If you are unfamiliar with non-perturbative physics or anything that is mentioned here, go and grab a tutor. They will explain everything to you detail.
In this exercise we are going to simulate minimum bias events, and compare with minimum bias and underlying event
measurements. Also we will switch off parts of the event generation, use different parameters for the hadronization model and study the effects on the observables. (Playing around with event generators in order to improve the description of some observables)
The simulation of minimum bias events heavily relies on the accurate modeling of:
* Multi-parton interactions,
* Diffraction
* Colour reconnection
* Hadronization
Minimum bias and underlying event analyses are therefore excellent in order to study these aspects of
the event simulation.
Use what you have learned so far and simulate 10000 Events using the prepared LHC-MB.in file, then change the name of the created .yoda file to something else (default.yoda for example) and look at the plots.
Colour Reconnection
In the next step switch off colour reconnection and simulate again 10000 events.
The switch is already included in the input file. You just need to find and remove the comment.
Now plot the two yoda files
rivet-mkhtml default.yoda LHC-MB.yoda
and look at the observables.
Which observables are heavily affected by colour reconnection?
Now we are going to switch off diffraction (remember to include colour reconnection again). Just comment out the following line in the input file
read snippets/Diffraction.in
and run LHC-MB.in again for 10000 events.
Have a look at the plots from ATLAS_2012_I1084540 and try to explain what happens.
Hadronization parameters
Before we go on, set everything to the default settings (include diffraction and colour reconnection).
While the underlying event/minimum bias model does a relative good job in describing general properties of
the measurements, such as rapidity distributions or number of charged particles. It gets more difficult once the observables become more inclusive.
Have a look at the flavor observables from CMS_2011_S8978280.
In two steps we are going to change several parameters in the Hadronization model in order to improve the description of strangeness observables like the Kaon pT distribution.
1: Increase the value of PwtSquark (default is 0.3)
The parameter PwtSquark is the weight to produce a strange-antistrange quark pair during cluster fission.
Increasing it will increase to probability to produce strangeness on the cluster fission stage.
Run Herwig again for 10000 events and compare with the default.yoda file you created in the beginning.
2: Remove the comments from Change 3 (see input file) and assign a value between 0 and 1 to SplitPwtSquark
With these changes the non-perturbative gluons which are left after the Parton Shower evolution has finished are allowed to split into strange-antistrange quark pairs, giving also an increase in strange particles.
Run Herwig again for 10000 event and compare with the other .yoda files.
Do the observables favor strangeness from the cluster fissioning stage or from the gluon splitting stage?
What is the difference? (Low PwtSquark and high SplitPwtSquark value and vice versa)