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No OneTemporary

Index: trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput/HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3.m
--- trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput/HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3.m (revision 0)
+++ trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput/HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3.m (revision 105)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+TB=2+82(i-1)/(ifin-1); (* use ifin =41*)
+MA0=90+120(j-1)/(jfin-1);(* use ifin =41*)
+MStQ = 1000;
+modMUE = +200 (* note plus sign *);
+argMUE = 0;
+Xt= 2 MStQ;
+M1 = 200; (*0 means that FH will use SUSY-GUT relation*)
+M2 = 200;
+modM3 = 800;
+argM3 = 0;
+M3 = modM3 Exp[argM3 I];
+MUE = modMUE Exp[argMUE I];
+At = Xt + MUE / TB
+(*At = modAt Exp[argAt I];*)
+_MSL = _MSE = _MSQ = _MSU = _MSD = MStQ;
+_Af = At;
+scalefactor = 1; (*MT = 1709/10;*)MT = 1733/10;
+MHp = -1; lambdat = 0; lambdab = 0; Qtau = Qt = Qb = 0;
Index: trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput/HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3MUE1000.m
--- trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput/HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3MUE1000.m (revision 0)
+++ trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput/HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3MUE1000.m (revision 105)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+TB=2+82(i-1)/(ifin-1); (* use ifin =41*)
+MA0=90+120(j-1)/(jfin-1);(* use ifin =41*)
+MStQ = 1000;
+modMUE = +1000 (* note plus sign *);
+argMUE = 0;
+Xt= 2 MStQ;
+M1 = 200; (*0 means that FH will use SUSY-GUT relation*)
+M2 = 200;
+modM3 = 800;
+argM3 = 0;
+M3 = modM3 Exp[argM3 I];
+MUE = modMUE Exp[argMUE I];
+At = Xt + MUE / TB
+(*At = modAt Exp[argAt I];*)
+_MSL = _MSE = _MSQ = _MSU = _MSD = MStQ;
+_Af = At;
+scalefactor = 1; (*MT = 1709/10;*)MT = 1733/10;
+MHp = -1; lambdat = 0; lambdab = 0; Qtau = Qt = Qb = 0;
Index: trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/create_HiggsBounds_input_HB2-x-x.nb
--- trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/create_HiggsBounds_input_HB2-x-x.nb (revision 0)
+++ trunk/development/ObsoleteInterfaces/create_HiggsBounds_input_HB2-x-x.nb (revision 105)
@@ -0,0 +1,1940 @@
+(* Content-type: application/mathematica *)
+(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***)
+(* *)
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+(* Beginning of Notebook Content *)
+ RowBox[{"\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"FHsettings", "=", "\"\<400202013\>\""}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"whereami", "=", "\"\<laptop\>\""}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Switch", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ "whereami", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\"\<work\>\"", ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"version", "=", "\"\<currentFeynHiggs\>\""}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"homedir", "=", "\"\</users/williams/\>\""}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"packdir", "=",
+ RowBox[{"homedir", "<>", "\"\<Packages/\>\""}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"inputdir", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ "homedir", "<>",
+ "\"\<HiggsBounds/HBsvn/higgsbounds/trunk/development/\
+ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput\>\""}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"outputdir", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ "homedir", "<>",
+ "\"\<HiggsBounds/HBsvn/HiggsBounds/trunk/using_HB/more_input_files_\
+HB-2-x-x/\>\""}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ "system", "=",
+ "\"\<x86_64-linux_sigmundsberg_g77_for_Mathematica\>\""}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"LTversion", "=", "\"\<2.3_02.02.09\>\""}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\"\<laptop\>\"",
+ ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"homedir", "=", "\"\</home/Karina/\>\""}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"packdir", "=",
+ RowBox[{"homedir", "<>", "\"\<Work/Packages/\>\""}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"inputdir", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ "homedir", "<>",
+ "\"\<Work/HiggsBounds/HBsvn/higgsbounds/trunk/development/\
+ObsoleteInterfaces/FHinput\>\""}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"outputdir", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ "homedir", "<>",
+ "\"\<Work/HiggsBounds/HBsvn/HiggsBounds/trunk/using_HB/more_input_\
+files_HB-2-x-x_bigger2/\>\""}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"version", "=", "\"\<currentFeynHiggs\>\""}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"system", "=", "\"\<i386-linux\>\""}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"LTversion", "=", "\"\<2.3_26.01.09\>\""}], ";"}]}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{"Install", " ", "FeynHiggs"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[",
+ RowBox[{"\"\<attempting to install\>\"", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ "packdir", "<>", "version", "<>", "\"\</\>\"", "<>", "system", "<>",
+ "\"\</bin/MFeynHiggs\>\""}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Install", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ "packdir", "<>", "version", "<>", "\"\</\>\"", "<>", "system", "<>",
+ "\"\</bin/MFeynHiggs\>\""}], "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<installed FH\>\"", "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\n",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{"call", " ", "FeynHiggs", " ", "subroutine", " ", "FHSetFlags"}],
+ " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{"recall", ":", " ",
+ RowBox[{"FHSetFlags", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ "mssmpart", ",", "fieldren", ",", "tanbren", ",", "higgsmix", ",",
+ "p2approx", ",", "looplevel", ",", "tlRunningMT", ",", "tlBotResum",
+ ",", "tlCplxApprox"}], "]"}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "b_", "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[",
+ RowBox[{"StringTake", "[",
+ RowBox[{"FHsettings", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{", "b", "}"}]}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"StringLength", "[", "FHsettings", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "9"}],
+ ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"FHSetFlags", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "1", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "2", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "3", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "4", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "5", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "6", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "7", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "8", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"setfunc", "[", "9", "]"}]}], "]"}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"FHSetFlags", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ "9", ",", "9", ",", "9", ",", "9", ",", "9", ",", "9", ",", "9", ",",
+ "9", ",", "9"}], "]"}], ";"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ "Do", " ", "loop", " ", "is", " ", "over", " ", "MSSM", " ",
+ "scenarios"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Switch", "[",
+ RowBox[{"xx", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"varypara", "=", "\"\<HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3\>\""}], ";"}],
+ ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "2", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"varypara", "=", "\"\<HB_Mhmaxplus_3_MT173.3MUE1000\>\""}],
+ ";"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{"set", " ", "size", " ", "of", " ", "scan"}], " ", "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"ibeg", "=", "1"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"ifin", "=", "51"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"jbeg", "=", "1"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"jfin", "=", "51"}], ";"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"ibeg", "=", "1"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"ifin", "=", "41"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"jbeg", "=", "1"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"jfin", "=", "41"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"itot", "=",
