Index: trunk/omega/src/omega.tex
--- trunk/omega/src/omega.tex	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/omega.tex	(revision 8849)
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 % omega.tex --
   % \usepackage[hypertex]{hyperref}
 \empaddtoprelude{input graph;}
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 %%% This should be part of flex.cls and/or thopp.sty
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 %%% %%% (this should be supported by flex.cls):
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 %%% \pagestyle{headings}
 %%% allow VERY overfull hboxes
 %%% \usepackage{nocondmac}
 %%% Saving paper:
 \renewcommand{\ocwinterface}[1]{\section{Interface of \ocwupperid{#1}}}
 \renewcommand{\ocwmodule}[1]{\section{Implementation of \ocwupperid{#1}}}
 \def\@evenhead{\leftmark{} \hrulefill}%
 \def\@oddhead{\hrulefill{} \rightmark}%
     {\begin{dubious}\textit{Interface \ttfilename{#1.mli} unavailable!}\end{dubious}}}
     {\begin{dubious}\textit{Application \ttfilename{} unavailable!}\end{dubious}}}
     {\begin{dubious}\textit{Interface \ttfilename{#1.mli} unavailable!}\end{dubious}}%
     {\begin{dubious}\textit{Implementation \ttfilename{} unavailable!}\end{dubious}}}
     {\item #1,\quad\let\ref\thocwdefref{#4}, used: \let\ref\thocwuseref{#5}}
   {\begin{dubious}\textit{JR sez' (regarding the Majorana Feynman rules):}}
   {\textit{(JR's probably right, but I need to check myself \ldots)}
 \begin{fmffile}{\jobname pics}
   numeric joindiameter;
   joindiameter := 7thick;}
   vardef sideways_at (expr d, p, frac) =
     save len; len = length p;
     (point frac*len of p) shifted ((d,0) rotated (90 + angle direction frac*len of p))
   secondarydef p sideways d =
     for frac = 0 step 0.01 until 0.99:
       sideways_at (d, p, frac) ..
     sideways_at (d, p, 1)
   secondarydef p choptail d =
    subpath (ypart (fullcircle scaled d shifted (point 0 of p) intersectiontimes p), infinity) of p
   secondarydef p choptip d =
    reverse ((reverse p) choptail d)
   secondarydef p pointtail d =
     fullcircle scaled d shifted (point 0 of p) intersectionpoint p
   secondarydef p pointtip d =
     (reverse p) pointtail d
   secondarydef pa join pb =
     pa choptip joindiameter .. pb choptail joindiameter
   vardef cyclejoin (expr p) =
     subpath (0.5*length p, infinity) of p join subpath (0, 0.5*length p) of p .. cycle
   style_def double_line_arrow expr p =
     save pi, po; 
     path pi, po;
     pi = reverse (p sideways thick);
     po = p sideways -thick;
     cdraw pi;
     cdraw po;
     cfill (arrow pi);
     cfill (arrow po);
   style_def double_line_arrow_beg expr p =
     save pi, po, pc; 
     path pi, po, pc;
     pc = p choptail 7thick;
     pi = reverse (pc sideways thick);
     po = pc sideways -thick;
     cdraw pi .. p pointtail 5thick .. po;
     cfill (arrow pi);
     cfill (arrow po);
   style_def double_line_arrow_end expr p =
     save pi, po, pc; 
     path pi, po, pc;
     pc = p choptip 7thick;
     pi = reverse (pc sideways thick);
     po = pc sideways -thick;
     cdraw po .. p pointtip 5thick .. pi;
     cfill (arrow pi);
     cfill (arrow po);
   style_def double_line_arrow_both expr p =
     save pi, po, pc; 
     path pi, po, pc;
     pc = p choptip 7thick choptail 7thick;
     pi = reverse (pc sideways thick);
     po = pc sideways -thick;
     cdraw po .. p pointtip 5thick .. pi .. p pointtail 5thick .. cycle;
     cfill (arrow pi);
     cfill (arrow po);
 \fmfcmd{vardef middir (expr p, ang) =
     dir (angle direction length(p)/2 of p + ang)
 \fmfcmd{style_def arrow_left expr p =
     shrink (.7);
       cfill (arrow p shifted (4thick * middir (p, 90)));
 \fmfcmd{style_def arrow_right expr p =
     shrink (.7);
       cfill (arrow p shifted (4thick * middir (p, -90)));
 \fmfcmd{style_def warrow_left expr p =
     shrink (.7);
       cfill (arrow p shifted (8thick * middir (p, 90)));
 \fmfcmd{style_def warrow_right expr p =
     shrink (.7);
       cfill (arrow p shifted (8thick * middir (p, -90)));
   \fmfiset{g1}{vloc (__g1)}
   \fmfiset{g2}{vloc (__g2)}
   \fmfiset{g3}{vloc (__g3)}
   \fmfiset{v}{vloc (__v)}
   \fmfiset{a1}{g1 shifted (-3thin,0)}
   \fmfiset{b1}{g1 shifted (+1thin,-2thin)}
   \fmfiset{a2}{g2 shifted (0,-3thin)}
   \fmfiset{b2}{g2 shifted (0,+3thin)}
   \fmfiset{a3}{g3 shifted (+1thin,+2thin)}
   \fmfiset{b3}{g3 shifted (-3thin,0)}}
   Thorsten Ohl\thanks{%
     Institut f\"ur Theoretische~Physik und Astrophysik\\
     Emil-Hilb-Weg 22, 97074~W\"urzburg, Germany\\
   J\"urgen Reuter\thanks{\texttt{}}\\
     DESY Theory Group,
     Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany\\
   Wolfgang Kilian${}^{c,}$\thanks{\texttt{}}\\
     Theoretische Physik 1\\
     Universit\"at Siegen\\
     Walter-Flex-Str.~3, 57068 Siegen, Germany\\ 
   with contributions from 
   as well as 
   Christian Schwinn et al.}
 \date{\textbf{unpublished draft, printed \timestamp}}
   Copyright \textcopyright~1999-2017 by
     \item Wolfgang~Kilian ~\texttt{<>}
     \item Thorsten~Ohl~\texttt{<>}
     \item J\"urgen~Reuter~\texttt{<>}
   WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
   WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   \emph{without any warranty}; without even the implied warranty of
   \emph{merchantability} or \emph{fitness for a particular purpose}.
   See the GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
        $n$ & $P(n)$& $F(n)$ \\\hline
          4 &     3 & 3      \\
          5 &    10 & 15     \\
          6 &    25 & 105    \\
          7 &    56 & 945    \\
          8 &   119 & 10395  \\
          9 &   246 & 135135 \\
         10 &   501 & 2027025 \\
         11 &  1012 & 34459425 \\
         12 &  2035 & 654729075 \\
         13 &  4082 & 13749310575 \\
         14 &  8177 & 316234143225 \\
         15 & 16368 & 7905853580625 \\
         16 & 32751 & 213458046676875
     The number of $\phi^3$ Feynman diagrams~$F(n)$ and independent
 There are
   P(n) = \frac{2^n-2}{2} - n = 2^{n-1} - n - 1
 independent internal momenta in a $n$-particle scattering
 amplitude~\cite{ALPHA:1997}.  This grows much slower than the
   F(n) = (2n-5)!! = (2n-5)\cdot(2n-7)\cdot\ldots\cdot3\cdot1
 of tree Feynman diagrams in vanilla $\phi^3$ (see
 table~\ref{tab:P(n),F(n)}).  There are no known corresponding
 expressions for theories with more than one particle type.  However,
 empirical evidence from numerical studies~\cite{ALPHA:1997,HELAC:2000}
 as well as explicit counting results from O'Mega suggest
   P^*(n) \propto 10^{n/2}
 while he factorial growth of the number of Feynman diagrams remains
 unchecked, of course.
 The number of independent momenta in an amplitude is a better measure
 for the complexity of the amplitude than the number of Feynman
 diagrams, since there can be substantial cancellations among the
 latter.  Therefore it should be possible to express the scattering
 amplitude more compactly than by a sum over Feynman diagrams.
 Some of the ideas that O'Mega is based on can be traced back to
 HELAS~\cite{HELAS}.  HELAS builts Feynman amplitudes by recursively
 forming off-shell `wave functions' from joining external lines with
 other external lines or off-shell `wave functions'.
 The program Madgraph~\cite{MADGRAPH:1994} automatically generates
 Feynman diagrams and writes a Fortran program corresponding to their
 sum.  The amplitudes are calculated by calls to HELAS~\cite{HELAS}.
 Madgraph uses one straightforward optimization: no statement is
 written more than once.  Since each statement corresponds to a
 collection of trees, this optimization is very effective for up to
 four particles in the final state.  However, since the amplitudes are
 given as a sum of Feynman diagrams, this optimization can, by design,
 \emph{not} remove the factorial growth and is substantially weaker
 than the algorithms of~\cite{ALPHA:1997,HELAC:2000} and the algorithm
 of O'Mega for more particles in the final state.
 Then ALPHA~\cite{ALPHA:1997} (see also the slightly modified
 variant~\cite{HELAC:2000}) provided a numerical algorithm for
 calculating scattering amplitudes and it could be shown empirically,
 that the calculational costs are rising with a power instead of
     Module dependencies in O'Mega.}
     %% The diamond shaped nodes are abstract signatures defininng functor
     %% domains and co-domains. The rectangular boxes are modules and
     %% functors and oval boxes are examples for applications.
 \subsection{General purpose libraries}
 Functions that are not specific to O'Mega and could be part of the
 O'Caml standard library
   \item[ThoList] (mostly) simple convenience functions for lists that
     are missing from the standard library module \ocwupperid{List}
     (section~\ref{sec:tholist}, p.~\pageref{sec:tholist})
   \item[Product] effcient tensor products for lists and sets
     (section~\ref{sec:product}, p.~\pageref{sec:product})
   \item[Combinatorics] combinatorical formulae, sets of subsets, etc. 
     (section~\ref{sec:combinatorics}, p.~\pageref{sec:combinatorics})
 The non-trivial algorithms that constitute O'Mega:
   \item[DAG] Directed Acyclical Graphs
     (section~\ref{sec:DAG}, p.~\pageref{sec:DAG})
   \item[Topology] unusual enumerations of unflavored tree diagrams
     (section~\ref{sec:topology}, p.~\pageref{sec:topology})
   \item[Momentum] finite sums of external momenta
     (section~\ref{sec:momentum}, p.~\pageref{sec:momentum})
   \item[Fusion] off shell wave functions
     (section~\ref{sec:fusion}, p.~\pageref{sec:fusion})
   \item[Omega] functor constructing an application from a model and a
     (section~\ref{sec:omega}, p.~\pageref{sec:omega})
 \subsection{Abstract interfaces}
 The domains and co-domains of functors
 (section~\ref{sec:coupling}, p.~\pageref{sec:coupling})
   \item[Coupling] all possible couplings (not comprensive yet)
   \item[Model] physical models
   \item[Target] target programming languages
 (section~\ref{sec:models}, p.~\pageref{sec:models})
   \item[Modellib_SM.QED] Quantum Electrodynamics
   \item[Modellib_SM.QCD] Quantum Chromodynamics (not complete yet)
   \item[Modellib_SM.SM] Minimal Standard Model (not complete yet)
 Any programming language that supports arithmetic and a textual
 representation of programs can be targeted by O'Caml.  The
 implementations translate the abstract expressions derived by
 \ocwupperid{Fusion} to expressions in the target
 (section~\ref{sec:targets}, p.~\pageref{sec:targets}).
   \item[Targets.Fortran] Fortran95 language implementation, calling
 Other targets could come in the future: \texttt{C}, \texttt{C++},
 O'Caml itself, symbolic manipulation languages, etc.
 (section~\ref{sec:omega}, p.~\pageref{sec:omega})
 \section{The Big To Do Lists}
 All features required for leading order physics applications are in place.
   \item select allowed helicity combinations for massless fermions
   \item Weyl-Van der Waerden spinors
   \item speed up helicity sums by using discrete symmetries
   \item general triple and quartic vector couplings
   \item diagnostics: count corresponding Feynman diagrams 
     more efficiently for more than ten external lines
   \item recognize potential cascade decays ($\tau$, $b$, etc.)
       \item warn the user to add additional
       \item kill fusions (at runtime), that contribute to a cascade
   \item complete standard model in $R_\xi$-gauge
   \item groves (the simple method of cloned generations works)
 \subsection{Future Features}
   \item investigate if unpolarized squared matrix elements can be
     calculated faster as traces of densitiy matrices.  Unfortunately,
     the answer apears to be \emph{no} for fermions and \emph{up to a
     constant factor} for massive vectors.  Since the number of fusions
     in the amplitude grows like~$10^{n/2}$, the number of fusions in
     the squared matrix element grows like~$10^n$.  On the other hand,
     there are $2^{\#\text{fermions}+\#\text{massless vectors}}
     \cdot3^{\#\text{massive vectors}}$ terms in the helicity sum, which
     grows \emph{slower} than~$10^{n/2}$.  The constant factor is
     probably also not favorable.
     However, there will certainly be asymptotic gains for sums over
     gauge (and other) multiplets, like color sums.
   \item compile Feynman rules from Lagrangians
   \item evaluate amplitues in O'Caml by compiling it to three address
     code for a virtual machine
     this could be as fast as~\cite{ALPHA:1997} or~\cite{HELAC:2000}.
   \item a virtual machine will be useful for for other target as
     well, because native code appears to become to large for most
     compilers for more than ten external particles.  Bytecode might
     even be faster due to improved cache locality.
   \item use the virtual machine in O'Giga
 \subsection{Science Fiction}
   \item numerical and symbolical loop calculations with
     \textsc{O'Tera: O'Mega Tool for Evaluating Renormalized Amplitudes}
 \chapter{Tuples and Polytuples}
 \chapter{Directed Acyclical Graphs}
 \chapter{Lorentz Representations, Couplings, Models and Targets}
 \chapter{Conserved Quantum Numbers}
 \chapter{Model Files}
 \chapter{UFO Models}
 \section{Expression Lexer}
 \section{Expression Parser}
 \chapter{Hardcoded Targets}
 \chapter{Phase Space}
 Talk to~\cite{Kilian:WHIZARD}.
 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 %%% \chapter{O'Giga: O'Mega Graphical Interface for Generation and Analysis}
 %%% \label{sec:ogiga}
 %%% {\itshape NB: The code in this chapter \emph{must} be compiled with
 %%% \verb+-labels+, since \verb+lablgtk+ doesn't appear to work in classic mode.}
 %%% \begin{dubious}
 %%%   Keep in mind that \texttt{ocamlweb} doesn't work properly with
 %%%   O'Caml~3 yet.  The colons in label declarations are typeset with
 %%%   erroneous white space.
 %%% \end{dubious}
 %%% \application{ogiga}
 We thank Mauro Moretti for fruitful discussions of the ALPHA
 algorithm~\cite{ALPHA:1997}, that inspired our solution of the double
 counting problem.
 We thank Wolfgang Kilian for providing the WHIZARD environment that
 turns our numbers into real events with unit weight.  Thanks to the
 ECFA/DESY workshops and their participants for providing a showcase.
 Thanks to Edward Boos for discussions in Kaluza-Klein gravitons.
 This research is supported by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und
 Forschung, Germany, (05\,HT9RDA) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
 Thanks to the Caml and Objective Caml teams from INRIA for the
 development and the lean and mean implementation of a programming
 language that does not insult the programmer's intelligence.
     F. Caravaglios, M. Moretti, Z.{} Phys.{} \textbf{C74} (1997) 291.
     A. Kanaki, C. Papadopoulos, DEMO-HEP-2000/01, hep-ph/0002082,
     February 2000.
     Xavier Leroy,
     \textit{The Objective Caml system, documentation and user's guide},
     Technical Report, INRIA, 1997.
     Chris Okasaki, \textit{Purely Functional Data Structures},
     Cambridge University Press, 1998.
     H. Murayama, I. Watanabe, K. Hagiwara, KEK Report 91-11,
     January 1992.
     T. Stelzer, W.F. Long,
     Comput.{} Phys.{} Commun.{} \textbf{81} (1994) 357.     
     A. Denner, H. Eck, O. Hahn and J. K\"ublbeck,
     Phys.{} Lett.{}  \textbf{B291} (1992) 278;
     Nucl.{} Phys.{}  \textbf{B387} (1992) 467.
     V.~Barger, A.~L.~Stange, R.~J.~N.~Phillips,
     Phys.~Rev.~\textbf{D45}, (1992) 1751.
     T. Ohl, \textit{Lord of the Rings},
    (Computer algebra library for O'Caml, unpublished).
     T. Ohl, \textit{Bocages},
    (Feynman diagram library for O'Caml, unpublished).
     W. Kilian, \textit{\texttt{WHIZARD}}, University of Karlsruhe, 2000.
     E.\,E. Boos, T. Ohl,
     Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{83} (1999) 480.
 T.~Han, J.~D.~Lykken and R.~Zhang,
 %``On Kaluza-Klein states from large extra dimensions,''
 Phys.{} Rev.{} \textbf{D59} (1999) 105006
 %%CITATION = HEP-PH 9811350;%%
      William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling,
      Brian P. Flannery,
      \textit{Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing},
      Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
 % author={Predrag Cvitanovi\'c},
 % title={Group Theory for {Feynman} Diagrams in Non-{Abelian}
 %        Gauge Theories},
 Phys.{} Rev.{} \textbf{D14} (1976) 1536.
 %%%  \begin{dubious}
 %%%    ``\texttt{Kleiss/etal:Color-Monte-Carlo}''
 %%%  \end{dubious}
   W.~Kilian, T.~Ohl, J.~Reuter and C.~Speckner,
   %``QCD in the Color-Flow Representation,''
   JHEP \textbf{1210} (2012) 022
   [arXiv:1206.3700 [hep-ph]].
   %%CITATION = doi:10.1007/JHEP10(2012)022;%%
   %37 citations counted in INSPIRE as of 23 Apr 2019
 C.~Degrande, C.~Duhr, B.~Fuks, D.~Grellscheid, O.~Mattelaer and T.~Reiter,
 %``UFO - The Universal FeynRules Output,''
 Comput.{} Phys.{} Commun.{} \textbf{183} (2012), 1201-1214
 [arXiv:1108.2040 [hep-ph]].
 \chapter{Textual Options}
 \chapter{Progress Reports}
 \chapter{More on Filenames}
 \chapter{Cache Files}
 \chapter{More On Lists}
 \chapter{More On Arrays}
 \chapter{More On Strings}
 \chapter{Polymorphic Maps}
 From~\cite{Okasaki:1998:book}, extended for~\cite{Ohl:LOTR}.
 \chapter{Tensor Products}
 \chapter{(Fiber) Bundles}
 \chapter{Power Sets}
 \chapter{Young Diagrams and Tableaux}
 Trees with one root admit a straightforward recursive definition
   T(N,L) = L \cup N\times T(N,L)\times T(N,L)
 that is very well adapted to mathematical reasoning.  Such
 recursive definitions are useful because they
 allow us to prove properties of elements by induction
   \forall l\in L: p(l) \land
     (\forall n\in N: \forall t_1,t_2\in T(N,L): p(t_1) \land p(t_2)
        \Rightarrow p(n\times t_1\times t_2)) \\
   \Longrightarrow \forall t\in T(N,L): p(t)
 i.\,e.~establishing a property for all leaves and showing that a node
 automatically satisfies the property if it is true for all children
 proves the property for \emph{all} trees.  This induction is of course
 modelled after standard mathematical induction
   p(1) \land (\forall n\in \mathbf{N}: p(n) \Rightarrow p(n+1))
    \Longrightarrow \forall n\in \mathbf{N}: p(n)
 The recursive definition~(\ref{eq:trees}) is mirrored by the two tree
 construction functions\footnote{To make the introduction more
 accessible to non-experts, I avoid the `curried' notation for
 functions with multiple arguments and use tuples instead. The actual 
 implementation takes advantage of curried functions, however.  Experts
 can read $\alpha\to\beta\to\gamma$ for $\alpha\times\beta\to\gamma$.}
   \ocwlowerid{leaf}:\;& \nu\times\lambda \to(\nu,\lambda) T \\
   \ocwlowerid{node}:\;& \nu\times(\nu,\lambda)T \times(\nu,\lambda)T
 Renaming leaves and nodes leaves the structure of the tree invariant.
 Therefore, morphisms~$L\to L'$ and~$N\to N'$ of the sets of leaves
 and nodes induce natural homomorphisms~$T(N,L)\to T(N',L')$ of trees
   \ocwlowerid{map}:\; (\nu\to\nu')\times(\lambda\to\lambda')
       \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to(\nu',\lambda') T
 The homomorphisms constructed by \ocwlowerid{map} are trivial, but
 ubiquitous.  More interesting are the morphisms
     \ocwlowerid{fold}:\;&   (\nu\times\lambda\to\alpha)
        \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to\alpha \\
               & (f_1,f_2,l\in L) \mapsto f_1(l) \\
               & (f_1,f_2,(n,t_1,t_2)) \mapsto
     \ocwlowerid{fan}:\;&    (\nu\times\lambda\to\{\alpha\})
        \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to\{\alpha\} \\
               & (f_1,f_2,l\in L) \mapsto f_1(l) \\
               & (f_1,f_2,(n,t_1,t_2)) \mapsto
                     f_2(n, \ocwlowerid{fold}(f_1,f_2,t_1)
 where the tensor product notation means that~$f_2$ is applied to all
 combinations of list members in the argument:
   \phi(\{x\}\otimes \{y\})
      = \left\{ \phi(x,y) | x\in\{x\} \land y\in\{y\} \right\}
 But note that due to the recursive nature of trees, \ocwlowerid{fan} is
 \emph{not} a morphism from $T(N,L)$ to $T(N\otimes N,L)$.\par
 If we identify singleton sets with their members, \ocwlowerid{fold} could be
 viewed as a special case of \ocwlowerid{fan}, but that is probably more
 confusing than helpful.  Also, using the special
 case~$\alpha=(\nu',\lambda')T$, the  homomorphism \ocwlowerid{map} can be
 expressed in terms of \ocwlowerid{fold} and the constructors
     \ocwlowerid{map}:\;& (\nu\to\nu')\times(\lambda\to\lambda')
       \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to(\nu',\lambda')T \\
              &(f,g,t) \mapsto
                 \ocwlowerid{fold} (\ocwlowerid{leaf}\circ (f\times g),
                           \ocwlowerid{node}\circ (f\times\ocwlowerid{id}
                                                    \times\ocwlowerid{id}), t)
 \ocwlowerid{fold} is much more versatile than \ocwlowerid{map}, because it can be used
 with constructors for other tree representations to translate among
 different representations.  The target type can also be a mathematical
 expression.  This is used extensively below for evaluating Feynman
 Using \ocwlowerid{fan} with~$\alpha=(\nu',\lambda')T$ can be used to construct
 a multitude of homomorphic trees.  In fact, below it will be used
 extensively to construct all Feynman 
 diagrams~$\{(\nu,\{p_1,\ldots,p_n\})T\}$ of a given
 topology~$t\in (\emptyset,\{1,\ldots,n\})T$.
   The physicist in me guesses that there is another morphism of trees
   that is related to \ocwlowerid{fan} like a Lie-algebra is related to the
   it's Lie-group.  I have not been able to pin it down, but I guess that it
   is a generalization of \ocwlowerid{grow} below.
 \chapter{Dependency Trees}
 \chapter{Consistency Checks}
 \chapter{Complex Numbers}
 \chapter{Simple Linear Algebra}
 \chapter{Partial Maps}
 \chapter{Talk To The WHiZard \ldots}
 Talk to~\cite{Kilian:WHIZARD}.
   Temporarily disabled, until, we implement some conditional weaving\ldots
 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 %%% \chapter{Widget Library and Class Hierarchy for O'Giga}
 %%% \label{sec:thogtk}
 %%% {\itshape NB: The code in this chapter \emph{must} be compiled with
 %%% \verb+-labels+, since \verb+lablgtk+ doesn't appear to work in classic mode.}
 %%% \begin{dubious}
 %%%   Keep in mind that \texttt{ocamlweb} doesn't work properly with
 %%%   O'Caml~3 yet.  The colons in label declarations are typeset with
 %%%   erroneous white space.
 %%% \end{dubious}
 %%% \section{Architecture}
 %%% In \texttt{lablgtk}, O'Caml objects are typically constructed in
 %%% parallel to constructors for \texttt{GTK+} widgets.  The objects
 %%% provide inheritance and all that, while the constructors implement the
 %%% semantics.
 %%% \subsection{Inheritance vs.~Aggregation}
 %%% We have two mechanisms for creating new widgets: inheritance and
 %%% aggregation.  Inheritance makes it easy to extend a given widget with
 %%% new methods or to combine orthogonal widgets (\emph{multiple
 %%% inheritance}).  Aggregation is more suitable for combining
 %%% non-orthogonal widgets (e.\,g.~multiple instances of the same widget).
 %%% The problem with inheritance in \texttt{lablgtk} is, that it is a
 %%% \emph{bad} idea to implement the semantics in the objects.  In a
 %%% multi-level inheritance hierarchy, O'Caml can evaluate class functions
 %%% more than once.  Since functions accessing \texttt{GTK+} change the
 %%% state of \texttt{GTK+}, we could accidentally violate invariants.
 %%% Therefore inheritance forces us to use the two-tiered approach of
 %%% \texttt{lablgtk} ourselves.  It is not really complicated, but tedious
 %%% and it appears to be a good idea to use aggregation whenever in doubt.
 %%% Nevertheless, there are examples (like
 %%% \ocwupperid{ThoGButton.mutable\_button} below, where just one new
 %%% method is added), that cry out for inheritance for the benefit of the
 %%% application developer.
 %%% \module{thoGWindow}
 %%% \module{thoGButton}
 %%% \module{thoGMenu}
 %%% \module{thoGDraw}
 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 %%% \chapter{O'Mega Virtual Machine}
 %%% \label{sec:ovm}
 %%% \module{OVM}
 \chapter{\texttt{Fortran} Libraries}
     This index has been generated automatically and might not be
     100\%ly accurate.  In particular, hyperlinks have been observed to
     be off by one page.
 Local Variables:
Index: trunk/omega/src/
--- trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,803 +1,807 @@
 (* --
    Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
        with contributions from
        Christian Speckner <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 (* Avoid refering to [], because [Pervasives] will
    become [Stdlib.Pervasives] in O'Caml 4.07 and [Stdlib] in O'Caml 4.08. *)
 let pcompare = compare
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
 (* The terms will be small and there's no need to be fancy and/or efficient.
    It's more important to have a unique representation. *)
 module PM = Pmap.List
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Coefficients} *)
 (* For our algebra, we need coefficient rings. *)
 module type CRing =
     type t
     val null : t
     val unit : t
     val mul : t -> t -> t
     val add : t -> t -> t
     val sub : t -> t -> t
     val neg : t -> t
     val to_string : t -> string
 (* And rational numbers provide a particularly important example: *)
 module type Rational =
     include CRing
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val is_unit : t -> bool
     val is_positive : t -> bool
     val is_negative : t -> bool
     val is_integer : t -> bool
     val make : int -> int -> t
     val abs : t -> t
     val inv : t -> t
     val div : t -> t -> t
     val pow : t -> int -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val to_ratio : t -> int * int
     val to_float : t -> float
     val to_integer : t -> int
     module Test : Test
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Naive Rational Arithmetic} *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      This \emph{is} dangerous and will overflow even for simple
      applications.  The production code will have to be linked to
      a library for large integer arithmetic.
    \end{dubious} *)
 (* Anyway, here's Euclid's algorithm: *)
 let rec gcd i1 i2 =
   if i2 = 0 then
     abs i1
     gcd i2 (i1 mod i2)
 let lcm i1 i2 = (i1 / gcd i1 i2) * i2
 module Small_Rational : Rational =
     type t = int * int
     let is_null (n, _) = (n = 0)
     let is_unit (n, d) = (n <> 0) && (n = d)
     let is_positive (n, d) = n * d > 0
     let is_negative (n, d) = n * d < 0
     let is_integer (n, d) = (gcd n d = d)
     let null = (0, 1)
     let unit = (1, 1)
     let make n d =
       let c = gcd n d in
       (n / c, d / c)
     let abs (n, d) = (abs n, abs d)
     let inv (n, d) = (d, n)
     let mul (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = make (n1 * n2) (d1 * d2)
     let div q1 q2 = mul q1 (inv q2)
     let add (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = make (n1 * d2 + n2 * d1) (d1 * d2)
     let sub (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = make (n1 * d2 - n2 * d1) (d1 * d2)
     let neg (n, d) = (- n, d)
     let rec pow q p =
       if p = 0 then
       else if p < 0 then
 	pow (inv q) (-p)
 	mul q (pow q (pred p))
     let sum qs =
       List.fold_right add qs null
     let to_ratio (n, d) =
       if d < 0 then
         (-n, -d)
         (n, d)
     let to_float (n, d) = float n /. float d
     let to_string (n, d) =
       if d = 1 then
         Printf.sprintf "%d" n
         let n, d = to_ratio (n, d) in
         Printf.sprintf "(%d/%d)" n d
     let to_integer (n, d) =
       if is_integer (n, d) then
         invalid_arg "Algebra.Small_Rational.to_integer"
     module Test =
         open OUnit
         let equal z1 z2 =
           is_null (sub z1 z2)
         let assert_equal_rational z1 z2 =
           assert_equal ~printer:to_string ~cmp:equal z1 z2
         let suite_mul =
           "mul" >:::
 	    [ "1*1=1" >::
                 (fun () ->
                   assert_equal_rational (mul unit unit) unit) ]
         let suite =
           "Algebra.Small_Rational" >:::
 module Q = Small_Rational
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Rational Complex Numbers} *)
 module type QComplex =
     type q
     type t
     val make : q -> q -> t 
     val null : t
     val unit : t
     val real : t -> q
     val imag : t -> q
     val conj : t -> t
     val neg : t -> t
     val add : t -> t -> t
     val sub : t -> t -> t
     val mul : t -> t -> t
     val inv : t -> t
     val div : t -> t -> t
     val pow : t -> int -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val is_unit : t -> bool
     val is_positive : t -> bool
     val is_negative : t -> bool
     val is_integer : t -> bool
     val is_real : t -> bool
     val to_string : t -> string
     module Test : Test
 module QComplex (Q : Rational) : QComplex with type q = Q.t =
     type q = Q.t
     type t = { re : q; im : q }
     let make re im = { re; im }
     let null = { re = Q.null; im = Q.null }
     let unit = { re = Q.unit; im = Q.null }
     let real z =
     let imag z =
     let conj z = { re =; im = Q.neg }
     let neg z = { re = Q.neg; im = Q.neg }
     let add z1 z2 = { re = Q.add; im = Q.add }
     let sub z1 z2 = { re = Q.sub; im = Q.sub }
     let sum qs =
       List.fold_right add qs null
 (* Save one multiplication with respect to the standard formula
      (x+iy)(u+iv) = \lbrack xu-yv\rbrack + i\lbrack(x+u)(y+v)-xu-yv\rbrack\,
    at the expense of one addition and two subtractions. *)
     let mul z1 z2 =
       let re12 = Q.mul
       and im12 = Q.mul in
       { re = Q.sub re12 im12;
         im = Q.sub
                (Q.sub (Q.mul (Q.add (Q.add re12)
                im12 }
     let inv z =
       let modulus = Q.add (Q.mul (Q.mul in
       { re = Q.div modulus;
         im = Q.div (Q.neg modulus }
     let div n d =
       mul (inv d) n
     let rec pow q p =
       if p = 0 then
       else if p < 0 then
 	pow (inv q) (-p)
 	mul q (pow q (pred p))
     let is_real q =
     let test_real test q =
       is_real q && test
     let is_null = test_real Q.is_null
     let is_unit = test_real Q.is_unit
     let is_positive = test_real Q.is_positive
     let is_negative = test_real Q.is_negative
     let is_integer = test_real Q.is_integer
     let q_to_string q =
       (if Q.is_negative q then "-" else " ") ^ Q.to_string (Q.abs q)
     let to_string z =
       if Q.is_null then
       else if Q.is_null then
         if Q.is_unit then
           " I"
         else if Q.is_unit (Q.neg then
           q_to_string ^ "*I"
         Printf.sprintf "(%s%s*I)" (Q.to_string (q_to_string
     module Test =
         open OUnit
         let equal z1 z2 =
           is_null (sub z1 z2)
         let assert_equal_complex z1 z2 =
           assert_equal ~printer:to_string ~cmp:equal z1 z2
         let suite_mul =
           "mul" >:::
 	    [ "1*1=1" >::
                 (fun () ->
                   assert_equal_complex (mul unit unit) unit) ]
         let suite =
           "Algebra.QComplex" >:::
 module QC = QComplex(Q)
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Laurent Polynomials} *)
 module type Laurent =
     type c
     type t
     val null : t
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val unit : t
     val atom : c -> int -> t
     val const : c -> t
     val scale : c -> t -> t
+    val neg : t -> t
     val add : t -> t -> t
     val diff : t -> t -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val mul : t -> t -> t
     val product : t list -> t
     val pow : int -> t -> t
     val eval : c -> t -> c
     val compare : t -> t -> int
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
     val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
     module Test : Test
 module Laurent : Laurent with type c = QC.t =
     module IMap =
           type t = int
           let compare i1 i2 =
             pcompare i2 i1
     type c = QC.t
     let qc_minus_one =
       QC.neg QC.unit
     type t = c IMap.t
     let null = IMap.empty
     let is_null l = IMap.for_all (fun _ -> QC.is_null) l
     let atom qc n =
       if qc = QC.null then
         IMap.singleton n qc
     let const z = atom z 0
     let unit = const QC.unit
     let add1 n qc l =
         let qc' = QC.add qc (IMap.find n l) in
         if qc' = QC.null then
           IMap.remove n l
           IMap.add n qc' l
       | Not_found -> IMap.add n qc l
     let add l1 l2 =
       IMap.fold add1 l1 l2
     let sum = function
       | [] -> null
       | [l] -> l
       | l :: l_list ->
          List.fold_left add l l_list
     let scale qc l = (QC.mul qc) l
+    let neg l =
+ QC.neg l
     let diff l1 l2 =
       add l1 (scale qc_minus_one l2)
     (* cf.~[Product.fold2_rev] *)
     let fold2 f l1 l2 acc =
         (fun n1 qc1 acc1 ->
             (fun n2 qc2 acc2 -> f n1 qc1 n2 qc2 acc2)
             l2 acc1)
         l1 acc
     let mul l1 l2 =
         (fun n1 qc1 n2 qc2 acc ->
           add1 (n1 + n2) (QC.mul qc1 qc2) acc)
         l1 l2 null
     let product = function
       | [] -> unit
       | [l] -> l
       | l :: l_list ->
          List.fold_left mul l l_list
     let poly_pow multiply one inverse n x  =
       let rec pow' i x' acc =
         if i < 1 then
           pow' (pred i) x' (multiply x' acc) in
       if n < 0 then
         let x' = inverse x in
         pow' (pred (-n)) x' x'
       else if n = 0 then
         pow' (pred n) x x
     let qc_pow n z =
       poly_pow QC.mul QC.unit QC.inv n z
     let pow n l =
       poly_pow mul unit (fun _ -> invalid_arg "Algebra.Laurent.pow") n l
     let q_to_string q =
       (if Q.is_positive q then "+" else "-") ^ Q.to_string (Q.abs q)
     let qc_to_string z =
       let r = QC.real z
       and i = QC.imag z in
       if Q.is_null i then
         q_to_string r
       else if Q.is_null r then
         if Q.is_unit i then
         else if Q.is_unit (Q.neg i) then
           q_to_string i ^ "*I"
         Printf.sprintf "(%s%s*I)" (Q.to_string r) (q_to_string i)
     let to_string1 name (n, qc) =
       if n = 0 then
         qc_to_string qc
       else if n = 1 then
         if QC.is_unit qc then
         else if qc = qc_minus_one then
           "-" ^ name
           Printf.sprintf "%s*%s" (qc_to_string qc) name
       else if n = -1 then
         Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (qc_to_string qc) name
       else if n > 1 then
         if QC.is_unit qc then
           Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" name n
         else if qc = qc_minus_one then
           Printf.sprintf "-%s^%d" name n
           Printf.sprintf "%s*%s^%d" (qc_to_string qc) name n
         Printf.sprintf "%s/%s^%d" (qc_to_string qc) name (-n)
     let to_string name l =
       match IMap.bindings l with
       | [] -> "0"
       | l -> String.concat "" ( (to_string1 name) l)
     let pp fmt l =
       Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string "N" l)
     let eval v l =
         (fun n qc acc -> QC.add (QC.mul qc (qc_pow n v)) acc)
         l QC.null
     let compare l1 l2 =
         (List.sort pcompare (IMap.bindings l1))
         (List.sort pcompare (IMap.bindings l2))
     let compare l1 l2 = pcompare l1 l2
     module Test =
         open OUnit
         let equal l1 l2 =
           compare l1 l2 = 0
         let assert_equal_laurent l1 l2 =
           assert_equal ~printer:(to_string "N") ~cmp:equal l1 l2
         let suite_mul =
           "mul" >:::
 	    [ "(1+N)(1-N)=1-N^2" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (sum [unit; atom (QC.neg QC.unit) 2])
                     (product [sum [unit; atom QC.unit 1];
                               sum [unit; atom (QC.neg QC.unit) 1]]));
               "(1+N)(1-1/N)=N-1/N" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (sum [atom QC.unit 1; atom (QC.neg QC.unit) (-1)])
                     (product [sum [unit; atom QC.unit 1];
                               sum [unit; atom (QC.neg QC.unit) (-1)]])); ]
         let suite =
           "Algebra.Laurent" >:::
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Expressions: Terms, Rings and Linear Combinations} *)
 (* The tensor algebra will be spanned by an abelian monoid: *)
 module type Term =
     type 'a t
     val unit : unit -> 'a t
     val is_unit : 'a t -> bool
     val atom : 'a -> 'a t
     val power : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val mul : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
     val to_string : ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string
     val derive : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> ('b * int * 'a t) list
     val product : 'a t list -> 'a t
     val atoms : 'a t -> 'a list
 module type Ring =
     module C : Rational
     type 'a t
     val null : unit -> 'a t
     val unit : unit -> 'a t
     val is_null : 'a t -> bool
     val is_unit : 'a t -> bool
     val atom : 'a -> 'a t
     val scale : C.t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val add : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val sub : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val mul : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val neg : 'a t -> 'a t
     val derive_inner : ('a -> 'a t) -> 'a t -> 'a t (* this? *)
     val derive_inner' : ('a -> 'a t option) -> 'a t -> 'a t (* or that? *)
     val derive_outer : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> ('b * 'a t) list
     val sum : 'a t list -> 'a t
     val product : 'a t list -> 'a t
     val atoms : 'a t -> 'a list
     val to_string : ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string
 module type Linear =
     module C : Ring
     type ('a, 'c) t
     val null : unit -> ('a, 'c) t
     val atom : 'a -> ('a, 'c) t
     val singleton : 'c C.t -> 'a -> ('a, 'c) t
     val scale : 'c C.t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
     val add : ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
     val sub : ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
     val partial : ('c -> ('a, 'c) t) -> 'c C.t -> ('a, 'c) t
     val linear : (('a, 'c) t * 'c C.t) list -> ('a, 'c) t
     val map : ('a -> 'c C.t -> ('b, 'd) t) -> ('a, 'c) t ->  ('b, 'd) t
     val sum : ('a, 'c) t list -> ('a, 'c) t
     val atoms : ('a, 'c) t -> 'a list * 'c list
     val to_string : ('a -> string) -> ('c -> string) -> ('a, 'c) t -> string
 module Term : Term =
     module M = PM
     type 'a t = ('a, int) M.t
     let unit () = M.empty
     let is_unit = M.is_empty
     let atom f = M.singleton f 1
     let power p x = (( * ) p) x
     let insert1 binop f p term =
       let p' = binop (try M.find compare f term with Not_found -> 0) p in
       if p' = 0 then
         M.remove compare f term
         M.add compare f p' term
     let mul1 f p term = insert1 (+) f p term
     let mul x y = M.fold mul1 x y
     let map f term = M.fold (fun t -> mul1 (f t)) term M.empty
     let to_string fmt term =
       String.concat "*"
         (M.fold (fun f p acc ->
           (if p = 0 then
           else if p = 1 then
             fmt f
             "[" ^ fmt f ^ "]^" ^ string_of_int p) :: acc) term [])
     let derive derive1 x =
       M.fold (fun f p dx ->
         if p <> 0 then
           match derive1 f with
           | Some df -> (df, p, mul1 f (pred p) (M.remove compare f x)) :: dx
           | None -> dx
           dx) x []
     let product factors =
       List.fold_left mul (unit ()) factors
     let atoms t = fst (PM.elements t)
 module Make_Ring (C : Rational) (T : Term) : Ring =
     module C = C
     let one = C.unit
     module M = PM
     type 'a t = ('a T.t, C.t) M.t
     let null () = M.empty
     let is_null = M.is_empty
     let power t p = M.singleton t p
     let unit () = power (T.unit ()) one
     let is_unit t = unit () = t
 (* \begin{dubious}
      The following should be correct too, but produces to many false
      positives instead!  What's going on?
