Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8418) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8419) @@ -1,2766 +1,2766 @@ (* -- Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* Unfortunately, \texttt{ocamlweb} will not typeset all multi character operators nicely. E.\,g.~\verb+f @< g+ comes out as [f @< g]. *) let (@@) f g x = f (g x) let (@@@) f g x y = f (g x y) module SMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) module SSet = Sets.String module CMap = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = ThoString.compare_caseless end) module CSet = Sets.String_Caseless let error_in_string text start_pos end_pos = let i = start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum and j = end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum in String.sub text i (j - i) let error_in_file name start_pos end_pos = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d.%d-%d.%d" name start_pos.Lexing.pos_lnum (start_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - start_pos.Lexing.pos_bol) end_pos.Lexing.pos_lnum (end_pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - end_pos.Lexing.pos_bol) let parse_string text = try UFO_parser.file UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string text)) with | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "lexical error (%s) at: `%s'" msg (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos)) | UFO_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "syntax error (%s) at: `%s'" msg (error_in_string text start_pos end_pos)) | Parsing.Parse_error -> invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ text) let parse_file name = let ic = open_in name in let result = begin try UFO_parser.file UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position name (Lexing.from_channel ic)) with | UFO_tools.Lexical_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> begin close_in ic; invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "%s: lexical error (%s)" (error_in_file name start_pos end_pos) msg) end | UFO_syntax.Syntax_Error (msg, start_pos, end_pos) -> begin close_in ic; invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "%s: syntax error (%s)" (error_in_file name start_pos end_pos) msg) end | Parsing.Parse_error -> begin close_in ic; invalid_arg ("parse error: " ^ name) end end in close_in ic; result (* These are the contents of the Python files after lexical analysis as context-free variable declarations, before any semantic interpretation. *) module type Files = sig type t = private { particles : UFO_syntax.t; couplings : UFO_syntax.t; coupling_orders : UFO_syntax.t; vertices : UFO_syntax.t; lorentz : UFO_syntax.t; parameters : UFO_syntax.t; propagators : UFO_syntax.t; decays : UFO_syntax.t } val parse_directory : string -> t end module Files : Files = struct type t = { particles : UFO_syntax.t; couplings : UFO_syntax.t; coupling_orders : UFO_syntax.t; vertices : UFO_syntax.t; lorentz : UFO_syntax.t; parameters : UFO_syntax.t; propagators : UFO_syntax.t; decays : UFO_syntax.t } let parse_directory dir = let parse stem = parse_file (Filename.concat dir (stem ^ ".py")) in { particles = parse "particles"; couplings = parse "couplings"; coupling_orders = (try parse "coupling_orders" with _ -> []); vertices = parse "vertices"; lorentz = parse "lorentz"; parameters = parse "parameters"; propagators = (try parse "propagators" with _ -> []); decays = (try parse "decays" with _ -> []) } end let dump_file pfx f = List.iter (fun s -> print_endline (pfx ^ ": " ^ s)) (UFO_syntax.to_strings f) type charge = | Q_Integer of int | Q_Fraction of int * int let charge_to_string = function | Q_Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Q_Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d module S = UFO_syntax let find_attrib name attribs = try (List.find (fun a -> name = a.S.a_name) attribs).S.a_value with | Not_found -> failwith ("UFO.find_attrib: \"" ^ name ^ "\" not found") let find_attrib name attribs = (List.find (fun a -> name = a.S.a_name) attribs).S.a_value let name_to_string ?strip name = let stripped = begin match strip, List.rev name with | Some pfx, head :: tail -> if pfx = head then tail else failwith ("UFO.name_to_string: expected prefix '" ^ pfx ^ "', got '" ^ head ^ "'") | _, name -> name end in String.concat "." stripped let name_attrib ?strip name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Name n -> name_to_string ?strip n | _ -> invalid_arg name let integer_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer i -> i | _ -> invalid_arg name let charge_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer i -> Q_Integer i | S.Fraction (n, d) -> Q_Fraction (n, d) | _ -> invalid_arg name let string_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.String s -> s | _ -> invalid_arg name let boolean_attrib name attribs = try match ThoString.lowercase (name_attrib name attribs) with | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | _ -> invalid_arg name with | Not_found -> false type value = | Integer of int | Fraction of int * int | Float of float | Expr of UFOx.Expr.t | Name of string list let map_expr f default = function | Integer _ | Fraction (_, _) | Float _ | Name _ -> default | Expr e -> f e let variables = map_expr UFOx.Expr.variables CSet.empty let functions = map_expr UFOx.Expr.functions CSet.empty let add_to_set_in_map key element map = let set = try CMap.find key map with Not_found -> CSet.empty in CMap.add key (CSet.add element set) map (* Add all variables in [value] to the [map] from variables to the names in which they appear, indicating that [name] depends on these variables. *) let dependency name value map = CSet.fold (fun variable acc -> add_to_set_in_map variable name acc) (variables value) map let dependencies name_value_list = List.fold_left (fun acc (name, value) -> dependency name value acc) CMap.empty name_value_list let dependency_to_string (variable, appearences) = Printf.sprintf "%s -> {%s}" variable (String.concat ", " (CSet.elements appearences)) let dependencies_to_strings map = dependency_to_string (CMap.bindings map) let expr_to_string = UFOx.Value.to_string @@ UFOx.Value.of_expr let value_to_string = function | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d | Float x -> string_of_float x | Expr e -> "'" ^ expr_to_string e ^ "'" | Name n -> name_to_string n let value_to_expr substitutions = function | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d" n d | Float x -> string_of_float x | Expr e -> expr_to_string (substitutions e) | Name n -> name_to_string n let value_to_coupling substitutions atom = function | Integer i -> Coupling.Integer i | Fraction (n, d) -> Coupling.Quot (Coupling.Integer n, Coupling.Integer d) | Float x -> Coupling.Float x | Expr e -> UFOx.Value.to_coupling atom (UFOx.Value.of_expr (substitutions e)) | Name n -> failwith "UFO.value_to_coupling: Name not supported yet!" let value_to_numeric = function | Integer i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i | Fraction (n, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%g" (float n /. float d) | Float x -> Printf.sprintf "%g" x | Expr e -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_numeric: expr = " ^ (expr_to_string e)) | Name n -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_numeric: name = " ^ name_to_string n) let value_to_float = function | Integer i -> float i | Fraction (n, d) -> float n /. float d | Float x -> x | Expr e -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_float: string = " ^ (expr_to_string e)) | Name n -> invalid_arg ("UFO.value_to_float: name = " ^ name_to_string n) let value_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer i -> Integer i | S.Fraction (n, d) -> Fraction (n, d) | S.Float x -> Float x | S.String s -> Expr (UFOx.Expr.of_string s) | S.Name n -> Name n | _ -> invalid_arg name let string_list_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.String_List l -> l | _ -> invalid_arg name let name_list_attrib ~strip name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Name_List l -> (name_to_string ~strip) l | _ -> invalid_arg name let integer_list_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Integer_List l -> l | _ -> invalid_arg name let order_dictionary_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Order_Dictionary d -> d | _ -> invalid_arg name let coupling_dictionary_attrib ~strip name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Coupling_Dictionary d -> (fun (i, j, c) -> (i, j, name_to_string ~strip c)) d | _ -> invalid_arg name let decay_dictionary_attrib name attribs = match find_attrib name attribs with | S.Decay_Dictionary d -> (fun (p, w) -> ( List.hd p, w)) d | _ -> invalid_arg name (*i The following doesn't typecheck in applications, even with type annotations ... let attrib_handlers : type attribs value. string -> string -> attribs -> ((string -> attribs -> value) -> string -> value) * ((string -> attribs -> value) -> string -> value -> value) = fun kind symbol attribs -> let required query name = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "fatal UFO error: mandatory attribute `%s' missing for %s `%s'!" name kind symbol) and optional query name default = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> default in (required, optional) i*) let required_handler kind symbol attribs query name = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "fatal UFO error: mandatory attribute `%s' missing for %s `%s'!" name kind symbol) let optional_handler attribs query name default = try query name attribs with | Not_found -> default let warn_symbol_name file symbol name = if name <> symbol then Printf.eprintf "UFO: warning: symbol '%s' <> name '%s' in expect errors!