Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8846) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8847) @@ -1,273 +1,276 @@ (* -- Copyright (C) 2022- by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* Avoid refering to [], because [Pervasives] will become [Stdlib.Pervasives] in O'Caml 4.07 and [Stdlib] in O'Caml 4.08. *) let pcompare = compare type diagram = int list type 'a tableau = 'a list list + +(* Not exposed. Just for documentation. *) type 'a table = 'a option array array +(* The following three are candidates for [ThoList]. *) let rec sum = function | [] -> 0 | n :: rest -> n + sum rest let rec product = function | [] -> 1 | n :: rest -> n * product rest +(* Test a predicate for each pair of consecutive elements of a list. + Trivially true for empty and one-element lists. *) let rec for_all_pairs predicate = function | [] | [_] -> true | a1 :: (a2 :: _ as a_list) -> if not (predicate a1 a2) then false else for_all_pairs predicate a_list let decreasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 > 0) l let increasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 < 0) l let non_increasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 >= 0) l let non_decreasing l = for_all_pairs (fun a1 a2 -> pcompare a1 a2 <= 0) l let valid_diagram = non_increasing let diagram_rows d = List.length d let diagram_columns = function | [] -> 0 | nc :: _ -> nc -let repeat n x = - let rec repeat' i = - if i >= n then - [] - else - x :: repeat' (succ i) in - repeat' 0 - let take_column d = let rec take_column' len acc = function | [] -> (len, List.rev acc) | cols :: rest -> if cols <= 1 then take_column' (succ len) acc rest else take_column' (succ len) (pred cols :: acc) rest in take_column' 0 [] d let transpose_diagram_new d = let rec transpose_diagram' rows = match take_column rows with | n, [] -> [n] | n, rest -> n :: transpose_diagram' rest in transpose_diagram' d let tableau_rows t = List.length t let tableau_columns = function | [] -> 0 | row :: _ -> List.length row let num_cells_diagram d = sum d let cells_tableau t = List.flatten t let num_cells_tableau t = List.fold_left (fun acc row -> acc + List.length row) 0 t let diagram_of_tableau t = List.length t let tableau_of_diagram cell d = (ThoList.clone cell) d (* Note that the first index counts the rows and the second the columns! *) let array_of_tableau t = let nr = tableau_rows t and nc = tableau_columns t in let a = Array.make_matrix nr nc None in List.iteri (fun ir -> List.iteri (fun ic cell -> a.(ir).(ic) <- Some cell)) t; a let transpose_array a = let nr = Array.length a in if nr <= 0 then invalid_arg "Young.transpose_array" else let nc = Array.length a.(0) in let a' = Array.make_matrix nc nr None in for ic = 0 to pred nc do for ir = 0 to pred nr do a'.(ic).(ir) <- a.(ir).(ic) done done; a' let list_of_array_row a = let n = Array.length a in let rec list_of_array_row' ic = if ic >= n then [] else match a.(ic) with | None -> [] | Some cell -> cell :: list_of_array_row' (succ ic) in list_of_array_row' 0 let tableau_of_array a = Array.fold_right (fun row acc -> list_of_array_row row :: acc) a [] let transpose_tableau t = array_of_tableau t |> transpose_array |> tableau_of_array let transpose_diagram d = tableau_of_diagram () d |> transpose_tableau |> diagram_of_tableau let valid_tableau t = valid_diagram (diagram_of_tableau t) let semistandard_tableau t = let rows = t and columns = transpose_tableau t in valid_tableau t && List.for_all non_decreasing rows && List.for_all increasing columns let standard_tableau ?offset t = match List.sort pcompare (cells_tableau t) with | [] -> true | cell :: _ as cell_list -> (match offset with None -> true | Some o -> cell = o) && for_all_pairs (fun c1 c2 -> c2 = c1 + 1) cell_list && semistandard_tableau t let hook_lengths_table d = let nr = diagram_rows d and nc = diagram_columns d in if min nr nc <= 0 then invalid_arg "Young.hook_lengths_table" else let a = array_of_tableau (tableau_of_diagram 0 d) in let cols = Array.of_list d and rows = transpose_array a |> tableau_of_array |> diagram_of_tableau |> Array.of_list in for ir = 0 to pred nr do for ic = 0 to pred cols.(ir) do a.(ir).(ic) <- Some (rows.(ic) - ir + cols.(ir) - ic - 1) done done; a (* \begin{dubious} The following products and factorials can easily overflow, even if the final ratio is a smallish number. We can avoid this by representing them as lists of factors (or maps from factors to powers). The ratio can be computed by first cancelling all common factors and multiplying the remaining factors at the very end. \end{dubious} *) let hook_lengths_product d = let nr = diagram_rows d and nc = diagram_columns d in if min nr nc <= 0 then 0 else let cols = Array.of_list d and rows = Array.of_list (transpose_diagram d) in let n = ref 1 in for ir = 0 to pred nr do for ic = 0 to pred cols.(ir) do n := !n * (rows.(ic) - ir + cols.(ir) - ic - 1) done done; !n let dim_rep_Sn d = let num = Combinatorics.factorial (num_cells_diagram d) and den = hook_lengths_product d in if num mod den <> 0 then failwith "Young.dim_rep_Sn" else num / den (* Note that [hook_lengths_product] calls [transpose_diagram] and this calls it again. This is wasteful, but probably no big deal for our applications. *) let normalization d = let num = product ( Combinatorics.factorial (d @ transpose_diagram d)) and den = hook_lengths_product d in (num, den) +module type Test = + sig + val suite : OUnit.test + val suite_long : OUnit.test + end + module Test = struct open OUnit let random_int ratio = truncate (Random.float ratio +. 0.5) let random_diagram ?(ratio=1.0) rows = let rec random_diagram' acc row cols = if row >= rows then acc else let cols' = cols + random_int ratio in random_diagram' (cols' :: acc) (succ row) cols' in random_diagram' [] 0 (1 + random_int ratio) let suite_hook_lengths_product = "hook_lengths_product" >::: [ "[4;3;2]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 2160 (hook_lengths_product [4; 3; 2])) ] let suite_dim_rep_Sn = "dim_rep_Sn" >::: [ "[4;3;2]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 168 (dim_rep_Sn [4; 3; 2])) ] let suite_normalization = "normalization" >::: [ "[2;1]" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (4, 3) (normalization [2; 1])) ] let suite = "Young" >::: [suite_hook_lengths_product; suite_dim_rep_Sn; suite_normalization] let suite_long = "Young long" >::: [] end Index: trunk/omega/src/omega.tex =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/omega.tex (revision 8846) +++ trunk/omega/src/omega.tex (revision 8847) @@ -1,1200 +1,1200 @@ % omega.tex -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{ifpdf} \ifpdf \documentclass[a4paper,notitlepage,chapters]{flex} \usepackage{type1cm} \usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx,feynmp,emp} \DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{mps}{*}{} \else \documentclass[a4paper,notitlepage,chapters]{flex} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % \usepackage[hypertex]{hyperref} \usepackage{graphicx,feynmp,emp} \fi \usepackage{verbatim,array,amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{url,thophys,thohacks} \usepackage{ytableau} \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} 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\end{dubious}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \DeclareMathOperator{\tr}{tr} \newcommand{\dd}{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\ii}{\mathrm{i}} \newcommand{\ee}{\mathrm{e}} \renewcommand{\Re}{\text{Re}} \renewcommand{\Im}{\text{Im}} \newcommand{\ketbra}[2]{\ket{#1}\!