Index: trunk/doc/stat_methods.tex =================================================================== --- trunk/doc/stat_methods.tex (revision 674) +++ trunk/doc/stat_methods.tex (revision 675) @@ -1,3796 +1,3801 @@ \documentclass[12pt,titlepage]{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage[hyperfootnotes=false]{hyperref} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage[width=.85\textwidth]{caption} \newcommand{\sub}[1]{\ensuremath{_{\mbox{\scriptsize \,#1}}}} \newcommand{\supers}[1]{\ensuremath{^{\mbox{\scriptsize #1}}}} \newcommand{\cname}[1]{\index{#1}\textsf{#1}} \newcommand{\E}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{E}}} \newcommand{\V}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{V}}} \newcommand{\R}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}} \newcommand{\etal}{\emph{et al.}} \newcommand{\hf}{\hat{f}_N} \newcommand{\xf}{x\sub{fit}} \newcommand{\scriptname}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\at}{\tilde{a}\sub{fit}} \newcommand{\bt}{\tilde{b}\sub{fit}} \makeindex \renewcommand\indexname{Functions and Classes} \newenvironment{thinlist} { \begin{list} {---} { \setlength{\topsep}{0.075cm} \setlength{\parsep}{0.075cm} \setlength{\itemsep}{0.075cm} } } {\end{list}} \begin{document} \title{Statistical Methods in the NPStat Package} \author{I. Volobouev, {\it}} \date{Version: 5.1.0 \hspace{1.5cm} Date: \today} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Preliminaries} \label{sec:preliminaries} The NPStat package provides a C++ implementation of several nonparametric statistical modeling tools together with various supporting code. Nonparametric modeling becomes very useful when there is little prior information available to justify an assumption that the data belongs to a certain parametric family of distributions. Even though nonparametric techniques are usually more computationally intensive than parametric ones, judicious use of fast algorithms in combination with increasing power of modern computers often results in very practical solutions --- at least until the ``curse of dimensionality'' starts imposing its heavy toll. It will be assumed that the reader of this note is reasonably proficient in C++ programming, and that the meaning of such words as ``class'', ``function'', ``template'', ``method'', ``container'', ``namespace'', {\it etc.} is obvious from their context. The latest version of the package code can be downloaded from \href{}{} Most classes and functions implemented in NPStat are placed in the ``npstat'' namespace. A~few functions and classes that need Minuit2~\cite{ref:minuit} installation in order to be meaningfully used belong to the ``npsi'' namespace. Such functions and classes can be found in the ``interfaces'' directory of the package. When a C++ function, class, or template is mentioned in the text for the first time, the header file which contains its declaration is often mentioned as well. If the header file is not mentioned, it is most likely ``npstat/stat/NNNN.hh'', where NNNN stands for the actual name of the class or function. An expression ``$I(Q)$'' is frequently employed in the text, where $Q$ is some logical proposition. $I(Q)$ is the proposition indicator function defined as follows: $I(Q) = 1$ if $Q$ is true and $I(Q) = 0$ if $Q$ is false. For example, a product of $I(0 \le x \le 1)$ with some other mathematical function is often used to denote some probability density supported on the $[0, 1]$ interval. Note that $I(\neg Q) = 1 - I(Q)$, where $\neg Q$ is the logical negation of $Q$. \section{Data Representation} \label{sec:datarep} For data storage, the NPStat software relies on the object serialization and I/O capabilities provided by the C++ Geners package~\cite{ref:geners}. Geners supports persistence of all standard library containers (vectors, lists, maps, {\it etc.}) including those introduced in the C++11 Standard~\cite{ref:cpp11} (arrays, tuples, unordered sets and maps). In addition to data structures supported by Geners, NPStat offers several other persistent containers useful in statistical data analysis: multidimensional arrays, homogeneous $n$-tuples, and histograms. Persistent multidimensional arrays are implemented with the \cname{ArrayND} template (header file ``npstat/nm/ArrayND.hh''). This is a~reasonably full-featured array class, with support for subscripting (with and without bounds checking), vector space operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication by a scalar), certain tensor operations (index contraction, outer product), slicing, iteration over subranges, linear and cubic interpolation of array values to fractional indices, {\it etc.} Arrays whose maximum number of elements is known at the compile time can be efficiently created on the stack. Homogeneous $n$-tuples are two-dimensional tables in which the number of columns is fixed while the number of rows can grow dynamically. The stored object type is chosen when the $n$-tuple is created (it is a template parameter). For homogeneous $n$-tuples, storage type is the same for every column which allows for more efficient optimization of memory allocation in comparison with heterogeneous $n$-tuples.\footnote{The Geners serialization package supports several types of persistent heterogeneous $n$-tuples including std::vector$<$std::tuple$<$...$> >$, RowPacker variadic template optimized for accessing large data samples row-by-row, and ColumnPacker variadic template optimized for data access column-by-column.} Two persistent template classes are provided for homogeneous $n$-tuples: \cname{InMemoryNtuple} for $n$-tuples which can completely fit inside the computer memory (header file ``npstat/stat/InMemoryNtuple.hh'') and \cname{ArchivedNtuple} for $n$-tuples which can grow as large as the available disk space (header file ``npstat/stat/ArchivedNtuple.hh''). Both of these classes inherit from the abstract class \cname{AbsNtuple} which defines all interfaces relevant for statistical analysis of the data these $n$-tuples contain. Thus \cname{InMemoryNtuple} and \cname{ArchivedNtuple} are completely interchangeable for use in various data analysis algorithms. Arbitrary-dimensional\footnote{To be precise, the number of dimensions for both histograms and multidimensional arrays can not exceed 31 on 32-bit systems and 63 on 64-bit systems. However, your computer will probably run out of memory long before this limitation becomes relevant for your data analysis.} persistent histograms are implemented with the \cname{HistoND} template (header file ``npstat/stat/HistoND.hh''). Both uniform and non-uniform placing of bin edges can be created using axis classes \cname{HistoAxis} and \cname{NUHistoAxis}, respectively, as \cname{HistoND} template parameters. The \cname{DualHistoAxis} class can be employed for histograms in which only a fraction of axes must have non-uniform bins. Two binning schemes are supported for data sample processing. In the normal scheme, the bin count is incremented if the point coordinates fall inside the given bin (the \cname{fill} method of the class). In the centroid-preserving scheme, all bins in the neighborhood of the sample point are incremented in such a way that the center of mass of bin increments coincides exactly with the point location (the \cname{fillC} method)\footnote{For one-dimensional histograms, this is called ``linear binning''~\cite{ref:linearbinning}. NPStat supports this technique for uniformly binned histograms of arbitrary dimensionality.}. The objects used as histogram bin contents and the objects used as weights added to the bins when the histogram is filled are not required to have anything in common; the only requirement is that a~meaningful binary function (typically, operator+=) can be defined for them. This level of abstraction allows, for example, for using vectors and tensors as histogram bin contents or for implementing profile histograms with the same \cname{HistoND} template. As the bin contents are implemented with the \cname{ArrayND} class, all features of \cname{ArrayND} (vector space operations, slicing, interpolation, {\it etc}) are available for them as well. Overflows are stored in separate arrays with three cells in each dimension: underflow, overflow, and the central part covered by the regular histogram bins. \section{Descriptive Statistics} \label{sec:descriptivestats} A number of facilities is included in the NPStat package for calculating standard descriptive sample statistics such as mean, covariance matrix, {\it etc}. Relevant functions, classes, and templates are described below. \subsection{Functions and Classes for Use with Point Clouds} \cname{arrayStats} (header file ``npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh'') --- This function estimates the population mean ($\mu$), standard deviation ($\sigma$), skewness ($s$), and kurtosis ($k$) for a one-dimensional set of points. A numerically sound two-pass algorithm is used. % Internally, calculations are performed in long double precision. The following formulae are implemented ($N$ is the number of points in the sample): \begin{equation} \mu = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} x_i \label{eq:samplemean} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N - 1} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (x_i - \mu)^2} \label{eq:samplestdev} \end{equation} \begin{equation} s = \frac{N}{(N - 1) (N - 2) \sigma^3} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (x_i - \mu)^3 \end{equation} \begin{equation} g_2 = N \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (x_i - \mu)^4}{\left( \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (x_i - \mu)^2 \right)^2} - 3 \label{eq:kurtosisg2} \end{equation} \begin{equation} k = \frac{N - 1}{(N - 2) (N - 3)} ((N + 1) g_2 + 6) + 3 \label{eq:kurtosis} \end{equation} Note that the population kurtosis estimate is defined in such a way that its expectation value for a sample drawn from the Gaussian distribution equals 3 rather than 0. For more details on the origin of these formulae consult Ref.~\cite{ref:sampleskewkurt}. \cname{empiricalCdf} (header file ``npstat/stat/StatUtils.hh'') --- This function evaluates the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) for a sample of points. The points must be sorted in the increasing order by the user before the function call is made. The ECDF is defined as follows. Suppose, the $N$ sorted point values are $\{x_0, x_1, ..., x_{N-1}\}$ and all $x_i$ are distinct ({\it i.e.,} there are no ties). Then \begin{equation} \mbox{ECDF}(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & \mbox{if\ } x \le x_0, \\ \frac{1}{N} \left( \frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1}-x_i}+i+1/2 \right) & \mbox{if\ } x_i < x \le x_{i+1} \ \mbox{and} \ x < x_{N-1}, \\ 1 & \mbox{if\ } x \ge x_{N-1}. \end{array} \right. \label{eq:ecdf} \end{equation} When all sample points are distinct, $\mbox{ECDF}(x)$ is discontinuous at $x = x_0$ and $x = x_{N-1}$ and continuous for all other $x$. If the sample has more than one point with the same $x$, let say $x_k$ and $x_{k+1}$ where $k > 0$ and $k < N - 2$, $x_k$ also becomes a point of discontinuity. $\mbox{ECDF}(x_k)$ will be set to $\frac{1}{N} (k + 1/2)$, the value coincident with the function left limit. \cname{empiricalQuantile} (header file ``npstat/stat/StatUtils.hh'') --- This is the empirical quantile function, $\mbox{EQF}(y)$, which provides an inverse to $\mbox{ECDF}(x)$. For any $x$ from the interval $[x_0, x_{N-1}]$, $\mbox{EQF}(\mbox{ECDF}(x)) = x$ (up to numerical round-off errors). If $x < x_0$ then $\mbox{EQF}(\mbox{ECDF}(x)) = x_0$ and if $x > x_{N-1}$ then $\mbox{EQF}(\mbox{ECDF}(x)) = x_{N-1}$. \cname{MultivariateSumAccumulator} and \cname{MultivariateSumsqAccumulator} --- These classes are intended for calculating means and covariance matrices for multivariate data samples in a~numerically stable manner. The classes can be used inside user-implemented cycles over sets of points or with \cname{cycleOverRows} and other similar methods of the \cname{AbsNtuple} class. Two passes over the data are necessary for calculating the covariance matrix, first with \cname{MultivariateSumAccumulator} and second with \cname{MultivariateSumsqAccumulator}. The multivariate mean is initially found from \begin{equation} \overline{{\bf x}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} {\bf x}_i \end{equation} and then an estimate of the population covariance matrix is calculated as \begin{equation} V = \frac{1}{N - 1} \ \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} ({\bf x}_i - \overline{{\bf x}}) ({\bf x}_i - \overline{{\bf x}})^T \label{eq:covar} \end{equation} \cname{MultivariateWeightedSumAccumulator} and \cname{MultivariateWeightedSumsqAccumulator} --- These classes are intended for calculating means and covariance matrices for multivariate data samples in which points enter with non-negative weights: \begin{equation} \overline{{\bf x}} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} w_i {\bf x}_i}{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} w_i}, \label{eq:weightedmean} \end{equation} \begin{equation} V = \frac{N_{eff}}{N_{eff} - 1} \ \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} w_i ({\bf x}_i - \overline{\bf x}) ({\bf x}_i - \overline{\bf x})^T}{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} w_i}, \label{eq:weightedcov} \end{equation} where $N_{eff}$ is the effective number of entries in a weighted sample\footnote{$N_{eff}$ is also known as the Kish's effective sample size. Note that this estimate of $V$ makes sense only if the weights and point locations are statistically independent from each other. If the weights are functions of the observed ${\bf x}_i$ then there appears to be no general estimate that is independent of the weighting function.}: \begin{equation} N_{eff} = \frac{\left( \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} w_i \right)^2}{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} w_i^2}. \label{eq:neff} \end{equation} Two passes over the data are required, first with \cname{MultivariateWeightedSumAccumulator} and then with \cname{MultivariateWeightedSumsqAccumulator}. \cname{StatAccumulator} --- Persistent class which determines the minimum, the maximum, the mean, and the standard deviation of a~sample of values using a single-pass algorithm. It can be used when the two-pass calculation is either impossible or impractical for some reason. This class can be conveniently employed as a bin content type for \cname{HistoND} (this turns \cname{HistoND} into a profile histogram). \cname{StatAccumulator} maintains a running average which is updated after accumulating $2^K$ points, $K = 0, 1, 2, ...$ The numerical precision of the standard deviation determined in this manner is not as good as in the two-pass method but it is usually much better than that expected from a~naive implementation which simply accumulates sample moments about 0 and then evaluates $\sigma^2$ according to $\frac{N}{N - 1} (\overline{{\bf x}^2} - {\overline{\bf x}}^2)$ (this formula can suffer from a severe subtractive cancellation problem). \cname{WeightedStatAccumulator} --- Similar class for calculating mean and standard deviation of a~sample of weighted values using a single-pass algorithm. \cname{StatAccumulatorArr} --- This class provides functionality similar to an array of \cname{StatAccumulator} objects but with a more convenient interface for accumulating sample values (cycling over the input values is performed by the class itself). \cname{StatAccumulatorPair} --- Two \cname{StatAccumulator} objects augmented by the sum of cross terms which allows for subsequent calculation of covariance. The covariance is estimated using a formula which can potentially suffer from subtractive cancellation\footnote{This problem is partially alleviated by using long double type for internal calculations.}. Therefore, this class should not be used to process large samples of points in which, for one of the variables or for both of them, the absolute value of the mean can be much larger than the standard deviation. This class is persistent. \cname{CrossCovarianceAccumulator} --- To accumulate the sums for covariance matrix calculation according to formula~\ref{eq:covar} in $d$-dimensional space, one has to keep track of $d (d + 1)/2$ sums of squares and cross terms. Sometimes only a small part of the complete covariance matrix is of interest. In this case $d$ can often be split into subspaces of dimensionalities $d_1$ and $d_2$, $d = d_1 + d_2$, so that the interesting part of covariance matrix is dimensioned $d_1 \times d_2$ (plus $d$ diagonal terms). For large values of $d$, accumulating $d + d_1 \times d_2$ sums instead of $d (d + 1)/2$ can mean big difference in speed and memory consumption, especially in case $d_1 \ll d_2$ (or $d_1 \gg d_2$). The \cname{CrossCovarianceAccumulator} allows its users to do just that: it accumulates cross terms between two arrays with $d_1$ and $d_2$ elements but not the cross terms between elements of the same array. The covariances are estimated by a single-pass method using a~formula which can suffer from subtractive cancellation\footnotemark[5]. Use with care. \cname{SampleAccumulator} --- This class stores all values it gets in an internal buffer. Whenever mean, standard deviation, or some quantile function values are needed for the accumulated sample, they are calculated from the stored values using numerically sound techniques. Mean and standard deviation are calculated according to Eqs.~\ref{eq:samplemean} and~\ref{eq:samplestdev}. Covariance and correlations can be calculated for a pair of \cname{SampleAccumulator} objects with the same number of stored elements by corresponding methods of the class. Empirical CDF and empirical quantile calculations are handled by calling \cname{empiricalCdf} and \cname{empiricalQuantile} functions internally, preceded by data sorting. This class is persistent and can be used as the bin content template parameter for \cname{HistoND}. \cname{WeightedSampleAccumulator} --- Similar to SampleAccumulator, but intended for calculating various statistics for samples of weighted points. Kendall's $\tau$ and Spearman's $\rho$ rank correlation coefficients can be estimated by functions \cname{sampleKendallsTau} and \cname{sampleSpearmansRho}, respectively. These functions are declared in the header files ``npstat/stat/kendallsTau.hh'' and ``npstat/stat/spearmansRho.hh'', respectively. \subsection{Functions for Use with Binned Data} \cname{histoMean} (header file ``npstat/stat/histoStats.hh'') --- This function calculates the histogram center of mass according to Eq.~\ref{eq:weightedmean} with bin contents used as weights for bin center coordinates. Note that the code of this function does not enforce non-negativity of all bin values, and the result of~\ref{eq:weightedmean} will not necessarily make a lot of sense in case negative weights are present. In order to check that all bins are non-negative and that there is at least one positive bin, you can call the \cname{isDensity} method of the \cname{ArrayND} class on the histogram bin contents. The \cname{histoMean} function is standalone and not a member of the \cname{HistoND} class because Eq.~\ref{eq:weightedmean} is not going to make sense for all possible bin types. \cname{histoCovariance} (header file ``npstat/stat/histoStats.hh'') --- This function estimates the population covariance matrix for histogrammed data according to Eq.~\ref{eq:weightedcov}, with bin contents used as weights for bin center coordinates. As for \cname{histoMean}, results produced by \cname{histoCovariance} will not make much sense in case negative bin values are present. \cname{arrayCoordMean} (header file ``npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh'') --- Similar to \cname{histoMean} but the bin values are provided in an \cname{ArrayND} object and bin locations are specified by additional arguments. Only uniform bin spacing is supported by this function (unlike \cname{histoMean} which simply gets its bin centers from the argument histogram). \cname{arrayCoordCovariance} (header file ``npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh'') --- Similar to \cname{histoCovariance} but the bin values are provided in an \cname{ArrayND} object and bin locations are specified by additional arguments. Uniform binning only. \cname{arrayShape1D} (header file ``npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh'') --- Estimates population mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for one-dimensional histogrammed data with equidistant bins. Bin values $b_i$ used as weights are provided in an \cname{ArrayND} object and bin locations $x_i$ are specified by additional arguments. The mean and the standard deviations squared are calculated according to Eqs.~\ref{eq:weightedmean} and~\ref{eq:weightedcov} reduced to one dimension. The skewness is estimated as \begin{equation} s = \frac{N_{eff}^2}{(N_{eff} - 1) (N_{eff} - 2) \sigma^3} \ \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N_b-1} b_i (x_i - \mu)^3}{\sum_{i=0}^{N_b-1} b_i}, \end{equation} with $N_{eff}$ defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:neff}. The kurtosis is found from Eq.~\ref{eq:kurtosis} in which $N$ is replaced by $N_{eff}$ and, instead of Eq.~\ref{eq:kurtosisg2}, $g_2$ is determined from \begin{equation} g_2 = \sum_{i=0}^{N_b-1} b_i \ \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N_b-1} b_i (x_i - \mu)^4}{\left( \sum_{i=0}^{N_b-1} b_i (x_i - \mu)^2 \right)^2} - 3. \end{equation} \cname{arrayQuantiles1D} (header file ``npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh'') --- This function treats one-dimensional arrays as histograms and determines the values of the quantile function for a~given set of cumulative density values (after normalizing the histogram area to 1). Each bin is considered to have uniform probability density between its edges. If you need to perform this type of calculation more than once with the same array, it will be more efficient to construct a \cname{BinnedDensity1D} object and then to use its \cname{quantile} method instead of calling the \cname{arrayQuantiles1D} function multiple times. \cname{arrayEntropy} (header file ``npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh'') --- This function calculates \begin{equation} \label{eq:entropy} H = -\frac{1}{N_b} \sum_{i=0}^{N_b-1} b_i \ln b_i \end{equation} This formula is appropriate for arrays that tabulate probability density values on uniform grids. To convert the result into the actual entropy of the density, multiply it by the volume of the distribution support. \subsection{ArrayND Projections} The following set of classes works with \cname{ArrayND} class and assists in making array ``projections''. Projections reduce array dimensionality by calculating certain array properties over projected indices. For example, one might want to create a one-dimensional array, $a$, from a three-dimensional array, $b$, by summing all array elements with the given second index: $a_j = \sum_{i, k} b_{ijk}$ (this means that the first and the third indices of the array are ``projected''). This and other similar operations can be performed by the \cname{project} method of the \cname{ArrayND} class. What is done with the array elements when the projection is performed can be specified by the ``projector'' argument of the \cname{project} method. In particular, this argument can be an object which performs some statistical analysis of the projected elements. \cname{ArrayMaxProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- For each value of the array indices which are not projected, finds the maximum array element for all possible values of projected indices. \cname{ArrayMinProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- Finds the minimum array element for all possible values of projected indices. \cname{ArraySumProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- Sums all array values in the iteration over projected indices. \cname{ArrayMeanProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- Calculates the mean array value over projected indices. \cname{ArrayMedianProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- Calculates the median array value over projected indices. \cname{ArrayStdevProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- Calculates the standard deviation of array values encountered during the iteration over projected indices. \cname{ArrayRangeProjector} (header file ``npstat/stat/ArrayProjectors.hh'') --- Calculates the ``range'' of array values over projected indices. ``Range'' is defined here as the difference between 75\supers{th} and 25\supers{th} percentiles of the sample values divided by the distance between 75\supers{th} and 25\supers{th} percentiles of the Gaussian distribution with $\sigma = 1$. Therefore, ``range'' can be used as a robust estimate of the standard deviation. All ``projectors'' are derived either from \cname{AbsArrayProjector} class in case the calculated quantity depends on the array indices (header file ``npstat/nm/AbsArrayProjector.hh'') or from \cname{AbsVisitor} class in case it is sufficient to know just the element values (header file ``npstat/nm/AbsVisitor.hh''). Naturally, the user can supply his/her own projector implementations derived from these base classes for use with the the \cname{project} method of the \cname{ArrayND} class. \section{Statistical Distributions} \label{sec:distros} A number of univariate and multivariate statistical distributions is supported by the NPStat package. All implementations of univariate continuous distributions share a common interface and can be used interchangeably in a variety of statistical algorithms. A similar approach has been adopted for univariate discrete and multivariate continuous distributions. \subsection{Univariate Continuous Distributions} All classes which represent univariate continuous distributions inherit from the \cname{AbsDistribution1D} abstract base class. These classes must implement methods \cname{density} (probability density function), \cname{cdf} (cumulative distribution function), \cname{exceedance} (exceedance probability is just 1 $-$ cdf, but direct application of this formula is often unacceptable in numerical calculations due to subtractive cancellation), and \cname{quantile} (the quantile function, inverse of cdf). For a large number of statistical distributions, the probability density function looks like $\frac{1}{\sigma}\, p\left( \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} \right)$, where $\mu$ and $\sigma$ are the distribution location and scale parameters, respectively. Distributions of this kind should inherit from the base class \cname{AbsScalableDistribution1D} which handles proper scaling and shifting of the argument (this base class itself inherits from \cname{AbsDistribution1D}, and it is declared in the same header file ``npstat/stat/AbsDistribution1D.hh''). Some of the standard univariate continuous distributions implemented in NPStat are listed in Table~\ref{table:distros1d}. A few special distributions less frequently encountered in the statistical literature are described in more detail in the following subsections. Of course, user-developed classes inheriting from \cname{AbsDistribution1D} or \cname{AbsScalableDistribution1D} can also be employed with all NPStat functions and classes that take an instance of \cname{AbsDistribution1D} as one of parameters. \begin{longtable}{|c|c|c|} % \captionsetup{width=.9\textwidth} \caption{Continuous univariate distributions included in NPStat. $P_n(x)$ are the Legendre polynomials. Parameters $\mu$ and $\sigma$ are not shown for scalable distributions. When not given explicitly, the normalization constant $\cal{N}$ ensures that $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(x) dx = 1$. Most of the classes listed in this table are declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/Distributions1D.hh''. If the distribution is not declared in that header then it has a dedicated header with the same name, {\it e.g.