Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8885) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8886) @@ -1,2944 +1,2970 @@ (* -- Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* Unfortunately, \texttt{ocamlweb} will not typeset all multi character operators nicely. E.\,g.~\verb+f @< g+ comes out as [f @< g]. *) let (<*>) f g x = f (g x) let (<**>) f g x y = f (g x y) module SMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) module SSet = Sets.String module CMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = ThoString.compare_caseless end) module CSet = Sets.String_Caseless let error_in_string text start_pos end_pos = let i = start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum and j = end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum in String.sub text i (j - i) let error_in_file name start_pos end_pos = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d.%d-%d.%d" name start_pos.Lexing.pos_lnum (start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - start_pos.Lexing.pos_bol) end_pos.Lexing.pos_lnum (end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - end_pos.Lexing.pos_bol) let parse_string text = try UFO_parser.file UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string text)) with | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "lexical error (%s) at: `%s'" msg (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos)) | UFO_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "syntax error (%s) at: `%s'" msg (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos)) | Parsing.Parse_error -> invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ text) exception File_missing of string let parse_file name = let ic = try open_in name with | Sys_error msg as exc -> if msg = name ^ ": No such file or directory" then raise (File_missing name) else raise exc in let result = begin try UFO_parser.file UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position name (Lexing.from_channel ic)) with | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> begin close_in ic; invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "%s: lexical error (%s)" (error_in_file name start_pos end_pos) msg) end | UFO_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> begin close_in ic; invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "%s: syntax error (%s)" (error_in_file name start_pos end_pos) msg) end | Parsing.Parse_error -> begin close_in ic; invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ name) end end in close_in ic; result (* These are the contents of the Python files after lexical analysis as context-free variable declarations, before any semantic interpretation. *) module type Files = sig type t = private { particles : UFO_syntax.t; couplings : UFO_syntax.t; coupling_orders : UFO_syntax.t; vertices : UFO_syntax.t; lorentz : UFO_syntax.t; parameters : UFO_syntax.t; propagators : UFO_syntax.t; decays : UFO_syntax.t } val parse_directory : string -> t end module Files : Files = struct type t = { particles : UFO_syntax.t; couplings : UFO_syntax.t; coupling_orders : UFO_syntax.t; vertices : UFO_syntax.t; lorentz : UFO_syntax.t; parameters : UFO_syntax.t; propagators : UFO_syntax.t; decays : UFO_syntax.t } let parse_directory dir = let filename stem = Filename.concat dir (stem ^ ".py") in let parse stem = parse_file (filename stem) in let parse_optional stem = try parse stem with File_missing _ -> [] in { particles = parse "particles"; couplings = parse "couplings"; coupling_orders = parse_optional "coupling_orders"; vertices = parse "vertices"; lorentz = parse "lorentz"; parameters = parse "parameters"; propagators = parse_optional "propagators"; decays = parse_optional "decays" } end let dump_file pfx f = List.iter (fun s -> print_endline (pfx ^ ": " ^ s)) (UFO_syntax.to_strings f) type charge = | Q_Integer of int | Q_Fraction of int * int let charge_to_string = function | Q_Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Q_Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d module S = UFO_syntax let find_attrib name attribs = try (List.find (fun a -> name = a.S.a_name) attribs).S.a_value with | Not_found -> failwith ("UFO.find_attrib: \"" ^ name ^ "\" not found") let find_attrib name attribs = (List.find (fun a -> name = a.S.a_name) attribs).S.a_value let name_to_string ?strip name = let stripped = begin match strip, List.rev name with | Some pfx, head :: tail -> if pfx = head then tail else failwith ("UFO.name_to_string: expected prefix '" ^ pfx ^ "', got '" ^ head ^ "'") | _, name -> name end in String.concat "." stripped let name_attrib ?strip name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Name n -> name_to_string ?strip n | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.name_attrib: " ^ name) let integer_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer i -> i | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.integer_attrib: " ^ name) let charge_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer i -> Q_Integer i | S.Fraction (n, d) -> Q_Fraction (n, d) | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.charge_attrib: " ^ name) let string_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.String s -> s | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.string_attrib: " ^ name) let string_expr_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Name n -> [S.Macro n] | S.String s -> [S.Literal s] | S.String_Expr e -> e | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.string_expr_attrib: " ^ name) let boolean_attrib name attribs = try match ThoString.lowercase (name_attrib name attribs) with | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.boolean_attrib: " ^ name) with | Not_found -> false type value = | Integer of int | Fraction of int * int | Float of float | Expr of UFOx.Expr.t | Name of string list let map_expr f default = function | Integer _ | Fraction (_, _) | Float _ | Name _ -> default | Expr e -> f e let variables = map_expr UFOx.Expr.variables CSet.empty let functions = map_expr UFOx.Expr.functions CSet.empty let add_to_set_in_map key element map = let set = try CMap.find key map with Not_found -> CSet.empty in CMap.add key (CSet.add element set) map (* Add all variables in [value] to the [map] from variables to the names in which they appear, indicating that [name] depends on these variables. *) let dependency name value map = CSet.fold (fun variable acc -> add_to_set_in_map variable name acc) (variables value) map let dependencies name_value_list = List.fold_left (fun acc (name, value) -> dependency name value acc) CMap.empty name_value_list let dependency_to_string (variable, appearences) = Printf.sprintf "%s -> {%s}" variable (String.concat ", " (CSet.elements appearences)) let dependencies_to_strings map = dependency_to_string (CMap.bindings map) let expr_to_string = UFOx.Value.to_string <*> UFOx.Value.of_expr let value_to_string = function | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d | Float x -> string_of_float x | Expr e -> "'" ^ expr_to_string e ^ "'" | Name n -> name_to_string n let value_to_expr substitutions = function | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d | Float x -> string_of_float x | Expr e -> expr_to_string (substitutions e) | Name n -> name_to_string n let value_to_coupling substitutions atom = function | Integer i -> Coupling.Integer i | Fraction (n, d) -> Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer n, Coupling.Integer d) | Float x -> Coupling.Float x | Expr e -> UFOx.Value.to_coupling atom (UFOx.Value.of_expr (substitutions e)) | Name n -> failwith "UFO.value_to_coupling: Name not supported yet!" let value_to_numeric = function | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%g" (float n /. float d) | Float x -> Printf.sprintf "%g" x | Expr e -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_numeric: expr = " ^ (expr_to_string e)) | Name n -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_numeric: name = " ^ name_to_string n) let value_to_float = function | Integer i -> float i | Fraction (n, d) -> float n /. float d | Float x -> x | Expr e -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_float: string = " ^ (expr_to_string e)) | Name n -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_float: name = " ^ name_to_string n) let value_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer i -> Integer i | S.Fraction (n, d) -> Fraction (n, d) | S.Float x -> Float x | S.String s -> Expr (UFOx.Expr.of_string s) | S.Name n -> Name n | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_attrib: " ^ name) let string_list_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.String_List l -> l | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.string_list_attrib: " ^ name) let name_list_attrib ~strip name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Name_List l -> (name_to_string ~strip) l | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.name_list_attrib: " ^ name) let integer_list_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer_List l -> l | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.integer_list_attrib: " ^ name) let order_dictionary_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Order_Dictionary d -> d | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.order_dictionary_attrib: " ^ name) let coupling_dictionary_attrib ~strip name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Coupling_Dictionary d -> (fun (i, j, c) -> (i, j, name_to_string ~strip c)) d | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.coupling_dictionary_attrib: " ^ name) let decay_dictionary_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Decay_Dictionary d -> (fun (p, w) -> ( List.hd p, w)) d | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.decay_dictionary_attrib: " ^ name) (*i The following doesn't typecheck in applications, even with type annotations ... let attrib_handlers : type attribs value. string -> string -> attribs -> ((string -> attribs -> value) -> string -> value) * ((string -> attribs -> value) -> string -> value -> value) = fun kind symbol attribs -> let required query name = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "fatal UFO error: mandatory attribute `%s' missing for %s `%s'!" name kind symbol) and optional query name default = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> default in (required, optional) i*) let required_handler kind symbol attribs query name = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "fatal UFO error: mandatory attribute `%s' missing for %s `%s'!" name kind symbol) let optional_handler attribs query name default = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> default (* The UFO paper~\cite{Degrande:2011ua} is not clear on the question whether the \texttt{name} attribute of an instance must match its Python name. While the examples appear to imply this, there are examples of UFO files in the wild that violate this constraint. *) let warn_symbol_name file symbol name = if name <> symbol then Printf.eprintf "UFO: warning: symbol '%s' <> name '%s' in \ while legal in UFO, it is unusual and can cause problems!\n" symbol name file let valid_fortran_id kind name = if not (ThoString.valid_fortran_id name) then invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "fatal UFO error: the %s `%s' is not a valid fortran id!" kind name) let map_to_alist map = SMap.fold (fun key value acc -> (key, value) :: acc) map [] let keys map = SMap.fold (fun key _ acc -> key :: acc) map [] let keys_caseless map = CMap.fold (fun key _ acc -> key :: acc) map [] let values map = SMap.fold (fun _ value acc -> value :: acc) map [] module SKey = struct type t = string let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal = (=) end module SHash = Hashtbl.Make (SKey) module type Particle = sig type t = private { pdg_code : int; name : string; antiname : string; spin : UFOx.Lorentz.r; color : UFOx.Color.r; mass : string; width : string; propagator : string option; texname : string; antitexname : string; charge : charge; ghost_number : int; lepton_number : int; y : charge; goldstone : bool; propagating : bool; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) line : string option; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) is_anti : bool } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string val conjugate : t -> t + val map_mass_and_width : (string -> string) -> t -> t val force_spinor : t -> t val force_conjspinor : t -> t val force_majorana : t -> t val is_majorana : t -> bool val is_ghost : t -> bool val is_goldstone : t -> bool val is_physical : t -> bool val filter : (t -> bool) -> t SMap.t -> t SMap.t end module Particle : Particle = struct type t = { pdg_code : int; name : string; antiname : string; spin : UFOx.Lorentz.r; color : UFOx.Color.r; mass : string; width : string; propagator : string option; texname : string; antitexname : string; charge : charge; ghost_number : int; lepton_number : int; y : charge; goldstone : bool; propagating : bool; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) line : string option; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) is_anti : bool } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "particle: %s => [pdg = %d, name = '%s'/'%s', \ spin = %s, color = %s, \ mass = %s, width = %s,%s \ Q = %s, G = %d, L = %d, Y = %s, \ TeX = '%s'/'%s'%s]" symbol p.pdg_code p.antiname (UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string p.spin) (UFOx.Color.rep_to_string p.color) p.mass p.width (match p.propagator with | None -> "" | Some p -> " propagator = " ^ p ^ ",") (charge_to_string p.charge) p.ghost_number p.lepton_number (charge_to_string p.y) p.texname p.antitexname (if p.goldstone then ", GB" else "") let conjugate_charge = function | Q_Integer i -> Q_Integer (-i) | Q_Fraction (n, d) -> Q_Fraction (-n, d) let is_neutral p = ( = p.antiname) (* We \emph{must not} mess with [pdg_code] and [color] if the particle is neutral! *) let conjugate p = if is_neutral p then p else { pdg_code = - p.pdg_code; name = p.antiname; antiname =; spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_conjugate p.spin; color = UFOx.Color.rep_conjugate p.color; mass = p.mass; width = p.width; propagator = p.propagator; texname = p.antitexname; antitexname = p.texname; charge = conjugate_charge p.charge; ghost_number = - p.ghost_number; lepton_number = - p.lepton_number; y = conjugate_charge p.y; goldstone = p.goldstone; propagating = p.propagating; line = p.line; is_anti = not p.is_anti } + let map_mass_and_width f p = + { p with mass = f p.mass; width = f p.width } + let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Particle" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name and optional query name default = optional_handler attribs query name default in let name = required string_attrib "name" and antiname = required string_attrib "antiname" in let neutral = (name = antiname) in let pdg_code = required integer_attrib "pdg_code" in SMap.add symbol { (* The required attributes per UFO docs. *) pdg_code; name; antiname; spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int neutral (required integer_attrib "spin"); color = UFOx.Color.rep_of_int neutral (required integer_attrib "color"); mass = required (name_attrib ~strip:"Param") "mass"; width = required (name_attrib ~strip:"Param") "width"; texname = required string_attrib "texname"; antitexname = required string_attrib "antitexname"; charge = required charge_attrib "charge"; (* The optional attributes per UFO docs. *) ghost_number = optional integer_attrib "GhostNumber" 0; lepton_number = optional integer_attrib "LeptonNumber" 0; y = optional charge_attrib "Y" (Q_Integer 0); goldstone = optional boolean_attrib "goldstone" false; propagating = optional boolean_attrib "propagating" true; line = (try Some (name_attrib "line" attribs) with _ -> None); (* Undocumented extensions. *) propagator = (try Some (name_attrib ~strip:"Prop" "propagator" attribs) with _ -> None); (* O'Mega extensions. *) (* Instead of ``first come is particle'' rely on a negative PDG code to identify antiparticles. *) is_anti = pdg_code < 0 } map | [ "anti"; p ], [] -> begin try SMap.add symbol (conjugate (SMap.find p map)) map with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("Particle.of_file: " ^ p ^ ".anti() not yet defined!") end | _ -> invalid_arg ("Particle.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file particles = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty particles let is_spinor p = match p.spin with | Coupling.Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor | Coupling.Majorana -> true | _ -> false (* \begin{dubious} TODO: this is a bit of a hack: try to expose the type [UFOx.Lorentz_Atom'.r] instead. \end{dubious} *) let force_spinor p = if is_spinor p then { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int false 2 } else p let force_conjspinor p = if is_spinor p then { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int false (-2) } else p let force_majorana p = if is_spinor p then { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int true 2 } else p let is_majorana p = match p.spin with | Coupling.Majorana | Coupling.Vectorspinor | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> true | _ -> false let is_ghost p = p.ghost_number <> 0 let is_goldstone p = p.goldstone let is_physical p = not (is_ghost p || is_goldstone p) let filter predicate map = SMap.filter (fun symbol p -> predicate p) map end module type UFO_Coupling = sig type t = private { name : string; value : UFOx.Expr.t; order : (string * int) list } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module UFO_Coupling : UFO_Coupling = struct type t = { name : string; value : UFOx.Expr.t; order : (string * int) list } let order_to_string orders = String.concat ", " ( (fun (s, i) -> Printf.sprintf "'%s':%d" s i) orders) let to_string symbol c = Printf.sprintf "coupling: %s => [name = '%s', value = '%s', order = [%s]]" symbol (expr_to_string c.value) (order_to_string c.order) let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Coupling" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "coupling" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "couplings" symbol name; valid_fortran_id "coupling" name; SMap.add symbol { name; value = UFOx.Expr.of_string (required string_attrib "value"); order = required order_dictionary_attrib "order" } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO_Coupling.