1,
const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3,
const unsigned deg4) const
MemoKey key(deg1, deg2, deg3, deg4);
return getCachedAverage(key);
double ContOrthoPoly1D::cachedJointAverage(const unsigned deg1,
const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3,
const unsigned deg4,
const unsigned deg5,
const unsigned deg6) const
MemoKey key(deg1, deg2, deg3, deg4, deg5, deg6);
return getCachedAverage(key);
double ContOrthoPoly1D::cachedJointAverage(const unsigned deg1,
const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3,
const unsigned deg4,
const unsigned deg5,
const unsigned deg6,
const unsigned deg7,
const unsigned deg8) const
MemoKey key(deg1, deg2, deg3, deg4, deg5, deg6, deg7, deg8);
return getCachedAverage(key);
double ContOrthoPoly1D::getCachedAverage(const MemoKey& key) const
double value;
std::map<MemoKey,double>::const_iterator it = cachedAverages_.find(key);
if (it == cachedAverages_.end())
value = jointAverage(key.degrees(), key.nDegrees(), true);
cachedAverages_.insert(std::pair<MemoKey,double>(key, value));
value = it->second;
return value;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::cov4(const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3, const unsigned deg4) const
const bool has0 = (deg1 == 0 && deg2 == 0) || (deg3 == 0 && deg4 == 0);
double cov = 0.0;
if (!has0)
const double N = effectiveSampleSize();
cov = (cachedJointAverage(deg1, deg2, deg3, deg4) -
kdelta(deg1, deg2)*kdelta(deg3, deg4))/N;
if (std::min(deg1, deg2) == std::min(deg3, deg4) &&
std::max(deg1, deg2) == std::max(deg3, deg4))
if (cov < 0.0)
cov = 0.0;
return cov;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::cov6(const unsigned a, const unsigned b,
const unsigned c, const unsigned d,
const unsigned e, const unsigned f) const
const bool has0 = (a == 0 && b == 0) || (c == 0 && d == 0) || (e == 0 && f == 0);
double cov = 0.0;
if (!has0)
double sum = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, e, f);
double add = 2.0;
if (kdelta(a, b))
sum -= cachedJointAverage(c, d, e, f);
add = 0.0;
if (kdelta(c, d))
sum -= cachedJointAverage(a, b, e, f);
add = 0.0;
if (kdelta(e, f))
sum -= cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d);
add = 0.0;
const double N = effectiveSampleSize();
cov = (sum + add)/N/N;
return cov;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::slowCov8(const unsigned a, const unsigned b,
const unsigned c, const unsigned d,
const unsigned e, const unsigned f,
const unsigned g, const unsigned h) const
const bool has0 = (a == 0 && b == 0) || (c == 0 && d == 0) ||
(e == 0 && f == 0) || (g == 0 && h == 0);
double cov = 0.0;
if (!has0)
const double pabcd = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d);
const double pefgh = cachedJointAverage(e, f, g, h);
const double pabef = cachedJointAverage(a, b, e, f);
const double pcdgh = cachedJointAverage(c, d, g, h);
const double pabgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, g, h);
const double pcdef = cachedJointAverage(c, d, e, f);
const double pabcdef = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, e, f);
const double pabcdgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, g, h);
const double pabefgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, e, f, g, h);
const double pcdefgh = cachedJointAverage(c, d, e, f, g, h);
const double pabcdefgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
