diff --git a/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightCalcs.cxx b/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightCalcs.cxx index 4dac738..bd76c00 100644 --- a/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightCalcs.cxx +++ b/src/Reweight/NUISANCEWeightCalcs.cxx @@ -1,349 +1,346 @@ #include "NUISANCEWeightCalcs.h" ModeNormCalc::ModeNormCalc(){ fNormRES = 1.0; } double ModeNormCalc::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) { FitEvent* fevt = static_cast(evt); int mode = abs(fevt->Mode); double w = 1.0; if (mode == 11 or mode == 12 or mode == 13){ w *= fNormRES; } return w; } void ModeNormCalc::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) { SetDialValue(Reweight::ConvDial(name, kCUSTOM), val); } void ModeNormCalc::SetDialValue(int rwenum, double val) { int curenum = rwenum % 1000; // Check Handled if (!IsHandled(curenum)) return; if (curenum == kModeNorm_NormRES) fNormRES = val; } bool ModeNormCalc::IsHandled(int rwenum) { int curenum = rwenum % 1000; switch (curenum) { case kModeNorm_NormRES: return true; default: return false; } } GaussianModeCorr::GaussianModeCorr() { // Init fApply_CCQE = false; fGausVal_CCQE[kPosNorm] = 0.0; fGausVal_CCQE[kPosTilt] = 0.0; fGausVal_CCQE[kPosPq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_CCQE[kPosWq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_CCQE[kPosPq3] = 1.0; fGausVal_CCQE[kPosWq3] = 1.0; fApply_2p2h = false; fGausVal_2p2h[kPosNorm] = 0.0; fGausVal_2p2h[kPosTilt] = 0.0; fGausVal_2p2h[kPosPq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h[kPosWq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h[kPosPq3] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h[kPosWq3] = 1.0; fApply_2p2h_PPandNN = false; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[kPosNorm] = 0.0; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[kPosTilt] = 0.0; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[kPosPq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[kPosWq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[kPosPq3] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[kPosWq3] = 1.0; fApply_2p2h_NP = false; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[kPosNorm] = 0.0; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[kPosTilt] = 0.0; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[kPosPq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[kPosWq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[kPosPq3] = 1.0; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[kPosWq3] = 1.0; fApply_CC1pi = false; fGausVal_CC1pi[kPosNorm] = 0.0; fGausVal_CC1pi[kPosTilt] = 0.0; fGausVal_CC1pi[kPosPq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_CC1pi[kPosWq0] = 1.0; fGausVal_CC1pi[kPosPq3] = 1.0; fGausVal_CC1pi[kPosWq3] = 1.0; fAllowSuppression = false; fDebugStatements = FitPar::Config().GetParB("GaussianModeCorr_DEBUG"); } double GaussianModeCorr::CalcWeight(BaseFitEvt* evt) { FitEvent* fevt = static_cast(evt); double rw_weight = 1.0; // Get Neutrino if (!fevt->Npart()){ THROW("NO particles found in stack!"); } FitParticle* pnu = fevt->PartInfo(0); if (!pnu){ THROW("NO Starting particle found in stack!"); } int pdgnu = pnu->fPID; FitParticle* plep = fevt->GetHMFSParticle(abs(pdgnu) - 1); if (!plep) return 1.0; TLorentzVector q = pnu->fP - plep->fP; // Extra q0,q3 double q0 = fabs(q.E()) / 1.E3; double q3 = fabs(q.Vect().Mag()) / 1.E3; int initialstate = -1; // Undef if (abs(fevt->Mode) == 2) { int npr = 0; int nne = 0; for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fevt->Npart(); j++) { if ((fevt->PartInfo(j))->fIsAlive) continue; if (fevt->PartInfo(j)->fPID == 2212) npr++; else if (fevt->PartInfo(j)->fPID == 2112) nne++; } // std::cout << "PN State = " << npr << " " << nne << std::endl; if (fevt->Mode == 2 and npr == 1 and nne == 1) { initialstate = 2; } else if (fevt->Mode == 2 and ((npr == 0 and nne == 2) or (npr == 2 and nne == 0))) { initialstate = 1; } } // std::cout << "Got q0 q3 = " << q0 << " " << q3 << std::endl; // Apply weighting if (fApply_CCQE and abs(fevt->Mode) == 1) { if (fDebugStatements) std::cout << "Getting CCQE Weight" << std::endl; double g = GetGausWeight(q0, q3, fGausVal_CCQE); if (g < 1.0) g = 1.0; rw_weight *= g; } if (fApply_2p2h and abs(fevt->Mode) == 2) { if (fDebugStatements) std::cout << "Getting 2p2h Weight" << std::endl; rw_weight *= GetGausWeight(q0, q3, fGausVal_2p2h); } if (fApply_2p2h_PPandNN and abs(fevt->Mode) == 2 and initialstate == 1) { if (fDebugStatements) std::cout << "Getting 2p2h PPandNN Weight" << std::endl; rw_weight *= GetGausWeight(q0, q3, fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN); } if (fApply_2p2h_NP and abs(fevt->Mode) == 2 and initialstate == 2) { if (fDebugStatements) std::cout << "Getting 2p2h NP Weight" << std::endl; rw_weight *= GetGausWeight(q0, q3, fGausVal_2p2h_NP); } if (fApply_CC1pi and abs(fevt->Mode) >= 11 and abs(fevt->Mode) <= 13) { if (fDebugStatements) std::cout << "Getting CC1pi Weight" << std::endl; rw_weight *= GetGausWeight(q0, q3, fGausVal_CC1pi); } // if (fDebugStatements) std::cout << "Returning Weight " << rw_weight << std::endl; return rw_weight; } double