Index: trunk/src/vegas/vegas.nw =================================================================== --- trunk/src/vegas/vegas.nw (revision 8796) +++ trunk/src/vegas/vegas.nw (revision 8797) @@ -1,7750 +1,8428 @@ %% -*- ess-noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-code-mode: f90-mode -*- % WHIZARD code as NOWEB source: VEGAS algorithm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{VEGAS Integration} \label{cha:vegas-integration} @ The backbone integrator of WHIZARD is a object-oriented implemetation of the VEGAS algorithm. <<[[vegas.f90]]>>= <> module vegas <> - -<> +<> <> -<> +<> -<> +<> -<> +<> -<> +<> contains -<> +<> end module vegas @ %def vegas -<>= +<>= use diagnostics use io_units use format_utils, only: write_indent use format_defs, only: FMT_17 use rng_base, only: rng_t use rng_stream, only: rng_stream_t @ @ MPI Module. -<>= +<>= use request_callback, only: request_handler_t use mpi_f08 !NODEP! @ \section{Integration modes} \label{sec:integration-modes} @ VEGAS operates in three different modes: [[vegas_mode_importance_only]], [[vegas_mode_importance]] or [[vegas_mode_stratified]]. The default mode is [[vegas_mode_importance]], where the algorithm decides whether if it is possible to use importance sampling or stratified sampling. In low dimensions VEGAS uses strict stratified sampling. -<>= +<>= integer, parameter, public :: VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE = 0, & & VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED = 1, VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE_ONLY = 2 @ %def vegas_mode_importance vegas_mode_stratified vegas_mode_importance_only @ \section{Type: vegas\_func\_t} \label{sec:type:vegas_func_t} We define a abstract [[func]] type which only gives an interface to an [[evaluate]] procedure. The inside of implementation and also the optimization of are not a concern of the [[vegas]] implementation. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_func_t -<>= +<>= type, abstract :: vegas_func_t ! contains procedure(vegas_func_evaluate), deferred, pass, public :: evaluate end type vegas_func_t @ %def vegas_func_t @ The only procedure called in [[vegas]] is [[vegas_func_evaluate]]. It takes a real value [[x]] and returns a real value [[f]]. -<>= +<>= abstract interface real(default) function vegas_func_evaluate (self, x) result (f) import :: default, vegas_func_t class(vegas_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x end function vegas_func_evaluate end interface @ %def vegas_func_evaluate @ \section{Type: vegas\_config\_t} \label{sec:type:vegas_config_t} We store the complete configuration in a transparent container. The [[vegas_config_t]] object inside VEGAS must not be directly accesible. We provide a get method which returns a copy of the [[vegas_config_t]] object. Apart from the options which can be set by the constructor of [[vegas_t]] object, we store the run-time configuration [[n_calls]], [[calls_per_box]], [[n_bins]] and [[n_boxes]]. Those are calculated and set accordingly by VEGAS. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_config_t -<>= +<>= type :: vegas_config_t integer :: n_dim = 0 real(default) :: alpha = 1.5 integer :: n_bins_max = 50 integer :: iterations = 5 integer :: mode = VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED integer :: calls_per_box = 0 integer :: n_calls = 0 integer :: n_calls_min = 20 integer :: n_boxes = 1 integer :: n_bins = 1 contains - <> + <> end type vegas_config_t @ %def vegas_config_t, n_calls, calls_per_box, n_bins, n_boxes @ Write out the configuration of the grid. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write => vegas_config_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_config_write (self, unit, indent) class(vegas_config_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of dimensions = ", self%n_dim call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Adaption power (alpha) = ", self%alpha call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Max. number of bins (per dim.) = ", self%n_bins_max call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of iterations = ", self%iterations call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Mode (stratified or importance) = ", self%mode call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Calls per box = ", self%calls_per_box call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of calls = ", self%n_calls call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Min. number of calls = ", self%n_calls_min call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of bins = ", self%n_bins call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of boxes = ", self%n_boxes end subroutine vegas_config_write @ %def vegas_config_write @ \section{Type: vegas\_grid\_t} \label{sec:type:-vegas_g} We provide a simple and transparent grid container. The container can then later be used, to export the actual grid. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_grid_t -<>= +<>= type :: vegas_grid_t integer :: n_dim = 1 integer :: n_bins = 1 real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x_lower real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x_upper real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: delta_x real(default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xi contains - <> + <> end type vegas_grid_t @ %def vegas_grid_t @ Initialise grid. -<>= +<>= interface vegas_grid_t module procedure vegas_grid_init end interface vegas_grid_t -<>= +<>= type(vegas_grid_t) function vegas_grid_init (n_dim, n_bins_max) result (self) integer, intent(in) :: n_dim integer, intent(in) :: n_bins_max self%n_dim = n_dim self%n_bins = 1 allocate (self%x_upper(n_dim), source=1.0_default) allocate (self%x_lower(n_dim), source=0.0_default) allocate (self%delta_x(n_dim), source=1.0_default) allocate (self%xi((n_bins_max + 1), n_dim), source=0.0_default) end function vegas_grid_init @ %def vegas_grid_init @ Output. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write => vegas_grid_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_grid_write (self, unit, pacify) class(vegas_grid_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: pacify logical :: pac integer :: u, i, j pac = .false.; if (present (pacify)) pac = pacify u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, descr_fmt) "begin vegas_grid_t" write (u, integer_fmt) "n_dim = ", self%n_dim write (u, integer_fmt) "n_bins = ", self%n_bins write (u, descr_fmt) "begin x_lower" do j = 1, self%n_dim if (pac) then write (u, double_array_pac_fmt) j, self%x_lower(j) else write (u, double_array_fmt) j, self%x_lower(j) end if end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end x_lower" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin x_upper" do j = 1, self%n_dim if (pac) then write (u, double_array_pac_fmt) j, self%x_upper(j) else write (u, double_array_fmt) j, self%x_upper(j) end if end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end x_upper" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin delta_x" do j = 1, self%n_dim if (pac) then write (u, double_array_pac_fmt) j, self%delta_x(j) else write (u, double_array_fmt) j, self%delta_x(j) end if end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end delta_x" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin xi" do j = 1, self%n_dim do i = 1, self%n_bins + 1 if (pac) then write (u, double_array2_pac_fmt) i, j, self%xi(i, j) else write (u, double_array2_fmt) i, j, self%xi(i, j) end if end do end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end xi" write (u, descr_fmt) "end vegas_grid_t" end subroutine vegas_grid_write @ %def vegas_grid_write @ Compare two grids, if they match up to an given precision. -<>= +<>= public :: operator (==) -<>= +<>= interface operator (==) module procedure vegas_grid_equal end interface operator (==) -<>= +<>= logical function vegas_grid_equal (grid_a, grid_b) result (yorn) type(vegas_grid_t), intent(in) :: grid_a, grid_b yorn = .true. yorn = yorn .and. (grid_a%n_dim == grid_b%n_dim) yorn = yorn .and. (grid_a%n_bins == grid_b%n_bins) yorn = yorn .and. all (grid_a%x_lower == grid_b%x_lower) yorn = yorn .and. all (grid_a%x_upper == grid_b%x_upper) yorn = yorn .and. all (grid_a%delta_x == grid_b%delta_x) yorn = yorn .and. all (grid_a%xi == grid_b%xi) end function vegas_grid_equal @ %def vegas_grid_equal @ Resize each bin accordingly to its corresponding weight [[w]]. Can be used to resize the grid to a new size of bins or refinement. The procedure expects two arguments, firstly, [[n_bins]] and, secondly, the refinement weights [[w]]. If [[n_bins]] differs from the internally stored one, we resize the grid under consideration of [[w]]. If each element of [[w]] equals one, then the bins are resized preserving their original bin density. Anytime else, we refine the grid accordingly to [[w]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: resize => vegas_grid_resize -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_grid_resize (self, n_bins, w) class(vegas_grid_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: n_bins real(default), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: w real(default), dimension(size(self%xi)) :: xi_new integer :: i, j, k real(default) :: pts_per_bin real(default) :: d_width do j = 1, self%n_dim if (self%n_bins /= n_bins) then pts_per_bin = real(self%n_bins, default) / real(n_bins, default) self%n_bins = n_bins else if (all (w(:, j) == 0.)) then call msg_bug ("[VEGAS] grid_resize: resize weights are zero.") end if pts_per_bin = sum(w(:, j)) / self%n_bins end if d_width = 0. k = 0 do i = 2, self%n_bins do while (pts_per_bin > d_width) k = k + 1 d_width = d_width + w(k, j) end do d_width = d_width - pts_per_bin associate (x_upper => self%xi(k + 1, j), x_lower => self%xi(k, j)) xi_new(i) = x_upper - (x_upper - x_lower) * d_width / w(k, j) end associate end do self%xi(:, j) = 0. ! Reset grid explicitly self%xi(2:n_bins, j) = xi_new(2:n_bins) self%xi(n_bins + 1, j) = 1. end do end subroutine vegas_grid_resize @ %def vegas_grid_resize @ Find the probability for a given [[x]] in the unit hypercube. For the case [[n_bins < N_BINARY_SEARCH]], we utilize linear search which is faster for short arrays. Else we make use of a binary search. Furthermore, we calculate the inverse of the probability and invert the result only at the end (saving some time on division). -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_probability => vegas_grid_get_probability -<>= +<>= function vegas_grid_get_probability (self, x) result (g) class(vegas_grid_t), intent(in) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real(default) :: g integer :: j, i_lower, i_higher, i_mid real(default), dimension(size(x)) :: y g = 1 y = (x - self%x_lower) / self%delta_x if (any (y < 0 .or. y > 1)) then g = 0; return end if ndim: do j = 1, self%n_dim i_lower = 1 i_higher = self%n_bins + 1 !! Left-most search search: do while (i_lower < i_higher - 1) i_mid = floor ((i_higher + i_lower) / 2.) if (y(j) > self%xi(i_mid, j)) then i_lower = i_mid else i_higher = i_mid end if end do search g = g * (self%delta_x(j) * & & self%n_bins * (self%xi(i_lower + 1, j) - self%xi(i_lower, j))) end do ndim ! Move division to the end, which is more efficient. if (g /= 0) g = 1 / g end function vegas_grid_get_probability @ %def vegas_grid_get_probability @ Broadcast the grid information. As safety measure, we get the actual grid object from VEGAS (correclty allocated, but for non-root unfilled) and broadcast the root object. On success, we set grid into VEGAS. We use the non-blocking broadcast routine, because we have to send quite a bunch of integers and reals. We have to be very careful with [[n_bins]], the number of bins can actually change during different iterations. If we reuse a grid, we have to take that, every grid uses the same [[n_bins]]. We expect, that the number of dimension does not change, which is in principle possible, but will be checked onto in [[vegas_set_grid]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: broadcast => vegas_grid_broadcast -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_grid_broadcast (self, comm) class(vegas_grid_t), intent(inout) :: self type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm integer :: j, ierror type(MPI_Request), dimension(self%n_dim + 4) :: status ! Blocking call MPI_Bcast (self%n_bins, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm) ! Non blocking call MPI_Ibcast (self%n_dim, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm, status(1)) call MPI_Ibcast (self%x_lower, self%n_dim, & & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, comm, status(2)) call MPI_Ibcast (self%x_upper, self%n_dim, & & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, comm, status(3)) call MPI_Ibcast (self%delta_x, self%n_dim, & & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, comm, status(4)) ndim: do j = 1, self%n_dim call MPI_Ibcast (self%xi(1:self%n_bins + 1, j), self%n_bins + 1,& & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, comm, status(4 + j)) end do ndim call MPI_Waitall (self%n_dim + 4, status, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE) end subroutine vegas_grid_broadcast @ %def vegas_grid_broadcast @ \section{Type: vegas\_result\_t} \label{sec:type:-vegas_r} We store the result of the latest iteration(s) in a transparent container. The [[vegas_result_t]] object inside VEGAS must not be directly accessible. We export the a copy of the result via a get-method of the [[vegas_t]] object. We store latest event weight in [[evt_weight]] and a (possible) evebt weight excess in [[evt_weight_excess]], if the event weight is larger than [[max_abs_f]]. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_result_t -<>= +<>= type :: vegas_result_t integer :: it_start = 0 integer :: it_num = 0 integer :: samples = 0 real(default) :: sum_int_wgtd = 0. real(default) :: sum_wgts real(default) :: sum_chi = 0. real(default) :: chi2 = 0. real(default) :: efficiency = 0. real(default) :: efficiency_pos = 0. real(default) :: efficiency_neg = 0. real(default) :: max_abs_f = 0. real(default) :: max_abs_f_pos = 0. real(default) :: max_abs_f_neg = 0. real(default) :: result = 0. real(default) :: std = 0. real(default) :: evt_weight = 0. real(default) :: evt_weight_excess = 0. contains - <> + <> end type vegas_result_t @ %def vegas_results_t @ Write out the current status of the integration result. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write => vegas_result_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_result_write (self, unit, indent) class(vegas_result_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Start iteration = ", self%it_start call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Iteration number = ", self%it_num call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Sample number = ", self%samples call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 //")") & & "Sum of weighted integrals = ", self%sum_int_wgtd call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Sum of weights = ", self%sum_wgts call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Sum of chi = ", self%sum_chi call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "chi2 = ", self%chi2 call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Overall efficiency = ", self%efficiency call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "f-positive efficiency = ", self%efficiency_pos call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "f-negative efficiency = ", self%efficiency_neg call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Maximum absolute overall value = ", self%max_abs_f call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Maximum absolute positive value = ", self%max_abs_f_pos call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Maximum absolute negative value = ", self%max_abs_f_neg call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Integral (of latest iteration) = ", self%result call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Standard deviation = ", self%std write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Event weight = ", self%evt_weight write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Event weight excess = ", self%evt_weight_excess end subroutine vegas_result_write @ %def vegas_results_write @ Update results and efficiency. We define \begin{equation} \operatorname*{max}_{x} w(x) = \frac{f(x)}{p(x)} \Delta_{\text{jac}}. \end{equation} In the implementation we have to factor out [[n_calls]] in the jacobian. Also, during event generation. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: update => vegas_result_update procedure, public :: update_efficiency => vegas_result_update_efficiency -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_result_update (result, integral, variance) class(vegas_result_t), intent(inout) :: result real(default), intent(in) :: integral real(default), intent(in) :: variance real(default) :: guarded_variance, sq_integral real(default) :: wgt, chi !! Guard against zero (or negative) variance. !! \Delta = I * \epsilon -> I = \Delta. if (variance < & max ((epsilon (integral) * integral)**2, tiny(integral))) then guarded_variance = & max ((epsilon (integral) * integral)**2, & tiny (integral)) else guarded_variance = variance end if wgt = 1._default / guarded_variance sq_integral = integral**2 result%result = integral result%std = sqrt (guarded_variance) result%samples = result%samples + 1 if (result%samples == 1) then result%chi2 = 0._default else chi = integral if (result%sum_wgts > 0) then chi = chi - result%sum_int_wgtd / result%sum_wgts end if result%chi2 = result%chi2 * (result%samples - 2.0_default) result%chi2 = (wgt / (1._default + (wgt / result%sum_wgts))) & & * chi**2 result%chi2 = result%chi2 / (result%samples - 1._default) end if result%sum_wgts = result%sum_wgts + wgt result%sum_int_wgtd = result%sum_int_wgtd + (integral * wgt) result%sum_chi = result%sum_chi + (sq_integral * wgt) end subroutine vegas_result_update subroutine vegas_result_update_efficiency (result, & n_calls, max_pos, max_neg, sum_pos, sum_neg) class(vegas_result_t), intent(inout) :: result integer, intent(in) :: n_calls real(default), intent(in) :: max_pos real(default), intent(in) :: max_neg real(default), intent(in) :: sum_pos real(default), intent(in) :: sum_neg result%max_abs_f_pos = n_calls * max_pos result%max_abs_f_neg = n_calls * max_neg result%max_abs_f = & & max (result%max_abs_f_pos, result%max_abs_f_neg) result%efficiency_pos = 0 if (max_pos > 0) then result%efficiency_pos = & & sum_pos / max_pos end if result%efficiency_neg = 0 if (max_neg > 0) then result%efficiency_neg = & & sum_neg / max_neg end if result%efficiency = 0 if (result%max_abs_f > 0.) then result%efficiency = (sum_pos + sum_neg) & & / result%max_abs_f end if end subroutine vegas_result_update_efficiency @ %def vegas_result_update, vegas_result_update_efficiency @ Reset results. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: reset => vegas_result_reset -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_result_reset (result) class(vegas_result_t), intent(inout) :: result result%sum_int_wgtd = 0 result%sum_wgts = 0 result%sum_chi = 0 result%it_num = 0 result%samples = 0 result%chi2 = 0 result%efficiency = 0 result%efficiency_pos = 0 result%efficiency_neg = 0 result%max_abs_f = 0 result%max_abs_f_pos = 0 result%max_abs_f_neg = 0 end subroutine vegas_result_reset @ %def vegas_result_reset @ Send the result object to specified rank, internally in a non-blocking way. We do not need to handle the event results, because each event result is atomic. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: send => vegas_result_send -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_result_send (self, receiver, tag, comm, request) class(vegas_result_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in) :: receiver integer, intent(in) :: tag type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm type(MPI_Request), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: request if (size (request) /= self%get_n_requests ()) & call msg_bug ("VEGAS: number of requests does not match.") call MPI_Isend (self%it_start, 1, MPI_INTEGER, receiver, tag + 1,& & comm, request(1)) call MPI_Isend (self%it_num, 1, MPI_INTEGER, receiver , tag + 2,& & comm, request(2)) call MPI_Isend (self%samples, 1, MPI_INTEGER, receiver, tag + 3,& & comm, request(3)) call MPI_Isend (self%sum_int_wgtd, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 4,& & comm, request(4)) call MPI_Isend (self%sum_wgts, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 5,& & comm, request(5)) call MPI_Isend (self%sum_chi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 6,& & comm, request(6)) call MPI_Isend (self%chi2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 7,& & comm, request(7)) call MPI_Isend (self%efficiency, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 8,& & comm, request(8)) call MPI_Isend (self%efficiency_pos, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 9,& & comm, request(9)) call MPI_Isend (self%efficiency_neg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 10,& & comm, request(10)) call MPI_Isend (self%max_abs_f, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 11,& & comm, request(11)) call MPI_Isend (self%max_abs_f_pos, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 12,& & comm, request(12)) call MPI_Isend (self%max_abs_f_neg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 13,& & comm, request(13)) call MPI_Isend (self%result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 14,& & comm, request(14)) call MPI_Isend (self%std, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, receiver, tag + 15,& & comm, request(15)) end subroutine vegas_result_send @ %def vegas_result_communicate @ Receive the result object from a specified rank, internally in a non-blocking way. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: receive => vegas_result_receive -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_result_receive (self, sender, tag, comm, request) class(vegas_result_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: sender integer, intent(in) :: tag type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm type(MPI_REQUEST), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: request if (size (request) /= self%get_n_requests ()) & call msg_bug ("VEGAS: number of requests does not match.") call MPI_Irecv (self%it_start, 1, MPI_INTEGER, sender, tag + 1,& & comm, request(1)) call MPI_Irecv (self%it_num, 1, MPI_INTEGER, sender , tag + 2,& & comm, request(2)) call MPI_Irecv (self%samples, 1, MPI_INTEGER, sender, tag + 3,& & comm, request(3)) call MPI_Irecv (self%sum_int_wgtd, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 4,& & comm, request(4)) call MPI_Irecv (self%sum_wgts, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 5,& & comm, request(5)) call MPI_Irecv (self%sum_chi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 6,& & comm, request(6)) call MPI_Irecv (self%chi2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 7,& & comm, request(7)) call MPI_Irecv (self%efficiency, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 8,& & comm, request(8)) call MPI_Irecv (self%efficiency_pos, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 9,& & comm, request(9)) call MPI_Irecv (self%efficiency_neg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 10,& & comm, request(10)) call MPI_Irecv (self%max_abs_f, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 11,& & comm, request(11)) call MPI_Irecv (self%max_abs_f_pos, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 12,& & comm, request(12)) call MPI_Irecv (self%max_abs_f_neg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 13,& & comm, request(13)) call MPI_Irecv (self%result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 14,& & comm, request(14)) call MPI_Irecv (self%std, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, sender, tag + 15,& & comm, request(15)) end subroutine vegas_result_receive @ %def vegas_result_receive @ -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: get_n_requests => vegas_result_get_n_requests -<>= +<>= pure integer function vegas_result_get_n_requests (result) result (n_requests) class(vegas_result_t), intent(in) :: result n_requests = 15 end function vegas_result_get_n_requests @ %def vegas_result_get_n_requests @ \section{Type: vegas\_handler\_t} \label{sec:vegas_handler_t} Callback handler for VEGAS result and grid. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_handler_t -<>= +<>= type, extends(request_handler_t) :: vegas_handler_t type(vegas_result_t), pointer :: result => null () real(default), dimension(:, :), pointer :: d => null () contains - <> + <> end type vegas_handler_t @ %def vegas_handler_t @ Provide the actual communication between master and client. The communication for [[vegas_result_t]] is done in a separate procedure, where we only have to pass the MPI requests. Collecting of the distribution array is done directly. -<>= +<>= procedure :: init => vegas_handler_init procedure :: write => vegas_handler_write procedure :: handle => vegas_handler_handle procedure :: client_handle => vegas_handler_client_handle final :: vegas_handler_final -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_handler_init (handler, handler_id, result, d) class(vegas_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer, intent(in) :: handler_id type(vegas_result_t), intent(in), target :: result real(default), dimension(:, :), intent(in), target :: d integer :: n_requests, tag_offset handler%result => result handler%d => d handler%finished = .false. !! Add one request for handling of the distribution d. n_requests = result%get_n_requests () + 1 tag_offset = max(handler_id - 1, 0) * n_requests call handler%allocate (n_requests, tag_offset) end subroutine vegas_handler_init subroutine vegas_handler_write (handler, unit) class(vegas_handler_t), intent(in) :: handler integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, j u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A)") "[VEGAS_HANDLER]" call handler%base_write (unit) call handler%result%write (u) write (u, "(A)") "BEGIN D" do j = 1, size (handler%d, dim=2) write (u, "(1X,I3,999(1X," // FMT_17 // "))") j, handler%d(:, j) end do write (u, "(A)") "END D" end subroutine vegas_handler_write subroutine vegas_handler_handle (handler, source_rank, comm) class(vegas_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer, intent(in) :: source_rank type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm !! Take the complete contiguous array memory. call MPI_Irecv (handler%d, size (handler%d),& & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, source_rank, handler%tag_offset, comm,& & handler%request(1)) call handler%result%receive (source_rank, handler%tag_offset, comm, & handler%request(2:)) handler%activated = .true. handler%finished = .false. end subroutine vegas_handler_handle subroutine vegas_handler_client_handle (handler, dest_rank, comm) class(vegas_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer, intent(in) :: dest_rank type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm !! Take the complete contiguous array memory. call MPI_Isend (handler%d, size (handler%d),& & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dest_rank, handler%tag_offset, comm,& & handler%request(1)) call handler%result%send (dest_rank, handler%tag_offset, comm, & handler%request(2:)) handler%activated = .true. handler%finished = .false. end subroutine vegas_handler_client_handle !> Finalize vegas_handler_t. !! !! Nullify pointer to object. subroutine vegas_handler_final (handler) type(vegas_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler nullify (handler%result) nullify (handler%d) end subroutine vegas_handler_final @ %def vegas_handler_init, vegas_handler_write, vegas_handler_handle, @ %def vegas_handler_client_handle, vegas_handler_final @ \section{Type: vegas\_t} \label{sec:type:-vegas_t} The VEGAS object contains the methods for integration and grid resize- and refinement. We store the grid configuration and the (current) result in transparent containers alongside with the actual grid and the distribution. The values of the distribution depend on the chosen mode whether the function value or the variance is stored. The distribution is used after each iteration to refine the grid. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_t -<>= +<>= type :: vegas_t private type(vegas_config_t) :: config real(default) :: hypercube_volume = 0. real(default) :: jacobian = 0. real(default), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: d type(vegas_grid_t) :: grid integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: bin integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: box type(vegas_result_t) :: result - <> + <> contains - <> + <> end type vegas_t @ %def vegas_t @ Add members for MPI communication and parallel mode. Must be set before calling to [[vegas_integrate]], likewise [[vegas_set_calls]]. -<>= +<>= type(MPI_COMM) :: comm logical :: parallel_mode = .false. @ We overload the type constructor of [[vegas_t]] which initialises the mandatory argument [[n_dim]] and allocate memory for the grid. -<>= +<>= interface vegas_t module procedure vegas_init end interface vegas_t -<>= +<>= type(vegas_t) function vegas_init (n_dim, alpha, n_bins_max, iterations, mode) result (self) integer, intent(in) :: n_dim integer, intent(in), optional :: n_bins_max real(default), intent(in), optional :: alpha integer, intent(in), optional :: iterations integer, intent(in), optional :: mode self%config%n_dim = n_dim if (present (alpha)) self%config%alpha = alpha if (present (n_bins_max)) self%config%n_bins_max = n_bins_max if (present (iterations)) self%config%iterations = iterations if (present (mode)) self%config%mode = mode self%grid = vegas_grid_t (n_dim, self%config%n_bins_max) allocate (self%d(self%config%n_bins_max, n_dim), source=0.0_default) allocate (self%box(n_dim), source=1) allocate (self%bin(n_dim), source=1) self%config%n_bins = 1 self%config%n_boxes = 1 call self%set_limits (self%grid%x_lower, self%grid%x_upper) call self%reset_grid () call self%reset_result () - <> + <> end function vegas_init @ %def vegas_init -<>= +<>= @ @ Prepare VEGAS to be run in parallel modues (when compiled with MPI). -<>= +<>= call self%prepare_parallel_integrate (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & duplicate_comm = .false., & parallel_mode = .true.) @ @ Finalize the grid. Deallocate grid memory. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: final => vegas_final -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_final (self) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self deallocate (self%grid%x_upper) deallocate (self%grid%x_lower) deallocate (self%grid%delta_x) deallocate (self%d) deallocate (self%grid%xi) deallocate (self%box) deallocate (self%bin) end subroutine vegas_final @ %def vegas_final \section{Get-/Set-methods} \label{sec:set-get-methods} @ The VEGAS object prohibits direct access from outside. Communication is handle via get- or set-methods. Set the limits of integration. The defaults limits correspong the $n$-dimensionl unit hypercube. \textit{Remark:} After setting the limits, the grid is initialised, again. Previous results are lost due to recalculation of the overall jacobian. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_limits => vegas_set_limits -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_set_limits (self, x_lower, x_upper) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_lower real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_upper if (size (x_lower) /= self%config%n_dim & & .or. size (x_upper) /= self%config%n_dim) then write (msg_buffer, "(A, I5, A, I5, A, I5)") & "VEGAS: [set_limits] n_dim of new lower/upper integration limit& & does not match previously set n_dim. ", self%config%n_dim, " =/=& & ", size (x_lower), " =/= ", size (x_upper) call msg_fatal () end if if (any(x_upper < x_lower)) then call msg_fatal ("VEGAS: [set_limits] upper limits are smaller than lower limits.") end if if (any((x_upper - x_lower) > huge(0._default))) then call msg_fatal ("VEGAS: [set_limits] upper and lower limits exceed rendering.") end if self%grid%x_upper = x_upper self%grid%x_lower = x_lower self%grid%delta_x = self%grid%x_upper - self%grid%x_lower self%hypercube_volume = product (self%grid%delta_x) call self%reset_result () end subroutine vegas_set_limits @ %def vegas_set_limits @ Set the number of calls. If the number of calls changed during different passes, we resize the grid preserving the probability density. We should reset the results after changing the number of calls which change the size of the grid and the running mode of VEGAS. But, this is a set method only for the number of calls. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_calls => vegas_set_n_calls -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_set_n_calls (self, n_calls) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: n_calls if (.not. (n_calls > 0)) then write (msg_buffer, "(A, I5)") & "VEGAS: [set_calls] number of calls must be a positive number. Keep& & number of calls = ", self%config%n_calls call msg_warning () else self%config%n_calls = max (n_calls, self%config%n_calls_min) if (self%config%n_calls /= n_calls) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,I5)") & "VEGAS: [set calls] number of calls is too few, reset to ", self%config%n_calls call msg_warning () end if call self%init_grid () end if end subroutine vegas_set_n_calls @ %def vegas_set_n_calls @ Get the grid object and set [[n_bins]], [[n_dim]] inside grid container. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_grid => vegas_get_grid -<>= +<>= type(vegas_grid_t) function vegas_get_grid (self) result (grid) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self grid = self%grid grid%n_dim = self%config%n_dim grid%n_bins = self%config%n_bins end function vegas_get_grid @ %def vegas_get_grid @ Set grid. We need a set method for the parallelisation. We do some additional checks before copying the object. Be careful, we do not check on [[n_bins]], because the number of bins can change after setting [[n_calls]]. We remind you, that you will loose all your current progress, if you use set the grid. Hence, it will only be used when compiled with [[MPI]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_grid => vegas_set_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_set_grid (self, grid) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self type(vegas_grid_t), intent(in) :: grid integer :: j logical :: success success = .true. success = (success .and. (grid%n_dim .eq. self%config%n_dim)) success = (success .and. all (grid%x_lower .eq. self%grid%x_lower)) success = (success .and. all (grid%x_upper .eq. self%grid%x_upper)) success = (success .and. all (grid%delta_x .eq. self%grid%delta_x)) if (success) then self%config%n_bins = grid%n_bins do j = 1, self%config%n_dim self%grid%xi(1, j) = 0._default self%grid%xi(2:self%config%n_bins, j) = grid%xi(2:grid%n_bins, j) self%grid%xi(self%config%n_bins + 1, j) = 1._default end do else call msg_bug ("VEGAS: set grid: boundary conditions do not match.") end if end subroutine vegas_set_grid @ %def vegas_set_grid @ Prepare a parallel integration. A parallel integration requires a communicator, which may be duplicated in order to provide a safe communication context for the current VEGAS instance. Furthermore, given an optional parameter, the behavior with regards to the parallel evaluation can be changed (e.g. embbed integration). -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: prepare_parallel_integrate => vegas_prepare_parallel_integrate -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_prepare_parallel_integrate (self, comm, duplicate_comm, parallel_mode) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm logical, intent(in), optional :: duplicate_comm logical, intent(in), optional :: parallel_mode logical :: flag flag = .true.; if (present (duplicate_comm)) flag = duplicate_comm if (duplicate_comm) then call MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, self%comm) else self%comm = comm end if self%parallel_mode = .true.; if (present (parallel_mode)) & self%parallel_mode = parallel_mode end subroutine vegas_prepare_parallel_integrate @ %def vegas_prepare_parallel_integrate @ We check if it is senseful to parallelize the actual grid. In simple, this means that [[n_boxes]] has to be larger than 2. With the result that we could have an actual superimposed stratified grid. In advance, we can give the size of communicator [[n_size]] and check whether we have enough boxes to distribute. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: is_parallelizable => vegas_is_parallelizable -<>= +<>= elemental logical function vegas_is_parallelizable (self, opt_n_size) result (flag) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: opt_n_size integer :: n_size n_size = 2; if (present (opt_n_size)) n_size = opt_n_size flag = (self%config%n_boxes**floor (self%config%n_dim / 2.) >= n_size) end function vegas_is_parallelizable @ %def vegas_is_parallelizable @ Get the config object. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_config => vegas_get_config -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_get_config (self, config) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self type(vegas_config_t), intent(out) :: config config = self%config end subroutine vegas_get_config @ %def vegas_get_config @ Set non-runtime dependent configuration. It will no be possible to change [[n_bins_max]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_config => vegas_set_config -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_set_config (self, config) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vegas_config_t), intent(in) :: config self%config%alpha = config%alpha self%config%iterations = config%iterations self%config%mode = config%mode self%config%n_calls_min = config%n_calls_min end subroutine vegas_set_config @ %def vegas_set_config @ Get the result object. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_result => vegas_get_result -<>= +<>= type(vegas_result_t) function vegas_get_result (self) result (result) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self result = self%result end function vegas_get_result @ %def vegas_get_result @ Set the result object. Be reminded, that you will loose your current results, if you are not careful! Hence, it will only be avaible during usage with [[MPI]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_result => vegas_set_result -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_set_result (self, result) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self type(vegas_result_t), intent(in) :: result self%result = result end subroutine vegas_set_result @ %def vegas_set_result @ Get (actual) number of calls. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_calls => vegas_get_n_calls -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_n_calls (self) result (n_calls) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self n_calls = self%config%n_calls end function vegas_get_n_calls @ %def vegas_get_n_calls @ Get the cumulative result of the integration. Recalculate weighted average of the integration. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_integral => vegas_get_integral -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_integral (self) result (integral) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self integral = 0. if (self%result%sum_wgts > 0.) then integral = self%result%sum_int_wgtd / self%result%sum_wgts end if end function vegas_get_integral @ %def vegas_get_integral @ Get the cumulative variance of the integration. Recalculate the variance. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_variance => vegas_get_variance -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_variance (self) result (variance) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self variance = 0. if (self%result%sum_wgts > 0.) then variance = 1.0 / self%result%sum_wgts end if end function vegas_get_variance @ %def vegas_get_variance @ Get efficiency. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_efficiency => vegas_get_efficiency -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_efficiency (self) result (efficiency) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self efficiency = 0. if (self%result%efficiency > 0. ) then efficiency = self%result%efficiency end if end function vegas_get_efficiency @ %def vegas_get_efficiency @ Get [[f_max]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_max_abs_f => vegas_get_max_abs_f -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_max_abs_f (self) result (max_abs_f) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self max_abs_f = 0. if (self%result%max_abs_f > 0.) then max_abs_f = self%result%max_abs_f end if end function vegas_get_max_abs_f @ %def vegas_get_max_abs_f @ Get sum of absolute (positive and negative) values. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_sum_abs_f_pos => vegas_get_sum_abs_f_pos procedure, public :: get_sum_abs_f_neg => vegas_get_sum_abs_f_neg -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_sum_abs_f_pos (self) result (sum_abs_f) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self sum_abs_f = self%result%efficiency_pos * self%result%max_abs_f_pos end function vegas_get_sum_abs_f_pos elemental real(default) function vegas_get_sum_abs_f_neg (self) result (sum_abs_f) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self sum_abs_f = self%result%efficiency_neg * self%result%max_abs_f_neg end function vegas_get_sum_abs_f_neg @ %def vegas_get_sum_abs_f_pos, vegas_get_sum_abs_f_neg @ Get [[f_max_pos]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_max_abs_f_pos => vegas_get_max_abs_f_pos -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_max_abs_f_pos (self) result (max_abs_f) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self max_abs_f = 0. if (self%result%max_abs_f_pos > 0.) then max_abs_f = self%result%max_abs_f_pos end if end function vegas_get_max_abs_f_pos @ %def vegas_get_max_abs_f_pos @ Get [[f_max_neg]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_max_abs_f_neg => vegas_get_max_abs_f_neg -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vegas_get_max_abs_f_neg (self) result (max_abs_f) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self max_abs_f = 0. if (self%result%max_abs_f_neg > 0.) then max_abs_f = self%result%max_abs_f_neg end if end function vegas_get_max_abs_f_neg @ %def vegas_get_max_abs_f_neg @ Get event weight and excess. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_evt_weight => vegas_get_evt_weight procedure, public :: get_evt_weight_excess => vegas_get_evt_weight_excess -<>= +<>= real(default) function vegas_get_evt_weight (self) result (evt_weight) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self evt_weight = self%result%evt_weight end function vegas_get_evt_weight real(default) function vegas_get_evt_weight_excess (self) result (evt_weight_excess) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self evt_weight_excess = self%result%evt_weight_excess end function vegas_get_evt_weight_excess @ %def vegas_get_evt_weight, vegas_get_evt_weight_excess @ Get and set distribution. We allow the distribution to be manipulated by an external call. The integration result cannot be changed by this, however, the error behavior may worsen and the efficiency may fall pretty low. But, also, the opposite is possible, see [[vamp2_equivalences]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_distribution => vegas_get_distribution procedure, public :: set_distribution => vegas_set_distribution -<>= +<>= function vegas_get_distribution (self) result (d) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self real(default), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: d d = self%d end function vegas_get_distribution subroutine vegas_set_distribution (self, d) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: d if (size (d, dim = 2) /= self%config%n_dim) then call msg_bug ("[VEGAS] set_distribution: new distribution has wrong size of dimension") end if if (size (d, dim = 1) /= self%config%n_bins_max) then call msg_bug ("[VEGAS] set_distribution: new distribution has wrong number of bins") end if self%d = d end subroutine vegas_set_distribution @ %def vegas_get_distribution, vegas_set_distribution @ Allocate result handler from VEGAS integrator object. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: allocate_handler => vegas_allocate_handler -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_allocate_handler (self, handler_id, handler) class(vegas_t), intent(in), target :: self integer, intent(in) :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer, intent(out) :: handler allocate (vegas_handler_t :: handler) select type (handler) type is (vegas_handler_t) call handler%init (handler_id, result = self%result, d = self%d) end select end subroutine vegas_allocate_handler @ %def vegas_allocate_handler @ \section{Grid resize- and refinement} \label{sec:grid-resize-refin} Before integration the grid itself must be initialised. Given the number of [[n_calls]] and [[n_dim]] we prepare the grid for the integration. The grid is binned according to the VEGAS mode and [[n_calls]]. If the mode is not set to [[vegas_importance_only]], the grid is divided in to equal boxes. We try for 2 calls per box \begin{equation} boxes = \sqrt[n_{dim}]{\frac{calls}{2}}. \end{equation} If the numbers of boxes exceeds the number of bins, which is the case for low dimensions, the algorithm switches to stratified sampling. Otherwise, we are still using importance sampling, but keep the boxes for book keeping. If the number of bins changes from the previous invocation, bins are expanded or contracted accordingly, while preserving bin density. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: init_grid => vegas_init_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_init_grid (self) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: n_bins, n_boxes, box_per_bin, n_total_boxes real(default), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: w n_bins = self%config%n_bins_max n_boxes = 1 if (self%config%mode /= VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE_ONLY) then ! We try for 2 calls per box n_boxes = max (floor ((self%config%n_calls / 2.)**(1. / self%config%n_dim)), 1) self%config%mode = VEGAS_MODE_IMPORTANCE if (2 * n_boxes >= self%config%n_bins_max) then ! if n_bins/box < 2 box_per_bin = max (n_boxes / self%config%n_bins_max, 1) n_bins = min (n_boxes / box_per_bin, self%config%n_bins_max) n_boxes = box_per_bin * n_bins self%config%mode = VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED end if end if n_total_boxes = n_boxes**self%config%n_dim self%config%calls_per_box = max (floor (real (self%config%n_calls) / n_total_boxes), 2) self%config%n_calls = self%config%calls_per_box * n_total_boxes ! Total volume of x-space/(average n_calls per bin) self%jacobian = self%hypercube_volume * real(n_bins, default)& &**self%config%n_dim / real(self%config%n_calls, default) self%config%n_boxes = n_boxes if (n_bins /= self%config%n_bins) then allocate (w(self%config%n_bins, self%config%n_dim), source=1.0_default) call self%grid%resize (n_bins, w) self%config%n_bins = n_bins end if end subroutine vegas_init_grid @ %def vegas_init_grid @ Reset the cumulative result, and efficiency and max. grid values. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: reset_result => vegas_reset_result -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_reset_result (self) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self call self%result%reset () end subroutine vegas_reset_result @ %def vegas_reset_results @ Reset the grid. Purge the adapted grid and the distribution. Furthermore, reset the results. The maximal size of the grid remains. Note: Handle [[vegas_reset_grid]] with great care! Instead of reusing an old object, create a new one. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: reset_grid => vegas_reset_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_reset_grid (self) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self self%config%n_bins = 1 self%d = 0._default self%grid%xi = 0._default self%grid%xi(1, :) = 0._default self%grid%xi(2, :) = 1._default call self%reset_result () end subroutine vegas_reset_grid @ %def vegas_reset_grid @ Refine the grid to match the distribution [[d]]. Average the distribution over neighbouring bins, then contract or expand the bins. The averaging dampens high fluctuations amog the integrand or the variance. We make the type-bound procedure public accessible because the multi-channel integration refines each grid after integration over all grids. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: refine => vegas_refine_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_refine_grid (self, average) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self logical, intent(in), optional :: average logical :: opt_average opt_average = .true.; if (present (average)) opt_average = average if (opt_average) call self%average_distribution () call self%grid%resize (self%config%n_bins, self%d(:self%config%n_bins, :)) end subroutine vegas_refine_grid @ %def vegas_refine_grid @ We average the collected values [[d]] of the (sq.) weighted [[f]] over neighbouring bins. The averaged [[d]] are then agian damped by a logarithm to enhance numerical stability. The results are then the refinement weights [[w]]. We have to take care of the special case where we have a very low sampling rate. In those cases we can not be sure that the distribution is satisfying filled, although we have already averaged over neighbouring bins. This will lead to a squashing of the unfilled bins and such the boundaries of those will be pushed together. We circumvent this problem by setting those unfilled bins to the smallest representable value of a default real. The problem becomes very annoying in the multi-channel formualae where have to look up via binary search the corresponding probability of [[x]] and if the width is zero, the point will be neglected. Another issue arises when [[NaN]]s appear during sampling. A single [[NaN]] may spoil the complete adaption as the refinement depends on all weights for a single axis, c.f. [[vegas_grid_resize]] for the details of the mechanism. Therefore, if we find a single (or more) [[NaN]]s in the distribution of an axis, then we won't adapt that specific axis by setting the weights to one. Hence, we skip the adaption for parts of the grid, where [[NaN]] appeared during evaluation. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: average_distribution => vegas_average_distribution -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_average_distribution (self) !! use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: ieee_is_nan class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: j ndim: do j = 1, self%config%n_dim associate (d => self%d(:self%config%n_bins, j), & n_bins => self%config%n_bins) !! Non-portable and compiler-flag sensistive test, may replace with ieee_is_nan if (any (d /= d)) then d = 1.0_default cycle ndim end if if (n_bins > 2) then d(1) = (d(1) + d(2)) / 2.0_default d(2:n_bins - 1) = (d(1:n_bins - 2) + d(2:n_bins - 1) + d(3:n_bins)) /& & 3.0_default d(n_bins) = d(n_bins - 1) + d(n_bins) / 2.0_default end if if (all (d < tiny (d))) then d = 1.0_default; cycle ndim end if d = d / sum (d) where (d < tiny (1.0_default)) d = tiny (1.0_default) end where where (d /= 1.0_default) d = ((d - 1.0_default) / log(d))**self%config%alpha elsewhere ! Analytic limes for d -> 1 d = 1.0_default end where end associate end do ndim end subroutine vegas_average_distribution @ %def vegas_average_distribution @ \section{Integration} \label{sec:integration} Integrate [[func]], in the previous set bounds [[x_lower]] to [[x_upper]], with [[n_calls]]. Use results from previous invocations of [[integrate]] with [[opt_reset_result = .false.]] and better with subsequent calls. Before we walk through the hybercube, we initialise the grid (at a central position). We step through the (equidistant) boxes which ensure we do not miss any place in the n-dim. hypercube. In each box we sample [[calls_per_box]] random points and transform them to bin coordinates. The total integral and the total (sample) variance over each box $i$ is then calculated by \begin{align*} E(I)_{i} = \sum_{j}^{\text{calls per box}} I_{i, j}, \\ V(I)_{i} = \text{calls per box} \frac{\sum_{j}^{\text{calls per box}}} I_{i, j}^{2} - (\sum_{j}^{\text{calls per box}} I_{i, j})**2 \frac{\text{calls per box}}{\text{calls per box} - 1}. \end{align*} The stratification of the $n$-dimensional hybercube allows a simple parallelisation of the algorithm (R. Kreckel, "Parallelization of adaptive MC integrators", Computer Physics Communications, vol. 106, no. 3, pp. 258–266, Nov. 1997.). We have to ensure that all boxes are sampled, but the number of boxes to distribute is too large. We allow each thread to sample a fraction $r$ of all boxes $k$ such that $r \ll k$. Furthermore, we constrain that the number of process $p$ is much smaller than $r$. The overall constraint is \begin{equation} p \ll r \ll k. \end{equation} We divide the intgeration into a parallel and a perpendicular subspace. The number of parallel dimensions is $D_{\parallel} = \lfloor \frac{D}{2} \rfloor$. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: integrate => vegas_integrate -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_integrate (self, func, rng, iterations, reset_result,& & refine_grid, verbose, result, abserr) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vegas_func_t), intent(inout) :: func class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in), optional :: iterations logical, intent(in), optional :: reset_result logical, intent(in), optional :: refine_grid logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose real(default), optional, intent(out) :: result, abserr integer :: it, k real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim) :: x real(default) :: fval, fval_sq, bin_volume real(default) :: fval_box, fval_sq_box real(default) :: total_integral, total_sq_integral real(default) :: cumulative_int, cumulative_std real(default) :: sum_abs_f_pos, max_abs_f_pos real(default) :: sum_abs_f_neg, max_abs_f_neg logical :: opt_reset_result logical :: opt_refine_grid logical :: opt_verbose integer :: n_size integer :: n_dim_par logical :: box_success - <> + <> call set_options () call self%init_grid () if (opt_reset_result) call self%result%reset () self%result%it_start = self%result%it_num cumulative_int = 0. cumulative_std = 0. n_dim_par = floor (self%config%n_dim / 2.) n_size = 1 - <> + <> if (opt_verbose) then call msg_message ("Results: [it, calls, integral, error, chi^2, eff.]") end if iteration: do it = 1, self%config%iterations self%result%it_num = self%result%it_start + it self%d = 0. self%box = 1 self%bin = 1 total_integral = 0. total_sq_integral = 0. sum_abs_f_pos = 0. max_abs_f_pos = 0. sum_abs_f_neg = 0. max_abs_f_neg = 0. box_success = .true. select type (rng) type is (rng_stream_t) call rng%next_substream () end select - <> + <> loop_over_par_boxes: do while (box_success) loop_over_perp_boxes: do while (box_success) fval_box = 0._default fval_sq_box = 0._default do k = 1, self%config%calls_per_box call self%random_point (rng, x, bin_volume) ! Call the function, yeah, call it... fval = self%jacobian * bin_volume * func%evaluate (x) fval_sq = fval**2 fval_box = fval_box + fval fval_sq_box = fval_sq_box + fval_sq if (fval > 0.) then max_abs_f_pos = max(abs (fval), max_abs_f_pos) sum_abs_f_pos = sum_abs_f_pos + abs(fval) else max_abs_f_neg = max(abs (fval), max_abs_f_neg) sum_abs_f_neg = sum_abs_f_neg + abs(fval) end if if (self%config%mode /= VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED) then call self%accumulate_distribution (fval_sq) end if end do fval_sq_box = sqrt (fval_sq_box * self%config%calls_per_box) ! (a - b) * (a + b) = a**2 - b**2 fval_sq_box = (fval_sq_box - fval_box) * (fval_sq_box + fval_box) if (fval_sq_box <= 0.0) fval_sq_box = fval_box**2 * epsilon (1.0_default) total_integral = total_integral + fval_box total_sq_integral = total_sq_integral + fval_sq_box if (self%config%mode == VEGAS_MODE_STRATIFIED) then call self%accumulate_distribution (fval_sq_box) end if call increment_box_coord (self%box(n_dim_par + 1:self%config& &%n_dim), box_success) end do loop_over_perp_boxes shift: do k = 1, n_size call increment_box_coord (self%box(1:n_dim_par), box_success) if (.not. box_success) exit shift end do shift - <> + <> end do loop_over_par_boxes - <> + <> associate (result => self%result) ! Compute final results for this iterations call result%update (total_integral, variance = & total_sq_integral / (self%config%calls_per_box - 1._default)) call result%update_efficiency (n_calls = self%config%n_calls, & max_pos = max_abs_f_pos, max_neg = max_abs_f_neg, & sum_pos = sum_abs_f_pos, sum_neg = sum_abs_f_neg) cumulative_int = result%sum_int_wgtd / result%sum_wgts cumulative_std = sqrt (1 / result%sum_wgts) end associate if (opt_verbose) then write (msg_buffer, "(I0,1x,I0,1x, 4(E24.16E4,1x))") & & it, self%config%n_calls, cumulative_int, cumulative_std, & & self%result%chi2, self%result%efficiency call msg_message () end if if (opt_refine_grid) then call self%refine (average = .true.) else !! Skip grid refinement, but average the (grid) distribution. !! \note Now, we always average and dampen the distribution, !! even when not adapting (e.g. final pass). call self%average_distribution () end if end do iteration if (present(result)) result = cumulative_int if (present(abserr)) abserr = abs(cumulative_std) contains - <> + <> end subroutine vegas_integrate @ %def vegas_integrate @ Set optional arguments of [[vegas_integrate]]. -<>= +<>= subroutine set_options () if (present (iterations)) self%config%iterations = iterations opt_reset_result = .true. if (present (reset_result)) opt_reset_result = reset_result opt_refine_grid = .true. if (present (refine_grid)) opt_refine_grid = refine_grid opt_verbose = .false. if (present (verbose)) opt_verbose = verbose end subroutine set_options @ We define additional chunk, which will be used later on for inserting MPI/general MPI code. The code is then removed by additional noweb filter if not compiled with the correspondig compiler flag. Overall variables, some additionally introduced due to the MPI parallelization and needed in sequentiell verison. -<>= +<>= @ @ Overall initialization. -<>= +<>= @ @ Reset all last-iteration results before sampling. -<>= +<>= @ @ Adjust rng between parallel and perpendicular loops. -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= @ Increment the box coordinates by 1. If we reach the largest value for the current axis (starting with the largest dimension number), we reset the counter to 1 and increment the next axis counter by 1. And so on, until we reach the maximum counter value of the axis with the lowest dimension, then we set [[success]] to false and the box coord is set to 1. -<>= +<>= subroutine increment_box_coord (box, success) integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: box logical, intent(out) :: success integer :: j success = .true. do j = size (box), 1, -1 box(j) = box(j) + 1 if (box(j) <= self%config%n_boxes) return box(j) = 1 end do success = .false. end subroutine increment_box_coord @ %def increment_box_coord @ We parallelize [[VEGAS]] in simple forward manner. The hyper-cube is dissambled in to equidistant boxes in which we sample the integrand [[calls_per_box]] times. The workload of calculating those boxes is distributed along the worker. The number of dimensions which will be parallelised are $\lfloor \frac{D}{2} \rfloor$, such MPI Variables for [[vegas_integrate]]. We have to duplicate all buffers for [[MPI_Ireduce]], because we cannot use the same send or receive buffer. We temporarily store a (empty) grid, before communicating. -<>= +<>= integer :: rank logical :: parallel_mode type(vegas_grid_t) :: grid @ MPI procedure-specific initialization. Allow for (external) veto on parallel mode. -<>= +<>= parallel_mode = self%parallel_mode .and. self%is_parallelizable () if (parallel_mode) then call MPI_Comm_size (self%comm, n_size) call MPI_Comm_rank (self%comm, rank) else n_size = 1 rank = 0 end if @ Pre-sampling communication. We make a copy of the (actual) grid, which is unfilled when non-root. The actual grid is then broadcasted among the workers and inserted into the [[VEGAS]] object. -<>= +<>= if (parallel_mode) then grid = self%get_grid () call grid%broadcast (self%comm) call self%set_grid (grid) @ Start index of the boxes for different ranks. If the random number generator is RngStream, we can advance the current stream in such a way, that we will getting matching numbers. Iff [[n_boxes]] is larger than 2, otherwise parallelization is useless. -<>= +<>= do k = 1, rank call increment_box_coord (self%box(1:n_dim_par), box_success) if (.not. box_success) exit end do select type (rng) type is (rng_stream_t) call rng%advance_state (self%config%n_dim * self%config%calls_per_box& & * self%config%n_boxes**(self%config%n_dim - n_dim_par) * rank) end select end if @ Increment [[n_size]] times the box coordinates. -<>= +<>= if (parallel_mode) then select type (rng) type is (rng_stream_t) call rng%advance_state (self%config%n_dim * self%config%calls_per_box& & * self%config%n_boxes**(self%config%n_dim - n_dim_par) * (n_size - 1)) end select end if @ Call to [[vegas_integrate_collect]]. -<>= +<>= if (parallel_mode) then call vegas_integrate_collect () if (rank /= 0) cycle iteration end if @ Reduce (in an non-blocking fashion) all sampled information via [[MPI_SUM]] or [[MPI_MAX]]. -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_integrate_collect () integer :: j real(default) :: root_total_integral, root_total_sq_integral real(default) :: root_sum_abs_f_pos, root_max_abs_f_pos real(default) :: root_sum_abs_f_neg, root_max_abs_f_neg real(default), dimension(self%config%n_bins_max, self%config%n_dim) :: root_d type(MPI_Request), dimension(self%config%n_dim + 6) :: status root_d = 0._default root_sum_abs_f_pos = 0._default root_sum_abs_f_neg = 0._default root_max_abs_f_pos = 0._default root_sum_abs_f_neg = 0._default root_total_integral = 0._default root_total_sq_integral = 0._default call MPI_Ireduce (sum_abs_f_pos, root_sum_abs_f_pos, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,& & MPI_SUM, 0, self%comm, status(1)) call MPI_Ireduce (sum_abs_f_neg, root_sum_abs_f_neg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,& & MPI_SUM, 0, self%comm, status(2)) call MPI_Ireduce (max_abs_f_pos, root_max_abs_f_pos, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,& & MPI_MAX, 0, self%comm, status(3)) call MPI_Ireduce (max_abs_f_neg, root_max_abs_f_neg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,& & MPI_MAX, 0, self%comm, status(4)) call MPI_Ireduce (total_integral, root_total_integral, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,& & MPI_SUM, 0, self%comm, status(5)) call MPI_Ireduce (total_sq_integral, root_total_sq_integral, 1,& & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM, 0, self%comm, status(6)) do j = 1, self%config%n_dim call MPI_Ireduce (self%d(1:self%config%n_bins, j), root_d(1:self%config& &%n_bins, j), self%config%n_bins, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM, 0,& & self%comm, status(6 + j)) end do call MPI_Waitall (self%config%n_dim + 6, status, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE) if (rank == 0) sum_abs_f_pos = root_sum_abs_f_pos if (rank == 0) sum_abs_f_neg = root_sum_abs_f_neg if (rank == 0) max_abs_f_pos = root_max_abs_f_pos if (rank == 0) max_abs_f_neg = root_max_abs_f_neg if (rank == 0) total_integral = root_total_integral if (rank == 0) total_sq_integral = root_total_sq_integral if (rank == 0) self%d = root_d end subroutine vegas_integrate_collect @ %def vegas_integrate_collect @ Obtain a random point inside the $n$-dimensional hypercube, transform onto the correct interval and calculate the bin volume. The additional factor [[n_bins]] is already applied to the [[jacobian]] (per dimension). -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: random_point => vegas_random_point -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_random_point (self, rng, x, bin_volume) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim), intent(out) :: x real(default), intent(out) :: bin_volume integer :: j real(default) :: r, y, z, bin_width bin_volume = 1. ndim: do j = 1, self%config%n_dim call rng%generate (r) z = ((self%box(j) - 1 + r) / self%config%n_boxes) * self%config%n_bins + 1 self%bin(j) = max (min (int (z), self%config%n_bins), 1) if (self%bin(j) == 1) then bin_width = self%grid%xi(2, j) y = (z - self%bin(j)) * bin_width else bin_width = self%grid%xi(self%bin(j) + 1, j) - self%grid%xi(self%bin(j), j) y = self%grid%xi(self%bin(j), j) + (z - self%bin(j)) * bin_width end if x(j) = self%grid%x_lower(j) + y * self%grid%delta_x(j) bin_volume = bin_volume * bin_width end do ndim end subroutine vegas_random_point @ %def vegas_random_point @ Obtain a random point inside the $n$-dimensional hyper-cube. We neglect stratification and generate the random point in the most simple way. Hence, we do not need to know in which box we are actually sampling. This is useful for only for event generation. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: simple_random_point => vegas_simple_random_point -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_simple_random_point (self, rng, x, bin_volume) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim), intent(out) :: x real(default), intent(out) :: bin_volume integer :: j, k real(default) :: r, y, z, bin_width bin_volume = 1. ndim: do j = 1, self%config%n_dim call rng%generate (r) z = r * self%config%n_bins + 1 k = max (min (int (z), self%config%n_bins), 1) if (k == 1) then bin_width = self%grid%xi(2, j) y = (z - 1) * bin_width else bin_width = self%grid%xi(k + 1, j) - self%grid%xi(k, j) y = self%grid%xi(k, j) + (z - k) * bin_width end if x(j) = self%grid%x_lower(j) + y * self%grid%delta_x(j) bin_volume = bin_volume * bin_width end do ndim end subroutine vegas_simple_random_point @ %def vegas_simple_random_point @ -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: accumulate_distribution => vegas_accumulate_distribution -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_accumulate_distribution (self, y) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), intent(in) :: y integer :: j do j = 1, self%config%n_dim self%d(self%bin(j), j) = self%d(self%bin(j), j) + y end do end subroutine vegas_accumulate_distribution @ %def vegas_accumulate_distribution @ Generate weighted random event. The weight given by the overall jacobian \begin{equation} \Delta_{\text{jac}} = \prod_{j=1}^{d} \left( x_j^+ - x_j^- \right) \frac{N_{\text{bins}}^d}{N_{\text{calls}}} \end{equation} includes the overall non-changing factors $\frac{1}{N_{\text{calls}}}$-factor (divisions are expensive) and $N_{\text{bins}}^{d}$, the latter combined with [[bin_volume]] gives rise to the probability, see [[vegas_init_grid]] for details. We have to factor out $N_{\text{calls}}$ to retrieve the correct weight. -<>= +<>= procedure :: generate_weighted => vegas_generate_weighted_event -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_generate_weighted_event (self, func, rng, x) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vegas_func_t), intent(inout) :: func class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim), intent(inout) :: x real(default) :: bin_volume call self%simple_random_point (rng, x, bin_volume) ! Cancel n_calls from jacobian with n_calls self%result%evt_weight = self%config%n_calls * self%jacobian * bin_volume & & * func%evaluate (x) end subroutine vegas_generate_weighted_event @ %def vegas_generate_weighted_event @ Generate random event. We accept on the rate \begin{equation} \frac{|f(x)|}{\underset{x}{\max} |f(x)|}. \end{equation} We keep separate maximum weights for positive and negative weights, and use them, accordingly. In the case of unweighted event generation, if the current weight exceeds the the maximum weight, we update the maximum, accordingly. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: generate_unweighted=> vegas_generate_unweighted_event -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_generate_unweighted_event (self, func, rng, x) class(vegas_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vegas_func_t), intent(inout) :: func class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim), intent(out) :: x real(default) :: bin_volume real(default) :: max_abs_f real(default) :: r associate (result => self%result) generate: do call self%generate_weighted (func, rng, x) max_abs_f = merge (result%max_abs_f_pos, result%max_abs_f_neg, & & result%evt_weight > 0.) if (result%evt_weight > max_abs_f) then result%evt_weight_excess = & & result%evt_weight / max_abs_f - 1._default exit generate end if call rng%generate (r) ! Do not use division, because max_abs_f could be zero. if (max_abs_f * r <= abs(result%evt_weight)) then exit generate end if end do generate end associate end subroutine vegas_generate_unweighted_event @ %def vegas_random_event \section{I/0 operation} \label{sec:i0-operation} @ Write grid to file. We use the original VAMP formater. -<>= +<>= character(len=*), parameter, private :: & descr_fmt = "(1X,A)", & integer_fmt = "(1X,A18,1X,I15)", & integer_array_fmt = "(1X,I18,1X,I15)", & logical_fmt = "(1X,A18,1X,L1)", & double_fmt = "(1X,A18,1X,E24.16E4)", & double_array_fmt = "(1X,I18,1X,E24.16E4)", & double_array_pac_fmt = "(1X,I18,1X,E16.8E4)", & double_array2_fmt = "(1X,2(1X,I8),1X,E24.16E4)", & double_array2_pac_fmt = "(1X,2(1X,I8),1X,E16.8E4)" @ %def descr_fmt integer_fmt integer_array_fmt logical_fmt @ %def double_fmt double_array_fmt double_array2_fmt -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write_grid => vegas_write_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_write_grid (self, unit) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u integer :: i, j u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, descr_fmt) "begin type(vegas_t)" write (u, integer_fmt) "n_dim =", self%config%n_dim write (u, integer_fmt) "n_bins_max =", self%config%n_bins_max write (u, double_fmt) "alpha =", self%config%alpha write (u, integer_fmt) "iterations =", self%config%iterations write (u, integer_fmt) "mode =", self%config%mode write (u, integer_fmt) "calls_per_box =", self%config%calls_per_box write (u, integer_fmt) "n_calls =", self%config%n_calls write (u, integer_fmt) "n_calls_min =", self%config%n_calls_min write (u, integer_fmt) "n_boxes =", self%config%n_boxes write (u, integer_fmt) "n_bins =", self%config%n_bins write (u, integer_fmt) "it_start =", self%result%it_start write (u, integer_fmt) "it_num =", self%result%it_num write (u, integer_fmt) "samples =", self%result%samples write (u, double_fmt) "sum_int_wgtd =", self%result%sum_int_wgtd write (u, double_fmt) "sum_wgts =", self%result%sum_wgts write (u, double_fmt) "sum_chi =", self%result%sum_chi write (u, double_fmt) "chi2 =", self%result%chi2 write (u, double_fmt) "efficiency =", self%result%efficiency write (u, double_fmt) "efficiency =", self%result%efficiency_pos write (u, double_fmt) "efficiency =", self%result%efficiency_neg write (u, double_fmt) "max_abs_f =", self%result%max_abs_f write (u, double_fmt) "max_abs_f_pos =", self%result%max_abs_f_pos write (u, double_fmt) "max_abs_f_neg =", self%result%max_abs_f_neg write (u, double_fmt) "result =", self%result%result write (u, double_fmt) "std =", self%result%std write (u, double_fmt) "hypercube_volume =", self%hypercube_volume write (u, double_fmt) "jacobian =", self%jacobian write (u, descr_fmt) "begin x_lower" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (u, double_array_fmt) j, self%grid%x_lower(j) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end x_lower" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin x_upper" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (u, double_array_fmt) j, self%grid%x_upper(j) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end x_upper" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin delta_x" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (u, double_array_fmt) j, self%grid%delta_x(j) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end delta_x" write (u, integer_fmt) "n_bins =", self%config%n_bins write (u, descr_fmt) "begin bin" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (u, integer_array_fmt) j, self%bin(j) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end n_bin" write (u, integer_fmt) "n_boxes =", self%config%n_boxes write (u, descr_fmt) "begin box" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (u, integer_array_fmt) j, self%box(j) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end box" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin d" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max write (u, double_array2_fmt) i, j, self%d(i, j) end do end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end d" write (u, descr_fmt) "begin xi" do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max + 1 write (u, double_array2_fmt) i, j, self%grid%xi(i, j) end do end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end xi" write (u, descr_fmt) "end type(vegas_t)" end subroutine vegas_write_grid @ %def vegas_write_grid @ Read grid configuration from file. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: read_grid => vegas_read_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_read_grid (self, unit) class(vegas_t), intent(out) :: self integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: i, j character(len=80) :: buffer integer :: ibuffer, jbuffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, ibuffer read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, jbuffer select type(self) type is (vegas_t) self = vegas_t (n_dim = ibuffer, n_bins_max = jbuffer) end select read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%config%alpha read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%iterations read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%mode read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%calls_per_box read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_calls read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_calls_min read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_boxes read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_bins self%grid%n_bins = self%config%n_bins read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%result%it_start read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%result%it_num read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%result%samples read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%sum_int_wgtd read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%sum_wgts read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%sum_chi read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%chi2 read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%efficiency read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%efficiency_pos read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%efficiency_neg read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%max_abs_f read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%max_abs_f_pos read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%max_abs_f_neg read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%result read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%std read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%hypercube_volume read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%jacobian read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit, double_array_fmt) jbuffer, self%grid%x_lower(j) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit, double_array_fmt) jbuffer, self%grid%x_upper(j) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit, double_array_fmt) jbuffer, self%grid%delta_x(j) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_bins read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit, integer_array_fmt) jbuffer, self%bin(j) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_boxes read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit, integer_array_fmt) jbuffer, self%box(j) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max read (unit, double_array2_fmt) ibuffer, jbuffer, self%d(i, j) end do end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max + 1 read (unit, double_array2_fmt) ibuffer, jbuffer, self%grid%xi(i, j) end do end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer end subroutine vegas_read_grid @ %def vegas_read_grid Read and write a grid from an unformatted file. -<>= +<>= procedure :: write_binary_grid => vegas_write_binary_grid procedure :: read_binary_grid => vegas_read_binary_grid -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_write_binary_grid (self, unit) class(vegas_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: i, j write (unit) self%config%n_dim write (unit) self%config%n_bins_max write (unit) self%config%alpha write (unit) self%config%iterations write (unit) self%config%mode write (unit) self%config%calls_per_box write (unit) self%config%n_calls write (unit) self%config%n_calls_min write (unit) self%config%n_boxes write (unit) self%config%n_bins write (unit) self%result%it_start write (unit) self%result%it_num write (unit) self%result%samples write (unit) self%result%sum_int_wgtd write (unit) self%result%sum_wgts write (unit) self%result%sum_chi write (unit) self%result%chi2 write (unit) self%result%efficiency write (unit) self%result%efficiency_pos write (unit) self%result%efficiency_neg write (unit) self%result%max_abs_f write (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_pos write (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_neg write (unit) self%result%result write (unit) self%result%std write (unit) self%hypercube_volume write (unit) self%jacobian do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (unit) j, self%grid%x_lower(j) end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (unit) j, self%grid%x_upper(j) end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (unit) j, self%grid%delta_x(j) end do write (unit) self%config%n_bins do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (unit) j, self%bin(j) end do write (unit) self%config%n_boxes do j = 1, self%config%n_dim write (unit) j, self%box(j) end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max write (unit) i, j, self%d(i, j) end do end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max + 1 write (unit) i, j, self%grid%xi(i, j) end do end do end subroutine vegas_write_binary_grid subroutine vegas_read_binary_grid (self, unit) class(vegas_t), intent(out) :: self integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: i, j integer :: ibuffer, jbuffer read (unit) ibuffer read (unit) jbuffer select type(self) type is (vegas_t) self = vegas_t (n_dim = ibuffer, n_bins_max = jbuffer) end select read (unit) self%config%alpha read (unit) self%config%iterations read (unit) self%config%mode read (unit) self%config%calls_per_box read (unit) self%config%n_calls read (unit) self%config%n_calls_min read (unit) self%config%n_boxes read (unit) self%config%n_bins self%grid%n_bins = self%config%n_bins read (unit) self%result%it_start read (unit) self%result%it_num read (unit) self%result%samples read (unit) self%result%sum_int_wgtd read (unit) self%result%sum_wgts read (unit) self%result%sum_chi read (unit) self%result%chi2 read (unit) self%result%efficiency read (unit) self%result%efficiency_pos read (unit) self%result%efficiency_neg read (unit) self%result%max_abs_f read (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_pos read (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_neg read (unit) self%result%result read (unit) self%result%std read (unit) self%hypercube_volume read (unit) self%jacobian do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit) jbuffer, self%grid%x_lower(j) end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit) jbuffer, self%grid%x_upper(j) end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit) jbuffer, self%grid%delta_x(j) end do read (unit) self%config%n_bins do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit) jbuffer, self%bin(j) end do read (unit) self%config%n_boxes do j = 1, self%config%n_dim read (unit) jbuffer, self%box(j) end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max read (unit) ibuffer, jbuffer, self%d(i, j) end do end do do j = 1, self%config%n_dim do i = 1, self%config%n_bins_max + 1 read (unit) ibuffer, jbuffer, self%grid%xi(i, j) end do end do end subroutine vegas_read_binary_grid @ %def vegas_write_binary_grid, vegas_read_binary_grid \section{Unit tests} \label{sec:unit-tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[vegas_ut.f90]]>>= <> module vegas_ut use unit_tests use vegas_uti <> -<> +<> contains -<> +<> end module vegas_ut @ %def vegas_ut @ <<[[vegas_uti.f90]]>>= <> module vegas_uti <> use io_units use constants, only: pi use format_defs, only: FMT_10, FMT_12 use rng_base use rng_stream use vegas <> -<> +<> -<> +<> contains -<> +<> end module vegas_uti @ %def vegas_uti @ API: driver for the unit tests below. -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_test -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results - <> + <> end subroutine vegas_test @ %def vegas_test @ \subsubsection{Test function} \label{sec:test-function} We use the example from the Monte Carlo Examples of the GSL library \begin{equation} I = \int_{-pi}^{+pi} {dk_x/(2 pi)} \int_{-pi}^{+pi} {dk_y/(2 pi)} \int_{-pi}^{+pi} {dk_z/(2 pi)} 1 / (1 - cos(k_x)cos(k_y)cos(k_z)). \end{equation} The integral is reduced to region (0,0,0) $\rightarrow$ ($\pi$, $\pi$, $\pi$) and multiplied by 8. -<>= +<>= type, extends (vegas_func_t) :: vegas_test_func_t ! contains - <> + <> end type vegas_test_func_t @ %def vegas_test_func_t @ Evaluate the integrand. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate => vegas_test_func_evaluate -<>= +<>= real(default) function vegas_test_func_evaluate (self, x) result (f) class(vegas_test_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x f = 1.0 / (pi**3) f = f / ( 1.0 - cos (x(1)) * cos (x(2)) * cos (x(3))) end function vegas_test_func_evaluate @ %def vegas_test_func_evaluate @ The second test function is the normalised n-dim.\@ gaussian distribution. -<>= +<>= type, extends (vegas_func_t) :: vegas_gaussian_test_func_t ! contains - <> + <> end type vegas_gaussian_test_func_t @ %def vegas_gaussian_test_func_t @ Evaluate the integrand. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate => vegas_gaussian_evaluate -<>= +<>= real(default) function vegas_gaussian_evaluate (self, x) result (f) class(vegas_gaussian_test_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real(default), parameter :: inv_sqrt_pi = 1._default / sqrt(pi) f = inv_sqrt_pi**size (x) f = f * exp (- dot_product(x, x)) end function vegas_gaussian_evaluate @ %def vegas_gaussian_evaluate @ The third test function is a three-dimensional polynomial function which factories. The function is defined in such a way that the integral in the unit range is normalised to zero. \begin{equation} f(x) = - \frac{8}{3} (x + 1)*(y-1)*z \end{equation} -<>= +<>= type, extends (vegas_func_t) :: vegas_polynomial_func_t ! contains - <> + <> end type vegas_polynomial_func_t @ %def vegas_polynomial_func_t -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate => vegas_polynomial_evaluate -<>= +<>= real(default) function vegas_polynomial_evaluate (self, x) result (f) class(vegas_polynomial_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x f = - 8. / 3. * (x(1) + 1.) * (x(2) - 1.) * x(3) end function vegas_polynomial_evaluate @ %def vegas_polynomial_evaluate @ \subsubsection{MC Integrator check} \label{sec:mc-integrator-check} Initialise the VEGAS MC integrator and call to [[vegas_init_grid]] for the initialisation of the grid. -<>= +<>= call test (vegas_1, "vegas_1", "VEGAS initialisation and& & grid preparation", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_1 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vegas_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(3), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = pi real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: initialise the VEGAS MC integrator and the grid" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vegas_test_func_t :: func) mc_integrator = vegas_t (3) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 10000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (10000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 10000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vegas_1 @ %def vegas_1 @ \subsubsection{Configuration and result check} \label{sec:conf-result-check} Initialise the MC integrator. Get and write the config object, also the (empty) result object. -<>= +<>= call test (vegas_2, "vegas_2", "VEGAS configuration and result object", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_2 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator type(vegas_config_t) :: mc_integrator_config type(vegas_result_t) :: mc_integrator_result write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: use transparent containers for& & configuration and result." write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 10" write (u, "(A)") mc_integrator = vegas_t (10) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 10000 (Importance Sampling)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (10000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Get VEGAS config object and write out" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Get VEGAS empty result object and write out" write (u, "(A)") mc_integrator_result = mc_integrator%get_result () call mc_integrator_result%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () end subroutine vegas_2 @ %def vegas_2 @ \subsubsection{Grid check} \label{sec:conf-result-check} Initialise the MC integrator. Get and write the config object. Integrate the gaussian distribution. Get and write the result object. Before and after integration get the grid object and output both. Repeat with different number of dimensions. -<>= +<>= call test (vegas_3, "vegas_3", "VEGAS integration of multi-dimensional gaussian", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_3 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vegas_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(3), parameter :: x_lower_3 = -10._default, & x_upper_3 = 10._default type(vegas_config_t) :: mc_integrator_config type(vegas_grid_t) :: mc_integrator_grid type(vegas_result_t) :: mc_integrator_result real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_3" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Integrate gaussian distribution." write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vegas_gaussian_test_func_t :: func) mc_integrator = vegas_t (3) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 10000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower_3, x_upper_3) call mc_integrator%set_calls (10000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Get VEGAS config object and write out" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Get VEGAS grid object and write out" write (u, "(A)") mc_integrator_grid = mc_integrator%get_grid () call mc_integrator_grid%write (u, pacify = .true.) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 20000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Get VEGAS result object and write out" write (u, "(A)") mc_integrator_result = mc_integrator%get_result () call mc_integrator_result%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Get VEGAS grid object and write out" write (u, "(A)") mc_integrator_grid = mc_integrator%get_grid () call mc_integrator_grid%write (u, pacify = .true.) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () end subroutine vegas_3 @ %def vegas_3 \subsubsection{Three-dimensional integration with polynomial function} \label{sec:conf-result-check} Initialise the MC integrator. Get and write the config object. Integrate the factorisable polynomial function. Get and write the result object. Repeat with different number of dimensions. -<>= +<>= call test (vegas_4, "vegas_4", "VEGAS integration of three& &-dimensional factorisable polynomial function", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_4 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_4 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vegas_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(3), parameter :: x_lower_3 = 0._default, & x_upper_3 = 1._default type(vegas_config_t) :: mc_integrator_config type(vegas_result_t) :: mc_integrator_result real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_4" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Integrate gaussian distribution." write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vegas_polynomial_func_t :: func) mc_integrator = vegas_t (3) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 2000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower_3, x_upper_3) call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 20000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (20000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () end subroutine vegas_4 @ %def vegas_4 @ \subsubsection{Event generation} Initialise the MC integrator. Integrate the gaussian distribution. Get and write the result object. Finally, generate events in accordance to the adapted grid and print them out. -<>= +<>= call test (vegas_5, "vegas_5", "VEGAS integration and event& & generation of multi-dimensional gaussian", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_5 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_5 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vegas_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(1), parameter :: x_lower_1 = -10._default, & x_upper_1 = 10._default type(vegas_config_t) :: mc_integrator_config type(vegas_result_t) :: mc_integrator_result integer :: i, u_event real(default), dimension(1) :: event, mean, delta, M2 real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_5" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Integrate gaussian distribution." write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 1" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vegas_gaussian_test_func_t :: func) mc_integrator = vegas_t (1) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 20000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower_1, x_upper_1) call mc_integrator%set_calls (20000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, verbose=.true., result=result, abserr=abserr) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") & & "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, verbose=.true., result=result, abserr=abserr) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") & & "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Generate 10000 events based on the adaptation and& & calculate mean and variance" write (u, "(A)") mean = 0._default M2 = 0._default do i = 1, 10000 call mc_integrator%generate_unweighted (func, rng, event) delta = event - mean mean = mean + delta / i M2 = M2 + delta * (event - mean) end do write (u, "(2X,A)") "Result:" write (u, "(4X,A," // FMT_12 //")") & & "mean = ", mean write (u, "(4X,A," // FMT_12 //")") & & "(sample) std. dev. = ", sqrt (M2 / (9999)) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () end subroutine vegas_5 @ %def vegas_5 @ \subsubsection{Grid I/O} \label{sec:grid-io} Initialise the MC integrator. Get and write the config object. Integrate the factorisable polynomial function. Get and write the result object. Write grid to file and start with fresh grid. -<>= +<>= call test (vegas_6, "vegas_6", "VEGAS integrate and write grid, & & read grid and continue", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_6 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_6 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vegas_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(3), parameter :: x_lower_3 = 0._default, & x_upper_3 = 1._default type(vegas_config_t) :: mc_integrator_config type(vegas_result_t) :: mc_integrator_result real(default) :: result, abserr integer :: unit write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_6" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Write and read grid, and continue." write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vegas_polynomial_func_t :: func) mc_integrator = vegas_t (3) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 2000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower_3, x_upper_3) call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Write grid to file vegas_io.grid" write (u, "(A)") unit = free_unit () open (unit, file = "vegas_io.grid", & action = "write", status = "replace") call mc_integrator%write_grid (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Read grid from file vegas_io.grid" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%final () open (unit, file = "vegas_io.grid", & action = "read", status = "old") call mc_integrator%read_grid (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 20000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (20000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) call mc_integrator%get_config (mc_integrator_config) call mc_integrator_config%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () end subroutine vegas_6 @ %def vegas_6 @ \subsubsection{Numeric stability} \label{sec:numeric-stability} We wrap a previous testing function to produce a single [[NaN]]. -<>= +<>= type, extends (vegas_test_func_t) :: vegas_nan_test_func_t private logical :: evaluate_to_nan = .true. contains - <> + <> end type vegas_nan_test_func_t @ %def vegas_nan_test_func_t @ Evaluate the integrand. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate => vegas_nan_test_func_evaluate -<>= +<>= real(default) function vegas_nan_test_func_evaluate (self, x) result (f) use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: ieee_value, ieee_quiet_nan class(vegas_nan_test_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x if (self%evaluate_to_nan) then f = ieee_value(1.0_default, ieee_quiet_nan) self%evaluate_to_nan = .false. else f = self%vegas_test_func_t%evaluate (x) end if end function vegas_nan_test_func_evaluate @ %def vegas_test_func_evaluate Initialise the VEGAS MC integrator. Run a integration pass and insert a single [[NaN]] that leads to a [[NaN]] result. However, the integration grid will be fine. Proceed with a second pass, and get the correct result. -<>= +<>= !!! Disabled for the moment as NAGFOR stops execution on NaNs as intended ! call test (vegas_7, "vegas_7", "VEGAS NaN stability test", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vegas_7 -<>= +<>= subroutine vegas_7 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vegas_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vegas_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(3), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = pi real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vegas_7" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: initialise the VEGAS MC integrator and the grid" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vegas_nan_test_func_t :: func) mc_integrator = vegas_t (3) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 10000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (10000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 10000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vegas_7 @ %def vegas_7 \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{VAMP2} \label{sec:vamp2} We concentrate all configuration and run-time data in a derived-type, such that, [[mci_t]] can spwan each time a distinctive MCI VEGAS integrator object. <<[[vamp2.f90]]>>= <> module vamp2 <> use io_units use format_utils, only: pac_fmt use format_utils, only: write_separator, write_indent use format_defs, only: FMT_17 use diagnostics use iterator use rng_base use rng_stream, only: rng_stream_t use vegas -<> +<> <> -<> +<> -<> +<> -<> +<> -<> +<> contains -<> +<> end module vamp2 @ %def vamp2 -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= use request_base use request_simple use request_caller use balancer_base use request_callback use mpi_f08 !NODEP! @ \subsection{Type: vamp2\_func\_t} \label{sec:vamp2-func} We extend [[vegas_func_t]] with the multi-channel weights and the [[vegas_grid_t]], such that, the overall multi-channel weight can be calculated by the function itself. We add an additional logicial [[valid_x]], if it is set to [[.false.]], we do not compute weighted function and just set the weighted integrand to zero. This behavior is in particular very useful, if a mapping is prohibited or fails. Or in the case of WHIZARD, a phase cut is applied. -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_func_t -<>= +<>= type, abstract, extends(vegas_func_t) :: vamp2_func_t integer :: current_channel = 0 integer :: n_dim = 0 integer :: n_channel = 0 integer :: n_calls = 0 logical :: valid_x = .false. real(default), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: xi real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: det real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: wi real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: gi type(vegas_grid_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: grids real(default) :: g = 0. contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_func_t @ %def vamp2_func_t @ Init. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: init => vamp2_func_init -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_func_init (self, n_dim, n_channel) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(out) :: self integer, intent(in) :: n_dim integer, intent(in) :: n_channel self%n_dim = n_dim self%n_channel = n_channel allocate (self%xi(n_dim, n_channel), source=0._default) allocate (self%det(n_channel), source=1._default) allocate (self%wi(n_channel), source=0._default) allocate (self%gi(n_channel), source=0._default) allocate (self%grids(n_channel)) end subroutine vamp2_func_init @ %def vamp2_func_init @ Set current channel. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_channel => vamp2_func_set_channel -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_func_set_channel (self, channel) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel self%current_channel = channel end subroutine vamp2_func_set_channel @ %def vamp2_func_set_channel @ Get number of function calls for which $f \neq 0$. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_n_calls => vamp2_func_get_n_calls -<>= +<>= integer function vamp2_func_get_n_calls (self) result (n_calls) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(in) :: self n_calls = self%n_calls end function vamp2_func_get_n_calls @ %def vamp2_func_get_func_calls @ Reset number of calls. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: reset_n_calls => vamp2_func_reset_n_calls -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_func_reset_n_calls (self) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: self self%n_calls = 0 end subroutine vamp2_func_reset_n_calls @ %def vamp2_func_reset_n_calls @ Evaluate mappings. We defer this method to be implemented by the user. The result must be written to [[xi]] and [[det]]. The mapping is defined by $\phi : U \rightarrow M$. We map $x \in M$ to the different mappings of the hypercube $U_{i}$, such that $x_{i} \in U_{i}$. The mapping should determine, whether [[x]] is a valid point, e.g. can be mapped, or is restricted otherwise. -<>= +<>= procedure(vamp2_func_evaluate_maps), deferred :: evaluate_maps -<>= +<>= abstract interface subroutine vamp2_func_evaluate_maps (self, x) import :: vamp2_func_t, default class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x end subroutine vamp2_func_evaluate_maps end interface @ %def vamp2_evaluate_func @ Evaluate channel weights. The calling procedure must handle the case of a vanishing overall probability density where either a channel weight or a channel probability vanishes. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: evaluate_weight => vamp2_func_evaluate_weight -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_func_evaluate_weight (self) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: ch self%g = 0. self%gi = 0. !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ch) SHARED(self) do ch = 1, self%n_channel if (self%wi(ch) /= 0) then self%gi(ch) = self%grids(ch)%get_probability (self%xi(:, ch)) end if end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (self%gi(self%current_channel) /= 0) then do ch = 1, self%n_channel if (self%wi(ch) /= 0 .and. self%det(ch) /= 0) then self%g = self%g + self%wi(ch) * self%gi(ch) / self%det(ch) end if end do self%g = self%g / self%gi(self%current_channel) end if end subroutine vamp2_func_evaluate_weight @ %def vamp2_func_evaluate_weight @ Evaluate function at [[x]]. We call this procedure in [[vamp2_func_evaluate]]. -<>= +<>= procedure(vamp2_func_evaluate_func), deferred :: evaluate_func -<>= +<>= abstract interface real(default) function vamp2_func_evaluate_func (self, x) result (f) import :: vamp2_func_t, default class(vamp2_func_t), intent(in) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x end function vamp2_func_evaluate_func end interface @ %def vamp2_func_evaluate_func -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate => vamp2_func_evaluate -<>= +<>= real(default) function vamp2_func_evaluate (self, x) result (f) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x call self%evaluate_maps (x) f = 0. self%gi = 0. self%g = 1 if (self%valid_x) then call self%evaluate_weight () if (self%g /= 0) then f = self%evaluate_func (x) / self%g self%n_calls = self%n_calls + 1 end if end if end function vamp2_func_evaluate @ %def vamp2_func_evaluate \subsection{Type: vamp2\_config\_t} \label{sec:vamp2-config} This is a transparent container which incorporates and extends the definitions in [[vegas_config]]. The parent object can then be used to parametrise the VEGAS grids directly, where the new parameters are exclusively used in the multi-channel implementation of VAMP2. [[n_calls_min]] is calculated by [[n_calls_min_per_channel]] and [[n_channel]]. The channels weights (and the result [[n_calls]] for each channel) are calculated regarding [[n_calls_threshold]]. -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_config_t -<>= +<>= type, extends(vegas_config_t) :: vamp2_config_t integer :: n_channel = 0 integer :: n_calls_min_per_channel = 20 integer :: n_calls_threshold = 10 integer :: n_chains = 0 logical :: stratified = .true. logical :: equivalences = .false. real(default) :: beta = 0.5_default real(default) :: accuracy_goal = 0._default real(default) :: error_goal = 0._default real(default) :: rel_error_goal = 0._default contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_config_t @ %def vamp2_config_t @ Write. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write => vamp2_config_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_config_write (self, unit, indent) class(vamp2_config_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call self%vegas_config_t%write (unit, indent) call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of channels = ", self%n_channel call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Min. number of calls per channel (setting calls) = ", & & self%n_calls_min_per_channel call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Threshold number of calls (adapting weights) = ", & & self%n_calls_threshold call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,I0)") & & "Number of chains = ", self%n_chains call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,L1)") & & "Stratified = ", self%stratified call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A,L1)") & & "Equivalences = ", self%equivalences call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "Adaption power (beta) = ", self%beta if (self%accuracy_goal > 0) then call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "accuracy_goal = ", self%accuracy_goal end if if (self%error_goal > 0) then call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "error_goal = ", self%error_goal end if if (self%rel_error_goal > 0) then call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_17 // ")") & & "rel_error_goal = ", self%rel_error_goal end if end subroutine vamp2_config_write @ %def vamp2_config_write @ \subsection{Type: vamp2\_result\_t} \label{sec:vamp2-result} This is a transparent container which incorporates and extends the definitions of [[vegas_result_t]]. -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_result_t -<>= +<>= type, extends(vegas_result_t) :: vamp2_result_t contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_result_t @ %def vamp2_result_t @ Output. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write => vamp2_result_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_result_write (self, unit, indent) class(vamp2_result_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call self%vegas_result_t%write (unit, indent) end subroutine vamp2_result_write @ %def vamp2_result_write @ \subsection{Type: vamp2\_equivalences\_t} \label{sec:vamp2-eqv} -<>= +<>= integer, parameter, public :: & VEQ_IDENTITY = 0, VEQ_INVERT = 1, VEQ_SYMMETRIC = 2, VEQ_INVARIANT = 3 @ @ Channel equivalences. Store retrieving and sourcing channel. -<>= +<>= type :: vamp2_equi_t integer :: ch integer :: ch_src integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: perm integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: mode contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_equi_t @ %def vamp2_equi_t @ Write equivalence. -<>= +<>= procedure :: write => vamp2_equi_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_equi_write (self, unit, indent) class(vamp2_equi_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(2(A,1X,I0))") "src:", self%ch_src, "-> dest:", self%ch call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(A,99(1X,I0))") "Perm: ", self%perm call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(A,99(1X,I0))") "Mode: ", self%mode end subroutine vamp2_equi_write @ %def vamp2_equi_write @ -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_equivalences_t -<>= +<>= type :: vamp2_equivalences_t private integer :: n_eqv = 0 integer :: n_channel = 0 integer :: n_dim = 0 type(vamp2_equi_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: eqv integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: map integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: multiplicity integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: symmetry logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: independent integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: equivalent_to_ch logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: dim_is_invariant contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_equivalences_t @ %def vamp2_equivalences_t @ Constructor. -<>= +<>= interface vamp2_equivalences_t module procedure vamp2_equivalences_init end interface vamp2_equivalences_t -<>= +<>= type(vamp2_equivalences_t) function vamp2_equivalences_init (& n_eqv, n_channel, n_dim) result (eqv) integer, intent(in) :: n_eqv, n_channel, n_dim eqv%n_eqv = n_eqv eqv%n_channel = n_channel eqv%n_dim = n_dim allocate (eqv%eqv(n_eqv)) allocate (eqv%map(n_channel), source = 0) allocate (eqv%multiplicity(n_channel), source = 0) allocate (eqv%symmetry(n_channel), source = 0) allocate (eqv%independent(n_channel), source = .true.) allocate (eqv%equivalent_to_ch(n_channel), source = 0) allocate (eqv%dim_is_invariant(n_dim, n_channel), source = .false.) end function vamp2_equivalences_init @ %def vamp2_equivlences_init @ Write equivalences. -<>= +<>= procedure :: write => vamp2_equivalences_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_equivalences_write (self, unit, indent) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind, i_eqv, ch u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent write (u, "(A)") "Inequivalent channels:" if (allocated (self%independent)) then do ch = 1, self%n_channel if (self%independent(ch)) then write (u, "(2X,A,1x,I0,A,4x,A,I0,4x,A,I0,4x,A,999(L1))") & "Channel", ch, ":", & "Mult. = ", self%multiplicity(ch), & "Symm. = ", self%symmetry(ch), & "Invar.: ", self%dim_is_invariant(:, ch) end if end do else write (u, "(A)") "[not allocated]" end if write (u, "(A)") "Equivalence list:" if (allocated (self%eqv)) then do i_eqv = 1, self%n_eqv write (u, "(2X,A,1X,I0)") "i_eqv:", i_eqv call self%eqv(i_eqv)%write (unit, indent = ind + 4) end do else write (u, "(A)") "[not allocated]" end if end subroutine vamp2_equivalences_write @ %def vamp2_equivalences_write @ Is allocated. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: is_allocated => vamp2_equivalences_is_allocated -<>= +<>= logical function vamp2_equivalences_is_allocated (self) result (yorn) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(in) :: self yorn = allocated (self%eqv) end function vamp2_equivalences_is_allocated @ %def vamp2_equivalences_is_allocated @ Get source channel and destination channel for given equivalence. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_channels => vamp2_equivalences_get_channels -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_equivalences_get_channels (eqv, i_eqv, dest, src) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(in) :: eqv integer, intent(in) :: i_eqv integer, intent(out) :: dest, src dest = eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%ch src = eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%ch_src end subroutine vamp2_equivalences_get_channels @ %def vamp2_equivalences_get_channels @ -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_mode => vamp2_equivalences_get_mode procedure, public :: get_perm => vamp2_equivalences_get_perm -<>= +<>= function vamp2_equivalences_get_mode (eqv, i_eqv) result (mode) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(in) :: eqv integer, intent(in) :: i_eqv integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: mode mode = eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%mode end function vamp2_equivalences_get_mode function vamp2_equivalences_get_perm (eqv, i_eqv) result (perm) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(in) :: eqv integer, intent(in) :: i_eqv integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: perm perm = eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%perm end function vamp2_equivalences_get_perm @ %def vamp2_equivalences_get_perm, vamp2_equivalences_get_mode @ -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_equivalence => vamp2_equivalences_set_equivalence -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_equivalences_set_equivalence & (eqv, i_eqv, dest, src, perm, mode) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(inout) :: eqv integer, intent(in) :: i_eqv integer, intent(in) :: dest, src integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: perm, mode integer :: i if (dest < 1 .or. dest > eqv%n_channel) call msg_bug & ("VAMP2: set_equivalences: destination channel out of range.") if (src < 1 .or. src > eqv%n_channel) call msg_bug & ("VAMP2: set_equivalences: source channel out of range.") if (size(perm) /= eqv%n_dim) call msg_bug & ("VAMP2: set_equivalences: size(perm) does not match n_dim.") if (size(mode) /= eqv%n_dim) call msg_bug & ("VAMP2: set_equivalences: size(mode) does not match n_dim.") eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%ch = dest eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%ch_src = src allocate (eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%perm (size (perm))) do i = 1, size (perm) eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%perm(i) = perm(i) end do allocate (eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%mode (size (mode))) do i = 1, size (mode) eqv%eqv(i_eqv)%mode(i) = mode(i) end do end subroutine vamp2_equivalences_set_equivalence @ %def vamp2_equivalences_set_equivalence @ Freeze equivalences. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: freeze => vamp2_equivalences_freeze -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_equivalences_freeze (self) class(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: i_eqv, ch, upper, lower ch = 0 do i_eqv = 1, self%n_eqv if (ch /= self%eqv(i_eqv)%ch) then ch = self%eqv(i_eqv)%ch self%map(ch) = i_eqv end if end do do ch = 1, self%n_channel lower = self%map(ch) if (ch == self%n_channel) then upper = self%n_eqv else upper = self%map(ch + 1) - 1 end if associate (eqv => self%eqv, n_eqv => size (self%eqv(lower:upper))) if (.not. all(eqv(lower:upper)%ch == ch) .or. & eqv(lower)%ch_src > ch) then do i_eqv = lower, upper call self%eqv(i_eqv)%write () end do call msg_bug ("VAMP2: vamp2_equivalences_freeze: & &equivalence order is not correct.") end if self%symmetry(ch) = count (eqv(lower:upper)%ch_src == ch) if (mod (n_eqv, self%symmetry(ch)) /= 0) then do i_eqv = lower, upper call self%eqv(i_eqv)%write () end do call msg_bug ("VAMP2: vamp2_equivalences_freeze: & &permutation count is not correct.") end if self%multiplicity(ch) = n_eqv / self%symmetry(ch) self%independent(ch) = all (eqv(lower:upper)%ch_src >= ch) self%equivalent_to_ch(ch) = eqv(lower)%ch_src self%dim_is_invariant(:, ch) = eqv(lower)%mode == VEQ_INVARIANT end associate end do end subroutine vamp2_equivalences_freeze @ %def vamp2_equivalences_freeze @ \subsection{Type: vamp2\_t} \label{sec:vamp2-t} -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_t -<>= +<>= type :: vamp2_t private type(vamp2_config_t) :: config type(vegas_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: integrator integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: chain real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: weight real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: integral real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: variance real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: efficiency type(vamp2_result_t) :: result type(vamp2_equivalences_t) :: equivalences logical :: event_prepared real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: event_weight - <> + <> contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_t -<>= +<>= class(request_base_t), allocatable :: request -<>= +<>= interface vamp2_t module procedure vamp2_init end interface vamp2_t @ %def vamp2_t @ Constructor. -<>= +<>= type(vamp2_t) function vamp2_init (n_channel, n_dim, alpha, beta, n_bins_max,& & n_calls_min_per_channel, iterations, mode) result (self) integer, intent(in) :: n_channel integer, intent(in) :: n_dim integer, intent(in), optional :: n_bins_max integer, intent(in), optional :: n_calls_min_per_channel real(default), intent(in), optional :: alpha real(default), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(in), optional :: iterations integer, intent(in), optional :: mode integer :: ch self%config%n_dim = n_dim self%config%n_channel = n_channel call set_options () allocate (self%chain(n_channel), source=0) allocate (self%integrator(n_channel)) allocate (self%weight(n_channel), source=0._default) do ch = 1, n_channel self%integrator(ch) = vegas_t (n_dim, alpha, n_bins_max, 1, mode) end do self%weight = 1._default / self%config%n_channel call self%reset_result () allocate (self%event_weight(self%config%n_channel), source = 0._default) self%event_prepared = .false. contains subroutine set_options () if (present (n_bins_max)) self%config%n_bins_max = n_bins_max if (present (n_calls_min_per_channel)) self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel = n_calls_min_per_channel if (present (alpha)) self%config%alpha = alpha if (present (beta)) self%config%beta = beta if (present (iterations)) self%config%iterations = iterations if (present (mode)) self%config%mode = mode end subroutine set_options end function vamp2_init @ %def vamp2_init -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: final => vamp2_final -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_final (self) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: ch do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%final () end do end subroutine vamp2_final @ %def vamp2_final @ Output. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write => vamp2_write -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_write (self, unit, indent) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind, ch u = given_output_unit (unit) ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call write_indent (u, ind) write (u, "(A)") "VAMP2: VEGAS AMPlified 2" call write_indent (u, ind) call self%config%write (unit, indent) call self%result%write (unit, indent) end subroutine vamp2_write @ %def vamp2_write @ Get the config object. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_config => vamp2_get_config -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_get_config (self, config) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self type(vamp2_config_t), intent(out) :: config config = self%config end subroutine vamp2_get_config @ %def vamp2_get_config @ Set non-runtime dependent configuration. It will no be possible to change [[n_bins_max]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_config => vamp2_set_config -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_set_config (self, config) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vamp2_config_t), intent(in) :: config integer :: ch self%config%equivalences = config%equivalences self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel = config%n_calls_min_per_channel self%config%n_calls_threshold = config%n_calls_threshold self%config%n_calls_min = config%n_calls_min self%config%beta = config%beta self%config%accuracy_goal = config%accuracy_goal self%config%error_goal = config%error_goal self%config%rel_error_goal = config%rel_error_goal do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%set_config (config) end do end subroutine vamp2_set_config @ %def vamp2_set_config @ Set the overall number of calls. The number of calls each channel is scaled by the channel weights \begin{equation} N_i = \alpha_i N. \end{equation} -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_calls => vamp2_set_n_calls -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_set_n_calls (self, n_calls) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: n_calls integer :: ch self%config%n_calls_min = self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel & & * self%config%n_channel self%config%n_calls = max(n_calls, self%config%n_calls_min) if (self%config%n_calls > n_calls) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,I0)") "VAMP2: [set_calls] number of calls too few,& & reset to = ", self%config%n_calls call msg_message () end if do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%set_calls (max (nint (self%config%n_calls *& & self%weight(ch)), self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel)) end do end subroutine vamp2_set_n_calls @ %def vamp2_set_n_calls @ Set limits. We only support same limits for all channels. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_limits => vamp2_set_limits -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_set_limits (self, x_upper, x_lower) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_upper real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_lower integer :: ch do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%set_limits (x_upper, x_lower) end do end subroutine vamp2_set_limits @ %def vamp2_set_limits @ Set [[n_chains]] and the (actual) chains. [[chain]] must have size [[n_channels]] and each elements must store an index to a corresponding chain. This means, that channels with equal index correspond to the same chain, and we refer to those as chained weights, where we average the contributions of the chained weights in [[vamp2_adapt_weights]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_chain => vamp2_set_chain -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_set_chain (self, n_chains, chain) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: n_chains integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chain if (size (chain) /= self%config%n_channel) then call msg_bug ("VAMP2: set chain: size of chain array does not match n_channel.") else call msg_message ("VAMP2: set chain: use chained weights.") end if self%config%n_chains = n_chains self%chain = chain end subroutine vamp2_set_chain @ %def vamp2_set_chain @ Set channel equivalences. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: set_equivalences => vamp2_set_equivalences -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_set_equivalences (self, equivalences) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self type(vamp2_equivalences_t), intent(in) :: equivalences self%equivalences = equivalences end subroutine vamp2_set_equivalences @ %def vamp2_set_equivalences @ Move allocated (and prepared!) request object into VAMP2. -<>= +<>= generic, public :: allocate_request => allocate_request_by_method, & allocate_request_by_object procedure, private :: allocate_request_by_method => vamp2_allocate_request_by_method procedure, private :: allocate_request_by_object => vamp2_allocate_request_by_object -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_allocate_request_by_method (self, method) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: method class(request_base_t), allocatable :: request select case (trim(method)) case("simple", "Simple", "SIMPLE") allocate (request_simple_t :: request) case("load", "Load", "LOAD") allocate (request_caller_t :: request) case default call msg_bug ("VAMP2: Unknown method for MPI request module.") end select select type (request) type is (request_simple_t) call request%init (MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_channels = self%config%n_channel) type is (request_caller_t) call request%init (MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_channels = self%config%n_channel) end select call self%allocate_request_by_object (request) end subroutine vamp2_allocate_request_by_method subroutine vamp2_allocate_request_by_object (self, request) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self class(request_base_t), allocatable, intent(inout) :: request !! Only output in case of "parallel" integration. if (request%has_workers ()) then select type (request) type is (request_simple_t) call msg_message ("VAMP2: Simple Request Balancing.") type is (request_caller_t) call msg_message ("VAMP2: Request with load balancing.") class default call msg_bug ("VAMP2: Unknown extension of request_base.") end select end if call move_alloc (request, self%request) end subroutine vamp2_allocate_request_by_object @ %def vamp2_allocate_request @ Get [[n_calls]] calculated by [[VEGAS]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_n_calls => vamp2_get_n_calls -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vamp2_get_n_calls (self) result (n_calls) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self n_calls = sum (self%integrator%get_calls ()) end function vamp2_get_n_calls @ %def vamp2_get_n_calls @ Get the cumulative result of the integration. Recalculate weighted average of the integration. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_integral => vamp2_get_integral -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vamp2_get_integral (self) result (integral) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self integral = 0. if (self%result%sum_wgts > 0.) then integral = self%result%sum_int_wgtd / self%result%sum_wgts end if end function vamp2_get_integral @ %def vamp2_get_integral @ Get the cumulative variance of the integration. Recalculate the variance. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_variance => vamp2_get_variance -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vamp2_get_variance (self) result (variance) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self variance = 0. if (self%result%sum_wgts > 0.) then variance = 1.0 / self%result%sum_wgts end if end function vamp2_get_variance @ %def vamp2_get_variance @ Get efficiency. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: get_efficiency => vamp2_get_efficiency -<>= +<>= elemental real(default) function vamp2_get_efficiency (self) result (efficiency) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self efficiency = 0. if (self%result%efficiency > 0.) then efficiency = self%result%efficiency end if end function vamp2_get_efficiency @ %def vamp2_get_efficiency @ Get event weight and event weight excess. -<>= +<>= procedure :: get_evt_weight => vamp2_get_evt_weight procedure :: get_evt_weight_excess => vamp2_get_evt_weight_excess -<>= +<>= real(default) function vamp2_get_evt_weight (self) result (evt_weight) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self evt_weight = self%result%evt_weight end function vamp2_get_evt_weight real(default) function vamp2_get_evt_weight_excess (self) result (evt_weight_excess) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self evt_weight_excess = self%result%evt_weight_excess end function vamp2_get_evt_weight_excess @ %def vamp2_get_evt_weight, vamp2_get_evt_weight_excess @ Get procedure to retrieve channel-th grid. -<>= +<>= procedure :: get_grid => vamp2_get_grid -<>= +<>= type(vegas_grid_t) function vamp2_get_grid (self, channel) result (grid) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel if (channel < 1 .or. channel > self%config%n_channel) & call msg_bug ("VAMP2: vamp2_get_grid: channel index < 1 or > n_channel.") grid = self%integrator(channel)%get_grid () end function vamp2_get_grid @ %def vamp2_get_grid @ Adapt. We adapt the weights due the contribution of variances with $\beta > 0$. \begin{equation} \alpha_i = \frac{\alpha_i V_i^\beta}{\sum_i \alpha_i V_i^\beta} \end{equation} If [[n_calls_threshold]] is set, we rescale the weights in such a way, that the [[n_calls]] for each channel are greater than [[n_calls_threshold]]. We calculate the distance of the weights to the [[weight_min]] and reset those weights which are less than [[weight_mins]] to this value. The other values are accordingly resized to fit the boundary condition of the partition of unity. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: adapt_weights => vamp2_adapt_weights -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_adapt_weights (self) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: n_weights_underflow real(default) :: weight_min, sum_weights_underflow self%weight = self%weight * self%integrator%get_variance ()**self%config%beta if (sum (self%weight) == 0) self%weight = real(self%config%n_calls, default) if (self%config%n_chains > 0) then call chain_weights () end if self%weight = self%weight / sum(self%weight) if (self%config%n_calls_threshold /= 0) then weight_min = real(self%config%n_calls_threshold, default) & & / self%config%n_calls sum_weights_underflow = sum (self%weight, self%weight < weight_min) n_weights_underflow = count (self%weight < weight_min) where (self%weight < weight_min) self%weight = weight_min elsewhere self%weight = self%weight * (1. - n_weights_underflow * weight_min) & & / (1. - sum_weights_underflow) end where end if call self%set_calls (self%config%n_calls) contains - <> + <> end subroutine vamp2_adapt_weights @ %def vamp2_adapt_weights @ We average the weights over their respective chain members. -<>= +<>= subroutine chain_weights () integer :: ch real(default) :: average do ch = 1, self%config%n_chains average = max (sum (self%weight, self%chain == ch), 0._default) if (average /= 0) then average = average / count (self%chain == ch) where (self%chain == ch) self%weight = average end where end if end do end subroutine chain_weights @ %def chain_weights -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: apply_equivalences => vamp2_apply_equivalences -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_apply_equivalences (self) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self integer :: ch, ch_src, j, j_src, i_eqv real(default), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: d real(default), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: d_src integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: mode, perm if (.not. self%equivalences%is_allocated ()) then call msg_bug ("VAMP2: vamp2_apply_equivalences: & &cannot apply not-allocated equivalences.") end if allocate (d(self%config%n_bins_max, self%config%n_dim, & self%config%n_channel), source=0._default) associate (eqv => self%equivalences, nb => self%config%n_bins_max) do i_eqv = 1, self%equivalences%n_eqv call eqv%get_channels (i_eqv, ch, ch_src) d_src = self%integrator(ch_src)%get_distribution () mode = eqv%get_mode (i_eqv) perm = eqv%get_perm (i_eqv) do j = 1, self%config%n_dim select case (mode (j)) case (VEQ_IDENTITY) d(:, j, ch) = d(:, j, ch) + & d_src(:, perm(j)) case (VEQ_INVERT) d(:, j, ch) = d(:, j, ch) + & d_src(nb:1:-1, perm(j)) case (VEQ_SYMMETRIC) d(:, j, ch) = d(:, j, ch) + & d_src(:, perm(j)) / 2. + & d_src(nb:1:-1, perm(j)) / 2. case (VEQ_INVARIANT) d(:, j, ch) = 1._default end select end do end do end associate do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%set_distribution (d(:, :, ch)) end do end subroutine vamp2_apply_equivalences @ %def vamp2_apply_equivalences @ Reset the cumulative result. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: reset_result => vamp2_reset_result -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_reset_result (self) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self call self%result%reset () end subroutine vamp2_reset_result @ %def vamp2_reset_result @ Integrate. We integrate each channel separately and combine the results \begin{align} I & = \sum_i \alpha_i I_i, \\ \sigma^2 & = \sum_i \alpha_i^2 \sigma^2_i. \end{align} Although, the (population) variance is given by \begin{equation} \begin{split} \sigma^2 & = \frac{1}{N} \left( \sum_i \alpha_i I^2_i - I^2 \right) \\ & = \frac{1}{N - 1} \left( \sum_i \left( N_i \sigma^2_i + I^2_i \right) -I^2 \right) \\ & = \frac{1}{N - 1} \left( \sum_i \alpha_i \sigma^2_i + \alpha_i I^2_i - I^2 \right), \end{split} \end{equation} where we used $\sigma^2_i = \frac{1}{N} \left( \langle I^2_i \rangle - \langle I_i \rangle^2 \right)$, we use the approximation for numeric stability. The population variance relates to sample variance \begin{equation} s^2 = \frac{n}{n - 1} \sigma^2, \end{equation} which gives an unbiased error estimate. Beside those adaption to multichannel, the overall processing of [[total_integral]], [[total_sq_integral]] and [[total_variance]] is the same as in [[vegas_integrate]]. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: integrate => vamp2_integrate -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_integrate (self, func, rng, iterations, reset_result,& & refine_grids, adapt_weights, verbose, result, abserr) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: func class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in), optional :: iterations logical, intent(in), optional :: reset_result logical, intent(in), optional :: refine_grids logical, intent(in), optional :: adapt_weights logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose real(default), optional, intent(out) :: result, abserr integer :: it, ch type(iterator_t) :: channel_iterator real(default) :: cumulative_int, cumulative_std logical :: opt_reset_result logical :: opt_adapt_weights logical :: opt_refine_grids logical :: opt_verbose - <> + <> call set_options () if (opt_verbose) then call msg_message ("Results: [it, calls, integral, error, chi^2, eff.]") end if if (opt_reset_result) call self%reset_result () - <> + <> iteration: do it = 1, self%config%iterations call channel_iterator%init (1, self%config%n_channel) call self%prepare_integrate_iteration (func) - <> + <> channel: do - <> + <> call func%set_channel (ch) call self%integrator(ch)%integrate ( & & func, rng, iterations, refine_grid = .false., verbose = .false.) - <> + <> call channel_iterator%next_step () end do channel - <> + <> call self%compute_result_and_efficiency () associate (result => self%result) cumulative_int = result%sum_int_wgtd / result%sum_wgts cumulative_std = sqrt (1 / result%sum_wgts) if (opt_verbose) then write (msg_buffer, "(I0,1x,I0,1x, 4(E24.16E4,1x))") & & it, self%config%n_calls, cumulative_int, cumulative_std, & & result%chi2, result%efficiency call msg_message () end if end associate if (opt_adapt_weights) then call self%adapt_weights () end if if (opt_refine_grids) then if (self%config%equivalences .and. self%equivalences%is_allocated ()) then call self%apply_equivalences () end if do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel !! When we apply the grid refinement outside of VEGAS, then we do not average over distribution !! as VEGAS averaged the distribution internally. call self%integrator(ch)%refine (average = .false.) end do end if end do iteration if (present (result)) result = cumulative_int if (present (abserr)) abserr = abs (cumulative_std) contains - <> + <> end subroutine vamp2_integrate @ %def vamp2_integrate @ Set optional parameters. -<>= +<>= subroutine set_options () if (present (iterations)) self%config%iterations = iterations opt_reset_result = .true. if (present (reset_result)) opt_reset_result = reset_result opt_adapt_weights = .true. if (present (adapt_weights)) opt_adapt_weights = adapt_weights opt_refine_grids = .true. if (present (refine_grids)) opt_refine_grids = refine_grids opt_verbose = .false. if (present (verbose)) opt_verbose = verbose end subroutine set_options @ %def set_options @ We define additional chunks, which we use to insert parallel/MPI code. -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= @ Conditional handling. We introduce a different behavior for the MPI-/non-MPI variant. -<>= +<>= if (.not. channel_iterator%is_iterable ()) exit channel ch = channel_iterator%get_current () @ -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= type(request_t) :: request @ Verify that we have an allocated request object, else fallback to simple method. Be aware that we keep the fallback silent (!) in order to keep any possible testing output uninterrupted. -<>= +<>= if (.not. allocated (self%request)) then call self%allocate_request_by_method ("simple") end if @ -<>= +<>= if (self%request%is_master ()) then select type (req => self%request) type is (request_caller_t) request%terminate = .true. call update_iter_and_rng (request, channel_iterator, rng) !! channel_iter is already drained for master. !! Do not descent into channel integration (later on). call req%handle_workload () end select end if @ Conditional handling for the MPI-version of sampling. We have a request object and an advanced [[channel_iterator]] and have to consider three cases: \begin{enumerate} \item [[channel_iterator]] drained, \item [[request]] terminated, \item [[request]] received. \end{enumerate} When the [[channel_iterator]] is drained by [[update_iter_and_rng]], we send a terminate request to the master and await in the next cycle of channel loop the terminated request. When the request is terminated, we can gracefully exit the channel loop as [[channel_iterator]] and [[rng]] are already advanced by [[update_iter_and_rng]]. When we received a genuine request, then, we proceed as prophisied. -<>= +<>= select type (req => self%request) type is (request_caller_t) if (self%request%is_master ()) exit channel end select call self%request%request_workload (request) call update_iter_and_rng (request, channel_iterator, rng) if (request%terminate) then exit channel else if (.not. channel_iterator%is_iterable ()) then select type (req => self%request) type is (request_caller_t) call req%request_terminate () cycle channel class is (request_base_t) exit channel end select end if if (request%group) call MPI_BARRIER (request%comm) ch = request%handler_id call self%integrator(ch)%prepare_parallel_integrate(request%comm, & duplicate_comm = .false., & parallel_mode = request%group) @ -<>= +<>= if (request%group_master) then if (.not. self%request%is_master ()) & call allocate_handler (self%request, ch) call self%request%handle_and_release_workload (request) else call self%request%release_workload (request) end if @ -<>= +<>= call reduce_func_calls (func) call self%request%await_handler () call self%request%barrier () if (.not. self%request%is_master ()) cycle @ -<>= +<>= subroutine allocate_handler (req, ch) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req integer, intent(in) :: ch class(request_handler_t), pointer :: vegas_result_handler call self%integrator(ch)%allocate_handler (& handler_id = ch,& handler = vegas_result_handler) call req%add_handler (ch, vegas_result_handler) end subroutine allocate_handler !! Advance the random number generator for the skipped channels. !! !! We set current_channel = request%handler_id, hence, we need to advance !! the random number generator until th iterator returns the same channel. subroutine update_iter_and_rng (request, iter, rng) type(request_t), intent(in) :: request type(iterator_t), intent(inout) :: iter class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng advance: do while (iter%is_iterable ()) !! Advance up to iterator%end when in terminate mode, !! else advance until we hit the previous channel (i.e. request%handler_id - 1): !! Proof: current_channel <= request%handler_id - 1 if (.not. request%terminate) then if (iter%get_current () >= request%handler_id) & exit advance end if select type (rng) type is (rng_stream_t) call rng%next_substream () end select call iter%next_step () end do advance end subroutine update_iter_and_rng subroutine reduce_func_calls (func) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: func type(MPI_COMM) :: comm integer :: root_n_calls call self%request%get_external_comm (comm) call MPI_reduce (func%n_calls, root_n_calls, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & MPI_SUM, 0, comm) if (self%request%is_master ()) then func%n_calls = root_n_calls else call func%reset_n_calls () end if end subroutine reduce_func_calls @ @ Prepeare current integration's iteration. Prepare iteration, i.e. provide weights and grids to function object. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: prepare_integrate_iteration => & vamp2_prepare_integrate_iteration -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_prepare_integrate_iteration (self, func) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: func - <> + <> call fill_func_with_weights_and_grids (func) contains subroutine fill_func_with_weights_and_grids (func) class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: func integer :: ch do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel func%wi(ch) = self%weight(ch) !! \todo Use pointers instead of a deep copy. func%grids(ch) = self%integrator(ch)%get_grid () end do end subroutine fill_func_with_weights_and_grids - <> + <> end subroutine vamp2_prepare_integrate_iteration @ %def vamp2_prepare_integrate_iteration -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= @ -<>= +<>= if (.not. allocated (self%request)) then call msg_bug ("VAMP2: prepare integration iteration failed: unallocated request.") end if call broadcast_weights_and_grids () select type (req => self%request) type is (request_simple_t) call req%update (self%integrator%is_parallelizable ()) call init_all_handler (req) call call_all_handler (req) !! Add all handlers, call all handlers. type is (request_caller_t) if (req%is_master ()) then call req%update_balancer (self%weight, self%integrator%is_parallelizable ()) call init_all_handler (req) else call self%request%reset () end if class default call msg_bug ("VAMP2: prepare integration iteration failed: unknown request type.") end select @ -<>= +<>= subroutine broadcast_weights_and_grids () type(vegas_grid_t) :: grid type(MPI_COMM) :: comm integer :: ch call self%request%get_external_comm (comm) call MPI_BCAST (self%weight, self%config%n_channel, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, comm) do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel grid = self%integrator(ch)%get_grid () call grid%broadcast (comm) call self%integrator(ch)%set_grid (grid) end do call self%set_calls (self%config%n_calls) end subroutine broadcast_weights_and_grids subroutine init_all_handler (req) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req class(request_handler_t), pointer :: vegas_result_handler integer :: ch !! The master worker needs always all handler (callback objects) !! in order to perform the communication to the client handler (callbacks). if (.not. req%is_master ()) return do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%allocate_handler (& handler_id = ch,& handler = vegas_result_handler) call req%add_handler (ch, vegas_result_handler) end do end subroutine init_all_handler subroutine call_all_handler (req) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req integer :: ch if (.not. req%is_master ()) return do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel select type (req) type is (request_simple_t) call req%call_handler (handler_id = ch, & source_rank = req%get_request_master (ch)) end select end do end subroutine call_all_handler @ @ Compute the result and efficiency of the current status of the integrator. -<>= +<>= procedure, private :: compute_result_and_efficiency => & vamp2_compute_result_and_efficiency -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_compute_result_and_efficiency (self) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default) :: total_integral, total_variance real(default) :: max_abs_f_pos, max_abs_f_neg, & sum_abs_f_pos, sum_abs_f_neg call compute_integral_and_variance (total_integral, total_variance) call self%result%update (total_integral, total_variance) call compute_efficiency (max_pos = max_abs_f_pos, max_neg = max_abs_f_neg, & sum_pos = sum_abs_f_pos, sum_neg = sum_abs_f_neg) !! Do not average of number of calls, we have already averaged the efficiencies of all channels. call self%result%update_efficiency (n_calls = 1, & max_pos = max_abs_f_pos, max_neg = max_abs_f_neg, & sum_pos = sum_abs_f_pos, sum_neg = sum_abs_f_neg) contains subroutine compute_integral_and_variance (integral, variance) real(default), intent(out) :: integral, variance real(default) :: sq_integral integral = dot_product (self%weight, self%integrator%get_integral ()) sq_integral = dot_product (self%weight, self%integrator%get_integral ()**2) variance = self%config%n_calls * dot_product (self%weight**2, self%integrator%get_variance ()) variance = sqrt (variance + sq_integral) variance = 1._default / self%config%n_calls * & & (variance + integral) * (variance - integral) end subroutine compute_integral_and_variance !> We compute the weight-averaged sum and maximum of the channel (integration) weights \f$w_{i,c}\f$. !! !! The averaged integration weight and maximum are !! \f[ !! \langle w \rangle = \sum_i \alpha_i \frac{\sum_j w_{i, j}}{N_i}, !! \f] !! \f[ !! \langle \max w \rangle = \sum_i \alpha_i |\max_j w_{i, j}|. !! \f] subroutine compute_efficiency (max_pos, max_neg, & sum_pos, sum_neg) real(default), intent(out) :: max_pos, max_neg real(default), intent(out) :: sum_pos, sum_neg max_abs_f_pos = dot_product (self%weight, self%integrator%get_max_abs_f_pos ()) max_abs_f_neg = dot_product (self%weight, self%integrator%get_max_abs_f_neg ()) sum_abs_f_pos = dot_product (self%weight, & self%integrator%get_sum_abs_f_pos () / self%integrator%get_calls ()) sum_abs_f_neg = dot_product (self%weight, & self%integrator%get_sum_abs_f_neg () / self%integrator%get_calls ()) end subroutine compute_efficiency end subroutine vamp2_compute_result_and_efficiency @ %def vamp2_compute_result_and_efficiency @ Generate event from multi-channel weight $w(x) = f(x) / g(x)$. We select a channel using the a-priori weights and $f_{i}^{\text{max}}$, to flatten possible unbalanced channel weight(s). An additional rescale factor [[opt_event_rescale]] is applied to [[f_max]], iff set. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: generate_weighted => vamp2_generate_weighted_event -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_generate_weighted_event (& self, func, rng, x) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: func class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim), intent(out) :: x integer :: ch, i real(default) :: r if (.not. self%event_prepared) then call prepare_event () end if call rng%generate (r) nchannel: do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel r = r - self%event_weight(ch) if (r <= 0._default) exit nchannel end do nchannel ch = min (ch, self%config%n_channel) call func%set_channel (ch) call self%integrator(ch)%generate_weighted (func, rng, x) ! Norm weight by f_max, hidden in event_weight(ch), else by 1 self%result%evt_weight = self%integrator(ch)%get_evt_weight () & * self%weight(ch) / self%event_weight(ch) contains - <> + <> end subroutine vamp2_generate_weighted_event @ %def vamp2_generate_weighted_event @ Generate unweighted events. After selecting a channel $ch$ by the inversion method using a random number $r \in [0, 1]$ \begin{align} F^{-1}(r) := \operatorname{inf} \{ c \in \{1, \dots, N_c\} | F(c) \geq r \}, F(c) = \sum_{c^\prime \leq c} \alpha_c^\prime, \end{align} we try for an event from the previously selected channel. If the event is rejected, we also reject the selected channel. The inversion method is implemented as a loop over the channel weights \(\alpha_i\) until \(\sum_{c}^{c^prime} \alpha_c - r \leq 0\), the last value of the loop index [[ch]] is then \(c^\prime\). -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: generate_unweighted => vamp2_generate_unweighted_event -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_generate_unweighted_event ( & & self, func, rng, x, opt_event_rescale) class(vamp2_t), intent(inout) :: self class(vamp2_func_t), intent(inout) :: func class(rng_t), intent(inout) :: rng real(default), dimension(self%config%n_dim), intent(out) :: x real(default), intent(in), optional :: opt_event_rescale integer :: ch, i real(default) :: r, max_abs_f, event_rescale event_rescale = 1._default if (present (opt_event_rescale)) then event_rescale = opt_event_rescale end if if (.not. self%event_prepared) then call prepare_event () end if generate: do call rng%generate (r) nchannel: do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel r = r - self%event_weight(ch) if (r <= 0._default) exit nchannel end do nchannel ch = min (ch, self%config%n_channel) call func%set_channel (ch) call self%integrator(ch)%generate_weighted (func, rng, x) self%result%evt_weight = self%integrator(ch)%get_evt_weight () max_abs_f = merge ( & self%integrator(ch)%get_max_abs_f_pos (), & self%integrator(ch)%get_max_abs_f_neg (), & self%result%evt_weight > 0.) self%result%evt_weight_excess = 0._default if (self%result%evt_weight > max_abs_f) then self%result%evt_weight_excess = self%result%evt_weight / max_abs_f - 1._default exit generate end if call rng%generate (r) ! Do not use division, because max_abs_f could be zero. if (event_rescale * max_abs_f * r <= abs(self%result%evt_weight)) then exit generate end if end do generate contains - <> + <> end subroutine vamp2_generate_unweighted_event @ %def vamp2_generate_event Prepare event generation. We have to set the channel weights and the grids for the integrand's object. We use an ansatz proposed by T. Ohl in the original VAMP code where we do not have to accept on \begin{equation*} \frac{w_i(x)}{\sum_i \alpha_i \operatorname*{max}_{x} w_i(x)}, \end{equation*} after we have selected a channel by the weights $\alpha_i$. But rather, we use a more efficient way where we rescale the channel weights $\alpha_i$ \begin{equation*} \alpha_i \rightarrow \alpha_i \frac{\operatorname*{max}_x w_i(x)}{\sum_i \alpha_i \operatorname*{max}_{x} w_i(x)}. \end{equation*} The overall magic is to insert a "1" and to move the uneasy part into the channel selection, such that we can generate events likewise in the single channel mode. We generate an unweighted event by \begin{equation*} \frac{w_i(x)}{\operatorname*{max}_{x} w_i{x}}, \end{equation*} after we have selected a channel by the rescaled event channel weights. The overall normalization $\operatorname*{max}_{i, x}$ is not needed because we normalize the event channel weights to one and therefore the overall normalization cancels. -<>= +<>= subroutine prepare_event () integer :: i self%event_prepared = .false. do i = 1, self%config%n_channel func%wi(i) = self%weight(i) func%grids(i) = self%integrator(i)%get_grid () end do if (any (self%integrator%get_max_abs_f () > 0)) then self%event_weight = self%weight * self%integrator%get_max_abs_f () else self%event_weight = self%weight end if self%event_weight = self%event_weight / sum (self%event_weight) self%event_prepared = .true. end subroutine prepare_event @ %def prepare_event @ Write grids to unit. -<>= +<>= character(len=*), parameter, private :: & descr_fmt = "(1X,A)", & integer_fmt = "(1X,A18,1X,I15)", & integer_array_fmt = "(1X,I18,1X,I15)", & logical_fmt = "(1X,A18,1X,L1)", & double_fmt = "(1X,A18,1X,E24.16E4)", & double_array_fmt = "(1X,I18,1X,E24.16E4)", & double_array_pac_fmt = "(1X,I18,1X,E16.8E4)", & double_array2_fmt = "(1X,2(1X,I8),1X,E24.16E4)", & double_array2_pac_fmt = "(1X,2(1X,I8),1X,E16.8E4)" @ %def descr_fmt integer_fmt integer_array_fmt logical_fmt @ %def double_fmt double_array_fmt double_array2_fmt -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: write_grids => vamp2_write_grids -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_write_grids (self, unit) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u integer :: ch u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, descr_fmt) "begin type(vamp2_t)" write (u, integer_fmt) "n_channel =", self%config%n_channel write (u, integer_fmt) "n_dim =", self%config%n_dim write (u, integer_fmt) "n_calls_min_ch =", self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel write (u, integer_fmt) "n_calls_thres =", self%config%n_calls_threshold write (u, integer_fmt) "n_chains =", self%config%n_chains write (u, logical_fmt) "stratified =", self%config%stratified write (u, double_fmt) "alpha =", self%config%alpha write (u, double_fmt) "beta =", self%config%beta write (u, integer_fmt) "n_bins_max =", self%config%n_bins_max write (u, integer_fmt) "iterations =", self%config%iterations write (u, integer_fmt) "n_calls =", self%config%n_calls write (u, integer_fmt) "it_start =", self%result%it_start write (u, integer_fmt) "it_num =", self%result%it_num write (u, integer_fmt) "samples =", self%result%samples write (u, double_fmt) "sum_int_wgtd =", self%result%sum_int_wgtd write (u, double_fmt) "sum_wgts =", self%result%sum_wgts write (u, double_fmt) "sum_chi =", self%result%sum_chi write (u, double_fmt) "chi2 =", self%result%chi2 write (u, double_fmt) "efficiency =", self%result%efficiency write (u, double_fmt) "efficiency_pos =", self%result%efficiency_pos write (u, double_fmt) "efficiency_neg =", self%result%efficiency_neg write (u, double_fmt) "max_abs_f =", self%result%max_abs_f write (u, double_fmt) "max_abs_f_pos =", self%result%max_abs_f_pos write (u, double_fmt) "max_abs_f_neg =", self%result%max_abs_f_neg write (u, double_fmt) "result =", self%result%result write (u, double_fmt) "std =", self%result%std write (u, descr_fmt) "begin weight" do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel write (u, double_array_fmt) ch, self%weight(ch) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end weight" if (self%config%n_chains > 0) then write (u, descr_fmt) "begin chain" do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel write (u, integer_array_fmt) ch, self%chain(ch) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end chain" end if write (u, descr_fmt) "begin integrator" do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%write_grid (unit) end do write (u, descr_fmt) "end integrator" write (u, descr_fmt) "end type(vamp2_t)" end subroutine vamp2_write_grids @ %def vamp2_write_grids @ Read grids from unit. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: read_grids => vamp2_read_grids -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_read_grids (self, unit) class(vamp2_t), intent(out) :: self integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u integer :: ibuffer, jbuffer, ch character(len=80) :: buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, ibuffer read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, jbuffer select type (self) type is (vamp2_t) self = vamp2_t (n_channel = ibuffer, n_dim = jbuffer) end select read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_calls_threshold read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_chains read (unit, logical_fmt) buffer, self%config%stratified read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%config%alpha read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%config%beta read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_bins_max read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%iterations read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%config%n_calls read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%result%it_start read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%result%it_num read (unit, integer_fmt) buffer, self%result%samples read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%sum_int_wgtd read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%sum_wgts read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%sum_chi read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%chi2 read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%efficiency read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%efficiency_pos read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%efficiency_neg read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%max_abs_f read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%max_abs_f_pos read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%max_abs_f_neg read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%result read (unit, double_fmt) buffer, self%result%std read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel read (unit, double_array_fmt) ibuffer, self%weight(ch) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer if (self%config%n_chains > 0) then read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel read (unit, integer_array_fmt) ibuffer, self%chain(ch) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer end if read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%read_grid (unit) end do read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer read (unit, descr_fmt) buffer end subroutine vamp2_read_grids @ %def vamp2_read_grids @ Read and write grids from an unformatted file. -<>= +<>= procedure :: write_binary_grids => vamp2_write_binary_grids procedure :: read_binary_grids => vamp2_read_binary_grids -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_write_binary_grids (self, unit) class(vamp2_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: ch write (unit) write (unit) self%config%n_channel write (unit) self%config%n_dim write (unit) self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel write (unit) self%config%n_calls_threshold write (unit) self%config%n_chains write (unit) self%config%stratified write (unit) self%config%alpha write (unit) self%config%beta write (unit) self%config%n_bins_max write (unit) self%config%iterations write (unit) self%config%n_calls write (unit) self%result%it_start write (unit) self%result%it_num write (unit) self%result%samples write (unit) self%result%sum_int_wgtd write (unit) self%result%sum_wgts write (unit) self%result%sum_chi write (unit) self%result%chi2 write (unit) self%result%efficiency write (unit) self%result%efficiency_pos write (unit) self%result%efficiency_neg write (unit) self%result%max_abs_f write (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_pos write (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_neg write (unit) self%result%result write (unit) self%result%std do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel write (unit) ch, self%weight(ch) end do if (self%config%n_chains > 0) then do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel write (unit) ch, self%chain(ch) end do end if do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%write_binary_grid (unit) end do end subroutine vamp2_write_binary_grids subroutine vamp2_read_binary_grids (self, unit) class(vamp2_t), intent(out) :: self integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: ch, ibuffer, jbuffer read (unit) read (unit) ibuffer read (unit) jbuffer select type (self) type is (vamp2_t) self = vamp2_t (n_channel = ibuffer, n_dim = jbuffer) end select read (unit) self%config%n_calls_min_per_channel read (unit) self%config%n_calls_threshold read (unit) self%config%n_chains read (unit) self%config%stratified read (unit) self%config%alpha read (unit) self%config%beta read (unit) self%config%n_bins_max read (unit) self%config%iterations read (unit) self%config%n_calls read (unit) self%result%it_start read (unit) self%result%it_num read (unit) self%result%samples read (unit) self%result%sum_int_wgtd read (unit) self%result%sum_wgts read (unit) self%result%sum_chi read (unit) self%result%chi2 read (unit) self%result%efficiency read (unit) self%result%efficiency_pos read (unit) self%result%efficiency_neg read (unit) self%result%max_abs_f read (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_pos read (unit) self%result%max_abs_f_neg read (unit) self%result%result read (unit) self%result%std do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel read (unit) ibuffer, self%weight(ch) end do if (self%config%n_chains > 0) then do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel read (unit) ibuffer, self%chain(ch) end do end if do ch = 1, self%config%n_channel call self%integrator(ch)%read_binary_grid (unit) end do end subroutine vamp2_read_binary_grids @ %def vamp2_write_binary_grids, vamp2_read_binary_grids @ \section{Unit tests} \label{sec:unit-tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[vamp2_ut.f90]]>>= <> module vamp2_ut use unit_tests use vamp2_uti <> -<> +<> contains -<> +<> end module vamp2_ut @ %def vamp2_ut @ <<[[vamp2_uti.f90]]>>= <> module vamp2_uti <> use io_units use constants, only: pi use numeric_utils, only: nearly_equal use format_defs, only: FMT_12 use rng_base use rng_stream use vegas, only: vegas_func_t, vegas_grid_t, operator(==) use vamp2 <> -<> +<> -<> +<> contains -<> +<> end module vamp2_uti @ %def vamp2_uti @ API: driver for the unit tests below. -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_test -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results - <> + <> end subroutine vamp2_test @ %def vamp2_test @ \subsubsection{Test function} \label{sec:test-function} We use the example from the Monte Carlo Examples of the GSL library \begin{equation} I = \int_{-pi}^{+pi} {dk_x/(2 pi)} \int_{-pi}^{+pi} {dk_y/(2 pi)} \int_{-pi}^{+pi} {dk_z/(2 pi)} 1 / (1 - cos(k_x)cos(k_y)cos(k_z)). \end{equation} The integral is reduced to region (0,0,0) $\rightarrow$ ($\pi$, $\pi$, $\pi$) and multiplied by 8. -<>= +<>= type, extends (vamp2_func_t) :: vamp2_test_func_t ! contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_test_func_t @ %def vegas_test_func_t @ -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate_maps => vamp2_test_func_evaluate_maps -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_test_func_evaluate_maps (self, x) class(vamp2_test_func_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x self%xi(:, 1) = x self%det(1) = 1 self%valid_x = .true. end subroutine vamp2_test_func_evaluate_maps @ %def vamp2_test_func_evaluate_maps @ Evaluate the integrand. -<>= +<>= procedure, public :: evaluate_func => vamp2_test_func_evaluate -<>= +<>= real(default) function vamp2_test_func_evaluate (self, x) result (f) class(vamp2_test_func_t), intent(in) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x f = 1.0 / (pi**3) f = f / ( 1.0 - cos (x(1)) * cos (x(2)) * cos (x(3))) end function vamp2_test_func_evaluate @ %def vamp2_test_func_evaluate @ The second test function implements \begin{equation} f(\vec{x}) = 4 \sin^{2}(\pi x_{1})\sin^{2}(\pi x_{2}) + 2\sin^2(\pi v), \end{equation} where \begin{align} x = u^{v} & y = u^{1 - v} \\ u = xy & v = \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 + \frac{\log(x/y}{\log(xy)} \right). \end{align} The jacobian is $\frac{\partial (x, y)}{\partial (u, v)}$. -<>= +<>= type, extends(vamp2_func_t) :: vamp2_test_func_2_t ! contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_test_func_2_t @ %def vamp2_test_func_2_t @ Evaluate maps. -<>= +<>= procedure :: evaluate_maps => vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_maps -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_maps (self, x) class(vamp2_test_func_2_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x select case (self%current_channel) case (1) self%xi(:, 1) = x self%xi(1, 2) = x(1) * x(2) self%xi(2, 2) = 0.5 * ( 1. + log(x(1) / x(2)) / log(x(1) * x(2))) case (2) self%xi(1, 1) = x(1)**x(2) self%xi(2, 1) = x(1)**(1. - x(2)) self%xi(:, 2) = x end select self%det(1) = 1. self%det(2) = abs (log(self%xi(1, 2))) self%valid_x = .true. end subroutine vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_maps @ %def vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_maps @ Evaluate func. -<>= +<>= procedure :: evaluate_func => vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_func -<>= +<>= real(default) function vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_func (self, x) result (f) class(vamp2_test_func_2_t), intent(in) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x f = 4. * sin(pi * self%xi(1, 1))**2 * sin(pi * self%xi(2, 1))**2 & + 2. * sin(pi * self%xi(2, 2))**2 end function vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_func @ %def vamp2_test_func_2_evaluate_func @ The third test function implements \begin{equation} f(\vec{x}) = 5 x_{1}^4 + 5 (1 - x_{1})^4, \end{equation} where \begin{equation} x_1 = u^{1 / 5} \quad \vee \quad x_1 = 1 - v^{1 / 5} \end{equation} The jacobians are $\frac{\partial x_1}{\partial u} = \frac{1}{5} u^{-\frac{4}{5}}$ and $\frac{\partial x_1}{\partial v} = \frac{1}{5} v^{-\frac{4}{5}}$. -<>= +<>= type, extends(vamp2_func_t) :: vamp2_test_func_3_t ! contains - <> + <> end type vamp2_test_func_3_t @ %def vamp2_test_func_3_t @ Evaluate maps. -<>= +<>= procedure :: evaluate_maps => vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_maps -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_maps (self, x) class(vamp2_test_func_3_t), intent(inout) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real(default) :: u, v, xx select case (self%current_channel) case (1) u = x(1) xx = u**0.2_default v = (1 - xx)**5._default case (2) v = x(1) xx = 1 - v**0.2_default u = xx**5._default end select self%det(1) = 0.2_default * u**(-0.8_default) self%det(2) = 0.2_default * v**(-0.8_default) self%xi(:, 1) = [u] self%xi(:, 2) = [v] self%valid_x = .true. end subroutine vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_maps @ %def vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_maps @ Evaluate func. -<>= +<>= procedure :: evaluate_func => vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_func -<>= +<>= real(default) function vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_func (self, x) result (f) class(vamp2_test_func_3_t), intent(in) :: self real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real(default) :: xx select case (self%current_channel) case (1) xx = x(1)**0.2_default case (2) xx = 1 - x(1)**0.2_default end select f = 5 * xx**4 + 5 * (1 - xx)**4 end function vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_func @ %def vamp2_test_func_3_evaluate_func @ \subsubsection{MC Integrator check} \label{sec:mc-integrator-check} We reproduce the first test case of VEGAS. Initialise the VAMP2 MC integrator and call to [[vamp2_init_grid]] for the initialisation of the grid. -<>= +<>= call test (vamp2_1, "vamp2_1", "VAMP2 initialisation and& & grid preparation", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_1 -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vamp2_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vamp2_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(3), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = pi real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vamp2_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: initialise the VAMP2 MC integrator and the grid" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_channel = 1 and n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vamp2_test_func_t :: func) call func%init (n_dim = 3, n_channel = 1) mc_integrator = vamp2_t (1, 3) call mc_integrator%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 10000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (10000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 10000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (2000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vamp2_1 @ %def vamp2_1 @ Integrate a function with two-dimensional argument and two channels. -<>= +<>= call test (vamp2_2, "vamp2_2", "VAMP2 intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_2 -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vamp2_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vamp2_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(2), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = 1. real(default) :: result, abserr write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vamp2_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_channel = 1 and n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vamp2_test_func_2_t :: func) call func%init (n_dim = 2, n_channel = 2) mc_integrator = vamp2_t (2, 2) call mc_integrator%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 10000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (1000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 10000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, verbose = .true., result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 2000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (200) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, verbose = .true., result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vamp2_2 @ %def vamp2_2 @ Integrate a function with two-dimensional argument and two channels. -<>= +<>= call test (vamp2_3, "vamp2_3", "VAMP2 intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_3 -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vamp2_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vamp2_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(2), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = 1. real(default) :: result, abserr integer :: unit write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vamp2_3" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_channel = 1 and n_dim = 3" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vamp2_test_func_2_t :: func) call func%init (n_dim = 2, n_channel = 2) mc_integrator = vamp2_t (2, 2) call mc_integrator%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 20000" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (20000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 20000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Write grid to file vamp2_3.grids" write (u, "(A)") unit = free_unit () open (unit, file = "vamp2_3.grids", & action = "write", status = "replace") call mc_integrator%write_grids (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Read grid from file vamp2_3.grids" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%final () unit = free_unit () open (unit, file = "vamp2_3.grids", & action = "read", status = "old") call mc_integrator%read_grids (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 5000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (5000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vamp2_3 @ %def vamp2_3 @ Integrate a function with two-dimensional argument and two channels. Use chained weights, although we average over each weight itself. -<>= +<>= call test (vamp2_4, "vamp2_4", "VAMP2 intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels with chains", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_4 -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_4 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vamp2_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vamp2_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(2), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = 1. real(default) :: result, abserr integer :: unit write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vamp2_4" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels with chains" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_channel = 2 and n_dim = 2" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vamp2_test_func_2_t :: func) call func%init (n_dim = 2, n_channel = 2) mc_integrator = vamp2_t (2, 2) call mc_integrator%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 20000 and set chains" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (20000) call mc_integrator%set_chain (2, [1, 2]) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 10000 (Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Write grid to file vamp2_4.grids" write (u, "(A)") unit = free_unit () open (unit, file = "vamp2_4.grids", & action = "write", status = "replace") call mc_integrator%write_grids (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Read grid from file vamp2_4.grids" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%final () unit = free_unit () open (unit, file = "vamp2_4.grids", & action = "read", status = "old") call mc_integrator%read_grids (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 5000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (5000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, result=result, abserr=abserr) write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ")") "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vamp2_4 @ %def vamp2_4 @ -<>= +<>= call test (vamp2_5, "vamp2_5", "VAMP2 intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels with equivalences", u, results) -<>= +<>= public :: vamp2_5 -<>= +<>= subroutine vamp2_5 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(vamp2_t) :: mc_integrator class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng class(vamp2_func_t), allocatable :: func real(default), dimension(1), parameter :: x_lower = 0., & x_upper = 1. real(default) :: result, abserr integer :: unit type(vamp2_config_t) :: config type(vamp2_equivalences_t) :: eqv type(vegas_grid_t), dimension(2) :: grid write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: vamp2_5" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: intgeration of two-dimensional & & function with two channels with equivalences" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise random number generator (default seed)" write (u, "(A)") allocate (rng_stream_t :: rng) call rng%init () call rng%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise MC integrator with n_channel = 2 and n_dim = 1" write (u, "(A)") allocate (vamp2_test_func_3_t :: func) call func%init (n_dim = 1, n_channel = 2) config%equivalences = .true. mc_integrator = vamp2_t (n_channel = 2, n_dim = 1) call mc_integrator%set_config (config) call mc_integrator%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise grid with n_calls = 20000 and set chains" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_limits (x_lower, x_upper) call mc_integrator%set_calls (20000) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialise equivalences" write (u, "(A)") eqv = vamp2_equivalences_t (n_eqv = 4, n_channel = 2, n_dim = 1) call eqv%set_equivalence & (i_eqv = 1, dest = 2, src = 1, perm = [1], mode = [VEQ_IDENTITY]) call eqv%set_equivalence & (i_eqv = 2, dest = 1, src = 2, perm = [1], mode = [VEQ_IDENTITY]) call eqv%set_equivalence & (i_eqv = 3, dest = 1, src = 1, perm = [1], mode = [VEQ_IDENTITY]) call eqv%set_equivalence & (i_eqv = 4, dest = 2, src = 2, perm = [1], mode = [VEQ_IDENTITY]) call eqv%write (u) call mc_integrator%set_equivalences (eqv) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") & "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 10000 (Grid-only Adaptation)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, & adapt_weights = .false., result=result, abserr=abserr) if (nearly_equal & (result, 2.000_default, rel_smallness = 0.003_default)) then write (u, "(2x,A)") "Result: 2.000 [ok]" else write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ",A)") & "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr, " [not ok]" end if write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Compare the grids of both channels" write (u, "(A)") grid(1) = mc_integrator%get_grid(channel = 1) grid(2) = mc_integrator%get_grid(channel = 2) write (u, "(2X,A,1X,L1)") "Equal grids =", (grid(1) == grid(2)) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Write grid to file vamp2_5.grids" write (u, "(A)") unit = free_unit () open (unit, file = "vamp2_5.grids", & action = "write", status = "replace") call mc_integrator%write_grids (unit) close (unit) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Integrate with n_it = 3 and n_calls = 5000 (Precision)" write (u, "(A)") call mc_integrator%set_calls (5000) call mc_integrator%integrate (func, rng, 3, adapt_weights = .false., & refine_grids = .false., result=result, abserr=abserr) if (nearly_equal & (result, 2.000_default, rel_smallness = 0.003_default)) then write (u, "(2x,A)") "Result: 2.000 [ok]" else write (u, "(2x,A," // FMT_12 // ",A," // FMT_12 // ",A)") & "Result: ", result, " +/- ", abserr, " [not ok]" end if write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call mc_integrator%final () call rng%final () deallocate (rng) end subroutine vamp2_5 @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{MPI Request} \begin{description} \item[Request] Direct interface for requests. -\item[Balancer] Sublidiary interfaces and types for implementation into [[request]]. -\item[Callback] Direct interface for non-blocking communication in callback fashion used in subsidiary in [[request]]. +\item[Balancer] Sublidiary interfaces and types for implementation + into [[request]]. +\item[Callback] Direct interface for non-blocking communication in + callback fashion used in subsidiary in [[request]]. \end{description} \subsection{Request Base} \begin{description} -\item[request] Container type for current request, contains handler index and status of request. -\item[request group cache] Caching for commnunicator groups, tries to reduce the costly calls to [[MPI_CREATE_COMM_GROUP]]. -\item[request base] Base type for request handling, defines procedures and basic request scheme for direct implementation into [[VAMP2]]. +\item[request] Container type for current request, contains handler + index and status of request. +\item[request group cache] Caching for commnunicator groups, tries to + reduce the costly calls to [[MPI_CREATE_COMM_GROUP]]. +\item[request base] Base type for request handling, defines procedures + and basic request scheme for direct implementation into [[VAMP2]]. \end{description} -When a data type has an associated communicator field, it always must duplicate the communicator in order to ensure communication encapsulation. -Only in special case (e.g. outside of object communication is required) the parent communicator should be directly used. -For example, that is the case for the group cache, as it exports its newly created communicator to the outside of the request library. +When a data type has an associated communicator field, it always must +duplicate the communicator in order to ensure communication +encapsulation. Only in special case (e.g. outside of object +communication is required) the parent communicator should be directly +used. For example, that is the case for the group cache, as it exports +its newly created communicator to the outside of the request library. <<[[request_base.f90]]>>= <> module request_base use io_units use diagnostics use balancer_base use request_callback use mpi_f08 !NODEP! - implicit none +<> + +<> + +<> + +<> - private +contains + +<> +end module request_base +@ %def request_base +@ +<>= + public :: request_t +<>= type :: request_t integer :: handler_id = 0 logical :: terminate = .false. logical :: group = .false. logical :: group_master = .false. logical :: callback = .false. type(MPI_COMM) :: comm end type request_t +@ %def request_t +@ +<>= type :: request_group_cache_t private type(MPI_COMM) :: parent_comm type(MPI_GROUP) :: parent_group type(MPI_COMM) :: comm type(MPI_GROUP) :: group integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rank contains - procedure :: init => request_group_cache_init - procedure :: reset => request_group_cache_reset - procedure :: update => request_group_cache_update - procedure :: get_comm => request_group_cache_get_comm - procedure :: is_master => request_group_cache_is_master + <> end type request_group_cache_t - !> Base type for requesting and back calling. - !! - !! A short remark on the semantics of point-to-point communication (as its intended use in this implemenation): - !! MPI is strict regarding the order of the messages (for blocking communication), as those can not overtake each other, p. 41. - !! For non-blocking communication, the standard extends it such that the order depends on "the execution order of the calls that initiate the communication". - !! The non-overtaking requirement is then extended to this definition of order. - !! - !! Color method for tracking communication? - !! We restrict each slave to a single callback (at once), which can communicate during the next request computation. - !! Before handling the next (current) callback, the former one has to finish (with a wait call on the client-side). - !! On the server-side, we only test on the finishing, reporting a communication failure. - !! - !! Furthermore, the implementation has to take care that the order of the communication calls on the master and slave code always matches! - !! - !! Therefore, we need to secure the order of communication calls. - !! First, we let the master initiate all callback communication *before* polling. - !! This fixiates the order. - !! Second, we require that the implementation of the polling honors this order. +@ %def request_group_cache_t +@ +Base type for requesting and back calling. + +A short remark on the semantics of point-to-point communication (as +its intended use in this implemenation): MPI is strict regarding the +order of the messages (for blocking communication), as those can not +overtake each other, p. 41. For non-blocking communication, the +standard extends it such that the order depends on "the execution +order of the calls that initiate the communication". The +non-overtaking requirement is then extended to this definition of +order. + +Color method for tracking communication? We restrict each slave to a +single callback (at once), which can communicate during the next +request computation. Before handling the next (current) callback, the +former one has to finish (with a wait call on the client-side). On the +server-side, we only test on the finishing, reporting a communication +failure. + +Furthermore, the implementation has to take care that the order of +the communication calls on the master and slave code always matches! + +Therefore, we need to secure the order of communication calls. First, +we let the master initiate all callback communication *before* +polling. This fixiates the order. Second, we require that the +implementation of the polling honors this order. +<>= + public :: request_base_t +<>= type, abstract :: request_base_t type(MPI_COMM) :: comm type(MPI_COMM) :: external_comm !! communicator for use outside of request, however, just a duplicate of comm. class(balancer_base_t), allocatable :: balancer type(request_group_cache_t) :: cache type(request_handler_manager_t) :: handler contains - procedure :: base_init => request_base_init - procedure :: base_write => request_base_write - procedure(request_base_deferred_write), deferred :: write - procedure :: is_master => request_base_is_master - procedure(request_base_has_workers), deferred :: has_workers - procedure :: get_external_comm => request_base_get_external_comm - procedure :: add_balancer => request_base_add_balancer - procedure :: add_handler => request_base_add_handler - procedure :: reset => request_base_reset - procedure :: call_handler => request_base_call_handler - procedure :: call_client_handler => request_base_call_client_handler - procedure :: await_handler => request_base_await_handler - procedure :: barrier => request_base_barrier - procedure(request_base_request_workload), deferred :: request_workload - procedure(request_base_release_workload), deferred :: release_workload - procedure(request_base_handle_and_release_workload), deferred :: handle_and_release_workload + <> end type request_base_t +@ %def request_base_t +@ +<>= !> The basic idea behind the request mechanism is that each associated worker can request a workload either from a predefined local stack, from local stealing or from a global queue. !! !! We note that it is not necessary to differentiate between master and worker on this level of abstraction. !! Hence, the request interface ignores any notion regarding a possible parallelization concept. abstract interface subroutine request_base_deferred_write (req, unit) import :: request_base_t class(request_base_t), intent(in) :: req integer, intent(in), optional :: unit end subroutine request_base_deferred_write !> Verify if request object has workers. !! !! An implementation shall return if there at least two workers, or otherwisely stated, !! one master and one slave at least, when both are used as computing ranks. logical function request_base_has_workers (req) result (flag) import :: request_base_t class(request_base_t), intent(in) :: req end function request_base_has_workers + end interface +@ %def request_base_has_workers +@ +<>= !> Request workload and returns an request_t object. !! !! The request_t object has an associated handler_id and provide several ways !! to indicate whether the execution is to be terminated, or the request has an associated communictor. !! Finally, whether we expect that the handler id will be connected to an callback. !! !! \param[out] request Request container. + abstract interface subroutine request_base_request_workload (req, request) import :: request_base_t, request_t class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(out) :: request end subroutine request_base_request_workload + end interface +@ %def request_base_request_workload +@ +<>= !> Release workload with the information from the request container. !! !! The release procedure may notify the master about the finishing of the workload associated with the handler_id. !! Or, it may just bookkeep whether the workload has finished. !! Additionally, if request%callback was true, it could handle the callback (from client side.) + abstract interface subroutine request_base_release_workload (req, request) import :: request_base_t, request_t class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(in) :: request end subroutine request_base_release_workload + end interface +@ %def request_base_release_workload +@ +<>= !