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diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
--- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
+++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from .particles import thepeg_particles
from .helpers import CheckUnique, getTemplate, writeFile, def_from_model
-from .helpers import add_brackets, typemap,VVVordering
+from .helpers import add_brackets, typemap
from .converter import py2cpp
from .write_paramcard import ParamCardWriter
from .vertices import VertexConverter
diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+import itertools,cmath
+# ordering for EW VVV vertices
+def VVVordering(vertex) :
+ pattern = "if((p1->id()==%s&&p2->id()==%s&&p3->id()==%s)"+\
+ "||(p1->id()==%s&&p2->id()==%s&&p3->id()==%s)||"+\
+ "(p1->id()==%s&&p2->id()==%s&&p3->id()==%s)) {norm(-norm());}"
+ ordering = pattern%(vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[0].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[0].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,
+ vertex.particles[0].pdg_code)
+ return ordering
+def tensorCouplings(vertex,coupling,prefactors,L,lorentztag,pos) :
+ # split the structure into its different terms for analysis
+ ordering=""
+ structure1 = L.structure.split()
+ structures =[]
+ sign=''
+ for struct in structure1 :
+ if(struct=='+') :
+ continue
+ elif(struct=='-') :
+ sign='-'
+ else :
+ structures.append(sign+struct.strip())
+ sign=''
+ lterms=[]
+ rterms=[]
+ if(lorentztag == 'SST') :
+ terms=[['P(1003,2)','P(2003,1)'],
+ ['P(1003,1)','P(2003,2)'],
+ ['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1003,2003)']]
+ signs=[1.,1.,-1.]
+ elif(lorentztag == 'FFT' ) :
+ terms=[['P(2003,1)','Gamma(1003,2,1)'],
+ ['P(2003,2)','Gamma(1003,2,1)'],
+ ['P(1003,1)','Gamma(2003,2,1)'],
+ ['P(1003,2)','Gamma(2003,2,1)'],
+ ['P(-1,1)','Gamma(-1,2,1)','Metric(1003,2003)'],
+ ['P(-1,2)','Gamma(-1,2,1)','Metric(1003,2003)']]
+ signs=[1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-0.5,0.5]
+ elif(lorentztag == 'VVT' ) :
+ terms=[['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,2003)','Metric(2,1003)'],
+ ['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,1003)','Metric(2,2003)'],
+ ['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(1003,2003)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','P(2,1)','Metric(1003,2003)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','P(2003,1)','Metric(2,1003)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','P(1003,1)','Metric(2,2003)'],
+ ['P(2,1)','P(2003,2)','Metric(1,1003)'],
+ ['P(2,1)','P(1003,2)','Metric(1,2003)'],
+ ['P(1003,2)','P(2003,1)','Metric(1,2)'],
+ ['P(1003,1)','P(2003,2)','Metric(1,2)']]
+ signs=[1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.]
+ elif(lorentztag == 'FFVT' ) :
+ terms = [['Gamma(2004,2,1)','Metric(3,1004)'],
+ ['Gamma(1004,2,1)','Metric(3,2004)'],
+ ['Gamma(3,2,1)','Metric(1004,2004)']]
+ lterms=[['Gamma(2004,2,-1)','Metric(3,1004)','ProjM(-1,1)'],
+ ['Gamma(1004,2,-1)','Metric(3,2004)','ProjM(-1,1)'],
+ ['Gamma(3,2,-1)','Metric(1004,2004)','ProjM(-1,1)']]
+ rterms=[['Gamma(2004,2,-1)','Metric(3,1004)','ProjP(-1,1)'],
+ ['Gamma(1004,2,-1)','Metric(3,2004)','ProjP(-1,1)'],
+ ['Gamma(3,2,-1)','Metric(1004,2004)','ProjP(-1,1)']]
+ signs=[1.,1.,-0.5]
+ elif(lorentztag == 'VVVT' ) :
+ # the F(mu nu,rho sigma lambda) terms first
+ terms = [['P(2004,2)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,3)'],['P(2004,3)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,3)'],
+ ['P(1004,2)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,3)'],['P(1004,3)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,3)'],
+ ['P(2004,3)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,1004)'],['P(2004,1)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,1004)'],
+ ['P(1004,3)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,2004)'],['P(1004,1)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,2004)'],
+ ['P(2004,1)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,1004)'],['P(2004,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,1004)'],
+ ['P(1004,1)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,2004)'],['P(1004,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,2004)'],
+ ['P(3,1)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,1004)'],['P(3,2)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,1004)'],
+ ['P(3,1)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,2004)'],['P(3,2)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,2004)'],
+ ['P(3,1)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(1004,2004)'],['P(3,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(1004,2004)'],
+ ['P(2,3)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],['P(2,1)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],
+ ['P(2,3)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],['P(2,1)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],
+ ['P(2,3)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(1004,2004)'],['P(2,1)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(1004,2004)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','Metric(2,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],['P(1,3)','Metric(2,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','Metric(2,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],['P(1,3)','Metric(2,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','Metric(2,3)','Metric(1004,2004)'],['P(1,3)','Metric(2,3)','Metric(1004,2004)']]
+ signs = [1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,
+ 1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.]
+ signs = [1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,
+ 1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.]
+ l = lambda c: len(pos[c])
+ if l(8)!=3 :
+ ordering = VVVordering(vertex)
+ # unknown
+ else :
+ raise Exception('Unknown data type "%s".' % lorentztag)
+ sum = [0.,0.,0.]
+ itype = 0
+ for types in (terms,lterms,rterms) :
+ i=0
+ for term in types:
+ for perm in itertools.permutations(term):
+ label = '*'.join(perm)
+ for struct in structures :
+ if label in struct :
+ reminder = struct.replace(label,'1.',1)
+ sum[itype] += eval(reminder, {'cmath':cmath} )*signs[i]
+ i+=1
+ itype += 1
+ all_coup = []
+ left_coup = []
+ right_coup = []
+ if(len(lterms)==0) :
+ all_coup.append('(%s) *(%s) * (%s)' % (sum[0]/float(len(signs)), prefactors,coupling.value))
+ else :
+ sum[1] += sum[0]
+ sum[2] += sum[0]
+ left_coup .append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,sum[1]/float(len(signs)),coupling.value))
+ right_coup.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,sum[2]/float(len(signs)),coupling.value))
+ return (all_coup,left_coup,right_coup,ordering)
+def EWVVVVCouplings(vertex,L) :
+ terms=['Metric(1,2)*Metric(3,4)',
+ 'Metric(1,3)*Metric(2,4)',
+ 'Metric(1,4)*Metric(2,3)']
+ structure1 = L.structure.split()
+ structures =[]
+ sign=''
+ for struct in structure1 :
+ if(struct=='+') :
+ continue
+ elif(struct=='-') :
+ sign='-'
+ else :
+ structures.append(sign+struct.strip())
+ sign=''
+ factors=[]
+ for term in terms:
+ for struct in structures :
+ if term in struct :
+ reminder = struct.replace(term,'1.',1)
+ try:
+ factors.append(eval(reminder, {'cmath':cmath} ))
+ except NameError:
+ name_error = True
+ else:
+ name_error = False
+ if len(factors) != 3 or name_error:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ 'Warning: unsupported {tag} ( {ps} ) Lorentz structure in {name}:\n{lstr}\n'
+ .format(tag=unique_lorentztag(vertex),,
+ lstr=L.structure, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
+ )
+ raise SkipThisVertex()
+ factor=0.