\bra{#2}} \newcommand{\Ketbra}[2]{\Ket{#1}\!\Bra{#2}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \makeindex \begin{document} \begin{fmffile}{\jobname pics} \fmfset{arrow_ang}{10} \fmfset{curly_len}{2mm} \fmfset{wiggly_len}{3mm} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fmfcmd{% numeric joindiameter; joindiameter := 7thick;} \fmfcmd{% vardef sideways_at (expr d, p, frac) = save len; len = length p; (point frac*len of p) shifted ((d,0) rotated (90 + angle direction frac*len of p)) enddef; secondarydef p sideways d = for frac = 0 step 0.01 until 0.99: sideways_at (d, p, frac) .. endfor sideways_at (d, p, 1) enddef; secondarydef p choptail d = subpath (ypart (fullcircle scaled d shifted (point 0 of p) intersectiontimes p), infinity) of p enddef; secondarydef p choptip d = reverse ((reverse p) choptail d) enddef; secondarydef p pointtail d = fullcircle scaled d shifted (point 0 of p) intersectionpoint p enddef; secondarydef p pointtip d = (reverse p) pointtail d enddef; secondarydef pa join pb = pa choptip joindiameter .. pb choptail joindiameter enddef; vardef cyclejoin (expr p) = subpath (0.5*length p, infinity) of p join subpath (0, 0.5*length p) of p .. cycle enddef;} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fmfcmd{% style_def double_line_arrow expr p = save pi, po; path pi, po; pi = reverse (p sideways thick); po = p sideways -thick; cdraw pi; cdraw po; cfill (arrow pi); cfill (arrow po); enddef;} \fmfcmd{% style_def double_line_arrow_beg expr p = save pi, po, pc; path pi, po, pc; pc = p choptail 7thick; pi = reverse (pc sideways thick); po = pc sideways -thick; cdraw pi .. p pointtail 5thick .. po; cfill (arrow pi); cfill (arrow po); enddef;} \fmfcmd{% style_def double_line_arrow_end expr p = save pi, po, pc; path pi, po, pc; pc = p choptip 7thick; pi = reverse (pc sideways thick); po = pc sideways -thick; cdraw po .. p pointtip 5thick .. pi; cfill (arrow pi); cfill (arrow po); enddef;} \fmfcmd{% style_def double_line_arrow_both expr p = save pi, po, pc; path pi, po, pc; pc = p choptip 7thick choptail 7thick; pi = reverse (pc sideways thick); po = pc sideways -thick; cdraw po .. p pointtip 5thick .. pi .. p pointtail 5thick .. cycle; cfill (arrow pi); cfill (arrow po); enddef;} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fmfcmd{vardef middir (expr p, ang) = dir (angle direction length(p)/2 of p + ang) enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def arrow_left expr p = shrink (.7); cfill (arrow p shifted (4thick * middir (p, 90))); endshrink enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def arrow_right expr p = shrink (.7); cfill (arrow p shifted (4thick * middir (p, -90))); endshrink enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def warrow_left expr p = shrink (.7); cfill (arrow p shifted (8thick * middir (p, 90))); endshrink enddef;} \fmfcmd{style_def warrow_right expr p = shrink (.7); cfill (arrow p shifted (8thick * middir (p, -90))); endshrink enddef;} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\threeexternal}[3]{% \fmfsurround{d1,e1,d2,e2,d3,e3}% \fmfv{label=$#1$,label.ang=0}{e1}% \fmfv{label=$#2$,label.ang=180}{e2}% \fmfv{label=$#3$,label.ang=0}{e3}} \newcommand{\Threeexternal}[3]{% \fmfsurround{d1,e1,d3,e3,d2,e2}% \fmfv{label=$#1$,label.ang=0}{e1}% \fmfv{label=$#2$,label.ang=0}{e2}% \fmfv{label=$#3$,label.ang=180}{e3}} \newcommand{\Fourexternal}[4]{% \fmfsurround{d2,e2,d1,e1,d4,e4,d3,e3}% \fmfv{label=$#1$,label.ang=180}{e1}% \fmfv{label=$#2$,label.ang=0}{e2}% \fmfv{label=$#3$,label.ang=0}{e3}% \fmfv{label=$#4$,label.ang=180}{e4}} \newcommand{\Fiveexternal}[5]{% \fmfsurround{d2,e2,d1,e1,d5,e5,d4,e4,d3,e3}% \fmfv{label=$#1$,label.ang=180}{e1}% \fmfv{label=$#2$,label.ang=0}{e2}% \fmfv{label=$#3$,label.ang=0}{e3}% \fmfv{label=$#4$,label.ang=0}{e4}% \fmfv{label=$#5$,label.ang=180}{e5}} \newcommand{\twoincoming}{% \fmfdot{v}% \fmffreeze% \fmf{warrow_right}{e1,v}% \fmf{warrow_right}{e2,v}% \fmf{warrow_right}{v,e3}} \newcommand{\threeincoming}{% \fmfdot{v}% \fmffreeze% \fmf{warrow_right}{e1,v}% \fmf{warrow_right}{e2,v}% \fmf{warrow_right}{e3,v}} \newcommand{\threeoutgoing}{% \fmfdot{v}% \fmffreeze% \fmf{warrow_right}{v,e1}% \fmf{warrow_right}{v,e2}% \fmf{warrow_right}{v,e3}} \newcommand{\fouroutgoing}{% \threeoutgoing% \fmf{warrow_right}{v,e4}} \newcommand{\fiveoutgoing}{% \fouroutgoing% \fmf{warrow_right}{v,e5}} \newcommand{\setupthreegluons}{% \fmftop{g3} \fmfbottom{g1,g2} \fmf{phantom}{v,g1} \fmf{phantom}{v,g2} \fmf{phantom}{v,g3} \fmffreeze \fmfipair{v,g[],a[],b[]} \fmfiset{g1}{vloc (__g1)} \fmfiset{g2}{vloc (__g2)} \fmfiset{g3}{vloc (__g3)} \fmfiset{v}{vloc (__v)} \fmfiset{a1}{g1 shifted (-3thin,0)} \fmfiset{b1}{g1 shifted (+1thin,-2thin)} \fmfiset{a2}{g2 shifted (0,-3thin)} \fmfiset{b2}{g2 shifted (0,+3thin)} \fmfiset{a3}{g3 shifted (+1thin,+2thin)} \fmfiset{b3}{g3 shifted (-3thin,0)}} \begin{empfile} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \frontmatter \title{ O'Mega:\\ Optimal~Monte-Carlo\\ Event~Generation~Amplitudes} \author{% Thorsten Ohl\thanks{% \texttt{}, \texttt{}}\\ \hfil\\ Institut f\"ur Theoretische~Physik und Astrophysik\\ Julius-Maximilians-Universit\"at~W\"urzburg\\ Emil-Hilb-Weg 22, 97074~W\"urzburg, Germany\\ \hfil\\ J\"urgen Reuter\thanks{\texttt{}}\\ \hfil\\ DESY Theory Group, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany\\ \hfil\\ Wolfgang Kilian${}^{c,}$\thanks{\texttt{}}\\ \hfil\\ Theoretische Physik 1\\ Universit\"at Siegen\\ Walter-Flex-Str.~3, 57068 Siegen, Germany\\ \hfil\\ with contributions from Christian Speckner${}^{d,}$\thanks{\texttt{}}\\ as well as Christian Schwinn et al.