\n" symbol name file let map_to_alist map = SMap.fold (fun key value acc -> (key, value) :: acc) map [] let keys map = SMap.fold (fun key _ acc -> key :: acc) map [] let keys_caseless map = CMap.fold (fun key _ acc -> key :: acc) map [] let values map = SMap.fold (fun _ value acc -> value :: acc) map [] module SKey = struct type t = string let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal = (=) end module SHash = Hashtbl.Make (SKey) module type Particle = sig type t = private { pdg_code : int; name : string; antiname : string; spin : UFOx.Lorentz.r; color : UFOx.Color.r; mass : string; width : string; propagator : string option; texname : string; antitexname : string; charge : charge; ghost_number : int; lepton_number : int; y : int; goldstone : bool; propagating : bool; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) line : string option; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) is_anti : bool } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string val conjugate : t -> t val force_spinor : t -> t val force_conjspinor : t -> t val force_majorana : t -> t val is_majorana : t -> bool val is_ghost : t -> bool val is_goldstone : t -> bool val is_physical : t -> bool val filter : (t -> bool) -> t SMap.t -> t SMap.t end module Particle : Particle = struct type t = { pdg_code : int; name : string; antiname : string; spin : UFOx.Lorentz.r; color : UFOx.Color.r; mass : string; width : string; propagator : string option; texname : string; antitexname : string; charge : charge; ghost_number : int; lepton_number : int; y : int; goldstone : bool; propagating : bool; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) line : string option; (* NOT HANDLED YET! *) is_anti : bool } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "particle: %s => [pdg = %d, name = '%s'/'%s', \ spin = %s, color = %s, \ mass = %s, width = %s,%s \ Q = %s, G = %d, L = %d, Y = %d, \ TeX = '%s'/'%s'%s]" symbol p.pdg_code p.antiname (UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string p.spin) (UFOx.Color.rep_to_string p.color) p.mass p.width (match p.propagator with | None -> "" | Some p -> " propagator = " ^ p ^ ",") (charge_to_string p.charge) p.ghost_number p.lepton_number p.y p.texname p.antitexname (if p.goldstone then ", GB" else "") let conjugate_charge = function | Q_Integer i -> Q_Integer (-i) | Q_Fraction (n, d) -> Q_Fraction (-n, d) let is_neutral p = ( = p.antiname) (* We \emph{must not} mess with [pdg_code] and [color] if the particle is neutral! *) let conjugate p = if is_neutral p then p else { pdg_code = - p.pdg_code; name = p.antiname; antiname =; spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_conjugate p.spin; color = UFOx.Color.rep_conjugate p.color; mass = p.mass; width = p.width; propagator = p.propagator; texname = p.antitexname; antitexname = p.texname; charge = conjugate_charge p.charge; ghost_number = p.ghost_number; lepton_number = p.lepton_number; y = p.y; goldstone = p.goldstone; propagating = p.propagating; line = p.line; is_anti = not p.is_anti } let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Particle" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name and optional query name default = optional_handler attribs query name default in let name = required string_attrib "name" and antiname = required string_attrib "antiname" in let neutral = (name = antiname) in SMap.add symbol { (* The required attributes per UFO docs. *) pdg_code = required integer_attrib "pdg_code"; name; antiname; spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int neutral (required integer_attrib "spin"); color = UFOx.Color.rep_of_int neutral (required integer_attrib "color"); mass = required (name_attrib ~strip:"Param") "mass"; width = required (name_attrib ~strip:"Param") "width"; texname = required string_attrib "texname"; antitexname = required string_attrib "antitexname"; charge = required charge_attrib "charge"; (* The optional attributes per UFO docs. *) ghost_number = optional integer_attrib "GhostNumber" 0; lepton_number = optional integer_attrib "LeptonNumber" 0; y = optional integer_attrib "Y" 0; goldstone = optional boolean_attrib "goldstone" false; propagating = optional boolean_attrib "propagating" true; line = (try Some (name_attrib "line" attribs) with _ -> None); (* Undocumented extensions. *) propagator = (try Some (name_attrib "propagator" attribs) with _ -> None); (* O'Mega extensions. *) is_anti = false } map | [ "anti"; p ], [] -> begin try SMap.add symbol (conjugate (SMap.find p map)) map with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("Particle.of_file: " ^ p ^ ".anti() not yet defined!") end | _ -> invalid_arg ("Particle.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file particles = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty particles let is_spinor p = match p.spin with | Coupling.Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor | Coupling.Majorana -> true | _ -> false (* \begin{dubious} TODO: this is a bit of a hack: try to expose the type [UFOx.Lorentz_Atom'.r] instead. \end{dubious} *) let force_spinor p = if is_spinor p then { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int false 2 } else p let force_conjspinor p = if is_spinor p then { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int false (-2) } else p let force_majorana p = if is_spinor p then { p with spin = UFOx.Lorentz.rep_of_int true 2 } else p let is_majorana p = match p.spin with | Coupling.Majorana | Coupling.Vectorspinor | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> true | _ -> false let is_ghost p = p.ghost_number <> 0 let is_goldstone p = p.goldstone let is_physical p = not (is_ghost p || is_goldstone p) let filter predicate map = SMap.filter (fun symbol p -> predicate p) map end module type UFO_Coupling = sig type t = private { name : string; value : UFOx.Expr.t; order : (string * int) list } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module UFO_Coupling : UFO_Coupling = struct type t = { name : string; value : UFOx.Expr.t; order : (string * int) list } let order_to_string orders = String.concat ", " ( (fun (s, i) -> Printf.sprintf "'%s':%d" s i) orders) let to_string symbol c = Printf.sprintf "coupling: %s => [name = '%s', value = '%s', order = [%s]]" symbol (expr_to_string c.value) (order_to_string c.order) let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Coupling" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "coupling" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "couplings" symbol name; SMap.add symbol { name; value = UFOx.Expr.of_string (required string_attrib "value"); order = required order_dictionary_attrib "order" } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("UFO_Coupling.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file couplings = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty couplings end module type Coupling_Order = sig type t = private { name : string; expansion_order : int; hierarchy : int } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Coupling_Order : Coupling_Order = struct type t = { name : string; expansion_order : int; hierarchy : int } let to_string symbol c = Printf.sprintf "coupling_order: %s => [name = '%s', \ expansion_order = '%d', \ hierarchy = %d]" symbol c.expansion_order c.hierarchy let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "CouplingOrder" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "coupling order" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "coupling_orders" symbol name; SMap.add symbol { name; expansion_order = required integer_attrib "expansion_order"; hierarchy = required integer_attrib "hierarchy" } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Coupling_order.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file coupling_orders = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty coupling_orders end module type Lorentz_UFO = sig type t = private { name : string; spins : int list; structure : UFOx.Lorentz.t } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Lorentz_UFO : Lorentz_UFO = struct type t = { name : string; spins : int list; structure : UFOx.Lorentz.t } let to_string symbol l = Printf.sprintf "lorentz: %s => [name = '%s', spins = [%s], \ structure = %s]" symbol (String.concat ", " ( string_of_int l.spins)) (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string l.structure) let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Lorentz" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "lorentz" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "lorentz" symbol name; SMap.add symbol { name; spins = required integer_list_attrib "spins"; structure = UFOx.Lorentz.of_string (required string_attrib "structure") } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Lorentz.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file lorentz = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty lorentz end module type Vertex = sig type lcc = private (* Lorentz-color-coupling *) { lorentz : string; color : UFOx.Color.t; coupling : string } type t = private { name : string; particles : string array; lcc : lcc list } val of_file : Particle.t SMap.t -> S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string val to_string_expanded : Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t -> UFO_Coupling.t SMap.t -> t -> string val contains : Particle.t SMap.t -> (Particle.t -> bool) -> t -> bool val filter : (t -> bool) -> t SMap.t -> t SMap.t end module Vertex : Vertex = struct type lcc = { lorentz : string; color : UFOx.Color.t; coupling : string } type t = { name : string; particles : string array; lcc : lcc list } let to_string symbol c = Printf.sprintf "vertex: %s => [name = '%s', particles = [%s], \ lorentz-color-couplings = [%s]" symbol (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list c.particles)) (String.concat ", " ( (fun lcc -> Printf.sprintf "%s * %s * %s" lcc.coupling lcc.lorentz (UFOx.Color.to_string lcc.color)) c.lcc)) let to_string_expanded lorentz couplings c = let expand_lorentz s = try UFOx.Lorentz.to_string (SMap.find s lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure with | Not_found -> "?" in Printf.sprintf "expanded: [%s] -> { lorentz-color-couplings = [%s] }" (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list c.particles)) (String.concat ", " ( (fun lcc -> Printf.sprintf "%s * %s * %s" lcc.coupling (expand_lorentz lcc.lorentz) (UFOx.Color.to_string lcc.color)) c.lcc)) let contains particles predicate v = let p = v.particles in let rec contains' i = if i < 0 then false else if predicate (SMap.find p.