> Handle associated callback and release workload with the information from the request container. !! !! The procedure must call the associated callback handler using the handler_id. !! Remark: The callback manager is quite squishy regarding a missing handler (silent failure). !! The procedure has to take care whether the callback was actually successful. !! The further release of the workload can then be deferred to the release_workload procedure. !! \param[in] request. + abstract interface subroutine request_base_handle_and_release_workload (req, request) import :: request_base_t, request_t class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(in) :: request end subroutine request_base_handle_and_release_workload end interface - public :: request_t, request_base_t -contains - +@ %def request_base_handle_and_release_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => request_group_cache_init +<>= subroutine request_group_cache_init (cache, comm) class(request_group_cache_t), intent(inout) :: cache type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm call MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, cache%parent_comm) !! Local operation. call MPI_COMM_GROUP (cache%parent_comm, cache%parent_group) cache%group = MPI_GROUP_EMPTY cache%comm = MPI_COMM_NULL end subroutine request_group_cache_init +@ %def request_group_cache_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: reset => request_group_cache_reset +<>= subroutine request_group_cache_reset (cache) class(request_group_cache_t), intent(inout) :: cache cache%group = MPI_GROUP_EMPTY cache%comm = MPI_COMM_NULL end subroutine request_group_cache_reset +@ %def request_group_cache_reset +@ +<>= + procedure :: update => request_group_cache_update +<>= subroutine request_group_cache_update (cache, tag, rank) class(request_group_cache_t), intent(inout) :: cache integer, intent(in) :: tag integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: rank type(MPI_GROUP) :: group integer :: result, error call move_alloc (rank, cache%rank) call MPI_GROUP_INCL (cache%parent_group, size (cache%rank), cache%rank, group) call MPI_GROUP_COMPARE (cache%group, group, result) if (result /= MPI_IDENT) then cache%group = group if (cache%comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) call MPI_COMM_FREE (cache%comm) !! Group-local operation. However, time consuming. call MPI_COMM_CREATE_GROUP (cache%parent_comm, cache%group, tag, & cache%comm, error) if (error /= 0) then call msg_bug ("Error occured during communicator creation...") end if ! else ! call msg_message ("CACHE UPDATE: GROUPS ARE (NEARLY) IDENTICAL") end if end subroutine request_group_cache_update +@ %def request_group_cache_update +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_comm => request_group_cache_get_comm +<>= subroutine request_group_cache_get_comm (cache, comm) class(request_group_cache_t), intent(in) :: cache type(MPI_COMM), intent(out) :: comm comm = cache%comm end subroutine request_group_cache_get_comm +@ %def request_group_cache_get_comm +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_master => request_group_cache_is_master +<>= logical function request_group_cache_is_master (cache) result (flag) class(request_group_cache_t), intent(in) :: cache integer :: rank, error call MPI_COMM_RANK (cache%comm, rank, error) if (error /= 0) then call msg_bug ("Error: Could not retrieve group rank.") end if flag = (rank == 0) end function request_group_cache_is_master +@ %def request_group_cache_is_master +@ +<>= + procedure :: base_init => request_base_init +<>= !! ================================================= !! request_base_t !! ================================================= !> Initialize request base with parent communicator. !! !! In order to separate the communication between different parts of the request library, !! duplicate the parent communicator using MPI_COMM_DUP, also done by cache and handler objects. !! !! \param[in] comm Parent MPI communicator for overall library. subroutine request_base_init (req, comm) class(request_base_t), intent(out) :: req type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm call MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, req%comm) call MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, req%external_comm) call req%cache%init (comm) call req%handler%init (comm) end subroutine request_base_init +@ %def request_base_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: base_write => request_base_write + procedure(request_base_deferred_write), deferred :: write +<>= subroutine request_base_write (req, unit) class(request_base_t), intent(in) :: req integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) if (allocated (req%balancer)) then call req%balancer%write (u) else write (u, "(A)") "[BALANCER]" write (u, "(A)") "=> Not allocated" end if call req%handler%write (u) end subroutine request_base_write +@ %def request_base_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_master => request_base_is_master + procedure(request_base_has_workers), deferred :: has_workers +<>= !> Check whether current worker is master rank in object communicator. !! !! Do not confuse with a group's master !!! !! Proof: rank == 0 logical function request_base_is_master (req) result (flag) class(request_base_t), intent(in) :: req integer :: rank, ierr call MPI_COMM_RANK (req%comm, rank, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then write (*, "(A,1X,I0)") "MPI Error: request_base_is_master", ierr stop 1 end if flag = (rank == 0) end function request_base_is_master +@ %def request_base_is_master +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_external_comm => request_base_get_external_comm +<>= !> Provide external communicator. !! !! The external communicator is just a duplicate of request%comm, !! in order to provide the same group of workers to external communication, !! however, in a different context, such that communication from outside does not interfere with request. subroutine request_base_get_external_comm (req, comm) class(request_base_t), intent(in) :: req type(MPI_COMM), intent(out) :: comm comm = req%external_comm end subroutine request_base_get_external_comm +@ %def request_base_get_external_comm +@ +<>= + procedure :: add_balancer => request_base_add_balancer +<>= !> Add balancer to request. !! !! \param[inout] balancer subroutine request_base_add_balancer (req, balancer) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req class(balancer_base_t), allocatable, intent(inout) :: balancer if (allocated (req%balancer)) deallocate (req%balancer) call move_alloc (balancer, req%balancer) end subroutine request_base_add_balancer +@ %def request_base_add_balancer +@ +<>= + procedure :: add_handler => request_base_add_handler +<>= !> Add request handler with handler_id. !! !! \param[in] handler_id !! \param[in] handler Pointer to handler object. subroutine request_base_add_handler (req, handler_id, handler) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req integer, intent(in) :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer, intent(in) :: handler call req%handler%add (handler_id, handler) end subroutine request_base_add_handler +@ %def request_base_add_handler +@ +<>= + procedure :: reset => request_base_reset +<>= !> Reset request. !! Clear handler manager from associated callbacks, !! deallocate balancer, iff allocated, and reset communicator cache. subroutine request_base_reset (req, deallocate_balancer) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req logical, intent(in), optional :: deallocate_balancer logical :: flag flag = .false.; if (present (deallocate_balancer)) & flag = deallocate_balancer if (flag .and. allocated (req%balancer)) then deallocate (req%balancer) end if call req%handler%clear () call req%cache%reset () end subroutine request_base_reset +@ %def request_base_reset +@ +<>= + procedure :: call_handler => request_base_call_handler +<>= !> Call handler for master communication for handler_id. !! !! \param[in] handler_id The associated key of the callback object. !! \param[in] source_rank The rank of the result's source. subroutine request_base_call_handler (req, handler_id, source_rank) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req integer, intent(in) :: handler_id integer, intent(in) :: source_rank call req%handler%callback (handler_id, source_rank) end subroutine request_base_call_handler +@ %def request_base_call_handler +@ +<>= + procedure :: call_client_handler => request_base_call_client_handler +<>= !> Call handler for slave communication for handler_id. !! !! \param[in] handler_id The associated key of the callback object. subroutine request_base_call_client_handler (req, handler_id) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req integer, intent(in) :: handler_id call req%handler%client_callback (handler_id, 0) end subroutine request_base_call_client_handler +@ %def request_base_call_client_handler +@ +<>= + procedure :: await_handler => request_base_await_handler +<>= !> Wait on all handler in request handler manager to finish communication. subroutine request_base_await_handler (req) class(request_base_t), intent(inout) :: req call req%handler%waitall () end subroutine request_base_await_handler +@ %def request_base_await_handler +@ +<>= + procedure :: barrier => request_base_barrier + procedure(request_base_request_workload), deferred :: request_workload + procedure(request_base_release_workload), deferred :: release_workload + procedure(request_base_handle_and_release_workload), deferred :: handle_and_release_workload +<>= subroutine request_base_barrier (req) class(request_base_t), intent(in) :: req integer :: error call MPI_BARRIER (req%comm, error) if (error /= MPI_SUCCESS) then call msg_fatal ("Request: Error occured during MPI_BARRIER synchronisation.") end if end subroutine request_base_barrier -end module request_base -@ %def request_base -@ \subsection{Request Simple} + +@ %def request_base_barrier +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsection{Request Simple} We implement a local request scheme, without any additional communication, except the callback communication. <<[[request_simple.f90]]>>= <> module request_simple use io_units use diagnostics use array_list use balancer_base use balancer_simple use request_base use mpi_f08 !NODEP! - implicit none +<> + +<> + +<> + +contains - private +<> +end module request_simple +@ %def request_simple +@ +<>= + public :: request_simple_t +<>= type, extends (request_base_t) :: request_simple_t integer :: n_workers = 0 integer :: n_channels = 0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: parallel_grid contains - procedure :: init => request_simple_init - procedure :: write => request_simple_write - procedure :: has_workers => request_simple_has_workers - procedure :: update => request_simple_update - procedure :: get_request_master => request_simple_get_request_master - !! deferred. - procedure :: request_workload => request_simple_request_workload - procedure :: release_workload => request_simple_release_workload - procedure :: handle_and_release_workload => request_simple_handle_and_release_workload + <> end type request_simple_t - public :: request_simple_t -contains +@ %def request_simple_t +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => request_simple_init +<>= subroutine request_simple_init (req, comm, n_channels) class(request_simple_t), intent(out) :: req type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm integer, intent(in) :: n_channels integer :: n_workers call req%base_init (comm) call MPI_COMM_SIZE (req%comm, req%n_workers) req%n_channels = n_channels allocate (req%parallel_grid (n_channels), source = .false.) call allocate_balancer () contains subroutine allocate_balancer () class(balancer_base_t), allocatable :: balancer allocate (balancer_simple_t :: balancer) select type (balancer) type is (balancer_simple_t) call balancer%init (n_workers = req%n_workers, n_resources = req%n_channels) end select call req%add_balancer (balancer) end subroutine allocate_balancer end subroutine request_simple_init +@ %def request_simple_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: update => request_simple_update +<>= !> Update number of channels and parallel grids. !! !! The simple request object does not utilize the request balancer, as the complexity of the request balancer is not required for the simple approach. !! The simple approach assigns each worker several channel by a modular mapping from the set of workers {0, …, N} to the set of channels {1, …, N_c}. !! Vetoing on those channel which have a parallel grid (check the definition in vegas.f90), where all workers are assigned. !! !! w = \phi(c) = (c - 1) mod N, if not P(c), else \forall w to c. !! !! The information is stored in a dynamic-sized array list, which is filled, reversed and then used in a stack-like manner keeping track of the unassigned channels. !! Assigned and finished channels are then moved to the finished stack. subroutine request_simple_update (req, parallel_grid) class(request_simple_t), intent(inout) :: req logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: parallel_grid integer :: me, worker call req%reset () call MPI_COMM_RANK (req%comm, me) worker = SHIFT_RANK_TO_WORKER(me) select type (balancer => req%balancer) type is (balancer_simple_t) call balancer%update_state (worker, parallel_grid) end select req%parallel_grid = parallel_grid end subroutine request_simple_update +@ %def request_simple_update +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => request_simple_write +<>= subroutine request_simple_write (req, unit) class(request_simple_t), intent(in) :: req integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, n_size u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A)") "[REQUEST_SIMPLE]" write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "N_CHANNELS", req%n_channels write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "N_WORKERS", req%n_workers n_size = min (25, req%n_channels) write (u, "(A,25(1X,L1))") "PARALLEL_GRID", req%parallel_grid(:n_size) call req%base_write (u) end subroutine request_simple_write +@ %def request_simple_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_workers => request_simple_has_workers +<>= logical function request_simple_has_workers (req) result (flag) class(request_simple_t), intent(in) :: req flag = (req%n_workers > 1) end function request_simple_has_workers +@ %def request_simple_has_workers +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_request_master => request_simple_get_request_master +<>= integer function request_simple_get_request_master (req, channel) & result (rank) class(request_simple_t), intent(in) :: req integer, intent(in) :: channel if (.not. allocated (req%balancer)) then call msg_bug ("Error: Balancer is not allocated.") end if rank = shift_worker_to_rank (req%balancer%get_resource_master (channel)) !! "Caveat emptor" hits here: !! The balancer returns either a valid worker id or (-1) depending on the associated resource (it must be active...) !! We have to check whether returned worker index is plausible. end function request_simple_get_request_master +@ %def request_simple_get_request_master +@ +<>= + !! deferred. + procedure :: request_workload => request_simple_request_workload +<>= !> Request workload. !! !! Depending on parallel_grid, we fill the request object differently. !! First, we do not set commnuicator for .not. parallel_grid (group and group master are set to .false., also). !! And the callback needs to be executed. !! Second, for parallel_grid, we set req%comm to the associated communicator and set group to .true.. !! However, the overall master has the grid's result, therefore, only the master needs to the callback. !! Remark: We can actually intercept the callback for the master to himself; the results are already in the current position. subroutine request_simple_request_workload (req, request) class(request_simple_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(out) :: request integer :: rank, worker_id call MPI_COMM_RANK (req%comm, rank) worker_id = shift_rank_to_worker (rank) if (.not. req%balancer%is_pending () & .or. .not. req%balancer%is_assignable (worker_id)) then request%terminate = .true. return end if call req%balancer%assign_worker (worker_id, request%handler_id) associate (channel => request%handler_id) if (req%parallel_grid (channel)) then request%comm = req%external_comm request%group = .true. !! The object communicator is master. request%group_master = & (req%get_request_master (channel) == rank) request%callback = req%is_master () else request%comm = req%external_comm request%group = .false. request%group_master = .true. request%callback = .true. end if end associate end subroutine request_simple_request_workload +@ %def request_simple_request_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: release_workload => request_simple_release_workload +<>= subroutine request_simple_release_workload (req, request) class(request_simple_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(in) :: request integer :: rank, worker_id call MPI_COMM_RANK (req%comm, rank) worker_id = shift_rank_to_worker (rank) call req%balancer%free_worker (worker_id, request%handler_id) end subroutine request_simple_release_workload +@ %def request_simple_release_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: handle_and_release_workload => request_simple_handle_and_release_workload +<>= subroutine request_simple_handle_and_release_workload (req, request) class(request_simple_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(in) :: request call req%call_client_handler (request%handler_id) call req%release_workload (request) end subroutine request_simple_handle_and_release_workload -end module request_simple -@ %def request_simple -@ \subsection{Request Caller} -We implement an global queue approach, requiring permanent communication between a governor and the worker. + +@ %def request_simple_handle_and_release_workload +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsection{Request Caller} + +We implement an global queue approach, requiring permanent +communication between a governor and the worker. <<[[request_caller.f90]]>>= <> module request_caller use kinds, only: default use io_units use diagnostics use request_base use balancer_base use balancer_channel use request_state use request_callback use mpi_f08 !NODEP! - implicit none +<> + +<> - private +<> +contains + +<> + +end module request_caller +@ %def request_caller +@ +<>= + public :: request_caller_t +<>= type, extends (request_base_t):: request_caller_t private integer :: n_channels = 0 integer :: n_workers = 0 type(request_state_t) :: state contains - procedure :: init => request_caller_init - procedure :: write => request_caller_write - procedure :: has_workers => request_caller_has_workers - procedure :: update_balancer => request_caller_update_balancer - procedure :: handle_workload => request_caller_handle_workload - procedure :: request_workload => request_caller_request_workload - procedure :: release_workload => request_caller_release_workload - procedure :: handle_and_release_workload => request_caller_handle_and_release_workload - procedure :: request_terminate => request_caller_request_terminate + <> end type request_caller_t - public :: request_caller_t -contains - +@ %def request_caller_t +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => request_caller_init +<>= subroutine request_caller_init (req, comm, n_channels) class(request_caller_t), intent(out) :: req type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm integer, intent(in) :: n_channels call req%base_init (comm) call MPI_COMM_SIZE (req%comm, req%n_workers) !! Exclude master rank (0) from set of workers. req%n_workers = req%n_workers - 1 if (.not. req%has_workers ()) then call msg_warning ("Must not handle less than 3 ranks in a master/slave global queue.") call MPI_ABORT (req%comm, 1) end if req%n_channels = n_channels call req%state%init (comm, req%n_workers) if (req%is_master ()) then call allocate_balancer () end if contains subroutine allocate_balancer () class(balancer_base_t), allocatable :: balancer allocate (balancer_channel_t :: balancer) select type (balancer) type is (balancer_channel_t) call balancer%init (n_workers = req%n_workers, n_resources = req%n_channels) end select call req%add_balancer (balancer) end subroutine allocate_balancer end subroutine request_caller_init +@ %def request_caller_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => request_caller_write +<>= subroutine request_caller_write (req, unit) class(request_caller_t), intent(in) :: req integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A)") "[REQUEST_CALLER]" call req%base_write (u) if (req%is_master ()) & call req%state%write (u) end subroutine request_caller_write +@ %def request_caller_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_workers => request_caller_has_workers +<>= logical function request_caller_has_workers (req) result (flag) class(request_caller_t), intent(in) :: req !! n_workers excludes the master rank. flag = (req%n_workers > 1) end function request_caller_has_workers +@ %def request_caller_has_workers +@ +<>= + procedure :: update_balancer => request_caller_update_balancer +<>= subroutine request_caller_update_balancer (req, weight, parallel_grid) class(request_caller_t), intent(inout) :: req real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: weight logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: parallel_grid !! \note bug if not allocated? if (.not. allocated (req%balancer)) return call req%state%reset () call req%reset () select type (balancer => req%balancer) type is (balancer_channel_t) call balancer%update_state(weight, parallel_grid) end select end subroutine request_caller_update_balancer +@ %def request_caller_update_balancer +@ +<>= + procedure :: handle_workload => request_caller_handle_workload +<>= subroutine request_caller_handle_workload (req) class(request_caller_t), intent(inout) :: req integer :: handler, tag, source, worker_id if (.not. allocated (req%balancer)) then call msg_warning ("Request: Error occured, load balancer not allocated.& & Terminate all workers.") !! We postpone to stop the program here so we can terminate all workers gracefully. !! First, we receive their requests, then we overwrite their "original" tag to MPI_TAG_TERMINATE. !! Second, we iterate this, until all workers are terminated and return without doing any besides. end if call req%state%init_request () call req%state%receive_request () do while (.not. req%state%is_terminated ()) call req%state%await_request () do while (req%state%has_request ()) call req%state%get_request (source, tag, handler) !! Formally differentiate between worker_id and source. worker_id = source if (.not. allocated (req%balancer)) tag = MPI_TAG_TERMINATE select case (tag) case (MPI_TAG_REQUEST) if (req%balancer%is_assignable (worker_id)) then call req%balancer%assign_worker (worker_id, handler) if (.not. req%balancer%has_resource_group (handler)) then call req%state%update_request (source, MPI_TAG_ASSIGN_SINGLE, handler) else call req%state%update_request (source, MPI_TAG_ASSIGN_GROUP, handler) call provide_request_group (handler, source) end if else call req%state%terminate (source) end if case (MPI_TAG_HANDLER_AND_RELEASE) call req%call_handler (handler, source_rank = source) call req%balancer%free_worker (worker_id, handler) case (MPI_TAG_RELEASE) call req%balancer%free_worker (worker_id, handler) case (MPI_TAG_TERMINATE) call req%state%terminate (source) case (MPI_TAG_CLIENT_TERMINATE) !! Allow workers to request their own termination. call req%state%terminate (source) case default call msg_warning () end select end do call req%state%receive_request () end do !! If we are here, there should be no leftover communnication. !! Hence, we must check whether there is no left-over communication call (from server-side). call req%state%free_request () contains subroutine provide_request_group (handler_id, dest_rank) integer, intent(in) :: handler_id integer, intent(in) :: dest_rank integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rank !! Rank indices and worker indices are identical, as we skip the master worker deliberately, !! we can reuse the worker indices as rank indices. call req%balancer%get_resource_group (handler_id, rank) call req%state%provide_request_group (dest_rank, rank) end subroutine provide_request_group end subroutine request_caller_handle_workload +@ %def request_caller_handle_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: request_workload => request_caller_request_workload +<>= subroutine request_caller_request_workload (req, request) class(request_caller_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(out) :: request type(MPI_STATUS) :: status call req%state%client_serve (request%handler_id, status) request%terminate = .false. request%group = .false. request%callback = .false. request%comm = MPI_COMM_NULL select case (status%MPI_TAG) case (MPI_TAG_ASSIGN_SINGLE) !! Default to req's communicator. request%comm = req%external_comm request%group_master = .true. request%callback = .true. case (MPI_TAG_ASSIGN_GROUP) request%group = .true. call retrieve_request_group (request%handler_id) call req%cache%get_comm (request%comm) request%group_master = req%cache%is_master () request%callback = req%cache%is_master () case (MPI_TAG_TERMINATE) request%terminate = status%MPI_TAG == MPI_TAG_TERMINATE end select contains subroutine retrieve_request_group (handler_id) integer, intent(in) :: handler_id integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rank !! Here, worker and rank indices are interchangeable. call req%state%retrieve_request_group (rank) call req%cache%update (handler_id, rank) end subroutine retrieve_request_group end subroutine request_caller_request_workload +@ %def request_caller_request_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: release_workload => request_caller_release_workload +<>= subroutine request_caller_release_workload (req, request) class(request_caller_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(in) :: request call req%state%client_free (request%handler_id, has_callback = request%group_master) end subroutine request_caller_release_workload +@ %def request_caller_release_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: handle_and_release_workload => request_caller_handle_and_release_workload +<>= subroutine request_caller_handle_and_release_workload (req, request) class(request_caller_t), intent(inout) :: req type(request_t), intent(in) :: request if (.not. req%handler%has_handler (request%handler_id)) then call msg_bug ("Request: Handler is not registered for this worker.") end if call req%release_workload (request) call req%call_client_handler (request%handler_id) end subroutine request_caller_handle_and_release_workload +@ %def request_caller_handle_and_release_workload +@ +<>= + procedure :: request_terminate => request_caller_request_terminate +<>= subroutine request_caller_request_terminate (req) class(request_caller_t), intent(inout) :: req if (req%is_master ()) return call req%state%client_terminate () end subroutine request_caller_request_terminate -end module request_caller -@ %def request_caller -@ \subsubsection{Request Caller State} -We implement the complete communication for [[request_caller]] into a state (or in WK's nomenclature, instance) object. + +@ %def request_caller_request_terminate +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsubsection{Request Caller State} + +We implement the complete communication for [[request_caller]] into a +state (or in WK's nomenclature, instance) object. <<[[request_state.f90]]>>= <> module request_state use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: ERROR_UNIT use iterator use diagnostics use mpi_f08 !NODEP! - implicit none +<> + +<> + +<> - private +<> + +contains +<> + +end module request_state +@ %def request_state +@ +<>= integer, parameter, public :: MPI_EMPTY_HANDLER = 0 integer, parameter, public :: MPI_TAG_NULL = 0, & MPI_TAG_REQUEST = 1, & MPI_TAG_RELEASE = 2, & MPI_TAG_HANDLER_AND_RELEASE = 4, & MPI_TAG_TERMINATE = 8, & MPI_TAG_CLIENT_TERMINATE = 16, & MPI_TAG_ASSIGN_SINGLE = 32, & MPI_TAG_ASSIGN_GROUP = 64, & MPI_TAG_COMMUNICATOR_GROUP = 128 integer, parameter :: MPI_STATE_ERR = 1 +@ +<>= + public :: request_state_t +<>= type :: request_state_t private type(MPI_COMM) :: comm integer :: n_workers = 0 integer :: n_workers_done = 0 !! From MPI-3.1 book !! i \in {1, N_workes_done}, max size = N_workers type(MPI_Request), dimension(:), allocatable :: request type(MPI_Status), dimension(:), allocatable :: status integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: indices !! i \in {1, N_workers} integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: handler logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: terminated type(iterator_t) :: request_iterator contains - procedure :: init => request_state_init - procedure :: write => request_state_write - procedure :: reset => request_state_reset - procedure :: is_terminated => request_state_is_terminated - procedure, private :: set_terminated => request_state_set_terminated - procedure :: terminate => request_state_terminate - procedure :: client_terminate => request_state_client_terminate - procedure :: init_request => request_state_init_request - procedure :: receive_request => request_state_receive_request - procedure :: await_request => request_state_await_request - procedure :: has_request => request_state_has_request - procedure :: get_request => request_state_get_request - procedure :: update_request => request_state_update_request - procedure :: free_request => request_state_free_request - procedure :: provide_request_group => request_state_provide_request_group - procedure :: retrieve_request_group => request_state_retrieve_request_group - procedure :: client_serve => request_state_client_serve - procedure :: client_free => request_state_client_free + <> end type request_state_t - public :: request_state_t -contains +@ %def request_state_t +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => request_state_init +<>= subroutine request_state_init (state, comm, n_workers) class(request_state_t), intent(out) :: state type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm integer, intent(in) :: n_workers integer :: rank call MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, state%comm) state%n_workers = n_workers state%n_workers_done = n_workers call state%request_iterator%init (1, n_workers) allocate (state%request(state%n_workers), source = MPI_REQUEST_NULL) allocate (state%status(state%n_workers), source = MPI_STATUS_IGNORE) allocate (state%handler(state%n_workers), source = MPI_EMPTY_HANDLER) allocate (state%indices(state%n_workers), source = 0) allocate (state%terminated(state%n_workers), source = .false.) state%indices = [(rank, rank = 1, n_workers)] end subroutine request_state_init +@ %def request_state_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => request_state_write +<>= subroutine request_state_write (state, unit) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, i u = ERROR_UNIT; if (present (unit)) u = unit write (u, "(A)") "[REQUEST_STATE]" write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "N_WORKERS", state%n_workers write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "N_WORKERS_DONE", state%n_workers_done write (u, "(A)") "RANK | SOURCE | TAG | ERROR | REQUEST_NULL" do i = 1, state%n_workers_done write (u, "(A,4(1X,I0),1X,L1)") "REQUEST", state%indices(i), & state%status(i)%MPI_SOURCE, & state%status(i)%MPI_TAG, & state%status(i)%MPI_ERROR, & (state%request(i) == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) end do write (u, "(A,999(1X,I0))") "HANDLER", state%handler write (u, "(A,999(1X,L1))") "TERMINATED", state%terminated end subroutine request_state_write +@ %def request_state_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: reset => request_state_reset +<>= subroutine request_state_reset (state) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer :: rank state%n_workers_done = state%n_workers call state%request_iterator%init (1, state%n_workers) state%handler = MPI_EMPTY_HANDLER state%indices = [(rank, rank = 1, state%n_workers)] state%terminated = .false. end subroutine request_state_reset +@ %def request_state_reset +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_terminated => request_state_is_terminated +<>= ! pure function request_state_is_terminated (state) result (flag) function request_state_is_terminated (state) result (flag) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state logical :: flag flag = all (state%terminated) end function request_state_is_terminated +@ %def request_state_is_terminated +@ +<>= + procedure, private :: set_terminated => request_state_set_terminated +<>= !> Set rank to be terminated (however, do not communicate it). !! !! This is an EVIL procedure, as it operates only locally on the master !! and does not communicate its purpose. !! However, in order to allow termination requests from client-side !! we need to manipulate the specific rank states. subroutine request_state_set_terminated (state, rank) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, intent(in) :: rank state%terminated(rank) = .true. end subroutine request_state_set_terminated +@ %def request_state_set_terminated +@ +<>= + procedure :: terminate => request_state_terminate +<>= subroutine request_state_terminate (state, rank) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, intent(in) :: rank integer :: error call MPI_SEND (MPI_EMPTY_HANDLER, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & rank, MPI_TAG_TERMINATE, state%comm, error) if (error /= 0) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,1X,I3)") "Request: Error occured during terminate, RANK", rank call msg_bug () end if call state%set_terminated (rank) end subroutine request_state_terminate +@ %def request_state_terminate +@ +<>= + procedure :: client_terminate => request_state_client_terminate +<>= subroutine request_state_client_terminate (state) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state integer :: error call MPI_SEND (MPI_EMPTY_HANDLER, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, MPI_TAG_CLIENT_TERMINATE, state%comm, error) if (error /= 0) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,1X,I3)") "Request: Error occured during client-sided terminate" call msg_bug () end if end subroutine request_state_client_terminate +@ %def request_state_client_terminate +@ +<>= + procedure :: init_request => request_state_init_request +<>= !> Init persistent requests. !! !! Must be called before first receive_request. !! Free_request must be called after is_terminated returns true. subroutine request_state_init_request (state) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer :: i, rank, error do i = 1, state%n_workers_done rank = state%indices(i) call MPI_RECV_INIT (state%handler(rank), 1, MPI_INTEGER, & rank, MPI_ANY_TAG, state%comm, state%request(rank), error) if (error /= 0) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(A,1X,I0))") "Request: Error occured during receive init, & & RANK", rank, "HANDLER", state%handler(rank) call msg_message () call MPI_ABORT (state%comm, MPI_STATE_ERR) end if end do end subroutine request_state_init_request +@ %def request_state_init_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: receive_request => request_state_receive_request +<>= !