    \end{dubious} *)
     let broken__is_unit t =
       match M.elements t with
       | [(t, p)] -> T.is_unit t || C.is_null p
       | _ -> false
     let atom t = power (T.atom t) one
     let scale c x = (C.mul c) x
     let insert1 binop t c sum =
       let c' = binop (try M.find compare t sum with Not_found -> C.null) c in
       if C.is_null c' then
         M.remove compare t sum
         M.add compare t c' sum
     let add x y = M.fold (insert1 C.add) x y
     let sub x y = M.fold (insert1 C.sub) y x
     (* One might be tempted to use [Product.outer_self M.fold] instead,
        but this would require us to combine~[tx] and~[cx] to~[(tx, cx)].  *)
     let fold2 f x y =
       M.fold (fun tx cx -> M.fold (f tx cx) y) x
     let mul x y =
       fold2 (fun tx cx ty cy -> insert1 C.add (T.mul tx ty) (C.mul cx cy))
         x y (null ())
     let neg x =
       sub (null ()) x
     let neg x =
       scale (C.neg C.unit) x
     (* Multiply the [derivatives] by [c] and add the result to [dx]. *)
     let add_derivatives derivatives c dx =
       List.fold_left (fun acc (df, dt_c, dt_t) ->
         add (mul df (power dt_t (C.mul c (C.make dt_c 1)))) acc) dx derivatives
     let derive_inner derive1 x =
       M.fold (fun t ->
         add_derivatives (T.derive (fun f -> Some (derive1 f)) t)) x (null ())
     let derive_inner' derive1 x =
       M.fold (fun t -> add_derivatives (T.derive derive1 t)) x (null ())
     let collect_derivatives derivatives c dx =
       List.fold_left (fun acc (df, dt_c, dt_t) ->
         (df, power dt_t (C.mul c (C.make dt_c 1))) :: acc) dx derivatives
     let derive_outer derive1 x =
       M.fold (fun t -> collect_derivatives (T.derive derive1 t)) x []
     let sum terms =
       List.fold_left add (null ()) terms
     let product factors =
       List.fold_left mul (unit ()) factors
     let atoms t =
       ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare
                       (ThoList.flatmap (fun (t, _) -> T.atoms t) (PM.elements t)))
     let to_string fmt sum =
       "(" ^ String.concat " + "
               (M.fold (fun t c acc ->
                 if C.is_null c then
                 else if C.is_unit c then
                   T.to_string fmt t :: acc
                 else if C.is_unit (C.neg c) then
                   ("(-" ^ T.to_string fmt t ^ ")") :: acc
                   (C.to_string c ^ "*[" ^ T.to_string fmt t ^ "]") :: acc) sum []) ^ ")"
 module Make_Linear (C : Ring) : Linear with module C = C =
     module C = C
     module M = PM
     type ('a, 'c) t = ('a, 'c C.t) M.t
     let null () = M.empty
     let is_null = M.is_empty
     let atom a = M.singleton a (C.unit ())
     let singleton c a = M.singleton a c
     let scale c x = (C.mul c) x
     let insert1 binop t c sum =
       let c' = binop (try M.find compare t sum with Not_found -> C.null ()) c in
       if C.is_null c' then
         M.remove compare t sum
         M.add compare t c' sum
     let add x y = M.fold (insert1 C.add) x y
     let sub x y = M.fold (insert1 C.sub) y x
     let map f t =
       M.fold (fun a c -> add (f a c)) t M.empty
     let sum terms =
       List.fold_left add (null ()) terms
     let linear terms =
       List.fold_left (fun acc (a, c) -> add (scale c a) acc) (null ()) terms
     let partial derive t =
       let d t' =
         let dt' = derive t' in
         if is_null dt' then
           Some dt' in
       linear (C.derive_outer d t)
     let atoms t =
       let a, c = List.split (PM.elements t) in
       (a, ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare (ThoList.flatmap C.atoms c)))
     let to_string fmt cfmt sum =
       "(" ^ String.concat " + "
               (M.fold (fun t c acc ->
                 if C.is_null c then
                 else if C.is_unit c then
                   fmt t :: acc
                 else if C.is_unit (C.neg c) then
                   ("(-" ^ fmt t ^ ")") :: acc
                   (C.to_string cfmt c ^ "*" ^ fmt t) :: acc) 
                 sum []) ^ ")"
Index: trunk/omega/src/algebra.mli
--- trunk/omega/src/algebra.mli	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/algebra.mli	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,295 +1,296 @@
 (* algebra.mli --
    Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
        with contributions from
        Christian Speckner <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Coefficients} *)
 (* For our algebra, we need coefficient rings. *)
 module type CRing =
     type t
     val null : t
     val unit : t
     val mul : t -> t -> t
     val add : t -> t -> t
     val sub : t -> t -> t
     val neg : t -> t
     val to_string : t -> string
 (* And rational numbers provide a particularly important example: *)
 module type Rational =
     include CRing
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val is_unit : t -> bool
     val is_positive : t -> bool
     val is_negative : t -> bool
     val is_integer : t -> bool
     val make : int -> int -> t
     val abs : t -> t
     val inv : t -> t
     val div : t -> t -> t
     val pow : t -> int -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val to_ratio : t -> int * int
     val to_float : t -> float
     val to_integer : t -> int
     module Test : Test
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Naive Rational Arithmetic} *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      This \emph{is} dangerous and will overflow even for simple
      applications.  The production code will have to be linked to
      a library for large integer arithmetic.
    \end{dubious} *)
 module Small_Rational : Rational
 module Q : Rational
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Rational Complex Numbers} *)
 module type QComplex =
     type q
     type t
     val make : q -> q -> t
     val null : t
     val unit : t
     val real : t -> q
     val imag : t -> q
     val conj : t -> t
     val neg : t -> t
     val add : t -> t -> t
     val sub : t -> t -> t
     val mul : t -> t -> t
     val inv : t -> t
     val div : t -> t -> t
     val pow : t -> int -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val is_unit : t -> bool
     val is_positive : t -> bool
     val is_negative : t -> bool
     val is_integer : t -> bool
     val is_real : t -> bool
     val to_string : t -> string
     module Test : Test
 module QComplex : functor (Q' : Rational) -> QComplex with type q = Q'.t
 module QC : QComplex with type q = Q.t
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Laurent Polynomials} *)
 (* Polynomials, including negative powers, in one variable.
    In our applications, the variable~$x$ will often be~$N_C$,
    the number of colors
      \sum_n c_n N_C^n
    \end{equation} *)
 module type Laurent =
     (* The type of coefficients.  In the implementation below,
        it is [QComplex.t]: complex numbers with rational real
        and imaginary parts. *)
     type c
     type t
     (* Elementary constructors *)
     val null : t
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val unit : t
     (* [atom c n] constructs a term $c x^n$, where $x$ denotes
        the variable. *)
     val atom : c -> int -> t
     (* Shortcut: [const c = atom c 0] *)
     val const : c -> t
     (* Elementary arithmetic *)
     val scale : c -> t -> t
+    val neg : t -> t
     val add : t -> t -> t
     val diff : t -> t -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val mul : t -> t -> t
     val product : t list -> t
     val pow : int -> t -> t
     (* [eval c p] evaluates the polynomial [p] by substituting
        the constant [c] for the variable. *)
     val eval : c -> t -> c
     (* A total ordering.  Does not correspond to any mathematical order. *)
     val compare : t -> t -> int
     (* Logging, debugging and toplevel integration. *)
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
     val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
     module Test : Test
 (* \begin{dubious}
      Could (should?) be functorialized over [QComplex].
      We had to wait until we upgraded our O'Caml requirements to 4.02,
      but that has been done.
    \end{dubious} *)
 module Laurent : Laurent with type c = QC.t
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Expressions: Terms, Rings and Linear Combinations} *)
 (* The tensor algebra will be spanned by an abelian monoid: *)
 module type Term =
     type 'a t
     val unit : unit -> 'a t
     val is_unit : 'a t -> bool
     val atom : 'a -> 'a t
     val power : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val mul : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
     val to_string : ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string
     (* The derivative of a term is \emph{not} a term,
        but a sum of terms instead:
            D (f_1^{p_1}f_2^{p_2}\cdots f_n^{p_n}) =
              \sum_i (Df_i) p_i f_1^{p_1}f_2^{p_2}\cdots f_i^{p_i-1} \cdots f_n^{p_n}
        The function returns the sum as a list of triples
        $(Df_i,p_i, f_1^{p_1}f_2^{p_2}\cdots f_i^{p_i-1} \cdots f_n^{p_n})$.
        Summing the terms is left to the calling module and the $Df_i$ are
        \emph{not} guaranteed to be different.
        NB: The function implementating the inner derivative, is supposed to
        return~[Some]~$Df_i$ and [None], iff~$Df_i$ vanishes. *)
     val derive : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> ('b * int * 'a t) list
     (* convenience function *)
     val product : 'a t list -> 'a t
     val atoms : 'a t -> 'a list
 module type Ring =
     module C : Rational
     type 'a t
     val null : unit -> 'a t
     val unit : unit -> 'a t
     val is_null : 'a t -> bool
     val is_unit : 'a t -> bool
     val atom : 'a -> 'a t
     val scale : C.t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val add : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val sub : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val mul : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
     val neg : 'a t -> 'a t
     (* Again
            D (f_1^{p_1}f_2^{p_2}\cdots f_n^{p_n}) =
              \sum_i (Df_i) p_i f_1^{p_1}f_2^{p_2}\cdots f_i^{p_i-1} \cdots f_n^{p_n}
        but, iff~$Df_i$ can be identified with a~$f'$, we know how to perform
        the sum. *)
     val derive_inner : ('a -> 'a t) -> 'a t -> 'a t (* this? *)
     val derive_inner' : ('a -> 'a t option) -> 'a t -> 'a t (* or that? *)
 (* Below, we will need partial derivatives that lead out of the ring:
    [derive_outer derive_atom term] returns a list of partial derivatives
    ['b] with non-zero coefficients ['a t]: *)
     val derive_outer : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> ('b * 'a t) list
     (* convenience functions *)
     val sum : 'a t list -> 'a t
     val product : 'a t list -> 'a t
 (* The list of all generators appearing in an expression: *)
     val atoms : 'a t -> 'a list
     val to_string : ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string
 module type Linear =
     module C : Ring
     type ('a, 'c) t
     val null : unit -> ('a, 'c) t
     val atom : 'a -> ('a, 'c) t
     val singleton : 'c C.t -> 'a -> ('a, 'c) t
     val scale : 'c C.t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
     val add : ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
     val sub : ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
 (* A partial derivative w.\,r.\,t.~a vector maps from a coefficient ring to
    the dual vector space.  *)
     val partial : ('c -> ('a, 'c) t) -> 'c C.t -> ('a, 'c) t
 (* A linear combination of vectors
      \text{[linear]} \lbrack (v_1, c_1); (v_2, c_2); \ldots; (v_n, c_n)\rbrack
         = \sum_{i=1}^{n} c_i\cdot v_i
    \end{equation} *)
     val linear : (('a, 'c) t * 'c C.t) list -> ('a, 'c) t
 (* Some convenience functions *)
     val map : ('a -> 'c C.t -> ('b, 'd) t) -> ('a, 'c) t ->  ('b, 'd) t
     val sum : ('a, 'c) t list -> ('a, 'c) t
 (* The list of all generators and the list of all generators of coefficients
    appearing in an expression: *)
     val atoms : ('a, 'c) t -> 'a list * 'c list
     val to_string : ('a -> string) -> ('c -> string) -> ('a, 'c) t -> string
 module Term : Term
 module Make_Ring (C : Rational) (T : Term) : Ring
 module Make_Linear (C : Ring) : Linear with module C = C
Index: trunk/omega/src/young.mli
--- trunk/omega/src/young.mli	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/young.mli	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,145 +1,147 @@
 (* young.mli --
    Copyright (C) 2022- by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 (* Caveat: the following are not optimized for large Young diagrams and
    tableaux.  They are straightforward implementations of the
    definitions, since we are unlikely to meet large diagrams.
    To make matters worse, native integer arithmetic will overflow
    already for diagrams with more than 20 cells.
    Since the [Num] library has been removed from the O'Caml
    distribution with version 4.06, we can not use it as
    a shortcut.  Requiring Whizard/O'Mega users to install
    [Num] or its successor [Zarith] is probably not worth
    the effort. *)
 (* \ytableausetup{centertableaux,smalltableaux} *)
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Young Diagrams} *)
 (* Young diagrams can be represented by a non-increasing list
    of positive integers, corresponding to the number of boxes
    in each row:
      \ydiagram{5,4,4,2} \Longleftrightarrow \lbrack 5;4;4;2 \rbrack
    \end{equation} *)
 type diagram = int list
 (* Check that the diagram is valid, i.\,e.~the number of boxes
    is non-increasing from top to bottom. *)
 val valid_diagram : diagram -> bool
 (* Count the number of cells. *)
 val num_cells_diagram : diagram -> int
-(* Transpose a diagram:
+(* Conjugate a diagram:
      \ydiagram{5,4,4,2} \mapsto \ydiagram{4,4,3,3,1}
    \end{equation} *)
-val transpose_diagram : diagram -> diagram
+val conjugate_diagram : diagram -> diagram
 (* The product of all the ``hook lengths'' in the diagram, e.\,g.
      \mapsto \ytableaushort{87541,6532,5421,21}
      \mapsto 8 \cdot 7 \cdot 6 \cdot 5^3 \cdot 4^2 \cdot 3 \cdot 2^3
      = 16128000
    where the intermediate step is only for illustration and does not
    represent a Young tableau! *)
 val hook_lengths_product : diagram -> int
-(* Dimension of the representation of~$S_n$ described by the diagram
+(* Number of standard tableaux corresponding to the diagram.
+   Also, the dimension of the representation of~$S_n$ described
+   by this diagram
      d = \frac{n!}{\prod_{i=1}^n h_i}
    with~$n$ the number of cells and~$h_i$ the hook length of
    the $i$th cell. *)
-val dim_rep_Sn : diagram -> int
+val num_standard_tableaux : diagram -> int
 (* Normalization of the projector on the representation of $\mathrm{GL(N)}$
    described by the diagram
      \alpha = \frac{\prod_{R} |R|!\prod_{C} |C|!}{\prod_{i=1}^n h_i}
    with~$|R|$ and~$|C|$ the lengths of the row~$R$ and column~$C$,
    respectively.  Returned as a pair of numerator and denominator,
    because it is not guaranteed to be integer. *)
 val normalization : diagram -> int * int
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Young Tableaux} *)
 (* There is an obvious representation as a list of lists:
      \lbrack \lbrack 0; 2; 3 \rbrack;
              \lbrack 1; 4 \rbrack \rbrack
    \end{equation} *)
 type 'a tableau = 'a list list
 (* Ignoring the contents of the cells of a Young tableau produces
    a unique corresponding Young diagram.
      \mapsto \ydiagram{3,2}
    \end{equation} *)
 val diagram_of_tableau : 'a tableau -> diagram
 (* The number of columns must be non-increasing.  Obviously,
    [valid_tableau] is the composition of [diagram_of_tableau]
    and [valid_diagram].*)
 val valid_tableau : 'a tableau -> bool
 (* A tableau is called \textit{semistandard}, iff the entries
    don't increase along rows and strictly increase along columns.
-   Therefore, the transpose of a semistandard tableau is \emph{not}
+   Therefore, the conjugate of a semistandard tableau is \emph{not}
    necessarily semistandard. *)
 val semistandard_tableau : 'a tableau -> bool
 (* A tableau is called \textit{standard}, iff it is semistandard
    and the entries are an uninterrupted sequence of natural numbers.
    If the optional [offset] is specified, it must match the smallest
    of these numbers.  Some authors expect [offset=1], but we want
    to be able to start from 0 as well.
-   The transpose of a standard tableau is again a standard tableau. *)
+   The conjugate of a standard tableau is again a standard tableau. *)
 val standard_tableau : ?offset:int -> int tableau -> bool
 (* The contents of the cells and their number. *)
 val cells_tableau : 'a tableau -> 'a list
 val num_cells_tableau : 'a tableau -> int
-(* Transpose a Young tableau
+(* Conjugate a Young tableau
      \mapsto \ytableaushort{01,24,3}
    \end{equation} *)
-val transpose_tableau : 'a tableau -> 'a tableau
+val conjugate_tableau : 'a tableau -> 'a tableau
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Unit Tests} *)
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
     val suite_long : OUnit.test
 module Test : Test
Index: trunk/omega/src/
--- trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,2944 +1,2944 @@
 (* --
    Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
        with contributions from
        Christian Speckner <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 (* Unfortunately, \texttt{ocamlweb} will not typeset all multi character
    operators nicely. E.\,g.~\verb+f @< g+ comes out as [f @< g]. *)
 let (<*>) f g x =
  f (g x)
 let (<**>) f g x y =
   f (g x y)
 module SMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
 module SSet = Sets.String
 module CMap =
       type t = string
       let compare = ThoString.compare_caseless
 module CSet = Sets.String_Caseless
 let error_in_string text start_pos end_pos =
   let i = start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum
   and j = end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum in
   String.sub text i (j - i)
 let error_in_file name start_pos end_pos =
     (start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - start_pos.Lexing.pos_bol)
     (end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - end_pos.Lexing.pos_bol)
 let parse_string text =
       (UFO_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string text))
   | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) ->
      invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "lexical error (%s) at: `%s'"
                     msg  (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos))
   | UFO_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) ->
      invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "syntax error (%s) at: `%s'"
                     msg  (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos))
   | Parsing.Parse_error ->
      invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ text)
 exception File_missing of string
 let parse_file name =
   let ic =
     try open_in name with
     | Sys_error msg as exc ->
        if msg = name ^ ": No such file or directory" then
          raise (File_missing name)
          raise exc in
   let result =
 	  (UFO_lexer.init_position name (Lexing.from_channel ic))
       | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) ->
 	   close_in ic;
 	   invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf
 			  "%s: lexical error (%s)"
 			  (error_in_file name start_pos end_pos) msg)
       | UFO_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) ->
 	   close_in ic;
 	   invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf
 			  "%s: syntax error (%s)"
 			  (error_in_file name start_pos end_pos) msg)
       | Parsing.Parse_error ->
 	   close_in ic;
 	   invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ name)
     end in
   close_in ic;
 (* These are the contents of the Python files after lexical
    analysis as context-free variable declarations, before
    any semantic interpretation. *)
 module type Files =
     type t = private
       { particles : UFO_syntax.t;
 	couplings : UFO_syntax.t;
 	coupling_orders : UFO_syntax.t;
 	vertices : UFO_syntax.t;
 	lorentz : UFO_syntax.t;
 	parameters : UFO_syntax.t;
 	propagators : UFO_syntax.t;
 	decays : UFO_syntax.t }
     val parse_directory : string -> t
 module Files : Files =
     type t =
       { particles : UFO_syntax.t;
 	couplings : UFO_syntax.t;
 	coupling_orders : UFO_syntax.t;
 	vertices : UFO_syntax.t;
 	lorentz : UFO_syntax.t;
 	parameters : UFO_syntax.t;
 	propagators : UFO_syntax.t;
 	decays : UFO_syntax.t }
     let parse_directory dir =
       let filename stem = Filename.concat dir (stem ^ ".py") in
       let parse stem = parse_file (filename stem) in
       let parse_optional stem =
         try parse stem with File_missing _ -> [] in
       { particles = parse "particles";
 	couplings = parse "couplings";
 	coupling_orders = parse_optional "coupling_orders";
 	vertices = parse "vertices";
 	lorentz = parse "lorentz";
 	parameters = parse "parameters";
 	propagators = parse_optional "propagators";
 	decays = parse_optional "decays" }
 let dump_file pfx f =
     (fun s -> print_endline (pfx ^ ": " ^ s))
     (UFO_syntax.to_strings f)
 type charge =
   | Q_Integer of int
   | Q_Fraction of int * int
 let charge_to_string = function
   | Q_Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i
   | Q_Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d
 module S = UFO_syntax
 let find_attrib name attribs =
     (List.find (fun a -> name = a.S.a_name) attribs).S.a_value
   | Not_found -> failwith ("UFO.find_attrib: \"" ^ name ^ "\" not found")
 let find_attrib name attribs =
   (List.find (fun a -> name = a.S.a_name) attribs).S.a_value
 let name_to_string ?strip name =
   let stripped =
     begin match strip, List.rev name with
     | Some pfx, head :: tail ->
        if pfx = head then
 	 failwith ("UFO.name_to_string: expected prefix '" ^ pfx ^
 		      "', got '" ^ head ^ "'")
     | _, name -> name
     end in
   String.concat "." stripped
 let name_attrib ?strip name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Name n -> name_to_string ?strip n
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.name_attrib: " ^ name)
 let integer_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Integer i -> i
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.integer_attrib: " ^ name)
 let charge_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Integer i -> Q_Integer i
   | S.Fraction (n, d) -> Q_Fraction (n, d)
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.charge_attrib: " ^ name)
 let string_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.String s -> s
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.string_attrib: " ^ name)
 let string_expr_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Name n -> [S.Macro n]
   | S.String s -> [S.Literal s]
   | S.String_Expr e -> e
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.string_expr_attrib: " ^ name)
 let boolean_attrib name attribs =
     match ThoString.lowercase (name_attrib name attribs) with
     | "true" -> true
     | "false" -> false
     | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.boolean_attrib: " ^ name)
   | Not_found -> false
 type value =
   | Integer of int
   | Fraction of int * int
   | Float of float
   | Expr of UFOx.Expr.t
   | Name of string list
 let map_expr f default = function
   | Integer _ | Fraction (_, _) | Float _ | Name _ -> default
   | Expr e -> f e
 let variables = map_expr UFOx.Expr.variables CSet.empty
 let functions = map_expr UFOx.Expr.functions CSet.empty
 let add_to_set_in_map key element map =
   let set = try CMap.find key map with Not_found -> CSet.empty in
   CMap.add key (CSet.add element set) map
 (* Add all variables in [value] to the [map] from variables
    to the names in which they appear, indicating
    that [name] depends on these variables. *)
 let dependency name value map =
     (fun variable acc -> add_to_set_in_map variable name acc)
     (variables value)
 let dependencies name_value_list =
     (fun acc (name, value) -> dependency name value acc)
 let dependency_to_string (variable, appearences) =
     "%s -> {%s}"
     variable (String.concat ", " (CSet.elements appearences))
 let dependencies_to_strings map = dependency_to_string (CMap.bindings map)
 let expr_to_string =
   UFOx.Value.to_string <*> UFOx.Value.of_expr
 let value_to_string = function
   | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i
   | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d
   | Float x -> string_of_float x
   | Expr e -> "'" ^ expr_to_string e ^ "'"
   | Name n -> name_to_string n
 let value_to_expr substitutions = function
   | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i
   | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d
   | Float x -> string_of_float x
   | Expr e -> expr_to_string (substitutions e)
   | Name n -> name_to_string n
 let value_to_coupling substitutions atom = function
   | Integer i -> Coupling.Integer i
   | Fraction (n, d) -> Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer n, Coupling.Integer d)
   | Float x -> Coupling.Float x
   | Expr e ->
      UFOx.Value.to_coupling atom (UFOx.Value.of_expr (substitutions e))
   | Name n -> failwith "UFO.value_to_coupling: Name not supported yet!"
 let value_to_numeric = function
   | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i
   | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%g" (float n /. float d)
   | Float x -> Printf.sprintf "%g" x
   | Expr e -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_numeric: expr = " ^ (expr_to_string e))
   | Name n -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_numeric: name = " ^ name_to_string n)
 let value_to_float = function
   | Integer i -> float i
   | Fraction (n, d) -> float n /. float d
   | Float x -> x
   | Expr e -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_float: string = " ^ (expr_to_string e))
   | Name n -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_float: name = " ^ name_to_string n)
 let value_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Integer i -> Integer i
   | S.Fraction (n, d) -> Fraction (n, d)
   | S.Float x -> Float x
   | S.String s -> Expr (UFOx.Expr.of_string s)
   | S.Name n -> Name n
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_attrib: " ^ name)
 let string_list_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.String_List l -> l
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.string_list_attrib: " ^ name)
 let name_list_attrib ~strip name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Name_List l -> (name_to_string ~strip) l
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.name_list_attrib: " ^ name)
 let integer_list_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Integer_List l -> l
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.integer_list_attrib: " ^ name)
 let order_dictionary_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Order_Dictionary d -> d
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.order_dictionary_attrib: " ^ name)
 let coupling_dictionary_attrib ~strip name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Coupling_Dictionary d -> (fun (i, j, c) -> (i, j, name_to_string ~strip c)) d
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.coupling_dictionary_attrib: " ^ name)
 let decay_dictionary_attrib name attribs =
   match find_attrib name attribs with
   | S.Decay_Dictionary d -> (fun (p, w) -> ( List.hd p, w)) d
   | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO.decay_dictionary_attrib: " ^ name)
 (*i The following doesn't typecheck in applications, even with
     type annotations ...
 let attrib_handlers : type attribs value.
       string -> string -> attribs ->
       ((string -> attribs -> value) -> string -> value) *
         ((string -> attribs -> value) -> string -> value -> value) =
   fun kind symbol attribs ->
   let required query name =
       query name attribs
     | Not_found ->
             "fatal UFO error: mandatory attribute `%s' missing for %s `%s'!"
             name kind symbol)
   and optional query name default =
       query name attribs
     | Not_found -> default in
   (required, optional) i*)
 let required_handler kind symbol attribs query name =
     query name attribs
   | Not_found ->
           "fatal UFO error: mandatory attribute `%s' missing for %s `%s'!"
           name kind symbol)
 let optional_handler attribs query name default =
     query name attribs
   | Not_found -> default
 (* The UFO paper~\cite{Degrande:2011ua} is not clear on the question
    whether the \texttt{name} attribute of an instance
    must match its Python name.
    While the examples appear to imply this, there are examples of
    UFO files in the wild that violate this constraint. *)
 let warn_symbol_name file symbol name =
   if name <> symbol then
       "UFO: warning: symbol '%s' <> name '%s' in \
        while legal in UFO, it is unusual and can cause problems!\n"
       symbol name file
 let valid_fortran_id kind name =
   if not (ThoString.valid_fortran_id name) then
          "fatal UFO error: the %s `%s' is not a valid fortran id!"
          kind name)
 let map_to_alist map =
   SMap.fold (fun key value acc -> (key, value) :: acc) map []
 let keys map =
   SMap.fold (fun key _ acc -> key :: acc) map []
 let keys_caseless map =
   CMap.fold (fun key _ acc -> key :: acc) map []
 let values map =
   SMap.fold (fun _ value acc -> value :: acc) map []
 module SKey =
     type t = string
     let hash = Hashtbl.hash
     let equal = (=)
 module SHash = Hashtbl.Make (SKey)
 module type Particle =
     type t = private
       { pdg_code : int;
 	name : string;
 	antiname : string;
 	spin : UFOx.Lorentz.r;
 	color : UFOx.Color.r;
 	mass : string;
 	width : string;
         propagator : string option;
 	texname : string;
 	antitexname : string;
 	charge : charge;
 	ghost_number : int;
 	lepton_number : int;
 	y : charge;
 	goldstone : bool;
 	propagating : bool;   (* NOT HANDLED YET! *)
 	line : string option; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *)
         is_anti : bool }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
     val conjugate : t -> t
     val force_spinor : t -> t
     val force_conjspinor : t -> t
     val force_majorana : t -> t
     val is_majorana : t -> bool
     val is_ghost : t -> bool
     val is_goldstone : t -> bool
     val is_physical : t -> bool
     val filter : (t -> bool) -> t SMap.t -> t SMap.t
 module Particle : Particle =
     type t =
       { pdg_code : int;
 	name : string;
 	antiname : string;
 	spin : UFOx.Lorentz.r;
 	color : UFOx.Color.r;
 	mass : string;
 	width : string;
         propagator : string option;
 	texname : string;
 	antitexname : string;
 	charge : charge;
 	ghost_number : int;
 	lepton_number : int;
 	y : charge;
 	goldstone : bool;
 	propagating : bool;  (* NOT HANDLED YET! *)
 	line : string option; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *)
         is_anti : bool }
     let to_string symbol p =
 	"particle: %s => [pdg = %d, name = '%s'/'%s', \
                           spin = %s, color = %s, \
                           mass = %s, width = %s,%s \
                           Q = %s, G = %d, L = %d, Y = %s, \
                           TeX = '%s'/'%s'%s]"
 	symbol p.pdg_code p.antiname
 	(UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string p.spin)
 	(UFOx.Color.rep_to_string p.color)
 	p.mass p.width
 	(match p.propagator with
          | None -> ""
          | Some p -> " propagator = " ^ p ^ ",")
 	(charge_to_string p.charge)
 	p.ghost_number p.lepton_number
         (charge_to_string p.y)
 	p.texname p.antitexname
 	(if p.goldstone then ", GB" else "")
     let conjugate_charge = function
       | Q_Integer i -> Q_Integer (-i)
       | Q_Fraction (n, d) -> Q_Fraction (-n, d)
     let is_neutral p =
       ( = p.antiname)
     (* We \emph{must not} mess with [pdg_code] and [color] if
        the particle is neutral! *)
     let conjugate p =
       if is_neutral p then
 	{ pdg_code = - p.pdg_code;
 	  name = p.antiname;
 	  antiname =;
 	  spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_conjugate p.spin;
 	  color = UFOx.Color.rep_conjugate p.color;
 	  mass = p.mass;
 	  width = p.width;
           propagator = p.propagator;
 	  texname = p.antitexname;
 	  antitexname = p.texname;
 	  charge = conjugate_charge p.charge;
 	  ghost_number = - p.ghost_number;
 	  lepton_number = - p.lepton_number;
 	  y = conjugate_charge p.y;
 	  goldstone = p.goldstone;
 	  propagating = p.propagating;
 	  line = p.line;
           is_anti = not p.is_anti }
     let of_file1 map d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Particle" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name
          and optional query name default =
            optional_handler attribs query name default in
          let name = required string_attrib "name"
 	 and antiname = required string_attrib "antiname" in
          let neutral = (name = antiname) in
          let pdg_code = required integer_attrib "pdg_code" in
 	 SMap.add symbol
 	   { (* The required attributes per UFO docs. *)
 	     name; antiname;
 	     spin =
                UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int neutral (required integer_attrib "spin");
 	     color =
                UFOx.Color.rep_of_int neutral (required integer_attrib "color");
 	     mass = required (name_attrib ~strip:"Param") "mass";
 	     width = required (name_attrib ~strip:"Param") "width";
 	     texname = required string_attrib "texname";
 	     antitexname = required string_attrib "antitexname";
 	     charge = required charge_attrib "charge";
 	     (* The optional attributes per UFO docs. *)
              ghost_number = optional integer_attrib "GhostNumber" 0;
 	     lepton_number = optional integer_attrib "LeptonNumber" 0;
 	     y = optional charge_attrib "Y" (Q_Integer 0);
 	     goldstone = optional boolean_attrib "goldstone" false;
 	     propagating = optional boolean_attrib "propagating" true;
 	     line =
                (try Some (name_attrib "line" attribs) with _ -> None);
 	     (* Undocumented extensions. *)
              propagator =
                (try Some (name_attrib ~strip:"Prop" "propagator" attribs) with _ -> None);
              (* O'Mega extensions. *)
              (* Instead of ``first come is particle'' rely on
                 a negative PDG code to identify antiparticles. *)
              is_anti = pdg_code < 0 } map
       | [ "anti"; p ], [] ->
 	     SMap.add symbol (conjugate (SMap.find p map)) map
 	   | Not_found ->
 		("Particle.of_file: " ^ p ^ ".anti() not yet defined!")
