Index: trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest_Tpar.f90 =================================================================== --- trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest_Tpar.f90 (revision 8187) +++ trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest_Tpar.f90 (revision 8188) @@ -1,640 +1,640 @@ ! parameters.LittlestTpar.f90 ! ! Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by ! Wolfgang Kilian ! Thorsten Ohl ! Juergen Reuter ! with contributions from ! cf. main AUTHORS file ! ! WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ! any later version. ! ! WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module parameters_littlest_tpar use kinds use constants use sm_physics !NODEP! implicit none private complex(default), public :: & gh0ww, gh0zz, & gh0tt, gh0bb, gh0cc, gh0tautau, gh0mumu, & iga0tt, iga0bb, iga0cc, iga0tautau, iga0mumu, & gahh, gzhh, igzha, igzh0a complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & ghptb, ghpcs, ghptaunu, ghpmunu !!! Additional Littlest Higgs parameters complex(default), public :: & ghwhw, ghwhwh, ghahah, ghzhz, ghzhah, & ghahz, ghaa, geaa, geaz, gegg complex(default), public :: & gpsiww, gpsiwhw, gpsizz, gpsizhzh, & gpsizhz, gpsizah, gpsizhah, gpsiahah, & gpsizw, gpsizwh, gpsiahw, gpsiahwh, & gpsizhw, gpsizhwh, gpsippww, gpsippwhw, & gpsippwhwh, gpsihw, gpsihwh, gpsi0w, & gpsi0wh, gpsi1w, gpsi1wh, gpsippw, & gpsippwh complex(default), public :: & gpsihah, gpsi0ah, gahpsip, & gpsi1hz, gpsi1hzh, gpsi01z, gpsi01zh, & gzpsip, gzpsipp, gzhpsipp complex(default), public :: & ghhaa, ghhwhw, ghhzhz, ghhahz, ghhzhah, & ghpsi0ww, ghpsi0whw, ghpsi0zz, ghpsi0zhzh, & ghpsi0zhz, ghpsi0ahah, ghpsi0zah, ghpsi0zhah complex(default), public :: & ghpsipwa, ghpsipwha, ghpsipwz, ghpsiwhz, & ghpsipwah, ghpsipwhah, ghpsipwzh, ghpsipwhzh, & ghpsippww, ghpsippwhwh, ghpsippwhw, gpsi00zh, & gpsi00ah, gpsi00zhah, gpsi0pwa, gpsi0pwha, & gpsi0pwz, gpsi0pwhz, gpsi0pwah, gpsi0pwhah, & gpsi0pwzh, gpsi0pwhzh, gpsi0ppww, gpsi0ppwhwh, & gpsi0ppwhw, i_gpsi0pwa, i_gpsi0pwha, & i_gpsi0pwz, i_gpsi0pwhz, i_gpsi0pwah, i_gpsi0pwhah, & i_gpsi0pwzh, i_gpsi0pwhzh, i_gpsi0ppww, i_gpsi0ppwhwh, & i_gpsi0ppwhw complex(default), public :: & gpsippzz, gpsippzhzh, gpsippaz, gpsippaah, & gpsippzah, gpsippwa, gpsippwha, gpsippwz, & gpsippwhz, gpsippwah, gpsippwhah, gpsippwzh, & gpsippwhzh, gpsicczz, gpsiccaz, gpsiccaah, & gpsicczzh, gpsiccazh, gpsicczah complex(default), public :: & igahww, igzhww, igzwhw, igahwhwh, igzhwhwh, & igahwhw complex(default), public :: & gwh4, gwhwhww, gwhwww, gwh3w, gwwaah, & gwwazh, gwwzzh, gwwzah, gwhwhaah, gwhwhazh, & gwhwhzzh, gwhwhzah, gwwzhah, gwhwhzhah, & gwhwzz, gwhwaz, gwhwaah, gwhwzah, gwhwzhzh, & gwhwzhah, gwhwazh, gwhwzzh complex(default), public :: & qzup, gcch, gcctop, gccw, gccwh, & gnch, gztht, gzhtht, gah complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & gnchup, gnchdwn, gnchneu, gnchlep, gahtt, & gahthth, ghtht, gpsipq2, gpsipq3, & ghhtht complex(default), public :: & gahtht, ghthth, & gpsi0tt, gpsi0bb, gpsi0cc, gpsi0tautau, & gpsipl3, gpsi0tth, gpsi1tth, gpsipbth, & ghhtt, ghhthth integer, parameter, public :: & n0 = 5, nloop = 2 real(default), dimension(38), public :: mass, width real(default) :: as complex(default), public :: gs, igs real(default), public :: e, g, gp, sinthw, costhw, sin2thw, tanthw, e_em real(default), public :: qelep, qeup, qedwn, vev, vevp real(default), public :: ttop, tbot, tch, ttau, tw real(default), public :: ltop, lbot, lc, ltau, lw real(default), public :: sint, sintp, sin2t, sin2tp, & cost, costp, cos2t, cos2tp real(default), public :: spsip, cpsip, spsi1, cpsi1, spsi0, cpsi0 real(default), public :: t_fac, tp_fac, ttp_fac, c4s4 real(default), public :: xzbp, xzwp, xh, xlam real(default), public :: f_vev, lam1, lam2 real(default), public :: ye, yu complex(default), public :: qlep, qup, qdwn, gcc, qw, & gzww, gwww, ghww, ghhww, ghzz, ghhzz, & ghbb, ghtt, ghcc, ghtautau, gh3, gh4, & ghgaga, ghgaz, ghgg, ghmm, & iqw, igzww, igwww, gw4, gzzww, gazww, gaaww complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & gncneu, gnclep, gncup, gncdwn real(default), parameter :: xi0 = 0.0, xipm = 0.0 real(default), parameter :: & acc = 1.e-12_default real(default), parameter :: & asmz = .118_default public :: import_from_whizard, model_update_alpha_s contains subroutine import_from_whizard (par_array, scheme) real(default), dimension(46), intent(in) :: par_array integer, intent(in) :: scheme !!! This corresponds to 1/alpha = 137.03598949333 real(default), parameter :: & alpha = 1.0_default/137.03598949333_default real(default), parameter :: & asmz = 0.118_default real(default), parameter :: & one = 1.0_default, two = 2.0_default, three = 3.0_default, & four = 4.0_default, five = 5.0_default type :: parameter_set real(default) :: gf real(default) :: mZ real(default) :: mW real(default) :: mH real(default) :: meta real(default) :: alphas real(default) :: me real(default) :: mmu real(default) :: mtau real(default) :: ms real(default) :: mc real(default) :: mb real(default) :: mtop real(default) :: wtop real(default) :: wZ real(default) :: wW real(default) :: wH real(default) :: weta real(default) :: khgaz real(default) :: khgaga real(default) :: khgg real(default) :: mtoph real(default) :: mah real(default) :: mzh real(default) :: mwh real(default) :: mpsi0 real(default) :: mpsi1 real(default) :: mpsip real(default) :: mpsipp real(default) :: wtoph real(default) :: wah real(default) :: wzh real(default) :: wwh real(default) :: wpsi0 real(default) :: wpsi1 real(default) :: wpsip real(default) :: wpsipp real(default) :: st real(default) :: stp real(default) :: vp real(default) :: f real(default) :: lam1 real(default) :: v real(default) :: cw real(default) :: sw real(default) :: ee end type parameter_set type(parameter_set) :: par par%gf = par_array(1) par%mZ = par_array(2) par%mW = par_array(3) par%mH = par_array(4) par%meta = par_array(5) par%alphas = par_array(6) par%me = par_array(7) par%mmu = par_array(8) par%mtau = par_array(9) par%ms = par_array(10) par%mc = par_array(11) par%mb = par_array(12) par%mtop = par_array(13) par%wtop = par_array(14) par%wZ = par_array(15) par%wW = par_array(16) par%wH = par_array(17) par%weta = par_array(18) par%khgaz = par_array(19) par%khgaga = par_array(20) par%khgg = par_array(21) par%mtoph = par_array(22) par%mah = par_array(23) par%mzh = par_array(24) par%mwh = par_array(25) par%mpsi0 = par_array(26) par%mpsi1 = par_array(27) par%mpsip = par_array(28) par%mpsipp = par_array(29) par%wtoph = par_array(30) par%wah = par_array(31) par%wzh = par_array(32) par%wwh = par_array(33) par%wpsi0 = par_array(34) par%wpsi1 = par_array(35) par%wpsip = par_array(36) par%wpsipp = par_array(37) par%st = par_array(38) par%stp = par_array(39) par%vp = par_array(40) par%f = par_array(41) par%lam1 = par_array(42) par%v = par_array(43) par%cw = par_array(44) par%sw = par_array(45) par%ee = par_array(46) e_em = sqrt(four * PI * alpha) mass(1:38) = 0 width(1:38) = 0 mass(3) = par%ms mass(4) = par%mc mass(5) = par%mb mass(6) = par%mtop width(6) = par%wtop mass(8) = par%mtoph width(8) = par%wtoph mass(11) = par%me mass(13) = par%mmu mass(15) = par%mtau mass(23) = par%mZ width(23) = par%wZ mass(24) = par%mW width(24) = par%wW mass(25) = par%mH width(25) = par%wH mass(26) = xi0 * mass(23) width(26) = 0 mass(27) = xipm * mass(24) width(27) = 0 mass(32) = par%mAH width(32) = par%wAH mass(33) = par%mZH width(33) = par%wZH mass(34) = par%mWH width(34) = par%wWH mass(35) = par%mpsi0 width(35) = par%wpsi0 mass(36) = par%mpsi1 width(36) = par%wpsi1 mass(37) = par%mpsip width(37) = par%wpsip mass(38) = par%mpsipp width(38) = par%wpsipp !!! This choice is responsible for anomaly cancellation: ye = - two / five yu = three / five ttop = four * mass(6)**2 / mass(25)**2 tbot = four * mass(5)**2 / mass(25)**2 tch = four * mass(4)**2 / mass(25)**2 ttau = four * mass(15)**2 / mass(25)**2 tw = four * mass(24)**2 / mass(25)**2 ltop = four * mass(6)**2 / mass(23)**2 lbot = four * mass(5)**2 / mass(23)**2 lc = four * mass(4)**2 / mass(23)**2 ltau = four * mass(15)**2 / mass(23)**2 lw = four * mass(24)**2 / mass(23)**2 vev = 2 * mass(24) * par%sw / par%ee vevp = par%vp f_vev = par%f e = par%ee sinthw = par%sw sin2thw = sinthw**2 costhw = par%cw tanthw = sinthw/costhw qelep = - one qeup = two / three qedwn = - one / three g = e / sinthw gp = e / costhw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Littlest Higgs special values sint = par%st sintp = par%stp sin2t = sint**2 sin2tp = sintp**2 cos2t = 1.0_default - sin2t cos2tp = 1.0_default - sin2tp cost = sqrt(cos2t) costp = sqrt(cos2tp) if (abs(sint) < 1.e-5 .or. abs(sint) > 1.-1.e-5 .or. & abs(sintp) < 1.e-5 .or. abs(sintp) > 1.-1.e-5) then write (6, "(A)") "This mixing is unphysical and leads to singularities" stop end if !!! lam1 = par%lam1 lam2 = (mass(8)/f_vev)**2 * (mass(6)/vev) / lam1 xlam = lam1**2 / (lam1**2 + lam2**2) !!! xh = five*g*gp * sint*cost*sintp*costp * (cos2t*sin2tp + & sin2t*cos2tp) / (five*g**2*sin2tp*cos2tp - & gp**2*sin2t*cos2t) / two xzbp = - five/two*sintp*costp*(cos2tp-sin2tp)/sinthw xzwp = -sint*cost*(cos2t-sin2t)/two/costhw !!! spsi1 = sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp/sqrt(vev**2+8.0_default*vevp**2) cpsi1 = vev/sqrt(vev**2+8.0_default*vevp**2) spsip = two*vevp/sqrt(vev**2+four*vevp**2) cpsip = vev/sqrt(vev**2+four*vevp**2) spsi0 = sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp/vev !!! t_fac = (cos2t - sin2t) / two / sint / cost tp_fac = (cos2tp - sin2tp) / two / sintp / costp ttp_fac = (cos2t * sin2tp + sin2t * cos2tp) / sint / sintp & / cost / costp c4s4 = (cos2t**2 + sin2t**2) / two / cos2t / sin2t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! In principle, we should allow here for deviations from !!! the SM values gcc = - g / 2 / sqrt (2.0_double) gncneu(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gnclep(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double - 2 * qelep * sin2thw) gncup(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double - 2 * qeup * sin2thw) gncdwn(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double - 2 * qedwn * sin2thw) gncneu(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gnclep(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double) gncup(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gncdwn(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double) qlep = - e * qelep qup = - e * qeup qdwn = - e * qedwn qw = e iqw = imago*qw gzww = g * costhw igzww = imago*gzww gwww = g igwww = imago*gwww gw4 = gwww**2 gzzww = gzww**2 gazww = gzww * qw gaaww = qw**2 ghww = mass(24) * g * (one - vev**2/three/f_vev**2 + vev**2/f_vev**2 * & (cos2t - sin2t)**2/two - spsi0**2/two - two * sqrt(two) * & spsi0 * vevp/vev) !!! SM value !!! ghww = mass(24) * g ghhww = g**2 / two ghzz = mass(23) * g / costhw * (one - vev**2/three/f_vev**2 - spsi0**2/two & + four*sqrt(two)*vevp/vev - vev**2/f_vev**2/two * ((cos2t - sin2t)**2 & + five * (cos2tp - sin2tp)**2)) !!! SM value !!! ghzz = mass(23) * g / costhw ghhzz = g**2 / two / costhw**2 !!! ghtt = - mass(6) / vev !!! Will be corrected below ghbb = - mass(5) / vev ghcc = - mass(4) / vev ghtautau = - mass(15) / vev gh3 = - 3 * mass(25)**2 / vev gh4 = - 3 * mass(25)**2 / vev**2 !!! Color flow basis, divide by sqrt(2) gs = sqrt(2.0_default * PI * par%alphas) igs = cmplx (0.0_default, 1.0_default, kind=default) * gs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Higgs anomaly couplings !!! SM LO loop factor (top,bottom,W) ghgaga = (-1._default) * alpha / vev / 2.0_default / PI * & (( 4.0_default * (fonehalf(ttop) + fonehalf(tch)) & + fonehalf(tbot)) / 3.0_default + fonehalf(ttau) + fone(tw)) & * sqrt(par%khgaga) !!! asymptotic limit: !!! ghgaga = (par%ee)**2 / vev / & !!! 