> Receive requests from non-terminated workers. !! !! Before receiving new requests, santize arrays of received ranks from terminated ones. subroutine request_state_receive_request (state) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer :: i, rank integer :: error if (state%is_terminated ()) return call sanitize_from_terminated_ranks () !! Receive new requests from (still active) workers. do i = 1, state%n_workers_done rank = state%indices(i) call MPI_START (state%request(rank), error) if (error /= 0) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(A,1X,I6))") "Request: Error occured during receive request, & & RANK", rank, "HANDLER", state%handler(rank) call msg_message () call MPI_ABORT (state%comm, MPI_STATE_ERR) end if end do contains subroutine sanitize_from_terminated_ranks () integer :: n_workers_done integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: indices !! Remove terminated ranks from done workers. indices = pack(state%indices(:state%n_workers_done), & .not. state%terminated(state%indices(:state%n_workers_done))) state%n_workers_done = size (indices) state%indices(:state%n_workers_done) = indices end subroutine sanitize_from_terminated_ranks end subroutine request_state_receive_request +@ %def request_state_receive_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: await_request => request_state_await_request +<>= subroutine request_state_await_request (state) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer :: error if (state%is_terminated ()) return !! We verify that we have active handles associated with request state. call MPI_TESTSOME (state%n_workers, state%request, state%n_workers_done, & state%indices, state%status, error) if (error /= 0) then write (ERROR_UNIT, "(A)") "Error occured during await (testing) request..." call state%write (ERROR_UNIT) call MPI_ABORT (state%comm, MPI_STATE_ERR) else if (state%n_workers_done == MPI_UNDEFINED) then write (ERROR_UNIT, "(A)") "TEST_WAITSOME returned with MPI_UNDEFINED." call state%write (ERROR_UNIT) call MPI_ABORT (state%comm, MPI_STATE_ERR) end if !! Wait a little bit... if (state%n_workers_done == 0) then !! Proof: REQUEST(i), i \in {1, N_workers}, i is equivalent to rank. !! Proof: INDICES(j), STATUS(j), j \in {1, N_workers_done} !! Proof: INDICES(j) -> i, injectiv. call MPI_WAITSOME (state%n_workers, state%request, state%n_workers_done, & state%indices, state%status, error) if (error /= 0) then write (ERROR_UNIT, "(A)") "Error occured during await request..." call state%write (ERROR_UNIT) call MPI_ABORT (state%comm, MPI_STATE_ERR) end if endif call state%request_iterator%init (1, state%n_workers_done) end subroutine request_state_await_request +@ %def request_state_await_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_request => request_state_has_request +<>= pure function request_state_has_request (state) result (flag) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state logical :: flag flag = state%request_iterator%is_iterable () end function request_state_has_request +@ %def request_state_has_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_request => request_state_get_request +<>= subroutine request_state_get_request (state, rank, tag, handler) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, intent(out) :: rank integer, intent(out) :: tag integer, intent(out) :: handler integer :: ndx if (.not. state%has_request ()) then call msg_bug ("Request: Cannot access missing request.") end if ndx = state%request_iterator%next () rank = state%indices(ndx) if (rank /= state%status(ndx)%MPI_SOURCE) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,2(1X,I3))") & "Request: RANK and SOURCE mismatch", rank, state%status(ndx)%MPI_SOURCE call msg_bug () end if tag = state%status(ndx)%MPI_TAG handler = state%handler(rank) end subroutine request_state_get_request +@ %def request_state_get_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: update_request => request_state_update_request +<>= subroutine request_state_update_request (state, rank, tag, handler) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, intent(in) :: rank integer, intent(in) :: tag integer, intent(in) :: handler integer :: error state%handler(rank) = handler call MPI_SEND (handler, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & rank, tag, state%comm, error) if (error /= 0) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,3(A,1X,I3))") "Request: Error occured during update, & &RANK", rank, "TAG", tag, "HANDLER", handler call msg_bug () end if end subroutine request_state_update_request +@ %def request_state_update_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: free_request => request_state_free_request +<>= subroutine request_state_free_request (state) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer :: rank do rank = 1, state%n_workers if (state%request(rank) == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) cycle call MPI_REQUEST_FREE (state%request(rank)) end do end subroutine request_state_free_request +@ %def request_state_free_request +@ +<>= + procedure :: provide_request_group => request_state_provide_request_group +<>= subroutine request_state_provide_request_group (state, dest_rank, worker) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state integer, intent(in) :: dest_rank integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: worker call MPI_SEND (worker, size (worker), MPI_INTEGER, & dest_rank, MPI_TAG_COMMUNICATOR_GROUP, state%comm) end subroutine request_state_provide_request_group +@ %def request_state_provide_request_group +@ +<>= + procedure :: retrieve_request_group => request_state_retrieve_request_group +<>= subroutine request_state_retrieve_request_group (state, worker) class(request_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: worker type(MPI_STATUS) :: status integer :: n_workers call MPI_PROBE (0, MPI_TAG_COMMUNICATOR_GROUP, state%comm, status) call MPI_GET_COUNT(status, MPI_INTEGER, n_workers) allocate (worker (n_workers), source = 0) call MPI_RECV (worker, n_workers, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, MPI_TAG_COMMUNICATOR_GROUP, state%comm, status) end subroutine request_state_retrieve_request_group +@ %def request_state_retrieve_request_group +@ +<>= + procedure :: client_serve => request_state_client_serve +<>= !> Query for a request (send an request tag, then receive a handler). subroutine request_state_client_serve (state, handler_id, status) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state integer, intent(out) :: handler_id type(MPI_STATUS), intent(out) :: status call MPI_SEND (MPI_EMPTY_HANDLER, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, MPI_TAG_REQUEST, state%comm) call MPI_RECV (handler_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, state%comm, status) end subroutine request_state_client_serve +@ %def request_state_client_rate +@ +<>= + procedure :: client_free => request_state_client_free +<>= !> Free handler from worker. subroutine request_state_client_free (state, handler_id, has_callback) class(request_state_t), intent(in) :: state integer, intent(in) :: handler_id logical, intent(in) :: has_callback integer :: tag tag = merge (MPI_TAG_HANDLER_AND_RELEASE, MPI_TAG_RELEASE, has_callback) call MPI_SEND (handler_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, tag, state%comm) end subroutine request_state_client_free -end module request_state -@ %def request_state -@ \subsection{Balancer Base} + +@ %def request_state_client_free +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsection{Balancer Base} \begin{description} \item[Balancer Base] Base type for usage for extensions of [[request_base]]. \end{description} <<[[balancer_base.f90]]>>= module balancer_base use io_units use diagnostics use array_list - implicit none +<> + +<> + +<> + +<> + +<> + +contains - private +<> +end module balancer_base +@ %def balancer_base +@ +<>= + integer, parameter, public :: STATE_SINGLE = 1, & + STATE_ALL = 2 + +@ +<>= type :: worker_t private integer :: resource = 0 integer :: state = 0 integer :: n_resources = 0 logical :: assigned = .false. contains - procedure :: write => worker_write - procedure :: is_assigned => worker_is_assigned - procedure :: get_resource => worker_get_resource - procedure :: get_state => worker_get_state - procedure :: add_resource => worker_add_resource - procedure :: free => worker_free + <> end type worker_t +@ %def worker_t +@ +<>= type :: resource_t private integer :: resource_id = 0 logical :: active = .false. integer :: n_assigned_workers = 0 contains - procedure :: write => resource_write - procedure :: is_active => resource_is_active - procedure :: set_active => resource_set_active - procedure :: set_inactive => resource_set_inactive + <> end type resource_t - integer, parameter, public :: STATE_SINGLE = 1, & - STATE_ALL = 2 - +@ %def resource_t +@ +<>= + public :: resource_state_t +<>= type :: resource_state_t integer :: n_workers = 0 integer :: mode = 0 type(array_list_t) :: resource_stack type(array_list_t) :: finished_stack contains - procedure :: write => resource_state_write - procedure :: init => resource_state_init - procedure :: add_resource => resource_state_add_resource - procedure :: freeze => resource_state_freeze - procedure :: clear => resource_state_clear - procedure :: has_resource => resource_state_has_resource - procedure :: assign_resource => resource_state_assign_resource - procedure :: free_resource => resource_state_free_resource + <> end type resource_state_t - !> Dynamic load balancer. - !! - !! We organize resources and workers in a transparent way using indices. - !! These indices replace pointer magic. - !! - !! The balancer aggregates a dynamic state, however, we allow the state by - !! the use of a pointer, to access the static fields of the balancer. +@ %def resource_state_t +@ +Dynamic load balancer. We organize resources and workers in a +transparent way using indices. These indices replace pointer magic. +The balancer aggregates a dynamic state, however, we allow the state +by the use of a pointer, to access the static fields of the balancer. +<>= + public :: balancer_base_t +<>= type, abstract :: balancer_base_t integer :: n_workers = 0 integer :: n_resources = 0 integer :: n_states = 0 type(worker_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: worker type(resource_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: resource type(resource_state_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: state contains - procedure :: base_init => balancer_base_base_init - procedure :: base_write => balancer_base_write - procedure(balancer_base_deferred_write), deferred :: write - procedure :: add_state => balancer_base_add_state - procedure, private :: link_worker_and_state => balancer_base_link_worker_and_state - procedure :: is_assignable => balancer_base_is_assignable - procedure :: is_worker_pending => balancer_base_is_worker_pending - procedure :: is_pending => balancer_base_is_pending - procedure(balancer_base_has_resource_group), deferred :: has_resource_group - procedure(balancer_base_get_resource_group), deferred :: get_resource_group - procedure(balancer_base_get_resource_master), deferred :: get_resource_master - procedure(balancer_base_assign_worker), deferred :: assign_worker - procedure(balancer_base_free_worker), deferred :: free_worker + <> end type balancer_base_t +@ %def balancer_base_t +@ +<>= abstract interface subroutine balancer_base_deferred_write (balancer, unit) import :: balancer_base_t class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in), optional :: unit end subroutine balancer_base_deferred_write + end interface +@ %def balancer_base_deferred_write +@ +<>= !> Has resource an associated resource group. !! !! \note .true. only on an active resource, else .false. + abstract interface pure logical function balancer_base_has_resource_group (balancer, resource_id) & result (flag) import :: balancer_base_t class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id end function balancer_base_has_resource_group + end interface +@ %def balancer_base_has_resource_group +@ +<>= !> Get resource group. !! !! \note Implementation must check against group existence. !! \return group (allocated|NOT allocated for (inactive|non-group) resource) + abstract interface pure subroutine balancer_base_get_resource_group (balancer, resource_id, group) import :: balancer_base_t class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: group end subroutine balancer_base_get_resource_group + end interface +@ %def balancer_base_get_resource_group +@ +<>= !> Get resource master (worker). !! !! Return worker as given, however, if extended type is used in a non-local !! or in combination with a commnuicative request type, then check on activation status of associated resource. !! !! \return worker Valid worker index (\in {1, …, N}) only on active resource*, else -1. + abstract interface pure integer function balancer_base_get_resource_master (balancer, resource_id) & result (worker) import :: balancer_base_t class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id end function balancer_base_get_resource_master + end interface +@ %def balancer_base_get_resource_master +@ +<>= !> Assign resource to a given worker or retrieve current assigned resource. !! !! If worker has already a resource assigned, return resource. !! If worker has not been assigned a resource, retrieve new resource from state. !! !! \note Each call must check if a worker is assignable, if not, the procedure must return resource_id = -1. + abstract interface subroutine balancer_base_assign_worker (balancer, worker_id, resource_id) import :: balancer_base_t class(balancer_base_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(out) :: resource_id end subroutine balancer_base_assign_worker + end interface - !> Free assignment of worker. - !! - !! If worker is not assigned, this procedure is idempotent. - !! If worker is assigned, alter state correspondingly. - !! \note In order to correctly free a worker from a resource, we have to explicitly keep track of the association status of a worker and a resource. - !! This feature is mostly relevant for resources with a worker group. - ! The resource may be disassociated from their worker by earlier calls or the former worker may be already assigned to a new resource. - !! In the latter case, we are not allowed to free them (as the new resource is still active). - !! Therefore, each call must check if a worker and resource are still associated and the resource is still active. - !! Only, in this case, disassociating workers and resource is allowed. +@ %def balancer_base_assign_worker +@ +Free assignment of worker. If the worker is not assigned, this +procedure is idempotent. If the worker is assigned, alter state +correspondingly. In order to correctly free a worker from a resource, +we have to explicitly keep track of the association status of a worker +and a resource. This feature is mostly relevant for resources with a +worker group. The resource may be disassociated from their worker by +earlier calls or the former worker may be already assigned to a new +resource. In the latter case, we are not allowed to free them (as the +new resource is still active). Therefore, each call must check if a +worker and resource are still associated and the resource is still +active. Only, in this case, disassociating workers and resource is +allowed. +<>= + abstract interface subroutine balancer_base_free_worker (balancer, worker_id, resource_id) import :: balancer_base_t class(balancer_base_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(in) :: resource_id end subroutine balancer_base_free_worker end interface - public :: balancer_base_t, resource_state_t - public :: shift_rank_to_worker, shift_worker_to_rank -contains +@ %def balancer_base_free_worker +@ +<>= + public :: shift_rank_to_worker +@ +<>= !> Shift rank index to worker index. !! Proof: rank \in {0, …, N - 1}, worker \in {1, …, N} elemental integer function shift_rank_to_worker (rank) result (worker) integer, intent(in) :: rank worker = rank + 1 end function shift_rank_to_worker +@ %def shift_rank_to_worker +@ +<>= + public :: shift_worker_to_rank +<>= !> Shift worker index to rank index. !! Proof: rank \in {0, …, N - 1}, worker \in {1, …, N} elemental integer function shift_worker_to_rank (worker) result (rank) integer, intent(in) :: worker rank = worker - 1 end function shift_worker_to_rank +@ %def shift_worker_to_rank +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => worker_write +<>= subroutine worker_write (worker, unit) class(worker_t), intent(in) :: worker integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(3(A,1X,I3,1X),A,1X,L1)") "RESOURCE", worker%resource, & "STATE", worker%state, & "N_RESOURCES", worker%n_resources, & "ASSIGNED", worker%assigned end subroutine worker_write +@ %def worker_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_assigned => worker_is_assigned +<>= elemental logical function worker_is_assigned (worker) result (flag) class(worker_t), intent(in) :: worker flag = worker%assigned end function worker_is_assigned +@ %def worker_is_assigned +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_resource => worker_get_resource +<>= elemental integer function worker_get_resource (worker) result (resource_id) class(worker_t), intent(in) :: worker resource_id = worker%resource end function worker_get_resource +@ %def worker_get_resource +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_state => worker_get_state +<>= elemental integer function worker_get_state (worker) result (i_state) class(worker_t), intent(in) :: worker i_state = worker%state end function worker_get_state +@ %def worker_get_state +@ +<>= + procedure :: add_resource => worker_add_resource +<>= elemental subroutine worker_add_resource (worker, resource_id) class(worker_t), intent(inout) :: worker integer, intent(in) :: resource_id worker%n_resources = worker%n_resources + 1 worker%assigned = .true. worker%resource = resource_id end subroutine worker_add_resource +@ %def worker_add_resource +@ +<>= + procedure :: free => worker_free +<>= elemental subroutine worker_free (worker) class(worker_t), intent(inout) :: worker worker%assigned = .false. worker%resource = 0 end subroutine worker_free +@ %def worker_free +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => resource_write +<>= subroutine resource_write (resource, unit) class(resource_t), intent(in) :: resource integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1X,I3,1X,A,1X,L1,1X,A,1X,I3)") & "RESOURCE_ID", resource%resource_id, & "ACTIVE", resource%active, & "N_ASSIGNED_WORKERS", resource%n_assigned_workers end subroutine resource_write +@ %def resource_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_active => resource_is_active +<>= elemental logical function resource_is_active (resource) result (flag) class(resource_t), intent(in) :: resource flag = resource%active end function resource_is_active +@ %def resource_is_active +@ +<>= + procedure :: set_active => resource_set_active +<>= subroutine resource_set_active (resource, n_workers) class(resource_t), intent(inout) :: resource integer, intent(in) :: n_workers resource%active = .true. resource%n_assigned_workers = n_workers end subroutine resource_set_active +@ %def resource_set_active +@ +<>= + procedure :: set_inactive => resource_set_inactive +<>= subroutine resource_set_inactive (resource) class(resource_t), intent(inout) :: resource resource%active = .false. end subroutine resource_set_inactive +@ %def resource_set_inactive +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => resource_state_write +<>= subroutine resource_state_write (state, unit) class(resource_state_t), intent(in) :: state integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "N_STATE_WORKERS", state%n_workers select case (state%mode) case (STATE_SINGLE) write (u, "(A)") "MODE ONE-TO-ONE" case (STATE_ALL) write (u, "(A)") "MODE ALL-TO-ONE" case default write (u, "(A)") "UNSUPPORTED MODE" end select write (u, "(A)") "RESOURCE" call state%resource_stack%write (u) write (u, "(A)") "FINISHED" call state%finished_stack%write (u) end subroutine resource_state_write +@ %def resource_state_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => resource_state_init +<>= subroutine resource_state_init (state, mode, n_workers) class(resource_state_t), intent(out) :: state integer, intent(in) :: mode integer, intent(in) :: n_workers state%mode = mode state%n_workers = n_workers call state%resource_stack%init () call state%finished_stack%init () end subroutine resource_state_init +@ %def resource_state_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: add_resource => resource_state_add_resource +<>= subroutine resource_state_add_resource (state, i_resource) class(resource_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, intent(in) :: i_resource call state%resource_stack%add (i_resource) end subroutine resource_state_add_resource +@ %def resource_state_add_resource +@ +<>= + procedure :: freeze => resource_state_freeze +<>= subroutine resource_state_freeze (state) class(resource_state_t), intent(inout) :: state call state%resource_stack%sort () call state%resource_stack %reverse_order () end subroutine resource_state_freeze +@ %def resource_state_freeze +@ +<>= + procedure :: clear => resource_state_clear +<>= subroutine resource_state_clear (state) class(resource_state_t), intent(inout) :: state call state%resource_stack%clear () call state%finished_stack%clear () end subroutine resource_state_clear +@ %def resource_state_clear +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_resource => resource_state_has_resource +<>= elemental function resource_state_has_resource (state) result (flag) class(resource_state_t), intent(in) :: state logical :: flag flag = .not. state%resource_stack%is_empty () end function resource_state_has_resource +@ %def resource_state_has_resoruce +@ +<>= + procedure :: assign_resource => resource_state_assign_resource +<>= function resource_state_assign_resource (state) result (i_resource) class(resource_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer :: i_resource if (state%resource_stack%is_empty ()) then i_resource = 0 call msg_bug ("Error: No leftover resource on stack.") return end if i_resource = state%resource_stack%remove () !! Pop last element from stack. end function resource_state_assign_resource +@ %def resource_state_assign_ressource +@ +<>= + procedure :: free_resource => resource_state_free_resource +<>= subroutine resource_state_free_resource (state, i_resource) class(resource_state_t), intent(inout) :: state integer, intent(in) :: i_resource if (state%resource_stack%is_element (i_resource)) then call msg_bug ("Error: Cannot free resource, still on resource stack.") end if call state%finished_stack%add (i_resource) end subroutine resource_state_free_resource +@ %def resource_state_free_resource +@ +<>= + procedure :: base_write => balancer_base_write + procedure(balancer_base_deferred_write), deferred :: write +<>= subroutine balancer_base_write (balancer, unit) class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A)") "[REQUEST BALANCER]" write (u, "(3(A,1X,I3,1X))") "N_WORKERS", balancer%n_workers, & "N_RESOURCES", balancer%n_resources, & "N_STATES", balancer%n_states write (u, "(A)") "[WORKER]" do i = 1, balancer%n_workers call balancer%worker(i)%write (u) end do write (u, "(A)") "[RESOURCE]" do i = 1, balancer%n_resources call balancer%resource(i)%write (u) end do write (u, "(A)") "[STATES]" do i = 1, balancer%n_states call balancer%state(i)%write (u) end do end subroutine balancer_base_write +@ %def balancer_base_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: base_init => balancer_base_base_init +<>= subroutine balancer_base_base_init (balancer, n_workers, n_resources) class(balancer_base_t), intent(out) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: n_workers integer, intent(in) :: n_resources balancer%n_workers = n_workers balancer%n_resources = n_resources allocate (balancer%worker (n_workers)) allocate (balancer%resource (n_resources)) call init_resource () contains subroutine init_resource () integer :: i do i = 1, balancer%n_resources balancer%resource(i)%resource_id = i end do end subroutine init_resource end subroutine balancer_base_base_init +@ %def balancer_base_base_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: add_state => balancer_base_add_state +<>= !> Add partition of workers and link with workers. !! We move the allocated partition object into the balancer. !! We then assign each partition its respective number of workers in a incrementing linear fashion. !! However, we postpone the linking of the resources to the partition, which can be either done dynamically with the balancer state or directly with the appropriate type-bound procedure. subroutine balancer_base_add_state (balancer, state) class(balancer_base_t), intent(inout) :: balancer type(resource_state_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: state balancer%n_states = size (state) call move_alloc (state, balancer%state) call balancer%link_worker_and_state () end subroutine balancer_base_add_state +@ %def balancer_base_add_state +@ +<>= + procedure, private :: link_worker_and_state => balancer_base_link_worker_and_state +<>= subroutine balancer_base_link_worker_and_state (balancer) class(balancer_base_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer :: i, j, i_worker if (.not. allocated (balancer%state)) & call msg_bug ("Error: resource state not allocated.") !! Link worker to a state. i_worker = 1 do i = 1, balancer%n_states do j = 1, balancer%state(i)%n_workers if (i_worker > balancer%n_workers) then call msg_bug ("Balancer: Number of state workers& & exceeding global number of workers") end if associate (worker => balancer%worker(i_worker)) worker%state = i !! Reset worker attributes. worker%resource = 0 worker%n_resources = 0 worker%assigned = .false. end associate i_worker = i_worker + 1 end do end do end subroutine balancer_base_link_worker_and_state +@ %def balancer_base_link_worker_and_state +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_assignable => balancer_base_is_assignable +<>= !> Is a worker unassigned, or is a worker assigned, but already assigned to an active resource? !! !! \note Fence for assign_worker TBP. !! The assign_worker TPB must call is_assignable in order to retrieve the worker status. !! \param[in] worker_id !! \return flag If worker is NOT assigned, return .true. if state has resources. !! If worker is assigned, return .true. if associated resource is active. pure logical function balancer_base_is_assignable (balancer, worker_id) result (flag) class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer :: i_state, resource_id flag = .false. if (balancer%worker(worker_id)%assigned) then resource_id = balancer%worker(worker_id)%resource flag = balancer%resource(resource_id)%is_active () else i_state = balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_state () flag = balancer%state(i_state)%has_resource () end if end function balancer_base_is_assignable +@ %def balancer_base_is_assignable +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_worker_pending => balancer_base_is_worker_pending +<>= !> Is a worker still pending. !! !! Test worker assignment, and if there is a (valid) resource and if it is still active. pure logical function balancer_base_is_worker_pending (balancer, worker_id) result (flag) class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer :: resource_id flag = balancer%worker(worker_id)%assigned if (flag) then resource_id = balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_resource () flag = balancer%resource(resource_id)%is_active () end if end function balancer_base_is_worker_pending +@ %def balancer_base_is_worker_pending +@ +<>= + procedure :: is_pending => balancer_base_is_pending + procedure(balancer_base_has_resource_group), deferred :: has_resource_group + procedure(balancer_base_get_resource_group), deferred :: get_resource_group + procedure(balancer_base_get_resource_master), deferred :: get_resource_master + procedure(balancer_base_assign_worker), deferred :: assign_worker + procedure(balancer_base_free_worker), deferred :: free_worker +<>= logical function balancer_base_is_pending (balancer) result (flag) class(balancer_base_t), intent(in) :: balancer flag = all (balancer%state%has_resource ()) end function balancer_base_is_pending -end module balancer_base -@ %def balancer_base -@ \subsection{Balancer Simple} +@ %def balancer_base_is_pending +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsection{Balancer Simple} <<[[balancer_simple.f90]]>>= <> module balancer_simple use io_units use diagnostics use balancer_base - implicit none +<> - private - - integer, parameter :: N_BALANCER_SIMPLE_STATES = 1, & - BALANCER_SIMPLE_CHANNEL = 1 +<> !> Simple balancer. !! !! The simple balancer distribute the channel among the N workers using a modulo prescription. !! However, it does assign all workers to a channel capable of grid with parallelizable structure. !! !! The balancer use local, non-communicative approach; each worker allocates an own instance of the balancer !! and fills it with the respecting resources. !! !! We defer possible checks (or sentinels) to the request module, e.g. such as checking whether all channels are computed globally. + +<> + +<> + +contains + +<> + +end module balancer_simple +@ %def balancer_simple +@ +<>= + integer, parameter :: N_BALANCER_SIMPLE_STATES = 1, & + BALANCER_SIMPLE_CHANNEL = 1 +@ +<>= + public :: balancer_simple_t +<>= type, extends (balancer_base_t) :: balancer_simple_t logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: parallel_grid contains - procedure :: init => balancer_simple_init - procedure :: write => balancer_simple_write - procedure :: update_state => balancer_simple_update_state - procedure :: has_resource_group => balancer_simple_has_resource_group - procedure :: get_resource_group => balancer_simple_get_resource_group - procedure :: get_resource_master => balancer_simple_get_resource_master - procedure, private :: map_channel_to_worker => balancer_simple_map_channel_to_worker - procedure :: assign_worker => balancer_simple_assign_worker - procedure :: free_worker => balancer_simple_free_worker + <> end type balancer_simple_t - public :: balancer_simple_t -contains +@ %def balancer_simple_t +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => balancer_simple_init +<>= subroutine balancer_simple_init (balancer, n_workers, n_resources) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(out) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: n_workers integer, intent(in) :: n_resources type(resource_state_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: state call balancer%base_init (n_workers, n_resources) allocate (balancer%parallel_grid(n_resources), source = .false.) allocate (state (N_BALANCER_SIMPLE_STATES)) call state(BALANCER_SIMPLE_CHANNEL)%init ( & mode = STATE_SINGLE, & n_workers = balancer%n_workers) call balancer%add_state (state) end subroutine balancer_simple_init +@ %def balancer_simple_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => balancer_simple_write +<>= subroutine balancer_simple_write (balancer, unit) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, n_size u = given_output_unit (unit) call balancer%base_write (u) n_size = min (25, size (balancer%parallel_grid)) write (u, "(A,25(1X,L1))") "Parallel Grids:", balancer%parallel_grid(:n_size) end subroutine balancer_simple_write +@ %def balancer_simple_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: update_state => balancer_simple_update_state +<>= !> Update balancer state. !! !! Each worker update its own balancer state requiring information about the worker_id. subroutine balancer_simple_update_state (balancer, worker_id, parallel_grid) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: parallel_grid integer :: ch, worker balancer%parallel_grid = parallel_grid if (.not. allocated (balancer%state)) then call msg_bug ("Error: balancer state not allocated.") end if associate (state => balancer%state(BALANCER_SIMPLE_CHANNEL)) call state%clear () do ch = 1, balancer%n_resources if (parallel_grid(ch)) then call state%add_resource (ch) else worker = balancer%map_channel_to_worker (ch) if (worker == worker_id) then call state%add_resource (ch) end if end if end do call state%freeze () end associate end subroutine balancer_simple_update_state +@ %def balancer_simple_update_state +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_resource_group => balancer_simple_has_resource_group +<>= pure logical function balancer_simple_has_resource_group (balancer, resource_id) & result (flag) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id if (.not. balancer%resource(resource_id)%is_active ()) then flag = .false. return end if flag = balancer%parallel_grid (resource_id) end function balancer_simple_has_resource_group +@ %def balancer_simple_has_resource_group +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_resource_group => balancer_simple_get_resource_group +<>= pure subroutine balancer_simple_get_resource_group (balancer, resource_id, group) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: group integer :: i if (.not. balancer%has_resource_group (resource_id)) return group = pack ([(i, i=1,balancer%n_workers)], & mask = balancer%worker%get_resource () == resource_id) end subroutine balancer_simple_get_resource_group +@ %def balancer_simple_get_resource_group +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_resource_master => balancer_simple_get_resource_master +<>= !