+ RowBox[{"ifin", "-", "ibeg", "+", "1"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"jtot", "=",
+ RowBox[{"jfin", "-", "jbeg", "+", "1"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"n", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"time1", "=",
+ RowBox[{"SessionTime", "[", "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ "Initialise", " ", "the", " ", "arrays", " ", "that", " ", "will",
+ " ", "be", " ", "outputted", " ", "to", " ",
+ RowBox[{"files", ".", " ", "All"}], " ", "elements", " ", "are",
+ " ", "initialised", " ", "to"}], " ", "-", "1."}], " ", "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"MhGammaTot", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"MhplusGammaTot", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "1"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\n",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"effC", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"15", " ", "3"}], "+", "6", "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ";"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
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+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\n",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
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+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "1"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\n",
+ RowBox[{"TEVH0jetpartCSratios", "=",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\n",
+ RowBox[{"TEVH1jetpartCSratios", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\n",
+ RowBox[{"TEVHWpartCSratios", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"4", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\n",
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"5", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\n",
+ RowBox[{"TEVHvbfhadCSratios", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"TEVHtthadCSratios", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"9", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "3"}], "+", "6", "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"BRt", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+",
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "1"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"BRHplus", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"3", " ", "1"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"CPvalues", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"itot", " ", "jtot"}], ")"}]}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ik", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"3", " ", "1"}], "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Import", "[",
+ RowBox[{"inputdir", "<>", "varypara", "<>", "\"\<.m\>\""}],
+ "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "*********************)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ "Now", " ", "call", " ", "other", " ", "FeynHiggs", " ",
+ RowBox[{"routines", ":"}]}], " ", "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"store", "=",
+ RowBox[{"FHSetPara", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ "scalefactor", ",", "MT", ",", "TB", ",", "MA0", ",", "MHp",
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSL", "[", "3", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSE", "[", "3", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSQ", "[", "3", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSU", "[", "3", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSD", "[", "3", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSL", "[", "2", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSE", "[", "2", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSQ", "[", "2", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSU", "[", "2", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSD", "[", "2", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSL", "[", "1", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSE", "[", "1", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSQ", "[", "1", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSU", "[", "1", "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"MSD", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", "MUE", ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"4", ",", "3"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"4", ",", "2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "1"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "1"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Af", "[",
+ RowBox[{"4", ",", "1"}], "]"}], ",", "M1", ",", "M2", ",",
+ "M3", ",", "Qtau", ",", "Qt", ",", "Qb"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "store", "]"}], ";"}], "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"FHSelectUZ", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}], "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"corr", "=",
+ RowBox[{"FHHiggsCorr", "[", "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"coup", "=",
+ RowBox[{"FHCouplings", "[", "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"prod", "=",
+ RowBox[{"FHHiggsProd", "[", "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"smpara", "=",
+ RowBox[{"FHRetrieveSMPara", "[", "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"para", "=",
+ RowBox[{"FHGetPara", "[", "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\n",
+ RowBox[{"MZ", "=",
+ RowBox[{"MZ", "/.", "smpara"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[",
+ RowBox[{"corr", ",", "coup", ",", "prod", ",", "MZ"}],
+ "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";"}], "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"n", "=",
+ RowBox[{"n", "+", "1"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[",
+ RowBox[{"\"\<n=\>\"", ",", "n"}], "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MhGammaTot", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MhplusGammaTot", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHZCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHffCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEP2HCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHpHmCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVH0jetpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVH1jetpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHWpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHvbfhadCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHtthadCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRt", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHplus", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CPvalues", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"addit", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "n"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"FreeQ", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"corr", ",", "coup", ",", "prod"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "FHError"}], "]"}], ")"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MH", "=",
