diff --git a/src/T2K/T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np.cxx b/src/T2K/T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np.cxx index 3d2188a..30c4c6f 100644 --- a/src/T2K/T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np.cxx +++ b/src/T2K/T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np.cxx @@ -1,644 +1,647 @@ // Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret /******************************************************************************* * This file is part of NUISANCE. * * NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with NUISANCE. If not, see . *******************************************************************************/ #include "T2K_SignalDef.h" #include "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np.h" //******************************************************************** T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np:: T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np(nuiskey samplekey) { //******************************************************************** // Sample overview --------------------------------------------------- std::string descrip = "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np sample. \n" "Target: CH \n" "Flux: T2K 2.5 degree off-axis (ND280) \n" "Signal: CC0piNp (N>=0) with p_p>500MeV \n" "https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.98.032003 \n" "Data release: https://t2k-experiment.org/results/2018-transverse-cc0pi/ \n"; // Setup common settings fSettings = LoadSampleSettings(samplekey); fSettings.SetDescription(descrip); fSettings.SetXTitle("Bin number"); // fSettings.SetYTitle("d^{2}#sigma/dP_{#mu}dcos#theta_{#mu} (cm^{2}/GeV)"); fSettings.SetAllowedTypes("FULL,DIAG/FREE,SHAPE,FIX/SYSTCOV/STATCOV", "FIX/FULL"); fSettings.SetEnuRange(0.0, 10.0); fSettings.DefineAllowedTargets("C,H"); fAnalysis = 1; // CCQELike plot information fSettings.SetTitle(fName); fSettings.DefineAllowedSpecies("numu"); FinaliseSampleSettings(); //Set useCC0pi0p, useCC0pi1p, and useCC0piNp if (fName == "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np"){ useCC0pi0p = true; useCC0pi1p = true; useCC0piNp = true; } else if (fName == "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p"){ useCC0pi0p = true; useCC0pi1p = true; } else if (fName == "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p"){ useCC0pi0p = true; } else if (fName == "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_1p"){ useCC0pi1p = true; } // Scaling Setup --------------------------------------------------- // ScaleFactor automatically setup for DiffXSec/cm2/Nucleon // fScaleFactor = ((GetEventHistogram()->Integral("width")/(fNEvents+0.)) * // 1E-38 / (TotalIntegratedFlux())); fScaleFactor = ((GetEventHistogram()->Integral("width") / (fNEvents + 0.)) * 10 / (TotalIntegratedFlux())); // Setup Histograms SetHistograms(); // Final setup --------------------------------------------------- FinaliseMeasurement(); }; bool T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::isSignal(FitEvent *event) { // If looking at all subsamples, only requirement is that this is a CC0pi event if (useCC0pi0p && useCC0pi1p && useCC0piNp) return SignalDef::isCC0pi(event, 14, EnuMin, EnuMax); // Otherwise, evaluate each relevant signal definition separately if (useCC0pi0p && SignalDef::isT2K_CC0pi0p(event, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return true; if (useCC0pi1p && SignalDef::isT2K_CC0pi1p(event, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return true; if (useCC0piNp && SignalDef::isT2K_CC0piNp(event, EnuMin, EnuMax)) return true; // If you get here, the event has failed and is not signal return false; }; void T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::FillEventVariables( FitEvent *event) { if (event->NumFSParticle(13) == 0) return; TLorentzVector Pnu = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP; TLorentzVector Pmu = event->GetHMFSParticle(13)->fP; double pmu = Pmu.Vect().Mag()/1000.; double CosThetaMu = cos(Pnu.Vect().Angle(Pmu.Vect())); // Dummy proton variables if we don't have a proton double pp = -999; double CosThetaP = -999; // Check if we do have a proton and fill variables if (event->NumFSParticle(2212) > 0){ TLorentzVector Pp = event->GetHMFSParticle(2212)->fP; pp = Pp.Vect().Mag() / 1000.; CosThetaP = cos(Pnu.Vect().Angle(Pp.Vect())); } // How