GaussianModeCorr::GetGausWeight(double q0, double q3, double vals[]) { // // CCQE Without Suppression // double Norm = 4.82788679036; // double Tilt = 2.3501416116; // double Pq0 = 0.363964889702; // double Wq0 = 0.133976806938; // double Pq3 = 0.431769740224; // double Wq3 = 0.207666663434; // // Also add for CCQE at the end // return (w > 1.0) ? w : 1.0; // // 2p2h with suppression // double Norm = 15.967; // double Tilt = -0.455655; // double Pq0 = 0.214598; // double Wq0 = 0.0291061; // double Pq3 = 0.480194; // double Wq3 = 0.134588; double Norm = vals[kPosNorm]; double Tilt = vals[kPosTilt]; double Pq0 = vals[kPosPq0]; double Wq0 = vals[kPosWq0]; double Pq3 = vals[kPosPq3]; double Wq3 = vals[kPosWq3]; double a = cos(Tilt) * cos(Tilt) / (2 * Wq0 * Wq0); a += sin(Tilt) * sin(Tilt) / (2 * Wq3 * Wq3); double b = - sin(2 * Tilt) / (4 * Wq0 * Wq0); b += sin(2 * Tilt) / (4 * Wq3 * Wq3); double c = sin(Tilt) * sin(Tilt) / (2 * Wq0 * Wq0); c += cos(Tilt) * cos(Tilt) / (2 * Wq3 * Wq3); double w = Norm; w *= exp(-a * (q0 - Pq0) * (q0 - Pq0)); w *= exp(+2.0 * b * (q0 - Pq0) * (q3 - Pq3)); w *= exp(-c * (q3 - Pq3) * (q3 - Pq3)); if (fDebugStatements) { std::cout << "Applied Tilt " << Tilt << " " << cos(Tilt) << " " << sin(Tilt) << std::endl; std::cout << "abc = " << a << " " << b << " " << c << std::endl; std::cout << "Returning " << Norm << " " << Pq0 << " " << Wq0 << " " << Pq3 << " " << Wq3 << " " << w << std::endl; } - // if (w != w || isnan(w)){ - // w = 0.0; - // } + if (w != w || isnan(w) || w < 0.0){ + w = 0.0; + } - if (w < 1.0){ - //std::cout << "REMOVING SUPRPESSION" << std::endl; + if (w < 1.0 and !fAllowSuppression){ w = 1.0; - } //else { - // std::cout << "W = " << w << std::endl; - // } - + } + return w; } void GaussianModeCorr::SetDialValue(std::string name, double val) { SetDialValue(Reweight::ConvDial(name, kCUSTOM), val); } void GaussianModeCorr::SetDialValue(int rwenum, double val) { int curenum = rwenum % 1000; // Check Handled if (!IsHandled(curenum)) return; // CCQE Setting for (int i = kGaussianCorr_CCQE_norm; i <= kGaussianCorr_CCQE_Wq3; i++) { if (i == curenum) { int index = i - kGaussianCorr_CCQE_norm; fGausVal_CCQE[index] = val; fApply_CCQE = true; } } // 2p2h Setting for (int i = kGaussianCorr_2p2h_norm; i <= kGaussianCorr_2p2h_Wq3; i++) { if (i == curenum) { int index = i - kGaussianCorr_2p2h_norm; fGausVal_2p2h[index] = val; fApply_2p2h = true; } } // 2p2h_PPandNN Setting for (int i = kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_norm; i <= kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_Wq3; i++) { if (i == curenum) { int index = i - kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_norm; fGausVal_2p2h_PPandNN[index] = val; fApply_2p2h_PPandNN = true; } } // 2p2h_NP Setting for (int i = kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_norm; i <= kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_Wq3; i++) { if (i == curenum) { int index = i - kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_norm; fGausVal_2p2h_NP[index] = val; fApply_2p2h_NP = true; } } // CC1pi Setting for (int i = kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_norm; i <= kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_Wq3; i++) { if (i == curenum) { int index = i - kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_norm; fGausVal_CC1pi[index] = val; fApply_CC1pi = true; } } if (curenum == kGaussianCorr_AllowSuppression){ fAllowSuppression = (val > 0.5); } } bool GaussianModeCorr::IsHandled(int rwenum) { int curenum = rwenum % 1000; switch (curenum) { case kGaussianCorr_CCQE_norm: case kGaussianCorr_CCQE_tilt: case kGaussianCorr_CCQE_Pq0: case kGaussianCorr_CCQE_Wq0: case kGaussianCorr_CCQE_Pq3: case kGaussianCorr_CCQE_Wq3: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_norm: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_tilt: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_Pq0: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_Wq0: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_Pq3: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_Wq3: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_norm: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_tilt: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_Pq0: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_Wq0: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_Pq3: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_PPandNN_Wq3: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_norm: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_tilt: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_Pq0: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_Wq0: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_Pq3: case kGaussianCorr_2p2h_NP_Wq3: case kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_norm: case kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_tilt: case kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_Pq0: case kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_Wq0: case kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_Pq3: case kGaussianCorr_CC1pi_Wq3: case kGaussianCorr_AllowSuppression: return true; default: return false; } }