const double deltaprod = kdelta(a, b)*kdelta(c, d)*kdelta(e, f)*kdelta(g, h);
const double tmp = kdelta(e,f)*kdelta(g,h)*pabcd +
kdelta(c,d)*kdelta(g,h)*pabef +
kdelta(c,d)*kdelta(e,f)*pabgh +
kdelta(a,b)*kdelta(c,d)*pefgh +
kdelta(a,b)*kdelta(e,f)*pcdgh +
const double term1 = pabcd*pefgh + pabef*pcdgh +
pabgh*pcdef + 3.0*deltaprod - tmp;
const double term2 = pabcdefgh - 6.0*deltaprod -
kdelta(a,b)*pcdefgh - kdelta(c,d)*pabefgh -
kdelta(e,f)*pabcdgh - kdelta(g,h)*pabcdef -
pabcd*pefgh - pabef*pcdgh - pabgh*pcdef + 2.0*tmp;
const double nPoints = effectiveSampleSize();
const double prod8 = (term1 + term2/nPoints)/nPoints/nPoints;
cov = prod8 - cov4(a, b, c, d)*cov4(e, f, g, h);
return cov;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::covCov4(const unsigned a, const unsigned b,
const unsigned c, const unsigned d,
const unsigned e, const unsigned f,
const unsigned g, const unsigned h) const
const bool has0 = (a == 0 && b == 0) || (c == 0 && d == 0) ||
(e == 0 && f == 0) || (g == 0 && h == 0);
double cov = 0.0;
if (!has0)
const double pabcdefgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
const double pabcd = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d);
const double pefgh = cachedJointAverage(e, f, g, h);
const double N = effectiveSampleSize();
cov = (pabcdefgh - pabcd*pefgh)/N/N/N;
return cov;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::cov8(const unsigned a, const unsigned b,
const unsigned c, const unsigned d,
const unsigned e, const unsigned f,
const unsigned g, const unsigned h) const
const bool has0 = (a == 0 && b == 0) || (c == 0 && d == 0) ||
(e == 0 && f == 0) || (g == 0 && h == 0);
double cov = 0.0;
if (!has0)
const bool includeCubicPart = true;
// First, calculate the O(N^-2) part
const double pabef = cachedJointAverage(a, b, e, f);
const double pcdgh = cachedJointAverage(c, d, g, h);
const double pabgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, g, h);
const double pcdef = cachedJointAverage(c, d, e, f);
const double deltaprod = kdelta(a, b)*kdelta(c, d)*kdelta(e, f)*kdelta(g, h);
const double tmp2 = kdelta(c, d)*kdelta(g, h)*pabef +
kdelta(c, d)*kdelta(e, f)*pabgh +
kdelta(a, b)*kdelta(e, f)*pcdgh +
kdelta(a, b)*kdelta(g, h)*pcdef;
const double term2 = pabef*pcdgh + pabgh*pcdef + 2.0*deltaprod - tmp2;
double term3 = 0.0;
if (includeCubicPart)
// Additional terms needed to calculate the O(N^-3) part
const double pabcdefgh = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
double sixsum = 0.0;
if (kdelta(a, b))
sixsum += cachedJointAverage(c, d, e, f, g, h);
if (kdelta(c, d))
sixsum += cachedJointAverage(a, b, e, f, g, h);
if (kdelta(e, f))
sixsum += cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, g, h);
if (kdelta(g, h))
sixsum += cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d, e, f);
const double pabcd = cachedJointAverage(a, b, c, d);
const double pefgh = cachedJointAverage(e, f, g, h);
const double tmp3 = tmp2 + kdelta(e, f)*kdelta(g, h)*pabcd +
kdelta(a, b)*kdelta(c, d)*pefgh;
term3 = pabcdefgh - 6.0*deltaprod - sixsum -
(pabcd*pefgh + pabef*pcdgh + pabgh*pcdef) + 2.0*tmp3;
const double N = effectiveSampleSize();
cov = (term2 + term3/N)/N/N;
// const bool isVariance = ?;
// if (isVariance)
// if (cov < 0.0)
// cov = 0.0;
return cov;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::epsExpectation(const unsigned m_in,
const unsigned n_in,
const bool highOrder) const
if (highOrder)
precise_type sum = precise_zero;