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Particle.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file particles =
       List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty particles
     let is_spinor p =
       match p.spin with
       | Coupling.Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor | Coupling.Majorana -> true
       | _ -> false
     (* \begin{dubious}
          TODO: this is a bit of a hack: try to expose the type
          [UFOx.Lorentz_Atom'.r] instead.
        \end{dubious} *)
     let force_spinor p =
       if is_spinor p then
         { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int false 2 }
     let force_conjspinor p =
       if is_spinor p then
         { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int false (-2) }
     let force_majorana p =
       if is_spinor p then
         { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int true 2 }
     let is_majorana p =
       match p.spin with
       | Coupling.Majorana | Coupling.Vectorspinor | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> true
       | _ -> false
     let is_ghost p =
       p.ghost_number <> 0
     let is_goldstone p =
     let is_physical p =
       not (is_ghost p || is_goldstone p)
     let filter predicate map =
       SMap.filter (fun symbol p -> predicate p) map
 module type UFO_Coupling =
     type t = private
       { name : string;
 	value : UFOx.Expr.t;
 	order : (string * int) list }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module UFO_Coupling : UFO_Coupling =
     type t =
       { name : string;
 	value : UFOx.Expr.t;
 	order : (string * int) list }
     let order_to_string orders =
       String.concat ", "
 	( (fun (s, i) -> Printf.sprintf "'%s':%d" s i) orders)
     let to_string symbol c =
 	"coupling: %s => [name = '%s', value = '%s', order = [%s]]"
 	symbol (expr_to_string c.value) (order_to_string c.order)
     let of_file1 map d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Coupling" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "coupling" symbol attribs query name in
          let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "couplings" symbol name;
          valid_fortran_id "coupling" name;
 	 SMap.add symbol
            { name;
 	     value = UFOx.Expr.of_string (required string_attrib "value");
 	     order = required order_dictionary_attrib "order" } map
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO_Coupling.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file couplings =
       List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty couplings
 module type Coupling_Order =
     type t = private
       { name : string;
 	expansion_order : int;
 	hierarchy : int }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module Coupling_Order : Coupling_Order =
     type t =
       { name : string;
 	expansion_order : int;
 	hierarchy : int }
     let to_string symbol c =
 	"coupling_order: %s => [name = '%s', \
                                 expansion_order = '%d', \
                                 hierarchy = %d]"
 	symbol c.expansion_order c.hierarchy
     let of_file1 map d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "CouplingOrder" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "coupling order" symbol attribs query name in
          let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "coupling_orders" symbol name;
 	 SMap.add symbol
 	   { name;
 	     expansion_order = required integer_attrib "expansion_order";
 	     hierarchy = required integer_attrib "hierarchy" } map
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Coupling_order.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file coupling_orders =
       List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty coupling_orders
 module type Lorentz_UFO =
     (* If the \texttt{name} attribute of a \texttt{Lorentz} object
        does \emph{not} match the the name of the object, we need the
        latter for weeding out unused Lorentz structures (see
        [Vertex.contains] below).  Therefore, we keep it around. *)
     type t = private
       { name : string;
         symbol : string;
 	spins : int list;
 	structure : UFOx.Lorentz.t }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module Lorentz_UFO : Lorentz_UFO =
     type t =
       { name : string;
         symbol : string;
 	spins : int list;
 	structure : UFOx.Lorentz.t }
     let to_string symbol l =
 	"lorentz: %s => [name = '%s', spins = [%s], \
                          structure = %s]"
 	(String.concat ", " ( string_of_int l.spins))
 	(UFOx.Lorentz.to_string l.structure)
     let of_file1 map d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Lorentz" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "lorentz" symbol attribs query name in
          let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "lorentz" symbol name;
          valid_fortran_id "lorentz" symbol;
 	 SMap.add symbol
 	   { name;
 	     spins = required integer_list_attrib "spins";
 	     structure =
 	       UFOx.Lorentz.of_string (required string_attrib "structure") } map
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Lorentz.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file lorentz =
       List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty lorentz
 module type Vertex =
     type lcc = private (* Lorentz-color-coupling *)
       { lorentz : string;
 	color : UFOx.Color.t;
 	coupling : string }
     type t = private
       { name : string;
 	particles : string array;
 	lcc : lcc list }
     val of_file : Particle.t SMap.t -> S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
     val to_string_expanded :
       Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t -> UFO_Coupling.t SMap.t -> t -> string
     val contains : Particle.t SMap.t -> (Particle.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
     val filter : (t -> bool) -> t SMap.t -> t SMap.t
 module Vertex : Vertex =
     type lcc =
       { lorentz : string;
 	color : UFOx.Color.t;
 	coupling : string }
     type t =
       { name : string;
 	particles : string array;
 	lcc : lcc list }
     let to_string symbol c =
 	"vertex: %s => [name = '%s', particles = [%s], \
                         lorentz-color-couplings = [%s]"
            ", " (Array.to_list c.particles))
            ", "
               (fun lcc ->
                   "%s * %s * %s"
                   lcc.coupling lcc.lorentz
                   (UFOx.Color.to_string lcc.color))
     let to_string_expanded lorentz couplings c =
       let expand_lorentz s =
           UFOx.Lorentz.to_string (SMap.find s lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure
         | Not_found -> "?" in
 	"expanded: [%s] -> { lorentz-color-couplings = [%s] }"
 	(String.concat ", " (Array.to_list c.particles))
            ", "
               (fun lcc ->
                   "%s * %s * %s"
                   lcc.coupling (expand_lorentz lcc.lorentz)
                   (UFOx.Color.to_string lcc.color))
     let contains particles predicate v =
       let p = v.particles in
       let rec contains' i =
 	if i < 0 then
 	else if predicate (SMap.find p.(i) particles) then
 	  contains' (pred i) in
       contains' (Array.length p - 1)
     let force_adj_identity1 adj_indices = function
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) as atom ->
          begin match List.mem a adj_indices, List.mem b adj_indices with
          | true, true -> UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b)
          | false, false -> atom
          | true, false | false, true ->
             invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!"
       | atom -> atom
     let force_adj_identity adj_indices tensor =
       UFOx.Color.map_atoms (force_adj_identity1 adj_indices) tensor
     let find_adj_indices map particles =
       let adj_indices = ref [] in
         (fun i p ->
           (* We must pattern match against the O'Mega representation,
              because [UFOx.Color.r] is abstract. *)
           match (SMap.find p map).Particle.color with
           | Color.AdjSUN _ -> adj_indices := succ i :: !adj_indices
           | _ -> ())
     let classify_color_indices map particles =
       let fund_indices = ref []
       and conj_indices = ref []
       and adj_indices = ref [] in
         (fun i p ->
           (* We must pattern match against the O'Mega representation,
              because [UFOx.Color.r] is abstract. *)
           match (SMap.find p map).Particle.color with
           | Color.SUN n ->
              if n > 0 then
                fund_indices := succ i :: !fund_indices
              else if n < 0 then
                conj_indices := succ i :: !conj_indices
                failwith "classify_color_indices: SU(0)"
           | Color.AdjSUN n ->
              if n <> 0 then
                adj_indices := succ i :: !adj_indices
                failwith "classify_color_indices: SU(0)"
           | _ -> ())
       (!fund_indices, !conj_indices, !adj_indices)
     (* FIXME: would have expected the opposite order \ldots *)
     let force_identity1 (fund_indices, conj_indices, adj_indices) = function
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) as atom ->
          if List.mem a fund_indices then
              if List.mem b conj_indices then
                UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (b, a)
                invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!"
          else if List.mem a conj_indices then
              if List.mem b fund_indices then
                UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b)
                invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!"
            end else if List.mem a adj_indices then begin
              if List.mem b adj_indices then
                UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b)
                invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!"
       | atom -> atom
     let force_identity indices tensor =
       UFOx.Color.map_atoms (force_identity1 indices) tensor
     (* Here we don't have the Lorentz structures available yet.
        Thus we set [fermion_lines = []] for now and correct this
        later. *)
     let of_file1 particle_map map d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Vertex" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "vertex" symbol attribs query name in
          let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "vertices" symbol name;
          let particles =
 	   Array.of_list (required (name_list_attrib ~strip:"P") "particles") in
 	 let color =
            let indices = classify_color_indices particle_map particles in
                 (force_identity indices <*> UFOx.Color.of_string)
                 (required string_list_attrib "color"))
 	 and lorentz =
 	   Array.of_list (required (name_list_attrib ~strip:"L") "lorentz")
 	 and couplings_alist =
 	   required (coupling_dictionary_attrib ~strip:"C") "couplings" in
 	 let lcc =
 	     (fun (i, j, c) ->
                { lorentz = lorentz.(j);
                  color = color.(i);
                  coupling = c })
 	     couplings_alist in
 	 SMap.add symbol { name; particles; lcc } map
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Vertex.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file particles vertices =
       List.fold_left (of_file1 particles) SMap.empty vertices
     let filter predicate map =
       SMap.filter (fun symbol p -> predicate p) map
 module type Parameter =
     type nature = private Internal | External
     type ptype = private Real | Complex
     type t = private
       { name : string;
 	nature : nature;
 	ptype : ptype;
 	value : value;
 	texname : string;
 	lhablock : string option;
 	lhacode : int list option;
         sequence : int }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
     val missing : string -> t
 module Parameter : Parameter =
     type nature = Internal | External
     let nature_to_string = function
       | Internal -> "internal"
       | External -> "external"
     let nature_of_string = function
       | "internal" -> Internal
       | "external" -> External
       | s -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.nature_of_string: " ^ s)
     type ptype = Real | Complex
     let ptype_to_string = function
       | Real -> "real"
       | Complex -> "complex"
     let ptype_of_string = function
       | "real" -> Real
       | "complex" -> Complex
       | s -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.ptype_of_string: " ^ s)
     type t =
       { name : string;
 	nature : nature;
 	ptype : ptype;
 	value : value;
 	texname : string;
 	lhablock : string option;
 	lhacode : int list option;
         sequence : int }
     let to_string symbol p =
 	"parameter: %s => [#%d, name = '%s', nature = %s, type = %s, \
                            value = %s, texname = '%s', \
                            lhablock = %s, lhacode = [%s]]"
 	symbol p.sequence
 	(nature_to_string p.nature)
 	(ptype_to_string p.ptype)
 	(value_to_string p.value) p.texname
 	(match p.lhablock with None -> "???" | Some s -> s)
 	(match p.lhacode with
 	| None -> ""
 	| Some c -> String.concat ", " ( string_of_int c))
     let of_file1 (map, n) d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Parameter" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name in
          let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "parameters" symbol name;
          valid_fortran_id "parameter" name;
 	 (SMap.add symbol
 	    { name;
 	      nature = nature_of_string (required string_attrib "nature");
 	      ptype = ptype_of_string (required string_attrib "type");
 	      value = required value_attrib "value";
 	      texname = required string_attrib "texname";
 	      lhablock =
 	        (try Some (string_attrib "lhablock" attribs) with
 		   Not_found -> None);
 	      lhacode =
 	        (try Some (integer_list_attrib "lhacode" attribs) with
 		   Not_found -> None);
               sequence = n } map, succ n)
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file parameters =
       let map, _ = List.fold_left of_file1 (SMap.empty, 0) parameters in
     let missing name =
       { name;
 	nature = External;
 	ptype = Real;
 	value = Integer 0;
 	texname = Printf.sprintf "\\texttt{%s}" name;
 	lhablock = None;
 	lhacode = None;
         sequence = 0 }
 (* Macros are encoded as a special [S.declaration] with
    [S.kind = "$"].  This is slightly hackish, but general enough
    and the overhead of a special union type is probably not worth
    the effort.  *)
 module type Macro =
     type t
     val empty : t
     (* The domains and codomains are still a bit too much ad hoc,
        but it does the job. *)
     val define : t -> string -> S.value -> t
     val expand_string : t -> string -> S.value
     val expand_expr : t -> S.string_atom list -> string
     (* Only for documentation: *)
     val expand_atom : t -> S.string_atom -> string
 module Macro : Macro =
     type t = S.value SMap.t
     let empty = SMap.empty
     let define macros name expansion =
       SMap.add name expansion macros
     let expand_string macros name =
       SMap.find name macros
     let rec expand_atom macros = function
       | S.Literal s -> s
       | S.Macro [name] ->
              begin match SMap.find name macros with
              | S.String s -> s
              | S.String_Expr expr -> expand_expr macros expr
              | _ -> invalid_arg ("expand_atom: not a string: " ^ name)
            | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("expand_atom: not found: " ^ name)
       | S.Macro [] -> invalid_arg "expand_atom: empty"
       | S.Macro name ->
          invalid_arg ("expand_atom: compound name: " ^ String.concat "." name)
     and expand_expr macros expr =
       String.concat "" ( (expand_atom macros) expr)
 module type Propagator_UFO =
     type t = (* private *)
       { name : string;
 	numerator : UFOx.Lorentz.t;
 	denominator : UFOx.Lorentz.t }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module Propagator_UFO : Propagator_UFO =
     type t =
       { name : string;
 	numerator : UFOx.Lorentz.t;
 	denominator : UFOx.Lorentz.t }
     let to_string symbol p =
 	"propagator: %s => [name = '%s', numerator = '%s', \
                             denominator = '%s']"
         (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string p.numerator)
         (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string p.denominator)
     (* The \texttt{denominator} attribute is optional and
        there is a default (cf.~\texttt{arXiv:1308.1668}) *)
     let default_denominator =
       "P('mu', id) * P('mu', id) \
        - Mass(id) * Mass(id) \
        + complex(0,1) * Mass(id) * Width(id)"
     let of_string_with_error_correction symbol num_or_den s =
         UFOx.Lorentz.of_string s
       | Invalid_argument msg ->
            let fixed = s ^ ")" in
              let tensor = UFOx.Lorentz.of_string fixed in
                "UFO.Propagator.of_string: added missing closing parenthesis \
                 in %s of %s: \"%s\"\n"
                num_or_den symbol s;
            | Invalid_argument _ ->
                    "UFO.Propagator.of_string: %s of %s: %s in \"%s\"\n"
                    num_or_den symbol msg fixed)
     let of_file1 (macros, map) d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Propagator" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name
          and optional query name default =
            optional_handler attribs query name default in
         let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "propagators" symbol name;
          let num_string_expr = required string_expr_attrib "numerator"
          and den_string =
 	   begin match optional find_attrib "denominator"
                                 (S.String default_denominator) with
 	   | S.String s -> s
 	   | S.Name [n] ->
               begin match Macro.expand_string macros n with
               | S.String s -> s
               | _ -> invalid_arg "Propagator.denominator"
 	   | _ -> invalid_arg "Propagator.denominator: "
 	   end in
          let num_string = Macro.expand_expr macros num_string_expr in
          let numerator =
            of_string_with_error_correction symbol "numerator" num_string
          and denominator =
            of_string_with_error_correction symbol "denominator" den_string in
 	 (macros, SMap.add symbol { name; numerator; denominator } map)
       | [ "$" ], [ macro ] ->
          begin match macro.S.a_value with
          | S.String _ as s ->
             (Macro.define macros symbol s, map);
          | S.String_Expr expr ->
             let expanded = S.String (Macro.expand_expr macros expr) in
             (Macro.define macros symbol expanded, map)
          | _ -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: not a string " ^ symbol)
       | [ "$" ], [] ->
          invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: empty declaration " ^ symbol)
       | [ "$" ], _ ->
          invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: multiple declaration " ^ symbol)
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file propagators =
       let _, propagators' =
 	List.fold_left of_file1 (Macro.empty, SMap.empty) propagators in
 module type Decay =
     type t = private
       { name : string;
 	particle : string;
 	widths : (string list * string) list }
     val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module Decay : Decay =
     type t =
       { name : string;
 	particle : string;
 	widths : (string list * string) list }
     let width_to_string ws =
       String.concat ", "
 	   (fun (ps, w) ->
 	     "(" ^ String.concat ", " ps ^ ") -> '" ^ w ^ "'")
     let to_string symbol d =
 	"decay: %s => [name = '%s', particle = '%s', widths = [%s]]"
 	symbol d.particle (width_to_string d.widths)
     let of_file1 map d =
       let symbol = in
       match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with
       | [ "Decay" ], attribs ->
          let required query name =
            required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name in
          let name = required string_attrib "name" in
          warn_symbol_name "decays" symbol name;
 	 SMap.add symbol
 	   { name;
 	     particle = required (name_attrib ~strip:"P") "particle";
 	     widths = required decay_dictionary_attrib "partial_widths" } map
       | _ -> invalid_arg ("Decay.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind)
     let of_file decays =
       List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty decays
 (* We can read the spinor representations off the
    vertices to check for consistency. *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      Note that we have to conjugate the representations!
    \end{dubious} *)
 let collect_spinor_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v sets =
     (fun sets' lcc ->
       let l = (SMap.find lcc.Vertex.lorentz lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure in
         (fun (spinors, conj_spinors as sets'') (i, rep) ->
           let p = v.Vertex.particles.(pred i) in
           match rep with
           | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> (SSet.add p spinors, conj_spinors)
           | Coupling.Spinor -> (spinors, SSet.add p conj_spinors)
           | _ -> sets'')
         sets' (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices l))
     sets v.Vertex.lcc
 let collect_spinor_reps_of_vertices particles lorentz vertices =
     (fun _ v -> collect_spinor_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v)
     vertices (SSet.empty, SSet.empty)
 let lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v =
   ThoList.alist_of_list ~predicate:(not <*> UFOx.Lorentz.rep_trivial) ~offset:1
        (fun p ->
 	 (* Why do we need to conjugate??? *)
            (SMap.find p particles).Particle.spin)
        (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles))
 let rep_compatible rep_vertex rep_particle =
   let open UFOx.Lorentz in
   let open Coupling in
   match omega rep_vertex, omega rep_particle with
   | (Spinor | ConjSpinor), Majorana -> true
   | r1, r2 -> r1 = r2
 let reps_compatible reps_vertex reps_particles =
     (fun (iv, rv) (ip, rp) -> iv = ip && rep_compatible rv rp)
     reps_vertex reps_particles
 let check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v =
   let reps_particles =
     List.sort compare (lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v) in
     (fun lcc ->
       let l = (SMap.find lcc.Vertex.lorentz lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure in
       let reps_vertex = List.sort compare (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices l) in
       if not (reps_compatible reps_vertex reps_particles) then begin
 	Printf.eprintf "%s <> %s [%s]\n"
 	     UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string reps_particles)
 	     UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string reps_vertex)
  (* [(Vertex.to_string v)] *);
 	(* [invalid_arg "check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex"] *) ()
 let color_reps_of_vertex particles v =
   ThoList.alist_of_list ~predicate:(not <*> UFOx.Color.rep_trivial) ~offset:1
        (fun p -> (SMap.find p particles).Particle.color)
        (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles))
 let check_color_reps_of_vertex particles v =
   let reps_particles =
     List.sort compare (color_reps_of_vertex particles v) in
     (fun lcc ->
       let reps_vertex =
         List.sort compare (UFOx.Color.classify_indices lcc.Vertex.color) in
       if reps_vertex <> reps_particles then begin
 	Printf.printf "%s <> %s\n"
 	  (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Color.rep_to_string reps_particles)
 	  (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Color.rep_to_string reps_vertex);
 	invalid_arg "check_color_reps_of_vertex"
 module P = Permutation.Default
 module type Lorentz =
     type spins = private
       | Unused
       | Unique of Coupling.lorentz array
       | Ambiguous of Coupling.lorentz array SMap.t
     type t = private
       { name : string;
         n : int;
 	spins : spins;
 	structure : UFO_Lorentz.t;
         fermion_lines : Coupling.fermion_lines;
         variables : string list }
     val required_charge_conjugates : t -> t list
     val permute : P.t -> t -> t
     val of_lorentz_UFO :
       Particle.t SMap.t -> Vertex.t SMap.t ->
       Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t -> t SMap.t
     val lorentz_to_string : Coupling.lorentz -> string
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module Lorentz : Lorentz =
     let rec lorentz_to_string = function
       | Coupling.Scalar -> "Scalar"
       | Coupling.Spinor -> "Spinor"
       | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> "ConjSpinor"
       | Coupling.Majorana -> "Majorana"
       | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> "Maj_Ghost"
       | Coupling.Vector -> "Vector"
       | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> "Massive_Vector"
       | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> "Vectorspinor"
       | Coupling.Tensor_1 -> "Tensor_1"
       | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> "Tensor_2"
       | Coupling.BRS l -> "BRS(" ^ lorentz_to_string l ^ ")"
     (* Unlike UFO, O'Mega distinguishes bewteen spinors
        and conjugate spinors.  However, we can inspect
        the particles in the vertices in which a Lorentz
        structure is used to determine the correct
        quantum numbers.
        Most model files in the real world contain unused Lorentz
        structures.  This is not a problem, we can just ignore them. *)
     type spins =
       | Unused
       | Unique of Coupling.lorentz array
       | Ambiguous of Coupling.lorentz array SMap.t
     (* \begin{dubious}
          Use [UFO_targets.Fortran.fusion_name] below in order
          to avoid communication problems.  Or even move away
          from strings alltogether.
        \end{dubious} *)
     type t =
       { name : string;
         n : int;
 	spins : spins;
 	structure : UFO_Lorentz.t;
         fermion_lines : Coupling.fermion_lines;
         variables : string list }
     (* Add one charge conjugated fermion lines. *)
     let charge_conjugate1 l (ket, bra as fermion_line) =
       { name = ^ Printf.sprintf "_c%x%x" ket bra;
         n = l.n;
         spins = l.spins;
         structure = UFO_Lorentz.charge_conjugate fermion_line l.structure;
         fermion_lines = l.fermion_lines;
         variables = l.variables }
     (* Add several charge conjugated fermion lines. *)
     let charge_conjugate l fermion_lines =
       List.fold_left charge_conjugate1 l fermion_lines
     let all_charge_conjugates l = (charge_conjugate l) (ThoList.power l.fermion_lines)
     (* Add all combinations of charge conjugated fermion lines
        that don't leave the fusion. *)
     let required_charge_conjugates l =
       let saturated_fermion_lines =
           (fun (ket, bra) -> ket != 1 && bra != 1)
           l.fermion_lines in (charge_conjugate l) (ThoList.power saturated_fermion_lines)
     let permute_spins p = function
       | Unused -> Unused
       | Unique s -> Unique (P.array p s)
       | Ambiguous map -> Ambiguous ( (P.array p) map)
     (* Note that we apply the \emph{inverse} permutation to
        the indices in order to match the permutation of the
        particles/spins. *)
     let permute_structure n p (l, f) =
       let permuted = P.array (P.inverse p) (Array.init n succ) in
       let permute_index i =
         if i > 0 then
           UFOx.Index.map_position (fun pos -> permuted.(pred pos)) i
           i in
       (UFO_Lorentz.map_indices permute_index l,
        UFO_Lorentz.map_fermion_lines permute_index f)
     let permute p l =
       let structure, fermion_lines =
         permute_structure l.n p (l.structure, l.fermion_lines) in
       { name = ^ "_p" ^ P.to_string (P.inverse p);
         n = l.n;
         spins = permute_spins p l.spins;
         variables = l.variables }
     let omega_lorentz_reps n alist =
       let reps = Array.make n Coupling.Scalar in
         (fun (i, rep) -> reps.(pred i) <- rep)
     let contained lorentz vertex =
         (fun lcc1 -> lcc1.Vertex.lorentz = lorentz.Lorentz_UFO.symbol)
     (* Find all vertices in with the Lorentz structure [lorentz] is
        used and build a map from those vertices to the O'Mega
        Lorentz representations inferred from UFO's Lorentz
        structure and the [particles] involved.
        Then scan the bindings and check that we have inferred
        the same Lorentz representation from all vertices. *)
     let lorentz_reps_of_structure particles vertices lorentz =
       let uses =
           (fun name v acc ->
             if contained lorentz v then
                    (Array.length v.Vertex.particles)
                    (lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v)) acc
               acc) vertices SMap.empty in
       let variants =
         ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare ( snd (SMap.bindings uses))) in
       match variants with
       | [] -> Unused
       | [s] -> Unique s
       | _ ->
          Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz.lorentz_reps_of_structure: AMBIGUOUS!\n";
            (fun variant ->
                "UFO.Lorentz.lorentz_reps_of_structure: %s\n"
                (ThoList.to_string lorentz_to_string (Array.to_list variant)))
          Ambiguous uses
     let of_lorentz_tensor spins lorentz =
       match spins with
       | Unique s ->
              Some (UFO_Lorentz.parse (Array.to_list s) lorentz)
            | Failure msg ->
                 prerr_endline msg;
                 Some (UFO_Lorentz.dummy)
       | Unused ->
            "UFO.Lorentz: stripping unused structure %s\n"
            (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string lorentz);
       | Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "UFO.Lorentz.of_lorentz_tensor: Ambiguous"
     (* NB: if the \texttt{name} attribute of a \texttt{Lorentz} object
        does \emph{not} match the the name of the object, the former has
        a better chance to correspond to a valid Fortran name.  Therefore
        we use it. *)
     let of_lorentz_UFO particles vertices lorentz_UFO =
         (fun name l acc ->
           let spins = lorentz_reps_of_structure particles vertices l in
           match of_lorentz_tensor spins l.Lorentz_UFO.structure with
           | None -> acc
           | Some structure ->
                { name = l.Lorentz_UFO.symbol;
                  n = List.length l.Lorentz_UFO.spins;
                  fermion_lines = UFO_Lorentz.fermion_lines structure;
                  variables = UFOx.Lorentz.variables l.Lorentz_UFO.structure }
         lorentz_UFO SMap.empty
     let to_string symbol l =
 	"lorentz: %s => [name = '%s', spins = %s, \
                          structure = %s, fermion_lines = %s]"
 	(match l.spins with
          | Unique s ->
             "[" ^ String.concat
                     ", " ( lorentz_to_string (Array.to_list s)) ^ "]"
          | Ambiguous _ -> "AMBIGUOUS!"
          | Unused -> "UNUSED!")
 	(UFO_Lorentz.to_string l.structure)
 	(UFO_Lorentz.fermion_lines_to_string l.fermion_lines)
 (* According to arxiv:1308:1668, there should not be a factor
    of~$i$ in the numerators of propagators, but the (unused)
    \texttt{} in most models violate this rule! *)
 let divide_propagators_by_i = ref false
 module type Propagator =
     type t = (* private *)
       { name : string;
         spins : Coupling.lorentz * Coupling.lorentz;
 	numerator : UFO_Lorentz.t;
 	denominator : UFO_Lorentz.t;
         variables : string list }
     val of_propagator_UFO : ?majorana:bool -> Propagator_UFO.t -> t
     val of_propagators_UFO : ?majorana:bool -> Propagator_UFO.t SMap.t -> t SMap.t
     val transpose : t -> t
     val to_string : string -> t -> string
 module Propagator : Propagator =
     type t = (* private *)
       { name : string;
         spins : Coupling.lorentz * Coupling.lorentz;
 	numerator : UFO_Lorentz.t;
 	denominator : UFO_Lorentz.t;
 	variables : string list }
     let lorentz_rep_at rep_classes i =
       try (List.assoc i rep_classes)
       | Not_found -> Coupling.Scalar
     let imaginary = Algebra.QC.make Algebra.Q.null Algebra.Q.unit
     let scalars = [Coupling.Scalar; Coupling.Scalar]
     (* If~$51$ and~$52$ show up as indices, we must
        map $(1,51)\to(1001,2001)$ and $(2,52)\to(1002,2002)$,
        as per the UFO conventions for Lorentz structures. *)
     (* \begin{dubious}
          This does not work yet, because [UFOx.Lorentz.map_indices]
          affects also the position argument of [P], [Mass] and [Width].