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file couplings = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty couplings end module type Coupling_Order = sig type t = private { name : string; expansion_order : int; hierarchy : int } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Coupling_Order : Coupling_Order = struct type t = { name : string; expansion_order : int; hierarchy : int } let to_string symbol c = Printf.sprintf "coupling_order: %s => [name = '%s', \ expansion_order = '%d', \ hierarchy = %d]" symbol c.expansion_order c.hierarchy let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "CouplingOrder" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "coupling order" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "coupling_orders" symbol name; SMap.add symbol { name; expansion_order = required integer_attrib "expansion_order"; hierarchy = required integer_attrib "hierarchy" } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Coupling_order.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file coupling_orders = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty coupling_orders end module type Lorentz_UFO = sig (* If the \texttt{name} attribute of a \texttt{Lorentz} object does \emph{not} match the the name of the object, we need the latter for weeding out unused Lorentz structures (see [Vertex.contains] below). Therefore, we keep it around. *) type t = private { name : string; symbol : string; spins : int list; structure : UFOx.Lorentz.t } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Lorentz_UFO : Lorentz_UFO = struct type t = { name : string; symbol : string; spins : int list; structure : UFOx.Lorentz.t } let to_string symbol l = Printf.sprintf "lorentz: %s => [name = '%s', spins = [%s], \ structure = %s]" symbol (String.concat ", " ( string_of_int l.spins)) (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string l.structure) let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Lorentz" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "lorentz" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "lorentz" symbol name; valid_fortran_id "lorentz" symbol; SMap.add symbol { name; symbol; spins = required integer_list_attrib "spins"; structure = UFOx.Lorentz.of_string (required string_attrib "structure") } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Lorentz.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file lorentz = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty lorentz end module type Vertex = sig type lcc = private (* Lorentz-color-coupling *) { lorentz : string; color : UFOx.Color.t; coupling : string } type t = private { name : string; particles : string array; lcc : lcc list } val of_file : Particle.t SMap.t -> S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string val to_string_expanded : Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t -> UFO_Coupling.t SMap.t -> t -> string val contains : Particle.t SMap.t -> (Particle.t -> bool) -> t -> bool val filter : (t -> bool) -> t SMap.t -> t SMap.t end module Vertex : Vertex = struct type lcc = { lorentz : string; color : UFOx.Color.t; coupling : string } type t = { name : string; particles : string array; lcc : lcc list } let to_string symbol c = Printf.sprintf "vertex: %s => [name = '%s', particles = [%s], \ lorentz-color-couplings = [%s]" symbol (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list c.particles)) (String.concat ", " ( (fun lcc -> Printf.sprintf "%s * %s * %s" lcc.coupling lcc.lorentz (UFOx.Color.to_string lcc.color)) c.lcc)) let to_string_expanded lorentz couplings c = let expand_lorentz s = try UFOx.Lorentz.to_string (SMap.find s lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure with | Not_found -> "?" in Printf.sprintf "expanded: [%s] -> { lorentz-color-couplings = [%s] }" (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list c.particles)) (String.concat ", " ( (fun lcc -> Printf.sprintf "%s * %s * %s" lcc.coupling (expand_lorentz lcc.lorentz) (UFOx.Color.to_string lcc.color)) c.lcc)) let contains particles predicate v = let p = v.particles in let rec contains' i = if i < 0 then false else if predicate (SMap.find p.(i) particles) then true else contains' (pred i) in contains' (Array.length p - 1) let force_adj_identity1 adj_indices = function | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) as atom -> begin match List.mem a adj_indices, List.mem b adj_indices with | true, true -> UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) | false, false -> atom | true, false | false, true -> invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end | atom -> atom let force_adj_identity adj_indices tensor = UFOx.Color.map_atoms (force_adj_identity1 adj_indices) tensor let find_adj_indices map particles = let adj_indices = ref [] in Array.iteri (fun i p -> (* We must pattern match against the O'Mega representation, because [UFOx.Color.r] is abstract. *) match (SMap.find p map).Particle.color with | Color.AdjSUN _ -> adj_indices := succ i :: !adj_indices | _ -> ()) particles; !adj_indices let classify_color_indices map particles = let fund_indices = ref [] and conj_indices = ref [] and adj_indices = ref [] in Array.iteri (fun i p -> (* We must pattern match against the O'Mega representation, because [UFOx.Color.r] is abstract. *) match (SMap.find p map).Particle.color with | Color.SUN n -> if n > 0 then fund_indices := succ i :: !fund_indices else if n < 0 then conj_indices := succ i :: !conj_indices else failwith "classify_color_indices: SU(0)" | Color.AdjSUN n -> if n <> 0 then adj_indices := succ i :: !adj_indices else failwith "classify_color_indices: SU(0)" | _ -> ()) particles; (!fund_indices, !conj_indices, !adj_indices) (* FIXME: would have expected the opposite order \ldots *) let force_identity1 (fund_indices, conj_indices, adj_indices) = function | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) as atom -> if List.mem a fund_indices then begin if List.mem b conj_indices then UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (b, a) else invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end else if List.mem a conj_indices then begin if List.mem b fund_indices then UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) else invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end else if List.mem a adj_indices then begin if List.mem b adj_indices then UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) else invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end else atom | atom -> atom let force_identity indices tensor = UFOx.Color.map_atoms (force_identity1 indices) tensor (* Here we don't have the Lorentz structures available yet. Thus we set [fermion_lines = []] for now and correct this later. *) let of_file1 particle_map map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Vertex" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "vertex" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "vertices" symbol name; let particles = Array.of_list (required (name_list_attrib ~strip:"P") "particles") in let color = let indices = classify_color_indices particle_map particles in Array.of_list ( (force_identity indices <*> UFOx.Color.of_string) (required string_list_attrib "color")) and lorentz = Array.of_list (required (name_list_attrib ~strip:"L") "lorentz") and couplings_alist = required (coupling_dictionary_attrib ~strip:"C") "couplings" in let lcc = (fun (i, j, c) -> { lorentz = lorentz.(j); color = color.(i); coupling = c }) couplings_alist in SMap.add symbol { name; particles; lcc } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Vertex.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file particles vertices = List.fold_left (of_file1 particles) SMap.empty vertices let filter predicate map = SMap.filter (fun symbol p -> predicate p) map end module type Parameter = sig type nature = private Internal | External type ptype = private Real | Complex type t = private { name : string; nature : nature; ptype : ptype; value : value; texname : string; lhablock : string option; lhacode : int list option; sequence : int } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string val missing : string -> t + val map_names : (string -> string) -> t -> t + end module Parameter : Parameter = struct type nature = Internal | External let nature_to_string = function | Internal -> "internal" | External -> "external" let nature_of_string = function | "internal" -> Internal | "external" -> External | s -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.nature_of_string: " ^ s) type ptype = Real | Complex let ptype_to_string = function | Real -> "real" | Complex -> "complex" let ptype_of_string = function | "real" -> Real | "complex" -> Complex | s -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.ptype_of_string: " ^ s) type t = { name : string; nature : nature; ptype : ptype; value : value; texname : string; lhablock : string option; lhacode : int list option; sequence : int } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "parameter: %s => [#%d, name = '%s', nature = %s, type = %s, \ value = %s, texname = '%s', \ lhablock = %s, lhacode = [%s]]" symbol p.sequence (nature_to_string p.nature) (ptype_to_string p.ptype) (value_to_string p.value) p.texname (match p.lhablock with None -> "???" | Some s -> s) (match p.lhacode with | None -> "" | Some c -> String.concat ", " ( string_of_int c)) let of_file1 (map, n) d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Parameter" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "parameters" symbol name; valid_fortran_id "parameter" name; (SMap.add symbol { name; nature = nature_of_string (required string_attrib "nature"); ptype = ptype_of_string (required string_attrib "type"); value = required value_attrib "value"; texname = required string_attrib "texname"; lhablock = (try Some (string_attrib "lhablock" attribs) with Not_found -> None); lhacode = (try Some (integer_list_attrib "lhacode" attribs) with Not_found -> None); sequence = n } map, succ n) | _ -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file parameters = let map, _ = List.fold_left of_file1 (SMap.empty, 0) parameters in map let missing name = { name; nature = External; ptype = Real; value = Integer 0; texname = Printf.sprintf "\\texttt{%s}" name; lhablock = None; lhacode = None; sequence = 0 } + (* If the [Name] has a prefix, apply [f] only to the last component. *) + let map_value f = function + | (Integer _ | Fraction (_, _) | Float _ as v) -> v + | Name n -> + begin match List.rev n with + | [] -> Name [] + | stem :: prefix -> Name (List.rev (f stem :: prefix)) + end + | Expr e -> Expr (UFOx.Expr.map_names f e) + + let map_names f p = + { p with name = f; value = map_value f p.value } + end (* Macros are encoded as a special [S.declaration] with [S.kind = "$"]. This is slightly hackish, but general enough and the overhead of a special union type is probably not worth the effort. *) module type Macro = sig type t val empty : t (* The domains and codomains are still a bit too much ad hoc, but it does the job. *) val define : t -> string -> S.value -> t val expand_string : t -> string -> S.value val expand_expr : t -> S.string_atom list -> string (* Only for documentation: *) val expand_atom : t -> S.string_atom -> string end module Macro : Macro = struct type t = S.value SMap.t let empty = SMap.empty let define macros name expansion = SMap.add name expansion macros let expand_string macros name = SMap.find name macros let rec expand_atom macros = function | S.Literal s -> s | S.Macro [name] -> begin try begin match SMap.find name macros with | S.String s -> s | S.String_Expr expr -> expand_expr macros expr | _ -> invalid_arg ("expand_atom: not a string: " ^ name) end with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("expand_atom: not found: " ^ name) end | S.Macro [] -> invalid_arg "expand_atom: empty" | S.Macro name -> invalid_arg ("expand_atom: compound name: " ^ String.concat "." name) and expand_expr macros expr = String.concat "" ( (expand_atom macros) expr) end module type Propagator_UFO = sig type t = (* private *) { name : string; numerator : UFOx.Lorentz.t; denominator : UFOx.Lorentz.t } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Propagator_UFO : Propagator_UFO = struct type t = { name : string; numerator : UFOx.Lorentz.t; denominator : UFOx.Lorentz.t } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "propagator: %s => [name = '%s', numerator = '%s', \ denominator = '%s']" symbol (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string p.numerator) (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string p.denominator) (* The \texttt{denominator} attribute is optional and there is a default (cf.~\texttt{arXiv:1308.1668}) *) let default_denominator = "P('mu', id) * P('mu', id) \ - Mass(id) * Mass(id) \ + complex(0,1) * Mass(id) * Width(id)" let of_string_with_error_correction symbol num_or_den s = try UFOx.Lorentz.of_string s with | Invalid_argument msg -> begin let fixed = s ^ ")" in try let tensor = UFOx.Lorentz.of_string fixed in Printf.eprintf "UFO.Propagator.of_string: added missing closing parenthesis \ in %s of %s: \"%s\"\n" num_or_den symbol s; tensor with | Invalid_argument _ -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "UFO.Propagator.of_string: %s of %s: %s in \"%s\"\n" num_or_den symbol msg fixed) end let of_file1 (macros, map) d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Propagator" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name and optional query name default = optional_handler attribs query name default in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "propagators" symbol name; let num_string_expr = required string_expr_attrib "numerator" and den_string = begin match optional find_attrib "denominator" (S.String default_denominator) with | S.String s -> s | S.Name [n] -> begin match Macro.expand_string macros n with | S.String s -> s | _ -> invalid_arg "Propagator.denominator" end | _ -> invalid_arg "Propagator.denominator: " end in let num_string = Macro.expand_expr macros num_string_expr in let numerator = of_string_with_error_correction symbol "numerator" num_string and denominator = of_string_with_error_correction symbol "denominator" den_string in (macros, SMap.add symbol { name; numerator; denominator } map) | [ "$" ], [ macro ] -> begin match macro.S.a_value with | S.String _ as s -> (Macro.define macros symbol s, map); | S.String_Expr expr -> let expanded = S.String (Macro.expand_expr macros expr) in (Macro.define macros symbol expanded, map) | _ -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: not a string " ^ symbol) end | [ "$" ], [] -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: empty declaration " ^ symbol) | [ "$" ], _ -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: multiple declaration " ^ symbol) | _ -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file propagators = let _, propagators' = List.fold_left of_file1 (Macro.empty, SMap.empty) propagators in propagators' end module type Decay = sig type t = private { name : string; particle : string; widths : (string list * string) list } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Decay : Decay = struct type t = { name : string; particle : string; widths : (string list * string) list } let width_to_string ws = String.concat ", " ( (fun (ps, w) -> "(" ^ String.concat ", " ps ^ ") -> '" ^ w ^ "'") ws) let to_string symbol d = Printf.sprintf "decay: %s => [name = '%s', particle = '%s', widths = [%s]]" symbol d.particle (width_to_string d.widths) let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Decay" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "decays" symbol name; SMap.add symbol { name; particle = required (name_attrib ~strip:"P") "particle"; widths = required decay_dictionary_attrib "partial_widths" } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Decay.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file decays = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty decays end (* We can read the spinor representations off the vertices to check for consistency. *) (* \begin{dubious} Note that we have to conjugate the representations! \end{dubious} *) let collect_spinor_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v sets = List.fold_left (fun sets' lcc -> let l = (SMap.find lcc.Vertex.lorentz lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure in List.fold_left (fun (spinors, conj_spinors as sets'') (i, rep) -> let p = v.Vertex.particles.