9.0_default / pi**2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! SM LO loop factor (only top and W) ghgaz = e * e_em / 8.0_default / PI**2 / vev * & ( - 2.0_default + & 16.0_default/3.0_default * sin2thw) * & (tri_i1(ttop,ltop) - tri_i2(ttop,ltop)) / costhw & + ( - 1.0_default + & 4.0_default/3.0_default * sin2thw) & * (tri_i1(tbot,lbot) - tri_i2(tbot,lbot)) / costhw & + (-1.0_default + 4.0_default * sin2thw) & * (tri_i1(ttau,ltau) - tri_i2(ttau,ltau)) / costhw & - costhw * ( 4.0_default * (3.0_default - tanthw**2) * & tri_i2(tw,lw) + ((1 + 2.0_default/tw) * tanthw**2 - ( & 5.0_default + 2.0_default/tw)) * tri_i1(tw,lw)) & /sinthw * sqrt(par%khgaz) !!! SM LO order loop factor with !!! N(N)LO K factor = 2.1 (only top) !!! Limit of infinite top quark mass: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! We use par%gg because of sqrt(2) above ghgg = (-1._double) * par%alphas / vev / 4.0_default / PI * & (fonehalf(ttop) + fonehalf(tbot) + fonehalf(tch)) * & sqrt(par%khgg) !!! ghgg = par%alphas / 3.0_default & !!! / vev / pi * 2.1_default !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghwhwh = - g**2 * vev / two ghahah = - gp**2 * vev / two ghwhw = t_fac * ghwhwh ghzhz = ghwhw / costhw ghzhah = - g * gp * vev * ttp_fac / four ghahz = - g * gp * tp_fac * vev / costhw / two !!! gpsiww = - g**2 * (spsi0*vev - sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp)/two gpsiwhw = - gpsiww * t_fac gpsizz = - g**2 * (spsi0*vev - four*sqrt(two)*vevp) / two / costhw**2 gpsizhzh = g**2 * (spsi0*vev + sqrt(two)*vevp*t_fac) / two gpsizhz = - gpsizz * t_fac * costhw gpsizah = - gpsizz * tp_fac * costhw * gp / g gpsizhah = g*gp/four/sint/cost/sintp/costp * (vev*spsi0 * & (cos2t*sin2tp + sin2t*cos2tp) + sqrt(8.0_default) * vevp * & (cos2t - sin2t) * (cos2tp - sin2tp)) gpsiahah = gp**2 * (vev*spsi0 + tp_fac * sqrt(two) * vevp) / two !!! gpsizw = - g**2 / costhw * vevp gpsizwh = - gpsizw * t_fac gpsiahw = - g*gp * tp_fac * (vev*spsip - four*vevp) / two gpsiahwh = - g*gp * vevp * (cos2t*cos2tp + sin2t*sin2tp) / two / & sint / cost / sintp / costp gpsizhw = g**2 * vevp * t_fac gpsizhwh = - g**2 * vevp * c4s4 !!! gpsippww = two * g**2 * vevp gpsippwhw = - gpsippww * t_fac gpsippwhwh = gpsippww * c4s4 !!! gpsihw = - g/two * (sqrt(two) * spsi0 - spsip) gpsihwh = - gpsihw * t_fac gpsi0w = - g/sqrt(two) gpsi0wh = - gpsi0w * t_fac gpsi1w = imago * gpsi0w gpsi1wh = imago * gpsi0wh gpsippw = - g gpsippwh = g * t_fac !!! gpsihah = imago / two * gp * tp_fac * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi0ah = - imago * gp * tp_fac gahpsip = gp * tp_fac gpsi1hz = - imago * g / 2 / costhw * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi1hzh = imago * g / two * t_fac * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi01z = imago * g / costhw gpsi01zh = - imago * g * t_fac gzpsip = g / costhw * sin2thw gzpsipp = - g / costhw * (one - two * sin2thw) gzhpsipp = g * t_fac !!! ghhaa = - gp**2 / two ghhwhw = - g**2 / two * t_fac ghhzhz = - g**2 / two / costhw * t_fac ghhahz = - g*gp / 2 / costhw * tp_fac ghhzhah = - g*gp / four * ttp_fac !!! ghpsi0ww = g**2 / two * spsi0 ghpsi0whw = - g**2 / two * spsi0 * t_fac ghpsi0zz = three * g**2 * spsi0 / two / costhw**2 ghpsi0zhzh = g**2 / two * (one + t_fac**2) * spsi0 ghpsi0zhz = - three * g**2 * t_fac / two / costhw * spsi0 ghpsi0ahah = gp**2 / two * (one + tp_fac**2) * spsi0 ghpsi0zah = - three * g*gp * spsi0 * tp_fac / two / costhw ghpsi0zhah = g*gp * spsi0 / four * (ttp_fac + two**3 * t_fac * tp_fac) !!! ghpsipwa = - e*g * (spsip - sqrt(two) * spsi0) / two ghpsipwha = - ghpsipwa * t_fac ghpsipwz = g**2 / costhw / two * (spsip * sin2thw - sqrt(two) * spsi0 * & (one + sin2thw)) ghpsiwhz = - ghpsipwz * t_fac ghpsipwah = - g*gp * (spsip - two*sqrt(two)*spsi0) * tp_fac / two ghpsipwhah = - g*gp * (ttp_fac*spsip + & four*sqrt(two)*t_fac*tp_fac*spsi0) / four ghpsipwzh = g**2 * t_fac * spsi0 / two ghpsipwhzh = - g**2 * c4s4 / two * spsi0 ghpsippww = sqrt(two) * g**2 * spsi0 ghpsippwhwh = sqrt(two) * g**2 * c4s4 * spsi0 ghpsippwhw = - sqrt(two) * g**2 * t_fac * spsi0 gpsi00zh = two * g**2 * t_fac**2 gpsi00ah = two * gp**2 * tp_fac**2 gpsi00zhah = two * g*gp * t_fac * tp_fac !!! gpsi0pwa = - e * g / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwha = - gpsi0pwa * t_fac gpsi0pwz = - g**2 * (one + sin2thw) / costhw / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwhz = - gpsi0pwz * t_fac gpsi0pwah = sqrt(two) * g * gp * tp_fac gpsi0pwhah = - gpsi0pwah * t_fac gpsi0pwzh = g**2 * t_fac / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwhzh = - g**2 * c4s4 / sqrt(two) gpsi0ppww = sqrt(two) * g**2 gpsi0ppwhwh = gpsi0ppww * c4s4 gpsi0ppwhw = - gpsi0ppww * t_fac i_gpsi0pwa = imago * gpsi0pwa i_gpsi0pwha = imago * gpsi0pwha i_gpsi0pwz = imago * gpsi0pwz i_gpsi0pwhz = imago * gpsi0pwhz i_gpsi0pwah = imago * gpsi0pwah i_gpsi0pwhah = imago * gpsi0pwhah i_gpsi0pwzh = imago * gpsi0pwzh i_gpsi0pwhzh = imago * gpsi0pwhzh i_gpsi0ppww = imago * gpsi0ppww i_gpsi0ppwhwh = imago * gpsi0ppwhwh i_gpsi0ppwhw = imago * gpsi0ppwhw !!! gpsippzz = two * g**2 / costhw**2 * sin2thw**2 gpsippzhzh = - two * g**2 / four / sin2t / cos2t gpsippaz = - two * e * g / costhw * sin2thw gpsippaah = - two * e * gp * tp_fac gpsippzah = two * g * gp * tp_fac * sin2thw / costhw !!! gpsippwa = three * e * g gpsippwha = - gpsippwa * t_fac gpsippwz = g**2 * (one - three * sin2thw) / costhw gpsippwhz = - gpsippwz * t_fac gpsippwah = two * g * gp * tp_fac gpsippwhah = - gpsippwah * t_fac gpsippwzh = - g**2 * t_fac / sqrt(two) gpsippwhzh = g**2 * c4s4 / sqrt(two) !!! gpsicczz = g**2 * (one - two * sin2thw)**2 / costhw**2 gpsiccaz = four * e * g * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw gpsiccaah = - four * e * gp * tp_fac gpsicczzh = two * g**2 * t_fac * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw gpsiccazh = four * e * g * t_fac gpsicczah = - two * g * gp * tp_fac * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw !!! heavy triple gauge couplings igahww = - imago * g * costhw * xzbp * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igzhww = - imago * g * (costhw*xzwp + sint*cost*(cos2t-sin2t)) * vev**2/f_vev**2 igzwhw = imago * g * xzwp * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igahwhwh = - imago * g * (two*t_fac*xh + costhw*xzbp) * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igzhwhwh = - imago * g * two * t_fac igahwhw = imago * g * xh * vev**2 / f_vev**2 !!! gwh4 = g**2 * (cos2t**3 + sin2t**3)/sin2t/cos2t gwhwhww = g**2 / four gwhwww = g**2 * sint * cost * (cos2t - sin2t) * vev**2 / four / f_vev**2 gwh3w = - g**2 * t_fac !!! gwwaah = - g**2*sinthw*costhw*xzbp*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwazh = - g**2*sinthw*costhw*xzwp*vev**2/f_vev**2 + g**2*sinthw*sint*cost* & (cos2t-sin2t)/two * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzzh = - g**2 * (costhw**2 - sin2thw) * xzwp * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzah = - g**2 * costhw**2 * xzbp * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhaah = gwwaah - g**2*sinthw*two*t_fac*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhazh = - g**2*sinthw*two*t_fac gwhwhzzh = - g**2*costhw*two*t_fac gwhwhzah = gwwzah - g**2*costhw*xh*two*t_fac*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzhah = g**2 * xh * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhzhah = gwh4*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 + g**2*costhw*xzbp**two*t_fac*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzz = g**2*two*costhw*xzwp*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwaz = g**2*sinthw*xzwp*vev**2/two/f_vev**2 gwhwaah = g**2*sinthw*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzah = g**2*costhw*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzhzh = - g**2 * two * t_fac gwhwzhah = - g**2*vev**2/f_vev**2 * (xh*two*t_fac + costhw*xzbp) gwhwazh = g**2 * sinthw gwhwzzh = g**2 * costhw !!! qzup = g / costhw * qeup * sin2thw gcch = - gcc * cost / sint gcctop = gcc * (one - (vev * xlam / f_vev)**2 / two) gccw = gcc * vev / f_vev * xlam gccwh = - gccw * cost / sint gnch = g * cost / four / sint gztht = - g * xlam * vev / four / costhw / f_vev gzhtht = g * xlam * (vev/f_vev) * cost / sint !!! Here we give the formulae for the masses as a function of other !!! input parameter in the case that they do not want to be given by !!! the user ! mass(32) = sqrt((f_vev*gp/sintp/costp)**2/20_default - (gp*vev/two)**2 & ! + (g*vev/two/sint/cost)**2 * xh) ! mass(33) = sqrt((f_vev*g/two/sint/cost)**2 - (g*vev/two)**2 - & ! (gp*vev/two/sintp/costp)**2 * xh) ! mass(34) = sqrt((f_vev*g/two/sint/cost)**2 - (g*vev/two)**2) gah = gp / two / sintp / costp gnchup(1) = gah * (two*yu + 17.0_default/15. - five/6. * cos2tp) gnchup(2) = - gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gnchdwn(1) = gah * (two*yu + 11.0_default/15. + one/6. * cos2tp) gnchdwn(2) = gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gnchneu(1) = gah * (ye - four/five + one/two * cos2tp) gnchneu(2) = - gah * (- ye + four/five - cos2tp/two) gnchlep(1) = gah * (two*ye - 9.0_default/five + three/two * cos2tp) gnchlep(2) = gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gahtht = gah * mass(6) / vev / five gahtt(1) = gnchup(1) - gah * xlam / five gahtt(2) = gnchup(2) + gah * xlam / five gahthth(1) = gah * (two * yu + 14.0_default/15. - four/three * & cos2tp + xlam / five) gahthth(2) = - gah * xlam / five !