diff --git a/app/PrepareNuwroEvents.cxx b/app/PrepareNuwroEvents.cxx index 2f777b9..807d547 100644 --- a/app/PrepareNuwroEvents.cxx +++ b/app/PrepareNuwroEvents.cxx @@ -1,492 +1,503 @@ #include "event1.h" #include #include // Hopefully we don't need these as they're included above. // #include "params_all.h" // #include "params.h" #include "FitLogger.h" #include "PlotUtils.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TTree.h" void printInputCommands(char *argv[]) { std::cout << "[USAGE]: " << argv[0] << " [-h] [-f] [-F ,[,PDG[,speciesFraction]] [-o output.root] " "inputfile.root [file2.root ...]" << std::endl << "\t-h : Print this message." << std::endl << "\t-f : Pass -f argument to '$ hadd' invocation." << std::endl << "\t-F : Read input flux from input descriptor." << std::endl << "\t-o : Write full output to a new file." << std::endl << std::endl; }; void CreateRateHistograms(std::string inputs, bool force_out); void HaddNuwroFiles(std::vector &inputs, bool force_out); bool outputNewFile = false; std::string ofile = ""; bool haveFluxInputs = false; struct FluxInputBlob { FluxInputBlob(std::string _File, std::string _Hist, int _PDG, double _Fraction) : File(_File), Hist(_Hist), PDG(_PDG), Fraction(_Fraction) {} std::string File; std::string Hist; int PDG; double Fraction; }; std::vector FluxInputs; bool haddedFiles = false; TH1D *F2D(TH1F *f) { Double_t *bins = new Double_t[f->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1]; for (Int_t bi_it = 0; bi_it < f->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++bi_it) { bins[bi_it] = f->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(bi_it + 1); } bins[f->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()] = f->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(f->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()); TH1D *d = new TH1D((std::string(f->GetName()) + "_f").c_str(), f->GetTitle(), f->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(), bins); std::cout << "Converted TH1F with " << f->GetXaxis()->GetXbins() << " bins : " << std::endl; for (Int_t bi_it = 0; bi_it < f->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 2; ++bi_it) { d->SetBinContent(bi_it, f->GetBinContent(bi_it)); d->SetBinError(bi_it, f->GetBinError(bi_it)); std::cout << "\tF " << f->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(bi_it) << "--[" << bi_it << "]--" << f->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(bi_it) << ": " << f->GetBinContent(bi_it) << " D " << d->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(bi_it) << "--[" << bi_it << "]--" << d->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(bi_it) << ": " << d->GetBinContent(bi_it) << std::endl; } delete bins; return d; } TH1D *GetTH1DFromFile(std::string const &rootFile, std::string const &histName) { TFile *inpFile = new TFile(rootFile.c_str(), "READ"); if (!inpFile || !inpFile->IsOpen()) { NUIS_ABORT("Cannot open input root file: " << rootFile << " to read input histo."); } TH1D *histD = dynamic_cast(inpFile->Get(histName.c_str())); if (!histD) { TH1F *histF = dynamic_cast(inpFile->Get(histName.c_str())); if (!histF) { NUIS_ABORT("Cannot find TH1D/F: " << histName << " in root file: " << rootFile << "."); } histD = F2D(histF); } else { histD = static_cast(histD->Clone()); } histD->SetDirectory(NULL); inpFile->Close(); return histD; } //******************************* int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //******************************* // If No Arguments print commands if (argc == 1) { printInputCommands(argv); return 0; } + + int verbocount = 0; + int errorcount = 0; + verbocount += Config::GetParI("VERBOSITY"); + errorcount += Config::GetParI("ERROR"); + bool trace = Config::GetParB("TRACE"); + std::cout << "[ NUISANCE ]: Setting VERBOSITY=" << verbocount << std::endl; + std::cout << "[ NUISANCE ]: Setting ERROR=" << errorcount << std::endl; + SETVERBOSITY(verbocount); + SETTRACE(trace); + std::vector inputfiles; bool force_output = false; // Get Inputs for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (!std::strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { printInputCommands(argv); return 0; } else if (!std::strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) { force_output = true; } else if (!std::strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) { outputNewFile = true; ofile = argv[++i]; } else if (!std::strcmp(argv[i], "-F")) { std::string inpLine = argv[++i]; std::vector fluxInputDescriptor = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(inpLine, ","); if ((fluxInputDescriptor.size() != 2) && (fluxInputDescriptor.size() != 3) && (fluxInputDescriptor.size() != 4)) { NUIS_ABORT("Received -F argument with option: \"" << inpLine << "\", was expecting " ",[,PDG[,speciesFraction]]."); } haveFluxInputs = true; FluxInputs.push_back( FluxInputBlob(fluxInputDescriptor[0], fluxInputDescriptor[1], (fluxInputDescriptor.size() > 2) ? GeneralUtils::StrToInt(fluxInputDescriptor[2]) : 14, (fluxInputDescriptor.size() > 3) ? GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(fluxInputDescriptor[3]) : 1)); if (!FluxInputs.back().File.length() || !FluxInputs.back().Hist.length()) { NUIS_ABORT("Received -F argument with option: \"" << inpLine << "\", was expecting " ",[,PDG[,speciesFraction]]."); } } else { inputfiles.push_back(std::string(argv[i])); } } // If one input file just create flux histograms if (inputfiles.size() > (UInt_t)1) { HaddNuwroFiles(inputfiles, force_output); } else if (inputfiles.size() < (UInt_t)1) { printInputCommands(argv); } CreateRateHistograms(inputfiles[0], force_output); NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Finished NUWRO Prep."); }; //******************************* void CreateRateHistograms(std::string inputs, bool force_out) { //******************************* // Open root file TFile *outRootFile = 0; TTree *nuwrotree = 0; if (!haddedFiles && outputNewFile) { // we need to make the new file and clone the tree. TFile *inpFile = new TFile(inputs.c_str(), "READ"); if (!inpFile || !inpFile->IsOpen()) { NUIS_ABORT("Cannot open input root file: " << inputs); } TTree *inpTree = dynamic_cast(inpFile->Get("treeout")); if (!inpTree) { NUIS_ABORT("Cannot find TTree \"treeout\" in input root file: " << inputs.c_str()); } outRootFile = new TFile(ofile.c_str(), force_out ? "RECREATE" : "CREATE"); if (!outRootFile || !outRootFile->IsOpen()) { NUIS_ABORT("Couldn't open root file: " << ofile << " for writing, does it already exist?"); } nuwrotree = inpTree->CloneTree(-1, "fast"); nuwrotree->SetDirectory(outRootFile); nuwrotree->Write(nuwrotree->GetName()); } else { outRootFile = new TFile(inputs.c_str(), "UPDATE"); if (!outRootFile || !outRootFile->IsOpen()) { NUIS_ABORT("Cannot open input root file: " << inputs); } nuwrotree = dynamic_cast(outRootFile->Get("treeout")); if (!nuwrotree) { NUIS_ABORT("Cannot find TTree \"treeout\" in input root file: " << inputs.c_str()); } } // Get Flux Histogram event *evt = new event(); nuwrotree->SetBranchAddress("e", &evt); nuwrotree->GetEntry(0); int fluxtype = evt->par.beam_type; std::map fluxlist; std::map eventlist; std::vector allpdg; std::map nevtlist; std::map intxseclist; // Did the input file have a mono-energetic flux? bool isMono = false; nevtlist[0] = 0.0; intxseclist[0] = 0.0; allpdg.push_back(0); NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Nuwro fluxtype = " << fluxtype); if (haveFluxInputs) { double