> Retrieve resource master holding the results to be communicated. !! !! As the simple balancer operates locally on each worker, we do not need to check whether a resource is currently active. !! All the resources (and their respective order) is fixed at each update of the balancer. pure integer function balancer_simple_get_resource_master (balancer, resource_id) & result (worker_id) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id !! \note Do NOT check on resource activation (see interface prescription). if (balancer%parallel_grid(resource_id)) then worker_id = 1 else worker_id = balancer%map_channel_to_worker (resource_id) end if end function balancer_simple_get_resource_master +@ %def balancer_simple_get_resource_master +@ +<>= + procedure, private :: map_channel_to_worker => balancer_simple_map_channel_to_worker +<>= pure integer function balancer_simple_map_channel_to_worker (balancer, channel) & result (worker) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: channel !! Proof: channel \in {1, N_c}, number of workers N, rank \in {0, …, N - 1} !! Proof: worker \in {1, …, N} !! a = b mod c, then 0 <= a < c worker = mod (channel - 1, balancer%n_workers) + 1 end function balancer_simple_map_channel_to_worker +@ %def balancer_simple_map_channel_to_worker +@ +<>= + procedure :: assign_worker => balancer_simple_assign_worker +<>= subroutine balancer_simple_assign_worker (balancer, worker_id, resource_id) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(out) :: resource_id integer :: i if (.not. balancer%is_assignable (worker_id)) then resource_id = -1 RETURN end if if (balancer%worker(worker_id)%is_assigned ()) then resource_id = balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_resource () RETURN end if associate (state => balancer%state(BALANCER_SIMPLE_CHANNEL)) if (.not. state%has_resource ()) then resource_id = 0 return end if resource_id = state%assign_resource () if (balancer%parallel_grid(resource_id)) then do i = 1, balancer%n_workers if (balancer%is_worker_pending (i)) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,1X,I0,1X,A,1X,I0,1X,A)") "WORKER", i, "ASSIGNED" call msg_bug () end if call balancer%worker(i)%add_resource (resource_id) end do call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_active (n_workers = balancer%n_workers) else call balancer%worker(worker_id)%add_resource (resource_id) call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_active (n_workers = 1) end if end associate end subroutine balancer_simple_assign_worker +@ %def balancer_simple_assign_worker +@ +<>= + procedure :: free_worker => balancer_simple_free_worker +<>= subroutine balancer_simple_free_worker (balancer, worker_id, resource_id) class(balancer_simple_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer :: i if (.not. balancer%worker(worker_id)%is_assigned ()) return if (.not. resource_id == balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_resource ()) then call msg_bug ("Balancer simple: resource and associated resource do not match.") end if associate (state => balancer%state(BALANCER_SIMPLE_CHANNEL)) call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_inactive () call state%free_resource (resource_id) if (balancer%parallel_grid(resource_id)) then do i = 1, balancer%n_workers call balancer%worker(i)%free () end do else call balancer%worker(worker_id)%free () end if end associate end subroutine balancer_simple_free_worker -end module balancer_simple -@ %def balancer_simple -@ \subsection{Balancer Channel} + +@ %def balancer_simple_free_worker +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsection{Balancer Channel} <<[[balancer_channel.f90]]>>= <> module balancer_channel use kinds, only: default use io_units use diagnostics use balancer_base - implicit none +<> + +<> - private +<> +<> + +contains + +<> + +end module balancer_channel +@ %def balancer_channel +@ +<>= real(default), parameter :: BETA = 1.5_default integer, parameter :: N_BALANCER_CHANNEL_STATE = 2, & CHANNEL_STATE = 1, & GRID_STATE = 2 +@ +<>= + public :: balancer_channel_t +<>= type, extends(balancer_base_t) :: balancer_channel_t private integer :: n_parallel_grids = 0 integer :: n_parallel_channels = 0 integer :: n_grid_workers = 0 integer :: n_channel_workers = 0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: parallel_grid contains - procedure :: init => balancer_channel_init - procedure :: write => balancer_channel_write - procedure :: update_state => balancer_channel_update_state - procedure :: has_resource_group => balancer_channel_has_resource_group - procedure :: get_resource_group => balancer_channel_get_resource_group - procedure :: get_resource_master => balancer_channel_get_resource_master - procedure :: assign_worker => balancer_channel_assign_worker - procedure :: free_worker => balancer_channel_free_worker + <> end type balancer_channel_t - public :: balancer_channel_t -contains +@ %def balancer_channel_t +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => balancer_channel_init +<>= subroutine balancer_channel_init (balancer, n_workers, n_resources) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(out), target :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: n_workers integer, intent(in) :: n_resources call balancer%base_init (n_workers, n_resources) allocate (balancer%parallel_grid(n_resources), source = .false.) end subroutine balancer_channel_init +@ %def balancer_channel_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => balancer_channel_write +<>= subroutine balancer_channel_write (balancer, unit) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, n_size u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A)") "Channel Balancer." write (u, "(A,1X,I3)") "Parallel grids: ", balancer%n_parallel_grids write (u, "(A,1X,I3)") "Parallel channels: ", balancer%n_parallel_channels write (u, "(A,1X,I3)") "Grid workers: ", balancer%n_grid_workers write (u, "(A,1X,I3)") "Channel workers: ", balancer%n_channel_workers n_size = min (25, size (balancer%parallel_grid)) write (u, "(A,25(1X,L1))") "Parallel Grids:", balancer%parallel_grid(:n_size) call balancer%base_write (u) end subroutine balancer_channel_write +@ %def balancer_channel_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: update_state => balancer_channel_update_state +<>= subroutine balancer_channel_update_state (balancer, weight, parallel_grid) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(inout) :: balancer real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: weight logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: parallel_grid real(default) :: min_parallel_weight balancer%parallel_grid = parallel_grid min_parallel_weight = balancer%n_resources**(1._default - 1_default / BETA) & / balancer%n_workers**BETA balancer%parallel_grid = & balancer%parallel_grid .and. (weight >= min_parallel_weight) if (balancer%n_resources >= balancer%n_workers) then !! Apply full multi-channel parallelization. balancer%n_parallel_grids = 0 balancer%n_parallel_channels = balancer%n_resources balancer%parallel_grid = .false. balancer%n_grid_workers = 0 balancer%n_channel_workers = balancer%n_workers else if (count (balancer%parallel_grid) == balancer%n_resources) then !! Apply full VEGAS parallelization. balancer%n_parallel_grids = balancer%n_resources balancer%n_parallel_channels = 0 balancer%n_grid_workers = balancer%n_workers balancer%n_channel_workers = 0 else !! Apply mixed mode. balancer%n_parallel_grids = count (balancer%parallel_grid) balancer%n_parallel_channels = balancer%n_resources - balancer%n_parallel_grids call compute_mixed_mode (weight) end if end if if(allocated (balancer%state)) then deallocate (balancer%state) end if call allocate_state () contains subroutine compute_mixed_mode (weight) real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: weight real(default) :: weight_parallel_grids, & ratio_weight, & ratio_n_channels, & ratio !! Apply mixed mode. weight_parallel_grids = sum (weight, balancer%parallel_grid) !! Overall normalization of weight, \f$\alpha_{\text{grids}} + !! \alpha_{\text{channels}} = 1\f$. !! \f$\alpha_{\text{channels}} = 1 - \alpha_{\text{grids}}\f$ ratio_weight = weight_parallel_grids / (1 - weight_parallel_grids) ratio_n_channels = real (balancer%n_parallel_grids, default) & / (balancer%n_resources - balancer%n_parallel_grids) !! The average computation of channel is proportional to its weight. !! Reweight number of channels (per mode) by their summed weights. !! R = w * N / (w * N + w' * N'); primed refer to parallel grid entities. !! = 1 / (1 + w' / w * N' / N) ratio = 1 / (1 + ratio_weight * ratio_n_channels) ratio = min (max (ratio, 0.0_default), 1.0_default) !! Safe-guard ratio computation. !! In the case of small numbers of workers and a very small ratio, !! nint can assign no worker to channel/grid parallelization, !! which is still requested by n_parallel_channels/grids. !! In that case, we have to enforce: n_worker = n_channel_worker + n_grid_worker balancer%n_channel_workers = nint (ratio * balancer%n_workers) balancer%n_grid_workers = nint ((1 - ratio) * balancer%n_workers) !! In the case of small numbers of workers and a very small ratio, !! nint can assign no worker to channel/grid parallelization, !! which is still requested by n_parallel_channels/grids. !! In that case, we have to enforce: n_worker = n_channel_worker + n_grid_worker if (balancer%n_workers >= 2 & .AND. (balancer%n_parallel_channels > 0 .and. balancer%n_channel_workers < 1)) then balancer%n_channel_workers = 1 balancer%n_grid_workers = balancer%n_grid_workers - 1 end if !! The grid resources will only be increased to N = 2 !! if more than 3 workers are present. if (balancer%n_workers >= 3 & .AND. (balancer%n_parallel_grids > 0 .and. balancer%n_grid_workers < 2)) then balancer%n_grid_workers = 2 balancer%n_channel_workers = balancer%n_channel_workers - 2 end if end subroutine compute_mixed_mode subroutine allocate_state () type(resource_state_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: state integer :: ch allocate (state(N_BALANCER_CHANNEL_STATE)) call state(CHANNEL_STATE)%init ( & mode = STATE_SINGLE, & n_workers = balancer%n_channel_workers) call state(GRID_STATE)%init ( & mode = STATE_ALL, & n_workers = balancer%n_grid_workers) do ch = 1, balancer%n_resources if (balancer%parallel_grid(ch)) then call state(GRID_STATE)%add_resource (ch) else call state(CHANNEL_STATE)%add_resource (ch) end if end do call state(CHANNEL_STATE)%freeze () call state(GRID_STATE)%freeze () call balancer%add_state (state) end subroutine allocate_state end subroutine balancer_channel_update_state +@ %def balancer_channel_update_state +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_resource_group => balancer_channel_has_resource_group +<>= pure function balancer_channel_has_resource_group (balancer, resource_id) & result (flag) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id logical :: flag if (.not. balancer%resource(resource_id)%is_active ()) then flag = .false. return end if flag = balancer%parallel_grid(resource_id) end function balancer_channel_has_resource_group +@ %def balancer_channel_has_resource_group +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_resource_group => balancer_channel_get_resource_group +<>= pure subroutine balancer_channel_get_resource_group (balancer, resource_id, group) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: group integer :: i if (.not. balancer%has_resource_group (resource_id)) return group = pack ([(i, i = 1, balancer%n_workers)], & mask = balancer%worker%get_resource () == resource_id) end subroutine balancer_channel_get_resource_group +@ %def balancer_channel_get_resource_group +@ +<>= + procedure :: get_resource_master => balancer_channel_get_resource_master +<>= pure integer function balancer_channel_get_resource_master (balancer, resource_id) & result (worker_id) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(in) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer :: i if (.not. balancer%resource(resource_id)%is_active ()) then worker_id = -1 return end if !! Linear search. !! First element in worker group is defined as master. associate (worker => balancer%worker) do i = 1, balancer%n_workers if (worker(i)%get_resource () == resource_id) then worker_id = i exit end if end do end associate end function balancer_channel_get_resource_master +@ %def balancer_channel_get_resource_master +@ +<>= + procedure :: assign_worker => balancer_channel_assign_worker +<>= subroutine balancer_channel_assign_worker (balancer, worker_id, resource_id) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(out) :: resource_id integer :: i_state if (.not. balancer%is_assignable (worker_id)) then resource_id = -1 return end if if (balancer%worker(worker_id)%is_assigned ()) then resource_id = balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_resource () return end if associate (state => balancer%state) i_state = balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_state () if (.not. state(i_state)%has_resource ()) then resource_id = 0 return end if resource_id = state(i_state)%assign_resource () select case (state(i_state)%mode) case (STATE_SINGLE) call balancer%worker(worker_id)%add_resource (resource_id) call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_active (n_workers = 1) case (STATE_ALL) call fill_resource_group (i_state, resource_id) end select end associate contains subroutine fill_resource_group (i_state, resource_id) integer, intent(in) :: i_state integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer :: i, n_workers n_workers = 0 do i = 1, balancer%n_workers if (.not. balancer%worker(i)%get_state () == i_state) cycle if (balancer%is_worker_pending (i)) then write (msg_buffer, "(A,1X,I0,1X,A,1X,I0,1X,A)") "WORKER", i, "STATE", i_state, "ASSIGNED" call msg_bug () end if call balancer%worker(i)%add_resource (resource_id) n_workers = n_workers + 1 end do if (n_workers /= balancer%state(i_state)%n_workers) then call msg_bug ("Number of assigned workers unequal to number of state workers.") end if call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_active (n_workers = n_workers) end subroutine fill_resource_group end subroutine balancer_channel_assign_worker - !> Free worker from associated resource. - !! - !! Idempotent. Depending on state association, given resource must equal worker's resource (check) for single state. - !! For all state, the *current* resource of the worker may differ (grouping behavior!), only in case, that the older resource is inactive, return as idempotent. - !! Else, free all worker from resource group. +@ %def balancer_channel_assign_worker +@ +Free worker from associated resource. Idempotent. Depending on state +association, given resource must equal worker's resource (check) for +single state. For all state, the *current* resource of the worker may +differ (grouping behavior!), only in case, that the older resource is +inactive, return as idempotent. Else, free all worker from resource +group. +<>= + procedure :: free_worker => balancer_channel_free_worker +<>= subroutine balancer_channel_free_worker (balancer, worker_id, resource_id) class(balancer_channel_t), intent(inout) :: balancer integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(in) :: resource_id integer :: i, i_state if (.not. balancer%worker(worker_id)%is_assigned ()) return associate (state => balancer%state) i_state = balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_state () select case (state(i_state)%mode) case (STATE_SINGLE) if (.not. resource_id == balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_resource ()) then call msg_bug ("Channel balancer: resource and associated resource do not match.") end if call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_inactive () call state(i_state)%free_resource (resource_id) call balancer%worker(worker_id)%free () case (STATE_ALL) if (resource_id /= balancer%worker(worker_id)%get_resource ()) then if (balancer%resource(resource_id)%is_active ()) then msg_buffer = "Channel balancer: resource is still active,& & but worker is assigned to another resource." call msg_bug () else !! Special case: Worker was already freed from (now inactive) resource_id (by another call to free_worker), !! and in the mean time assigned to a new resource. So, nothing to do. return end if end if call balancer%resource(resource_id)%set_inactive () call state(i_state)%free_resource (resource_id) do i = 1, balancer%n_workers if (.not. balancer%worker(i)%get_state () == i_state) cycle call balancer%worker(i)%free () end do end select end associate end subroutine balancer_channel_free_worker -end module balancer_channel -@ %def balancer_channel -@ \subsection{Request Callback} + +@ %def balancer_channel_free_worker +@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\subsection{Request Callback} + \begin{description} -\item[request handler] Base type and interface for providing two-sided communication in a callback fashion. +\item[request handler] Base type and interface for providing two-sided + communication in a callback fashion. \item[request handler manager] Manages handler with a binary tree. \end{description} <<[[request_callback.f90]]>>= module request_callback use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: ERROR_UNIT use binary_tree use diagnostics use mpi_f08 !NODEP! - implicit none - - private +<> !> Request handler. !! !! A request handler allows to dispatch an object for communication a priori !! for a slave and a master. !! Typically, each slave register its own request handles, whereas the master !! requests all possible requests handles matching those of the slaves. !! The requests can then be used later on, e.g. during a computation, a slave !! may add a request to the master worker and starts sending an object. !! The master worker looks up the appropriate request handler, which then !! closes the communication, i.e. by a receive call. !! Most important: Only a pointer to the buffer object is stored, therefore, the calling function !! has to ensure, that the communication object (buffer) will not be changed !! during a request handle (receive or send). !! !! Remark: The handler allows for a tag offset which allows to uniqify the the communication. !! The problem occurs when multiple callback need to handled simultanously and MPI needs to connect the communication calls accordingly. !! Each message has a tuple of (source, tag, comm) associated, we can uniquify this tuple by a unique tag. !! tag = tag_offset + {1, …, N_requests} where tag_offsets are multiple of N_requests. !! The latter condition should checked by a modulo. !! What happens if the communication is out of order (is this a problem? check with standard)? + +<> + +<> + +<> + +contains + +<> + +end module request_callback +@ %def request_callback +@ +<>= + public :: request_handler_t +<>= type, abstract :: request_handler_t integer :: n_requests = 0 integer :: tag_offset = 0 type(MPI_REQUEST), dimension(:), allocatable :: request type(MPI_STATUS), dimension(:), allocatable :: status logical :: activated = .false. logical :: finished = .false. contains procedure :: base_write => request_handler_base_write procedure(request_handler_write), deferred :: write !! \todo{sbrass} implement initialization procedure. procedure(request_handler_handle), deferred :: handle procedure(request_handler_client_handle), deferred :: client_handle procedure :: allocate => request_handler_allocate procedure :: get_status => request_handler_get_status procedure :: testall => request_handler_testall procedure :: waitall => request_handler_waitall procedure :: free => request_handler_free end type request_handler_t +@ %def request_handler_t +@ +<>= + public :: request_handler_manager_t +<>= type :: request_handler_manager_t private type(MPI_COMM) :: comm type(binary_tree_t) :: tree contains - procedure :: init => request_handler_manager_init - procedure :: write => request_handler_manager_write - procedure :: add => request_handler_manager_add - procedure :: clear => request_handler_manager_clear - procedure :: has_handler => request_handler_manager_has_handler - procedure :: test => request_handler_manager_test - procedure :: wait => request_handler_manager_wait - procedure :: waitall => request_handler_manager_waitall - procedure, private :: fill_status => request_handler_manager_fill_status - procedure, private :: handler_at => request_handler_manager_handler_at - procedure :: callback => request_handler_manager_callback - procedure :: client_callback => request_handler_manager_client_callback + <> end type request_handler_manager_t +@ %def request_handler_manager_t +@ +<>= abstract interface subroutine request_handler_write (handler, unit) import :: request_handler_t class(request_handler_t), intent(in) :: handler integer, intent(in), optional :: unit end subroutine request_handler_write + end interface +@ %def request_handler_write +@ +<>= + abstract interface !> Handle a request from server side. !! !! The message tag can be used in order to uniquify the respective messages between master and slave. !! E.g. by explicitly setting it, or by using it in a computation i * N_R + j, i \in {1, …, N} and j \in {1, …, N_R}. !! !! Must set *activated* to .true. when called. !! \param[in] source Integer rank of the source in comm. !! \param[in] tag Specify the message tag. !! \param[in] comm MPI communicator. subroutine request_handler_handle (handler, source_rank, comm) import :: request_handler_t, MPI_COMM class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer, intent(in) :: source_rank type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm end subroutine request_handler_handle + end interface +@ %def request_handler_handle +@ +<>= + abstract interface !> Handle a request from client side. !! !! Must set *activated* to .true. when called. !! \param[in] rank Integer of the receiver in comm. !! \param[in] tag Specify the message tag. !! \param[in] comm MPI communicator. subroutine request_handler_client_handle (handler, dest_rank, comm) import :: request_handler_t, MPI_COMM class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer, intent(in) :: dest_rank type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm end subroutine request_handler_client_handle end interface - public :: request_handler_t, request_handler_manager_t -contains +@ %def request_handler_client_handle +@ +<>= !! !! Request handler. !! subroutine request_handler_base_write (handler, unit) class(request_handler_t), intent(in) :: handler integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, i u = ERROR_UNIT; if (present (unit)) u = unit write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "N_REQUESTS", handler%n_requests write (u, "(A,1X,I0)") "TAG_OFFSET", handler%tag_offset write (u, "(A,1X,L1)") "FINISHED", handler%finished write (u, "(A,1X,L1)") "ACTIVATED", handler%activated write (u, "(A)") "I | SOURCE | TAG | ERROR | REQUEST_NULL" do i = 1, handler%n_requests write (u, "(A,4(1X,I0),1X,L1)") "REQUEST", i, & handler%status(i)%MPI_SOURCE, & handler%status(i)%MPI_TAG, & handler%status(i)%MPI_ERROR, & (handler%request(i) == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) end do end subroutine request_handler_base_write +@ %def request_handler_base_write +@ +<>= !> Allocate MPI request and status object. !! !! Must be called during or after object-initialization. !! !! \param[inout] handler Handler must be intent inout, as the calling function may already manipulated the extended object. !! \param[in] n_requests Number of MPI requests the objects needs to be able to handle. !! \param[in] tag_offset First tag to be used, all other must follow in an increasing manner until tag_offset + (N_r + 1). !! Proof: tag \in {tag_offset, tag_offset + n_requests}. subroutine request_handler_allocate (handler, n_requests, tag_offset) class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer, intent(in) :: n_requests integer, intent(in) :: tag_offset allocate (handler%request(n_requests), source = MPI_REQUEST_NULL) allocate (handler%status(n_requests)) handler%n_requests = n_requests if (mod (tag_offset, n_requests) /= 0) & call msg_bug ("Error during handler allocate, tag_offset is not a multiple of n_requests.") !! What is the max.-allowed MPI_TAG? handler%tag_offset = tag_offset handler%activated = .false. handler%finished = .false. end subroutine request_handler_allocate +@ %def request_handler_allocate +@ +<>= !> Get status from request objects in a non-destructive way. subroutine request_handler_get_status (handler) class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer :: i logical :: flag if (.not. handler%activated) return handler%finished = .true. do i = 1, handler%n_requests call MPI_REQUEST_GET_STATUS (handler%request(i), flag, & handler%status(i)) handler%finished = handler%finished .and. flag end do end subroutine request_handler_get_status +@ %def request_handler_get_status +@ +<>= !> Call MPI_WATIALL and raise finished flag. subroutine request_handler_waitall (handler) class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer :: error if (.not. handler%activated .or. handler%finished) return call MPI_WAITALL (handler%n_requests, handler%request, handler%status, error) if (error /= 0) then call msg_bug ("Request: Error occured during waitall on handler.") end if handler%finished = .true. end subroutine request_handler_waitall +@ %def request_handler_waitall +@ +<>= logical function request_handler_testall (handler) result (flag) class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer :: error if (.not. handler%activated .or. .not. handler%finished) then call MPI_TESTALL (handler%n_requests, handler%request, handler%finished, & handler%status, error) ! call print_status () if (error /= 0) then call msg_bug ("Request: Error occured during testall on handler.") end if end if flag = handler%finished contains subroutine print_status () integer :: i do i = 1, handler%n_requests associate (status => handler%status(i)) write (ERROR_UNIT, *) status%MPI_SOURCE, status%MPI_TAG, status%MPI_ERROR end associate end do end subroutine print_status end function request_handler_testall +@ %def request_handler_testall +@ +<>= subroutine request_handler_free (handler) class(request_handler_t), intent(inout) :: handler integer :: i, error do i = 1, handler%n_requests if (handler%request(i) == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) cycle call MPI_REQUEST_FREE (handler%request(i), error) if (error /= 0) then call msg_bug ("Request: Error occured during free request on handler.") end if end do end subroutine request_handler_free +@ %def request_handler_free +@ +<>= + procedure :: init => request_handler_manager_init +<>= !! !! Request handler manager. !! subroutine request_handler_manager_init (rhm, comm) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(out) :: rhm type(MPI_COMM), intent(in) :: comm call MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, rhm%comm) end subroutine request_handler_manager_init +@ %def request_handler_manager_init +@ +<>= + procedure :: write => request_handler_manager_write +<>= subroutine request_handler_manager_write (rhm, unit) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(in) :: rhm integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = ERROR_UNIT; if (present (unit)) u = unit write (u, "(A)") "[REQUEST_CALLBACK_MANAGER]" call rhm%tree%write (u) end subroutine request_handler_manager_write +@ %def request_handler_manager_write +@ +<>= + procedure :: add => request_handler_manager_add +<>= subroutine request_handler_manager_add (rhm, handler_id, handler) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer, intent(in) :: handler class(*), pointer :: obj obj => handler call rhm%tree%insert (handler_id, obj) end subroutine request_handler_manager_add +@ %def request_handler_manager_add +@ +<>= + procedure :: clear => request_handler_manager_clear +<>= subroutine request_handler_manager_clear (rhm) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm call rhm%tree%clear () end subroutine request_handler_manager_clear +@ %def request_handler_manager_clear +@ +<>= + procedure, private :: fill_status => request_handler_manager_fill_status +<>= !> Get status (in a non-destructive way) for all associated handler. subroutine request_handler_manager_fill_status (rhm) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm type(binary_tree_iterator_t) :: iterator integer :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer :: handler call iterator%init (rhm%tree) do while (iterator%is_iterable ()) call iterator%next (handler_id) call rhm%handler_at (handler_id, handler) call handler%get_status () end do end subroutine request_handler_manager_fill_status +@ %def request_handler_manager_fill_status +@ +<>= + procedure :: test => request_handler_manager_test +<>= logical function request_handler_manager_test (rhm, handler_id) result (flag) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer :: handler call rhm%handler_at (handler_id, handler) flag = handler%testall () end function request_handler_manager_test +@ %def request_handler_manager_test +@ +<>= + procedure :: wait => request_handler_manager_wait +<>= subroutine request_handler_manager_wait (rhm, handler_id) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer :: handler call rhm%handler_at (handler_id, handler) call handler%waitall () end subroutine request_handler_manager_wait +@ %def request_handler_manager_wait +@ +<>= + procedure :: waitall => request_handler_manager_waitall +<>= subroutine request_handler_manager_waitall (rhm) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm type(binary_tree_iterator_t) :: iterator integer :: handler_id call iterator%init (rhm%tree) do while (iterator%is_iterable ()) call iterator%next (handler_id) !! Test handler (destructive test on request handler). if (.not. rhm%test (handler_id)) & call rhm%wait (handler_id) end do end subroutine request_handler_manager_waitall +@ %def request_handler_manager_waitall +@ +<>= + procedure, private :: handler_at => request_handler_manager_handler_at +<>= subroutine request_handler_manager_handler_at (rhm, handler_id, handler) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(in) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id class(request_handler_t), pointer, intent(out) :: handler class(*), pointer :: obj call rhm%tree%search (handler_id, obj) select type (obj) class is (request_handler_t) handler => obj class default call msg_bug ("Object is not derived from request_handler_t.") end select end subroutine request_handler_manager_handler_at +@ %def request_handler_manager_handler_at +@ +<>= + procedure :: has_handler => request_handler_manager_has_handler +<>= function request_handler_manager_has_handler (rhm, handler_id) result (flag) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id logical :: flag flag = rhm%tree%has_key (handler_id) end function request_handler_manager_has_handler +@ %def request_handler_manager_has_handler +@ +<>= + procedure :: callback => request_handler_manager_callback +<>= !> Call server-sided procedure of callback with handler_id. !! !! \param[in] handler_id !! \param[in] source subroutine request_handler_manager_callback (rhm, handler_id, source_rank) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id integer, intent(in) :: source_rank class(request_handler_t), pointer :: handler if (.not. rhm%tree%has_key (handler_id)) return call rhm%handler_at (handler_id, handler) call handler%handle (source_rank = source_rank, comm = rhm%comm) end subroutine request_handler_manager_callback +@ %def request_handler_manager_callback +@ +<>= + procedure :: client_callback => request_handler_manager_client_callback +<>= !> Call client-sided procedure of callback with handler_id. !! !! \param[in] handler_id !! \param[in] source Destination rank. subroutine request_handler_manager_client_callback (rhm, handler_id, dest_rank) class(request_handler_manager_t), intent(inout) :: rhm integer, intent(in) :: handler_id integer, intent(in) :: dest_rank class(request_handler_t), pointer :: handler if (.not. rhm%tree%has_key (handler_id)) return call rhm%handler_at (handler_id, handler) call handler%client_handle (dest_rank = dest_rank, comm = rhm%comm) end subroutine request_handler_manager_client_callback -end module request_callback -@ %def request_callback + +@ %def request_handlder_manager_client_callback +@ Index: trunk/src/vegas/ =================================================================== --- trunk/src/vegas/ (revision 8796) +++ trunk/src/vegas/ (revision 8797) @@ -1,282 +1,264 @@ ## -- Makefile for WHIZARD ## ## Process this file with automake to produce # # Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by # Wolfgang Kilian # Thorsten Ohl # Juergen Reuter # with contributions from # cf. main AUTHORS file # # WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ######################################################################## ## The files in this directory implement the VEGAS algorithm and the ## multi-channel implementation with VEGAS as backbone integrator ## We create a library which is still to be combined with auxiliary libs. noinst_LTLIBRARIES = check_LTLIBRARIES = COMMON_F90 = MPI_F90 = \ - vegas.f90_mpi \ - vamp2.f90_mpi \ - request_base.f90_mpi \ - request_simple.f90_mpi \ - request_caller.f90_mpi \ - request_state.f90_mpi \ - balancer_base.f90_mpi \ - balancer_simple.f90_mpi \ - balancer_channel.f90_mpi \ - request_callback.f90_mpi + vegas.f90_mpi \ + vamp2.f90_mpi + +LOAD_BALANCER_MODULES = \ + request_base.f90 \ + request_simple.f90 \ + request_caller.f90 \ + request_state.f90 \ + balancer_base.f90 \ + balancer_simple.f90 \ + balancer_channel.f90 \ + request_callback.f90 SERIAL_F90 = \ - vegas.f90_serial \ - vamp2.f90_serial + vegas.f90_serial \ + vamp2.f90_serial EXTRA_DIST = \ - $(COMMON_F90) \ - $(SERIAL_F90) \ - $(MPI_F90) + $(COMMON_F90) \ + $(SERIAL_F90) \ + $(MPI_F90) \ + $(LOAD_BALANCER_MODULES) nodist_libvegas_la_SOURCES = \ - $(COMMON_F90) \ - vegas.f90 \ - vamp2.f90 + $(COMMON_F90) \ + vegas.f90 \ + vamp2.f90 if FC_USE_MPI nodist_libvegas_la_SOURCES += \ - request_base.f90 \ - request_simple.f90 \ - request_caller.f90 \ - request_state.f90 \ - balancer_base.f90 \ - balancer_simple.f90 \ - balancer_channel.f90 \ - request_callback.f90 + request_base.f90 \ + request_simple.f90 \ + request_caller.f90 \ + request_state.f90 \ + balancer_base.f90 \ + balancer_simple.f90 \ + balancer_channel.f90 \ + request_callback.f90 endif DISTCLEANFILES = \ - vegas.f90 \ - vamp2.f90 \ - request_base.f90 \ - request_simple.f90 \ - request_caller.f90 \ - request_state.f90 \ - balancer_base.f90 \ - balancer_simple.f90 \ - balancer_channel.f90 \ - request_callback.f90 + vegas.f90 \ + vamp2.f90 if FC_USE_MPI vegas.f90: vegas.f90_mpi -cp -f $< $@ vamp2.f90: vamp2.f90_mpi -cp -f $< $@ -request_base.f90: request_base.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -request_simple.f90: request_simple.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -request_caller.f90: request_caller.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -request_state.f90: request_state.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -balancer_base.f90: balancer_base.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -balancer_simple.f90: balancer_simple.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -balancer_channel.f90: balancer_channel.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ -request_callback.f90: request_callback.f90_mpi - -cp -f $< $@ else vegas.f90: vegas.f90_serial -cp -f $< $@ vamp2.f90: vamp2.f90_serial -cp -f $< $@ endif libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES = \ - vegas_uti.f90 vegas_ut.f90 \ - vamp2_uti.f90 vamp2_ut.f90 + vegas_uti.f90 vegas_ut.f90 \ + vamp2_uti.f90 vamp2_ut.f90 ## Omitting this would exclude it from the distribution dist_noinst_DATA = vegas.nw # Modules and installation # Dump module names into file Modules execmoddir = $(fmoddir)/whizard nodist_execmod_HEADERS = \ ${nodist_libvegas_la_SOURCES:.f90=.$(FCMOD)} libvegas_Modules = $(nodist_libvegas_la_SOURCES:.f90=) $(libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES:.f90=) Modules: Makefile @for module in $(libvegas_Modules); do \ echo $$module >> $; \ done @if diff $@ $ -q >/dev/null; then \ rm $; \ else \ mv $ $@; echo "Modules updated"; \ fi BUILT_SOURCES = Modules ## Fortran module dependencies # Get module lists from other directories module_lists = \ - ../basics/Modules \ - ../utilities/Modules \ - ../testing/Modules \ - ../system/Modules \ - ../rng/Modules \ - ../phase_space/Modules + ../basics/Modules \ + ../utilities/Modules \ + ../testing/Modules \ + ../system/Modules \ + ../rng/Modules \ + ../phase_space/Modules $(module_lists): $(MAKE) -C `dirname $@` Modules Module_dependencies.sed: $(nodist_libvegas_la_SOURCES) $(libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES) Module_dependencies.sed: $(module_lists) @rm -f $@ echo 's/, *only:.*//' >> $@ echo 's/, *&//' >> $@ echo 's/, *.*=>.*//' >> $@ echo 's/$$/.lo/' >> $@ for list in $(module_lists); do \ dir="`dirname $$list`"; \ for mod in `cat $$list`; do \ echo 's!: '$$mod'.lo$$!': $$dir/$$mod'.lo!' >> $@; \ done ; \ done DISTCLEANFILES += Module_dependencies.sed # The following line just says # include Makefile.depend # but in a portable fashion (depending on automake's AM_MAKE_INCLUDE @am__include@ @am__quote@Makefile.depend@am__quote@ Makefile.depend: Module_dependencies.sed Makefile.depend: $(nodist_libvegas_la_SOURCES) $(libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES) @rm -f $@ for src in $^; do \ module="`basename $$src | sed 's/\.f[90][0358]//'`"; \ grep '^ *use ' $$src \ | grep -v '!NODEP!' \ | sed -e 's/^ *use */'$$module'.lo: /' \ -f Module_dependencies.sed; \ done > $@ DISTCLEANFILES += Makefile.depend ## Dependencies across directories and packages, if not automatically generated rng_tao.lo: ../../vamp/src/tao_random_numbers.$(FCMOD) # Fortran90 module files are generated at the same time as object files .lo.$(FCMOD): @: # touch $@ AM_FCFLAGS = -I../basics -I../utilities -I../testing -I../system -I../combinatorics -I../rng -I../physics -I../fastjet -I../qft -I../matrix_elements -I../types -I../particles -I../beams -I../phase_space -I../expr_base -I../variables -I../../vamp/src -I../mci ######################################################################## ## Default Fortran compiler options ## Profiling if FC_USE_PROFILING AM_FCFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_PROFILING) endif ## OpenMP if FC_USE_OPENMP AM_FCFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_OPENMP) endif # MPI if FC_USE_MPI AM_FCFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_MPI) endif ######################################################################## ## Non-standard targets and dependencies ## (Re)create F90 sources from NOWEB source. if NOWEB_AVAILABLE NOMPI_FILTER = -filter "sed 's/defn NOMPI:/defn/'" MPI_FILTER = -filter "sed 's/defn MPI:/defn/'" PRELUDE = $(top_srcdir)/src/noweb-frame/whizard-prelude.nw POSTLUDE = $(top_srcdir)/src/noweb-frame/whizard-postlude.nw vegas.stamp: $(PRELUDE) $(srcdir)/vegas.nw $(POSTLUDE) @rm -f vegas.tmp @touch vegas.tmp for src in $(COMMON_F90) $(libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES); do \ $(NOTANGLE) -R[[$$src]] $^ | $(CPIF) $$src; \ done for src in $(SERIAL_F90:.f90_serial=.f90); do \ $(NOTANGLE) -R[[$$src]] $(NOMPI_FILTER) $^ | $(CPIF) $$src'_serial'; \ done for src in $(MPI_F90:.f90_mpi=.f90); do \ $(NOTANGLE) -R[[$$src]] $(MPI_FILTER) $^ | $(CPIF) $$src'_mpi'; \ done + for src in $(LOAD_BALANCER_MODULES); do \ + $(NOTANGLE) -R[[$$src]] $(MPI_FILTER) $^ | $(CPIF) $$src; \ + done @mv -f vegas.tmp vegas.stamp -$(COMMON_F90) $(SERIAL_F90) $(MPI_F90) $(libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES): vegas.stamp +$(COMMON_F90) $(SERIAL_F90) $(MPI_F90) $(LOAD_BALANCER_MODULES) $(libvegas_ut_la_SOURCES): vegas.stamp ## Recover from the removal of $@ @if test -f $@; then :; else \ rm -f vegas.stamp; \ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) vegas.stamp; \ fi endif ######################################################################## ## Non-standard cleanup tasks ## Remove sources that can be recreated using NOWEB if NOWEB_AVAILABLE maintainer-clean-noweb: -rm -f *.f90 *.f90_serial *.f90_mpi *.c endif .PHONY: maintainer-clean-noweb ## Remove those sources also if builddir and srcdir are different if NOWEB_AVAILABLE clean-noweb: test "$(srcdir)" != "." && rm -f *.f90 *.f90_serial *.f90_mpi *.c || true endif .PHONY: clean-noweb ## Remove F90 module files clean-local: clean-noweb -rm -f vegas.stamp vegas.tmp -rm -f *.$(FCMOD) if FC_SUBMODULES - -rm -f *.smod + -rm -f *.smod *.sub endif ## Remove backup files maintainer-clean-backup: -rm -f *~ .PHONY: maintainer-clean-backup ## Register additional clean targets maintainer-clean-local: maintainer-clean-noweb maintainer-clean-backup