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Littlest Higgs Yukawa couplings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghtt = - mass(6) / vev * ( one + (vev/f_vev)**2 * xlam * (one + xlam)) ghthth = - xlam * (one + xlam) * mass(8) * vev / f_vev**2 ghtht(1) = - mass(6) / two / f_vev * (one + xlam) - ghtht(2) = - mass(8) * xlam / f_vev + ghtht(2) = - mass(8) * xlam / two / f_vev gpsi0tt = - mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0bb = - mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0cc = - mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0tautau = -mass(15)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0tt = imago * mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi0bb = - imago * mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi0cc = imago * mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi0tautau = - imago * mass(15)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsipq2(1) = - mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq2(2) = - mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq3(1) = - mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq3(2) = - mass(3)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipl3 = - mass(15)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsi0tth = - mass(6)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi1tth = imago * gpsi0tth gpsipbth = - mass(6)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) * lam1/lam2 !!! ghhtt = two*mass(6)/f_vev**2 * (one - two*f_vev*vevp/vev**2 - xlam/two) ghhthth = - lam1**2/mass(8) ghhtht(1) = ghhtt * lam1 / lam2 ghhtht(2) = - mass(6) / vev / f_vev end subroutine import_from_whizard subroutine model_update_alpha_s (alpha_s) real(default), intent(in) :: alpha_s gs = sqrt(2.0_default * PI * alpha_s) igs = cmplx (0.0_default, 1.0_default, kind=default) * gs end subroutine model_update_alpha_s end module parameters_littlest_tpar Index: trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest.f90 =================================================================== --- trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest.f90 (revision 8187) +++ trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest.f90 (revision 8188) @@ -1,640 +1,640 @@ ! parameters.Littlest.f90 ! ! Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by ! Wolfgang Kilian ! Thorsten Ohl ! Juergen Reuter ! with contributions from ! cf. main AUTHORS file ! ! WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ! any later version. ! ! WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module parameters_littlest use kinds use constants use sm_physics !NODEP! implicit none private complex(default), public :: & gh0ww, gh0zz, & gh0tt, gh0bb, gh0cc, gh0tautau, gh0mumu, & iga0tt, iga0bb, iga0cc, iga0tautau, iga0mumu, & gahh, gzhh, igzha, igzh0a complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & ghptb, ghpcs, ghptaunu, ghpmunu !!! Additional Littlest Higgs parameters complex(default), public :: & ghwhw, ghwhwh, ghahah, ghzhz, ghzhah, & ghahz, ghaa, geaa, geaz, gegg complex(default), public :: & gpsiww, gpsiwhw, gpsizz, gpsizhzh, & gpsizhz, gpsizah, gpsizhah, gpsiahah, & gpsizw, gpsizwh, gpsiahw, gpsiahwh, & gpsizhw, gpsizhwh, gpsippww, gpsippwhw, & gpsippwhwh, gpsihw, gpsihwh, gpsi0w, & gpsi0wh, gpsi1w, gpsi1wh, gpsippw, & gpsippwh complex(default), public :: & gpsihah, gpsi0ah, gahpsip, & gpsi1hz, gpsi1hzh, gpsi01z, gpsi01zh, & gzpsip, gzpsipp, gzhpsipp complex(default), public :: & ghhaa, ghhwhw, ghhzhz, ghhahz, ghhzhah, & ghpsi0ww, ghpsi0whw, ghpsi0zz, ghpsi0zhzh, & ghpsi0zhz, ghpsi0ahah, ghpsi0zah, ghpsi0zhah complex(default), public :: & ghpsipwa, ghpsipwha, ghpsipwz, ghpsiwhz, & ghpsipwah, ghpsipwhah, ghpsipwzh, ghpsipwhzh, & ghpsippww, ghpsippwhwh, ghpsippwhw, gpsi00zh, & gpsi00ah, gpsi00zhah, gpsi0pwa, gpsi0pwha, & gpsi0pwz, gpsi0pwhz, gpsi0pwah, gpsi0pwhah, & gpsi0pwzh, gpsi0pwhzh, gpsi0ppww, gpsi0ppwhwh, & gpsi0ppwhw, i_gpsi0pwa, i_gpsi0pwha, & i_gpsi0pwz, i_gpsi0pwhz, i_gpsi0pwah, i_gpsi0pwhah, & i_gpsi0pwzh, i_gpsi0pwhzh, i_gpsi0ppww, i_gpsi0ppwhwh, & i_gpsi0ppwhw complex(default), public :: & gpsippzz, gpsippzhzh, gpsippaz, gpsippaah, & gpsippzah, gpsippwa, gpsippwha, gpsippwz, & gpsippwhz, gpsippwah, gpsippwhah, gpsippwzh, & gpsippwhzh, gpsicczz, gpsiccaz, gpsiccaah, & gpsicczzh, gpsiccazh, gpsicczah complex(default), public :: & igahww, igzhww, igzwhw, igahwhwh, igzhwhwh, & igahwhw complex(default), public :: & gwh4, gwhwhww, gwhwww, gwh3w, gwwaah, & gwwazh, gwwzzh, gwwzah, gwhwhaah, gwhwhazh, & gwhwhzzh, gwhwhzah, gwwzhah, gwhwhzhah, & gwhwzz, gwhwaz, gwhwaah, gwhwzah, gwhwzhzh, & gwhwzhah, gwhwazh, gwhwzzh complex(default), public :: & qzup, gcch, gcctop, gccw, gccwh, & gnch, gztht, gzhtht, gah complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & gnchup, gnchdwn, gnchneu, gnchlep, gahtt, & gahthth, ghtht, gpsipq2, gpsipq3, & ghhtht complex(default), public :: & gahtht, ghthth, & gpsi0tt, gpsi0bb, gpsi0cc, gpsi0tautau, & gpsipl3, gpsi0tth, gpsi1tth, gpsipbth, & ghhtt, ghhthth, gpsi1tt, gpsi1bb, gpsi1cc, & gpsi1tautau integer, parameter, public :: & n0 = 5, nloop = 2 real(default), dimension(38), public :: mass, width real(default) :: as complex(default), public :: gs, igs real(default), public :: e, g, gp, sinthw, costhw, sin2thw, tanthw, e_em real(default), public :: qelep, qeup, qedwn, vev, vevp real(default), public :: ttop, tbot, tch, ttau, tw real(default), public :: ltop, lbot, lc, ltau, lw real(default), public :: sint, sintp, sin2t, sin2tp, & cost, costp, cos2t, cos2tp real(default), public :: spsip, cpsip, spsi1, cpsi1, spsi0, cpsi0 real(default), public :: t_fac, tp_fac, ttp_fac, c4s4 real(default), public :: xzbp, xzwp, xh, xlam real(default), public :: f_vev, lam1, lam2 real(default), public :: ye, yu complex(default), public :: qlep, qup, qdwn, gcc, qw, & gzww, gwww, ghww, ghhww, ghzz, ghhzz, & ghbb, ghtt, ghcc, ghtautau, gh3, gh4, & ghgaga, ghgaz, ghgg, ghmm, & iqw, igzww, igwww, gw4, gzzww, gazww, gaaww complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & gncneu, gnclep, gncup, gncdwn real(default), parameter :: xi0 = 0.0, xipm = 0.0 real(default), parameter :: & acc = 1.e-12_default real(default), parameter :: & asmz = .118_default public :: import_from_whizard, model_update_alpha_s contains subroutine import_from_whizard (par_array, scheme) real(default), dimension(46), intent(in) :: par_array integer, intent(in) :: scheme !!! This corresponds to 1/alpha = 137.03598949333 real(default), parameter :: & alpha = 1.0_default/137.03598949333_default real(default), parameter :: & asmz = 0.118_default real(default), parameter :: & one = 1.0_default, two = 2.0_default, three = 3.0_default, & four = 4.0_default, five = 5.0_default type :: parameter_set real(default) :: gf real(default) :: mZ real(default) :: mW real(default) :: mH real(default) :: meta real(default) :: alphas real(default) :: me real(default) :: mmu real(default) :: mtau real(default) :: ms real(default) :: mc real(default) :: mb real(default) :: mtop real(default) :: wtop real(default) :: wZ real(default) :: wW real(default) :: wH real(default) :: weta real(default) :: khgaz real(default) :: khgaga real(default) :: khgg real(default) :: mtoph real(default) :: mah real(default) :: mzh real(default) :: mwh real(default) :: mpsi0 real(default) :: mpsi1 real(default) :: mpsip real(default) :: mpsipp real(default) :: wtoph real(default) :: wah real(default) :: wzh real(default) :: wwh real(default) :: wpsi0 real(default) :: wpsi1 real(default) :: wpsip real(default) :: wpsipp real(default) :: st real(default) :: stp real(default) :: vp real(default) :: f_vev real(default) :: lam1 real(default) :: v real(default) :: cw real(default) :: sw real(default) :: ee end type parameter_set type(parameter_set) :: par par%gf = par_array(1) par%mZ = par_array(2) par%mW = par_array(3) par%mH = par_array(4) par%meta = par_array(5) par%alphas = par_array(6) par%me = par_array(7) par%mmu = par_array(8) par%mtau = par_array(9) par%ms = par_array(10) par%mc = par_array(11) par%mb = par_array(12) par%mtop = par_array(13) par%wtop = par_array(14) par%wZ = par_array(15) par%wW = par_array(16) par%wH = par_array(17) par%weta = par_array(18) par%khgaz = par_array(19) par%khgaga = par_array(20) par%khgg = par_array(21) par%mtoph = par_array(22) par%mah = par_array(23) par%mzh = par_array(24) par%mwh = par_array(25) par%mpsi0 = par_array(26) par%mpsi1 = par_array(27) par%mpsip = par_array(28) par%mpsipp = par_array(29) par%wtoph = par_array(30) par%wah = par_array(31) par%wzh = par_array(32) par%wwh = par_array(33) par%wpsi0 = par_array(34) par%wpsi1 = par_array(35) par%wpsip = par_array(36) par%wpsipp = par_array(37) par%st = par_array(38) par%stp = par_array(39) par%vp = par_array(40) par%f_vev = par_array(41) par%lam1 = par_array(42) par%v = par_array(43) par%cw = par_array(44) par%sw = par_array(45) par%ee = par_array(46) e_em = sqrt(four * PI * alpha) mass(1:38) = 0 width(1:38) = 0 mass(3) = par%ms mass(4) = par%mc mass(5) = par%mb mass(6) = par%mtop width(6) = par%wtop mass(8) = par%mtoph width(8) = par%wtoph mass(11) = par%me mass(13) = par%mmu mass(15) = par%mtau mass(23) = par%mZ width(23) = par%wZ mass(24) = par%mW width(24) = par%wW mass(25) = par%mH width(25) = par%wH mass(26) = xi0 * mass(23) width(26) = 0 mass(27) = xipm * mass(24) width(27) = 0 mass(32) = par%mAH width(32) = par%wAH mass(33) = par%mZH width(33) = par%wZH mass(34) = par%mWH width(34) = par%wWH mass(35) = par%mpsi0 width(35) = par%wpsi0 mass(36) = par%mpsi1 width(36) = par%wpsi1 mass(37) = par%mpsip width(37) = par%wpsip mass(38) = par%mpsipp width(38) = par%wpsipp !!! This choice is responsible for anomaly cancellation: ye = - two / five yu = three / five ttop = four * mass(6)**2 / mass(25)**2 tbot = four * mass(5)**2 / mass(25)**2 tch = four * mass(4)**2 / mass(25)**2 ttau = four * mass(15)**2 / mass(25)**2 tw = four * mass(24)**2 / mass(25)**2 ltop = four * mass(6)**2 / mass(23)**2 lbot = four * mass(5)**2 / mass(23)**2 lc = four * mass(4)**2 / mass(23)**2 ltau = four * mass(15)**2 / mass(23)**2 lw = four * mass(24)**2 / mass(23)**2 vev = 2 * mass(24) * par%sw / par%ee vevp = par%vp f_vev = par%f_vev e = par%ee sinthw = par%sw sin2thw = sinthw**2 costhw = par%cw tanthw = sinthw/costhw qelep = - one qeup = two / three qedwn = - one / three g = e / sinthw gp = e / costhw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Littlest Higgs special values sint = par%st sintp = par%stp sin2t = sint**2 sin2tp = sintp**2 cos2t = 1.0_default - sin2t cos2tp = 1.0_default - sin2tp cost = sqrt(cos2t) costp = sqrt(cos2tp) if (abs(sint) < 1.e-5 .or. abs(sint) > 1.-1.e-5 .or. & abs(sintp) < 1.e-5 .or. abs(sintp) > 1.