Index: trunk/circe2/src/circe2.nw =================================================================== --- trunk/circe2/src/circe2.nw (revision 8318) +++ trunk/circe2/src/circe2.nw (revision 8319) @@ -1,1941 +1,1941 @@ % -*- ess-noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; noweb-default-code-mode: f90-mode; -*- % circe2/circe2.nw -- @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Implementation of [[circe2]]} <>= 'Version 2.8.2' @ <<[[implicit none]]>>= implicit none @ <<[[circe2.f90]]>>= ! circe2.f90 -- correlated beam spectra for linear colliders <> <> module circe2 use kinds implicit none private <<[[circe2]] parameters>> <<[[circe2]] declarations>> contains <<[[circe2]] implementation>> end module circe2 @ <>= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- @ The following is usually not needed for scientific programs. Nobody is going to hijack such code. But let us include it anyway to spread the gospel of free software: <>= ! Copyright (C) 2001-2019 by Thorsten Ohl ! ! Circe2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ! any later version. ! ! Circe2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Data} <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= type circe2_division <<[[circe2_division]] members>> end type circe2_division @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= type circe2_channel <<[[circe2_channel]] members>> end type circe2_channel @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= type circe2_state <<[[circe2_state]] members>> end type circe2_state public :: circe2_state @ \begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{empgraph}(110,60) setrange (0, 0, 1, 1); autogrid (,); pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; for i = 2 step 2 until 8: x := i / 10; gdraw (0,x) -- (1,x); gdraw (x,0) -- (x,1); endfor glabel (btex $x_{1}^{\min}$ etex, (0.0,-0.1)); glabel (btex $x_{1}^{\max}$ etex, (1.0,-0.1)); glabel (btex $x_{2}^{\min}$ etex, (-0.1,0.0)); glabel (btex $x_{3}^{\max}$ etex, (-0.1,1.0)); glabel (btex $i_1=1$ etex, (0.1,-0.1)); glabel (btex $2$ etex, (0.3,-0.1)); glabel (btex $3$ etex, (0.5,-0.1)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.7,-0.1)); glabel (btex $n_1$ etex, (0.9,-0.1)); glabel (btex $1$ etex, (-0.1,0.1)); glabel (btex $2$ etex, (-0.1,0.3)); glabel (btex $3$ etex, (-0.1,0.5)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (-0.1,0.7)); glabel (btex $i_2=n_2$ etex, (-0.1,0.9)); glabel (btex $1$ etex, (0.1,0.1)); glabel (btex $2$ etex, (0.3,0.1)); glabel (btex $3$ etex, (0.5,0.1)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.7,0.1)); glabel (btex $n_1$ etex, (0.9,0.1)); glabel (btex $n_1+1$ etex, (0.1,0.3)); glabel (btex $n_1+2$ etex, (0.3,0.3)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.5,0.3)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.7,0.3)); glabel (btex $2n_1$ etex, (0.9,0.3)); glabel (btex $2n_1+1$ etex, (0.1,0.5)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.3,0.5)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.5,0.5)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.7,0.5)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.9,0.5)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.1,0.7)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.3,0.7)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.5,0.7)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.7,0.7)); glabel (btex $n_1(n_2-1)$ etex, (0.9,0.7)); glabel (btex $\displaystyle {n_1(n_2-1)\atop\mbox{}+1}$ etex, (0.1,0.9)); glabel (btex $\displaystyle {n_1(n_2-1)\atop\mbox{}+2}$ etex, (0.3,0.9)); glabel (btex $\ldots$ etex, (0.5,0.9)); glabel (btex $n_1n_2-1$ etex, (0.7,0.9)); glabel (btex $n_1n_2$ etex, (0.9,0.9)); pickup pencircle scaled 1.0pt; \end{empgraph} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:linear-enumeration}% Enumerating the bins linearly, starting from 1 (Fortran style). Probability distribution functions will have a sentinel at~0 that's always~0.} \end{figure} We store the probability distribution function as a one-dimensional array~[[wgt]]\footnote{The second ``dimension'' is just an index for the channel.}, since this simplifies the binary search used for inverting the distribution. [wgt(0,ic)] is always 0 and serves as a convenient sentinel for the binary search. It is \emph{not} written in the file, which contains the normalized weight of the bins. <<[[circe2_state]] members>>= type(circe2_channel), dimension(:), allocatable :: ch @ <<[[circe2_channel]] members>>= real(kind=default), dimension(:), allocatable :: wgt @ <<[[circe2_channel]] members>>= type(circe2_division), dimension(2) :: d @ Using figure~\ref{fig:linear-enumeration}, calculating the index of a bin from the two-dimensional coordinates is straightforward, of course: \begin{equation} i = i_1 + (i_2 - 1) n_1\,. \end{equation} The inverse \begin{subequations} \begin{align} i_1 &= 1 + ((i - 1) \mod n_1) \\ i_2 &= 1 + \lfloor (i - 1) / n_1 \rfloor \end{align} \end{subequations} can also be written \begin{subequations} \begin{align} i_2 &= 1 + \lfloor (i - 1) / n_1 \rfloor \\ i_1 &= i - (i_2 - 1) n_1 \end{align} \end{subequations} because \begin{subequations} \begin{multline} 1 + \lfloor (i - 1) / n_1 \rfloor = 1 + \lfloor i_2 - 1 + (i_1 - 1) / n_1 \rfloor \\ = 1 + \lfloor (i_1 + (i_2 - 1) n_1 - 1) / n_1 \rfloor = 1 + i_2 - 1 + \underbrace{\lfloor (i_1 - 1) / n_1 \rfloor}_{=0} = i_2 \end{multline} and trivially \begin{equation} i - (i_2 - 1) n_1 = i_1 + (i_2 - 1) n_1 - (i_2 - 1) n_1 = i_1 \end{equation} \end{subequations} <<$([[i1]],[[i2]]) \leftarrow [[i]]$>>= i2 = 1 + (i - 1) / ubound (ch%d(1)%x, dim=1) i1 = i - (i2 - 1) * ubound (ch%d(1)%x, dim=1) @ <<$[[ib]] \leftarrow [[i]]$>>= ib(2) = 1 + (i - 1) / ubound (ch%d(1)%x, dim=1) ib(1) = i - (ib(2) - 1) * ubound (ch%d(1)%x, dim=1) @ The density normalized to the bin size \begin{equation*} v = \frac{w}{\Delta x_1 \Delta x_2} \end{equation*} such that \begin{equation*} \int\!\mathrm{d}x_1\mathrm{d}x_2\; v = \sum w = 1 \end{equation*} For mapped distributions, on the level of bins, we can either use the area of the domain and apply a jacobian or the area of the codomain directly \begin{equation} \label{eq:jacobian-Delta_x-Delta_y} \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}y}\cdot\frac{1}{\Delta x} \approx \frac{1}{\Delta y} \end{equation} We elect to use the former, because this reflects the distribution of the events generated by~[[circe2_generate]] \emph{inside} the bins as well. This quantity is more conveniently stored as a true two-dimensional array: <<[[circe2_channel]] members>>= real(kind=default), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: val @ \begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{empgraph}(50,50) pickup pencircle scaled 1.0pt; setrange (0, 0, 1, 1); autogrid (,); for i = 1 upto 15: xi := i / 16; x := 1 - xi * xi * xi; gdraw (0,x) -- (1,x); gdraw (x,0) -- (x,1); endfor \end{empgraph} \end{center} \caption{% Almost factorizable distributions, like $\mathrm{e}^+\mathrm{e}^-$.} \end{figure} <<[[circe2_division]] members>>= real(kind=default), dimension(:), allocatable :: x @ \begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{empgraph}(50,50) setrange (0, 0, 1, 1); autogrid (,); for i = 1 upto 15: xi := i / 16; x := 1 - xi * xi * xi; pickup pencircle scaled 1.0pt; gdraw (0,0) -- (1,x); pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; gdraw (0,0) -- (x,1); endfor for i = 1 upto 15: xi := i / 16; x := 0.8 * (1 - xi * xi * xi); pickup pencircle scaled 1.0pt; gdraw (x,0) -- (x,x); pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; gdraw (0,x) -- (x,x); endfor pickup pencircle scaled 1.0pt; gdraw (0,0) -- (1,1); \end{empgraph} \end{center} \caption{% Symmetrical, strongly correlated distributions, e.\,g.~with a ridge on the diagonal, like $\gamma\gamma$ at a $\gamma$-collider.