} \date{\textbf{unpublished draft, printed \timestamp}} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \ldots \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \begin{quote} Copyright \textcopyright~1999-2017 by \begin{itemize} \item Wolfgang~Kilian ~\texttt{} \item Thorsten~Ohl~\texttt{} \item J\"urgen~Reuter~\texttt{} \end{itemize} \end{quote} \begin{quote} WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. \end{quote} \begin{quote} WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \emph{without any warranty}; without even the implied warranty of \emph{merchantability} or \emph{fitness for a particular purpose}. See the GNU General Public License for more details. \end{quote} \begin{quote} You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. \end{quote} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} \tableofcontents \mainmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Complexity} \label{sec:complexity} \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{r|r|r} $n$ & $P(n)$& $F(n)$ \\\hline 4 & 3 & 3 \\ 5 & 10 & 15 \\ 6 & 25 & 105 \\ 7 & 56 & 945 \\ 8 & 119 & 10395 \\ 9 & 246 & 135135 \\ 10 & 501 & 2027025 \\ 11 & 1012 & 34459425 \\ 12 & 2035 & 654729075 \\ 13 & 4082 & 13749310575 \\ 14 & 8177 & 316234143225 \\ 15 & 16368 & 7905853580625 \\ 16 & 32751 & 213458046676875 \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{\label{tab:P(n),F(n)} The number of $\phi^3$ Feynman diagrams~$F(n)$ and independent poles~$P(n)$.} \end{table} There are \begin{equation} P(n) = \frac{2^n-2}{2} - n = 2^{n-1} - n - 1 \end{equation} independent internal momenta in a $n$-particle scattering amplitude~\cite{ALPHA:1997}. This grows much slower than the number \begin{equation} F(n) = (2n-5)!! = (2n-5)\cdot(2n-7)\cdot\ldots\cdot3\cdot1 \end{equation} of tree Feynman diagrams in vanilla $\phi^3$ (see table~\ref{tab:P(n),F(n)}). There are no known corresponding expressions for theories with more than one particle type. However, empirical evidence from numerical studies~\cite{ALPHA:1997,HELAC:2000} as well as explicit counting results from O'Mega suggest \begin{equation} P^*(n) \propto 10^{n/2} \end{equation} while he factorial growth of the number of Feynman diagrams remains unchecked, of course. The number of independent momenta in an amplitude is a better measure for the complexity of the amplitude than the number of Feynman diagrams, since there can be substantial cancellations among the latter. Therefore it should be possible to express the scattering amplitude more compactly than by a sum over Feynman diagrams. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Ancestors} \label{sec:ancestors} Some of the ideas that O'Mega is based on can be traced back to HELAS~\cite{HELAS}. HELAS builts Feynman amplitudes by recursively forming off-shell `wave functions' from joining external lines with other external lines or off-shell `wave functions'. The program Madgraph~\cite{MADGRAPH:1994} automatically generates Feynman diagrams and writes a Fortran program corresponding to their sum. The amplitudes are calculated by calls to HELAS~\cite{HELAS}. Madgraph uses one straightforward optimization: no statement is written more than once. Since each statement corresponds to a collection of trees, this optimization is very effective for up to four particles in the final state. However, since the amplitudes are given as a sum of Feynman diagrams, this optimization can, by design, \emph{not} remove the factorial growth and is substantially weaker than the algorithms of~\cite{ALPHA:1997,HELAC:2000} and the algorithm of O'Mega for more particles in the final state. Then ALPHA~\cite{ALPHA:1997} (see also the slightly modified variant~\cite{HELAC:2000}) provided a numerical algorithm for calculating scattering amplitudes and it could be shown empirically, that the calculational costs are rising with a power instead of factorially. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Architecture} \label{sec:architecture} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{modules} %includegraphics[height=.8\textheight]{modules} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:modules}% Module dependencies in O'Mega.} %% The diamond shaped nodes are abstract signatures defininng functor %% domains and co-domains. The rectangular boxes are modules and %% functors and oval boxes are examples for applications. \end{figure} \subsection{General purpose libraries} Functions that are not specific to O'Mega and could be part of the O'Caml standard library \begin{modules}{} \item[ThoList] (mostly) simple convenience functions for lists that are missing from the standard library module \ocwupperid{List} (section~\ref{sec:tholist}, p.~\pageref{sec:tholist}) \item[Product] effcient tensor products for lists and sets (section~\ref{sec:product}, p.~\pageref{sec:product}) \item[Combinatorics] combinatorical formulae, sets of subsets, etc. (section~\ref{sec:combinatorics}, p.~\pageref{sec:combinatorics}) \end{modules} \subsection{O'Mega} The non-trivial algorithms that constitute O'Mega: \begin{modules}{} \item[DAG] Directed Acyclical Graphs (section~\ref{sec:DAG}, p.~\pageref{sec:DAG}) \item[Topology] unusual enumerations of unflavored tree diagrams (section~\ref{sec:topology}, p.~\pageref{sec:topology}) \item[Momentum] finite sums of external momenta (section~\ref{sec:momentum}, p.~\pageref{sec:momentum}) \item[Fusion] off shell wave functions (section~\ref{sec:fusion}, p.~\pageref{sec:fusion}) \item[Omega] functor constructing an application from a model and a target (section~\ref{sec:omega}, p.~\pageref{sec:omega}) \end{modules} \subsection{Abstract interfaces} The domains and co-domains of functors (section~\ref{sec:coupling}, p.~\pageref{sec:coupling}) \begin{modules}{} \item[Coupling] all possible couplings (not comprensive yet) \item[Model] physical models \item[Target] target programming languages \end{modules} \subsection{Models} (section~\ref{sec:models}, p.~\pageref{sec:models}) \begin{modules}{} \item[Modellib_SM.QED] Quantum Electrodynamics \item[Modellib_SM.QCD] Quantum Chromodynamics (not complete yet) \item[Modellib_SM.SM] Minimal Standard Model (not complete yet) \end{modules} etc. \subsection{Targets} Any programming language that supports arithmetic and a textual representation of programs can be targeted by O'Caml. The implementations translate the abstract expressions derived by \ocwupperid{Fusion} to expressions in the target (section~\ref{sec:targets}, p.