-1.e-5) then write (6, "(A)") "This mixing is unphysical and leads to singularities" stop end if !!! lam1 = par%lam1 lam2 = (mass(8)/f_vev)**2 * (mass(6)/vev) / lam1 xlam = lam1**2 / (lam1**2 + lam2**2) !!! xh = five*g*gp * sint*cost*sintp*costp * (cos2t*sin2tp + & sin2t*cos2tp) / (five*g**2*sin2tp*cos2tp - & gp**2*sin2t*cos2t) / two xzbp = - five/two*sintp*costp*(cos2tp-sin2tp)/sinthw xzwp = -sint*cost*(cos2t-sin2t)/two/costhw !!! spsi1 = sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp/sqrt(vev**2+8.0_default*vevp**2) cpsi1 = vev/sqrt(vev**2+8.0_default*vevp**2) spsip = two*vevp/sqrt(vev**2+four*vevp**2) cpsip = vev/sqrt(vev**2+four*vevp**2) spsi0 = sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp/vev !!! t_fac = (cos2t - sin2t) / two / sint / cost tp_fac = (cos2tp - sin2tp) / two / sintp / costp ttp_fac = (cos2t * sin2tp + sin2t * cos2tp) / sint / sintp & / cost / costp c4s4 = (cos2t**2 + sin2t**2) / two / cos2t / sin2t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! In principle, we should allow here for deviations from !!! the SM values gcc = - g / 2 / sqrt (2.0_double) gncneu(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gnclep(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double - 2 * qelep * sin2thw) gncup(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double - 2 * qeup * sin2thw) gncdwn(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double - 2 * qedwn * sin2thw) gncneu(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gnclep(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double) gncup(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gncdwn(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double) qlep = - e * qelep qup = - e * qeup qdwn = - e * qedwn qw = e iqw = imago*qw gzww = g * costhw igzww = imago*gzww gwww = g igwww = imago*gwww gw4 = gwww**2 gzzww = gzww**2 gazww = gzww * qw gaaww = qw**2 ghww = mass(24) * g * (one - vev**2/three/f_vev**2 + vev**2/f_vev**2 * & (cos2t - sin2t)**2/two - spsi0**2/two - two * sqrt(two) * & spsi0 * vevp/vev) !!! SM value !!! ghww = mass(24) * g ghhww = g**2 / two ghzz = mass(23) * g / costhw * (one - vev**2/three/f_vev**2 - spsi0**2/two & + four*sqrt(two)*vevp/vev - vev**2/f_vev**2/two * ((cos2t - sin2t)**2 & + five * (cos2tp - sin2tp)**2)) !!! SM value !!! ghzz = mass(23) * g / costhw ghhzz = g**2 / two / costhw**2 !!! ghtt = - mass(6) / vev !!! Will be corrected below ghbb = - mass(5) / vev ghcc = - mass(4) / vev ghtautau = - mass(15) / vev gh3 = - 3 * mass(25)**2 / vev gh4 = - 3 * mass(25)**2 / vev**2 !!! Color flow basis, divide by sqrt(2) gs = sqrt(2.0_default * PI * par%alphas) igs = cmplx (0.0_default, 1.0_default, kind=default) * gs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Higgs anomaly couplings !!! SM LO loop factor (top,bottom,W) ghgaga = (-1._default) * alpha / vev / 2.0_default / PI * & (( 4.0_default * (fonehalf(ttop) + fonehalf(tch)) & + fonehalf(tbot)) / 3.0_default + fonehalf(ttau) + fone(tw)) & * sqrt(par%khgaga) !!! asymptotic limit: !!! ghgaga = (par%ee)**2 / vev / & !!! 9.0_default / pi**2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! SM LO loop factor (only top and W) ghgaz = e * e_em / 8.0_default / PI**2 / vev * ( & ( - 2.0_default + & 16.0_default/3.0_default * sin2thw) * & (tri_i1(ttop,ltop) - tri_i2(ttop,ltop)) / costhw & + ( - 1.0_default + & 4.0_default/3.0_default * sin2thw) & * (tri_i1(tbot,lbot) - tri_i2(tbot,lbot)) / costhw & + (-1.0_default + 4.0_default * sin2thw) & * (tri_i1(ttau,ltau) - tri_i2(ttau,ltau)) / costhw & - costhw * ( 4.0_default * (3.0_default - tanthw**2) * & tri_i2(tw,lw) + ((1 + 2.0_default/tw) * tanthw**2 - ( & 5.0_default + 2.0_default/tw)) * tri_i1(tw,lw)) & )/sinthw * sqrt(par%khgaz) !!! SM LO order loop factor with !!! N(N)LO K factor = 2.1 (only top) !!! Limit of infinite top quark mass: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! We use par%gg because of sqrt(2) above ghgg = (-1._double) * par%alphas / vev / 4.0_default / PI * & (fonehalf(ttop) + fonehalf(tbot) + fonehalf(tch)) * & sqrt(par%khgg) !!! ghgg = par%alphas / 3.0_default & !!! / vev / pi * 2.1_default ghwhwh = - g**2 * vev / two ghahah = - gp**2 * vev / two ghwhw = t_fac * ghwhwh ghzhz = ghwhw / costhw ghzhah = - g * gp * vev * ttp_fac / four ghahz = - g * gp * tp_fac * vev / costhw / two !!! gpsiww = - g**2 * (spsi0*vev - sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp)/two gpsiwhw = - gpsiww * t_fac gpsizz = - g**2 * (spsi0*vev - four*sqrt(two)*vevp) / two / costhw**2 gpsizhzh = g**2 * (spsi0*vev + sqrt(two)*vevp*t_fac) / two gpsizhz = - gpsizz * t_fac * costhw gpsizah = - gpsizz * tp_fac * costhw * gp / g gpsizhah = g*gp/four/sint/cost/sintp/costp * (vev*spsi0 * & (cos2t*sin2tp + sin2t*cos2tp) + sqrt(8.0_default) * vevp * & (cos2t - sin2t) * (cos2tp - sin2tp)) gpsiahah = gp**2 * (vev*spsi0 + tp_fac * sqrt(two) * vevp) / two !!! gpsizw = - g**2 / costhw * vevp gpsizwh = - gpsizw * t_fac gpsiahw = - g*gp * tp_fac * (vev*spsip - four*vevp) / two gpsiahwh = - g*gp * vevp * (cos2t*cos2tp + sin2t*sin2tp) / two / & sint / cost / sintp / costp gpsizhw = g**2 * vevp * t_fac gpsizhwh = - g**2 * vevp * c4s4 !!! gpsippww = two * g**2 * vevp gpsippwhw = - gpsippww * t_fac gpsippwhwh = gpsippww * c4s4 !!! gpsihw = - g/two * (sqrt(two) * spsi0 - spsip) gpsihwh = - gpsihw * t_fac gpsi0w = - g/sqrt(two) gpsi0wh = - gpsi0w * t_fac gpsi1w = imago * gpsi0w gpsi1wh = imago * gpsi0wh gpsippw = - g gpsippwh = g * t_fac !!! gpsihah = imago / two * gp * tp_fac * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi0ah = - imago * gp * tp_fac gahpsip = gp * tp_fac gpsi1hz = - imago * g / 2 / costhw * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi1hzh = imago * g / two * t_fac * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi01z = imago * g / costhw gpsi01zh = - imago * g * t_fac gzpsip = g / costhw * sin2thw gzpsipp = - g / costhw * (one - two * sin2thw) gzhpsipp = g * t_fac !!! ghhaa = - gp**2 / two ghhwhw = - g**2 / two * t_fac ghhzhz = - g**2 / two / costhw * t_fac ghhahz = - g*gp / 2 / costhw * tp_fac ghhzhah = - g*gp / four * ttp_fac !!! ghpsi0ww = g**2 / two * spsi0 ghpsi0whw = - g**2 / two * spsi0 * t_fac ghpsi0zz = three * g**2 * spsi0 / two / costhw**2 ghpsi0zhzh = g**2 / two * (one + t_fac**2) * spsi0 ghpsi0zhz = - three * g**2 * t_fac / two / costhw * spsi0 ghpsi0ahah = gp**2 / two * (one + tp_fac**2) * spsi0 ghpsi0zah = - three * g*gp * spsi0 * tp_fac / two / costhw ghpsi0zhah = g*gp * spsi0 / four * (ttp_fac + two**3 * t_fac * tp_fac) !!! ghpsipwa = - e*g * (spsip - sqrt(two) * spsi0) / two ghpsipwha = - ghpsipwa * t_fac ghpsipwz = g**2 / costhw / two * (spsip * sin2thw - sqrt(two) * spsi0 * & (one + sin2thw)) ghpsiwhz = - ghpsipwz * t_fac ghpsipwah = - g*gp * (spsip - two*sqrt(two)*spsi0) * tp_fac / two ghpsipwhah = - g*gp * (ttp_fac*spsip + & four*sqrt(two)*t_fac*tp_fac*spsi0) / four ghpsipwzh = g**2 * t_fac * spsi0 / two ghpsipwhzh = - g**2 * c4s4 / two * spsi0 ghpsippww = sqrt(two) * g**2 * spsi0 ghpsippwhwh = sqrt(two) * g**2 * c4s4 * spsi0 ghpsippwhw = - sqrt(two) * g**2 * t_fac * spsi0 gpsi00zh = two * g**2 * t_fac**2 gpsi00ah = two * gp**2 * tp_fac**2 gpsi00zhah = two * g*gp * t_fac * tp_fac !!! gpsi0pwa = - e * g / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwha = - gpsi0pwa * t_fac gpsi0pwz = - g**2 * (one + sin2thw) / costhw / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwhz = - gpsi0pwz * t_fac gpsi0pwah = sqrt(two) * g * gp * tp_fac gpsi0pwhah = - gpsi0pwah * t_fac gpsi0pwzh = g**2 * t_fac / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwhzh = - g**2 * c4s4 / sqrt(two) gpsi0ppww = sqrt(two) * g**2 gpsi0ppwhwh = gpsi0ppww * c4s4 gpsi0ppwhw = - gpsi0ppww * t_fac i_gpsi0pwa = imago * gpsi0pwa i_gpsi0pwha = imago * gpsi0pwha i_gpsi0pwz = imago * gpsi0pwz i_gpsi0pwhz = imago * gpsi0pwhz i_gpsi0pwah = imago * gpsi0pwah i_gpsi0pwhah = imago * gpsi0pwhah i_gpsi0pwzh = imago * gpsi0pwzh i_gpsi0pwhzh = imago * gpsi0pwhzh i_gpsi0ppww = imago * gpsi0ppww i_gpsi0ppwhwh = imago * gpsi0ppwhwh i_gpsi0ppwhw = imago * gpsi0ppwhw !!! gpsippzz = two * g**2 / costhw**2 * sin2thw**2 gpsippzhzh = - two * g**2 / four / sin2t / cos2t gpsippaz = - two * e * g / costhw * sin2thw gpsippaah = - two * e * gp * tp_fac gpsippzah = two * g * gp * tp_fac * sin2thw / costhw !!! gpsippwa = three * e * g gpsippwha = - gpsippwa * t_fac gpsippwz = g**2 * (one - three * sin2thw) / costhw gpsippwhz = - gpsippwz * t_fac gpsippwah = two * g * gp * tp_fac gpsippwhah = - gpsippwah * t_fac gpsippwzh = - g**2 * t_fac / sqrt(two) gpsippwhzh = g**2 * c4s4 / sqrt(two) !!! gpsicczz = g**2 * (one - two * sin2thw)**2 / costhw**2 gpsiccaz = four * e * g * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw gpsiccaah = - four * e * gp * tp_fac gpsicczzh = two * g**2 * t_fac * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw gpsiccazh = four * e * g * t_fac gpsicczah = - two * g * gp * tp_fac * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw !!! heavy triple gauge couplings igahww = - imago * g * costhw * xzbp * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igzhww = - imago * g * (costhw*xzwp + sint*cost*(cos2t-sin2t)) * vev**2/f_vev**2 igzwhw = imago * g * xzwp * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igahwhwh = - imago * g * (two*t_fac*xh + costhw*xzbp) * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igzhwhwh = - imago * g * two * t_fac igahwhw = imago * g * xh * vev**2 / f_vev**2 !!! gwh4 = g**2 * (cos2t**3 + sin2t**3)/sin2t/cos2t gwhwhww = g**2 / four gwhwww = g**2 * sint * cost * (cos2t - sin2t) * vev**2 / four / f_vev**2 gwh3w = - g**2 * t_fac !!! gwwaah = - g**2*sinthw*costhw*xzbp*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwazh = - g**2*sinthw*costhw*xzwp*vev**2/f_vev**2 + g**2*sinthw*sint*cost* & (cos2t-sin2t)/two * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzzh = - g**2 * (costhw**2 - sin2thw) * xzwp * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzah = - g**2 * costhw**2 * xzbp * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhaah = gwwaah - g**2*sinthw*two*t_fac*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhazh = - g**2*sinthw*two*t_fac gwhwhzzh = - g**2*costhw*two*t_fac gwhwhzah = gwwzah - g**2*costhw*xh*two*t_fac*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzhah = g**2 * xh * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhzhah = gwh4*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 + g**2*costhw*xzbp**two*t_fac*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzz = g**2*two*costhw*xzwp*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwaz = g**2*sinthw*xzwp*vev**2/two/f_vev**2 gwhwaah = g**2*sinthw*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzah = g**2*costhw*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzhzh = - g**2 * two * t_fac gwhwzhah = - g**2*vev**2/f_vev**2 * (xh*two*t_fac + costhw*xzbp) gwhwazh = g**2 * sinthw gwhwzzh = g**2 * costhw !!! qzup = g / costhw * qeup * sin2thw gcch = - gcc * cost / sint gcctop = gcc * (one - (vev * xlam / f_vev)**2 / two) gccw = gcc * vev / f_vev * xlam gccwh = - gccw * cost / sint gnch = g * cost / four / sint gztht = - g * xlam * vev / four / costhw / f_vev gzhtht = g * xlam * (vev/f_vev) * cost / sint !!! Here we give the formulae for the masses as a function of other !!! input parameter in the case that they do not want to be given by !!! the user ! mass(32) = sqrt((f*gp/sintp/costp)**2/20_default - (gp*vev/two)**2 & ! + (g*vev/two/sint/cost)**2 * xh) ! mass(33) = sqrt((f_vev*g/two/sint/cost)**2 - (g*vev/two)**2 - & ! (gp*vev/two/sintp/costp)**2 * xh) ! mass(34) = sqrt((f_vev*g/two/sint/cost)**2 - (g*vev/two)**2) gah = gp / two / sintp / costp gnchup(1) = gah * (two*yu + 17.0_default/15. - five/6. * cos2tp) gnchup(2) = - gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gnchdwn(1) = gah * (two*yu + 11.0_default/15. + one/6. * cos2tp) gnchdwn(2) = gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gnchneu(1) = gah * (ye - four/five + one/two * cos2tp) gnchneu(2) = - gah * (- ye + four/five - cos2tp/two) gnchlep(1) = gah * (two*ye - 9.0_default/five + three/two * cos2tp) gnchlep(2) = gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gahtht = gah * mass(6) / vev / five gahtt(1) = gnchup(1) - gah * xlam / five gahtt(2) = gnchup(2) + gah * xlam / five gahthth(1) = gah * (two * yu + 14.0_default/15. - four/three * & cos2tp + xlam / five) gahthth(2) = - gah * xlam / five !