} \end{figure} <<[[circe2_channel]] members>>= logical :: triang @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Channels} The number of available channels $\gamma\gamma$, $\mathrm{e}^-\gamma$, $\mathrm{e}^-\mathrm{e}^+$, etc. can be found with [[size (circe2_state%ch)]]. @ The particles that are described by this channel and their polarizations: <<[[circe2_channel]] members>>= integer, dimension(2) :: pid, pol @ The integrated luminosity of the channel <<[[circe2_channel]] members>>= real(kind=default) :: lumi @ The integrated luminosity of the channel <<[[circe2_state]] members>>= real(kind=default), dimension(:), allocatable :: cwgt @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Maps} <<[[circe2_division]] members>>= integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: map @ <<[[circe2_division]] members>>= real(kind=default), dimension(:), allocatable :: y @ <<[[circe2_division]] members>>= real(kind=default), dimension(:), allocatable :: alpha, xi, eta, a, b @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Random Number Generation} We use the new WHIZARD interface. <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: rng_type type, abstract :: rng_type contains procedure(rng_generate), deferred :: generate end type rng_type @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= abstract interface subroutine rng_generate (rng_obj, u) import :: rng_type, default class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng_obj real(kind=default), intent(out) :: u end subroutine rng_generate end interface @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Event Generation} Generate a two-dimensional distribution for~$([[x1]],[[x2]])$ according to the histogram for channel [[ic]]. @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_generate interface circe2_generate module procedure circe2_generate_ph end interface circe2_generate @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_generate_ph (c2s, rng, y, p, h) type(circe2_state), intent(in) :: c2s class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: y integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: p integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: h integer :: i, ic <> <> call circe2_generate_channel (c2s%ch(ic), rng, y) end subroutine circe2_generate_ph <> @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= interface circe2_generate module procedure circe2_generate_channel end interface circe2_generate @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_generate_channel (ch, rng, y) type(circe2_channel), intent(in) :: ch class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: y integer :: i, d, ibot, itop integer, dimension(2) :: ib real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: x, v real(kind=default) :: u, tmp call rng%generate (u) <> <<$[[ib]] \leftarrow [[i]]$>> <<$[[x]]\in[ [[x(ib-1)]], [[x(ib)]] ]$>> y = circe2_map (ch%d, x, ib) <> end subroutine circe2_generate_channel <> @ <<[[circe2_state]] members>>= integer :: polspt @ <<[[circe2]] parameters>>= integer, parameter :: POLAVG = 1, POLHEL = 2, POLGEN = 3 @ A linear search for a matching channel should suffice, because the number if channels~[[nc]] will always be a small number. The most popular channels should be first in the list, anyway. <>= ic = 0 if ((c2s%polspt == POLAVG .or. c2s%polspt == POLGEN) .and. any (h /= 0)) then write (*, '(2A)') 'circe2: current beam description ', & 'supports only polarization averages' else if (c2s%polspt == POLHEL .and. any (h == 0)) then write (*, '(2A)') 'circe2: polarization averages ', & 'not supported by current beam description' else do i = 1, size (c2s%ch) if (all (p == c2s%ch(i)%pid .and. h == c2s%ch(i)%pol)) then ic = i end if end do end if @ <>= if (ic <= 0) then write (*, '(A,2I4,A,2I3)') & 'circe2: no channel for particles', p, & ' and polarizations', h y = - huge (y) return end if @ The number of bins is typically \emph{much} larger and we must use a binary search to get a reasonable performance. <>= ibot = 0 itop = ubound (ch%wgt, dim=1) do if (itop <= ibot + 1) then i = ibot + 1 exit else i = (ibot + itop) / 2 if (u < ch%wgt(i)) then itop = i else ibot = i end if end if end do @ <<$[[x]]\in[ [[x(ib-1)]], [[x(ib)]] ]$>>= call rng%generate (v(1)) call rng%generate (v(2)) do d = 1, 2 x(d) = ch%d(d)%x(ib(d))*v(d) + ch%d(d)%x(ib(d)-1)*(1-v(d)) end do @ The NAG compiler is picky and doesn't like $(-0)^\alpha$ at all. <<$y\leftarrow(a(x-\xi))^\alpha/b + \eta$>>= z = d%a(b) * (x - d%xi(b)) if (abs (z) <= tiny (z)) then z = abs (z) end if y = z**d%alpha(b) / d%b(b) + d%eta(b) @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= elemental function circe2_map (d, x, b) result (y) type(circe2_division), intent(in) :: d real(kind=default), intent(in) :: x integer, intent(in) :: b real(kind=default) :: y real(kind=default) :: z select case (d%map(b)) case (0) y = x case (1) <<$y\leftarrow(a(x-\xi))^\alpha/b + \eta$>> case (2) y = d%a(b) * tan (d%a(b)*(x-d%xi(b)) / d%b(b)**2) + d%eta(b) case default y = - huge (y) end select end function circe2_map @ cf.~(\ref{eq:jacobian-Delta_x-Delta_y}) <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= elemental function circe2_jacobian (d, y, b) result (j) type(circe2_division), intent(in) :: d real(kind=default), intent(in) :: y integer, intent(in) :: b real(kind=default) :: j select case (d%map(b)) case (0) j = 1 case (1) j = d%b(b) / (d%a(b)*d%alpha(b)) & * (d%b(b)*(y-d%eta(b)))**(1/d%alpha(b)-1) case (2) j = d%b(b)**2 / ((y-d%eta(b))**2 + d%a(b)**2) case default j = - huge (j) end select end function circe2_jacobian @ \begin{dubious} There's still something wrong with \emph{unweighted} events for the case that there is a triangle map \emph{together} with a non-trivial $[[x(2)]]\to[[y(2)]]$ map. \emph{Fix this!!!} \end{dubious} <>= if (ch%triang) then y(2) = y(1) * y(2) <> end if @ <>= call rng%generate (u) if (2*u >= 1) then tmp = y(1) y(1) = y(2) y(2) = tmp end if @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Channel selection} We could call [[circe2_generate]] immediately, but then [[circe2_generate]] and [[cir2_choose_channel]] would have the same calling conventions and might have caused a lot of confusion. <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_choose_channel interface circe2_choose_channel module procedure circe2_choose_channel end interface circe2_choose_channel @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_choose_channel (c2s, rng, p, h) type(circe2_state), intent(in) :: c2s class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: p, h integer :: ic, ibot, itop real(kind=default) :: u call rng%generate (u) ibot = 0 itop = size (c2s%ch) do if (itop <= ibot + 1) then ic = ibot + 1 p = c2s%ch(ic)%pid h = c2s%ch(ic)%pol return else ic = (ibot + itop) / 2 if (u < c2s%cwgt(ic)) then itop = ic else ibot = ic end if end if end do write (*, '(A)') 'circe2: internal error' stop end subroutine circe2_choose_channel @ Below, we will always have $[[h]]=0$. but we don't have to check this explicitely, because [[circe2_density_matrix]] will do it anyway. The procedure could be made more efficient, since most of [[circe2_density_matrix]] is undoing parts of [[circe2_generate]]. <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_generate_polarized interface circe2_generate_polarized module procedure circe2_generate_polarized end interface circe2_generate_polarized @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_generate_polarized (c2s, rng, p, pol, x) type(circe2_state), intent(in) :: c2s class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: p real(kind=default), intent(out) :: pol(0:3,0:3) real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: x integer, dimension(2) :: h integer :: i1, i2 real(kind=default) :: pol00 call circe2_choose_channel (c2s, rng, p, h) call circe2_generate (c2s, rng, x, p, h) call circe2_density_matrix (c2s, pol, p, x) pol00 = pol(0,0) - do i1 = 0, 4 - do i2 = 0, 4 + do i1 = 0, 3 + do i2 = 0, 3 pol(i1,i2) = pol(i1,i2) / pol00 end do end do end subroutine circe2_generate_polarized @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Luminosity} <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_luminosity @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= function circe2_luminosity (c2s, p, h) type(circe2_state), intent(in) :: c2s integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: p integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: h real(kind=default) :: circe2_luminosity integer :: ic circe2_luminosity = 0 do ic = 1, size (c2s%ch) if ( all (p == c2s%ch(ic)%pid .or. p == 0) & .and. all (h == c2s%ch(ic)%pol .or. h == 0)) then circe2_luminosity = circe2_luminosity + c2s%ch(ic)%lumi end if end do end function circe2_luminosity <> @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{2D-Distribution} <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_distribution interface circe2_distribution module procedure circe2_distribution_ph end interface circe2_distribution @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= function circe2_distribution_ph (c2s, p, h, yy) type(circe2_state), intent(in) :: c2s integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: p real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: yy integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: h real(kind=default) :: circe2_distribution_ph integer :: i, ic <> if (ic <= 0) then circe2_distribution_ph = 0 else circe2_distribution_ph = circe2_distribution_channel (c2s%ch(ic), yy) end if end function circe2_distribution_ph <> @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= interface circe2_distribution module procedure circe2_distribution_channel end interface circe2_distribution @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= function circe2_distribution_channel (ch, yy) type(circe2_channel), intent(in) :: ch real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: yy real(kind=default) :: circe2_distribution_channel real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: y integer :: d, ibot, itop integer, dimension(2) :: ib <<$[[y]])\leftarrow[[yy]]$>> if ( y(1) < ch%d(1)%y(0) & .or. y(1) > ch%d(1)%y(ubound (ch%d(1)%y, dim=1)) & .or. y(2) < ch%d(2)%y(0) & .or. y(2) > ch%d(2)%y(ubound (ch%d(2)%y, dim=1))) then circe2_distribution_channel = 0 return end if <> circe2_distribution_channel = & ch%val(ib(1),ib(2)) * product (circe2_jacobian (ch%d, y, ib)) <> end function circe2_distribution_channel <> @ The triangle map \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \tau : \{(x_{1},x_{2}) \in [0,1]\times[0,1] : x_{2} \le x_{1} \} &\to [0,1]\times[0,1] \\ (x_{1},x_{2}) &\mapsto (y_{1},y_{2}) = (x_{1},x_{1}x_{2}) \end{aligned} \end{equation} and its inverse \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \tau^{-1} : [0,1]\times[0,1] &\to \{(x_{1},x_{2}) \in [0,1]\times[0,1] : x_{2} \le x_{1} \} \\ (y_{1},y_{2}) &\mapsto (x_{1},x_{2}) = (y_{1},y_{2}/y_{1}) \end{aligned} \end{equation} <<$[[y]])\leftarrow[[yy]]$>>= if (ch%triang) then y(1) = maxval (yy) y(2) = minval (yy) / y(1) else y = yy end if @ with the jacobian~$J^*(y_{1},y_{2})=1/y_{2}$ from \begin{equation} \mathrm{d}x_{1}\wedge\mathrm{d}x_{2} = \frac{1}{y_{2}} \cdot \mathrm{d}y_{1}\wedge\mathrm{d}y_{2} \end{equation} <>= if (ch%triang) then circe2_distribution_channel = circe2_distribution_channel / y(1) end if @ Careful: the loop over [[d]] \emph{must} be executed sequentially, because of the shared local variables [[ibot]] and [[itop]]. <>= do d = 1, 2 ibot = 0 itop = ubound (ch%d(d)%x, dim=1) search: do if (itop <= ibot + 1) then ib(d) = ibot + 1 exit search else ib(d) = (ibot + itop) / 2 if (y(d) < ch%d(d)%y(ib(d))) then itop = ib(d) else ibot = ib(d) end if end if end do search end do @ <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_density_matrix @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_density_matrix (c2s, pol, p, x) type(circe2_state), intent(in) :: c2s real(kind=default), dimension(0:,0:), intent(out) :: pol integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: p real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x <> print *, 'circe2: circe2_density_matrix not implemented yet!' if (p(1) < p(2) .and. x(1) < x(2)) then ! nonsense test to suppress warning end if pol = 0 end subroutine circe2_density_matrix <> @ <>= if (c2s%polspt /= POLGEN) then write (*, '(2A)') 'circe2: current beam ', & 'description supports no density matrices' return end if @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Reading Files} <<[[circe2]] declarations>>= public :: circe2_load <> @ <>= integer, parameter, public :: & EOK = 0, EFILE = -1, EMATCH = -2, EFORMT = -3, ESIZE = -4 @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_load (c2s, file, design, roots, ierror) type(circe2_state), intent(out) :: c2s character(len=*), intent(in) :: file, design real(kind=default), intent(in) :: roots integer, intent(out) :: ierror character(len=72) :: buffer, fdesgn, fpolsp real(kind=default) :: froots integer :: lun, loaded, prefix logical match <> <> if (lun < 0) then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: no free unit' ierror = ESIZE return end if loaded = 0 <> if (ierror .gt. 0) then write (*, '(2A)') 'circe2_load: ', <> end if prefix = index (design, '*') - 1 do <> if (buffer(8:15) == 'FORMAT#1') then read (lun, *) read (lun, *) fdesgn, froots <> if (match .and. abs (froots - roots) <= 1) then <> loaded = loaded + 1 else <> cycle end if else write (*, '(2A)') 'circe2_load: invalid format: ', buffer(8:72) ierror = EFORMT return end if <> end do end subroutine circe2_load <> @ <>= match = .false. if (fdesgn == design) then match = .true. else if (prefix == 0) then match = .true. else if (prefix .gt. 0) then if (fdesgn(1:min(prefix,len(fdesgn))) & == design(1:min(prefix,len(design)))) then match = .true. end if end if @ <>= read (lun, *) read (lun, *) nc, fpolsp allocate (c2s%ch(nc), c2s%cwgt(0:nc)) <> c2s%cwgt(0) = 0 do ic = 1, nc call circe2_load_channel (c2s%ch(ic), c2s%polspt, lun, ierror) c2s%cwgt(ic) = c2s%cwgt(ic-1) + c2s%ch(ic)%lumi end do c2s%cwgt = c2s%cwgt / c2s%cwgt(nc) @ <<[[circe2]] implementation>>= subroutine circe2_load_channel (ch, polspt, lun, ierror) type(circe2_channel), intent(out) :: ch integer, intent(in) :: polspt, lun integer, intent(out) :: ierror integer :: d, i, ib integer :: i1, i2 integer, dimension(2) :: nb real(kind=default) :: w <> <> <> <> end subroutine circe2_load_channel @ @ <>= if (fpolsp(1:1)=='a' .or. fpolsp(1:1)=='A') then c2s%polspt = POLAVG else if (fpolsp(1:1)=='h' .or. fpolsp(1:1)=='H') then c2s%polspt = POLHEL else if (fpolsp(1:1)=='d' .or. fpolsp(1:1)=='D') then c2s%polspt = POLGEN else write (*, '(A,I5)') 'circe2_load: invalid polarization support: ', fpolsp ierror = EFORMT return end if @ <>= integer :: ic, nc @ <>= read (lun, *) read (lun, *) ch%pid(1), ch%pol(1), ch%pid(2), ch%pol(2), ch%lumi <> @ <>= if (polspt == POLAVG .and. any (ch%pol /= 0)) then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: expecting averaged polarization' ierror = EFORMT return else if (polspt == POLHEL .and. any (ch%pol == 0)) then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: expecting helicities' ierror = EFORMT return else if (polspt == POLGEN) then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: general polarizations not supported yet' ierror = EFORMT return else if (polspt == POLGEN .and. any (ch%pol /= 0)) then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: expecting pol = 0' ierror = EFORMT return end if @ <>= read (lun, *) read (lun, *) nb, ch%triang @ <>= do d = 1, 2 read (lun, *) allocate (ch%d(d)%x(0:nb(d)), ch%d(d)%y(0:nb(d))) allocate (ch%d(d)%map(nb(d)), ch%d(d)%alpha(nb(d))) allocate (ch%d(d)%xi(nb(d)), ch%d(d)%eta(nb(d))) allocate (ch%d(d)%a(nb(d)), ch%d(d)%b(nb(d))) read (lun, *) ch%d(d)%x(0) do ib = 1, nb(d) read (lun, *) ch%d(d)%x(ib), ch%d(d)%map(ib), & ch%d(d)%alpha(ib), ch%d(d)%xi(ib), ch%d(d)%eta(ib), & ch%d(d)%a(ib), ch%d(d)%b(ib) if (ch%d(d)%map(ib) < 0 .or. ch%d(d)%map(ib) > 2) then write (*, '(A,I3)') 'circe2_load: invalid map: ', ch%d(d)%map(ib) ierror = EFORMT return end if end do end do @ The boundaries are guaranteed to be fixed points of the maps only if the boundaries are not allowed to float. This doesn't affect the unweighted events, because they never see the codomain grid, but distribution would be distorted significantly. In the following sums [[i1]] and [[i2]] run over the maps, while [[i]] runs over the boundaries. \begin{dubious} An alternative would be to introduce sentinels [[alpha(1,0,:)]], [[xi(1,0,:)]], etc. \end{dubious} <>= do d = 1, 2 do i = 0, ubound (ch%d(d)%x, dim=1) ch%d(d)%y(i) = circe2_map (ch%d(d), ch%d(d)%x(i), max (i, 1)) end do end do @ cf.