Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8813) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8814) @@ -1,160 +1,160 @@ (* -- Copyright (C) 1999-2015 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) module type T = sig type domain type 'a t val of_list : (domain * 'a) list -> 'a t val of_lists : domain list -> 'a list -> 'a t exception Undefined of domain val apply : 'a t -> domain -> 'a val apply_with_fallback : (domain -> 'a) -> 'a t -> domain -> 'a val auto : domain t -> domain -> domain end module Make (D : Map.OrderedType) : T with type domain = D.t = struct module M = Map.Make (D) type domain = D.t type 'a t = 'a M.t let of_list l = List.fold_left (fun m (d, v) -> M.add d v m) M.empty l let of_lists domain values = of_list (try List.map2 (fun d v -> (d, v)) domain values with - | Invalid_argument "List.map2" -> - invalid_arg "Partial.of_lists: length mismatch") + | Invalid_argument _ (* ["List.map2"] *) -> + invalid_arg "Partial.of_lists: length mismatch") let auto partial d = try M.find d partial with | Not_found -> d exception Undefined of domain let apply partial d = try M.find d partial with | Not_found -> raise (Undefined d) let apply_with_fallback fallback partial d = try M.find d partial with | Not_found -> fallback d end (* \thocwmodulesection{Unit Tests} *) module Test : sig val suite : OUnit.test end = struct open OUnit module P = Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end) let apply_ok = "apply/ok" >:: (fun () -> let p = P.of_list [ (0,"a"); (1,"b"); (2,"c") ] and l = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in assert_equal [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] ( (P.apply p) l)) let apply_ok2 = "apply/ok2" >:: (fun () -> let p = P.of_lists [0; 1; 2] ["a"; "b"; "c"] and l = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in assert_equal [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] ( (P.apply p) l)) let apply_shadowed = "apply/shadowed" >:: (fun () -> let p = P.of_list [ (0,"a"); (1,"b"); (2,"c"); (1,"d") ] and l = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in assert_equal [ "a"; "d"; "c" ] ( (P.apply p) l)) let apply_shadowed2 = "apply/shadowed2" >:: (fun () -> let p = P.of_lists [0; 1; 2; 1] ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"] and l = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in assert_equal [ "a"; "d"; "c" ] ( (P.apply p) l)) let apply_mismatch = "apply/mismatch" >:: (fun () -> assert_raises (Invalid_argument "Partial.of_lists: length mismatch") (fun () -> P.of_lists [0; 1; 2] ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"])) let suite_apply = "apply" >::: [apply_ok; apply_ok2; apply_shadowed; apply_shadowed2; apply_mismatch] let auto_ok = "auto/ok" >:: (fun () -> let p = P.of_list [ (0,10); (1,11)] and l = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in assert_equal [ 10; 11; 2 ] ( ( p) l)) let suite_auto = "auto" >::: [auto_ok] let apply_with_fallback_ok = "apply_with_fallback/ok" >:: (fun () -> let p = P.of_list [ (0,10); (1,11)] and l = [ 0; 1; 2 ] in assert_equal [ 10; 11; -2 ] ( (P.apply_with_fallback (fun n -> - n) p) l)) let suite_apply_with_fallback = "apply_with_fallback" >::: [apply_with_fallback_ok] let suite = "Partial" >::: [suite_apply; suite_auto; suite_apply_with_fallback] let time () = () end Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8813) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8814) @@ -1,275 +1,275 @@ (* -- Fortran90+ continuation lines etc. Copyright (C) 2019-2022 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) let default_width = 80 let max_clines = ref (-1) (* 255 *) exception Continuation_Lines of int (* Fortran style line continuation: *) type formatter = { formatter : Format.formatter; mutable current_cline : int; mutable width : int } let formatter_of_formatter ?(width=default_width) ff = { formatter = ff; current_cline = 1; width = width } (* Default function to output new lines. *) let pp_output_function ff = fst (Format.pp_get_formatter_output_functions ff.formatter ()) (* Default function to output spaces (copied from \texttt{}). *) let blank_line = String.make 80 ' ' let rec pp_display_blanks ff n = if n > 0 then if n <= 80 then pp_output_function ff blank_line 0 n else begin pp_output_function ff blank_line 0 80; pp_display_blanks ff (n - 80) end let pp_display_newline ff = pp_output_function ff "\n" 0 1 (* [ff.current_cline] \begin{itemize} \item $\le0$: not continuing: print a straight newline, \item $>0$: continuing: append [" &"] until we run up to [!max_clines]. NB: [!max_clines < 0] means \emph{unlimited} continuation lines. \end{itemize} *) let pp_switch_line_continuation ff = function | false -> ff.current_cline <- 0 | true -> ff.current_cline <- 1 let pp_fortran_newline ff () = if ff.current_cline > 0 then begin if !max_clines >= 0 && ff.current_cline > !max_clines then raise (Continuation_Lines