+ order=[]
+ if(factors[0]==-2.*factors[1] and factors[0]==-2.*factors[2] ) :
+ order=[0,1,2,3]
+ factor = factors[0]/2.
+ elif(factors[1]==-2.*factors[0] and factors[1]==-2.*factors[2] ) :
+ order=[0,2,1,3]
+ factor = factors[1]/2.
+ elif(factors[2]==-2.*factors[0] and factors[2]==-2.*factors[1] ) :
+ order=[0,3,1,2]
+ factor = factors[2]/2.
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ 'Warning: unsupported {tag} ( {ps} ) Lorentz structure in {name}:\n{lstr}\n'
+ .format(tag=unique_lorentztag(vertex),,
+ lstr=L.structure, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
+ )
+ raise SkipThisVertex()
+ pattern = \
+ "bool done[4]={false,false,false,false};\n" + \
+ " tcPDPtr part[4]={p1,p2,p3,p4};\n" + \
+ " unsigned int iorder[4]={0,0,0,0};\n" + \
+ " for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) {\n" + \
+ " if(!done[0] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[0]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
+ " if(!done[1] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[1]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
+ " if(!done[2] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[2]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
+ " if(!done[3] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[3]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
+ " }\n" + \
+ " setType(2);\n" + \
+ " setOrder(iorder[0],iorder[1],iorder[2],iorder[3]);"
+ ordering=pattern % ( vertex.particles[0].pdg_code,order[0],
+ vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,order[1],
+ vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,order[2],
+ vertex.particles[3].pdg_code,order[3] )
+ return (ordering,factor)
+def changeSign(sign1,sign2) :
+ if((sign1=="+" and sign2=="+") or\
+ (sign1=="-" and sign2=="-")) :
+ return "+"
+ else :
+ return "-"
+def epsilonOrder(eps) :
+ terms = eps.strip("Epsilon(").strip(")").split(",")
+ sign=1.
+ for iy in range(0,len(terms)) :
+ for ix in range(-1,-len(terms)+iy,-1) :
+ swap = False
+ if(len(terms[ix])==1 and len(terms[ix-1])==1) :
+ swap = int(terms[ix])<int(terms[ix-1])
+ elif(len(terms[ix])==2 and len(terms[ix-1])==2) :
+ swap = int(terms[ix][1])<int(terms[ix-1][1])
+ elif(len(terms[ix])==1 and len(terms[ix-1])==2) :
+ swap = True
+ if(swap) :
+ sign *=-1.
+ terms[ix],terms[ix-1] = terms[ix-1],terms[ix]
+ return (sign,"Epsilon(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (terms[0],terms[1],terms[2],terms[3]))
+def VVSEpsilon(couplings,struct) :
+ if(struct.find("Epsilon")<0) :
+ return
+ fact=""
+ sign="+"
+ if(struct[-1]==")") :
+ fact=struct.split("(")[0]
+ if(fact.find("Epsilon")>=0) :
+ fact=""
+ else :
+ struct=struct.split("(",1)[1][:-1]
+ if(fact[0]=="-") :
+ sign="-"
+ fact=fact[1:]
+ split = struct.split("*")
+ # find the epsilon
+ eps=""
+ for piece in split :
+ if(piece.find("Epsilon")>=0) :
+ eps=piece
+ split.remove(piece)
+ break
+ # and any prefactors
+ for piece in split :
+ if(piece.find("P(")<0) :
+ split.remove(piece)
+ if(piece[0]=="+" or piece[0]=="-") :
+ sign=changeSign(sign,piece[0])
+ piece=piece[1:]
+ if(fact=="") :
+ fact=piece
+ else :
+ fact = "( %s ) * ( %s )" % (fact , piece)
+ # now sort out the momenta
+ for piece in split :
+ terms=piece.split(",")
+ terms[0]=terms[0].strip("P(")
+ terms[1]=terms[1].strip(")")
+ eps=eps.replace(terms[0],"P%s"%terms[1])
+ (nsign,eps)=epsilonOrder(eps)
+ if(nsign<0) : sign=changeSign(sign,"-")
+ if(fact=="") : fact="1."
+ if(eps!="Epsilon(1,2,P1,P2)") :
+ return
+ if(couplings[6]==0.) :
+ couplings[6] = "( %s%s )" % (sign,fact)
+ else :
+ couplings[6] = "( %s ) + ( %s%s )" % (couplings[6],sign,fact)
+def VVSCouplings(vertex,coupling,prefactors,L,lorentztag) :
+ # split the structure into its different terms for analysis
+ ordering=""
+ structure1 = L.structure.split()
+ structures =[]
+ sign=''
+ # extract the lorentz structures
+ for struct in structure1 :
+ if(struct=='+') :
+ continue
+ elif(struct=='-') :
+ sign='-'
+ else :
+ structures.append(sign+struct.strip())
+ sign=''
+ # handle the scalar couplings
+ couplings=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]
+ terms=[['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,2)'],
+ ['P(1,1)','P(2,1)'],
+ ['P(1,1)','P(2,2)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','P(2,1)'],
+ ['P(1,2)','P(2,2)'],['Metric(1,2)']]
+ itype=-1
+ for term in terms:
+ itype+=1
+ for perm in itertools.permutations(term):
+ label = '*'.join(perm)
+ for istruct in range(0,len(structures)) :
+ if label in structures[istruct] :
+ reminder = structures[istruct].replace(label,'1.',1)
+ couplings[itype]+=eval(reminder, {'cmath':cmath} )
+ structures[istruct]='Done'
+ # handle the pseudoscalar couplings
+ for struct in structures :
+ if(struct != "Done" ) :
+ VVSEpsilon(couplings,struct)
+ # evaluate the prefactor
+ if type(coupling) is not list:
+ value = coupling.value
+ else:
+ value = "("
+ for coup in coupling :
+ value += '+(%s)' % coup.value
+ value +=")"
+ # put it all together
+ for ic in range(0,len(couplings)) :
+ if(couplings[ic]!=0.) :
+ couplings[ic] = '(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,value,couplings[ic])
+ return couplings
diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
--- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
+++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
@@ -1,548 +1,230 @@
from string import Template
from os import path
-import sys,itertools,cmath
+import sys,cmath
import re
Helper functions for the Herwig Feynrules converter
class CheckUnique:
"""Uniqueness checker.
