Index: trunk/src/PhotonFlux.cpp =================================================================== --- trunk/src/PhotonFlux.cpp (revision 454) +++ trunk/src/PhotonFlux.cpp (revision 455) @@ -1,273 +1,273 @@ //============================================================================== // PhotonFlux.cpp // // Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich // // This file is part of Sartre. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of // merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Author: Thomas Ullrich, Tobias Toll // Last update: // $Date$ // $Author$ //============================================================================== #include "PhotonFlux.h" #include "Constants.h" #include "Kinematics.h" #include "EventGeneratorSettings.h" #include "Nucleus.h" #include #include "TF1.h" #include "Math/Functor.h" #include "Math/IntegratorMultiDim.h" #include "Math/WrappedTF1.h" #include "Math/GaussIntegrator.h" #define PR(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl; PhotonFlux::PhotonFlux() { mS = 0; mIsUPC = false; mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance(); if (mSettings->UPC()){ mNucleusUPC = new Nucleus(mSettings->UPCA()); mNucleus = new Nucleus(mSettings->A()); if (mSettings->UPCA()>1 && mSettings->A()>1) { cout << "PhotonFlux::PhotonFlux(): Calculating TAA table ... "; setupTAAlookupTable(); cout << "done." << endl; } mEBeamEnergy = mSettings->electronBeamEnergy(); // the beam that shines mIsUPC = true; } mSIsSet = false; } PhotonFlux::PhotonFlux(double s) { mS = s; mIsUPC = false; mSettings = EventGeneratorSettings::instance(); if (mSettings->UPC()) { mNucleusUPC = new Nucleus(mSettings->UPCA()); mNucleus = new Nucleus(mSettings->A()); if (mSettings->UPCA()>1 && mSettings->A()>1){ cout << "PhotonFlux::PhotonFlux(): Calculating TAA table ... "; setupTAAlookupTable(); cout << "done" << endl; } mEBeamEnergy = mSettings->electronBeamEnergy(); //The beam that shines mIsUPC = true; cout<<"PhotonFlux::PhotonFlux(): Warning Sartre is not yet ready for UPC..." << endl; } mSIsSet = true; } void PhotonFlux::setS(double s) { mS = s; mSIsSet = true; } double PhotonFlux::operator()(double Q2, double W2, GammaPolarization p) const { if (!mSIsSet) cout<<"Warning in PhotonFlux::operator() s is not set!"<1 || Kinematics::error()) return 0; if (Q2 > Kinematics::Q2max(mS)) return 0; double result = alpha_em/(2*M_PI*Q2*mS*y); result *= (1 + (1-y)*(1-y)) - (2*(1-y)*Kinematics::Q2min(y)/Q2); return result; } double PhotonFlux::fluxLongitudinal(double Q2, double W2) const { // // Longitudinal photon flux // double y = Kinematics::y(Q2, Kinematics::x(Q2, W2), mS); if (y<0 || y>1 || Kinematics::error()) return 0; if (Q2 > Kinematics::Q2max(mS)) return 0; double result = alpha_em/(2*M_PI*Q2*mS*y); result *= 2*(1-y); return result; } double PhotonFlux::nuclearPhotonFlux(double Egamma) const { if (Egamma < 0) { if (mSettings->verbose() && mSettings->verboseLevel() > 4) cout << "PhotonFlux::nuclearPhotonFlux(): Warning, negative Egamma as argument.