}, ``npstat/stat/TruncatedDistribution1D.hh'' for \cname{TruncatedDistribution1D}.} \label{table:distros1d} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Class Name} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$p(x)$} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Scalable?} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead \multicolumn{3}{c}% {\tablename\ \thetable{} --- continued from the previous page} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Class Name} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$p(x)$} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Scalable?} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{{Continued on the next page}} \\ \hline \endfoot \hline \endlastfoot \cname{Uniform1D} & $I(0 \le x \le 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{IsoscelesTriangle1D} & $(1 - |x|) I(-1 \le x \le 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Exponential1D} & $e^{-x} I(x \ge 0)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Quadratic1D} & $(1 + a P_1(2 x - 1) + b P_2(2 x - 1)) \,I(0 \le x \le 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{LogQuadratic1D} & ${\cal{N}} \exp (a P_1(2 x - 1) + b P_2(2 x - 1)) \,I(0 \le x \le 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Gauss1D} & $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-x^2/2}$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{GaussianMixture1D} & $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \sum_i \frac{w_i}{\sigma_i} e^{-(x-\mu_i)^2/(2 \sigma_i^2)}, \ \mbox{where} \ \sum_i w_i = 1$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{TruncatedGauss1D} & $\frac{\cal{N}}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-x^2/2} \, I(-n_{\sigma} \le x \le n_{\sigma})$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{MirroredGauss1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip-3mm \begin{eqnarray*} I(0 \le x \le 1)\, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi} s} \sum_{i=-\infty}^{\infty} & \left[ e^{-(x - m + 2\,i)^2/(2 s^2)} + \right.\\ & \left.e^{-(x + m + 2\,i)^2/(2 s^2)}\right], \end{eqnarray*} \vskip-1mm where $0 \le m \le 1$ and $s > 0$ \newline \vskip-8mm $\mbox{}$ \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{BifurcatedGauss1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip-2mm \begin{eqnarray*} {\cal{N}} & \left[e^{-x^2/(2 \alpha)} I(-n_{\sigma,L} \le x < 0) \, + \right.\\ & \left. e^{-x^2/(2 (1 - \alpha))} I(0 \le x < n_{\sigma,R})\right] \end{eqnarray*} \vskip0mm \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{UGaussConvolution1D} & $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi} (b - a)} \, e^{-x^2/2} * I(a \le x \le b)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{SymmetricBeta1D} & ${\cal{N}} \, (1 - x^2)^p \, I(-1 < x < 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Beta1D} & ${\cal{N}} \, x^{\alpha - 1} (1 - x)^{\beta - 1} \, I(0 < x < 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Gamma1D} & ${\cal{N}} \, x^{\alpha - 1} e^{-x} \, I(x > 0)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Pareto1D} & $\alpha x^{-\alpha - 1} I(x \ge 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Huber1D} & ${\cal{N}} \, [e^{-x^2/2} I(|x| \le a) + e^{\, a (a/2 - |x|)} (1 - I(|x| \le a))] $ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Cauchy1D} & $\pi^{-1} (1 + x^2)^{-1}$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{StudentsT1D} & ${\cal{N}} \, (1 + x^2/N_{dof})^{-(N_{dof} + 1)/2}$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Moyal1D} & $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-(x + e^{-x})/2}$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Logistic1D} & $e^{-x} \,(1 + e^{-x})^{-2}$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{Tabulated1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Defined by a table of equidistant values on the [0, 1] interval, interpolated by a~polynomial (up to cubic). The first table point is at $x = 0$ and the last is at $x = 1$. \newline \vskip-8mm $\mbox{}$ % Normalization is computed automatically. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{BinnedDensity1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Defined by a table of $N$ equidistant values on the [0, 1] interval, with optional linear interpolation. The first table point is at $x = 1/(2 N)$ and the last is at $x = 1 - 1/(2 N)$. Useful for converting 1-d histograms into distributions. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{QuantileTable1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Defined by a table of $N$ equidistant quantile function values on the [0, 1] interval with linear interpolation between these values (so that density looks like a histogram with equal area bins). The first table point is at $x = 1/(2 N)$ and the last is at $x = 1 - 1/(2 N)$. Useful for converting data samples into distributions by sampling empirical quantiles. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{DistributionMix1D} & $\sum_i w_i p_i(x), \ \mbox{where} \ \sum_i w_i = 1$ & no \\ \hline \cname{DeltaMixture1D} & $\sum_i w_i \delta(x - x_i), \ \mbox{where} \ \sum_i w_i = 1$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{LocationScaleFamily1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm $\frac{1}{s} p\sub{other}\left(\frac{x - m}{s}\right)$, useful for converting non-scalable 1-d distributions into scalable. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{RatioOfNormals} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Ratio of two correlated normal random variables, as described in~\cite{ref:ratioofnormals}. \end{minipage} & no \\ \hline \cname{LeftCensoredDistribution} & $f \, p\sub{other}(x) + (1 - f) \, \delta(x - x_{-\infty})$ & no \\ \hline \cname{RightCensoredDistribution} & $f \, p\sub{other}(x) + (1 - f) \, \delta(x - x_{+\infty})$ & no \\ \hline \cname{TruncatedDistribution1D} & ${\cal{N}} \, p\sub{other}(x) \, I(x\sub{min} \le x \le x\sub{max})$ & no \\ \hline \cname{TransformedDistribution1D} & $p\sub{other}(y) \left| \frac{dy}{dx} \right|$ for monotonous $y(x)$ & no \\ \end{longtable} \subsection{Johnson Curves} The density functions of the Johnson distributions~\cite{ref:johnson, ref:johnsonbook, ref:hahnshap} are defined as follows: \begin{equation} S_{U}\ \mbox{(unbounded)}:\ \ p(x) = \frac{\delta}{\lambda \sqrt{2 \pi \left(1 + \left(\frac{x - \xi}{\lambda}\right)^{2}\right)}} \,e^{-\frac{1}{2} \left(\gamma + \delta\,\mbox{\scriptsize sinh}^{-1}\left(\frac{x-\xi} {\lambda}\right)\right)^{2}} \label{eq:johnsu} \end{equation} \begin{equation} S_{B}\ \mbox{(bounded)}:\ \ \ p(x) = \frac{\delta}{\lambda \sqrt{2 \pi} \left(\frac{x - \xi}{\lambda}\right)\left(1 - \frac{x - \xi}{\lambda}\right)} \,e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left( \gamma + \delta \log \left( \frac{x-\xi} {\xi + \lambda - x}\right) \right)^{2}} I(\xi < x < \xi + \lambda) \label{eq:johnsb} \end{equation} They are related to the normal distribution, $N(\mu, \sigma)$, by simple variable transformations. Variable $z$ distributed according to $N(0, 1)$ can be obtained from Johnson's variates $x$ by transformation $z = \gamma + \delta f\left(\frac{x-\xi}{\lambda}\right)$: \begin{displaymath} \begin{array}{rlll} f(y) = & \mbox{sinh}^{-1}(y) & & S_{U}\ \mbox{curves}\\ f(y) = & \log \left(\frac{y}{1-y}\right) & (0 < y < 1) & S_{B}\ \mbox{curves} \end{array} \end{displaymath} Both densities become arbitrarily close to the lognormal density (for which variable $z = \gamma + \delta \log (x - \xi)$ is normally distributed) in the limit $\gamma \rightarrow \infty$ and to the normal distribution in the limit $\delta \rightarrow \infty$ ($\xi$ and $\lambda$ have to be adjusted accordingly). Johnson's parameterization of the lognormal density is \begin{equation} p(x) = \frac{\delta}{\sqrt{2 \pi} (x - \xi)} e^{-\frac{1}{2} (\gamma + \delta \log (x - \xi))^2} I(x > \xi) \end{equation} Together with their limiting cases, Johnson's $S_{U}$ and $S_{B}$ distributions attain {\it all possible values of skewness and kurtosis.} Unfortunately, parameters $\xi, \lambda, \gamma$, and $\delta$ of $S_{U}$ and $S_{B}$ in Eqs.~\ref{eq:johnsu} and~\ref{eq:johnsb} have no direct relation to each other. Crossing the lognormal boundary requires a discontinuous change in the parameter values which is rather inconvenient for practical data fitting purposes. This problem can be alleviated by reparameterizing the functions in terms of mean $\mu$, standard deviation $\sigma$, skewness $s$, and kurtosis $k$, so that the corresponding curve type and the original parameters $\xi, \lambda, \gamma, \delta$ are determined numerically. Examples of Johnson's density functions are shown in Fig~\ref{johns_exa}. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{johnson_examples.pdf} \caption{ Black: $s = 0, ~k = 3$, Gaussian. Red: $s = -1.5, ~k = 10$, $S_{U}$. Blue: $s = 0.5, ~ k = 2$, $S_{B}$. For all three curves, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.} \label{johns_exa} \end{center} \end{figure} Johnson's $S_{U}$ and $S_{B}$ curves are implemented in NPStat with classes \cname{JohnsonSu} and \cname{JohnsonSb}, respectively (header file ``npstat/stat/JohnsonCurves.hh''). Both of these distributions are parameterized by $\mu$, $\sigma$, $s$, and $k$, with an automatic internal conversion into $\xi, \lambda, \gamma, \delta$. An original algorithm was developed to perform this conversion, based in part on ideas from Refs.~\cite{ref:draper, ref:hill}. The lognormal distribution parameterized by $\mu$, $\sigma$, and $s$ is implemented by the \cname{LogNormal} class (header file ``npstat/stat/Distributions1D.hh''). The class \cname{JohnsonSystem} (header file ``npstat/stat/JohnsonCurves.hh'') can be used when automatic switching between $S_{U}$, $S_{B}$, lognormal, and Gaussian distributions is desired. \subsection{Composite Distributions} Composite distributions are built out of two or more component distributions. One of these component distributions is arbitrary while all others must have a density supported on the interval [0, 1]. Suppose, $G_k(x), \ k = 1, 2, 3, ...$ are cumulative distribution functions with corresponding densities $g_i(x)$ proportional to $I(0 \le x \le 1)$. Then, if $H(x)$ is a cumulative distribution function with density $h(x)$, $F_1(x) = G_1(H(x))$ is also a cumulative distribution function with density $f_1(x) = h(x) \, g_1(H(x))$. Similarly, $F_2(x) = G_2(F_1(x))$ is a cumulative distribution with density $f_2(x) = f_1(x) g_2(F_1(x)) = h(x) \, g_1(H(x)) g_2(G_1(H(x)))$. We can now construct $F_3(x) = G_3(F_2(x))$ and so on. This sequence can be terminated after an arbitrary number of steps. Note that $f_1(x) = h(x)$ in case $g_1(x)$ is a uniform probability density. Small deviations from uniformity in $g_1(x)$ will lead to corresponding small changes in $f_1(x)$. The resulting density model can be quite flexible, even if the component distributions $H(x)$ and $G_1(x)$ are simple. Therefore, data samples with complicated sets of features can be modeled as follows: construct an approximate model $h(x)$ first, even if it does not fit the sample quite right. Then transform the data points $x_i$ to the [0, 1] interval according to $y_i = H(x_i)$. The density of points $y_i$\footnote{This density is called ``relative density''~\cite{ref:handcock} or ``comparison density''~\cite{ref:thas} in the statistical literature. Note that $h(x)$ should be selected in such a way that the ratio between the unknown population density of the sample under study and $h(x)$ should be bounded for all $x$. If it is not, the relative density will usually be unbounded, and its subsequent representation by polynomials or log-polynomials will not lead to a consistent estimate. Johnson curves often work reasonably well as $h(x)$.} can now be fitted to another parametric distribution (including composite one) or it can be modeled by nonparametric techniques~\cite{ref:kdetransform}. Due to the elimination of the boundary bias, the LOrPE density estimation method described in Section~\ref{sec:lorpe} becomes especially useful in the latter approach. Once the appropriate $G(y)$ is constructed (parametrically or not), the resulting composite density will provide a good fit to the original set of points $x_i$\footnote{There is, of course, a close connection between this density modeling approach and a number of goodness-of-fit techniques based on the comparison of the empirical cdf with the cdf of the fitted density. For example, using Legendre polynomials to model $\log (g_1(x))$, as in the \cname{LogQuadratic1D} density, directly improves the test criterion used in the Neyman's smooth test for goodness-of-fit~\cite{ref:thas, ref:smoothtest}.}. The composite distributions are implemented in NPStat with the \cname{CompositeDistribution1D} class. One composite distribution can be used to construct another, thus allowing for composition chains of arbitrary length, as described at the beginning of this subsection. Several pre-built distributions of this type are included in the NPStat package (they are declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/CompositeDistros1D.hh''). Flexible models potentially capable of fitting wide varieties of univariate data samples are implemented by the \cname{JohnsonLadder} and \cname{BinnedCompositeJohnson} classes. In both of these, Johnson curves are used as $H(x)$. \cname{JohnsonLadder} takes an arbitrarily long sequence of parametric \cname{LogQuadratic1D} distributions for $G_k(x)$ while \cname{BinnedCompositeJohnson} is using a single nonparametric \cname{BinnedDensity1D} as $G_1(x)$. \subsection{Univariate Discrete Distributions} Classes which represent univariate discrete distributions inherit from the \cname{AbsDiscreteDistribution1D} abstract base class. The interface defined by this base class differs in a number of ways from the \cname{AbsDistribution1D} interface. Instead of the method \cname{density} used with arguments of type ``double'', discrete distributions have the method \cname{probability} defined for the arguments of type ``long int''. The methods \cname{cdf} and \cname{exceedance} have the same signatures as corresponding methods of continuous distributions, but the \cname{quantile} function is returning long integers. The method \cname{random} generates long integers as well. Discrete univariate distributions which can be trivially shifted should inherit from the \cname{ShiftableDiscreteDistribution1D} base class which handles the shift operation. There is, however, no operation analogous to scaling of continuous distributions. Univariate discrete distributions implemented in NPStat are listed in Table~\ref{table:discrdistros1d}. \begin{table}[ht!] \caption{Discrete univariate distributions included in NPStat. The location parameter is not shown explicitly for shiftable distributions. Classes listed in this table are declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/DiscreteDistributions1D.hh''.} \label{table:discrdistros1d} \begin{center} \noindent\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline Class Name & $p(n)$ & Shiftable? \\ \hline\hline \cname{DiscreteTabulated1D} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Defined by a table of probability values. Normalization is computed automatically. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{Poisson1D} & $\frac{\lambda^n}{n!} e^{-\lambda}$ & no \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} Mixtures of discrete univariate distributions with finite support can be implemented using the function \cname{pooledDiscreteTabulated1D} (header file ``npstat/stat/DiscreteDistributions1D.hh''). \subsection{Multivariate Continuous Distributions} All classes which represent multivariate continuous distributions inherit from the \cname{AbsDistributionND} abstract base class. These classes must implement methods \cname{density} (probability density function) and \cname{unitMap} (mapping from the unit $d$-dimensional cube, $U_d$, into the density support region). Densities that can be shifted and scaled in each coordinate separately should be derived from the \cname{AbsScalableDistributionND} base class (which itself inherits from \cname{AbsDistributionND}). Classes representing densities that look like $p({\bf x}) = \prod q(x_i)$, where $q(x)$ is some one-dimensional density, should be derived from the \cname{HomogeneousProductDistroND} base class (the three base classes just mentioned are declared in the ``npstat/stat/AbsDistributionND.hh'' header file). Simple classes inheriting from \cname{AbsDistributionND} are listed in Table~\ref{table:distrosnd}. \begin{table}[ht!] \caption{Continuous multivariate distributions included in NPStat. These distributions are predominantly intended for use as multivariate density estimation kernels. Shifts and scale factors are not shown for scalable distributions. Here, ``scalability'' means the ability to adjust the shift and scale parameters in each dimension, not the complete bandwidth matrix. When not given explicitly, the normalization constant $\cal{N}$ ensures that $\int p({\bf x}) d{\bf x} = 1$. All of these distributions are declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/DistributionsND.hh'' with exception of \cname{ScalableGaussND} which has its own header.} \label{table:distrosnd} \begin{center} \noindent\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline Class Name & $p({\bf x})$ & Scalable? \\ \hline\hline \cname{ProductDistributionND} & $\prod_{i=1}^{d} p_i(x_i)$ & \begin{minipage}{0.13\linewidth} depends on components \end{minipage} \\ \hline \cname{UniformND} & $\prod_{i=1}^{d} I(0 \le x_i \le 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{ScalableGaussND} & $(2 \pi)^{-d/2} e^{-|{\bf x}|^2/2}$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{ProductSymmetricBetaND} & ${\cal{N}} \prod_{i=1}^{d} (1 - x_i^2)^p I(-1 < x_i < 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{ScalableSymmetricBetaND} & ${\cal{N}} (1 - |{\bf x}|^2)^p I(|{\bf x}| < 1)$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{ScalableHuberND} & ${\cal{N}} \, [e^{-|{\bf x}|^2/2} I(|{\bf x}| \le a) + e^{\, a (a/2 - |{\bf x}|)} (1 - I(|{\bf x}| \le a))]$ & yes \\ \hline \cname{RadialProfileND} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Arbitrary centrally-symmetric density. Defined by its radial profile: a table of equidistant values on the [0, 1] interval, interpolated by a~polynomial (up to cubic). The first table point is at $|{\bf x}| = 0$ and the last is at $|{\bf x}| = 1$. For $|{\bf x}| > 1$ the density is 0. Normalization is computed automatically. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \cname{BinnedDensityND} & \begin{minipage}{0.52\linewidth} \vskip1mm Defined by a table of values on $U_d$, equidistant in each dimension, with optional multilinear interpolation. In each dimension, the first table point is at $x_i = 1/(2 N_i)$ and the last is at $x_i = 1 - 1/(2 N_i)$. Useful for converting multivariate histograms into distributions. \end{minipage} & yes \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \subsection{Copulas} For any continuous multivariate density $p({\bf x}|{\bf a})$ in a $d$-dimensional space $X$ of random variables ${\bf x} \in X$ depending on a vector of parameters ${\bf a}$, we define $d$ marginal densities $p_i(x_i|{\bf a})$, $i = 1, \ldots, d$ by $$ p_i(x_i|{\bf a}) \equiv \int p(x_1, \ldots, x_d |{\bf a}) \mathop{\prod_{j=1}^d}_{j \ne i} d x_j $$ with their corresponding cumulative distribution functions $$ F_i(x_i|{\bf a}) \equiv \int_{-\infty}^{x_i} p_i(\tau|{\bf a}) d \tau . $$ For each point ${\bf x} \in X$, there is a corresponding point ${\bf y}$ in a unit $d$-dimensional cube $U_d$ such that $y_i(x_i) \equiv F_i(x_i|{\bf a})$, $i = 1, \ldots, d$. The {\it copula density} is defined on $U_d$ by \begin{equation} c({\bf y}({\bf x})|{\bf a}) \equiv \frac{p({\bf x}|{\bf a})}{\prod_{i=1}^{d} p_i(x_i|{\bf a})}. \label{eq:copuladef} \end{equation} Copula density (as well as its corresponding multivariate distribution function $C({\bf y}|{\bf a})$, or just {\it copula}) contains all information about mutual dependence of individual variables $x_i$. It can be shown that all copula marginals are uniform and, conversely, that any distribution on $U_d$ whose marginals are uniform is a copula~\cite{ref:copulabook}. Naturally, when the copula and the marginals of some multivariate density are known, the density itself is expressed by \begin{equation} p({\bf x}|{\bf a}) = c({\bf y}({\bf x})|{\bf a}) \prod_{i=1}^{d} p_i(x_i|{\bf a}). \end{equation} Note that $c({\bf y}|{\bf a}) = 1$ for all ${\bf y}$ if and only if all $x_i$ are independent and the density $p({\bf x}|{\bf a})$ is fully factorizable. The NPStat package allows its users to model multivariate continuous distributions using copula and marginals with the aid of \cname{CompositeDistributionND} class. An object of this class is normally constructed out of user-provided copula and marginals. \cname{CompositeDistributionND} object can also be constructed from histogram bins. Several standard copulas are implemented: Gaussian, Student's-$t$, and Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern~\cite{ref:copulabook}. The corresponding class names are \cname{GaussianCopula}, \cname{TCopula}, and \cname{FGMCopula} (these classes are declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/Copulas.hh''). Empirical multivariate copulas densities can be constructed as follows. Let's assume that there are no coincident point coordinates in each dataset variable. We can sort all $N$ elements of the data set in the increasing order in each coordinate separately and assign to each data point $i$ a multi-index $\{m_{i0}, ..., m_{id}\}$. For each dimension $k$, $m_{ik}$ represents the number of the point $i$ in the sequence ordered by the dimension $k$ coordinate, so that $0 \le m_{ik} < N$. The empirical copula density, $\mbox{ECD}({\bf x})$, is then defined by \begin{equation} \mbox{ECD}({\bf x}) = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \prod_{k=0}^{d-1} \delta\left(x_k - \frac{m_{ik} + 1/2}{N}\right), \end{equation} where $\delta(x)$ is the Dirac delta function. To get a better idea about locations of these delta functions, think of an $N \times N \times ... \times N$ uniform grid in $d$ dimensions on which $N$ points are placed in such a way that no two points share the same coordinate in any of the dimensions. In two dimensions, this is like the placement of chess pieces in the eight queens puzzle~\cite{ref:eightqueens} which is simplified to use rooks instead of queens~\cite{ref:eightrooks}. In the NPStat package, empirical copula densities can be approximated by histograms defined on $U_d$. Construction of empirical copula histograms can be performed by functions \cname{empiricalCopulaHisto} (header file ``npstat/stat/empiricalCopulaHisto.hh'') and \cname{empiricalCopulaDensity} (header file ``npstat/stat/empiricalCopula.hh''). The integrated empirical copulas can be constructed on uniform grids by the \cname{calculateEmpiricalCopula} function (header ``npstat/stat/empiricalCopula.hh''). The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, $\rho$, can be estimated from two-dimensional empirical copulas using functions \cname{spearmansRhoFromCopula} and \cname{spearmansRhoFromCopulaDensity} declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/spearmansRho.hh''. These functions evaluate the following integrals numerically: \begin{align} \rho &= 12 \int_0^1 \int_0^1 C({\bf y}|{\bf a}) dy_0 dy_1 - 3 & \mbox{\ } & \mbox{used by \textsf{spearmansRhoFromCopula}} \\ \rho &= 12 \int_0^1 \int_0^1 c({\bf y}|{\bf a}) y_0 y_1 dy_0 dy_1 - 3 & \mbox{\ } & \mbox{used by \textsf{spearmansRhoFromCopulaDensity}} \end{align} While these two formulas are identical mathematically~\cite{ref:copulabook}, the approximations used in numerical integration and differentiation will usually lead to slightly different results returned by these functions for some copula and its corresponding density. The Kendall's rank correlation coefficient, $\tau$, can be estimated from the empirical copulas using the function \cname{kendallsTauFromCopula} declared in the header ``npstat/stat/kendallsTau.hh''. This function evaluates the following formula numerically: \begin{equation} \tau = 4 \int_0^1 \int_0^1 C({\bf y}|{\bf a}) c({\bf y}|{\bf a}) dy_0 dy_1 - 1. \end{equation} The mutual information between variables can be estimated from copula densities represented on uniform grids according to Eq.~\ref{eq:entropy}\footnote{Mutual information is simply the negative of the copula entropy~\cite{ref:copulaentropy}.}. Decomposition of multivariate densities into the marginals and the copula is useful not only for a subsequent analysis of mutual dependencies of the variates but also for implementing nonparametric density interpolation, as described in the next section. \section{Nonparametric Interpolation of Densities} \label{sec:densityinterpolation} There are numerous problems in High Energy Physics in which construction of some probability density requires extensive simulations and, due to the CPU time limitations, can only be performed for a~limited number of parameter settings. This is typical, for example, for ``mass templates'' which depend on such parameters as the pole mass of the particle under study, sample background fraction, detector jet energy scale, {\it etc}. It is often desirable to have the capability to evaluate such a density for arbitrary parameter values. It is sometimes possible to address this problem by postulating an explicit parametric model and fitting that model to the sets of simulated distributions. However, complex dependence of the distribution shapes on the parameter values often leads to infeasibility of this approach. Then it becomes necessary to interpolate the densities without postulating a concrete model. \subsection{Interpolation of Univariate Densities using Quantile Functions} \label{sec:interpolatebyquant} As it was shown in~\cite{ref:read}, a general interpolation of one-dimensional distributions which leads to very naturally looking results can be achieved by interpolating the {\it quantile function} (defined as the inverse of the cumulative distribution function). While study~\cite{ref:read} considers linear interpolation in one-dimensional parameter space, it is obvious that similar weighted average interpolation can be easily constructed in multivariate parameter settings and with higher order interpolation schemes. In general, the interpolated quantile function for an~arbitrary parameter value ${\bf a}$ is expressed by \begin{equation} \label{eq:quantileinterp1d} q(y|{\bf a}) = \sum_{j=1}^m w_j q(y|{\bf a}_j), \end{equation} where the weighted quantile functions are summed at the $m$ ``nearby'' parameter settings ${\bf a}_j$ for which the distribution was explicitly constructed. The weights $w_j$ are normalized by $\sum_{j=1}^m w_j = 1$. Their precise values depend on the location of ${\bf a}$ w.r.t. nearby ${\bf a}_j$ and on the interpolation scheme used. Simple high-order interpolation schemes can be constructed in one-dimensional parameter space by using Lagrange interpolating polynomials to determine the weights\footnote{To determine interpolated value of a function using Lagrange interpolating polynomials, weights are assigned to function values at a set of nearby points according to a rule published by Lagrange in 1795. The weights depend only on the abscissae of the interpolated points and on the coordinate at which the function value is evaluated but not on the interpolated function values.}. In $r$-dimensional parameter space, rectangular grids can be utilized with multilinear or multicubic interpolation. For example, in the case of multilinear interpolation, the weights can be calculated as follows: \begin{thinlist} \item Find the hyperrectangular parameter grid cell inside which the value of ${\bf a}$ falls. \item Shift and scale this cell so that it becomes a hypercube with diagonal vertices at $(0, 0, ..., 0)$ and $(1, 1, ..., 1)$. \item Let's designate the shifted and scaled value of ${\bf a}$ by ${\bf z}$, with components $(z_1, z_2, ..., z_r)$. If we were to interpolate towards ${\bf z}$ a scalar function $f$ defined at the vertices with coordinates $(c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_r)$, where all $c_k$ values are now either 0 or 1, then we would use the formula \begin{equation} \label{eq:multilinear} f(z_1, z_2, ..., z_r) = \sum_{\substack{ c_1 \in \,\{0, 1\}\\ c_2 \in \,\{0, 1\}\\ \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \\ c_r \in \,\{0, 1\}\\ }} f(c_1, c_2, ..., c_r) \prod_{k=1}^r z_k^{c_k} (1 - z_k)^{1 - c_k} \end{equation} which is obviously linear in every $z_k$ and has correct function values when evaluated at the vertices. In complete analogy, we define the weights for the quantile functions constructed at the vertices with coordinates $(c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_r)$ to be $w(c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_r) = \prod_{k=1}^r z_k^{c_k} (1 - z_k)^{1 - c_k}$. Naturally, there are $m = 2^r$ weights total. \end{thinlist} The quantile interpolation of univariate distributions is implemented in the NPStat package with the \cname{InterpolatedDistribution1D} class. A collection of quantile functions is assembled incrementally together -with their weights (formula for calculating the weights is to be supplied +with their weights (formula for calculating the weights has to be supplied by the user). For calculating the interpolated density at point $x$, the equation $x = q(y|{\bf a})$, with $q(y|{\bf a})$ from~\ref{eq:quantileinterp1d}, is solved numerically for $y$. The density is then evaluated by numerically differentiating the interpolated quantile function: $p(x|{\bf a}) = \left( \frac{\partial q(y|{\bf a})}{\partial y} \right)^{-1}$. -A class with a simpler interface implementing linear weight assignments -between nearby points in a 1-d parameter space is called \cname{InterpolatedDistro1D1P}. - -Less reliable but computationally faster linear interpolation of densities (instead of -quantile functions) is implemented for 1-d parameter spaces by the -class \cname{VerticallyInterpolatedDistro1D1P}. This class allows -the user to perform interpolation in a transformed space (for example, -the transform can center all distributions at 0 and rescale them to -the same width) in order to alleviate deficiencies of ``vertical'' -interpolation. +Direct interpolation of univariate density functions, also known +as ``vertical interpolation'', is implemented by the +\cname{VerticallyInterpolatedDistribution1D} class. +A class with a simpler interface implementing automatic linear weight assignments +between nearby points in a 1-d parameter space is called \cname{InterpolatedDistro1D1P}. +This class can be used to interpolate either quantile functions +or densities, depending on a switch. A~similar class which interpolates +univariate densities on a rectangular grid in a miltidimensional parameter +space is called \cname{InterpolatedDistro1DNP}. \subsection{Interpolation of Multivariate Densities} \label{sec:interpolatemultivar} The procedure described in the previous section can be generalized to interpolate multivariate distributions. Let $p({\bf x}|{\bf a})$ be a multivariate probability density in a $d$-dimensional space $X$ of random variables ${\bf x} \in X$. ${\bf a}$ is a vector of parameters, and $\int_{X} p({\bf x}|{\bf a}) d {\bf x} = 1$ for every ${\bf a}$\footnote{Compared to interpolation of arbitrary functions, preserving this normalization is one of the major complications in interpolating multivariate densities.}. For a~``well-behaved'' density (Riemann-integrable, {\it etc}), it is always possible to construct a one-to-one mapping from the space $X$ into the unit $d$-dimensional cube, $U_d$, using a sequence of one-dimensional conditional cumulative distribution functions. These functions are defined as follows: $$ \begin{array}{c} F_{1}(x_1|x_2, x_3, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) \equiv \int_{-\infty}^{x_1} p(z_1, x_2, x_3, \ldots, x_d | {\bf a}) d z_1 / \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(z_1, x_2, x_3, \ldots, x_d | {\bf a}) d z_1 \\ F_{2}(x_2 | x_3, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) \equiv \int_{-\infty}^{x_2} F_{1}(\infty | z_2, x_3, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) d z_2 / \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F_{1}(\infty | z_2, x_3, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) d z_2 \\ F_{3}(x_3 | \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) \equiv \int_{-\infty}^{x_3} F_{2}(\infty | z_3, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) d z_3 / \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F_{2}(\infty | z_3, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) d z_3 \\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ . \\ F_{d}(x_d | {\bf a}) \equiv \int_{-\infty}^{x_d} F_{d-1}(\infty | z_d, {\bf a}) d z_d / \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F_{d-1}(\infty | z_d, {\bf a}) d z_d \end{array} $$ Naturally, $F_{k}(\infty | x_{k+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a})$ is just renormalized $p({\bf x}|{\bf a})$ in which the first $k$ components of ${\bf x}$ are integrated out ({\it i.e.,} marginalized). The mapping from ${\bf x} \in X$ into ${\bf y} \in U_d$ is defined by $y_i = F_i(x_i | \ldots), \ i = 1, \ldots, d$. In terms of conditional cumulative distribution functions, $$ p({\bf x}|{\bf a}) = \prod_{i=1}^{d}{\frac{\partial F_i(x_i | \ldots)}{\partial x_i}}. $$ This method is not unique and other mappings from $X$ to $U_d$ are possible. What makes this particular construction useful is that the inverse mapping, from $U_d$ into $X$, can be easily constructed as well: we simply solve the equations \begin{equation} \label{eq:invertcondcdf} y_i = F_i(x_i | \ldots) \end{equation} in the reverse order, starting from dimension $d$ and going back to dimension $1$. Each equation in this sequence {\it has only one unknown} and therefore it can be efficiently solved numerically (and sometimes algebraically) by a variety of standard root finding techniques. The solutions of these equations, $x_i = q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) \equiv F_i^{-1}(y_i | \ldots)$, are the {\it conditional quantile functions} (CQFs). Note that \begin{equation} \label{eq:invderiv} p({\bf x}|{\bf a}) = \left( \prod_{\ i=1}^{d}{\frac{\partial q_i(y_i | \ldots)}{\partial y_i}} \right)^{-1}. \end{equation} Now, if the CQFs are known for some parameter values ${\bf a}_1$ and ${\bf a}_2$, interpolation towards ${\bf a} = (1 - \lambda) {\bf a}_1 + \lambda {\bf a}_2$ is made in the same manner as described in Section~\ref{sec:interpolatebyquant}: $x_i = (1 - \lambda) q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}_1) + \lambda q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}_2)$. If the CQFs are known on a~grid in the parameter space, we have to use an appropriate interpolation technique (multilinear, multicubic, {\it etc}) in that space in order to assign the weights to the CQFs at the nearby grid points. In general, the interpolated CQFs are defined by a weighted average \begin{equation} \label{eq:interpq} q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}) = \sum_{j=1}^m w_j q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}_j), \end{equation} where the sum is performed over $m$ nearby parameter points, weights $w_j$ are normalized by $\sum_{j=1}^m w_j = 1$, and their exact values depend on the parameter grid chosen and the interpolation method used. Basically, it is the whole mapping from ${\bf y}$ into ${\bf x}$ which gets interpolated in this method. The CQF interpolation results look very natural, but the process is rather CPU-intensive: for each ${\bf x}$ we need to solve $d$ one-dimensional nonlinear equations \begin{equation} \label{eq:interpsolve} x_i = q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}), \ \ \ \ i = d, \ldots, 1 \end{equation} in order to determine ${\bf y}$ of the interpolated mapping. In this process, each call to evaluate $q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a})$ triggers $m$ calls to evaluate $q_i(y_i | x_{i+1}, \ldots, x_d, {\bf a}_j)$. Depending on implementation details, each of these $m$ calls may in turn trigger root finding in an equation like~\ref{eq:invertcondcdf}. Once ${\bf y}$ is found for the interpolated CQFs, density is determined by numerical evaluation of~\ref{eq:invderiv} in which $q_i(y_i | \ldots)$ are given by~\ref{eq:interpq}. In practice, finite steps of the parameter grids will cause dependence of the interpolation results on the order in which conditional quantiles are evaluated. If choosing some particular order is considered undesirable and increased CPU loads are acceptable, all $d!$ possible permutations should be averaged. In the NPStat package, multivariate densities whose mapping from the multidimensional unit cube into the density support region is implemented via CQFs return ``true'' when their virtual function \cname{mappedByQuantiles} is called. User-developed implementations of multivariate densities should follow this convention as well. In particular, mapping of the densities represented by the \cname{BinnedDensityND} class (lookup tables on hyperrectangular grids with multilinear interpolation) is performed by CQFs, as well as mapping of all fully factorizable densities. When the fidelity of the model is less critical or when the correlation structure of the distribution is more stable w.r.t. parameter changes than its location and scales, much faster multivariate density interpolation can be performed by decomposing the density into the copula and the marginals. The support of the copula density $c({\bf y}({\bf x})|{\bf a})$ defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:copuladef} is always $U_d$ and it does not depend on the parameter ${\bf a}$. This suggests that the marginals and the copula can be interpolated separately, using quantile function interpolation for the marginals and the standard weighted average interpolation for the copula. The NPStat package uses the same data structure to perform both CQF-based and copula-based interpolation of multivariate densities. Multilinear interpolation is supported on a rectangular parameter grid (not necessarily equidistant). The distributions at the grid points are collected together -using the \cname{GridInterpolatedDistribution} template, -while method-specific -differences are isolated inside a policy class which serves as -the \cname{GridInterpolatedDistribution} template parameter. -Currently, \cname{UnitMapInterpolationND} or -\cname{CopulaInterpolationND} classes can serve as such a~parameter -which results in CQF-based or copula-based interpolation, respectively. +using the \cname{GridInterpolatedDistribution} class. +Internally, the interpolation is performed by either +\cname{UnitMapInterpolationND} or \cname{CopulaInterpolationND} +class, depending on a switch. These classes perform +CQF-based and copula-based interpolation, respectively. \section{Nonparametric Density Estimation} \label{sec:densityestimation} The problem of estimating population probability density function from a finite sample drawn from this population is ubiquitous in data analysis practice. It is often the case that there are no substantial reasons for choosing a particular parametric density model but certain assumptions, such as continuity of the density together with some number of derivatives or absence of narrow spatial features, can still be justified. There is a~number of approaches by which assumptions of this kind can be introduced into the statistical model. These approaches are collectively known as ``nonparametric density estimation'' methods~{\cite{ref:silverman, ref:izenmann, ref:kde}}. The NPStat package provides an efficient implementation of one of such methods, kernel density estimation (KDE), together with its extension to polynomial density models and densities with bounded support. This extension is called ``local orthogonal polynomial expansion'' (LOrPE). \subsection{Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)} \label{sec:kde} Suppose, we have an i.i.d.~sample of measurements $x_i$, $i = 0, 1, ..., N-1$ from a univariate probability density $p(x)$. The empirical probability density function (EPDF) for this sample is defined by \begin{equation} \mbox{EPDF}(x) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \delta (x - x_i), \label{eq:edf} \end{equation} where $\delta(x)$ is the Dirac delta function. $\mbox{EPDF}(x)$ can itself be considered an estimate of $p(x)$. However, this estimate can be substantially improved if some additional information about $p(x)$ is available. For example, we can often assume that $p(x)$ is continuous together with its first few derivatives or that it can have at most a few modes. In such cases a convolution of $\mbox{EPDF}(x)$ with a kernel function, $K(x)$, often provides a much better estimate of the population density. $K(x)$ itself is usually chosen to be a symmetric continuous density with a location and scale parameter, so that the resulting estimate looks like \begin{equation} \hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h) = \frac{1}{N h} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} K \left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right). \label{eq:kde} \end{equation} In the context of density estimation, parameter $h$ is usually referred to as ``bandwidth''. Use of the Gaussian distribution or one of the distributions from the symmetric beta family as $K(x)$ is very common. In fact, it is so common that beta family kernels have their own names in the density estimation literature. These names are listed in Table~\ref{table:betakernels}. \begin{table}[h!] \caption{One-dimensional kernels from the symmetric beta family. All these kernels look like ${\cal{N}} \, (1 - x^2)^p \, I(-1 < x < 1)$, where ${\cal{N}}$ is the appropriate normalization factor. In the NPStat package, their formulae are implemented by the \cname{SymmetricBeta1D} function.} \label{table:betakernels} \begin{center} \noindent\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Kernel name & Power $p$ \\ \hline\hline Uniform (also called ``boxcar'') & 0 \\ \hline Epanechnikov & 1 \\ \hline Biweight (also called ``quartic'') & 2 \\ \hline Triweight & 3 \\ \hline Quadweight & 4 \\ \hline % Quintweight & 5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} In the limit $N \rightarrow \infty$ and with proper choice of $h$ so that $h \rightarrow 0$ and $N h \rightarrow \infty$, $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x)$ becomes a~consistent estimate of $p(x)$ in terms of integrated squared error (ISE): \begin{equation} \mbox{ISE}(h) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h) - p(x))^2 dx, \ \ \ \ \ \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \mbox{ISE}(h) = 0. \end{equation} For the method analysis purposes, it is useful to understand what happens when we reconstruct known densities $p(x)$. Here, another measure of distance between the true density and its estimator becomes indispensable, called ``mean integrated squared error'' (MISE): \begin{equation} \mbox{MISE}(h) = E(\mbox{ISE}(h)) = E \left( \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h) - p(x))^2 dx \right), \label{eq:mise} \end{equation} where $E(...)$ stands for the expectation value over samples of $N$ points drawn from $p(x)$. While other distance measures can be defined (and may be more relevant for your problem), $\mbox{MISE}(h)$ is usually the easiest to analyze mathematically\footnote{Note that both ISE and MISE are not dimensionless and, therefore, not invariant under scaling transformations. It is OK to compare different $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$ with each other if the underlying $p(x)$ is the same, but ISE or MISE comparison for different $p(x)$ requires certain care if meaningful results are to be obtained.}. A typical goal of such an analysis consists in finding the value of $h$ which minimizes $\mbox{MISE}(h)$ for a~sample of given size, and a~significant amount of effort has been devoted to such bandwidth optimization studies (see, {\it e.g.,} Refs.~\cite{ref:bwopt, ref:loaderbw} for a review). A large fraction of these studies employs a~simple MISE approximation valid for large values of $N$ known as ``AMISE'' (asymptotic MISE). This approximation includes just the two leading terms known as ``bias'' which increases with increasing bandwidth and ``variance'' which decreases with increasing bandwidth, so that the bandwidth optimization procedure is reduced to finding the best bias-variance trade-off. For subsequent discussion, it will be useful to introduce the concept of kernel order. Let's define the functional \begin{equation} \mu_{j}(f) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x^j f(x) dx \label{eq:mufunct} \end{equation} which is the $j$-th moment of $f(x)$ about 0. Then it is said that the kernel $K(x)$ is of order $m$ if \begin{equation} \mu_0(K) = 1, \ \mu_j(K) = 0 \ \mbox{for} \ j = 1, ..., m-1, \ \mbox{and} \ \mu_m(K) \ne 0. \end{equation} It can be shown that, for one-dimensional KDE, the rate of AMISE convergence to 0 is proportional to $N^{-\frac{2 m}{2 m + 1}}$ (see, for example, section~2.8 of~\cite{ref:kernsmooth}). Therefore, kernels with high values of $m$ should be preferred for large samples. At the same time, only in case $m = 2$ the kernels can be everywhere non-negative ({\it i.e.,} bona fide densities). When $m > 2$ (so called ``high-order'' kernels), in order to have $\mu_2(K) = 0$, $K(x)$ must become negative somewhere. Therefore, negative values of $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$ also become possible, and a mechanism for dealing with this problem must be specified. In NPStat, this problem is normally taken care of by setting negative values of $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$ to 0 with subsequent renormalization of the density estimate so that its integral is 1. It is instructive to consider $p(x)$, $\mbox{EPDF}(x)$, and $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$ in the frequency domain\footnote{The Fourier transform of a probability density is called ``characteristic function'' of the distribution.