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Littlest Higgs Yukawa couplings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghtt = - mass(6) / vev * ( one + (vev/f_vev)**2 * xlam * (one + xlam)) ghthth = - xlam * (one + xlam) * mass(8) * vev / f_vev**2 ghtht(1) = - mass(6) / two / f_vev * (one + xlam) - ghtht(2) = - mass(8) * xlam / f_vev + ghtht(2) = - mass(8) * xlam / two / f_vev gpsi0tt = - mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0bb = - mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0cc = - mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0tautau = -mass(15)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi1tt = imago * mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi1bb = - imago * mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi1cc = imago * mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi1tautau = - imago * mass(15)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsipq2(1) = - mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq2(2) = - mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq3(1) = - mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq3(2) = - mass(3)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipl3 = - mass(15)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsi0tth = - mass(6)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi1tth = imago * gpsi0tth gpsipbth = - mass(6)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) * lam1/lam2 !!! ghhtt = two*mass(6)/f_vev**2 * (one - two*f_vev*vevp/vev**2 - xlam/two) ghhthth = - lam1**2/mass(8) ghhtht(1) = ghhtt * lam1 / lam2 ghhtht(2) = - mass(6) / vev / f_vev end subroutine import_from_whizard subroutine model_update_alpha_s (alpha_s) real(default), intent(in) :: alpha_s gs = sqrt(2.0_default * PI * alpha_s) igs = cmplx (0.0_default, 1.0_default, kind=default) * gs end subroutine model_update_alpha_s end module parameters_littlest Index: trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest_Eta.f90 =================================================================== --- trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest_Eta.f90 (revision 8187) +++ trunk/src/models/parameters.Littlest_Eta.f90 (revision 8188) @@ -1,634 +1,634 @@ ! parameters.Littlest_Eta.f90 ! ! Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by ! Wolfgang Kilian ! Thorsten Ohl ! Juergen Reuter ! with contributions from ! cf. main AUTHORS file ! ! WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ! under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ! any later version. ! ! WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module parameters_littlest_eta use kinds use constants use sm_physics !NODEP! implicit none private complex(default), save, public :: & gh0ww, gh0zz, & gh0tt, gh0bb, gh0cc, gh0tautau, gh0mumu, & iga0tt, iga0bb, iga0cc, iga0tautau, iga0mumu, & gahh, gzhh, igzha, igzh0a = 0 complex(default), dimension(2), save, public :: & ghptb, ghpcs, ghptaunu, ghpmunu = 0 !!! Additional Littlest Higgs parameters complex(default), save, public :: & ghwhw, ghwhwh, ghahah, ghzhz, ghzhah, & ghahz, ghaa, geaa, geaz, gegg = 0 complex(default), save, public :: & gpsiww, gpsiwhw, gpsizz, gpsizhzh, & gpsizhz, gpsizah, gpsizhah, gpsiahah, & gpsizw, gpsizwh, gpsiahw, gpsiahwh, & gpsizhw, gpsizhwh, gpsippww, gpsippwhw, & gpsippwhwh, gpsihw, gpsihwh, gpsi0w, & gpsi0wh, gpsi1w, gpsi1wh, gpsippw, & gpsippwh complex(default), save, public :: & gpsihah, gpsi0ah, gahpsip, & gpsi1hz, gpsi1hzh, gpsi01z, gpsi01zh, & gzpsip, gzpsipp, gzhpsipp complex(default), save, public :: & ghhaa, ghhwhw, ghhzhz, ghhahz, ghhzhah, & ghpsi0ww, ghpsi0whw, ghpsi0zz, ghpsi0zhzh, & ghpsi0zhz, ghpsi0ahah, ghpsi0zah, ghpsi0zhah complex(default), save, public :: & ghpsipwa, ghpsipwha, ghpsipwz, ghpsiwhz, & ghpsipwah, ghpsipwhah, ghpsipwzh, ghpsipwhzh, & ghpsippww, ghpsippwhwh, ghpsippwhw, gpsi00zh, & gpsi00ah, gpsi00zhah, gpsi0pwa, gpsi0pwha, & gpsi0pwz, gpsi0pwhz, gpsi0pwah, gpsi0pwhah, & gpsi0pwzh, gpsi0pwhzh, gpsi0ppww, gpsi0ppwhwh, & gpsi0ppwhw, i_gpsi0pwa, i_gpsi0pwha, & i_gpsi0pwz, i_gpsi0pwhz, i_gpsi0pwah, i_gpsi0pwhah, & i_gpsi0pwzh, i_gpsi0pwhzh, i_gpsi0ppww, i_gpsi0ppwhwh, & i_gpsi0ppwhw complex(default), save, public :: & gpsippzz, gpsippzhzh, gpsippaz, gpsippaah, & gpsippzah, gpsippwa, gpsippwha, gpsippwz, & gpsippwhz, gpsippwah, gpsippwhah, gpsippwzh, & gpsippwhzh, gpsicczz, gpsiccaz, gpsiccaah, & gpsicczzh, gpsiccazh, gpsicczah complex(default), save, public :: & igahww, igzhww, igzwhw, igahwhwh, igzhwhwh, & igahwhw complex(default), save, public :: & gwh4, gwhwhww, gwhwww, gwh3w, gwwaah, & gwwazh, gwwzzh, gwwzah, gwhwhaah, gwhwhazh, & gwhwhzzh, gwhwhzah, gwwzhah, gwhwhzhah, & gwhwzz, gwhwaz, gwhwaah, gwhwzah, gwhwzhzh, & gwhwzhah, gwhwazh, gwhwzzh complex(default), save, public :: & qzup, gcch, gcctop, gccw, gccwh, & gnch, gztht, gzhtht, gah complex(default), dimension(2), save, public :: & gnchup, gnchdwn, gnchneu, gnchlep, gahtt, & gahthth, ghtht, gpsipq2, gpsipq3, & ghhtht complex(default), save, public :: & gahtht, ghthth, & gpsi0tt, gpsi0bb, gpsi0cc, gpsi0tautau, & gpsipl3, gpsi0tth, gpsi1tth, gpsipbth, & ghhtt, ghhthth, gpsi1tt, gpsi1bb, gpsi1cc, & gpsi1tautau integer, parameter, public :: & n0 = 5, nloop = 2 real(default), dimension(38), public :: mass, width real(default), public :: as complex(default), public :: gs, igs real(default), public :: e, g, gp, sinthw, costhw, sin2thw, tanthw, e_em real(default), public :: qelep, qeup, qedwn, vev, vevp real(default), public :: ttop, tbot, tch, ttau, tw real(default), public :: ltop, lbot, lc, ltau, lw real(default), public :: sint, sintp, sin2t, sin2tp, & cost, costp, cos2t, cos2tp real(default), public :: spsip, cpsip, spsi1, cpsi1, spsi0, cpsi0 real(default), public :: t_fac, tp_fac, ttp_fac, c4s4 real(default), public :: xzbp, xzwp, xh, xlam real(default), public :: f_vev, lam1, lam2 real(default), public :: ye, yu complex(default), public :: qlep, qup, qdwn, gcc, qw, & gzww, gwww, ghww, ghhww, ghzz, ghhzz, & ghbb, ghtt, ghcc, ghtautau, gh3, gh4, & ghgaga, ghgaz, ghgg, ghmm, & iqw, igzww, igwww, gw4, gzzww, gazww, gaaww complex(default), dimension(2), public :: & gncneu, gnclep, gncup, gncdwn real(default), parameter :: xi0 = 0.0, xipm = 0.0 real(default), parameter :: & acc = 1.e-12_default real(default), parameter :: & asmz = 0.118_default public :: import_from_whizard, model_update_alpha_s contains subroutine import_from_whizard (par_array, scheme) real(default), dimension(46), intent(in) :: par_array integer, intent(in) :: scheme !!! This corresponds to 1/alpha = 137.03598949333 real(default), parameter :: & alpha = 1.0_default/137.03598949333_default real(default), parameter :: & asmz = 0.118_default real(default), parameter :: & one = 1.0_default, two = 2.0_default, three = 3.0_default, & four = 4.0_default, five = 5.0_default type :: parameter_set real(default) :: gf real(default) :: mZ real(default) :: mW real(default) :: mH real(default) :: meta real(default) :: alphas real(default) :: me real(default) :: mmu real(default) :: mtau real(default) :: ms real(default) :: mc real(default) :: mb real(default) :: mtop real(default) :: wtop real(default) :: wZ real(default) :: wW real(default) :: wH real(default) :: weta real(default) :: khgaz real(default) :: khgaga real(default) :: khgg real(default) :: mtoph real(default) :: mah real(default) :: mzh real(default) :: mwh real(default) :: mpsi0 real(default) :: mpsi1 real(default) :: mpsip real(default) :: mpsipp real(default) :: wtoph real(default) :: wah real(default) :: wzh real(default) :: wwh real(default) :: wpsi0 real(default) :: wpsi1 real(default) :: wpsip real(default) :: wpsipp real(default) :: st real(default) :: stp real(default) :: vp real(default) :: f_vev real(default) :: lam1 real(default) :: v real(default) :: cw real(default) :: sw real(default) :: ee end type parameter_set type(parameter_set) :: par par%gf = par_array(1) par%mZ = par_array(2) par%mW = par_array(3) par%mH = par_array(4) par%meta = par_array(5) par%alphas = par_array(6) par%me = par_array(7) par%mmu = par_array(8) par%mtau = par_array(9) par%ms = par_array(10) par%mc = par_array(11) par%mb = par_array(12) par%mtop = par_array(13) par%wtop = par_array(14) par%wZ = par_array(15) par%wW = par_array(16) par%wH = par_array(17) par%weta = par_array(18) par%khgaz = par_array(19) par%khgaga = par_array(20) par%khgg = par_array(21) par%mtoph = par_array(22) par%mah = par_array(23) par%mzh = par_array(24) par%mwh = par_array(25) par%mpsi0 = par_array(26) par%mpsi1 = par_array(27) par%mpsip = par_array(28) par%mpsipp = par_array(29) par%wtoph = par_array(30) par%wah = par_array(31) par%wzh = par_array(32) par%wwh = par_array(33) par%wpsi0 = par_array(34) par%wpsi1 = par_array(35) par%wpsip = par_array(36) par%wpsipp = par_array(37) par%st = par_array(38) par%stp = par_array(39) par%vp = par_array(40) par%f_vev = par_array(41) par%lam1 = par_array(42) par%v = par_array(43) par%cw = par_array(44) par%sw = par_array(45) par%ee = par_array(46) e_em = sqrt(four * PI * alpha) mass(1:38) = 0 width(1:38) = 0 mass(3) = par%ms mass(4) = par%mc mass(5) = par%mb mass(6) = par%mtop width(6) = par%wtop mass(8) = par%mtoph width(8) = par%wtoph mass(11) = par%me mass(13) = par%mmu mass(15) = par%mtau mass(23) = par%mZ width(23) = par%wZ mass(24) = par%mW width(24) = par%wW mass(25) = par%mH width(25) = par%wH mass(26) = xi0 * mass(23) width(26) = 0 mass(27) = xipm * mass(24) width(27) = 0 mass(32) = par%mAH width(32) = par%wAH mass(33) = par%mZH width(33) = par%wZH mass(34) = par%mWH width(34) = par%wWH mass(35) = par%mpsi0 width(35) = par%wpsi0 mass(36) = par%mpsi1 width(36) = par%wpsi1 mass(37) = par%mpsip width(37) = par%wpsip mass(38) = par%mpsipp width(38) = par%wpsipp !!! This choice is responsible for anomaly cancellation: ye = - two / five yu = three / five ttop = four * mass(6)**2 / mass(25)**2 tbot = four * mass(5)**2 / mass(25)**2 tch = four * mass(4)**2 / mass(25)**2 ttau = four * mass(15)**2 / mass(25)**2 tw = four * mass(24)**2 / mass(25)**2 ltop = four * mass(6)**2 / mass(23)**2 lbot = four * mass(5)**2 / mass(23)**2 lc = four * mass(4)**2 / mass(23)**2 ltau = four * mass(15)**2 / mass(23)**2 lw = four * mass(24)**2 / mass(23)**2 vev = 2 * mass(24) * par%sw / par%ee vevp = par%vp f_vev = par%f_vev e = par%ee sinthw = par%sw sin2thw = sinthw**2 costhw = par%cw tanthw = sinthw/costhw qelep = - one qeup = two / three qedwn = - one / three g = e / sinthw gp = e / costhw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Littlest Higgs special values sint = par%st sintp = par%stp sin2t = sint**2 sin2tp = sintp**2 cos2t = 1.0_default - sin2t cos2tp = 1.0_default - sin2tp cost = sqrt(cos2t) costp = sqrt(cos2tp) !!! lam1 = par%lam1 lam2 = (mass(8)/f_vev)**2 * (mass(6)/vev) / lam1 xlam = lam1**2 / (lam1**2 + lam2**2) !!! xh = five*g*gp * sint*cost*sintp*costp * (cos2t*sin2tp + & sin2t*cos2tp) / (five*g**2*sin2tp*cos2tp - & gp**2*sin2t*cos2t) / two xzbp = - five/two*sintp*costp*(cos2tp-sin2tp)/sinthw xzwp = -sint*cost*(cos2t-sin2t)/two/costhw !!! spsi1 = sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp/sqrt(vev**2+8.0_default*vevp**2) cpsi1 = vev/sqrt(vev**2+8.0_default*vevp**2) spsip = two*vevp/sqrt(vev**2+four*vevp**2) cpsip = vev/sqrt(vev**2+four*vevp**2) spsi0 = sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp/vev !!! t_fac = (cos2t - sin2t) / two / sint / cost tp_fac = (cos2tp - sin2tp) / two / sintp / costp ttp_fac = (cos2t * sin2tp + sin2t * cos2tp) / sint / sintp & / cost / costp c4s4 = (cos2t**2 + sin2t**2) / two / cos2t / sin2t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! In principle, we should allow here for deviations from !!! the SM values gcc = - g / 2 / sqrt (2.0_double) gncneu(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gnclep(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double - 2 * qelep * sin2thw) gncup(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double - 2 * qeup * sin2thw) gncdwn(1) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double - 2 * qedwn * sin2thw) gncneu(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gnclep(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double) gncup(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( + 0.5_double) gncdwn(2) = - g / two / costhw * ( - 0.5_double) qlep = - e * qelep qup = - e * qeup qdwn = - e * qedwn qw = e iqw = imago*qw gzww = g * costhw igzww = imago*gzww gwww = g igwww = imago*gwww gw4 = gwww**2 gzzww = gzww**2 gazww = gzww * qw gaaww = qw**2 ghww = mass(24) * g * (one - vev**2/three/f_vev**2 + vev**2/f_vev**2 * & (cos2t - sin2t)**2/two - spsi0**2/two - two * sqrt(two) * & spsi0 * vevp/vev) !!! SM value !!! ghww = mass(24) * g ghhww = g**2 / two ghzz = mass(23) * g / costhw * (one - vev**2/three/f_vev**2 - spsi0**2/two & + four*sqrt(two)*vevp/vev - vev**2/f_vev**2/two * ((cos2t - sin2t)**2 & + five * (cos2tp - sin2tp)**2)) !!! SM value !!! ghzz = mass(23) * g / costhw ghhzz = g**2 / two / costhw**2 !!! ghtt = - mass(6) / vev !!! Will be corrected below ghbb = - mass(5) / vev ghcc = - mass(4) / vev ghtautau = - mass(15) / vev gh3 = - 3 * mass(25)**2 / vev gh4 = - 3 * mass(25)**2 / vev**2 !!! Color flow basis, divide by sqrt(2) gs = sqrt(2.0_default * PI * par%alphas) igs = cmplx (0.0_default, 1.0_default, kind=default) * gs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Higgs anomaly couplings !!! SM LO loop factor (top,bottom,W) ghgaga = alpha / vev / two / PI * & Abs(( four * (fonehalf(ttop) + fonehalf(tch)) & + fonehalf(tbot)) / 3.0_default + fonehalf(ttau) + fone(tw)) & * sqrt(par%khgaga) !!! asymptotic limit: !!! ghgaga = (par%ee)**2 / vev / & !!! 9.0_default / pi**2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! SM LO loop factor (only top and W) ghgaz = e * e_em / 8.0_default / PI**2 / vev * Abs( & ( - two + & 16.0_default/3.0_default * sin2thw) * & (tri_i1(ttop,ltop) - tri_i2(ttop,ltop)) / costhw & + ( - 1.0_default + & four/3.0_default * sin2thw) & * (tri_i1(tbot,lbot) - tri_i2(tbot,lbot)) / costhw & - costhw * ( four * (3.0_default - tanthw**2) * & tri_i2(tw,lw) + ((1 + two/tw) * tanthw**2 - ( & five + two/tw)) * tri_i1(tw,lw)) & )/sinthw * sqrt(par%khgaz) !!! SM LO order loop factor with !!! N(N)LO K factor = 2.1 (only top) !!! Limit of infinite top quark mass: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! We use par%gg because of sqrt(2) above ghgg = par%alphas / vev / 4.0_default / PI * & Abs(fonehalf(ttop) + fonehalf(tbot) + fonehalf(tch)) * & sqrt(par%khgg) !!! ghgg = (par%gg)**2 / 1two & !!! / vev / pi**2 * 2.1_default !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghwhwh = - g**2 * vev / two ghahah = - gp**2 * vev / two ghwhw = t_fac * ghwhwh ghzhz = ghwhw / costhw ghzhah = - g * gp * vev * ttp_fac / four ghahz = - g * gp * tp_fac * vev / costhw / two !!! gpsiww = - g**2 * (spsi0*vev - sqrt(8.0_default)*vevp)/two gpsiwhw = - gpsiww * t_fac gpsizz = - g**2 * (spsi0*vev - four*sqrt(two)*vevp) / two / costhw**2 gpsizhzh = g**2 * (spsi0*vev + sqrt(two)*vevp*t_fac) / two gpsizhz = - gpsizz * t_fac * costhw gpsizah = - gpsizz * tp_fac * costhw * gp / g gpsizhah = g*gp/four/sint/cost/sintp/costp * (vev*spsi0 * & (cos2t*sin2tp + sin2t*cos2tp) + sqrt(8.0_default) * vevp * & (cos2t - sin2t) * (cos2tp - sin2tp)) gpsiahah = gp**2 * (vev*spsi0 + tp_fac * sqrt(two) * vevp) / two !!! gpsizw = - g**2 / costhw * vevp gpsizwh = - gpsizw * t_fac gpsiahw = - g*gp * tp_fac * (vev*spsip - four*vevp) / two gpsiahwh = - g*gp * vevp * (cos2t*cos2tp + sin2t*sin2tp) / two / & sint / cost / sintp / costp gpsizhw = g**2 * vevp * t_fac gpsizhwh = - g**2 * vevp * c4s4 !!! gpsippww = two * g**2 * vevp gpsippwhw = - gpsippww * t_fac gpsippwhwh = gpsippww * c4s4 !!! gpsihw = - g/two * (sqrt(two) * spsi0 - spsip) gpsihwh = - gpsihw * t_fac gpsi0w = - g/sqrt(two) gpsi0wh = - gpsi0w * t_fac gpsi1w = imago * gpsi0w gpsi1wh = imago * gpsi0wh gpsippw = - g gpsippwh = g * t_fac !!! gpsihah = imago / two * gp * tp_fac * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi0ah = - imago * gp * tp_fac gahpsip = gp * tp_fac gpsi1hz = - imago * g / 2 / costhw * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi1hzh = imago * g / two * t_fac * (spsi1 - two * spsi0) gpsi01z = imago * g / costhw gpsi01zh = - imago * g * t_fac gzpsip = g / costhw * sin2thw gzpsipp = - g / costhw * (one - two * sin2thw) gzhpsipp = g * t_fac !!! ghhaa = - gp**2 / two ghhwhw = - g**2 / two * t_fac ghhzhz = - g**2 / two / costhw * t_fac ghhahz = - g*gp / 2 / costhw * tp_fac ghhzhah = - g*gp / four * ttp_fac !!! ghpsi0ww = g**2 / two * spsi0 ghpsi0whw = - g**2 / two * spsi0 * t_fac ghpsi0zz = three * g**2 * spsi0 / two / costhw**2 ghpsi0zhzh = g**2 / two * (one + t_fac**2) * spsi0 ghpsi0zhz = - three * g**2 * t_fac / two / costhw * spsi0 ghpsi0ahah = gp**2 / two * (one + tp_fac**2) * spsi0 ghpsi0zah = - three * g*gp * spsi0 * tp_fac / two / costhw ghpsi0zhah = g*gp * spsi0 / four * (ttp_fac + two**3 * t_fac * tp_fac) !!! ghpsipwa = - e*g * (spsip - sqrt(two) * spsi0) / two ghpsipwha = - ghpsipwa * t_fac ghpsipwz = g**2 / costhw / two * (spsip * sin2thw - sqrt(two) * spsi0 * & (one + sin2thw)) ghpsiwhz = - ghpsipwz * t_fac ghpsipwah = - g*gp * (spsip - two*sqrt(two)*spsi0) * tp_fac / two ghpsipwhah = - g*gp * (ttp_fac*spsip + & four*sqrt(two)*t_fac*tp_fac*spsi0) / four ghpsipwzh = g**2 * t_fac * spsi0 / two ghpsipwhzh = - g**2 * c4s4 / two * spsi0 ghpsippww = sqrt(two) * g**2 * spsi0 ghpsippwhwh = sqrt(two) * g**2 * c4s4 * spsi0 ghpsippwhw = - sqrt(two) * g**2 * t_fac * spsi0 gpsi00zh = two * g**2 * t_fac**2 gpsi00ah = two * gp**2 * tp_fac**2 gpsi00zhah = two * g*gp * t_fac * tp_fac !!! gpsi0pwa = - e * g / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwha = - gpsi0pwa * t_fac gpsi0pwz = - g**2 * (one + sin2thw) / costhw / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwhz = - gpsi0pwz * t_fac gpsi0pwah = sqrt(two) * g * gp * tp_fac gpsi0pwhah = - gpsi0pwah * t_fac gpsi0pwzh = g**2 * t_fac / sqrt(two) gpsi0pwhzh = - g**2 * c4s4 / sqrt(two) gpsi0ppww = sqrt(two) * g**2 gpsi0ppwhwh = gpsi0ppww * c4s4 gpsi0ppwhw = - gpsi0ppww * t_fac i_gpsi0pwa = imago * gpsi0pwa i_gpsi0pwha = imago * gpsi0pwha i_gpsi0pwz = imago * gpsi0pwz i_gpsi0pwhz = imago * gpsi0pwhz i_gpsi0pwah = imago * gpsi0pwah i_gpsi0pwhah = imago * gpsi0pwhah i_gpsi0pwzh = imago * gpsi0pwzh i_gpsi0pwhzh = imago * gpsi0pwhzh i_gpsi0ppww = imago * gpsi0ppww i_gpsi0ppwhwh = imago * gpsi0ppwhwh i_gpsi0ppwhw = imago * gpsi0ppwhw !!! gpsippzz = two * g**2 / costhw**2 * sin2thw**2 gpsippzhzh = - two * g**2 / four / sin2t / cos2t gpsippaz = - two * e * g / costhw * sin2thw gpsippaah = - two * e * gp * tp_fac gpsippzah = two * g * gp * tp_fac * sin2thw / costhw !!! gpsippwa = three * e * g gpsippwha = - gpsippwa * t_fac gpsippwz = g**2 * (one - three * sin2thw) / costhw gpsippwhz = - gpsippwz * t_fac gpsippwah = two * g * gp * tp_fac gpsippwhah = - gpsippwah * t_fac gpsippwzh = - g**2 * t_fac / sqrt(two) gpsippwhzh = g**2 * c4s4 / sqrt(two) !!! gpsicczz = g**2 * (one - two * sin2thw)**2 / costhw**2 gpsiccaz = four * e * g * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw gpsiccaah = - four * e * gp * tp_fac gpsicczzh = two * g**2 * t_fac * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw gpsiccazh = four * e * g * t_fac gpsicczah = - two * g * gp * tp_fac * (one - two * sin2thw) / costhw !!! heavy triple gauge couplings igahww = - imago * g * costhw * xzbp * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igzhww = - imago * g * (costhw*xzwp + sint*cost*(cos2t-sin2t)) * vev**2/f_vev**2 igzwhw = imago * g * xzwp * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igahwhwh = - imago * g * (two*t_fac*xh + costhw*xzbp) * vev**2 / f_vev**2 igzhwhwh = - imago * g * two * t_fac igahwhw = imago * g * xh * vev**2 / f_vev**2 !!! gwh4 = g**2 * (cos2t**3 + sin2t**3)/sin2t/cos2t gwhwhww = g**2 / four gwhwww = g**2 * sint * cost * (cos2t - sin2t) * vev**2 / four / f_vev**2 gwh3w = - g**2 * t_fac !!! gwwaah = - g**2*sinthw*costhw*xzbp*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwazh = - g**2*sinthw*costhw*xzwp*vev**2/f_vev**2 + g**2*sinthw*sint*cost* & (cos2t-sin2t)/two * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzzh = - g**2 * (costhw**2 - sin2thw) * xzwp * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzah = - g**2 * costhw**2 * xzbp * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhaah = gwwaah - g**2*sinthw*two*t_fac*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhazh = - g**2*sinthw*two*t_fac gwhwhzzh = - g**2*costhw*two*t_fac gwhwhzah = gwwzah - g**2*costhw*xh*two*t_fac*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwwzhah = g**2 * xh * vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwhzhah = gwh4*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 + g**2*costhw*xzbp**two*t_fac*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzz = g**2*two*costhw*xzwp*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwaz = g**2*sinthw*xzwp*vev**2/two/f_vev**2 gwhwaah = g**2*sinthw*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzah = g**2*costhw*xh*vev**2/f_vev**2 gwhwzhzh = - g**2 * two * t_fac gwhwzhah = - g**2*vev**2/f_vev**2 * (xh*two*t_fac + costhw*xzbp) gwhwazh = g**2 * sinthw gwhwzzh = g**2 * costhw !!! qzup = g / costhw * qeup * sin2thw gcch = - gcc * cost / sint gcctop = gcc * (one - (vev * xlam / f_vev)**2 / two) gccw = gcc * vev / f_vev * xlam gccwh = - gccw * cost / sint gnch = g * cost / four / sint gztht = - g * xlam * vev / four / costhw / f_vev gzhtht = g * xlam * (vev/f_vev) * cost / sint !!! Here we give the formulae for the masses as a function of other !!! input parameter in the case that they do not want to be given by !!! the user ! mass(32) = sqrt((f_vev*gp/sintp/costp)**2/20_default - (gp*vev/two)**2 & ! + (g*vev/two/sint/cost)**2 * xh) ! mass(33) = sqrt((f_vev*g/two/sint/cost)**2 - (g*vev/two)**2 - & ! (gp*vev/two/sintp/costp)**2 * xh) ! mass(34) = sqrt((f_vev*g/two/sint/cost)**2 - (g*vev/two)**2) gah = gp / two / sintp / costp gnchup(1) = gah * (two*yu + 17.0_default/15. - five/6. * cos2tp) gnchup(2) = - gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gnchdwn(1) = gah * (two*yu + 11.0_default/15. + one/6. * cos2tp) gnchdwn(2) = gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gnchneu(1) = gah * (ye - four/five + one/two * cos2tp) gnchneu(2) = - gah * (- ye + four/five - cos2tp/two) gnchlep(1) = gah * (two*ye - 9.0_default/five + three/two * cos2tp) gnchlep(2) = gah * (one/five - cos2tp/two) gahtht = gah * mass(6) / vev / five gahtt(1) = gnchup(1) - gah * xlam / five gahtt(2) = gnchup(2) + gah * xlam / five gahthth(1) = gah * (two * yu + 14.0_default/15. - four/three * & cos2tp + xlam / five) gahthth(2) = - gah * xlam / five !