~(\ref{eq:jacobian-Delta_x-Delta_y}) <>= read (lun, *) allocate (ch%wgt(0:product(nb)), ch%val(nb(1),nb(2))) ch%wgt(0) = 0 do i = 1, ubound (ch%wgt, dim=1) read (lun, *) w ch%wgt(i) = ch%wgt(i-1) + w <<$([[i1]],[[i2]]) \leftarrow [[i]]$>> ch%val(i1,i2) = w & / ( (ch%d(1)%x(i1) - ch%d(1)%x(i1-1)) & * (ch%d(2)%x(i2) - ch%d(2)%x(i2-1))) end do ch%wgt(ubound (ch%wgt, dim=1)) = 1 @ <>= @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Auxiliary Code For Reading Files} <>= open (unit = lun, file = file, status = 'old', iostat = status) if (status /= 0) then write (*, '(2A)') 'circe2_load: can''t open ', file ierror = EFILE return end if @ <>= integer :: status @ The outer [[do]] loop is never repeated! <>= find_circe2: do skip_comments: do read (lun, '(A)', iostat = status) buffer if (status /= 0) then close (unit = lun) if (loaded > 0) then ierror = EOK else ierror = EMATCH end if return else if (buffer(1:6) == 'CIRCE2') then exit find_circe2 else if (buffer(1:1) == '!') then if (ierror > 0) then write (*, '(A)') buffer end if else exit skip_comments end if end if end do skip_comments write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: invalid file' ierror = EFORMT return end do find_circe2 @ <>= skip_data: do read (lun, *) buffer if (buffer(1:6) == 'ECRIC2') then exit skip_data end if end do skip_data @ <>= read (lun, '(A)') buffer if (buffer(1:6) /= 'ECRIC2') then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_load: invalid file' ierror = EFORMT return end if @ <>= scan: do lun = 10, 99 inquire (unit = lun, exist = exists, opened = isopen, iostat = status) if (status == 0 .and. exists .and. .not.isopen) exit scan end do scan if (lun > 99) lun = -1 @ <>= logical exists, isopen @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix \section{Tests and Examples} \subsection{Object-Oriented interface to [[tao_random_numbers]]} We need the object oriented interface to [[tao_random_numbers]] to be able to talk to the WHIZARD <<[[tao_random_objects.f90]]>>= module tao_random_objects use kinds use tao_random_numbers use circe2 implicit none private <<[[tao_random_objects]] declarations>> contains <<[[tao_random_objects]] implementation>> end module tao_random_objects @ <<[[tao_random_objects]] declarations>>= public :: rng_tao type, extends (rng_type) :: rng_tao integer :: seed = 0 integer :: n_calls = 0 type(tao_random_state) :: state contains procedure :: generate => rng_tao_generate procedure :: init => rng_tao_init end type rng_tao @ <<[[tao_random_objects]] implementation>>= subroutine rng_tao_generate (rng_obj, u) class(rng_tao), intent(inout) :: rng_obj real(default), intent(out) :: u call tao_random_number (rng_obj%state, u) rng_obj%n_calls = rng_obj%n_calls + 1 end subroutine rng_tao_generate @ <<[[tao_random_objects]] implementation>>= subroutine rng_tao_init (rng_obj, seed) class(rng_tao), intent(inout) :: rng_obj integer, intent(in) :: seed rng_obj%seed = seed call tao_random_create (rng_obj%state, seed) end subroutine rng_tao_init @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{[[circe2_generate]]: Standalone Generation of Samples} <<[[circe2_generate.f90]]>>= program circe2_generate_program use kinds use circe2 use tao_random_objects implicit none type(circe2_state) :: c2s type(rng_tao), save :: rng character(len=1024) :: filename, design, buffer integer :: status, nevents, seed real(kind=default) :: roots real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: x integer :: i, ierror <> call circe2_load (c2s, trim(filename), trim(design), roots, ierror) if (ierror /= 0) then print *, "circe2_generate: failed to load design ", trim(design), & " for ", real (roots, kind=single), & " GeV from ", trim(filename) stop end if do i = 1, nevents call circe2_generate (c2s, rng, x, [11, -11], [0, 0]) write (*, '(F12.10,1X,F12.10)') x end do contains <> end program circe2_generate_program @ <>= call get_command_argument (1, value = filename, status = status) if (status /= 0) filename = "" @ <>= call get_command_argument (2, value = design, status = status) if (status /= 0) design = "" if (filename == "" .or. design == "") then print *, "usage: circe2_generate filename design [roots] [#events] [seed]" stop end if @ <>= call get_command_argument (3, value = buffer, status = status) if (status == 0) then read (buffer, *, iostat = status) roots if (status /= 0) roots = 500 else roots = 500 end if @ <>= call get_command_argument (4, value = buffer, status = status) if (status == 0) then read (buffer, *, iostat = status) nevents if (status /= 0) nevents = 1000 else nevents = 1000 end if @ <>= call get_command_argument (5, value = buffer, status = status) if (status == 0) then read (buffer, *, iostat = status) seed if (status == 0) then call random2_seed (rng, seed) else call random2_seed (rng) end if else call random2_seed (rng) end if @ <>= subroutine random2_seed (rng, seed) class(rng_tao), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in), optional:: seed integer, dimension(8) :: date_time integer :: seed_value if (present (seed)) then seed_value = seed else call date_and_time (values = date_time) seed_value = product (date_time) endif call rng%init (seed_value) end subroutine random2_seed @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{[[circe2_ls]]: Listing File Contents} Here's a small utility program for listing the contents of \KirkeTwo/ data files. It performs \emph{no} verification and assumes that the file is in the correct format (cf.~table~\ref{tab:fileformat}). <<[[circe2_ls.f90]]>>= ! circe2_ls.f90 -- beam spectra for linear colliders and photon colliders <> <> program circe2_ls use circe2 use kinds implicit none integer :: i, lun character(len=132) :: buffer character(len=60) :: design, polspt integer :: pid1, hel1, pid2, hel2, nc real(kind=default) :: roots, lumi integer :: status logical :: exists, isopen character(len=1024) :: filename <> if (lun < 0) then write (*, '(A)') 'circe2_ls: no free unit' stop end if files: do i = 1, command_argument_count () call get_command_argument (i, value = filename, status = status) if (status /= 0) then exit files else open (unit = lun, file = filename, status = 'old', iostat = status) if (status /= 0) then write (*, "(A,1X,A)") "circe2: can't open", trim(filename) else write (*, "(A,1X,A)") "file:", trim(filename) lines: do read (lun, '(A)', iostat = status) buffer if (status /= 0) exit lines if (buffer(1:7) == 'design,') then read (lun, *) design, roots read (lun, *) read (lun, *) nc, polspt <> <> else if (buffer(1:5) == 'pid1,') then read (lun, *) pid1, hel1, pid2, hel2, lumi <> end if end do lines end if close (unit = lun) end if end do files end program circe2_ls <> @ <>= write (*, '(A,1X,A)') ' design:', trim(design) write (*, '(A,1X,F7.1)') ' sqrt(s):', roots write (*, '(A,1X,I3)') ' #channels:', nc write (*, '(A,1X,A)') ' polarization:', trim(polspt) @ <>= write (*, '(4X,4(A5,2X),A)') & 'pid#1', 'hel#1', 'pid#2', 'hel#2', 'luminosity / (10^32cm^-2sec^-1)' @ <>= write (*, '(4X,4(I5,2X),F10.2)') pid1, hel1, pid2, hel2, lumi @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsection{$\beta$-distribitions} @ We need a fast generator of $\beta$-distribitions: \begin{equation} \beta_{x_{\text{min}},x_{\text{max}}}^{a,b}(x) = x^{a-1}(1-x)^{b-1}\cdot \frac{\Theta(x_{\text{max}}-x)\Theta(x-x_{\text{min}})}% {I(x_{\text{min}},a,b)-I(x_{\text{max}},a,b)} \end{equation} with the \emph{incomplete Beta-function~$I$:} \begin{align} I(x,a,b) & = \int_x^1\!d\xi\, \xi^{a-1}(1-\xi)^{b-1} \\ I(0,a,b) & = B(a,b) = \frac{\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)}{\Gamma(a+b)} \end{align} This problem has been studied extensively~\cite{Devroye:1986:random_deviates} and we can use an algorithm~\cite{Atkinson/Whittaker:1979:beta_distribution} that is very fast for~$0>= public :: generate_beta @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine generate_beta (rng, x, xmin, xmax, a, b) class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng real(kind=default), intent(out) :: x real(kind=default), intent(in) :: xmin, xmax, a, b real(kind=default) :: t, p, u, umin, umax, w <> <> do <> call rng%generate (u) if (w > u) exit end do end subroutine generate_beta @ %def generate_beta @ In fact, this algorithm works for~$0>= if (a >= 1 .or. b <= 1) then x = -1 print *, 'ERROR: beta-distribution expects a<1>= <> p = b*t / (b*t + a * (1 - t)**b) @ The dominating distributions can be generated by simple mappings \begin{align} \phi: [0,1] & \to [0,1] \\ u & \mapsto \begin{cases} t\left(\frac{u}{p}\right)^\frac{1}{a} &t\;\text{for}\;u>p \end{cases} \end{align} The beauty of the algorithm is that we can use a single uniform deviate~$u$ for both intervals: <>= call rng%generate (u) u = umin + (umax - umin) * u if (u <= p) then x = t * (u/p)**(1/a) w = (1 - x)**(b-1) else x = 1 - (1 - t) * ((1 - u)/(1 - p))**(1/b) w = (x/t)**(a-1) end if @ The weights that are derived by dividing the distribution by the dominating distributions are already normalized correctly: \begin{align} w: [0,1] & \to [0,1] \\ x & \mapsto \begin{cases} (1-x)^{b-1} &\in[(1-t)^{b-1},1]\;\text{for}\;x\le t\\ \left(\frac{x}{t}\right)^{a-1} &\in[t^{1-a},1] \;\text{for}\;x\ge t \end{cases} \end{align} @ To derive~$u_{\text{min},\text{max}}$ from~$x_{\text{min},\text{max}}$ we can use~$\phi^{-1}$: \begin{align} \phi^{-1}: [0,1] & \to [0,1] \\ x & \mapsto \begin{cases} p\left(\frac{x}{t}\right)^a &p\;\text{for}\;x>t \end{cases} \end{align} We start with~$u_{\text{min}}$. For efficiency, we handle the most common cases (small~$x_{\text{min}}$) first: <>= if (xmin <= 0) then umin = 0 elseif (xmin < t) then umin = p * (xmin/t)**a elseif (xmin == t) then umin = p elseif (xmin < 1) then umin = 1 - (1 - p) * ((1 - xmin)/(1 - t))**b else umin = 1 endif @ Same procedure for~$u_{\text{max}}$; again, handle the most common cases (large~$x_{\text{max}}$) first: <>= if (xmax >= 1) then umax = 1 elseif (xmax > t) then umax = 1 - (1 - p) * ((1 - xmax)/(1 - t))**b elseif (xmax == t) then umax = p elseif (xmax > 0) then umax = p * (xmax/t)**a else umax = 0 endif @ Check for absurd cases. <>= if (umax < umin) then x = -1 return endif @ It remains to choose he best value for~$t$. The rejection efficiency~$\epsilon$ of the algorithm is given by the ratio of the dominating distribution and the distribution \begin{equation} \frac{1}{\epsilon(t)} = \frac{B(a,b)}{ab} \left(bt^{a} + at^{a-1}(1-t)^b\right). \end{equation} It is maximized for \begin{equation} bt - bt(1-t)^{b-1} + (a-1)(1-t)^b = 0 \end{equation} This equation has a solution which can be determined numerically. While this determination is far too expensive compared to a moderate loss in efficiency, we could perform it once after fitting the coefficients~$a$, $b$. Nevertheless, it has been shown,\cite{Atkinson/Whittaker:1979:beta_distribution} that \begin{equation} t = \frac{1-a}{b+1-a} \end{equation} results in non-vanishing efficiency for all values~$1>= t = (1 - a) / (b + 1 - a) @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsection{Sampling} <<[[circe2_moments.f90]]>>= module sampling use kinds implicit none private <<[[sampling]] declarations>> contains <<[[sampling]] implementation>> end module sampling @ <<[[sampling]] declarations>>= type sample integer :: n = 0 real(kind=default) :: w = 0 real(kind=default) :: w2 = 0 end type sample public :: sample @ <<[[sampling]] declarations>>= public :: reset, record @ <<[[sampling]] implementation>>= elemental subroutine reset (s) type(sample), intent(inout) :: s s%n = 0 s%w = 0 s%w2 = 0 end subroutine reset @ <<[[sampling]] implementation>>= elemental subroutine record (s, w) type(sample), intent(inout) :: s real(kind=default), intent(in), optional :: w s%n = s%n + 1 if (present (w)) then s%w = s%w + w s%w2 = s%w2 + w*w else s%w = s%w + 1 s%w2 = s%w2 + 1 endif end subroutine record @ <<[[sampling]] declarations>>= public :: mean, variance @ <<[[sampling]] implementation>>= elemental function mean (s) type(sample), intent(in) :: s real(kind=default) :: mean mean = s%w / s%n end function mean @ <<[[sampling]] implementation>>= elemental function variance (s) type(sample), intent(in) :: s real(kind=default) :: variance variance = (s%w2 / s%n - mean(s)**2) / s%n variance = max (variance, epsilon (variance)) end function variance @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsection{Moments} This would probably be a good place for inheritance <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= type moment integer, dimension(2) :: n, m type(sample) :: sample = sample (0, 0.0_default, 0.0_default) end type moment public :: moment @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: init_moments @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine init_moments (moments) type(moment), dimension(0:,0:,0:,0:), intent(inout) :: moments integer :: nx, mx, ny, my do nx = lbound(moments,1), ubound(moments,1) do mx = lbound(moments,2), ubound(moments,2) do ny = lbound(moments,3), ubound(moments,3) do my = lbound(moments,4), ubound(moments,4) moments(nx,mx,ny,my) = moment([nx,ny],[mx,my]) end do end do end do end do call reset_moment (moments) end subroutine init_moments @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: reset_moment, record_moment @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= elemental subroutine reset_moment (m) type(moment), intent(inout) :: m call reset (m%sample) end subroutine reset_moment @ If we were pressed for time, we would compute the moments by iterative multiplications instead by powers, of course. In any case, we would like to combine [[x1]] and [[x2]] into an array. Unfortunately this is not possible for [[elemental]] procedures. NB: the NAG compiler appears to want a more careful evaluation of the powers. We enforce [[0.0**0 == 0]]. <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= elemental subroutine record_moment (m, x1, x2, w) type(moment), intent(inout) :: m real(kind=default), intent(in) :: x1, x2 real(kind=default), intent(in), optional :: w real(kind=default) :: p p = pwr (x1, m%n(1)) * pwr (1-x1, m%m(1)) & * pwr (x2, m%n(2)) * pwr (1-x2, m%m(2)) if (present (w)) p = p*w call record (m%sample, p) contains pure function pwr (x, n) real(kind=default), intent(in) :: x integer, intent(in) :: n real(kind=default) :: pwr if (n == 0) then pwr = 1 else pwr = x**n end if end function pwr end subroutine record_moment @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: mean_moment, variance_moment @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= elemental function mean_moment (m) type(moment), intent(in) :: m real(kind=default) :: mean_moment mean_moment = mean (m%sample) end function mean_moment @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= elemental function variance_moment (m) type(moment), intent(in) :: m real(kind=default) :: variance_moment variance_moment = variance (m%sample) end function variance_moment @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsubsection{Moments of $\beta$-distributions} <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: beta_moment @ \begin{multline} M_{n,m}(a,b) = \int_0^1\!\dd x\, x^n(1-x)^m \beta_{0,1}^{a,b}(x) = \int_0^1\!\dd x\, x^n(1-x)^m \frac{x^{a-1}(1-x)^{b-1}}{B(a,b)} \\ = \frac{1}{B(a,b)} \int_0^1\!