many protons above threshold? std::vector protons = event->GetAllFSProton(); int nProtonsAboveThresh = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < protons.size(); i++) { if (protons[i]->p() > 500) nProtonsAboveThresh++; } // Get bin number in total 1D histogram int binnumber = Get1DBin(nProtonsAboveThresh, pmu, CosThetaMu, pp, CosThetaP); // I'm hacking this to fit in the Measurement1D framework, but it's going to be super ugly - apologies... // The 1D histogram handled by NUISANCE is defined in terms of bin number, so that has to be fXVar // Actually needs to be binnumber-1 because it's treating it as a variable fXVar = binnumber-1; // Then fill variables so I can use them to fill the slice histograms in FillHistograms() fPP = pp; fPMu = pmu; fCosThetaP = CosThetaP; fCosThetaMu = CosThetaMu; fNp = nProtonsAboveThresh; // Also set mode so the mode histogram works Mode = event->Mode; return; }; void T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::FillHistograms() { Measurement1D::FillHistograms(); if (Signal) { // fMCHist_Fine2D->Fill(fXVar, fYVar, Weight); if (useCC0pi0p && fNp == 0){ fMCHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta->Fill(fCosThetaMu, Weight); } else if (useCC0pi1p && fNp == 1){ fMCHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta->Fill(fCosThetaMu, Weight); } FillMCSlice(fNp, fPMu, fCosThetaMu, fPP, fCosThetaP, Weight); } } void T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::FillMCSlice(int nProtonsAboveThresh, double pmu, double CosThetaMu, double pp, double CosThetaP, double w) { // Get slice number for 1D CosThetaMu slice int CosThetaMuSliceNo = GetCosThetaMuSlice(nProtonsAboveThresh, CosThetaMu); // If sliceno is valid (not negative), fill the relevant slice if (CosThetaMuSliceNo < 0) return; // CC0pi0p slices: fill with pmu if (useCC0pi0p && nProtonsAboveThresh == 0 && CosThetaMuSliceNo < 10){ fMCHist_Slices[CosThetaMuSliceNo]->Fill(pmu, w); } // CC0pi1p slices: fill with CosThetaP if (useCC0pi1p && nProtonsAboveThresh == 1){ - std::cout << CosThetaMuSliceNo << std::endl; fMCHist_Slices[CosThetaMuSliceNo]->Fill(CosThetaP, w); // If we're looking at CC0pi1p, also fill the CosThetaMu-CosThetaP slices with PP int CC0pi1p2DSliceNo = GetCC0pi1p2DSlice(nProtonsAboveThresh, CosThetaMu, CosThetaP); - std::cout << CC0pi1p2DSliceNo << std::endl; if (CC0pi1p2DSliceNo < 0) return; fMCHist_Slices[CC0pi1p2DSliceNo]->Fill(pp, w); } } void T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::SetHistograms() { // Read in 1D Data Histograms fInputFile = new TFile( (FitPar::GetDataBase() + "/T2K/CC0pi/STV/multidif_results.root") .c_str(), "READ"); // fInputFile->ls(); // Read in 1D Data TH1D *tempDataHist = (TH1D *)fInputFile->Get("Result"); // Read in covariance matrix TH2D *tempcov = (TH2D *)fInputFile->Get("CovarianceMatrix"); // The input data and covariance matrix include bins for CC0pi0p, CC0pi1p, and CC0piNp. We may not want them all if we only want to look at one or two of the sub-samples, so go through and only keep the bins we want // CC0pi0p: bins 1-60 -> 60 bins // CC0pi1p: bins 61-92 -> 32 bins // CC0piNp: bin 93 -> 1 bin int n_binskeep = 0; if (useCC0pi0p) n_binskeep += 60; if (useCC0pi1p) n_binskeep += 32; if (useCC0piNp) n_binskeep += 1; fDataHist = new TH1D("DataHist", tempDataHist->GetTitle(),n_binskeep,0,n_binskeep); fFullCovar = new TMatrixDSym(n_binskeep); int i_binskeep = 1; for (int i_allbins=1; i_allbinsGetNbinsX()+1; i_allbins++){ if ((i_allbins >=1 && i_allbins <=60) && !useCC0pi0p) continue; if ((i_allbins >= 61 && i_allbins <=92) && !useCC0pi1p) continue; if ((i_allbins == 93) && !useCC0piNp) continue; fDataHist->SetBinContent(i_binskeep,tempDataHist->GetBinContent(i_allbins)); fDataHist->SetBinError(i_binskeep,tempDataHist->GetBinError(i_allbins)); int j_binskeep = 1; for (int j_allbins = 1; j_allbins < tempDataHist->GetNbinsX()+1; j_allbins++){ if ((j_allbins >=1 && j_allbins <=60) && !useCC0pi0p) continue; if ((j_allbins >= 61 && j_allbins <=92) && !useCC0pi1p) continue; if ((j_allbins == 93) && !useCC0piNp) continue; // std::cout << i_allbins << ", " << j_allbins << " -- " << i_binskeep-1 << ", " << j_binskeep-1 << " -- " << tempcov->GetBinContent(i_allbins, j_allbins) << std::endl; (*fFullCovar)(i_binskeep-1,j_binskeep-1) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i_allbins, j_allbins)*1e38*1e38; j_binskeep++; } // end