(pred i) in match rep with | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> (SSet.add p spinors, conj_spinors) | Coupling.Spinor -> (spinors, SSet.add p conj_spinors) | _ -> sets'') sets' (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices l)) sets v.Vertex.lcc let collect_spinor_reps_of_vertices particles lorentz vertices = SMap.fold (fun _ v -> collect_spinor_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v) vertices (SSet.empty, SSet.empty) let lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v = ThoList.alist_of_list ~predicate:(not <*> UFOx.Lorentz.rep_trivial) ~offset:1 ( (fun p -> (* Why do we need to conjugate??? *) UFOx.Lorentz.rep_conjugate (SMap.find p particles).Particle.spin) (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles)) let rep_compatible rep_vertex rep_particle = let open UFOx.Lorentz in let open Coupling in match omega rep_vertex, omega rep_particle with | (Spinor | ConjSpinor), Majorana -> true | r1, r2 -> r1 = r2 let reps_compatible reps_vertex reps_particles = List.for_all2 (fun (iv, rv) (ip, rp) -> iv = ip && rep_compatible rv rp) reps_vertex reps_particles let check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v = let reps_particles = List.sort compare (lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v) in List.iter (fun lcc -> let l = (SMap.find lcc.Vertex.lorentz lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure in let reps_vertex = List.sort compare (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices l) in if not (reps_compatible reps_vertex reps_particles) then begin Printf.eprintf "%s <> %s [%s]\n" (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string reps_particles) (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string reps_vertex) (* [(Vertex.to_string v)] *); (* [invalid_arg "check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex"] *) () end) v.Vertex.lcc let color_reps_of_vertex particles v = ThoList.alist_of_list ~predicate:(not <*> UFOx.Color.rep_trivial) ~offset:1 ( (fun p -> (SMap.find p particles).Particle.color) (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles)) let check_color_reps_of_vertex particles v = let reps_particles = List.sort compare (color_reps_of_vertex particles v) in List.iter (fun lcc -> let reps_vertex = List.sort compare (UFOx.Color.classify_indices lcc.Vertex.color) in if reps_vertex <> reps_particles then begin Printf.printf "%s <> %s\n" (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Color.rep_to_string reps_particles) (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Color.rep_to_string reps_vertex); invalid_arg "check_color_reps_of_vertex" end) v.Vertex.lcc module P = Permutation.Default module type Lorentz = sig type spins = private | Unused | Unique of Coupling.lorentz array | Ambiguous of Coupling.lorentz array SMap.t type t = private { name : string; n : int; spins : spins; structure : UFO_Lorentz.t; fermion_lines : Coupling.fermion_lines; variables : string list } val required_charge_conjugates : t -> t list val permute : P.t -> t -> t val of_lorentz_UFO : Particle.t SMap.t -> Vertex.t SMap.t -> Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t -> t SMap.t val lorentz_to_string : Coupling.lorentz -> string val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Lorentz : Lorentz = struct let rec lorentz_to_string = function | Coupling.Scalar -> "Scalar" | Coupling.Spinor -> "Spinor" | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> "ConjSpinor" | Coupling.Majorana -> "Majorana" | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> "Maj_Ghost" | Coupling.Vector -> "Vector" | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> "Massive_Vector" | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> "Vectorspinor" | Coupling.Tensor_1 -> "Tensor_1" | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> "Tensor_2" | Coupling.BRS l -> "BRS(" ^ lorentz_to_string l ^ ")" (* Unlike UFO, O'Mega distinguishes bewteen spinors and conjugate spinors. However, we can inspect the particles in the vertices in which a Lorentz structure is used to determine the correct quantum numbers. Most model files in the real world contain unused Lorentz structures. This is not a problem, we can just ignore them. *) type spins = | Unused | Unique of Coupling.lorentz array | Ambiguous of Coupling.lorentz array SMap.t (* \begin{dubious} Use [UFO_targets.Fortran.fusion_name] below in order to avoid communication problems. Or even move away from strings alltogether. \end{dubious} *) type t = { name : string; n : int; spins : spins; structure : UFO_Lorentz.t; fermion_lines : Coupling.fermion_lines; variables : string list } (* Add one charge conjugated fermion lines. *) let charge_conjugate1 l (ket, bra as fermion_line) = { name = ^ Printf.sprintf "_c%x%x" ket bra; n = l.n; spins = l.spins; structure = UFO_Lorentz.charge_conjugate fermion_line l.structure; fermion_lines = l.fermion_lines; variables = l.variables } (* Add several charge conjugated fermion lines. *) let charge_conjugate l fermion_lines = List.fold_left charge_conjugate1 l fermion_lines (*i let all_charge_conjugates l = (charge_conjugate l) (ThoList.power l.fermion_lines) i*) (* Add all combinations of charge conjugated fermion lines that don't leave the fusion. *) let required_charge_conjugates l = let saturated_fermion_lines = List.filter (fun (ket, bra) -> ket != 1 && bra != 1) l.fermion_lines in (charge_conjugate l) (ThoList.power saturated_fermion_lines) let permute_spins p = function | Unused -> Unused | Unique s -> Unique (P.array p s) | Ambiguous map -> Ambiguous ( (P.array p) map) (* Note that we apply the \emph{inverse} permutation to the indices in order to match the permutation of the particles/spins. *) let permute_structure n p (l, f) = let permuted = P.array (P.inverse p) (Array.init n succ) in let permute_index i = if i > 0 then UFOx.Index.map_position (fun pos -> permuted.(pred pos)) i else i in (UFO_Lorentz.map_indices permute_index l, UFO_Lorentz.map_fermion_lines permute_index f) let permute p l = let structure, fermion_lines = permute_structure l.n p (l.structure, l.fermion_lines) in { name = ^ "_p" ^ P.to_string (P.inverse p); n = l.n; spins = permute_spins p l.spins; structure; fermion_lines; variables = l.variables } let omega_lorentz_reps n alist = let reps = Array.make n Coupling.Scalar in List.iter (fun (i, rep) -> reps.(pred i) <- rep) alist; reps let contained lorentz vertex = List.exists (fun lcc1 -> lcc1.Vertex.lorentz = lorentz.Lorentz_UFO.symbol) vertex.Vertex.lcc (* Find all vertices in with the Lorentz structure [lorentz] is used and build a map from those vertices to the O'Mega Lorentz representations inferred from UFO's Lorentz structure and the [particles] involved. Then scan the bindings and check that we have inferred the same Lorentz representation from all vertices. *) let lorentz_reps_of_structure particles vertices lorentz = let uses = SMap.fold (fun name v acc -> if contained lorentz v then SMap.add name (omega_lorentz_reps (Array.length v.Vertex.particles) (lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v)) acc else acc) vertices SMap.empty in let variants = ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare ( snd (SMap.bindings uses))) in match variants with | [] -> Unused | [s] -> Unique s | _ -> Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz.lorentz_reps_of_structure: AMBIGUOUS!\n"; List.iter (fun variant -> Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz.lorentz_reps_of_structure: %s\n" (ThoList.to_string lorentz_to_string (Array.to_list variant))) variants; Ambiguous uses let of_lorentz_tensor spins lorentz = match spins with | Unique s -> begin try Some (UFO_Lorentz.parse (Array.to_list s) lorentz) with | Failure msg -> begin prerr_endline msg; Some (UFO_Lorentz.dummy) end end | Unused -> Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz: stripping unused structure %s\n" (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string lorentz); None | Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "UFO.Lorentz.of_lorentz_tensor: Ambiguous" (* NB: if the \texttt{name} attribute of a \texttt{Lorentz} object does \emph{not} match the the name of the object, the former has a better chance to correspond to a valid Fortran name. Therefore we use it. *) let of_lorentz_UFO particles vertices lorentz_UFO = SMap.fold (fun name l acc -> let spins = lorentz_reps_of_structure particles vertices l in match of_lorentz_tensor spins l.Lorentz_UFO.structure with | None -> acc | Some structure -> SMap.add name { name = l.Lorentz_UFO.symbol; n = List.length l.Lorentz_UFO.spins; spins; structure; fermion_lines = UFO_Lorentz.fermion_lines structure; variables = UFOx.Lorentz.variables l.Lorentz_UFO.structure } acc) lorentz_UFO SMap.empty let to_string symbol l = Printf.sprintf "lorentz: %s => [name = '%s', spins = %s, \ structure = %s, fermion_lines = %s]" symbol (match l.spins with | Unique s -> "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( lorentz_to_string (Array.to_list s)) ^ "]" | Ambiguous _ -> "AMBIGUOUS!" | Unused -> "UNUSED!") (UFO_Lorentz.to_string l.structure) (UFO_Lorentz.fermion_lines_to_string l.fermion_lines) end (* According to arxiv:1308:1668, there should not be a factor of~$i$ in the numerators of propagators, but the (unused) \texttt{} in most models violate this rule! *) let divide_propagators_by_i = ref false module type Propagator = sig type t = (* private *) { name : string; spins : Coupling.lorentz * Coupling.lorentz; numerator : UFO_Lorentz.t; denominator : UFO_Lorentz.t; variables : string list } val of_propagator_UFO : ?majorana:bool -> Propagator_UFO.t -> t val of_propagators_UFO : ?majorana:bool -> Propagator_UFO.t SMap.t -> t SMap.t val transpose : t -> t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Propagator : Propagator = struct type t = (* private *) { name : string; spins : Coupling.lorentz * Coupling.lorentz; numerator : UFO_Lorentz.t; denominator : UFO_Lorentz.t; variables : string list } let lorentz_rep_at rep_classes i = try (List.assoc i rep_classes) with | Not_found -> Coupling.Scalar let imaginary = Algebra.QC.make Algebra.Q.null Algebra.Q.unit let scalars = [Coupling.Scalar; Coupling.Scalar] (* If~$51$ and~$52$ show up as indices, we must map $(1,51)\to(1001,2001)$ and $(2,52)\to(1002,2002)$, as per the UFO conventions for Lorentz structures. *) (* \begin{dubious} This does not work yet, because [UFOx.Lorentz.map_indices] affects also the position argument of [P], [Mass] and [Width]. \end{dubious} *) let contains_51_52 tensor = List.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = 51 || i = 52) (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices tensor) let remap_51_52 = function | 1 -> 1001 | 51 -> 2001 | 2 -> 1002 | 52 -> 2002 | i -> i let canonicalize_51_52 tensor = if contains_51_52 tensor then UFOx.Lorentz.rename_indices remap_51_52 tensor else tensor let force_majorana = function | Coupling.Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> Coupling.Majorana | s -> s let string_list_union l1 l2 = Sets.String.elements (Sets.String.union (Sets.String.of_list l1) (Sets.String.of_list l2)) (* In the current conventions, the factor of~$i$ is not included: *) let of_propagator_UFO ?(majorana=false) p = let numerator = canonicalize_51_52 p.Propagator_UFO.numerator in let lorentz_reps = UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices numerator in let spin1 = lorentz_rep_at lorentz_reps 1 and spin2 = lorentz_rep_at lorentz_reps 2 in let numerator_sans_i = if !divide_propagators_by_i then UFOx.Lorentz.map_coeff (fun q -> Algebra.QC.div q imaginary) numerator else numerator in { name =; spins = if majorana then (force_majorana spin1, force_majorana spin2) else (spin1, spin2); numerator = UFO_Lorentz.parse ~allow_denominator:true [spin1; spin2] numerator_sans_i; denominator = UFO_Lorentz.parse scalars p.Propagator_UFO.denominator; variables = string_list_union (UFOx.Lorentz.variables p.Propagator_UFO.denominator) (UFOx.Lorentz.variables numerator_sans_i) } let of_propagators_UFO ?majorana propagators_UFO = SMap.fold (fun name p acc -> SMap.add name (of_propagator_UFO ?majorana p) acc) propagators_UFO SMap.empty let permute12 = function | 1 -> 2 | 2 -> 1 | n -> n let transpose_positions t = UFOx.Index.map_position permute12 t let transpose p = { name =; spins = (snd p.spins, fst p.spins); numerator = UFO_Lorentz.map_indices transpose_positions p.numerator; denominator = p.denominator; variables = p.variables } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "propagator: %s => [name = '%s', spin = '(%s, %s)', numerator/I = '%s', \ denominator = '%s']" symbol (Lorentz.lorentz_to_string (fst p.spins)) (Lorentz.lorentz_to_string (snd p.spins)) (UFO_Lorentz.to_string p.numerator) (UFO_Lorentz.to_string p.denominator) end type t = { particles : Particle.t SMap.t; particle_array : Particle.t array; (* for diagnostics *) couplings : UFO_Coupling.t SMap.t; coupling_orders : Coupling_Order.t SMap.t; vertices : Vertex.t SMap.t; lorentz_UFO : Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t; lorentz : Lorentz.t SMap.t; parameters : Parameter.t SMap.t; propagators_UFO : Propagator_UFO.t SMap.t; propagators : Propagator.t SMap.t; decays : Decay.t SMap.t; nc : int } let use_majorana_spinors = ref false let fallback_to_majorana_if_necessary particles vertices lorentz_UFO = let majoranas = SMap.fold (fun p particle acc -> if Particle.is_majorana particle then SSet.add p acc else acc) particles SSet.empty in let spinors, conj_spinors = collect_spinor_reps_of_vertices particles lorentz_UFO vertices in let ambiguous = SSet.diff (SSet.inter spinors conj_spinors) majoranas in let no_majoranas = SSet.is_empty majoranas and no_ambiguities = SSet.is_empty ambiguous in if no_majoranas && no_ambiguities && not !use_majorana_spinors then (SMap.mapi (fun p particle -> if SSet.mem p spinors then Particle.force_spinor particle else if SSet.mem p conj_spinors then Particle.force_conjspinor particle else particle) particles, false) else begin if !use_majorana_spinors then Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: Majorana fermions requested.\n"; if not no_majoranas then Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: found Majorana fermions!\n"; if not no_ambiguities then Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: found ambiguous spinor representations for %s!\n" (String.concat ", " (SSet.elements ambiguous)); Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: falling back to the Majorana representation for all fermions.\n"; ( Particle.force_majorana particles, true) end let nc_of_particles particles = let nc_set = List.fold_left (fun nc_set (_, p) -> match p.Particle.color with | Color.Singlet -> nc_set | Color.SUN nc -> Sets.Int.add (abs nc) nc_set | Color.AdjSUN nc -> Sets.Int.add (abs nc) nc_set) Sets.Int.empty (SMap.bindings particles) in match Sets.Int.elements nc_set with | [] -> 0 | [n] -> n | nc_list -> invalid_arg ("UFO.Model: more than one value of N_C: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int nc_list)) let of_file u = let particles = Particle.of_file u.Files.particles in let vertices = Vertex.of_file particles u.Files.vertices and lorentz_UFO = Lorentz_UFO.of_file u.Files.lorentz and propagators_UFO = Propagator_UFO.of_file u.Files.propagators in let particles, majorana = fallback_to_majorana_if_necessary particles vertices lorentz_UFO in let particle_array = Array.of_list (values particles) and lorentz = Lorentz.of_lorentz_UFO particles vertices lorentz_UFO and propagators = Propagator.of_propagators_UFO ~majorana propagators_UFO in let model = { particles; particle_array; couplings = UFO_Coupling.of_file u.Files.couplings; coupling_orders = Coupling_Order.of_file u.Files.coupling_orders; vertices; lorentz_UFO; lorentz; parameters = Parameter.of_file u.Files.parameters; propagators_UFO; propagators; decays = Decay.of_file u.Files.decays; nc = nc_of_particles particles } in SMap.iter (fun _ v -> check_color_reps_of_vertex model.particles v; check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex model.particles model.lorentz_UFO v) model.vertices; model +let map_parameter_names f m = + { m with + particles = (Particle.map_mass_and_width f) m.particles; + particle_array = (Particle.map_mass_and_width f) m.particle_array; + parameters = (Parameter.map_names f) m.parameters } + let parse_directory dir = of_file (Files.parse_directory dir) let dump model = Printf.printf "NC = %d\n"; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Particle.to_string) model.particles; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> UFO_Coupling.to_string) model.couplings; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Coupling_Order.to_string) model.coupling_orders; (* [SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Vertex.to_string) model.vertices;] *) SMap.iter (fun symbol v -> (print_endline <**> Vertex.to_string) symbol v; print_endline (Vertex.to_string_expanded model.lorentz_UFO model.couplings v)) model.vertices; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Lorentz_UFO.to_string) model.lorentz_UFO; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Lorentz.to_string) model.lorentz; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Parameter.to_string) model.parameters; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Propagator_UFO.to_string) model.propagators_UFO; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Propagator.to_string) model.propagators; SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Decay.to_string) model.decays; SMap.iter (fun symbol d -> List.iter (fun (_, w) -> ignore (UFOx.Expr.of_string w)) d.Decay.widths) model.decays exception Unhandled of string let unhandled s = raise (Unhandled s) module Model = struct (* NB: we could use [type flavor = Particle.t], but that would be very inefficient, because we will use [flavor] as a key for maps below. *) type flavor = int type constant = string type gauge = unit module M = Modeltools.Mutable (struct type f = flavor type g = gauge type c = constant end) let flavors = M.flavors let external_flavors = M.external_flavors let external_flavors = M.external_flavors let lorentz = M.lorentz let color = M.color let nc = let propagator = M.propagator let width = M.width let goldstone = M.goldstone let conjugate = M.conjugate let fermion = M.fermion let vertices = M.vertices let fuse2 = M.fuse2 let fuse3 = M.fuse3 let fuse = M.fuse let max_degree = M.max_degree let parameters = M.parameters let flavor_of_string = M.flavor_of_string let flavor_to_string = M.flavor_to_string let flavor_to_TeX = M.flavor_to_TeX let flavor_symbol = M.flavor_symbol let gauge_symbol = M.gauge_symbol let pdg = M.pdg let mass_symbol = M.mass_symbol let width_symbol = M.width_symbol let constant_symbol = M.constant_symbol module Ch = M.Ch let charges = M.charges let rec fermion_of_lorentz = function | Coupling.Spinor -> 1 | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> -1 | Coupling.Majorana -> 2 | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> 2 | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> 1 | Coupling.Vector | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> 0 | Coupling.Scalar | Coupling.Tensor_1 | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> 0 | Coupling.BRS f -> fermion_of_lorentz f module Q = Algebra.Q module QC = Algebra.QC let dummy_tensor3 = Coupling.Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1 let dummy_tensor4 = Coupling.Scalar4 1 let triplet p = (p.(0), p.(1), p.(2)) let quartet p = (p.(0), p.(1), p.(2), p.(3)) let half_times q1 q2 = Q.mul (Q.make 1 2) (Q.mul q1 q2) let name g = let fractional_coupling g r = let g = name g in match Q.to_ratio r with | 0, _ -> "0.0_default" | 1, 1 -> g | -1, 1 -> Printf.sprintf "(-%s)" g | n, 1 -> Printf.sprintf "(%d*%s)" n g | 1, d -> Printf.sprintf "(%s/%d)" g d | -1, d -> Printf.sprintf "(-%s/%d)" g d | n, d -> Printf.sprintf "(%d*%s/%d)" n g d let lorentz_of_symbol model symbol = try SMap.find symbol model.lorentz with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("lorentz_of_symbol: " ^ symbol) let lorentz_UFO_of_symbol model symbol = try SMap.find symbol model.lorentz_UFO with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("lorentz_UFO_of_symbol: " ^ symbol) let coupling_of_symbol model symbol = try SMap.find symbol model.couplings with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("coupling_of_symbol: " ^ symbol) let spin_triplet model name = match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unique [|s0; s1; s2|] -> (s0, s1, s2) | Lorentz.Unique _ -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: wrong number of spins" | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: Unused" | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: Ambiguous" let spin_quartet model name = match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unique [|s0; s1; s2; s3|] -> (s0, s1, s2, s3) | Lorentz.Unique _ -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: wrong number of spins" | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: Unused" | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: Ambiguous" let spin_multiplet model name = match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unique sarray -> sarray | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_multiplet: Unused" | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_multiplet: Ambiguous" (* If we have reason to belive that a $\delta_{ab}$-vertex is an effective $\tr(T_aT_b)$-vertex generated at loop level, like~$gg\to H\ldots$ in the SM, we should interpret it as such and use the expression~(6.2) from~\cite{Kilian:2012pz}. *) (* AFAIK, there is no way to distinguish these cases directly in a UFO file. Instead we rely in a heuristic, in which each massless color octet vector particle or ghost is a gluon and colorless scalars are potential Higgses. *) let is_massless p = match ThoString.uppercase p.Particle.mass with | "ZERO" -> true | _ -> false let is_gluon model f = let p = model.particle_array.(f) in match p.Particle.color, p.Particle.spin with | Color.AdjSUN _, Coupling.Vector -> is_massless p | Color.AdjSUN _, Coupling.Scalar -> if p.Particle.ghost_number <> 0 then is_massless p else false | _ -> false let is_color_singlet model f = let p = model.particle_array.(f) in match p.Particle.color with | Color.Singlet -> true | _ -> false let is_higgs_gluon_vertex model p adjoints = if Array.length p > List.length adjoints then List.for_all (fun (i, p) -> if List.mem i adjoints then is_gluon model p else is_color_singlet model p) (ThoList.enumerate 1 (Array.to_list p)) else false let delta8_heuristics model p a b = if is_higgs_gluon_vertex model p [a; b] then Color.Vertex.delta8_loop a b else Color.Vertex.delta8 a b let verbatim_higgs_glue = ref false let translate_color_atom model p = function | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (i, j) -> Color.Vertex.delta3 j i | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) -> if !verbatim_higgs_glue then Color.Vertex.delta8 a b else delta8_heuristics model p a b | UFOx.Color_Atom.T (a, i, j) -> Color.Vertex.t a i j | UFOx.Color_Atom.F (a, b, c) -> Color.Vertex.f a b c | UFOx.Color_Atom.D (a, b, c) -> Color.Vertex.d a b c | UFOx.Color_Atom.Epsilon (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilon [i; j; k] | UFOx.Color_Atom.EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilon_bar [i; j; k] | UFOx.Color_Atom.T6 (a, i, j) -> Color.Vertex.t6 a i j | UFOx.Color_Atom.K6 (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.k6 i j k | UFOx.Color_Atom.K6Bar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.k6bar i j k let translate_color_term model p = function | [], q -> Color.Vertex.scale q | [atom], q -> Color.Vertex.scale q (translate_color_atom model p atom) | atoms, q -> let atoms = (translate_color_atom model p) atoms in Color.Vertex.scale q (Color.Vertex.multiply atoms) let translate_color model p terms = match terms with | [] -> invalid_arg "translate_color: empty" | [ term ] -> translate_color_term model p term | terms -> Color.Vertex.sum ( (translate_color_term model p) terms) let translate_coupling_1 model p lcc = let l = lcc.Vertex.lorentz in let s = Array.to_list (spin_multiplet model l) and fl = (SMap.find l model.lorentz).Lorentz.fermion_lines and c = name (coupling_of_symbol model lcc.Vertex.coupling) in match lcc.Vertex.color with | UFOx.Color.Linear color -> let col = translate_color model p color in (Array.to_list p, Coupling.UFO (QC.unit, l, s, fl, col), c) | UFOx.Color.Ratios _ as color -> invalid_arg ("UFO.Model.translate_coupling: invalid color structure" ^ UFOx.Color.to_string color) let translate_coupling model p lcc = (translate_coupling_1 model p) lcc let long_flavors = ref false module type Lookup = sig type f = private { flavors : flavor list; flavor_of_string : string -> flavor; flavor_of_symbol : string -> flavor; particle : flavor -> Particle.t; flavor_symbol : flavor -> string; conjugate : flavor -> flavor } type flavor_format = | Long | Decimal | Hexadecimal val flavor_format : flavor_format ref val of_model : t -> f end module Lookup : Lookup = struct type f = { flavors : flavor list; flavor_of_string : string -> flavor; flavor_of_symbol : string -> flavor; particle : flavor -> Particle.t; flavor_symbol : flavor -> string; conjugate : flavor -> flavor } type flavor_format = | Long | Decimal | Hexadecimal let flavor_format = ref Hexadecimal (*i let match_pdf_code p1 p2 = p1.Particle.pdg_code = p2.Particle.pdg_code i*) let conjugate_of_particle_array particles = Array.init (Array.length particles) (fun i -> let f' = Particle.conjugate particles.(i) in match ThoArray.match_all f' particles with | [i'] -> i' | [] -> invalid_arg ("no charge conjugate: " ^ f' | _ -> invalid_arg ("multiple charge conjugates: " ^ f' let invert_flavor_array a = let table = SHash.create 37 in Array.iteri (fun i s -> SHash.add table s i) a; (fun name -> try SHash.find table name with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("not found: " ^ name)) let digits base n = let rec digits' acc n = if n < 1 then acc else digits' (succ acc) (n / base) in if n < 0 then digits' 1 (-n) else if n = 0 then 1 else digits' 0 n let of_model model = let particle_array = Array.of_list (values model.particles) in let conjugate_array = conjugate_of_particle_array particle_array and name_array = (fun f -> particle_array and symbol_array = Array.of_list (keys model.particles) in let flavor_symbol f = begin match !flavor_format with | Long -> symbol_array.(f) | Decimal -> let w = digits 10 (Array.length particle_array - 1) in Printf.sprintf "%0*d" w f | Hexadecimal -> let w = digits 16 (Array.length particle_array - 1) in Printf.sprintf "%0*X" w f end in { flavors = ThoList.range 0 (Array.length particle_array - 1); flavor_of_string = invert_flavor_array name_array; flavor_of_symbol = invert_flavor_array symbol_array; particle = Array.get particle_array; flavor_symbol = flavor_symbol; conjugate = Array.get conjugate_array } end (* \begin{dubious} We appear to need to conjugate all flavors. Why??? \end{dubious} *) let translate_vertices model tables = let vn = List.fold_left (fun acc v -> let p = tables.Lookup.flavor_of_symbol v.Vertex.particles and lcc = v.Vertex.lcc in let p = conjugate p in (* FIXME: why? *) translate_coupling model p lcc @ acc) [] (values model.vertices) in ([], [], vn) let propagator_of_lorentz = function | Coupling.Scalar -> Coupling.Prop_Scalar | Coupling.Spinor -> Coupling.Prop_Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> Coupling.Prop_ConjSpinor | Coupling.Majorana -> Coupling.Prop_Majorana | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: SUSY ghosts do not propagate" | Coupling.Vector -> Coupling.Prop_Feynman | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> Coupling.Prop_Unitarity | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> Coupling.Prop_Tensor_2 | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: Vectorspinor" | Coupling.Tensor_1 -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: Tensor_1" | Coupling.BRS _ -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: no BRST" let filter_unphysical model = let physical_particles = Particle.filter Particle.is_physical model.particles in let physical_particle_array = Array.of_list (values physical_particles) in let physical_vertices = Vertex.filter (not <*> (Vertex.contains model.particles (not <*> Particle.is_physical))) model.vertices in { model with particles = physical_particles; particle_array = physical_particle_array; vertices = physical_vertices } let whizard_constants = SSet.of_list [ "ZERO" ] let filter_constants parameters = List.filter (fun p -> not (SSet.mem (ThoString.uppercase whizard_constants)) parameters let add_name set parameter = CSet.add set let hardcoded_parameters = CSet.of_list ["cmath.pi"] let missing_parameters input derived couplings = let input_parameters = List.fold_left add_name hardcoded_parameters input in let all_parameters = List.fold_left add_name input_parameters derived in let derived_dependencies = dependencies ( (fun p -> (, p.Parameter.value)) derived) in let coupling_dependencies = dependencies ( (fun p -> (, Expr p.UFO_Coupling.value)) (values couplings)) in let missing_input = CMap.filter (fun parameter derived_parameters -> not (CSet.mem parameter all_parameters)) derived_dependencies and missing = CMap.filter (fun parameter couplings -> not (CSet.mem parameter all_parameters)) coupling_dependencies in CMap.iter (fun parameter derived_parameters -> Printf.eprintf "UFO warning: undefined input parameter %s appears in derived \ parameters {%s}: will be added to the list of input parameters!\n" parameter (String.concat "; " (CSet.elements derived_parameters))) missing_input; CMap.iter (fun parameter couplings -> Printf.eprintf "UFO warning: undefined parameter %s appears in couplings {%s}: \ will be added to the list of input parameters!\n" parameter (String.concat "; " (CSet.elements couplings))) missing; keys_caseless missing_input @ keys_caseless missing let classify_parameters model = let compare_parameters p1 p2 = compare p1.Parameter.sequence p2.Parameter.sequence in let input, derived = List.fold_left (fun (input, derived) p -> match p.Parameter.nature with | Parameter.Internal -> (input, p :: derived) | Parameter.External -> begin match p.Parameter.ptype with | Parameter.Real -> () | Parameter.Complex -> Printf.eprintf "UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input \ parameter `%s' ignored!\n" end; (p :: input, derived)) ([], []) (filter_constants (values model.parameters)) in let additional = missing_parameters input derived model.couplings in (List.sort compare_parameters input @ Parameter.missing additional, List.sort compare_parameters derived) (*i List.iter (fun line -> Printf.eprintf "par: %s\n" line) (dependencies_to_strings derived_dependencies); List.iter (fun line -> Printf.eprintf "coupling: %s\n" line) (dependencies_to_strings coupling_dependencies); i*) - let translate_name map name = - try SMap.find name map with Not_found -> name - - let translate_input map p = - (translate_name map, value_to_float p.Parameter.value) + let translate_input p = + (, value_to_float p.Parameter.value) let alpha_s_half e = UFOx.Expr.substitute "aS" (UFOx.Expr.half "aS") e - let alpha_s_half_etc map e = - UFOx.Expr.rename (map_to_alist map) (alpha_s_half e) - - let translate_derived map p = + let translate_derived p = let make_atom s = s in - let c = make_atom (translate_name map - and v = - value_to_coupling (alpha_s_half_etc map) make_atom p.Parameter.value in + let c = make_atom + and v = value_to_coupling alpha_s_half make_atom p.Parameter.value in match p.Parameter.ptype with | Parameter.Real -> (Coupling.Real c, v) | Parameter.Complex -> (Coupling.Complex c, v) - let translate_coupling_constant map c = + let translate_coupling_constant c = let make_atom s = s in (Coupling.Complex, - Coupling.Quot - (value_to_coupling - (alpha_s_half_etc map) make_atom - (Expr c.UFO_Coupling.value), - Coupling.I)) + Coupling.Quot (value_to_coupling alpha_s_half make_atom (Expr c.UFO_Coupling.value), Coupling.I)) module Lowercase_Parameters = struct type elt = string type base = string let compare_elt = compare let compare_base = compare let pi = ThoString.lowercase end module Lowercase_Bundle = Bundle.Make (Lowercase_Parameters) let coupling_names model = SMap.fold (fun _ c acc -> :: acc) model.couplings [] let parameter_names model = SMap.fold (fun _ c acc -> :: acc) model.parameters [] let ambiguous_parameters model = let all_names = List.rev_append (coupling_names model) (parameter_names model) in let lc_bundle = Lowercase_Bundle.of_list all_names in let lc_set = List.fold_left (fun acc s -> SSet.add s acc) SSet.empty (Lowercase_Bundle.base lc_bundle) and ambiguities = List.filter (fun (_, names) -> List.length names > 1) (Lowercase_Bundle.fibers lc_bundle) in (lc_set, ambiguities) let disambiguate1 lc_set name = let rec disambiguate1' i = let name' = Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" name i in let lc_name' = ThoString.lowercase name' in if SSet.mem lc_name' lc_set then disambiguate1' (succ i) else (SSet.add lc_name' lc_set, name') in disambiguate1' 1 let disambiguate lc_set names = let _, replacements = List.fold_left (fun (lc_set', acc) name -> let lc_set'', name' = disambiguate1 lc_set' name in (lc_set'', SMap.add name name' acc)) (lc_set, SMap.empty) names in replacements let omegalib_names = ["u"; "ubar"; "v"; "vbar"; "eps"] - let translate_parameters model = + let replacement_map model = let lc_set, ambiguities = ambiguous_parameters model in - let replacements = + let replacement_list = disambiguate lc_set (ThoList.flatmap snd ambiguities) in SMap.iter (Printf.eprintf - "warning: case sensitive parameter names: renaming '%s' -> '%s'\n") - replacements; - let replacements = - List.fold_left - (fun acc name -> SMap.add name ("UFO_" ^ name) acc) - replacements omegalib_names in + "UFO warning: case sensitive parameter names: renaming '%s' -> '%s'\n") + replacement_list; + List.fold_left + (fun acc name -> SMap.add name ("UFO_" ^ name) acc) + replacement_list omegalib_names + + let translated_parameters model = let input_parameters, derived_parameters = classify_parameters model and couplings = values model.couplings in - { Coupling.input = - (translate_input replacements) input_parameters; + { Coupling.input = translate_input input_parameters; Coupling.derived = - (translate_derived replacements) derived_parameters @ - (translate_coupling_constant replacements) couplings; + translate_derived derived_parameters @ + translate_coupling_constant couplings; Coupling.derived_arrays = [] } (* UFO requires us to look up the mass parameter to distinguish between massless and massive vectors. TODO: this is a candidate for another lookup table. *) let lorentz_of_particle p = match p.Particle.spin with | Coupling.Vector -> begin match ThoString.uppercase p.Particle.mass with | "ZERO" -> Coupling.Vector | _ -> Coupling.Massive_Vector end | s -> s type state = { directory : string; model : t } let initialized = ref None let is_initialized_from dir = match !initialized with | None -> false | Some state -> dir = let dump_raw = ref false + (* Using [translated_parameters] only to extract the parameters, without + affecting the corresponding changes in the model tables couldn't work! + (Cf.