diff --git a/src/Projections/FastJets.cc b/src/Projections/FastJets.cc --- a/src/Projections/FastJets.cc +++ b/src/Projections/FastJets.cc @@ -1,216 +1,227 @@ // -*- C++ -*- #include "Rivet/Config/RivetCommon.hh" #include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/HeavyHadrons.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/TauFinder.hh" namespace Rivet { void FastJets::_initBase() { setName("FastJets"); addProjection(HeavyHadrons(), "HFHadrons"); addProjection(TauFinder(TauFinder::HADRONIC), "Taus"); + + // Print/hide FJ banner + // fastjet::ClusterSequence::fastjet_banner_stream() = XXXX; + cout.setstate(std::ios_base::badbit); + fastjet::ClusterSequence::print_banner(); + std::cout.clear(); + // std::streambuf* cout_sbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); // save original sbuf + // std::ofstream fout("/dev/null"); + // std::cout.rdbuf(fout.rdbuf()); // redirect 'cout' to a 'fout' + // fastjet::ClusterSequence::print_banner(); + // std::cout.rdbuf(cout_sbuf); // restore the original stream buffer } void FastJets::_initJdef(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold) { MSG_DEBUG("JetAlg = " << alg); MSG_DEBUG("R parameter = " << rparameter); MSG_DEBUG("Seed threshold = " << seed_threshold); if (alg == KT) { _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme); } else if (alg == CAM) { _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme); } else if (alg == ANTIKT) { _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme); } else if (alg == DURHAM) { _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::ee_kt_algorithm, fastjet::E_scheme); } else if (alg == GENKTEE) { _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::ee_genkt_algorithm, rparameter, -1); } else { // Plugins: if (alg == SISCONE) { const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.75; _plugin.reset(new fastjet::SISConePlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD)); } else if (alg == PXCONE) { string msg = "Using own c++ version of PxCone, since FastJet doesn't install it by default. "; msg += "Please notify the Rivet authors if this behaviour should be changed."; MSG_WARNING(msg); // _plugin.reset(new fastjet::PxConePlugin(rparameter)); _plugin.reset(new Rivet::PxConePlugin(rparameter)); } else if (alg == ATLASCONE) { const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5; _plugin.reset(new fastjet::ATLASConePlugin(rparameter, seed_threshold, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD)); } else if (alg == CMSCONE) { _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CMSIterativeConePlugin(rparameter, seed_threshold)); } else if (alg == CDFJETCLU) { const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.75; _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, seed_threshold)); } else if (alg == CDFMIDPOINT) { const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5; _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CDFMidPointPlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, seed_threshold)); } else if (alg == D0ILCONE) { const double min_jet_Et = 6.0; _plugin.reset(new fastjet::D0RunIIConePlugin(rparameter, min_jet_Et)); } else if (alg == JADE) { _plugin.reset(new fastjet::JadePlugin()); } else if (alg == TRACKJET) { _plugin.reset(new fastjet::TrackJetPlugin(rparameter)); } _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(_plugin.get()); } } int FastJets::compare(const Projection& p) const { const FastJets& other = dynamic_cast(p); return \ cmp(_useMuons, other._useMuons) || cmp(_useInvisibles, other._useInvisibles) || mkNamedPCmp(other, "FS") || cmp(_jdef.jet_algorithm(), other._jdef.jet_algorithm()) || cmp(_jdef.recombination_scheme(), other._jdef.recombination_scheme()) || cmp(_jdef.plugin(), other._jdef.plugin()) || cmp(_jdef.R(), other._jdef.R()) || cmp(_adef, other._adef); } // STATIC PseudoJets FastJets::mkClusterInputs(const Particles& fsparticles, const Particles& tagparticles) { PseudoJets pjs; /// @todo Use FastJet3's UserInfo system to store Particle pointers directly? // Store 4 vector data about each particle into FastJet's PseudoJets for (size_t i = 0; i < fsparticles.size(); ++i) { fastjet::PseudoJet pj = fsparticles[i]; pj.set_user_index(i+1); pjs.push_back(pj); } // And the same for ghost tagging particles (with negative user indices) for (size_t i = 0; i < tagparticles.size(); ++i) { fastjet::PseudoJet pj = tagparticles[i]; pj *= 1e-20; ///< Ghostify the momentum pj.set_user_index(-i-1); pjs.push_back(pj); } return pjs; } // STATIC Jet FastJets::mkJet(const PseudoJet& pj, const Particles& fsparticles, const Particles& tagparticles) { const PseudoJets pjconstituents = pj.constituents(); Particles constituents, tags; constituents.reserve(pjconstituents.size()); for (const fastjet::PseudoJet& pjc : pjconstituents) { // Pure ghosts don't have corresponding particles if (pjc.has_area() && pjc.is_pure_ghost()) continue; // Default user index = 0 doesn't give valid particle lookup if (pjc.user_index() == 0) continue; // Split by index sign into constituent & tag lookup if (pjc.user_index() > 0) { // Find constituents if index > 0 const size_t i = pjc.user_index() - 1; if (i >= fsparticles.size()) throw RangeError("FS particle lookup failed in jet construction"); constituents.push_back(fsparticles.at(i)); } else if (!tagparticles.empty()) { // Find tags if index < 0 const size_t i = abs(pjc.user_index()) - 1; if (i >= tagparticles.size()) throw RangeError("Tag particle lookup failed in jet construction"); tags.push_back(tagparticles.at(i)); } } return Jet(pj, constituents, tags); } // STATIC Jets FastJets::mkJets(const PseudoJets& pjs, const Particles& fsparticles, const Particles& tagparticles) { Jets rtn; rtn.reserve(pjs.size()); for (const PseudoJet pj : pjs) { rtn.push_back(FastJets::mkJet(pj, fsparticles, tagparticles)); } return rtn; } void FastJets::project(const Event& e) { // Assemble final state particles const string fskey = (_useInvisibles == JetAlg::NO_INVISIBLES) ? "VFS" : "FS"; Particles fsparticles = applyProjection(e, fskey).particles(); // Remove prompt invisibles if needed (already done by VFS if using NO_INVISIBLES) if (_useInvisibles == JetAlg::DECAY_INVISIBLES) { ifilter_discard(fsparticles, [](const Particle& p) { return !(p.isVisible() || p.fromDecay()); }); } // Remove prompt/all muons if needed if (_useMuons == JetAlg::DECAY_MUONS) { ifilter_discard(fsparticles, [](const Particle& p) { return isMuon(p) && !p.fromDecay(); }); } else if (_useMuons == JetAlg::NO_MUONS) { ifilter_discard(fsparticles, isMuon); } // Tagging particles const Particles chadrons = applyProjection(e, "HFHadrons").cHadrons(); const Particles bhadrons = applyProjection(e, "HFHadrons").bHadrons(); const Particles taus = applyProjection(e, "Taus").particles(); calc(fsparticles, chadrons+bhadrons+taus); } void FastJets::calc(const Particles& fsparticles, const Particles& tagparticles) { MSG_DEBUG("Finding jets from " << fsparticles.size() << " input particles + " << tagparticles.size() << " tagging particles"); _fsparticles = fsparticles; _tagparticles = tagparticles; // Make pseudojets, with mapping info to Rivet FS and tag particles PseudoJets pjs = mkClusterInputs(_fsparticles, _tagparticles); // Run either basic or area-calculating cluster sequence as reqd. if (_adef) { _cseq.reset(new fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea(pjs, _jdef, *_adef)); } else { _cseq.reset(new fastjet::ClusterSequence(pjs, _jdef)); } MSG_DEBUG("ClusterSequence constructed; Njets_tot = " << _cseq->inclusive_jets().size() << ", Njets(pT > 10 GeV) = " << _cseq->inclusive_jets(10*GeV).size()); } void FastJets::reset() { _yscales.clear(); _fsparticles.clear(); _tagparticles.clear(); /// @todo _cseq = fastjet::ClusterSequence(); } Jets FastJets::_jets() const { /// @todo Cache? return mkJets(pseudojets(), _fsparticles, _tagparticles); } /// @todo "Automate" trimming as part of project() with pre-registered Filters Jet FastJets::trimJet(const Jet& input, const fastjet::Filter& trimmer) const { if (input.pseudojet().associated_cluster_sequence() != clusterSeq().get()) throw Error("To trim a Rivet::Jet, its associated PseudoJet must have come from this FastJets' ClusterSequence"); PseudoJet pj = trimmer(input); return mkJet(pj, _fsparticles, _tagparticles); } PseudoJets FastJets::pseudoJets(double ptmin) const { return clusterSeq() ? clusterSeq()->inclusive_jets(ptmin) : PseudoJets(); } }