+ RowBox[{"MHiggs", "/.", "corr"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"addit", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "TB"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MhplusGammaTot", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{"MH", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "4", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MhplusGammaTot", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"2", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"GammaTot", "/.", "coup"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "4", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHpHmCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "1"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRt", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "tBF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRt", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"2", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "tBF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "2", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHplus", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"1", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "HpFF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHplus", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"2", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "0"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHplus", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"3", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "HpFF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MhGammaTot", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{"MH", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"MhGammaTot", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "3", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"GammaTot", "/.", "coup"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"0", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "4", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "s", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"1", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "3", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "c", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "4", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "b", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"3", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "2", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "tau", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"4", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "4"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "WW", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"5", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "ZZ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"6", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "2"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"Z", " ", "gamma"}], "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"7", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{"gamma", " ", "gamma"}], " ", "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHOP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"8", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "5"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ", "gg", " ", "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"0", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"0", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"0", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0NeuNeu", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "neu1", ",", "neu2"}], "]"}], "]"}]}]}],
+ ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"neu1", ",", "1", ",", "neu2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}],
+ ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"neu2", ",", "1", ",", "4"}], "}"}]}], "]"}],
+ ";"}],
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ "Print", "[",
+ "\"\<Check: am i including some decays twice?\>\"", "]"}],
+ ";",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";", " ",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"have", " ", "checked"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"i", " ", "was"}]}], ")"}]}], "*)"}],
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ "should", " ", "only", " ", "include", " ", "LSP"}], " ",
+ "*)"}],
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"hopefully", " ", "fixed", " ", "now"}], "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+",
+ RowBox[{"0", " ", "3"}], "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0NeuNeu", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "1", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Min", "[",
+ RowBox[{"MCha", "/.", "para"}], "]"}], "<",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"MNeu", "/.", "para"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<LSP problem 1\>\"", "]"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";"}]}], " ", "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Min", "[",
+ RowBox[{"MASf", "/.", "para"}], "]"}], "<",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"MNeu", "/.", "para"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<LSP problem 1\>\"", "]"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";"}]}], " ", "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"MGl", "/.", "para"}], ")"}], "<",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"MNeu", "/.", "para"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<LSP problem 1\>\"", "]"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";"}]}], " ", "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CouplingSM", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}],
+ ")"}], ")"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"g2hjZZ", "=", "0"}], ";"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"g2hjZZ", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Coupling", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], ")"}], "/",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CouplingSM", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], ")"}]}], "]"}],
+ "^", "2"}]}], ";"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"gghTevSM", "/.", "prod"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}], ">", "0"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"g2hjgg", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"gghTev", "/.", "prod"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}], "/",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"gghTevSM", "/.", "prod"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"below", " ", "MH"}], "=", "80"}], ",", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ "FH", " ", "does", " ", "not", " ", "calculate", " ",
+ "the", " ", "tevatron", " ", "production", " ", "cross",
+ " ", "sections"}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"GammaSM", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "5"}], "]"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}],
+ ")"}], ")"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"g2hjgg", "=", "0"}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"\<uh oh: g2hjgg=0\>\"", "]"}],
+ ";",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"g2hjgg", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Gamma", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "5"}], "]"}], "]"}], "/",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"GammaSM", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "5"}], "]"}], "]"}]}]}], ";"}]}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}]}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"t", "=", "4"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g", "=", "3"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbs", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ "/",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCouplingSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbp", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ "/",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCouplingSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbb", "=",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbs", "+", "g2hjbbp"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"t", "=", "2"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g", "=", "3"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtautaus", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ "/",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCouplingSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtautaup", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ "/",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCouplingSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtautau", "=",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtautaus", "+", "g2hjtautaup"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"t", "=", "3"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g", "=", "3"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtoptops", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ "/",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCouplingSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtoptopp", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RCoupling", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ "/",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LCouplingSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "t", ",", "g"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ "]"}]}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtoptop", "=",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjtoptops", "+", "g2hjtoptopp"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ "difference", " ", "is", " ", "because", " ", "CP", " ",