}. There, the Fourier transform of $K(x)$ acts as a low-pass filter which suppresses the sampling noise present in $\mbox{EPDF}(x)$ so that the result, $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$, has a better match to the spectrum of $p(x)$. By Parseval's identity, this leads to the reduction of the ISE. High-order kernels allow for a sharper frequency cutoff in the filter. Fortunately, the precise shape of $p(x)$ frequency spectrum is relatively unimportant, it is only important that its high frequency components decay ``fast enough'' so that their suppression together with the noise does not cause a significant distortion of $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$ in comparison with $p(x)$. Powerful automatic bandwidth selection rules can be derived from this type of analysis if certain assumptions about the $p(x)$ spectrum decay rate at high frequencies are satisfied~\cite{ref:chiu2, ref:chiumultivar}. With a few modifications, the ideas described above can be translated to multivariate settings. The kernel function becomes a multivariate density, and the bandwidth parameter becomes, in general, the bandwidth matrix (for example, the covariance matrix in the case of multivariate Gaussian kernel). The NPStat package calculates $\hat{p}\sub{KDE}(x|h)$ on an equidistant grid in one or more dimensions. Initially, the data sample is histogrammed using a finely binned histogram and then convoluted with a kernel using Discrete Fast Fourier Transform (DFFT). The number of histogram bins, $N_b$, should be selected taking into account the following considerations: \begin{thinlist} \item The bins should be sufficiently small so that no ``interesting'' detail will be missed due to discretization of the density. \item The bins should be sufficiently small so that the expected optimal MISE is significantly larger than the ISE due to density discretization. Detailed exposition of this requirement can be found in Ref.~\cite{ref:discretizedkde}. \item DFFT should be efficient for this number of bins. It is best to use $N_b = 2^k$ bins in each dimension, where $k$ is a positive integer. \end{thinlist} The computational complexity of this method is ${\cal O}(N) + {\cal O}(N_b \ln N_b)$ which is usually much better than the ${\cal O}(N \times N_b)$ complexity of a ``naive'' KDE implementation. However, for large sample dimensionalities $N_b$ can become very large which limits the applicability of this technique. There are other computational methods (not yet in NPStat) which can work efficiently for high-dimensional samples~\cite{ref:fastkde1, ref:fastkde2}. The following NPStat functions and classes can be used to perform KDE and to assist in bandwidth selection: \cname{amiseOptimalBwGauss} (header file ``npstat/stat/amiseOptimalBandwidth.hh'') --- calculates AMISE-optimal bandwidth for fixed-bandwidth KDE with Gaussian kernel as well as high-order kernels derived from Gaussian. The following formula is implemented: \begin{equation} h\sub{AMISE} = \left( \frac{R(K) (m!)^2}{2 m \mu_{m}^2(K) R(p^{(m)}) N} \right)^{\frac{1}{2 m + 1}}. \label{eq:amisebw} \end{equation} In this formula, $R(f)$ denotes the functional $R(f) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f^2(x) dx$ defined for any square-integrable function $f$, $\mu_{m}(f)$ is the functional defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:mufunct}, $K$ is the kernel, $m$ is the kernel order, $p^{(m)}$ is the $m$-th derivative of the reconstructed density\footnote{Of course, in practice the reconstructed density is usually unknown. It is expected that a~look-alike density will be substituted. }, and $N$ is the number of points in the sample. The expected AMISE corresponding to this bandwidth is calculated from \begin{equation} \mbox{AMISE}(h\sub{AMISE}) = \frac{(2 m + 1) R(K)}{2 m \, h\sub{AMISE} \,N}. \label{eq:bestamise} \end{equation} For the origin and further discussion of these formulae consult, for example, section~2.8 in Ref.~\cite{ref:kernsmooth}. It is assumed that high-order kernels are generated according to Eq.~\ref{eq:effk}. \cname{amiseOptimalBwSymbeta} (header file ``npstat/stat/amiseOptimalBandwidth.hh'') --- calculates AMISE-optimal bandwidth and corresponding expected AMISE according to Eqs.~\ref{eq:amisebw} and~\ref{eq:bestamise} for fixed-bandwidth KDE with kernels from symmetric beta family as well as with high-order kernels derived from symmetric beta distributions. \cname{amisePluginBwGauss} (header file ``npstat/stat/amiseOptimalBandwidth.hh'') --- Gaussian $p(x)$ is substituted in Eqs.~\ref{eq:amisebw} and~\ref{eq:bestamise} and the corresponding quantities are found for the Gaussian kernel as well as high-order kernels derived from Gaussian. \cname{amisePluginBwSymbeta} (header file ``npstat/stat/amiseOptimalBandwidth.hh'') --- Gaussian $p(x)$ is substituted in Eqs.~\ref{eq:amisebw} and~\ref{eq:bestamise} and the corresponding quantities are found for the kernels from the symmetric beta family as well as high-order kernels derived from symmetric beta distributions. \cname{miseOptimalBw} and \cname{gaussianMISE} methods of the \cname{GaussianMixture1D} class --- these methods calculate MISE-optimal bandwidth and the corresponding exact MISE for Gaussian mixture densities estimated with the Gaussian kernel (or high-order kernels derived from the Gaussian) according to the formulae from Ref.~\cite{ref:bwgaussmix}. \cname{ConstantBandwidthSmoother1D} --- This class implements fixed-bandwidth KDE for one-dimensional samples of points using Gaussian kernels or kernels from the symmetric beta family (including high-order kernels which are generated internally). Boundary effects can be alleviated by data mirroring. Kernel convolutions are performed by DFFT after sample discretization. \cname{ConstantBandwidthSmootherND} --- This class implements fixed-bandwidth KDE for multivariate histograms. Arbitrary density implementations which inherit from \cname{AbsDistributionND} can be used as weight functions for generating high-order kernels. Boundary effects can be alleviated by data mirroring. \cname{JohnsonKDESmoother} --- This class constructs adaptive bandwidth KDE estimates for one-dimensional samples. It operates in several steps: \begin{thinlist} \item The sample is discretized using centroid-preserving binning. \item Population mean, $\mu$, standard deviation, $\sigma$, skewness, $s$, and kurtosis, $k$, are estimated by the \cname{arrayShape1D} function. \item A distribution from the Johnson system with these values of $\mu$, $\sigma$, $s$, and $k$ is used as a template for the \cname{amiseOptimalBwSymbeta} (or \cname{amiseOptimalBwGauss}) function which calculates optimal constant bandwidth according to Eq.~\ref{eq:amisebw}. \item A pilot density estimate is built by KDE (using \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} class) with the bandwidth determined in the previous step. \item The sample is smoothed by the \cname{variableBandwidthSmooth1D} function (described below) using this pilot estimate. \end{thinlist} This method achieves better MISE convergence rate without using high-order kernels (so that density truncation below zero is unnecessary). Give this method a serious consideration if you are working with one-dimensional samples, expect to reconstruct a unimodal distribution, and do not have to worry about boundary effects. \cname{KDECopulaSmoother} --- multivariate KDE in which extra care is applied in order to ensure that the estimation result is a bona fide copula ({\it i.e.,} that all of its marginals are uniform). This class should normally be used to smooth empirical copula densities constructed by \cname{empiricalCopulaHisto} or \cname{empiricalCopulaDensity}. The bandwidth can be supplied by the user or it can be chosen by cross-validation. In general, \cname{LOrPECopulaSmoother} will produce better results in this context, so \cname{KDECopulaSmoother} should be used only in case the slower speed of \cname{LOrPECopulaSmoother} is deemed unacceptable. \cname{KDEFilterND} --- A collection of \cname{KDEFilterND} objects which utilize common workspace and DFFT engine can be employed to perform cross-validation calculations and bandwidth scans. Such a collection is used, for example, by the \cname{KDECopulaSmoother} class described above. If you already know the bandwidth, the \cname{ConstantBandwidthSmootherND} class will likely be more convenient to use than this one. \cname{variableBandwidthSmooth1D} --- implements one-dimensional variable kernel adaptive KDE (which should not be confused with {\it local kernel}, or {\it balloon}, method --- see section~2.10 in Ref.~\cite{ref:kernsmooth} for further discussion). In general, this approach consists in assigning different bandwidth values to each sample point. In the \cname{variableBandwidthSmooth1D} function, this assignment is performed according to the formula \begin{equation} h_i = \frac{c}{{\hat \rho}^{\alpha}(x_i)}, \end{equation} where ${\hat \rho(x)}$ is a~pilot density estimate constructed, for example, by fixed-bandwidth KDE. Boundary kernel adjustments are performed automatically. The normalization constant $c$ is determined so that the geometric mean of $h_i$ equals to a~user-provided bandwidth. There are certain reasons to believe that the choice of power parameter $\alpha = 1/2$ is a~particularly good one~\cite{ref:abramson}. \cname{simpleVariableBandwidthSmooth1D} --- a high-level driver function for variable kernel adaptive KDE which uses kernels from the symmetric beta family and automatically generates a~pilot density estimate employing AMISE plugin bandwidth. \subsection{Local Orthogonal Polynomial Expansion (LOrPE)} \label{sec:lorpe} Local Orthogonal Polynomial Expansion (LOrPE) can be viewed as a convenient method for creating kernels with desired properties (including high-order kernels) and for eliminating the KDE boundary bias\footnote{If you are familiar with orthogonal series density estimators (OSDE), you can also view LOrPE as a~localized version of OSDE.}. LOrPE amounts to constructing a truncated expansion of the EPDF defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:edf} into orthogonal polynomial series near each point $x\sub{fit}$ where we want to build the initial density estimate: \begin{equation} \label{eq:expansion} \hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}(x|h) = \sum_{k=0}^{M}c_{k}(x\sub{fit}, h) P_{k}\left(\frac{x - \xf}{h}\right). \end{equation} The polynomials $P_{k}(x)$ are built to satisfy the normalization condition \begin{equation}\label{eq:norm0} \frac{1}{h} \int_{a}^{b} P_{j}\left(\frac{x - \xf}{h}\right)P_{k}\left(\frac{x - \xf}{h}\right) K\left(\frac{x - \xf}{h}\right)dx = \delta_{jk}, \end{equation} which is equivalent to \begin{equation} \label{eq:norm} \int_{(a - x\sub{fit})/h}^{(b - x\sub{fit})/h} P_{j}(y)P_{k}(y)K(y)dy = \delta_{jk}, \end{equation} where $\delta_{jk}$ is the Kronecker delta, $K(x)$ is a suitably chosen kernel function, and $[a, b]$ is the support interval of the estimated density. For commonly used kernels from the beta family (Epanechnikov, biweight, triweight, {\it etc}.), condition (\ref{eq:norm}) generates the normalized Gegenbauer polynomials (up to a common multiplicative constant) at points $\xf$ sufficiently deep inside the support interval, provided $h$ is small enough to guarantee that $(a-\xf)/h\leq -1$ and $(b-\xf)/h\geq 1$. If $\xf$ is sufficiently close to the boundaries of the density support $[a,b]$ then the polynomial system will vary depending on $\xf$, and the notation $P_{k}(\cdot,\xf)$ would be more appropriate. However, in the subsequent text this dependence on $\xf$ will be suppressed in order to simplify the notation. The expansion coefficients $c_{k}(x\sub{fit}, h)$ are determined by the usual scalar product of the expanded function with $P_{k}$: \begin{equation}\label{eq:convol} c_{k}(x\sub{fit}, h) = \frac{1}{h} \int \mbox{EPDF}(x) P_{k}\left( \frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right)K\left( \frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right)dx, \end{equation} which, after substituting $\mbox{EPDF}(x)$ from~\ref{eq:edf}, leads to \begin{equation}\label{eq:emp-ck} c_{k}(x\sub{fit}, h) = \frac{1}{Nh}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}P_{k}\left( \frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right) K\left( \frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right). \end{equation} Note that the coefficients $c_{k}(x\sub{fit}, h)$ calculated according to Eq.~\ref{eq:convol} can be naturally interpreted as localized expectation values of orthogonal polynomials $P_{k}\left( \frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right)$ w.r.t. probability density $\mbox{EPDF}(x)$ in which localization weights are given by $\frac{1}{h} K\left( \frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right)$. The density estimate at $x\sub{fit}$ is defined by \begin{equation} \hat{p}\sub{LOrPE}(x\sub{fit}|h) = \max\{0, \hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}(x\sub{fit}|h)\}. \label{eq:trunc} \end{equation} In general, LOrPE does not produce a bona fide density (in this respect it is similar to the orthogonal series estimator), and after calculating the density for all $x\sub{fit}$ values one has to perform the overall renormalization. Equation~\ref{eq:expansion} can be usefully generalized as follows: \begin{equation}\label{eq:lorpe} \hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}(x|h) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} g(k) c_{k}(x\sub{fit}, h) P_{k}\left( \frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right). \end{equation} Here, $g(k)$ is a ``taper function''. Normally, $g(0) = 1$ and there is an integer $M$ such that $g(k) = 0$ for any $k > M$. The taper function suppresses high order terms gradually instead of using a sharp cutoff at $M$. When evaluated at points $x\sub{fit}$ which are sufficiently far away from the density support boundaries and if $K(x)$ is an even function, Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe} is equivalent to a~kernel density estimator with the effective kernel \begin{equation}\label{eq:effk} K\sub{eff}(x) = K(x) \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} g(2 j) P_{2 j}(0) P_{2 j}(x). \end{equation} Moreover, if $g(k)$ is a step function, {\it i.e.,}~$g(k) = 1$ for all $k \le M$ and $g(k) = 0$ for all $k > M$, it can be shown that the effective kernel is of order $M+1$ if $M$ is odd and $M+2$ if $M$ is even~\cite{ref:placida}\footnote{For such kernels the sum in Eq.~\ref{eq:effk} can be reduced to a simple algebraic form via the Christoffel-Darboux identity. However, the resulting formula is not easy to evaluate in a numerically stable manner near $x = 0$.}. A slightly different modification of LOrPE is based on the following identity: \begin{equation}\label{eq:deltasum} \frac{1}{h} \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} P_{j}\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right)P_{j}\left(0\right) K\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right) = \delta(x - x_i). \end{equation} Substituting this into Eq.~\ref{eq:edf}, we obtain \begin{equation} \mbox{EPDF}(x) = \frac{1}{N h} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} P_{j}\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right)P_{j}\left(0\right) K\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right). \end{equation} The modified density estimate is obtained from this expansion by introducing a taper: \begin{equation} \hat{\hat{f}}\sub{LOrPE}(x\sub{fit}|h) = \frac{1}{N h} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} g(j) P_{j}\left(\frac{x\sub{fit} - x_i}{h}\right)P_{j}\left(0\right) K\left(\frac{x\sub{fit} - x_i}{h}\right) \label{eq:lorpe2} \end{equation} and then truncation is handled just like in Eq.~\ref{eq:trunc}. For even kernels and points $x\sub{fit}$ sufficiently far away from the density support boundaries, Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe2} is equivalent to Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe} evaluated at $x = x\sub{fit}$. However, this is no longer true near the boundaries. Perhaps, the easiest way to think about it is that, in Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe2}, an effective kernel is placed at the location of each data point (and, in general, shapes of these effective kernels depend on the data point location $x_i$). All these kernels are then summed to obtain the density estimates at all $x\sub{fit}$. On the other hand, in Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe} the effective kernel is placed at the location of each point at which the density estimate is made (so that the effective kernel shape depends on $x\sub{fit}$). This kernel generates the weights for each data point which are summed to obtain the estimate. The difference between these two approaches is usually ignored for KDE (simple KDE is unable to deal with boundary bias anyway), but for LOrPE substantially different results can be obtained near the boundaries. It is not obvious apriori which density estimate is better: $\hat{\hat{f}}\sub{LOrPE}$ from Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe2} or $\hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}$ from Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe}, although some preliminary experimentation with simple distributions does indicate that $\hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}$ typically results in smaller MISE. The integral of the $\hat{\hat{f}}\sub{LOrPE}$ estimate on the complete density support interval is automatically 1 which is not true for $\hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}$. On the other hand, $\hat{f}\sub{LOrPE}$ admits an appealing interpretation in terms of the local density expansion~\ref{eq:lorpe} in which the localized expectation values of the orthogonal polynomials $P_k$ are matched to their observed values in the data sample (this also leads to automatic matching of localized distribution moments about $x\sub{fit}$). One-dimensional KDE with fixed kernel $K(x)$ has only one important parameter which regulates the amount of smoothing: bandwidth $h$. LOrPE has two such parameters: bandwidth $h$ and the highest polynomial order $M$ (or, in general, the shape of the taper function). It is intuitively obvious that polynomial modeling should result in a smaller bias than KDE for densities with several (at least $M$) continuous derivatives, and that a~proper balance of $h$ and $M$ should result in a better estimator overall. LOrPE calculations remain essentially unchanged in multivariate settings: the only difference is switching to multivariate orthogonal polynomial systems. Even though LOrPE is equivalent to KDE far away from the density support boundaries, LOrPE does not suffer from the boundary bias because Eq.~\ref{eq:norm} automatically adjusts the shape of orthogonal polynomials near the boundary. This makes LOrPE applicable in a~wider set of problems than KDE. In addition to just making better estimates of densities with a~sharp cutoff at the boundary, LOrPE fixes the main problem with some existing KDE-based methods which are rarely used in practice due to their severe degradation from the boundary bias. Examples of such methods include transformation kernel density estimation (see, for example, section 2.10.3 of~\cite{ref:kernsmooth}) in which the transformation target is the uniform distribution, as well as separate estimation of the marginals and the copula for multivariate densities. Unfortunately, LOrPE improvements over KDE do not come without a price in terms of the algorithmic complexity of the method. The density estimate can no longer be represented as a simple convolution of the sample EPDF and a kernel. Because of this, DFFT-based calculations are no longer sufficient. In the LOrPE implementation within NPStat, simple algorithms are used instead which perform pointwise convolutions. Their computational complexity scales as ${\cal O}(N) + {\cal O}(N_b N_s)$, where $N_b$ is the number of bins in the sample discretization histogram and $N_s$ is the number of bins of the same length (area, volume, {\it etc}) inside the kernel support. For large bandwidth values (or for kernels with infinite support) this essentially becomes ${\cal O}(N) + {\cal O}(N_b^2)$ which can be significantly slower than the KDE implementation based on DFFT. The following NPStat classes and functions can be used to perform LOrPE and to assist in choosing the bandwidth: \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} --- LOrPE for one-dimensional samples. A numerical Gram-Schmidt procedure is used to build polynomials defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:norm0} on an equidistant grid. A linear filter which combines formulae~\ref{eq:convol} and~\ref{eq:lorpe} is then constructed for each grid point $\xf$ from the density support region (the same ``central'' filter is used for all $\xf$ points far away from the support boundaries). The \cname{filter} method of the class can then be used to build density estimates defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe} with $x = \xf$ from sample histograms. Alternatively, the \cname{convolve} method can be used to to make estimates according to Eq.~\ref{eq:lorpe2}. If necessary, subsequent truncation of the reconstructed densities below 0 together with renormalization should be performed by the user. \cname{WeightTableFilter1DBuilder} (header file ``npstat/stat/WeightTableFilter1DBuilder.hh'') --- Helper class designed to work with \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D}. This helper constructs linear filters out of arbitrary scanned weights utilizing orthogonal polynomials. If it is necessary to introduce exclusion regions into the data (for example, for the purpose of interpolating background density from sidebands), constructor of this class is the place where this can be done. \cname{NonmodifyingFilter1DBuilder} (header file ``npstat/stat/WeightTableFilter1DBuilder.hh'') --- Helper class designed to work with \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D}. This filter does not change the data ({\it i.e.}, this filter is represented by the unit matrix). \cname{getBoundaryFilter1DBuilder} (header file ``npstat/stat/AbsFilter1DBuilder.hh'') --- This function can be used to construct various filters that inherit from \cname{AbsBoundaryFilter1DBuilder} class. These filters differ by the kernel adjustments they perform near the density support boundaries. Many filters of this kind are declared in the ``npstat/stat/Filter1DBuilders.hh'' header file. \cname{PolyFilterCollection1D} --- A collection of \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} objects which can be used, for example, in bandwidth scans or in cross-validation calculations. \cname{LocalPolyFilterND} --- similar to \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} but intended for estimating multivariate densities. \cname{SequentialPolyFilterND} --- similar to \cname{LocalPolyFilterND} but each dimension is processed sequentially using 1-d filtering. Employs a collection of \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} objects, one for each dataset dimension. \cname{LOrPECopulaSmoother} --- multivariate LOrPE in which extra care is applied in order to ensure that the estimation result is a bona fide copula ({\it i.e.,} that all of its marginals are uniform). This class should normally be used to smooth empirical copula densities constructed by \cname{empiricalCopulaHisto} or \cname{empiricalCopulaDensity}. The bandwidth can be supplied by the user or it can be chosen by cross-validation. Less reliable but faster calculations of this type can be performed with the \cname{KDECopulaSmoother} class described in Section~\ref{sec:kde}. \cname{SequentialCopulaSmoother} --- similar to \cname{LOrPECopulaSmoother} but each dimension is processed sequentially using 1-d filtering. \cname{NonparametricCompositeBuilder} --- a high-level API for estimating multivariate densities by applying KDE or LOrPE separately to each marginal and to the copula. This class builds \cname{CompositeDistributionND} objects from collections of sample points. \cname{symbetaLOrPEFilter1D} (header file ``npstat/stat/LocalPolyFilter1D.hh'') --- a convenience utility for building one-dimensional LOrPE filters using kernels from the symmetric beta family (including the Gaussian). \cname{lorpeMise1D} (header file ``npstat/stat/lorpeMise1D.hh'') --- calculates LOrPE MISE for an arbitrary known density according to Eq.