        \end{dubious} *)
     let contains_51_52 tensor =
         (fun (i, _) -> i = 51 || i = 52)
         (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices tensor)
     let remap_51_52 = function
       | 1 -> 1001 | 51 -> 2001
       | 2 -> 1002 | 52 -> 2002
       | i -> i
     let canonicalize_51_52 tensor =
       if contains_51_52 tensor then
         UFOx.Lorentz.rename_indices remap_51_52 tensor
     let force_majorana = function
       | Coupling.Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> Coupling.Majorana
       | s -> s
     let string_list_union l1 l2 =
            (Sets.String.of_list l1)
            (Sets.String.of_list l2))
     (* In the current conventions, the factor of~$i$ is not included: *)
     let of_propagator_UFO ?(majorana=false) p =
       let numerator = canonicalize_51_52 p.Propagator_UFO.numerator in
       let lorentz_reps = UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices numerator in
       let spin1 = lorentz_rep_at lorentz_reps 1
       and spin2 = lorentz_rep_at lorentz_reps 2 in
       let numerator_sans_i =
         if !divide_propagators_by_i then
           UFOx.Lorentz.map_coeff (fun q -> Algebra.QC.div q imaginary) numerator
           numerator in
       { name =;
         spins =
           if majorana then
             (force_majorana spin1, force_majorana spin2)
             (spin1, spin2);
         numerator =
           UFO_Lorentz.parse ~allow_denominator:true [spin1; spin2] numerator_sans_i;
         denominator = UFO_Lorentz.parse scalars p.Propagator_UFO.denominator;
         variables =
             (UFOx.Lorentz.variables p.Propagator_UFO.denominator)
             (UFOx.Lorentz.variables numerator_sans_i) }
     let of_propagators_UFO ?majorana propagators_UFO =
         (fun name p acc -> SMap.add name (of_propagator_UFO ?majorana p) acc)
         propagators_UFO SMap.empty
     let permute12 = function
       | 1 -> 2
       | 2 -> 1
       | n -> n
     let transpose_positions t =
       UFOx.Index.map_position permute12 t
     let transpose p =
       { name =;
         spins = (snd p.spins, fst p.spins);
         numerator = UFO_Lorentz.map_indices transpose_positions p.numerator;
         denominator = p.denominator;
         variables = p.variables }
     let to_string symbol p =
 	"propagator: %s => [name = '%s', spin = '(%s, %s)', numerator/I = '%s', \
                             denominator = '%s']"
         (Lorentz.lorentz_to_string (fst p.spins))
         (Lorentz.lorentz_to_string (snd p.spins))
         (UFO_Lorentz.to_string p.numerator)
         (UFO_Lorentz.to_string p.denominator)
 type t =
   { particles : Particle.t SMap.t;
     particle_array : Particle.t array; (* for diagnostics *)
     couplings : UFO_Coupling.t SMap.t;
     coupling_orders : Coupling_Order.t SMap.t;
     vertices : Vertex.t SMap.t;
     lorentz_UFO : Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t;
     lorentz : Lorentz.t SMap.t;
     parameters : Parameter.t SMap.t;
     propagators_UFO : Propagator_UFO.t SMap.t;
     propagators : Propagator.t SMap.t;
     decays : Decay.t SMap.t;
     nc : int }
 let use_majorana_spinors = ref false
 let fallback_to_majorana_if_necessary particles vertices lorentz_UFO =
   let majoranas =
       (fun p particle acc ->
         if Particle.is_majorana particle then
           SSet.add p acc
       particles SSet.empty in
   let spinors, conj_spinors =
     collect_spinor_reps_of_vertices particles lorentz_UFO vertices in
   let ambiguous =
     SSet.diff (SSet.inter spinors conj_spinors) majoranas in
   let no_majoranas = SSet.is_empty majoranas
   and no_ambiguities = SSet.is_empty ambiguous in
   if no_majoranas && no_ambiguities && not !use_majorana_spinors then
        (fun p particle ->
          if SSet.mem p spinors then
            Particle.force_spinor particle
          else if SSet.mem p conj_spinors then
            Particle.force_conjspinor particle
       if !use_majorana_spinors then
         Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: Majorana fermions requested.\n";
       if not no_majoranas then
         Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: found Majorana fermions!\n";
       if not no_ambiguities then
           "O'Mega: found ambiguous spinor representations for %s!\n"
           (String.concat ", " (SSet.elements ambiguous));
         "O'Mega: falling back to the Majorana representation for all fermions.\n";
       ( Particle.force_majorana particles,
 let nc_of_particles particles =
   let nc_set =
       (fun nc_set (_, p) ->
         match p.Particle.color with
         | Color.Singlet -> nc_set
         | Color.SUN nc -> Sets.Int.add (abs nc) nc_set
         | Color.AdjSUN nc -> Sets.Int.add (abs nc) nc_set)
       Sets.Int.empty (SMap.bindings particles) in
   match Sets.Int.elements nc_set with
   | [] -> 0
   | [n] -> n
   | nc_list ->
        ("UFO.Model: more than one value of N_C: " ^
           String.concat ", " ( string_of_int nc_list))
 let of_file u =
   let particles = Particle.of_file u.Files.particles in
   let vertices = Vertex.of_file particles u.Files.vertices
   and lorentz_UFO = Lorentz_UFO.of_file u.Files.lorentz
   and propagators_UFO = Propagator_UFO.of_file u.Files.propagators in
   let particles, majorana =
     fallback_to_majorana_if_necessary particles vertices lorentz_UFO in
   let particle_array = Array.of_list (values particles)
   and lorentz = Lorentz.of_lorentz_UFO particles vertices lorentz_UFO
   and propagators = Propagator.of_propagators_UFO ~majorana propagators_UFO in
   let model =
     { particles;
       couplings = UFO_Coupling.of_file u.Files.couplings;
       coupling_orders = Coupling_Order.of_file u.Files.coupling_orders;
       parameters = Parameter.of_file u.Files.parameters;
       decays = Decay.of_file u.Files.decays;
       nc = nc_of_particles particles } in
     (fun _ v ->
       check_color_reps_of_vertex model.particles v;
       check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex model.particles model.lorentz_UFO v)
 let parse_directory dir =
   of_file (Files.parse_directory dir)
 let dump model =
   Printf.printf "NC = %d\n";
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Particle.to_string) model.particles;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> UFO_Coupling.to_string) model.couplings;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Coupling_Order.to_string) model.coupling_orders;
   (* [SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Vertex.to_string) model.vertices;] *)
     (fun symbol v ->
       (print_endline <**> Vertex.to_string) symbol v;
         (Vertex.to_string_expanded model.lorentz_UFO model.couplings v))
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Lorentz_UFO.to_string) model.lorentz_UFO;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Lorentz.to_string) model.lorentz;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Parameter.to_string) model.parameters;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Propagator_UFO.to_string) model.propagators_UFO;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Propagator.to_string) model.propagators;
   SMap.iter (print_endline <**> Decay.to_string) model.decays;
     (fun symbol d ->
       List.iter (fun (_, w) -> ignore (UFOx.Expr.of_string w)) d.Decay.widths)
 exception Unhandled of string
 let unhandled s = raise (Unhandled s)
 module Model =
     (* NB: we could use [type flavor = Particle.t], but that would
        be very inefficient, because we will use [flavor] as a key
        for maps below. *)
     type flavor = int
     type constant = string
     type gauge = unit
     module M = Modeltools.Mutable
         (struct type f = flavor type g = gauge type c = constant end)
     let flavors = M.flavors
     let external_flavors = M.external_flavors
     let external_flavors = M.external_flavors
     let lorentz = M.lorentz
     let color = M.color
     let nc =
     let propagator = M.propagator
     let width = M.width
     let goldstone = M.goldstone
     let conjugate = M.conjugate
     let fermion = M.fermion
     let vertices = M.vertices
     let fuse2 = M.fuse2
     let fuse3 = M.fuse3
     let fuse = M.fuse
     let max_degree = M.max_degree
     let parameters = M.parameters
     let flavor_of_string = M.flavor_of_string
     let flavor_to_string = M.flavor_to_string
     let flavor_to_TeX = M.flavor_to_TeX
     let flavor_symbol = M.flavor_symbol
     let gauge_symbol = M.gauge_symbol
     let pdg = M.pdg
     let mass_symbol = M.mass_symbol
     let width_symbol = M.width_symbol
     let constant_symbol = M.constant_symbol
     module Ch = M.Ch
     let charges = M.charges
     let rec fermion_of_lorentz = function
       | Coupling.Spinor -> 1
       | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> -1
       | Coupling.Majorana -> 2
       | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> 2
       | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> 1
       | Coupling.Vector | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> 0
       | Coupling.Scalar | Coupling.Tensor_1 | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> 0 
       | Coupling.BRS f -> fermion_of_lorentz f
     module Q = Algebra.Q
     module QC = Algebra.QC
     let dummy_tensor3 = Coupling.Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1
     let dummy_tensor4 = Coupling.Scalar4 1
     let triplet p = (p.(0), p.(1), p.(2))
     let quartet p = (p.(0), p.(1), p.(2), p.(3))
     let half_times q1 q2 =
       Q.mul (Q.make 1 2) (Q.mul q1 q2)
     let name g =
     let fractional_coupling g r =
       let g = name g in
       match Q.to_ratio r with
       |  0, _ -> "0.0_default"
       |  1, 1 -> g
       | -1, 1 -> Printf.sprintf "(-%s)" g
       |  n, 1 -> Printf.sprintf "(%d*%s)" n g
       |  1, d -> Printf.sprintf "(%s/%d)" g d
       | -1, d -> Printf.sprintf "(-%s/%d)" g d
       |  n, d -> Printf.sprintf "(%d*%s/%d)" n g d
     let lorentz_of_symbol model symbol =
 	SMap.find symbol model.lorentz
       | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("lorentz_of_symbol: " ^ symbol)
     let lorentz_UFO_of_symbol model symbol =
 	SMap.find symbol model.lorentz_UFO
       | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("lorentz_UFO_of_symbol: " ^ symbol)
     let coupling_of_symbol model symbol =
 	SMap.find symbol model.couplings
       | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("coupling_of_symbol: " ^ symbol)
     let spin_triplet model name =
       match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with
       | Lorentz.Unique [|s0; s1; s2|] -> (s0, s1, s2)
       | Lorentz.Unique _ -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: wrong number of spins"
       | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: Unused"
       | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: Ambiguous"
     let spin_quartet model name =
       match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with
       | Lorentz.Unique [|s0; s1; s2; s3|] -> (s0, s1, s2, s3)
       | Lorentz.Unique _ -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: wrong number of spins"
       | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: Unused"
       | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: Ambiguous"
     let spin_multiplet model name =
       match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with
       | Lorentz.Unique sarray -> sarray
       | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_multiplet: Unused"
       | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_multiplet: Ambiguous"
     (* If we have reason to belive that a $\delta_{ab}$-vertex is
        an effective $\tr(T_aT_b)$-vertex generated at loop
        level, like~$gg\to H\ldots$ in the SM, we should interpret
        it as such and use the expression~(6.2) from~\cite{Kilian:2012pz}. *)
     (* AFAIK, there is no way to distinguish these cases directly
        in a UFO file.  Instead we rely in a heuristic, in which
        each massless color octet vector particle or ghost is a gluon
        and colorless scalars are potential Higgses. *)
     let is_massless p =
       match ThoString.uppercase p.Particle.mass with
       | "ZERO" -> true
       | _ -> false
     let is_gluon model f =
       let p = model.particle_array.(f) in
       match p.Particle.color,
    p.Particle.spin with
       | Color.AdjSUN _, Coupling.Vector -> is_massless p
       | Color.AdjSUN _, Coupling.Scalar ->
          if p.Particle.ghost_number <> 0 then
            is_massless p
       | _ -> false
     let is_color_singlet model f =
       let p = model.particle_array.(f) in
       match p.Particle.color with
       | Color.Singlet -> true
       | _ -> false
     let is_higgs_gluon_vertex model p adjoints =
       if Array.length p > List.length adjoints then
           (fun (i, p) ->
             if List.mem i adjoints then
               is_gluon model p
               is_color_singlet model p)
           (ThoList.enumerate 1 (Array.to_list p))
     let delta8_heuristics model p a b =
       if is_higgs_gluon_vertex model p [a; b] then
         Color.Vertex.delta8_loop a b
         Color.Vertex.delta8 a b
     let verbatim_higgs_glue = ref false
     let translate_color_atom model p = function
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (i, j) -> Color.Vertex.delta3 j i
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) ->
          if !verbatim_higgs_glue then
            Color.Vertex.delta8 a b
            delta8_heuristics model p a b
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.T (a, i, j) -> Color.Vertex.t a i j
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.F (a, b, c) -> Color.Vertex.f a b c
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.D (a, b, c) -> Color.Vertex.d a b c
-      | UFOx.Color_Atom.Epsilon (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilon i j k
-      | UFOx.Color_Atom.EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilonbar i j k
+      | UFOx.Color_Atom.Epsilon (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilon [i; j; k]
+      | UFOx.Color_Atom.EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilon_bar [i; j; k]
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.T6 (a, i, j) -> Color.Vertex.t6 a i j
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.K6 (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.k6 i j k
       | UFOx.Color_Atom.K6Bar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.k6bar i j k
     let translate_color_term model p = function
       | [], q ->
          Color.Vertex.scale q
       | [atom], q ->
          Color.Vertex.scale q (translate_color_atom model p atom)
       | atoms, q ->
          let atoms = (translate_color_atom model p) atoms in
          Color.Vertex.scale q (Color.Vertex.multiply atoms)
     let translate_color model p terms =
       match terms with
       | [] -> invalid_arg "translate_color: empty"
       | [ term ] -> translate_color_term model p term
       | terms ->
          Color.Vertex.sum ( (translate_color_term model p) terms)
     let translate_coupling_1 model p lcc =
       let l = lcc.Vertex.lorentz in
       let s = Array.to_list (spin_multiplet model l)
       and fl = (SMap.find l model.lorentz).Lorentz.fermion_lines
       and c = name (coupling_of_symbol model lcc.Vertex.coupling) in
       match lcc.Vertex.color with
       | UFOx.Color.Linear color ->
          let col = translate_color model p color in
          (Array.to_list p, Coupling.UFO (QC.unit, l, s, fl, col), c)
       | UFOx.Color.Ratios _ as color ->
            ("UFO.Model.translate_coupling: invalid color structure" ^
               UFOx.Color.to_string color)
     let translate_coupling model p lcc = (translate_coupling_1 model p) lcc
     let long_flavors = ref false
     module type Lookup =
         type f = private
           { flavors : flavor list;
             flavor_of_string : string -> flavor;
             flavor_of_symbol : string -> flavor;
             particle : flavor -> Particle.t;
             flavor_symbol : flavor -> string;
             conjugate : flavor -> flavor }
         type flavor_format =
           | Long
           | Decimal
           | Hexadecimal
         val flavor_format : flavor_format ref
         val of_model : t -> f
     module Lookup : Lookup =
         type f =
           { flavors : flavor list;
             flavor_of_string : string -> flavor;
             flavor_of_symbol : string -> flavor;
             particle : flavor -> Particle.t;
             flavor_symbol : flavor -> string;
             conjugate : flavor -> flavor }
         type flavor_format =
           | Long
           | Decimal
           | Hexadecimal
         let flavor_format = ref Hexadecimal
         let match_pdf_code p1 p2 =
 	  p1.Particle.pdg_code = p2.Particle.pdg_code
         let conjugate_of_particle_array particles =
 	    (Array.length particles)
 	    (fun i ->
 	      let f' = Particle.conjugate particles.(i) in
 	      match ThoArray.match_all f' particles with
 	      | [i'] -> i'
 	      | [] ->
 	         invalid_arg ("no charge conjugate: " ^ f'
 	      | _ ->
 	         invalid_arg ("multiple charge conjugates: " ^ f'
         let invert_flavor_array a =
           let table = SHash.create 37 in
           Array.iteri (fun i s -> SHash.add table s i) a;
           (fun name ->
 	      SHash.find table name
 	    | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("not found: " ^ name))
         let digits base n =
           let rec digits' acc n =
             if n < 1 then
               digits' (succ acc) (n / base) in
           if n < 0 then
             digits' 1 (-n)
           else if n = 0 then
             digits' 0 n
         let of_model model =
           let particle_array = Array.of_list (values model.particles) in
           let conjugate_array = conjugate_of_particle_array particle_array
           and name_array = (fun f -> particle_array
           and symbol_array = Array.of_list (keys model.particles) in
           let flavor_symbol f =
             begin match !flavor_format with
             | Long -> symbol_array.(f)
             | Decimal -> 
                let w = digits 10 (Array.length particle_array - 1) in
                Printf.sprintf "%0*d" w f
             | Hexadecimal ->
                let w = digits 16 (Array.length particle_array - 1) in
                Printf.sprintf "%0*X" w f
             end in
           { flavors = ThoList.range 0 (Array.length particle_array - 1);
             flavor_of_string = invert_flavor_array name_array;
             flavor_of_symbol = invert_flavor_array symbol_array;
             particle = Array.get particle_array;
             flavor_symbol = flavor_symbol;
             conjugate = Array.get conjugate_array }
     (* \begin{dubious}
          We appear to need to conjugate all flavors.  Why???
        \end{dubious} *)
     let translate_vertices model tables =
       let vn =
           (fun acc v ->
             let p = tables.Lookup.flavor_of_symbol v.Vertex.particles
             and lcc = v.Vertex.lcc in
             let p = conjugate p in (* FIXME: why? *)
             translate_coupling model p lcc @ acc)
           [] (values model.vertices) in
       ([], [], vn)
     let propagator_of_lorentz = function
       | Coupling.Scalar -> Coupling.Prop_Scalar
       | Coupling.Spinor -> Coupling.Prop_Spinor
       | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> Coupling.Prop_ConjSpinor
       | Coupling.Majorana -> Coupling.Prop_Majorana
       | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> invalid_arg
          "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: SUSY ghosts do not propagate"
       | Coupling.Vector -> Coupling.Prop_Feynman
       | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> Coupling.Prop_Unitarity
       | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> Coupling.Prop_Tensor_2
       | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> invalid_arg
          "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: Vectorspinor"
       | Coupling.Tensor_1 -> invalid_arg
 	 "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: Tensor_1"
       | Coupling.BRS _ -> invalid_arg
          "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: no BRST"
     let filter_unphysical model =
       let physical_particles =
 	Particle.filter Particle.is_physical model.particles in
       let physical_particle_array =
         Array.of_list (values physical_particles) in
       let physical_vertices =
 	  (not <*> (Vertex.contains model.particles (not <*> Particle.is_physical)))
 	  model.vertices in
       { model with
         particles = physical_particles;
         particle_array = physical_particle_array;
         vertices = physical_vertices }
     let whizard_constants =
         [ "ZERO" ]
     let filter_constants parameters =
         (fun p ->
           not (SSet.mem (ThoString.uppercase whizard_constants))
     let add_name set parameter =
       CSet.add set
     let hardcoded_parameters =
     let missing_parameters input derived couplings =
       let input_parameters =
         List.fold_left add_name hardcoded_parameters input in
       let all_parameters =
         List.fold_left add_name input_parameters derived in
       let derived_dependencies =
              (fun p -> (, p.Parameter.value))
              derived) in
       let coupling_dependencies =
              (fun p -> (, Expr p.UFO_Coupling.value))
              (values couplings)) in
       let missing_input =
           (fun parameter derived_parameters ->
             not (CSet.mem parameter all_parameters))
       and missing =
           (fun parameter couplings ->
             not (CSet.mem parameter all_parameters))
           coupling_dependencies in
         (fun parameter derived_parameters ->
             "UFO warning: undefined input parameter %s appears in derived \
              parameters {%s}: will be added to the list of input parameters!\n"
             parameter (String.concat "; " (CSet.elements derived_parameters)))
         (fun parameter couplings ->
             "UFO warning: undefined parameter %s appears in couplings {%s}: \
              will be added to the list of input parameters!\n"
             parameter (String.concat "; " (CSet.elements couplings)))
       keys_caseless missing_input @ keys_caseless missing
     let classify_parameters model =
       let compare_parameters p1 p2 =
         compare p1.Parameter.sequence p2.Parameter.sequence in
       let input, derived =
           (fun (input, derived) p ->
             match p.Parameter.nature with
             | Parameter.Internal -> (input, p :: derived)
             | Parameter.External ->
                begin match p.Parameter.ptype with
                | Parameter.Real -> ()
                | Parameter.Complex ->
                     "UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input \
                      parameter `%s' ignored!\n"
                (p :: input, derived))
           ([], []) (filter_constants (values model.parameters)) in
       let additional = missing_parameters input derived model.couplings in
       (List.sort compare_parameters input @ Parameter.missing additional,
        List.sort compare_parameters derived)
         (fun line -> Printf.eprintf "par: %s\n" line)
         (dependencies_to_strings derived_dependencies);
         (fun line -> Printf.eprintf "coupling: %s\n" line)
         (dependencies_to_strings coupling_dependencies);
     let translate_name map name =
       try SMap.find name map with Not_found -> name
     let translate_input map p =
       (translate_name map, value_to_float p.Parameter.value)
     let alpha_s_half e =
       UFOx.Expr.substitute "aS" (UFOx.Expr.half "aS") e
     let alpha_s_half_etc map e =
       UFOx.Expr.rename (map_to_alist map) (alpha_s_half e)
     let translate_derived map p =
       let make_atom s = s in
       let c = make_atom (translate_name map
       and v =
         value_to_coupling (alpha_s_half_etc map) make_atom p.Parameter.value in
       match p.Parameter.ptype with
       | Parameter.Real -> (Coupling.Real c, v)
       | Parameter.Complex -> (Coupling.Complex c, v)
     let translate_coupling_constant map c =
       let make_atom s = s in
             (alpha_s_half_etc map) make_atom
             (Expr c.UFO_Coupling.value),
     module Lowercase_Parameters =
         type elt = string
         type base = string
         let compare_elt = compare
         let compare_base = compare
         let pi = ThoString.lowercase
     module Lowercase_Bundle = Bundle.Make (Lowercase_Parameters)
     let coupling_names model =
         (fun _ c acc -> :: acc)
         model.couplings []
     let parameter_names model =
         (fun _ c acc -> :: acc)
         model.parameters []
     let ambiguous_parameters model =
       let all_names =
         List.rev_append (coupling_names model) (parameter_names model) in
       let lc_bundle = Lowercase_Bundle.of_list all_names in
       let lc_set =
           (fun acc s -> SSet.add s acc)
           SSet.empty (Lowercase_Bundle.base lc_bundle)
       and ambiguities =
           (fun (_, names) -> List.length names > 1)
           (Lowercase_Bundle.fibers lc_bundle) in
       (lc_set, ambiguities)
     let disambiguate1 lc_set name =
       let rec disambiguate1' i =
         let name' = Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" name i in
         let lc_name' = ThoString.lowercase name' in
         if SSet.mem lc_name' lc_set then
           disambiguate1' (succ i)
           (SSet.add lc_name' lc_set, name') in
       disambiguate1' 1
     let disambiguate lc_set names =
       let _, replacements =
           (fun (lc_set', acc) name ->
             let lc_set'', name' = disambiguate1 lc_set' name in
             (lc_set'', SMap.add name name' acc))
           (lc_set, SMap.empty) names in
     let omegalib_names =
       ["u"; "ubar"; "v"; "vbar"; "eps"]
     let translate_parameters model =
       let lc_set, ambiguities = ambiguous_parameters model in
       let replacements =
         disambiguate lc_set (ThoList.flatmap snd ambiguities) in
            "warning: case sensitive parameter names: renaming '%s' -> '%s'\n")
       let replacements =
           (fun acc name -> SMap.add name ("UFO_" ^ name) acc)
           replacements omegalib_names in
       let input_parameters, derived_parameters = classify_parameters model
       and couplings = values model.couplings in
       { Coupling.input =
  (translate_input replacements) input_parameters;
         Coupling.derived =
  (translate_derived replacements) derived_parameters @
    (translate_coupling_constant replacements) couplings;
         Coupling.derived_arrays = [] }
     (* UFO requires us to look up the mass parameter to
        distinguish between massless and massive vectors.
        TODO: this is a candidate for another lookup table. *)
     let lorentz_of_particle p =
       match p.Particle.spin with
       | Coupling.Vector ->
          begin match ThoString.uppercase p.Particle.mass with
          | "ZERO" -> Coupling.Vector
          | _ -> Coupling.Massive_Vector
       | s -> s
     type state =
       { directory : string;
         model : t }
     let initialized = ref None
     let is_initialized_from dir =
       match !initialized with
       | None -> false
       | Some state -> dir =
     let dump_raw = ref false
     let init dir =
       let model = filter_unphysical (parse_directory dir) in
       if !dump_raw then
 	dump model;
       let tables = Lookup.of_model model in
       let vertices () = translate_vertices model tables in
       let particle f = tables.Lookup.particle f in
       let lorentz f = lorentz_of_particle (particle f) in
       let propagator f =
         let p = particle f in
         match p.Particle.propagator with
         | None -> propagator_of_lorentz (lorentz_of_particle p)
         | Some s -> Coupling.Prop_UFO s in
       let gauge_symbol () = "?GAUGE?" in
       let constant_symbol s = s in
       let parameters = translate_parameters model in
         ~color:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.color)
         ~nc:(fun () ->
         ~pdg:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.pdg_code)
         ~width:(fun f -> Coupling.Constant)
         ~goldstone:(fun f -> None)
         ~fermion:(fun f -> fermion_of_lorentz (lorentz f))
         ~flavors:[("All Flavors", tables.Lookup.flavors)]
         ~parameters:(fun () -> parameters)
         ~flavor_to_string:(fun f -> (particle f)
         ~flavor_to_TeX:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.texname)
         ~mass_symbol:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.mass)
         ~width_symbol:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.width)
       initialized := Some { directory = dir; model = model }
     let ufo_directory = ref Config.default_UFO_dir
     let load () =
       if is_initialized_from !ufo_directory then
 	init !ufo_directory
     let include_all_fusions = ref false
     (*   In case of Majorana spinors, also generate
          all combinations of charge conjugated fermion lines.
          The naming convention is to append
          \texttt{\_c}$nm$ if the $\gamma$-matrices
          of the fermion line $n\to m$ has been charge conjugated
          (this could become impractical for too many fermions at
          a vertex, but shouldn't matter in real life). *)
     (* Here we alway generate \emph{all} charge conjugations, because
        we treat \emph{all} fermions as Majorana fermion, if there
        is at least one Majorana fermion in the model! *)
     let is_majorana = function
       | Coupling.Majorana | Coupling.Vectorspinor | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> true
       | _ -> false
     let name_spins_structure spins l =
       (, spins, l.Lorentz.structure)
     let fusions_of_model ?only model =
       let include_fusion =
         match !include_all_fusions, only with
         | true, _
         | false, None -> (fun name -> true)
         | false, Some names -> (fun name -> SSet.mem name names)
         (fun name l acc ->
           if include_fusion name then
               (fun acc p ->
                 let l' = Lorentz.permute p l in
                 match l'.Lorentz.spins with
                 | Lorentz.Unused -> acc
                 | Lorentz.Unique spins ->
                    if Array.exists is_majorana spins then
                        (name_spins_structure spins)
                        (Lorentz.required_charge_conjugates l')
                      @ acc
                      name_spins_structure spins l' :: acc
                 | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> failwith "fusions: Lorentz.Ambiguous")
               [] (Permutation.Default.cyclic l.Lorentz.n) @ acc
         model.lorentz []
     let fusions ?only () =
       match !initialized with
       | None -> []
       | Some { model = model } -> fusions_of_model ?only model
     let propagators_of_model ?only model =
       let include_propagator =
         match !include_all_fusions, only with
         | true, _
         | false, None -> (fun name -> true)
         | false, Some names -> (fun name -> SSet.mem name names)
         (fun name p acc ->
           if include_propagator name then
             (name, p) :: acc
         model.propagators []
     let propagators ?only () =
       match !initialized with
       | None -> []
       | Some { model = model } -> propagators_of_model ?only model
     let include_hadrons = ref true
     let ufo_majorana_warnings =
       [ "***************************************************";
         "*                                                 *";
         "* CAVEAT:                                         *";
         "*                                                 *";
         "*   These amplitudes have been computed for a     *";
         "*   UFO model containing Majorana fermions.       *";
         "*   This version of O'Mega contains some known    *";
         "*   bugs for this case.  It was released early at *";
         "*   the request of the Linear Collider community. *";
         "*                                                 *";
         "*   These amplitudes MUST NOT be used for         *";
         "*   publications without prior consulation        *";
         "*   with the WHIZARD authors !!!                  *";
         "*                                                 *";
         "***************************************************" ]
     let caveats () =
       if !use_majorana_spinors then
     module Whizard : sig val write : unit -> unit end =
         let write_header dir =
           Printf.printf "# WHIZARD Model file derived from UFO directory\n";
           Printf.printf "#   '%s'\n\n" dir;
           List.iter (fun s -> Printf.printf "# %s\n" s) (M.caveats ());
           Printf.printf "model \"%s\"\n\n" (Filename.basename dir)
         let write_input_parameters parameters =
           let open Parameter in
           Printf.printf "# Independent (input) Parameters\n";
             (fun p ->
                 "parameter %s = %s"
        (value_to_numeric p.value);
               begin match p.lhablock, p.lhacode with
               | None, None -> ()
               | Some name, Some (index :: indices) ->
                  Printf.printf " slha_entry %s %d" name index;
                  List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf " %d" i) indices
               | Some name, None ->
                    "UFO: parameter %s: slhablock %s without slhacode\n"
               | Some name, Some [] ->
                    "UFO: parameter %s: slhablock %s with empty slhacode\n"
               | None, Some _ ->
                    "UFO: parameter %s: slhacode without slhablock\n"
               Printf.printf "\n")
           Printf.printf "\n"
         let write_derived_parameters parameters =
           let open Parameter in
           Printf.printf "# Dependent (derived) Parameters\n";
             (fun p ->
                 "derived %s = %s\n"
        (value_to_expr alpha_s_half p.value))
         let write_particles particles =
           let open Particle in
           Printf.printf "# Particles\n";
           Printf.printf "# NB: hypercharge assignments appear to be unreliable\n";
           Printf.printf "#     therefore we can't infer the isospin\n";
           Printf.printf "# NB: parton-, gauge- & handedness are unavailable\n";
             (fun p ->
               if not p.is_anti then begin
                     "particle \"%s\" %d ### parton? gauge? left?\n"
                     "  spin %s charge %s color %s ### isospin?\n"
                     (UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string_whizard p.spin)
                     (charge_to_string p.charge)
                     (UFOx.Color.rep_to_string_whizard p.color);
                   Printf.printf "  name \"%s\"\n";
                   if p.antiname <> then
                     Printf.printf "  anti \"%s\"\n" p.antiname;
                   Printf.printf "  tex_name \"%s\"\n" p.texname;
                   if p.antiname <> then
                     Printf.printf "  tex_anti \"%s\"\n" p.antitexname;
                   Printf.printf "  mass %s width %s\n\n" p.mass p.width
             (values particles);
           Printf.printf "\n"
         let write_hadrons () =
           Printf.printf "# Hadrons (protons and beam remnants)\n";
           Printf.printf "# NB: these are NOT part of the UFO model\n";
           Printf.printf "#     but added for WHIZARD's convenience!\n";
           Printf.printf "particle PROTON 2212\n";
           Printf.printf "  spin 1/2  charge 1\n";
           Printf.printf "  name p \"p+\"\n";
           Printf.printf "  anti pbar \"p-\"\n";
           Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT 90\n";
           Printf.printf "  name hr\n";
           Printf.printf "  tex_name \"had_r\"\n";
           Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_SINGLET 91\n";
           Printf.printf "  name hr1\n";
           Printf.printf "  tex_name \"had_r^{(1)}\"\n";
           Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_TRIPLET 92\n";
           Printf.printf "  color 3\n";
           Printf.printf "  name hr3\n";
           Printf.printf "  tex_name \"had_r^{(3)}\"\n";
           Printf.printf "  anti hr3bar\n";
           Printf.printf "  tex_anti \"had_r^{(\\bar 3)}\"\n";
           Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_OCTET 93\n";
           Printf.printf "  color 8\n";
           Printf.printf "  name hr8\n";
           Printf.printf "  tex_name \"had_r^{(8)}\"\n";
           Printf.printf "\n"
         let vertex_to_string model v =
             " "
                (fun s ->
                  "\"" ^ (SMap.find s model.particles) ^ "\"")
                (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles))
         let write_vertices3 model vertices  =
           Printf.printf "# Vertices (for phasespace generation only)\n";
           Printf.printf "# NB: particles should be sorted increasing in mass.\n";
           Printf.printf "#     This is NOT implemented yet!\n";
             (fun v ->
               if Array.length v.Vertex.particles = 3 then
                 Printf.printf "vertex %s\n" (vertex_to_string model v))
             (values vertices);
           Printf.printf "\n"
         let write_vertices_higher model vertices  =
             "# Higher Order Vertices (ignored by phasespace generation)\n";
             (fun v ->
               if Array.length v.Vertex.particles <> 3 then
                 Printf.printf "# vertex %s\n" (vertex_to_string model v))
             (values vertices);
           Printf.printf "\n"
         let write_vertices model vertices  =
           write_vertices3 model vertices;
           write_vertices_higher model vertices
         let write () =
           match !initialized with
           | None -> failwith "UFO.Whizard.write: UFO model not initialized"
           | Some { directory = dir; model = model } ->
              let input_parameters, derived_parameters =
                classify_parameters model in
              write_header dir;
              write_input_parameters input_parameters;
              write_derived_parameters derived_parameters;
              write_particles model.particles;
              if !include_hadrons then
                write_hadrons ();
              write_vertices model model.vertices;
              exit 0
     let options =
         [ ("UFO_dir", Arg.String (fun name -> ufo_directory := name),
            "UFO model directory (default: " ^ !ufo_directory ^ ")");
           ("Majorana", Arg.Set use_majorana_spinors,
            "use Majorana spinors (must come _before_ exec!)");
           ("divide_propagators_by_i", Arg.Set divide_propagators_by_i,
            "divide propagators by I (pre 2013 FeynRules convention)");
           ("verbatim_Hg", Arg.Set verbatim_higgs_glue,
            "don't correct the color flows for effective Higgs Gluon couplings");
           ("write_WHIZARD", Arg.Unit Whizard.write,
            "write the WHIZARD model file (required once per model)");
            Arg.Unit (fun () -> Lookup.flavor_format := Lookup.Long),
            "write use the UFO flavor names instead of integers");
           ("dump", Arg.Set dump_raw,
            "dump UFO model for debugging the parser (must come _before_ exec!)");
           ("all_fusions", Arg.Set include_all_fusions,
            "include all fusions in the fortran module");
           ("no_hadrons", Arg.Clear include_hadrons,
            "don't add any particle not in the UFO file");
           ("add_hadrons", Arg.Set include_hadrons,
            "add protons and beam remants for WHIZARD");
           ("exec", Arg.Unit load,
            "load the UFO model files (required _before_ using particles names)");
           ("help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> prerr_endline "..."),
            "print information on the model")]
 module type Fortran_Target =
     val fuse :
       Algebra.QC.t -> string ->
       Coupling.lorentzn -> Coupling.fermion_lines ->
       string -> string list -> string list -> Coupling.fusen -> unit
     val lorentz_module :
       ?only:SSet.t -> ?name:string ->
       ?fortran_module:string -> ?parameter_module:string ->
       Format_Fortran.formatter -> unit -> unit
 module Targets =
     module Fortran : Fortran_Target =
         open Format_Fortran
         let fuse = UFO_targets.Fortran.fuse
         let lorentz_functions ff fusions () =
             (fun (name, s, l) ->
               UFO_targets.Fortran.lorentz ff name s l)
         let propagator_functions ff parameter_module propagators () =
             (fun (name, p) ->
                 ff name
                 parameter_module p.Propagator.variables
                 p.Propagator.numerator p.Propagator.denominator)
         let lorentz_module
               ?only ?(name="omega_amplitude_ufo")
               ?(parameter_module="parameter_module") ff () =
           let printf fmt = fprintf ff fmt
           and nl = pp_newline ff in
           printf "module %s" name; nl ();
           printf "  use kinds"; nl ();
           printf "  use %s" fortran_module; nl ();
           printf "  implicit none"; nl ();
           printf "  private"; nl ();
           let fusions = Model.fusions ?only ()
           and propagators = Model.propagators () in
             (fun (name, _, _) -> printf "  public :: %s" name; nl ())
             (fun (name, _) -> printf "  public :: pr_U_%s" name; nl ())
           UFO_targets.Fortran.eps4_g4_g44_decl ff ();
           UFO_targets.Fortran.eps4_g4_g44_init ff ();
           printf "contains"; nl ();
           UFO_targets.Fortran.inner_product_functions ff ();
           lorentz_functions ff fusions ();
           propagator_functions ff parameter_module propagators ();
           printf "end module %s" name; nl ();
           pp_flush ff ()
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
 module Test : Test =
     open OUnit
     let lexer s =
       UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string s))
     let suite_lexer_escapes =
       "escapes" >:::
         [ "single-quote" >::
             (fun () ->
               assert_equal (UFO_parser.STRING "a'b'c") (lexer "'a\\'b\\'c'"));
           "unterminated" >::
             (fun () ->
               assert_raises End_of_file (fun () -> lexer "'a\\'b\\'c")) ]
     let suite_lexer =
       "lexer" >:::
     let suite =
       "UFO" >:::
Index: trunk/omega/src/
--- trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,3212 +1,3586 @@
 (* --
    Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
        with contributions from
        Christian Speckner <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 (* Avoid refering to [], because [Pervasives] will
    become [Stdlib.Pervasives] in O'Caml 4.07 and [Stdlib] in O'Caml 4.08. *)
 let pcompare = compare
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
     val suite_long : OUnit.test
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Quantum Numbers} *)
 type t =
   | Singlet
   | SUN of int
   | AdjSUN of int
 let conjugate = function
   | Singlet -> Singlet
   | SUN n -> SUN (-n)
   | AdjSUN n -> AdjSUN n
 let compare c1 c2 =
   match c1, c2 with
   | Singlet, Singlet -> 0
   | Singlet, _ -> -1
   | _, Singlet -> 1
   | SUN n, SUN n' -> compare n n'
   | SUN _, AdjSUN _ -> -1
   | AdjSUN _, SUN _ -> 1
   | AdjSUN n, AdjSUN n' -> compare n n'
 module type Line =
     type t
     val conj : t -> t
     val equal : t -> t -> bool
     val to_string : t -> string
 module type Cycles =
     type line
     type t = (line * line) list
 (* Contract the graph by connecting lines and return the number of
    cycles together with the contracted graph.
      The semantics of the contracted graph is not yet 100\%ly fixed.