An object of this class remembers the value it was called with first.
Any subsequent call to it will only succeed if the same value is passed again.
For example,
>>> f = CheckUnique()
>>> f(5)
>>> f(5)
>>> f(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
def __init__(self):
self.val = None
def __call__(self,val):
"""Store value on first call, then compare."""
if self.val is None:
self.val = val
assert( val == self.val )
def is_number(s):
"""Check if a value is a number."""
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def getTemplate(name):
"""Create a python string template from a file."""
templatename = '{name}.template'.format(name=name)
# assumes the template files sit next to this script
moduledir = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
templatepath = path.join(moduledir,templatename)
with open(templatepath, 'r') as f:
templateText =
return Template( templateText )
def writeFile(filename, text):
"""Write text to a filename."""
with open(filename,'w') as f:
def qcd_qed_orders(vertex, coupling):
# if more than one take QCD over QED and then lowest order in QED
if type(coupling) is list:
qed = 0
qcd = 0
for coup in coupling :
qed1 = coup.order.get('QED',0)
qcd1 = coup.order.get('QCD',0)
if qcd1 != 0:
if qcd == 0 or (qcd1 != 0 and qcd1 < qcd):
if qed == 0 or (qed1 != 0 and qed1 < qed):
qed = coupling.order.get('QED',0)
qcd = coupling.order.get('QCD',0)
# Is there a better way to treat this?
if qed + qcd + 2 != len(vertex.particles):
qed = len(vertex.particles) - qcd - 2
return qcd, qed
def def_from_model(FR,s):
"""Return a C++ line that defines parameter s as coming from the model file."""
stype = typemap(getattr(FR.parameters,s).type)
return '{t} {s} = model_->{s}();'.format(t=stype,s=s)
_typemap = {'complex':'Complex',
def typemap(s):
return _typemap[s]
def add_brackets(expr, syms):
result = expr
for s in syms:
pattern = r'({symb})(\W|$)'.format(symb=s)
result = re.sub(pattern, r'\1()\2', result)
return result
def banner():
return """\
______ ______ _ __ _ _ _
| ___| | ___ \ | | / /| | | | (_) _ _
| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ | |_/ /_ _ | | ___ ___ / / | |_| | ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _| |_ _| |_
| _|/ _ \| | | || \_ \ | /| | | || | / _ \/ __| / / | _ | / _ \| \__|\ \ /\ / /| | / _` ||_ _||_ _|
| | | __/| |_| || | | || |\ \| |_| || || __/\__ \ / / | | | || __/| | \ V V / | || (_| | |_| |_|
\_| \___| \__, ||_| |_|\_| \_|\__,_||_| \___||___//_/ \_| |_/ \___||_| \_/\_/ |_| \__, |
__/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/
generating model/vertex/.model/.in files
please be patient!
#################### ??? #######################
# function that replaces alphaS (aS)-dependent variables
# with their explicit form which also contains strongCoupling
def aStoStrongCoup(stringin, paramstoreplace, paramstoreplace_expressions):
#print stringin
for xx in range(0,len(paramstoreplace)):
#print paramstoreplace[xx], paramstoreplace_expressions[xx]
stringout = stringin.replace(paramstoreplace[xx], '(' + PyMathToThePEGMath(paramstoreplace_expressions[xx],allparams) + ')')
stringout = stringout.replace('aS', '(sqr(strongCoupling(q2))/(4.0*Constants::pi))')
#print 'resulting string', stringout
return stringout
# function that replaces alphaEW (aEW)-dependent variables
# with their explicit form which also contains weakCoupling
def aEWtoWeakCoup(stringin, paramstoreplace, paramstoreplace_expressions):
#print stringin
for xx in range(0,len(paramstoreplace)):
#print paramstoreplace[xx], paramstoreplace_expressions[xx]
stringout = stringin.replace(paramstoreplace[xx], '(' + PyMathToThePEGMath(paramstoreplace_expressions[xx],allparams) + ')')
stringout = stringout.replace('aEWM1', '(1/(sqr(electroMagneticCoupling(q2))/(4.0*Constants::pi)))')
#print 'resulting string', stringout
return stringout
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
if False:
# Check if the Vertex is self-conjugate or not
pdgcode = [0,0,0,0]
notsmvertex = False
vhasw = 0
vhasz = 0
vhasf = 0
vhasg = 0
vhash = 0
vhasp = 0
# print 'printing particles in vertex'
for i in range(len(v.particles)):
# print v.particles[i].pdg_code
pdgcode[i] = v.particles[i].pdg_code
if pdgcode[i] == 23:
vhasz += 1
if pdgcode[i] == 22:
vhasp += 1
if pdgcode[i] == 25:
vhash += 1
if pdgcode[i] == 21:
vhasg += 1
if pdgcode[i] == 24:
vhasw += 1
if abs(pdgcode[i]) < 7 or (abs(pdgcode[i]) > 10 and abs(pdgcode[i]) < 17):
vhasf += 1
if pdgcode[i] not in SMPARTICLES:
notsmvertex = True
# treat replacement of SM vertices with BSM vertices?
if notsmvertex == False:
if( (vhasf == 2 and vhasz == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhasw == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhash == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhasg == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhasp == 0) or (vhasg == 3) or (vhasg == 4) or (vhasw == 2 and vhash == 1) or (vhasw == 3) or (vhasw == 4) or (vhash == 1 and vhasg == 2) or (vhash == 1 and vhasp == 2)):
v.include = 0
notincluded += 1
selfconjugate = 0
for j in range(len(pdgcode)):
for k in range(len(pdgcode)):
if j != k and j != 0 and abs(pdgcode[j]) == abs(pdgcode[k]):
selfconjugate = 1
#print 'self-conjugate vertex'
# print pdgcode[j]
# if the Vertex is not self-conjugate, then add the conjugate vertex
# automatically
scfac = [1,1,1,1]
if selfconjugate == 0:
#first find the self-conjugate particles
for u in range(len(v.particles)):
if v.particles[u].selfconjugate == 0:
scfac[u] = -1
# print 'particle ', v.particles[u].pdg_code, ' found not to be self-conjugate'
if selfconjugate == 0:
plistarray[1] += str(scfac[1] * v.particles[1].pdg_code) + ',' + str(scfac[0] * v.particles[0].pdg_code) + ',' + str(scfac[2] * v.particles[2].pdg_code)
if len(v.particles) is 4:
plistarray[1] += ',' + str(scfac[3] * v.particles[3].pdg_code)
#print 'Conjugate vertex:', plistarray[1]
-# ordering for EW VVV vertices
-def VVVordering(vertex) :
- pattern = "if((p1->id()==%s&&p2->id()==%s&&p3->id()==%s)"+\
- "||(p1->id()==%s&&p2->id()==%s&&p3->id()==%s)||"+\
- "(p1->id()==%s&&p2->id()==%s&&p3->id()==%s)) {norm(-norm());}"
- ordering = pattern%(vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[0].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[0].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,
- vertex.particles[0].pdg_code)
- return ordering
-def tensorCouplings(vertex,coupling,prefactors,L,lorentztag,pos) :
- # split the structure into its different terms for analysis
- ordering=""
- structure1 = L.structure.split()
- structures =[]
- sign=''
- for struct in structure1 :
- if(struct=='+') :
- continue
- elif(struct=='-') :
- sign='-'
- else :
- structures.append(sign+struct.strip())
- sign=''
- lterms=[]
- rterms=[]
- if(lorentztag == 'SST') :
- terms=[['P(1003,2)','P(2003,1)'],
- ['P(1003,1)','P(2003,2)'],
- ['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1003,2003)']]
- signs=[1.,1.,-1.]
- elif(lorentztag == 'FFT' ) :
- terms=[['P(2003,1)','Gamma(1003,2,1)'],
- ['P(2003,2)','Gamma(1003,2,1)'],
- ['P(1003,1)','Gamma(2003,2,1)'],
- ['P(1003,2)','Gamma(2003,2,1)'],
- ['P(-1,1)','Gamma(-1,2,1)','Metric(1003,2003)'],
- ['P(-1,2)','Gamma(-1,2,1)','Metric(1003,2003)']]
- signs=[1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-0.5,0.5]
- elif(lorentztag == 'VVT' ) :
- terms=[['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,2003)','Metric(2,1003)'],
- ['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,1003)','Metric(2,2003)'],
- ['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(1003,2003)'],
- ['P(1,2)','P(2,1)','Metric(1003,2003)'],
- ['P(1,2)','P(2003,1)','Metric(2,1003)'],
- ['P(1,2)','P(1003,1)','Metric(2,2003)'],
- ['P(2,1)','P(2003,2)','Metric(1,1003)'],
- ['P(2,1)','P(1003,2)','Metric(1,2003)'],
- ['P(1003,2)','P(2003,1)','Metric(1,2)'],
- ['P(1003,1)','P(2003,2)','Metric(1,2)']]
- signs=[1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.]
- elif(lorentztag == 'FFVT' ) :
- terms = [['Gamma(2004,2,1)','Metric(3,1004)'],
- ['Gamma(1004,2,1)','Metric(3,2004)'],
- ['Gamma(3,2,1)','Metric(1004,2004)']]
- lterms=[['Gamma(2004,2,-1)','Metric(3,1004)','ProjM(-1,1)'],
- ['Gamma(1004,2,-1)','Metric(3,2004)','ProjM(-1,1)'],
- ['Gamma(3,2,-1)','Metric(1004,2004)','ProjM(-1,1)']]
- rterms=[['Gamma(2004,2,-1)','Metric(3,1004)','ProjP(-1,1)'],
- ['Gamma(1004,2,-1)','Metric(3,2004)','ProjP(-1,1)'],
- ['Gamma(3,2,-1)','Metric(1004,2004)','ProjP(-1,1)']]
- signs=[1.,1.,-0.5]
- elif(lorentztag == 'VVVT' ) :
- # the F(mu nu,rho sigma lambda) terms first
- terms = [['P(2004,2)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,3)'],['P(2004,3)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,3)'],
- ['P(1004,2)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,3)'],['P(1004,3)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,3)'],
- ['P(2004,3)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,1004)'],['P(2004,1)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,1004)'],
- ['P(1004,3)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,2004)'],['P(1004,1)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(2,2004)'],
- ['P(2004,1)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,1004)'],['P(2004,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,1004)'],
- ['P(1004,1)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,2004)'],['P(1004,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(3,2004)'],
- ['P(3,1)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,1004)'],['P(3,2)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(2,1004)'],
- ['P(3,1)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,2004)'],['P(3,2)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(2,2004)'],
- ['P(3,1)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(1004,2004)'],['P(3,2)','Metric(1,2)','Metric(1004,2004)'],
- ['P(2,3)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],['P(2,1)','Metric(1,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],
- ['P(2,3)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],['P(2,1)','Metric(1,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],
- ['P(2,3)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(1004,2004)'],['P(2,1)','Metric(1,3)','Metric(1004,2004)'],
- ['P(1,2)','Metric(2,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],['P(1,3)','Metric(2,2004)','Metric(3,1004)'],
- ['P(1,2)','Metric(2,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],['P(1,3)','Metric(2,1004)','Metric(3,2004)'],
- ['P(1,2)','Metric(2,3)','Metric(1004,2004)'],['P(1,3)','Metric(2,3)','Metric(1004,2004)']]
- signs = [1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,
- 1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.]
- signs = [1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,
- 1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,-1.,1.]
- l = lambda c: len(pos[c])
- if l(8)!=3 :
- ordering = VVVordering(vertex)
- # unknown
- else :
- raise Exception('Unknown data type "%s".' % lorentztag)
- sum = [0.,0.,0.]