~\ref{eq:mise}. The support of the density is split into $M$ subintervals. It is assumed that the sample points are distributed in these subintervals according to the multinomial distribution. The covariance matrix of this distribution is then propagated to the density estimation result. The trace of the propagated covariance, multiplied by the width of the subinterval, is added to the integrated squared bias in order to obtain the MISE. Of course, this method reproduces Eq.~\ref{eq:mise} exactly only in the limit $M \rightarrow \infty$, while in practice the $O(M^3)$ computational complexity of the error propagation formulae (based on conventional matrix multiplication) will necessitate a~reasonable choice of finite~$M$. I suggest choosing $M$ in such a manner that the ISE introduced by the discretization of the density is significantly smaller than the estimated MISE. + Further remarks on theoretical development of LOrPE, + as well as a comparison of its performance with + other density estimation techniques, + can be found in~\cite{ref:lorpe}. \subsection {Density Estimation with Bernstein Polynomials} \label{sec:bernstein} Density representation by Bernstein polynomial series is an alternative approach which can be used to alleviate the boundary bias problem of KDE. Bernstein polynomials are defined as follows: \begin{equation} b_{m,n}(x) = C_n^m x^m (1 - x)^{n - m}, \label{eq:bpoly} \end{equation} where $m = 0, 1, ..., n$ and $C_n^m$ are the binomial coefficients: \begin{equation} C_n^m = \frac{n!}{m! (n-m)!}. \end{equation} In the density estimation context, Bernstein polynomials are often generalized to non-integer values of $n$ and $m$ in which case $C_n^m$ is replaced by $\frac{\Gamma(n + 1)}{\Gamma(m + 1) \Gamma(n - m +1)}$. Up to normalization, this representation is equivalent to the beta distribution with parameters $\alpha = m + 1$ and $\beta = n - m + 1$. For notational simplicity, I will use the term ``Bernstein polynomials'' even if $n$ and $m$ are not integer. There are two substantially different variations of this density estimation method. In the first scheme~\cite{ref:betakern}, Bernstein polynomials are used as variable-shape kernels in a KDE-like formula: \begin{equation} \hat{f}\sub{B}(x|n) = \frac{n + 1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} b_{m(x), n}(x_i), \label{eq:betakernels} \end{equation} where it is assumed that the reconstructed density is supported on the [0, 1] interval (naturally, this interval can be shifted and scaled as needed). The requirement of asymptotic estimator consistency does not fix $m(x)$ uniquely, and this mapping can be chosen in a~variety of ways. In NPStat, the following relationship is implemented: \begin{equation} m(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c & \mbox{ if } x (n - 2 s) + s \leq c \\ x (n - 2 s) + s & \mbox{ if } c < x (n - 2 s) + s < n - c \\ n - c & \mbox{ if } x (n - 2 s) + s \geq n - c \end{array} \right. \end{equation} This formula reproduces the simple mapping $m(x) = x n$ considered in Ref.~\cite{ref:betakern} in case $s = 0$ and $c = 0$. The offset parameter $s$ plays the role of effective Bernstein polynomial degree used at $x = 0$ and regulates the amount of boundary bias. Meaningful values of $s$ lie between $-1$ and 0. As $m \rightarrow -1$, the mean of the generalized Bernstein polynomial kernels tends to $x$ so that the estimator becomes uniformly unbiased for linear density functions. At the same time, the width of the kernel tends to 0 at the boundary which leads to an increase in the estimator variance. As it makes little sense to use kernels whose width is smaller than the discretization bin size, the cutoff parameter $c$ was introduced. This cutoff effectively limits kernel width from below in a manner which preserves asymptotic consistency of the estimator (the useful range of $c$ values is also [-1, 0]). In addition to appropriate selection of the main bandwidth parameter $n$, proper choice of parameters $s$ and $c$ can significantly improve estimator convergence at the boundary. In the second variation of this density estimation technique~\cite{ref:babu}, the polynomials are chosen based on the location of the observed points: \begin{equation} \hat{\hat{f}}\sub{B}(x|n) = \frac{n + 1}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} b_{m(x_i), n}(x). \label{eq:bern2} \end{equation} For any $m$ and $n$, $\int_0^1 b_{m,n}(x) dx = \frac{1}{n + 1}$, so this particular estimate is a bona fide density. Due to the reasons that will be mentioned later in this subsection, it can be advantageous to keep integer $m$ and $n$ in this approach. As in the case of $x$-dependent kernel shape, there is some amount of freedom in the $m(x_i)$ assignment. For asymptotic consistency we must require that $m(x_i)/n \rightarrow x_i$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$. However, such assignments are not unique. One can choose, for example, $m(x_i) = \lfloor x_i/(n + 1) \rfloor$ as in Ref.~\cite{ref:babu} (the symbol $\lfloor \cdot \rfloor$ stands for the ``floor'' function), but it can also be useful to assign more than one polynomial to $x_i$. The following scheme is implemented in NPStat in addition to the $m(x_i)$ assignment just mentioned. First, an integer $k$ is found such that $k + 0.5 \leq x_i (n + 1) < k + 1.5$. Then, if $0 \leq k < n$, \begin{equation} m(x_i) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} k & \mbox{ with weight } k + 1.5 - x_i (n + 1) \\ k + 1 & \mbox{ with weight } x_i (n + 1) - k - 0.5 \end{array} \right. \end{equation} If $k < 0$ then $m(x_i) = 0$ with weight 1, and if $k >= n$ then $m(x_i) = n$ with weight~1. The polynomial weighting schemes actually implemented in the code are slightly more complicated as they take into account data binning. With integer values of $m$ and $n$, density estimates constructed according to Eq.~\ref{eq:bern2} (or its weighted version just described) have an important property of being positive doubly stochastic. What it means is that not only $\int_0^1 \hat{\hat{f}}\sub{B}(x|n) dx = 1$ but also a sum of an arbitrary number of separate $\hat{\hat{f}}\sub{B}(x|n)$ estimators will be flat in $x$ as long as the sum of $x_i$ values used to build all these estimators is itself flat. If the $x_i$ values are flat between 0 and 1 then assigned $m$ values will be flat between 0 and n (inclusive). Then double stochasticity follows directly from the partition of unity property of Bernstein polynomials: $\sum_{m=0}^n b_{m,n}(x) = \sum_{m=0}^n C_n^m x^m (1 - x)^{n - m} = [x + (1 - x)]^n = 1$. A collection of positive double stochastic estimators can be used for copula filtering by sequentially applying these estimators in each dimension (with the help of \cname{SequentialPolyFilterND} class). If the initial data set processed by this sequence represents a copula density (for example, in case it is an empirical copula density histogram), the result is also guaranteed to be a copula density. In NPStat, any density estimator implemented via the \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} class can be turned into closest (in some sense) doubly stochastic estimator by calling the \cname{doublyStochasticFilter} method of that class. Non-negative estimators will be converted into non-negative doubly stochastic estimators using an iterative procedure similar to the one described in~\cite{ref:sinkhorn} while filters with negative entries will be converted into generalized doubly stochastic filters according to the method described in~\cite{ref:khoury}. The following facilities are provided by NPStat for estimating densities with Bernstein polynomials and beta distribution kernels: \cname{BetaFilter1DBuilder} --- Constructs linear filters for \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} class according to Eq.~\ref{eq:betakernels}. \cname{BernsteinFilter1DBuilder} --- Constructs linear filters for \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} according to Eq.~\ref{eq:bern2}. These filters are intended for use with the \cname{convolve} method of \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} class rather than the \cname{filter} method. \cname{betaKernelsBandwidth} --- This function estimates optimal bandwidth (order $n$ of the generalized Bernstein polynomial) for Eq.~\ref{eq:betakernels} according to the AMISE calculation presented in~\cite{ref:betakern}. This bandwidth estimate should not be taken very seriously for realistic sample sizes, as finite sample performance of Bernstein polynomial methods is not well understood. It is worth mentioning that there are other ways to create doubly stochastic filters. For example, the filter which represents the discretized Green's function for the homogeneous 1-d heat equation with the Neumann boundary conditions is doubly stochastic. This particular filter can be constructed with the help of the \cname{symbetaLOrPEFilter1D} function, using Gaussian kernel and specifying 0 for the degree of the LOrPE polynomial as well as \textsf{BM\_FOLD} for the boundary handling option. Subsequently, the \cname{convolve} method of this filter should be utilized to smooth the data. \subsection {Using Cross-Validation for Choosing the Bandwidth} \label{sec:crossval} Cross-validation is a technique for adaptive bandwidth selection applicable to both KDE and LOrPE. Two types of cross-validation are supported by NPStat: least squares and pseudo-likelihood. The least squares cross-validation is based on the following idea. The MISE from Eq.~\ref{eq:mise} can be written as \begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{MISE}(h) & = & E \left( \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (\hat{p}(x|h) - p(x))^2 dx \right) \\ & = & E \left( \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}^2(x|h) dx \right) - 2 E \left( \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}(x|h) p(x) dx \right) + \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p^2(x) dx. \label{eq:lsqcv} \end{eqnarray*} The last term, $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p^2(x) dx$, does not depend on $h$, so minimization of MISE is equivalent to minimization of $B(h) \equiv E \left( \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}^2(x|h) dx - 2 \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}(x|h) p(x) dx \right).$ Of course, $p(x)$ itself is unknown. However, it can be shown (as in section 3.4.3 of~\cite{ref:silverman}) that an unbiased estimator of $B(h)$ can be constructed as \begin{equation} \mbox{LSCV}(h) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}^2(x|h) dx - \frac{2}{N} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \hat{p}_{-1,i}(x_i, h), \label{eq:lscv} \end{equation} where $\hat{p}_{-1,i}(x, h)$ is a ``leaving-one-out'' density estimator to which the point at $x_i$ does not contribute. For example, in the case of KDE this estimator is defined by \begin{equation} \hat{p}_{-1,i}(x|h) = \frac{1}{(N-1) \, h} \sum_{\stackrel{j=0}{j \ne i}}^{N-1} K \left(\frac{x - x_j}{h}\right). \end{equation} Minimization of $\mbox{LSCV}(h)$ can lead to a reasonable bandwidth estimate, $h\sub{LSCV}$. However, as $h\sub{LSCV}$ is itself a random quantity, its convergence towards the bandwidth that optimizes MISE, $h\sub{MISE}$, is known to be rather slow. Moreover, $\mbox{LSCV}(h)$ can have multiple minima, so its minimization is best carried out by simply scanning $h$ within a certain range in the proximity of some value $h^{*}$ suggested by plug-in methods. For more information on the issues related to the least squares cross-validation see Refs.~\cite{ref:silverman, ref:kernsmooth}. The pseudo-likelihood cross-validation (also sometimes called likelihood cross-validation) is based on maximizing the ``leaving-one-out'' likelihood: \begin{equation} \mbox{PLCV}(h) = \prod_{i=0}^{N-1} \hat{p}_{-1,i}(x_i, h) \end{equation} The criterion of maximum $\mbox{PLCV}(h)$ can be obtained by minimizing an~approximate Kullback-Leibler distance between the density and its estimate~\cite{ref:silverman}. Maximizing $\mbox{PLCV}(h)$ is only appropriate in certain situations. In particular, whenever $\hat{p}_{-1,i}(x_i, h)$ becomes 0 even for a~single point, this criterion fails to produce meaningful results. Its use is also problematic for densities with infinite support due to the strong influence fluctuations in the distribution tails exert on $\mbox{PLCV}(h)$. Because of these problems, NPStat implements a ``regularized'' version of $\mbox{PLCV}(h)$ defined by \begin{equation} \mbox{RPLCV}(h) = \prod_{i=0}^{N-1} \max \left(\hat{p}_{-1,i}(x_i, h),\, \frac{\hat{p}\sub{self,$i$}(x_i, h)}{N^{\alpha}}\right), \label{eq:rplcv} \end{equation} where $\alpha$ is the regularization parameter chosen by the user ($\alpha = 1/2$ usually works reasonably well) and $\hat{p}\sub{self,$i$}(x, h)$ is the contribution of the data point at $x_i$ into the original density estimator. For KDE, this contribution is \begin{equation} \hat{p}\sub{self,$i$}(x|h) = \frac{1}{N h} K \left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right). \end{equation} If the bandwidth is fixed, $\hat{p}\sub{self,$i$}(x_i|h) = K(0)/(Nh)$ for every point $x_i$. $\hat{p}\sub{self,$i$}(x_i, h)$ changes from one point to another for LOrPE and for variable-bandwidth KDE. Cross-validation in the NPStat package is implemented for discretized KDE and LOrPE density estimators. It is assumed that the optimal bandwidth corresponds to the maximum of some quantity, as in the case of $\mbox{RPLCV}(h)$. All classes which perform cross-validation for univariate densities inherit from the abstract base class \cname{AbsBandwidthCV1D}. For multivariate densities, the corresponding base class is \cname{AbsBandwidthCVND} (both of these base classes are declared in the header file ``npstat/stat/AbsBandwidthCV.hh''). The following concrete classes can be used: \cname{BandwidthCVLeastSquares1D} --- implements Eq.~\ref{eq:lscv} for KDE and LOrPE in 1-d. \cname{BandwidthCVLeastSquaresND} --- implements Eq.~\ref{eq:lscv} for multivariate KDE and LOrPE. \cname{BandwidthCVPseudoLogli1D} --- implements Eq.~\ref{eq:rplcv} for KDE and LOrPE in 1-d. \cname{BandwidthCVPseudoLogliND} --- implements Eq.~\ref{eq:rplcv} for multivariate KDE and LOrPE. \noindent The cross-validation classes are used internally by such high-level classes as \cname{KDECopulaSmoother}, \cname{LOrPECopulaSmoother}, and \cname{SequentialCopulaSmoother}. \subsection {The Nearest Neighbor Method} Using NPStat tools, a simple density estimation algorithm similar to the $k$-nearest neighbor method~\cite{ref:silverman} can be implemented for one-dimensional samples as follows: \begin{thinlist} \item Discretize the data using a finely binned histogram. \item Convert this histogram into a distribution by constructing a \cname{BinnedDensity1D} object. \item For any point $x$ at which a density estimate is desired, calculate the corresponding cumulative distribution value $y = F(x)$. \item For some interval $\Delta$, $0 < \Delta < 1$, estimate the density at $x$ by \begin{equation} \hat{p}\sub{NN}(x) = \frac{\Delta}{q(y + \Delta/2)\, - \,q(y - \Delta/2)}, \end{equation} where $q(y)$ is the quantile function: $q(F(x)) = x$. This formula assumes $y - \Delta/2 \ge 0$ and $y + \Delta/2 \le 1$. If $y + \Delta/2 > 1$ then the $\hat{p}\sub{NN}(x)$ denominator should be replaced by $q(1)\, - \,q(1 - \Delta)$, and if $y - \Delta/2 < 0$ then the denominator should become $q(\Delta)\, - \,q(0)$. \end{thinlist} In this approach, the parameter $\Delta$ plays the same role as the $k/N$ ratio in the standard $k$-nearest neighbor method. For best results, $\Delta$ should scale with the number of sample points as $N^{-1/5}$, and the optimal constant of proportionality depends on the estimated density itself~\cite{ref:silverman}. The $k$-nearest neighbor method (and its modification just described) is not recommended for estimating densities with infinite support as it leads to a diverging density integral. For multivariate samples, a similar estimate can be constructed with the help of \cname{HistoNDCdf} class. Its method \cname{coveringBox} can be used to find the smallest $d$-dimensional box with the given center and fixed proportions which encloses the desired sample fraction. \section{Nonparametric Regression} \label{sec:npregression} ``Regression'' refers to a form of data analysis in which the behavior of the dependent variable, called ``response'', is deduced as a function of the independent variable, called ``predictor'', from a sample of observations. The response values are considered random ({\it e.g.}, contaminated by noise) while the predictor values are usually assumed to be deterministic. The analysis purpose is thus to determine the location parameter of the response distribution (mean, median, mode, {\it etc}) as a function of the predictor. In the NPStat algorithms, the response is always assumed to be a univariate quantity while the predictor can be either univariate or multivariate. In the discussion below, predictor will be denoted by ${\bf x}$, response by $y$, $\mu({\bf x})$ will be used to describe the response location function, and $\hat{\mu}({\bf x})$ will denote an~estimator of $\mu({\bf x})$. ``Nonparametric regression'' refers to a form of regression analysis in which no global parametric model is postulated for $\mu({\bf x})$. Instead, for every ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$, $\mu({\bf x})$ is described in the vicinity of ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ by a relatively simple model which is fitted using sample points located nearby. Further discussion of $\mu({\bf x})$ estimation depends critically on the assumptions which can be made about the distribution of response values. \subsection{Local Least Squares} With the additional assumption of Gaussian error distribution ({\it i.e.,} $y_i = \mu({\bf x}_i) + \epsilon_i$, where $\epsilon_i$ are normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation $\sigma_i$), the model fitting can be efficiently performed by the method of local least squares. In this method, $\hat{\mu}({\bf x})$ is found by minimizing the quantity: \begin{equation} \chi^2({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h) = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \left(\frac{y_i - \hat{\mu}({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit},h)}{\sigma_i}\right)^2 K_h({\bf x}_i - {\bf x}\sub{fit}). \label{eq:localleastsq} \end{equation} Here, $h$ refers to one or more parameters which determine the extent of the kernel $K_h({\bf x})$. In NPStat, $\hat{\mu}({\bf x}|{\bf x}\sub{fit},h)$ is usually decomposed into orthogonal polynomials. In the case of univariate predictor, \begin{equation} \hat{\mu}(x|x\sub{fit},h) = \sum_{k=0}^{M} \hat{a}_k(x\sub{fit},h) P_k\left(\frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right), \label{eq:regmodel} \end{equation} where polynomials $P_k(x)$ are subject to normalization condition~\ref{eq:norm0}. The expansion coefficients $\hat{a}_k(x\sub{fit},h)$ are determined from the equations $\partial \chi^2(x\sub{fit},h)/ \partial \hat{a}_k = 0$ which leads to $M + 1$ simultaneous equations for $k = 0, 1, ..., M$: \begin{equation} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \frac{1}{\sigma_i^2} \left( y_i - \sum_{j=0}^{M} \hat{a}_j(x\sub{fit},h) P_j\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) \right) K\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) P_k\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) = 0. \label{eq:regsystem} \end{equation} If the predictor values $x_i$ are specified on a regular grid of points then the discretized version of Eq~~\ref{eq:norm0} is just \begin{equation} \frac{h_g}{h} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} P_j\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h} \right) K\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) P_k\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) = \delta_{jk}, \end{equation} where $h_g$ is the distance between any two adjacent values of $x_i$. This leads to a particularly simple solution for $\hat{a}_k(x\sub{fit},h)$ if the model can be assumed at least locally homoscedastic ({\it i.e.,} if all $\sigma_i$ are the same in the vicinity of $x\sub{fit}$): \begin{equation} \hat{a}_k(x\sub{fit},h) = \frac{h_g}{h} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} y_i K\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) P_k\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right). \label{eq:regconvol} \end{equation} Substituting this into Eq.~\ref{eq:regmodel}, one gets \begin{equation} \hat{\mu}(x\sub{fit} | h) = \frac{h_g}{h} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \sum_{k=0}^{M} y_i K\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) P_k\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right) P_k(0). \label{eq:effreg} \end{equation} If $K(x)$ is an even function and $x$ is far away from the boundaries of the interval on which the regression is performed, Eq.~\ref{eq:effreg} is equivalent to the well-known Nadaraya-Watson estimator, \begin{equation} \hat{\mu}_{NW}(x\sub{fit} | h) = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} y_i K\sub{eff}\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right)}{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} K\sub{eff}\left(\frac{x_i - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right)}, \end{equation} with the effective kernel given by \begin{equation} K\sub{eff}(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{M} P_{k}(0) P_{k}(x) K(x). \end{equation} Just as in the case of LOrPE, a taper function can be introduced for this kernel which leads to Eq~\ref{eq:effk}. If the predictor values $x_i$ are arbitrary or if the model can not be considered homoscedastic even locally, there is no simple formula which solves the linear system~\ref{eq:regsystem}. In this case the equations must be solved numerically. To perform this calculation, NPStat calls appropriate routines from LAPACK~\cite{ref:lapack}. % Modeling the response by orthogonal polynomial series % (as opposed to monomial expansion) helps to prevent ill-conditioning % of the system and significantly improves the numerical stability % of the solutions. Generalization of local least squares methods to multivariate predictors is straightforward: one simply switches to multivariate kernels and polynomial systems. The following NPStat classes can be used to perform local least squares regression of locally homoscedastic polynomial models on regular grids: \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D}, \cname{LocalPolyFilterND}, and \cname{SequentialPolyFilterND} --- these classes have already been mentioned in Section~\ref{sec:lorpe}. It turns out that LOrPE of discretized data essentially amounts to local least squares regression on histogram bin contents. To see that, compare Eqs.~\ref{eq:regconvol} and~\ref{eq:convol}. Up to an overall normalization constant, Eq.~\ref{eq:regconvol} is just a discretized version of Eq.~\ref{eq:convol}. In fact, all three ``PolyFilter'' classes actually perform local least squares regression which, in the signal analysis terminology, is a linear filtering procedure. If the result is to be treated as a density, it has to be truncated below zero and renormalized by the user. \cname{QuadraticOrthoPolyND} --- this class supports a finer interface to the local least squares regression functionality on a grid than \cname{LocalPolyFilterND}, but only for polynomials up to second degree. In addition to the response itself, this class can be used to calculate the gradient and the hessian of the local response surface defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:regmodel}\footnote{This can be useful, for example, for summarizing properties of log-likelihoods defined on grids in the space of estimated parameters for some parametric statistical models.}. The predictor/response data can be provided by a method of some class (callback) which is sometimes more convenient than using just a~grid of points. \cname{LocalQuadraticLeastSquaresND} --- this class fits local least squares regression models for arbitrary multivariate predictor values (no longer required to be on a grid). The models can be heteroscedastic, as in the most general case of Eq.