~\url{} + and~\url{}) *) + + let map_names map name = + match SMap.find_opt name map with + | None -> name + | Some name -> name + let init dir = let model = filter_unphysical (parse_directory dir) in if !dump_raw then dump model; + let replacements = replacement_map model in + let model = map_parameter_names (map_names replacements) model in + let parameters = translated_parameters model in let tables = Lookup.of_model model in let vertices () = translate_vertices model tables in let particle f = tables.Lookup.particle f in let lorentz f = lorentz_of_particle (particle f) in let propagator f = let p = particle f in match p.Particle.propagator with | None -> propagator_of_lorentz (lorentz_of_particle p) | Some s -> Coupling.Prop_UFO s in let gauge_symbol () = "?GAUGE?" in let constant_symbol s = s in - let parameters = translate_parameters model in M.setup ~color:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.color) ~nc:(fun () -> ~pdg:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.pdg_code) ~lorentz ~propagator ~width:(fun f -> Coupling.Constant) ~goldstone:(fun f -> None) ~conjugate:tables.Lookup.conjugate ~fermion:(fun f -> fermion_of_lorentz (lorentz f)) ~vertices ~flavors:[("All Flavors", tables.Lookup.flavors)] ~parameters:(fun () -> parameters) ~flavor_of_string:tables.Lookup.flavor_of_string ~flavor_to_string:(fun f -> (particle f) ~flavor_to_TeX:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.texname) ~flavor_symbol:tables.Lookup.flavor_symbol ~gauge_symbol ~mass_symbol:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.mass) ~width_symbol:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.width) ~constant_symbol; initialized := Some { directory = dir; model = model } let ufo_directory = ref Config.default_UFO_dir let load () = if is_initialized_from !ufo_directory then () else init !ufo_directory let include_all_fusions = ref false (* In case of Majorana spinors, also generate all combinations of charge conjugated fermion lines. The naming convention is to append \texttt{\_c}$nm$ if the $\gamma$-matrices of the fermion line $n\to m$ has been charge conjugated (this could become impractical for too many fermions at a vertex, but shouldn't matter in real life). *) (* Here we alway generate \emph{all} charge conjugations, because we treat \emph{all} fermions as Majorana fermion, if there is at least one Majorana fermion in the model! *) let is_majorana = function | Coupling.Majorana | Coupling.Vectorspinor | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> true | _ -> false let name_spins_structure spins l = (, spins, l.Lorentz.structure) let fusions_of_model ?only model = let include_fusion = match !include_all_fusions, only with | true, _ | false, None -> (fun name -> true) | false, Some names -> (fun name -> SSet.mem name names) in SMap.fold (fun name l acc -> if include_fusion name then List.fold_left (fun acc p -> let l' = Lorentz.permute p l in match l'.Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unused -> acc | Lorentz.Unique spins -> if Array.exists is_majorana spins then (name_spins_structure spins) (Lorentz.required_charge_conjugates l') @ acc else name_spins_structure spins l' :: acc | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> failwith "fusions: Lorentz.Ambiguous") [] (Permutation.Default.cyclic l.Lorentz.n) @ acc else acc) model.lorentz [] let fusions ?only () = match !initialized with | None -> [] | Some { model = model } -> fusions_of_model ?only model let propagators_of_model ?only model = let include_propagator = match !include_all_fusions, only with | true, _ | false, None -> (fun name -> true) | false, Some names -> (fun name -> SSet.mem name names) in SMap.fold (fun name p acc -> if include_propagator name then (name, p) :: acc else acc) model.propagators [] let propagators ?only () = match !initialized with | None -> [] | Some { model = model } -> propagators_of_model ?only model let include_hadrons = ref true let ufo_majorana_warnings = [ "***************************************************"; "* *"; "* CAVEAT: *"; "* *"; "* These amplitudes have been computed for a *"; "* UFO model containing Majorana fermions. *"; "* This version of O'Mega contains some known *"; "* bugs for this case. It was released early at *"; "* the request of the Linear Collider community. *"; "* *"; "* These amplitudes MUST NOT be used for *"; "* publications without prior consulation *"; "* with the WHIZARD authors !!! *"; "* *"; "***************************************************" ] let caveats () = if !use_majorana_spinors then ufo_majorana_warnings else [] module Whizard : sig val write : unit -> unit end = struct let write_header dir = Printf.printf "# WHIZARD Model file derived from UFO directory\n"; Printf.printf "# '%s'\n\n" dir; List.iter (fun s -> Printf.printf "# %s\n" s) (M.caveats ()); Printf.printf "model \"%s\"\n\n" (Filename.basename dir) let write_input_parameters parameters = let open Parameter in Printf.printf "# Independent (input) Parameters\n"; List.iter (fun p -> Printf.printf "parameter %s = %s" (value_to_numeric p.value); begin match p.lhablock, p.lhacode with | None, None -> () | Some name, Some (index :: indices) -> Printf.printf " slha_entry %s %d" name index; List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf " %d" i) indices | Some name, None -> Printf.eprintf "UFO: parameter %s: slhablock %s without slhacode\n" name | Some name, Some [] -> Printf.eprintf "UFO: parameter %s: slhablock %s with empty slhacode\n" name | None, Some _ -> Printf.eprintf "UFO: parameter %s: slhacode without slhablock\n" end; Printf.printf "\n") parameters; Printf.printf "\n" let write_derived_parameters parameters = let open Parameter in Printf.printf "# Dependent (derived) Parameters\n"; List.iter (fun p -> Printf.printf "derived %s = %s\n" (value_to_expr alpha_s_half p.value)) parameters let write_particles particles = let open Particle in Printf.printf "# Particles\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: hypercharge assignments appear to be unreliable\n"; Printf.printf "# therefore we can't infer the isospin\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: parton-, gauge- & handedness are unavailable\n"; List.iter (fun p -> if not p.is_anti then begin Printf.printf "particle \"%s\" %d ### parton? gauge? left?\n" p.pdg_code; Printf.printf " spin %s charge %s color %s ### isospin?\n" (UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string_whizard p.spin) (charge_to_string p.charge) (UFOx.Color.rep_to_string_whizard p.color); Printf.printf " name \"%s\"\n"; if p.antiname <> then Printf.printf " anti \"%s\"\n" p.antiname; Printf.printf " tex_name \"%s\"\n" p.texname; if p.antiname <> then Printf.printf " tex_anti \"%s\"\n" p.antitexname; Printf.printf " mass %s width %s\n\n" p.mass p.width end) (values particles); Printf.printf "\n" let write_hadrons () = Printf.printf "# Hadrons (protons and beam remnants)\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: these are NOT part of the UFO model\n"; Printf.printf "# but added for WHIZARD's convenience!\n"; Printf.printf "particle PROTON 2212\n"; Printf.printf " spin 1/2 charge 1\n"; Printf.printf " name p \"p+\"\n"; Printf.printf " anti pbar \"p-\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT 90\n"; Printf.printf " name hr\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_SINGLET 91\n"; Printf.printf " name hr1\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r^{(1)}\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_TRIPLET 92\n"; Printf.printf " color 3\n"; Printf.printf " name hr3\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r^{(3)}\"\n"; Printf.printf " anti hr3bar\n"; Printf.printf " tex_anti \"had_r^{(\\bar 3)}\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_OCTET 93\n"; Printf.printf " color 8\n"; Printf.printf " name hr8\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r^{(8)}\"\n"; Printf.printf "\n" let vertex_to_string model v = String.concat " " ( (fun s -> "\"" ^ (SMap.find s model.particles) ^ "\"") (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles)) let write_vertices3 model vertices = Printf.printf "# Vertices (for phasespace generation only)\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: particles should be sorted increasing in mass.\n"; Printf.printf "# This is NOT implemented yet!\n"; List.iter (fun v -> if Array.length v.Vertex.particles = 3 then Printf.printf "vertex %s\n" (vertex_to_string model v)) (values vertices); Printf.printf "\n" let write_vertices_higher model vertices = Printf.printf "# Higher Order Vertices (ignored by phasespace generation)\n"; List.iter (fun v -> if Array.length v.Vertex.particles <> 3 then Printf.printf "# vertex %s\n" (vertex_to_string model v)) (values vertices); Printf.printf "\n" let write_vertices model vertices = write_vertices3 model vertices; write_vertices_higher model vertices let write () = match !initialized with | None -> failwith "UFO.Whizard.write: UFO model not initialized" | Some { directory = dir; model = model } -> let input_parameters, derived_parameters = classify_parameters model in write_header dir; write_input_parameters input_parameters; write_derived_parameters derived_parameters; write_particles model.particles; if !include_hadrons then write_hadrons (); write_vertices model model.vertices; exit 0 end let options = Options.create [ ("UFO_dir", Arg.String (fun name -> ufo_directory := name), "UFO model directory (default: " ^ !ufo_directory ^ ")"); ("Majorana", Arg.Set use_majorana_spinors, "use Majorana spinors (must come _before_ exec!)"); ("divide_propagators_by_i", Arg.Set divide_propagators_by_i, "divide propagators by I (pre 2013 FeynRules convention)"); ("verbatim_Hg", Arg.Set verbatim_higgs_glue, "don't correct the color flows for effective Higgs Gluon couplings"); ("write_WHIZARD", Arg.Unit Whizard.write, "write the WHIZARD model file (required once per model)"); ("long_flavors", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Lookup.flavor_format := Lookup.Long), "write use the UFO flavor names instead of integers"); ("dump", Arg.Set dump_raw, "dump UFO model for debugging the parser (must come _before_ exec!)"); ("all_fusions", Arg.Set include_all_fusions, "include all fusions in the fortran module"); ("no_hadrons", Arg.Clear include_hadrons, "don't add any particle not in the UFO file"); ("add_hadrons", Arg.Set include_hadrons, "add protons and beam remants for WHIZARD"); ("exec", Arg.Unit load, "load the UFO model files (required _before_ using particles names)"); ("help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> prerr_endline "..."), "print information on the model")] end module type Fortran_Target = sig val fuse : Algebra.QC.t -> string -> Coupling.lorentzn -> Coupling.fermion_lines -> string -> string list -> string list -> Coupling.fusen -> unit val lorentz_module : ?only:SSet.t -> ?name:string -> ?fortran_module:string -> ?parameter_module:string -> Format_Fortran.formatter -> unit -> unit end module Targets = struct module Fortran : Fortran_Target = struct open Format_Fortran let fuse = UFO_targets.Fortran.fuse let lorentz_functions ff fusions () = List.iter (fun (name, s, l) -> UFO_targets.Fortran.lorentz ff name s l) fusions let propagator_functions ff parameter_module propagators () = List.iter (fun (name, p) -> UFO_targets.Fortran.propagator ff name parameter_module p.Propagator.variables p.Propagator.spins p.Propagator.numerator p.Propagator.denominator) propagators let lorentz_module ?only ?(name="omega_amplitude_ufo") ?(fortran_module="omega95") ?(parameter_module="parameter_module") ff () = let printf fmt = fprintf ff fmt and nl = pp_newline ff in printf "module %s" name; nl (); printf " use kinds"; nl (); printf " use %s" fortran_module; nl (); printf " implicit none"; nl (); printf " private"; nl (); let fusions = Model.fusions ?only () and propagators = Model.propagators () in List.iter (fun (name, _, _) -> printf " public :: %s" name; nl ()) fusions; List.iter (fun (name, _) -> printf " public :: pr_U_%s" name; nl ()) propagators; UFO_targets.Fortran.eps4_g4_g44_decl ff (); UFO_targets.Fortran.eps4_g4_g44_init ff (); printf "contains"; nl (); UFO_targets.Fortran.inner_product_functions ff (); lorentz_functions ff fusions (); propagator_functions ff parameter_module propagators (); printf "end module %s" name; nl (); pp_flush ff () end end module type Test = sig val suite : OUnit.test end module Test : Test = struct open OUnit let lexer s = UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string s)) let suite_lexer_escapes = "escapes" >::: [ "single-quote" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (UFO_parser.STRING "a'b'c") (lexer "'a\\'b\\'c'")); "unterminated" >:: (fun () -> assert_raises End_of_file (fun () -> lexer "'a\\'b\\'c")) ] let suite_lexer = "lexer" >::: [suite_lexer_escapes] let suite = "UFO" >::: [suite_lexer] end Index: trunk/omega/src/UFOx.mli =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/UFOx.mli (revision 8885) +++ trunk/omega/src/UFOx.mli (revision 8886) @@ -1,250 +1,251 @@ (* vertex.mli -- Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) module Expr : sig type t val of_string : string -> t val of_strings : string list -> t val substitute : string -> t -> t -> t val rename : (string * string) list -> t -> t + val map_names : (string -> string) -> t -> t val half : string -> t val variables : t -> Sets.String_Caseless.t val functions : t -> Sets.String_Caseless.t end module Value : sig type t val of_expr : Expr.t -> t val to_string : t -> string val to_coupling : (string -> 'b) -> t -> 'b Coupling.expr end (* \begin{dubious} UFO represents rank-2 indices $(i,j)$ as $1000\cdot j + i$. This should be replaced by a proper union type eventually. Unfortunately, this requires many changes in the [Atom]s in [UFOx]. Therefore, we try a quick'n'dirty proof of principle first. \end{dubious} *) module type Index = sig type t = int val position : t -> int val factor : t -> int val unpack : t -> int * int val pack : int -> int -> t val map_position : (int -> int) -> t -> t val to_string : t -> string val list_to_string : t list -> string (* Indices are represented by a pair [int * 'r], where ['r] denotes the representation the index belongs to. *) (* [free indices] returns all free indices in the list [indices], i.\,e.~all positive indices. *) val free : (t * 'r) list -> (t * 'r) list (* [summation indices] returns all summation indices in the list [indices], i.\,e.~all negative indices. *) val summation : (t * 'r) list -> (t * 'r) list val classes_to_string : ('r -> string) -> (t * 'r) list -> string (* Generate summation indices, starting from~$-1001$. TODO: check that there are no clashes with explicitely named indices. *) val fresh_summation : unit -> t val named_summation : string -> unit -> t end module Index : Index module type Tensor = sig type atom (* A tensor is a linear combination of products of [atom]s with rational coefficients. The following could be refined by introducing [scalar] atoms and restricting the denominators to [(scalar list * Algebra.QC.t) list]. At the moment, this restriction is implemented dynamically by [of_expr] and not statically in the type system. Polymorphic variants appear to be the right tool, either directly or as phantom types. However, this is certainly only \textit{nice-to-have} and is not essential. *) type 'a linear = ('a list * Algebra.QC.t) list type t = | Linear of atom linear | Ratios of (atom linear * atom linear) list (* We might need to replace atoms if the syntax is not context free. *) val map_atoms : (atom -> atom) -> t -> t (* We need to rename indices to implement permutations \ldots *) val map_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t (* \ldots{} but in order to to clean up inconsistencies in the syntax of \texttt{} and \texttt{} we also need to rename indices without touching the second argument of \texttt{P}, the argument of \texttt{Mass} etc. *) val rename_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t (* We need scale coefficients. *) val map_coeff : (Algebra.QC.t -> Algebra.QC.t) -> t -> t (* Try to contract adjacent pairs of [atoms] as allowed but [Atom.contract_pair]. This is not exhaustive, but helps a lot with invariant squares of momenta in applications of [Lorentz]. *) val contract_pairs : t -> t (* The list of variable referenced in the tensor expression, that will need to be imported by the numerical code. *) val variables : t -> string list (* Parsing and unparsing. Lists of [string]s are interpreted as sums. *) val of_expr : UFOx_syntax.expr -> t val of_string : string -> t val of_strings : string list -> t val to_string : t -> string (* The supported representations. *) type r val classify_indices : t -> (int * r) list val rep_to_string : r -> string val rep_to_string_whizard : r -> string val rep_of_int : bool -> int -> r val rep_conjugate : r -> r val rep_trivial : r -> bool (* There is not a 1-to-1 mapping between the representations in the model files and the representations used by O'Mega, e.\,g.