- itype = 0
- for types in (terms,lterms,rterms) :
- i=0
- for term in types:
- for perm in itertools.permutations(term):
- label = '*'.join(perm)
- for struct in structures :
- if label in struct :
- reminder = struct.replace(label,'1.',1)
- sum[itype] += eval(reminder, {'cmath':cmath} )*signs[i]
- i+=1
- itype += 1
- all_coup = []
- left_coup = []
- right_coup = []
- if(len(lterms)==0) :
- all_coup.append('(%s) *(%s) * (%s)' % (sum[0]/float(len(signs)), prefactors,coupling.value))
- else :
- sum[1] += sum[0]
- sum[2] += sum[0]
- left_coup .append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,sum[1]/float(len(signs)),coupling.value))
- right_coup.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,sum[2]/float(len(signs)),coupling.value))
- return (all_coup,left_coup,right_coup,ordering)
-def EWVVVVCouplings(vertex,L) :
- terms=['Metric(1,2)*Metric(3,4)',
- 'Metric(1,3)*Metric(2,4)',
- 'Metric(1,4)*Metric(2,3)']
- structure1 = L.structure.split()
- structures =[]
- sign=''
- for struct in structure1 :
- if(struct=='+') :
- continue
- elif(struct=='-') :
- sign='-'
- else :
- structures.append(sign+struct.strip())
- sign=''
- factors=[]
- for term in terms:
- for struct in structures :
- if term in struct :
- reminder = struct.replace(term,'1.',1)
- try:
- factors.append(eval(reminder, {'cmath':cmath} ))
- except NameError:
- name_error = True
- else:
- name_error = False
- if len(factors) != 3 or name_error:
- sys.stderr.write(
- 'Warning: unsupported {tag} ( {ps} ) Lorentz structure in {name}:\n{lstr}\n'
- .format(tag=unique_lorentztag(vertex),,
- lstr=L.structure, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
- )
- raise SkipThisVertex()
- factor=0.
- order=[]
- if(factors[0]==-2.*factors[1] and factors[0]==-2.*factors[2] ) :
- order=[0,1,2,3]
- factor = factors[0]/2.
- elif(factors[1]==-2.*factors[0] and factors[1]==-2.*factors[2] ) :
- order=[0,2,1,3]
- factor = factors[1]/2.
- elif(factors[2]==-2.*factors[0] and factors[2]==-2.*factors[1] ) :
- order=[0,3,1,2]
- factor = factors[2]/2.
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(
- 'Warning: unsupported {tag} ( {ps} ) Lorentz structure in {name}:\n{lstr}\n'
- .format(tag=unique_lorentztag(vertex),,
- lstr=L.structure, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
- )
- raise SkipThisVertex()
- pattern = \
- "bool done[4]={false,false,false,false};\n" + \
- " tcPDPtr part[4]={p1,p2,p3,p4};\n" + \
- " unsigned int iorder[4]={0,0,0,0};\n" + \
- " for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) {\n" + \
- " if(!done[0] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[0]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
- " if(!done[1] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[1]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
- " if(!done[2] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[2]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
- " if(!done[3] && part[ix]->id()==%s) {done[3]=true; iorder[%s] = ix; continue;}\n" + \
- " }\n" + \
- " setType(2);\n" + \
- " setOrder(iorder[0],iorder[1],iorder[2],iorder[3]);"
- ordering=pattern % ( vertex.particles[0].pdg_code,order[0],
- vertex.particles[1].pdg_code,order[1],
- vertex.particles[2].pdg_code,order[2],
- vertex.particles[3].pdg_code,order[3] )
- return (ordering,factor)
-def changeSign(sign1,sign2) :
- if((sign1=="+" and sign2=="+") or\
- (sign1=="-" and sign2=="-")) :
- return "+"
- else :
- return "-"
-def epsilonOrder(eps) :
- terms = eps.strip("Epsilon(").strip(")").split(",")
- sign=1.
- for iy in range(0,len(terms)) :
- for ix in range(-1,-len(terms)+iy,-1) :
- swap = False
- if(len(terms[ix])==1 and len(terms[ix-1])==1) :
- swap = int(terms[ix])<int(terms[ix-1])
- elif(len(terms[ix])==2 and len(terms[ix-1])==2) :
- swap = int(terms[ix][1])<int(terms[ix-1][1])
- elif(len(terms[ix])==1 and len(terms[ix-1])==2) :
- swap = True
- if(swap) :
- sign *=-1.
- terms[ix],terms[ix-1] = terms[ix-1],terms[ix]
- return (sign,"Epsilon(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (terms[0],terms[1],terms[2],terms[3]))
-def VVSEpsilon(couplings,struct) :
- if(struct.find("Epsilon")<0) :
- return
- fact=""
- sign="+"
- if(struct[-1]==")") :
- fact=struct.split("(")[0]
- if(fact.find("Epsilon")>=0) :
- fact=""
- else :
- struct=struct.split("(",1)[1][:-1]
- if(fact[0]=="-") :
- sign="-"
- fact=fact[1:]
- split = struct.split("*")
- # find the epsilon
- eps=""
- for piece in split :
- if(piece.find("Epsilon")>=0) :
- eps=piece
- split.remove(piece)
- break
- # and any prefactors
- for piece in split :
- if(piece.find("P(")<0) :
- split.remove(piece)
- if(piece[0]=="+" or piece[0]=="-") :
- sign=changeSign(sign,piece[0])
- piece=piece[1:]
- if(fact=="") :
- fact=piece
- else :
- fact = "( %s ) * ( %s )" % (fact , piece)
- # now sort out the momenta
- for piece in split :
- terms=piece.split(",")
- terms[0]=terms[0].strip("P(")
- terms[1]=terms[1].strip(")")
- eps=eps.replace(terms[0],"P%s"%terms[1])
- (nsign,eps)=epsilonOrder(eps)
- if(nsign<0) : sign=changeSign(sign,"-")
- if(fact=="") : fact="1."