loop over j_allbins i_binskeep++; } covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar); fDecomp = StatUtils::GetDecomp(fFullCovar); // Make 1D data histogram TH1D *linearResult = new TH1D(*fDataHist); // Set name based on what subsamples we are looking at if (useCC0pi0p && useCC0pi1p && useCC0piNp){ linearResult->SetName("T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np_data"); } else if (useCC0pi0p && useCC0pi1p && !useCC0piNp){ linearResult->SetName("T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_data"); } else if (useCC0pi0p && !useCC0pi1p && !useCC0piNp){ linearResult->SetName("T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_data"); } else if (!useCC0pi0p && useCC0pi1p && !useCC0piNp){ linearResult->SetName("T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_1p_data"); } else{ linearResult->SetName("T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_data"); } SetAutoProcessTH1(linearResult, kCMD_Write); // Fine histograms - don't implement for now (this is copied from T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_3DPcoscos_nu) // fMCHist_Fine2D = new TH2D("T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np_Fine2D", // "T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np_Fine2D", // 400, 0.0, 30.0, 100, -1.0, 1.0); // SetAutoProcessTH1(fMCHist_Fine2D); // The code below converts a relative covariance matrix to an absolute one. I think the input is absolute so we don't need it, but come back to this if the results look weird // for (int i = 0; i < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < fDataHist->GetNbinsX(); j++) { // //(*fFullCovar)(i,j) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i+1, j+1); // (*fFullCovar)(i, j) = tempcov->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1) * // fDataHist->GetBinContent(i + 1) * // fDataHist->GetBinContent(j + 1); // if (i == j) // fDataHist->SetBinError(i + 1, sqrt((*fFullCovar)(i, j))); // // if(i==j) std::cout << "For bin " << i+1 << ", relative covariance was " // // << tempcov->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1); if(i==j) std::cout << ". Absolute // // covariance is now " << (*fFullCovar)(i,j) << ", linear xsec is: " << // // fDataHist->GetBinContent(i+1) << std::endl; // } // } // Read in data slice histograms and make MC slices // Slices are stored in slightly different ways for 0p and 1p samples // CC0pi0p: folder NoProtonsAbove500MeV // -> TH1D ResultInMuonCosTheta // -> TH1D MuonCosThetaSlice_i where i = 0 to 9 // CC0pi1p: folder OneProtonAbove500MeV // -> TH1D ResultInMuonCosTheta // -> TH1D MuonCosThetaSlice_1D_i where i = 0 to 3 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0 // We also have proton multiplicity, in folder ProtonMultiplicity // -> TH1D Result // -> TH2D CovarianceMatrix // TODO add this as a separate sample? Don't implement here // CC0pi0p slices if (useCC0pi0p){ fDataHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta = (TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("NoProtonsAbove500MeV/ResultInMuonCosTheta")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi0p_XSec_2018_MuonCosTheta_data"); fMCHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta = (TH1D*)fDataHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta->Clone("T2K_CC0pi0p_XSec_2018_MuonCosTheta_MC"); fMCHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta->Reset(); SetAutoProcessTH1(fDataHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta, kCMD_Write); SetAutoProcessTH1(fMCHist_CC0pi0pCosTheta, kCMD_Reset, kCMD_Scale, kCMD_Write); for (int i=0; i<=9; i++){ fDataHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get(Form("NoProtonsAbove500MeV/MuonCosThetaSlice_%i", i))->Clone(Form("T2K_CC0pi0p_XSec_2018_Data_Slice%i", i))); fMCHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get(Form("NoProtonsAbove500MeV/MuonCosThetaSlice_%i", i))->Clone(Form("T2K_CC0pi0p_XSec_2018_MC_Slice%i", i))); } // end loop over i } // CC0pi1p slices if (useCC0pi1p){ fDataHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta = (TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/ResultInMuonCosTheta")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MuonCosTheta_data"); fMCHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta = (TH1D*)fDataHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MuonCosTheta_MC"); fMCHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta->Reset(); SetAutoProcessTH1(fDataHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta, kCMD_Write); SetAutoProcessTH1(fMCHist_CC0pi1pCosTheta, kCMD_Reset, kCMD_Scale, kCMD_Write); for (int i=0; i<=3; i++){ fDataHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get(Form("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuonCosThetaSlice_1D_%i", i))->Clone(Form("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_Data_MuonCosTh1DSlice%i", i))); fMCHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get(Form("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuonCosThetaSlice_1D_%i", i))->Clone(Form("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MC_MuonCosTh1DSlice%i", i))); } // Add in the muon costh-p costh slices (which aren't as nicely numbered) // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0 fDataHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_Data_MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0")); fMCHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MC_MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0")); // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0 fDataHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_Data_MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0")); fMCHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MC_MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0")); // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1 fDataHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_Data_MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1")); fMCHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MC_MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1")); // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0 fDataHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_Data_MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0")); fMCHist_Slices.push_back((TH1D*)fInputFile->Get("OneProtonAbove500MeV/MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0")->Clone("T2K_CC0pi1p_XSec_2018_MC_MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0")); } // Set all slice histograms to auto-process and reset MC histograms for (size_t i=0; iReset(); SetAutoProcessTH1(fDataHist_Slices[i], kCMD_Write); SetAutoProcessTH1(fMCHist_Slices[i], kCMD_Reset, kCMD_Scale, kCMD_Write); } return; }; // Yay hardcoding // Taken from multidif_binMap.txt in data release int T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::Get1DBin(int nProtonsAboveThresh, double pmu, double CosThetaMu, double pp, double CosThetaP) { int binnumber = -999; // If you're looking at a sample you don't want to look at, return -999 if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 0 && !useCC0pi0p){return binnumber;} if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1 && !useCC0pi1p){return binnumber;} if (nProtonsAboveThresh >= 2 && !useCC0piNp){return binnumber;} // Calculate bin number (check that we want to use this sample before looking for the correct bin to save computation -- probably redundant because of the checks above but I like to be careful) if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 0 && useCC0pi0p){ //CC0pi0p: 2D binning in CosThetaMu--pmu if (CosThetaMu >= -1 && CosThetaMu <= -0.3) {binnumber = 1;} else if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.3) {binnumber = 2;} else if (pmu > 0.3 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 3;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 4;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.6){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.3){binnumber = 5;} else if (pmu > 0.3 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 6;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 7;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 8;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 9;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.6) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.6 && CosThetaMu <= 0.7){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.3){binnumber = 10;} else if (pmu > 0.3 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 11;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 12;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 13;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 