~\pageref{sec:targets}). \begin{modules}{} \item[Targets.Fortran] Fortran95 language implementation, calling subroutines \end{modules} Other targets could come in the future: \texttt{C}, \texttt{C++}, O'Caml itself, symbolic manipulation languages, etc. \subsection{Applications} (section~\ref{sec:omega}, p.~\pageref{sec:omega}) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{The Big To Do Lists} \label{sec:TODO} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Required} All features required for leading order physics applications are in place. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Useful} \begin{enumerate} \item select allowed helicity combinations for massless fermions \item Weyl-Van der Waerden spinors \item speed up helicity sums by using discrete symmetries \item general triple and quartic vector couplings \item diagnostics: count corresponding Feynman diagrams more efficiently for more than ten external lines \item recognize potential cascade decays ($\tau$, $b$, etc.) \begin{itemize} \item warn the user to add additional \item kill fusions (at runtime), that contribute to a cascade \end{itemize} \item complete standard model in $R_\xi$-gauge \item groves (the simple method of cloned generations works) \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Future Features} \begin{enumerate} \item investigate if unpolarized squared matrix elements can be calculated faster as traces of densitiy matrices. Unfortunately, the answer apears to be \emph{no} for fermions and \emph{up to a constant factor} for massive vectors. Since the number of fusions in the amplitude grows like~$10^{n/2}$, the number of fusions in the squared matrix element grows like~$10^n$. On the other hand, there are $2^{\#\text{fermions}+\#\text{massless vectors}} \cdot3^{\#\text{massive vectors}}$ terms in the helicity sum, which grows \emph{slower} than~$10^{n/2}$. The constant factor is probably also not favorable. However, there will certainly be asymptotic gains for sums over gauge (and other) multiplets, like color sums. \item compile Feynman rules from Lagrangians \item evaluate amplitues in O'Caml by compiling it to three address code for a virtual machine \begin{flushleft} \ocwkw{type}~$\ocwlowerid{mem}~=~\ocwlowerid{scalar}~$\ocwbt{array}~$% \times{}~\ocwlowerid{spinor}~$\ocwbt{array}~$% \times{}~\ocwlowerid{spinor}~$\ocwbt{array}~$% \times{}~\ocwlowerid{vector}~$\ocwbt{array}\\ \ocwkw{type}~$\ocwlowerid{instr}~=$\\ \qquad|~$\ocwupperid{VSS}~$\ocwkw{of}~\ocwbt{int}~$% \times{}~$\ocwbt{int}~$\times{}~$\ocwbt{int}\\ \qquad|~$\ocwupperid{SVS}~$\ocwkw{of}~\ocwbt{int}~$% \times{}~$\ocwbt{int}~$\times{}~$\ocwbt{int}\\ \qquad|~$\ocwupperid{AVA}~$\ocwkw{of}~\ocwbt{int}~$% \times{}~$\ocwbt{int}~$\times{}~$\ocwbt{int}\\ \qquad\ldots \end{flushleft} this could be as fast as~\cite{ALPHA:1997} or~\cite{HELAC:2000}. \item a virtual machine will be useful for for other target as well, because native code appears to become to large for most compilers for more than ten external particles. Bytecode might even be faster due to improved cache locality. \item use the virtual machine in O'Giga \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Science Fiction} \begin{enumerate} \item numerical and symbolical loop calculations with \textsc{O'Tera: O'Mega Tool for Evaluating Renormalized Amplitudes} \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Tuples and Polytuples} \label{sec:tuple} \module{tuple} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Topologies} \label{sec:topology} \module{topology} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Directed Acyclical Graphs} \label{sec:DAG} \module{DAG} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Momenta} \label{sec:momentum} \module{momentum} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Cascades} \label{sec:cascades} \module{cascade_syntax} \section{Lexer} \lexer{cascade} \section{Parser} \parser{cascade} \module{cascade} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Color} \label{sec:color} \module{color} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Fusions} \label{sec:fusion} \module{fusion} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Lorentz Representations, Couplings, Models and Targets} \label{sec:coupling} \signature{coupling} \signature{model} \module{dirac} \module{vertex} \signature{target} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Conserved Quantum Numbers} \label{sec:charges} \module{charges} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Colorization} \label{sec:colorize} \module{colorize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Processes} \label{sec:process} \module{process} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Model Files} \label{sec:model-files} \module{vertex_syntax} \section{Lexer} \lexer{vertex} \section{Parser} \parser{vertex} \module{vertex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{UFO Models} \label{sec:ufo} \module{UFOx_syntax} \section{Expression Lexer} \lexer{UFOx} \section{Expression Parser} \parser{UFOx} \module{UFOx} \module{UFO_syntax} \section{Lexer} \lexer{UFO} \section{Parser} \parser{UFO} \module{UFO_Lorentz} \module{UFO} \section{Targets} \module{UFO_targets} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Hardcoded Targets} \label{sec:targets} \module{format_Fortran} \module{targets} \module{targets_Kmatrix} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Phase Space} \label{sec:phasespace} \module{phasespace} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Whizard} \label{sec:whizard} Talk to~\cite{Kilian:WHIZARD}. \module{whizard} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Applications} \label{sec:omega} \section{Sample} {\small\verbatiminput{sample.prc}} \module{omega} %application{omega_Phi3} %application{omega_Phi3h} %application{omega_Phi4} %application{omega_Phi4h} \application{omega_QED} %application{omega_QCD} %application{omega_SM3} %application{omega_SM3_ac} \application{omega_SM} \application{omega_SYM} %application{omega_SM_ac} %application{f90Maj_SM} %application{f90Maj_SM4} %application{omega_MSSM} %application{omega_MSSM_g} %application{omega_SM_Rxi} %application{omega_SM_clones} %application{omega_THDM} %application{omega_SMh} %application{omega_SM4h} %application{helas_QED} %application{helas_QCD} %application{helas_SM} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \chapter{O'Giga: O'Mega Graphical Interface for Generation and Analysis} %%% \label{sec:ogiga} %%% {\itshape NB: The code in this chapter \emph{must} be compiled with %%% \verb+-labels+, since \verb+lablgtk+ doesn't appear to work in classic mode.