+ "even", " ", "MSSM", " ", "part", " ", "in", " ",
+ "feynHiggs", " ", "has", " ", "factor", " ",
+ RowBox[{"beta", "^", "2"}], " ", "different", " ", "to",
+ " ", "SM", " ",
+ RowBox[{"part", ".", " ", "Check"}], " ", "in", " ",
+ "new", " ", "version", " ", "of", " ", "FeynHiggs"}],
+ "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ "\"\<hello \>\"", ",", "g2hjbb", ",", "\"\< \>\"", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"bbhTev", "/.", "prod"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}], "/",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"bbhTevSM", "/.", "prod"}], ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "h", "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Print", "[",
+ RowBox[{"\"\<hello4 \>\"", ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Gamma", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "4", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], "/",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"GammaSM", "[", "H0FF", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "4", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}]}]}],
+ "]"}], ";"}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Which", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbs", ">", "0"}], ")"}], "&&",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbp", ">", "0"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CPvalues", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "0"}],
+ ";"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbs", ">", "0"}], ")"}], "&&",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbp", "==", "0"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CPvalues", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "1"}],
+ ";"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbs", "==", "0"}], ")"}], "&&",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"g2hjbbp", ">", "0"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CPvalues", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}], ";"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "True", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ "Print", "[", "\"\<Problem with CPvalues\>\"", "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Abort", "[", "]"}], ";"}]}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "LEPHZCSratios"}], " ",
+ "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHZCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjZZ"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "LEPHffCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHffCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjbb"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEPHffCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "3", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjtautau"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "TEVH0jetpartCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVH0jetpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjgg"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVH0jetpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "3", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjbb"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "TEVH1jetpartCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVH1jetpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjbb"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "TEVHWpartCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHWpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjZZ"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHWpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "3", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHWpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "6", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHWpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "9", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "TEVHZpartCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjZZ"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "3", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "6", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "9", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHZpartCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "12", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjZZ"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "TEVHvbfhadCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHvbfhadCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=", "g2hjZZ"}],
+ ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"(*",
+ RowBox[{"**", "**", "**", " ", "TEVHtthadCSratios"}],
+ " ", "*******)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TEVHtthadCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"h", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "g2hjtoptop"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"h", ",", "1", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"kk", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"ii", "\[NotEqual]", "jj"}], ")"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"kk", "=",
+ RowBox[{"kk", "+", "1"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BRHNP", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"3", "+", "kk", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BR", "[", "H0HH", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}], ")"}],
+ "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"jj", ",", "ii", ",", "ii"}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
+ ";"}]}], " ",
+ RowBox[{"(*", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ "Note", " ", "this", " ", "FH", " ", "result", " ", "can",
+ " ", "be", " ", "very", " ", "unreliable"}], " ", "*)"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"ii", ",", "1", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ";"}],
+ "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"jj", ",", "1", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"norm", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"CouplingSM", "[", "H0VV", "]"}], "//.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "3"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ")"}], "/",
+ "MZ"}], "/", "2"}], ")"}], "^", "2"}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"kk", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Do", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"jj", "\[GreaterEqual]", " ", "ii"}], ")"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"kk", "=",
+ RowBox[{"kk", "+", "1"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"ii", "\[NotEqual]", "jj"}], ")"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEP2HCSratios", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"n", ",",
+ RowBox[{"kk", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Coupling", "[", "H0HV", "]"}], "/.", "coup"}],
+ ")"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"jj", ",", "ii"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], "^",
+ "2"}], ")"}], "/", "norm"}]}], ";"}],
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LEP2HCSratios", "[",
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File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 2:59 PM (1 d, 14 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(89 KB)

Event Timeline