14;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.6 && CosThetaMu <= 0.7) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.7 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.3){binnumber = 15;} else if (pmu > 0.3 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 16;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 17;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 18;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 0.7){binnumber = 19;} else if (pmu > 0.7 && pmu <= 0.8){binnumber = 20;} else if (pmu > 0.8 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 21;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.7 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 0.85){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 22;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 23;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 24;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 0.7){binnumber = 25;} else if (pmu > 0.7 && pmu <= 0.8){binnumber = 26;} else if (pmu > 0.8 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 27;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 0.85) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.85 && CosThetaMu <= 0.9){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.3){binnumber = 28;} else if (pmu > 0.3 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 29;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 30;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 31;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 0.7){binnumber = 32;} else if (pmu > 0.7 && pmu <= 0.8){binnumber = 33;} else if (pmu > 0.8 && pmu <= 1){binnumber = 34;} else if (pmu > 1 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 35;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.85 && CosThetaMu <= 0.9) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.9 && CosThetaMu <= 0.94){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 36;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 37;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 38;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 0.7){binnumber = 39;} else if (pmu > 0.7 && pmu <= 0.8){binnumber = 40;} else if (pmu > 0.8 && pmu <= 1.25){binnumber = 41;} else if (pmu > 1.25 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 42;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.9 && CosThetaMu <= 0.94) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.94 && CosThetaMu <= 0.98){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.4){binnumber = 43;} else if (pmu > 0.4 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 44;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.6){binnumber = 45;} else if (pmu > 0.6 && pmu <= 0.7){binnumber = 46;} else if (pmu > 0.7 && pmu <= 0.8){binnumber = 47;} else if (pmu > 0.8 && pmu <= 1){binnumber = 48;} else if (pmu > 1 && pmu <= 1.25){binnumber = 49;} else if (pmu > 1.25 && pmu <= 1.5){binnumber = 50;} else if (pmu > 1.5 && pmu <= 2){binnumber = 51;} else if (pmu > 2 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 52;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.94 && CosThetaMu <= 0.98) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.98 && CosThetaMu <= 1){ // Now find bin in pmu if (pmu >= 0 && pmu <= 0.5){binnumber = 53;} else if (pmu > 0.5 && pmu <= 0.65){binnumber = 54;} else if (pmu > 0.65 && pmu <= 0.8){binnumber = 55;} else if (pmu > 0.8 && pmu <= 1.25){binnumber = 56;} else if (pmu > 1.25 && pmu <= 2){binnumber = 57;} else if (pmu > 2 && pmu <= 3){binnumber = 58;} else if (pmu > 3 && pmu <= 5){binnumber = 59;} else if (pmu > 5 && pmu <= 30){binnumber = 60;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.98 && CosThetaMu <= 1) } // end (nProtonsAboveThresh == 0) else if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1 && useCC0pi1p){ if (CosThetaMu >= -1 && CosThetaMu <= -0.3){ // Find bin in CosThetaP if (CosThetaP >= -1 && CosThetaP <= 0.87){binnumber = 61;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.87 && CosThetaP <= 0.94){binnumber = 62;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.94 && CosThetaP <= 0.97){binnumber = 63;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.97 && CosThetaP <= 1){binnumber = 64;} } // end (CosThetaMu >= -1 && CosThetaMu <= -0.3) else if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3){ // Find bin in CosThetaP if (CosThetaP >= -1 && CosThetaP <= 0.75){binnumber = 65;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.75 && CosThetaP <= 0.85){binnumber = 66;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.85 && CosThetaP <= 0.94){ // Find bin in pp if (pp >= 0.5 && pp <= 0.68){binnumber = 67;} else if (pp > 0.68 && pp <= 0.78){binnumber = 68;} else if (pp > 0.78 && pp <= 0.9){binnumber = 69;} else if (pp > 0.9 && pp <= 30){binnumber = 70;} } // end if (CosThetaP > 0.85 && CosThetaP <= 0.94) else if (CosThetaP > 0.94 && CosThetaP <= 1){binnumber = 71;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8){ // Find bin in CosThetaP if (CosThetaP >= -1 && CosThetaP <= 0.3){binnumber = 72;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.3 && CosThetaP <= 0.5){binnumber = 73;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.5 && CosThetaP <= 0.8){ // find bin in pp if (pp >= 0.5 && pp <= 0.6){binnumber = 74;} else if (pp > 0.6 && pp <= 0.7){binnumber = 75;} else if (pp > 0.7 && pp <= 0.8){binnumber = 76;} else if (pp > 0.8 && pp <= 0.9){binnumber = 77;} else if (pp > 0.9 && pp <= 30){binnumber = 78;} } // end if (CosThetaP > 0.5 && CosThetaP <= 0.8) else if (CosThetaP > 0.8 && CosThetaP <= 1){ // find bin in pp if (pp >= 0.5 && pp <= 0.6){return 79;} else if (pp > 0.6 && pp <= 0.7){binnumber = 80;} else if (pp > 0.7 && pp <= 0.8){binnumber = 81;} else if (pp > 0.8 && pp <= 1){binnumber = 82;} else if (pp > 1 && pp <= 30){binnumber = 83;} } // end if (CosThetaP > 0.8 && CosThetaP <= 1) } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 1){ // Find bin in CosThetaP if (CosThetaP >= -1 && CosThetaP <= 0){binnumber = 84;} else if (CosThetaP > 0 && CosThetaP <= 0.3){binnumber = 85;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.3 && CosThetaP <= 0.8){ // find bin in pp if (pp >= 0.5 && pp <= 0.6){binnumber = 86;} else if (pp > 0.6 && pp <= 0.7){binnumber = 87;} else if (pp > 0.7 && pp <= 0.8){binnumber = 88;} else if (pp > 0.8 && pp <= 0.9){binnumber = 89;} else if (pp > 0.9 && pp <= 1.1){binnumber = 90;} else if (pp > 1.1 && pp <= 30){binnumber = 91;} } // end if (CosThetaP > 0.3 && CosThetaP <= 0.8) else if (CosThetaP > 0.8 && CosThetaP <= 1){binnumber = 92;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 1) } // end if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1) else if (nProtonsAboveThresh > 1 && useCC0piNp){ binnumber = 93; } // If binnumber is still -999, something has gone wrong if (binnumber == -999){ std::cout << "ERROR did not find correct 1D bin for an event with nProtonsAboveThresh = " << nProtonsAboveThresh << ", pmu = " << pmu << ", CosThetaMu = " << CosThetaMu << ", pp = " << pp << ", CosThetaP = " << CosThetaP << std::endl; return -999; } // Now need to work out adjustments for if we don't want to use one or more of the samples // If all samples are wanted, no adjustments required - the binning stands // If only CC0pi0p sample is wanted, no adjustments required - CC0pi0p binning is correct and the other bins won't be assigned // If CC0pi0p and CC0pi1p samples are wanted, no adjustments required // If only CC0pi1p sample is wanted or CC0pi1p and CC0piNp samples are wanted, need to subtract off total number of CC0pi0p bins if (useCC0pi1p && !useCC0pi0p){ binnumber -= 60; } // If only CC0piNp sample is wanted, need to subtract off total number of CC0pi0p and CC0pi1p bins if (useCC0piNp && !useCC0pi0p && !useCC0pi1p){ binnumber =- 92; } // If CC0pi0p and CC0piNp samples are wanted, need to subtract off CC0pi1p bins from CC0piNp bin number if (useCC0piNp && useCC0pi0p && !useCC0pi1p && binnumber == 93){ binnumber = 61; } return binnumber; }; // Yay hardcoding again! // Taken from multidif_binMap.txt in data release int T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::GetCosThetaMuSlice(int nProtonsAboveThresh, double CosThetaMu) { int slicenumber = -999; // if (useCC0pi0p), the first 10 slices will be CC0pi0p slices // -> TH1D MuonCosThetaSlice_i where i = 0 to 9 // -> slices 0 to 9 // if (useCC0pi1p), the next 8 slices will be CC0pi1p slices // -> TH1D MuonCosThetaSlice_1D_i where i = 0 to 3 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_1_PCthSlice_0 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_0 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_2_PCthSlice_1 // -> TH1D