\n" << " Return 0 for photon flux." << endl; return 0; } double bmin = 0.; double bmax = 1e10; //Could be arbitrary large (TF1 doesn't care) TF1 fluxFunction("fluxFunction", this, &PhotonFlux::unintegratedNuclearPhotonFlux, bmin, bmax, 1); fluxFunction.SetParameter(0, Egamma); ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 wrappedFluxFunction(fluxFunction); ROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator fluxIntegrator; fluxIntegrator.SetFunction(wrappedFluxFunction); fluxIntegrator.SetAbsTolerance(0.); fluxIntegrator.SetRelTolerance(1e-5); return fluxIntegrator.IntegralUp(bmin)/hbarc; //dN/dEgamma GeV^-1 } double PhotonFlux::unintegratedNuclearPhotonFlux(double* var, double* par) const { // // // double b = var[0]; //fm double eGamma = par[0]; //GeV int Apom = mNucleus->A(); int AUPC = mNucleusUPC->A(); double Z = mNucleusUPC->Z(); - double ebeamMass = mNucleusUPC->atomicMass()/mNucleusUPC->A(); //Mass per nucleon //GeV + double ebeamMass = mNucleusUPC->nuclearMass()/mNucleusUPC->A(); //Mass per nucleon //GeV double beamLorentzGamma = mEBeamEnergy/ebeamMass; double beamLorentzGamma2 = beamLorentzGamma*beamLorentzGamma; double xi = eGamma*b/hbarc/beamLorentzGamma; //GeV0 double K0 = TMath::BesselK0(xi); double K1 = TMath::BesselK1(xi); double prefactor = Z*Z*alpha_em/(M_PI*M_PI)*eGamma/beamLorentzGamma2; //GeV1 double N = prefactor*(K1*K1+K0*K0/beamLorentzGamma2); //GeV1 //Spectrum is calculated under the assumption that there is no //hadronic interaction between the beam particles. //Therefore it has to be multiplied by the probability for this: double Pnohad = 1; if (Apom>1 && AUPC>1) { //nucleus-nucleus interaction Pnohad = exp(-sigma_nn(mS)*mTAA_of_b->Interpolate(b)); //GeV0 } else if (Apom == 1 && AUPC > 1) { //proton-nucleus Pnohad=exp(-sigma_nn(mS)*mNucleusUPC->T(b)); } else if (Apom > 1 && AUPC == 1) { //nucleus-proton Pnohad = exp(-sigma_nn(mS)*mNucleus->T(b)); } else { //proton-proton double b02 = 19.8; //GeV^-2 double scamp = 1-exp(-b*b/hbarc2/2./b02); Pnohad = scamp*scamp; } double result = 2*M_PI*b/hbarc*N*Pnohad; //GeV0 return result; } void PhotonFlux::setupTAAlookupTable() { double rbhigh = upperIntegrationLimit*(mNucleus->radius()+mNucleusUPC->radius()); mTAA_of_b = new TH1D("mTAA_of_b", "mTAA_of_b", 1000, 0, rbhigh); for (unsigned int i=1; i<=1000; i++) { double b = mTAA_of_b->GetBinCenter(i); mTAA_of_b->SetBinContent(i, TAA(b)); } } double PhotonFlux::sigma_nn(double s) const { // // For parameters see // table 2 // // Following KNSGB: (eq.6) // double Z = 33.73; //mb double B = 0.2838; //mb double s0 = 1.;//GeV2 double Y1 = 13.67; //mb double s1 = 1.; //GeV2 double eta1 = 0.412; double Y2 = 7.77; //mb double eta2 = 0.5626; double result = Z+B*log(s/s0)*log(s/s0)+Y1*pow(s1/s, eta1)-Y2*pow(s1/s, eta2); //mb = 1e-3b = 1e-1 fm2 result *= 1e-1; //fm2 (1 barn = 1e2 fm2) return result/hbarc2; //GeV^-2 } double PhotonFlux::TAA(double b) { // // Integral over dr^2=2*pi*r*dr // double rbhigh=upperIntegrationLimit*(mNucleus->radius()+mNucleusUPC->radius()); double lo[2] = {0., 0.}; //r, theta double hi[2] = {rbhigh, 2*M_PI}; ROOT::Math::Functor wf(this, &PhotonFlux::TAAForIntegration, 2); ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim ig(ROOT::Math::IntegrationMultiDim::kADAPTIVE); ig.SetFunction(wf); ig.SetAbsTolerance(0.); ig.SetRelTolerance(1e-4); mB=b; double result = ig.Integral(lo, hi); //GeV^3*fm result /= hbarc; //GeV^2 return result; } double PhotonFlux::TAAForIntegration(const double* var) const { double r = var[0]; //fm double phi = var[1]; double b = mB; //fm //Put A1 in the origin, and A2 on the y-axis at distance b: double arg1 = r; double arg2 = sqrt(r*r+b*b-2*b*r*sin(phi)); //fm double T1 = mNucleusUPC->T(arg1); //GeV^2 double T2 = mNucleus->T(arg2); //GeV^2 return r/hbarc*T1*T2; //GeV^3 }