~\ref{eq:regsystem}. The polynomials can be at most quadratic. Calculation of the gradient and the hessian of the local response surface is supported. \subsection{Local Logistic Regression} \label{sec:locallog} For regressing binary response variables, NPStat implements a method known as ``local quadratic logistic regression'' (LQLR). This method is a trivial extension of the local linear logistic regression originally proposed in~\cite{ref:localreg}. In this type of analysis, ``response'' is the probability of success in a Bernoulli trial, estimated as a function of one or more predictors. Due to the manner in which it is often used, this probability will be called ``efficiency'' for the remainder of this section. In the LQLR model, the efficiency dependence on ${\bf x}$ is represented by \begin{equation} \epsilon({\bf x}) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-P({\bf x})}} \end{equation} where $P({\bf x})$ is a multivariate quadratic polynomial whose coefficients are determined at each predictor value ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ by maximizing the local log-likelihood: \begin{equation} L({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h) = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} K_h({\bf x}_{i} - {\bf x}\sub{fit}) \left[y_i \ln (\hat{\epsilon}({\bf x}_{i})) + (1 - y_i) \ln (1 - \hat{\epsilon}({\bf x}_{i})) \right]. \label{eq:lqlrlogli} \end{equation} Here, $K_h({\bf x}_{i} - {\bf x}\sub{fit})$ is a~suitable localizing kernel which decays to 0 when ${\bf x}_{i}$ is far from ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$, and $y_i$ are the observed values of the Bernoulli trial: 1 if the point ``passes'' and 0 if it ``fails''. The local log-likelihood~\ref{eq:lqlrlogli} is very similar to the one implemented in the Locfit package~\cite{ref:locfit}, the only difference is that orthogonal polynomials are used in NPStat to construct $P({\bf x})$ series instead of monomials. Setting partial derivatives of $L({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h)$ with respect to polynomial coefficients to 0 results in a system of nonlinear equations for these coefficients. Solving such a system of equations does not appear to be any easier than dealing with the original log-likelihood optimization problem by applying, let say, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm~\cite{ref:lvm}. NPStat includes facilities for efficient calculation of the LQLR log-likelihood together with its gradient with respect to $P({\bf x})$ expansion coefficients. This code does not rely on any specific optimization solver, and can be easily interfaced to a~number of different external optimization tools. The relevant classes are: \cname{LogisticRegressionOnKDTree} (header file ``npstat/stat/LocalLogisticRegression.hh'') --- this class calculates the log-likelihood from Eq.~\ref{eq:lqlrlogli} in the assumption that the kernel $K_h({\bf x})$ has finite support. In this case iterating over all $N$ points in the sample becomes rather inefficient: there is no reason to cycle over values of ${\bf x}_{i}$ far away from ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ because $K_h({\bf x}_{i} - {\bf x}\sub{fit})$ is identically zero for all such points. To automatically restrict the iterated range, the predictor values are arranged into a space-partitioning data structure known as $k$-$d$~tree~\cite{ref:kdtree} which is implemented in NPStat with the \cname{KDTree} class (header file ``npstat/nm/KDTree.hh''). \cname{LogisticRegressionOnGrid} (header file ``npstat/stat/LocalLogisticRegression.hh'') --- this class calculates the log-likelihood from Eq.~\ref{eq:lqlrlogli} in the assumption that the predictor values are histogrammed. Two identically binned histograms must be available: the one with all values of $y_i$ (``the denominator'') and the one which collects only those ${\bf x}_{i}$ for which $y_i = 1$ (``the numerator''). Naturally, only the bins sufficiently close to ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ are processed when the LQLR log-likelihood is evaluated for these histograms. The ``interfaces'' directory of the NPStat package includes two high-level driver functions for fitting LQLR response surfaces (header file ``npstat/interfaces/minuitLocalRegression.hh''). These functions employ a general-purpose optimization package Minuit~\cite{ref:minuit} for maximizing the log-likelihood. The names of the functions are \cname{minuitUnbinnedLogisticRegression} (intended for use with \cname{LogisticRegressionOnKDTree}) and \cname{minuitLogisticRegressionOnGrid} (for use with \cname{LogisticRegressionOnGrid}). To use these functions, the Minuit package has to be compiled and linked together with the user code which provides the data and calls the functions. \subsection{Local Quantile Regression} \label{sec:localqreg} The method of least squares allows us to solve the problem of response mean determination in the regression context. By recasting calculation of the sample mean as a minimization problem, we have gained the ability to condition the mean on the value of the predictor. In a~similar manner, the method of least absolute deviations can be used to determine conditional median. In the method of least squares, the expression $S(f) = \sum_{i} f(y_i - \hat{\mu}({\bf x_i}))$ is minimized, with $f(t) = t^2$. The method of least absolute deviations differs only by setting $f(t) = |t|$. Moreover, just like the problem of determination of response mean can be localized by introducing a kernel in the predictor space (resulting in local least squares, as in Eq.~\ref{eq:localleastsq}), the problem of response median determination can be subjected to the same localization treatment. As a method of determination of response location, local median regression is extremely robust (insensitive to outliers). Not only the median but an arbitrary distribution quantile can also be determined in this manner. The corresponding function to use is \begin{equation} f_q(t) = q \,t \,I(t \ge 0) - (1 - q) \,t \,I(t < 0), \end{equation} where $q$ is the cumulative distribution value of interest, $0 < q < 1$. You can easily convince yourself of the validity of this statement as follows. For a sample of points ${y_0, ..., y_{N-1}}$, define $t = y - y_q$, where $y_q$ is a parameter on which $S(f_q)$ depends. The condition for the minimum of $S(f_q)$, $\frac{d S(f_q)}{d y_q} = 0$, is then equivalent to $\frac{d S(f_q)}{d t} = 0$. As $\frac{d f_q(t)}{d t} = q \,I(t > 0) - (1 - q) \,I(t < 0)$, the minimum of $S(f_q)$ is reached when \begin{equation} q \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} I(y_i > y_q) - (1 - q) \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} I(y_i < y_q) = 0. \label{eq:qmin} \end{equation} This equation is solved when the number of sample points for which $y_i > y_q$ is $(1 - q) N$ and the number of sample points for which $y_i < y_q$ is $q N$. But this is precisely the definition of the sample quantile which, in the limit $N \rightarrow \infty$, becomes the population quantile of interest. Unfortunately, solving Eq.~\ref{eq:qmin} numerically in the regression context is usually significantly more challenging than solving the corresponding $\chi^2$ minimization problem. For realistic finite samples, $\frac{d S(f_q)}{d y_q}$ is not a continuous function, and Eq.~\ref{eq:qmin} can have multiple solutions. This basically rules out the use of standard gradient-based methods for $S(f_q)$ minimization. The following NPStat classes facilitate the solution of the local quantile regression problem: \cname{QuantileRegression1D} --- calculates the expression to be minimized (also called the ``loss function'') for a single univariate predictor value $x\sub{fit}$. This expression looks as follows: \begin{equation} S\sub{LQR}(x\sub{fit}) = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} f_q(y_i - \hat{y}_q(x_i|x\sub{fit})) w_i, \end{equation} where weights $w_i$ are provided by the user (for example, these weights can be calculated as $w_i = K((x_i - x\sub{fit})/h)$, but more sophisticated weighting schemes can be applied as well). The quantile dependence on the predictor is modeled by \begin{equation} \hat{y}_q(x|x\sub{fit}) = \sum_{k=0}^{M} \hat{a}_k(x\sub{fit}) P_k\left(\frac{x - x\sub{fit}}{h}\right), \label{eq:quantpred} \end{equation} where $P_k(x)$ are either Legendre or Gegenbauer polynomials. The use of Legendre polynomials is appropriate for a global fit of the regression curve, while Gegenbauer polynomials are intended for use in combination with symmetric beta kernels that generate localizing weights~$w_i$. The expansion coefficients $\hat{a}_k(x\sub{fit})$ are to be determined by minimizing $S\sub{LQR}(x\sub{fit})$. \cname{QuantileRegressionOnKDTree} (header file ``npstat/stat/LocalQuantileRegression.hh'') --- calculates the quantile regression loss function for a multivariate predictor (the class method which returns it is called \cname{linearLoss}): \begin{equation} S\sub{LQR}({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h) = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} f_q(y_i - \hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})) K_h({\bf x}_i - {\bf x}\sub{fit}). \label{eq:quantregnd} \end{equation} The quantile dependence on the predictor is modeled by an expansion similar to Eq.~\ref{eq:quantpred} in which multivariate orthogonal polynomials (up to second order) are generated by $K_h({\bf x})$ used as the weight function. The expansion coefficients are to be determined for each ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ separately by minimizing $S\sub{LQR}({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h)$. The predictor values are arranged into a~$k$-$d$~tree structure for reasons similar to those mentioned when the \cname{LogisticRegressionOnKDTree} class was described. \cname{QuantileRegressionOnHisto} (header file ``npstat/stat/LocalQuantileRegression.hh'') --- calculates loss function~\ref{eq:quantregnd} in the assumption that the response is histogrammed on a regular grid of predictor values (so that the input histogram dimensionality is larger by one than the dimensionality of the predictor variable). \cname{CensoredQuantileRegressionOnKDTree} (header ``npstat/stat/ensoredQuantileRegression.hh'') --- this class constructs an appropriate quantile regression loss function in case some of the response values are unavailable due to censoring ({\it i.e.,} there is a cutoff from above or from below on the response values). For example, this situation can occur in modeling of jet response of a particle detector when jets with visible energy below certain cutoff are not reconstructed due to limitations in the clustering procedure. It is assumed that the censoring efficiency ({\it i.e.,} the fraction of points not affected by the cutoff) can be determined as a~function of the predictor by other techniques, like the local logistic regression described in section~\ref{sec:locallog}. It is also assumed that the cutoff value is known as a~function of the predictor, and that the presence of this cutoff is the only reason for inefficiency. The appropriate loss function in this case is \begin{equation} S\sub{CLQR}({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h) = \sum_{i=0}^{N\sub{p}-1} \left[f_q(y_i - \hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})) + \frac{1 - \epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i} g_q(\epsilon_i, y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i} - \hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit}))\right] K_h({\bf x}_i - {\bf x}\sub{fit}), \label{eq:clqr} \end{equation} where the summation is performed only over the $N\sub{p}$ points in the sample surviving the cutoff. $\epsilon_i$ is the censoring efficiency for the given ${\bf x}_i$. The function $g_q(\epsilon, t)$ is defined differently for right-censored (R-C) samples in which surviving points are below the cutoff and left-censored (L-C) samples in which surviving points are above the cutoff: \begin{equation} g_{q,\mbox{\scriptsize R-C}}(\epsilon, t) = I(q < \epsilon) f_q(t) + I(q \ge \epsilon) \left(\frac{q - \epsilon}{1 - \epsilon} f_q(t) + \frac{1 - q}{1 - \epsilon} f_q(+\infty) \right) \label{eq:clqrrc} \end{equation} \begin{equation} g_{q,\mbox{\scriptsize L-C}}(\epsilon, t) = I(q > 1 - \epsilon) f_q(t) + I(q \le 1 - \epsilon) \left( \frac{1 - \epsilon - q}{1 - \epsilon} f_q(t) + \frac{q}{1 - \epsilon} f_q(-\infty) \right) \label{eq:clqrlc} \end{equation} Formulae~\ref{eq:clqr}, \ref{eq:clqrrc}, and~\ref{eq:clqrlc} were inspired by Ref.~\cite{ref:localquantreg}. They can be understood as follows. Consider, for example, a right-censored sample. If this sample was not censored, the value of the response cumulative distribution function at $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$ would be equal $\epsilon_i$. For each point with response $y_i$ below the cutoff, there are $(1 - \epsilon_i)/\epsilon_i$ unobserved points above the cutoff (and $1/\epsilon_i$ points total). Before localization, points below the cutoff contribute the usual amount $f_q(y_i - \hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit}))$ into $S\sub{CLQR}({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h)$ (compare with Eq.~\ref{eq:quantregnd}). To the points above cutoff, we assign the value of response which equals either $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$ or $+\infty$, in such a manner that the estimate $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})$ is ``pushed'' in the right direction and by the right amount when it crosses $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$. If the estimated quantile is less than the efficiency, all unobserved points are assigned the response value $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$ (this corresponds to the term $I(q < \epsilon) f_q(t)$ in the Eq.~\ref{eq:clqrrc}). This is because we know that the correct value of $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})$ should be below $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$, so the penalty for placing $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})$ above the cutoff is generated by all points, including the unobserved ones. If the chosen quantile is larger than the efficiency, the only thing we know is that the correct value of $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})$ should be inside the interval $(y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}, +\infty)$. There is no reason to prefer any particular value from this interval, so the overall contribution of sample point $i$ for which $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit}) \in (y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}, +\infty)$ into $S\sub{CLQR}({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h)$ must not depend on $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})$\footnote{If most points ${\bf x}_i$ are like that for some ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ value, the fit becomes unreliable. Consider increasing the bandwidth of the localization kernel or avoid such situations altogether. You should not expect to obtain good results for high (low) $q$ values and all possible ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$ in a right (left)-censored sample.} We do, however, want to prevent $\hat{y}_q({\bf x}_i|{\bf x}\sub{fit})$ from leaving this interval. This is achieved by placing so many points at $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$ that the fraction of sample points (including both observed and unobserved ones) at or below $y_{\mbox{\scriptsize cut},i}$ is exactly $q$, and this is precisely what the term proportional to $I(q \ge \epsilon)$ does in Eq.~\ref{eq:clqrrc}. Similar reasoning applied to a left-censored sample leads to Eq.~\ref{eq:clqrlc}. Naturally, in the computer program, $-\infty$ and $+\infty$ in Eqs.~\ref{eq:clqrrc} and~\ref{eq:clqrlc} should be replaced by suitable user-provided numbers which are known to be below and above, respectively, all possible response values. In order to avoid deterioration in $S\sub{CLQR}({\bf x}\sub{fit}, h)$ numerical precision, these numbers should not be very different from the minimum and maximum observed response. \cname{CensoredQuantileRegressionOnHisto} (header ``npstat/stat/ensoredQuantileRegression.hh'') --- this class calculates the loss function~\ref{eq:clqr} in the assumption that all information about response, efficiency, and cutoffs is provided on a~regular grid in the space of predictor values. The ``interfaces'' directory of the NPStat package includes several high-level driver functions for performing local quantile regression. These driver functions use the simplex minimization method of the Minuit package to perform local fitting of the quantile curve expansion coefficients. \cname{minuitLocalQuantileRegression1D} function uses \cname{QuantileRegression1D} class internally to perform local quantile regression with one-dimensional predictors. This driver function can be used, for example, to construct Neyman belts from numerical simulations of some statistical estimator. A similar function, \cname{weightedLocalQuantileRegression1D}, can be used to perform local quantile regression with one-dimensional predictors when the points are weighted. The \cname{minuitQuantileRegression} driver function can use one of the \cname{QuantileRegressionOnKDTree}, \cname{QuantileRegressionOnHisto}, \cname{CensoredQuantileRegressionOnKDTree}, or \cname{CensoredQuantileRegressionOnHisto} classes (all of which inherit from a common base) to perform local quantile regression with multivariate predictors. The function \cname{minuitQuantileRegressionIncrBW} has similar functionality but it can also automatically increase the localization kernel bandwidth so that not less than a certain predefined fraction of the whole sample participates in the the local quantile determination for each ${\bf x}\sub{fit}$. \subsection{Iterative Local Least Trimmed Squares} The NPStat package includes an implementation of an iterative local least trimmed squares (ILLTS) algorithm applicable when predictor/response values are supplied on a regular grid of points in a multivariate predictor space (think image denoising). The algorithm operation consists of the following steps: \begin{enumerate} \item Systems of orthogonal polynomials up to user-defined degree $M$ are constructed using weight functions $K_{h,-j}({\bf x})$. These weight functions are defined using symmetric finite support kernels in which the point in the kernel center together with $j - 1$ other points are set to 0. Imagine, for example, a $5 \times 5$ grid in two dimensions. Start with the uniform $K_h({\bf x})$ kernel which is 1 at every grid point. The $K_{h,-1}({\bf x})$ weight function is produced from $K_h({\bf x})$ by setting the central grid cell to 0. 24 weight functions of type $K_{h,-2}({\bf x})$ are produced from $K_{h,-1}({\bf x})$ by setting one other grid cell to 0, in addition to the central one. 276 weight functions of type $K_{h,-3}({\bf x})$ are produced from $K_{h,-1}({\bf x})$ by choosing 2 out of 24 remaining cells which are set to 0, and so on. \item Local least squares regression is performed using all polynomial systems generated by $K_{h,-j}({\bf x})$ weights for all possible positions of the kernel inside the predictor grid (sliding window)\footnote{Edge effects are taking into account by constructing special polynomial systems which use boundary kernels similar to $K_{h,-j}({\bf x})$ but with different placement of zeros.}. For each kernel position, we find the polynomial system which produces the best $\chi^2$ calculated over grid points for which the weight function is not 0. For this polynomial system, we determine the value $\Delta = |y_c - y_{c,\mbox{\scriptsize fit}}|$ for the kernel center, where $y_c$ is the response value in the data sample and $y_{c,\mbox{\scriptsize fit}}$ is the response value produced by the local least squares fit. \item The position of the kernel is found for which $\Delta$ is the largest in the whole data sample. \item The response for the position found in the previous step is adjusted by setting it to the value fitted at the kernel center. \item $\Delta$ is recalculated for all kernel positions affected by the adjustment performed in the previous step. \item The previous three steps are repeated until some stopping criterion is satisfied. For example, the requirement that the largest $\Delta$ in the grid becomes small (below certain cutoff) can serve as such a stopping criterion. \end{enumerate} The ILLTS algorithm works best if the fraction of outliers in the sample is relatively small and the response errors are homoscedastic. ILLTS is expected to be more efficient (in the statistical sense) than the local quantile regression. If the spectrum of response errors is not known in advance, it becomes very instructive to plot the history of $\Delta$ values for which response adjustments were performed. This plot often exhibits two characteristic ``knees'' which correspond to the suppression of outliers and suppression of ``normal'' response noise. The procedure can be stopped somewhere between these knees and followed up by normal local least squares on the adjusted sample, perhaps utilizing different bandwidth. Unfortunately, computational complexity of the ILLTS algorithm is increasing exponentially with increasing $j$, so only very small values of $j$ are practical. The inability to use high values of $j$ can be partially compensated for by choosing smaller bandwidth values and performing more iteration cycles. More cycles result in larger {\it effective} bandwidth --- think, for example, what happens when you perform local least squares multiple times. For certain kernels like Gaussian or Cauchy ({\it i.e.,} stable distributions) and polynomial degree $M = 0$ (local constant fit), this is exactly equivalent to choosing larger bandwidth. For other types of kernels not only the effective bandwidth increases with the number of passes but also the effective kernel shape gets modified\footnote{ILLTS adds the dimension of time (adjustment cycle number) to the solution of robust regression problem. It would be interesting to explore this, for example, by introducing time-dependent bandwidth or by studying the connection between the ILLTS updating scheme and the numerous updating schemes employed in solving partial differential equations.}. The top-level API function for running the ILLTS algorithm is called \cname{griddedRobustRegression}. The $K_{h,-1}({\bf x})$ weights can be used by supplying an object of \cname{WeightedLTSLoss} type as its loss calculator argument, and $K_{h,-2}({\bf x})$ weights are used by choosing \cname{TwoPointsLTSLoss} instead. A simple stopping criterion based on the $\Delta$ value, local least trimmed squares $\chi^2$, or the number of adjustment cycles can be specified with an object of \cname{GriddedRobustRegressionStop} type. The \cname{griddedRobustRegression} implementation is rather general, and can accept user-developed loss calculators and stopping criteria. \subsection{Organizing Regression Results} It is usually desirable to calculate the regression surface on a reasonably fine predictor grid and save the result of this calculation for subsequent fast lookup. A general inerface for such a lookup is provided by the \cname{AbsMultivariateFunctor} class (header file ``npstat/nm/AbsMultivariateFunctor.hh''). This class can be used to represent results of both parametric and nonparametric fits. Persistent classes \cname{StorableInterpolationFunctor} and \cname{StorableHistoNDFunctor} derived from \cname{AbsMultivariateFunctor} are designed to represent nonparametric regression results. Both of these classes assume that the regression was performed on a (hyper)rectangular grid of predictor points. \cname{StorableInterpolationFunctor} supports multilinear interpolation and extrapolation of results, with flexible extrapolation (constant or linear) for each dimension beyond the grid boundaries. This class essentially combines the \cname{AbsMultivariateFunctor} interface with the functionality of the \cname{LinInterpolatedTableND} class discussed in more detail in Section~\ref{sec:utilities}. The class \cname{StorableHistoNDFunctor} allows for constant, multilinear, and multicubic interpolation\footnote{Multicubic interpolation is supported for uniform grids only.