Index: trunk/src/model_features/model_features.nw =================================================================== --- trunk/src/model_features/model_features.nw (revision 8499) +++ trunk/src/model_features/model_features.nw (revision 8500) @@ -1,17258 +1,17324 @@ % -*- ess-noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; -*- % WHIZARD code as NOWEB source: model features %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Model Handling and Features} \includemodulegraph{model_features} These modules deal with process definitions and physics models. These modules use the [[model_data]] methods to automatically generate process definitions. \begin{description} \item[auto\_components] Generic process-definition generator. We can specify a basic process or initial particle(s) and some rules to extend this process, given a model definition with particle names and vertex structures. \item[radiation\_generator] Applies the generic generator to the specific problem of generating NLO corrections in a restricted setup. \end{description} Model construction: \begin{description} \item[eval\_trees] Implementation of the generic [[expr_t]] type for the concrete evaluation of expressions that access user variables. This module is actually part of the Sindarin language implementation, and should be moved elsewhere. Currently, the [[models]] module relies on it. \item[models] Extends the [[model_data_t]] structure by user-variable objects for easy access, and provides the means to read a model definition from file. \item[slha\_interface] Read/write a SUSY model in the standardized SLHA format. The format defines fields and parameters, but no vertices. \end{description} \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Automatic generation of process components} This module provides the functionality for automatically generating radiation corrections or decays, provided as lists of PDG codes. <<[[auto_components.f90]]>>= <> module auto_components <> <> use io_units use diagnostics use model_data use pdg_arrays use physics_defs, only: PHOTON, GLUON, Z_BOSON, W_BOSON use numeric_utils, only: extend_integer_array <> <> <> <> <> contains <> end module auto_components @ %def auto_components @ \subsection{Constraints: Abstract types} An abstract type that denotes a constraint on the automatically generated states. The concrete objects are applied as visitor objects at certain hooks during the splitting algorithm. <>= type, abstract :: split_constraint_t contains <> end type split_constraint_t @ %def split_constraint_t @ By default, all checks return true. <>= procedure :: check_before_split => split_constraint_check_before_split procedure :: check_before_insert => split_constraint_check_before_insert procedure :: check_before_record => split_constraint_check_before_record <>= subroutine split_constraint_check_before_split (c, table, pl, k, passed) class(split_constraint_t), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: k logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = .true. end subroutine split_constraint_check_before_split subroutine split_constraint_check_before_insert (c, table, pa, pl, passed) class(split_constraint_t), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa type(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = .true. end subroutine split_constraint_check_before_insert subroutine split_constraint_check_before_record (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(split_constraint_t), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = .true. end subroutine split_constraint_check_before_record @ %def check_before_split @ %def check_before_insert @ %def check_before_record @ A transparent wrapper, so we can collect constraints of different type. <>= type :: split_constraint_wrap_t class(split_constraint_t), allocatable :: c end type split_constraint_wrap_t @ %def split_constraint_wrap_t @ A collection of constraints. <>= public :: split_constraints_t <>= type :: split_constraints_t class(split_constraint_wrap_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: cc contains <> end type split_constraints_t @ %def split_constraints_t @ Initialize the constraints set with a specific number of elements. <>= procedure :: init => split_constraints_init <>= subroutine split_constraints_init (constraints, n) class(split_constraints_t), intent(out) :: constraints integer, intent(in) :: n allocate (constraints%cc (n)) end subroutine split_constraints_init @ %def split_constraints_init @ Set a constraint. <>= procedure :: set => split_constraints_set <>= subroutine split_constraints_set (constraints, i, c) class(split_constraints_t), intent(inout) :: constraints integer, intent(in) :: i class(split_constraint_t), intent(in) :: c allocate (constraints%cc(i)%c, source = c) end subroutine split_constraints_set @ %def split_constraints_set @ Apply checks. [[check_before_split]] is applied to the particle list that we want to split. [[check_before_insert]] is applied to the particle list [[pl]] that is to replace the particle [[pa]] that is split. This check may transform the particle list. [[check_before_record]] is applied to the complete new particle list that results from splitting before it is recorded. <>= procedure :: check_before_split => split_constraints_check_before_split procedure :: check_before_insert => split_constraints_check_before_insert procedure :: check_before_record => split_constraints_check_before_record <>= subroutine split_constraints_check_before_split & (constraints, table, pl, k, passed) class(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: k logical, intent(out) :: passed integer :: i passed = .true. do i = 1, size (constraints%cc) call constraints%cc(i)%c%check_before_split (table, pl, k, passed) if (.not. passed) return end do end subroutine split_constraints_check_before_split subroutine split_constraints_check_before_insert & (constraints, table, pa, pl, passed) class(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa type(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl logical, intent(out) :: passed integer :: i passed = .true. do i = 1, size (constraints%cc) call constraints%cc(i)%c%check_before_insert (table, pa, pl, passed) if (.not. passed) return end do end subroutine split_constraints_check_before_insert subroutine split_constraints_check_before_record & (constraints, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed integer :: i passed = .true. do i = 1, size (constraints%cc) call constraints%cc(i)%c%check_before_record (table, pl, n_loop, passed) if (.not. passed) return end do end subroutine split_constraints_check_before_record @ %def split_constraints_check_before_split @ %def split_constraints_check_before_insert @ %def split_constraints_check_before_record @ \subsection{Specific constraints} \subsubsection{Number of particles} Specific constraint: The number of particles plus the number of loops, if any, must remain less than the given limit. Note that the number of loops is defined only when we are recording the entry. <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_n_tot private integer :: n_max = 0 contains procedure :: check_before_split => constraint_n_tot_check_before_split procedure :: check_before_record => constraint_n_tot_check_before_record end type constraint_n_tot @ %def constraint_n_tot <>= public :: constrain_n_tot <>= function constrain_n_tot (n_max) result (c) integer, intent(in) :: n_max type(constraint_n_tot) :: c c%n_max = n_max end function constrain_n_tot subroutine constraint_n_tot_check_before_split (c, table, pl, k, passed) class(constraint_n_tot), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: k logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = pl%get_size () < c%n_max end subroutine constraint_n_tot_check_before_split subroutine constraint_n_tot_check_before_record (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(constraint_n_tot), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = pl%get_size () + n_loop <= c%n_max end subroutine constraint_n_tot_check_before_record @ %def constrain_n_tot @ %def constraint_n_tot_check_before_insert @ \subsubsection{Number of loops} Specific constraint: The number of loops is limited, independent of the total number of particles. <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_n_loop private integer :: n_loop_max = 0 contains procedure :: check_before_record => constraint_n_loop_check_before_record end type constraint_n_loop @ %def constraint_n_loop <>= public :: constrain_n_loop <>= function constrain_n_loop (n_loop_max) result (c) integer, intent(in) :: n_loop_max type(constraint_n_loop) :: c c%n_loop_max = n_loop_max end function constrain_n_loop subroutine constraint_n_loop_check_before_record & (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(constraint_n_loop), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = n_loop <= c%n_loop_max end subroutine constraint_n_loop_check_before_record @ %def constrain_n_loop @ %def constraint_n_loop_check_before_insert @ \subsubsection{Particles allowed in splitting} Specific constraint: The entries in the particle list ready for insertion are matched to a given list of particle patterns. If a match occurs, the entry is replaced by the corresponding pattern. If there is no match, the check fails. If a massless gauge boson splitting is detected, the splitting partners are checked against a list of excluded particles. If a match occurs, the check fails. <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_splittings private type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_match, pl_excluded_gauge_splittings contains procedure :: check_before_insert => constraint_splittings_check_before_insert end type constraint_splittings @ %def constraint_splittings <>= public :: constrain_splittings <>= function constrain_splittings (pl_match, pl_excluded_gauge_splittings) result (c) type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_match type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_excluded_gauge_splittings type(constraint_splittings) :: c c%pl_match = pl_match c%pl_excluded_gauge_splittings = pl_excluded_gauge_splittings end function constrain_splittings subroutine constraint_splittings_check_before_insert (c, table, pa, pl, passed) class(constraint_splittings), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa type(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl logical, intent(out) :: passed logical :: has_massless_vector integer :: i has_massless_vector = .false. do i = 1, pa%get_length () if (is_massless_vector(pa%get(i))) then has_massless_vector = .true. exit end if end do passed = .false. if (has_massless_vector .and. count (is_fermion(pl%a%get ())) == 2) then do i = 1, c%pl_excluded_gauge_splittings%get_size () if (pl .match. c%pl_excluded_gauge_splittings%a(i)) return end do call pl%match_replace (c%pl_match, passed) passed = .true. else call pl%match_replace (c%pl_match, passed) end if end subroutine constraint_splittings_check_before_insert @ %def constrain_splittings @ %def constraint_splittings_check_before_insert @ Specific constraint: The entries in the particle list ready for insertion are matched to a given list of particle patterns. If a match occurs, the entry is replaced by the corresponding pattern. If there is no match, the check fails. <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_insert private type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_match contains procedure :: check_before_insert => constraint_insert_check_before_insert end type constraint_insert @ %def constraint_insert <>= public :: constrain_insert <>= function constrain_insert (pl_match) result (c) type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_match type(constraint_insert) :: c c%pl_match = pl_match end function constrain_insert subroutine constraint_insert_check_before_insert (c, table, pa, pl, passed) class(constraint_insert), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa type(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl logical, intent(out) :: passed call pl%match_replace (c%pl_match, passed) end subroutine constraint_insert_check_before_insert @ %def constrain_insert @ %def constraint_insert_check_before_insert @ \subsubsection{Particles required in final state} Specific constraint: The entries in the recorded state must be a superset of the entries in the given list (for instance, the lowest-order state). <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_require private type(pdg_list_t) :: pl contains procedure :: check_before_record => constraint_require_check_before_record end type constraint_require @ %def constraint_require @ We check the current state by matching all particle entries against the stored particle list, and crossing out the particles in the latter list when a match is found. The constraint passed if all entries have been crossed out. For an [[if_table]] in particular, we check the final state only. <>= public :: constrain_require <>= function constrain_require (pl) result (c) type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(constraint_require) :: c c%pl = pl end function constrain_require subroutine constraint_require_check_before_record & (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(constraint_require), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask integer :: i, k, n_in select type (table) type is (if_table_t) if (table%proc_type > 0) then select case (table%proc_type) case (PROC_DECAY) n_in = 1 case (PROC_SCATTER) n_in = 2 end select else call msg_fatal ("Neither a decay nor a scattering process") end if class default n_in = 0 end select allocate (mask (c%pl%get_size ()), source = .true.) do i = n_in + 1, pl%get_size () k = c%pl%find_match (pl%get (i), mask) if (k /= 0) mask(k) = .false. end do passed = .not. any (mask) end subroutine constraint_require_check_before_record @ %def constrain_require @ %def constraint_require_check_before_record @ \subsubsection{Radiation} Specific constraint: We have radiation pattern if the original particle matches an entry in the list of particles that should replace it. The constraint prohibits this situation. <>= public :: constrain_radiation <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_radiation private contains procedure :: check_before_insert => & constraint_radiation_check_before_insert end type constraint_radiation @ %def constraint_radiation <>= function constrain_radiation () result (c) type(constraint_radiation) :: c end function constrain_radiation subroutine constraint_radiation_check_before_insert (c, table, pa, pl, passed) class(constraint_radiation), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa type(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl logical, intent(out) :: passed passed = .not. (pl .match. pa) end subroutine constraint_radiation_check_before_insert @ %def constrain_radiation @ %def constraint_radiation_check_before_insert @ \subsubsection{Mass sum} Specific constraint: The sum of masses within the particle list must be smaller than a given limit. For in/out state combinations, we check initial and final state separately. If we specify [[margin]] in the initialization, the sum must be strictly less than the limit minus the given margin (which may be zero). If not, equality is allowed. <>= public :: constrain_mass_sum <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_mass_sum private real(default) :: mass_limit = 0 logical :: strictly_less = .false. real(default) :: margin = 0 contains procedure :: check_before_record => constraint_mass_sum_check_before_record end type constraint_mass_sum @ %def contraint_mass_sum <>= function constrain_mass_sum (mass_limit, margin) result (c) real(default), intent(in) :: mass_limit real(default), intent(in), optional :: margin type(constraint_mass_sum) :: c c%mass_limit = mass_limit if (present (margin)) then c%strictly_less = .true. c%margin = margin end if end function constrain_mass_sum subroutine constraint_mass_sum_check_before_record & (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(constraint_mass_sum), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed real(default) :: limit if (c%strictly_less) then limit = c%mass_limit - c%margin select type (table) type is (if_table_t) passed = mass_sum (pl, 1, 2, table%model) < limit & .and. mass_sum (pl, 3, pl%get_size (), table%model) < limit class default passed = mass_sum (pl, 1, pl%get_size (), table%model) < limit end select else limit = c%mass_limit select type (table) type is (if_table_t) passed = mass_sum (pl, 1, 2, table%model) <= limit & .and. mass_sum (pl, 3, pl%get_size (), table%model) <= limit class default passed = mass_sum (pl, 1, pl%get_size (), table%model) <= limit end select end if end subroutine constraint_mass_sum_check_before_record @ %def constrain_mass_sum @ %def constraint_mass_sum_check_before_record @ \subsubsection{Initial state particles} Specific constraint: The two incoming particles must both match the given particle list. This is checked for the generated particle list, just before it is recorded. <>= public :: constrain_in_state <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_in_state private type(pdg_list_t) :: pl contains procedure :: check_before_record => constraint_in_state_check_before_record end type constraint_in_state @ %def constraint_in_state <>= function constrain_in_state (pl) result (c) type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(constraint_in_state) :: c c%pl = pl end function constrain_in_state subroutine constraint_in_state_check_before_record & (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(constraint_in_state), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed integer :: i select type (table) type is (if_table_t) passed = .false. do i = 1, 2 if (.not. (c%pl .match. pl%get (i))) return end do end select passed = .true. end subroutine constraint_in_state_check_before_record @ %def constrain_in_state @ %def constraint_in_state_check_before_record @ \subsubsection{Photon induced processes} If set, filter out photon induced processes. <>= public :: constrain_photon_induced_processes <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_photon_induced_processes private integer :: n_in contains procedure :: check_before_record => & constraint_photon_induced_processes_check_before_record end type constraint_photon_induced_processes @ %def constraint_photon_induced_processes <>= function constrain_photon_induced_processes (n_in) result (c) integer, intent(in) :: n_in type(constraint_photon_induced_processes) :: c c%n_in = n_in end function constrain_photon_induced_processes subroutine constraint_photon_induced_processes_check_before_record & (c, table, pl, n_loop, passed) class(constraint_photon_induced_processes), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop logical, intent(out) :: passed integer :: i select type (table) type is (if_table_t) passed = .false. do i = 1, c%n_in if (pl%a(i)%get () == 22) return end do end select passed = .true. end subroutine constraint_photon_induced_processes_check_before_record @ %def constrain_photon_induced_processes @ %def constraint_photon_induced_processes_check_before_record @ \subsubsection{Coupling constraint} Filters vertices which do not match the desired NLO pattern. <>= type, extends (split_constraint_t) :: constraint_coupling_t private logical :: qed = .false. logical :: qcd = .true. logical :: ew = .false. integer :: n_nlo_correction_types contains <> end type constraint_coupling_t @ %def constraint_coupling_t @ <>= public :: constrain_couplings <>= function constrain_couplings (qcd, qed, n_nlo_correction_types) result (c) type(constraint_coupling_t) :: c logical, intent(in) :: qcd, qed integer, intent(in) :: n_nlo_correction_types c%qcd = qcd; c%qed = qed c%n_nlo_correction_types = n_nlo_correction_types end function constrain_couplings @ %def constrain_couplings @ <>= procedure :: check_before_insert => constraint_coupling_check_before_insert <>= subroutine constraint_coupling_check_before_insert (c, table, pa, pl, passed) class(constraint_coupling_t), intent(in) :: c class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa type(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl logical, intent(out) :: passed type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_vertex type(pdg_array_t) :: pdg_gluon, pdg_photon, pdg_W_Z, pdg_gauge_bosons integer :: i, j pdg_gluon = GLUON; pdg_photon = PHOTON pdg_W_Z = [W_BOSON,-W_BOSON, Z_BOSON] if (c%qcd) pdg_gauge_bosons = pdg_gauge_bosons // pdg_gluon if (c%qed) pdg_gauge_bosons = pdg_gauge_bosons // pdg_photon if (c%ew) pdg_gauge_bosons = pdg_gauge_bosons // pdg_W_Z do j = 1, pa%get_length () call pl_vertex%init (pl%get_size () + 1) call pl_vertex%set (1, pa%get(j)) do i = 1, pl%get_size () call pl_vertex%set (i + 1, pl%get(i)) end do if (pl_vertex%get_size () > 3) then passed = .false. cycle end if if (is_massless_vector(pa%get(j))) then if (.not. table%model%check_vertex & (pl_vertex%a(1)%get (), pl_vertex%a(2)%get (), pl_vertex%a(3)%get ())) then passed = .false. cycle end if else if (.not. table%model%check_vertex & (- pl_vertex%a(1)%get (), pl_vertex%a(2)%get (), pl_vertex%a(3)%get ())) then passed = .false. cycle end if if (.not. (pl_vertex .match. pdg_gauge_bosons)) then passed = .false. cycle end if passed = .true. exit end do end subroutine constraint_coupling_check_before_insert @ %def constraint_coupling_check_before_insert @ \subsection{Tables of states} Automatically generate a list of possible process components for a given initial set (a single massive particle or a preset list of states). The set of process components are generated by recursive splitting, applying constraints on the fly that control and limit the process. The generated states are accumulated in a table that we can read out after completion. <>= type, extends (pdg_list_t) :: ps_entry_t integer :: n_loop = 0 integer :: n_rad = 0 type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: previous => null () type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: next => null () end type ps_entry_t @ %def ps_entry_t @ <>= integer, parameter :: PROC_UNDEFINED = 0 integer, parameter :: PROC_DECAY = 1 integer, parameter :: PROC_SCATTER = 2 @ %def auto_components parameters @ This is the wrapper type for the decay tree for the list of final states and the final array. First, an abstract base type: <>= public :: ps_table_t <>= type, abstract :: ps_table_t private class(model_data_t), pointer :: model => null () logical :: loops = .false. type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: first => null () type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: last => null () integer :: proc_type contains <> end type ps_table_t @ %def ps_table_t @ The extensions: one for decay, one for generic final states. The decay-state table stores the initial particle. The final-state table is indifferent, and the initial/final state table treats the first two particles in its list as incoming antiparticles. <>= public :: ds_table_t public :: fs_table_t public :: if_table_t <>= type, extends (ps_table_t) :: ds_table_t private integer :: pdg_in = 0 contains <> end type ds_table_t type, extends (ps_table_t) :: fs_table_t contains <> end type fs_table_t type, extends (fs_table_t) :: if_table_t contains <> end type if_table_t @ %def ds_table_t fs_table_t if_table_t @ Finalizer: we must deallocate the embedded list. <>= procedure :: final => ps_table_final <>= subroutine ps_table_final (object) class(ps_table_t), intent(inout) :: object type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: current do while (associated (object%first)) current => object%first object%first => current%next deallocate (current) end do nullify (object%last) end subroutine ps_table_final @ %def ps_table_final @ Write the table. A base writer for the body and specific writers for the headers. <>= procedure :: base_write => ps_table_base_write procedure (ps_table_write), deferred :: write <>= interface subroutine ps_table_write (object, unit) import class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit end subroutine ps_table_write end interface <>= procedure :: write => ds_table_write <>= procedure :: write => fs_table_write <>= procedure :: write => if_table_write @ The first [[n_in]] particles will be replaced by antiparticles in the output, and we write an arrow if [[n_in]] is present. <>= subroutine ps_table_base_write (object, unit, n_in) class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: n_in integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: entry type(field_data_t), pointer :: prt integer :: u, i, j, n0 u = given_output_unit (unit) entry => object%first do while (associated (entry)) write (u, "(2x)", advance = "no") if (present (n_in)) then do i = 1, n_in write (u, "(1x)", advance = "no") pdg = entry%get (i) do j = 1, size (pdg) prt => object%model%get_field_ptr (pdg(j)) if (j > 1) write (u, "(':')", advance = "no") write (u, "(A)", advance = "no") & char (prt%get_name (pdg(j) >= 0)) end do end do write (u, "(1x,A)", advance = "no") "=>" n0 = n_in + 1 else n0 = 1 end if do i = n0, entry%get_size () write (u, "(1x)", advance = "no") pdg = entry%get (i) do j = 1, size (pdg) prt => object%model%get_field_ptr (pdg(j)) if (j > 1) write (u, "(':')", advance = "no") write (u, "(A)", advance = "no") & char (prt%get_name (pdg(j) < 0)) end do end do if (object%loops) then write (u, "(2x,'[',I0,',',I0,']')") entry%n_loop, entry%n_rad else write (u, "(A)") end if entry => entry%next end do end subroutine ps_table_base_write subroutine ds_table_write (object, unit) class(ds_table_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(field_data_t), pointer :: prt integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) prt => object%model%get_field_ptr (object%pdg_in) write (u, "(1x,A,1x,A)") "Decays for particle:", & char (prt%get_name (object%pdg_in < 0)) call object%base_write (u) end subroutine ds_table_write subroutine fs_table_write (object, unit) class(fs_table_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(1x,A)") "Table of final states:" call object%base_write (u) end subroutine fs_table_write subroutine if_table_write (object, unit) class(if_table_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(1x,A)") "Table of in/out states:" select case (object%proc_type) case (PROC_DECAY) call object%base_write (u, n_in = 1) case (PROC_SCATTER) call object%base_write (u, n_in = 2) end select end subroutine if_table_write @ %def ps_table_write ds_table_write fs_table_write @ Obtain a particle string for a given index in the pdg list <>= procedure :: get_particle_string => ps_table_get_particle_string <>= subroutine ps_table_get_particle_string (object, index, prt_in, prt_out) class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in) :: index type(string_t), intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_in, prt_out integer :: n_in type(field_data_t), pointer :: prt type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: entry integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg integer :: n0 integer :: i, j entry => object%first i = 1 do while (i < index) if (associated (entry%next)) then entry => entry%next i = i + 1 else call msg_fatal ("ps_table: entry with requested index does not exist!") end if end do if (object%proc_type > 0) then select case (object%proc_type) case (PROC_DECAY) n_in = 1 case (PROC_SCATTER) n_in = 2 end select else call msg_fatal ("Neither decay nor scattering process") end if n0 = n_in + 1 allocate (prt_in (n_in), prt_out (entry%get_size () - n_in)) do i = 1, n_in prt_in(i) = "" pdg = entry%get(i) do j = 1, size (pdg) prt => object%model%get_field_ptr (pdg(j)) prt_in(i) = prt_in(i) // prt%get_name (pdg(j) >= 0) if (j /= size (pdg)) prt_in(i) = prt_in(i) // ":" end do end do do i = n0, entry%get_size () prt_out(i-n_in) = "" pdg = entry%get(i) do j = 1, size (pdg) prt => object%model%get_field_ptr (pdg(j)) prt_out(i-n_in) = prt_out(i-n_in) // prt%get_name (pdg(j) < 0) if (j /= size (pdg)) prt_out(i-n_in) = prt_out(i-n_in) // ":" end do end do end subroutine ps_table_get_particle_string @ %def ps_table_get_particle_string @ Initialize with a predefined set of final states, or in/out state lists. <>= generic :: init => ps_table_init procedure, private :: ps_table_init <>= generic :: init => if_table_init procedure, private :: if_table_init <>= subroutine ps_table_init (table, model, pl, constraints, n_in, do_not_check_regular) class(ps_table_t), intent(out) :: table class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pl type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints integer, intent(in), optional :: n_in logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular logical :: passed integer :: i table%model => model if (present (n_in)) then select case (n_in) case (1) table%proc_type = PROC_DECAY case (2) table%proc_type = PROC_SCATTER case default table%proc_type = PROC_UNDEFINED end select else table%proc_type = PROC_UNDEFINED end if do i = 1, size (pl) call table%record (pl(i), 0, 0, constraints, & do_not_check_regular, passed) if (.not. passed) then call msg_fatal ("ps_table: Registering process components failed") end if end do end subroutine ps_table_init subroutine if_table_init (table, model, pl_in, pl_out, constraints) class(if_table_t), intent(out) :: table class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pl_in, pl_out type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints integer :: i, j, k, p, n_in, n_out type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pa_in type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl allocate (pl (size (pl_in) * size (pl_out))) k = 0 do i = 1, size (pl_in) n_in = pl_in(i)%get_size () allocate (pa_in (n_in)) do p = 1, n_in pa_in(p) = pl_in(i)%get (p) end do do j = 1, size (pl_out) n_out = pl_out(j)%get_size () k = k + 1 call pl(k)%init (n_in + n_out) do p = 1, n_in call pl(k)%set (p, invert_pdg_array (pa_in(p), model)) end do do p = 1, n_out call pl(k)%set (n_in + p, pl_out(j)%get (p)) end do end do deallocate (pa_in) end do n_in = size (pl_in(1)%a) call table%init (model, pl, constraints, n_in, do_not_check_regular = .true.) end subroutine if_table_init @ %def ps_table_init if_table_init @ Enable loops for the table. This affects both splitting and output. <>= procedure :: enable_loops => ps_table_enable_loops <>= subroutine ps_table_enable_loops (table) class(ps_table_t), intent(inout) :: table table%loops = .true. end subroutine ps_table_enable_loops @ %def ps_table_enable_loops @ \subsection{Top-level methods} Create a table for a single-particle decay. Construct all possible final states from a single particle with PDG code [[pdg_in]]. The construction is limited by the given [[constraints]]. <>= procedure :: make => ds_table_make <>= subroutine ds_table_make (table, model, pdg_in, constraints) class(ds_table_t), intent(out) :: table class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: pdg_in type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_in type(pdg_list_t), dimension(0) :: pl call table%init (model, pl, constraints) table%pdg_in = pdg_in call pl_in%init (1) call pl_in%set (1, [pdg_in]) call table%split (pl_in, 0, constraints) end subroutine ds_table_make @ %def ds_table_make @ Split all entries in a growing table, starting from a table that may already contain states. Add and record split states on the fly. <>= procedure :: radiate => fs_table_radiate <>= subroutine fs_table_radiate (table, constraints, do_not_check_regular) class(fs_table_t), intent(inout) :: table type(split_constraints_t) :: constraints logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: current current => table%first do while (associated (current)) call table%split (current, 0, constraints, record = .true., & do_not_check_regular = do_not_check_regular) current => current%next end do end subroutine fs_table_radiate @ %def fs_table_radiate @ \subsection{Splitting algorithm} Recursive splitting. First of all, we record the current [[pdg_list]] in the table, subject to [[constraints]], if requested. We also record copies of the list marked as loop corrections. When we record a particle list, we sort it first. If there is room for splitting, We take a PDG array list and the index of an element, and split this element in all possible ways. The split entry is inserted into the list, which we split further. The recursion terminates whenever the split array would have a length greater than $n_\text{max}$. <>= procedure :: split => ps_table_split <>= recursive subroutine ps_table_split (table, pl, n_rad, constraints, & record, do_not_check_regular) class(ps_table_t), intent(inout) :: table class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_rad type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints logical, intent(in), optional :: record, do_not_check_regular integer :: n_loop, i logical :: passed, save_pdg_index type(vertex_iterator_t) :: vit integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg1 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg2 if (present (record)) then if (record) then n_loop = 0 INCR_LOOPS: do call table%record_sorted (pl, n_loop, n_rad, constraints, & do_not_check_regular, passed) if (.not. passed) exit INCR_LOOPS if (.not. table%loops) exit INCR_LOOPS n_loop = n_loop + 1 end do INCR_LOOPS end if end if select type (table) type is (if_table_t) save_pdg_index = .true. class default save_pdg_index = .false. end select do i = 1, pl%get_size () call constraints%check_before_split (table, pl, i, passed) if (passed) then pdg1 = pl%get (i) call vit%init (table%model, pdg1, save_pdg_index) SCAN_VERTICES: do call vit%get_next_match (pdg2) if (allocated (pdg2)) then call table%insert (pl, n_rad, i, pdg2, constraints, & do_not_check_regular = do_not_check_regular) else exit SCAN_VERTICES end if end do SCAN_VERTICES end if end do end subroutine ps_table_split @ %def ps_table_split @ The worker part: insert the list of particles found by vertex matching in place of entry [[i]] in the PDG list. Then split/record further. The [[n_in]] parameter tells the replacement routine to insert the new particles after entry [[n_in]]. Otherwise, they follow index [[i]]. <>= procedure :: insert => ps_table_insert <>= recursive subroutine ps_table_insert & (table, pl, n_rad, i, pdg, constraints, n_in, do_not_check_regular) class(ps_table_t), intent(inout) :: table class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_rad, i integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints integer, intent(in), optional :: n_in logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_insert logical :: passed integer :: k, s s = size (pdg) call pl_insert%init (s) do k = 1, s call pl_insert%set (k, pdg(k)) end do call constraints%check_before_insert (table, pl%get (i), pl_insert, passed) if (passed) then if (.not. is_colored_isr ()) return call table%split (pl%replace (i, pl_insert, n_in), n_rad + s - 1, & constraints, record = .true., do_not_check_regular = .true.) end if contains logical function is_colored_isr () result (ok) type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_replaced ok = .true. if (present (n_in)) then if (i <= n_in) then ok = pl_insert%contains_colored_particles () if (.not. ok) then pl_replaced = pl%replace (i, pl_insert, n_in) associate (size_replaced => pl_replaced%get_pdg_sizes (), & size => pl%get_pdg_sizes ()) ok = all (size_replaced(:n_in) == size(:n_in)) end associate end if end if end if end function is_colored_isr end subroutine ps_table_insert @ %def ps_table_insert @ Special case: If we are splitting an initial particle, there is slightly more to do. We loop over the particles from the vertex match and replace the initial particle by each of them in turn. The remaining particles must be appended after the second initial particle, so they will end up in the out state. This is done by providing the [[n_in]] argument to the base method as an optional argument. Note that we must call the base-method procedure explicitly, so the [[table]] argument keeps its dynamic type as [[if_table]] inside this procedure. <>= procedure :: insert => if_table_insert <>= recursive subroutine if_table_insert & (table, pl, n_rad, i, pdg, constraints, n_in, do_not_check_regular) class(if_table_t), intent(inout) :: table class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_rad, i integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints integer, intent(in), optional :: n_in logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_work integer :: p if (i > 2) then call ps_table_insert (table, pl, n_rad, i, pdg, constraints, & do_not_check_regular = do_not_check_regular) else allocate (pdg_work (size (pdg))) do p = 1, size (pdg) pdg_work(1) = pdg(p) pdg_work(2:p) = pdg(1:p-1) pdg_work(p+1:) = pdg(p+1:) select case (table%proc_type) case (PROC_DECAY) call ps_table_insert (table, & pl, n_rad, i, pdg_work, constraints, n_in = 1, & do_not_check_regular = do_not_check_regular) case (PROC_SCATTER) call ps_table_insert (table, & pl, n_rad, i, pdg_work, constraints, n_in = 2, & do_not_check_regular = do_not_check_regular) end select end do end if end subroutine if_table_insert @ %def if_table_insert @ Sort before recording. In the case of the [[if_table]], we do not sort the first [[n_in]] particle entries. Instead, we check whether they are allowed in the [[pl_beam]] PDG list, if that is provided. <>= procedure :: record_sorted => ps_table_record_sorted <>= procedure :: record_sorted => if_table_record_sorted <>= subroutine ps_table_record_sorted & (table, pl, n_loop, n_rad, constraints, do_not_check_regular, passed) class(ps_table_t), intent(inout) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop, n_rad type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular logical, intent(out) :: passed call table%record (pl%sort_abs (), n_loop, n_rad, constraints, & do_not_check_regular, passed) end subroutine ps_table_record_sorted subroutine if_table_record_sorted & (table, pl, n_loop, n_rad, constraints, do_not_check_regular, passed) class(if_table_t), intent(inout) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop, n_rad type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular logical, intent(out) :: passed call table%record (pl%sort_abs (2), n_loop, n_rad, constraints, & do_not_check_regular, passed) end subroutine if_table_record_sorted @ %def ps_table_record_sorted if_table_record_sorted @ Record an entry: insert into the list. Check the ordering and insert it at the correct place, unless it is already there. We record an array only if its mass sum is less than the total available energy. This restriction is removed by setting [[constrained]] to false. <>= procedure :: record => ps_table_record <>= subroutine ps_table_record (table, pl, n_loop, n_rad, constraints, & do_not_check_regular, passed) class(ps_table_t), intent(inout) :: table type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n_loop, n_rad type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints logical, intent(in), optional :: do_not_check_regular logical, intent(out) :: passed type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: current logical :: needs_check passed = .false. needs_check = .true. if (present (do_not_check_regular)) needs_check = .not. do_not_check_regular if (needs_check .and. .not. pl%is_regular ()) then call msg_warning ("Record ps_table entry: Irregular pdg-list encountered!") return end if call constraints%check_before_record (table, pl, n_loop, passed) if (.not. passed) then return end if current => table%first do while (associated (current)) if (pl == current) then if (n_loop == current%n_loop) return else if (pl < current) then call insert return end if current => current%next end do call insert contains subroutine insert () type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: entry allocate (entry) entry%pdg_list_t = pl entry%n_loop = n_loop entry%n_rad = n_rad if (associated (current)) then if (associated (current%previous)) then current%previous%next => entry entry%previous => current%previous else table%first => entry end if entry%next => current current%previous => entry else if (associated (table%last)) then table%last%next => entry entry%previous => table%last else table%first => entry end if table%last => entry end if end subroutine insert end subroutine ps_table_record @ %def ps_table_record @ \subsection{Tools} Compute the mass sum for a PDG list object, counting the entries with indices between (including) [[n1]] and [[n2]]. Rely on the requirement that if an entry is a PDG array, this array must be degenerate in mass. <>= function mass_sum (pl, n1, n2, model) result (m) type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2 class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg real(default) :: m type(field_data_t), pointer :: prt integer :: i m = 0 do i = n1, n2 pdg = pl%get (i) prt => model%get_field_ptr (pdg(1)) m = m + prt%get_mass () end do end function mass_sum @ %def mass_sum @ Invert a PDG array, replacing particles by antiparticles. This depends on the model. <>= function invert_pdg_array (pa, model) result (pa_inv) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(pdg_array_t) :: pa_inv type(field_data_t), pointer :: prt integer :: i, pdg pa_inv = pa do i = 1, pa_inv%get_length () pdg = pa_inv%get (i) prt => model%get_field_ptr (pdg) if (prt%has_antiparticle ()) call pa_inv%set (i, -pdg) end do end function invert_pdg_array @ %def invert_pdg_array @ \subsection{Access results} Return the number of generated decays. <>= procedure :: get_length => ps_table_get_length <>= function ps_table_get_length (ps_table) result (n) class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: ps_table integer :: n type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: entry n = 0 entry => ps_table%first do while (associated (entry)) n = n + 1 entry => entry%next end do end function ps_table_get_length @ %def ps_table_get_length @ <>= procedure :: get_emitters => ps_table_get_emitters <>= subroutine ps_table_get_emitters (table, constraints, emitters) class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: table type(split_constraints_t), intent(in) :: constraints integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: emitters class(pdg_list_t), pointer :: pl integer :: i logical :: passed type(vertex_iterator_t) :: vit integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg1, pdg2 integer :: n_emitters integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: emitters_tmp integer, parameter :: buf0 = 6 n_emitters = 0 pl => table%first allocate (emitters_tmp (buf0)) do i = 1, pl%get_size () call constraints%check_before_split (table, pl, i, passed) if (passed) then pdg1 = pl%get(i) call vit%init (table%model, pdg1, .false.) do call vit%get_next_match(pdg2) if (allocated (pdg2)) then if (n_emitters + 1 > size (emitters_tmp)) & call extend_integer_array (emitters_tmp, 10) emitters_tmp (n_emitters + 1) = pdg1(1) n_emitters = n_emitters + 1 else exit end if end do end if end do allocate (emitters (n_emitters)) emitters = emitters_tmp (1:n_emitters) deallocate (emitters_tmp) end subroutine ps_table_get_emitters @ %def ps_table_get_emitters @ Return an allocated array of decay products (PDG codes). If requested, return also the loop and radiation order count. <>= procedure :: get_pdg_out => ps_table_get_pdg_out <>= subroutine ps_table_get_pdg_out (ps_table, i, pa_out, n_loop, n_rad) class(ps_table_t), intent(in) :: ps_table integer, intent(in) :: i type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: pa_out integer, intent(out), optional :: n_loop, n_rad type(ps_entry_t), pointer :: entry integer :: n, j n = 0 entry => ps_table%first FIND_ENTRY: do while (associated (entry)) n = n + 1 if (n == i) then allocate (pa_out (entry%get_size ())) do j = 1, entry%get_size () pa_out(j) = entry%get (j) if (present (n_loop)) n_loop = entry%n_loop if (present (n_rad)) n_rad = entry%n_rad end do exit FIND_ENTRY end if entry => entry%next end do FIND_ENTRY end subroutine ps_table_get_pdg_out @ %def ps_table_get_pdg_out @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[auto_components_ut.f90]]>>= <> module auto_components_ut use unit_tests use auto_components_uti <> <> contains <> end module auto_components_ut @ %def auto_components_ut @ <<[[auto_components_uti.f90]]>>= <> module auto_components_uti <> <> use pdg_arrays use model_data use model_testbed, only: prepare_model, cleanup_model use auto_components <> <> contains <> end module auto_components_uti @ %def auto_components_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: auto_components_test <>= subroutine auto_components_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine auto_components_test @ %def auto_components_tests @ \subsubsection{Generate Decay Table} Determine all kinematically allowed decay channels for a Higgs boson, using default parameter values. <>= call test (auto_components_1, "auto_components_1", & "generate decay table", & u, results) <>= public :: auto_components_1 <>= subroutine auto_components_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u class(model_data_t), pointer :: model type(field_data_t), pointer :: prt type(ds_table_t) :: ds_table type(split_constraints_t) :: constraints write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: auto_components_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: determine Higgs decay table" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Read Standard Model" model => null () call prepare_model (model, var_str ("SM")) prt => model%get_field_ptr (25) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Higgs decays n = 2" write (u, *) call constraints%init (2) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (2)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_mass_sum (prt%get_mass ())) call ds_table%make (model, 25, constraints) call ds_table%write (u) call ds_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Higgs decays n = 3 (w/o radiative)" write (u, *) call constraints%init (3) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (3)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_mass_sum (prt%get_mass ())) call constraints%set (3, constrain_radiation ()) call ds_table%make (model, 25, constraints) call ds_table%write (u) call ds_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Higgs decays n = 3 (w/ radiative)" write (u, *) call constraints%init (2) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (3)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_mass_sum (prt%get_mass ())) call ds_table%make (model, 25, constraints) call ds_table%write (u) call ds_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call cleanup_model (model) deallocate (model) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: auto_components_1" end subroutine auto_components_1 @ %def auto_components_1 @ \subsubsection{Generate radiation} Given a final state, add radiation (NLO and NNLO). We provide a list of particles that is allowed to occur in the generated final states. <>= call test (auto_components_2, "auto_components_2", & "generate NLO corrections, final state", & u, results) <>= public :: auto_components_2 <>= subroutine auto_components_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u class(model_data_t), pointer :: model type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl, pl_zzh type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_match type(fs_table_t) :: fs_table type(split_constraints_t) :: constraints real(default) :: sqrts integer :: i write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: auto_components_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: generate radiation (NLO)" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Read Standard Model" model => null () call prepare_model (model, var_str ("SM")) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* LO final state" write (u, *) allocate (pl (2)) call pl(1)%init (2) call pl(1)%set (1, 1) call pl(1)%set (2, -1) call pl(2)%init (2) call pl(2)%set (1, 21) call pl(2)%set (2, 21) do i = 1, 2 call pl(i)%write (u); write (u, *) end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize FS table" write (u, *) call constraints%init (1) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (3)) call fs_table%init (model, pl, constraints) call fs_table%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, unconstrained" write (u, *) call fs_table%radiate (constraints) call fs_table%write (u) call fs_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, & &complete but mass-constrained" write (u, *) sqrts = 50 call constraints%init (2) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (3)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_mass_sum (sqrts)) call fs_table%init (model, pl, constraints) call fs_table%radiate (constraints) call fs_table%write (u) call fs_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, restricted" write (u, *) call pl_match%init ([1, -1, 21]) call constraints%init (2) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (3)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_insert (pl_match)) call fs_table%init (model, pl, constraints) call fs_table%radiate (constraints) call fs_table%write (u) call fs_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NNLO corrections, restricted, with one loop" write (u, *) call pl_match%init ([1, -1, 21]) call constraints%init (3) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (4)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_n_loop (1)) call constraints%set (3, constrain_insert (pl_match)) call fs_table%init (model, pl, constraints) call fs_table%enable_loops () call fs_table%radiate (constraints) call fs_table%write (u) call fs_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NNLO corrections, restricted, with loops" write (u, *) call constraints%init (2) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (4)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_insert (pl_match)) call fs_table%init (model, pl, constraints) call fs_table%enable_loops () call fs_table%radiate (constraints) call fs_table%write (u) call fs_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NNLO corrections, restricted, to Z Z H, & &no loops" write (u, *) allocate (pl_zzh (1)) call pl_zzh(1)%init (3) call pl_zzh(1)%set (1, 23) call pl_zzh(1)%set (2, 23) call pl_zzh(1)%set (3, 25) call constraints%init (3) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (5)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_mass_sum (500._default)) call constraints%set (3, constrain_require (pl_zzh(1))) call fs_table%init (model, pl_zzh, constraints) call fs_table%radiate (constraints) call fs_table%write (u) call fs_table%final () call cleanup_model (model) deallocate (model) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: auto_components_2" end subroutine auto_components_2 @ %def auto_components_2 @ \subsubsection{Generate radiation from initial and final state} Given a process, add radiation (NLO and NNLO). We provide a list of particles that is allowed to occur in the generated final states. <>= call test (auto_components_3, "auto_components_3", & "generate NLO corrections, in and out", & u, results) <>= public :: auto_components_3 <>= subroutine auto_components_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u class(model_data_t), pointer :: model type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl_in, pl_out type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_match, pl_beam type(if_table_t) :: if_table type(split_constraints_t) :: constraints real(default) :: sqrts integer :: i write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: auto_components_3" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: generate radiation (NLO)" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Read Standard Model" model => null () call prepare_model (model, var_str ("SM")) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* LO initial state" write (u, *) allocate (pl_in (2)) call pl_in(1)%init (2) call pl_in(1)%set (1, 1) call pl_in(1)%set (2, -1) call pl_in(2)%init (2) call pl_in(2)%set (1, -1) call pl_in(2)%set (2, 1) do i = 1, 2 call pl_in(i)%write (u); write (u, *) end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* LO final state" write (u, *) allocate (pl_out (1)) call pl_out(1)%init (1) call pl_out(1)%set (1, 23) call pl_out(1)%write (u); write (u, *) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize FS table" write (u, *) call constraints%init (1) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (4)) call if_table%init (model, pl_in, pl_out, constraints) call if_table%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, unconstrained" write (u, *) call if_table%radiate (constraints) call if_table%write (u) call if_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, & &complete but mass-constrained" write (u, *) sqrts = 100 call constraints%init (2) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (4)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_mass_sum (sqrts)) call if_table%init (model, pl_in, pl_out, constraints) call if_table%radiate (constraints) call if_table%write (u) call if_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, & &mass-constrained, restricted beams" write (u, *) call pl_beam%init (3) call pl_beam%set (1, 1) call pl_beam%set (2, -1) call pl_beam%set (3, 21) call constraints%init (3) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (4)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_in_state (pl_beam)) call constraints%set (3, constrain_mass_sum (sqrts)) call if_table%init (model, pl_in, pl_out, constraints) call if_table%radiate (constraints) call if_table%write (u) call if_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NLO corrections, restricted" write (u, *) call pl_match%init ([1, -1, 21]) call constraints%init (4) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (4)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_in_state (pl_beam)) call constraints%set (3, constrain_mass_sum (sqrts)) call constraints%set (4, constrain_insert (pl_match)) call if_table%init (model, pl_in, pl_out, constraints) call if_table%radiate (constraints) call if_table%write (u) call if_table%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Generate NNLO corrections, restricted, Z preserved, & &with loops" write (u, *) call constraints%init (5) call constraints%set (1, constrain_n_tot (5)) call constraints%set (2, constrain_in_state (pl_beam)) call constraints%set (3, constrain_mass_sum (sqrts)) call constraints%set (4, constrain_insert (pl_match)) call constraints%set (5, constrain_require (pl_out(1))) call if_table%init (model, pl_in, pl_out, constraints) call if_table%enable_loops () call if_table%radiate (constraints) call if_table%write (u) call if_table%final () call cleanup_model (model) deallocate (model) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: auto_components_3" end subroutine auto_components_3 @ %def auto_components_3 @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Creating the real flavor structure} <<[[radiation_generator.f90]]>>= <> module radiation_generator <> <> use diagnostics use io_units use physics_defs, only: PHOTON, GLUON use pdg_arrays use flavors use model_data use auto_components use string_utils, only: split_string, string_contains_word implicit none private <> <> contains <> end module radiation_generator @ %def radiation_generator @ <>= type :: pdg_sorter_t integer :: pdg logical :: checked = .false. integer :: associated_born = 0 end type pdg_sorter_t @ %def pdg_sorter @ <>= type :: pdg_states_t type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg type(pdg_states_t), pointer :: next integer :: n_particles contains <> end type pdg_states_t @ %def pdg_states_t <>= procedure :: init => pdg_states_init <>= subroutine pdg_states_init (states) class(pdg_states_t), intent(inout) :: states nullify (states%next) end subroutine pdg_states_init @ %def pdg_states_init @ <>= procedure :: add => pdg_states_add <>= subroutine pdg_states_add (states, pdg) class(pdg_states_t), intent(inout), target :: states type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg type(pdg_states_t), pointer :: current_state select type (states) type is (pdg_states_t) current_state => states do if (associated (current_state%next)) then current_state => current_state%next else allocate (current_state%next) nullify(current_state%next%next) current_state%pdg = pdg exit end if end do end select end subroutine pdg_states_add @ %def pdg_states_add @ <>= procedure :: get_n_states => pdg_states_get_n_states <>= function pdg_states_get_n_states (states) result (n) class(pdg_states_t), intent(in), target :: states integer :: n type(pdg_states_t), pointer :: current_state n = 0 select type(states) type is (pdg_states_t) current_state => states do if (associated (current_state%next)) then n = n+1 current_state => current_state%next else exit end if end do end select end function pdg_states_get_n_states @ %def pdg_states_get_n_states @ <>= type :: prt_queue_t type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_string type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: next => null () type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: previous => null () type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: front => null () type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: current_prt => null () type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: back => null () integer :: n_lists = 0 contains <> end type prt_queue_t @ %def prt_queue_t @ <>= procedure :: null => prt_queue_null <>= subroutine prt_queue_null (queue) class(prt_queue_t), intent(out) :: queue queue%next => null () queue%previous => null () queue%front => null () queue%current_prt => null () queue%back => null () queue%n_lists = 0 if (allocated (queue%prt_string)) deallocate (queue%prt_string) end subroutine prt_queue_null @ %def prt_queue_null @ <>= procedure :: append => prt_queue_append <>= subroutine prt_queue_append (queue, prt_string) class(prt_queue_t), intent(inout) :: queue type(string_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: prt_string type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: new_element => null () type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: current_back => null () allocate (new_element) allocate (new_element%prt_string(size (prt_string))) new_element%prt_string = prt_string if (associated (queue%back)) then current_back => queue%back current_back%next => new_element new_element%previous => current_back queue%back => new_element else !!! Initial entry queue%front => new_element queue%back => queue%front queue%current_prt => queue%front end if queue%n_lists = queue%n_lists + 1 end subroutine prt_queue_append @ %def prt_queue_append @ <>= procedure :: get => prt_queue_get <>= subroutine prt_queue_get (queue, prt_string) class(prt_queue_t), intent(inout) :: queue type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: prt_string if (associated (queue%current_prt)) then prt_string = queue%current_prt%prt_string if (associated (queue%current_prt%next)) & queue%current_prt => queue%current_prt%next else prt_string = " " end if end subroutine prt_queue_get @ %def prt_queue_get @ As above. <>= procedure :: get_last => prt_queue_get_last <>= subroutine prt_queue_get_last (queue, prt_string) class(prt_queue_t), intent(in) :: queue type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: prt_string if (associated (queue%back)) then allocate (prt_string(size (queue%back%prt_string))) prt_string = queue%back%prt_string else prt_string = " " end if end subroutine prt_queue_get_last @ %def prt_queue_get_last @ <>= procedure :: reset => prt_queue_reset <>= subroutine prt_queue_reset (queue) class(prt_queue_t), intent(inout) :: queue queue%current_prt => queue%front end subroutine prt_queue_reset @ %def prt_queue_reset @ <>= procedure :: check_for_same_prt_strings => prt_queue_check_for_same_prt_strings <>= function prt_queue_check_for_same_prt_strings (queue) result (val) class(prt_queue_t), intent(inout) :: queue logical :: val type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_string integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: i_particle integer :: n_d, n_dbar, n_u, n_ubar, n_s, n_sbar, n_gl, n_e, n_ep, n_mu, n_mup, n_A integer :: i, j call queue%reset () allocate (i_particle (queue%n_lists, 12)) do i = 1, queue%n_lists call queue%get (prt_string) n_d = count_particle (prt_string, 1) n_dbar = count_particle (prt_string, -1) n_u = count_particle (prt_string, 2) n_ubar = count_particle (prt_string, -2) n_s = count_particle (prt_string, 3) n_sbar = count_particle (prt_string, -3) n_gl = count_particle (prt_string, 21) n_e = count_particle (prt_string, 11) n_ep = count_particle (prt_string, -11) n_mu = count_particle (prt_string, 13) n_mup = count_particle (prt_string, -13) n_A = count_particle (prt_string, 22) i_particle (i, 1) = n_d i_particle (i, 2) = n_dbar i_particle (i, 3) = n_u i_particle (i, 4) = n_ubar i_particle (i, 5) = n_s i_particle (i, 6) = n_sbar i_particle (i, 7) = n_gl i_particle (i, 8) = n_e i_particle (i, 9) = n_ep i_particle (i, 10) = n_mu i_particle (i, 11) = n_mup i_particle (i, 12) = n_A end do val = .false. do i = 1, queue%n_lists do j = 1, queue%n_lists if (i == j) cycle val = val .or. all (i_particle (i,:) == i_particle(j,:)) end do end do contains function count_particle (prt_string, pdg) result (n) type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: prt_string integer, intent(in) :: pdg integer :: n integer :: i type(string_t) :: prt_ref n = 0 select case (pdg) case (1) prt_ref = "d" case (-1) prt_ref = "dbar" case (2) prt_ref = "u" case (-2) prt_ref = "ubar" case (3) prt_ref = "s" case (-3) prt_ref = "sbar" case (21) prt_ref = "gl" case (11) prt_ref = "e-" case (-11) prt_ref = "e+" case (13) prt_ref = "mu-" case (-13) prt_ref = "mu+" case (22) prt_ref = "A" end select do i = 1, size (prt_string) if (prt_string(i) == prt_ref) n = n+1 end do end function count_particle end function prt_queue_check_for_same_prt_strings @ %def prt_queue_check_for_same_prt_strings @ <>= procedure :: contains => prt_queue_contains <>= function prt_queue_contains (queue, prt_string) result (val) class(prt_queue_t), intent(in) :: queue type(string_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: prt_string logical :: val type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: current => null() if (associated (queue%front)) then current => queue%front else call msg_fatal ("Trying to access empty particle queue") end if val = .false. do if (size (current%prt_string) == size (prt_string)) then if (all (current%prt_string == prt_string)) then val = .true. exit end if end if if (associated (current%next)) then current => current%next else exit end if end do end function prt_queue_contains @ %def prt_string_list_contains @ <>= procedure :: write => prt_queue_write <>= subroutine prt_queue_write (queue, unit) class(prt_queue_t), intent(in) :: queue integer, optional :: unit type(prt_queue_t), pointer :: current => null () integer :: i, j, u u = given_output_unit (unit) if (associated (queue%front)) then current => queue%front else write (u, "(A)") "[Particle queue is empty]" return end if j = 1 do write (u, "(I2,A,1X)", advance = 'no') j , ":" do i = 1, size (current%prt_string) write (u, "(A,1X)", advance = 'no') char (current%prt_string(i)) end do write (u, "(A)") if (associated (current%next)) then current => current%next j = j+1 else exit end if end do end subroutine prt_queue_write @ %def prt_queue_write @ <>= subroutine sort_prt (prt, model) type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: prt class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg type(flavor_t) :: flv integer :: i call create_pdg_array (prt, model, pdg) call sort_pdg (pdg) do i = 1, size (pdg) call flv%init (pdg(i)%get(), model) prt(i) = flv%get_name () end do end subroutine sort_prt subroutine sort_pdg (pdg) type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: pdg integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i_pdg integer :: i allocate (i_pdg (size (pdg))) do i = 1, size (pdg) i_pdg(i) = pdg(i)%get () end do i_pdg = sort_abs (i_pdg) do i = 1, size (pdg) call pdg(i)%set (1, i_pdg(i)) end do end subroutine sort_pdg subroutine create_pdg_array (prt, model, pdg) type (string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: prt class (model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: pdg type(flavor_t) :: flv integer :: i allocate (pdg (size (prt))) do i = 1, size (prt) call flv%init (prt(i), model) pdg(i) = flv%get_pdg () end do end subroutine create_pdg_array @ %def sort_prt sort_pdg create_pdg_array @ This is used in unit tests: <>= subroutine write_pdg_array (pdg, u) use pdg_arrays type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: i do i = 1, size (pdg) call pdg(i)%write (u) end do write (u, "(A)") end subroutine write_pdg_array subroutine write_particle_string (prt, u) <> type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: i do i = 1, size (prt) write (u, "(A,1X)", advance = "no") char (prt(i)) end do write (u, "(A)") end subroutine write_particle_string @ %def write_pdg_array write_particle_string <>= type :: reshuffle_list_t integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ii type(reshuffle_list_t), pointer :: next => null () contains <> end type reshuffle_list_t @ %def reshuffle_list_t @ <>= procedure :: write => reshuffle_list_write <>= subroutine reshuffle_list_write (rlist) class(reshuffle_list_t), intent(in) :: rlist type(reshuffle_list_t), pointer :: current => null () integer :: i print *, 'Content of reshuffling list: ' if (associated (rlist%next)) then current => rlist%next i = 1 do print *, 'i: ', i, 'list: ', current%ii i = i + 1 if (associated (current%next)) then current => current%next else exit end if end do else print *, '[EMPTY]' end if end subroutine reshuffle_list_write @ %def reshuffle_list_write @ <>= procedure :: append => reshuffle_list_append <>= subroutine reshuffle_list_append (rlist, ii) class(reshuffle_list_t), intent(inout) :: rlist integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(in) :: ii type(reshuffle_list_t), pointer :: current if (associated (rlist%next)) then current => rlist%next do if (associated (current%next)) then current => current%next else allocate (current%next) allocate (current%next%ii (size (ii))) current%next%ii = ii exit end if end do else allocate (rlist%next) allocate (rlist%next%ii (size (ii))) rlist%next%ii = ii end if end subroutine reshuffle_list_append @ %def reshuffle_list_append @ <>= procedure :: is_empty => reshuffle_list_is_empty <>= elemental function reshuffle_list_is_empty (rlist) result (is_empty) logical :: is_empty class(reshuffle_list_t), intent(in) :: rlist is_empty = .not. associated (rlist%next) end function reshuffle_list_is_empty @ %def reshuffle_list_is_empty @ <>= procedure :: get => reshuffle_list_get <>= function reshuffle_list_get (rlist, index) result (ii) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ii class(reshuffle_list_t), intent(inout) :: rlist integer, intent(in) :: index type(reshuffle_list_t), pointer :: current => null () integer :: i current => rlist%next do i = 1, index - 1 if (associated (current%next)) then current => current%next else call msg_fatal ("Index exceeds size of reshuffling list") end if end do allocate (ii (size (current%ii))) ii = current%ii end function reshuffle_list_get @ %def reshuffle_list_get @ We need to reset the [[reshuffle_list]] in order to deal with subsequent usages of the [[radiation_generator]]. Below is obviously the lazy and dirty solution. Otherwise, we would have to equip this auxiliary type with additional information about [[last]] and [[previous]] pointers. Considering that at most $n_{\rm{legs}}$ integers are saved in the lists, and that the subroutine is only called during the initialization phase (more precisely: at the moment only in the [[radiation_generator]] unit tests), I think this quick fix is justified. <>= procedure :: reset => reshuffle_list_reset <>= subroutine reshuffle_list_reset (rlist) class(reshuffle_list_t), intent(inout) :: rlist rlist%next => null () end subroutine reshuffle_list_reset @ %def reshuffle_list_reset @ <>= public :: radiation_generator_t <>= type :: radiation_generator_t logical :: qcd_enabled = .false. logical :: qed_enabled = .false. logical :: is_gluon = .false. logical :: fs_gluon = .false. logical :: is_photon = .false. logical :: fs_photon = .false. logical :: only_final_state = .true. type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_in, pl_out type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_excluded_gauge_splittings type(split_constraints_t) :: constraints integer :: n_tot integer :: n_in, n_out integer :: n_loops integer :: n_light_quarks real(default) :: mass_sum type(prt_queue_t) :: prt_queue type(pdg_states_t) :: pdg_raw type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in_born, pdg_out_born type(if_table_t) :: if_table type(reshuffle_list_t) :: reshuffle_list contains <> end type radiation_generator_t @ @ %def radiation_generator_t <>= generic :: init => init_pdg_list, init_pdg_array procedure :: init_pdg_list => radiation_generator_init_pdg_list procedure :: init_pdg_array => radiation_generator_init_pdg_array <>= subroutine radiation_generator_init_pdg_list & (generator, pl_in, pl_out, pl_excluded_gauge_splittings, qcd, qed) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_in, pl_out type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_excluded_gauge_splittings logical, intent(in), optional :: qcd, qed if (present (qcd)) generator%qcd_enabled = qcd if (present (qed)) generator%qed_enabled = qed generator%pl_in = pl_in generator%pl_out = pl_out generator%pl_excluded_gauge_splittings = pl_excluded_gauge_splittings generator%is_gluon = pl_in%search_for_particle (GLUON) generator%fs_gluon = pl_out%search_for_particle (GLUON) generator%is_photon = pl_in%search_for_particle (PHOTON) generator%fs_photon = pl_out%search_for_particle (PHOTON) generator%mass_sum = 0._default call generator%pdg_raw%init () end subroutine radiation_generator_init_pdg_list subroutine radiation_generator_init_pdg_array & (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings, qcd, qed) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: pdg_in, pdg_out type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings logical, intent(in), optional :: qcd, qed type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_in, pl_out type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_excluded_gauge_splittings integer :: i call pl_in%init(size (pdg_in)) call pl_out%init(size (pdg_out)) do i = 1, size (pdg_in) call pl_in%set (i, pdg_in(i)) end do do i = 1, size (pdg_out) call pl_out%set (i, pdg_out(i)) end do call pl_excluded_gauge_splittings%init(size (pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings)) do i = 1, size (pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings) call pl_excluded_gauge_splittings%set & (i, pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings(i)) end do call generator%init (pl_in, pl_out, pl_excluded_gauge_splittings, qcd, qed) end subroutine radiation_generator_init_pdg_array @ %def radiation_generator_init_pdg_list radiation_generator_init_pdg_array @ <>= procedure :: set_initial_state_emissions => & radiation_generator_set_initial_state_emissions <>= subroutine radiation_generator_set_initial_state_emissions (generator) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator generator%only_final_state = .false. end subroutine radiation_generator_set_initial_state_emissions @ %def radiation_generator_set_initial_state_emissions @ <>= procedure :: setup_if_table => radiation_generator_setup_if_table <>= subroutine radiation_generator_setup_if_table (generator, model) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl_in, pl_out allocate (pl_in(1), pl_out(1)) pl_in(1) = generator%pl_in pl_out(1) = generator%pl_out call generator%if_table%init & (model, pl_in, pl_out, generator%constraints) end subroutine radiation_generator_setup_if_table @ %def radiation_generator_setup_if_table @ <>= generic :: reset_particle_content => reset_particle_content_pdg_array, & reset_particle_content_pdg_list procedure :: reset_particle_content_pdg_list => & radiation_generator_reset_particle_content_pdg_list procedure :: reset_particle_content_pdg_array => & radiation_generator_reset_particle_content_pdg_array <>= subroutine radiation_generator_reset_particle_content_pdg_list (generator, pl) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl generator%pl_out = pl generator%fs_gluon = pl%search_for_particle (GLUON) generator%fs_photon = pl%search_for_particle (PHOTON) end subroutine radiation_generator_reset_particle_content_pdg_list subroutine radiation_generator_reset_particle_content_pdg_array (generator, pdg) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: pdg type(pdg_list_t) :: pl integer :: i call pl%init (size (pdg)) do i = 1, size (pdg) call pl%set (i, pdg(i)) end do call generator%reset_particle_content (pl) end subroutine radiation_generator_reset_particle_content_pdg_array @ %def radiation_generator_reset_particle_content @ <>= procedure :: reset_reshuffle_list=> radiation_generator_reset_reshuffle_list <>= subroutine radiation_generator_reset_reshuffle_list (generator) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator call generator%reshuffle_list%reset () end subroutine radiation_generator_reset_reshuffle_list @ %def radiation_generator_reset_reshuffle_list @ <>= procedure :: set_n => radiation_generator_set_n <>= subroutine radiation_generator_set_n (generator, n_in, n_out, n_loops) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator integer, intent(in) :: n_in, n_out, n_loops generator%n_tot = n_in + n_out + 1 generator%n_in = n_in generator%n_out = n_out generator%n_loops = n_loops end subroutine radiation_generator_set_n @ %def radiation_generator_set_n @ <>= procedure :: set_constraints => radiation_generator_set_constraints <>= subroutine radiation_generator_set_constraints & (generator, set_n_loop, set_mass_sum, & set_selected_particles, set_required_particles) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout), target :: generator logical, intent(in) :: set_n_loop logical, intent(in) :: set_mass_sum logical, intent(in) :: set_selected_particles logical, intent(in) :: set_required_particles logical :: set_no_photon_induced = .true. integer :: i, j, n, n_constraints type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_req, pl_insert type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_antiparticles type(pdg_array_t) :: pdg_gluon, pdg_photon type(pdg_array_t) :: pdg_add, pdg_tmp integer :: last_index integer :: n_new_particles, n_skip integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i_skip integer :: n_nlo_correction_types n_nlo_correction_types = count ([generator%qcd_enabled, generator%qed_enabled]) if (generator%is_photon) set_no_photon_induced = .false. allocate (i_skip (generator%n_tot)) i_skip = -1 n_constraints = 2 + count([set_n_loop, set_mass_sum, & set_selected_particles, set_required_particles, set_no_photon_induced]) associate (constraints => generator%constraints) n = 1 call constraints%init (n_constraints) call constraints%set (n, constrain_n_tot (generator%n_tot)) n = 2 call constraints%set (n, constrain_couplings (generator%qcd_enabled, & generator%qed_enabled, n_nlo_correction_types)) n = n + 1 if (set_no_photon_induced) then call constraints%set (n, constrain_photon_induced_processes (generator%n_in)) n = n + 1 end if if (set_n_loop) then call constraints%set (n, constrain_n_loop(generator%n_loops)) n = n + 1 end if if (set_mass_sum) then call constraints%set (n, constrain_mass_sum(generator%mass_sum)) n = n + 1 end if if (set_required_particles) then if (generator%fs_gluon .or. generator%fs_photon) then do i = 1, generator%n_out pdg_tmp = generator%pl_out%get(i) if (pdg_tmp%search_for_particle (GLUON) & .or. pdg_tmp%search_for_particle (PHOTON)) then i_skip(i) = i end if end do n_skip = count (i_skip > 0) call pl_req%init (generator%n_out-n_skip) else call pl_req%init (generator%n_out) end if j = 1 do i = 1, generator%n_out if (any (i == i_skip)) cycle call pl_req%set (j, generator%pl_out%get(i)) j = j + 1 end do call constraints%set (n, constrain_require (pl_req)) n = n + 1 end if if (set_selected_particles) then if (generator%only_final_state ) then call pl_insert%init (generator%n_out + n_nlo_correction_types) do i = 1, generator%n_out call pl_insert%set(i, generator%pl_out%get(i)) end do last_index = generator%n_out + 1 else call generator%pl_in%create_antiparticles (pl_antiparticles, n_new_particles) call pl_insert%init (generator%n_tot + n_new_particles & + n_nlo_correction_types) do i = 1, generator%n_in call pl_insert%set(i, generator%pl_in%get(i)) end do do i = 1, generator%n_out j = i + generator%n_in call pl_insert%set(j, generator%pl_out%get(i)) end do do i = 1, n_new_particles j = i + generator%n_in + generator%n_out call pl_insert%set(j, pl_antiparticles%get(i)) end do last_index = generator%n_tot + n_new_particles + 1 end if pdg_gluon = GLUON; pdg_photon = PHOTON if (generator%qcd_enabled) then pdg_add = pdg_gluon call pl_insert%set (last_index, pdg_add) last_index = last_index + 1 end if if (generator%qed_enabled) then pdg_add = pdg_photon call pl_insert%set (last_index, pdg_add) end if call constraints%set (n, constrain_splittings (pl_insert, & generator%pl_excluded_gauge_splittings)) end if end associate end subroutine radiation_generator_set_constraints @ %def radiation_generator_set_constraints @ <>= procedure :: find_splittings => radiation_generator_find_splittings <>= subroutine radiation_generator_find_splittings (generator) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator integer :: i type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in, pdg_out, pdg_tmp integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: reshuffle_list call generator%pl_in%create_pdg_array (pdg_in) call generator%pl_out%create_pdg_array (pdg_out) associate (if_table => generator%if_table) call if_table%radiate (generator%constraints, do_not_check_regular = .true.) do i = 1, if_table%get_length () call if_table%get_pdg_out (i, pdg_tmp) if (size (pdg_tmp) == generator%n_tot) then call pdg_reshuffle (pdg_out, pdg_tmp, reshuffle_list) call generator%reshuffle_list%append (reshuffle_list) end if end do end associate contains subroutine pdg_reshuffle (pdg_born, pdg_real, list) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: pdg_born, pdg_real integer, intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable :: list type(pdg_sorter_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: sort_born type(pdg_sorter_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: sort_real integer :: i_min, n_in, n_born, n_real integer :: ib, ir n_in = generator%n_in n_born = size (pdg_born) n_real = size (pdg_real) allocate (list (n_real - n_in)) allocate (sort_born (n_born)) allocate (sort_real (n_real - n_in)) sort_born%pdg = pdg_born%get () sort_real%pdg = pdg_real(n_in + 1 : n_real)%get() do ib = 1, n_born if (any (sort_born(ib)%pdg == sort_real%pdg)) & call associate_born_indices (sort_born(ib), sort_real, ib, n_real) end do i_min = maxval (sort_real%associated_born) + 1 do ir = 1, n_real - n_in if (sort_real(ir)%associated_born == 0) then sort_real(ir)%associated_born = i_min i_min = i_min + 1 end if end do list = sort_real%associated_born end subroutine pdg_reshuffle subroutine associate_born_indices (sort_born, sort_real, ib, n_real) type(pdg_sorter_t), intent(in) :: sort_born type(pdg_sorter_t), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: sort_real integer, intent(in) :: ib, n_real integer :: ir do ir = 1, n_real - generator%n_in if (sort_born%pdg == sort_real(ir)%pdg & .and..not. sort_real(ir)%checked) then sort_real(ir)%associated_born = ib sort_real(ir)%checked = .true. exit end if end do end subroutine associate_born_indices end subroutine radiation_generator_find_splittings @ %def radiation_generator_find_splittings @ <>= procedure :: generate_real_particle_strings & => radiation_generator_generate_real_particle_strings <>= subroutine radiation_generator_generate_real_particle_strings & (generator, prt_tot_in, prt_tot_out) type :: prt_array_t type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt end type class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(string_t), intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_tot_in, prt_tot_out type(prt_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_in, prt_out type(prt_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_out0, prt_in0 type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_tmp, pdg_out, pdg_in type(pdg_list_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pl_in, pl_out type(prt_array_t) :: prt_out0_tmp, prt_in0_tmp integer :: i, j integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: reshuffle_list_local type(reshuffle_list_t) :: reshuffle_list integer :: flv type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: buf integer :: i_buf flv = 0 allocate (prt_in0(0), prt_out0(0)) associate (if_table => generator%if_table) do i = 1, if_table%get_length () call if_table%get_pdg_out (i, pdg_tmp) if (size (pdg_tmp) == generator%n_tot) then call if_table%get_particle_string (i, & prt_in0_tmp%prt, prt_out0_tmp%prt) prt_in0 = [prt_in0, prt_in0_tmp] prt_out0 = [prt_out0, prt_out0_tmp] flv = flv + 1 end if end do end associate allocate (prt_in(size (prt_in0)), prt_out(size (prt_out0))) do i = 1, flv allocate (prt_in(i)%prt (generator%n_in)) allocate (prt_out(i)%prt (generator%n_tot - generator%n_in)) end do allocate (prt_tot_in (generator%n_in)) allocate (prt_tot_out (generator%n_tot - generator%n_in)) allocate (buf (generator%n_tot)) buf = "" do j = 1, flv do i = 1, generator%n_in prt_in(j)%prt(i) = prt_in0(j)%prt(i) call fill_buffer (buf(i), prt_in0(j)%prt(i)) end do end do prt_tot_in = buf(1 : generator%n_in) do j = 1, flv allocate (reshuffle_list_local (size (generator%reshuffle_list%get(j)))) reshuffle_list_local = generator%reshuffle_list%get(j) do i = 1, size (reshuffle_list_local) prt_out(j)%prt(reshuffle_list_local(i)) = prt_out0(j)%prt(i) i_buf = reshuffle_list_local(i) + generator%n_in call fill_buffer (buf(i_buf), & prt_out(j)%prt(reshuffle_list_local(i))) end do !!! Need to deallocate here because in the next iteration the reshuffling !!! list can have a different size deallocate (reshuffle_list_local) end do prt_tot_out = buf(generator%n_in + 1 : generator%n_tot) if (debug2_active (D_CORE)) then print *, 'Generated initial state: ' do i = 1, size (prt_tot_in) print *, char (prt_tot_in(i)) end do print *, 'Generated final state: ' do i = 1, size (prt_tot_out) print *, char (prt_tot_out(i)) end do end if contains subroutine fill_buffer (buffer, particle) type(string_t), intent(inout) :: buffer type(string_t), intent(in) :: particle logical :: particle_present if (len (buffer) > 0) then particle_present = check_for_substring (char(buffer), particle) if (.not. particle_present) buffer = buffer // ":" // particle else buffer = buffer // particle end if end subroutine fill_buffer function check_for_substring (buffer, substring) result (exist) character(len=*), intent(in) :: buffer type(string_t), intent(in) :: substring character(len=50) :: buffer_internal logical :: exist integer :: i_first, i_last exist = .false. i_first = 1; i_last = 1 do if (buffer(i_last:i_last) == ":") then buffer_internal = buffer (i_first : i_last - 1) if (buffer_internal == char (substring)) then exist = .true. exit end if i_first = i_last + 1; i_last = i_first + 1 if (i_last > len(buffer)) exit else if (i_last == len(buffer)) then buffer_internal = buffer (i_first : i_last) exist = buffer_internal == char (substring) exit else i_last = i_last + 1 if (i_last > len(buffer)) exit end if end do end function check_for_substring end subroutine radiation_generator_generate_real_particle_strings @ %def radiation_generator_generate_real_particle_strings @ <>= procedure :: contains_emissions => radiation_generator_contains_emissions <>= function radiation_generator_contains_emissions (generator) result (has_em) logical :: has_em class(radiation_generator_t), intent(in) :: generator has_em = .not. generator%reshuffle_list%is_empty () end function radiation_generator_contains_emissions @ %def radiation_generator_contains_emissions @ <>= procedure :: generate => radiation_generator_generate <>= subroutine radiation_generator_generate (generator, prt_in, prt_out) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(string_t), intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_in, prt_out call generator%find_splittings () call generator%generate_real_particle_strings (prt_in, prt_out) end subroutine radiation_generator_generate @ %def radiation_generator_generate @ <>= procedure :: generate_multiple => radiation_generator_generate_multiple <>= subroutine radiation_generator_generate_multiple (generator, max_multiplicity, model) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator integer, intent(in) :: max_multiplicity class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model if (max_multiplicity <= generator%n_out) & call msg_fatal ("GKS states: Multiplicity is not large enough!") call generator%first_emission (model) call generator%reset_reshuffle_list () if (max_multiplicity - generator%n_out > 1) & call generator%append_emissions (max_multiplicity, model) end subroutine radiation_generator_generate_multiple @ %def radiation_generator_generate_multiple @ <>= procedure :: first_emission => radiation_generator_first_emission <>= subroutine radiation_generator_first_emission (generator, model) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_in, prt_out call generator%setup_if_table (model) call generator%generate (prt_in, prt_out) call generator%prt_queue%null () call generator%prt_queue%append (prt_out) end subroutine radiation_generator_first_emission @ %def radiation_generator_first_emission @ <>= procedure :: append_emissions => radiation_generator_append_emissions <>= subroutine radiation_generator_append_emissions (generator, max_multiplicity, model) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator integer, intent(in) :: max_multiplicity class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_fetched type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_in type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_out type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_new_out integer :: current_multiplicity, i, j, n_longest_length type :: prt_table_t type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt end type prt_table_t type(prt_table_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_table_out do call generator%prt_queue%get (prt_fetched) current_multiplicity = size (prt_fetched) if (current_multiplicity == max_multiplicity) exit call create_pdg_array (prt_fetched, model, & pdg_new_out) call generator%reset_particle_content (pdg_new_out) call generator%set_n (2, current_multiplicity, 0) call generator%set_constraints (.false., .false., .true., .true.) call generator%setup_if_table (model) call generator%generate (prt_in, prt_out) n_longest_length = get_length_of_longest_tuple (prt_out) call separate_particles (prt_out, prt_table_out) do i = 1, n_longest_length if (.not. any (prt_table_out(i)%prt == " ")) then call sort_prt (prt_table_out(i)%prt, model) if (.not. generator%prt_queue%contains (prt_table_out(i)%prt)) then call generator%prt_queue%append (prt_table_out(i)%prt) end if end if end do call generator%reset_reshuffle_list () end do contains subroutine separate_particles (prt, prt_table) type(string_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: prt type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_tmp type(prt_table_t), intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_table integer :: i, j logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: tuples_occured allocate (prt_table (n_longest_length)) do i = 1, n_longest_length allocate (prt_table(i)%prt (size (prt))) end do allocate (tuples_occured (size (prt))) do j = 1, size (prt) call split_string (prt(j), var_str (":"), prt_tmp) do i = 1, n_longest_length if (i <= size (prt_tmp)) then prt_table(i)%prt(j) = prt_tmp(i) else prt_table(i)%prt(j) = " " end if end do if (n_longest_length > 1) & tuples_occured(j) = prt_table(1)%prt(j) /= " " & .and. prt_table(2)%prt(j) /= " " end do if (any (tuples_occured)) then do j = 1, size (tuples_occured) if (.not. tuples_occured(j)) then do i = 2, n_longest_length prt_table(i)%prt(j) = prt_table(1)%prt(j) end do end if end do end if end subroutine separate_particles function get_length_of_longest_tuple (prt) result (longest_length) type(string_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: prt integer :: longest_length, i type(prt_table_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_table allocate (prt_table (size (prt))) longest_length = 0 do i = 1, size (prt) call split_string (prt(i), var_str (":"), prt_table(i)%prt) if (size (prt_table(i)%prt) > longest_length) & longest_length = size (prt_table(i)%prt) end do end function get_length_of_longest_tuple end subroutine radiation_generator_append_emissions @ %def radiation_generator_append_emissions @ <>= procedure :: reset_queue => radiation_generator_reset_queue <>= subroutine radiation_generator_reset_queue (generator) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator call generator%prt_queue%reset () end subroutine radiation_generator_reset_queue @ %def radiation_generator_reset_queue @ <>= procedure :: get_n_gks_states => radiation_generator_get_n_gks_states <>= function radiation_generator_get_n_gks_states (generator) result (n) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(in) :: generator integer :: n n = generator%prt_queue%n_lists end function radiation_generator_get_n_gks_states @ %def radiation_generator_get_n_fks_states @ <>= procedure :: get_next_state => radiation_generator_get_next_state <>= function radiation_generator_get_next_state (generator) result (prt_string) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_string call generator%prt_queue%get (prt_string) end function radiation_generator_get_next_state @ %def radiation_generator_get_next_state @ <>= procedure :: get_emitter_indices => radiation_generator_get_emitter_indices <>= subroutine radiation_generator_get_emitter_indices (generator, indices) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(in) :: generator integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: indices type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in, pdg_out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: flv_in, flv_out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: emitters integer :: i, j integer :: n_in, n_out call generator%pl_in%create_pdg_array (pdg_in) call generator%pl_out%create_pdg_array (pdg_out) n_in = size (pdg_in); n_out = size (pdg_out) allocate (flv_in (n_in), flv_out (n_out)) forall (i=1:n_in) flv_in(i) = pdg_in(i)%get() forall (i=1:n_out) flv_out(i) = pdg_out(i)%get() call generator%if_table%get_emitters (generator%constraints, emitters) allocate (indices (size (emitters))) j = 1 do i = 1, n_in + n_out if (i <= n_in) then if (any (flv_in(i) == emitters)) then indices (j) = i j = j + 1 end if else if (any (flv_out(i-n_in) == emitters)) then indices (j) = i j = j + 1 end if end if end do end subroutine radiation_generator_get_emitter_indices @ %def radiation_generator_get_emitter_indices @ <>= procedure :: get_raw_states => radiation_generator_get_raw_states <>= function radiation_generator_get_raw_states (generator) result (raw_states) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(in), target :: generator integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: raw_states type(pdg_states_t), pointer :: state integer :: n_states, n_particles integer :: i_state integer :: j state => generator%pdg_raw n_states = generator%pdg_raw%get_n_states () n_particles = size (generator%pdg_raw%pdg) allocate (raw_states (n_particles, n_states)) do i_state = 1, n_states do j = 1, n_particles raw_states (j, i_state) = state%pdg(j)%get () end do state => state%next end do end function radiation_generator_get_raw_states @ %def radiation_generator_get_raw_states @ <>= procedure :: save_born_raw => radiation_generator_save_born_raw <>= subroutine radiation_generator_save_born_raw (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(in) :: pdg_in, pdg_out generator%pdg_in_born = pdg_in generator%pdg_out_born = pdg_out end subroutine radiation_generator_save_born_raw @ %def radiation_generator_save_born_raw @ <>= procedure :: get_born_raw => radiation_generator_get_born_raw <>= function radiation_generator_get_born_raw (generator) result (flv_born) class(radiation_generator_t), intent(in) :: generator integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: flv_born integer :: i_part, n_particles n_particles = size (generator%pdg_in_born) + size (generator%pdg_out_born) allocate (flv_born (n_particles, 1)) flv_born(1,1) = generator%pdg_in_born(1)%get () flv_born(2,1) = generator%pdg_in_born(2)%get () do i_part = 3, n_particles flv_born(i_part, 1) = generator%pdg_out_born(i_part-2)%get () end do end function radiation_generator_get_born_raw @ %def radiation_generator_get_born_raw @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[radiation_generator_ut.f90]]>>= <> module radiation_generator_ut use unit_tests use radiation_generator_uti <> <> contains <> end module radiation_generator_ut @ %def radiation_generator_ut @ <<[[radiation_generator_uti.f90]]>>= <> module radiation_generator_uti <> use format_utils, only: write_separator use os_interface use pdg_arrays use models use kinds, only: default use radiation_generator <> <> contains <> <> end module radiation_generator_uti @ %def radiation_generator_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: radiation_generator_test <>= subroutine radiation_generator_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results call test(radiation_generator_1, "radiation_generator_1", & "Test the generator of N+1-particle flavor structures in QCD", & u, results) call test(radiation_generator_2, "radiation_generator_2", & "Test multiple splittings in QCD", & u, results) call test(radiation_generator_3, "radiation_generator_3", & "Test the generator of N+1-particle flavor structures in QED", & u, results) call test(radiation_generator_4, "radiation_generator_4", & "Test multiple splittings in QED", & u, results) end subroutine radiation_generator_test @ %def radiation_generator_test @ <>= public :: radiation_generator_1 <>= subroutine radiation_generator_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(radiation_generator_t) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in, pdg_out type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model => null () write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: radiation_generator_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Create N+1-particle flavor structures & &from predefined N-particle flavor structures" write (u, "(A)") "* One additional strong coupling, no additional electroweak coupling" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Loading radiation model: SM.mdl" call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model & (var_str ("SM"), var_str ("SM.mdl"), & os_data, model) write (u, "(A)") "* Success" allocate (pdg_in (2)) pdg_in(1) = 11; pdg_in(2) = -11 write (u, "(A)") "* Start checking processes" call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 1: Top pair-production with additional gluon" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 6; pdg_out(2) = -6; pdg_out(3) = 21 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 2: Top pair-production with additional jet" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 6; pdg_out(2) = -6; pdg_out(3) = [-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,21] call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 3: Quark-antiquark production" allocate (pdg_out(2)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 4: Quark-antiquark production with additional gluon" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = 21 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 5: Z + jets" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = 23 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 6: Top Decay" allocate (pdg_out(4)) pdg_out(1) = 24; pdg_out(2) = -24 pdg_out(3) = 5; pdg_out(4) = -5 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 7: Production of four quarks" allocate (pdg_out(4)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = 2; pdg_out(4) = -2 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 8: Drell-Yan lepto-production" allocate (pdg_in (2)); allocate (pdg_out (2)) pdg_in(1) = 2; pdg_in(2) = -2 pdg_out(1) = 11; pdg_out(2) = -11 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, .true.) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 9: WZ production at hadron-colliders" allocate (pdg_in (2)); allocate (pdg_out (2)) pdg_in(1) = 1; pdg_in(2) = -2 pdg_out(1) = -24; pdg_out(2) = 23 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, .true.) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) contains subroutine test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, include_initial_state) type(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg_in, pdg_out integer, intent(in) :: u logical, intent(in), optional :: include_initial_state type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_strings_in type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_strings_out type(pdg_array_t), dimension(10) :: pdg_excluded logical :: yorn yorn = .false. pdg_excluded = [-4, 4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 13, -13, 15, -15] if (present (include_initial_state)) yorn = include_initial_state write (u, "(A)") "* Leading order: " write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') '* Incoming: ' call write_pdg_array (pdg_in, u) write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') '* Outgoing: ' call write_pdg_array (pdg_out, u) call generator%init (pdg_in, pdg_out, & pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings = pdg_excluded, qcd = .true., qed = .false.) call generator%set_n (2, size(pdg_out), 0) if (yorn) call generator%set_initial_state_emissions () call generator%set_constraints (.false., .false., .true., .true.) call generator%setup_if_table (model) call generator%generate (prt_strings_in, prt_strings_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Additional radiation: " write (u, "(A)") "* Incoming: " call write_particle_string (prt_strings_in, u) write (u, "(A)") "* Outgoing: " call write_particle_string (prt_strings_out, u) call write_separator(u) call generator%reset_reshuffle_list () end subroutine test_process end subroutine radiation_generator_1 @ %def radiation_generator_1 @ <>= public :: radiation_generator_2 <>= subroutine radiation_generator_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(radiation_generator_t) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in, pdg_out type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_excluded type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model => null () integer, parameter :: max_multiplicity = 10 type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_last write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: radiation_generator_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Test the repeated application of & &a radiation generator splitting in QCD" write (u, "(A)") "* Only Final state emissions! " write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Loading radiation model: SM.mdl" call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model & (var_str ("SM"), var_str ("SM.mdl"), & os_data, model) write (u, "(A)") "* Success" allocate (pdg_in (2)) pdg_in(1) = 11; pdg_in(2) = -11 allocate (pdg_out(2)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2 allocate (pdg_excluded (10)) pdg_excluded = [-4, 4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 13, -13, 15, -15] write (u, "(A)") "* Leading order" write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') "* Incoming: " call write_pdg_array (pdg_in, u) write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') "* Outgoing: " call write_pdg_array (pdg_out, u) call generator%init (pdg_in, pdg_out, & pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings = pdg_excluded, qcd = .true., qed = .false.) call generator%set_n (2, 2, 0) call generator%set_constraints (.false., .false., .true., .true.) call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A)") "Generate higher-multiplicity states" write (u, "(A,I0)") "Desired multiplicity: ", max_multiplicity call generator%generate_multiple (max_multiplicity, model) call generator%prt_queue%write (u) call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A,I0)") "Number of higher-multiplicity states: ", generator%prt_queue%n_lists write (u, "(A)") "Check that no particle state occurs twice or more" if (.not. generator%prt_queue%check_for_same_prt_strings()) then write (u, "(A)") "SUCCESS" else write (u, "(A)") "FAIL" end if call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A,I0,A)") "Check that there are ", max_multiplicity, " particles in the last entry:" call generator%prt_queue%get_last (prt_last) if (size (prt_last) == max_multiplicity) then write (u, "(A)") "SUCCESS" else write (u, "(A)") "FAIL" end if end subroutine radiation_generator_2 @ %def radiation_generator_2 @ <>= public :: radiation_generator_3 <>= subroutine radiation_generator_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(radiation_generator_t) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in, pdg_out type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model => null () write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: radiation_generator_3" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Create N+1-particle flavor structures & &from predefined N-particle flavor structures" write (u, "(A)") "* One additional electroweak coupling, no additional strong coupling" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Loading radiation model: SM.mdl" call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model & (var_str ("SM"), var_str ("SM.mdl"), & os_data, model) write (u, "(A)") "* Success" allocate (pdg_in (2)) pdg_in(1) = 11; pdg_in(2) = -11 write (u, "(A)") "* Start checking processes" call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 1: Tau pair-production with additional photon" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 15; pdg_out(2) = -15; pdg_out(3) = 22 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 2: Tau pair-production with additional leptons or photon" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 15; pdg_out(2) = -15; pdg_out(3) = [-13, 13, 22] call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 3: Electron-positron production" allocate (pdg_out(2)) pdg_out(1) = 11; pdg_out(2) = -11 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 4: Quark-antiquark production with additional photon" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = 22 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 5: Z + jets " allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = 23 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 6: W + jets" allocate (pdg_out(3)) pdg_out(1) = 1; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = -24 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 7: Top Decay" allocate (pdg_out(4)) pdg_out(1) = 24; pdg_out(2) = -24 pdg_out(3) = 5; pdg_out(4) = -5 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 8: Production of four quarks" allocate (pdg_out(4)) pdg_out(1) = 2; pdg_out(2) = -2; pdg_out(3) = 2; pdg_out(4) = -2 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 9: Neutrino pair-production" allocate (pdg_out(2)) pdg_out(1) = 12; pdg_out(2) = -12 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, .true.) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 10: Drell-Yan lepto-production" allocate (pdg_in (2)); allocate (pdg_out (2)) pdg_in(1) = 2; pdg_in(2) = -2 pdg_out(1) = 11; pdg_out(2) = -11 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, .true.) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 11: WZ production at hadron-colliders" allocate (pdg_in (2)); allocate (pdg_out (2)) pdg_in(1) = 1; pdg_in(2) = -2 pdg_out(1) = -24; pdg_out(2) = 23 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, .true.) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) write (u, "(A)") "* Process 12: Positron-neutrino production" allocate (pdg_in (2)); allocate (pdg_out (2)) pdg_in(1) = -1; pdg_in(2) = 2 pdg_out(1) = -11; pdg_out(2) = 12 call test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u) deallocate (pdg_out); deallocate (pdg_in) contains subroutine test_process (generator, pdg_in, pdg_out, u, include_initial_state) type(radiation_generator_t), intent(inout) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg_in, pdg_out integer, intent(in) :: u logical, intent(in), optional :: include_initial_state type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_strings_in type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_strings_out type(pdg_array_t), dimension(10) :: pdg_excluded logical :: yorn yorn = .false. pdg_excluded = [-4, 4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 13, -13, 15, -15] if (present (include_initial_state)) yorn = include_initial_state write (u, "(A)") "* Leading order: " write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') '* Incoming: ' call write_pdg_array (pdg_in, u) write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') '* Outgoing: ' call write_pdg_array (pdg_out, u) call generator%init (pdg_in, pdg_out, & pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings = pdg_excluded, qcd = .false., qed = .true.) call generator%set_n (2, size(pdg_out), 0) if (yorn) call generator%set_initial_state_emissions () call generator%set_constraints (.false., .false., .true., .true.) call generator%setup_if_table (model) call generator%generate (prt_strings_in, prt_strings_out) write (u, "(A)") "* Additional radiation: " write (u, "(A)") "* Incoming: " call write_particle_string (prt_strings_in, u) write (u, "(A)") "* Outgoing: " call write_particle_string (prt_strings_out, u) call write_separator(u) call generator%reset_reshuffle_list () end subroutine test_process end subroutine radiation_generator_3 @ %def radiation_generator_3 @ <>= public :: radiation_generator_4 <>= subroutine radiation_generator_4 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(radiation_generator_t) :: generator type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_in, pdg_out type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg_excluded type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model => null () integer, parameter :: max_multiplicity = 10 type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_last write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: radiation_generator_4" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Test the repeated application of & &a radiation generator splitting in QED" write (u, "(A)") "* Only Final state emissions! " write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Loading radiation model: SM.mdl" call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model & (var_str ("SM"), var_str ("SM.mdl"), & os_data, model) write (u, "(A)") "* Success" allocate (pdg_in (2)) pdg_in(1) = 2; pdg_in(2) = -2 allocate (pdg_out(2)) pdg_out(1) = 11; pdg_out(2) = -11 allocate ( pdg_excluded (14)) pdg_excluded = [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 15, -15] write (u, "(A)") "* Leading order" write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') "* Incoming: " call write_pdg_array (pdg_in, u) write (u, "(A)", advance = 'no') "* Outgoing: " call write_pdg_array (pdg_out, u) call generator%init (pdg_in, pdg_out, & pdg_excluded_gauge_splittings = pdg_excluded, qcd = .false., qed = .true.) call generator%set_n (2, 2, 0) call generator%set_constraints (.false., .false., .true., .true.) call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A)") "Generate higher-multiplicity states" write (u, "(A,I0)") "Desired multiplicity: ", max_multiplicity call generator%generate_multiple (max_multiplicity, model) call generator%prt_queue%write (u) call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A,I0)") "Number of higher-multiplicity states: ", generator%prt_queue%n_lists write (u, "(A)") "Check that no particle state occurs twice or more" if (.not. generator%prt_queue%check_for_same_prt_strings()) then write (u, "(A)") "SUCCESS" else write (u, "(A)") "FAIL" end if call write_separator (u) write (u, "(A,I0,A)") "Check that there are ", max_multiplicity, " particles in the last entry:" call generator%prt_queue%get_last (prt_last) if (size (prt_last) == max_multiplicity) then write (u, "(A)") "SUCCESS" else write (u, "(A)") "FAIL" end if end subroutine radiation_generator_4 @ %def radiation_generator_4 @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Sindarin Expression Implementation} This module defines expressions of all kinds, represented in a tree structure, for repeated evaluation. This provides an implementation of the [[expr_base]] abstract type. We have two flavors of expressions: one with particles and one without particles. The latter version is used for defining cut/selection criteria and for online analysis. <<[[eval_trees.f90]]>>= <> module eval_trees use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding !NODEP! <> <> use io_units use constants, only: DEGREE, IMAGO, PI use format_defs, only: FMT_19 use numeric_utils, only: nearly_equal use diagnostics use lorentz use md5 use formats use sorting use ifiles use lexers use syntax_rules use parser use analysis use jets use pdg_arrays use subevents use var_base use expr_base use variables use observables <> <> <> <> <> contains <> end module eval_trees @ %def eval_trees @ \subsection{Tree nodes} The evaluation tree consists of branch nodes (unary and binary) and of leaf nodes, originating from a common root. The node object should be polymorphic. For the time being, polymorphism is emulated here. This means that we have to maintain all possibilities that the node may hold, including associated procedures as pointers. The following parameter values characterize the node. Unary and binary operators have sub-nodes. The other are leaf nodes. Possible leafs are literal constants or named-parameter references. <>= integer, parameter :: EN_UNKNOWN = 0, EN_UNARY = 1, EN_BINARY = 2 integer, parameter :: EN_CONSTANT = 3, EN_VARIABLE = 4 integer, parameter :: EN_CONDITIONAL = 5, EN_BLOCK = 6 integer, parameter :: EN_RECORD_CMD = 7 integer, parameter :: EN_OBS1_INT = 11, EN_OBS2_INT = 12 integer, parameter :: EN_OBS1_REAL = 21, EN_OBS2_REAL = 22 integer, parameter :: EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY = 101, EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY = 102 integer, parameter :: EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY = 111, EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY = 112 integer, parameter :: EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY = 121, EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY = 122 integer, parameter :: EN_INT_FUN_UNARY = 131, EN_INT_FUN_BINARY = 132 integer, parameter :: EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY = 141, EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY = 142 integer, parameter :: EN_FORMAT_STR = 161 @ %def EN_UNKNOWN EN_UNARY EN_BINARY EN_CONSTANT EN_VARIABLE EN_CONDITIONAL @ %def EN_RECORD_CMD @ %def EN_OBS1_INT EN_OBS2_INT EN_OBS1_REAL EN_OBS2_REAL @ %def EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY @ %def EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY @ %def EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY @ %def EN_INT_FUN_UNARY EN_INT_FUN_BINARY @ %def EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY @ %def EN_FORMAT_STR @ This is exported only for use within unit tests. <>= public :: eval_node_t <>= type :: eval_node_t private type(string_t) :: tag integer :: type = EN_UNKNOWN integer :: result_type = V_NONE type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list => null () type(string_t) :: var_name logical, pointer :: value_is_known => null () logical, pointer :: lval => null () integer, pointer :: ival => null () real(default), pointer :: rval => null () complex(default), pointer :: cval => null () type(subevt_t), pointer :: pval => null () type(pdg_array_t), pointer :: aval => null () type(string_t), pointer :: sval => null () type(eval_node_t), pointer :: arg0 => null () type(eval_node_t), pointer :: arg1 => null () type(eval_node_t), pointer :: arg2 => null () type(eval_node_t), pointer :: arg3 => null () type(eval_node_t), pointer :: arg4 => null () procedure(obs_unary_int), nopass, pointer :: obs1_int => null () procedure(obs_unary_real), nopass, pointer :: obs1_real => null () procedure(obs_binary_int), nopass, pointer :: obs2_int => null () procedure(obs_binary_real), nopass, pointer :: obs2_real => null () integer, pointer :: prt_type => null () integer, pointer :: index => null () real(default), pointer :: tolerance => null () integer, pointer :: jet_algorithm => null () real(default), pointer :: jet_r => null () real(default), pointer :: jet_p => null () real(default), pointer :: jet_ycut => null () real(default), pointer :: jet_dcut => null () real(default), pointer :: photon_iso_eps => null () real(default), pointer :: photon_iso_n => null () real(default), pointer :: photon_iso_r0 => null () + real(default), pointer :: photon_rec_r0 => null () type(prt_t), pointer :: prt1 => null () type(prt_t), pointer :: prt2 => null () procedure(unary_log), nopass, pointer :: op1_log => null () procedure(unary_int), nopass, pointer :: op1_int => null () procedure(unary_real), nopass, pointer :: op1_real => null () procedure(unary_cmplx), nopass, pointer :: op1_cmplx => null () procedure(unary_pdg), nopass, pointer :: op1_pdg => null () procedure(unary_sev), nopass, pointer :: op1_sev => null () procedure(unary_str), nopass, pointer :: op1_str => null () procedure(unary_cut), nopass, pointer :: op1_cut => null () procedure(unary_evi), nopass, pointer :: op1_evi => null () procedure(unary_evr), nopass, pointer :: op1_evr => null () procedure(binary_log), nopass, pointer :: op2_log => null () procedure(binary_int), nopass, pointer :: op2_int => null () procedure(binary_real), nopass, pointer :: op2_real => null () procedure(binary_cmplx), nopass, pointer :: op2_cmplx => null () procedure(binary_pdg), nopass, pointer :: op2_pdg => null () procedure(binary_sev), nopass, pointer :: op2_sev => null () procedure(binary_str), nopass, pointer :: op2_str => null () procedure(binary_cut), nopass, pointer :: op2_cut => null () procedure(binary_evi), nopass, pointer :: op2_evi => null () procedure(binary_evr), nopass, pointer :: op2_evr => null () contains <> end type eval_node_t @ %def eval_node_t @ Finalize a node recursively. Allocated constants are deleted, pointers are ignored. <>= procedure :: final_rec => eval_node_final_rec <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_final_rec (node) class(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: node select case (node%type) case (EN_UNARY) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) case (EN_BINARY) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg2) case (EN_CONDITIONAL) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg0) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg2) case (EN_BLOCK) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg0) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) case (EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY, EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY, & EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY, EN_INT_FUN_UNARY, EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY) if (associated (node%arg0)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg0) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) deallocate (node%index) deallocate (node%prt1) case (EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY, EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY, & EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY, EN_INT_FUN_BINARY, EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY) if (associated (node%arg0)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg0) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg2) deallocate (node%index) deallocate (node%prt1) deallocate (node%prt2) case (EN_FORMAT_STR) if (associated (node%arg0)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg0) if (associated (node%arg1)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) deallocate (node%ival) case (EN_RECORD_CMD) if (associated (node%arg0)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg0) if (associated (node%arg1)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg1) if (associated (node%arg2)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg2) if (associated (node%arg3)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg3) if (associated (node%arg4)) call eval_node_final_rec (node%arg4) end select select case (node%type) case (EN_UNARY, EN_BINARY, EN_CONDITIONAL, EN_CONSTANT, EN_BLOCK, & EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY, EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY, & EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY, EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY, & EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY, EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY, & EN_INT_FUN_UNARY, EN_INT_FUN_BINARY, & EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY, EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY, & EN_FORMAT_STR, EN_RECORD_CMD) select case (node%result_type) case (V_LOG); deallocate (node%lval) case (V_INT); deallocate (node%ival) case (V_REAL); deallocate (node%rval) case (V_CMPLX); deallocate (node%cval) case (V_SEV); deallocate (node%pval) case (V_PDG); deallocate (node%aval) case (V_STR); deallocate (node%sval) end select deallocate (node%value_is_known) end select end subroutine eval_node_final_rec @ %def eval_node_final_rec @ \subsubsection{Leaf nodes} Initialize a leaf node with a literal constant. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_log (node, lval) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node logical, intent(in) :: lval node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_LOG allocate (node%lval, node%value_is_known) node%lval = lval node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_log subroutine eval_node_init_int (node, ival) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node integer, intent(in) :: ival node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_INT allocate (node%ival, node%value_is_known) node%ival = ival node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_int subroutine eval_node_init_real (node, rval) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node real(default), intent(in) :: rval node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_REAL allocate (node%rval, node%value_is_known) node%rval = rval node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_real subroutine eval_node_init_cmplx (node, cval) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node complex(default), intent(in) :: cval node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_CMPLX allocate (node%cval, node%value_is_known) node%cval = cval node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_cmplx subroutine eval_node_init_subevt (node, pval) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pval node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_SEV allocate (node%pval, node%value_is_known) node%pval = pval node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_subevt subroutine eval_node_init_pdg_array (node, aval) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_PDG allocate (node%aval, node%value_is_known) node%aval = aval node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_pdg_array subroutine eval_node_init_string (node, sval) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: sval node%type = EN_CONSTANT node%result_type = V_STR allocate (node%sval, node%value_is_known) node%sval = sval node%value_is_known = .true. end subroutine eval_node_init_string @ %def eval_node_init_log eval_node_init_int eval_node_init_real @ %def eval_node_init_cmplx eval_node_init_prt eval_node_init_subevt @ %def eval_node_init_pdg_array eval_node_init_string @ Initialize a leaf node with a pointer to a named parameter <>= subroutine eval_node_init_log_ptr (node, name, lval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), target :: lval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_LOG node%lval => lval node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_log_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_int_ptr (node, name, ival, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), target :: ival logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT node%ival => ival node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_int_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_real_ptr (node, name, rval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), target :: rval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_REAL node%rval => rval node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_real_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_cmplx_ptr (node, name, cval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in), target :: cval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_CMPLX node%cval => cval node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_cmplx_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_subevt_ptr (node, name, pval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in), target :: pval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_SEV node%pval => pval node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_subevt_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_pdg_array_ptr (node, name, aval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), target :: aval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_PDG node%aval => aval node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_pdg_array_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_string_ptr (node, name, sval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), target :: sval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known node%type = EN_VARIABLE node%tag = name node%result_type = V_STR node%sval => sval node%value_is_known => is_known end subroutine eval_node_init_string_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_log_ptr eval_node_init_int_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_real_ptr eval_node_init_cmplx_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_subevt_ptr eval_node_init_string_ptr @ The procedure-pointer cases: <>= subroutine eval_node_init_obs1_int_ptr (node, name, obs1_iptr, p1) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_unary_int), intent(in), pointer :: obs1_iptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1 node%type = EN_OBS1_INT node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT node%obs1_int => obs1_iptr node%prt1 => p1 allocate (node%ival, node%value_is_known) node%value_is_known = .false. end subroutine eval_node_init_obs1_int_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_obs2_int_ptr (node, name, obs2_iptr, p1, p2) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_binary_int), intent(in), pointer :: obs2_iptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1, p2 node%type = EN_OBS2_INT node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT node%obs2_int => obs2_iptr node%prt1 => p1 node%prt2 => p2 allocate (node%ival, node%value_is_known) node%value_is_known = .false. end subroutine eval_node_init_obs2_int_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_obs1_real_ptr (node, name, obs1_rptr, p1) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_unary_real), intent(in), pointer :: obs1_rptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1 node%type = EN_OBS1_REAL node%tag = name node%result_type = V_REAL node%obs1_real => obs1_rptr node%prt1 => p1 allocate (node%rval, node%value_is_known) node%value_is_known = .false. end subroutine eval_node_init_obs1_real_ptr subroutine eval_node_init_obs2_real_ptr (node, name, obs2_rptr, p1, p2) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_binary_real), intent(in), pointer :: obs2_rptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1, p2 node%type = EN_OBS2_REAL node%tag = name node%result_type = V_REAL node%obs2_real => obs2_rptr node%prt1 => p1 node%prt2 => p2 allocate (node%rval, node%value_is_known) node%value_is_known = .false. end subroutine eval_node_init_obs2_real_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_obs1_int_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_obs2_int_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_obs1_real_ptr @ %def eval_node_init_obs2_real_ptr @ \subsubsection{Branch nodes} Initialize a branch node, sub-nodes are given. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_branch (node, tag, result_type, arg1, arg2) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: tag integer, intent(in) :: result_type type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1 type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target, optional :: arg2 if (present (arg2)) then node%type = EN_BINARY else node%type = EN_UNARY end if node%tag = tag node%result_type = result_type call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 if (present (arg2)) node%arg2 => arg2 end subroutine eval_node_init_branch @ %def eval_node_init_branch @ Allocate the node value according to the result type. <>= subroutine eval_node_allocate_value (node) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: node select case (node%result_type) case (V_LOG); allocate (node%lval) case (V_INT); allocate (node%ival) case (V_REAL); allocate (node%rval) case (V_CMPLX); allocate (node%cval) case (V_PDG); allocate (node%aval) case (V_SEV); allocate (node%pval) call subevt_init (node%pval) case (V_STR); allocate (node%sval) end select allocate (node%value_is_known) node%value_is_known = .false. end subroutine eval_node_allocate_value @ %def eval_node_allocate_value @ Initialize a block node which contains, in addition to the expression to be evaluated, a variable definition. The result type is not yet assigned, because we can compile the enclosed expression only after the var list is set up. Note that the node always allocates a new variable list and appends it to the current one. Thus, if the variable redefines an existing one, it only shadows it but does not reset it. Any side-effects are therefore absent and need not be undone outside the block. If the flag [[new]] is set, a variable is (re)declared. This must not be done for intrinsic variables. Vice versa, if the variable is not existent, the [[new]] flag is required. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_block (node, name, type, var_def, var_list) type(eval_node_t), intent(out), target :: node type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: type type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: var_def type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list node%type = EN_BLOCK node%tag = "var_def" node%var_name = name node%arg1 => var_def allocate (node%var_list) call node%var_list%link (var_list) if (var_def%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (type) case (V_LOG) call var_list_append_log (node%var_list, name, var_def%lval) case (V_INT) call var_list_append_int (node%var_list, name, var_def%ival) case (V_REAL) call var_list_append_real (node%var_list, name, var_def%rval) case (V_CMPLX) call var_list_append_cmplx (node%var_list, name, var_def%cval) case (V_PDG) call var_list_append_pdg_array & (node%var_list, name, var_def%aval) case (V_SEV) call var_list_append_subevt & (node%var_list, name, var_def%pval) case (V_STR) call var_list_append_string (node%var_list, name, var_def%sval) end select else select case (type) case (V_LOG); call var_list_append_log_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%lval, var_def%value_is_known) case (V_INT); call var_list_append_int_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%ival, var_def%value_is_known) case (V_REAL); call var_list_append_real_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%rval, var_def%value_is_known) case (V_CMPLX); call var_list_append_cmplx_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%cval, var_def%value_is_known) case (V_PDG); call var_list_append_pdg_array_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%aval, var_def%value_is_known) case (V_SEV); call var_list_append_subevt_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%pval, var_def%value_is_known) case (V_STR); call var_list_append_string_ptr & (node%var_list, name, var_def%sval, var_def%value_is_known) end select end if end subroutine eval_node_init_block @ %def eval_node_init_block @ Complete block initialization by assigning the expression to evaluate to [[arg0]]. <>= subroutine eval_node_set_expr (node, arg, result_type) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg integer, intent(in), optional :: result_type if (present (result_type)) then node%result_type = result_type else node%result_type = arg%result_type end if call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg0 => arg end subroutine eval_node_set_expr @ %def eval_node_set_block_expr @ Initialize a conditional. There are three branches: the condition (evaluates to logical) and the two alternatives (evaluate both to the same arbitrary type). <>= subroutine eval_node_init_conditional (node, result_type, cond, arg1, arg2) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node integer, intent(in) :: result_type type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: cond, arg1, arg2 node%type = EN_CONDITIONAL node%tag = "cond" node%result_type = result_type call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg0 => cond node%arg1 => arg1 node%arg2 => arg2 end subroutine eval_node_init_conditional @ %def eval_node_init_conditional @ Initialize a recording command (which evaluates to a logical constant). The first branch is the ID of the analysis object to be filled, the optional branches 1 to 4 are the values to be recorded. If the event-weight pointer is null, we record values with unit weight. Otherwise, we use the value pointed to as event weight. There can be up to four arguments which represent $x$, $y$, $\Delta y$, $\Delta x$. Therefore, this is the only node type that may fill four sub-nodes. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_record_cmd & (node, event_weight, id, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node real(default), pointer :: event_weight type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: id type(eval_node_t), intent(in), optional, target :: arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 call eval_node_init_log (node, .true.) node%type = EN_RECORD_CMD node%rval => event_weight node%tag = "record_cmd" node%arg0 => id if (present (arg1)) then node%arg1 => arg1 if (present (arg2)) then node%arg2 => arg2 if (present (arg3)) then node%arg3 => arg3 if (present (arg4)) then node%arg4 => arg4 end if end if end if end if end subroutine eval_node_init_record_cmd @ %def eval_node_init_record_cmd @ Initialize a node for operations on subevents. The particle lists (one or two) are inserted as [[arg1]] and [[arg2]]. We allocated particle pointers as temporaries for iterating over particle lists. The procedure pointer which holds the function to evaluate for the subevents (e.g., combine, select) is also initialized. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (node, arg1, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(unary_sev) :: proc node%type = EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_SEV call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) node%op1_sev => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary subroutine eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary (node, arg1, arg2, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1, arg2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(binary_sev) :: proc node%type = EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_SEV call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 node%arg2 => arg2 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) allocate (node%prt2) node%op2_sev => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary @ %def eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary @ Similar, but for particle-list functions that evaluate to a real value. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_eval_fun_unary (node, arg1, name) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name node%type = EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_REAL call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) end subroutine eval_node_init_eval_fun_unary subroutine eval_node_init_eval_fun_binary (node, arg1, arg2, name) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1, arg2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name node%type = EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_REAL call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 node%arg2 => arg2 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) allocate (node%prt2) end subroutine eval_node_init_eval_fun_binary @ %def eval_node_init_eval_fun_unary eval_node_init_eval_fun_binary @ These are for particle-list functions that evaluate to a logical value. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_log_fun_unary (node, arg1, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(unary_cut) :: proc node%type = EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_LOG call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) node%op1_cut => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_log_fun_unary subroutine eval_node_init_log_fun_binary (node, arg1, arg2, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1, arg2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(binary_cut) :: proc node%type = EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_LOG call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 node%arg2 => arg2 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) allocate (node%prt2) node%op2_cut => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_log_fun_binary @ %def eval_node_init_log_fun_unary eval_node_init_log_fun_binary @ These are for particle-list functions that evaluate to an integer value. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_int_fun_unary (node, arg1, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(unary_evi) :: proc node%type = EN_INT_FUN_UNARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) node%op1_evi => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_int_fun_unary subroutine eval_node_init_int_fun_binary (node, arg1, arg2, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1, arg2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(binary_evi) :: proc node%type = EN_INT_FUN_BINARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 node%arg2 => arg2 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) allocate (node%prt2) node%op2_evi => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_int_fun_binary @ %def eval_node_init_int_fun_unary eval_node_init_int_fun_binary @ These are for particle-list functions that evaluate to a real value. <>= subroutine eval_node_init_real_fun_unary (node, arg1, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(unary_evr) :: proc node%type = EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) node%op1_evr => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_real_fun_unary subroutine eval_node_init_real_fun_binary (node, arg1, arg2, name, proc) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), intent(in), target :: arg1, arg2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(binary_evr) :: proc node%type = EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY node%tag = name node%result_type = V_INT call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg1 => arg1 node%arg2 => arg2 allocate (node%index, source = 0) allocate (node%prt1) allocate (node%prt2) node%op2_evr => proc end subroutine eval_node_init_real_fun_binary @ %def eval_node_init_real_fun_unary eval_node_init_real_fun_binary @ Initialize a node for a string formatting function (sprintf). <>= subroutine eval_node_init_format_string (node, fmt, arg, name, n_args) type(eval_node_t), intent(out) :: node type(eval_node_t), pointer :: fmt, arg type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: n_args node%type = EN_FORMAT_STR node%tag = name node%result_type = V_STR call eval_node_allocate_value (node) node%arg0 => fmt node%arg1 => arg allocate (node%ival) node%ival = n_args end subroutine eval_node_init_format_string @ %def eval_node_init_format_string @ If particle functions depend upon a condition (or an expression is evaluated), the observables that can be evaluated for the given particles have to be thrown on the local variable stack. This is done here. Each observable is initialized with the particle pointers which have been allocated for the node. The integer variable that is referred to by the [[Index]] pseudo-observable is always known when it is referred to. <>= subroutine eval_node_set_observables (node, var_list) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list logical, save, target :: known = .true. allocate (node%var_list) call node%var_list%link (var_list) allocate (node%index, source = 0) call var_list_append_int_ptr & (node%var_list, var_str ("Index"), node%index, known, intrinsic=.true.) if (.not. associated (node%prt2)) then call var_list_set_observables_unary & (node%var_list, node%prt1) else call var_list_set_observables_binary & (node%var_list, node%prt1, node%prt2) end if end subroutine eval_node_set_observables @ %def eval_node_set_observables @ \subsubsection{Output} <>= procedure :: write => eval_node_write <>= subroutine eval_node_write (node, unit, indent) class(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: node integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent write (u, "(A)", advance="no") repeat ("| ", ind) // "o " select case (node%type) case (EN_UNARY, EN_BINARY, EN_CONDITIONAL, & EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY, EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY, & EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY, EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY, & EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY, EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY, & EN_INT_FUN_UNARY, EN_INT_FUN_BINARY, & EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY, EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "[" // char (node%tag) // "] =" case (EN_CONSTANT) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "[const] =" case (EN_VARIABLE) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (node%tag) // " =>" case (EN_OBS1_INT, EN_OBS2_INT, EN_OBS1_REAL, EN_OBS2_REAL) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (node%tag) // " =" case (EN_BLOCK) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "[" // char (node%tag) // "]" // & char (node%var_name) // " [expr] = " case default write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "[???] =" end select select case (node%result_type) case (V_LOG) if (node%value_is_known) then if (node%lval) then write (u, "(1x,A)") "true" else write (u, "(1x,A)") "false" end if else write (u, "(1x,A)") "[unknown logical]" end if case (V_INT) if (node%value_is_known) then write (u, "(1x,I0)") node%ival else write (u, "(1x,A)") "[unknown integer]" end if case (V_REAL) if (node%value_is_known) then write (u, "(1x," // FMT_19 // ")") node%rval else write (u, "(1x,A)") "[unknown real]" end if case (V_CMPLX) if (node%value_is_known) then write (u, "(1x,'('," // FMT_19 // ",','," // & FMT_19 // ",')')") node%cval else write (u, "(1x,A)") "[unknown complex]" end if case (V_SEV) if (char (node%tag) == "@evt") then write (u, "(1x,A)") "[event subevent]" else if (node%value_is_known) then call subevt_write & (node%pval, unit, prefix = repeat ("| ", ind + 1)) else write (u, "(1x,A)") "[unknown subevent]" end if case (V_PDG) write (u, "(1x)", advance="no") call pdg_array_write (node%aval, u); write (u, *) case (V_STR) if (node%value_is_known) then write (u, "(A)") '"' // char (node%sval) // '"' else write (u, "(1x,A)") "[unknown string]" end if case default write (u, "(1x,A)") "[empty]" end select select case (node%type) case (EN_OBS1_INT, EN_OBS1_REAL) write (u, "(A,6x,A)", advance="no") repeat ("| ", ind), "prt1 =" call prt_write (node%prt1, unit) case (EN_OBS2_INT, EN_OBS2_REAL) write (u, "(A,6x,A)", advance="no") repeat ("| ", ind), "prt1 =" call prt_write (node%prt1, unit) write (u, "(A,6x,A)", advance="no") repeat ("| ", ind), "prt2 =" call prt_write (node%prt2, unit) end select end subroutine eval_node_write recursive subroutine eval_node_write_rec (node, unit, indent) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: node integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: indent integer :: u, ind u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return ind = 0; if (present (indent)) ind = indent call eval_node_write (node, unit, indent) select case (node%type) case (EN_UNARY) if (associated (node%arg0)) & call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg0, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) case (EN_BINARY) if (associated (node%arg0)) & call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg0, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg2, unit, ind+1) case (EN_BLOCK) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg0, unit, ind+1) case (EN_CONDITIONAL) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg0, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg2, unit, ind+1) case (EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY, EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY, & EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY, EN_INT_FUN_UNARY, EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY) if (associated (node%arg0)) & call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg0, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) case (EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY, EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY, & EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY, EN_INT_FUN_BINARY, EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY) if (associated (node%arg0)) & call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg0, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg2, unit, ind+1) case (EN_RECORD_CMD) if (associated (node%arg1)) then call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg1, unit, ind+1) if (associated (node%arg2)) then call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg2, unit, ind+1) if (associated (node%arg3)) then call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg3, unit, ind+1) if (associated (node%arg4)) then call eval_node_write_rec (node%arg4, unit, ind+1) end if end if end if end if end select end subroutine eval_node_write_rec @ %def eval_node_write eval_node_write_rec @ \subsection{Operation types} For the operations associated to evaluation tree nodes, we define abstract interfaces for all cases. Particles/subevents are transferred by-reference, to avoid unnecessary copying. Therefore, subroutines instead of functions. <>= abstract interface logical function unary_log (arg) import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg end function unary_log end interface abstract interface integer function unary_int (arg) import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg end function unary_int end interface abstract interface real(default) function unary_real (arg) import default import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg end function unary_real end interface abstract interface complex(default) function unary_cmplx (arg) import default import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg end function unary_cmplx end interface abstract interface subroutine unary_pdg (pdg_array, arg) import pdg_array_t import eval_node_t type(pdg_array_t), intent(out) :: pdg_array type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg end subroutine unary_pdg end interface abstract interface subroutine unary_sev (subevt, arg, arg0) import subevt_t import eval_node_t type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: arg0 end subroutine unary_sev end interface abstract interface subroutine unary_str (string, arg) import string_t import eval_node_t type(string_t), intent(out) :: string type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg end subroutine unary_str end interface abstract interface logical function unary_cut (arg1, arg0) import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: arg0 end function unary_cut end interface abstract interface subroutine unary_evi (ival, arg1, arg0) import eval_node_t integer, intent(out) :: ival type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: arg0 end subroutine unary_evi end interface abstract interface subroutine unary_evr (rval, arg1, arg0) import eval_node_t, default real(default), intent(out) :: rval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: arg0 end subroutine unary_evr end interface abstract interface logical function binary_log (arg1, arg2) import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 end function binary_log end interface abstract interface integer function binary_int (arg1, arg2) import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 end function binary_int end interface abstract interface real(default) function binary_real (arg1, arg2) import default import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 end function binary_real end interface abstract interface complex(default) function binary_cmplx (arg1, arg2) import default import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 end function binary_cmplx end interface abstract interface subroutine binary_pdg (pdg_array, arg1, arg2) import pdg_array_t import eval_node_t type(pdg_array_t), intent(out) :: pdg_array type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 end subroutine binary_pdg end interface abstract interface subroutine binary_sev (subevt, arg1, arg2, arg0) import subevt_t import eval_node_t type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: arg0 end subroutine binary_sev end interface abstract interface subroutine binary_str (string, arg1, arg2) import string_t import eval_node_t type(string_t), intent(out) :: string type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 end subroutine binary_str end interface abstract interface logical function binary_cut (arg1, arg2, arg0) import eval_node_t type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: arg0 end function binary_cut end interface abstract interface subroutine binary_evi (ival, arg1, arg2, arg0) import eval_node_t integer, intent(out) :: ival type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: arg0 end subroutine binary_evi end interface abstract interface subroutine binary_evr (rval, arg1, arg2, arg0) import eval_node_t, default real(default), intent(out) :: rval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: arg1, arg2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: arg0 end subroutine binary_evr end interface @ The following subroutines set the procedure pointer: <>= subroutine eval_node_set_op1_log (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_log) :: op en%op1_log => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_log subroutine eval_node_set_op1_int (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_int) :: op en%op1_int => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_int subroutine eval_node_set_op1_real (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_real) :: op en%op1_real => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_real subroutine eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_cmplx) :: op en%op1_cmplx => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_cmplx subroutine eval_node_set_op1_pdg (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_pdg) :: op en%op1_pdg => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_pdg subroutine eval_node_set_op1_sev (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_sev) :: op en%op1_sev => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_sev subroutine eval_node_set_op1_str (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(unary_str) :: op en%op1_str => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op1_str subroutine eval_node_set_op2_log (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_log) :: op en%op2_log => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_log subroutine eval_node_set_op2_int (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_int) :: op en%op2_int => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_int subroutine eval_node_set_op2_real (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_real) :: op en%op2_real => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_real subroutine eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_cmplx) :: op en%op2_cmplx => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_cmplx subroutine eval_node_set_op2_pdg (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_pdg) :: op en%op2_pdg => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_pdg subroutine eval_node_set_op2_sev (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_sev) :: op en%op2_sev => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_sev subroutine eval_node_set_op2_str (en, op) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en procedure(binary_str) :: op en%op2_str => op end subroutine eval_node_set_op2_str @ %def eval_node_set_operator @ \subsection{Specific operators} Our expression syntax contains all Fortran functions that make sense. These functions have to be provided in a form that they can be used in procedures pointers, and have the abstract interfaces above. For some intrinsic functions, we could use specific versions provided by Fortran directly. However, this has two drawbacks: (i) We should work with the values instead of the eval-nodes as argument, which complicates the interface; (ii) more importantly, the [[default]] real type need not be equivalent to double precision. This would, at least, introduce system dependencies. Finally, for operators there are no specific versions. Therefore, we write wrappers for all possible functions, at the expense of some overhead. \subsubsection{Binary numerical functions} <>= integer function add_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival + en2%ival end function add_ii real(default) function add_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival + en2%rval end function add_ir complex(default) function add_ic (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival + en2%cval end function add_ic real(default) function add_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval + en2%ival end function add_ri complex(default) function add_ci (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval + en2%ival end function add_ci complex(default) function add_cr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval + en2%rval end function add_cr complex(default) function add_rc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval + en2%cval end function add_rc real(default) function add_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval + en2%rval end function add_rr complex(default) function add_cc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval + en2%cval end function add_cc integer function sub_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival - en2%ival end function sub_ii real(default) function sub_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival - en2%rval end function sub_ir real(default) function sub_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval - en2%ival end function sub_ri complex(default) function sub_ic (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival - en2%cval end function sub_ic complex(default) function sub_ci (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval - en2%ival end function sub_ci complex(default) function sub_cr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval - en2%rval end function sub_cr complex(default) function sub_rc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval - en2%cval end function sub_rc real(default) function sub_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval - en2%rval end function sub_rr complex(default) function sub_cc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval - en2%cval end function sub_cc integer function mul_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival * en2%ival end function mul_ii real(default) function mul_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival * en2%rval end function mul_ir real(default) function mul_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval * en2%ival end function mul_ri complex(default) function mul_ic (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival * en2%cval end function mul_ic complex(default) function mul_ci (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval * en2%ival end function mul_ci complex(default) function mul_rc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval * en2%cval end function mul_rc complex(default) function mul_cr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval * en2%rval end function mul_cr real(default) function mul_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval * en2%rval end function mul_rr complex(default) function mul_cc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval * en2%cval end function mul_cc integer function div_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (en2%ival == 0) then if (en1%ival >= 0) then call msg_warning ("division by zero: " // int2char (en1%ival) // & " / 0 ; result set to 0") else call msg_warning ("division by zero: (" // int2char (en1%ival) // & ") / 0 ; result set to 0") end if y = 0 return end if y = en1%ival / en2%ival end function div_ii real(default) function div_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival / en2%rval end function div_ir real(default) function div_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval / en2%ival end function div_ri complex(default) function div_ic (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival / en2%cval end function div_ic complex(default) function div_ci (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval / en2%ival end function div_ci complex(default) function div_rc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval / en2%cval end function div_rc complex(default) function div_cr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval / en2%rval end function div_cr real(default) function div_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval / en2%rval end function div_rr complex(default) function div_cc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval / en2%cval end function div_cc integer function pow_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 integer :: a, b real(default) :: rres a = en1%ival b = en2%ival if ((a == 0) .and. (b < 0)) then call msg_warning ("division by zero: " // int2char (a) // & " ^ (" // int2char (b) // ") ; result set to 0") y = 0 return end if rres = real(a, default) ** b y = rres if (real(y, default) /= rres) then if (b < 0) then call msg_warning ("result of all-integer operation " // & int2char (a) // " ^ (" // int2char (b) // & ") has been trucated to "// int2char (y), & [ var_str ("Chances are that you want to use " // & "reals instead of integers at this point.") ]) else call msg_warning ("integer overflow in " // int2char (a) // & " ^ " // int2char (b) // " ; result is " // int2char (y), & [ var_str ("Using reals instead of integers might help.")]) end if end if end function pow_ii real(default) function pow_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval ** en2%ival end function pow_ri complex(default) function pow_ci (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval ** en2%ival end function pow_ci real(default) function pow_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival ** en2%rval end function pow_ir real(default) function pow_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval ** en2%rval end function pow_rr complex(default) function pow_cr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval ** en2%rval end function pow_cr complex(default) function pow_ic (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival ** en2%cval end function pow_ic complex(default) function pow_rc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval ** en2%cval end function pow_rc complex(default) function pow_cc (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%cval ** en2%cval end function pow_cc integer function max_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = max (en1%ival, en2%ival) end function max_ii real(default) function max_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = max (real (en1%ival, default), en2%rval) end function max_ir real(default) function max_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = max (en1%rval, real (en2%ival, default)) end function max_ri real(default) function max_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = max (en1%rval, en2%rval) end function max_rr integer function min_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = min (en1%ival, en2%ival) end function min_ii real(default) function min_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = min (real (en1%ival, default), en2%rval) end function min_ir real(default) function min_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = min (en1%rval, real (en2%ival, default)) end function min_ri real(default) function min_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = min (en1%rval, en2%rval) end function min_rr integer function mod_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = mod (en1%ival, en2%ival) end function mod_ii real(default) function mod_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = mod (real (en1%ival, default), en2%rval) end function mod_ir real(default) function mod_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = mod (en1%rval, real (en2%ival, default)) end function mod_ri real(default) function mod_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = mod (en1%rval, en2%rval) end function mod_rr integer function modulo_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = modulo (en1%ival, en2%ival) end function modulo_ii real(default) function modulo_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = modulo (real (en1%ival, default), en2%rval) end function modulo_ir real(default) function modulo_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = modulo (en1%rval, real (en2%ival, default)) end function modulo_ri real(default) function modulo_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = modulo (en1%rval, en2%rval) end function modulo_rr @ \subsubsection{Unary numeric functions} <>= real(default) function real_i (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%ival end function real_i real(default) function real_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%cval end function real_c integer function int_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%rval end function int_r complex(default) function cmplx_i (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%ival end function cmplx_i integer function int_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%cval end function int_c complex(default) function cmplx_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%rval end function cmplx_r integer function nint_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = nint (en%rval) end function nint_r integer function floor_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = floor (en%rval) end function floor_r integer function ceiling_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = ceiling (en%rval) end function ceiling_r integer function neg_i (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = - en%ival end function neg_i real(default) function neg_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = - en%rval end function neg_r complex(default) function neg_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = - en%cval end function neg_c integer function abs_i (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = abs (en%ival) end function abs_i real(default) function abs_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = abs (en%rval) end function abs_r real(default) function abs_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = abs (en%cval) end function abs_c integer function conjg_i (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%ival end function conjg_i real(default) function conjg_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = en%rval end function conjg_r complex(default) function conjg_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = conjg (en%cval) end function conjg_c integer function sgn_i (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sign (1, en%ival) end function sgn_i real(default) function sgn_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sign (1._default, en%rval) end function sgn_r real(default) function sqrt_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sqrt (en%rval) end function sqrt_r real(default) function exp_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = exp (en%rval) end function exp_r real(default) function log_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = log (en%rval) end function log_r real(default) function log10_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = log10 (en%rval) end function log10_r complex(default) function sqrt_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sqrt (en%cval) end function sqrt_c complex(default) function exp_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = exp (en%cval) end function exp_c complex(default) function log_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = log (en%cval) end function log_c real(default) function sin_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sin (en%rval) end function sin_r real(default) function cos_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = cos (en%rval) end function cos_r real(default) function tan_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = tan (en%rval) end function tan_r real(default) function asin_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = asin (en%rval) end function asin_r real(default) function acos_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = acos (en%rval) end function acos_r real(default) function atan_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = atan (en%rval) end function atan_r complex(default) function sin_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sin (en%cval) end function sin_c complex(default) function cos_c (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = cos (en%cval) end function cos_c real(default) function sinh_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = sinh (en%rval) end function sinh_r real(default) function cosh_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = cosh (en%rval) end function cosh_r real(default) function tanh_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = tanh (en%rval) end function tanh_r real(default) function asinh_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = asinh (en%rval) end function asinh_r real(default) function acosh_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = acosh (en%rval) end function acosh_r real(default) function atanh_r (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = atanh (en%rval) end function atanh_r @ \subsubsection{Binary logical functions} Logical expressions: <>= logical function ignore_first_ll (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en2%lval end function ignore_first_ll logical function or_ll (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%lval .or. en2%lval end function or_ll logical function and_ll (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%lval .and. en2%lval end function and_ll @ Comparisons: <>= logical function comp_lt_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival < en2%ival end function comp_lt_ii logical function comp_lt_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival < en2%rval end function comp_lt_ir logical function comp_lt_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval < en2%ival end function comp_lt_ri logical function comp_lt_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval < en2%rval end function comp_lt_rr logical function comp_gt_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival > en2%ival end function comp_gt_ii logical function comp_gt_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival > en2%rval end function comp_gt_ir logical function comp_gt_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval > en2%ival end function comp_gt_ri logical function comp_gt_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval > en2%rval end function comp_gt_rr logical function comp_le_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival <= en2%ival end function comp_le_ii logical function comp_le_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival <= en2%rval end function comp_le_ir logical function comp_le_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval <= en2%ival end function comp_le_ri logical function comp_le_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval <= en2%rval end function comp_le_rr logical function comp_ge_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival >= en2%ival end function comp_ge_ii logical function comp_ge_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival >= en2%rval end function comp_ge_ir logical function comp_ge_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval >= en2%ival end function comp_ge_ri logical function comp_ge_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval >= en2%rval end function comp_ge_rr logical function comp_eq_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival == en2%ival end function comp_eq_ii logical function comp_eq_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival == en2%rval end function comp_eq_ir logical function comp_eq_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval == en2%ival end function comp_eq_ri logical function comp_eq_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval == en2%rval end function comp_eq_rr logical function comp_eq_ss (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%sval == en2%sval end function comp_eq_ss logical function comp_ne_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival /= en2%ival end function comp_ne_ii logical function comp_ne_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%ival /= en2%rval end function comp_ne_ir logical function comp_ne_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval /= en2%ival end function comp_ne_ri logical function comp_ne_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%rval /= en2%rval end function comp_ne_rr logical function comp_ne_ss (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 y = en1%sval /= en2%sval end function comp_ne_ss @ Comparisons with tolerance: <>= logical function comp_se_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%ival - en2%ival) <= en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival == en2%ival end if end function comp_se_ii logical function comp_se_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%rval - en2%ival) <= en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval == en2%ival end if end function comp_se_ri logical function comp_se_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%ival - en2%rval) <= en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival == en2%rval end if end function comp_se_ir logical function comp_se_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%rval - en2%rval) <= en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval == en2%rval end if end function comp_se_rr logical function comp_ns_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%ival - en2%ival) > en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival /= en2%ival end if end function comp_ns_ii logical function comp_ns_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%rval - en2%ival) > en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval /= en2%ival end if end function comp_ns_ri logical function comp_ns_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%ival - en2%rval) > en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival /= en2%rval end if end function comp_ns_ir logical function comp_ns_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = abs (en1%rval - en2%rval) > en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval /= en2%rval end if end function comp_ns_rr logical function comp_ls_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival <= en2%ival + en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival <= en2%ival end if end function comp_ls_ii logical function comp_ls_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval <= en2%ival + en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval <= en2%ival end if end function comp_ls_ri logical function comp_ls_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival <= en2%rval + en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival <= en2%rval end if end function comp_ls_ir logical function comp_ls_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval <= en2%rval + en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval <= en2%rval end if end function comp_ls_rr logical function comp_ll_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival < en2%ival - en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival < en2%ival end if end function comp_ll_ii logical function comp_ll_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval < en2%ival - en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval < en2%ival end if end function comp_ll_ri logical function comp_ll_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival < en2%rval - en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival < en2%rval end if end function comp_ll_ir logical function comp_ll_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval < en2%rval - en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval < en2%rval end if end function comp_ll_rr logical function comp_gs_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival >= en2%ival - en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival >= en2%ival end if end function comp_gs_ii logical function comp_gs_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval >= en2%ival - en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval >= en2%ival end if end function comp_gs_ri logical function comp_gs_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival >= en2%rval - en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival >= en2%rval end if end function comp_gs_ir logical function comp_gs_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval >= en2%rval - en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval >= en2%rval end if end function comp_gs_rr logical function comp_gg_ii (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival > en2%ival + en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival > en2%ival end if end function comp_gg_ii logical function comp_gg_ri (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval > en2%ival + en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval > en2%ival end if end function comp_gg_ri logical function comp_gg_ir (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%ival > en2%rval + en1%tolerance else y = en1%ival > en2%rval end if end function comp_gg_ir logical function comp_gg_rr (en1, en2) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 if (associated (en1%tolerance)) then y = en1%rval > en2%rval + en1%tolerance else y = en1%rval > en2%rval end if end function comp_gg_rr @ \subsubsection{Unary logical functions} <>= logical function not_l (en) result (y) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en y = .not. en%lval end function not_l @ \subsubsection{Unary PDG-array functions} Make a PDG-array object from an integer. <>= subroutine pdg_i (pdg_array, en) type(pdg_array_t), intent(out) :: pdg_array type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en pdg_array = en%ival end subroutine pdg_i @ \subsubsection{Binary PDG-array functions} Concatenate two PDG-array objects. <>= subroutine concat_cc (pdg_array, en1, en2) type(pdg_array_t), intent(out) :: pdg_array type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 pdg_array = en1%aval // en2%aval end subroutine concat_cc @ \subsubsection{Unary particle-list functions} Combine all particles of the first argument. If [[en0]] is present, create a mask which is true only for those particles that pass the test. <>= subroutine collect_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) if (present (en0)) then do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval end do else mask1 = .true. end if call subevt_collect (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine collect_p @ %def collect_p @ Cluster the particles of the first argument. If [[en0]] is present, create a mask which is true only for those particles that pass the test. <>= subroutine cluster_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i !!! Should not be initialized for every event type(jet_definition_t) :: jet_def logical :: keep_jets, exclusive call jet_def%init (en1%jet_algorithm, en1%jet_r, en1%jet_p, en1%jet_ycut) n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) if (present (en0)) then do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval end do else mask1 = .true. end if if (associated (en1%var_list)) then keep_jets = en1%var_list%get_lval (var_str("?keep_flavors_when_clustering")) else keep_jets = .false. end if exclusive = .false. select case (en1%jet_algorithm) case (ee_kt_algorithm) exclusive = .true. case (ee_genkt_algorithm) if (en1%jet_r > Pi) exclusive = .true. end select call subevt_cluster (subevt, en1%pval, en1%jet_dcut, mask1, & jet_def, keep_jets, exclusive) call jet_def%final () end subroutine cluster_p @ %def cluster_p @ Select all particles of the first argument. If [[en0]] is present, create a mask which is true only for those particles that pass the test. <>= subroutine select_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) if (present (en0)) then do i = 1, subevt_get_length (en1%pval) en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval end do else mask1 = .true. end if call subevt_select (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine select_p @ %def select_p [[select_b_jet_p]], [[select_non_b_jet_p]], [[select_c_jet_p]], and [[select_light_jet_p]] are special selection function acting on a subevent of combined particles (jets) and result in a list of $b$ jets, non-$b$ jets (i.e. $c$ and light jets), $c$ jets, and light jets, respectively. <>= subroutine select_b_jet_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) do i = 1, subevt_get_length (en1%pval) mask1(i) = prt_is_b_jet (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i)) if (present (en0)) then en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval .and. mask1(i) end if end do call subevt_select (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine select_b_jet_p @ %def select_b_jet_p <>= subroutine select_non_b_jet_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) do i = 1, subevt_get_length (en1%pval) mask1(i) = .not. prt_is_b_jet (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i)) if (present (en0)) then en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval .and. mask1(i) end if end do call subevt_select (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine select_non_b_jet_p @ %def select_non_b_jet_p <>= subroutine select_c_jet_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) do i = 1, subevt_get_length (en1%pval) mask1(i) = .not. prt_is_b_jet (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i)) & .and. prt_is_c_jet (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i)) if (present (en0)) then en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval .and. mask1(i) end if end do call subevt_select (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine select_c_jet_p @ %def select_c_jet_p <>= subroutine select_light_jet_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: n, i n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) allocate (mask1 (n)) do i = 1, subevt_get_length (en1%pval) mask1(i) = .not. prt_is_b_jet (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i)) & .and. .not. prt_is_c_jet (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i)) if (present (en0)) then en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = en0%lval .and. mask1(i) end if end do call subevt_select (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine select_light_jet_p @ %def select_light_jet_p @ Extract the particle with index given by [[en0]] from the argument list. Negative indices count from the end. If [[en0]] is absent, extract the first particle. The result is a list with a single entry, or no entries if the original list was empty or if the index is out of range. This function has no counterpart with two arguments. <>= subroutine extract_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 integer :: index if (present (en0)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en0) select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); index = en0%ival case default call eval_node_write (en0) call msg_fatal (" Index parameter of 'extract' must be integer.") end select else index = 1 end if call subevt_extract (subevt, en1%pval, index) end subroutine extract_p @ %def extract_p @ Sort the subevent according to the result of evaluating [[en0]]. If [[en0]] is absent, sort by default method (PDG code, particles before antiparticles). <>= subroutine sort_p (subevt, en1, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ival real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: rval integer :: i, n n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) if (present (en0)) then select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); allocate (ival (n)) case (V_REAL); allocate (rval (n)) end select do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); ival(i) = en0%ival case (V_REAL); rval(i) = en0%rval end select end do select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); call subevt_sort (subevt, en1%pval, ival) case (V_REAL); call subevt_sort (subevt, en1%pval, rval) end select else call subevt_sort (subevt, en1%pval) end if end subroutine sort_p @ %def sort_p @ The following functions return a logical value. [[all]] evaluates to true if the condition [[en0]] is true for all elements of the subevent. [[any]] and [[no]] are analogous. <>= function all_p (en1, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 integer :: i, n n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) lval = .true. do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = en0%lval if (.not. lval) exit end do end function all_p function any_p (en1, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 integer :: i, n n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) lval = .false. do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = en0%lval if (lval) exit end do end function any_p function no_p (en1, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 integer :: i, n n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) lval = .true. do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = .not. en0%lval if (lval) exit end do end function no_p @ %def all_p any_p no_p @ The following function returns an integer value, namely the number of particles for which the condition is true. If there is no condition, it returns simply the length of the subevent. <>= subroutine count_a (ival, en1, en0) integer, intent(out) :: ival type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 integer :: i, n, count n = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) if (present (en0)) then count = 0 do i = 1, n en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) if (en0%lval) count = count + 1 end do ival = count else ival = n end if end subroutine count_a @ %def count_a @ \subsubsection{Binary particle-list functions} This joins two subevents, stored in the evaluation nodes [[en1]] and [[en2]]. If [[en0]] is also present, it amounts to a logical test returning true or false for every pair of particles. A particle of the second list gets a mask entry only if it passes the test for all particles of the first list. <>= subroutine join_pp (subevt, en1, en2, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask2 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) allocate (mask2 (n2)) mask2 = .true. if (present (en0)) then do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask2(j) = mask2(j) .and. en0%lval end do end do end if call subevt_join (subevt, en1%pval, en2%pval, mask2) end subroutine join_pp @ %def join_pp @ Combine two subevents, i.e., make a list of composite particles built from all possible particle pairs from the two lists. If [[en0]] is present, create a mask which is true only for those pairs that pass the test. <>= subroutine combine_pp (subevt, en1, en2, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mask12 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) if (present (en0)) then allocate (mask12 (n1, n2)) do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask12(i,j) = en0%lval end do end do call subevt_combine (subevt, en1%pval, en2%pval, mask12) else call subevt_combine (subevt, en1%pval, en2%pval) end if end subroutine combine_pp @ %def combine_pp @ Combine all particles of the first argument. If [[en0]] is present, create a mask which is true only for those particles that pass the test w.r.t. all particles in the second argument. If [[en0]] is absent, the second argument is ignored. <>= subroutine collect_pp (subevt, en1, en2, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) allocate (mask1 (n1)) mask1 = .true. if (present (en0)) then do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = mask1(i) .and. en0%lval end do end do end if call subevt_collect (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine collect_pp @ %def collect_pp @ Select all particles of the first argument. If [[en0]] is present, create a mask which is true only for those particles that pass the test w.r.t. all particles in the second argument. If [[en0]] is absent, the second argument is ignored, and the first argument is transferred unchanged. (This case is not very useful, of course.) <>= subroutine select_pp (subevt, en1, en2, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) allocate (mask1 (n1)) mask1 = .true. if (present (en0)) then do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) mask1(i) = mask1(i) .and. en0%lval end do end do end if call subevt_select (subevt, en1%pval, mask1) end subroutine select_pp @ %def select_pp @ Sort the first subevent according to the result of evaluating [[en0]]. From the second subevent, only the first element is taken as reference. If [[en0]] is absent, we sort by default method (PDG code, particles before antiparticles). <>= subroutine sort_pp (subevt, en1, en2, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ival real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: rval integer :: i, n1 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) if (present (en0)) then select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); allocate (ival (n1)) case (V_REAL); allocate (rval (n1)) end select do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, 1) call eval_node_evaluate (en0) select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); ival(i) = en0%ival case (V_REAL); rval(i) = en0%rval end select end do select case (en0%result_type) case (V_INT); call subevt_sort (subevt, en1%pval, ival) case (V_REAL); call subevt_sort (subevt, en1%pval, rval) end select else call subevt_sort (subevt, en1%pval) end if end subroutine sort_pp @ %def sort_pp @ The following functions return a logical value. [[all]] evaluates to true if the condition [[en0]] is true for all valid element pairs of both subevents. Invalid pairs (with common [[src]] entry) are ignored. [[any]] and [[no]] are analogous. <>= function all_pp (en1, en2, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) lval = .true. LOOP1: do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) if (are_disjoint (en0%prt1, en0%prt2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = en0%lval if (.not. lval) exit LOOP1 end if end do end do LOOP1 end function all_pp function any_pp (en1, en2, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) lval = .false. LOOP1: do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) if (are_disjoint (en0%prt1, en0%prt2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = en0%lval if (lval) exit LOOP1 end if end do end do LOOP1 end function any_pp function no_pp (en1, en2, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) lval = .true. LOOP1: do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) if (are_disjoint (en0%prt1, en0%prt2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = .not. en0%lval if (lval) exit LOOP1 end if end do end do LOOP1 end function no_pp @ %def all_pp any_pp no_pp +@ Recombine photons with the particles of the first argument. If [[en0]] is present, +create a mask which is true only for those particles that pass the test. +<>= + subroutine photon_recombination_pp (subevt, en1, en2, en0) + type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt + type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1 + type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en2 + type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 + logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask1 + type(prt_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_gam0 + type(prt_t) :: prt + integer :: n1, i + real(default) :: reco_r0 + logical :: keep_flv + reco_r0 = en1%photon_rec_r0 + n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) + if (n1 > 1) then + call msg_fatal ("Photon recombination is supported " // & + "only for single photons.") + end if + allocate (prt_gam0 (n1), mask1 (n1)) + do i = 1, n1 + prt_gam0(i) = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) + end do + if (present (en0)) then + do i = 1, n1 + en0%index = i + en0%prt1 = prt_gam0(i) + if (.not. prt_is_photon (en0%prt1)) & + call msg_fatal ("Photon recombination can only " // & + "be applied to photons.") + call eval_node_evaluate (en0) + mask1(i) = en0%lval + end do + else + mask1 = .true. + end if + do i = 1, subevt_get_length (en2%pval) + if (.not. prt_is_recombinable (subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, i))) then + call msg_fatal ("Only charged leptons and QCD partons " //& + "can be recombined with photons") + end if + end do + if (associated (en1%var_list)) then + keep_flv = en1%var_list%get_lval & + (var_str("?keep_flavors_when_recombining")) + else + keep_flv = .false. + end if + call subevt_recombine & + (subevt,en2%pval, prt_gam0(1), mask1(1), reco_r0, keep_flv) + end subroutine photon_recombination_pp + +@ %def photon_recombination_pp The conditional restriction encoded in the [[eval_node_t]] [[en_0]] is applied only to the photons from [[en1]], not to the objects being isolated from in [[en2]]. <>= function photon_isolation_pp (en1, en2, en0) result (lval) logical :: lval type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 type(prt_t) :: prt type(prt_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_gam0, prt_lep type(vector4_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: & p_gam0, p_lep0, p_lep, p_par integer :: i, j, n1, n2, n_par, n_lep, n_gam, n_delta real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: delta_r, et_sum integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: index real(default) :: eps, iso_n, r0, pt_gam logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: photon_mask n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) allocate (p_gam0 (n1), prt_gam0 (n1)) eps = en1%photon_iso_eps iso_n = en1%photon_iso_n r0 = en1%photon_iso_r0 lval = .true. do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i prt = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) prt_gam0(i) = prt if (.not. prt_is_photon (prt_gam0(i))) & call msg_fatal ("Photon isolation can only " // & "be applied to photons.") p_gam0(i) = prt_get_momentum (prt_gam0(i)) en0%prt1 = prt call eval_node_evaluate (en0) lval = en0%lval if (.not. lval) return end do if (n1 == 0) then call msg_fatal ("Photon isolation applied on empty photon sample.") end if n_par = 0 n_lep = 0 n_gam = 0 do i = 1, n2 prt = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, i) if (prt_is_parton (prt) .or. prt_is_clustered (prt)) then n_par = n_par + 1 end if if (prt_is_lepton (prt)) then n_lep = n_lep + 1 end if if (prt_is_photon (prt)) then n_gam = n_gam + 1 end if end do if (n_lep > 0 .and. n_gam == 0) then call msg_fatal ("Photon isolation from EM energy: photons " // & "have to be included.") end if if (n_lep > 0 .and. n_gam /= n1) then call msg_fatal ("Photon isolation: photon samples do not match.") end if allocate (p_par (n_par)) allocate (p_lep0 (n_gam+n_lep), prt_lep(n_gam+n_lep)) n_par = 0 n_lep = 0 do i = 1, n2 prt = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, i) if (prt_is_parton (prt) .or. prt_is_clustered (prt)) then n_par = n_par + 1 p_par(n_par) = prt_get_momentum (prt) end if if (prt_is_lepton (prt) .or. prt_is_photon(prt)) then n_lep = n_lep + 1 prt_lep(n_lep) = prt p_lep0(n_lep) = prt_get_momentum (prt_lep(n_lep)) end if end do if (n_par > 0) then allocate (delta_r (n_par), index (n_par)) HADRON_ISOLATION: do i = 1, n1 pt_gam = transverse_part (p_gam0(i)) delta_r(1:n_par) = sort (eta_phi_distance (p_gam0(i), p_par(1:n_par))) index(1:n_par) = order (eta_phi_distance (p_gam0(i), p_par(1:n_par))) n_delta = count (delta_r < r0) allocate (et_sum(n_delta)) do j = 1, n_delta et_sum(j) = sum (transverse_part (p_par (index (1:j)))) if (.not. et_sum(j) <= & iso_chi_gamma (delta_r(j), r0, iso_n, eps, pt_gam)) then lval = .false. return end if end do deallocate (et_sum) end do HADRON_ISOLATION deallocate (delta_r) deallocate (index) end if if (n_lep > 0) then allocate (photon_mask(n1,n_lep)) do i = 1, n1 photon_mask(i,:) = .not. (prt_gam0(i) .match. prt_lep(:)) end do allocate (delta_r (n_lep-1), index (n_lep-1), p_lep(n_lep-1)) EM_ISOLATION: do i = 1, n1 pt_gam = transverse_part (p_gam0(i)) p_lep = pack (p_lep0, photon_mask(i,:)) delta_r(1:n_lep-1) = sort (eta_phi_distance (p_gam0(i), p_lep(1:n_lep-1))) index(1:n_lep-1) = order (eta_phi_distance (p_gam0(i), p_lep(1:n_lep-1))) n_delta = count (delta_r < r0) allocate (et_sum(n_delta)) do j = 1, n_delta et_sum(j) = sum (transverse_part (p_lep (index(1:j)))) if (.not. et_sum(j) <= & iso_chi_gamma (delta_r(j), r0, iso_n, eps, pt_gam)) then lval = .false. return end if end do deallocate (et_sum) end do EM_ISOLATION deallocate (delta_r) deallocate (index) end if contains function iso_chi_gamma (dr, r0_gam, n_gam, eps_gam, pt_gam) result (iso) real(default) :: iso real(default), intent(in) :: dr, r0_gam, n_gam, eps_gam, pt_gam iso = eps_gam * pt_gam if (.not. nearly_equal (abs(n_gam), 0._default)) then iso = iso * ((1._default - cos(dr)) / & (1._default - cos(r0_gam)))**abs(n_gam) end if end function iso_chi_gamma end function photon_isolation_pp @ %def photon_isolation_pp @ This function evaluates an observable for a pair of particles. From the two particle lists, we take the first pair without [[src]] overlap. If there is no valid pair, we revert the status of the value to unknown. <>= subroutine eval_pp (en1, en2, en0, rval, is_known) type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en0 real(default), intent(out) :: rval logical, intent(out) :: is_known integer :: i, j, n1, n2 n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) rval = 0 is_known = .false. LOOP1: do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) if (are_disjoint (en0%prt1, en0%prt2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en0) rval = en0%rval is_known = .true. exit LOOP1 end if end do end do LOOP1 end subroutine eval_pp @ %def eval_ppp @ The following function returns an integer value, namely the number of valid particle-pairs from both lists for which the condition is true. Invalid pairs (with common [[src]] entry) are ignored. If there is no condition, it returns the number of valid particle pairs. <>= subroutine count_pp (ival, en1, en2, en0) integer, intent(out) :: ival type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 integer :: i, j, n1, n2, count n1 = subevt_get_length (en1%pval) n2 = subevt_get_length (en2%pval) if (present (en0)) then count = 0 do i = 1, n1 en0%index = i en0%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i) do j = 1, n2 en0%prt2 = subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j) if (are_disjoint (en0%prt1, en0%prt2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en0) if (en0%lval) count = count + 1 end if end do end do else count = 0 do i = 1, n1 do j = 1, n2 if (are_disjoint (subevt_get_prt (en1%pval, i), & subevt_get_prt (en2%pval, j))) then count = count + 1 end if end do end do end if ival = count end subroutine count_pp @ %def count_pp @ This function makes up a subevent from the second argument which consists only of particles which match the PDG code array (first argument). <>= subroutine select_pdg_ca (subevt, en1, en2, en0) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), optional :: en0 if (present (en0)) then call subevt_select_pdg_code (subevt, en1%aval, en2%pval, en0%ival) else call subevt_select_pdg_code (subevt, en1%aval, en2%pval) end if end subroutine select_pdg_ca @ %def select_pdg_ca @ \subsubsection{Binary string functions} Currently, the only string operation is concatenation. <>= subroutine concat_ss (string, en1, en2) type(string_t), intent(out) :: string type(eval_node_t), intent(in) :: en1, en2 string = en1%sval // en2%sval end subroutine concat_ss @ %def concat_ss @ \subsection{Compiling the parse tree} The evaluation tree is built recursively by following a parse tree. Evaluate an expression. The requested type is given as an optional argument; default is numeric (integer or real). <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_genexpr & (en, pn, var_list, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in), optional :: result_type if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read genexpr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if if (present (result_type)) then select case (result_type) case (V_INT, V_REAL, V_CMPLX) call eval_node_compile_expr (en, pn, var_list) case (V_LOG) call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en, pn, var_list) case (V_SEV) call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en, pn, var_list) case (V_PDG) call eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn, var_list) case (V_STR) call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en, pn, var_list) end select else call eval_node_compile_expr (en, pn, var_list) end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done genexpr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_genexpr @ %def eval_node_compile_genexpr @ \subsubsection{Numeric expressions} This procedure compiles a numerical expression. This is a single term or a sum or difference of terms. We have to account for all combinations of integer and real arguments. If both are constant, we immediately do the calculation and allocate a constant node. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_expr (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_term, pn_addition, pn_op, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key integer :: t1, t2, t if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read expr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_term => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_term))) case ("term") call eval_node_compile_term (en, pn_term, var_list) pn_addition => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_term, tag="addition") case ("addition") en => null () pn_addition => pn_term case default call parse_node_mismatch ("term|addition", pn) end select do while (associated (pn_addition)) pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_addition) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op, tag="term") call eval_node_compile_term (en2, pn_arg, var_list) t2 = en2%result_type if (associated (en)) then en1 => en t1 = en1%result_type else allocate (en1) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en1, 0) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en1, 0._default) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en1, cmplx & (0._default, 0._default, kind=default)) end select t1 = t2 end if t = numeric_result_type (t1, t2) allocate (en) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_op) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (char (key)) case ("+") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, add_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, add_ir (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, add_ic (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, add_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, add_rr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, add_rc (en1, en2)) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, add_ci (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, add_cr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, add_cc (en1, en2)) end select end select case ("-") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, sub_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, sub_ir (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sub_ic (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, sub_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, sub_rr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sub_rc (en1, en2)) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sub_ci (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sub_cr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sub_cc (en1, en2)) end select end select end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, t, en1, en2) select case (char (key)) case ("+") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, add_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, add_ir) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, add_ic) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, add_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, add_rr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, add_rc) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, add_ci) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, add_cr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, add_cc) end select end select case ("-") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, sub_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, sub_ir) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, sub_ic) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, sub_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, sub_rr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, sub_rc) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, sub_ci) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, sub_cr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, sub_cc) end select end select end select end if pn_addition => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_addition) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done expr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_expr @ %def eval_node_compile_expr <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_term (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_factor, pn_multiplication, pn_op, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key integer :: t1, t2, t if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read term"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_factor => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, tag="factor") call eval_node_compile_factor (en, pn_factor, var_list) pn_multiplication => & parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_factor, tag="multiplication") do while (associated (pn_multiplication)) pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_multiplication) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op, tag="factor") en1 => en call eval_node_compile_factor (en2, pn_arg, var_list) t1 = en1%result_type t2 = en2%result_type t = numeric_result_type (t1, t2) allocate (en) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_op) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (char (key)) case ("*") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, mul_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, mul_ir (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, mul_ic (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, mul_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, mul_rr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, mul_rc (en1, en2)) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, mul_ci (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, mul_cr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, mul_cc (en1, en2)) end select end select case ("/") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, div_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, div_ir (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_real (en, div_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, div_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, div_rr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, div_rc (en1, en2)) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, div_ci (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, div_cr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, div_cc (en1, en2)) end select end select end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, t, en1, en2) select case (char (key)) case ("*") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, mul_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, mul_ir) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, mul_ic) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, mul_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, mul_rr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, mul_rc) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, mul_ci) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, mul_cr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, mul_cc) end select end select case ("/") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, div_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, div_ir) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, div_ic) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, div_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, div_rr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, div_rc) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, div_ci) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, div_cr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, div_cc) end select end select end select end if pn_multiplication => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_multiplication) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done term" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_term @ %def eval_node_compile_term <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_factor (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_value, pn_exponentiation, pn_op, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key integer :: t1, t2, t if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read factor"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_value => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) call eval_node_compile_signed_value (en, pn_value, var_list) pn_exponentiation => & parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_value, tag="exponentiation") if (associated (pn_exponentiation)) then pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_exponentiation) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op) en1 => en call eval_node_compile_signed_value (en2, pn_arg, var_list) t1 = en1%result_type t2 = en2%result_type t = numeric_result_type (t1, t2) allocate (en) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_op) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, pow_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, pow_ir (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, pow_ic (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, pow_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, pow_rr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, pow_rc (en1, en2)) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, pow_ci (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, pow_cr (en1, en2)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, pow_cc (en1, en2)) end select end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, t, en1, en2) select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, pow_ii) case (V_REAL,V_CMPLX); call eval_type_error (pn, "exponentiation", t1) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, pow_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, pow_rr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_type_error (pn, "exponentiation", t1) end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, pow_ci) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, pow_cr) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op2_cmplx (en, pow_cc) end select end select end if end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done factor" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_factor @ %def eval_node_compile_factor <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_signed_value (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1 integer :: t if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read signed value"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("signed_value") pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2) call eval_node_compile_value (en1, pn_arg, var_list) t = en1%result_type allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, neg_i (en1)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, neg_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, neg_c (en1)) end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, var_str ("-"), t, en1) select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, neg_i) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, neg_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, neg_c) end select end if case default call eval_node_compile_value (en, pn, var_list) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done signed value" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_signed_value @ %def eval_node_compile_signed_value @ Integer, real and complex values have an optional unit. The unit is extracted and applied immediately. An integer with unit evaluates to a real constant. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_value (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read value"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("integer_value", "real_value", "complex_value") call eval_node_compile_numeric_value (en, pn) case ("pi") call eval_node_compile_constant (en, pn) case ("I") call eval_node_compile_constant (en, pn) case ("variable") call eval_node_compile_variable (en, pn, var_list) case ("result") call eval_node_compile_result (en, pn, var_list) case ("expr") call eval_node_compile_expr (en, pn, var_list) case ("block_expr") call eval_node_compile_block_expr (en, pn, var_list) case ("conditional_expr") call eval_node_compile_conditional (en, pn, var_list) case ("unary_function") call eval_node_compile_unary_function (en, pn, var_list) case ("binary_function") call eval_node_compile_binary_function (en, pn, var_list) case ("eval_fun") call eval_node_compile_eval_function (en, pn, var_list) case ("count_fun") call eval_node_compile_numeric_function (en, pn, var_list) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("integer|real|complex|constant|variable|" // & "expr|block_expr|conditional_expr|" // & "unary_function|binary_function|numeric_pexpr", pn) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done value" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_value @ %def eval_node_compile_value @ Real, complex and integer values are numeric literals with an optional unit attached. In case of an integer, the unit actually makes it a real value in disguise. The signed version of real values is not possible in generic expressions; it is a special case for numeric constants in model files (see below). We do not introduce signed versions of complex values. <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_numeric_value (en, pn) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_val, pn_unit allocate (en) pn_val => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_unit => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_val) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("integer_value") if (associated (pn_unit)) then call eval_node_init_real (en, & parse_node_get_integer (pn_val) * parse_node_get_unit (pn_unit)) else call eval_node_init_int (en, parse_node_get_integer (pn_val)) end if case ("real_value") if (associated (pn_unit)) then call eval_node_init_real (en, & parse_node_get_real (pn_val) * parse_node_get_unit (pn_unit)) else call eval_node_init_real (en, parse_node_get_real (pn_val)) end if case ("complex_value") if (associated (pn_unit)) then call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, & parse_node_get_cmplx (pn_val) * parse_node_get_unit (pn_unit)) else call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, parse_node_get_cmplx (pn_val)) end if case ("neg_real_value") pn_val => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2)) pn_unit => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_val) if (associated (pn_unit)) then call eval_node_init_real (en, & - parse_node_get_real (pn_val) * parse_node_get_unit (pn_unit)) else call eval_node_init_real (en, - parse_node_get_real (pn_val)) end if case ("pos_real_value") pn_val => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2)) pn_unit => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_val) if (associated (pn_unit)) then call eval_node_init_real (en, & parse_node_get_real (pn_val) * parse_node_get_unit (pn_unit)) else call eval_node_init_real (en, parse_node_get_real (pn_val)) end if case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("integer_value|real_value|complex_value|neg_real_value|pos_real_value", pn) end select end subroutine eval_node_compile_numeric_value @ %def eval_node_compile_numeric_value @ These are the units, predefined and hardcoded. The default energy unit is GeV, the default angular unit is radians. We include units for observables of dimension energy squared. Luminosities are normalized in inverse femtobarns. <>= function parse_node_get_unit (pn) result (factor) real(default) :: factor real(default) :: unit type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_unit, pn_unit_power type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_frac, pn_num, pn_int, pn_div, pn_den integer :: num, den pn_unit => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) select case (char (parse_node_get_key (pn_unit))) case ("TeV"); unit = 1.e3_default case ("GeV"); unit = 1 case ("MeV"); unit = 1.e-3_default case ("keV"); unit = 1.e-6_default case ("eV"); unit = 1.e-9_default case ("meV"); unit = 1.e-12_default case ("nbarn"); unit = 1.e6_default case ("pbarn"); unit = 1.e3_default case ("fbarn"); unit = 1 case ("abarn"); unit = 1.e-3_default case ("rad"); unit = 1 case ("mrad"); unit = 1.e-3_default case ("degree"); unit = degree case ("%"); unit = 1.e-2_default case default call msg_bug (" Unit '" // & char (parse_node_get_key (pn)) // "' is undefined.") end select pn_unit_power => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_unit) if (associated (pn_unit_power)) then pn_frac => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_unit_power, 2) pn_num => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_frac) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_num))) case ("neg_int") pn_int => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_num, 2) num = - parse_node_get_integer (pn_int) case ("pos_int") pn_int => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_num, 2) num = parse_node_get_integer (pn_int) case ("integer_literal") num = parse_node_get_integer (pn_num) case default call parse_node_mismatch ("neg_int|pos_int|integer_literal", pn_num) end select pn_div => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_num) if (associated (pn_div)) then pn_den => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_div, 2) den = parse_node_get_integer (pn_den) else den = 1 end if else num = 1 den = 1 end if factor = unit ** (real (num, default) / den) end function parse_node_get_unit @ %def parse_node_get_unit @ There are only two predefined constants, but more can be added easily. <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_constant (en, pn) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read constant"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if allocate (en) select case (char (parse_node_get_key (pn))) case ("pi"); call eval_node_init_real (en, pi) case ("I"); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, imago) case default call parse_node_mismatch ("pi or I", pn) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done constant" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_constant @ %def eval_node_compile_constant @ Compile a variable, with or without a specified type. Take the list of variables, look for the name and make a node with a pointer to the value. If no type is provided, the variable is numeric, and the stored value determines whether it is real or integer. We explicitly demand that the variable is defined, so we do not accidentally point to variables that are declared only later in the script but have come into existence in a previous compilation pass. Variables may actually be anonymous, these are expressions in disguise. In that case, the expression replaces the variable name in the parse tree, and we allocate an ordinary expression node in the eval tree. Variables of type [[V_PDG]] (pdg-code array) are not treated here. They are handled by [[eval_node_compile_cvariable]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_variable (en, pn, var_list, var_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in), optional :: var_type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_name type(string_t) :: var_name logical, target, save :: no_lval real(default), target, save :: no_rval type(subevt_t), target, save :: no_pval type(string_t), target, save :: no_sval logical, target, save :: unknown = .false. integer :: type logical :: defined logical, pointer :: known logical, pointer :: lptr integer, pointer :: iptr real(default), pointer :: rptr complex(default), pointer :: cptr type(subevt_t), pointer :: pptr type(string_t), pointer :: sptr procedure(obs_unary_int), pointer :: obs1_iptr procedure(obs_unary_real), pointer :: obs1_rptr procedure(obs_binary_int), pointer :: obs2_iptr procedure(obs_binary_real), pointer :: obs2_rptr type(prt_t), pointer :: p1, p2 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read variable"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if if (present (var_type)) then select case (var_type) case (V_REAL, V_OBS1_REAL, V_OBS2_REAL, V_INT, V_OBS1_INT, & V_OBS2_INT, V_CMPLX) pn_name => pn case default pn_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2) end select else pn_name => pn end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_name))) case ("expr") call eval_node_compile_expr (en, pn_name, var_list) case ("lexpr") call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en, pn_name, var_list) case ("sexpr") call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en, pn_name, var_list) case ("pexpr") call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en, pn_name, var_list) case ("variable") var_name = parse_node_get_string (pn_name) if (present (var_type)) then select case (var_type) case (V_LOG); var_name = "?" // var_name case (V_SEV); var_name = "@" // var_name case (V_STR); var_name = "$" // var_name ! $ sign end select end if call var_list%get_var_properties & (var_name, req_type=var_type, type=type, is_defined=defined) allocate (en) if (defined) then select case (type) case (V_LOG) call var_list%get_lptr (var_name, lptr, known) call eval_node_init_log_ptr (en, var_name, lptr, known) case (V_INT) call var_list%get_iptr (var_name, iptr, known) call eval_node_init_int_ptr (en, var_name, iptr, known) case (V_REAL) call var_list%get_rptr (var_name, rptr, known) call eval_node_init_real_ptr (en, var_name, rptr, known) case (V_CMPLX) call var_list%get_cptr (var_name, cptr, known) call eval_node_init_cmplx_ptr (en, var_name, cptr, known) case (V_SEV) call var_list%get_pptr (var_name, pptr, known) call eval_node_init_subevt_ptr (en, var_name, pptr, known) case (V_STR) call var_list%get_sptr (var_name, sptr, known) call eval_node_init_string_ptr (en, var_name, sptr, known) case (V_OBS1_INT) call var_list%get_obs1_iptr (var_name, obs1_iptr, p1) call eval_node_init_obs1_int_ptr (en, var_name, obs1_iptr, p1) case (V_OBS2_INT) call var_list%get_obs2_iptr (var_name, obs2_iptr, p1, p2) call eval_node_init_obs2_int_ptr (en, var_name, obs2_iptr, p1, p2) case (V_OBS1_REAL) call var_list%get_obs1_rptr (var_name, obs1_rptr, p1) call eval_node_init_obs1_real_ptr (en, var_name, obs1_rptr, p1) case (V_OBS2_REAL) call var_list%get_obs2_rptr (var_name, obs2_rptr, p1, p2) call eval_node_init_obs2_real_ptr (en, var_name, obs2_rptr, p1, p2) case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal ("Variable of this type " // & "is not allowed in the present context") if (present (var_type)) then select case (var_type) case (V_LOG) call eval_node_init_log_ptr (en, var_name, no_lval, unknown) case (V_SEV) call eval_node_init_subevt_ptr & (en, var_name, no_pval, unknown) case (V_STR) call eval_node_init_string_ptr & (en, var_name, no_sval, unknown) end select else call eval_node_init_real_ptr (en, var_name, no_rval, unknown) end if end select else call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_error ("This variable is undefined at this point") if (present (var_type)) then select case (var_type) case (V_LOG) call eval_node_init_log_ptr (en, var_name, no_lval, unknown) case (V_SEV) call eval_node_init_subevt_ptr & (en, var_name, no_pval, unknown) case (V_STR) call eval_node_init_string_ptr (en, var_name, no_sval, unknown) end select else call eval_node_init_real_ptr (en, var_name, no_rval, unknown) end if end if end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done variable" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_variable @ %def eval_node_compile_variable @ In a given context, a variable has to have a certain type. <>= subroutine check_var_type (pn, ok, type_actual, type_requested) type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn logical, intent(out) :: ok integer, intent(in) :: type_actual integer, intent(in), optional :: type_requested if (present (type_requested)) then select case (type_requested) case (V_LOG) select case (type_actual) case (V_LOG) case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal ("Variable type is invalid (should be logical)") ok = .false. end select case (V_SEV) select case (type_actual) case (V_SEV) case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal & ("Variable type is invalid (should be particle set)") ok = .false. end select case (V_PDG) select case (type_actual) case (V_PDG) case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal & ("Variable type is invalid (should be PDG array)") ok = .false. end select case (V_STR) select case (type_actual) case (V_STR) case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal & ("Variable type is invalid (should be string)") ok = .false. end select case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_bug ("Variable type is unknown") end select else select case (type_actual) case (V_REAL, V_OBS1_REAL, V_OBS2_REAL, V_INT, V_OBS1_INT, & V_OBS2_INT, V_CMPLX) case default call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal ("Variable type is invalid (should be numeric)") ok = .false. end select end if ok = .true. end subroutine check_var_type @ %def check_var_type @ Retrieve the result of an integration. If the requested process has been integrated, the results are available as special variables. (The variables cannot be accessed in the usual way since they contain brackets in their names.) Since this compilation step may occur before the processes have been loaded, we have to initialize the required variables before they are used. <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_result (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_key, pn_prc_id type(string_t) :: key, prc_id, var_name integer, pointer :: iptr real(default), pointer :: rptr logical, pointer :: known if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read result"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_prc_id => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_key) prc_id = parse_node_get_string (pn_prc_id) var_name = key // "(" // prc_id // ")" if (var_list%contains (var_name)) then allocate (en) select case (char(key)) case ("num_id", "n_calls") call var_list%get_iptr (var_name, iptr, known) call eval_node_init_int_ptr (en, var_name, iptr, known) case ("integral", "error") call var_list%get_rptr (var_name, rptr, known) call eval_node_init_real_ptr (en, var_name, rptr, known) end select else call msg_fatal ("Result variable '" // char (var_name) & // "' is undefined (call 'integrate' before use)") end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done result" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_result @ %def eval_node_compile_result @ Functions with a single argument. For non-constant arguments, watch for functions which convert their argument to a different type. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_unary_function (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_fname, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1 type(string_t) :: key integer :: t if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read unary function"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_fname => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_fname, tag="function_arg1") call eval_node_compile_expr & (en1, parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_arg, tag="expr"), var_list) t = en1%result_type allocate (en) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_fname) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (char (key)) case ("complex") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, cmplx_i (en1)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, cmplx_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); deallocate (en); en => en1; en1 => null () case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("real") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, real_i (en1)) case (V_REAL); deallocate (en); en => en1; en1 => null () case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_real (en, real_c (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("int") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1; en1 => null () case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_int (en, int_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_int (en, int_c (en1)) end select case ("nint") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1; en1 => null () case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_int (en, nint_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("floor") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1; en1 => null () case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_int (en, floor_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("ceiling") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1; en1 => null () case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_int (en, ceiling_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("abs") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, abs_i (en1)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, abs_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_real (en, abs_c (en1)) end select case ("conjg") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, conjg_i (en1)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, conjg_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, conjg_c (en1)) end select case ("sgn") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, sgn_i (en1)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, sgn_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("sqrt") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, sqrt_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sqrt_c (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("exp") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, exp_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, exp_c (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("log") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, log_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, log_c (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("log10") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, log10_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("sin") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, sin_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, sin_c (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("cos") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, cos_r (en1)) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, cos_c (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("tan") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, tan_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("asin") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, asin_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("acos") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, acos_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("atan") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, atan_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("sinh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, sinh_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("cosh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, cosh_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("tanh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, tanh_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("asinh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, asinh_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("acosh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, acosh_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("atanh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, atanh_r (en1)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case default call parse_node_mismatch ("function name", pn_fname) end select if (associated (en1)) then call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) end if else select case (char (key)) case ("complex") call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, V_CMPLX, en1) case ("real") call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, V_REAL, en1) case ("int", "nint", "floor", "ceiling") call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, V_INT, en1) case default call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, t, en1) end select select case (char (key)) case ("complex") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, cmplx_i) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, cmplx_r) case (V_CMPLX); deallocate (en); en => en1 case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("real") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, real_i) case (V_REAL); deallocate (en); en => en1 case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, real_c) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("int") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1 case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, int_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, int_c) end select case ("nint") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1 case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, nint_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("floor") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1 case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, floor_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("ceiling") select case (t) case (V_INT); deallocate (en); en => en1 case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, ceiling_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("abs") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, abs_i) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, abs_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, V_REAL, en1) call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, abs_c) end select case ("conjg") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, conjg_i) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, conjg_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, conjg_c) end select case ("sgn") select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_int (en, sgn_i) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, sgn_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("sqrt") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, sqrt_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, sqrt_c) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("exp") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, exp_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, exp_c) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("log") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, log_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, log_c) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("log10") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, log10_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("sin") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, sin_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, sin_c) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("cos") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, cos_r) case (V_CMPLX); call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en, cos_c) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("tan") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, tan_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("asin") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, asin_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("acos") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, acos_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("atan") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, atan_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("sinh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, sinh_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("cosh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, cosh_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("tanh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, tanh_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("asinh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, asinh_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("acosh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, acosh_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case ("atanh") select case (t) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op1_real (en, atanh_r) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select case default call parse_node_mismatch ("function name", pn_fname) end select end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_unary_function @ %def eval_node_compile_unary_function @ Functions with two arguments. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_binary_function (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_fname, pn_arg, pn_arg1, pn_arg2 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key integer :: t1, t2 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read binary function"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_fname => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_fname, tag="function_arg2") pn_arg1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_arg, tag="expr") pn_arg2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg1, tag="expr") call eval_node_compile_expr (en1, pn_arg1, var_list) call eval_node_compile_expr (en2, pn_arg2, var_list) t1 = en1%result_type t2 = en2%result_type allocate (en) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_fname) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (char (key)) case ("max") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, max_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, max_ir (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, max_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, max_rr (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t1) end select case ("min") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, min_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, min_ir (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, min_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, min_rr (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t1) end select case ("mod") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, mod_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, mod_ir (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, mod_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, mod_rr (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t1) end select case ("modulo") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, modulo_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, modulo_ir (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_real (en, modulo_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, modulo_rr (en1, en2)) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default call parse_node_mismatch ("function name", pn_fname) end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, t1, en1, en2) select case (char (key)) case ("max") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, max_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, max_ir) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, max_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, max_rr) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case ("min") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, min_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, min_ir) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, min_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, min_rr) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case ("mod") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, mod_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, mod_ir) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, mod_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, mod_rr) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case ("modulo") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_int (en, modulo_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, modulo_ir) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, modulo_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_real (en, modulo_rr) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t2) end select case default call parse_node_mismatch ("function name", pn_fname) end select end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_binary_function @ %def eval_node_compile_binary_function @ \subsubsection{Variable definition} A block expression contains a variable definition (first argument) and an expression where the definition can be used (second argument). The [[result_type]] decides which type of expression is expected for the second argument. For numeric variables, if there is a mismatch between real and integer type, insert an extra node for type conversion. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_block_expr & (en, pn, var_list, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in), optional :: result_type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_var_spec, pn_var_subspec type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_var_type, pn_var_name, pn_var_expr type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_expr type(string_t) :: var_name type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 integer :: var_type logical :: new if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read block expr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if new = .false. pn_var_spec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_var_spec))) case ("var_num"); var_type = V_NONE pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec) case ("var_int"); var_type = V_INT new = .true. pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case ("var_real"); var_type = V_REAL new = .true. pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case ("var_cmplx"); var_type = V_CMPLX new = .true. pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case ("var_logical_new"); var_type = V_LOG new = .true. pn_var_subspec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_subspec, 2) case ("var_logical_spec"); var_type = V_LOG pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case ("var_plist_new"); var_type = V_SEV new = .true. pn_var_subspec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_subspec, 2) case ("var_plist_spec"); var_type = V_SEV new = .true. pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case ("var_alias"); var_type = V_PDG new = .true. pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case ("var_string_new"); var_type = V_STR new = .true. pn_var_subspec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_subspec, 2) case ("var_string_spec"); var_type = V_STR pn_var_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("logical|int|real|plist|alias", pn_var_type) end select pn_var_expr => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_var_name, 2) pn_expr => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_var_spec, 2) var_name = parse_node_get_string (pn_var_name) select case (var_type) case (V_LOG); var_name = "?" // var_name case (V_SEV); var_name = "@" // var_name case (V_STR); var_name = "$" // var_name ! $ sign end select call var_list_check_user_var (var_list, var_name, var_type, new) call eval_node_compile_genexpr (en1, pn_var_expr, var_list, var_type) call insert_conversion_node (en1, var_type) allocate (en) call eval_node_init_block (en, var_name, var_type, en1, var_list) call eval_node_compile_genexpr (en2, pn_expr, en%var_list, result_type) call eval_node_set_expr (en, en2) if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done block expr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_block_expr @ %def eval_node_compile_block_expr @ Insert a conversion node for integer/real/complex transformation if necessary. What shall we do for the complex to integer/real conversion? <>= subroutine insert_conversion_node (en, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en integer, intent(in) :: result_type type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en_conv select case (en%result_type) case (V_INT) select case (result_type) case (V_REAL) allocate (en_conv) call eval_node_init_branch (en_conv, var_str ("real"), V_REAL, en) call eval_node_set_op1_real (en_conv, real_i) en => en_conv case (V_CMPLX) allocate (en_conv) call eval_node_init_branch (en_conv, var_str ("complex"), V_CMPLX, en) call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en_conv, cmplx_i) en => en_conv end select case (V_REAL) select case (result_type) case (V_INT) allocate (en_conv) call eval_node_init_branch (en_conv, var_str ("int"), V_INT, en) call eval_node_set_op1_int (en_conv, int_r) en => en_conv case (V_CMPLX) allocate (en_conv) call eval_node_init_branch (en_conv, var_str ("complex"), V_CMPLX, en) call eval_node_set_op1_cmplx (en_conv, cmplx_r) en => en_conv end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (result_type) case (V_INT) allocate (en_conv) call eval_node_init_branch (en_conv, var_str ("int"), V_INT, en) call eval_node_set_op1_int (en_conv, int_c) en => en_conv case (V_REAL) allocate (en_conv) call eval_node_init_branch (en_conv, var_str ("real"), V_REAL, en) call eval_node_set_op1_real (en_conv, real_c) en => en_conv end select case default end select end subroutine insert_conversion_node @ %def insert_conversion_node @ \subsubsection{Conditionals} A conditional has the structure if lexpr then expr else expr. So we first evaluate the logical expression, then depending on the result the first or second expression. Note that the second expression is mandatory. The [[result_type]], if present, defines the requested type of the [[then]] and [[else]] clauses. Default is numeric (int/real). If there is a mismatch between real and integer result types, insert conversion nodes. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_conditional & (en, pn, var_list, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in), optional :: result_type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_condition, pn_expr type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_maybe_elsif, pn_elsif_branch type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_maybe_else, pn_else_branch, pn_else_expr type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 integer :: restype if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read conditional"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_condition => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2, tag="lexpr") pn_expr => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_condition, 2) call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en0, pn_condition, var_list) call eval_node_compile_genexpr (en1, pn_expr, var_list, result_type) if (present (result_type)) then restype = major_result_type (result_type, en1%result_type) else restype = en1%result_type end if pn_maybe_elsif => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_expr) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_maybe_elsif))) case ("maybe_elsif_expr", & "maybe_elsif_lexpr", & "maybe_elsif_pexpr", & "maybe_elsif_cexpr", & "maybe_elsif_sexpr") pn_elsif_branch => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_maybe_elsif) pn_maybe_else => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_maybe_elsif) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_maybe_else))) case ("maybe_else_expr", & "maybe_else_lexpr", & "maybe_else_pexpr", & "maybe_else_cexpr", & "maybe_else_sexpr") pn_else_branch => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_maybe_else) pn_else_expr => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_else_branch, 2) case default pn_else_expr => null () end select call eval_node_compile_elsif & (en2, pn_elsif_branch, pn_else_expr, var_list, restype) case ("maybe_else_expr", & "maybe_else_lexpr", & "maybe_else_pexpr", & "maybe_else_cexpr", & "maybe_else_sexpr") pn_maybe_else => pn_maybe_elsif pn_maybe_elsif => null () pn_else_branch => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_maybe_else) pn_else_expr => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_else_branch, 2) call eval_node_compile_genexpr & (en2, pn_else_expr, var_list, restype) case ("endif") call eval_node_compile_default_else (en2, restype) case default call msg_bug ("Broken conditional: unexpected " & // char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_maybe_elsif))) end select call eval_node_create_conditional (en, en0, en1, en2, restype) call conditional_insert_conversion_nodes (en, restype) if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done conditional" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_conditional @ %def eval_node_compile_conditional @ This recursively generates 'elsif' conditionals as a chain of sub-nodes of the main conditional. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_elsif & (en, pn, pn_else_expr, var_list, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_else_expr type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(inout) :: result_type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_next, pn_condition, pn_expr type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 pn_condition => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2, tag="lexpr") pn_expr => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_condition, 2) call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en0, pn_condition, var_list) call eval_node_compile_genexpr (en1, pn_expr, var_list, result_type) result_type = major_result_type (result_type, en1%result_type) pn_next => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn) if (associated (pn_next)) then call eval_node_compile_elsif & (en2, pn_next, pn_else_expr, var_list, result_type) result_type = major_result_type (result_type, en2%result_type) else if (associated (pn_else_expr)) then call eval_node_compile_genexpr & (en2, pn_else_expr, var_list, result_type) result_type = major_result_type (result_type, en2%result_type) else call eval_node_compile_default_else (en2, result_type) end if call eval_node_create_conditional (en, en0, en1, en2, result_type) end subroutine eval_node_compile_elsif @ %def eval_node_compile_elsif @ This makes a default 'else' branch in case it was omitted. The default value just depends on the expected type. <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_default_else (en, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en integer, intent(in) :: result_type type(subevt_t) :: pval_empty type(pdg_array_t) :: aval_undefined allocate (en) select case (result_type) case (V_LOG); call eval_node_init_log (en, .false.) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en, 0) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en, 0._default) case (V_CMPLX) call eval_node_init_cmplx (en, (0._default, 0._default)) case (V_SEV) call subevt_init (pval_empty) call eval_node_init_subevt (en, pval_empty) case (V_PDG) call eval_node_init_pdg_array (en, aval_undefined) case (V_STR) call eval_node_init_string (en, var_str ("")) case default call msg_bug ("Undefined type for 'else' branch in conditional") end select end subroutine eval_node_compile_default_else @ %def eval_node_compile_default_else @ If the logical expression is constant, we can simplify the conditional node by replacing it with the selected branch. Otherwise, we initialize a true branching. <>= subroutine eval_node_create_conditional (en, en0, en1, en2, result_type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en, en0, en1, en2 integer, intent(in) :: result_type if (en0%type == EN_CONSTANT) then if (en0%lval) then en => en1 call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en2) else en => en2 call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) end if else allocate (en) call eval_node_init_conditional (en, result_type, en0, en1, en2) end if end subroutine eval_node_create_conditional @ %def eval_node_create_conditional @ Return the numerical result type which should be used for the combination of the two result types. <>= function major_result_type (t1, t2) result (t) integer :: t integer, intent(in) :: t1, t2 select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT, V_REAL, V_CMPLX) t = t2 case default call type_mismatch () end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT) t = t1 case (V_REAL, V_CMPLX) t = t2 case default call type_mismatch () end select case (V_CMPLX) select case (t2) case (V_INT, V_REAL, V_CMPLX) t = t1 case default call type_mismatch () end select case default if (t1 == t2) then t = t1 else call type_mismatch () end if end select contains subroutine type_mismatch () call msg_bug ("Type mismatch in branches of a conditional expression") end subroutine type_mismatch end function major_result_type @ %def major_result_type @ Recursively insert conversion nodes where necessary. <>= recursive subroutine conditional_insert_conversion_nodes (en, result_type) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout), target :: en integer, intent(in) :: result_type select case (result_type) case (V_INT, V_REAL, V_CMPLX) call insert_conversion_node (en%arg1, result_type) if (en%arg2%type == EN_CONDITIONAL) then call conditional_insert_conversion_nodes (en%arg2, result_type) else call insert_conversion_node (en%arg2, result_type) end if end select end subroutine conditional_insert_conversion_nodes @ %def conditional_insert_conversion_nodes @ \subsubsection{Logical expressions} A logical expression consists of one or more singlet logical expressions concatenated by [[;]]. This is for allowing side-effects, only the last value is used. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_lexpr (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_term, pn_sequel, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read lexpr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_term => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, tag="lsinglet") call eval_node_compile_lsinglet (en, pn_term, var_list) pn_sequel => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_term, tag="lsequel") do while (associated (pn_sequel)) pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_sequel, 2, tag="lsinglet") en1 => en call eval_node_compile_lsinglet (en2, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call eval_node_init_log (en, ignore_first_ll (en1, en2)) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("lsequel"), V_LOG, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, ignore_first_ll) end if pn_sequel => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_sequel) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done lexpr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_lexpr @ %def eval_node_compile_lexpr @ A logical singlet expression consists of one or more logical terms concatenated by [[or]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_lsinglet (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_term, pn_alternative, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read lsinglet"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_term => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, tag="lterm") call eval_node_compile_lterm (en, pn_term, var_list) pn_alternative => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_term, tag="alternative") do while (associated (pn_alternative)) pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_alternative, 2, tag="lterm") en1 => en call eval_node_compile_lterm (en2, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call eval_node_init_log (en, or_ll (en1, en2)) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("alternative"), V_LOG, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, or_ll) end if pn_alternative => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_alternative) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done lsinglet" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_lsinglet @ %def eval_node_compile_lsinglet @ A logical term consists of one or more logical values concatenated by [[and]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_lterm (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_term, pn_coincidence, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read lterm"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_term => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) call eval_node_compile_lvalue (en, pn_term, var_list) pn_coincidence => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_term, tag="coincidence") do while (associated (pn_coincidence)) pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_coincidence, 2) en1 => en call eval_node_compile_lvalue (en2, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call eval_node_init_log (en, and_ll (en1, en2)) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("coincidence"), V_LOG, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, and_ll) end if pn_coincidence => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_coincidence) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done lterm" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_lterm @ %def eval_node_compile_lterm @ Logical variables are disabled, because they are confused with the l.h.s.\ of compared expressions. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_lvalue (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read lvalue"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("true") allocate (en) call eval_node_init_log (en, .true.) case ("false") allocate (en) call eval_node_init_log (en, .false.) case ("negation") call eval_node_compile_negation (en, pn, var_list) case ("lvariable") call eval_node_compile_variable (en, pn, var_list, V_LOG) case ("lexpr") call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en, pn, var_list) case ("block_lexpr") call eval_node_compile_block_expr (en, pn, var_list, V_LOG) case ("conditional_lexpr") call eval_node_compile_conditional (en, pn, var_list, V_LOG) case ("compared_expr") call eval_node_compile_compared_expr (en, pn, var_list, V_REAL) case ("compared_sexpr") call eval_node_compile_compared_expr (en, pn, var_list, V_STR) case ("all_fun", "any_fun", "no_fun", "photon_isolation_fun") call eval_node_compile_log_function (en, pn, var_list) case ("record_cmd") call eval_node_compile_record_cmd (en, pn, var_list) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("true|false|negation|lvariable|" // & "lexpr|block_lexpr|conditional_lexpr|" // & "compared_expr|compared_sexpr|logical_pexpr", pn) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done lvalue" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_lvalue @ %def eval_node_compile_lvalue @ A negation consists of the keyword [[not]] and a logical value. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_negation (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read negation"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2) call eval_node_compile_lvalue (en1, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call eval_node_init_log (en, not_l (en1)) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, var_str ("not"), V_LOG, en1) call eval_node_set_op1_log (en, not_l) end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done negation" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_negation @ %def eval_node_compile_negation @ \subsubsection{Comparisons} Up to the loop, this is easy. There is always at least one comparison. This is evaluated, and the result is the logical node [[en]]. If it is constant, we keep its second sub-node as [[en2]]. (Thus, at the very end [[en2]] has to be deleted if [[en]] is (still) constant.) If there is another comparison, we first check if the first comparison was constant. In that case, there are two possibilities: (i) it was true. Then, its right-hand side is compared with the new right-hand side, and the result replaces the previous one which is deleted. (ii) it was false. In this case, the result of the whole comparison is false, and we can exit the loop without evaluating anything else. Now assume that the first comparison results in a valid branch, its second sub-node kept as [[en2]]. We first need a copy of this, which becomes the new left-hand side. If [[en2]] is constant, we make an identical constant node [[en1]]. Otherwise, we make [[en1]] an appropriate pointer node. Next, the first branch is saved as [[en0]] and we evaluate the comparison between [[en1]] and the a right-hand side. If this turns out to be constant, there are again two possibilities: (i) true, then we revert to the previous result. (ii) false, then the wh <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_compared_expr (en, pn, var_list, type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in) :: type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_comparison, pn_expr1 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read comparison"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (type) case (V_INT, V_REAL) pn_expr1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, tag="expr") call eval_node_compile_expr (en1, pn_expr1, var_list) pn_comparison => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_expr1, tag="comparison") case (V_STR) pn_expr1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, tag="sexpr") call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en1, pn_expr1, var_list) pn_comparison => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_expr1, tag="str_comparison") end select call eval_node_compile_comparison & (en, en1, en2, pn_comparison, var_list, type) pn_comparison => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_comparison) SCAN_FURTHER: do while (associated (pn_comparison)) if (en%type == EN_CONSTANT) then if (en%lval) then en1 => en2 call eval_node_final_rec (en); deallocate (en) call eval_node_compile_comparison & (en, en1, en2, pn_comparison, var_list, type) else exit SCAN_FURTHER end if else allocate (en1) if (en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (en2%result_type) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int (en1, en2%ival) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real (en1, en2%rval) case (V_STR); call eval_node_init_string (en1, en2%sval) end select else select case (en2%result_type) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_int_ptr & (en1, var_str ("(previous)"), en2%ival, en2%value_is_known) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_real_ptr & (en1, var_str ("(previous)"), en2%rval, en2%value_is_known) case (V_STR); call eval_node_init_string_ptr & (en1, var_str ("(previous)"), en2%sval, en2%value_is_known) end select end if en0 => en call eval_node_compile_comparison & (en, en1, en2, pn_comparison, var_list, type) if (en%type == EN_CONSTANT) then if (en%lval) then call eval_node_final_rec (en); deallocate (en) en => en0 else call eval_node_final_rec (en0); deallocate (en0) exit SCAN_FURTHER end if else en1 => en allocate (en) call eval_node_init_branch (en, var_str ("and"), V_LOG, en0, en1) call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, and_ll) end if end if pn_comparison => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_comparison) end do SCAN_FURTHER if (en%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. associated (en2)) then call eval_node_final_rec (en2); deallocate (en2) end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done compared_expr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_compared_expr @ %dev eval_node_compile_compared_expr @ This takes two extra arguments: [[en1]], the left-hand-side of the comparison, is already allocated and evaluated. [[en2]] (the right-hand side) and [[en]] (the result) are allocated by the routine. [[pn]] is the parse node which contains the operator and the right-hand side as subnodes. If the result of the comparison is constant, [[en1]] is deleted but [[en2]] is kept, because it may be used in a subsequent comparison. [[en]] then becomes a constant. If the result is variable, [[en]] becomes a branch node which refers to [[en1]] and [[en2]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_comparison & (en, en1, en2, pn, var_list, type) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en, en1, en2 type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in) :: type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_op, pn_arg type(string_t) :: key integer :: t1, t2 real(default), pointer :: tolerance_ptr pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_op) select case (type) case (V_INT, V_REAL) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op, tag="expr") call eval_node_compile_expr (en2, pn_arg, var_list) case (V_STR) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op, tag="sexpr") call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en2, pn_arg, var_list) end select t1 = en1%result_type t2 = en2%result_type allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("tolerance"), tolerance_ptr) en1%tolerance => tolerance_ptr select case (char (key)) case ("<") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_lt_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ll_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ll_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ll_rr (en1, en2)) end select end select case (">") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gt_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gg_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gg_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gg_rr (en1, en2)) end select end select case ("<=") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_le_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ls_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ls_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ls_rr (en1, en2)) end select end select case (">=") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ge_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gs_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gs_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_gs_rr (en1, en2)) end select end select case ("==") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_eq_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_se_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_se_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_se_rr (en1, en2)) end select case (V_STR) select case (t2) case (V_STR); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_eq_ss (en1, en2)) end select end select case ("<>") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ne_ii (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ns_ir (en1, en2)) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ns_ri (en1, en2)) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ns_rr (en1, en2)) end select case (V_STR) select case (t2) case (V_STR); call eval_node_init_log (en, comp_ne_ss (en1, en2)) end select end select end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, key, V_LOG, en1, en2) select case (char (key)) case ("<") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_lt_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ll_ir) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ll_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ll_rr) end select end select case (">") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gt_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gg_ir) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gg_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gg_rr) end select end select case ("<=") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_le_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ls_ir) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ls_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ls_rr) end select end select case (">=") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ge_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gs_ir) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gs_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_gs_rr) end select end select case ("==") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_eq_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_se_ir) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_se_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_se_rr) end select case (V_STR) select case (t2) case (V_STR); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_eq_ss) end select end select case ("<>") select case (t1) case (V_INT) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ne_ii) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ns_ir) end select case (V_REAL) select case (t2) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ns_ri) case (V_REAL); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ns_rr) end select case (V_STR) select case (t2) case (V_STR); call eval_node_set_op2_log (en, comp_ne_ss) end select end select end select call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("tolerance"), tolerance_ptr) en1%tolerance => tolerance_ptr end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_comparison @ %def eval_node_compile_comparison @ \subsubsection{Recording analysis data} The [[record]] command is actually a logical expression which always evaluates [[true]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_record_cmd (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_key, pn_tag, pn_arg type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg1, pn_arg2, pn_arg3, pn_arg4 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2, en3, en4 real(default), pointer :: event_weight if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read record_cmd"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_tag => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_tag) select case (char (parse_node_get_key (pn_key))) case ("record") call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("event_weight"), event_weight) case ("record_unweighted") event_weight => null () case ("record_excess") call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("event_excess"), event_weight) end select select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_tag))) case ("analysis_id") allocate (en0) call eval_node_init_string (en0, parse_node_get_string (pn_tag)) case default call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en0, pn_tag, var_list) end select allocate (en) if (associated (pn_arg)) then pn_arg1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_arg) call eval_node_compile_expr (en1, pn_arg1, var_list) if (en1%result_type == V_INT) & call insert_conversion_node (en1, V_REAL) pn_arg2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg1) if (associated (pn_arg2)) then call eval_node_compile_expr (en2, pn_arg2, var_list) if (en2%result_type == V_INT) & call insert_conversion_node (en2, V_REAL) pn_arg3 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg2) if (associated (pn_arg3)) then call eval_node_compile_expr (en3, pn_arg3, var_list) if (en3%result_type == V_INT) & call insert_conversion_node (en3, V_REAL) pn_arg4 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg3) if (associated (pn_arg4)) then call eval_node_compile_expr (en4, pn_arg4, var_list) if (en4%result_type == V_INT) & call insert_conversion_node (en4, V_REAL) call eval_node_init_record_cmd & (en, event_weight, en0, en1, en2, en3, en4) else call eval_node_init_record_cmd & (en, event_weight, en0, en1, en2, en3) end if else call eval_node_init_record_cmd (en, event_weight, en0, en1, en2) end if else call eval_node_init_record_cmd (en, event_weight, en0, en1) end if else call eval_node_init_record_cmd (en, event_weight, en0) end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done record_cmd" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_record_cmd @ %def eval_node_compile_record_cmd @ \subsubsection{Particle-list expressions} A particle expression is a subevent or a concatenation of particle-list terms (using \verb|join|). <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_pexpr (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_pterm, pn_concatenation, pn_op, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(subevt_t) :: subevt if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read pexpr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_pterm => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) call eval_node_compile_pterm (en, pn_pterm, var_list) pn_concatenation => & parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_pterm, tag="pconcatenation") do while (associated (pn_concatenation)) pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_concatenation) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op) en1 => en call eval_node_compile_pterm (en2, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call subevt_join (subevt, en1%pval, en2%pval) call eval_node_init_subevt (en, subevt) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("join"), V_SEV, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_sev (en, join_pp) end if pn_concatenation => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_concatenation) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done pexpr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_pexpr @ %def eval_node_compile_pexpr @ A particle term is a subevent or a combination of particle-list values (using \verb|combine|). <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_pterm (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_pvalue, pn_combination, pn_op, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(subevt_t) :: subevt if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read pterm"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_pvalue => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) call eval_node_compile_pvalue (en, pn_pvalue, var_list) pn_combination => & parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_pvalue, tag="pcombination") do while (associated (pn_combination)) pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_combination) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op) en1 => en call eval_node_compile_pvalue (en2, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call subevt_combine (subevt, en1%pval, en2%pval) call eval_node_init_subevt (en, subevt) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("combine"), V_SEV, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_sev (en, combine_pp) end if pn_combination => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_combination) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done pterm" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_pterm @ %def eval_node_compile_pterm @ A particle-list value is a PDG-code array, a particle identifier, a variable, a (grouped) pexpr, a block pexpr, a conditional, or a particle-list function. The [[cexpr]] node is responsible for transforming a constant PDG-code array into a subevent. It takes the code array as its first argument, the event subevent as its second argument, and the requested particle type (incoming/outgoing) as its zero-th argument. The result is the list of particles in the event that match the code array. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_pvalue (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_prefix_cexpr type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2, en0 type(string_t) :: key type(subevt_t), pointer :: evt_ptr logical, pointer :: known if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read pvalue"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("pexpr_src") call eval_node_compile_prefix_cexpr (en1, pn, var_list) allocate (en2) if (var_list%contains (var_str ("@evt"))) then call var_list%get_pptr (var_str ("@evt"), evt_ptr, known) call eval_node_init_subevt_ptr (en2, var_str ("@evt"), evt_ptr, known) allocate (en) call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("prt_selection"), V_SEV, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_sev (en, select_pdg_ca) allocate (en0) pn_prefix_cexpr => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) key = parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_prefix_cexpr) select case (char (key)) case ("beam_prt") call eval_node_init_int (en0, PRT_BEAM) en%arg0 => en0 case ("incoming_prt") call eval_node_init_int (en0, PRT_INCOMING) en%arg0 => en0 case ("outgoing_prt") call eval_node_init_int (en0, PRT_OUTGOING) en%arg0 => en0 case ("unspecified_prt") call eval_node_init_int (en0, PRT_OUTGOING) en%arg0 => en0 end select else call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_bug (" Missing event data while compiling pvalue") end if case ("pvariable") call eval_node_compile_variable (en, pn, var_list, V_SEV) case ("pexpr") call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en, pn, var_list) case ("block_pexpr") call eval_node_compile_block_expr (en, pn, var_list, V_SEV) case ("conditional_pexpr") call eval_node_compile_conditional (en, pn, var_list, V_SEV) case ("join_fun", "combine_fun", "collect_fun", "cluster_fun", & "select_fun", "extract_fun", "sort_fun", "select_b_jet_fun", & "select_non_bjet_fun", "select_c_jet_fun", & - "select_light_jet_fun") + "select_light_jet_fun", "photon_reco_fun") call eval_node_compile_prt_function (en, pn, var_list) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("prefix_cexpr|pvariable|" // & "grouped_pexpr|block_pexpr|conditional_pexpr|" // & "prt_function", pn) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done pvalue" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_pvalue @ %def eval_node_compile_pvalue @ \subsubsection{Particle functions} This combines the treatment of 'join', 'combine', 'collect', 'cluster', -'select', and 'extract' which all have the same syntax. The one or two -argument nodes are allocated. If there is a condition, the condition -node is also allocated as a logical expression, for which the variable -list is augmented by the appropriate (unary/binary) observables. +'select', and 'extract', as well as the functions for $b$, $c$ and +light jet selection and photon recombnation which all have the same +syntax. The one or two argument nodes are allocated. If there is a +condition, the condition node is also allocated as a logical +expression, for which the variable list is augmented by the +appropriate (unary/binary) observables. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_prt_function (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_clause, pn_key, pn_cond, pn_args type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg0, pn_arg1, pn_arg2 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read prt_function"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_clause => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_clause) pn_cond => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) if (associated (pn_cond)) & pn_arg0 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_cond, 2) pn_args => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_clause) pn_arg1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_args) pn_arg2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg1) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_key) call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en1, pn_arg1, var_list) allocate (en) if (.not. associated (pn_arg2)) then select case (char (key)) case ("collect") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, collect_p) case ("cluster") if (fastjet_available ()) then call fastjet_init () else call msg_fatal & ("'cluster' function requires FastJet, which is not enabled") end if en1%var_list => var_list call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, cluster_p) call var_list%get_iptr (var_str ("jet_algorithm"), en1%jet_algorithm) call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("jet_r"), en1%jet_r) call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("jet_p"), en1%jet_p) call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("jet_ycut"), en1%jet_ycut) call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("jet_dcut"), en1%jet_dcut) case ("select") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, select_p) case ("extract") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, extract_p) case ("sort") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, sort_p) case ("select_b_jet") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, select_b_jet_p) case ("select_non_b_jet") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, select_non_b_jet_p) case ("select_c_jet") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, select_c_jet_p) case ("select_light_jet") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_unary (en, en1, key, select_light_jet_p) case default call msg_bug (" Unary particle function '" // char (key) // & "' undefined") end select else call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en2, pn_arg2, var_list) select case (char (key)) case ("join") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, join_pp) case ("combine") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, combine_pp) case ("collect") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, collect_pp) case ("select") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, select_pp) case ("sort") call eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, sort_pp) + case ("photon_recombination") + en1%var_list => var_list + call eval_node_init_prt_fun_binary & + (en, en1, en2, key, photon_recombination_pp) + call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("photon_rec_r0"), en1%photon_rec_r0) case default call msg_bug (" Binary particle function '" // char (key) // & "' undefined") end select end if if (associated (pn_cond)) then call eval_node_set_observables (en, var_list) select case (char (key)) case ("extract", "sort") call eval_node_compile_expr (en0, pn_arg0, en%var_list) case default call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en0, pn_arg0, en%var_list) end select en%arg0 => en0 end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done prt_function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_prt_function @ %def eval_node_compile_prt_function @ The [[eval]] expression is similar, but here the expression [[arg0]] is mandatory, and the whole thing evaluates to a numeric value. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_eval_function (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_key, pn_arg0, pn_args, pn_arg1, pn_arg2 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read eval_function"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_arg0 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) pn_args => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg0) pn_arg1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_args) pn_arg2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg1) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_key) call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en1, pn_arg1, var_list) allocate (en) if (.not. associated (pn_arg2)) then call eval_node_init_eval_fun_unary (en, en1, key) else call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en2, pn_arg2, var_list) call eval_node_init_eval_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key) end if call eval_node_set_observables (en, var_list) call eval_node_compile_expr (en0, pn_arg0, en%var_list) if (en0%result_type /= V_REAL) & call msg_fatal (" 'eval' function does not result in real value") call eval_node_set_expr (en, en0) if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done eval_function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_eval_function @ %def eval_node_compile_eval_function @ Logical functions of subevents. For [[photon_isolation]] there is a conditional selection expression instead of a mandatory logical expression, so in the case of the absence of the selection we have to create a logical [[eval_node_t]] with value [[.true.]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_log_function (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_clause, pn_key, pn_str, pn_cond type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg0, pn_args, pn_arg1, pn_arg2 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read log_function"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("all_fun", "any_fun", "no_fun") pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_arg0 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) pn_args => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg0) case ("photon_isolation_fun") pn_clause => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_clause) pn_cond => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) if (associated (pn_cond)) then pn_arg0 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_cond, 2) else pn_arg0 => null () end if pn_args => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_clause) case default call parse_node_mismatch ("all_fun|any_fun|" // & "no_fun|photon_isolation_fun", pn) end select pn_arg1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_args) pn_arg2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg1) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_key) call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en1, pn_arg1, var_list) allocate (en) if (.not. associated (pn_arg2)) then select case (char (key)) case ("all") call eval_node_init_log_fun_unary (en, en1, key, all_p) case ("any") call eval_node_init_log_fun_unary (en, en1, key, any_p) case ("no") call eval_node_init_log_fun_unary (en, en1, key, no_p) case default call msg_bug ("Unary logical particle function '" // char (key) // & "' undefined") end select else call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en2, pn_arg2, var_list) select case (char (key)) case ("all") call eval_node_init_log_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, all_pp) case ("any") call eval_node_init_log_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, any_pp) case ("no") call eval_node_init_log_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, no_pp) case ("photon_isolation") en1%var_list => var_list call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("photon_iso_eps"), en1%photon_iso_eps) call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("photon_iso_n"), en1%photon_iso_n) call var_list%get_rptr (var_str ("photon_iso_r0"), en1%photon_iso_r0) call eval_node_init_log_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, photon_isolation_pp) case default call msg_bug ("Binary logical particle function '" // char (key) // & "' undefined") end select end if if (associated (pn_arg0)) then call eval_node_set_observables (en, var_list) select case (char (key)) case ("all", "any", "no", "photon_isolation") call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en0, pn_arg0, en%var_list) case default call msg_bug ("Compiling logical particle function: missing mode") end select call eval_node_set_expr (en, en0, V_LOG) else select case (char (key)) case ("photon_isolation") allocate (en0) call eval_node_init_log (en0, .true.) call eval_node_set_expr (en, en0, V_LOG) case default call msg_bug ("Only photon isolation can be called unconditionally") end select end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done log_function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_log_function @ %def eval_node_compile_log_function @ Numeric functions of subevents. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_numeric_function (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_clause, pn_key, pn_cond, pn_args type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg0, pn_arg1, pn_arg2 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1, en2 type(string_t) :: key if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read numeric_function"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("count_fun") pn_clause => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_clause) pn_cond => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) if (associated (pn_cond)) then pn_arg0 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_cond, 2) else pn_arg0 => null () end if pn_args => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_clause) end select pn_arg1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_args) pn_arg2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_arg1) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_key) call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en1, pn_arg1, var_list) allocate (en) if (.not. associated (pn_arg2)) then select case (char (key)) case ("count") call eval_node_init_int_fun_unary (en, en1, key, count_a) case default call msg_bug ("Unary subevent function '" // char (key) // & "' undefined") end select else call eval_node_compile_pexpr (en2, pn_arg2, var_list) select case (char (key)) case ("count") call eval_node_init_int_fun_binary (en, en1, en2, key, count_pp) case default call msg_bug ("Binary subevent function '" // char (key) // & "' undefined") end select end if if (associated (pn_arg0)) then call eval_node_set_observables (en, var_list) select case (char (key)) case ("count") call eval_node_compile_lexpr (en0, pn_arg0, en%var_list) call eval_node_set_expr (en, en0, V_INT) end select end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done numeric_function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_numeric_function @ %def eval_node_compile_numeric_function @ \subsubsection{PDG-code arrays} A PDG-code expression is (optionally) prefixed by [[beam]], [[incoming]], or [[outgoing]], a block, or a conditional. In any case, it evaluates to a constant. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_prefix_cexpr (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_avalue, pn_prt type(string_t) :: key if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read prefix_cexpr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_avalue => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) key = parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_avalue) select case (char (key)) case ("beam_prt") pn_prt => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_avalue, 2) call eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn_prt, var_list) case ("incoming_prt") pn_prt => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_avalue, 2) call eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn_prt, var_list) case ("outgoing_prt") pn_prt => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_avalue, 2) call eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn_prt, var_list) case ("unspecified_prt") pn_prt => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_avalue, 1) call eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn_prt, var_list) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("beam_prt|incoming_prt|outgoing_prt|unspecified_prt", & pn_avalue) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done prefix_cexpr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_prefix_cexpr @ %def eval_node_compile_prefix_cexpr @ A PDG array is a string of PDG code definitions (or aliases), concatenated by ':'. The code definitions may be variables which are not defined at compile time, so we have to allocate sub-nodes. This analogous to [[eval_node_compile_term]]. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_prt, pn_concatenation type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(pdg_array_t) :: aval if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read cexpr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_prt => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) call eval_node_compile_avalue (en, pn_prt, var_list) pn_concatenation => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_prt) do while (associated (pn_concatenation)) pn_prt => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_concatenation, 2) en1 => en call eval_node_compile_avalue (en2, pn_prt, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call concat_cc (aval, en1, en2) call eval_node_init_pdg_array (en, aval) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch (en, var_str (":"), V_PDG, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_pdg (en, concat_cc) end if pn_concatenation => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_concatenation) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done cexpr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_cexpr @ %def eval_node_compile_cexpr @ Compile a PDG-code type value. It may be either an integer expression or a variable of type PDG array, optionally quoted. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_avalue (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read avalue"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("pdg_code") call eval_node_compile_pdg_code (en, pn, var_list) case ("cvariable", "variable", "prt_name") call eval_node_compile_cvariable (en, pn, var_list) case ("cexpr") call eval_node_compile_cexpr (en, pn, var_list) case ("block_cexpr") call eval_node_compile_block_expr (en, pn, var_list, V_PDG) case ("conditional_cexpr") call eval_node_compile_conditional (en, pn, var_list, V_PDG) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("grouped_cexpr|block_cexpr|conditional_cexpr|" // & "pdg_code|cvariable|prt_name", pn) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done avalue" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_avalue @ %def eval_node_compile_avalue @ Compile a PDG-code expression, which is the key [[PDG]] with an integer expression as argument. The procedure is analogous to [[eval_node_compile_unary_function]]. <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_pdg_code (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1 type(string_t) :: key type(pdg_array_t) :: aval integer :: t if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read PDG code"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, 2) call eval_node_compile_expr & (en1, parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_arg, tag="expr"), var_list) t = en1%result_type allocate (en) key = "PDG" if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT) then select case (t) case (V_INT) call pdg_i (aval, en1) call eval_node_init_pdg_array (en, aval) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select call eval_node_final_rec (en1) deallocate (en1) else select case (t) case (V_INT); call eval_node_set_op1_pdg (en, pdg_i) case default; call eval_type_error (pn, char (key), t) end select end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done function" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_pdg_code @ %def eval_node_compile_pdg_code @ This is entirely analogous to [[eval_node_compile_variable]]. However, PDG-array variables occur in different contexts. To avoid name clashes between PDG-array variables and ordinary variables, we prepend a character ([[*]]). This is not visible to the user. <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_cvariable (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_name type(string_t) :: var_name type(pdg_array_t), pointer :: aptr type(pdg_array_t), target, save :: no_aval logical, pointer :: known logical, target, save :: unknown = .false. if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read cvariable"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_name => pn var_name = parse_node_get_string (pn_name) allocate (en) if (var_list%contains (var_name)) then call var_list%get_aptr (var_name, aptr, known) call eval_node_init_pdg_array_ptr (en, var_name, aptr, known) else call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_error ("This PDG-array variable is undefined at this point") call eval_node_init_pdg_array_ptr (en, var_name, no_aval, unknown) end if if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done cvariable" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_cvariable @ %def eval_node_compile_cvariable @ \subsubsection{String expressions} A string expression is either a string value or a concatenation of string values. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_sexpr (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_svalue, pn_concatenation, pn_op, pn_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 type(string_t) :: string if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read sexpr"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_svalue => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) call eval_node_compile_svalue (en, pn_svalue, var_list) pn_concatenation => & parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_svalue, tag="str_concatenation") do while (associated (pn_concatenation)) pn_op => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_concatenation) pn_arg => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_op) en1 => en call eval_node_compile_svalue (en2, pn_arg, var_list) allocate (en) if (en1%type == EN_CONSTANT .and. en2%type == EN_CONSTANT) then call concat_ss (string, en1, en2) call eval_node_init_string (en, string) call eval_node_final_rec (en1) call eval_node_final_rec (en2) deallocate (en1, en2) else call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("concat"), V_STR, en1, en2) call eval_node_set_op2_str (en, concat_ss) end if pn_concatenation => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_concatenation) end do if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done sexpr" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_sexpr @ %def eval_node_compile_sexpr @ A string value is a string literal, a variable, a (grouped) sexpr, a block sexpr, or a conditional. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_svalue (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read svalue"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn))) case ("svariable") call eval_node_compile_variable (en, pn, var_list, V_STR) case ("sexpr") call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en, pn, var_list) case ("block_sexpr") call eval_node_compile_block_expr (en, pn, var_list, V_STR) case ("conditional_sexpr") call eval_node_compile_conditional (en, pn, var_list, V_STR) case ("sprintf_fun") call eval_node_compile_sprintf (en, pn, var_list) case ("string_literal") allocate (en) call eval_node_init_string (en, parse_node_get_string (pn)) case default call parse_node_mismatch & ("svariable|" // & "grouped_sexpr|block_sexpr|conditional_sexpr|" // & "string_function|string_literal", pn) end select if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done svalue" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_svalue @ %def eval_node_compile_svalue @ There is currently one string function, [[sprintf]]. For [[sprintf]], the first argument (no brackets) is the format string, the optional arguments in brackets are the expressions or variables to be formatted. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_compile_sprintf (en, pn, var_list) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_clause, pn_key, pn_args type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg0 type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en0, en1 integer :: n_args type(string_t) :: key if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "read sprintf_fun"; call parse_node_write (pn) end if pn_clause => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn) pn_key => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_clause) pn_arg0 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_key) pn_args => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_clause) call eval_node_compile_sexpr (en0, pn_arg0, var_list) if (associated (pn_args)) then call eval_node_compile_sprintf_args (en1, pn_args, var_list, n_args) else n_args = 0 en1 => null () end if allocate (en) key = parse_node_get_key (pn_key) call eval_node_init_format_string (en, en0, en1, key, n_args) if (debug_active (D_MODEL_F)) then call eval_node_write (en) print *, "done sprintf_fun" end if end subroutine eval_node_compile_sprintf @ %def eval_node_compile_sprintf <>= subroutine eval_node_compile_sprintf_args (en, pn, var_list, n_args) type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(out) :: n_args type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_arg integer :: i type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en1, en2 n_args = parse_node_get_n_sub (pn) en => null () do i = n_args, 1, -1 pn_arg => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn, i) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_arg))) case ("lvariable") call eval_node_compile_variable (en1, pn_arg, var_list, V_LOG) case ("svariable") call eval_node_compile_variable (en1, pn_arg, var_list, V_STR) case ("expr") call eval_node_compile_expr (en1, pn_arg, var_list) case default call parse_node_mismatch ("variable|svariable|lvariable|expr", pn_arg) end select if (associated (en)) then en2 => en allocate (en) call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("sprintf_arg"), V_NONE, en1, en2) else allocate (en) call eval_node_init_branch & (en, var_str ("sprintf_arg"), V_NONE, en1) end if end do end subroutine eval_node_compile_sprintf_args @ %def eval_node_compile_sprintf_args @ Evaluation. We allocate the argument list and apply the Fortran wrapper for the [[sprintf]] function. <>= subroutine evaluate_sprintf (string, n_args, en_fmt, en_arg) type(string_t), intent(out) :: string integer, intent(in) :: n_args type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en_fmt type(eval_node_t), intent(in), optional, target :: en_arg type(eval_node_t), pointer :: en_branch, en_var type(sprintf_arg_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: arg type(string_t) :: fmt logical :: autoformat integer :: i, j, sprintf_argc autoformat = .not. associated (en_fmt) if (autoformat) fmt = "" if (present (en_arg)) then sprintf_argc = 0 en_branch => en_arg do i = 1, n_args select case (en_branch%arg1%result_type) case (V_CMPLX); sprintf_argc = sprintf_argc + 2 case default ; sprintf_argc = sprintf_argc + 1 end select en_branch => en_branch%arg2 end do allocate (arg (sprintf_argc)) j = 1 en_branch => en_arg do i = 1, n_args en_var => en_branch%arg1 select case (en_var%result_type) case (V_LOG) call sprintf_arg_init (arg(j), en_var%lval) if (autoformat) fmt = fmt // "%s " case (V_INT); call sprintf_arg_init (arg(j), en_var%ival) if (autoformat) fmt = fmt // "%i " case (V_REAL); call sprintf_arg_init (arg(j), en_var%rval) if (autoformat) fmt = fmt // "%g " case (V_STR) call sprintf_arg_init (arg(j), en_var%sval) if (autoformat) fmt = fmt // "%s " case (V_CMPLX) call sprintf_arg_init (arg(j), real (en_var%cval, default)) j = j + 1 call sprintf_arg_init (arg(j), aimag (en_var%cval)) if (autoformat) fmt = fmt // "(%g + %g * I) " case default call eval_node_write (en_var) call msg_error ("sprintf is implemented " & // "for logical, integer, real, and string values only") end select j = j + 1 en_branch => en_branch%arg2 end do else allocate (arg(0)) end if if (autoformat) then string = sprintf (trim (fmt), arg) else string = sprintf (en_fmt%sval, arg) end if end subroutine evaluate_sprintf @ %def evaluate_sprintf @ \subsection{Auxiliary functions for the compiler} Issue an error that the current node could not be compiled because of type mismatch: <>= subroutine eval_type_error (pn, string, t) type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: pn character(*), intent(in) :: string integer, intent(in) :: t type(string_t) :: type select case (t) case (V_NONE); type = "(none)" case (V_LOG); type = "'logical'" case (V_INT); type = "'integer'" case (V_REAL); type = "'real'" case (V_CMPLX); type = "'complex'" case default; type = "(unknown)" end select call parse_node_write (pn) call msg_fatal (" The " // string // & " operation is not defined for the given argument type " // & char (type)) end subroutine eval_type_error @ %def eval_type_error @ If two numerics are combined, the result is integer if both arguments are integer, if one is integer and the other real or both are real, than its argument is real, otherwise complex. <>= function numeric_result_type (t1, t2) result (t) integer, intent(in) :: t1, t2 integer :: t if (t1 == V_INT .and. t2 == V_INT) then t = V_INT else if (t1 == V_INT .and. t2 == V_REAL) then t = V_REAL else if (t1 == V_REAL .and. t2 == V_INT) then t = V_REAL else if (t1 == V_REAL .and. t2 == V_REAL) then t = V_REAL else t = V_CMPLX end if end function numeric_result_type @ %def numeric_type @ \subsection{Evaluation} Evaluation is done recursively. For leaf nodes nothing is to be done. Evaluating particle-list functions: First, we evaluate the particle lists. If a condition is present, we assign the particle pointers of the condition node to the allocated particle entries in the parent node, keeping in mind that the observables in the variable stack used for the evaluation of the condition also contain pointers to these entries. Then, the assigned procedure is evaluated, which sets the subevent in the parent node. If required, the procedure evaluates the condition node once for each (pair of) particles to determine the result. <>= recursive subroutine eval_node_evaluate (en) type(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: en logical :: exist select case (en%type) case (EN_UNARY) if (associated (en%arg1)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = en%arg1%value_is_known else en%value_is_known = .false. end if if (en%value_is_known) then select case (en%result_type) case (V_LOG); en%lval = en%op1_log (en%arg1) case (V_INT); en%ival = en%op1_int (en%arg1) case (V_REAL); en%rval = en%op1_real (en%arg1) case (V_CMPLX); en%cval = en%op1_cmplx (en%arg1) case (V_PDG); call en%op1_pdg (en%aval, en%arg1) case (V_SEV) if (associated (en%arg0)) then call en%op1_sev (en%pval, en%arg1, en%arg0) else call en%op1_sev (en%pval, en%arg1) end if case (V_STR) call en%op1_str (en%sval, en%arg1) end select end if case (EN_BINARY) if (associated (en%arg1) .and. associated (en%arg2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = & en%arg1%value_is_known .and. en%arg2%value_is_known else en%value_is_known = .false. end if if (en%value_is_known) then select case (en%result_type) case (V_LOG); en%lval = en%op2_log (en%arg1, en%arg2) case (V_INT); en%ival = en%op2_int (en%arg1, en%arg2) case (V_REAL); en%rval = en%op2_real (en%arg1, en%arg2) case (V_CMPLX); en%cval = en%op2_cmplx (en%arg1, en%arg2) case (V_PDG) call en%op2_pdg (en%aval, en%arg1, en%arg2) case (V_SEV) if (associated (en%arg0)) then call en%op2_sev (en%pval, en%arg1, en%arg2, en%arg0) else call en%op2_sev (en%pval, en%arg1, en%arg2) end if case (V_STR) call en%op2_str (en%sval, en%arg1, en%arg2) end select end if case (EN_BLOCK) if (associated (en%arg1) .and. associated (en%arg0)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg0) en%value_is_known = en%arg0%value_is_known else en%value_is_known = .false. end if if (en%value_is_known) then select case (en%result_type) case (V_LOG); en%lval = en%arg0%lval case (V_INT); en%ival = en%arg0%ival case (V_REAL); en%rval = en%arg0%rval case (V_CMPLX); en%cval = en%arg0%cval case (V_PDG); en%aval = en%arg0%aval case (V_SEV); en%pval = en%arg0%pval case (V_STR); en%sval = en%arg0%sval end select end if case (EN_CONDITIONAL) if (associated (en%arg0)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg0) en%value_is_known = en%arg0%value_is_known else en%value_is_known = .false. end if if (en%arg0%value_is_known) then if (en%arg0%lval) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = en%arg1%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then select case (en%result_type) case (V_LOG); en%lval = en%arg1%lval case (V_INT); en%ival = en%arg1%ival case (V_REAL); en%rval = en%arg1%rval case (V_CMPLX); en%cval = en%arg1%cval case (V_PDG); en%aval = en%arg1%aval case (V_SEV); en%pval = en%arg1%pval case (V_STR); en%sval = en%arg1%sval end select end if else call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = en%arg2%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then select case (en%result_type) case (V_LOG); en%lval = en%arg2%lval case (V_INT); en%ival = en%arg2%ival case (V_REAL); en%rval = en%arg2%rval case (V_CMPLX); en%cval = en%arg2%cval case (V_PDG); en%aval = en%arg2%aval case (V_SEV); en%pval = en%arg2%pval case (V_STR); en%sval = en%arg2%sval end select end if end if end if case (EN_RECORD_CMD) exist = .true. en%lval = .false. call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg0) if (en%arg0%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg1)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) if (en%arg1%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg2)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) if (en%arg2%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg3)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg3) if (en%arg3%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg4)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg4) if (en%arg4%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%rval)) then call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, en%arg2%rval, & en%arg3%rval, en%arg4%rval, & weight=en%rval, exist=exist, & success=en%lval) else call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, en%arg2%rval, & en%arg3%rval, en%arg4%rval, & exist=exist, success=en%lval) end if end if else if (associated (en%rval)) then call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, en%arg2%rval, & en%arg3%rval, & weight=en%rval, exist=exist, & success=en%lval) else call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, en%arg2%rval, & en%arg3%rval, & exist=exist, success=en%lval) end if end if end if else if (associated (en%rval)) then call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, en%arg2%rval, & weight=en%rval, exist=exist, & success=en%lval) else call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, en%arg2%rval, & exist=exist, success=en%lval) end if end if end if else if (associated (en%rval)) then call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, & weight=en%rval, exist=exist, success=en%lval) else call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, & en%arg1%rval, & exist=exist, success=en%lval) end if end if end if else if (associated (en%rval)) then call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, 1._default, & weight=en%rval, exist=exist, success=en%lval) else call analysis_record_data (en%arg0%sval, 1._default, & exist=exist, success=en%lval) end if end if if (.not. exist) then call msg_error ("Analysis object '" // char (en%arg0%sval) & // "' is undefined") en%arg0%value_is_known = .false. end if end if case (EN_OBS1_INT) en%ival = en%obs1_int (en%prt1) en%value_is_known = .true. case (EN_OBS2_INT) en%ival = en%obs2_int (en%prt1, en%prt2) en%value_is_known = .true. case (EN_OBS1_REAL) en%rval = en%obs1_real (en%prt1) en%value_is_known = .true. case (EN_OBS2_REAL) en%rval = en%obs2_real (en%prt1, en%prt2) en%value_is_known = .true. case (EN_PRT_FUN_UNARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = en%arg1%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg0)) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 call en%op1_sev (en%pval, en%arg1, en%arg0) else call en%op1_sev (en%pval, en%arg1) end if end if case (EN_PRT_FUN_BINARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = & en%arg1%value_is_known .and. en%arg2%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg0)) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%arg0%prt2 => en%prt2 call en%op2_sev (en%pval, en%arg1, en%arg2, en%arg0) else call en%op2_sev (en%pval, en%arg1, en%arg2) end if end if case (EN_EVAL_FUN_UNARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = subevt_is_nonempty (en%arg1%pval) if (en%value_is_known) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%index = 1 en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%prt1 = subevt_get_prt (en%arg1%pval, 1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg0) en%rval = en%arg0%rval end if case (EN_EVAL_FUN_BINARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = & subevt_is_nonempty (en%arg1%pval) .and. & subevt_is_nonempty (en%arg2%pval) if (en%value_is_known) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%arg0%prt2 => en%prt2 en%index = 1 call eval_pp (en%arg1, en%arg2, en%arg0, en%rval, en%value_is_known) end if case (EN_LOG_FUN_UNARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = .true. if (en%value_is_known) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%lval = en%op1_cut (en%arg1, en%arg0) end if case (EN_LOG_FUN_BINARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = .true. if (en%value_is_known) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%arg0%prt2 => en%prt2 en%lval = en%op2_cut (en%arg1, en%arg2, en%arg0) end if case (EN_INT_FUN_UNARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = en%arg1%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg0)) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 call en%op1_evi (en%ival, en%arg1, en%arg0) else call en%op1_evi (en%ival, en%arg1) end if end if case (EN_INT_FUN_BINARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = & en%arg1%value_is_known .and. & en%arg2%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg0)) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%arg0%prt2 => en%prt2 call en%op2_evi (en%ival, en%arg1, en%arg2, en%arg0) else call en%op2_evi (en%ival, en%arg1, en%arg2) end if end if case (EN_REAL_FUN_UNARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = en%arg1%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg0)) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 call en%op1_evr (en%rval, en%arg1, en%arg0) else call en%op1_evr (en%rval, en%arg1) end if end if case (EN_REAL_FUN_BINARY) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg2) en%value_is_known = & en%arg1%value_is_known .and. & en%arg2%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then if (associated (en%arg0)) then en%arg0%index => en%index en%arg0%prt1 => en%prt1 en%arg0%prt2 => en%prt2 call en%op2_evr (en%rval, en%arg1, en%arg2, en%arg0) else call en%op2_evr (en%rval, en%arg1, en%arg2) end if end if case (EN_FORMAT_STR) if (associated (en%arg0)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg0) en%value_is_known = en%arg0%value_is_known else en%value_is_known = .true. end if if (associated (en%arg1)) then call eval_node_evaluate (en%arg1) en%value_is_known = & en%value_is_known .and. en%arg1%value_is_known if (en%value_is_known) then call evaluate_sprintf (en%sval, en%ival, en%arg0, en%arg1) end if else if (en%value_is_known) then call evaluate_sprintf (en%sval, en%ival, en%arg0) end if end if end select if (debug2_active (D_MODEL_F)) then print *, "eval_node_evaluate" call eval_node_write (en) end if end subroutine eval_node_evaluate @ %def eval_node_evaluate @ \subsubsection{Test method} This is called from a unit test: initialize a particular observable. <>= procedure :: test_obs => eval_node_test_obs <>= subroutine eval_node_test_obs (node, var_list, var_name) class(eval_node_t), intent(inout) :: node type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: var_name procedure(obs_unary_int), pointer :: obs1_iptr type(prt_t), pointer :: p1 call var_list%get_obs1_iptr (var_name, obs1_iptr, p1) call eval_node_init_obs1_int_ptr (node, var_name, obs1_iptr, p1) end subroutine eval_node_test_obs @ %def eval_node_test_obs @ \subsection{Evaluation syntax} We have two different flavors of the syntax: with and without particles. <>= public :: syntax_expr public :: syntax_pexpr <>= type(syntax_t), target, save :: syntax_expr type(syntax_t), target, save :: syntax_pexpr @ %def syntax_expr syntax_pexpr @ These are for testing only and may be removed: <>= public :: syntax_expr_init public :: syntax_pexpr_init <>= subroutine syntax_expr_init () type(ifile_t) :: ifile call define_expr_syntax (ifile, particles=.false., analysis=.false.) call syntax_init (syntax_expr, ifile) call ifile_final (ifile) end subroutine syntax_expr_init subroutine syntax_pexpr_init () type(ifile_t) :: ifile call define_expr_syntax (ifile, particles=.true., analysis=.false.) call syntax_init (syntax_pexpr, ifile) call ifile_final (ifile) end subroutine syntax_pexpr_init @ %def syntax_expr_init syntax_pexpr_init <>= public :: syntax_expr_final public :: syntax_pexpr_final <>= subroutine syntax_expr_final () call syntax_final (syntax_expr) end subroutine syntax_expr_final subroutine syntax_pexpr_final () call syntax_final (syntax_pexpr) end subroutine syntax_pexpr_final @ %def syntax_expr_final syntax_pexpr_final <>= public :: syntax_pexpr_write <>= subroutine syntax_pexpr_write (unit) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit call syntax_write (syntax_pexpr, unit) end subroutine syntax_pexpr_write @ %def syntax_pexpr_write <>= public :: define_expr_syntax @ Numeric expressions. <>= subroutine define_expr_syntax (ifile, particles, analysis) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile logical, intent(in) :: particles, analysis type(string_t) :: numeric_pexpr type(string_t) :: var_plist, var_alias if (particles) then numeric_pexpr = " | numeric_pexpr" var_plist = " | var_plist" var_alias = " | var_alias" else numeric_pexpr = "" var_plist = "" var_alias = "" end if call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ expr = subexpr addition*") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT subexpr = addition | term") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ addition = plus_or_minus term") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ term = factor multiplication*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ multiplication = times_or_over factor") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ factor = value exponentiation?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ exponentiation = to_the value") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT plus_or_minus = '+' | '-'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT times_or_over = '*' | '/'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT to_the = '^' | '**'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '+'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '-'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '*'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '/'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '^'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '**'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT value = signed_value | unsigned_value") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ signed_value = '-' unsigned_value") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT unsigned_value = " // & "numeric_value | constant | variable | " // & "result | " // & "grouped_expr | block_expr | conditional_expr | " // & "unary_function | binary_function" // & numeric_pexpr) call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT numeric_value = integer_value | " & // "real_value | complex_value") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ integer_value = integer_literal unit_expr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ real_value = real_literal unit_expr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ complex_value = complex_literal unit_expr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "INT integer_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "REA real_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "COM complex_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ unit_expr = unit unit_power?") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT unit = " // & "TeV | GeV | MeV | keV | eV | meV | " // & "nbarn | pbarn | fbarn | abarn | " // & "rad | mrad | degree | '%'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY TeV") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY GeV") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY MeV") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY keV") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY eV") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY meV") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY nbarn") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY pbarn") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY fbarn") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY abarn") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY rad") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY mrad") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY degree") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '%'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ unit_power = '^' frac_expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT frac_expr = frac | grouped_frac") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO grouped_frac = ( frac_expr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ frac = signed_int div?") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT signed_int = " & // "neg_int | pos_int | integer_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ neg_int = '-' integer_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pos_int = '+' integer_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ div = '/' integer_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT constant = pi | I") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY pi") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY I") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE variable") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ result = result_key result_arg") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT result_key = " // & "num_id | integral | error") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY num_id") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY integral") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY error") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO result_arg = ( process_id )") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE process_id") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ unary_function = fun_unary function_arg1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ binary_function = fun_binary function_arg2") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT fun_unary = " // & "complex | real | int | nint | floor | ceiling | abs | conjg | sgn | " // & "sqrt | exp | log | log10 | " // & "sin | cos | tan | asin | acos | atan | " // & "sinh | cosh | tanh | asinh | acosh | atanh") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY complex") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY real") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY int") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY nint") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY floor") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY ceiling") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY abs") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY conjg") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY sgn") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY sqrt") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY exp") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY log") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY log10") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY sin") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY cos") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY tan") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY asin") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY acos") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY atan") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY sinh") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY cosh") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY tanh") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY asinh") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY acosh") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY atanh") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT fun_binary = max | min | mod | modulo") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY max") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY min") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY mod") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY modulo") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG function_arg1 = ( expr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG function_arg2 = ( expr, expr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO grouped_expr = ( expr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_expr = let var_spec in expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY let") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT var_spec = " // & "var_num | var_int | var_real | var_complex | " // & "var_logical" // var_plist // var_alias // " | var_string") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_num = var_name '=' expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_int = int var_name '=' expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_real = real var_name '=' expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_complex = complex var_name '=' complex_expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT complex_expr = " // & "cexpr_real | cexpr_complex") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG cexpr_complex = ( expr, expr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ cexpr_real = expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE var_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '='") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY in") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ conditional_expr = " // & "if lexpr then expr maybe_elsif_expr maybe_else_expr endif") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_elsif_expr = elsif_expr*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_else_expr = else_expr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ elsif_expr = elsif lexpr then expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ else_expr = else expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY if") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY then") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY elsif") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY else") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY endif") call define_lexpr_syntax (ifile, particles, analysis) call define_sexpr_syntax (ifile) if (particles) then call define_pexpr_syntax (ifile) call define_cexpr_syntax (ifile) call define_var_plist_syntax (ifile) call define_var_alias_syntax (ifile) call define_numeric_pexpr_syntax (ifile) call define_logical_pexpr_syntax (ifile) end if end subroutine define_expr_syntax @ %def define_expr_syntax @ Logical expressions. <>= subroutine define_lexpr_syntax (ifile, particles, analysis) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile logical, intent(in) :: particles, analysis type(string_t) :: logical_pexpr, record_cmd if (particles) then logical_pexpr = " | logical_pexpr" else logical_pexpr = "" end if if (analysis) then record_cmd = " | record_cmd" else record_cmd = "" end if call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ lexpr = lsinglet lsequel*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ lsequel = ';' lsinglet") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ lsinglet = lterm alternative*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ alternative = or lterm") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ lterm = lvalue coincidence*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ coincidence = and lvalue") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY ';'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY or") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY and") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT lvalue = " // & "true | false | lvariable | negation | " // & "grouped_lexpr | block_lexpr | conditional_lexpr | " // & "compared_expr | compared_sexpr" // & logical_pexpr // record_cmd) call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY true") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY false") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ lvariable = '?' alt_lvariable") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '?'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT alt_lvariable = variable | grouped_lexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ negation = not lvalue") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY not") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO grouped_lexpr = ( lexpr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_lexpr = let var_spec in lexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT var_logical = " // & "var_logical_new | var_logical_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_logical_new = logical var_logical_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY logical") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_logical_spec = '?' var_name = lexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ conditional_lexpr = " // & "if lexpr then lexpr maybe_elsif_lexpr maybe_else_lexpr endif") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_elsif_lexpr = elsif_lexpr*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_else_lexpr = else_lexpr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ elsif_lexpr = elsif lexpr then lexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ else_lexpr = else lexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ compared_expr = expr comparison+") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ comparison = compare expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT compare = " // & "'<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '==' | '<>'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '<'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '>'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '<='") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '>='") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '=='") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '<>'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ compared_sexpr = sexpr str_comparison+") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ str_comparison = str_compare sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT str_compare = '==' | '<>'") if (analysis) then call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ record_cmd = " // & "record_key analysis_tag record_arg?") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT record_key = " // & "record | record_unweighted | record_excess") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY record") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY record_unweighted") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY record_excess") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT analysis_tag = analysis_id | sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE analysis_id") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG record_arg = ( expr+ )") end if end subroutine define_lexpr_syntax @ %def define_lexpr_syntax @ String expressions. <>= subroutine define_sexpr_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ sexpr = svalue str_concatenation*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ str_concatenation = '&' svalue") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '&'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT svalue = " // & "grouped_sexpr | block_sexpr | conditional_sexpr | " // & "svariable | string_function | string_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO grouped_sexpr = ( sexpr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_sexpr = let var_spec in sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ conditional_sexpr = " // & "if lexpr then sexpr maybe_elsif_sexpr maybe_else_sexpr endif") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_elsif_sexpr = elsif_sexpr*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_else_sexpr = else_sexpr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ elsif_sexpr = elsif lexpr then sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ else_sexpr = else sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ svariable = '$' alt_svariable") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '$'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT alt_svariable = variable | grouped_sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT var_string = " // & "var_string_new | var_string_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_string_new = string var_string_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY string") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_string_spec = '$' var_name = sexpr") ! $ call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT string_function = sprintf_fun") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ sprintf_fun = sprintf_clause sprintf_args?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ sprintf_clause = sprintf sexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY sprintf") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG sprintf_args = ( sprintf_arg* )") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT sprintf_arg = " & // "lvariable | svariable | expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "QUO string_literal = '""'...'""'") end subroutine define_sexpr_syntax @ %def define_sexpr_syntax @ Eval trees that evaluate to subevents. <>= subroutine define_pexpr_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pexpr = pterm pconcatenation*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pconcatenation = '&' pterm") ! call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '&'") !!! (Key exists already) call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pterm = pvalue pcombination*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pcombination = '+' pvalue") ! call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '+'") !!! (Key exists already) call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT pvalue = " // & "pexpr_src | pvariable | " // & "grouped_pexpr | block_pexpr | conditional_pexpr | " // & "prt_function") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pexpr_src = prefix_cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT prefix_cexpr = " // & "beam_prt | incoming_prt | outgoing_prt | unspecified_prt") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ beam_prt = beam cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY beam") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ incoming_prt = incoming cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY incoming") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ outgoing_prt = outgoing cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY outgoing") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ unspecified_prt = cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pvariable = '@' alt_pvariable") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '@'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT alt_pvariable = variable | grouped_pexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO grouped_pexpr = '[' pexpr ']'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_pexpr = let var_spec in pexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ conditional_pexpr = " // & "if lexpr then pexpr maybe_elsif_pexpr maybe_else_pexpr endif") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_elsif_pexpr = elsif_pexpr*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_else_pexpr = else_pexpr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ elsif_pexpr = elsif lexpr then pexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ else_pexpr = else pexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT prt_function = " // & "join_fun | combine_fun | collect_fun | cluster_fun | " // & + "photon_reco_fun | " // & "select_fun | extract_fun | sort_fun | " // & "select_b_jet_fun | select_non_b_jet_fun | " // & "select_c_jet_fun | select_light_jet_fun") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ join_fun = join_clause pargs2") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ combine_fun = combine_clause pargs2") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ collect_fun = collect_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ cluster_fun = cluster_clause pargs1") + call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ photon_reco_fun = photon_reco_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_fun = select_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ extract_fun = extract_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ sort_fun = sort_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_b_jet_fun = " // & "select_b_jet_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_non_b_jet_fun = " // & "select_non_b_jet_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_c_jet_fun = " // & "select_c_jet_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_light_jet_fun = " // & "select_light_jet_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ join_clause = join condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ combine_clause = combine condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ collect_clause = collect condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ cluster_clause = cluster condition?") + call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ photon_reco_clause = photon_recombination condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_clause = select condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ extract_clause = extract position?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ sort_clause = sort criterion?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_b_jet_clause = " // & "select_b_jet condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_non_b_jet_clause = " // & "select_non_b_jet condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_c_jet_clause = " // & "select_c_jet condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ select_light_jet_clause = " // & "select_light_jet condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY join") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY combine") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY collect") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY cluster") + call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY photon_recombination") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY select") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ condition = if lexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY extract") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ position = index expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY sort") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY select_b_jet") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY select_non_b_jet") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY select_c_jet") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY select_light_jet") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ criterion = by expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY index") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY by") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG pargs2 = '[' pexpr, pexpr ']'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG pargs1 = '[' pexpr, pexpr? ']'") end subroutine define_pexpr_syntax @ %def define_pexpr_syntax @ Eval trees that evaluate to PDG-code arrays. <>= subroutine define_cexpr_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ cexpr = avalue concatenation*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ concatenation = ':' avalue") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY ':'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT avalue = " // & "grouped_cexpr | block_cexpr | conditional_cexpr | " // & "variable | pdg_code | prt_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "GRO grouped_cexpr = ( cexpr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_cexpr = let var_spec in cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ conditional_cexpr = " // & "if lexpr then cexpr maybe_elsif_cexpr maybe_else_cexpr endif") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_elsif_cexpr = elsif_cexpr*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ maybe_else_cexpr = else_cexpr?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ elsif_cexpr = elsif lexpr then cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ else_cexpr = else cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pdg_code = pdg pdg_arg") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY pdg") call ifile_append (ifile, "ARG pdg_arg = ( expr )") call ifile_append (ifile, "QUO prt_name = '""'...'""'") end subroutine define_cexpr_syntax @ %def define_cexpr_syntax @ Extra variable types. <>= subroutine define_var_plist_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT var_plist = var_plist_new | var_plist_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_plist_new = subevt var_plist_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY subevt") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_plist_spec = '@' var_name '=' pexpr") end subroutine define_var_plist_syntax subroutine define_var_alias_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ var_alias = alias var_name '=' cexpr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY alias") end subroutine define_var_alias_syntax @ %def define_var_plist_syntax define_var_alias_syntax @ Particle-list expressions that evaluate to numeric values <>= subroutine define_numeric_pexpr_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT numeric_pexpr = " & // "eval_fun | count_fun") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ eval_fun = eval expr pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ count_fun = count_clause pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ count_clause = count condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY eval") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY count") end subroutine define_numeric_pexpr_syntax @ %def define_numeric_pexpr_syntax @ Particle-list functions that evaluate to logical values. <>= subroutine define_logical_pexpr_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT logical_pexpr = " // & "all_fun | any_fun | no_fun | " // & "photon_isolation_fun") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ all_fun = all lexpr pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ any_fun = any lexpr pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ no_fun = no lexpr pargs1") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ photon_isolation_fun = " // & "photon_isolation_clause pargs2") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ photon_isolation_clause = " // & "photon_isolation condition?") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY all") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY any") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY no") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY photon_isolation") end subroutine define_logical_pexpr_syntax @ %def define_logical_pexpr_syntax @ All characters that can occur in expressions (apart from alphanumeric). <>= subroutine lexer_init_eval_tree (lexer, particles) type(lexer_t), intent(out) :: lexer logical, intent(in) :: particles type(keyword_list_t), pointer :: keyword_list if (particles) then keyword_list => syntax_get_keyword_list_ptr (syntax_pexpr) else keyword_list => syntax_get_keyword_list_ptr (syntax_expr) end if call lexer_init (lexer, & comment_chars = "#!", & quote_chars = '"', & quote_match = '"', & single_chars = "()[],;:&%?$@", & special_class = [ "+-*/^", "<>=~ " ] , & keyword_list = keyword_list) end subroutine lexer_init_eval_tree @ %def lexer_init_eval_tree @ \subsection{Set up appropriate parse trees} Parse an input stream as a specific flavor of expression. The appropriate expression syntax has to be available. <>= public :: parse_tree_init_expr public :: parse_tree_init_lexpr public :: parse_tree_init_pexpr public :: parse_tree_init_cexpr public :: parse_tree_init_sexpr <>= subroutine parse_tree_init_expr (parse_tree, stream, particles) type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream logical, intent(in) :: particles type(lexer_t) :: lexer call lexer_init_eval_tree (lexer, particles) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream) if (particles) then call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_pexpr, lexer, var_str ("expr")) else call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_expr, lexer, var_str ("expr")) end if call lexer_final (lexer) end subroutine parse_tree_init_expr subroutine parse_tree_init_lexpr (parse_tree, stream, particles) type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream logical, intent(in) :: particles type(lexer_t) :: lexer call lexer_init_eval_tree (lexer, particles) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream) if (particles) then call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_pexpr, lexer, var_str ("lexpr")) else call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_expr, lexer, var_str ("lexpr")) end if call lexer_final (lexer) end subroutine parse_tree_init_lexpr subroutine parse_tree_init_pexpr (parse_tree, stream) type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream type(lexer_t) :: lexer call lexer_init_eval_tree (lexer, .true.) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream) call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_pexpr, lexer, var_str ("pexpr")) call lexer_final (lexer) end subroutine parse_tree_init_pexpr subroutine parse_tree_init_cexpr (parse_tree, stream) type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream type(lexer_t) :: lexer call lexer_init_eval_tree (lexer, .true.) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream) call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_pexpr, lexer, var_str ("cexpr")) call lexer_final (lexer) end subroutine parse_tree_init_cexpr subroutine parse_tree_init_sexpr (parse_tree, stream, particles) type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream logical, intent(in) :: particles type(lexer_t) :: lexer call lexer_init_eval_tree (lexer, particles) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream) if (particles) then call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_pexpr, lexer, var_str ("sexpr")) else call parse_tree_init & (parse_tree, syntax_expr, lexer, var_str ("sexpr")) end if call lexer_final (lexer) end subroutine parse_tree_init_sexpr @ %def parse_tree_init_expr @ %def parse_tree_init_lexpr @ %def parse_tree_init_pexpr @ %def parse_tree_init_cexpr @ %def parse_tree_init_sexpr @ \subsection{The evaluation tree} The evaluation tree contains the initial variable list and the root node. <>= public :: eval_tree_t <>= type, extends (expr_t) :: eval_tree_t private type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn => null () type(var_list_t) :: var_list type(eval_node_t), pointer :: root => null () contains <> end type eval_tree_t @ %def eval_tree_t @ Init from stream, using a temporary parse tree. <>= procedure :: init_stream => eval_tree_init_stream <>= subroutine eval_tree_init_stream & (eval_tree, stream, var_list, subevt, result_type) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: eval_tree type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), target, optional :: subevt integer, intent(in), optional :: result_type type(parse_tree_t) :: parse_tree type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_root integer :: type type = V_REAL; if (present (result_type)) type = result_type select case (type) case (V_INT, V_REAL, V_CMPLX) call parse_tree_init_expr (parse_tree, stream, present (subevt)) case (V_LOG) call parse_tree_init_lexpr (parse_tree, stream, present (subevt)) case (V_SEV) call parse_tree_init_pexpr (parse_tree, stream) case (V_PDG) call parse_tree_init_cexpr (parse_tree, stream) case (V_STR) call parse_tree_init_sexpr (parse_tree, stream, present (subevt)) end select nd_root => parse_tree%get_root_ptr () if (associated (nd_root)) then select case (type) case (V_INT, V_REAL, V_CMPLX) call eval_tree_init_expr (eval_tree, nd_root, var_list, subevt) case (V_LOG) call eval_tree_init_lexpr (eval_tree, nd_root, var_list, subevt) case (V_SEV) call eval_tree_init_pexpr (eval_tree, nd_root, var_list, subevt) case (V_PDG) call eval_tree_init_cexpr (eval_tree, nd_root, var_list, subevt) case (V_STR) call eval_tree_init_sexpr (eval_tree, nd_root, var_list, subevt) end select end if call parse_tree_final (parse_tree) end subroutine eval_tree_init_stream @ %def eval_tree_init_stream @ API (to be superseded by the methods below): Init from a given parse-tree node. If we evaluate an expression that contains particle-list references, the original subevent has to be supplied. The initial variable list is optional. <>= procedure :: init_expr => eval_tree_init_expr procedure :: init_lexpr => eval_tree_init_lexpr procedure :: init_pexpr => eval_tree_init_pexpr procedure :: init_cexpr => eval_tree_init_cexpr procedure :: init_sexpr => eval_tree_init_sexpr <>= subroutine eval_tree_init_expr & (expr, parse_node, var_list, subevt) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: expr type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, var_list) if (present (subevt)) call eval_tree_set_subevt (expr, subevt) call eval_node_compile_expr & (expr%root, parse_node, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_init_expr subroutine eval_tree_init_lexpr & (expr, parse_node, var_list, subevt) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: expr type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, var_list) if (present (subevt)) call eval_tree_set_subevt (expr, subevt) call eval_node_compile_lexpr & (expr%root, parse_node, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_init_lexpr subroutine eval_tree_init_pexpr & (expr, parse_node, var_list, subevt) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: expr type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, var_list) if (present (subevt)) call eval_tree_set_subevt (expr, subevt) call eval_node_compile_pexpr & (expr%root, parse_node, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_init_pexpr subroutine eval_tree_init_cexpr & (expr, parse_node, var_list, subevt) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: expr type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, var_list) if (present (subevt)) call eval_tree_set_subevt (expr, subevt) call eval_node_compile_cexpr & (expr%root, parse_node, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_init_cexpr subroutine eval_tree_init_sexpr & (expr, parse_node, var_list, subevt) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: expr type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, var_list) if (present (subevt)) call eval_tree_set_subevt (expr, subevt) call eval_node_compile_sexpr & (expr%root, parse_node, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_init_sexpr @ %def eval_tree_init_expr @ %def eval_tree_init_lexpr @ %def eval_tree_init_pexpr @ %def eval_tree_init_cexpr @ %def eval_tree_init_sexpr @ Alternative: set up the expression using the parse node that has already been stored. We assume that the [[subevt]] or any other variable that may be referred to has already been added to the local variable list. <>= procedure :: setup_expr => eval_tree_setup_expr procedure :: setup_lexpr => eval_tree_setup_lexpr procedure :: setup_pexpr => eval_tree_setup_pexpr procedure :: setup_cexpr => eval_tree_setup_cexpr procedure :: setup_sexpr => eval_tree_setup_sexpr <>= subroutine eval_tree_setup_expr (expr, vars) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: expr class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: vars call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, vars) call eval_node_compile_expr (expr%root, expr%pn, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_setup_expr subroutine eval_tree_setup_lexpr (expr, vars) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: expr class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: vars call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, vars) call eval_node_compile_lexpr (expr%root, expr%pn, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_setup_lexpr subroutine eval_tree_setup_pexpr (expr, vars) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: expr class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: vars call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, vars) call eval_node_compile_pexpr (expr%root, expr%pn, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_setup_pexpr subroutine eval_tree_setup_cexpr (expr, vars) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: expr class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: vars call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, vars) call eval_node_compile_cexpr (expr%root, expr%pn, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_setup_cexpr subroutine eval_tree_setup_sexpr (expr, vars) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: expr class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: vars call eval_tree_link_var_list (expr, vars) call eval_node_compile_sexpr (expr%root, expr%pn, expr%var_list) end subroutine eval_tree_setup_sexpr @ %def eval_tree_setup_expr @ %def eval_tree_setup_lexpr @ %def eval_tree_setup_pexpr @ %def eval_tree_setup_cexpr @ %def eval_tree_setup_sexpr @ This extra API function handles numerical constant expressions only. The only nontrivial part is the optional unit. <>= procedure :: init_numeric_value => eval_tree_init_numeric_value <>= subroutine eval_tree_init_numeric_value (eval_tree, parse_node) class(eval_tree_t), intent(out), target :: eval_tree type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node call eval_node_compile_numeric_value (eval_tree%root, parse_node) end subroutine eval_tree_init_numeric_value @ %def eval_tree_init_numeric_value @ Initialize the variable list, linking it to a context variable list. <>= subroutine eval_tree_link_var_list (eval_tree, vars) type(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: eval_tree class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: vars call eval_tree%var_list%link (vars) end subroutine eval_tree_link_var_list @ %def eval_tree_link_var_list @ Include a subevent object in the initialization. We add a pointer to this as variable [[@evt]] in the local variable list. <>= subroutine eval_tree_set_subevt (eval_tree, subevt) type(eval_tree_t), intent(inout), target :: eval_tree type(subevt_t), intent(in), target :: subevt logical, save, target :: known = .true. call var_list_append_subevt_ptr & (eval_tree%var_list, var_str ("@evt"), subevt, known, & intrinsic=.true.) end subroutine eval_tree_set_subevt @ %def eval_tree_set_subevt @ Finalizer. <>= procedure :: final => eval_tree_final <>= subroutine eval_tree_final (expr) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout) :: expr call expr%var_list%final () if (associated (expr%root)) then call eval_node_final_rec (expr%root) deallocate (expr%root) end if end subroutine eval_tree_final @ %def eval_tree_final @ <>= procedure :: evaluate => eval_tree_evaluate <>= subroutine eval_tree_evaluate (expr) class(eval_tree_t), intent(inout) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then call eval_node_evaluate (expr%root) end if end subroutine eval_tree_evaluate @ %def eval_tree_evaluate @ Check if the eval tree is allocated. <>= function eval_tree_is_defined (eval_tree) result (flag) logical :: flag type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree flag = associated (eval_tree%root) end function eval_tree_is_defined @ %def eval_tree_is_defined @ Check if the eval tree result is constant. <>= function eval_tree_is_constant (eval_tree) result (flag) logical :: flag type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then flag = eval_tree%root%type == EN_CONSTANT else flag = .false. end if end function eval_tree_is_constant @ %def eval_tree_is_constant @ Insert a conversion node at the root, if necessary (only for real/int conversion) <>= subroutine eval_tree_convert_result (eval_tree, result_type) type(eval_tree_t), intent(inout) :: eval_tree integer, intent(in) :: result_type if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then call insert_conversion_node (eval_tree%root, result_type) end if end subroutine eval_tree_convert_result @ %def eval_tree_convert_result @ Return the value of the top node, after evaluation. If the tree is empty, return the type of [[V_NONE]]. When extracting the value, no check for existence is done. For numeric values, the functions are safe against real/integer mismatch. <>= procedure :: is_known => eval_tree_result_is_known procedure :: get_log => eval_tree_get_log procedure :: get_int => eval_tree_get_int procedure :: get_real => eval_tree_get_real procedure :: get_cmplx => eval_tree_get_cmplx procedure :: get_pdg_array => eval_tree_get_pdg_array procedure :: get_subevt => eval_tree_get_subevt procedure :: get_string => eval_tree_get_string <>= function eval_tree_get_result_type (expr) result (type) integer :: type class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then type = expr%root%result_type else type = V_NONE end if end function eval_tree_get_result_type function eval_tree_result_is_known (expr) result (flag) logical :: flag class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then select case (expr%root%result_type) case (V_LOG, V_INT, V_REAL) flag = expr%root%value_is_known case default flag = .true. end select else flag = .false. end if end function eval_tree_result_is_known function eval_tree_result_is_known_ptr (expr) result (ptr) logical, pointer :: ptr class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr logical, target, save :: known = .true. if (associated (expr%root)) then select case (expr%root%result_type) case (V_LOG, V_INT, V_REAL) ptr => expr%root%value_is_known case default ptr => known end select else ptr => null () end if end function eval_tree_result_is_known_ptr function eval_tree_get_log (expr) result (lval) logical :: lval class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) lval = expr%root%lval end function eval_tree_get_log function eval_tree_get_int (expr) result (ival) integer :: ival class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then select case (expr%root%result_type) case (V_INT); ival = expr%root%ival case (V_REAL); ival = expr%root%rval case (V_CMPLX); ival = expr%root%cval end select end if end function eval_tree_get_int function eval_tree_get_real (expr) result (rval) real(default) :: rval class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then select case (expr%root%result_type) case (V_REAL); rval = expr%root%rval case (V_INT); rval = expr%root%ival case (V_CMPLX); rval = expr%root%cval end select end if end function eval_tree_get_real function eval_tree_get_cmplx (expr) result (cval) complex(default) :: cval class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then select case (expr%root%result_type) case (V_CMPLX); cval = expr%root%cval case (V_REAL); cval = expr%root%rval case (V_INT); cval = expr%root%ival end select end if end function eval_tree_get_cmplx function eval_tree_get_pdg_array (expr) result (aval) type(pdg_array_t) :: aval class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then aval = expr%root%aval end if end function eval_tree_get_pdg_array function eval_tree_get_subevt (expr) result (pval) type(subevt_t) :: pval class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then pval = expr%root%pval end if end function eval_tree_get_subevt function eval_tree_get_string (expr) result (sval) type(string_t) :: sval class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr if (associated (expr%root)) then sval = expr%root%sval end if end function eval_tree_get_string @ %def eval_tree_get_result_type @ %def eval_tree_result_is_known @ %def eval_tree_get_log eval_tree_get_int eval_tree_get_real @ %def eval_tree_get_cmplx @ %def eval_tree_get_pdg_expr @ %def eval_tree_get_pdg_array @ %def eval_tree_get_subevt @ %def eval_tree_get_string @ Return a pointer to the value of the top node. <>= function eval_tree_get_log_ptr (eval_tree) result (lval) logical, pointer :: lval type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then lval => eval_tree%root%lval else lval => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_log_ptr function eval_tree_get_int_ptr (eval_tree) result (ival) integer, pointer :: ival type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then ival => eval_tree%root%ival else ival => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_int_ptr function eval_tree_get_real_ptr (eval_tree) result (rval) real(default), pointer :: rval type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then rval => eval_tree%root%rval else rval => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_real_ptr function eval_tree_get_cmplx_ptr (eval_tree) result (cval) complex(default), pointer :: cval type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then cval => eval_tree%root%cval else cval => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_cmplx_ptr function eval_tree_get_subevt_ptr (eval_tree) result (pval) type(subevt_t), pointer :: pval type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then pval => eval_tree%root%pval else pval => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_subevt_ptr function eval_tree_get_pdg_array_ptr (eval_tree) result (aval) type(pdg_array_t), pointer :: aval type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then aval => eval_tree%root%aval else aval => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_pdg_array_ptr function eval_tree_get_string_ptr (eval_tree) result (sval) type(string_t), pointer :: sval type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree if (associated (eval_tree%root)) then sval => eval_tree%root%sval else sval => null () end if end function eval_tree_get_string_ptr @ %def eval_tree_get_log_ptr eval_tree_get_int_ptr eval_tree_get_real_ptr @ %def eval_tree_get_cmplx_ptr @ %def eval_tree_get_subevt_ptr eval_tree_get_pdg_array_ptr @ %def eval_tree_get_string_ptr <>= procedure :: write => eval_tree_write <>= subroutine eval_tree_write (expr, unit, write_vars) class(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: expr integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: write_vars integer :: u logical :: vl u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return vl = .false.; if (present (write_vars)) vl = write_vars write (u, "(1x,A)") "Evaluation tree:" if (associated (expr%root)) then call eval_node_write_rec (expr%root, unit) else write (u, "(3x,A)") "[empty]" end if if (vl) call var_list_write (expr%var_list, unit) end subroutine eval_tree_write @ %def eval_tree_write @ Use the written representation for generating an MD5 sum: <>= function eval_tree_get_md5sum (eval_tree) result (md5sum_et) character(32) :: md5sum_et type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree integer :: u u = free_unit () open (unit = u, status = "scratch", action = "readwrite") call eval_tree_write (eval_tree, unit=u) rewind (u) md5sum_et = md5sum (u) close (u) end function eval_tree_get_md5sum @ %def eval_tree_get_md5sum @ \subsection{Direct evaluation} These procedures create an eval tree and evaluate it on-the-fly, returning only the final value. The evaluation must yield a well-defined value, unless the [[is_known]] flag is present, which will be set accordingly. <>= public :: eval_log public :: eval_int public :: eval_real public :: eval_cmplx public :: eval_subevt public :: eval_pdg_array public :: eval_string <>= function eval_log & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (lval) logical :: lval type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_lexpr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. lval = eval_tree_get_log (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) lval = .false. end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_log function eval_int & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (ival) integer :: ival type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_expr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. ival = eval_tree_get_int (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) ival = 0 end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_int function eval_real & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (rval) real(default) :: rval type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_expr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. rval = eval_tree_get_real (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) rval = 0 end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_real function eval_cmplx & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (cval) complex(default) :: cval type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_expr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. cval = eval_tree_get_cmplx (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) cval = 0 end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_cmplx function eval_subevt & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (pval) type(subevt_t) :: pval type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_pexpr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. pval = eval_tree_get_subevt (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_subevt function eval_pdg_array & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (aval) type(pdg_array_t) :: aval type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_cexpr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. aval = eval_tree_get_pdg_array (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_pdg_array function eval_string & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, is_known) result (sval) type(string_t) :: sval type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_sexpr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. sval = eval_tree_get_string (eval_tree) else if (present (is_known)) then is_known = .false. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) sval = "" end if call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end function eval_string @ %def eval_log eval_int eval_real eval_cmplx @ %def eval_subevt eval_pdg_array eval_string @ %def eval_tree_unknown @ Here is a variant that returns numeric values of all possible kinds, the appropriate kind to be selected later: <>= public :: eval_numeric <>= subroutine eval_numeric & (parse_node, var_list, subevt, ival, rval, cval, & is_known, result_type) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: parse_node type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: subevt integer, intent(out), optional :: ival real(default), intent(out), optional :: rval complex(default), intent(out), optional :: cval logical, intent(out), optional :: is_known integer, intent(out), optional :: result_type type(eval_tree_t), target :: eval_tree call eval_tree_init_expr & (eval_tree, parse_node, var_list, subevt) call eval_tree_evaluate (eval_tree) if (eval_tree_result_is_known (eval_tree)) then if (present (ival)) ival = eval_tree_get_int (eval_tree) if (present (rval)) rval = eval_tree_get_real (eval_tree) if (present (cval)) cval = eval_tree_get_cmplx (eval_tree) if (present (is_known)) is_known = .true. else call eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) if (present (ival)) ival = 0 if (present (rval)) rval = 0 if (present (cval)) cval = 0 if (present (is_known)) is_known = .false. end if if (present (result_type)) & result_type = eval_tree_get_result_type (eval_tree) call eval_tree_final (eval_tree) end subroutine eval_numeric @ %def eval_numeric @ Error message with debugging info: <>= subroutine eval_tree_unknown (eval_tree, parse_node) type(eval_tree_t), intent(in) :: eval_tree type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: parse_node call parse_node_write_rec (parse_node) call eval_tree_write (eval_tree) call msg_error ("Evaluation yields an undefined result, inserting default") end subroutine eval_tree_unknown @ %def eval_tree_unknown @ \subsection{Factory Type} Since [[eval_tree_t]] is an implementation of [[expr_t]], we also need a matching factory type and build method. <>= public :: eval_tree_factory_t <>= type, extends (expr_factory_t) :: eval_tree_factory_t private type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn => null () contains <> end type eval_tree_factory_t @ %def eval_tree_factory_t @ Output: delegate to the output of the embedded parse node. <>= procedure :: write => eval_tree_factory_write <>= subroutine eval_tree_factory_write (expr_factory, unit) class(eval_tree_factory_t), intent(in) :: expr_factory integer, intent(in), optional :: unit if (associated (expr_factory%pn)) then call parse_node_write_rec (expr_factory%pn, unit) end if end subroutine eval_tree_factory_write @ %def eval_tree_factory_write @ Initializer: take a parse node and hide it thus from the environment. <>= procedure :: init => eval_tree_factory_init <>= subroutine eval_tree_factory_init (expr_factory, pn) class(eval_tree_factory_t), intent(out) :: expr_factory type(parse_node_t), intent(in), pointer :: pn expr_factory%pn => pn end subroutine eval_tree_factory_init @ %def eval_tree_factory_init @ Factory method: allocate expression with correct eval tree type. If the stored parse node is not associate, don't allocate. <>= procedure :: build => eval_tree_factory_build <>= subroutine eval_tree_factory_build (expr_factory, expr) class(eval_tree_factory_t), intent(in) :: expr_factory class(expr_t), intent(out), allocatable :: expr if (associated (expr_factory%pn)) then allocate (eval_tree_t :: expr) select type (expr) type is (eval_tree_t) expr%pn => expr_factory%pn end select end if end subroutine eval_tree_factory_build @ %def eval_tree_factory_build @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[eval_trees_ut.f90]]>>= <> module eval_trees_ut use unit_tests use eval_trees_uti <> <> contains <> end module eval_trees_ut @ %def eval_trees_ut @ <<[[eval_trees_uti.f90]]>>= <> module eval_trees_uti <> <> use ifiles use lexers use lorentz use syntax_rules, only: syntax_write use pdg_arrays use subevents use variables use observables use eval_trees <> <> contains <> end module eval_trees_uti @ %def eval_trees_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: expressions_test <>= subroutine expressions_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type (test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine expressions_test @ %def expressions_test @ Testing the routines of the expressions module. First a simple unary observable and the node evaluation. <>= call test (expressions_1, "expressions_1", & "check simple observable", & u, results) <>= public :: expressions_1 <>= subroutine expressions_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list => null () type(eval_node_t), pointer :: node => null () type(prt_t), pointer :: prt => null () type(string_t) :: var_name write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: Expressions" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test simple observable and node evaluation" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Setting a unary observable:" write (u, "(A)") allocate (var_list) allocate (prt) call var_list_set_observables_unary (var_list, prt) call var_list%write (u) write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluating the observable node:" write (u, "(A)") var_name = "PDG" allocate (node) call node%test_obs (var_list, var_name) call node%write (u) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" write (u, "(A)") call node%final_rec () deallocate (node) !!! Workaround for NAGFOR 6.2 ! call var_list%final () deallocate (var_list) deallocate (prt) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: expressions_1" end subroutine expressions_1 @ %def expressions_1 @ Parse a complicated expression, transfer it to a parse tree and evaluate. <>= call test (expressions_2, "expressions_2", & "check expression transfer to parse tree", & u, results) <>= public :: expressions_2 <>= subroutine expressions_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(ifile_t) :: ifile type(stream_t) :: stream type(eval_tree_t) :: eval_tree type(string_t) :: expr_text type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list => null () write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: Expressions" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test parse routines" write (u, "(A)") call syntax_expr_init () call syntax_write (syntax_expr, u) allocate (var_list) call var_list_append_real (var_list, var_str ("tolerance"), 0._default) call var_list_append_real (var_list, var_str ("x"), -5._default) call var_list_append_int (var_list, var_str ("foo"), -27) call var_list_append_real (var_list, var_str ("mb"), 4._default) expr_text = & "let real twopi = 2 * pi in" // & " twopi * sqrt (25.d0 - mb^2)" // & " / (let int mb_or_0 = max (mb, 0) in" // & " 1 + (if -1 TeV <= x < mb_or_0 then abs(x) else x endif))" call ifile_append (ifile, expr_text) call stream_init (stream, ifile) call var_list%write (u) call eval_tree%init_stream (stream, var_list=var_list) call eval_tree%evaluate () call eval_tree%write (u) write (u, "(A)") "* Input string:" write (u, "(A,A)") " ", char (expr_text) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call stream_final (stream) call ifile_final (ifile) call eval_tree%final () call var_list%final () deallocate (var_list) call syntax_expr_final () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: expressions_2" end subroutine expressions_2 @ %def expressions_2 @ Test a subevent expression. <>= call test (expressions_3, "expressions_3", & "check subevent expressions", & u, results) <>= public :: expressions_3 <>= subroutine expressions_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(subevt_t) :: subevt write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: Expressions" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test subevent expressions" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialize subevent:" write (u, "(A)") call subevt_init (subevt) call subevt_reset (subevt, 1) call subevt_set_incoming (subevt, 1, & 22, vector4_moving (1.e3_default, 1.e3_default, 1), & 0._default, [2]) call subevt_write (subevt, u) call subevt_reset (subevt, 4) call subevt_reset (subevt, 3) call subevt_set_incoming (subevt, 1, & 21, vector4_moving (1.e3_default, 1.e3_default, 3), & 0._default, [1]) call subevt_polarize (subevt, 1, -1) call subevt_set_outgoing (subevt, 2, & 1, vector4_moving (0._default, 1.e3_default, 3), & -1.e6_default, [7]) call subevt_set_composite (subevt, 3, & vector4_moving (-1.e3_default, 0._default, 3), & [2, 7]) call subevt_write (subevt, u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: expressions_3" end subroutine expressions_3 @ %def expressions_3 @ Test expressions from a PDG array. <>= call test (expressions_4, "expressions_4", & "check pdg array expressions", & u, results) <>= public :: expressions_4 <>= subroutine expressions_4 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(subevt_t), target :: subevt type(string_t) :: expr_text type(ifile_t) :: ifile type(stream_t) :: stream type(eval_tree_t) :: eval_tree type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list => null () type(pdg_array_t) :: aval write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: Expressions" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test pdg array expressions" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initialization:" write (u, "(A)") call syntax_pexpr_init () call syntax_write (syntax_pexpr, u) allocate (var_list) call var_list_append_real (var_list, var_str ("tolerance"), 0._default) aval = 0 call var_list_append_pdg_array (var_list, var_str ("particle"), aval) aval = [11,-11] call var_list_append_pdg_array (var_list, var_str ("lepton"), aval) aval = 22 call var_list_append_pdg_array (var_list, var_str ("photon"), aval) aval = 1 call var_list_append_pdg_array (var_list, var_str ("u"), aval) call subevt_init (subevt) call subevt_reset (subevt, 6) call subevt_set_incoming (subevt, 1, & 1, vector4_moving (1._default, 1._default, 1), 0._default) call subevt_set_incoming (subevt, 2, & -1, vector4_moving (2._default, 2._default, 1), 0._default) call subevt_set_outgoing (subevt, 3, & 22, vector4_moving (3._default, 3._default, 1), 0._default) call subevt_set_outgoing (subevt, 4, & 22, vector4_moving (4._default, 4._default, 1), 0._default) call subevt_set_outgoing (subevt, 5, & 11, vector4_moving (5._default, 5._default, 1), 0._default) call subevt_set_outgoing (subevt, 6, & -11, vector4_moving (6._default, 6._default, 1), 0._default) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Expression:" expr_text = & "let alias quark = pdg(1):pdg(2):pdg(3) in" // & " any E > 3 GeV " // & " [sort by - Pt " // & " [select if Index < 6 " // & " [photon:pdg(-11):pdg(3):quark " // & " & incoming particle]]]" // & " and" // & " eval Theta [extract index -1 [photon]] > 45 degree" // & " and" // & " count [incoming photon] * 3 > 0" write (u, "(A,A)") " ", char (expr_text) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Extract the evaluation tree:" write (u, "(A)") call ifile_append (ifile, expr_text) call stream_init (stream, ifile) call eval_tree%init_stream (stream, var_list, subevt, V_LOG) call eval_tree%write (u) call eval_tree%evaluate () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Evaluate the tree:" write (u, "(A)") call eval_tree%write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" write (u, "(A)") call stream_final (stream) call ifile_final (ifile) call eval_tree%final () call var_list%final () deallocate (var_list) call syntax_pexpr_final () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: expressions_4" end subroutine expressions_4 @ %def expressions_4 @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Physics Models} A model object represents a physics model. It contains a table of particle data, a list of parameters, and a vertex table. The list of parameters is a variable list which includes the real parameters (which are pointers to the particle data table) and PDG array variables for the particles themselves. The vertex list is used for phase-space generation, not for calculating the matrix element. The actual numeric model data are in the base type [[model_data_t]], as part of the [[qft]] section. We implement the [[model_t]] as an extension of this, for convenient direct access to the base-type methods via inheritance. (Alternatively, we could delegate these calls explicitly.) The extension contains administrative additions, such as the methods for recalculating derived data and keeping the parameter set consistent. It thus acts as a proxy of the actual model-data object towards the \whizard\ package. There are further proxy objects, such as the [[parameter_t]] array which provides the interface to the actual numeric parameters. Model definitions are read from model files. Therefore, this module contains a parser for model files. The parameter definitions (derived parameters) are Sindarin expressions. The models, as read from file, are stored in a model library which is a simple list of model definitions. For setting up a process object we should make a copy (an instance) of a model, which gets the current parameter values from the global variable list. \subsection{Module} <<[[models.f90]]>>= <> module models use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding !NODEP! <> use kinds, only: c_default_float <> use io_units use diagnostics use md5 use os_interface use physics_defs, only: UNDEFINED use model_data use ifiles use syntax_rules use lexers use parser use pdg_arrays use variables use expr_base use eval_trees use ttv_formfactors, only: init_parameters <> <> <> <> <> <> contains <> end module models @ %def models @ \subsection{Physics Parameters} A parameter has a name, a value. Derived parameters also have a definition in terms of other parameters, which is stored as an [[eval_tree]]. External parameters are set by an external program. This parameter object should be considered as a proxy object. The parameter name and value are stored in a corresponding [[modelpar_data_t]] object which is located in a [[model_data_t]] object. The latter is a component of the [[model_t]] handler. Methods of [[parameter_t]] can be delegated to the [[par_data_t]] component. The [[block_name]] and [[block_index]] values, if nonempty, indicate the possibility of reading this parameter from a SLHA-type input file. (Within the [[parameter_t]] object, this info is just used for I/O, the actual block register is located in the parent [[model_t]] object.) The [[pn]] component is a pointer to the parameter definition inside the model parse tree. It allows us to recreate the [[eval_tree]] when making copies (instances) of the parameter object. <>= integer, parameter :: PAR_NONE = 0, PAR_UNUSED = -1 integer, parameter :: PAR_INDEPENDENT = 1, PAR_DERIVED = 2 integer, parameter :: PAR_EXTERNAL = 3 @ %def PAR_NONE PAR_INDEPENDENT PAR_DERIVED PAR_EXTERNAL PAR_UNUSED <>= type :: parameter_t private integer :: type = PAR_NONE class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: data => null () type(string_t) :: block_name integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: block_index type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn => null () class(expr_t), allocatable :: expr contains <> end type parameter_t @ %def parameter_t @ Initialization depends on parameter type. Independent parameters are initialized by a constant value or a constant numerical expression (which may contain a unit). Derived parameters are initialized by an arbitrary numerical expression, which makes use of the current variable list. The expression is evaluated by the function [[parameter_reset]]. This implementation supports only real parameters and real values. <>= procedure :: init_independent_value => parameter_init_independent_value procedure :: init_independent => parameter_init_independent procedure :: init_derived => parameter_init_derived procedure :: init_external => parameter_init_external procedure :: init_unused => parameter_init_unused <>= subroutine parameter_init_independent_value (par, par_data, name, value) class(parameter_t), intent(out) :: par class(modelpar_data_t), intent(in), target :: par_data type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in) :: value par%type = PAR_INDEPENDENT par%data => par_data call par%data%init (name, value) end subroutine parameter_init_independent_value subroutine parameter_init_independent (par, par_data, name, pn) class(parameter_t), intent(out) :: par class(modelpar_data_t), intent(in), target :: par_data type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn par%type = PAR_INDEPENDENT par%pn => pn allocate (eval_tree_t :: par%expr) select type (expr => par%expr) type is (eval_tree_t) call expr%init_numeric_value (pn) end select par%data => par_data call par%data%init (name, par%expr%get_real ()) end subroutine parameter_init_independent subroutine parameter_init_derived (par, par_data, name, pn, var_list) class(parameter_t), intent(out) :: par class(modelpar_data_t), intent(in), target :: par_data type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list par%type = PAR_DERIVED par%pn => pn allocate (eval_tree_t :: par%expr) select type (expr => par%expr) type is (eval_tree_t) call expr%init_expr (pn, var_list=var_list) end select par%data => par_data ! call par%expr%evaluate () call par%data%init (name, 0._default) end subroutine parameter_init_derived subroutine parameter_init_external (par, par_data, name) class(parameter_t), intent(out) :: par class(modelpar_data_t), intent(in), target :: par_data type(string_t), intent(in) :: name par%type = PAR_EXTERNAL par%data => par_data call par%data%init (name, 0._default) end subroutine parameter_init_external subroutine parameter_init_unused (par, par_data, name) class(parameter_t), intent(out) :: par class(modelpar_data_t), intent(in), target :: par_data type(string_t), intent(in) :: name par%type = PAR_UNUSED par%data => par_data call par%data%init (name, 0._default) end subroutine parameter_init_unused @ %def parameter_init_independent_value @ %def parameter_init_independent @ %def parameter_init_derived @ %def parameter_init_external @ %def parameter_init_unused @ The finalizer is needed for the evaluation tree in the definition. <>= procedure :: final => parameter_final <>= subroutine parameter_final (par) class(parameter_t), intent(inout) :: par if (allocated (par%expr)) then call par%expr%final () end if end subroutine parameter_final @ %def parameter_final @ All derived parameters should be recalculated if some independent parameters have changed: <>= procedure :: reset_derived => parameter_reset_derived <>= subroutine parameter_reset_derived (par) class(parameter_t), intent(inout) :: par select case (par%type) case (PAR_DERIVED) call par%expr%evaluate () par%data = par%expr%get_real () end select end subroutine parameter_reset_derived @ %def parameter_reset_derived parameter_reset_external @ Output. [We should have a formula format for the eval tree, suitable for input and output!] <>= procedure :: write => parameter_write <>= subroutine parameter_write (par, unit, write_defs) class(parameter_t), intent(in) :: par integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: write_defs logical :: defs integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return defs = .false.; if (present (write_defs)) defs = write_defs select case (par%type) case (PAR_INDEPENDENT) write (u, "(3x,A)", advance="no") "parameter" call par%data%write (u) case (PAR_DERIVED) write (u, "(3x,A)", advance="no") "derived" call par%data%write (u) case (PAR_EXTERNAL) write (u, "(3x,A)", advance="no") "external" call par%data%write (u) case (PAR_UNUSED) write (u, "(3x,A)", advance="no") "unused" write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (par%data%get_name ()) end select select case (par%type) case (PAR_INDEPENDENT) if (allocated (par%block_index)) then write (u, "(1x,A,1x,A,*(1x,I0))") & "slha_entry", char (par%block_name), par%block_index else write (u, "(A)") end if case (PAR_DERIVED) if (defs) then call par%expr%write (unit) else write (u, "(A)") end if case default write (u, "(A)") end select end subroutine parameter_write @ %def parameter_write @ Screen output variant. Restrict output to the given parameter type. <>= procedure :: show => parameter_show <>= subroutine parameter_show (par, l, u, partype) class(parameter_t), intent(in) :: par integer, intent(in) :: l, u integer, intent(in) :: partype if (par%type == partype) then call par%data%show (l, u) end if end subroutine parameter_show @ %def parameter_show @ \subsection{SLHA block register} For the optional SLHA interface, the model record contains a register of SLHA-type block names together with index values, which point to a particular parameter. These are private types: <>= type :: slha_entry_t integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: block_index integer :: i_par = 0 end type slha_entry_t @ %def slha_entry_t <>= type :: slha_block_t type(string_t) :: name integer :: n_entry = 0 type(slha_entry_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: entry end type slha_block_t @ %def slha_block_t @ \subsection{Model Object} A model object holds all information about parameters, particles, and vertices. For models that require an external program for parameter calculation, there is the pointer to a function that does this calculation, given the set of independent and derived parameters. As explained above, the type inherits from [[model_data_t]], which is the actual storage for the model data. When reading a model, we create a parse tree. Parameter definitions are available via parse nodes. Since we may need those later when making model instances, we keep the whole parse tree in the model definition (but not in the instances). <>= public :: model_t <>= type, extends (model_data_t) :: model_t private character(32) :: md5sum = "" logical :: ufo_model = .false. type(string_t) :: ufo_path type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: schemes type(string_t), allocatable :: selected_scheme type(parameter_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: par integer :: n_slha_block = 0 type(slha_block_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: slha_block integer :: max_par_name_length = 0 integer :: max_field_name_length = 0 type(var_list_t) :: var_list type(string_t) :: dlname procedure(model_init_external_parameters), nopass, pointer :: & init_external_parameters => null () type(dlaccess_t) :: dlaccess type(parse_tree_t) :: parse_tree contains <> end type model_t @ %def model_t @ This is the interface for a procedure that initializes the calculation of external parameters, given the array of all parameters. <>= abstract interface subroutine model_init_external_parameters (par) bind (C) import real(c_default_float), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: par end subroutine model_init_external_parameters end interface @ %def model_init_external_parameters @ Initialization: Specify the number of parameters, particles, vertices and allocate memory. If an associated DL library is specified, load this library. The model may already carry scheme information, so we have to save and restore the scheme number when actually initializing the [[model_data_t]] base. <>= generic :: init => model_init procedure, private :: model_init <>= subroutine model_init & (model, name, libname, os_data, n_par, n_prt, n_vtx, ufo) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name, libname type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data integer, intent(in) :: n_par, n_prt, n_vtx logical, intent(in), optional :: ufo type(c_funptr) :: c_fptr type(string_t) :: libpath integer :: scheme_num scheme_num = model%get_scheme_num () call model%basic_init (name, n_par, n_prt, n_vtx) if (present (ufo)) model%ufo_model = ufo call model%set_scheme_num (scheme_num) if (libname /= "") then if (.not. os_data%use_testfiles) then libpath = os_data%whizard_models_libpath_local model%dlname = os_get_dlname ( & libpath // "/" // libname, os_data, ignore=.true.) end if if (model%dlname == "") then libpath = os_data%whizard_models_libpath model%dlname = os_get_dlname (libpath // "/" // libname, os_data) end if else model%dlname = "" end if if (model%dlname /= "") then if (.not. dlaccess_is_open (model%dlaccess)) then if (logging) & call msg_message ("Loading model auxiliary library '" & // char (libpath) // "/" // char (model%dlname) // "'") call dlaccess_init (model%dlaccess, os_data%whizard_models_libpath, & model%dlname, os_data) if (dlaccess_has_error (model%dlaccess)) then call msg_message (char (dlaccess_get_error (model%dlaccess))) call msg_fatal ("Loading model auxiliary library '" & // char (model%dlname) // "' failed") return end if c_fptr = dlaccess_get_c_funptr (model%dlaccess, & var_str ("init_external_parameters")) if (dlaccess_has_error (model%dlaccess)) then call msg_message (char (dlaccess_get_error (model%dlaccess))) call msg_fatal ("Loading function from auxiliary library '" & // char (model%dlname) // "' failed") return end if call c_f_procpointer (c_fptr, model% init_external_parameters) end if end if end subroutine model_init @ %def model_init @ For a model instance, we do not attempt to load a DL library. This is the core of the full initializer above. <>= procedure, private :: basic_init => model_basic_init <>= subroutine model_basic_init (model, name, n_par, n_prt, n_vtx) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: n_par, n_prt, n_vtx allocate (model%par (n_par)) call model%model_data_t%init (name, n_par, 0, n_prt, n_vtx) end subroutine model_basic_init @ %def model_basic_init @ Finalization: The variable list contains allocated pointers, also the parse tree. We also close the DL access object, if any, that enables external parameter calculation. <>= procedure :: final => model_final <>= subroutine model_final (model) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model integer :: i if (allocated (model%par)) then do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%final () end do end if call model%var_list%final (follow_link=.false.) if (model%dlname /= "") call dlaccess_final (model%dlaccess) call parse_tree_final (model%parse_tree) call model%model_data_t%final () end subroutine model_final @ %def model_final @ Output. By default, the output is in the form of an input file. If [[verbose]] is true, for each derived parameter the definition (eval tree) is displayed, and the vertex hash table is shown. <>= procedure :: write => model_write <>= subroutine model_write (model, unit, verbose, & show_md5sum, show_variables, show_parameters, & show_particles, show_vertices, show_scheme) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose logical, intent(in), optional :: show_md5sum logical, intent(in), optional :: show_variables logical, intent(in), optional :: show_parameters logical, intent(in), optional :: show_particles logical, intent(in), optional :: show_vertices logical, intent(in), optional :: show_scheme logical :: verb, show_md5, show_par, show_var integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return verb = .false.; if (present (verbose)) verb = verbose show_md5 = .true.; if (present (show_md5sum)) & show_md5 = show_md5sum show_par = .true.; if (present (show_parameters)) & show_par = show_parameters show_var = verb; if (present (show_variables)) & show_var = show_variables write (u, "(A,A,A)") 'model "', char (model%get_name ()), '"' if (show_md5 .and. model%md5sum /= "") & write (u, "(1x,A,A,A)") "! md5sum = '", model%md5sum, "'" if (model%is_ufo_model ()) then write (u, "(1x,A)") "! model derived from UFO source" else if (model%has_schemes ()) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") "! schemes =" do i = 1, size (model%schemes) if (i > 1) write (u, "(',')", advance="no") write (u, "(1x,A,A,A)", advance="no") & "'", char (model%schemes(i)), "'" end do write (u, *) if (allocated (model%selected_scheme)) then write (u, "(1x,A,A,A,I0,A)") & "! selected scheme = '", char (model%get_scheme ()), & "' (", model%get_scheme_num (), ")" end if end if if (show_par) then write (u, "(A)") do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%write (u, write_defs=verbose) end do end if call model%model_data_t%write (unit, verbose, & show_md5sum, show_variables, & show_parameters=.false., & show_particles=show_particles, & show_vertices=show_vertices, & show_scheme=show_scheme) if (show_var) then write (u, "(A)") call var_list_write (model%var_list, unit, follow_link=.false.) end if end subroutine model_write @ %def model_write @ Screen output, condensed form. <>= procedure :: show => model_show <>= subroutine model_show (model, unit) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: i, u, l u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1x,A)") "Model:", char (model%get_name ()) if (model%has_schemes ()) then write (u, "(2x,A,A,A,I0,A)") "Scheme: '", & char (model%get_scheme ()), "' (", model%get_scheme_num (), ")" end if l = model%max_field_name_length call model%show_fields (l, u) l = model%max_par_name_length if (any (model%par%type == PAR_INDEPENDENT)) then write (u, "(2x,A)") "Independent parameters:" do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%show (l, u, PAR_INDEPENDENT) end do end if if (any (model%par%type == PAR_DERIVED)) then write (u, "(2x,A)") "Derived parameters:" do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%show (l, u, PAR_DERIVED) end do end if if (any (model%par%type == PAR_EXTERNAL)) then write (u, "(2x,A)") "External parameters:" do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%show (l, u, PAR_EXTERNAL) end do end if if (any (model%par%type == PAR_UNUSED)) then write (u, "(2x,A)") "Unused parameters:" do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%show (l, u, PAR_UNUSED) end do end if end subroutine model_show @ %def model_show @ Show all fields/particles. <>= procedure :: show_fields => model_show_fields <>= subroutine model_show_fields (model, l, unit) class(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: l integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(field_data_t), pointer :: field integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(2x,A)") "Particles:" do i = 1, model%get_n_field () field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) call field%show (l, u) end do end subroutine model_show_fields @ %def model_data_show_fields @ Show the list of stable, unstable, polarized, or unpolarized particles, respectively. <>= procedure :: show_stable => model_show_stable procedure :: show_unstable => model_show_unstable procedure :: show_polarized => model_show_polarized procedure :: show_unpolarized => model_show_unpolarized <>= subroutine model_show_stable (model, unit) class(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(field_data_t), pointer :: field integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1x)", advance="no") "Stable particles:" do i = 1, model%get_n_field () field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) if (field%is_stable (.false.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.false.)) end if if (field%has_antiparticle ()) then if (field%is_stable (.true.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.true.)) end if end if end do write (u, *) end subroutine model_show_stable subroutine model_show_unstable (model, unit) class(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(field_data_t), pointer :: field integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1x)", advance="no") "Unstable particles:" do i = 1, model%get_n_field () field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) if (.not. field%is_stable (.false.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.false.)) end if if (field%has_antiparticle ()) then if (.not. field%is_stable (.true.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.true.)) end if end if end do write (u, *) end subroutine model_show_unstable subroutine model_show_polarized (model, unit) class(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(field_data_t), pointer :: field integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1x)", advance="no") "Polarized particles:" do i = 1, model%get_n_field () field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) if (field%is_polarized (.false.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.false.)) end if if (field%has_antiparticle ()) then if (field%is_polarized (.true.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.true.)) end if end if end do write (u, *) end subroutine model_show_polarized subroutine model_show_unpolarized (model, unit) class(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(field_data_t), pointer :: field integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A,1x)", advance="no") "Unpolarized particles:" do i = 1, model%get_n_field () field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) if (.not. field%is_polarized (.false.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") & char (field%get_name (.false.)) end if if (field%has_antiparticle ()) then if (.not. field%is_polarized (.true.)) then write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (field%get_name (.true.)) end if end if end do write (u, *) end subroutine model_show_unpolarized @ %def model_show_stable @ %def model_show_unstable @ %def model_show_polarized @ %def model_show_unpolarized @ Retrieve the MD5 sum of a model (actually, of the model file). <>= procedure :: get_md5sum => model_get_md5sum <>= function model_get_md5sum (model) result (md5sum) character(32) :: md5sum class(model_t), intent(in) :: model md5sum = model%md5sum end function model_get_md5sum @ %def model_get_md5sum @ Parameters are defined by an expression which may be constant or arbitrary. <>= procedure :: & set_parameter_constant => model_set_parameter_constant procedure, private :: & set_parameter_parse_node => model_set_parameter_parse_node procedure :: & set_parameter_external => model_set_parameter_external procedure :: & set_parameter_unused => model_set_parameter_unused <>= subroutine model_set_parameter_constant (model, i, name, value) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in) :: value logical, save, target :: known = .true. class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: par_data real(default), pointer :: value_ptr par_data => model%get_par_real_ptr (i) call model%par(i)%init_independent_value (par_data, name, value) value_ptr => par_data%get_real_ptr () call var_list_append_real_ptr (model%var_list, & name, value_ptr, & is_known=known, intrinsic=.true.) model%max_par_name_length = max (model%max_par_name_length, len (name)) end subroutine model_set_parameter_constant subroutine model_set_parameter_parse_node (model, i, name, pn, constant) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn logical, intent(in) :: constant logical, save, target :: known = .true. class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: par_data real(default), pointer :: value_ptr par_data => model%get_par_real_ptr (i) if (constant) then call model%par(i)%init_independent (par_data, name, pn) else call model%par(i)%init_derived (par_data, name, pn, model%var_list) end if value_ptr => par_data%get_real_ptr () call var_list_append_real_ptr (model%var_list, & name, value_ptr, & is_known=known, locked=.not.constant, intrinsic=.true.) model%max_par_name_length = max (model%max_par_name_length, len (name)) end subroutine model_set_parameter_parse_node subroutine model_set_parameter_external (model, i, name) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, save, target :: known = .true. class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: par_data real(default), pointer :: value_ptr par_data => model%get_par_real_ptr (i) call model%par(i)%init_external (par_data, name) value_ptr => par_data%get_real_ptr () call var_list_append_real_ptr (model%var_list, & name, value_ptr, & is_known=known, locked=.true., intrinsic=.true.) model%max_par_name_length = max (model%max_par_name_length, len (name)) end subroutine model_set_parameter_external subroutine model_set_parameter_unused (model, i, name) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: par_data par_data => model%get_par_real_ptr (i) call model%par(i)%init_unused (par_data, name) call var_list_append_real (model%var_list, & name, locked=.true., intrinsic=.true.) model%max_par_name_length = max (model%max_par_name_length, len (name)) end subroutine model_set_parameter_unused @ %def model_set_parameter @ Make a copy of a parameter. We assume that the [[model_data_t]] parameter arrays have already been copied, so names and values are available in the current model, and can be used as targets. The eval tree should not be copied, since it should refer to the new variable list. The safe solution is to make use of the above initializers, which also take care of the building a new variable list. <>= procedure, private :: copy_parameter => model_copy_parameter <>= subroutine model_copy_parameter (model, i, par) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parameter_t), intent(in) :: par type(string_t) :: name real(default) :: value name = par%data%get_name () select case (par%type) case (PAR_INDEPENDENT) if (associated (par%pn)) then call model%set_parameter_parse_node (i, name, par%pn, & constant = .true.) else value = par%data%get_real () call model%set_parameter_constant (i, name, value) end if if (allocated (par%block_index)) then model%par(i)%block_name = par%block_name model%par(i)%block_index = par%block_index end if case (PAR_DERIVED) call model%set_parameter_parse_node (i, name, par%pn, & constant = .false.) case (PAR_EXTERNAL) call model%set_parameter_external (i, name) case (PAR_UNUSED) call model%set_parameter_unused (i, name) end select end subroutine model_copy_parameter @ %def model_copy_parameter @ Recalculate all derived parameters. <>= procedure :: update_parameters => model_parameters_update <>= subroutine model_parameters_update (model) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model integer :: i real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: par do i = 1, size (model%par) call model%par(i)%reset_derived () end do if (associated (model%init_external_parameters)) then allocate (par (model%get_n_real ())) call model%real_parameters_to_c_array (par) call model%init_external_parameters (par) call model%real_parameters_from_c_array (par) if (model%get_name() == var_str ("SM_tt_threshold")) & call set_threshold_parameters () end if contains subroutine set_threshold_parameters () real(default) :: mpole, wtop !!! !!! !!! Workaround for OS-X and BSD which do not load !!! !!! !!! the global values created previously. Therefore !!! !!! !!! a second initialization for the threshold model, !!! !!! !!! where M1S is required to compute the top mass. call init_parameters (mpole, wtop, & par(20), par(21), par(22), & par(19), par(39), par(4), par(1), & par(2), par(10), par(24), par(25), & par(23), par(26), par(27), par(29), & par(30), par(31), par(32), par(33), & par(36) > 0._default, par(28)) end subroutine set_threshold_parameters end subroutine model_parameters_update @ %def model_parameters_update @ Initialize field data with PDG long name and PDG code. <>= procedure, private :: init_field => model_init_field <>= subroutine model_init_field (model, i, longname, pdg) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: longname integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(field_data_t), pointer :: field field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) call field%init (longname, pdg) end subroutine model_init_field @ %def model_init_field @ Copy field data for index [[i]] from another particle which serves as a template. The name should be the unique long name. <>= procedure, private :: copy_field => model_copy_field <>= subroutine model_copy_field (model, i, name_src) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: name_src type(field_data_t), pointer :: field_src, field field_src => model%get_field_ptr (name_src) field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) call field%copy_from (field_src) end subroutine model_copy_field @ %def model_copy_field @ \subsection{Model Access via Variables} Write the model variable list. <>= procedure :: write_var_list => model_write_var_list <>= subroutine model_write_var_list (model, unit, follow_link) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link call var_list_write (model%var_list, unit, follow_link) end subroutine model_write_var_list @ %def model_write_var_list @ Link a variable list to the model variables. <>= procedure :: link_var_list => model_link_var_list <>= subroutine model_link_var_list (model, var_list) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list call model%var_list%link (var_list) end subroutine model_link_var_list @ %def model_link_var_list @ Check if the model contains a named variable. <>= procedure :: var_exists => model_var_exists <>= function model_var_exists (model, name) result (flag) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical :: flag flag = model%var_list%contains (name, follow_link=.false.) end function model_var_exists @ %def model_var_exists @ Check if the model variable is a derived parameter, i.e., locked. <>= procedure :: var_is_locked => model_var_is_locked <>= function model_var_is_locked (model, name) result (flag) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical :: flag flag = model%var_list%is_locked (name, follow_link=.false.) end function model_var_is_locked @ %def model_var_is_locked @ Set a model parameter via the named variable. We assume that the variable exists and is writable, i.e., non-locked. We update the model and variable list, so independent and derived parameters are always synchronized. <>= procedure :: set_real => model_var_set_real <>= subroutine model_var_set_real (model, name, rval, verbose, pacified) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in) :: rval logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose, pacified call model%var_list%set_real (name, rval, & is_known=.true., ignore=.false., & verbose=verbose, model_name=model%get_name (), pacified=pacified) call model%update_parameters () end subroutine model_var_set_real @ %def model_var_set_real @ Retrieve a model parameter value. <>= procedure :: get_rval => model_var_get_rval <>= function model_var_get_rval (model, name) result (rval) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default) :: rval rval = model%var_list%get_rval (name, follow_link=.false.) end function model_var_get_rval @ %def model_var_get_rval @ [To be deleted] Return a pointer to the variable list. <>= procedure :: get_var_list_ptr => model_get_var_list_ptr <>= function model_get_var_list_ptr (model) result (var_list) type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list class(model_t), intent(in), target :: model var_list => model%var_list end function model_get_var_list_ptr @ %def model_get_var_list_ptr @ \subsection{UFO models} A single flag identifies a model as a UFO model. There is no other distinction, but the flag allows us to handle built-in and UFO models with the same name in parallel. <>= procedure :: is_ufo_model => model_is_ufo_model <>= function model_is_ufo_model (model) result (flag) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model logical :: flag flag = model%ufo_model end function model_is_ufo_model @ %def model_is_ufo_model @ Return the UFO path used for fetching the UFO source. <>= procedure :: get_ufo_path => model_get_ufo_path <>= function model_get_ufo_path (model) result (path) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t) :: path if (model%ufo_model) then path = model%ufo_path else path = "" end if end function model_get_ufo_path @ %def model_get_ufo_path @ Call OMega and generate a model file from an UFO source file. We start with a file name; the model name is expected to be the base name, stripping extensions. The path search either takes [[ufo_path_requested]], or searches first in the working directory, then in a hard-coded UFO model directory. <>= subroutine model_generate_ufo (filename, os_data, ufo_path, & ufo_path_requested) type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data type(string_t), intent(out) :: ufo_path type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: ufo_path_requested type(string_t) :: model_name, omega_path, ufo_dir, ufo_init logical :: exist call get_model_name (filename, model_name) call msg_message ("Model: Generating model '" // char (model_name) & // "' from UFO sources") if (present (ufo_path_requested)) then call msg_message ("Model: Searching for UFO sources in '" & // char (ufo_path_requested) // "'") ufo_path = ufo_path_requested ufo_dir = ufo_path_requested // "/" // model_name ufo_init = ufo_dir // "/" // "" inquire (file = char (ufo_init), exist = exist) else call msg_message ("Model: Searching for UFO sources in & &working directory") ufo_path = "." ufo_dir = ufo_path // "/" // model_name ufo_init = ufo_dir // "/" // "" inquire (file = char (ufo_init), exist = exist) if (.not. exist) then ufo_path = char (os_data%whizard_modelpath_ufo) ufo_dir = ufo_path // "/" // model_name ufo_init = ufo_dir // "/" // "" call msg_message ("Model: Searching for UFO sources in '" & // char (os_data%whizard_modelpath_ufo) // "'") inquire (file = char (ufo_init), exist = exist) end if end if if (exist) then call msg_message ("Model: Found UFO sources for model '" & // char (model_name) // "'") else call msg_fatal ("Model: UFO sources for model '" & // char (model_name) // "' not found") end if omega_path = os_data%whizard_omega_binpath // "/omega_UFO.opt" call os_system_call (omega_path & // " -model:UFO_dir " // ufo_dir & // " -model:exec" & // " -model:write_WHIZARD" & // " > " // filename) inquire (file = char (filename), exist = exist) if (exist) then call msg_message ("Model: Model file '" // char (filename) //& "' generated") else call msg_fatal ("Model: Model file '" // char (filename) & // "' could not be generated") end if contains subroutine get_model_name (filename, model_name) type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename type(string_t), intent(out) :: model_name type(string_t) :: string string = filename call split (string, model_name, ".") end subroutine get_model_name end subroutine model_generate_ufo @ %def model_generate_ufo @ \subsection{Scheme handling} A model can specify a set of allowed schemes that steer the setup of model variables. The model file can contain scheme-specific declarations that are selected by a [[select scheme]] clause. Scheme support is optional. If enabled, the model object contains a list of allowed schemes, and the model reader takes the active scheme as an argument. After the model has been read, the scheme is fixed and can no longer be modified. The model supports schemes if the scheme array is allocated. <>= procedure :: has_schemes => model_has_schemes <>= function model_has_schemes (model) result (flag) logical :: flag class(model_t), intent(in) :: model flag = allocated (model%schemes) end function model_has_schemes @ %def model_has_schemes @ Enable schemes: fix the list of allowed schemes. <>= procedure :: enable_schemes => model_enable_schemes <>= subroutine model_enable_schemes (model, scheme) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: scheme allocate (model%schemes (size (scheme)), source = scheme) end subroutine model_enable_schemes @ %def model_enable_schemes @ Find the scheme. Check if the scheme is allowed. The numeric index of the selected scheme is stored in the [[model_data_t]] base object. If no argument is given, select the first scheme. The numeric scheme ID will then be $1$, while a model without schemes retains $0$. <>= procedure :: set_scheme => model_set_scheme <>= subroutine model_set_scheme (model, scheme) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme logical :: ok integer :: i if (model%has_schemes ()) then if (present (scheme)) then ok = .false. CHECK_SCHEME: do i = 1, size (model%schemes) if (scheme == model%schemes(i)) then allocate (model%selected_scheme, source = scheme) call model%set_scheme_num (i) ok = .true. exit CHECK_SCHEME end if end do CHECK_SCHEME if (.not. ok) then call msg_fatal & ("Model '" // char (model%get_name ()) & // "': scheme '" // char (scheme) // "' not supported") end if else allocate (model%selected_scheme, source = model%schemes(1)) call model%set_scheme_num (1) end if else if (present (scheme)) then call msg_error & ("Model '" // char (model%get_name ()) & // "' does not support schemes") end if end if end subroutine model_set_scheme @ %def model_set_scheme @ Get the scheme. Note that the base [[model_data_t]] provides a [[get_scheme_num]] getter function. <>= procedure :: get_scheme => model_get_scheme <>= function model_get_scheme (model) result (scheme) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t) :: scheme if (allocated (model%selected_scheme)) then scheme = model%selected_scheme else scheme = "" end if end function model_get_scheme @ %def model_get_scheme @ Check if a model has been set up with a specific name and (if applicable) scheme. This helps in determining whether we need a new model object. A UFO model is considered to be distinct from a non-UFO model. We assume that if [[ufo]] is asked for, there is no scheme argument. Furthermore, if there is an [[ufo_path]] requested, it must coincide with the [[ufo_path]] of the model. If not, the model [[ufo_path]] is not checked. <>= procedure :: matches => model_matches <>= function model_matches (model, name, scheme, ufo, ufo_path) result (flag) logical :: flag class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme logical, intent(in), optional :: ufo type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: ufo_path logical :: ufo_model ufo_model = .false.; if (present (ufo)) ufo_model = ufo if (name /= model%get_name ()) then flag = .false. else if (ufo_model .neqv. model%is_ufo_model ()) then flag = .false. else if (ufo_model) then if (present (ufo_path)) then flag = model%get_ufo_path () == ufo_path else flag = .true. end if else if (model%has_schemes ()) then if (present (scheme)) then flag = model%get_scheme () == scheme else flag = model%get_scheme_num () == 1 end if else if (present (scheme)) then flag = .false. else flag = .true. end if end function model_matches @ %def model_matches @ \subsection{SLHA-type interface} Abusing the original strict SUSY Les Houches Accord (SLHA), we support reading parameter data from some custom SLHA-type input file. To this end, the [[model]] object stores a list of model-specific block names together with information how to find a parameter in the model record, given a block name and index vector. Check if the model supports custom SLHA block info. This is the case if [[n_slha_block]] is nonzero, i.e., after SLHA block names have been parsed and registered. <>= procedure :: supports_custom_slha => model_supports_custom_slha <>= function model_supports_custom_slha (model) result (flag) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model logical :: flag flag = model%n_slha_block > 0 end function model_supports_custom_slha @ %def model_supports_custom_slha @ Return the block names for all SLHA block references. <>= procedure :: get_custom_slha_blocks => model_get_custom_slha_blocks <>= subroutine model_get_custom_slha_blocks (model, block_name) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: block_name integer :: i allocate (block_name (model%n_slha_block)) do i = 1, size (block_name) block_name(i) = model%slha_block(i)%name end do end subroutine model_get_custom_slha_blocks @ %def model_get_custom_slha_blocks @ This routine registers a SLHA block reference. We have the index of a (new) parameter entry and a parse node from the model file which specifies a block name and an index array. <>= subroutine model_record_slha_block_entry (model, i_par, node) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model integer, intent(in) :: i_par type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: node type(parse_node_t), pointer :: node_block_name, node_index type(string_t) :: block_name integer :: n_index, i, i_block integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: block_index node_block_name => node%get_sub_ptr (2) select case (char (node_block_name%get_rule_key ())) case ("block_name") block_name = node_block_name%get_string () case ("QNUMBERS") block_name = "QNUMBERS" case default block_name = node_block_name%get_string () end select n_index = node%get_n_sub () - 2 allocate (block_index (n_index)) node_index => node_block_name%get_next_ptr () do i = 1, n_index block_index(i) = node_index%get_integer () node_index => node_index%get_next_ptr () end do i_block = 0 FIND_BLOCK: do i = 1, model%n_slha_block if (model%slha_block(i)%name == block_name) then i_block = i exit FIND_BLOCK end if end do FIND_BLOCK if (i_block == 0) then call model_add_slha_block (model, block_name) i_block = model%n_slha_block end if associate (b => model%slha_block(i_block)) call add_slha_block_entry (b, block_index, i_par) end associate model%par(i_par)%block_name = block_name model%par(i_par)%block_index = block_index end subroutine model_record_slha_block_entry @ %def model_record_slha_block_entry @ Add a new entry to the SLHA block register, increasing the array size if necessary <>= subroutine model_add_slha_block (model, block_name) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: block_name if (.not. allocated (model%slha_block)) allocate (model%slha_block (1)) if (model%n_slha_block == size (model%slha_block)) call grow model%n_slha_block = model%n_slha_block + 1 associate (b => model%slha_block(model%n_slha_block)) b%name = block_name allocate (b%entry (1)) end associate contains subroutine grow type(slha_block_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: b_tmp call move_alloc (model%slha_block, b_tmp) allocate (model%slha_block (2 * size (b_tmp))) model%slha_block(:size (b_tmp)) = b_tmp(:) end subroutine grow end subroutine model_add_slha_block @ %def model_add_slha_block @ Add a new entry to a block-register record. The entry establishes a pointer-target relation between an index array within the SLHA block and a parameter-data record. We increase the entry array as needed. <>= subroutine add_slha_block_entry (b, block_index, i_par) type(slha_block_t), intent(inout) :: b integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: block_index integer, intent(in) :: i_par if (b%n_entry == size (b%entry)) call grow b%n_entry = b%n_entry + 1 associate (entry => b%entry(b%n_entry)) entry%block_index = block_index entry%i_par = i_par end associate contains subroutine grow type(slha_entry_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: entry_tmp call move_alloc (b%entry, entry_tmp) allocate (b%entry (2 * size (entry_tmp))) b%entry(:size (entry_tmp)) = entry_tmp(:) end subroutine grow end subroutine add_slha_block_entry @ %def add_slha_block_entry @ The lookup routine returns a pointer to the appropriate [[par_data]] record, if [[block_name]] and [[block_index]] are valid. The latter point to the [[slha_block_t]] register within the [[model_t]] object, if it is allocated. This should only be needed during I/O (i.e., while reading the SLHA file), so a simple linear search for each parameter should not be a performance problem. <>= procedure :: slha_lookup => model_slha_lookup <>= subroutine model_slha_lookup (model, block_name, block_index, par_data) class(model_t), intent(in) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: block_name integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: block_index class(modelpar_data_t), pointer, intent(out) :: par_data integer :: i, j par_data => null () if (allocated (model%slha_block)) then do i = 1, model%n_slha_block associate (block => model%slha_block(i)) if (block%name == block_name) then do j = 1, block%n_entry associate (entry => block%entry(j)) if (size (entry%block_index) == size (block_index)) then if (all (entry%block_index == block_index)) then par_data => model%par(entry%i_par)%data return end if end if end associate end do end if end associate end do end if end subroutine model_slha_lookup @ %def model_slha_lookup @ Modify the value of a parameter, identified by block name and index array. <>= procedure :: slha_set_par => model_slha_set_par <>= subroutine model_slha_set_par (model, block_name, block_index, value) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: block_name integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: block_index real(default), intent(in) :: value class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: par_data call model%slha_lookup (block_name, block_index, par_data) if (associated (par_data)) then par_data = value end if end subroutine model_slha_set_par @ %def model_slha_set_par @ \subsection{Reading models from file} This procedure defines the model-file syntax for the parser, returning an internal file (ifile). Note that arithmetic operators are defined as keywords in the expression syntax, so we exclude them here. <>= subroutine define_model_file_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ model_def = model_name_def " // & "scheme_header parameters external_pars particles vertices") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ model_name_def = model model_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY model") call ifile_append (ifile, "QUO model_name = '""'...'""'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_header = scheme_decl?") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_decl = schemes '=' scheme_list") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY schemes") call ifile_append (ifile, "LIS scheme_list = scheme_name+") call ifile_append (ifile, "QUO scheme_name = '""'...'""'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ parameters = generic_par_def*") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT generic_par_def = & ¶meter_def | derived_def | unused_def | scheme_block") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ parameter_def = parameter par_name " // & "'=' any_real_value slha_annotation?") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT any_real_value = " & // "neg_real_value | pos_real_value | real_value") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ neg_real_value = '-' real_value") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ pos_real_value = '+' real_value") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY parameter") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE par_name") ! call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '='") !!! Key already exists call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ slha_annotation = " // & "slha_entry slha_block_name slha_entry_index*") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY slha_entry") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE slha_block_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "INT slha_entry_index") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ derived_def = derived par_name " // & "'=' expr") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY derived") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ unused_def = unused par_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY unused") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ external_pars = external_def*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ external_def = external par_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY external") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_block = & &scheme_block_beg scheme_block_body scheme_block_end") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_block_beg = select scheme") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_block_body = scheme_block_case*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_block_case = & &scheme scheme_id parameters") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT scheme_id = scheme_list | other") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ scheme_block_end = end select") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY select") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY scheme") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY other") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY end") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ particles = particle_def*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ particle_def = particle name_def " // & "prt_pdg prt_details") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY particle") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_pdg = signed_int") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT prt_details = prt_src | prt_properties") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_src = like name_def prt_properties") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY like") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_properties = prt_property*") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT prt_property = " // & "parton | invisible | gauge | left | right | " // & "prt_name | prt_anti | prt_tex_name | prt_tex_anti | " // & "prt_spin | prt_isospin | prt_charge | " // & "prt_color | prt_mass | prt_width") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY parton") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY invisible") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY gauge") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY left") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY right") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_name = name name_def+") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_anti = anti name_def+") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_tex_name = tex_name name_def") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_tex_anti = tex_anti name_def") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY anti") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY tex_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY tex_anti") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT name_def = name_string | name_id") call ifile_append (ifile, "QUO name_string = '""'...'""'") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE name_id") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_spin = spin frac") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY spin") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_isospin = isospin frac") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY isospin") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_charge = charge frac") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY charge") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_color = color integer_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY color") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_mass = mass par_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY mass") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ prt_width = width par_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY width") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ vertices = vertex_def*") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ vertex_def = vertex name_def+") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY vertex") call define_expr_syntax (ifile, particles=.false., analysis=.false.) end subroutine define_model_file_syntax @ %def define_model_file_syntax @ The model-file syntax and lexer are fixed, therefore stored as module variables: <>= type(syntax_t), target, save :: syntax_model_file @ %def syntax_model_file <>= public :: syntax_model_file_init <>= subroutine syntax_model_file_init () type(ifile_t) :: ifile call define_model_file_syntax (ifile) call syntax_init (syntax_model_file, ifile) call ifile_final (ifile) end subroutine syntax_model_file_init @ %def syntax_model_file_init <>= subroutine lexer_init_model_file (lexer) type(lexer_t), intent(out) :: lexer call lexer_init (lexer, & comment_chars = "#!", & quote_chars = '"{', & quote_match = '"}', & single_chars = ":(),", & special_class = [ "+-*/^", "<>= " ] , & keyword_list = syntax_get_keyword_list_ptr (syntax_model_file)) end subroutine lexer_init_model_file @ %def lexer_init_model_file <>= public :: syntax_model_file_final <>= subroutine syntax_model_file_final () call syntax_final (syntax_model_file) end subroutine syntax_model_file_final @ %def syntax_model_file_final <>= public :: syntax_model_file_write <>= subroutine syntax_model_file_write (unit) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit call syntax_write (syntax_model_file, unit) end subroutine syntax_model_file_write @ %def syntax_model_file_write @ Read a model from file. Handle all syntax and respect the provided scheme. The [[ufo]] flag just says that the model object should be tagged as being derived from an UFO model. The UFO model path may be requested by the caller. If not, we use a standard path search for UFO models. There is no difference in the contents of the file or the generated model object. <>= procedure :: read => model_read <>= subroutine model_read (model, filename, os_data, exist, & scheme, ufo, ufo_path_requested, rebuild_mdl) class(model_t), intent(out), target :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data logical, intent(out), optional :: exist type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme logical, intent(in), optional :: ufo type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: ufo_path_requested logical, intent(in), optional :: rebuild_mdl type(string_t) :: file type(stream_t), target :: stream type(lexer_t) :: lexer integer :: unit character(32) :: model_md5sum type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_model_def, nd_model_name_def type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_schemes, nd_scheme_decl type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_parameters type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_external_pars type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_particles, nd_vertices type(string_t) :: model_name, lib_name integer :: n_parblock, n_par, i_par, n_ext, n_prt, n_vtx type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_par_def type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_ext_def type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_prt type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_vtx logical :: ufo_model, model_exist, rebuild ufo_model = .false.; if (present (ufo)) ufo_model = ufo rebuild = .true.; if (present (rebuild_mdl)) rebuild = rebuild_mdl file = filename inquire (file=char(file), exist=model_exist) if ((.not. model_exist) .and. (.not. os_data%use_testfiles)) then file = os_data%whizard_modelpath_local // "/" // filename inquire (file = char (file), exist = model_exist) end if if (.not. model_exist) then file = os_data%whizard_modelpath // "/" // filename inquire (file = char (file), exist = model_exist) end if if (ufo_model .and. rebuild) then file = filename call model_generate_ufo (filename, os_data, model%ufo_path, & ufo_path_requested=ufo_path_requested) inquire (file = char (file), exist = model_exist) end if if (.not. model_exist) then call msg_fatal ("Model file '" // char (filename) // "' not found") if (present (exist)) exist = .false. return end if if (present (exist)) exist = .true. if (logging) call msg_message ("Reading model file '" // char (file) // "'") unit = free_unit () open (file=char(file), unit=unit, action="read", status="old") model_md5sum = md5sum (unit) close (unit) call lexer_init_model_file (lexer) call stream_init (stream, char (file)) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream) call parse_tree_init (model%parse_tree, syntax_model_file, lexer) call stream_final (stream) call lexer_final (lexer) nd_model_def => model%parse_tree%get_root_ptr () nd_model_name_def => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_model_def) model_name = parse_node_get_string & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_model_name_def, 2)) nd_schemes => nd_model_name_def%get_next_ptr () call find_block & ("scheme_header", nd_schemes, nd_scheme_decl, nd_next=nd_parameters) call find_block & ("parameters", nd_parameters, nd_par_def, n_parblock, nd_external_pars) call find_block & ("external_pars", nd_external_pars, nd_ext_def, n_ext, nd_particles) call find_block & ("particles", nd_particles, nd_prt, n_prt, nd_vertices) call find_block & ("vertices", nd_vertices, nd_vtx, n_vtx) if (associated (nd_external_pars)) then lib_name = "external." // model_name else lib_name = "" end if if (associated (nd_scheme_decl)) then call handle_schemes (nd_scheme_decl, scheme) end if n_par = 0 call count_parameters (nd_par_def, n_parblock, n_par) call model%init & (model_name, lib_name, os_data, n_par + n_ext, n_prt, n_vtx, ufo) model%md5sum = model_md5sum if (associated (nd_par_def)) then i_par = 0 call handle_parameters (nd_par_def, n_parblock, i_par) end if if (associated (nd_ext_def)) then call handle_external (nd_ext_def, n_par, n_ext) end if call model%update_parameters () if (associated (nd_prt)) then call handle_fields (nd_prt, n_prt) end if if (associated (nd_vtx)) then call handle_vertices (nd_vtx, n_vtx) end if call model%freeze_vertices () call model%append_field_vars () contains subroutine find_block (key, nd, nd_item, n_item, nd_next) character(*), intent(in) :: key type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: nd type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(out) :: nd_item integer, intent(out), optional :: n_item type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(out), optional :: nd_next if (associated (nd)) then if (nd%get_rule_key () == key) then nd_item => nd%get_sub_ptr () if (present (n_item)) n_item = nd%get_n_sub () if (present (nd_next)) nd_next => nd%get_next_ptr () else nd_item => null () if (present (n_item)) n_item = 0 if (present (nd_next)) nd_next => nd nd => null () end if else nd_item => null () if (present (n_item)) n_item = 0 if (present (nd_next)) nd_next => null () end if end subroutine find_block subroutine handle_schemes (nd_scheme_decl, scheme) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(in) :: nd_scheme_decl type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_list, nd_entry type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: schemes integer :: i, n_schemes nd_list => nd_scheme_decl%get_sub_ptr (3) nd_entry => nd_list%get_sub_ptr () n_schemes = nd_list%get_n_sub () allocate (schemes (n_schemes)) do i = 1, n_schemes schemes(i) = nd_entry%get_string () nd_entry => nd_entry%get_next_ptr () end do if (present (scheme)) then do i = 1, n_schemes if (schemes(i) == scheme) goto 10 ! block exit end do call msg_fatal ("Scheme '" // char (scheme) & // "' is not supported by model '" // char (model_name) // "'") end if 10 continue call model%enable_schemes (schemes) call model%set_scheme (scheme) end subroutine handle_schemes subroutine select_scheme (nd_scheme_block, n_parblock_sub, nd_par_def) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(in) :: nd_scheme_block integer, intent(out) :: n_parblock_sub type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(out) :: nd_par_def type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_scheme_body type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_scheme_case, nd_scheme_id, nd_scheme type(string_t) :: scheme integer :: n_cases, i scheme = model%get_scheme () nd_scheme_body => nd_scheme_block%get_sub_ptr (2) nd_parameters => null () select case (char (nd_scheme_body%get_rule_key ())) case ("scheme_block_body") n_cases = nd_scheme_body%get_n_sub () FIND_SCHEME: do i = 1, n_cases nd_scheme_case => nd_scheme_body%get_sub_ptr (i) nd_scheme_id => nd_scheme_case%get_sub_ptr (2) select case (char (nd_scheme_id%get_rule_key ())) case ("scheme_list") nd_scheme => nd_scheme_id%get_sub_ptr () do while (associated (nd_scheme)) if (scheme == nd_scheme%get_string ()) then nd_parameters => nd_scheme_id%get_next_ptr () exit FIND_SCHEME end if nd_scheme => nd_scheme%get_next_ptr () end do case ("other") nd_parameters => nd_scheme_id%get_next_ptr () exit FIND_SCHEME case default print *, "'", char (nd_scheme_id%get_rule_key ()), "'" call msg_bug ("Model read: impossible scheme rule") end select end do FIND_SCHEME end select if (associated (nd_parameters)) then select case (char (nd_parameters%get_rule_key ())) case ("parameters") n_parblock_sub = nd_parameters%get_n_sub () if (n_parblock_sub > 0) then nd_par_def => nd_parameters%get_sub_ptr () else nd_par_def => null () end if case default n_parblock_sub = 0 nd_par_def => null () end select else n_parblock_sub = 0 nd_par_def => null () end if end subroutine select_scheme recursive subroutine count_parameters (nd_par_def_in, n_parblock, n_par) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(in) :: nd_par_def_in integer, intent(in) :: n_parblock integer, intent(inout) :: n_par type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_par_def, nd_par_key type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_par_def_sub integer :: n_parblock_sub integer :: i nd_par_def => nd_par_def_in do i = 1, n_parblock nd_par_key => nd_par_def%get_sub_ptr () select case (char (nd_par_key%get_rule_key ())) case ("parameter", "derived", "unused") n_par = n_par + 1 case ("scheme_block_beg") call select_scheme (nd_par_def, n_parblock_sub, nd_par_def_sub) if (n_parblock_sub > 0) then call count_parameters (nd_par_def_sub, n_parblock_sub, n_par) end if case default print *, "'", char (nd_par_key%get_rule_key ()), "'" call msg_bug ("Model read: impossible parameter rule") end select nd_par_def => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_par_def) end do end subroutine count_parameters recursive subroutine handle_parameters (nd_par_def_in, n_parblock, i_par) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(in) :: nd_par_def_in integer, intent(in) :: n_parblock integer, intent(inout) :: i_par type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_par_def, nd_par_key type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_par_def_sub integer :: n_parblock_sub integer :: i nd_par_def => nd_par_def_in do i = 1, n_parblock nd_par_key => nd_par_def%get_sub_ptr () select case (char (nd_par_key%get_rule_key ())) case ("parameter") i_par = i_par + 1 call model%read_parameter (i_par, nd_par_def) case ("derived") i_par = i_par + 1 call model%read_derived (i_par, nd_par_def) case ("unused") i_par = i_par + 1 call model%read_unused (i_par, nd_par_def) case ("scheme_block_beg") call select_scheme (nd_par_def, n_parblock_sub, nd_par_def_sub) if (n_parblock_sub > 0) then call handle_parameters (nd_par_def_sub, n_parblock_sub, i_par) end if end select nd_par_def => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_par_def) end do end subroutine handle_parameters subroutine handle_external (nd_ext_def, n_par, n_ext) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: nd_ext_def integer, intent(in) :: n_par, n_ext integer :: i do i = n_par + 1, n_par + n_ext call model%read_external (i, nd_ext_def) nd_ext_def => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_ext_def) end do ! real(c_default_float), dimension(:), allocatable :: par ! if (associated (model%init_external_parameters)) then ! allocate (par (model%get_n_real ())) ! call model%real_parameters_to_c_array (par) ! call model%init_external_parameters (par) ! call model%real_parameters_from_c_array (par) ! end if end subroutine handle_external subroutine handle_fields (nd_prt, n_prt) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: nd_prt integer, intent(in) :: n_prt integer :: i do i = 1, n_prt call model%read_field (i, nd_prt) nd_prt => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_prt) end do end subroutine handle_fields subroutine handle_vertices (nd_vtx, n_vtx) type(parse_node_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: nd_vtx integer, intent(in) :: n_vtx integer :: i do i = 1, n_vtx call model%read_vertex (i, nd_vtx) nd_vtx => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_vtx) end do end subroutine handle_vertices end subroutine model_read @ %def model_read @ Parameters are real values (literal) with an optional unit. <>= procedure, private :: read_parameter => model_read_parameter <>= subroutine model_read_parameter (model, i, node) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: node type(parse_node_t), pointer :: node_name, node_val, node_slha_entry type(string_t) :: name node_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 2) name = parse_node_get_string (node_name) node_val => parse_node_get_next_ptr (node_name, 2) call model%set_parameter_parse_node (i, name, node_val, constant=.true.) node_slha_entry => parse_node_get_next_ptr (node_val) if (associated (node_slha_entry)) then call model_record_slha_block_entry (model, i, node_slha_entry) end if end subroutine model_read_parameter @ %def model_read_parameter @ Derived parameters have any numeric expression as their definition. Don't evaluate the expression, yet. <>= procedure, private :: read_derived => model_read_derived <>= subroutine model_read_derived (model, i, node) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: node type(string_t) :: name type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_expr name = parse_node_get_string (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 2)) pn_expr => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 4) call model%set_parameter_parse_node (i, name, pn_expr, constant=.false.) end subroutine model_read_derived @ %def model_read_derived @ External parameters have no definition; they are handled by an external library. <>= procedure, private :: read_external => model_read_external <>= subroutine model_read_external (model, i, node) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: node type(string_t) :: name name = parse_node_get_string (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 2)) call model%set_parameter_external (i, name) end subroutine model_read_external @ %def model_read_external @ Ditto for unused parameters, they are there just for reserving the name. <>= procedure, private :: read_unused => model_read_unused <>= subroutine model_read_unused (model, i, node) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: node type(string_t) :: name name = parse_node_get_string (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 2)) call model%set_parameter_unused (i, name) end subroutine model_read_unused @ %def model_read_unused <>= procedure, private :: read_field => model_read_field <>= subroutine model_read_field (model, i, node) class(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: node type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_src, nd_props, nd_prop type(string_t) :: longname integer :: pdg type(string_t) :: name_src type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: name type(field_data_t), pointer :: field, field_src longname = parse_node_get_string (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 2)) pdg = read_frac (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 3)) field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i) call field%init (longname, pdg) nd_src => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 4) if (associated (nd_src)) then if (parse_node_get_rule_key (nd_src) == "prt_src") then name_src = parse_node_get_string (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_src, 2)) field_src => model%get_field_ptr (name_src, check=.true.) call field%copy_from (field_src) nd_props => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_src, 3) else nd_props => nd_src end if nd_prop => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_props) do while (associated (nd_prop)) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (nd_prop))) case ("invisible") call field%set (is_visible=.false.) case ("parton") call field%set (is_parton=.true.) case ("gauge") call field%set (is_gauge=.true.) case ("left") call field%set (is_left_handed=.true.) case ("right") call field%set (is_right_handed=.true.) case ("prt_name") call read_names (nd_prop, name) call field%set (name=name) case ("prt_anti") call read_names (nd_prop, name) call field%set (anti=name) case ("prt_tex_name") call field%set ( & tex_name = parse_node_get_string & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2))) case ("prt_tex_anti") call field%set ( & tex_anti = parse_node_get_string & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2))) case ("prt_spin") call field%set ( & spin_type = read_frac & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2), 2)) case ("prt_isospin") call field%set ( & isospin_type = read_frac & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2), 2)) case ("prt_charge") call field%set ( & charge_type = read_frac & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2), 3)) case ("prt_color") call field%set ( & color_type = parse_node_get_integer & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2))) case ("prt_mass") call field%set ( & mass_data = model%get_par_data_ptr & (parse_node_get_string & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2)))) case ("prt_width") call field%set ( & width_data = model%get_par_data_ptr & (parse_node_get_string & (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_prop, 2)))) case default call msg_bug (" Unknown particle property '" & // char (parse_node_get_rule_key (nd_prop)) // "'") end select if (allocated (name)) deallocate (name) nd_prop => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_prop) end do end if call field%freeze () end subroutine model_read_field @ %def model_read_field <>= procedure, private :: read_vertex => model_read_vertex <>= subroutine model_read_vertex (model, i, node) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model integer, intent(in) :: i type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: node type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: name call read_names (node, name) call model%set_vertex (i, name) end subroutine model_read_vertex @ %def model_read_vertex <>= subroutine read_names (node, name) type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: node type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: name type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_name integer :: n_names, i n_names = parse_node_get_n_sub (node) - 1 allocate (name (n_names)) nd_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (node, 2) do i = 1, n_names name(i) = parse_node_get_string (nd_name) nd_name => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_name) end do end subroutine read_names @ %def read_names @ There is an optional argument for the base. <>= function read_frac (nd_frac, base) result (qn_type) integer :: qn_type type(parse_node_t), intent(in) :: nd_frac integer, intent(in), optional :: base type(parse_node_t), pointer :: nd_num, nd_den integer :: num, den nd_num => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_frac) nd_den => parse_node_get_next_ptr (nd_num) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (nd_num))) case ("integer_literal") num = parse_node_get_integer (nd_num) case ("neg_int") num = - parse_node_get_integer (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_num, 2)) case ("pos_int") num = parse_node_get_integer (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_num, 2)) case default call parse_tree_bug (nd_num, "int|neg_int|pos_int") end select if (associated (nd_den)) then den = parse_node_get_integer (parse_node_get_sub_ptr (nd_den, 2)) else den = 1 end if if (present (base)) then if (den == 1) then qn_type = sign (1 + abs (num) * base, num) else if (den == base) then qn_type = sign (abs (num) + 1, num) else call parse_node_write_rec (nd_frac) call msg_fatal (" Fractional quantum number: wrong denominator") end if else if (den == 1) then qn_type = num else call parse_node_write_rec (nd_frac) call msg_fatal (" Wrong type: no fraction expected") end if end if end function read_frac @ %def read_frac @ Append field (PDG-array) variables to the variable list, based on the field content. <>= procedure, private :: append_field_vars => model_append_field_vars <>= subroutine model_append_field_vars (model) class(model_t), intent(inout) :: model type(pdg_array_t) :: aval type(field_data_t), dimension(:), pointer :: field_array type(field_data_t), pointer :: field type(string_t) :: name type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: name_array integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask integer :: i, j field_array => model%get_field_array_ptr () aval = UNDEFINED call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, var_str ("particle"), & aval, locked = .true., intrinsic=.true.) do i = 1, size (field_array) aval = field_array(i)%get_pdg () name = field_array(i)%get_longname () call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, name, aval, locked=.true., intrinsic=.true.) call field_array(i)%get_name_array (.false., name_array) do j = 1, size (name_array) call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, name_array(j), & aval, locked=.true., intrinsic=.true.) end do model%max_field_name_length = & max (model%max_field_name_length, len (name_array(1))) aval = - field_array(i)%get_pdg () call field_array(i)%get_name_array (.true., name_array) do j = 1, size (name_array) call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, name_array(j), & aval, locked=.true., intrinsic=.true.) end do if (size (name_array) > 0) then model%max_field_name_length = & max (model%max_field_name_length, len (name_array(1))) end if end do call model%get_all_pdg (pdg) allocate (mask (size (pdg))) do i = 1, size (pdg) field => model%get_field_ptr (pdg(i)) mask(i) = field%get_charge_type () /= 1 end do aval = pack (pdg, mask) call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, var_str ("charged"), & aval, locked = .true., intrinsic=.true.) do i = 1, size (pdg) field => model%get_field_ptr (pdg(i)) mask(i) = field%get_charge_type () == 1 end do aval = pack (pdg, mask) call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, var_str ("neutral"), & aval, locked = .true., intrinsic=.true.) do i = 1, size (pdg) field => model%get_field_ptr (pdg(i)) mask(i) = field%get_color_type () /= 1 end do aval = pack (pdg, mask) call var_list_append_pdg_array & (model%var_list, var_str ("colored"), & aval, locked = .true., intrinsic=.true.) end subroutine model_append_field_vars @ %def model_append_field_vars @ \subsection{Test models} <>= public :: create_test_model <>= subroutine create_test_model (model_name, test_model) type(string_t), intent(in) :: model_name type(model_t), intent(out), pointer :: test_model type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model & (model_name, model_name // var_str (".mdl"), os_data, test_model) end subroutine create_test_model @ %def create_test_model @ \subsection{Model list} List of currently active models <>= type, extends (model_t) :: model_entry_t type(model_entry_t), pointer :: next => null () end type model_entry_t @ %def model_entry_t <>= public :: model_list_t <>= type :: model_list_t type(model_entry_t), pointer :: first => null () type(model_entry_t), pointer :: last => null () type(model_list_t), pointer :: context => null () contains <> end type model_list_t @ %def model_list_t @ Write an account of the model list. We write linked lists first, starting from the global context. <>= procedure :: write => model_list_write <>= recursive subroutine model_list_write (object, unit, verbose, follow_link) class(model_list_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(model_entry_t), pointer :: current logical :: rec integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return rec = .true.; if (present (follow_link)) rec = follow_link if (rec .and. associated (object%context)) then call object%context%write (unit, verbose, follow_link) end if current => object%first if (associated (current)) then do while (associated (current)) call current%write (unit, verbose) current => current%next if (associated (current)) write (u, *) end do end if end subroutine model_list_write @ %def model_list_write @ Link this list to another one. <>= procedure :: link => model_list_link <>= subroutine model_list_link (model_list, context) class(model_list_t), intent(inout) :: model_list type(model_list_t), intent(in), target :: context model_list%context => context end subroutine model_list_link @ %def model_list_link @ (Private, used below:) Append an existing model, for which we have allocated a pointer entry, to the model list. The original pointer becomes disassociated, and the model should now be considered as part of the list. We assume that this model is not yet part of the list. If we provide a [[model]] argument, this returns a pointer to the new entry. <>= procedure, private :: import => model_list_import <>= subroutine model_list_import (model_list, current, model) class(model_list_t), intent(inout) :: model_list type(model_entry_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: current type(model_t), optional, pointer, intent(out) :: model if (associated (current)) then if (associated (model_list%first)) then model_list%last%next => current else model_list%first => current end if model_list%last => current if (present (model)) model => current%model_t current => null () end if end subroutine model_list_import @ %def model_list_import @ Currently test only: Add a new model with given [[name]] to the list, if it does not yet exist. If successful, return a pointer to the new model. <>= procedure :: add => model_list_add <>= subroutine model_list_add (model_list, & name, os_data, n_par, n_prt, n_vtx, model) class(model_list_t), intent(inout) :: model_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data integer, intent(in) :: n_par, n_prt, n_vtx type(model_t), pointer :: model type(model_entry_t), pointer :: current if (model_list%model_exists (name, follow_link=.false.)) then model => null () else allocate (current) call current%init (name, var_str (""), os_data, & n_par, n_prt, n_vtx) call model_list%import (current, model) end if end subroutine model_list_add @ %def model_list_add @ Read a new model from file and add to the list, if it does not yet exist. Finalize the model by allocating the vertex table. Return a pointer to the new model. If unsuccessful, return the original pointer. The model is always inserted in the last link of a chain of model lists. This way, we avoid loading models twice from different contexts. When a model is modified, we should first allocate a local copy. <>= procedure :: read_model => model_list_read_model <>= subroutine model_list_read_model & (model_list, name, filename, os_data, model, & scheme, ufo, ufo_path, rebuild_mdl) class(model_list_t), intent(inout), target :: model_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name, filename type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data type(model_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: model type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme logical, intent(in), optional :: ufo type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: ufo_path logical, intent(in), optional :: rebuild_mdl class(model_list_t), pointer :: global_model_list type(model_entry_t), pointer :: current logical :: exist if (.not. model_list%model_exists (name, & scheme, ufo, ufo_path, follow_link=.true.)) then allocate (current) call current%read (filename, os_data, exist, & scheme=scheme, ufo=ufo, ufo_path_requested=ufo_path, & rebuild_mdl=rebuild_mdl) if (.not. exist) return if (current%get_name () /= name) then call msg_fatal ("Model file '" // char (filename) // & "' contains model '" // char (current%get_name ()) // & "' instead of '" // char (name) // "'") call current%final (); deallocate (current) return end if global_model_list => model_list do while (associated (global_model_list%context)) global_model_list => global_model_list%context end do call global_model_list%import (current, model) else model => model_list%get_model_ptr (name, scheme, ufo, ufo_path) end if end subroutine model_list_read_model @ %def model_list_read_model @ Append a copy of an existing model to a model list. Optionally, return pointer to the new entry. <>= procedure :: append_copy => model_list_append_copy <>= subroutine model_list_append_copy (model_list, orig, model) class(model_list_t), intent(inout) :: model_list type(model_t), intent(in), target :: orig type(model_t), intent(out), pointer, optional :: model type(model_entry_t), pointer :: copy allocate (copy) call copy%init_instance (orig) call model_list%import (copy, model) end subroutine model_list_append_copy @ %def model_list_append_copy @ Check if a model exists by examining the list. Check recursively unless told otherwise. <>= procedure :: model_exists => model_list_model_exists <>= recursive function model_list_model_exists & (model_list, name, scheme, ufo, ufo_path, follow_link) result (exists) class(model_list_t), intent(in) :: model_list logical :: exists type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme logical, intent(in), optional :: ufo type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: ufo_path logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(model_entry_t), pointer :: current logical :: rec rec = .true.; if (present (follow_link)) rec = follow_link current => model_list%first do while (associated (current)) if (current%matches (name, scheme, ufo, ufo_path)) then exists = .true. return end if current => current%next end do if (rec .and. associated (model_list%context)) then exists = model_list%context%model_exists (name, & scheme, ufo, ufo_path, follow_link) else exists = .false. end if end function model_list_model_exists @ %def model_list_model_exists @ Return a pointer to a named model. Search recursively unless told otherwise. <>= procedure :: get_model_ptr => model_list_get_model_ptr <>= recursive function model_list_get_model_ptr & (model_list, name, scheme, ufo, ufo_path, follow_link) result (model) class(model_list_t), intent(in) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: scheme logical, intent(in), optional :: ufo type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: ufo_path logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(model_entry_t), pointer :: current logical :: rec rec = .true.; if (present (follow_link)) rec = follow_link current => model_list%first do while (associated (current)) if (current%matches (name, scheme, ufo, ufo_path)) then model => current%model_t return end if current => current%next end do if (rec .and. associated (model_list%context)) then model => model_list%context%get_model_ptr (name, & scheme, ufo, ufo_path, follow_link) else model => null () end if end function model_list_get_model_ptr @ %def model_list_get_model_ptr @ Delete the list of models. No recursion. <>= procedure :: final => model_list_final <>= subroutine model_list_final (model_list) class(model_list_t), intent(inout) :: model_list type(model_entry_t), pointer :: current model_list%last => null () do while (associated (model_list%first)) current => model_list%first model_list%first => model_list%first%next call current%final () deallocate (current) end do end subroutine model_list_final @ %def model_list_final @ \subsection{Model instances} A model instance is a copy of a model object. The parameters are true copies. The particle data and the variable list pointers should point to the copy, so modifying the parameters has only a local effect. Hence, we build them up explicitly. The vertex array is also rebuilt, it contains particle pointers. Finally, the vertex hash table can be copied directly since it contains no pointers. The [[multiplicity]] entry depends on the association of the [[mass_data]] entry and therefore has to be set at the end. The instance must carry the [[target]] attribute. Parameters: the [[copy_parameter]] method essentially copies the parameter decorations (parse node, expression etc.). The current parameter values are part of the [[model_data_t]] base type and are copied afterwards via its [[copy_from]] method. Note: the parameter set is initialized for real parameters only. In order for the local model to be able to use the correct UFO model setup, UFO model information has to be transferred. <>= procedure :: init_instance => model_copy <>= subroutine model_copy (model, orig) class(model_t), intent(out), target :: model type(model_t), intent(in) :: orig integer :: n_par, n_prt, n_vtx integer :: i n_par = orig%get_n_real () n_prt = orig%get_n_field () n_vtx = orig%get_n_vtx () call model%basic_init (orig%get_name (), n_par, n_prt, n_vtx) if (allocated (orig%schemes)) then model%schemes = orig%schemes if (allocated (orig%selected_scheme)) then model%selected_scheme = orig%selected_scheme call model%set_scheme_num (orig%get_scheme_num ()) end if end if if (allocated (orig%slha_block)) then model%slha_block = orig%slha_block end if model%md5sum = orig%md5sum model%ufo_model = orig%ufo_model model%ufo_path = orig%ufo_path if (allocated (orig%par)) then do i = 1, n_par call model%copy_parameter (i, orig%par(i)) end do end if model%init_external_parameters => orig%init_external_parameters call model%model_data_t%copy_from (orig) model%max_par_name_length = orig%max_par_name_length call model%append_field_vars () end subroutine model_copy @ %def model_copy @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[models_ut.f90]]>>= <> module models_ut use unit_tests use models_uti <> <> contains <> end module models_ut @ %def models_ut @ <<[[models_uti.f90]]>>= <> module models_uti <> <> use file_utils, only: delete_file use physics_defs, only: SCALAR, SPINOR use os_interface use model_data use variables use models <> <> contains <> end module models_uti @ %def models_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: models_test <>= subroutine models_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine models_test @ %def models_tests @ \subsubsection{Construct a Model} Here, we construct a toy model explicitly without referring to a file. <>= call test (models_1, "models_1", & "construct model", & u, results) <>= public :: models_1 <>= subroutine models_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model type(string_t) :: model_name type(string_t) :: x_longname type(string_t), dimension(2) :: parname type(string_t), dimension(2) :: x_name type(string_t), dimension(1) :: x_anti type(string_t) :: x_tex_name, x_tex_anti type(string_t) :: y_longname type(string_t), dimension(2) :: y_name type(string_t) :: y_tex_name type(field_data_t), pointer :: field write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: create a model" write (u, *) model_name = "Test model" call model_list%add (model_name, os_data, 2, 2, 3, model) parname(1) = "mx" parname(2) = "coup" call model%set_parameter_constant (1, parname(1), 10._default) call model%set_parameter_constant (2, parname(2), 1.3_default) x_longname = "X_LEPTON" x_name(1) = "X" x_name(2) = "x" x_anti(1) = "Xbar" x_tex_name = "X^+" x_tex_anti = "X^-" field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (1) call field%init (x_longname, 99) call field%set ( & .true., .false., .false., .false., .false., & name=x_name, anti=x_anti, tex_name=x_tex_name, tex_anti=x_tex_anti, & spin_type=SPINOR, isospin_type=-3, charge_type=2, & mass_data=model%get_par_data_ptr (parname(1))) y_longname = "Y_COLORON" y_name(1) = "Y" y_name(2) = "yc" y_tex_name = "Y^0" field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (2) call field%init (y_longname, 97) call field%set ( & .false., .false., .true., .false., .false., & name=y_name, tex_name=y_tex_name, & spin_type=SCALAR, isospin_type=2, charge_type=1, color_type=8) call model%set_vertex (1, [99, 99, 99]) call model%set_vertex (2, [99, 99, 99, 99]) call model%set_vertex (3, [99, 97, 99]) call model_list%write (u) call model_list%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_1" end subroutine models_1 @ %def models_1 @ \subsubsection{Read a Model} Read a predefined model from file. <>= call test (models_2, "models_2", & "read model", & u, results) <>= public :: models_2 <>= subroutine models_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list type(model_t), pointer :: model write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: read a model from file" write (u, *) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test"), var_str ("Test.mdl"), & os_data, model) call model_list%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Variable list" write (u, *) var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call var_list%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_2" end subroutine models_2 @ %def models_2 @ \subsubsection{Model Instance} Read a predefined model from file and create an instance. <>= call test (models_3, "models_3", & "model instance", & u, results) <>= public :: models_3 <>= subroutine models_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list type(model_t), pointer :: instance write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_3" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: create a model instance" write (u, *) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test"), var_str ("Test.mdl"), & os_data, model) allocate (instance) call instance%init_instance (model) call model%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Variable list" write (u, *) var_list => instance%get_var_list_ptr () call var_list%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call instance%final () deallocate (instance) call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_3" end subroutine models_3 @ %def models_test @ \subsubsection{Unstable and Polarized Particles} Read a predefined model from file and define decays and polarization. <>= call test (models_4, "models_4", & "handle decays and polarization", & u, results) <>= public :: models_4 <>= subroutine models_4 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model, model_instance character(32) :: md5sum write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_4" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: set and unset decays and polarization" write (u, *) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () write (u, "(A)") "* Read model from file" call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test"), var_str ("Test.mdl"), & os_data, model) md5sum = model%get_parameters_md5sum () write (u, *) write (u, "(1x,3A)") "MD5 sum (parameters) = '", md5sum, "'" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Set particle decays and polarization" write (u, *) call model%set_unstable (25, [var_str ("dec1"), var_str ("dec2")]) call model%set_polarized (6) call model%set_unstable (-6, [var_str ("fdec")]) call model%write (u) md5sum = model%get_parameters_md5sum () write (u, *) write (u, "(1x,3A)") "MD5 sum (parameters) = '", md5sum, "'" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Create a model instance" allocate (model_instance) call model_instance%init_instance (model) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Revert particle decays and polarization" write (u, *) call model%set_stable (25) call model%set_unpolarized (6) call model%set_stable (-6) call model%write (u) md5sum = model%get_parameters_md5sum () write (u, *) write (u, "(1x,3A)") "MD5 sum (parameters) = '", md5sum, "'" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Show the model instance" write (u, *) call model_instance%write (u) md5sum = model_instance%get_parameters_md5sum () write (u, *) write (u, "(1x,3A)") "MD5 sum (parameters) = '", md5sum, "'" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_instance%final () deallocate (model_instance) call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_4" end subroutine models_4 @ %def models_4 @ \subsubsection{Model Variables} Read a predefined model from file and modify some parameters. Note that the MD5 sum is not modified by this. <>= call test (models_5, "models_5", & "handle parameters", & u, results) <>= public :: models_5 <>= subroutine models_5 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model, model_instance character(32) :: md5sum write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_5" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: access and modify model variables" write (u, *) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () write (u, "(A)") "* Read model from file" call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test"), var_str ("Test.mdl"), & os_data, model) write (u, *) call model%write (u, & show_md5sum = .true., & show_variables = .true., & show_parameters = .true., & show_particles = .false., & show_vertices = .false.) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Check parameter status" write (u, *) write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "xy exists = ", model%var_exists (var_str ("xx")) write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "ff exists = ", model%var_exists (var_str ("ff")) write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "mf exists = ", model%var_exists (var_str ("mf")) write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "ff locked = ", model%var_is_locked (var_str ("ff")) write (u, "(1x,A,L1)") "mf locked = ", model%var_is_locked (var_str ("mf")) write (u, *) write (u, "(1x,A,F6.2)") "ff = ", model%get_rval (var_str ("ff")) write (u, "(1x,A,F6.2)") "mf = ", model%get_rval (var_str ("mf")) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Modify parameter" write (u, *) call model%set_real (var_str ("ff"), 1._default) call model%write (u, & show_md5sum = .true., & show_variables = .true., & show_parameters = .true., & show_particles = .false., & show_vertices = .false.) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_5" end subroutine models_5 @ %def models_5 @ \subsubsection{Read model with disordered parameters} Read a model from file where the ordering of independent and derived parameters is non-canonical. <>= call test (models_6, "models_6", & "read model parameters", & u, results) <>= public :: models_6 <>= subroutine models_6 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: um character(80) :: buffer type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list type(model_t), pointer :: model write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_6" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: read a model from file & &with non-canonical parameter ordering" write (u, *) open (newunit=um, file="Test6.mdl", status="replace", action="readwrite") write (um, "(A)") 'model "Test6"' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter a = 1.000000000000E+00' write (um, "(A)") ' derived b = 2 * a' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter c = 3.000000000000E+00' write (um, "(A)") ' unused d' rewind (um) do read (um, "(A)", end=1) buffer write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end do 1 continue close (um) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test6"), var_str ("Test6.mdl"), & os_data, model) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Variable list" write (u, *) var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call var_list%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_6" end subroutine models_6 @ %def models_6 @ \subsubsection{Read model with schemes} Read a model from file which supports scheme selection in the parameter list. <>= call test (models_7, "models_7", & "handle schemes", & u, results) <>= public :: models_7 <>= subroutine models_7 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: um character(80) :: buffer type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list type(model_t), pointer :: model write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_7" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: read a model from file & &with scheme selection" write (u, *) open (newunit=um, file="Test7.mdl", status="replace", action="readwrite") write (um, "(A)") 'model "Test7"' write (um, "(A)") ' schemes = "foo", "bar", "gee"' write (um, "(A)") '' write (um, "(A)") ' select scheme' write (um, "(A)") ' scheme "foo"' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter a = 1' write (um, "(A)") ' derived b = 2 * a' write (um, "(A)") ' scheme other' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter b = 4' write (um, "(A)") ' derived a = b / 2' write (um, "(A)") ' end select' write (um, "(A)") '' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter c = 3' write (um, "(A)") '' write (um, "(A)") ' select scheme' write (um, "(A)") ' scheme "foo", "gee"' write (um, "(A)") ' derived d = b + c' write (um, "(A)") ' scheme other' write (um, "(A)") ' unused d' write (um, "(A)") ' end select' rewind (um) do read (um, "(A)", end=1) buffer write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end do 1 continue close (um) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Model output, default scheme (= foo)" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test7"), var_str ("Test7.mdl"), & os_data, model) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_var_list () call show_par_array () call model_list%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Model output, scheme foo" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test7"), var_str ("Test7.mdl"), & os_data, model, scheme = var_str ("foo")) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_var_list () call show_par_array () call model_list%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Model output, scheme bar" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test7"), var_str ("Test7.mdl"), & os_data, model, scheme = var_str ("bar")) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_var_list () call show_par_array () call model_list%final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Model output, scheme gee" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test7"), var_str ("Test7.mdl"), & os_data, model, scheme = var_str ("gee")) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_var_list () call show_par_array () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_7" contains subroutine show_var_list () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Variable list" write (u, *) var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call var_list%write (u) end subroutine show_var_list subroutine show_par_array () real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: par integer :: n write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Parameter array" write (u, *) n = model%get_n_real () allocate (par (n)) call model%real_parameters_to_array (par) write (u, 1) par 1 format (1X,F6.3) end subroutine show_par_array end subroutine models_7 @ %def models_7 @ \subsubsection{Read and handle UFO model} Read a model from file which is considered as an UFO model. In fact, it is a mock model file which just follows our naming convention for UFO models. Compare this to an equivalent non-UFO model. <>= call test (models_8, "models_8", & "handle UFO-derived models", & u, results) <>= public :: models_8 <>= subroutine models_8 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: um character(80) :: buffer type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(string_t) :: model_name type(model_t), pointer :: model write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_8" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: distinguish models marked as UFO-derived" write (u, *) call os_data%init () call show_model_list_status () model_name = "models_8_M" write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Write WHIZARD model" write (u, *) open (newunit=um, file=char (model_name // ".mdl"), & status="replace", action="readwrite") write (um, "(A)") 'model "models_8_M"' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter a = 1' rewind (um) do read (um, "(A)", end=1) buffer write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end do 1 continue close (um) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Write UFO model" write (u, *) open (newunit=um, file=char (model_name // ".ufo.mdl"), & status="replace", action="readwrite") write (um, "(A)") 'model "models_8_M"' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter a = 2' rewind (um) do read (um, "(A)", end=2) buffer write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end do 2 continue close (um) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Read WHIZARD model" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (model_name, model_name // ".mdl", & os_data, model) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_model_list_status () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Read UFO model" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (model_name, model_name // ".ufo.mdl", & os_data, model, ufo=.true., rebuild_mdl = .false.) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_model_list_status () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Reload WHIZARD model" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (model_name, model_name // ".mdl", & os_data, model) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_model_list_status () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Reload UFO model" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (model_name, model_name // ".ufo.mdl", & os_data, model, ufo=.true., rebuild_mdl = .false.) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) call show_model_list_status () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_8" contains subroutine show_model_list_status () write (u, "(A)") "* Model list status" write (u, *) write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") "WHIZARD model exists =", & model_list%model_exists (model_name) write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") "UFO model exists =", & model_list%model_exists (model_name, ufo=.true.) end subroutine show_model_list_status end subroutine models_8 @ %def models_8 @ \subsubsection{Generate UFO model file} Generate the necessary [[.ufo.mdl]] file from source, calling OMega, and load the model. Note: There must not be another unit test which works with the same UFO model. The model file is deleted explicitly at the end of this test. <>= call test (models_9, "models_9", & "generate UFO-derived model file", & u, results) <>= public :: models_9 <>= subroutine models_9 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: um character(80) :: buffer type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(string_t) :: model_name, model_file_name type(model_t), pointer :: model write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_9" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: enable the UFO Standard Model (test version)" write (u, *) call os_data%init () call syntax_model_file_init () os_data%whizard_modelpath_ufo = "../models/UFO" model_name = "SM" model_file_name = model_name // ".models_9" // ".ufo.mdl" write (u, "(A)") "* Generate and read UFO model" write (u, *) call delete_file (char (model_file_name)) call model_list%read_model (model_name, model_file_name, os_data, model, ufo=.true.) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_9" end subroutine models_9 @ %def models_9 @ \subsubsection{Read model with schemes} Read a model from file which contains [[slha_entry]] qualifiers for parameters. <>= call test (models_10, "models_10", & "handle slha_entry option", & u, results) <>= public :: models_10 <>= subroutine models_10 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u integer :: um character(80) :: buffer type(os_data_t) :: os_data type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list type(model_t), pointer :: model type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: slha_block_name integer :: i write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: models_10" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: read a model from file & &with slha_entry options" write (u, *) open (newunit=um, file="Test10.mdl", status="replace", action="readwrite") write (um, "(A)") 'model "Test10"' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter a = 1 slha_entry FOO 1' write (um, "(A)") ' parameter b = 4 slha_entry BAR 2 1' rewind (um) do read (um, "(A)", end=1) buffer write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end do 1 continue close (um) call syntax_model_file_init () call os_data%init () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Model output, default scheme (= foo)" write (u, *) call model_list%read_model (var_str ("Test10"), var_str ("Test10.mdl"), & os_data, model) call model%write (u, show_md5sum=.false.) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Check that model contains slha_entry options" write (u, *) write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") & "supports_custom_slha =", model%supports_custom_slha () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "custom_slha_blocks =" call model%get_custom_slha_blocks (slha_block_name) do i = 1, size (slha_block_name) write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (slha_block_name(i)) end do write (u, *) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Parameter lookup" write (u, *) call show_slha ("FOO", [1]) call show_slha ("FOO", [2]) call show_slha ("BAR", [2, 1]) call show_slha ("GEE", [3]) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Modify parameter via SLHA block interface" write (u, *) call model%slha_set_par (var_str ("FOO"), [1], 7._default) call show_slha ("FOO", [1]) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Show var list with modified parameter" write (u, *) call show_var_list () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call model_list%final () call syntax_model_file_final () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: models_10" contains subroutine show_slha (block_name, block_index) character(*), intent(in) :: block_name integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: block_index class(modelpar_data_t), pointer :: par_data write (u, "(A,*(1x,I0))", advance="no") block_name, block_index write (u, "(' => ')", advance="no") call model%slha_lookup (var_str (block_name), block_index, par_data) if (associated (par_data)) then call par_data%write (u) write (u, *) else write (u, "('-')") end if end subroutine show_slha subroutine show_var_list () var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call var_list%write (u) end subroutine show_var_list end subroutine models_10 @ %def models_10 @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{The SUSY Les Houches Accord} The SUSY Les Houches Accord defines a standard interfaces for storing the physics data of SUSY models. Here, we provide the means for reading, storing, and writing such data. <<[[slha_interface.f90]]>>= <> module slha_interface <> <> use io_units use constants use string_utils, only: upper_case use system_defs, only: VERSION_STRING use system_defs, only: EOF use diagnostics use os_interface use ifiles use lexers use syntax_rules use parser use variables use models <> <> <> <> save contains <> <> end module slha_interface @ %def slha_interface @ \subsection{Preprocessor} SLHA is a mixed-format standard. It should be read in assuming free format (but line-oriented), but it has some fixed-format elements. To overcome this difficulty, we implement a preprocessing step which transforms the SLHA into a format that can be swallowed by our generic free-format lexer and parser. Each line with a blank first character is assumed to be a data line. We prepend a 'DATA' keyword to these lines. Furthermore, to enforce line-orientation, each line is appended a '\$' key which is recognized by the parser. To do this properly, we first remove trailing comments, and skip lines consisting only of comments. The preprocessor reads from a stream and puts out an [[ifile]]. Blocks that are not recognized are skipped. For some blocks, data items are quoted, so they can be read as strings if necessary. A name clash occurse if the block name is identical to a keyword. This can happen for custom SLHA models and files. In that case, we prepend an underscore, which will be silently suppressed where needed. <>= integer, parameter :: MODE_SKIP = 0, MODE_DATA = 1, MODE_INFO = 2 @ %def MODE_SKIP = 0, MODE_DATA = 1, MODE_INFO = 2 <>= subroutine slha_preprocess (stream, custom_block_name, ifile) type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: custom_block_name type(ifile_t), intent(out) :: ifile type(string_t) :: buffer, line, item integer :: iostat integer :: mode mode = MODE SCAN_FILE: do call stream_get_record (stream, buffer, iostat) select case (iostat) case (0) call split (buffer, line, "#") if (len_trim (line) == 0) cycle SCAN_FILE select case (char (extract (line, 1, 1))) case ("B", "b") call check_block_handling (line, custom_block_name, mode) call ifile_append (ifile, line // "$") case ("D", "d") mode = MODE_DATA call ifile_append (ifile, line // "$") case (" ") select case (mode) case (MODE_DATA) call ifile_append (ifile, "DATA" // line // "$") case (MODE_INFO) line = adjustl (line) call split (line, item, " ") call ifile_append (ifile, "INFO" // " " // item // " " & // '"' // trim (adjustl (line)) // '" $') end select case default call msg_message (char (line)) call msg_fatal ("SLHA: Incomprehensible line") end select case (EOF) exit SCAN_FILE case default call msg_fatal ("SLHA: I/O error occured while reading SLHA input") end select end do SCAN_FILE end subroutine slha_preprocess @ %def slha_preprocess @ Return the mode that we should treat this block with. We add the [[custom_block_name]] array to the set of supported blocks, which otherwise includes only hard-coded block names. Those custom blocks are data blocks. Unknown blocks will be skipped altogether. The standard does not specify their internal format at all, so we must not parse their content. If the name of a (custom) block clashes with a keyword of the SLHA syntax, we append an underscore to the block name, modifying the current line string. This should be silently suppressed when actually parsing block names. <>= subroutine check_block_handling (line, custom_block_name, mode) type(string_t), intent(inout) :: line type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: custom_block_name integer, intent(out) :: mode type(string_t) :: buffer, key, block_name integer :: i buffer = trim (line) call split (buffer, key, " ") buffer = adjustl (buffer) call split (buffer, block_name, " ") buffer = adjustl (buffer) block_name = trim (adjustl (upper_case (block_name))) select case (char (block_name)) case ("MODSEL", "MINPAR", "SMINPUTS") mode = MODE_DATA case ("MASS") mode = MODE_DATA case ("NMIX", "UMIX", "VMIX", "STOPMIX", "SBOTMIX", "STAUMIX") mode = MODE_DATA case ("NMHMIX", "NMAMIX", "NMNMIX", "NMSSMRUN") mode = MODE_DATA case ("ALPHA", "HMIX") mode = MODE_DATA case ("AU", "AD", "AE") mode = MODE_DATA case ("SPINFO", "DCINFO") mode = MODE_INFO case default mode = MODE_SKIP CHECK_CUSTOM_NAMES: do i = 1, size (custom_block_name) if (block_name == custom_block_name(i)) then mode = MODE_DATA call mangle_keywords (block_name) line = key // " " // block_name // " " // trim (buffer) exit CHECK_CUSTOM_NAMES end if end do CHECK_CUSTOM_NAMES end select end subroutine check_block_handling @ %def check_block_handling @ Append an underscore to specific block names: <>= subroutine mangle_keywords (name) type(string_t), intent(inout) :: name select case (char (name)) case ("BLOCK", "DATA", "INFO", "DECAY") name = name // "_" end select end subroutine mangle_keywords @ %def mangle_keywords @ Remove the underscore again: <>= subroutine demangle_keywords (name) type(string_t), intent(inout) :: name select case (char (name)) case ("BLOCK_", "DATA_", "INFO_", "DECAY_") name = extract (name, 1, len(name)-1) end select end subroutine demangle_keywords @ %def demangle_keywords @ \subsection{Lexer and syntax} <>= type(syntax_t), target :: syntax_slha @ %def syntax_slha <>= public :: syntax_slha_init <>= subroutine syntax_slha_init () type(ifile_t) :: ifile call define_slha_syntax (ifile) call syntax_init (syntax_slha, ifile) call ifile_final (ifile) end subroutine syntax_slha_init @ %def syntax_slha_init <>= public :: syntax_slha_final <>= subroutine syntax_slha_final () call syntax_final (syntax_slha) end subroutine syntax_slha_final @ %def syntax_slha_final <>= public :: syntax_slha_write <>= subroutine syntax_slha_write (unit) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit call syntax_write (syntax_slha, unit) end subroutine syntax_slha_write @ %def syntax_slha_write <>= subroutine define_slha_syntax (ifile) type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: ifile call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ slha = chunk*") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT chunk = block_def | decay_def") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_def = " & // "BLOCK blockgen '$' block_line*") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT blockgen = block_spec | q_spec") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY BLOCK") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ q_spec = QNUMBERS pdg_code") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY QNUMBERS") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_spec = block_name qvalue?") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE block_name") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ qvalue = qname '=' real") call ifile_append (ifile, "IDE qname") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '='") call ifile_append (ifile, "REA real") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '$'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT block_line = block_data | block_info") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_data = DATA data_line '$'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY DATA") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ data_line = data_item+") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT data_item = signed_number | number") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ signed_number = sign number") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT sign = '+' | '-'") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT number = integer | real") call ifile_append (ifile, "INT integer") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '-'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY '+'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ block_info = INFO info_line '$'") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY INFO") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ info_line = integer string_literal") call ifile_append (ifile, "QUO string_literal = '""'...'""'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ decay_def = " & // "DECAY decay_spec '$' decay_data*") call ifile_append (ifile, "KEY DECAY") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ decay_spec = pdg_code data_item") call ifile_append (ifile, "ALT pdg_code = signed_integer | integer") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ signed_integer = sign integer") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ decay_data = DATA decay_line '$'") call ifile_append (ifile, "SEQ decay_line = data_item integer pdg_code+") end subroutine define_slha_syntax @ %def define_slha_syntax @ The SLHA specification allows for string data items in certain places. Currently, we do not interpret them, but the strings, which are not quoted, must be parsed somehow. The hack for this problem is to allow essentially all characters as special characters, so the string can be read before it is discarded. <>= public :: lexer_init_slha <>= subroutine lexer_init_slha (lexer) type(lexer_t), intent(out) :: lexer call lexer_init (lexer, & comment_chars = "#", & quote_chars = '"', & quote_match = '"', & single_chars = "+-=$", & special_class = [ "" ], & keyword_list = syntax_get_keyword_list_ptr (syntax_slha), & upper_case_keywords = .true.) ! $ end subroutine lexer_init_slha @ %def lexer_init_slha @ \subsection{Interpreter} \subsubsection{Find blocks} From the parse tree, find the node that represents a particular block. If [[required]] is true, issue an error if not found. Since [[block_name]] is always invoked with capital letters, we have to capitalize [[pn_block_name]]. <>= function slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, block_name, required) result (pn_block) type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(string_t), intent(in) :: block_name type(string_t) :: block_def logical, intent(in) :: required type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_root, pn_block_spec, pn_block_name pn_root => parse_tree%get_root_ptr () pn_block => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_root) do while (associated (pn_block)) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_block))) case ("block_def") pn_block_spec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block, 2) pn_block_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block_spec) select case (char (pn_block_name%get_rule_key ())) case ("block_name") block_def = trim (adjustl (upper_case & (pn_block_name%get_string ()))) case ("QNUMBERS") block_def = "QNUMBERS" end select if (block_def == block_name) then return end if end select pn_block => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_block) end do if (required) then call msg_fatal ("SLHA: block '" // char (block_name) // "' not found") end if end function slha_get_block_ptr @ %def slha_get_blck_ptr @ Scan the file for the first/next DECAY block. <>= function slha_get_first_decay_ptr (parse_tree) result (pn_decay) type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_decay type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_root pn_root => parse_tree%get_root_ptr () pn_decay => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_root) do while (associated (pn_decay)) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_decay))) case ("decay_def") return end select pn_decay => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_decay) end do end function slha_get_first_decay_ptr function slha_get_next_decay_ptr (pn_block) result (pn_decay) type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_decay type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block pn_decay => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_block) do while (associated (pn_decay)) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_decay))) case ("decay_def") return end select pn_decay => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_decay) end do end function slha_get_next_decay_ptr @ %def slha_get_next_decay_ptr @ \subsubsection{Extract and transfer data from blocks} Given the parse node of a block, find the parse node of a particular switch or data line. Return this node and the node of the data item following the integer code. <>= subroutine slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, code) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block type(parse_node_t), intent(out), pointer :: pn_data type(parse_node_t), intent(out), pointer :: pn_item integer, intent(in) :: code pn_data => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block, 4) call slha_next_index_ptr (pn_data, pn_item, code) end subroutine slha_find_index_ptr subroutine slha_find_index_pair_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, code1, code2) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block type(parse_node_t), intent(out), pointer :: pn_data type(parse_node_t), intent(out), pointer :: pn_item integer, intent(in) :: code1, code2 pn_data => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block, 4) call slha_next_index_pair_ptr (pn_data, pn_item, code1, code2) end subroutine slha_find_index_pair_ptr @ %def slha_find_index_ptr slha_find_index_pair_ptr @ Starting from the pointer to a data line, find a data line with the given integer code. <>= subroutine slha_next_index_ptr (pn_data, pn_item, code) type(parse_node_t), intent(inout), pointer :: pn_data integer, intent(in) :: code type(parse_node_t), intent(out), pointer :: pn_item type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_line, pn_code do while (associated (pn_data)) pn_line => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_data, 2) pn_code => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_line) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_code))) case ("integer") if (parse_node_get_integer (pn_code) == code) then pn_item => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_code) return end if end select pn_data => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_data) end do pn_item => null () end subroutine slha_next_index_ptr @ %def slha_next_index_ptr @ Starting from the pointer to a data line, find a data line with the given integer code pair. <>= subroutine slha_next_index_pair_ptr (pn_data, pn_item, code1, code2) type(parse_node_t), intent(inout), pointer :: pn_data integer, intent(in) :: code1, code2 type(parse_node_t), intent(out), pointer :: pn_item type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_line, pn_code1, pn_code2 do while (associated (pn_data)) pn_line => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_data, 2) pn_code1 => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_line) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_code1))) case ("integer") if (parse_node_get_integer (pn_code1) == code1) then pn_code2 => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_code1) if (associated (pn_code2)) then select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_code2))) case ("integer") if (parse_node_get_integer (pn_code2) == code2) then pn_item => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_code2) return end if end select end if end if end select pn_data => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_data) end do pn_item => null () end subroutine slha_next_index_pair_ptr @ %def slha_next_index_pair_ptr @ \subsubsection{Handle info data} Return all strings with index [[i]]. The result is an allocated string array. Since we do not know the number of matching entries in advance, we build an intermediate list which is transferred to the final array and deleted before exiting. <>= subroutine retrieve_strings_in_block (pn_block, code, str_array) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block integer, intent(in) :: code type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: str_array type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_data, pn_item type :: str_entry_t type(string_t) :: str type(str_entry_t), pointer :: next => null () end type str_entry_t type(str_entry_t), pointer :: first => null () type(str_entry_t), pointer :: current => null () integer :: n n = 0 call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, code) if (associated (pn_item)) then n = n + 1 allocate (first) first%str = parse_node_get_string (pn_item) current => first do while (associated (pn_data)) pn_data => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_data) call slha_next_index_ptr (pn_data, pn_item, code) if (associated (pn_item)) then n = n + 1 allocate (current%next) current => current%next current%str = parse_node_get_string (pn_item) end if end do allocate (str_array (n)) n = 0 do while (associated (first)) n = n + 1 current => first str_array(n) = current%str first => first%next deallocate (current) end do else allocate (str_array (0)) end if end subroutine retrieve_strings_in_block @ %def retrieve_strings_in_block @ \subsubsection{Transfer data from SLHA to variables} Extract real parameter with index [[i]]. If it does not exist, retrieve it from the variable list, using the given name. <>= function get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, code, name, var_list) result (var) real(default) :: var type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block integer, intent(in) :: code type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_data, pn_item call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, code) if (associated (pn_item)) then var = get_real_parameter (pn_item) else var = var_list%get_rval (name) end if end function get_parameter_in_block @ %def get_parameter_in_block @ Extract a real data item with index [[i]]. If it does exist, set it in the variable list, using the given name. If the variable is not present in the variable list, ignore it. <>= subroutine set_data_item (pn_block, code, name, var_list) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block integer, intent(in) :: code type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_data, pn_item call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, code) if (associated (pn_item)) then call var_list%set_real (name, get_real_parameter (pn_item), & is_known=.true., ignore=.true.) end if end subroutine set_data_item @ %def set_data_item @ Extract a real matrix element with index [[i,j]]. If it does exists, set it in the variable list, using the given name. If the variable is not present in the variable list, ignore it. <>= subroutine set_matrix_element (pn_block, code1, code2, name, var_list) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block integer, intent(in) :: code1, code2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_data, pn_item call slha_find_index_pair_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, code1, code2) if (associated (pn_item)) then call var_list%set_real (name, get_real_parameter (pn_item), & is_known=.true., ignore=.true.) end if end subroutine set_matrix_element @ %def set_matrix_element @ \subsubsection{Transfer data from variables to SLHA} Get a real/integer parameter with index [[i]] from the variable list and write it to the current output file. In the integer case, we account for the fact that the variable is type real. If it does not exist, do nothing. <>= subroutine write_integer_data_item (u, code, name, var_list, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u integer, intent(in) :: code type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: comment integer :: item if (var_list%contains (name)) then item = nint (var_list%get_rval (name)) call write_integer_parameter (u, code, item, comment) end if end subroutine write_integer_data_item subroutine write_real_data_item (u, code, name, var_list, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u integer, intent(in) :: code type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: comment real(default) :: item if (var_list%contains (name)) then item = var_list%get_rval (name) call write_real_parameter (u, code, item, comment) end if end subroutine write_real_data_item @ %def write_real_data_item @ Get a real data item with two integer indices from the variable list and write it to the current output file. If it does not exist, do nothing. <>= subroutine write_matrix_element (u, code1, code2, name, var_list, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u integer, intent(in) :: code1, code2 type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: comment real(default) :: item if (var_list%contains (name)) then item = var_list%get_rval (name) call write_real_matrix_element (u, code1, code2, item, comment) end if end subroutine write_matrix_element @ %def write_matrix_element @ \subsection{Auxiliary function} Write a block header. <>= subroutine write_block_header (u, name, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u character(*), intent(in) :: name, comment write (u, "(A,1x,A,3x,'#',1x,A)") "BLOCK", name, comment end subroutine write_block_header @ %def write_block_header @ Extract a real parameter that may be defined real or integer, signed or unsigned. <>= function get_real_parameter (pn_item) result (var) real(default) :: var type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_item type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_sign, pn_var integer :: sign select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_item))) case ("signed_number") pn_sign => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_item) pn_var => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_sign) select case (char (parse_node_get_key (pn_sign))) case ("+"); sign = +1 case ("-"); sign = -1 end select case default sign = +1 pn_var => pn_item end select select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_var))) case ("integer"); var = sign * parse_node_get_integer (pn_var) case ("real"); var = sign * parse_node_get_real (pn_var) end select end function get_real_parameter @ %def get_real_parameter @ Auxiliary: Extract an integer parameter that may be defined signed or unsigned. A real value is an error. <>= function get_integer_parameter (pn_item) result (var) integer :: var type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_item type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_sign, pn_var integer :: sign select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_item))) case ("signed_integer") pn_sign => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_item) pn_var => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_sign) select case (char (parse_node_get_key (pn_sign))) case ("+"); sign = +1 case ("-"); sign = -1 end select case ("integer") sign = +1 pn_var => pn_item case default call parse_node_write (pn_var) call msg_error ("SLHA: Integer parameter expected") var = 0 return end select var = sign * parse_node_get_integer (pn_var) end function get_integer_parameter @ %def get_real_parameter @ Write an integer parameter with a single index directly to file, using the required output format. <>= subroutine write_integer_parameter (u, code, item, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u integer, intent(in) :: code integer, intent(in) :: item character(*), intent(in) :: comment 1 format (1x, I9, 3x, 3x, I9, 4x, 3x, '#', 1x, A) write (u, 1) code, item, comment end subroutine write_integer_parameter @ %def write_integer_parameter @ Write a real parameter with two indices directly to file, using the required output format. <>= subroutine write_real_parameter (u, code, item, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u integer, intent(in) :: code real(default), intent(in) :: item character(*), intent(in) :: comment 1 format (1x, I9, 3x, 1P, E16.8, 0P, 3x, '#', 1x, A) write (u, 1) code, item, comment end subroutine write_real_parameter @ %def write_real_parameter @ Write a real parameter with a single index directly to file, using the required output format. <>= subroutine write_real_matrix_element (u, code1, code2, item, comment) integer, intent(in) :: u integer, intent(in) :: code1, code2 real(default), intent(in) :: item character(*), intent(in) :: comment 1 format (1x, I2, 1x, I2, 3x, 1P, E16.8, 0P, 3x, '#', 1x, A) write (u, 1) code1, code2, item, comment end subroutine write_real_matrix_element @ %def write_real_matrix_element @ \subsubsection{The concrete SLHA interpreter} SLHA codes for particular physics models <>= integer, parameter :: MDL_MSSM = 0 integer, parameter :: MDL_NMSSM = 1 @ %def MDL_MSSM MDL_NMSSM @ Take the parse tree and extract relevant data. Select the correct model and store all data that is present in the appropriate variable list. Finally, update the variable record. We assume that if the model contains custom SLHA block names, we just have to scan those to get complete information. Block names could coincide with the SLHA standard block names, but we do not have to assume this. This will be the situation for an UFO-generated file. In particular, an UFO file should contain all expressions necessary for computing dependent parameters, so we can forget about the strict SLHA standard and its hard-coded conventions. If there are no custom SLHA block names, we should assume that the model is a standard SUSY model, and the parameters and hard-coded blocks can be read as specified by the original SLHA standard. There are hard-coded block names and parameter calculations. Public for use in unit test. <>= public :: slha_interpret_parse_tree <>= subroutine slha_interpret_parse_tree & (parse_tree, model, input, spectrum, decays) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model logical, intent(in) :: input, spectrum, decays logical :: errors integer :: mssm_type if (model%supports_custom_slha ()) then call slha_handle_custom_file (parse_tree, model) else call slha_handle_MODSEL (parse_tree, model, mssm_type) if (input) then call slha_handle_SMINPUTS (parse_tree, model) call slha_handle_MINPAR (parse_tree, model, mssm_type) end if if (spectrum) then call slha_handle_info_block (parse_tree, "SPINFO", errors) if (errors) return call slha_handle_MASS (parse_tree, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "NMIX", "mn_", 4, 4, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "NMNMIX", "mixn_", 5, 5, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "UMIX", "mu_", 2, 2, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "VMIX", "mv_", 2, 2, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "STOPMIX", "mt_", 2, 2, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "SBOTMIX", "mb_", 2, 2, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "STAUMIX", "ml_", 2, 2, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "NMHMIX", "mixh0_", 3, 3, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "NMAMIX", "mixa0_", 2, 3, model) call slha_handle_ALPHA (parse_tree, model) call slha_handle_HMIX (parse_tree, model) call slha_handle_NMSSMRUN (parse_tree, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "AU", "Au_", 3, 3, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "AD", "Ad_", 3, 3, model) call slha_handle_matrix_block (parse_tree, "AE", "Ae_", 3, 3, model) end if end if if (decays) then call slha_handle_info_block (parse_tree, "DCINFO", errors) if (errors) return call slha_handle_decays (parse_tree, model) end if end subroutine slha_interpret_parse_tree @ %def slha_interpret_parse_tree @ \subsubsection{Info blocks} Handle the informational blocks SPINFO and DCINFO. The first two items are program name and version. Items with index 3 are warnings. Items with index 4 are errors. We reproduce these as WHIZARD warnings and errors. <>= subroutine slha_handle_info_block (parse_tree, block_name, errors) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree character(*), intent(in) :: block_name logical, intent(out) :: errors type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: msg integer :: i pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str (block_name), required=.true.) if (.not. associated (pn_block)) then call msg_error ("SLHA: Missing info block '" & // trim (block_name) // "'; ignored.") errors = .true. return end if select case (block_name) case ("SPINFO") call msg_message ("SLHA: SUSY spectrum program info:") case ("DCINFO") call msg_message ("SLHA: SUSY decay program info:") end select call retrieve_strings_in_block (pn_block, 1, msg) do i = 1, size (msg) call msg_message ("SLHA: " // char (msg(i))) end do call retrieve_strings_in_block (pn_block, 2, msg) do i = 1, size (msg) call msg_message ("SLHA: " // char (msg(i))) end do call retrieve_strings_in_block (pn_block, 3, msg) do i = 1, size (msg) call msg_warning ("SLHA: " // char (msg(i))) end do call retrieve_strings_in_block (pn_block, 4, msg) do i = 1, size (msg) call msg_error ("SLHA: " // char (msg(i))) end do errors = size (msg) > 0 end subroutine slha_handle_info_block @ %def slha_handle_info_block @ \subsubsection{MODSEL} Handle the overall model definition. Only certain models are recognized. The soft-breaking model templates that determine the set of input parameters. This block used to be required, but for generic UFO model support we should allow for its absence. In that case, [[mssm_type]] will be set to a negative value. If the block is present, the model must be one of the following, or parsing ends with an error. <>= integer, parameter :: MSSM_GENERIC = 0 integer, parameter :: MSSM_SUGRA = 1 integer, parameter :: MSSM_GMSB = 2 integer, parameter :: MSSM_AMSB = 3 @ %def MSSM_GENERIC MSSM_MSUGRA MSSM_GMSB MSSM_AMSB <>= subroutine slha_handle_MODSEL (parse_tree, model, mssm_type) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(out) :: mssm_type type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block, pn_data, pn_item type(string_t) :: model_name pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("MODSEL"), required=.false.) if (.not. associated (pn_block)) then mssm_type = -1 return end if call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, 1) if (associated (pn_item)) then mssm_type = get_integer_parameter (pn_item) else mssm_type = MSSM_GENERIC end if call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, 3) if (associated (pn_item)) then select case (parse_node_get_integer (pn_item)) case (MDL_MSSM); model_name = "MSSM" case (MDL_NMSSM); model_name = "NMSSM" case default call msg_fatal ("SLHA: unknown model code in MODSEL") return end select else model_name = "MSSM" end if call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, 4) if (associated (pn_item)) then call msg_fatal (" R-parity violation is currently not supported by WHIZARD.") end if call slha_find_index_ptr (pn_block, pn_data, pn_item, 5) if (associated (pn_item)) then call msg_fatal (" CP violation is currently not supported by WHIZARD.") end if select case (char (model_name)) case ("MSSM") select case (char (model%get_name ())) case ("MSSM","MSSM_CKM","MSSM_Grav","MSSM_Hgg") model_name = model%get_name () case default call msg_fatal ("Selected model '" & // char (model%get_name ()) // "' does not match model '" & // char (model_name) // "' in SLHA input file.") return end select case ("NMSSM") select case (char (model%get_name ())) case ("NMSSM","NMSSM_CKM","NMSSM_Hgg") model_name = model%get_name () case default call msg_fatal ("Selected model '" & // char (model%get_name ()) // "' does not match model '" & // char (model_name) // "' in SLHA input file.") return end select case default call msg_bug ("SLHA model name '" & // char (model_name) // "' not recognized.") return end select call msg_message ("SLHA: Initializing model '" // char (model_name) // "'") end subroutine slha_handle_MODSEL @ %def slha_handle_MODSEL @ Write a MODSEL block, based on the contents of the current model. <>= subroutine slha_write_MODSEL (u, model, mssm_type) integer, intent(in) :: u type(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(out) :: mssm_type type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list integer :: model_id type(string_t) :: mtype_string var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () if (var_list%contains (var_str ("mtype"))) then mssm_type = nint (var_list%get_rval (var_str ("mtype"))) else call msg_error ("SLHA: parameter 'mtype' (SUSY breaking scheme) " & // "is unknown in current model, no SLHA output possible") mssm_type = -1 return end if call write_block_header (u, "MODSEL", "SUSY model selection") select case (mssm_type) case (0); mtype_string = "Generic MSSM" case (1); mtype_string = "SUGRA" case (2); mtype_string = "GMSB" case (3); mtype_string = "AMSB" case default mtype_string = "unknown" end select call write_integer_parameter (u, 1, mssm_type, & "SUSY-breaking scheme: " // char (mtype_string)) select case (char (model%get_name ())) case ("MSSM"); model_id = MDL_MSSM case ("NMSSM"); model_id = MDL_NMSSM case default model_id = 0 end select call write_integer_parameter (u, 3, model_id, & "SUSY model type: " // char (model%get_name ())) end subroutine slha_write_MODSEL @ %def slha_write_MODSEL @ \subsubsection{SMINPUTS} Read SM parameters and update the variable list accordingly. If a parameter is not defined in the block, we use the previous value from the model variable list. For the basic parameters we have to do a small recalculation, since SLHA uses the $G_F$-$\alpha$-$m_Z$ scheme, while \whizard\ derives them from $G_F$, $m_W$, and $m_Z$. <>= subroutine slha_handle_SMINPUTS (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block real(default) :: alpha_em_i, GF, alphas, mZ real(default) :: ee, vv, cw_sw, cw2, mW real(default) :: mb, mtop, mtau type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("SMINPUTS"), required=.true.) if (.not. (associated (pn_block))) return alpha_em_i = & get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 1, var_str ("alpha_em_i"), var_list) GF = get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 2, var_str ("GF"), var_list) alphas = & get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 3, var_str ("alphas"), var_list) mZ = get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 4, var_str ("mZ"), var_list) mb = get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 5, var_str ("mb"), var_list) mtop = get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 6, var_str ("mtop"), var_list) mtau = get_parameter_in_block (pn_block, 7, var_str ("mtau"), var_list) ee = sqrt (4 * pi / alpha_em_i) vv = 1 / sqrt (sqrt (2._default) * GF) cw_sw = ee * vv / (2 * mZ) if (2*cw_sw <= 1) then cw2 = (1 + sqrt (1 - 4 * cw_sw**2)) / 2 mW = mZ * sqrt (cw2) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("GF"), GF, .true.) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("mZ"), mZ, .true.) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("mW"), mW, .true.) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("mtau"), mtau, .true.) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("mb"), mb, .true.) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("mtop"), mtop, .true.) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("alphas"), alphas, .true.) else call msg_fatal ("SLHA: Unphysical SM parameter values") return end if end subroutine slha_handle_SMINPUTS @ %def slha_handle_SMINPUTS @ Write a SMINPUTS block. <>= subroutine slha_write_SMINPUTS (u, model) integer, intent(in) :: u type(model_t), intent(in), target :: model type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call write_block_header (u, "SMINPUTS", "SM input parameters") call write_real_data_item (u, 1, var_str ("alpha_em_i"), var_list, & "Inverse electromagnetic coupling alpha (Z pole)") call write_real_data_item (u, 2, var_str ("GF"), var_list, & "Fermi constant") call write_real_data_item (u, 3, var_str ("alphas"), var_list, & "Strong coupling alpha_s (Z pole)") call write_real_data_item (u, 4, var_str ("mZ"), var_list, & "Z mass") call write_real_data_item (u, 5, var_str ("mb"), var_list, & "b running mass (at mb)") call write_real_data_item (u, 6, var_str ("mtop"), var_list, & "top mass") call write_real_data_item (u, 7, var_str ("mtau"), var_list, & "tau mass") end subroutine slha_write_SMINPUTS @ %def slha_write_SMINPUTS @ \subsubsection{MINPAR} The block of SUSY input parameters. They are accessible to WHIZARD, but they only get used when an external spectrum generator is invoked. The precise set of parameters depends on the type of SUSY breaking, which by itself is one of the parameters. <>= subroutine slha_handle_MINPAR (parse_tree, model, mssm_type) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: mssm_type type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call var_list%set_real & (var_str ("mtype"), real(mssm_type, default), is_known=.true.) pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("MINPAR"), required=.true.) select case (mssm_type) case (MSSM_SUGRA) call set_data_item (pn_block, 1, var_str ("m_zero"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 2, var_str ("m_half"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 4, var_str ("sgn_mu"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 5, var_str ("A0"), var_list) case (MSSM_GMSB) call set_data_item (pn_block, 1, var_str ("Lambda"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 2, var_str ("M_mes"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 4, var_str ("sgn_mu"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 5, var_str ("N_5"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 6, var_str ("c_grav"), var_list) case (MSSM_AMSB) call set_data_item (pn_block, 1, var_str ("m_zero"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 2, var_str ("m_grav"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 4, var_str ("sgn_mu"), var_list) case default call set_data_item (pn_block, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list) end select end subroutine slha_handle_MINPAR @ %def slha_handle_MINPAR @ Write a MINPAR block as appropriate for the current model type. <>= subroutine slha_write_MINPAR (u, model, mssm_type) integer, intent(in) :: u type(model_t), intent(in), target :: model integer, intent(in) :: mssm_type type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () call write_block_header (u, "MINPAR", "Basic SUSY input parameters") select case (mssm_type) case (MSSM_SUGRA) call write_real_data_item (u, 1, var_str ("m_zero"), var_list, & "Common scalar mass") call write_real_data_item (u, 2, var_str ("m_half"), var_list, & "Common gaugino mass") call write_real_data_item (u, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list, & "tan(beta)") call write_integer_data_item (u, 4, & var_str ("sgn_mu"), var_list, & "Sign of mu") call write_real_data_item (u, 5, var_str ("A0"), var_list, & "Common trilinear coupling") case (MSSM_GMSB) call write_real_data_item (u, 1, var_str ("Lambda"), var_list, & "Soft-breaking scale") call write_real_data_item (u, 2, var_str ("M_mes"), var_list, & "Messenger scale") call write_real_data_item (u, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list, & "tan(beta)") call write_integer_data_item (u, 4, & var_str ("sgn_mu"), var_list, & "Sign of mu") call write_integer_data_item (u, 5, var_str ("N_5"), var_list, & "Messenger index") call write_real_data_item (u, 6, var_str ("c_grav"), var_list, & "Gravitino mass factor") case (MSSM_AMSB) call write_real_data_item (u, 1, var_str ("m_zero"), var_list, & "Common scalar mass") call write_real_data_item (u, 2, var_str ("m_grav"), var_list, & "Gravitino mass") call write_real_data_item (u, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list, & "tan(beta)") call write_integer_data_item (u, 4, & var_str ("sgn_mu"), var_list, & "Sign of mu") case default call write_real_data_item (u, 3, var_str ("tanb"), var_list, & "tan(beta)") end select end subroutine slha_write_MINPAR @ %def slha_write_MINPAR @ \subsubsection{Mass spectrum} Set masses. Since the particles are identified by PDG code, read the line and try to set the appropriate particle mass in the current model. At the end, update parameters, just in case the $W$ or $Z$ mass was included. <>= subroutine slha_handle_MASS (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block, pn_data, pn_line, pn_code type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_mass integer :: pdg real(default) :: mass pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("MASS"), required=.true.) if (.not. (associated (pn_block))) return pn_data => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block, 4) do while (associated (pn_data)) pn_line => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_data, 2) pn_code => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_line) if (associated (pn_code)) then pdg = get_integer_parameter (pn_code) pn_mass => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_code) if (associated (pn_mass)) then mass = get_real_parameter (pn_mass) call model%set_field_mass (pdg, mass) else call msg_error ("SLHA: Block MASS: Missing mass value") end if else call msg_error ("SLHA: Block MASS: Missing PDG code") end if pn_data => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_data) end do end subroutine slha_handle_MASS @ %def slha_handle_MASS @ \subsubsection{Widths} Set widths. For each DECAY block, extract the header, read the PDG code and width, and try to set the appropriate particle width in the current model. <>= subroutine slha_handle_decays (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_decay, pn_decay_spec, pn_code, pn_width integer :: pdg real(default) :: width pn_decay => slha_get_first_decay_ptr (parse_tree) do while (associated (pn_decay)) pn_decay_spec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_decay, 2) pn_code => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_decay_spec) pdg = get_integer_parameter (pn_code) pn_width => parse_node_get_next_ptr (pn_code) width = get_real_parameter (pn_width) call model%set_field_width (pdg, width) pn_decay => slha_get_next_decay_ptr (pn_decay) end do end subroutine slha_handle_decays @ %def slha_handle_decays @ \subsubsection{Mixing matrices} Read mixing matrices. We can treat all matrices by a single procedure if we just know the block name, variable prefix, and matrix dimension. The matrix dimension must be less than 10. For the pseudoscalar Higgses in NMSSM-type models we need off-diagonal matrices, so we generalize the definition. <>= subroutine slha_handle_matrix_block & (parse_tree, block_name, var_prefix, dim1, dim2, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree character(*), intent(in) :: block_name, var_prefix integer, intent(in) :: dim1, dim2 type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list integer :: i, j character(len=len(var_prefix)+2) :: var_name var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str (block_name), required=.false.) if (.not. (associated (pn_block))) return do i = 1, dim1 do j = 1, dim2 write (var_name, "(A,I1,I1)") var_prefix, i, j call set_matrix_element (pn_block, i, j, var_str (var_name), var_list) end do end do end subroutine slha_handle_matrix_block @ %def slha_handle_matrix_block @ \subsubsection{Higgs data} Read the block ALPHA which holds just the Higgs mixing angle. <>= subroutine slha_handle_ALPHA (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block, pn_line, pn_data, pn_item type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list real(default) :: al_h var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("ALPHA"), required=.false.) if (.not. (associated (pn_block))) return pn_data => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block, 4) pn_line => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_data, 2) pn_item => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_line) if (associated (pn_item)) then al_h = get_real_parameter (pn_item) call var_list%set_real (var_str ("al_h"), al_h, & is_known=.true., ignore=.true.) end if end subroutine slha_handle_ALPHA @ %def slha_handle_matrix_block @ Read the block HMIX for the Higgs mixing parameters <>= subroutine slha_handle_HMIX (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("HMIX"), required=.false.) if (.not. (associated (pn_block))) return call set_data_item (pn_block, 1, var_str ("mu_h"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 2, var_str ("tanb_h"), var_list) end subroutine slha_handle_HMIX @ %def slha_handle_HMIX @ Read the block NMSSMRUN for the specific NMSSM parameters <>= subroutine slha_handle_NMSSMRUN (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list var_list => model%get_var_list_ptr () pn_block => slha_get_block_ptr & (parse_tree, var_str ("NMSSMRUN"), required=.false.) if (.not. (associated (pn_block))) return call set_data_item (pn_block, 1, var_str ("ls"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 2, var_str ("ks"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 3, var_str ("a_ls"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 4, var_str ("a_ks"), var_list) call set_data_item (pn_block, 5, var_str ("nmu"), var_list) end subroutine slha_handle_NMSSMRUN @ %def slha_handle_NMSSMRUN @ \subsection{Parsing custom SLHA files} With the introduction of UFO models, we support custom files in generic SLHA format that reset model parameters. In contrast to strict SLHA files, the order and naming of blocks is arbitrary. We scan the complete file (i.e., preprocessed parse tree), parsing all blocks that contain data lines. For each data line, we identify index array and associated value. Then we set the model parameter that is associated with that block name and index array, if it exists. <>= subroutine slha_handle_custom_file (parse_tree, model) type(parse_tree_t), intent(in) :: parse_tree type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_root, pn_block type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block_spec, pn_block_name type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_data, pn_line, pn_code, pn_item type(string_t) :: block_name integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: block_index integer :: n_index, i real(default) :: value pn_root => parse_tree%get_root_ptr () pn_block => pn_root%get_sub_ptr () HANDLE_BLOCKS: do while (associated (pn_block)) select case (char (pn_block%get_rule_key ())) case ("block_def") call slha_handle_custom_block (pn_block, model) end select pn_block => pn_block%get_next_ptr () end do HANDLE_BLOCKS end subroutine slha_handle_custom_file @ %def slha_handle_custom_file @ <>= subroutine slha_handle_custom_block (pn_block, model) type(parse_node_t), intent(in), target :: pn_block type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_block_spec, pn_block_name type(parse_node_t), pointer :: pn_data, pn_line, pn_code, pn_item type(string_t) :: block_name integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: block_index integer :: n_index, i real(default) :: value pn_block_spec => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block, 2) pn_block_name => parse_node_get_sub_ptr (pn_block_spec) select case (char (parse_node_get_rule_key (pn_block_name))) case ("block_name") block_name = trim (adjustl (upper_case (pn_block_name%get_string ()))) case ("QNUMBERS") block_name = "QNUMBERS" end select call demangle_keywords (block_name) pn_data => pn_block%get_sub_ptr (4) HANDLE_LINES: do while (associated (pn_data)) select case (char (pn_data%get_rule_key ())) case ("block_data") pn_line => pn_data%get_sub_ptr (2) n_index = pn_line%get_n_sub () - 1 allocate (block_index (n_index)) pn_code => pn_line%get_sub_ptr () READ_LINE: do i = 1, n_index select case (char (pn_code%get_rule_key ())) case ("integer"); block_index(i) = pn_code%get_integer () case default pn_code => null () exit READ_LINE end select pn_code => pn_code%get_next_ptr () end do READ_LINE if (associated (pn_code)) then value = get_real_parameter (pn_code) call model%slha_set_par (block_name, block_index, value) end if deallocate (block_index) end select pn_data => pn_data%get_next_ptr () end do HANDLE_LINES end subroutine slha_handle_custom_block @ %def slha_handle_custom_block @ \subsection{Parser} Read a SLHA file from stream, including preprocessing, and make up a parse tree. <>= subroutine slha_parse_stream (stream, custom_block_name, parse_tree) type(stream_t), intent(inout), target :: stream type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: custom_block_name type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree type(ifile_t) :: ifile type(lexer_t) :: lexer type(stream_t), target :: stream_tmp call slha_preprocess (stream, custom_block_name, ifile) call stream_init (stream_tmp, ifile) call lexer_init_slha (lexer) call lexer_assign_stream (lexer, stream_tmp) call parse_tree_init (parse_tree, syntax_slha, lexer) call lexer_final (lexer) call stream_final (stream_tmp) call ifile_final (ifile) end subroutine slha_parse_stream @ %def slha_parse_stream @ Read a SLHA file chosen by name. Check first the current directory, then the directory where SUSY input files should be located. The [[default_mode]] applies to unknown blocks in the SLHA file: this is either [[MODE_SKIP]] or [[MODE_DATA]], corresponding to genuine SUSY and custom file content, respectively. <>= public :: slha_parse_file <>= subroutine slha_parse_file (file, custom_block_name, os_data, parse_tree) type(string_t), intent(in) :: file type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: custom_block_name type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data type(parse_tree_t), intent(out) :: parse_tree logical :: exist type(string_t) :: filename type(stream_t), target :: stream call msg_message ("Reading SLHA input file '" // char (file) // "'") filename = file inquire (file=char(filename), exist=exist) if (.not. exist) then filename = os_data%whizard_susypath // "/" // file inquire (file=char(filename), exist=exist) if (.not. exist) then call msg_fatal ("SLHA input file '" // char (file) // "' not found") return end if end if call stream_init (stream, char (filename)) call slha_parse_stream (stream, custom_block_name, parse_tree) call stream_final (stream) end subroutine slha_parse_file @ %def slha_parse_file @ \subsection{API} Read the SLHA file, parse it, and interpret the parse tree. The model parameters retrieved from the file will be inserted into the appropriate model, which is loaded and modified in the background. The pointer to this model is returned as the last argument. <>= public :: slha_read_file <>= subroutine slha_read_file & (file, os_data, model, input, spectrum, decays) type(string_t), intent(in) :: file type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data type(model_t), intent(inout), target :: model logical, intent(in) :: input, spectrum, decays type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: custom_block_name type(parse_tree_t) :: parse_tree call model%get_custom_slha_blocks (custom_block_name) call slha_parse_file (file, custom_block_name, os_data, parse_tree) if (associated (parse_tree%get_root_ptr ())) then call slha_interpret_parse_tree & (parse_tree, model, input, spectrum, decays) call parse_tree_final (parse_tree) call model%update_parameters () end if end subroutine slha_read_file @ %def slha_read_file @ Write the SLHA contents, as far as possible, to external file. <>= public :: slha_write_file <>= subroutine slha_write_file (file, model, input, spectrum, decays) type(string_t), intent(in) :: file type(model_t), target, intent(in) :: model logical, intent(in) :: input, spectrum, decays integer :: mssm_type integer :: u u = free_unit () call msg_message ("Writing SLHA output file '" // char (file) // "'") open (unit=u, file=char(file), action="write", status="replace") write (u, "(A)") "# SUSY Les Houches Accord" write (u, "(A)") "# Output generated by " // trim (VERSION_STRING) call slha_write_MODSEL (u, model, mssm_type) if (input) then call slha_write_SMINPUTS (u, model) call slha_write_MINPAR (u, model, mssm_type) end if if (spectrum) then call msg_bug ("SLHA: spectrum output not supported yet") end if if (decays) then call msg_bug ("SLHA: decays output not supported yet") end if close (u) end subroutine slha_write_file @ %def slha_write_file @ \subsection{Dispatch} <>= public :: dispatch_slha <>= subroutine dispatch_slha (var_list, input, spectrum, decays) type(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list logical, intent(out) :: input, spectrum, decays input = var_list%get_lval (var_str ("?slha_read_input")) spectrum = var_list%get_lval (var_str ("?slha_read_spectrum")) decays = var_list%get_lval (var_str ("?slha_read_decays")) end subroutine dispatch_slha @ %def dispatch_slha @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[slha_interface_ut.f90]]>>= <> module slha_interface_ut use unit_tests use slha_interface_uti <> <> contains <> end module slha_interface_ut @ %def slha_interface_ut @ <<[[slha_interface_uti.f90]]>>= <> module slha_interface_uti <> use io_units use os_interface use parser use model_data use variables use models use slha_interface <> <> contains <> end module slha_interface_uti @ %def slha_interface_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: slha_test <>= subroutine slha_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine slha_test @ %def slha_test @ Checking the basics of the SLHA interface. <>= call test (slha_1, "slha_1", & "check SLHA interface", & u, results) <>= public :: slha_1 <>= subroutine slha_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(os_data_t), pointer :: os_data => null () type(parse_tree_t), pointer :: parse_tree => null () integer :: u_file, iostat character(80) :: buffer character(*), parameter :: file_slha = "slha_test.dat" type(model_list_t) :: model_list type(model_t), pointer :: model => null () type(string_t), dimension(0) :: empty_string_array write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: SLHA Interface" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test SLHA file reading and writing" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Initializing" write (u, "(A)") allocate (os_data) allocate (parse_tree) call os_data%init () call syntax_model_file_init () call model_list%read_model & (var_str("MSSM"), var_str("MSSM.mdl"), os_data, model) call syntax_slha_init () write (u, "(A)") "* Reading SLHA file sps1ap_decays.slha" write (u, "(A)") call slha_parse_file (var_str ("sps1ap_decays.slha"), & empty_string_array, os_data, parse_tree) write (u, "(A)") "* Writing the parse tree:" write (u, "(A)") call parse_tree_write (parse_tree, u) write (u, "(A)") "* Interpreting the parse tree" write (u, "(A)") call slha_interpret_parse_tree (parse_tree, model, & input=.true., spectrum=.true., decays=.true.) call parse_tree_final (parse_tree) write (u, "(A)") "* Writing out the list of variables (reals only):" write (u, "(A)") call var_list_write (model%get_var_list_ptr (), & only_type = V_REAL, unit = u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Writing SLHA output to '" // file_slha // "'" write (u, "(A)") call slha_write_file (var_str (file_slha), model, input=.true., & spectrum=.false., decays=.false.) u_file = free_unit () open (u_file, file = file_slha, action = "read", status = "old") do read (u_file, "(A)", iostat = iostat) buffer if (buffer(1:37) == "# Output generated by WHIZARD version") then buffer = "[...]" end if if (iostat /= 0) exit write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end do close (u_file) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" write (u, "(A)") call parse_tree_final (parse_tree) deallocate (parse_tree) deallocate (os_data) write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: slha_1" write (u, "(A)") end subroutine slha_1 @ %def slha_1 @ \subsubsection{SLHA interface} This rather trivial sets all input values for the SLHA interface to [[false]]. <>= call test (slha_2, "slha_2", & "SLHA interface", & u, results) <>= public :: slha_2 <>= subroutine slha_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(var_list_t) :: var_list logical :: input, spectrum, decays write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: slha_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: SLHA interface settings" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Default settings" write (u, "(A)") call var_list%init_defaults (0) call dispatch_slha (var_list, & input = input, spectrum = spectrum, decays = decays) write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") " slha_read_input =", input write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") " slha_read_spectrum =", spectrum write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") " slha_read_decays =", decays call var_list%final () call var_list%init_defaults (0) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Set all entries to [false]" write (u, "(A)") call var_list%set_log (var_str ("?slha_read_input"), & .false., is_known = .true.) call var_list%set_log (var_str ("?slha_read_spectrum"), & .false., is_known = .true.) call var_list%set_log (var_str ("?slha_read_decays"), & .false., is_known = .true.) call dispatch_slha (var_list, & input = input, spectrum = spectrum, decays = decays) write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") " slha_read_input =", input write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") " slha_read_spectrum =", spectrum write (u, "(A,1x,L1)") " slha_read_decays =", decays call var_list%final () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: slha_2" end subroutine slha_2 @ %def slha_2 Index: trunk/src/variables/variables.nw =================================================================== --- trunk/src/variables/variables.nw (revision 8499) +++ trunk/src/variables/variables.nw (revision 8500) @@ -1,6849 +1,6861 @@ % -*- ess-noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; -*- % WHIZARD code as NOWEB source: variables for processes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Variables for Processes} \includemodulegraph{variables} This part introduces variables as user-controlled objects that influence the behavior of objects and calculations. Variables contain objects of intrinsic type or of a type as introced above. \begin{description} \item[variables] Store values of various kind, used by expressions and accessed by the command interface. This provides an implementation of the [[vars_t]] abstract type. \item[observables] Concrete implementation of observables (functions in the variable tree), applicable for \whizard. abstract type. \end{description} \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Variables: Implementation} The user interface deals with variables that are handled similarly to full-flegded programming languages. The system will add a lot of predefined variables (model parameters, flags, etc.) that are accessible to the user by the same methods. Variables can be of various type: logical (boolean/flag), integer, real (default precision), subevents (used in cut expressions), arrays of PDG codes (aliases for particles), strings. Furthermore, in cut expressions we have unary and binary observables, which are used like real parameters but behave like functions. <<[[variables.f90]]>>= <> module variables <> <> use io_units use format_utils, only: pac_fmt use format_defs, only: FMT_12, FMT_19 use constants, only: eps0, tiny_07 use os_interface, only: paths_t use physics_defs, only: LAMBDA_QCD_REF use system_dependencies use fastjet !NODEP! use diagnostics use pdg_arrays use subevents use var_base <> <> <> <> <> contains <> end module variables @ %def variables @ \subsection{Variable list entries} Variable (and constant) values can be of one of the following types: <>= integer, parameter, public :: V_NONE = 0, V_LOG = 1, V_INT = 2, V_REAL = 3 integer, parameter, public :: V_CMPLX = 4, V_SEV = 5, V_PDG = 6, V_STR = 7 integer, parameter, public :: V_OBS1_INT = 11, V_OBS2_INT = 12 integer, parameter, public :: V_OBS1_REAL = 21, V_OBS2_REAL = 22 integer, parameter, public :: V_UOBS1_INT = 31, V_UOBS2_INT = 32 integer, parameter, public :: V_UOBS1_REAL = 41, V_UOBS2_REAL = 42 @ %def V_NONE V_LOG V_INT V_REAL V_CMPLX V_PRT V_SEV V_PDG @ %def V_OBS1_INT V_OBS2_INT V_OBS1_REAL V_OBS2_REAL @ %def V_UOBS1_INT V_UOBS2_INT V_UOBS1_REAL V_UOBS2_REAL @ \subsubsection{The type} This is an entry in the variable list. It can be of any type; in each case only one value is allocated. It may be physically allocated upon creation, in which case [[is_allocated]] is true, or it may contain just a pointer to a value somewhere else, in which case [[is_allocated]] is false. The flag [[is_defined]] is set when the variable is given a value, even the undefined value. (Therefore it is distinct from [[is_known]].) This matters for variable declaration in the SINDARIN language. The variable is set up in the compilation step and initially marked as defined, but after compilation all variables are set undefined. Each variable becomes defined when it is explicitly set. The difference matters in loops. [[is_locked]] means that it cannot be given a value using the interface routines [[var_list_set_XXX]] below. It can only be initialized, or change automatically due to a side effect. [[is_copy]] means that this is a local copy of a global variable. The copy has a pointer to the original, which can be used to restore a previous value. [[is_intrinsic]] means that this variable is defined by the program, not by the user. Intrinsic variables cannot be (re)declared, but their values can be reset unless they are locked. [[is_user_var]] means that the variable has been declared by the user. It could be a new variable, or a local copy of an intrinsic variable. The flag [[is_known]] is a pointer which parallels the use of the value pointer. For pointer variables, it is set if the value should point to a known value. For ordinary variables, it should be true. The value is implemented as a set of alternative type-specific pointers. This emulates polymorphism, and it allows for actual pointer variables. Observable-type variables have function pointers as values, so they behave like macros. The functions make use of the particle objects accessible via the pointers [[prt1]] and [[prt2]]. Finally, the [[next]] pointer indicates that we are making lists of variables. A more efficient implementation might switch to hashes or similar; the current implementation has $O(N)$ lookup. <>= public :: var_entry_t <>= type :: var_entry_t private integer :: type = V_NONE type(string_t) :: name logical :: is_allocated = .false. logical :: is_defined = .false. logical :: is_locked = .false. logical :: is_intrinsic = .false. logical :: is_user_var = .false. logical, pointer :: is_known => null () logical, pointer :: lval => null () integer, pointer :: ival => null () real(default), pointer :: rval => null () complex(default), pointer :: cval => null () type(subevt_t), pointer :: pval => null () type(pdg_array_t), pointer :: aval => null () type(string_t), pointer :: sval => null () procedure(obs_unary_int), nopass, pointer :: obs1_int => null () procedure(obs_unary_real), nopass, pointer :: obs1_real => null () procedure(obs_binary_int), nopass, pointer :: obs2_int => null () procedure(obs_binary_real), nopass, pointer :: obs2_real => null () type(prt_t), pointer :: prt1 => null () type(prt_t), pointer :: prt2 => null () type(var_entry_t), pointer :: next => null () type(var_entry_t), pointer :: previous => null () type(string_t) :: description end type var_entry_t @ %def var_entry_t @ \subsubsection{Interfaces for the observable functions} <>= public :: obs_unary_int public :: obs_unary_real public :: obs_binary_int public :: obs_binary_real <>= abstract interface function obs_unary_int (prt1) result (ival) import integer :: ival type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 end function obs_unary_int end interface abstract interface function obs_unary_real (prt1) result (rval) import real(default) :: rval type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 end function obs_unary_real end interface abstract interface function obs_binary_int (prt1, prt2) result (ival) import integer :: ival type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 end function obs_binary_int end interface abstract interface function obs_binary_real (prt1, prt2) result (rval) import real(default) :: rval type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 end function obs_binary_real end interface @ %def obs_unary_int obs_unary_real obs_binary_real @ \subsubsection{Initialization} Initialize an entry, optionally with a physical value. We also allocate the [[is_known]] flag and set it if the value is set. <>= public :: var_entry_init_int <>= subroutine var_entry_init_log (var, name, lval, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), optional :: lval logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_LOG allocate (var%lval, var%is_known) if (present (lval)) then var%lval = lval var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_log subroutine var_entry_init_int (var, name, ival, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: ival logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_INT allocate (var%ival, var%is_known) if (present (ival)) then var%ival = ival var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_int subroutine var_entry_init_real (var, name, rval, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), optional :: rval logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_REAL allocate (var%rval, var%is_known) if (present (rval)) then var%rval = rval var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_real subroutine var_entry_init_cmplx (var, name, cval, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in), optional :: cval logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_CMPLX allocate (var%cval, var%is_known) if (present (cval)) then var%cval = cval var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_cmplx subroutine var_entry_init_subevt (var, name, pval, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional :: pval logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_SEV allocate (var%pval, var%is_known) if (present (pval)) then var%pval = pval var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_subevt subroutine var_entry_init_pdg_array (var, name, aval, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), optional :: aval logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_PDG allocate (var%aval, var%is_known) if (present (aval)) then var%aval = aval var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_pdg_array subroutine var_entry_init_string (var, name, sval, intrinsic, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: sval logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic, user var%name = name var%type = V_STR allocate (var%sval, var%is_known) if (present (sval)) then var%sval = sval var%is_defined = .true. var%is_known = .true. else var%is_known = .false. end if if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic if (present (user)) var%is_user_var = user var%is_allocated = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_string @ %def var_entry_init_log @ %def var_entry_init_int @ %def var_entry_init_real @ %def var_entry_init_cmplx @ %def var_entry_init_subevt @ %def var_entry_init_pdg_array @ %def var_entry_init_string @ Initialize an entry with a pointer to the value and, for numeric/logical values, a pointer to the [[is_known]] flag. <>= subroutine var_entry_init_log_ptr (var, name, lval, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), target :: lval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_LOG var%lval => lval var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_log_ptr subroutine var_entry_init_int_ptr (var, name, ival, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), target :: ival logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_INT var%ival => ival var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_int_ptr subroutine var_entry_init_real_ptr (var, name, rval, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), target :: rval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_REAL var%rval => rval var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_real_ptr subroutine var_entry_init_cmplx_ptr (var, name, cval, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in), target :: cval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_CMPLX var%cval => cval var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_cmplx_ptr subroutine var_entry_init_pdg_array_ptr (var, name, aval, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), target :: aval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_PDG var%aval => aval var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_pdg_array_ptr subroutine var_entry_init_subevt_ptr (var, name, pval, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in), target :: pval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_SEV var%pval => pval var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_subevt_ptr subroutine var_entry_init_string_ptr (var, name, sval, is_known, intrinsic) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), target :: sval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic var%name = name var%type = V_STR var%sval => sval var%is_known => is_known if (present (intrinsic)) var%is_intrinsic = intrinsic var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_string_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_log_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_int_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_real_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_cmplx_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_pdg_array_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_subevt_ptr @ %def var_entry_init_string_ptr @ Initialize an entry with an observable. The procedure pointer is not yet set. <>= subroutine var_entry_init_obs (var, name, type, prt1, prt2) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: type type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: prt1 type(prt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: prt2 var%type = type var%name = name var%prt1 => prt1 if (present (prt2)) var%prt2 => prt2 var%is_intrinsic = .true. var%is_defined = .true. end subroutine var_entry_init_obs @ %def var_entry_init_obs @ Mark an entry as undefined it it is a user-defined variable object, so force re-initialization. <>= subroutine var_entry_undefine (var) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var var%is_defined = .not. var%is_user_var var%is_known = var%is_defined .and. var%is_known end subroutine var_entry_undefine @ %def var_entry_undefine @ Clear an entry: mark it as unknown. <>= subroutine var_entry_clear (var) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var var%is_known = .false. end subroutine var_entry_clear @ %def var_entry_clear @ Lock an entry: forbid resetting the entry after initialization. <>= subroutine var_entry_lock (var, locked) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var logical, intent(in), optional :: locked if (present (locked)) then var%is_locked = locked else var%is_locked = .true. end if end subroutine var_entry_lock @ %def var_entry_lock @ \subsubsection{Finalizer} <>= subroutine var_entry_final (var) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var if (var%is_allocated) then select case (var%type) case (V_LOG); deallocate (var%lval) case (V_INT); deallocate (var%ival) case (V_REAL);deallocate (var%rval) case (V_CMPLX);deallocate (var%cval) case (V_SEV); deallocate (var%pval) case (V_PDG); deallocate (var%aval) case (V_STR); deallocate (var%sval) end select deallocate (var%is_known) var%is_allocated = .false. var%is_defined = .false. end if end subroutine var_entry_final @ %def var_entry_final @ \subsubsection{Output} <>= recursive subroutine var_entry_write (var, unit, model_name, & intrinsic, pacified, descriptions, ascii_output) type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic logical, intent(in), optional :: pacified logical, intent(in), optional :: descriptions logical, intent(in), optional :: ascii_output type(string_t) :: col_string logical :: show_desc, ao integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return show_desc = .false.; if (present (descriptions)) show_desc = descriptions ao = .false.; if (present (ascii_output)) ao = ascii_output if (show_desc) then if (ao) then col_string = create_col_string (COL_BLUE) if (var%is_locked) then write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (achar(27) // col_string) // & char (var%name) // achar(27) // "[0m" //" fixed-value=" else write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (achar(27) // col_string) // & char (var%name) // achar(27) // "[0m" //" default=" end if col_string = create_col_string (COL_RED) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (achar(27) // col_string) call var_write_val (var, u, "no", pacified=.true.) write (u, "(A)") achar(27) // "[0m" write (u, "(A)") char (var%description) return else write (u, "(A)") "\item" write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "\ttt{" // char ( & replace (replace (var%name, "_", "\_", every=.true.), "$", "\$" )) // & "} " if (var%is_known) then if (var%is_locked) then write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "\qquad (fixed value: \ttt{" else write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "\qquad (default: \ttt{" end if call var_write_val (var, u, "no", pacified=.true., escape_tex=.true.) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "})" end if write (u, "(A)") " \newline" write (u, "(A)") char (var%description) write (u, "(A)") "%%%%%" return end if end if if (present (intrinsic)) then if (var%is_intrinsic .neqv. intrinsic) return end if if (.not. var%is_defined) then write (u, "(A,1x)", advance="no") "[undefined]" end if if (.not. var%is_intrinsic) then write (u, "(A,1x)", advance="no") "[user variable]" end if if (present (model_name)) then write (u, "(A,A)", advance="no") char(model_name), "." end if write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (var%name) if (var%is_locked) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "*" if (var%is_allocated) then write (u, "(A)", advance="no") " = " else if (var%type /= V_NONE) then write (u, "(A)", advance="no") " => " end if call var_write_val (var, u, "yes", pacified) end subroutine var_entry_write @ %def var_entry_write @ <>= subroutine var_write_val (var, u, advance, pacified, escape_tex) type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var integer, intent(in) :: u character(*), intent(in) :: advance logical, intent(in), optional :: pacified, escape_tex logical :: num_pac, et real(default) :: rval complex(default) :: cval character(len=7) :: fmt call pac_fmt (fmt, FMT_19, FMT_12, pacified) num_pac = .false.; if (present (pacified)) num_pac = pacified et = .false.; if (present (escape_tex)) et = escape_tex select case (var%type) case (V_NONE); write (u, '()', advance=advance) case (V_LOG) if (var%is_known) then if (var%lval) then write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "true" else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "false" end if else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown logical]" end if case (V_INT) if (var%is_known) then write (u, "(I0)", advance=advance) var%ival else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown integer]" end if case (V_REAL) if (var%is_known) then rval = var%rval if (num_pac) then call pacify (rval, 10 * eps0) end if write (u, "(" // fmt // ")", advance=advance) rval else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown real]" end if case (V_CMPLX) if (var%is_known) then cval = var%cval if (num_pac) then call pacify (cval, 10 * eps0) end if write (u, "('('," // fmt // ",','," // fmt // ",')')", advance=advance) cval else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown complex]" end if case (V_SEV) if (var%is_known) then call subevt_write (var%pval, u, prefix=" ", & pacified = pacified) else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown subevent]" end if case (V_PDG) if (var%is_known) then call pdg_array_write (var%aval, u); write (u, *) else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown PDG array]" end if case (V_STR) if (var%is_known) then if (et) then write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) '"' // char (replace ( & replace (var%sval, "_", "\_", every=.true.), "$", "\$" )) // '"' else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) '"' // char (var%sval) // '"' end if else write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[unknown string]" end if case (V_OBS1_INT); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[int] = unary observable" case (V_OBS2_INT); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[int] = binary observable" case (V_OBS1_REAL); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[real] = unary observable" case (V_OBS2_REAL); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[real] = binary observable" case (V_UOBS1_INT); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[int] = unary user observable" case (V_UOBS2_INT); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[int] = binary user observable" case (V_UOBS1_REAL); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[real] = unary user observable" case (V_UOBS2_REAL); write (u, "(A)", advance=advance) "[real] = binary user observable" end select end subroutine var_write_val @ %def procedure @ \subsubsection{Accessing contents} <>= function var_entry_get_name (var) result (name) type(string_t) :: name type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var name = var%name end function var_entry_get_name function var_entry_get_type (var) result (type) integer :: type type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var type = var%type end function var_entry_get_type @ %def var_entry_get_name var_entry_get_type @ Return true if the variable is defined. This the case if it is allocated and known, or if it is a pointer. <>= function var_entry_is_defined (var) result (defined) logical :: defined type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var defined = var%is_defined end function var_entry_is_defined @ %def var_entry_is_defined @ Return true if the variable is locked. If [[force]] is active, always return false. <>= function var_entry_is_locked (var, force) result (locked) logical :: locked type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var logical, intent(in), optional :: force if (present (force)) then if (force) then locked = .false.; return end if end if locked = var%is_locked end function var_entry_is_locked @ %def var_entry_is_locked @ Return true if the variable is intrinsic <>= function var_entry_is_intrinsic (var) result (flag) logical :: flag type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var flag = var%is_intrinsic end function var_entry_is_intrinsic @ %def var_entry_is_intrinsic @ Return components <>= function var_entry_is_known (var) result (flag) logical :: flag type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var flag = var%is_known end function var_entry_is_known function var_entry_get_lval (var) result (lval) logical :: lval type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var lval = var%lval end function var_entry_get_lval function var_entry_get_ival (var) result (ival) integer :: ival type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var ival = var%ival end function var_entry_get_ival function var_entry_get_rval (var) result (rval) real(default) :: rval type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var rval = var%rval end function var_entry_get_rval function var_entry_get_cval (var) result (cval) complex(default) :: cval type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var cval = var%cval end function var_entry_get_cval function var_entry_get_aval (var) result (aval) type(pdg_array_t) :: aval type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var aval = var%aval end function var_entry_get_aval function var_entry_get_pval (var) result (pval) type(subevt_t) :: pval type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var pval = var%pval end function var_entry_get_pval function var_entry_get_sval (var) result (sval) type(string_t) :: sval type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var sval = var%sval end function var_entry_get_sval @ %def var_entry_get_lval @ %def var_entry_get_ival @ %def var_entry_get_rval @ %def var_entry_get_cval @ %def var_entry_get_aval @ %def var_entry_get_pval @ %def var_entry_get_sval @ Return pointers to components. <>= function var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) result (ptr) logical, pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%is_known end function var_entry_get_known_ptr function var_entry_get_lval_ptr (var) result (ptr) logical, pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%lval end function var_entry_get_lval_ptr function var_entry_get_ival_ptr (var) result (ptr) integer, pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%ival end function var_entry_get_ival_ptr function var_entry_get_rval_ptr (var) result (ptr) real(default), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%rval end function var_entry_get_rval_ptr function var_entry_get_cval_ptr (var) result (ptr) complex(default), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%cval end function var_entry_get_cval_ptr function var_entry_get_pval_ptr (var) result (ptr) type(subevt_t), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%pval end function var_entry_get_pval_ptr function var_entry_get_aval_ptr (var) result (ptr) type(pdg_array_t), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%aval end function var_entry_get_aval_ptr function var_entry_get_sval_ptr (var) result (ptr) type(string_t), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%sval end function var_entry_get_sval_ptr @ %def var_entry_get_known_ptr @ %def var_entry_get_lval_ptr var_entry_get_ival_ptr var_entry_get_rval_ptr @ %def var_entry_get_cval_ptr var_entry_get_aval_ptr var_entry_get_pval_ptr @ %def var_entry_get_sval_ptr @ Furthermore, <>= function var_entry_get_prt1_ptr (var) result (ptr) type(prt_t), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%prt1 end function var_entry_get_prt1_ptr function var_entry_get_prt2_ptr (var) result (ptr) type(prt_t), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%prt2 end function var_entry_get_prt2_ptr @ %def var_entry_get_prt1_ptr @ %def var_entry_get_prt2_ptr @ Subroutines might be safer than functions for procedure pointer transfer. <>= subroutine var_entry_assign_obs1_int_ptr (ptr, var) procedure(obs_unary_int), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%obs1_int end subroutine var_entry_assign_obs1_int_ptr subroutine var_entry_assign_obs1_real_ptr (ptr, var) procedure(obs_unary_real), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%obs1_real end subroutine var_entry_assign_obs1_real_ptr subroutine var_entry_assign_obs2_int_ptr (ptr, var) procedure(obs_binary_int), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%obs2_int end subroutine var_entry_assign_obs2_int_ptr subroutine var_entry_assign_obs2_real_ptr (ptr, var) procedure(obs_binary_real), pointer :: ptr type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: var ptr => var%obs2_real end subroutine var_entry_assign_obs2_real_ptr @ %def var_entry_assign_obs1_int_ptr var_entry_assign_obs1_real_ptr @ %def var_entry_assign_obs2_int_ptr var_entry_assign_obs2_real_ptr @ \subsection{Setting values} Undefine the value. <>= subroutine var_entry_clear_value (var) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var var%is_known = .false. end subroutine var_entry_clear_value @ %def var_entry_clear_value <>= recursive subroutine var_entry_set_log & (var, lval, is_known, verbose, model_name) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var logical, intent(in) :: lval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%lval = lval var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name) call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_log recursive subroutine var_entry_set_int & (var, ival, is_known, verbose, model_name) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var integer, intent(in) :: ival logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%ival = ival var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name) call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_int recursive subroutine var_entry_set_real & (var, rval, is_known, verbose, model_name, pacified) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var real(default), intent(in) :: rval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose, pacified type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%rval = rval var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write & (var, model_name=model_name, pacified = pacified) call var_entry_write & (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u, pacified = pacified) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_real recursive subroutine var_entry_set_cmplx & (var, cval, is_known, verbose, model_name, pacified) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var complex(default), intent(in) :: cval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose, pacified type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%cval = cval var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write & (var, model_name=model_name, pacified = pacified) call var_entry_write & (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u, pacified = pacified) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_cmplx recursive subroutine var_entry_set_pdg_array & (var, aval, is_known, verbose, model_name) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%aval = aval var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name) call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_pdg_array recursive subroutine var_entry_set_subevt & (var, pval, is_known, verbose, model_name) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%pval = pval var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name) call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_subevt recursive subroutine var_entry_set_string & (var, sval, is_known, verbose, model_name) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var type(string_t), intent(in) :: sval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name integer :: u u = logfile_unit () var%sval = sval var%is_known = is_known var%is_defined = .true. if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) then call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name) call var_entry_write (var, model_name=model_name, unit=u) if (u >= 0) flush (u) end if end if end subroutine var_entry_set_string @ %def var_entry_set_log @ %def var_entry_set_int @ %def var_entry_set_real @ %def var_entry_set_cmplx @ %def var_entry_set_pdg_array @ %def var_entry_set_subevt @ %def var_entry_set_string @ <>= public :: var_entry_set_description <>= pure subroutine var_entry_set_description (var_entry, description) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var_entry type(string_t), intent(in) :: description var_entry%description = description end subroutine var_entry_set_description @ %def var_entry_set_description @ \subsection{Copies and pointer variables} Initialize an entry with a copy of an existing variable entry. The copy is physically allocated with the same type as the original. <>= subroutine var_entry_init_copy (var, original, user) type(var_entry_t), intent(out) :: var type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: original logical, intent(in), optional :: user type(string_t) :: name logical :: intrinsic name = var_entry_get_name (original) intrinsic = original%is_intrinsic select case (original%type) case (V_LOG) call var_entry_init_log (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) case (V_INT) call var_entry_init_int (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) case (V_REAL) call var_entry_init_real (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) case (V_CMPLX) call var_entry_init_cmplx (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) case (V_SEV) call var_entry_init_subevt (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) case (V_PDG) call var_entry_init_pdg_array (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) case (V_STR) call var_entry_init_string (var, name, intrinsic=intrinsic, user=user) end select end subroutine var_entry_init_copy @ %def var_entry_init_copy @ Copy the value of an entry. The target variable entry must be initialized correctly. <>= subroutine var_entry_copy_value (var, original) type(var_entry_t), intent(inout) :: var type(var_entry_t), intent(in), target :: original if (var_entry_is_known (original)) then select case (original%type) case (V_LOG) call var_entry_set_log (var, var_entry_get_lval (original), .true.) case (V_INT) call var_entry_set_int (var, var_entry_get_ival (original), .true.) case (V_REAL) call var_entry_set_real (var, var_entry_get_rval (original), .true.) case (V_CMPLX) call var_entry_set_cmplx (var, var_entry_get_cval (original), .true.) case (V_SEV) call var_entry_set_subevt (var, var_entry_get_pval (original), .true.) case (V_PDG) call var_entry_set_pdg_array (var, var_entry_get_aval (original), .true.) case (V_STR) call var_entry_set_string (var, var_entry_get_sval (original), .true.) end select else call var_entry_clear (var) end if end subroutine var_entry_copy_value @ %def var_entry_copy_value @ \subsection{Variable lists} \subsubsection{The type} Variable lists can be linked together. No initializer needed. They are deleted separately. <>= public :: var_list_t <>= type, extends (vars_t) :: var_list_t private type(var_entry_t), pointer :: first => null () type(var_entry_t), pointer :: last => null () type(var_list_t), pointer :: next => null () contains <> end type var_list_t @ %def var_list_t @ \subsubsection{Constructors} Implementation of the [[link]] deferred method. The implementation restricts itself to var lists of the same type. We might need to relax this constraint. <>= procedure :: link => var_list_link <>= subroutine var_list_link (vars, target_vars) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars class(vars_t), intent(in), target :: target_vars select type (target_vars) type is (var_list_t) vars%next => target_vars class default call msg_bug ("var_list_link: unsupported target type") end select end subroutine var_list_link @ %def var_list_link @ Append a new entry to an existing list. <>= subroutine var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) type(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(var_entry_t), intent(inout), target :: var logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose if (associated (var_list%last)) then var%previous => var_list%last var_list%last%next => var else var%previous => null () var_list%first => var end if var_list%last => var if (present (verbose)) then if (verbose) call var_entry_write (var) end if end subroutine var_list_append @ %def var_list_append @ Sort a list. <>= procedure :: sort => var_list_sort <>= subroutine var_list_sort (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var, previous if (associated (var_list%first)) then var => var_list%first do while (associated (var)) previous => var%previous do while (associated (previous)) if (larger_var (previous, var)) then call var_list%swap_with_next (previous) end if previous => previous%previous end do var => var%next end do end if end subroutine var_list_sort @ %def var_list_sort @ <>= pure function larger_var (var1, var2) result (larger) logical :: larger type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var1, var2 type(string_t) :: str1, str2 str1 = replace (var1%name, "?", "") str1 = replace (str1, "$", "") str2 = replace (var2%name, "?", "") str2 = replace (str2, "$", "") larger = str1 > str2 end function larger_var @ %def larger_var @ <>= procedure :: get_previous => var_list_get_previous <>= function var_list_get_previous (var_list, var_entry) result (previous) type(var_entry_t), pointer :: previous class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var_entry previous => var_list%first if (previous%name == var_entry%name) then previous => null () else do while (associated (previous)) if (previous%next%name == var_entry%name) exit previous => previous%next end do end if end function var_list_get_previous @ %def var_list_get_previous @ <>= procedure :: swap_with_next => var_list_swap_with_next <>= subroutine var_list_swap_with_next (var_list, var_entry) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(var_entry_t), intent(in) :: var_entry type(var_entry_t), pointer :: previous, this, next, next_next previous => var_list%get_previous (var_entry) if (.not. associated (previous)) then this => var_list%first else this => previous%next end if next => this%next next_next => next%next if (associated (previous)) then previous%next => next next%previous => previous else var_list%first => next next%previous => null () end if this%next => next_next if (associated (next_next)) then next_next%previous => this end if next%next => this this%previous => next if (.not. associated (next%next)) then var_list%last => next end if end subroutine var_list_swap_with_next @ %def var_list_swap_with_next @ Public methods for expanding the variable list (as subroutines) <>= generic :: append_log => var_list_append_log_s, var_list_append_log_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_log_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_log_c generic :: append_int => var_list_append_int_s, var_list_append_int_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_int_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_int_c generic :: append_real => var_list_append_real_s, var_list_append_real_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_real_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_real_c generic :: append_cmplx => var_list_append_cmplx_s, var_list_append_cmplx_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_cmplx_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_cmplx_c generic :: append_subevt => var_list_append_subevt_s, var_list_append_subevt_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_subevt_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_subevt_c generic :: append_pdg_array => var_list_append_pdg_array_s, var_list_append_pdg_array_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_pdg_array_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_pdg_array_c generic :: append_string => var_list_append_string_s, var_list_append_string_c procedure, private :: var_list_append_string_s procedure, private :: var_list_append_string_c <>= public :: var_list_append_log public :: var_list_append_int public :: var_list_append_real public :: var_list_append_cmplx public :: var_list_append_subevt public :: var_list_append_pdg_array public :: var_list_append_string <>= interface var_list_append_log module procedure var_list_append_log_s module procedure var_list_append_log_c end interface interface var_list_append_int module procedure var_list_append_int_s module procedure var_list_append_int_c end interface interface var_list_append_real module procedure var_list_append_real_s module procedure var_list_append_real_c end interface interface var_list_append_cmplx module procedure var_list_append_cmplx_s module procedure var_list_append_cmplx_c end interface interface var_list_append_subevt module procedure var_list_append_subevt_s module procedure var_list_append_subevt_c end interface interface var_list_append_pdg_array module procedure var_list_append_pdg_array_s module procedure var_list_append_pdg_array_c end interface interface var_list_append_string module procedure var_list_append_string_s module procedure var_list_append_string_c end interface <>= subroutine var_list_append_log_s & (var_list, name, lval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), optional :: lval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_log (var, name, lval, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_log_s subroutine var_list_append_int_s & (var_list, name, ival, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: ival logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_int (var, name, ival, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_int_s subroutine var_list_append_real_s & (var_list, name, rval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), optional :: rval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_real (var, name, rval, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_real_s subroutine var_list_append_cmplx_s & (var_list, name, cval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in), optional :: cval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_cmplx (var, name, cval, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_cmplx_s subroutine var_list_append_subevt_s & (var_list, name, pval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional :: pval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_subevt (var, name, pval, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_subevt_s subroutine var_list_append_pdg_array_s & (var_list, name, aval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), optional :: aval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_pdg_array (var, name, aval, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_pdg_array_s subroutine var_list_append_string_s & (var_list, name, sval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: sval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_string (var, name, sval, intrinsic, user) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_string_s subroutine var_list_append_log_c & (var_list, name, lval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), optional :: lval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description call var_list_append_log_s & (var_list, var_str (name), lval, locked, verbose, & intrinsic, user, description) end subroutine var_list_append_log_c subroutine var_list_append_int_c & (var_list, name, ival, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: ival logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description call var_list_append_int_s & (var_list, var_str (name), ival, locked, verbose, & intrinsic, user, description) end subroutine var_list_append_int_c subroutine var_list_append_real_c & (var_list, name, rval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), optional :: rval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description call var_list_append_real_s & (var_list, var_str (name), rval, locked, verbose, & intrinsic, user, description) end subroutine var_list_append_real_c subroutine var_list_append_cmplx_c & (var_list, name, cval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in), optional :: cval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description call var_list_append_cmplx_s & (var_list, var_str (name), cval, locked, verbose, & intrinsic, user, description) end subroutine var_list_append_cmplx_c subroutine var_list_append_subevt_c & (var_list, name, pval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in), optional :: pval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description call var_list_append_subevt_s & (var_list, var_str (name), pval, locked, verbose, & intrinsic, user, description) end subroutine var_list_append_subevt_c subroutine var_list_append_pdg_array_c & (var_list, name, aval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), optional :: aval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description call var_list_append_pdg_array_s & (var_list, var_str (name), aval, locked, verbose, & intrinsic, user, description) end subroutine var_list_append_pdg_array_c subroutine var_list_append_string_c & (var_list, name, sval, locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list character(*), intent(in) :: name character(*), intent(in), optional :: sval logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic, user type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description if (present (sval)) then call var_list_append_string_s & (var_list, var_str (name), var_str (sval), & locked, verbose, intrinsic, user, description) else call var_list_append_string_s & (var_list, var_str (name), & locked=locked, verbose=verbose, intrinsic=intrinsic, & user=user, description=description) end if end subroutine var_list_append_string_c @ %def var_list_append_log @ %def var_list_append_int @ %def var_list_append_real @ %def var_list_append_cmplx @ %def var_list_append_subevt @ %def var_list_append_pdg_array @ %def var_list_append_string <>= public :: var_list_append_log_ptr public :: var_list_append_int_ptr public :: var_list_append_real_ptr public :: var_list_append_cmplx_ptr public :: var_list_append_pdg_array_ptr public :: var_list_append_subevt_ptr public :: var_list_append_string_ptr <>= procedure :: append_log_ptr => var_list_append_log_ptr procedure :: append_int_ptr => var_list_append_int_ptr procedure :: append_real_ptr => var_list_append_real_ptr procedure :: append_cmplx_ptr => var_list_append_cmplx_ptr procedure :: append_pdg_array_ptr => var_list_append_pdg_array_ptr procedure :: append_subevt_ptr => var_list_append_subevt_ptr procedure :: append_string_ptr => var_list_append_string_ptr <>= subroutine var_list_append_log_ptr & (var_list, name, lval, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), target :: lval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_log_ptr (var, name, lval, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_log_ptr subroutine var_list_append_int_ptr & (var_list, name, ival, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), target :: ival logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_int_ptr (var, name, ival, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_int_ptr subroutine var_list_append_real_ptr & (var_list, name, rval, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), target :: rval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_real_ptr (var, name, rval, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_real_ptr subroutine var_list_append_cmplx_ptr & (var_list, name, cval, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in), target :: cval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_cmplx_ptr (var, name, cval, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_cmplx_ptr subroutine var_list_append_pdg_array_ptr & (var_list, name, aval, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), target :: aval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_pdg_array_ptr (var, name, aval, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_pdg_array_ptr subroutine var_list_append_subevt_ptr & (var_list, name, pval, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in), target :: pval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_subevt_ptr (var, name, pval, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_subevt_ptr subroutine var_list_append_string_ptr & (var_list, name, sval, is_known, locked, verbose, intrinsic, description) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in), target :: sval logical, intent(in), target :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: locked, verbose, intrinsic type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_string_ptr (var, name, sval, is_known, intrinsic) if (present (description)) call var_entry_set_description (var, description) if (present (locked)) call var_entry_lock (var, locked) call var_list_append (var_list, var, verbose) end subroutine var_list_append_string_ptr @ %def var_list_append_log_ptr @ %def var_list_append_int_ptr @ %def var_list_append_real_ptr @ %def var_list_append_cmplx_ptr @ %def var_list_append_pdg_array_ptr @ %def var_list_append_subevt_ptr @ \subsubsection{Finalizer} Finalize, delete the list entry by entry. The link itself is kept intact. Follow link and delete recursively only if requested explicitly. <>= procedure :: final => var_list_final <>= recursive subroutine var_list_final (vars, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var vars%last => null () do while (associated (vars%first)) var => vars%first vars%first => var%next call var_entry_final (var) deallocate (var) end do if (present (follow_link)) then if (follow_link) then if (associated (vars%next)) then call vars%next%final (follow_link) deallocate (vars%next) end if end if end if end subroutine var_list_final @ %def var_list_final @ \subsubsection{Output} Show variable list with precise control over options. E.g., show only variables of a certain type. Many options, thus not an ordinary [[write]] method. <>= public :: var_list_write <>= procedure :: write => var_list_write <>= recursive subroutine var_list_write & (var_list, unit, follow_link, only_type, prefix, model_name, & intrinsic, pacified, descriptions, ascii_output) class(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link integer, intent(in), optional :: only_type character(*), intent(in), optional :: prefix type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name logical, intent(in), optional :: intrinsic logical, intent(in), optional :: pacified logical, intent(in), optional :: descriptions logical, intent(in), optional :: ascii_output type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var integer :: u, length logical :: write_this, write_next u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return if (present (prefix)) length = len (prefix) var => var_list%first if (associated (var)) then do while (associated (var)) if (present (only_type)) then write_this = only_type == var%type else write_this = .true. end if if (write_this .and. present (prefix)) then if (prefix /= extract (var%name, 1, length)) & write_this = .false. end if if (write_this) then call var_entry_write & (var, unit, model_name=model_name, & intrinsic=intrinsic, pacified=pacified, & descriptions=descriptions, ascii_output=ascii_output) end if var => var%next end do end if if (present (follow_link)) then write_next = follow_link .and. associated (var_list%next) else write_next = associated (var_list%next) end if if (write_next) then call var_list_write (var_list%next, & unit, follow_link, only_type, prefix, model_name, & intrinsic, pacified) end if end subroutine var_list_write @ %def var_list_write @ Write only a certain variable. <>= public :: var_list_write_var <>= procedure :: write_var => var_list_write_var <>= recursive subroutine var_list_write_var & (var_list, name, unit, type, follow_link, & model_name, pacified, defined, descriptions, ascii_output) class(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer, intent(in), optional :: type logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name logical, intent(in), optional :: pacified logical, intent(in), optional :: defined logical, intent(in), optional :: descriptions logical, intent(in), optional :: ascii_output type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (var_list, name, type, follow_link=follow_link, defined=defined) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_write & (var, unit, model_name = model_name, & pacified = pacified, & descriptions=descriptions, ascii_output=ascii_output) else write (u, "(A)") char (name) // " = [undefined]" end if end subroutine var_list_write_var @ %def var_list_write_var @ \subsection{Tools} Return a pointer to the variable list linked to by the current one. <>= function var_list_get_next_ptr (var_list) result (next_ptr) type(var_list_t), pointer :: next_ptr type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list next_ptr => var_list%next end function var_list_get_next_ptr @ %def var_list_get_next_ptr @ Used by [[eval_trees]]: Return a pointer to the variable with the requested name. If no such name exists, return a null pointer. In that case, try the next list if present, unless [[follow_link]] is unset. If [[defined]] is set, ignore entries that exist but are undefined. <>= public :: var_list_get_var_ptr <>= recursive function var_list_get_var_ptr & (var_list, name, type, follow_link, defined) result (var) type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var type(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: type logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link, defined logical :: ignore_undef, search_next ignore_undef = .true.; if (present (defined)) ignore_undef = .not. defined var => var_list%first if (present (type)) then do while (associated (var)) if (var%type == type) then if (var%name == name) then if (ignore_undef .or. var%is_defined) return end if end if var => var%next end do else do while (associated (var)) if (var%name == name) then if (ignore_undef .or. var%is_defined) return end if var => var%next end do end if search_next = associated (var_list%next) if (present (follow_link)) & search_next = search_next .and. follow_link if (search_next) & var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (var_list%next, name, type, defined=defined) end function var_list_get_var_ptr @ %def var_list_get_var_ptr @ Return the variable type <>= procedure :: get_type => var_list_get_type <>= function var_list_get_type (var_list, name, follow_link) result (type) class(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link integer :: type type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then type = var%type else type = V_NONE end if end function var_list_get_type @ %def var_list_get_type @ Return true if the variable exists in the current list. <>= procedure :: contains => var_list_exists <>= function var_list_exists (vars, name, follow_link) result (lval) logical :: lval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) lval = associated (var) end function var_list_exists @ %def var_list_exists @ Return true if the variable is declared as intrinsic. (This is not a property of the abstract [[vars_t]] type, and therefore the method is not inherited.) <>= procedure :: is_intrinsic => var_list_is_intrinsic <>= function var_list_is_intrinsic (vars, name, follow_link) result (lval) logical :: lval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then lval = var%is_intrinsic else lval = .false. end if end function var_list_is_intrinsic @ %def var_list_is_intrinsic @ Return true if the value is known. <>= procedure :: is_known => var_list_is_known <>= function var_list_is_known (vars, name, follow_link) result (lval) logical :: lval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then lval = var%is_known else lval = .false. end if end function var_list_is_known @ %def var_list_is_known @ Return true if the value is locked. (This is not a property of the abstract [[vars_t]] type, and therefore the method is not inherited.) <>= procedure :: is_locked => var_list_is_locked <>= function var_list_is_locked (vars, name, follow_link) result (lval) logical :: lval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then lval = var_entry_is_locked (var) else lval = .false. end if end function var_list_is_locked @ %def var_list_is_locked @ Return several properties at once. <>= procedure :: get_var_properties => var_list_get_var_properties <>= subroutine var_list_get_var_properties (vars, name, req_type, follow_link, & type, is_defined, is_known, is_locked) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: req_type logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link integer, intent(out), optional :: type logical, intent(out), optional :: is_defined, is_known, is_locked type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, type=req_type, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then if (present (type)) type = var_entry_get_type (var) if (present (is_defined)) is_defined = var_entry_is_defined (var) if (present (is_known)) is_known = var_entry_is_known (var) if (present (is_locked)) is_locked = var_entry_is_locked (var) else if (present (type)) type = V_NONE if (present (is_defined)) is_defined = .false. if (present (is_known)) is_known = .false. if (present (is_locked)) is_locked = .false. end if end subroutine var_list_get_var_properties @ %def var_list_get_var_properties @ Return the value, assuming that the type is correct. We consider only variable entries that have been [[defined]]. For convenience, allow both variable and fixed-length (literal) strings. <>= procedure :: get_lval => var_list_get_lval procedure :: get_ival => var_list_get_ival procedure :: get_rval => var_list_get_rval procedure :: get_cval => var_list_get_cval procedure :: get_pval => var_list_get_pval procedure :: get_aval => var_list_get_aval procedure :: get_sval => var_list_get_sval <>= function var_list_get_lval (vars, name, follow_link) result (lval) logical :: lval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_LOG, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then lval = var%lval else lval = .false. end if else lval = .false. end if end function var_list_get_lval function var_list_get_ival (vars, name, follow_link) result (ival) integer :: ival type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_INT, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then ival = var%ival else ival = 0 end if else ival = 0 end if end function var_list_get_ival function var_list_get_rval (vars, name, follow_link) result (rval) real(default) :: rval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_REAL, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then rval = var%rval else rval = 0 end if else rval = 0 end if end function var_list_get_rval function var_list_get_cval (vars, name, follow_link) result (cval) complex(default) :: cval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_CMPLX, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then cval = var%cval else cval = 0 end if else cval = 0 end if end function var_list_get_cval function var_list_get_aval (vars, name, follow_link) result (aval) type(pdg_array_t) :: aval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_PDG, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then aval = var%aval end if end if end function var_list_get_aval function var_list_get_pval (vars, name, follow_link) result (pval) type(subevt_t) :: pval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_SEV, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then pval = var%pval end if end if end function var_list_get_pval function var_list_get_sval (vars, name, follow_link) result (sval) type(string_t) :: sval type(string_t), intent(in) :: name class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr & (vars, name, V_STR, follow_link, defined=.true.) if (associated (var)) then if (var_has_value (var)) then sval = var%sval else sval = "" end if else sval = "" end if end function var_list_get_sval @ %def var_list_get_lval @ %def var_list_get_ival @ %def var_list_get_rval @ %def var_list_get_cval @ %def var_list_get_pval @ %def var_list_get_aval @ %def var_list_get_sval @ Check for a valid value, given a pointer. Issue error messages if invalid. <>= function var_has_value (var) result (valid) logical :: valid type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var if (associated (var)) then if (var%is_known) then valid = .true. else call msg_error ("The value of variable '" // char (var%name) & // "' is unknown but must be known at this point.") valid = .false. end if else call msg_error ("Variable '" // char (var%name) & // "' is undefined but must have a known value at this point.") valid = .false. end if end function var_has_value @ %def var_has_value @ Return pointers instead of values, including a pointer to the [[known]] entry. <>= procedure :: get_lptr => var_list_get_lptr procedure :: get_iptr => var_list_get_iptr procedure :: get_rptr => var_list_get_rptr procedure :: get_cptr => var_list_get_cptr procedure :: get_aptr => var_list_get_aptr procedure :: get_pptr => var_list_get_pptr procedure :: get_sptr => var_list_get_sptr <>= subroutine var_list_get_lptr (var_list, name, lptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, pointer, intent(out) :: lptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_LOG) if (associated (var)) then lptr => var_entry_get_lval_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else lptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_lptr subroutine var_list_get_iptr (var_list, name, iptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, pointer, intent(out) :: iptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_INT) if (associated (var)) then iptr => var_entry_get_ival_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else iptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_iptr subroutine var_list_get_rptr (var_list, name, rptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), pointer, intent(out) :: rptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_REAL) if (associated (var)) then rptr => var_entry_get_rval_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else rptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_rptr subroutine var_list_get_cptr (var_list, name, cptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), pointer, intent(out) :: cptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_CMPLX) if (associated (var)) then cptr => var_entry_get_cval_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else cptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_cptr subroutine var_list_get_aptr (var_list, name, aptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), pointer, intent(out) :: aptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_PDG) if (associated (var)) then aptr => var_entry_get_aval_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else aptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_aptr subroutine var_list_get_pptr (var_list, name, pptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), pointer, intent(out) :: pptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_SEV) if (associated (var)) then pptr => var_entry_get_pval_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else pptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_pptr subroutine var_list_get_sptr (var_list, name, sptr, known) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), pointer, intent(out) :: sptr logical, pointer, intent(out), optional :: known type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_STR) if (associated (var)) then sptr => var_entry_get_sval_ptr (var) if (present (known)) known => var_entry_get_known_ptr (var) else sptr => null () if (present (known)) known => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_sptr @ %def var_list_get_lptr @ %def var_list_get_iptr @ %def var_list_get_rptr @ %def var_list_get_cptr @ %def var_list_get_aptr @ %def var_list_get_pptr @ %def var_list_get_sptr @ This bunch of methods handles the procedure-pointer cases. <>= procedure :: get_obs1_iptr => var_list_get_obs1_iptr procedure :: get_obs2_iptr => var_list_get_obs2_iptr procedure :: get_obs1_rptr => var_list_get_obs1_rptr procedure :: get_obs2_rptr => var_list_get_obs2_rptr <>= subroutine var_list_get_obs1_iptr (var_list, name, obs1_iptr, p1) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_unary_int), pointer, intent(out) :: obs1_iptr type(prt_t), pointer, intent(out) :: p1 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_OBS1_INT) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_assign_obs1_int_ptr (obs1_iptr, var) p1 => var_entry_get_prt1_ptr (var) else obs1_iptr => null () p1 => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_obs1_iptr subroutine var_list_get_obs2_iptr (var_list, name, obs2_iptr, p1, p2) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_binary_int), pointer, intent(out) :: obs2_iptr type(prt_t), pointer, intent(out) :: p1, p2 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_OBS2_INT) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_assign_obs2_int_ptr (obs2_iptr, var) p1 => var_entry_get_prt1_ptr (var) p2 => var_entry_get_prt2_ptr (var) else obs2_iptr => null () p1 => null () p2 => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_obs2_iptr subroutine var_list_get_obs1_rptr (var_list, name, obs1_rptr, p1) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_unary_real), pointer, intent(out) :: obs1_rptr type(prt_t), pointer, intent(out) :: p1 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_OBS1_REAL) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_assign_obs1_real_ptr (obs1_rptr, var) p1 => var_entry_get_prt1_ptr (var) else obs1_rptr => null () p1 => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_obs1_rptr subroutine var_list_get_obs2_rptr (var_list, name, obs2_rptr, p1, p2) class(var_list_t), intent(in) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_binary_real), pointer, intent(out) :: obs2_rptr type(prt_t), pointer, intent(out) :: p1, p2 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_OBS2_REAL) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_assign_obs2_real_ptr (obs2_rptr, var) p1 => var_entry_get_prt1_ptr (var) p2 => var_entry_get_prt2_ptr (var) else obs2_rptr => null () p1 => null () p2 => null () end if end subroutine var_list_get_obs2_rptr @ %def var_list_get_obs1_iptr @ %def var_list_get_obs2_iptr @ %def var_list_get_obs1_rptr @ %def var_list_get_obs2_rptr @ \subsection{Process Result Variables} These variables are associated to process (integration) runs and their results. Their names contain brackets (so they look like function evaluations), therefore we need to special-case them. <>= public :: var_list_set_procvar_int public :: var_list_set_procvar_real <>= subroutine var_list_set_procvar_int (var_list, proc_id, name, ival) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: proc_id type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: ival type(string_t) :: var_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var_name = name // "(" // proc_id // ")" var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, var_name) if (.not. associated (var)) then call var_list%append_int (var_name, ival, intrinsic=.true.) else if (present (ival)) then call var_list%set_int (var_name, ival, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_procvar_int subroutine var_list_set_procvar_real (var_list, proc_id, name, rval) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: proc_id type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in), optional :: rval type(string_t) :: var_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var_name = name // "(" // proc_id // ")" var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, var_name) if (.not. associated (var)) then call var_list%append_real (var_name, rval, intrinsic=.true.) else if (present (rval)) then call var_list%set_real (var_name, rval, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_procvar_real @ %def var_list_set_procvar_int @ %def var_list_set_procvar_real @ \subsection{Observable initialization} Observables are formally treated as variables, which however are evaluated each time the observable is used. The arguments (pointers) to evaluate and the function are part of the variable-list entry. <>= public :: var_list_append_obs1_iptr public :: var_list_append_obs2_iptr public :: var_list_append_obs1_rptr public :: var_list_append_obs2_rptr <>= subroutine var_list_append_obs1_iptr (var_list, name, obs1_iptr, p1) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_unary_int) :: obs1_iptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_OBS1_INT, p1) var%obs1_int => obs1_iptr call var_list_append (var_list, var) end subroutine var_list_append_obs1_iptr subroutine var_list_append_obs2_iptr (var_list, name, obs2_iptr, p1, p2) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_binary_int) :: obs2_iptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1, p2 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_OBS2_INT, p1, p2) var%obs2_int => obs2_iptr call var_list_append (var_list, var) end subroutine var_list_append_obs2_iptr subroutine var_list_append_obs1_rptr (var_list, name, obs1_rptr, p1) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_unary_real) :: obs1_rptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_OBS1_REAL, p1) var%obs1_real => obs1_rptr call var_list_append (var_list, var) end subroutine var_list_append_obs1_rptr subroutine var_list_append_obs2_rptr (var_list, name, obs2_rptr, p1, p2) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name procedure(obs_binary_real) :: obs2_rptr type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1, p2 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_OBS2_REAL, p1, p2) var%obs2_real => obs2_rptr call var_list_append (var_list, var) end subroutine var_list_append_obs2_rptr @ %def var_list_append_obs1_iptr @ %def var_list_append_obs2_iptr @ %def var_list_append_obs1_rptr @ %def var_list_append_obs2_rptr @ User observables: no pointer needs to be stored. <>= public :: var_list_append_uobs_int public :: var_list_append_uobs_real <>= subroutine var_list_append_uobs_int (var_list, name, p1, p2) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1 type(prt_t), intent(in), target, optional :: p2 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) if (present (p2)) then call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_UOBS2_INT, p1, p2) else call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_UOBS1_INT, p1) end if call var_list_append (var_list, var) end subroutine var_list_append_uobs_int subroutine var_list_append_uobs_real (var_list, name, p1, p2) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: p1 type(prt_t), intent(in), target, optional :: p2 type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var allocate (var) if (present (p2)) then call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_UOBS2_REAL, p1, p2) else call var_entry_init_obs (var, name, V_UOBS1_REAL, p1) end if call var_list_append (var_list, var) end subroutine var_list_append_uobs_real @ %def var_list_append_uobs_int @ %def var_list_append_uobs_real @ \subsection{API for variable lists} Set a new value. If the variable holds a pointer, this pointer is followed, e.g., a model parameter is actually set. If [[ignore]] is set, do nothing if the variable does not exist. If [[verbose]] is set, echo the new value. Clear a variable (all variables), i.e., undefine the value. <>= procedure :: unset => var_list_clear <>= subroutine var_list_clear (vars, name, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_clear (var) end if end subroutine var_list_clear @ %def var_list_clear @ Setting the value, concise specific versions (implementing deferred TBP): <>= procedure :: set_ival => var_list_set_ival procedure :: set_rval => var_list_set_rval procedure :: set_cval => var_list_set_cval procedure :: set_lval => var_list_set_lval procedure :: set_sval => var_list_set_sval <>= subroutine var_list_set_ival (vars, name, ival, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: ival logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_set_int (var, ival, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_ival subroutine var_list_set_rval (vars, name, rval, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in) :: rval logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_set_real (var, rval, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_rval subroutine var_list_set_cval (vars, name, cval, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in) :: cval logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_set_cmplx (var, cval, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_cval subroutine var_list_set_lval (vars, name, lval, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in) :: lval logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_set_log (var, lval, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_lval subroutine var_list_set_sval (vars, name, sval, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: vars type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in) :: sval logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (vars, name, follow_link=follow_link) if (associated (var)) then call var_entry_set_string (var, sval, is_known=.true.) end if end subroutine var_list_set_sval @ %def var_list_set_ival @ %def var_list_set_rval @ %def var_list_set_cval @ %def var_list_set_lval @ %def var_list_set_sval @ Setting the value, verbose specific versions (as subroutines): <>= procedure :: set_log => var_list_set_log procedure :: set_int => var_list_set_int procedure :: set_real => var_list_set_real procedure :: set_cmplx => var_list_set_cmplx procedure :: set_subevt => var_list_set_subevt procedure :: set_pdg_array => var_list_set_pdg_array procedure :: set_string => var_list_set_string <>= subroutine var_list_set_log & (var_list, name, lval, is_known, ignore, force, verbose, model_name) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in) :: lval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_LOG) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_LOG) call var_entry_set_log (var, lval, is_known, verbose, model_name) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_log subroutine var_list_set_int & (var_list, name, ival, is_known, ignore, force, verbose, model_name) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: ival logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_INT) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_INT) call var_entry_set_int (var, ival, is_known, verbose, model_name) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_int subroutine var_list_set_real & (var_list, name, rval, is_known, ignore, force, & verbose, model_name, pacified) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name real(default), intent(in) :: rval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose, pacified type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_REAL) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_REAL) call var_entry_set_real & (var, rval, is_known, verbose, model_name, pacified) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_real subroutine var_list_set_cmplx & (var_list, name, cval, is_known, ignore, force, & verbose, model_name, pacified) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name complex(default), intent(in) :: cval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose, pacified type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_CMPLX) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_CMPLX) call var_entry_set_cmplx & (var, cval, is_known, verbose, model_name, pacified) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_cmplx subroutine var_list_set_pdg_array & (var_list, name, aval, is_known, ignore, force, verbose, model_name) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_PDG) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_PDG) call var_entry_set_pdg_array & (var, aval, is_known, verbose, model_name) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_pdg_array subroutine var_list_set_subevt & (var_list, name, pval, is_known, ignore, force, verbose, model_name) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_SEV) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_SEV) call var_entry_set_subevt & (var, pval, is_known, verbose, model_name) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_subevt subroutine var_list_set_string & (var_list, name, sval, is_known, ignore, force, verbose, model_name) class(var_list_t), intent(inout), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), intent(in) :: sval logical, intent(in) :: is_known logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore, force, verbose type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: model_name type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name, V_STR) if (associated (var)) then if (.not. var_entry_is_locked (var, force)) then select case (var%type) case (V_STR) call var_entry_set_string & (var, sval, is_known, verbose, model_name) case default call var_mismatch_error (name) end select else call var_locked_error (name) end if else call var_missing_error (name, ignore) end if end subroutine var_list_set_string subroutine var_mismatch_error (name) type(string_t), intent(in) :: name call msg_fatal ("Type mismatch for variable '" // char (name) // "'") end subroutine var_mismatch_error subroutine var_locked_error (name) type(string_t), intent(in) :: name call msg_error ("Variable '" // char (name) // "' is not user-definable") end subroutine var_locked_error subroutine var_missing_error (name, ignore) type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore logical :: error if (present (ignore)) then error = .not. ignore else error = .true. end if if (error) then call msg_fatal ("Variable '" // char (name) // "' has not been declared") end if end subroutine var_missing_error @ %def var_list_set_log @ %def var_list_set_int @ %def var_list_set_real @ %def var_list_set_cmplx @ %def var_list_set_subevt @ %def var_list_set_pdg_array @ %def var_list_set_string @ %def var_mismatch_error @ %def var_missing_error @ Import values for the current variable list from another list. <>= public :: var_list_import <>= procedure :: import => var_list_import <>= subroutine var_list_import (var_list, src_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: src_list type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var, src var => var_list%first do while (associated (var)) src => var_list_get_var_ptr (src_list, var%name) if (associated (src)) then call var_entry_copy_value (var, src) end if var => var%next end do end subroutine var_list_import @ %def var_list_import @ Mark all entries in the current variable list as undefined. This is done when a local variable list is discarded. If the local list is used again (by a loop), the entries will be re-initialized. <>= public :: var_list_undefine <>= procedure :: undefine => var_list_undefine <>= recursive subroutine var_list_undefine (var_list, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var logical :: rec rec = .true.; if (present (follow_link)) rec = follow_link var => var_list%first do while (associated (var)) call var_entry_undefine (var) var => var%next end do if (rec .and. associated (var_list%next)) then call var_list_undefine (var_list%next, follow_link=follow_link) end if end subroutine var_list_undefine @ %def var_list_undefine @ Make a deep copy of a variable list. <>= public :: var_list_init_snapshot <>= procedure :: init_snapshot => var_list_init_snapshot <>= recursive subroutine var_list_init_snapshot (var_list, vars_in, follow_link) class(var_list_t), intent(out) :: var_list type(var_list_t), intent(in) :: vars_in logical, intent(in), optional :: follow_link type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var, var_in type(var_list_t), pointer :: var_list_next logical :: rec rec = .true.; if (present (follow_link)) rec = follow_link var_in => vars_in%first do while (associated (var_in)) allocate (var) call var_entry_init_copy (var, var_in) call var_entry_copy_value (var, var_in) call var_list_append (var_list, var) var_in => var_in%next end do if (rec .and. associated (vars_in%next)) then allocate (var_list_next) call var_list_init_snapshot (var_list_next, vars_in%next) call var_list%link (var_list_next) end if end subroutine var_list_init_snapshot @ %def var_list_init_snapshot @ Check if a user variable can be set. The [[new]] flag is set if the user variable has an explicit declaration. If an error occurs, return [[V_NONE]] as variable type. Also determine the actual type of generic numerical variables, which enter the procedure with type [[V_NONE]]. <>= public :: var_list_check_user_var <>= procedure :: check_user_var => var_list_check_user_var <>= subroutine var_list_check_user_var (var_list, name, type, new) class(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(inout) :: type logical, intent(in) :: new type(var_entry_t), pointer :: var var => var_list_get_var_ptr (var_list, name) if (associated (var)) then if (type == V_NONE) then type = var_entry_get_type (var) end if if (var_entry_is_locked (var)) then call msg_fatal ("Variable '" // char (name) & // "' is not user-definable") type = V_NONE return else if (new) then if (var_entry_is_intrinsic (var)) then call msg_fatal ("Intrinsic variable '" & // char (name) // "' redeclared") type = V_NONE return end if if (var_entry_get_type (var) /= type) then call msg_fatal ("Variable '" // char (name) // "' " & // "redeclared with different type") type = V_NONE return end if end if end if end subroutine var_list_check_user_var @ %def var_list_check_user_var @ \subsection{Default values for global var list} <>= procedure :: init_defaults => var_list_init_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_init_defaults (var_list, seed, paths) class(var_list_t), intent(out) :: var_list integer, intent(in) :: seed type(paths_t), intent(in), optional :: paths call var_list%set_beams_defaults (paths) call var_list%set_core_defaults (seed) call var_list%set_integration_defaults () call var_list%set_phase_space_defaults () call var_list%set_gamelan_defaults () call var_list%set_clustering_defaults () - call var_list%set_isolation_defaults () + call var_list%set_isolation_recomb_defaults () call var_list%set_eio_defaults () call var_list%set_shower_defaults () call var_list%set_hadronization_defaults () call var_list%set_tauola_defaults () call var_list%set_mlm_matching_defaults () call var_list%set_powheg_matching_defaults () call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ckkw_matching"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., description=var_str ('Master flag that switches ' // & 'on the CKKW(-L) (LO) matching between hard scattering matrix ' // & 'elements and QCD parton showers. Note that this is not yet ' // & '(completely) implemented in \whizard. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...})')) call var_list%set_openmp_defaults () call var_list%set_mpi_defaults () call var_list%set_nlo_defaults () end subroutine var_list_init_defaults @ %def var_list_init_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_beams_defaults => var_list_set_beams_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_beams_defaults (var_list, paths) type(paths_t), intent(in), optional :: paths class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_real (var_str ("sqrts"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real variable in order to set the center-of-mass ' // & 'energy for the collisions (collider energy $\sqrt{s}$, not ' // & 'hard interaction energy $\sqrt{\hat{s}}$): \ttt{sqrts = {\em ' // & '} [ {\em } ]}. The physical unit can be one ' // & 'of the following \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{GeV}, ' // & 'and \ttt{TeV}. If absent, \whizard\ takes \ttt{GeV} as its ' // & 'standard unit. Note that this variable is absolutely mandatory ' // & 'for integration and simulation of scattering processes.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("luminosity"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This specifier \ttt{luminosity = {\em ' // & '}} sets the integrated luminosity (in inverse femtobarns, ' // & 'fb${}^{-1}$) for the event generation of the processes in the ' // & '\sindarin\ input files. Note that WHIZARD itself chooses the ' // & 'number from the \ttt{luminosity} or from the \ttt{n\_events} ' // & 'specifier, whichever would give the larger number of events. ' // & 'As this depends on the cross section under consideration, it ' // & 'might be different for different processes in the process list. ' // & '(cf. \ttt{n\_events}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{?unweighted})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?sf_trace"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Debug flag that writes out detailed information ' // & 'about the structure function setup into the file \ttt{{\em ' // & '}\_sftrace.dat}. This file name can be changed ' // & 'with ($\to$) \ttt{\$sf\_trace\_file}.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$sf_trace_file"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('\ttt{\$sf\_trace\_file = "{\em }"} ' // & 'allows to change the detailed structure function information ' // & 'switched on by the debug flag ($\to$) \ttt{?sf\_trace} into ' // & 'a different file \ttt{{\em }} than the default ' // & '\ttt{{\em }\_sftrace.dat}.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?sf_allow_s_mapping"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that determines whether special mappings ' // & 'for processes with structure functions and $s$-channel resonances ' // & 'are applied, e.g. Drell-Yan at hadron colliders, or $Z$ production ' // & 'at linear colliders with beamstrahlung and ISR.')) if (present (paths)) then call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$lhapdf_dir"), paths%lhapdfdir, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that tells the path ' // & 'where the \lhapdf\ library and PDF sets can be found. When ' // & 'the library has been correctly recognized during configuration, ' // & 'this is automatically set by \whizard. (cf. also \ttt{lhapdf}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf\_member}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme})')) else call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$lhapdf_dir"), var_str(""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that tells the path ' // & 'where the \lhapdf\ library and PDF sets can be found. When ' // & 'the library has been correctly recognized during configuration, ' // & 'this is automatically set by \whizard. (cf. also \ttt{lhapdf}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf\_member}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme})')) end if call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$lhapdf_file"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This string variable \ttt{\$lhapdf\_file ' // & '= "{\em }"} allows to specify the PDF set \ttt{{\em ' // & '}} from the external \lhapdf\ library. It must match ' // & 'the exact name of the PDF set from the \lhapdf\ library. The ' // & 'default is empty, and the default set from \lhapdf\ is taken. ' // & 'Only one argument is possible, the PDF set must be identical ' // & 'for both beams, unless there are fundamentally different beam ' // & 'particles like proton and photon. (cf. also \ttt{lhapdf}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir}, ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf\_photon}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme}, ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf\_member})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$lhapdf_photon_file"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file ' // & '= "{\em }"} analagous to ($\to$) \ttt{\$lhapdf\_file} ' // & 'for photon PDF structure functions from the external \lhapdf\ ' // & 'library. The name must exactly match the one of the set from ' // & '\lhapdf. (cf. \ttt{beams}, \ttt{lhapdf}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_member}, ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("lhapdf_member"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer variable that specifies the number ' // & 'of the corresponding PDF set chosen via the command ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{\$lhapdf\_file} or ($\to$) \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file} ' // & 'from the external \lhapdf\ library. E.g. error PDF sets can ' // & 'be chosen by this. (cf. also \ttt{lhapdf}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("lhapdf_photon_scheme"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that controls the different ' // & 'available schemes for photon PDFs inside the external \lhapdf\ ' // & 'library. For more details see the \lhapdf\ manual. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{lhapdf}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_member})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$pdf_builtin_set"), var_str ("CTEQ6L"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("For \whizard's internal PDF structure functions " // & 'for hadron colliders, this string variable allows to set the ' // & 'particular PDF set. (cf. also \ttt{pdf\_builtin}, \ttt{pdf\_builtin\_photon})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?hoppet_b_matching"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that switches on the matching between ' // & '4- and 5-flavor schemes for hadron collider $b$-parton initiated ' // & 'processes. Works either with builtin PDFs or with the external ' // & '\lhapdf\ interface. Needs the external \ttt{HOPPET} library ' // & 'to be linked. (cf. \ttt{beams}, \ttt{pdf\_builtin}, \ttt{lhapdf})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("isr_alpha"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For lepton collider initial-state QED ' // & 'radiation (ISR), this real parameter sets the value of $\alpha_{em}$ ' // & 'used in the structure function. If not set, it is taken from ' // & 'the parameter set of the physics model in use (cf. also \ttt{isr}, ' // & '\ttt{isr\_q\_max}, \ttt{isr\_mass}, \ttt{isr\_order}, \ttt{?isr\_recoil}, ' // & '\ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("isr_q_max"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set the ' // & 'scale of the initial-state QED radiation (ISR) structure function. ' // & 'If not set, it is taken internally to be $\sqrt{s}$. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{isr}, \ttt{isr\_alpha}, \ttt{isr\_mass}, \ttt{isr\_order}, ' // & '\ttt{?isr\_recoil}, \ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("isr_mass"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set by hand ' // & 'the mass of the incoming particle for lepton collider initial-state ' // & 'QED radiation (ISR). If not set, the mass for the initial beam ' // & 'particle is taken from the model in use. (cf. also \ttt{isr}, ' // & '\ttt{isr\_q\_max}, \ttt{isr\_alpha}, \ttt{isr\_order}, \ttt{?isr\_recoil}, ' // & '\ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("isr_order"), 3, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For lepton collider initial-state QED ' // & 'radiation (ISR), this integer parameter allows to set the order ' // & 'up to which hard-collinear radiation is taken into account. ' // & 'Default is the highest available, namely third order. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{isr}, \ttt{isr\_q\_max}, \ttt{isr\_mass}, \ttt{isr\_alpha}, ' // & '\ttt{?isr\_recoil}, \ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?isr_recoil"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on recoil, i.e. a non-vanishing ' // & '$p_T$-kick for the lepton collider initial-state QED radiation ' // & '(ISR). (cf. also \ttt{isr}, \ttt{isr}, \ttt{isr\_alpha}, \ttt{isr\_mass}, ' // & '\ttt{isr\_order}, \ttt{isr\_q\_max})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?isr_keep_energy"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('As the splitting kinematics for the ISR ' // & 'structure function violates Lorentz invariance when the recoil ' // & 'is switched on, this flag forces energy conservation when set ' // & 'to true, otherwise violating energy conservation. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{isr}, \ttt{isr\_q\_max}, \ttt{isr\_mass}, \ttt{isr\_order}, ' // & '\ttt{?isr\_recoil}, \ttt{?isr\_alpha})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?isr_handler"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Activate ISR ' // & 'handler for event generation (no effect on integration). ' // & 'Requires \ttt{isr\_recoil = false}')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$isr_handler_mode"), & var_str ("trivial"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Operation mode for the ISR ' // & 'event handler. Allowed values: \ttt{trivial} (no effect), ' // & '\ttt{recoil} (recoil kinematics with two photons)')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?isr_handler_keep_mass"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('If \ttt{true} (default), force the incoming ' // & 'partons of the hard process (after radiation) on their mass ' // & 'shell. Otherwise, insert massless on-shell momenta. This ' // & 'applies only for event generation (no effect on integration, ' // & 'cf.\ also \ttt{?isr\_handler})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$epa_mode"), & var_str ("default"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For the equivalent photon approximation ' // & '(EPA), this string variable defines the mode, i.e. the explicit ' // & 'formula for the EPA distribution. For more details cf. the manual. ' // & 'Possible are \ttt{default} (\ttt{Budnev\_617}), \ttt{Budnev\_616e}, ' // & '\ttt{log\_power}, \ttt{log\_simple}, and \ttt{log}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{epa}, \ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_e\_max}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_q\_min}, \ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("epa_alpha"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For the equivalent photon approximation ' // & '(EPA), this real parameter sets the value of $\alpha_{em}$ ' // & 'used in the structure function. If not set, it is taken from ' // & 'the parameter set of the physics model in use (cf. also \ttt{epa}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_e\_max}, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{\$epa\_mode}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("epa_x_min"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the lower cutoff ' // & 'for the energy fraction in the splitting for the equivalent-photon ' // & 'approximation (EPA). This parameter has to be set by the user ' // & 'to a non-zero value smaller than one. (cf. also \ttt{epa}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_e\_max}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_alpha}, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{\$epa\_mode}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("epa_q_min"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('In the equivalent-photon approximation ' // & '(EPA), this real parameters sets the minimal value for the ' // & 'transferred momentum. Either this parameter or the mass of ' // & 'the beam particle has to be non-zero. (cf. also \ttt{epa}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_alpha}, \ttt{epa\_q\_max}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{\$epa\_mode}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("epa_q_max"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set the ' // & 'upper energy cutoff for the equivalent-photon approximation ' // & '(EPA). If not set, \whizard\ simply takes the collider energy, ' // & '$\sqrt{s}$. (cf. also \ttt{epa}, \ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_alpha}, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, \ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{\$epa\_mode}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("epa_mass"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set by hand ' // & 'the mass of the incoming particle for the equivalent-photon ' // & 'approximation (EPA). If not set, the mass for the initial beam ' // & 'particle is taken from the model in use. (cf. also \ttt{epa}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_e\_max}, \ttt{epa\_alpha}, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{\$epa\_mode}. ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?epa_recoil"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on recoil, i.e. a non-vanishing ' // & '$p_T$-kick for the equivalent-photon approximation (EPA). ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{epa}, \ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_alpha}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_e\_max}, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}, ' // & '\ttt{\$epa\_mode}, \ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?epa_keep_energy"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('As the splitting kinematics for the EPA ' // & 'structure function violates Lorentz invariance when the recoil ' // & 'is switched on, this flag forces energy conservation when set ' // & 'to true, otherwise violating energy conservation. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{epa}, \ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_alpha}, ' // & '\ttt{epa\_q\_min}, \ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{\$epa\_mode}, ' // & '\ttt{?epa\_handler}, \ttt{\$epa\_handler\_mode})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?epa_handler"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Activate EPA ' // & 'handler for event generation (no effect on integration). ' // & 'Requires \ttt{epa\_recoil = false}')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$epa_handler_mode"), & var_str ("trivial"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Operation mode for the EPA ' // & 'event handler. Allowed values: \ttt{trivial} (no effect), ' // & '\ttt{recoil} (recoil kinematics with two beams)')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("ewa_x_min"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the lower cutoff ' // & 'for the energy fraction in the splitting for the equivalent ' // & '$W$ approximation (EWA). This parameter has to be set by the ' // & 'user to a non-zero value smaller than one. (cf. also \ttt{ewa}, ' // & '\ttt{ewa\_pt\_max}, \ttt{ewa\_mass}, \ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy}, ' // & '\ttt{?ewa\_recoil})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("ewa_pt_max"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set the ' // & 'upper $p_T$ cutoff for the equivalent $W$ approximation (EWA). ' // & 'If not set, \whizard\ simply takes the collider energy, $\sqrt{s}$. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{ewa}, \ttt{ewa\_x\_min}, \ttt{ewa\_mass}, \ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy}, ' // & '\ttt{?ewa\_recoil})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("ewa_mass"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set by hand ' // & 'the mass of the incoming particle for the equivalent $W$ approximation ' // & '(EWA). If not set, the mass for the initial beam particle is ' // & 'taken from the model in use. (cf. also \ttt{ewa}, \ttt{ewa\_x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{ewa\_pt\_max}, \ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{?ewa\_recoil})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ewa_recoil"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For the equivalent $W$ approximation (EWA), ' // & 'this flag switches on recoil, i.e. non-collinear splitting. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{ewa}, \ttt{ewa\_x\_min}, \ttt{ewa\_pt\_max}, ' // & '\ttt{ewa\_mass}, \ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ewa_keep_energy"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('As the splitting kinematics for the equivalent ' // & '$W$ approximation (EWA) violates Lorentz invariance when the ' // & 'recoil is switched on, this flag forces energy conservation ' // & 'when set to true, otherwise violating energy conservation. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{ewa}, \ttt{ewa\_x\_min}, \ttt{ewa\_pt\_max}, ' // & '\ttt{ewa\_mass}, \ttt{?ewa\_recoil})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?circe1_photon1"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to tell \whizard\ to use the photon ' // & 'of the \circeone\ beamstrahlung structure function as initiator ' // & 'for the hard scattering process in the first beam. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \newline' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?circe1_photon2"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to tell \whizard\ to use the photon ' // & 'of the \circeone\ beamstrahlung structure function as initiator ' // & 'for the hard scattering process in the second beam. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, ' // & '\newline\ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("circe1_sqrts"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that allows to set the ' // & 'value of the collider energy for the lepton collider beamstrahlung ' // & 'structure function \circeone. If not set, $\sqrt{s}$ is taken. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \newline' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?circe1_generate"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that determines whether the \circeone\ ' // & 'structure function for lepton collider beamstrahlung uses the ' // & 'generator mode for the spectrum, or a pre-defined (semi-)analytical ' // & 'parameterization. Default is the generator mode. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, \newline \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_eps}, \newline \ttt{circe1\_ver}, \ttt{circe1\_rev}, ' // & '\ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?circe1_map"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that determines whether the \circeone\ ' // & 'structure function for lepton collider beamstrahlung uses special ' // & 'mappings for $s$-channel resonances. (cf. also \ttt{circe1}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, \newline \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_ver}, \ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_chat}, \ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("circe1_mapping_slope"), 2._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that allows to vary the ' // & 'slope of the mapping function for the \circeone\ structure ' // & 'function for lepton collider beamstrahlung from the default ' // & 'value \ttt{2.}. (cf. also \ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \newline' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("circe1_eps"), 1e-5_default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter, that takes care of the ' // & 'mapping of the peak in the lepton collider beamstrahlung structure ' // & 'function spectrum of \circeone. (cf. also \ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photons}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, \ttt{circe1\_rev}, ' // & '\ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \newline\ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("circe1_ver"), 0, intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the internal ' // & 'versioning number of the \circeone\ structure function for lepton-collider ' // & 'beamstrahlung. It has to be set by the user explicitly, it takes ' // & 'values from one to ten. (cf. also \ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_eps}, \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("circe1_rev"), 0, intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the internal ' // & 'revision number of the \circeone\ structure function for lepton-collider ' // & 'beamstrahlung. The default \ttt{0} translates always into the ' // & 'most recent version; older versions have to be accessed through ' // & 'the explicit revision date. For more details cf.~the \circeone ' // & 'manual. (cf. also \ttt{circe1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$circe1_acc"), var_str ("SBAND"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that specifies the accelerator ' // & 'type for the \circeone\ structure function for lepton-collider ' // & 'beamstrahlung. (\ttt{?circe1\_photons}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_eps}, \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}, \ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("circe1_chat"), 0, intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Chattiness of the \circeone\ structure ' // & 'function for lepton-collider beamstrahlung. The higher the integer ' // & 'value, the more information will be given out by the \circeone\ ' // & 'package. (\ttt{?circe1\_photons}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_eps}, \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{?circe1\_with\_radiation})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?circe1_with_radiation"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This logical decides whether the additional photon ' // & 'or electron ("beam remnant") will be considered in the event record or ' // & 'not. (\ttt{?circe1\_photons}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, ' // & '\ttt{circe1\_eps}, \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?circe2_polarized"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag whether the photon spectra from the ' // & '\circetwo\ structure function for lepton colliders should be ' // & 'treated polarized. (cf. also \ttt{circe2}, \ttt{\$circe2\_file}, ' // & '\ttt{\$circe2\_design})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$circe2_file"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable by which the corresponding ' // & 'photon collider spectrum for the \circetwo\ structure function ' // & 'can be selected. (cf. also \ttt{circe2}, \ttt{?circe2\_polarized}, ' // & '\ttt{\$circe2\_design})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$circe2_design"), var_str ("*"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that sets the collider ' // & 'design for the \circetwo\ structure function for photon collider ' // & 'spectra. (cf. also \ttt{circe2}, \ttt{\$circe2\_file}, \ttt{?circe2\_polarized})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("gaussian_spread1"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Parameter that sets the energy spread ' // & '($\sigma$ value) of the first beam for a Gaussian spectrum. ' // & '(cf. \ttt{gaussian})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("gaussian_spread2"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Ditto, for the second beam.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$beam_events_file"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to set the ' // & "name of the external file from which a beamstrahlung's spectrum " // & 'for lepton colliders as pairs of energy fractions is read in. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{beam\_events}, \ttt{?beam\_events\_warn\_eof})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?beam_events_warn_eof"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to ' // & 'issue a warning when in a simulation the end of an external ' // & "file for beamstrahlung's spectra for lepton colliders are reached, " // & 'and energy fractions from the beginning of the file are reused. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{beam\_events}, \ttt{\$beam\_events\_file})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?energy_scan_normalize"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Normalization flag for the energy scan ' // & 'structure function: if set the total cross section is normalized ' // & 'to unity. (cf. also \ttt{energy\_scan})')) end subroutine var_list_set_beams_defaults @ %def var_list_set_beams_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_core_defaults => var_list_set_core_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_core_defaults (var_list, seed) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list integer, intent(in) :: seed logical, target, save :: known = .true. !!! ?????? real(default), parameter :: real_specimen = 1. call var_list_append_log_ptr & (var_list, var_str ("?logging"), logging, known, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This logical -- when set to \ttt{false} ' // & '-- suppresses writing out a logfile (default: \ttt{whizard.log}) ' // & 'for the whole \whizard\ run, or when \whizard\ is run with the ' // & '\ttt{--no-logging} option, to suppress parts of the logging ' // & 'when setting it to \ttt{true} again at a later part of the ' // & '\sindarin\ input file. Mainly for debugging purposes. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?openmp\_logging}, \ttt{?mpi\_logging})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$job_id"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Arbitrary string that can be used for ' // & 'creating unique names. The variable is initialized with the ' // & 'value of the \ttt{job\_id} option on startup. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{\$compile\_workspace}, \ttt{\$run\_id})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$compile_workspace"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('If set, create process source code ' // & 'and process-driver library code in a subdirectory with this ' // & 'name. If non-existent, the directory will be created. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{\$job\_id}, \ttt{\$run\_id}, \ttt{\$integrate\_workspace})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("seed"), seed, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer variable \ttt{seed = {\em }} ' // & 'that allows to set a specific random seed \ttt{num}. If not ' // & 'set, \whizard\ takes the time from the system clock to determine ' // & 'the random seed.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$model_name"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This variable makes the locally used physics ' // & 'model available as a string, e.g. as \ttt{show (\$model\_name)}. ' // & 'However, the user is not able to change the current model by ' // & 'setting this variable to a different string. (cf. also \ttt{model}, ' // & '\ttt{\$library\_name}, \ttt{printf}, \ttt{show})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("process_num_id"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Using the integer \ttt{process\_num\_id ' // & '= {\em }} one can set a numerical identifier for processes ' // & 'within a process library. This can be set either just before ' // & 'the corresponding \ttt{process} definition or as an optional ' // & 'local argument of the latter. (cf. also \ttt{process}, ' // & '\ttt{?proc\_as\_run\_id}, \ttt{lcio\_run\_id})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?proc_as_run_id"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Normally, for LCIO the process ID (cf. ' // & '\ttt{process\_num\_id}) is used as run ID, unless this flag is ' // & 'set to \ttt{false}, cf. also \ttt{process}, \ttt{lcio\_run\_id}.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("lcio_run_id"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Allows to set an integer run ID for the LCIO ' // & 'event format. Normally, the process ID is taken as run ID, unless ' // & 'the flag (cf.) \ttt{?proc\_as\_run\_id} is set to \ttt{false}, ' // & 'cf. also \ttt{process}.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$method"), var_str ("omega"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This string variable specifies the method ' // & 'for the matrix elements to be used in the evaluation. The default ' // & "is the intrinsic \oMega\ matrix element generator " // & '(\ttt{"omega"}), other options are: \ttt{"ovm"}, \ttt{"unit\_test"}, ' // & '\ttt{"template\_unity"}, \ttt{"threshold"}. For processes defined ' // & '\ttt{"template"}, with \ttt{nlo\_calculation = ...}, please refer to ' // & '\ttt{\$born\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$real\_tree\_me\_method}, ' // & '\ttt{\$loop\_me\_method} and \ttt{\$correlation\_me\_method}.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?report_progress"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag for the \oMega\ matrix element generator ' // & 'whether to print out status messages about progress during ' // & 'matrix element generation. (cf. also \ttt{\$method}, \ttt{\$omega\_flags})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?me_verbose"), .false., & description=var_str ("Flag determining whether " // & "the makefile command for generating and compiling the \oMega\ matrix " // & "element code is silent or verbose. Default is silent.")) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$restrictions"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This is an optional argument for process ' // & 'definitions for the matrix element method \ttt{"omega"}. Using ' // & 'the following construction, it defines a string variable, \ttt{process ' // & '\newline {\em } = {\em }, {\em } ' // & '=> {\em }, {\em }, ... \{ \$restrictions ' // & '= "{\em }" \}}. The string argument \ttt{{\em ' // & '}} is directly transferred during the code ' // & 'generation to the ME generator \oMega. It has to be of the form ' // & '\ttt{n1 + n2 + ... \url{~} {\em }}, where ' // & '\ttt{n1} and so on are the numbers of the particles above in ' // & 'the process definition. The tilde specifies a certain intermediate ' // & 'state to be equal to the particle(s) in \ttt{particle (list)}. ' // & 'An example is \ttt{process eemm\_z = e1, E1 => e2, E2 ' // & '\{ \$restrictions = "1+2 \url{~} Z" \} } restricts the code ' // & 'to be generated for the process $e^- e^+ \to \mu^- \mu^+$ to ' // & 'the $s$-channel $Z$-boson exchange. For more details see Sec.~\ref{sec:omega_me} ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{process})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?omega_write_phs_output"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This flag decides whether a the phase-space ' // & 'output is produced by the \oMega\ matrix element generator. This ' // & 'output is written to file(s) and contains the Feynman diagrams ' // & 'which belong to the process(es) under consideration. The file is ' // & 'mandatory whenever the variable \ttt{\$phs\_method} has the value ' // & '\ttt{fast\_wood}, i.e. if the phase-space file is provided by ' // & 'cascades2.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$omega_flags"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to pass flags ' // & 'to the \oMega\ matrix element generator. Normally, \whizard\ ' // & 'takes care of all flags automatically. Note that for restrictions ' // & 'of intermediate states, there is a special string variable: ' // & '(cf. $\to$) \ttt{\$restrictions}.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?read_color_factors"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This flag decides whether to read QCD ' // & 'color factors from the matrix element provided by each method, ' // & 'or to try and calculate the color factors in \whizard\ internally.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?slha_read_input"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag which decides whether \whizard\ reads ' // & 'in the SM and parameter information from the \ttt{SMINPUTS} ' // & 'and \ttt{MINPAR} common blocks of the SUSY Les Houches Accord ' // & 'files. (cf. also \ttt{read\_slha}, \ttt{write\_slha}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_spectrum}, ' // & '\ttt{?slha\_read\_decays})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?slha_read_spectrum"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag which decides whether \whizard\ reads ' // & 'in the whole spectrum and mixing angle information from the ' // & 'common blocks of the SUSY Les Houches Accord files. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{read\_slha}, \ttt{write\_slha}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_decays}, ' // & '\ttt{?slha\_read\_input})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?slha_read_decays"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag which decides whether \whizard\ reads ' // & 'in the widths and branching ratios from the \ttt{DCINFO} common ' // & 'block of the SUSY Les Houches Accord files. (cf. also \ttt{read\_slha}, ' // & '\ttt{write\_slha}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_spectrum}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_input})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$library_name"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Similar to \ttt{\$model\_name}, this string ' // & 'variable is used solely to access the name of the active process ' // & 'library, e.g. in \ttt{printf} statements. (cf. \ttt{compile}, ' // & '\ttt{library}, \ttt{printf}, \ttt{show}, \ttt{\$model\_name})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?alphas_is_fixed"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to use a non-running ' // & '$\alpha_s$. Note that this has to be set explicitly to $\ttt{false}$ ' // & 'if the user wants to use one of the running $\alpha_s$ options. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{alphas\_order}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, \ttt{alphas\_nf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, \ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?alphas_from_lhapdf"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to use a running ' // & '$\alpha_s$ from the \lhapdf\ library (which has to be correctly ' // & 'linked). Note that \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed} has to be set ' // & 'explicitly to $\ttt{false}$. (cf. also \ttt{alphas\_order}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, ' // & '\ttt{alphas\_nf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, ' // & '\ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?alphas_from_pdf_builtin"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to use a running ' // & '$\alpha_s$ from the internal PDFs. Note that in that case \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed} ' // & 'has to be set explicitly to $\ttt{false}$. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{alphas\_order}, \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, ' // & '\ttt{alphas\_nf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, \newline \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, ' // & '\ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("alphas_order"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the order ' // & 'of the internal evolution for running $\alpha_s$ in \whizard: ' // & 'the default, \ttt{0}, is LO running, \ttt{1} is NLO, \ttt{2} ' // & 'is NNLO. (cf. also \ttt{alphas\_is\_fixed}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, \ttt{alphas\_nf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, \ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("alphas_nf"), 5, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the number ' // & 'of active quark flavors for the internal evolution for running ' // & '$\alpha_s$ in \whizard. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{alphas\_is\_fixed}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, ' // & '\ttt{alphas\_order}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, \ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?alphas_from_mz"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to use its internal ' // & 'running $\alpha_s$ from $\alpha_s(M_Z)$. Note that in that ' // & 'case \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed} has to be set explicitly to ' // & '$\ttt{false}$. (cf. also \ttt{alphas\_order}, \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, \ttt{alphas\_nf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, \ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?alphas_from_lambda_qcd"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to use its internal ' // & 'running $\alpha_s$ from $\alpha_s(\Lambda_{QCD})$. Note that ' // & 'in that case \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed} has to be set explicitly ' // & 'to $\ttt{false}$. (cf. also \ttt{alphas\_order}, \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, \ttt{alphas\_nf}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, \ttt{lambda\_qcd})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("lambda_qcd"), 200.e-3_default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the value for ' // & '$\Lambda_{QCD}$ used in the internal evolution for running ' // & '$\alpha_s$ in \whizard. (cf. also \ttt{alphas\_is\_fixed}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_lhapdf}, \ttt{alphas\_nf}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?alphas\_from\_pdf\_builtin}, ' // & '\ttt{?alphas\_from\_mz}, \ttt{?alphas\_from\_lambda\_qcd}, ' // & '\ttt{alphas\_order})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?fatal_beam_decay"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Logical variable that let the user decide ' // & 'whether the possibility of a beam decay is treated as a fatal ' // & 'error or only as a warning. An example is a process $b t \to ' // & 'X$, where the bottom quark as an inital state particle appears ' // & 'as a possible decay product of the second incoming particle, ' // & 'the top quark. This might trigger inconsistencies or instabilities ' // & 'in the phase space set-up.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?helicity_selection_active"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether \whizard\ uses ' // & 'a numerical selection rule for vanishing helicities: if active, ' // & 'then, if a certain helicity combination yields an absolute ' // & '(\oMega) matrix element smaller than a certain threshold ($\to$ ' // & '\ttt{helicity\_selection\_threshold}) more often than a certain ' // & 'cutoff ($\to$ \ttt{helicity\_selection\_cutoff}), it will be dropped.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("helicity_selection_threshold"), & 1E10_default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that gives the threshold ' // & 'for the absolute value of a certain helicity combination of ' // & 'an (\oMega) amplitude. If a certain number ($\to$ ' // & '\ttt{helicity\_selection\_cutoff}) of calls stays below this ' // & 'threshold, that combination will be dropped from then on. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?helicity\_selection\_active})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("helicity_selection_cutoff"), 1000, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that gives the number ' // & "a certain helicity combination of an (\oMega) amplitude has " // & 'to be below a certain threshold ($\to$ \ttt{helicity\_selection\_threshold}) ' // & 'in order to be dropped from then on. (cf. also \ttt{?helicity\_selection\_active})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$rng_method"), var_str ("tao"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to set the ' // & 'method for the random number generation. Default is Donald ' // & "Knuth' RNG method \ttt{TAO}.")) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vis_diags"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Logical variable that allows to give out ' // & "a Postscript or PDF file for the Feynman diagrams for a \oMega\ " // & 'process. (cf. \ttt{?vis\_diags\_color}).')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vis_diags_color"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Same as \ttt{?vis\_diags}, but switches ' // & 'on color flow instead of Feynman diagram generation. (cf. \ttt{?vis\_diags}).')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?check_event_file"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Setting this to false turns off all sanity ' // & 'checks when reading a raw event file with previously generated ' // & 'events. Use this at your own risk; the program may return ' // & 'wrong results or crash if data do not match. (cf. also \ttt{?check\_grid\_file}, ' // & '\ttt{?check\_phs\_file})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$event_file_version"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to set the ' // & 'format version of the \whizard\ internal binary event format.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("n_events"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This specifier \ttt{n\_events = {\em }} ' // & 'sets the number of events for the event generation of the processes ' // & 'in the \sindarin\ input files. Note that WHIZARD itself chooses ' // & 'the number from the \ttt{n\_events} or from the \ttt{luminosity} ' // & 'specifier, whichever would give the larger number of events. ' // & 'As this depends on the cross section under consideration, it ' // & 'might be different for different processes in the process list. ' // & '(cf. \ttt{luminosity}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{?unweighted}, \ttt{event\_index\_offset})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("event_index_offset"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('The value ' // & '\ttt{event\_index\_offset = {\em }} ' // & 'initializes the event counter for a subsequent ' // & 'event sample. By default (value 0), the first event ' // & 'gets index value 1, incrementing by one for each generated event ' // & 'within a sample. The event counter is initialized again ' // & 'for each new sample (i.e., \ttt{integrate} command). ' // & 'If events are read from file, and the ' // & 'event file format supports event numbering, the event numbers ' // & 'will be taken from file instead, and the value of ' // & '\ttt{event\_index\_offset} has no effect. ' // & '(cf. \ttt{luminosity}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{?unweighted}, \ttt{n\_events})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?unweighted"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that distinguishes between unweighted ' // & 'and weighted event generation. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{n\_events}, ' // & '\ttt{luminosity}, \ttt{event\_index\_offset})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("safety_factor"), 1._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This real variable \ttt{safety\_factor ' // & '= {\em }} reduces the acceptance probability for unweighting. ' // & 'If greater than one, excess events become less likely, but ' // & 'the reweighting efficiency also drops. (cf. \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{?unweighted})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?negative_weights"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that tells \whizard\ to allow negative ' // & 'weights in integration and simulation. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, ' // & '\ttt{?unweighted})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?resonance_history"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ( & 'The logical variable \texttt{?resonance\_history ' // & '= true/false} specifies whether during a simulation pass, ' // & 'the event generator should try to reconstruct intermediate ' // & 'resonances. If activated, appropriate resonant subprocess ' // & 'matrix element code will be automatically generated. ')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("resonance_on_shell_limit"), & 4._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ( & 'The real variable \texttt{resonance\_on\_shell\_limit ' // & '= {\em }} specifies the maximum relative distance from a ' // & 'resonance peak, such that the kinematical configuration ' // & 'can still be considered on-shell. This is relevant only if ' // & '\texttt{?resonance\_history = true}.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("resonance_on_shell_turnoff"), & 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ( & 'The real variable \texttt{resonance\_on\_shell\_turnoff ' // & '= {\em }}, if positive, ' // & 'controls the smooth transition from resonance-like ' // & 'to background-like events. The relative strength of a ' // & 'resonance is reduced by a Gaussian with width given by this ' // & 'variable. In any case, events are treated as background-like ' // & 'when the off-shellness is greater than ' // & '\texttt{resonance\_on\_shell\_limit}. All of this applies ' // & 'only if \texttt{?resonance\_history = true}.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("resonance_background_factor"), & 1._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ( & 'The real variable \texttt{resonance\_background\_factor} ' // & 'controls resonance insertion if a resonance ' // & 'history applies to a particular event. In determining '// & 'whether event kinematics qualifies as resonant or non-resonant, ' //& 'the non-resonant probability is multiplied by this factor ' // & 'Setting the factor to zero removes the background ' // & 'configuration as long as the kinematics qualifies as on-shell ' // & 'as qualified by \texttt{resonance\_on\_shell\_limit}.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?keep_beams"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('The logical variable \ttt{?keep\_beams ' // & '= true/false} specifies whether beam particles and beam remnants ' // & 'are included when writing event files. For example, in order ' // & 'to read Les Houches accord event files into \pythia, no beam ' // & 'particles are allowed.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?keep_remnants"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('The logical variable \ttt{?keep\_beams ' // & '= true/false} is respected only if \ttt{?keep\_beams} is set. ' // & 'If \ttt{true}, beam remnants are tagged as outgoing particles ' // & 'if they have been neither showered nor hadronized, i.e., have ' // & 'no children. If \ttt{false}, beam remnants are also included ' // & 'in the event record, but tagged as unphysical. Note that for ' // & 'ISR and/or beamstrahlung spectra, the radiated photons are ' // & 'considered as beam remnants.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?recover_beams"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the beam particles ' // & 'should be reconstructed when reading event/rescanning files ' // & 'into \whizard. (cf. \ttt{rescan}, \ttt{?update\_event}, \ttt{?update\_sqme}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?update\_weight})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?update_event"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the events in ' // & 'an event file should be rebuilt from the hard process when ' // & 'reading event/rescanning files into \whizard. (cf. \ttt{rescan}, ' // & '\ttt{?recover\_beams}, \ttt{?update\_sqme}, \ttt{?update\_weight})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?update_sqme"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whehter the squared ' // & 'matrix element in an event file should be updated/recalculated ' // & 'when reading event/rescanning files into \whizard. (cf. \ttt{rescan}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?recover\_beams}, \ttt{?update\_event}, \ttt{?update\_weight})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?update_weight"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the weights ' // & 'in an event file should be updated/recalculated when reading ' // & 'event/rescanning files into \whizard. (cf. \ttt{rescan}, \ttt{?recover\_beams}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?update\_event}, \ttt{?update\_sqme})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?use_alphas_from_file"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the current ' // & '$\alpha_s$ definition should be used when recalculating matrix ' // & 'elements for events read from file, or the value that is stored ' // & 'in the file for that event. (cf. \ttt{rescan}, \ttt{?update\_sqme}, ' // & '\ttt{?use\_scale\_from\_file})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?use_scale_from_file"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the current ' // & 'energy-scale expression should be used when recalculating matrix ' // & 'elements for events read from file, or the value that is stored ' // & 'in the file for that event. (cf. \ttt{rescan}, \ttt{?update\_sqme}, ' // & '\ttt{?use\_alphas\_from\_file})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?allow_decays"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Master flag to switch on cascade decays ' // & 'for final state particles as an event transform. As a default, ' // & 'it is switched on. (cf. also \ttt{?auto\_decays}, ' // & '\ttt{auto\_decays\_multiplicity}, \ttt{?auto\_decays\_radiative}, ' // & '\ttt{?decay\_rest\_frame})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?auto_decays"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag, particularly as optional argument of the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{unstable} command, that tells \whizard\ to automatically ' // & 'determine the decays of that particle up to the final state ' // & 'multplicity ($\to$) \ttt{auto\_decays\_multiplicity}. Depending ' // & 'on the flag ($\to$) \ttt{?auto\_decays\_radiative}, radiative ' // & 'decays will be taken into account or not. (cf. also \ttt{unstable}, ' // & '\ttt{?isotropic\_decay}, \ttt{?diagonal\_decay})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("auto_decays_multiplicity"), 2, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter, that sets -- ' // & 'for the ($\to$) \ttt{?auto\_decays} option to let \whizard\ ' // & 'automatically determine the decays of a particle set as ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{unstable} -- the maximal final state multiplicity that ' // & 'is taken into account. The default is \ttt{2}. The flag \ttt{?auto\_decays\_radiative} ' // & 'decides whether radiative decays are taken into account. (cf.\ ' // & 'also \ttt{unstable}, \ttt{?auto\_decays})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?auto_decays_radiative"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("If \whizard's automatic detection " // & 'of decay channels are switched on ($\to$ \ttt{?auto\_decays} ' // & 'for the ($\to$) \ttt{unstable} command, this flags decides ' // & 'whether radiative decays (e.g. containing additional photon(s)/gluon(s)) ' // & 'are taken into account or not. (cf. also \ttt{unstable}, \ttt{auto\_decays\_multiplicity})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?decay_rest_frame"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that allows to force a particle decay ' // & 'to be simulated in its rest frame. This simplifies the calculation ' // & 'for decays as stand-alone processes, but makes the process ' // & 'unsuitable for use in a decay chain.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?isotropic_decay"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that -- in case of using factorized ' // & 'production and decays using the ($\to$) \ttt{unstable} command ' // & '-- tells \whizard\ to switch off spin correlations completely ' // & '(isotropic decay). (cf. also \ttt{unstable}, \ttt{?auto\_decays}, ' // & '\ttt{decay\_helicity}, \ttt{?diagonal\_decay})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?diagonal_decay"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that -- in case of using factorized ' // & 'production and decays using the ($\to$) \ttt{unstable} command ' // & '-- tells \whizard\ instead of full spin correlations to take ' // & 'only the diagonal entries in the spin-density matrix (i.e. ' // & 'classical spin correlations). (cf. also \ttt{unstable}, \ttt{?auto\_decays}, ' // & '\ttt{decay\_helicity}, \ttt{?isotropic\_decay})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("decay_helicity"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('If this parameter is given an integer ' // & 'value, any particle decay triggered by a subsequent \ttt{unstable} ' // & 'declaration will receive a projection on the given helicity ' // & 'state for the unstable particle. (cf. also \ttt{unstable}, ' // & '\ttt{?isotropic\_decay}, \ttt{?diagonal\_decay}. The latter ' // & 'parameters, if true, take precdence over any \ttt{?decay\_helicity} setting.)')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?polarized_events"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that allows to select certain helicity ' // & 'combinations in final state particles in the event files, ' // & 'and perform analysis on polarized event samples. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{simulate}, \ttt{polarized}, \ttt{unpolarized})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$polarization_mode"), & var_str ("helicity"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that specifies the mode in ' // & 'which the polarization of particles is handled when polarized events ' // & 'are written out. Possible options are \ttt{"ignore"}, \ttt{"helicity"}, ' // & '\ttt{"factorized"}, and \ttt{"correlated"}. For more details cf. the ' // & 'detailed section.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?colorize_subevt"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that enables color-index tracking ' // & 'in the subevent (\ttt{subevt}) objects that are used for ' // & 'internal event analysis.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("tolerance"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real variable that defines the absolute ' // & 'tolerance with which the (logical) function \ttt{expect} accepts ' // & 'equality or inequality: \ttt{tolerance = {\em }}. This ' // & 'can e.g. be used for cross-section tests and backwards compatibility ' // & 'checks. (cf. also \ttt{expect})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("checkpoint"), 0, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Setting this integer variable to a positive ' // & 'integer $n$ instructs simulate to print out a progress summary ' // & 'every $n$ events.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("event_callback_interval"), 0, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Setting this integer variable to a positive ' // & 'integer $n$ instructs simulate to print out a progress summary ' // & 'every $n$ events.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?pacify"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that allows to suppress numerical ' // & 'noise and give screen and log file output with a lower number ' // & 'of significant digits. Mainly for debugging purposes. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{?sample\_pacify})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$out_file"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This character variable allows to specify ' // & 'the name of the data file to which the histogram and plot data ' // & 'are written (cf. also \ttt{write\_analysis}, \ttt{open\_out}, ' // & '\ttt{close\_out})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?out_advance"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that sets advancing in the \ttt{printf} ' // & 'output commands, i.e. continuous printing with no line feed ' // & 'etc. (cf. also \ttt{printf})')) !!! JRR: WK please check (#542) ! call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?out_custom"), .false., & ! intrinsic=.true.) ! call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$out_comment"), var_str ("# "), & ! intrinsic=.true.) ! call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?out_header"), .true., & ! intrinsic=.true.) ! call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?out_yerr"), .true., & ! intrinsic=.true.) ! call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?out_xerr"), .true., & ! intrinsic=.true.) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("real_range"), & range (real_specimen), intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('This integer gives the decimal exponent ' // & 'range of the numeric model for the real float type in use. It cannot ' // & 'be set by the user. (cf. also \ttt{real\_precision}, ' // & '\ttt{real\_epsilon}, \ttt{real\_tiny}).')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("real_precision"), & precision (real_specimen), intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('This integer gives the precision of ' // & 'the numeric model for the real float type in use. It cannot ' // & 'be set by the user. (cf. also \ttt{real\_range}, ' // & '\ttt{real\_epsilon}, \ttt{real\_tiny}).')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("real_epsilon"), & epsilon (real_specimen), intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('This gives the smallest number $E$ ' // & 'of the same kind as the float type for which $1 + E > 1$. ' // & 'It cannot be set by the user. (cf. also \ttt{real\_range}, ' // & '\ttt{real\_tiny}, \ttt{real\_precision}).')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("real_tiny"), & tiny (real_specimen), intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('This gives the smallest positive (non-zero) ' // & 'number in the numeric model for the real float type in use. ' // & 'It cannot be set by the user. (cf. also \ttt{real\_range}, ' // & '\ttt{real\_epsilon}, \ttt{real\_precision}).')) end subroutine var_list_set_core_defaults @ %def var_list_set_core_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_integration_defaults => var_list_set_integration_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_integration_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$integration_method"), var_str ("vamp"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This string variable specifies the method ' // & 'for performing the multi-dimensional phase-space integration. ' // & 'The default is the \vamp\ algorithm (\ttt{"vamp"}), other options ' // & 'are via the numerical midpoint rule (\ttt{"midpoint"}) or an ' // & 'alternate \vamptwo\ implementation that is MPI-parallelizable ' // & '(\ttt{"vamp2"}).')