(i) particles) then true else contains' (pred i) in contains' (Array.length p - 1) let force_adj_identity1 adj_indices = function | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) as atom -> begin match List.mem a adj_indices, List.mem b adj_indices with | true, true -> UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) | false, false -> atom | true, false | false, true -> invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end | atom -> atom let force_adj_identity adj_indices tensor = UFOx.Color.map_atoms (force_adj_identity1 adj_indices) tensor let find_adj_indices map particles = let adj_indices = ref [] in Array.iteri (fun i p -> (* We must pattern match against the O'Mega representation, because [UFOx.Color.r] is abstract. *) match (SMap.find p map).Particle.color with | Color.AdjSUN _ -> adj_indices := succ i :: !adj_indices | _ -> ()) particles; !adj_indices let classify_color_indices map particles = let fund_indices = ref [] and conj_indices = ref [] and adj_indices = ref [] in Array.iteri (fun i p -> (* We must pattern match against the O'Mega representation, because [UFOx.Color.r] is abstract. *) match (SMap.find p map).Particle.color with | Color.SUN n -> if n > 0 then fund_indices := succ i :: !fund_indices else if n < 0 then conj_indices := succ i :: !conj_indices else failwith "classify_color_indices: SU(0)" | Color.AdjSUN n -> if n <> 0 then adj_indices := succ i :: !adj_indices else failwith "classify_color_indices: SU(0)" | _ -> ()) particles; (!fund_indices, !conj_indices, !adj_indices) (* FIXME: would have expected the opposite order \ldots *) let force_identity1 (fund_indices, conj_indices, adj_indices) = function | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) as atom -> if List.mem a fund_indices then begin if List.mem b conj_indices then UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (b, a) else invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end else if List.mem a conj_indices then begin if List.mem b fund_indices then UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (a, b) else invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end else if List.mem a adj_indices then begin if List.mem b adj_indices then UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) else invalid_arg "force_adj_identity: mixed representations!" end else atom | atom -> atom let force_identity indices tensor = UFOx.Color.map_atoms (force_identity1 indices) tensor (* Here we don't have the Lorentz structures available yet. Thus we set [fermion_lines = []] for now and correct this later. *) let of_file1 particle_map map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Vertex" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "vertex" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "vertices" symbol name; let particles = Array.of_list (required (name_list_attrib ~strip:"P") "particles") in let color = let indices = classify_color_indices particle_map particles in Array.of_list ( (force_identity indices @@ UFOx.Color.of_string) (required string_list_attrib "color")) and lorentz = Array.of_list (required (name_list_attrib ~strip:"L") "lorentz") and couplings_alist = required (coupling_dictionary_attrib ~strip:"C") "couplings" in let lcc = (fun (i, j, c) -> { lorentz = lorentz.(j); color = color.(i); coupling = c }) couplings_alist in SMap.add symbol { name; particles; lcc } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Vertex.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file particles vertices = List.fold_left (of_file1 particles) SMap.empty vertices let filter predicate map = SMap.filter (fun symbol p -> predicate p) map end module type Parameter = sig type nature = private Internal | External type ptype = private Real | Complex type t = private { name : string; nature : nature; ptype : ptype; value : value; texname : string; lhablock : string option; lhacode : int list option; sequence : int } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string val missing : string -> t end module Parameter : Parameter = struct type nature = Internal | External let nature_to_string = function | Internal -> "internal" | External -> "external" let nature_of_string = function | "internal" -> Internal | "external" -> External | s -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.nature_of_string: " ^ s) type ptype = Real | Complex let ptype_to_string = function | Real -> "real" | Complex -> "complex" let ptype_of_string = function | "real" -> Real | "complex" -> Complex | s -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.ptype_of_string: " ^ s) type t = { name : string; nature : nature; ptype : ptype; value : value; texname : string; lhablock : string option; lhacode : int list option; sequence : int } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "parameter: %s => [#%d, name = '%s', nature = %s, type = %s, \ value = %s, texname = '%s', \ lhablock = %s, lhacode = [%s]]" symbol p.sequence (nature_to_string p.nature) (ptype_to_string p.ptype) (value_to_string p.value) p.texname (match p.lhablock with None -> "???" | Some s -> s) (match p.lhacode with | None -> "" | Some c -> String.concat ", " ( string_of_int c)) let of_file1 (map, n) d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Parameter" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "parameters" symbol name; (SMap.add symbol { name; nature = nature_of_string (required string_attrib "nature"); ptype = ptype_of_string (required string_attrib "type"); value = required value_attrib "value"; texname = required string_attrib "texname"; lhablock = (try Some (string_attrib "lhablock" attribs) with Not_found -> None); lhacode = (try Some (integer_list_attrib "lhacode" attribs) with Not_found -> None); sequence = n } map, succ n) | _ -> invalid_arg ("Parameter.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file parameters = let map, _ = List.fold_left of_file1 (SMap.empty, 0) parameters in map let missing name = { name; nature = External; ptype = Real; value = Integer 0; texname = Printf.sprintf "\\texttt{%s}" name; lhablock = None; lhacode = None; sequence = 0 } end module type Propagator_UFO = sig type t = (* private *) { name : string; numerator : UFOx.Lorentz.t; denominator : UFOx.Lorentz.t } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Propagator_UFO : Propagator_UFO = struct type t = { name : string; numerator : UFOx.Lorentz.t; denominator : UFOx.Lorentz.t } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "propagator: %s => [name = '%s', numerator = '%s', \ denominator = '%s']" symbol (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string p.numerator) (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string p.denominator) (* The \texttt{denominator} attribute is optional and there is a default (cf.~\texttt{arXiv:1308.1668}) *) let default_denominator = "P('mu', id) * P('mu', id) \ - Mass(id) * Mass(id) \ + complex(0,1) * Mass(id) * Width(id)" let of_string_with_error_correction symbol num_or_den s = try UFOx.Lorentz.of_string s with | Invalid_argument msg -> begin let fixed = s ^ ")" in try let tensor = UFOx.Lorentz.of_string fixed in Printf.eprintf "UFO.Propagator.of_string: added missing closing parenthesis \ in %s of %s: \"%s\"\n" num_or_den symbol s; tensor with | Invalid_argument _ -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "UFO.Propagator.of_string: %s of %s: %s in \"%s\"\n" num_or_den symbol msg fixed) end (* The parser will turn [foo = "bar"] into [foo = "bar"."$"], which will be interpreted as a macro definition for [foo] expanding to ["bar"]. The dollar is used to distinguish it from an empty attribute list. This could also be implemented with a union type for the declarations. *) let of_file1 (macros, map) d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Propagator" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name and optional query name default = optional_handler attribs query name default in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "propagators" symbol name; let num_string = required string_attrib "numerator" and den_string = begin match optional find_attrib "denominator" (S.String default_denominator) with | S.String s -> s | S.Name [n] -> SMap.find n macros | _ -> invalid_arg "Propagator.denominator: " end in let numerator = of_string_with_error_correction symbol "numerator" num_string and denominator = of_string_with_error_correction symbol "denominator" den_string in (macros, SMap.add symbol { name; numerator; denominator } map) | [ "$"; s ], [] -> (SMap.add symbol s macros, map) | _ -> invalid_arg ("Propagator:of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file propagators = let _, propagators' = List.fold_left of_file1 (SMap.empty, SMap.empty) propagators in propagators' end module type Decay = sig type t = private { name : string; particle : string; widths : (string list * string) list } val of_file : S.t -> t SMap.t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Decay : Decay = struct type t = { name : string; particle : string; widths : (string list * string) list } let width_to_string ws = String.concat ", " ( (fun (ps, w) -> "(" ^ String.concat ", " ps ^ ") -> '" ^ w ^ "'") ws) let to_string symbol d = Printf.sprintf "decay: %s => [name = '%s', particle = '%s', widths = [%s]]" symbol d.particle (width_to_string d.widths) let of_file1 map d = let symbol = in match d.S.kind, d.S.attribs with | [ "Decay" ], attribs -> let required query name = required_handler "particle" symbol attribs query name in let name = required string_attrib "name" in warn_symbol_name "decays" symbol name; SMap.add symbol { name; particle = required (name_attrib ~strip:"P") "particle"; widths = required decay_dictionary_attrib "partial_widths" } map | _ -> invalid_arg ("Decay.of_file: " ^ name_to_string d.S.kind) let of_file decays = List.fold_left of_file1 SMap.empty decays end (* We can read the spinor representations off the vertices to check for consistency. *) (* \begin{dubious} Note that we have to conjugate the representations! \end{dubious} *) let collect_spinor_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v sets = List.fold_left (fun sets' lcc -> let l = (SMap.find lcc.Vertex.lorentz lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure in List.fold_left (fun (spinors, conj_spinors as sets'') (i, rep) -> let p = v.Vertex.particles.