} inside the grid boundaries, and for constant extrapolation outside the boundaries (the extrapolated response value is set to its value at the closest boundary point). Both \cname{StorableInterpolationFunctor} and \cname{StorableHistoNDFunctor} support arbitrary transformations of the response variable via a user-provided functor. If a transformation was initially applied to the response values in order to simplify subsequent modeling, this is a good place to perform the inverse. \section{Unfolding with Smoothing} \label{sec:unfolding} In particle physics, the term {\it unfolding} is used to describe methods of nonparametric reconstruction of probability densities using observations affected by particle detector resolution and inefficiency (see~\cite{ref:unfoldingrev} for a contemporary review). In other natural sciences, the term {\it inverse problem} is commonly used~\cite{ref:numrecipes}, while in the statistical literature a more specific name, {\it deconvolution density estimate}, is becoming the norm~\cite{ref:deconvolutionbook}. \subsection{Unfolding Problem} For the purpose of stating the unfolding problem, it will be assumed that the detector can be described by an operator $K$. This operator (also called {\it kernel}, {\it transfer function}, {\it observation function}, or {\it response function}, depending on the author and context) converts probability densities $p({\bf x})$ in the physical process space ${\bf x}$ into the densities $q({\bf y})$ in the observation space ${\bf y}$: $q = K p \equiv \int K({\bf y}, {\bf x}) p({\bf x}) {\bf dx}$. The response function does not have to be fully efficient: $q$ does not have to integrate to 1 when $p$ is normalized. In the subsequent discussion, operator $K$ will be assumed linear and exactly known but not necessarily invertible. In many situations of interest, observations are described by the empirical density function ({\it i.e.}, there is no error term associated with each individual observation): \begin{equation} \rho_e({\bf y}) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \delta({\bf y} - {\bf y}_i). \end{equation} In this case, the probability to observe a point at ${\bf y}_i$ is given by the normalized version of $q$ called $r$: $r = q/\epsilon$. In case $p$ is normalized, \begin{equation} \epsilon = \int q({\bf y}) \,{\bf dy} = \int K p \,{\bf dy} \label{eq:efficiency} \end{equation} is the overall detector acceptance for the physical process under study. The purpose of unfolding is to learn as much as possible about $p({\bf x})$ given $\rho_e({\bf y})$ when a~parametric model for $p({\bf x})$ is lacking. The difficulty of this problem can be easily appreciated from the following argument. $K$ typically acts as low pass filter. For measurements of a~single scalar quantity, it can often be assumed that the detector has resolution $\sigma$ and that $K(y, x) = {\cal N}(y - x, \sigma^2)$, so that the detector simply convolves $p(x)$ with the normal distribution. If $q$ was exactly known, the Fourier transform of $p$ could simply be obtained from $p(\omega) = q(\omega)/K(\omega)$. As $q(\omega)$ is not known, the closest available approximation is the characteristic function of $\rho_e(y)$: $\rho_e(\omega) = \int \rho_e(y) e^{i \omega y} dy = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} e^{i \omega y_i}$. As the characteristic function of the normal distribution is just $K(\omega) = e^{-\sigma^2 \omega^2/2}$, the ratio $\rho_e(\omega)/K(\omega)$ becomes arbitrarily large as $\omega \rightarrow \infty$. The ``naive'' method of estimating $p(\omega)$ as $\rho_e(\omega)/K(\omega)$ thus fails miserably: the high frequency components of the noise contained in the $\rho_e(\omega)$ are multiplied by an arbitrarily large factor so that $\rho_e(\omega)/K(\omega)$ isn't even square-integrable. A number of effective approaches to solving the pure deconvolution problem just described are discussed in~\cite{ref:deconvolutionbook}. These approaches invariably involve introduction of additional smoothness assumptions about either $p(x)$ or $q(y)$ or both. Such assumptions essentially declare that the high frequency components of $p(x)$ are of little interest and, therefore, can be suppressed in the $\rho_e(\omega)/K(\omega)$ ratio (so that the inverse Fourier transform can exist). Introduction of new information by applying additional assumptions which make an~originally ill-posed problem treatable is called {\it regularization}. In the problems of interest for particle physics, the action of $K({\bf y}, {\bf x})$ on $p({\bf x})$ is usually more complicated than simple convolution. At the time of this writing, reconstruction of $p({\bf x})$ in particle physics applications is most often performed by either the SVD unfolding~\cite{ref:svdunfold} or the expectation-maximization (a.k.a. D'Agostini, or Bayesian) unfolding~\cite{ref:dagounfold}\footnote{In other disciplines, utility of these methods has been discovered earlier~\cite{ref:unfoldingrev}.}. Both of these methods start with the assumption that ${\bf x}$ and ${\bf y}$ spaces are binned, and that partitioning of these spaces is beyond the control of the method. In the SVD unfolding, one-dimensional ${\bf x}$ is assumed, and the regularization is performed by penalizing discretized second derivative of the $p(x)$ density\footnote{This regularization technique has been reinvented many times. Depending on the problem, is also called the {\it constrained linear inversion method}, the {\it Phillips-Twomey method}, the {\it Tikhonov regularization}, or the {\it ridge-parameter approach}~\cite{ref:numrecipes, ref:deconvolutionbook}.}. In the expectation-maximization unfolding, regularization usually consists in imposing a~subjective limit on the number of iteration cycles. This early stopping criterion penalizes deviations from the prior distribution used to start the iterations. However, due to the method nonlinearity, it is difficult to augment this statement with analytical derivations of the penalty applicable to arbitrary response functions. It should be appreciated that, for these methods, the sample binning itself serves as a part of problem regularization. Just imagine making very wide bins --- this leads to a~response matrix which is almost diagonal and easily invertible. However, information about small structures within each bin is now lost. \subsection{EMS Unfolding} The unfolding method implemented in NPStat combines smoothing in the ${\bf x}$ space with the expectation-maximization iterations performed until convergence. This combination (abbreviated as EMS --- expectation-maximization with smoothing) has important advantages over SVD unfolding and expectation-maximization with early stopping: \begin{thinlist} \item{{\it Ad hoc} binning is no longer needed. While the solution is still implemented on a grid, the cell width can be chosen sufficiently fine so that discretization does not affect the results.} \item{Precise response functions can be employed instead of their coarsely binned versions affected by prior distribution assumptions.} \item{Problem regularization can be unambiguously described in terms of the parameters of the smoothing filter used (bandwidth, {\it etc}).} \end{thinlist} While the empirical success of the EMS unfolding method has already been reported in the statistical literature~\cite{ref:nychka, ref:smoothedem, ref:dagounfold}, the procedures implemented in NPStat also address the issues of uncertainty estimation for the reconstructed distribution and of choosing the filter parameters according to an objective criterion. The method proceeds as follows. The standard expectation-maximization iterations update the reconstructed values of $p({\bf x})$ according to the formula~\cite{ref:nychka, ref:smoothedem} \begin{equation} \lambda_j^{(k+1)} = \frac{\lambda_j^{(k)}}{\epsilon_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{K_{ij} y_i}{\sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{i\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(k)}}. \end{equation} Here, $\lambda_j^{(k)}$ are the unnormalized $p({\bf x})$ values (event counts) discretized on a sufficiently fine grid in the physical process space ${\bf x}$ (whose cells are small in comparison with the typical size of response function features), obtained on a~$k$\supers{th} iteration. The index $j = 1, ..., m$ refers to the~{\it linearized} cell number in this (possibly multidimensional) grid. All $\lambda_j^{(0)}$ values (the starting point for the iterations) can normally be set to the same constant $c = N/(\epsilon \, m)$, where $N$ is the number of observed events and $\epsilon$ is the overall detector efficiency for a~constant $p({\bf x})$. $y_i$, $i = 1, ..., n$, denotes the number of observed events inside the cell with linearized index $i$ in the space of observations ${\bf y}$. Dimensionalities of the ${\bf x}$ and ${\bf y}$ spaces can be arbitrary and distinct. $K_{ij}$ is the discretized response matrix. It is the probability that an event from the physical cell $j$ causes an observation in the cell $i$ of the ${\bf y}$ space. $\epsilon_j = \sum_{i=1}^{n} K_{ij}$ is the detector efficiency for the physical cell $j$. These iterations are modified by introducing a smoothing step. The updating scheme becomes \begin{eqnarray} \lambda_j^{*(k+1)} & = & \frac{\lambda_j^{(k)}}{\epsilon_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{K_{ij} y_i}{\sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{i\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(k)}}, \\ \lambda_r^{(k+1)} & = & \alpha^{(k+1)} \sum_{j=1}^m S_{r j} \lambda_j^{*(k+1)}, \label{eq:semscheme} \end{eqnarray} where $S_{r j}$ is the {\it smoothing matrix}, and the smoothing step normalization constant, $\alpha^{(k+1)}$, preserves the overall event count obtained during the preceding expectation-maximization step (so that $\sum_{r=1}^m \lambda_r^{(k+1)} = \sum_{j=1}^m \lambda_j^{*(k+1)}$). The values $\lambda_j^{(\infty)}$ obtained upon iteration convergence are therefore solutions of the equation \begin{equation} \lambda_r^{(\infty)} = \alpha^{(\infty)} \sum_{j=1}^m S_{r j} \frac{\lambda_j^{(\infty)}}{\epsilon_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{K_{ij} y_i}{\sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{i\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(\infty)}}, \label{eq:semeq} \end{equation} where $\alpha^{(\infty)} = \sum_{r=1}^m \lambda_r^{*(\infty)} / \sum_{r=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^m S_{r j} \lambda_j^{*(\infty)}$. The equation for the error propagation matrix, $J_{rs} \equiv \frac{\partial \lambda_r^{(\infty)}}{\partial y_s}$, can be obtained by differentiating Eq.~\ref{eq:semeq} w.r.t. $y_s$. In the matrix notation, this equation is \begin{equation} {\bf J} = (\alpha^{(\infty)} {\bf S} + {\bf A}) \left({\bf M} + {\bf B J}\right), \label{eq:errprop} \end{equation} where \begin{eqnarray} A_{j q} & = & \frac{\left(1 - \alpha^{(\infty)} \sum_{r=1}^m S_{rq} \right) \lambda_j^{(\infty)}}{\sum_{i=1}^{m} \lambda_i^{(\infty)}}, \label{eq:errpropmatricesa} \\ B_{j q} & = & \frac{\delta_{j q}}{\epsilon_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{K_{ij } y_i}{\sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{i\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(\infty)}} - \frac{\lambda_j^{(\infty)}}{\epsilon_j} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{K_{iq} K_{ij} y_i}{\left(\sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{i\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(\infty)}\right)^2},\\ M_{j q} & = & \frac{\lambda_j^{(\infty)}}{\epsilon_j} \frac{K_{q j }}{\sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{q\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(\infty)}}. \end{eqnarray} The NPStat code solves the equivalent equation, $({\bf I} - (\alpha^{(\infty)} {\bf S} + {\bf A}) {\bf B}) \, {\bf J} = (\alpha^{(\infty)} {\bf S} + {\bf A}) {\bf M}$, using the LU factorization algorithm as implemented in LAPACK~\cite{ref:lapack}, and then runs iterative refinement cycles defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:errprop} until convergence. For unweighted samples, the covariance matrix of observations, ${\bf V}$, can be derived automatically by NPStat according to either Poisson or multinomial distribution assumptions using $\hat{y}_i = \sum_{\rho=1}^{m} K_{i\rho} \lambda_{\rho}^{(\infty)}$ as mean values. In more complicated situations, the user is expected to provide the covariance matrix of observations\footnote{This may require running the unfolding code twice, first to obtain $\lambda_{\rho}^{(\infty)}$, and then, when the covariance matrix is constructed externally, to propagate the uncertainties. Note that unfolding with the expectation-maximization algorithm intrinsically assumes Poisson distribution of the observed counts. If the covariance matrix of observations is highly inconsistent with this assumption, it will be impossible to interpret the result as a maximum likelihood estimate.}. The covariance matrix of unfolded values is then estimated according to ${\bf J} {\bf V} {\bf J}\supers{T}$. While the original expectation-maximization algorithm is agnostic about the dimensionalities of ${\bf x}$ and ${\bf y}$ spaces, the smoothing step is, of course, dimensionality-specific. The unfolding code is using smoothing filters constructed with the help of facilities described in Section~\ref{sec:densityestimation}. The following classes implement unfolding with smoothing: \cname{SmoothedEMUnfold1D} (header file ``npstat/stat/SmoothedEMUnfold1D.hh'') --- unfolds one-dimensional distributions using objects of \cname{LocalPolyFilter1D} class as smoothing filters. \cname{SmoothedEMUnfoldND} (header file ``npstat/stat/SmoothedEMUnfoldND.hh'') --- unfolds multivariate distributions. Dimensionalities of the ${\bf x}$ and ${\bf y}$ spaces can be arbitrary and distinct. Dimensionality of the smoothing filter is, of course, expected to be consistent with the structure of ${\bf x}$. Typically, the filters will be objects of either \cname{LocalPolyFilterND} or \cname{SequentialPolyFilterND} class, adapted for unfolding use by the \cname{UnfoldingFilterND} template. \cname{SmoothedEMUnfoldND} code is employing a more efficient implementation of the response matrix than the \cname{Matrix} class used by the rest of NPStat code, but Eq.~\ref{eq:errprop} is still solved using normal dense matrices. Therefore, practically usable number of cells in the discretization of the ${\bf x}$ space will be at most a~few thousands, as the computational complexity of the algorithm based on dense matrices is proportional to this number cubed. \subsection{Choosing the Smoothing Parameters} For likelihood-based inference, a useful model selection principle is provided by the Akaike information criterion (AIC)~\cite{ref:aic}. The AIC criterion adjusted for the finite sample size is~\cite{ref:modelsel} \begin{equation} AIC_c = -2 \ln L + 2 k + \frac{2 k (k + 1)}{N - k - 1}, \label{eq:aicc} \end{equation} where $L$ is the maximized value of the model likelihood, $N$ is the sample size, and $k$ the number of parameters in the model. Selecting a model by minimizing $AIC_c$ avoids overfitting by reaching a compromise between complexity of the model and goodness-of-fit. Application of the $AIC_c$ criterion to the EMS unfolding procedure is, however, not completely straightforward. While calculation of the likelihood can be accomplished assuming Poisson distribution in the space of observations, it is not immediately obvious how to count the number of parameters in the model. To overcome this difficulty, NPStat assumes that the number of model parameters can be estimated as the {\it effective rank} of the ${\bf K} {\bf J} {\bf J}\supers{T} {\bf K}\supers{T}$ matrix. This assumption is based on the following reasoning\footnote{One can also argue that the ${\bf K} {\bf J}$ matrix plays similar role to the hat matrix in linear regression problems. This leads to the same conclusion about the number of model parameters.}. The covariance matrix of the fitted folded values ({\it i.e.}, $\hat{y}_i$) is ${\bf V}_{\hat{y}}({\bf V}) = {\bf K} {\bf J} {\bf V} {\bf J}\supers{T} {\bf K}\supers{T}$. If, using polynomial series, one fits multiple independent samples of random points taken from the uniform distribution, with the number of points per sample varying according to the Poisson distribution, the rank of the covariance matrix of the fitted unnormalized density values calculated over these samples will be equal to the degree of the fittted polynomial plus one. This is precisely the number of parameters of the fitted model. It doesn't matter how many abscissae are used to construct the covariance matrix of the fitted values as long as the number of abscissae exceeds the degree of the polynomial and the average number or points in a sample is ``sufficiently large''. While the model fitted to the observed values by the EMS unfolding method isn't polynomial, we can still identify some measure of the rank of ${\bf V}_{\hat{y}}({\bf I}) = {\bf K} {\bf J} {\bf J}\supers{T} {\bf K}\supers{T}$ with the number of model parameters. Two different definitions of the effective rank of a symmetric positive-semidefinite matrix (say, {\bf Q}) are implemented. The first one is the exponent of the von Neumann entropy of ${\bf Q}/\mbox{tr} ({\bf Q})$. In terms of the ${\bf Q}$ eigenvalues, $e_i$, it is expressed as\footnote{Naturally, $\mbox{erank}_1({\bf Q})$ is also the exponent of the Shannon entropy of the normalized eigenspectrum.} \begin{equation} \mbox{erank}_1({\bf Q}) = \exp \left\{ -\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{e_i}{\|e\|} \ln \left( \frac{e_i}{\|e\|} \right) \right\}, \ \ \ \|e\| = \sum_{i=1}^n e_i. \end{equation} The second is the ratio of the matrix trace to the largest eigenvalue: \begin{equation} \mbox{erank}_2({\bf Q}) = \frac{\mbox{tr} ({\bf Q})}{\max_{1 \le i \le n} e_i} = \frac{\|e\|}{\max_{1 \le i \le n} e_i}. \end{equation} These effective ranks are calculated by the \cname{symPSDefEffectiveRank} method of the NPStat \cname{Matrix} class. From some initial experimentation with simple models, it appears that setting $k$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:aicc} to either $\mbox{erank}_1({\bf K} {\bf J} {\bf J}\supers{T} {\bf K}\supers{T})$ or $\mbox{erank}_2({\bf K} {\bf J} {\bf J}\supers{T} {\bf K}\supers{T})$ works well, as both of these ranks have similar derivatives w.r.t. filter bandwidth. The corresponding $AIC_c$ criteria will be called $EAIC_c$ ($E$ in this abbreviation stands for ``entropic'') and $TAIC_c$ ($T$ stands for ``trace''). For any smoothing filter, the most important parameter regulating its functionality is the bandwidth. NPStat provides the following classes which facilitate the studies of $AIC_c$ criteria and unfolding performance vs. filter bandwidth: \cname{UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D} (header ``npstat/stat/UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D.hh'') --- simplifies and speeds up studies of 1-d EMS unfolding results obtained with multiple bandwidth values. Filters constructed for different bandwidth settings are stored internally and do not have to be recomputed when multiple observed samples are processed. Effective ranks of the ${\bf K} {\bf J} {\bf J}\supers{T} {\bf K}\supers{T}$ matrices are memoized as well. The bandwidth which optimizes either $EAIC_c$ or $TAIC_c$ criterion can be automatically searched for by calling the \cname{processAICcBandwidth} method of this class. Typical class usage is illustrated by the ``ems\_unfold\'' example program located in the ``examples/C++'' subdirectory of the NPStat package. \cname{UnfoldingBandwidthScannerND} (header ``npstat/stat/UnfoldingBandwidthScannerND.hh'') --- assists in studies of multivariate EMS unfolding results obtained with multiple bandwidth settings. \cname{SequentialPolyFilterND} class is used internally to generate multivariate filters according to the user-provided bandwidth values in each dimension of the ${\bf x}$ space. The filters and the effective ranks are memoized, but there is no automatic procedure to determine the optimal bandwidth set\footnote{The \cname{UnfoldingBandwidthScannerND} class is designed to speed up repetitive mutidimensional grid scans. For more sophisticated algorithms searching for a~function minimum in multiple dimensions, the strategy of memoizing a lot of intermediate results for each point considered will not be optimal.}. Use of an effective rank to determine the number of model parameters leads to the requirement that the number of discretization cells in the observation space ${\bf y}$ should be substantially larger than this rank. This condition should be verified once the EMS unfolding is performed with the optimal filter. If the unfolded values of $p({\bf x})$ are expected to become close to 0 somewhere in the ${\bf x}$ region considered, it is important to choose a type of filter that guarantees the non-negativity of the smoothed result\footnote{The code will automatically truncate negative filtered values but this truncation will lead to distortions in the covariance matrix of unfolded results not taken into account by linear error propagation formulae. A~highly inappropriate choice of filter can even break the expectation-maximization iterations by producing $\hat{y}_i = 0$ corresponding to a positive ${y}_i$ value.}. All LOrPE filters of degree zero have this property. \subsection{Large Problems with Sparse Matrices} The standard matrix multiplication methods and the LU factorization algorithm used to solve Eq.~\ref{eq:errprop} have $O(m^3)$ computational complexity, where $m$ is the number of cells used to discretize the physical process space. For programs running on a single processor, this complexity effectively limits $m$ to a~few thousands. However, in many practically important applications the response function is sufficiently short-ranged so that most elements of its discretized representation $K_{ij}$ are zeros. In such situations it may be advantageous to utilize techniques and algorithms developed for sparse matrices in order to increase $m$. NPStat provides a header-only EMS unfolding implementation based on sparse matrix arithmetic in the namespace ``emsunfold''. In order to take advantage of this code, two additional software packages have to be installed by the user. NPStat relies on Eigen~\cite{ref:eigen} for basic operations with sparse matrices and for solving sparse linear systems. The package TRLAN~\cite{ref:trlan} is used for calculating leading eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large covariance matrices\footnote{I am not aware of any method for calculating {\it all} eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric positive-semidefinite matrix, sparse or not, with computational complexity better than $O(m^3)$.}. The following classes implement EMS unfolding with sparse matrices: \cname{SmoothedEMSparseUnfoldND} (header ``npstat/emsunfold/SmoothedEMSparseUnfoldND.hh'') --- parallels the functionality of the \cname{SmoothedEMUnfoldND} class, with a few peculiarities related to the sparseness of various matrices. In particular, only Poisson uncertainties on the observed data can be calculated automatically, as multinomial covariances would not be sparse. User-provided uncertainties are restricted to diagonal matrices. The smoothing matrix should be doubly stochastic\footnote{That is, each row and column of the smoothing matrix should sum to 1, within the tolerance parameter of the unfolding algorithm. Construction of doubly stochastic filters with NPStat is discussed in Section~\ref{sec:bernstein}. Double stochasticity is not enforced by the code itself, as it is often useful to benchmark the results obtained with sparse matrices against an implementation utilizing dense matrices.}, otherwise Eq.