} %%% \begin{dubious} %%% Keep in mind that \texttt{ocamlweb} doesn't work properly with %%% O'Caml~3 yet. The colons in label declarations are typeset with %%% erroneous white space. %%% \end{dubious} %%% %%% \application{ogiga} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter*{Acknowledgements} We thank Mauro Moretti for fruitful discussions of the ALPHA algorithm~\cite{ALPHA:1997}, that inspired our solution of the double counting problem. We thank Wolfgang Kilian for providing the WHIZARD environment that turns our numbers into real events with unit weight. Thanks to the ECFA/DESY workshops and their participants for providing a showcase. Thanks to Edward Boos for discussions in Kaluza-Klein gravitons. This research is supported by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung, Germany, (05\,HT9RDA) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MA\,676/6-1). Thanks to the Caml and Objective Caml teams from INRIA for the development and the lean and mean implementation of a programming language that does not insult the programmer's intelligence. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{ALPHA:1997} F. Caravaglios, M. Moretti, Z.{} Phys.{} \textbf{C74} (1997) 291. \bibitem{HELAC:2000} A. Kanaki, C. Papadopoulos, DEMO-HEP-2000/01, hep-ph/0002082, February 2000. \bibitem{Ler97} Xavier Leroy, \textit{The Objective Caml system, documentation and user's guide}, Technical Report, INRIA, 1997. \bibitem{Okasaki:1998:book} Chris Okasaki, \textit{Purely Functional Data Structures}, Cambridge University Press, 1998. \bibitem{HELAS} H. Murayama, I. Watanabe, K. Hagiwara, KEK Report 91-11, January 1992. \bibitem{MADGRAPH:1994} T. Stelzer, W.F. Long, Comput.{} Phys.{} Commun.{} \textbf{81} (1994) 357. \bibitem{Denner:Majorana} A. Denner, H. Eck, O. Hahn and J. K\"ublbeck, Phys.{} Lett.{} \textbf{B291} (1992) 278; Nucl.{} Phys.{} \textbf{B387} (1992) 467. \bibitem{Barger/etal:1992:color} V.~Barger, A.~L.~Stange, R.~J.~N.~Phillips, Phys.~Rev.~\textbf{D45}, (1992) 1751. \bibitem{Ohl:LOTR} T. Ohl, \textit{Lord of the Rings}, (Computer algebra library for O'Caml, unpublished). \bibitem{Ohl:bocages} T. Ohl, \textit{Bocages}, (Feynman diagram library for O'Caml, unpublished). \bibitem{Kilian:WHIZARD} W. Kilian, \textit{\texttt{WHIZARD}}, University of Karlsruhe, 2000. \bibitem{Boos/Ohl:groves} E.\,E. Boos, T. Ohl, Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{83} (1999) 480. \bibitem{Han/Lykken/Zhang:1999:Kaluza-Klein} T.~Han, J.~D.~Lykken and R.~Zhang, %``On Kaluza-Klein states from large extra dimensions,'' Phys.{} Rev.{} \textbf{D59} (1999) 105006 [hep-ph/9811350]. %%CITATION = HEP-PH 9811350;%% \bibitem{PTVF92} William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery, \textit{Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing}, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992. \bibitem{Cvi76} P.~Cvitanovi\'c, % author={Predrag Cvitanovi\'c}, % title={Group Theory for {Feynman} Diagrams in Non-{Abelian} % Gauge Theories}, Phys.{} Rev.{} \textbf{D14} (1976) 1536. %%%\bibitem{Kleiss/etal:Color-Monte-Carlo} %%% \begin{dubious} %%% ``\texttt{Kleiss/etal:Color-Monte-Carlo}'' %%% \end{dubious} %\cite{Kilian:2012pz} \bibitem{Kilian:2012pz} W.~Kilian, T.~Ohl, J.~Reuter and C.~Speckner, %``QCD in the Color-Flow Representation,'' JHEP \textbf{1210} (2012) 022 [arXiv:1206.3700 [hep-ph]]. %%CITATION = doi:10.1007/JHEP10(2012)022;%% %37 citations counted in INSPIRE as of 23 Apr 2019 %\cite{Degrande:2011ua} \bibitem{Degrande:2011ua} C.~Degrande, C.~Duhr, B.~Fuks, D.~Grellscheid, O.~Mattelaer and T.~Reiter, %``UFO - The Universal FeynRules Output,'' Comput.{} Phys.{} Commun.{} \textbf{183} (2012), 1201-1214 doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2012.01.022 [arXiv:1108.2040 [hep-ph]]. \end{thebibliography} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Autotools} \label{sec:autotools} \module{config} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Textual Options} \label{sec:options} \module{options} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Progress Reports} \label{sec:progress} \module{progress} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{More on Filenames} \label{sec:thoFilename} \module{thoFilename} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Cache Files} \label{sec:cache} \module{cache} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{More On Lists} \label{sec:tholist} \module{thoList} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{More On Arrays} \label{sec:thoarray} \module{thoArray} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{More On Strings} \label{sec:thostring} \module{thoString} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Polymorphic Maps} \label{sec:pmap} From~\cite{Ohl:LOTR}. \module{pmap} \module{partial} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Tries} \label{sec:trie} From~\cite{Okasaki:1998:book}, extended for~\cite{Ohl:LOTR}. \module{trie} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Tensor Products} \label{sec:product} From~\cite{Ohl:LOTR}. \module{product} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{(Fiber) Bundles} \label{sec:bundle} \module{bundle} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Power Sets} \label{sec:powSet} \module{powSet} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Combinatorics} \label{sec:combinatorics} \module{combinatorics} \module{permutation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Partitions} \label{sec:partition} \module{partition} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -\chapter{Young Tableaux} +\chapter{Young Diagrams and Tableaux} \label{sec:young} \module{young} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Trees} \label{sec:tree} From~\cite{Ohl:bocages}: Trees with one root admit a straightforward recursive definition \begin{equation} \label{eq:trees} T(N,L) = L \cup N\times T(N,L)\times T(N,L) \end{equation} that is very well adapted to mathematical reasoning. Such recursive definitions are useful because they allow us to prove properties of elements by induction \begin{multline} \label{eq:tree-induction} \forall l\in L: p(l) \land (\forall n\in N: \forall t_1,t_2\in T(N,L): p(t_1) \land p(t_2) \Rightarrow p(n\times t_1\times t_2)) \\ \Longrightarrow \forall t\in T(N,L): p(t) \end{multline} i.\,e.