diff --git a/analyses/pluginATLAS/ATLAS_2018_I1646686.cc b/analyses/pluginATLAS/ATLAS_2018_I1646686.cc --- a/analyses/pluginATLAS/ATLAS_2018_I1646686.cc +++ b/analyses/pluginATLAS/ATLAS_2018_I1646686.cc @@ -1,309 +1,314 @@ // -*- C++ -*- #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/PromptFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/DressedLeptons.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/PartonicTops.hh" #include "Rivet/Math/LorentzTrans.hh" namespace Rivet { /// @brief All-hadronic ttbar at 13 TeV class ATLAS_2018_I1646686 : public Analysis { public: /// Constructor DEFAULT_RIVET_ANALYSIS_CTOR(ATLAS_2018_I1646686); /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run void init() { // Get options particle-level only. _mode = 0; if ( getOption("TMODE") == "PARTICLE" ) _mode = 0; if ( getOption("TMODE") == "BOTH" ) _mode = 1; //histogram booking _h["inclusive"] = bookHisto1D(1,1,1); bookHistograms("t_pt", 0, true); bookHistograms("t_y", 1, true); bookHistograms("t1_pt", 2); bookHistograms("t1_y", 3); bookHistograms("t2_pt", 4); bookHistograms("t2_y", 5); bookHistograms("tt_m", 6); bookHistograms("tt_pt", 7); bookHistograms("tt_y", 8); bookHistograms("tt_chi", 9); bookHistograms("tt_yboost", 10); bookHistograms("tt_pout", 11); bookHistograms("tt_dPhi", 12); bookHistograms("tt_Ht", 13); bookHistograms("tt_cosThStar", 14); // Projections Cut dressed_lep = (Cuts::abseta < 2.5) && (Cuts::pT >= 25*GeV); Cut eta_full = (Cuts::abseta < 5.0); // All final state particles FinalState fs(eta_full); // Get photons to dress leptons IdentifiedFinalState photons(fs); photons.acceptIdPair(PID::PHOTON); // Projection to find the electrons PromptFinalState electrons(Cuts::abspid == PID::ELECTRON, true); DressedLeptons dressedelectrons(photons, electrons, 0.1, dressed_lep); declare(dressedelectrons, "elecs"); DressedLeptons ewdressedelectrons(photons, electrons, 0.1, eta_full); // Projection to find the muons PromptFinalState muons(Cuts::abspid == PID::MUON, true); DressedLeptons dressedmuons(photons, muons, 0.1, dressed_lep); declare(dressedmuons, "muons"); DressedLeptons ewdressedmuons(photons, muons, 0.1, eta_full); // Jet clustering. VetoedFinalState vfs; vfs.addVetoOnThisFinalState(ewdressedelectrons); vfs.addVetoOnThisFinalState(ewdressedmuons); FastJets jets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4, JetAlg::DECAY_MUONS, JetAlg::DECAY_INVISIBLES); declare(jets, "jets"); FastJets ljets(fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 1.0, JetAlg::NO_MUONS, JetAlg::NO_INVISIBLES); declare(ljets, "ljets" ); if (_mode != 0 ){ PartonicTops partonTops; declare(partonTops, "partonicTops"); } } void analyze(const Event& event) { const double weight = event.weight(); if (_mode != 0){ // Parton-level top quarks const Particles partonicTops = apply( event, "partonicTops").particlesByPt(); FourMomentum top, tbar; bool foundT = false, foundTBar = false; for (const Particle& ptop : partonicTops) { const int pid = ptop.pid(); if (pid == PID::TQUARK) { top = ptop.momentum(); foundT = true; } else if (pid == -PID::TQUARK) { tbar = ptop.momentum(); foundTBar = true; } } FourMomentum t1_parton, t2_parton, ttbar_parton; if ( foundT && foundTBar ) { t1_parton = top.pT2() > tbar.pT2() ? top : tbar; t2_parton = top.pT2() > tbar.pT2() ? tbar : top; ttbar_parton = t1_parton + t2_parton; if ( t1_parton.pT() > 500*GeV && t2_parton.pT() > 350*GeV) { const double chi_parton = calcChi(t1_parton, t2_parton); const double cosThetaStar_parton = abs(calcCosThetaStar(t1_parton, t2_parton)); if (cosThetaStar_parton == -99) { MSG_DEBUG("ttbar going faster than light! Vetoing event. Try turning of partonic tops?"); vetoEvent; } const double pout_parton = abs(calcPout(t1_parton, t2_parton)); const double dPhi_parton = deltaPhi(t1_parton, t2_parton); const int randomChoice = rand() % 2; const FourMomentum& randomTopParton = (randomChoice == 0) ? t1_parton : t2_parton; fillParton("t_pt", randomTopParton.pT()/GeV, weight); fillParton("t_y", randomTopParton.absrap(), weight); fillParton("t1_pt", t1_parton.pT()/GeV, weight); fillParton("t1_y", t1_parton.absrap(), weight); fillParton("t2_pt", t2_parton.pT()/GeV, weight); fillParton("t2_y", t2_parton.absrap(), weight); fillParton("tt_m", ttbar_parton.mass()/GeV, weight); fillParton("tt_pt", ttbar_parton.pT()/GeV, weight); fillParton("tt_Ht", (t1_parton.pT() + t2_parton.pT())/GeV, weight); fillParton("tt_y", ttbar_parton.absrap(), weight); fillParton("tt_yboost", 0.5 * abs(t1_parton.rapidity() + t2_parton.rapidity()), weight); fillParton("tt_chi", chi_parton, weight); fillParton("tt_cosThStar", cosThetaStar_parton, weight); fillParton("tt_pout", pout_parton/GeV, weight); fillParton("tt_dPhi", dPhi_parton, weight); } } } // Get