(pred i) in match rep with | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> (SSet.add p spinors, conj_spinors) | Coupling.Spinor -> (spinors, SSet.add p conj_spinors) | _ -> sets'') sets' (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices l)) sets v.Vertex.lcc let collect_spinor_reps_of_vertices particles lorentz vertices = SMap.fold (fun _ v -> collect_spinor_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v) vertices (SSet.empty, SSet.empty) let lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v = ThoList.alist_of_list ~predicate:(not @@ UFOx.Lorentz.rep_trivial) ~offset:1 ( (fun p -> (* Why do we need to conjugate??? *) UFOx.Lorentz.rep_conjugate (SMap.find p particles).Particle.spin) (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles)) let rep_compatible rep_vertex rep_particle = let open UFOx.Lorentz in let open Coupling in match omega rep_vertex, omega rep_particle with | (Spinor | ConjSpinor), Majorana -> true | r1, r2 -> r1 = r2 let reps_compatible reps_vertex reps_particles = List.for_all2 (fun (iv, rv) (ip, rp) -> iv = ip && rep_compatible rv rp) reps_vertex reps_particles let check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles lorentz v = let reps_particles = List.sort compare (lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v) in List.iter (fun lcc -> let l = (SMap.find lcc.Vertex.lorentz lorentz).Lorentz_UFO.structure in let reps_vertex = List.sort compare (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices l) in if not (reps_compatible reps_vertex reps_particles) then begin Printf.eprintf "%s <> %s [%s]\n" (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string reps_particles) (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string reps_vertex) (* [(Vertex.to_string v)] *); (* [invalid_arg "check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex"] *) () end) v.Vertex.lcc let color_reps_of_vertex particles v = ThoList.alist_of_list ~predicate:(not @@ UFOx.Color.rep_trivial) ~offset:1 ( (fun p -> (SMap.find p particles).Particle.color) (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles)) let check_color_reps_of_vertex particles v = let reps_particles = List.sort compare (color_reps_of_vertex particles v) in List.iter (fun lcc -> let reps_vertex = List.sort compare (UFOx.Color.classify_indices lcc.Vertex.color) in if reps_vertex <> reps_particles then begin Printf.printf "%s <> %s\n" (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Color.rep_to_string reps_particles) (UFOx.Index.classes_to_string UFOx.Color.rep_to_string reps_vertex); invalid_arg "check_color_reps_of_vertex" end) v.Vertex.lcc module P = Permutation.Default module type Lorentz = sig type spins = private | Unused | Unique of Coupling.lorentz array | Ambiguous of Coupling.lorentz array SMap.t type t = private { name : string; n : int; spins : spins; structure : UFO_Lorentz.t; fermion_lines : Coupling.fermion_lines } val all_charge_conjugates : t -> t list val permute : P.t -> t -> t val of_lorentz_UFO : Particle.t SMap.t -> Vertex.t SMap.t -> Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t -> t SMap.t val lorentz_to_string : Coupling.lorentz -> string val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Lorentz : Lorentz = struct let rec lorentz_to_string = function | Coupling.Scalar -> "Scalar" | Coupling.Spinor -> "Spinor" | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> "ConjSpinor" | Coupling.Majorana -> "Majorana" | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> "Maj_Ghost" | Coupling.Vector -> "Vector" | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> "Massive_Vector" | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> "Vectorspinor" | Coupling.Tensor_1 -> "Tensor_1" | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> "Tensor_2" | Coupling.BRS l -> "BRS(" ^ lorentz_to_string l ^ ")" (* Unlike UFO, O'Mega distinguishes bewteen spinors and conjugate spinors. However, we can inspect the particles in the vertices in which a Lorentz structure is used to determine the correct quantum numbers. Most model files in the real world contain unused Lorentz structures. This is not a problem, we can just ignore them. *) type spins = | Unused | Unique of Coupling.lorentz array | Ambiguous of Coupling.lorentz array SMap.t (* \begin{dubious} Use [UFO_targets.Fortran.fusion_name] below in order to avoid communication problems. Or even move away from strings alltogether. \end{dubious} *) type t = { name : string; n : int; spins : spins; structure : UFO_Lorentz.t; fermion_lines : Coupling.fermion_lines } (* Add one charge conjugated fermion lines. *) let charge_conjugate1 l (bra, ket as fermion_line) = { name = ^ Printf.sprintf "_c%x%x" bra ket; n = l.n; spins = l.spins; structure = UFO_Lorentz.charge_conjugate fermion_line l.structure; fermion_lines = l.fermion_lines } (* Add several charge conjugated fermion lines. *) let charge_conjugate l fermion_lines = List.fold_left charge_conjugate1 l fermion_lines (* Add all combinations of charge conjugated fermion lines. *) let all_charge_conjugates l = (charge_conjugate l) (ThoList.power l.fermion_lines) let permute_spins p = function | Unused -> Unused | Unique s -> Unique (P.array p s) | Ambiguous map -> Ambiguous ( (P.array p) map) (* Note that we apply the \emph{inverse} permutation to the indices in order to match the permutation of the particles/spins. *) let permute_structure n p (l, f) = let permuted = P.array (P.inverse p) (Array.init n succ) in let permute_index i = if i > 0 then UFOx.Index.map_position (fun pos -> permuted.(pred pos)) i else i in (UFO_Lorentz.map_indices permute_index l, UFO_Lorentz.map_fermion_lines permute_index f) let permute p l = let structure, fermion_lines = permute_structure l.n p (l.structure, l.fermion_lines) in { name = ^ "_p" ^ P.to_string (P.inverse p); n = l.n; spins = permute_spins p l.spins; structure; fermion_lines } let omega_lorentz_reps n alist = let reps = Array.make n Coupling.Scalar in List.iter (fun (i, rep) -> reps.(pred i) <- rep) alist; reps let contained lorentz vertex = List.exists (fun lcc1 -> lcc1.Vertex.lorentz = vertex.Vertex.lcc (* Find all vertices in with the Lorentz structure [lorentz] is used and build a map from those vertices to the O'Mega Lorentz representations inferred from UFO's Lorentz structure and the [particles] involved. Then scan the bindings and check that we have inferred the same Lorentz representation from all vertices. *) let lorentz_reps_of_structure particles vertices lorentz = let uses = SMap.fold (fun name v acc -> if contained lorentz v then SMap.add name (omega_lorentz_reps (Array.length v.Vertex.particles) (lorentz_reps_of_vertex particles v)) acc else acc) vertices SMap.empty in let variants = ThoList.uniq (List.sort compare ( snd (SMap.bindings uses))) in match variants with | [] -> Unused | [s] -> Unique s | _ -> Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz.lorentz_reps_of_structure: AMBIGUOUS!\n"; List.iter (fun variant -> Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz.lorentz_reps_of_structure: %s\n" (ThoList.to_string lorentz_to_string (Array.to_list variant))) variants; Ambiguous uses let of_lorentz_tensor spins lorentz = match spins with | Unique s -> begin try Some (UFO_Lorentz.parse (Array.to_list s) lorentz) with | Failure msg -> begin prerr_endline msg; Some (UFO_Lorentz.dummy) end end | Unused -> Printf.eprintf "UFO.Lorentz: stripping unused structure %s\n" (UFOx.Lorentz.to_string lorentz); None | Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "UFO.Lorentz.of_lorentz_tensor: Ambiguous" let of_lorentz_UFO particles vertices lorentz_UFO = SMap.fold (fun name l acc -> let spins = lorentz_reps_of_structure particles vertices l in match of_lorentz_tensor spins l.Lorentz_UFO.structure with | None -> acc | Some structure -> SMap.add name { name =; n = List.length l.Lorentz_UFO.spins; spins; structure; fermion_lines = UFO_Lorentz.fermion_lines structure } acc) lorentz_UFO SMap.empty let to_string symbol l = Printf.sprintf "lorentz: %s => [name = '%s', spins = %s, \ structure = %s, fermion_lines = %s]" symbol (match l.spins with | Unique s -> "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( lorentz_to_string (Array.to_list s)) ^ "]" | Ambiguous _ -> "AMBIGUOUS!" | Unused -> "UNUSED!") (UFO_Lorentz.to_string l.structure) (UFO_Lorentz.fermion_lines_to_string l.fermion_lines) end (* According to arxiv:1308:1668, there should not be a factor of~$i$ in the numerators of propagators, but the (unused) \texttt{} in most models violate this rule! *) let divide_propagators_by_i = ref false module type Propagator = sig type t = (* private *) { name : string; spins : Coupling.lorentz * Coupling.lorentz; numerator : UFO_Lorentz.t; denominator : UFO_Lorentz.t } val of_propagator_UFO : ?majorana:bool -> Propagator_UFO.t -> t val of_propagators_UFO : ?majorana:bool -> Propagator_UFO.t SMap.t -> t SMap.t val transpose : t -> t val to_string : string -> t -> string end module Propagator : Propagator = struct type t = (* private *) { name : string; spins : Coupling.lorentz * Coupling.lorentz; numerator : UFO_Lorentz.t; denominator : UFO_Lorentz.t } let lorentz_rep_at rep_classes i = try (List.assoc i rep_classes) with | Not_found -> Coupling.Scalar let imaginary = Algebra.QC.make Algebra.Q.null Algebra.Q.unit let scalars = [Coupling.Scalar; Coupling.Scalar] (* If~$51$ and~$52$ show up as indices, we must map $(1,51)\to(1001,2001)$ and $(2,52)\to(1002,2002)$, as per the UFO conventions for Lorentz structures. *) (* \begin{dubious} This does not work yet, because [UFOx.Lorentz.map_indices] affects also the position argument of [P], [Mass] and [Width]. \end{dubious} *) let contains_51_52 tensor = List.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = 51 || i = 52) (UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices tensor) let remap_51_52 = function | 1 -> 1001 | 51 -> 2001 | 2 -> 1002 | 52 -> 2002 | i -> i let canonicalize_51_52 tensor = if contains_51_52 tensor then UFOx.Lorentz.rename_indices remap_51_52 tensor else tensor let force_majorana = function | Coupling.Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> Coupling.Majorana | s -> s (* In the current conventions, the factor of~$i$ is not included: *) let of_propagator_UFO ?