~in [Coupling.lorentz]. We might need to use heuristics. *) type r_omega val omega : r -> r_omega end module type Atom = sig type t val map_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t val rename_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t val contract_pair : t -> t -> t option val variable : t -> string option val scalar : t -> bool val is_unit : t -> bool val invertible : t -> bool val invert : t -> t val of_expr : string -> UFOx_syntax.expr list -> t list val to_string : t -> string type r val classify_indices : t list -> (int * r) list val disambiguate_indices : t list -> t list val rep_to_string : r -> string val rep_to_string_whizard : r -> string val rep_of_int : bool -> int -> r val rep_conjugate : r -> r val rep_trivial : r -> bool type r_omega val omega : r -> r_omega end module type Lorentz_Atom = sig type dirac = private | C of int * int | Gamma of int * int * int | Gamma5 of int * int | Identity of int * int | ProjP of int * int | ProjM of int * int | Sigma of int * int * int * int type vector = (* private *) | Epsilon of int * int * int * int | Metric of int * int | P of int * int type scalar = (* private *) | Mass of int | Width of int | P2 of int | P12 of int * int | Variable of string | Coeff of Value.t type t = (* private *) | Dirac of dirac | Vector of vector | Scalar of scalar | Inverse of scalar val map_indices_scalar : (int -> int) -> scalar -> scalar val map_indices_vector : (int -> int) -> vector -> vector val rename_indices_vector : (int -> int) -> vector -> vector end module Lorentz_Atom : Lorentz_Atom module Lorentz : Tensor with type atom = Lorentz_Atom.t and type r_omega = Coupling.lorentz module type Color_Atom = sig type t = (* private *) | Identity of int * int | Identity8 of int * int | T of int * int * int | F of int * int * int | D of int * int * int | Epsilon of int * int * int | EpsilonBar of int * int * int | T6 of int * int * int | K6 of int * int * int | K6Bar of int * int * int end module Color_Atom : Color_Atom module Color : Tensor with type atom = Color_Atom.t and type r_omega = Color.t module type Test = sig val suite : OUnit.test end module Test : Test Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8885) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8886) @@ -1,1745 +1,1751 @@ (* -- Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) let error_in_string text start_pos end_pos = let i = max 0 start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum in let j = min (String.length text) (max (i + 1) end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum) in String.sub text i (j - i) let error_in_file name start_pos end_pos = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d.%d-%d.%d" name start_pos.Lexing.pos_lnum (start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - start_pos.Lexing.pos_bol) end_pos.Lexing.pos_lnum (end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - end_pos.Lexing.pos_bol) module SMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) module Expr = struct type t = UFOx_syntax.expr let of_string text = try UFOx_parser.input UFOx_lexer.token (UFOx_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string text)) with | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "lexical error (%s) at: `%s'" msg (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos)) | UFOx_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "syntax error (%s) at: `%s'" msg (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos)) | Parsing.Parse_error -> invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ text) let of_strings = function | [] -> UFOx_syntax.integer 0 | string :: strings -> List.fold_right (fun s acc -> UFOx_syntax.add (of_string s) acc) strings (of_string string) open UFOx_syntax let rec map f = function | Integer _ | Float _ | Quoted _ as e -> e | Variable s as e -> begin match f s with | Some value -> value | None -> e end | Sum (e1, e2) -> Sum (map f e1, map f e2) | Difference (e1, e2) -> Difference (map f e1, map f e2) | Product (e1, e2) -> Product (map f e1, map f e2) | Quotient (e1, e2) -> Quotient (map f e1, map f e2) | Power (e1, e2) -> Power (map f e1, map f e2) | Application (s, el) -> Application (s, (map f) el) let substitute name value expr = map (fun s -> if s = name then Some value else None) expr let rename1 name_map name = try Some (Variable (SMap.find name name_map)) with Not_found -> None let rename alist_names value = let name_map = List.fold_left (fun acc (name, name') -> SMap.add name name' acc) SMap.empty alist_names in map (rename1 name_map) value + let map_name1 f name = + Some (Variable (f name)) + + let map_names f value = + map (fun name -> Some (Variable (f name))) value + let half name = Quotient (Variable name, Integer 2) let variables = UFOx_syntax.variables let functions = UFOx_syntax.functions end module Value = struct module S = UFOx_syntax module Q = Algebra.Q type builtin = | Sqrt | Exp | Log | Log10 | Sin | Asin | Cos | Acos | Tan | Atan | Sinh | Asinh | Cosh | Acosh | Tanh | Atanh | Sec | Asec | Csc | Acsc | Conj | Abs let builtin_to_string = function | Sqrt -> "sqrt" | Exp -> "exp" | Log -> "log" | Log10 -> "log10" | Sin -> "sin" | Cos -> "cos" | Tan -> "tan" | Asin -> "asin" | Acos -> "acos" | Atan -> "atan" | Sinh -> "sinh" | Cosh -> "cosh" | Tanh -> "tanh" | Asinh -> "asinh" | Acosh -> "acosh" | Atanh -> "atanh" | Sec -> "sec" | Csc -> "csc" | Asec -> "asec" | Acsc -> "acsc" | Conj -> "conjg" | Abs -> "abs" let builtin_of_string = function | "cmath.sqrt" -> Sqrt | "cmath.exp" -> Exp | "cmath.log" -> Log | "cmath.log10" -> Log10 | "cmath.sin" -> Sin | "cmath.cos" -> Cos | "cmath.tan" -> Tan | "cmath.asin" -> Asin | "cmath.acos" -> Acos | "cmath.atan" -> Atan | "cmath.sinh" -> Sinh | "cmath.cosh" -> Cosh | "cmath.tanh" -> Tanh | "cmath.asinh" -> Asinh | "cmath.acosh" -> Acosh | "cmath.atanh" -> Atanh | "sec" -> Sec | "csc" -> Csc | "asec" -> Asec | "acsc" -> Acsc | "complexconjugate" -> Conj | "abs" -> Abs | name -> failwith ("UFOx.Value: unsupported function: " ^ name) type t = | Integer of int | Rational of Q.t | Real of float | Complex of float * float | Variable of string | Sum of t list | Difference of t * t | Product of t list | Quotient of t * t | Power of t * t | Application of builtin * t list (* At first sight, unparsing appears to be simpler than parsing. Nevertheless, it can become tricky and error prone if one wants to produce readable output that is not cluttered by too many parentheses. *) let signed_string_of_float x = (if x < 0.0 then "-" else "+") ^ string_of_float (abs_float x) (* It might seem to be a hack to base the decision of whether a sign or parentheses are required on the textual representation of a term. However we control the textual representation, it's efficient and we can avoid duplicating quite a bit of code testing for terms that might produce minus signs. *) let starts_with_a_sign s = String.length s > 0 && let c = s.[0] in c = '-' || c = '+' let starts_with_a_plus s = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '+' let starts_with_a_minus s = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '-' let prepend_binary_plus s = if starts_with_a_sign s then s else "+" ^ s (* The safe version that might produce terms like $-(-a)$. *) let prepend_binary_minus s = if starts_with_a_sign s then "-(" ^ s ^ ")" else "-" ^ s (* The version that produces fewer parentheses, but must assume that a leading minus sign always applies to the \emph{whole} term! *) let prepend_binary_minus s = if starts_with_a_plus s then "-" ^ String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) else if starts_with_a_minus s then "+" ^ String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) else "-" ^ s (* Collect the numerical factors in a [Product] in order to reduce the number of parentheses required. \begin{dubious} We could include [Rational], but is it worth it? \end{dubious} *) let collect_factors elist = let rec collect_factors' factor elist_rev elist = match factor, elist with | (Integer 1| Real 1.), [] -> List.rev elist_rev | _, [] -> factor :: List.rev elist_rev | Integer i1, Integer i2 :: elist' -> collect_factors' (Integer (i1 * i2)) elist_rev elist' | Integer i, Real x :: elist' | Real x, Integer i :: elist' -> collect_factors' (Real (float i *. x)) elist_rev elist' | Real x1, Real x2 :: elist' -> collect_factors' (Real (x1 *. x2)) elist_rev elist' | _, e :: elist' -> collect_factors' factor (e :: elist_rev) elist' in collect_factors' (Integer 1) [] elist let rec to_string = function | Integer i -> string_of_int i | Rational q -> Q.to_string q | Real x -> string_of_float x | Complex (0.0, 1.0) -> "I" | Complex (0.0, i) -> group_product (Product [Real i; Complex (0.0, 1.0)]) | Complex (r, 0.0) -> to_string (Real r) | Complex (r, i) -> group_sum (Sum [Real r; Product [Real i; Complex (0.0, 1.0)]]) | Variable s -> s | Sum [] -> "0" | Sum [e] -> to_string e | Sum (e::es) -> to_string e ^ String.concat "" ( with_binary_plus es) | Difference (e1, e2) -> to_string e1 ^ prepend_binary_minus (group_sum e2) | Product [] -> "1" | Product es -> begin match collect_factors es with | (Integer (-1) | Real (-1.)) :: es -> "-" ^ to_string (Product es) | es -> String.concat "*" ( group_sum es) end | Quotient (e1, e2) -> group_sum e1 ^ "/" ^ group_denominator e2 | Power ((Power (_, _) as e1, (Power (_, _) as e2))) -> "(" ^ group_product e1 ^ ")^(" ^ to_string e2 ^ ")" | Power ((Power (_, _) as e1, e2)) -> "(" ^ group_product e1 ^ ")^" ^ to_string e2 | Power (e1, (Power (_, _) as e2)) -> group_product e1 ^ "^(" ^ to_string e2 ^ ")" | Power ((Integer i as e), Integer p) -> if p < 0 then group_product (Real (float_of_int i)) ^ "^(" ^ string_of_int p ^ ")" else if p = 0 then "1" else if p <= 4 then group_product e ^ "^" ^ string_of_int p else group_product (Real (float_of_int i)) ^ "^" ^ string_of_int p | Power (e1, e2) -> group_product e1 ^ "^" ^ group_product e2 | Application (f, [Integer i]) -> to_string (Application (f, [Real (float i)])) | Application (f, es) -> builtin_to_string f ^ "(" ^ String.concat "," ( to_string es) ^ ")" (* Expressions that appear as arguments of [Power]s must be enclosed in parentheses, unless they are singletons. In a denominator, we don't have to put function applications in parentheses. \begin{dubious} Check this with \texttt{Whizard}'s parser, since this is the main (only?) consumer of our output. \end{dubious} *) and group_product = function | Application (_, _) as e -> "(" ^ to_string e ^ ")" | e -> group_denominator e and group_denominator = function | Sum [e] | Product [e] -> group_product e | Sum ( _ :: _) | Difference (_, _) | Product ( _ :: _) | Quotient (_, _) as e -> "(" ^ to_string e ^ ")" | e -> to_string e (* [Sum]s that appear in [Product]s must be enclosed in parentheses, unless they are singletons. *) and group_sum = function | Sum [e] | Product [e] -> group_sum e | Sum ( _ :: _) | Difference (_, _) as e -> "(" ^ to_string e ^ ")" | e -> to_string e (* Add a ['+'] at the front if a term iff if has no sign. *) and with_binary_plus e = prepend_binary_plus (to_string e) let rec to_coupling atom = function | Integer i -> Coupling.Integer i | Rational q -> let n, d = Q.to_ratio q in Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer n, Coupling.Integer d) | Real x -> Coupling.Float x | Product es -> Coupling.Prod ( (to_coupling atom) es) | Variable s -> Coupling.Atom (atom s) | Complex (r, 0.0) -> Coupling.Float r | Complex (0.0, 1.0) -> Coupling.I | Complex (0.0, -1.0) -> Coupling.Prod [Coupling.I; Coupling.Integer (-1)] | Complex (0.0, i) -> Coupling.Prod [Coupling.I; Coupling.Float i] | Complex (r, 1.0) -> Coupling.Sum [Coupling.Float r; Coupling.I] | Complex (r, -1.0) -> Coupling.Diff (Coupling.Float r, Coupling.I) | Complex (r, i) -> Coupling.Sum [Coupling.Float r; Coupling.Prod [Coupling.I; Coupling.Float i]] | Sum es -> Coupling.Sum ( (to_coupling atom) es) | Difference (e1, e2) -> Coupling.Diff (to_coupling atom e1, to_coupling atom e2) | Quotient (e1, e2) -> Coupling.Quot (to_coupling atom e1, to_coupling atom e2) | Power (e1, Integer e2) -> Coupling.Pow (to_coupling atom e1, e2) | Power (e1, e2) -> Coupling.PowX (to_coupling atom e1, to_coupling atom e2) | Application (f, [e]) -> apply1 (to_coupling atom e) f | Application (f, []) -> failwith ("UFOx.Value.to_coupling: " ^ builtin_to_string f ^ ": empty argument list") | Application (f, _::_::_) -> failwith ("UFOx.Value.to_coupling: " ^ builtin_to_string f ^ ": more than one argument in list") and apply1 e = function | Sqrt -> Coupling.Sqrt e | Exp -> Coupling.Exp e | Log -> Coupling.Log e | Log10 -> Coupling.Log10 e | Sin -> Coupling.Sin e | Cos -> Coupling.Cos e | Tan -> Coupling.Tan e | Asin -> Coupling.Asin e | Acos -> Coupling.Acos e | Atan -> Coupling.Atan e | Sinh -> Coupling.Sinh e | Cosh -> Coupling.Cosh e | Tanh -> Coupling.Tanh e | Sec -> Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer 1, Coupling.Cos e) | Csc -> Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer 1, Coupling.Sin e) | Asec -> Coupling.Acos (Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer 1, e)) | Acsc -> Coupling.Asin (Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer 1, e)) | Conj -> Coupling.Conj e | Abs -> Coupling.Abs e | (Asinh | Acosh | Atanh as f) -> failwith ("UFOx.Value.to_coupling: function `" ^ builtin_to_string f ^ "' not supported yet!") (* \begin{dubious} The constant propagation here is incomplete. [S.Quotient] and [S.Power] are not yet handled and in [S.Sum] and [S.Product] only adjacent constants are combined. \end{dubious} \begin{dubious} We could include [Rational], but is it worth it? \end{dubious} *) let compress terms = terms let rec of_expr e = compress (of_expr' e) and of_expr' = function | S.Integer i -> Integer i | S.Float x -> Real x | S.Variable "cmath.pi" -> Variable "pi" | S.Quoted name -> invalid_arg ("UFOx.Value.of_expr: unexpected quoted variable '" ^ name ^ "'") | S.Variable name -> Variable name | S.Sum (e1, e2) -> begin match of_expr e1, of_expr e2 with | Integer i1, Integer i2 -> Integer (i1 + i2) | Integer i, Real x | Real x, Integer i -> Real (float_of_int i +. x) | Real x1, Real x2 -> Real (x1 +. x2) | (Integer 0 | Real 0.), e -> e | e, (Integer 0 | Real 0.) -> e | Sum e1, Sum e2 -> Sum (e1 @ e2) | e1, Sum e2 -> Sum (e1 :: e2) | Sum e1, e2 -> Sum (e1 @ [e2]) | e1, e2 -> Sum [e1; e2] end | S.Difference (e1, e2) -> begin match of_expr e1, of_expr e2 with | Integer i1, Integer i2 -> Integer (i1 - i2) | Integer i, Real x -> Real (float_of_int i -. x) | Real x, Integer i -> Real (x -. float_of_int i) | Real x1, Real x2 -> Real (x1 -. x2) | e1, (Integer 0 | Real 0.) -> e1 | e1, e2 -> Difference (e1, e2) end | S.Product (e1, e2) -> begin match of_expr e1, of_expr e2 with | Integer i1, Integer i2 -> Integer (i1 * i2) | Integer i, Real x | Real x, Integer i -> Real (float_of_int i *. x) | Real x1, Real x2 -> Real (x1 *. x2) | (Integer 0 | Real 0.), _ -> Integer 0 | _, (Integer 0 | Real 0.) -> Integer 0 | (Integer 1 | Real 1.), e -> e | e, (Integer 1 | Real 1.) -> e | Product e1, Product e2 -> Product (e1 @ e2) | e1, Product e2 -> Product (e1 :: e2) | Product e1, e2 -> Product (e1 @ [e2]) | e1, e2 -> Product [e1; e2] end | S.Quotient (e1, e2) -> begin match of_expr e1, of_expr e2 with | e1, (Integer 0 | Real 0.) -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Value: divide by 0" | e1, (Integer 1 | Real 1.) -> e1 | Integer i1, Integer i2 -> Rational (Q.make i1 i2) | Real x, Integer i -> Real (x /. float i) | Integer i, Real x -> Real (float i /. x) | Real x1, Real x2 -> Real (x1 /. x2) | e1, e2 -> Quotient (e1, e2) end | S.Power (e, p) -> begin match of_expr e, of_expr p with | (Integer 0 | Real 0.), (Integer 0 | Real 0.) -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Value: 0^0" | _, (Integer 0 | Real 0.) -> Integer 1 | e, (Integer 1 | Real 1.) -> e | Integer e, Integer p -> if p < 0 then Power (Real (float_of_int e), Integer p) else if p = 0 then Integer 1 else if p <= 4 then Power (Integer e, Integer p) else Power (Real (float_of_int e), Integer p) | e, p -> Power (e, p) end | S.Application ("complex", [r; i]) -> begin match of_expr r, of_expr i with | r, (Integer 0 | Real 0.0) -> r | Real r, Real i -> Complex (r, i) | Integer r, Real i -> Complex (float_of_int r, i) | Real r, Integer i -> Complex (r, float_of_int i) | Integer r, Integer i -> Complex (float_of_int r, float_of_int i) | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Value: complex expects two numeric arguments" end | S.Application ("complex", _) -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Value: complex expects two arguments" | S.Application ("complexconjugate", [e]) -> Application (Conj, [of_expr e]) | S.Application ("complexconjugate", _) -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Value: complexconjugate expects single argument" | S.Application ("cmath.sqrt", [e]) -> Application (Sqrt, [of_expr e]) | S.Application ("cmath.sqrt", _) -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Value: sqrt expects single argument" | S.Application (name, args) -> Application (builtin_of_string name, of_expr args) end let positive integers = List.filter (fun (i, _) -> i > 0) integers let not_positive integers = List.filter (fun (i, _) -> i <= 0) integers module type Index = sig type t = int val position : t -> int val factor : t -> int val unpack : t -> int * int val pack : int -> int -> t val map_position : (int -> int) -> t -> t val to_string : t -> string val list_to_string : t list -> string val free : (t * 'r) list -> (t * 'r) list val summation : (t * 'r) list -> (t * 'r) list val classes_to_string : ('r -> string) -> (t * 'r) list -> string val fresh_summation : unit -> t val named_summation : string -> unit -> t end module Index : Index = struct type t = int let free i = positive i let summation i = not_positive i let position i = if i > 0 then i mod 1000 else i let factor i = if i > 0 then i / 1000 else invalid_arg "UFOx.Index.factor: argument not positive" let unpack i = if i > 0 then (position i, factor i) else (i, 0) let pack i j = if j > 0 then if i > 0 then 1000 * j + i else invalid_arg "UFOx.Index.pack: position not positive" else if j = 0 then i else invalid_arg "UFOx.Index.pack: factor negative" let map_position f i = let pos, fac = unpack i in pack (f pos) fac let to_string i = let pos, fac = unpack i in if fac = 0 then Printf.sprintf "%d" pos else Printf.sprintf "%d.