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Littlest Higgs Yukawa couplings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ghtt = - mass(6) / vev * ( one + (vev/f_vev)**2 * xlam * (one + xlam)) ghthth = - xlam * (one + xlam) * mass(8) * vev / f_vev**2 ghtht(1) = - mass(6) / two / f_vev * (one + xlam) - ghtht(2) = - mass(8) * xlam / f_vev + ghtht(2) = - mass(8) * xlam / two / f_vev gpsi0tt = - mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0bb = - mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0cc = - mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi0tautau = -mass(15)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi1tt = imago * mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi1bb = - imago * mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi1cc = imago * mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsi1tautau = - imago * mass(15)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi1) gpsipq2(1) = - mass(6)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq2(2) = - mass(5)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq3(1) = - mass(4)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipq3(2) = - mass(3)/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsipl3 = - mass(15)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) gpsi0tth = - mass(6)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - sqrt(two) * spsi0) gpsi1tth = imago * gpsi0tth gpsipbth = - mass(6)/two/sqrt(two)/vev * (vev/f_vev - two * spsip) * lam1/lam2 !!! ghhtt = two*mass(6)/f_vev**2 * (one - two*f_vev*vevp/vev**2 - xlam/two) ghhthth = - lam1**2/mass(8) ghhtht(1) = ghhtt * lam1 / lam2 ghhtht(2) = - mass(6) / vev / f_vev end subroutine import_from_whizard subroutine model_update_alpha_s (alpha_s) real(default), intent(in) :: alpha_s gs = sqrt(2.0_default * PI * alpha_s) igs = cmplx (0.0_default, 1.0_default, kind=default) * gs end subroutine model_update_alpha_s end module parameters_littlest_eta Index: trunk/share/models/Littlest.mdl =================================================================== --- trunk/share/models/Littlest.mdl (revision 8187) +++ trunk/share/models/Littlest.mdl (revision 8188) @@ -1,467 +1,470 @@ ######################################################################## # Littlest Higgs Model with trivial CKM matrix model "Littlest" # Independent parameters ### DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF THESE PARAMETERS parameter GF = 1.16639E-5 # Fermi constant parameter mZ = 91.1882 # Z-boson mass parameter mW = 80.419 # W-boson mass parameter mH = 125 # Higgs mass parameter meta = 100 # Pseudoaxion mass parameter alphas = 0.1178 # Strong coupling constant (Z point) parameter me = 0.000510997 # electron mass parameter mmu = 0.105658389 # muon mass parameter mtau = 1.77705 # tau-lepton mass parameter ms = 0.095 # s-quark mass parameter mc = 1.2 # c-quark mass parameter mb = 4.2 # b-quark mass parameter mtop = 173.1 # t-quark mass parameter wtop = 1.523 # t-quark width parameter wZ = 2.443 # Z-boson width parameter wW = 2.049 # W-boson width parameter wH = 0.004143 # Higgs width parameter weta = 0.001 # Pseudoaxion width parameter khgaz = 0.000 # anomaly Higgs couplings K factors parameter khgaga = 0.000 # anomaly Higgs couplings K factors parameter khgg = 0.000 # anomaly Higgs couplings K factors parameter mtoph = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mah = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mzh = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mwh = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsi0 = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsi1 = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsip = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsipp = 1000 # heavy masses parameter wtoph = 10 # heavy widths parameter wah = 10 # heavy widths parameter wzh = 10 # heavy widths parameter wwh = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsi0 = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsi1 = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsip = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsipp = 10 # heavy widths parameter st = 0.707107 # mixing angle SU(2) sector parameter stp = 0.707107 # mixing angle U(1) sector parameter vp = 0.000 # triplet vev parameter f_vev = 3000.00 # High scale of Littlest Higgs model parameter lam1 = 1.00 # top Yukawa coupling parameter # Dependent parameters derived v = 1 / sqrt (sqrt (2.) * GF) # v (Higgs vev) derived cw = mW / mZ # cos(theta-W) derived sw = sqrt (1-cw**2) # sin(theta-W) derived ee = 2 * sw * mW / v # em-coupling (GF scheme) derived alpha_em_i = 4 * pi / ee**2 # inverse fine structure const ######################################################################## # Particle content # The quarks particle D_QUARK 1 parton spin 1/2 charge -1/3 isospin -1/2 color 3 name d down anti dbar D "d~" tex_anti "\bar{d}" particle U_QUARK 2 parton spin 1/2 charge 2/3 isospin 1/2 color 3 name u up anti ubar U "u~" tex_anti "\bar{u}" particle S_QUARK 3 like D_QUARK name s strange anti sbar S "s~" tex_anti "\bar{s}" mass ms particle C_QUARK 4 like U_QUARK name c charm anti cbar C "c~" tex_anti "\bar{c}" mass mc particle B_QUARK 5 like D_QUARK name b bottom anti bbar B "b~" tex_anti "\bar{b}" mass mb particle T_QUARK 6 like U_QUARK name t top anti tbar T "t~" tex_anti "\bar{t}" mass mtop width wtop particle TH_QUARK 8 like U_QUARK name th toph anti thbar TH tex_name "T" tex_anti "\bar{T}" mass mtoph width wtoph # The leptons particle E_LEPTON 11 spin 1/2 charge -1 isospin -1/2 name "e-" e1 electron e anti "e+" E1 positron tex_name "e^-" tex_anti "e^+" mass me particle E_NEUTRINO 12 left spin 1/2 isospin 1/2 name nue n1 "nu_e" ve "e-neutrino" anti nuebar N1 "ve~" tex_name "\nu_e" tex_anti "\bar\nu_e" particle MU_LEPTON 13 like E_LEPTON name "mu-" e2 mu muon anti "mu+" E2 tex_name "\mu^-" tex_anti "\mu^+" mass mmu particle MU_NEUTRINO 14 like E_NEUTRINO name numu "nu_mu" n2 vm "mu-neutrino" anti numubar N2 "vm~" tex_name "\nu_\mu" tex_anti "\bar\nu_\mu" particle TAU_LEPTON 15 like E_LEPTON name "tau-" e3 tau "ta-" tauon anti "tau+" E3 "ta+" tex_name "\tau^-" tex_anti "\tau^+" mass mtau particle TAU_NEUTRINO 16 like E_NEUTRINO name nutau "nu_tau" n3 vt "tau_neutrino" anti nutaubar N3 "vt~" tex_name "\nu_\tau" tex_anti "\bar\nu_\tau" # The vector bosons particle GLUON 21 parton gauge spin 1 color 8 name gl g G gluon particle PHOTON 22 gauge spin 1 name A gamma photon tex_name "\gamma" particle Z_BOSON 23 gauge spin 1 name Z mass mZ width wZ particle W_BOSON 24 gauge spin 1 charge 1 name "W+" Wp anti "W-" Wm tex_name "W^+" tex_anti "W^-" mass mW width wW particle AH_BOSON 32 gauge spin 1 name AH gammaH tex_name "A_H" mass mah width wah particle ZH_BOSON 33 gauge spin 1 name ZH tex_name "Z_H" mass mzh width wzh particle WH_BOSON 34 gauge spin 1 charge 1 name "WH+" WHp anti "WH-" WHm tex_name "W_H^+" tex_anti "W_H^-" mass mwh width wwh # The Higgs particle HIGGS 25 spin 0 name H h Higgs mass mH width wH particle PSI 35 spin 0 name psi0 tex_name "\Phi^0" mass mpsi0 width wpsi0 particle PSI_ODD 36 spin 0 name psi1 tex_name "\Phi_P" mass mpsi1 width wpsi1 particle PSIP 37 spin 0 charge 1 name "psi+" psip anti "psi-" psim tex_name "\Phi^+" tex_anti "\Phi^-" mass mpsip width wpsip particle PSIPP 38 spin 0 charge 2 name "psi++" psipp "PSI++" anti "psi--" psimm "PSI--" tex_name "\Phi^{++}" tex_anti "\Phi^{--}" mass mpsipp width wpsipp particle ETA 39 spin 0 name eta mass meta width weta # Hadrons particle PROTON 2212 spin 1/2 charge 1 name p "p+" anti pbar "p-" # Beam remnants for proton colliders particle HADRON_REMNANT 90 name hr tex_name "had_r" particle HADRON_REMNANT_SINGLET 91 name hr1 tex_name "had_r^{(1)}" particle HADRON_REMNANT_TRIPLET 92 color 3 name hr3 tex_name "had_r^{(3)}" anti hr3bar tex_anti "had_r^{(\bar 3)}" particle HADRON_REMNANT_OCTET 93 color 8 name hr8 tex_name "had_r^{(8)}" ######################################################################## # Vertices of the Littlest Higgs model # In graphs with identical structure, the first vertex is kept for phase space, # therefore, lighter particles come before heavier ones. # QED vertex D d A vertex U u A vertex S s A vertex C c A vertex B b A vertex T t A vertex E1 e1 A vertex E2 e2 A vertex E3 e3 A vertex TH th A vertex TH th Z vertex TH t Z vertex T th Z vertex TH t ZH vertex T th ZH vertex U u AH vertex D d AH vertex C c AH vertex S s AH vertex T t AH vertex B b AH vertex E1 e1 AH vertex E2 e2 AH vertex E3 e3 AH vertex N1 n1 AH vertex N2 n2 AH vertex N3 n3 AH vertex TH th AH vertex TH t AH vertex T th AH # QCD vertex G G G vertex G G G G vertex D d G vertex U u G vertex S s G vertex C c G vertex B b G vertex T t G # Neutral currents vertex D d Z vertex U u Z vertex S s Z vertex C c Z vertex B b Z vertex T t Z vertex E1 e1 Z vertex E2 e2 Z vertex E3 e3 Z vertex N1 n1 Z vertex N2 n2 Z vertex N3 n3 Z # Neutral currents for heavy vectors vertex U u ZH vertex D d ZH vertex C c ZH vertex S s ZH vertex T t ZH vertex B b ZH vertex E1 e1 ZH vertex E2 e2 ZH vertex E3 e3 ZH vertex N1 n1 ZH vertex N2 n2 ZH vertex N3 n3 ZH # Charged currents vertex U d Wp vertex C s Wp vertex T b Wp vertex D u Wm vertex S c Wm vertex B t Wm vertex N1 e1 Wp vertex N2 e2 Wp vertex N3 e3 Wp vertex E1 n1 Wm vertex E2 n2 Wm vertex E3 n3 Wm # Charged currents for heavy vectors vertex U d WHp vertex C s WHp vertex T b WHp vertex u D WHm vertex c S WHm vertex t B WHm vertex e1 N1 WHp vertex e2 N2 WHp vertex e3 N3 WHp vertex E1 n1 WHm vertex E2 n2 WHm vertex E3 n3 WHm vertex TH b Wp vertex TH b WHp vertex th B Wm vertex th B WHm # Yukawa (neutral) ### keeping only 3rd generation for the moment # vertex S s H # vertex C c H vertex B b H vertex T t H # vertex E2 e2 H vertex E3 e3 H vertex TH th H vertex TH t H vertex T th H vertex T t psi0 vertex B b psi0 vertex C c psi0 vertex E3 e3 psi0 vertex T t psi1 vertex B