    \end{dubious} *)
     val contract : t -> int * t
 (* The same as [contract], but returns only the number of cycles
    and raises [Open_line] when not all lines are closed. *)
     val count : t -> int
     exception Open_line
     (* Mainly for debugging \ldots *)
     val to_string : t -> string
 module Cycles (L : Line) : Cycles with type line = L.t =
     type line = L.t
     type t = (line * line) list
     exception Open_line
 (* NB: The following algorithm for counting the cycles is quadratic since it
    performs nested scans of the lists.  If this was a serious problem one could
    replace the lists of pairs by a [Map] and replace one power by a logarithm. *)
     let rec find_fst c_final c1 disc seen = function
       | [] -> ((L.conj c_final, c1) :: disc, List.rev seen)
       | (c1', c2') as c12' :: rest ->
           if L.equal c1 c1' then
             find_snd c_final (L.conj c2') disc [] (List.rev_append seen rest)
             find_fst c_final c1 disc (c12' :: seen) rest
     and find_snd c_final c2 disc seen = function
       | [] -> ((L.conj c_final, L.conj c2) :: disc, List.rev seen)
       | (c1', c2') as c12' :: rest->
           if L.equal c2' c2 then begin
             if L.equal c1' c_final then
               (disc, List.rev_append seen rest)
               find_fst c_final (L.conj c1') disc [] (List.rev_append seen rest)
           end else
             find_snd c_final c2 disc (c12' :: seen) rest
     let consume = function
       | [] -> ([], [])
       | (c1, c2) :: rest -> find_snd (L.conj c1) (L.conj c2) [] [] rest
     let contract lines =
       let rec contract' acc disc = function
         | [] -> (acc, List.rev disc)
         | rest ->
             begin match consume rest with
             | [], rest' -> contract' (succ acc) disc rest'
             | disc', rest' -> contract' acc (List.rev_append disc' disc) rest'
             end in
       contract' 0 [] lines
     let count lines =
       match contract lines with
       | n, [] -> n
       | n, _ -> raise Open_line
     let to_string lines =
       String.concat ""
            (fun (c1, c2) -> "[" ^ L.to_string c1 ^ "," ^ L.to_string c2 ^ "]")
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Color Flows} *)
 module type Flow =
     type color
     type t = color list * color list
     val rank : t -> int
     val of_list : int list -> color
     val ghost : unit -> color
     val to_lists : t -> int list list
     val in_to_lists : t -> int list list
     val out_to_lists : t -> int list list
     val ghost_flags : t -> bool list
     val in_ghost_flags : t -> bool list
     val out_ghost_flags : t -> bool list
     type power = { num : int; den : int; power : int }
     type factor = power list
     val factor : t -> t -> factor
     val zero : factor
     module Test : Test
 module Flow : Flow = 
     (* All [int]s are non-zero! *)
     type color =
       | N of int
       | N_bar of int
       | SUN of int * int
       | Singlet
       | Ghost
     (* Incoming and outgoing, since we need to cross the incoming states. *)
     type t = color list * color list
     let rank cflow =
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Constructors} *)
     let ghost () =
     let of_list = function
       | [0; 0] -> Singlet
       | [c; 0] -> N c
       | [0; c] -> N_bar c
       | [c1; c2] -> SUN (c1, c2)
       | _ -> invalid_arg "Color.Flow.of_list: num_lines != 2"
     let to_list = function
       | N c -> [c; 0]
       | N_bar c -> [0; c]
       | SUN (c1, c2) -> [c1; c2]
       | Singlet -> [0; 0]
       | Ghost -> [0; 0]
     let to_lists (cfin, cfout) =
       ( to_list cfin) @ ( to_list cfout)
     let in_to_lists (cfin, _) = to_list cfin
     let out_to_lists (_, cfout) = to_list cfout
     let ghost_flag = function
       | N _ | N_bar _ | SUN (_, _) | Singlet -> false
       | Ghost -> true
     let ghost_flags (cfin, cfout) =
       ( ghost_flag cfin) @ ( ghost_flag cfout)
     let in_ghost_flags (cfin, _) = ghost_flag cfin
     let out_ghost_flags (_, cfout) = ghost_flag cfout
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Evaluation} *)
     type power = { num : int; den : int; power : int }
     type factor = power list
     let zero = []
     let count_ghosts1 colors =
         (fun acc -> function Ghost -> succ acc | _ -> acc)
         0 colors
     let count_ghosts (fin, fout) =
       count_ghosts1 fin + count_ghosts1 fout
     type 'a square =
       | Square of 'a
       | Mismatch
     let conjugate = function
       | N c -> N_bar (-c)
       | N_bar c -> N (-c)
       | SUN (c1, c2) -> SUN (-c2, -c1)
       | Singlet -> Singlet
       | Ghost -> Ghost
     let cross_in (cin, cout) =
       cin @ ( conjugate cout)
     let cross_out (cin, cout) =
       ( conjugate cin) @ cout
     module C = Cycles (struct
       type t = int
       let conj = (~-)
       let equal = (=)
       let to_string = string_of_int
 (* Match lines in the color flows [f1] and [f2] after crossing the
    incoming states.  This will be used to compute squared diagrams
    in [square] and [square2] below. *)
     let match_lines match1 match2 f1 f2 =
       let rec match_lines' acc f1' f2' =
         match f1', f2' with
         (* If we encounter an empty list, we're done --- unless the
            lengths don't match (which should never happen!): *)
         | [], [] -> Square (List.rev acc)
         | _ :: _, [] | [], _ :: _ -> Mismatch
         (* Handle matching \ldots *)
         | Ghost :: rest1, Ghost :: rest2
         | Singlet :: rest1, Singlet :: rest2 ->
            match_lines' acc rest1 rest2
         (* \ldots{} and mismatched ghosts and singlet gluons: *)
         | Ghost :: _, Singlet :: _
         | Singlet :: _, Ghost :: _ ->
         (* Ghosts and singlet gluons can't match anything else *)
         | (Ghost | Singlet) :: _, (N _ | N_bar _ | SUN (_, _)) :: _
         | (N _ | N_bar _ | SUN (_, _)) :: _, (Ghost | Singlet) :: _ ->
         (* Handle matching \ldots *)
         | N_bar c1 :: rest1, N_bar c2 :: rest2
         | N c1 :: rest1, N c2 :: rest2 ->
            match_lines' (match1 c1 c2 acc) rest1 rest2
         (* \ldots{} and mismatched $N$ or $\bar N$ states: *)
         | N _ :: _, N_bar _ :: _
         | N_bar _ :: _, N _ :: _ ->
         (* The $N$ and $\bar N$ don't match non-singlet gluons: *)
         | (N _ | N_bar _) :: _, SUN (_, _) :: _
         | SUN (_, _) :: _, (N _ | N_bar _) :: _ ->
         (* Now we're down to non-singlet gluons: *)
         | SUN (c1, c1') :: rest1, SUN (c2, c2') :: rest2 ->
            match_lines' (match2 c1 c1' c2 c2' acc) rest1 rest2 in
       match_lines' [] (cross_out f1) (cross_out f2)
 (* NB: in WHIZARD versions before 3.0, the code for [match_lines]
    contained a bug in the pattern matching of [Singlet], [N], [N_bar]
    and [SUN] states, because they all were represented as
    [SUN (c1, c2)], only distinguished by the numeric conditions
    [c1 = 0] and/or [c2 = 0].
    This prevented the use of exhaustiveness checking and introduced a
    subtle dependence on the pattern order. *)
     let square f1 f2 =
         (fun c1 c2 pairs -> (c1, c2) :: pairs)
         (fun c1 c1' c2 c2' pairs -> (c1', c2') :: (c1, c2) :: pairs)
         f1 f2
     let square f1 f2 =
       let ll2s ll =
         String.concat "; "
           ( (ThoList.to_string string_of_int) ll)
       and lp2s lp =
         String.concat "; "
              (fun (c1, c2) ->
                string_of_int c1 ^ ", " ^ string_of_int c2)
              lp) in
         "square ([%s], [%s]) ([%s], [%s]) = "
         (ll2s (in_to_lists f1)) (ll2s (out_to_lists f1))
         (ll2s (in_to_lists f2)) (ll2s (out_to_lists f2));
       let res = square f1 f2 in
       begin match res with
       | Mismatch -> Printf.eprintf "Mismatch!\n"
       | Square f12 -> Printf.eprintf "Square [%s]\n" (lp2s f12)
 (* In addition to counting closed color loops, we also need to count closed
    gluon loops.  Fortunately, we can use the same algorithm on a different
    data type, provided it doesn't require all lines to be closed. *)
     module C2 = Cycles (struct
       type t = int * int
       let conj (c1, c2) = (- c2, - c1)
       let equal (c1, c2) (c1', c2') = c1 = c1' && c2 = c2'
       let to_string (c1, c2) = "(" ^ string_of_int c1 ^ "," ^ string_of_int c2 ^ ")"
     let square2 f1 f2 =
         (fun c1 c2 pairs -> pairs)
         (fun c1 c1' c2 c2' pairs -> ((c1, c1'), (c2, c2')) :: pairs)
         f1 f2
 (* $\ocwlowerid{int\_power}: n\, p \to n^p$
    for integers is missing from [Pervasives]! *)
     let int_power n p =
       let rec int_power' acc i =
         if i < 0 then
           invalid_arg "int_power"
         else if i = 0 then
           int_power' (n * acc) (pred i) in
       int_power' 1 p
 (* Instead of implementing a full fledged algebraic evaluator, let's
    simply expand the binomial by hand:
     \left(\frac{N_C^2-2}{N_C^2}\right)^n =
       \sum_{i=0}^n \binom{n}{i} (-2)^i N_C^{-2i}
    \end{equation} *)
 (* NB: Any result of [square] other than [Mismatch] guarantees
    [count_ghosts f1 = count_ghosts f2]. *)
     let factor f1 f2 =
       match square f1 f2, square2 f1 f2 with
       | Mismatch, _ | _, Mismatch -> []
       | Square f12, Square f12' ->
           let num_cycles = C.count f12
           and num_cycles2, disc = C2.contract f12'
           and num_ghosts = count_ghosts f1 in
 (*i       Printf.eprintf "f12  = %s -> #loops = %d\n"
             (C.to_string f12) num_cycles;
           Printf.eprintf "f12' = %s -> #loops = %d, disc = %s\n"
             (C2.to_string f12') num_cycles2 (C2.to_string disc);
           flush stderr; i*)
             (fun i ->
               let parity = if num_ghosts mod 2 = 0 then 1 else -1
               and power = num_cycles - num_ghosts in
               let coeff = int_power (-2) i * Combinatorics.binomial num_cycles2 i
               and power2 = - 2 * i in
               { num = parity * coeff;
                 den = 1;
                 power = power + power2 })
             (ThoList.range 0 num_cycles2)
     module Test : Test =
         open OUnit
 (* Here and elsewhere, we have to resist the temptation to define
    these tests as functions with an additional argument [()] in the
    hope to avoid having to package them into an explicit thunk
    [fun () -> eq v1 v2] in order to delay
    evaluation. It turns out that the runtime would then sometimes
    evaluate the argument [v1] or [v2] even \emph{before} the test
    is run.  For pure functions, there is no difference, but the
    compiler appears to treat explicit thunks specially.
      I haven't yet managed to construct a small demonstrator to find
      out in which circumstances the premature evaluation happens.
    \end{dubious} *)
         let suite_square =
           "square" >:::
             [ "square ([], []) ([], [])" >::
                 (fun () ->
 	          assert_equal (Square []) (square ([], []) ([], [])));
               "square ([3], [3; 0]) ([3], [3; 0])" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (Square [(-1, -1); (1, 1)])
                        ([N 1], [N 1; Singlet])
                        ([N 1], [N 1; Singlet])));
               "square ([0], [3; -3]) ([0], [3; -3])" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (Square [(1, 1); (-1, -1)])
                        ([Singlet], [N 1; N_bar (-1)])
                        ([Singlet], [N 1; N_bar (-1)])));
               "square ([3], [3; 0]) ([0], [3; -3])" >::
                 (fun () ->
                        ([N 1], [N 1; Singlet])
                        ([Singlet], [N 1; N_bar (-1)])));
               "square ([3; 8], [3]) ([3; 8], [3])" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (Square [-1, -1; 1, 1; -2, -2; 2, 2])
                        ([N 1; SUN (2, -1)], [N 2])
                        ([N 1; SUN (2, -1)], [N 2]))) ]
         let suite =
           "Color.Flow" >:::
         let suite_long =
           "Color.Flow long" >:::
 (* later: *)
 module General_Flow = 
     type color =
       | Lines of int list
       | Ghost of int
     type t = color list * color list
     let rank_default = 2 (* Standard model *)
     let rank cflow =
         begin match List.hd cflow with
         | Lines lines -> List.length lines
         | Ghost n_lines -> n_lines
       | _ -> rank_default
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Vertex Color Flows} *)
 (* \newcommand{\setupFourAmp}{%
      numeric joindiameter;
      joindiameter := 7thick;}
      vardef sideways_at (expr d, p, frac) =
        save len; len = length p;
        (point frac*len of p) shifted ((d,0) rotated (90 + angle direction frac*len of p))
      secondarydef p sideways d =
        for frac = 0 step 0.01 until 0.99:
          sideways_at (d, p, frac) ..
        sideways_at (d, p, 1)
      secondarydef p choptail d =
       subpath (ypart (fullcircle scaled d shifted (point 0 of p) intersectiontimes p), infinity) of p
      secondarydef p choptip d =
       reverse ((reverse p) choptail d)
      secondarydef p pointtail d =
        fullcircle scaled d shifted (point 0 of p) intersectionpoint p
      secondarydef p pointtip d =
        (reverse p) pointtail d
      secondarydef pa join pb =
        pa choptip joindiameter .. pb choptail joindiameter
      vardef cyclejoin (expr p) =
        subpath (0.5*length p, infinity) of p join subpath (0, 0.5*length p) of p .. cycle
      style_def double_line_arrow expr p =
        save pi, po; 
        path pi, po;
        pi = reverse (p sideways thick);
        po = p sideways -thick;
        cdraw pi;
        cdraw po;
        cfill (arrow (subpath (0, 0.9 length pi) of pi));
        cfill (arrow (subpath (0, 0.9 length po) of po));
      style_def double_line_arrow_beg expr p =
        save pi, po, pc; 
        path pi, po, pc;
        pc = p choptail 7thick;
        pi = reverse (pc sideways thick);
        po = pc sideways -thick;
        cdraw pi .. p pointtail 5thick .. po;
        cfill (arrow pi);
        cfill (arrow po);
      style_def double_line_arrow_end expr p =
        save pi, po, pc; 
        path pi, po, pc;
        pc = p choptip 7thick;
        pi = reverse (pc sideways thick);
        po = pc sideways -thick;
        cdraw po .. p pointtip 5thick .. pi;
        cfill (arrow pi);
        cfill (arrow po);
      style_def double_line_arrow_both expr p =
        save pi, po, pc; 
        path pi, po, pc;
        pc = p choptip 7thick choptail 7thick;
        pi = reverse (pc sideways thick);
        po = pc sideways -thick;
        cdraw po .. p pointtip 5thick .. pi .. p pointtail 5thick .. cycle;
        cfill (arrow pi);
        cfill (arrow po);
      style_def double_arrow_parallel expr p =
        save pi, po; 
        path pi, po;
        pi = p sideways thick;
        po = p sideways -thick;
        save li, lo;
        li = length pi;
        lo = length po;
        cdraw pi;
        cdraw po;
        cfill (arrow pi);
        cfill (arrow po);
      style_def double_arrow_crossed_beg expr p =
        save lp;  lp = length p;
        save pi, po; 
        path pi, po;
        pi = p sideways thick;
        po = p sideways -thick;
        save li, lo;
        li = length pi;
        lo = length po;
        cdraw subpath (0, 0.1 li) of pi .. subpath (0.3 lo, lo) of po;
        cdraw subpath (0, 0.1 lo) of po .. subpath (0.3 li, li) of pi;
        cfill (arrow pi);
        cfill (arrow po);
      style_def double_arrow_crossed_end expr p =
        save lp;  lp = length p;
        save pi, po; 
        path pi, po;
        pi = p sideways thick;
        po = p sideways -thick;
        save li, lo;
        li = length pi;
        lo = length po;
        cdraw subpath (0, 0.7 li) of pi .. subpath (0.9 lo, lo) of po;
        cdraw subpath (0, 0.7 lo) of po .. subpath (0.9 li, li) of pi;
        cfill (arrow pi);
        cfill (arrow po);
      enddef;} *)
 module Q = Algebra.Q
 module QC = Algebra.QC
 module type Arrow =
     type endpoint
     type tip = endpoint
     type tail = endpoint
     type ghost = endpoint
     val position : endpoint -> int
     val relocate : (int -> int) -> endpoint -> endpoint
     type ('tail, 'tip, 'ghost) t =
       | Arrow of 'tail * 'tip
       | Ghost of 'ghost
+      | Epsilon of 'tip list
+      | Epsilon_bar of 'tail list
     type free = (tail, tip, ghost) t
     type factor
     val free_to_string : free -> string
     val factor_to_string : factor -> string
     val map : (endpoint -> endpoint) -> free -> free
     val to_left_factor : (endpoint -> bool) -> free -> factor
     val to_right_factor : (endpoint -> bool) -> free -> factor
     val of_factor : factor -> free
     val is_free : factor -> bool
     val negatives : free -> endpoint list
     val is_ghost : free -> bool
+    val is_tadpole : factor -> bool
     type merge =
       | Match of factor
+      | Determinant of factor list list * factor list list
       | Ghost_Match
       | Loop_Match
       | Mismatch
       | No_Match
     val merge : factor -> factor -> merge
     val tee : int -> free -> free list
     val dir : int -> int -> free -> int
     val single : endpoint -> endpoint -> free
     val double : endpoint -> endpoint -> free list
     val ghost : endpoint -> free
     module Infix : sig
       val (=>) : int -> int -> free
       val (==>) : int -> int -> free list
       val (<=>) : int -> int -> free list
       val (>=>) : int * int -> int -> free
       val (=>>) : int -> int * int -> free
       val (>=>>) : int * int -> int * int -> free
       val (??) : int -> free
+    val epsilon : int list -> free
+    val epsilon_bar : int list -> free
     val chain : int list -> free list
     val cycle : int list -> free list
     module Test : Test
     val pp_free : Format.formatter -> free -> unit
     val pp_factor : Format.formatter -> factor -> unit
 module Arrow : Arrow =
     type endpoint =
       | I of int
       | M of int * int
     let position = function
       | I i -> i
       | M (i, _) -> i
     let relocate f = function
       | I i -> I (f i)
       | M (i, n) -> M (f i, n)
     type tip = endpoint
     type tail = endpoint
     type ghost = endpoint
     (* Note that in the case of double lines for the adjoint
        representation the \emph{same} [endpoint] appears twice:
        once as a [tip] and once as a [tail].  If we want to
        multiply two factors by merging arrows with matching
        [tip] and [tail], we must make sure that the [tip] is from
        one factor and the [tail] from the other factor. *)
     (* The [Free] variant contains positive indices
        as well as negative indices that don't appear on both sides
        and will be summed in a later product.  [SumL] and [SumR]
        indices appear on both sides. *)
     type 'a index =
       | Free of 'a
       | SumL of 'a
       | SumR of 'a
+    let is_free_index = function
+      | Free _ -> true
+      | SumL _ | SumR _ -> false
     type ('tail, 'tip, 'ghost) t =
       | Arrow of 'tail * 'tip
       | Ghost of 'ghost
+      | Epsilon of 'tip list
+      | Epsilon_bar of 'tail list
     type free = (tail, tip, ghost) t
     type factor = (tail index, tip index, ghost index) t
     let endpoint_to_string = function
       | I i -> string_of_int i
       | M (i, n) -> Printf.sprintf "%d.%d" i n
     let index_to_string = function
       | Free i -> endpoint_to_string i
       | SumL i -> endpoint_to_string i ^ "L"
       | SumR i -> endpoint_to_string i ^ "R"
     let to_string i2s = function
       | Arrow (tail, tip) -> Printf.sprintf "%s>%s" (i2s tail) (i2s tip)
       | Ghost ghost -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (i2s ghost)
+      | Epsilon tips -> Printf.sprintf ">>>%s" (ThoList.to_string i2s tips)
+      | Epsilon_bar tails -> Printf.sprintf "<<<%s" (ThoList.to_string i2s tails)
     let free_to_string = to_string endpoint_to_string
     let factor_to_string = to_string index_to_string
     let index_matches i1 i2 =
       match i1, i2 with
       | SumL i1, SumR i2 | SumR i1, SumL i2 -> i1 = i2
       | _ -> false
     let map f = function
       | Arrow (tail, tip) -> Arrow (f tail, f tip)
       | Ghost ghost -> Ghost (f ghost)
+      | Epsilon tips -> Epsilon ( f tips)
+      | Epsilon_bar tails -> Epsilon_bar ( f tails)
     let free_index = function
       | Free i -> i
       | SumL i -> invalid_arg "Color.Arrow.free_index: leftover LHS summation"
       | SumR i -> invalid_arg "Color.Arrow.free_index: leftover RHS summation"
     let to_left_index is_sum i =
       if is_sum i then
         SumL i
         Free i
     let to_right_index is_sum i =
       if is_sum i then
         SumR i
         Free i
     let to_left_factor is_sum = map (to_left_index is_sum)
     let to_right_factor is_sum = map (to_right_index is_sum)
     let of_factor = map free_index
     let negatives = function
       | Arrow (tail, tip) ->
          if position tail < 0 then
            if position tip < 0 then
              [tail; tip]
          else if position tip < 0 then
       | Ghost ghost ->
          if position ghost < 0 then
+      | Epsilon tips -> List.filter (fun tip -> position tip < 0) tips
+      | Epsilon_bar tails -> List.filter (fun tail -> position tail < 0) tails
     let is_free = function
       | Arrow (Free _, Free _) | Ghost (Free _) -> true
-      | _ -> false
+      | Arrow (_, _) | Ghost _ -> false
+      | Epsilon tips -> List.for_all is_free_index tips
+      | Epsilon_bar tails -> List.for_all is_free_index tails
     let is_ghost = function
       | Ghost _ -> true
       | Arrow _ -> false
+      | Epsilon _ | Epsilon_bar _ -> false
     let single tail tip =
       Arrow (tail, tip)
     let double a b =
       if a = b then
         [single a b]
         [single a b; single b a]
     let ghost g =
       Ghost g
+    module Infix =
+      struct
+        let ( => ) i j = single (I i) (I j)
+        let ( ==> ) i j = [i => j]
+        let ( <=> ) i j = double (I i) (I j)
+        let ( >=> ) (i, n) j = single (M (i, n)) (I j)
+        let ( =>> ) i (j, m) = single (I i) (M (j, m))
+        let ( >=>> ) (i, n) (j, m) = single (M (i, n)) (M (j, m))
+        let ( ?? ) i = ghost (I i)
+      end
+    open Infix
+(* Split [a_list] at the first element equal to [a] according
+   to [eq].  Return the reversed first part and the rest as a
+   pair and wrap it in [Some]. Return [None] if there is no match.  *)
+    let take_first_match_opt ?(eq=(=)) a a_list =
+      let rec take_first_match_opt' rev_head = function
+        | [] -> None
+        | elt :: tail ->
+           if eq elt a then
+             Some (rev_head, tail)
+           else
+             take_first_match_opt' (elt :: rev_head) tail in
+      take_first_match_opt' [] a_list
+(* Split [a_list] and [b_list] at the first element equal according
+   to [eq].  Return the reversed first part and the rest of each
+   as a pair of pairs wrap it in [Some].
+   Return [None] if there is no match.  *)
+    let take_first_matching_pair_opt ?(eq=(=)) a_list b_list =
+      let rec take_first_matching_pair_opt' rev_a_head = function
+        | [] -> None
+        | a :: a_tail ->
+           begin match take_first_match_opt ~eq a b_list with
+           | Some (rev_b_head, b_tail) ->
+              Some ((rev_a_head, a_tail), (rev_b_head, b_tail))
+           | None ->
+              take_first_matching_pair_opt' (a :: rev_a_head) a_tail
+           end in
+      take_first_matching_pair_opt' [] a_list
+(* Replace the first occurence of an element equal to [a] according
+   to [eq] in [a_list] by [a'] and wrap the new list in [Some].
+   Return [None] if there is no match.  *)
+    let replace_first_opt ?(eq=(=)) a a' a_list =
+      match take_first_match_opt ~eq a a_list with
+      | Some (rev_head, tail) -> Some (List.rev_append rev_head (a' :: tail))
+      | None -> None
     let tee a = function
       | Arrow (tail, tip) -> [Arrow (tail, I a); Arrow (I a, tip)]
-      | Ghost _ -> []
+      | Ghost _ as g -> [g]
+      | Epsilon _ -> invalid_arg "Arrow.tee not defined for Epsilon"
+      | Epsilon_bar _ -> invalid_arg "Arrow.tee not defined for Epsilon_bar"
     let dir i j = function
       | Arrow (tail, tip) ->
          let tail = position tail
          and tip = position tip in
          if tip = i && tail = j then
-           1
+            1
          else if tip = j && tail = i then
            invalid_arg "Arrow.dir"
-      | Ghost _ -> 0
+      | Ghost _ | Epsilon _ | Epsilon_bar _ -> 0
     type merge =
       | Match of factor
+      | Determinant of factor list list * factor list list
       | Ghost_Match
       | Loop_Match
       | Mismatch
       | No_Match
-    let merge arrow1 arrow2 =
+(* When computing
+    \begin{equation}
+      \epsilon_{ki_1i_2\cdots i_n} \bar\epsilon^{kj_1j_2\cdots j_n}
+        = \sum_{\sigma} (-1)^{\epsilon(\sigma)}
+            \delta_{i_1}^{\sigma(j_1)} 
+            \delta_{i_2}^{\sigma(j_2)} 
+            \cdots
+            \delta_{i_n}^{\sigma(j_n)}\,,
+    \end{equation}
+    we must keep track of the position of summation indices.