%d" pos fac let to_string' = string_of_int let list_to_string is = "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( to_string is) ^ "]" let classes_to_string rep_to_string index_classes = let reps = ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare ( snd index_classes)) in "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( (fun r -> (rep_to_string r) ^ "=" ^ (list_to_string ( fst (List.filter (fun (_, r') -> r = r') index_classes)))) reps) ^ "]" type factory = { mutable named : int SMap.t; mutable used : Sets.Int.t } let factory = { named = SMap.empty; used = Sets.Int.empty } let first_anonymous = -1001 let fresh_summation () = let next_anonymous = try pred (Sets.Int.min_elt factory.used) with | Not_found -> first_anonymous in factory.used <- Sets.Int.add next_anonymous factory.used; next_anonymous let named_summation name () = try SMap.find name factory.named with | Not_found -> begin let next_named = fresh_summation () in factory.named <- SMap.add name next_named factory.named; next_named end end module type Atom = sig type t val map_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t val rename_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t val contract_pair : t -> t -> t option val variable : t -> string option val scalar : t -> bool val is_unit : t -> bool val invertible : t -> bool val invert : t -> t val of_expr : string -> UFOx_syntax.expr list -> t list val to_string : t -> string type r val classify_indices : t list -> (Index.t * r) list val disambiguate_indices : t list -> t list val rep_to_string : r -> string val rep_to_string_whizard : r -> string val rep_of_int : bool -> int -> r val rep_conjugate : r -> r val rep_trivial : r -> bool type r_omega val omega : r -> r_omega end module type Tensor = sig type atom type 'a linear = ('a list * Algebra.QC.t) list type t = | Linear of atom linear | Ratios of (atom linear * atom linear) list val map_atoms : (atom -> atom) -> t -> t val map_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t val rename_indices : (int -> int) -> t -> t val map_coeff : (Algebra.QC.t -> Algebra.QC.t) -> t -> t val contract_pairs : t -> t val variables : t -> string list val of_expr : UFOx_syntax.expr -> t val of_string : string -> t val of_strings : string list -> t val to_string : t -> string type r val classify_indices : t -> (Index.t * r) list val rep_to_string : r -> string val rep_to_string_whizard : r -> string val rep_of_int : bool -> int -> r val rep_conjugate : r -> r val rep_trivial : r -> bool type r_omega val omega : r -> r_omega end module Tensor (A : Atom) : Tensor with type atom = A.t and type r = A.r and type r_omega = A.r_omega = struct module S = UFOx_syntax (* TODO: we have to switch to [Algebra.QC] to support complex coefficients, as used in custom propagators. *) module Q = Algebra.Q module QC = Algebra.QC type atom = A.t type 'a linear = ('a list * Algebra.QC.t) list type t = | Linear of atom linear | Ratios of (atom linear * atom linear) list let term_to_string (tensors, c) = if QC.is_null c then "" else match tensors with | [] -> QC.to_string c | tensors -> String.concat "*" ((if QC.is_unit c then [] else [QC.to_string c]) @ A.to_string tensors) let linear_to_string terms = String.concat "" ( term_to_string terms) let to_string = function | Linear terms -> linear_to_string terms | Ratios ratios -> String.concat " + " ( (fun (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)/(%s)" (linear_to_string n) (linear_to_string d)) ratios) let variables_of_atoms atoms = List.fold_left (fun acc a -> match A.variable a with | None -> acc | Some name -> Sets.String.add name acc) Sets.String.empty atoms let variables_of_linear linear = List.fold_left (fun acc (atoms, _) -> Sets.String.union (variables_of_atoms atoms) acc) Sets.String.empty linear let variables_set = function | Linear linear -> variables_of_linear linear | Ratios ratios -> List.fold_left (fun acc (numerator, denominator) -> Sets.String.union (variables_of_linear numerator) (Sets.String.union (variables_of_linear denominator) acc)) Sets.String.empty ratios let variables t = Sets.String.elements (variables_set t) let map_ratios f = function | Linear n -> Linear (f n) | Ratios ratios -> Ratios ( (fun (n, d) -> (f n, f d)) ratios) let map_summands f t = map_ratios ( f) t let map_numerators f = function | Linear n -> Linear ( f n) | Ratios ratios -> Ratios ( (fun (n, d) -> ( f n, d)) ratios) let map_atoms f t = map_summands (fun (atoms, q) -> ( f atoms, q)) t let map_indices f t = map_atoms (A.map_indices f) t let rename_indices f t = map_atoms (A.rename_indices f) t let map_coeff f t = map_numerators (fun (atoms, q) -> (atoms, f q)) t type result = | Matched of atom list | Unmatched of atom list (* [contract_pair a rev_prefix suffix] returns [Unmatched (a :: List.rev_append rev_prefix suffix] if there is no match (as defined by [A.contract_pair]) and [Matched] with the reduced list otherwise. *) let rec contract_pair a rev_prefix = function | [] -> Unmatched (a :: List.rev rev_prefix) | a' :: suffix -> begin match A.contract_pair a a' with | None -> contract_pair a (a' :: rev_prefix) suffix | Some a'' -> if A.is_unit a'' then Matched (List.rev_append rev_prefix suffix) else Matched (List.rev_append rev_prefix (a'' :: suffix)) end (* Use [contract_pair] to find all pairs that match according to [A.contract_pair]. *) let rec contract_pairs1 = function | ([] | [_] as t) -> t | a :: t -> begin match contract_pair a [] t with | Unmatched ([]) -> [] | Unmatched (a' :: t') -> a' :: contract_pairs1 t' | Matched t' -> contract_pairs1 t' end let contract_pairs t = map_summands (fun (t', c) -> (contract_pairs1 t', c)) t let add t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | Linear l1, Linear l2 -> Linear (l1 @ l2) | Ratios r, Linear l | Linear l, Ratios r -> Ratios ((l, [([], QC.unit)]) :: r) | Ratios r1, Ratios r2 -> Ratios (r1 @ r2) let multiply1 (t1, c1) (t2, c2) = (List.sort compare (t1 @ t2), QC.mul c1 c2) let multiply2 t1 t2 = Product.list2 multiply1 t1 t2 let multiply t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | Linear l1, Linear l2 -> Linear (multiply2 l1 l2) | Ratios r, Linear l | Linear l, Ratios r -> Ratios ( (fun (n, d) -> (multiply2 l n, d)) r) | Ratios r1, Ratios r2 -> Ratios (Product.list2 (fun (n1, d1) (n2, d2) -> (multiply2 n1 n2, multiply2 d1 d2)) r1 r2) let rec power n t = if n < 0 then invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.power: n < 0" else if n = 0 then Linear [([], QC.unit)] else if n = 1 then t else multiply t (power (pred n) t) let compress ratios = map_ratios (fun terms -> (fun (t, cs) -> (t, QC.sum cs)) (ThoList.factorize terms)) ratios let rec of_expr e = contract_pairs (compress (of_expr' e)) and of_expr' = function | S.Integer i -> Linear [([], QC.make (Q.make i 1) Q.null)] | S.Float _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: unexpected float" | S.Quoted name -> invalid_arg ("UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: unexpected quoted variable '" ^ name ^ "'") | S.Variable name -> (* There should be a gatekeeper here or in [A.of_expr]: *) Linear [(A.of_expr name [], QC.unit)] | S.Application ("complex", [re; im]) -> begin match of_expr re, of_expr im with | Linear [([], re)], Linear [([], im)] -> if QC.is_real re && QC.is_real im then Linear [([], QC.make (QC.real re) (QC.real im))] else invalid_arg ("UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: argument of complex is complex") | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: unexpected argument of complex" end | S.Application (name, args) -> Linear [(A.of_expr name args, QC.unit)] | S.Sum (e1, e2) -> add (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) | S.Difference (e1, e2) -> add (of_expr e1) (of_expr (S.Product (S.Integer (-1), e2))) | S.Product (e1, e2) -> multiply (of_expr e1) (of_expr e2) | S.Quotient (n, d) -> begin match of_expr n, of_expr d with | n, Linear [] -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: zero denominator" | n, Linear [([], q)] -> map_coeff (fun c -> QC.div c q) n | n, Linear ([(invertibles, q)] as d) -> if List.for_all A.invertible invertibles then let inverses = A.invert invertibles in multiply (Linear [(inverses, QC.inv q)]) n else multiply (Ratios [[([], QC.unit)], d]) n | n, (Linear d as d')-> if List.for_all (fun (t, _) -> List.for_all A.scalar t) d then multiply (Ratios [[([], QC.unit)], d]) n else invalid_arg ("UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: non scalar denominator: " ^ to_string d') | n, (Ratios _ as d) -> invalid_arg ("UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: illegal denominator: " ^ to_string d) end | S.Power (e, p) -> begin match of_expr e, of_expr p with | Linear [([], q)], Linear [([], p)] -> if QC.is_real p then let re_p = QC.real p in if Q.is_integer re_p then Linear [([], QC.pow q (Q.to_integer re_p))] else invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: rational power of number" else invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: complex power of number" | Linear [([], q)], _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: non-numeric power of number" | t, Linear [([], p)] -> if QC.is_integer p then power (Q.to_integer (QC.real p)) t else invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: non integer power of tensor" | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.of_expr: non numeric power of tensor" end type r = A.r let rep_to_string = A.rep_to_string let rep_to_string_whizard = A.rep_to_string_whizard let rep_of_int = A.rep_of_int let rep_conjugate = A.rep_conjugate let rep_trivial = A.rep_trivial let numerators = function | Linear tensors -> tensors | Ratios ratios -> ThoList.flatmap fst ratios let classify_indices' filter tensors = ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare ( (fun (t, c) -> filter (A.classify_indices t)) (numerators tensors))) (* NB: the number of summation indices is not guarateed to be the same! Therefore it was foolish to try to check for uniqueness \ldots *) let classify_indices tensors = match classify_indices' tensors with | [] -> (* There's always at least an empty list! *) failwith "UFOx.Tensor.classify_indices: can't happen!" | [f] -> f | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Tensor.classify_indices: incompatible free indices!" let disambiguate_indices1 (atoms, q) = (A.disambiguate_indices atoms, q) let disambiguate_indices tensors = map_ratios ( disambiguate_indices1) tensors let check_indices t = ignore (classify_indices t) let of_expr e = let t = disambiguate_indices (of_expr e) in check_indices t; t let of_string s = of_expr (Expr.of_string s) let of_strings s = of_expr (Expr.of_strings s) type r_omega = A.r_omega let omega = end module type Lorentz_Atom = sig type dirac = private | C of int * int | Gamma of int * int * int | Gamma5 of int * int | Identity of int * int | ProjP of int * int | ProjM of int * int | Sigma of int * int * int * int type vector = (* private *) | Epsilon of int * int * int * int | Metric of int * int | P of int * int type scalar = (* private *) | Mass of int | Width of int | P2 of int | P12 of int * int | Variable of string | Coeff of Value.t type t = (* private *) | Dirac of dirac | Vector of vector | Scalar of scalar | Inverse of scalar val map_indices_scalar : (int -> int) -> scalar -> scalar val map_indices_vector : (int -> int) -> vector -> vector val rename_indices_vector : (int -> int) -> vector -> vector end module Lorentz_Atom = struct type dirac = | C of int * int | Gamma of int * int * int | Gamma5 of int * int | Identity of int * int | ProjP of int * int | ProjM of int * int | Sigma of int * int * int * int type vector = | Epsilon of int * int * int * int | Metric of int * int | P of int * int type scalar = | Mass of int | Width of int | P2 of int | P12 of int * int | Variable of string | Coeff of Value.t type t = | Dirac of dirac | Vector of vector | Scalar of scalar | Inverse of scalar let map_indices_scalar f = function | Mass i -> Mass (f i) | Width i -> Width (f i) | P2 i -> P2 (f i) | P12 (i, j) -> P12 (f i, f j) | (Variable _ | Coeff _ as s) -> s let map_indices_vector f = function | Epsilon (mu, nu, ka, la) -> Epsilon (f mu, f nu, f ka, f la) | Metric (mu, nu) -> Metric (f mu, f nu) | P (mu, n) -> P (f mu, f n) let rename_indices_vector f = function | Epsilon (mu, nu, ka, la) -> Epsilon (f mu, f nu, f ka, f la) | Metric (mu, nu) -> Metric (f mu, f nu) | P (mu, n) -> P (f mu, n) end module Lorentz_Atom' : Atom with type t = Lorentz_Atom.t and type r_omega = Coupling.lorentz = struct type t = Lorentz_Atom.t open Lorentz_Atom let map_indices_dirac f = function | C (i, j) -> C (f i, f j) | Gamma (mu, i, j) -> Gamma (f mu, f i, f j) | Gamma5 (i, j) -> Gamma5 (f i, f j) | Identity (i, j) -> Identity (f i, f j) | ProjP (i, j) -> ProjP (f i, f j) | ProjM (i, j) -> ProjM (f i, f j) | Sigma (mu, nu, i, j) -> Sigma (f mu, f nu, f i, f j) let rename_indices_dirac = map_indices_dirac let map_indices_scalar f = function | Mass i -> Mass (f i) | Width i -> Width (f i) | P2 i -> P2 (f i) | P12 (i, j) -> P12 (f i, f j) | Variable s -> Variable s | Coeff c -> Coeff c let map_indices f = function | Dirac d -> Dirac (map_indices_dirac f d) | Vector v -> Vector (map_indices_vector f v) | Scalar s -> Scalar (map_indices_scalar f s) | Inverse s -> Inverse (map_indices_scalar f s) let rename_indices2 fd fv = function | Dirac d -> Dirac (rename_indices_dirac fd d) | Vector v -> Vector (rename_indices_vector fv v) | Scalar s -> Scalar s | Inverse s -> Inverse s let rename_indices f atom = rename_indices2 f f atom let contract_pair a1 a2 = match a1, a2 with | Vector (P (mu1, i1)), Vector (P (mu2, i2)) -> if mu1 <= 0 && mu1 = mu2 then if i1 = i2 then Some (Scalar (P2 i1)) else Some (Scalar (P12 (i1, i2))) else None | Scalar s, Inverse s' | Inverse s, Scalar s' -> if s = s' then Some (Scalar (Coeff (Value.Integer 1))) else None | _ -> None let variable = function | Scalar (Variable s) | Inverse (Variable s) -> Some s | _ -> None let scalar = function | Dirac _ | Vector _ -> false | Scalar _ | Inverse _ -> true let is_unit = function | Scalar (Coeff c) | Inverse (Coeff c) -> begin match c with | Value.Integer 1 -> true | Value.Rational q -> Algebra.Q.is_unit q | _ -> false end | _ -> false let invertible = scalar let invert = function | Dirac _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.invert Dirac" | Vector _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.invert Vector" | Scalar s -> Inverse s | Inverse s -> Scalar s let i2s = Index.to_string let dirac_to_string = function | C (i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "C(%s,%s)" (i2s i) (i2s j) | Gamma (mu, i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "Gamma(%s,%s,%s)" (i2s mu) (i2s i) (i2s j) | Gamma5 (i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "Gamma5(%s,%s)" (i2s i) (i2s j) | Identity (i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "Identity(%s,%s)" (i2s i) (i2s j) | ProjP (i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "ProjP(%s,%s)" (i2s i) (i2s j) | ProjM (i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "ProjM(%s,%s)" (i2s i) (i2s j) | Sigma (mu, nu, i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "Sigma(%s,%s,%s,%s)" (i2s mu) (i2s nu) (i2s i) (i2s j) let vector_to_string = function | Epsilon (mu, nu, ka, la) -> Printf.sprintf "Epsilon(%s,%s,%s,%s)" (i2s mu) (i2s nu) (i2s ka) (i2s la) | Metric (mu, nu) -> Printf.sprintf "Metric(%s,%s)" (i2s mu) (i2s nu) | P (mu, n) -> Printf.sprintf "P(%s,%d)" (i2s mu) n let scalar_to_string = function | Mass id -> Printf.sprintf "Mass(%d)" id | Width id -> Printf.sprintf "Width(%d)" id | P2 id -> Printf.sprintf "P(%d)**2" id | P12 (id1, id2) -> Printf.sprintf "P(%d)*P(%d)" id1 id2 | Variable s -> s | Coeff c -> Value.to_string c let to_string = function | Dirac d -> dirac_to_string d | Vector v -> vector_to_string v | Scalar s -> scalar_to_string s | Inverse s -> "1/" ^ scalar_to_string s module S = UFOx_syntax (* \begin{dubious} Here we handle some special cases in order to be able to parse propagators. This needs to be made more general, but unfortunately the syntax for the propagator extension is not well documented and appears to be a bit chaotic! \end{dubious} *) let quoted_index s = Index.named_summation s () let integer_or_id = function | S.Integer n -> n | S.Variable "id" -> 1 | _ -> failwith "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.integer_or_id: impossible" let vector_index = function | S.Integer n -> n | S.Quoted mu -> quoted_index mu | S.Variable id -> let l = String.length id in if l > 1 then if id.[0] = 'l' then int_of_string (String.sub id 1 (pred l)) else invalid_arg ("UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.vector_index: " ^ id) else invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.vector_index: empty variable" | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.vector_index" let spinor_index = function | S.Integer n -> n | S.Variable id -> let l = String.length id in if l > 1 then if id.