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("threshold_calls"), 10, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This integer variable gives a limit for ' // & 'the number of calls in a given channel which acts as a lower ' // & 'threshold for the channel weight. If the number of calls in ' // & 'that channel falls below this threshold, the weight is not ' // & 'lowered further but kept at this threshold. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{channel\_weights\_power})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("min_calls_per_channel"), 10, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that modifies the settings ' // & "of the \vamp\ integrator's grid parameters. It sets the minimal " // & 'number every channel must be called. If the number of calls ' // & 'from the iterations is too small, \whizard\ will automatically ' // & 'increase the number of calls. (cf. \ttt{iterations}, \ttt{min\_calls\_per\_bin}, ' // & '\ttt{min\_bins}, \ttt{max\_bins})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("min_calls_per_bin"), 10, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that modifies the settings ' // & "of the \vamp\ integrator's grid parameters. It sets the minimal " // & 'number every bin in an integration dimension must be called. ' // & 'If the number of calls from the iterations is too small, \whizard\ ' // & 'will automatically increase the number of calls. (cf. \ttt{iterations}, ' // & '\ttt{min\_calls\_per\_channel}, \ttt{min\_bins}, \ttt{max\_bins})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("min_bins"), 3, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that modifies the settings ' // & "of the \vamp\ integrator's grid parameters. It sets the minimal " // & 'number of bins per integration dimension. (cf. \ttt{iterations}, ' // & '\ttt{max\_bins}, \ttt{min\_calls\_per\_channel}, \ttt{min\_calls\_per\_bin})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("max_bins"), 20, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that modifies the settings ' // & "of the \vamp\ integrator's grid parameters. It sets the maximal " // & 'number of bins per integration dimension. (cf. \ttt{iterations}, ' // & '\ttt{min\_bins}, \ttt{min\_calls\_per\_channel}, \ttt{min\_calls\_per\_bin})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?stratified"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that switches between stratified ' // & 'and importance sampling for the \vamp\ integration method.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?use_vamp_equivalences"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether equivalence ' // & 'relations (symmetries) between different integration channels ' // & 'are used by the \vamp\ integrator.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vamp_verbose"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that sets the chattiness of the \vamp\ ' // & 'integrator. If set, not only errors, but also all warnings and ' // & 'messages will be written out (not the default). (cf. also \newline ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_history\_global}, \ttt{?vamp\_history\_global\_verbose}, ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels}, \newline \ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vamp_history_global"), & .true., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the global history ' // & 'of the grid adaptation of the \vamp\ integrator are written ' // & 'into the process logfiles. (cf. also \ttt{?vamp\_history\_global\_verbose}, ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels}, \ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels\_verbose}, ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vamp_history_global_verbose"), & .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the global history ' // & 'of the grid adaptation of the \vamp\ integrator are written ' // & 'into the process logfiles in an extended version. Only for debugging ' // & 'purposes. (cf. also \ttt{?vamp\_history\_global}, \ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels}, ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_verbose}, \ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vamp_history_channels"), & .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the history of ' // & 'the grid adaptation of the \vamp\ integrator for every single ' // & 'channel are written into the process logfiles. Only for debugging ' // & 'purposes. (cf. also \ttt{?vamp\_history\_global\_verbose}, ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_history\_global}, \ttt{?vamp\_verbose}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vamp_history_channels_verbose"), & .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the history of ' // & 'the grid adaptation of the \vamp\ integrator for every single ' // & 'channel are written into the process logfiles in an extended ' // & 'version. Only for debugging purposes. (cf. also \ttt{?vamp\_history\_global}, ' // & '\ttt{?vamp\_history\_channels}, \ttt{?vamp\_verbose}, \ttt{?vamp\_history\_global\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$run_id"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable \ttt{\$run\_id = "{\em ' // & '}"} that allows to set a special ID for a particular process ' // & 'run, e.g. in a scan. The run ID is then attached to the process ' // & 'log file: \newline \ttt{{\em }\_{\em }.{\em ' // & '}.log}, the \vamp\ grid file: \newline \ttt{{\em }\_{\em ' // & '}.{\em }.vg}, and the phase space file: \newline ' // & '\ttt{{\em }\_{\em }.{\em }.phs}. ' // & 'The run ID string distinguishes among several runs for the ' // & 'same process. It identifies process instances with respect ' // & 'to adapted integration grids and similar run-specific data. ' // & 'The run ID is kept when copying processes for creating instances, ' // & 'however, so it does not distinguish event samples. (cf.\ also ' // & '\ttt{\$job\_id}, \ttt{\$compile\_workspace}')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("n_calls_test"), 0, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer variable that allows to set a ' // & 'certain number of matrix element sampling test calls without ' // & 'actually integrating the process under consideration. (cf. ' // & '\ttt{integrate})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?integration_timer"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This flag switches the integration timer ' // & 'on and off, that gives the estimate for the duration of the ' // & 'generation of 10,000 unweighted events for each integrated ' // & 'process.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?check_grid_file"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Setting this to false turns off all sanity ' // & 'checks when reading a grid file with previous integration data. ' // & 'Use this at your own risk; the program may return wrong results ' // & 'or crash if data do not match. (cf. also \ttt{?check\_event\_file}, \ttt{?check\_phs\_file}) ')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("accuracy_goal"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that allows the user to ' // & 'set a minimal accuracy that should be achieved in the Monte-Carlo ' // & 'integration of a certain process. If that goal is reached, ' // & 'grid and weight adapation stop, and this result is used for ' // & 'simulation. (cf. also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{iterations}, ' // & '\ttt{error\_goal}, \ttt{relative\_error\_goal}, ' // & '\ttt{error\_threshold})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("error_goal"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that allows the user to ' // & 'set a minimal absolute error that should be achieved in the ' // & 'Monte-Carlo integration of a certain process. If that goal ' // & 'is reached, grid and weight adapation stop, and this result ' // & 'is used for simulation. (cf. also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{iterations}, ' // & '\ttt{accuracy\_goal}, \ttt{relative\_error\_goal}, \ttt{error\_threshold})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("relative_error_goal"), 0._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that allows the user to ' // & 'set a minimal relative error that should be achieved in the ' // & 'Monte-Carlo integration of a certain process. If that goal ' // & 'is reached, grid and weight adaptation stop, and this result ' // & 'is used for simulation. (cf. also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{iterations}, ' // & '\ttt{accuracy\_goal}, \ttt{error\_goal}, \ttt{error\_threshold})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("integration_results_verbosity"), 1, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter for the verbosity of ' // & 'the integration results in the process-specific logfile.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("error_threshold"), & 0._default, intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('The real parameter \ttt{error\_threshold ' // & '= {\em }} declares that any error value (in absolute numbers) ' // & 'smaller than \ttt{{\em }} is to be considered zero. The ' // & 'units are \ttt{fb} for scatterings and \ttt{GeV} for decays. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{iterations}, \ttt{accuracy\_goal}, ' // & '\ttt{error\_goal}, \ttt{relative\_error\_goal})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("channel_weights_power"), 0.25_default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that allows to vary the ' // & 'exponent of the channel weights for the \vamp\ integrator.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$integrate_workspace"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Character string that tells \whizard\ ' // & 'the subdirectory where to find the run-specific phase-space ' // & 'configuration and the \vamp\ and \vamptwo\ grid files. ' // & 'If undefined (as per default), \whizard\ creates them and ' // & 'searches for them in the ' // & 'current directory. (cf. also \ttt{\$job\_id}, ' // & '\ttt{\$run\_id}, \ttt{\$compile\_workspace})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$vamp_grid_format"), var_str ("ascii"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Character string that tells \whizard\ ' // & 'the file format for \ttt{vamp2} to use for writing and reading ' // & 'the configuration for the multi-channel integration setup and the ' // & '\vamptwo\ (only) grid data. The values can be \ttt{ascii} for a single ' // & 'human-readable grid file with ending \ttt{.vg2} or \ttt{binary} for two files, ' // & 'a human-readable header file with ending \ttt{.vg2} and binary file with ending ' // & '\ttt{.vgx2} storing the grid data.' // & 'The main purpose of the binary format is to perform faster I/O, e.g. for HPC runs.' // & '\whizard\ can convert between the different file formats automatically.')) end subroutine var_list_set_integration_defaults @ %def var_list_set_integration_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_phase_space_defaults => var_list_set_phase_space_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_phase_space_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$phs_method"), var_str ("default"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to choose ' // & 'the phase-space parameterization method. The default is the ' // & '\ttt{"wood"} method that takes into account electroweak/BSM ' // & 'resonances. Note that this might not be the best choice for ' // & '(pure) QCD amplitudes. (cf. also \ttt{\$phs\_file})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vis_channels"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Optional logical argument for the \ttt{integrate} ' // & 'command that demands \whizard\ to generate a PDF or postscript ' // & 'output showing the classification of the found phase space ' // & 'channels (if the phase space method \ttt{wood} has been used) ' // & 'according to their properties: \ttt{integrate (foo) \{ iterations=3:10000 ' // & '?vis\_channels = true \}}. The default is \ttt{false}. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{?vis\_history})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?check_phs_file"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Setting this to false turns off all sanity ' // & 'checks when reading a previously generated phase-space configuration ' // & 'file. Use this at your own risk; the program may return wrong ' // & 'results or crash if data do not match. (cf. also \ttt{?check\_event\_file}, ' // & '\ttt{?check\_grid\_file})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$phs_file"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This string variable allows the user to ' // & 'set an individual file name for the phase space parameterization ' // & 'for a particular process: \ttt{\$phs\_file = "{\em }"}. ' // & 'If not set, the default is \ttt{{\em }\_{\em }.{\em ' // & '}.phs}. (cf. also \ttt{\$phs\_method})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?phs_only"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag (particularly as optional argument ' // & 'of the $\to$ \ttt{integrate} command) that allows to only generate ' // & 'the phase space file, but not perform the integration. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{\$phs\_method}, \ttt{\$phs\_file})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("phs_threshold_s"), 50._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For the phase space method \ttt{wood}, ' // & 'this real parameter sets the threshold below which particles ' // & 'are assumed to be massless in the $s$-channel like kinematic ' // & 'regions. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, \ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("phs_threshold_t"), 100._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('For the phase space method \ttt{wood}, ' // & 'this real parameter sets the threshold below which particles ' // & 'are assumed to be massless in the $t$-channel like kinematic ' // & 'regions. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, \ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("phs_off_shell"), 2, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the number ' // & 'of off-shell (not $t$-channel-like, non-resonant) lines that ' // & 'are taken into account to find a valid phase-space setup in ' // & 'the \ttt{wood} phase-space method. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, \ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, \ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("phs_t_channel"), 6, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the number ' // & 'of $t$-channel propagators in multi-peripheral diagrams that ' // & 'are taken into account to find a valid phase-space setup in ' // & 'the \ttt{wood} phase-space method. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, \ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("phs_e_scale"), 10._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the energy scale ' // & 'that acts as a cutoff for parameterizing radiation-like kinematics ' // & 'in the \ttt{wood} phase space method. \whizard\ takes the maximum ' // & 'of this value and the width of the propagating particle as ' // & 'a cutoff. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("phs_m_scale"), 10._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the mass scale ' // & 'that acts as a cutoff for parameterizing collinear and infrared ' // & 'kinematics in the \ttt{wood} phase space method. \whizard\ ' // & 'takes the maximum of this value and the mass of the propagating ' // & 'particle as a cutoff. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("phs_q_scale"), 10._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the momentum ' // & 'transfer scale that acts as a cutoff for parameterizing $t$- ' // & 'and $u$-channel like kinematics in the \ttt{wood} phase space ' // & 'method. \whizard\ takes the maximum of this value and the mass ' // & 'of the propagating particle as a cutoff. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, \ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, \ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?phs_keep_nonresonant"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether the \ttt{wood} ' // & 'phase space method takes into account also non-resonant contributions. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?phs_step_mapping"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that switches on (or off) a particular ' // & 'phase space mapping for resonances, where the mass and width ' // & 'of the resonance are explicitly set as channel cutoffs. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, \ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, \newline \ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, \ttt{?phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?phs_step_mapping_exp"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that switches on (or off) a particular ' // & 'phase space mapping for resonances, where the mass and width ' // & 'of the resonance are explicitly set as channel cutoffs. This ' // & 'is an exponential mapping in contrast to ($\to$) \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_q\_scale}, \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, \ttt{?phs\_s\_mapping})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?phs_s_mapping"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that allows special mapping for $s$-channel ' // & 'resonances. (cf. also \ttt{phs\_threshold\_t}, \ttt{phs\_threshold\_s}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, \ttt{phs\_off\_shell}, \ttt{phs\_e\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{phs\_m\_scale}, \newline \ttt{?phs\_keep\_resonant}, \ttt{?phs\_q\_scale}, ' // & '\ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping}, \ttt{?phs\_step\_mapping\_exp})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vis_history"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Optional logical argument for the \ttt{integrate} ' // & 'command that demands \whizard\ to generate a PDF or postscript ' // & 'output showing the adaptation history of the Monte-Carlo integration ' // & 'of the process under consideration. (cf. also \ttt{integrate}, ' // & '\ttt{?vis\_channels})')) end subroutine var_list_set_phase_space_defaults @ %def var_list_set_phase_space_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_gamelan_defaults => var_list_set_gamelan_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_gamelan_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("n_bins"), 20, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: integer value that sets the number of bins in histograms. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, ' // & '\ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?normalize_bins"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that determines whether the weights shall be normalized ' // & 'to the bin width or not. (cf. also \ttt{n\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$obs_label"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: this is a string variable \ttt{\$obs\_label = "{\em ' // & '}"} that allows to attach a label to a plotted ' // & 'or histogrammed observable. (cf. also \ttt{n\_bins}, \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \newline \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$obs_unit"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: this is a string variable \ttt{\$obs\_unit = "{\em ' // & '}"} that allows to attach a \LaTeX\ physical unit ' // & 'to a plotted or histogrammed observable. (cf. also \ttt{n\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$title"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This string variable sets the title of ' // & 'a plot in a \whizard\ analysis setup, e.g. a histogram or an ' // & 'observable. The syntax is \ttt{\$title = "{\em }"}. ' // & 'This title appears as a section header in the analysis file, ' // & 'but not in the screen output of the analysis. (cf. also \ttt{n\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$description"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to specify ' // & 'a description text for the analysis, \ttt{\$description = "{\em ' // & '}"}. This line appears below the title ' // & 'of a corresponding analysis, on top of the respective plot. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{analysis}, \ttt{n\_bins}, \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{?y\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$x_label"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable, \ttt{\$x\_label = "{\em ' // & '}"}, that sets the $x$ axis label in a plot or ' // & 'histogram in a \whizard\ analysis. (cf. also \ttt{analysis}, ' // & '\ttt{n\_bins}, \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$y_label"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable, \ttt{\$y\_label = "{\em ' // & '}"}, that sets the $y$ axis label in a plot or ' // & 'histogram in a \whizard\ analysis. (cf. also \ttt{analysis}, ' // & '\ttt{n\_bins}, \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{?y\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("graph_width_mm"), 130, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: integer value that sets the width of a graph or histogram ' // & 'in millimeters. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \newline \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("graph_height_mm"), 90, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: integer value that sets the height of a graph or histogram ' // & 'in millimeters. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \newline \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?y_log"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that makes the $y$ axis logarithmic. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, ' // & '\ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \newline \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \newline \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?x_log"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that makes the $x$ axis logarithmic. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, ' // & '\ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \newline \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \newline \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("x_min"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: real parameter that sets the lower limit of the $x$ ' // & 'axis plotting or histogram interval. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \newline \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("x_max"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: real parameter that sets the upper limit of the $x$ ' // & 'axis plotting or histogram interval. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \newline \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("y_min"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: real parameter that sets the lower limit of the $y$ ' // & 'axis plotting or histogram interval. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \newline \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("y_max"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: real parameter that sets the upper limit of the $y$ ' // & 'axis plotting or histogram interval. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \newline \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$gmlcode_bg"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: string variable that allows to define a background ' // & 'for plots and histograms (i.e. it is overwritten by the plot/histogram), ' // & 'e.g. a grid: \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg = ";"}. For ' // & 'more details, see the \gamelan\ manual. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \newline \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$gmlcode_fg"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: string variable that allows to define a foreground ' // & 'for plots and histograms (i.e. it overwrites the plot/histogram), ' // & 'e.g. a grid: \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg = ";"}. For ' // & 'more details, see the \gamelan\ manual. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \newline \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?draw_histogram"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that tells \whizard\ to either plot data as a ' // & 'histogram or as a continuous line (if $\to$ \ttt{?draw\_curve} ' // & 'is set \ttt{true}). (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \newline \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?draw_base"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that tells \whizard\ to insert a \ttt{base} statement ' // & 'in the analysis code to calculate the plot data from a data ' // & 'set. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \newline \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?draw_piecewise"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that tells \whizard\ to data from a data set piecewise, ' // & 'i.e. histogram style. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$err\_options})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?fill_curve"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that tells \whizard\ to fill data curves (e.g. ' // & 'as a histogram). The style can be set with $\to$ \ttt{\$fill\_options ' // & '= "{\em }"}. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \newline \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?draw_curve"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that tells \whizard\ to either plot data as a ' // & 'continuous line or as a histogram (if $\to$ \ttt{?draw\_histogram} ' // & 'is set \ttt{true}). (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \newline \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?draw_errors"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that determines whether error bars should be drawn ' // & 'or not. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?draw_symbols"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: flag that determines whether particular symbols (specified ' // & 'by $\to$ \ttt{\$symbol = "{\em }"}) should be ' // & 'used for plotting data points (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$fill_options"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: \ttt{\$fill\_options = "{\em }"} is a ' // & 'string variable that allows to set fill options when plotting ' // & 'data as filled curves with the $\to$ \ttt{?fill\_curve} flag. ' // & 'For more details see the \gamelan\ manual. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, ' // & '\ttt{\$x\_label}, \ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, \ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$draw_options"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: \ttt{\$draw\_options = "{\em }"} is a ' // & 'string variable that allows to set specific drawing options ' // & 'for plots and histograms. For more details see the \gamelan\ ' // & 'manual. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \newline \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{\$err\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$err_options"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: \ttt{\$err\_options = "{\em }"} is a string ' // & 'variable that allows to set specific drawing options for errors ' // & 'in plots and histograms. For more details see the \gamelan\ ' // & 'manual. (cf. also \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, \ttt{\$obs\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, \ttt{?draw\_base}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_errors}, \newline \ttt{?draw\_symbols}, \ttt{\$fill\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \ttt{\$symbol})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$symbol"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Settings for \whizard's internal graphics " // & 'output: \ttt{\$symbol = "{\em }"} is a string ' // & 'variable for the symbols that should be used for plotting data ' // & 'points. (cf. also \ttt{\$obs\_label}, \ttt{?normalize\_bins}, ' // & '\ttt{\$obs\_unit}, \ttt{\$title}, \ttt{\$description}, \ttt{\$x\_label}, ' // & '\ttt{\$y\_label}, \newline \ttt{graph\_width\_mm}, \ttt{graph\_height\_mm}, ' // & '\ttt{?y\_log}, \ttt{?x\_log}, \ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{y\_max}, \newline \ttt{\$gmlcode\_fg}, \ttt{\$gmlcode\_bg}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_base}, \ttt{?draw\_piecewise}, \ttt{?fill\_curve}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?draw\_histogram}, \ttt{?draw\_curve}, \ttt{?draw\_errors}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fill\_options}, \ttt{\$draw\_options}, \newline \ttt{\$err\_options}, ' // & '\ttt{?draw\_symbols})')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?analysis_file_only"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Allows to specify that only \LaTeX\ files ' // & "for \whizard's graphical analysis are written out, but not processed. " // & '(cf. \ttt{compile\_analysis}, \ttt{write\_analysis})')) end subroutine var_list_set_gamelan_defaults @ %def var_list_set_gamelan_defaults @ FastJet parameters and friends <>= procedure :: set_clustering_defaults => var_list_set_clustering_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_clustering_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("kt_algorithm"), & kt_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the ' // & 'interfaced external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\newline\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("cambridge_algorithm"), & cambridge_algorithm, intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_for\_passive\_algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("antikt_algorithm"), & antikt_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("genkt_algorithm"), & genkt_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_for\_passive\_algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_for\_passive\_algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r}), \ttt{jet\_p}')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("cambridge_for_passive_algorithm"), & cambridge_for_passive_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("genkt_for_passive_algorithm"), & genkt_for_passive_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_for\_passive\_algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("ee_kt_algorithm"), & ee_kt_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_genkt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("ee_genkt_algorithm"), & ee_genkt_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r}), \ttt{jet\_p})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("plugin_algorithm"), & plugin_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifies a jet algorithm for the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm} command, used in the ($\to$) \ttt{cluster} ' // & 'subevent function. At the moment only available for the interfaced ' // & 'external \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_for\_passive\_algorithm}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("undefined_jet_algorithm"), & undefined_jet_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., locked = .true., & description=var_str ('This is just a place holder for any kind of jet ' // & 'jet algorithm that is not further specified. (cf. also \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_for\_passive\_algorithm}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_r}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("jet_algorithm"), undefined_jet_algorithm, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Variable that allows to set the type of ' // & 'jet algorithm when using the external \fastjet\ library. It ' // & 'accepts one of the following algorithms: ($\to$) \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\newline ($\to$) \ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '($\to$) \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}, ($\to$) \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, ' // & '($\to$) \ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}). (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_p}, \ttt{jet\_r}, \ttt{jet\_ycut})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("jet_r"), 0._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Value for the distance measure $R$ used in ' // & 'some algorithms that are available via the interface ' // & 'to the \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{combine}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm}, \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, \ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_p}, \newline\ttt{jet\_ycut})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("jet_p"), 0._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Value for the exponent of the distance measure $R$ in ' // & 'the generalized $k_T$ algorithms that are available via the interface ' // & 'to the \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{combine}, ' // & '\ttt{jet\_algorithm}, \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, \ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_r}, \newline\ttt{jet\_ycut})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("jet_ycut"), 0._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Value for the $y$ separation measure used in ' // & 'the Cambridge-Aachen algorithms that are available via the interface ' // & 'to the \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{combine}, ' // & '\ttt{kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, \ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_p}, \newline\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("jet_dcut"), 0._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Value for the $d_{ij}$ separation measure used in ' // & 'the $e^+e^- k_T$ algorithms that are available via the interface ' // & 'to the \fastjet\ package. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{combine}, ' // & '\ttt{kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, \ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, ' // & '\ttt{ee\_[gen]kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{jet\_p}, \newline\ttt{jet\_r})')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?keep_flavors_when_clustering"), .false., & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The logical variable \ttt{?keep\_flavors\_when\_clustering ' // & '= true/false} specifies whether the flavor of a jet should be ' // & 'kept during \ttt{cluster} when a jet consists of one quark and ' // & 'zero or more gluons. Especially useful for cuts on b-tagged ' // & 'jets (cf. also \ttt{cluster}).')) end subroutine var_list_set_clustering_defaults @ %def var_list_set_clustering_defaults -@ Frixione isolation parameters and all that: +@ Frixione isolation and photon recombination parameters and all that: <>= - procedure :: set_isolation_defaults => var_list_set_isolation_defaults + procedure :: set_isolation_recomb_defaults => & + var_list_set_isolation_recomb_defaults <>= - subroutine var_list_set_isolation_defaults (var_list) + subroutine var_list_set_isolation_recomb_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_real (var_str ("photon_iso_eps"), 1._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Photon isolation parameter $\epsilon_\gamma$ ' // & '(energy fraction) from hep-ph/9801442 (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{photon\_iso\_n}, \ttt{photon\_iso\_r0})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("photon_iso_n"), 1._default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Photon isolation parameter $n$ ' // & '(cone function exponent) from hep-ph/9801442 (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{photon\_iso\_eps}, \ttt{photon\_iso\_r0})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("photon_iso_r0"), 0.4_default, & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Photon isolation parameter $R_0^\gamma$ ' // & '(isolation cone radius) from hep-ph/9801442 (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{photon\_iso\_eps}, \ttt{photon\_iso\_n})')) - end subroutine var_list_set_isolation_defaults + call var_list%append_real (var_str ("photon_rec_r0"), 0.1_default, & + intrinsic=.true., & + description=var_str ('Photon recombination parameter $R_0^\gamma$ ' // & + 'for photon recombination in NLO EW calculations')) + call var_list%append_log (& + var_str ("?keep_flavors_when_recombining"), .true., & + intrinsic = .true., & + description=var_str ('The logical variable \ttt{?keep\_flavors\_when\_recombining ' // & + '= true/false} specifies whether the flavor of a particle should be ' // & + 'kept during \ttt{photon\_recombination} when a jet/lepton consists of one lepton/quark ' // & + 'and zero or more photons (cf. also \ttt{photon\_recombination}).')) + end subroutine var_list_set_isolation_recomb_defaults -@ %def var_list_set_isolation_defaults +@ %def var_list_set_isolation_recomb_defaults <>= procedure :: set_eio_defaults => var_list_set_eio_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_eio_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$sample"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable to set the (base) name ' // & 'of the event output format, e.g. \ttt{\$sample = "foo"} will ' // & 'result in an intrinsic binary format event file \ttt{foo.evx}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{hepevt}, ' // & '\ttt{ascii}, \ttt{athena}, \ttt{debug}, \ttt{long}, \ttt{short}, ' // & '\ttt{hepmc}, \ttt{lhef}, \ttt{lha}, \ttt{stdhep}, \ttt{stdhep\_up}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, \ttt{?sample\_pacify}, \ttt{sample\_max\_tries})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$sample_normalization"), var_str ("auto"),& intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to set the ' // & 'normalization of generated events. There are four options: ' // & 'option \ttt{"1"} (events normalized to one), \ttt{"1/n"} (sum ' // & 'of all events in a sample normalized to one), \ttt{"sigma"} ' // & '(events normalized to the cross section of the process), and ' // & '\ttt{"sigma/n"} (sum of all events normalized to the cross ' // & 'section). The default is \ttt{"auto"} where unweighted events ' // & 'are normalized to one, and weighted ones to the cross section. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{?sample\_pacify}, \ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?sample_pacify"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag, mainly for debugging purposes: suppresses ' // & 'numerical noise in the output of a simulation. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?sample_select"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Logical that determines whether a selection should ' // & 'be applied to the output event format or not. If set to \ttt{false} a ' // & 'selection is only considered for the evaluation of observables. (cf. ' // & '\ttt{select}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{analysis})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("sample_max_tries"), 10000, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Integer variable that sets the maximal ' // & 'number of tries for generating a single event. The event might ' // & 'be vetoed because of a very low unweighting efficiency, errors ' // & 'in the event transforms like decays, shower, matching, hadronization ' // & 'etc. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{?sample\_pacify}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt}, \newline\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("sample_split_n_evt"), 0, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('When generating events, this integer parameter ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt = {\em }} gives the number \ttt{{\em ' // & '}} of breakpoints in the event files, i.e. it splits the ' // & 'event files into \ttt{{\em } + 1} parts. The parts are ' // & 'denoted by \ttt{{\em }.{\em }.{\em ' // & '}}. Here, \ttt{{\em }} is an integer ' // & 'running from \ttt{0} to \ttt{{\em }}. The start can be ' // & 'reset by ($\to$) \ttt{sample\_split\_index}. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, \ttt{?sample\_pacify}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("sample_split_n_kbytes"), 0, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('When generating events, this integer parameter ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes = {\em }} limits the file ' // & 'size of event files. Whenever an event file has exceeded this ' // & 'size, counted in kilobytes, the following events will be written ' // & 'to a new file. The naming conventions are the same as for ' // & '\ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt}. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{\$sample}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, ' // & '\ttt{?sample\_pacify})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("sample_split_index"), 0, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Integer number that gives the starting ' // & 'index \ttt{sample\_split\_index = {\em }} for ' // & 'the numbering of event samples \ttt{{\em }.{\em ' // & '}.{\em }} split by the \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt ' // & '= {\em }}. The index runs from \ttt{{\em }} ' // & 'to \newline \ttt{{\em } + {\em }}. (cf. also \ttt{simulate}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \newline\ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, \ttt{?sample\_pacify})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$rescan_input_format"), var_str ("raw"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to set the ' // & 'event format of the event file that is to be rescanned by the ' // & '($\to$) \ttt{rescan} command.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?read_raw"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This flag demands \whizard\ to (try to) ' // & 'read events (from the internal binary format) first before ' // & 'generating new ones. (cf. \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{?write\_raw}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?write_raw"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Flag to write out events in \whizard's " // & 'internal binary format. (cf. \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{?read\_raw}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_raw"), var_str ("evx"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_raw ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & "to which events in \whizard's internal format are written. If " // & 'not set, the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.evx}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_default"), var_str ("evt"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_default ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in a the standard \whizard\ verbose ASCII format ' // & 'are written. If not set, the default file name and suffix is ' // & '\ttt{{\em }.evt}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$debug_extension"), var_str ("debug"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$debug\_extension ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in a long verbose format with debugging information ' // & 'are written. If not set, the default file name and suffix is ' // & '\ttt{{\em }.debug}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{?debug\_process}, \ttt{?debug\_transforms}, ' // & '\ttt{?debug\_decay}, \ttt{?debug\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?debug_process"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether process information ' // & 'will be displayed in the ASCII debug event format ($\to$) \ttt{debug}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{\$debug\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?debug\_decay}, \ttt{?debug\_transforms}, \ttt{?debug\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?debug_transforms"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether information ' // & 'about event transforms will be displayed in the ASCII debug ' // & 'event format ($\to$) \ttt{debug}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{?debug\_decay}, \ttt{\$debug\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?debug\_process}, \ttt{?debug\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?debug_decay"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether decay information ' // & 'will be displayed in the ASCII debug event format ($\to$) \ttt{debug}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{\$debug\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?debug\_process}, \ttt{?debug\_transforms}, \ttt{?debug\_verbose})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?debug_verbose"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether extensive verbose ' // & 'information will be included in the ASCII debug event format ' // & '($\to$) \ttt{debug}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample}, ' // & '\ttt{\$debug\_extension}, \ttt{?debug\_decay}, \ttt{?debug\_transforms}, ' // & '\ttt{?debug\_process})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$dump_extension"), var_str ("pset.dat"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$dump\_extension ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & "to which events in \whizard's internal particle set format " // & 'are written. If not set, the default file name and suffix is ' // & '\ttt{{\em }.pset.dat}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{dump}, \ttt{?dump\_compressed}, ' // & '\ttt{?dump\_screen}, \ttt{?dump\_summary}, \ttt{?dump\_weights})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?dump_compressed"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that, if set to \ttt{true}, issues ' // & 'a very compressed and clear version of the \ttt{dump} ($\to$) ' // & 'event format. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{dump}, \ttt{\$dump\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?dump\_screen}, \ttt{?dump\_summary}, \ttt{?dump\_weights})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?dump_weights"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that, if set to \ttt{true}, includes ' // & 'cross sections, weights and excess in the \ttt{dump} ($\to$) ' // & 'event format. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{dump}, \ttt{?dump\_compressed}, ' // & '\ttt{\$dump\_extension}, \ttt{?dump\_screen}, \ttt{?dump\_summary})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?dump_summary"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that, if set to \ttt{true}, includes ' // & 'a summary with momentum sums for incoming and outgoing particles ' // & 'as well as for beam remnants in the \ttt{dump} ($\to$) ' // & 'event format. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{dump}, \ttt{?dump\_compressed}, ' // & '\ttt{\$dump\_extension}, \ttt{?dump\_screen}, \ttt{?dump\_weights})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?dump_screen"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that, if set to \ttt{true}, outputs ' // & 'events for the \ttt{dump} ($\to$) event format on screen ' // & ' instead of to a file. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{dump}, \ttt{?dump\_compressed}, ' // & '\ttt{\$dump\_extension}, \ttt{?dump\_summary}, \ttt{?dump\_weights})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?hepevt_ensure_order"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to ensure that the particle set confirms ' // & 'the HEPEVT standard. This involves some copying and reordering ' // & 'to guarantee that mothers and daughters are always next to ' // & 'each other. Usually this is not necessary.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_hepevt"), var_str ("hepevt"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_hepevt ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the \whizard\ version 1 style HEPEVT ASCII ' // & 'format are written. If not set, the default file name and suffix ' // & 'is \ttt{{\em }.hepevt}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_ascii_short"), & var_str ("short.evt"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_ascii\_short ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the so called short variant of the \whizard\ ' // & 'version 1 style HEPEVT ASCII format are written. If not set, ' // & 'the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.short.evt}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_ascii_long"), & var_str ("long.evt"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_ascii\_long ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the so called long variant of the \whizard\ ' // & 'version 1 style HEPEVT ASCII format are written. If not set, ' // & 'the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.long.evt}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_athena"), & var_str ("athena.evt"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_athena ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the ATHENA file format are written. If not ' // & 'set, the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.athena.evt}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_mokka"), & var_str ("mokka.evt"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_mokka ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the MOKKA format are written. If not set, ' // & 'the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.mokka.evt}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$lhef_version"), var_str ("2.0"), & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Specifier for the Les Houches Accord (LHEF) ' // & 'event format files with XML headers to discriminate among different ' // & 'versions of this format. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{lhef}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_prc}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_ref}, ' // & '\ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_alt})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$lhef_extension"), var_str ("lhe"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$lhef\_extension ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the LHEF format are written. If not set, ' // & 'the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.lhe}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{lhef}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{\$lhef\_version}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_prc}, ' // & '\ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_ref}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_alt})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?lhef_write_sqme_prc"), .true., & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether in the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{lhef} event format the weights of the squared matrix element ' // & 'of the corresponding process shall be written in the LHE file. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{lhef}, ' // & '\ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_ref}, ' // & '\newline \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_alt})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?lhef_write_sqme_ref"), .false., & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether in the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{lhef} event format reference weights of the squared matrix ' // & 'element shall be written in the LHE file. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{lhef}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_prc}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_alt})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?lhef_write_sqme_alt"), .true., & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether in the ($\to$) ' // & '\ttt{lhef} event format alternative weights of the squared matrix ' // & 'element shall be written in the LHE file. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, ' // & '\ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{lhef}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, ' // & '\ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_prc}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_ref})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_lha"), var_str ("lha"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_lha ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the (deprecated) LHA format are written. ' // & 'If not set, the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.lha}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_hepmc"), var_str ("hepmc"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_hepmc ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the HepMC format are written. If not set, ' // & 'the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.hepmc}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?hepmc_output_cross_section"), .false., & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag for the HepMC event format that allows ' // & 'to write out the cross section (and error) from the integration ' // & 'together with each HepMC event. This can be used by programs ' // & 'like Rivet to scale histograms according to the cross section. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{hepmc})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$hepmc3_mode"), var_str ("HepMC3"), & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This specifies the writer mode for HepMC3. ' // & 'Possible values are \ttt{HepMC2}, \ttt{HepMC3} (default), ' // & '\ttt{HepEVT}, \ttt{Root}. and \ttt{RootTree} (cf. also \ttt{hepmc})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_lcio"), var_str ("slcio"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_lcio ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the LCIO format are written. If not set, ' // & 'the default file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.slcio}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_stdhep"), var_str ("hep"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_stdhep ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the StdHEP format via the HEPEVT common ' // & 'block are written. If not set, the default file name and suffix ' // & 'is \ttt{{\em }.hep}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_stdhep_up"), & var_str ("up.hep"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_stdhep\_up ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the StdHEP format via the HEPRUP/HEPEUP ' // & 'common blocks are written. \ttt{{\em }.up.hep} ' // & 'is the default file name and suffix, if this variable not set. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_stdhep_ev4"), & var_str ("ev4.hep"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_stdhep\_ev4 ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the StdHEP format via the HEPEVT/HEPEV4 ' // & 'common blocks are written. \ttt{{\em }.up.hep} ' // & 'is the default file name and suffix, if this variable not set. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_hepevt_verb"), & var_str ("hepevt.verb"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_hepevt\_verb ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the \whizard\ version 1 style extended or ' // & 'verbose HEPEVT ASCII format are written. If not set, the default ' // & 'file name and suffix is \ttt{{\em }.hepevt.verb}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$extension_lha_verb"), & var_str ("lha.verb"), intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via \ttt{\$extension\_lha\_verb ' // & '= "{\em }"} to specify the suffix for the file \ttt{name.suffix} ' // & 'to which events in the (deprecated) extended or verbose LHA ' // & 'format are written. If not set, the default file name and suffix ' // & 'is \ttt{{\em }.lha.verb}. (cf. also \ttt{sample\_format}, ' // & '\ttt{\$sample})')) end subroutine var_list_set_eio_defaults @ %def var_list_set_eio_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_shower_defaults => var_list_set_shower_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_shower_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?allow_shower"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Master flag to switch on (initial and ' // & 'final state) parton shower, matching/merging as an event ' // & 'transform. As a default, it is switched on. (cf. also \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '....}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_fsr_active"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that switches final-state QCD radiation ' // & '(FSR) on. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_isr_active"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that switches initial-state QCD ' // & 'radiation (ISR) on. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_taudec_active"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on $\tau$ decays, at ' // & 'the moment only via the included external package \ttt{TAUOLA} ' // & 'and \ttt{PHOTOS}. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?muli_active"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ("Master flag that switches on \whizard's " // & 'module for multiple interaction with interleaved QCD parton ' // & 'showers for hadron colliders. Note that this feature is still ' // & 'experimental. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$shower_method"), var_str ("WHIZARD"), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to specify ' // & 'which parton shower is being used, the default, \ttt{"WHIZARD"}, ' // & 'is one of the in-house showers of \whizard. Other possibilities ' // & 'at the moment are only \ttt{"PYTHIA6"}.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?shower_verbose"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on verbose messages when ' // & 'using shower and/or hadronization. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...},')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to pass options ' // & 'for tunes etc. to the attached \pythia\ parton shower or hadronization, ' // & 'e.g.: \ttt{\$ps\_PYTHIA\_PYGIVE = "MSTJ(41)=1"}. (cf. also ' // & '\newline \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$ps_PYTHIA8_config"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to pass options ' // & 'for tunes etc. to the attached \pythia\ttt{8} parton shower or hadronization, ' // & 'e.g.: \ttt{\$ps\_PYTHIA8\_config = "PartonLevel:MPI = off"}. (cf. also ' // & '\newline \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$ps_PYTHIA8_config_file"), var_str (""), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows to pass a filename to a ' // & '\pythia\ttt{8} configuration file.')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("ps_mass_cutoff"), 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real value that sets the QCD parton shower ' // & 'lower cutoff scale, where hadronization sets in. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("ps_fsr_lambda"), 0.29_default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('By this real parameter, the value of $\Lambda_{QCD}$ ' // & 'used in running $\alpha_s$ for time-like showers is set (except ' // & 'for showers in the decay of a resonance). (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("ps_isr_lambda"), 0.29_default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('By this real parameter, the value of $\Lambda_{QCD}$ ' // & 'used in running $\alpha_s$ for space-like showers is set. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("ps_max_n_flavors"), 5, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This integer parameter sets the maxmimum ' // & 'number of flavors that can be produced in a QCD shower $g\to ' // & 'q\bar q$. It is also used as the maximal number of active flavors ' // & 'for the running of $\alpha_s$ in the shower (with a minimum ' // & 'of 3). (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_isr_alphas_running"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether a running ' // & '$\alpha_s$ is taken in space-like QCD parton showers. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_fsr_alphas_running"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether a running ' // & '$\alpha_s$ is taken in time-like QCD parton showers. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("ps_fixed_alphas"), & 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter sets the value of $\alpha_s$ ' // & 'if it is (cf. $\to$ \ttt{?ps\_isr\_alphas\_running}, \newline ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_fsr\_alphas\_running}) not running in initial and/or ' // & 'final-state QCD showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_isr_pt_ordered"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('By this flag, it can be switched between ' // & 'the analytic QCD ISR shower (\ttt{false}, default) and the ' // & '$p_T$ ISR QCD shower (\ttt{true}). (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?ps_isr_angular_ordered"), .true., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('If switched one, this flag forces opening ' // & 'angles of emitted partons in the QCD ISR shower to be strictly ' // & 'ordered, i.e. increasing towards the hard interaction. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("ps_isr_primordial_kt_width"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter sets the width $\sigma ' // & '= \braket{k_T^2}$ for the Gaussian primordial $k_T$ distribution ' // & 'inside the hadron, given by: $\exp[-k_T^2/\sigma^2] k_T dk_T$. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("ps_isr_primordial_kt_cutoff"), 5._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets the upper cutoff ' // & 'for the primordial $k_T$ distribution inside a hadron. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{?hadronization\_active}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("ps_isr_z_cutoff"), 0.999_default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter allows to set the upper ' // & 'cutoff on the splitting variable $z$ in space-like QCD parton ' // & 'showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("ps_isr_minenergy"), 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('By this real parameter, the minimal effective ' // & 'energy (in the c.m. frame) of a time-like or on-shell-emitted ' // & 'parton in a space-like QCD shower is set. For a hard subprocess ' // & 'that is not in the rest frame, this number is roughly reduced ' // & 'by a boost factor $1/\gamma$ to the rest frame of the hard scattering ' // & 'process. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("ps_isr_tscalefactor"), 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The $Q^2$ scale of the hard scattering ' // & 'process is multiplied by this real factor to define the maximum ' // & 'parton virtuality allowed in time-like QCD showers. This does ' // & 'only apply to $t$- and $u$-channels, while for $s$-channel resonances ' // & 'the maximum virtuality is set by $m^2$. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str & ("?ps_isr_only_onshell_emitted_partons"), .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This flag if set true sets all emitted ' // & 'partons off space-like showers on-shell, i.e. it would not allow ' // & 'associated time-like showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) end subroutine var_list_set_shower_defaults @ %def var_list_set_shower_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_hadronization_defaults => var_list_set_hadronization_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_hadronization_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log & (var_str ("?allow_hadronization"), .true., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Master flag to switch on hadronization ' // & 'as an event transform. As a default, it is switched on. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?ps\_ ....}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_log & (var_str ("?hadronization_active"), .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Master flag to switch hadronization (through ' // & 'the attached \pythia\ package) on or off. As a default, it is ' // & 'off. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...})')) call var_list%append_string & (var_str ("$hadronization_method"), var_str ("PYTHIA6"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ("Determines whether \whizard's own " // & "hadronization or the (internally included) \pythiasix\ should be used.")) call var_list%append_real & (var_str ("hadron_enhanced_fraction"), 0.01_default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Fraction of Lund strings that break with enhanced ' // & 'width. [not yet active]')) call var_list%append_real & (var_str ("hadron_enhanced_width"), 2.0_default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Enhancement factor for the width of breaking ' // & 'Lund strings. [not yet active]')) end subroutine var_list_set_hadronization_defaults @ %def var_list_set_hadronization_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_tauola_defaults => var_list_set_tauola_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_tauola_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?ps_tauola_photos"), .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on \ttt{PHOTOS} for photon ' // & 'showering inside the \ttt{TAUOLA} package. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?ps_tauola_transverse"), .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch transverse $\tau$ polarization ' // & 'on or off for Higgs decays into $\tau$ leptons. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?ps_tauola_dec_rad_cor"), .true., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch radiative corrections for ' // & '$\tau$ decays in \ttt{TAUOLA} on or off. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("ps_tauola_dec_mode1"), 0, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Integer code to request a specific $\tau$ ' // & 'decay within \ttt{TAUOLA} for the decaying $\tau$, and -- ' // & 'in correlated decays -- for the second $\tau$. For more information ' // & 'cf. the comments in the code or the \ttt{TAUOLA} manual. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_int (& var_str ("ps_tauola_dec_mode2"), 0, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Integer code to request a specific $\tau$ ' // & 'decay within \ttt{TAUOLA} for the decaying $\tau$, and -- ' // & 'in correlated decays -- for the second $\tau$. For more information ' // & 'cf. the comments in the code or the \ttt{TAUOLA} manual. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("ps_tauola_mh"), 125._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real option to set the Higgs mass for Higgs ' // & 'decays into $\tau$ leptons in the interface to \ttt{TAUOLA}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("ps_tauola_mix_angle"), 90._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Option to set the mixing angle between ' // & 'scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs bosons for Higgs decays into $\tau$ ' // & 'leptons in the interface to \ttt{TAUOLA}. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?ps_tauola_pol_vector"), .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag to decide whether for transverse $\tau$ ' // & 'polarization, polarization information should be taken from ' // & '\ttt{TAUOLA} or not. The default is just based on random numbers. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active})')) end subroutine var_list_set_tauola_defaults @ %def var_list_set_tauola_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_mlm_matching_defaults => var_list_set_mlm_matching_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_mlm_matching_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?mlm_matching"), .false., & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Master flag to switch on MLM (LO) jet ' // & 'matching between hard matrix elements and the QCD parton ' // & 'shower. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, ' // & '\ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_Qcut_ME"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that in the MLM jet matching ' // & 'between hard matrix elements and QCD parton shower sets a possible ' // & 'virtuality cut on jets from the hard matrix element. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_Qcut_PS"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that in the MLM jet matching ' // & 'between hard matrix elements and QCD parton shower sets a possible ' // & 'virtuality cut on jets from the parton shower. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_ptmin"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter sets a minimal $p_T$ ' // & 'that enters the $y_{cut}$ jet clustering measure in the MLM ' // & 'jet matching between hard matrix elements and QCD parton showers. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_etamax"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter sets a maximal pseudorapidity ' // & 'that enters the MLM jet matching between hard matrix elements ' // & 'and QCD parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_Rmin"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets a minimal $R$ ' // & 'distance value that enters the $y_{cut}$ jet clustering measure ' // & 'in the MLM jet matching between hard matrix elements and QCD ' // & 'parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_Emin"), 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter that sets a minimal energy ' // & '$E_{min}$ value as an infrared cutoff in the MLM jet matching ' // & 'between hard matrix elements and QCD parton showers. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str & ("mlm_nmaxMEjets"), 0, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This integer sets the maximal number of ' // & 'jets that are available from hard matrix elements in the MLM ' // & 'jet matching between hard matrix elements and QCD parton shower. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, \ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ' // & '...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_ETclusfactor"), 0.2_default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter is a factor that enters ' // & 'the calculation of the $y_{cut}$ measure for jet clustering ' // & 'after the parton shower in the MLM jet matching between hard ' // & 'matrix elements and QCD parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_ETclusminE"), 5._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter is a minimal energy ' // & 'that enters the calculation of the $y_{cut}$ measure for jet ' // & 'clustering after the parton shower in the MLM jet matching between ' // & 'hard matrix elements and QCD parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_etaclusfactor"), 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter is a factor that enters ' // & 'the calculation of the $y_{cut}$ measure for jet clustering ' // & 'after the parton shower in the MLM jet matching between hard ' // & 'matrix elements and QCD parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_Rclusfactor"), 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter is a factor that enters ' // & 'the calculation of the $y_{cut}$ measure for jet clustering ' // & 'after the parton shower in the MLM jet matching between hard ' // & 'matrix elements and QCD parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str & ("mlm_Eclusfactor"), 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real parameter is a factor that enters ' // & 'the calculation of the $y_{cut}$ measure for jet clustering ' // & 'after the parton shower in the MLM jet matching between hard ' // & 'matrix elements and QCD parton showers. (cf. also \ttt{?allow\_shower}, ' // & '\ttt{?ps\_ ...}, \ttt{\$ps\_ ...}, \ttt{mlm\_ ...}, \ttt{?hadronization\_active})')) end subroutine var_list_set_mlm_matching_defaults @ %def var_list_set_mlm_matching_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_powheg_matching_defaults => & var_list_set_powheg_matching_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_powheg_matching_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?powheg_matching"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Activates Powheg matching. Needs to be ' // & 'combined with the \ttt{?combined\_nlo\_integration}-method.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?powheg_use_singular_jacobian"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This allows to give a different ' // & 'normalization of the Jacobian, resulting in an alternative ' // & 'POWHEG damping in the singular regions.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("powheg_grid_size_xi"), & 5, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Number of $\xi$ points in the POWHEG grid.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("powheg_grid_size_y"), & 5, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Number of $y$ points in the POWHEG grid.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("powheg_grid_sampling_points"), & 500000, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Number of calls used to initialize the ' // & 'POWHEG grid.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("powheg_pt_min"), & 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Lower $p_T$-cut-off for the POWHEG ' // & 'hardest emission.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("powheg_lambda"), & LAMBDA_QCD_REF, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Reference scale of the $\alpha_s$ evolution ' // & 'in the POWHEG matching algorithm.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?powheg_test_sudakov"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Performs an internal consistency check ' // & 'on the POWHEG event generation.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?powheg_disable_sudakov"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This flag allows to set the Sudakov form ' // & 'factor to one. This effectively results in a version of ' // & 'the matrix-element method (MEM) at NLO.')) end subroutine var_list_set_powheg_matching_defaults @ %def var_list_set_powheg_matching_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_openmp_defaults => var_list_set_openmp_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_openmp_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?omega_openmp"), & openmp_is_active (), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on or off OpenMP multi-threading ' // & "for \oMega\ matrix elements. (cf. also \ttt{\$method}, \ttt{\$omega\_flag})")) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?openmp_is_active"), & openmp_is_active (), & locked=.true., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Flag to switch on or off OpenMP multi-threading ' // & 'for \whizard. (cf. also \ttt{?openmp\_logging}, \ttt{openmp\_num\_threads}, ' // & '\ttt{openmp\_num\_threads\_default}, \ttt{?omega\_openmp})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("openmp_num_threads_default"), & openmp_get_default_max_threads (), & locked=.true., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that shows the number ' // & 'of default OpenMP threads for multi-threading. Note that this ' // & 'parameter can only be accessed, but not reset by the user. (cf. ' // & 'also \ttt{?openmp\_logging}, \ttt{openmp\_num\_threads}, \ttt{?omega\_openmp})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("openmp_num_threads"), & openmp_get_max_threads (), & intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('Integer parameter that sets the number ' // & 'of OpenMP threads for multi-threading. (cf. also \ttt{?openmp\_logging}, ' // & '\ttt{openmp\_num\_threads\_default}, \ttt{?omega\_openmp})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?openmp_logging"), & .true., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str ('This logical -- when set to \ttt{false} ' // & '-- suppresses writing out messages about OpenMP parallelization ' // & '(number of used threads etc.) on screen and into the logfile ' // & '(default name \ttt{whizard.log}) for the whole \whizard\ run. ' // & 'Mainly for debugging purposes. (cf. also \ttt{?logging}, ' // & '\ttt{?mpi\_logging})')) end subroutine var_list_set_openmp_defaults @ %def var_list_set_openmp_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_mpi_defaults => var_list_set_mpi_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_mpi_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?mpi_logging"), & .false., intrinsic=.true., & description=var_str('This logical -- when set to \ttt{false} ' // & '-- suppresses writing out messages about MPI parallelization ' // & '(number of used workers etc.) on screen and into the logfile ' // & '(default name \ttt{whizard.log}) for the whole \whizard\ run. ' // & 'Mainly for debugging purposes. (cf. also \ttt{?logging}, ' // & '\ttt{?openmp\_logging})')) end subroutine var_list_set_mpi_defaults @ %def var_list_set_mpi_defaults @ <>= procedure :: set_nlo_defaults => var_list_set_nlo_defaults <>= subroutine var_list_set_nlo_defaults (var_list) class(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$born_me_method"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ("This string variable specifies the method " // & "for the matrix elements to be used in the evaluation of the " // & "Born part of the NLO computation. The default is the empty string, " // & "i.e. the \ttt{\$method} being the intrinsic \oMega\ matrix element " // & 'generator (\ttt{"omega"}), other options ' // & 'are: \ttt{"ovm"}, \ttt{"unit\_test"}, \ttt{"template"}, ' // & '\ttt{"template\_unity"}, \ttt{"threshold"}, \ttt{"gosam"}, ' // & '\ttt{"openloops"}. Note that this option is inoperative if ' // & 'no NLO calculation is specified in the process definition. ' // & 'If you want ot use different matrix element methods in a LO ' // & 'computation, use the usual \ttt{method} command. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{\$correlation\_me\_method}, ' // & '\ttt{\$dglap\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$loop\_me\_method} and ' // & '\ttt{\$real\_tree\_me\_method}.)')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$loop_me_method"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This string variable specifies the method ' // & 'for the matrix elements to be used in the evaluation of the ' // & 'virtual part of the NLO computation. The default is the empty string, ' // & 'i.e. the same as \ttt{\$method}. Working options are: ' // & '\ttt{"threshold"}, \ttt{"openloops"}, \ttt{"recola"}, \ttt{"gosam"}. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{\$real\_tree\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$correlation\_me\_method} ' // & 'and \ttt{\$born\_me\_method}.)')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$correlation_me_method"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This string variable specifies ' // & 'the method for the matrix elements to be used in the evaluation ' // & 'of the color (and helicity) correlated part of the NLO computation. ' // & "The default is the same as the \ttt{\$method}, i.e. the intrinsic " // & "\oMega\ matrix element generator " // & '(\ttt{"omega"}), other options are: \ttt{"ovm"}, \ttt{"unit\_test"}, ' // & '\ttt{"template"}, \ttt{"template\_unity"}, \ttt{"threshold"}, ' // & '\ttt{"gosam"}, \ttt{"openloops"}. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{\$born\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$dglap\_me\_method}, ' // & '\ttt{\$loop\_me\_method} and \newline' // & '\ttt{\$real\_tree\_me\_method}.)')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$real_tree_me_method"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This string variable specifies the method ' // & 'for the matrix elements to be used in the evaluation of the ' // & 'real part of the NLO computation. The default is the same as ' // & 'the \ttt{\$method}, i.e. the intrinsic ' // & "\oMega\ matrix element generator " // & '(\ttt{"omega"}), other options ' // & 'are: \ttt{"ovm"}, \ttt{"unit\_test"}, \ttt{"template"}, \ttt{"template\_unity"}, ' // & '\ttt{"threshold"}, \ttt{"gosam"}, \ttt{"openloops"}. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{\$born\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$correlation\_me\_method}, ' // & '\ttt{\$dglap\_me\_method} and \ttt{\$loop\_me\_method}.)')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$dglap_me_method"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This string variable specifies the method ' // & 'for the matrix elements to be used in the evaluation of the ' // & 'DGLAP remnants of the NLO computation. The default is the same as ' // & "\ttt{\$method}, i.e. the \oMega\ matrix element generator " // & '(\ttt{"omega"}), other options ' // & 'are: \ttt{"ovm"}, \ttt{"unit\_test"}, \ttt{"template"}, \ttt{"template\_unity"}, ' // & '\ttt{"threshold"}, \ttt{"gosam"}, \ttt{"openloops"}. (cf. also \newline' // & '\ttt{\$born\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$correlation\_me\_method}, ' // & '\ttt{\$loop\_me\_method} and \ttt{\$real\_tree\_me\_method}.)')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?test_soft_limit"), .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Sets the fixed values $\tilde{\xi} = 0.00001$ ' // & 'and $y = 0.5$ as radiation variables. This way, only soft, ' // & 'but non-collinear phase space points are generated, which allows ' // & 'for testing subtraction in this region.')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?test_coll_limit"), .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Sets the fixed values $\tilde{\xi} = 0.5$ ' // & 'and $y = 0.9999999$ as radiation variables. This way, only collinear, ' // & 'but non-soft phase space points are generated, which allows ' // & 'for testing subtraction in this region. Can be combined with ' // & '\ttt{?test\_soft\_limit} to probe soft-collinear regions.')) call var_list%append_log (& var_str ("?test_anti_coll_limit"), .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Sets the fixed values $\tilde{\xi} = 0.5$ ' // & 'and $y = -0.9999999$ as radiation variables. This way, only anti-collinear, ' // & 'but non-soft phase space points are generated, which allows ' // & 'for testing subtraction in this region. Can be combined with ' // & '\ttt{?test\_soft\_limit} to probe soft-collinear regions.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$select_alpha_regions"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Fixes the $\alpha_r$ in the real ' // & ' subtraction component. Allows for testing in one individual ' // & 'singular region.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$virtual_selection"), & var_str ("Full"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('String variable to select either the full ' // & 'or only parts of the virtual components of an NLO calculation. ' // & 'Possible modes are \ttt{"Full"}, \ttt{"OLP"} and ' // & '\ttt{"Subtraction."}. Mainly for debugging purposes.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?virtual_collinear_resonance_aware"), & .true., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This flag allows to switch between two ' // & 'different implementations of the collinear subtraction in the ' // & 'resonance-aware FKS setup.')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("blha_top_yukawa"), -1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('If this value is set, the given value will ' // & 'be used as the top Yukawa coupling instead of the top mass. ' // & 'Note that having different values for $y_t$ and $m_t$ must be ' // & 'supported by your OLP-library and yield errors if this is not the case.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$blha_ew_scheme"), & var_str ("alpha_internal"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('String variable that transfers the electroweak ' // & 'renormalization scheme via BLHA to the one-loop provider. Possible ' // & 'values are \ttt{GF} or \ttt{Gmu} for the $G_\mu$ scheme, ' // & '\ttt{alpha\_internal} (default, $G_\mu$ scheme, but value of ' // & '$\alpha_S$ calculated internally by \whizard), \ttt{alpha\_mz} ' // & 'and \ttt{alpha\_0} (or \ttt{alpha\_thompson}) for different schemes ' // & 'with $\alpha$ as input.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("openloops_verbosity"), 1, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Decides how much \openloops\ output is printed. ' // & 'Can have values 0, 1 and 2, where 2 is the highest verbosity level.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?openloops_use_cms"), & .true., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Activates the complex mass scheme in ' // & '\openloops. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{openloos\_verbosity}, \ttt{\$method}, ' // & '\ttt{?openloops\_switch\_off\_muon\_yukawa}, ' // & '\ttt{openloops\_stability\_log}, \newline' // & '\ttt{\$openloops\_extra\_cmd})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("openloops_phs_tolerance"), 7, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This integer parameter gives via ' // & '\ttt{openloops\_phs\_tolerance = } the relative numerical ' // & 'tolerance $10^{-n}$ for the momentum conservation of the ' // & 'external particles within \openloops. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{openloos\_verbosity}, \ttt{\$method}, ' // & '\ttt{?openloops\_switch\_off\_muon\_yukawa}, ' // & '\newline\ttt{openloops\_stability\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{\$openloops\_extra\_cmd})')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("openloops_stability_log"), 0, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Creates the directory \ttt{stability\_log} ' // & 'containing information about the performance of the \openloops ' // & 'matrix elements. Possible values are 0 (No output), 1 (On ' // & '\ttt{finish()}-call), 2 (Adaptive) and 3 (Always).')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?openloops_switch_off_muon_yukawa"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Sets the Yukawa coupling of muons for ' // & '\openloops\ to zero. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{openloos\_verbosity}, \ttt{\$method}, ' // & '\ttt{?openloops\_use\_cms}, \ttt{openloops\_stability\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{\$openloops\_extra\_cmd})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$openloops_extra_cmd"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('String variable to transfer customized ' // & 'special commands to \openloops. The three supported examples ' // & '\ttt{\$openloops\_extra\_command = "extra approx top/stop/not"} ' // & 'are for selection of subdiagrams in top production. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{\$method}, \ttt{openloos\_verbosity}, ' // & '\ttt{?openloops\_use\_cms}, \ttt{openloops\_stability\_log}, ' // & '\ttt{?openloops\_switch\_off\_muon\_yukawa})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("ellis_sexton_scale"), & -1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description = var_str ('Real positive paramter for the Ellis-Sexton scale' // & '$\mathcal{Q}$ used both in the finite one-loop contribution provided by' // & 'the OLP and in the virtual counter terms. The NLO cross section is' // & 'independent of $\mathcal{Q}$. Therefore, this allows for debugging of' // & 'the implemention of the virtual counter terms. As the default' // & '$\mathcal{Q} = \mu_{\rm{R}}$ is chosen. So far, setting this parameter' // & 'only works for OpenLoops2, otherwise the default behaviour is invoked.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?disable_subtraction"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Disables the subtraction of soft and collinear ' // & 'divergences from the real matrix element.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_dij_exp1"), & 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Fine-tuning parameters of the FKS ' // & 'final state partition functions. The exact meaning depends ' // & 'on the mapping implementation. (cf. also \ttt{fks\_dij\_exp2}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fks\_mapping\_type}, \ttt{fks\_xi\_min}, \ttt{fks\_y\_max})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_dij_exp2"), & 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Fine-tuning parameters of the FKS ' // & 'initial state partition functions. The exact meaning depends ' // & 'on the mapping implementation. (cf. also \ttt{fks\_dij\_exp1}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fks\_mapping\_type}, \ttt{fks\_xi\_min}, \ttt{fks\_y\_max})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_xi_min"), & 0._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter for the FKS ' // & 'phase space that sets the numerical lower value of the $\xi$ ' // & 'variable. Valid for the value range $[\texttt{tiny\_07},1]$, where ' // & 'value inputs out of bounds will take the value of the closest bound. ' // & 'Here, $\texttt{tiny\_07} = \texttt{1E0\_default * epsilon (0.\_default)}$, where ' // & '\ttt{epsilon} is an intrinsic Fortran function. (cf. also \ttt{fks\_dij\_exp1}, ' // & '\ttt{fks\_dij\_exp2}, \ttt{\$fks\_mapping\_type}, \ttt{fks\_y\_max})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_y_max"), & 1._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Real parameter for the FKS ' // & 'phase space that sets the numerical upper value of the $\left|y\right|$ ' // & 'variable. Valid for ranges $[0,1]$, where value inputs out of bounds will take ' // & 'the value of the closest bound.(cf. also \ttt{fks\_dij\_exp1}, ' // & '\ttt{\$fks\_mapping\_type}, \ttt{fks\_dij\_exp2}, \ttt{fks\_y\_max})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?vis_fks_regions"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Logical variable that, if set to ' // & '\ttt{true}, generates \LaTeX\ code and executes it into a PDF ' // & ' to produce a table of all singular FKS regions and their ' // & ' flavor structures. The default is \ttt{false}.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_xi_cut"), & 1.0_default, intrinsic = .true., & description = var_str ('(Experimental) Real paramter for the FKS ' // & 'phase space that applies a cut to $\xi$ variable with $0 < \xi_{\text{cut}}' // & '\leq \xi_{\text{max}}$. The dependence on the parameter vanishes between ' // & 'real subtraction and integrated subtraction term. Could thus be used for debugging. ' // & 'This is not implemented properly, use at your own risk!')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_delta_o"), & 2._default, intrinsic = .true., & description = var_str ('Real paramter for the FKS ' // & 'phase space that applies a cut to the $y$ variable with $0 < \delta_o \leq 2$. ' // & 'The dependence on the parameter vanishes between real subtraction and integrated ' // & 'subtraction term. For debugging purposes.')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("fks_delta_i"), & 2._default, intrinsic = .true., & description = var_str ('Real paramter for the FKS ' // & 'phase space that applies a cut to the $y$ variable with ' // & '$0 < \delta_{\mathrm{I}} \leq 2$ '// & 'for initial state singularities only. ' // & 'The dependence on the parameter vanishes between real subtraction and integrated ' // & 'subtraction term. For debugging purposes.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$fks_mapping_type"), & var_str ("default"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Sets the FKS mapping type. Possible values ' // & 'are \ttt{"default"} and \ttt{"resonances"}. The latter option ' // & 'activates the resonance-aware subtraction mode and induces the ' // & 'generation of a soft mismatch component. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{fks\_dij\_exp1}, \ttt{fks\_dij\_exp2}, \ttt{fks\_xi\_min}, ' // & '\ttt{fks\_y\_max})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$resonances_exclude_particles"), & var_str ("default"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Accepts a string of particle names. These ' // & 'particles will be ignored when the resonance histories are generated. ' // & 'If \ttt{\$fks\_mapping\_type} is not \ttt{"resonances"}, this ' // & 'option does nothing.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("alpha_power"), & 2, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Fixes the electroweak coupling ' // & 'powers used by BLHA matrix element generators. Setting these ' // & 'values is necessary for the correct generation of OLP-files. ' // & 'Having inconsistent values yields to error messages by the corresponding ' // & 'OLP-providers.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("alphas_power"), & 0, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Fixes the strong coupling ' // & 'powers used by BLHA matrix element generators. Setting these ' // & 'values is necessary for the correct generation of OLP-files. ' // & 'Having inconsistent values yields to error messages by the corresponding ' // & 'OLP-providers.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?combined_nlo_integration"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('When this option is set to \ttt{true}, ' // & 'the NLO integration will not be performed in the separate components, ' // & 'but instead the sum of all components will be integrated directly. ' // & 'When fixed-order NLO events are requested, this integration ' // & 'mode is possible, but not necessary. However, it is necessary ' // & 'for POWHEG events.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?fixed_order_nlo_events"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Induces the generation of fixed-order ' // & 'NLO events.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?check_event_weights_against_xsection"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Activates an internal recording of event ' // & 'weights when unweighted events are generated. At the end of ' // & 'the simulation, the mean value of the weights and its standard ' // & 'deviation are displayed. This allows to cross-check event generation ' // & 'and integration, because the value displayed must be equal to ' // & 'the integration result.')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?keep_failed_events"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('In the context of weighted event generation, ' // & 'if set to \ttt{true}, events with failed kinematics will be ' // & 'written to the event output with an associated weight of zero. ' // & 'This way, the total cross section can be reconstructed from the event output.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("gks_multiplicity"), & 0, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Jet multiplicity for the GKS merging scheme.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$gosam_filter_lo"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The filter string given to \gosam\ in order to ' // & 'filter out tree-level diagrams. (cf. also \ttt{\$gosam\_filter\_nlo}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gosam\_symmetries})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$gosam_filter_nlo"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The same as \ttt{\$gosam\_filter\_lo}, but for ' // & 'loop matrix elements. (cf. also \ttt{\$gosam\_filter\_nlo}, ' // & '\ttt{\$gosam\_symmetries})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$gosam_symmetries"), & var_str ("family,generation"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('String variable that is transferred to \gosam\ ' // & 'configuration file to determine whether certain helicity configurations ' // & 'are considered to be equal. Possible values are \ttt{flavour}, ' // & '\ttt{family} etc. For more info see the \gosam\ manual.')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("form_threads"), & 2, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The number of threads used by \gosam\ when ' // & 'matrix elements are evaluated using \ttt{FORM}')) call var_list%append_int (var_str ("form_workspace"), & 1000, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The size of the workspace \gosam\ requires ' // & 'from \ttt{FORM}. Inside \ttt{FORM}, it corresponds to the heap ' // & 'size used by the algebra processor.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$gosam_fc"), & var_str (""), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('The Fortran compiler used by \gosam.')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("mult_call_real"), 1._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('(Real-valued) multiplier for the number ' // & 'of calls used in the integration of the real subtraction ' // & 'NLO component. This way, a higher accuracy can be achieved for ' // & 'the real component, while simultaneously avoiding redundant ' // & 'integration calls for the other components. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{mult\_call\_dglap}, \ttt{mult\_call\_virt})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("mult_call_virt"), 1._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('(Real-valued) multiplier for the number ' // & 'of calls used in the integration of the virtual NLO ' // & 'component. This way, a higher accuracy can be achieved for ' // & 'this component, while simultaneously avoiding redundant ' // & 'integration calls for the other components. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{mult\_call\_dglap}, \ttt{mult\_call\_real})')) call var_list%append_real (& var_str ("mult_call_dglap"), 1._default, & intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('(Real-valued) multiplier for the number ' // & 'of calls used in the integration of the DGLAP remnant NLO ' // & 'component. This way, a higher accuracy can be achieved for ' // & 'this component, while simultaneously avoiding redundant ' // & 'integration calls for the other components. (cf. also ' // & '\ttt{mult\_call\_real}, \ttt{mult\_call\_virt})')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$dalitz_plot"), & var_str (''), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This string variable has two purposes: ' // & 'when different from the empty string, it switches on generation ' // & 'of the Dalitz plot file (ASCII tables) for the real emitters. ' // & 'The string variable itself provides the file name.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$nlo_correction_type"), & var_str ("QCD"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('String variable which sets the NLO correction ' // & 'type via \ttt{nlo\_correction\_type = "{\em }"} to either ' // & '\ttt{"QCD"}, \ttt{"EW"}, or to all with \ttt{\em{}} ' // & 'set to \ttt{"Full"}. Must be set before the \texttt{process} statement.')) call var_list%append_string (var_str ("$exclude_gauge_splittings"), & var_str ("c:b:t:e2:e3"), intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('String variable that allows via ' // & '\ttt{\$exclude\_gauge\_splittings = "{\em ::\dots}"} ' // & 'to exclude fermion flavors from gluon/photon splitting into ' // & 'fermion pairs beyond LO. For example \ttt{\$exclude\_gauge\_splittings ' // & '= "c:s:b:t"} would lead to \ttt{gl => u U} and \ttt{gl => d ' // & 'D} as possible splittings in QCD. It is important to keep in ' // & 'mind that only the particles listed in the string are excluded! ' // & 'In QED this string would additionally allow for all splittings into ' // & 'lepton pairs \ttt{A => l L}. Therefore, once set the variable ' // & 'acts as a replacement of the default value, not as an addition! ' // & 'Note: \ttt{"\em "} can be both particle or antiparticle. It ' // & 'will always exclude the corresponding fermion pair. An empty ' // & 'string allows for all fermion flavors to take part in the splitting! ' // & 'Also, particles included in an \ttt{alias} are not excluded by ' // & '\ttt{\$exclude\_gauge\_splittings}!')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?nlo_use_born_scale"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether a scale expression ' // & 'defined for the Born component of an NLO process shall be applied ' // & 'to all other components as well or not. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?nlo\_cut\_all\_real\_sqmes})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?nlo_cut_all_real_sqmes"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Flag that decides whether in the case that ' // & 'the real component does not pass a cut, its subtraction term ' // & 'shall be discarded for that phase space point as well or not. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{?nlo\_use\_born\_scale})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?nlo_use_real_partition"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str (' If set to \ttt{true}, the real matrix ' // & 'element is split into a finite and a singular part using a ' // & 'partition function $f$, such that $\mathcal{R} ' // & '= [1-f(p_T^2)]\mathcal{R} + f(p_T^2)\mathcal{R} = ' // & '\mathcal{R}_{\text{fin}} ' // & '+ \mathcal{R}_{\text{sing}}$. The emission ' // & 'generation is then performed using $\mathcal{R}_{\text{sing}}$, ' // & 'whereas $\mathcal{R}_{\text{fin}}$ is treated separately. ' // & '(cf. also \ttt{real\_partition\_scale})')) call var_list%append_real (var_str ("real_partition_scale"), & 10._default, intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('This real variable sets the invariant mass ' // & 'of the FKS pair used as a separator between the singular and the ' // & 'finite part of the real subtraction terms in an NLO calculation, ' // & 'e.g. in $e^+e^- \to ' // & 't\bar tj$. (cf. also \ttt{?nlo\_use\_real\_partition})')) call var_list%append_log (var_str ("?nlo_reuse_amplitudes_fks"), & .false., intrinsic = .true., & description=var_str ('Only compute real and virtual amplitudes for ' // & 'subprocesses that give a different amplitude and reuse the result ' // & 'for equivalent subprocesses. ' // & 'Might give a speed-up for some processes. Might ' // & 'break others, especially in cases where resonance histories are needed. ' // & 'Experimental feature, use at your own risk!')) end subroutine var_list_set_nlo_defaults @ %def var_list_set_nlo_defaults @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Observables} In this module we define concrete variables and operators (observables) that we want to support in expressions. <<[[observables.f90]]>>= <> module observables <> <> use io_units use diagnostics use lorentz use subevents use variables <> <> contains <> end module observables @ %def observables @ \subsection{Process-specific variables} We allow the user to set a numeric process ID for each declared process. <>= public :: var_list_init_num_id <>= subroutine var_list_init_num_id (var_list, proc_id, num_id) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: proc_id integer, intent(in), optional :: num_id call var_list_set_procvar_int (var_list, proc_id, & var_str ("num_id"), num_id) end subroutine var_list_init_num_id @ %def var_list_init_num_id @ Integration results are stored in special variables. They are initialized by this subroutine. The values may or may not already known. Note: the values which are accessible are those that are unique for a process with multiple MCI records. The rest has been discarded. <>= public :: var_list_init_process_results <>= subroutine var_list_init_process_results (var_list, proc_id, & n_calls, integral, error, accuracy, chi2, efficiency) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: proc_id integer, intent(in), optional :: n_calls real(default), intent(in), optional :: integral, error, accuracy real(default), intent(in), optional :: chi2, efficiency call var_list_set_procvar_real (var_list, proc_id, & var_str ("integral"), integral) call var_list_set_procvar_real (var_list, proc_id, & var_str ("error"), error) end subroutine var_list_init_process_results @ %def var_list_init_process_results @ \subsection{Observables as Pseudo-Variables} Unary and binary observables are different. Most unary observables can be equally well evaluated for particle pairs. Binary observables cannot be evaluated for single particles. <>= public :: var_list_set_observables_unary public :: var_list_set_observables_binary <>= subroutine var_list_set_observables_unary (var_list, prt1) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: prt1 call var_list_append_obs1_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("PDG"), obs_pdg1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("Hel"), obs_helicity1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("Ncol"), obs_n_col1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("Nacl"), obs_n_acl1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("M"), obs_signed_mass1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("M2"), obs_mass_squared1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("E"), obs_energy1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Px"), obs_px1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Py"), obs_py1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Pz"), obs_pz1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("P"), obs_p1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Pl"), obs_pl1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Pt"), obs_pt1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Theta"), obs_theta1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Phi"), obs_phi1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Rap"), obs_rap1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Eta"), obs_eta1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Theta_star"), obs_theta_star1, prt1) call var_list_append_obs1_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Dist"), obs_dist1, prt1) call var_list_append_uobs_real & (var_list, var_str ("_User_obs_real"), prt1) call var_list_append_uobs_int & (var_list, var_str ("_User_obs_int"), prt1) end subroutine var_list_set_observables_unary subroutine var_list_set_observables_binary (var_list, prt1, prt2) type(var_list_t), intent(inout) :: var_list type(prt_t), intent(in), target :: prt1 type(prt_t), intent(in), optional, target :: prt2 call var_list_append_obs2_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("PDG"), obs_pdg2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("Hel"), obs_helicity2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("Ncol"), obs_n_col2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_iptr & (var_list, var_str ("Nacl"), obs_n_acl2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("M"), obs_signed_mass2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("M2"), obs_mass_squared2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("E"), obs_energy2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Px"), obs_px2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Py"), obs_py2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Pz"), obs_pz2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("P"), obs_p2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Pl"), obs_pl2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Pt"), obs_pt2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Theta"), obs_theta2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Phi"), obs_phi2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Rap"), obs_rap2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Eta"), obs_eta2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Theta_star"), obs_theta_star2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("Dist"), obs_dist2, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_obs2_rptr & (var_list, var_str ("kT"), obs_ktmeasure, prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_uobs_real & (var_list, var_str ("_User_obs_real"), prt1, prt2) call var_list_append_uobs_int & (var_list, var_str ("_User_obs_int"), prt1, prt2) end subroutine var_list_set_observables_binary @ %def var_list_set_observables_unary var_list_set_observables_binary @ \subsection{Checks} <>= public :: var_list_check_observable <>= subroutine var_list_check_observable (var_list, name, type) class(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(inout) :: type if (string_is_observable_id (name)) then call msg_fatal ("Variable name '" // char (name) & // "' is reserved for an observable") type = V_NONE return end if end subroutine var_list_check_observable @ %def var_list_check_observable @ Check if a variable name is defined as an observable: <>= function string_is_observable_id (string) result (flag) logical :: flag type(string_t), intent(in) :: string select case (char (string)) case ("PDG", "Hel", "Ncol", & "M", "M2", "E", "Px", "Py", "Pz", "P", "Pl", "Pt", & "Theta", "Phi", "Rap", "Eta", "Theta_star", "Dist", "kT") flag = .true. case default flag = .false. end select end function string_is_observable_id @ %def string_is_observable_id @ Check for result and process variables. <>= public :: var_list_check_result_var <>= subroutine var_list_check_result_var (var_list, name, type) class(var_list_t), intent(in), target :: var_list type(string_t), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(inout) :: type if (string_is_integer_result_var (name)) type = V_INT if (.not. var_list%contains (name)) then if (string_is_result_var (name)) then call msg_fatal ("Result variable '" // char (name) // "' " & // "set without prior integration") type = V_NONE return else if (string_is_num_id (name)) then call msg_fatal ("Numeric process ID '" // char (name) // "' " & // "set without process declaration") type = V_NONE return end if end if end subroutine var_list_check_result_var @ %def var_list_check_result_var @ Check if a variable name is a result variable of integer type: <>= function string_is_integer_result_var (string) result (flag) logical :: flag type(string_t), intent(in) :: string type(string_t) :: buffer, name, separator buffer = string call split (buffer, name, "(", separator=separator) ! ")" if (separator == "(") then select case (char (name)) case ("num_id", "n_calls") flag = .true. case default flag = .false. end select else flag = .false. end if end function string_is_integer_result_var @ %def string_is_integer_result_var @ Check if a variable name is an integration-result variable: <>= function string_is_result_var (string) result (flag) logical :: flag type(string_t), intent(in) :: string type(string_t) :: buffer, name, separator buffer = string call split (buffer, name, "(", separator=separator) ! ")" if (separator == "(") then select case (char (name)) case ("integral", "error") flag = .true. case default flag = .false. end select else flag = .false. end if end function string_is_result_var @ %def string_is_result_var @ Check if a variable name is a numeric process ID: <>= function string_is_num_id (string) result (flag) logical :: flag type(string_t), intent(in) :: string type(string_t) :: buffer, name, separator buffer = string call split (buffer, name, "(", separator=separator) ! ")" if (separator == "(") then select case (char (name)) case ("num_id") flag = .true. case default flag = .false. end select else flag = .false. end if end function string_is_num_id @ %def string_is_num_id @ \subsection{Observables} These are analogous to the unary and binary numeric functions listed above. An observable takes the [[pval]] component(s) of its one or two argument nodes and produces an integer or real value. \subsubsection{Integer-valued unary observables} The PDG code <>= integer function obs_pdg1 (prt1) result (pdg) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 pdg = prt_get_pdg (prt1) end function obs_pdg1 @ %def obs_pdg @ The helicity. The return value is meaningful only if the particle is polarized, otherwise an invalid value is returned (-9). <>= integer function obs_helicity1 (prt1) result (h) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 if (prt_is_polarized (prt1)) then h = prt_get_helicity (prt1) else h = -9 end if end function obs_helicity1 @ %def obs_helicity1 @ The number of open color (anticolor) lines. The return value is meaningful only if the particle is colorized (i.e., the subevent has been given color information), otherwise the function returns zero. <>= integer function obs_n_col1 (prt1) result (n) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 if (prt_is_colorized (prt1)) then n = prt_get_n_col (prt1) else n = 0 end if end function obs_n_col1 integer function obs_n_acl1 (prt1) result (n) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 if (prt_is_colorized (prt1)) then n = prt_get_n_acl (prt1) else n = 0 end if end function obs_n_acl1 @ %def obs_n_col1 @ %def obs_n_acl1 @ \subsubsection{Real-valued unary observables} The invariant mass squared, obtained from the separately stored value. <>= real(default) function obs_mass_squared1 (prt1) result (p2) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p2 = prt_get_msq (prt1) end function obs_mass_squared1 @ %def obs_mass_squared1 @ The signed invariant mass, which is the signed square root of the previous observable. <>= real(default) function obs_signed_mass1 (prt1) result (m) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 real(default) :: msq msq = prt_get_msq (prt1) m = sign (sqrt (abs (msq)), msq) end function obs_signed_mass1 @ %def obs_signed_mass1 @ The particle energy <>= real(default) function obs_energy1 (prt1) result (e) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 e = energy (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_energy1 @ %def obs_energy1 @ Particle momentum (components) <>= real(default) function obs_px1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = vector4_get_component (prt_get_momentum (prt1), 1) end function obs_px1 real(default) function obs_py1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = vector4_get_component (prt_get_momentum (prt1), 2) end function obs_py1 real(default) function obs_pz1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = vector4_get_component (prt_get_momentum (prt1), 3) end function obs_pz1 real(default) function obs_p1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = space_part_norm (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_p1 real(default) function obs_pl1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = longitudinal_part (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_pl1 real(default) function obs_pt1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = transverse_part (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_pt1 @ %def obs_px1 obs_py1 obs_pz1 @ %def obs_p1 obs_pl1 obs_pt1 @ Polar and azimuthal angle (lab frame). <>= real(default) function obs_theta1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = polar_angle (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_theta1 real(default) function obs_phi1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = azimuthal_angle (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_phi1 @ %def obs_theta1 obs_phi1 @ Rapidity and pseudorapidity <>= real(default) function obs_rap1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = rapidity (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_rap1 real(default) function obs_eta1 (prt1) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 p = pseudorapidity (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) end function obs_eta1 @ %def obs_rap1 obs_eta1 @ Meaningless: Polar angle in the rest frame of the two arguments combined. <>= real(default) function obs_theta_star1 (prt1) result (dist) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 call msg_fatal (" 'Theta_star' is undefined as unary observable") dist = 0 end function obs_theta_star1 @ %def obs_theta_star1 @ [Obsolete] Meaningless: Polar angle in the rest frame of the 2nd argument. <>= real(default) function obs_theta_rf1 (prt1) result (dist) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 call msg_fatal (" 'Theta_RF' is undefined as unary observable") dist = 0 end function obs_theta_rf1 @ %def obs_theta_rf1 @ Meaningless: Distance on the $\eta$-$\phi$ cylinder. <>= real(default) function obs_dist1 (prt1) result (dist) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1 call msg_fatal (" 'Dist' is undefined as unary observable") dist = 0 end function obs_dist1 @ %def obs_dist1 @ \subsubsection{Integer-valued binary observables} These observables are meaningless as binary functions. <>= integer function obs_pdg2 (prt1, prt2) result (pdg) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 call msg_fatal (" PDG_Code is undefined as binary observable") pdg = 0 end function obs_pdg2 integer function obs_helicity2 (prt1, prt2) result (h) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 call msg_fatal (" Helicity is undefined as binary observable") h = 0 end function obs_helicity2 integer function obs_n_col2 (prt1, prt2) result (n) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 call msg_fatal (" Ncol is undefined as binary observable") n = 0 end function obs_n_col2 integer function obs_n_acl2 (prt1, prt2) result (n) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 call msg_fatal (" Nacl is undefined as binary observable") n = 0 end function obs_n_acl2 @ %def obs_pdg2 @ %def obs_helicity2 @ %def obs_n_col2 @ %def obs_n_acl2 @ \subsubsection{Real-valued binary observables} The invariant mass squared, obtained from the separately stored value. <>= real(default) function obs_mass_squared2 (prt1, prt2) result (p2) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p2 = prt_get_msq (prt) end function obs_mass_squared2 @ %def obs_mass_squared2 @ The signed invariant mass, which is the signed square root of the previous observable. <>= real(default) function obs_signed_mass2 (prt1, prt2) result (m) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt real(default) :: msq call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) msq = prt_get_msq (prt) m = sign (sqrt (abs (msq)), msq) end function obs_signed_mass2 @ %def obs_signed_mass2 @ The particle energy <>= real(default) function obs_energy2 (prt1, prt2) result (e) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) e = energy (prt_get_momentum (prt)) end function obs_energy2 @ %def obs_energy2 @ Particle momentum (components) <>= real(default) function obs_px2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = vector4_get_component (prt_get_momentum (prt), 1) end function obs_px2 real(default) function obs_py2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = vector4_get_component (prt_get_momentum (prt), 2) end function obs_py2 real(default) function obs_pz2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = vector4_get_component (prt_get_momentum (prt), 3) end function obs_pz2 real(default) function obs_p2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = space_part_norm (prt_get_momentum (prt)) end function obs_p2 real(default) function obs_pl2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = longitudinal_part (prt_get_momentum (prt)) end function obs_pl2 real(default) function obs_pt2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = transverse_part (prt_get_momentum (prt)) end function obs_pt2 @ %def obs_px2 obs_py2 obs_pz2 @ %def obs_p2 obs_pl2 obs_pt2 @ Enclosed angle and azimuthal distance (lab frame). <>= real(default) function obs_theta2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 p = enclosed_angle (prt_get_momentum (prt1), prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_theta2 real(default) function obs_phi2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = azimuthal_distance (prt_get_momentum (prt1), prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_phi2 @ %def obs_theta2 obs_phi2 @ Rapidity and pseudorapidity distance <>= real(default) function obs_rap2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 p = rapidity_distance & (prt_get_momentum (prt1), prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_rap2 real(default) function obs_eta2 (prt1, prt2) result (p) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(prt_t) :: prt call prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) p = pseudorapidity_distance & (prt_get_momentum (prt1), prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_eta2 @ %def obs_rap2 obs_eta2 @ [This doesn't work! The principle of no common particle for momentum combination prohibits us from combining a decay particle with the momentum of its parent.] Polar angle in the rest frame of the 2nd argument. <>= real(default) function obs_theta_rf2 (prt1, prt2) result (theta) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 theta = enclosed_angle_rest_frame & (prt_get_momentum (prt1), prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_theta_rf2 @ %def obs_theta_rf2 @ Polar angle of the first particle in the rest frame of the two particles combined. <>= real(default) function obs_theta_star2 (prt1, prt2) result (theta) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 theta = enclosed_angle_rest_frame & (prt_get_momentum (prt1), & prt_get_momentum (prt1) + prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_theta_star2 @ %def obs_theta_star2 @ Distance on the $\eta$-$\phi$ cylinder. <>= real(default) function obs_dist2 (prt1, prt2) result (dist) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 dist = eta_phi_distance & (prt_get_momentum (prt1), prt_get_momentum (prt2)) end function obs_dist2 @ %def obs_dist2 @ Durham kT measure. <>= real(default) function obs_ktmeasure (prt1, prt2) result (kt) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 real (default) :: q2, e1, e2 ! Normalized scale to one for now! (#67) q2 = 1 e1 = energy (prt_get_momentum (prt1)) e2 = energy (prt_get_momentum (prt2)) kt = (2/q2) * min(e1**2,e2**2) * & (1 - enclosed_angle_ct(prt_get_momentum (prt1), & prt_get_momentum (prt2))) end function obs_ktmeasure @ %def obs_ktmeasure Index: trunk/src/types/types.nw =================================================================== --- trunk/src/types/types.nw (revision 8499) +++ trunk/src/types/types.nw (revision 8500) @@ -1,7940 +1,7992 @@ %% -*- ess-noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; -*- % WHIZARD code as NOWEB source: common types and objects %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Sindarin Built-In Types} \includemodulegraph{types} Here, we define a couple of types and objects which are useful both internally for \whizard, and visible to the user, so they correspond to Sindarin types. \begin{description} \item[particle\_specifiers] Expressions for particles and particle alternatives, involving particle names. \item[pdg\_arrays] Integer (PDG) codes for particles. Useful for particle aliases (e.g., 'quark' for $u,d,s$ etc.). \item[jets] Define (pseudo)jets as objects. Functional only if the [[fastjet]] library is linked. (This may change in the future.) \item[subevents] Particle collections built from event records, for use in analysis and other Sindarin expressions \item[analysis] Observables, histograms, and plots. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Particle Specifiers} In this module we introduce a type for specifying a particle or particle alternative. In addition to the particle specifiers (strings separated by colons), the type contains an optional flag [[polarized]] and a string [[decay]]. If the [[polarized]] flag is set, particle polarization information should be kept when generating events for this process. If the [[decay]] string is set, it is the ID of a decay process which should be applied to this particle when generating events. In input/output form, the [[polarized]] flag is indicated by an asterisk [[(*)]] in brackets, and the [[decay]] is indicated by its ID in brackets. The [[read]] and [[write]] procedures in this module are not type-bound but generic procedures which handle scalar and array arguments. <<[[particle_specifiers.f90]]>>= <> module particle_specifiers <> use io_units use diagnostics <> <> <> <> contains <> end module particle_specifiers @ %def particle_specifiers @ \subsection{Base type} This is an abstract type which can hold a single particle or an expression. <>= type, abstract :: prt_spec_expr_t contains <> end type prt_spec_expr_t @ %def prt_expr_t @ Output, as a string. <>= procedure (prt_spec_expr_to_string), deferred :: to_string <>= abstract interface function prt_spec_expr_to_string (object) result (string) import class(prt_spec_expr_t), intent(in) :: object type(string_t) :: string end function prt_spec_expr_to_string end interface @ %def prt_spec_expr_to_string @ Call an [[expand]] method for all enclosed subexpressions (before handling the current expression). <>= procedure (prt_spec_expr_expand_sub), deferred :: expand_sub <>= abstract interface subroutine prt_spec_expr_expand_sub (object) import class(prt_spec_expr_t), intent(inout) :: object end subroutine prt_spec_expr_expand_sub end interface @ %def prt_spec_expr_expand_sub @ \subsection{Wrapper type} This wrapper can hold a particle expression of any kind. We need it so we can make variadic arrays. <>= public :: prt_expr_t <>= type :: prt_expr_t class(prt_spec_expr_t), allocatable :: x contains <> end type prt_expr_t @ %def prt_expr_t @ Output as a string: delegate. <>= procedure :: to_string => prt_expr_to_string <>= recursive function prt_expr_to_string (object) result (string) class(prt_expr_t), intent(in) :: object type(string_t) :: string if (allocated (object%x)) then string = object%x%to_string () else string = "" end if end function prt_expr_to_string @ %def prt_expr_to_string @ Allocate the expression as a particle specifier and copy the value. <>= procedure :: init_spec => prt_expr_init_spec <>= subroutine prt_expr_init_spec (object, spec) class(prt_expr_t), intent(out) :: object type(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: spec allocate (prt_spec_t :: object%x) select type (x => object%x) type is (prt_spec_t) x = spec end select end subroutine prt_expr_init_spec @ %def prt_expr_init_spec @ Allocate as a list/sum and allocate for a given length <>= procedure :: init_list => prt_expr_init_list procedure :: init_sum => prt_expr_init_sum <>= subroutine prt_expr_init_list (object, n) class(prt_expr_t), intent(out) :: object integer, intent(in) :: n allocate (prt_spec_list_t :: object%x) select type (x => object%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) allocate (x%expr (n)) end select end subroutine prt_expr_init_list subroutine prt_expr_init_sum (object, n) class(prt_expr_t), intent(out) :: object integer, intent(in) :: n allocate (prt_spec_sum_t :: object%x) select type (x => object%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) allocate (x%expr (n)) end select end subroutine prt_expr_init_sum @ %def prt_expr_init_list @ %def prt_expr_init_sum @ Return the number of terms. This is unity, except if the expression is a sum. <>= procedure :: get_n_terms => prt_expr_get_n_terms <>= function prt_expr_get_n_terms (object) result (n) class(prt_expr_t), intent(in) :: object integer :: n if (allocated (object%x)) then select type (x => object%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) n = size (x%expr) class default n = 1 end select else n = 0 end if end function prt_expr_get_n_terms @ %def prt_expr_get_n_terms @ Transform one of the terms, as returned by the previous method, to an array of particle specifiers. The array has more than one entry if the selected term is a list. This makes sense only if the expression has been completely expanded, so the list contains only atoms. <>= procedure :: term_to_array => prt_expr_term_to_array <>= recursive subroutine prt_expr_term_to_array (object, array, i) class(prt_expr_t), intent(in) :: object type(prt_spec_t), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable :: array integer, intent(in) :: i integer :: j if (allocated (array)) deallocate (array) select type (x => object%x) type is (prt_spec_t) allocate (array (1)) array(1) = x type is (prt_spec_list_t) allocate (array (size (x%expr))) do j = 1, size (array) select type (y => x%expr(j)%x) type is (prt_spec_t) array(j) = y end select end do type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call x%expr(i)%term_to_array (array, 1) end select end subroutine prt_expr_term_to_array @ %def prt_expr_term_to_array @ \subsection{The atomic type} The trivial case is a single particle, including optional decay and polarization attributes. \subsubsection{Definition} The particle is unstable if the [[decay]] array is allocated. The [[polarized]] flag and decays may not be set simultaneously. <>= public :: prt_spec_t <>= type, extends (prt_spec_expr_t) :: prt_spec_t private type(string_t) :: name logical :: polarized = .false. type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: decay contains <> end type prt_spec_t @ %def prt_spec_t @ \subsubsection{I/O} Output. Old-style subroutines. <>= public :: prt_spec_write <>= interface prt_spec_write module procedure prt_spec_write1 module procedure prt_spec_write2 end interface prt_spec_write <>= subroutine prt_spec_write1 (object, unit, advance) type(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: advance character(3) :: adv integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) adv = "yes"; if (present (advance)) adv = advance write (u, "(A)", advance = adv) char (object%to_string ()) end subroutine prt_spec_write1 @ %def prt_spec_write1 @ Write an array as a list of particle specifiers. <>= subroutine prt_spec_write2 (prt_spec, unit, advance) type(prt_spec_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: prt_spec integer, intent(in), optional :: unit character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: advance character(3) :: adv integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) adv = "yes"; if (present (advance)) adv = advance do i = 1, size (prt_spec) if (i > 1) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") ", " call prt_spec_write (prt_spec(i), u, advance="no") end do write (u, "(A)", advance = adv) end subroutine prt_spec_write2 @ %def prt_spec_write2 @ Read. Input may be string or array of strings. <>= public :: prt_spec_read <>= interface prt_spec_read module procedure prt_spec_read1 module procedure prt_spec_read2 end interface prt_spec_read @ Read a single particle specifier <>= pure subroutine prt_spec_read1 (prt_spec, string) type(prt_spec_t), intent(out) :: prt_spec type(string_t), intent(in) :: string type(string_t) :: arg, buffer integer :: b1, b2, c, n, i b1 = scan (string, "(") b2 = scan (string, ")") if (b1 == 0) then prt_spec%name = trim (adjustl (string)) else prt_spec%name = trim (adjustl (extract (string, 1, b1-1))) arg = trim (adjustl (extract (string, b1+1, b2-1))) if (arg == "*") then prt_spec%polarized = .true. else n = 0 buffer = arg do if (verify (buffer, " ") == 0) exit n = n + 1 c = scan (buffer, "+") if (c == 0) exit buffer = extract (buffer, c+1) end do allocate (prt_spec%decay (n)) buffer = arg do i = 1, n c = scan (buffer, "+") if (c == 0) c = len (buffer) + 1 prt_spec%decay(i) = trim (adjustl (extract (buffer, 1, c-1))) buffer = extract (buffer, c+1) end do end if end if end subroutine prt_spec_read1 @ %def prt_spec_read1 @ Read a particle specifier array, given as a single string. The array is allocated to the correct size. <>= pure subroutine prt_spec_read2 (prt_spec, string) type(prt_spec_t), dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable :: prt_spec type(string_t), intent(in) :: string type(string_t) :: buffer integer :: c, i, n n = 0 buffer = string do n = n + 1 c = scan (buffer, ",") if (c == 0) exit buffer = extract (buffer, c+1) end do allocate (prt_spec (n)) buffer = string do i = 1, size (prt_spec) c = scan (buffer, ",") if (c == 0) c = len (buffer) + 1 call prt_spec_read (prt_spec(i), & trim (adjustl (extract (buffer, 1, c-1)))) buffer = extract (buffer, c+1) end do end subroutine prt_spec_read2 @ %def prt_spec_read2 @ \subsubsection{Constructor} Initialize a particle specifier. <>= public :: new_prt_spec <>= interface new_prt_spec module procedure new_prt_spec module procedure new_prt_spec_polarized module procedure new_prt_spec_unstable end interface new_prt_spec <>= elemental function new_prt_spec (name) result (prt_spec) type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(prt_spec_t) :: prt_spec prt_spec%name = name end function new_prt_spec elemental function new_prt_spec_polarized (name, polarized) result (prt_spec) type(string_t), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in) :: polarized type(prt_spec_t) :: prt_spec prt_spec%name = name prt_spec%polarized = polarized end function new_prt_spec_polarized pure function new_prt_spec_unstable (name, decay) result (prt_spec) type(string_t), intent(in) :: name type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: decay type(prt_spec_t) :: prt_spec prt_spec%name = name allocate (prt_spec%decay (size (decay))) prt_spec%decay = decay end function new_prt_spec_unstable @ %def new_prt_spec @ \subsubsection{Access Methods} Return the particle name without qualifiers <>= procedure :: get_name => prt_spec_get_name <>= elemental function prt_spec_get_name (prt_spec) result (name) class(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: prt_spec type(string_t) :: name name = prt_spec%name end function prt_spec_get_name @ %def prt_spec_get_name @ Return the name with qualifiers <>= procedure :: to_string => prt_spec_to_string <>= function prt_spec_to_string (object) result (string) class(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: object type(string_t) :: string integer :: i string = object%name if (allocated (object%decay)) then string = string // "(" do i = 1, size (object%decay) if (i > 1) string = string // " + " string = string // object%decay(i) end do string = string // ")" else if (object%polarized) then string = string // "(*)" end if end function prt_spec_to_string @ %def prt_spec_to_string @ Return the polarization flag <>= procedure :: is_polarized => prt_spec_is_polarized <>= elemental function prt_spec_is_polarized (prt_spec) result (flag) class(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: prt_spec logical :: flag flag = prt_spec%polarized end function prt_spec_is_polarized @ %def prt_spec_is_polarized @ The particle is unstable if there is a decay array. <>= procedure :: is_unstable => prt_spec_is_unstable <>= elemental function prt_spec_is_unstable (prt_spec) result (flag) class(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: prt_spec logical :: flag flag = allocated (prt_spec%decay) end function prt_spec_is_unstable @ %def prt_spec_is_unstable @ Return the number of decay channels <>= procedure :: get_n_decays => prt_spec_get_n_decays <>= elemental function prt_spec_get_n_decays (prt_spec) result (n) class(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: prt_spec integer :: n if (allocated (prt_spec%decay)) then n = size (prt_spec%decay) else n = 0 end if end function prt_spec_get_n_decays @ %def prt_spec_get_n_decays @ Return the decay channels <>= procedure :: get_decays => prt_spec_get_decays <>= subroutine prt_spec_get_decays (prt_spec, decay) class(prt_spec_t), intent(in) :: prt_spec type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: decay if (allocated (prt_spec%decay)) then allocate (decay (size (prt_spec%decay))) decay = prt_spec%decay else allocate (decay (0)) end if end subroutine prt_spec_get_decays @ %def prt_spec_get_decays @ \subsubsection{Miscellaneous} There is nothing to expand here: <>= procedure :: expand_sub => prt_spec_expand_sub <>= subroutine prt_spec_expand_sub (object) class(prt_spec_t), intent(inout) :: object end subroutine prt_spec_expand_sub @ %def prt_spec_expand_sub @ \subsection{List} A list of particle specifiers, indicating, e.g., the final state of a process. <>= public :: prt_spec_list_t <>= type, extends (prt_spec_expr_t) :: prt_spec_list_t type(prt_expr_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: expr contains <> end type prt_spec_list_t @ %def prt_spec_list_t @ Output: Concatenate the components. Insert brackets if the component is also a list. The components of the [[expr]] array, if any, should all be filled. <>= procedure :: to_string => prt_spec_list_to_string <>= recursive function prt_spec_list_to_string (object) result (string) class(prt_spec_list_t), intent(in) :: object type(string_t) :: string integer :: i string = "" if (allocated (object%expr)) then do i = 1, size (object%expr) if (i > 1) string = string // ", " select type (x => object%expr(i)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) string = string // "(" // x%to_string () // ")" class default string = string // x%to_string () end select end do end if end function prt_spec_list_to_string @ %def prt_spec_list_to_string @ Flatten: if there is a subexpression which is also a list, include the components as direct members of the current list. <>= procedure :: flatten => prt_spec_list_flatten <>= subroutine prt_spec_list_flatten (object) class(prt_spec_list_t), intent(inout) :: object type(prt_expr_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp_expr integer :: i, n_flat, i_flat n_flat = 0 do i = 1, size (object%expr) select type (y => object%expr(i)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) n_flat = n_flat + size (y%expr) class default n_flat = n_flat + 1 end select end do if (n_flat > size (object%expr)) then allocate (tmp_expr (n_flat)) i_flat = 0 do i = 1, size (object%expr) select type (y => object%expr(i)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) tmp_expr (i_flat + 1 : i_flat + size (y%expr)) = y%expr i_flat = i_flat + size (y%expr) class default tmp_expr (i_flat + 1) = object%expr(i) i_flat = i_flat + 1 end select end do end if if (allocated (tmp_expr)) & call move_alloc (from = tmp_expr, to = object%expr) end subroutine prt_spec_list_flatten @ %def prt_spec_list_flatten @ Convert a list of sums into a sum of lists. (Subexpressions which are not sums are left untouched.) <>= subroutine distribute_prt_spec_list (object) class(prt_spec_expr_t), intent(inout), allocatable :: object class(prt_spec_expr_t), allocatable :: new_object integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: n, ii integer :: k, n_expr, n_terms, i_term select type (object) type is (prt_spec_list_t) n_expr = size (object%expr) allocate (n (n_expr), source = 1) allocate (ii (n_expr), source = 1) do k = 1, size (object%expr) select type (y => object%expr(k)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) n(k) = size (y%expr) end select end do n_terms = product (n) if (n_terms > 1) then allocate (prt_spec_sum_t :: new_object) select type (new_object) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) allocate (new_object%expr (n_terms)) do i_term = 1, n_terms allocate (prt_spec_list_t :: new_object%expr(i_term)%x) select type (x => new_object%expr(i_term)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) allocate (x%expr (n_expr)) do k = 1, n_expr select type (y => object%expr(k)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) x%expr(k) = y%expr(ii(k)) class default x%expr(k) = object%expr(k) end select end do end select INCR_INDEX: do k = n_expr, 1, -1 if (ii(k) < n(k)) then ii(k) = ii(k) + 1 exit INCR_INDEX else ii(k) = 1 end if end do INCR_INDEX end do end select end if end select if (allocated (new_object)) call move_alloc (from = new_object, to = object) end subroutine distribute_prt_spec_list @ %def distribute_prt_spec_list @ Apply [[expand]] to all components of the list. <>= procedure :: expand_sub => prt_spec_list_expand_sub <>= recursive subroutine prt_spec_list_expand_sub (object) class(prt_spec_list_t), intent(inout) :: object integer :: i if (allocated (object%expr)) then do i = 1, size (object%expr) call object%expr(i)%expand () end do end if end subroutine prt_spec_list_expand_sub @ %def prt_spec_list_expand_sub @ \subsection{Sum} A sum of particle specifiers, indicating, e.g., a sum of final states. <>= public :: prt_spec_sum_t <>= type, extends (prt_spec_expr_t) :: prt_spec_sum_t type(prt_expr_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: expr contains <> end type prt_spec_sum_t @ %def prt_spec_sum_t @ Output: Concatenate the components. Insert brackets if the component is a list or also a sum. The components of the [[expr]] array, if any, should all be filled. <>= procedure :: to_string => prt_spec_sum_to_string <>= recursive function prt_spec_sum_to_string (object) result (string) class(prt_spec_sum_t), intent(in) :: object type(string_t) :: string integer :: i string = "" if (allocated (object%expr)) then do i = 1, size (object%expr) if (i > 1) string = string // " + " select type (x => object%expr(i)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) string = string // "(" // x%to_string () // ")" type is (prt_spec_sum_t) string = string // "(" // x%to_string () // ")" class default string = string // x%to_string () end select end do end if end function prt_spec_sum_to_string @ %def prt_spec_sum_to_string @ Flatten: if there is a subexpression which is also a sum, include the components as direct members of the current sum. This is identical to [[prt_spec_list_flatten]] above, except for the type. <>= procedure :: flatten => prt_spec_sum_flatten <>= subroutine prt_spec_sum_flatten (object) class(prt_spec_sum_t), intent(inout) :: object type(prt_expr_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp_expr integer :: i, n_flat, i_flat n_flat = 0 do i = 1, size (object%expr) select type (y => object%expr(i)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) n_flat = n_flat + size (y%expr) class default n_flat = n_flat + 1 end select end do if (n_flat > size (object%expr)) then allocate (tmp_expr (n_flat)) i_flat = 0 do i = 1, size (object%expr) select type (y => object%expr(i)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) tmp_expr (i_flat + 1 : i_flat + size (y%expr)) = y%expr i_flat = i_flat + size (y%expr) class default tmp_expr (i_flat + 1) = object%expr(i) i_flat = i_flat + 1 end select end do end if if (allocated (tmp_expr)) & call move_alloc (from = tmp_expr, to = object%expr) end subroutine prt_spec_sum_flatten @ %def prt_spec_sum_flatten @ Apply [[expand]] to all terms in the sum. <>= procedure :: expand_sub => prt_spec_sum_expand_sub <>= recursive subroutine prt_spec_sum_expand_sub (object) class(prt_spec_sum_t), intent(inout) :: object integer :: i if (allocated (object%expr)) then do i = 1, size (object%expr) call object%expr(i)%expand () end do end if end subroutine prt_spec_sum_expand_sub @ %def prt_spec_sum_expand_sub @ \subsection{Expression Expansion} The [[expand]] method transforms each particle specifier expression into a sum of lists, according to the rules \begin{align} a, (b, c) &\to a, b, c \\ a + (b + c) &\to a + b + c \\ a, b + c &\to (a, b) + (a, c) \end{align} Note that the precedence of comma and plus are opposite to this expansion, so the parentheses in the final expression are necessary. We assume that subexpressions are filled, i.e., arrays are allocated. <>= procedure :: expand => prt_expr_expand <>= recursive subroutine prt_expr_expand (expr) class(prt_expr_t), intent(inout) :: expr if (allocated (expr%x)) then call distribute_prt_spec_list (expr%x) call expr%x%expand_sub () select type (x => expr%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call x%flatten () type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call x%flatten () end select end if end subroutine prt_expr_expand @ %def prt_expr_expand @ \subsection{Unit Tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[particle_specifiers_ut.f90]]>>= <> module particle_specifiers_ut use unit_tests use particle_specifiers_uti <> <> contains <> end module particle_specifiers_ut @ %def particle_specifiers_ut @ <<[[particle_specifiers_uti.f90]]>>= <> module particle_specifiers_uti <> use particle_specifiers <> <> contains <> end module particle_specifiers_uti @ %def particle_specifiers_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: particle_specifiers_test <>= subroutine particle_specifiers_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine particle_specifiers_test @ %def particle_specifiers_test @ \subsubsection{Particle specifier array} Define, read and write an array of particle specifiers. <>= call test (particle_specifiers_1, "particle_specifiers_1", & "Handle particle specifiers", & u, results) <>= public :: particle_specifiers_1 <>= subroutine particle_specifiers_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(prt_spec_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt_spec type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: decay type(string_t), dimension(0) :: no_decay integer :: i, j write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: particle_specifiers_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Read and write a particle specifier array" write (u, "(A)") allocate (prt_spec (5)) prt_spec = [ & new_prt_spec (var_str ("a")), & new_prt_spec (var_str ("b"), .true.), & new_prt_spec (var_str ("c"), [var_str ("dec1")]), & new_prt_spec (var_str ("d"), [var_str ("dec1"), var_str ("dec2")]), & new_prt_spec (var_str ("e"), no_decay) & ] do i = 1, size (prt_spec) write (u, "(A)") char (prt_spec(i)%to_string ()) end do write (u, "(A)") call prt_spec_read (prt_spec, & var_str (" a, b( *), c( dec1), d (dec1 + dec2 ), e()")) call prt_spec_write (prt_spec, u) do i = 1, size (prt_spec) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A,A)") char (prt_spec(i)%get_name ()), ":" write (u, "(A,L1)") "polarized = ", prt_spec(i)%is_polarized () write (u, "(A,L1)") "unstable = ", prt_spec(i)%is_unstable () write (u, "(A,I0)") "n_decays = ", prt_spec(i)%get_n_decays () call prt_spec(i)%get_decays (decay) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "decays =" do j = 1, size (decay) write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") char (decay(j)) end do write (u, "(A)") end do write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: particle_specifiers_1" end subroutine particle_specifiers_1 @ %def particle_specifiers_1 @ \subsubsection{Particle specifier expressions} Nested expressions (only basic particles, no decay specs). <>= call test (particle_specifiers_2, "particle_specifiers_2", & "Particle specifier expressions", & u, results) <>= public :: particle_specifiers_2 <>= subroutine particle_specifiers_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(prt_spec_t) :: a, b, c, d, e, f type(prt_expr_t) :: pe1, pe2, pe3 type(prt_expr_t) :: pe4, pe5, pe6, pe7, pe8, pe9 integer :: i type(prt_spec_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pa write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: particle_specifiers_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: Create and display particle expressions" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Basic expressions" write (u, *) a = new_prt_spec (var_str ("a")) b = new_prt_spec (var_str ("b")) c = new_prt_spec (var_str ("c")) d = new_prt_spec (var_str ("d")) e = new_prt_spec (var_str ("e")) f = new_prt_spec (var_str ("f")) call pe1%init_spec (a) write (u, "(A)") char (pe1%to_string ()) call pe2%init_sum (2) select type (x => pe2%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call x%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call x%expr(2)%init_spec (b) end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe2%to_string ()) call pe3%init_list (2) select type (x => pe3%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call x%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call x%expr(2)%init_spec (b) end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe3%to_string ()) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Nested expressions" write (u, *) call pe4%init_list (2) select type (x => pe4%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call x%expr(1)%init_sum (2) select type (y => x%expr(1)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (b) end select call x%expr(2)%init_spec (c) end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe4%to_string ()) call pe5%init_list (2) select type (x => pe5%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call x%expr(1)%init_list (2) select type (y => x%expr(1)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (b) end select call x%expr(2)%init_spec (c) end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe5%to_string ()) call pe6%init_sum (2) select type (x => pe6%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call x%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call x%expr(2)%init_sum (2) select type (y => x%expr(2)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (b) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (c) end select end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe6%to_string ()) call pe7%init_list (2) select type (x => pe7%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call x%expr(1)%init_sum (2) select type (y => x%expr(1)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call y%expr(2)%init_list (2) select type (z => y%expr(2)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call z%expr(1)%init_spec (b) call z%expr(2)%init_spec (c) end select end select call x%expr(2)%init_spec (d) end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe7%to_string ()) call pe8%init_sum (2) select type (x => pe8%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call x%expr(1)%init_list (2) select type (y => x%expr(1)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (b) end select call x%expr(2)%init_list (2) select type (y => x%expr(2)%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (c) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (d) end select end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe8%to_string ()) call pe9%init_list (3) select type (x => pe9%x) type is (prt_spec_list_t) call x%expr(1)%init_sum (2) select type (y => x%expr(1)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (a) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (b) end select call x%expr(2)%init_spec (c) call x%expr(3)%init_sum (3) select type (y => x%expr(3)%x) type is (prt_spec_sum_t) call y%expr(1)%init_spec (d) call y%expr(2)%init_spec (e) call y%expr(3)%init_spec (f) end select end select write (u, "(A)") char (pe9%to_string ()) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Expand as sum" write (u, *) call pe1%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe1%to_string ()) call pe4%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe4%to_string ()) call pe5%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe5%to_string ()) call pe6%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe6%to_string ()) call pe7%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe7%to_string ()) call pe8%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe8%to_string ()) call pe9%expand () write (u, "(A)") char (pe9%to_string ()) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Transform to arrays:" write (u, "(A)") "* Atomic specifier" do i = 1, pe1%get_n_terms () call pe1%term_to_array (pa, i) call prt_spec_write (pa, u) end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* List" do i = 1, pe5%get_n_terms () call pe5%term_to_array (pa, i) call prt_spec_write (pa, u) end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Sum of atoms" do i = 1, pe6%get_n_terms () call pe6%term_to_array (pa, i) call prt_spec_write (pa, u) end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Sum of lists" do i = 1, pe9%get_n_terms () call pe9%term_to_array (pa, i) call prt_spec_write (pa, u) end do write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: particle_specifiers_2" end subroutine particle_specifiers_2 @ %def particle_specifiers_2 @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{PDG arrays} For defining aliases, we introduce a special type which holds a set of (integer) PDG codes. <<[[pdg_arrays.f90]]>>= <> module pdg_arrays use io_units use sorting use physics_defs, only: UNDEFINED <> <> <> <> contains <> end module pdg_arrays @ %def pdg_arrays @ \subsection{Type definition} Using an allocatable array eliminates the need for initializer and/or finalizer. <>= public :: pdg_array_t <>= type :: pdg_array_t private integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg contains <> end type pdg_array_t @ %def pdg_array_t @ Output <>= public :: pdg_array_write <>= procedure :: write => pdg_array_write <>= subroutine pdg_array_write (aval, unit) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "PDG(" if (allocated (aval%pdg)) then do i = 1, size (aval%pdg) if (i > 1) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") ", " write (u, "(I0)", advance="no") aval%pdg(i) end do end if write (u, "(A)", advance="no") ")" end subroutine pdg_array_write @ %def pdg_array_write @ <>= public :: pdg_array_write_set <>= subroutine pdg_array_write_set (aval, unit) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in), dimension(:) :: aval integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: i do i = 1, size (aval) call aval(i)%write (unit) print *, '' end do end subroutine pdg_array_write_set @ %def pdg_array_write_set @ \subsection{Basic operations} Assignment. We define assignment from and to an integer array. Note that the integer array, if it is the l.h.s., must be declared allocatable by the caller. <>= public :: assignment(=) <>= interface assignment(=) module procedure pdg_array_from_int_array module procedure pdg_array_from_int module procedure int_array_from_pdg_array end interface <>= subroutine pdg_array_from_int_array (aval, iarray) type(pdg_array_t), intent(out) :: aval integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: iarray allocate (aval%pdg (size (iarray))) aval%pdg = iarray end subroutine pdg_array_from_int_array elemental subroutine pdg_array_from_int (aval, int) type(pdg_array_t), intent(out) :: aval integer, intent(in) :: int allocate (aval%pdg (1)) aval%pdg = int end subroutine pdg_array_from_int subroutine int_array_from_pdg_array (iarray, aval) integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: iarray type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval if (allocated (aval%pdg)) then allocate (iarray (size (aval%pdg))) iarray = aval%pdg else allocate (iarray (0)) end if end subroutine int_array_from_pdg_array @ %def pdg_array_from_int_array pdg_array_from_int int_array_from_pdg_array @ Allocate space for a PDG array <>= public :: pdg_array_init <>= subroutine pdg_array_init (aval, n_elements) type(pdg_array_t), intent(inout) :: aval integer, intent(in) :: n_elements allocate(aval%pdg(n_elements)) end subroutine pdg_array_init @ %def pdg_array_init @ Deallocate a previously allocated pdg array <>= public :: pdg_array_delete <>= subroutine pdg_array_delete (aval) type(pdg_array_t), intent(inout) :: aval if (allocated (aval%pdg)) deallocate (aval%pdg) end subroutine pdg_array_delete @ %def pdg_array_delete @ Merge two pdg arrays, i.e. append a particle string to another leaving out doublettes <>= public :: pdg_array_merge <>= subroutine pdg_array_merge (aval1, aval2) type(pdg_array_t), intent(inout) :: aval1 type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval2 type(pdg_array_t) :: aval if (allocated (aval1%pdg) .and. allocated (aval2%pdg)) then if (.not. any (aval1%pdg == aval2%pdg)) aval = aval1 // aval2 else if (allocated (aval1%pdg)) then aval = aval1 else if (allocated (aval2%pdg)) then aval = aval2 end if call pdg_array_delete (aval1) aval1 = aval%pdg end subroutine pdg_array_merge @ %def pdg_array_merge @ Length of the array. <>= public :: pdg_array_get_length <>= procedure :: get_length => pdg_array_get_length <>= elemental function pdg_array_get_length (aval) result (n) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval integer :: n if (allocated (aval%pdg)) then n = size (aval%pdg) else n = 0 end if end function pdg_array_get_length @ %def pdg_array_get_length @ Return the element with index i. <>= public :: pdg_array_get <>= procedure :: get => pdg_array_get <>= elemental function pdg_array_get (aval, i) result (pdg) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval integer, intent(in), optional :: i integer :: pdg if (present (i)) then pdg = aval%pdg(i) else pdg = aval%pdg(1) end if end function pdg_array_get @ %def pdg_array_get @ Explicitly set the element with index i. <>= procedure :: set => pdg_array_set <>= subroutine pdg_array_set (aval, i, pdg) class(pdg_array_t), intent(inout) :: aval integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: pdg aval%pdg(i) = pdg end subroutine pdg_array_set @ %def pdg_array_set @ <>= procedure :: add => pdg_array_add <>= function pdg_array_add (aval, aval_add) result (aval_out) type(pdg_array_t) :: aval_out class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval_add integer :: n, n_add, i n = size (aval%pdg) n_add = size (aval_add%pdg) allocate (aval_out%pdg (n + n_add)) aval_out%pdg(1:n) = aval%pdg do i = 1, n_add aval_out%pdg(n+i) = aval_add%pdg(i) end do end function pdg_array_add @ %def pdg_array_add @ Replace element with index [[i]] by a new array of elements. <>= public :: pdg_array_replace <>= procedure :: replace => pdg_array_replace <>= function pdg_array_replace (aval, i, pdg_new) result (aval_new) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval integer, intent(in) :: i integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg_new type(pdg_array_t) :: aval_new integer :: n, l n = size (aval%pdg) l = size (pdg_new) allocate (aval_new%pdg (n + l - 1)) aval_new%pdg(:i-1) = aval%pdg(:i-1) aval_new%pdg(i:i+l-1) = pdg_new aval_new%pdg(i+l:) = aval%pdg(i+1:) end function pdg_array_replace @ %def pdg_array_replace @ Concatenate two PDG arrays <>= public :: operator(//) <>= interface operator(//) module procedure concat_pdg_arrays end interface <>= function concat_pdg_arrays (aval1, aval2) result (aval) type(pdg_array_t) :: aval type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 integer :: n1, n2 if (allocated (aval1%pdg) .and. allocated (aval2%pdg)) then n1 = size (aval1%pdg) n2 = size (aval2%pdg) allocate (aval%pdg (n1 + n2)) aval%pdg(:n1) = aval1%pdg aval%pdg(n1+1:) = aval2%pdg else if (allocated (aval1%pdg)) then aval = aval1 else if (allocated (aval2%pdg)) then aval = aval2 end if end function concat_pdg_arrays @ %def concat_pdg_arrays @ \subsection{Matching} A PDG array matches a given PDG code if the code is present within the array. If either one is zero (UNDEFINED), the match also succeeds. <>= public :: operator(.match.) <>= interface operator(.match.) module procedure pdg_array_match_integer module procedure pdg_array_match_pdg_array end interface @ %def .match. @ Match a single code against the array. <>= elemental function pdg_array_match_integer (aval, pdg) result (flag) logical :: flag type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval integer, intent(in) :: pdg if (allocated (aval%pdg)) then flag = pdg == UNDEFINED & .or. any (aval%pdg == UNDEFINED) & .or. any (aval%pdg == pdg) else flag = .false. end if end function pdg_array_match_integer @ %def pdg_array_match_integer @ Check if the pdg-number corresponds to a quark <>= public :: is_quark <>= elemental function is_quark (pdg_nr) logical :: is_quark integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr if (abs (pdg_nr) >= 1 .and. abs (pdg_nr) <= 6) then is_quark = .true. else is_quark = .false. end if end function is_quark @ %def is_quark @ Check if pdg-number corresponds to a gluon <>= public :: is_gluon <>= elemental function is_gluon (pdg_nr) logical :: is_gluon integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr if (pdg_nr == 21) then is_gluon = .true. else is_gluon = .false. end if end function is_gluon @ %def is_gluon @ Check if pdg-number corresponds to a photon <>= public :: is_photon <>= elemental function is_photon (pdg_nr) logical :: is_photon integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr if (pdg_nr == 22) then is_photon = .true. else is_photon = .false. end if end function is_photon @ %def is_photon @ Check if pdg-number corresponds to a colored particle <>= public :: is_colored <>= elemental function is_colored (pdg_nr) logical :: is_colored integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr is_colored = is_quark (pdg_nr) .or. is_gluon (pdg_nr) end function is_colored @ %def is_colored @ Check if the pdg-number corresponds to a lepton <>= public :: is_lepton <>= elemental function is_lepton (pdg_nr) logical :: is_lepton integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr if (abs (pdg_nr) >= 11 .and. abs (pdg_nr) <= 16) then is_lepton = .true. else is_lepton = .false. end if end function is_lepton @ %def is_lepton @ <>= public :: is_fermion <>= elemental function is_fermion (pdg_nr) logical :: is_fermion integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr is_fermion = is_lepton(pdg_nr) .or. is_quark(pdg_nr) end function is_fermion @ %def is_fermion @ Check if the pdg-number corresponds to a massless vector boson <>= public :: is_massless_vector <>= elemental function is_massless_vector (pdg_nr) integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr logical :: is_massless_vector if (pdg_nr == 21 .or. pdg_nr == 22) then is_massless_vector = .true. else is_massless_vector = .false. end if end function is_massless_vector @ %def is_massless_vector @ Check if pdg-number corresponds to a massive vector boson <>= public :: is_massive_vector <>= elemental function is_massive_vector (pdg_nr) integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr logical :: is_massive_vector if (abs (pdg_nr) == 23 .or. abs (pdg_nr) == 24) then is_massive_vector = .true. else is_massive_vector = .false. end if end function is_massive_vector @ %def is massive_vector @ Check if pdg-number corresponds to a vector boson <>= public :: is_vector <>= elemental function is_vector (pdg_nr) integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr logical :: is_vector if (is_massless_vector (pdg_nr) .or. is_massive_vector (pdg_nr)) then is_vector = .true. else is_vector = .false. end if end function is_vector @ %def is vector @ Check if particle is elementary. <>= public :: is_elementary <>= elemental function is_elementary (pdg_nr) integer, intent(in) :: pdg_nr logical :: is_elementary if (is_vector (pdg_nr) .or. is_fermion (pdg_nr) .or. pdg_nr == 25) then is_elementary = .true. else is_elementary = .false. end if end function is_elementary @ %def is_elementary @ Check if particle is strongly interacting <>= procedure :: has_colored_particles => pdg_array_has_colored_particles <>= function pdg_array_has_colored_particles (pdg) result (colored) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pdg logical :: colored integer :: i, pdg_nr colored = .false. do i = 1, size (pdg%pdg) pdg_nr = pdg%pdg(i) if (is_quark (pdg_nr) .or. is_gluon (pdg_nr)) then colored = .true. exit end if end do end function pdg_array_has_colored_particles @ %def pdg_array_has_colored_particles @ Match two arrays. Succeeds if any pair of entries matches. <>= function pdg_array_match_pdg_array (aval1, aval2) result (flag) logical :: flag type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 if (allocated (aval1%pdg) .and. allocated (aval2%pdg)) then flag = any (aval1 .match. aval2%pdg) else flag = .false. end if end function pdg_array_match_pdg_array @ %def pdg_array_match_pdg_array @ Comparison. Here, we take the PDG arrays as-is, assuming that they are sorted. The ordering is a bit odd: first, we look only at the absolute values of the PDG codes. If they all match, the particle comes before the antiparticle, scanning from left to right. <>= public :: operator(<) public :: operator(>) public :: operator(<=) public :: operator(>=) public :: operator(==) public :: operator(/=) <>= interface operator(<) module procedure pdg_array_lt end interface interface operator(>) module procedure pdg_array_gt end interface interface operator(<=) module procedure pdg_array_le end interface interface operator(>=) module procedure pdg_array_ge end interface interface operator(==) module procedure pdg_array_eq end interface interface operator(/=) module procedure pdg_array_ne end interface <>= elemental function pdg_array_lt (aval1, aval2) result (flag) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical :: flag integer :: i if (size (aval1%pdg) /= size (aval2%pdg)) then flag = size (aval1%pdg) < size (aval2%pdg) else do i = 1, size (aval1%pdg) if (abs (aval1%pdg(i)) /= abs (aval2%pdg(i))) then flag = abs (aval1%pdg(i)) < abs (aval2%pdg(i)) return end if end do do i = 1, size (aval1%pdg) if (aval1%pdg(i) /= aval2%pdg(i)) then flag = aval1%pdg(i) > aval2%pdg(i) return end if end do flag = .false. end if end function pdg_array_lt elemental function pdg_array_gt (aval1, aval2) result (flag) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical :: flag flag = .not. (aval1 < aval2 .or. aval1 == aval2) end function pdg_array_gt elemental function pdg_array_le (aval1, aval2) result (flag) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical :: flag flag = aval1 < aval2 .or. aval1 == aval2 end function pdg_array_le elemental function pdg_array_ge (aval1, aval2) result (flag) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical :: flag flag = .not. (aval1 < aval2) end function pdg_array_ge elemental function pdg_array_eq (aval1, aval2) result (flag) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical :: flag if (size (aval1%pdg) /= size (aval2%pdg)) then flag = .false. else flag = all (aval1%pdg == aval2%pdg) end if end function pdg_array_eq elemental function pdg_array_ne (aval1, aval2) result (flag) type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical :: flag flag = .not. (aval1 == aval2) end function pdg_array_ne @ Equivalence. Two PDG arrays are equivalent if either one contains [[UNDEFINED]] or if each element of array 1 is present in array 2, and vice versa. <>= public :: operator(.eqv.) public :: operator(.neqv.) <>= interface operator(.eqv.) module procedure pdg_array_equivalent end interface interface operator(.neqv.) module procedure pdg_array_inequivalent end interface <>= elemental function pdg_array_equivalent (aval1, aval2) result (eq) logical :: eq type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: match1, match2 integer :: i if (allocated (aval1%pdg) .and. allocated (aval2%pdg)) then eq = any (aval1%pdg == UNDEFINED) & .or. any (aval2%pdg == UNDEFINED) if (.not. eq) then allocate (match1 (size (aval1%pdg))) allocate (match2 (size (aval2%pdg))) match1 = .false. match2 = .false. do i = 1, size (aval1%pdg) match2 = match2 .or. aval1%pdg(i) == aval2%pdg end do do i = 1, size (aval2%pdg) match1 = match1 .or. aval2%pdg(i) == aval1%pdg end do eq = all (match1) .and. all (match2) end if else eq = .false. end if end function pdg_array_equivalent elemental function pdg_array_inequivalent (aval1, aval2) result (neq) logical :: neq type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1, aval2 neq = .not. pdg_array_equivalent (aval1, aval2) end function pdg_array_inequivalent @ %def pdg_array_equivalent @ \subsection{Sorting} Sort a PDG array by absolute value, particle before antiparticle. After sorting, we eliminate double entries. <>= public :: sort_abs <>= interface sort_abs module procedure pdg_array_sort_abs end interface <>= procedure :: sort_abs => pdg_array_sort_abs <>= function pdg_array_sort_abs (aval1, unique) result (aval2) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1 logical, intent(in), optional :: unique type(pdg_array_t) :: aval2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask integer :: i, n logical :: uni uni = .false.; if (present (unique)) uni = unique n = size (aval1%pdg) if (uni) then allocate (tmp (n), mask(n)) tmp = sort_abs (aval1%pdg) mask(1) = .true. do i = 2, n mask(i) = tmp(i) /= tmp(i-1) end do allocate (aval2%pdg (count (mask))) aval2%pdg = pack (tmp, mask) else allocate (aval2%pdg (n)) aval2%pdg = sort_abs (aval1%pdg) end if end function pdg_array_sort_abs @ %def sort_abs @ <>= procedure :: intersect => pdg_array_intersect <>= function pdg_array_intersect (aval1, match) result (aval2) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval1 integer, dimension(:) :: match type(pdg_array_t) :: aval2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: isec integer :: i isec = pack (aval1%pdg, [(any(aval1%pdg(i) == match), i=1,size(aval1%pdg))]) aval2 = isec end function pdg_array_intersect @ %def pdg_array_intersect @ <>= procedure :: search_for_particle => pdg_array_search_for_particle <>= elemental function pdg_array_search_for_particle (pdg, i_part) result (found) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pdg integer, intent(in) :: i_part logical :: found found = any (pdg%pdg == i_part) end function pdg_array_search_for_particle @ %def pdg_array_search_for_particle @ <>= procedure :: invert => pdg_array_invert <>= function pdg_array_invert (pdg) result (pdg_inverse) class(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pdg type(pdg_array_t) :: pdg_inverse integer :: i, n n = size (pdg%pdg) allocate (pdg_inverse%pdg (n)) do i = 1, n select case (pdg%pdg(i)) case (21, 22, 23, 25) pdg_inverse%pdg(i) = pdg%pdg(i) case default pdg_inverse%pdg(i) = -pdg%pdg(i) end select end do end function pdg_array_invert @ %def pdg_array_invert @ \subsection{PDG array list} A PDG array list, or PDG list, is an array of PDG-array objects with some convenience methods. <>= public :: pdg_list_t <>= type :: pdg_list_t type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: a contains <> end type pdg_list_t @ %def pdg_list_t @ Output, as a comma-separated list without advancing I/O. <>= procedure :: write => pdg_list_write <>= subroutine pdg_list_write (object, unit) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit) if (allocated (object%a)) then do i = 1, size (object%a) if (i > 1) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") ", " call object%a(i)%write (u) end do end if end subroutine pdg_list_write @ %def pdg_list_write @ Initialize for a certain size. The entries are initially empty PDG arrays. <>= generic :: init => pdg_list_init_size procedure, private :: pdg_list_init_size <>= subroutine pdg_list_init_size (pl, n) class(pdg_list_t), intent(out) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: n allocate (pl%a (n)) end subroutine pdg_list_init_size @ %def pdg_list_init_size @ Initialize with a definite array of PDG codes. That is, each entry in the list becomes a single-particle PDG array. <>= generic :: init => pdg_list_init_int_array procedure, private :: pdg_list_init_int_array <>= subroutine pdg_list_init_int_array (pl, pdg) class(pdg_list_t), intent(out) :: pl integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg integer :: i allocate (pl%a (size (pdg))) do i = 1, size (pdg) pl%a(i) = pdg(i) end do end subroutine pdg_list_init_int_array @ %def pdg_list_init_array @ Set one of the entries. No bounds-check. <>= generic :: set => pdg_list_set_int generic :: set => pdg_list_set_int_array generic :: set => pdg_list_set_pdg_array procedure, private :: pdg_list_set_int procedure, private :: pdg_list_set_int_array procedure, private :: pdg_list_set_pdg_array <>= subroutine pdg_list_set_int (pl, i, pdg) class(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: pdg pl%a(i) = pdg end subroutine pdg_list_set_int subroutine pdg_list_set_int_array (pl, i, pdg) class(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: i integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg pl%a(i) = pdg end subroutine pdg_list_set_int_array subroutine pdg_list_set_pdg_array (pl, i, pa) class(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: i type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa pl%a(i) = pa end subroutine pdg_list_set_pdg_array @ %def pdg_list_set @ Array size, not the length of individual entries <>= procedure :: get_size => pdg_list_get_size <>= function pdg_list_get_size (pl) result (n) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer :: n if (allocated (pl%a)) then n = size (pl%a) else n = 0 end if end function pdg_list_get_size @ %def pdg_list_get_size @ Return an entry, as a PDG array. <>= procedure :: get => pdg_list_get <>= function pdg_list_get (pl, i) result (pa) type(pdg_array_t) :: pa class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: i pa = pl%a(i) end function pdg_list_get @ %def pdg_list_get @ Check if the list entries are all either mutually disjoint or identical. The individual entries (PDG arrays) should already be sorted, so we can test for equality. <>= procedure :: is_regular => pdg_list_is_regular <>= function pdg_list_is_regular (pl) result (flag) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl logical :: flag integer :: i, j, s s = pl%get_size () flag = .true. do i = 1, s do j = i + 1, s if (pl%a(i) .match. pl%a(j)) then if (pl%a(i) /= pl%a(j)) then flag = .false. return end if end if end do end do end function pdg_list_is_regular @ %def pdg_list_is_regular @ Sort the list. First, each entry gets sorted, including elimination of doublers. Then, we sort the list, using the first member of each PDG array as the marker. No removal of doublers at this stage. If [[n_in]] is supplied, we do not reorder the first [[n_in]] particle entries. <>= procedure :: sort_abs => pdg_list_sort_abs <>= function pdg_list_sort_abs (pl, n_in) result (pl_sorted) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in), optional :: n_in type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_sorted type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: pa integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg, map integer :: i, n0 call pl_sorted%init (pl%get_size ()) if (allocated (pl%a)) then allocate (pa (size (pl%a))) do i = 1, size (pl%a) pa(i) = pl%a(i)%sort_abs (unique = .true.) end do allocate (pdg (size (pa)), source = 0) do i = 1, size (pa) if (allocated (pa(i)%pdg)) then if (size (pa(i)%pdg) > 0) then pdg(i) = pa(i)%pdg(1) end if end if end do if (present (n_in)) then n0 = n_in else n0 = 0 end if allocate (map (size (pdg))) map(:n0) = [(i, i = 1, n0)] map(n0+1:) = n0 + order_abs (pdg(n0+1:)) do i = 1, size (pa) call pl_sorted%set (i, pa(map(i))) end do end if end function pdg_list_sort_abs @ %def pdg_list_sort_abs @ Compare sorted lists: equality. The result is undefined if some entries are not allocated. <>= generic :: operator (==) => pdg_list_eq procedure, private :: pdg_list_eq <>= function pdg_list_eq (pl1, pl2) result (flag) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl1, pl2 logical :: flag integer :: i flag = .false. if (allocated (pl1%a) .and. allocated (pl2%a)) then if (size (pl1%a) == size (pl2%a)) then do i = 1, size (pl1%a) associate (a1 => pl1%a(i), a2 => pl2%a(i)) if (allocated (a1%pdg) .and. allocated (a2%pdg)) then if (size (a1%pdg) == size (a2%pdg)) then if (size (a1%pdg) > 0) then if (a1%pdg(1) /= a2%pdg(1)) return end if else return end if else return end if end associate end do flag = .true. end if end if end function pdg_list_eq @ %def pdg_list_eq @ Compare sorted lists. The result is undefined if some entries are not allocated. The ordering is quite complicated. First, a shorter list comes before a longer list. Comparing entry by entry, a shorter entry comes first. Next, we check the first PDG code within corresponding entries. This is compared by absolute value. If equal, particle comes before antiparticle. Finally, if all is equal, the result is false. <>= generic :: operator (<) => pdg_list_lt procedure, private :: pdg_list_lt <>= function pdg_list_lt (pl1, pl2) result (flag) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl1, pl2 logical :: flag integer :: i flag = .false. if (allocated (pl1%a) .and. allocated (pl2%a)) then if (size (pl1%a) < size (pl2%a)) then flag = .true.; return else if (size (pl1%a) > size (pl2%a)) then return else do i = 1, size (pl1%a) associate (a1 => pl1%a(i), a2 => pl2%a(i)) if (allocated (a1%pdg) .and. allocated (a2%pdg)) then if (size (a1%pdg) < size (a2%pdg)) then flag = .true.; return else if (size (a1%pdg) > size (a2%pdg)) then return else if (size (a1%pdg) > 0) then if (abs (a1%pdg(1)) < abs (a2%pdg(1))) then flag = .true.; return else if (abs (a1%pdg(1)) > abs (a2%pdg(1))) then return else if (a1%pdg(1) > 0 .and. a2%pdg(1) < 0) then flag = .true.; return else if (a1%pdg(1) < 0 .and. a2%pdg(1) > 0) then return end if end if end if else return end if end associate end do flag = .false. end if end if end function pdg_list_lt @ %def pdg_list_lt @ Replace an entry. In the result, the entry [[#i]] is replaced by the contents of the second argument. The result is not sorted. If [[n_in]] is also set and [[i]] is less or equal to [[n_in]], replace [[#i]] only by the first entry of [[pl_insert]], and insert the remainder after entry [[n_in]]. <>= procedure :: replace => pdg_list_replace <>= function pdg_list_replace (pl, i, pl_insert, n_in) result (pl_out) type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_out class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: i class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_insert integer, intent(in), optional :: n_in integer :: n, n_insert, n_out, k n = pl%get_size () n_insert = pl_insert%get_size () n_out = n + n_insert - 1 call pl_out%init (n_out) ! if (allocated (pl%a)) then do k = 1, i - 1 pl_out%a(k) = pl%a(k) end do ! end if if (present (n_in)) then pl_out%a(i) = pl_insert%a(1) do k = i + 1, n_in pl_out%a(k) = pl%a(k) end do do k = 1, n_insert - 1 pl_out%a(n_in+k) = pl_insert%a(1+k) end do do k = 1, n - n_in pl_out%a(n_in+k+n_insert-1) = pl%a(n_in+k) end do else ! if (allocated (pl_insert%a)) then do k = 1, n_insert pl_out%a(i-1+k) = pl_insert%a(k) end do ! end if ! if (allocated (pl%a)) then do k = 1, n - i pl_out%a(i+n_insert-1+k) = pl%a(i+k) end do end if ! end if end function pdg_list_replace @ %def pdg_list_replace @ <>= procedure :: fusion => pdg_list_fusion <>= function pdg_list_fusion (pl, pl_insert, i, check_if_existing) result (pl_out) type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_out class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_insert integer, intent(in) :: i logical, intent(in) :: check_if_existing integer :: n, n_insert, k, n_out logical :: new_pdg n = pl%get_size () n_insert = pl_insert%get_size () new_pdg = .not. check_if_existing .or. & (.not. any (pl%search_for_particle (pl_insert%a(1)%pdg))) call pl_out%init (n + n_insert - 1) do k = 1, n if (new_pdg .and. k == i) then pl_out%a(k) = pl%a(k)%add (pl_insert%a(1)) else pl_out%a(k) = pl%a(k) end if end do do k = n + 1, n + n_insert - 1 pl_out%a(k) = pl_insert%a(k-n) end do end function pdg_list_fusion @ %def pdg_list_fusion @ <>= procedure :: get_pdg_sizes => pdg_list_get_pdg_sizes <>= function pdg_list_get_pdg_sizes (pl) result (i_size) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i_size class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer :: i, n n = pl%get_size () allocate (i_size (n)) do i = 1, n i_size(i) = size (pl%a(i)%pdg) end do end function pdg_list_get_pdg_sizes @ %def pdg_list_get_pdg_sizes @ Replace the entries of [[pl]] by the matching entries of [[pl_match]], one by one. This is done in-place. If there is no match, return failure. <>= procedure :: match_replace => pdg_list_match_replace <>= subroutine pdg_list_match_replace (pl, pl_match, success) class(pdg_list_t), intent(inout) :: pl class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl_match logical, intent(out) :: success integer :: i, j success = .true. SCAN_ENTRIES: do i = 1, size (pl%a) do j = 1, size (pl_match%a) if (pl%a(i) .match. pl_match%a(j)) then pl%a(i) = pl_match%a(j) cycle SCAN_ENTRIES end if end do success = .false. return end do SCAN_ENTRIES end subroutine pdg_list_match_replace @ %def pdg_list_match_replace @ Just check if a PDG array matches any entry in the PDG list. The second version returns the position of the match within the list. An optional mask indicates the list elements that should be checked. <>= generic :: operator (.match.) => pdg_list_match_pdg_array procedure, private :: pdg_list_match_pdg_array procedure :: find_match => pdg_list_find_match_pdg_array <>= function pdg_list_match_pdg_array (pl, pa) result (flag) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa logical :: flag flag = pl%find_match (pa) /= 0 end function pdg_list_match_pdg_array function pdg_list_find_match_pdg_array (pl, pa, mask) result (i) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: pa logical, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: mask integer :: i do i = 1, size (pl%a) if (present (mask)) then if (.not. mask(i)) cycle end if if (pl%a(i) .match. pa) return end do i = 0 end function pdg_list_find_match_pdg_array @ %def pdg_list_match_pdg_array @ %def pdg_list_find_match_pdg_array @ Some old compilers have problems with allocatable arrays as intent(out) or as function result, so be conservative here: <>= procedure :: create_pdg_array => pdg_list_create_pdg_array <>= subroutine pdg_list_create_pdg_array (pl, pdg) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(pdg_array_t), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable :: pdg integer :: n_elements integer :: i associate (a => pl%a) n_elements = size (a) if (allocated (pdg)) deallocate (pdg) allocate (pdg (n_elements)) do i = 1, n_elements pdg(i) = a(i) end do end associate end subroutine pdg_list_create_pdg_array @ %def pdg_list_create_pdg_array @ <>= procedure :: create_antiparticles => pdg_list_create_antiparticles <>= subroutine pdg_list_create_antiparticles (pl, pl_anti, n_new_particles) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl type(pdg_list_t), intent(out) :: pl_anti integer, intent(out) :: n_new_particles type(pdg_list_t) :: pl_inverse integer :: i, n integer :: n_identical logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: collect n = pl%get_size (); n_identical = 0 allocate (collect (n)); collect = .true. call pl_inverse%init (n) do i = 1, n pl_inverse%a(i) = pl%a(i)%invert() end do do i = 1, n if (any (pl_inverse%a(i) == pl%a)) then collect(i) = .false. n_identical = n_identical + 1 end if end do n_new_particles = n - n_identical if (n_new_particles > 0) then call pl_anti%init (n_new_particles) do i = 1, n if (collect (i)) pl_anti%a(i) = pl_inverse%a(i) end do end if end subroutine pdg_list_create_antiparticles @ %def pdg_list_create_antiparticles @ <>= procedure :: search_for_particle => pdg_list_search_for_particle <>= elemental function pdg_list_search_for_particle (pl, i_part) result (found) logical :: found class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: i_part integer :: i_pl do i_pl = 1, size (pl%a) found = pl%a(i_pl)%search_for_particle (i_part) if (found) return end do end function pdg_list_search_for_particle @ %def pdg_list_search_for_particle @ <>= procedure :: contains_colored_particles => pdg_list_contains_colored_particles <>= function pdg_list_contains_colored_particles (pl) result (colored) class(pdg_list_t), intent(in) :: pl logical :: colored integer :: i colored = .false. do i = 1, size (pl%a) if (pl%a(i)%has_colored_particles()) then colored = .true. exit end if end do end function pdg_list_contains_colored_particles @ %def pdg_list_contains_colored_particles @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[pdg_arrays_ut.f90]]>>= <> module pdg_arrays_ut use unit_tests use pdg_arrays_uti <> <> contains <> end module pdg_arrays_ut @ %def pdg_arrays_ut @ <<[[pdg_arrays_uti.f90]]>>= <> module pdg_arrays_uti use pdg_arrays <> <> contains <> end module pdg_arrays_uti @ %def pdg_arrays_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: pdg_arrays_test <>= subroutine pdg_arrays_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type (test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine pdg_arrays_test @ %def pdg_arrays_test @ Basic functionality. <>= call test (pdg_arrays_1, "pdg_arrays_1", & "create and sort PDG array", & u, results) <>= public :: pdg_arrays_1 <>= subroutine pdg_arrays_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(pdg_array_t) :: pa, pa1, pa2, pa3, pa4, pa5, pa6 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pdg write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: pdg_arrays_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: create and sort PDG arrays" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Assignment" write (u, "(A)") call pa%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A,I0)") "length = ", pa%get_length () pdg = pa write (u, "(A,3(1x,I0))") "contents = ", pdg write (u, *) pa = 1 call pa%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A,I0)") "length = ", pa%get_length () pdg = pa write (u, "(A,3(1x,I0))") "contents = ", pdg write (u, *) pa = [1, 2, 3] call pa%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A,I0)") "length = ", pa%get_length () pdg = pa write (u, "(A,3(1x,I0))") "contents = ", pdg write (u, "(A,I0)") "element #2 = ", pa%get (2) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Replace" write (u, *) pa = pa%replace (2, [-5, 5, -7]) call pa%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Sort" write (u, *) pa = [1, -7, 3, -5, 5, 3] call pa%write (u) write (u, *) pa1 = pa%sort_abs () pa2 = pa%sort_abs (unique = .true.) call pa1%write (u) write (u, *) call pa2%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Compare" write (u, *) pa1 = [1, 3] pa2 = [1, 2, -2] pa3 = [1, 2, 4] pa4 = [1, 2, 4] pa5 = [1, 2, -4] pa6 = [1, 2, -3] write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "< ", & pa1 < pa2, pa2 < pa3, pa3 < pa4, pa4 < pa5, pa5 < pa6, pa6 < pa1 write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "> ", & pa1 > pa2, pa2 > pa3, pa3 > pa4, pa4 > pa5, pa5 > pa6, pa6 > pa1 write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "<=", & pa1 <= pa2, pa2 <= pa3, pa3 <= pa4, pa4 <= pa5, pa5 <= pa6, pa6 <= pa1 write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") ">=", & pa1 >= pa2, pa2 >= pa3, pa3 >= pa4, pa4 >= pa5, pa5 >= pa6, pa6 >= pa1 write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "==", & pa1 == pa2, pa2 == pa3, pa3 == pa4, pa4 == pa5, pa5 == pa6, pa6 == pa1 write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "/=", & pa1 /= pa2, pa2 /= pa3, pa3 /= pa4, pa4 /= pa5, pa5 /= pa6, pa6 /= pa1 write (u, *) pa1 = [0] pa2 = [1, 2] pa3 = [1, -2] write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "eqv ", & pa1 .eqv. pa1, pa1 .eqv. pa2, & pa2 .eqv. pa2, pa2 .eqv. pa3 write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "neqv", & pa1 .neqv. pa1, pa1 .neqv. pa2, & pa2 .neqv. pa2, pa2 .neqv. pa3 write (u, *) write (u, "(A,6(1x,L1))") "match", & pa1 .match. 0, pa1 .match. 1, & pa2 .match. 0, pa2 .match. 1, pa2 .match. 3 write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: pdg_arrays_1" end subroutine pdg_arrays_1 @ %def pdg_arrays_1 @ PDG array list, i.e., arrays of arrays. <>= call test (pdg_arrays_2, "pdg_arrays_2", & "create and sort PDG lists", & u, results) <>= public :: pdg_arrays_2 <>= subroutine pdg_arrays_2 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(pdg_array_t) :: pa type(pdg_list_t) :: pl, pl1 write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: pdg_arrays_2" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: create and sort PDG lists" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Assignment" write (u, "(A)") call pl%init (3) call pl%set (1, 42) call pl%set (2, [3, 2]) pa = [5, -5] call pl%set (3, pa) call pl%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A,I0)") "size = ", pl%get_size () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Sort" write (u, "(A)") pl = pl%sort_abs () call pl%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Extract item #3" write (u, "(A)") pa = pl%get (3) call pa%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Replace item #3" write (u, "(A)") call pl1%init (2) call pl1%set (1, [2, 4]) call pl1%set (2, -7) pl = pl%replace (3, pl1) call pl%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: pdg_arrays_2" end subroutine pdg_arrays_2 @ %def pdg_arrays_2 @ Check if a (sorted) PDG array lists is regular. The entries (PDG arrays) must not overlap, unless they are identical. <>= call test (pdg_arrays_3, "pdg_arrays_3", & "check PDG lists", & u, results) <>= public :: pdg_arrays_3 <>= subroutine pdg_arrays_3 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(pdg_list_t) :: pl write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: pdg_arrays_3" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: check for regular PDG lists" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Regular list" write (u, "(A)") call pl%init (4) call pl%set (1, [1, 2]) call pl%set (2, [1, 2]) call pl%set (3, [5, -5]) call pl%set (4, 42) call pl%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(L1)") pl%is_regular () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Irregular list" write (u, "(A)") call pl%init (4) call pl%set (1, [1, 2]) call pl%set (2, [1, 2]) call pl%set (3, [2, 5, -5]) call pl%set (4, 42) call pl%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(L1)") pl%is_regular () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: pdg_arrays_3" end subroutine pdg_arrays_3 @ %def pdg_arrays_3 @ Compare PDG array lists. The lists must be regular, i.e., sorted and with non-overlapping (or identical) entries. <>= call test (pdg_arrays_4, "pdg_arrays_4", & "compare PDG lists", & u, results) <>= public :: pdg_arrays_4 <>= subroutine pdg_arrays_4 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(pdg_list_t) :: pl1, pl2, pl3 write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: pdg_arrays_4" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: check for regular PDG lists" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Create lists" write (u, "(A)") call pl1%init (4) call pl1%set (1, [1, 2]) call pl1%set (2, [1, 2]) call pl1%set (3, [5, -5]) call pl1%set (4, 42) write (u, "(I1,1x)", advance = "no") 1 call pl1%write (u) write (u, *) call pl2%init (2) call pl2%set (1, 3) call pl2%set (2, [5, -5]) write (u, "(I1,1x)", advance = "no") 2 call pl2%write (u) write (u, *) call pl3%init (2) call pl3%set (1, 4) call pl3%set (2, [5, -5]) write (u, "(I1,1x)", advance = "no") 3 call pl3%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* a == b" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(2x,A)") "123" write (u, *) write (u, "(I1,1x,4L1)") 1, pl1 == pl1, pl1 == pl2, pl1 == pl3 write (u, "(I1,1x,4L1)") 2, pl2 == pl1, pl2 == pl2, pl2 == pl3 write (u, "(I1,1x,4L1)") 3, pl3 == pl1, pl3 == pl2, pl3 == pl3 write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* a < b" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(2x,A)") "123" write (u, *) write (u, "(I1,1x,4L1)") 1, pl1 < pl1, pl1 < pl2, pl1 < pl3 write (u, "(I1,1x,4L1)") 2, pl2 < pl1, pl2 < pl2, pl2 < pl3 write (u, "(I1,1x,4L1)") 3, pl3 < pl1, pl3 < pl2, pl3 < pl3 write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: pdg_arrays_4" end subroutine pdg_arrays_4 @ %def pdg_arrays_4 @ Match-replace: translate all entries in the first list into the matching entries of the second list, if there is a match. <>= call test (pdg_arrays_5, "pdg_arrays_5", & "match PDG lists", & u, results) <>= public :: pdg_arrays_5 <>= subroutine pdg_arrays_5 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(pdg_list_t) :: pl1, pl2, pl3 logical :: success write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: pdg_arrays_5" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: match-replace" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Create lists" write (u, "(A)") call pl1%init (2) call pl1%set (1, [1, 2]) call pl1%set (2, 42) call pl1%write (u) write (u, *) call pl3%init (2) call pl3%set (1, [42, -42]) call pl3%set (2, [1, 2, 3, 4]) call pl1%match_replace (pl3, success) call pl3%write (u) write (u, "(1x,A,1x,L1,':',1x)", advance="no") "=>", success call pl1%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, *) call pl2%init (2) call pl2%set (1, 9) call pl2%set (2, 42) call pl2%write (u) write (u, *) call pl2%match_replace (pl3, success) call pl3%write (u) write (u, "(1x,A,1x,L1,':',1x)", advance="no") "=>", success call pl2%write (u) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: pdg_arrays_5" end subroutine pdg_arrays_5 @ %def pdg_arrays_5 @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Jets} The FastJet library is linked externally, if available. The wrapper code is also in a separate directory. Here, we define \whizard-specific procedures and tests. <<[[jets.f90]]>>= <> module jets use fastjet !NODEP! <> <> contains <> end module jets @ %def jets @ \subsection{Re-exported symbols} We use this module as a proxy for the FastJet interface, therefore we re-export some symbols. <>= public :: fastjet_available public :: fastjet_init public :: jet_definition_t public :: pseudojet_t public :: pseudojet_vector_t public :: cluster_sequence_t public :: assignment (=) @ %def jet_definition_t pseudojet_t pseudojet_vector_t cluster_sequence_t @ The initialization routine prints the banner. <>= subroutine fastjet_init () call print_banner () end subroutine fastjet_init @ %def fastjet_init @ The jet algorithm codes (actually, integers) <>= public :: kt_algorithm public :: cambridge_algorithm public :: antikt_algorithm public :: genkt_algorithm public :: cambridge_for_passive_algorithm public :: genkt_for_passive_algorithm public :: ee_kt_algorithm public :: ee_genkt_algorithm public :: plugin_algorithm public :: undefined_jet_algorithm @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[jets_ut.f90]]>>= <> module jets_ut use unit_tests use jets_uti <> <> contains <> end module jets_ut @ %def jets_ut @ <<[[jets_uti.f90]]>>= <> module jets_uti <> use fastjet !NODEP! use jets <> <> contains <> end module jets_uti @ %def jets_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: jets_test <>= subroutine jets_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type (test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine jets_test @ %def jets_test @ This test is actually the minimal example from the FastJet manual, translated to Fortran. Note that FastJet creates pseudojet vectors, which we mirror in the [[pseudojet_vector_t]], but immediately assign to pseudojet arrays. Without automatic finalization available in the compilers, we should avoid this in actual code and rather introduce intermediate variables for those objects, which we can finalize explicitly. <>= call test (jets_1, "jets_1", & "basic FastJet functionality", & u, results) <>= public :: jets_1 <>= subroutine jets_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(pseudojet_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt, jets, constituents type(jet_definition_t) :: jet_def type(cluster_sequence_t) :: cs integer, parameter :: dp = default integer :: i, j write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: jets_1" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test basic FastJet functionality" write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Print banner" call print_banner () write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Prepare input particles" allocate (prt (3)) call prt(1)%init ( 99._dp, 0.1_dp, 0._dp, 100._dp) call prt(2)%init ( 4._dp,-0.1_dp, 0._dp, 5._dp) call prt(3)%init (-99._dp, 0._dp, 0._dp, 99._dp) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Define jet algorithm" call jet_def%init (antikt_algorithm, 0.7_dp) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cluster particles according to jet algorithm" write (u, *) write (u, "(A,A)") "Clustering with ", jet_def%description () call cs%init (pseudojet_vector (prt), jet_def) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Sort output jets" jets = sorted_by_pt (cs%inclusive_jets ()) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Print jet observables and constituents" write (u, *) write (u, "(4x,3(7x,A3))") "pt", "y", "phi" do i = 1, size (jets) write (u, "(A,1x,I0,A,3(1x,F9.5))") & "jet", i, ":", jets(i)%perp (), jets(i)%rap (), jets(i)%phi () constituents = jets(i)%constituents () do j = 1, size (constituents) write (u, "(4x,A,1x,I0,A,F9.5)") & "constituent", j, "'s pt:", constituents(j)%perp () end do do j = 1, size (constituents) call constituents(j)%final () end do end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" do i = 1, size (prt) call prt(i)%final () end do do i = 1, size (jets) call jets(i)%final () end do call jet_def%final () call cs%final () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: jets_1" end subroutine jets_1 @ %def jets_1 @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Subevents} The purpose of subevents is to store the relevant part of the physical event (either partonic or hadronic), and to hold particle selections and combinations which are constructed in cut or analysis expressions. <<[[subevents.f90]]>>= <> module subevents use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding !NODEP! <> use io_units use format_defs, only: FMT_14, FMT_19 use format_utils, only: pac_fmt use physics_defs use sorting use c_particles use lorentz use pdg_arrays use jets <> <> <> <> <> contains <> end module subevents @ %def subevents @ \subsection{Particles} For the purpose of this module, a particle has a type which can indicate a beam, incoming, outgoing, or composite particle, flavor and helicity codes (integer, undefined for composite), four-momentum and invariant mass squared. (Other particles types are used in extended event types, but also defined here.) Furthermore, each particle has an allocatable array of ancestors -- particle indices which indicate the building blocks of a composite particle. For an incoming/outgoing particle, the array contains only the index of the particle itself. For incoming particles, the momentum is inverted before storing it in the particle object. <>= integer, parameter, public :: PRT_UNDEFINED = 0 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_BEAM = -9 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_INCOMING = 1 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_OUTGOING = 2 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_COMPOSITE = 3 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_VIRTUAL = 4 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_RESONANT = 5 integer, parameter, public :: PRT_BEAM_REMNANT = 9 @ %def PRT_UNDEFINED PRT_BEAM @ %def PRT_INCOMING PRT_OUTGOING PRT_COMPOSITE @ %def PRT_COMPOSITE PRT_VIRTUAL PRT_RESONANT @ %def PRT_BEAM_REMNANT @ \subsubsection{The type} We initialize only the type here and mark as unpolarized. The initializers below do the rest. The logicals [[is_b_jet]] and [[is_c_jet]] are true only if [[prt_t]] comes out of the [[subevt_cluster]] routine and fulfils the correct flavor content. <>= public :: prt_t <>= type :: prt_t private integer :: type = PRT_UNDEFINED integer :: pdg logical :: polarized = .false. logical :: colorized = .false. logical :: clustered = .false. logical :: is_b_jet = .false. logical :: is_c_jet = .false. integer :: h type(vector4_t) :: p real(default) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: src integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: acl end type prt_t @ %def prt_t @ Initializers. Polarization is set separately. Finalizers are not needed. <>= subroutine prt_init_beam (prt, pdg, p, p2, src) type(prt_t), intent(out) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src prt%type = PRT_BEAM call prt_set (prt, pdg, - p, p2, src) end subroutine prt_init_beam subroutine prt_init_incoming (prt, pdg, p, p2, src) type(prt_t), intent(out) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src prt%type = PRT_INCOMING call prt_set (prt, pdg, - p, p2, src) end subroutine prt_init_incoming subroutine prt_init_outgoing (prt, pdg, p, p2, src) type(prt_t), intent(out) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src prt%type = PRT_OUTGOING call prt_set (prt, pdg, p, p2, src) end subroutine prt_init_outgoing subroutine prt_init_composite (prt, p, src) type(prt_t), intent(out) :: prt type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src prt%type = PRT_COMPOSITE call prt_set (prt, 0, p, p**2, src) end subroutine prt_init_composite @ %def prt_init_beam prt_init_incoming prt_init_outgoing prt_init_composite @ This version is for temporary particle objects, so the [[src]] array is not set. <>= public :: prt_init_combine <>= subroutine prt_init_combine (prt, prt1, prt2) type(prt_t), intent(out) :: prt type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 type(vector4_t) :: p integer, dimension(0) :: src prt%type = PRT_COMPOSITE p = prt1%p + prt2%p call prt_set (prt, 0, p, p**2, src) end subroutine prt_init_combine @ %def prt_init_combine @ Init from a pseudojet object. <>= subroutine prt_init_pseudojet (prt, jet, src, pdg, is_b_jet, is_c_jet) type(prt_t), intent(out) :: prt type(pseudojet_t), intent(in) :: jet integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src integer, intent(in) :: pdg logical, intent(in) :: is_b_jet, is_c_jet type(vector4_t) :: p prt%type = PRT_COMPOSITE p = vector4_moving (jet%e(), & vector3_moving ([jet%px(), jet%py(), jet%pz()])) call prt_set (prt, pdg, p, p**2, src) prt%is_b_jet = is_b_jet prt%is_c_jet = is_c_jet prt%clustered = .true. end subroutine prt_init_pseudojet @ %def prt_init_pseudojet @ \subsubsection{Accessing contents} <>= public :: prt_get_pdg <>= elemental function prt_get_pdg (prt) result (pdg) integer :: pdg type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt pdg = prt%pdg end function prt_get_pdg @ %def prt_get_pdg <>= public :: prt_get_momentum <>= elemental function prt_get_momentum (prt) result (p) type(vector4_t) :: p type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt p = prt%p end function prt_get_momentum @ %def prt_get_momentum <>= public :: prt_get_msq <>= elemental function prt_get_msq (prt) result (msq) real(default) :: msq type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt msq = prt%p2 end function prt_get_msq @ %def prt_get_msq <>= public :: prt_is_polarized <>= elemental function prt_is_polarized (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = prt%polarized end function prt_is_polarized @ %def prt_is_polarized <>= public :: prt_get_helicity <>= elemental function prt_get_helicity (prt) result (h) integer :: h type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt h = prt%h end function prt_get_helicity @ %def prt_get_helicity <>= public :: prt_is_colorized <>= elemental function prt_is_colorized (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = prt%colorized end function prt_is_colorized @ %def prt_is_colorized <>= public :: prt_is_clustered <>= elemental function prt_is_clustered (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = prt%clustered end function prt_is_clustered @ %def prt_is_clustered <>= + public :: prt_is_recombinable +<>= + elemental function prt_is_recombinable (prt) result (flag) + logical :: flag + type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt + flag = prt_is_parton (prt) .or. & + abs(prt%pdg) == TOP_Q .or. & + prt_is_lepton (prt) + end function prt_is_recombinable + +@ %def prt_is_recombinable +<>= public :: prt_is_photon <>= elemental function prt_is_photon (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = prt%pdg == PHOTON end function prt_is_photon @ %def prt_is_photon We do not take the top quark into account here. <>= public :: prt_is_parton <>= elemental function prt_is_parton (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = abs(prt%pdg) == DOWN_Q .or. & abs(prt%pdg) == UP_Q .or. & abs(prt%pdg) == STRANGE_Q .or. & abs(prt%pdg) == CHARM_Q .or. & abs(prt%pdg) == BOTTOM_Q .or. & prt%pdg == GLUON end function prt_is_parton -@ %def prt_is_photon +@ %def prt_is_parton <>= public :: prt_is_lepton <>= elemental function prt_is_lepton (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = abs(prt%pdg) == ELECTRON .or. & abs(prt%pdg) == MUON .or. & abs(prt%pdg) == TAU end function prt_is_lepton @ %def prt_is_lepton <>= public :: prt_is_b_jet <>= elemental function prt_is_b_jet (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = prt%is_b_jet end function prt_is_b_jet @ %def prt_is_b_jet <>= public :: prt_is_c_jet <>= elemental function prt_is_c_jet (prt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt flag = prt%is_c_jet end function prt_is_c_jet @ %def prt_is_c_jet @ The number of open color (anticolor) lines. We inspect the list of color (anticolor) lines and count the entries that do not appear in the list of anticolors (colors). (There is no check against duplicates; we assume that color line indices are unique.) <>= public :: prt_get_n_col public :: prt_get_n_acl <>= elemental function prt_get_n_col (prt) result (n) integer :: n type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col, acl integer :: i n = 0 if (prt%colorized) then do i = 1, size (prt%col) if (all (prt%col(i) /= prt%acl)) n = n + 1 end do end if end function prt_get_n_col elemental function prt_get_n_acl (prt) result (n) integer :: n type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col, acl integer :: i n = 0 if (prt%colorized) then do i = 1, size (prt%acl) if (all (prt%acl(i) /= prt%col)) n = n + 1 end do end if end function prt_get_n_acl @ %def prt_get_n_col @ %def prt_get_n_acl @ Return the color and anticolor-flow line indices explicitly. <>= public :: prt_get_color_indices <>= subroutine prt_get_color_indices (prt, col, acl) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: col, acl if (prt%colorized) then col = prt%col acl = prt%acl else col = [integer::] acl = [integer::] end if end subroutine prt_get_color_indices @ %def prt_get_color_indices @ \subsubsection{Setting data} Set the PDG, momentum and momentum squared, and ancestors. If allocate-on-assignment is available, this can be simplified. <>= subroutine prt_set (prt, pdg, p, p2, src) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src prt%pdg = pdg prt%p = p prt%p2 = p2 if (allocated (prt%src)) then if (size (src) /= size (prt%src)) then deallocate (prt%src) allocate (prt%src (size (src))) end if else allocate (prt%src (size (src))) end if prt%src = src end subroutine prt_set @ %def prt_set @ Set the particle PDG code separately. <>= elemental subroutine prt_set_pdg (prt, pdg) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: pdg prt%pdg = pdg end subroutine prt_set_pdg @ %def prt_set_pdg @ Set the momentum separately. <>= elemental subroutine prt_set_p (prt, p) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p prt%p = p end subroutine prt_set_p @ %def prt_set_p @ Set the squared invariant mass separately. <>= elemental subroutine prt_set_p2 (prt, p2) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt real(default), intent(in) :: p2 prt%p2 = p2 end subroutine prt_set_p2 @ %def prt_set_p2 @ Set helicity (optional). <>= subroutine prt_polarize (prt, h) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt integer, intent(in) :: h prt%polarized = .true. prt%h = h end subroutine prt_polarize @ %def prt_polarize @ Set color-flow indices (optional). <>= subroutine prt_colorize (prt, col, acl) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: col, acl prt%colorized = .true. prt%col = col prt%acl = acl end subroutine prt_colorize @ %def prt_colorize @ \subsubsection{Conversion} Transform a [[prt_t]] object into a [[c_prt_t]] object. <>= public :: c_prt <>= interface c_prt module procedure c_prt_from_prt end interface @ %def c_prt <>= elemental function c_prt_from_prt (prt) result (c_prt) type(c_prt_t) :: c_prt type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt c_prt = prt%p c_prt%type = prt%type c_prt%pdg = prt%pdg if (prt%polarized) then c_prt%polarized = 1 else c_prt%polarized = 0 end if c_prt%h = prt%h end function c_prt_from_prt @ %def c_prt_from_prt @ \subsubsection{Output} <>= public :: prt_write <>= subroutine prt_write (prt, unit, testflag) type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: testflag logical :: pacified type(prt_t) :: tmp character(len=7) :: fmt integer :: u, i call pac_fmt (fmt, FMT_19, FMT_14, testflag) u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return pacified = .false. ; if (present (testflag)) pacified = testflag tmp = prt if (pacified) call pacify (tmp) write (u, "(1x,A)", advance="no") "prt(" select case (prt%type) case (PRT_UNDEFINED); write (u, "('?')", advance="no") case (PRT_BEAM); write (u, "('b:')", advance="no") case (PRT_INCOMING); write (u, "('i:')", advance="no") case (PRT_OUTGOING); write (u, "('o:')", advance="no") case (PRT_COMPOSITE); write (u, "('c:')", advance="no") end select select case (prt%type) case (PRT_BEAM, PRT_INCOMING, PRT_OUTGOING) if (prt%polarized) then write (u, "(I0,'/',I0,'|')", advance="no") prt%pdg, prt%h else write (u, "(I0,'|')", advance="no") prt%pdg end if end select select case (prt%type) case (PRT_BEAM, PRT_INCOMING, PRT_OUTGOING, PRT_COMPOSITE) if (prt%colorized) then write (u, "(*(I0,:,','))", advance="no") prt%col write (u, "('/')", advance="no") write (u, "(*(I0,:,','))", advance="no") prt%acl write (u, "('|')", advance="no") end if end select select case (prt%type) case (PRT_BEAM, PRT_INCOMING, PRT_OUTGOING, PRT_COMPOSITE) write (u, "(" // FMT_14 // ",';'," // FMT_14 // ",','," // & FMT_14 // ",','," // FMT_14 // ")", advance="no") tmp%p write (u, "('|'," // fmt // ")", advance="no") tmp%p2 end select if (allocated (prt%src)) then write (u, "('|')", advance="no") do i = 1, size (prt%src) write (u, "(1x,I0)", advance="no") prt%src(i) end do end if if (prt%is_b_jet) then write (u, "('|b jet')", advance="no") end if if (prt%is_c_jet) then write (u, "('|c jet')", advance="no") end if write (u, "(A)") ")" end subroutine prt_write @ %def prt_write @ \subsubsection{Tools} Two particles match if their [[src]] arrays are the same. <>= public :: operator(.match.) <>= interface operator(.match.) module procedure prt_match end interface @ %def .match. <>= elemental function prt_match (prt1, prt2) result (match) logical :: match type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt1, prt2 if (size (prt1%src) == size (prt2%src)) then match = all (prt1%src == prt2%src) else match = .false. end if end function prt_match @ %def prt_match @ The combine operation makes a pseudoparticle whose momentum is the result of adding (the momenta of) the pair of input particles. We trace the particles from which a particle is built by storing a [[src]] array. Each particle entry in the [[src]] list contains a list of indices which indicates its building blocks. The indices refer to an original list of particles. Index lists are sorted, and they contain no element more than once. We thus require that in a given pseudoparticle, each original particle occurs at most once. The result is intent(inout), so it will not be initialized when the subroutine is entered. If the particles carry color, we recall that the combined particle is a composite which is understood as outgoing. If one of the arguments is an incoming particle, is color entries must be reversed. <>= subroutine prt_combine (prt, prt_in1, prt_in2, ok) type(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt_in1, prt_in2 logical :: ok integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: src integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: col1, acl1, col2, acl2 call combine_index_lists (src, prt_in1%src, prt_in2%src) ok = allocated (src) if (ok) then call prt_init_composite (prt, prt_in1%p + prt_in2%p, src) if (prt_in1%colorized .or. prt_in2%colorized) then select case (prt_in1%type) case default call prt_get_color_indices (prt_in1, col1, acl1) case (PRT_BEAM, PRT_INCOMING) call prt_get_color_indices (prt_in1, acl1, col1) end select select case (prt_in2%type) case default call prt_get_color_indices (prt_in2, col2, acl2) case (PRT_BEAM, PRT_INCOMING) call prt_get_color_indices (prt_in2, acl2, col2) end select call prt_colorize (prt, [col1, col2], [acl1, acl2]) end if end if end subroutine prt_combine @ %def prt_combine @ This variant does not produce the combined particle, it just checks whether the combination is valid (no common [[src]] entry). <>= public :: are_disjoint <>= function are_disjoint (prt_in1, prt_in2) result (flag) logical :: flag type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt_in1, prt_in2 flag = index_lists_are_disjoint (prt_in1%src, prt_in2%src) end function are_disjoint @ %def are_disjoint @ [[src]] Lists with length $>1$ are built by a [[combine]] operation which merges the lists in a sorted manner. If the result would have a duplicate entry, it is discarded, and the result is unallocated. <>= subroutine combine_index_lists (res, src1, src2) integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src1, src2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: res integer :: i1, i2, i allocate (res (size (src1) + size (src2))) if (size (src1) == 0) then res = src2 return else if (size (src2) == 0) then res = src1 return end if i1 = 1 i2 = 1 LOOP: do i = 1, size (res) if (src1(i1) < src2(i2)) then res(i) = src1(i1); i1 = i1 + 1 if (i1 > size (src1)) then res(i+1:) = src2(i2:) exit LOOP end if else if (src1(i1) > src2(i2)) then res(i) = src2(i2); i2 = i2 + 1 if (i2 > size (src2)) then res(i+1:) = src1(i1:) exit LOOP end if else deallocate (res) exit LOOP end if end do LOOP end subroutine combine_index_lists @ %def combine_index_lists @ This function is similar, but it does not actually merge the list, it just checks whether they are disjoint (no common [[src]] entry). <>= function index_lists_are_disjoint (src1, src2) result (flag) logical :: flag integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src1, src2 integer :: i1, i2, i flag = .true. i1 = 1 i2 = 1 LOOP: do i = 1, size (src1) + size (src2) if (src1(i1) < src2(i2)) then i1 = i1 + 1 if (i1 > size (src1)) then exit LOOP end if else if (src1(i1) > src2(i2)) then i2 = i2 + 1 if (i2 > size (src2)) then exit LOOP end if else flag = .false. exit LOOP end if end do LOOP end function index_lists_are_disjoint @ %def index_lists_are_disjoint @ \subsection{subevents} Particles are collected in subevents. This type is implemented as a dynamically allocated array, which need not be completely filled. The value [[n_active]] determines the number of meaningful entries. \subsubsection{Type definition} <>= public :: subevt_t <>= type :: subevt_t private integer :: n_active = 0 type(prt_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt contains <> end type subevt_t @ %def subevt_t @ Initialize, allocating with size zero (default) or given size. The number of contained particles is set equal to the size. <>= public :: subevt_init <>= subroutine subevt_init (subevt, n_active) type(subevt_t), intent(out) :: subevt integer, intent(in), optional :: n_active if (present (n_active)) subevt%n_active = n_active allocate (subevt%prt (subevt%n_active)) end subroutine subevt_init @ %def subevt_init @ (Re-)allocate the subevent with some given size. If the size is greater than the previous one, do a real reallocation. Otherwise, just reset the recorded size. Contents are untouched, but become invalid. <>= public :: subevt_reset <>= subroutine subevt_reset (subevt, n_active) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: n_active subevt%n_active = n_active if (subevt%n_active > size (subevt%prt)) then deallocate (subevt%prt) allocate (subevt%prt (subevt%n_active)) end if end subroutine subevt_reset @ %def subevt_reset @ Output. No prefix for the headline 'subevt', because this will usually be printed appending to a previous line. <>= public :: subevt_write <>= procedure :: write => subevt_write <>= subroutine subevt_write (object, unit, prefix, pacified) class(subevt_t), intent(in) :: object integer, intent(in), optional :: unit character(*), intent(in), optional :: prefix logical, intent(in), optional :: pacified integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, "(1x,A)") "subevent:" do i = 1, object%n_active if (present (prefix)) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") prefix write (u, "(1x,I0)", advance="no") i call prt_write (object%prt(i), unit = unit, testflag = pacified) end do end subroutine subevt_write @ %def subevt_write @ Defined assignment: transfer only meaningful entries. This is a deep copy (as would be default assignment). <>= interface assignment(=) module procedure subevt_assign end interface @ %def = <>= subroutine subevt_assign (subevt, subevt_in) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt_in if (.not. allocated (subevt%prt)) then call subevt_init (subevt, subevt_in%n_active) else call subevt_reset (subevt, subevt_in%n_active) end if subevt%prt(:subevt%n_active) = subevt_in%prt(:subevt%n_active) end subroutine subevt_assign @ %def subevt_assign @ \subsubsection{Fill contents} Store incoming/outgoing particles which are completely defined. <>= public :: subevt_set_beam public :: subevt_set_incoming public :: subevt_set_outgoing public :: subevt_set_composite <>= subroutine subevt_set_beam (subevt, i, pdg, p, p2, src) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: src if (present (src)) then call prt_init_beam (subevt%prt(i), pdg, p, p2, src) else call prt_init_beam (subevt%prt(i), pdg, p, p2, [i]) end if end subroutine subevt_set_beam subroutine subevt_set_incoming (subevt, i, pdg, p, p2, src) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: src if (present (src)) then call prt_init_incoming (subevt%prt(i), pdg, p, p2, src) else call prt_init_incoming (subevt%prt(i), pdg, p, p2, [i]) end if end subroutine subevt_set_incoming subroutine subevt_set_outgoing (subevt, i, pdg, p, p2, src) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: pdg type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p real(default), intent(in) :: p2 integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: src if (present (src)) then call prt_init_outgoing (subevt%prt(i), pdg, p, p2, src) else call prt_init_outgoing (subevt%prt(i), pdg, p, p2, [i]) end if end subroutine subevt_set_outgoing subroutine subevt_set_composite (subevt, i, p, src) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: src call prt_init_composite (subevt%prt(i), p, src) end subroutine subevt_set_composite @ %def subevt_set_incoming subevt_set_outgoing subevt_set_composite @ Separately assign flavors, simultaneously for all incoming/outgoing particles. <>= public :: subevt_set_pdg_beam public :: subevt_set_pdg_incoming public :: subevt_set_pdg_outgoing <>= subroutine subevt_set_pdg_beam (subevt, pdg) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_BEAM) then call prt_set_pdg (subevt%prt(i), pdg(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (pdg)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_pdg_beam subroutine subevt_set_pdg_incoming (subevt, pdg) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_INCOMING) then call prt_set_pdg (subevt%prt(i), pdg(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (pdg)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_pdg_incoming subroutine subevt_set_pdg_outgoing (subevt, pdg) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_OUTGOING) then call prt_set_pdg (subevt%prt(i), pdg(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (pdg)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_pdg_outgoing @ %def subevt_set_pdg_beam @ %def subevt_set_pdg_incoming @ %def subevt_set_pdg_outgoing @ Separately assign momenta, simultaneously for all incoming/outgoing particles. <>= public :: subevt_set_p_beam public :: subevt_set_p_incoming public :: subevt_set_p_outgoing <>= subroutine subevt_set_p_beam (subevt, p) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(vector4_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_BEAM) then call prt_set_p (subevt%prt(i), p(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (p)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_p_beam subroutine subevt_set_p_incoming (subevt, p) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(vector4_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_INCOMING) then call prt_set_p (subevt%prt(i), p(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (p)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_p_incoming subroutine subevt_set_p_outgoing (subevt, p) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(vector4_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_OUTGOING) then call prt_set_p (subevt%prt(i), p(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (p)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_p_outgoing @ %def subevt_set_p_beam @ %def subevt_set_p_incoming @ %def subevt_set_p_outgoing @ Separately assign the squared invariant mass, simultaneously for all incoming/outgoing particles. <>= public :: subevt_set_p2_beam public :: subevt_set_p2_incoming public :: subevt_set_p2_outgoing <>= subroutine subevt_set_p2_beam (subevt, p2) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p2 integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_BEAM) then call prt_set_p2 (subevt%prt(i), p2(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (p2)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_p2_beam subroutine subevt_set_p2_incoming (subevt, p2) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p2 integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_INCOMING) then call prt_set_p2 (subevt%prt(i), p2(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (p2)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_p2_incoming subroutine subevt_set_p2_outgoing (subevt, p2) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p2 integer :: i, j j = 1 do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_OUTGOING) then call prt_set_p2 (subevt%prt(i), p2(j)) j = j + 1 if (j > size (p2)) exit end if end do end subroutine subevt_set_p2_outgoing @ %def subevt_set_p2_beam @ %def subevt_set_p2_incoming @ %def subevt_set_p2_outgoing @ Set polarization for an entry <>= public :: subevt_polarize <>= subroutine subevt_polarize (subevt, i, h) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i, h call prt_polarize (subevt%prt(i), h) end subroutine subevt_polarize @ %def subevt_polarize @ Set color-flow indices for an entry <>= public :: subevt_colorize <>= subroutine subevt_colorize (subevt, i, col, acl) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i, col, acl if (col > 0 .and. acl > 0) then call prt_colorize (subevt%prt(i), [col], [acl]) else if (col > 0) then call prt_colorize (subevt%prt(i), [col], [integer ::]) else if (acl > 0) then call prt_colorize (subevt%prt(i), [integer ::], [acl]) else call prt_colorize (subevt%prt(i), [integer ::], [integer ::]) end if end subroutine subevt_colorize @ %def subevt_colorize @ \subsubsection{Accessing contents} Return true if the subevent has entries. <>= public :: subevt_is_nonempty <>= function subevt_is_nonempty (subevt) result (flag) logical :: flag type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt flag = subevt%n_active /= 0 end function subevt_is_nonempty @ %def subevt_is_nonempty @ Return the number of entries <>= public :: subevt_get_length <>= function subevt_get_length (subevt) result (length) integer :: length type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt length = subevt%n_active end function subevt_get_length @ %def subevt_get_length @ Return a specific particle. The index is not checked for validity. <>= public :: subevt_get_prt <>= function subevt_get_prt (subevt, i) result (prt) type(prt_t) :: prt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i prt = subevt%prt(i) end function subevt_get_prt @ %def subevt_get_prt @ Return the partonic energy squared. We take the particles with flag [[PRT_INCOMING]] and compute their total invariant mass. <>= public :: subevt_get_sqrts_hat <>= function subevt_get_sqrts_hat (subevt) result (sqrts_hat) type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt real(default) :: sqrts_hat type(vector4_t) :: p integer :: i do i = 1, subevt%n_active if (subevt%prt(i)%type == PRT_INCOMING) then p = p + prt_get_momentum (subevt%prt(i)) end if end do sqrts_hat = p ** 1 end function subevt_get_sqrts_hat @ %def subevt_get_sqrts_hat @ Return the number of incoming (outgoing) particles, respectively. Beam particles or composites are not counted. <>= public :: subevt_get_n_in public :: subevt_get_n_out <>= function subevt_get_n_in (subevt) result (n_in) type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt integer :: n_in n_in = count (subevt%prt(:subevt%n_active)%type == PRT_INCOMING) end function subevt_get_n_in function subevt_get_n_out (subevt) result (n_out) type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt integer :: n_out n_out = count (subevt%prt(:subevt%n_active)%type == PRT_OUTGOING) end function subevt_get_n_out @ %def subevt_get_n_in @ %def subevt_get_n_out @ <>= interface c_prt module procedure c_prt_from_subevt module procedure c_prt_array_from_subevt end interface @ %def c_prt <>= function c_prt_from_subevt (subevt, i) result (c_prt) type(c_prt_t) :: c_prt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt integer, intent(in) :: i c_prt = c_prt_from_prt (subevt%prt(i)) end function c_prt_from_subevt function c_prt_array_from_subevt (subevt) result (c_prt_array) type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt type(c_prt_t), dimension(subevt%n_active) :: c_prt_array c_prt_array = c_prt_from_prt (subevt%prt(1:subevt%n_active)) end function c_prt_array_from_subevt @ %def c_prt_from_subevt @ %def c_prt_array_from_subevt @ \subsubsection{Operations with subevents} The join operation joins two subevents. When appending the elements of the second list, we check for each particle whether it is already in the first list. If yes, it is discarded. The result list should be initialized already. If