==For attendees of the McNet school==
If you are interested in doing a Merging run, you can use the file `LHC-W-Merging.in` file, but this will take a long time for the integration step. For the sake of making more runs with more stats better use the `LHC-W-Matching.in` input file
For using the Rivet analysis: copy the `MY_W_ANALYSIS.cc`, `MY_W_ANALYSIS.plot` and `MY_W_ANALYSIS.yoda.gz` to the `herwig` directory and type `make RivetMY_W_ANALYSIS.so` to compile the analysis
For changing the W boson mass there is a snippet called `MassW.in` where you can change the value for the W+ and W- boson individually, so remember to change both masses to the same value to be consistent.
# Run assignments:
|Name |M_W|
|Laura (done) |80.367|
|Fernando (done) |80.377|
|Fernando (done) |80.5|
send the yoda files with the convention "LHC-W-80_XXXXXXX.yoda" to stefan.kiebacher@kit.edu
For parallelising the run steps :
DRH Herwig run LHC-W-Matching.run --jobs=N_CORES -N N_EVENTS
DRH rivet-merge -e LHC-W-Matching-*.yoda -o LHC-W-Matching.yoda
For not doing the read step again do:
DRH Herwig run LHC-W-Matching.run --jobs=N_CORES -N N_EVENTS --setup=MassW.in
DRH rivet-merge -e LHC-W-Matching-*.yoda -o LHC-W-Matching.yoda
Final best measurement: M_W = 80.3945 GeV
True W mass reveal: M_W = 80.4 GeV
### Congratulations: The Herwig group wins!