(majorana=false) p = let numerator = canonicalize_51_52 p.Propagator_UFO.numerator in let lorentz_reps = UFOx.Lorentz.classify_indices numerator in let spin1 = lorentz_rep_at lorentz_reps 1 and spin2 = lorentz_rep_at lorentz_reps 2 in let numerator_sans_i = if !divide_propagators_by_i then UFOx.Lorentz.map_coef (fun q -> Algebra.QC.div q imaginary) numerator else numerator in { name =; spins = if majorana then (force_majorana spin1, force_majorana spin2) else (spin1, spin2); numerator = UFO_Lorentz.parse [spin1; spin2] numerator_sans_i; denominator = UFO_Lorentz.parse scalars p.Propagator_UFO.denominator } let of_propagators_UFO ?majorana propagators_UFO = SMap.fold (fun name p acc -> SMap.add name (of_propagator_UFO ?majorana p) acc) propagators_UFO SMap.empty let permute12 = function | 1 -> 2 | 2 -> 1 | n -> n let transpose_positions t = UFOx.Index.map_position permute12 t let transpose p = { name =; spins = (snd p.spins, fst p.spins); numerator = UFO_Lorentz.map_indices transpose_positions p.numerator; denominator = p.denominator } let to_string symbol p = Printf.sprintf "propagator: %s => [name = '%s', spin = '(%s, %s)', numerator/I = '%s', \ denominator = '%s']" symbol (Lorentz.lorentz_to_string (fst p.spins)) (Lorentz.lorentz_to_string (snd p.spins)) (UFO_Lorentz.to_string p.numerator) (UFO_Lorentz.to_string p.denominator) end type t = { particles : Particle.t SMap.t; particle_array : Particle.t array; (* for diagnostics *) couplings : UFO_Coupling.t SMap.t; coupling_orders : Coupling_Order.t SMap.t; vertices : Vertex.t SMap.t; lorentz_UFO : Lorentz_UFO.t SMap.t; lorentz : Lorentz.t SMap.t; parameters : Parameter.t SMap.t; propagators_UFO : Propagator_UFO.t SMap.t; propagators : Propagator.t SMap.t; decays : Decay.t SMap.t; nc : int } let use_majorana_spinors = ref false let fallback_to_majorana_if_necessary particles vertices lorentz_UFO = let majoranas = SMap.fold (fun p particle acc -> if Particle.is_majorana particle then SSet.add p acc else acc) particles SSet.empty in let spinors, conj_spinors = collect_spinor_reps_of_vertices particles lorentz_UFO vertices in let ambiguous = SSet.diff (SSet.inter spinors conj_spinors) majoranas in let no_majoranas = SSet.is_empty majoranas and no_ambiguities = SSet.is_empty ambiguous in if no_majoranas && no_ambiguities && not !use_majorana_spinors then (SMap.mapi (fun p particle -> if SSet.mem p spinors then Particle.force_spinor particle else if SSet.mem p conj_spinors then Particle.force_conjspinor particle else particle) particles, false) else begin if !use_majorana_spinors then Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: Majorana fermions requested.\n"; if not no_majoranas then Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: found Majorana fermions!\n"; if not no_ambiguities then Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: found ambiguous spinor representations for %s!\n" (String.concat ", " (SSet.elements ambiguous)); Printf.eprintf "O'Mega: falling back to the Majorana representation for all fermions.\n"; ( Particle.force_majorana particles, true) end let nc_of_particles particles = let nc_set = List.fold_left (fun nc_set (_, p) -> match p.Particle.color with | Color.Singlet -> nc_set | Color.SUN nc -> Sets.Int.add (abs nc) nc_set | Color.AdjSUN nc -> Sets.Int.add (abs nc) nc_set) Sets.Int.empty (SMap.bindings particles) in match Sets.Int.elements nc_set with | [] -> 0 | [n] -> n | nc_list -> invalid_arg ("UFO.Model: more than one value of N_C: " ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_int nc_list)) let of_file u = let particles = Particle.of_file u.Files.particles in let vertices = Vertex.of_file particles u.Files.vertices and lorentz_UFO = Lorentz_UFO.of_file u.Files.lorentz and propagators_UFO = Propagator_UFO.of_file u.Files.propagators in let particles, majorana = fallback_to_majorana_if_necessary particles vertices lorentz_UFO in let particle_array = Array.of_list (values particles) and lorentz = Lorentz.of_lorentz_UFO particles vertices lorentz_UFO and propagators = Propagator.of_propagators_UFO ~majorana propagators_UFO in let model = { particles; particle_array; couplings = UFO_Coupling.of_file u.Files.couplings; coupling_orders = Coupling_Order.of_file u.Files.coupling_orders; vertices; lorentz_UFO; lorentz; parameters = Parameter.of_file u.Files.parameters; propagators_UFO; propagators; decays = Decay.of_file u.Files.decays; nc = nc_of_particles particles } in SMap.iter (fun _ v -> check_color_reps_of_vertex model.particles v; check_lorentz_reps_of_vertex model.particles model.lorentz_UFO v) model.vertices; model let parse_directory dir = of_file (Files.parse_directory dir) let dump model = Printf.printf "NC = %d\n"; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Particle.to_string) model.particles; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ UFO_Coupling.to_string) model.couplings; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Coupling_Order.to_string) model.coupling_orders; (* [SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Vertex.to_string) model.vertices;] *) SMap.iter (fun symbol v -> (print_endline @@@ Vertex.to_string) symbol v; print_endline (Vertex.to_string_expanded model.lorentz_UFO model.couplings v)) model.vertices; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Lorentz_UFO.to_string) model.lorentz_UFO; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Lorentz.to_string) model.lorentz; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Parameter.to_string) model.parameters; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Propagator_UFO.to_string) model.propagators_UFO; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Propagator.to_string) model.propagators; SMap.iter (print_endline @@@ Decay.to_string) model.decays; SMap.iter (fun symbol d -> List.iter (fun (_, w) -> ignore (UFOx.Expr.of_string w)) d.Decay.widths) model.decays exception Unhandled of string let unhandled s = raise (Unhandled s) module Model = struct (* NB: we could use [type flavor = Particle.t], but that would be very inefficient, because we will use [flavor] as a key for maps below. *) type flavor = int type constant = string type gauge = unit module M = Modeltools.Mutable (struct type f = flavor type g = gauge type c = constant end) let flavors = M.flavors let external_flavors = M.external_flavors let external_flavors = M.external_flavors let lorentz = M.lorentz let color = M.color let nc = let propagator = M.propagator let width = M.width let goldstone = M.goldstone let conjugate = M.conjugate let fermion = M.fermion let vertices = M.vertices let fuse2 = M.fuse2 let fuse3 = M.fuse3 let fuse = M.fuse let max_degree = M.max_degree let parameters = M.parameters let flavor_of_string = M.flavor_of_string let flavor_to_string = M.flavor_to_string let flavor_to_TeX = M.flavor_to_TeX let flavor_symbol = M.flavor_symbol let gauge_symbol = M.gauge_symbol let pdg = M.pdg let mass_symbol = M.mass_symbol let width_symbol = M.width_symbol let constant_symbol = M.constant_symbol module Ch = M.Ch let charges = M.charges let rec fermion_of_lorentz = function | Coupling.Spinor -> 1 | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> -1 | Coupling.Majorana -> 2 | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> 2 | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> 1 | Coupling.Vector | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> 0 | Coupling.Scalar | Coupling.Tensor_1 | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> 0 | Coupling.BRS f -> fermion_of_lorentz f module Q = Algebra.Q module QC = Algebra.QC let dummy_tensor3 = Coupling.Scalar_Scalar_Scalar 1 let dummy_tensor4 = Coupling.Scalar4 1 let triplet p = (p.(0), p.(1), p.(2)) let quartet p = (p.(0), p.(1), p.(2), p.(3)) let half_times q1 q2 = Q.mul (Q.make 1 2) (Q.mul q1 q2) let name g = let fractional_coupling g r = let g = name g in match Q.to_ratio r with | 0, _ -> "0.0_default" | 1, 1 -> g | -1, 1 -> Printf.sprintf "(-%s)" g | n, 1 -> Printf.sprintf "(%d*%s)" n g | 1, d -> Printf.sprintf "(%s/%d)" g d | -1, d -> Printf.sprintf "(-%s/%d)" g d | n, d -> Printf.sprintf "(%d*%s/%d)" n g d let lorentz_of_symbol model symbol = try SMap.find symbol model.lorentz with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("lorentz_of_symbol: " ^ symbol) let lorentz_UFO_of_symbol model symbol = try SMap.find symbol model.lorentz_UFO with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("lorentz_UFO_of_symbol: " ^ symbol) let coupling_of_symbol model symbol = try SMap.find symbol model.couplings with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("coupling_of_symbol: " ^ symbol) let spin_triplet model name = match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unique [|s0; s1; s2|] -> (s0, s1, s2) | Lorentz.Unique _ -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: wrong number of spins" | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: Unused" | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_triplet: Ambiguous" let spin_quartet model name = match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unique [|s0; s1; s2; s3|] -> (s0, s1, s2, s3) | Lorentz.Unique _ -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: wrong number of spins" | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: Unused" | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_quartet: Ambiguous" let spin_multiplet model name = match (lorentz_of_symbol model name).Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unique sarray -> sarray | Lorentz.Unused -> invalid_arg "spin_multiplet: Unused" | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> invalid_arg "spin_multiplet: Ambiguous" (* If we have reason to belive that a $\delta_{ab}$-vertex is an effective $\tr(T_aT_b)$-vertex generated at loop level, like~$gg\to H\ldots$ in the SM, we should interpret it as such and use the expression~(6.2) from~\cite{Kilian:2012pz}. *) (* AFAIK, there is no way to distinguish these cases directly in a UFO file. Instead we rely in a heuristic, in which each massless color octet vector particle or ghost is a gluon and colorless scalars are potential Higgses. *) let is_massless p = match ThoString.uppercase p.Particle.mass with | "ZERO" -> true | _ -> false let is_gluon model f = let p = model.particle_array.(f) in match p.Particle.color, p.Particle.spin with | Color.AdjSUN _, Coupling.Vector -> is_massless p | Color.AdjSUN _, Coupling.Scalar -> if p.Particle.ghost_number <> 0 then is_massless p else false | _ -> false let is_color_singlet model f = let p = model.particle_array.