for (LauParameterPList::iterator iter = fitVars_.begin(); iter != fitVars_.end(); ++iter) {
if ( (*iter)->blind() ) {
blind = kTRUE;
if ( blind ) {
std::cerr << "WARNING in LauAbsFitModel::createFitToyMC : One or more parameters are blind but the toy will be created using the unblind values - use with caution!!" << std::endl;
// If we're asked to generate more than 100 experiments then split it
// up into multiple files since otherwise can run into memory issues
// when building the index
+ // TODO - this obviously depends on the number of events per experiment as well, so should do this properly
UInt_t totalExpts = fitToyMCScale_;
if ( totalExpts > 100 ) {
UInt_t nFiles = totalExpts/100;
if ( totalExpts%100 ) {
nFiles += 1;
+ TString fileNameBase {fileName};
for ( UInt_t iFile(0); iFile < nFiles; ++iFile ) {
UInt_t firstExp( iFile*100 );
// Set number of experiments and first experiment to generate