totalFraction = 0; for (size_t flux_it = 0; flux_it < FluxInputs.size(); ++flux_it) { FluxInputBlob &fb = FluxInputs[flux_it]; int pdg = fb.PDG; TH1D *fluxHist = GetTH1DFromFile(fb.File, fb.Hist); double pctg = fb.Fraction; totalFraction += pctg; double Elow = fluxHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1); double Ehigh = fluxHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge( fluxHist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1); NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Adding new nuwro flux " << "pdg: " << pdg << " pctg: " << pctg << " Elow: " << Elow << " Ehigh: " << Ehigh); // Sort total flux plot if (!fluxlist[0]) { // Setup total flux fluxlist[0] = (TH1D *)fluxHist->Clone(); fluxlist[0]->SetNameTitle("FluxHist", "FluxHist"); // Prep empty total events eventlist[0] = (TH1D *)fluxHist->Clone(); eventlist[0]->SetNameTitle("EvtHist", "EvtHist"); eventlist[0]->Reset(); } else { // Add up each new plot fluxlist[0]->Add(fluxHist); } fluxHist->SetNameTitle(Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Flux", pdg, pctg), Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Flux", pdg, pctg)); TH1D *eventplot = (TH1D *)fluxHist->Clone(); eventplot->SetNameTitle(Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Evt", pdg, pctg), Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Evt", pdg, pctg)); eventplot->Reset(); fluxlist[pdg] = (TH1D *)fluxHist->Clone(); eventlist[pdg] = eventplot; nevtlist[pdg] = 0; intxseclist[pdg] = 0.0; allpdg.push_back(pdg); delete fluxHist; } if (fabs(totalFraction - 1) > 1E-5) { NUIS_ABORT("Total species fraction for input flux histos = " << totalFraction << ", expected to sum to 1."); } } else if (fluxtype == 0) { std::string fluxstring = evt->par.beam_energy; std::vector fluxvals = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(fluxstring, " "); int pdg = evt->par.beam_particle; double Elow = double(fluxvals[0]) / 1000.0; double Ehigh = double(fluxvals[1]) / 1000.0; TH1D *fluxplot = NULL; if (Elow > Ehigh) isMono = true; // For files produced with a flux distribution if (!isMono) { NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Adding new nuwro flux " << "pdg: " << pdg << " Elow: " << Elow << " Ehigh: " << Ehigh); fluxplot = new TH1D("fluxplot", "fluxplot", fluxvals.size() - 4, Elow, Ehigh); for (uint j = 2; j < fluxvals.size(); j++) { NUIS_LOG(DEB, j << " " << fluxvals[j]); fluxplot->SetBinContent(j - 1, fluxvals[j]); } } else { // For monoenergetic fluxes NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Adding mono-energetic nuwro flux " << "pdg: " << pdg << " E: " << Elow); fluxplot = new TH1D("fluxplot", "fluxplot", 100, 0, Elow * 2); fluxplot->SetBinContent(fluxplot->FindBin(Elow), 1); } // Setup total flux fluxlist[0] = (TH1D *)fluxplot->Clone(); fluxlist[0]->SetNameTitle("FluxHist", "FluxHist"); // Prep empty total events eventlist[0] = (TH1D *)fluxplot->Clone(); eventlist[0]->SetNameTitle("EvtHist", "EvtHist"); eventlist[0]->Reset(); fluxplot->SetNameTitle(Form("nuwro_pdg%i_Flux", pdg), Form("nuwro_pdg%i_Flux", pdg)); TH1D *eventplot = (TH1D *)fluxplot->Clone(); eventplot->SetNameTitle(Form("nuwro_pdg%i_Evt", pdg), Form("nuwro_pdg%i_Evt", pdg)); eventplot->Reset(); fluxlist[pdg] = fluxplot; eventlist[pdg] = eventplot; nevtlist[pdg] = 0; intxseclist[pdg] = 0.0; allpdg.push_back(pdg); } else if (fluxtype == 1) { std::string fluxstring = evt->par.beam_content; std::vector fluxlines = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(fluxstring, "\n"); for (uint i = 0; i < fluxlines.size(); i++) { std::vector fluxvals = GeneralUtils::ParseToDbl(fluxlines[i], " "); int pdg = int(fluxvals[0]); double pctg = double(fluxvals[1]) / 100.0; double Elow = double(fluxvals[2]) / 1000.0; double Ehigh = double(fluxvals[3]) / 1000.0; NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Adding new nuwro flux " << "pdg: " << pdg << " pctg: " << pctg << " Elow: " << Elow << " Ehigh: " << Ehigh); TH1D *fluxplot = new TH1D("fluxplot", "fluxplot", fluxvals.size() - 4, Elow, Ehigh); for (uint j = 4; j < fluxvals.size(); j++) { fluxplot->SetBinContent(j + 1, fluxvals[j]); } // Sort total flux plot if (!fluxlist[0]) { // Setup total flux fluxlist[0] = (TH1D *)fluxplot->Clone(); fluxlist[0]->SetNameTitle("FluxHist", "FluxHist"); // Prep empty total events eventlist[0] = (TH1D *)fluxplot->Clone(); eventlist[0]->SetNameTitle("EvtHist", "EvtHist"); eventlist[0]->Reset(); } else { // Add up each new plot fluxlist[0]->Add(fluxplot); } fluxplot->SetNameTitle(Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Flux", pdg, pctg), Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Flux", pdg, pctg)); TH1D *eventplot = (TH1D *)fluxplot->Clone(); eventplot->SetNameTitle(Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Evt", pdg, pctg), Form("nuwro_pdg%i_pct%f_Evt", pdg, pctg)); eventplot->Reset(); fluxlist[pdg] = fluxplot; eventlist[pdg] = eventplot; nevtlist[pdg] = 0; intxseclist[pdg] = 0.0; allpdg.push_back(pdg); } } // Start main event loop to fill plots int nevents = nuwrotree->GetEntries(); double Enu = 0.0; double TotXSec = 0.0; // double totaleventmode = 0.0; // double totalevents = 0.0; int pdg = 0; int countwidth = nevents / 50.0; countwidth = countwidth ? countwidth : 1; for (int i = 0; i < nevents; i++) { nuwrotree->GetEntry(i); // Get Variables Enu = evt->in[0].t / 1000.0; TotXSec = evt->weight; pdg = evt->in[0].pdg; eventlist[0]->Fill(Enu); eventlist[pdg]->Fill(Enu); nevtlist[0] += 1; nevtlist[pdg] += 1; intxseclist[0] += TotXSec; intxseclist[pdg] += TotXSec; if (i % countwidth == 0) { NUIS_LOG(FIT, "Processed " << i << " events " << " (" << int(i * 100.0 / nevents) << "%)" << " : E, W, PDG = " << Enu << ", " << TotXSec << ", " << pdg) } } TH1D *zeroevents = (TH1D *)eventlist[0]->Clone(); outRootFile->cd(); // Loop over eventlist for (uint i = 0; i < allpdg.size(); i++) { int pdg = allpdg[i]; double AvgXSec = intxseclist[0] * 1E38 / double(nevtlist[0]); NUIS_LOG(FIT, pdg << " Avg XSec = " << AvgXSec); NUIS_LOG(FIT, pdg << " nevents = " << double(nevtlist[pdg])); if (!isMono) { // Convert events to PDF eventlist[pdg]->Scale(1.0 / zeroevents->Integral("width")); // Multiply by total predicted event rate eventlist[pdg]->Scale(fluxlist[0]->Integral("width") * AvgXSec); } else { // If a mono-energetic flux was used, width should not be used // The output is (now) forced to be flux = 1, evtrt = xsec (in 1E38 * nb // cm^2) eventlist[pdg]->Scale(1.0 / zeroevents->Integral()); eventlist[pdg]->Scale(fluxlist[0]->Integral() * AvgXSec); } // Save everything fluxlist[pdg]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite); eventlist[pdg]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite); } // Tidy up outRootFile->Close(); fluxlist.clear(); eventlist.clear(); // Exit Program return; } //******************************* void HaddNuwroFiles(std::vector &inputs, bool force_out) { //******************************* // Get output file name std::string outputname = inputs[0]; // Make command line string std::string cmd = "hadd "; if (outputNewFile) { cmd += ofile + " "; outputname = ofile; } else if (force_out) { cmd += "-f "; } for (UInt_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { cmd += inputs[i] + " "; } NUIS_LOG(FIT, " Running HADD from PrepareNuwro: " << cmd); // Start HADD system(cmd.c_str()); // Return name of output file inputs.clear(); inputs.push_back(outputname); haddedFiles = true; return; }