- if(eps!="Epsilon(1,2,P1,P2)") :
- return
- if(couplings[6]==0.) :
- couplings[6] = "( %s%s )" % (sign,fact)
- else :
- couplings[6] = "( %s ) + ( %s%s )" % (couplings[6],sign,fact)
-def VVSCouplings(vertex,coupling,prefactors,L,lorentztag) :
- # split the structure into its different terms for analysis
- ordering=""
- structure1 = L.structure.split()
- structures =[]
- sign=''
- # extract the lorentz structures
- for struct in structure1 :
- if(struct=='+') :
- continue
- elif(struct=='-') :
- sign='-'
- else :
- structures.append(sign+struct.strip())
- sign=''
- # handle the scalar couplings
- couplings=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]
- terms=[['P(-1,1)','P(-1,2)','Metric(1,2)'],
- ['P(1,1)','P(2,1)'],
- ['P(1,1)','P(2,2)'],
- ['P(1,2)','P(2,1)'],
- ['P(1,2)','P(2,2)'],['Metric(1,2)']]
- itype=-1
- for term in terms:
- itype+=1
- for perm in itertools.permutations(term):
- label = '*'.join(perm)
- for istruct in range(0,len(structures)) :
- if label in structures[istruct] :
- reminder = structures[istruct].replace(label,'1.',1)
- couplings[itype]+=eval(reminder, {'cmath':cmath} )
- structures[istruct]='Done'
- # handle the pseudoscalar couplings
- for struct in structures :
- if(struct != "Done" ) :
- VVSEpsilon(couplings,struct)
- # evaluate the prefactor
- if type(coupling) is not list:
- value = coupling.value
- else:
- value = "("
- for coup in coupling :
- value += '+(%s)' % coup.value
- value +=")"
- # put it all together
- for ic in range(0,len(couplings)) :
- if(couplings[ic]!=0.) :
- couplings[ic] = '(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,value,couplings[ic])
- return couplings
diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
--- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
+++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
@@ -1,584 +1,584 @@
import sys,pprint
-from .helpers import CheckUnique,getTemplate,writeFile,qcd_qed_orders,\
- tensorCouplings,VVVordering,VVSCouplings,EWVVVVCouplings,def_from_model
+from .helpers import CheckUnique,getTemplate,writeFile,qcd_qed_orders,def_from_model
from .lorentzparser import parse_lorentz
from .converter import py2cpp
from .collapse_vertices import collapse_vertices
+from .check_lorentz import tensorCouplings,VVVordering,VVSCouplings,EWVVVVCouplings
# names of goldstone bosons
gsnames = ['goldstone','goldstoneboson','GoldstoneBoson']
# prefactors for vertices
lfactors = {
'FFV' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'VVV' : 'complex(0,1)', # changed to fix ttbar
'VVVS' : 'complex(0,1)', # should be as VVV
'VVVV' : 'complex(0,1)',
'VVS' : '-complex(0,1)',
'VSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # changed to minus to fix dL ->x1 W- d
'SSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'VVSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'VVT' : 'complex(0,2)',
'VVVT' : '-complex(0,2)',
'SSSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'FFS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'SST' : 'complex(0,2)',
'FFT' : '-complex(0,8)',
'FFVT' : '-complex(0,4)',
# template for the header for a vertex
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/{spindirectory}/{lorentztag}Vertex.h"
# template for the implmentation for a vertex
VERTEXCLASS = getTemplate('Vertex_class')
# template for the .cc file for vertices
VERTEX = getTemplate('')
vertexline = """\
create Herwig::{modelname}V_{vname} /Herwig/{modelname}/V_{vname}
insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_{vname}
class SkipThisVertex(Exception):
def get_lorentztag(spin):
"""Produce a ThePEG spin tag for the given numeric FR spins."""
spins = { 1 : 'S', 2 : 'F', 3 : 'V', -1 : 'U', 5 : 'T' }
result = [ spins[s] for s in spin ]
def spinsort(a,b):
"""Helper function for ThePEG's FVST spin tag ordering."""
if a == b: return 0
for letter in 'UFVST':
if a == letter: return -1
if b == letter: return 1
result = sorted(result, cmp=spinsort)
return ''.join(result)
def unique_lorentztag(vertex):
"""Check and return the Lorentz tag of the vertex."""
unique = CheckUnique()
for l in vertex.lorentz:
lorentztag = get_lorentztag(l.spins)
unique( lorentztag )
lname =[:len(lorentztag)]
if sorted(lorentztag) != sorted(lname):
raise Exception("Lorentztags: %s is not %s in %s"
% (lorentztag,lname,vertex))
# if lorentztag != lname:
# sys.stderr.write("Warning: Lorentz tag ordering: %s is not %s in %s\n"
# % (lorentztag,lname,vertex))
return lorentztag
def colors(vertex) :
unique = CheckUnique()
for pl in vertex.particles_list:
struct = [ p.color for p in pl ]
struct = [ p.color for p in vertex.particles ]
pos = colorpositions(struct)
L = len(struct)
return (L,pos)
def colorfactor(vertex,L,pos):
def match(patterns):
result = [ p == t
for p,t in zip(patterns,vertex.color) ]
return all(result)
label = None
l = lambda c: len(pos[c])
if l(1) == L:
label = ('1',)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and l(1) == L-2:
nums = [pos[3][0], pos[-3][0]]
label = ('Identity({0},{1})'.format(*sorted(nums)),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and l(1) == L-2:
nums = [pos[6][0], pos[-6][0]]
label = ('Identity({0},{1})'.format(*sorted(nums)),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(6) == l(-6) == 2 and L==4:
'Warning: Unknown colour structure 6 6 6~ 6~ ( {ps} ) in {name}.\n'
.format(, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
raise SkipThisVertex()
elif l(8) == l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and l(1) == L-3:
label = ('T({g},{q},{qb})'.format(g=pos[8][0],q=pos[3][0],qb=pos[-3][0]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(8) == l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and l(1) == L-3:
label = ('T6({g},{s},{sb})'.format(g=pos[8][0],s=pos[6][0],sb=pos[-6][0]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(6) == 1 and l(-3) == 2 and L==3:
label = ('K6({s},{qb1},{qb2})'.format(s=pos[6][0],qb1=pos[-3][0],qb2=pos[-3][1]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(-6) == 1 and l(3) == 2 and L==3:
label = ('K6Bar({sb},{q1},{q2})'.format(sb=pos[-6][0],q1=pos[3][0],q2=pos[3][1]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(3) == L == 3:
label = ('Epsilon(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('1',) # TODO check factor!
elif l(-3) == L == 3:
label = ('EpsilonBar(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('1',) # TODO check factor!
elif l(8) == L == 3:
# if lorentz is FFV get extra minus sign
lorentztag = unique_lorentztag(vertex)
factor = '*(-1)' if lorentztag in ['FFV'] else ''
label = ('f(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('-complex(0,1)%s'%factor,)
label = ('f(3,2,1)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)%s'%factor,)
label = ('f(2,1,3)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)%s'%factor,)
elif l(8) == L == 4:
label = ('f(-1,1,2)*f(3,4,-1)',
if match(label): return ('-1./3.','-1./3.','-1./3.')