(f) in match p.Particle.color with | Color.Singlet -> true | _ -> false let is_higgs_gluon_vertex model p adjoints = if Array.length p > List.length adjoints then List.for_all (fun (i, p) -> if List.mem i adjoints then is_gluon model p else is_color_singlet model p) (ThoList.enumerate 1 (Array.to_list p)) else false let delta8_heuristics model p a b = if is_higgs_gluon_vertex model p [a; b] then Color.Vertex.delta8_loop a b else Color.Vertex.delta8 a b let verbatim_higgs_glue = ref false let translate_color_atom model p = function | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity (i, j) -> Color.Vertex.delta3 i j | UFOx.Color_Atom.Identity8 (a, b) -> if !verbatim_higgs_glue then Color.Vertex.delta8 a b else delta8_heuristics model p a b | UFOx.Color_Atom.T (a, i, j) -> Color.Vertex.t a i j | UFOx.Color_Atom.F (a, b, c) -> Color.Vertex.f a b c | UFOx.Color_Atom.D (a, b, c) -> Color.Vertex.d a b c | UFOx.Color_Atom.Epsilon (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilon i j k | UFOx.Color_Atom.EpsilonBar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.epsilonbar i j k | UFOx.Color_Atom.T6 (a, i, j) -> Color.Vertex.t6 a i j | UFOx.Color_Atom.K6 (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.k6 i j k | UFOx.Color_Atom.K6Bar (i, j, k) -> Color.Vertex.k6bar i j k let translate_color_term model p = function | [], q -> Color.Vertex.scale q Color.Vertex.unit | [atom], q -> Color.Vertex.scale q (translate_color_atom model p atom) | atoms, q -> let atoms = (translate_color_atom model p) atoms in Color.Vertex.scale q (Color.Vertex.multiply atoms) let translate_color model p terms = match terms with | [] -> invalid_arg "translate_color: empty" | [ term ] -> translate_color_term model p term | terms -> Color.Vertex.sum ( (translate_color_term model p) terms) let translate_coupling_1 model p lcc = let l = lcc.Vertex.lorentz in let s = Array.to_list (spin_multiplet model l) and fl = (SMap.find l model.lorentz).Lorentz.fermion_lines and c = name (coupling_of_symbol model lcc.Vertex.coupling) and col = translate_color model p lcc.Vertex.color in (Array.to_list p, Coupling.UFO (QC.unit, l, s, fl, col), c) let translate_coupling model p lcc = (translate_coupling_1 model p) lcc let long_flavors = ref false module type Lookup = sig type f = private { flavors : flavor list; flavor_of_string : string -> flavor; flavor_of_symbol : string -> flavor; particle : flavor -> Particle.t; flavor_symbol : flavor -> string; conjugate : flavor -> flavor } type flavor_format = | Long | Decimal | Hexadecimal val flavor_format : flavor_format ref val of_model : t -> f end module Lookup : Lookup = struct type f = { flavors : flavor list; flavor_of_string : string -> flavor; flavor_of_symbol : string -> flavor; particle : flavor -> Particle.t; flavor_symbol : flavor -> string; conjugate : flavor -> flavor } type flavor_format = | Long | Decimal | Hexadecimal let flavor_format = ref Hexadecimal let conjugate_of_particle_array particles = Array.init (Array.length particles) (fun i -> let f' = Particle.conjugate particles.(i) in match ThoArray.match_all f' particles with | [i'] -> i' | [] -> invalid_arg ("no charge conjugate: " ^ f' | _ -> invalid_arg ("multiple charge conjugates: " ^ f' let invert_flavor_array a = let table = SHash.create 37 in Array.iteri (fun i s -> SHash.add table s i) a; (fun name -> try SHash.find table name with | Not_found -> invalid_arg ("not found: " ^ name)) let digits base n = let rec digits' acc n = if n < 1 then acc else digits' (succ acc) (n / base) in if n < 0 then digits' 1 (-n) else if n = 0 then 1 else digits' 0 n let of_model model = let particle_array = Array.of_list (values model.particles) in let conjugate_array = conjugate_of_particle_array particle_array and name_array = (fun f -> particle_array and symbol_array = Array.of_list (keys model.particles) in let flavor_symbol f = begin match !flavor_format with | Long -> symbol_array.(f) | Decimal -> let w = digits 10 (Array.length particle_array - 1) in Printf.sprintf "%0*d" w f | Hexadecimal -> let w = digits 16 (Array.length particle_array - 1) in Printf.sprintf "%0*X" w f end in { flavors = ThoList.range 0 (Array.length particle_array - 1); flavor_of_string = invert_flavor_array name_array; flavor_of_symbol = invert_flavor_array symbol_array; particle = Array.get particle_array; flavor_symbol = flavor_symbol; conjugate = Array.get conjugate_array } end (* \begin{dubious} We appear to need to conjugate all flavors. Why??? \end{dubious} *) let translate_vertices model tables = let vn = List.fold_left (fun acc v -> let p = tables.Lookup.flavor_of_symbol v.Vertex.particles and lcc = v.Vertex.lcc in let p = conjugate p in (* FIXME: why? *) translate_coupling model p lcc @ acc) [] (values model.vertices) in ([], [], vn) let propagator_of_lorentz = function | Coupling.Scalar -> Coupling.Prop_Scalar | Coupling.Spinor -> Coupling.Prop_Spinor | Coupling.ConjSpinor -> Coupling.Prop_ConjSpinor | Coupling.Majorana -> Coupling.Prop_Majorana | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: SUSY ghosts do not propagate" | Coupling.Vector -> Coupling.Prop_Feynman | Coupling.Massive_Vector -> Coupling.Prop_Unitarity | Coupling.Tensor_2 -> Coupling.Prop_Tensor_2 | Coupling.Vectorspinor -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: Vectorspinor" | Coupling.Tensor_1 -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: Tensor_1" | Coupling.BRS _ -> invalid_arg "UFO.Model.propagator_of_lorentz: no BRST" let filter_unphysical model = let physical_particles = Particle.filter Particle.is_physical model.particles in let physical_particle_array = Array.of_list (values physical_particles) in let physical_vertices = Vertex.filter (not @@ (Vertex.contains model.particles (not @@ Particle.is_physical))) model.vertices in { model with particles = physical_particles; particle_array = physical_particle_array; vertices = physical_vertices } let whizard_constants = SSet.of_list [ "ZERO" ] let filter_constants parameters = List.filter (fun p -> not (SSet.mem (ThoString.uppercase whizard_constants)) parameters let add_name set parameter = CSet.add set let hardcoded_parameters = CSet.of_list ["cmath.pi"] let missing_parameters input derived couplings = let input_parameters = List.fold_left add_name hardcoded_parameters input in let all_parameters = List.fold_left add_name input_parameters derived in let derived_dependencies = dependencies ( (fun p -> (, p.Parameter.value)) derived) in let coupling_dependencies = dependencies ( (fun p -> (, Expr p.UFO_Coupling.value)) (values couplings)) in let missing_input = CMap.filter (fun parameter derived_parameters -> not (CSet.mem parameter all_parameters)) derived_dependencies and missing = CMap.filter (fun parameter couplings -> not (CSet.mem parameter all_parameters)) coupling_dependencies in CMap.iter (fun parameter derived_parameters -> Printf.eprintf "UFO warning: undefined input parameter %s appears in derived \ parameters {%s}: will be added to the list of input parameters!\n" parameter (String.concat "; " (CSet.elements derived_parameters))) missing_input; CMap.iter (fun parameter couplings -> Printf.eprintf "UFO warning: undefined parameter %s appears in couplings {%s}: \ will be added to the list of input parameters!\n" parameter (String.concat "; " (CSet.elements couplings))) missing; keys_caseless missing_input @ keys_caseless missing let classify_parameters model = let compare_parameters p1 p2 = compare p1.Parameter.sequence p2.Parameter.sequence in let input, derived = List.fold_left (fun (input, derived) p -> match p.Parameter.nature with | Parameter.Internal -> (input, p :: derived) | Parameter.External -> begin match p.Parameter.ptype with | Parameter.Real -> () | Parameter.Complex -> Printf.eprintf "UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input \ parameter `%s' ignored!\n" end; (p :: input, derived)) ([], []) (filter_constants (values model.parameters)) in let additional = missing_parameters input derived model.couplings in (List.sort compare_parameters input @ Parameter.missing additional, List.sort compare_parameters derived) (*i List.iter (fun line -> Printf.eprintf "par: %s\n" line) (dependencies_to_strings derived_dependencies); List.iter (fun line -> Printf.eprintf "coupling: %s\n" line) (dependencies_to_strings coupling_dependencies); i*) let translate_name map name = try SMap.find name map with Not_found -> name let translate_input map p = (translate_name map, value_to_float p.Parameter.value) let alpha_s_half e = UFOx.Expr.substitute "aS" (UFOx.Expr.half "aS") e let alpha_s_half_etc map e = UFOx.Expr.rename (map_to_alist map) (alpha_s_half e) let translate_derived map p = let make_atom s = s in let c = make_atom (translate_name map and v = value_to_coupling (alpha_s_half_etc map) make_atom p.Parameter.value in match p.Parameter.ptype with | Parameter.Real -> (Coupling.Real c, v) | Parameter.Complex -> (Coupling.Complex c, v) let translate_coupling_constant map c = let make_atom s = s in (Coupling.Complex, Coupling.Quot (value_to_coupling (alpha_s_half_etc map) make_atom (Expr c.UFO_Coupling.value), Coupling.I)) module Lowercase_Parameters = struct type elt = string type base = string let compare_elt = compare let compare_base = compare let pi = ThoString.lowercase end module Lowercase_Bundle = Bundle.Make (Lowercase_Parameters) let coupling_names model = SMap.fold (fun _ c acc -> :: acc) model.couplings [] let parameter_names model = SMap.fold (fun _ c acc -> :: acc) model.parameters [] let ambiguous_parameters model = let all_names = List.rev_append (coupling_names model) (parameter_names model) in let lc_bundle = Lowercase_Bundle.of_list all_names in let lc_set = List.fold_left (fun acc s -> SSet.add s acc) SSet.empty (Lowercase_Bundle.base lc_bundle) and ambiguities = List.filter (fun (_, names) -> List.length names > 1) (Lowercase_Bundle.fibers lc_bundle) in (lc_set, ambiguities) let disambiguate1 lc_set name = let rec disambiguate1' i = let name' = Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" name i in let lc_name' = ThoString.lowercase name' in if SSet.mem lc_name' lc_set then disambiguate1' (succ i) else (SSet.add lc_name' lc_set, name') in disambiguate1' 1 let disambiguate lc_set names = let _, replacements = List.fold_left (fun (lc_set', acc) name -> let lc_set'', name' = disambiguate1 lc_set' name in (lc_set'', SMap.add name name' acc)) (lc_set, SMap.empty) names in replacements let omegalib_names = ["u"; "ubar"; "v"; "vbar"; "eps"] let translate_parameters model = let lc_set, ambiguities = ambiguous_parameters model in let replacements = disambiguate lc_set (ThoList.flatmap snd ambiguities) in SMap.iter (Printf.eprintf "warning: case sensitive parameter names: renaming '%s' -> '%s'\n") replacements; let replacements = List.fold_left (fun acc name -> SMap.add name ("UFO_" ^ name) acc) replacements omegalib_names in let input_parameters, derived_parameters = classify_parameters model and couplings = values model.couplings in { Coupling.input = (translate_input replacements) input_parameters; Coupling.derived = (translate_derived replacements) derived_parameters @ (translate_coupling_constant replacements) couplings; Coupling.derived_arrays = [] } (* UFO requires us to look up the mass parameter to distinguish between massless and massive vectors. TODO: this is a candidate for