[0] = 's' then int_of_string (String.sub id 1 (pred l)) else invalid_arg ("UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.spinor_index: " ^ id) else invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.spinor_index: empty variable" | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz_Atom.spinor_index" let of_expr name args = match name, args with | "C", [i; j] -> [Dirac (C (spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] | "C", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to C()" | "Epsilon", [mu; nu; ka; la] -> [Vector (Epsilon (vector_index mu, vector_index nu, vector_index ka, vector_index la))] | "Epsilon", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Epsilon()" | "Gamma", [mu; i; j] -> [Dirac (Gamma (vector_index mu, spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] | "Gamma", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Gamma()" | "Gamma5", [i; j] -> [Dirac (Gamma5 (spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] | "Gamma5", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Gamma5()" | "Identity", [i; j] -> [Dirac (Identity (spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] | "Identity", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Identity()" | "Metric", [mu; nu] -> [Vector (Metric (vector_index mu, vector_index nu))] | "Metric", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Metric()" | "P", [mu; id] -> [Vector (P (vector_index mu, integer_or_id id))] | "P", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to P()" | "ProjP", [i; j] -> [Dirac (ProjP (spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] | "ProjP", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to ProjP()" | "ProjM", [i; j] -> [Dirac (ProjM (spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] | "ProjM", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to ProjM()" | "Sigma", [mu; nu; i; j] -> if mu <> nu then [Dirac (Sigma (vector_index mu, vector_index nu, spinor_index i, spinor_index j))] else invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: implausible arguments to Sigma()" | "Sigma", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Sigma()" | "PSlash", [i; j; id] -> let mu = Index.fresh_summation () in [Dirac (Gamma (mu, spinor_index i, spinor_index j)); Vector (P (mu, integer_or_id id))] | "PSlash", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to PSlash()" | "Mass", [id] -> [Scalar (Mass (integer_or_id id))] | "Mass", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Mass()" | "Width", [id] -> [Scalar (Width (integer_or_id id))] | "Width", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid arguments to Width()" | name, [] -> [Scalar (Variable name)] | name, _ -> invalid_arg ("UFOx.Lorentz.of_expr: invalid tensor '" ^ name ^ "'") type r = S | V | T | Sp | CSp | Maj | VSp | CVSp | VMaj | Ghost let rep_trivial = function | S | Ghost -> true | V | T | Sp | CSp | Maj | VSp | CVSp | VMaj -> false let rep_to_string = function | S -> "0" | V -> "1" | T -> "2" | Sp -> "1/2" | CSp-> "1/2bar" | Maj -> "1/2M" | VSp -> "3/2" | CVSp -> "3/2bar" | VMaj -> "3/2M" | Ghost -> "Ghost" let rep_to_string_whizard = function | S -> "0" | V -> "1" | T -> "2" | Sp | CSp | Maj -> "1/2" | VSp | CVSp | VMaj -> "3/2" | Ghost -> "Ghost" let rep_of_int neutral = function | -1 -> Ghost | 1 -> S | 2 -> if neutral then Maj else Sp | -2 -> if neutral then Maj else CSp (* used by [UFO.Particle.force_conjspinor] *) | 3 -> V | 4 -> if neutral then VMaj else VSp | -4 -> if neutral then VMaj else CVSp (* used by [UFO.Particle.force_conjspinor] *) | 5 -> T | s when s > 0 -> failwith "UFOx.Lorentz: spin > 2 not supported!" | _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Lorentz: invalid non-positive spin value" let rep_conjugate = function | S -> S | V -> V | T -> T | Sp -> CSp (* ??? *) | CSp -> Sp (* ??? *) | Maj -> Maj | VSp -> CVSp | CVSp -> VSp | VMaj -> VMaj | Ghost -> Ghost let classify_vector_indices1 = function | Epsilon (mu, nu, ka, la) -> [(mu, V); (nu, V); (ka, V); (la, V)] | Metric (mu, nu) -> [(mu, V); (nu, V)] | P (mu, n) -> [(mu, V)] let classify_dirac_indices1 = function | C (i, j) -> [(i, CSp); (j, Sp)] (* ??? *) | Gamma5 (i, j) | Identity (i, j) | ProjP (i, j) | ProjM (i, j) -> [(i, CSp); (j, Sp)] | Gamma (mu, i, j) -> [(mu, V); (i, CSp); (j, Sp)] | Sigma (mu, nu, i, j) -> [(mu, V); (nu, V); (i, CSp); (j, Sp)] let classify_indices1 = function | Dirac d -> classify_dirac_indices1 d | Vector v -> classify_vector_indices1 v | Scalar _ | Inverse _ -> [] module IMap = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end) exception Incompatible_factors of r * r let product rep1 rep2 = match rep1, rep2 with | V, V -> T | V, Sp -> VSp | V, CSp -> CVSp | V, Maj -> VMaj | Sp, V -> VSp | CSp, V -> CVSp | Maj, V -> VMaj | _, _ -> raise (Incompatible_factors (rep1, rep2)) let combine_or_add_index (i, rep) map = let pos, fac = Index.unpack i in try let fac', rep' = IMap.find pos map in if pos < 0 then IMap.add pos (fac, rep) map else if fac <> fac' then IMap.add pos (0, product rep rep') map else if rep <> rep' then (* Can be disambiguated! *) IMap.add pos (0, product rep rep') map else invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "UFO: duplicate subindex %d" pos) with | Not_found -> IMap.add pos (fac, rep) map | Incompatible_factors (rep1, rep2) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "UFO: incompatible factors (%s,%s) at %d" (rep_to_string rep1) (rep_to_string rep2) pos) let combine_or_add_indices atom map = List.fold_right combine_or_add_index (classify_indices1 atom) map let project_factors (pos, (fac, rep)) = if fac = 0 then (pos, rep) else invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "UFO: leftover subindex %d.%d" pos fac) let classify_indices atoms = project_factors (IMap.bindings (List.fold_right combine_or_add_indices atoms IMap.empty)) let add_factor fac indices pos = if pos > 0 then if Sets.Int.mem pos indices then Index.pack pos fac else pos else pos let disambiguate_indices1 indices atom = rename_indices2 (add_factor 1 indices) (add_factor 2 indices) atom let vectorspinors atoms = List.fold_left (fun acc (i, r) -> match r with | S | V | T | Sp | CSp | Maj | Ghost -> acc | VSp | CVSp | VMaj -> Sets.Int.add i acc) Sets.Int.empty (classify_indices atoms) let disambiguate_indices atoms = let vectorspinor_indices = vectorspinors atoms in (disambiguate_indices1 vectorspinor_indices) atoms type r_omega = Coupling.lorentz let omega = function | S -> Coupling.Scalar | V -> Coupling.Vector | T -> Coupling.Tensor_2 | Sp -> Coupling.Spinor | CSp -> Coupling.ConjSpinor | Maj -> Coupling.Majorana | VSp -> Coupling.Vectorspinor | CVSp -> Coupling.Vectorspinor (* TODO: not really! *) | VMaj -> Coupling.Vectorspinor (* TODO: not really! *) | Ghost -> Coupling.Scalar end module Lorentz = Tensor(Lorentz_Atom') module type Color_Atom = sig type t = (* private *) | Identity of int * int | Identity8 of int * int | T of int * int * int | F of int * int * int | D of int * int * int | Epsilon of int * int * int | EpsilonBar of int * int * int | T6 of int * int * int | K6 of int * int * int | K6Bar of int * int * int end module Color_Atom = struct type t = | Identity of int * int | Identity8 of int * int | T of int * int * int | F of int * int * int | D of int * int * int | Epsilon of int * int * int | EpsilonBar of int * int * int | T6 of int * int * int | K6 of int * int * int | K6Bar of int * int * int end module Color_Atom' : Atom with type t = Color_Atom.t and type r_omega = Color.t = struct type t = Color_Atom.t module S = UFOx_syntax open Color_Atom let map_indices f = function | Identity (i, j) -> Identity (f i, f j) | Identity8 (a, b) -> Identity8 (f a, f b) | T (a, i, j) -> T (f a, f i, f j) | F (a, i, j) -> F (f a, f i, f j) | D (a, i, j) -> D (f a, f i, f j) | Epsilon (i, j, k) -> Epsilon (f i, f j, f k) | EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> EpsilonBar (f i, f j, f k) | T6 (a, i', j') -> T6 (f a, f i', f j') | K6 (i', j, k) -> K6 (f i', f j, f k) | K6Bar (i', j, k) -> K6Bar (f i', f j, f k) let rename_indices = map_indices let contract_pair _ _ = None let variable _ = None let scalar _ = false let invertible _ = false let is_unit _ = false let invert _ = invalid_arg "UFOx.Color_Atom.invert" let of_expr1 name args = match name, args with | "Identity", [S.Integer i; S.Integer j] -> Identity (i, j) | "Identity", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to Identity()" | "T", [S.Integer a; S.Integer i; S.Integer j] -> T (a, i, j) | "T", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to T()" | "f", [S.Integer a; S.Integer b; S.Integer c] -> F (a, b, c) | "f", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to f()" | "d", [S.Integer a; S.Integer b; S.Integer c] -> D (a, b, c) | "d", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to d()" | "Epsilon", [S.Integer i; S.Integer j; S.Integer k] -> Epsilon (i, j, k) | "Epsilon", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to Epsilon()" | "EpsilonBar", [S.Integer i; S.Integer j; S.Integer k] -> EpsilonBar (i, j, k) | "EpsilonBar", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to EpsilonBar()" | "T6", [S.Integer a; S.Integer i'; S.Integer j'] -> T6 (a, i', j') | "T6", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to T6()" | "K6", [S.Integer i'; S.Integer j; S.Integer k] -> K6 (i', j, k) | "K6", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to K6()" | "K6Bar", [S.Integer i'; S.Integer j; S.Integer k] -> K6Bar (i', j, k) | "K6Bar", _ -> invalid_arg "UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid arguments to K6Bar()" | name, _ -> invalid_arg ("UFOx.Color.of_expr: invalid tensor '" ^ name ^ "'") let of_expr name args = [of_expr1 name args] let to_string = function | Identity (i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "Identity(%d,%d)" i j | Identity8 (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Identity8(%d,%d)" a b | T (a, i, j) -> Printf.sprintf "T(%d,%d,%d)" a i j | F (a, b, c) -> Printf.sprintf "f(%d,%d,%d)" a b c | D (a, b, c) -> Printf.sprintf "d(%d,%d,%d)" a b c | Epsilon (i, j, k) -> Printf.sprintf "Epsilon(%d,%d,%d)" i j k | EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> Printf.sprintf "EpsilonBar(%d,%d,%d)" i j k | T6 (a, i', j') -> Printf.sprintf "T6(%d,%d,%d)" a i' j' | K6 (i', j, k) -> Printf.sprintf "K6(%d,%d,%d)" i' j k | K6Bar (i', j, k) -> Printf.sprintf "K6Bar(%d,%d,%d)" i' j k type r = S | F | C | A let rep_trivial = function | S -> true | F | C | A -> false let rep_to_string = function | S -> "1" | F -> "3" | C -> "3bar" | A-> "8" let rep_to_string_whizard = function | S -> "1" | F -> "3" | C -> "-3" | A-> "8" let rep_of_int neutral = function | 1 -> S | 3 -> F | -3 -> C | 8 -> A | 6 | -6 -> failwith "UFOx.Color: sextets not supported yet!" | 10 | -10 -> failwith "UFOx.Color: decuplets not supported yet!" | n -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "UFOx.Color: impossible representation color = %d!" n) let rep_conjugate = function | S -> S | C -> F | F -> C | A -> A let classify_indices1 = function | Identity (i, j) -> [(i, C); (j, F)] | Identity8 (a, b) -> [(a, A); (b, A)] | T (a, i, j) -> [(i, F); (j, C); (a, A)] | Color_Atom.F (a, b, c) | D (a, b, c) -> [(a, A); (b, A); (c, A)] | Epsilon (i, j, k) -> [(i, F); (j, F); (k, F)] | EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> [(i, C); (j, C); (k, C)] | T6 (a, i', j') -> failwith "UFOx.Color: sextets not supported yet!" | K6 (i', j, k) -> failwith "UFOx.Color: sextets not supported yet!" | K6Bar (i', j, k) -> failwith "UFOx.Color: sextets not supported yet!" let classify_indices tensors = List.sort compare (List.fold_right (fun v acc -> classify_indices1 v @ acc) tensors []) let disambiguate_indices atoms = atoms type r_omega = Color.t (* FIXME: $N_C=3$ should not be hardcoded! *) let omega = function | S -> Color.Singlet | F -> Color.SUN (3) | C -> Color.SUN (-3) | A -> Color.AdjSUN (3) end module Color = Tensor(Color_Atom') module type Test = sig val suite : OUnit.test end module Test : Test = struct open OUnit let parse_unparse s = Value.to_string (Value.of_expr (Expr.of_string s)) let apup unparsed expr = assert_equal ~printer:(fun s -> s) unparsed (parse_unparse expr) let apup_id expr = apup expr expr let suite_arithmetic = "arithmetic" >::: [ "1 + 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "3" "1+2"); "1 - 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "-1" "1-2"); "3 * 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "6" "3*2"); "3 * (-2)" >:: (fun () -> apup "-6" "3*(-2)"); "3 / 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(3/2)" "3/2"); "4 / 12" >:: (fun () -> apup "(1/3)" "4/12"); "4 / (-6)" >:: (fun () -> apup "(-2/3)" "4/(-6)"); "3 * (6 / 12)" >:: (fun () -> apup "3*(1/2)" "3*(6/12)"); "(3 * 6) / 12)" >:: (fun () -> apup "(3/2)" "(3*6)/12") ] let suite_complex = "complex" >::: [ "1+I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1+I" "1+complex(0,1)"); "1-I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1-I" "1-complex(0,1)"); "1-I'" >:: (fun () -> apup "1+(-I)" "1+complex(0,-1)"); "1+I'" >:: (fun () -> apup "1-(-I)" "1-complex(0,-1)"); "1+1.+I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1+(1.+I)" "1+complex(1,1)"); "1+1.-I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1+(1.-I)" "1+complex(1,-1)"); "1-1.-I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1-(1.+I)" "1-complex(1,1)"); "1-1.+I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1-(1.-I)" "1-complex(1,-1)"); "2-I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1-(1.+I)" "1-complex(1,1)"); "-I+1" >:: (fun () -> apup "-I+1" "-complex(0,1)+1"); "1.-I+1" >:: (fun () -> apup "(1.-I)+1" "complex(1,-1)+1"); "1/I" >:: (fun () -> apup "1/I" "1/complex(0,1)"); "1/1" >:: (fun () -> apup "1" "1/complex(1,0)"); "1/(-1)" >:: (fun () -> apup "-1" "1/complex(-1,0)"); "1/(-I)" >:: (fun () -> apup "1/(-I)" "1/complex(0,-1)"); "1/(2*I)" >:: (fun () -> apup "1/(2.*I)" "1/complex(0,2)"); "1/(1+I)" >:: (fun () -> apup "1/(1.+I)" "1/complex(1,1)"); "1/(1-I)" >:: (fun () -> apup "1/(1.-I)" "1/complex(1,-1)"); "I/2" >:: (fun () -> apup "I/2" "complex(0,1)/2"); "1/2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(1/2)" "complex(1,0)/2"); "-1/2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(-1/2)" "complex(-1,0)/2"); "-I/2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(-I)/2" "complex(0,-1)/2"); "(2 * I) / 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(2.*I)/2" "complex(0,2)/2"); "(1 + I) / 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(1.+I)/2" "complex(1,1)/2"); "(1 - I) / 2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(1.-I)/2" "complex(1,-1)/2") ] let suite_product = "product" >::: [ "(-a) * (-b)" >:: (fun () -> apup "a*b" "(-a)*(-b)"); "a * (-2*b)" >:: (fun () -> apup "-2*a*b" "a*(-2*b)"); "a * (-2/3*b)" >:: (fun () -> apup "a*(-2/3)*b" "a*(-2/3*b)"); "(-2*a) * (-2*b)" >:: (fun () -> apup "4*a*b" "(-2*a)*(-2*b)") ] let suite_power = "power" >::: [ "a^b^c^d" >:: (fun () -> apup "a^(b^(c^d))" "a**b**c**d"); "(a^b)^c^d" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a^b)^(c^d)" "(a**b)**c**d"); "(a^b)^(c^d)" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a^b)^(c^d)" "(a**b)**(c**d)"); "((a^b)^c)^d" >:: (fun () -> apup "((a^b)^c)^d" "((a**b)**c)**d") ] let suite_apply = "apply" >::: [ "sin(x) * cos(x)**2" >:: (fun () -> apup "sin(x)*(cos(x))^2" "cmath.sin(x)*cmath.cos(x)**2"); "sin(x) / cos(x)**2" >:: (fun () -> apup "sin(x)/(cos(x))^2" "cmath.sin(x)/cmath.cos(x)**2"); "(sin(x) / cos(x))**2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(sin(x)/cos(x))^2" "(cmath.sin(x)/cmath.cos(x))**2") ] let suite_expr = "unparse/parse" >::: [ "a + b" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "a+b"); "a - b" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "a-b"); "a + b - c" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "a+b-c"); "a - b - c" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "a-b-c"); "-a + b - c" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "-a+b-c"); "-a - b - c" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "-a-b-c"); "(a - b) / c" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "(a-b)/c"); "(a - b) / (c + d)" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "(a-b)/(c+d)"); "(a + b - c) / d" >:: (fun () -> apup_id "(a+b-c)/d"); "a^b / c" >:: (fun () -> apup "a^b/c" "a**b/c"); "(a * b)^c / d" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a*b)^c/d" "(a*b)**c/d"); "(a * b)^(c/d)" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a*b)^(c/d)" "(a*b)**(c/d)"); "(a / b)^c / d" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a/b)^c/d" "(a/b)**c/d"); "(a + b)^c / d" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a+b)^c/d" "(a+b)**c/d"); "(a - b)^c / d" >:: (fun () -> apup "(a-b)^c/d" "(a-b)**c/d"); "-a^2" >:: (fun () -> apup "-a^2" "-a**2"); "(-a)^2" >:: (fun () -> apup "(-a)^2" "(-a)**2"); "a-b^2" >:: (fun () -> apup "a-b^2" "a-b**2"); "-a^2 + b + c" >:: (fun () -> apup "-a^2+b+c" "-a**2+b+c"); "a - b^2 + c" >:: (fun () -> apup "a-b^2+c" "a-b**2+c") ] let suite_bugreports = "bug reports" >::: [ "S2HDMIV:lam1" >:: (fun () -> apup "(Mh1^2*RA1x1^2+Mh2^2*RA2x1^2+Mh3^2*RA3x1^2-musq*SB^2)/(CB^2*vH^2)" "(Mh1**2*RA1x1**2 + Mh2**2*RA2x1**2 + Mh3**2*RA3x1**2 - musq*SB**2)/(CB**2*vH**2)") ] let suite = "UFOx" >::: [suite_arithmetic; suite_complex; suite_product; suite_power; suite_apply; suite_expr; suite_bugreports] end