if (m_in || n_in)
const unsigned m = std::min(m_in, n_in);
const unsigned n = std::max(m_in, n_in);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=n; ++k)
const double f = k == n ? 1.0 : (k > m ? 1.0 : 2.0);
sum += f*cachedJointAverage(k, k, m, n);
if (m == n)
sum -= 1.0;
sum -= (cachedJointAverage(m, m, m, n) +
cachedJointAverage(m, n, n, n))/2.0;
return sum/effectiveSampleSize();
return 0.0;
double ContOrthoPoly1D::epsCovariance(const unsigned m1_in,
const unsigned n1_in,
const unsigned m2_in,
const unsigned n2_in,
const bool highOrder) const
const bool has0 = (m1_in == 0 && n1_in == 0) ||
(m2_in == 0 && n2_in == 0);
if (has0)
return 0.0;
if (highOrder)
const unsigned m1 = std::min(m1_in, n1_in);
const unsigned n1 = std::max(m1_in, n1_in);
const unsigned m2 = std::min(m2_in, n2_in);
const unsigned n2 = std::max(m2_in, n2_in);
precise_type sum = precise_zero;
// Process the -v_{m1,n1} term (i.e., the linear one) of eps_{m1,n1}
sum += cov4(m2, n2, m1, n1);
sum += cov6(m2, n2, n2, n2, m1, n1)/2.0;
sum += cov6(m2, n2, m2, m2, m1, n1)/2.0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=n2; ++k)
const double factor = k > m2 ? 1.0 : 2.0;
sum -= factor*cov6(k, m2, k, n2, m1, n1);
// Process the term -v_{m1,n1}/2 (v_{n1,n1} + v_{m1,m1}) of eps_{m1,n1}
unsigned idx[2];
idx[0] = n1;
idx[1] = m1;
for (unsigned ii=0; ii<2; ++ii)
const unsigned mOrN = idx[ii];
sum += cov6(m1, n1, mOrN, mOrN, m2, n2)/2.0;
sum += cov8(m1, n1, mOrN, mOrN, m2, n2, n2, n2)/4.0;
sum += cov8(m1, n1, mOrN, mOrN, m2, n2, m2, m2)/4.0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=n2; ++k)
const double factor = k > m2 ? 1.0 : 2.0;
sum -= factor/2.0*cov8(m1, n1, mOrN, mOrN, k, m2, k, n2);
// Process the sum in eps_{m1,n1}
for (unsigned k1=0; k1<=n1; ++k1)
const double f1 = k1 > m1 ? 1.0 : 2.0;
sum -= f1*cov6(k1, m1, k1, n1, m2, n2);
sum -= f1*cov8(k1, m1, k1, n1, m2, n2, n2, n2)/2.0;
sum -= f1*cov8(k1, m1, k1, n1, m2, n2, m2, m2)/2.0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=n2; ++k)
const double factor = k > m2 ? 1.0 : 2.0;
sum += f1*factor*cov8(k1, m1, k1, n1, k, m2, k, n2);
return sum;
return cov4(m2_in, n2_in, m1_in, n1_in);
Matrix<double> ContOrthoPoly1D::epsCovarianceMatrix(
const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> >& pairs,
const bool highOrder) const
if (pairs.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::ContOrthoPoly1D::epsCovarianceMatrix: empty list of pairs");
const unsigned nPairs = pairs.size();
Matrix<double> cov(nPairs, nPairs);
for (unsigned ipair1=0; ipair1<nPairs; ++ipair1)
const unsigned n = pairs[ipair1].first;
const unsigned m = pairs[ipair1].second;
for (unsigned ipair2=0; ipair2<=ipair1; ++ipair2)
const double value = epsCovariance(
n, m, pairs[ipair2].first, pairs[ipair2].second, highOrder);
cov[ipair1][ipair2] = value;
if (ipair1 != ipair2)
cov[ipair2][ipair1] = value;
return cov;
CPP11_auto_ptr<StorablePolySeries1D> ContOrthoPoly1D::makeStorablePolySeries(
const double i_xmin, const double i_xmax,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
const unsigned sz = rCoeffs_.size();
std::vector<std::pair<precise_type,precise_type> > rc(sz);
for (unsigned i=0; i<sz; ++i)
const Recurrence& r(rCoeffs_[i]);
rc[i].first = r.alpha;
rc[i].second = r.sqrbeta;
return CPP11_auto_ptr<StorablePolySeries1D>(
new StorablePolySeries1D(rc, i_xmin, i_xmax, meanX_, coeffs, maxdeg));
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