+    We can use the fact that cyclic permutations are even for
+    $\epsilon$-tensors with an odd number of indices, corresponding
+    to $n$ even and odd otherwise. *)
+    let fuse_epsilons tails tips =
+      match take_first_matching_pair_opt ~eq:index_matches tails tips with
+      | None -> No_Match
+      | Some ((rev_tails_head, tails_tail), (rev_tips_head, tips_tail)) ->
+         let tails = tails_tail @ List.rev rev_tails_head
+         and tips = tips_tail @ List.rev rev_tips_head  in
+         let num_tails = List.length tails
+         and num_tips = List.length tips in
+         if num_tails <> num_tips then
+           invalid_arg
+             (Printf.sprintf
+                "Color.Arrow.fuse_epsilons: length mismatch %d <> %d"
+                (succ num_tails) (succ num_tips))
+         else
+           let is_odd n = n mod 2 <> 0 in
+           let flip =
+             is_odd num_tips &&
+               is_odd (List.length rev_tails_head - List.length rev_tips_head) in
+           let even_tips = Combinatorics.permute_even tips
+           and odd_tips = Combinatorics.permute_odd tips in
+           let even = List.rev_map (List.rev_map2 single tails) even_tips
+           and odd = List.rev_map (List.rev_map2 single tails) odd_tips in
+           if flip then
+             Determinant (odd, even)
+           else
+             Determinant (even, odd)
+    let merge' arrow1 arrow2 =
       match arrow1, arrow2 with
       | Ghost g1, Ghost g2 ->
          if index_matches g1 g2 then
       | Arrow (tail, tip), Ghost g
       | Ghost g, Arrow (tail, tip) ->
          if index_matches g tail || index_matches g tip then
       | Arrow (tail, tip), Arrow (tail', tip') ->
          if index_matches tip tail' then
            if index_matches tip' tail then
              Match (Arrow (tail, tip'))
          else if index_matches tip' tail then
            Match (Arrow (tail', tip))
+      | Arrow (tail, tip), Epsilon tips | Epsilon tips, Arrow (tail, tip) ->
+         begin match replace_first_opt ~eq:index_matches tail tip tips with
+         | None -> No_Match
+         | Some tips -> Match (Epsilon tips)
+         end
+      | Arrow (tail, tip), Epsilon_bar tails | Epsilon_bar tails, Arrow (tail, tip) ->
+         begin match replace_first_opt ~eq:index_matches tip tail tails with
+         | None -> No_Match
+         | Some tails -> Match (Epsilon_bar tails)
+         end
+      | Epsilon tips, Ghost g | Ghost g, Epsilon tips ->
+         if List.exists (index_matches g) tips then
+           Mismatch
+         else
+           No_Match
+      | Epsilon_bar tails, Ghost g | Ghost g, Epsilon_bar tails ->
+         if List.exists (index_matches g) tails then
+           Mismatch
+         else
+           No_Match
+      | Epsilon _, Epsilon _ | Epsilon_bar _, Epsilon_bar _ ->
+         No_Match
+      | Epsilon tips, Epsilon_bar tails | Epsilon_bar tails, Epsilon tips ->
+         fuse_epsilons tails tips
-    module Infix =
-      struct
-        let ( => ) i j = single (I i) (I j)
-        let ( ==> ) i j = [i => j]
-        let ( <=> ) i j = double (I i) (I j)
-        let ( >=> ) (i, n) j = single (M (i, n)) (I j)
-        let ( =>> ) i (j, m) = single (I i) (M (j, m))
-        let ( >=>> ) (i, n) (j, m) = single (M (i, n)) (M (j, m))
-        let ( ?? ) i = ghost (I i)
-      end
+(* As an optimization, don't attempt to merge neither of the arrows
+   contains a summation index and return immediately. *)
-    open Infix
+    let merge arrow1 arrow2 =
+      if is_free arrow1 || is_free arrow2 then
+        No_Match
+      else
+        merge' arrow1 arrow2
+    let merge_to_string = function
+      | Match factor ->
+         Printf.sprintf "Match (%s)" (factor_to_string factor)
+      | Determinant (even, odd) ->
+         Printf.sprintf
+           "Det (%s, %s)"
+           (ThoList.to_string (ThoList.to_string factor_to_string) even)
+           (ThoList.to_string (ThoList.to_string factor_to_string) odd)
+      | Ghost_Match -> "Ghost"
+      | Loop_Match -> "Loop"
+      | Mismatch -> "Mismatch"
+      | No_Match -> "No_Match"
+    let logging_merge arrow1 arrow2 =
+      let result = merge arrow1 arrow2 in
+      Printf.eprintf
+        "merge %s with %s ==> %s\n"
+        (factor_to_string arrow1)
+        (factor_to_string arrow2)
+        (merge_to_string result);
+      result
+    let is_tadpole = function
+      | Arrow (tail, tip) ->
+         index_matches tail tip
+      | _ -> false
+    let merge = logging_merge
+    let epsilon = function
+      | [] -> invalid_arg "Color.Arrow.epsilon []"
+      | [_] -> invalid_arg "Color.Arrow.epsilon lone index"
+      | tips ->
+         Epsilon ( (fun tip -> I tip) tips)
+    let epsilon_bar = function
+      | [] -> invalid_arg "Color.Arrow.epsilon []"
+      | [_] -> invalid_arg "Color.Arrow.epsilon lone index"
+      | tails ->
+         Epsilon_bar ( (fun tail -> I tail) tails)
     (* Composite Arrows. *)
     let rec chain = function
       | [] -> []
       | [a] -> [a => a]
       | [a; b] -> [a => b]
       | a :: (b :: _ as rest) -> (a => b) :: chain rest
     let rec cycle' a = function
       | [] -> [a => a]
       | [b] -> [b => a]
       | b :: (c :: _ as rest) -> (b => c) :: cycle' a rest
     let cycle = function
       | [] -> []
       | a :: _ as a_list -> cycle' a a_list
     module Test : Test =
         open OUnit
         let suite_chain =
           "chain" >:::
-            [ "chain []" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [] (chain []));
-              "chain [1]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 1] (chain [1]));
-              "chain [1;2]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 2] (chain [1; 2]));
-              "chain [1;2;3]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3] (chain [1; 2; 3]));
-              "chain [1;2;3;4]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 4] (chain [1; 2; 3; 4])) ]
+            [ "[]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [] (chain []));
+              "[1]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 1] (chain [1]));
+              "[1;2]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 2] (chain [1; 2]));
+              "[1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3] (chain [1; 2; 3]));
+              "[1;2;3;4]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 4] (chain [1; 2; 3; 4])) ]
         let suite_cycle =
           "cycle" >:::
+            [ "[]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [] (cycle []));
+              "[1]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 1] (cycle [1]));
+              "[1;2]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 1] (cycle [1; 2]));
+              "[1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 1] (cycle [1; 2; 3]));
+              "[1;2;3;4]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 4; 4 => 1] (cycle [1; 2; 3; 4])) ]
+        let suite_take =
+          "take" >:::
+            [ "1 []" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_match_opt 1 []));
+              "1 [1]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some ([], [])) (take_first_match_opt 1 [1]));
+              "1 [2;3;4]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_match_opt 1 [2;3;4]));
+              "1 [1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some ([], [2;3])) (take_first_match_opt 1 [1;2;3]));
+              "2 [1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some ([1], [3])) (take_first_match_opt 2 [1;2;3]));
+              "3 [1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some ([2;1], [])) (take_first_match_opt 3 [1;2;3])) ]
+        let suite_take2 =
+          "take2" >:::
+            [ "[] []" >::
+	        (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_matching_pair_opt [] []));
+              "[] [1;2;3]" >::
+	        (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_matching_pair_opt [] [1;2;3]));
+              "[1] [2;3;4]" >::
+	        (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_matching_pair_opt [1] [2;3;4]));
+              "[2;3;4] [1]" >::
+	        (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_matching_pair_opt [2;3;4] [1]));
+              "[1;2;3] [4;5;6;7]" >::
+	        (fun () -> assert_equal None (take_first_matching_pair_opt [1;2;3] [4;5;6;7]));
+              "[1] [1;2;3]" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+                  assert_equal
+                    (Some (([],[]), ([],[2;3])))
+                    (take_first_matching_pair_opt [1] [1;2;3]));
+              "[1;2;3] [1;20;30]" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+                  assert_equal
+                    (Some (([],[2;3]), ([],[20;30])))
+                    (take_first_matching_pair_opt [1;2;3] [1;20;30]));
+              "[1;2;3;4;5;6] [10;20;4;30;40]" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+                  assert_equal
+                    (Some (([3;2;1],[5;6]), ([20;10],[30;40])))
+                    (take_first_matching_pair_opt [1;2;3;4;5;6] [10;20;4;30;40])) ]
+        let suite_replace =
+          "replace" >:::
+            [ "1 10 []" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal None (replace_first_opt 1 2 []));
+              "1 10 [1]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some [10]) (replace_first_opt 1 10 [1]));
+              "1 [2;3;4]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal None (replace_first_opt 1 10 [2;3;4]));
+              "1 [1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some [10;2;3]) (replace_first_opt 1 10 [1;2;3]));
+              "2 [1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some [1;10;3]) (replace_first_opt 2 10 [1;2;3]));
+              "3 [1;2;3]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (Some [1;2;10]) (replace_first_opt 3 10 [1;2;3])) ]
+        let determinant_to_string = function
+          | Determinant (even, odd) ->
+             Printf.sprintf
+               "Determinant (even = %s, odd = %s)"
+               (ThoList.to_string (ThoList.to_string factor_to_string) even)
+               (ThoList.to_string (ThoList.to_string factor_to_string) odd)
+          | _ -> "not a Determinant"
+        let make_determinant even odd =
+          let make_free_single (tail, tip) =
+            single (Free (I tail)) (Free (I tip)) in
+          Determinant
+            ( ( make_free_single) even,
+    ( make_free_single) odd)
+        let canonicalize_determinant = function
+          | Determinant (even, odd) ->
+             Determinant
+               (List.sort pcompare ( (List.sort pcompare) even),
+                List.sort pcompare ( (List.sort pcompare) odd))
+          | other -> other
+        let merge_epsilon_pair eps eps_bar =
+          merge
+            (to_left_factor (fun i -> position i < 0) (epsilon eps))
+            (to_right_factor (fun i -> position i < 0) (epsilon_bar eps_bar))
+        let make_even tails tips =
+          List.rev_map
+            (List.rev_map2 (fun tail tip -> (tail, tip)) tails)
+            (Combinatorics.permute_even tips)
+        let make_odd tails tips =
+          List.rev_map
+            (List.rev_map2 (fun tail tip -> (tail, tip)) tails)
+            (Combinatorics.permute_odd tips)
+        let assert_eps_aux even odd eps eps_bar =
+          assert_equal ~printer:determinant_to_string
+            (canonicalize_determinant (make_determinant even odd))
+            (canonicalize_determinant (merge_epsilon_pair eps eps_bar))
+        let assert_eps unit eps eps_bar =
+          let tips, tails = List.split unit in
+          let even = make_even tails tips
+          and odd = make_odd tails tips in
+          assert_eps_aux even odd eps eps_bar
+        (* A single arrow needs special treatment to get the
+           sign to the proper place.*)
+        let assert_eps1 odd (tip, tail) eps eps_bar =
+          if odd then
+            assert_eps_aux [] [[(tail,tip)]] eps eps_bar
+          else
+            assert_eps_aux [[(tail,tip)]] [] eps eps_bar
-            [ "cycle []" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [] (cycle []));
-              "cycle [1]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 1] (cycle [1]));
-              "cycle [1;2]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 1] (cycle [1; 2]));
+        let suite_fuse_epsilons =
+          "fuse_epsilons" >:::
-              "cycle [1;2;3]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal [1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 1] (cycle [1; 2; 3]));
-              "cycle [1;2;3;4]" >::
-	        (fun () ->
-	          assert_equal
-                    [1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 4; 4 => 1]
-                    (cycle [1; 2; 3; 4])) ]
+            [ "1a*2a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps1 false (1,2) [1;-9] [2;-9]);
+              "a1*a2" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps1 false (1,2) [-9;1] [-9;2]);
+              "1a*a2" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps1 true (1,2) [1;-9] [-9;2]);
+              "a1*2a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps1 true (1,2) [-9;1] [2;-9]);
+              "13a*24a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(1,2);(3,4)] [1;3;-9] [2;4;-9]);
+              "1a3*24a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(1,4);(3,2)] [1;-9;3] [2;4;-9]);
+              "a13*2a4" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(1,4);(3,2)] [-9;1;3] [2;-9;4]);
+              "1a3*2a4" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(1,2);(3,4)] [1;-9;3] [2;-9;4]);
+              "135a*246a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(1,2);(3,4);(5,6)] [1;3;5;-9] [2;4;6;-9]);
+              "315a*246a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(3,2);(1,4);(5,6)] [3;1;5;-9] [2;4;6;-9]);
+              "5a13*246a" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(1,2);(3,4);(5,6)] [5;-9;1;3] [2;4;6;-9]);
+              "a135*2a46" >:: (fun () -> assert_eps [(3,2);(1,4);(5,6)] [-9;1;3;5] [2;-9;4;6]) ]
         let suite =
           "Color.Arrow" >:::
-             suite_cycle]
+             suite_cycle;
+             suite_take;
+             suite_take2;
+             suite_replace;
+             suite_fuse_epsilons]
         let suite_long =
           "Color.Arrow long" >:::
     let pp_free fmt f =
       Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (free_to_string f)
     let pp_factor fmt f =
       Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (factor_to_string f)
 module type Propagator =
     type cf_in = int
     type cf_out = int
     type t = W | I of cf_in | O of cf_out | IO of cf_in * cf_out | G
     val to_string : t -> string
 module Propagator : Propagator =
     type cf_in = int
     type cf_out = int
     type t = W | I of cf_in | O of cf_out | IO of cf_in * cf_out | G
     let to_string = function
       | W -> "W"
       | I cf -> Printf.sprintf "I(%d)" cf
       | O cf' -> Printf.sprintf "O(%d)" cf'
       | IO (cf, cf') -> Printf.sprintf "IO(%d,%d)" cf cf'
       | G -> "G"
 module type LP =
     val rationals : (Algebra.Q.t * int) list -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val ints : (int * int) list -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val rational : Algebra.Q.t -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val int : int -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val fraction : int -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val imag : int -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val nc : int -> Algebra.Laurent.t
     val over_nc : int -> Algebra.Laurent.t
 module LP : LP =
     module L = Algebra.Laurent
     (* Rationals from integers. *)
     let q_int n = Q.make n 1
     let q_fraction n = Q.make 1 n
     (* Complex rationals: *)
     let qc_rational q = QC.make q Q.null
     let qc_int n = qc_rational (q_int n)
     let qc_fraction n = qc_rational (q_fraction n)
     let qc_imag n = QC.make Q.null (q_int n)
     (* Laurent polynomials: *)
     let of_pairs f pairs =
       L.sum ( (fun (coeff, power) -> L.atom (f coeff) power) pairs)
     let rationals = of_pairs qc_rational
     let ints = of_pairs qc_int
     let rational q = rationals [(q, 0)]
     let int n = ints [(n, 0)]
     let fraction n = L.const (qc_fraction n)
     let imag n = L.const (qc_imag n)
     let nc n = ints [(n, 1)]
     let over_nc n = ints [(n, -1)]
 module type Birdtracks =
     type t
     val canonicalize : t -> t
     val to_string : t -> string
     val trivial : t -> bool
     val is_null : t -> bool
     val const : Algebra.Laurent.t -> t
     val null : t
     val one : t
     val two : t
     val half : t
     val third : t
     val minus : t
     val int : int -> t
     val fraction : int -> t
     val nc : t
     val over_nc : t
     val imag : t
     val ints : (int * int) list -> t
     val scale : QC.t -> t -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val diff : t -> t -> t
     val times : t -> t -> t
     val multiply : t list -> t
     module Infix : sig
       val ( +++ ) : t -> t -> t
       val ( --- ) : t -> t -> t
       val ( *** ) : t -> t -> t
     val f_of_rep : (int -> int -> int -> t) -> int -> int -> int -> t
     val d_of_rep : (int -> int -> int -> t) -> int -> int -> int -> t
     val relocate : (int -> int) -> t -> t
     val fuse : int -> t -> Propagator.t list -> (QC.t * Propagator.t) list
     module Test : Test
     val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
 module Birdtracks =
     module A = Arrow
     open A.Infix
     module P = Propagator
     module L = Algebra.Laurent
     type connection = L.t * list
     type t = connection list
     let trivial = function
       | [] -> true
       | [(coeff, [])] -> coeff = L.unit
       | _ -> false
     (* Rationals from integers. *)
     let q_int n = Q.make n 1
     let q_fraction n = Q.make 1 n
     (* Complex rationals: *)
     let qc_rational q = QC.make q Q.null
     let qc_int n = qc_rational (q_int n)
     let qc_fraction n = qc_rational (q_fraction n)
     let qc_imag n = QC.make Q.null (q_int n)
     (* Laurent polynomials: *)
     let laurent_of_pairs f pairs =
       L.sum ( (fun (coeff, power) -> L.atom (f coeff) power) pairs)
     let l_rationals = laurent_of_pairs qc_rational
     let l_ints = laurent_of_pairs qc_int
     let l_rational q = l_rationals [(q, 0)]
     let l_int n = l_ints [(n, 0)]
     let l_fraction n = L.const (qc_fraction n)
     let l_imag n = L.const (qc_imag n)
     let l_nc n = l_ints [(n, 1)]
     let l_over_nc n = l_ints [(n, -1)]
     (* Expressions *)
     let const c = [c, []]
     let ints pairs = const (LP.ints pairs)
     let null = const L.null
     let half = const (LP.fraction 2)
     let third = const (LP.fraction 3)
     let fraction n = const (LP.fraction n)
     let one = const ( 1)
     let two = const ( 2)
     let minus = const ( (-1))
     let int n = const ( n)
     let nc = const ( 1)
     let over_nc = const (LP.ints [(1, -1)])
     let imag = const (LP.imag 1)
     module AMap = Pmap.Tree
     let find_arrows_opt arrows map =
       try Some (AMap.find pcompare arrows map) with Not_found -> None
     let canonicalize1 (coeff, io_list) =
       (coeff, List.sort pcompare io_list)
     let canonicalize terms =
       let map =
           (fun acc term ->
             let coeff, arrows = canonicalize1 term in
             if L.is_null coeff then
               match find_arrows_opt arrows acc with
               | None -> AMap.add pcompare arrows coeff acc
               | Some coeff' ->
                  let coeff'' = L.add coeff coeff' in
                  if L.is_null coeff'' then
                    AMap.remove pcompare arrows acc
                    AMap.add pcompare arrows coeff'' acc)
           AMap.empty terms in
       if AMap.is_empty map then
         AMap.fold (fun arrows coeff acc -> (coeff, arrows) :: acc) map []
     let arrows_to_string_aux f arrows =
       ThoList.to_string f arrows
     let to_string1_aux f (coeff, arrows) =
         "(%s) * %s"
         (L.to_string "N" coeff) (arrows_to_string_aux f arrows)
-    let to_string1_opt_aux f = function
-      | None -> "None"
-      | Some v -> to_string1_aux f v
     let to_string_raw_aux f v =
       ThoList.to_string (to_string1_aux f) v
     let to_string_aux f v =
       to_string_raw_aux f (canonicalize v)
     let factor_arrows_to_string = arrows_to_string_aux A.factor_to_string
     let factor_to_string1 = to_string1_aux A.factor_to_string
-    let factor_to_string1_opt = to_string1_opt_aux A.factor_to_string
     let factor_to_string_raw = to_string_raw_aux A.factor_to_string
     let factor_to_string = to_string_aux A.factor_to_string
     let arrows_to_string = arrows_to_string_aux A.free_to_string
     let to_string1 = to_string1_aux A.free_to_string
-    let to_string1_opt = to_string1_opt_aux A.free_to_string
     let to_string_raw = to_string_raw_aux A.free_to_string
     let to_string = to_string_aux A.free_to_string
     let pp fmt v =
       Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string v)
     let is_null v =
       List.for_all (fun (c, _) -> L.is_null c) (canonicalize v)
     let is_white = function
       | P.W -> true
       | _ -> false
     let relocate1 f (c, v) =
       (c, ( (A.relocate f)) v)
     let relocate f = (relocate1 f)
+    (* Only for documentiation: a [term] is a list of arrows with
+       a coefficient. *)
+    type term = L.t * A.factor list
+    (* Avoid the recursion, if there is no summation index in [arrow].
+       If [arrow] loops back to itself, replace it by a factor of~$N_C$. *)
+    let rec add_arrow : A.factor -> term -> term list =
+      fun arrow (coeff, arrows) ->
+      if A.is_free arrow then
+        [(coeff, arrow :: arrows)]
+      else if A.is_tadpole arrow then
+        [(L.mul ( 1) coeff, arrows)]
+      else
+        add_arrow' coeff [] arrow arrows
     (* Add one [arrow] to a list of arrows, updating [coeff]
-       if necessary. Accumulate already processed arrows in [acc].
-       Returns [None] if there is a mismatch (a gluon meeting
-       a ghost), [Some (coeff', arrows')] otherwise. *)
-    let rec add_arrow' arrow (coeff, acc) = function
+       if necessary. Accumulate already processed arrows in [seen].
+       Returns an empty list if there is a mismatch (a gluon meeting
+       a ghost) and a list of pairs consisting of a coefficient and a
+       list of arrows otherwise.   There can be more than one pair,
+       because matching $\epsilon$ and $\bar\epsilon$ results
+       in a sum over permutations. *)
+    and add_arrow' : L.t -> A.factor list -> A.factor -> A.factor list -> term list =
+      fun coeff seen arrow -> function
       | [] -> (* visited all [arrows]: no opportunities for further matches *)
-         Some (coeff, arrow :: acc)
+         [(coeff, arrow :: seen)]
       | arrow' :: arrows' ->
          begin match A.merge arrow arrow' with
          | A.Mismatch ->
-            None
+            []
          | A.Ghost_Match -> (* replace matching ghosts by $-1/N_C$ *)
-            Some (L.mul (LP.over_nc (-1)) coeff, List.rev_append acc arrows')
+            [(L.mul (LP.over_nc (-1)) coeff, List.rev_append seen arrows')]
          | A.Loop_Match -> (* replace a loop by $N_C$ *)
-            Some (L.mul ( 1) coeff, List.rev_append acc arrows')
+            [(L.mul ( 1) coeff, List.rev_append seen arrows')]
          | A.Match arrow'' -> (* two arrows have been merged into one *)
             if A.is_free arrow'' then (* no opportunities for further matches *)
-              Some (coeff, arrow'' :: List.rev_append acc arrows')
+              [(coeff, arrow'' :: List.rev_append seen arrows')]
             else (* the new [arrow''] ist not yet saturated, try again: *)
-              add_arrow' arrow'' (coeff, acc) arrows'
+              add_arrow' coeff seen arrow'' arrows'
+         | A.Determinant (even, odd) ->
+            add_determinant seen even odd (coeff, arrows')
          | A.No_Match -> (* recurse to the remaining arrows *)
-            add_arrow' arrow (coeff, arrow' :: acc) arrows'
+            add_arrow' coeff (arrow' :: seen)  arrow arrows'
-    (* Avoid the recursion, if there is no summation index in [arrow]. *)
-    let add_arrow arrow (coeff, arrows) =
-      if A.is_free arrow then
-        Some (coeff, arrow :: arrows)
-      else
-        add_arrow' arrow (coeff, []) arrows
+    and add_determinant : A.factor list -> A.factor list list -> A.factor list list -> term -> term list =
+      fun seen even odd (coeff, arrows as term) ->
+      distribute seen even term (distribute seen odd (L.neg coeff, arrows) [])
+    and distribute : A.factor list -> A.factor list list-> term -> term list -> term list =
+      fun seen permutations term terms ->
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc permutation -> splice_arrows seen permutation term :: acc)
+        terms permutations
+    and splice_arrows : A.factor list -> A.factor list -> term -> term =
+      fun seen arrows term  ->
+      let coeff', arrows' = add_arrow_list arrows term in
+      (coeff', List.rev_append seen arrows')
+    (* \begin{dubious}
+         Here we would like to use the type system to prove
+         that the two failing cases can't happen.
+         In real life they can't happen, because [arrow] is
+         never [A.Epsilon] \ldots
+       \end{dubious} *)
+    and add_arrow_list : A.factor list -> term -> term =
+      fun arrows term ->
+      match arrows with
+      | [] -> term
+      | arrow :: rest ->
+         begin match add_arrow arrow term with
+         | [term] -> add_arrow_list rest term
+         | [] -> failwith "add_arrow_list: unexpected empty list"
+         | _ -> failwith "add_arrow_list: unexpected multi element list"
+         end
+(*i   and add_arrow_list arrows (coeff, acc as term) =
+      let result = add_arrow_list_raw arrows term in
+      Printf.eprintf
+        "add_arrow_list (%s) * %s %s ==> %s\n"
+        (factor_arrows_to_string arrows)
+        (L.to_string "N" coeff)
+        (factor_arrows_to_string acc)
+        (factor_to_string1 result);
+      result
     let logging_add_arrow arrow (coeff, arrows) =
       let result = add_arrow arrow (coeff, arrows) in
         "add_arrow %s to %s ==> %s\n"
         (A.factor_to_string arrow)
         (factor_to_string1 (coeff, arrows))
-        (factor_to_string1_opt result);
+        (ThoList.to_string factor_to_string1 result);
-    (* We can reject the contributions with unsaturated summation indices
+    let add_arrow = logging_add_arrow
+    (* [add_arrows term arrows] add the [arrows] to [term] by calling
+       [add_arrow] for each one.  Return an empty list if there are
+       leftover summation indices in the end. *)
+    (* NB: we can reject the contributions with unsaturated summation indices
        from Ghost contributions to~$T_a$ only \emph{after} adding all
        arrows that might saturate an open index. *)
-    let add_arrows factor1 arrows2 =
-      let rec add_arrows' (_, arrows as acc) = function
-        | [] ->
-           if List.for_all A.is_free arrows then
-             Some acc
-           else
-             None
-        | arrow :: arrows ->
-           begin match add_arrow arrow acc with
-           | None -> None
-           | Some acc' -> add_arrows' acc' arrows 
-           end in
-      add_arrows' factor1 arrows2
+    let rec add_arrows : term -> A.factor list -> term list =
+      fun (_, acc_arrows as acc) -> function
+      | [] ->
+         if List.for_all A.is_free acc_arrows then
+           [acc]
+         else
+           []
+      | arrow :: arrows ->
+         ThoList.flatmap (fun term -> add_arrows term arrows) (add_arrow arrow acc)
     let logging_add_arrows factor1 arrows2 =
       let result = add_arrows factor1 arrows2 in
         "add_arrows %s to %s ==> %s\n"
         (factor_to_string1 factor1)
         (factor_arrows_to_string arrows2)
-        (factor_to_string1_opt result);
+        (ThoList.to_string factor_to_string1 result);
+    let add_arrows = logging_add_arrows
     (* Note that a negative index might be summed only
        later in a sequence of binary products and must
        therefore be treated as free in this product.  Therefore,
        we have to classify the indices as summation indices
        \emph{not only} based on their sign, but in addition based on
        whether they appear in both factors. Only then can we reject
        surviving ghosts. *)
     module ESet =
           type t = A.endpoint
           let compare = pcompare
     let negatives arrows =
         (fun acc arrow ->
             (fun acc' i -> ESet.add i acc')
             acc (A.negatives arrow))
         ESet.empty arrows
     let times1 (coeff1, arrows1) (coeff2, arrows2) =
       let summations = ESet.inter (negatives arrows1) (negatives arrows2) in
       let is_sum i = ESet.mem i summations in
       let arrows1' = (A.to_left_factor is_sum) arrows1
       and arrows2' = (A.to_right_factor is_sum) arrows2 in
-      match add_arrows (coeff1, arrows1') arrows2' with
-      | None -> None
-      | Some (coeff1, arrows) ->
-         Some (L.mul coeff1 coeff2, A.of_factor arrows)
+        (fun (coeff1, arrows) ->
+          (L.mul coeff1 coeff2, A.of_factor arrows))
+        (add_arrows (coeff1, arrows1') arrows2')
     let logging_times1 factor1 factor2 =
       let result = times1 factor1 factor2 in
         "%s times1 %s ==> %s\n"
         (to_string1 factor1)
         (to_string1 factor2)
-        (to_string1_opt result);
+        (ThoList.to_string to_string1 result);
     let sum terms =
       canonicalize (List.concat terms)
     let times term term' =
-      canonicalize (Product.list2_opt times1 term term')
+      canonicalize
+        (Product.fold2
+           (fun x y -> List.rev_append (times1 x y))
+           term term' [])
     (* \begin{dubious}
          Is that more efficient than the following implementation?
        \end{dubious} *)
     let rec multiply1' acc = function
-      | [] -> Some acc
+      | [] -> [acc]
       | factor :: factors ->
-         begin match times1 acc factor with
-         | None -> None
-         | Some acc' -> multiply1' acc' factors
-         end
+         List.fold_right multiply1' (times1 acc factor) factors
     let multiply1 = function
-      | [] -> Some (L.unit, [])
-      | [factor] -> Some factor
+      | [] -> [(L.unit, [])]
+      | [factor] -> [factor]
       | factor :: factors -> multiply1' factor factors
-    let multiply termss =
-      canonicalize (Product.list_opt multiply1 termss)
+    let multiply terms =
+      canonicalize
+        (Product.fold (fun x -> List.rev_append (multiply1 x)) terms [])
     (* \begin{dubious}
          Isn't that the more straightforward implementation?
        \end{dubious} *)
     let multiply = function
       | [] -> []
       | term :: terms ->
          canonicalize (List.fold_left times term terms)
     let scale1 q (coeff, arrows) =
       (L.scale q coeff, arrows)
     let scale q = (scale1 q)
     let diff term1 term2 =
       canonicalize (List.rev_append term1 (scale (qc_int (-1)) term2))
     module Infix =
         let ( +++ ) term term' = sum [term; term']
         let ( --- ) = diff
         let ( *** ) = times
     open Infix
     (* Compute $ \tr(r(T_a) r(T_b) r(T_c)) $.  NB: this uses the
        summation indices $-1$, $-2$ and $-3$.  Therefore
        it \emph{must not} appear unevaluated more than once in a product! *)
     let trace3 r a b c =
       r a (-1) (-2) *** r b (-2) (-3) *** r c (-3) (-1)
     let f_of_rep r a b c =
       minus *** imag *** (trace3 r a b c --- trace3 r a c b)
     (* $ d_{abc} = \tr(r(T_a) [r(T_b), r(T_c)]_+) $ *)
     let d_of_rep r a b c =
       trace3 r a b c +++ trace3 r a c b
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Feynman Rules} *)
     module IMap =
       Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = pcompare end)
     let line_map lines =
       let _, map =
           (fun (i, acc) line ->
             (succ i,
              match line with
              | P.W -> acc
              | _ -> IMap.add i line acc))
           (1, IMap.empty)
           lines in
 (*i Redundant since ocaml 4.05
      let find_opt i map =
       try Some (IMap.find i map) with Not_found -> None
     let lines_to_string lines =
       match IMap.bindings lines with
       | [] -> "W"
       | lines ->
            " "
               (fun (i, c) -> Printf.sprintf "%s@%d" (P.to_string c) i)
     let clear = IMap.remove
     let add_in i cf lines =
       match IMap.find_opt i lines with
       | Some (P.O cf') -> IMap.add i (P.IO (cf, cf')) lines
       | _ -> IMap.add i (P.I cf) lines
     let add_out i cf' lines =
       match IMap.find_opt i lines with
       | Some (P.I cf) -> IMap.add i (P.IO (cf, cf')) lines
       | _ -> IMap.add i (P.O cf') lines
     let add_ghost i lines =
       IMap.add i P.G lines
     let connect1 n arrow lines =
       match arrow with
       | A.Ghost g ->
          let g = A.position g in
          if g = n then
            Some (add_ghost n lines)
            begin match IMap.find_opt g lines with
            | Some P.G -> Some (clear g lines)
            | _ -> None
       | A.Arrow (i, o) ->
          let i = A.position i
          and o = A.position o in
          if o = n then
-           match IMap.find_opt i lines with
+           begin match IMap.find_opt i lines with
            | Some (P.I cfi) -> Some (add_in o cfi (clear i lines))
            | Some (P.IO (cfi, cfi')) -> Some (add_in o cfi (add_out i cfi' lines))
            | _ -> None
+           end
          else if i = n then
-           match IMap.find_opt o lines with
+           begin match IMap.find_opt o lines with
            | Some (P.O cfo') -> Some (add_out i cfo' (clear o lines))
            | Some (P.IO (cfo, cfo')) -> Some (add_out i cfo' (add_in o cfo lines))
            | _ -> None
+           end
-           match IMap.find_opt i lines, IMap.find_opt o lines with
+           begin match IMap.find_opt i lines, IMap.find_opt o lines with
            | Some (P.I cfi), Some (P.O cfo') when cfi = cfo' ->
               Some (clear o (clear i lines))
            | Some (P.I cfi), Some (P.IO (cfo, cfo')) when cfi = cfo'->
               Some (add_in o cfo (clear i lines))
            | Some (P.IO (cfi, cfi')), Some (P.O cfo') when cfi = cfo' ->
               Some (add_out i cfi' (clear o lines))
            | Some (P.IO (cfi, cfi')), Some (P.IO (cfo, cfo')) when cfi = cfo' ->
               Some (add_in o cfo (add_out i cfi' lines))
            | _ -> None
+           end
+      | A.Epsilon _  ->
+        failwith "Birdtracks.connect not yet defined for Epsilon"
+      | A.Epsilon_bar _ ->
+         failwith "Birdtracks.connect not yet defined for Epsilon_bar"
     let connect connections lines =
       let n = succ (List.length lines)
       and lines = line_map lines in
       let rec connect' acc = function
         | arrow :: arrows ->
            begin match connect1 n arrow acc with
            | None -> None
            | Some acc -> connect' acc arrows
         | [] -> Some acc in
       match connect' lines connections with
       | None -> None
       | Some acc ->
          begin match IMap.bindings acc with
          | [] -> Some P.W
          | [(i, cf)] when i = n -> Some cf
          | _ -> None
     let fuse1 nc lines (c, vertex) =
       match connect vertex lines with
       | None -> []
       | Some cf -> [(L.eval (qc_int nc) c, cf)]
     let fuse nc vertex lines =
       match vertex with
       | [] ->
          if List.for_all is_white lines then
            [(QC.unit, P.W)]
       | vertex ->
          ThoList.flatmap (fuse1 nc lines) vertex
     module Test : Test =
         open OUnit
         let vertices_equal v1 v2 =
-          match v1, v2 with
-          | None, None -> true
-          | Some v1, Some v2 -> (canonicalize1 v1) = (canonicalize1 v2)
-          | _ -> false
+          (canonicalize v1) = (canonicalize v2)
         let eq v1 v2 =
-          assert_equal ~printer:to_string1_opt ~cmp:vertices_equal v1 v2
+          assert_equal ~printer:(ThoList.to_string to_string1) ~cmp:vertices_equal v1 v2
         let suite_times1 =
           "times1" >:::
             [ "merge two" >::
 	        (fun () ->
-                    (Some (L.unit, 1 ==> 2))
+                    [(L.unit, 1 ==> 2)]
                     (times1 (L.unit,  1 ==> -1) (L.unit, -1 ==>  2)));
               "merge two exchanged" >::
 	        (fun () ->
-                    (Some (L.unit, 1 ==> 2))
+                    [(L.unit, 1 ==> 2)]
                     (times1 (L.unit, -1 ==>  2) (L.unit,  1 ==> -1)));
               "ghost1" >::
 	        (fun () ->
-                    (Some (l_over_nc (-1), 1 ==> 2))
+                    [(l_over_nc (-1), 1 ==> 2)]
                        (L.unit, [-1 =>  2; ?? (-3)])
                        (L.unit, [ 1 => -1; ?? (-3)])));
               "ghost2" >::
 	        (fun () ->
-                    None
+                    []
                        (L.unit, [ 1 => -1; ?? (-3)])
                        (L.unit, [-1 =>  2; -3 => -4; -4 => -3])));
               "ghost2 exchanged" >::
 	        (fun () ->
-                    None
+                    []
                        (L.unit, [-1 =>  2; -3 => -4; -4 => -3])
                        (L.unit, [ 1 => -1; ?? (-3)]))) ]
         let suite_canonicalize =
           "canonicalize" >:::
             [ ]
         let line_option_to_string = function
           | None -> "no match"
           | Some line -> P.to_string line
         let test_connect_msg vertex formatter (expected, result) =
             "[%s]: expected %s, got %s"
             (arrows_to_string vertex)
             (line_option_to_string expected)
             (line_option_to_string result)
         let test_connect expected lines vertex =
             expected (connect vertex lines)
         let test_connect_permutations expected lines vertex =
             (fun v ->
                 ~pp_diff:(test_connect_msg v)
                 expected (connect v lines))
             (Combinatorics.permute vertex)
         let suite_connect =
           "connect" >:::
             [ "delta" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (Some (P.I 1))
                     [ P.I 1; P.W ]
                     ( 1 ==> 3 ));
               "f: 1->3->2->1" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (Some (P.IO (1, 3)))
                     [P.IO (1, 2); P.IO (2, 3)]
                     (A.cycle [1; 3; 2]));
               "f: 1->2->3->1" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (Some (P.IO (1, 2)))
                     [P.IO (3, 2); P.IO (1, 3)]
                     (A.cycle [1; 2; 3])) ]
         let suite =
           "Color.Birdtracks" >:::
         let suite_long =
           "Color.Birdtracks long" >:::
     let vertices_equal v1 v2 =
       is_null (v1 --- v2)
     let assert_zero_vertex v =
       OUnit.assert_equal ~printer:to_string ~cmp:vertices_equal null v
     (* As an extra protection agains vacuous tests, we make
        sure that the LHS does not vanish.  *)
     let eq v1 v2 =
       OUnit.assert_bool "LHS = 0" (not (is_null v1));
       OUnit.assert_equal ~printer:to_string ~cmp:vertices_equal v1 v2
 (* \thocwmodulesection{$\mathrm{SU}(N_C)$}
    We're computing with a general $N_C$, but [epsilon] and [epsilonbar]
    make only sense for $N_C=3$.  Also some of the terminology alludes
    to $N_C=3$: triplet, sextet, octet. *)
 (* Using the normalization~$\tr(T_{a}T_{b}) = \delta_{ab}$, we can
    check the selfconsistency of the completeness relation
        T_{a}^{i_1j_1} T_{a}^{i_2j_2} =
          \left(                 \delta^{i_1j_2} \delta^{i_2j_1}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{i_1j_1} \delta^{j_1j_2}\right)
      T_{a}^{i_1j_1} T_{a}^{i_2j_2}
        = \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_2}\right) T_{a_1}^{i_1j_1} T_{a_2}^{i_2j_2}
        = T_{a_1}^{l_1l_2} T_{a_2}^{l_2l_1}
          T_{a_1}^{i_1j_1} T_{a_2}^{i_2j_2} \\
        = \left(                 \delta^{l_1j_1} \delta^{i_1l_2}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{l_1l_2} \delta^{i_1j_1}\right)
          \left(                 \delta^{l_2j_2} \delta^{i_2l_1}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{l_2l_1} \delta^{i_2j_2}\right)
        = \left(                 \delta^{i_1j_2} \delta^{i_2j_1}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{i_1i_2} \delta^{j_2j_1}\right)
      \ii f_{a_1a_2a_3}
        = \tr\left(T_{a_1}\left\lbrack T_{a_2},T_{a_3}\right\rbrack\right)
        = \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_2}T_{a_3}\right)
        - \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_3}T_{a_2}\right)
          T_{a_1}^{i_1j_1} T_{a_2}^{i_2j_2} T_{a_3}^{i_3j_3}
        = T_{a_1}^{l_1l_2} T_{a_2}^{l_2l_3} T_{a_3}^{l_3l_1}
          T_{a_1}^{i_1j_1} T_{a_2}^{i_2j_2} T_{a_3}^{i_3j_3} = \\
          \left(                 \delta^{l_1j_1} \delta^{i_1l_2}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{l_1l_2} \delta^{i_1j_1}\right)
          \left(                 \delta^{l_2j_2} \delta^{i_2l_3}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{l_2l_3} \delta^{i_2j_2}\right)
          \left(                 \delta^{l_3j_3} \delta^{i_3l_1}
                 - \frac{1}{N_C} \delta^{l_3l_1} \delta^{i_3j_3}\right)
    we find the decomposition
        \ii f_{a_1a_2a_3} T_{a_1}^{i_1j_1}T_{a_2}^{i_2j_2}T_{a_3}^{i_3j_3}
      = \delta^{i_1j_2}\delta^{i_2j_3}\delta^{i_3j_1}
      - \delta^{i_1j_3}\delta^{i_3j_2}\delta^{i_2j_1}\,.
    \end{equation} *)
 (*  Indeed,
 symbol nc;
 Dimension nc;
 vector i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3;
 index l1, l2, l3;
 local [TT] =
         ( j1(l1) * i1(l2) - d_(l1,l2) * i1.j1 / nc )
       * ( j2(l2) * i2(l1) - d_(l2,l1) * i2.j2 / nc );
 #procedure TTT(sign)
 local [TTT`sign'] =
         ( j1(l1) * i1(l2) - d_(l1,l2) * i1.j1 / nc )
       * ( j2(l2) * i2(l3) - d_(l2,l3) * i2.j2 / nc )
       * ( j3(l3) * i3(l1) - d_(l3,l1) * i3.j3 / nc )
  `sign' ( j1(l1) * i1(l2) - d_(l1,l2) * i1.j1 / nc )
       * ( j3(l2) * i3(l3) - d_(l2,l3) * i3.j3 / nc )
       * ( j2(l3) * i2(l1) - d_(l3,l1) * i2.j2 / nc );
 #call TTT(-)
 #call TTT(+)
 bracket nc;
    [TT] =
        + nc^-1 * (  - i1.j1*i2.j2 )
        + i1.j2*i2.j1;
    [TTT-] =
        + i1.j2*i2.j3*i3.j1 - i1.j3*i2.j1*i3.j2;
    [TTT+] =
        + nc^-2 * (    4*i1.j1*i2.j2*i3.j3 )
        + nc^-1 * (  - 2*i1.j1*i2.j3*i3.j2
                     - 2*i1.j2*i2.j1*i3.j3
                     - 2*i1.j3*i2.j2*i3.j1 )
        + i1.j2*i2.j3*i3.j1 + i1.j3*i2.j1*i3.j2;
 module type SU3 =
     include Birdtracks
     val delta3 : int -> int -> t
     val delta8 : int -> int -> t
     val delta8_loop : int -> int -> t
     val gluon : int -> int -> t
     val delta6 : int -> int -> t
     val delta10 : int -> int -> t
     val t : int -> int -> int -> t
     val f : int -> int -> int -> t
     val d : int -> int -> int -> t
-    val epsilon : int -> int -> int -> t
-    val epsilonbar : int -> int -> int -> t
+    val epsilon : int list -> t
+    val epsilon_bar : int list -> t
     val t8 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val t6 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val t10 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val k6 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val k6bar : int -> int -> int -> t
     val delta_of_tableau : int Young.tableau -> int -> int -> t
     val t_of_tableau : int Young.tableau -> int -> int -> int -> t
 module SU3 : SU3 =
     module A = Arrow
     open Arrow.Infix
     module B = Birdtracks
     type t = B.t
     let canonicalize = B.canonicalize
     let to_string = B.to_string
     let pp = B.pp
     let trivial = B.trivial
     let is_null = B.is_null
     let null = B.null
     let const = B.const
     let one =
     let two = B.two
     let int =
     let half = B.half
     let third = B.third
     let fraction = B.fraction
     let nc =
     let over_nc = B.over_nc
     let minus = B.minus
     let imag = B.imag
     let ints = B.ints
     let sum = B.sum
     let diff = B.diff
     let scale = B.scale
     let times = B.times
     let multiply = B.multiply
     let relocate = B.relocate
     let fuse = B.fuse
     let f_of_rep = B.f_of_rep
     let d_of_rep = B.d_of_rep
     module Infix = B.Infix
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Fundamental and Adjoint Representation} *)
     let delta3 i j =
       [( 1, j ==> i)]
     let delta8 a b =
       [( 1, a <=> b)]
     (* If the~$\delta_{ab}$ originates from
        a~$\tr(T_aT_b)$, like an effective~$gg\to H$
        coupling, it makes a difference in the color
        flow basis and we must write the full expression~(6.2)
        from~\cite{Kilian:2012pz} including the ghosts instead.