\dd x\, x^{n+a-1}(1-x)^{m+b-1} = \frac{B(n+a,m+b)}{B(a,b)} \\ = \frac{\Gamma(n+a)\Gamma(m+b)\Gamma(a+b)}% {\Gamma(n+a+m+b)\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)} = \frac{\Gamma(n+a)}{\Gamma(a)} \frac{\Gamma(m+b)}{\Gamma(b)} \frac{\Gamma(n+m+a+b)}{\Gamma(a+b)} \\ = \frac{(a+n)(a+n-1)\cdots(a+1)a(b+m)(b+m-1)\cdots(b+1)b}% {(a+b+n+m)(a+b+n+m-1)\cdots(a+b+1)(a+b)} \end{multline} <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= elemental function beta_moment (n, m, a, b) integer, intent(in) :: n, m real(kind=default), intent(in) :: a, b real(kind=default) :: beta_moment beta_moment = & gamma_ratio (a, n) * gamma_ratio (b, m) / gamma_ratio (a+b, n+m) end function beta_moment @ \begin{equation} \frac{\Gamma(x+n)}{\Gamma(x)} = (x+n)(x+n-1)\cdots(x+1)x \end{equation} <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= elemental function gamma_ratio (x, n) real(kind=default), intent(in) :: x integer, intent(in) :: n real(kind=default) :: gamma_ratio integer :: i gamma_ratio = 1 do i = 0, n - 1 gamma_ratio = gamma_ratio * (x + i) end do end function gamma_ratio @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsubsection{Channels} <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= type channel real(kind=default) :: w = 1 real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: a = 1, b = 1 logical, dimension(2) :: delta = .false. end type channel public :: channel @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: generate_beta_multi, beta_moments_multi @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine generate_beta_multi (rng, x, channels) class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng real(kind=default), dimension(:), intent(out) :: x type(channel), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channels real(kind=default) :: u, accum integer :: i, n <>= call rng%generate (u) u = u * sum (channels%w) accum = 0 scan: do n = 1, size (channels) - 1 accum = accum + channels(n)%w if (accum >= u) exit scan end do scan @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= pure function beta_moments_multi (n, m, channels) integer, intent(in), dimension(2) :: n, m type(channel), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channels real(kind=default) :: beta_moments_multi real(kind=default) :: w integer :: c, i beta_moments_multi = 0 do c = 1, size (channels) w = channels(c)%w do i = 1, 2 if (channels(c)%delta(i)) then if (m(i) > 0) w = 0 else w = w * beta_moment (n(i), m(i), channels(c)%a(i), channels(c)%b(i)) end if end do beta_moments_multi = beta_moments_multi + w end do beta_moments_multi = beta_moments_multi / sum (channels%w) end function beta_moments_multi @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsubsection{Selftest} @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: selftest @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine selftest (rng, nevents) class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in) :: nevents integer, parameter :: N = 1 type(moment), dimension(0:N,0:N,0:N,0:N) :: moments integer :: i real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: x type(channel), dimension(:), allocatable :: channels call read_channels (channels) call init_moments (moments) do i = 1, nevents call generate_beta_multi (rng, x, channels) call record_moment (moments, x(1), x(2)) end do call report_results (moments, channels) end subroutine selftest @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: random2_seed @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine random2_seed (rng, seed) class(rng_tao), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in), optional:: seed integer, dimension(8) :: date_time integer :: seed_value if (present (seed)) then seed_value = seed else call date_and_time (values = date_time) seed_value = product (date_time) endif call rng%init (seed_value) end subroutine random2_seed @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: read_channels @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine read_channels (channels) type(channel), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: channels type(channel), dimension(100) :: buffer real(kind=default) :: w real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: a, b logical, dimension(2) :: delta integer :: n, status do n = 1, size (buffer) read (*, *, iostat = status) w, a(1), b(1), a(2), b(2), delta if (status == 0) then buffer(n) = channel (w, a, b, delta) else exit end if end do allocate (channels(n-1)) channels = buffer(1:n-1) end subroutine read_channels @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: report_results @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine report_results (moments, channels) type(moment), dimension(0:,0:,0:,0:), intent(in) :: moments type(channel), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channels integer :: nx, mx, ny, my real(kind=default) :: truth, estimate, sigma, pull, eps do nx = lbound(moments,1), ubound(moments,1) do mx = lbound(moments,2), ubound(moments,2) do ny = lbound(moments,3), ubound(moments,3) do my = lbound(moments,4), ubound(moments,4) truth = beta_moments_multi ([nx, ny], [mx, my], channels) estimate = mean_moment (moments(nx,mx,ny,my)) sigma = sqrt (variance_moment (moments(nx,mx,ny,my))) pull = estimate - truth eps = pull / max (epsilon (1.0_default), epsilon (1.0_double)) if (sigma /= 0.0_default) pull = pull / sigma write (*, "(' x^', I1, ' (1-x)^', I1, & &' y^', I1, ' (1-y)^', I1, & &': ', F8.5, ': est = ', F8.5, & &' +/- ', F8.5,& &', pull = ', F8.2,& &', eps = ', F8.2)") & nx, mx, ny, my, truth, estimate, sigma, pull, eps end do end do end do end do end subroutine report_results @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: results_ok @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= function results_ok (moments, channels, threshold, fraction) ! use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic type(moment), dimension(0:,0:,0:,0:), intent(in) :: moments type(channel), dimension(:), intent(in) :: channels real(kind=default), intent(in), optional :: threshold, fraction logical :: results_ok integer :: nx, mx, ny, my, failures real(kind=default) :: thr, frac, eps real(kind=default) :: truth, estimate, sigma ! we mut not expect to measure zero better than the ! double precision used in the ocaml code: eps = 200 * max (epsilon (1.0_default), epsilon (1.0_double)) if (present(threshold)) then thr = threshold else thr = 5 end if if (present(fraction)) then frac = fraction else frac = 0.01_default end if failures = 0 do nx = lbound(moments,1), ubound(moments,1) do mx = lbound(moments,2), ubound(moments,2) do ny = lbound(moments,3), ubound(moments,3) do my = lbound(moments,4), ubound(moments,4) truth = beta_moments_multi ([nx, ny], [mx, my], channels) estimate = mean_moment (moments(nx,mx,ny,my)) sigma = sqrt (variance_moment (moments(nx,mx,ny,my))) if (.not. ( ieee_is_normal (truth) & .and. ieee_is_normal (estimate) & .and. ieee_is_normal (sigma)) & .or. abs (estimate - truth) > max (thr * sigma, eps)) then failures = failures + 1 end if end do end do end do end do if (failures >= frac * size (moments)) then results_ok = .false. else results_ok = .true. end if contains <> end function results_ok @ gfortran doesn't have the intrinsic [[ieee_arithmetic]] module yet \ldots <>= function ieee_is_normal (x) real(kind=default), intent(in) :: x logical :: ieee_is_normal ieee_is_normal = .not. (x /= x) end function ieee_is_normal @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsubsection{Generate Sample} @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: generate @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine generate (rng, nevents) class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in) :: nevents type(channel), dimension(:), allocatable :: channels real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: x integer :: i call read_channels (channels) do i = 1, nevents call generate_beta_multi (rng, x, channels) write (*, "(3(5x,F19.17))") x, 1.0_default end do end subroutine generate @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsubsection{List Moments} @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: compare @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine compare (rng, nevents, file) class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in) :: nevents character(len=*), intent(in) :: file type(channel), dimension(:), allocatable :: channels integer, parameter :: N = 1 type(moment), dimension(0:N,0:N,0:N,0:N) :: moments real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: x character(len=128) :: design real(kind=default) :: roots integer :: ierror integer, dimension(2) :: p, h integer :: i type(circe2_state) :: c2s call read_channels (channels) call init_moments (moments) design = "CIRCE2/TEST" roots = 42 p = [11, -11] h = 0 call circe2_load (c2s, trim(file), trim(design), roots, ierror) do i = 1, nevents call circe2_generate (c2s, rng, x, p, h) call