ff.current_cline) else begin pp_output_function ff " &" 0 2; ff.current_cline <- succ ff.current_cline end end; pp_display_newline ff let pp_newline ff () = pp_switch_line_continuation ff false; Format.pp_print_newline ff.formatter (); pp_switch_line_continuation ff true (* Make a formatter with default functions to output spaces and new lines. *) (*i let unsafe_output oc s i j = try output oc s i j with | _ -> Printf.eprintf "unsafe_output: '%s'\n" s i*) let pp_setup ff = let formatter_out_functions = Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ff.formatter () in Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ff.formatter { formatter_out_functions with - out_newline = pp_fortran_newline ff; - out_spaces = pp_display_blanks ff }; + Format.out_newline = pp_fortran_newline ff; + Format.out_spaces = pp_display_blanks ff }; Format.pp_set_margin ff.formatter (ff.width - 2) let std_formatter = let ff = formatter_of_formatter Format.std_formatter in pp_setup ff; ff let formatter_of_out_channel ?(width=default_width) oc = let ff = formatter_of_formatter ~width (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) in pp_setup ff; ff let formatter_of_buffer ?(width=default_width) b = let ff = { formatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer b; current_cline = 1; width = width } in pp_setup ff; ff let pp_set_formatter_out_channel ff ?(width=default_width) oc = Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ff.formatter oc; ff.width <- width; pp_setup ff let set_formatter_out_channel ?(width=default_width) oc = Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel std_formatter.formatter oc; std_formatter.width <- width; pp_setup std_formatter let fprintf ff fmt = Format.fprintf ff.formatter fmt let pp_flush ff = Format.pp_print_flush ff.formatter let printf fmt = fprintf std_formatter fmt let newline = pp_newline std_formatter let flush = pp_flush std_formatter let switch_line_continuation = pp_switch_line_continuation std_formatter module Test = struct open OUnit let input_line_opt ic = try Some (input_line ic) with | End_of_file -> None let read_lines ic = let rec read_lines' acc = match input_line_opt ic with | Some line -> read_lines' (line :: acc) | None -> List.rev acc in read_lines' [] let lines_of_file filename = let ic = open_in filename in let lines = read_lines ic in close_in ic; lines let equal_or_dump_lines lhs rhs = if lhs = rhs then true else begin Printf.printf "Unexpected output:\n"; List.iter (Printf.printf "< %s\n") lhs; List.iter (Printf.printf "> %s\n") rhs; false end let format_and_compare f expected () = bracket_tmpfile ~prefix:"omega-" ~suffix:".f90" (fun (name, oc) -> (* There can be something left in the queue from [OUnit]! *) Format.print_flush (); f oc; close_out oc; (* [OUnit] uses [Format.printf]! *) Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout; assert_bool "" (equal_or_dump_lines expected (lines_of_file name))) () let suite = "Format_Fortran" >::: [ "formatter_of_out_channel" >:: format_and_compare (fun oc -> let ff = formatter_of_out_channel ~width:20 oc in let nl = pp_newline ff in List.iter (fprintf ff) ["@[<2>lhs = rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"]; nl ()) [ "lhs = rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs" ]; "formatter_of_buffer" >:: format_and_compare (fun oc -> let buffer = Buffer.create 1024 in let ff = formatter_of_buffer ~width:20 buffer in let nl = pp_newline ff in List.iter (fprintf ff) [" @[<2>lhs = rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"]; nl (); pp_flush ff (); let ff' = formatter_of_out_channel ~width:20 oc in fprintf ff' "do mu = 0, 3"; pp_newline ff' (); fprintf ff' "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer); fprintf ff' "end do"; pp_newline ff' ()) [ "do mu = 0, 3"; " lhs = rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs"; "end do" ]; "formatter_of_out_channel+indentation" >:: format_and_compare (fun oc -> let ff = formatter_of_out_channel ~width:20 oc in let nl = pp_newline ff in List.iter (fprintf ff) [" @[<4>lhs = rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"]; nl ()) [ " lhs = rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs" ]; "set_formatter_out_channel" >:: format_and_compare (fun oc -> let nl = newline in set_formatter_out_channel ~width:20 oc; List.iter printf ["@[<2>lhs = rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"; "@ + rhs"]; nl ()) [ "lhs = rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs + rhs &"; " + rhs" ]; ] end Index: trunk/omega/tests/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/tests/ (revision 8813) +++ trunk/omega/tests/ (revision 8814) @@ -1,161 +1,161 @@ #! /bin/sh # -- ######################################################################## omega="$1" shift models="sm_ufo" modules="" ######################################################################## while read module threshold n roots model unphysical mode process; do case $module in '#'*) # skip comments ;; '') # skip empty lines ;; '!'