a mask is present, it refers to the second subevent. Particles where the mask is not set are discarded. <>= public :: subevt_join <>= subroutine subevt_join (subevt, pl1, pl2, mask2) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl1, pl2 logical, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: mask2 integer :: n1, n2, i, n n1 = pl1%n_active n2 = pl2%n_active call subevt_reset (subevt, n1 + n2) subevt%prt(:n1) = pl1%prt(:n1) n = n1 if (present (mask2)) then do i = 1, pl2%n_active if (mask2(i)) then if (disjoint (i)) then n = n + 1 subevt%prt(n) = pl2%prt(i) end if end if end do else do i = 1, pl2%n_active if (disjoint (i)) then n = n + 1 subevt%prt(n) = pl2%prt(i) end if end do end if subevt%n_active = n contains function disjoint (i) result (flag) integer, intent(in) :: i logical :: flag integer :: j do j = 1, pl1%n_active if (.not. are_disjoint (pl1%prt(j), pl2%prt(i))) then flag = .false. return end if end do flag = .true. end function disjoint end subroutine subevt_join @ %def subevt_join @ The combine operation makes a subevent whose entries are the result of adding (the momenta of) each pair of particles in the input lists. We trace the particles from which a particles is built by storing a [[src]] array. Each particle entry in the [[src]] list contains a list of indices which indicates its building blocks. The indices refer to an original list of particles. Index lists are sorted, and they contain no element more than once. We thus require that in a given pseudoparticle, each original particle occurs at most once. <>= public :: subevt_combine <>= subroutine subevt_combine (subevt, pl1, pl2, mask12) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl1, pl2 logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional :: mask12 integer :: n1, n2, i1, i2, n, j logical :: ok n1 = pl1%n_active n2 = pl2%n_active call subevt_reset (subevt, n1 * n2) n = 1 do i1 = 1, n1 do i2 = 1, n2 if (present (mask12)) then ok = mask12(i1,i2) else ok = .true. end if if (ok) call prt_combine & (subevt%prt(n), pl1%prt(i1), pl2%prt(i2), ok) if (ok) then CHECK_DOUBLES: do j = 1, n - 1 if (subevt%prt(n) .match. subevt%prt(j)) then ok = .false.; exit CHECK_DOUBLES end if end do CHECK_DOUBLES if (ok) n = n + 1 end if end do end do subevt%n_active = n - 1 end subroutine subevt_combine @ %def subevt_combine @ The collect operation makes a single-entry subevent which results from combining (the momenta of) all particles in the input list. As above, the result does not contain an original particle more than once; this is checked for each particle when it is collected. Furthermore, each entry has a mask; where the mask is false, the entry is dropped. (Thus, if the input particles are already composite, there is some chance that the result depends on the order of the input list and is not as expected. This situation should be avoided.) <>= public :: subevt_collect <>= subroutine subevt_collect (subevt, pl1, mask1) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl1 logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: mask1 type(prt_t) :: prt integer :: i logical :: ok call subevt_reset (subevt, 1) subevt%n_active = 0 do i = 1, pl1%n_active if (mask1(i)) then if (subevt%n_active == 0) then subevt%n_active = 1 subevt%prt(1) = pl1%prt(i) else call prt_combine (prt, subevt%prt(1), pl1%prt(i), ok) if (ok) subevt%prt(1) = prt end if end if end do end subroutine subevt_collect @ %def subevt_collect @ The cluster operation is similar to [[collect]], but applies a jet algorithm. The result is a subevent consisting of jets and, possibly, unclustered extra particles. As above, the result does not contain an original particle more than once; this is checked for each particle when it is collected. Furthermore, each entry has a mask; where the mask is false, the entry is dropped. The algorithm: first determine the (pseudo)particles that participate in the clustering. They should not overlap, and the mask entry must be set. We then cluster the particles, using the given jet definition. The result particles are retrieved from the cluster sequence. We still have to determine the source indices for each jet: for each input particle, we get the jet index. Accumulating the source entries for all particles that are part of a given jet, we derive the jet source entries. Finally, we delete the C structures that have been constructed by FastJet and its interface. <>= public :: subevt_cluster <>= subroutine subevt_cluster (subevt, pl1, dcut, mask1, jet_def, & keep_jets, exclusive) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl1 real(default), intent(in) :: dcut logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: mask1 type(jet_definition_t), intent(in) :: jet_def logical, intent(in) :: keep_jets, exclusive integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: map, jet_index type(pseudojet_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: jet_in, jet_out type(pseudojet_vector_t) :: jv_in, jv_out type(cluster_sequence_t) :: cs integer :: i, n_src, n_active call map_prt_index (pl1, mask1, n_src, map) n_active = count (map /= 0) allocate (jet_in (n_active)) allocate (jet_index (n_active)) do i = 1, n_active call jet_in(i)%init (prt_get_momentum (pl1%prt(map(i)))) end do call jv_in%init (jet_in) call cs%init (jv_in, jet_def) if (exclusive) then jv_out = cs%exclusive_jets (dcut) else jv_out = cs%inclusive_jets () end if call cs%assign_jet_indices (jv_out, jet_index) allocate (jet_out (jv_out%size ())) jet_out = jv_out call fill_pseudojet (subevt, pl1, jet_out, jet_index, n_src, map) do i = 1, size (jet_out) call jet_out(i)%final () end do call jv_out%final () call cs%final () call jv_in%final () do i = 1, size (jet_in) call jet_in(i)%final () end do contains ! Uniquely combine sources and add map those new indices to the old ones subroutine map_prt_index (pl1, mask1, n_src, map) type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl1 logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: mask1 integer, intent(out) :: n_src integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: map integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: src, src_tmp integer :: i allocate (src(0)) allocate (map (pl1%n_active), source = 0) n_active = 0 do i = 1, pl1%n_active if (.not. mask1(i)) cycle call combine_index_lists (src_tmp, src, pl1%prt(i)%src) if (.not. allocated (src_tmp)) cycle call move_alloc (from=src_tmp, to=src) n_active = n_active + 1 map(n_active) = i end do n_src = size (src) end subroutine map_prt_index ! Retrieve source(s) of a jet and fill corresponding subevent subroutine fill_pseudojet (subevt, pl1, jet_out, jet_index, n_src, map) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl1 type(pseudojet_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: jet_out integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: jet_index integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: map integer, intent(in) :: n_src integer, dimension(n_src) :: src_fill integer :: i, jet, k, combined_pdg, pdg, n_quarks, n_src_fill logical :: is_b, is_c call subevt_reset (subevt, size (jet_out)) do jet = 1, size (jet_out) pdg = 0; src_fill = 0; n_src_fill = 0; combined_pdg = 0; n_quarks = 0 is_b = .false.; is_c = .false. PARTICLE: do i = 1, size (jet_index) if (jet_index(i) /= jet) cycle PARTICLE associate (prt => pl1%prt(map(i)), n_src_prt => size(pl1%prt(map(i))%src)) do k = 1, n_src_prt src_fill(n_src_fill + k) = prt%src(k) end do n_src_fill = n_src_fill + n_src_prt if (is_quark (prt%pdg)) then n_quarks = n_quarks + 1 if (.not. is_b) then if (abs (prt%pdg) == 5) then is_b = .true. is_c = .false. else if (abs (prt%pdg) == 4) then is_c = .true. end if end if if (combined_pdg == 0) combined_pdg = prt%pdg end if end associate end do PARTICLE if (keep_jets .and. n_quarks == 1) pdg = combined_pdg call prt_init_pseudojet (subevt%prt(jet), jet_out(jet), & src_fill(:n_src_fill), pdg, is_b, is_c) end do end subroutine fill_pseudojet end subroutine subevt_cluster @ %def subevt_cluster +@ Do recombination. +<>= + public :: subevt_recombine +<>= + subroutine subevt_recombine (subevt, pl, prt, mask1, reco_r0, keep_flv) + type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt + type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl + type(prt_t), intent(in) :: prt + logical, intent(in) :: mask1, keep_flv + real(default), intent(in) :: reco_r0 + real(default), dimension(:), allocatable :: del_rij + integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i_sortr + type(prt_t) :: prt_comb + logical :: ok + integer :: i, n, pdg_orig + n = subevt_get_length (pl) + allocate (del_rij (n), i_sortr (n)) + do i = 1, n + del_rij(i) = eta_phi_distance(prt_get_momentum (prt), & + prt_get_momentum (subevt%prt(i))) + end do + i_sortr = order (del_rij) + do i = 1, n + if (i == i_sortr(n)) then + if (del_rij (i_sortr (n)) <= reco_r0 .and. mask1) then + pdg_orig = prt_get_pdg (subevt%prt (i_sortr (n))) + call prt_combine (prt_comb, prt, subevt%prt(i_sortr (n)), ok) + if (ok) then + subevt%prt(i_sortr (n)) = prt_comb + if (keep_flv) call prt_set_pdg & + (subevt%prt(i_sortr (n)), pdg_orig) + end if + end if + else + subevt%prt(i) = pl%prt(i) + end if + end do + end subroutine subevt_recombine + +@ %def subevt_recombine @ Return a list of all particles for which the mask is true. <>= public :: subevt_select <>= subroutine subevt_select (subevt, pl, mask1) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: mask1 integer :: i, n call subevt_reset (subevt, pl%n_active) n = 0 do i = 1, pl%n_active if (mask1(i)) then n = n + 1 subevt%prt(n) = pl%prt(i) end if end do subevt%n_active = n end subroutine subevt_select @ %def subevt_select @ Return a subevent which consists of the single particle with specified [[index]]. If [[index]] is negative, count from the end. If it is out of bounds, return an empty list. <>= public :: subevt_extract <>= subroutine subevt_extract (subevt, pl, index) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, intent(in) :: index if (index > 0) then if (index <= pl%n_active) then call subevt_reset (subevt, 1) subevt%prt(1) = pl%prt(index) else call subevt_reset (subevt, 0) end if else if (index < 0) then if (abs (index) <= pl%n_active) then call subevt_reset (subevt, 1) subevt%prt(1) = pl%prt(pl%n_active + 1 + index) else call subevt_reset (subevt, 0) end if else call subevt_reset (subevt, 0) end if end subroutine subevt_extract @ %def subevt_extract @ Return the list of particles sorted according to increasing values of the provided integer or real array. If no array is given, sort by PDG value. <>= public :: subevt_sort <>= interface subevt_sort module procedure subevt_sort_pdg module procedure subevt_sort_int module procedure subevt_sort_real end interface <>= subroutine subevt_sort_pdg (subevt, pl) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl integer :: n n = subevt%n_active call subevt_sort_int (subevt, pl, abs (3 * subevt%prt(:n)%pdg - 1)) end subroutine subevt_sort_pdg subroutine subevt_sort_int (subevt, pl, ival) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ival call subevt_reset (subevt, pl%n_active) subevt%n_active = pl%n_active subevt%prt = pl%prt( order (ival) ) end subroutine subevt_sort_int subroutine subevt_sort_real (subevt, pl, rval) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: pl real(default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rval integer :: i integer, dimension(size(rval)) :: idx call subevt_reset (subevt, pl%n_active) subevt%n_active = pl%n_active if (allocated (subevt%prt)) deallocate (subevt%prt) allocate (subevt%prt (size(pl%prt))) idx = order (rval) do i = 1, size (idx) subevt%prt(i) = pl%prt (idx(i)) end do end subroutine subevt_sort_real @ %def subevt_sort @ Return the list of particles which have any of the specified PDG codes (and optionally particle type: beam, incoming, outgoing). <>= public :: subevt_select_pdg_code <>= subroutine subevt_select_pdg_code (subevt, aval, subevt_in, prt_type) type(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt type(pdg_array_t), intent(in) :: aval type(subevt_t), intent(in) :: subevt_in integer, intent(in), optional :: prt_type integer :: n_active, n_match logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask integer :: i, j n_active = subevt_in%n_active allocate (mask (n_active)) forall (i = 1:n_active) & mask(i) = aval .match. subevt_in%prt(i)%pdg if (present (prt_type)) & mask = mask .and. subevt_in%prt(:n_active)%type == prt_type n_match = count (mask) call subevt_reset (subevt, n_match) j = 0 do i = 1, n_active if (mask(i)) then j = j + 1 subevt%prt(j) = subevt_in%prt(i) end if end do end subroutine subevt_select_pdg_code @ %def subevt_select_pdg_code @ \subsection{Eliminate numerical noise} This is useful for testing purposes: set entries to zero that are smaller in absolute values than a given tolerance parameter. Note: instead of setting the tolerance in terms of EPSILON (kind-dependent), we fix it to $10^{-16}$, which is the typical value for double precision. The reason is that there are situations where intermediate representations (external libraries, files) are limited to double precision, even if the main program uses higher precision. <>= public :: pacify <>= interface pacify module procedure pacify_prt module procedure pacify_subevt end interface pacify @ %def pacify <>= subroutine pacify_prt (prt) class(prt_t), intent(inout) :: prt real(default) :: e e = max (1E-10_default * energy (prt%p), 1E-13_default) call pacify (prt%p, e) call pacify (prt%p2, 1E3_default * e) end subroutine pacify_prt subroutine pacify_subevt (subevt) class(subevt_t), intent(inout) :: subevt integer :: i do i = 1, subevt%n_active call pacify (subevt%prt(i)) end do end subroutine pacify_subevt @ %def pacify_prt @ %def pacify_subevt @ \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Analysis tools} This module defines structures useful for data analysis. These include observables, histograms, and plots. Observables are quantities that are calculated and summed up event by event. At the end, one can compute the average and error. Histograms have their bins in addition to the observable properties. Histograms are usually written out in tables and displayed graphically. In plots, each record creates its own entry in a table. This can be used for scatter plots if called event by event, or for plotting dependencies on parameters if called once per integration run. Graphs are container for histograms and plots, which carry their own graphics options. The type layout is still somewhat obfuscated. This would become much simpler if type extension could be used. <<[[analysis.f90]]>>= <> module analysis <> <> use io_units use format_utils, only: quote_underscore, tex_format use system_defs, only: TAB use diagnostics use os_interface use ifiles <> <> <> <> <> <> contains <> end module analysis @ %def analysis @ \subsection{Output formats} These formats share a common field width (alignment). <>= character(*), parameter, public :: HISTOGRAM_HEAD_FORMAT = "1x,A15,3x" character(*), parameter, public :: HISTOGRAM_INTG_FORMAT = "3x,I9,3x" character(*), parameter, public :: HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT = "ES19.12" @ %def HISTOGRAM_HEAD_FORMAT HISTOGRAM_INTG_FORMAT HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT @ \subsection{Graph options} These parameters are used for displaying data. They apply to a whole graph, which may contain more than one plot element. The GAMELAN code chunks are part of both [[graph_options]] and [[drawing_options]]. The [[drawing_options]] copy is used in histograms and plots, also as graph elements. The [[graph_options]] copy is used for [[graph]] objects as a whole. Both copies are usually identical. <>= public :: graph_options_t <>= type :: graph_options_t private type(string_t) :: id type(string_t) :: title type(string_t) :: description type(string_t) :: x_label type(string_t) :: y_label integer :: width_mm = 130 integer :: height_mm = 90 logical :: x_log = .false. logical :: y_log = .false. real(default) :: x_min = 0 real(default) :: x_max = 1 real(default) :: y_min = 0 real(default) :: y_max = 1 logical :: x_min_set = .false. logical :: x_max_set = .false. logical :: y_min_set = .false. logical :: y_max_set = .false. type(string_t) :: gmlcode_bg type(string_t) :: gmlcode_fg end type graph_options_t @ %def graph_options_t @ Initialize the record, all strings are empty. The limits are undefined. <>= public :: graph_options_init <>= subroutine graph_options_init (graph_options) type(graph_options_t), intent(out) :: graph_options graph_options%id = "" graph_options%title = "" graph_options%description = "" graph_options%x_label = "" graph_options%y_label = "" graph_options%gmlcode_bg = "" graph_options%gmlcode_fg = "" end subroutine graph_options_init @ %def graph_options_init @ Set individual options. <>= public :: graph_options_set <>= subroutine graph_options_set (graph_options, id, & title, description, x_label, y_label, width_mm, height_mm, & x_log, y_log, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, & gmlcode_bg, gmlcode_fg) type(graph_options_t), intent(inout) :: graph_options type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: id type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: title type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: description type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: x_label, y_label integer, intent(in), optional :: width_mm, height_mm logical, intent(in), optional :: x_log, y_log real(default), intent(in), optional :: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: gmlcode_bg, gmlcode_fg if (present (id)) graph_options%id = id if (present (title)) graph_options%title = title if (present (description)) graph_options%description = description if (present (x_label)) graph_options%x_label = x_label if (present (y_label)) graph_options%y_label = y_label if (present (width_mm)) graph_options%width_mm = width_mm if (present (height_mm)) graph_options%height_mm = height_mm if (present (x_log)) graph_options%x_log = x_log if (present (y_log)) graph_options%y_log = y_log if (present (x_min)) graph_options%x_min = x_min if (present (x_max)) graph_options%x_max = x_max if (present (y_min)) graph_options%y_min = y_min if (present (y_max)) graph_options%y_max = y_max if (present (x_min)) graph_options%x_min_set = .true. if (present (x_max)) graph_options%x_max_set = .true. if (present (y_min)) graph_options%y_min_set = .true. if (present (y_max)) graph_options%y_max_set = .true. if (present (gmlcode_bg)) graph_options%gmlcode_bg = gmlcode_bg if (present (gmlcode_fg)) graph_options%gmlcode_fg = gmlcode_fg end subroutine graph_options_set @ %def graph_options_set @ Write a simple account of all options. <>= public :: graph_options_write <>= subroutine graph_options_write (gro, unit) type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) 1 format (A,1x,'"',A,'"') 2 format (A,1x,L1) 3 format (A,1x,ES19.12) 4 format (A,1x,I0) 5 format (A,1x,'[undefined]') write (u, 1) "title =", char (gro%title) write (u, 1) "description =", char (gro%description) write (u, 1) "x_label =", char (gro%x_label) write (u, 1) "y_label =", char (gro%y_label) write (u, 2) "x_log =", gro%x_log write (u, 2) "y_log =", gro%y_log if (gro%x_min_set) then write (u, 3) "x_min =", gro%x_min else write (u, 5) "x_min =" end if if (gro%x_max_set) then write (u, 3) "x_max =", gro%x_max else write (u, 5) "x_max =" end if if (gro%y_min_set) then write (u, 3) "y_min =", gro%y_min else write (u, 5) "y_min =" end if if (gro%y_max_set) then write (u, 3) "y_max =", gro%y_max else write (u, 5) "y_max =" end if write (u, 4) "width_mm =", gro%width_mm write (u, 4) "height_mm =", gro%height_mm write (u, 1) "gmlcode_bg =", char (gro%gmlcode_bg) write (u, 1) "gmlcode_fg =", char (gro%gmlcode_fg) end subroutine graph_options_write @ %def graph_options_write @ Write a \LaTeX\ header/footer for the analysis file. <>= subroutine graph_options_write_tex_header (gro, unit) type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) if (gro%title /= "") then write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "\section{" // char (gro%title) // "}" else write (u, "(A)") "\section{" // char (quote_underscore (gro%id)) // "}" end if if (gro%description /= "") then write (u, "(A)") char (gro%description) write (u, *) write (u, "(A)") "\vspace*{\baselineskip}" end if write (u, "(A)") "\vspace*{\baselineskip}" write (u, "(A)") "\unitlength 1mm" write (u, "(A,I0,',',I0,A)") & "\begin{gmlgraph*}(", & gro%width_mm, gro%height_mm, & ")[dat]" end subroutine graph_options_write_tex_header subroutine graph_options_write_tex_footer (gro, unit) type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, width, height width = gro%width_mm - 10 height = gro%height_mm - 10 u = given_output_unit (unit) write (u, "(A)") " begingmleps ""Whizard-Logo.eps"";" write (u, "(A,I0,A,I0,A)") & " base := (", width, "*unitlength,", height, "*unitlength);" write (u, "(A)") " height := 9.6*unitlength;" write (u, "(A)") " width := 11.2*unitlength;" write (u, "(A)") " endgmleps;" write (u, "(A)") "\end{gmlgraph*}" end subroutine graph_options_write_tex_footer @ %def graph_options_write_tex_header @ %def graph_options_write_tex_footer @ Return the analysis object ID. <>= function graph_options_get_id (gro) result (id) type(string_t) :: id type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro id = gro%id end function graph_options_get_id @ %def graph_options_get_id @ Create an appropriate [[setup]] command (linear/log). <>= function graph_options_get_gml_setup (gro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro type(string_t) :: x_str, y_str if (gro%x_log) then x_str = "log" else x_str = "linear" end if if (gro%y_log) then y_str = "log" else y_str = "linear" end if cmd = "setup (" // x_str // ", " // y_str // ");" end function graph_options_get_gml_setup @ %def graph_options_get_gml_setup @ Return the labels in GAMELAN form. <>= function graph_options_get_gml_x_label (gro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro cmd = ' (<' // '<' // gro%x_label // '>' // '>, out);' end function graph_options_get_gml_x_label function graph_options_get_gml_y_label (gro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro cmd = 'label.ulft (<' // '<' // gro%y_label // '>' // '>, out);' end function graph_options_get_gml_y_label @ %def graph_options_get_gml_x_label @ %def graph_options_get_gml_y_label @ Create an appropriate [[graphrange]] statement for the given graph options. Where the graph options are not set, use the supplied arguments, if any, otherwise set the undefined value. <>= function graph_options_get_gml_graphrange & (gro, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro real(default), intent(in), optional :: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max type(string_t) :: x_min_str, x_max_str, y_min_str, y_max_str character(*), parameter :: fmt = "(ES15.8)" if (gro%x_min_set) then x_min_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (gro%x_min, fmt))) else if (present (x_min)) then x_min_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (x_min, fmt))) else x_min_str = "??" end if if (gro%x_max_set) then x_max_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (gro%x_max, fmt))) else if (present (x_max)) then x_max_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (x_max, fmt))) else x_max_str = "??" end if if (gro%y_min_set) then y_min_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (gro%y_min, fmt))) else if (present (y_min)) then y_min_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (y_min, fmt))) else y_min_str = "??" end if if (gro%y_max_set) then y_max_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (gro%y_max, fmt))) else if (present (y_max)) then y_max_str = "#" // trim (adjustl (real2string (y_max, fmt))) else y_max_str = "??" end if cmd = "graphrange (" // x_min_str // ", " // y_min_str // "), " & // "(" // x_max_str // ", " // y_max_str // ");" end function graph_options_get_gml_graphrange @ %def graph_options_get_gml_graphrange @ Get extra GAMELAN code to be executed before and after the usual drawing commands. <>= function graph_options_get_gml_bg_command (gro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro cmd = gro%gmlcode_bg end function graph_options_get_gml_bg_command function graph_options_get_gml_fg_command (gro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: gro cmd = gro%gmlcode_fg end function graph_options_get_gml_fg_command @ %def graph_options_get_gml_bg_command @ %def graph_options_get_gml_fg_command @ Append the header for generic data output in ifile format. We print only labels, not graphics parameters. <>= subroutine graph_options_get_header (pl, header, comment) type(graph_options_t), intent(in) :: pl type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: header type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: comment type(string_t) :: c if (present (comment)) then c = comment else c = "" end if call ifile_append (header, & c // "ID: " // pl%id) call ifile_append (header, & c // "title: " // pl%title) call ifile_append (header, & c // "description: " // pl%description) call ifile_append (header, & c // "x axis label: " // pl%x_label) call ifile_append (header, & c // "y axis label: " // pl%y_label) end subroutine graph_options_get_header @ %def graph_options_get_header @ \subsection{Drawing options} These options apply to an individual graph element (histogram or plot). <>= public :: drawing_options_t <>= type :: drawing_options_t type(string_t) :: dataset logical :: with_hbars = .false. logical :: with_base = .false. logical :: piecewise = .false. logical :: fill = .false. logical :: draw = .false. logical :: err = .false. logical :: symbols = .false. type(string_t) :: fill_options type(string_t) :: draw_options type(string_t) :: err_options type(string_t) :: symbol type(string_t) :: gmlcode_bg type(string_t) :: gmlcode_fg end type drawing_options_t @ %def drawing_options_t @ Write a simple account of all options. <>= public :: drawing_options_write <>= subroutine drawing_options_write (dro, unit) type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit) 1 format (A,1x,'"',A,'"') 2 format (A,1x,L1) write (u, 2) "with_hbars =", dro%with_hbars write (u, 2) "with_base =", dro%with_base write (u, 2) "piecewise =", dro%piecewise write (u, 2) "fill =", dro%fill write (u, 2) "draw =", dro%draw write (u, 2) "err =", dro%err write (u, 2) "symbols =", dro%symbols write (u, 1) "fill_options=", char (dro%fill_options) write (u, 1) "draw_options=", char (dro%draw_options) write (u, 1) "err_options =", char (dro%err_options) write (u, 1) "symbol =", char (dro%symbol) write (u, 1) "gmlcode_bg =", char (dro%gmlcode_bg) write (u, 1) "gmlcode_fg =", char (dro%gmlcode_fg) end subroutine drawing_options_write @ %def drawing_options_write @ Init with empty strings and default options, appropriate for either histogram or plot. <>= public :: drawing_options_init_histogram public :: drawing_options_init_plot <>= subroutine drawing_options_init_histogram (dro) type(drawing_options_t), intent(out) :: dro dro%dataset = "dat" dro%with_hbars = .true. dro%with_base = .true. dro%piecewise = .true. dro%fill = .true. dro%draw = .true. dro%fill_options = "withcolor col.default" dro%draw_options = "" dro%err_options = "" dro%symbol = "fshape(circle scaled 1mm)()" dro%gmlcode_bg = "" dro%gmlcode_fg = "" end subroutine drawing_options_init_histogram subroutine drawing_options_init_plot (dro) type(drawing_options_t), intent(out) :: dro dro%dataset = "dat" dro%draw = .true. dro%fill_options = "withcolor col.default" dro%draw_options = "" dro%err_options = "" dro%symbol = "fshape(circle scaled 1mm)()" dro%gmlcode_bg = "" dro%gmlcode_fg = "" end subroutine drawing_options_init_plot @ %def drawing_options_init_histogram @ %def drawing_options_init_plot @ Set individual options. <>= public :: drawing_options_set <>= subroutine drawing_options_set (dro, dataset, & with_hbars, with_base, piecewise, fill, draw, err, symbols, & fill_options, draw_options, err_options, symbol, & gmlcode_bg, gmlcode_fg) type(drawing_options_t), intent(inout) :: dro type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: dataset logical, intent(in), optional :: with_hbars, with_base, piecewise logical, intent(in), optional :: fill, draw, err, symbols type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: fill_options, draw_options type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: err_options, symbol type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: gmlcode_bg, gmlcode_fg if (present (dataset)) dro%dataset = dataset if (present (with_hbars)) dro%with_hbars = with_hbars if (present (with_base)) dro%with_base = with_base if (present (piecewise)) dro%piecewise = piecewise if (present (fill)) dro%fill = fill if (present (draw)) dro%draw = draw if (present (err)) dro%err = err if (present (symbols)) dro%symbols = symbols if (present (fill_options)) dro%fill_options = fill_options if (present (draw_options)) dro%draw_options = draw_options if (present (err_options)) dro%err_options = err_options if (present (symbol)) dro%symbol = symbol if (present (gmlcode_bg)) dro%gmlcode_bg = gmlcode_bg if (present (gmlcode_fg)) dro%gmlcode_fg = gmlcode_fg end subroutine drawing_options_set @ %def drawing_options_set @ There are sepate commands for drawing the curve and for drawing errors. The symbols are applied to the latter. First of all, we may have to compute a baseline: <>= function drawing_options_get_calc_command (dro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro if (dro%with_base) then cmd = "calculate " // dro%dataset // ".base (" // dro%dataset // ") " & // "(x, #0);" else cmd = "" end if end function drawing_options_get_calc_command @ %def drawing_options_get_calc_command @ Return the drawing command. <>= function drawing_options_get_draw_command (dro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro if (dro%fill) then cmd = "fill" else if (dro%draw) then cmd = "draw" else cmd = "" end if if (dro%fill .or. dro%draw) then if (dro%piecewise) cmd = cmd // " piecewise" if (dro%draw .and. dro%with_base) cmd = cmd // " cyclic" cmd = cmd // " from (" // dro%dataset if (dro%with_base) then if (dro%piecewise) then cmd = cmd // ", " // dro%dataset // ".base/\" ! " else cmd = cmd // " ~ " // dro%dataset // ".base\" ! " end if end if cmd = cmd // ")" if (dro%fill) then cmd = cmd // " " // dro%fill_options if (dro%draw) cmd = cmd // " outlined" end if if (dro%draw) cmd = cmd // " " // dro%draw_options cmd = cmd // ";" end if end function drawing_options_get_draw_command @ %def drawing_options_get_draw_command @ The error command draws error bars, if any. <>= function drawing_options_get_err_command (dro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro if (dro%err) then cmd = "draw piecewise " & // "from (" // dro%dataset // ".err)" & // " " // dro%err_options // ";" else cmd = "" end if end function drawing_options_get_err_command @ %def drawing_options_get_err_command @ The symbol command draws symbols, if any. <>= function drawing_options_get_symb_command (dro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro if (dro%symbols) then cmd = "phantom" & // " from (" // dro%dataset // ")" & // " withsymbol (" // dro%symbol // ");" else cmd = "" end if end function drawing_options_get_symb_command @ %def drawing_options_get_symb_command @ Get extra GAMELAN code to be executed before and after the usual drawing commands. <>= function drawing_options_get_gml_bg_command (dro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro cmd = dro%gmlcode_bg end function drawing_options_get_gml_bg_command function drawing_options_get_gml_fg_command (dro) result (cmd) type(string_t) :: cmd type(drawing_options_t), intent(in) :: dro cmd = dro%gmlcode_fg end function drawing_options_get_gml_fg_command @ %def drawing_options_get_gml_bg_command @ %def drawing_options_get_gml_fg_command @ \subsection{Observables} The observable type holds the accumulated observable values and weight sums which are necessary for proper averaging. <>= type :: observable_t private real(default) :: sum_values = 0 real(default) :: sum_squared_values = 0 real(default) :: sum_weights = 0 real(default) :: sum_squared_weights = 0 integer :: count = 0 type(string_t) :: obs_label type(string_t) :: obs_unit type(graph_options_t) :: graph_options end type observable_t @ %def observable_t @ Initialize with defined properties <>= subroutine observable_init (obs, obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options) type(observable_t), intent(out) :: obs type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: obs_label, obs_unit type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options if (present (obs_label)) then obs%obs_label = obs_label else obs%obs_label = "" end if if (present (obs_unit)) then obs%obs_unit = obs_unit else obs%obs_unit = "" end if if (present (graph_options)) then obs%graph_options = graph_options else call graph_options_init (obs%graph_options) end if end subroutine observable_init @ %def observable_init @ Reset all numeric entries. <>= subroutine observable_clear (obs) type(observable_t), intent(inout) :: obs obs%sum_values = 0 obs%sum_squared_values = 0 obs%sum_weights = 0 obs%sum_squared_weights = 0 obs%count = 0 end subroutine observable_clear @ %def observable_clear @ Record a value. Always successful for observables. <>= interface observable_record_value module procedure observable_record_value_unweighted module procedure observable_record_value_weighted end interface <>= subroutine observable_record_value_unweighted (obs, value, success) type(observable_t), intent(inout) :: obs real(default), intent(in) :: value logical, intent(out), optional :: success obs%sum_values = obs%sum_values + value obs%sum_squared_values = obs%sum_squared_values + value**2 obs%sum_weights = obs%sum_weights + 1 obs%sum_squared_weights = obs%sum_squared_weights + 1 obs%count = obs%count + 1 if (present (success)) success = .true. end subroutine observable_record_value_unweighted subroutine observable_record_value_weighted (obs, value, weight, success) type(observable_t), intent(inout) :: obs real(default), intent(in) :: value, weight logical, intent(out), optional :: success obs%sum_values = obs%sum_values + value * weight obs%sum_squared_values = obs%sum_squared_values + value**2 * weight obs%sum_weights = obs%sum_weights + weight obs%sum_squared_weights = obs%sum_squared_weights + weight**2 obs%count = obs%count + 1 if (present (success)) success = .true. end subroutine observable_record_value_weighted @ %def observable_record_value @ Here are the statistics formulas: \begin{enumerate} \item Unweighted case: Given a sample of $n$ values $x_i$, the average is \begin{equation} \langle x \rangle = \frac{\sum x_i}{n} \end{equation} and the error estimate \begin{align} \Delta x &= \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\langle{\sum(x_i - \langle x\rangle)^2}} \\ &= \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1} \left(\frac{\sum x_i^2}{n} - \frac{(\sum x_i)^2}{n^2}\right)} \end{align} \item Weighted case: Instead of weight 1, each event comes with weight $w_i$. \begin{equation} \langle x \rangle = \frac{\sum x_i w_i}{\sum w_i} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \Delta x = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1} \left(\frac{\sum x_i^2 w_i}{\sum w_i} - \frac{(\sum x_i w_i)^2}{(\sum w_i)^2}\right)} \end{equation} For $w_i=1$, this specializes to the previous formula. \end{enumerate} <>= function observable_get_n_entries (obs) result (n) integer :: n type(observable_t), intent(in) :: obs n = obs%count end function observable_get_n_entries function observable_get_average (obs) result (avg) real(default) :: avg type(observable_t), intent(in) :: obs if (obs%sum_weights /= 0) then avg = obs%sum_values / obs%sum_weights else avg = 0 end if end function observable_get_average function observable_get_error (obs) result (err) real(default) :: err type(observable_t), intent(in) :: obs real(default) :: var, n if (obs%sum_weights /= 0) then select case (obs%count) case (0:1) err = 0 case default n = obs%count var = obs%sum_squared_values / obs%sum_weights & - (obs%sum_values / obs%sum_weights) ** 2 err = sqrt (max (var, 0._default) / (n - 1)) end select else err = 0 end if end function observable_get_error @ %def observable_get_n_entries @ %def observable_get_sum @ %def observable_get_average @ %def observable_get_error @ Write label and/or physical unit to a string. <>= function observable_get_label (obs, wl, wu) result (string) type(string_t) :: string type(observable_t), intent(in) :: obs logical, intent(in) :: wl, wu type(string_t) :: obs_label, obs_unit if (wl) then if (obs%obs_label /= "") then obs_label = obs%obs_label else obs_label = "\textrm{Observable}" end if else obs_label = "" end if if (wu) then if (obs%obs_unit /= "") then if (wl) then obs_unit = "\;[" // obs%obs_unit // "]" else obs_unit = obs%obs_unit end if else obs_unit = "" end if else obs_unit = "" end if string = obs_label // obs_unit end function observable_get_label @ %def observable_get_label @ \subsection{Output} <>= subroutine observable_write (obs, unit) type(observable_t), intent(in) :: obs integer, intent(in), optional :: unit real(default) :: avg, err, relerr integer :: n integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return avg = observable_get_average (obs) err = observable_get_error (obs) if (avg /= 0) then relerr = err / abs (avg) else relerr = 0 end if n = observable_get_n_entries (obs) if (obs%graph_options%title /= "") then write (u, "(A,1x,3A)") & "title =", '"', char (obs%graph_options%title), '"' end if if (obs%graph_options%title /= "") then write (u, "(A,1x,3A)") & "description =", '"', char (obs%graph_options%description), '"' end if write (u, "(A,1x," // HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT // ")", advance = "no") & "average =", avg call write_unit () write (u, "(A,1x," // HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT // ")", advance = "no") & "error[abs] =", err call write_unit () write (u, "(A,1x," // HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT // ")") & "error[rel] =", relerr write (u, "(A,1x,I0)") & "n_entries =", n contains subroutine write_unit () if (obs%obs_unit /= "") then write (u, "(1x,A)") char (obs%obs_unit) else write (u, *) end if end subroutine write_unit end subroutine observable_write @ %def observable_write @ \LaTeX\ output. <>= subroutine observable_write_driver (obs, unit, write_heading) type(observable_t), intent(in) :: obs integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: write_heading real(default) :: avg, err integer :: n_digits logical :: heading integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return heading = .true.; if (present (write_heading)) heading = write_heading avg = observable_get_average (obs) err = observable_get_error (obs) if (avg /= 0 .and. err /= 0) then n_digits = max (2, 2 - int (log10 (abs (err / real (avg, default))))) else if (avg /= 0) then n_digits = 100 else n_digits = 1 end if if (heading) then write (u, "(A)") if (obs%graph_options%title /= "") then write (u, "(A)") "\section{" // char (obs%graph_options%title) & // "}" else write (u, "(A)") "\section{Observable}" end if if (obs%graph_options%description /= "") then write (u, "(A)") char (obs%graph_options%description) write (u, *) end if write (u, "(A)") "\begin{flushleft}" end if write (u, "(A)", advance="no") " $\langle{" ! $ sign write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (observable_get_label (obs, wl=.true., wu=.false.)) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "}\rangle = " write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (tex_format (avg, n_digits)) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "\pm" write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (tex_format (err, 2)) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "\;{" write (u, "(A)", advance="no") char (observable_get_label (obs, wl=.false., wu=.true.)) write (u, "(A)") "}" write (u, "(A)", advance="no") " \quad[n_{\text{entries}} = " write (u, "(I0)",advance="no") observable_get_n_entries (obs) write (u, "(A)") "]$" ! $ fool Emacs' noweb mode if (heading) then write (u, "(A)") "\end{flushleft}" end if end subroutine observable_write_driver @ %def observable_write_driver @ \subsection{Histograms} \subsubsection{Bins} <>= type :: bin_t private real(default) :: midpoint = 0 real(default) :: width = 0 real(default) :: sum_weights = 0 real(default) :: sum_squared_weights = 0 real(default) :: sum_excess_weights = 0 integer :: count = 0 end type bin_t @ %def bin_t <>= subroutine bin_init (bin, midpoint, width) type(bin_t), intent(out) :: bin real(default), intent(in) :: midpoint, width bin%midpoint = midpoint bin%width = width end subroutine bin_init @ %def bin_init <>= elemental subroutine bin_clear (bin) type(bin_t), intent(inout) :: bin bin%sum_weights = 0 bin%sum_squared_weights = 0 bin%sum_excess_weights = 0 bin%count = 0 end subroutine bin_clear @ %def bin_clear <>= subroutine bin_record_value (bin, normalize, weight, excess) type(bin_t), intent(inout) :: bin logical, intent(in) :: normalize real(default), intent(in) :: weight real(default), intent(in), optional :: excess real(default) :: w, e if (normalize) then if (bin%width /= 0) then w = weight / bin%width if (present (excess)) e = excess / bin%width else w = 0 if (present (excess)) e = 0 end if else w = weight if (present (excess)) e = excess end if bin%sum_weights = bin%sum_weights + w bin%sum_squared_weights = bin%sum_squared_weights + w ** 2 if (present (excess)) & bin%sum_excess_weights = bin%sum_excess_weights + abs (e) bin%count = bin%count + 1 end subroutine bin_record_value @ %def bin_record_value <>= function bin_get_midpoint (bin) result (x) real(default) :: x type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin x = bin%midpoint end function bin_get_midpoint function bin_get_width (bin) result (w) real(default) :: w type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin w = bin%width end function bin_get_width function bin_get_n_entries (bin) result (n) integer :: n type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin n = bin%count end function bin_get_n_entries function bin_get_sum (bin) result (s) real(default) :: s type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin s = bin%sum_weights end function bin_get_sum function bin_get_error (bin) result (err) real(default) :: err type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin err = sqrt (bin%sum_squared_weights) end function bin_get_error function bin_get_excess (bin) result (excess) real(default) :: excess type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin excess = bin%sum_excess_weights end function bin_get_excess @ %def bin_get_midpoint @ %def bin_get_width @ %def bin_get_n_entries @ %def bin_get_sum @ %def bin_get_error @ %def bin_get_excess <>= subroutine bin_write_header (unit) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit character(120) :: buffer integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (buffer, "(A,4(1x," //HISTOGRAM_HEAD_FORMAT // "),2x,A)") & "#", "bin midpoint", "value ", "error ", & "excess ", "n" write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end subroutine bin_write_header subroutine bin_write (bin, unit) type(bin_t), intent(in) :: bin integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, "(1x,4(1x," // HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT // "),2x,I0)") & bin_get_midpoint (bin), & bin_get_sum (bin), & bin_get_error (bin), & bin_get_excess (bin), & bin_get_n_entries (bin) end subroutine bin_write @ %def bin_write_header @ %def bin_write @ \subsubsection{Histograms} <>= type :: histogram_t private real(default) :: lower_bound = 0 real(default) :: upper_bound = 0 real(default) :: width = 0 integer :: n_bins = 0 logical :: normalize_bins = .false. type(observable_t) :: obs type(observable_t) :: obs_within_bounds type(bin_t) :: underflow type(bin_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: bin type(bin_t) :: overflow type(graph_options_t) :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t) :: drawing_options end type histogram_t @ %def histogram_t @ \subsubsection{Initializer/finalizer} Initialize a histogram. We may provide either the bin width or the number of bins. A finalizer is not needed, since the histogram contains no pointer (sub)components. <>= interface histogram_init module procedure histogram_init_n_bins module procedure histogram_init_bin_width end interface <>= subroutine histogram_init_n_bins (h, id, & lower_bound, upper_bound, n_bins, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) type(histogram_t), intent(out) :: h type(string_t), intent(in) :: id real(default), intent(in) :: lower_bound, upper_bound integer, intent(in) :: n_bins logical, intent(in) :: normalize_bins type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: obs_label, obs_unit type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options real(default) :: bin_width integer :: i call observable_init (h%obs_within_bounds, obs_label, obs_unit) call observable_init (h%obs, obs_label, obs_unit) h%lower_bound = lower_bound h%upper_bound = upper_bound h%n_bins = max (n_bins, 1) h%width = h%upper_bound - h%lower_bound h%normalize_bins = normalize_bins bin_width = h%width / h%n_bins allocate (h%bin (h%n_bins)) call bin_init (h%underflow, h%lower_bound, 0._default) do i = 1, h%n_bins call bin_init (h%bin(i), & h%lower_bound - bin_width/2 + i * bin_width, bin_width) end do call bin_init (h%overflow, h%upper_bound, 0._default) if (present (graph_options)) then h%graph_options = graph_options else call graph_options_init (h%graph_options) end if call graph_options_set (h%graph_options, id = id) if (present (drawing_options)) then h%drawing_options = drawing_options else call drawing_options_init_histogram (h%drawing_options) end if end subroutine histogram_init_n_bins subroutine histogram_init_bin_width (h, id, & lower_bound, upper_bound, bin_width, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) type(histogram_t), intent(out) :: h type(string_t), intent(in) :: id real(default), intent(in) :: lower_bound, upper_bound, bin_width logical, intent(in) :: normalize_bins type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: obs_label, obs_unit type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options integer :: n_bins if (bin_width /= 0) then n_bins = nint ((upper_bound - lower_bound) / bin_width) else n_bins = 1 end if call histogram_init_n_bins (h, id, & lower_bound, upper_bound, n_bins, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) end subroutine histogram_init_bin_width @ %def histogram_init @ Initialize a histogram by copying another one. Since [[h]] has no pointer (sub)components, intrinsic assignment is sufficient. Optionally, we replace the drawing options. <>= subroutine histogram_init_histogram (h, h_in, drawing_options) type(histogram_t), intent(out) :: h type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h_in type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options h = h_in if (present (drawing_options)) then h%drawing_options = drawing_options end if end subroutine histogram_init_histogram @ %def histogram_init_histogram @ \subsubsection{Fill histograms} Clear the histogram contents, but do not modify the structure. <>= subroutine histogram_clear (h) type(histogram_t), intent(inout) :: h call observable_clear (h%obs) call observable_clear (h%obs_within_bounds) call bin_clear (h%underflow) if (allocated (h%bin)) call bin_clear (h%bin) call bin_clear (h%overflow) end subroutine histogram_clear @ %def histogram_clear @ Record a value. Successful if the value is within bounds, otherwise it is recorded as under-/overflow. Optionally, we may provide an excess weight that could be returned by the unweighting procedure. <>= subroutine histogram_record_value_unweighted (h, value, excess, success) type(histogram_t), intent(inout) :: h real(default), intent(in) :: value real(default), intent(in), optional :: excess logical, intent(out), optional :: success integer :: i_bin call observable_record_value (h%obs, value) if (h%width /= 0) then i_bin = floor (((value - h%lower_bound) / h%width) * h%n_bins) + 1 else i_bin = 0 end if if (i_bin <= 0) then call bin_record_value (h%underflow, .false., 1._default, excess) if (present (success)) success = .false. else if (i_bin <= h%n_bins) then call observable_record_value (h%obs_within_bounds, value) call bin_record_value & (h%bin(i_bin), h%normalize_bins, 1._default, excess) if (present (success)) success = .true. else call bin_record_value (h%overflow, .false., 1._default, excess) if (present (success)) success = .false. end if end subroutine histogram_record_value_unweighted @ %def histogram_record_value_unweighted @ Weighted events: analogous, but no excess weight. <>= subroutine histogram_record_value_weighted (h, value, weight, success) type(histogram_t), intent(inout) :: h real(default), intent(in) :: value, weight logical, intent(out), optional :: success integer :: i_bin call observable_record_value (h%obs, value, weight) if (h%width /= 0) then i_bin = floor (((value - h%lower_bound) / h%width) * h%n_bins) + 1 else i_bin = 0 end if if (i_bin <= 0) then call bin_record_value (h%underflow, .false., weight) if (present (success)) success = .false. else if (i_bin <= h%n_bins) then call observable_record_value (h%obs_within_bounds, value, weight) call bin_record_value (h%bin(i_bin), h%normalize_bins, weight) if (present (success)) success = .true. else call bin_record_value (h%overflow, .false., weight) if (present (success)) success = .false. end if end subroutine histogram_record_value_weighted @ %def histogram_record_value_weighted @ \subsubsection{Access contents} Inherited from the observable component (all-over average etc.) <>= function histogram_get_n_entries (h) result (n) integer :: n type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h n = observable_get_n_entries (h%obs) end function histogram_get_n_entries function histogram_get_average (h) result (avg) real(default) :: avg type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h avg = observable_get_average (h%obs) end function histogram_get_average function histogram_get_error (h) result (err) real(default) :: err type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h err = observable_get_error (h%obs) end function histogram_get_error @ %def histogram_get_n_entries @ %def histogram_get_average @ %def histogram_get_error @ Analogous, but applied only to events within bounds. <>= function histogram_get_n_entries_within_bounds (h) result (n) integer :: n type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h n = observable_get_n_entries (h%obs_within_bounds) end function histogram_get_n_entries_within_bounds function histogram_get_average_within_bounds (h) result (avg) real(default) :: avg type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h avg = observable_get_average (h%obs_within_bounds) end function histogram_get_average_within_bounds function histogram_get_error_within_bounds (h) result (err) real(default) :: err type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h err = observable_get_error (h%obs_within_bounds) end function histogram_get_error_within_bounds @ %def histogram_get_n_entries_within_bounds @ %def histogram_get_average_within_bounds @ %def histogram_get_error_within_bounds Get the number of bins <>= function histogram_get_n_bins (h) result (n) type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h integer :: n n = h%n_bins end function histogram_get_n_bins @ %def histogram_get_n_bins @ Check bins. If the index is zero or above the limit, return the results for underflow or overflow, respectively. <>= function histogram_get_n_entries_for_bin (h, i) result (n) integer :: n type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h integer, intent(in) :: i if (i <= 0) then n = bin_get_n_entries (h%underflow) else if (i <= h%n_bins) then n = bin_get_n_entries (h%bin(i)) else n = bin_get_n_entries (h%overflow) end if end function histogram_get_n_entries_for_bin function histogram_get_sum_for_bin (h, i) result (avg) real(default) :: avg type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h integer, intent(in) :: i if (i <= 0) then avg = bin_get_sum (h%underflow) else if (i <= h%n_bins) then avg = bin_get_sum (h%bin(i)) else avg = bin_get_sum (h%overflow) end if end function histogram_get_sum_for_bin function histogram_get_error_for_bin (h, i) result (err) real(default) :: err type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h integer, intent(in) :: i if (i <= 0) then err = bin_get_error (h%underflow) else if (i <= h%n_bins) then err = bin_get_error (h%bin(i)) else err = bin_get_error (h%overflow) end if end function histogram_get_error_for_bin function histogram_get_excess_for_bin (h, i) result (err) real(default) :: err type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h integer, intent(in) :: i if (i <= 0) then err = bin_get_excess (h%underflow) else if (i <= h%n_bins) then err = bin_get_excess (h%bin(i)) else err = bin_get_excess (h%overflow) end if end function histogram_get_excess_for_bin @ %def histogram_get_n_entries_for_bin @ %def histogram_get_sum_for_bin @ %def histogram_get_error_for_bin @ %def histogram_get_excess_for_bin @ Return a pointer to the graph options. <>= function histogram_get_graph_options_ptr (h) result (ptr) type(graph_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(histogram_t), intent(in), target :: h ptr => h%graph_options end function histogram_get_graph_options_ptr @ %def histogram_get_graph_options_ptr @ Return a pointer to the drawing options. <>= function histogram_get_drawing_options_ptr (h) result (ptr) type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(histogram_t), intent(in), target :: h ptr => h%drawing_options end function histogram_get_drawing_options_ptr @ %def histogram_get_drawing_options_ptr @ \subsubsection{Output} <>= subroutine histogram_write (h, unit) type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return call bin_write_header (u) if (allocated (h%bin)) then do i = 1, h%n_bins call bin_write (h%bin(i), u) end do end if write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A,1x,A)") "#", "Underflow:" call bin_write (h%underflow, u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A,1x,A)") "#", "Overflow:" call bin_write (h%overflow, u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A,1x,A)") "#", "Summary: data within bounds" call observable_write (h%obs_within_bounds, u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A,1x,A)") "#", "Summary: all data" call observable_write (h%obs, u) write (u, "(A)") end subroutine histogram_write @ %def histogram_write @ Write the GAMELAN reader for histogram contents. <>= subroutine histogram_write_gml_reader (h, filename, unit) type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in), optional :: unit character(*), parameter :: fmt = "(ES15.8)" integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, "(2x,A)") 'fromfile "' // char (filename) // '":' write (u, "(4x,A)") 'key "# Histogram:";' write (u, "(4x,A)") 'dx := #' & // real2char (h%width / h%n_bins / 2, fmt) // ';' write (u, "(4x,A)") 'for i withinblock:' write (u, "(6x,A)") 'get x, y, y.d, y.n, y.e;' if (h%drawing_options%with_hbars) then write (u, "(6x,A)") 'plot (' // char (h%drawing_options%dataset) & // ') (x,y) hbar dx;' else write (u, "(6x,A)") 'plot (' // char (h%drawing_options%dataset) & // ') (x,y);' end if if (h%drawing_options%err) then write (u, "(6x,A)") 'plot (' // char (h%drawing_options%dataset) & // '.err) ' & // '(x,y) vbar y.d;' end if !!! Future excess options for plots ! write (u, "(6x,A)") 'if show_excess: ' // & ! & 'plot(dat.e)(x, y plus y.e) hbar dx; fi' write (u, "(4x,A)") 'endfor' write (u, "(2x,A)") 'endfrom' end subroutine histogram_write_gml_reader @ %def histogram_write_gml_reader @ \LaTeX\ and GAMELAN output. <>= subroutine histogram_write_gml_driver (h, filename, unit) type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(string_t) :: calc_cmd, bg_cmd, draw_cmd, err_cmd, symb_cmd, fg_cmd integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return call graph_options_write_tex_header (h%graph_options, unit) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_setup (h%graph_options)) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_graphrange & (h%graph_options, x_min=h%lower_bound, x_max=h%upper_bound)) call histogram_write_gml_reader (h, filename, unit) calc_cmd = drawing_options_get_calc_command (h%drawing_options) if (calc_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (calc_cmd) bg_cmd = drawing_options_get_gml_bg_command (h%drawing_options) if (bg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (bg_cmd) draw_cmd = drawing_options_get_draw_command (h%drawing_options) if (draw_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (draw_cmd) err_cmd = drawing_options_get_err_command (h%drawing_options) if (err_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (err_cmd) symb_cmd = drawing_options_get_symb_command (h%drawing_options) if (symb_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (symb_cmd) fg_cmd = drawing_options_get_gml_fg_command (h%drawing_options) if (fg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (fg_cmd) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_x_label (h%graph_options)) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_y_label (h%graph_options)) call graph_options_write_tex_footer (h%graph_options, unit) write (u, "(A)") "\vspace*{2\baselineskip}" write (u, "(A)") "\begin{flushleft}" write (u, "(A)") "\textbf{Data within bounds:} \\" call observable_write_driver (h%obs_within_bounds, unit, & write_heading=.false.) write (u, "(A)") "\\[0.5\baselineskip]" write (u, "(A)") "\textbf{All data:} \\" call observable_write_driver (h%obs, unit, write_heading=.false.) write (u, "(A)") "\end{flushleft}" end subroutine histogram_write_gml_driver @ %def histogram_write_gml_driver @ Return the header for generic data output as an ifile. <>= subroutine histogram_get_header (h, header, comment) type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: header type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: comment type(string_t) :: c if (present (comment)) then c = comment else c = "" end if call ifile_append (header, c // "WHIZARD histogram data") call graph_options_get_header (h%graph_options, header, comment) call ifile_append (header, & c // "range: " // real2string (h%lower_bound) & // " - " // real2string (h%upper_bound)) call ifile_append (header, & c // "counts total: " & // int2char (histogram_get_n_entries_within_bounds (h))) call ifile_append (header, & c // "total average: " & // real2string (histogram_get_average_within_bounds (h)) // " +- " & // real2string (histogram_get_error_within_bounds (h))) end subroutine histogram_get_header @ %def histogram_get_header @ \subsection{Plots} \subsubsection{Points} <>= type :: point_t private real(default) :: x = 0 real(default) :: y = 0 real(default) :: yerr = 0 real(default) :: xerr = 0 type(point_t), pointer :: next => null () end type point_t @ %def point_t <>= interface point_init module procedure point_init_contents module procedure point_init_point end interface <>= subroutine point_init_contents (point, x, y, yerr, xerr) type(point_t), intent(out) :: point real(default), intent(in) :: x, y real(default), intent(in), optional :: yerr, xerr point%x = x point%y = y if (present (yerr)) point%yerr = yerr if (present (xerr)) point%xerr = xerr end subroutine point_init_contents subroutine point_init_point (point, point_in) type(point_t), intent(out) :: point type(point_t), intent(in) :: point_in point%x = point_in%x point%y = point_in%y point%yerr = point_in%yerr point%xerr = point_in%xerr end subroutine point_init_point @ %def point_init <>= function point_get_x (point) result (x) real(default) :: x type(point_t), intent(in) :: point x = point%x end function point_get_x function point_get_y (point) result (y) real(default) :: y type(point_t), intent(in) :: point y = point%y end function point_get_y function point_get_xerr (point) result (xerr) real(default) :: xerr type(point_t), intent(in) :: point xerr = point%xerr end function point_get_xerr function point_get_yerr (point) result (yerr) real(default) :: yerr type(point_t), intent(in) :: point yerr = point%yerr end function point_get_yerr @ %def point_get_x @ %def point_get_y @ %def point_get_xerr @ %def point_get_yerr <>= subroutine point_write_header (unit) integer, intent(in) :: unit character(120) :: buffer integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (buffer, "(A,4(1x," // HISTOGRAM_HEAD_FORMAT // "))") & "#", "x ", "y ", "yerr ", "xerr " write (u, "(A)") trim (buffer) end subroutine point_write_header subroutine point_write (point, unit) type(point_t), intent(in) :: point integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, "(1x,4(1x," // HISTOGRAM_DATA_FORMAT // "))") & point_get_x (point), & point_get_y (point), & point_get_yerr (point), & point_get_xerr (point) end subroutine point_write @ %def point_write @ \subsubsection{Plots} <>= type :: plot_t private type(point_t), pointer :: first => null () type(point_t), pointer :: last => null () integer :: count = 0 type(graph_options_t) :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t) :: drawing_options end type plot_t @ %def plot_t @ \subsubsection{Initializer/finalizer} Initialize a plot. We provide the lower and upper bound in the $x$ direction. <>= interface plot_init module procedure plot_init_empty module procedure plot_init_plot end interface <>= subroutine plot_init_empty (p, id, graph_options, drawing_options) type(plot_t), intent(out) :: p type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options if (present (graph_options)) then p%graph_options = graph_options else call graph_options_init (p%graph_options) end if call graph_options_set (p%graph_options, id = id) if (present (drawing_options)) then p%drawing_options = drawing_options else call drawing_options_init_plot (p%drawing_options) end if end subroutine plot_init_empty @ %def plot_init @ Initialize a plot by copying another one, optionally merging in a new set of drawing options. Since [[p]] has pointer (sub)components, we have to explicitly deep-copy the original. <>= subroutine plot_init_plot (p, p_in, drawing_options) type(plot_t), intent(out) :: p type(plot_t), intent(in) :: p_in type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(point_t), pointer :: current, new current => p_in%first do while (associated (current)) allocate (new) call point_init (new, current) if (associated (p%last)) then p%last%next => new else p%first => new end if p%last => new current => current%next end do p%count = p_in%count p%graph_options = p_in%graph_options if (present (drawing_options)) then p%drawing_options = drawing_options else p%drawing_options = p_in%drawing_options end if end subroutine plot_init_plot @ %def plot_init_plot @ Finalize the plot by deallocating the list of points. <>= subroutine plot_final (plot) type(plot_t), intent(inout) :: plot type(point_t), pointer :: current do while (associated (plot%first)) current => plot%first plot%first => current%next deallocate (current) end do plot%last => null () end subroutine plot_final @ %def plot_final @ \subsubsection{Fill plots} Clear the plot contents, but do not modify the structure. <>= subroutine plot_clear (plot) type(plot_t), intent(inout) :: plot plot%count = 0 call plot_final (plot) end subroutine plot_clear @ %def plot_clear @ Record a value. Successful if the value is within bounds, otherwise it is recorded as under-/overflow. <>= subroutine plot_record_value (plot, x, y, yerr, xerr, success) type(plot_t), intent(inout) :: plot real(default), intent(in) :: x, y real(default), intent(in), optional :: yerr, xerr logical, intent(out), optional :: success type(point_t), pointer :: point plot%count = plot%count + 1 allocate (point) call point_init (point, x, y, yerr, xerr) if (associated (plot%first)) then plot%last%next => point else plot%first => point end if plot%last => point if (present (success)) success = .true. end subroutine plot_record_value @ %def plot_record_value @ \subsubsection{Access contents} The number of points. <>= function plot_get_n_entries (plot) result (n) integer :: n type(plot_t), intent(in) :: plot n = plot%count end function plot_get_n_entries @ %def plot_get_n_entries @ Return a pointer to the graph options. <>= function plot_get_graph_options_ptr (p) result (ptr) type(graph_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(plot_t), intent(in), target :: p ptr => p%graph_options end function plot_get_graph_options_ptr @ %def plot_get_graph_options_ptr @ Return a pointer to the drawing options. <>= function plot_get_drawing_options_ptr (p) result (ptr) type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(plot_t), intent(in), target :: p ptr => p%drawing_options end function plot_get_drawing_options_ptr @ %def plot_get_drawing_options_ptr @ \subsubsection{Output} This output format is used by the GAMELAN driver below. <>= subroutine plot_write (plot, unit) type(plot_t), intent(in) :: plot integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(point_t), pointer :: point integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return call point_write_header (u) point => plot%first do while (associated (point)) call point_write (point, unit) point => point%next end do write (u, *) write (u, "(A,1x,A)") "#", "Summary:" write (u, "(A,1x,I0)") & "n_entries =", plot_get_n_entries (plot) write (u, *) end subroutine plot_write @ %def plot_write @ Write the GAMELAN reader for plot contents. <>= subroutine plot_write_gml_reader (p, filename, unit) type(plot_t), intent(in) :: p type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, "(2x,A)") 'fromfile "' // char (filename) // '":' write (u, "(4x,A)") 'key "# Plot:";' write (u, "(4x,A)") 'for i withinblock:' write (u, "(6x,A)") 'get x, y, y.err, x.err;' write (u, "(6x,A)") 'plot (' // char (p%drawing_options%dataset) & // ') (x,y);' if (p%drawing_options%err) then write (u, "(6x,A)") 'plot (' // char (p%drawing_options%dataset) & // '.err) (x,y) vbar y.err hbar x.err;' end if write (u, "(4x,A)") 'endfor' write (u, "(2x,A)") 'endfrom' end subroutine plot_write_gml_reader @ %def plot_write_gml_header @ \LaTeX\ and GAMELAN output. Analogous to histogram output. <>= subroutine plot_write_gml_driver (p, filename, unit) type(plot_t), intent(in) :: p type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(string_t) :: calc_cmd, bg_cmd, draw_cmd, err_cmd, symb_cmd, fg_cmd integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return call graph_options_write_tex_header (p%graph_options, unit) write (u, "(2x,A)") & char (graph_options_get_gml_setup (p%graph_options)) write (u, "(2x,A)") & char (graph_options_get_gml_graphrange (p%graph_options)) call plot_write_gml_reader (p, filename, unit) calc_cmd = drawing_options_get_calc_command (p%drawing_options) if (calc_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (calc_cmd) bg_cmd = drawing_options_get_gml_bg_command (p%drawing_options) if (bg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (bg_cmd) draw_cmd = drawing_options_get_draw_command (p%drawing_options) if (draw_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (draw_cmd) err_cmd = drawing_options_get_err_command (p%drawing_options) if (err_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (err_cmd) symb_cmd = drawing_options_get_symb_command (p%drawing_options) if (symb_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (symb_cmd) fg_cmd = drawing_options_get_gml_fg_command (p%drawing_options) if (fg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (fg_cmd) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_x_label (p%graph_options)) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_y_label (p%graph_options)) call graph_options_write_tex_footer (p%graph_options, unit) end subroutine plot_write_gml_driver @ %def plot_write_driver @ Append header for generic data output in ifile format. <>= subroutine plot_get_header (plot, header, comment) type(plot_t), intent(in) :: plot type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: header type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: comment type(string_t) :: c if (present (comment)) then c = comment else c = "" end if call ifile_append (header, c // "WHIZARD plot data") call graph_options_get_header (plot%graph_options, header, comment) call ifile_append (header, & c // "number of points: " & // int2char (plot_get_n_entries (plot))) end subroutine plot_get_header @ %def plot_get_header @ \subsection{Graphs} A graph is a container for several graph elements. Each graph element is either a plot or a histogram. There is an appropriate base type below (the [[analysis_object_t]]), but to avoid recursion, we define a separate base type here. Note that there is no actual recursion: a graph is an analysis object, but a graph cannot contain graphs. (If we could use type extension, the implementation would be much more transparent.) \subsubsection{Graph elements} Graph elements cannot be filled by the [[record]] command directly. The contents are always copied from elementary histograms or plots. <>= type :: graph_element_t private integer :: type = AN_UNDEFINED type(histogram_t), pointer :: h => null () type(plot_t), pointer :: p => null () end type graph_element_t @ %def graph_element_t <>= subroutine graph_element_final (el) type(graph_element_t), intent(inout) :: el select case (el%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) deallocate (el%h) case (AN_PLOT) call plot_final (el%p) deallocate (el%p) end select el%type = AN_UNDEFINED end subroutine graph_element_final @ %def graph_element_final @ Return the number of entries in the graph element: <>= function graph_element_get_n_entries (el) result (n) integer :: n type(graph_element_t), intent(in) :: el select case (el%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); n = histogram_get_n_entries (el%h) case (AN_PLOT); n = plot_get_n_entries (el%p) case default; n = 0 end select end function graph_element_get_n_entries @ %def graph_element_get_n_entries @ Return a pointer to the graph / drawing options. <>= function graph_element_get_graph_options_ptr (el) result (ptr) type(graph_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(graph_element_t), intent(in) :: el select case (el%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); ptr => histogram_get_graph_options_ptr (el%h) case (AN_PLOT); ptr => plot_get_graph_options_ptr (el%p) case default; ptr => null () end select end function graph_element_get_graph_options_ptr function graph_element_get_drawing_options_ptr (el) result (ptr) type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(graph_element_t), intent(in) :: el select case (el%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); ptr => histogram_get_drawing_options_ptr (el%h) case (AN_PLOT); ptr => plot_get_drawing_options_ptr (el%p) case default; ptr => null () end select end function graph_element_get_drawing_options_ptr @ %def graph_element_get_graph_options_ptr @ %def graph_element_get_drawing_options_ptr @ Output, simple wrapper for the plot/histogram writer. <>= subroutine graph_element_write (el, unit) type(graph_element_t), intent(in) :: el integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(graph_options_t), pointer :: gro type(string_t) :: id integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return gro => graph_element_get_graph_options_ptr (el) id = graph_options_get_id (gro) write (u, "(A,A)") '#', repeat ("-", 78) select case (el%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "# Histogram: " write (u, "(1x,A)") char (id) call histogram_write (el%h, unit) case (AN_PLOT) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "# Plot: " write (u, "(1x,A)") char (id) call plot_write (el%p, unit) end select end subroutine graph_element_write @ %def graph_element_write <>= subroutine graph_element_write_gml_reader (el, filename, unit) type(graph_element_t), intent(in) :: el type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in), optional :: unit select case (el%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); call histogram_write_gml_reader (el%h, filename, unit) case (AN_PLOT); call plot_write_gml_reader (el%p, filename, unit) end select end subroutine graph_element_write_gml_reader @ %def graph_element_write_gml_reader @ \subsubsection{The graph type} The actual graph type contains its own [[graph_options]], which override the individual settings. The [[drawing_options]] are set in the graph elements. This distinction motivates the separation of the two types. <>= type :: graph_t private type(graph_element_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: el type(graph_options_t) :: graph_options end type graph_t @ %def graph_t @ \subsubsection{Initializer/finalizer} The graph is created with a definite number of elements. The elements are filled one by one, optionally with modified drawing options. <>= subroutine graph_init (g, id, n_elements, graph_options) type(graph_t), intent(out) :: g type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: n_elements type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options allocate (g%el (n_elements)) if (present (graph_options)) then g%graph_options = graph_options else call graph_options_init (g%graph_options) end if call graph_options_set (g%graph_options, id = id) end subroutine graph_init @ %def graph_init <>= subroutine graph_insert_histogram (g, i, h, drawing_options) type(graph_t), intent(inout), target :: g integer, intent(in) :: i type(histogram_t), intent(in) :: h type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(graph_options_t), pointer :: gro type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: dro type(string_t) :: id g%el(i)%type = AN_HISTOGRAM allocate (g%el(i)%h) call histogram_init_histogram (g%el(i)%h, h, drawing_options) gro => histogram_get_graph_options_ptr (g%el(i)%h) dro => histogram_get_drawing_options_ptr (g%el(i)%h) id = graph_options_get_id (gro) call drawing_options_set (dro, dataset = "dat." // id) end subroutine graph_insert_histogram @ %def graph_insert_histogram <>= subroutine graph_insert_plot (g, i, p, drawing_options) type(graph_t), intent(inout) :: g integer, intent(in) :: i type(plot_t), intent(in) :: p type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(graph_options_t), pointer :: gro type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: dro type(string_t) :: id g%el(i)%type = AN_PLOT allocate (g%el(i)%p) call plot_init_plot (g%el(i)%p, p, drawing_options) gro => plot_get_graph_options_ptr (g%el(i)%p) dro => plot_get_drawing_options_ptr (g%el(i)%p) id = graph_options_get_id (gro) call drawing_options_set (dro, dataset = "dat." // id) end subroutine graph_insert_plot @ %def graph_insert_plot @ Finalizer. <>= subroutine graph_final (g) type(graph_t), intent(inout) :: g integer :: i do i = 1, size (g%el) call graph_element_final (g%el(i)) end do deallocate (g%el) end subroutine graph_final @ %def graph_final @ \subsubsection{Access contents} The number of elements. <>= function graph_get_n_elements (graph) result (n) integer :: n type(graph_t), intent(in) :: graph n = size (graph%el) end function graph_get_n_elements @ %def graph_get_n_elements @ Retrieve a pointer to the drawing options of an element, so they can be modified. (The [[target]] attribute is not actually needed because the components are pointers.) <>= function graph_get_drawing_options_ptr (g, i) result (ptr) type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: ptr type(graph_t), intent(in), target :: g integer, intent(in) :: i ptr => graph_element_get_drawing_options_ptr (g%el(i)) end function graph_get_drawing_options_ptr @ %def graph_get_drawing_options_ptr @ \subsubsection{Output} The default output format just writes histogram and plot data. <>= subroutine graph_write (graph, unit) type(graph_t), intent(in) :: graph integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: i do i = 1, size (graph%el) call graph_element_write (graph%el(i), unit) end do end subroutine graph_write @ %def graph_write @ The GAMELAN driver is not a simple wrapper, but it writes the plot/histogram contents embedded the complete graph. First, data are read in, global background commands next, then individual elements, then global foreground commands. <>= subroutine graph_write_gml_driver (g, filename, unit) type(graph_t), intent(in) :: g type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename type(string_t) :: calc_cmd, bg_cmd, draw_cmd, err_cmd, symb_cmd, fg_cmd integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(drawing_options_t), pointer :: dro integer :: u, i u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return call graph_options_write_tex_header (g%graph_options, unit) write (u, "(2x,A)") & char (graph_options_get_gml_setup (g%graph_options)) write (u, "(2x,A)") & char (graph_options_get_gml_graphrange (g%graph_options)) do i = 1, size (g%el) call graph_element_write_gml_reader (g%el(i), filename, unit) calc_cmd = drawing_options_get_calc_command & (graph_element_get_drawing_options_ptr (g%el(i))) if (calc_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (calc_cmd) end do bg_cmd = graph_options_get_gml_bg_command (g%graph_options) if (bg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (bg_cmd) do i = 1, size (g%el) dro => graph_element_get_drawing_options_ptr (g%el(i)) bg_cmd = drawing_options_get_gml_bg_command (dro) if (bg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (bg_cmd) draw_cmd = drawing_options_get_draw_command (dro) if (draw_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (draw_cmd) err_cmd = drawing_options_get_err_command (dro) if (err_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (err_cmd) symb_cmd = drawing_options_get_symb_command (dro) if (symb_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (symb_cmd) fg_cmd = drawing_options_get_gml_fg_command (dro) if (fg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (fg_cmd) end do fg_cmd = graph_options_get_gml_fg_command (g%graph_options) if (fg_cmd /= "") write (u, "(2x,A)") char (fg_cmd) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_x_label (g%graph_options)) write (u, "(2x,A)") char (graph_options_get_gml_y_label (g%graph_options)) call graph_options_write_tex_footer (g%graph_options, unit) end subroutine graph_write_gml_driver @ %def graph_write_gml_driver @ Append header for generic data output in ifile format. <>= subroutine graph_get_header (graph, header, comment) type(graph_t), intent(in) :: graph type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: header type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: comment type(string_t) :: c if (present (comment)) then c = comment else c = "" end if call ifile_append (header, c // "WHIZARD graph data") call graph_options_get_header (graph%graph_options, header, comment) call ifile_append (header, & c // "number of graph elements: " & // int2char (graph_get_n_elements (graph))) end subroutine graph_get_header @ %def graph_get_header @ \subsection{Analysis objects} This data structure holds all observables, histograms and such that are currently active. We have one global store; individual items are identified by their ID strings. (This should rather be coded by type extension.) <>= integer, parameter :: AN_UNDEFINED = 0 integer, parameter :: AN_OBSERVABLE = 1 integer, parameter :: AN_HISTOGRAM = 2 integer, parameter :: AN_PLOT = 3 integer, parameter :: AN_GRAPH = 4 <>= public :: AN_UNDEFINED, AN_HISTOGRAM, AN_OBSERVABLE, AN_PLOT, AN_GRAPH @ %def AN_UNDEFINED @ %def AN_OBSERVABLE AN_HISTOGRAM AN_PLOT AN_GRAPH <>= type :: analysis_object_t private type(string_t) :: id integer :: type = AN_UNDEFINED type(observable_t), pointer :: obs => null () type(histogram_t), pointer :: h => null () type(plot_t), pointer :: p => null () type(graph_t), pointer :: g => null () type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: next => null () end type analysis_object_t @ %def analysis_object_t @ \subsubsection{Initializer/finalizer} Allocate with the correct type but do not fill initial values. <>= subroutine analysis_object_init (obj, id, type) type(analysis_object_t), intent(out) :: obj type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: type obj%id = id obj%type = type select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE); allocate (obj%obs) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); allocate (obj%h) case (AN_PLOT); allocate (obj%p) case (AN_GRAPH); allocate (obj%g) end select end subroutine analysis_object_init @ %def analysis_object_init <>= subroutine analysis_object_final (obj) type(analysis_object_t), intent(inout) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) deallocate (obj%obs) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) deallocate (obj%h) case (AN_PLOT) call plot_final (obj%p) deallocate (obj%p) case (AN_GRAPH) call graph_final (obj%g) deallocate (obj%g) end select obj%type = AN_UNDEFINED end subroutine analysis_object_final @ %def analysis_object_final @ Clear the analysis object, i.e., reset it to its initial state. Not applicable to graphs, which are always combinations of other existing objects. <>= subroutine analysis_object_clear (obj) type(analysis_object_t), intent(inout) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) call observable_clear (obj%obs) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) call histogram_clear (obj%h) case (AN_PLOT) call plot_clear (obj%p) end select end subroutine analysis_object_clear @ %def analysis_object_clear @ \subsubsection{Fill with data} Record data. The effect depends on the type of analysis object. <>= subroutine analysis_object_record_data (obj, & x, y, yerr, xerr, weight, excess, success) type(analysis_object_t), intent(inout) :: obj real(default), intent(in) :: x real(default), intent(in), optional :: y, yerr, xerr, weight, excess logical, intent(out), optional :: success select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) if (present (weight)) then call observable_record_value_weighted (obj%obs, x, weight, success) else call observable_record_value_unweighted (obj%obs, x, success) end if case (AN_HISTOGRAM) if (present (weight)) then call histogram_record_value_weighted (obj%h, x, weight, success) else call histogram_record_value_unweighted (obj%h, x, excess, success) end if case (AN_PLOT) if (present (y)) then call plot_record_value (obj%p, x, y, yerr, xerr, success) else if (present (success)) success = .false. end if case default if (present (success)) success = .false. end select end subroutine analysis_object_record_data @ %def analysis_object_record_data @ Explicitly set the pointer to the next object in the list. <>= subroutine analysis_object_set_next_ptr (obj, next) type(analysis_object_t), intent(inout) :: obj type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: next obj%next => next end subroutine analysis_object_set_next_ptr @ %def analysis_object_set_next_ptr @ \subsubsection{Access contents} Return a pointer to the next object in the list. <>= function analysis_object_get_next_ptr (obj) result (next) type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: next type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj next => obj%next end function analysis_object_get_next_ptr @ %def analysis_object_get_next_ptr @ Return data as appropriate for the object type. <>= function analysis_object_get_n_elements (obj) result (n) integer :: n type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) n = 1 case (AN_PLOT) n = 1 case (AN_GRAPH) n = graph_get_n_elements (obj%g) case default n = 0 end select end function analysis_object_get_n_elements function analysis_object_get_n_entries (obj, within_bounds) result (n) integer :: n type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj logical, intent(in), optional :: within_bounds logical :: wb select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) n = observable_get_n_entries (obj%obs) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) wb = .false.; if (present (within_bounds)) wb = within_bounds if (wb) then n = histogram_get_n_entries_within_bounds (obj%h) else n = histogram_get_n_entries (obj%h) end if case (AN_PLOT) n = plot_get_n_entries (obj%p) case default n = 0 end select end function analysis_object_get_n_entries function analysis_object_get_average (obj, within_bounds) result (avg) real(default) :: avg type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj logical, intent(in), optional :: within_bounds logical :: wb select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) avg = observable_get_average (obj%obs) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) wb = .false.; if (present (within_bounds)) wb = within_bounds if (wb) then avg = histogram_get_average_within_bounds (obj%h) else avg = histogram_get_average (obj%h) end if case default avg = 0 end select end function analysis_object_get_average function analysis_object_get_error (obj, within_bounds) result (err) real(default) :: err type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj logical, intent(in), optional :: within_bounds logical :: wb select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) err = observable_get_error (obj%obs) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) wb = .false.; if (present (within_bounds)) wb = within_bounds if (wb) then err = histogram_get_error_within_bounds (obj%h) else err = histogram_get_error (obj%h) end if case default err = 0 end select end function analysis_object_get_error @ %def analysis_object_get_n_elements @ %def analysis_object_get_n_entries @ %def analysis_object_get_average @ %def analysis_object_get_error @ Return pointers to the actual contents: <>= function analysis_object_get_observable_ptr (obj) result (obs) type(observable_t), pointer :: obs type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE); obs => obj%obs case default; obs => null () end select end function analysis_object_get_observable_ptr function analysis_object_get_histogram_ptr (obj) result (h) type(histogram_t), pointer :: h type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); h => obj%h case default; h => null () end select end function analysis_object_get_histogram_ptr function analysis_object_get_plot_ptr (obj) result (plot) type(plot_t), pointer :: plot type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_PLOT); plot => obj%p case default; plot => null () end select end function analysis_object_get_plot_ptr function analysis_object_get_graph_ptr (obj) result (g) type(graph_t), pointer :: g type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_GRAPH); g => obj%g case default; g => null () end select end function analysis_object_get_graph_ptr @ %def analysis_object_get_observable_ptr @ %def analysis_object_get_histogram_ptr @ %def analysis_object_get_plot_ptr @ %def analysis_object_get_graph_ptr @ Return true if the object has a graphical representation: <>= function analysis_object_has_plot (obj) result (flag) logical :: flag type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj select case (obj%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM); flag = .true. case (AN_PLOT); flag = .true. case (AN_GRAPH); flag = .true. case default; flag = .false. end select end function analysis_object_has_plot @ %def analysis_object_has_plot @ \subsubsection{Output} <>= subroutine analysis_object_write (obj, unit, verbose) type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose logical :: verb integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return verb = .false.; if (present (verbose)) verb = verbose write (u, "(A)") repeat ("#", 79) select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "# Observable:" case (AN_HISTOGRAM) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "# Histogram: " case (AN_PLOT) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "# Plot: " case (AN_GRAPH) write (u, "(A)", advance="no") "# Graph: " case default write (u, "(A)") "# [undefined analysis object]" return end select write (u, "(1x,A)") char (obj%id) select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) call observable_write (obj%obs, unit) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) if (verb) then call graph_options_write (obj%h%graph_options, unit) write (u, *) call drawing_options_write (obj%h%drawing_options, unit) write (u, *) end if call histogram_write (obj%h, unit) case (AN_PLOT) if (verb) then call graph_options_write (obj%p%graph_options, unit) write (u, *) call drawing_options_write (obj%p%drawing_options, unit) write (u, *) end if call plot_write (obj%p, unit) case (AN_GRAPH) call graph_write (obj%g, unit) end select end subroutine analysis_object_write @ %def analysis_object_write @ Write the object part of the \LaTeX\ driver file. <>= subroutine analysis_object_write_driver (obj, filename, unit) type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in), optional :: unit select case (obj%type) case (AN_OBSERVABLE) call observable_write_driver (obj%obs, unit) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) call histogram_write_gml_driver (obj%h, filename, unit) case (AN_PLOT) call plot_write_gml_driver (obj%p, filename, unit) case (AN_GRAPH) call graph_write_gml_driver (obj%g, filename, unit) end select end subroutine analysis_object_write_driver @ %def analysis_object_write_driver @ Return a data header for external formats, in ifile form. <>= subroutine analysis_object_get_header (obj, header, comment) type(analysis_object_t), intent(in) :: obj type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: header type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: comment select case (obj%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) call histogram_get_header (obj%h, header, comment) case (AN_PLOT) call plot_get_header (obj%p, header, comment) end select end subroutine analysis_object_get_header @ %def analysis_object_get_header @ \subsection{Analysis object iterator} Analysis objects are containers which have iterable data structures: histograms/bins and plots/points. If they are to be treated on a common basis, it is useful to have an iterator which hides the implementation details. The iterator is used only for elementary analysis objects that contain plot data: histograms or plots. It is invalid for meta-objects (graphs) and non-graphical objects (observables). <>= public :: analysis_iterator_t <>= type :: analysis_iterator_t private integer :: type = AN_UNDEFINED type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: object => null () integer :: index = 1 type(point_t), pointer :: point => null () end type @ %def analysis_iterator_t @ The initializer places the iterator at the beginning of the analysis object. <>= subroutine analysis_iterator_init (iterator, object) type(analysis_iterator_t), intent(out) :: iterator type(analysis_object_t), intent(in), target :: object iterator%object => object if (associated (iterator%object)) then iterator%type = iterator%object%type select case (iterator%type) case (AN_PLOT) iterator%point => iterator%object%p%first end select end if end subroutine analysis_iterator_init @ %def analysis_iterator_init @ The iterator is valid as long as it points to an existing entry. An iterator for a data object without array data (observable) is always invalid. <>= public :: analysis_iterator_is_valid <>= function analysis_iterator_is_valid (iterator) result (valid) logical :: valid type(analysis_iterator_t), intent(in) :: iterator if (associated (iterator%object)) then select case (iterator%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) valid = iterator%index <= histogram_get_n_bins (iterator%object%h) case (AN_PLOT) valid = associated (iterator%point) case default valid = .false. end select else valid = .false. end if end function analysis_iterator_is_valid @ %def analysis_iterator_is_valid @ Advance the iterator. <>= public :: analysis_iterator_advance <>= subroutine analysis_iterator_advance (iterator) type(analysis_iterator_t), intent(inout) :: iterator if (associated (iterator%object)) then select case (iterator%type) case (AN_PLOT) iterator%point => iterator%point%next end select iterator%index = iterator%index + 1 end if end subroutine analysis_iterator_advance @ %def analysis_iterator_advance @ Retrieve the object type: <>= public :: analysis_iterator_get_type <>= function analysis_iterator_get_type (iterator) result (type) integer :: type type(analysis_iterator_t), intent(in) :: iterator type = iterator%type end function analysis_iterator_get_type @ %def analysis_iterator_get_type @ Use the iterator to retrieve data. We implement a common routine which takes the data descriptors as optional arguments. Data which do not occur in the selected type trigger to an error condition. The iterator must point to a valid entry. <>= public :: analysis_iterator_get_data <>= subroutine analysis_iterator_get_data (iterator, & x, y, yerr, xerr, width, excess, index, n_total) type(analysis_iterator_t), intent(in) :: iterator real(default), intent(out), optional :: x, y, yerr, xerr, width, excess integer, intent(out), optional :: index, n_total select case (iterator%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) if (present (x)) & x = bin_get_midpoint (iterator%object%h%bin(iterator%index)) if (present (y)) & y = bin_get_sum (iterator%object%h%bin(iterator%index)) if (present (yerr)) & yerr = bin_get_error (iterator%object%h%bin(iterator%index)) if (present (xerr)) & call invalid ("histogram", "xerr") if (present (width)) & width = bin_get_width (iterator%object%h%bin(iterator%index)) if (present (excess)) & excess = bin_get_excess (iterator%object%h%bin(iterator%index)) if (present (index)) & index = iterator%index if (present (n_total)) & n_total = histogram_get_n_bins (iterator%object%h) case (AN_PLOT) if (present (x)) & x = point_get_x (iterator%point) if (present (y)) & y = point_get_y (iterator%point) if (present (yerr)) & yerr = point_get_yerr (iterator%point) if (present (xerr)) & xerr = point_get_xerr (iterator%point) if (present (width)) & call invalid ("plot", "width") if (present (excess)) & call invalid ("plot", "excess") if (present (index)) & index = iterator%index if (present (n_total)) & n_total = plot_get_n_entries (iterator%object%p) case default call msg_bug ("analysis_iterator_get_data: called " & // "for unsupported analysis object type") end select contains subroutine invalid (typestr, objstr) character(*), intent(in) :: typestr, objstr call msg_bug ("analysis_iterator_get_data: attempt to get '" & // objstr // "' for type '" // typestr // "'") end subroutine invalid end subroutine analysis_iterator_get_data @ %def analysis_iterator_get_data @ \subsection{Analysis store} This data structure holds all observables, histograms and such that are currently active. We have one global store; individual items are identified by their ID strings and types. <>= type(analysis_store_t), save :: analysis_store @ %def analysis_store <>= type :: analysis_store_t private type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: first => null () type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: last => null () end type analysis_store_t @ %def analysis_store_t @ Delete the analysis store <>= public :: analysis_final <>= subroutine analysis_final () type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: current do while (associated (analysis_store%first)) current => analysis_store%first analysis_store%first => current%next call analysis_object_final (current) end do analysis_store%last => null () end subroutine analysis_final @ %def analysis_final @ Append a new analysis object <>= subroutine analysis_store_append_object (id, type) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: type type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj allocate (obj) call analysis_object_init (obj, id, type) if (associated (analysis_store%last)) then analysis_store%last%next => obj else analysis_store%first => obj end if analysis_store%last => obj end subroutine analysis_store_append_object @ %def analysis_store_append_object @ Return a pointer to the analysis object with given ID. <>= function analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) result (obj) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store%first do while (associated (obj)) if (obj%id == id) return obj => obj%next end do end function analysis_store_get_object_ptr @ %def analysis_store_get_object_ptr @ Initialize an analysis object: either reset it if present, or append a new entry. <>= subroutine analysis_store_init_object (id, type, obj) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: type type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj, next obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then next => analysis_object_get_next_ptr (obj) call analysis_object_final (obj) call analysis_object_init (obj, id, type) call analysis_object_set_next_ptr (obj, next) else call analysis_store_append_object (id, type) obj => analysis_store%last end if end subroutine analysis_store_init_object @ %def analysis_store_init_object @ Get the type of a analysis object <>= public :: analysis_store_get_object_type <>= function analysis_store_get_object_type (id) result (type) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer :: type type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: object object => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (object)) then type = object%type else type = AN_UNDEFINED end if end function analysis_store_get_object_type @ %def analysis_store_get_object_type @ Return the number of objects in the store. <>= function analysis_store_get_n_objects () result (n) integer :: n type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: current n = 0 current => analysis_store%first do while (associated (current)) n = n + 1 current => current%next end do end function analysis_store_get_n_objects @ %def analysis_store_get_n_objects @ Allocate an array and fill it with all existing IDs. <>= public :: analysis_store_get_ids <>= subroutine analysis_store_get_ids (id) type(string_t), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: current integer :: i allocate (id (analysis_store_get_n_objects())) i = 0 current => analysis_store%first do while (associated (current)) i = i + 1 id(i) = current%id current => current%next end do end subroutine analysis_store_get_ids @ %def analysis_store_get_ids @ \subsection{\LaTeX\ driver file} Write a driver file for all objects in the store. <>= subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_all (filename_data, unit) type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename_data integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj call analysis_store_write_driver_header (unit) obj => analysis_store%first do while (associated (obj)) call analysis_object_write_driver (obj, filename_data, unit) obj => obj%next end do call analysis_store_write_driver_footer (unit) end subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_all @ %def analysis_store_write_driver_all @ Write a driver file for an array of objects. <>= subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_obj (filename_data, id, unit) type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename_data type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in), optional :: unit type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj integer :: i call analysis_store_write_driver_header (unit) do i = 1, size (id) obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id(i)) if (associated (obj)) & call analysis_object_write_driver (obj, filename_data, unit) end do call analysis_store_write_driver_footer (unit) end subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_obj @ %def analysis_store_write_driver_obj @ The beginning of the driver file. <>= subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_header (unit) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write (u, '(A)') "\documentclass[12pt]{article}" write (u, *) write (u, '(A)') "\usepackage{gamelan}" write (u, '(A)') "\usepackage{amsmath}" write (u, '(A)') "\usepackage{ifpdf}" write (u, '(A)') "\ifpdf" write (u, '(A)') " \DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{mps}{*}{}" write (u, '(A)') "\else" write (u, '(A)') " \DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{eps}{*}{}" write (u, '(A)') "\fi" write (u, *) write (u, '(A)') "\begin{document}" write (u, '(A)') "\begin{gmlfile}" write (u, *) write (u, '(A)') "\begin{gmlcode}" write (u, '(A)') " color col.default, col.excess;" write (u, '(A)') " col.default = 0.9white;" write (u, '(A)') " col.excess = red;" write (u, '(A)') " boolean show_excess;" !!! Future excess options for plots ! if (mcs(1)%plot_excess .and. mcs(1)%unweighted) then ! write (u, '(A)') " show_excess = true;" ! else write (u, '(A)') " show_excess = false;" ! end if write (u, '(A)') "\end{gmlcode}" write (u, *) end subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_header @ %def analysis_store_write_driver_header @ The end of the driver file. <>= subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_footer (unit) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return write(u, *) write(u, '(A)') "\end{gmlfile}" write(u, '(A)') "\end{document}" end subroutine analysis_store_write_driver_footer @ %def analysis_store_write_driver_footer @ \subsection{API} \subsubsection{Creating new objects} The specific versions below: <>= public :: analysis_init_observable <>= subroutine analysis_init_observable (id, obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: obs_label, obs_unit type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj type(observable_t), pointer :: obs call analysis_store_init_object (id, AN_OBSERVABLE, obj) obs => analysis_object_get_observable_ptr (obj) call observable_init (obs, obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options) end subroutine analysis_init_observable @ %def analysis_init_observable <>= public :: analysis_init_histogram <>= interface analysis_init_histogram module procedure analysis_init_histogram_n_bins module procedure analysis_init_histogram_bin_width end interface <>= subroutine analysis_init_histogram_n_bins & (id, lower_bound, upper_bound, n_bins, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id real(default), intent(in) :: lower_bound, upper_bound integer, intent(in) :: n_bins logical, intent(in) :: normalize_bins type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: obs_label, obs_unit type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj type(histogram_t), pointer :: h call analysis_store_init_object (id, AN_HISTOGRAM, obj) h => analysis_object_get_histogram_ptr (obj) call histogram_init (h, id, & lower_bound, upper_bound, n_bins, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) end subroutine analysis_init_histogram_n_bins subroutine analysis_init_histogram_bin_width & (id, lower_bound, upper_bound, bin_width, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id real(default), intent(in) :: lower_bound, upper_bound, bin_width logical, intent(in) :: normalize_bins type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: obs_label, obs_unit type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj type(histogram_t), pointer :: h call analysis_store_init_object (id, AN_HISTOGRAM, obj) h => analysis_object_get_histogram_ptr (obj) call histogram_init (h, id, & lower_bound, upper_bound, bin_width, normalize_bins, & obs_label, obs_unit, graph_options, drawing_options) end subroutine analysis_init_histogram_bin_width @ %def analysis_init_histogram_n_bins @ %def analysis_init_histogram_bin_width <>= public :: analysis_init_plot <>= subroutine analysis_init_plot (id, graph_options, drawing_options) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj type(plot_t), pointer :: plot call analysis_store_init_object (id, AN_PLOT, obj) plot => analysis_object_get_plot_ptr (obj) call plot_init (plot, id, graph_options, drawing_options) end subroutine analysis_init_plot @ %def analysis_init_plot <>= public :: analysis_init_graph <>= subroutine analysis_init_graph (id, n_elements, graph_options) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: n_elements type(graph_options_t), intent(in), optional :: graph_options type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj type(graph_t), pointer :: graph call analysis_store_init_object (id, AN_GRAPH, obj) graph => analysis_object_get_graph_ptr (obj) call graph_init (graph, id, n_elements, graph_options) end subroutine analysis_init_graph @ %def analysis_init_graph @ \subsubsection{Recording data} This procedure resets an object or the whole store to its initial state. <>= public :: analysis_clear <>= interface analysis_clear module procedure analysis_store_clear_obj module procedure analysis_store_clear_all end interface <>= subroutine analysis_store_clear_obj (id) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then call analysis_object_clear (obj) end if end subroutine analysis_store_clear_obj subroutine analysis_store_clear_all () type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store%first do while (associated (obj)) call analysis_object_clear (obj) obj => obj%next end do end subroutine analysis_store_clear_all @ %def analysis_clear @ There is one generic recording function whose behavior depends on the type of analysis object. <>= public :: analysis_record_data <>= subroutine analysis_record_data (id, x, y, yerr, xerr, & weight, excess, success, exist) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id real(default), intent(in) :: x real(default), intent(in), optional :: y, yerr, xerr, weight, excess logical, intent(out), optional :: success, exist type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then call analysis_object_record_data (obj, x, y, yerr, xerr, & weight, excess, success) if (present (exist)) exist = .true. else if (present (success)) success = .false. if (present (exist)) exist = .false. end if end subroutine analysis_record_data @ %def analysis_record_data @ \subsubsection{Build a graph} This routine sets up the array of graph elements by copying the graph elements given as input. The object must exist and already be initialized as a graph. <>= public :: analysis_fill_graph <>= subroutine analysis_fill_graph (id, i, id_in, drawing_options) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: i type(string_t), intent(in) :: id_in type(drawing_options_t), intent(in), optional :: drawing_options type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj type(graph_t), pointer :: g type(histogram_t), pointer :: h type(plot_t), pointer :: p obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) g => analysis_object_get_graph_ptr (obj) obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id_in) if (associated (obj)) then select case (obj%type) case (AN_HISTOGRAM) h => analysis_object_get_histogram_ptr (obj) call graph_insert_histogram (g, i, h, drawing_options) case (AN_PLOT) p => analysis_object_get_plot_ptr (obj) call graph_insert_plot (g, i, p, drawing_options) case default call msg_error ("Graph '" // char (id) // "': Element '" & // char (id_in) // "' is neither histogram nor plot.") end select else call msg_error ("Graph '" // char (id) // "': Element '" & // char (id_in) // "' is undefined.") end if end subroutine analysis_fill_graph @ %def analysis_fill_graph @ \subsubsection{Retrieve generic results} Check if a named object exists. <>= public :: analysis_exists <>= function analysis_exists (id) result (flag) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id logical :: flag type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj flag = .true. obj => analysis_store%first do while (associated (obj)) if (obj%id == id) return obj => obj%next end do flag = .false. end function analysis_exists @ %def analysis_exists @ The following functions should work for all kinds of analysis object: <>= public :: analysis_get_n_elements public :: analysis_get_n_entries public :: analysis_get_average public :: analysis_get_error <>= function analysis_get_n_elements (id) result (n) integer :: n type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then n = analysis_object_get_n_elements (obj) else n = 0 end if end function analysis_get_n_elements function analysis_get_n_entries (id, within_bounds) result (n) integer :: n type(string_t), intent(in) :: id logical, intent(in), optional :: within_bounds type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then n = analysis_object_get_n_entries (obj, within_bounds) else n = 0 end if end function analysis_get_n_entries function analysis_get_average (id, within_bounds) result (avg) real(default) :: avg type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj logical, intent(in), optional :: within_bounds obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then avg = analysis_object_get_average (obj, within_bounds) else avg = 0 end if end function analysis_get_average function analysis_get_error (id, within_bounds) result (err) real(default) :: err type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj logical, intent(in), optional :: within_bounds obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then err = analysis_object_get_error (obj, within_bounds) else err = 0 end if end function analysis_get_error @ %def analysis_get_n_elements @ %def analysis_get_n_entries @ %def analysis_get_average @ %def analysis_get_error @ Return true if any analysis object is graphical <>= public :: analysis_has_plots <>= interface analysis_has_plots module procedure analysis_has_plots_any module procedure analysis_has_plots_obj end interface <>= function analysis_has_plots_any () result (flag) logical :: flag type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj flag = .false. obj => analysis_store%first do while (associated (obj)) flag = analysis_object_has_plot (obj) if (flag) return end do end function analysis_has_plots_any function analysis_has_plots_obj (id) result (flag) logical :: flag type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj integer :: i flag = .false. do i = 1, size (id) obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id(i)) if (associated (obj)) then flag = analysis_object_has_plot (obj) if (flag) return end if end do end function analysis_has_plots_obj @ %def analysis_has_plots @ \subsubsection{Iterators} Initialize an iterator for the given object. If the object does not exist or has wrong type, the iterator will be invalid. <>= public :: analysis_init_iterator <>= subroutine analysis_init_iterator (id, iterator) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(analysis_iterator_t), intent(out) :: iterator type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) call analysis_iterator_init (iterator, obj) end subroutine analysis_init_iterator @ %def analysis_init_iterator @ \subsubsection{Output} <>= public :: analysis_write <>= interface analysis_write module procedure analysis_write_object module procedure analysis_write_all end interface @ %def interface <>= subroutine analysis_write_object (id, unit, verbose) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj obj => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (obj)) then call analysis_object_write (obj, unit, verbose) else call msg_error ("Analysis object '" // char (id) // "' not found") end if end subroutine analysis_write_object subroutine analysis_write_all (unit, verbose) integer, intent(in), optional :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: obj integer :: u u = given_output_unit (unit); if (u < 0) return obj => analysis_store%first do while (associated (obj)) call analysis_object_write (obj, unit, verbose) obj => obj%next end do end subroutine analysis_write_all @ %def analysis_write_object @ %def analysis_write_all <>= public :: analysis_write_driver <>= subroutine analysis_write_driver (filename_data, id, unit) type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename_data type(string_t), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: id integer, intent(in), optional :: unit if (present (id)) then call analysis_store_write_driver_obj (filename_data, id, unit) else call analysis_store_write_driver_all (filename_data, unit) end if end subroutine analysis_write_driver @ %def analysis_write_driver <>= public :: analysis_compile_tex <>= subroutine analysis_compile_tex (file, has_gmlcode, os_data) type(string_t), intent(in) :: file logical, intent(in) :: has_gmlcode type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data integer :: status if (os_data%event_analysis_ps) then call os_system_call ("make compile " // os_data%makeflags // " -f " // & char (file) // "_ana.makefile", status) if (status /= 0) then call msg_error ("Unable to compile analysis output file") end if else call msg_warning ("Skipping results display because " & // "latex/mpost/dvips is not available") end if end subroutine analysis_compile_tex @ %def analysis_compile_tex @ Write header for generic data output to an ifile. <>= public :: analysis_get_header <>= subroutine analysis_get_header (id, header, comment) type(string_t), intent(in) :: id type(ifile_t), intent(inout) :: header type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: comment type(analysis_object_t), pointer :: object object => analysis_store_get_object_ptr (id) if (associated (object)) then call analysis_object_get_header (object, header, comment) end if end subroutine analysis_get_header @ %def analysis_get_header @ Write a makefile in order to do the compile steps. <>= public :: analysis_write_makefile <>= subroutine analysis_write_makefile (filename, unit, has_gmlcode, os_data) type(string_t), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in) :: has_gmlcode type(os_data_t), intent(in) :: os_data write (unit, "(3A)") "# WHIZARD: Makefile for analysis '", & char (filename), "'" write (unit, "(A)") "# Automatically generated file, do not edit" write (unit, "(A)") "" write (unit, "(A)") "# LaTeX setup" write (unit, "(A)") "LATEX = " // char (os_data%latex) write (unit, "(A)") "MPOST = " // char (os_data%mpost) write (unit, "(A)") "GML = " // char (os_data%gml) write (unit, "(A)") "DVIPS = " // char (os_data%dvips) write (unit, "(A)") "PS2PDF = " // char (os_data%ps2pdf) write (unit, "(A)") 'TEX_FLAGS = "$$TEXINPUTS:' // & char(os_data%whizard_texpath) // '"' write (unit, "(A)") 'MP_FLAGS = "$$MPINPUTS:' // & char(os_data%whizard_texpath) // '"' write (unit, "(A)") "" write (unit, "(5A)") "TEX_SOURCES = ", char (filename), ".tex" if (os_data%event_analysis_pdf) then write (unit, "(5A)") "TEX_OBJECTS = ", char (filename), ".pdf" else write (unit, "(5A)") "TEX_OBJECTS = ", char (filename), ".ps" end if if (os_data%event_analysis_ps) then if (os_data%event_analysis_pdf) then write (unit, "(5A)") char (filename), ".pdf: ", & char (filename), ".tex" else write (unit, "(5A)") char (filename), ".ps: ", & char (filename), ".tex" end if write (unit, "(5A)") TAB, "-TEXINPUTS=$(TEX_FLAGS) $(LATEX) " // & char (filename) // ".tex" if (has_gmlcode) then write (unit, "(5A)") TAB, "$(GML) " // char (filename) write (unit, "(5A)") TAB, "TEXINPUTS=$(TEX_FLAGS) $(LATEX) " // & char (filename) // ".tex" end if write (unit, "(5A)") TAB, "$(DVIPS) -o " // char (filename) // ".ps " // & char (filename) // ".dvi" if (os_data%event_analysis_pdf) then write (unit, "(5A)") TAB, "$(PS2PDF) " // char (filename) // ".ps" end if end if write (unit, "(A)") write (unit, "(A)") "compile: $(TEX_OBJECTS)" write (unit, "(A)") ".PHONY: compile" write (unit, "(A)") write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS = ", char (filename), ".aux" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".log" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".dvi" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".out" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".[1-9]" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".[1-9][0-9]" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".[1-9][0-9][0-9]" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".t[1-9]" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".t[1-9][0-9]" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".t[1-9][0-9][0-9]" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".ltp" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".mp" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".mpx" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".dvi" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".ps" write (unit, "(5A)") "CLEAN_OBJECTS += ", char (filename), ".pdf" write (unit, "(A)") write (unit, "(A)") "# Generic cleanup targets" write (unit, "(A)") "clean-objects:" write (unit, "(A)") TAB // "rm -f $(CLEAN_OBJECTS)" write (unit, "(A)") "" write (unit, "(A)") "clean: clean-objects" write (unit, "(A)") ".PHONY: clean" end subroutine analysis_write_makefile @ %def analysis_write_makefile @ \subsection{Unit tests} Test module, followed by the corresponding implementation module. <<[[analysis_ut.f90]]>>= <> module analysis_ut use unit_tests use analysis_uti <> <> contains <> end module analysis_ut @ %def analysis_ut @ <<[[analysis_uti.f90]]>>= <> module analysis_uti <> <> use format_defs, only: FMT_19 use analysis <> <> contains <> end module analysis_uti @ %def analysis_ut @ API: driver for the unit tests below. <>= public :: analysis_test <>= subroutine analysis_test (u, results) integer, intent(in) :: u type(test_results_t), intent(inout) :: results <> end subroutine analysis_test @ %def analysis_test <>= call test (analysis_1, "analysis_1", & "check elementary analysis building blocks", & u, results) <>= public :: analysis_1 <>= subroutine analysis_1 (u) integer, intent(in) :: u type(string_t) :: id1, id2, id3, id4 integer :: i id1 = "foo" id2 = "bar" id3 = "hist" id4 = "plot" write (u, "(A)") "* Test output: Analysis" write (u, "(A)") "* Purpose: test the analysis routines" write (u, "(A)") call analysis_init_observable (id1) call analysis_init_observable (id2) call analysis_init_histogram & (id3, 0.5_default, 5.5_default, 1._default, normalize_bins=.false.) call analysis_init_plot (id4) do i = 1, 3 write (u, "(A,1x," // FMT_19 // ")") "data = ", real(i,default) call analysis_record_data (id1, real(i,default)) call analysis_record_data (id2, real(i,default), & weight=real(i,default)) call analysis_record_data (id3, real(i,default)) call analysis_record_data (id4, real(i,default), real(i,default)**2) end do write (u, "(A,10(1x,I5))") "n_entries = ", & analysis_get_n_entries (id1), & analysis_get_n_entries (id2), & analysis_get_n_entries (id3), & analysis_get_n_entries (id3, within_bounds = .true.), & analysis_get_n_entries (id4), & analysis_get_n_entries (id4, within_bounds = .true.) write (u, "(A,10(1x," // FMT_19 // "))") "average = ", & analysis_get_average (id1), & analysis_get_average (id2), & analysis_get_average (id3), & analysis_get_average (id3, within_bounds = .true.) write (u, "(A,10(1x," // FMT_19 // "))") "error = ", & analysis_get_error (id1), & analysis_get_error (id2), & analysis_get_error (id3), & analysis_get_error (id3, within_bounds = .true.) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Clear analysis #2" write (u, "(A)") call analysis_clear (id2) do i = 4, 6 print *, "data = ", real(i,default) call analysis_record_data (id1, real(i,default)) call analysis_record_data (id2, real(i,default), & weight=real(i,default)) call analysis_record_data (id3, real(i,default)) call analysis_record_data (id4, real(i,default), real(i,default)**2) end do write (u, "(A,10(1x,I5))") "n_entries = ", & analysis_get_n_entries (id1), & analysis_get_n_entries (id2), & analysis_get_n_entries (id3), & analysis_get_n_entries (id3, within_bounds = .true.), & analysis_get_n_entries (id4), & analysis_get_n_entries (id4, within_bounds = .true.) write (u, "(A,10(1x," // FMT_19 // "))") "average = ", & analysis_get_average (id1), & analysis_get_average (id2), & analysis_get_average (id3), & analysis_get_average (id3, within_bounds = .true.) write (u, "(A,10(1x," // FMT_19 // "))") "error = ", & analysis_get_error (id1), & analysis_get_error (id2), & analysis_get_error (id3), & analysis_get_error (id3, within_bounds = .true.) write (u, "(A)") call analysis_write (u) write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Cleanup" call analysis_clear () call analysis_final () write (u, "(A)") write (u, "(A)") "* Test output end: analysis_1" end subroutine analysis_1 @ %def analysis_1 Index: trunk/share/doc/manual.tex =================================================================== --- trunk/share/doc/manual.tex (revision 8499) +++ trunk/share/doc/manual.tex (revision 8500) @@ -1,18971 +1,19041 @@ \documentclass[12pt]{book} % \usepackage{feynmp} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{graphics,graphicx} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage[colorlinks,bookmarks,bookmarksnumbered=true]{hyperref} \usepackage{thophys} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{units} \usepackage{ifpdf} %HEVEA\pdftrue \makeindex \usepackage{url} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %HEVEA\@def@charset{UTF-8} %BEGIN LATEX \usepackage{supertabular,fancyvrb} \usepackage{hevea} %END LATEX \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.9} 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\begin{flushleft}\tt}% {\end{flushleft} \end{quote}} \newcommand{\var}[1]{$\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle$} %END LATEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Macros specific for this paper %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\ttt}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\whizard}{\ttt{WHIZARD}} \newcommand{\oMega}{\ttt{O'Mega}} \newcommand{\vamp}{\ttt{VAMP}} \newcommand{\vamptwo}{\ttt{VAMP2}} \newcommand{\vegas}{\ttt{VEGAS}} \newcommand{\madgraph}{\ttt{MadGraph}} \newcommand{\CalcHep}{\ttt{CalcHep}} \newcommand{\helas}{\ttt{HELAS}} \newcommand{\herwig}{\ttt{HERWIG}} \newcommand{\isajet}{\ttt{ISAJET}} \newcommand{\pythia}{\ttt{PYTHIA}} \newcommand{\pythiasix}{\ttt{PYTHIA6}} \newcommand{\pythiaeight}{\ttt{PYTHIA8}} \newcommand{\jetset}{\ttt{JETSET}} \newcommand{\comphep}{\ttt{CompHEP}} \newcommand{\circe}{\ttt{CIRCE}} \newcommand{\circeone}{\ttt{CIRCE1}} \newcommand{\circetwo}{\ttt{CIRCE2}} \newcommand{\gamelan}{\textsf{gamelan}} \newcommand{\stdhep}{\ttt{STDHEP}} \newcommand{\lcio}{\ttt{LCIO}} \newcommand{\pdflib}{\ttt{PDFLIB}} \newcommand{\lhapdf}{\ttt{LHAPDF}} \newcommand{\hepmc}{\ttt{HepMC}} \newcommand{\hepmcthree}{\ttt{HepMC3}} \newcommand{\fastjet}{\ttt{FastJet}} \newcommand{\hoppet}{\ttt{HOPPET}} \newcommand{\metapost}{\ttt{MetaPost}} \newcommand{\sarah}{\ttt{SARAH}} \newcommand{\spheno}{\ttt{SPheno}} \newcommand{\Mathematica}{\ttt{Mathematica}} \newcommand{\FeynRules}{\ttt{FeynRules}} \newcommand{\UFO}{\ttt{UFO}} \newcommand{\gosam}{\ttt{Gosam}} \newcommand{\openloops}{\ttt{OpenLoops}} \newcommand{\recola}{\ttt{Recola}} \newcommand{\collier}{\ttt{Collier}} \newcommand{\powheg}{\ttt{POWHEG}} \newcommand{\delphes}{\ttt{Delphes}} \newcommand{\geant}{\ttt{Geant}} \newcommand{\ROOT}{\ttt{ROOT}} \newcommand{\rivet}{\ttt{Rivet}} %%%%% \newcommand{\sindarin}{\ttt{SINDARIN}} \newcommand{\cpp}{\ttt{C++}} \newcommand{\fortran}{\ttt{Fortran}} \newcommand{\fortranSeventySeven}{\ttt{FORTRAN77}} \newcommand{\fortranNinetyFive}{\ttt{Fortran95}} \newcommand{\fortranOThree}{\ttt{Fortran2003}} \newcommand{\ocaml}{\ttt{OCaml}} \newcommand{\python}{\ttt{Python}} \newenvironment{commands}{\begin{quote}\tt}{\end{quote}} \newcommand{\eemm}{$e^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^-$} %\def\~{$\sim$} \newcommand{\sgn}{\mathop{\rm sgn}\nolimits} \newcommand{\GeV}{\textrm{GeV}} \newcommand{\fb}{\textrm{fb}} \newcommand{\ab}{\textrm{ab}} \newenvironment{parameters}{% \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lccp{65mm}} \hline Parameter & Value & Default & Description \\ \hline }{% \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} } \newenvironment{options}{% \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{llcp{80mm}} \hline Option & Long version & Value & Description \\ \hline }{% \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} } %BEGIN LATEX \renewenvironment{options}{% \begin{center} \tablehead{\hline Option & Long version & Value & Description \\ \hline } \begin{supertabular}{llcp{80mm}} }{% \hline \end{supertabular} \end{center} } %END LATEX %BEGIN LATEX \renewenvironment{parameters}{% \begin{center} \tablehead{\hline Parameter & Value & Default & Description \\ \hline } \begin{supertabular}{lccp{65mm}} }{% \hline \end{supertabular} \end{center} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %END LATEX \newcommand{\thisversion}{3.0.0 $\beta$} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %BEGIN LATEX \preprintno{} %%%\preprintno{arXiv:0708.4233 (also based on LC-TOOL-2001-039 (revised))} %END LATEX \title{% %HEVEA WHIZARD 3.0 \\ %BEGIN LATEX \ttt{\huge WHIZARD 3.0} \\[\baselineskip] %END LATEX A generic \\ Monte-Carlo integration and event generation package \\ for multi-particle processes\\[\baselineskip] MANUAL \footnote{% This work is supported by Helmholtz-Alliance ``Physics at the Terascale''. In former stages this work has also been supported by the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft VH--NG--005 \\ E-mail: \ttt{} } \\[\baselineskip] } % \def\authormail{\ttt{}, % \ttt{}, % \ttt{}, \ttt{}} \author{% Wolfgang Kilian, % Thorsten Ohl, % J\"urgen Reuter, % with contributions from Fabian Bach, % Simon Bra\ss, % Pia Bredt, % Bijan Chokouf\'{e} Nejad, % Christian Fleper, % Vincent Rothe, % Sebastian Schmidt, % Marco Sekulla, % Christian Speckner, % So Young Shim, % Florian Staub, % Pascal Stienemeier, % Christian Weiss} %BEGIN LATEX \address{% Universit\"at Siegen, Emmy-Noether-Campus, Walter-Flex-Str. 3, D--57068 Siegen, Germany \\ Universit\"at W\"urzburg, Emil-Hilb-Weg 22, D--97074 W\"urzburg, Germany \\ Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, D--22603 Hamburg, Germany \\ %% \authormail \vspace{1cm} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{Whizard-Logo} \end{center} \mbox{} \\ \vspace{2cm} \mbox{} when using \whizard\ please cite: \\ W. Kilian, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, \\ {\em WHIZARD: Simulating Multi-Particle Processes at LHC and ILC}, \\ Eur.Phys.J.{\bf C71} (2011) 1742, arXiv: 0708.4233 [hep-ph]; \\ M. Moretti, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, \\ {\em O'Mega: An Optimizing Matrix Element Generator}, \\ arXiv: hep-ph/0102195 } %END LATEX %BEGIN LATEX \abstract{% \whizard\ is a program system designed for the efficient calculation of multi-particle scattering cross sections and simulated event samples. The generated events can be written to file in various formats (including HepMC, LHEF, STDHEP, LCIO, and ASCII) or analyzed directly on the parton or hadron level using a built-in \LaTeX-compatible graphics package. \\[\baselineskip] Complete tree-level matrix elements are generated automatically for arbitrary partonic multi-particle processes by calling the built-in matrix-element generator \oMega. Beyond hard matrix elements, \whizard\ can generate (cascade) decays with complete spin correlations. Various models beyond the SM are implemented, in particular, the MSSM is supported with an interface to the SUSY Les Houches Accord input format. Matrix elements obtained by alternative methods (e.g., including loop corrections) may be interfaced as well. \\[\baselineskip] The program uses an adaptive multi-channel method for phase space integration, which allows to calculate numerically stable signal and background cross sections and generate unweighted event samples with reasonable efficiency for processes with up to eight and more final-state particles. Polarization is treated exactly for both the initial and final states. Quark or lepton flavors can be summed over automatically where needed. \\[\baselineskip] For hadron collider physics, we ship the package with the most recent PDF sets from the MSTW/MMHT and CTEQ/CT10/CJ12/CJ15/CT14 collaborations. Furthermore, an interface to the \lhapdf\ library is provided. \\[\baselineskip] For Linear Collider physics, beamstrahlung (\circeone, \circetwo), Compton and ISR spectra are included for electrons and photons, including the most recent ILC and CLIC collider designs. Alternatively, beam-crossing events can be read directly from file. \\[\baselineskip] For parton showering and matching/merging with hard matrix elements , fragmenting and hadronizing the final state, a first version of two different parton shower algorithms are included in the \whizard\ package. This also includes infrastructure for the MLM matching and merging algorithm. For hadronization and hadronic decays, \pythia\ and \herwig\ interfaces are provided which follow the Les Houches Accord. In addition, the last and final version of (\fortran) \pythia\ is included in the package. \\[\baselineskip] The \whizard\ distribution is available at %%% \begin{center} %%% \ttt{} %%% \end{center} %%% or at \begin{center} \url{} \end{center} where also the \ttt{svn} repository is located. } %END LATEX % \maketitle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Text %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\begin{fmffile} \tableofcontents \newpage \chapter{Introduction} \section{Disclaimer} \emph{This is a preliminary version of the WHIZARD manual. Many parts are still missing or incomplete, and some parts will be rewritten and improved soon. To find updated versions of the manual, visit the \whizard\ website} \begin{center} \hepforgepage \end{center} \emph{or consult the current version in the \ttt{svn} repository on \hepforgepage\ directly. Note, that the most recent version of the manual might contain information about features of the current \ttt{svn} version, which are not contained in the last official release version!} \emph{For information that is not (yet) written in the manual, please consult the examples in the \whizard\ distribution. You will find these in the subdirectory \ttt{share/examples} of the main directory where \whizard\ is installed. More information about the examples can be found on the \whizard\ Wiki page} \begin{center} \whizardwiki . \end{center} %%%%% \clearpage \section{Overview} \whizard\ is a multi-purpose event generator that covers all parts of event generation (unweighted and weighted), either through intrinsic components or interfaces to external packages. Realistic collider environments are covered through sophisticated descriptions for beam structures at hadron colliders, lepton colliders, lepton-hadron colliders, both circular and linear machines. Other options include scattering processes e.g. for dark matter annihilation or particle decays. \whizard\ contains its in-house generator for (tree-level) high-multiplicity matrix elements, \oMega\, that supports the whole Standard Model (SM) of particle physics and basically all possibile extensions of it. QCD parton shower describe high-multiplicity partonic jet events that can be matched with matrix elements. At the moment, only hadron collider parton distribution functions (PDFs) and hadronization are handled by packages not written by the main authors. This manual is organized mainly along the lines of the way how to run \whizard: this is done through a command language, \sindarin\ (Scripting INtegration, Data Analysis, Results display and INterfaces.) Though this seems a complication at first glance, the user is rewarded with a large possibility, flexibility and versatility on how to steer \whizard. After some general remarks in the follow-up sections, in Chap.~\ref{chap:installation} we describe how to get the program, the package structure, the prerequisites, possible external extensions of the program and the basics of the installation (both as superuser and locally). Also, a first technical overview how to work with \whizard\ on single computer, batch clusters and farms are given. Furthermore, some rare uncommon possible build problems are discussed, and a tour through options for debugging, testing and validation is being made. A first dive into the running of the program is made in Chap.~\ref{chap:start}. This is following by an extensive, but rather technical introduction into the steering language \sindarin\ in Chap.~\ref{chap:sindarinintro}. Here, the basic elements of the language like commands, statements, control structures, expressions and variables as well as the form of warnings and error messages are explained in detail. Chap.~\ref{chap:sindarin} contains the application of the \sindarin\ command language to the main tasks in running \whizard\ in a physics framework: the defintion of particles, subevents, cuts, and event selections. The specification of a particular physics models is \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{whizstruct} \caption{General structure of the \whizard\ package.} \end{figure} discussed, while the next sections are devoted to the setup and compilation of code for particular processes, the specification of beams, beam structure and polarization. The next step is the integration, controlling the integration, phase space, generator cuts, scales and weights, proceeding further to event generation and decays. At the end of this chapter, \whizard's internal data analysis methods and graphical visualization options are documented. The following chapters are dedicated to the physics implemented in \whizard: methods for hard matrix interactions in Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. Then, in Chap.~\ref{chap:physics}, implemented methods for adaptive multi-channel integration, particularly the integrator \vamp\ are explained, together with the algorithms for the generation of the phase-space in \whizard. Finally, an overview is given over the physics models implemented in \whizard\ and its matrix element generator \oMega, together with possibilities for their extension. After that, the next chapter discusses parton showering, matching and hadronization as well as options for event normalizations and supported event formats. Also weighted event generation is explained along the lines with options for negative weights. Chap.~\ref{chap:visualization} is a stand-alone documentation of GAMELAN, the interal graphics support for the visualization of data and analysis. The next chapter, Chap.~\ref{chap:userint} details user interfaces: how to use more options of the \whizard\ command on the command line, how to use \whizard\ interactively, and how to include \whizard\ as a library into the user's own program. Then, an extensive list of examples in Chap.~\ref{chap:examples} documenting physics examples from the LEP, SLC, HERA, Tevatron, and LHC colliders to future linear and circular colliders. This chapter is a particular good reference for the beginning, as the whole chain from choosing a model, setting up processes, the beam structure, the integration, and finally simulation and (graphical) analysis are explained in detail. More technical details about efficiency, tuning and advance usage of \whizard\ are collected in Chap.~\ref{chap:tuning}. Then, Chap.~\ref{chap:extmodels} shows how to set up your own new physics model with the help of external programs like \sarah\ or \FeynRules\ program or the Universal Feynrules Output, UFO, and include it into the \whizard\ event generator. In the appendices, we e.g. give an exhaustive reference list of \sindarin\ commands and built-in variables. Please report any inconsistencies, bugs, problems or simply pose open questions to our contact \url{}. There is now also a support page on \texttt{Launchpad}, which offers support that is easily visible for the whole user community: \url{}. %%%%% \section{Historical remarks} This section gives a historical overview over the development of \whizard\ and can be easily skipped in a (first) reading of the manual. \whizard\ has been developed in a first place as a tool for the physics at the then planned linear electron-positron collider TESLA around 1999. The intention was to have a tool at hand to describe electroweak physics of multiple weak bosons and the Higgs boson as precise as possible with full matrix elements. Hence, the acronym: \ttt{WHiZard}, which stood for $\mathbf{W}$, {\bf H}iggs, $\mathbf{Z}$, {\bf a}nd {\bf r}espective {\bf d}ecays. Several components of the \whizard\ package that are also available as independent sub-packages have been published already before the first versions of the \whizard\ generator itself: the multi-channel adaptive Monte-Carlo integration package \vamp\ has been released mid 1998~\cite{VAMP}. The dedicated packages for the simulation of linear lepton collider beamstrahlung and the option for a photon collider on Compton backscattering (\ttt{CIRCE1/2}) date back even to mid 1996~\cite{CIRCE}. Also parts of the code for \whizard's internal graphical analysis (the \gamelan\ module) came into existence already around 1998. After first inofficial versions, the official version 1 of \whizard\ was release in the year 2000. The development, improvement and incorporation of new features continued for roughly a decade. Major milestones in the development were the full support of all kinds of beyond the Standard Model (BSM) models including spin 3/2 and spin 2 particles and the inclusion of the MSSM, the NMSSM, Little Higgs models and models for anomalous couplings as well as extra-dimensional models from version 1.90 on. In the beginning, several methods for matrix elements have been used, until the in-house matrix element generator \oMega\ became available from version 1.20 on. It was included as a part of the \whizard\ package from version 1.90 on. The support for full color amplitudes came with version 1.50, but in a full-fledged version from 2.0 on. Version 1.40 brought the necessary setups for all kinds of collider environments, i.e. asymmetric beams, decay processes, and intrinsic $p_T$ in structure functions. Version 2.0 was released in April 2010 as an almost complete rewriting of the original code. It brought the construction of an internal density-matrix formalism which allowed the use of factorized production and (cascade) decay processes including complete color and spin correlations. Another big new feature was the command-line language \sindarin\ for steering all parts of the program. Also, many performance improvement have taken place in the new release series, like OpenMP parallelization, speed gain in matrix element generation etc. Version 2.2 came out in May 2014 as a major refactoring of the program internals but keeping (almost everywhere) the same user interface. New features are inclusive processes, reweighting, and more interfaces for QCD environments (BLHA/HOPPET). The following tables shows some of the major steps (physics implementation and/or technical improvements) in the development of \whizard (we break the table into logical and temporal blocks of -\whizard\ development): +\whizard\ development). +\newpage + +{ +{\bf \whizard\ \texttt{1}}, first line of development, ca. 1998-2010: +\nopagebreak[4] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline 0.99 & 08/1999 & Beta version \\\hline 1.00 & 12/2000 & First public version \\\hline 1.10 & 03/2001 & Libraries; \pythiasix\ interface \\ 1.11 & 04/2001 & PDF support; anomalous couplings \\ \hline 1.20 & 02/2002 & \oMega\ matrix elements; \ttt{CIRCE} support\\ 1.22 & 03/2002 & QED ISR; beam remnants, phase space improvements \\ 1.25 & 05/2003 & MSSM; weighted events; user-code plug-in \\ 1.28 & 04/2004 & Improved phase space; SLHA interface; signal catching \\\hline 1.30 & 09/2004 & Major technical overhaul \\\hline 1.40 & 12/2004 & Asymmetric beams; decays; $p_T$ in structure functions \\\hline 1.50 & 02/2006 & QCD support in \oMega\ (color flows); LHA format \\ 1.51 & 06/2006 & $Hgg$, $H\gamma\gamma$; Spin 3/2 + 2; BSM models \\\hline 1.90 & 11/2007 & \oMega\ included; LHAPDF support; $Z'$; $WW$ scattering \\ 1.92 & 03/2008 & LHE format; UED; parton shower beta version \\ 1.93 & 04/2009 & NMSSM; SLHA2 accord; improved color/flavor sums \\ 1.95 & 02/2010 & MLM matching; development stop in version 1 \\ 1.97 & 05/2011 & Manual for version 1 completed. \\\hline\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} +} + +\vspace{2cm} + +{ +{\bf \whizard\ \texttt{2.0-2.2}}: first major refactoring and early new +release, ca. 2007-2015: +\nopagebreak[4] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline 2.0.0 & 04/2010 & Major refactoring: automake setup; dynamic libraries \\ & & improved speed; cascades; OpenMP; \sindarin\ steering language \\ 2.0.3 & 07/2010 & QCD ISR+FSR shower; polarized beams \\ 2.0.5 & 05/2011 & Builtin PDFs; static builds; relocation scripts \\ 2.0.6 & 12/2011 & Anomalous top couplings; unit tests \\\hline 2.1.0 & 06/2012 & Analytic ISR+FSR parton shower; anomalous Higgs couplings \\\hline 2.2.0 & 05/2014 & Major technical refactoring: abstract object-orientation; THDM; \\ & & reweighting; LHE v2/3; BLHA; HOPPET interface; inclusive processes \\ 2.2.1 & 05/2014 & CJ12 PDFs; FastJet interface \\ 2.2.2 & 07/2014 & LHAPDF6 support; correlated LC beams; GuineaPig interface \\ 2.2.3 & 11/2014 & O'Mega virtual machine; lepton collider top pair threshold; \\ & & Higgs singlet extension \\ 2.2.4 & 02/2015 & LCIO support; progress on NLO; many technical bug fixes \\ 2.2.7 & 08/2015 & progress on POWHEG; fixed-order NLO events; \\ & & revalidation of ILC event chain \\ 2.2.8 & 11/2015 & support for quadruple precision; StdHEP included; \\ & & SM dim 6 operators supported \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} +} + +\newpage + +{ +{\bf \whizard\ \texttt{2.3-2.8}}, completion of refactoring, continuous +development, ca. 2015-2020: +\nopagebreak[4] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline 2.3.0 & 07/2016 & NLO: resonance mappings for FKS subtraction; \\ & & more advanced cascade syntax; \\ & & GUI ($\alpha$ version); UFO support ($\alpha$ version); ILC v1.9x-v2.x final validation \\ 2.3.1 & 08/2016 & Complex mass scheme \\\hline 2.4.0 & 11/2016 & Refactoring of NLO setup \\ 2.4.1 & 03/2017 & $\alpha$ version of new VEGAS implementation \\\hline 2.5.0 & 05/2017 & Full UFO support (SM-like models) \\\hline 2.6.0 & 09/2017 & MPI parallel integration and event generation; resonance histories \\ & & for showers; RECOLA support \\ 2.6.1 & 11/2017 & EPA/ISR transverse distributions, handling of shower resonances; \\ & & more efficient (alternative) phase space generation \\ 2.6.2 & 12/2017 & $Hee$ coupling, improved resonance matching \\ 2.6.3 & 02/2018 & Partial NLO refactoring for quantum numbers, \\ & & unified RECOLA 1/2 interface. \\ 2.6.4 & 08/2018 & Gridpack functionality; Bug fixes: color flows, HSExt model, MPI setup \\\hline 2.7.0 & 01/2019 & PYTHIA8 interface, process setup refactoring, RAMBO PS option; \\ & & \quad gfortran 5.0+ necessary \\\hline 2.8.0 & 08/2019 & (Almost) complete UFO support, general Lorentz structures, n-point vertices \\ 2.8.1 & 09/2019 & HepMC3, NLO QCD pp (almost) complete, b/c jet selection, photon isolation \\ 2.8.2 & 10/2019 & Support for OCaml $\geq$ 4.06.0, UFO Spin-2 support, LCIO alternative weights \\ 2.8.3 & 07/2020 & UFO Majorana feature complete, many $e^+e^-$ related improvements \\ 2.8.4 & 07/2020 & Bug fix for UFO Majorana models \\ 2.8.5 & 09/2020 & Bug fix for polarizations in $H\to\tau\tau$ \\\hline\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} +} + +\vspace{2cm} + +{ +{\bf \whizard\ \texttt{3.0}} and onwards, the NLO series: +\nopagebreak[4] +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline + 3.0.0 & 04/2020 & NLO QCD automation \& UFO Majorana support + released + \\\hline\hline +\end{tabular} +\end{center} +} \vspace{.5cm} For a detailed overview over the historical development of the code confer the \ttt{ChangeLog} file and the commit messages in our revision control system repository. +\newpage + %%%%% \section{About examples in this manual} Although \whizard\ has been designed as a Monte Carlo event generator for LHC physics, several elementary steps and aspects of its usage throughout the manual will be demonstrated with the famous textbook example of $e^+e^- \to \mu^+ \mu^-$. This is the same process, the textbook by Peskin/Schroeder \cite{PeskinSchroeder} uses as a prime example to teach the basics of quantum field theory. We use this example not because it is very special for \whizard\ or at the time being a relevant physics case, but simply because it is the easiest fundamental field theoretic process without the complications of structured beams (which can nevertheless be switched on like for ISR and beamstrahlung!), the need for jet definitions/algorithms and flavor sums; furthermore, it easily accomplishes a demonstration of polarized beams. After the basics of \whizard\ usage have been explained, we move on to actual physics cases from LHC (or Tevatron). \newpage \chapter{Installation} \label{chap:installation} \section{Package Structure} \whizard\ is a software package that consists of a main executable program (which is called \ttt{whizard}), libraries, auxiliary executable programs, and machine-independent data files. The whole package can be installed by the system administrator, by default, on a central location in the file system (\ttt{/usr/local} with its proper subdirectories). Alternatively, it is possible to install it in a user's home directory, without administrator privileges, or at any other location. A \whizard\ run requires a workspace, i.e., a writable directory where it can put generated code and data. There are no constraints on the location of this directory, but we recommend to use a separate directory for each \whizard\ project, or even for each \whizard\ run. Since \whizard\ generates the matrix elements for scattering and decay processes in form of \fortran\ code that is automatically compiled and dynamically linked into the running program, it requires a working \fortran\ compiler not just for the installation, but also at runtime. The previous major version \whizard1 did put more constraints on the setup. In a nutshell, not just the matrix element code was compiled at runtime, but other parts of the program as well, so the whole package was interleaved and had to be installed in user space. The workflow was controlled by \ttt{make} and PERL scripts. These constraints are gone in the present version in favor of a clean separation of installation and runtime workspace. \section{\label{sec:prerequisites}Prerequisites} \subsection{No Binary Distribution} \whizard\ is currently not distributed as a binary package, nor is it available as a debian or RPM package. This might change in the future. However, compiling from source is very simple (see below). Since the package needs a compiler also at runtime, it would not work without some development tools installed on the machine, anyway. Note, however, that we support an install script, that downloads all necessary prerequisites, and does the configuration and compilation described below automatically. This is called the ``instant WHIZARD'' and is accessible through the WHIZARD webpage from version 2.1.1 on: \url{}. Download this shell script, make it executable by \begin{interaction} chmod +x \end{interaction} and execute it. Note that this also involves compilation of the required \fortran\ compiler which takes 1-3 hours depending on your system. \ttt{Darwin} operating systems (a.k.a. as \ttt{Mac OS X}) have a very similar general system for all sorts of software, called \ttt{MacPorts} (\url{}). This offers to install \whizard\ as one of its software ports, and is very similar to ``instant WHIZARD'' described above. \subsection{Tarball Distribution} \label{sec:tarballdistr} This is the recommended way of obtaining \whizard. You may download the current stable distribution from the \whizard\ webpage, hosted at the HepForge webpage \begin{quote} \hepforgepage \end{quote} The distribution is a single file, say \ttt{whizard-\thisversion.tgz} for version \thisversion. You need the additional prerequisites: \begin{itemize} \item GNU \ttt{tar} (or \ttt{gunzip} and \ttt{tar}) for unpacking the tarball. \item The \ttt{make} utility. Other standard Unix utilities (\ttt{sed}, \ttt{grep}, etc.) are usually installed by default. \item A modern \fortran\ compiler (see Sec.~\ref{sec:compilers} for details). \item The \ocaml\ system. \ocaml\ is a functional and object-oriented language. Version 4.02.3 or newer is required to compile all components of \whizard. The package is freely available either as a debian/RPM package on your system (it might be necessary to install it from the usual repositories), or you can obtain it directly from \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} and install it yourself. If desired, the package can be installed in user space without administrator privileges\footnote{ Unfortunately, the version of the \ocaml\ compiler from 3.12.0 broke backwards compatibility. Therefore, versions of \oMega/\whizard\ up to 2.0.2 only compile with older versions (3.11.x works). This has been fixed in versions 2.0.3 and later. See also Sec.~\ref{sec:buildproblems}. \whizard\ versions up to 2.7.1 were still backwards compatible with \ocaml\ 3.12.0}. \end{itemize} The following optional external packages are not required, but used for certain purposes. Make sure to check whether you will need any of them, before you install \whizard. \begin{itemize} \item \LaTeX\ and \metapost\ for data visualization. Both are part of the \TeX\ program family. These programs are not absolutely necessary, but \whizard\ will lack the tools for visualization without them. \item The \lhapdf\ structure-function library. See Sec.~\ref{sec:lhapdf_install}. \item The \hoppet\ structure-function matching tool. See Sec.~\ref{sec:hoppet}. \item The \hepmc\ event-format package. See Sec.~\ref{sec:hepmc}. \item The \fastjet\ jet-algorithm package. See Sec.~\ref{sec:fastjet}. \item The \lcio\ event-format package. See Sec.~\ref{sec:lcio}. \end{itemize} Until version v2.2.7 of \whizard, the event-format package \stdhep\ used to be available as an external package. As their distribution is frozen with the final version v5.06.01, and it used to be notoriously difficult to compile and link \stdhep\ into \whizard, it was decided to include \stdhep\ into \whizard. This is the case from version v2.2.8 of \whizard\ on. Linking against an external version of \stdhep\ is precluded from there on. Nevertheless, we list some explanations in Sec.~\ref{sec:stdhep}, particularly on the need to install the \ttt{libtirpc} headers for the legacy support of this event format. Once these prerequisites are met, you may unpack the package in a directory of your choice \begin{quote}\small\tt some-directory> tar xzf whizard-\thisversion.tgz \end{quote} and proceed.\footnote{Without GNU \ttt{tar}, this would read \ttt{\small gunzip -c whizard-\thisversion.tgz | tar xz -}} For using external physics models that are directly supported by \whizard\ and \oMega, the user can use tools like \sarah\ or \FeynRules. There installation and linking to \whizard\ will be explained in Chap.~\ref{chap:extmodels}. Besides this, also new models can be conveniently included via \UFO\ files, which will be explained as well in that chapter. The directory will then contain a subdirectory \ttt{whizard-\thisversion} where the complete source tree is located. To update later to a new version, repeat these steps. Each new version will unpack in a separate directory with the appropriate name. %%%%% \subsection{SVN Repository Version} If you want to install the latest development version, you have to check it out from the \whizard\ SVN repository. Note that since a couple of years our development is now via a Git revision control system hosted at the University of Siegen, cf. the next subsection. In addition to the prerequisites listed in the previous section, you need: \begin{itemize} \item The \ttt{subversion} package (\ttt{svn}), the tool for dealing with SVN repositories. \item The \ttt{autoconf} package, part of the \ttt{autotools} development system. \ttt{automake} is needed with version \ttt{1.12.2} or newer. \item The \ttt{noweb} package, a light-weight tool for literate programming. This package is nowadays often part of Linux distributions\footnote{In Ubuntu from version 10.04 on, and in Debian since squeeze. For \ttt{Mac OS X}, \ttt{noweb} is available via the \ttt{MacPorts} system.}. You can obtain the source code from\footnote{Please, do not use any of the binary builds from this webpage. Probably all of them are quite old and broken.} \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} \end{itemize} To start, go to a directory of your choice and execute \begin{interaction} your-src-directory> svn checkout svn+ssh:// \;\; . \end{interaction} Note that for the time being after the HepForge system modernization early September 2018, a HepForge account with a local ssl key is necessary to checkout the subversion repository. This is enforced by the phabricator framework of HepForge, and will hopefully be relaxed in the future. The SVN source tree will appear in the current directory. To update later, you just have to execute \begin{interaction} your-src-directory> svn update \end{interaction} within that directory. After checking out the sources, you first have to create \ttt{} by executing the shell script \ttt{build\}. In order to build the \ttt{configure} script, the \ttt{autotools} package \ttt{autoreconf} has to be run. On some \ttt{Unix} systems the \ttt{RPC} headers needed for the legacy support of the \stdhep\ event format are provided by the \ttt{TIRPC} library (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:stdhep}). To easily check for them, \ttt{} processed by \ttt{autoreconf} makes use of the \ttt{pkg-config} tool which needs to be installed for the developer version. So now, run\footnote{At least, version 2.65 of the \ttt{autoconf} package is required.} \begin{interaction} your-src-directory> autoreconf \end{interaction} This will generate a \ttt{configure} script. %%%%% \subsection{Public Git Repository Version} Since a couple of years, development of \whizard\ is done by means of a Git revision system, hosted at the University of Siegen. There is a public mirror of that Git repository available at \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} Cloning via HTTPS brings the user to the same change as the SVN checkout from HepForge described in the previous subsection: \begin{quote} git clone \end{quote} The next steps are the same as described in the previous subsection. %%%%% \subsection{Nightly development snapshots} Nightly development snapshots that are pre-packaged in the same way as an official distribution are available from \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} Building \whizard\ works the way as described in Sec.~\ref{sec:tarballdistr}. %%%%% \subsection{\label{sec:compilers}Fortran Compilers} \whizard\ is written in modern \fortran. To be precise, it uses a subset of the \fortranOThree\ standard. At the time of this writing, this subset is supported by, at least, the following compilers: \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{gfortran} (GNU, Open Source). You will need version 5.1.0 or higher\footnote{Note that \whizard\ versions 2.0.0 until 2.3.1 compiled with \ttt{gfortran} 4.7.4, but the object-oriented refactoring of the \whizard\ code from 2.4.0 on until version 2.6.5 made a switch to \ttt{gfortran} 4.8.4 or higher necessary. In the same way, since version 2.7.0, \ttt{gfortran} 5.1.0 or newer is needed}. We recommend to use at least version 5.4 or higher, as especially the the early version of the \texttt{gfortran} experience some bugs. \ttt{gfortran} 6.5.0 has a severe regression and cannot be used. \item \ttt{nagfor} (NAG). You will need version 6.2 or higher. \item \ttt{ifort} (Intel). You will need version 19.0.2 or higher \end{itemize} %%%%% \subsection{LHAPDF} \label{sec:lhapdf_install} For computing scattering processes at hadron colliders such as the LHC, \whizard\ has a small set of standard structure-function parameterizations built in, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:built-in-pdf}. For many applications, this will be sufficient, and you can skip this section. However, if you need structure-function parameterizations that are not in the default set (e.g. PDF error sets), you can use the \lhapdf\ structure-function library, which is an external package. It has to be linked during \whizard\ installation. For use with \whizard, version 5.3.0 or higher of the library is required\footnote{ Note that PDF sets which contain photons as partons are only supported with \whizard\ for \lhapdf\ version 5.7.1 or higher}. The \lhapdf\ package has undergone a major rewriting from \fortran\ version 5 to \cpp\ version 6. While still maintaining the interface for the \lhapdf\ version 5 series, from version 2.2.2 of \whizard\ on, the new release series of \lhapdf, version 6.0 and higher, is also supported. If \lhapdf\ is not yet installed on your system, you can download it from \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} for the most recent LHAPDF version 6 and newer, or \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} for version 5 and older, and install it. The website contains comprehensive documentation on the configuring and installation procedure. Make sure that you have downloaded and installed not just the package, but also the data sets. Note that \lhapdf\ version 5 needs both a \fortran\ and a \cpp\ compiler. During \whizard\ configuration, \whizard\ looks for the script \ttt{lhapdf} (which is present in \lhapdf\ series 6) first, and then for \ttt{lhapdf-config} (which is present since \lhapdf\ version 4.1.0): if those are in an executable path (or only the latter for \lhapdf\ version 5), the environment variables for \lhapdf\ are automatically recognized by \whizard, as well as the version number. This should look like this in the \ttt{configure} output (for \lhapdf\ version 6 or newer), \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- LHAPDF --- configure: checking for lhapdf... /usr/local/bin/lhapdf checking for lhapdf-config... /usr/local/bin/lhapdf-config checking the LHAPDF version... 6.2.1 checking the major version... 6 checking the LHAPDF pdfsets path... /usr/local/share/LHAPDF checking the standard PDF sets... all standard PDF sets installed checking if LHAPDF is functional... yes checking LHAPDF... yes configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} while for \lhapdf\ version 5 and older it looks like this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- LHAPDF --- configure: checking for lhapdf... no checking for lhapdf-config... /usr/local/bin/lhapdf-config checking the LHAPDF version... 5.9.1 checking the major version... 5 checking the LHAPDF pdfsets path... /usr/local/share/lhapdf/PDFsets checking the standard PDF sets... all standard PDF sets installed checking for getxminm in -lLHAPDF... yes checking for has_photon in -lLHAPDF... yes configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} If you want to use a different \lhapdf\ (e.g. because the one installed on your system by default is an older one), the preferred way to do so is to put the \ttt{lhapdf} (and/or \ttt{lhapdf-config}) scripts in an executable path that is checked before the system paths, e.g. \ttt{/bin}. For the old series, \lhapdf\ version 5, a possible error could arise if \lhapdf\ had been compiled with a different \fortran\ compiler than \whizard, and if the run-time library of that \fortran\ compiler had not been included in the \whizard\ configure process. The output then looks like this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- LHAPDF --- configure: checking for lhapdf... no checking for lhapdf-config... /usr/local/bin/lhapdf-config checking the LHAPDF version... 5.9.1 checking the major version... 5 checking the LHAPDF pdfsets path... /usr/local/share/lhapdf/PDFsets checking for standard PDF sets... all standard PDF sets installed checking for getxminm in -lLHAPDF... no checking for has_photon in -lLHAPDF... no configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} So, the \whizard\ configure found the \lhapdf\ distribution, but could not link because it could not resolve the symbols inside the library. In case of failure, for more details confer the \ttt{config.log}. If \lhapdf\ is installed in a non-default directory where \whizard\ would not find it, set the environment variable \ttt{LHAPDF\_DIR} to the correct installation path when configuring \whizard. The check for the standard PDF sets are those sets that are used in the default \whizard\ self tests in the case \lhapdf\ is enabled and correctly linked. If some of them are missing, then this test will result in a failure. They are the \ttt{CT10} set for \lhapdf\ version 6 (for version 5, \ttt{cteq61.LHpdf}, \ttt{cteq6ll.LHpdf}, \ttt{cteq5l.LHgrid}, and \ttt{GSG961.LHgrid} are demanded). If you want to use \lhapdf\ inside \whizard\ please install them such that \whizard\ could perform all its sanity checks with them. The last check is for the \ttt{has\_photon} flag, which tests whether photon PDFs are available in the found \lhapdf\ installation. %%%%% \subsection{HOPPET} \label{sec:hoppet} \hoppet\ (not Hobbit) is a tool for the QCD DGLAP evolution of PDFs for hadron colliders. It provides possibilities for matching algorithms for 4- and 5-flavor schemes, that are important for precision simulations of $b$-parton initiated processes at hadron colliders. If you are not interested in those features, you can skip this section. Note that this feature is not enabled by default (unlike e.g. \lhapdf), but has to be explicitly during the configuration (see below): \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> your-src-directory/configure --enable-hoppet \end{interaction} If you \ttt{configure} messages like the following: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- HOPPET --- configure: checking for hoppet-config... /usr/local/bin/hoppet-config checking for hoppetAssign in -lhoppet_v1... yes checking the HOPPET version... 1.2.0 configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} then you know that \hoppet\ has been found and was correctly linked. If that is not the case, you have to specify the location of the \hoppet\ library, e.g. by adding \begin{interaction} HOPPET=/lib \end{interaction} to the \ttt{configure} options above. For more details, please confer the \hoppet\ manual. %%%%% \subsection{HepMC} \label{sec:hepmc} With version 2.8.1, \whizard\ supports both the "classical" version 2 as well as the newly designed version 3 (release 2019). The configure step can successfully recognize the two different versions, the user do not have to specify which version is installed. \hepmc\ is a \cpp\ class library for handling collider scattering events. In particular, it provides a portable format for event files. If you want to use this format, you should link \whizard\ with \hepmc, otherwise you can skip this section. If it is not already installed on your system, you may obtain \hepmc\ from one of these two webpages: \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} or \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} If the \hepmc\ library is linked with the installation, \whizard\ is able to read and write files in the \hepmc\ format. Detailed information on the installation and usage can be found on the \hepmc\ homepage. We give here only some brief details relevant for the usage with \whizard: For the compilation of HepMC one needs a \cpp\ compiler. Then the procedure is the same as for the \whizard\ package, namely configure HepMC: \begin{interaction} configure --with-momentum=GEV --with-length=MM --prefix= \end{interaction} Note that the particle momentum and decay length flags are mandatory, and we highly recommend to set them to the values \ttt{GEV} and \ttt{MM}, respectively. After configuration, do \ttt{make}, an optional \ttt{make check} (which might sometimes fail for non-standard values of momentum and length), and finally \ttt{make install}. The latest version of \hepmc\ (2.6.10) as well as the new relase series use \texttt{cmake} for their build process. For more information, confer the \hepmc\ webpage. A \whizard\ configuration for \hepmc\ looks like this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- HepMC --- configure: checking for HepMC-config... no checking HepMC3 or newer... no configure: HepMC3 not found, incompatible, or HepMC-config not found configure: looking for HepMC2 instead ... checking the HepMC version... 2.06.10 checking for GenEvent class in -lHepMC... yes configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} If \hepmc\ is installed in a non-default directory where \whizard\ would not find it, set the environment variable \ttt{HEPMC\_DIR} to the correct installation path when configuring \whizard. Furthermore, the environment variable \ttt{CXXFLAGS} allows you to set specific \ttt{C/C++} preprocessor flags, e.g. non-standard include paths for header files. A typical configuration of \hepmcthree\ will look like this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- ROOT --- configure: checking for root-config... /usr/local/bin/root-config checking for root... /usr/local/bin/root checking for rootcint... /usr/local/bin/rootcint checking for dlopen in -ldl... (cached) yes configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- HepMC --- configure: checking for HepMC3-config... /usr/local/bin/HepMC3-config checking if HepMC3 is built with ROOT interface... yes checking if HepMC3 is functional... yes checking for HepMC3... yes checking the HepMC3 version... 3.02.01 configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} As can be seen, \whizard\ will check for the \ROOT\ environment as well as whether \hepmcthree\ has been built with support for the \ROOT\ and \ttt{RootTree} writer classes. This is an easy option to use \whizard\ to write out \ROOT\ events. For more information see Sec.~\ref{sec:root}. %%%%% \subsection{PYTHIA6} \label{sec:pythia6_conf} The \whizard\ package ships with the final version of the old \pythiasix\ release series, v6.427. This is no longer maintained, but many analyses are still set up for this shower and hadronization tool, so \whizard\ offers the possibility of backwards compatibility here. \begin{quote} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- SHOWERS PYTHIA6 PYTHIA8 MPI --- configure: checking whether we want to enable PYTHIA6... yes checking for PYTHIA6... (enabled) checking for PYTHIA6 eh settings... (disabled) \end{quote} \whizard\ automatically compiles \pythiasix, it has not to be specifically enabled by the user. In order to properly use \pythiasix\ for high-energy electron-hadron collisions which allow much further forward regions to be explored as old experiments like HERA, there is a special switch to enable those specific settings for $eh$-colliders: \begin{quote} \ttt{--enable-pythia6\_ep} \end{quote} Those settings have been provided by~\cite{UtaKlein}. %%%%% \subsection{PYTHIA8} \label{sec:pythia8} \pythiaeight\ is a \cpp\ class library for handling hadronization, showering and underlying event. If you want to use this feature (once it is fully supported in \whizard), you should link \whizard\ with \pythiaeight, otherwise you can skip this section. If it is not already installed on your system, you may obtain \pythiaeight\ from \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} If the \pythiaeight\ library is linked with the installation, \whizard\ will be able to use its hadronization and showering, once this is fully supported within \whizard. To link a \pythiaeight\ installation to \whizard, you should specify the flag \begin{quote} \ttt{--enable-pythia8} \end{quote} to \ttt{configure}. If \pythiaeight\ is installed in a non-default directory where \whizard\ would not find it, specify also \begin{quote} \ttt{--with-pythia8=\emph{}} \end{quote} A successful \whizard\ configuration should produce a screen output similar to this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- SHOWERS PYTHIA6 PYTHIA8 MPI --- configure: [....] checking for pythia8-config... /usr/local/bin/pythia8-config checking if PYTHIA8 is functional... yes checking PYTHIA8... yes configure: WARNING: PYTHIA8 configure is for testing purposes at the moment. configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} %%%%% \subsection{FastJet} \label{sec:fastjet} \fastjet\ is a \cpp\ class library for handling jet clustering. If you want to use this feature, you should link \whizard\ with \fastjet, otherwise you can skip this section. If it is not already installed on your system, you may obtain \fastjet\ from \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} If the \fastjet\ library is linked with the installation, \whizard\ is able to call the jet algorithms provided by this program for the purposes of applying cuts and analysis. To link a \fastjet\ installation to \whizard, you should specify the flag \begin{quote} \ttt{--enable-fastjet} \end{quote} to \ttt{configure}. If \fastjet\ is installed in a non-default directory where \whizard\ would not find it, specify also \begin{quote} \ttt{--with-fastjet=\emph{}} \end{quote} A successful \whizard\ configuration should produce a screen output similar to this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- FASTJET --- configure: checking for fastjet-config... /usr/local/bin/fastjet-config checking if FastJet is functional... yes checking FastJet... yes checking the FastJet version... 3.3.4 configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} Note that when compiling on Darwin/macOS it might be necessary to set the option \ttt{--disable-auto-ptr} when compiling with \ttt{clang++}. %%%%% \subsection{STDHEP} \label{sec:stdhep} \stdhep\ is a library for handling collider scattering events~\cite{stdhep}. In particular, it provides a portable format for event files. Until version 2.2.7 of \whizard, \stdhep\ that was maintained by Fermilab, could be linked as an externally compiled library. As the \stdhep\ package is frozen in its final release v5.06.1 and no longer maintained, it has from version 2.2.8 been included \whizard. This eases many things, as it was notoriously difficult to compile and link \stdhep\ in a way compatible with \whizard. Not the full package has been included, but only the libraries for file I/O (\ttt{mcfio}, the library for the XDR conversion), while the various translation tools for \pythia, \herwig, etc. have been abandoned. Note that \stdhep\ has largely been replaced in the hadron collider community by the \hepmc\ format, and in the lepton collider community by \lcio. \whizard\ might serve as a conversion tools for all these formats, but other tools also exist, of course. Note that the \ttt{mcfio} framework makes use of the \ttt{RPC} headers. These come -- provided by \ttt{SunOS/Oracle America, Inc.} -- together with the system headers, but on some \ttt{Unix} systems (e.g. \ttt{ArchLinux}, \ttt{Fedora}) have been replaced by the \ttt{libtirpc} headers . The \ttt{configure} script searches for these headers so these have to be installed mandatorily. If the \stdhep\ library is linked with the installation, \whizard\ is able to write files in the \stdhep\ format, the corresponding configure output notifies you that \stdhep\ is always included: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- STDHEP --- configure: checking for pkg-config... /opt/local/bin/pkg-config checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes checking for libtirpc... no configure: for StdHEP legacy code: using SunRPC headers and library configure: StdHEP v5.06.01 is included internally configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} %%%%% \subsection{LCIO} \label{sec:lcio} \lcio\ is a \cpp\ class library for handling collider scattering events. In particular, it provides a portable format for event files. If you want to use this format, you should link \whizard\ with \lcio, otherwise you can skip this section. If it is not already installed on your system, you may obtain \lcio\ from: \begin{quote} \url{} \end{quote} If the \lcio\ library is linked with the installation, \whizard\ is able to read and write files in the \lcio\ format. Detailed information on the installation and usage can be found on the \lcio\ homepage. We give here only some brief details relevant for the usage with \whizard: For the compilation of \lcio\ one needs a \cpp\ compiler. \lcio\ is based on \ttt{cmake}. For the corresponding options please confer the \lcio\ manual. A \whizard\ configuration for \lcio\ looks like this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- configure: --- LCIO --- configure: checking the LCIO version... 2.12.1 checking for LCEventImpl class in -llcio... yes configure: -------------------------------------------------------------- \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} If \lcio\ is installed in a non-default directory where \whizard\ would not find it, set the environment variable \ttt{LCIO} or \ttt{LCIO\_DIR} to the correct installation path when configuring \whizard. The first one is the variable exported by the \ttt{} script while the second one is analogous to the environment variables of other external packages. \ttt{LCIO} takes precedence over \ttt{LCIO\_DIR}. Furthermore, the environment variable \ttt{CXXFLAGS} allows you to set specific \ttt{C/C++} preprocessor flags, e.g. non-standard include paths for header files. %%%%% \section{Installation} \label{sec:installation} Once you have unpacked the source (either the tarball or the SVN version), you are ready to compile it. There are several options. \subsection{Central Installation} This is the default and recommended way, but it requires adminstrator privileges. Make sure that all prerequisites are met (Sec.~\ref{sec:prerequisites}). \begin{enumerate} \item Create a fresh directory for the \whizard\ build. It is recommended to keep this separate from the source directory. \item Go to that directory and execute \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> your-src-directory/configure \end{interaction} This will analyze your system and prepare the compilation of \whizard\ in the build directory. Make sure to set the proper options to \ttt{configure}, see Sec.~\ref{sec:configure-options} below. \item Call \ttt{make} to compile and link \whizard: \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> make \end{interaction} \item If you want to make sure that everything works, run \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> make check \end{interaction} This will take some more time. \item Become superuser and say \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> make install \end{interaction} \end{enumerate} \whizard\ should now installed in the default locations, and the executable should be available in the standard path. Try to call \ttt{whizard --help} in order to check this. \subsection{Installation in User Space} You may lack administrator privileges on your system. In that case, you can still install and run \whizard. Make sure that all prerequisites are met (Sec.~\ref{sec:prerequisites}). \begin{enumerate} \item Create a fresh directory for the \whizard\ build. It is recommended to keep this separate from the source directory. \item Reserve a directory in user space for the \whizard\ installation. It should be empty, or yet non-existent. \item Go to that directory and execute \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> your-src-directory/configure --prefix=your-install-directory \end{interaction} This will analyze your system and prepare the compilation of \whizard\ in the build directory. Make sure to set the proper additional options to \ttt{configure}, see Sec.~\ref{sec:configure-options} below. \item Call \ttt{make} to compile and link \whizard: \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> make \end{interaction} \item If you want to make sure that everything works, run \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> make check \end{interaction} This will take some more time. \item Install: \begin{interaction} your-build-directory> make install \end{interaction} \end{enumerate} \whizard\ should now be installed in the installation directory of your choice. If the installation is not in your standard search paths, you have to account for this by extending the paths appropriately, see Sec.~\ref{sec:workspace}. \subsection{Configure Options} \label{sec:configure-options} The configure script accepts environment variables and flags. They can be given as arguments to the \ttt{configure} program in arbitrary order. You may run \ttt{configure --help} for a listing; only the last part of this long listing is specific for the \whizard\ system. Here is an example: \begin{interaction} configure FC=gfortran-5.4 FCFLAGS="-g -O3" --enable-fc-openmp \end{interaction} The most important options are \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{FC} (variable): The \fortran\ compiler. This is necessary if you need a compiler different from the standard compiler on the system, e.g., if the latter is too old. \item \ttt{FCFLAGS} (variable): The flags to be given to the \fortran\ compiler. The main use is to control the level of optimization. \item \ttt{--prefix=\var{directory-name}}: Specify a non-default directory for installation. \item \ttt{--enable-fc-openmp}: Enable parallel executing via OpenMP on a multi-processor/multi-core machine. This works only if OpenMP is supported by the compiler (e.g., \ttt{gfortran}). When running \whizard, the number of processors that are actually requested can be controlled by the user. Without this option, \whizard\ will run in serial mode on a single core. See Sec.~\ref{sec:openmp} for further details. \item \ttt{--enable-fc-mpi}: Enable parallel executing via MPI on a single machine using several cores or several machines. This works only if a MPI library is installed (e.g. \ttt{OpenMPI}) and \ttt{FC=mpifort CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++} is set. Without this option, \whizard\ will run in serial mode on a single core. The flag can be combined with \ttt{--enable-fc-openmp}. See Sec.~\ref{sec:mpi} for further details. \item \ttt{LHADPF\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \lhapdf\ package, if non-default. \item \ttt{LOOPTOOLS\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \ttt{LOOPTOOLS} package, if non-default. \item \ttt{OPENLOOPS\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \openloops\ package, if non-default. \item \ttt{GOSAM\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \gosam\ package, if non-default. \item \ttt{HOPPET\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \hoppet\ package, if non-default. \item \ttt{HEPMC\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \hepmc\ package, if non-default. \item \ttt{LCIO}/\ttt{LCIO\_DIR} (variable): The location of the optional \lcio\ package, if non-default. \end{itemize} Other flags that might help to work around possible problems are the flags for the $C$ and \cpp\ compilers as well as the \ttt{Fortran77} compiler, or the linker flags and additional libraries for the linking process. \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{CC} (variable): \ttt{C} compiler command \item \ttt{F77} (variable): \ttt{Fortran77} compiler command \item \ttt{CXX} (variable): \ttt{C++} compiler command \item \ttt{CPP} (variable): \ttt{C} preprocessor \item \ttt{CXXCPP} (variable): \ttt{C++} preprocessor \item \ttt{CFLAGS} (variable): \ttt{C} compiler flags \item \ttt{FFLAGS} (variable): \ttt{Fortran77} compiler flags \item \ttt{CXXFLAGS} (variable): \ttt{C++} compiler flags \item \ttt{LIBS} (variable): libraries to be passed to the linker as \ttt{-l{\em library}} \item \ttt{LDFLAGS} (variable): non-standard linker flags \end{itemize} For other options (like e.g. \ttt{--with-precision=...} etc.) please see the \ttt{configure --help} option. %%%%% \subsection{Details on the Configure Process} The configure process checks for the build and host system type; only if this is not detected automatically, the user would have to specify this by himself. After that system-dependent files are searched for, LaTeX and Acroread for documentation and plots, the \fortran\ compiler is checked, and finally the \ocaml\ compiler. The next step is the checks for external programs like \lhapdf\ and \ttt{HepMC}. Finally, all the Makefiles are being built. The compilation is done by invoking \ttt{make} and finally \ttt{make install}. You could also do a \ttt{make check} in order to test whether the compilation has produced sane files on your system. This is highly recommended. Be aware that there be problems for the installation if the install path or a user's home directory is part of an AFS file system. Several times problems were encountered connected with conflicts with permissions inside the OS permission environment variables and the AFS permission flags which triggered errors during the \ttt{make install} procedure. Also please avoid using \ttt{make -j} options of parallel execution of \ttt{Makefile} directives as AFS filesystems might not be fast enough to cope with this. For specific problems that might have been encountered in rare circumstances for some FORTRAN compilers confer the webpage \url{}. Note that the \pythia\ bundle for showering and hadronization (and some other external legacy code pieces) do still contain good old \ttt{Fortran77} code. These parts should better be compiled with the very same \ttt{Fortran2003} compiler as the \whizard\ core. There is, however, one subtlety: when the \ttt{configure} flag \ttt{FC} gets a full system path as argument, \ttt{libtool} is not able to recognize this as a valid (GNU) \ttt{Fortran77} compiler. It then searches automatically for binaries like \ttt{f77}, \ttt{g77} etc. or a standard system compiler. This might result in a compilation failure of the \ttt{Fortran77} code. A viable solution is to define an executable link and use this (not the full path!) as \ttt{FC} flag. It is possible to compile \whizard\ without the \ocaml\ parts of \oMega, namely by using the \ttt{--disable-omega} option of the configure. This will result in a built of \whizard\ with the \oMega\ \fortran\ library, but without the binaries for the matrix element generation. All selftests (cf. \ref{sec:selftests}) requiring \oMega\ matrix elements are thereby switched off. Note that you can install such a built (e.g. on a batch system without \ocaml\ installation), but the try to build a distribution (all \ttt{make distxxx} targets) will fail. %%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Building on Darwin/macOS} The easiest way to build \whizard\ on Darwin/macOS is to install the complete GNU compiler suite (\ttt{gcc/g++/gfortran}). This can be done with one of the code repositories like \ttt{MacPorts}, \ttt{HomeBrew} or \ttt{Fink}. In order to include \ROOT\ which natively should be built using the intrinsic \ttt{clang/clang++} for the graphics support, there is also the possibility to build external tools like \hepmcthree, \pythiaeight, \fastjet, and \lcio\ with \ttt{clang++}, and set in the configure option for \whizard\ \ttt{C} and \ttt{C++} compiler accordingly: \begin{quote} ../configure CC=clang CXX=clang++ [...] \end{quote} Note that \fastjet\ might need to be configured with the \ttt{--disable-auto-ptr} option when compiling with \ttt{clang++} and strict \ttt{C++17} standard. Since Darwin v10.11, the security measures of the new Darwin systems do not allow e.g. environment variables passed to subprocesses. This does not change anything for the installed WHIZARD, but the testsuite (make check) will not work before make install has been executed. make distcheck will not work on El Capitan. There is also the option to disable the System Integrity Protocol (SIP) of modern OSX by booting in Recovery Mode, open a terminal and type \ttt{csrutil disable}. However, we do not recommend to do so. %%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Building on Windows} For Windows, from \ttt{Windows 10} onwards, there is the possibility to install and use an underlying Linux operating system, e.g. \ttt{Ubuntu}. Installation and usage of \whizard\ works then the same way as described above. %%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{\whizard\ self tests/checks} \label{sec:selftests} \whizard\ has a number of self-consistency checks and tests which assure that most of its features are running in the intended way. The standard procedure to invoke these self tests is to perform a \ttt{make check} from the \ttt{build} directory. If \ttt{src} and \ttt{build} directories are the same, all relevant files for these self-tests reside in the \ttt{tests} subdirectory of the main \whizard\ directory. In that case, one could in principle just call the scripts individually from the command line. Note, that if \ttt{src} and \ttt{build} directory are different as recommended, then the input files will have been installed in \ttt{prefix/share/whizard/test}, while the corresponding test shell scripts remain in the \ttt{srcdir/test} directory. As the main shell script \ttt{run\} has been built in the \ttt{build} directory, one now has to copy the files over by and set the correct paths by hand, if one wishes to run the test scripts individually. \ttt{make check} still correctly performs all \whizard\ self-consistency tests. The tests itself fall into two categories, unit self test that individually test the modular structure of \whizard, and tests that are run by \sindarin\ files. In future releases of \whizard, these two categories of tests will be better separated than in the 2.2.1 release. There are additional, quite extensiv numerical tests for validation and backwards compatibility checks for SM and MSSM processes. As a standard, these extended self tests are not invoked. However, they can be enabled by executing the corresponding specific \ttt{make check} operations in the subdirectories for these extensive tests. As the new \whizard\ testsuite does very thorough and scrupulous tests of the whole \whizard\ structure, it is always possible that some tests are failing due to some weird circumstances or because of numerical fluctuations. In such a case do not panic, contact the developers (\ttt{}) and provide them with the logfiles of the failing test as well as the setup of your configuration. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \chapter{Working with \whizard} \label{chap:start} \whizard\ can run as a stand-alone program. You (the user) can steer \whizard\ either interactively or by a script file. We will first describe the latter method, since it will be the most common way to interact with the \whizard\ system. \section{Hello World} The legacy version series 1 of the program relied on a bunch of input files that the user had to provide in some obfuscated format. This approach is sufficient for straightforward applications. However, once you get experienced with a program, you start thinking about uses that the program's authors did not foresee. In case of a Monte Carlo package, typical abuses are parameter scans, complex patterns of cuts and reweighting factors, or data analysis without recourse to external packages. This requires more flexibility. Instead of transferring control over data input to some generic scripting language like \ttt{PERL} or \python\ (or even \cpp), which come with their own peculiarities and learning curves, we decided to unify data input and scripting in a dedicated steering language that is particularly adapted to the needs of Monte-Carlo integration, simulation, and simple analysis of the results. Thus we discovered what everybody knew anyway: that W(h)izards communicate in \sindarin, Scripting INtegration, Data Analysis, Results display and INterfaces. \sindarin\ is a DSL -- a domain-specific scripting language -- that is designed for the single purpose of steering and talking to \whizard. Now since \sindarin\ is a programming language, we honor the old tradition of starting with the famous Hello World program. In \sindarin\ this reads simply \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} printf "Hello World!" \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Open your favorite editor, type this text, and save it into a file named \verb|hello.sin|. \begin{figure} \centering \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] | Writing log to 'whizard.log' |=============================================================================| | | | WW WW WW WW WW WWWWWW WW WWWWW WWWW | | WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WWWW WW WW WW WW | | WW WW WW WW WWWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWW WW WW | | WWWW WWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW | | WW WW WW WW WW WWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWW | | | | | | W | | sW | | WW | | sWW | | WWW | | wWWW | | wWWWW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | wWW WW | | wWW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | WW WW | | wwwwww WW WW | | WWWWWww WW WW | | WWWWWwwwww WW WW | | wWWWwwwwwWW WW | | wWWWWWWWWWWwWWW WW | | wWWWWW wW WWWWWWW | | WWWW wW WW wWWWWWWWwww | | WWWW wWWWWWWWwwww | | WWWW WWWW WWw | | WWWWww WWWW | | WWWwwww WWWW | | wWWWWwww wWWWWW | | WwwwwwwwwWWW | | | | | | | | by: Wolfgang Kilian, Thorsten Ohl, Juergen Reuter | | with contributions from Christian Speckner | | Contact: | | | | if you use WHIZARD please cite: | | W. Kilian, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, Eur.Phys.J.C71 (2011) 1742 | | [arXiv: 0708.4233 [hep-ph]] | | M. Moretti, T. Ohl, J. Reuter, arXiv: hep-ph/0102195 | | | |=============================================================================| | WHIZARD 3.0.0_beta |=============================================================================| | Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl' | Preloaded model: SM | Process library 'default_lib': initialized | Preloaded library: default_lib | Reading commands from file 'hello.sin' Hello World! | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================| \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \caption{Output of the \ttt{"Hello world!"} \sindarin\ script.\label{fig:helloworld}} \end{figure} Now we assume that you -- or your kind system administrator -- has installed \whizard\ in your executable path. Then you should open a command shell and execute (we will come to the meaning of the \verb|-r| option later.) \begin{verbatim} /home/user$ whizard -r hello.sin \end{verbatim} and if everything works well, you get the output (the complete output including the \whizard\ banner is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:helloworld}) \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} | Writing log to 'whizard.log' \end{verbatim} \centerline{[... here a banner is displayed]} \begin{Verbatim} |=============================================================================| | WHIZARD 3.0.0_beta |=============================================================================| | Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl' | Preloaded model: SM ! Process library 'default_lib': initialized ! Preloaded library: default_lib | Reading commands from file 'hello.sin' Hello World! | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================| \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} If this has just worked for you, you can be confident that you have a working \whizard\ installation, and you have been able to successfully run the program. \section{A Simple Calculation} You may object that \whizard\ is not exactly designed for printing out plain text. So let us demonstrate a more useful example. Looking at the Hello World output, we first observe that the program writes a log file named (by default) \verb|whizard.log|. This file receives all screen output, except for the output of external programs that are called by \whizard. You don't have to cache \whizard's screen output yourself. After the welcome banner, \whizard\ tells you that it reads a physics \emph{model}, and that it initializes and preloads a \emph{process library}. The process library is initially empty. It is ready for receiving definitions of elementary high-energy physics processes (scattering or decay) that you provide. The processes are set in the context of a definite model of high-energy physics. By default this is the Standard Model, dubbed \verb|SM|. Here is the \sindarin\ code for defining a SM physics process, computing its cross section, and generating a simulated event sample in Les Houches event format: \begin{quote} \begin{Verbatim} process ee = e1, E1 => e2, E2 sqrts = 360 GeV n_events = 10 sample_format = lhef simulate (ee) \end{Verbatim} \end{quote} As before, you save this text in a file (named, e.g., \verb|ee.sin|) which is run by \begin{verbatim} /home/user$ whizard -r ee.sin \end{verbatim} (We will come to the meaning of the \verb|-r| option later.) This produces a lot of output which looks similar to this: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} | Writing log to 'whizard.log' [... banner ...] |=============================================================================| | WHIZARD 3.0.0_beta |=============================================================================| | Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl' | Preloaded model: SM | Process library 'default_lib': initialized | Preloaded library: default_lib | Reading commands from file 'ee.sin' | Process library 'default_lib': recorded process 'ee' sqrts = 3.600000000000E+02 n_events = 10 \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} | Starting simulation for process 'ee' | Simulate: process 'ee' needs integration | Integrate: current process library needs compilation | Process library 'default_lib': compiling ... | Process library 'default_lib': writing makefile | Process library 'default_lib': removing old files rm -f rm -f default_lib.lo default_lib_driver.mod opr_ee_i1.mod ee_i1.lo rm -f ee_i1.f90 | Process library 'default_lib': writing driver | Process library 'default_lib': creating source code rm -f ee_i1.f90 rm -f opr_ee_i1.mod rm -f ee_i1.lo /usr/local/bin/omega_SM.opt -o ee_i1.f90 -target:whizard -target:parameter_module parameters_SM -target:module opr_ee_i1 -target:md5sum '70DB728462039A6DC1564328E2F3C3A5' -fusion:progress -scatter 'e- e+ -> mu- mu+' [1/1] e- e+ -> mu- mu+ ... allowed. [time: 0.00 secs, total: 0.00 secs, remaining: 0.00 secs] all processes done. [total time: 0.00 secs] SUMMARY: 6 fusions, 2 propagators, 2 diagrams | Process library 'default_lib': compiling sources [.....] \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} | Process library 'default_lib': loading | Process library 'default_lib': ... success. | Integrate: compilation done | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 9616 | Initializing integration for process ee: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'ee' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'ee_i1': e-, e+ => mu-, mu+ [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: [any particles] | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | e+ (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | sqrts = 3.600000000000E+02 GeV | Phase space: generating configuration ... | Phase space: ... success. | Phase space: writing configuration file 'ee_i1.phs' | Phase space: 2 channels, 2 dimensions | Phase space: found 2 channels, collected in 2 groves. | Phase space: Using 2 equivalences between channels. | Phase space: wood Warning: No cuts have been defined. \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} | Starting integration for process 'ee' | Integrate: iterations not specified, using default | Integrate: iterations = 3:1000:"gw", 3:10000:"" | Integrator: 2 chains, 2 channels, 2 dimensions | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences | Integrator: 1000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrator: VAMP |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 784 8.3282892E+02 1.68E+00 0.20 0.06* 39.99 2 784 8.3118961E+02 1.23E+00 0.15 0.04* 76.34 3 784 8.3278951E+02 1.36E+00 0.16 0.05 54.45 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3 2352 8.3211789E+02 8.01E-01 0.10 0.05 54.45 0.50 3 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 4 9936 8.3331732E+02 1.22E-01 0.01 0.01* 54.51 5 9936 8.3341072E+02 1.24E-01 0.01 0.01 54.52 6 9936 8.3331151E+02 1.23E-01 0.01 0.01* 54.51 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 6 29808 8.3334611E+02 7.10E-02 0.01 0.01 54.51 0.20 3 |=============================================================================| \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} [.....] | Simulate: integration done | Simulate: using integration grids from file '' | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 9617 | Simulation: requested number of events = 10 | corr. to luminosity [fb-1] = 1.2000E-02 | Events: writing to LHEF file 'ee.lhe' | Events: writing to raw file 'ee.evx' | Events: generating 10 unweighted, unpolarized events ... | Events: event normalization mode '1' | ... event sample complete. | Events: closing LHEF file 'ee.lhe' | Events: closing raw file 'ee.evx' | There were no errors and 1 warning(s). | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================| \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} %$ The final result is the desired event file, \ttt{ee.lhe}. Let us discuss the output quickly to walk you through the procedures of a \whizard\ run: after the logfile message and the banner, the reading of the physics model and the initialization of a process library, the recorded process with tag \ttt{'ee'} is recorded. Next, user-defined parameters like the center-of-mass energy and the number of demanded (unweighted) events are displayed. As a next step, \whizard\ is starting the simulation of the process with tag \ttt{'ee'}. It recognizes that there has not yet been an integration over phase space (done by an optional \ttt{integrate} command, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:integrate}), and consequently starts the integration. It then acknowledges, that the process code for the process \ttt{'ee'} needs to be compiled first (done by an optional \ttt{compile} command, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:compilation}). So, \whizard\ compiles the process library, writes the makefile for its steering, and as a safeguard against garbage removes possibly existing files. Then, the source code for the library and its processes are generated: for the process code, the default method -- the matrix element generator \oMega\ is called (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:omega_me}); and the sources are being compiled. The next steps are the loading of the process library, and \whizard\ reports the completion of the integration. For the Monte-Carlo integration, a random number generator is initialized. Here, it is the default generator, TAO (for more details, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:tao}, while the random seed is set to a value initialized by the system clock, as no seed has been provided in the \sindarin\ input file. Now, the integration for the process \ttt{'ee'} is initialized, and information about the process (its name, the name of its process library, its index inside the library, and the process components out of which it consists, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:processcomp}) are displayed. Then, the beam structure is shown, which in that case are symmetric partonic electron and positron beams with the center-of-mass energy provided by the user (360 GeV). The next step is the generation of the phase space, for which the default phase space method \ttt{wood} (for more details cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:wood}) is selected. The integration is performed, and the result with absolute and relative error, unweighting efficiency, accuracy, $\chi^2$ quality is shown. The final step is the event generation (cf. Chap.~\ref{chap:events}). The integration grids are now being used, again the random number generator is initialized. Finally, event generation of ten unweighted events starts (\whizard\ let us know to which integrated luminosity that would correspond), and events are written both in an internal (binary) event format as well as in the demanded LHE format. This concludes the \whizard\ run. After a more comprehensive introduction into the \sindarin\ steering language in the next chapter, Chap.~\ref{chap:sindarinintro}, we will discuss all the details of the different steps of this introductory example. \clearpage \section{WHIZARD in a Computing Environment} \subsection{Working on a Single Computer} \label{sec:workspace} After installation, \whizard\ is ready for use. There is a slight complication if \whizard\ has been installed in a location that is not in your standard search paths. In that case, to successfully run \whizard, you may either \begin{itemize} \item manually add \ttt{your-install-directory/bin} to your execution PATH\\ and \ttt{your-install-directory/lib} to your library search path (LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH), or \item whenever you start a project, execute \begin{interaction} your-workspace> . your-install-directory/bin/ \end{interaction} which will enable the paths in your current environment, or \item source \ttt{} script in your shell startup file. \end{itemize} In either case, try to call \ttt{whizard --help} in order to check whether this is done correctly. For a new \whizard\ project, you should set up a new (empty) directory. Depending on the complexity of your task, you may want to set up separate directories for each subproblem that you want to tackle, or even for each separate run. The location of the directories is arbitrary. To run, \whizard\ needs only a single input file, a \sindarin\ command script with extension \ttt{.sin} (by convention). Running \whizard\ is as simple as \begin{interaction} your-workspace> whizard your-input.sin \end{interaction} No other configuration files are needed. The total number of auxiliary and output files generated in a single run may get quite large, however, and they may clutter your workspace. This is the reason behind keeping subdirectories on a per-run basis. Basic usage of \whizard\ is explained in Chapter~\ref{chap:start}, for more details, consult the following chapters. In Sec.~\ref{sec:cmdline-options} we give an account of the command-line options that \whizard\ accepts. \subsection{Working Parallel on Several Computers} \label{sec:mpi} For integration (only VAMP2), \whizard\ supports parallel execution via MPI by communicating between parallel tasks on a single machine or distributed over several machines. During integration the calculation of channels is distributed along several workers where a master worker collects the results and adapts weights and grids. In wortwhile cases (e.g. high number of calls in one channel), the calculation of a single grid is distributed. In order to use these advancements, \whizard\ requires an installed MPI-3.1 capable library (e.g. OpenMPI) and configuration and compilation with the appropriate flags, cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:installation}. MPI support is only active when the integration method is set to VAMP2. Additionally, to preserve the numerical properties of a single task run, it is recommended to use the RNGstream as random number generator. \begin{code} $integration_method = 'vamp2' $rng_method = 'rng_stream' \end{code} \whizard\ has then to be called by mpirun \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] your-workspace> mpirun -f hostfile -np 4 --output-filename mpi.log whizard your-input.sin \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} where the number of parallel tasks can be set by \ttt{-np} and a hostfile can be given by \ttt{--hostfile}. It is recommended to use \ttt{--output-filename} which lets mpirun redirect the standard (error) output to a file, for each worker separatly. \subsubsection{Notes on Parallelization with MPI} The parallelization of \whizard\ requires that all instances of the parallel run be able to write and read all files by produced \whizard\ in a network file system as the current implementation does not handle parallel I/O. Usually, high-performance clusters have support for at least one network filesystem. Furthermore, not all functions of \whizard\ are currently supported or are only supported in a limited way in parallel mode. Currently the \verb|?rebuild_| for the phase space and the matrix element library are not yet available, as well as the calculation of matrix elements with resonance history. Some features that have been missing in the very first implementation of the parallelized integration have now been made available, like the support of run IDs and the parallelization of the event generation. A final remark on the stability of the numerical results in terms of the number of workers involved. Under certain circumstances, results between different numbers of workers but using otherwise an identical \sindarin\ file can lead to slightly numerically different (but statistically compatible) results for integration or event generation This is related to the execution of the computational operations in MPI, which we use to reduce results from all workers. If the order of the numbers in the arithmetical operations changes, for example, by different setups of the workers, then the numerical results change slightly, which in turn is amplified under the influence of the adaptation. Nevertheless, the results are all statistically consistent. \subsection{Stopping and Resuming WHIZARD Jobs} On a Unix-like system, it is possible to prematurely stop running jobs by a \ttt{kill(1)} command, or by entering \ttt{Ctrl-C} on the terminal. If the system supports this, \whizard\ traps these signals. It also traps some signals that a batch operating system might issue, e.g., for exceeding a predefined execution time limit. \whizard\ tries to complete the calculation of the current event and gracefully close open files. Then, the program terminates with a message and a nonzero return code. Usually, this should not take more than a fraction of a second. If, for any reason, the program does not respond to an interrupt, it is always possible to kill it by \ttt{kill -9}. A convenient method, on a terminal, would be to suspend it first by \ttt{Ctrl-Z} and then to kill the suspended process. The program is usually able to recover after being stopped. Simply run the job again from start, with the same input, all output files generated so far left untouched. The results obtained so far will be quickly recovered or gathered from files written in the previous run, and the actual time-consuming calculation is resumed near the point where it was interrupted.\footnote{This holds for simple workflow. In case of scans and repeated integrations of the same process, there may be name clashes on the written files which prevent resuming. A future \whizard\ version will address this problem.} If the interruption happened during an integration step, it is resumed after the last complete iteration. If it was during event generation, the previous events are taken from file and event generation is continued. The same mechanism allows for efficiently redoing a calculation with similar, somewhat modified input. For instance, you might want to add a further observable to event analysis, or write the events in a different format. The time for rerunning the program is determined just by the time it takes to read the existing integration or event files, and the additional calculation is done on the recovered information. By managing various checksums on its input and output files, \whizard\ detects changes that affect further calculations, so it does a real recalculation only where it is actually needed. This applies to all steps that are potentially time-consuming: matrix-element code generation, compilation, phase-space setup, integration, and event generation. If desired, you can set command-line options or \sindarin\ parameters that explicitly discard previously generated information. \subsection{Files and Directories: default and customization} \whizard\ jobs take a small set of files as input. In many cases, this is just a single \sindarin\ script provided by the user. When running, \whizard\ can produce a set of auxiliary and output files: \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{Job.} Files pertaining to the \whizard\ job as a whole. This is the default log file \ttt{whizard.log}. \item \textbf{Process compilation.} Files that originate from generating and compiling process code. If the default \oMega\ generator is used, these files include \fortran\ source code as well as compiled libraries that are dynamically linked to the running executable. The file names are derived from either the process-library name or the individual process names, as defined in the \sindarin\ input. The default library name is \ttt{default\_lib}. \item \textbf{Integration.} Files that are created by integration, i.e., when calculating the total cross section for a scattering process using the Monte-Carlo algorithm. The file names are derived from the process name. \item \textbf{Simulation.} Files that are created during simulation, i.e., generating event samples for a process or a set of processes. By default, the file names are derived from the name of the first process. Event-file formats are distinguished by appropriate file name extensions. \item \textbf{Result Analysis.} Files that are created by the internal analysis tools and written by the command \ttt{write\_analysis} (or \ttt{compile\_analysis}). The default base name is \ttt{whizard\_analysis}. \end{enumerate} A complex workflow with several processes, parameter sets, or runs, can easily lead to in file-name clashes or a messy working directory. Furthermore, running a batch job on a dedicated computing environment often requires transferring data from a user directory to the server and back. Custom directory and file names can be used to organize things and facilitate dealing with the environment, along with the available batch-system tools for coordinating file transfer. \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{Job.} \begin{itemize} \item The \ttt{-L} option on the command line defines a custom base name for the log file. \item The \ttt{-J} option on the command line defines a job ID. For instance, this may be set to the job ID assigned by the batch system. Within the \sindarin\ script, the job ID is available as the string variable \ttt{\$job\_id} and can be used for constructing custom job-specific file and directory names, as described below. \end{itemize} \item \textbf{Process compilation.} \begin{itemize} \item The user can require the program to put all files created during the compilation step including the library to be linked, in a subdirectory of the working directory. To enable this, set the string variable \ttt{\$compile\_workspace} within the \sindarin\ script. \end{itemize} \item \textbf{Integration.} \begin{itemize} \item The value of the string variable \ttt{\$run\_id}, if set, is appended to the base name of all files created by integration, separated by dots. If the \sindarin\ script scans over parameters, varying the run ID avoids repeatedly overwriting files with identical name during the scan. \item The user can require the program to put the important files created during the integration step -- the phase-space configuration file and the \vamp\ grid files -- in a subdirectory of the working directory. To enable this, set the string variable \ttt{\$integrate\_workspace} within the \sindarin\ script. (\ttt{\$compile\_workspace} and \ttt{\$integrate\_workspace} may be set to the same value.) \end{itemize} Log files produced during the integration step are put in the working directory. \item \textbf{Simulation.} \begin{itemize} \item The value of the string variable \ttt{\$run\_id}, if set, identifies the specific integration run that is used for the event sample. It is also inserted into default event-sample file names. \item The variable \ttt{\$sample}, if set, defines an arbitrary base name for the files related to the event sample. \end{itemize} Files resulting from simulation are put in the working directory. \item \textbf{Result Analysis.} \begin{itemize} \item The variable \ttt{\$out\_file}, if set, defines an arbitrary base name for the analysis data and auxiliary files. \end{itemize} Files resulting from result analysis are put in the working directory. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Batch jobs on a different machine} It is possible to separate the tasks of process-code compilation, integration, and simulation, and execute them on different machines. To make use of this feature, the local and remote machines including all installed libraries that are relevant for \whizard, must be binary-compatible. \begin{enumerate} \item Process-code compilation may be done once on a local machine, while the time-consuming tasks of integration and event generation for specific parameter sets are delegated to a remote machine, e.g., a batch cluster. To enable this, prepare a \sindarin\ script that just produces process code (i.e., terminates with a \ttt{compile} command) for the local machine. You may define \ttt{\$compile\_workspace} such that all generated code conveniently ends up in a single subdirectory. To start the batch job, transfer the workspace subdirectory to the remote machine and start \whizard\ there. The \sindarin\ script on the remote machine must include the local script unchanged in all parts that are relevant for process definition. The program will recognize the contents of the workspace, skip compilation and instead link the process library immediately. To proceed further, the script should define the run-specific parameters and contain the appropriate commands for integration and simulation. \item Analogously, you may execute both process-code compilation and integration locally, but generate event samples on a remote machine. To this end, prepare a \sindarin\ script that produces process code and computes integrals (i.e., terminates with an \ttt{integrate} command) for the local machine. You may define \ttt{\$compile\_workspace} and \ttt{\$integrate\_workspace} (which may coincide) such that all generated code, phase-space and integration grid data conveniently end up in subdirectories. To start the batch job, transfer the workspace(s) to the remote machine and start \whizard\ there. The \sindarin\ script on the remote machine must include the local script unchanged in all parts that are relevant for process definition and integration. The program will recognize the contents of the workspace, skip compilation and integration and instead load the process library and integration results immediately. To proceed further, the script should define the sample-specific parameters and contain the appropriate commands for simulation. \end{enumerate} To simplify transferring whole directories, \whizard\ supports the \ttt{--pack} and \ttt{--unpack} options. You may specify any number of these options for a \whizard\ run. (The feature relies on the GNU version of the \ttt{tar} utility.) For instance, \begin{code} whizard script1.sin --pack my_ws \end{code} runs \whizard\ with the \sindarin\ script \ttt{script1.sin} as input, where within the script you have defined \begin{code} $compile_workspace = "my_ws" \end{code} as the target directory for process-compilation files. After completion, the program will tar and gzip the target directory as \ttt{my\_ws.tgz}. You should copy this file to the remote machine as one of the job's input files. On the remote machine, you can then run the program with \begin{code} whizard script2.sin --unpack my_ws.tgz \end{code} where \ttt{script2.sin} should include \ttt{script1.sin}, and add integration or simulation commands. The contents of \ttt{ws.tgz} will thus be unpacked and reused on the remote machine, instead of generating new process code. \subsection{Static Linkage} In its default running mode, \whizard\ compiles process-specific matrix element code on the fly and dynamically links the resulting library. On the computing server, this requires availability of the appropriate \fortran\ compiler, as well as the \ocaml\ compiler suite, and the dynamical linking feature. Since this may be unavailable or undesired, there is a possibility to distribute \whizard\ as a statically linked executable that contains a pre-compiled library of processes. This removes the need for the \fortran\ compiler, the \ocaml\ system, and extra dynamic linking. Any external libraries that are accessed (the \fortran\ runtime environment, and possibly some dynamically linked external libraries and/or the \cpp\ runtime library, must still be available on the target system, binary-compatible. Otherwise, there is no need for transferring the complete \whizard\ installation or process-code compilation data. Generating, compiling and linking matrix element code is done in advance on a machine that can access the required tools and produces compatible libraries. This procedure is accomplished by \sindarin\ commands, explained below in Sec.~\ref{sec:static}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \section{Troubleshooting} \label{sec:troubleshooting} In this section, we list known issues or problems and give advice on what can be done in case something does not work as intended. \subsection{Possible (uncommon) build problems} \label{sec:buildproblems} \subsubsection{\ocaml\ versions and \oMega\ builds} For the matrix element generator \oMega\ of \whizard\, the functional programming language \ocaml\ is used. Unfortunately, the versions of the \ocaml\ compiler from 3.12.0 on broke backwards compatibility. Therefore, versions of \oMega/\whizard\ up to v2.0.2 only compile with older versions (3.04 to 3.11 works). This has been fixed in all \whizard\ versions from 2.0.3 on. \subsubsection{Identical Build and Source directories} There is a problem that only occurred with version 2.0.0 and has been corected for all follow-up versions. It can only appear if you compile the \whizard\ sources in the source directory. Then an error like this may occur: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] ... libtool: compile: gfortran -I../misc -I../vamp -g -O2 -c processes.f90 -fPIC -o .libs/processes.o libtool: compile: gfortran -I../misc -I../vamp -g -O2 -c processes.f90 -o processes.o >/dev/null 2>&1 make[2]: *** No rule to make target `limits.lo', needed by `decays.lo'. Stop. ... make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} In this case, please unpack a fresh copy of \whizard\ and configure it in a separate directory (not necessarily a subdirectory). Then the compilation will go through: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] $ zcat whizard-3.0.0.tar.gz | tar xf - $ cd whizard-3.0.0 $ mkdir _build $ cd _build $ ../configure FC=gfortran $ make \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} The developers use this setup to be able to test different compilers. Therefore building in the same directory is not as thoroughly tested. This behavior has been patched from version 2.0.1 on. But note that in general it is always adviced to keep build and source directory apart from each other. %%%%% \subsection{What happens if \whizard\ throws an error?} \label{ref:errors} \subsubsection{Particle name special characters in process declarations} Trying to use a process declaration like \begin{code} process foo = e-, e+ => mu-, mu+ \end{code} will lead to a \sindarin\ syntax error: \begin{Code} process foo = e-, e+ => mu-, mu+ ^^ | Expected syntax: SEQUENCE = process '=' "mu-", "mu+"}. \subsubsection{Missing collider energy} This happens if you forgot to set the collider energy in the integration of a scattering process: \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Colliding beams: sqrts is zero (please set sqrts) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} This will solve your problem: \begin{code} sqrts = \end{code} \subsubsection{Missing process declaration} If you try to integrate or simulate a process that has not declared before (and is also not available in a library that might be loaded), \whizard\ will complain: \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Process library doesn't contain process 'f00' ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} Note that this could sometimes be a simple typo, e.g. in that case an \ttt{integrate (f00)} instead of \ttt{integrate (foo)} \subsubsection{Ambiguous initial state without beam declaration} When the user declares a process with a flavor sum in the initial state, e.g. \begin{code} process qqaa = u:d, U:D => A, A sqrts = integrate (qqaa) \end{code} then a fatal error will be issued: \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Setting up process 'qqaa': *** -------------------------------------------- *** Inconsistent initial state. This happens if either *** several processes with non-matching initial states *** have been added, or for a single process with an *** initial state flavor sum. In that case, please set beams *** explicitly [singling out a flavor / structure function.] ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} What now? Either a structure function providing a tensor structure in flavors has to be provided like \begin{code} beams = p, pbar => pdf_builtin \end{code} or, if the partonic process was intended, a specific flavor has to be singled out, \begin{code} beams = u, U \end{code} which would take only the up-quarks. Note that a sum over process components with varying initial states is not possible. \subsubsection{Invalid or unsupported beam structure} An error message like \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Beam structure: [.......] not supported ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} This happens if you try to use a beam structure with is either not supported by \whizard\ (meaning that there is no phase-space parameterization for Monte-Carlo integration available in order to allow an efficient sampling), or you have chosen a combination of beam structure functions that do not make sense physically. Here is an example for the latter (lepton collider ISR applied to protons, then proton PDFs): \begin{code} beams = p, p => isr => pdf_builtin \end{code} \subsubsection{Mismatch in beams} Sometimes you get a rather long error output statement followed by a fatal error: \begin{Code} Evaluator product First interaction Interaction: 6 Virtual: Particle 1 [momentum undefined] [.......] State matrix: norm = 1.000000000000E+00 [f(2212)] [f(11)] [f(92) c(1 )] [f(-6) c(-1 )] => ME(1) = ( 0.000000000000E+00, 0.000000000000E+00) [.......] ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Product of density matrices is empty *** -------------------------------------------- *** This happens when two density matrices are convoluted *** but the processes they belong to (e.g., production *** and decay) do not match. This could happen if the *** beam specification does not match the hard *** process. Or it may indicate a WHIZARD bug. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} As \whizard\ indicates, this could have happened because the hard process setup did not match the specification of the beams as in: \begin{code} process neutral_current_DIS = e1, u => e1, u beams_momentum = 27.5 GeV, 920 GeV beams = p, e => pdf_builtin, none integrate (neutral_current_DIS) \end{code} In that case, the order of the beam particles simply was wrong, exchange proton and electron (together with the structure functions) into \ttt{beams = e, p => none, pdf\_builtin}, and \whizard\ will be happy. \subsubsection{Unstable heavy beam particles} If you try to use unstable particles as beams that can potentially decay into the final state particles, you might encounter the following error message: \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Phase space: Initial beam particle can decay ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} This happens basically only for processes in testing/validation (like $t \bar t \to b \bar b$). In principle, it could also happen in a real physics setup, e.g. when simulating electron pairs at a muon collider: \begin{code} process mmee = "mu-", "mu+" => "e-", "e+" \end{code} However, \whizard\ at the moment does not allow a muon width, and so \whizard\ is not able to decay a muon in a scattering process. A possibile decay of the beam particle into (part of) the final state might lead to instabilities in the phase space setup. Hence, \whizard\ do not let you perform such an integration right away. When you nevertheless encounter such a rare occasion in your setup, there is a possibility to convert this fatal error into a simple warning by setting the flag: \begin{code} ?fatal_beam_decay = false \end{code} \subsubsection{Impossible beam polarization} If you specify a beam polarization that cannot correspond to any physically allowed spin density matrix, e.g., \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 beams_pol_density = @(-1), @(1:1:.5, -1, 1:-1) \end{code} \whizard\ will throw a fatal error like this: \begin{Code} Trace of matrix square = 1.4444444444444444 Polarization: spin density matrix spin type = 2 multiplicity = 2 massive = F chirality = 0 = 1.0000000 pure state = F @(+1: +1: ( 3.333333333333E-01, 0.000000000000E+00)) @(-1: -1: ( 6.666666666667E-01, 0.000000000000E+00)) @(-1: +1: ( 6.666666666667E-01, 0.000000000000E+00)) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Spin density matrix: not permissible as density matrix ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} \subsubsection{Beams with crossing angle} Specifying a crossing angle (e.g. at a linear lepton collider) without explicitly setting the beam momenta, \begin{code} sqrts = 1 TeV beams = e1, E1 beams\_theta = 0, 10 degree \end{code} triggers a fatal: \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Beam structure: angle theta/phi specified but momentum/a p undefined ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} In that case the single beam momenta have to be explicitly set: \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 beams\_momentum = 500 GeV, 500 GeV beams\_theta = 0, 10 degree \end{code} \subsubsection{Phase-space generation failed} Sometimes an error might be issued that \whizard\ could not generate a valid phase-space parameterization: \begin{Code} | Phase space: ... failed. Increasing phs_off_shell ... | Phase space: ... failed. Increasing phs_off_shell ... | Phase space: ... failed. Increasing phs_off_shell ... | Phase space: ... failed. Increasing phs_off_shell ... ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Phase-space: generation failed ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} You see that \whizard\ tried to increase the number of off-shell lines that are taken into account for the phase-space setup. The second most important parameter for the phase-space setup, \ttt{phs\_t\_channel}, however, is not increased automatically. Its default value is $6$, so e.g. for the process $e^+ e^- \to 8\gamma$ you will run into the problem above. Setting \begin{code} phs_off_shell = -1 \end{code} where \ttt{} is the number of final-state particles will solve the problem. \subsubsection{Non-converging process integration} There could be several reasons for this to happen. The most prominent one is that no cuts have been specified for the process (\whizard\ttt{2} does not apply default cuts), and there are singular regions in the phase space over which the integration stumbles. If cuts have been specified, it could be that they are not sufficient. E.g. in $pp \to jj$ a distance cut between the two jets prevents singular collinear splitting in their generation, but if no $p_T$ cut have been set, there is still singular collinear splitting from the beams. \subsubsection{Why is there no event file?} If no event file has been generated, \whizard\ stumled over some error and should have told you, or, you simply forgot to set a \ttt{simulate} command for your process. In case there was a \ttt{simulate} command but the process under consideration is not possible (e.g. a typo, \ttt{e1, E1 => e2, E3} instead of \ttt{e1, E1 => e3, E3}), then you get an error like that: \begin{Code} ****************************************************************************** *** ERROR: Simulate: no process has a valid matrix element. ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} \subsubsection{Why is the event file empty?} In order to get events, you need to set either a desired number of events: \begin{code} n_events = \end{code} or you have to specify a certain integrated luminosity (the default unit being inverse femtobarn: \begin{code} luminosity = / 1 fbarn \end{code} In case you set both, \whizard\ will take the one that leads to the higher number of events. \subsubsection{Parton showering fails} For BSM models containing massive stable or long-lived particles parton showering with \pythiasix\ fails: \begin{Code} Advisory warning type 3 given after 0 PYEXEC calls: (PYRESD:) Failed to decay particle 1000022 with mass 15.000 ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Simulation: failed to generate valid event after 10000 tries ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} The solution to that problem is discussed in Sec.~\ref{sec:pythia6}. \vspace{1cm} %%%%% \subsection{Debugging, testing, and validation} \subsubsection{Catching/tracking arithmetic exceptions} Catching arithmetic exceptions is not automatically supported by \fortran\ compilers. In general, flags that cause the compiler to keep track of arithmetic exceptions are diminishing the maximally possible performance, and hence they should not be used in production runs. Hence, we refrained from making these flags a default. They can be added using the \ttt{FCFLAGS = {\em }} settings during configuration. For the \ttt{NAG} \fortran\ compiler we use the flags \ttt{-C=all -nan -gline} for debugging purposes. For the \ttt{gfortran} compilers, the flags \ttt{-ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow} are the corresponding debugging flags. For tests, debugging or first sanity checks on your setup, you might want to make use of these flags in order to track possible numerical exceptions in the produced code. Some compilers started to include \ttt{IEEE} exception handling support (\ttt{Fortran 2008} status), but we do not use these implementations in the \whizard\ code (yet). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Steering WHIZARD: \sindarin\ Overview} \label{chap:sindarinintro} \section{The command language for WHIZARD} A conventional physics application program gets its data from a set of input files. Alternatively, it is called as a library, so the user has to write his own code to interface it, or it combines these two approaches. \whizard~1 was built in this way: there were some input files which were written by the user, and it could be called both stand-alone or as an external library. \whizard~2 is also a stand-alone program. It comes with its own full-fledged script language, called \sindarin. All interaction between the user and the program is done in \sindarin\ expressions, commands, and scripts. Two main reasons led us to this choice: \begin{itemize} \item In any nontrivial physics study, cuts and (parton- or hadron-level) analysis are of central importance. The task of specifying appropriate kinematics and particle selection for a given process is well defined, but it is impossible to cover all possiblities in a simple format like the cut files of \whizard~1. The usual way of dealing with this problem is to write analysis driver code (often in \cpp, using external libraries for Lorentz algebra etc. However, the overhead of writing correct \cpp\ or \ttt{Fortran} greatly blows up problems that could be formulated in a few lines of text. \item While many problems lead to a repetitive workflow (process definition, integration, simulation), there are more involved tasks that involve parameter scans, comparisons of different processes, conditional execution, or writing output in widely different formats. This is easily done by a steering script, which should be formulated in a complete language. \end{itemize} The \sindarin\ language is built specifically around event analysis, suitably extended to support steering, including data types, loops, conditionals, and I/O. It would have been possible to use an established general-purpose language for these tasks. For instance, \ocaml\ which is a functional language would be a suitable candidate, and the matrix-element generator \oMega\ is written in that language. Another candidate would be a popular scripting language such as PYTHON. We started to support interfaces for commonly used languages: prime examples for \ttt{C}, \cpp, and PYTHON are found in the \ttt{share/interfaces} subdirectory. However, introducing a special-purpose language has the three distinct advantages: First, it is compiled and executed by the very \ttt{Fortran} code that handles data and thus accesses it without interfaces. Second, it can be designed with a syntax especially suited to the task of event handling and Monte-Carlo steering, and third, the user is not forced to learn all those features of a generic language that are of no relevance to the application he/she is interested in. \section{\sindarin\ scripts} A \sindarin\ script tells the \whizard\ program what it has to do. Typically, the script is contained in a file which you (the user) create. The file name is arbitrary; by convention, it has the extension `\verb|.sin|'. \whizard\ takes the file name as its argument on the command line and executes the contained script: \begin{verbatim} /home/user$ whizard script.sin \end{verbatim} Alternatively, you can call \whizard\ interactively and execute statements line by line; we describe this below in Sec.\ref{sec:whish}. A \sindarin\ script is a sequence of \emph{statements}, similar to the statements in any imperative language such as \ttt{Fortran} or \ttt{C}. Examples of statements are commands like \ttt{integrate}, variable declarations like \ttt{logical ?flag} or assigments like \ttt{mH = 130 GeV}. The script is free-form, i.e., indentation, extra whitespace and newlines are syntactically insignificant. In contrast to most languages, there is no statement separator. Statements simply follow each other, just separated by whitespace. \begin{code} statement1 statement2 statement3 statement4 \end{code} Nevertheless, for clarity we recommend to write one statement per line where possible, and to use proper indentation for longer statements, nested and bracketed expressions. A command may consist of a \emph{keyword}, a list of \emph{arguments} in parantheses \ttt{(}\ldots\ttt{)}, and an \emph{option} script which itself is a sequence of statements. \begin{code} command command_with_args (arg1, arg2) command_with_option { option } command_with_options (arg) { option_statement1 option_statement2 } \end{code} As a rule, parentheses \ttt{()} enclose arguments and expressions, as you would expect. Arguments enclosed in square brackets \ttt{[]} also exist. They have a special meaning, they denote subevents (collections of momenta) in event analysis. Braces \ttt{\{\}} enclose blocks of \sindarin\ code. In particular, the option script associated with a command is a block of code that may contain local parameter settings, for instance. Braces always indicate a scoping unit, so parameters will be restored their previous values when the execution of that command is completed. The script can contain comments. Comments are initiated by either a \verb|#| or a \verb|!| character and extend to the end of the current line. \begin{code} statement # This is a comment statement ! This is also a comment \end{code} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Errors} \label{sec:errors} Before turning to proper \sindarin\ syntax, let us consider error messages. \sindarin\ distinguishes syntax errors and runtime errors. Syntax errors are recognized when the script is read and compiled, before any part is executed. Look at this example: \begin{code} process foo = u, ubar => d, dbar md = 10 integrade (foo) \end{code} \whizard\ will fail with the error message \begin{interaction} sqrts = 1 TeV integrade (foo) ^^ | Expected syntax: SEQUENCE = '=' | Found token: KEYWORD: '(' ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Syntax error (at or before the location indicated above) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** WHIZARD run aborted. \end{interaction} which tells you that you have misspelled the command \verb|integrate|, so the compiler tried to interpret it as a variable. Runtime errors are categorized by their severity. A warning is simply printed: \begin{interaction} Warning: No cuts have been defined. \end{interaction} This indicates a condition that is suspicious, but may actually be intended by the user. When an error is encountered, it is printed with more emphasis \begin{interaction} ****************************************************************************** *** ERROR: Variable 'md' set without declaration ****************************************************************************** \end{interaction} and the program tries to continue. However, this usually indicates that there is something wrong. (The $d$ quark is defined massless, so \verb|md| is not a model parameter.) \whizard\ counts errors and warnings and tells you at the end \begin{interaction} | There were 1 error(s) and no warnings. \end{interaction} just in case you missed the message. Other errors are considered fatal, and execution stops at this point. \begin{interaction} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Colliding beams: sqrts is zero (please set sqrts) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{interaction} Here, \whizard\ was unable to do anything sensible. But at least (in this case) it told the user what to do to resolve the problem. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Statements} \label{sec:statements} \sindarin\ statements are executed one by one. For an overview, we list the most common statements in the order in which they typically appear in a \sindarin\ script, and quote the basic syntax and simple examples. This should give an impression on the \whizard's capabilities and on the user interface. The list is not complete. Note that there are no mandatory commands (although an empty \sindarin\ script is not really useful). The details and options are explained in later sections. \subsection{Process Configuration} \subsubsection{model} \begin{syntax} model = \var{model-name} \end{syntax} This assignment sets or resets the current physics model. The Standard Model is already preloaded, so the \ttt{model} assignment applies to non-default models. Obviously, the model must be known to \whizard. Example: \begin{code} model = MSSM \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:models}. \subsubsection{alias} \begin{syntax} alias \var{alias-name} = \var{alias-definition} \end{syntax} Particles are specified by their names. For most particles, there are various equivalent names. Names containing special characters such as a \verb|+| sign have to be quoted. The \ttt{alias} assignment defines an alias for a list of particles. This is useful for setting up processes with sums over flavors, cut expressions, and more. The alias name is then used like a simple particle name. Example: \begin{syntax} alias jet = u:d:s:U:D:S:g \end{syntax} See Sec.~\ref{sec:alias}. \subsubsection{process} \begin{syntax} process \var{tag} = \var{incoming} \verb|=>| \var{outgoing} \end{syntax} Define a process. You give the process a name \var{tag} by which it is identified later, and specify the incoming and outgoing particles, and possibly options. You can define an arbitrary number of processes as long as they are distinguished by their names. Example: \begin{code} process w_plus_jets = g, g => "W+", jet, jet \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:processes}. \subsubsection{sqrts} \begin{syntax} sqrts = \var{energy-value} \end{syntax} Define the center-of-mass energy for collision processes. The default setup will assume head-on central collisions of two beams. Example: \begin{code} sqrts = 500 GeV \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:beam-setup}. \subsubsection{beams} \begin{syntax} beams = \var{beam-particles} \\ beams = \var{beam-particles} => \var{structure-function-setup} \end{syntax} Declare beam particles and properties. The current value of \ttt{sqrts} is used, unless specified otherwise. Example: \begin{code} beams = u:d:s, U:D:S => lhapdf \end{code} With options, the assignment allows for defining beam structure in some detail. This includes beamstrahlung and ISR for lepton colliders, precise structure function definition for hadron colliders, asymmetric beams, beam polarization, and more. See Sec.~\ref{sec:beams}. \subsection{Parameters} \subsubsection{Parameter settings} \begin{syntax} \var{parameter} = \var{value} \\ \var{type} \var{user-parameter} \\ \var{type} \var{user-parameter} = \var{value} \end{syntax} Specify a value for a parameter. There are predefined parameters that affect the behavior of a command, model-specific parameters (masses, couplings), and user-defined parameters. The latter have to be declared with a type, which may be \ttt{int} (integer), \ttt{real}, \ttt{complex}, \ttt{logical}, \ttt{string}, or \ttt{alias}. Logical parameter names begin with a question mark, string parameter names with a dollar sign. Examples: \begin{code} mb = 4.2 GeV ?rebuild_grids = true real mass_sum = mZ + mW string $message = "This is a string" \end{code} % $ The value need not be a literal, it can be an arbitrary expression of the correct type. See Sec.~\ref{sec:variables}. \subsubsection{read\_slha} \begin{syntax} read\_slha (\var{filename}) \end{syntax} This is useful only for supersymmetric models: read a parameter file in the SUSY Les Houches Accord format. The file defines parameter values and, optionally, decay widths, so this command removes the need for writing assignments for each of them. \begin{code} read_slha ("sps1a.slha") \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:slha}. \subsubsection{show} \begin{syntax} show (\var{data-objects}) \end{syntax} Print the current value of some data object. This includes not just variables, but also models, libraries, cuts, etc. This is rather a debugging aid, so don't expect the output to be concise in the latter cases. Example: \begin{code} show (mH, wH) \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:I/O}. \subsubsection{printf} \begin{syntax} printf \var{format-string} (\var{data-objects}) \end{syntax} Pretty-print the data objects according to the given format string. If there are no data objects, just print the format string. This command is borrowed from the \ttt{C} programming language; it is actually an interface to the system's \ttt{printf(3)} function. The conversion specifiers are restricted to \ttt{d,i,e,f,g,s}, corresponding to the output of integer, real, and string variables. Example: \begin{code} printf "The Higgs mass is %f GeV" (mH) \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:I/O}. \subsection{Integration} \subsubsection{cuts} \begin{syntax} cuts = \var{logical-cut-expression} \end{syntax} The cut expression is a logical macro expression that is evaluated for each phase space point during integration and event generation. You may construct expressions out of various observables that are computed for the (partonic) particle content of the current event. If the expression evaluates to \verb|true|, the matrix element is calculated and the event is used. If it evaluates to \verb|false|, the matrix element is set zero and the event is discarded. Note that for collisions the expression is evaluated in the lab frame, while for decays it is evaluated in the rest frame of the decaying particle. In case you want to impose cuts on a factorized process, i.e. a combination of a production process and one or more decay processes, you have to use the \ttt{selection} keyword instead. Example for the keyword \ttt{cuts}: \begin{code} cuts = all Pt > 20 GeV [jet] and all mZ - 10 GeV < M < mZ + 10 GeV [lepton, lepton] and no abs (Eta) < 2 [jet] \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:cuts}. \subsubsection{integrate} \begin{syntax} integrate (\var{process-tags}) \end{syntax} Compute the total cross section for a process. The command takes into account the definition of the process, the beam setup, cuts, and parameters as defined in the script. Parameters may also be specified as options to the command. Integration is necessary for each process for which you want to know total or differential cross sections, or event samples. Apart from computing a value, it sets up and adapts phase space and integration grids that are used in event generation. If you just need an event sample, you can omit an explicit \ttt{integrate} command; the \ttt{simulate} command will call it automatically. Example: \begin{code} integrate (w_plus_jets, z_plus_jets) \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:integrate}. \subsubsection{?phs\_only/n\_calls\_test} \begin{syntax} integrate (\var{process-tag}) \{ ?phs\_only = true n\_calls\_test = 1000 \} \end{syntax} These are just optional settings for the \ttt{integrate} command discussed just a second ago. The \ttt{?phs\_only = true} (note that variables starting with a question mark are logicals) option tells \whizard\ to prepare a process for integration, but instead of performing the integration, just to generate a phase space parameterization. \ttt{n\_calls\_test = } evaluates the sampling function for random integration channels and random momenta. \vamp\ integration grids are neither generated nor used, so the channel selection corresponds to the first integration pass, before any grids or channel weights are adapted. The number of sampling points is given by \verb||. The output contains information about the timing, number of sampling points that passed the kinematics selection, and the number of matrix-element values that were actually evaluated. This command is useful mainly for debugging and diagnostics. Example: \begin{code} integrate (some_large_process) { ?phs_only = true n_calls_test = 1000 } \end{code} (Note that there used to be a separate command \ttt{matrix\_element\_test} until version 2.1.1 of \whizard\ which has been discarded in order to simplify the \sindarin\ syntax.) \subsection{Events} \subsubsection{histogram} \begin{syntax} histogram \var{tag} (\var{lower-bound}, \var{upper-bound}) \\ histogram \var{tag} (\var{lower-bound}, \var{upper-bound}, \var{step}) \\ \end{syntax} Declare a histogram for event analysis. The histogram is filled by an analysis expression, which is evaluated once for each event during a subsequent simulation step. Example: \begin{code} histogram pt_distribution (0, 150 GeV, 10 GeV) \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:histogram}. \subsubsection{plot} \begin{syntax} plot \var{tag} \end{syntax} Declare a plot for displaying data points. The plot may be filled by an analysis expression that is evaluated for each event; this would result in a scatter plot. More likely, you will use this feature for displaying data such as the energy dependence of a cross section. Example: \begin{code} plot total_cross_section \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:plot}. \subsubsection{selection} \begin{syntax} selection = \var{selection-expression} \end{syntax} The selection expression is a logical macro expression that is evaluated once for each event. It is applied to the event record, after all decays have been executed (if any). It is therefore intended e.g. for modelling detector acceptance cuts etc. For unfactorized processes the usage of \ttt{cuts} or \ttt{selection} leads to the same results. Events for which the selection expression evaluates to false are dropped; they are neither analyzed nor written to any user-defined output file. However, the dropped events are written to \whizard's native event file. For unfactorized processes it is therefore preferable to implement all cuts using the \ttt{cuts} keyword for the integration, see \ttt{cuts} above. Example: \begin{code} selection = all Pt > 50 GeV [lepton] \end{code} The syntax is generically the same as for the \ttt{cuts expression}, see Sec.~\ref{sec:cuts}. For more information see also Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. \subsubsection{analysis} \begin{syntax} analysis = \var{analysis-expression} \end{syntax} The analysis expression is a logical macro expression that is evaluated once for each event that passes the integration and selection cuts in a subsequent simulation step. The expression has type logical in analogy with the cut expression; however, its main use will be in side effects caused by embedded \ttt{record} expressions. The \ttt{record} expression books a value, calculated from observables evaluated for the current event, in one of the predefined histograms or plots. Example: \begin{code} analysis = record pt_distribution (eval Pt [photon]) and record mval (eval M [lepton, lepton]) \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. \subsubsection{unstable} \begin{syntax} unstable \var{particle} (\var{decay-channels}) \end{syntax} Specify that a particle can decay, if it occurs in the final state of a subsequent simulation step. (In the integration step, all final-state particles are considered stable.) The decay channels are processes which should have been declared before by a \ttt{process} command (alternatively, there are options that \whizard\ takes care of this automatically; cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:decays}). They may be integrated explicitly, otherwise the \ttt{unstable} command will take care of the integration before particle decays are generated. Example: \begin{code} unstable Z (z_ee, z_jj) \end{code} Note that the decay is an on-shell approximation. Alternatively, \whizard\ is capable of generating the final state(s) directly, automatically including the particle as an internal resonance together with irreducible background. Depending on the physical problem and on the complexity of the matrix-element calculation, either option may be more appropriate. See Sec.~\ref{sec:decays}. \subsubsection{n\_events} \begin{syntax} n\_events = \var{integer} \end{syntax} Specify the number of events that a subsequent simulation step should produce. By default, simulated events are unweighted. (Unweighting is done by a rejection operation on weighted events, so the usual caveats on event unweighting by a numerical Monte-Carlo generator do apply.) Example: \begin{code} n_events = 20000 \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:simulation}. \subsubsection{simulate} \begin{syntax} simulate (\var{process-tags}) \end{syntax} Generate an event sample. The command allows for analyzing the generated events by the \ttt{analysis} expression. Furthermore, events can be written to file in various formats. Optionally, the partonic events can be showered and hadronized, partly using included external (\pythia) or truly external programs called by \whizard. Example: \begin{code} simulate (w_plus_jets) { sample_format = lhef } \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:simulation} and Chapter~\ref{chap:events}. \subsubsection{graph} \begin{syntax} graph (\var{tag}) = \var{histograms-and-plots} \end{syntax} Combine existing histograms and plots into a common graph. Also useful for pretty-printing single histograms or plots. Example: \begin{code} graph comparison { $title = "$p_T$ distribution for two different values of $m_h$" } = hist1 & hist2 \end{code} % $ See Sec.~\ref{sec:graphs}. \subsubsection{write\_analysis} \begin{syntax} write\_analysis (\var{analysis-objects}) \end{syntax} Writes out data tables for the specified analysis objects (plots, graphs, histograms). If the argument is empty or absent, write all analysis objects currently available. The tables are available for feeding external programs. Example: \begin{code} write_analysis \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. \subsubsection{compile\_analysis} \begin{syntax} compile\_analysis (\var{analysis-objects}) \end{syntax} Analogous to \ttt{write\_analysis}, but the generated data tables are processed by \LaTeX\ and \gamelan, which produces Postscript and PDF versions of the displayed data. Example: \begin{code} compile_analysis \end{code} See Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. \section{Control Structures} Like any complete programming language, \sindarin\ provides means for branching and looping the program flow. \subsection{Conditionals} \subsubsection{if} \begin{syntax} if \var{logical\_expression} then \var{statements} \\ elsif \var{logical\_expression} then \var{statements} \\ else \var{statements} \\ endif \end{syntax} Execute statements conditionally, depending on the value of a logical expression. There may be none or multiple \ttt{elsif} branches, and the \ttt{else} branch is also optional. Example: \begin{code} if (sqrts > 2 * mtop) then integrate (top_pair_production) else printf "Top pair production is not possible" endif \end{code} The current \sindarin\ implementation puts some restriction on the statements that can appear in a conditional. For instance, process definitions must be done unconditionally. \subsection{Loops} \subsubsection{scan} \begin{syntax} scan \var{variable} = (\var{value-list}) \{ \var{statements} \} \end{syntax} Execute the statements repeatedly, once for each value of the scan variable. The statements are executed in a local context, analogous to the option statement list for commands. The value list is a comma-separated list of expressions, where each item evaluates to the value that is assigned to \ttt{\var{variable}} for this iteration. The type of the variable is not restricted to numeric, scans can be done for various object types. For instance, here is a scan over strings: \begin{code} scan string $str = ("%.3g", "%.4g", "%.5g") { printf $str (mW) } \end{code} % $ The output: \begin{interaction} [user variable] $str = "%.3g" 80.4 [user variable] $str = "%.4g" 80.42 [user variable] $str = "%.5g" 80.419 \end{interaction} % $ For a numeric scan variable in particular, there are iterators that implement the usual functionality of \ttt{for} loops. If the scan variable is of type integer, an iterator may take one of the forms \begin{syntax} \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/+| \var{add-step} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/-| \var{subtract-step} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/*| \var{multiplicator} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|//| \var{divisor} \\ \end{syntax} The iterator can be put in place of an expression in the \ttt{\var{value-list}}. Here is an example: \begin{code} scan int i = (1, (3 => 5), (10 => 20 /+ 4)) \end{code} which results in the output \begin{interaction} [user variable] i = 1 [user variable] i = 3 [user variable] i = 4 [user variable] i = 5 [user variable] i = 10 [user variable] i = 14 [user variable] i = 18 \end{interaction} [Note that the \ttt{\var{statements}} part of the scan construct may be empty or absent.] For real scan variables, there are even more possibilities for iterators: \begin{syntax} \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/+| \var{add-step} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/-| \var{subtract-step} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/*| \var{multiplicator} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|//| \var{divisor} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/+/| \var{n-points-linear} \\ \var{start-value} \verb|=>| \var{end-value} \verb|/*/| \var{n-points-logarithmic} \\ \end{syntax} The first variant is equivalent to \ttt{/+ 1}. The \ttt{/+} and \ttt{/-} operators are intended to add or subtract the given step once for each iteration. Since in floating-point arithmetic this would be plagued by rounding ambiguities, the actual implementation first determines the (integer) number of iterations from the provided step value, then recomputes the step so that the iterations are evenly spaced with the first and last value included. The \ttt{/*} and \ttt{//} operators are analogous. Here, the initial value is intended to be multiplied by the step value once for each iteration. After determining the integer number of iterations, the actual scan values will be evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale. Finally, the \ttt{/+/} and \ttt{/*/} operators allow to specify the number of iterations (not counting the initial value) directly. The \ttt{\var{start-value}} and \ttt{\var{end-value}} are always included, and the intermediate values will be evenly spaced on a linear (\ttt{/+/}) or logarithmic (\ttt{/*/}) scale. Example: \begin{code} scan real mh = (130 GeV, (140 GeV => 160 GeV /+ 5 GeV), 180 GeV, (200 GeV => 1 TeV /*/ 10)) { integrate (higgs_decay) } \end{code} \subsection{Including Files} \subsubsection{include} \begin{syntax} include (\var{file-name}) \end{syntax} Include a \sindarin\ script from the specified file. The contents must be complete commands; they are compiled and executed as if they were part of the current script. Example: \begin{code} include ("default_cuts.sin") \end{code} \section{Expressions} \sindarin\ expressions are classified by their types. The type of an expression is verified when the script is compiled, before it is executed. This provides some safety against simple coding errors. Within expressions, grouping is done using ordinary brackets \ttt{()}. For subevent expressions, use square brackets \ttt{[]}. \subsection{Numeric} The language supports the classical numeric types \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{int} for integer: machine-default, usually 32 bit; \item \ttt{real}, usually \emph{double precision} or 64 bit; \item \ttt{complex}, consisting of real and imaginary part equivalent to a \ttt{real} each. \end{itemize} \sindarin\ supports arithmetic expressions similar to conventional languages. In arithmetic expressions, the three numeric types can be mixed as appropriate. The computation essentially follows the rules for mixed arithmetic in \fortran. The arithmetic operators are \verb|+|, \verb|-|, \verb|*|, \verb|/|, \verb|^|. Standard functions such as \ttt{sin}, \ttt{sqrt}, etc. are available. See Sec.~\ref{sec:real} to Sec.~\ref{sec:complex}. Numeric values can be associated with units. Units evaluate to numerical factors, and their use is optional, but they can be useful in the physics context for which \whizard\ is designed. Note that the default energy/mass unit is \verb|GeV|, and the default unit for cross sections is \verb|fbarn|. \subsection{Logical and String} The language also has the following standard types: \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{logical} (a.k.a.\ boolean). Logical variable names have a \ttt{?} (question mark) as prefix. \item \ttt{string} (arbitrary length). String variable names have a \ttt{\$} (dollar) sign as prefix. \end{itemize} There are comparisons, logical operations, string concatenation, and a mechanism for formatting objects as strings for output. \subsection{Special} Furthermore, \sindarin\ deals with a bunch of data types tailored specifically for Monte Carlo applications: \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{alias} objects denote a set of particle species. \item \ttt{subevt} objects denote a collection of particle momenta within an event. They have their uses in cut and analysis expressions. \item \ttt{process} object are generated by a \ttt{process} statement. There are no expressions involving processes, but they are referred to by \ttt{integrate} and \ttt{simulate} commands. \item \ttt{model}: There is always a current object of type and name \ttt{model}. Several models can be used concurrently by appropriately defining processes, but this happens behind the scenes. \item \ttt{beams}: Similarly, the current implementation allows only for a single object of this type at a given time, which is assigned by a \ttt{beams =} statement and used by \ttt{integrate}. \end{itemize} In the current implementation, \sindarin\ has no container data types derived from basic types, such as lists, arrays, or hashes, and there are no user-defined data types. (The \ttt{subevt} type is a container for particles in the context of events, but there is no type for an individual particle: this is represented as a one-particle \ttt{subevt}). There are also containers for inclusive processes which are however simply handled as an expansion into several components of a master process tag. \section{Variables} \label{sec:variables} \sindarin\ supports global variables, variables local to a scoping unit (the option body of a command, the body of a \ttt{scan} loop), and variables local to an expression. Some variables are predefined by the system (\emph{intrinsic variables}). They are further separated into \emph{independent} variables that can be reset by the user, and \emph{derived} or locked variables that are automatically computed by the program, but not directly user-modifiable. On top of that, the user is free to introduce his own variables (\emph{user variables}). The names of numerical variables consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores. The first character must not be a digit. Logical variable names are furthermore prefixed by a \ttt{?} (question mark) sign, while string variable names begin with a \ttt{\$} (dollar) sign. Character case does matter. In this manual we follow the convention that variable names consist of lower-case letters, digits, and underscores only, but you may also use upper-case letters if you wish. Physics models contain their own, specific set of numeric variables (masses, couplings). They are attached to the model where they are defined, so they appear and disappear with the model that is currently loaded. In particular, if two different models contain a variable with the same name, these two variables are nevertheless distinct: setting one doesn't affect the other. This feature might be called, in computer-science jargon, a \emph{mixin}. User variables -- global or local -- are declared by their type when they are introduced, and acquire an initial value upon declaration. Examples: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} int i = 3 real my_cut_value = 10 GeV complex c = 3 - 4 * I logical ?top_decay_allowed = mH > 2 * mtop string $hello = "Hello world!" alias q = d:u:s:c \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} An existing user variable can be assigned a new value without a declaration: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} i = i + 1 \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} and it may also be redeclared if the new declaration specifies the same type, this is equivalent to assigning a new value. Variables local to an expression are introduced by the \ttt{let ... in} contruct. Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} real a = let int n = 2 in x^n + y^n \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The explicit \ttt{int} declaration is necessary only if the variable \ttt{n} has not been declared before. An intrinsic variable must not be declared: \ttt{let mtop = 175.3 GeV in \ldots} \ttt{let} constructs can be concatenated if several local variables need to be assigned: \ttt{let a = 3 in let b = 4 in \textit{expression}}. Variables of type \ttt{subevt} can only be defined in \ttt{let} constructs. Exclusively in the context of particle selections (event analysis), there are \emph{observables} as special numeric objects. They are used like numeric variables, but they are never declared or assigned. They get their value assigned dynamically, computed from the particle momentum configuration. Hence, they may be understood as (intrinsic and predefined) macros. By convention, observable names begin with a capital letter. Further macros are \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{cuts} and \ttt{analysis}. They are of type logical, and can be assigned an expression by the user. They are evaluated once for each event. \item \ttt{scale}, \ttt{factorization\_scale} and \ttt{renormalization\_scale} are real numeric macros which define the energy scale(s) of an event. The latter two override the former. If no scale is defined, the partonic energy is used as the process scale. \item \ttt{weight} is a real numeric macro. If it is assigned an expression, the expression is evaluated for each valid phase-space point, and the result multiplies the matrix element. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{\sindarin\ in Details} \label{chap:sindarin} \section{Data and expressions} \subsection{Real-valued objects} \label{sec:real} Real literals have their usual form, mantissa and, optionally, exponent: \begin{center} \ttt{0.}\quad \ttt{3.14}\quad \ttt{-.5}\quad \ttt{2.345e-3}\quad \ttt{.890E-023} \end{center} Internally, real values are treated as double precision. The values are read by the \fortran\ library, so details depend on its implementation. A special feature of \sindarin\ is that numerics (real and integer) can be immediately followed by a physical unit. The supported units are presently hard-coded, they are \begin{center} \ttt{meV}\quad \ttt{eV}\quad \ttt{keV}\quad \ttt{MeV}\quad \ttt{GeV}\quad \ttt{TeV} \\ \ttt{nbarn}\quad \ttt{pbarn}\quad \ttt{fbarn}\quad \ttt{abarn} \\ \ttt{rad}\quad \ttt{mrad}\quad \ttt{degree} \\ \ttt{\%} \end{center} If a number is followed by a unit, it is automatically normalized to the corresponding default unit: \ttt{14.TeV} is transformed into the real number \ttt{14000.} Default units are \ttt{GeV}, \ttt{fbarn}, and \ttt{rad}. The \ttt{\%} sign after a number has the effect that the number is multiplied by $0.01$. Note that no checks for consistency of units are done, so you can add \ttt{1 meV + 3 abarn} if you absolutely wish to. Omitting units is always allowed, in that case, the default unit is assumed. Units are not treated as variables. In particular, you can't write \ttt{theta / degree}, the correct form is \ttt{theta / 1 degree}. There is a single predefined real constant, namely $\pi$ which is referred to by the keyword \ttt{pi}. In addition, there is a single predefined complex constant, which is the complex unit $i$, being referred to by the keyword \ttt{I}. The arithmetic operators are \begin{center} \verb|+| \verb|-| \verb|*| \verb|/| \verb|^| \end{center} with their obvious meaning and the usual precedence rules. \sindarin\ supports a bunch of standard numerical functions, mostly equivalent to their \fortran\ counterparts: \begin{center} \ttt{abs}\quad \ttt{conjg}\quad \ttt{sgn}\quad \ttt{mod}\quad \ttt{modulo} \\ \ttt{sqrt}\quad \ttt{exp}\quad \ttt{log}\quad \ttt{log10} \\ \ttt{sin}\quad \ttt{cos}\quad \ttt{tan}\quad \ttt{asin}\quad \ttt{acos}\quad \ttt{atan} \\ \ttt{sinh}\quad \ttt{cosh}\quad \ttt{tanh} \end{center} (Unlike \fortran, the \ttt{sgn} function takes only one argument and returns $1.$, or $-1.$) The function argument is enclosed in brackets: \ttt{sqrt (2.)}, \ttt{tan (11.5 degree)}. There are two functions with two real arguments: \begin{center} \ttt{max}\quad \ttt{min} \end{center} Example: \verb|real lighter_mass = min (mZ, mH)| The following functions of a real convert to integer: \begin{center} \ttt{int}\quad \ttt{nint}\quad \ttt{floor}\quad \ttt{ceiling} %% \; . \end{center} and this converts to complex type: \begin{center} \ttt{complex} \end{center} Real values can be compared by the following operators, the result is a logical value: \begin{center} \verb|==|\quad \verb|<>| \\ \verb|>|\quad \verb|<|\quad \verb|>=|\quad \verb|<=| \end{center} In \sindarin, it is possible to have more than two operands in a logical expressions. The comparisons are done from left to right. Hence, \begin{center} \verb|115 GeV < mH < 180 GeV| \end{center} is valid \sindarin\ code and evaluates to \ttt{true} if the Higgs mass is in the given range. Tests for equality and inequality with machine-precision real numbers are notoriously unreliable and should be avoided altogether. To deal with this problem, \sindarin\ has the possibility to make the comparison operators ``fuzzy'' which should be read as ``equal (unequal) up to an absolute tolerance'', where the tolerance is given by the real-valued intrinsic variable \ttt{tolerance}. This variable is initially zero, but can be set to any value (for instance, \ttt{tolerance = 1.e-13} by the user. Note that for non-zero tolerance, operators like \verb|==| and \verb|<>| or \verb|<| and \verb|>| are not mutually exclusive\footnote{In older versions of \whizard, until v2.1.1, there used to be separate comparators for the comparisons up to a tolerance, namely \ttt{==\~{}} and \ttt{<>\~{}}. These have been discarded from v2.2.0 on in order to simplify the syntax.}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Integer-valued objects} \label{sec:integer} Integer literals are obvious: \begin{center} \ttt{1}\quad \ttt{-98765}\quad \ttt{0123} \end{center} Integers are always signed. Their range is the default-integer range as determined by the \fortran\ compiler. Like real values, integer values can be followed by a physical unit: \ttt{1 TeV}, \ttt{30 degree}. This actually transforms the integer into a real. Standard arithmetics is supported: \begin{center} \verb|+| \verb|-| \verb|*| \verb|/| \verb|^| \end{center} It is important to note that there is no fraction datatype, and pure integer arithmetics does not convert to real. Hence \ttt{3/4} evaluates to \ttt{0}, but \ttt{3 GeV / 4 GeV} evaluates to \ttt{0.75}. Since all arithmetics is handled by the underlying \fortran\ library, integer overflow is not detected. If in doubt, do real arithmetics. Integer functions are more restricted than real functions. We support the following: \begin{center} \ttt{abs}\quad \ttt{sgn}\quad \ttt{mod}\quad \ttt{modulo} \\ \ttt{max}\quad \ttt{min} \end{center} and the conversion functions \begin{center} \ttt{real}\quad \ttt{complex} \end{center} Comparisons of integers among themselves and with reals are possible using the same set of comparison operators as for real values. This includes the operators with a finite tolerance. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Complex-valued objects} \label{sec:complex} Complex variables and values are currently not yet used by the physics models implemented in \whizard. There complex input coupling constants are always split into their real and imaginary parts (or modulus and phase). They are exclusively available for arithmetic calculations. There is no form for complex literals. Complex values must be created via an arithmetic expression, \begin{center} \ttt{complex c = 1 + 2 * I} \end{center} where the imaginary unit \ttt{I} is predefined as a constant. The standard arithmetic operations are supported (also mixed with real and integer). Support for functions is currently still incomplete, among the supported functions there are \ttt{sqrt}, \ttt{log}, \ttt{exp}. \subsection{Logical-valued objects} There are two predefined logical constants, \ttt{true} and \ttt{false}. Logicals are \emph{not} equivalent to integers (like in C) or to strings (like in PERL), but they make up a type of their own. Only in \verb|printf| output, they are treated as strings, that is, they require the \verb|%s| conversion specifier. The names of logical variables begin with a question mark \ttt{?}. Here is the declaration of a logical user variable: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} logical ?higgs_decays_into_tt = mH > 2 * mtop \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Logical expressions use the standard boolean operations \begin{center} \ttt{or}\quad \ttt{and}\quad \ttt{not} \end{center} The results of comparisons (see above) are logicals. There is also a special logical operator with lower priority, concatenation by a semicolon: \begin{center} \ttt{\textit{lexpr1} ; \textit{lexpr2}} \end{center} This evaluates \textit{lexpr1} and throws its result away, then evaluates \textit{lexpr2} and returns that result. This feature is to used with logical expressions that have a side effect, namely the \ttt{record} function within analysis expressions. The primary use for intrinsic logicals are flags that change the behavior of commands. For instance, \ttt{?unweighted = true} and \ttt{?unweighted = false} switch the unweighting of simulated event samples on and off. \subsection{String-valued objects and string operations} \label{sec:sprintf} String literals are enclosed in double quotes: \ttt{"This is a string."} The empty string is \ttt{""}. String variables begin with the dollar sign: \verb|$|. There is only one string operation, concatenation \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} string $foo = "abc" & "def" \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} However, it is possible to transform variables and values to a string using the \ttt{sprintf} function. This function is an interface to the system's \ttt{C} function \ttt{sprintf} with some restrictions and modifications. The allowed conversion specifiers are \begin{center} \verb|%d|\quad \verb|%i| (integer) \\ \verb|%e|\quad \verb|%f|\quad \verb|%g|\quad \verb|%E|\quad \verb|%F|\quad \verb|%G| (real) \\ \verb|%s| (string and logical) \end{center} The conversions can use flag parameter, field width, and precision, but length modifiers are not supported since they have no meaning for the application. (See also Sec.~\ref{sec:I/O}.) The \ttt{sprintf} function has the syntax \begin{center} \ttt{sprintf} \textit{format-string} \ttt{(}\textit{arg-list}\ttt{)} \end{center} This is an expression that evaluates to a string. The format string contains the mentioned conversion specifiers. The argument list is optional. The arguments are separated by commas. Allowed arguments are integer, real, logical, and string variables, and numeric expressions. Logical and string expressions can also be printed, but they have to be dressed as \emph{anonymous variables}. A logical anonymous variable has the form \ttt{?(}\textit{logical\_expr}\ttt{)} (example: \ttt{?(mH > 115 GeV)}). A string anonymous variable has the form \ttt{\$(}\textit{string-expr}\ttt{)}. Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} string $unit = "GeV" string $str = sprintf "mW = %f %s" (mW, $unit) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The related \ttt{printf} command with the same syntax prints the formatted string to standard output\footnote{In older versions of \whizard, until v2.1.1, there also used to be a \ttt{sprintd} function and a \ttt{printd} command for default formats without a format string. They have been discarded in order to simplify the syntax from version v2.2.0 on.}. \section{Particles and (sub)events} \subsection{Particle aliases} \label{sec:alias} A particle species is denoted by its name as a string: \verb|"W+"|. Alternatively, it can be addressed by an \ttt{alias}. For instance, the $W^+$ boson has the alias \ttt{Wp}. Aliases are used like variables in a context where a particle species is expected, and the user can specify his/her own aliases. An alias may either denote a single particle species or a class of particles species. A colon \ttt{:} concatenates particle names and aliases to yield multi-species aliases: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} alias quark = u:d:s alias wboson = "W+":"W-" \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Such aliases are used for defining processes with summation over flavors, and for defining classes of particles for analysis. Each model files define both names and (single-particle) aliases for all particles it contains. Furthermore, it defines the class aliases \verb|colored| and \verb|charged| which are particularly useful for event analysis. \subsection{Subevents} Subevents are sets of particles, extracted from an event. The sets are unordered by default, but may be ordered by appropriate functions. Obviously, subevents are meaningful only in a context where an event is available. The possible context may be the specification of a cut, weight, scale, or analysis expression. To construct a simple subevent, we put a particle alias or an expression of type particle alias into square brackets: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|["W+"]|\quad \verb|[u:d:s]|\quad \verb|[colored]| \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} These subevents evaluate to the set of all $W^+$ bosons (to be precise, their four-momenta), all $u$, $d$, or $s$ quarks, and all colored particles, respectively. A subevent can contain pseudoparticles, i.e., particle combinations. That is, the four-momenta of distinct particles are combined (added conmponent-wise), and the results become subevent elements just like ordinary particles. The (pseudo)particles in a subevent are non-overlapping. That is, for any of the particles in the original event, there is at most one (pseudo)particle in the subevent in which it is contained. Sometimes, variables (actually, named constants) of type subevent are useful. Subevent variables are declared by the \ttt{subevt} keyword, and their names carry the prefix \verb|@|. Subevent variables exist only within the scope of a \verb|cuts| (or \verb|scale|, \verb|analysis|, etc.) macro, which is evaluated in the presence of an actual event. In the macro body, they are assigned via the \ttt{let} construct: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} cuts = let subevt @jets = select if Pt > 10 GeV [colored] in all Theta > 10 degree [@jets, @jets] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} In this expression, we first define \verb|@jets| to stand for the set of all colored partons with $p_T>10\;\mathrm{GeV}$. This abbreviation is then used in a logical expression, which evaluates to true if all relative angles between distinct jets are greater than $10$ degree. We note that the example also introduces pairs of subevents: the square bracket with two entries evaluates to the list of all possible pairs which do not overlap. The objects within square brackets can be either subevents or alias expressions. The latter are transformed into subevents before they are used. As a special case, the original event is always available as the predefined subevent \verb|@evt|. \subsection{Subevent functions} There are several functions that take a subevent (or an alias) as an argument and return a new subevent. Here we describe them: \subsubsection{collect} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{collect [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{collect if \textit{condition} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{collect if \textit{condition} [\textit{particles}, \textit{ref\_particles}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} First version: collect all particle momenta in the argument and combine them to a single four-momentum. The \textit{particles} argument may either be a \ttt{subevt} expression or an \ttt{alias} expression. The result is a one-entry \ttt{subevt}. In the second form, only those particles are collected which satisfy the \textit{condition}, a logical expression. Example: \ttt{collect if Pt > 10 GeV [colored]} The third version is useful if you want to put binary observables (i.e., observables constructed from two different particles) in the condition. The \textit{ref\_particles} provide the second argument for binary observables in the \textit{condition}. A particle is taken into account if the condition is true with respect to all reference particles that do not overlap with this particle. Example: \ttt{collect if Theta > 5 degree [photon, charged]}: combine all photons that are separated by 5 degrees from all charged particles. \subsubsection{cluster} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{cluster [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{cluster if \textit{condition} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} First version: collect all particle momenta in the argument and cluster them to a set of jets. The \textit{particles} argument may either be a \ttt{subevt} expression or an \ttt{alias} expression. The result is a one-entry \ttt{subevt}. In the second form, only those particles are clustered which satisfy the \textit{condition}, a logical expression. Example: \ttt{cluster if Pt > 10 GeV [colored]} % The third version is usefule if you want to put binary observables (i.e., % observables constructed from two different particles) in the condition. The % \textit{ref\_particles} provide the second argument for binary observables in % the \textit{condition}. A particle is taken into account if the condition is % true with respect to all reference particles that do not overlap with this % particle. Example: \ttt{cluster if Theta > 5 degree [photon, charged]}: % combine all photons that are separated by 5 degrees from all charged % particles. This command is available from \whizard\ version 2.2.1 on, and only if the \fastjet\ package has been installed and linked with \whizard\ (cf. Sec.\ref{sec:fastjet}); in a future version of \whizard\ it is foreseen to have also an intrinsic clustering package inside \whizard\ which will be able to support some of the clustering algorithms below. To use it in an analysis, you have to set the variable \ttt{jet\_algorithm} to one of the predefined jet-algorithm values (integer constants): \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{kt\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{cambridge\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{genkt\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{cambridge\_for\_passive\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{genkt\_for\_passive\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{ee\_kt\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{ee\_genkt\_algorithm}\\ \ttt{plugin\_algorithm} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} and the variable \ttt{jet\_r} to the desired $R$ parameter value, as appropriate for the analysis and the jet algorithm. Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm jet_r = 0.7 cuts = all Pt > 15 GeV [cluster if Pt > 5 GeV [colored]] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsubsection{select\_b\_jet, select\_non\_b\_jet, select\_c\_jet, select\_light\_jet} This command is available from \whizard\ version 2.8.1 on, and it only generates anything non-trivial if the \fastjet\ package has been installed and linked with \whizard\ (cf. Sec.\ref{sec:fastjet}). It only returns sensible results when it is applied to subevents after the \ttt{cluster} command (cf. the paragraph before). It is similar to the \ttt{select} command, and accepts a logical expression as a possible condition. The four commands \ttt{select\_b\_jet}, \ttt{select\_non\_b\_jet}, \ttt{select\_c\_jet}, and \ttt{select\_light\_jet} select $b$ jets, non-$b$ jets (anything lighter than $b$s), $c$ jets (neither $b$ nor light) and light jets (anything besides $b$ and $c$), respectively. An example looks like this: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} alias lightjet = u:U:d:D:s:S:c:C:gl alias jet = b:B:lightjet process eebbjj = e1, E1 => b, B, lightjet, lightjet jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm jet_r = 0.5 cuts = let subevt @clustered_jets = cluster [jet] in let subevt @bjets = select_b_jet [@clustered_jets] in ..... \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsubsection{photon\_isolation} This command is available from \whizard\ version 2.8.1 on. It provides isolation of photons from hadronic (and possibly electromagnetic) activity in the event to define a (especially) NLO cross section that is completely perturbative. The isolation criterion according to Frixione, cf.~\cite{Frixione:1998jh}, removes the non-perturbative contribution from the photon fragmentation function. This command can in principle be applied to elementary hard process partons (and leptons), but generates something sensible only if the \fastjet\ package has been installed and linked with \whizard\ (cf. Sec.\ref{sec:fastjet}). There are three parameters which allow to tune the isolation, \ttt{photon\_iso\_r0}, which is the radius $R^0_\gamma$ of the isolation cone, \ttt{photon\_iso\_eps}, which is the fraction $\epsilon_\gamma$ of the photon (transverse) energy that enters the isolation criterion, and the exponent of the isolation cone, \ttt{photon\_iso\_n}, $n^\gamma$. For more information cf.~\cite{Frixione:1998jh}. The command allows also a conditional cut on the photon which is applied before the isolation takes place. The first argument are the photons in the event, the second the particles from which they should be isolated. If also the electromagnetic activity is to be isolated, photons need to be isolated from themselves and must be included in the second argument. This is mandatory if leptons appear in the second argument. Two examples look like this: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} alias jet = u:U:d:D:s:S:c:C:gl process eeaajj = e1, E1 => A, A, jet, jet jet_algorithm = antikt_algorithm jet_r = 0.5 cuts = photon_isolation if Pt > 10 GeV [A, jet] .... cuts = let subevt @jets = cluster [jet] in photon_isolation if Pt > 10 GeV [A, @jets] ..... process eeajmm = e1, E1 => A, jet, e2, E2 cuts = let subevt @jets = cluster [jet] in let subevt @iso = join [@jets, A:e2:E2] photon_isolation [A, @iso] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} +\subsubsection{photon\_recombination} +\begin{quote} +\begin{footnotesize} + \ttt{photon\_recombination [\textit{photons}, \textit{particles}]} \\ + \ttt{photon\_recombination if \textit{condition}} [\textit{photons}, \textit{particles}] +\end{footnotesize} +\end{quote} +This function, which maps subevents into other subevents, is used for +electroweak (and mixed coupling) higher order calculations. It takes +the selection of \texttt{photons} (for the moment, \whizard\ restricts +this to one explicit photon in final state) and recombines it with the +closest particle from \texttt{particles} in $R$-distance, if the +$R$-distance is smaller than the parameter set by +\texttt{photon\_rec\_r0}. Otherwise the \texttt{particles} subevent +is left unchanged. The logical variable +\texttt{?keep\_flavors\_when\_recombining} determines whether +\whizard\ keeps the flavor of the particle with which the photon is +recombined into the pseudoparticle, the default being \texttt{true}. +An example for photon recombination is shown here: +\begin{quote} +\begin{footnotesize} +\begin{verbatim} + alias lep = e1:e2:e3:E1:E2:E3 + process eevv = e1, E1 => A, lep, lep, lep, lep + photon_rec_r0 = 0.15 + cuts = let subevt @reco = + photon_recombination if abs (Eta) < 2.5 [A, lep] in + .... +\end{verbatim} +\end{footnotesize} +\end{quote} + \subsubsection{combine} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{combine [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}]} \\ \ttt{combine if \textit{condition}} [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}] \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Make a new subevent of composite particles. The composites are generated by combining all particles from subevent \textit{particles\_1} with all particles from subevent \textit{particles\_2} in all possible combinations. Overlapping combinations are excluded, however: if a (composite) particle in the first argument has a constituent in common with a composite particle in the second argument, the combination is dropped. In particular, this applies if the particles are identical. If a \textit{condition} is provided, the combination is done only when the logical expression, applied to the particle pair in question, returns true. For instance, here we reconstruct intermediate $W^-$ bosons: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} let @W_candidates = combine if 70 GeV < M < 80 GeV ["mu-", "numubar"] in ... \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Note that the combination may fail, so the resulting subevent could be empty. \subsubsection{operator +} If there is no condition, the $+$ operator provides a convenient shorthand for the \verb|combine| command. In particular, it can be used if there are several particles to combine. Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} cuts = any 170 GeV < M < 180 GeV [b + lepton + invisible] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsubsection{select} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{select if \textit{condition} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{select if \textit{condition} [\textit{particles}, \textit{ref\_particles}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} One argument: select all particles in the argument that satisfy the \textit{condition} and drop the rest. Two arguments: the \textit{ref\_particles} provide a second argument for binary observables. Select particles if the condition is satisfied for all reference particles. \subsubsection{extract} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{extract [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{extract index \textit{index-value} [\textit{particles}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Return a single-particle subevent. In the first version, it contains the first particle in the subevent \textit{particles}. In the second version, the particle with index \textit{index-value} is returned, where \textit{index-value} is an integer expression. If its value is negative, the index is counted from the end of the subevent. The order of particles in an event or subevent is not always well-defined, so you may wish to sort the subevent before applying the \textit{extract} function to it. \subsubsection{sort} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{sort [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{sort by \textit{observable} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{sort by \textit{observable} [\textit{particles}, \textit{ref\_particle}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Sort the subevent according to some criterion. If no criterion is supplied (first version), the subevent is sorted by increasing PDG code (first particles, then antiparticles). In the second version, the \textit{observable} is a real expression which is evaluated for each particle of the subevent in turn. The subevent is sorted by increasing value of this expression, for instance: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} let @sorted_evt = sort by Pt [@evt] in ... \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} In the third version, a reference particle is provided as second argument, so the sorting can be done for binary observables. It doesn't make much sense to have several reference particles at once, so the \ttt{sort} function uses only the first entry in the subevent \textit{ref-particle}, if it has more than one. \subsubsection{join} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{join [\textit{particles}, \textit{new\_particles}]} \\ \ttt{join if \textit{condition} [\textit{particles}, \textit{new\_particles}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This commands appends the particles in subevent \textit{new\_particles} to the subevent \textit{particles}, i.e., it joins the two particle sets. To be precise, a (pseudo)particle from \textit{new\_particles} is only appended if it does not overlap with any of the (pseudo)particles present in \textit{particles}, so the function will not produce overlapping entries. In the second version, each particle from \textit{new\_particles} is also checked with all particles in the first set whether \textit{condition} is fulfilled. If yes, and there is no overlap, it is appended, otherwise it is dropped. \subsubsection{operator \&} Subevents can also be concatenated by the operator \verb|&|. This effectively applies \ttt{join} to all operands in turn. Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} let @visible = select if Pt > 10 GeV and E > 5 GeV [photon] & select if Pt > 20 GeV and E > 10 GeV [colored] & select if Pt > 10 GeV [lepton] in ... \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsection{Calculating observables} Observables (invariant mass \ttt{M}, energy \ttt{E}, \ldots) are used in expressions just like ordinary numeric variables. By convention, their names start with a capital letter. They are computed using a particle momentum (or two particle momenta) which are taken from a subsequent subevent argument. We can extract the value of an observable for an event and make it available for computing the \ttt{scale} value, or for histogramming etc.: \subsubsection{eval} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{eval \textit{expr} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{eval \textit{expr} [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The function \ttt{eval} takes an expression involving observables and evaluates it for the first momentum (or momentum pair) of the subevent (or subevent pair) in square brackets that follows the expression. For example, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} eval Pt [colored] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} evaluates to the transverse momentum of the first colored particle, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} eval M [@jets, @jets] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} evaluates to the invariant mass of the first distinct pair of jets (assuming that \verb|@jets| has been defined in a \ttt{let} construct), and \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} eval E - M [combine [e1, N1]] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} evaluates to the difference of energy and mass of the combination of the first electron-neutrino pair in the event. The last example illustrates why observables are treated like variables, even though they are functions of particles: the \ttt{eval} construct with the particle reference in square brackets after the expression allows to compute derived observables -- observables which are functions of new observables -- without the need for hard-coding them as new functions. \subsection{Cuts and event selection} \label{sec:cuts} Instead of a numeric value, we can use observables to compute a logical value. \subsubsection{all} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{all \textit{logical\_expr} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{all \textit{logical\_expr} [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The \ttt{all} construct expects a logical expression and one or two subevent arguments in square brackets. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} all Pt > 10 GeV [charged] all 80 GeV < M < 100 GeV [lepton, antilepton] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} In the second example, \ttt{lepton} and \ttt{antilepton} should be aliases defined in a \ttt{let} construct. (Recall that aliases are promoted to subevents if they occur within square brackets.) This construction defines a cut. The result value is \ttt{true} if the logical expression evaluates to \ttt{true} for all particles in the subevent in square brackets. In the two-argument case it must be \ttt{true} for all non-overlapping combinations of particles in the two subevents. If one of the arguments is the empty subevent, the result is also \ttt{true}. \subsubsection{any} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{any \textit{logical\_expr} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{any \textit{logical\_expr} [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The \ttt{any} construct is true if the logical expression is true for at least one particle or non-overlapping particle combination: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} any E > 100 GeV [photon] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This defines a trigger or selection condition. If a subevent argument is empty, it evaluates to \ttt{false} \subsubsection{no} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{no \textit{logical\_expr} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{no \textit{logical\_expr} [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The \ttt{no} construct is true if the logical expression is true for no single one particle or non-overlapping particle combination: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} no 5 degree < Theta < 175 degree ["e-":"e+"] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This defines a veto condition. If a subevent argument is empty, it evaluates to \ttt{true}. It is equivalent to \ttt{not any\ldots}, but included for notational convenience. \subsection{More particle functions} \subsubsection{count} \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{count [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{count [\textit{particles\_1}, \textit{particles\_2}]} \\ \ttt{count if \textit{logical-expr} [\textit{particles}]} \\ \ttt{count if \textit{logical-expr} [\textit{particles}, \textit{ref\_particles}]} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This counts the number of events in a subevent, the result is of type \ttt{int}. If there is a conditional expression, it counts the number of \ttt{particle} in the subevent that pass the test. If there are two arguments, it counts the number of non-overlapping particle pairs (that pass the test, if any). \subsubsection{Predefined observables} The following real-valued observables are available in \sindarin\ for use in \ttt{eval}, \ttt{all}, \ttt{any}, \ttt{no}, and \ttt{count} constructs. The argument is always the subevent or alias enclosed in square brackets. \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{M2} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: Invariant mass squared of the (composite) particle in the argument. \item Two arguments: Invariant mass squared of the sum of the two momenta. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{M} \begin{itemize} \item Signed square root of \ttt{M2}: positive if $\ttt{M2}>0$, negative if $\ttt{M2}<0$. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{E} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: Energy of the (composite) particle in the argument. \item Two arguments: Sum of the energies of the two momenta. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Px}, \ttt{Py}, \ttt{Pz} \begin{itemize} \item Like \ttt{E}, but returning the spatial momentum components. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{P} \begin{itemize} \item Like \ttt{E}, returning the absolute value of the spatial momentum. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Pt}, \ttt{Pl} \begin{itemize} \item Like \ttt{E}, returning the transversal and longitudinal momentum, respectively. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Theta} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: Absolute polar angle in the lab frame \item Two arguments: Angular distance of two particles in the lab frame. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Theta\_star} Only with two arguments, gives the relative polar angle of the two momenta in the rest system of the momentum sum (i.e. mother particle). \item \ttt{Phi} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: Absolute azimuthal angle in the lab frame \item Two arguments: Azimuthal distance of two particles in the lab frame \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Rap}, \ttt{Eta} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: rapidity / pseudorapidity \item Two arguments: rapidity / pseudorapidity difference \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Dist} \begin{itemize} \item Two arguments: Distance on the $\eta$-$\phi$ cylinder, i.e., $\sqrt{\Delta\eta^2 + \Delta\phi^2}$ \end{itemize} \item \ttt{kT} \begin{itemize} \item Two arguments: $k_T$ jet clustering variable: $2 \min (E_{j1}^2, E_{j2}^2) / Q^2 \times (1 - \cos\theta_{j1,j2})$. At the moment, $Q^2 = 1$ GeV$^2$. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} There are also integer-valued observables: \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{PDG} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: PDG code of the particle. For a composite particle, the code is undefined (value 0). For flavor sums in the \ttt{cuts} statement, this observable always returns the same flavor, i.e. the first one from the flavor list. It is thus only sensible to use it in an \ttt{analysis} or \ttt{selection} statement when simulating events. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Ncol} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: Number of open color lines. Only count color lines, not anticolor lines. This is defined only if the global flag \ttt{?colorize\_subevt} is true. \end{itemize} \item \ttt{Nacl} \begin{itemize} \item One argument: Number of open anticolor lines. Only count anticolor lines, not color lines. This is defined only if the global flag \ttt{?colorize\_subevt} is true. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Physics Models} \label{sec:models} A physics model is a combination of particles, numerical parameters (masses, couplings, widths), and Feynman rules. Many physics analyses are done in the context of the Standard Model (SM). The SM is also the default model for \whizard. Alternatively, you can choose a subset of the SM (QED or QCD), variants of the SM (e.g., with or without nontrivial CKM matrix), or various extensions of the SM. The complete list is displayed in Table~\ref{tab:models}. The model definitions are contained in text files with filename extension \ttt{.mdl}, e.g., \ttt{SM.mdl}, which are located in the \ttt{share/models} subdirectory of the \whizard\ installation. These files are easily readable, so if you need details of a model implementation, inspect their contents. The model file contains the complete particle and parameter definitions as well as their default values. It also contains a list of vertices. This is used only for phase-space setup; the vertices used for generating amplitudes and the corresponding Feynman rules are stored in different files within the \oMega\ source tree. In a \sindarin\ script, a model is a special object of type \ttt{model}. There is always a \emph{current} model. Initially, this is the SM, so on startup \whizard\ reads the \ttt{SM.mdl} model file and assigns its content to the current model object. (You can change the default model by the \ttt{--model} option on the command line. Also the preloading of a model can be switched off with the \ttt{--no-model} option) Once the model has been loaded, you can define processes for the model, and you have all independent model parameters at your disposal. As noted before, these are intrinsic parameters which need not be declared when you assign them a value, for instance: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} mW = 80.33 GeV wH = 243.1 MeV \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Other parameters are \emph{derived}. They can be used in expressions like any other parameter, they are also intrinsic, but they cannot be modified directly at all. For instance, the electromagnetic coupling \ttt{ee} is a derived parameter. If you change either \ttt{GF} (the Fermi constant), \ttt{mW} (the $W$ mass), or \ttt{mZ} (the $Z$ mass), this parameter will reflect the change, but setting it directly is an error. In other words, the SM is defined within \whizard\ in the $G_F$-$m_W$-$m_Z$ scheme. (While this scheme is unusual for loop calculations, it is natural for a tree-level event generator where the $Z$ and $W$ poles have to be at their experimentally determined location\footnote{In future versions of \whizard\ it is foreseen to implement other electroweak schemes.}.) The model also defines the particle names and aliases that you can use for defining processes, cuts, or analyses. If you would like to generate a SUSY process instead, for instance, you can assign a different model (cf.\ Table~\ref{tab:models}) to the current model object: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} model = MSSM \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This assignment has the consequence that the list of SM parameters and particles is replaced by the corresponding MSSM list (which is much longer). The MSSM contains essentially all SM parameters by the same name, but in fact they are different parameters. This is revealed when you say \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} model = SM mb = 5.0 GeV model = MSSM show (mb) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} After the model is reassigned, you will see the MSSM value of $m_b$ which still has its default value, not the one you have given. However, if you revert to the SM later, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} model = SM show (mb) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} you will see that your modification of the SM's $m_b$ value has been remembered. If you want both mass values to agree, you have to set them separately in the context of their respective model. Although this might seem cumbersome at first, it is nevertheless a sensible procedure since the parameters defined by the user might anyhow not be defined or available for all chosen models. When using two different models which need an SLHA input file, these {\em have} to be provided for both models. Within a given scope, there is only one current model. The current model can be reset permanently as above. It can also be temporarily be reset in a local scope, i.e., the option body of a command or the body of a \ttt{scan} loop. It is thus possible to use several models within the same script. For instance, you may define a SUSY signal process and a pure-SM background process. Each process depends only on the respective model's parameter set, and a change to a parameter in one of the models affects only the corresponding process. \section{Processes} \label{sec:processes} The purpose of \whizard\ is the integration and simulation of high-energy physics processes: scatterings and decays. Hence, \ttt{process} objects play the central role in \sindarin\ scripts. A \sindarin\ script may contain an arbitrary number of process definitions. The initial states need not agree, and the processes may belong to different physics models. \subsection{Process definition} \label{sec:procdef} A process object is defined in a straightforward notation. The definition syntax is straightforward: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{process \textit{process-id} = \textit{incoming-particles}} \verb|=>| \ttt{\textit{outgoing-particles}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Here are typical examples: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process w_pair_production = e1, E1 => "W+", "W-" process zdecay = Z => u, ubar \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Throughout the program, the process will be identified by its \textit{process-id}, so this is the name of the process object. This identifier is arbitrary, chosen by the user. It follows the rules for variable names, so it consists of alphanumeric characters and underscores, where the first character is not numeric. As a special rule, it must not contain upper-case characters. The reason is that this name is used for identifying the process not just within the script, but also within the \fortran\ code that the matrix-element generator produces for this process. After the equals sign, there follow the lists of incoming and outgoing particles. The number of incoming particles is either one or two: scattering processes and decay processes. The number of outgoing particles should be two or larger (as $2\to 1$ processes are proportional to a $\delta$ function they can only be sensibly integrated when using a structure function like a hadron collider PDF or a beamstrahlung spectrum.). There is no hard upper limit; the complexity of processes that \whizard\ can handle depends only on the practical computing limitations (CPU time and memory). Roughly speaking, one can assume that processes up to $2\to 6$ particles are safe, $2\to 8$ processes are feasible given sufficient time for reaching a stable integration, while more complicated processes are largely unexplored. We emphasize that in the default setup, the matrix element of a physics process is computed exactly in leading-order perturbation theory, i.e., at tree level. There is no restriction of intermediate states, the result always contains the complete set of Feynman graphs that connect the initial with the final state. If the result would actually be expanded in Feynman graphs (which is not done by the \oMega\ matrix element generator that \whizard\ uses), the number of graphs can easily reach several thousands, depending on the complexity of the process and on the physics model. More details about the different methods for quantum field-theoretical matrix elements can be found in Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. In the following, we will discuss particle names, options for processes like restrictions on intermediate states, parallelization, flavor sums and process components for inclusive event samples (process containers). \subsection{Particle names} The particle names are taken from the particle definition in the current model file. Looking at the SM, for instance, the electron entry in \ttt{share/models/SM.mdl} reads \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} particle E_LEPTON 11 spin 1/2 charge -1 isospin -1/2 name "e-" e1 electron e anti "e+" E1 positron tex_name "e^-" tex_anti "e^+" mass me \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This tells that you can identify an electron either as \verb|"e-"|, \verb|e1|, \verb|electron|, or simply \verb|e|. The first version is used for output, but needs to be quoted, because otherwise \sindarin\ would interpret the minus sign as an operator. (Technically, unquoted particle identifiers are aliases, while the quoted versions -- you can say either \verb|e1| or \verb|"e1"| -- are names. On input, this makes no difference.) The alternative version \verb|e1| follows a convention, inherited from \comphep~\cite{Boos:2004kh}, that particles are indicated by lower case, antiparticles by upper case, and for leptons, the generation index is appended: \verb|e2| is the muon, \verb|e3| the tau. These alternative names need not be quoted because they contain no special characters. In Table~\ref{tab:SM-particles}, we list the recommended names as well as mass and width parameters for all SM particles. For other models, you may look up the names in the corresponding model file. \begin{table}[p] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|cc|} \hline & Particle & Output name & Alternative names & Mass & Width\\ \hline\hline Leptons &$e^-$ & \verb|e-| & \ttt{e1}\quad\ttt{electron} & \ttt{me} & \\ &$e^+$ & \verb|e+| & \ttt{E1}\quad\ttt{positron} & \ttt{me} & \\ \hline &$\mu^-$ & \verb|mu-| & \ttt{e2}\quad\ttt{muon} & \ttt{mmu} & \\ &$\mu^+$ & \verb|mu+| & \ttt{E2} & \ttt{mmu} & \\ \hline &$\tau^-$ & \verb|tau-| & \ttt{e3}\quad\ttt{tauon} & \ttt{mtau} & \\ &$\tau^+$ & \verb|tau+| & \ttt{E3} & \ttt{mtau} & \\ \hline\hline Neutrinos &$\nu_e$ & \verb|nue| & \ttt{n1} & & \\ &$\bar\nu_e$ & \verb|nuebar| & \ttt{N1} & & \\ \hline &$\nu_\mu$ & \verb|numu| & \ttt{n2} & & \\ &$\bar\nu_\mu$ & \verb|numubar| & \ttt{N2} & & \\ \hline &$\nu_\tau$ & \verb|nutau| & \ttt{n3} & & \\ &$\bar\nu_\tau$ & \verb|nutaubar| & \ttt{N3} & & \\ \hline\hline Quarks &$d$ & \verb|d| & \ttt{down} & & \\ &$\bar d$ & \verb|dbar| & \ttt{D} & & \\ \hline &$u$ & \verb|u| & \ttt{up} & & \\ &$\bar u$ & \verb|ubar| & \ttt{U} & & \\ \hline &$s$ & \verb|s| & \ttt{strange} & \ttt{ms} & \\ &$\bar s$ & \verb|sbar| & \ttt{S} & \ttt{ms} & \\ \hline &$c$ & \verb|c| & \ttt{charm} & \ttt{mc} & \\ &$\bar c$ & \verb|cbar| & \ttt{C} & \ttt{mc} & \\ \hline &$b$ & \verb|b| & \ttt{bottom} & \ttt{mb} & \\ &$\bar b$ & \verb|bbar| & \ttt{B} & \ttt{mb} & \\ \hline &$t$ & \verb|t| & \ttt{top} & \ttt{mtop} & \ttt{wtop} \\ &$\bar t$ & \verb|tbar| & \ttt{T} & \ttt{mtop} & \ttt{wtop} \\ \hline\hline Vector bosons &$g$ & \verb|gl| & \ttt{g}\quad\ttt{G}\quad\ttt{gluon} & & \\ \hline &$\gamma$ & \verb|A| & \ttt{gamma}\quad\ttt{photon} & & \\ \hline &$Z$ & \verb|Z| & & \ttt{mZ} & \ttt{wZ} \\ \hline &$W^+$ & \verb|W+| & \ttt{Wp} & \ttt{mW} & \ttt{wW} \\ &$W^-$ & \verb|W-| & \ttt{Wm} & \ttt{mW} & \ttt{wW} \\ \hline\hline Scalar bosons &$H$ & \verb|H| & \ttt{h}\quad \ttt{Higgs} & \ttt{mH} & \ttt{wH} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{\label{tab:SM-particles} Names that can be used for SM particles. Also shown are the intrinsic variables that can be used to set mass and width, if applicable.} \end{table} Where no mass or width parameters are listed in the table, the particle is assumed to be massless or stable, respectively. This is obvious for particles such as the photon. For neutrinos, the mass is meaningless to particle physics collider experiments, so it is zero. For quarks, the $u$ or $d$ quark mass is unobservable directly, so we also set it zero. For the heavier quarks, the mass may play a role, so it is kept. (The $s$ quark is borderline; one may argue that its mass is also unobservable directly.) On the other hand, the electron mass is relevant, e.g., in photon radiation without cuts, so it is not zero by default. It pays off to set particle masses to zero, if the approximation is justified, since fewer helicity states will contribute to the matrix element. Switching off one of the helicity states of an external fermion speeds up the calculation by a factor of two. Therefore, script files will usually contain the assignments \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} me = 0 mmu = 0 ms = 0 mc = 0 \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} unless they deal with processes where this simplification is phenomenologically unacceptable. Often $m_\tau$ and $m_b$ can also be neglected, but this excludes processes where the Higgs couplings of $\tau$ or $b$ are relevant. Setting fermion masses to zero enables, furthermore, the possibility to define multi-flavor aliases \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} alias q = d:u:s:c alias Q = D:U:S:C \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} and handle processes such as \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process two_jets_at_ilc = e1, E1 => q, Q process w_pairs_at_lhc = q, Q => Wp, Wm \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} where a sum over all allowed flavor combination is automatically included. For technical reasons, such flavor sums are possible only for massless particles (or more general for mass-degenerate particles). If you want to generate inclusive processes with sums over particles of different masses (e.g. summing over $W/Z$ in the final state etc.), confer below the section about process components, Sec.~\ref{sec:processcomp}. Assignments of masses, widths and other parameters are actually in effect when a process is integrated, not when it is defined. So, these assignments may come before or after the process definition, with no significant difference. However, since flavor summation requires masses to be zero, the assignments may be put before the alias definition which is used in the process. The muon, tau, and the heavier quarks are actually unstable. However, the width is set to zero because their decay is a macroscopic effect and, except for the muon, affected by hadron physics, so it is not described by \whizard. (In the current \whizard\ setup, all decays occur at the production vertex. A future version may describe hadronic physics and/or macroscopic particle propagation, and this restriction may be eventually removed.) \subsection{Options for processes} \label{sec:process options} The \ttt{process} definition may contain an optional argument: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{process \textit{process-id} = \textit{incoming-particles}} \verb|=>| \ttt{\textit{outgoing-particles}} \ttt{\{\textit{options\ldots}\}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The \textit{options} are a \sindarin\ script that is executed in a context local to the \ttt{process} command. The assignments it contains apply only to the process that is defined. In the following, we describe the set of potentially useful options (which all can be also set globally): \subsubsection{Model reassignment} It is possible to locally reassign the model via a \ttt{model =} statment, permitting the definition of process using a model other than the globally selected model. The process will retain this association during integration and event generation. \subsubsection{Restrictions on matrix elements} \label{subsec:restrictions} Another useful option is the setting \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|$restrictions =| \ttt{\textit{string}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This option allows to select particular classes of Feynman graphs for the process when using the \oMega\ matrix element generator. The \verb|$restrictions| string specifies e.g. propagators that the graph must contain. Here is an example: \begin{code} process zh_invis = e1, E1 => n1:n2:n3, N1:N2:N3, H { $restrictions = "1+2 ~ Z" } \end{code} The complete process $e^-e^+ \to \nu\bar\nu H$, summed over all neutrino generations, contains both $ZH$ pair production (Higgs-strahlung) and $W^+W^-\to H$ fusion. The restrictions string selects the Higgs-strahlung graph where the initial electrons combine to a $Z$ boson. Here, the particles in the process are consecutively numbered, starting with the initial particles. An alternative for the same selection would be \verb|$restrictions = "3+4 ~ Z"|. Restrictions can be combined using \verb|&&|, for instance \begin{code} $restrictions = "1+2 ~ Z && 3 + 4 ~ Z" \end{code} which is redundant here, however. The restriction keeps the full energy dependence in the intermediate propagator, so the Breit-Wigner shape can be observed in distributions. This breaks gauge invariance, in particular if the intermediate state is off shell, so you should use the feature only if you know the implications. For more details, cf. the Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint} and the \oMega\ manual. Other restrictions that can be combined with the restrictions above on intermediate propagators allow to exclude certain particles from intermediate propagators, or to exclude certain vertices from the matrix elements. For example, \begin{code} process eemm = e1, E1 => e2, E2 { $restrictions = "!A" } \end{code} would exclude all photon propagators from the matrix element and leaves only the $Z$ exchange here. In the same way, \verb|$restrictions = "!gl"| would exclude all gluon exchange. This exclusion of internal propagators works also for lists of particles, like \begin{code} $restrictions = "!Z:H" \end{code} excludes all $Z$ and $H$ propagators from the matrix elements. Besides excluding certain particles as internal lines, it is also possible to exclude certain vertices using the restriction command \begin{code} process eeww = e1, E1 => Wp, Wm { $restrictions = "^[W+,W-,Z]" } \end{code} This would generate the matrix element for the production of two $W$ bosons at LEP without the non-Abelian vertex $W^+W^-Z$. Again, these restrictions are able to work on lists, so \begin{code} $restrictions = "^[W+,W-,A:Z]" \end{code} would exclude all triple gauge boson vertices from the above process and leave only the $t$-channel neutrino exchange. It is also possible to exlude vertices by their coupling constants, e.g. the photon exchange in the process $e^+ e^- \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ can also be removed by the following restriction: \begin{code} $restrictions = "^qlep" \end{code} Here, \ttt{qlep} is the \fortran\ variable for the coupling constant of the electron-positron-photon vertex. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \verb|3+4~Z| & external particles 3 and 4 must come from intermediate $Z$ \\\hline \verb| && | & logical ``and'', e.g. in \verb| 3+5~t && 4+6~tbar| \\\hline \verb| !A | & exclude all $\gamma$ propagators \\\hline \verb| !e+:nue | & exclude a list of propagators, here $\gamma$, $\nu_e$ \\\hline \verb|^qlep:gnclep| & exclude all vertices with \ttt{qlep},\ttt{gnclep} coupling constants \\\hline \verb|^[A:Z,W+,W-]| & exclude all vertices $W^+W^-Z$, $W^+W^-\gamma$ \\\hline \verb|^c1:c2:c3[H,H,H]| & exclude all triple Higgs couplings with $c_i$ constants \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{List of possible restrictions that can be applied to \oMega\ matrix elements.} \label{tab:restrictions} \end{table} The Tab.~\ref{tab:restrictions} gives a list of options that can be applied to the \oMega\ matrix elements. \subsubsection{Other options} There are some further options that the \oMega\ matrix-element generator can take. If desired, any string of options that is contained in this variable \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|$omega_flags =| \ttt{\textit{string}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will be copied verbatim to the \oMega\ call, after all other options. One important application is the scheme of treating the width of unstable particles in the $t$-channel. This is modified by the \verb|model:| class of \oMega\ options. It is well known that for some processes, e.g., single $W$ production from photon-$W$ fusion, gauge invariance puts constraints on the treatment of the unstable-particle width. By default, \oMega\ puts a nonzero width in the $s$ channel only. This correctly represents the resummed Dyson series for the propagator, but it violates QED gauge invariance, although the effect is only visible if the cuts permit the photon to be almost on-shell. An alternative is \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|$omega_flags = "-model:fudged_width"| \end{footnotesize}, \end{quote} which puts zero width in the matrix element, so that gauge cancellations hold, and reinstates the $s$-channel width in the appropriate places by an overall factor that multiplies the whole matrix element. Note that the fudged width option only applies to charged unstable particles, such as the $W$ boson or top quark. Another possibility is \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|$omega_flags = "-model:constant_width"| \end{footnotesize}, \end{quote} which puts the width both in the $s$- and in the $t$-channel like diagrams. A third option is provided by the running width scheme \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|$omega_flags = "-model:running_width"| \end{footnotesize}, \end{quote} which applies the width only for $s$-channel like diagrams and multiplies it by a factor of $p^2 / M^2$. The additional $p^2$-dependent factor mimicks the momentum dependence of the imaginary part of a vacuum polarization for a particle decaying into massles decay products. It is noted that none of the above options preserves gauge invariance. For a gauge preserving approach (at least at tree level), \oMega\ provides the complex-mass scheme \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|$omega_flags = "-model:cms_width| \end{footnotesize}. \end{quote} However, in this case, one also has to modify the model in usage. For example, the parameter setting for the Standard Model can be changed by, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \verb|model = SM (Complex_Mass_Scheme)| \end{footnotesize}. \end{quote} \subsubsection{Multithreaded calculation of helicity sums via OpenMP} \label{sec:openmp} On multicore and / or multiprocessor systems, it is possible to speed up the calculation by using multiple threads to perform the helicity sum in the matrix element calculation. As the processing time used by \whizard\ is not used up solely in the matrix element, the speedup thus achieved varies greatly depending on the process under consideration; while simple processes without flavor sums do not profit significantly from this parallelization, the computation time for processes involving flavor sums with four or more particles in the final state is typically reduced by a factor between two and three when utilizing four parallel threads. The parallization is implemented using \ttt{OpenMP} and requires \whizard\ to be compiled with an \ttt{OpenMP} aware compiler and the appropiate compiler flags This is done in the configuration step, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:installation}. As with all \ttt{OpenMP} programs, the default number of threads used at runtime is up to the compiler runtime support and typically set to the number of independent hardware threads (cores / processors / hyperthreads) available in the system. This default can be adjusted by setting the \ttt{OMP\_NUM\_THREADS} environment variable prior to calling WHIZARD. Alternatively, the available number of threads can be reset anytime by the \sindarin\ parameter \ttt{openmp\_num\_threads}. Note however that the total number of threads that can be sensibly used is limited by the number of nonvanishing helicity combinations. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Process components} \label{sec:processcomp} It was mentioned above that processes with flavor sums (in the initial or final state or both) have to be mass-degenerate (in most cases massless) in all particles that are summed over at a certain position. This condition is necessary in order to use the same phase-space parameterization and integration for the flavor-summed process. However, in many applications the user wants to handle inclusive process definitions, e.g. by defining inclusive decays, inclusive SUSY samples at hadron colliders (gluino pairs, squark pairs, gluino-squark associated production), or maybe lepton-inclusive samples where the tau and muon mass should be kept at different values. In \whizard\, from version v2.2.0 on, there is the possibility to define such inclusive process containers. The infrastructure for this feature is realized via so-called process components: processes are allowed to contain several process components. Those components need not be provided by the same matrix element generator, e.g. internal matrix elements, \oMega\ matrix elements, external matrix element (e.g. from a one-loop program, OLP) can be mixed. The very same infrastructure can also be used for next-to-leading order (NLO) calculations, containing the born with real emission, possible subtraction terms to make the several components infrared- and collinear finite, as well as the virtual corrections. Here, we want to discuss the use for inclusive particle samples. There are several options, the simplest of which to add up different final states by just using the \ttt{+} operator in \sindarin, e.g.: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process multi_comp = e1, E1 => (e2, E2) + (e3, E3) + (A, A) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The brackets are not only used for a better grouping of the expressions, they are not mandatory for \whizard\ to interpret the sum correctly. When integrating, \whizard\ tells you that this a process with three different components: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} | Initializing integration for process multi_comp_1_p1: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'multi_comp' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'multi_comp_i1': e-, e+ => m-, m+ [omega] | 2: 'multi_comp_i2': e-, e+ => t-, t+ [omega] | 3: 'multi_comp_i3': e-, e+ => A, A [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} A different phase-space setup is used for each different component. The integration for each different component is performed separately, and displayed on screen. At the end, a sum of all components is shown. All files that depend on the components are being attached an \ttt{\_i{\em }} where \ttt{{\em }} is the number of the process component that appears in the list above: the \fortran\ code for the matrix element, the \ttt{.phs} file for the phase space parameterization, and the grid files for the \vamp\ Monte-Carlo integration (or any other integration method). However, there will be only one event file for the inclusive process, into which a mixture of events according to the size of the individual process component cross section enter. More options are to specify additive lists of particles. \whizard\ then expands the final states according to tensor product algebra: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process multi_tensor = e1, E1 => e2 + e3 + A, E2 + E3 + A \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This gives the same three process components as above, but \whizard\ recognized that e.g. $e^- e^+ \to \mu^- \gamma$ is a vanishing process, hence the numbering is different: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} | Process component 'multi_tensor_i2': matrix element vanishes | Process component 'multi_tensor_i3': matrix element vanishes | Process component 'multi_tensor_i4': matrix element vanishes | Process component 'multi_tensor_i6': matrix element vanishes | Process component 'multi_tensor_i7': matrix element vanishes | Process component 'multi_tensor_i8': matrix element vanishes | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'multi_tensor' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'multi_tensor_i1': e-, e+ => m-, m+ [omega] | 5: 'multi_tensor_i5': e-, e+ => t-, t+ [omega] | 9: 'multi_tensor_i9': e-, e+ => A, A [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} Identical copies of the same process that would be created by expanding the tensor product of final states are eliminated and appear only once in the final sum of process components. Naturally, inclusive process definitions are also available for decays: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process multi_dec = Wp => E2 + E3, n2 + n3 \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This yields: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} | Process component 'multi_dec_i2': matrix element vanishes | Process component 'multi_dec_i3': matrix element vanishes | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [decay]: 'multi_dec' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 2 | Process components: | 1: 'multi_dec_i1': W+ => mu+, numu [omega] | 4: 'multi_dec_i4': W+ => tau+, nutau [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Compilation} \label{sec:compilation} Once processes have been set up, to make them available for integration they have to be compiled. More precisely, the matrix-element generator \oMega\ (and it works similarly if a different matrix element method is chosen) is called to generate matrix element code, the compiler is called to transform this \fortran\ code into object files, and the linker is called to collect this in a dynamically loadable library. Finally, this library is linked to the program. From version v2.2.0 of \whizard\ this is no longer done by system calls of the OS but steered via process library Makefiles. Hence, the user can execute and manipulate those Makefiles in order to manually intervene in the particular steps, if he/she wants to do so. All this is done automatically when an \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{unstable}, or \ttt{simulate} command is encountered for the first time. You may also force compilation explicitly by the command \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} compile \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} which performs all steps as listed above, including loading the generated library. The \fortran\ part of the compilation will be done using the \fortran\ compiler specified by the string variable \verb|$fc| and the compiler flags specified as \verb|$fcflags|. The default settings are those that have been used for compiling \whizard\ itself during installation. For library compatibility, you should stick to the compiler. The flags may be set differently. They are applied in the compilation and loading steps, and they are processed by \ttt{libtool}, so \ttt{libtool}-specific flags can also be given. \whizard\ has some precautions against unnecessary repetitions. Hence, when a \ttt{compile} command is executed (explicitly, or implicitly by the first integration), the program checks first whether the library is already loaded, and whether source code already exists for the requested processes. If yes, this code is used and no calls to \oMega\ (or another matrix element method) or to the compiler are issued. Otherwise, it will detect any modification to the process configuration and regenerate the matrix element or recompile accordingly. Thus, a \sindarin\ script can be executed repeatedly without rebuilding everything from scratch, and you can safely add more processes to a script in a subsequent run without having to worry about the processes that have already been treated. This default behavior can be changed. By setting \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} ?rebuild_library = true \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} code will be re-generated and re-compiled even if \whizard\ would think that this is unncessary. The same effect is achieved by calling \whizard\ with a command-line switch, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} /home/user$ whizard --rebuild_library \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} There are further \ttt{rebuild} switches which are described below. If everything is to be rebuilt, you can set a master switch \ttt{?rebuild} or the command line option \verb|--rebuild|. The latter can be abbreviated as a short command-line option: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} /home/user$ whizard -r \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Setting this switch is always a good idea when starting a new project, just in case some old files clutter the working directory. When re-running the same script, possibly modified, the \verb|-r| switch should be omitted, so the existing files can be reused. \subsection{Process libraries} Processes are collected in \emph{libraries}. A script may use more than one library, although for most applications a single library will probably be sufficient. The default library is \ttt{default\_lib}. If you do not specify anything else, the processes you compile will be collected by a driver file \ttt{default\_lib.f90} which is compiled together with the process code and combined as a libtool archive \ttt{default\}, which is dynamically linked to the running \whizard\ process. Once in a while, you work on several projects at once, and you didn't care about opening a new working directory for each. If the \verb|-r| option is given, a new run will erase the existing library, which may contain processes needed for the other project. You could omit \verb|-r|, so all processes will be collected in the same library (this does not hurt), but you may wish to cleanly separate the projects. In that case, you should open a separate library for each project. Again, there are two possibilities. You may start the script with the specification \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} library = "my_lhc_proc" \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} to open a library \verb|my_lhc_proc| in place of the default library. Repeating the command with different arguments, you may introduce several libraries in the script. The active library is always the one specified last. It is possible to issue this command locally, so a particular process goes into its own library. Alternatively, you may call \whizard\ with the option \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} /home/user$ whizard --library=my_lhc_proc \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} If several libraries are open simultaneously, the \ttt{compile} command will compile all libraries that the script has referenced so far. If this is not intended, you may give the command an argument, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} compile ("my_lhc_proc", "my_other_proc") \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} to compile only a specific subset. The command \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} show (library) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will display the contents of the actually loaded library together with a status code which indicates the status of the library and the processes within. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Stand-alone \whizard\ with precompiled processes} \label{sec:static} Once you have set up a process library, it is straightforward to make a special stand-alone \whizard\ executable which will have this library preloaded on startup. This is a matter of convenience, and it is also useful if you need a statically linked executable for reasons of profiling, batch processing, etc. For this task, there is a variant of the \ttt{compile} command: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} compile as "my_whizard" () \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} which produces an executable \verb|my_whizard|. You can omit the library argument if you simply want to include everything. (Note that this command will \emph{not} load a library into the current process, it is intended for creating a separate program that will be started independently.) As an example, the script \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process proc1 = e1, E1 => e1, E1 process proc2 = e1, E1 => e2, E2 process proc3 = e1, E1 => e3, E3 compile as "whizard-leptons" () \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will make a new executable program \verb|whizard-leptons|. This program behaves completely identical to vanilla \whizard, except for the fact that the processes \ttt{proc1}, \ttt{proc2}, and \ttt{proc3} are available without configuring them or loading any library. % This feature is particularly useful when compiling with the \ttt{-static} % flag. As long as the architecture is compatible, the resulting binary may be % run on a different computer where no \whizard\ libraries are present. (The % program will still need to find its model files, however.) \section{Beams} \label{sec:beams} Before processes can be integrated and simulated, the program has to know about the collider properties. They can be specified by the \ttt{beams} statement. In the command script, it is irrelevant whether a \ttt{beams} statement comes before or after process specification. The \ttt{integrate} or \ttt{simulate} commands will use the \ttt{beams} statement that was issued last. \subsection{Beam setup} \label{sec:beam-setup} If the beams have no special properties, and the colliding particles are the incoming particles in the process themselves, there is no need for a \ttt{beams} statement at all. You only \emph{must} specify the center-of-momentum energy of the collider by setting the value of $\sqrt{s}$, for instance \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} sqrts = 14 TeV \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The \ttt{beams} statement comes into play if \begin{itemize} \item the beams have nontrivial structure, e.g., parton structure in hadron collision or photon radiation in lepton collision, or \item the beams have non-standard properties: polarization, asymmetry, crossing angle. \end{itemize} Note that some of the abovementioned beam properties had not yet been reimplemented in the \whizard\ttt{2} release series. From version v2.2.0 on all options of the legacy series \whizard\ttt{1} are available again. From version v2.1 to version v2.2 of \whizard\ there has also been a change in possible options to the \ttt{beams} statement: in the early versions of \whizard\ttt{2} (v2.0/v2.1), local options could be specified within the beam settings, e.g. \ttt{beams = p, p { sqrts = 14 TeV } => pdf\_builtin}. These possibility has been abandoned from version v2.2 on, and the \ttt{beams} command does not allow for {\em any} optional arguments any more. Hence, beam parameters can -- with the exception of the specification of structure functions -- be specified only globally: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} sqrts = 14 TeV beams = p, p => lhapdf \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} It does not make any difference whether the value of \ttt{sqrts} is set before or after the \ttt{beams} statement, the last value found before an \ttt{integrate} or \ttt{simulate} is the relevant one. This in particularly allows to specify the beam structure, and then after that perform a loop or scan over beam energies, beam parameters, or structure function settings. The \ttt{beams} statement also applies to particle decay processes, where there is only a single beam. Here, it is usually redundant because no structure functions are possible, and the energy is fixed to the decaying particle's mass. However, it is needed for computing polarized decay, e.g. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = Z beams_pol_density = @(0) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} where for a boson at rest, the polarization axis is defined to be the $z$ axis. Beam polarization is described in detail below in Sec.~\ref{sec:polarization}. Note also that future versions of \whizard\ might give support for single-beam events, where structure functions for single particles indeed do make sense. In the following sections we list the available options for structure functions or spectra inside \whizard\ and explain their usage. More about the physics of the implemented structure functions can be found in Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Asymmetric beams and Crossing angles} \label{sec:asymmetricbeams} \whizard\ not only allows symmetric beam collisions, but basically arbitrary collider setups. In the case there are two different beam energies, the command \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_momentum = {\em }, {\em }} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} allows to specify the momentum (or as well energies for massless particles) for the beams. Note that for scattering processes both values for the beams must be present. So the following to setups for 14 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions are equivalent: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams = p, p => pdf\_builtin} \newline \ttt{sqrts = 14 TeV} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} and \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams = p, p => pdf\_builtin} \newline \ttt{beams\_momentum = 7 TeV, 7 TeV} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Asymmetric setups can be set by using different values for the two beam momenta, e.g. in a HERA setup: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams = e, p => none, pdf\_builtin} \ttt{beams\_momentum = 27.5 GeV, 920 GeV} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} or for the BELLE experiment at the KEKB accelerator: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams = e1, E1} \ttt{beams\_momentum = 8 GeV, 3.5 GeV} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \whizard\ lets you know about the beam structure and calculates for you that the center of mass energy corresponds to 10.58 GeV: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} | Beam structure: e-, e+ | momentum = 8.000000000000E+00, 3.500000000000E+00 | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | e+ (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | sqrts = 1.058300530253E+01 GeV | Beam structure: lab and c.m. frame differ \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} It is also possible to specify beams for decaying particles, where \ttt{beams\_momentum} then only has a single argument, e.g.: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{process zee = Z => "e-", "e+"} \\ \ttt{beams = Z} \\ \ttt{beams\_momentum = 500 GeV} \\ \ttt{simulate (zee) \{ n\_events = 100 \} } \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This would correspond to a beam of $Z$ bosons with a momentum of 500 GeV. Note, however, that \whizard\ will always do the integration of the particle width in the particle's rest frame, while the moving beam is then only taken into account for the frame of reference for the simulation. Further options then simply having different beam energies describe a non-vanishing between the two incoming beams. Such concepts are quite common e.g. for linear colliders to improve the beam properties in the collimation region at the beam interaction points. Such crossing angles can be specified in the beam setup, too, using the \ttt{beams\_theta} command: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams = e1, E1} \\ \ttt{beams\_momentum = 500 GeV, 500 GeV} \\ \ttt{beams\_theta = 0, 10 degree} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} It is important that when a crossing angle is being specified, and the collision system consequently never is the center-of-momentum system, the beam momenta have to explicitly set. Besides a planar crossing angle, one is even able to rotate an azimuthal distance: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams = e1, E1} \\ \ttt{beams\_momentum = 500 GeV, 500 GeV} \\ \ttt{beams\_theta = 0, 10 degree} \\ \ttt{beams\_phi = 0, 45 degree} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{LHAPDF} \label{sec:lhapdf} For incoming hadron beams, the \ttt{beams} statement specifies which structure functions are used. The simplest example is the study of parton-parton scattering processes at a hadron-hadron collider such as LHC or Tevatron. The \lhapdf\ structure function set is selected by a syntax similar to the process setup, namely the example already shown above: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, p => lhapdf \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Note that there are slight differences in using the \lhapdf\ release series 6 and the older \fortran\ \lhapdf\ release series 5, at least concerning the naming conventions for the PDF sets~\footnote{Until \whizard\ version 2.2.1 including, only the \lhapdf\ series 5 was supported, while from version 2.2.2 on also the \lhapdf\ release series 6 has been supported.}. The above \ttt{beams} statement selects a default \lhapdf\ structure-function set for both proton beams (which is the \ttt{CT10} central set for \lhapdf\ 6, and \ttt{cteq6ll.LHpdf} central set for \lhapdf 5). The structure function will apply for all quarks, antiquarks, and the gluon as far as supported by the particular \lhapdf\ set. Choosing a different set is done by adding the filename as a local option to the \ttt{lhapdf} keyword: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, p => lhapdf $lhapdf_file = "MSTW2008lo68cl" \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} for the actual \lhapdf\ 6 series, and \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, p => lhapdf $lhapdf_file = "MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid" \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} for \lhapdf 5.Similarly, a member within the set is selected by the numeric variable \verb|lhapdf_member| (for both release series of \lhapdf). In some cases, different structure functions have to be chosen for the two beams. For instance, we may look at $ep$ collisions: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = "e-", p => none, lhapdf \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Here, there is a list of two independent structure functions (each with its own option set, if applicable) which applies to the two beams. Another mixed case is $p\gamma$ collisions, where the photon is to be resolved as a hadron. The simple assignment \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, gamma => lhapdf, lhapdf_photon \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will be understood as follows: \whizard\ selects the appropriate default structure functions (here we are using \lhapdf\ 5 as an example as the support of photon and pion PDFs in \lhapdf\ 6 has been dropped), \ttt{cteq6ll.LHpdf} for the proton and \ttt{GSG960.LHgrid} for the photon. The photon case has an additional integer-valued parameter \verb|lhapdf_photon_scheme|. (There are also pion structure functions available.) For modifying the default, you have to specify separate structure functions \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, gamma => lhapdf, lhapdf_photon $lhapdf_file = ... $lhapdf_photon_file = ... \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Finally, the scattering of elementary photons on partons is described by \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, gamma => lhapdf, none \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Note that for \lhapdf\ version 5.7.1 or higher and for PDF sets which support it, photons can be used as partons. There is one more option for the \lhapdf\ PDFs, namely to specify the path where the \lhapdf\ PDF sets reside: this is done with the string variable \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir = "{\em }"}. Usually, it is not necessary to set this because \whizard\ detects this path via the \ttt{lhapdf-config} script during configuration, but in the case paths have been moved, or special files/special locations are to be used, the user can specify this location explicitly. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Built-in PDFs} \label{sec:built-in-pdf} In addition to the possibility of linking against \lhapdf, \whizard\ comes with a couple of built-in PDFs which are selected via the \verb?pdf_builtin? keyword % \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, p => pdf_builtin \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} % The default PDF set is CTEQ6L, but other choices are also available by setting the string variable \verb?$pdf_builtin_set? to an appropiate value. E.g, modifying the above setup to % \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = p, p => pdf_builtin $pdf_builtin_set = "mrst2004qedp" \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} % would select the proton PDF from the MRST2004QED set. A list of all currently available PDFs can be found in Table~\ref{tab:pdfs}. % \begin{table} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l||l|p{0.2\textwidth}|l|} \hline Tag & Name & Notes & References \\\hline\hline % \ttt{cteq6l} & CTEQ6L & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Pumplin:2002vw} \\\hline \ttt{cteq6l1} & CTEQ6L1 & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Pumplin:2002vw} \\\hline \ttt{cteq6d} & CTEQ6D & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Pumplin:2002vw} \\\hline \ttt{cteq6m} & CTEQ6M & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Pumplin:2002vw} \\\hline \hline \ttt{mrst2004qedp} & MRST2004QED (proton) & includes photon & \cite{Martin:2004dh} \\\hline \hline \ttt{mrst2004qedn} & MRST2004QED (neutron) & includes photon & \cite{Martin:2004dh} \\\hline \hline \ttt{mstw2008lo} & MSTW2008LO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Martin:2009iq} \\\hline \ttt{mstw2008nlo} & MSTW2008NLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Martin:2009iq} \\\hline \ttt{mstw2008nnlo} & MSTW2008NNLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Martin:2009iq} \\\hline \hline \ttt{ct10} & CT10 & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Lai:2010vv} \\\hline \hline \ttt{CJ12\_max} & CJ12\_max & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Owens:2012bv} \\\hline \ttt{CJ12\_mid} & CJ12\_mid & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Owens:2012bv} \\\hline \ttt{CJ12\_min} & CJ12\_min & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Owens:2012bv} \\\hline \hline \ttt{CJ15LO} & CJ15LO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Accardi:2016qay} \\\hline \ttt{CJ15NLO} & CJ15NLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Accardi:2016qay} \\\hline \hline \ttt{mmht2014lo} & MMHT2014LO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Harland-Lang:2014zoa} \\\hline \ttt{mmht2014nlo} & MMHT2014NLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Harland-Lang:2014zoa} \\\hline \ttt{mmht2014nnlo} & MMHT2014NNLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Harland-Lang:2014zoa} \\\hline \hline \ttt{CT14LL} & CT14LLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Dulat:2015mca} \\\hline \ttt{CT14L} & CT14LO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Dulat:2015mca} \\\hline \ttt{CT14N} & CT1414NLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Dulat:2015mca} \\\hline \ttt{CT14NN} & CT14NNLO & \mbox{}\hfill---\hfill\mbox{} & \cite{Dulat:2015mca} \\\hline \hline % \end{tabular}} \caption{All PDF sets available as builtin sets. The two MRST2004QED sets also contain a photon.} \label{tab:pdfs} \end{table} The two MRST2004QED sets also contain the photon as a parton, which can be used in the same way as for \lhapdf\ from v5.7.1 on. Note, however, that there is no builtin PDF that contains a photon structure function. There is a \ttt{beams} structure function specifier \ttt{pdf\_builtin\_photon}, but at the moment this throws an error. It just has been implemented for the case that in future versions of \whizard\ a photon structure function might be included. Note that in general only the data sets for the central values of the different PDFs ship with \whizard. Using the error sets is possible, i.e. it is supported in the syntax of the code, but you have to download the corresponding data sets from the web pages of the PDF fitting collaborations. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{HOPPET $b$ parton matching} When the \hoppet\ tool~\cite{Salam:2008qg} for hadron-collider PDF structure functions and their manipulations are correctly linked to \whizard, it can be used for advanced calculations and simulations of hadron collider physics. Its main usage inside \whizard\ is for matching schemes between 4-flavor and 5-flavor schemes in $b$-parton initiated processes at hadron colliders. Note that in versions 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 it only worked together with \lhapdf\ version 5, while with the \lhapdf\ version 6 interface from version 2.2.2 on it can be used also with the modern version of PDFs from \lhapdf. Furthermore, from version 2.2.2, the \hoppet\ $b$ parton matching also works for the builtin PDFs. It depends on the corresponding process and the energy scales involved whether it is a better description to use the $g\to b\bar b$ splitting from the DGLAP evolution inside the PDF and just take the $b$ parton content of a PDF, e.g. in BSM Higgs production for large $\tan\beta$: $pp \to H$ with a partonic subprocess $b\bar b \to H$, or directly take the gluon PDFs and use $pp \to b\bar b H$ with a partonic subprocess $gg \to b \bar b H$. Elaborate schemes for a proper matching between the two prescriptions have been developed and have been incorporated into the \hoppet\ interface. Another prime example for using these matching schemes is single top production at hadron colliders. Let us consider the following setup: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process proc1 = b, u => t, d process proc2 = u, b => t, d process proc3 = g, u => t, d, B { $restrictions = "2+4 ~ W+" } process proc4 = u, g => t, d, B { $restrictions = "1+4 ~ W+" } beams = p,p => pdf_builtin sqrts = 14 TeV ?hoppet_b_matching = true $sample = "single_top_matched" luminosity = 1 / 1 fbarn simulate (proc1, proc2, proc3, proc4) \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize}%$ \end{quote} The first two processes are single top production from $b$ PDFs, the last two processes contain an explicit $g\to b\bar b$ splitting (the restriction, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:process options} has been placed in order to single out the single top production signal process). PDFs are then chosen from the default builtin PDF (which is \ttt{CTEQ6L}), and the \hoppet\ matching routines are switched on by the flag \ttt{?hoppet\_b\_matching}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Lepton Collider ISR structure functions} \label{sec:lepton_isr} Initial state QED radiation off leptons is an important feature at all kinds of lepton colliders: the radiative return to the $Z$ resonance by ISR radiation was in fact the largest higher-order effect for the SLC and LEP I colliders. The soft-collinear and soft photon radiation can indeed be resummed/exponentiated to all orders in perturbation theory~\cite{Gribov:1972rt}, while higher orders in hard-collinear photons have to be explicitly calculated order by order~\cite{Kuraev:1985hb,Skrzypek:1990qs}. \whizard\ has an intrinsic implementation of the lepton ISR structure function that includes all orders of soft and soft-collinear photons as well as up to the third order in hard-collinear photons. It can be switched on by the following statement: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => isr \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} As the ISR structure function is a single-beam structure function, this expression is synonymous for \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => isr, isr \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The ISR structure function can again be applied to only one of the two beams, e.g. in a HERA-like setup: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, p => isr, pdf_builtin \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Their are several options for the lepton-collider ISR structure function that are summarized in the following: \vspace{2mm} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline Parameter & Default & Meaning \\\hline\hline \ttt{isr\_alpha} & \ttt{0}/intrinsic & value of $\alpha_{QED}$ for ISR \\\hline \ttt{isr\_order} & \ttt{3} & max. order of hard-collinear photon emission \\\hline \ttt{isr\_mass} & \ttt{0}/intrinsic & mass of the radiating lepton \\\hline \ttt{isr\_q\_max} & \ttt{0}/$\sqrt{s}$ & upper cutoff for ISR \\\hline \hline \ttt{?isr\_recoil} & \ttt{false} & flag to switch on recoil/$p_T$ (\emph{deprecated})\\\hline \ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy} & \ttt{false} & recoil flag: conserve energy in splitting (\emph{deprecated}) \\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} The maximal order of the hard-collinear photon emission taken into account by \whizard\ is set by the integer variable \ttt{isr\_order}; the default is the maximally available order of three. With the variable \ttt{isr\_alpha}, the value of the QED coupling constant $\alpha_{QED}$ used in the ISR structure function can be set. The default is taken from the active physics model. The mass of the radiating lepton (in most cases the electron) is set by \ttt{isr\_mass}; again the default is taken from the active physics model. Furthermore, the upper integration border for the ISR structure function which acts roughly as an upper hardness cutoff for the emitted photons, can be set through \ttt{isr\_q\_max}; if not set, the collider energy (possibly after beamstrahlung, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:beamstrahlung}) $\sqrt{s}$ (or $\sqrt{\widehat{s}}$) is taken. Note that \whizard\ accounts for the exclusive effects of ISR radiation at the moment by a single (hard, resolved) photon in the event; a more realistic treatment of exclusive ISR photons in simulation is foreseen for a future version. While the ISR structure function is evaluated in the collinear limit, it is possible to generate transverse momentum for both the radiated photons and the recoiling partonic system. We recommend to stick to the collinear approximation for the integration step. Integration cuts should be set up such that they do not significantly depend on photon transverse momentum. In a subsequent simulation step, it is possible to transform the events with collinear ISR radiation into more realistic events with non-collinear radiation. To this end, \whizard\ provides a separate ISR photon handler which can be activated in the simulation step. The algorithm operates on the partonic event: it takes the radiated photons and the partons entering the hard process, and applies a $p_T$ distribution to those particles and their interaction products, i.e., all outgoing particles. Cuts that depend on photon $p_T$ may be applied to the modified events. For details on the ISR photon handler, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:isr-photon-handler}. {\footnotesize The flag \ttt{?isr\_recoil} switches on $p_T$ recoil of the emitting lepton against photon radiation during integration; per default it is off. The flag \ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy} controls the mode of on-shell projection for the splitting process with $p_T$. Note that this feature is kept for backwards compatibility, but should not be used for new simulations. The reason is as follows: For a fraction of events, $p_T$ will become significant, and (i) energy/momentum non-conservation, applied to both beams separately, can lead to unexpected and unphysical effects, and (ii) the modified momenta enter the hard process, so the collinear approximation used in the ISR structure function computation does not hold. } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Lepton Collider Beamstrahlung} \label{sec:beamstrahlung} At linear lepton colliders, the macroscopic electromagnetic interaction of the bunches leads to a distortion of the spectrum of the bunches that is important for an exact simulation of the beam spectrum. There are several methods to account for these effects. The most important tool to simulate classical beam-beam interactions in lepton-collider physics is \ttt{GuineaPig++}~\cite{Schulte:1998au,Schulte:1999tx,Schulte:2007zz}. A direct interface between this tool \ttt{GuineaPig++} and \whizard\ had existed as an inofficial add-on to the legacy branch \whizard\ttt{1}, but is no longer applicable in \whizard\ttt{2}. A \whizard-internal interface is foreseen for the very near future, most probably within this v2.2 release. Other options are to use parameterizations of the beam spectrum that have been included in the package \circeone~\cite{CIRCE} which has been interfaced to \whizard\ since version v1.20 and been included in the \whizard\ttt{2} release series. Another option is to generate a beam spectrum externally and then read it in as an ASCII data file, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:beamevents}. More about this can be found in a dedicated section on lepton collider spectra, Sec.~\ref{sec:beamspectra}. In this section, we discuss the usage of beamstrahlung spectra by means of the \circeone\ package. The beamstrahlung spectra are true spectra, so they have to be applied to pairs of beams, and an application to only one beam is meaningless. They are switched on by this \ttt{beams} statement including structure functions: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => circe1 \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} It is important to note that the parameterization of the beamstrahlung spectra within \circeone\ contain also processes where $e\to\gamma$ conversions have been taking place, i.e. also hard processes with one (or two) initial photons can be simulated with beamstrahlung switched on. In that case, the explicit photon flags, \ttt{?circe1\_photon1} and \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, for the two beams have to be properly set, e.g. (ordering in the final state does not play a role): \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process proc1 = A, e1 => A, e1 sqrts = 500 GeV beams = e1, E1 => circe1 ?circe1_photon1 = true integrate (proc1) process proc2 = e1, A => A, e1 sqrts = 1000 GeV beams = e1, A => circe1 ?circe1_photon2 = true \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} or \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process proc1 = A, A => Wp, Wm sqrts = 200 GeV beams = e1, E1 => circe1 ?circe1_photon1 = true ?circe1_photon2 = true ?circe1_generate = false \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} In all cases (one or both beams with photon conversion) the beam spectrum applies to both beams simultaneously. In the last example ($\gamma\gamma\to W^+W^-$) the default \circeone\ generator mode was turned off by unsetting \verb|?circe1_generate|. In the other examples this flag is set, by default. For standard use cases, \circeone\ implements a beam-event generator inside the \whizard\ generator, which provides beam-event samples with correctly distributed probability. For electrons, the beamstrahlung spectrum sharply peaks near maximum energy. This distribution is most efficiently handled by the generator mode. By contrast, in the $\gamma\gamma$ mode, the beam-event c.m.\ energy is concentrated at low values. For final states with low invariant mass, which are typically produced by beamstrahlung photons, the generator mode is appropriate. However, the $W^+W^-$ system requires substantial energy, and such events will be very rare in the beam-event sample. Switching off the \circeone\ generator mode solves this problem. This is an overview over all options and flags for the \circeone\ setup for lepton collider beamstrahlung: \vspace{2mm} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline Parameter & Default & Meaning \\\hline\hline \ttt{?circe1\_photon1} & \ttt{false} & $e\to\gamma$ conversion for beam 1 \\\hline \ttt{?circe1\_photon2} & \ttt{false} & $e\to\gamma$ conversion for beam 2 \\\hline \ttt{circe1\_sqrts} & $\sqrt{s}$ & collider energy for the beam spectrum \\\hline \ttt{?circe1\_generate} & \ttt{true} & flag for the \circeone\ generator mode \\\hline \ttt{?circe1\_map} & \ttt{true} & flag to apply special phase-space mapping \\\hline \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope} & \ttt{2.} & value of PS mapping exponent \\\hline \ttt{circe1\_eps} & \ttt{1E-5} & parameter for mapping of spectrum peak position \\\hline \ttt{circe1\_ver} & \ttt{0} & internal version of \circeone\ package \\\hline \ttt{circe1\_rev} & \ttt{0}/most recent & internal revision of \circeone\ \\\hline \ttt{\$circe1\_acc} & \ttt{SBAND} & accelerator type \\\hline \ttt{circe1\_chat} & \ttt{0} & chattiness/verbosity of \circeone \\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} The collider energy relevant for the beamstrahlung spectrum is set by \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}. As a default, this is always the value of \ttt{sqrts} set in the \sindarin\ script. However, sometimes these values do not match, e.g. the user wants to simulate $t\bar t h$ at \ttt{sqrts = 550 GeV}, but the only available beam spectrum is for 500 GeV. In that case, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts = 500 GeV} has to be set to use the closest possible available beam spectrum. As mentioned in the discussion of the examples above, in \circeone\ there are two options to use the beam spectra for beamstrahlung: intrinsic semi-analytic approximation formulae for the spectra, or a Monte-Carlo sampling of the sampling. The second possibility always give a better description of the spectra, and is the default for \whizard. It can, however, be switched off by setting the flag \ttt{?circe1\_generate} to \ttt{false}. As the beamstrahlung spectra are sharply peaked at the collider energy, but still having long tails, a mapping of the spectra for an efficient phase-space sampling is almost mandatory. This is the default in \whizard, which can be changed by the flag \ttt{?circe1\_map}. Also, the default exponent for the mapping can be changed from its default value \ttt{2.} with the variable \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}. It is important to efficiently sample the peak position of the spectrum; the effective ratio of the peak to the whole sampling interval can be set by the parameter \ttt{circe1\_eps}. The integer parameter \ttt{circe1\_chat} sets the chattiness or verbosity of the \circeone\ package, i.e. how many messages and warnings from the beamstrahlung generation/sampling will be issued. The actual internal version and revision of the \circeone\ package are set by the two integer parameters \ttt{circe1\_ver} and \ttt{circe1\_rev}. The default is in any case always the newest version and revision, while older versions are still kept for backwards compatibility and regression testing. Finally, the geometry and design of the accelerator type is set with the string variable \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}: it contains the possible options for the old \ttt{"SBAND"} and \ttt{"XBAND"} setups, as well as the \ttt{"TESLA"} and JLC/NLC SLAC design \ttt{"JLCNLC"}. The setups for the most important energies of the ILC as they are summarized in the ILC TDR~\cite{Behnke:2013xla,Baer:2013cma,Adolphsen:2013jya,Adolphsen:2013kya} are available as \ttt{ILC}. Beam spectra for the CLIC~\cite{Aicheler:2012bya,Lebrun:2012hj,Linssen:2012hp} linear collider are much more demanding to correctly simulate (due to the drive beam concept; only the low-energy modes where the drive beam is off can be simulated with the same setup as the abovementioned machines). Their setup will be supported soon in one of the upcoming \whizard\ versions within the \circetwo\ package. An example of how to generate beamstrahlung spectra with the help of the package \circetwo\ (that is also a part of \whizard) is this: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process eemm = e1, E1 => e2, E2 sqrts = 500 GeV beams = e1, E1 => circe2 $circe2_file = "ilc500.circe" $circe2_design = "ILC" ?circe_polarized = false \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize}%$ \end{quote} Here, the ILC design is used for a beamstrahlung spectrum at 500 GeV nominal energy, with polarization averaged (hence, the setting of polarization to \ttt{false}). A list of all available options can be found in Sec.~\ref{sec:photoncoll}. More technical details about the simulation of beamstrahlung spectra see the documented source code of the \circeone\ package, as well as Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. In the next section, we discuss how to read in beam spectra from external files. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Beam events} \label{sec:beamevents} As mentioned in the previous section, beamstrahlung is one of the crucial ingredients for a realistic simulation of linear lepton colliders. One option is to take a pre-generated beam spectrum for such a machine, and make it available for simulation within \whizard\ as an external ASCII data file. Such files basically contain only pairs of energy fractions of the nominal collider energy $\sqrt{s}$ ($x$ values). In \whizard\ they can be used in simulation with the following \ttt{beams} statement: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => beam_events $beam_events_file = "" \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize}%$ \end{quote} Note that beam spectra must always be pair spectra, i.e. they are automatically applied to both beam simultaneously. Beam spectra via external files are expected to reside in the current working directory. Alternatively, \whizard\ searches for them in the install directory of \whizard\ in \ttt{share/beam-sim}. There you can find an example file, \ttt{uniform\_spread\_2.5\%.dat} for such a beam spectrum. The only possible parameter that can be set is the flag \ttt{?beam\_events\_warn\_eof} whose default is \ttt{true}. This triggers the issuing of a warning when the end of file of an external beam spectrum file is reached. In such a case, \whizard\ starts to reuse the same file again from the beginning. If the available data points in the beam events file are not big enough, this could result in an insufficient sampling of the beam spectrum. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Gaussian beam-energy spread} \label{sec:gaussian} Real beams have a small energy spread. If beamstrahlung is small, the spread may be approximately described as Gaussian. As a replacement for the full simulation that underlies \ttt{CIRCE2} spectra, it is possible to impose a Gaussian distributed beam energy, separately for each beam. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => gaussian gaussian_spread1 = 0.1\% gaussian_spread2 = 0.2\% \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize}%$ \end{quote} (Note that the \% sign means multiplication by 0.01, as it should.) The spread values are defined as the $\sigma$ value of the Gaussian distribution, i.e., $2/3$ of the events are within $\pm 1\sigma$ for each beam, respectively. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Equivalent photon approximation} \label{sec:epa} The equivalent photon approximation (EPA) uses an on-shell approximation for the $e \to e\gamma$ collinear splitting to allow the simulation of photon-induced backgrounds in lepton collider physics. The original concept is that of the Weizs\"acker-Williams approximation~\cite{vonWeizsacker:1934sx,Williams:1934ad,Budnev:1974de}. This is a single-beam structure function that can be applied to both beams, or also to one beam only. Usually, there are some simplifications being made in the derivation. The formula which is implemented here and seems to be the best for the QCD background for low-$p_T$ hadrons, corresponds to Eq.~(6.17) of Ref.~\cite{Budnev:1974de}. As this reference already found, this leads to an "overshooting" of accuracy, and especially in the high-$x$ (high-energy) region to wrong results. This formula corresponds to \begin{equation} \label{eq:budnev_617} f(x) = \frac{\alpha}{\pi} \frac{1}{x} \biggl[ \left( \bar{x} + \frac{x^2}{2} \right) \log \frac{Q^2_{\text{max}}}{Q^2_{\text{min}}} - \left( 1 - \frac{x}{2} \right)^2 \log \frac{x^2 + \tfrac{Q^2_{\text{max}}}{E^2}}{x^2 + \tfrac{Q^2_{\text{min}}}{E^2}} - \frac{m_e^2 x^2}{Q^2_{\text{min}}} \left( 1 - \frac{Q^2_{\text{min}}}{Q^2_{\text{max}}} \right) \biggr] \qquad . \end{equation} Here, $x$ is the ratio of the photon energy (called frequency $\omega$ in~\cite{Budnev:1974de} over the original electron (or positron) beam energy $E$. The energy of the electron (or positron) after the splitting is given by $\bar{x} = 1-x$. The simplified version is the one that corresponds to many publications about the EPA during SLC and LEP times, and corresponds to the $q^2$ integration of Eq.~(6.16e) in~\cite{Budnev:1974de}, where $q^2$ is the virtuality or momentum transfer of the photon in the EPA: \begin{equation} \label{eq:budnev_616e} f(x) = \frac{\alpha}{\pi} \frac{1}{x} \biggl[ \left( \bar{x} + \frac{x^2}{2} \right) \log \frac{Q^2_{\text{max}}}{Q^2_{\text{min}}} - \frac{m_e^2 x^2}{Q^2_{\text{min}}} \left( 1 - \frac{Q^2_{\text{min}}}{Q^2_{\text{max}}} \right) \biggr] \qquad . \end{equation} While Eq.~(\ref{eq:budnev_617}) is supposed to be the better choice for simulating hadronic background like low-$p_T$ hadrons and should be applied for the low-$x$ region of the EPA, Eq.~(\ref{eq:budnev_616e}) seems better suited for high-$x$ simulations like the photoproduction of BSM resonances etc. Note that the first term in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:budnev_617}) and (\ref{eq:budnev_616e}) is the standard Altarelli-Parisi QED splitting function of electron, $P_{e\to e\gamma}(x) \propto 1 + (1-x)^2$, while the last term in both equations is the default power correction. The two parameters $Q^2_{\text{max}}$ and $Q^2_{\text{min}}$ are the integration boundaries of the photon virtuality integration. Usually, they are given by the kinematic limits: \begin{equation} Q^2_{\text{min}} = \frac{m_e^2 x^2}{\bar{x}} \qquad\qquad Q^2_{\text{max}} = 4 E^2 \bar{x} = s \bar{x} \qquad . \end{equation} For low-$p_T$ hadron simulations, it is not a good idea to take the kinematic limit as an upper limit, but one should cut the simulation off at a hadronic scale like e.g. a multiple of the $\rho$ mass. The user can switch between the two different options using the setting \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} $epa_mode = "default" \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} or \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} $epa_mode = "Budnev_617" \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} for Eq.~(\ref{eq:budnev_617}), while Eq.~(\ref{eq:budnev_616e}) can be chosen with \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} $epa_mode = "Budnev_616e" \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Note that a thorough study for high-energy $e^+e^-$ colliders regarding the suitability of different EPA options is still lacking. For testing purposes also three more variants or simplifications of Eq.~(\ref{eq:budnev_616e}) are implemented: the first, steered by \ttt{\$epa\_mode = log\_power} uses simply $Q^2_{\text{max}} = s$. This is also the case for the two other method. But the switch \ttt{\$epa\_mode = log\_simple} uses just \ttt{epa\_mass} (cf. below) as $Q^2_{\text{min}}$. The final simplification is to drop the power correction, which can be chosen with \ttt{\$epa\_mode = log}. This corresponds to the simple formula: \begin{equation} f(x) = \frac{\alpha}{2\pi} \frac{1}{x} \, \log\frac{s}{m^2} \qquad . \end{equation} Examples for the application of the EPA in \whizard\ are: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => epa \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} or for a single beam: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, p => epa, pdf_builtin \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The last process allows the reaction of (quasi-) on-shell photons with protons. In the following, we collect the parameters and flags that can be adjusted when using the EPA inside \whizard: \vspace{2mm} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline Parameter & Default & Meaning \\\hline\hline \ttt{epa\_alpha} & \ttt{0}/intrinsic & value of $\alpha_{QED}$ for EPA \\\hline \ttt{epa\_x\_min} & \ttt{0.} & soft photon cutoff in $x$ (mandatory) \\\hline \ttt{epa\_q\_min} & \ttt{0.} & minimal $\gamma$ momentum transfer \\\hline \ttt{epa\_mass} & \ttt{0}/intrinsic & mass of the radiating fermion (mandatory) \\\hline \ttt{epa\_q\_max} & \ttt{0}/$\sqrt{s}$ & upper cutoff for EPA \\\hline \ttt{?epa\_recoil} & \ttt{false} & flag to switch on recoil/$p_T$ \\\hline \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy} & \ttt{false} & recoil flag to conserve energy in splitting \\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} The adjustable parameters are partially similar to the parameters in the QED initial-state radiation (ISR), cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:lepton_isr}: the parameter \ttt{epa\_alpha} sets the value of the electromagnetic coupling constant, $\alpha_{QED}$ used in the EPA structure function. If not set, this is taken from the value inside the active physics model. The same is true for the mass of the particle that radiates the photon of the hard interaction, which can be reset by the user with the variable \ttt{epa\_mass}. There are two dimensionful scale parameters, the minimal momentum transfer to the photon, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, which must not be zero, and the upper momentum-transfer cutoff for the EPA structure function, \ttt{epa\_q\_max}. The default for the latter value is the collider energy, $\sqrt{s}$, or the energy reduced by another structure function like e.g. beamstrahlung, $\sqrt{\hat{s}}$. Furthermore, there is a soft-photon regulator for the splitting function in $x$ space, \ttt{epa\_x\_min}, which also has to be explicitly set different from zero. Hence, a minimal viable scenario that will be accepted by \whizard\ looks like this: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} beams = e1, E1 => epa epa_q_min = 5 GeV epa_x_min = 0.01 \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Finally, like the ISR case in Sec.~\ref{sec:lepton_isr}, there is a flag to consider the recoil of the photon against the radiating electron by setting \ttt{?epa\_recoil} to \ttt{true} (default: \ttt{false}). Though in principle processes like $e^+ e^- \to e^+ e^- \gamma \gamma$ where the two photons have been created almost collinearly and then initiate a hard process could be described by exact matrix elements and exact kinematics. However, the numerical stability in the very far collinear kinematics is rather challenging, such that the use of the EPA is very often an acceptable trade-off between quality of the description on the one hand and numerical stability and speed on the other hand. In the case, the EPA is set after a second structure function like a hadron collider PDF, there is a flavor summation over the quark constituents inside the proton, which are then the radiating fermions for the EPA. Here, the masses of all fermions have to be identical. More about the physics of the equivalent photon approximation can be found in Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Effective $W$ approximation} \label{sec:ewa} An approach similar to the equivalent photon approximation (EPA) discussed in the previous section Sec.~\ref{sec:epa}, is the usage of a collinear splitting function for the radiation of massive electroweak vector bosons $W$/$Z$, the effective $W$ approximation (EWA). It has been developed for the description of high-energy weak vector-boson fusion and scattering processes at hadron colliders, particularly the Superconducting Super-Collider (SSC). This was at a time when the simulation of $2\to 4$ processes war still very challenging and $2\to 6$ processes almost impossible, such that this approximation was the only viable solution for the simulation of processes like $pp \to jjVV$ and subsequent decays of the bosons $V \equiv W, Z$. Unlike the EPA, the EWA is much more involved as the structure functions do depend on the isospin of the radiating fermions, and are also different for transversal and longitudinal polarizations. Also, a truely collinear kinematics is never possible due to the finite $W$ and $Z$ boson masses, which start becoming more and more negligible for energies larger than the nominal LHC energy of 14 TeV. Though in principle all processes for which the EWA might be applicable are technically feasible in \whizard\ to be generated also via full matrix elements, the EWA has been implemented in \whizard\ for testing purposes, backwards compatibility and comparison with older simulations. Like the EPA, it is a single-beam structure function that can be applied to one or both beams. We only give an example for both beams here, this is for a 3 TeV CLIC collider: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} sqrts = 3 TeV beams = e1, E1 => ewa \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} And this is for LHC or a higher-energy follow-up collider (which also shows the concatenation of the single-beam structure functions, applied to both beams consecutively, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:concatenation}: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} sqrts = 14 TeV beams = p, p => pdf_builtin => ewa \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Again, we list all the options, parameters and flags that can be adapted for the EWA: \vspace{2mm} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline Parameter & Default & Meaning \\\hline\hline \ttt{ewa\_x\_min} & \ttt{0.} & soft $W$/$Z$ cutoff in $x$ (mandatory) \\\hline \ttt{ewa\_mass} & \ttt{0}/intrinsic & mass of the radiating fermion \\\hline \ttt{ewa\_pt\_max} & \ttt{0}/$\sqrt{\hat{s}}$ & upper cutoff for EWA \\\hline \ttt{?ewa\_recoil} & \ttt{false} & recoil switch \\\hline \ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy} & \ttt{false} & energy conservation for recoil in splitting \\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} First of all, all coupling constants are taken from the active physics model as they have to be consistent with electroweak gauge invariance. Like for EPA, there is a soft $x$ cutoff for the $f \to f V$ splitting, \ttt{ewa\_x\_min}, that has to be set different from zero by the user. Again, the mass of the radiating fermion can be set explicitly by the user; and, also again, the masses for the flavor sum of quarks after a PDF as radiators of the electroweak bosons have to be identical. Also for the EWA, there is an upper cutoff for the $p_T$ of the electroweak boson, that can be set via \ttt{eta\_pt\_max}. Indeed, the transversal $W$/$Z$ structure function is logarithmically divergent in that variable. If it is not set by the user, it is estimated from $\sqrt{s}$ and the splitting kinematics. For the EWA, there is a flag to switch on a recoil for the electroweak boson against the radiating fermion, \ttt{?ewa\_recoil}. Note that this is an experimental feature that is not completely tested. In any case, the non-collinear kinematics violates 4-four momentum conservation, so there are two choices: either to conserve the energy (\ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy = true}) or to conserve 3-momentum (\ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy = false}). Momentum conservation for the kinematics is the default. This is due to the fact that for energy conservation, there will be a net total momentum in the event including the beam remnants (ISR/EPA/EWA radiated particles) that leeds to unexpected or unphysical features in the energy distributions of the beam remnants recoiling against the rest of the event. More details about the physics can be found in Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Energy scans using structure functions} In \whizard, there is an implementation of a pair spectrum, \ttt{energy\_scan}, that allows to scan the energy dependence of a cross section without actually scanning over the collider energies. Instead, only a single integration at the upper end of the scan interval over the process with an additional pair spectrum structure function performed. The structure function is chosen in such a way, that the distribution of $x$ values of the energy scan pair spectrum translates in a plot over the energy of the final state in an energy scan from \ttt{0} to \ttt{sqrts} for the process under consideration. The simplest example is the $1/s$ fall-off with the $Z$ resonance in $e^+e^- \to \mu^+ \mu^-$, where the syntax is very easy: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process eemm = e1, E1 => e2, E2 sqrts = 500 GeV cuts = sqrts_hat > 50 beams = e1, E1 => energy_scan integrate (eemm) \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The value of \ttt{sqrts = 500 GeV} gives the upper limit for the scan, while the cut effectively let the scan start at 50 GeV. There are no adjustable parameters for this structure function. How to plot the invariant mass distribution of the final-state muon pair to show the energy scan over the cross section, will be explained in Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. More details can be found in Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Photon collider spectra} \label{sec:photoncoll} One option that has been discussed as an alternative possibility for a high-energy linear lepton collider is to convert the electron and positron beam via Compton backscattering off intense laser beams into photon beams~\cite{Ginzburg:1981vm,Telnov:1989sd,Telnov:1995hc}. Naturally, due to the production of the photon beams and the inherent electron spectrum, the photon beams have a characteristic spectrum. The simulation of such spectra is possible within \whizard\ by means of the subpackage \circetwo, which have been mentioned already in Sec.~\ref{sec:beamstrahlung}. It allows to give a much more elaborate description of a linear lepton collider environment than \circeone\ (which, however, is not in all cases necessary, as the ILC beamspectra for electron/positrons can be perfectly well described with \circeone). Here is a typical photon collider setup where we take a photon-initiated process: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{Verbatim} process aaww = A, A => Wp, Wm beams = A, A => circe2 $circe2_file = "teslagg_500_polavg.circe" $circe2_design = "TESLA/GG" ?circe2_polarized = false \end{Verbatim} \end{footnotesize}%$ \end{quote} Here, the photons are the initial states initiating the hard scattering. The structure function is \ttt{circe2} which always is a pair spectrum. The list of available options are: \vspace{2mm} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline Parameter & Default & Meaning \\\hline\hline \ttt{?circe2\_polarized} & \ttt{true} & spectrum respects polarization info \\\hline \ttt{\$circe2\_file} & -- & name of beam spectrum data file \\\hline \ttt{\$circe2\_design} & \ttt{"*"} & collider design \\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} The only logical flag \ttt{?circe2\_polarized} let \whizard\ know whether it should keep polarization information in the beam spectra or average over polarizations. Naturally, because of the Compton backscattering generation of the photons, photon spectra are always polarized. The collider design can be specified by the string variable \ttt{\$circe2\_design}, where the default setting \ttt{"*"} corresponds to the default of \circetwo\ (which is the TESLA 500 GeV machine as discussed in the TESLA Technical Design Report~\cite{AguilarSaavedra:2001rg,Richard:2001qm}). Note that up to now there have not been any setups for a photon collider option for the modern linear collider concepts like ILC and CLIC. The string variable \ttt{\$circe2\_file} then allows to give the name of the file containing the actual beam spectrum; all files that ship with \whizard\ are stored in the directory \ttt{circe2/share/data}. More details about the subpackage \circetwo\ and the physics it covers, can be found in its own manual and the chapter Chap.~\ref{chap:hardint}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Concatenation of several structure functions} \label{sec:concatenation} As has been shown already in Sec.~\ref{sec:epa} and Sec.~\ref{sec:ewa}, it is possible within \whizard\ to concatenate more than one structure function, irrespective of the fact, whether the structure functions are single-beam structure functions or pair spectra. One important thing is whether there is a phase-space mapping for these structure functions. Also, there are some combinations which do not make sense from the physics point of view, for example using lepton-collider ISR for protons, and then afterwards switching on PDFs. Such combinations will be vetoed by \whizard, and you will find an error message like (cf. also Sec.~\ref{sec:errors}): \begin{interaction} ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Beam structure: [....] not supported ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{interaction} Common examples for the concatenation of structure functions are linear collider applications, where beamstrahlung (macroscopic electromagnetic beam-beam interactions) and electron QED initial-state radiation are both switched on: \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 => circe1 => isr \end{code} Another possibility is the simulation of photon-induced backgrounds at ILC or CLIC, using beamstrahlung and equivalent photon approximation (EPA): \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 => circe1 => epa \end{code} or with beam events from a data file: \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 => beam_events => isr \end{code} In hadron collider physics, parton distribution functions (PDFs) are basically always switched on, while afterwards the user could specify to use the effective $W$ approximation (EWA) to simulate high-energy vector boson scattering: \begin{code} sqrts = 100 TeV beams = p, p => pdf_builtin => ewa \end{code} Note that this last case involves a flavor sum over the five active quark (and anti-quark) species $u$, $d$, $c$, $s$, $b$ in the proton, all of which act as radiators for the electroweak vector bosons in the EWA. This would be an example with three structure functions: \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 => circe1 => isr => epa \end{code} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Polarization} \label{sec:polarization} %%%%% \subsection{Initial state polarization} \label{sec:initialpolarization} \whizard\ supports polarizing the inital state fully or partially by assigning a nontrivial density matrix in helicity space. Initial state polarization requires a beam setup and is initialized by means of the \ttt{beams\_pol\_density} statement\footnote{Note that the syntax for the specification of beam polarization has changed from version v2.1 to v2.2 and is incompatible between the two release series. The old syntax \ttt{beam\_polarization} with its different polarization constructors has been discarded in favor of a unified syntax.}: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams_pol_density = @([]), @([]) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The command \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction} gives the degree of polarization of the two beams: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams_pol_fraction = , \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Both commands in the form written above apply to scattering processes, where the polarization of both beams must be specified. The \ttt{beams\_pol\_density} and \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction} are possible with a single beam declaration if a decay process is considered, but only then. While the syntax for the command \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction} is pretty obvious, the syntax for the actual specification of the beam polarization is more intricate. We start with the polarization fraction: for each beam there is a real number between zero (unpolarized) and one (complete polarization) that can be specified either as a floating point number like \ttt{0.4} or with a percentage: \ttt{40 \%}. Note that the actual arithmetics is sometimes counterintuitive: 80 \% left-handed electron polarization means that 80 \% of the electron beam are polarized, 20 \% are unpolarized, i.e. 20 \% have half left- and half right-handed polarization each. Hence, 90 \% of the electron beam is left-handed, 10 \% is right-handed. How does the specification of the polarization work? If there are no entries at all in the polarization constructor, \ttt{@()}, the beam is unpolarized, and the spin density matrix is proportional to the unit/identity matrix. Placing entries into the \ttt{@()} constructor follows the concept of sparse matrices, i.e. the entries that have been specified will be present, while the rest remains zero. Single numbers do specify entries for that particular helicity on the main diagonal of the spin density matrix, e.g. for an electron \ttt{@(-1)} means (100\%) left-handed polarization. Different entries are separated by commas: \ttt{@(1,-1)} sets the two diagonal entries at positions $(1,1)$ and $(-1,-1)$ in the density matrix both equal to one. Two remarks are in order already here. First, note that you do not have to worry about the correct normalization of the spin density matrix, \whizard\ is taking care of this automatically. Second, in the screen output for the beam data, only those entries of the spin density matrix that have been specified by the user, will be displayed. If a \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction} statement appears, other components will be non-zero, but might not be shown. E.g. ILC-like, 80 \% polarization of the electrons, 30 \% positron polarization will be specified like this for left-handed electrons and right-handed positrons: \begin{code} beams = e1, E1 beams_pol_density = @(-1), @(+1) beams_pol_fraction = 80%, 30% \end{code} The screen output will be like this: \begin{code} | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: e-, e+ | polarization (beam 1): | @(-1: -1: ( 1.000000000000E+00, 0.000000000000E+00)) | polarization (beam 2): | @(+1: +1: ( 1.000000000000E+00, 0.000000000000E+00)) | polarization degree = 0.8000000, 0.3000000 | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 0.0000000E+00 GeV) polarized | e+ (mass = 0.0000000E+00 GeV) polarized \end{code} But because of the fraction of unpolarized electrons and positrons, the spin density matrices for electrons and positrons are: \[ \rho(e^-) = \diag \left ( 0.10, 0.90 \right) \qquad \rho(e^+) = \diag \left ( 0.65, 0.35 \right) \quad , \] respectively. So, in general, only the entries due to the polarized fraction will be displayed on screen. We will come back to more examples below. Again, the setting of a single entry, e.g. \ttt{@($\pm m$)}, which always sets the diagonal component $(\pm m, \pm m)$ of the spin density matrix equal to one. Here $m$ can have the following values for the different spins (in parentheses are entries that exist only for massive particles): \vspace{1mm} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline Spin $j$ & Particle type & possible $m$ values \\\hline 0 & Scalar boson & 0 \\ 1/2 & Spinor & +1, -1 \\ 1 & (Massive) Vector boson & +1, (0), -1 \\ 3/2 & (Massive) Vectorspinor & +2, (+1), (-1), -2 \\ 2 & (Massive) Tensor & +2, (+1), (0), (-1), -2 \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{1mm} Off-diagonal entries that are equal to one (up to the normalization) of the spin-density matrix can be specified simply by the position, namely: \ttt{@($m$:$m'$, $m''$)}. This would result in a spin density matrix with diagonal entry $1$ for the position $(m'', m'')$, and an entry of $1$ for the off-diagonal position $(m,m')$. Furthermore, entries in the density matrix different from $1$ with a numerical value \ttt{{\em }} can be specified, separated by another colon: \ttt{@($m$:$m'$:{\em })}. Here, it does not matter whether $m$ and $m'$ are different or not. For $m = m'$ also diagonal spin density matrix entries different from one can be specified. Note that because spin density matrices have to be Hermitian, only the entry $(m,m')$ has to be set, while the complex conjugate entry at the transposed position $(m',m)$ is set automatically by \whizard. We will give some general density matrices now, and after that a few more definite examples. In the general setups below, we always give the expression for the spin density matrix only for one single beam. % { \newcommand{\cssparse}[4]{% \begin{pmatrix} #1 & 0 & \cdots & \cdots & #3 \\ 0 & 0 & \ddots & & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & & \ddots & 0 & 0 \\ #4 & \cdots & \cdots & 0 & #2 \end{pmatrix}% } % \begin{itemize} \item {\bf Unpolarized:} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @()} \end{footnotesize} \end{center} % \newline This has the same effect as not specifying any polarization at all and is the only constructor available for scalars and fermions declared as left- or right-handed (like the neutrino). Density matrix: \[ \rho = \frac{1}{|m|}\mathbb{I} \] ($|m|$: particle multiplicity which is 2 for massless, $2j + 1$ for massive particles). % \item {\bf Circular polarization:} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @($\pm j$) \qquad beams\_pol\_fraction = $f$} \end{footnotesize} \end{center} A fraction $f$ (parameter range $f \in \left[0\;;\;1\right]$) of the particles are in the maximum / minimum helicity eigenstate $\pm j$, the remainder is unpolarized. For spin $\frac{1}{2}$ and massless particles of spin $>0$, only the maximal / minimal entries of the density matrix are populated, and the density matrix looks like this: \[ \rho = \diag\left(\frac{1\pm f}{2}\;,\;0\;,\;\dots\;,\;0\;, \frac{1\mp f}{2}\right) \] % \item {\bf Longitudinal polarization (massive):} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @(0) \qquad beams\_pol\_fraction = $f$} \end{footnotesize} \end{center} We consider massive particles with maximal spin component $j$, a fraction $f$ of which having longitudinal polarization, the remainder is unpolarized. Longitudinal polarization is (obviously) only available for massive bosons of spin $>0$. Again, the parameter range for the fraction is: $f \in \left[0\;;\;1\right]$. The density matrix has the form: \[ \rho = \diag\left(\frac{1-f}{|m|}\;,\;\dots\;,\;\frac{1-f}{|m|}\;,\; \frac{1+f \left(|m| - 1\right)}{|m|}\;,\;\frac{1-f}{|m|}\;, \;\dots\;,\;\frac{1-f}{|m|}\right) \] ($|m| = 2j+1 $: particle multiplicity) % \item {\bf Transverse polarization (along an axis):} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @(j, -j, j:-j:exp(-I*phi)) \qquad beams\_pol\_fraction = $f$} \end{footnotesize} \end{center} This so called transverse polarization is a polarization along an arbitrary direction in the $x-y$ plane, with $\phi=0$ being the positive $x$ direction and $\phi=90^\circ$ the positive $y$ direction. Note that the value of \ttt{phi} has either to be set inside the beam polarization expression explicitly or by a statement \ttt{real phi = {\em val} degree} before. A fraction $f$ of the particles are polarized, the remainder is unpolarized. Note that, although this yields a valid density matrix for all particles with multiplicity $>1$ (in which the only the highest and lowest helicity states are populated), it is meaningful only for spin $\frac{1}{2}$ particles and massless bosons of spin $>0$. The range of the parameters are: $f \in \left[0\;;\;1\right]$ and $\phi \in \mathbb{R}$. This yields a density matrix: \[ \rho = \cssparse{1}{1} {\frac{f}{2}\,e^{-i\phi}} {\frac{f}{2}\,e^{i\phi}} \] (for antiparticles, the matrix is conjugated). % \item {\bf Polarization along arbitrary axis $\left(\theta, \phi\right)$:} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @(j:j:1-cos(theta), j:-j:sin(theta)*exp(-I*phi), -j:-j:1+cos(theta))} \qquad\quad\qquad \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction = $f$} \end{footnotesize} \end{center} This example describes polarization along an arbitrary axis in polar coordinates (polar axis in positive $z$ direction, polar angle $\theta$, azimuthal angle $\phi$). A fraction $f$ of the particles are polarized, the remainder is unpolarized. Note that, although axis polarization defines a valid density matrix for all particles with multiplicity $>1$, it is meaningful only for particles with spin $\frac{1}{2}$. Valid ranges for the parameters are $f \in \left[0\;;\;1\right]$, $\theta \in \mathbb{R}$, $\phi \in \mathbb{R}$. The density matrix then has the form: \[ \rho = \frac{1}{2}\cdot \cssparse{1 - f\cos\theta}{1 + f\cos\theta} {f\sin\theta\, e^{-i\phi}}{f\sin\theta\, e^{i\phi}} \] % \item {\bf Diagonal density matrix:} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @(j:j:$h_j$, j-1:j-1:$h_{j-1}$, $\ldots$, -j:-j:$h_{-j}$)} \end{footnotesize} \end{center} This defines an arbitrary diagonal density matrix with entries $\rho_{j,j}\,,\,\dots\,,\,\rho_{-j,-j}$. % \item {\bf Arbitrary density matrix:} \begin{center} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @($\{m:m':x_{m,m'}\}$)}: \end{footnotesize} \end{center} Here, \ttt{$\{m:m':x_{m,m'}\}$} denotes a selection of entries at various positions somewhere in the spin density matrix. \whizard\ will check whether this is a valid spin density matrix, but it does e.g. not have to correspond to a pure state. % \end{itemize} } % The beam polarization statements can be used both globally directly with the \ttt{beams} specification, or locally inside the \ttt{integrate} or \ttt{simulate} command. Some more specific examples are in order to show how initial state polarization works: % \begin{itemize} \item \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = A, A beams_pol_density = @(+1), @(1, -1, 1:-1:-I) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This declares the initial state to be composed of two incoming photons, where the first photon is right-handed, and the second photon has transverse polarization in $y$ direction. % \item \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = A, A beams_pol_density = @(+1), @(1, -1, 1:-1:-1) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Same as before, but this time the second photon has transverse polarization in $x$ direction. % \item \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = "W+" beams_pol\_density = @(0) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This example sets up the decay of a longitudinal vector boson. % \item \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} beams = E1, e1 scan int hel_ep = (-1, 1) { scan int hel_em = (-1, 1) { beams_pol_density = @(hel_ep), @(hel_em) integrate (eeww) } } integrate (eeww) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This example loops over the different positron and electron helicity combinations and calculates the respective integrals. The \ttt{beams\_pol\_density} statement is local to the scan loop(s) and, therefore, the last \ttt{integrate} calculates the unpolarized integral. \end{itemize} % Although beam polarization should be straightforward to use, some pitfalls exist for the unwary: \begin{itemize} \item Once \ttt{beams\_pol\_density} is set globally, it persists and is applied every time \ttt{beams} is executed (unless it is reset). In particular, this means that code like \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process wwaa = Wp, Wm => A, A process zee = Z => e1, E1 sqrts = 200 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1, -1, 1:-1:-1), @() beams = Wp, Wm integrate (wwaa) beams = Z integrate (zee) beams_pol_density = @(0) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will throw an error, because \whizard\ complains that the spin density matrix has the wrong dimensionality for the second (the decay) process. This kind of trap can be avoided be using \ttt{beams\_pol\_density} only locally in \ttt{integrate} or \ttt{simulate} statements. % \item On-the-fly integrations executed by \ttt{simulate} use the beam setup found at the point of execution. This implies that any polarization settings you have previously done affect the result of the integration. % \item The \ttt{unstable} command also requires integrals of the selected decay processes, and will compute them on-the-fly if they are unavailable. Here, a polarized integral is not meaningful at all. Therefore, this command ignores the current \ttt{beam} setting and issues a warning if a previous polarized integral is available; this will be discarded. \end{itemize} \subsection{Final state polarization} Final state polarization is available in \whizard\ in the sense that the polarization of real final state particles can be retained when generating simulated events. In order for the polarization of a particle to be retained, it must be declared as polarized via the \ttt{polarized} statement \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} polarized particle [, particle, ...] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The effect of \ttt{polarized} can be reversed with the \ttt{unpolarized} statement which has the same syntax. For example, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} polarized "W+", "W-", Z \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will cause the polarization of all final state $W$ and $Z$ bosons to be retained, while \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} unpolarized "W+", "W-", Z \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will reverse the effect and cause the polarization to be summed over again. Note that \ttt{polarized} and \ttt{unpolarized} are global statements which cannot be used locally as command arguments and if you use them e.g. in a loop, the effects will persist beyond the loop body. Also, a particle cannot be \ttt{polarized} and \ttt{unstable} at the same time (this restriction might be loosened in future versions of \whizard). After toggling the polarization flag, the generation of polarized events can be requested by using the \ttt{?polarized\_events} option of the \ttt{simulate} command, e.g. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} simulate (eeww) { ?polarized_events = true } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} When \ttt{simulate} is run in this mode, helicity information for final state particles that have been toggled as \ttt{polarized} is written to the event file(s) (provided that polarization is supported by the selected event file format(s) ) and can also be accessed in the analysis by means of the \ttt{Hel} observable. For example, an analysis definition like \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} analysis = if (all Hel == -1 ["W+"] and all Hel == -1 ["W-"] ) then record cta_nn (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"]) endif; if (all Hel == -1 ["W+"] and all Hel == 0 ["W-"] ) then record cta_nl (eval cos (Theta) ["W+"]) endif \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} can be used to histogram the angular distribution for the production of polarized $W$ pairs (obviously, the example would have to be extended to cover all possible helicity combinations). Note, however, that helicity information is not available in the integration step; therefore, it is not possible to use \ttt{Hel} as a cut observable. While final state polarization is straightforward to use, there is a caveat when used in combination with flavor products. If a particle in a flavor product is defined as \ttt{polarized}, then all particles ``originating'' from the product will act as if they had been declared as \ttt{polarized} --- their polarization will be recorded in the generated events. E.g., the example \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process test = u:d, ubar:dbar => d:u, dbar:ubar, u, ubar ! insert compilation, cuts and integration here polarized d, dbar simulate (test) {?polarized_events = true} \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will generate events including helicity information for all final state $d$ and $\overline{d}$ quarks, but only for part of the final state $u$ and $\overline{u}$ quarks. In this case, if you had wanted to keep the helicity information also for all $u$ and $\overline{u}$, you would have had to explicitely include them into the \ttt{polarized} statement. \section{Cross sections} Integrating matrix elements over phase space is the core of \whizard's activities. For any process where we want the cross section, distributions, or event samples, the cross section has to be determined first. This is done by a doubly adaptive multi-channel Monte-Carlo integration. The integration, in turn, requires a \emph{phase-space setup}, i.e., a collection of phase-space \emph{channels}, which are mappings of the unit hypercube onto the complete space of multi-particle kinematics. This phase-space information is encoded in the file \emph{xxx}\ttt{.phs}, where \emph{xxx} is the process tag. \whizard\ generates the phase-space file on the fly and can reuse it in later integrations. For each phase-space channel, the unit hypercube is binned in each dimension. The bin boundaries are allowed to move during a sequence of iterations, each with a fixed number of sampled phase-space points, so they adapt to the actual phase-space density as far as possible. In addition to this \emph{intrinsic} adaptation, the relative channel weights are also allowed to vary. All these steps are done automatically when the \ttt{integrate} command is executed. At the end of the iterative adaptation procedure, the program has obtained an estimate for the integral of the matrix element over phase space, together with an error estimate, and a set of integration \emph{grids} which contains all information on channel weights and bin boundaries. This information is stored in a file \emph{xxx}\ttt{.vg}, where \emph{xxx} is the process tag, and is used for event generation by the \ttt{simulate} command. \subsection{Integration} \label{sec:integrate} Since everything can be handled automatically using default parameters, it often suffices to write the command \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} integrate (proc1) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} for integrating the process with name tag \ttt{proc1}, and similarly \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} integrate (proc1, proc2, proc3) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} for integrating several processes consecutively. Options to the integrate command are specified, if not globally, by a local option string \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} integrate (proc1, proc2, proc3) { mH = 200 GeV } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} (It is possible to place a \ttt{beams} statement inside the option string, if desired.) If the process is configured but not compiled, compilation will be done automatically. If it is not available at all, integration will fail. The integration method can be specified by the string variable \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{\$integration\_method = "{\em }"} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} %$ The default method is called \ttt{"vamp"} and uses the \vamp\ algorithm and code. (At the moment, there is only a single simplistic alternative, using the midpoint rule or rectangle method for integration, \ttt{"midpoint"}. This is mainly for testing purposes. In future versions of \whizard, more methods like e.g. Gauss integration will be made available). \vamp, however, is clearly the main integration method. It is done in several \emph{passes} (usually two), and each pass consists of several \emph{iterations}. An iteration consists of a definite number of \emph{calls} to the matrix-element function. For each iteration, \whizard\ computes an estimate of the integral and an estimate of the error, based on the binned sums of matrix element values and squares. It also computes an estimate of the rejection efficiency for generating unweighted events, i.e., the ratio of the average sampling function value over the maximum value of this function. After each iteration, both the integration grids (the binnings) and the relative weights of the integration channels can be adapted to minimize the variance estimate of the integral. After each pass of several iterations, \whizard\ computes an average of the iterations within the pass, the corresponding error estimate, and a $\chi^2$ value. The integral, error, efficiency and $\chi^2$ value computed for the most recent integration pass, together with the most recent integration grid, are used for any subsequent calculation that involves this process, in particular for event generation. In the default setup, during the first pass(es) both grid binnings and channel weights are adapted. In the final (usually second) pass, only binnings are further adapted. Roughly speaking, the final pass is the actual calculation, while the previous pass(es) are used for ``warming up'' the integration grids, without using the numerical results. Below, in the section about the specification of the iterations, Sec.~\ref{sec:iterations}, we will explain how it is possible to change the behavior of adapting grids and weights. Here is an example of the integration output, which illustrates these properties. The \sindarin\ script describes the process $e^+e^-\to q\bar q q\bar q$ with $q$ being any light quark, i.e., $W^+W^-$ and $ZZ$ production and hadronic decay together will any irreducible background. We cut on $p_T$ and energy of jets, and on the invariant mass of jet pairs. Here is the script: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} alias q = d:u:s:c alias Q = D:U:S:C process proc_4f = e1, E1 => q, Q, q, Q ms = 0 mc = 0 sqrts = 500 GeV cuts = all (Pt > 10 GeV and E > 10 GeV) [q:Q] and all M > 10 GeV [q:Q, q:Q] integrate (proc_4f) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} After the run is finished, the integration output looks like \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} | Process library 'default_lib': loading | Process library 'default_lib': ... success. | Integrate: compilation done | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 12511 | Initializing integration for process proc_4f: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'proc_4f' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'proc_4f_i1': e-, e+ => d:u:s:c, dbar:ubar:sbar:cbar, | d:u:s:c, dbar:ubar:sbar:cbar [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: [any particles] | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | e+ (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | sqrts = 5.000000000000E+02 GeV | Phase space: generating configuration ... | Phase space: ... success. | Phase space: writing configuration file 'proc_4f_i1.phs' | Phase space: 123 channels, 8 dimensions | Phase space: found 123 channels, collected in 15 groves. | Phase space: Using 195 equivalences between channels. | Phase space: wood | Applying user-defined cuts. | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Starting integration for process 'proc_4f' | Integrate: iterations not specified, using default | Integrate: iterations = 10:10000:"gw", 5:20000:"" | Integrator: 15 chains, 123 channels, 8 dimensions | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences | Integrator: 10000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrator: VAMP |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 9963 2.3797857E+03 3.37E+02 14.15 14.13* 4.02 2 9887 2.8307603E+03 9.58E+01 3.39 3.37* 4.31 3 9815 3.0132091E+03 5.10E+01 1.69 1.68* 8.37 4 9754 2.9314937E+03 3.64E+01 1.24 1.23* 10.65 5 9704 2.9088284E+03 3.40E+01 1.17 1.15* 12.99 6 9639 2.9725788E+03 3.53E+01 1.19 1.17 15.34 7 9583 2.9812484E+03 3.10E+01 1.04 1.02* 17.97 8 9521 2.9295139E+03 2.88E+01 0.98 0.96* 22.27 9 9435 2.9749262E+03 2.94E+01 0.99 0.96 20.25 10 9376 2.9563369E+03 3.01E+01 1.02 0.99 21.10 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 10 96677 2.9525019E+03 1.16E+01 0.39 1.22 21.10 1.15 10 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 11 19945 2.9599072E+03 2.13E+01 0.72 1.02 15.03 12 19945 2.9367733E+03 1.99E+01 0.68 0.96* 12.68 13 19945 2.9487747E+03 2.03E+01 0.69 0.97 11.63 14 19945 2.9777794E+03 2.03E+01 0.68 0.96* 11.19 15 19945 2.9246612E+03 1.95E+01 0.67 0.94* 10.34 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 15 99725 2.9488622E+03 9.04E+00 0.31 0.97 10.34 1.05 5 |=============================================================================| | Time estimate for generating 10000 events: 0d:00h:00m:51s | Creating integration history display and proc_4f-history.pdf \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Each row shows the index of a single iteration, the number of matrix element calls for that iteration, and the integral and error estimate. Note that the number of calls displayed are the real calls to the matrix elements after all cuts and possible rejections. The error should be viewed as the $1\sigma$ uncertainty, computed on a statistical \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.56\textwidth]{proc_4f-history} \caption{\label{fig:inthistory} Graphical output of the convergence of the adaptation during the integration of a \whizard\ process.} \end{figure} basis. The next two columns display the error in percent, and the \emph{accuracy} which is the same error normalized by $\sqrt{n_{\rm calls}}$. The accuracy value has the property that it is independent of $n_{\rm calls}$, it describes the quality of adaptation of the current grids. Good-quality grids have a number of order one, the smaller the better. The next column is the estimate for the rejection efficiency in percent. Here, the value should be as high as possible, with $100\,\%$ being the possible maximum. In the example, the grids are adapted over ten iterations, after which the accuracy and efficiency have saturated at about $1.0$ and $10\,\%$, respectively. The asterisk in the accuracy column marks those iterations where an improvement over the previous iteration is seen. The average over these iterations exhibits an accuracy of $1.22$, corresponding to $0.39\,\%$ error, and a $\chi^2$ value of $1.15$, which is just right: apparently, the phase-space for this process and set of cuts is well-behaved. The subsequent five iterations are used for obtaining the final integral, which has an accuracy below one (error $0.3\,\%$), while the efficiency settles at about $10\,\%$. In this example, the final $\chi^2$ value happens to be quite small, i.e., the individual results are closer together than the error estimates would suggest. One should nevertheless not scale down the error, but rather scale it up if the $\chi^2$ result happens to be much larger than unity: this often indicates sub-optimally adapted grids, which insufficiently map some corner of phase space. One should note that all values are subject to statistical fluctuations, since the number of calls within each iterations is finite. Typically, fluctuations in the efficiency estimate are considerably larger than fluctuations in the error/accuracy estimate. Two subsequent runs of the same script should yield statistically independent results which may differ in all quantities, within the error estimates, since the seed of the random-number generator will differ by default. It is possible to get exactly reproducible results by setting the random-number seed explicitly, e.g., \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} seed = 12345 \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} at any point in the \sindarin\ script. \ttt{seed} is a predefined intrinsic variable. The value can be any 32bit integer. Two runs with different seeds can be safely taken as statistically independent. In the example above, no seed has been set, and the seed has therefore been determined internally by \whizard\ from the system clock. The concluding line with the time estimate applies to a subsequent simulation step with unweighted events, which is not actually requested in the current example. It is based on the timing and efficiency estimate of the most recent iteration. As a default, a graphical output of the integration history will be produced (if both \LaTeX\ and \metapost\ have been available during configuration). Fig.~\ref{fig:inthistory} shows how this looks like, and demonstrates how a proper convergence of the integral during the adaptation looks like. The generation of these graphical history files can be switched off using the command \ttt{?vis\_history = false}. %%%%% \subsection{Integration run IDs} A single \sindarin\ script may contain multiple calls to the \ttt{integrate} command with different parameters. By default, files generated for the same process in a subsequent integration will overwrite the previous ones. This is undesirable when the script is re-run: all results that have been overwritten have to be recreated. To avoid this, the user may identify a specific run by a string-valued ID, e.g. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} integrate (foo) { $run_id = "first" } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This ID will become part of the file name for all files that are created specifically for this run. Often it is useful to create a run ID from a numerical value using \ttt{sprintf}, e.g., in this scan: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} scan real mh = (100 => 200 /+ 10) { $run_id = sprintf "%e" (mh) integrate (h_production) } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} With unique run IDs, a subsequent run of the same \sindarin\ script will be able to reuse all previous results, even if there is more than a single integration per process. \subsection{Controlling iterations} \label{sec:iterations} \whizard\ has some predefined numbers of iterations and calls for the first and second integration pass, respectively, which depend on the number of initial and final-state particles. They are guesses for values that yield good-quality grids and error values in standard situations, where no exceptionally strong peaks or loose cuts are present in the integrand. Actually, the large number of warmup iterations in the previous example indicates some safety margin in that respect. It is possible, and often advisable, to adjust the iteration and call numbers to the particular situation. One may reduce the default numbers to short-cut the integration, if either less accuracy is needed, or CPU time is to be saved. Otherwise, if convergence is bad, the number of iterations or calls might be increased. To set iterations manually, there is the \ttt{iterations} command: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} iterations = 5:50000, 3:100000 \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This is a comma-separated list. Each pair of values corresponds to an integration pass. The value before the colon is the number of iterations for this pass, the other number is the number of calls per iteration. While the default number of passes is two (one for warmup, one for the final result), you may specify a single pass \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} iterations = 5:100000 \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} where the relative channel weights will \emph{not} be adjusted (because this is the final pass). This is appropriate for well-behaved integrands where weight adaptation is not necessary. You can also define more than two passes. That might be useful when reusing a previous grid file with insufficient quality: specify the previous passes as-is, so the previous results will be read in, and then a new pass for further adaptation. In the final pass, the default behavior is to not adapt grids and weights anymore. Otherwise, different iterations would be correlated, and a final reliable error estimate would not be possible. For all but the final passes, the user can decide whether to adapt grids and weights by attaching a string specifier to the number of iterations: \ttt{"g"} does adapt grids, but not weights, \ttt{"w"} the other way round. \ttt{"gw"} or \ttt{"wg"} does adapt both. By the setting \ttt{""}, all adaptations are switched off. An example looks like this: \begin{code} iterations = 2:10000:"gw", 3:5000 \end{code} Since it is often not known beforehand how many iterations the grid adaptation will need, it is generally a good idea to give the first pass a large number of iterations. However, in many cases these turn out to be not necessary. To shortcut iterations, you can set any of \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} accuracy_goal error_goal relative_error_goal \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} to a positive value. If this is done, \whizard\ will skip warmup iterations once all of the specified goals are reached by the current iteration. The final iterations (without weight adaptation) are always performed. \subsection{Phase space} Before \ttt{integrate} can start its work, it must have a phase-space configuration for the process at hand. The method for the phase-space parameterization is determined by the string variable \ttt{\$phs\_method}. At the moment there are only two options, \ttt{"single"}, for testing purposes, that is mainly used internally, and \whizard's traditional method, \ttt{"wood"}. This parameterization is particularly adapted and fine-tuned for electroweak processes and might not be the ideal for for pure jet cross sections. In future versions of \whizard, more options for phase-space parameterizations will be made available, e.g. the \ttt{RAMBO} algorithm and its massive cousin, and phase-space parameterizations that take care of the dipole-like emission structure in collinear QCD (or QED) splittings. For the standard method, the phase-space parameterization is laid out in an ASCII file \ttt{\textit{\_}i\textit{}.phs}. Here, \ttt{{\em }} is the process name chosen by the user while \ttt{{\em }} is the number of the process component of the corresponding process. This immediately shows that different components of processes are getting different phase space setups. This is necessary for inclusive processes, e.g. the sum of $pp \to Z + nj$ and $pp \to W + nj$, or in future versions of \whizard\ for NLO processes, where one component is the interference between the virtual and the Born matrix element, and another one is the subtraction terms. Normally, you do not have to deal with this file, since \whizard\ will generate one automatically if it does not find one. (\whizard\ is careful to check for consistency of process definition and parameters before using an existing file.) Experts might find it useful to generate a phase-space file and inspect and/or modify it before proceeding further. To this end, there is the parameter \verb|?phs_only|. If you set this \ttt{true}, \whizard\ skips the actual integration after the phase-space file has been generated. There is also a parameter \verb|?vis_channels| which can be set independently; if this is \ttt{true}, \whizard\ will generate a graphical visualization of the phase-space parameterizations encoded in the phase-space file. This file has to be taken with a grain of salt because phase space channels are represented by sample Feynman diagrams for the corresponding channel. This does however {\em not} mean that in the matrix element other Feynman diagrams are missing (the default matrix element method, \oMega, is not using Feynman-diagrammatic amplitudes at all). Things might go wrong with the default phase-space generation, or manual intervention might be necessary to improve later performance. There are a few parameters that control the algorithm of phase-space generation. To understand their meaning, you should realize that phase-space parameterizations are modeled after (dominant) Feynman graphs for the current process. \subsubsection{The main phase space setup {\em wood}} For the main phase-space parameterization of \whizard, which is called \ttt{"wood"}, there are many different parameters and flags that allow to tune and customize the phase-space setup for every certain process: The parameter \verb|phs_off_shell| controls the number of off-shell lines in those graphs, not counting $s$-channel resonances and logarithmically enhanced $s$- and $t$-channel lines. The default value is $2$. Setting it to zero will drop everything that is not resonant or logarithmically enhanced. Increasing it will include more subdominant graphs. (\whizard\ increases the value automatically if the default value does not work.) There is a similar parameter \verb|phs_t_channel| which controls multiperipheral graphs in the parameterizations. The default value is $6$, so graphs with up to $6$ $t/u$-channel lines are considered. In particular cases, such as $e^+e^-\to n\gamma$, all graphs are multiperipheral, and for $n>7$ \whizard\ would find no parameterizations in the default setup. Increasing the value of \verb|phs_t_channel| solves this problem. (This is presently not done automatically.) There are two numerical parameters that describe whether particles are treated like massless particles in particular situations. The value of \verb|phs_threshold_s| has the default value $50\;\GeV$. Hence, $W$ and $Z$ are considered massive, while $b$ quarks are considered massless. This categorization is used for deciding whether radiation of $b$ quarks can lead to (nearly) singular behavior, i.e., logarithmic enhancement, in the infrared and collinear regions. If yes, logarithmic mappings are applied to phase space. Analogously, \verb|phs_threshold_t| decides about potential $t$-channel singularities. Here, the default value is $100\;\GeV$, so amplitudes with $W$ and $Z$ in the $t$-channel are considered as logarithmically enhanced. For a high-energy hadron collider of 40 or 100 TeV energy, also $W$ and $Z$ in $s$-channel like situations might be necessary to be considered massless. Such logarithmic mappings need a dimensionful scale as parameter. There are three such scales, all with default value $10\;\GeV$: \verb|phs_e_scale| (energy), \verb|phs_m_scale| (invariant mass), and \verb|phs_q_scale| (momentum transfer). If cuts and/or masses are such that energies, invariant masses of particle pairs, and momentum transfer values below $10\;\GeV$ are excluded or suppressed, the values can be kept. In special cases they should be changed: for instance, if you want to describe $\gamma^*\to\mu^+\mu^-$ splitting well down to the muon mass, no cuts, you may set \verb|phs_m_scale = mmu|. The convergence of the Monte-Carlo integration result will be considerably faster. There are more flags. These and more details about the phase space parameterization will be described in Sec.~\ref{sec:wood}. \subsection{Cuts} \whizard~2 does not apply default cuts to the integrand. Therefore, processes with massless particles in the initial, intermediate, or final states may not have a finite cross section. This fact will manifest itself in an integration that does not converge, or is unstable, or does not yield a reasonable error or reweighting efficiency even for very large numbers of iterations or calls per iterations. When doing any calculation, you should verify first that the result that you are going to compute is finite on physical grounds. If not, you have to apply cuts that make it finite. A set of cuts is defined by the \ttt{cuts} statement. Here is an example \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} cuts = all Pt > 20 GeV [colored] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This implies that events are kept only (for integration and simulation) if the transverse momenta of all colored particles are above $20\;\GeV$. Technically, \ttt{cuts} is a special object, which is unique within a given scope, and is defined by the logical expression on the right-hand side of the assignment. It may be defined in global scope, so it is applied to all subsequent processes. It may be redefined by another \ttt{cuts} statement. This overrides the first cuts setting: the \ttt{cuts} statement is not cumulative. Multiple cuts should be specified by the logical operators of \sindarin, for instance \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} cuts = all Pt > 20 GeV [colored] and all E > 5 GeV [photon] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Cuts may also be defined local to an \ttt{integrate} command, i.e., in the options in braces. They will apply only to the processes being integrated, overriding any global cuts. The right-hand side expression in the \ttt{cuts} statement is evaluated at the point where it is used by an \ttt{integrate} command (which could be an implicit one called by \ttt{simulate}). Hence, if the logical expression contains parameters, such as \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} mH = 120 GeV cuts = all M > mH [b, bbar] mH = 150 GeV integrate (myproc) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} the Higgs mass value that is inserted is the value in place when \ttt{integrate} is evaluated, $150\;\GeV$ in this example. This same value will also be used when the process is called by a subsequent \ttt{simulate}; it is \ttt{integrate} which compiles the cut expression and stores it among the process data. This behavior allows for scanning over parameters without redefining the cuts every time. The cut expression can make use of all variables and constructs that are defined at the point where it is evaluated. In particular, it can make use of the particle content and kinematics of the hard process, as in the example above. In addition to the predefined variables and those defined by the user, there are the following variables which depend on the hard process: \begin{quote} \begin{tabular}{ll} integer: & \ttt{n\_in}, \ttt{n\_out}, \ttt{n\_tot} \\ real: & \ttt{sqrts}, \ttt{sqrts\_hat} \end{tabular} \end{quote} Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} cuts = sqrts_hat > 150 GeV \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The constants \ttt{n\_in} etc.\ are sometimes useful if a generic set of cuts is defined, which applies to various processes simultaneously. The user is encouraged to define his/her own set of cuts, if possible in a process-independent manner, even if it is not required. The \ttt{include} command allows for storing a set of cuts in a separate \sindarin\ script which may be read in anywhere. As an example, the system directories contain a file \verb|default_cuts.sin| which may be invoked by \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} include ("default_cuts.sin") \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsection{QCD scale and coupling} \whizard\ treats all physical parameters of a model, the coefficients in the Lagrangian, as constants. As a leading-order program, \whizard\ does not make use of running parameters as they are described by renormalization theory. For electroweak interactions where the perturbative expansion is sufficiently well behaved, this is a consistent approach. As far as QCD is concerned, this approach does not yield numerically reliable results, even on the validity scale of the tree approximation. In \whizard\ttt{2}, it is therefore possible to replace the fixed value of $\alpha_s$ (which is accessible as the intrinsic model variable \verb|alphas|), by a function of an energy scale $\mu$. This is controlled by the parameter \verb|?alphas_is_fixed|, which is \ttt{true} by default. Setting it to \ttt{false} enables running~$\alpha_s$. The user has then to decide how $\alpha_s$ is calculated. One option is to set \verb|?alphas_from_lhapdf| (default \ttt{false}). This is recommended if the \lhapdf\ library is used for including structure functions, but it may also be set if \lhapdf\ is not invoked. \whizard\ will then use the $\alpha_s$ formula and value that matches the active \lhapdf\ structure function set and member. In the very same way, the $\alpha_s$ running from the PDFs implemented intrinsically in \whizard\ can be taken by setting \verb|?alphas_from_pdf_builtin| to \ttt{true}. This is the same running then the one from \lhapdf, if the intrinsic PDF coincides with a PDF chosen from \lhapdf. If this is not appropriate, there are again two possibilities. If \verb|?alphas_from_mz| is \ttt{true}, the user input value \verb|alphas| is interpreted as the running value $\alpha_s(m_Z)$, and for the particular event, the coupling is evolved to the appropriate scale $\mu$. The formula is controlled by the further parameters \verb|alphas_order| (default $0$, meaning leading-log; maximum $2$) and \verb|alphas_nf| (default $5$). Otherwise there is the option to set \verb|?alphas_from_lambda_qcd = true| in order to evaluate $\alpha_s$ from the scale $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}$, represented by the intrinsic variable \verb|lambda_qcd|. The reference value for the QCD scale is $\Lambda\_{\rm QCD} = 200$ MeV. \verb|alphas_order| and \verb|alphas_nf| apply analogously. Note that for using one of the running options for $\alpha_s$, always \ttt{?alphas\_is\_fixed = false} has to be invoked. In any case, if $\alpha_s$ is not fixed, each event has to be assigned an energy scale. By default, this is $\sqrt{\hat s}$, the partonic invariant mass of the event. This can be replaced by a user-defined scale, the special object \ttt{scale}. This is assigned and used just like the \ttt{cuts} object. The right-hand side is a real-valued expression. Here is an example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} scale = eval Pt [sort by -Pt [colored]] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This selects the $p_T$ value of the first entry in the list of colored particles sorted by decreasing $p_T$, i.e., the $p_T$ of the hardest jet. The \ttt{scale} definition is used not just for running $\alpha_s$ (if enabled), but it is also the factorization scale for the \lhapdf\ structure functions. These two values can be set differently by specifying \ttt{factorization\_scale} for the scale at which the PDFs are evaluated. Analogously, there is a variable \ttt{renormalization\_scale} that sets the scale value for the running $\alpha_s$. Whenever any of these two values is set, it supersedes the \ttt{scale} value. Just like the \ttt{cuts} expression, the expressions for \ttt{scale}, \ttt{factorization\_scale} and also \ttt{renormalization\_scale} are evaluated at the point where it is read by an explicit or implicit \ttt{integrate} command. \subsection{Reweighting factor} It is possible to reweight the integrand by a user-defined function of the event kinematics. This is done by specifying a \ttt{weight} expression. Syntax and usage is exactly analogous to the \ttt{scale} expression. Example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} weight = eval (1 + cos (Theta) ^ 2) [lepton] \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} We should note that the phase-space setup is not aware of this reweighting, so in complicated cases you should not expect adaptation to achieve as accurate results as for plain cross sections. Needless to say, the default \ttt{weight} is unity. \section{Events} After the cross section integral of a scattering process is known (or the partial-width integral of a decay process), \whizard\ can generate event samples. There are two limiting cases or modes of event generation: \begin{enumerate} \item For a physics simulation, one needs \emph{unweighted} events, so the probability of a process and a kinematical configuration in the event sample is given by its squared matrix element. \item Monte-Carlo integration yields \emph{weighted} events, where the probability (without any grid adaptation) is uniformly distributed over phase space, while the weight of the event is given by its squared matrix element. \end{enumerate} The choice of parameterizations and the iterative adaptation of the integration grids gradually shift the generation mode from option 2 to option 1, which obviously is preferred since it simulates the actual outcome of an experiment. Unfortunately, this adaptation is perfect only in trivial cases, such that the Monte-Carlo integration yields non-uniform probability still with weighted events. Unweighted events are obtained by rejection, i.e., accepting an event with a probability equal to its own weight divided by the maximal possible weight. Furthermore, the maximal weight is never precisely known, so this probability can only be estimated. The default generation mode of \whizard\ is unweighted. This is controlled by the parameter \verb|?unweighted| with default value \ttt{true}. Unweighted events are easy to interpret and can be directly compared with experiment, if properly interfaced with detector simulation and analysis. However, when applying rejection to generate unweighted events, the generator discards information, and for a single event it needs, on the average, $1/\epsilon$ calls, where the efficiency $\epsilon$ is the ratio of the average weight over the maximal weight. If \verb|?unweighted| is \ttt{false}, all events are kept and assigned their respective weights in histograms or event files. \subsection{Simulation} \label{sec:simulation} The \ttt{simulate} command generates an event sample. The number of events can be set either by specifying the integer variable \verb|n_events|, or by the real variable \verb|luminosity|. (This holds for unweighted events. If weighted events are requested, the luminosity value is ignored.) The luminosity is measured in femtobarns, but other units can be used, too. Since the cross sections for the processes are known at that point, the number of events is determined as the luminosity multiplied by the cross section. As usual, both parameters can be set either as global or as local parameters: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} n_events = 10000 simulate (proc1) simulate (proc2, proc3) { luminosity = 100 / 1 pbarn } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} In the second example, both \verb|n_events| and \verb|luminosity| are set. In that case, \whizard\ chooses whatever produces the larger number of events. If more than one process is specified in the argument of \ttt{simulate}, events are distributed among the processes with fractions proportional to their cross section values. The processes are mixed randomly, as it would be the case for real data. The raw event sample is written to a file which is named after the first process in the argument of \ttt{simulate}. If the process name is \ttt{proc1}, the file will be named \ttt{proc1.evx}. You can choose another basename by the string variable \verb|$sample|. For instance, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} simulate (proc1) { n_events = 4000 $sample = "my_events" } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} will produce an event file \verb|my_events.evx| which contains $4000$ events. This event file is in a machine-dependent binary format, so it is not of immediate use. Its principal purpose is to serve as a cache: if you re-run the same script, before starting simulation, it will look for an existing event file that matches the input. If nothing has changed, it will find the file previously generated and read in the events, instead of generating them. Thus you can modify the analysis or any further steps without repeating the time-consuming task of generating a large event sample. If you change the number of events to generate, the program will make use of the existing event sample and generate further events only when it is used up. If necessary, you can suppress the writing/reading of the raw event file by the parameters \verb|?write_raw| and \verb|?read_raw|. If you try to reuse an event file that has been written by a previous version of \whizard, you may run into an incompatibility, which will be detected as an error. If this happens, you may enforce a compatibility mode (also for writing) by setting \ttt{\$event\_file\_version} to the appropriate version string, e.g., \verb|"2.0"|. Be aware that this may break some more recent features in the event analysis. Generating an event sample can serve several purposes. First of all, it can be analyzed directly, by \whizard's built-in capabilities, to produce tables, histograms, or calculate inclusive observables. The basic analysis features of \whizard\ are described below in Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. It can be written to an external file in a standard format that a human or an external program can understand. In Chap.~\ref{chap:events}, you will find a more thorough discussion of event generation with \whizard, which also covers in detail the available event-file formats. Finally, \whizard\ can rescan an existing event sample. The event sample may either be the result of a previous \ttt{simulate} run or, under certain conditions, an external event sample produced by another generator or reconstructed from data. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} rescan "my_events" (proc1) { $pdf_builtin_set = "MSTW2008LO" } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The rescanning may apply different parameters and recalculate the matrix element, it may apply a different event selection, it may reweight the events by a different PDF set (as above). The modified event sample can again be analyzed or written to file. For more details, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:rescan}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Decays} \label{sec:decays} Normally, the events generated by the \ttt{simulate} command will be identical in structure to the events that the \ttt{integrate} command generates. This implies that for a process such as $pp\to W^+W^-$, the final-state particles are on-shell and stable, so they appear explicitly in the generated event files. If events are desired where the decay products of the $W$ bosons appear, one has to generate another process, e.g., $pp\to u\bar d\bar ud$. In this case, the intermediate vector bosons, if reconstructed, are off-shell as dictated by physics, and the process contains all intermediate states that are possible. In this example, the matrix element contains also $ZZ$, photon, and non-resonant intermediate states. (This can be restricted via the \verb|$restrictions| option, cf.