~establishing a property for all leaves and showing that a node automatically satisfies the property if it is true for all children proves the property for \emph{all} trees. This induction is of course modelled after standard mathematical induction \begin{equation} p(1) \land (\forall n\in \mathbf{N}: p(n) \Rightarrow p(n+1)) \Longrightarrow \forall n\in \mathbf{N}: p(n) \end{equation} The recursive definition~(\ref{eq:trees}) is mirrored by the two tree construction functions\footnote{To make the introduction more accessible to non-experts, I avoid the `curried' notation for functions with multiple arguments and use tuples instead. The actual implementation takes advantage of curried functions, however. Experts can read $\alpha\to\beta\to\gamma$ for $\alpha\times\beta\to\gamma$.} \begin{subequations} \begin{align} \ocwlowerid{leaf}:\;& \nu\times\lambda \to(\nu,\lambda) T \\ \ocwlowerid{node}:\;& \nu\times(\nu,\lambda)T \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to(\nu,\lambda)T \end{align} \end{subequations} Renaming leaves and nodes leaves the structure of the tree invariant. Therefore, morphisms~$L\to L'$ and~$N\to N'$ of the sets of leaves and nodes induce natural homomorphisms~$T(N,L)\to T(N',L')$ of trees \begin{equation} \ocwlowerid{map}:\; (\nu\to\nu')\times(\lambda\to\lambda') \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to(\nu',\lambda') T \end{equation} The homomorphisms constructed by \ocwlowerid{map} are trivial, but ubiquitous. More interesting are the morphisms \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \ocwlowerid{fold}:\;& (\nu\times\lambda\to\alpha) \times(\nu\times\alpha\times\alpha\to\alpha) \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to\alpha \\ & (f_1,f_2,l\in L) \mapsto f_1(l) \\ & (f_1,f_2,(n,t_1,t_2)) \mapsto f_2(n,\ocwlowerid{fold}(f_1,f_2,t_1), \ocwlowerid{fold}(f_1,f_2,t_2)) \end{aligned} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \ocwlowerid{fan}:\;& (\nu\times\lambda\to\{\alpha\}) \times(\nu\times\alpha\times\alpha\to\{\alpha\}) \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to\{\alpha\} \\ & (f_1,f_2,l\in L) \mapsto f_1(l) \\ & (f_1,f_2,(n,t_1,t_2)) \mapsto f_2(n, \ocwlowerid{fold}(f_1,f_2,t_1) \otimes\ocwlowerid{fold}(f_1,f_2,t_2)) \end{aligned} \end{equation} where the tensor product notation means that~$f_2$ is applied to all combinations of list members in the argument: \begin{equation} \phi(\{x\}\otimes \{y\}) = \left\{ \phi(x,y) | x\in\{x\} \land y\in\{y\} \right\} \end{equation} But note that due to the recursive nature of trees, \ocwlowerid{fan} is \emph{not} a morphism from $T(N,L)$ to $T(N\otimes N,L)$.\par If we identify singleton sets with their members, \ocwlowerid{fold} could be viewed as a special case of \ocwlowerid{fan}, but that is probably more confusing than helpful. Also, using the special case~$\alpha=(\nu',\lambda')T$, the homomorphism \ocwlowerid{map} can be expressed in terms of \ocwlowerid{fold} and the constructors \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \ocwlowerid{map}:\;& (\nu\to\nu')\times(\lambda\to\lambda') \times(\nu,\lambda)T \to(\nu',\lambda')T \\ &(f,g,t) \mapsto \ocwlowerid{fold} (\ocwlowerid{leaf}\circ (f\times g), \ocwlowerid{node}\circ (f\times\ocwlowerid{id} \times\ocwlowerid{id}), t) \end{aligned} \end{equation} \ocwlowerid{fold} is much more versatile than \ocwlowerid{map}, because it can be used with constructors for other tree representations to translate among different representations. The target type can also be a mathematical expression. This is used extensively below for evaluating Feynman diagrams.\par Using \ocwlowerid{fan} with~$\alpha=(\nu',\lambda')T$ can be used to construct a multitude of homomorphic trees. In fact, below it will be used extensively to construct all Feynman diagrams~$\{(\nu,\{p_1,\ldots,p_n\})T\}$ of a given topology~$t\in (\emptyset,\{1,\ldots,n\})T$. \begin{dubious} The physicist in me guesses that there is another morphism of trees that is related to \ocwlowerid{fan} like a Lie-algebra is related to the it's Lie-group. I have not been able to pin it down, but I guess that it is a generalization of \ocwlowerid{grow} below. \end{dubious} \module{tree} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Dependency Trees} \label{sec:tree2} \module{tree2} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Consistency Checks} \label{sec:count} \application{count} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Complex Numbers} \label{sec:complex} \module{complex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Algebra} \label{sec:algebra} \module{algebra} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Simple Linear Algebra} \label{sec:linalg} \module{linalg} %application{test_linalg} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Partial Maps} \label{sec:partial} \module{partial} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Talk To The WHiZard \ldots} \label{sec:whizard_tool} Talk to~\cite{Kilian:WHIZARD}. \begin{dubious} Temporarily disabled, until, we implement some conditional weaving\ldots \end{dubious} %application{whizard_tool} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \chapter{Widget Library and Class Hierarchy for O'Giga} %%% \label{sec:thogtk} %%% {\itshape NB: The code in this chapter \emph{must} be compiled with %%% \verb+-labels+, since \verb+lablgtk+ doesn't appear to work in classic mode.} %%% \begin{dubious} %%% Keep in mind that \texttt{ocamlweb} doesn't work properly with %%% O'Caml~3 yet. The colons in label declarations are typeset with %%% erroneous white space. %%% \end{dubious} %%% %%% \section{Architecture} %%% In \texttt{lablgtk}, O'Caml objects are typically constructed in %%% parallel to constructors for \texttt{GTK+} widgets. The objects %%% provide inheritance and all that, while the constructors implement the %%% semantics. %%% %%% \subsection{Inheritance vs.~Aggregation} %%% We have two mechanisms for creating new widgets: inheritance and %%% aggregation. Inheritance makes it easy to extend a given widget with %%% new methods or to combine orthogonal widgets (\emph{multiple %%% inheritance}). Aggregation is more suitable for combining %%% non-orthogonal widgets (e.\,g.