*) break ;; *) ######################################################################## modules="$modules $module" eval threshold_$module=$threshold eval n_$module=$n eval roots_$module=$roots eval process_$module="'$process'" ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # echo "running $omega_bin -$mode '$process'" 1>&2 $omega "$@" -model:exec \ -target:parameter_module parameters_sm_ufo \ -target:module amplitude_ward_ufo_physical_$module \ -$mode "$process" 2>/dev/null $omega "$@" -model:exec \ -target:parameter_module parameters_sm_ufo \ -target:module amplitude_ward_ufo_unphysical_$module \ -$mode "$process" -unphysical $unphysical 2>/dev/null ;; esac done ######################################################################## for module in $modules; do for mode in physical unphysical; do cat < number_particles_in p%number_particles_out => number_particles_out p%number_spin_states => number_spin_states p%spin_states => spin_states p%number_flavor_states => number_flavor_states p%flavor_states => flavor_states p%number_color_indices => number_color_indices p%number_color_flows => number_color_flows p%color_flows => color_flows p%number_color_factors => number_color_factors p%color_factors => color_factors p%color_sum => color_sum p%new_event => new_event p%reset_helicity_selection => reset_helicity_selection p%is_allowed => is_allowed p%get_amplitude => get_amplitude end function load end module interface_ward_ufo_${mode}_${module} EOF done done ######################################################################## cat < load EOF done done for model in $models; do cat < setup_parameters EOF done cat < 0) then print *, failures, " failures in ", attempts, " attempts" failed_processes = failed_processes + 1 end if EOF done cat < 0) then print *, failed_processes, " failed processes in ", attempted_processes, " attempts" stop 1 end if end program ward_ufo_driver EOF exit 0 Index: trunk/omega/tests/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/tests/ (revision 8813) +++ trunk/omega/tests/ (revision 8814) @@ -1,175 +1,175 @@ #! /bin/sh # -- ######################################################################## omega="$1" shift models="qed qcd sym sm sm_top_anom" modules="" ######################################################################## # m1 m2 are the masses of the incoming particles # m3 m4 are the masses of the first two outgoing particles, all further # outgoing particles are assumed to be massless ######################################################################## while read module threshold n roots m1 m2 m3 m4 model unphysical mode process; do case $module in '#'*) # skip comments ;; '') # skip empty lines ;; '!'*) break ;; *) ######################################################################## modules="$modules $module" eval threshold_$module=$threshold eval n_$module=$n eval roots_$module=$roots eval m1_$module=$m1 eval m2_$module=$m2 eval m3_$module=$m3 eval m4_$module=$m4 eval process_$module="'$process'" ######################################################################## ######################################################################## omega_bin="`echo $omega | sed s/%%%/$model/g`" # echo "running $omega_bin -$mode '$process'" 1>&2 $omega_bin "$@" \ -target:parameter_module parameters_$model \ -target:module amplitude_ward_physical_$module \ -$mode "$process" 2>/dev/null $omega_bin "$@" \ -target:parameter_module parameters_$model \ -target:module amplitude_ward_unphysical_$module \ -$mode "$process" -unphysical $unphysical 2>/dev/null ;; esac done ######################################################################## for module in $modules; do for mode in physical unphysical; do cat < number_particles_in p%number_particles_out => number_particles_out p%number_spin_states => number_spin_states p%spin_states => spin_states p%number_flavor_states => number_flavor_states p%flavor_states => flavor_states p%number_color_indices => number_color_indices p%number_color_flows => number_color_flows p%color_flows => color_flows p%number_color_factors => number_color_factors p%color_factors => color_factors p%color_sum => color_sum p%new_event => new_event p%reset_helicity_selection => reset_helicity_selection p%is_allowed => is_allowed p%get_amplitude => get_amplitude end function load end module interface_ward_${mode}_${module} EOF done done ######################################################################## cat < load EOF done done for model in $models; do cat < init_parameters EOF done cat < 0) then print *, failures, " failures in ", attempts, " attempts" failed_processes = failed_processes + 1 end if EOF done cat < 0) then print *, failed_processes, " failed processes in ", attempted_processes, " attempts" stop 1 end if end program ward_driver EOF exit 0