another lookup table. *) let lorentz_of_particle p = match p.Particle.spin with | Coupling.Vector -> begin match ThoString.uppercase p.Particle.mass with | "ZERO" -> Coupling.Vector | _ -> Coupling.Massive_Vector end | s -> s type state = { directory : string; model : t } let initialized = ref None let is_initialized_from dir = match !initialized with | None -> false | Some state -> dir = let dump_raw = ref false let init dir = let model = filter_unphysical (parse_directory dir) in if !dump_raw then dump model; let tables = Lookup.of_model model in let vertices () = translate_vertices model tables in let particle f = tables.Lookup.particle f in let lorentz f = lorentz_of_particle (particle f) in let propagator f = let p = particle f in match p.Particle.propagator with | None -> propagator_of_lorentz (lorentz_of_particle p) | Some s -> Coupling.Prop_UFO s in let gauge_symbol () = "?GAUGE?" in let constant_symbol s = s in let parameters = translate_parameters model in M.setup ~color:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.color) ~nc:(fun () -> ~pdg:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.pdg_code) ~lorentz ~propagator ~width:(fun f -> Coupling.Constant) ~goldstone:(fun f -> None) ~conjugate:tables.Lookup.conjugate ~fermion:(fun f -> fermion_of_lorentz (lorentz f)) ~vertices ~flavors:[("All Flavors", tables.Lookup.flavors)] ~parameters:(fun () -> parameters) ~flavor_of_string:tables.Lookup.flavor_of_string ~flavor_to_string:(fun f -> (particle f) ~flavor_to_TeX:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.texname) ~flavor_symbol:tables.Lookup.flavor_symbol ~gauge_symbol ~mass_symbol:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.mass) ~width_symbol:(fun f -> (particle f).Particle.width) ~constant_symbol; initialized := Some { directory = dir; model = model } let ufo_directory = ref Config.default_UFO_dir let load () = if is_initialized_from !ufo_directory then () else init !ufo_directory let include_all_fusions = ref false (* In case of Majorana spinors, also generate all combinations of charge conjugated fermion lines. The naming convention is to append \texttt{\_c}$nm$ if the $\gamma$-matrices of the fermion line $n\to m$ has been charge conjugated (this could become impractical for too many fermions at a vertex, but shouldn't matter in real life). *) (* \begin{dubious} To be decided: is it better (in the sense of \emph{easier to understand}, not efficiency) to permute first or to charge conjugate first? \end{dubious} *) let is_majorana = function | Coupling.Majorana | Coupling.Vectorspinor | Coupling.Maj_Ghost -> true | _ -> false let name_spins_structure spins l = (, spins, l.Lorentz.structure) let fusions_of_model ?only model = let include_fusion = match !include_all_fusions, only with | true, _ | false, None -> (fun name -> true) | false, Some names -> (fun name -> SSet.mem name names) in SMap.fold (fun name l acc -> if include_fusion name then List.fold_left (fun acc p -> let l' = Lorentz.permute p l in match l'.Lorentz.spins with | Lorentz.Unused -> acc | Lorentz.Unique spins -> - if Array.exists is_majorana spins then + if ThoArray.exists is_majorana spins then (name_spins_structure spins) (Lorentz.all_charge_conjugates l') @ acc else name_spins_structure spins l' :: acc | Lorentz.Ambiguous _ -> failwith "fusions: Lorentz.Ambiguous") [] (Permutation.Default.cyclic l.Lorentz.n) @ acc else acc) model.lorentz [] let fusions ?only () = match !initialized with | None -> [] | Some { model = model } -> fusions_of_model ?only model let propagators_of_model ?only model = let include_propagator = match !include_all_fusions, only with | true, _ | false, None -> (fun name -> true) | false, Some names -> (fun name -> SSet.mem name names) in SMap.fold (fun name p acc -> if include_propagator name then (name, p) :: acc else acc) model.propagators [] let propagators ?only () = match !initialized with | None -> [] | Some { model = model } -> propagators_of_model ?only model let include_hadrons = ref true let ufo_majorana_warnings = [ "***************************************************"; "* *"; "* CAVEAT: *"; "* *"; "* These amplitudes have been computed for a *"; "* UFO model containing Majorana fermions. *"; "* This version of O'Mega contains some known *"; "* bugs for this case. It was released early at *"; "* the request of the Linear Collider community. *"; "* *"; "* These amplitudes MUST NOT be used for *"; "* publications without prior consulation *"; "* with the WHIZARD authors !!! *"; "* *"; "***************************************************" ] let caveats () = if !use_majorana_spinors then ufo_majorana_warnings else [] module Whizard : sig val write : unit -> unit end = struct let write_header dir = Printf.printf "# WHIZARD Model file derived from UFO directory\n"; Printf.printf "# '%s'\n\n" dir; List.iter (fun s -> Printf.printf "# %s\n" s) (M.caveats ()); Printf.printf "model \"%s\"\n\n" (Filename.basename dir) let write_input_parameters parameters = let open Parameter in Printf.printf "# Independent (input) Parameters\n"; List.iter (fun p -> Printf.printf "parameter %s = %s" (value_to_numeric p.value); begin match p.lhablock, p.lhacode with | None, None -> () | Some name, Some (index :: indices) -> Printf.printf " slha_entry %s %d" name index; List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf " %d" i) indices | Some name, None -> Printf.eprintf "UFO: parameter %s: slhablock %s without slhacode\n" name | Some name, Some [] -> Printf.eprintf "UFO: parameter %s: slhablock %s with empty slhacode\n" name | None, Some _ -> Printf.eprintf "UFO: parameter %s: slhacode without slhablock\n" end; Printf.printf "\n") parameters; Printf.printf "\n" let write_derived_parameters parameters = let open Parameter in Printf.printf "# Dependent (derived) Parameters\n"; List.iter (fun p -> Printf.printf "derived %s = %s\n" (value_to_expr alpha_s_half p.value)) parameters let write_particles particles = let open Particle in Printf.printf "# Particles\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: hypercharge assignments appear to be unreliable\n"; Printf.printf "# therefore we can't infer the isospin\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: parton-, gauge- & handedness are unavailable\n"; List.iter (fun p -> if not p.is_anti then begin Printf.printf "particle \"%s\" %d ### parton? gauge? left?\n" p.pdg_code; Printf.printf " spin %s charge %s color %s ### isospin?\n" (UFOx.Lorentz.rep_to_string_whizard p.spin) (charge_to_string p.charge) (UFOx.Color.rep_to_string_whizard p.color); Printf.printf " name \"%s\"\n"; if p.antiname <> then Printf.printf " anti \"%s\"\n" p.antiname; Printf.printf " tex_name \"%s\"\n" p.texname; if p.antiname <> then Printf.printf " tex_anti \"%s\"\n" p.antitexname; Printf.printf " mass %s width %s\n\n" p.mass p.width end) (values particles); Printf.printf "\n" let write_hadrons () = Printf.printf "# Hadrons (protons and beam remnants)\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: these are NOT part of the UFO model\n"; Printf.printf "# but added for WHIZARD's convenience!\n"; Printf.printf "particle PROTON 2212\n"; Printf.printf " spin 1/2 charge 1\n"; Printf.printf " name p \"p+\"\n"; Printf.printf " anti pbar \"p-\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT 90\n"; Printf.printf " name hr\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_SINGLET 91\n"; Printf.printf " name hr1\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r^{(1)}\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_TRIPLET 92\n"; Printf.printf " color 3\n"; Printf.printf " name hr3\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r^{(3)}\"\n"; Printf.printf " anti hr3bar\n"; Printf.printf " tex_anti \"had_r^{(\\bar 3)}\"\n"; Printf.printf "particle HADRON_REMNANT_OCTET 93\n"; Printf.printf " color 8\n"; Printf.printf " name hr8\n"; Printf.printf " tex_name \"had_r^{(8)}\"\n"; Printf.printf "\n" let write_vertices model vertices = Printf.printf "# Vertices (for phasespace generation only)\n"; Printf.printf "# NB: particles should be sorted increasing in mass.\n"; Printf.printf "# This is NOT implemented yet!\n"; List.iter (fun v -> let particles = String.concat " " ( (fun s -> "\"" ^ (SMap.find s model.particles) ^ "\"") (Array.to_list v.Vertex.particles)) in Printf.printf "vertex %s\n" particles) (values vertices); Printf.printf "\n" let write () = match !initialized with | None -> failwith "UFO.Whizard.write: UFO model not initialized" | Some { directory = dir; model = model } -> let input_parameters, derived_parameters = classify_parameters model in write_header dir; write_input_parameters input_parameters; write_derived_parameters derived_parameters; write_particles model.particles; if !include_hadrons then write_hadrons (); write_vertices model model.vertices; exit 0 end let options = Options.create [ ("UFO_dir", Arg.String (fun name -> ufo_directory := name), "UFO model directory (default: " ^ !ufo_directory ^ ")"); ("Majorana", Arg.Set use_majorana_spinors, "use Majorana spinors (must come _before_ exec!)"); ("divide_propagators_by_i", Arg.Set divide_propagators_by_i, "divide propagators by I (pre 2013 FeynRules convention)"); ("verbatim_Hg", Arg.Set verbatim_higgs_glue, "don't correct the color flows for effective Higgs Gluon couplings"); ("write_WHIZARD", Arg.Unit Whizard.write, "write the WHIZARD model file (required once per model)"); ("long_flavors", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Lookup.flavor_format := Lookup.Long), "write use the UFO flavor names instead of integers"); ("dump", Arg.Set dump_raw, "dump UFO model for debugging the parser (must come _before_ exec!)"); ("all_fusions", Arg.Set include_all_fusions, "include all fusions in the fortran module"); ("no_hadrons", Arg.Clear include_hadrons, "don't add any particle not in the UFO file"); ("add_hadrons", Arg.Set include_hadrons, "add protons and beam remants for WHIZARD"); ("exec", Arg.Unit load, "load the UFO model files (required _before_ using particles names)"); ("help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> prerr_endline "..."), "print information on the model")] end module type Fortran_Target = sig val fuse : Algebra.QC.t -> string -> Coupling.lorentzn -> Coupling.fermion_lines -> string -> string list -> string list -> Coupling.fusen -> unit val lorentz_module : ?only:SSet.t -> ?name:string -> ?fortran_module:string -> Format_Fortran.formatter -> unit -> unit end module Targets = struct module Fortran : Fortran_Target = struct open Format_Fortran let fuse = UFO_targets.Fortran.fuse let lorentz_functions ff fusions () = List.iter (fun (name, s, l) -> UFO_targets.Fortran.lorentz ff name s l) fusions let propagator_functions ff propagators () = List.iter (fun (name, p) -> UFO_targets.Fortran.propagator ff name p.Propagator.spins p.Propagator.numerator p.Propagator.denominator) propagators let lorentz_module ?only ?