elif l(8) == 2 and l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and L==4:
subs = {
'g1' : pos[8][0],
'g2' : pos[8][1],
'qq' : pos[3][0],
'qb' : pos[-3][0]
label = ('T({g1},-1,{qb})*T({g2},{qq},-1)'.format(**subs),
if match(label): return ('0.5','0.5')
elif l(8) == 2 and l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and L==4:
subs = {
'g1' : pos[8][0],
'g2' : pos[8][1],
'qq' : pos[6][0],
'qb' : pos[-6][0]
label = ('T6({g1},-1,{qb})*T6({g2},{qq},-1)'.format(**subs),
if match(label): return ('0.5','0.5')
elif l(8) == 2 and l(8)+l(1)==L :
subs = { 'g1' : pos[8][0], 'g2' : pos[8][1] }
label = ('Identity({g1},{g2})'.format(**subs),)
if match(label) : return ('1.',)
elif l(8) == 3 and l(1)==1 and L==4 :
label = ('f(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('-complex(0,1)',)
label = ('f(3,2,1)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)',)
label = ('f(2,1,3)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)',)
"Warning: Unknown colour structure {color} ( {ps} ) in {name}.\n"
.format(color = ' '.join(vertex.color), name =,
ps = ' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
raise SkipThisVertex()
def colorpositions(struct):
positions = {
1 : [],
3 : [],
-3 : [],
6 : [],
-6 : [],
8 : [],
for i,s in enumerate(struct,1):
return positions
def spindirectory(lt):
"""Return the spin directory name for a given Lorentz tag."""
if 'T' in lt:
spin_directory = 'Tensor'
elif 'S' in lt:
spin_directory = 'Scalar'
elif 'V' in lt:
spin_directory = 'Vector'
raise Exception("Unknown Lorentz tag {lt}.".format(lt=lt))
return spin_directory
def write_vertex_file(subs):
'Write the .cc file for some vertices'
newname = '' % (subs['ModelName'],subs['vertexnumber'])
subs['newname'] = newname
writeFile( newname, VERTEX.substitute(subs) )
def checkGhostGoldstoneVertex(lorentztag,vertex) :
'check if vertex has ghosts or goldstones'
# remove vertices involving ghost fields
if 'U' in lorentztag:
return True
# remove vertices involving goldstones
for p in vertex.particles:
def gstest(name):
return getattr(p,name)
except AttributeError:
return False
if any(map(gstest, gsnames)):
return True
return False
class VertexConverter:
'Convert the vertices in a FR model to extract the information ThePEG needs.'
def __init__(self,model) :
'Initialize the parameters'
self.all_vertices= []
self.no_generic_loop_vertices = False
def global_sign(self):
'Initial pass to find global sign at the moment does nothing'
return 1.0
# for v in self.model.all_vertices:
# pids = sorted([ p.pdg_code for p in v.particles ])
# if pids != [-11,11,22]: continue
# coup = v.couplings
# assert( len(coup) == 1 )
# val = coup.values()[0].value
# val = evaluate(val)
# assert( val.real == 0 )
# return 1 if val.imag > 0 else -1
def readArgs(self,args) :
'Extract the relevant command line arguments'
self.ignore_skipped = args.ignore_skipped
self.verbose = args.verbose
self.modelname =
self.no_generic_loop_vertices = args.no_generic_loop_vertices
def should_print(self) :
'Check if we should output the results'
return not self.vertex_skipped or self.ignore_skipped
def convert(self) :
'Convert the vertices'
if(self.verbose) :
print 'verbose mode on: printing all vertices'
print '-'*60
labels = ('vertex', 'particles', 'Lorentz', 'C_L', 'C_R', 'norm')
# check if we should merge vertices
if(self.ONE_EACH) :
self.all_vertices = self.model.all_vertices
self.all_vertices = collapse_vertices(self.model.all_vertices)
# convert the vertices
vertexclasses, vertexheaders = [], set()
for vertexnumber,vertex in enumerate(self.all_vertices,1) :
# process the vertex
(skip,vertexClass,vertexHeader) = \
# check it can be handled
if(skip) : continue
# add to the list
WRAP = 25
if vertexnumber % WRAP == 0:
write_vertex_file({'vertexnumber' : vertexnumber//WRAP,
'vertexclasses' : '\n'.join(vertexclasses),
'vertexheaders' : ''.join(vertexheaders),
'ModelName' : self.modelname})
vertexclasses = []
vertexheaders = set()
# exit if there's vertices we can't handle
if not self.should_print():
Error: The conversion was unsuccessful, some vertices could not be
generated. If you think the missing vertices are not important
and want to go ahead anyway, use --ignore-skipped.
Herwig may not give correct results, though.
# if still stuff to output it do it
if vertexclasses:
write_vertex_file({'vertexnumber' : vertexnumber//WRAP + 1,
'vertexclasses' : '\n'.join(vertexclasses),
'vertexheaders' : ''.join(vertexheaders),
'ModelName' : self.modelname})
print '='*60
def processVertex(self,vertexnumber,vertex) :
# get the Lorentz tag for the vertex
lorentztag = unique_lorentztag(vertex)
# check if we should skip the vertex
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = checkGhostGoldstoneVertex(lorentztag,vertex)
if(vertex.herwig_skip_vertex) :
return (True,"","")
# get the factor for the vertex
lf = lfactors[lorentztag]
except KeyError:
msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \
'is not supported.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag,,
ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True
return (True,"","")
# get the ids of the particles at the vertex
if self.ONE_EACH:
plistarray = [ ','.join([ str(p.pdg_code) for p in vertex.particles ]) ]
plistarray = [ ','.join([ str(p.pdg_code) for p in pl ])
for pl in vertex.particles_list ]
# parse the colour structure for the vertex
L,pos = colors(vertex)
cf = colorfactor(vertex,L,pos)
except SkipThisVertex:
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True
return (True,"","")
### classname
classname = 'V_%s' %
### parse couplings
unique_qcd = CheckUnique()
unique_qed = CheckUnique()
coup_left = []
coup_right = []
coup_norm = []
couplings_VVS = []
kinematics = "false"
if self.ONE_EACH:
items = vertex.couplings.iteritems()
items = vertex.couplings
for (color_idx,lorentz_idx),coupling in items:
qcd, qed = qcd_qed_orders(vertex, coupling)
unique_qcd( qcd )
unique_qed( qed )
L = vertex.lorentz[lorentz_idx]
prefactors = '(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' \
% (self.globalsign**(len(lorentztag)-2),lf,cf[color_idx])
ordering = ''
if lorentztag in ['FFS','FFV']:
left,right = parse_lorentz(L.structure)