and veto on dressed leptons const vector dressedElectrons = apply(event, "elecs").dressedLeptons(); const vector dressedMuons = apply(event, "muons").dressedLeptons(); if (!dressedElectrons.empty()) vetoEvent; if (!dressedMuons.empty()) vetoEvent; // Get jets const Jets& all_jets = apply( event, "jets").jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 25*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.5); const FastJets& ljets_fj = apply( event, "ljets"); const Jets all_ljets = ljets_fj.jetsByPt(); // Trim the large-R jets Jets trimmedJets; fastjet::Filter trimmer(fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, 0.2), fastjet::SelectorPtFractionMin(0.05)); for (const Jet& jet : all_ljets) trimmedJets += ljets_fj.trimJet(jet, trimmer); trimmedJets = sortByPt(trimmedJets); // Check large-R jets Jets ljets; vector b_tagged; for (const Jet& jet : trimmedJets) { if (jet.pT() < 250 * GeV) continue; if (jet.pT() > 3000 * GeV) continue; if (jet.mass() > jet.pT()) continue; if (jet.abseta() > 2.0 ) continue; ljets += jet; b_tagged += jet.bTagged(); } if (all_jets.size() < 2) vetoEvent; if (ljets.size() < 2) vetoEvent; // Identify top and anti top, compute some event variables const FourMomentum ttbar = ljets[0].momentum() + ljets[1].momentum(); const FourMomentum t1 = ljets[0].momentum(); const FourMomentum t2 = ljets[1].momentum(); const double chi = calcChi(t1, t2); const double cosThetaStar = abs(calcCosThetaStar(t1, t2)); if (cosThetaStar == -99) { MSG_DEBUG("real ttbar going faster than light! This should not happen. Vetoing event."); vetoEvent; } const double pout = abs(calcPout(t1, t2)); const double dPhi = deltaPhi(t1, t2); if ( t2.pT() < 350*GeV) vetoEvent; if ( t1.pT() < 500*GeV) vetoEvent; // b-tagging for particle done on large-R jets if (!(b_tagged[0] && b_tagged[1])) vetoEvent; // Continues with signal region cuts if ( abs(t1.mass() - 172.5 * GeV) > 50*GeV ) vetoEvent; if ( abs(t2.mass() - 172.5 * GeV) > 50*GeV ) vetoEvent; _h["inclusive"]->fill(0, weight); fillHistograms("t1_pt", t1.pT()/GeV, weight); fillHistograms("t1_y", t1.absrap(), weight); fillHistograms("t2_pt", t2.pT()/GeV, weight); fillHistograms("t2_y", t2.absrap(), weight); fillHistograms("tt_m", ttbar.mass()/TeV, weight); fillHistograms("tt_pt", ttbar.pT()/GeV, weight); fillHistograms("tt_Ht", (t1.pT() + t2.pT())/GeV, weight); fillHistograms("tt_y", ttbar.absrap(), weight); fillHistograms("tt_yboost", 0.5 * abs(t1.rapidity() + t2.rapidity()), weight); fillHistograms("tt_chi", chi, weight); fillHistograms("tt_cosThStar", cosThetaStar, weight); fillHistograms("tt_pout", pout/GeV, weight); fillHistograms("tt_dPhi", dPhi, weight); } void finalize() { // Normalize histograms const double sf = crossSection() / sumOfWeights(); for (auto &hist : _h) { scale(hist.second, sf); if ((hist.first.find("_norm") != string::npos) && hist.second->integral(false)>0) hist.second->normalize(1.0, false); } } double calcChi(const FourMomentum& t1, const FourMomentum& t2) { double ystar = 0.5 * (t1.rapidity()-t2.rapidity()); double chi = exp( 2 * abs(ystar)); return chi; } double calcCosThetaStar(const FourMomentum& t1, const FourMomentum& t2) { FourMomentum ttbar = t1 + t2; LorentzTransform centreOfMassTrans; ttbar.setX(0); ttbar.setY(0); if (ttbar.betaVec().mod2() > 1){ return -99; } centreOfMassTrans.setBetaVec( -ttbar.boostVector() ); FourMomentum t1_star = centreOfMassTrans.transform(t1); - double cosThetaStar = t1_star.pz()/t1_star.p3().mod(); + double cosThetaStar; + if (t1_star.p3().mod2() >= 0){ + cosThetaStar = t1_star.pz()/t1_star.p3().mod(); + } else { + return -99; + } return cosThetaStar; } double calcPout(const FourMomentum& t1, const FourMomentum& t2) { Vector3 t1V = t1.p3(); Vector3 t2V = t2.p3(); Vector3 zUnit = Vector3(0., 0., 1.); Vector3 vPerp = zUnit.cross(t1V); double pout = vPerp.dot(t2V)/vPerp.mod(); return pout; } protected: size_t _mode; private: map _h; //some functions for booking, filling and scaling the histograms void fillHistograms(std::string name, double value, double weight) { _h[name]->fill(value, weight); _h[name + "_norm"]->fill(value, weight); } void fillParton(std::string name, double value, double weight) { _h[name + "_parton"]->fill(value, weight); _h[name + "_parton_norm"]->fill(value, weight); } void bookHistograms(const std::string name, unsigned int index, bool onlyParton = false) { if (!onlyParton) { _h[name] = bookHisto1D(index, 1, 1 ); _h[name + "_norm"] = bookHisto1D(index + 13, 1, 1 ); } if (_mode != 0) { _h[name + "_parton"] = bookHisto1D(index + 82, 1, 1 ); _h[name + "_parton_norm"] = bookHisto1D(index + 97, 1, 1 ); } } }; DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ATLAS_2018_I1646686); }