MuCThSlice_3_PCthSlice_0 // -> slices 10 to 17 if (useCC0pi0p) // -> slices 0 to 7 if (!useCC0pi0p) // In this code, we just find the costhetamu slices // Calculate bin number (check that we want to use this sample before looking for the correct bin to save computation) if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 0 && useCC0pi0p){ //CC0pi0p: 10 slices in CosThetaMu if (CosThetaMu >= -1 && CosThetaMu <= -0.3) {slicenumber = 0;} else if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3){slicenumber = 1;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.6){slicenumber = 2;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.6 && CosThetaMu <= 0.7){slicenumber = 3;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.7 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8){slicenumber = 4;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 0.85){slicenumber = 5;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.85 && CosThetaMu <= 0.9){slicenumber = 6;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.9 && CosThetaMu <= 0.94){slicenumber = 7;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.94 && CosThetaMu <= 0.98){slicenumber = 8;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.98 && CosThetaMu <= 1){slicenumber = 9;} } // end (nProtonsAboveThresh == 0) else if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1 && useCC0pi1p){ // CC0pi1p: 8 slices, either in CosThetaMu or CosThetaMu-CosThetaP, depending on the slice if (CosThetaMu >= -1 && CosThetaMu <= -0.3){slicenumber = 10;} else if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3){slicenumber = 11;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8){slicenumber = 12;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 1){slicenumber = 13;} } // end if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1) // slicenumber may be -999 if nProtonsAboveThresh > 1 // otherwise, something has gone wrong if (slicenumber == -999 && nProtonsAboveThresh <= 1){ std::cout << "ERROR did not find correct 1D CosThetaMu slice for an event with nProtonsAboveThresh = " << nProtonsAboveThresh << ", CosThetaMu = " << CosThetaMu << std::endl; return -999; } // If useCC0pi0p is false, adjust slice numbers for CC0pi1p if (useCC0pi1p && !useCC0pi0p){ slicenumber -= 10; } return slicenumber; }; // Hardcoding one more time // Taken from multidif_binMap.txt in data release int T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::GetCC0pi1p2DSlice(int nProtonsAboveThresh, double CosThetaMu, double CosThetaP) { int slicenumber = -999; // Calculate slice number (note: only 2D CC0pi1p slices in CosThetaMu-CosThetaP are handled here) // These slices exist for: // CosThetaMu -0.3 - 0.3, CosThetaP 0.85 - 0.94 // CosThetaMu 0.3 - 0.8, CosThetaP 0.5 - 0.8 // CosThetaMu 0.3 - 0.8, CosThetaP 0.8 - 1.0 // CosThetaMu 0.8 - 1.0, CosThetaP 0.3 - 0.8 // If useCC0pi0p is true, these will be slices 14-17 // If useCC0pi0p is false, these will be slices 4-7 if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1 && useCC0pi1p){ if (CosThetaMu > -0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.3 && CosThetaP > 0.85 && CosThetaP <= 0.94){slicenumber = 14;} else if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8){ // Find bin in CosThetaP if (CosThetaP > 0.5 && CosThetaP <= 0.8){slicenumber = 15;} else if (CosThetaP > 0.8 && CosThetaP <= 1){slicenumber = 16;} } // end if (CosThetaMu > 0.3 && CosThetaMu <= 0.8) else if (CosThetaMu > 0.8 && CosThetaMu <= 1 && CosThetaP > 0.3 && CosThetaP <= 0.8){slicenumber = 17;} } // end if (nProtonsAboveThresh == 1) // No check on binnumber = -999 here, because many events won't fall into one of these slices + // If useCC0pi0p is false, adjust slice numbers for CC0pi1p + if (useCC0pi1p && !useCC0pi0p){ + slicenumber -= 10; + } + return slicenumber; }; // // Reimplementation of Measurement1D::Write (calling the original) to also set the slice histograms to have the chi2 of the total 1D histogram -- makes plotting easier // void T2K_CC0piWithProtons_XSec_2018_multidif_0p_1p_Np::Write(std::string drawOpt){ // // call Measurement1D::Write // Measurement1D::Write(drawOpt); // // // Now also set slice histogram titles to be equal to the overall chi2 // std::ostringstream chi2; // chi2 << std::setprecision(5) << GetLikelihood(); // for (size_t i=0; iSetTitle(chi2.str().c_str()); // } // };