if left:
coup_left.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,left,coupling.value))
if right:
coup_right.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,right,coupling.value))
if lorentztag == 'FFV':
ordering = ('if(p1->id()!=%s) {Complex ltemp=left(), rtemp=right(); left(-rtemp); right(-ltemp);}'
% vertex.particles[0].pdg_code)
elif 'T' in lorentztag :
all_coup, left_coup, right_coup, ordering = \
coup_norm += all_coup
coup_left += left_coup
coup_right += right_coup
elif lorentztag == 'VVS' :
tc = VVSCouplings(vertex,coupling,prefactors,L,lorentztag)
if(len(couplings_VVS)==0) :
else :
for ix in range(0,len(couplings_VVS)) :
if(tc[ix] == 0.) :
elif(couplings_VVS[ix]==0.) :
else :
couplings_VVS[ix] = '(( %s ) + ( %s ) )' % (couplings_VVS[ix],tc[ix])
if lorentztag == 'VSS':
if L.structure == 'P(1,3) - P(1,2)':
prefactors += ' * (-1)'
ordering = 'if(p2->id()!=%s){norm(-norm());}' \
% vertex.particles[1].pdg_code
elif lorentztag == 'VVVV':
if qcd==2:
ordering = 'setType(1);\nsetOrder(0,1,2,3);'
ordering, factor = EWVVVVCouplings(vertex,L)
prefactors += ' * (%s)' % factor
elif lorentztag == 'VVV':
if len(pos[8]) != 3:
ordering = VVVordering(vertex)
elif lorentztag == 'VVVS' :
if len(pos[8]) == 0 :
ordering = VVVordering(vertex)
if type(coupling) is not list:
value = coupling.value
value = "("
for coup in coupling :
value += '+(%s)' % coup.value
value +=")"
coup_norm.append('(%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,value))
#print 'Colour :',vertex.color[color_idx]
#print 'Lorentz %s:', L.spins, L.structure
#print 'Coupling %s:', C.value, '\nQED=%s'%qed, 'QCD=%s'%qcd
#print '---------------'
except SkipThisVertex:
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True
return (True,"","")
leftcontent = ' + '.join(coup_left) if coup_left else '0'
rightcontent = ' + '.join(coup_right) if coup_right else '0'
normcontent = ' + '.join(coup_norm) if coup_norm else '1'
#print 'Left:',leftcontent
#print 'Right:',rightcontent
#print 'Norm:',normcontent
#print '---------------'
couplingptrs = [',tcPDPtr']*len(lorentztag)
if lorentztag == 'VSS':
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
elif lorentztag == 'FFV':
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
elif (lorentztag == 'VVV' or lorentztag == 'VVVS' ) \
and ordering != '':
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
couplingptrs[2] += ' p3'
elif lorentztag == 'VVVT' and ordering != '':
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
couplingptrs[2] += ' p3'
elif lorentztag == 'VVVV' and qcd != 2:
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
couplingptrs[2] += ' p3'
couplingptrs[3] += ' p4'
### do we need left/right?
symbols = set()
if 'FF' in lorentztag and lorentztag != "FFT":
#leftcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(leftcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_)
#rightcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(rightcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_)
leftcalc, sym = py2cpp(leftcontent)
symbols |= sym
rightcalc, sym = py2cpp(rightcontent)
symbols |= sym
left = 'left(' + leftcalc + ');'
right = 'right(' + rightcalc + ');'
elif lorentztag == 'VVS':
if(couplings_VVS[0]==0. and couplings_VVS[1]==0. and couplings_VVS[2]==0. and \
couplings_VVS[3]==0. and couplings_VVS[4]==0. and couplings_VVS[5]!=0) :
normcontent = couplings_VVS[5]
else :
for ix in range(0,len(couplings_VVS)) :
if(couplings_VVS[ix] !=0.) :
couplings_VVS[ix], sym = py2cpp(couplings_VVS[ix])
symbols |= sym
lorentztag = 'GeneralVVS'
# g_mu,nv piece of coupling
if(couplings_VVS[5]!=0.) :
left = 'a00( %s + Complex(( %s )* GeV2/invariant(1,2)));' % ( couplings_VVS[0],couplings_VVS[5])
else :
left = 'a00( %s );' % couplings_VVS[0]
# other couplings
right = 'a11( %s );\n a12( %s );\n a21( %s );\n a22( %s ); aEp( %s ); ' % \
( couplings_VVS[1],couplings_VVS[2],couplings_VVS[3],couplings_VVS[4],couplings_VVS[6] )
left = ''
right = ''
leftcalc = ''
rightcalc = ''
#normcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(normcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_)
normcalc, sym = py2cpp(normcontent)
symbols |= sym
# UFO is GeV by default (?)
if lorentztag in ['VVS','SSS']:
normcalc = 'Complex((%s) * GeV / UnitRemoval::E)' % normcalc
elif lorentztag in ['GeneralVVS']:
normcalc = 'Complex(-(%s) * UnitRemoval::E / GeV )' % normcalc
elif lorentztag in ['FFT','VVT', 'SST', 'FFVT', 'VVVT' , 'VVVS' ]:
normcalc = 'Complex((%s) / GeV * UnitRemoval::E)' % normcalc
norm = 'norm(' + normcalc + ');'
# define unkown symbols from the model
symboldefs = [ def_from_model(self.model,s) for s in symbols ]
### assemble dictionary and fill template
subs = { 'lorentztag' : lorentztag, # ok
'classname' : classname, # ok
'symbolrefs' : '\n '.join(symboldefs),
'left' : left, # doesn't always exist in base
'right' : right, # doesn't always exist in base
'norm' : norm, # needs norm, too
#################### need survey which different setter methods exist in base classes
'addToPlist' : '\n'.join([ 'addToList(%s);'%s for s in plistarray]),
'parameters' : '',
'setCouplings' : '',
'qedorder' : qed,
'qcdorder' : qcd,
'couplingptrs' : ''.join(couplingptrs),
'spindirectory' : spindirectory(lorentztag),
'ModelName' : self.modelname,
'ordering' : ordering,
'kinematics' : kinematics
} # ok
# print info if required
if self.verbose:
print '-'*60
pprint.pprint(( classname, plistarray, leftcalc, rightcalc, normcalc ))
return (False,VERTEXCLASS.substitute(subs),VERTEXHEADER.format(**subs))
def get_vertices(self,libname):
vlist = ['library %s\n' % libname]
for v in self.all_vertices:
if v.herwig_skip_vertex: continue
vlist.append( vertexline.format(modelname=self.modelname, )
if( not self.no_generic_loop_vertices) :
vlist.append('insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_GenericHPP\n'.format(modelname=self.modelname) )
vlist.append('insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_GenericHGG\n'.format(modelname=self.modelname) )
return ''.join(vlist)

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 2:35 PM (1 d, 10 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(59 KB)

Event Timeline