(name="omega_amplitude_ufo") ?(fortran_module="omega95") ff () = let printf fmt = fprintf ff fmt and nl = pp_newline ff in printf "module %s" name; nl (); printf " use kinds"; nl (); printf " use %s" fortran_module; nl (); printf " implicit none"; nl (); printf " private"; nl (); let fusions = Model.fusions ?only () and propagators = Model.propagators () in List.iter (fun (name, _, _) -> printf " public :: %s" name; nl ()) fusions; List.iter (fun (name, _) -> printf " public :: pr_U_%s" name; nl ()) propagators; UFO_targets.Fortran.eps4_g4_g44_decl ff (); UFO_targets.Fortran.eps4_g4_g44_init ff (); printf "contains"; nl (); lorentz_functions ff fusions (); propagator_functions ff propagators (); printf "end module %s" name; nl (); pp_flush ff () end end module type Test = sig val suite : OUnit.test end module Test : Test = struct open OUnit let lexer s = UFO_lexer.token (UFO_lexer.init_position "" (Lexing.from_string s)) let suite_lexer_escapes = "escapes" >::: [ "single-quote" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (UFO_parser.STRING "a'b'c") (lexer "'a\\'b\\'c'")); "unterminated" >:: (fun () -> assert_raises End_of_file (fun () -> lexer "'a\\'b\\'c")) ] let suite_lexer = "lexer" >::: [suite_lexer_escapes] let suite = "UFO" >::: [suite_lexer] end Index: trunk/omega/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8418) +++ trunk/omega/src/ (revision 8419) @@ -1,306 +1,315 @@ (* -- Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* Avoid refering to [], because [Pervasives] will become [Stdlib.Pervasives] in O'Caml 4.07 and [Stdlib] in O'Caml 4.08. *) let pcompare = compare type 'a compressed = { uniq : 'a array; embedding: int array } let uniq a = a.uniq let embedding a = a.embedding type 'a compressed2 = { uniq2 : 'a array array; embedding1: int array; embedding2: int array } let uniq2 a = a.uniq2 let embedding1 a = a.embedding1 let embedding2 a = a.embedding2 module PMap = Pmap.Tree let compress a = let last = Array.length a - 1 in let embedding = Array.make (succ last) (-1) in let rec scan num_uniq uniq elements n = if n > last then { uniq = Array.of_list (List.rev elements); embedding = embedding } else match PMap.find_opt compare a.(n) uniq with | Some n' -> embedding.(n) <- n'; scan num_uniq uniq elements (succ n) | None -> embedding.(n) <- num_uniq; scan (succ num_uniq) (PMap.add compare a.(n) num_uniq uniq) (a.(n) :: elements) (succ n) in scan 0 PMap.empty [] 0 let uncompress a = (Array.get a.uniq) a.embedding (* \begin{dubious} Using [transpose] simplifies the algorithms, but can be inefficient. If this turns out to be the case, we should add special treatments for symmetric matrices. \end{dubious} *) let transpose a = let dim1 = Array.length a and dim2 = Array.length a.(0) in let a' = Array.make_matrix dim2 dim1 a.(0).(0) in for i1 = 0 to pred dim1 do for i2 = 0 to pred dim2 do a'.(i2).(i1) <- a.(i1).(i2) done done; a' let compress2 a = let c2 = compress a in let c12_transposed = compress (transpose c2.uniq) in { uniq2 = transpose c12_transposed.uniq; embedding1 = c12_transposed.embedding; embedding2 = c2.embedding } let uncompress2 a = let a2 = uncompress { uniq = a.uniq2; embedding = a.embedding2 } in transpose (uncompress { uniq = transpose a2; embedding = a.embedding1 }) (* FIXME: not tail recursive! *) let compare ?(cmp=pcompare) a1 a2 = let l1 = Array.length a1 and l2 = Array.length a2 in if l1 < l2 then -1 else if l1 > l2 then 1 else let rec scan i = if i = l1 then 0 else let c = cmp a1.(i) a2.(i) in if c < 0 then -1 else if c > 0 then 1 else scan (succ i) in scan 0 let find_first f a = let l = Array.length a in let rec find_first' i = if i >= l then raise Not_found else if f (a.(i)) then i else find_first' (succ i) in find_first' 0 let match_first x a = find_first (fun x' -> x = x') a let find_all f a = let matches = ref [] in for i = Array.length a - 1 downto 0 do if f (a.(i)) then matches := i :: !matches done; !matches let match_all x a = find_all (fun x' -> x = x') a let num_rows a = Array.length a let num_columns a = match ThoList.classify ( Array.length (Array.to_list a)) with | [ (_, n) ] -> n | _ -> invalid_arg "ThoArray.num_columns: inhomogeneous array" +(* This is copied from ocaml's [Array.exists], that arrives with + 4.03.0 *) +let exists p a = + let n = Array.length a in + let rec loop i = + if i = n then false + else if p (Array.unsafe_get a i) then true + else loop (succ i) in + loop 0 module Test = struct open OUnit let test_compare_empty = "empty" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 0 (compare [| |] [| |])) let test_compare_shorter = "shorter" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (-1) (compare [|0|] [|0; 1|])) let test_compare_longer = "longer" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal ( 1) (compare [|0; 1|] [|0|])) let test_compare_less = "longer" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal (-1) (compare [|0; 1|] [|0; 2|])) let test_compare_equal = "equal" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal ( 0) (compare [|0; 1|] [|0; 1|])) let test_compare_more = "more" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal ( 1) (compare [|0; 2|] [|0; 1|])) let suite_compare = "compare" >::: [test_compare_empty; test_compare_shorter; test_compare_longer; test_compare_less; test_compare_equal; test_compare_more] let test_find_first_not_found = "not found" >:: (fun () -> assert_raises Not_found (fun () -> find_first (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|1;3;5|])) let test_find_first_first = "first" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 0 (find_first (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|2;3;4;5|])) let test_find_first_not_last = "last" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 1 (find_first (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|1;2;3;4|])) let test_find_first_last = "not last" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 1 (find_first (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|1;2|])) let suite_find_first = "find_first" >::: [test_find_first_not_found; test_find_first_first; test_find_first_not_last; test_find_first_last] let test_find_all_empty = "empty" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [] (find_all (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|1;3;5|])) let test_find_all_first = "first" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [0;2] (find_all (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|2;3;4;5|])) let test_find_all_not_last = "last" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1;3] (find_all (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|1;2;3;4;5|])) let test_find_all_last = "not last" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal [1;3] (find_all (fun n -> n mod 2 = 0) [|1;2;3;4|])) let suite_find_all = "find_all" >::: [test_find_all_empty; test_find_all_first; test_find_all_last; test_find_all_not_last] let test_num_columns_ok2 = "ok/2" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 2 (num_columns [| [| 11; 12 |]; [| 21; 22 |]; [| 31; 32 |] |])) let test_num_columns_ok0 = "ok/0" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal 0 (num_columns [| [| |]; [| |]; [| |] |])) let test_num_columns_not_ok = "not_ok" >:: (fun () -> assert_raises (Invalid_argument "ThoArray.num_columns: inhomogeneous array") (fun () -> num_columns [| [| 11; 12 |]; [| 21 |]; [| 31; 32 |] |])) let suite_num_columns = "num_columns" >::: [test_num_columns_ok2; test_num_columns_ok0; test_num_columns_not_ok] let suite = "ThoArrays" >::: [suite_compare; suite_find_first; suite_find_all; suite_num_columns] end (*i * Local Variables: * indent-tabs-mode:nil * page-delimiter:"^(\\* .*\n" * End: i*) Index: trunk/omega/src/thoArray.mli =================================================================== --- trunk/omega/src/thoArray.mli (revision 8418) +++ trunk/omega/src/thoArray.mli (revision 8419) @@ -1,72 +1,77 @@ (* thoArray.mli -- Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by Wolfgang Kilian Thorsten Ohl Juergen Reuter with contributions from Christian Speckner WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (* Compressed arrays, i.\,e.~arrays with only unique elements and an embedding that allows to recover the original array. NB: in the current implementation, compressing saves space, if \emph{and only if} objects of type ['a] require more storage than integers. The main use of ['a compressed] is \emph{not} for saving space, anyway, but for avoiding the repetition of hard calculations. *) type 'a compressed val uniq : 'a compressed -> 'a array val embedding : 'a compressed -> int array (* These two are inverses of each other: *) val compress : 'a array -> 'a compressed val uncompress : 'a compressed -> 'a array (* One can play the same game for matrices. *) type 'a compressed2 val uniq2 : 'a compressed2 -> 'a array array val embedding1 : 'a compressed2 -> int array val embedding2 : 'a compressed2 -> int array (* Again, these two are inverses of each other: *) val compress2 : 'a array array -> 'a compressed2 val uncompress2 : 'a compressed2 -> 'a array array (* [compare cmp a1 a2] compare two arrays [a1] and [a2] according to [cmp]. [cmp] defaults to the polymorphic []. *) val compare : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> 'a array -> int (* Searching arrays *) val find_first : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> int val match_first : 'a -> 'a array -> int val find_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> int list val match_all : 'a -> 'a array -> int list val num_rows : 'a array array -> int val num_columns : 'a array array -> int - +(* [exists p [|a1; ...; an|]] checks if at least one element of + the array satisfies the predicate [p]. That is, it returns + [(p a1) || (p a2) || ... || (p an)]. + Has been [Array.exists] since 4.03.0. *) +val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool + module Test : sig val suite : OUnit.test end (*i * Local Variables: * indent-tabs-mode:nil * page-delimiter:"^(\\* .*\n" * End: i*)