~multiple instances of the same widget). %%% %%% The problem with inheritance in \texttt{lablgtk} is, that it is a %%% \emph{bad} idea to implement the semantics in the objects. In a %%% multi-level inheritance hierarchy, O'Caml can evaluate class functions %%% more than once. Since functions accessing \texttt{GTK+} change the %%% state of \texttt{GTK+}, we could accidentally violate invariants. %%% Therefore inheritance forces us to use the two-tiered approach of %%% \texttt{lablgtk} ourselves. It is not really complicated, but tedious %%% and it appears to be a good idea to use aggregation whenever in doubt. %%% %%% Nevertheless, there are examples (like %%% \ocwupperid{ThoGButton.mutable\_button} below, where just one new %%% method is added), that cry out for inheritance for the benefit of the %%% application developer. %%% %%% \module{thoGWindow} %%% \module{thoGButton} %%% \module{thoGMenu} %%% \module{thoGDraw} %%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \chapter{O'Mega Virtual Machine} %%% \label{sec:ovm} %%% \module{OVM} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{\texttt{Fortran} Libraries} \label{sec:fortran} \input{omegalib} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{raggedright} \ifpdf \chapter{Index} \let\origtwocolumn\twocolumn \def\twocolumn[#1]{\origtwocolumn}% This index has been generated automatically and might not be 100\%ly accurate. In particular, hyperlinks have been observed to be off by one page. \fi \input{index.tex} \end{raggedright} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{empfile} \end{fmffile} \end{document} \endinput Local Variables: mode:latex indent-tabs-mode:nil page-delimiter:"^%%%%%.*\n" End: Index: trunk/omega/src/thoList.mli =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/thoList.mli (revision 8846) +++ trunk/omega/src/thoList.mli (revision 8847) @@ -1,201 +1,193 @@ (* thoList.mli -- Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* [splitn n l = (hdn l, tln l)], but more efficient. *) val hdn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list val tln : int -> 'a list -> 'a list val splitn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list (* [split_last (l @ [a]) = (l, a)] *) val split_last : 'a list -> 'a list * 'a (* [chop n l] chops [l] into pieces of size [n] (except for the last one, which contains th remainder). *) val chopn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list list (* [cycle_until a l] finds a member [a] in the list [l] and returns the cyclically permuted list with [a] as head. Raises [Not_found] if [a] is not in [l]. *) val cycle_until : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list (* [cycle n l] cyclically permute the list [l] by [n >= 0] positions. Raises [Not_found] [List.length l > n]. NB: [cycle n l = tln n l @ hdn n l], but more efficient. *) val cycle : int -> 'a list -> 'a list (* [of_subarray n m a] is $[\ocwlowerid{a.}(\ocwlowerid{n}); \ocwlowerid{a.}(\ocwlowerid{n}+1);\ldots; \ocwlowerid{a.}(\ocwlowerid{m})]$. Values of~[n] and~[m] out of bounds are silently shifted towards these bounds. *) val of_subarray : int -> int -> 'a array -> 'a list (* [range s n m] is $[\ocwlowerid{n}; \ocwlowerid{n}+\ocwlowerid{s}; \ocwlowerid{n}+2\ocwlowerid{s};\ldots; \ocwlowerid{m} - ((\ocwlowerid{m}-\ocwlowerid{n})\mod s)]$ *) val range : ?stride:int -> int -> int -> int list (* [enumerate s n [a1;a2;...] is [(n,a1); (n+s,a2); ...] *) val enumerate : ?stride:int -> int -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) list (* [alist_of_list ~predicate ~offset list] takes the elements of [list] that satisfy [predicate] and forms a list of pairs of an offset into the original [list] and the element with the offsets starting from [offset]. NB: the order of the returned alist is not specified! *) val alist_of_list : ?predicate:('a -> bool) -> ?offset:int -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) list (* Compress identical elements in a sorted list. Identity is determined using the polymorphic equality function [Pervasives.(=)]. *) val uniq : 'a list -> 'a list (* Test if all members of a list are structurally identical (actually [homogeneous l] and [List.length (uniq l) <= 1] are equivalent, but the former is more efficient if a mismatch comes early). *) val homogeneous : 'a list -> bool (* If all elements of the list [l] appear exactly twice, [pairs l] returns a sorted list with these elements appearing once. Otherwise [Invalid_argument] is raised. *) val pairs : 'a list -> 'a list (* [compare cmp l1 l2] compare two lists [l1] and [l2] according to [cmp]. [cmp] defaults to the polymorphic []. *) val compare : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int (* Collect and count identical elements in a list. Identity is determined using the polymorphic equality function [Pervasives.(=)]. [classify] does not assume that the list is sorted. However, it is~$O(n)$ for sorted lists and~$O(n^2)$ in the worst case. *) val classify : 'a list -> (int * 'a) list (* Collect the second factors with a common first factor in lists. \label{ThoList.factorize} *) val factorize : ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b list) list (* [flatmap f] is equivalent to $\ocwlowerid{flatten} \circ (\ocwlowerid{map}\;\ocwlowerid{f})$, but more efficient, because no intermediate lists are built. Unfortunately, it is not tail recursive. *) val flatmap : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list (* [rev_flatmap f] is equivalent to $\ocwlowerid{flatten} \circ (\ocwlowerid{rev\_map}\;(\ocwlowerid{rev}\circ\ocwlowerid{f})) = \ocwlowerid{rev}\circ(\ocwlowerid{flatmap}\;\ocwlowerid{f})$, but more efficient, because no intermediate lists are built. It is tail recursive. *) val rev_flatmap : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list (* [clone a n] builds a list from [n] copies of the element [a]. *) val clone : 'a -> int -> 'a list (* [multiply n l] concatenates [n] copies of the list [l]. *) val multiply : int -> 'a list -> 'a list (* [filtermap f l] applies [f] to each element of [l] and drops the results [None]. *) val filtermap : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list (* [power a_list] computes the list of all sublists of [a_list], i.\,e.~the power set. The elements of the sublists are \emph{not} required to have been sequential in [a_list]. *) val power : 'a list -> 'a list list (* \begin{dubious} Invent other names to avoid confusions with [List.fold_left2] and [List.fold_right2]. \end{dubious} *) val fold_right2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list list -> 'b -> 'b val fold_left2 : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list list -> 'b (* [iteri f n [a;b;c]] evaluates [f n a], [f (n+1) b] and [f (n+2) c]. *) val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> int -> 'a list -> unit val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b list (* [iteri2 f n m [[aa;ab];[ba;bb]]] evaluates [f n m aa], [f n (m+1) ab], [f (n+1) m ba] and [f (n+1) (m+1) bb]. NB: the nested lists need not be rectangular. *) val iteri2 : (int -> int -> 'a -> unit) -> int -> int -> 'a list list -> unit (* Just like [List.map3]: *) val map3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list (* Transpose a \emph{rectangular} list of lists like a matrix. *) val transpose : 'a list list -> 'a list list (* [interleave f list] walks through [list] and inserts the result of [f] applied to the reversed list of elements before and the list of elements after. The empty lists at the beginning and end are included! *) val interleave : ('a list -> 'a list -> 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'a list (* [interleave_nearest f list] is like [interleave f list], but [f] looks only at the nearest neighbors. *) val interleave_nearest : ('a -> 'a -> 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'a list (* [partitioned_sort cmp index_sets list] sorts the sublists of [list] specified by the [index_sets] and the complement of their union. \textbf{NB:} the sorting follows to order in the lists in [index_sets]. \textbf{NB:} the indices are 0-based. *) val partitioned_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> int list list -> 'a list -> 'a list exception Overlapping_indices exception Out_of_bounds (* [ariadne_sort cmp list] sorts [list] according to [cmp] (default []) keeping track of the original order by a 0-based list of indices. *) val ariadne_sort : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list * int list (* [ariadne_unsort (ariadne_sort cmp list)] returns [list]. *) val ariadne_unsort : 'a list * int list -> 'a list (* [lexicographic cmp list1 list2] compares [list1] and [list2] lexicographically. *) val lexicographic : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int (* [common l1 l2] returns the elements common to the lists [l1] and [l2]. The lists are not required to be ordered and the result will also not be ordered. *) val common : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list (* [complement l1 l2] returns the list [l1] with elements of list [l2] removed. The lists are not required to be ordered. Raises [Invalid_argument "ThoList.complement"], if a member of [l1] is not in [l1]. *) val complement : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list val to_string : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string module Test : sig val suite : OUnit.test end - -(*i - * Local Variables: - * mode:caml - * indent-tabs-mode:nil - * page-delimiter:"^(\\* .*\n" - * End: -i*) Index: trunk/omega/src/young.mli =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/young.mli (revision 8846) +++ trunk/omega/src/young.mli (revision 8847) @@ -1,139 +1,145 @@ (* young.mli -- Copyright (C) 2022- by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* Caveat: the following are not optimized for large Young diagrams and tableaux. They are straightforward implementations of the definitions, since we are unlikely to meet large diagrams. To make matters worse, native integer arithmetic will overflow already for diagrams with more than 20 cells. Since the [Num] library has been removed from the O'Caml distribution with version 4.06, we can not use it as a shortcut. Requiring Whizard/O'Mega users to install [Num] or its successor [Zarith] is probably not worth the effort. *) (* \ytableausetup{centertableaux,smalltableaux} *) (* \thocwmodulesection{Young Diagrams} *) (* Young diagrams can be represented by a non-increasing list of positive integers, corresponding to the number of boxes in each row: \begin{equation} \ydiagram{5,4,4,2} \Longleftrightarrow \lbrack 5;4;4;2 \rbrack \end{equation} *) type diagram = int list (* Check that the diagram is valid, i.\,e.~the number of boxes is non-increasing from top to bottom. *) val valid_diagram : diagram -> bool (* Count the number of cells. *) val num_cells_diagram : diagram -> int (* Transpose a diagram: \begin{equation} \ydiagram{5,4,4,2} \mapsto \ydiagram{4,4,3,3,1} \end{equation} *) val transpose_diagram : diagram -> diagram (* The product of all the ``hook lengths'' in the diagram, e.\,g. \begin{equation} \ydiagram{5,4,4,2} \mapsto \ytableaushort{87541,6532,5421,21} \mapsto 8 \cdot 7 \cdot 6 \cdot 5^3 \cdot 4^2 \cdot 3 \cdot 2^3 = 16128000 \end{equation} where the intermediate step is only for illustration and does not represent a Young tableau! *) val hook_lengths_product : diagram -> int (* Dimension of the representation of~$S_n$ described by the diagram \begin{equation} d = \frac{n!}{\prod_{i=1}^n h_i} \end{equation} with~$n$ the number of cells and~$h_i$ the hook length of the $i$th cell. *) val dim_rep_Sn : diagram -> int (* Normalization of the projector on the representation of $\mathrm{GL(N)}$ described by the diagram \begin{equation} \alpha = \frac{\prod_{R} |R|!\prod_{C} |C|!}{\prod_{i=1}^n h_i} \end{equation} with~$|R|$ and~$|C|$ the lengths of the row~$R$ and column~$C$, respectively. Returned as a pair of numerator and denominator, because it is not guaranteed to be integer. *) val normalization : diagram -> int * int (* \thocwmodulesection{Young Tableaux} *) (* There is an obvious representation as a list of lists: \begin{equation} \ytableaushort{023,14} \Longleftrightarrow \lbrack \lbrack 0; 2; 3 \rbrack; \lbrack 1; 4 \rbrack \rbrack \end{equation} *) type 'a tableau = 'a list list (* Ignoring the contents of the cells of a Young tableau produces a unique corresponding Young diagram. \begin{equation} \ytableaushort{023,14} \mapsto \ydiagram{3,2} \end{equation} *) val diagram_of_tableau : 'a tableau -> diagram (* The number of columns must be non-increasing. Obviously, [valid_tableau] is the composition of [diagram_of_tableau] and [valid_diagram].*) val valid_tableau : 'a tableau -> bool (* A tableau is called \textit{semistandard}, iff the entries don't increase along rows and strictly increase along columns. Therefore, the transpose of a semistandard tableau is \emph{not} necessarily semistandard. *) val semistandard_tableau : 'a tableau -> bool (* A tableau is called \textit{standard}, iff it is semistandard and the entries are an uninterrupted sequence of natural numbers. If the optional [offset] is specified, it must match the smallest of these numbers. Some authors expect [offset=1], but we want to be able to start from 0 as well. The transpose of a standard tableau is again a standard tableau. *) val standard_tableau : ?offset:int -> int tableau -> bool (* The contents of the cells and their number. *) val cells_tableau : 'a tableau -> 'a list val num_cells_tableau : 'a tableau -> int (* Transpose a Young tableau \begin{equation} \ytableaushort{023,14} \mapsto \ytableaushort{01,24,3} \end{equation} *) val transpose_tableau : 'a tableau -> 'a tableau (* \thocwmodulesection{Unit Tests} *) -module Test : sig val suite : OUnit.test val suite_long : OUnit.test end +module type Test = + sig + val suite : OUnit.test + val suite_long : OUnit.test + end + +module Test : Test