        Note that the sign for the terms with one ghost
        has not been spelled out in that reference. *)
     let delta8_loop a b =
       [( 1, a <=> b);
        ( (-1), [a => a; ?? b]);
        ( (-1), [?? a; b => b]);
        ( 1, [?? a; ?? b])]
     (* The following can be used for computing polarization sums
        (eventually, this could make the [Flow] module redundant).
        Note that we have $-N_C$ instead of $-1/N_C$ in the ghost
        contribution here, because
        two factors of $-1/N_C$ will be produced by [add_arrow]
        below, when contracting two ghost indices.
        Indeed, with this definition we can maintain
        [multiply [delta8 1 (-1); gluon (-1) (-2); delta8 (-2) 2]
         = delta8 1 2]. *)
     let ghost a b =
       [ ( (-1), [?? a; ?? b])]
     let gluon a b =
       delta8 a b @ ghost a b
     (* Note that the arrow is directed from the second to the first
        index, opposite to our color flow paper~\cite{Kilian:2012pz}.
        Fortunately, this is just a matter of conventions.
   \end{fmfgraph*}}} &\Longrightarrow
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v, __g) sideways -thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__v, __g)) sideways -thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__f1, __v)}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v, __f2)}
       (vpath (__f1, __v) join (vpath (__v, __g)) sideways -thick)}
       ((reverse vpath (__g, __v) sideways -thick) join vpath (__v, __f2))}
   T_a^{ij} \qquad\quad
     &\Longrightarrow \qquad\quad \delta^{ia}\delta^{aj}
        \qquad\qquad\qquad - \delta^{ij}
 \end{subequations} *)
     let t a i j =
       [ ( 1, [j => a; a => i]);
         ( (-1), [j => i; ?? a]) ]
 (* Note that while we expect $\tr(T_a)=T_a^{ii}=0$,
    the evaluation of the expression [t 1 (-1) (-1)] will stop
    at [ [ -1 => 1; 1 => -1 ] --- [ -1 => -1; ?? 1 ] ], because the
    summation index appears in a single term.
    However, a naive further evaluation would get stuck at
    [ [ 1 => 1 ] --- nc *** [ ?? 1 ] ].
    Fortunately, traces of single generators are never needed in our
    applications.  We just have to resist the temptation to use them
    in unit tests. *)
     \fmfi{plain}{(vpath(__g1,__v) join (reverse vpath(__g2,__v))) 
                  sideways thick}
     \fmfi{plain}{(vpath(__g2,__v) join (reverse vpath(__g3,__v)))
                  sideways thick}
     \fmfi{plain}{(vpath(__g3,__v) join (reverse vpath(__g1,__v)))
                  sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__g1, __v) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__g2, __v) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__g3, __v) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__g1, __v)) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__g2, __v)) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__g3, __v)) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{plain}{(vpath(__g1,__v) join (reverse vpath(__g3,__v))) 
                  sideways thick}
     \fmfi{plain}{(vpath(__g2,__v) join (reverse vpath(__g1,__v)))
                  sideways thick}
     \fmfi{plain}{(vpath(__g3,__v) join (reverse vpath(__g2,__v)))
                  sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__g1, __v) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__g2, __v) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__g3, __v) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__g1, __v)) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__g2, __v)) sideways thick}
     \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{(reverse vpath (__g3, __v)) sideways thick}
 \end{equation} *)
     let f a b c =
       [ (LP.imag ( 1), A.cycle [a; b; c]);
         (LP.imag (-1), A.cycle [a; c; b]) ]
 (* The generator in the adjoint representation $T_a^{bc}=-\ii f_{abc}$: *)
     let t8 a b c =
       Birdtracks.Infix.( minus *** imag *** f a b c )
 (* This $d_{abc}$ is now compatible with~(6.11) in our color
    flow paper~\cite{Kilian:2012pz}.  The signs had been wrong
    in earlier versions of the code to match the missing
    sign in the ghost contribution to the generator~$T_a^{ij}$
    above. *)
     let d a b c =
       [ ( 1, A.cycle [a; b; c]);
         ( 1, A.cycle [a; c; b]);
         ( (-2), (a <=> b) @ [?? c]);
         ( (-2), (b <=> c) @ [?? a]);
         ( (-2), (c <=> a) @ [?? b]);
         ( 2, [a => a; ?? b; ?? c]);
         ( 2, [?? a; b => b; ?? c]);
         ( 2, [?? a; ?? b; c => c]);
         ( (-2), [?? a; ?? b; ?? c]) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Decomposed Tensor Product Representations} *)
     let pass_through m n incoming outgoing =
       List.rev_map2 (fun i o -> (m, i) >=>> (n, o)) incoming outgoing
     let delta_of_permutations n permutations k l =
       let incoming = ThoList.range 0 (pred n)
       and normalization = List.length permutations in
         (fun (eps, outgoing) ->
           (LP.fraction (eps * normalization),
            pass_through l k incoming outgoing))
     let totally_symmetric n =
         (fun p -> (1, p))
         (Combinatorics.permute (ThoList.range 0 (pred n)))
     let totally_antisymmetric n =
         (Combinatorics.permute_signed (ThoList.range 0 (pred n)))
     let delta_S n k l =
       delta_of_permutations n (totally_symmetric n) k l
     let delta_A n k l =
       delta_of_permutations n (totally_antisymmetric n) k l
     let delta6 = delta_S 2
     let delta10 = delta_S 3
     let delta15 = delta_S 4
     let delta3bar = delta_A 2
     (* Mixed symmetries, as in section 9.4 of the birdtracks book. *)
     module IM = Partial.Make (struct type t = int let compare = pcompare end)
     module P = Permutation.Default
 (* Map the elements of [original] to [permuted] in [all], with [all]
    a list of $n$ integers from $0$ to $n-1$ in order, and use the resulting
    list to define a permutation.
    E.\,g.~[permute_partial [1;3] [3;1] [0;1;2;3;4]] will define a
    permutation that transposes the second and fourth element in
    a 5 element list. *)
     let permute_partial original permuted all =
       P.of_list ( ( (IM.of_lists original permuted)) all)
     let apply1 (sign, indices) (eps, p) =
       (eps * sign, P.list p indices)
     let apply signed_permutations signed_indices =
       List.rev_map (apply1 signed_indices) signed_permutations
     let apply_list signed_permutations signed_indices =
       ThoList.flatmap (apply signed_permutations) signed_indices
     let symmetrizer_of_permutations n original signed_permutations =
       let incoming = ThoList.range 0 (pred n) in
         (fun (eps, permuted) ->
           (eps, permute_partial original permuted incoming))
     let symmetrizer n indices =
         n indices
         (List.rev_map (fun p -> (1, p)) (Combinatorics.permute indices))
     let anti_symmetrizer n indices =
         n indices
         (Combinatorics.permute_signed indices)
     let symmetrize n elements indices =
       apply_list (symmetrizer n elements) indices
     let anti_symmetrize n elements indices =
       apply_list (anti_symmetrizer n elements) indices
     let id n =
       [(1, ThoList.range 0 (pred n))]
     (* \begin{dubious}
          We can avoid the recursion here, if we use
          [Combinatorics.permute_tensor_signed] in
          [symmetrizer] above.
        \end{dubious} *)
     let rec apply_tableau f n tableau indices =
       match tableau with
       | [] | [_] :: _ -> indices
       | cells :: rest ->
          apply_tableau f n rest (f n cells indices)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      Here we should at a sanity test for [tableau]: all integers should
      be consecutive starting from 0 with no duplicates.  In additions
      the rows must not grow in length.
    \end{dubious} *)
     let delta_of_tableau tableau i j =
       let n = Young.num_cells_tableau tableau
       and num, den = Young.normalization (Young.diagram_of_tableau tableau)
       and rows = tableau
-      and cols = Young.transpose_tableau tableau in
+      and cols = Young.conjugate_tableau tableau in
       let permutations =
         apply_tableau symmetrize n rows (apply_tableau anti_symmetrize n cols (id n)) in
       Birdtracks.Infix.( int num *** fraction den *** delta_of_permutations n permutations i j )
     let incomplete tensor =
       failwith ("Color.Vertex: " ^ tensor ^ " not supported yet!")
     let experimental tensor =
         "Color.Vertex: %s support still experimental and untested!\n"
-(* \begin{dubious}
-     Can we avoid nonlocality of the $\epsilon_{ijk}$ reduction,
-     as described in the revision of our color flow paper,
-     by simply using $\bar N\otimes_A \bar N$ instead of~$N$ on one
-     of the lines?
-     This should work trivially, if we could always pick one flavor
-     appearing in the $\epsilon_{ijk}$ for this conversion, but this
-     is not guaranteed.
-     As a hack, we could choose the color triplet bosons for
-     the $\bar N\otimes_A \bar N$ treatment,
-     as long as we can expect only $\epsilon_{ijk} \psi_i\psi_j\phi_k$
-     couplings.  This would take care of the RPV MSSM.
-   \end{dubious} *)
+    let distinct integers =
+      let rec distinct' seen = function
+        | [] -> true
+        | i :: rest ->
+           if Sets.Int.mem i seen then
+             false
+           else
+             distinct' (Sets.Int.add i seen) rest in
+      distinct' Sets.Int.empty integers
+    (* All lines start here: they point towards the vertex. *)
+    let epsilon tips =
+      if distinct tips then
+        [( 1, [Arrow.epsilon tips])]
+      else
+        null
     (* All lines end here: they point away from the vertex. *)
-    let epsilon i j k = incomplete "epsilon-tensor"
+    let epsilon_bar tails =
+      if distinct tails then
+        [( 1, [Arrow.epsilon_bar tails])]
+      else
+        null
-    (* All lines start here: they point towards the vertex. *)
-    let epsilonbar i j k = incomplete "epsilon-tensor"
 (* In order to get the correct $N_C$ dependence of
    quadratic Casimir operators, the arrows in the vertex must
    have the same permutation symmetry as the propagator.  This
    is demonstrated by the unit tests involving Casimir operators
    on page \pageref{pg:casimir-tests} below.  These tests also
    provide a check of our normalization.
    The implementation takes a propagator and uses [Arrow.tee] to
-   replace one arrow by the pair of arrows correspondig to the
+   replace one arrow by the pair of arrows corresponding to the
    insertion of a gluon.  This is repeated for each arrow.
    The normalization remains unchanged from the propagator.
    A minus sign is added for antiparallel arrows, since the
    conjugate representation is~$-T^*_a$.
    To this, we add the diagrams with a gluon connected to one arrow.
    Since these are identical, only one diagram multiplied by the
    difference of the number of parallel and antiparallel arrows
    is added. *)
     let insert_gluon a k l (norm, arrows) =
       let rec insert_gluon' acc left = function
         | [] -> acc
         | arrow :: right ->
              ((Algebra.Laurent.mul ( (A.dir k l arrow)) norm,
                List.rev_append left ((A.tee a arrow) @ right)) :: acc)
              (arrow :: left)
              right in
       insert_gluon' [] [] arrows
     let t_of_delta delta a k l =
       match delta k l with
       | [] -> []
       | (_, arrows) :: _ as delta_kl ->
          let n =
              (fun acc arrow -> acc + A.dir k l arrow)
              0 arrows in
          let ghosts =
              (fun (norm, arrows) ->
                (Algebra.Laurent.mul ( (-n)) norm, ?? a :: arrows))
              delta_kl in
            (fun acc arrows -> insert_gluon a k l arrows @ acc)
            ghosts delta_kl
     let t_of_delta delta a k l =
       canonicalize (t_of_delta delta a k l)
     let t_S n a k l =
       t_of_delta (delta_S n) a k l
     let t_A n a k l =
       t_of_delta (delta_A n) a k l
     let t6 = t_S 2
     let t10 = t_S 3
     let t15 = t_S 4
     let t3bar = t_A 2
 (* Equivalent definition: *)
     let t8' a b c =
       t_of_delta delta8 a b c
     let t_of_tableau tableau a k l =
       t_of_delta (delta_of_tableau tableau) a k l
 (* \begin{dubious}
      Check the following for a real live UFO file!
    \end{dubious} *)
 (* In the UFO paper, the Clebsh-Gordan is defined
    as~$K^{(6),ij}_{\hphantom{(6),ij}m}$.  Therefore, keeping
    our convention for the generators~$T_{a\hphantom{(6),j}i}^{(6),j}$,
    the must arrows \emph{end} at~$m$. *)
     let k6 m i j =
       experimental "k6";
       [ ( 1, [i =>> (m, 0); j =>> (m, 1)]);
         ( 1, [i =>> (m, 1); j =>> (m, 0)]) ]
 (* The arrow are reversed for~$\bar K^{(6),m}_{\hphantom{(6),m}ij}$
    and \emph{start} at~$m$. *)
     let k6bar m i j =
       experimental "k6bar";
       [ ( 1, [(m, 0) >=> i; (m, 1) >=> j]);
         ( 1, [(m, 1) >=> i; (m, 0) >=> j]) ]
     (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Unit Tests} *)
     module Test : Test =
         open OUnit
         module L = Algebra.Laurent
         module B = Birdtracks
         open Birdtracks
         open Birdtracks.Infix
         let exorcise vertex =
             (fun (_, arrows) -> not (List.exists A.is_ghost arrows))
         let eqx v1 v2 =
           eq (exorcise v1) (exorcise v2)
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Trivia} *)
         let suite_sum =
           "sum" >:::
             [ "atoms" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (two *** delta3 1 2)
                     (delta3 1 2 +++ delta3 1 2)) ]
         let suite_diff =
           "diff" >:::
             [ "atoms" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (delta3 3 4)
                     (delta3 1 2 +++ delta3 3 4 --- delta3 1 2)) ]
         let suite_times =
           "times" >:::
             [ "reorder components t1*t2" >:: (* trivial $T_a^{ik}T_a^{kj}=T_a^{kj}T_a^{ik}$ *)
 	        (fun () ->
                   let t1 = t (-1) 1 (-2)
                   and t2 = t (-1) (-2) 2 in
 	          eq (t1 *** t2) (t2 *** t1));
               "reorder components tr(t1*t2)" >:: (* trivial $T_a^{ij}T_a^{ji}=T_a^{ji}T_a^{ij}$ *)
 	        (fun () ->
                   let t1 = t 1 (-1) (-2)
                   and t2 = t 2 (-2) (-1) in
 	          eq (t1 *** t2) (t2 *** t1));
               "reorderings" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                   let v1 = [(L.unit, [ 1 => -2; -2 => -1; -1 =>  1])]
                   and v2 = [(L.unit, [-1 =>  2;  2 => -2; -2 => -1])]
                   and v' = [(L.unit, [ 1 =>  1;  2 =>  2])] in
-	          eq v' (v1 *** v2)) ]
+	          eq v' (v1 *** v2));
+              "eps*epsbar" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+	          eq
+                    (delta3 1 2 *** delta3 3 4 --- delta3 1 4 *** delta3 3 2)
+                    (epsilon [-1; 1; 3] *** epsilon_bar [-1; 2; 4]));
+              "eps*epsbar cyclic 1" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+	          eq
+                    (delta3 1 2 *** delta3 3 4 --- delta3 1 4 *** delta3 3 2)
+                    (epsilon [3; -1; 1] *** epsilon_bar [-1; 2; 4]));
+              "eps*epsbar cyclic 2" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+	          eq
+                    (delta3 1 2 *** delta3 3 4 --- delta3 1 4 *** delta3 3 2)
+                    (epsilon [-1; 1; 3] *** epsilon_bar [4; -1; 2]));
+              "eps*epsbar 2" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+	          eq
+                    (const (LP.ints [ (1, 1); (-1,0) ]) *** delta3 1 2)
+                    (epsilon [-1; -2; 1] *** epsilon_bar [-1; -2; 2]));
+              "eps*epsbar 3" >::
+	        (fun () ->
+	          eq
+                    (const (LP.ints [ (1, 2); (-1,1) ]))
+                    (epsilon [-1; -2; -3] *** epsilon_bar [-1; -2; -3])) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Propagators} *)
 (* Verify the normalization of the propagators by making sure
    that $D^{ij}D^{jk}=D^{ik}$ *)
         let projection_id rep_d =
 	  eq (rep_d 1 2) (rep_d 1 (-1) *** rep_d (-1) 2)
         let orthogonality d d' =
           assert_zero_vertex (d 1 (-1) *** d' (-1) 2)
 (* Pass every arrow straight through, without (anti-)symmetrization. *)
         let delta_unsymmetrized n k l =
           delta_of_permutations n [(1, ThoList.range 0 (pred n))] k l
         let completeness n tableaux =
             (delta_unsymmetrized n 1 2)
             (sum ( (fun t -> delta_of_tableau t 1 2) tableaux))
 (* The following names are of historical origin. From the time,
    when we didn't have full support for Young tableaux and
    implemented figure 9.1 from the birdtrack book.
    \end{equation} *)
         let delta_SAS i j =
           delta_of_tableau [[0;1];[2]] i j
 (* \begin{equation}
    \end{equation} *)
         let delta_ASA i j =
           delta_of_tableau [[0;2];[1]] i j
         let suite_propagators =
           "propagators" >:::
             [ "D*D=D" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta3);
               "D8*D8=D8" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta8);
               "G*G=G" >:: (fun () -> projection_id gluon);
               "D6*D6=D6" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta6);
               "D10*D10=D10" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta10);
               "D15*D15=D15" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta15);
               "D3bar*D3bar=D3bar" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta3bar);
               "D6*D3bar=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta6 delta3bar);
               "D_A3*D_A3=D_A3" >:: (fun () -> projection_id (delta_A 3));
               "D10*D_A3=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta10 (delta_A 3));
               "D_SAS*D_SAS=D_SAS" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta_SAS);
               "D_ASA*D_ASA=D_ASA" >:: (fun () -> projection_id delta_ASA);
               "D_SAS*D_S3=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta_SAS (delta_S 3));
               "D_SAS*D_A3=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta_SAS (delta_A 3));
               "D_SAS*D_ASA=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta_SAS delta_ASA);
               "D_ASA*D_SAS=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta_ASA delta_SAS);
               "D_ASA*D_S3=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta_ASA (delta_S 3));
               "D_ASA*D_A3=0" >:: (fun () -> orthogonality delta_ASA (delta_A 3));
               "DU*DU=DU" >:: (fun () -> projection_id (delta_unsymmetrized 3));
               "S3=[0123]" >::
                 (fun () ->
                   eq (delta_S 4 1 2) (delta_of_tableau [[0;1;2;3]] 1 2));
               "A3=[0,1,2,3]" >::
                 (fun () ->
                   eq (delta_A 4 1 2) (delta_of_tableau [[0];[1];[2];[3]] 1 2));
               "[0123]*[012,3]=0" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (delta_of_tableau [[0;1;2;3]])
                     (delta_of_tableau [[0;1;2];[3]]));
               "[0123]*[01,23]=0" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (delta_of_tableau [[0;1;2;3]])
                     (delta_of_tableau [[0;1];[2;3]]));
               "[012,3]*[012,3]=[012,3]" >::
                 (fun () -> projection_id (delta_of_tableau [[0;1;2];[3]]));
 (* \ytableausetup{centertableaux,smalltableaux}
      +                 \ytableaushort{0,1}
    \end{equation} *)
               "completeness 2" >:: (fun () -> completeness 2 [ [[0;1]]; [[0];[1]] ]) ;
               "completeness 2'" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (delta_unsymmetrized 2 1 2)
                     (delta_S 2 1 2 +++ delta_A 2 1 2));
 (* The normalization factors are written for illustration.  They are
    added by [delta_of_tableau] automatically.
      + \frac{4}{3}\cdot\ytableaushort{01,2}
      + \frac{4}{3}\cdot\ytableaushort{02,1}
      +                 \ytableaushort{0,1,2}
    \end{equation} *)
               "completeness 3" >::
                 (fun () -> completeness 3 [ [[0;1;2]]; [[0;1];[2]]; [[0;2];[1]]; [[0];[1];[2]] ]);
               "completeness 3'" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (delta_unsymmetrized 3 1 2)
                     (delta_S 3 1 2 +++ delta_SAS 1 2 +++ delta_ASA 1 2 +++ delta_A 3 1 2));
 (* \ytableausetup{centertableaux,smalltableaux}
      + \frac{3}{2}\cdot\ytableaushort{012,3}
      + \frac{3}{2}\cdot\ytableaushort{013,2}
      + \frac{3}{2}\cdot\ytableaushort{023,1}
      + \frac{4}{3}\cdot\ytableaushort{01,23}
      + \frac{4}{3}\cdot\ytableaushort{02,13}
      + \frac{3}{2}\cdot\ytableaushort{01,2,3}
      + \frac{3}{2}\cdot\ytableaushort{02,1,3}
      + \frac{3}{2}\cdot\ytableaushort{03,1,2}
      +                 \ytableaushort{0,1,2,3}
    \end{equation} *)
               "completeness 4" >::
                 (fun () ->
                   completeness 4
                     [ [[0;1;2;3]];
                       [[0;1;2];[3]]; [[0;1;3];[2]]; [[0;2;3];[1]];
                       [[0;1];[2;3]]; [[0;2];[1;3]];
                       [[0;1];[2];[3]]; [[0;2];[1];[3]]; [[0;3];[1];[2]];
                       [[0];[1];[2];[3]] ]) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Normalization} *)
         let suite_normalization =
           "normalization" >:::
             [ "tr(t*t)" >:: (* $\tr(T_aT_b)=\delta_{ab} + \text{ghosts}$ *)
 	        (fun () ->
                     (delta8_loop 1 2)
                     (t 1 (-1) (-2) *** t 2 (-2) (-1)));
               "tr(t*t) sans ghosts" >:: (* $\tr(T_aT_b)=\delta_{ab}$ *)
 	        (fun () ->
                     (delta8 1 2)
                     (t 1 (-1) (-2) *** t 2 (-2) (-1)));
 (* The additional ghostly terms were unexpected, but 
    arises like~(6.2) in our color flow paper~\cite{Kilian:2012pz}. *)
               "t*t*t" >:: (* $T_aT_bT_a=-T_b/N_C + \ldots$ *)
 	        (fun () ->
                     (minus *** over_nc *** t 1 2 3
                      +++ [( 1, [1 => 1; 3 => 2]);
                           ( (-1), [3 => 2; ?? 1])])
                     (t (-1) 2 (-2) *** t 1 (-2) (-3) *** t (-1) (-3) 3));
 (* As expected, these ghostly terms cancel in the summed squares
        = \tr(T_bT_b)/N_C^2
        = \delta_{bb}/N_C^2
        = (N_C^2-1) / N_C^2
        = 1 - 1 / N_C^2
    \end{equation} *)
               "sum((t*t*t)^2)" >:: 
 	        (fun () ->
                     (ints [(1, 0); (-1, -2)])
                     (t (-1) (-11) (-12) *** t (-2) (-12) (-13) *** t (-1) (-13) (-14)
                      *** t (-3) (-14) (-15) *** t (-2) (-15) (-16) *** t (-3) (-16) (-11)));
               "d*d" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     [ (LP.ints [(2, 1); (-8,-1)], 1 <=> 2);
                       (LP.ints [(2, 0); ( 4,-2)], [1=>1; 2=>2]) ]
                     (d 1 (-1) (-2) *** d 2 (-2) (-1))) ]
 (* As proposed in our color flow paper~\cite{Kilian:2012pz},
    we can get the correct (anti-)symmetrized generators
    by sandwiching the following unsymmetrized generators
    between the corresponding (anti-)symmetrized projectors.
    Therefore, the unsymmetrized generators work as long as
    they're used in Feynman diagrams, where they are connected
    by propagators that contain (anti-)symmetrized projectors.
    They even work in the Lie algebra relations and give the
    correct normalization there.
    They fail however for more general color algebra expressions
    that can appear in UFO files.
    In particular, the Casimir operators come out really wrong. *)
         let t_unsymmetrized n k l =
           t_of_delta (delta_unsymmetrized n) k l
 (* The following trivial vertices are \emph{not} used anymore,
    since they don't get the normalization of the Ward identities
    right.  For the quadratic casimir operators, they always produce a
    result proportional to~$C_F=C_2(S_1)$.  This can be understood because
    they correspond to a fundamental representation with spectators.
    (Anti-)symmetrizing by sandwiching with projectors almost works,
    but they must be multiplied by hand by the number of arrows to get the
    normalization right.
    They're here just for documenting what doesn't work. *)
         let t_trivial n a k l =
           let sterile =
    (fun i -> (l, i) >=>> (k, i)) (ThoList.range 1 (pred n)) in
           [ ( ( 1), ((l, 0) >=> a) :: (a =>> (k, 0)) :: sterile);
             ( (-1), (?? a) :: ((l, 0) >=>> (k, 0)) :: sterile) ]
         let t6_trivial = t_trivial 2
         let t10_trivial = t_trivial 3
         let t15_trivial = t_trivial 4
         let t_SAS = t_of_delta delta_SAS
         let t_ASA = t_of_delta delta_ASA
         let symmetrization ?rep_ts rep_tu rep_d =
           let rep_ts =
             match rep_ts with
             | None -> rep_tu
             | Some rep_t -> rep_t in
             (rep_ts 1 2 3)
             (gluon 1 (-1) *** rep_d 2 (-2) *** rep_tu (-1) (-2) (-3) *** rep_d (-3) 3)
 	let suite_symmetrization =
           "symmetrization" >:::
             [ "t6" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization t6 delta6);
               "t10" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization t10 delta10);
               "t15" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization t15 delta15);
               "t3bar" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization t3bar delta3bar);
               "t_SAS" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization t_SAS delta_SAS);
               "t_ASA" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization t_ASA delta_ASA);
               "t6'" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization ~rep_ts:t6 (t_unsymmetrized 2) delta6);
               "t10'" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization ~rep_ts:t10 (t_unsymmetrized 3) delta10);
               "t15'" >:: (fun () -> symmetrization ~rep_ts:t15 (t_unsymmetrized 4) delta15);
               "t6''" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (t6 1 2 3)
                     (int 2 *** delta6 2 (-1) *** t6_trivial 1 (-1) (-2) *** delta6 (-2) 3));
               "t10''" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (t10 1 2 3)
                     (int 3 *** delta10 2 (-1) *** t10_trivial 1 (-1) (-2) *** delta10 (-2) 3));
               "t15''" >::
                 (fun () ->
                     (t15 1 2 3)
                     (int 4 *** delta15 2 (-1) *** t15_trivial 1 (-1) (-2) *** delta15 (-2) 3)) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Traces} *)
 (* Compute (anti-)commutators of generators in the representation~$r$,
    i.\,e.~$[r(t_a)r(t_b)]_{ij}\mp[r(t_b)r(t_a)]_{ij}$, using
    [isum<0] as summation index in the matrix products. *)
         let commutator rep_t i_sum a b i j =
           multiply [rep_t a i i_sum; rep_t b i_sum j]
           --- multiply [rep_t b i i_sum; rep_t a i_sum j]
         let anti_commutator rep_t i_sum a b i j =
           multiply [rep_t a i i_sum; rep_t b i_sum j]
           +++ multiply [rep_t b i i_sum; rep_t a i_sum j]
 (* Trace of the product of three generators in the representation~$r$,
    i.\,e.~$\tr_r(r(t_a)r(t_b)r(t_c))$, using $-1,-2,-3$ as summation indices
    in the matrix products. *)
         let trace3 rep_t a b c =
           rep_t a (-1) (-2) *** rep_t b (-2) (-3) *** rep_t c (-3) (-1)
         let loop3 a b c =
           [ ( 1, A.cycle (List.rev [a; b; c]));
             ( (-1), (a <=> b) @ [?? c]);
             ( (-1), (b <=> c) @ [?? a]);
             ( (-1), (c <=> a) @ [?? b]);
             ( 1, [a => a; ?? b; ?? c]);
             ( 1, [?? a; b => b; ?? c]);
             ( 1, [?? a; ?? b; c => c]);
             ( (-1), [?? a; ?? b; ?? c]) ]
         let suite_trace =
           "trace" >:::
             [ "tr(ttt)" >::
                 (fun () -> eq (trace3 t 1 2 3) (loop3 1 2 3));
               "tr(ttt) cyclic 1" >:: (* $\tr(T_aT_bT_c)=\tr(T_bT_cT_a)$ *)
                 (fun () -> eq (trace3 t 1 2 3) (trace3 t 2 3 1));
               "tr(ttt) cyclic 2" >:: (* $\tr(T_aT_bT_c)=\tr(T_cT_aT_b)$ *)
                 (fun () -> eq (trace3 t 1 2 3) (trace3 t 3 1 2));
 (* \begin{dubious}
      Do we expect this?
    \end{dubious} *)
               "tr(tttt)" >:: (* $\tr(T_aT_bT_cT_d)=\ldots$ *)
                 (fun () ->
                     [( 1, A.cycle [4; 3; 2; 1])]
                     (t 1 (-1) (-2) *** t 2 (-2) (-3) *** t 3 (-3) (-4) *** t 4 (-4) (-1))) ]
         let suite_ghosts =
           "ghosts" >:::
             [ "H->gg" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (delta8_loop 1 2)
                     (t 1 (-1) (-2) *** t 2 (-2) (-1)));
               "H->ggg f" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (imag *** f 1 2 3)
                     (trace3 t 1 2 3 --- trace3 t 1 3 2));
               "H->ggg d" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (d 1 2 3)
                     (trace3 t 1 2 3 +++ trace3 t 1 3 2));
               "H->ggg f'" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (imag *** f 1 2 3)
                     (t 1 (-3) (-2) *** commutator t (-1) 2 3 (-2) (-3)));
               "H->ggg d'" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (d 1 2 3)
                     (t 1 (-3) (-2) *** anti_commutator t (-1) 2 3 (-2) (-3)));
               "H->ggg cyclic'" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                   let trace a b c =
                     t a (-3) (-2) *** commutator t (-1) b c (-2) (-3) in
 	          eq (trace 1 2 3) (trace 2 3 1)) ]
         let ff a1 a2 a3 a4 =
           [ ( (-1), A.cycle [a1; a2; a3; a4]);
             ( ( 1), A.cycle [a2; a1; a3; a4]);
             ( ( 1), A.cycle [a1; a2; a4; a3]);
             ( (-1), A.cycle [a2; a1; a4; a3]) ]
         let tf j i a b =
           [ (LP.imag ( 1), A.chain [i; a; b; j]);
             (LP.imag (-1), A.chain [i; b; a; j]) ]
         let suite_ff =
           "f*f" >:::
             [ "1" >:: (fun () -> eq (ff 1 2 3 4) (f (-1) 1 2 *** f (-1) 3 4));
               "2" >:: (fun () -> eq (ff 1 2 3 4) (f (-1) 1 2 *** f 3 4 (-1)));
               "3" >:: (fun () -> eq (ff 1 2 3 4) (f (-1) 1 2 *** f 4 (-1) 3)) ]
         let suite_tf =
           "t*f" >:::
             [ "1" >:: (fun () -> eq (tf 1 2 3 4) (t (-1) 1 2 *** f (-1) 3 4)) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Completeness Relation} *)
 (* Check the completeness relation corresponding
    to $q\bar q$-scattering:
        \end{fmfgraph*}}} =
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__i1, __v1)}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v1, __v2) sideways -thick}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v2, __o1)}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__o2, __v2)}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{reverse vpath (__v1, __v2) sideways -thick}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v1, __i2)}
          \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__i1, __v1) join 
                       (vpath (__v1, __v2) sideways -thick) join
                       vpath (__v2, __o1)}
          \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__o2, __v2) join
                       (reverse vpath (__v1, __v2) sideways -thick) join
                       vpath (__v1, __i2)}
        \end{fmfgraph*}}} +
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__i1, __v1)}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v2, __o1)}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__o2, __v2)}
          \fmfi{phantom_arrow}{vpath (__v1, __i2)}
          \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__i1, __v1) join 
                       vpath (__v1, __i2)}
          \fmfi{plain}{vpath (__o2, __v2) join
                       vpath (__v2, __o1)}
          \fmfi{dots,label=$-1/N_C$}{vpath (__v1, __v2)}
      \end{equation} *)
         (* $T_{a}^{ij} T_{a}^{kl}$ *)
         let tt i j k l =
           t (-1) i j *** t (-1) k l
         (* $ \delta^{il}\delta^{kj} - \delta^{ij}\delta^{kl}/N_C$ *)
         let tt_expected i j k l =
           [ ( 1, [l => i; j => k]);
             (LP.over_nc (-1), [j => i; l => k]) ]
         let suite_tt =
           "t*t" >:::
             [ "1" >:: (* $T_{a}^{ij} T_{a}^{kl} = \delta^{il}\delta^{kj} - \delta^{ij}\delta^{kl}/N_C$ *)
 	        (fun () -> eq (tt_expected 1 2 3 4) (tt 1 2 3 4)) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Lie Algebra} *)
 (* Check the commutation relations $[T_a,T_b]=\ii f_{abc} T_c$
    in various representations. *)
         let lie_algebra_id rep_t =
           let lhs = imag *** f 1 2 (-1) *** t (-1) 3 4
           and rhs = commutator t (-1) 1 2 3 4 in
           eq lhs rhs
 (* Check the normalization of the structure consistants
    $\mathcal{N} f_{abc} = - \ii \tr(T_a[T_b,T_c])$ *)
 	let f_of_rep_id norm rep_t =
           let lhs = norm *** f 1 2 3
           and rhs = f_of_rep rep_t 1 2 3 in
           eq lhs rhs
 (* \begin{dubious}
      Are the normalization factors for the traces of the higher dimensional
      representations correct?
    \end{dubious} *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      The traces don't work for the symmetrized generators
      that we need elsewhere!
