This is the simulation of a `P + P -> Z + jet` production event at the LHC for 7 TeV center-of-mass energy, using the [[ | ATLAS_2011_I945498 ]] and [[ | MC_ZINC ]] Rivet plugins for data analysis.
Please download the following input file and move it to your work directory:
Input file:
Alternatively, you can use the following command-line codes:
mkdir LHC-Z+jet
cd LHC-Z+jet
Before running this event, let us take a look at the input file
As you can see, the process selection section has been completely deactivated. This is because for a process like `P + P -> Z + jet`, Herwig needs to use the external matrix element (ME) providers. However, the use of these tools in the docker/VM would be problematic. In an installed version of the Herwig, one can easily use these external ME providers by selecting the hard-process in the `Process selection` and choosing the ME providers from `Matrix element library selection`.
## Process selection
## Model assumptions
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## Set the order of the couplings
# cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox
# set Factory:OrderInAlphaS 1
# set Factory:OrderInAlphaEW 1
## Select the process
# do Factory:Process p p -> Z0 j
## Matrix element library selection
## Select a generic tree/loop combination or a
## specialized NLO package
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
Fortunately, Herwig comes equipped with a set of Pre-calculated ME (you can see the complete list of these at Herwig_directory/share/Herwig/
# Pre-calculated ME for hadron-hadron collisions
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/
# Z+jet
insert SubProcess:MatrixElements[0] MEZJet
Now, we can run the Z+jet event using
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 10000
and plot the results by
rivet-mkhtml LHC-Z+jet.yoda
Please change the name of the produced yoda files
mv LHC-Z+jet.yoda Z+jet_MCNLO.yoda
and take a look at the parton shower selection section
## Matching and shower selection
read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## use for strict LO/NLO comparisons
# read Matchbox/
## use for improved LO showering
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
## use for strict LO/NLO comparisons
# read Matchbox/
## use for improved LO showering
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
The "read Matchbox/" option is chosen by default, activating an MC@NLO matched angular ordered parton shower. Please choose the "read Matchbox/" option, to choose the MC@LO and try running the event again:
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 10000
mv LHC-Z+jet.yoda Z+jet_MCLO.yoda
Repeat this process again, this time with "read Matchbox/" option and rename the yoda file as
mv LHC-Z+jet.yoda Z+jet_NOPS.yoda
At this point, you are in the position of 3 separate Z+jet production events, each with different parton shower settings. You can compare your findings by plotting these yoda files altogether:
rivet-mkhtml Z+jet_MCNLO.yoda:MC_NLO Z+jet_MCLO.yoda:MC_LO Z+jet_NOPS.yoda:NO_PS
and check out your result by
firefox rivet-plots/index.html
Switching things on and off
At this point, we are going to modify our copy of the input file and make a few more runs.
1. [[ | Shower handlers ]]
These commands control the major modules of the event generator. You can switch them on and off, rerun the event and observe the produced effects of the results.
## ShowerHandler(s)
cd /Herwig/EventHandlers
set EventHandler:CascadeHandler:MPIHandler NULL
# set EventHandler:DecayHandler NULL
# set EventHandler:HadronizationHandler NULL
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:Interactions QCDandQED
- The Multy Particle Interaction (MPIHandler) is switched off by default. Turn it on and off, and run the event in each state and see what changes in the results.
- You can change the type of parton shoer by changing the value in
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:Interactions QCDandQED
The options are `QCDandQED`, `QCD` and `QED`. Try to check out the difference they make in the event.
2. [[ | Scale choices ]]
Your choice for the scale of the hard-process is made in this section. The primary option for a Z+jet production event, "the fixed scale option", is pre-selected here. You can choose other options and/or change the value of the fixed scale and see the effect.
## Scale choice
cd /Herwig/MatrixElements/Matchbox/
## Fixed scale
set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/FixedScale
set Scales/FixedScale:FixedScale 91.1876*GeV
## The transverse momenta of coloured particles
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/HTScale
## The transverse momenta of all outgoing non-jet particles
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/HTPrimeScale
## For processes involving a pair of final-state leptons
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/LeptonPairMassScale
## The transverse component of the momentum of the lepton pair
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/LeptonPairPtScale
## The transverse momentum of the hardest jet
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/MaxJetPtScale
## The partonic centre-of-mass energy
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/SHatScale
## For processes involving the production of a t-tbar pair
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/TopPairMassScale
## The transverse mass of the t-tbar pair
# set Factory:ScaleChoice Scales/TopMTScale
3. [[ | Cuts ]]
You can impose any constraint that you want on your event. To find out the compete list of cuts and how to use them, see Herwig documentaion on [[ | cuts ]].
## Cut selection
## See the documentation for more options
cd /Herwig/Cuts/
## cuts on jets
read Matchbox/
insert JetCuts:JetRegions 0 FirstJet
insert JetCuts:JetRegions 1 SecondJet
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder:Variant Kt
# set /Herwig/Cuts/JetFinder:ConeRadius 0.4
# set /Herwig/Cuts/FirstJet:PtMin 20.*GeV
# do /Herwig/Cuts/FirstJet:YRange -5.0 5.0