b psi1 vertex C c psi1 vertex E3 e3 psi1 vertex T b psip vertex C s psip vertex N3 e3 psip vertex B t psim vertex S c psim vertex E3 n3 psim vertex TH t psi0 vertex T th psi0 vertex TH t psi1 vertex T th psi1 vertex TH b psip vertex B th psim # Vector-boson self-interactions vertex Wp Wm A vertex Wp Wm Z vertex Wp Wm Z Z vertex Wp Wp Wm Wm vertex Wp Wm Z A vertex Wp Wm A A # Littlest Higgs additional triple coupligs vertex A WHm WHp vertex Z WHm WHp vertex AH Wm Wp vertex ZH Wm Wp vertex Z WHm Wp vertex Z Wm WHp vertex ZH WHm Wp vertex ZH Wm WHp vertex AH WHm WHp vertex AH Wm WHp vertex AH Wp WHm vertex ZH WHm WHp # Higgs - vector boson # SM loop couplings #vertex H Z A #vertex H A A #vertex H g g vertex eta A A vertex eta g g # Littlest Higgs couplings vertex H WHp WHm vertex H WHp Wm vertex H WHm Wp vertex H ZH ZH vertex H ZH Z vertex H ZH AH vertex H AH AH vertex H Z AH vertex psi0 WHp WHm vertex psi0 Wp Wm vertex psi0 WHp Wm vertex psi0 Wp WHm vertex psi0 Z Z vertex psi0 ZH ZH vertex psi0 ZH Z vertex psi0 AH Z vertex psi0 AH ZH vertex psi0 AH AH vertex psim Wp Z vertex psip Wm Z vertex psim WHp Z vertex psip WHm Z +vertex psim Wp ZH +vertex psip Wm ZH vertex psim WHp ZH vertex psip WHm ZH +vertex psim Wp AH +vertex psip Wm AH vertex psim WHp AH vertex psip WHm AH vertex psimm Wp Wp vertex psipp Wm Wm vertex psimm WHp WHp vertex psipp WHm WHm vertex psimm WHp Wp vertex psipp WHm Wm # ordinary SM couplings vertex H Wp Wm vertex H Z Z vertex H H Wp Wm vertex H H Z Z # Higgs self-interactions vertex H H H vertex H H H H # Gauge couplings of the pseudo-Goldstones vertex AH H psi1 vertex AH psi0 psi1 vertex A psip psim vertex AH psip psim vertex A psipp psimm vertex AH psipp psimm vertex Z H psi1 vertex ZH H psi1 vertex Z psi0 psi1 vertex ZH psi0 psi1 vertex Z psip psim -vertex ZH psip psim vertex Z psipp psimm vertex ZH psipp psimm Index: trunk/share/models/Littlest_Eta.mdl =================================================================== --- trunk/share/models/Littlest_Eta.mdl (revision 8187) +++ trunk/share/models/Littlest_Eta.mdl (revision 8188) @@ -1,429 +1,430 @@ ######################################################################## # Littlest Higgs model with only one gauged U(1) model "Littlest_Eta" # Independent parameters ### DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF THESE PARAMETERS parameter GF = 1.16639E-5 # Fermi constant parameter mZ = 91.1882 # Z-boson mass parameter mW = 80.419 # W-boson mass parameter mH = 125 # Higgs mass parameter meta = 100 # Pseudoaxion mass parameter alphas = 0.1178 # Strong coupling constant (Z point) parameter me = 0.000510997 # electron mass parameter mmu = 0.105658389 # muon mass parameter mtau = 1.77705 # tau-lepton mass parameter ms = 0.095 # s-quark mass parameter mc = 1.2 # c-quark mass parameter mb = 4.2 # b-quark mass parameter mtop = 173.1 # t-quark mass parameter wtop = 1.523 # t-quark width parameter wZ = 2.443 # Z-boson width parameter wW = 2.049 # W-boson width parameter wH = 0.004143 # Higgs width parameter weta = 0.001 # Pseudoaxion width parameter khgaz = 0.000 # anomaly Higgs couplings K factors parameter khgaga = 0.000 # anomaly Higgs couplings K factors parameter khgg = 0.000 # anomaly Higgs couplings K factors parameter mtoph = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mah = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mzh = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mwh = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsi0 = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsi1 = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsip = 1000 # heavy masses parameter mpsipp = 1000 # heavy masses parameter wtoph = 10 # heavy widths parameter wah = 10 # heavy widths parameter wzh = 10 # heavy widths parameter wwh = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsi0 = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsi1 = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsip = 10 # heavy widths parameter wpsipp = 10 # heavy widths parameter st = 0.707107 # mixing angle SU(2) sector parameter stp = 0.707107 # mixing angle U(1) sector parameter vp = 0.000 # triplet vev parameter f_vev = 3000.00 # High scale of Littlest Higgs model parameter lam1 = 1.00 # top Yukawa coupling parameter # Dependent parameters derived v = 1 / sqrt (sqrt (2.) * GF) # v (Higgs vev) derived cw = mW / mZ # cos(theta-W) derived sw = sqrt (1-cw**2) # sin(theta-W) derived ee = 2 * sw * mW / v # em-coupling (GF scheme) derived alpha_em_i = 4 * pi / ee**2 # inverse fine structure const ######################################################################## # Particle content # The quarks particle D_QUARK 1 parton spin 1/2 charge -1/3 isospin -1/2 color 3 name d down anti dbar D "d~" tex_anti "\bar{d}" particle U_QUARK 2 parton spin 1/2 charge 2/3 isospin 1/2 color 3 name u up anti ubar U "u~" tex_anti "\bar{u}" particle S_QUARK 3 like D_QUARK name s strange anti sbar S "s~" tex_anti "\bar{s}" mass ms particle C_QUARK 4 like U_QUARK name c charm anti cbar C "c~" tex_anti "\bar{c}" mass mc particle B_QUARK 5 like D_QUARK name b bottom anti bbar B "b~" tex_anti "\bar{b}" mass mb particle T_QUARK 6 like U_QUARK name t top anti tbar T "t~" tex_anti "\bar{t}" mass mtop width wtop particle TH_QUARK 8 like U_QUARK name th toph anti thbar TH tex_name "T" tex_anti "\bar{T}" mass mtoph width wtoph # The leptons particle E_LEPTON 11 spin 1/2 charge -1 isospin -1/2 name "e-" e1 electron e anti "e+" E1 positron tex_name "e^-" tex_anti "e^+" mass me particle E_NEUTRINO 12 left spin 1/2 isospin 1/2 name nue n1 "nu_e" ve "e-neutrino" anti nuebar N1 "ve~" tex_name "\nu_e" tex_anti "\bar\nu_e" particle MU_LEPTON 13 like E_LEPTON name "mu-" e2 mu muon anti "mu+" E2 tex_name "\mu^-" tex_anti "\mu^+" mass mmu particle MU_NEUTRINO 14 like E_NEUTRINO name numu "nu_mu" n2 vm "mu-neutrino" anti numubar N2 "vm~" tex_name "\nu_\mu" tex_anti "\bar\nu_\mu" particle TAU_LEPTON 15 like E_LEPTON name "tau-" e3 tau "ta-" tauon anti "tau+" E3 "ta+" tex_name "\tau^-" tex_anti "\tau^+" mass mtau particle TAU_NEUTRINO 16 like E_NEUTRINO name nutau "nu_tau" n3 vt "tau_neutrino" anti nutaubar N3 "vt~" tex_name "\nu_\tau" tex_anti "\bar\nu_\tau" # The vector bosons particle GLUON 21 parton gauge spin 1 color 8 name gl g G gluon particle PHOTON 22 gauge spin 1 name A gamma photon tex_name "\gamma" particle Z_BOSON 23 gauge spin 1 name Z mass mZ width wZ particle W_BOSON 24 gauge spin 1 charge 1 name "W+" Wp anti "W-" Wm tex_name "W^+" tex_anti "W^-" mass mW width wW particle ZH_BOSON 33 gauge spin 1 name ZH tex_name "Z_H" mass mzh width wzh particle WH_BOSON 34 gauge spin 1 charge 1 name "WH+" WHp anti "WH-" WHm tex_name "W_H^+" tex_anti "W_H^-" mass mwh width wwh # The Higgs particle HIGGS 25 spin 0 name H h Higgs mass mH width wH particle PSI 35 spin 0 name psi0 tex_name "\Phi^0" mass mpsi0 width wpsi0 particle PSI_ODD 36 spin 0 name psi1 tex_name "\Phi_P" mass mpsi1 width wpsi1 particle PSIP 37 spin 0 charge 1 name "psi+" psip anti "psi-" psim tex_name "\Phi^+" tex_anti "\Phi^-" mass mpsip width wpsip particle PSIPP 38 spin 0 charge 2 name "psi++" psipp "PSI++" anti "psi--" psimm "PSI--" tex_name "\Phi^{++}" tex_anti "\Phi^{--}" mass mpsipp width wpsipp particle ETA 39 spin 0 name eta mass meta width weta # Hadrons particle PROTON 2212 spin 1/2 charge 1 name p "p+" anti pbar "p-" # Beam remnants for proton colliders particle HADRON_REMNANT 90 name hr tex_name "had_r" particle HADRON_REMNANT_SINGLET 91 name hr1 tex_name "had_r^{(1)}" particle HADRON_REMNANT_TRIPLET 92 color 3 name hr3 tex_name "had_r^{(3)}" anti hr3bar tex_anti "had_r^{(\bar 3)}" particle HADRON_REMNANT_OCTET 93 color 8 name hr8 tex_name "had_r^{(8)}" ######################################################################## # Vertices of the Standard model # In graphs with identical structure, the first vertex is kept for phase space, # therefore, lighter particles come before heavier ones. # QED vertex D d A vertex U u A vertex S s A vertex C c A vertex B b A vertex T t A vertex E1 e1 A vertex E2 e2 A vertex E3 e3 A vertex TH th A vertex TH th Z vertex TH t Z vertex T th Z vertex TH t ZH vertex T th ZH # QCD vertex G G G vertex G G G G vertex D d G vertex U u G vertex S s G vertex C c G vertex B b G vertex T t G # Neutral currents vertex D d Z vertex U u Z vertex S s Z vertex C c Z vertex B b Z vertex T t Z vertex E1 e1 Z vertex E2 e2 Z vertex E3 e3 Z vertex N1 n1 Z vertex N2 n2 Z vertex N3 n3 Z # Neutral currents for heavy vectors vertex U u ZH vertex D d ZH vertex C c ZH vertex S s ZH vertex T t ZH vertex B b ZH vertex E1 e1 ZH vertex E2 e2 ZH vertex E3 e3 ZH vertex N1 n1 ZH vertex N2 n2 ZH vertex N3 n3 ZH # Charged currents vertex U d Wp vertex C s Wp vertex T b Wp vertex D u Wm vertex S c Wm vertex B t Wm vertex N1 e1 Wp vertex N2 e2 Wp vertex N3 e3 Wp vertex E1 n1 Wm vertex E2 n2 Wm vertex E3 n3 Wm # Charged currents for heavy vectors vertex U d WHp vertex C s WHp vertex T b WHp vertex u D WHm vertex c S WHm vertex t B WHm vertex e1 N1 WHp vertex e2 N2 WHp vertex e3 N3 WHp vertex E1 n1 WHm vertex E2 n2 WHm vertex E3 n3 WHm vertex TH b Wp vertex TH b WHp vertex TH B Wm vertex th B WHm # Yukawa (neutral) ### keeping only 3rd generation for the moment # vertex S s H # vertex C c H vertex B b H vertex T t H # vertex E2 e2 H vertex E3 e3 H vertex TH th H vertex TH t H vertex T th H vertex T t psi0 vertex B b psi0 vertex C c psi0 vertex E3 e3 psi0 vertex T t psi1 vertex B b psi1 vertex C c psi1 vertex E3 e3 psi1 vertex T b psip vertex C s psip vertex N3 e3 psip vertex B t psim vertex S c psim vertex E3 n3 psim vertex TH t psi0 vertex T th psi0 vertex TH t psi1 vertex T th psi1 vertex TH b psip vertex B th psim # Vector-boson self-interactions vertex Wp Wm A vertex Wp Wm Z vertex Wp Wm Z Z vertex Wp Wp Wm Wm vertex Wp Wm Z A vertex Wp Wm A A # Littlest Higgs additional triple coupligs vertex A WHm WHp vertex Z WHm WHp vertex ZH Wm Wp vertex Z WHm Wp vertex Z Wm WHp vertex ZH WHm Wp vertex ZH Wm WHp vertex ZH WHm WHp # Higgs - vector boson # SM loop couplings #vertex H Z A #vertex H A A #vertex H g g vertex eta A A vertex eta g g # Littlest Higgs couplings vertex H WHp WHm vertex H WHp Wm vertex H WHm Wp vertex H ZH ZH vertex H ZH Z vertex psi0 WHp WHm vertex psi0 Wp Wm vertex psi0 WHp Wm vertex psi0 Wp WHm vertex psi0 Z Z vertex psi0 ZH ZH vertex psi0 ZH Z vertex psim Wp Z vertex psip Wm Z vertex psim WHp Z vertex psip WHm Z +vertex psim Wp ZH +vertex psip Wm ZH vertex psim WHp ZH vertex psip WHm ZH vertex psimm Wp Wp vertex psipp Wm Wm vertex psimm WHp WHp vertex psipp WHm WHm vertex psimm WHp Wp vertex psipp WHm Wm # ordinary SM couplings vertex H Wp Wm vertex H Z Z vertex H H Wp Wm vertex H H Z Z # Higgs self-interactions vertex H H H vertex H H H H # Gauge couplings of the Goldstones vertex A psip psim vertex A psipp psimm vertex Z H psi1 vertex ZH H psi1 vertex Z psi0 psi1 vertex ZH psi0 psi1 vertex Z psip psim -vertex ZH psip psim vertex Z psipp psimm vertex ZH psipp psimm