\ \ref{sec:process options}. Another approach is to factorize the process in production (of $W$ bosons) and decays ($W\to q\bar q$). This is actually the traditional approach, since it is much less computing-intensive. The factorization neglects all off-shell effects and irreducible background diagrams that do not have the decaying particles as an intermediate resonance. While \whizard\ is able to deal with multi-particle processes without factorization, the needed computing resources rapidly increase with the number of external particles. Particularly, it is the phase space integration that becomes the true bottleneck for a high multiplicity of final state particles. In order to use the factorized approach, one has to specify particles as \ttt{unstable}. (Also, the \ttt{?allow\_decays} switch must be \ttt{true}; this is however its default value.) We give an example for a $pp \to Wj$ final state: \begin{code} process wj = u, gl => d, Wp process wen = Wp => E1, n1 integrate (wen) sqrts = 7 TeV beams = p, p => pdf_builtin unstable Wp (wen) simulate (wj) { n_events = 1 } \end{code} This defines a $2 \to 2$ hard scattering process of $W + j$ production at the 7 TeV LHC 2011 run. The $W^+$ is marked as unstable, with its decay process being $W^+ \to e^+ \nu_e$. In the \ttt{simulate} command both processes, the production process \ttt{wj} and the decay process \ttt{wen} will be integrated, while the $W$ decays become effective only in the final event sample. This event sample will contain final states with multiplicity $3$, namely $e^+ \nu_e d$. Note that here only one decay process is given, hence the branching ratio for the decay will be taken to be $100 \%$ by \whizard. A natural restriction of the factorized approach is the implied narrow-width approximation. Theoretically, this restriction is necessary since whenever the width plays an important role, the usage of the factorized approach will not be fully justified. In particular, all involved matrix elements must be evaluated on-shell, or otherwise gauge-invariance issues could spoil the calculation. (There are plans for a future \whizard\ version to also include Breit-Wigner or Gaussian distributions when using the factorized approach.) Decays can be concatenated, e.g. for top pair production and decay, $e^+ e^- \to t \bar t$ with decay $t \to W^+ b$, and subsequent leptonic decay of the $W$ as in $W^+ \to \mu^+ \nu_\mu$: \begin{code} process eett = e1, E1 => t, tbar process t_dec = t => Wp, b process W_dec = Wp => E2, n2 unstable t (t_dec) unstable Wp (W_dec) sqrts = 500 simulate (eett) { n_events = 1 } \end{code} Note that in this case the final state in the event file will consist of $\bar t b \mu^+ \nu_\mu$ because the anti-top is not decayed. If more than one decay process is being specified like in \begin{code} process eeww = e1, E1 => Wp, Wm process w_dec1 = Wp => E2, n2 process w_dec2 = Wp => E3, n3 unstable Wp (w_dec1, w_dec2) sqrts = 500 simulate (eeww) { n_events = 100 } \end{code} then \whizard\ takes the integrals of the specified decay processes and distributes the decays statistically according to the calculated branching ratio. Note that this might not be the true branching ratios if decay processes are missing, or loop corrections to partial widths give large(r) deviations. In the calculation of the code above, \whizard\ will issue an output like \begin{code} | Unstable particle W+: computed branching ratios: | w_dec1: 5.0018253E-01 mu+, numu | w_dec2: 4.9981747E-01 tau+, nutau | Total width = 4.5496085E-01 GeV (computed) | = 2.0490000E+00 GeV (preset) | Decay options: helicity treated exactly \end{code} So in this case, \whizard\ uses 50 \% muonic and 50 \% tauonic decays of the positively charged $W$, while the $W^-$ appears directly in the event file. \whizard\ shows the difference between the preset $W$ width from the physics model file and the value computed from the two decay channels. Note that a particle in a \sindarin\ input script can be also explictly marked as being stable, using the \begin{code} stable \end{code} constructor for the particle \ttt{}. \subsubsection{Resetting branching fractions} \label{sec:br-reset} As described above, decay processes that appear in a simulation must first be integrated by the program, either explicitly via the \verb|integrate| command, or implicitly by \verb|unstable|. In either case, \whizard\ will use the computed partial widths in order to determine branching fractions. In the spirit of a purely leading-order calculation, this is consistent. However, it may be desired to rather use different branching-fraction values for the decays of a particle, for instance, NLO-corrected values. In fact, after \whizard\ has integrated any process, the integration result becomes available as an ordinary \sindarin\ variable. For instance, if a decay process has the ID \verb|h_bb|, the integral of this process -- the partial width, in this case -- becomes the variable \verb|integral(h_bb)|. This variable may be reset just like any other variable: \begin{code} integral(h_bb) = 2.40e-3 GeV \end{code} The new value will be used for all subsequent Higgs branching-ratio calculations and decays, if an unstable Higgs appears in a process for simulation. \subsubsection{Spin correlations in decays} \label{sec:spin-correlations} By default, \whizard\ applies full spin and color correlations to the factorized processes, so it keeps both color and spin coherence between productions and decays. Correlations between decay products of distinct unstable particles in the same event are also fully retained. The program sums over all intermediate quantum numbers. Although this approach obviously yields the optimal description with the limits of production-decay factorization, there is support for a simplified handling of particle decays. Essentially, there are four options, taking a decay \ttt{W\_ud}: $W^-\to \bar u d$ as an example: \begin{enumerate} \item Full spin correlations: \verb|unstable Wp (W_ud)| \item Isotropic decay: \verb|unstable Wp (W_ud) { ?isotropic_decay = true }| \item Diagonal decay matrix: \verb|unstable Wp (W_ud) { ?diagonal_decay = true }| \item Project onto specific helicity: \verb|unstable Wp (W_ud) { decay_helicity = -1 }| \end{enumerate} Here, the isotropic option completely eliminates spin correlations. The diagonal-decays option eliminates just the off-diagonal entries of the $W$ spin-density matrix. This is equivalent to a measurement of spin before the decay. As a result, spin correlations are still present in the classical sense, while quantum coherence is lost. The definite-helicity option is similar and additional selects only the specified helicity component for the decaying particle, so its decay distribution assumes the shape for an accordingly polarized particle. All options apply in the rest frame of the decaying particle, with the particle's momentum as the quantization axis. \subsubsection{Automatic decays} A convenient option is if the user did not have to specify the decay mode by hand, but if they were generated automatically. \whizard\ does have this option: the flag \ttt{?auto\_decays} can be set to \ttt{true}, and is taking care of that. In that case the list for the decay processes of the particle marked as unstable is left empty (we take a $W^-$ again as example): \begin{code} unstable Wm () { ?auto_decays = true } \end{code} \whizard\ then inspects at the local position within the \sindarin\ input file where that \ttt{unstable} statement appears the masses of all the particles of the active physics model in order to determine which decays are possible. It then calculates their partial widths. There are a few options to customize the decays. The integer variable \ttt{auto\_decays\_multiplicity} allows to set the maximal multiplicity of the final states considered in the auto decay option. The defaul value of that variable is \ttt{2}; please be quite careful when setting this to values larger than that. If you do so, the flag \ttt{?auto\_decays\_radiative} allows to specify whether final states simply containing additional resolved gluons or photons are taken into account or not. For the example above, you almost hit the PDG value for the $W$ total width: \begin{code} | Unstable particle W-: computed branching ratios: | decay_a24_1: 3.3337068E-01 d, ubar | decay_a24_2: 3.3325864E-01 s, cbar | decay_a24_3: 1.1112356E-01 e-, nuebar | decay_a24_4: 1.1112356E-01 mu-, numubar | decay_a24_5: 1.1112356E-01 tau-, nutaubar | Total width = 2.0478471E+00 GeV (computed) | = 2.0490000E+00 GeV (preset) | Decay options: helicity treated exactly \end{code} \subsubsection{Future shorter notation for decays} {\color{red} In an upcoming \whizard\ version there will be a shorter and more concise notation already in the process definition for such decays, which, however, is current not yet implemented. The two first examples above will then be shorter and have this form:} \begin{code} process wj = u, gl => (Wp => E1, n1), d \end{code} {\color{red} as well as } \begin{code} process eett = e1, E1 => (t => (Wp => E2, n2), b), tbar \end{code} %%%%% \subsection{Event formats} As mentioned above, the internal \whizard\ event format is a machine-dependent event format. There are a series of human-readable ASCII event formats that are supported: very verbose formats intended for debugging, formats that have been agreed upon during the Les Houches workshops like LHA and LHEF, or formats that are steered through external packages like HepMC. More details about event formats can be found in Sec.~\ref{sec:eventformats}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Analysis and Visualization} \label{sec:analysis} \sindarin\ natively supports basic methods of data analysis and visualization which are frequently used in high-energy physics studies. Data generated during script execution, in particular simulated event samples, can be analyzed to evaluate further observables, fill histograms, and draw two-dimensional plots. So the user does not have to rely on his/her own external graphical analysis method (like e.g. \ttt{gnuplot} or \ttt{ROOT} etc.), but can use methods that automatically ship with \whizard. In many cases, the user, however, clearly will use his/her own analysis machinery, especially experimental collaborations. In the following sections, we first summarize the available data structures, before we consider their graphical display. \subsection{Observables} Analyses in high-energy physics often involve averages of quantities other than a total cross section. \sindarin\ supports this by its \ttt{observable} objects. An \ttt{observable} is a container that collects a single real-valued variable with a statistical distribution. It is declared by a command of the form \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{observable \emph{analysis-tag}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} where \ttt{\emph{analysis-tag}} is an identifier that follows the same rules as a variable name. Once the observable has been declared, it can be filled with values. This is done via the \ttt{record} command: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{record \emph{analysis-tag} (\emph{value})} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} To make use of this, after values have been filled, we want to perform the actual analysis and display the results. For an observable, these are the mean value and the standard deviation. There is the command \ttt{write\_analysis}: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{write\_analysis (\emph{analysis-tag})} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Here is an example: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} observable obs record obs (1.2) record obs (1.3) record obs (2.1) record obs (1.4) write_analysis (obs) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The result is displayed on screen: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} ############################################################################### # Observable: obs average = 1.500000000000E+00 error[abs] = 2.041241452319E-01 error[rel] = 1.360827634880E-01 n_entries = 4 \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsection{The analysis expression} \label{subsec:analysis} The most common application is the computation of event observables -- for instance, a forward-backward asymmetry -- during simulation. To this end, there is an \ttt{analysis} expression, which behaves very similar to the \ttt{cuts} expression. It is defined either globally \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{analysis = \emph{logical-expr}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} or as a local option to the \ttt{simulate} or \ttt{rescan} commands which generate and handle event samples. If this expression is defined, it is not evaluated immediately, but it is evaluated once for each event in the sample. In contrast to the \ttt{cuts} expression, the logical value of the \ttt{analysis} expression is discarded; the expression form has been chosen just by analogy. To make this useful, there is a variant of the \ttt{record} command, namely a \ttt{record} function with exactly the same syntax. As an example, here is a calculation of the forward-backward symmetry in a process \ttt{ee\_mumu} with final state $\mu^+\mu^-$: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} observable a_fb analysis = record a_fb (eval sgn (Pz) ["mu-"]) simulate (ee_mumu) { luminosity = 1 / 1 fbarn } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The logical return value of \ttt{record} -- which is discarded here -- is \ttt{true} if the recording was successful. In case of histograms (see below) it is true if the value falls within bounds, false otherwise. Note that the function version of \ttt{record} can be used anywhere in expressions, not just in the \ttt{analysis} expression. When \ttt{record} is called for an observable or histogram in simulation mode, the recorded value is weighted appropriately. If \ttt{?unweighted} is true, the weight is unity, otherwise it is the event weight. The \ttt{analysis} expression can involve any other construct that can be expressed as an expression in \sindarin. For instance, this records the energy of the 4th hardest jet in a histogram \ttt{pt\_dist}, if it is in the central region: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} analysis = record pt_dist (eval E [extract index 4 [sort by - Pt [select if -2.5 < Eta < 2.5 [colored]]]]) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Here, if there is no 4th jet in the event which satisfies the criterion, the result will be an undefined value which is not recorded. In that case, \ttt{record} evaluates to \ttt{false}. Selection cuts can be part of the analysis expression: \begin{code} analysis = if any Pt > 50 GeV [lepton] then record jet_energy (eval E [collect [jet]]) endif \end{code} Alternatively, we can specify a separate selection expression: \begin{code} selection = any Pt > 50 GeV [lepton] analysis = record jet_energy (eval E [collect [jet]]) \end{code} The former version writes all events to file (if requested), but applies the analysis expression only to the selected events. This allows for the simultaneous application of different selections to a single event sample. The latter version applies the selection to all events before they are analyzed or written to file. The analysis expression can make use of all variables and constructs that are defined at the point where it is evaluated. In particular, it can make use of the particle content and kinematics of the hard process, as in the example above. In addition to the predefined variables and those defined by the user, there are the following variables which depend on the hard process. Some of them are constants, some vary event by event: \begin{quote} \begin{tabular}{ll} integer: &\ttt{event\_index} \\ integer: &\ttt{process\_num\_id} \\ string: &\ttt{\$process\_id} \\ integer: &\ttt{n\_in}, \ttt{n\_out}, \ttt{n\_tot} \\ real: &\ttt{sqrts}, \ttt{sqrts\_hat} \\ real: &\ttt{sqme}, \ttt{sqme\_ref} \\ real: &\ttt{event\_weight}, \ttt{event\_excess} \end{tabular} \end{quote} The \ttt{process\_num\_id} is the numeric ID as used by external programs, while the process index refers to the current library. By default, the two are identical. The process index itself is not available as a predefined observable. The \ttt{sqme} and \ttt{sqme\_ref} values indicate the squared matrix element and the reference squared matrix element, respectively. The latter applies when comparing with a reference sample (the \ttt{rescan} command). \ttt{record} evaluates to a logical, so several \ttt{record} functions may be concatenated by the logical operators \ttt{and} or \ttt{or}. However, since usually the further evaluation should not depend on the return value of \ttt{record}, it is more advisable to concatenate them by the semicolon (\ttt{;}) operator. This is an operator (\emph{not} a statement separator or terminator) that connects two logical expressions and evaluates both of them in order. The lhs result is discarded, the result is the value of the rhs: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} analysis = record hist_pt (eval Pt [lepton]) ; record hist_ct (eval cos (Theta) [lepton]) \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsection{Histograms} \label{sec:histogram} In \sindarin, a histogram is declared by the command \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{histogram \emph{analysis-tag} (\emph{lower-bound}, \emph{upper-bound})} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This creates a histogram data structure for an (unspecified) observable. The entries are organized in bins between the real values \ttt{\emph{lower-bound}} and \ttt{\emph{upper-bound}}. The number of bins is given by the value of the intrinsic integer variable \ttt{n\_bins}, the default value is 20. The \ttt{histogram} declaration supports an optional argument, so the number of bins can be set locally, for instance \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{histogram pt\_distribution (0 GeV, 500 GeV) \{ n\_bins = 50 \}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Sometimes it is more convenient to set the bin width directly. This can be done in a third argument to the \ttt{histogram} command. \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{histogram pt\_distribution (0 GeV, 500 GeV, 10 GeV)} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} If the bin width is specified this way, it overrides the setting of \ttt{n\_bins}. The \ttt{record} command or function fills histograms. A single call \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{record (\emph{real-expr})} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} puts the value of \ttt{\emph{real-expr}} into the appropriate bin. If the call is issued during a simulation where \ttt{unweighted} is false, the entry is weighted appropriately. If the value is outside the range specified in the histogram declaration, it is put into one of the special underflow and overflow bins. The \ttt{write\_analysis} command prints the histogram contents as a table in blank-separated fixed columns. The columns are: $x$ (bin midpoint), $y$ (bin contents), $\Delta y$ (error), excess weight, and $n$ (number of entries). The output also contains comments initiated by a \verb|#| sign, and following the histogram proper, information about underflow and overflow as well as overall contents is added. \subsection{Plots} \label{sec:plot} While a histogram stores only summary information about a data set, a \ttt{plot} stores all data as $(x,y)$ pairs, optionally with errors. A plot declaration is as simple as \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{plot \emph{analysis-tag}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Like observables and histograms, plots are filled by the \ttt{record} command or expression. To this end, it can take two arguments, \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{record (\emph{x-expr}, \emph{y-expr})} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} or up to four: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{record (\emph{x-expr}, \emph{y-expr}, \emph{y-error})} \\ \ttt{record (\emph{x-expr}, \emph{y-expr}, \emph{y-error-expr}, \emph{x-error-expr})} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} Note that the $y$ error comes first. This is because applications will demand errors for the $y$ value much more often than $x$ errors. The plot output, again written by \ttt{write\_analysis} contains the four values for each point, again in the ordering $x,y,\Delta y, \Delta x$. \subsection{Analysis Output} There is a default format for piping information into observables, histograms, and plots. In older versions of \whizard\ there was a first version of a custom format, which was however rather limited. A more versatile custom output format will be coming soon. \begin{enumerate} \item By default, the \ttt{write\_analysis} command prints all data to the standard output. The data are also written to a default file with the name \ttt{whizard\_analysis.dat}. Output is redirected to a file with a different name if the variable \ttt{\$out\_file} has a nonempty value. If the file is already open, the output will be appended to the file, and it will be kept open. If the file is not open, \ttt{write\_analysis} will open the output file by itself, overwriting any previous file with the same name, and close it again after data have been written. The command is able to print more than one dataset, following the syntax \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{write\_analysis (\emph{analysis-tag1}, \emph{analysis-tag2}, \ldots) \{ \emph{options} \}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The argument in brackets may also be empty or absent; in this case, all currently existing datasets are printed. The default data format is suitable for compiling analysis data by \whizard's built-in \gamelan\ graphics driver (see below and particularly Chap.~\ref{chap:visualization}). Data are written in blank-separated fixed columns, headlines and comments are initiated by the \verb|#| sign, and each data set is terminated by a blank line. However, external programs often require special formatting. The internal graphics driver \gamelan\ of \whizard\ is initiated by the \ttt{compile\_analysis} command. Its syntax is the same, and it contains the \ttt{write\_analysis} if that has not been separately called (which is unnecessary). For more details about the \gamelan\ graphics driver and data visualization within \whizard, confer Chap.~\ref{chap:visualization}. \item Custom format. Not yet (re-)implemented in a general form. \end{enumerate} \section{Custom Input/Output} \label{sec:I/O} \whizard\ is rather chatty. When you run examples or your own scripts, you will observe that the program echoes most operations (assignments, commands, etc.) on the standard output channel, i.e., on screen. Furthermore, all screen output is copied to a log file which by default is named \ttt{whizard.log}. For each integration run, \whizard\ writes additional process-specific information to a file \ttt{\var{tag}.log}, where \ttt{\var{tag}} is the process name. Furthermore, the \ttt{write\_analysis} command dumps analysis data -- tables for histograms and plots -- to its own set of files, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. However, there is the occasional need to write data to extra files in a custom format. \sindarin\ deals with that in terms of the following commands: \subsection{Output Files} \subsubsection{open\_out} \begin{syntax} open\_out (\var{filename}) \\ open\_out (\var{filename}) \{ \var{options} \} \end{syntax} Open an external file for writing. If the file exists, it is overwritten without warning, otherwise it is created. Example: \begin{code} open_out ("my_output.dat") \end{code} \subsubsection{close\_out} \begin{syntax} close\_out (\var{filename}) \\ close\_out (\var{filename}) \{ \var{options} \} \end{syntax} Close an external file that is open for writing. Example: \begin{code} close_out ("my_output.dat") \end{code} \subsection{Printing Data} \subsubsection{printf} \begin{syntax} printf \var{format-string-expr} \\ printf \var{format-string-expr} (\var{data-objects}) \end{syntax} Format \ttt{\var{data-objects}} according to \ttt{\var{format-string-expr}} and print the resulting string to standard output if the string variable \ttt{\$out\_file} is undefined. If \ttt{\$out\_file} is defined and the file with this name is open for writing, print to this file instead. Print a newline at the end if \ttt{?out\_advance} is true, otherwise don't finish the line. The \ttt{\var{format-string-expr}} must evaluate to a string. Formatting follows a subset of the rules for the \ttt{printf(3)} command in the \ttt{C} language. The supported rules are: \begin{itemize} \item All characters are printed as-is, with the exception of embedded conversion specifications. \item Conversion specifications are initiated by a percent (\verb|%|) sign and followed by an optional prefix flag, an optional integer value, an optional dot followed by another integer, and a mandatory letter as the conversion specifier. \item A percent sign immediately followed by another percent sign is interpreted as a single percent sign, not as a conversion specification. \item The number of conversion specifiers must be equal to the number of data objects. The data types must also match. \item The first integer indicates the minimum field width, the second one the precision. The field is expanded as needed. \item The conversion specifiers \ttt{d} and \ttt{i} are equivalent, they indicate an integer value. \item The conversion specifier \ttt{e} indicates a real value that should be printed in exponential notation. \item The conversion specifier \ttt{f} indicates a real value that should be printed in decimal notation without exponent. \item The conversion specifier \ttt{g} indicates a real value that should be printed either in exponential or in decimal notation, depending on its value. \item The conversion specifier \ttt{s} indicates a logical or string value that should be printed as a string. \item Possible prefixes are \verb|#| (alternate form, mandatory decimal point for reals), \verb|0| (zero padding), \verb|-| (left adjusted), \verb|+| (always print sign), `\verb| |' (print space before a positive number). \end{itemize} For more details, consult the \verb|printf(3)| manpage. Note that other conversions are not supported and will be rejected by \whizard. The data arguments are numeric, logical or string variables or expressions. Numeric expressions must be enclosed in parantheses. Logical expressions must be enclosed in parantheses prefixed by a question mark \verb|?|. String expressions must be enclosed in parantheses prefixed by a dollar sign \verb|$|. These forms behave as anonymous variables. Note that for simply printing a text string, you may call \ttt{printf} with just a format string and no data arguments. Examples: \begin{code} printf "The W mass is %8f GeV" (mW) int i = 2 int j = 3 printf "%i + %i = %i" (i, j, (i+j)) string $directory = "/usr/local/share" string $file = "foo.dat" printf "File path: %s/%s" ($directory, $file) \end{code} There is a related \ttt{sprintf} function, cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:sprintf}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{WHIZARD at next-to-leading order} \subsection{Prerequisites} A full NLO computation requires virtual matrix elements obtained from loop diagrams. Since \oMega\ cannot calculate such diagrams, external programs are used. \whizard\ has a generic interface to matrix-element generators that are BLHA-compatible. Explicit implementations exist for \gosam, \openloops\ and \recola. %%%%% \subsubsection{Setting up \gosam} The installation of \gosam\ is detailed on the HepForge page \url{https://gosam/}. We mention here some of the steps necessary to get it to be linked with \whizard. {\bf Bug in \gosam\ installation scripts:} In many versions of \gosam\ there is a bug in the installation scripts that is only relevant if \gosam\ is installed with superuser privileges. Then all files in \ttt{\$installdir/share/golem} do not have read privileges for normal users. These privileges must be given manually to all files in that directory. Prerequisites for \gosam\ to produce code for one-loop matrix elements are the scientific algebra program \ttt{form} and the generator of loop topologies and diagrams, \ttt{qgraf}. These can be accessed via their respective webpages \url{} and \url{}. Note also that both \ttt{Java} and the Java runtime environment have to be installed in order for \gosam\ to properly work. Furthermore, \ttt{libtool} needs to be installed. A more convenient way to install \gosam, is the automatic installation script \url{}. %%%%% \subsubsection{Setting up \openloops} \label{sec:openloops-setup} The installation of \openloops\ is explained in detail on the HepForge page \url{}. In the following, the main steps for usage with \whizard\ are summarized. Please note that at the moment, \openloops\ cannot be installed such that in almost all cases the explicit \openloops\ package directory has to be set via \ttt{--with-openloops=}. \openloops\ can be checked out with \begin{code} git clone \end{code} Note that \whizard\ only supports \openloops\ version that are at least 2.1.1 or newer. Alternatively, one can use the public beta version of \openloops, which can be checked out by the command \begin{code} git clone -b public_beta \end{code} The program can be build by running \ttt{scons} or \ttt{./scons}, a local version that is included in the \openloops\ directory. This produces the script \ttt{./openloops}, which is the main hook for the further usage of the program. \openloops\ works by downloading prebuild process libraries, which have to be installed for each individual process. This requires the file \ttt{openloops.cfg}, which should contain the following content: \begin{code} [OpenLoops] process_repositories=public, whizard compile_extra=1 \end{code} The first line instructs \openloops\ to also look for process libraries in an additional lepton collider repository. The second line triggers the inclusion of $N+1$-particle tree-level matrix elements in the process directory, so that a complete NLO calculation including real amplitudes can be performed only with \openloops. The libraries can then be installed via \begin{code} ./openloops libinstall proc_name \end{code} A list of supported library names can be found on the \openloops\ web page. Note that a process library also includes all possible permutated processes. The process library \ttt{ppllj}, for example, can also be used to compute the matrix elements for $e^+ e^- \rightarrow q \bar{q}$ (massless quarks only). The massive case of the top quark is handled in \ttt{eett}. Additionally, there are process libraries for top and gauge boson decays, \ttt{tbw}, \ttt{vjj}, \ttt{tbln} and \ttt{tbqq}. Finally, \openloops\ can be linked to \whizard\ during configuration by including \begin{code} --enable-openloops --with-openloops=$OPENLOOPS_PATH, \end{code} where \ttt{\$OPENLOOPS\_PATH} is the directory the \openloops\ executable is located in. \openloops\ one-loop diagrams can then be used with the \sindarin\ option \begin{code} $loop_me_method = "openloops". \end{code} The functional tests which check the \openloops\ functionality require the libraries \ttt{ppllj}, \ttt{eett} and \ttt{tbw} to be installed (note that \ttt{eett} is not contained in \ttt{ppll}). During the configuration of \whizard, it is automatically checked that these two libraries, as well as the option \ttt{compile\_extra=1}, are present. \subsubsection{\openloops\ \sindarin\ flags} Several \sindarin\ options exist to control the behavior of \openloops. \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{openloops\_verbosity}:\\ Decide how much \openloops\ output is printed. Can have values 0, 1 and 2. \item \ttt{?openloops\_use\_cms}:\\ Activates the complex mass scheme. For computations with decaying resonances like the top quark or W or Z bosons, this is the preferred option to avoid gauge-dependencies. \item \ttt{openloops\_phs\_tolerance}:\\ Controls the exponent of \ttt{extra psp\_tolerance} in the BLHA interface, which is the numerical tolerance for the on-shell condition of external particles \item \ttt{openloops\_switch\_off\_muon\_yukawa}:\\ Sets the Yukawa coupling of muons to zero in order to assure agreement with \oMega, which is possibly used for other components and per default does not take $H\mu\mu$ couplings into account. \item \ttt{openloops\_stability\_log}:\\ Creates the directory \ttt{stability\_log}, which contains information about the performance of the matrix elements. Possible values are \begin{itemize} \item 0: No output (default), \item 1: On finish() call, \item 2: Adaptive, \item 3: Always \end{itemize} \item \ttt{?openloops\_use\_collier}: Use Collier as the reduction method (default true). \end{itemize} %%%%% \subsubsection{Setting up \recola} \label{sec:recola-setup} The installation of \recola\ is explained in detail on the HepForge page \url{}. In the following the main steps for usage with \whizard\ are summarized. The minimal required version number of \recola\ is 1.3.0. \recola\ can be linked to \whizard\ during configuration by including \begin{code} --enable-recola \end{code} In case the \recola\ library is not in a standard path or a path accessible in the \ttt{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} (or \ttt{DYLD\_LIBRARY\_PATH}) of the operating system, then the option \begin{code} --with-recola=$RECOLA_PATH \end{code} can be set, where \ttt{\$RECOLA\_PATH} is the directory the \recola\ library is located in. \recola\ can then be used with the \sindarin\ option \begin{code} $method = "recola" \end{code} or any other of the matrix element methods. Note that there might be a clash of the \collier\ libraries when you have \collier\ installed both via \recola\ and via \openloops, but have compiled them with different \fortran\ compilers. %%%%% \subsection{NLO cross sections} An NLO computation can be switched on in \sindarin\ with \begin{code} process proc_nlo = in1, in2 => out1, ..., outN { nlo_calculation = }, \end{code} where the \ttt{nlo\_calculation} can be followed by a list of strings specifying the desired NLO-components to be integrated, i.e. \ttt{born}, \ttt{real}, \ttt{virtual}, \ttt{dglap}, (for hadron collisions) or \ttt{mismatch} (for the soft mismatch in resonance-aware computations) and \ttt{full}. The \ttt{full} option switches on all components and is required if the total NLO result is desired. For example, specifying \begin{code} nlo_calculation = born, virtual \end{code} will result in the computation of the Born and virtual component. The integration can be carried out in two different modes: Combined and separate integration. In the separate integration mode, each component is integrated individually, allowing for a good overview of their contributions to the total cross section and a fine tuned control over the iterations in each component. In the combined integration mode, all components are added up during integration so that the sum of them is evaluated. Here, only one integration will be displayed. The default method is the separate integration. The convergence of the integration can crucially be influenced by the presence of resonances. A better convergence is in this case achieved activating the resonance-aware FKS subtraction, \begin{code} $fks_mapping_type = "resonances". \end{code} This mode comes with an additional integration component, the so-called soft mismatch. Note that you can modify the number of iterations in each component with the multipliers: \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{mult\_call\_real} multiplies the number of calls to be used in the integration of the real component. A reasonable choice is \ttt{10.0} as the real phase-space is more complicated than the Born but the matrix elements evaluate faster than the virtuals. \item \ttt{mult\_call\_virt} multiplies the number of calls to be used in the integration of the virtual component. A reasonable choice is \ttt{0.5} to make sure that the fast Born component only contributes a negligible MC error compared to the real and virtual components. \item \ttt{mult\_call\_dglap} multiplies the number of calls to be used in the integration of the DGLAP component. \end{itemize} \subsection{Fixed-order NLO events} \label{ss:fixedorderNLOevents} Fixed-order NLO events can also be produced in three different modes: Combined weighted, combined unweighted and separated weighted. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Combined weighted}\\ In the combined mode, one single integration grid is produced, from which events are generated with the total NLO weight. The corresponding event file contains $N$ events with born-like kinematics and weight equal to $\mathcal{B} + \mathcal{V} + \sum_{\alpha_r} \mathcal{C}_{\alpha_r}$, where $\mathcal{B}$ is the Born matrix element, $\mathcal{V}$ is the virtual matrix element and $\mathcal{C}_{\alpha_r}$ are the subtraction terms in each singular region. For resonance-aware processes, also the mismatch value is added. Each born-like event is followed by $N_{\text{phs}}$ associated events with real kinematics, i.e. events where one additional QCD particle is present. The corresponding real matrix elements $\mathcal{R}_\alpha$ form the weight of these events. $N_{\text{phs}}$ is the number of distinct phase spaces. Two phase spaces are distinct if they have different resonance histories and/or have different emitters. So, two $\alpha_r$ can share the same phase space index. The combined event mode is activated by \begin{code} ?combined_nlo_integration = true ?unweighted = false ?fixed_order_nlo_events = true \end{code} Moreover, the process must be specified at next-to-leading-order in its definition using \ttt{nlo\_calculation = full}. \whizard\ then proceeds as in the usual simulation mode. I.e. it first checks whether integration grids are already present and uses them if they fit. Otherwise, it starts an integration. \item \textbf{Combined unweighted}\\ The unweighted combined events can be generated by using the \powheg\ mode, cf. also the next subsection, but disabling the additional radiation and Sudakov factors with the \ttt{?powheg\_disable\_sudakov} switch: \begin{code} ?combined_nlo_integration = true ?powheg_matching = true ?powheg_disable_sudakov = true \end{code} This will produce events with Born kinematics and unit weights (as \ttt{?unweighted} is \ttt{true} by default). The events are unweighted by using $\mathcal{B} + \mathcal{V} + \sum_{\alpha_r} (\mathcal{C}_{\alpha_r} + \mathcal{R}_{\alpha_r})$. Of course, this only works when these weights are positive over the full phase-space, which is not guaranteed for all scales and regions at NLO. However, for many processes perturbation theory works nicely and this is not an issue. \item \textbf{Separate weighted}\\ In the separate mode, grids and events are generated for each individual component of the NLO process. This method is preferable for complicated processes, since it allows to individually tune each grid generation. Moreover, the grid generation is then trivially parallelized. The event files either contain only Born kinematics with weight $\mathcal{B}$ or $\mathcal{V}$ (and mismatch in case of a resonance-aware process) or mixed Born and real kinematics for the real component like in the combined mode. However, the Born events have only the weight $\sum_{\alpha_r} \mathcal{C}_{\alpha_r}$ in this case. The separate event mode is activated by \begin{code} ?unweighted = false ?negative_weights = true ?fixed_order_nlo_events = true \end{code} Note that negative weights have to be switched on because, in contrast to the combined mode, the total cross sections of the individual components can be negative. Also, the desired component has to appear in the process NLO specification, e.g. using \ttt{nlo\_calculation = real}. \end{itemize} Weighted fixed-order NLO events are supported by any output format that supports weights like the \ttt{HepMC} format and unweighted NLO events work with any format. The output can either be written to disk or put into a FIFO to interface it to an analysis program without writing events to file. The weights in the real event output, both in the combined and separate weighted mode, are divided by a factor $N_{\text{phs}} + 1$. This is to account for the fact that we artificially increase the number of events in the output file. Thus, the sum of all event weights correctly reproduces the total cross section. \subsection{\powheg\ matching} To match the NLO computation with a parton shower, \whizard\ supports the \powheg\ matching. It generates a distribution according to \begin{align} \label{eq:powheg} \text{d}\sigma &= \text{d}\Phi_n \,{\bar{B}_{\text{s}}}\,\biggl( {\Delta_{\text{s}}}(p_T^{\text{min}}\bigr) + \text{d}\Phi_{\text{rad}}\,{\Delta_{\text{s}}}(k_{\text{T}}(\Phi_{\text{rad}})\bigr) {\frac{R_{\text{s}}}B}\biggr) \quad \text{where} \\ {\bar{B}_{\text{s}}} &= {B} + {\mathcal{V}} + \text{d}\Phi_{\text{rad}}\, {\mathcal{R}_{\text{s}}} \quad \text{and} \\ {\Delta_{\text{s}}}(p_T) &= \exp\left[- \int{\text{d}\Phi_{\text{rad}}} {\frac{R_{\text{s}}}{B}}\; \theta\left(k_T^2(\Phi_{\text{rad}}) - p_T^2\right)\right]\;. \end{align} The subscript s refers to the singular part of the real component, cf. to the next subsection. Eq.~\eqref{eq:powheg} produces either no or one additional emission. These events can then either be analyzed directly or passed on to the parton shower\footnote{E.g. \pythiaeight\ has explicit examples for \powheg\ input, see also \url{}.} for the full simulation. You activate this with \begin{code} ?fixed_order_nlo_events = false ?combined_nlo_integration = true ?powheg_matching = true \end{code} The $p_T^{\text{min}}$ of Eq.~\eqref{eq:powheg} can be set with \ttt{powheg\_pt\_min}. It sets the minimal scale for the \powheg\ evolution and should be of order 1 GeV and set accordingly in the interfaced shower. The maximal scale is currently given by \ttt{sqrts} but should in the future be changeable with \ttt{powheg\_pt\_max}. Note that the \powheg\ event generation needs an additional grid for efficient event generation that is automatically generated during integration. Further options that steer the efficiency of this grid are \ttt{powheg\_grid\_size\_xi} and \ttt{powheg\_grid\_size\_y}. \subsection{Separation of finite and singular contributions} For both the pure NLO computations as well as the \powheg\ event generation, \whizard\ supports the partitioning of the real into finite and singular contributions with the flag \begin{code} ?nlo_use_real_partition = true \end{code} The finite contributions, which by definition should not contain soft or collinear emissions, will then integrate like a ordinary LO integration with one additional particle. Similarly, the event generation will produce only real events without subtraction terms with Born kinematics for this additional finite component. The \powheg\ event generation will also only use the singular parts. The current implementation uses the following parametrization \begin{align} R &= R_{\text{fin}} + R_{\text{sing}} \;,\\ R_{\text{sing}} &= R F(\Phi_{n+1}) \;,\\ R_{\text{fin}} &= R (1-F(\Phi_{n+1})) \;,\\ F(\Phi_{n+1}) &= \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \quad\exists\,(i,j)\in\mathcal{P}_{\text{FKS}}\quad \text{with} \quad \sqrt{(p_i+p_j)^2} < h + m_i + m_j \\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases} \;. \end{align} Thus, a point is {singular ($F=1$)}, if {any} of the {FKS tuples} forms an {invariant mass} that is {smaller than the hardness scale $h$}. This parameter is controlled in \sindarin\ with \ttt{real\_partition\_scale}. This simplifies in {massless case} to \begin{align} F(\Phi_{n+1}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if} \;\exists\,(i,j)\in\mathcal{P}_{\text{FKS}}\quad \text{with} \quad 2 E_i E_j (1-\cos\theta_{ij}) < h^2 \\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases} \;. \end{align} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Random number generators} \label{chap:rng} \section{General remarks} \label{sec:rng} The random number generators (RNG) are one of the crucialer points of Monte Carlo calculations, hence, giving those their ``randomness''. A decent multipurpose random generator covers \begin{itemize} \item reproducibility \item large period \item fast generation \item independence \end{itemize} of the random numbers. Therefore, special care is taken for the choice of the RNGs in \whizard{}. It is stated that \whizard{} utilizes \textit{pseudo}-RNGs, which are based on one (or more) recursive algorithm(s) and start-seed(s) to have reproducible sequences of numbers. In contrast, a genuine random generator relies on physical processes. \whizard\ ships with two completely different random number generators which can be selected by setting the \sindarin\ option \begin{code} $rng_method = "rng_tao" \end{code} Although, \whizard{} sets a default seed, it is adviced to use a different one \begin{code} seed = 175368842 \end{code} note that some RNGs do not allow certain seed values (e.g. zero seed). \section{The TAO Random Number Generator} \label{sec:tao} The TAO (``The Art Of'') random number generator is a lagged Fibonacci generator based upon (signed) 32-bit integer arithmetic and was proposed by Donald E. Knuth and is implemented in the \vamp\ package. The TAO random number generator is the default RNG of \whizard{}, but can additionally be set as \sindarin\ option \begin{code} $rng_method = rng_tao \end{code} The TAO random number generators is a subtractive lagged Fibonacci generator \begin{equation*} x_{j} = \left( x_{j-k} - x_{j-L} \right) \mod 2^{30} \end{equation*} with lags $k = 100$ and $l = 37$ and period length $\rho = 2^{30} - 2$. \section{The RNGStream Generator} \label{sec:rngstream} The RNGStream \cite{L_Ecuyer:2002} was originally implemented in \cpp\ with floating point arithmetic and has been ported to \fortranOThree{}. The RNGstream can be selected by the \sindarin\ option \begin{code} $rng_method = "rng_stream" \end{code} The RNGstream supports multiple independent streams and substreams of random numbers which can be directly accessed. The main advantage of the RNGStream lies in the domain of parallelization where different worker have to access different parts of the random number stream to ensure numerical reproducibility. The RNGstream provides exactly this property with its (sub)stream-driven model. Unfortunately, the RNGStream can only be used in combination with \vamptwo{}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Integration Methods} \section{The Monte-Carlo integration routine: \ttt{VAMP}} \label{sec:vamp} \vamp\ \cite{Ohl:1998jn} is a multichannel extension of the \vegas\ \cite{Lepage:1980dq} algorithm. For all possible singularities in the integrand, suitable maps and integration channels are chosen which are then weighted and superimposed to build the phase space parameterization. Both grids and weights are modified in the adaption phase of the integration. The multichannel integration algorithm is implemented as a \fortranNinetyFive\ library with the task of mapping out the integrand and finding suitable parameterizations being completely delegated to the calling program (\whizard\ core in this case). This makes the actual \vamp\ library completely agnostic of the model under consideration. \section{The next generation integrator: \ttt{VAMP2}} \label{sec:vamp2} \vamptwo\ is a modern implementation of the integrator package \vamp\ written in \fortranOThree\, providing the same features. The backbone integrator is still \vegas\ \cite{Lepage:1980dq}, although implemented differently as in \vamp{}. The main advantage over \vamp\ is the overall faster integration due to the usage of \fortranOThree{}, the possible usage of different random number generators and the complete parallelization of \vegas\ and the multichannel integration. \vamptwo{} can be set by the \sindarin{} option \begin{code} $integration_method = "vamp2" \end{code} It is said that the generated grids between \vamp{} and \vamptwo{} are incompatible. \subsection{Multichannel integration} \label{sec:multi-channel} The usual matrix elements do not factorise with respect to their integration variables, thus making an direct integration ansatz with VEGAS unfavorable.\footnote{One prerequisite for the VEGAS algorithm is that the integral factorises, and such produces only the best results for those.} Instead, we apply the multichannel ansatz and let VEGAS integrate each channel in a factorising mapping. The different structures of the matrix element are separated by a partition of unity and the respective mappings, such that each structure factorise at least once. We define the mappings $\phi_i : U \mapsto \Omega$, where $U$ is the unit hypercube and $\Omega$ the physical phase space. We refer to each mapping as a \textit{channel}. Each channel then gives rise to a probability density $g_i : U \mapsto [0, \infty)$, normalised to unity \begin{equation*} \int_0^1 g_i(\phi_i^{-1}(p)) \left| \frac{\partial \phi_i^{-1}}{\partial p} \right| \mathrm{d}\mu(p) = 1, \quad g_i(\phi_i^{-1}(p)) \geq 0, \end{equation*} written for a phase space point $p$ using the mapping $\phi_i$. The \textit{a-priori} channel weights $\alpha_i$ are defined as partition of unity by $\sum_{i\in I} \alpha_i = 1$ and $0 \leq \alpha_i \leq 1$. The overall probability density $g$ of a random sample is then obtained by \begin{equation*} g(p) = \sum_{i \in I} \alpha_i g_i(\phi_i^{-1}(p)) \left| \frac{\partial \phi_i^{-1}}{\partial p} \right|, \end{equation*} which is also a non-negative and normalized probability density. We reformulate the integral \begin{equation*} I(f) = \sum_{i \in I} \alpha_i \int_\Omega g_i(\phi_i^{-1}(p)) \left| \frac{\partial \phi_i^{-1}}{\partial p} \right| \frac{f(p)}{g(p)} \mathrm{d}\mu(p). \end{equation*} The actual integration of each channel is then done by VEGAS, which shapes the $g_i$. \subsection{VEGAS} \label{sec:vegas} VEGAS is an adaptive and iterative Monte Carlo algorithm for integration using importance sampling. After each iteration, VEGAS adapts the probability density $g_i$ using information collected while sampling. For independent integration variables, the probability density factorises $g_i = \prod_{j = 1}^{d} g_{i,j}$ for each integration axis and each (independent) $g_{i,j}$ is defined by a normalised step function \begin{equation*} g_{i,j} (x_j) = \frac{1}{N\Delta x_{j,k}}, \quad x_{j,k} - \Delta x_{j,k} \leq x_{j} < x_{j,k}, \end{equation*} where the steps are $0 = x_{j, 0} < \cdots < x_{j,k} < \cdots < x_{j,N} = 1$ for each dimension $j$. The algorithm randomly selects for each dimension a bin and a position inside the bin and calculates the respective $g_{i,j}$. \subsection{Channel equivalences} \label{sec:equivalences} The automated mulitchannel phasespace configuration can lead to a surplus of degrees of freedom, e.g. for a highly complex process with a large number of channels (VBS). In order to marginalize the redundant degrees of freedom of phasespace configuration, the adaptation distribution of the grids are aligned in accordance to their phasespace relation, hence the binning of the grids is equialized. These equivalences are activated by default for \vamp{} and \vamptwo{}, but can be steered by: \begin{code} ?use_vamp_equivalences = true \end{code} Be aware, that the usage of equivalences are currently only possible for LO processes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Phase space parameterizations} \section{General remarks} \whizard\ as a default performs an adaptive multi-channel Monte-Carlo integration. Besides its default phase space algorithm, \ttt{wood}, to be detailed in Sec.~\ref{sec:wood}, \whizard\ contains a phase space method \ttt{phs\_none} which is a dummy method that is intended for setups of processes where no phase space integration is needed, but the program flow needs a (dummy) integrator for internal consistency. Then, for testing purposes, there is a single-channel phase space integrator, \ttt{phs\_single}. From version 2.6.0 of \whizard\ on, there is also a second implementation of the \ttt{wood} phase space algorithm, called \ttt{fast\_wood}, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:fast_wood}, whose implementation differs technically and which therefore solves certain technical flaws of the \ttt{wood} implementation. Additionally, \whizard\ supports single-channel, flat phase-space using RAMBO (on diet). %%% \section{The flat method: \ttt{rambo}} \label{sec:rambo} The \ttt{RAMBO} algorithm produces a flat phase-space with constant volume for massless particles. \ttt{RAMBO} was originally published in \cite{Kleiss:1985gy}. We use the slim version, called \ttt{RAMBO} on diet, published in \cite{Platzer:2013esa}. The overall weighting efficiency of the algorithm is unity for massless final-state particles. For the massive case, the weighting efficiency of unity will decrease rendering the algorithm less efficient. But in most cases, the invariants are in regions of phase space where they are much larger than the masses of the final-state particles. We provide the \ttt{RAMBO} mainly for cross checking our implementation and do not recommend it for real world application, even though it can be used as one. The \ttt{RAMBO} method becomes useful as a fall-back option if the standard algorithm fails for physical reasons, see, e.g., Sec.~\ref{sec:ps_anomalous}. %%% \section{The default method: \ttt{wood}} \label{sec:wood} The \ttt{wood} algorithm classifies different phase space channels according to their importance for a full scattering or decay process following heuristic rules. For that purpose, \whizard\ investigates the kinematics of the different channels depending on the total center-of-mass energy (or the mass of the decaying particle) and the masses of the final-state particles. The \ttt{wood} phase space inherits its name from the naming schemes of structures of increasing complexities, namely trees, forests and groves. Simply stated, a phase-space forest is a collection of phase-space trees. A phase-space tree is a parameterization for a valid channel in the multi-channel adaptive integration, and each variable in the a tree corresponds to an integration dimension, defined by an appropriate mapping of the $(0,1)$ interval of the unit hypercube to the allowed range of the corresponding integration variable. The whole set of these phase-space trees, collected in a phase-space forest object hence contains all parameterizations of the phase space that \whizard\ will use for a single hard process. Note that processes might contain flavor sums of particles in the final state. As \whizard\ will use the same phase space parameterization for all channels for this set of subprocesses, all particles in those flavor sums have to have the same mass. E.g. in the definition of a "light" jet consisting of the first five quarks and antiquarks, \begin{code} alias jet = u:d:s:c:b:U:D:S:C:B \end{code} all quarks including strange, charm and bottom have to be massless for the phase-space integration. \whizard\ can treat processes with subprocesses having final-state particles with different masses in an "additive" way, where each subprocess will become a distinct component of the whole process. Each process component will get its own phase-space parameterization, such that they can allow for different masses. E.g. in a 4-flavor scheme for massless $u,d,s,c$ quarks one can write \begin{code} alias jet = u:d:s:c:U:D:S:C process eeqq = e1, E1 => (jet, jet) + (b, B) \end{code} In that case, the parameterizations will be for massless final state quarks for the first subprocess, and for massive $b$ quarks for the second subprocess. In general, for high-energy lepton colliders, the difference would not matter much, but performing the integration e.g. for $\sqrt{s} = 11$ GeV, the difference will be tremendous. \whizard\ avoids inconsistent phase-space parameterizations in that way. As a multi-particle process will contain hundred or thousands of different channels, the different integration channels (trees) are grouped into so called {\em groves}. All channels/trees in the same grove share a common weight for the phase-space integration, following the assumption that they are related by some approximate symmetry. The \vamp\ adaptive multi-channel integrator (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:vamp}) allows for equivalences between different integration channels. This means that trees/channels that are related by an exact symmetry are connected by an array of these equivalences. The phase-space setup, i.e. the detailed structure of trees and forests, are written by \whizard\ into a phase-space file that has the same name as the corresponding process (or process component) with the suffix \ttt{.phs}. For the \ttt{wood} phase-space method this file is written by a \fortran\ module which constructs a similar tree-like structure as the directed acyclical graphs (DAGs) in the \oMega\ matrix element generator but in a less efficient way. In some very rare cases with externally generated models (cf. Chapter~\ref{chap:extmodels}) the phase-space generation has been reported to fail as \whizard\ could not find a valid phase-space channel. Such pathological cases cannot occur for the hard-coded model implementations inside \whizard. They can only happen if there are in principle two different Feynman diagrams contributing to the same phase-space channel and \whizard\ considers the second one as extremely subleading (and would hence drop it). If for some reason however the first Feynman diagram is then absent, no phase-space channel could be found. This problem cannot occur with the \ttt{fast\_wood} implementation discussed in the next section, cf.~\ref{sec:fast_wood}. The \ttt{wood} algorithms orders the different groves of phase-space channels according to a heuristic importance depending on the kinematic properties of the different phase-space channels in the groves. A phase-space (\ttt{.phs}) file looks typically like this: \begin{code} process sm_i1 ! List of subprocesses with particle bincodes: ! 8 4 1 2 ! e+ e- => mu+ mu- ! 8 4 1 2 md5sum_process = "1B3B7A30C24664A73D3D027382CFB4EF" md5sum_model_par = "7656C90A0B2C4325AD911301DACF50EB" md5sum_phs_config = "6F72D447E8960F50FDE4AE590AD7044B" sqrts = 1.000000000000E+02 m_threshold_s = 5.000000000000E+01 m_threshold_t = 1.000000000000E+02 off_shell = 2 t_channel = 6 keep_nonresonant = T ! Multiplicity = 2, no resonances, 0 logs, 0 off-shell, s-channel graph grove #1 ! Channel #1 tree 3 ! Multiplicity = 1, 1 resonance, 0 logs, 0 off-shell, s-channel graph grove #2 ! Channel #2 tree 3 map 3 s_channel 23 ! Z \end{code} The first line contains the process name, followed by a list of subprocesses with the external particles and their binary codes. Then there are three lines of MD5 check sums, used for consistency checks. \whizard\ (unless told otherwise) will check for the existence of a phase-space file, and if the check sum matches, it will reuse the existing file and not generate it again. Next, there are several kinematic parameters, namely the center-of-mass energy of the process, \ttt{sqrts}, and two mass thresholds, \ttt{m\_threshold\_s} and \ttt{m\_threshold\_t}. The latter two are kinematical thresholds, below which \whizard\ will consider $s$-channel and $t$-channel-like kinematic configurations as effectively massless, respectively. The default values shown in the example have turned out to be optimal values for Standard Model particles. The two integers \ttt{off\_shell} and \ttt{t\_channel} give the number of off-shell lines and of $t$-channel lines that \whizard\ will allow for finding valid phase-space channels, respectively. This neglects extremley multi-peripheral background-like diagram constellations which are very subdominamnt compared to resonant signal processes. The final flag specifies whether \whizard\ will keep non-resonant phase-space channels (default), or whether it will focus only on resonant situations. After this header, there is a list of all groves, i.e. collections of phase-space channels which are connected by quasi-symmetries, together with the corresponding multiplicity of subchannels in that grove. In the phase-space file behind the multiplicity, \whizard\ denotes the number of (massive) resonances, logarithmcally enhanced kinematics (e.g. collinear regions), and number of off-shell lines, respectively. The final entry in the grove header notifies whether the diagrams in that grove have $s$-channel topologies, or count the number of corresponding $t$-channel lines. Another example is shown here, \begin{code} ! Multiplicity = 3, no resonances, 2 logs, 0 off-shell, 1 t-channel line grove #1 ! Channel #1 tree 3 12 map 3 infrared 22 ! A map 12 t_channel 2 ! u ! Channel #2 tree 3 11 map 3 infrared 22 ! A map 11 t_channel 2 ! u ! Channel #3 tree 3 20 map 3 infrared 22 ! A map 20 t_channel 2 ! u ! Channel #4 tree 3 19 map 3 infrared 22 ! A map 19 t_channel 2 ! u \end{code} where \whizard\ notifies in different situations a photon exchange as \ttt{infrared}. So it detects a possible infrared singularity where a particle can become arbitrarily soft. Such a situation can tell the user that there might be a cut necessary in order to get a meaningful integration result. The phase-space setup that is generated and used by the \ttt{wood} phase-space method can be visualized using the \sindarin\ option \begin{code} ?vis_channels = true \end{code} The \ttt{wood} phase-space method can be invoked with the \sindarin\ command \begin{code} $phs_method = "wood" \end{code} Note that this line is unnecessary, as \ttt{wood} is the default phase-space method of \whizard. %%%%% \section{A new method: \ttt{fast\_wood}} \label{sec:fast_wood} This method (which is available from version 2.6.0 on) is an alternative implementation of the \ttt{wood} phase-space algorithm. It uses the recursive structures inside the \oMega\ matrix element generator to generate all the structures needed for the different phase-space channels. In that way, it can avoid some of the bottlenecks of the \ttt{wood} \fortran\ implementation of the algorithm. On the other hand, it is only available if the \oMega\ matrix element generator has been enabled (which is the default for \whizard). The \ttt{fast\_wood} method is then invoked via \begin{code} ?omega_write_phs_output = true $phs_method = "fast_wood" \end{code} The first option is necessary in order to tell \oMega\ to write out the output needed for the \ttt{fast\_wood} parser in order to generate the phase-space file. This is not enabled by default in order not to generate unnecessary files in case the default method \ttt{wood} is used. So the \ttt{fast\_wood} implementation of the \ttt{wood} phase-space algorithm parses the tree-like represenation of the recursive set of one-particle off-shell wave functions that make up the whole amplitude inside \oMega\ in the form of a directed acyclical graph (DAG) in order to generate the phase-space (\ttt{.phs}) file (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:wood}). In that way, the algorithm makes sure that only phase-space channels are generated for which there are indeed (sub)amplitudes in the matrix elements, and this also allows to exclude vetoed channels due to restrictions imposed on the matrix elements from the phase-space setup (cf. next Sec.~\ref{sec:ps_restrictions}). %%%%% \section{Phase space respecting restrictions on subdiagrams} \label{sec:ps_restrictions} The \fortran\ implementation of the \ttt{wood} phase-space does not know anything about possible restrictions that maybe imposed on the \oMega\ matrix elements, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:process options}. Consequently, the \ttt{wood} phase space also generates phase-space channels that might be absent when restrictions are imposed. This is not a principal problem, as in the adaptation of the phase-space channels \whizard's integrator \vamp\ will recognize that there is zero weight in that channel and will drop the channel (stop sampling in that channel) after some iterations. However, this is a waste of ressources as it is in principle known that this channel is absent. Using the \ttt{fast\_wood} phase-space algorithm (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:fast_wood} will take restrictions into account, as \oMega\ will not generate trees for channels that are removed with the restrictions command. So it advisable for the user in the case of very complicated processes with restrictions to use the \ttt{fast\_wood} phase-space method to make \whizard\ generation and integration of the phase space less cumbersome. %%%%% \section{Phase space for processes forbidden at tree level} \label{sec:ps_anomalous} The phase-space generators \ttt{wood} and \ttt{fast\_wood} are intended for tree-level processes with their typical patterns of singularities, which can be read off from Feynman graphs. They can and should be used for loop-induced or for externally provided matrix elements as long as \whizard\ does not provide a dedicated phase-space module. Some scattering processes do not occur at tree level but become allowed if loop effects are included in the calculation. A simple example is the elastic QED process \begin{displaymath} A\quad A \longrightarrow A\quad A \end{displaymath} which is mediated by a fermion loop. Similarly, certain applications provide externally provided or hand-taylored matrix-element code that replaces the standard \oMega\ code. Currently, \whizard's phase-space parameterization is nevertheless tied to the \oMega\ generator, so for tree-level forbidden processes the phase-space construction process will fail. There are two possible solutions for this problem: \begin{enumerate} \item It is possible to provide the phase-space parameterization information externally, by supplying an appropriately formatted \ttt{.phs} file, bypassing the automatic algorithm. Assuming that this phase-space file has been named \ttt{my\_phase\_space.phs}, the \sindarin\ code should contain the following: \begin{code} ?rebuild_phase_space = false $phs_file = "my_phase_space.phs" \end{code} Regarding the contents of this file, we recommend to generate an appropriate \ttt{.phs} for a similar setup, using the standard algorithm. The generated file can serve as a template, which can be adapted to the particular case. In detail, the \ttt{.phs} file consists of entries that specify the process, then a standard header which contains MD5 sums and such -- these variables must be present but their values are irrelevant for the present case --, and finally at least one \ttt{grove} with \ttt{tree} entries that specify the parameterization. Individual parameterizations are built from the final-state and initial-state momenta (in this order) which we label in binary form as $1,2,4,8,\dots$. The actual tree consists of iterative fusions of those external lines. Each fusion is indicated by the number that results from adding the binary codes of the external momenta that contribute to it. For instance, a valid phase-space tree for the process $AA\to AA$ is given by the simple entry \begin{code} tree 3 \end{code} which indicates that the final-state momenta $1$ and $2$ are combined to a fusion $1+2=3$. The setup is identical to a process such as $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-$ below the $Z$ threshold. Hence, we can take the \ttt{.phs} file for the latter process, replace the process tag, and use it as an external phase-space file. \item For realistic applications of \whizard\ together with one-loop matrix-element providers, the actual number of final-state particles may be rather small, say $2,3,4$. Furthermore, one-loop processes which are forbidden at tree level do not contain soft or collinear singularities. In this situation, the \ttt{RAMBO} phase-space integration method, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:rambo} is a viable alternative which does not suffer from the problem. \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Methods for Hard Interactions} \label{chap:hardint} The hard interaction process is the core of any physics simulation within an MC event generator. One tries to describe the dominant particle interaction in the physics process of interest at a given order in perturbation theory, thereby making use of field-theoretic factorization theorems, especially for QCD, in order to separate non-perturbative physics like parton distribution functions (PDFs) or fragmentation functions from the perturbative part. Still, it is in many cases not possible to describe the perturbative part completely by means of fixed-order hard matrix elements: in soft and/or collinear regions of phase space, multiple emission of gluons and quarks (in general QCD jets) and photons necessitates a resummation, as large logarithms accompany the perturbative coupling constants and render fixed-order perturbation theory unreliable. The resummation of these large logarithms can be done analytically or (semi-)numerically, however, usually only for very inclusive quantities. At the level of exclusive events, these phase space regions are the realm of (QCD and also QED) parton showers that approximate multi-leg matrix elements from the hard perturbative into to the soft-/collinear regime. The hard matrix elements are then the core building blocks of the physics description inside the MC event generator. \whizard\ generates these hard matrix elements at tree-level (or sometimes for loop-induced processes using effective operators as insertions) as leading-order processes. This is done by the \oMega\ subpackage that is automatically called by \whizard. Besides these physical matrix elements, there exist a couple of methods to generate dummy matrix elements for testing purposes, or for generating beam profiles and using them with externally linked special matrix elements. Especially for one-loop processes (next-to-leading order for tree-allowed processes or leading-order for loop-induced processes), \whizard\ allows to use matrix elements from external providers, so called OLP programs (one-loop providers). Of course, all of these external packages can also generate tree-level matrix elements, which can then be used as well in \whizard. We start the discussion with the two different options for test matrix elements, internal test matrix elements with no generated compiled code in Sec.~\ref{sec:test_me} and so called template matrix elements with actual \fortran\ code that is compiled and linked, and can also be modified by the user in Sec.~\ref{sec:template_me}. Then, we move to the main matrix element method by the matrix element generator \oMega\ in Sec.~\ref{sec:omega_me}. Matrix elements from the external matrix element generators are discussed in the order of which interfaces for the external tools have been implemented: \gosam\ in Sec.~\ref{sec:gosam_me}, \openloops\ in Sec.~\ref{sec:openloops_me}, and \recola\ in Sec.~\ref{sec:recola_me}. %%%%% \section{Internal test matrix elements} \label{sec:test_me} This method is merely for internal consistency checks inside \whizard, and is not really intended to be utilized by the user. The method is invoked by \begin{code} $method = "unit_test" \end{code} This particular method is only applicable for the internal test model \ttt{Test.mdl}, which just contains a Higgs boson and a top quark. Technically, it will also works within model specifications for the Standard Model, or the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), or all models which contain particles named as \ttt{H} and \ttt{t} with PDG codes 25 and 6, respectively. So, the models \ttt{QED} and {QCD} will not work. Irrespective of what is given in the \sindarin\ file as a scattering input process, \whizard\ will always take the process \begin{code} model = SM process = H, H => H, H \end{code} or for the test model: \begin{code} model = Test process = s, s => s, s \end{code} as corresponding process. (This is the same process, just with differing nomenclature in the different models). No matrix element code is generated and compiled, the matrix element is completely internal, included in the \whizard\ executable (or library), with a unit value for the squared amplitude. The integration will always be performed for this particularly process, even if the user provides a different process for that method. Hence, the result will always be the volume of the relativistic two-particle phase space. The only two parameters that influence the result are the collider energy, \ttt{sqrts}, and the mass of the Higgs particle with PDG code 25 (this mass parameter can be changed in the model \ttt{Test} as \ttt{ms}, while it would be \ttt{mH} in the Standard Model \ttt{SM}. It is also possible to use a test matrix element, again internal, for decay processes, where again \whizard\ will take a predefined process: \begin{code} model = SM process = H => t, tbar \end{code} in the \ttt{SM} model or \begin{code} model = Test process = s => f, fbar \end{code} Again, this is the same process with PDG codes $25 \to 6 \; -6$ in the corresponding models. Note that in the model \ttt{SM} the mass of the quark is set via the variable \ttt{mtop}, while it is \ttt{mf} in the model \ttt{Test}. Besides the fact that the user always gets a fixed process and cannot modify any matrix element code by hand, one can do all things as for a normal process like generating events, different weights, testing rebuild flags, using different setups and reweight events accordingly. Also factorized processes with production and decay can be tested that way. In order to avoid confusion, it is highly recommended to use this method \ttt{unit\_test} only with the test model setup, model \ttt{Test}. On the technical side, the method \ttt{unit\_test} does not produce a process library (at least not an externally linked one), and also not a makefile in order to modify any process files (which anyways do not exist for that method). Except for the logfiles and the phase space file, all files are internal. %%%%% \section{Template matrix elements} \label{sec:template_me} Much more versatile for the user than the previous matrix element method in~\ref{sec:test_me}, are two different methods with constant template matrix elements. These are written out as \fortran\ code by the \whizard\ main executable (or library), providing an interface that is (almost) identical to the matrix element code produced by the \oMega\ generator (cf. the next section, Sec.~\ref{sec:omega_me}. There are actually two different methods for that purpose, providing matrix elements with different normalizations: \begin{code} $method = "template" \end{code} generates matrix elements which give after integration over phase space exactly one. Of course, for multi-particle final states the integration can fluctuate numerically and could then give numbers that are only close to one but not exactly one. Furthermore, the normalization is not exact if any of the external particles have non-zero masses, or there are any cuts involved. But otherwise, the integral from \whizard\ should give unity irrespective of the number of final state particles. In contrast to this, the second method, \begin{code} $method = "template_unity" \end{code} gives a unit matrix elements, or rather a matrix element that contains helicity and color averaging factors for the initial state and the square root of the factorials of identical final state particles in the denominator. Hence, integration over the final state momentum configuration gives a cross section that corresponds to the volume of the $n$-particle final state phase space, divided by the corresponding flux factor, resulting in \begin{equation} \sigma(s, 2 \to 2,0) = \frac{3.8937966\cdot 10^{11}}{16\pi} \cdot \frac{1}{s \text{[GeV]}^2} \; \text{fb} \end{equation} for the massless case and \begin{equation} \sigma(s, 2 \to 2,m_i) = \frac{3.8937966\cdot 10^{11}}{16\pi} \cdot \sqrt{\frac{\lambda (s,m_3^2,m_4^2)}{\lambda (s,m_1^2,m_2^2)}} \cdot \frac{1}{s \text{[GeV]}^2} \; \text{fb} \end{equation} for the massive case. Here, $m_1$ and $m_2$ are the masses of the incoming, $m_3$ and $m_4$ the masses of the outgoing particles, and $\lambda(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 2xy - 2xz - 2yz$. For the general massless case with no cuts, the integral should be exactly \begin{equation} \sigma(s, 2\to n, 0) = \frac{(2\pi)^4}{2 s}\Phi_n(s) = \frac{1}{16\pi s}\,\frac{\Phi_n(s)}{\Phi_2(s)}, \end{equation} where the volume of the massless $n$-particle phase space is given by \begin{equation}\label{phi-n} \Phi_n(s) = \frac{1}{4(2\pi)^5} \left(\frac{s}{16\pi^2}\right)^{n-2} \frac{1}{(n-1)!(n-2)!}. \end{equation} For $n\neq2$ the phase space volume is dimensionful, so the units of the integral are $\fb\times\GeV^{2(n-2)}$. (Note that for physical matrix elements this is compensated by momentum factors from wave functions, propagators, vertices and possibly dimensionful coupling constants, but here the matrix element is just equal to unity.) Note that the phase-space integration for the \ttt{template} and \ttt{template\_unity} matrix element methods is organized in the same way as it would be for the real $2\to n$ process. Since such a phase space parameterization is not optimized for the constant matrix element that is supplied instead, good convergence is not guaranteed. (Setting \ttt{?stratified = true} may be helpful here.) The possibility to call a dummy matrix element with this method allows to histogram spectra or structure functions: Choose a trivial process such as $uu\to dd$, select the \ttt{template\_unity} method, switch on structure functions for one (or both) beams, and generate events. The distribution of the final-state mass squared reflects the $x$ dependence of the selected structure function. Furthermore, the constant in the source code of the unit matrix elements can be easily modified by the user with their \fortran\ code in order to study customized matrix elements. Just rerun \whizard\ with the \ttt{--recompile} option after the modification of the matrix element code. Both methods, \ttt{template} and \ttt{template\_unity} will also work even if no \ocaml\ compiler is found or used and consequently the \oMega\ matrix elemente generator (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:omega_me} is disable. The methods produce a process library for their corresponding processes, and a makefile, by which \whizard\ steers compilation and linking of the process source code. %%%%% \section{The O'Mega matrix elements} \label{sec:omega_me} \oMega\ is a subpackage of \whizard, written in \ocaml, which can produce matrix elements for a wide class of implemented physics models (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:smandfriends} and \ref{sec:bsmmodels} for a list of all implemented physics models), and even almost arbitrary models when using external Lagrange level tools, cf. Chap.~\ref{chap:extmodels}. There are two different variants for matrix elements from \oMega: the first one is invoked as \begin{code} $method = "omega" \end{code} and is the default method for \whizard. It produces matrix element as \fortran\ code which is then compiled and linked. An alternative method, which for the moment is only available for the Standard Model and its variants as well models which are quite similar to the SM, e.g. the Two-Higgs doublet model or the Higgs-singlet extension. This method is taken when setting \begin{code} $method = "ovm" \end{code} The acronym \ttt{ovm} stands for \oMega\ Virtual Machine (OVM). The first (default) method (\ttt{omega}) of \oMega\ matrix elements produces \fortran\ code for the matrix elements,that is compiled by the same compiler with which \whizard\ has been compiled. The OVM method (\ttt{ovm}) generates an \ttt{ASCII} file with so called op code for operations. These are just numbers which tell what numerical operations are to be performed on momenta, wave functions and vertex expression in order to yield a complex number for the amplitude. The op codes are interpreted by the OVM in the same as a Java Virtual Machine. In both cases, a compiled \fortran\ is generated which for the \ttt{omega} method contains the full expression for the matrix element as \fortran\ code, while for the \ttt{ovm} method this is the driver file of the OVM. Hence, for the \ttt{ovm} method this file always has roughly the same size irrespective of the complexity of the process. For the \ttt{ovm} method, there will also be the \ttt{ASCII} file that contains the op codes, which has a name with an \ttt{.hbc} suffix: \ttt{.hbc}. For both \oMega\ methods, there will be a process library created as for the template matrix elements (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:template_me}) named \ttt{default\_lib.f90} which can be given a user-defined name using the \ttt{library = ""} command. Again, for both methods \ttt{omega} and \ttt{ovm}, a makefile named \ttt{\_lib.makefile} is generated by which \whizard\ steers compilation, linking and clean-up of the process sources. This makefile can handily be adapted by the user in case she or he wants to modify the source code for the process (in the case of the source code method). Note that \whizard's default ME method via \oMega\ allows the user to specify many different options either globally for all processes in the \sindarin, or locally for each process separately in curly brackets behind the corresponding process definition. Examples are \begin{itemize} \item Restrictions for the matrix elements like the exclusion of intermediate resonances, the appearance of specific vertices or coupling constants in the matrix elments. For more details on this cf. Sec.~\ref{subsec:restrictions}. \item Choice of a specific scheme for the width of massive intermediate resonances, whether to use constant width, widths only in $s$-channel like kinematics (this is the default), a fudged-width scheme or the complex-mass scheme. The latter is actually steered as a specific scheme of the underlying model and not with a specific \oMega\ command. \item Choice of the electroweak gauge for the amplitude. The default is the unitary gauge. \end{itemize} With the exception of the restrictions steered by the \ttt{\$restrictions = ""} string expression, these options have to be set in their specific \oMega\ syntax verbatim via the string command \ttt{\$omega\_flags = ""}. %%%%% \section{Interface to GoSam} \label{sec:gosam_me} One of the supported methods for automated matrix elements from external providers is for the \gosam\ package. This program package which is a combination of \python\ scripts and \fortran\ libraries, allows both for tree and one-loop matrix elements (which is leading or next-to-leading order, depending on whether the corresponding process is allowed at the tree level or not). In principle, the advanced version of \gosam\ also allows for the evaluation of two-loop virtual matrix elements, however, this is currently not supported in \whizard. This method is invoked via the command \begin{code} $method = "gosam" \end{code} Of course, this will only work correctly of \gosam\ with all its subcomponents has been correctly found during configuration of \whizard\ and then subsequently correctly linked. In order to generate the tables for spin, flavor and color states for the corresponding process, first \oMega\ is called to provide \fortran\ code for the interfaces to all the metadata for the process(es) to be evaluated. Next, the \gosam\ \python\ script is automatically invoked that first checks for the necessary ingredients to produce, compile and link the \gosam\ matrix elements. These are the the \ttt{Qgraf} topology generator for the diagrams, \ttt{Form} to perform algebra, the \ttt{Samurai}, \ttt{AVHLoop}, \ttt{QCDLoop} and \ttt{Ninja} libraries for Passarino-Veltman reduction, one-loop tensor integrals etc. As a next step, \gosam\ automatically writes and executes a \ttt{configure} script, and then it exchanges the Binoth Les Houches accord (BLHA) contract files between \whizard\ and itself~\cite{Binoth:2010xt,Alioli:2013nda} to check whether it actually generate code for the demanded process at the given order. Note that the contract and answer files do not have to be written by the user by hand, but are generated automatically within the program work flow initiated by the original \sindarin\ script. \gosam\ then generates \fortran\ code for the different components of the processes, compiles it and links it into a library, which is then automatically accessible (as an external process library) from inside \whizard. The phase space setup and the integration as well as the LO (and NLO) event generation work then in exactly the same way as for \oMega\ matrix elements. As an NLO calculation consists of different components for the Born, the real correction, the virtual correction, the subtraction part and possible further components depending on the details of the calculation, there is the possible to separately choose the matrix element method for those components via the keywords \ttt{\$loop\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$real\_tree\_me\_method}, \ttt{\$correlation\_me\_method} etc. These keywords overwrite the master switch of the \ttt{\$method} keyword. For more information on the switches and details of the functionality of \gosam, cf. \url{}. %%%%% \section{Interface to Openloops} \label{sec:openloops_me} Very similar to the case of \gosam, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:gosam_me}, is the case for \openloops\ matrix elements. Also here, first \oMega\ is called in order to provide an interface for the spin, flavor and color degrees of freedom for the corresponding process. Information exchange between \whizard\ and \openloops\ then works in the same automatic way as for \gosam\ via the BLHA interface. This matrix element method is invoked via \begin{code} $method = "openloops" \end{code} This again is the master switch that will tell \whizard\ to use \openloops\ for all components, while there are special keywords to tailor-make the setup for the different components of an NLO calculation (cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:gosam_me}. The main difference between \openloops\ and \gosam\ is that for \openloops\ there is no process code to be generated, compiled and linked for a process, but a precompiled library is called and linked, e.g. \ttt{ppllj} for the Drell-Yan process. Of course, this library has to be installed on the system, but if that is not the case, the user can execute the \openloops\ script in the source directory of \openloops\ to download, compile and link the corresponding dynamic library. This limits (for the moment) the usage of \openloops\ to processes where pre-existint libraries for that specific processes have been generated by the \openloops\ authors. A new improved generator for general process libraries for \openloops\ will get rid of that restriction. For more information on the installation, switches and details of the functionality of \openloops, cf. \url{}. %%%%% \section{Interface to Recola} \label{sec:recola_me} The third one-loop provider (OLP) for external matrix elements that is supported by \whizard, is \recola. In contrast to \gosam, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:gosam_me}, and \openloops, cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:openloops_me}, \recola\ does not use a BLHA interface to exchange information with \whizard, but its own tailor-made C interoperable library interface to communicate to the Monte Carlo side. \recola\ matrix elements are called for via \begin{code} $method = "recola" \end{code} \recola\ uses a highly efficient algorithm to generate process code for LO and NLO SM amplitudes in a fully recursive manner. At the moment, the setup of the interface within \whizard\ does not allow to invoke more than one different process in \recola: this would lead to a repeated initialization of the main setup of \recola\ and would consequently crash it. It is foreseen in the future to have a safeguard mechanism inside \whizard\ in order to guarantee initialization of \recola\ only once, but this is not yet implemented. Further information on the installation, details and parameters of \recola\ can be found at \url{}. %%%%% \section{Special applications} \label{sec:special_me} There are also special applications with combinations of matrix elements from different sources for dedicated purposes like e.g. for the matched top--anti-top threshold in $e^+e^-$. For this special application which depending on the order of the matching takes only \oMega\ matrix elements or at NLO combines amplitudes from \oMega\ and \openloops, is invoked by the method: \begin{code} $method = "threshold" \end{code} \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Implemented physics} \label{chap:physics} %%%%% \section{The hard interaction models} In this section, we give a brief overview over the different incarnations of models for the description of the realm of subatomic particles and their interactions inside \whizard. In Sec.~\ref{sec:smandfriends}, the Standard Model (SM) itself and straightforward extensions and modifications thereof in the gauge, fermionic and Higgs sector are described. Then, Sec.~\ref{sec:bsmmodels} gives a list and short description of all genuine beyond the SM models (BSM) that are currently implemented in \whizard\ and its matrix element generator \oMega. Additional models beyond that can be integrated and handled via the interfaces to external tools like \sarah\ and \FeynRules, or the universal model format \UFO, cf. Chap.~\ref{chap:extmodels}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{The Standard Model and friends} \label{sec:smandfriends} %%%% \subsection{Beyond the Standard Model} \label{sec:bsmmodels} \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline MODEL TYPE & with CKM matrix & trivial CKM \\ \hline\hline Yukawa test model & \tt{---} & \tt{Test} \\ \hline QED with $e,\mu,\tau,\gamma$ & \tt{---} & \tt{QED} \\ QCD with $d,u,s,c,b,t,g$ & \tt{---} & \tt{QCD} \\ Standard Model & \tt{SM\_CKM} & \tt{SM} \\ SM with anomalous gauge couplings & \tt{SM\_ac\_CKM} & \tt{SM\_ac} \\ SM with $Hgg$, $H\gamma\gamma$, $H\mu\mu$, $He^+e^-$ & \tt{SM\_Higgs\_CKM} & \tt{SM\_Higgs} \\ SM with bosonic dim-6 operators & \tt{---} & \tt{SM\_dim6} \\ SM with charge 4/3 top & \tt{---} & \tt{SM\_top} \\ SM with anomalous top couplings & \tt{---} & \tt{SM\_top\_anom} \\ SM with anomalous Higgs couplings & \tt{---} & \tt{SM\_rx}/\tt{NoH\_rx}/\tt{SM\_ul} \\\hline SM extensions for $VV$ scattering & \tt{---} & \tt{SSC}/\tt{AltH}/\tt{SSC\_2}/\tt{SSC\_AltT} \\\hline SM with $Z'$ & \tt{---} & \tt{Zprime} \\ \hline Two-Higgs Doublet Model & \tt{THDM\_CKM} & \tt{THDM} \\ \hline\hline MSSM & \tt{MSSM\_CKM} & \tt{MSSM} \\ \hline MSSM with gravitinos & \tt{---} & \tt{MSSM\_Grav} \\ \hline NMSSM & \tt{NMSSM\_CKM} & \tt{NMSSM} \\ \hline extended SUSY models & \tt{---} & \tt{PSSSM} \\ \hline\hline Littlest Higgs & \tt{---} & \tt{Littlest} \\ \hline Littlest Higgs with ungauged $U(1)$ & \tt{---} & \tt{Littlest\_Eta} \\ \hline Littlest Higgs with $T$ parity & \tt{---} & \tt{Littlest\_Tpar} \\ \hline Simplest Little Higgs (anomaly-free) & \tt{---} & \tt{Simplest} \\ \hline Simplest Little Higgs (universal) & \tt{---} & \tt{Simplest\_univ} \\ \hline\hline SM with graviton & \tt{---} & \tt{Xdim} \\ \hline UED & \tt{---} & \tt{UED} \\ \hline ``SQED'' with gravitino & \tt{---} & \tt{GravTest} \\ \hline Augmentable SM template & \tt{---} & \tt{Template} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{\label{tab:models} List of models available in \whizard. There are pure test models or models implemented for theoretical investigations, a long list of SM variants as well as a large number of BSM models.} \end{table} \subsubsection{Strongly Interacting Models and Composite Models} Higgsless models have been studied extensively before the Higgs boson discovery at the LHC Run I in 2012 in order to detect possible loopholes in the electroweak Higgs sector discovery potential of this collider. The Threesite Higgsless Model is one of the simplest incarnations of these models, and was one of the first BSM models beyond SUSY and Little Higgs models that have been implemented in \whizard~\cite{Speckner:2010zi}. It is also called the Minimal Higgsless Model (MHM)~\cite{Chivukula:2006cg} is a minimal deconstructed Higgsless model which contains only the first resonance in the tower of Kaluza-Klein modes of a Higgsless extra-dimensional model. It is a non-renormalizable, effective theory whose gauge group is an extension of the SM with an extra $SU(2)$ gauge group. The breaking of the extended electroweak gauge symmetry is accomplished by a set of nonlinear sigma fields which represent the effects of physics at a higher scale and make the theory nonrenormalizable. The physical vector boson spectrum contains the usual photon, $W^\pm$ and $Z$ bosons as well as a $W'^\pm$ and $Z'$ boson. Additionally, a new set of heavy fermions are introduced to accompany the new gauge group ``site'' which mix to form the physical eigenstates. This mixing is controlled by the small mixing parameter $\epsilon_L$ which is adjusted to satisfy constraints from precision observables, such as the S parameter~\cite{Chivukula:2005xm}. Here, additional weak gauge boson production at the LHC was one of the focus of the studies with \whizard~\cite{Ohl:2008ri}. \subsubsection{Supersymmetric Models} \whizard/\oMega\ was the first multi-leg matrix-element/event generator to include the full Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), and also the NMSSM. The SUSY implementations in \whizard\ have been extensively tested~\cite{Ohl:2002jp,Reuter:2009ex}, and have been used for many theoretical and experimental studies (some prime examples being~\cite{Kalinowski:2008fk,Robens:2008sa,Hagiwara:2005wg}. \subsubsection{Little Higgs Models} \subsubsection{Inofficial models} There have been several models that have been included within the \whizard/\oMega\ framework but never found their way into the official release series. One famous example is the non-commutative extension of the SM, the NCSM. There have been several studies, e.g. simulations on the $s$-channel production of a $Z$ boson at the photon collider option of the ILC~\cite{Ohl:2004tn}. Also, the production of electroweak gauge bosons at the LHC in the framework of the NCSM have been studied~\cite{Ohl:2010zf}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{The SUSY Les Houches Accord (SLHA) interface} \label{sec:slha} To be filled in ...~\cite{Skands:2003cj,AguilarSaavedra:2005pw,Allanach:2008qq}. The neutralino sector deserves special attention. After diagonalization of the mass matrix expresssed in terms of the gaugino and higgsino eigenstates, the resulting mass eigenvalues may be either negative or positive. In this case, two procedures can be followed. Either the masses are rendered positive and the associated mixing matrix gets purely imaginary entries or the masses are kept signed, the mixing matrix in this case being real. According to the SLHA agreement, the second option is adopted. For a specific eigenvalue, the phase is absorbed into the definition of the relevant eigenvector, rendering the mass negative. However, \whizard\ has not yet officially tested for negative masses. For external SUSY models (cf.~Chap.~\ref{chap:extmodels}) this means, that one must be careful using a SLHA file with explicit factors of the complex unity in the mixing matrix, and on the other hand, real and positive masses for the neutralinos. For the hard-coded SUSY models, this is completely handled internally. Especially Ref.~\cite{Hagiwara:2005wg} discusses the details of the neutralino (and chargino) mixing matrix. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Lepton Collider Beam Spectra} \label{sec:beamspectra} For the simulation of lepton collider beam spectra there are two dedicated tools, \circeone\ and \circetwo\ that have been written as in principle independent tools. Both attempt to describe the details of electron (and positron) beams in a realistic lepton collider environment. Due to the quest for achieving high peak luminosities at $e^+e^-$ machines, the goal is to make the spatial extension of the beam as small as possible but keeping the area of the beam roughly constant. This is achieved by forcing the beams in the final focus into the shape of a quasi-2D bunch. Due to the high charge density in that bunch, the bunch electron distribution is modified by classical electromagnetic radiation, so called {\em beamstrahlung}. The two \circe\ packages are intended to perform a simulation of this beamstrahlung and its consequences on the electron beam spectrum as realistic as possible. More details about the two packages can be found in their stand-alone documentations. We will discuss the basic features of lepton-collider beam simulations in the next two sections, including the technicalities of passing simulations of the machine beam setup to \whizard. This will be followed by a section on the simulation of photon collider spectra, included for historical reasons. %%%%% \subsection{\circeone} While the bunches in a linear collider cross only once, due to their small size they experience a strong beam-beam effect. There is a code to simulate the impact of this effect on luminosity and background, called \ttt{GuineaPig++}~\cite{Schulte:1998au,Schulte:1999tx,Schulte:2007zz}. This takes into account the details of the accelerator, the final focus etc. on the structure of the beam and the main features of the resulting energy spectrum of the electrons and positrons. It offers the state-of-the-art simulation of lepton-collider beam spectra as close as possible to reality. However, for many high-luminosity simulations, event files produced with \ttt{GuineaPig++} are usually too small, in the sense that not enough independent events are available for physics simulations. Lepton collider beam spectra do peak at the nominal beam energy ($\sqrt{s}/2$) of the collider, and feature very steeply falling tails. Such steeply falling distributions are very poorly mapped by histogrammed distributions with fixed bin widths. The main working assumption to handle such spectra are being followed within \circeone: \begin{enumerate} \label{circe1_assumptions} \item The beam spectra for the two beams $P_1$ and $P_2$ factorize (here $x_1$ and $x_2$ are the energy fractions of the two beams, respectively): \begin{equation*} D_{P_1P_2} (x_1, x_2) = D_{P_1} (x_1) \cdot D_{P_2} (x_2) \end{equation*} \item The peak is described with a delta distribution, and the tail with a power law: \begin{equation*} D(x) = d \cdot \delta(1-x) \; + \; c \cdot x^\alpha \, (1-x)^\beta \end{equation*} \end{enumerate} The two powers $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are the main coefficients that can be tuned in order to describe the spectrum with \circeone\ as close as possible as the original \ttt{GuineaPig++} spectrum. More details about how \circeone\ works and what it does can be found in its own write-up in \ttt{circe1/share/doc}. \subsection{\circetwo} The two conditions listed in \ref{circe1_assumptions} are too restrictive and hence insufficient to describe more complicated lepton-collider beam spectra, as they e.g. occur in the CLIC drive-beam design. Here, the two beams are highly correlated and also a power-law description does not give good enough precision for the tails. To deal with these problems, \circetwo\ starts with a two-dimensional histogram featuring factorized, but variable bin widths in order to simulate the steep parts of the distributions. The limited statistics from too small \ttt{GuineaPig++} event output files leads to correlated fluctuations that would leave strange artifacts in the distributions. To abandon them, Gaussian filters are applied to smooth out the correlated fluctuations. Here care has to be taken when going from the continuum in $x$ momentum fraction space to the corresponding \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{circe2-smoothing} \caption{\label{fig:circe2-smoothing} Smoothing the bin at the $x_{e^+} = 1$ boundary with Gaussian filters of 3 and 10 bins width compared to no smoothing.} \end{figure} boundaries: separate smoothing procedures are being applied to the bins in the continuum region and those in the boundary in order to avoid artificial unphysical beam energy spreads. Fig.~\ref{fig:circe2-smoothing} shows the smoothing of the distribution for the bin at the $x_{e^+} = 1$ boundary. The blue dots show the direct \ttt{GuineaPig++} output comprising the fluctuations due to the low statistics. Gaussian filters with widths of 3 and 10 bins, respectively, have been applied (orange and green dots, resp.). While there is still considerable fluctuation for 3 bin width Gaussian filtering, the distribution is perfectly smooth for 10 bin width. Hence, five bin widths seem a reasonable compromise for histograms with a total of 100 bins. Note that the bins are not equidistant, but shrink with a power law towards the $x_{e^-} = 1$ boundary on the right hand side of Fig.~\ref{fig:circe2-smoothing}. \whizard\ ships (inside its subpackage \circetwo) with prepared beam spectra ready to be used within \circetwo\ for the ILC beam spectra used in the ILC TDR~\cite{Behnke:2013xla,Baer:2013cma,Adolphsen:2013jya,Adolphsen:2013kya,Behnke:2013lya}. These comprise the designed staging energies of 200 GeV, 230 GeV, 250 GeV, 350 GeV, and 500 GeV. Note that all of these spectra up to now do not take polarization of the original beams on the beamstrahlung into account, but are polarization-averaged. For backwards compatibility, also the 500 GeV spectra for the TESLA design~\cite{AguilarSaavedra:2001rg,Richard:2001qm}, here both for polarized and polarization-averaged cases, are included. Correlated spectra for CLIC staging energies like 350 GeV, 1400 GeV and 3000 GeV are not yet (as of version 2.2.4) included in the \whizard\ distribution. In the following we describe how to obtain such files with the tools included in \whizard (resp. \circetwo). The procedure is equivalent to the so-called \ttt{lumi-linker} construction used by Timothy Barklow (SLAC) together with the legacy version \whizard\ttt{ 1.95}. The workflow to produce such files is to run \ttt{GuineaPig++} with the following input parameters: \begin{Code} do_lumi = 7; num_lumi = 100000000; num_lumi_eg = 100000000; num_lumi_gg = 100000000; \end{Code} This demands from \ttt{GuineaPig++} the generation of distributions for the $e^-e^+$, $e^\mp \gamma$, and $\gamma\gamma$ components of the beamstrahlung's spectrum, respectively. These are the files \ttt{}, \ttt{}, \ttt{}, and \ttt{}, respectively. These contain pairs $(E_1, E_2)$ of beam energies, {\em not} fractions of the original beam energy. Huge event numbers are out in here, as \ttt{GuineaPig++} will produce only a small fraction due to a very low generation efficiency. The next step is to transfer these output files from \ttt{GuineaPig++} into input files used with \circetwo. This is done by means of the tool \ttt{circe\_tool.opt} that is installed together with the \whizard\ main binary and libraries. The user should run this executable with the following input file: \begin{Code} { file="ilc500/ilc500.circe" # to be loaded by WHIZARD { design="ILC" roots=500 bins=100 scale=250 # E in [0,1] { pid/1=electron pid/2=positron pol=0 # unpolarized e-/e+ events="ilc500/" columns=2 # <= Guinea-Pig lumi = 1564.763360 # <= Guinea-Pig iterations = 10 # adapting bins smooth = 5 [0,1) [0,1) # Gaussian filter 5 bins smooth = 5 [1] [0,1) smooth = 5 [0,1) [1] } } } \end{Code} The first line defines the output file, that later can be read in into the beamstrahlung's description of \whizard\ (cf. below). Then, in the second line the design of the collider (here: ILC for 500 GeV center-of-mass energy, with the number of bins) is specified. The next line tells the tool to take the unpolarized case, then the \ttt{GuineaPig++} parameters (event file and luminosity) are set. In the last three lines, details concerning the adaptation of the simulation as well as the smoothing procedure are being specified: the number of iterations in the adaptation procedure, and for the smoothing with the Gaussian filter first in the continuum and then at the two edges of the spectrum. For more details confer the documentation in the \circetwo\ subpackage. This produces the corresponding input files that can be used within \whizard\ to describe beamstrahlung for lepton colliders, using a \sindarin\ input file like: \begin{Code} beams = e1, E1 => circe2 $circe2_file = "ilc500.circe" $circe2_design = "ILC" ?circe2_polarized = false \end{Code} %%%%% \subsection{Photon Collider Spectra} For details confer the complete write-up of the \circetwo\ subpackage. %%%%% \section{Transverse momentum for ISR photons} \label{sec:isr-photon-handler} The structure functions that describe the splitting of a beam particle into a particle pair, of which one enters the hard interaction and the other one is radiated, are defined and evaluated in the strict collinear approximation. In particular, this holds for the ISR structure function which describes the radiation of photons off a charged particle in the initial state. The ISR structure function that is used by \whizard\ is understood to be inclusive, i.e., it implicitly contains an integration over transverse momentum. This approach is to be used for computing a total cross section via \ttt{integrate}. In \whizard, it is possible to unfold this integration, as a transformation that is applied by \ttt{simulate} step, event by event. The resulting modified events will show a proper logarithmic momentum-transfer ($Q^2$) distribution for the radiated photons. The recoil is applied to the hard-interaction system, such that four-momentum and $\sqrt{\hat s}$ are conserved. The distribution is cut off by $Q_{\text{max}}^2$ (cf. \ttt{isr\_q\_max}) for large momentum transfer, and smoothly by the parton mass (cf.\ \ttt{isr\_mass}) for small momentum transfer. To activate this modification, set \begin{Code} ?isr_handler = true $isr_handler_mode = "recoil" \end{Code} before, or as an option to, the \ttt{simulate} command. Limitations: the current implementation of the $p_T$ modification works only for the symmetric double-ISR case, i.e., both beams have to be charged particles with identical mass (e.g., $e^+e^-$). The mode \ttt{recoil} generates exactly one photon per beam, i.e., it modifies the momentum of the single collinear photon that the ISR structure function implementation produces, for each beam. (It is foreseen that further modes or options will allow to generate multiple photons. Alternatively, the \pythia\ shower can be used to simulate multiple photons radiated from the initial state.) %%%%% \section{Transverse momentum for the EPA approximation} \label{sec:epa-beam-handler} For the equivalent-photon approximation (EPA), which is also defined in the collinear limit, recoil momentum can be inserted into generated events in an entirely analogous way. The appropriate settings are \begin{Code} ?epa_handler = true $epa_handler_mode = "recoil" \end{Code} Limitations: as for ISR, the current implementation of the $p_T$ modification works only for the symmetric double-EPA case. Both incoming particles of the hard process must be photons, while both beams must be charged particles with identical mass (e.g., $e^+e^-$). Furthermore, the current implementation does not respect the kinematical limit parameter \verb|epa_q_min|, it has to be set to zero. In effect, the lower $Q^2$ cutoff is determined by the beam-particle mass \verb|epa_mass|, and the upper cutoff is either given by $Q_{\text{max}}$ (the parameter \verb|epa_q_max|), or by the limit $\sqrt{s}$ if this is not set. It is possible to combine the ISR and EPA handlers, for processes where ISR is active for one of the beams, EPA for the other beam. For this scenario to work, both handler switches must be on, and both mode strings must coincide. The parameters are set separately for ISR and EPA, as described above. %%%%% \section{Resonances and continuum} \subsection{Complete matrix elements} Many elementary physical processes are composed of contributions that can be qualified as (multiply) \emph{resonant} or \emph{continuum}. For instance, the amplitude for the process $e^+e^-\to q\bar q q\bar q$, evaluated at tree level in perturbation theory, contains Feynman diagrams with zero, one, or two $W$ and $Z$ bosons as virtual lines. If the kinematical constraints allow this, two vector bosons can become simultaneously on-shell in part of phase space. To a first approximation, this situation is understood as $W^+W^-$ or $ZZ$ production with subsequent decay. The kinematical distributions show distinct resonances in the quark-pair spectra. Other graphs contain only one s-channel $W/Z$ boson, or none at all, such as graphs with $q\bar q$ production and subsequent gluon radiation, splitting into another $q\bar q$ pair. A \whizard\ declaration of the form \begin{Code} process q4 = e1, E1 => u, U, d, D \end{Code} produces the full set of graphs for the selected final state, which after squaring and integrating yields the exact tree-level result for the process. The result contains all doubly and singly resonant parts, with correct resonance shapes, as well as the continuum contribution and all interference. This is, to given order in perturbation theory, the best possible approximation to the true result. \subsection{Processes restricted to resonances} For an intuitive separation of a two-boson ``signal'' contribution, it is possible to restrict the set of graphs to a certain intermediate state. For instance, the declaration \begin{Code} process q4_zz = e1, E1 => u, U, d, D { $restrictions = "3+4~Z && 5+6~Z" } \end{Code} generates an amplitude that contains only those Feynman graphs where the specified quarks are connected to a $Z$ virtual line. The result may be understood as $ZZ$ production with subsequent decay, where the $Z$ resonances exhibit a Breit-Wigner shape. Combining this with the analogous $W^+W^-$ restricted process, the user can generate ``signal'' processes. Adding both ``signal'' cross sections $WW$ and $ZZ$ will result in a reasonable approximation to the exact tree-level cross section. The amplitude misses the single-resonant and continuum contributions, and the squared amplitude misses the interference terms, however. More importantly, the restricted processes as such are not gauge-invariant (with respect to the electroweak gauge group), and they are no longer dominant away from resonant kinematics. We therefore strongly recommend that such restricted processes are always accompanied by a cut setup that restricts the kinematics to an approximately on-shell pattern for both resonances. For instance: \begin{Code} cuts = all 85 GeV < M < 95 GeV [u:U] and all 85 GeV < M < 95 GeV [d:D] \end{Code} In this region, the gauge-dependent and continuum contributions are strictly subdominant. Away from the resonance(s), the results for a restricted process are meaningless, and the full process has to be computed instead. \subsection{Factorized processes} Another method for obtaining the signal contribution is a proper factorization into resonance production and decay. We would have to generate a production process and two decay processes: \begin{Code} process z_uu = Z => u, U process z_dd = Z => d, D process zz = e1, E1 => Z, Z \end{Code} All three processes must be integrated. The integration results are partial decay widths and the $ZZ$ production cross section, respectively. (Note that cut expressions in \sindarin\ apply to all integrations, so make sure that no production-process cuts are active when integrating the decay processes.) During a later event-generation step, the $Z$ decays can then be activated by declaring the $Z$ as unstable, \begin{Code} unstable Z (z_uu, z_dd) \end{Code} and then simulating the production process \begin{Code} simulate (zz) \end{Code} The generated events will consist of four-fermion final states, including all combinations of both decay modes. It is important to note that in this setup, the invariant $u\bar u$ and $d\bar d$ masses will be always \emph{exactly} equal to the $Z$ mass. There is no Breit-Wigner shape involved. However, in this approximation the results are gauge-invariant, as there is no off-shell contribution involved. For further details on factorized processes and spin correlations, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:spin-correlations}. \subsection{Resonance insertion in the event record} From the above discussion, we may conclude that it is always preferable to compute the complete process for a given final state, as long as this is computationally feasible. However, in the simulation step this approach also has a drawback. Namely, if a parton-shower module (see below) is switched on, the parton-shower algorithm relies on event details in order to determine the radiation pattern of gluons and further splitting. In the generated event records, the full-process events carry the signature of non-resonant continuum production with no intermediate resonances. The parton shower will thus start the evolution at the process energy scale, the total available energy. By contrast, for an electroweak production and decay process, the evolution should start only at the vector boson mass, $m_Z$. In effect, even though the resonant contribution of $WW$ and $ZZ$ constitutes the bulk of the cross section, the radiation pattern follows the dynamics of four-quark continuum production. In general, the number of radiated hadrons will be too high. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=.41\textwidth]{resonance_e_gam} \includegraphics[width=.41\textwidth]{resonance_n_charged} \\ \includegraphics[width=.41\textwidth]{resonance_n_hadron} \includegraphics[width=.41\textwidth]{resonance_n_particles} \\ \includegraphics[width=.41\textwidth]{resonance_n_photons} \includegraphics[width=.41\textwidth]{resonance_n_visible} \end{center} \caption{The process $e^+e^- \to jjjj$ at 250 GeV center-of-mass energy is compared transferring the partonic events naively to the parton shower, i.e. without respecting any intermediate resonances (red lines). The blue lines show the process factorized into $WW$ production and decay, where the shower knows the origin of the two jet pairs. The orange and dark green lines show the resonance treatment as mentioned in the text, with \ttt{resonance\_on\_shell\_limit = 1} and \ttt{= 4}, respectively. \pythiasix\ parton shower and hadronization with the OPAL tune have been used. The observables are: photon energy distribution and number of charged tracks (upper line left/right, number of hadrons and total number of particles (middle left/right), and number of photons and neutral particles (lower line left/right).} \end{figure} To overcome this problem, there is a refinement of the process description available in \whizard. By modifying the process declaration to \begin{Code} ?resonance_history = true resonance_on_shell_limit = 4 process q4 = e1, E1 => u, U, d, D \end{Code} we advise the program to produce not just the complete matrix element, but also all possible restricted matrix elements containing resonant intermediate states. This has no effect at all on the integration step, and thus on the total cross section. However, when subsequently events are generated with this setting, the program checks, for each event, the kinematics and determines the set of potentially resonant contributions. The criterion is whether the off-shellness of a particular would-be resonance is less than the resonance width multiplied by the value of \verb|resonance_on_shell_limit| (default value $=4$). For the set of resonance histories which pass this criterion (which can be empty), their respective squared matrix element is related to the full-process matrix element. The ratio is interpreted as a probability. The random-number generator then selects one or none of the resonance histories, and modifies the event record accordingly. In effect, for an appropriate fraction of the events, depending on the kinematics, the parton-shower module is provided with resonance information, so it can adjust the radiation pattern accordingly. It has to be mentioned that generating the matrix-element code for all possible resonance histories takes additional computing resources. In the current default setup, this feature is switched off. It has to be explicitly activated via the \verb|?resonance_history| flag. Also, the feature can be activated or deactivated individually for each process, such as in \begin{Code} ?resonance_history = true process q4_with_res = e1, E1 => u, U, d, D { ?resonance_history = true } process q4_wo_res = e1, E1 => u, U, d, D { ?resonance_history = false } \end{Code} If the flag is \verb|false| for a process, no resonance code will be generated. Similarly, the flag has to be globally or locally active when \verb|simulate| is called, such that the feature takes effect for event generation. There are two additional parameters that can fine-tune the conditions for resonance insertion in the event record. Firstly, the parameter \verb|resonance_on_shell_turnoff|, if nonzero, enables a Gaussian suppression of the probability for resonance insertion. For instance, setting \begin{Code} ?resonance_history = true resonance_on_shell_turnoff = 4 resonance_on_shell_limit = 8 \end{Code} will reduce the probability for the event to be qualified as resonant by $e^{-1}= 37\,\%$ if the kinematics is off-shell by four units of the width, and by $e^{-4}=2\,\%$ at eight units of the width. Beyond this point, the setting of the \verb|resonance_on_shell_limit| parameter eliminates resonance insertion altogether. In effect, the resonance-background transition is realized in a smooth way. Secondly, within the resonant-kinematics range the probability for qualifying the event as background can be reduced by the parameter \verb|resonance_background_factor| (default value $=1$) to a number between zero and one. Setting this to zero means that the event will be necessarily qualified as resonant, if it falls within the resonant-kinematics range. Note that if an event, by the above mechanism, is identified as following a certain resonance history, the assigned color flow will be chosen to match the resonance history, not the complete matrix element. This may result in a reassignment of color flow with respect to the original partonic event. Finally, we mention the order of execution: any additional matrix element code is compiled and linked when \verb|compile| is executed for the processes in question. If this command is omitted, the \verb|simulate| command will trigger compilation. \section{Parton showers and Hadronization} In order to produce sensible events, final state QCD (and also QED) radiation has to be considered as well as the binding of strongly interacting partons into mesons and baryons. Furthermore, final state hadronic resonances undergo subsequent decays into those particles showing up in (or traversing) the detector. The latter are mostly pions, kaons, photons, electrons and muons. The physics associated with these topics can be divided into the perturbative part which is the regime of the parton shower, and the non-perturbative part which is the regime for the hadronization. \whizard\ comes with its own two different parton shower implementations, an analytic and a so-called $k_T$-ordered parton shower that will be detailed in the next section. Note that in general it is not advisable to use different shower and hadronization methods, or in other words, when using shower and hadronization methods from different programs these would have to be tuned together again with the corresponding data. Parton showers are approximations to full matrix elements taking only the leading color flow into account, and neglecting all interferences between different amplitudes leading to the same exclusive final state. They rely on the QCD (and QED) splitting functions to describe the emissions of partons off other partons. This is encoded in the so-called Sudakov form factor~\cite{Sudakov:1954sw}: \begin{equation*} \Delta( t_1, t_2) = \exp \left[ \int\limits_{t_1}^{t_2} \mbox{d} t \int\limits_{z_-}^{z_+} \mbox{d} z \frac{\alpha_s}{2 \pi t} P(z) \right] \end{equation*} This gives the probability for a parton to evolve from scale $t_2$ to $t_1$ without any further emissions of partons. $t$ is the evolution parameter of the shower, which can be a parton energy, an emission angle, a virtuality, a transverse momentum etc. The variable $z$ relates the two partons after the branching, with the most common choice being the ratio of energies of the parton after and before the branching. For final-state radiation brachings occur after the hard interaction, the evolution of the shower starts at the scale of the hard interaction, $t \sim \hat{s}$, down to a cut-off scale $t = t_{\text{cut}}$ that marks the transition to the non-perturbative regime of hadronization. In the space-like evolution for the initial-state shower, the evolution is from a cut-off representing the factorization scale for the parton distribution functions (PDFs) to the inverse of the hard process scale, $-\hat{s}$. Technically, this evolution is then backwards in (shower) time~\cite{Sjostrand:1985xi}, leading to the necessity to include the PDFs in the Sudakov factors. The main switches for the shower and hadronization which are realized as transformations on the partonic events within \whizard\ are \ttt{?allow\_shower} and \ttt{?allow\_hadronization}, which are true by default and only there for technical reasons. Next, different shower and hadronization methods can be chosen within \whizard: \begin{code} $shower_method = "WHIZARD" $hadronization_method = "PYTHIA6" \end{code} The snippet above shows the default choices in \whizard\, namely \whizard's intrinsic parton shower, but \pythiasix\ as hadronization tool. (Note that \whizard\ does not have its own hadronization module yet.) The usage of \pythiasix\ for showering and hadronization will be explained in Sec.~\ref{sec:pythia6}, while the two different implementations of the \whizard\ homebrew parton showers are discussed in Sec.~\ref{sec:ktordered} and~\ref{sec:analytic}, respectively. %%%%% \subsection{The $k_T$-ordered parton shower} \label{sec:ktordered} %%%%% \subsection{The analytic parton shower} \label{sec:analytic} %%%%% \subsection{Parton shower and hadronization from \pythiasix} \label{sec:pythia6} Development of the \pythiasix\ generator for parton shower and hadronization (the \fortran\ version) has been discontinued by the authors several years ago. Hence, the final release of that program is frozen. This allowed to ship this final version, v6.427, with the \whizard\ distribution without the need of updating it all the time. One of the main reasons for that inclusion -- besides having the standard tool for showering and hadronization for decays at hand -- is to allow for backwards validation within \whizard\ particularly for the event samples generated for the development of linear collider physics: first for TESLA, JLC and NLC, and later on for the Conceptual and Technical Design Report for ILC, for the Conceptual Design Report for CLIC as well as for the Letters of Intent for the LC detectors, ILD and SiD. Usually, an external parton shower and hadronization program (PS) is steered via the transfer of event files that are given to the PS via LHE events, while the PS program then produces hadron level events, usually in HepMC format. These can then be directed towards a full or fast detector simulation program. As \pythiasix\ has been completely integrated inside the \whizard\ framework, the showered or more general hadron level events can be returned to and kept inside \whizard's internal event record, and hence be used in \whizard's internal event analysis. In that way, the events can be also written out in event formats that are not supported by \pythiasix, e.g. \ttt{LCIO} via the output capabilities of \whizard. There are several switches to directly steer \pythiasix\ (the values in brackets correspond to the \pythiasix\ variables): \begin{code} ps_mass_cutoff = 1 GeV [PARJ(82)] ps_fsr_lambda = 0.29 GeV [PARP(72)] ps_isr_lambda = 0.29 GeV [PARP(61)] ps_max_n_flavors = 5 [MSTJ(45)] ?ps_isr_alphas_running = true [MSTP(64)] ?ps_fsr_alphas_running = true [MSTJ(44)] ps_fixed_alphas = 0.2 [PARU(111)] ?ps_isr_angular_ordered = true [MSTP(62)] ps_isr_primordial_kt_width = 1.5 GeV [PARP(91)] ps_isr_primordial_kt_cutoff = 5.0 GeV [PARP(93)] ps_isr_z_cutoff = 0.999 [1-PARP(66)] ps_isr_minenergy = 2 GeV [PARP(65)] ?ps_isr_only_onshell_emitted_partons = true [MSTP(63)] \end{code} The values given above are the default values. The first value corresponds to the \pythiasix\ parameter \ttt{PARJ(82)}, its squared being the minimal virtuality that is allowed for the parton shower, i.e. the cross-over to the hadronization. The same parameter is used also for the \whizard\ showers. \ttt{ps\_fsr\_lambda} is the equivalent of \ttt{PARP(72)} and is the $\Lambda_{\text{QCD}}$ for the final state shower. The corresponding variable for the initial state shower is called \ttt{PARP(61)} in \pythiasix. By the next variable (\ttt{MSTJ(45)}), the maximal number of flavors produced in splittings in the shower is given, together with the number of active flavors in the running of $\alpha_s$. \ttt{?ps\_isr\_alphas\_running} which corresponds to \ttt{MSTP(64)} in \pythiasix\ determines whether or net a running $\alpha_s$ is taken in the space-like initial state showers. The same variable for the final state shower is \ttt{MSTJ(44)}. For fixed $\alpha_s$, the default value is given by \ttt{ps\_fixed\_alpha}, corresponding to \ttt{PARU(111)}. \ttt{MSTP(62)} determines whether the ISR shower is angular order, i.e. whether angles are increasing towards the hard interaction. This is per default true, and set in the variable \ttt{?ps\_isr\_angular\_ordered}. The width of the distribution for the primordial (intrinsic) $k_T$ distribution (which is a non-perturbative quantity) is the \pythiasix\ variable \ttt{PARP(91)}, while in \whizard\ it is given by \ttt{pythia\_isr\_primordial\_kt\_width}. The next variable (\ttt{PARP(93}) gives the upper cutoff for that distribution, which is 5 GeV per default. For splitting in space-like showers, there is a cutoff on the $z$ variable named \ttt{ps\_isr\_z\_cutoff} in \whizard. This corresponds to one minus the value of the \pythiasix\ parameter \ttt{PARP(66)}. \ttt{PARP(65)}, on the other hand, gives the minimal (effective) energy for a time-like or on-shell emitted parton on a space-like QCD shower, given by the \sindarin\ parameter \ttt{ps\_isr\_minenergy}. Whether or not partons emitted from space-like showers are allowed to be only on-shell is given by \ttt{?ps\_isr\_only\_onshell\_emitted\_partons}, \ttt{MSTP(63)} in \pythiasix\ language. For more details confer the \pythiasix\ manual~\cite{Sjostrand:2006za}. Any other non-standard \pythiasix\ parameter can be fed into the parton shower via the string variable \begin{code} $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "...." \end{code} Variables set here get preference over the ones set explicitly by dedicated \sindarin\ commands. For example, the OPAL tune for hadronic final states can be set via: \begin{code} $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "MSTJ(28)=0; PMAS(25,1)=120.; PMAS(25,2)=0.3605E-02; MSTJ(41)=2; MSTU(22)=2000; PARJ(21)=0.40000; PARJ(41)=0.11000; PARJ(42)=0.52000; PARJ(81)=0.25000; PARJ(82)=1.90000; MSTJ(11)=3; PARJ(54)=-0.03100; PARJ(55)=-0.00200; PARJ(1)=0.08500; PARJ(3)=0.45000; PARJ(4)=0.02500; PARJ(2)=0.31000; PARJ(11)=0.60000; PARJ(12)=0.40000; PARJ(13)=0.72000; PARJ(14)=0.43000; PARJ(15)=0.08000; PARJ(16)=0.08000; PARJ(17)=0.17000; MSTP(3)=1;MSTP(71)=1" \end{code} \vspace{0.5cm} A very common error that appears quite often when using \pythiasix\ for SUSY or any other model having a stable particle that serves as a possible Dark Matter candidate, is the following warning/error message: \begin{Code} Advisory warning type 3 given after 0 PYEXEC calls: (PYRESD:) Failed to decay particle 1000022 with mass 15.000 ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** FATAL ERROR: Simulation: failed to generate valid event after 10000 tries ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** \end{Code} In that case, \pythiasix\ gets a stable particle (here the lightest neutralino with the PDG code 1000022) handed over and does not know what to do with it. Particularly, it wants to treat it as a heavy resonance which should be decayed, but does not know how do that. After a certain number of tries (in the example abobe 10k), \whizard\ ends with a fatal error telling the user that the event transformation for the parton shower in the simulation has failed without producing a valid event. The solution to work around that problem is to let \pythiasix\ know that the neutralino (or any other DM candidate) is stable by means of \begin{code} $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "MDCY(C1000022,1)=0" \end{code} Here, 1000022 has to be replaced by the stable dark matter candidate or long-lived particle in the user's favorite model. Also note that with other options being passed to \pythiasix\, the \ttt{MDCY} option above has to be added to an existing \ttt{\$ps\_PYTHIA\_PYGIVE} command separated by a semicolon. %%%%% \subsection{Parton shower and hadronization from \pythiaeight} \subsection{Other tools for parton shower and hadronization} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{More on Event Generation} \label{chap:events} In order to perform a physics analysis with \whizard\ one has to generate events. This seems to be a trivial statement, but as there have been any questions like "My \whizard\ does not produce plots -- what has gone wrong?" we believe that repeating that rule is worthwile. Of course, it is not mandatory to use \whizard's own analysis set-up, the user can always choose to just generate events and use his/her own analysis package like \ttt{ROOT}, or \ttt{TopDrawer}, or you name it for the analysis. Accordingly, we first start to describe how to generate events and what options there are -- different event formats, renaming output files, using weighted or unweighted events with different normalizations. How to re-use and manipulate already generated event samples, how to limit the number of events per file, etc. etc. \section{Event generation} To explain how event generation works, we again take our favourite example, $e^+e^- \to \mu^+ \mu^-$, \begin{verbatim} process eemm = e1, E1 => e2, E2 \end{verbatim} The command to trigger generation of events is \ttt{simulate () \{ \}}, so in our case -- neglecting any options for now -- simply: \begin{verbatim} simulate (eemm) \end{verbatim} When you run this \sindarin\ file you will experience a fatal error: \ttt{FATAL ERROR: Colliding beams: sqrts is zero (please set sqrts)}. This is because \whizard\ needs to compile and integrate the process \ttt{eemm} first before event simulation, because it needs the information of the corresponding cross section, phase space parameterization and grids. It does both automatically, but you have to provide \whizard\ with the beam setup, or at least with the center-of-momentum energy. A corresponding \ttt{integrate} command like \begin{verbatim} sqrts = 500 GeV integrate (eemm) { iterations = 3:10000 } \end{verbatim} obviously has to appear {\em before} the corresponding \ttt{simulate} command (otherwise you would be punished by the same error message as before). Putting things in the correct order results in an output like: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} | Reading model file '/usr/local/share/whizard/models/SM.mdl' | Preloaded model: SM | Process library 'default_lib': initialized | Preloaded library: default_lib | Reading commands from file 'bla.sin' | Process library 'default_lib': recorded process 'eemm' sqrts = 5.000000000000E+02 | Integrate: current process library needs compilation | Process library 'default_lib': compiling ... | Process library 'default_lib': keeping makefile | Process library 'default_lib': keeping driver | Process library 'default_lib': active | Process library 'default_lib': ... success. | Integrate: compilation done | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 29912 | Initializing integration for process eemm: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'eemm' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'eemm_i1': e-, e+ => mu-, mu+ [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: [any particles] | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | e+ (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | sqrts = 5.000000000000E+02 GeV | Phase space: generating configuration ... | Phase space: ... success. | Phase space: writing configuration file 'eemm_i1.phs' | Phase space: 2 channels, 2 dimensions | Phase space: found 2 channels, collected in 2 groves. | Phase space: Using 2 equivalences between channels. | Phase space: wood Warning: No cuts have been defined. | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Starting integration for process 'eemm' | Integrate: iterations = 3:10000 | Integrator: 2 chains, 2 channels, 2 dimensions | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences | Integrator: 10000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrator: VAMP |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 9216 4.2833237E+02 7.14E-02 0.02 0.02* 40.29 2 9216 4.2829071E+02 7.08E-02 0.02 0.02* 40.29 3 9216 4.2838304E+02 7.04E-02 0.02 0.02* 40.29 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3 27648 4.2833558E+02 4.09E-02 0.01 0.02 40.29 0.43 3 |=============================================================================| | Time estimate for generating 10000 events: 0d:00h:00m:04s | Creating integration history display and eemm-history.pdf | Starting simulation for process 'eemm' | Simulate: using integration grids from file '' | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 29913 | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Simulation: requested number of events = 0 | corr. to luminosity [fb-1] = 0.0000E+00 | Events: writing to raw file 'eemm.evx' | Events: generating 0 unweighted, unpolarized events ... | Events: event normalization mode '1' | ... event sample complete. | Events: closing raw file 'eemm.evx' | There were no errors and 1 warning(s). | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================| \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} So, \whizard\ tells you that it has entered simulation mode, but besides this, it has not done anything. The next step is that you have to demand event generation -- there are two ways to do this: you could either specify a certain number, say 42, of events you want to have generated by \whizard, or you could provide a number for an integrated luminosity of some experiment. (Note, that if you choose to take both options, \whizard\ will take the one which gives the larger event sample. This, of course, depends on the given process(es) -- as well as cuts -- and its corresponding cross section(s).) The first of these options is set with the command: \ttt{n\_events = }, the second with \ttt{luminosity = }. Another important point already stated several times in the manual is that \whizard\ follows the commands in the steering \sindarin\ file in a chronological order. Hence, a given number of events or luminosity {\em after} a \ttt{simulate} command will be ignored -- or are relevant only for any \ttt{simulate} command potentially following further down in the \sindarin\ file. So, in our case, try: \begin{verbatim} n_events = 500 luminosity = 10 simulate (eemm) \end{verbatim} Per default, numbers for integrated luminosity are understood as inverse femtobarn. So, for the cross section above this would correspond to 4283 events, clearly superseding the demand for 500 events. After reducing the luminosity number from ten to one inverse femtobarn, 500 is the larger number of events taken by \whizard\ for event generation. Now \whizard\ tells you: \begin{verbatim} | Simulation: requested number of events = 500 | corr. to luminosity [fb-1] = 1.1673E+00 | Events: reading from raw file 'eemm.evx' | Events: reading 500 unweighted, unpolarized events ... | Events: event normalization mode '1' | ... event file terminates after 0 events. | Events: appending to raw file 'eemm.evx' | Generating remaining 500 events ... | ... event sample complete. | Events: closing raw file 'eemm.evx' \end{verbatim} I.e., it evaluates the luminosity to which the sample of 500 events would correspond to, which is now, of course, bigger than the $1 \fb^{-1}$ explicitly given for the luminosity. Furthermore, you can read off that a file \ttt{whizard.evx} has been generated, containing the demanded 500 events. (It was there before containing zero events, because to \ttt{n\_events} or \ttt{luminosity} value had been set. \whizard\ then tried to get the events first from file before generating new ones). Files with the suffix \ttt{.evx} are binary format event files, using a machine-dependent \whizard-specific event file format. Before we list the event formats supported by \whizard, the next two sections will tell you more about unweighted and weighted events as well as different possibilities to normalize events in \whizard. As already explained for the libraries, as well as the phase space and grid files in Chap.~\ref{chap:sindarin}, \whizard\ is trying to re-use as much information as possible. This is of course also true for the event files. There are special MD5 check sums testing the integrity and compatibility of the event files. If you demand for a process for which an event file already exists (as in the example above, though it was empty) equally many or less events than generated before, \whizard\ will not generate again but re-use the existing events (as already explained, the events are stored in a \whizard-own binary event format, i.e. in a so-called \ttt{.evx} file. If you suppress generation of that file, as will be described in subsection \ref{sec:eventformats} then \whizard\ has to generate events all the time). From version v2.2.0 of \whizard\ on, the program is also able to read in event from different event formats. However, most event formats do not contain as many information as \whizard's internal format, and a complete reconstruction of the events might not be possible. Re-using event files is very practical for doing several different analyses with the same data, especially if there are many and big data samples. Consider the case, there is an event file with 200 events, and you now ask \whizard\ to generate 300 events, then it will re-use the 200 events (if MD5 check sums are OK!), generate the remaining 100 events and append them to the existing file. If the user for some reason, however, wants to regenerate events (i.e. ignoring possibly existing events), there is the command option \ttt{whizard --rebuild-events}. %%%%%%%%% \section{Unweighted and weighted events} \whizard\ is able to generate unweighted events, i.e. events that are distributed uniformly and each contribute with the same event weight to the whole sample. This is done by mapping out the phase space of the process under consideration according to its different phase space channels (which each get their own weights), and then unweighting the sample of weighted events. Only a sample of unweighted events could in principle be compared to a real data sample from some experiment. The seventh column in the \whizard\ iteration/adaptation procedure tells you about the efficiency of the grids, i.e. how well the phase space is mapped to a flat function. The better this is achieved, the higher the efficiency becomes, and the closer the weights of the different phase space channels are to uniformity. This means, for higher efficiency less weighted events ("calls") are needed to generate a single unweighted event. An efficiency of 10 \% means that ten weighted events are needed to generate one single unweighted event. After the integration is done, \whizard\ uses the duration of calls during the adaptation to estimate a time interval needed to generate 10,000 unweighted events. The ability of the adaptive multi-channel Monte Carlo decreases with the number of integrations, i.e. with the number of final state particles. Adding more and more final state particles in general also increases the complexity of phase space, especially its singularity structure. For a $2 \to 2$ process the efficiency is roughly of the order of several tens of per cent. As a rule of thumb, one can say that with every additional pair of final state particle the average efficiency one can achieve decreases by a factor of five to ten. The default of \whizard\ is to generate {\em unweighted} events. One can use the logical variable \ttt{?unweighted = false} to disable unweighting and generate weighted events. (The command \ttt{?unweighted = true} is a tautology, because \ttt{true} is the default for this variable.) Note that again this command has to appear {\em before} the corresponding \ttt{simulate} command, otherwise it will be ignored or effective only for any \ttt{simulate} command appearing later in the \sindarin\ file. In the unweighted procedure, \whizard\ is keeping track of the highest weight that has been appeared during the adaptation, and the efficiency for the unweighting has been estimated from the average value of the sampling function compared to the maximum value. In principle, during event generation no events should be generated whose sampling function value exceeds the maximum function value encountered during the grid adaptation. Sometimes, however, there are numerical fluctuations and such events are happening. They are called {\em excess events}. \whizard\ does keep track of these excess events during event generation and will report about them, e.g.: \begin{code} Warning: Encountered events with excess weight: 9 events ( 0.090 %) | Maximum excess weight = 6.083E-01 | Average excess weight = 2.112E-04 \end{code} Whenever in an event generation excess events appear, this shows that the adaptation of the sampling function has not been perfect. When the number of excess weights is a finite number of percent, you should inspect the phase-space setup and try to improve its settings to get a better adaptation. Generating \emph{weighted} events is, of course, much faster if the same number of events is requested. Each event carries a weight factor which is taken into account for any internal analysis (histograms), and written to file if an external file format has been selected. The file format must support event weights. In a weighted event sample, there is typically a fraction of events which effectively have weight zero, namely those that have been created by the phase-space sampler but do not pass the requested cuts. In the default setup, those events are silently dropped, such that the events written to file or available for analysis all have nonzero weight. However, dropping such events affects the overall normalization. If this has happened, the program will issue a warning of the form \begin{code} | Dropped events (weight zero) = 1142 (total 2142) Warning: All event weights must be rescaled by f = 4.66853408E-01 \end{code} This factor has to be applied by hand to any external event files (and to internally generated histograms). The program cannot include the factor in the event records, because it is known only after all events have been generated. To avoid this problem, there is the logical flag \ttt{?keep\_failed\_events} which tells \whizard\ not to drop events with weight zero. The normalization will be correct, but the event sample will include invalid events which have to be vetoed by their zero weight, before any operations on the event record are performed. %%%%%%%%% \section{Choice on event normalizations} There are basically four different choices to normalize event weights ($\braket{\ldots}$ denotes the average): \begin{enumerate} \item $\braket{w_i} = 1$, \qquad\qquad $\Braket{\sum_i w_i} = N$ \item $\braket{w_i} = \sigma$, \qquad\qquad $\Braket{\sum_i w_i} = N \times \sigma$ \item $\braket{w_i} = 1/N$, \quad\qquad $\Braket{\sum_i w_i} = 1$ \item $\braket{w_i} = \sigma/N$, \quad\qquad $\Braket{\sum_i w_i} = \sigma$ \end{enumerate} So the four options are to have the average weight equal to unity, to the cross section of the corresponding process, to one over the number of events, or the cross section over the event calls. In these four cases, the event weights sum up to the event number, the event number times the cross section, to unity, and to the cross section, respectively. Note that neither of these really guarantees that all event weights individually lie in the interval $0 \leq w_i \leq 1$. The user can steer the normalization of events by using in \sindarin\ input files the string variable \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}. The default is \ttt{\$sample\_normalization = "auto"}, which uses option 1 for unweighted and 2 for weighted events, respectively. Note that this is also what the Les Houches Event Format (LHEF) demands for both types of events. This is \whizard's preferred mode, also for the reason, that event normalizations are independent from the number of events. Hence, event samples can be cut or expanded without further need to adjust the normalization. The unit normalization (option 1) can be switched on also for weighted events by setting the event normalization variable equal to \ttt{"1"}. Option 2 can be demanded by setting \ttt{\$sample\_normalization = "sigma"}. Options 3 and 4 can be set by \ttt{"1/n"} and \ttt{"sigma/n"}, respectively. \whizard\ accepts small and capital letters for these expressions. In the following section we show some examples when discussing the different event formats available in \whizard. %%%%%%%%% \section{Event selection} The \ttt{selection} expression (cf.\ Sec.~\ref{subsec:analysis}) reduces the event sample during generation or rescanning, selecting only events for which the expression evaluates to \ttt{true}. Apart from internal analysis, the selection also applies to writing external files. For instance, the following code generates a $e^+e^-\to W^+W^-$ sample with longitudinally polarized $W$ bosons only: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process ww = "e+", "e-" => "W-", "W+" polarized "W+" polarized "W-" ?polarized_events = true sqrts = 500 selection = all Hel == 0 ["W+":"W-"] simulate (ww) { n_events = 1000 } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} The number of events that end up in the sample on file is equal to the number of events with longitudinally polarized $W$s in the generated sample, so the file will contain less than 1000 events. %%%%%%%%% \section{Supported event formats} \label{sec:eventformats} Event formats can either be distinguished whether they are plain text (i.e. ASCII) formats or binary formats. Besides this, one can classify event formats according to whether they are natively supported by \whizard\ or need some external program or library to be linked. Table~\ref{tab:eventformats} gives a complete list of all event formats available in \whizard. The second column shows whether these are ASCII or binary formats, the third column contains brief remarks about the corresponding format, while the last column tells whether external programs or libraries are needed (which is the case only for the HepMC formats). \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|l|r|}\hline Format & Type & remark & ext. \\\hline ascii & ASCII & \whizard\ verbose format & no \\ Athena & ASCII & variant of HEPEVT & no \\ debug & ASCII & most verbose \whizard\ format & no \\ evx & binary & \whizard's home-brew & no \\ HepMC & ASCII & HepMC format & yes \\ HEPEVT & ASCII & \whizard~1 style & no \\ LCIO & ASCII & LCIO format & yes \\ LHA & ASCII & \whizard~1/old Les Houches style &no \\ LHEF & ASCII & Les Houches accord compliant & no \\ long & ASCII & variant of HEPEVT & no \\ mokka & ASCII & variant of HEPEVT & no \\ short & ASCII & variant of HEPEVT & no \\ StdHEP (HEPEVT) & binary & based on HEPEVT common block & no \\ StdHEP (HEPRUP/EUP) & binary & based on HEPRUP/EUP common block & no \\ Weight stream & ASCII & just weights & no \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{\label{tab:eventformats} Event formats supported by \whizard, classified according to ASCII/binary formats and whether an external program or library is needed to generate a file of this format. For both the HEPEVT and the LHA format there is a more verbose variant. } \end{table} The "\ttt{.evx}'' is \whizard's native binary event format. If you demand event generation and do not specify anything further, \whizard\ will write out its events exclusively in this binary format. So in the examples discussed in the previous chapters (where we omitted all details about event formats), in all cases this and only this internal binary format has been generated. The generation of this raw format can be suppressed (e.g. if you want to have only one specific event file type) by setting the variable \verb|?write_raw = false|. However, if the raw event file is not present, \whizard\ is not able to re-use existing events (e.g. from an ASCII file) and will regenerate events for a given process. Note that from version v2.2.0 of \whizard\ on, the program is able to (partially) reconstruct complete events also from other formats than its internal format (e.g. LHEF), but this is still under construction and not yet complete. Other event formats can be written out by setting the variable \ttt{sample\_format = }, where \ttt{} can be any of the following supported variables: \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{ascii}: a quite verbose ASCII format which contains lots of information (an example is shown in the appendix). \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.evt} \item \ttt{debug}: an even more verbose ASCII format intended for debugging which prints out also information about the internal data structures \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.debug} \item \ttt{hepevt}: ASCII format that writes out a specific incarnation of the HEPEVT common block (\whizard~1 back-compatibility) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.hepevt} \item \ttt{hepevt\_verb}: more verbose version of \ttt{hepevt} (\whizard~1 back-compatibility) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.hepevt.verb} \item \ttt{short}: abbreviated variant of the previous HEPEVT (\whizard\ 1 back-compatibility) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.short.evt} \item \ttt{long}: HEPEVT variant that contains a little bit more information than the short format but less than HEPEVT (\whizard\ 1 back-compatibility) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.long.evt} \item \ttt{athena}: HEPEVT variant suitable for read-out in the ATLAS ATHENA software environment (\whizard\ 1 back-compatibility) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.athena.evt} \item \ttt{mokka}: HEPEVT variant suitable for read-out in the MOKKA ILC software environment \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.mokka.evt} \item \ttt{lcio}: LCIO ASCII format (only available if LCIO is installed and correctly linked) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.lcio} \item \ttt{lha}: Implementation of the Les Houches Accord as it was in the old MadEvent and \whizard~1 \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.lha} \item \ttt{lha\_verb}: more verbose version of \ttt{lha} \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.lha.verb} \item \ttt{lhef}: Formatted Les Houches Accord implementation that contains the XML headers \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.lhe} \item \ttt{hepmc}: HepMC ASCII format (only available if HepMC is installed and correctly linked) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.hepmc} \item \ttt{stdhep}: StdHEP binary format based on the HEPEVT common block \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.hep} \item \ttt{stdhep\_up}: StdHEP binary format based on the HEPRUP/HEPEUP common blocks \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.up.hep} \item \ttt{stdhep\_ev4}: StdHEP binary format based on the HEPEVT/HEPEV4 common blocks \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.ev4.hep} \item \ttt{weight\_stream}: Format that prints out only the event weight (and maybe alternative ones) \newline Standard suffix: \ttt{.weight.dat} \end{itemize} Of course, the variable \ttt{sample\_format} can contain more than one of the above identifiers, in which case more than one different event file format is generated. The list above also shows the standard suffixes for these event formats (remember, that the native binary format of \whizard\ does have the suffix \ttt{.evx}). (The suffix of the different event formats can even be changed by the user by setting the corresponding variable \ttt{\$extension\_lhef = "foo"} or \ttt{\$extension\_ascii\_short = "bread"}. The dot is automatically included.) The name of the corresponding event sample is taken to be the string of the name of the first process in the \ttt{simulate} statement. Remember, that conventionally the events for all processes in one \ttt{simulate} statement will be written into one single event file. So \ttt{simulate (proc1, proc2)} will write events for the two processes \ttt{proc1} and \ttt{proc2} into one single event file with name \ttt{proc1.evx}. The name can be changed by the user with the command \ttt{\$sample = ""}. The commands \ttt{\$sample} and \ttt{sample\_format} are both accepted as optional arguments of a \ttt{simulate} command, so e.g. \ttt{simulate (proc) \{ \$sample = "foo" sample\_format = hepmc \}} generates an event sample in the HepMC format for the process \ttt{proc} in the file \ttt{foo.hepmc}. Examples for event formats, for specifications of the event formats correspond the different accords and publications~\footnote{Some event formats, based on the \ttt{HEPEVT} or \ttt{HEPEUP} common blocks, use fixed-form ASCII output with a two-digit exponent for real numbers. There are rare cases (mainly, ISR photons) where the event record can contain numbers with absolute value less than $10^{-99}$. Since those numbers are not representable in that format, \whizard\ will set all non-zero numbers below that value to $\pm 10^{-99}$, when filling either common block. Obviously, such values are physically irrelevant, but in the output they are representable and distinguishable from zero.}: \paragraph{HEPEVT:} The HEPEVT is an ASCII event format that does not contain an event file header. There is a one-line header for each single event, containing four entries. The number of particles in the event (\ttt{ISTHEP}), which is four for a fictitious example process $hh\to hh$, but could be larger if e.g. beam remnants are demanded to be included in the event. The second entry and third entry are the number of outgoing particles and beam remnants, respectively. The event weight is the last entry. For each particle in the event there are three lines: the first one is the status according to the HEPEVT format, \ttt{ISTHEP}, the second one the PDG code, \ttt{IDHEP}, then there are the one or two possible mother particle, \ttt{JMOHEP}, the first and last possible daughter particle, \ttt{JDAHEP}, and the polarization. The second line contains the three momentum components, $p_x$, $p_y$, $p_z$, the particle energy $E$, and its mass, $m$. The last line contains the position of the vertex in the event reconstruction. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim} 4 2 0 3.0574068604E+08 2 25 0 0 3 4 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 2 25 0 0 3 4 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 1 25 1 2 0 0 0 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 1 25 1 2 0 0 0 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 \end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \paragraph{ASCII SHORT:} This is basically the same as the HEPEVT standard, but very much abbreviated. The header line for each event is identical, but the first line per particle does only contain the PDG and the polarization, while the vertex information line is omitted. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim} 4 2 0 3.0574068604E+08 25 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 25 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 25 0 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 25 0 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 \end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \paragraph{ASCII LONG:} Identical to the ASCII short format, but after each event there is a line containg two values: the value of the sample function to be integrated over phase space, so basically the squared matrix element including all normalization factors, flux factor, structure functions etc. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim} 4 2 0 3.0574068604E+08 25 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 25 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 25 0 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 25 0 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 1.0000000000E+00 1.0000000000E+00 \end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \paragraph{ATHENA:} Quite similar to the HEPEVT ASCII format. The header line, however, does contain only two numbers: an event counter, and the number of particles in the event. The first line for each particle lacks the polarization information (irrelevant for the ATHENA environment), but has as leading entry an ordering number counting the particles in the event. The vertex information line has only the four relevant position entries. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim} 0 4 1 2 25 0 0 3 4 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 2 2 25 0 0 3 4 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 3 1 25 1 2 0 0 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4 1 25 1 2 0 0 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 \end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \paragraph{MOKKA:} Quite similar to the ASCII short format, but the event entries are the particle status, the PDG code, the first and last daughter, the three spatial components of the momentum, as well as the mass. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim} 4 2 0 3.0574068604E+08 2 25 3 4 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 1.2500000000E+02 2 25 3 4 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 1.2500000000E+02 1 25 0 0 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 1.2500000000E+02 1 25 0 0 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 1.2500000000E+02 \end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \paragraph{LHA:} This is the implementation of the Les Houches Accord, as it was used in \whizard\ 1 and the old MadEvent. There is a first line containing six entries: 1. the number of particles in the event, \ttt{NUP}, 2. the subprocess identification index, \ttt{IDPRUP}, 3. the event weight, \ttt{XWGTUP}, 4. the scale of the process, \ttt{SCALUP}, 5. the value or status of $\alpha_{QED}$, \ttt{AQEDUP}, 6. the value for $\alpha_s$, \ttt{AQCDUP}. The next seven lines contain as many entries as there are particles in the event: the first one has the PDG codes, \ttt{IDUP}, the next two the first and second mother of the particles, \ttt{MOTHUP}, the fourth and fifth line the two color indices, \ttt{ICOLUP}, the next one the status of the particle, \ttt{ISTUP}, and the last line the polarization information, \ttt{ISPINUP}. At the end of the event there are as lines for each particles with the counter in the event and the four-vector of the particle. For more information on this event format confer~\cite{LesHouches}. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim} 25 25 5.0000000000E+02 5.0000000000E+02 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 1 1.0000000000E-01 1.0000000000E-03 1.0000000000E+00 42 4 1 3.0574068604E+08 1.000000E+03 -1.000000E+00 -1.000000E+00 25 25 25 25 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 9 9 9 9 1 5.0000000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 2 5.0000000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 3 5.0000000000E+02 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 4 5.0000000000E+02 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 \end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \paragraph{LHEF:} This is the modern version of the Les Houches accord event format (LHEF), for the details confer the corresponding publication~\cite{LHEF}. \begin{scriptsize} \begin{verbatim}
WHIZARD 3.0.0_beta
25 25 5.0000000000E+02 5.0000000000E+02 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 1 1.0000000000E-01 1.0000000000E-03 1.0000000000E+00 42 4 42 3.0574068604E+08 1.0000000000E+03 -1.0000000000E+00 -1.0000000000E+00 25 -1 0 0 0 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 9.0000000000E+00 25 -1 0 0 0 0 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 -4.8412291828E+02 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 9.0000000000E+00 25 1 1 2 0 0 -1.4960220911E+02 -4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 9.0000000000E+00 25 1 1 2 0 0 1.4960220911E+02 4.6042825611E+02 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+02 1.2500000000E+02 0.0000000000E+00 9.0000000000E+00
\end{verbatim} \end{scriptsize} Note that for the LHEF format, there are different versions according to the different stages of agreement. They can be addressed from within the \sindarin\ file by setting the string variable \ttt{\$lhef\_version} to one of (at the moment) three values: \ttt{"1.0"}, \ttt{"2.0"}, or \ttt{"3.0"}. The examples above corresponds (as is indicated in the header) to the version \ttt{"1.0"} of the LHEF format. Additional information in form of alternative squared matrix elements or event weights in the event are the most prominent features of the other two more advanced versions. For more details confer the literature. \vspace{.5cm} Sample files for the default ASCII format as well as for the debug event format are shown in the appendix. %%%%%%%%% \section[Interfaces to Parton Showers, Matching and Hadronization]{Interfaces to Parton Showers, Matching\\and Hadronization} This section describes the interfaces to the internal parton shower as well as the parton shower and hadronization routines from \pythia. Moreover, our implementation of the MLM matching making use of the parton showers is described. Sample \sindarin\ files are located in the \ttt{share/examples} directory. All input files come in two versions, one using the internal shower, ending in \ttt{W.sin}, and one using \pythia's shower, ending in \ttt{P.sin}. Thus we state all file names as ending with \ttt{X.sin}, where \ttt{X} has to be replaced by either \ttt{W} or \ttt{P}. The input files include \ttt{EENoMatchingX.sin} and \ttt{DrellYanNoMatchingX.sin} for $e^+ e^- \to hadrons$ and $p\bar{p} \to Z$ without matching. The corresponding \sindarin\ files with matching enabled are \ttt{EEMatching2X.sin} to \ttt{EEMatching5X.sin} for $e^+ e^- \to hadrons$ with a different number of partons included in the matrix element and \ttt{DrallYanMatchingX.sin} for Drell-Yan with one matched emission. \subsection{Parton Showers and Hadronization} From version 2.1 onwards, \whizard\ contains an implementation of an analytic parton shower as presented in \cite{Kilian:2011ka}, providing the opportunity to perform the parton shower from whithin \whizard. Moreover, an interface to \pythia\ is included, which can be used to delegate the parton shower to \pythia. The same interface can be used to hadronize events using the generated events using \pythia's hadronization routines. Note that by \pythia's default, when performing initial-state radiation multiple interactions are included and when performing the hadronization hadronic decays are included. If required, these additional steps have to be switched off using the corresponding arguments for \pythia's \ttt{PYGIVE} routine via the \ttt{\$ps\_PYTHIA\_PYGIVE} string. Note that from version 2.2.4 on the earlier flag \ttt{--enable-shower} flag has been abandoned, and there is only a flag to either compile or not compile the interally attached \pythia\ttt{6} package (\ttt{--enable-pythia6}) last release of the \fortran\ \pythia, v6.427) as well as the interface. It can be invoked by the following \sindarin\ keywords:\\[2ex] % \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline\ttt{?ps\_fsr\_active = true} & master switch for final-state parton showers\\\hline \ttt{?ps\_isr\_active = true} & master switch for initial-state parton showers\\\hline \ttt{?ps\_taudec\_active = true} & master switch for $\tau$ decays (at the moment only via \ttt{TAUOLA}\\\hline \ttt{?hadronization\_active = true} & master switch to enable hadronization\\\hline \ttt{\$shower\_method = "PYTHIA6"} & switch to use \pythiasix's parton shower instead of \\ & \whizard's own shower\\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} \vspace{4mm} If either \ttt{?ps\_fsr\_active} or \ttt{?ps\_isr\_active} is set to \verb|true|, the event will be transferred to the internal shower routines or the \pythia\ data structures, and the chosen shower steps (initial- and final-state radiation) will be performed. If hadronization is enabled via the \ttt{?hadronization\_active} switch, \whizard\ will call \pythia's hadronization routine. The hadron\-ization can be applied to events showered using the internal shower or showered using \pythia's shower routines, as well as unshowered events. Any necessary transfer of event data to \pythia\ is automatically taken care of within \whizard's shower interface. The resulting (showered and/or hadronized) event will be transferred back to \whizard, the former final particles will be marked as intermediate. The analysis can be applied to a showered and/or hadronized event just like in the unshowered/unhadronized case. Any event file can be used and will contain the showered/hadronized event. Settings for the internal analytic parton shower are set via the following \sindarin\ variables:\\[2ex] \begin{description} \item[\ttt{ps\_mass\_cutoff}] The cut-off in virtuality, below which, partons are assumed to radiate no more. Used for both ISR and FSR. Given in $\mbox{GeV}$. (Default = 1.0) \item[\ttt{ps\_fsr\_lambda}] The value for $\Lambda$ used in calculating the value of the running coupling constant $\alpha_S$ for Final State Radiation. Given in $\mbox{GeV}$. (Default = 0.29) \item[\ttt{ps\_isr\_lambda}] The value for $\Lambda$ used in calculating the value of the running coupling constant $\alpha_S$ for Initial State Radiation. Given in $\mbox{GeV}$. (Default = 0.29) \item[\ttt{ps\_max\_n\_flavors}] Number of quark flavours taken into account during shower evolution. Meaningful choices are 3 to include $u,d,s$-quarks, 4 to include $u,d,s,c$-quarks and 5 to include $u,d,s,c,b$-quarks. (Default = 5) \item[\ttt{?ps\_isr\_alphas\_running}] Switch to decide between a constant $\alpha_S$, given by \ttt{ps\_fixed\_alphas}, and a running $\alpha_S$, calculated using \ttt{ps\_isr\_lambda} for ISR. (Default = true) \item[\ttt{?ps\_fsr\_alphas\_running}] Switch to decide between a constant $\alpha_S$, given by \ttt{ps\_fixed\_alphas}, and a running $\alpha_S$, calculated using \ttt{ps\_fsr\_lambda} for FSR. (Default = true) \item[\ttt{ps\_fixed\_alphas}] Fixed value of $\alpha_S$ for the parton shower. Used if either one of the variables \ttt{?ps\_fsr\_alphas\_running} or \ttt{?ps\_isr\_alphas\_running} are set to \verb|false|. (Default = 0.0) \item[\ttt{?ps\_isr\_angular\_ordered}] Switch for angular ordered ISR. (Default = true )\footnote{The FSR is always simulated with angular ordering enabled.} \item[\ttt{ps\_isr\_primordial\_kt\_width}] The width in $\mbox{GeV}$ of the Gaussian assumed to describe the transverse momentum of partons inside the proton. Other shapes are not yet implemented. (Default = 0.0) \item[\ttt{ps\_isr\_primordial\_kt\_cutoff}] The maximal transverse momentum in $\mbox{GeV}$ of a parton inside the proton. Used as a cut-off for the Gaussian. (Default = 5.0) \item[\ttt{ps\_isr\_z\_cutoff}] Maximal $z$-value in initial state branchings. (Default = 0.999) \item[\ttt{ps\_isr\_minenergy}] Minimal energy in $\mbox{GeV}$ of an emitted timelike or final parton. Note that the energy is not calculated in the labframe but in the center-of-mas frame of the two most initial partons resolved so far, so deviations may occur. (Default = 1.0) \item[\ttt{ps\_isr\_tscalefactor}] Factor for the starting scale in the initial state shower evolution. ( Default = 1.0 ) \item[\ttt{?ps\_isr\_only\_onshell\_emitted\_partons}] Switch to allow only for on-shell emitted partons, thereby rejecting all possible final state parton showers starting from partons emitted during the ISR. (Default = false) \end{description} Settings for the \pythia\ are transferred using the following \sindarin\ variables:\\[2ex] \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline\ttt{?ps\_PYTHIA\_verbose} & if set to false, output from \pythia\ will be suppressed\\\hline \ttt{\$ps\_PYTHIA\_PYGIVE} & a string containing settings transferred to \pythia's \ttt{PYGIVE} subroutine.\\ & The format is explained in the \pythia\ manual. The limitation to 100 \\ & characters mentioned there does not apply here, the string is split \\ & appropriately before being transferred to \pythia.\\\hline \end{tabular}}\mbox{} \vspace{4mm} Note that the included version of \pythia\ uses \lhapdf\ for initial state radiation whenever this is available, but the PDF set has to be set manually in that case using the keyword \ttt{ps\_PYTHIA\_PYGIVE}. \subsection{Parton shower -- Matrix Element Matching} Along with the inclusion of the parton showers, \whizard\ includes an implementation of the MLM matching procedure. For a detailed description of the implemented steps see \cite{Kilian:2011ka}. The inclusion of MLM matching still demands some manual settings in the \sindarin\ file. For a given base process and a matching of $N$ additional jets, all processes that can be obtained by attaching up to $N$ QCD splittings, either a quark emitting a gluon or a gluon splitting into two quarks ar two gluons, have to be manually specified as additional processes. These additional processes need to be included in the \ttt{simulate} statement along with the original process. The \sindarin\ variable \ttt{mlm\_nmaxMEjets} has to be set to the maximum number of additional jets $N$. Moreover additional cuts have to be specified for the additional processes. \begin{verbatim} alias quark = u:d:s:c alias antiq = U:D:S:C alias j = quark:antiq:g ?mlm_matching = true mlm_ptmin = 5 GeV mlm_etamax = 2.5 mlm_Rmin = 1 cuts = all Dist > mlm_Rmin [j, j] and all Pt > mlm_ptmin [j] and all abs(Eta) < mlm_etamax [j] \end{verbatim} Note that the variables \ttt{mlm\_ptmin}, \ttt{mlm\_etamax} and \ttt{mlm\_Rmin} are used by the matching routine. Thus, replacing the variables in the \ttt{cut} expression and omitting the assignment would destroy the matching procedure. The complete list of variables introduced to steer the matching procedure is as follows: \begin{description} \item[\ttt{?mlm\_matching\_active}] Master switch to enable MLM matching. (Default = false) \item[\ttt{mlm\_ptmin}] Minimal transverse momentum, also used in the definition of a jet \item[\ttt{mlm\_etamax}] Maximal absolute value of pseudorapidity $\eta$, also used in defining a jet \item[\ttt{mlm\_Rmin}] Minimal $\eta-\phi$ distance $R_{min}$ \item[\ttt{mlm\_nmaxMEjets}] Maximum number of jets $N$ \item[\ttt{mlm\_ETclusfactor}] Factor to vary the jet definition. Should be $\geq 1$ for complete coverage of phase space. (Default = 1) \item[\ttt{mlm\_ETclusminE}] Minimal energy in the variation of the jet definition \item[\ttt{mlm\_etaclusfactor}] Factor in the variation of the jet definition. Should be $\leq 1$ for complete coverage of phase space. (Default = 1) \item[\ttt{mlm\_Rclusfactor}] Factor in the variation of the jet definition. Should be $\ge 1$ for complete coverage of phase space. (Default = 1) \end{description} The variation of the jet definition is a tool to asses systematic uncertainties introduced by the matching procedure (See section 3.1 in \cite{Kilian:2011ka}). %%%%%%%%% \section{Rescanning and recalculating events} \label{sec:rescan} In the simplest mode of execution, \whizard\ handles its events at the point where they are generated. It can apply event transforms such as decays or shower (see above), it can analyze the events, calculate and plot observables, and it can output them to file. However, it is also possible to apply two different operations to those events in parallel, or to reconsider and rescan an event sample that has been previously generated. We first discuss the possibilities that \ttt{simulate} offers. For each event, \whizard\ calculates the matrix element for the hard interaction, supplements this by Jacobian and phase-space factors in order to obtain the event weight, optionally applies a rejection step in order to gather uniformly weighted events, and applies the cuts and analysis setup. We may ask about the event matrix element or weight, or the analysis result, that we would have obtained for a different setting. To this end, there is an \ttt{alt\_setup} option. This option allows us to recalculate, event by event, the matrix element, weight, or analysis contribution with a different parameter set but identical kinematics. For instance, we may evaluate a distribution for both zero and non-zero anomalous coupling \ttt{fw} and enter some observable in separate histograms: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} simulate (some_proc) { fw = 0 analysis = record hist1 (eval Pt [H]) alt_setup = { fw = 0.01 analysis = record hist2 (eval Pt [H]) } } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} In fact, the \ttt{alt\_setup} object is not restricted to a single code block (enclosed in curly braces) but can take a list of those, \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} alt_setup = { fw = 0.01 }, { fw = 0.02 }, ... \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} Each block provides the environment for a separate evaluation of the event data. The generation of these events, i.e., their kinematics, is still steered by the primary environment. The \ttt{alt\_setup} blocks may modify various settings that affect the evaluation of an event, including physical parameters, PDF choice, cuts and analysis, output format, etc. This must not (i.e., cannot) affect the kinematics of an event, so don't modify particle masses. When applying cuts, they can only reduce the generated event sample, so they apply on top of the primary cuts for the simulation. Alternatively, it is possible to \ttt{rescan} a sample that has been generated by a previous \ttt{simulate} command: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} simulate (some_proc) { $sample = "my_events" analysis = record hist1 (eval Pt [H]) } ?update_sqme = true ?update_weight = true rescan "my_events" (some_proc) { fw = 0.01 analysis = record hist2 (eval Pt [H]) } rescan "my_events" (some_proc) { fw = 0.05 analysis = record hist3 (eval Pt [H]) } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} In more complicated situation, rescanning is more transparent and offers greater flexibility than doing all operations at the very point of event generation. Combining these features with the \ttt{scan} looping construct, we already cover a considerable range of applications. (There are limitations due to the fact that \sindarin\ doesn't provide array objects, yet.) Note that the \ttt{rescan} construct also allows for an \ttt{alt\_setup} option. You may generate a new sample by rescanning, for which you may choose any output format: \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} rescan "my_events" (some_proc) { selection = all Pt > 100 GeV [H] $sample = "new_events" sample_format = lhef } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} The event sample that you rescan need not be an internal raw \whizard\ file, as above. You may rescan a LHEF file, \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} rescan "lhef_events" (proc) { $rescan_input_format = "lhef" } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} This file may have any origin, not necessarily from \whizard. To understand such an external file, \whizard\ must be able to reconstruct the hard process and match it to a process with a known name (e.g., \ttt{proc}), that has been defined in the \sindarin\ script previously. Within its limits, \whizard\ can thus be used for translating an event sample from one format to another format. There are three important switches that control the rescanning behavior. They can be set or unset independently. \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{?update\_sqme} (default: false). If true, \whizard\ will recalculate the hard matrix element for each event. When applying an analysis, the recalculated squared matrix element (averaged and summed over quantum numbers as usual) is available as the variable \ttt{sqme\_prc}. This may be related to \ttt{sqme\_ref}, the corresponding value in the event file, if available. (For the \ttt{alt\_env} option, this switch is implied.) \item \ttt{?update\_weight} (default: false). If true, \whizard\ will recalculate the event weight according to the current environment and apply this to the event. In particular, the user may apply a \ttt{reweight} expression. In an analysis, the new weight value is available as \ttt{weight\_prc}, to be related to \ttt{weight\_ref} from the sample. The updated weight will be applied for histograms and averages. An unweighted event sample will thus be transformed into a weighted event sample. (This switch is also implied for the \ttt{alt\_env} option.) \item \ttt{?update\_event} (default: false). If true, \whizard\ will generate a new decay chain etc., if applicable. That is, it reuses just the particles in the hard process. Otherwise, the complete event is kept as it is written to file. \end{itemize} For these options to make sense, \whizard\ must have access to a full process object, so the \sindarin\ script must contain not just a definition but also a \ttt{compile} command for the matrix elements in question. If an event file (other than raw format) contains several processes as a mixture, they must be identifiable by a numeric ID. \whizard\ will recognize the processes if their respective \sindarin\ definitions contain appropriate \ttt{process\_num\_id} options, such as \begin{footnotesize} \begin{verbatim} process foo = u, ubar => d, dbar { process_num_id = 42 } \end{verbatim} \end{footnotesize} Certain event-file formats, such as LHEF, support alternative matrix-element values or weights. \whizard\ can thus write both original and recalculated matrix-element and weight values. Other formats support only a single event weight, so the \ttt{?update\_weight} option is necessary for a visible effect. External event files in formats such as LHEF, HepMC, or LCIO, also may carry information about the value of the strong coupling $\alpha_s$ and the energy scale of each event. This information will also be provided by \whizard\ when writing external event files. When such an event file is rescanned, the user has the choice to either user the $\alpha_s$ value that \whizard\ defines in the current context (or the method for obtaining an event-specific running $\alpha_s$ value), or override this for each event by using the value in the event file. The corresponding parameter is \ttt{?use\_alphas\_from\_file}, which is false by default. Analogously, the parameter \ttt{?use\_scale\_from\_file} may be set to override the scale definition in the current context. Obviously, these settings influence matrix-element recalculation and therefore require \ttt{?update\_sqme} to be set in order to become operational. %%%%%%%%% \section{Negative weight events} For usage at NLO refer to Subsection~\ref{ss:fixedorderNLOevents}. In case, you have some other mechanism to produce events with negative weights (e.g. with the \ttt{weight = {\em }} command), keep in mind that you should activate \ttt{?negative\_weights = true} and \ttt{unweighted = false}. The generation of unweighted events with varying sign (also known as events and counter events) is currently not supported. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Internal Data Visualization} \label{chap:visualization} \section{GAMELAN} The data values and tables that we have introduced in the previous section can be visualized using built-in features of \whizard. To be precise, \whizard\ can write \LaTeX\ code which incorporates code in the graphics language GAMELAN to produce a pretty-printed account of observables, histograms, and plots. GAMELAN is a macro package for MetaPost, which is part of the \TeX/\LaTeX\ family. MetaPost, a derivative of Knuth's MetaFont language for font design, is usually bundled with the \TeX\ distribution, but might need a separate switch for installation. The GAMELAN macros are contained in a subdirectory of the \whizard\ package. Upon installation, they will be installed in the appropriate directory, including the \ttt{gamelan.sty} driver for \LaTeX. \whizard\ uses a subset of GAMELAN's graphics macros directly, but it allows for access to the full package if desired. An (incomplete) manual for GAMELAN can be found in the \ttt{share/doc} subdirectory of the \whizard\ system. \whizard\ itself uses a subset of the GAMELAN capabilities, interfaced by \sindarin\ commands and parameters. They are described in this chapter. To process analysis output beyond writing tables to file, the \ttt{write\_analysis} command described in the previous section should be replaced by \ttt{compile\_analysis}, with the same syntax: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{compile\_analysis (\emph{analysis-tags}) \{ \ttt{\emph{options}} \}} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} where \ttt{\emph{analysis-tags}}, a comma-separated list of analysis objects, is optional. If there are no tags, all analysis objects are processed. The \ttt{\emph{options}} script of local commands is also optional, of course. This command will perform the following actions: \begin{enumerate} \item It writes a data file in default format, as \ttt{write\_analysis} would do. The file name is given by \ttt{\$out\_file}, if nonempty. The file must not be already open, since the command needs a self-contained file, but the name is otherwise arbitrary. If the value of \ttt{\$out\_file} is empty, the default file name is \ttt{whizard\_analysis.dat}. \item It writes a driver file for the chosen datasets, whose name is derived from the data file by replacing the file extension of the data file with the extension \ttt{.tex}. The driver file is a \LaTeX\ source file which contains embedded GAMELAN code that handles the selected graphics data. In the \LaTeX\ document, there is a separate section for each contained dataset. Furthermore, a process-/analysis-specific makefile with the name \ttt{\_ana.makefile} is created that can be used to generate postscript or PDF output from the \LaTeX\ source. If the steering flag \ttt{?analysis\_file\_only} is set to \ttt{true}, then the \LaTeX\ file and the makefile are only written, but no execution of the makefile resulting in compilation of the \LaTeX\ code (see the next item) is invoked. \item As mentioned above, if the flag \ttt{?analysis\_file\_only} is set to \ttt{false} (which is the default), the driver file is processed by \LaTeX (invoked by calling the makefile with the name \ttt{\_ana.makefile}), which generates an appropriate GAMELAN source file with extension \ttt{.mp}. This code is executed (calling GAMELAN/MetaPost, and again \LaTeX\ for typesetting embedded labels). There is a second \LaTeX\ pass (automatically done by the makefile) which collects the results, and finally conversion to PostScript and PDF formats. \end{enumerate} The resulting PostScript or PDF file -- the file name is the name of the data file with the extension replaced by \ttt{.ps} or \ttt{.pdf}, respectively -- can be printed or viewed with an appropriate viewer such as \ttt{gv}. The viewing command is not executed automatically by \whizard. Note that \LaTeX\ will write further files with extensions \ttt{.log}, \ttt{.aux}, and \ttt{.dvi}, and GAMELAN will produce auxiliary files with extensions \ttt{.ltp} and \ttt{.mpx}. The log file in particular, could overwrite \whizard's log file if the basename is identical. Be careful to use a value for \ttt{\$out\_file} which is not likely to cause name clashes. \subsection{User-specific changes} In the case, that the \sindarin\ \ttt{compile\_analysis} command is invoked and the flag named \ttt{?analysis\_file\_only} is not changed from its default value \ttt{false}, \whizard\ calls the process-/analysis-specific makefile triggering the compilation of the \LaTeX\ code and the GAMELAN plots and histograms. If the user wants to edit the analysis output, for example changing captions, headlines, labels, properties of the plots, graphs and histograms using GAMELAN specials etc., this is possible and the output can be regenerated using the makefile. The user can also directly invoke the GAMELAN script, \ttt{whizard-gml}, that is installed in the binary directly along with the \whizard\ binary and other scripts. Note however, that the \LaTeX\ environment for the specific style files have to be set by hand (the command line invocation in the makefile does this automatically). Those style files are generally written into \ttt{share/texmf/whizard/} directory. The user can execute the commands in the same way as denoted in the process-/analysis-specific makefile by hand. %%%%% \section{Histogram Display} %%%%% \section{Plot Display} \section{Graphs} \label{sec:graphs} Graphs are an additional type of analysis object. In contrast to histograms and plots, they do not collect data directly, but they rather act as containers for graph elements, which are copies of existing histograms and plots. Their single purpose is to be displayed by the GAMELAN driver. Graphs are declared by simple assignments such as \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{graph g1 = hist1} \\ \ttt{graph g2 = hist2 \& hist3 \& plot1} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The first declaration copies a single histogram into the graph, the second one copies two histograms and a plot. The syntax for collecting analysis objects uses the \ttt{\&} concatenation operator, analogous to string concatenation. In the assignment, the rhs must contain only histograms and plots. Further concatenating previously declared graphs is not supported. After the graph has been declared, its contents can be written to file (\ttt{write\_analysis}) or, usually, compiledd by the \LaTeX/GAMELAN driver via the \ttt{compile\_analysis} command. The graph elements on the right-hand side of the graph assignment are copied with their current data content. This implies a well-defined order of statements: first, histograms and plots are declared, then they are filled via \ttt{record} commands or functions, and finally they can be collected for display by graph declarations. A simple graph declaration without options as above is possible, but usually there are option which affect the graph display. There are two kinds of options: graph options and drawing options. Graph options apply to the graph as a whole (title, labels, etc.) and are placed in braces on the lhs of the assigment. Drawing options apply to the individual graph elements representing the contained histograms and plots, and are placed together with the graph element on the rhs of the assignment. Thus, the complete syntax for assigning multiple graph elements is \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{graph \emph{graph-tag} \{ \emph{graph-options} \}} \\ \ttt{= \emph{graph-element-tag1} \{ \emph{drawing-options1} \}} \\ \ttt{\& \emph{graph-element-tag2} \{ \emph{drawing-options2} \}} \\ \ldots \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} This form is recommended, but graph and drawing options can also be set as global parameters, as usual. We list the supported graph and drawing options in Tables~\ref{tab:graph-options} and \ref{tab:drawing-options}, respectively. \begin{table} \caption{Graph options. The content of strings of type \LaTeX\ must be valid \LaTeX\ code (containing typesetting commands such as math mode). The content of strings of type GAMELAN must be valid GAMELAN code. If a graph bound is kept \emph{undefined}, the actual graph bound is determined such as not to crop the graph contents in the selected direction.} \label{tab:graph-options} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline Variable & Default & Type & Meaning \\ \hline\hline \ttt{\$title} & \ttt{""} & \LaTeX & Title of the graph = subsection headline \\ \hline \ttt{\$description} & \ttt{""} & \LaTeX & Description text for the graph \\ \hline \ttt{\$x\_label} & \ttt{""} & \LaTeX & $x$-axis label \\ \hline \ttt{\$y\_label} & \ttt{""} & \LaTeX & $y$-axis label \\ \hline \ttt{graph\_width\_mm} & 130 & Integer & graph width (on paper) in mm \\ \hline \ttt{graph\_height\_mm} & 90 & Integer & graph height (on paper) in mm \\ \hline \ttt{?x\_log} & false & Logical & Whether the $x$-axis scale is linear or logarithmic \\ \hline \ttt{?y\_log} & false & Logical & Whether the $y$-axis scale is linear or logarithmic \\ \hline \ttt{x\_min} & \emph{undefined} & Real & Lower bound for the $x$ axis \\ \hline \ttt{x\_max} & \emph{undefined} & Real & Upper bound for the $x$ axis \\ \hline \ttt{y\_min} & \emph{undefined} & Real & Lower bound for the $y$ axis \\ \hline \ttt{y\_max} & \emph{undefined} & Real & Upper bound for the $y$ axis \\ \hline \ttt{gmlcode\_bg} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Code to be executed before drawing \\ \hline \ttt{gmlcode\_fg} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Code to be executed after drawing \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table} \caption{Drawing options. The content of strings of type GAMELAN must be valid GAMELAN code. The behavior w.r.t. the flags with \emph{undefined} default value depends on the type of graph element. Histograms: draw baseline, piecewise, fill area, draw curve, no errors, no symbols; Plots: no baseline, no fill, draw curve, no errors, no symbols.} \label{tab:drawing-options} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline Variable & Default & Type & Meaning \\ \hline\hline \ttt{?draw\_base} & \emph{undefined} & Logical & Whether to draw a baseline for the curve \\ \hline \ttt{?draw\_piecewise} & \emph{undefined} & Logical & Whether to draw bins separately (histogram) \\ \hline \ttt{?fill\_curve} & \emph{undefined} & Logical & Whether to fill area between baseline and curve \\ \hline \ttt{\$fill\_options} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Options for filling the area \\ \hline \ttt{?draw\_curve} & \emph{undefined} & Logical & Whether to draw the curve as a line \\ \hline \ttt{\$draw\_options} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Options for drawing the line \\ \hline \ttt{?draw\_errors} & \emph{undefined} & Logical & Whether to draw error bars for data points \\ \hline \ttt{\$err\_options} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Options for drawing the error bars \\ \hline \ttt{?draw\_symbols} & \emph{undefined} & Logical & Whether to draw symbols at data points \\ \hline \ttt{\$symbol} & Black dot & GAMELAN & Symbol to be drawn \\ \hline \ttt{gmlcode\_bg} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Code to be executed before drawing \\ \hline \ttt{gmlcode\_fg} & \ttt{""} & GAMELAN & Code to be executed after drawing \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \section{Drawing options} The options for coloring lines, filling curves, or choosing line styles make use of macros in the GAMELAN language. At this place, we do not intend to give a full account of the possiblities, but we rather list a few basic features that are likely to be useful for drawing graphs. \subsubsection{Colors} GAMELAN knows about basic colors identified by name: \begin{center} \ttt{black}, \ttt{white}, \ttt{red}, \ttt{green}, \ttt{blue}, \ttt{cyan}, \ttt{magenta}, \ttt{yellow} \end{center} More generically, colors in GAMELAN are RGB triplets of numbers (actually, numeric expressions) with values between 0 and 1, enclosed in brackets: \begin{center} \ttt{(\emph{r}, \emph{g}, \emph{b})} \end{center} To draw an object in color, one should apply the construct \ttt{withcolor \emph{color}} to its drawing code. The default color is always black. Thus, this will make a plot drawn in blue: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{\$draw\_options = "withcolor blue"} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} and this will fill the drawing area of some histogram with an RGB color: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{\$fill\_options = "withcolor (0.8, 0.7, 1)"} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsubsection{Dashes} By default, lines are drawn continuously. Optionally, they can be drawn using a \emph{dash pattern}. Predefined dash patterns are \begin{center} \ttt{evenly}, \ttt{withdots}, \ttt{withdashdots} \end{center} Going beyond the predefined patterns, a generic dash pattern has the syntax \begin{center} \ttt{dashpattern (on \emph{l1} off \emph{l2} on} \ldots \ttt{)} \end{center} with an arbitrary repetition of \ttt{on} and \ttt{off} clauses. The numbers \ttt{\emph{l1}}, \ttt{\emph{l2}}, \ldots\ are lengths measured in pt. To apply a dash pattern, the option syntax \ttt{dashed \emph{dash-pattern}} should be used. Options strings can be concatenated. Here is how to draw in color with dashes: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{\$draw\_options = "withcolor red dashed evenly"} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} and this draws error bars consisting of intermittent dashes and dots: \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{\$err\_options = "dashed (withdashdots scaled 0.5)"} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} The extra brackets ensure that the scale factor $1/2$ is applied only the dash pattern. \subsubsection{Hatching} Areas (e.g., below a histogram) can be filled with plain colors by the \ttt{withcolor} option. They can also be hatched by stripes, optionally rotated by some angle. The syntax is completely analogous to dashes. There are two predefined \emph{hatch patterns}: \begin{center} \ttt{withstripes}, \ttt{withlines} \end{center} and a generic hatch pattern is written \begin{center} \ttt{hatchpattern (on \emph{w1} off \emph{w2} on} \ldots \ttt{)} \end{center} where the numbers \ttt{\emph{l1}}, \ttt{\emph{l2}}, \ldots\ determine the widths of the stripes, measured in pt. When applying a hatch pattern, the pattern may be rotated by some angle (in degrees) and scaled. This looks like \begin{quote} \begin{footnotesize} \ttt{\$fill\_options = "hatched (withstripes scaled 0.8 rotated 60)"} \end{footnotesize} \end{quote} \subsubsection{Smooth curves} Plot points are normally connected by straight lines. If data are acquired by statistical methods, such as Monte Carlo integration, this is usually recommended. However, if a plot is generated using an analytic mathematical formula, or with sufficient statistics to remove fluctuations, it might be appealing to connect lines by some smooth interpolation. GAMELAN can switch on spline interpolation by the specific drawing option \ttt{linked smoothly}. Note that the results can be surprising if the data points do have sizable fluctuations or sharp kinks. \subsubsection{Error bars} Plots and histograms can be drawn with error bars. For histograms, only vertical error bars are supported, while plot points can have error bars in $x$ and $y$ direction. Error bars are switched on by the \ttt{?draw\_errors} flag. There is an option to draw error bars with ticks: \ttt{withticks} and an alternative option to draw arrow heads: \ttt{witharrows}. These can be used in the \ttt{\$err\_options} string. \subsubsection{Symbols} To draw symbols at plot points (or histogram midpoints), the flag \ttt{?draw\_symbols} has to be switched on. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Fast Detector Simulation and External Analysis} \label{chap:ext_anal} Events from a Monte Carlo event generator are further used in an analysis, most often combined with a detector simulation. Event files from the generator are then classified whether they are (i) parton level (coming from the hard matrix element) for which mostly LHE or \hepmc\ event formats are used, particle level (after parton shower and hadronization) - usually in \hepmc\ or \lcio\ format -, or detector level objects. The latter is the realm of packages like \ROOT\ or specific software from the experimental software frameworks. While detailed experimental studies take into account the best-possible detector description in a so-called full simulation via \geant\ which takes several seconds per event, fast studies are made with parameterized fast detector simulations like in \delphes\ or \texttt{SGV}. In the following, we discuss the options to interface external packages for these purposes or to pipe events from \whizard\ to such external packages. %%%%% \section{Interfacing ROOT} \label{sec:root} One of the most distributed analysis framework is \ROOT~\cite{Brun:1997pa}. In \whizard\ for the moment there is no direct interface to the \ROOT\ framework. The easiest way to write out particle-level events in the \ROOT\ or \ttt{RootTree} format is to use \whizard's interface to \hepmcthree: this modern incarnation of the \hepmc\ format has different writer classes, where the writer class for \ROOT\ and \ttt{RootTree} files is supported by \whizard's \hepmcthree\ interface. For this to work, one only has to make sure that \hepmcthree\ has been built with \ROOT\ support, and that the \whizard\ \ttt{configure} has to detect the \ROOT\ setup on the computing environment. For more details cf. the installation section~\ref{sec:hepmc}. If this has been successfully linked, then \whizard\ can use its own \hepmcthree\ interface to write out \ROOT\ or \ttt{RootTree} formats. This can be done by setting the following options in the \sindarin\ files: \begin{code} $hepmc3_mode = "Root" \end{code} or \begin{code} $hepmc3_mode = "RootTree" \end{code} For more details cf.~the \ROOT\ manual and documentation therein. %%%%% \section{Interfacing RIVET} \label{sec:rivet} \rivet~\cite{Buckley:2010ar} is a very mighty analysis framework which has been developed to make experimental analyses from the LHC experiments available for non-collaboration members. It can be easily used to analyze events and produce high-quality plots for differential distributions and experimental observables. Since version 3~\cite{Bierlich:2019rhm} there is now also a lot of functionality that comes very handy for plotting differential distributions at fixed order in NLO calculations, e.g. negative weights in bins or how to treat imperfectly balanced events and counterevents close to bin boundaries etc. For the moment, \whizard\ does not have a dedicated interface to \rivet, so the preferred method is to write out events, best in the \hepmc\ or \hepmcthree\ format and then read them into \rivet. A more sophisticated interface is foreseen for a future version of \whizard, while there are already development versions where \whizard\ detects all the \rivet\ infrastructure and libraries. But they are not yet used. For more details and practical examples cf.~the \rivet\ manual. This describes in detail especially the \rivet\ installation. A typical error that occurs on systems where no \ROOT\ is installed (cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:root}) is the one these \ttt{Missing TPython.h} missing headers. Then \rivet\ can nevertheless be easily built without \ROOT\ support by setting \begin{code} --disable-root \end{code} in the \ttt{rivet-bootstrap} script. For an installation of \rivet\ it is favorable to include the location of the \rivet\ \python\ scripts in the \ttt{PYTHONPATH} environment variable. They can be accessed from the \rivet\ configuration script as \begin{code} /rivet-config --pythonpath \end{code} If the \python\ path is not known within the environment variables, then one commonly encounters error like \ttt{No module named rivet} or \ttt{Import error: no module named yoda} when running \rivet\ scripts like e.g. \ttt{yodamerge}. If you use a \rivet\ version older than \ttt{v3.1.1} there is no support for \hepmcthree\ yet, so when using \hepmcthree\ with \whizard\ please use the backwards compatibility mode of \hepmcthree in the \sindarin\ file: \begin{code} $hepmc3_mode = "HepMC2" \end{code} When using MPI parallelized runs of \whizard\ there will a large number of different \ttt{.hepmc} files (also if some grid architecture has produced these event files in junks). Then one has to first merge these event files. Here, we quickly explain how to steer \rivet\ for your own analysis. For more details, please confer the \rivet\ manual. \begin{enumerate} \item The command \begin{code} rivet-mkanalysis \end{code} creates a template \rivet\ plugin for the analysis \ttt{.cc}, a template info file \ttt{.info} amd a template file for the plot generation \ttt{.plot}. Note that this overwrites potentially existing files in this folder with the same name. \item Now, analysis statements like e.g. cuts etc. can be implemented in \ttt{.cc}. For analysis of parton-level events without parton showering, the cuts can be equivalent to those in \whizard, i.e. the generator-level cuts can be as strict as the analysis cuts to avoid generating unnecessary events. If parton showering is applied it is better to have looser generator than analysis cuts to avoid undesired plot artifacts. \item Next, one executes the command (the shared library name might be different e.g. on Darwin or BSD OS) \begin{code} rivet-buildplugin .cc \end{code} This creates an executable \rivet\ analysis library \ttt{}. The custom analysis should now appear in the output of \begin{code} rivet --list \end{code} If this is not the case, the analysis path has to be exported first as \ttt{RIVET\_ANALYSIS\_PATH=\$PWD}. \item We are now ready to use the custom analysis to analyze the \ttt{.hepmc} events by executing the command \begin{code} rivet --pwd --analysis= -o .yoda \end{code} and save the produced histograms of the analysis in the \ttt{.yoda} format. In general the option \ttt{--ignore-beams} for \rivet\ should be used to prevent \rivet\ to stumble over beam remnants. This is also relevant for lepton collider processes with electron PDFs. For a large number of events, event files can become very big. To avoid writing them all on disk, a FIFO for the \ttt{} can be used. \item Different \ttt{yoda} files can now be merged into a single file using the command \begin{code} _full.yoda _01.yoda ... \end{code} This should be applied e.g. for the case of fixed-order NLO differential distributions where Born, real and virtual components have been generated separately. \item Finally, plots can be produced: after listing all the histograms to be plotted in the plot file \ttt{.plot}, the command \begin{code} rivet-mkhtml _full.yoda \end{code} translates the \ttt{.yoda} file into a histogram file in the \ttt{.dat} format. These plots can either be visually enhanced by modifying the \ttt{.plot} file as is described on the webpage \url{}, or by using any other external plotting tool like e.g. \ttt{Gnuplot} for the \ttt{.dat} files. \end{enumerate} Clearly, this gives only a rough sketch on how to use \rivet\ for an analysis. For more details, please consult the \rivet\ webpage and the \rivet\ manual. %%%%% \vspace{1cm} \section{Fast Detector Simulation with DELPHES} \label{sec:delphes} Fast detector simulation allows relatively quick checks whether experimental analyses actually work in a semi-realistic detector study. There are some older tools for fast simulation like e.g.~\ttt{PGS} (which is no longer actively maintained) and \ttt{SGV} which is default fast simulation for ILC studies. For LHC and general future hadron collider studies, \delphes~\cite{deFavereau:2013fsa} is the most commonly used tool for fast detector simulation. The details on how to obtain and build \delphes\ can be obtained from their webpage, \url{}. It depends both on~\ttt{Tcl/Tk} as well as \ROOT~(cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:root}. Interfacing any Monte Carlo event generator with a fast detector simulation like \delphes\ is rather trivial: \delphes\ ships with up to five executables \begin{code} DelphesHepMC DelphesLHEF DelphesPythia8 DelphesROOT DelphesSTDHEP \end{code} \ttt{DelphesPythia8} is a direct interface between \pythiaeight\ and \delphes, so detector-level events are directly produced via an API interface between \pythiaeight\ and \delphes. This is the most convenient method which is foreseen for \whizard, however not yet implemented. The other four binaries take input files in the \hepmc, LHE, \stdhep\ and \ROOT\ format, apply a fast detector simulation according to the chosen input file and give a \ROOT\ detector-level event file as output. Executing one of the binaries above without options, the following message will be displayed: \begin{code} ./DelphesHepMC Usage: DelphesHepMC config_file output_file [input_file(s)] config_file - configuration file in Tcl format, output_file - output file in ROOT format, input_file(s) - input file(s) in HepMC format, with no input_file, or when input_file is -, read standard input. \end{code} Using \delphes\ with \hepmc\ event files then works as \begin{code} ./DelphesHepMC cards/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl output.root input.hepmc \end{code} For \stdhep\ files which are directly by \whizard\ without external packages (only assuming that the XDR C libraries are present on the system), execute \begin{code} ./DelphesSTDHEP cards/delphes_card_ILD.tcl delphes_output.root input.hep \end{code} For LHE files as input, use \begin{code} ./DelphesLHEF cards/delphes_card_CLICdet_Stage1.tcl delphes_output.root input.lhef \end{code} and for \ROOT\ (particle-level) files use \begin{code} ./DelphesROOT cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root input.root \end{code} In the \delphes\ cards directory, there is a long list of supported input files for existing and future detectors, a few of which we have displayed here. \delphes\ detector-level output files can then be analyzed with \ROOT\ as described in the \delphes\ manual. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{User Interfaces for WHIZARD} \label{chap:userint} \section{Command Line and \sindarin\ Input Files} \label{sec:cmdline-options} The standard way of using \whizard\ involves a command script written in \sindarin. This script is executed by \whizard\ by mentioning it on the command line: \begin{interaction} whizard script-name.sin \end{interaction} You may specify several script files on the command line; they will be executed consecutively. If there is no script file, \whizard\ will read commands from standard input. Hence, this is equivalent: \begin{interaction} cat script-name.sin | whizard \end{interaction} When executed from the command line, \whizard\ accepts several options. They are given in long form, i.e., they begin with two dashes. Values that belong to options follow the option string, separated either by whitespace or by an equals sign. Hence, \ttt{--prefix /usr} and \ttt{--prefix=/usr} are equivalent. Some options are also available in short form, a single dash with a single letter. Short-form options can be concatenated, i.e., a dash followed by several option letters. The first set of options is intended for normal operation. \begin{description} \item[\ttt{--debug AREA}]: Switch on debug output for \ttt{AREA}. \ttt{AREA} can be one of \whizard's source directories or \ttt{all}. \item[\ttt{--debug2 AREA}]: Switch on more verbose debug output for \ttt{AREA}. \item[\ttt{--single-event}]: Only compute one phase-space point (for debugging). \item[\ttt{--execute COMMANDS}]: Execute \ttt{COMMANDS} as a script before the script file (see below). Short version: \ttt{-e} \item[\ttt{--file CMDFILE}]: Execute commands in \ttt{CMDFILE} before the main script file (see below). Short version: \ttt{-f} \item[\ttt{--help}]: List the available options and exit. Short version: \ttt{-h} \item[\ttt{--interactive}]: Run \whizard\ interactively. See Sec.~\ref{sec:whish}. Short version: \ttt{-i}. \item[\ttt{--library LIB}]: Preload process library \ttt{LIB} (instead of the default \ttt{processes}). Short version: \ttt{-l}. \item[\ttt{--localprefix DIR}]: Search in \ttt{DIR} for local models. Default is \ttt{\$HOME/.whizard}. \item[\ttt{--logfile \ttt{FILE}}]: Write log to \ttt{FILE}. Default is \ttt{whizard.log}. Short version: \ttt{-L}. \item[\ttt{--logging}]: Start logging on startup (default). \item[\ttt{--model MODEL}]: Preload model \ttt{MODEL}. Default is the Standard Model \ttt{SM}. Short version: \ttt{-m}. \item[\ttt{--no-banner}]: Do not display banner at startup. \item[\ttt{--no-library}]: Do not preload a library. \item[\ttt{--no-logfile}]: Do not write a logfile. \item[\ttt{--no-logging}]: Do not issue information into the logfile. \item[\ttt{--no-model}]: Do not preload a specific physics model. \item[\ttt{--no-rebuild}]: Do not force a rebuild. \item[\ttt{--query VARIABLE}]: Display documentation of \ttt{VARIABLE}. Short version: \ttt{-q}. \item[\ttt{--rebuild}]: Do not preload a process library and do all calculations from scratch, even if results exist. This combines all rebuild options. Short version: \ttt{-r}. \item[\ttt{--rebuild-library}]: Rebuild the process library, even if code exists. \item[\ttt{--rebuild-phase-space}]: Rebuild the phase space setup, even if it exists. \item[\ttt{--rebuild-grids}]: Redo the integration, even if previous grids and results exist. \item[\ttt{--rebuild-events}]: Redo event generation, discarding previous event files. \item[\ttt{--show-config}]: Show build-time configuration. \item[\ttt{--version}]: Print version information and exit. Short version: \ttt{-V}. \item[-]: Any further options are interpreted as file names. \end{description} The second set of options refers to the configuration. They are relevant when dealing with a relocated \whizard\ installation, e.g., on a batch systems. \begin{description} \item[\ttt{--prefix DIR}]: Specify the actual location of the \whizard\ installation, including all subdirectories. \item[\ttt{--exec-prefix DIR}]: Specify the actual location of the machine-specific parts of the \whizard\ installation (rarely needed). \item[\ttt{--bindir DIR}]: Specify the actual location of the executables contained in the \whizard\ installation (rarely needed). \item[\ttt{--libdir DIR}]: Specify the actual location of the libraries contained in the \whizard\ installation (rarely needed). \item[\ttt{--includedir DIR}]: Specify the actual location of the include files contained in the \whizard\ installation (rarely needed). \item[\ttt{--datarootdir DIR}]: Specify the actual location of the data files contained in the \whizard\ installation (rarely needed). \item[\ttt{--libtool LOCAL\_LIBTOOL}]: Specify the actual location and name of the \ttt{libtool} script that should be used by \whizard. \item[\ttt{--lhapdfdir DIR}]: Specify the actual location and of the \lhapdf\ installation that should be used by \whizard. \end{description} The \ttt{--execute} and \ttt{--file} options allow for fine-tuning the command flow. The \whizard\ main program will concatenate all commands given in \ttt{--execute} commands together with all commands contained in \ttt{--file} options, in the order they are encountered, as a contiguous command stream that is executed \emph{before} the main script (in the example above, \ttt{script-name.sin}). Regarding the \ttt{--execute} option, commands that contain blanks must be enclosed in matching single- or double-quote characters since the individual tokens would otherwise be intepreted as separate option strings. Unfortunately, a Unix/Linux shell interpreter will strip quotes before handing the command string over to the program. In that situation, the quote-characters must be quoted themselves, or the string must be enclosed in quotes twice. Either version should work as a command line interpreted by the shell: \begin{interaction} whizard --execute \'int my_flag = 1\' script-name.sin whizard --execute "'int my_flag = 1'" script-name.sin \end{interaction} \section{WHISH -- The \whizard\ Shell/Interactive mode} \label{sec:whish} \whizard\ can be also run in the interactive mode using its own shell environment. This is called the \whizard\ Shell (WHISH). For this purpose, one starts with the command \begin{interaction} /home/user$ whizard --interactive \end{interaction} or \begin{interaction} /home/user$ whizard -i \end{interaction} \whizard\ will preload the Standard Model and display a command prompt: \begin{interaction} whish? \end{interaction} You now can enter one or more \sindarin\ commands, just as if they were contained in a script file. The commands are compiled and executed after you hit the ENTER key. When done, you get a new prompt. The WHISH can be closed by the \ttt{quit} command: \begin{verbatim} whish? quit \end{verbatim} Obviously, each input must be self-contained: commands must be complete, and conditionals or scans must be closed on the same line. If \whizard\ is run without options and without a script file, it also reads commands interactively, from standard input. The difference is that in this case, interactive input is multi-line, terminated by \ttt{Ctrl-D}, the script is then compiled and executed as a whole, and \whizard\ terminates. In WHISH mode, each input line is compiled and executed individually. Furthermore, fatal errors are masked, so in case of error the program does not terminate but returns to the WHISH command line. (The attempt to recover may fail in some circumstances, however.) \section{Graphical user interface} \emph{This is still experimental.} \whizard\ ships with a graphical interface that can be steered in a browser of your choice. It is located in \ttt{share/gui}. To use it, you have to run \ttt{npm install} (which will install javascript libraries locally in that folder) and \ttt{npm start} (which will start a local web server on your machine) in that folder. More technical details and how to get \ttt{npm} is discussed in \ttt{share/gui/}. When it is running, you can access the GUI by entering \ttt{localhost:3000} as address in your browser. The GUI is separated into different tabs for basic settings, integration, simulation, cuts, scans, NLO and beams. You can select and enter what you are interested in and the GUI will produce a \sindarin\ file. You can use the GUI to run WHIZARD with that \sindarin\ or just produce it with the GUI and then tweak it further with an editor. In case you run it in the GUI, the log file will be updated in the browser as it is produced. Any \sindarin\ features that are not supported by the GUI can be added directly as "Additional Code". \section{\whizard\ as a library} The compiled \whizard\ program consists of two libraries (\ttt{libwhizard} and \ttt{libomega}). In the standard setup, these are linked to a short main program which deals with command line options and top-level administration. This is the stand-alone \ttt{whizard} executable program. Alternatively, it is possible to link the libraries to a different main program of the user's choice. The user program can take complete control of the \whizard\ features. The \ttt{libwhizard} library provides an API, a well-defined set of procedures which can be called from a foreign main program. The supported languages are \fortran, \ttt{C}, and \cpp. Using the C API, any other language which supports linking against C libraries can also be interfaced. \subsection{Fortran main program} To link a \fortran\ main program with the \whizard\ library, the following steps must be performed: \begin{enumerate} \item Configure, build and install \whizard\ as normal. \item Include code for accessing \whizard\ functionality in the user program. The code should initialize \whizard, execute the intended commands, and finalize. For an example, see below. \item Compile the user program. The user program must be compiled with the same \fortran\ compiler that has been used for the \whizard\ build. If necessary, specify an option that finds the installed \whizard\ module files. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} -Iwhizard-path/lib/mod/whizard \end{code} \item Link the program (or compile-link in a single step). If necessary, specify options that find the installed \whizard\ and \oMega\ libraries. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} -Lwhizard-path/lib -lwhizard -lwhizard_prebuilt -lomega \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}. Such an example compile-link could look like \begin{code} gfortran manual_example_api.f90 -Lwhizard-path/lib -lwhizard -lwhizard_prebuilt -lomega \end{code} If \whizard\ has been compiled with a non-default \fortran\ compiler, you may have to explicitly link the appropriate \fortran\ run-time libraries. The \ttt{tirpc} library is used by the \ttt{StdHEP} subsystem for \ttt{xdr} functionality. This library should be present on the host system. This library needs only be linked of the SunRPC library is not installed on the system. If additional libraries such as \hepmc\ are enabled in the \whizard\ configuration, it may be necessary to provide extra options for linking those. An example here looks like \begin{code} gfortran manual_example_api.f90 -Lwhizard-path/lib -lwhizard -lwhizard_prebuilt -lomega -lHepMC3 -lHepMC3rootIO -llcio \end{code} \item Run the program. If necessary, provide the path to the installed shared libraries. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="whizard-path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}, as above. The \whizard\ subsystem will work with input and output files in the current working directory, unless asked to do otherwise. \end{enumerate} Below is an example program, adapted from \whizard's internal unit-test suite. The user program controls the \whizard\ workflow in the same way as a \sindarin\ script would do. The commands are a mixture of \sindarin\ command calls and functionality for passing information between the \whizard\ subsystem and the host program. In particular, the program can process generated events one-by-one. \begin{code} program main ! WHIZARD API as a module use api ! Standard numeric types use iso_fortran_env, only: real64, int32 implicit none ! WHIZARD and event-sample objects type(whizard_api_t) :: whizard type(simulation_api_t) :: sample ! Local variables real(real64) :: integral, error real(real64) :: sqme, weight integer(int32) :: idx integer(int32) :: i, it_begin, it_end ! Initialize WHIZARD, setting some global option call whizard%option ("model", "QED") call whizard%init () ! Define a process, set some variables call whizard%command ("process mupair = e1, E1 => e2, E2") call whizard%set_var ("sqrts", 100._real64) call whizard%set_var ("seed", 0) ! Generate matrix-element code, integrate and retrieve result call whizard%command ("integrate (mupair)") call whizard%get_integration_result ("mupair", integral, error) ! Print result print 1, "cross section =", integral / 1000, "pb" print 1, "error =", error / 1000, "pb" 1 format (2x,A,1x,F5.1,1x,A) 2 format (2x,A,1x,L1) ! Settings for event generation call whizard%set_var ("$sample", "mupair_events") call whizard%set_var ("n_events", 2) ! Create an event-sample object and generate events call whizard%new_sample ("mupair", sample) call sample%open (it_begin, it_end) do i = it_begin, it_end call sample%next_event () call sample%get_event_index (idx) call sample%get_weight (weight) call sample%get_sqme (sqme) print "(A,I0)", "Event #", idx print 3, "sqme =", sqme print 3, "weight =", weight 3 format (2x,A,1x,ES10.3) end do ! Finalize the event-sample object call sample%close () ! Finalize the WHIZARD object call whizard%final () end program main \end{code} The API provides the following commands as \fortran\ subroutines. Most of them are used in the example above. \subsubsection{Module} There is only one module from the \whizard\ package which must be \texttt{use}d by the user program: \begin{quote} \tt use api \end{quote} You may \texttt{use} any other \whizard\ module in our program, all module files are part of the installation. Be aware, however, that all other modules are considered internal. Unless explictly mentioned in this manual, interfaces are not documented here and may change between versions. Changes to the \ttt{api} module, if any, will be documented here. \subsubsection{Master object} All functionality is accessed via a master API object which should be declared as follows: \begin{quote} \tt type(whizard\_api\_t) :: whizard \end{quote} There should be only one master object. \subsubsection{Pre-Initialization options} Before initializing the API object, it is possible to provide options. The available options mirror the command-line options of the stand-alone program, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:cmdline-options}. \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%option (\textit{key}, \textit{value}) \end{quote} All keys and values are \fortran\ character strings. The following options are available. For all options, default values exist as listed in Sec.~\ref{sec:cmdline-options}. \begin{description} \item[\tt model] Model that should be preloaded. \item[\tt library] Name of the library where matrix-element code should end up. \item[\tt logfile] Name of the logfile that \whizard\ will write. \item[\tt job\_id] Name of the current job; can be used for writing unique output files. \item[\tt unpack] Comma-separated list of files to be uncompressed and unpacked (via \ttt{tar} and \ttt{gzip}) when \ttt{init} is called on the API object. \item[\tt pack] Comma-separated list of files or directories to be packed and compressed when \ttt{final} is called. \item[\tt rebuild] All of the following: \item[\tt rebuild\_library] Force rebuilding a matrix-element code library, overwriting results from a previous run. \item[\tt recompile] Force recompiling the matrix-element code library. \item[\tt rebuild\_grids] Force reproducing integration passes. \item[\tt rebuild\_events] Force regenerating event samples. \end{description} \subsubsection{Initialization and finalization} After options have been set, the system is initialized via \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%init \end{quote} Once initialized, \whizard\ can execute commands as listed below. When this is complete, clean up by \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%final \end{quote} \subsubsection{Variables and values} In the API, \whizard\ requires numeric data types according to the IEEE standard, which is available to \fortran\ in the \ttt{iso\_fortran\_env} intrinsic module. Strictly speaking, integer data must have type \ttt{int32}, and real data must have type \ttt{real64}. For most systems and default compiler settings, it is not really necessary to \ttt{use} the ISO module and its data types. Integers map to default \fortran\ \ttt{integer}, and real values map to default \fortran\ \ttt{double precision}. As an alternative, you may \ttt{use} the \whizard\ internal \ttt{kinds} module which declares a \ttt{real(default)} type \begin{quote} \tt use kinds, only: default \end{quote} On most systems, this will be equivalent to \ttt{real(real64)}. To set a \sindarin\ variable, use the function that corresponds to the data type: \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%set\_var (\textit{name}, \textit{value}) \end{quote} The name is a \fortran\ string which has to be equal to the name of the corresponding \sindarin\ variable, including any prefix character (\$ or ?). The value depends on the type of the \sindarin\ variable. To retrieve the current value of a variable: \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%get\_var (\textit{name}, \textit{var}) \end{quote} The variable must be declared as \ttt{integer}, \ttt{real(real64)}, \ttt{logical}, or \ttt{character(:), allocatable}. This depends on the \sindarin\ variable type. \subsubsection{Commands} Any \sindarin\ command can be called via \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%command (\textit{command}) \end{quote} \ttt{\it command} is a \fortran\ character string, as it would appear in a \sindarin\ script. This includes, in particular, the important commands \ttt{process}, \ttt{integrate}, and \ttt{simulate}. You may also set variables that way. \subsubsection{Retrieving cross-section results} This call returns the results (integration and error) from a preceding integration run for the process \textit{process-name}: \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%get\_integration\_result ("\textit{process-name}", integral, error) \end{quote} There is also an optional argument \ttt{known} of type \ttt{logical} which is set if the integration run was successful, so integral and error are meaningful. \subsubsection{Event-sample object} A \ttt{simulate} command will produce an event sample. With the appropriate settings, the sample will be written to file in any chosen format, to be post-processed when it is complete. However, a possible purpose of using the \whizard\ API is to process events one-by-one when they are generated. To this end, there is an event-sample handle, which can be declared in this way: \begin{quote} \tt type(simulation\_api\_t) :: sample \end{quote} An instance \ttt{sample} of this type is created by this factory method: \begin{quote} \tt call whizard\%new\_sample ("\textit{process-name(s)}", sample) \end{quote} The command accepts a comma-separated list of process names which should be included in the event sample. To start event generation for this sample, call \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%open (\textit{it\_begin}, \textit{it\_end} ) \end{quote} where the two output parameters (integers) \ttt{\it it\_begin} and \ttt{\it it\_end} provide the bounds for an event loop in the calling program. (In serial mode, the bounds are equal to 1 and \ttt{n\_events}, respectively, but in an MPI parallel environment, they depend on the computing node.) This command generates a new event, to be enclosed within an event loop: \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%next\_event \end{quote} The event will be available by format-specific access methods, see below. This command closes and deletes an event sample after the event loop has completed: \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%close \end{quote} \subsubsection{Retrieving event data} After a call to \ttt{next\_event}, the sample object can be queried for specific event data. \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_event\_index (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the index (integer counter) of the current event. \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_process\_index (\textit{value}) \\ \tt call sample\%get\_process\_id (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the numeric (string) ID of the hard process, respectively, that was generated in this event. The variables must be declared as \ttt{integer} and \ttt{character(:), allocatable}, respectively. The following methods return \ttt{real(real64)} values. \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_sqrts (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the $\sqrt{s}$ value of this event. \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_fac\_scale (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the factorization scale of this event (\textit{value}). \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_alpha\_s (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the value of the strong coupling for this event (\textit{value}). \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_sqme (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the value of the squared matrix element (summed over final states and averaged over initial states). \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%get\_weight (\textit{value}) \end{quote} returns the Monte-Carlo weight of this event. Access to the event record depends on the event format that has been selected. The format must allow access to individual events via data structures in memory. There are three cases where such structures exist and are accessible: \begin{enumerate} \item If the event format uses a COMMON block, event data is accessible via this COMMON block, which must be declared in the calling routine. \item The \hepmc\ event format communicates via a \cpp\ object. In \fortran, there is a wrapper which has to be declared as \begin{quote} \tt type(hepmc\_event\_t) :: hepmc\_event \end{quote} To activate this handle, the \ttt{next\_event} call must reference it as an argument: \begin{quote} \tt call sample\%next\_event (hepmc\_event) \end{quote} The \whizard\ module \ttt{hepmc\_interface} contains procedures which can work with this record. A pointer to the actual \cpp\ object can be retrieved as a \fortran\ \ttt{c\_ptr} object as follows: \begin{quote} \tt type(c\_ptr) :: hepmc\_ptr \\ \dots \\ hepmc\_ptr = hepmc\_event\_get\_c\_ptr (hepmc\_event) \end{quote} \item The \lcio\ event format also communicates via a \cpp\ object. The access methods are entirely analogous, replacing \ttt{hepmc} by \ttt{lcio} in all calls and names. \end{enumerate} \subsection{C main program} To link a C main program with the \whizard\ library, the following steps must be performed: \begin{enumerate} \item Configure, build and install \whizard\ as normal. \item Include code for accessing \whizard\ functionality in the user program. The code should initialize \whizard, execute the intended commands, and finalize. For an example, see below. \item Compile the user program with the option that finds the WHIZARD \ttt{C/C++} interface header file. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} -Iwhizard-path/include \end{code} \item Link the program with the necessary libraries (or compile-link in a single step). If \whizard\ has been installed in a system path, this should work automatically. If \whizard\ has been installed in a non-default \ttt{whizard-path}, these are the options: \begin{code} -Lwhizard-path/lib -lwhizard -lwhizard_prebuilt -lomega -ltirpc \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}. If \whizard\ has been compiled with a non-default \fortran\ compiler, you may have to explicitly link the appropriate \fortran\ run-time libraries. The \ttt{tirpc} library is used by the \ttt{StdHEP} subsystem for \ttt{xdr} functionality. This library should be present on the host system. Cf. the corresponding remarks in the section for a \fortran\ main program. If additional libraries such as \hepmc\ are enabled in the \whizard\ configuration, it may be necessary to provide extra options for linking those. \item Run the program. If necessary, provide the path to the installed shared libraries. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="whizard-path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}, as above. The \whizard\ subsystem will work with input and output files in the current working directory, unless asked to do otherwise. \end{enumerate} Below is an example program, adapted from \whizard's internal unit-test suite. The user program controls the \whizard\ workflow in the same way as a \sindarin\ script would do. The commands are a mixture of \sindarin\ command calls and functionality for passing information between the \whizard\ subsystem and the host program. In particular, the program can process generated events one-by-one. \begin{code} #include #include "whizard.h" int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { /* WHIZARD and event-sample objects */ void* wh; void* sample; /* Local variables */ double integral, error; double sqme, weight; int idx; int it, it_begin, it_end; /* Initialize WHIZARD, setting some global option */ whizard_create( &wh ); whizard_option( &wh, "model", "QED" ); whizard_init( &wh ); /* Define a process, set some variables */ whizard_command( &wh, "process mupair = e1, E1 => e2, E2" ); whizard_set_double( &wh, "sqrts", 10. ); whizard_set_int( &wh, "seed", 0 ); /* Generate matrix-element code, integrate and retrieve result */ whizard_command( &wh, "integrate (mupair)" ); /* Print result */ whizard_get_integration_result( &wh, "mupair", &integral, &error); printf( " cross section = %5.1f pb\n", integral / 1000. ); printf( " error = %5.1f pb\n", error / 1000. ); /* Settings for event generation */ whizard_set_char( &wh, "$sample", "mupair_events" ); whizard_set_int( &wh, "n_events", 2 ); /* Create an event-sample object and generate events */ whizard_new_sample( &wh, "mupair", &sample ); whizard_sample_open( &sample, &it_begin, &it_end ); for (it=it_begin; it<=it_end; it++) { whizard_sample_next_event( &sample ); whizard_sample_get_event_index( &sample, &idx ); whizard_sample_get_weight( &sample, &weight ); whizard_sample_get_sqme( &sample, &sqme ); printf( "Event #%d\n", idx ); printf( " sqme = %10.3e\n", sqme ); printf( " weight = %10.3e\n", weight ); } /* Finalize the event-sample object */ whizard_sample_close( &sample ); /* Finalize the WHIZARD object */ whizard_final( &wh ); } \end{code} \subsubsection{Header} The necessary declarations are imported by the directive \begin{quote} \tt \#include "whizard.h" \end{quote} \subsubsection{Master object} All functionality is accessed via a master API object which should be declared as a \ttt{void*} pointer: \begin{quote} \tt void* wh; \end{quote} The object must be explicitly created: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_create( \&wh ); \end{quote} There should be only one master object. \subsubsection{Pre-Initialization options} Before initializing the API object, it is possible to provide options. The available options mirror the command-line options of the stand-alone program, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:cmdline-options}. \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_option( \&wh, \textit{key}, \textit{value} ); \end{quote} All keys and values are null-terminated C character strings. The available options are listed above in the \fortran\ interface documentation. \subsubsection{Initialization and finalization} After options have been set, the system is initialized via \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_init( \&wh ); \end{quote} Once initialized, \whizard\ can execute commands as listed below. When this is complete, clean up by \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_final( \&wh ); \end{quote} \subsubsection{Variables and values} In the API, \whizard\ requires numeric data types according to the IEEE standard. Integers map to C \ttt{int}, and real values map to C \ttt{double}. Logical values map to C \ttt{int} interpreted as \ttt{bool}, and string values map to null-terminated C strings. To set a \sindarin\ variable of appropriate type: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_set\_int ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_set\_double ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_set\_bool ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_set\_char ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \end{quote} \textit{name} is declared \ttt{const char*}. It must match the corresponding \sindarin\ variable name, including any prefix character (\$ or ?). \textit{value} is declared \ttt{const double/int/char*}. To retrieve the current value of a variable: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_get\_int ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \\ \tt whizard\_get\_double ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \\ \tt whizard\_get\_bool ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \\ \tt whizard\_get\_char ( \&wh, \textit{name}, \textit{var}, \textit{len} ); \end{quote} Here, \ttt{\it var} is a C variable of appropriate type. In the character case, \ttt{\it var} is a C character array declared as \ttt{\it var}[\ttt{\it len}]. The functions return zero if the \sindarin\ variable has a known value. \subsubsection{Commands} Any \sindarin\ command can be called via \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_command( \&wh, \textit{command} ); \end{quote} \ttt{\it command} is a null-terminated C string that contains commands as they would appear in a \sindarin\ script. This includes, in particular, the important commands \ttt{process}, \ttt{integrate}, and \ttt{simulate}. You may also set variables that way. \subsubsection{Retrieving cross-section results} This call returns the results (integration and error) from a preceding integration run for the process \textit{process-name}: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_get\_integration\_result( \&wh, "\textit{process-name}", \&\textit{integral}, \&\textit{error}) \end{quote} \ttt{\it integral} and \ttt{\it error} are C variables of type \ttt{double}. The function returns zero if the integration run was successful, so integral and error are meaningful. \subsubsection{Event-sample object} A \ttt{simulate} command will produce an event sample. With the appropriate settings, the sample will be written to file in any chosen format, to be post-processed when it is complete. However, a possible purpose of using the \whizard\ API is to process events one-by-one when they are generated. To this end, there is an event-sample handle, which can be declared in this way: \begin{quote} \tt void* \textit{sample}; \end{quote} An instance \ttt{\it sample} of this type is created by this factory method: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_new\_sample( \&wh, "\textit{process-name(s)}", \&\textit{sample}); \end{quote} The command accepts a comma-separated list of process names which should be included in the event sample. To start event generation for this sample, call \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_sample\_open( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{it\_begin}, \&\textit{it\_end} ); \end{quote} where the two output variables (\ttt{int}) \ttt{\it it\_begin} and \ttt{\it it\_end} provide the bounds for an event loop in the calling program. (In serial mode, the bounds are equal to 1 and \ttt{n\_events}, respectively, but in an MPI parallel environment, they depend on the computing node.) This command generates a new event, to be enclosed within an event loop: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_sample\_next\_event( \&\textit{sample} ); \end{quote} The event will be available by format-specific access methods, see below. This command closes and deletes an event sample after the event loop has completed: \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_sample\_close( \&\textit{sample} ); \end{quote} \subsubsection{Retrieving event data} After a call to \ttt{whizard\_sample\_next\_event}, the sample object can be queried for specific event data. \begin{quote} \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_event\_index( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_process\_index( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_process\_id( \&\textit{sample}, \textit{value}, \textit{len} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_sqrts( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_fac\_scale( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_alpha\_s( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_sqme( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard\_sample\_get\_weight( \&\textit{sample}, \&\textit{value} ); \end{quote} where the \ttt{\it value} is a variable of appropriate type (see above). Event data are stored in a format-specific way. This may be a COMMON block, or a \hepmc\ or \lcio\ event record. In the latter cases, cf.\ the \cpp\ API below for access information. \subsection{C++ main program} To link a \cpp\ main program with the \whizard\ library, the following steps must be performed: \begin{enumerate} \item Configure, build and install \whizard\ as normal. \item Include code for accessing \whizard\ functionality in the user program. The code should initialize \whizard, execute the intended commands, and finalize. For an example, see below. \item Compile the user program with the option that finds the WHIZARD \ttt{C/C++} interface header file. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} -Iwhizard-path/include \end{code} \item Link the program with the necessary libraries (or compile-link in a single step). If \whizard\ has been installed in a system path, this should work automatically. If \whizard\ has been installed in a non-default \ttt{whizard-path}, these are the options: \begin{code} -Lwhizard-path/lib -lwhizard -lwhizard_prebuilt -lomega -ltirpc \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}. If \whizard\ has been compiled with a non-default \fortran\ compiler, you may have to explicitly link the appropriate \fortran\ run-time libraries. The \ttt{tirpc} library is used by the \ttt{StdHEP} subsystem for \ttt{xdr} functionality. This library should be present on the host system. If additional libraries such as \hepmc\ are enabled in the \whizard\ configuration, it may be necessary to provide extra options for linking those. \item Run the program. If necessary, provide the path to the installed shared libraries. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="whizard-path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}, as above. The \whizard\ subsystem will work with input and output files in the current working directory, unless asked to do otherwise. \end{enumerate} Below is an example program, adapted from \whizard's internal unit-test suite. The user program controls the \whizard\ workflow in the same way as a \sindarin\ script would do. The commands are a mixture of \sindarin\ command calls and functionality for passing information between the \whizard\ subsystem and the host program. In particular, the program can process generated events one-by-one. \begin{code} #include #include #include "whizard.h" int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // WHIZARD and event-sample objects Whizard* whizard; WhizardSample* sample; // Local variables double integral, error; double sqme, weight; int idx; int it, it_begin, it_end; // Initialize WHIZARD, setting some global option whizard = new Whizard(); whizard->option( "model", "QED" ); whizard->init(); // Define a process, set some variables whizard->command( "process mupair = e1, E1 => e2, E2" ); whizard->set_double( "sqrts", 10. ); whizard->set_int( "seed", 0 ); // Generate matrix-element code, integrate and retrieve result whizard->command( "integrate (mupair)" ); // Print result whizard->get_integration_result( "mupair", &integral, &error ); printf( " cross section = %5.1f pb\n", integral / 1000. ); printf( " error = %5.1f pb\n", error / 1000. ); // Settings for event generation whizard->set_string( "$sample", "mupair_events" ); whizard->set_int( "n_events", 2 ); // Create an event-sample object and generate events sample = whizard->new_sample( "mupair" ); sample->open( &it_begin, &it_end ); for (it=it_begin; it<=it_end; it++) { sample->next_event(); idx = sample->get_event_index(); weight = sample->get_weight(); sqme = sample->get_sqme(); printf( "Event #%d\n", idx ); printf( " sqme = %10.3e\n", sqme ); printf( " weight = %10.3e\n", weight ); } // Finalize the event-sample object sample->close(); delete sample; // Finalize the WHIZARD object delete whizard; } \end{code} \subsubsection{Header} The necessary declarations are imported by the directive \begin{quote} \tt \#include "whizard.h" \end{quote} \subsubsection{Master object} All functionality is accessed via a master API object which should be declared as follows: \begin{quote} \tt Whizard* whizard; \end{quote} The constructor takes no arguments: \begin{quote} \tt whizard = new Whizard(); \end{quote} There should be only one master object. \subsubsection{Pre-Initialization options} Before initializing the API object, it is possible to provide options. The available options mirror the command-line options of the stand-alone program, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:cmdline-options}. \begin{quote} \tt whizard->option( \textit{key}, \textit{value} ); \end{quote} All keys and values are \cpp\ strings. The available options are listed above in the \fortran\ interface documentation. \subsubsection{Initialization and finalization} After options have been set, the system is initialized via \begin{quote} \tt whizard->init(); \end{quote} Once initialized, \whizard\ can execute commands as listed below. When all is complete, delete the \whizard\ object. This will call the destructor that correctly finalizes the \whizard\ workflow. \subsubsection{Variables and values} In the API, \whizard\ requires numeric data types according to the IEEE standard. Integers map to C \ttt{int}, and real values map to C \ttt{double}. Logical values map to C \ttt{int} interpreted as \ttt{bool}, and string values map to \cpp\ \ttt{string}. To set a \sindarin\ variable of appropriate type: \begin{quote} \tt whizard->set\_int ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard->set\_double ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard->set\_bool ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt whizard->set\_string ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \end{quote} \textit{name} is a \cpp\ string value. It must match the corresponding \sindarin\ variable name, including any prefix character (\$ or ?). \textit{value} is a \ttt{double/int/string}, respectively. To retrieve the current value of a variable: \begin{quote} \tt whizard->get\_int ( \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \\ \tt whizard->get\_double ( \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \\ \tt whizard->get\_bool ( \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \\ \tt whizard->get\_string ( \textit{name}, \&\textit{var} ); \end{quote} Here, \ttt{\it var} is a C variable of appropriate type. The functions return zero if the \sindarin\ variable has a known value. \subsubsection{Commands} Any \sindarin\ command can be called via \begin{quote} \tt whizard->command( \textit{command} ); \end{quote} \ttt{\it command} is a \cpp\ string value that contains commands as they would appear in a \sindarin\ script. This includes, in particular, the important commands \ttt{process}, \ttt{integrate}, and \ttt{simulate}. You may also set variables that way. \subsubsection{Retrieving cross-section results} This call returns the results (integration and error) from a preceding integration run for the process \textit{process-name}: \begin{quote} \tt whizard->get\_integration\_result( "\textit{process-name}", \&\textit{integral}, \&\textit{error} ); \end{quote} \ttt{\it integral} and \ttt{\it error} are variables of type \ttt{double}. The function returns zero if the integration run was successful, so integral and error are meaningful. \subsubsection{Event-sample object} A \ttt{simulate} command will produce an event sample. With the appropriate settings, the sample will be written to file in any chosen format, to be post-processed when it is complete. However, a possible purpose of using the \whizard\ API is to process events one-by-one when they are generated. To this end, there is an event-sample handle, which can be declared in this way: \begin{quote} \tt WhizardSample* {sample}; \end{quote} An instance \ttt{\it sample} of this type is created by this factory method: \begin{quote} \tt {sample} = whizard->new\_sample( "\textit{process-name(s)}" ); \end{quote} The command accepts a comma-separated list of process names which should be included in the event sample. To start event generation for this sample, call \begin{quote} \tt sample->open( \&\textit{it\_begin}, \&\textit{it\_end}); \end{quote} where the two output variables (\ttt{int}) \ttt{\it it\_begin} and \ttt{\it it\_end} provide the bounds for an event loop in the calling program. (In serial mode, the bounds are equal to 1 and \ttt{n\_events}, respectively, but in an MPI parallel environment, they depend on the computing node.) This command generates a new event, to be enclosed within an event loop: \begin{quote} \tt sample->next\_event(); \end{quote} The event will be available by format-specific access methods, see below. This command closes and deletes an event sample after the event loop has completed: \begin{quote} \tt sample->close(); \end{quote} \subsubsection{Retrieving event data} After a call to \ttt{sample->next\_event}, the sample object can be queried for specific event data. \begin{quote} \tt value = sample->get\_event\_index(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_process\_index(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_process\_id(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_sqrts(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_fac\_scale(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_alpha\_s(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_sqme(); \\ \tt value = sample->get\_weight(); \end{quote} where the \ttt{\it value} is a variable of appropriate type (see above). Event data are stored in a format-specific way. This may be a \hepmc\ or \lcio\ \cpp\ event record. For interfacing with the \hepmc\ event record, the appropriate declarations must be in place, e.g., \begin{quote} \tt \#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h" \\ using namespace HepMC; \end{quote} An event-record object must be declared, \begin{quote} \tt GenEvent* evt; \end{quote} and the \whizard\ event call must take the event as an argument \begin{quote} \tt sample->next\_event ( \&evt ); \end{quote} This will create a new \ttt{evt} object. Then, the \hepmc\ event record can be accessed via its own methods. After an event has been processed, the event record should be deleted \begin{quote} \tt delete evt; \end{quote} Analogously, for interfacing with the \lcio\ event record, the appropriate declarations must be in place, e.g., \begin{quote} \tt \#include "lcio.h" \\ \#include "IMPL/LCEventImpl.h" \\ using namespace lcio; \end{quote} An event-record object must be declared, \begin{quote} \tt LCEvent* evt; \end{quote} and the \whizard\ event call must take the event as an argument \begin{quote} \tt sample->next\_event ( \&evt ); \end{quote} This will create a new \ttt{evt} object. Then, the \lcio\ event record can be accessed via its own methods. After an event has been processed, the event record should be deleted \begin{quote} \tt delete evt; \end{quote} \subsection{Python main program} To create a \python\ executable, \whizard\ provides a \ttt{Cython} interface that uses \cpp\ bindings to link a dynamic library which can then be loaded as a module via \python. Note that \whizard's \ttt{Cython}/\python\ interface only works with \python\ttt{v3}. Also make sure that you do not mix different \python\ versions when linking external programs which also provide \python\ interfaces like \hepmc\ or \lcio. To link a \python\ main program with the \whizard\ library, the following steps must be performed: \begin{enumerate} \item Configure, build and install \whizard\ as normal. \item Include code for accessing \whizard\ functionality in the user program. The code should initialize \whizard, execute the intended commands, and finalize. For an example, see below. \item Run \python\ on the user program. Make sure that the operating system finds the \whizard\ \python\ and library path. If \whizard\ has been installed in a non-default \ttt{whizard-path}, these are the options: \begin{code} export PYTHONPATH=whizard-path/lib/python/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH \end{code} If necessary, provide the path to the installed shared libraries. For instance, if \whizard\ has been installed in \ttt{whizard-path}, this should read \begin{code} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="whizard-path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" \end{code} On some systems, you may have to replace \ttt{lib} by \ttt{lib64}, as above. The \whizard\ subsystem will work with input and output files in the current working directory, unless asked to do otherwise. \item The \ttt{tirpc} library is used by the \ttt{StdHEP} subsystem for \ttt{xdr} functionality. This library should be present on the host system. \item Run the program. \end{enumerate} Below is an example program, similar to \whizard's internal unit-test suite for different external programming languages. The user program controls the \whizard\ workflow in the same way as a \sindarin\ script would do. The commands are a mixture of \sindarin\ command calls and functionality for passing information between the \whizard\ subsystem and the host program. In particular, the program can process generated events one-by-one. \begin{code} import whizard wz = whizard.Whizard() wz.option("logfile", "whizard_1_py.log") wz.option("job_id", "whizard_1_py_ID") wz.option("library", "whizard_1_py_1_lib") wz.option("model", "QED") wz.init() wz.set_double("sqrts", 100) wz.set_int("n_events", 3) wz.set_bool("?unweighted", True) wz.set_string("$sample", "foobar") wz.set_int("seed", 0) wz.command("process whizard_1_py_1_p = e1, E1 => e2, E2") wz.command("iterations = 1:100") integral, error = wz.get_integration_result("whizard_1_py_1_p") print(integral, error) wz.command("integrate (whizard_1_py_1_p)") sqrts = wz.get_double("sqrts") print(f"sqrts = {sqrts:5.1f} GeV") print(f"sigma = integral:5.1f} pb") print(f"error {error:5.1f} pb") sample = wz.new_sample("whizard_1_py_p1, whizard_1_py_p2, whizard_1_py_p3") it_begin, it_end = for it in range(it_begin, it_end + 1): sample.next_event() idx = sample.get_event_index() i_proc = sample.get_process_index() proc_id = sample.get_process_id() f_scale = sample.get_fac_scale() alpha_s = sample.get_alpha_s() weight = sample.get_weight() sqme = sample.get_sqme() print(f"Event #{idx}") print(f" process #{i_proc}") print(f" proc_id = {proc_id}") print(f" f_scale = {f_scale:10.3e}") print(f" alpha_s = {f_scale:10.3e}") print(f" sqme = {f_scale:10.3e}") print(f" weight = {f_scale:10.3e}") sample.close() del(wz) \end{code} \subsubsection{Python module import} There are no necessary headers here as all of this information has been automatically taken care by the \ttt{Cython} interface layer. The \whizard\ module needs to be imported by \python\: \begin{quote} \tt import whizard \end{quote} \subsubsection{Master object} All functionality is accessed via a master API object which should be declared as follows: \begin{quote} \tt wz = whizard.Whizard() \end{quote} The constructor takes no arguments.There should be only one master object. \subsubsection{Pre-Initialization options} Before initializing the API object, it is possible to provide options. The available options mirror the command-line options of the stand-alone program, cf.\ Sec.~\ref{sec:cmdline-options}. \begin{quote} \tt wz.option( \textit{key}, \textit{value} ); \end{quote} All keys and values are \python\ strings. The available options are listed above in the \fortran\ interface documentation. \subsubsection{Initialization and finalization} After options have been set, the system is initialized via \begin{quote} \tt wz.init() \end{quote} Once initialized, \whizard\ can execute commands as listed below. When all is complete, delete the \whizard\ object. This will call the destructor that correctly finalizes the \whizard\ workflow. \subsubsection{Variables and values} In the API, \whizard\ requires numeric data types according to the IEEE standard. Integers map to \ttt{Python int}, and real values map to \ttt{Python double}. Logical values map to \ttt{True} and \ttt{False}, and string values map to \python\ strings. To set a \sindarin\ variable of appropriate type: \begin{quote} \tt wz.set\_int ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt wz.set\_double ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt wz.set\_bool ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \\ \tt wz.set\_string ( \textit{name}, \textit{value} ); \end{quote} \textit{name} is a \python\ string value. It must match the corresponding \sindarin\ variable name, including any prefix character (\$ or ?). \textit{value} is a \ttt{double/int/string}, respectively. To retrieve the current value of a variable: \begin{quote} \tt wz.get\_int ( \textit{name}, \textit{var} ); \\ \tt wz.get\_double ( \textit{name}, \textit{var} ); \\ \tt wz.get\_bool ( \textit{name}, \textit{var} ); \\ \tt wz.get\_string ( \textit{name}, \textit{var} ); \end{quote} Here, \ttt{\it var} is a \python\ variable of appropriate type. The functions return zero if the \sindarin\ variable has a known value. \subsubsection{Commands} Any \sindarin\ command can be called via \begin{quote} \tt wz.command( \textit{command} ); \end{quote} \ttt{\it command} is a \python\ string value that contains commands as they would appear in a \sindarin\ script. This includes, in particular, the important commands \ttt{process}, \ttt{integrate}, and \ttt{simulate}. You may also set variables that way. \subsubsection{Retrieving cross-section results} This call returns the results (integration and error) from a preceding integration run for the process \textit{process-name}: \begin{quote} \tt wz.get\_integration\_result( "\textit{process-name}", \textit{integral}, \textit{error} ); \end{quote} \ttt{\it integral} and \ttt{\it error} are variables of type \ttt{double}. The function returns zero if the integration run was successful, so integral and error are meaningful. \subsubsection{Event-sample object} A \ttt{simulate} command will produce an event sample. With the appropriate settings, the sample will be written to file in any chosen format, to be post-processed when it is complete. However, a possible purpose of using the \whizard\ API is to process events one-by-one when they are generated. To this end, there is an event-sample handle, which can be declared in this way: \begin{quote} \tt WhizardSample* {sample}; \end{quote} An instance \ttt{\it sample} of this type is created by this factory method: \begin{quote} \tt {sample} =\_sample( "\textit{process-name(s)}" ); \end{quote} The command accepts a comma-separated list of process names which should be included in the event sample. To start event generation for this sample, call \begin{quote} \tt \textit{it\_begin}, \textit{it\_end} = wz.sample\_open() \end{quote} where the two output variables (\ttt{int}) \ttt{\it it\_begin} and \ttt{\it it\_end} provide the bounds for an event loop in the calling program. (In serial mode, the bounds are equal to 1 and \ttt{n\_events}, respectively, but in an MPI parallel environment, they depend on the computing node.) This command generates a new event, to be enclosed within an event loop: \begin{quote} \tt\_event(); \end{quote} The event will be available by format-specific access methods, see below. This command closes and deletes an event sample after the event loop has completed: \begin{quote} \tt sample.close(); \end{quote} \subsubsection{Retrieving event data} After a call to \ttt{\_event}, the sample object can be queried for specific event data. \begin{quote} \tt value = sample.get\_event\_index(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_process\_index(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_process\_id(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_sqrts(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_fac\_scale(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_alpha\_s(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_sqme(); \\ \tt value = sample.get\_weight(); \end{quote} where the \ttt{\it value} is a variable of appropriate type (see above). Event data are stored in a format-specific way. This may be a \hepmc\ or \lcio\ \cpp\ event record, or some formats supported by \whizard\ intrinsically like LHEF etc. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Examples} \label{chap:examples} In this chapter we discuss the running and steering of \whizard\ with the help of several examples. These examples can be found in the \ttt{share/examples} directory of your installation. All of these examples are also shown on the \whizard\ Wiki page: \url{}. \section{$Z$ lineshape at LEP I} By this example, we demonstrate how a scan over collision energies works, using as example the measurement of the $Z$ lineshape at LEP I in 1989. The \sindarin\ script for this example, \ttt{Z-lineshape.sin} can be found in the \ttt{share/examples} folder of the \whizard\ installation. We first use the Standard model as physics model: \begin{code} model = SM \end{code} Aliases for electron, muon and their antiparticles as leptons and those including the photon as particles in general are introduced: \begin{code} alias lep = e1:E1:e2:E2 alias prt = lep:A \end{code} Next, the two processes are defined, \eemm, and the same with an explicit QED photon: $e^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^-\gamma$, \begin{code} process bornproc = e1, E1 => e2, E2 process rc = e1, E1 => e2, E2, A compile \end{code} and the processes are compiled. Now, we define some very loose cuts to avoid singular regions in phase space, name an infrared cutoff of 100 MeV for all particles, a cut on the angular separation from the beam axis and a di-particle invariant mass cut which regularizes collinear singularities: \begin{code} cuts = all E >= 100 MeV [prt] and all abs (cos(Theta)) <= 0.99 [prt] and all M2 >= (1 GeV)^2 [prt, prt] \end{code} For the graphical analysis, we give a description and labels for the $x$- and $y$-axis in \LaTeX\ syntax: \begin{code} $description = "A WHIZARD Example" $x_label = "$\sqrt{s}$/GeV" $y_label = "$\sigma(s)$/pb" \end{code} We define two plots for the lineshape of the \eemm\ process between 88 and 95 GeV, \begin{code} $title = "The Z Lineshape in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-$" plot lineshape_born { x_min = 88 GeV x_max = 95 GeV } \end{code} and the same for the radiative process with an additional photon: \begin{code} $title = "The Z Lineshape in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-\gamma$" plot lineshape_rc { x_min = 88 GeV x_max = 95 GeV } \end{code} %$ The next part of the \sindarin\ file actually performs the scan: \begin{code} scan sqrts = ((88.0 GeV => 90.0 GeV /+ 0.5 GeV), (90.1 GeV => 91.9 GeV /+ 0.1 GeV), (92.0 GeV => 95.0 GeV /+ 0.5 GeV)) { beams = e1, E1 integrate (bornproc) { iterations = 2:1000:"gw", 1:2000 } record lineshape_born (sqrts, integral (bornproc) / 1000) integrate (rc) { iterations = 5:3000:"gw", 2:5000 } record lineshape_rc (sqrts, integral (rc) / 1000) } \end{code} So from 88 to 90 GeV, we go in 0.5 GeV steps, then from 90 to 92 GeV in tenth of GeV, and then up to 95 GeV again in half a GeV steps. The partonic beam definition is redundant. Then, the born process is integrated, using a certain specification of calls with adaptation of grids and weights, as well as a final pass. The lineshape of the Born process is defined as a \ttt{record} statement, generating tuples of $\sqrt{s}$ and the Born cross section (converted from femtobarn to picobarn). The same happens for the radiative $2\to3$ process with a bit more iterations because of the complexity, and the definition of the corresponding lineshape record. If you run the \sindarin\ script, you will find an output like: \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] | Process library 'default_lib': loading | Process library 'default_lib': ... success. $description = "A WHIZARD Example" $x_label = "$\sqrt{s}$/GeV" $y_label = "$\sigma(s)$/pb" $title = "The Z Lineshape in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-$" x_min = 8.800000000000E+01 x_max = 9.500000000000E+01 $title = "The Z Lineshape in $e^+e^-\to\mu^+\mu^-\gamma$" x_min = 8.800000000000E+01 x_max = 9.500000000000E+01 sqrts = 8.800000000000E+01 | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 10713 | Initializing integration for process bornproc: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'bornproc' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'bornproc_i1': e-, e+ => mu-, mu+ [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: e-, e+ | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | e+ (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | sqrts = 8.800000000000E+01 GeV | Phase space: generating configuration ... | Phase space: ... success. | Phase space: writing configuration file 'bornproc_i1.phs' | Phase space: 1 channels, 2 dimensions | Phase space: found 1 channel, collected in 1 grove. | Phase space: Using 1 equivalence between channels. | Phase space: wood | Applying user-defined cuts. | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Starting integration for process 'bornproc' | Integrate: iterations = 2:1000:"gw", 1:2000 | Integrator: 1 chains, 1 channels, 2 dimensions | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences | Integrator: 1000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrator: VAMP |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 800 2.5881432E+05 1.85E+03 0.72 0.20* 48.97 2 800 2.6368495E+05 9.25E+02 0.35 0.10* 28.32 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2 1600 2.6271122E+05 8.28E+02 0.32 0.13 28.32 5.54 2 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3 1988 2.6313791E+05 5.38E+02 0.20 0.09* 35.09 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3 1988 2.6313791E+05 5.38E+02 0.20 0.09 35.09 |=============================================================================| | Time estimate for generating 10000 events: 0d:00h:00m:05s [.......] \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} %$ and then the integrations for the other energy points of the scan will \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.47\textwidth]{Z-lineshape_1} \includegraphics[width=.47\textwidth]{Z-lineshape_2} \caption{\label{fig:zlineshape} $Z$ lineshape in the dimuon final state (left), and with an additional photon (right)} \end{figure} follow, and finally the same is done for the radiative process as well. At the end of the \sindarin\ script we compile the graphical \whizard\ analysis and direct the data for the plots into the file \ttt{Z-lineshape.dat}: \begin{code} compile_analysis { $out_file = "Z-lineshape.dat" } \end{code} %$ In this case there is no event generation, but simply the cross section values for the scan are dumped into a data file: \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] $out_file = "Z-lineshape.dat" | Opening file 'Z-lineshape.dat' for output | Writing analysis data to file 'Z-lineshape.dat' | Closing file 'Z-lineshape.dat' for output | Compiling analysis results display in 'Z-lineshape.tex' \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} %$ Fig.~\ref{fig:zlineshape} shows the graphical \whizard\ output of the $Z$ lineshape in the dimuon final state from the scan on the left, and the same for the radiative process with an additional photon on the right. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{$W$ pairs at LEP II} This example which can be found as file \ttt{LEP\_cc10.sin} in the \ttt{share/examples} directory, shows $W$ pair production in the semileptonic mode at LEP II with its final energy of 209 GeV. Because there are ten contributing Feynman diagrams, the process has been dubbed CC10: charged current process with 10 diagrams. We work within the Standard Model: \begin{code} model = SM \end{code} Then the process is defined, where no flavor summation is done for the jets here: \begin{code} process cc10 = e1, E1 => e2, N2, u, D \end{code} A compilation statement is optional, and then we set the muon mass to zero: \begin{code} mmu = 0 \end{code} The final LEP center-of-momentum energy of 209 GeV is set: \begin{code} sqrts = 209 GeV \end{code} Then, we integrate the process: \begin{code} integrate (cc10) { iterations = 12:20000 } \end{code} Running the \sindarin\ file up to here, results in the output: \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] | Process library 'default_lib': loading | Process library 'default_lib': ... success. SM.mmu = 0.000000000000E+00 sqrts = 2.090000000000E+02 | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 31255 | Initializing integration for process cc10: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'cc10' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'cc10_i1': e-, e+ => mu-, numubar, u, dbar [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: [any particles] | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | e+ (mass = 5.1099700E-04 GeV) | sqrts = 2.090000000000E+02 GeV | Phase space: generating configuration ... | Phase space: ... success. | Phase space: writing configuration file 'cc10_i1.phs' | Phase space: 25 channels, 8 dimensions | Phase space: found 25 channels, collected in 7 groves. | Phase space: Using 25 equivalences between channels. | Phase space: wood Warning: No cuts have been defined. | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Starting integration for process 'cc10' | Integrate: iterations = 12:20000 | Integrator: 7 chains, 25 channels, 8 dimensions | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences | Integrator: 20000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrator: VAMP |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 19975 6.4714908E+02 2.17E+01 3.36 4.75* 2.33 2 19975 7.3251876E+02 2.45E+01 3.34 4.72* 2.17 3 19975 6.7746497E+02 2.39E+01 3.52 4.98 1.77 4 19975 7.2075198E+02 2.41E+01 3.34 4.72* 1.76 5 19975 6.5976152E+02 2.26E+01 3.43 4.84 1.46 6 19975 6.6633310E+02 2.26E+01 3.39 4.79* 1.43 7 19975 6.7539385E+02 2.29E+01 3.40 4.80 1.43 8 19975 6.6754027E+02 2.11E+01 3.15 4.46* 1.41 9 19975 7.3975817E+02 2.52E+01 3.40 4.81 1.53 10 19975 7.2284275E+02 2.39E+01 3.31 4.68* 1.47 11 19975 6.5476917E+02 2.18E+01 3.33 4.71 1.33 12 19975 7.2963866E+02 2.54E+01 3.48 4.92 1.46 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 12 239700 6.8779583E+02 6.69E+00 0.97 4.76 1.46 2.18 12 |=============================================================================| | Time estimate for generating 10000 events: 0d:00h:01m:16s | Creating integration history display and cc10-history.pdf \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.6\textwidth]{cc10_1} \\\vspace{5mm} \includegraphics[width=.6\textwidth]{cc10_2} \caption{Histogram of the dijet invariant mass from the CC10 $W$ pair production at LEP II, peaking around the $W$ mass (upper plot), and of the muon energy (lower plot).} \label{fig:cc10} \end{figure} The next step is event generation. In order to get smooth distributions, we set the integrated luminosity to 10 fb${}^{-1}$. (Note that LEP II in its final year 2000 had an integrated luminosity of roughly 0.2 fb${}^{-1}$.) \begin{code} luminosity = 10 \end{code} With the simulated events corresponding to those 10 inverse femtobarn we want to perform a \whizard\ analysis: we are going to plot the dijet invariant mass, as well as the energy of the outgoing muon. For the plot of the analysis, we define a description and label the $y$ axis: \begin{code} $description = "A WHIZARD Example. Charged current CC10 process from LEP 2." $y_label = "$N_{\textrm{events}}$" \end{code} We also use \LaTeX-syntax for the title of the first plot and the $x$-label, and then define the histogram of the dijet invariant mass in the range around the $W$ mass from 70 to 90 GeV in steps of half a GeV: \begin{code} $title = "Di-jet invariant mass $M_{jj}$ in $e^+e^- \to \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu u \bar d$" $x_label = "$M_{jj}$/GeV" histogram m_jets (70 GeV, 90 GeV, 0.5 GeV) \end{code} And we do the same for the second histogram of the muon energy: \begin{code} $title = "Muon energy $E_\mu$ in $e^+e^- \to \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu u \bar d$" $x_label = "$E_\mu$/GeV" histogram e_muon (0 GeV, 209 GeV, 4) \end{code} Now, we define the \ttt{analysis} consisting of two \ttt{record} statements initializing the two observables that are plotted as histograms: \begin{code} analysis = record m_jets (eval M [u,D]); record e_muon (eval E [e2]) \end{code} At the very end, we perform the event generation \begin{code} simulate (cc10) \end{code} and finally the writing and compilation of the analysis in a named data file: \begin{code} compile_analysis { $out_file = "cc10.dat" } \end{code} This event generation part screen output looks like this: \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] luminosity = 1.000000000000E+01 $description = "A WHIZARD Example. Charged current CC10 process from LEP 2." $y_label = "$N_{\textrm{events}}$" $title = "Di-jet invariant mass $M_{jj}$ in $e^+e^- \to \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu u \bar d$" $x_label = "$M_{jj}$/GeV" $title = "Muon energy $E_\mu$ in $e^+e^- \to \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu u \bar d$" $x_label = "$E_\mu$/GeV" | Starting simulation for process 'cc10' | Simulate: using integration grids from file '' | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 9910 | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Simulation: using n_events as computed from luminosity value | Events: writing to raw file 'cc10.evx' | Events: generating 6830 unweighted, unpolarized events ... | Events: event normalization mode '1' | ... event sample complete. Warning: Encountered events with excess weight: 39 events ( 0.571 %) | Maximum excess weight = 1.027E+00 | Average excess weight = 6.764E-04 | Events: closing raw file 'cc10.evx' $out_file = "cc10.dat" | Opening file 'cc10.dat' for output | Writing analysis data to file 'cc10.dat' | Closing file 'cc10.dat' for output | Compiling analysis results display in 'cc10.tex' \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} %$ Then comes the \LaTeX\ output of the compilation of the graphical analysis. Fig.~\ref{fig:cc10} shows the two histograms as the are produced as result of the \whizard\ internal graphical analysis. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Higgs search at LEP II} This example can be found under the name \ttt{LEP\_higgs.sin} in the \ttt{share/doc} folder of \whizard. It displays different search channels for a very light would-be SM Higgs boson of mass 115 GeV at the LEP II machine at its highest energy it finally achieved, 209 GeV. First, we use the Standard Model: \begin{code} model = SM \end{code} Then, we define aliases for neutrinos, antineutrinos, light quarks and light anti-quarks: \begin{code} alias n = n1:n2:n3 alias N = N1:N2:N3 alias q = u:d:s:c alias Q = U:D:S:C \end{code} Now, we define the signal process, which is Higgsstrahlung, \begin{code} process zh = e1, E1 => Z, h \end{code} the missing-energy channel, \begin{code} process nnbb = e1, E1 => n, N, b, B \end{code} and finally the 4-jet as well as dilepton-dijet channels: \begin{code} process qqbb = e1, E1 => q, Q, b, B process bbbb = e1, E1 => b, B, b, B process eebb = e1, E1 => e1, E1, b, B process qqtt = e1, E1 => q, Q, e3, E3 process bbtt = e1, E1 => b, B, e3, E3 compile \end{code} and we compile the code. We set the center-of-momentum energy to the highest energy LEP II achieved, \begin{code} sqrts = 209 GeV \end{code} For the Higgs boson, we take the values of a would-be SM Higgs boson with mass of 115 GeV, which would have had a width of a bit more than 3 MeV: \begin{code} mH = 115 GeV wH = 3.228 MeV \end{code} We take a running $b$ quark mass to take into account NLO corrections to the $Hb\bar b$ vertex, while all other fermions are massless: \begin{code} mb = 2.9 GeV me = 0 ms = 0 mc = 0 \end{code} \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] | Process library 'default_lib': loading | Process library 'default_lib': ... success. sqrts = 2.090000000000E+02 SM.mH = 1.150000000000E+02 SM.wH = 3.228000000000E-03 SM.mb = 2.900000000000E+00 = 0.000000000000E+00 = 0.000000000000E+00 = 0.000000000000E+00 \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} To avoid soft-collinear singular phase-space regions, we apply an invariant mass cut on light quark pairs: \begin{code} cuts = all M >= 10 GeV [q,Q] \end{code} Now, we integrate the signal process as well as the combined signal and background processes: \begin{code} integrate (zh) { iterations = 5:5000} integrate(nnbb,qqbb,bbbb,eebb,qqtt,bbtt) { iterations = 12:20000 } \end{code} \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 21791 | Initializing integration for process zh: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Process [scattering]: 'zh' | Library name = 'default_lib' | Process index = 1 | Process components: | 1: 'zh_i1': e-, e+ => Z, H [omega] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Beam structure: [any particles] | Beam data (collision): | e- (mass = 0.0000000E+00 GeV) | e+ (mass = 0.0000000E+00 GeV) | sqrts = 2.090000000000E+02 GeV | Phase space: generating configuration ... | Phase space: ... success. | Phase space: writing configuration file 'zh_i1.phs' | Phase space: 1 channels, 2 dimensions | Phase space: found 1 channel, collected in 1 grove. | Phase space: Using 1 equivalence between channels. | Phase space: wood | Applying user-defined cuts. | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Starting integration for process 'zh' | Integrate: iterations = 5:5000 | Integrator: 1 chains, 1 channels, 2 dimensions | Integrator: Using VAMP channel equivalences | Integrator: 5000 initial calls, 20 bins, stratified = T | Integrator: VAMP |=============================================================================| | It Calls Integral[fb] Error[fb] Err[%] Acc Eff[%] Chi2 N[It] | |=============================================================================| 1 4608 1.6114109E+02 5.52E-04 0.00 0.00* 99.43 2 4608 1.6114220E+02 5.59E-04 0.00 0.00 99.43 3 4608 1.6114103E+02 5.77E-04 0.00 0.00 99.43 4 4608 1.6114111E+02 5.74E-04 0.00 0.00* 99.43 5 4608 1.6114103E+02 5.66E-04 0.00 0.00* 99.43 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 5 23040 1.6114130E+02 2.53E-04 0.00 0.00 99.43 0.82 5 |=============================================================================| [.....] \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{lep_higgs_1} \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{lep_higgs_2} \\\vspace{5mm} \includegraphics[width=.48\textwidth]{lep_higgs_3} \caption{Upper line: final state $bb + E_{miss}$, histogram of the invisible mass distribution (left), and of the di-$b$ distribution (right). Lower plot: light dijet distribution in the $bbjj$ final state.} \label{fig:lep_higgs} \end{figure} Because the other integrations look rather similar, we refrain from displaying them here, too. As a next step, we define titles, descriptions and axis labels for the histograms we want to generate. There are two of them, one os the invisible mass distribution, the other is the di-$b$-jet invariant mass. Both histograms are taking values between 70 and 130 GeV with bin widths of half a GeV: \begin{code} $description = "A WHIZARD Example. Light Higgs search at LEP. A 115 GeV pseudo-Higgs has been added. Luminosity enlarged by two orders of magnitude." $y_label = "$N_{\textrm{events}}$" $title = "Invisible mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to \nu\bar\nu b \bar b$" $x_label = "$M_{\nu\nu}$/GeV" histogram m_invisible (70 GeV, 130 GeV, 0.5 GeV) $title = "$bb$ invariant mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to \nu\bar\nu b \bar b$" $x_label = "$M_{b\bar b}$/GeV" histogram m_bb (70 GeV, 130 GeV, 0.5 GeV) \end{code} The analysis is initialized by defining the two records for the invisible mass and the invariant mass of the two $b$ jets: \begin{code} analysis = record m_invisible (eval M [n,N]); record m_bb (eval M [b,B]) \end{code} In order to have enough statistics, we enlarge the LEP integrated luminosity at 209 GeV by more than two orders of magnitude: \begin{code} luminosity = 10 \end{code} We start event generation by simulating the process with two $b$ jets and two neutrinos in the final state: \begin{code} simulate (nnbb) \end{code} As a third histogram, we define the dijet invariant mass of two light jets: \begin{code} $title = "Dijet invariant mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to q \bar q b \bar b$" $x_label = "$M_{q\bar q}$/GeV" histogram m_jj (70 GeV, 130 GeV, 0.5 GeV) \end{code} Then we simulate the 4-jet process defining the light-dijet distribution as a local record: \begin{code} simulate (qqbb) { analysis = record m_jj (eval M / 1 GeV [combine [q,Q]]) } \end{code} Finally, we compile the analysis, \begin{code} compile_analysis { $out_file = "lep_higgs.dat" } \end{code} \begin{scriptsize} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] | Starting simulation for process 'nnbb' | Simulate: using integration grids from file '' | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 21798 | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Simulation: using n_events as computed from luminosity value | Events: writing to raw file 'nnbb.evx' | Events: generating 1070 unweighted, unpolarized events ... | Events: event normalization mode '1' | ... event sample complete. Warning: Encountered events with excess weight: 207 events ( 19.346 %) | Maximum excess weight = 1.534E+00 | Average excess weight = 4.909E-02 | Events: closing raw file 'nnbb.evx' $title = "Dijet invariant mass distribution in $e^+e^- \to q \bar q b \bar b$" $x_label = "$M_{q\bar q}$/GeV" | Starting simulation for process 'qqbb' | Simulate: using integration grids from file '' | RNG: Initializing TAO random-number generator | RNG: Setting seed for random-number generator to 21799 | OpenMP: Using 8 threads | Simulation: using n_events as computed from luminosity value | Events: writing to raw file 'qqbb.evx' | Events: generating 4607 unweighted, unpolarized events ... | Events: event normalization mode '1' | ... event sample complete. Warning: Encountered events with excess weight: 112 events ( 2.431 %) | Maximum excess weight = 8.875E-01 | Average excess weight = 4.030E-03 | Events: closing raw file 'qqbb.evx' $out_file = "lep_higgs.dat" | Opening file 'lep_higgs.dat' for output | Writing analysis data to file 'lep_higgs.dat' | Closing file 'lep_higgs.dat' for output | Compiling analysis results display in 'lep_higgs.tex' \end{Verbatim} \end{scriptsize} The graphical analysis of the events generated by \whizard\ are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:lep_higgs}. In the upper left, the invisible mass distribution in the $b\bar b + E_{miss}$ state is shown, peaking around the $Z$ mass. The upper right shows the $M(b\bar b)$ distribution in the same final state, while the lower plot has the invariant mass distribution of the two non-$b$-tagged (light) jets in the $bbjj$ final state. The latter shows only the $Z$ peak, while the former exhibits the narrow would-be 115 GeV Higgs state. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{$W$ endpoint at LHC} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{SUSY Cascades at LHC} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Polarized $WW$ at ILC} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Technical details -- Advanced Spells} \label{chap:tuning} \section{Efficiency and tuning} Since massless fermions and vector bosons (or almost massless states in a certain approximation) lead to restrictive selection rules for allowed helicity combinations in the initial and final state. To make use of this fact for the efficiency of the \whizard\ program, we are applying some sort of heuristics: \whizard\ dices events into all combinatorially possible helicity configuration during a warm-up phase. The user can specify a helicity threshold which sets the number of zeros \whizard\ should have got back from a specific helicity combination in order to ignore that combination from now on. By that mechanism, typically half up to more than three quarters of all helicity combinations are discarded (and hence the corresponding number of matrix element calls). This reduces calculation time up to more than one order of magnitude. \whizard\ shows at the end of the integration those helicity combinations which finally contributed to the process matrix element. Note that this list -- due to the numerical heuristics -- might very well depend on the number of calls for the matrix elements per iteration, and also on the corresponding random number seed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{New External Physics Models} \label{chap:extmodels} It is never possible to include all incarnations of physics models that can be described by the maybe weirdest form of a quantum field theory in a tailor-made implementation within a program like \whizard. Users clearly want to be able to use their own special type of model; in order to do so there are external tools to translate models described by their field content and Lagrangian densities into Feynman rules and make them available in an event generator like \whizard. In this chapter, we describe the interfaces to two such external models, \sarah\ and \FeynRules. The \FeynRules\ interface had been started already for the legacy version \whizard\ttt{1} (where it had to be downloaded from \url{} as a separate package), but for the \whizard\ttt{two} release series it has been included in the \FeynRules\ package (from their version v1.6.0 on). Note that there was a regression for the usage of external models (from either \sarah\ or \FeynRules) in the first release of series v2.2, v2.2.0. This has been fixed in all upcoming versions. Besides using \sarah\ or \FeynRules\ via their interfaces, there is now a much easier way to let those programs output model files in the "Universal FeynRules Output" (or \UFO). This option does not have any principle limitations for models, and also does not rely on the never truly constant interfaces between two different tools. Their usage is described in Sec.~\ref{sec:ufo}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{New physics models via \sarah} \sarah~\cite{Staub:2008uz,Staub:2009bi,Staub:2010jh,Staub:2012pb,Staub:2013tta} is a \Mathematica~\cite{mathematica} package which derives for a given model the minimum conditions of the vacuum, the mass matrices, and vertices at tree-level as well as expressions for the one-loop corrections for all masses and the full two-loop renormalization group equations (RGEs). The vertices can be exported to be used with \whizard/\oMega. All other information can be used to generate \fortran\ source code for the RGE solution tool and spectrum generator \spheno~\cite{Porod:2003um,Porod:2011nf} to get a spectrum generator for any model. The advantage is that \spheno\ calculates a consistent set of parameters (couplings, masses, rotation matrices, decay widths) which can be used as input for \whizard. \sarah\ and \spheno\ can be also downloaded from the \ttt{HepForge} server: \begin{center} \url{} \\ \url{} \end{center} \subsection{\whizard/\oMega\ model files from \sarah} \subsubsection{Generating the model files} Here we are giving only the information relevant to generate models for \whizard. For more details about the installation of \sarah\ and an exhaustion documentation about its usage, confer the \sarah\ manual. To generate the model files for \whizard/\oMega\ with \sarah, a new \Mathematica\ session has to be started. \sarah\ is loaded via \begin{code} </Output/TMSSM/EWSB/WHIZARD_Omega/ \end{code} and run % \begin{code} ./configure make install \end{code} % By default, the last command installs the compiled model into \verb".whizard" in current user's home directory where it is automatically picked up by \whizard. Alternative installation paths can be specified using the \verb"--prefix" option to \whizard. % \begin{code} ./configure --prefix=/path/to/installation/prefix \end{code} % If the files are installed into the \whizard\ installation prefix, the program will also pick them up automatically, while {\whizard}'s \verb"--localprefix" option must be used to communicate any other choice to \whizard. In case \whizard\ is not available in the binary search path, the \verb"WO_CONFIG" environment variable can be used to point \verb"configure" to the binaries % \begin{code} ./configure WO_CONFIG=/path/to/whizard/binaries \end{code} % More information on the available options and their syntax can be obtained with the \verb"--help" option. After the model is compiled it can be used in \whizard\ as \begin{code} model = tmssm_sarah \end{code} \subsection{Linking \spheno\ and \whizard} As mentioned above, the user can also use \spheno\ to generate spectra for its models. This is done by means of \fortran\ code for \spheno, exported from \sarah. To do so, the user has to apply the command \verb"MakeSPheno[]". For more details about the options of this command and how to compile and use the \spheno\ output, we refer to the \sarah\ manual. \\ As soon as the \spheno\ version for the given model is ready it can be used to generate files with all necessary numerical values for the parameters in a format which is understood by \whizard. For this purpose, the corresponding flag in the Les Houches input file of \spheno\ has to be turned on: \begin{code} Block SPhenoInput # SPheno specific input ... 75 1 # Write WHIZARD files \end{code} Afterwards, \spheno\ returns not only the spectrum file in the standard SUSY Les Houches accord (SLHA) format (for more details about the SLHA and the \whizard\ SLHA interface cf. Sec.~\ref{sec:slha}), but also an additional file called \verb"WHIZARD.par.TMSSM" for our example. This file can be used in the \sindarin\ input file via \begin{code} include ("WHIZARD.par.TMSSM") \end{code} %%%%% \subsection{BSM Toolbox} A convenient way to install \sarah\ together with \whizard, \spheno\ and some other codes are the \ttt{BSM Toolbox} scripts \footnote{Those script have been published under the name SUSY Toolbox but \sarah\ is with version 4 no longer restricted to SUSY models}~\cite{Staub:2011dp}. These scripts are available at \begin{center} \url{} \end{center} The \ttt{Toolbox} provides two scripts. First, the \verb"configure" script is used via \begin{code} toolbox-src-dir> mkdir build toolbox-src-dir> cd build toolbox-src-dir> ../configure \end{code} % The \verb"configure" script checks for the requirements of the different packages and downloads all codes. All downloaded archives will be placed in the \verb"tarballs" subdirectory of the directory containing the \verb"configure" script. Command line options can be used to disable specific packages and to point the script to custom locations of compilers and of the \Mathematica\ kernel; a full list of those can be obtained by calling \verb"configure" with the \verb"--help" option. After \verb"configure" finishes successfully, \verb"make" can be called to build all configured packages % \begin{code} toolbox-build-dir> make \end{code} \verb"configure" creates also the second script which automates the implementation of a new model into all packages. The \verb"butler" script takes as argument the name of the model in \sarah, e.g. \begin{code} > ./butler TMSSM \end{code} The \verb"butler" script runs \sarah\ to get the output in the same form as the \whizard/\oMega\ model files and the code for \spheno. Afterwards, it installs the model in all packages and compiles the new \whizard/\oMega\ model files as well as the new \spheno\ module. %%%%% \newpage \section{New physics models via \FeynRules} In this section, we present the interface between the external tool \FeynRules\ \cite{Christensen:2008py,Christensen:2009jx,Duhr:2011se} and \whizard. \FeynRules\ is a \Mathematica~\cite{mathematica} package that allows to derive Feynman rules from any perturbative quantum field theory-based Lagrangian in an automated way. It can be downloaded from \begin{center} \url{} \end{center} The input provided by the user is threefold and consists of the Lagrangian defining the model, together with the definitions of all the particles and parameters that appear in the model. Once this information is provided, \FeynRules\ can perform basic checks on the sanity of the implementation (e.g. hermiticity, normalization of the quadratic terms), and finally computes all the interaction vertices associated with the model and store them in an internal format for later processing. After the Feynman rules have been obtained, \FeynRules\ can export the interaction vertices to \whizard\ via a dedicated interface~\cite{Christensen:2010wz}. The interface checks whether all the vertices are compliant with the structures supported by \whizard's matrix element generator \oMega, and discard them in the case they are not supported. The output of the interface consists of a set of files organized in a single directory which can be injected into \whizard/\oMega\ and used as any other built-in models. Together with the model files, a framework is created which allows to communicate the new models to \whizard\ in a well defined way, after which step the model can be used exactly like the built-in ones. This specifically means that the user is not required to manually modify the code of \whizard/\oMega, the models created by the interface can be used directly without any further user intervention. We first describe the installation and general usage of the interface, and then list the general properties like the supported particle types, color quantum numbers and Lorentz structures as well as types of gauge interactions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Installation and Usage of the \whizard-\FeynRules\ interface} \label{sec:interface-usage} \paragraph{{\bf Installation and basic usage:}} % From \FeynRules\ version 1.6.0 onward, the interface to \whizard\ is part of the \FeynRules\ distribution\footnote{Note that though the main interface of \FeynRules\ to \whizard\ is for the most recent \whizard\ release, but also the legacy branch \whizard\ttt{1} is supported.}. In addition, the latest version of the interface can be downloaded from the \whizard\ homepage on \ttt{HepForge}. There you can also find an installer that can be used to inject the interface into an existing \FeynRules\ installation (which allows to use the interface with the \FeynRules\ release series1.4.x where it is not part of the package). Once installed, the interface can be called and used in the same way \FeynRules' other interfaces described in~\cite{Christensen:2008py}. The details of how to install and use \FeynRules\ itself can be found there,~\cite{Christensen:2008py,Christensen:2009jx,Duhr:2011se}. Here, we only describe how to use the interface to inject new models into \whizard. For example, once the \FeynRules\ environment has been initialized and a model has been loaded, the command \begin{code} WriteWOOutput[L] \end{code} will call the \ttt{FeynmanRules} command to extract the Feynman rules from the Lagrangian \ttt{L}, translate them together with the model data and finally write the files necessary for using the model within \whizard\ to an output directory (the name of which is inferred from the model name by default). Options can be added for further control over the translation process (see Sec.~\ref{app:interface-options}). Instead of using a Lagrangian, it is also possible to call the interface on a pure vertex list. For example, the following command \begin{code} WriteWOOutput[Input -> list] \end{code} will directly translate the vertex list \ttt{list}. Note that this vertex list must be given in flavor-expanded form in order for the interface to process it correctly. The interface also supports the \ttt{WriteWOExtParams} command described in~\cite{Christensen:2008py}. Issuing \begin{code} WriteWOExtParams[filename] \end{code} will write a list of all the external parameters to \ttt{filename}. This is done in the form of a \sindarin\ script. The only option accepted by the command above is the target version of \whizard, set by the option \ttt{WOWhizardVersion}. During execution, the interface will print out a series of messages. It is highly advised to carefully read through this output as it not only summarizes the settings and the location of the output files, but also contains information on any skipped vertices or potential incompatibilities of the model with \whizard. After the interface has run successfully and written the model files to the output directory, the model must be imported into \whizard. For doing so, the model files have to be compiled and can then be installed independently of \whizard. In the simplest scenario, assuming that the output directory is the current working directory and that the \whizard\ binaries can be found in the current \ttt{\$\{PATH\}}, the installation is performed by simply executing \begin{code} ./configure~\&\&~make clean~\&\&~make install \end{code} This will compile the model and install it into the directory \ttt{\$\{HOME\}/.whizard}, making it fully available to \whizard\ without any further intervention. The build system can be adapted to more complicated cases through several options to the \ttt{configure} which are listed in the \ttt{INSTALL} file created in the output directory. A detailed explanation of all options can be found in Sec.~\ref{app:interface-options}. \paragraph{\bf Supported fields and vertices:} The following fields are currently supported by the interface: scalars, Dirac and Majorana fermions, vectors and symmetric tensors. The set of accepted operators, the full list of which can be found in Tab.~\ref{tab-operators}, is a subset of all the operators supported by \oMega. While still limited, this list is sufficient for a large number of BSM models. In addition, a future version of \whizard/\oMega\ will support the definition of completely general Lorentz structures in the model, allowing the interface to translate all interactions handled by \FeynRules. This will be done by means of a parser within \oMega\ of the \ttt{UFO} file format for model files from \FeynRules. \begin{table*}[!t] \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Particle spins & Supported Lorentz structures \\\hline\hline FFS & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All operators of dimension four are supported. \strut}\\\hline FFV & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All operators of dimension four are supported. \strut}\\\hline SSS & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All dimension three interactions are supported. \strut}\\\hline SVV & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright Supported operators:\\ \mbox{}\hspace{5ex}$\begin{aligned} \text{dimension 3:} & \quad\mathcal{O}_3 = V_1^\mu V_{2\mu}\phi \mbox{}\\ \text{dimension 5:} & \quad\mathcal{O}_5 = \phi \left(\partial^\mu V_1^\nu - \partial^\nu V_1^\mu\right) \left(\partial_\mu V_{2\nu} - \partial_\nu V_{2\mu}\right) \end{aligned}$\\ Note that $\mathcal{O}_5$ generates the effective gluon-gluon-Higgs couplings obtained by integrating out heavy quarks. \strut}\\\hline SSV & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright $\left(\phi_1\partial^\mu\phi_2 - \phi_2\partial^\mu\phi_1\right)V_\mu\;$ type interactions are supported. \strut}\\\hline SSVV & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All dimension four interactions are supported. \strut}\\\hline SSSS & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All dimension four interactions are supported. \strut}\\\hline VVV & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All parity-conserving dimension four operators are supported, with the restriction that non-gauge interactions may be split into several vertices and can only be handled if all three fields are mutually different.\strut \strut}\\\hline VVVV & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright All parity conserving dimension four operators are supported. \strut}\\\hline TSS, TVV, TFF & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright The three point couplings in the Appendix of Ref.\ \cite{Han:1998sg} are supported. \strut}\\\hline \end{tabular}} \caption{All Lorentz structures currently supported by the \whizard-\FeynRules\ interface, sorted with respect to the spins of the particles. ``S'' stands for scalar, ``F'' for fermion (either Majorana or Dirac) and ``V'' for vector.} \label{tab-operators} \end{table*} \paragraph{\bf Color:} % Color is treated in \oMega\ in the color flow decomposition, with the flow structure being implicitly determined from the representations of the particles present at the vertex. Therefore, the interface has to strip the color structure from the vertices derived by \FeynRules\ before writing them out to the model files. While this process is straightforward for all color structures which correspond only to a single flow assignment, vertices with several possible flow configurations must be treated with care in order to avoid mismatches between the flows assigned by \oMega\ and those actually encoded in the couplings. To this end, the interface derives the color flow decomposition from the color structure determined by \FeynRules\ and rejects all vertices which would lead to a wrong flow assignment by \oMega\ (these rejections are accompanied by warnings from the interface)\footnote{For the old \whizard\ttt{1} legacy branch, there was a maximum number of external color flows that had to explicitly specified. Essentially, this is $n_8 - \frac{1}{2}n_3$ where $n_8$ is the maximum number of external color octets and $n_3$ is the maximum number of external triplets and antitriplets. This can be set in the \whizard/\FeynRules\ interface by the \ttt{WOMaxNcf} command, whose default is \ttt{4}.}. At the moment, the $SU(3)_C$ representations supported by both \whizard\ and the interface are singlets ($1$), triplets ($3$), antitriplets ($\bar{3}$) and octets ($8$). Tab.~\ref{tab:su3struct} shows all combinations of these representations which can form singlets together with the support status of the respective color structures in \whizard\ and the interface. Although the supported color structures do not comprise all possible singlets, the list is sufficient for a large number of SM extensions. Furthermore, a future revision of \whizard/\oMega\ will allow for explicit color flow assignments, thus removing most of the current restrictions. \begin{table*} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline $SU(3)_C$ representations & Support status \\\hline\hline \parbox[t]{0.2\textwidth}{ \centerline{\begin{tabular}[t]{lll} $111,\quad$ & $\bar{3}31,\quad$ & $\bar{3}38,$ \\ $1111,$ & $\bar{3}311,$ & $\bar{3}381$ \end{tabular}}} & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright\strut Fully supported by the interface\strut} \\\hline $888,\quad 8881$ & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright\strut Supported only if at least two of the octets are identical particles.\strut} \\\hline $881,\quad 8811$ & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright\strut Fully supported by the interface\footnote{% Not available in version 1.95 and earlier. Note that in order to use such couplings in 1.96/97, the \oMega\ option \ttt{2g} must be added to the process definition in \ttt{whizard.prc}.}.\strut} \\\hline $\bar{3}388$ & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright\strut Supported only if the octets are identical particles.\strut} \\\hline $8888$ & \parbox{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright\strut The only supported flow structure is \begin{equation*} \parbox{21mm}{\includegraphics{flow4}}\cdot\;\Gamma(1,2,3,4) \quad+\quad \text{all acyclic permutations} \end{equation*} where $\Gamma(1,2,3,4)$ represents the Lorentz structure associated with the first flow.\strut} \\\hline \parbox[t]{0.2\textwidth}{ \centerline{\begin{tabular}[t]{lll} $333,\quad$ & $\bar{3}\bar{3}\bar{3},\quad$ & $3331$\\ $\bar{3}\bar{3}\bar{3}1,$ & $\bar{3}\bar{3}33$ \end{tabular}}} & \parbox[t]{0.7\textwidth}{\raggedright\strut Unsupported (at the moment)\strut} \\\hline \end{tabular}} \caption{All possible combinations of three or four $SU(3)_C$ representations supported by \FeynRules\ which can be used to build singlets, together with the support status of the corresponding color structures in \whizard\ and the interface.} \label{tab:su3struct} \end{table*} \paragraph{\bf Running $\alpha_S$:} While a running strong coupling is fully supported by the interface, a choice has to be made which quantities are to be reevaluated when the strong coupling is evolved. By default \ttt{aS}, \ttt{G} (see Ref.~\cite{Christensen:2008py} for the nomenclature regarding the QCD coupling) and any vertex factors depending on them are evolved. The list of internal parameters that are to be recalculated (together with the vertex factors depending on them) can be extended (beyond \ttt{aS} and \ttt{G}) by using the option \ttt{WORunParameters} when calling the interface~\footnote{As the legacy branch, \whizard\ttt{1}, does not support a running strong coupling, this is also vetoed by the interface when using \whizard \ttt{1.x}.}. \paragraph{\bf Gauge choices:} \label{sec:gauge-choices} The interface supports the unitarity, Feynman and $R_\xi$ gauges. The choice of gauge must be communicated to the interface via the option \ttt{WOGauge}. Note that massless gauge bosons are always treated in Feynman gauge. If the selected gauge is Feynman or $R_\xi$, the interface can automatically assign the proper masses to the Goldstone bosons. This behavior is requested by using the \ttt{WOAutoGauge} option. In the $R_\xi$ gauges, the symbol representing the gauge $\xi$ must be communicated to the interface by using the \ttt{WOGaugeSymbol} option (the symbol is automatically introduced into the list of external parameters if \ttt{WOAutoGauge} is selected at the same time). This feature can be used to automatically extend models implemented in Feynman gauge to the $R_\xi$ gauges. Since \whizard\ (at least until the release series 2.3) is a tree-level tool working with helicity amplitudes, the ghost sector is irrelevant for \whizard\ and hence dropped by the interface. \subsection{Options of the \whizard-\FeynRules\ interface} \label{app:interface-options} In the following we present a comprehensive list of all the options accepted by \ttt{WriteWOOutput}. Additionally, we note that all options of the \FeynRules\ command \ttt{FeynmanRules} are accepted by \ttt{WriteWOOutput}, which passes them on to \ttt{FeynmanRules}. \begin{description} \item[\ttt{Input}]\mbox{}\\ An optional vertex list to use instead of a Lagrangian (which can then be omitted). % \item[\ttt{WOWhizardVersion}]\mbox{}\\ Select the \whizard\ version for which code is to be generated. The currently available choices are summarized in Tab.~\ref{tab-wowhizardversion}. %% \begin{table} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \ttt{WOWhizardVersion} & \whizard\ versions supported \\\hline\hline \ttt{"2.0.3"} (default) & 2.0.3+ \\\hline \ttt{"2.0"} & 2.0.0 -- 2.0.2 \\\hline\hline \ttt{"1.96"} & 1.96+ \qquad (deprecated) \\\hline \ttt{"1.93"} & 1.93 -- 1.95 \qquad (deprecated) \\\hline \ttt{"1.92"} & 1.92 \qquad (deprecated) \\\hline \end{tabular}} \caption{Currently available choices for the \ttt{WOWhizardVersion} option, together with the respective \whizard\ versions supported by them.} \label{tab-wowhizardversion} \end{table} %% This list will expand as the program evolves. To get a summary of all choices available in a particular version of the interface, use the command \ttt{?WOWhizardVersion}. % \item[\ttt{WOModelName}]\mbox{}\\ The name under which the model will be known to \whizard\footnote{For versions 1.9x, model names must start with ``\ttt{fr\_}'' if they are to be picked up by \whizard\ automatically.}. The default is determined from the \FeynRules\ model name. % \item[\ttt{Output}]\mbox{}\\ The name of the output directory. The default is determined from the \FeynRules\ model name. % \item[\ttt{WOGauge}]\mbox{}\\ Gauge choice (\emph{cf.} Sec.~\ref{sec:gauge-choices}). Possible values are: \ttt{WOUnitarity} (default), \ttt{WOFeynman}, \ttt{WORxi} % \item[\ttt{WOGaugeParameter}]\mbox{}\\ The external or internal parameter representing the gauge $\xi$ in the $R_\xi$ gauges (\emph{cf.} Sec.~\ref{sec:gauge-choices}). Default: \ttt{Rxi} % \item[\ttt{WOAutoGauge}]\mbox{}\\ Automatically assign the Goldstone boson masses in the Feynman and $R_\xi$ gauges and automatically append the symbol for $\xi$ to the parameter list in the $R_\xi$ gauges. Default: \ttt{False} % \item[\ttt{WORunParameters}]\mbox{}\\ The list of all internal parameters which will be recalculated if $\alpha_S$ is evolved (see above)\footnote{Not available for versions older than 2.0.0}. Default: \mbox{\ttt{\{aS, G\}}} % \item[\ttt{WOFast}]\mbox{}\\ If the interface drops vertices which are supported, this option can be set to \ttt{False} to enable some more time consuming checks which might aid the identification. Default: \ttt{True} % \item[\ttt{WOMaxCouplingsPerFile}]\mbox{}\\ The maximum number of couplings that are written to a single \fortran\ file. If compilation takes too long or fails, this can be lowered. Default: \ttt{500} % \item[\ttt{WOVerbose}]\mbox{}\\ Enable verbose output and in particular more extensive information on any skipped vertices. Default: \ttt{False} \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Validation of the interface} The output of the interface has been extensively validated. Specifically, the integrated cross sections for all possible $2\rightarrow 2$ processes in the \FeynRules\ SM, the MSSM and the Three-Site Higgsless Model have been compared between \whizard, \madgraph, and \CalcHep, using the respective \FeynRules\ interfaces as well as the in-house implementations of these models (the Three-Site Higgsless model not being available in \madgraph). Also, different gauges have been checked for \whizard\ and \CalcHep. In all comparisons, excellent agreement within the Monte Carlo errors was achieved. The detailed comparison including examples of the comparison tables can be found in~\cite{Christensen:2010wz}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Examples for the \whizard-/\FeynRules\ interface} Here, we will use the Standard Model, the MSSM and the Three-Site Higgsless Model as prime examples to explain the usage of the interface. Those are the models that have been used in the validation of the interface in~\cite{Christensen:2010wz}. The examples are constructed to show the application of the different options of the interface and to serve as a starting point for the generation of the user's own \whizard\ versions of other \FeynRules\ models. \subsubsection{\whizard-\FeynRules\ example: Standard Model}\label{sec:usageSM} To start off, we will create {\sc Whizard} 2 versions of the Standard Model as implemented in \FeynRules\ for different gauge choices. \paragraph{SM: Unitarity Gauge} In order to invoke \FeynRules, we change to the corresponding directory and load the program in \Mathematica\ via \begin{code} $FeynRulesPath = SetDirectory[""]; < WOFeynman]; \end{code} The modified gauge is reflected in the output of the interface \begin{code} Short model name is "fr_standard_model" Gauge: Feynman Generating code for WHIZARD / O'Mega version 2.0.3 Maximum number of couplings per FORTRAN module: 500 Extensive lorentz structure checks disabled. \end{code} The summary of the vertex identification now takes the following form \begin{code} processed a total of 163 vertices, kept 139 of them and threw away 24, 24 of which contained ghosts. \end{code} Again, this line tells us that there were no problems --- the only discarded interactions involved the ghost sector which is irrelevant for the tree-level part of \whizard. For a tree-level calculation, the only difference between the different gauges from the perspective of the interface are the gauge boson propagators and the Goldstone boson masses. Therefore, the interface can automatically convert a model in Feynman gauge to a model in $R_\xi$ gauge. To this end, the call to the interface must be changed to \begin{code} WriteWOOutput[LSM, WOGauge -> WORxi, WOAutoGauge -> True]; \end{code} The \verb?WOAutoGauge? argument instructs the interface to automatically \begin{enumerate} \item Introduce a symbol for the gauge parameter $\xi$ into the list of external parameters \item Generate the Goldstone boson masses from those of the associated gauge bosons (ignoring the values provided by \FeynRules) \end{enumerate} The modified setup is again reflected in the interface output \begin{code} Short model name is "fr_standard_model" Gauge: Rxi Gauge symbol: "Rxi" Generating code for WHIZARD / O'Mega version 2.0.3 Maximum number of couplings per FORTRAN module: 500 Extensive lorentz structure checks disabled. \end{code} Note the default choice \verb?Rxi? for the name of the $\xi$ parameter -- this can be modified via the option \verb?WOGaugeParameter?. While the \verb?WOAutoGauge? feature allows to generate $R_\xi$ gauged models from models implemented in Feynman gauge, it is of course also possible to use models genuinely implemented in $R_\xi$ gauge by setting this parameter to \verb?False?. Also, note that the choice of gauge only affects the propagators of massive fields. Massless gauge bosons are always treated in Feynman gauge. \paragraph{Compilation and usage} In order to compile and use the freshly generated model files, change to the output directory which can be determined from the interface output (in this example, it is \verb?fr_standard_model-WO?). Assuming that \whizard\ is available in the binary search path, compilation and installation proceeds as described above by executing \begin{code} ./configure && make && make install \end{code} The model is now ready and can be used similarly to the builtin \whizard\ models. For example, a minimal \whizard\ input file for calculating the $e^+e^- \longrightarrow W^+W^-$ scattering cross section in the freshly generated model would look like \begin{code} model = fr_standard_model process test = "e+", "e-" -> "W+", "W-" sqrts = 500 GeV integrate (test) \end{code} %%%%% \subsubsection{\whizard/\FeynRules\ example: MSSM} In this Section, we illustrate the usage of the interface between {\sc FeynRules} and {\sc Whizard} in the context of the MSSM. All the parameters of the model are then ordered in Les Houches blocks and counters following the SUSY Les Houches Accord (SLHA) \cite{Skands:2003cj,AguilarSaavedra:2005pw,Allanach:2008qq} (cf. also Sec.~\ref{sec:slha}). After having downloaded the model from the \FeynRules\ website, we store it in a new directory, labelled \verb"MSSM", of the model library of the local installation of \FeynRules. The model can then be loaded in \Mathematica\ as in the case of the SM example above \begin{code} $FeynRulesPath = SetDirectory[""]; <True" option of both interface commands \verb"FeynmanRules" and \verb"WriteWOOutput". The Feynman rules of the MSSM are then computed within the \Mathematica\ notebook by \begin{code} rules = FeynmanRules[lag, Exclude4Scalars->True, FlavorExpand->True]; \end{code} where \verb'lag' is the variable containing the Lagrangian. By default, all the parameters of the model are set to the value of \ttt{1}. A complete parameter \ttt{{\em }.dat} file must therefore be loaded. Such a parameter file can be downloaded from the \FeynRules\ website or created by hand by the user, and loaded into \FeynRules\ as \begin{code} ReadLHAFile[Input -> ".dat"]; \end{code} This command does not reduce the size of the model output by removing vertices with vanishing couplings. However, if desired, this task could be done with the \ttt{LoadRestriction} command (see Ref.\ \cite{Fuks:2012im} for details). The vertices are exported to \whizard\ by the command \begin{code} WriteWOOutput[Input -> rules]; \end{code} Note that the numerical values of the parameters of the model can be modified directly from \whizard, without having to generate a second time the \whizard\ model files from \FeynRules. A \sindarin\ script is created by the interface with the help of the instruction \begin{code} WriteWOExtParams["parameters.sin"]; \end{code} and can be further modified according to the needs of the user. \subsubsection{\whizard-\FeynRules\ example: Three-Site Higgsless Model} The Three-Site Higgsless model or Minimal Higgsless model (MHM) has been implemented into \ttt{LanHEP}~\cite{He:2007ge}, \FeynRules\ and independently into \whizard~\cite{Speckner:2010zi}, and the collider phenomenology has been studied by making use of these implementations \cite{He:2007ge,Ohl:2010zf,Speckner:2010zi}. Furthermore, the independent implementations in \FeynRules\ and directly into {\sc Whizard} have been compared and found to agree~\cite{Christensen:2010wz}. After the discovery of a Higgs boson at the LHC in 2012, such a model is not in good agreement with experimental data any more. Here, we simply use it as a guinea pig to describe the handling of a model with non-renormalizable interactions with the \FeynRules\ interface, and discuss how to generate \whizard\ model files for it. The model has been implemented in Feynman gauge as well as unitarity gauge and contains the variable \verb|FeynmanGauge| which can be set to \verb|True| or \verb|False|. When set to \verb|True|, the option \verb|WOGauge-> WOFeynman| must be used, as explained in~\cite{Christensen:2010wz}. $R_\xi$ gauge can also be accomplished with this model by use of the options \verb|WOGauge -> WORxi| and \verb?WOAutoGauge -> True?. Since this model makes use of a nonlinear sigma field of the form \begin{equation} \Sigma = 1 + i\pi - \frac{1}{2}\pi^2+\cdots \end{equation} many higher dimensional operators are included in the model which are not currently not supported by \whizard. Even for a future release of \whizard\ containing general Lorentz structures in interaction vertices, the user would be forced to expand the series only up to a certain order. Although \whizard\ can reject these vertices and print a warning message to the user, it is preferable to remove the vertices right away in the interface by the option \verb|MaxCanonicalDimension->4|. This is passed to the command \verb|FeynmanRules| and restricts the Feynman rules to those of dimension four and smaller\footnote{\ttt{MaxCanonicalDimension} is an option of the \ttt{FeynmanRules} function rather than of the interface, itself. In fact, the interface accepts all the options of {\tt FeynmanRules} and simply passes them on to the latter.}. As the use of different gauges was already illustrated in the SM example, we discuss the model only in Feynman gauge here. We load \FeynRules: \begin{code} $FeynRulesPath = SetDirectory[""]; <"]; LoadModel["", "", ""]; FeynmanGauge = True; \end{code} where \verb|| is the path to the directory where the MHM model files are stored and where the output of the \whizard\ interface will be written. The \whizard\ interface is then initiated: \begin{code} WriteWOOutput[LGauge, LGold, LGhost, LFermion, LGoldLeptons, LGoldQuarks, MaxCanonicalDimension->4, WOGauge->WOFeynman, WOModelName->"fr_mhm"]; \end{code} where we have also made use of the option \verb|WOModelName| to change the name of the model as seen by \whizard. As in the case of the SM, the interface begins by writing a short informational message: \begin{code} Short model name is "fr_mhm" Gauge: Feynman Generating code for WHIZARD / O'Mega version 2.0.3 Automagically assigning Goldstone boson masses... Maximum number of couplings per FORTRAN module: 500 Extensive lorentz structure checks disabled. \end{code} After calculating the Feynman rules and processing the vertices, the interface gives a summary: \begin{code} processed a total of 922 vertices, kept 633 of them and threw away 289, 289 of which contained ghosts. \end{code} showing that no vertices were missed. The files are stored in the directory \verb|fr_mhm| and are ready to be installed and used with \whizard. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{New physics models via the \UFO\ file format} \label{sec:ufo} In this section, we describe how to use the {\em Universal FeynRules Output} (\UFO, \cite{Degrande:2011ua}) format for physics models inside \whizard. Please refer the manuals of e.g.~\FeynRules\ manual for details on how to generate a \UFO\ file for your favorite physics model. \UFO\ files are a collection of \python\ scripts that encode the particles, the couplings, the Lorentz structures, the decays, as well as parameters, vertices and propagators of the corresponding model. They reside in a directory of the exact name of the model they have been created from. If the user wants to generate events for processes from a physics model from a \UFO\ file, then this directory of scripts generated by \FeynRules\ is immediately available if it is a subdirectory of the working directory of \whizard. The directory name will be taken as the model name. (The \UFO-model file name must not start with a non-letter character, i.e. especially not a number. In case such a file name wants to be used at all costs, the model name in the \sindarin\ script has to put in quotation marks, but this is not guaranteed to always work.) Then, a \UFO\ model named, e.g., \ttt{test\_model} is accessed by an extra \ttt{ufo} tag in the model assignment: \begin{Code} model = test_model (ufo) \end{Code} If desired, \whizard\ can access a directory of \UFO\ files elsewhere on the file system. For instance, if \FeynRules\ output resides in the subdirectory \ttt{MyMdl} of \ttt{/home/users/john/ufo}, \whizard\ can use the model named \ttt{MyMdl} as follows \begin{Code} model = MyMdl (ufo ('/home/users/john/my_ufo_models')) \end{Code} that is, the \sindarin\ keyword \ttt{ufo} can take an argument. Note however, that the latter approach can backfire --- in case just the working directory is packed and archived for future reference. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{\sindarin\ Reference} In the \sindarin\ language, there are certain pre-defined constructors or commands that cannot be used in different context by the user, which are e.g. \ttt{alias}, \ttt{beams}, \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{simulate} etc. A complete list will be given below. Also units are fixed, like \ttt{degree}, \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{GeV}, and \ttt{TeV}. Again, these tags are locked and not user-redefinable. Their functionality will be listed in detail below, too. Furthermore, a variable with a preceding question mark, ?, is a logical, while a preceding dollar, \$, denotes a character string variable. Also, a lot of unary and binary operators exist, \ttt{+ - $\backslash$ , = : => < > <= >= \^ \; () [] \{\} } \url{==}, as well as quotation marks, ". Note that the different parentheses and brackets fulfill different purposes, which will be explained below. Comments in a line can either be marked by a hash, \#, or an exclamation mark, !. \section{Commands and Operators} We begin the \sindarin\ reference with all commands, operators, functions and constructors. The list of variables (which can be set to change behavior of \whizard) can be found in the next section. \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{+} \newline 1) Arithmetic operator for addition of integers, reals and complex numbers. Example: \ttt{real mm = mH + mZ} (cf. also \ttt{-}, \ttt{*}, \ttt{/}, \ttt{\^{}}). 2) It also adds different particles for inclusive process containers: \ttt{process foo = e1, E1 => (e2, E2) + (e3, E3)}. 3) It also serves as a shorthand notation for the concatenation of ($\to$) \ttt{combine} operations on particles/subevents, e.g. \ttt{cuts = any 170 GeV < M < 180 GeV [b + lepton + invisible]}. %%%%% \item \ttt{-} \newline Arithmetic operator for subtraction of integers, reals and complex numbers. Example: \ttt{real foo = 3.1 - 5.7} (cf. also \ttt{+}, \ttt{*}, \ttt{/}, \ttt{\^{}}). %%%%% \item \ttt{/} \newline Arithmetic operator for division of integers, reals and complex numbers. Example: \ttt{scale = mH / 2} (cf. also \ttt{+}, \ttt{*}, \ttt{-}, \ttt{\^{}}). %%%%% \item \ttt{*} \newline Arithmetic operator for multiplication of integers, reals and complex numbers. Example: \ttt{complex z = 2 * I} (cf. also \ttt{+}, \ttt{/}, \ttt{-}, \ttt{\^{}}). %%%%% \item \ttt{\^{}} \newline Arithmetic operator for exponentiation of integers, reals and complex numbers. Example: \ttt{real z = x\^{}2 + y\^{}2} (cf. also \ttt{+}, \ttt{/}, \ttt{-}, \ttt{\^{}}). %%%%% \item \ttt{<} \newline Arithmetic comparator between values that checks for ordering of two values: \ttt{{\em } < {\em }} tests whether \ttt{{\em val1}} is smaller than \ttt{{\em val2}}. Allowed for integer and real values. Note that this is an exact comparison if \ttt{tolerance} is set to zero. For a finite value of \ttt{tolerance} it is a ``fuzzy'' comparison. (cf. also \ttt{tolerance}, \ttt{<>}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{>=}, \ttt{<=}) %%%%% \item \ttt{>} \newline Arithmetic comparator between values that checks for ordering of two values: \ttt{{\em } > {\em }} tests whether \ttt{{\em val1}} is larger than \ttt{{\em val2}}. Allowed for integer and real values. Note that this is an exact comparison if \ttt{tolerance} is set to zero. For a finite value of \ttt{tolerance} it is a ``fuzzy'' comparison. (cf. also \ttt{tolerance}, \ttt{<>}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{>=}, \ttt{<=}) %%%%% \item \ttt{<=} \newline Arithmetic comparator between values that checks for ordering of two values: \ttt{{\em } <= {\em }} tests whether \ttt{{\em val1}} is smaller than or equal \ttt{{\em val2}}. Allowed for integer and real values. Note that this is an exact comparison if \ttt{tolerance} is set to zero. For a finite value of \ttt{tolerance} it is a ``fuzzy'' comparison. (cf. also \ttt{tolerance}, \ttt{<>}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{<}, \ttt{>=}) %%%%% \item \ttt{>=} \newline Arithmetic comparator between values that checks for ordering of two values: \ttt{{\em } >= {\em }} tests whether \ttt{{\em val1}} is larger than or equal \ttt{{\em val2}}. Allowed for integer and real values. Note that this is an exact comparison if \ttt{tolerance} is set to zero. For a finite value of \ttt{tolerance} it is a ``fuzzy'' comparison. (cf. also \ttt{tolerance}, \ttt{<>}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{<}, \ttt{>=}) %%%%% \item \ttt{==} \newline Arithmetic comparator between values that checks for identity of two values: \ttt{{\em } == {\em }}. Allowed for integer and real values. Note that this is an exact comparison if \ttt{tolerance} is set to zero. For a finite value of \ttt{tolerance} it is a ``fuzzy'' comparison. (cf. also \ttt{tolerance}, \ttt{<>}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{<}, \ttt{>=}, \ttt{<=}) %%%%% \item \ttt{<>} \newline Arithmetic comparator between values that checks for two values being unequal: \ttt{{\em } <> {\em }}. Allowed for integer and real values. Note that this is an exact comparison if \ttt{tolerance} is set to zero. For a finite value of \ttt{tolerance} it is a ``fuzzy'' comparison. (cf. also \ttt{tolerance}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{<}, \ttt{>=}, \ttt{<=}) %%%%% \item \ttt{!} \newline The exclamation mark tells \sindarin\ that everything that follows in that line should be treated as a comment. It is the same as ($\to$) \ttt{\#}. %%%%% \item \ttt{\#} \newline The hash tells \sindarin\ that everything that follows in that line should be treated as a comment. It is the same as ($\to$) \ttt{!}. %%%%% \item \ttt{\&} \newline Concatenates two or more particle lists/subevents and hence acts in the same way as the subevent function ($\to$) \ttt{join}: \ttt{let @visible = [photon] \& [colored] \& [lepton] in ...}. (cf. also \ttt{join}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{sort}). %%%%% \item \ttt{\$} \newline Constructor at the beginning of a variable name, \ttt{\${\em }}, that specifies a string variable. %%%%% \item \ttt{@} \newline Constructor at the beginning of a variable name, \ttt{@{\em }}, that specifies a subevent variable, e.g. \ttt{let @W\_candidates = combine ["mu-", "numubar"] in ...}. %%%%% \item \ttt{=} \newline Binary constructor to appoint values to commands, e.g. \ttt{{\em } = {\em }} or \newline \ttt{{\em } {\em } = {\em }}. %%%%% \item \ttt{\%} \newline Constructor that gives the percentage of a number, so in principle multiplies a real number by \ttt{0.01}. Example: \ttt{1.23 \%} is equal to \ttt{0.0123}. %%%%% \item \ttt{:} \newline Separator in alias expressions for particles, e.g. \ttt{alias neutrino = n1:n2:n3:N1:N2:N3}. (cf. also \ttt{alias}) %%%%% \item \ttt{;} \newline Concatenation operator for logical expressions: \ttt{{\em lexpr1} ; {\em lexpr2}}. Evaluates \ttt{{\em lexpr1}} and throws the result away, then evaluates \ttt{{\em lexpr2}} and returns that result. Used in analysis expressions. (cf. also \ttt{analysis}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{/+} \newline Incrementor for ($\to$) \ttt{scan} ranges, that increments additively, \ttt{scan {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } /+ {\em })}. E.g. \ttt{scan int i = (1 => 5 /+ 2)} scans over the values \ttt{1}, \ttt{3}, \ttt{5}. For real ranges, it divides the interval between upper and lower bound into as many intervals as the incrementor provides, e.g. \ttt{scan real r = (1 => 1.5 /+ 0.2)} runs over \ttt{1.0}, \ttt{1.333}, \ttt{1.667}, \ttt{1.5}. %%%%% \item \ttt{/+/} \newline Incrementor for ($\to$) \ttt{scan} ranges, that increments additively, but the number after the incrementor is the number of steps, not the step size: \ttt{scan {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } /+/ {\em })}. It is only available for real scan ranges, and divides the interval \ttt{{\em } - {\em }} into \ttt{{\em }} steps, e.g. \ttt{scan real r = (1 => 1.5 /+/ 3)} runs over \ttt{1.0}, \ttt{1.25}, \ttt{1.5}. %%%%% \item \ttt{/-} \newline Incrementor for ($\to$) \ttt{scan} ranges, that increments subtractively, \ttt{scan {\em } {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } /- {\em })}. E.g. \ttt{scan int i = (9 => 0 /+ 3)} scans over the values \ttt{9}, \ttt{6}, \ttt{3}, \ttt{0}. For real ranges, it divides the interval between upper and lower bound into as many intervals as the incrementor provides, e.g. \ttt{scan real r = (1 => 0.5 /- 0.2)} runs over \ttt{1.0}, \ttt{0.833}, \ttt{0.667}, \ttt{0.5}. %%%%% \item \ttt{/*} \newline Incrementor for ($\to$) \ttt{scan} ranges, that increments multiplicatively, \ttt{scan {\em } {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } /* {\em })}. E.g. \ttt{scan int i = (1 => 4 /* 2)} scans over the values \ttt{1}, \ttt{2}, \ttt{4}. For real ranges, it divides the interval between upper and lower bound into as many intervals as the incrementor provides, e.g. \ttt{scan real r = (1 => 5 /* 2)} runs over \ttt{1.0}, \ttt{2.236} (i.e. $\sqrt{5}$), \ttt{5.0}. %%%%% \item \ttt{/*/} \newline Incrementor for ($\to$) \ttt{scan} ranges, that increments multiplicatively, but the number after the incrementor is the number of steps, not the step size: \ttt{scan {\em } {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } /*/ {\em })}. It is only available for real scan ranges, and divides the interval \ttt{{\em } - {\em }} into \ttt{{\em }} steps, e.g. \ttt{scan real r = (1 => 9 /*/ 4)} runs over \ttt{1.000}, \ttt{2.080}, \ttt{4.327}, \ttt{9.000}. %%%%% \item \ttt{//} \newline Incrementor for ($\to$) \ttt{scan} ranges, that increments by division, \ttt{scan {\em } {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } // {\em })}. E.g. \ttt{scan int i = (13 => 0 // 3)} scans over the values \ttt{13}, \ttt{4}, \ttt{1}, \ttt{0}. For real ranges, it divides the interval between upper and lower bound into as many intervals as the incrementor provides, e.g. \ttt{scan real r = (5 => 1 // 2)} runs over \ttt{5.0}, \ttt{2.236} (i.e. $\sqrt{5}$), \ttt{1.0}. %%%%% \item \ttt{=>} \newline Binary operator that is used in several different contexts: 1) in process declarations between the particles specifying the initial and final state, e.g. \ttt{process {\em } = {\em }, {\em } => {\em }, ....}; 2) for the specification of beams when structure functions are applied to the beam particles, e.g. \ttt{beams = p, p => pdf\_builtin}; 3) for the specification of the scan range in the \ttt{scan {\em } {\em } = ({\em } => {\em } {\em })} (cf. also \ttt{process}, \ttt{beams}, \ttt{scan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%d} \newline Format specifier in analogy to the \ttt{C} language for the print out on screen by the ($\to$) \ttt{printf} or into strings by the ($\to$) \ttt{sprintf} command. It is used for decimal integer numbers, e.g. \ttt{printf "one = \%d" (i)}. The difference between \ttt{\%i} and \ttt{\%d} does not play a role here. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%e} \newline Format specifier in analogy to the \ttt{C} language for the print out on screen by the ($\to$) \ttt{printf} or into strings by the ($\to$) \ttt{sprintf} command. It is used for floating-point numbers in standard form \ttt{[-]d.ddd e[+/-]ddd}. Usage e.g. \ttt{printf "pi = \%e" (PI)}. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%E} \newline Same as ($\to$) \ttt{\%e}, but using upper-case letters. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%f} \newline Format specifier in analogy to the \ttt{C} language for the print out on screen by the ($\to$) \ttt{printf} or into strings by the ($\to$) \ttt{sprintf} command. It is used for floating-point numbers in fixed-point form. Usage e.g. \ttt{printf "pi = \%f" (PI)}. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%F} \newline Same as ($\to$) \ttt{\%f}, but using upper-case letters. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%g} \newline Format specifier in analogy to the \ttt{C} language for the print out on screen by the ($\to$) \ttt{printf} or into strings by the ($\to$) \ttt{sprintf} command. It is used for floating-point numbers in normal or exponential notation, whichever is more approriate. Usage e.g. \ttt{printf "pi = \%g" (PI)}. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%G} \newline Same as ($\to$) \ttt{\%g}, but using upper-case letters. (cf. also \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%i} \newline Format specifier in analogy to the \ttt{C} language for the print out on screen by the ($\to$) \ttt{printf} or into strings by the ($\to$) \ttt{sprintf} command. It is used for integer numbers, e.g. \ttt{printf "one = \%i" (i)}. The difference between \ttt{\%i} and \ttt{\%d} does not play a role here. (cf. \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{\%s} \newline Format specifier in analogy to the \ttt{C} language for the print out on screen by the ($\to$) \ttt{printf} or into strings by the ($\to$) \ttt{sprintf} command. It is used for logical or string variables e.g. \ttt{printf "foo = \%s" (\$method)}. (cf. \ttt{printf}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}) %%%%% \item \ttt{abarn} \newline Physical unit, stating that a number is in attobarns ($10^{-18}$ barn). (cf. also \ttt{nbarn}, \ttt{fbarn}, \ttt{pbarn}) %%%%% \item \ttt{abs} \newline Numerical function that takes the absolute value of its argument: \ttt{abs ({\em })} yields \ttt{|{\em }|}. (cf. also \ttt{conjg}, \ttt{sgn}, \ttt{mod}, \ttt{modulo}) %%%%% \item \ttt{acos} \newline Numerical function \ttt{asin ({\em })} that calculates the arccosine trigonometric function (inverse of \ttt{cos}) of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sin}, \ttt{cos}, \ttt{tan}, \ttt{asin}, \ttt{atan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{alias} \newline This allows to define a collective expression for a class of particles, e.g. to define a generic expression for leptons, neutrinos or a jet as \ttt{alias lepton = e1:e2:e3:E1:E2:E3}, \ttt{alias neutrino = n1:n2:n3:N1:N2:N3}, and \ttt{alias jet = u:d:s:c:U:D:S:C:g}, respectively. %%%%% \item \ttt{all} \newline \ttt{all} is a function that works on a logical expression and a list, \ttt{all {\em } [{\em }]}, and returns \ttt{true} if and only if \ttt{log\_expr} is fulfilled for {\em all} entries in \ttt{list}, and \ttt{false} otherwise. Examples: \ttt{all Pt > 100 GeV [lepton]} checks whether all leptons are harder than 100 GeV, \ttt{all Dist > 2 [u:U, d:D]} checks whether all pairs of corresponding quarks are separated in $R$ space by more than 2. Logical expressions with \ttt{all} can be logically combined with \ttt{and} and \ttt{or}. (cf. also \ttt{any}, \ttt{and}, \ttt{no}, and \ttt{or}) %%%%% \item \ttt{alt\_setup} \newline This command allows to specify alternative setups for a process/list of processes, \ttt{alt\_setup = \{ {\em } \} [, \{ {\em } \} , ...]}. An alternative setup can be a resetting of a coupling constant, or different cuts etc. It can be particularly used in a ($\to$) \ttt{rescan} procedure. %%%%% \item \ttt{analysis} \newline This command, \ttt{analysis = {\em }}, allows to define an analysis as a logical expression, with a syntax similar to the ($\to$) \ttt{cuts} or ($\to$) \ttt{selection} command. Note that a ($\to$) formally is a logical expression. %%%%% \item \ttt{and} \newline This is the standard two-place logical connective that has the value true if both of its operands are true, otherwise a value of false. It is applied to logical values, e.g. cut expressions. (cf. also \ttt{all}, \ttt{no}, \ttt{or}). %%%%% \item \ttt{any} \newline \ttt{any} is a function that works on a logical expression and a list, \ttt{any {\em } [{\em }]}, and returns \ttt{true} if \ttt{log\_expr} is fulfilled for any entry in \ttt{list}, and \ttt{false} otherwise. Examples: \ttt{any PDG == 13 [lepton]} checks whether any lepton is a muon, \ttt{any E > 2 * mW [jet]} checks whether any jet has an energy of twice the $W$ mass. Logical expressions with \ttt{any} can be logically combined with \ttt{and} and \ttt{or}. (cf. also \ttt{all}, \ttt{and}, \ttt{no}, and \ttt{or}) %%%%% \item \ttt{as} \newline cf. \ttt{compile} %%%%% \item \ttt{ascii} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the standard \whizard\ verbose/debug ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{asin} \newline Numerical function \ttt{asin ({\em })} that calculates the arcsine trigonometric function (inverse of \ttt{sin}) of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sin}, \ttt{cos}, \ttt{tan}, \ttt{acos}, \ttt{atan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{atan} \newline Numerical function \ttt{atan ({\em })} that calculates the arctangent trigonometric function (inverse of \ttt{tan}) of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sin}, \ttt{cos}, \ttt{tan}, \ttt{asin}, \ttt{acos}) %%%%% \item \ttt{athena} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the ATHENA variant for HEPEVT ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beam} \newline Constructor that specifies a particle (in a subevent) as beam particle. It is used in cuts, analyses or selections, e.g. \ttt{cuts = all Theta > 20 degree [beam lepton, lepton]}. (cf. also \ttt{incoming}, \ttt{outgoing}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{analysis}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beam\_events} \newline Beam structure specifier to read in lepton collider beamstrahlung's spectra from external files as pairs of energy fractions: \ttt{beams: e1, E1 => beam\_events}. Note that this is a pair spectrum that has to be applied to both beams simultaneously. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{\$beam\_events\_file}, \ttt{?beam\_events\_warn\_eof}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beams} \newline This specifies the contents and structure of the beams: \ttt{beams = {\em }, {\em } [ => {\em } ....]}. If this command is absent in the input file, \whizard\ automatically takes the two incoming partons (or one for decays) of the corresponding process as beam particles, and no structure functions are applied. Protons and antiprotons as beam particles are predefined as \ttt{p} and \ttt{pbar}, respectively. A structure function, like \ttt{pdf\_builtin}, \ttt{ISR}, \ttt{EPA} and so on are switched on as e.g. \ttt{beams = p, p => lhapdf}. Structure functions can be specified for one of the two beam particles only, of the structure function is not a spectrum. (cf. also \ttt{beams\_momentum}, \ttt{beams\_theta}, \ttt{beams\_phi}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_density}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction}, \ttt{beam\_events}, \ttt{circe1}, \ttt{circe2}, \ttt{energy\_scan}, \ttt{epa}, \ttt{ewa}, \ttt{isr}, \ttt{lhapdf}, \ttt{pdf\_builtin}). %%%%% \item \ttt{beams\_momentum} \newline Command to set the momenta (or energies) for the two beams of a scattering process: \ttt{beams\_momentum = {\em }, {\em }} to allow for asymmetric beam setups (e.g. HERA: \ttt{beams\_momentum = 27.5 GeV, 920 GeV}). Two arguments must be present for a scattering process, but the command can be used with one argument to integrate and simulate a decay of a moving particle. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{beams\_theta}, \ttt{beams\_phi}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_density}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beams\_phi} \newline Same as ($\to$) \ttt{beams\_theta}, but to allow for a non-vanishing beam azimuth angle, too. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{beams\_theta}, \ttt{beams\_momentum}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_density}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beams\_pol\_density} \newline This command allows to specify the initial state for polarized beams by the syntax: \ttt{beams\_pol\_density = @({\em }), @({\em })}. Two polarization specifiers are mandatory for scattering, while one can be used for decays from polarized probes. The specifier \ttt{{\em }} can be empty (no polarization), has one entry (for a definite helicity/spin orientation), or ranges of entries of a spin density matrix. The command can be used globally, or as a local argument of the \ttt{integrate} command. For detailed information, see Sec.~\ref{sec:initialpolarization}. It is also possible to use variables as placeholders in the specifiers. Note that polarization is assumed to be complete, for partial polarization use ($\to$) \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction}. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{beams\_theta}, \ttt{beams\_phi}, \ttt{beams\_momentum}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction} \newline This command allows to specify the amount of polarization when using polarized beams ($\to$ \ttt{beams\_pol\_density}). The syntax is: \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction = {\em }, {\em }}. Two fractions must be present for scatterings, being real numbers between \ttt{0} and \ttt{1}. A specification with percentage is also possible, e.g. \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction = 80\%, 40\%}. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{beams\_theta}, \ttt{beams\_phi}, \ttt{beams\_momentum}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_density}) %%%%% \item \ttt{beams\_theta} \newline Command to set a crossing angle (with respect to the $z$ axis) for one or both of the beams of a scattering process: \ttt{beams\_theta = {\em }, {\em }} to allow for asymmetric beam setups (e.g. \ttt{beams\_angle = 0, 10 degree}). Two arguments must be present for a scattering process, but the command can be used with one argument to integrate and simulate a decay of a moving particle. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{beams\_phi}, \ttt{beams\_momentum}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_density}, \ttt{beams\_pol\_fraction}) %%%%% \item \ttt{by} \newline Constructor that replaces the default sorting criterion (according to PDG codes) of the ($\to$) \ttt{sort} function on particle lists/subevents by one given by a unary or binary particle observable: \ttt{sort by {\em } [{\em } [, {\em }] ]}. (cf. also \ttt{sort}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{join}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{ceiling} \newline This is a function \ttt{ceiling ({\em })} that gives the least integer greater than or equal to \ttt{{\em }}, e.g. \ttt{int i = ceiling (4.56789)} gives \ttt{i = 5}. (cf. also \ttt{int}, \ttt{nint}, \ttt{floor}) %%%%% \item \ttt{circe1} \newline Beam structure specifier for the \circeone\ structure function for beamstrahlung at a linear lepton collider: \ttt{beams = e1, E1 => circe1}. Note that this is a pair spectrum, so the specifier acts for both beams simultaneously. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{?circe1\_photons}, \ttt{?circe1\_photon2}, \ttt{circe1\_sqrts}, \ttt{?circe1\_generate}, \ttt{?circe1\_map}, \ttt{circe1\_eps}, \newline \ttt{circe1\_mapping\_slope}, \ttt{circe1\_ver}, \ttt{circe1\_rev}, \ttt{\$circe1\_acc}, \ttt{circe1\_chat}) %%%%% \item \ttt{circe2} \newline Beam structure specifier for the lepton-collider structure function for photon spectra, \circetwo: \ttt{beams = A, A => circe2}. Note that this is a pair spectrum, an application to only one beam is not possible. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{?circe2\_polarized}, \ttt{\$circe2\_file}, \ttt{\$circe2\_design}) %%%%% \item \ttt{clear} \newline This command allows to clear a variable set before: \ttt{clear ({\em })} resets the variable \ttt{{\em }} which could be the \ttt{beams}, the \ttt{unstable} settings, \ttt{sqrts}, any kind of \ttt{cuts} or \ttt{scale} expressions, any user-set variable etc. The syntax of the command is completely analogous to ($\to$) \ttt{show}. %%%%% \item \ttt{close\_out} \newline With the command, \ttt{close\_out ("{\em })} user-defined information like data or ($\to$) \ttt{printf} statements can be written out to a user-defined file. The command closes an I/O stream to an external file \ttt{{\em }}. (cf. also \ttt{open\_out}, \ttt{\$out\_file}, \ttt{printf}) %%%%% \item \ttt{cluster} \newline Command that allows to cluster all particles in a subevent to a set of jets: \ttt{cluster [{\em}]}. It also to cluster particles subject to a certain boolean condition, \ttt{cluster if {\em} [{\em}]}. At the moment only available if the \fastjet\ package is linked. (cf. also \ttt{jet\_r}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{jet\_algorithm}, \ttt{kt\_algorithm}, \newline \ttt{cambridge\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{antikt\_algorithm}, \ttt{plugin\_algorithm}, \newline \ttt{genkt\_[for\_passive\_]algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_kt\_algorithm}, \ttt{ee\_genkt\_algorithm}, \ttt{?keep\_flavors\_when\_clustering}) %%%%% \item \ttt{collect} \newline The \ttt{collect [{\em }]} operation collects all particles in the list \ttt{{\em }} into a one-entry subevent with a four-momentum of the sum of all four-momenta of non-overlapping particles in \ttt{{\em }}. (cf. also \ttt{combine}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{sort}) %%%%% \item \ttt{complex} \newline Defines a complex variable. The syntax is e.g. \ttt{complex x = 2 + 3 * I}. (cf.~also \ttt{int}, \ttt{real}) %%%%% \item \ttt{combine} \newline The \ttt{combine [{\em }, {\em }]} operation makes a particle list whose entries are the result of adding (the momenta of) each pair of particles in the two input lists \ttt{list1}, {list2}. For example, \ttt{combine [incoming lepton, lepton]} constructs all mutual pairings of an incoming lepton with an outgoing lepton (an alias for the leptons has to be defined, of course). (cf. also \ttt{collect}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{compile} \newline The \ttt{compile ()} command has no arguments (the parentheses can also been left out: /\ttt{compile ()}. The command is optional, it invokes the compilation of the process(es) (i.e. the matrix element file(s)) to be compiled as a shared library. This shared object file has the standard name \ttt{default\} and resides in the \ttt{.libs} subdirectory of the corresponding user workspace. If the user has defined a different library name \ttt{lib\_name} with the \ttt{library} command, then WHIZARD compiles this as the shared object \ttt{.libs/lib\}. (This allows to split process classes and to avoid too large libraries.) Another possibility is to use the command \ttt{compile as "static\_name"}. This will compile and link the process library in a static way and create the static executable \ttt{static\_name} in the user workspace. (cf. also \ttt{library}) %%%%% \item \ttt{compile\_analysis} \newline The \ttt{compile\_analysis} statement does the same as the \ttt{write\_analysis} command, namely to tell \whizard\ to write the analysis setup by the user for the \sindarin\ input file under consideration. If no \ttt{\$out\_file} is provided, the histogram tables/plot data etc. are written to the default file \ttt{whizard\_analysis.dat}. In addition to \ttt{write\_analysis}, \ttt{compile\_analysis} also invokes the \whizard\ \LaTeX routines for producing postscript or PDF output of the data (unless the flag $\rightarrow$ \ttt{?analysis\_file\_only} is set to \ttt{true}). (cf. also \ttt{\$out\_file}, \ttt{write\_analysis}, \ttt{?analysis\_file\_only}) %%%%% \item \ttt{conjg} \newline Numerical function that takes the complex conjugate of its argument: \ttt{conjg ({\em })} yields \ttt{{\em }$^\ast$}. (cf. also \ttt{abs}, \ttt{sgn}, \ttt{mod}, \ttt{modulo}) %%%%% \item \ttt{cos} \newline Numerical function \ttt{cos ({\em })} that calculates the cosine trigonometric function of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sin}, \ttt{tan}, \ttt{asin}, \ttt{acos}, \ttt{atan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{cosh} \newline Numerical function \ttt{cosh ({\em })} that calculates the hyperbolic cosine function of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. Note that its inverse function is part of the \ttt{Fortran2008} status and hence not realized. (cf. also \ttt{sinh}, \ttt{tanh}) %%%%% \item \ttt{count} \newline Subevent function that counts the number of particles or particle pairs in a subevent: \ttt{count [{\em } [, {\em }]]}. This can also be a counting subject to a condition: \ttt{count if {\em } [{\em } [, {\em }]]}. %%%%% \item \ttt{cuts} \newline This command defines the cuts to be applied to certain processes. The syntax is: \ttt{cuts = {\em } {\em } [{\em }]}, where the cut expression must be initialized with a logical classifier \ttt{log\_class} like \ttt{all}, \ttt{any}, \ttt{no}. The logical expression \ttt{log\_expr} contains the cut to be evaluated. Note that this need not only be a kinematical cut expression like \ttt{E > 10 GeV} or \ttt{5 degree < Theta < 175 degree}, but can also be some sort of trigger expression or event selection. Whether the expression is evaluated on particles or pairs of particles depends on whether the discriminating variable is unary or binary, \ttt{Dist} being obviously binary, \ttt{Pt} being unary. Note that some variables are both unary and binary, e.g. the invariant mass $M$. Cut expressions can be connected by the logical connectives \ttt{and} and \ttt{or}. The \ttt{cuts} statement acts on all subsequent process integrations and analyses until a new \ttt{cuts} statement appears. (cf. also \ttt{all}, \ttt{any}, \ttt{Dist}, \ttt{E}, \ttt{M}, \ttt{no}, \ttt{Pt}). %%%%% \item \ttt{debug} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the very verbose \whizard\ ASCII event file format intended for debugging. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}) %%%%% \item \ttt{degree} \newline Expression specifying the physical unit of degree for angular variables, e.g. the cut expression function \ttt{Theta}. (if no unit is specified for angular variables, radians are used; cf. \ttt{rad}, \ttt{mrad}). %%%% \item \ttt{Dist} \newline Binary observable specifier, that gives the $\eta$-$\phi$- (pseudorapidity-azimuth) distance $R = \sqrt{(\Delta \eta)^2 + (\Delta\phi)^2}$ between the momenta of the two particles: \ttt{eval Dist [jet, jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{Theta}, \ttt{Eta}, \ttt{Phi}) %%%%% \item \ttt{dump} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the intrinsic \whizard\ event record format (output of the \ttt{particle\_t} type container). (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization} %%%%% \item \ttt{E} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the energy of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval E ["W+"]}, \ttt{all E > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{else} \label{sindarin_else}\newline Constructor for providing an alternative in a conditional clause: \ttt{if {\em } then {\em } else {\em } endif}. (cf. also \ttt{if}, \ttt{elsif}, \ttt{endif}, \ttt{then}). %%%%% \item \ttt{elsif} \newline Constructor for concatenating more than one conditional clause with each other: \ttt{if {\em } then {\em } elsif {\em } then {\em } \ldots endif}. (cf. also \ttt{if}, \ttt{else}, \ttt{endif}, \ttt{then}). %%%%% \item \ttt{endif} \newline Mandatory constructor to conclude a conditional clause: \ttt{if {\em } then \ldots endif}. (cf. also \ttt{if}, \ttt{else}, \ttt{elsif}, \ttt{then}). %%%%% \item \ttt{energy\_scan} \newline Beam structure specifier for the energy scan structure function: \ttt{beams = e1, E1 => energy\_scan}. This pair spectrum that has to be applied to both beams simultaneously can be used to scan over a range of collider energies without using the \ttt{scan} command. (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{scan}, \ttt{?energy\_scan\_normalize}) %%%%% \item \ttt{epa} \newline Beam structure specifier for the equivalent-photon approximation (EPA), i.e the Weizs\"acker-Williams structure function: e.g. \ttt{beams = e1, E1 => epa} (applied to both beams), or e.g. \ttt{beams = e1, u => epa, none} (applied to only one beam). (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{epa\_alpha}, \ttt{epa\_x\_min}, \ttt{epa\_mass}, \ttt{epa\_q\_max}, \ttt{epa\_q\_min}, \ttt{?epa\_recoil}, \ttt{?epa\_keep\_energy}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Eta} \newline Unary and also binary observable specifier, that as a unary observable gives the pseudorapidity of a particle momentum. The pseudorapidity is given by $\eta = - \log \left[ \tan (\theta/2) \right]$, where $\theta$ is the angle with the beam direction. As a binary observable, it gives the pseudorapidity difference between the momenta of two particles, where $\theta$ is the enclosed angle: \ttt{eval Eta [e1]}, \ttt{all abs (Eta) < 3.5 [jet, jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{Rap}, \ttt{abs}) %%%%% \item \ttt{eV} \newline Physical unit, stating that the corresponding number is in electron volt. (cf. also \ttt{keV}, \ttt{meV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{GeV}, \ttt{TeV}) %%%%% \item \ttt{eval} \newline Evaluator that tells \whizard\ to evaluate the following expr: \ttt{eval {\em }}. Examples are: \ttt{eval Rap [e1]}, \ttt{eval M / 1 GeV [combine [q,Q]]} etc. (cf. also \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{ewa} \newline Beam structure specifier for the equivalent-photon approximation (EWA): e.g. \ttt{beams = e1, E1 => ewa} (applied to both beams), or e.g. \ttt{beams = e1, u => ewa, none} (applied to only one beam). (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{ewa\_x\_min}, \ttt{ewa\_pt\_max}, \ttt{ewa\_mass}, \ttt{?ewa\_keep\_energy}, \ttt{?ewa\_recoil}) %%%%% \item \ttt{exec} \newline Constructor \ttt{exec ("{\em }")} that demands WHIZARD to execute/run the command \ttt{cmd\_name}. For this to work that specific command must be present either in the path of the operating system or as a command in the user workspace. %%%%% \item \ttt{exit} \newline Command to finish the \whizard\ run (and not execute any further code beyond the appearance of \ttt{exit} in the \sindarin\ file. The command (which is the same as $\to$ \ttt{quit}) allows for an argument, \ttt{exit ({\em })}, where the expression can be executed, e.g. a screen message or an exit code. %%%%% \item \ttt{exp} \newline Numerical function \ttt{exp ({\em })} that calculates the exponential of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sqrt}, \ttt{log}, \ttt{log10}) %%%%% \item \ttt{expect} \newline The binary function \ttt{expect} compares two numerical expressions whether they fulfill a certain ordering condition or are equal up to a specific uncertainty or tolerance which can bet set by the specifier \ttt{tolerance}, i.e. in principle it checks whether a logical expression is true. The \ttt{expect} function does actually not just check a value for correctness, but also records its result. If failures are present when the program terminates, the exit code is nonzero. The syntax is \ttt{expect ({\em } {\em } {\em })}, where \ttt{{\em }} and \ttt{{\em }} are two numerical values (or corresponding variables) and \ttt{{\em }} is one of the following logical comparators: \ttt{<}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{<=}, \ttt{>=}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{<>}. (cf. also \ttt{<}, \ttt{>}, \ttt{<=}, \ttt{>=}, \ttt{==}, \ttt{<>}, \ttt{tolerance}). %%%%% \item \ttt{extract} \newline Subevent function that either extracts the first element of a particle list/subevent: \ttt{extract [ {\em }]}, or the element at position \ttt{} of the particle list: \ttt{extract {\em index } [ {\em }]}. Negative index values count from the end of the list. (cf. also \ttt{sort}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{+}, \ttt{index}) %%%%% \item \ttt{factorization\_scale} \newline This is a command, \ttt{factorization\_scale = {\em }}, that sets the factorization scale of a process or list of processes. It overwrites a possible scale set by the ($\to$) \ttt{scale} command. \ttt{{\em }} can be any kinematic expression that leads to a result of momentum dimension one, e.g. \ttt{100 GeV}, \ttt{eval Pt [e1]}. (cf. also \ttt{renormalization\_scale}). %%%%% \item \ttt{false} \newline Constructor stating that a logical expression or variable is false, e.g. \ttt{?{\em } = false}. (cf. also \ttt{true}). %%%%% \item \ttt{fbarn} \newline Physical unit, stating that a number is in femtobarns ($10^{-15}$ barn). (cf. also \ttt{nbarn}, \ttt{abarn}, \ttt{pbarn}) %%%%% \item \ttt{floor} \newline This is a function \ttt{floor ({\em })} that gives the greatest integer less than or equal to \ttt{{\em }}, e.g. \ttt{int i = floor (4.56789)} gives \ttt{i = 4}. (cf. also \ttt{int}, \ttt{nint}, \ttt{ceiling}) %%%%% \item \ttt{gaussian} \newline Beam structure specifier that imposes a Gaussian energy distribution, separately for each beam. The $\sigma$ values are set by \ttt{gaussian\_spread1} and \ttt{gaussian\_spread2}, respectively. %%%%% \item \ttt{GeV} \newline Physical unit, energies in $10^9$ electron volt. This is the default energy unit of WHIZARD. (cf. also \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{meV}, \ttt{TeV}) %%%%% \item \ttt{graph} \newline This command defines the necessary information regarding producing a graph of a function in \whizard's internal graphical \gamelan\ output. The syntax is: \ttt{graph {\em } \{ {\em } \}}. The record with name \ttt{{\em }} has to be defined, either before or after the graph definition. Possible optional arguments of the \ttt{graph} command are the minimal and maximal values of the axes (\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}). (cf. \ttt{plot}, \ttt{histogram}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Hel} \newline Unary observable specifier that allows to specify the helicity of a particle, e.g. \ttt{all Hel == -1 [e1]} in a selection. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{hepevt} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of HEPEVT ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{hepevt\_verb} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the extended or verbose version of HEPEVT ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{hepmc} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of HepMC ASCII event files. Note that this is only available if the HepMC package is installed and correctly linked. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{?hepmc\_output\_cross\_section}) %%%%% \item \ttt{histogram} \newline This command defines the necessary information regarding plotting data as a histogram, in the form of: \ttt{histogram {\em } \{ {\em } \}}. The record with name \ttt{{\em }} has to be defined, either before or after the histogram definition. Possible optional arguments of the \ttt{histogram} command are the minimal and maximal values of the axes (\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}). (cf. \ttt{graph}, \ttt{plot}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{if} \newline Conditional clause with the construction \ttt{if {\em } then {\em } [else {\em } \ldots] endif}. Note that there must be an \ttt{endif} statement. For more complicated expressions it is better to use expressions in parentheses: \ttt{if ({\em }) then \{{\em }\} else \{{\em }\} endif}. Examples are a selection of up quarks over down quarks depending on a logical variable: \ttt{if ?ok then u else d}, or the setting of an integer variable depending on the rapidity of some particle: \ttt{if (eta > 0) then \{ a = +1\} else \{ a = -1\}}. (cf. also \ttt{elsif}, \ttt{endif}, \ttt{then}) %%%%% \item \ttt{in} \newline Second part of the constructor to let a variable be local to an expression. It has the syntax \ttt{let {\em } = {\em } in {\em }}. E.g. \ttt{let int a = 3 in let int b = 4 in {\em }} (cf. also \ttt{let}) %%%%% \item \ttt{include} \newline The \ttt{include} statement, \ttt{include ("file.sin")} allows to include external \sindarin\ files \ttt{file.sin} into the main WHIZARD input file. A standard example is the inclusion of the standard cut file \ttt{default\_cuts.sin}. %%%%% \item \ttt{incoming} \newline Constructor that specifies particles (or subevents) as incoming. It is used in cuts, analyses or selections, e.g. \ttt{cuts = all Theta > 20 degree [incoming lepton, lepton]}. (cf. also \ttt{beam}, \ttt{outgoing}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{analysis}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{index} \newline Specifies the position of the element of a particle to be extracted by the subevent function ($\to$) \ttt{extract}: \ttt{extract {\em index } [ {\em }]}. Negative index values count from the end of the list. (cf. also \ttt{extract}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{int} \newline 1) This is a constructor to specify integer constants in the input file. Strictly speaking, it is a unary function setting the value \ttt{int\_val} of the integer variable \ttt{int\_var}: \ttt{int {\em } = {\em }}. Note that is mandatory for all user-defined variables. (cf. also \ttt{real} and \ttt{complex}) 2) It is a function \ttt{int ({\em })} that converts real and complex numbers (here their real parts) into integers. (cf. also \ttt{nint}, \ttt{floor}, \ttt{ceiling}) %%%%% \item \ttt{integrate} \newline The \ttt{integrate ({\em }) \{ {\em } \}} command invokes the integration (phase-space generation and Monte-Carlo sampling) of the process \ttt{proc\_name} (which can also be a list of processes) with the integration options \ttt{{\em }}. Possible options are (1) via \ttt{\$integration\_method = "{\em }"} the integration method (the default being VAMP), (2) the number of iterations and calls per integration during the Monte-Carlo phase-space integration via the \ttt{iterations} specifier; (3) goal for the accuracy, error or relative error (\ttt{accuracy\_goal}, \ttt{error\_goal}, \ttt{relative\_error\_goal}). (4) Invoking only phase space generation (\ttt{?phs\_only = true}), (5) making test calls of the matrix element. (cf. also \ttt{iterations}, \ttt{accuracy\_goal}, \ttt{error\_goal}, \ttt{relative\_error\_goal}, \ttt{error\_threshold}) %%%%% \item \ttt{isr} \newline Beam structure specifier for the lepton-collider/QED initial-state radiation (ISR) structure function: e.g. \ttt{beams = e1, E1 => isr} (applied to both beams), or e.g. \ttt{beams = e1, u => isr, none} (applied to only one beam). (cf. also \ttt{beams}, \ttt{isr\_alpha}, \ttt{isr\_q\_max}, \ttt{isr\_mass}, \ttt{isr\_order}, \ttt{?isr\_recoil}, \ttt{?isr\_keep\_energy}) %%%%% \item \ttt{iterations} \qquad (default: internal heuristics) \newline Option to set the number of iterations and calls per iteration during the Monte-Carlo phase-space integration process. The syntax is \ttt{iterations = {\em }:{\em }}. Note that this can be also a list, separated by colons, which breaks up the integration process into passes of the specified number of integrations and calls each. It works for all integration methods. For VAMP, there is the additional option to specify whether grids and channel weights should be adapted during iterations (\ttt{"g"}, \ttt{"w"}, \ttt{"gw"} for both, or \ttt{""} for no adaptation). (cf. also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{accuracy\_goal}, \ttt{error\_goal}, \ttt{relative\_error\_goal}, \ttt{error\_threshold}). %%%%% \item \ttt{join} \newline Subevent function that concatenates two particle lists/subevents if there is no overlap: \ttt{join [{\em }, {\em }]}. The joining of the two lists can also be made depending on a condition: \ttt{join if {\em } [{\em }, {\em }]}. (cf. also \ttt{\&}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{keV} \newline Physical unit, energies in $10^3$ electron volt. (cf. also \ttt{eV}, \ttt{meV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{GeV}, \ttt{TeV}) %%%%% \item \ttt{kT} \newline Binary particle observable that represents a jet $k_T$ clustering measure: \ttt{kT [j1, j2]} gives the following kinematic expression: $2 \min(E_{j1}^2, E_{j2}^2) / Q^2 \times (1 - \cos\theta_{j1,j2})$. At the moment, $Q^2 = 1$. %%%%% \item \ttt{let} \newline This allows to let a variable be local to an expression. It has the syntax \ttt{let {\em } = {\em } in {\em }}. E.g. \ttt{let int a = 3 in let int b = 4 in {\em }} (cf. also \ttt{in}) %%%%% \item \ttt{lha} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the \whizard\ version 1 style (deprecated) LHA ASCII event format files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \newline \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{lhapdf} \newline This is a beams specifier to demand calling \lhapdf\ parton densities as structure functions to integrate processes in hadron collisions. Note that this only works if the external \lhapdf\ library is present and correctly linked. (cf. \ttt{beams}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_member}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme}) %%%%% \item \ttt{lhapdf\_photon} \newline This is a beams specifier to demand calling \lhapdf\ parton densities as structure functions to integrate processes in hadron collisions with a photon as initializer of the hard scattering process. Note that this only works if the external \lhapdf\ library is present and correctly linked. (cf. \ttt{beams}, \ttt{lhapdf}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_dir}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_file}, \ttt{\$lhapdf\_photon\_file}, \ttt{lhapdf\_member}, \ttt{lhapdf\_photon\_scheme}) %%%%% \item \ttt{lhef} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the Les Houches Accord (LHEF) event format files, with XML headers. There are several different versions of this format, which can be selected via the \ttt{\$lhef\_version} specifier (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{\$lhef\_version}, \ttt{\$lhef\_extension}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_prc}, \newline \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_ref}, \ttt{?lhef\_write\_sqme\_alt}) %%%%% \item \ttt{library} \newline The command \ttt{library = "{\em }"} allows to specify a separate shared object library archive \ttt{lib\}, not using the standard library \ttt{default\}. Those libraries (when using shared libraries) are located in the \ttt{.libs} subdirectory of the user workspace. Specifying a separate library is useful for splitting up large lists of processes, or to restrict a larger number of different loaded model files to one specific process library. (cf. also \ttt{compile}, \ttt{\$library\_name}) %%%%% \item \ttt{log} \newline Numerical function \ttt{log ({\em })} that calculates the natural logarithm of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sqrt}, \ttt{exp}, \ttt{log10}) %%%%% \item \ttt{log10} \newline Numerical function \ttt{log10 ({\em })} that calculates the base 10 logarithm of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sqrt}, \ttt{exp}, \ttt{log}) %%%%% \item \ttt{long} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the long variant of HEPEVT ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{M} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the (signed) mass of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval M [e1]}, \ttt{any M = 91 GeV [e2, E2]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{M2} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the mass squared of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval M2 [e1]}, \ttt{all M2 > 2*mZ [e2, E2]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{max} \newline Numerical function with two arguments \ttt{max ({\em }, {\em })} that gives the maximum of the two arguments: $\max (var1, var2)$. It can act on all combinations of integer and real variables. Example: \ttt{real heavier\_mass = max (mZ, mH)}. (cf. also \ttt{min}) %%%%% \item \ttt{meV} \newline Physical unit, stating that the corresponding number is in $10^{-3}$ electron volt. (cf. also \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{GeV}, \ttt{TeV}) %%%%% \item \ttt{MeV} \newline Physical unit, energies in $10^6$ electron volt. (cf. also \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{meV}, \ttt{GeV}, \ttt{TeV}) %%%%% \item \ttt{min} \newline Numerical function with two arguments \ttt{min ({\em }, {\em })} that gives the minimum of the two arguments: $\min (var1, var2)$. It can act on all combinations of integer and real variables. Example: \ttt{real lighter\_mass = min (mZ, mH)}. (cf. also \ttt{max}) %%%%% \item \ttt{mod} \newline Numerical function for integer and real numbers \ttt{mod (x, y)} that computes the remainder of the division of \ttt{x} by \ttt{y} (which must not be zero). (cf. also \ttt{abs}, \ttt{conjg}, \ttt{sgn}, \ttt{modulo}) %%%%% \item \ttt{model} \qquad (default: \ttt{SM}) \newline With this specifier, \ttt{model = {\em }}, one sets the hard interaction physics model for the processes defined after this model specification. The list of available models can be found in Table \ref{tab:models}. Note that the model specification can appear arbitrarily often in a \sindarin\ input file, e.g. for compiling and running processes defined in different physics models. (cf. also \ttt{\$model\_name}) %%%%% \item \ttt{modulo} \newline Numerical function for integer and real numbers \ttt{modulo (x, y)} that computes the value of $x$ modulo $y$. (cf. also \ttt{abs}, \ttt{conjg}, \ttt{sgn}, \ttt{mod}) %%%%% \item \ttt{mokka} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the MOKKA variant for HEPEVT ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{mrad} \newline Expression specifying the physical unit of milliradians for angular variables. This default in \whizard\ is \ttt{rad}. (cf. \ttt{degree}, \ttt{rad}). %%%%% \item \ttt{nbarn} \newline Physical unit, stating that a number is in nanobarns ($10^{-9}$ barn). (cf. also \ttt{abarn}, \ttt{fbarn}, \ttt{pbarn}) %%%%% \item \ttt{n\_in} \newline Integer variable that accesses the number of incoming particles of a process. It can be used in cuts or in an analysis. (cf. also \ttt{sqrts\_hat}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{record}, \ttt{n\_out}, \ttt{n\_tot}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Nacl} \newline Unary observable specifier that returns the total number of open anticolor lines of a particle or subevent (i.e., composite particle). Defined only if \ttt{?colorize\_subevt} is true.. (cf. also \ttt{Ncol}, \ttt{?colorize\_subevt}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Ncol} \newline Unary observable specifier that returns the total number of open color lines of a particle or subevent (i.e., composite particle). Defined only if \ttt{?colorize\_subevt} is true.. (cf. also \ttt{Nacl}, \ttt{?colorize\_subevt}) %%%%% \item \ttt{nint} \newline This is a function \ttt{nint ({\em })} that converts real numbers into the closest integer, e.g. \ttt{int i = nint (4.56789)} gives \ttt{i = 5}. (cf. also \ttt{int}, \ttt{floor}, \ttt{ceiling}) %%%%% \item \ttt{no} \newline \ttt{no} is a function that works on a logical expression and a list, \ttt{no {\em } [{\em }]}, and returns \ttt{true} if and only if \ttt{log\_expr} is fulfilled for {\em none} of the entries in \ttt{list}, and \ttt{false} otherwise. Examples: \ttt{no Pt < 100 GeV [lepton]} checks whether no lepton is softer than 100 GeV. It is the logical opposite of the function \ttt{all}. Logical expressions with \ttt{no} can be logically combined with \ttt{and} and \ttt{or}. (cf. also \ttt{all}, \ttt{any}, \ttt{and}, and \ttt{or}) %%%%% \item \ttt{none} \newline Beams specifier that can used to explicitly {\em not} apply a structure function to a beam, e.g. in HERA physics: \ttt{beams = e1, P => none, pdf\_builtin}. (cf. also \ttt{beams}) %%%%% \item \ttt{not} \newline This is the standard logical negation that converts true into false and vice versa. It is applied to logical values, e.g. cut expressions. (cf. also \ttt{and}, \ttt{or}). %%%%% \item \ttt{n\_out} \newline Integer variable that accesses the number of outgoing particles of a process. It can be used in cuts or in an analysis. (cf. also \ttt{sqrts\_hat}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{record}, \ttt{n\_in}, \ttt{n\_tot}) %%%%% \item \ttt{n\_tot} \newline Integer variable that accesses the total number of particles (incoming plus outgoing) of a process. It can be used in cuts or in an analysis. (cf. also \ttt{sqrts\_hat}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{record}, \ttt{n\_in}, \ttt{n\_out}) %%%%% \item \ttt{observable} \newline With this, \ttt{observable = {\em }}, the user is able to define a variable specifier \ttt{obs\_spec} for observables. These can be reused in the analysis, e.g. as a \ttt{record}, as functions of the fundamental kinematical variables of the processes. (cf. \ttt{analysis}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{open\_out} \newline With the command, \ttt{open\_out ("{\em })} user-defined information like data or ($\to$) \ttt{printf} statements can be written out to a user-defined file. The command opens an I/O stream to an external file \ttt{{\em }}. (cf. also \ttt{close\_out}, \ttt{\$out\_file}, \ttt{printf}) %%%%% \item \ttt{or} \newline This is the standard two-place logical connective that has the value true if one of its operands is true, otherwise a value of false. It is applied to logical values, e.g. cut expressions. (cf. also \ttt{and}, \ttt{not}). %%%%% \item \ttt{outgoing} \newline Constructor that specifies particles (or subevents) as outgoing. It is used in cuts, analyses or selections, e.g. \ttt{cuts = all Theta > 20 degree [incoming lepton, outgoing lepton]}. Note that the \ttt{outgoing} keyword is redundant and included only for completeness: \ttt{outgoing lepton} has the same meaning as \ttt{lepton}. (cf. also \ttt{beam}, \ttt{incoming}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{analysis}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{P} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the spatial momentum $\sqrt{\vec{p}^2}$ of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval P ["W+"]}, \ttt{all P > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{pbarn} \newline Physical unit, stating that a number is in picobarns ($10^{-12}$ barn). (cf. also \ttt{abarn}, \ttt{fbarn}, \ttt{nbarn}) %%%%% \item \ttt{pdf\_builtin} \newline This is a beams specifier for \whizard's internal PDF structure functions to integrate processes in hadron collisions. (cf. \ttt{beams}, \ttt{pdf\_builtin\_photon}, \ttt{\$pdf\_builtin\_file}) %%%%% \item \ttt{pdf\_builtin\_photon} \newline This is a beams specifier for \whizard's internal PDF structure functions to integrate processes in hadron collisions with a photon as initializer of the hard scattering process. (cf. \ttt{beams}, \ttt{\$pdf\_builtin\_file}) %%%%% \item \ttt{PDG} \newline Unary observable specifier that allows to specify the PDG code of a particle, e.g. \ttt{eval PDG [e1]}, giving \ttt{11}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Phi} \newline Unary and also binary observable specifier, that as a unary observable gives the azimuthal angle of a particle's momentum in the detector frame (beam into $+z$ direction). As a binary observable, it gives the azimuthal difference between the momenta of two particles: \ttt{eval Phi [e1]}, \ttt{all Phi > Pi [jet, jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{Theta}) %%%%% \item \ttt{photon\_isolation} \newline Logical function \ttt{photon\_isolation if {\em } [{\em } , {\em }]} that cuts out event where the photons in \ttt{{\em }} do not fulfill the condition \ttt{{\em }} and are not isolated from hadronic (and electromagnetic) activity, i.e. the photon fragmentation. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Pl} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the longitudinal momentum ($p_z$ in the c.m. frame) of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval Pl ["W+"]}, \ttt{all Pl > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{plot} \newline This command defines the necessary information regarding plotting data as a graph, in the form of: \ttt{plot {\em } \{ {\em } \}}. The record with name \ttt{{\em }} has to be defined, either before or after the plot definition. Possible optional arguments of the \ttt{plot} command are the minimal and maximal values of the axes (\ttt{x\_min}, \ttt{x\_max}, \ttt{y\_min}, \ttt{y\_max}). (cf. \ttt{graph}, \ttt{histogram}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{polarized} \newline Constructor to instruct \whizard\ to retain polarization of the corresponding particles in the generated events: \ttt{polarized {\em } [, {\em } , ...]}. (cf. also \ttt{unpolarized}, \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{?polarized\_events}) %%%%% \item \ttt{printf} \newline Command that allows to print data as screen messages, into logfiles or into user-defined output files: \ttt{printf "{\em }"}. There exist format specifiers, very similar to the \ttt{C} command \ttt{printf}, e.g. \ttt{printf "\%i" (123)}. (cf. also \ttt{open\_out}, \ttt{close\_out}, \ttt{\$out\_file}, \ttt{?out\_advance}, \ttt{sprintf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{process} \newline Allows to set a hard interaction process, either for a decay process with name \ttt{{\em }} as \ttt{process {\em } = {\em } => {\em }, {\em }, ...}, or for a scattering process with name \ttt{{\em } = {\em }, {\em } => {\em }, {\em }, ...}. Note that there can be arbitrarily many processes to be defined in a \sindarin\ input file. There are two options for particle/process sums: flavor sums: \ttt{{\em }:{\em }:...}, where all masses have to be identical, and inclusive sums, \ttt{{\em } + {\em } + ...}. The latter can be done on the level of individual particles, or sums over whole final states. Here, masses can differ, and terms will be translated into different process components. The \ttt{process} command also allows for optional arguments, e.g. to specify a numerical identifier (cf. \ttt{process\_num\_id}), the method how to generate the code for the matrix element(s): \ttt{\$method}, possible methods are either with the \oMega\ matrix element generator, using template matrix elements with different normalizations, or completely internal matrix element; for \oMega\ matrix elements there is also the possibility to specify possible restrictions (cf. \ttt{\$restrictions}). %%%%% \item \ttt{Pt} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the transverse momentum ($\sqrt{p_x^2 + p_y^2}$ in the c.m. frame) of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval Pt ["W+"]}, \ttt{all Pt > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Px} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the $x$-component of the momentum of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval Px ["W+"]}, \ttt{all Px > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Py} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the $y$-component of the momentum of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval Py ["W+"]}, \ttt{all Py > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Pz} \newline Unary (binary) observable specifier for the $z$-component of the momentum of a single (two) particle(s), e.g. \ttt{eval Pz ["W+"]}, \ttt{all Pz > 200 GeV [b, B]}. (cf. \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}) %%%%% \item \ttt{quit} \newline Command to finish the \whizard\ run (and not execute any further code beyond the appearance of \ttt{quit} in the \sindarin\ file. The command (which is the same as $\to$ \ttt{exit}) allows for an argument, \ttt{quit ({\em })}, where the expression can be executed, e.g. a screen message or an quit code. %%%%% \item \ttt{rad} \newline Expression specifying the physical unit of radians for angular variables. This is the default in \whizard. (cf. \ttt{degree}, \ttt{mrad}). %%%%% \item \ttt{Rap} \newline Unary and also binary observable specifier, that as a unary observable gives the rapidity of a particle momentum. The rapidity is given by $y = \frac12 \log \left[ (E + p_z)/(E-p_z) \right]$. As a binary observable, it gives the rapidity difference between the momenta of two particles: \ttt{eval Rap [e1]}, \ttt{all abs (Rap) < 3.5 [jet, jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{Eta}, \ttt{abs}) %%%%% \item \ttt{read\_slha} \newline Tells \whizard\ to read in an input file in the SUSY Les Houches accord (SLHA), as \ttt{read\_slha ("slha\_file.slha")}. Note that the files for the use in \whizard\ should have the suffix \ttt{.slha}. (cf. also \ttt{write\_slha}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_decays}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_input}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_spectrum}) %%%%% \item \ttt{real} \newline This is a constructor to specify real constants in the input file. Strictly speaking, it is a unary function setting the value \ttt{real\_val} of the real variable \ttt{real\_var}: \ttt{real {\em } = {\em }}. (cf. also \ttt{int} and \ttt{complex}) %%%%% \item \ttt{real\_epsilon}\\ Predefined real; the relative uncertainty intrinsic to the floating point type of the \fortran\ compiler with which \whizard\ has been built. %%%%% \item \ttt{real\_precision}\\ Predefined integer; the decimal precision of the floating point type of the \fortran\ compiler with which \whizard\ has been built. %%%%% \item \ttt{real\_range}\\ Predefined integer; the decimal range of the floating point type of the \fortran\ compiler with which \whizard\ has been built. %%%%% \item \ttt{real\_tiny}\\ Predefined real; the smallest number which can be represented by the floating point type of the \fortran\ compiler with which \whizard\ has been built. %%%%% \item \ttt{record} \newline The \ttt{record} constructor provides an internal data structure in \sindarin\ input files. Its syntax is in general \ttt{record {\em } ({\em })}. The \ttt{{\em }} could be the definition of a tuple of points for a histogram or an \ttt{eval} constructor that tells \whizard\ e.g. by which rule to calculate an observable to be stored in the record \ttt{record\_name}. Example: \ttt{record h (12)} is a record for a histogram defined under the name \ttt{h} with the single data point (bin) at value 12; \ttt{record rap1 (eval Rap [e1])} defines a record with name \ttt{rap1} which has an evaluator to calculate the rapidity (predefined \whizard\ function) of an outgoing electron. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{histogram}, \ttt{plot}) %%%%% \item \ttt{renormalization\_scale} \newline This is a command, \ttt{renormalization\_scale = {\em }}, that sets the renormalization scale of a process or list of processes. It overwrites a possible scale set by the ($\to$) \ttt{scale} command. \ttt{{\em }} can be any kinematic expression that leads to a result of momentum dimension one, e.g. \ttt{100 GeV}, \ttt{eval Pt [e1]}. (cf. also \ttt{factorization\_scale}). %%%%% \item \ttt{rescan} \newline This command allows to rescan event samples with modified model parameter, beam structure etc. to recalculate (analysis) observables, e.g.: \newline \ttt{rescan "{\em }" ({\em }) \{ {\em }\}}. \newline \ttt{"{\em }"} is the name of the event file and \ttt{{\em }} is the process whose (existing) event file of arbitrary size that is to be rescanned. Several flags allow to reconstruct the beams ($\to$ \ttt{?recover\_beams}), to reuse only the hard process but rebuild the full events ($\to$ \ttt{?update\_event}), to recalculate the matrix element ($\to$ \ttt{?update\_sqme}) or to recalculate the individual event weight ($\to$ \ttt{?update\_weight}). Further rescan options are redefining model parameter input, or defining a completely new alternative setup ($\to$ \ttt{alt\_setup}) (cf. also \ttt{\$rescan\_input\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{results} \newline Only used in the combination \ttt{show (results)}. Forces \whizard\ to print out a results summary for the integrated processes. (cf. also \ttt{show}) %%%%% \item \ttt{reweight} \newline The \ttt{reweight = {\em }} command allows to give for a process or list of processes an alternative weight, given by any kind of scalar expression \ttt{{\em }}, e.g. \ttt{reweight = 0.2} or \ttt{reweight = (eval M2 [e1, E1]) / (eval M2 [e2, E2])}. (cf. also \ttt{alt\_setup}, \ttt{weight}, \ttt{rescan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sample\_format} \newline Variable that allows the user to specify additional event formats beyond the \whizard\ native binary event format. Its syntax is \ttt{sample\_format = {\em }}, where \ttt{{\em }} can be any of the following specifiers: \ttt{hepevt}, \ttt{hepevt\_verb}, \ttt{ascii}, \ttt{athena}, \ttt{debug}, \ttt{long}, \ttt{short}, \ttt{hepmc}, \ttt{lhef}, \ttt{lha}, \ttt{lha\_verb}, \ttt{stdhep}, \ttt{stdhep\_up}, \texttt{lcio}, \texttt{mokka}. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{hepevt}, \ttt{ascii}, \ttt{athena}, \ttt{debug}, \ttt{long}, \ttt{short}, \ttt{hepmc}, \ttt{lhef}, \ttt{lha}, \ttt{stdhep}, \ttt{stdhep\_up}, \texttt{lcio}, \texttt{mokka}, \ttt{\$sample\_normalization}, \ttt{?sample\_pacify}, \newline \ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt}, \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes}) %%%%% \item \ttt{scale} \newline This is a command, \ttt{scale = {\em }}, that sets the kinematic scale of a process or list of processes. Unless overwritten explicitly by ($\to$) \ttt{factorization\_scale} and/or ($\to$) \ttt{renormalization\_scale} it sets both scales. \ttt{{\em }} can be any kinematic expression that leads to a result of momentum dimension one, e.g. \ttt{scale = 100 GeV}, \ttt{scale = eval Pt [e1]}. %%%%% \item \ttt{scan} \newline Constructor to perform loops over variables or scan over processes in the integration procedure. The syntax is \ttt{scan {\em } {\em } ({\em } or {\em } => {\em } /{\em } {\em }) \{ {\em } \}}. The variable \ttt{var} can be specified if it is not a real, e.g. an integer. \ttt{var\_name} is the name of the variable which is also allowed to be a predefined one like \ttt{seed}. For the scan, one can either specify an explicit list of values \ttt{value list}, or use an initial and final value and a rule to increment. The \ttt{scan\_cmd} can either be just a \ttt{show} to print out the scanned variable or the integration of a process. Examples are: \ttt{scan seed (32 => 1 // 2) \{ show (seed\_value) \} }, which runs the seed down in steps 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 (division by two). \ttt{scan mW (75 GeV, 80 GeV => 82 GeV /+ 0.5 GeV, 83 GeV => 90 GeV /* 1.2) \{ show (sw) \} } scans over the $W$ mass for the values 75, 80, 80.5, 81, 81.5, 82, 83 GeV, namely one discrete value, steps by adding 0.5 GeV, and increase by 20 \% (the latter having no effect as it already exceeds the final value). It prints out the corresponding value of the effective mixing angle which is defined as a dependent variable in the model input file(s). \ttt{scan sqrts (500 GeV => 600 GeV /+ 10 GeV) \{ integrate (proc) \} } integrates the process \ttt{proc} in eleven increasing 10 GeV steps in center-of-mass energy from 500 to 600 GeV. (cf. also \ttt{/+}, \ttt{/+/}, \ttt{/-}, \ttt{/*}, \ttt{/*/}, \ttt{//}) %%%%% \item \ttt{select} \newline Subevent function \ttt{select if {\em } [{\em } [ , {\em }]]} that selects all particles in \ttt{{\em }} that satisfy the condition \ttt{{\em }}. The second particle list \ttt{{\em }} is for conditions that depend on binary observables. (cf. also \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{select\_b\_jet} \newline Subevent function \ttt{select if {\em } [{\em } [ , {\em }]]} that selects all particles in \ttt{{\em }} that are $b$ jets and satisfy the condition \ttt{{\em }}. The second particle list \ttt{{\em }} is for conditions that depend on binary observables. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{select\_c\_jet} \newline Subevent function \ttt{select if {\em } [{\em } [ , {\em }]]} that selects all particles in \ttt{{\em }} that are $c$ jets (but {\em not} $b$ jets) and satisfy the condition \ttt{{\em }}. The second particle list \ttt{{\em }} is for conditions that depend on binary observables. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{select\_light\_jet} \newline Subevent function \ttt{select if {\em } [{\em } [ , {\em }]]} that selects all particles in \ttt{{\em }} that are light(-flavor) jets and satisfy the condition \ttt{{\em }}. The second particle list \ttt{{\em }} is for conditions that depend on binary observables. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{select\_non\_b\_jet} \newline Subevent function \ttt{select if {\em } [{\em } [ , {\em }]]} that selects all particles in \ttt{{\em }} that are {\em not} $b$ jets ($c$ and light jets) and satisfy the condition \ttt{{\em }}. The second particle list \ttt{{\em }} is for conditions that depend on binary observables. (cf. also \ttt{cluster}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{extract}, \ttt{select}, \ttt{sort}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{selection} \newline Command that allows to select particular final states in an analysis selection, \ttt{selection = {\em }}. The term \ttt{log\_expr} can be any kind of logical expression. The syntax matches exactly the one of the ($\to$) \ttt{cuts} command. E.g. \ttt{selection = any PDG == 13} is an electron selection in a lepton sample. %%%%% \item \ttt{sgn} \newline Numerical function for integer and real numbers that gives the sign of its argument: \ttt{sgn ({\em })} yields $+1$ if \ttt{{\em }} is positive or zero, and $-1$ otherwise. (cf. also \ttt{abs}, \ttt{conjg}, \ttt{mod}, \ttt{modulo}) %%%%% \item \ttt{short} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of the short variant of HEPEVT ASCII event files. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{show} \newline This is a unary function that is operating on specific constructors in order to print them out in the \whizard\ screen output as well as the log file \ttt{whizard.log}. Examples are \ttt{show({\em })} to issue a specific parameter from a model or a constant defined in a \sindarin\ input file, \ttt{show(integral({\em }))}, \ttt{show(library)}, \ttt{show(results)}, or \ttt{show({\em })} for any arbitrary variable. Further possibilities are \ttt{show(real)}, \ttt{show(string)}, \ttt{show(logical)} etc. to allow to show all defined real, string, logical etc. variables, respectively. (cf. also \ttt{library}, \ttt{results}) %%%%% \item \ttt{simulate} \newline This command invokes the generation of events for the process \ttt{proc} by means of \ttt{simulate ({\em })}. Optional arguments: \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{checkpoint} (cf. also \ttt{integrate}, \ttt{luminosity}, \ttt{n\_events}, \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}, \ttt{checkpoint}, \ttt{?unweighted}, \ttt{safety\_factor}, \ttt{?negative\_weights}, \ttt{sample\_max\_tries}, \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_evt}, \ttt{sample\_split\_n\_kbytes}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sin} \newline Numerical function \ttt{sin ({\em })} that calculates the sine trigonometric function of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{cos}, \ttt{tan}, \ttt{asin}, \ttt{acos}, \ttt{atan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sinh} \newline Numerical function \ttt{sinh ({\em })} that calculates the hyperbolic sine function of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. Note that its inverse function is part of the \ttt{Fortran2008} status and hence not realized. (cf. also \ttt{cosh}, \ttt{tanh}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sort} \newline Subevent function that allows to sort a particle list/subevent either by increasing PDG code: \ttt{sort [{\em }]} (particles first, then antiparticles). Alternatively, it can sort according to a unary or binary particle observable (in that case there is a second particle list, where the first particle is taken as a reference): \ttt{sort by {\em } [{\em } [, {\em }]]}. (cf. also \ttt{extract}, \ttt{combine}, \ttt{collect}, \ttt{join}, \ttt{by}, \ttt{+}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sprintf} \newline Command that allows to print data into a string variable: \ttt{sprintf "{\em }"}. There exist format specifiers, very similar to the \ttt{C} command \ttt{sprintf}, e.g. \ttt{sprintf "\%i" (123)}. (cf. \ttt{printf}, \ttt{\%d}, \ttt{\%i}, \ttt{\%e}, \ttt{\%f}, \ttt{\%g}, \ttt{\%E}, \ttt{\%F}, \ttt{\%G}, \ttt{\%s}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sqrt} \newline Numerical function \ttt{sqrt ({\em })} that calculates the square root of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{exp}, \ttt{log}, \ttt{log10}) %%%%% \item \ttt{sqrts\_hat} \newline Real variable that accesses the partonic energy of a hard-scattering process. It can be used in cuts or in an analysis, e.g. \ttt{cuts = sqrts\_hat > {\em } [ {\em } ]}. The physical unit can be one of the following \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{GeV}, and \ttt{TeV}. (cf. also \ttt{sqrts}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{record}) %%%%% \item \ttt{stable} \newline This constructor allows particles in the final states of processes in decay cascade set-up to be set as stable, and not letting them decay. The syntax is \ttt{stable {\em }} (cf. also \ttt{unstable}) %%%%% \item \ttt{stdhep} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of binary StdHEP event files based on the HEPEVT common block. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{stdhep\_up} \newline Specifier for the \ttt{sample\_format} command to demand the generation of binary StdHEP event files based on the HEPRUP/HEPEUP common blocks. (cf. also \ttt{\$sample}, \ttt{sample\_format}) %%%%% \item \ttt{tan} \newline Numerical function \ttt{tan ({\em })} that calculates the tangent trigonometric function of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. (cf. also \ttt{sin}, \ttt{cos}, \ttt{asin}, \ttt{acos}, \ttt{atan}) %%%%% \item \ttt{tanh} \newline Numerical function \ttt{tanh ({\em })} that calculates the hyperbolic tangent function of real and complex numerical numbers or variables. Note that its inverse function is part of the \ttt{Fortran2008} status and hence not realized. (cf. also \ttt{cosh}, \ttt{sinh}) %%%%% \item \ttt{TeV} \newline Physical unit, for energies in $10^{12}$ electron volt. (cf. also \ttt{eV}, \ttt{keV}, \ttt{MeV}, \ttt{meV}, \ttt{GeV}) %%%% \item \ttt{then} \newline Mandatory phrase in a conditional clause: \ttt{if {\em } then {\em } \ldots endif}. (cf. also \ttt{if}, \ttt{else}, \ttt{elsif}, \ttt{endif}). %%%%% \item \ttt{Theta} \newline Unary and also binary observable specifier, that as a unary observable gives the angle between a particle's momentum and the beam axis ($+z$ direction). As a binary observable, it gives the angle enclosed between the momenta of the two particles: \ttt{eval Theta [e1]}, \ttt{all Theta > 30 degrees [jet, jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{Phi}, \ttt{Theta\_star}) %%%%% \item \ttt{Theta\_star} \newline Binary observable specifier, that gives the polar angle enclosed between the momenta of the two particles in the rest frame of the mother particle (momentum sum of the two particle): \ttt{eval Theta\_star [jet, jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{eval}, \ttt{cuts}, \ttt{selection}, \ttt{Theta}) %%%%% \item \ttt{true} \newline Constructor stating that a logical expression or variable is true, e.g. \ttt{?{\em } = true}. (cf. also \ttt{false}). %%%%% \item \ttt{unpolarized} \newline Constructor to force \whizard\ to discard polarization of the corresponding particles in the generated events: \ttt{unpolarized {\em } [, {\em } , ...]}. (cf. also \ttt{polarized}, \ttt{simulate}, \ttt{?polarized\_events}) %%%%% \item \ttt{unstable} \newline This constructor allows to let final state particles of the hard interaction undergo a subsequent (cascade) decay (in the on-shell approximation). For this the user has to define the list of desired \begin{figure} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single] process zee = Z => e1, E1 process zuu = Z => u, U process zz = e1, E1 => Z, Z compile integrate (zee) { iterations = 1:100 } integrate (zuu) { iterations = 1:100 } sqrts = 500 GeV integrate (zz) { iterations = 3:5000, 2:5000 } unstable Z (zee, zuu) \end{Verbatim} \caption{\label{fig:ex_unstable} \sindarin\ input file for unstable particles and inclusive decays.} \end{figure} decay channels as \ttt{unstable {\em } ({\em }, {\em }, ....)}, where \ttt{mother} is the mother particle, and the argument is a list of decay channels. Note that -- unless the \ttt{?auto\_decays = true} flag has been set -- these decay channels have to be provided by the user as in the example in Fig. \ref{fig:ex_unstable}. First, the $Z$ decays to electrons and up quarks are generated, then $ZZ$ production at a 500 GeV ILC is called, and then both $Z$s are decayed according to the probability distribution of the two generated decay matrix elements. This obviously allows also for inclusive decays. (cf. also \ttt{stable}, \ttt{?auto\_decays}) %%%%% \item \ttt{weight} \newline This is a command, \ttt{weight = {\em }}, that allows to specify a weight for a process or list of processes. \ttt{{\em }} can be any expression that leads to a scalar result, e.g. \ttt{weight = 0.2}, \ttt{weight = eval Pt [jet]}. (cf. also \ttt{rescan}, \ttt{alt\_setup}, \ttt{reweight}) %%%%% \item \ttt{write\_analysis} \newline The \ttt{write\_analysis} statement tells \whizard\ to write the analysis setup by the user for the \sindarin\ input file under consideration. If no \ttt{\$out\_file} is provided, the histogram tables/plot data etc. are written to the default file \ttt{whizard\_analysis.dat}. Note that the related command \ttt{compile\_analysis} does the same as \ttt{write\_analysis} but in addition invokes the \whizard\ \LaTeX routines for producing postscript or PDF output of the data. (cf. also \ttt{\$out\_file}, \ttt{compile\_analysis}) %%%%% \item \ttt{write\_slha} \newline Demands \whizard\ to write out a file in the SUSY Les Houches accord (SLHA) format. (cf. also \ttt{read\_slha}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_decays}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_input}, \ttt{?slha\_read\_spectrum}) %%%%% \end{itemize} \section{Variables} \subsection{Rebuild Variables} \begin{itemize} \item \ttt{?rebuild\_events} \qquad (default: \ttt{false}) \newline This logical variable, if set \ttt{true} triggers \whizard\ to newly create an event sample, even if nothing seems to have changed, including the MD5 checksum. This can be used when manually manipulating some settings. (cf also \ttt{?rebuild\_grids}, \ttt{?rebuild\_library}, \ttt{?rebuild\_phase\_space}) %%%%% \item \ttt{?rebuild\_grids} \qquad (default: \ttt{false}) \newline The logical variable \ttt{?rebuild\_grids} forces \whizard\ to newly create the VAMP grids when using VAMP as an integration method, even if they are already present. (cf. also \ttt{?rebuild\_events}, \ttt{?rebuild\_library}, \ttt{?rebuild\_phase\_space}) %%%%% \item \ttt{?rebuild\_library} \qquad (default: \ttt{false}) \newline The logical variable \ttt{?rebuild\_library = true/false} specifies whether the library(-ies) for the matrix element code for processes is re-generated (incl. possible Makefiles etc.) by the corresponding ME method (e.g. if the process has been changed, but not its name). This can also be set as a command-line option \ttt{whizard --rebuild}. The default is \ttt{false}, i.e. code is never re-generated if it is present and the MD5 checksum is valid. (cf. also \ttt{?recompile\_library}, \ttt{?rebuild\_grids}, \ttt{?rebuild\_phase\_space}) %%%%% \item \ttt{?rebuild\_phase\_space} \qquad (default: \ttt{false}) \newline This logical variable, if set \ttt{true}, triggers recreation of the phase space file by \whizard\. (cf. also \ttt{?rebuild\_events}, \ttt{?rebuild\_grids}, \ttt{?rebuild\_library}) %%%%% \item \ttt{?recompile\_library} \qquad (default: \ttt{false}) \newline The logical variable \ttt{?recompile\_library = true/false} specifies whether the library(-ies) for the matrix element code for processes is re-compiled (e.g. if the process code has been manually modified by the user). This can also be set as a command-line option \ttt{whizard --recompile}. The default is \ttt{false}, i.e. code is never re-compiled if its corresponding object file is present. (cf. also \ttt{?rebuild\_library}) %%%%% \end{itemize} \subsection{Standard Variables} \begin{itemize} \input{variables} \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \section*{Acknowledgements} We would like to thank E.~Boos, R.~Chierici, K.~Desch, M.~Kobel, F.~Krauss, P.M.~Manakos, N.~Meyer, K.~M\"onig, H.~Reuter, T.~Robens, S.~Rosati, J.~Schumacher, M.~Schumacher, and C.~Schwinn who contributed to \whizard\ by their suggestions, bits of codes and valuable remarks and/or used several versions of the program for real-life applications and thus helped a lot in debugging and improving the code. Special thanks go to A.~Vaught and J.~Weill for their continuos efforts on improving the g95 and gfortran compilers, respectively. %\end{fmffile} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% References %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\baselineskip15pt \begin{thebibliography}{19} \bibitem{PYTHIA} T.~Sj\"ostrand, Comput.\ Phys.\ Commun.\ \textbf{82} (1994) 74. \bibitem{comphep} A.~Pukhov, \emph{et al.}, Preprint INP MSU 98-41/542, \ttt{hep-ph/9908288}. \bibitem{madgraph} T.~Stelzer and W.F.~Long, Comput.\ Phys.\ Commun.\ \textbf{81} (1994) 357. \bibitem{omega} T.~Ohl, \emph{Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Technics in Physics Research}, ACAT 2000, Fermilab, October 2000, IKDA-2000-30, \ttt{hep-ph/0011243}; M.~Moretti, Th.~Ohl, and J.~Reuter, LC-TOOL-2001-040 \bibitem{VAMP} T.~Ohl, {\em Vegas revisited: Adaptive Monte Carlo integration beyond factorization}, Comput.\ Phys.\ Commun.\ {\bf 120}, 13 (1999) [arXiv:hep-ph/9806432]. %%CITATION = CPHCB,120,13;%% \bibitem{CIRCE} T.~Ohl, {\em CIRCE version 1.0: Beam spectra for simulating linear collider physics}, Comput.\ Phys.\ Commun.\ {\bf 101}, 269 (1997) [arXiv:hep-ph/9607454]. %%CITATION = CPHCB,101,269;%% %\cite{Gribov:1972rt} \bibitem{Gribov:1972rt} V.~N.~Gribov and L.~N.~Lipatov, {\em e+ e- pair annihilation and deep inelastic e p scattering in perturbation theory}, Sov.\ J.\ Nucl.\ Phys.\ {\bf 15}, 675 (1972) [Yad.\ Fiz.\ {\bf 15}, 1218 (1972)]. %%CITATION = SJNCA,15,675;%% %\cite{Kuraev:1985hb} \bibitem{Kuraev:1985hb} E.~A.~Kuraev and V.~S.~Fadin, {\em On Radiative Corrections to e+ e- Single Photon Annihilation at High-Energy}, Sov.\ J.\ Nucl.\ Phys.\ {\bf 41}, 466 (1985) [Yad.\ Fiz.\ {\bf 41}, 733 (1985)]. %%CITATION = SJNCA,41,466;%% %\cite{Skrzypek:1990qs} \bibitem{Skrzypek:1990qs} M.~Skrzypek and S.~Jadach, {\em Exact and approximate solutions for the electron nonsinglet structure function in QED}, Z.\ Phys.\ C {\bf 49}, 577 (1991). %%CITATION = ZEPYA,C49,577;%% %\cite{Schulte:1998au} \bibitem{Schulte:1998au} D.~Schulte, {\em Beam-beam simulations with Guinea-Pig}, eConf C {\bf 980914}, 127 (1998). %%CITATION = ECONF,C980914,127;%% %\cite{Schulte:1999tx} \bibitem{Schulte:1999tx} D.~Schulte, {\em Beam-beam simulations with GUINEA-PIG}, CERN-PS-99-014-LP. %%CITATION = CERN-PS-99-014-LP;%% %\cite{Schulte:2007zz} \bibitem{Schulte:2007zz} D.~Schulte, M.~Alabau, P.~Bambade, O.~Dadoun, G.~Le Meur, C.~Rimbault and F.~Touze, {\em GUINEA PIG++ : An Upgraded Version of the Linear Collider Beam Beam Interaction Simulation Code GUINEA PIG}, Conf.\ Proc.\ C {\bf 070625}, 2728 (2007). %%CITATION = CONFP,C070625,2728;%% %\cite{Behnke:2013xla} \bibitem{Behnke:2013xla} T.~Behnke, J.~E.~Brau, B.~Foster, J.~Fuster, M.~Harrison, J.~M.~Paterson, M.~Peskin and M.~Stanitzki {\it et al.}, {\em The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report - 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trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/show_4.ref (revision 8499) +++ trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/show_4.ref (revision 8500) @@ -1,1175 +1,1181 @@ ?openmp_logging = false [user variable] foo = PDG(11, 13, 15) [user variable] bar = ( 2.000000000000E+00, 3.000000000000E+00) ##################################################### => 3.028600000000E-01 => 5.110000000000E-04 QED.mmu => 1.057000000000E-01 QED.mtau => 1.777000000000E+00 [undefined] sqrts = [unknown real] luminosity = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_alpha = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_q_max = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_alpha = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_x_min = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_q_min = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_q_max = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_x_min = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_pt_max = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 [undefined] circe1_sqrts = [unknown real] circe1_mapping_slope = 2.000000000000E+00 circe1_eps = 1.000000000000E-05 gaussian_spread1 = 0.000000000000E+00 gaussian_spread2 = 0.000000000000E+00 lambda_qcd = 2.000000000000E-01 helicity_selection_threshold = 1.000000000000E+10 safety_factor = 1.000000000000E+00 resonance_on_shell_limit = 4.000000000000E+00 resonance_on_shell_turnoff = 0.000000000000E+00 resonance_background_factor = 1.000000000000E+00 tolerance = 0.000000000000E+00 real_epsilon* = real_tiny* = accuracy_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 error_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 relative_error_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 error_threshold = 0.000000000000E+00 channel_weights_power = 2.500000000000E-01 phs_threshold_s = 5.000000000000E+01 phs_threshold_t = 1.000000000000E+02 phs_e_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 phs_m_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 phs_q_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 [undefined] x_min = [unknown real] [undefined] x_max = [unknown real] [undefined] y_min = [unknown real] [undefined] y_max = [unknown real] jet_r = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_p = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_ycut = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_dcut = 0.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_eps = 1.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_n = 1.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_r0 = 4.000000000000E-01 +photon_rec_r0 = 1.000000000000E-01 ps_mass_cutoff = 1.000000000000E+00 ps_fsr_lambda = 2.900000000000E-01 ps_isr_lambda = 2.900000000000E-01 ps_fixed_alphas = 0.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_primordial_kt_width = 0.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_primordial_kt_cutoff = 5.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_z_cutoff = 9.990000000000E-01 ps_isr_minenergy = 1.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_tscalefactor = 1.000000000000E+00 hadron_enhanced_fraction = 1.000000000000E-02 hadron_enhanced_width = 2.000000000000E+00 ps_tauola_mh = 1.250000000000E+02 ps_tauola_mix_angle = 9.000000000000E+01 mlm_Qcut_ME = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Qcut_PS = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_ptmin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_etamax = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Rmin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Emin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_ETclusfactor = 2.000000000000E-01 mlm_ETclusminE = 5.000000000000E+00 mlm_etaclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 mlm_Rclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 mlm_Eclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 powheg_pt_min = 1.000000000000E+00 powheg_lambda = 2.000000000000E-01 blha_top_yukawa = -1.000000000000E+00 ellis_sexton_scale = -1.000000000000E+00 fks_dij_exp1 = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_dij_exp2 = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_xi_min = 0.000000000000E+00 fks_y_max = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_xi_cut = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_delta_o = 2.000000000000E+00 fks_delta_i = 2.000000000000E+00 mult_call_real = 1.000000000000E+00 mult_call_virt = 1.000000000000E+00 mult_call_dglap = 1.000000000000E+00 real_partition_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 ##################################################### QED.charged* = PDG(11, 13, 15, -11, -13, -15) ##################################################### [user variable] foo = PDG(11, 13, 15) ##################################################### [user variable] bar = ( 2.000000000000E+00, 3.000000000000E+00) ##################################################### $sf_trace_file = "" $lhapdf_dir = "" $lhapdf_file = "" $lhapdf_photon_file = "" $pdf_builtin_set = "CTEQ6L" $isr_handler_mode = "trivial" $epa_mode = "default" $epa_handler_mode = "trivial" $circe1_acc = "SBAND" [undefined] $circe2_file = [unknown string] $circe2_design = "*" [undefined] $beam_events_file = [unknown string] [undefined] $job_id = [unknown string] [undefined] $compile_workspace = [unknown string] $model_name = "QED" $method = "omega" $restrictions = "" $omega_flags = "" $library_name = "show_4_lib" $rng_method = "tao" $event_file_version = "" $polarization_mode = "helicity" $out_file = "" $integration_method = "vamp" $run_id = "" [undefined] $integrate_workspace = [unknown string] $vamp_grid_format = "ascii" $phs_method = "default" $phs_file = "" $obs_label = "" $obs_unit = "" $title = "" $description = "" $x_label = "" $y_label = "" $gmlcode_bg = "" $gmlcode_fg = "" [undefined] $fill_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $draw_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $err_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $symbol = [unknown string] $sample = "" $sample_normalization = "auto" $rescan_input_format = "raw" $extension_raw = "evx" $extension_default = "evt" $debug_extension = "debug" $dump_extension = "pset.dat" $extension_hepevt = "hepevt" $extension_ascii_short = "short.evt" $extension_ascii_long = "long.evt" $extension_athena = "athena.evt" $extension_mokka = "mokka.evt" $lhef_version = "2.0" $lhef_extension = "lhe" $extension_lha = "lha" $extension_hepmc = "hepmc" $hepmc3_mode = "HepMC3" $extension_lcio = "slcio" $extension_stdhep = "hep" $extension_stdhep_up = "up.hep" $extension_stdhep_ev4 = "ev4.hep" $extension_hepevt_verb = "hepevt.verb" $extension_lha_verb = "lha.verb" $shower_method = "WHIZARD" $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config_file = "" $hadronization_method = "PYTHIA6" $born_me_method = "" $loop_me_method = "" $correlation_me_method = "" $real_tree_me_method = "" $dglap_me_method = "" $select_alpha_regions = "" $virtual_selection = "Full" $blha_ew_scheme = "alpha_internal" $openloops_extra_cmd = "" $fks_mapping_type = "default" $resonances_exclude_particles = "default" $gosam_filter_lo = "" $gosam_filter_nlo = "" $gosam_symmetries = "family,generation" $gosam_fc = "" $dalitz_plot = "" $nlo_correction_type = "QCD" $exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t:e2:e3" $fc => Fortran-compiler $fcflags => Fortran-flags $fclibs => Fortran-libs ##################################################### ?sf_trace = false ?sf_allow_s_mapping = true ?hoppet_b_matching = false ?isr_recoil = false ?isr_keep_energy = false ?isr_handler = false ?isr_handler_keep_mass = true ?epa_recoil = false ?epa_keep_energy = false ?epa_handler = false ?ewa_recoil = false ?ewa_keep_energy = false ?circe1_photon1 = false ?circe1_photon2 = false ?circe1_generate = true ?circe1_map = true ?circe1_with_radiation = false ?circe2_polarized = true ?beam_events_warn_eof = true ?energy_scan_normalize = false ?logging => true ?proc_as_run_id = true ?report_progress = true [user variable] ?me_verbose = false ?omega_write_phs_output = false ?read_color_factors = true ?slha_read_input = true ?slha_read_spectrum = true ?slha_read_decays = false ?alphas_is_fixed = true ?alphas_from_lhapdf = false ?alphas_from_pdf_builtin = false ?alphas_from_mz = false ?alphas_from_lambda_qcd = false ?fatal_beam_decay = true ?helicity_selection_active = true ?vis_diags = false ?vis_diags_color = false ?check_event_file = true ?unweighted = true ?negative_weights = false ?resonance_history = false ?keep_beams = false ?keep_remnants = true ?recover_beams = true ?update_event = false ?update_sqme = false ?update_weight = false ?use_alphas_from_file = false ?use_scale_from_file = false ?allow_decays = true ?auto_decays = false ?auto_decays_radiative = false ?decay_rest_frame = false ?isotropic_decay = false ?diagonal_decay = false ?polarized_events = false ?colorize_subevt = false ?pacify = false ?out_advance = true ?stratified = true ?use_vamp_equivalences = true ?vamp_verbose = false ?vamp_history_global = true ?vamp_history_global_verbose = false ?vamp_history_channels = false ?vamp_history_channels_verbose = false ?integration_timer = true ?check_grid_file = true ?vis_channels = false ?check_phs_file = true ?phs_only = false ?phs_keep_nonresonant = true ?phs_step_mapping = true ?phs_step_mapping_exp = true ?phs_s_mapping = true ?vis_history = false ?normalize_bins = false ?y_log = false ?x_log = false [undefined] ?draw_histogram = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_base = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_piecewise = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?fill_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_errors = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_symbols = [unknown logical] ?analysis_file_only = false ?keep_flavors_when_clustering = false +?keep_flavors_when_recombining = true ?sample_pacify = false ?sample_select = true ?read_raw = true ?write_raw = true ?debug_process = true ?debug_transforms = true ?debug_decay = true ?debug_verbose = true ?dump_compressed = false ?dump_weights = false ?dump_summary = false ?dump_screen = false ?hepevt_ensure_order = false ?lhef_write_sqme_prc = true ?lhef_write_sqme_ref = false ?lhef_write_sqme_alt = true ?hepmc_output_cross_section = false ?allow_shower = true ?ps_fsr_active = false ?ps_isr_active = false ?ps_taudec_active = false ?muli_active = false ?shower_verbose = false ?ps_isr_alphas_running = true ?ps_fsr_alphas_running = true ?ps_isr_pt_ordered = false ?ps_isr_angular_ordered = true ?ps_isr_only_onshell_emitted_partons = false ?allow_hadronization = true ?hadronization_active = false ?ps_tauola_photos = false ?ps_tauola_transverse = false ?ps_tauola_dec_rad_cor = true ?ps_tauola_pol_vector = false ?mlm_matching = false ?powheg_matching = false ?powheg_use_singular_jacobian = false ?powheg_test_sudakov = false ?powheg_disable_sudakov = false ?ckkw_matching = false ?omega_openmp => false ?openmp_is_active* = false ?openmp_logging = false ?mpi_logging = false ?test_soft_limit = false ?test_coll_limit = false ?test_anti_coll_limit = false ?virtual_collinear_resonance_aware = true ?openloops_use_cms = true ?openloops_switch_off_muon_yukawa = false ?disable_subtraction = false ?vis_fks_regions = false ?combined_nlo_integration = false ?fixed_order_nlo_events = false ?check_event_weights_against_xsection = false ?keep_failed_events = false ?nlo_use_born_scale = false ?nlo_cut_all_real_sqmes = false ?nlo_use_real_partition = false ?nlo_reuse_amplitudes_fks = false ?rebuild_library = true ?recompile_library = false ?rebuild_phase_space = true ?rebuild_grids = true ?rebuild_events = true ##################################################### [undefined] sqrts = [unknown real] luminosity = 0.000000000000E+00 ?sf_trace = false $sf_trace_file = "" ?sf_allow_s_mapping = true $lhapdf_dir = "" $lhapdf_file = "" $lhapdf_photon_file = "" lhapdf_member = 0 lhapdf_photon_scheme = 0 $pdf_builtin_set = "CTEQ6L" ?hoppet_b_matching = false isr_alpha = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_q_max = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_order = 3 ?isr_recoil = false ?isr_keep_energy = false ?isr_handler = false $isr_handler_mode = "trivial" ?isr_handler_keep_mass = true $epa_mode = "default" epa_alpha = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_x_min = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_q_min = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_q_max = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 ?epa_recoil = false ?epa_keep_energy = false ?epa_handler = false $epa_handler_mode = "trivial" ewa_x_min = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_pt_max = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 ?ewa_recoil = false ?ewa_keep_energy = false ?circe1_photon1 = false ?circe1_photon2 = false [undefined] circe1_sqrts = [unknown real] ?circe1_generate = true ?circe1_map = true circe1_mapping_slope = 2.000000000000E+00 circe1_eps = 1.000000000000E-05 circe1_ver = 0 circe1_rev = 0 $circe1_acc = "SBAND" circe1_chat = 0 ?circe1_with_radiation = false ?circe2_polarized = true [undefined] $circe2_file = [unknown string] $circe2_design = "*" gaussian_spread1 = 0.000000000000E+00 gaussian_spread2 = 0.000000000000E+00 [undefined] $beam_events_file = [unknown string] ?beam_events_warn_eof = true ?energy_scan_normalize = false ?logging => true [undefined] $job_id = [unknown string] [undefined] $compile_workspace = [unknown string] seed = 0 $model_name = "QED" [undefined] process_num_id = [unknown integer] ?proc_as_run_id = true lcio_run_id = 0 $method = "omega" ?report_progress = true $restrictions = "" ?omega_write_phs_output = false $omega_flags = "" ?read_color_factors = true ?slha_read_input = true ?slha_read_spectrum = true ?slha_read_decays = false $library_name = "show_4_lib" ?alphas_is_fixed = true ?alphas_from_lhapdf = false ?alphas_from_pdf_builtin = false alphas_order = 0 alphas_nf = 5 ?alphas_from_mz = false ?alphas_from_lambda_qcd = false lambda_qcd = 2.000000000000E-01 ?fatal_beam_decay = true ?helicity_selection_active = true helicity_selection_threshold = 1.000000000000E+10 helicity_selection_cutoff = 1000 $rng_method = "tao" ?vis_diags = false ?vis_diags_color = false ?check_event_file = true $event_file_version = "" n_events = 0 event_index_offset = 0 ?unweighted = true safety_factor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?negative_weights = false ?resonance_history = false resonance_on_shell_limit = 4.000000000000E+00 resonance_on_shell_turnoff = 0.000000000000E+00 resonance_background_factor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?keep_beams = false ?keep_remnants = true ?recover_beams = true ?update_event = false ?update_sqme = false ?update_weight = false ?use_alphas_from_file = false ?use_scale_from_file = false ?allow_decays = true ?auto_decays = false auto_decays_multiplicity = 2 ?auto_decays_radiative = false ?decay_rest_frame = false ?isotropic_decay = false ?diagonal_decay = false [undefined] decay_helicity = [unknown integer] ?polarized_events = false $polarization_mode = "helicity" ?colorize_subevt = false tolerance = 0.000000000000E+00 checkpoint = 0 event_callback_interval = 0 ?pacify = false $out_file = "" ?out_advance = true real_range* = real_precision* = real_epsilon* = real_tiny* = $integration_method = "vamp" threshold_calls = 10 min_calls_per_channel = 10 min_calls_per_bin = 10 min_bins = 3 max_bins = 20 ?stratified = true ?use_vamp_equivalences = true ?vamp_verbose = false ?vamp_history_global = true ?vamp_history_global_verbose = false ?vamp_history_channels = false ?vamp_history_channels_verbose = false $run_id = "" n_calls_test = 0 ?integration_timer = true ?check_grid_file = true accuracy_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 error_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 relative_error_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 integration_results_verbosity = 1 error_threshold = 0.000000000000E+00 channel_weights_power = 2.500000000000E-01 [undefined] $integrate_workspace = [unknown string] $vamp_grid_format = "ascii" $phs_method = "default" ?vis_channels = false ?check_phs_file = true $phs_file = "" ?phs_only = false phs_threshold_s = 5.000000000000E+01 phs_threshold_t = 1.000000000000E+02 phs_off_shell = 2 phs_t_channel = 6 phs_e_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 phs_m_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 phs_q_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 ?phs_keep_nonresonant = true ?phs_step_mapping = true ?phs_step_mapping_exp = true ?phs_s_mapping = true ?vis_history = false n_bins = 20 ?normalize_bins = false $obs_label = "" $obs_unit = "" $title = "" $description = "" $x_label = "" $y_label = "" graph_width_mm = 130 graph_height_mm = 90 ?y_log = false ?x_log = false [undefined] x_min = [unknown real] [undefined] x_max = [unknown real] [undefined] y_min = [unknown real] [undefined] y_max = [unknown real] $gmlcode_bg = "" $gmlcode_fg = "" [undefined] ?draw_histogram = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_base = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_piecewise = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?fill_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_errors = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_symbols = [unknown logical] [undefined] $fill_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $draw_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $err_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $symbol = [unknown string] ?analysis_file_only = false kt_algorithm* = 0 cambridge_algorithm* = 1 antikt_algorithm* = 2 genkt_algorithm* = 3 cambridge_for_passive_algorithm* = 11 genkt_for_passive_algorithm* = 13 ee_kt_algorithm* = 50 ee_genkt_algorithm* = 53 plugin_algorithm* = 99 undefined_jet_algorithm* = 999 jet_algorithm = 999 jet_r = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_p = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_ycut = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_dcut = 0.000000000000E+00 ?keep_flavors_when_clustering = false photon_iso_eps = 1.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_n = 1.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_r0 = 4.000000000000E-01 +photon_rec_r0 = 1.000000000000E-01 +?keep_flavors_when_recombining = true $sample = "" $sample_normalization = "auto" ?sample_pacify = false ?sample_select = true sample_max_tries = 10000 sample_split_n_evt = 0 sample_split_n_kbytes = 0 sample_split_index = 0 $rescan_input_format = "raw" ?read_raw = true ?write_raw = true $extension_raw = "evx" $extension_default = "evt" $debug_extension = "debug" ?debug_process = true ?debug_transforms = true ?debug_decay = true ?debug_verbose = true $dump_extension = "pset.dat" ?dump_compressed = false ?dump_weights = false ?dump_summary = false ?dump_screen = false ?hepevt_ensure_order = false $extension_hepevt = "hepevt" $extension_ascii_short = "short.evt" $extension_ascii_long = "long.evt" $extension_athena = "athena.evt" $extension_mokka = "mokka.evt" $lhef_version = "2.0" $lhef_extension = "lhe" ?lhef_write_sqme_prc = true ?lhef_write_sqme_ref = false ?lhef_write_sqme_alt = true $extension_lha = "lha" $extension_hepmc = "hepmc" ?hepmc_output_cross_section = false $hepmc3_mode = "HepMC3" $extension_lcio = "slcio" $extension_stdhep = "hep" $extension_stdhep_up = "up.hep" $extension_stdhep_ev4 = "ev4.hep" $extension_hepevt_verb = "hepevt.verb" $extension_lha_verb = "lha.verb" ?allow_shower = true ?ps_fsr_active = false ?ps_isr_active = false ?ps_taudec_active = false ?muli_active = false $shower_method = "WHIZARD" ?shower_verbose = false $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config_file = "" ps_mass_cutoff = 1.000000000000E+00 ps_fsr_lambda = 2.900000000000E-01 ps_isr_lambda = 2.900000000000E-01 ps_max_n_flavors = 5 ?ps_isr_alphas_running = true ?ps_fsr_alphas_running = true ps_fixed_alphas = 0.000000000000E+00 ?ps_isr_pt_ordered = false ?ps_isr_angular_ordered = true ps_isr_primordial_kt_width = 0.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_primordial_kt_cutoff = 5.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_z_cutoff = 9.990000000000E-01 ps_isr_minenergy = 1.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_tscalefactor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?ps_isr_only_onshell_emitted_partons = false ?allow_hadronization = true ?hadronization_active = false $hadronization_method = "PYTHIA6" hadron_enhanced_fraction = 1.000000000000E-02 hadron_enhanced_width = 2.000000000000E+00 ?ps_tauola_photos = false ?ps_tauola_transverse = false ?ps_tauola_dec_rad_cor = true ps_tauola_dec_mode1 = 0 ps_tauola_dec_mode2 = 0 ps_tauola_mh = 1.250000000000E+02 ps_tauola_mix_angle = 9.000000000000E+01 ?ps_tauola_pol_vector = false ?mlm_matching = false mlm_Qcut_ME = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Qcut_PS = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_ptmin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_etamax = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Rmin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Emin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_nmaxMEjets = 0 mlm_ETclusfactor = 2.000000000000E-01 mlm_ETclusminE = 5.000000000000E+00 mlm_etaclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 mlm_Rclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 mlm_Eclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?powheg_matching = false ?powheg_use_singular_jacobian = false powheg_grid_size_xi = 5 powheg_grid_size_y = 5 powheg_grid_sampling_points = 500000 powheg_pt_min = 1.000000000000E+00 powheg_lambda = 2.000000000000E-01 ?powheg_test_sudakov = false ?powheg_disable_sudakov = false ?ckkw_matching = false ?omega_openmp => false ?openmp_is_active* = false openmp_num_threads_default* = 1 openmp_num_threads = 1 ?openmp_logging = false ?mpi_logging = false $born_me_method = "" $loop_me_method = "" $correlation_me_method = "" $real_tree_me_method = "" $dglap_me_method = "" ?test_soft_limit = false ?test_coll_limit = false ?test_anti_coll_limit = false $select_alpha_regions = "" $virtual_selection = "Full" ?virtual_collinear_resonance_aware = true blha_top_yukawa = -1.000000000000E+00 $blha_ew_scheme = "alpha_internal" openloops_verbosity = 1 ?openloops_use_cms = true openloops_phs_tolerance = 7 openloops_stability_log = 0 ?openloops_switch_off_muon_yukawa = false $openloops_extra_cmd = "" ellis_sexton_scale = -1.000000000000E+00 ?disable_subtraction = false fks_dij_exp1 = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_dij_exp2 = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_xi_min = 0.000000000000E+00 fks_y_max = 1.000000000000E+00 ?vis_fks_regions = false fks_xi_cut = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_delta_o = 2.000000000000E+00 fks_delta_i = 2.000000000000E+00 $fks_mapping_type = "default" $resonances_exclude_particles = "default" alpha_power = 2 alphas_power = 0 ?combined_nlo_integration = false ?fixed_order_nlo_events = false ?check_event_weights_against_xsection = false ?keep_failed_events = false gks_multiplicity = 0 $gosam_filter_lo = "" $gosam_filter_nlo = "" $gosam_symmetries = "family,generation" form_threads = 2 form_workspace = 1000 $gosam_fc = "" mult_call_real = 1.000000000000E+00 mult_call_virt = 1.000000000000E+00 mult_call_dglap = 1.000000000000E+00 $dalitz_plot = "" $nlo_correction_type = "QCD" $exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t:e2:e3" ?nlo_use_born_scale = false ?nlo_cut_all_real_sqmes = false ?nlo_use_real_partition = false real_partition_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 ?nlo_reuse_amplitudes_fks = false $fc => Fortran-compiler $fcflags => Fortran-flags $fclibs => Fortran-libs ?rebuild_library = true ?recompile_library = false ?rebuild_phase_space = true ?rebuild_grids = true ?rebuild_events = true ##################################################### => 3.028600000000E-01 => 5.110000000000E-04 QED.mmu => 1.057000000000E-01 QED.mtau => 1.777000000000E+00 QED.particle* = PDG(0) QED.E_LEPTON* = PDG(11) QED.e-* = PDG(11) QED.e1* = PDG(11) QED.e+* = PDG(-11) QED.E1* = PDG(-11) QED.MU_LEPTON* = PDG(13) QED.m-* = PDG(13) QED.e2* = PDG(13)* = PDG(13) QED.m+* = PDG(-13) QED.E2* = PDG(-13)* = PDG(-13) QED.TAU_LEPTON* = PDG(15) QED.t-* = PDG(15) QED.e3* = PDG(15) QED.ta-* = PDG(15) QED.tau-* = PDG(15) QED.t+* = PDG(-15) QED.E3* = PDG(-15) QED.ta+* = PDG(-15) QED.tau+* = PDG(-15) QED.PHOTON* = PDG(22) QED.A* = PDG(22) QED.gamma* = PDG(22) QED.photon* = PDG(22) QED.charged* = PDG(11, 13, 15, -11, -13, -15) QED.neutral* = PDG(22) QED.colored* = PDG() [undefined] sqrts = [unknown real] luminosity = 0.000000000000E+00 ?sf_trace = false $sf_trace_file = "" ?sf_allow_s_mapping = true $lhapdf_dir = "" $lhapdf_file = "" $lhapdf_photon_file = "" lhapdf_member = 0 lhapdf_photon_scheme = 0 $pdf_builtin_set = "CTEQ6L" ?hoppet_b_matching = false isr_alpha = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_q_max = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 isr_order = 3 ?isr_recoil = false ?isr_keep_energy = false ?isr_handler = false $isr_handler_mode = "trivial" ?isr_handler_keep_mass = true $epa_mode = "default" epa_alpha = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_x_min = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_q_min = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_q_max = 0.000000000000E+00 epa_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 ?epa_recoil = false ?epa_keep_energy = false ?epa_handler = false $epa_handler_mode = "trivial" ewa_x_min = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_pt_max = 0.000000000000E+00 ewa_mass = 0.000000000000E+00 ?ewa_recoil = false ?ewa_keep_energy = false ?circe1_photon1 = false ?circe1_photon2 = false [undefined] circe1_sqrts = [unknown real] ?circe1_generate = true ?circe1_map = true circe1_mapping_slope = 2.000000000000E+00 circe1_eps = 1.000000000000E-05 circe1_ver = 0 circe1_rev = 0 $circe1_acc = "SBAND" circe1_chat = 0 ?circe1_with_radiation = false ?circe2_polarized = true [undefined] $circe2_file = [unknown string] $circe2_design = "*" gaussian_spread1 = 0.000000000000E+00 gaussian_spread2 = 0.000000000000E+00 [undefined] $beam_events_file = [unknown string] ?beam_events_warn_eof = true ?energy_scan_normalize = false ?logging => true [undefined] $job_id = [unknown string] [undefined] $compile_workspace = [unknown string] seed = 0 $model_name = "QED" [undefined] process_num_id = [unknown integer] ?proc_as_run_id = true lcio_run_id = 0 $method = "omega" ?report_progress = true [user variable] ?me_verbose = false $restrictions = "" ?omega_write_phs_output = false $omega_flags = "" ?read_color_factors = true ?slha_read_input = true ?slha_read_spectrum = true ?slha_read_decays = false $library_name = "show_4_lib" ?alphas_is_fixed = true ?alphas_from_lhapdf = false ?alphas_from_pdf_builtin = false alphas_order = 0 alphas_nf = 5 ?alphas_from_mz = false ?alphas_from_lambda_qcd = false lambda_qcd = 2.000000000000E-01 ?fatal_beam_decay = true ?helicity_selection_active = true helicity_selection_threshold = 1.000000000000E+10 helicity_selection_cutoff = 1000 $rng_method = "tao" ?vis_diags = false ?vis_diags_color = false ?check_event_file = true $event_file_version = "" n_events = 0 event_index_offset = 0 ?unweighted = true safety_factor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?negative_weights = false ?resonance_history = false resonance_on_shell_limit = 4.000000000000E+00 resonance_on_shell_turnoff = 0.000000000000E+00 resonance_background_factor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?keep_beams = false ?keep_remnants = true ?recover_beams = true ?update_event = false ?update_sqme = false ?update_weight = false ?use_alphas_from_file = false ?use_scale_from_file = false ?allow_decays = true ?auto_decays = false auto_decays_multiplicity = 2 ?auto_decays_radiative = false ?decay_rest_frame = false ?isotropic_decay = false ?diagonal_decay = false [undefined] decay_helicity = [unknown integer] ?polarized_events = false $polarization_mode = "helicity" ?colorize_subevt = false tolerance = 0.000000000000E+00 checkpoint = 0 event_callback_interval = 0 ?pacify = false $out_file = "" ?out_advance = true real_range* = real_precision* = real_epsilon* = real_tiny* = $integration_method = "vamp" threshold_calls = 10 min_calls_per_channel = 10 min_calls_per_bin = 10 min_bins = 3 max_bins = 20 ?stratified = true ?use_vamp_equivalences = true ?vamp_verbose = false ?vamp_history_global = true ?vamp_history_global_verbose = false ?vamp_history_channels = false ?vamp_history_channels_verbose = false $run_id = "" n_calls_test = 0 ?integration_timer = true ?check_grid_file = true accuracy_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 error_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 relative_error_goal = 0.000000000000E+00 integration_results_verbosity = 1 error_threshold = 0.000000000000E+00 channel_weights_power = 2.500000000000E-01 [undefined] $integrate_workspace = [unknown string] $vamp_grid_format = "ascii" $phs_method = "default" ?vis_channels = false ?check_phs_file = true $phs_file = "" ?phs_only = false phs_threshold_s = 5.000000000000E+01 phs_threshold_t = 1.000000000000E+02 phs_off_shell = 2 phs_t_channel = 6 phs_e_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 phs_m_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 phs_q_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 ?phs_keep_nonresonant = true ?phs_step_mapping = true ?phs_step_mapping_exp = true ?phs_s_mapping = true ?vis_history = false n_bins = 20 ?normalize_bins = false $obs_label = "" $obs_unit = "" $title = "" $description = "" $x_label = "" $y_label = "" graph_width_mm = 130 graph_height_mm = 90 ?y_log = false ?x_log = false [undefined] x_min = [unknown real] [undefined] x_max = [unknown real] [undefined] y_min = [unknown real] [undefined] y_max = [unknown real] $gmlcode_bg = "" $gmlcode_fg = "" [undefined] ?draw_histogram = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_base = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_piecewise = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?fill_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_errors = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_symbols = [unknown logical] [undefined] $fill_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $draw_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $err_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $symbol = [unknown string] ?analysis_file_only = false kt_algorithm* = 0 cambridge_algorithm* = 1 antikt_algorithm* = 2 genkt_algorithm* = 3 cambridge_for_passive_algorithm* = 11 genkt_for_passive_algorithm* = 13 ee_kt_algorithm* = 50 ee_genkt_algorithm* = 53 plugin_algorithm* = 99 undefined_jet_algorithm* = 999 jet_algorithm = 999 jet_r = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_p = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_ycut = 0.000000000000E+00 jet_dcut = 0.000000000000E+00 ?keep_flavors_when_clustering = false photon_iso_eps = 1.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_n = 1.000000000000E+00 photon_iso_r0 = 4.000000000000E-01 +photon_rec_r0 = 1.000000000000E-01 +?keep_flavors_when_recombining = true $sample = "" $sample_normalization = "auto" ?sample_pacify = false ?sample_select = true sample_max_tries = 10000 sample_split_n_evt = 0 sample_split_n_kbytes = 0 sample_split_index = 0 $rescan_input_format = "raw" ?read_raw = true ?write_raw = true $extension_raw = "evx" $extension_default = "evt" $debug_extension = "debug" ?debug_process = true ?debug_transforms = true ?debug_decay = true ?debug_verbose = true $dump_extension = "pset.dat" ?dump_compressed = false ?dump_weights = false ?dump_summary = false ?dump_screen = false ?hepevt_ensure_order = false $extension_hepevt = "hepevt" $extension_ascii_short = "short.evt" $extension_ascii_long = "long.evt" $extension_athena = "athena.evt" $extension_mokka = "mokka.evt" $lhef_version = "2.0" $lhef_extension = "lhe" ?lhef_write_sqme_prc = true ?lhef_write_sqme_ref = false ?lhef_write_sqme_alt = true $extension_lha = "lha" $extension_hepmc = "hepmc" ?hepmc_output_cross_section = false $hepmc3_mode = "HepMC3" $extension_lcio = "slcio" $extension_stdhep = "hep" $extension_stdhep_up = "up.hep" $extension_stdhep_ev4 = "ev4.hep" $extension_hepevt_verb = "hepevt.verb" $extension_lha_verb = "lha.verb" ?allow_shower = true ?ps_fsr_active = false ?ps_isr_active = false ?ps_taudec_active = false ?muli_active = false $shower_method = "WHIZARD" ?shower_verbose = false $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config_file = "" ps_mass_cutoff = 1.000000000000E+00 ps_fsr_lambda = 2.900000000000E-01 ps_isr_lambda = 2.900000000000E-01 ps_max_n_flavors = 5 ?ps_isr_alphas_running = true ?ps_fsr_alphas_running = true ps_fixed_alphas = 0.000000000000E+00 ?ps_isr_pt_ordered = false ?ps_isr_angular_ordered = true ps_isr_primordial_kt_width = 0.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_primordial_kt_cutoff = 5.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_z_cutoff = 9.990000000000E-01 ps_isr_minenergy = 1.000000000000E+00 ps_isr_tscalefactor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?ps_isr_only_onshell_emitted_partons = false ?allow_hadronization = true ?hadronization_active = false $hadronization_method = "PYTHIA6" hadron_enhanced_fraction = 1.000000000000E-02 hadron_enhanced_width = 2.000000000000E+00 ?ps_tauola_photos = false ?ps_tauola_transverse = false ?ps_tauola_dec_rad_cor = true ps_tauola_dec_mode1 = 0 ps_tauola_dec_mode2 = 0 ps_tauola_mh = 1.250000000000E+02 ps_tauola_mix_angle = 9.000000000000E+01 ?ps_tauola_pol_vector = false ?mlm_matching = false mlm_Qcut_ME = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Qcut_PS = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_ptmin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_etamax = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Rmin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_Emin = 0.000000000000E+00 mlm_nmaxMEjets = 0 mlm_ETclusfactor = 2.000000000000E-01 mlm_ETclusminE = 5.000000000000E+00 mlm_etaclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 mlm_Rclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 mlm_Eclusfactor = 1.000000000000E+00 ?powheg_matching = false ?powheg_use_singular_jacobian = false powheg_grid_size_xi = 5 powheg_grid_size_y = 5 powheg_grid_sampling_points = 500000 powheg_pt_min = 1.000000000000E+00 powheg_lambda = 2.000000000000E-01 ?powheg_test_sudakov = false ?powheg_disable_sudakov = false ?ckkw_matching = false ?omega_openmp => false ?openmp_is_active* = false openmp_num_threads_default* = 1 openmp_num_threads = 1 ?openmp_logging = false ?mpi_logging = false $born_me_method = "" $loop_me_method = "" $correlation_me_method = "" $real_tree_me_method = "" $dglap_me_method = "" ?test_soft_limit = false ?test_coll_limit = false ?test_anti_coll_limit = false $select_alpha_regions = "" $virtual_selection = "Full" ?virtual_collinear_resonance_aware = true blha_top_yukawa = -1.000000000000E+00 $blha_ew_scheme = "alpha_internal" openloops_verbosity = 1 ?openloops_use_cms = true openloops_phs_tolerance = 7 openloops_stability_log = 0 ?openloops_switch_off_muon_yukawa = false $openloops_extra_cmd = "" ellis_sexton_scale = -1.000000000000E+00 ?disable_subtraction = false fks_dij_exp1 = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_dij_exp2 = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_xi_min = 0.000000000000E+00 fks_y_max = 1.000000000000E+00 ?vis_fks_regions = false fks_xi_cut = 1.000000000000E+00 fks_delta_o = 2.000000000000E+00 fks_delta_i = 2.000000000000E+00 $fks_mapping_type = "default" $resonances_exclude_particles = "default" alpha_power = 2 alphas_power = 0 ?combined_nlo_integration = false ?fixed_order_nlo_events = false ?check_event_weights_against_xsection = false ?keep_failed_events = false gks_multiplicity = 0 $gosam_filter_lo = "" $gosam_filter_nlo = "" $gosam_symmetries = "family,generation" form_threads = 2 form_workspace = 1000 $gosam_fc = "" mult_call_real = 1.000000000000E+00 mult_call_virt = 1.000000000000E+00 mult_call_dglap = 1.000000000000E+00 $dalitz_plot = "" $nlo_correction_type = "QCD" $exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t:e2:e3" ?nlo_use_born_scale = false ?nlo_cut_all_real_sqmes = false ?nlo_use_real_partition = false real_partition_scale = 1.000000000000E+01 ?nlo_reuse_amplitudes_fks = false $fc => Fortran-compiler $fcflags => Fortran-flags $fclibs => Fortran-libs ?rebuild_library = true ?recompile_library = false ?rebuild_phase_space = true ?rebuild_grids = true ?rebuild_events = true [user variable] foo = PDG(11, 13, 15) [user variable] bar = ( 2.000000000000E+00, 3.000000000000E+00) | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================| Index: trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/vars.ref =================================================================== --- trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/vars.ref (revision 8499) +++ trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/vars.ref (revision 8500) @@ -1,379 +1,380 @@ ?openmp_logging = false [user variable] foo = -7.800000000000E-02 [user variable] bar = 1 [user variable] a = 2.010000000000E-05 [user variable] i = 3 [user variable] foo = 2.922000000000E+00 [user variable] i = 9 [user variable] foo = 2.922000000000E+00 [user variable] bar = 1 [user variable] i = 9 [user variable] k = 1 [user variable] k2 = 1.000000000000E+00 [user variable] i = -1 [user variable] k = 2 [user variable] k2 = 4.000000000000E+00 [user variable] i = -2 [user variable] k = 3 [user variable] k2 = 9.000000000000E+00 [user variable] i = -3 [user variable] k = 4 [user variable] k2 = 1.600000000000E+01 [user variable] i = -4 [user variable] k = 8 [user variable] k2 = 6.400000000000E+01 [user variable] i = -8 [user variable] i = 9 [user variable] MW = 7.980000000000E+01 [user variable] MW = 7.980000000000E+01 SM.mtau => 8.000000000000E-01 SM.mW => 8.011900000000E+01 SM.mW => 8.011900000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.775372811515E-01 SM.mW => 7.500000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 5.688014954824E-01 SM.mW => 8.000000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.799305327664E-01 SM.mW => 8.050000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.697684723671E-01 SM.mW => 8.100000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.593162187090E-01 SM.mW => 8.150000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.485534858838E-01 SM.mW => 8.200000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.374573583998E-01 SM.mW => 8.300000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 4.141569403361E-01 SM.mW => 8.469722796445E+01 SM.sw* => 3.705366373038E-01 SM.mW => 8.642916174533E+01 SM.sw* => 3.188332912310E-01 SM.mW => 8.819651102555E+01 SM.sw* => 2.540459583362E-01 SM.mW => 9.000000000000E+01 SM.sw* => 1.609055729882E-01 mW is 80.119 and sw is: 0.4775 seed = 32 seed = 32 seed = 30 seed = 30 seed = 28 seed = 28 seed = 26 seed = 26 seed = 24 seed = 24 seed = 22 seed = 22 seed = 20 seed = 20 seed = 18 seed = 18 seed = 16 seed = 16 seed = 14 seed = 14 seed = 12 seed = 12 seed = 10 seed = 10 seed = 8 seed = 8 seed = 6 seed = 6 seed = 4 seed = 4 seed = 2 seed = 2 [user variable] $str = "foo" [user variable] $str = "bar" [user variable] ?ok = false [user variable] ?ok = false [user variable] ?ok = true ?sf_trace = false ?sf_allow_s_mapping = true ?hoppet_b_matching = false ?isr_recoil = false ?isr_keep_energy = false ?isr_handler = false ?isr_handler_keep_mass = true ?epa_recoil = false ?epa_keep_energy = false ?epa_handler = false ?ewa_recoil = false ?ewa_keep_energy = false ?circe1_photon1 = false ?circe1_photon2 = false ?circe1_generate = true ?circe1_map = true ?circe1_with_radiation = false ?circe2_polarized = true ?beam_events_warn_eof = true ?energy_scan_normalize = false ?logging => true ?proc_as_run_id = true ?report_progress = true [user variable] ?me_verbose = false ?omega_write_phs_output = false ?read_color_factors = true ?slha_read_input = true ?slha_read_spectrum = true ?slha_read_decays = false ?alphas_is_fixed = true ?alphas_from_lhapdf = false ?alphas_from_pdf_builtin = false ?alphas_from_mz = false ?alphas_from_lambda_qcd = false ?fatal_beam_decay = true ?helicity_selection_active = true ?vis_diags = false ?vis_diags_color = false ?check_event_file = true ?unweighted = true ?negative_weights = false ?resonance_history = false ?keep_beams = false ?keep_remnants = true ?recover_beams = true ?update_event = false ?update_sqme = false ?update_weight = false ?use_alphas_from_file = false ?use_scale_from_file = false ?allow_decays = true ?auto_decays = false ?auto_decays_radiative = false ?decay_rest_frame = false ?isotropic_decay = false ?diagonal_decay = false ?polarized_events = false ?colorize_subevt = false ?pacify = false ?out_advance = true ?stratified = true ?use_vamp_equivalences = true ?vamp_verbose = false ?vamp_history_global = true ?vamp_history_global_verbose = false ?vamp_history_channels = false ?vamp_history_channels_verbose = false ?integration_timer = true ?check_grid_file = true ?vis_channels = false ?check_phs_file = true ?phs_only = false ?phs_keep_nonresonant = true ?phs_step_mapping = true ?phs_step_mapping_exp = true ?phs_s_mapping = true ?vis_history = false ?normalize_bins = false ?y_log = false ?x_log = false [undefined] ?draw_histogram = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_base = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_piecewise = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?fill_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_curve = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_errors = [unknown logical] [undefined] ?draw_symbols = [unknown logical] ?analysis_file_only = false ?keep_flavors_when_clustering = false +?keep_flavors_when_recombining = true ?sample_pacify = false ?sample_select = true ?read_raw = true ?write_raw = true ?debug_process = true ?debug_transforms = true ?debug_decay = true ?debug_verbose = true ?dump_compressed = false ?dump_weights = false ?dump_summary = false ?dump_screen = false ?hepevt_ensure_order = false ?lhef_write_sqme_prc = true ?lhef_write_sqme_ref = false ?lhef_write_sqme_alt = true ?hepmc_output_cross_section = false ?allow_shower = true ?ps_fsr_active = false ?ps_isr_active = false ?ps_taudec_active = false ?muli_active = false ?shower_verbose = false ?ps_isr_alphas_running = true ?ps_fsr_alphas_running = true ?ps_isr_pt_ordered = false ?ps_isr_angular_ordered = true ?ps_isr_only_onshell_emitted_partons = false ?allow_hadronization = true ?hadronization_active = false ?ps_tauola_photos = false ?ps_tauola_transverse = false ?ps_tauola_dec_rad_cor = true ?ps_tauola_pol_vector = false ?mlm_matching = false ?powheg_matching = false ?powheg_use_singular_jacobian = false ?powheg_test_sudakov = false ?powheg_disable_sudakov = false ?ckkw_matching = false ?omega_openmp => false ?openmp_is_active* = false ?openmp_logging = false ?mpi_logging = false ?test_soft_limit = false ?test_coll_limit = false ?test_anti_coll_limit = false ?virtual_collinear_resonance_aware = true ?openloops_use_cms = true ?openloops_switch_off_muon_yukawa = false ?disable_subtraction = false ?vis_fks_regions = false ?combined_nlo_integration = false ?fixed_order_nlo_events = false ?check_event_weights_against_xsection = false ?keep_failed_events = false ?nlo_use_born_scale = false ?nlo_cut_all_real_sqmes = false ?nlo_use_real_partition = false ?nlo_reuse_amplitudes_fks = false ?rebuild_library = true ?recompile_library = false ?rebuild_phase_space = true ?rebuild_grids = true ?rebuild_events = true [user variable] ?ok = true [user variable] $str = "foo" [user variable] $str = "foobar" $sf_trace_file = "" $lhapdf_dir = "" $lhapdf_file = "" $lhapdf_photon_file = "" $pdf_builtin_set = "CTEQ6L" $isr_handler_mode = "trivial" $epa_mode = "default" $epa_handler_mode = "trivial" $circe1_acc = "SBAND" [undefined] $circe2_file = [unknown string] $circe2_design = "*" [undefined] $beam_events_file = [unknown string] [undefined] $job_id = [unknown string] [undefined] $compile_workspace = [unknown string] $model_name = "SM" $method = "omega" $restrictions = "" $omega_flags = "" $library_name = "vars_lib" $rng_method = "tao" $event_file_version = "" $polarization_mode = "helicity" $out_file = "" $integration_method = "vamp" $run_id = "" [undefined] $integrate_workspace = [unknown string] $vamp_grid_format = "ascii" $phs_method = "default" $phs_file = "" $obs_label = "" $obs_unit = "" $title = "" $description = "" $x_label = "" $y_label = "" $gmlcode_bg = "" $gmlcode_fg = "" [undefined] $fill_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $draw_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $err_options = [unknown string] [undefined] $symbol = [unknown string] $sample = "" $sample_normalization = "auto" $rescan_input_format = "raw" $extension_raw = "evx" $extension_default = "evt" $debug_extension = "debug" $dump_extension = "pset.dat" $extension_hepevt = "hepevt" $extension_ascii_short = "short.evt" $extension_ascii_long = "long.evt" $extension_athena = "athena.evt" $extension_mokka = "mokka.evt" $lhef_version = "2.0" $lhef_extension = "lhe" $extension_lha = "lha" $extension_hepmc = "hepmc" $hepmc3_mode = "HepMC3" $extension_lcio = "slcio" $extension_stdhep = "hep" $extension_stdhep_up = "up.hep" $extension_stdhep_ev4 = "ev4.hep" $extension_hepevt_verb = "hepevt.verb" $extension_lha_verb = "lha.verb" $shower_method = "WHIZARD" $ps_PYTHIA_PYGIVE = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config = "" $ps_PYTHIA8_config_file = "" $hadronization_method = "PYTHIA6" $born_me_method = "" $loop_me_method = "" $correlation_me_method = "" $real_tree_me_method = "" $dglap_me_method = "" $select_alpha_regions = "" $virtual_selection = "Full" $blha_ew_scheme = "alpha_internal" $openloops_extra_cmd = "" $fks_mapping_type = "default" $resonances_exclude_particles = "default" $gosam_filter_lo = "" $gosam_filter_nlo = "" $gosam_symmetries = "family,generation" $gosam_fc = "" $dalitz_plot = "" $nlo_correction_type = "QCD" $exclude_gauge_splittings = "c:b:t:e2:e3" $fc => Fortran-compiler $fcflags => Fortran-flags $fclibs => Fortran-libs [user variable] $str = "foobar" [user variable] q = PDG(2) [user variable] q = PDG(2, 1, -2, -1) Q is only local and hence not not defined ****************************************************************************** *** ERROR: show: object 'Q' not found ****************************************************************************** | (WHIZARD run continues) SM.u* = PDG(2) [user variable] q = PDG(2, 1, -2, -1) [user variable] i = 1 one = 1 [user variable] i = 2 two [user variable] i = 3 three [user variable] i = 4 four [user variable] i = -1 [user variable] $str = "i<=0" [user variable] i = 1 [user variable] $str = "i>0" [user variable] i = 2 [user variable] $str = "i>1" Testing the complex calculus [user variable] ca = ( 2.000000000000E+00, 1.000000000000E+00) [user variable] ca = ( 2.000000000000E+00, 1.000000000000E+00) [user variable] ia = 2 [user variable] ia = 2 [user variable] ra = 2.000000000000E+00 [user variable] ra = 2.000000000000E+00 [user variable] cb = ( 3.000000000000E+00, 4.000000000000E+00) [user variable] cb = ( 3.000000000000E+00, 4.000000000000E+00) ?pacify = true [user variable] cc = ( 1.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00) ?pacify = true [user variable] cc = ( 1.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00) | There were 1 error(s) and no warnings. | WHIZARD run finished. |=============================================================================| Index: trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/process_log.ref =================================================================== --- trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/process_log.ref (revision 8499) +++ trunk/share/tests/functional_tests/ref-output/process_log.ref (revision 8500) @@ -1,554 +1,556 @@ ############################################################################### Process [scattering]: 'process_log_1_p1' Run ID = '' Library name = 'process_log_lib' Process index = 1 Process components: 1: 'process_log_1_p1_i1': e-, e+ => m-, m+ [omega] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ############################################################################### Integral = 8.3556567814E+03 Error = 3.2359019246E+00 Accuracy = 1.8972317270E-02 Chi2 = 5.2032955661E-01 Efficiency = 7.8315602603E-01 T(10k evt) =