record_moment (moments, x(1), x(2)) end do call report_results (moments, channels) end subroutine compare @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsubsection{Check Generator} @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>>= public :: check @ <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>>= subroutine check (rng, nevents, file, distributions, fail) class(rng_type), intent(inout) :: rng integer, intent(in) :: nevents character(len=*), intent(in) :: file logical, intent(in), optional :: distributions, fail type(channel), dimension(:), allocatable :: channels type(channel), dimension(1) :: unit_channel integer, parameter :: N = 1 type(moment), dimension(0:N,0:N,0:N,0:N) :: moments, unit_moments real(kind=default), dimension(2) :: x character(len=128) :: design real(kind=default) :: roots, weight integer :: ierror integer, dimension(2) :: p, h integer :: i logical :: generation_ok, distributions_ok logical :: check_distributions, expect_failure type(circe2_state) :: c2s if (present (distributions)) then check_distributions = distributions else check_distributions = .true. end if if (present (fail)) then expect_failure = fail else expect_failure = .false. end if call read_channels (channels) call init_moments (moments) if (check_distributions) call init_moments (unit_moments) design = "CIRCE2/TEST" roots = 42 p = [11, -11] h = 0 call circe2_load (c2s, trim(file), trim(design), roots, ierror) do i = 1, nevents call circe2_generate (c2s, rng, x, p, h) call record_moment (moments, x(1), x(2)) if (check_distributions) then weight = circe2_distribution (c2s, p, h, x) call record_moment (unit_moments, x(1), x(2), w = 1 / weight) end if end do generation_ok = results_ok (moments, channels) if (check_distributions) then distributions_ok = results_ok (unit_moments, unit_channel) else distributions_ok = .not. expect_failure end if if (expect_failure) then if (generation_ok .and. distributions_ok) then print *, "FAIL: unexpected success" else if (.not. generation_ok) then print *, "OK: expected failure in generation" end if if (.not. distributions_ok) then print *, "OK: expected failure in distributions" end if end if call report_results (moments, channels) else if (generation_ok .and. distributions_ok) then print *, "OK" else if (.not. generation_ok) then print *, "FAIL: generation" call report_results (moments, channels) end if if (.not. distributions_ok) then print *, "FAIL: distributions" call report_results (unit_moments, unit_channel) end if end if end if end subroutine check @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ \subsection{[[circe2_moments]]: Compare Moments of distributions} <
>= program circe2_moments use circe2 use circe2_moments_library !NODEP! use tao_random_objects !NODEP! implicit none type(rng_tao), save :: rng character(len=1024) :: mode, filename, buffer integer :: status, nevents, seed call get_command_argument (1, value = mode, status = status) if (status /= 0) mode = "" call get_command_argument (2, value = filename, status = status) if (status /= 0) filename = "" call get_command_argument (3, value = buffer, status = status) if (status == 0) then read (buffer, *, iostat = status) nevents if (status /= 0) nevents = 1000 else nevents = 1000 end if call get_command_argument (4, value = buffer, status = status) if (status == 0) then read (buffer, *, iostat = status) seed if (status == 0) then call random2_seed (rng, seed) else call random2_seed (rng) end if else call random2_seed (rng) end if select case (trim (mode)) case ("check") call check (rng, nevents, trim (filename)) case ("!check") call check (rng, nevents, trim (filename), fail = .true.) case ("check_generation") call check (rng, nevents, trim (filename), distributions = .false.) case ("!check_generation") call check (rng, nevents, trim (filename), fail = .true., & distributions = .false.) case ("compare") call compare (rng, nevents, trim (filename)) case ("generate") call generate (rng, nevents) case ("selftest") call selftest (rng, nevents) case default print *, & "usage: circe2_moments " // & "[check|check_generation|generate|selftest] " // & "filename [events] [seed]" end select end program circe2_moments @ <<[[circe2_moments.f90]]>>= module circe2_moments_library use kinds use tao_random_objects !NODEP! use sampling !NODEP! use circe2 implicit none private <<[[circe2_moments_library]] declarations>> contains <<[[circe2_moments_library]] implementation>> end module circe2_moments_library @ <<[[circe2_moments.f90]]>>= <
> @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{Atkinson/Whittaker:1979:beta_distribution} A. Atkinson and J. Whittaker, Appl.\ Stat.\ {\bf 28}, 90 (1979). \bibitem{Devroye:1986:random_deviates} L. Devroye, {\em Non-uniform Random Variate Generation}, Springer, 1986. \end{thebibliography} Index: trunk/circe2/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/circe2/src/ (revision 0) +++ trunk/circe2/src/ (revision 8319) @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#! /bin/sh +######################################################################## +# This script is for developers only and needs not to be portable. +# This script assumes an opam installation with many versions of +# O'Caml available as switches. +######################################################################## +# tl;dr : don't try this at home, kids ;) +######################################################################## + +src=$(dirname $(realpath $0)) +root=$(dirname $(dirname $src)) +build=$root/_build +log=$src/opam_versions.out + +versions="$1" +if [ -z "$versions" ]; then + versions="$(opam switch -s)" +fi + +rm -f $log + +for switch in $versions; do + opam switch $switch >/dev/null || exit 2 + opam switch show + eval $(opam env) + cd $root + ./ CIRCE2 + rm -fr $build/$switch + mkdir -p $build/$switch + cd $build/$switch + $root/configure --enable-distribution --disable-static + make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) && \ + make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) check distcheck + if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then + echo "$switch PASS" >> $log + else + echo "$switch FAIL" >> $log + fi +done Property changes on: trunk/circe2/src/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/circe2/src/Makefile.sources =================================================================== --- trunk/circe2/src/Makefile.sources (revision 8318) +++ trunk/circe2/src/Makefile.sources (revision 8319) @@ -1,76 +1,75 @@ # Makefile.sources -- Makefile component for O'Mega ## ## Process with automake to include this file in ## ######################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by # Wolfgang Kilian # Thorsten Ohl # Juergen Reuter # with contributions from # cf. main AUTHORS file # # WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ######################################################################## ## ## We define the source files in a separate file so that they can be ## include by Makefiles in multiple directories. ## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # # O'Caml sources # ######################################################################## CIRCE2_ML_SRC_1 = \ - \ \ \ CIRCE2_LEXER = lexer.mll CIRCE2_PARSER = parser.mly CIRCE2_ML_SRC_2 = CIRCE2_ML_SRC = $(CIRCE2_ML_SRC_1) $(CIRCE2_ML_SRC_2) CIRCE2_MLI_SRC = $( CIRCE2_ML_DERIVED = $( $( CIRCE2_MLI_DERIVED = $( CIRCE2_SRC = $(CIRCE2_ML_SRC) $(CIRCE2_MLI_SRC) $(CIRCE2_LEXER) $(CIRCE2_PARSER) CIRCE2_DERIVED = $(CIRCE2_ML_DERIVED) $(CIRCE2_MLI_DERIVED) CIRCE2_ML = $(CIRCE2_ML_SRC_1) $(CIRCE2_ML_DERIVED) $(CIRCE2_ML_SRC_2) CIRCE2_MLI = $( -CIRCE2_CMO = $( -CIRCE2_CMX = $( -CIRCE2_CMI = $( +CIRCE2_CMO = bigarray_compat.cmo $( +CIRCE2_CMX = bigarray_compat.cmx $( +CIRCE2_CMI = bigarray_compat.cmi $( CIRCE2_INTERFACE = $( CIRCE2_IMPLEMENTATION = $( CIRCE2TOOL_ML = CIRCE2TOOL_SRC = $(CIRCE2TOOL_ML) CIRCE2TOOL_CMO = $( CIRCE2TOOL_CMX = $( CIRCE2TOOL_IMPLEMENTATION = $( CIRCE2_BYTECODE = $($(OCAML_BYTECODE_EXT)) CIRCE2_NATIVE = $($(OCAML_NATIVE_EXT)) CIRCE2_CAML = $(CIRCE2_SRC) $(CIRCE2_DERIVED) $(CIRCE2TOOL_SRC) Index: trunk/circe2/src/ =================================================================== --- trunk/circe2/src/ (revision 8318) +++ trunk/circe2/src/ (revision 8319) @@ -1,291 +1,291 @@ # -- ## ## Process this file with automake to produce ## ######################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by # Wolfgang Kilian # Thorsten Ohl # Juergen Reuter # with contributions from # cf. main AUTHORS file # # WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ######################################################################## # backwards compatibility OCAML_BIGARRAY_COMPAT=@OCAML_BIGARRAY_COMPAT@ OCAML_BIGARRAY_CMA=@OCAML_BIGARRAY_CMA@ OCAML_BIGARRAY_CMXA=@OCAML_BIGARRAY_CMXA@ ######################################################################## lib_LTLIBRARIES = SOURCE_FILES = MODULE_FILES = -EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES = +EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES = bigarray_compat.mli NOWEB_FILES = prelude.nw postlude.nw ######################################################################## # The CIRCE2 library proper ######################################################################## lib_LTLIBRARIES += libcirce2_la_SOURCES = circe2.f90 MODULE_FILES += circe2.$(FC_MODULE_EXT) SOURCE_FILES += $(libcirce2_la_SOURCES) NOWEB_FILES += circe2.nw ######################################################################## # Required for standalone compilation, # otherwise provided by VAMP and/or WHIZARD ######################################################################## EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES += MODULE_FILES += kinds.$(FC_MODULE_EXT) lib_LTLIBRARIES += libtaorng_la_SOURCES = tao_random_numbers.f90 MODULE_FILES += tao_random_numbers.$(FC_MODULE_EXT) SOURCE_FILES += $(libtaorng_la_SOURCES) lib_LTLIBRARIES += libtaorng_objs_la_SOURCES = tao_random_objects.f90 MODULE_FILES += tao_random_objects.$(FC_MODULE_EXT) SOURCE_FILES += $(libtaorng_objs_la_SOURCES) ######################################################################## # Testing and tools ######################################################################## bin_PROGRAMS = circe2_moments circe2_ls circe2_generate circe2_moments_SOURCES = circe2_moments.f90 circe2_moments_LDADD = kinds.lo circe2_moments.o: $(MODULE_FILES) circe2_ls_SOURCES = circe2_ls.f90 circe2_ls_LDADD = kinds.lo circe2_ls.o: $(MODULE_FILES) circe2_generate_SOURCES = circe2_generate.f90 circe2_generate_LDADD = kinds.lo circe2_generate.o: $(MODULE_FILES) bin_SCRIPTS = if OCAML_AVAILABLE bin_SCRIPTS += $(CIRCE2_NATIVE) endif OCAML_AVAILABLE $(CIRCE2_NATIVE): $(CIRCE2_CMX) $(CIRCE2_BYTECODE): $(CIRCE2_CMO) if OCAML_AVAILABLE all-local: $(CIRCE2_CMX) $(CIRCE2TOOL_CMX) bytecode: $(CIRCE2_CMO) $(CIRCE2TOOL_CMO) else all-local: bytecode: endif include $(top_srcdir)/circe2/src/Makefile.ocaml include $(top_srcdir)/circe2/src/Makefile.sources EXTRA_DIST = $(NOWEB_FILES) $(SOURCE_FILES) $(CIRCE2_CAML) \ $(EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES) $(circe2_moments_SOURCES) \ $(circe2_ls_SOURCES) $(circe2_generate_SOURCES) MYPRECIOUS = $(CIRCE2_DERIVED) # Fortran90 module files are generated at the same time as object files .lo.$(FC_MODULE_EXT): @: # touch $@ moduleexecincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)/../circe2 nodist_moduleexecinclude_HEADERS = $(MODULE_FILES) AM_FFLAGS = AM_FCFLAGS = ######################################################################## ## Default Fortran compiler options ## Profiling if FC_USE_PROFILING AM_FFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_PROFILING) AM_FCFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_PROFILING) endif ## OpenMP if FC_USE_OPENMP AM_FFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_OPENMP) AM_FCFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS_OPENMP) endif ######################################################################## # noweb ######################################################################## TRIPLE = $(srcdir)/prelude.nw $< $(srcdir)/postlude.nw WEBS = $(srcdir)/prelude.nw $(srcdir)/circe2.nw $(srcdir)/postlude.nw NOTANGLE_IT = \ cat $(TRIPLE) | $(NOTANGLE) -R'[[$@]]' > $@ SUFFIXES += .nw .$(FC_MODULE_EXT) if NOWEB_AVAILABLE .nw.f90: $(NOTANGLE_IT) circe2_ls.f90: circe2.nw cat $(WEBS) | $(NOTANGLE) -R'[[$@]]' > $@ circe2_generate.f90: circe2.nw cat $(WEBS) | $(NOTANGLE) -R'[[$@]]' > $@ circe2_moments.f90: circe2.nw cat $(WEBS) | $(NOTANGLE) -R'[[$@]]' > $@ tao_random_objects.f90: circe2.nw cat $(WEBS) | $(NOTANGLE) -R'[[$@]]' > $@ endif NOWEB_AVAILABLE ######################################################################## # O'Caml ######################################################################## if OCAML_AVAILABLE $(OCAML_BIGARRAY_COMPAT).ml cp -f $< $@ events.cmx: bigarray_compat.cmi bigarray_compat.cmx events.cmo: bigarray_compat.cmi bigarray_compat.cmo $(CIRCE2_CMO) $(OCAMLMKTOP) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -o $@ \ unix.cma $(OCAML_BIGARRAY_CMA) $(CIRCE2_CMO) lexer.mli: parser.cmi $(OCAMLC) -i $< | $(GREP) 'val token' >$@ endif OCAML_AVAILABLE ######################################################################## # The following line just says # include Makefile.depend # but in a portable fashion (depending on automake's AM_MAKE_INCLUDE ######################################################################## @am__include@ @am__quote@Makefile.depend@am__quote@ Makefile.depend: $(SOURCE_FILES) $(circe2_moments_SOURCES) $(circe2_ls_SOURCES) $(circe2_generate_SOURCES) @rm -f $@ for src in $^; do \ module="`basename $$src | sed 's/\.f90//'`"; \ grep '^ *use ' $$src \ | grep -v '!NODEP!' \ | sed -e 's/^ *use */'$$module'.lo: /' \ -e 's/, *only:.*//' \ -e 's/, *&//' \ -e 's/, *.*=>.*//' \ -e 's/ *$$/.lo/'; \ grep '^ *use ' $$src \ | grep -v '!NODEP!' \ | sed -e 's/^ *use */'$$module'.lo: /' \ -e 's/, *only:.*//' \ -e 's/, *&//' \ -e 's/, *.*=>.*//' \ -e 's/ *$$/.$$(FC_MODULE_EXT)/'; \ done > $@ DISTCLEANFILES = Makefile.depend kinds.f90 if OCAML_AVAILABLE @am__include@ @am__quote@Makefile.depend_ocaml@am__quote@ # echo lexer.mli: >>$@ Makefile.depend_ocaml: $(CIRCE2_SRC) $(CIRCE2TOOL_SRC) @if $(AM_V_P); then :; else echo " OCAMLDEP " $@; fi @rm -f $@ $(AM_V_at)$(OCAMLDEP) -I $(srcdir) $^ | sed 's,[^ ]*/,,g' >$@ echo parser.mli: >>$@ echo lexer.cmi: parser.cmi >>$@ echo parser.cmi: syntax.cmi >>$@ echo commands.cmi: parser.cmi lexer.cmi >>$@ echo commands.cmo: parser.cmi lexer.cmi >>$@ echo commands.cmx: parser.cmx lexer.cmx >>$@ echo lexer.cmo: lexer.cmi >>$@ echo lexer.cmx: lexer.cmi parser.cmx >>$@ echo parser.cmo: parser.cmi syntax.cmi >>$@ echo parser.cmx: parser.cmi syntax.cmi syntax.cmx >>$@ DISTCLEANFILES += Makefile.depend_ocaml DISTCLEANFILES += $(CIRCE2_DERIVED) DISTCLEANFILES += endif OCAML_AVAILABLE ######################################################################## ## Non-standard cleanup tasks ## Remove sources that can be recreated using NOWEB .PRECIOUS = $(MYPRECIOUS) if NOWEB_AVAILABLE maintainer-clean-noweb: -rm -f $(SOURCE_FILES) $(circe2_moments_SOURCES) $(circe2_ls_SOURCES) $(circe2_generate_SOURCES) endif .PHONY: maintainer-clean-noweb ## Remove those sources also if builddir and srcdir are different if NOWEB_AVAILABLE clean-noweb: test "$(srcdir)" != "." && rm -f $(SOURCE_FILES) $(circe2_moments_SOURCES) $(circe2_ls_SOURCES) $(circe2_generate_SOURCES) || true endif .PHONY: clean-noweb ## Remove F90 module files clean-local: clean-noweb -rm -f *.cm[aiox] *.cmxa *.[ao] *.l[oa] *.$(FC_MODULE_EXT) \ *.g90 $(CIRCE2_NATIVE) $(CIRCE2_BYTECODE) $(CIRCE2_DERIVED) if FC_SUBMODULES -rm -f *.smod endif ## Remove backup files maintainer-clean-backup: -rm -f *~ .PHONY: maintainer-clean-backup ## Register additional clean targets maintainer-clean-local: maintainer-clean-noweb maintainer-clean-backup ### module="`basename $$src | sed 's/\.f[90][0358]//'`"; ######################################################################## # MPI ######################################################################## ### ### # The -mismatch_all is for mpi_send() etc. ### MPIFC = mpif90 ### MPIFCFLAGS = # -mismatch_all