diff --git a/cmake/ROOTSetup.cmake b/cmake/ROOTSetup.cmake index f6597a3..68347c7 100644 --- a/cmake/ROOTSetup.cmake +++ b/cmake/ROOTSetup.cmake @@ -1,170 +1,170 @@ # Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret ################################################################################ # This file is part of NUISANCE. # # NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with NUISANCE. If not, see . ################################################################################ if ( NOT DEFINED ENV{ROOTSYS} ) cmessage (FATAL_ERROR "$ROOTSYS is not defined, please set up ROOT first.") else() cmessage(STATUS "Using ROOT installed at $ENV{ROOTSYS}") set(CMAKE_ROOTSYS $ENV{ROOTSYS}) endif() # Get cflags from ROOT execute_process (COMMAND root-config --cflags OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_CXX_FLAGS_RAW OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) string(REPLACE " " ";" ROOT_CXX_FLAGS "${ROOT_CXX_FLAGS_RAW}") # Get libdir from ROOT execute_process (COMMAND root-config --libdir OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_LIBDIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # Get version from ROOT execute_process (COMMAND root-config --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # Get features from ROOT execute_process (COMMAND root-config --features OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_FEATURES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) LIST(APPEND EXTRA_LINK_DIRS ${ROOT_LIBDIR}) LIST(APPEND ROOT_LIBS Core Cint RIO XMLIO Net Hist Graf Graf3d Gpad Tree Rint Postscript Matrix Physics MathCore Thread EG Geom GenVector) +string(REGEX MATCH "6.*" ROOTVERSIXMATCH ${ROOT_VERSION}) +if(ROOTVERSIXMATCH) + cmessage(STATUS "Using ROOT6, We are essentially flying blind here.") + LIST(REMOVE_ITEM ROOT_LIBS Cint) + LIST(APPEND EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS -DROOT6_USE_FIT_FITTER_INTERFACE) + set(USE_ROOT6 True) +else() + string(REGEX MATCH "5.34/([0-9]+)" ROOTVERSMATCH ${ROOT_VERSION}) + if(NOT ROOTVERSMATCH OR ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} LESS "19") + cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "ROOT Version: ${ROOT_VERSION} has out of date minimizer interface, but minimizer functionality requested. Please configure with -DUSE_MINIMIZER=FALSE or update to 5.34/19 or greater to enable minimization features.") + endif() +endif() + if(USE_MINIMIZER) if("${ROOT_FEATURES}" MATCHES "minuit2") cmessage(STATUS "ROOT built with MINUIT2 support") LIST(APPEND EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS -D__MINUIT2_ENABLED__) else() cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "ROOT built without MINUIT2 support but minimizer functionality requested. Either configure with -DUSE_MINIMIZER=FALSE or use a version of ROOT with MINUIT2 support.") endif() - string(REGEX MATCH "6.*" ROOTVERSIXMATCH ${ROOT_VERSION}) - if(ROOTVERSIXMATCH) - cmessage(STATUS "Using ROOT6, We are essentially flying blind here.") - LIST(REMOVE_ITEM ROOT_LIBS Cint) - LIST(APPEND EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS -DROOT6_USE_FIT_FITTER_INTERFACE) - set(USE_ROOT6 True) - else() - string(REGEX MATCH "5.34/([0-9]+)" ROOTVERSMATCH ${ROOT_VERSION}) - if(NOT ROOTVERSMATCH OR ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} LESS "19") - cmessage(FATAL_ERROR "ROOT Version: ${ROOT_VERSION} has out of date minimizer interface, but minimizer functionality requested. Please configure with -DUSE_MINIMIZER=FALSE or update to 5.34/19 or greater to enable minimization features.") - endif() - endif() - endif() if("${ROOT_FEATURES}" MATCHES "opengl") cmessage(STATUS "ROOT built with OpenGL support") LIST(APPEND ROOT_LIBS RGL) endif() if(DEFINED NEED_ROOTPYTHIA6 AND NEED_ROOTPYTHIA6) LIST(APPEND ROOT_LIBS EGPythia6 Pythia6) endif() cmessage ( STATUS "[ROOT]: root-config --version: ${ROOT_VERSION} ") cmessage ( STATUS "[ROOT]: root-config --cflags : ${ROOT_CXX_FLAGS} ") cmessage ( STATUS "[ROOT]: root-config --libs : ${ROOT_LD_FLAGS} ") LIST(APPEND EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS ${ROOT_CXX_FLAGS}) #Helper functions for building dictionaries function(GenROOTDictionary OutputDictName Header LinkDef) get_directory_property(incdirs INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) string(REPLACE ";" ";-I" LISTDIRINCLUDES "-I${incdirs}") string(REPLACE " " ";" LISTCPPFLAGS "${EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS}") #ROOT5 CINT cannot handle it. list(REMOVE_ITEM LISTCPPFLAGS "-std=c++11") message(STATUS "LISTCPPFLAGS: ${LISTCPPFLAGS}") message(STATUS "LISTINCLUDES: ${LISTDIRINCLUDES}") #Learn how to generate the Dict.cxx and Dict.hxx add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${OutputDictName}.cxx" "${OutputDictName}.h" COMMAND rootcint ARGS -f ${OutputDictName}.cxx -c -p ${LISTDIRINCLUDES} ${LISTCPPFLAGS} ${Header} ${LinkDef} DEPENDS ${Header};${LinkDef}) endfunction() function(BuildROOTProject ProjectName InputFile CommaSeparatedClassesToDump LIBLINKMODE) string(REPLACE "," ";" HeadersToDump ${CommaSeparatedClassesToDump}) set(OUTPUTFILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectSource.cxx ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}LinkDef.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectHeaders.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectInstances.h) cmessage(STATUS "As part of ROOT project: ${ProjectName}") foreach (header ${HeadersToDump}) LIST(APPEND OUTPUTFILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${header}.h") cmessage(STATUS "Will generate: ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${header}.h") endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${OUTPUTFILES} COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/Utils/DumpROOTClassesFromVector ARGS ${InputFile} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName} ${CommaSeparatedClassesToDump} VERBATIM DEPENDS DumpROOTClassesFromVector) add_custom_target(${ProjectName}_sources DEPENDS ${OUTPUTFILES}) GenROOTDictionary( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectDict ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectHeaders.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}LinkDef.h ) add_custom_target(${ProjectName}ProjectDict DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectDict.cxx ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectDict.h ) # add_dependencies(${ProjectName}ProjectDict ${ProjectName}_sources) #ProjectSource.cxx includes ProjectDict.cxx, so no need to add to compilation. set(ROAA_SOURCEFILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ProjectName}/${ProjectName}ProjectSource.cxx) add_library(${ProjectName} ${LIBLINKMODE} ${ROAA_SOURCEFILES}) add_dependencies(${ProjectName} ${ProjectName}ProjectDict) endfunction()