    \end{dubious} *)
         let suite_lie =
           "Lie algebra relations" >:::
             [ "[t,t]=ift" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t);
               "[t8,t8]=ift8" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t8);
               "[t6,t6]=ift6" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t6);
               "[t10,t10]=ift10" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t10);
               "[t15,t15]=ift15" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t15);
               "[t3bar,t3bar]=ift3bar" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t3bar);
               "[tSAS,tSAS]=iftSAS" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t_SAS);
               "[tASA,tASA]=iftASA" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t_ASA);
               "[t6,t6]=ift6'" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id (t_unsymmetrized 2));
               "[t10,t10]=ift10'" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id (t_unsymmetrized 3));
               "[t15,t15]=ift15'" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id (t_unsymmetrized 4));
               "[t6,t6]=ift6''" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t6_trivial);
               "[t10,t10]=ift10''" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t10_trivial);
               "[t15,t15]=ift15''" >:: (fun () -> lie_algebra_id t15_trivial);
               "if = tr(t[t,t])" >:: (fun () -> f_of_rep_id one t);
               "2n*if = tr(t8[t8,t8])" >:: (fun () -> f_of_rep_id (two *** nc) t8);
               "n*if = tr(t6[t6,t6])" >:: (fun () -> f_of_rep_id nc t6_trivial);
               "n^2*if = tr(t10[t10,t10])" >:: (fun () -> f_of_rep_id (nc *** nc) t10_trivial);
               "n^3*if = tr(t15[t15,t15])" >:: (fun () -> f_of_rep_id (nc *** nc *** nc) t15_trivial) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Ward Identities} *)
 (* Testing the color part of basic Ward identities is essentially
    the same as testing the Lie algebra equations above, but with
    generators sandwiched between propagators, as in Feynman diagrams,
    where the relative signs come from the kinematic part of the
    diagrams after applying the equations of motion..   *)
         (* First the diagram with the three gluon vertex
            $\ii f_{abc} D_{cd}^{\text{gluon}} D^{ik} T_d^{kl} D^{lj}$ *)
         let ward_ft rep_t rep_d a b i j =
           imag *** f a b (-11) *** gluon (-11) (-12)
           *** rep_d i (-1) *** rep_t (-12) (-1) (-2) *** rep_d (-2) j
         (* then one diagram with two gauge couplings
            $D^{ik} T_c^{kl} D^{lm} T_c^{mn} D^{nj}$ *)
         let ward_tt1 rep_t rep_d a b i j =
           rep_d i (-1) *** rep_t a (-1) (-2) *** rep_d (-2) (-3)
           *** rep_t b (-3) (-4) *** rep_d (-4) j
         (* finally the difference of exchanged orders:
            $D^{ik} T_a^{kl} D^{lm} T_b^{mn} D^{nj}
            -D^{ik} T_b^{kl} D^{lm} T_a^{mn} D^{nj}$ *)
         let ward_tt rep_t rep_d a b i j =
           ward_tt1 rep_t rep_d a b i j --- ward_tt1 rep_t rep_d b a i j
         (* \begin{dubious}
              The optional [~fudge] factor was used for
              debugging normalizations.
            \end{dubious} *)
         let ward_id ?(fudge=one) rep_t rep_d =
           let lhs = ward_ft rep_t rep_d 1 2 3 4
           and rhs = ward_tt rep_t rep_d 1 2 3 4 in
           eq lhs (fudge *** rhs)
         let suite_ward =
           "Ward identities" >:::
             [ "fund." >:: (fun () -> ward_id t delta3);
               "adj." >:: (fun () -> ward_id t8 delta8);
               "S2" >:: (fun () -> ward_id t6 delta6);
               "S3" >:: (fun () -> ward_id t10 delta10);
               "A2" >:: (fun () -> ward_id t3bar delta3bar);
               "A3" >:: (fun () -> ward_id (t_A 3) (delta_A 3));
               "SAS" >:: (fun () -> ward_id t_SAS delta_SAS);
               "ASA" >:: (fun () -> ward_id t_ASA delta_ASA);
               "S2'" >:: (fun () -> ward_id ~fudge:two t6_trivial delta6);
               "S3'" >:: (fun () -> ward_id ~fudge:(int 3) t10_trivial delta10) ]
         let suite_ward_long =
           "Ward identities" >:::
             [ "S4" >:: (fun () -> ward_id t15 delta15);
               "S4'" >:: (fun () -> ward_id ~fudge:(int 4) t15_trivial delta15) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Jacobi Identities} *)
         (* $T_aT_bT_c$ *)
         let prod3 rep_t a b c i j =
           rep_t a i (-1) *** rep_t b (-1) (-2) *** rep_t c (-2) j
         (* $[T_a,[T_b,T_c]]$ *)
         let jacobi1 rep_t a b c i j =
           (prod3 rep_t a b c i j --- prod3 rep_t a c b i j)
           --- (prod3 rep_t b c a i j --- prod3 rep_t c b a i j)
         (* sum of cyclic permutations of $[T_a,[T_b,T_c]]$ *)
         let jacobi rep_t =
           sum [jacobi1 rep_t 1 2 3 4 5;
                jacobi1 rep_t 2 3 1 4 5;
                jacobi1 rep_t 3 1 2 4 5]
         let jacobi_id rep_t =
           assert_zero_vertex (jacobi rep_t)
         let suite_jacobi =
           "Jacobi identities" >:::
             [ "fund." >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t);
               "adj." >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id f);
               "S2" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t6);
               "S3" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t10);
               "A2" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id (t_A 2));
               "A3" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id (t_A 3));
               "SAS" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t_SAS);
               "ASA" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t_ASA);
               "S2'" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t6_trivial);
               "S3'" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t10_trivial) ]
         let suite_jacobi_long =
           "Jacobi identities" >:::
             [ "S4" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t15);
               "S4'" >:: (fun () -> jacobi_id t15_trivial) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Casimir Operators}
    \label{pg:casimir-tests} *)
         (* We can read of the eigenvalues of the Casimir operators for
            the adjoint, totally symmetric and totally antisymmetric
            representations of~$\mathrm{SU}(N)$ from table~II of
                C_2(\text{adj}) &= 2N \\
                C_2(S_n) &= \frac{n(N-1)(N+n)}{N} \\
                C_2(A_n) &= \frac{n(N-n)(N+1)}{N}
            adjusted for our normalization.
            Also from \texttt{arxiv:1912.13302}
                C_3(S_1) =(N^2-1)(N^2-4)/N^2=\frac{N_C^4-5N_C^2+4}{N_C^2}
            \end{equation} *)
         (* Building blocks $n/N_C$ and $N_C+n$ *)
         let n_over_nc n = const (LP.ints [ (n, -1) ])
         let nc_plus n = const (LP.ints [ (1, 1); (n,0) ])
         (* $C_2(S_n) = n/N_C(N_C-1)(N_C+n)$ *)
         let c2_S n = n_over_nc n *** nc_plus (-1) *** nc_plus n
         (* $C_2(A_n) = n/N_C(N_C-n)(N_C+1)$ *)
         let c2_A n = n_over_nc n *** nc_plus (-n) *** nc_plus 1
         let casimir_tt i j = c2_S 1 *** delta3 i j
         let casimir_t6t6 i j = c2_S 2 *** delta6 i j
         let casimir_t10t10 i j = c2_S 3 *** delta10 i j
         let casimir_t15t15 i j = c2_S 4 *** delta15 i j
         let casimir_t3bart3bar i j = c2_A 2 *** delta3bar i j
         let casimir_tA3tA3 i j = c2_A 3 *** delta_A 3 i j
         (* $C_2(\text{adj})=2N_C$ *)
         let ca = LP.ints [(2, 1)]
         let casimir_ff a b = [(ca, 1 <=> 2); ( (-2), [1=>1; 2=>2])]
         (* $C_3(S_1)=N_C^2-5+4/N_C^2$ *)
         let c3f = LP.ints [(1, 2); (-5, 0); (4, -2)]
         let casimir_ttt i j = const c3f *** delta3 i j
         let suite_casimir =
           "Casimir operators" >:::
             [ "t*t" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_tt 1 2)
                     (t (-1) 1 (-2) *** t (-1) (-2) 2));
               "t*t*t" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_ttt 1 2)
                     (d (-1) (-2) (-3) ***
                        t (-1) 1 (-4) *** t (-2) (-4) (-5) *** t (-3) (-5) 2));
               "f*f" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_ff 1 2)
                     (minus *** f (-1) 1 (-2) *** f (-1) (-2) 2));
               "t6*t6" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_t6t6 1 2)
                     (t6 (-1) 1 (-2) *** t6 (-1) (-2) 2));
               "t3bar*t3bar" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_t3bart3bar 1 2)
                     (t3bar (-1) 1 (-2) *** t3bar (-1) (-2) 2));
               "tA3*tA3" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_tA3tA3 1 2)
                     (t_A 3 (-1) 1 (-2) *** t_A 3 (-1) (-2) 2));
               "t_SAS*t_SAS" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (const (LP.ints [(3,1); (-9,-1)]) *** delta_SAS 1 2)
                     (t_SAS (-1) 1 (-2) *** t_SAS (-1) (-2) 2));
               "t_ASA*t_ASA" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (const (LP.ints [(3,1); (-9,-1)]) *** delta_ASA 1 2)
                     (t_ASA (-1) 1 (-2) *** t_ASA (-1) (-2) 2));
               "t10*t10" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_t10t10 1 2)
                     (t10 (-1) 1 (-2) *** t10 (-1) (-2) 2)) ]
         let suite_casimir_long =
           "Casimir operators" >:::
             [ "t15*t15" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (casimir_t15t15 1 2)
                     (t15 (-1) 1 (-2) *** t15 (-1) (-2) 2)) ]
 (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Color Sums} *)
         let suite_colorsums =
           "(squared) color sums" >:::
             [ "gluon normalization" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                     (delta8 1 2)
                     (delta8 1 (-1) *** gluon (-1) (-2) *** delta8 (-2) 2));
               "f*f" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                   let sum_ff =
                     multiply [ f (-11) (-12) (-13);
                                f (-21) (-22) (-23);
                                gluon (-11) (-21);
                                gluon (-12) (-22);
                                gluon (-13) (-23) ]
                   and expected = ints [(2, 3); (-2, 1)] in
 	          eq expected sum_ff);
               "d*d" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                   let sum_dd =
                     multiply [ d (-11) (-12) (-13);
                                d (-21) (-22) (-23);
                                gluon (-11) (-21);
                                gluon (-12) (-22);
                                gluon (-13) (-23) ]
                   and expected = ints [(2, 3); (-10, 1); (8, -1)] in
 	          eq expected sum_dd);
               "f*d" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                   let sum_fd =
                     multiply [ f (-11) (-12) (-13);
                                d (-21) (-22) (-23);
                                gluon (-11) (-21);
                                gluon (-12) (-22);
                                gluon (-13) (-23) ] in
 	          assert_zero_vertex sum_fd);
               "Hgg" >::
 	        (fun () ->
                   let sum_hgg =
                     multiply [ delta8_loop (-11) (-12);
                                delta8_loop (-21) (-22);
                                gluon (-11) (-21);
                                gluon (-12) (-22) ]
                   and expected = ints [(1, 2); (-1, 0)] in
 	          eq expected sum_hgg) ]
         let suite =
           "Color.SU3" >:::
         let suite_long =
           "Color.SU3 long" >:::
 (* \thocwmodulesection{$\mathrm{U}(N_C)$} *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      This must not be used, because it has not yet been updated
      to the correctly symmetrized version!
    \end{dubious} *)
 module U3 : SU3 =
     module A = Arrow
     open Arrow.Infix
     module B = Birdtracks
     type t = B.t
     let canonicalize = B.canonicalize
     let to_string = B.to_string
     let pp = B.pp
     let trivial = B.trivial
     let is_null = B.is_null
     let null = B.null
     let const = B.const
     let one =
     let two = B.two
     let int =
     let half = B.half
     let third = B.third
     let fraction = B.fraction
     let nc =
     let over_nc = B.over_nc
     let minus = B.minus
     let imag = B.imag
     let ints = B.ints
     let sum = B.sum
     let diff = B.diff
     let scale = B.scale
     let times = B.times
     let multiply = B.multiply
     let relocate = B.relocate
     let fuse = B.fuse
     let f_of_rep = B.f_of_rep
     let d_of_rep = B.d_of_rep
     module Infix = B.Infix
     let delta3 i j =
       [( 1, j ==> i)]
     let delta8 a b =
       [( 1, a <=> b)]
     let delta8_loop = delta8
     let gluon a b =
       delta8 a b
     let delta6 n m =
       [ (LP.fraction 2, [(m, 0) >=>> (n, 0); (m, 1) >=>> (n, 1)]);
         (LP.fraction 2, [(m, 0) >=>> (n, 1); (m, 1) >=>> (n, 0)]) ]
     let triples =
       [(0, 1, 2); (1, 2, 0); (2, 0, 1);
        (2, 1, 0); (0, 2, 1); (1, 0, 2)]
     let delta10 n m =
         (fun (i, j, k) ->
           (LP.fraction 6, [(m, 0) >=>> (n, i);
                            (m, 1) >=>> (n, j);
                            (m, 2) >=>> (n, k)]))
     let t a i j =
       [ ( 1, [j => a; a => i]) ]
     let f a b c =
       [ (LP.imag ( 1), A.cycle [a; b; c]);
         (LP.imag (-1), A.cycle [a; c; b]) ]
     let t8 a b c =
       Birdtracks.Infix.( minus *** imag *** f a b c )
     let d a b c =
       [ ( 1, A.cycle [a; b; c]);
         ( 1, A.cycle [a; c; b]) ]
     let incomplete tensor =
       failwith ("Color.Vertex: " ^ tensor ^ " not supported yet!")
     let experimental tensor =
         "Color.Vertex: %s support still experimental and untested!\n"
-    let epsilon i j k = incomplete "epsilon-tensor"
-    let epsilonbar i j k = incomplete "epsilon-tensor"
+    let epsilon tips = incomplete "epsilon-tensor"
+    let epsilon_bar tails = incomplete "epsilon-tensor"
     let t6 a m n =
       [ ( ( 1), [(n, 0) >=> a; a =>> (m, 0); (n, 1) >=>> (m, 1)]);
         ( ( 1), [(n, 1) >=> a; a =>> (m, 0); (n, 0) >=>> (m, 1)]) ]
     let t10 a m n =
       [ ( ( 1), [(n, 0) >=> a; a =>> (m, 0);
                        (n, 1) >=>> (m, 1);
                        (n, 2) >=>> (m, 2)]);
         ( (-1), [(n, 0) >=>> (m, 0);
                        (n, 1) >=>> (m, 1);
                        (n, 2) >=>> (m, 2)]) ]
     let k6 m i j =
       experimental "k6-tensor";
       [ ( 1, [(m, 0) >=> i; (m, 1) >=> j]);
         ( 1, [(m, 1) >=> i; (m, 0) >=> j]) ]
     let k6bar m i j =
       experimental "k6-tensor";
       [ ( 1, [i =>> (m, 0); j =>> (m, 1)]);
         ( 1, [i =>> (m, 1); j =>> (m, 0)]) ]
     let delta_of_tableau t i j =
       incomplete "delta_of_tableau"
     let t_of_tableau tableau a k l =
       incomplete "t_of_tableau"
     (* \thocwmodulesubsection{Unit Tests} *)
     module Test : Test =
         open OUnit
         open Birdtracks
         open Infix
         let suite_lie =
           "Lie algebra relations" >:::
             [ "if = tr(t[t,t])" >::
 	        (fun () -> eq (f 1 2 3) (f_of_rep t 1 2 3)) ]
         (* $N_C=N_C^2/N_C$ *)
         let cf = LP.ints [(1, 1)]
         let casimir_tt i j =
           [(cf, i ==> j)]
         let suite_casimir =
           "Casimir operators" >:::
             [ "t*t" >::
 	        (fun () ->
 	          eq (casimir_tt 2 1) (t (-1) (-2) 2 *** t (-1) 1 (-2))) ]
         let suite =
           "Color.U3" >:::
         let suite_long =
           "Color.U3 long" >:::
 module Vertex = SU3
Index: trunk/omega/src/color.mli
--- trunk/omega/src/color.mli	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/color.mli	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,362 +1,378 @@
 (* color.mli --
    Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
        with contributions from
        Christian Speckner <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
     val suite_long : OUnit.test
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Quantum Numbers} *)
 (* Color is not necessarily the~$\textrm{SU}(3)$ of QCD.  Conceptually,
    it can be any \emph{unbroken} symmetry (\emph{broken} symmetries correspond
    to [Model.flavor]).  In order to keep the group theory simple, we confine
    ourselves to the fundamental and adjoint representation
    of a single~$\textrm{SU}(N_C)$ for the moment.  Therefore,
    particles are either color singlets or live in the defining
    representation of $\textrm{SU}(N_C)$: [SUN]$(|N_C|)$, its conjugate
    [SUN]$(-|N_C|)$ or in the adjoint representation of
    $\textrm{SU}(N_C)$: [AdjSUN]$(N_C)$. *)
 type t = Singlet | SUN of int | AdjSUN of int
 val conjugate : t -> t
 val compare : t -> t -> int
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Color Flows} *)
 (* This computes the color flow as used by WHIZARD: *)
 module type Flow =
     type color
     type t = color list * color list
     val rank : t -> int
     val of_list : int list -> color
     val ghost : unit -> color
     val to_lists : t -> int list list
     val in_to_lists : t -> int list list
     val out_to_lists : t -> int list list
     val ghost_flags : t -> bool list
     val in_ghost_flags : t -> bool list
     val out_ghost_flags : t -> bool list
 (* A factor is a list of powers
         \left( \frac{\ocwlowerid{num}_i}{\ocwlowerid{den}_i}
    \end{equation} *)
     type power = { num : int; den : int; power : int }
     type factor = power list
     val factor : t -> t -> factor
     val zero : factor
     module Test : Test
 module Flow : Flow
 (* \thocwmodulesection{Vertex Color Flows} *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      The following is (still work-in-progress) infrastructure for
      translating UFO style color factors into color flows.
    \end{dubious} *)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      It might be beneficial, to use the color flow representation
      here.  This will simplify the colorizer at the price of
      some complexity in [UFO] or here.
    \end{dubious} *)
 (* The datatypes [] and [Arrow.factor] will be used as
    building blocks for [Birdtracks.t] below. *)
 module type Arrow =
     (* For fundamental and adjoint representations, the endpoints
        of arrows are uniquely specified by a vertex (which will
        be represented by a number).  For representations with more
        than one outgoing or incoming arrow, we need an additional index.
        This is abrcated in the [endpoint] type. *)
     type endpoint
     (* Endpoints can be the the tip or tail of an arrow or a ghost.
        Currently, we use the types for illustration only, but we
        might eventually try to make them abstract for additional
        safety.. *)
     type tip = endpoint
     type tail = endpoint
     type ghost = endpoint
     (* The position of the endpoint is encoded as an integer, which
        can be mapped, if necessary. *)
     val position : endpoint -> int
     val relocate : (int -> int) -> endpoint -> endpoint
     (* An [Arrow.t] is either a genuine arrow or a ghost \ldots *)
     type ('tail, 'tip, 'ghost) t =
       | Arrow of 'tail * 'tip
       | Ghost of 'ghost
+      | Epsilon of 'tip list
+      | Epsilon_bar of 'tail list
     (* {}\ldots and we distuish [free] arrows that must not contain
        summation indices from [factor]s that may.  Indices are
        opaque.  [('tail, 'tip, 'ghost) t] is polymorphic so that
        we can use richer ['tail], ['tip] and ['ghost] in [factor]. *)
     type free = (tail, tip, ghost) t
     type factor
     (* For debugging, logging, etc. *)
     val free_to_string : free -> string
     val factor_to_string : factor -> string
     (* Change the [endpoint]s in a [free] arrow. *)
     val map : (endpoint -> endpoint) -> free -> free
     (* Turn the [endpoint]s satisfying the predicate into a
        left or right hand side summation index.  Left and right
        refer to the two factors in a product and
        we must only match arrows with [endpoint]s in both
        factors, not double lines on either side.
        Typically, the predicate will be set up to select only the
        summation indices that appear on both sides.*)
     val to_left_factor : (endpoint -> bool) -> free -> factor
     val to_right_factor : (endpoint -> bool) -> free -> factor
     (* The incomplete inverse [of_factor] raises an exception
        if there are remaining summation indices.  [is_free] can
        be used to check first. *)
     val of_factor : factor -> free
     val is_free : factor -> bool
     (* Return all the endpoints of the arrow that have a [position]
        encoded as a negative integer.  These are treated as summation
        indices in our applications. *)
     val negatives : free -> endpoint list
     (* We will need to test whether an arrow represents a ghost. *)
     val is_ghost : free -> bool
-    (* Merging two arrows can give a variety of results: *)
+    (* An arrow looping back to itself. *)
+    val is_tadpole : factor -> bool
+    (* Merging two arrows can give a variety of results.  Note that
+       we return the determinant resulting from merging an~$\epsilon$
+       and an~$\bar\epsilon$ rather than the list of [Arrow]s
+       with permuted tips to avoid having to pass the relative signs.
+       These will be handled by [Birdtracks] below. *)
     type merge =
       | Match of factor  (* a tip fits the other's tail: make one arrow out of two *)
+      | Determinant of factor list list * factor list list (* even and odd parts of $\bar\epsilon_{kj_1j_2\ldots}\epsilon_{ki_1i_2\ldots}$ *)
       | Ghost_Match (* two matching ghosts *)
       | Loop_Match (* both tips fit both tails: drop the arrows *)
       | Mismatch (* ghost meets arrow: error *)
       | No_Match (* nothing to be done *)
     val merge : factor -> factor -> merge
 (* Break up an arrow [tee a (i => j) -> [i => a; a => j]], i.\,e.~insert
-   a gluon. *)
+   a gluon. Returns an empty list for a ghost and raises an exception
+   for~$\epsilon$ and~$\bar\epsilon$. *)
     val tee : int -> free -> free list
-(* [dir i j arrow] returns the direction of the arrow relative to [j => i] *)
+(* [dir i j arrow] returns the direction of the arrow relative to [j => i].
+   Returns 0 for a ghost and raises an exception for~$\epsilon$
+   and~$\bar\epsilon$. *)
     val dir : int -> int -> free -> int
 (* It's intuitive to use infix operators to construct the lines. *)
     val single : endpoint -> endpoint -> free
     val double : endpoint -> endpoint -> free list
     val ghost : endpoint -> free
     module Infix : sig
       (* [single i j] or [i => j] creates a single line from [i] to [j] and
          [i ==> j] is a shorthard for [[i => j]]. *)
       val (=>) : int -> int -> free
       val (==>) : int -> int -> free list
       (* [double i j] or [i <=> j] creates a double line from [i] to [j]
          and back. *)
       val (<=>) : int -> int -> free list
       (* Single lines with subindices at the tip and/or tail *)
       val (>=>) : int * int -> int -> free
       val (=>>) : int -> int * int -> free
       val (>=>>) : int * int -> int * int -> free
       (* [?? i] creates a ghost at [i]. *)
       val (??) : int -> free
       (* NB: I wanted to use [~~] instead of [??], but ocamlweb can't handle
          operators starting with [~] in the index properly. *)
+    val epsilon : int list -> free
+    val epsilon_bar : int list -> free
     (* [chain [1;2;3]] is a shorthand for [[1 => 2; 2 => 3]] and
        [cycle [1;2;3]] for [[1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 1]].  Other lists
        and edge cases are handled in the natural way. *)
     val chain : int list -> free list
     val cycle : int list -> free list
     module Test : Test
     (* Pretty printer for the toplevel. *)
     val pp_free : Format.formatter -> free -> unit
     val pp_factor : Format.formatter -> factor -> unit
 module Arrow : Arrow
 (* Possible color flows for a single propagator, as currently
    supported by WHIZARD. *)
 module type Propagator =
     type cf_in = int
     type cf_out = int
     type t = W | I of cf_in | O of cf_out | IO of cf_in * cf_out | G
     val to_string : t -> string
 module Propagator : Propagator
 (* Implement birdtracks operations as generally as possible.
    Below, the signature will be extended with group specific
    generators for $\mathrm{SU}(N_C)$ and $\mathrm{U}(N_C)$ and
    even $N_C=3$. *)
 module type Birdtracks =
     type t
     (* Strip out redundancies. *)
     val canonicalize : t -> t
     (* Debugging, logging, etc. *)
     val to_string : t -> string
     (* Test for trivial color flows that are just a number. *)
     val trivial : t -> bool
     (* Test for vanishing coefficients. *)
     val is_null : t -> bool
     (* Purely numeric factors, implemented as Laurent polynomials
        (cf.~[Algebra.Laurent] in~$N_C$ with complex rational
        coefficients. *)
     val const : Algebra.Laurent.t -> t
     val null : t (* $0$ *)
     val one : t (* $1$ *)
     val two : t (* $2$ *)
     val half : t (* $1/2$ *)
     val third : t (* $1/3$ *)
     val minus : t (* $-1$ *)
     val int : int -> t (* $n$ *)
     val fraction : int -> t (* $1/n$ *)
     val nc : t (* $N_C$ *)
     val over_nc : t (* $1/N_C$ *)
     val imag : t (* $\ii$ *)
     (* Shorthand: $\{(c_i,p_i)\}_i\to \sum_i c_i (N_C)^{p_i}$*)
     val ints : (int * int) list -> t
     val scale : Algebra.QC.t -> t -> t
     val sum : t list -> t
     val diff : t -> t -> t
     val times : t -> t -> t
     val multiply : t list -> t
     (* For convenience, here are infix versions of the above operations. *)
     module Infix : sig
       val ( +++ ) : t -> t -> t
       val ( --- ) : t -> t -> t
       val ( *** ) : t -> t -> t
    (* We can compute the $f_{abc}$ and $d_{abc}$ invariant tensors
       from the generators of an arbitrary representation:
        f_{a_1a_2a_3} &=
         - \ii \tr\left(T_{a_1}\left\lbrack T_{a_2},T_{a_3}\right\rbrack_-\right)
           = - \ii \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_2}T_{a_3}\right)
             + \ii \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_3}T_{a_2}\right) \\
        d_{a_1a_2a_3} &=
          \tr\left(T_{a_1}\left\lbrack T_{a_2},T_{a_3}\right\rbrack_+\right)
           =   \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_2}T_{a_3}\right)
             + \tr\left(T_{a_1}T_{a_3}T_{a_2}\right)\,
       assuming the normalization $ \tr(T_aT_b) = \delta_{ab}$.
       NB: this uses the summation indices $-1$, $-2$ and $-3$.  Therefore
       it \emph{must not} appear unevaluated more than once in a product! *)
     val f_of_rep : (int -> int -> int -> t) -> int -> int -> int -> t
     val d_of_rep : (int -> int -> int -> t) -> int -> int -> int -> t
     (* Rename the indices of endpoints in a birdtrack. *)
     val relocate : (int -> int) -> t -> t
     (* [fuse nc vertex children] use the color flows in the [vertex]
        to combine the color flows in the incoming [children] and return
        the color flows for outgoing particle together with their weights. *)
     val fuse : int -> t -> Propagator.t list -> (Algebra.QC.t * Propagator.t) list
     module Test : Test
     (* Pretty printer for the toplevel. *)
     val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
 module Birdtracks : Birdtracks
 module type SU3 =
     include Birdtracks
     val delta3 : int -> int -> t
     val delta8 : int -> int -> t
     val delta8_loop : int -> int -> t
     val gluon : int -> int -> t
     val delta6 : int -> int -> t
     val delta10 : int -> int -> t
     val t : int -> int -> int -> t
     val f : int -> int -> int -> t
     val d : int -> int -> int -> t
-    val epsilon : int -> int -> int -> t
-    val epsilonbar : int -> int -> int -> t
+    val epsilon : int list -> t
+    val epsilon_bar : int list -> t
     val t8 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val t6 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val t10 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val k6 : int -> int -> int -> t
     val k6bar : int -> int -> int -> t
     val delta_of_tableau : int Young.tableau -> int -> int -> t
     val t_of_tableau : int Young.tableau -> int -> int -> int -> t
 module SU3 : SU3
 module Vertex : SU3
 (* \begin{dubious}
      This must not be used, because it has not yet been updated
      to the correctly symmetrized version!
    \end{dubious} *)
 module U3 : SU3
Index: trunk/omega/src/
--- trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8848)
+++ trunk/omega/src/	(revision 8849)
@@ -1,276 +1,276 @@
 (* --
    Copyright (C) 2022- by
        Wolfgang Kilian <>
        Thorsten Ohl <>
        Juergen Reuter <>
    WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  *)
 (* Avoid refering to [], because [Pervasives] will
    become [Stdlib.Pervasives] in O'Caml 4.07 and [Stdlib] in O'Caml 4.08. *)
 let pcompare = compare
 type diagram = int list
 type 'a tableau = 'a list list
 (* Not exposed.  Just for documentation. *)
 type 'a table = 'a option array array
 (* The following three are candidates for [ThoList]. *)
 let rec sum = function
   | [] -> 0
   | n :: rest -> n + sum rest
 let rec product = function
   | [] -> 1
   | n :: rest -> n * product rest
 (* Test a predicate for each pair of consecutive elements of a list.
    Trivially true for empty and one-element lists. *)
 let rec for_all_pairs predicate = function
   | [] | [_] -> true
   | a1 :: (a2 :: _ as a_list) ->
      if not (predicate a1 a2) then
        for_all_pairs predicate a_list
 let decreasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 > 0) l
 let increasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 < 0) l
 let non_increasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 >= 0) l
 let non_decreasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 <= 0) l
 let valid_diagram = non_increasing
 let diagram_rows d =
   List.length d
 let diagram_columns = function
   | [] -> 0
   | nc :: _ -> nc
 let take_column d =
   let rec take_column' len acc = function
     | [] -> (len, List.rev acc)
     | cols :: rest ->
        if cols <= 1 then
          take_column' (succ len) acc rest
          take_column' (succ len) (pred cols :: acc) rest in
   take_column' 0 [] d
-let transpose_diagram_new d =
-  let rec transpose_diagram' rows =
+let conjugate_diagram_new d =
+  let rec conjugate_diagram' rows =
     match take_column rows with
     | n, [] -> [n]
-    | n, rest -> n :: transpose_diagram' rest in
-  transpose_diagram' d
+    | n, rest -> n :: conjugate_diagram' rest in
+  conjugate_diagram' d
 let tableau_rows t =
   List.length t
 let tableau_columns = function
   | [] -> 0
   | row :: _ -> List.length row
 let num_cells_diagram d =
   sum d
 let cells_tableau t =
   List.flatten t
 let num_cells_tableau t =
   List.fold_left (fun acc row -> acc + List.length row) 0 t
 let diagram_of_tableau t = List.length t
 let tableau_of_diagram cell d = (ThoList.clone cell) d
 (* Note that the first index counts the rows and the second the columns! *)
 let array_of_tableau t =
   let nr = tableau_rows t
   and nc = tableau_columns t in
   let a = Array.make_matrix nr nc None in
     (fun ir -> List.iteri (fun ic cell -> a.(ir).(ic) <- Some cell))
 let transpose_array a =
   let nr = Array.length a in
   if nr <= 0 then
     invalid_arg "Young.transpose_array"
     let nc = Array.length a.(0) in
     let a' = Array.make_matrix nc nr None in
     for ic = 0 to pred nc do
       for ir = 0 to pred nr do
         a'.(ic).(ir) <- a.(ir).(ic)
 let list_of_array_row a =
   let n = Array.length a in
   let rec list_of_array_row' ic =
     if ic >= n then
       match a.(ic) with
       | None -> []
       | Some cell -> cell :: list_of_array_row' (succ ic) in
   list_of_array_row' 0
 let tableau_of_array a =
   Array.fold_right (fun row acc -> list_of_array_row row :: acc) a []
-let transpose_tableau t =
+let conjugate_tableau t =
   array_of_tableau t |> transpose_array |> tableau_of_array
-let transpose_diagram d =
-  tableau_of_diagram () d |> transpose_tableau |> diagram_of_tableau
+let conjugate_diagram d =
+  tableau_of_diagram () d |> conjugate_tableau |> diagram_of_tableau
 let valid_tableau t =
   valid_diagram (diagram_of_tableau t)
 let semistandard_tableau t =
   let rows = t
-  and columns = transpose_tableau t in
+  and columns = conjugate_tableau t in
   valid_tableau t
   && List.for_all non_decreasing rows
   && List.for_all increasing columns
 let standard_tableau ?offset t =
   match List.sort pcompare (cells_tableau t) with
   | [] -> true
   | cell :: _ as cell_list ->
      (match offset with None -> true | Some o -> cell = o)
      && for_all_pairs (fun c1 c2 -> c2 = c1 + 1) cell_list
      && semistandard_tableau t
 let hook_lengths_table d =
   let nr = diagram_rows d
   and nc = diagram_columns d in
   if min nr nc <= 0 then
     invalid_arg "Young.hook_lengths_table"
     let a = array_of_tableau (tableau_of_diagram 0 d) in
     let cols = Array.of_list d
     and rows = transpose_array a |> tableau_of_array
                |> diagram_of_tableau |> Array.of_list in
     for ir = 0 to pred nr do
       for ic = 0 to pred cols.(ir) do
         a.(ir).(ic) <- Some (rows.(ic) - ir + cols.(ir) - ic - 1)
 (* \begin{dubious}
      The following products and factorials can easily overflow,
      even if the final ratio is a smallish number.  We can avoid
      this by representing them as lists of factors (or maps from
      factors to powers).  The ratio can be computed by first
      cancelling all common factors and multiplying the remaining
      factors at the very end.
    \end{dubious} *)
 let hook_lengths_product d =
   let nr = diagram_rows d
   and nc = diagram_columns d in
   if min nr nc <= 0 then
     let cols = Array.of_list d
-    and rows = Array.of_list (transpose_diagram d) in
+    and rows = Array.of_list (conjugate_diagram d) in
     let n = ref 1 in
     for ir = 0 to pred nr do
       for ic = 0 to pred cols.(ir) do
         n := !n * (rows.(ic) - ir + cols.(ir) - ic - 1)
-let dim_rep_Sn d =
+let num_standard_tableaux d =
   let num = Combinatorics.factorial (num_cells_diagram d)
   and den = hook_lengths_product d in
   if num mod den <> 0 then
-    failwith "Young.dim_rep_Sn"
+    failwith "Young.num_standard_tableaux"
     num / den
-(* Note that [hook_lengths_product] calls [transpose_diagram]
+(* Note that [hook_lengths_product] calls [conjugate_diagram]
    and this calls it again.
    This is wasteful, but probably no big deal for our applications. *)
 let normalization d =
   let num =
-    product ( Combinatorics.factorial (d @ transpose_diagram d))
+    product ( Combinatorics.factorial (d @ conjugate_diagram d))
   and den = hook_lengths_product d in
   (num, den)
 module type Test =
     val suite : OUnit.test
     val suite_long : OUnit.test
 module Test =
     open OUnit
     let random_int ratio =
       truncate (Random.float ratio +. 0.5)
     let random_diagram ?(ratio=1.0) rows =
       let rec random_diagram' acc row cols =
         if row >= rows then
           let cols' = cols + random_int ratio in
           random_diagram' (cols' :: acc) (succ row) cols' in
       random_diagram' [] 0 (1 + random_int ratio)
     let suite_hook_lengths_product =
       "hook_lengths_product" >:::
         [ "[4;3;2]" >::
 	    (fun () -> assert_equal 2160 (hook_lengths_product [4; 3; 2])) ]
-    let suite_dim_rep_Sn =
-      "dim_rep_Sn" >:::
+    let suite_num_standard_tableaux =
+      "num_standard_tableaux" >:::
         [ "[4;3;2]" >::
-	    (fun () -> assert_equal 168 (dim_rep_Sn [4; 3; 2])) ]
+	    (fun () -> assert_equal 168 (num_standard_tableaux [4; 3; 2])) ]
     let suite_normalization =
       "normalization" >:::
         [ "[2;1]" >::
 	    (fun () -> assert_equal (4, 3) (normalization [2; 1])) ]
     let suite =
       "Young" >:::
-         suite_dim_rep_Sn;
+         suite_num_standard_tableaux;
     let suite_long =
       "Young long" >:::