~\ref{eq:errpropmatricesa} will inject a dense matrix into the system. \cname{SparseUnfoldingBandwidthScannerND} --- parallels the functionality of \cname{UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D}, with additional input parameters and diagnostic outputs needed to drive determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large covariance matrices. This class is declared in the header file ``npstat/emsunfold/SparseUnfoldingBandwidthScannerND.hh''. \section{Pseudo- and Quasi-Random Numbers} \label{sec:randomgen} The C++11 Standard~\cite{ref:cpp11} defines an API for generating pseudo-random numbers. Unfortunately, this API suffers from a disconnect between modeling of statistical distributions (including densities, cumulative distributions, {\it etc}) and generation of random numbers. Moreover, quasi-random numbers~\cite{ref:Niederreiter} useful for a large variety of simulation and data analysis purposes are not represented by the Standard, and there is no meaningful support for generating genuinely multivariate random sequences. NPStat adopts a different approach towards generation of pseudo-random, quasi-random, and non-random sequences --- the one that is more appropriate in the context of a~statistical analysis package. A small number of high-quality generators is implemented for producing such sequences on a unit $d$-dimensional cube. All such generators inherit from the same abstract base class \cname{AbsRandomGenerator} (header file ``npstat/rng/AbsRandomGenerator.hh''). Generators developed or ported by users can be seamlessly added as well. Conversion of uniformly distributed sequences into other types of distributions and to different support regions is performed by the classes that represent statistical distributions --- in particular, by those classes which inherit from \cname{AbsDistribution1D} and \cname{AbsDistributionND} bases. Both of these bases have a virtual method \cname{random} which takes a sequence generator instance as an input and produces correspondingly distributed numbers (random or not) on output. By default, transformation of sequences is performed by the \cname{quantile} method for one-dimensional distributions and by \cname{unitMap} method for multivariate ones. However, it is expected that the \cname{random} method itself will be overriden by the derived classes when it is easier, for example, to make a random sequence with the desired properties by the acceptance-rejection technique. The following functions and classes are implemented: \cname{MersenneTwister} (header file ``npstat/rng/MersenneTwister.hh'') --- generates pseudo-random numbers using the Mersenne Twister algorithm~\cite{ref:mercenne}. \cname{SobolGenerator} (header file ``npstat/rng/SobolGenerator.hh'') --- generates Sobol quasi-random sequences~\cite{ref:sobol}. \cname{HOSobolGenerator} (header file ``npstat/rng/HOSobolGenerator.hh'') --- generates higher order scrambled Sobol sequences~\cite{ref:hosobol}. \cname{RandomSequenceRepeater} (header file ``npstat/rng/RandomSequenceRepeater.hh'') --- this class can be used to produce multiple repetitions of sequences created by other generators whenever an instance of \cname{AbsRandomGenerator} is needed. The whole sequence is simply remembered (which can take a significant amount of memory for large sequences) and extended as necessary by calling the original generator. \cname{WrappedRandomGen} (header file ``npstat/rng/AbsRandomGenerator.hh'') --- a simple adaptor class for ``old style'' random generator functions like ``drand48()''. Implements \cname{AbsRandomGenerator} interface. \cname{CPP11RandomGen} (header file ``npstat/rng/CPP11RandomGen.hh'') --- a simple adaptor class for pseudo-random generator engines defined in the C++11 standard. Implements \cname{AbsRandomGenerator} interface. \cname{EquidistantSampler1D} (header file ``npstat/rng/EquidistantSampler1D.hh'') --- generates a sequence of equidistant points, similar to bin centers of a~histogram with axis limits at 0 and 1. \cname{RegularSampler1D} (header file ``npstat/rng/RegularSampler1D.hh'') --- generates a sequence of points by splitting the $[0, 1]$ interval by 2, then splitting all subintervals by 2, {\it etc}. The points returned are the split locations. Useful for generating $2^{k} - 1$ points when integer $k$ is not known in advance. \cname{convertToSphericalRandom} (header file ``npstat/rng/convertToSphericalRandom.hh'') --- converts a multivariate random number from a unit $d$-dimensional cube into a random direction in $d$ dimensions and one additional random number between 0 and 1. Useful for generating random numbers according to spherically symmetrical distributions. \section{Algorithms Related to Combinatorics} The NPStat package implements several functions and algorithms related to permutations of integers and combinatorics: \cname{factorial} (header file ``npstat/rng/permutation.hh'') --- this function returns an exact factorial if the result does not exceed the largest unsigned long (up to $12!$ on 32-bit systems and up to $20!$ on 64-bit ones). \cname{ldfactorial} (header file ``npstat/rng/permutation.hh'') --- this function returns an approximate factorial up to $1754!$ as a long double. \cname{logfactorial} (header file ``npstat/rng/permutation.hh'') --- natural logarithm of a factorial, up to $\ln((2^{32} - 1)!)$, as a long double. \cname{binomialCoefficient} (header file ``npstat/nm/binomialCoefficient.hh'') --- calculates the binomial coefficients $C_N^M = \frac{N!}{M! (N-M)!}$ using an algorithm which avoids overflows. \cname{orderedPermutation} (header file ``npstat/rng/permutation.hh'') --- this function can be used to iterate over permutations of numbers $\{0, 1, ..., N-1\}$ in a systematic way. It generates a unique permutation of such numbers given a~non-negative input integer below $N!$. \cname{permutationNumber} (header file ``npstat/rng/permutation.hh'') --- inverse of \cname{orderedPermutation}: maps a permutation of numbers $\{0, 1, ..., N-1\}$ into a unique integer between $0$ and $N!$. \cname{randomPermutation} (header file ``npstat/rng/permutation.hh'') --- generates random permutations of numbers $\{0, 1, ..., N-1\}$ in which probability of every permutation is the same. \cname{NMCombinationSequencer} (header file ``npstat/stat/NMCombinationSequencer.hh'') --- this class iterates over all possible choices of $j_1, ..., j_M$ from $N$ possible values for each $j_k$ in such a way that all $j_1, ..., j_M$ are distinct and appear in the sequence in the increasing order, last index changing most often. Naturally, the total number of all such choices equals to the number of ways to pick $M$ distinct items out of $N$: it is the binomial coefficient $C_N^M$. \section{Numerical Analysis Utilities} \label{sec:utilities} The NPStat package includes a menagerie of numerical analysis utilities designed, primarily, to support the statistical calculations described in the previous sections. They are placed in the ``nm'' directory of the package. A number of these utilities can be used as stand-alone tools. If the corresponding header file is not mentioned explicitly in the descriptions below, it is ``npstat/nm/NNNN.hh'', where NNNN stands for the actual name of the class or function. \cname{ConvolutionEngine1D} and \cname{ConvolutionEngineND} --- These classes encapsulate the NPStat interface to the FFTW package~\cite{ref:fftw}. They can be used to performs DFFT convolutions of one-dimensional and multivariate functions, respectively. \cname{EquidistantInLinearSpace} (header file ``npstat/nm/EquidistantSequence.hh'') --- A sequence of equidistant points. For use with algorithms that take a vector of points as one of their parameters. \cname{EquidistantInLogSpace} (header file ``npstat/nm/EquidistantSequence.hh'') --- A sequence of points whose logarithms are equidistant. \cname{findRootInLogSpace} --- templated numerical equation solving for 1-$d$ functions (or for 1-$d$ subspaces of multivariate functions) using interval division. It is assumed that the solution can be represented as a product of some object ({\it e.g.,} a vector) by a positive real number, and that number is then searched for. \cname{GaussHermiteQuadrature} and \cname{GaussLegendreQuadrature} --- templated Gauss-Hermite and Gauss-Legendre quadratures for one-dimensional functions. Internally, calculations are performed in long double precision. Of course, lower precision functions can be integrated as well, with corresponding reduction in the precision of the result. \cname{rectangleIntegralCenterAndSize} (header file ``npstat/nm/rectangleQuadrature.hh'') --- Gauss-Legendre cubatures on rectangular and hyperrectangular domains using tensor product integration\footnote{``Tensor product integration'' simply means that the locations at which the function is evaluated and corresponding weights are determined by sequential application of Gauss-Legendre quadratures in each dimension.}. \cname{goldenSectionSearchInLogSpace} (header file ``npstat/nm/goldenSectionSearch.hh'') --- templated numerical search for a minimum of 1-$d$ functions (or for 1-$d$ subspaces of multivariate functions) using the golden section method. It is assumed that location of the minimum can be represented as a product of some object ({\it e.g.,} a vector) by a positive constant, and that constant is then searched for. \cname{goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid} (header file ``npstat/nm/goldenSectionSearch.hh'') --- search for a minimum using coordinates restricted to a user-defined one-dimensional grid. Appropriate for use with functions which are expensive to evaluate and for which the user has some prior idea about their smoothness. \cname{parabolicExtremum} (header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') -- determine extremum of a~parabola passing through three given points on a plane. Can be used in combination with \cname{goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid} to refine location of the minimum. \cname{GridAxis} --- This class can be used to define an axis of a rectangular grid with non-uniform spacing of points. The complementary class \cname{UniformAxis} works more efficiently for representing equidistant points, while the class \cname{DualAxis} can be used to represent both uniform and non-uniform grids. \cname{interpolate\_linear}, \cname{interpolate\_quadratic}, \cname{interpolate\_cubic} (these three functions are declared in the header file ``npstat/nm/interpolate.hh'') --- linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomials with given values at two, three, and four equidistant points, respectively. \cname{LinInterpolatedTable1D} --- persistent one-dimensional lookup table with linear interpolation between the tabulated values. Useful for representing arbitrary one-dimensional functions in case the full numerical precision is not required. If the table is monotonous, the inverse table can be constructed automatically. \cname{LinInterpolatedTableND} --- persistent multidimensional lookup table with multilinear interpolation between the tabulated values, as in Eq~\ref{eq:multilinear}. Extrapolation beyond the grid boundaries is supported as well. This class is useful for representing arbitrary functions in case the full numerical precision is not required. \cname{GridAxis}, \cname{UniformAxis}, or \cname{DualAxis} class (or user-developed classes with similar sets of methods) can be used to define grid point locations. Note that simple location-based lookup of stored values (without interpolation) can be trivially performed with the \cname{closestBin} method of the \cname{HistoND} class. Lookup of histogram bin values with interpolation can be performed by the \cname{interpolateHistoND} function (header file ``npstat/stat/interpolateHistoND.hh''). \cname{LinearMapper1d}, \cname{LogMapper1d} --- linear and log-linear transformations in 1-$d$ as functors (with ``double operator()(const double\& x) const'' method defined). The \cname{CircularMapper1d} class works similarly to \cname{LinearMapper1d} in situations with circular data topologies. \cname{Matrix} --- A templated matrix class. Useful for standard matrix manipulations, solving linear systems, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices, singular value decomposition, {\it etc.} Encapsulates NPStat interface to LAPACK~\cite{ref:lapack}. \cname{findPeak3by3}, \cname{findPeak5by5} (header file ``npstat/nm/findPeak2D.hh'') --- utilities which facilitate peak finding for two-dimensional surfaces which can be contaminated by small amounts of noise ({\it e.g.}, from round-off errors). The user can fit a 2-$d$ quadratic polynomial inside a $3 \times 3$ or $5 \times 5$ window by least squares\footnote{A fast method utilizing discrete orthogonal polynomial expansion is used internally.} and check whether that polynomial has an extremum inside the window. Initially intended for studying 2-$d$ log-likelihoods using sliding windows. \cname{solveQuadratic}, \cname{solveCubic} (header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') --- solutions of quadratic and cubic equations, respectively, by numerically sound methods\footnote{The textbook formula $x_{1,2} = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c}}{2 a}$ for the roots of quadratic equation $a x^2 + b x + c =0$ is also a~prime example of a numerical analysis pitfall. A minimal modification, $x_1 = -\frac{b + (I(b \ge 0) - I(b < 0))\sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c}}{2 a}$, $x_2 = \frac{c}{a x_1}$, avoids the subtractive cancellation problem in the $x_{1,2}$ numerator.}. \cname{ndUnitSphereVolume} (header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') --- volume of the $n$-dimensional unit sphere. \cname{polyAndDeriv} (header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') --- monomial series $\sum_{k=0}^M c_k x^k$ and its derivative with respect to $x$, templated on the type of coefficients $c_k$. \cname{polySeriesSum}, \cname{legendreSeriesSum}, \cname{gegenbauerSeriesSum}, \cname{chebyshevSeriesSum} (all of these functions are declared in the header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') --- templated series of one-dimensional monomials, Legendre polynomials, Gegenbauer polynomials, and Chebyshev polynomials, respectively. Numerically sound recursive formulae are used to generate the polynomials. \cname{hermiteSeriesSumProb}, \cname{hermiteSeriesSumPhys} (header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') --- templated series of ``probabilist'' and ``physicist'' Hermite polynomials, respectively. \cname{chebyshevSeriesCoeffs} (header file ``npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh'') --- utility for approximating mathematical functions with Chebyshev polynomials. \cname{OrthoPoly1D}, \cname{OrthoPolyND} --- uni- and multivariate orthogonal polynomials on equidistant rectangular grids with arbitrary weight functions. In addition to producing the polynomials themselves, these classes can be used to calculate polynomial series, polynomial series expansion coefficients for gridded functions, and polynomial filters defined by Eq.~\ref{eq:effk} (but normalized so that the sum of filter coefficients is 1). The NPStat package also includes implementations of various special functions needed in statistical calculations (incomplete gamma function and its inverse, incomplete beta function, {\it etc}). These functions are declared in the header file ``npstat/nm/SpecialFunctions.hh''. \cleardoublepage \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{ref:minuit} Minuit2 Minimization Package, \href{}{} \bibitem{ref:geners} Geners —-- Generic Serialization for C++, \href{}{} \bibitem{ref:cpp11} ISO/IEC Standard 14882:2011 {\it Programming Language C++} (2011). \bibitem{ref:linearbinning} M.C.~Jones, and H.W.~Lotwick, ``On the Errors Involved in Computing the Empirical Characteristic Function'', {\it Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation} {\bf 17}, 133 (1983). \bibitem{ref:sampleskewkurt} D.N. Joanes and C.A. 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If these packages are not yet installed on your machine, please install them first following the instructions in their corresponding INSTALL files. Make sure that your C++ compiler supports C++11. A few NPStat algorithms need an external minimization engine. These algorithms can be easily accessed if the Minuit2 minimization package is installed (see However, Minuit2 is not needed in order to compile NPStat -- Minuit2 is interfaced to NPStat via header files only. Set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the name of the directory where the FFTW and Geners libraries install their package configuration files "fftw3.pc" and "geners.pc", respectively. Usually, this directory is /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig. After this, a typical NPStat installation can proceed as follows: ./configure --disable-static --with-pic make make install The last step may have to be performed as root. Run ./configure --help to view available configuration options. -If you want to compile the python API, you might want to install a -well-integrated python distribution first, such as the anaconda one. -After completing the NPStat installation steps described above, run +If you want to compile the python API (NPStat uses python3), you might +want to install a well-integrated python distribution first, such as +the anaconda one ( After +completing the NPStat installation steps described above, run make python The Python extension will be compiled inside "npstat/swig" directory -but it will not be installed anywhere else. In order to use the python -API, add the absolute path to your "npstat/swig" directory to the -PYTHONPATH environmental variable. Note that compiling the Python +but it will not be installed anywhere else. In order to use the +python API, add the absolute path of your "npstat/swig" directory to +the PYTHONPATH environmental variable. Note that compiling the Python wrapper can take a long time (tens of minutes). Index: trunk/npstat/stat/InterpolatedDistro1D1P.hh =================================================================== --- trunk/npstat/stat/InterpolatedDistro1D1P.hh (revision 674) +++ trunk/npstat/stat/InterpolatedDistro1D1P.hh (revision 675) @@ -1,104 +1,108 @@ #ifndef NPSTAT_INTERPOLATEDDISTRO1D1P_HH_ #define NPSTAT_INTERPOLATEDDISTRO1D1P_HH_ /*! // \file InterpolatedDistro1D1P.hh // // \brief Interpolation of 1-d distributions as a function of one parameter // // Author: I. Volobouev // // December 2014 */ #include "geners/CPP11_shared_ptr.hh" #include "npstat/nm/GridAxis.hh" #include "npstat/stat/AbsInterpolatedDistribution1D.hh" namespace npstat { class InterpolatedDistro1D1P : public AbsDistribution1D { public: #ifndef SWIGBUG - /** This constructor builds an object which is ready to use */ + /** + // This constructor builds an object which is ready to use. + // The "distros" argument must provide one distribution for + // each grid cell. + */ InterpolatedDistro1D1P( const GridAxis& axis, const std::vector >& distros, double initialParameterValue = 0.0, bool interpolateVertically = false); #endif // SWIGBUG /** // If this constructor is used, the object must be built incrementally, // using "setGridDistro" calls, one call for each grid cell. After all // distributions have been set, provide the parameter value with // "setParameter". Only then one can call methods "density", etc. */ InterpolatedDistro1D1P(const GridAxis& axis, bool interpolateVertically = false); inline virtual ~InterpolatedDistro1D1P() {delete interpolator_;} InterpolatedDistro1D1P(const InterpolatedDistro1D1P&); InterpolatedDistro1D1P& operator=(const InterpolatedDistro1D1P&); /** Set the distribution corresponding to the given grid point */ void setGridDistro(unsigned cell, const AbsDistribution1D& distro); /** Set the value of the parameter */ void setParameter(double value); /** Get the value of the parameter */ inline double getParameter() const {checkReady(); return param_;} inline const GridAxis& getAxis() const {return axis_;} inline unsigned nDistros() const {return axis_.nCoords();} void interpolateVertically(bool b); inline bool interpolatingVertically() const {return vertical_;} /** "Virtual copy constructor" */ inline virtual InterpolatedDistro1D1P* clone() const {return new InterpolatedDistro1D1P(*this);} inline double density(const double x) const {checkReady(); return interpolator_->density(x);} inline double cdf(const double x) const {checkReady(); return interpolator_->cdf(x);} inline double exceedance(const double x) const {checkReady(); return interpolator_->exceedance(x);} inline double quantile(const double x) const {checkReady(); return interpolator_->quantile(x);} //@{ /** Prototype needed for I/O */ virtual inline gs::ClassId classId() const {return gs::ClassId(*this);} virtual bool write(std::ostream&) const; //@} static inline const char* classname() {return "npstat::InterpolatedDistro1D1P";} static inline unsigned version() {return 2;} static InterpolatedDistro1D1P* read(const gs::ClassId& id, std::istream& in); protected: virtual bool isEqual(const AbsDistribution1D&) const; private: InterpolatedDistro1D1P(); void rebuildInterpolator(); void checkDistros(); void checkReady() const; GridAxis axis_; std::vector > distros_; AbsInterpolatedDistribution1D* interpolator_; double param_; bool vertical_; bool parameterSet_; bool haveAllDistros_; }; } #endif // NPSTAT_INTERPOLATEDDISTRO1D1P_HH_ Index: trunk/NEWS =================================================================== --- trunk/NEWS (revision 674) +++ trunk/NEWS (revision 675) @@ -1,764 +1,764 @@ -Version 5.1.0 - development +Version 5.1.0 - Nov 17 2019, by I. Volobouev * Started using python-specific features (pythonprepend, etc) in the SWIG .i files. * Added function "scannedKSDistance". -* Added Python API for the persistence of several classes. +* Added Python API for persistence of several classes. Version 5.0.0 - Oct 17 2019, by I. Volobouev * C++11 support is now mandatory. * Added more classes and functions to Python API. Overhauled some of the existing interfaces. Updated everything to python3. * Increased the maximum order of "classical" Edgeworth expansions to 14. * Increased the maximum order of conversions between 1-d central moments and cumulants to 20. * Added "histoQuantiles" function. * Added "correctDensityEstimateGHU" function. * Added "randomHistoFill1D" utility function. * Added ComparisonDistribution1D class. * Added classes GaussND, LinTransformedDistroND, and DistributionMixND. * Added a lot of SWIG .i files Version 4.11.0 - July 22 2019, by I. Volobouev * Added support for cumulant calculations for various Wald statistics in the Poisson process model. * Added functions convertCumulantsToCentralMoments and convertCentralMomentsToCumulants (header file cumulantConversion.hh). * Added function "cumulantUncertainties". Version 4.10.0 - July 11 2019, by I. Volobouev * Added SemiInfGaussianQuadrature class. * Added functions arrayMoment, arrayMoments, and arrayCentralMoments. * Added enum EdgeworthSeriesMethod and class EdgeworthSeries1D. * Added DeltaMixture1D class. * Added enum LikelihoodStatisticType. * Added functions "mixtureModelCumulants" and "poissonProcessCumulants" in the header likelihoodStatisticCumulants.hh. Version 4.9.0 - Dec 18 2018, by I. Volobouev * Added "integratePoly" and "jointIntegral" methods to the AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D class. * Added utility functions "truncatedInverseSqrt" and "matrixIndexPairs". * Added a number of functions to "orthoPoly1DVProducts.hh". * Added classes ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st and ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd inheriting from AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D. * Added class HermiteProbOrthoPoly1D. * Added FejerQuadrature class. * Added classe IsoscelesTriangle1D and Logistic1D. * Added classes AbsKDE1DKernel and KDE1DHOSymbetaKernel. * Added static function "optimalDegreeHart" to OSDE1D class. Version 4.8.0 - Jul 9 2018, by I. Volobouev * Added ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D class. * Added Lanczos method to generate recurrence coefficients for the ContOrthoPoly1D class. * Added npstat/stat/orthoPoly1DVProducts.hh file with various utilities for statistical analyis of chaos polynomials. Version 4.7.0 - Jan 13 2018, by I. Volobouev * Added "UniPareto1D" distribution (uniform with Pareto tail to the right). * More coordinate/weight cases for the GaussLegendreQuadrature class. * Added ContOrthoPoly1D class -- continuous orthogonal polynomials with discrete measure. * Added functions "linearLeastSquares" and "tdSymEigen" to the Matrix class. * Added OSDE1D class. * Added classes LocationScaleFamily1D and SinhAsinhTransform1D. * Added new functors (CdfFunctor1D, etc) as AbsDistribution1D helpers. * Small fix in Version 4.6.0 - Jan 23 2017, by I. Volobouev * Updated 1-d LOrPE cross validation code (classes AbsBandwidthCV, BandwidthCVLeastSquares1D, BandwidthCVPseudoLogli1D) for use with weighted samples in the case the sample itself is available at the point cross validation is run. Version 4.5.0 - Aug 01 2016, by I. Volobouev * A small fix in OrthoPolyND.icc (switched from cycling over unsigned to unsigned long in the scalar product function). * Implemented Gauss-Hermite quadrature with Gaussian density weight. * Changed the meaning of Quadratic1D and LogQuadratic1D parameters to be consistent with Legendre polynomial coefficients on [-1, 1] (new parameters are 1/2 of old). * Added class MinuitUnbinnedFitFcn1D (to interfaces). * Added function "findRootNewtonRaphson". * Added "statUncertainties" header with various functions. Version 4.4.0 - May 9 2016, by I. Volobouev * Added "timestamp" function. * Improved implementation of BinnedDensity1D::unscaledQuantile function. Certain problems caused by round-off errors are now fixed. * Added the capability to use the single closest parameter cells (thus disabling actual interpolation between parameter values, for speed) to "GridInterpolatedDistribution". Version 4.3.0 - March 19 2016, by I. Volobouev * Put additional assert statements inside OrthoPolyND.icc to prevent phony "array subscript is above array bounds" messages in g++ 4.9.2. * Improved CmdLine.hh. * Additional methods in CopulaInterpolationND and GridInterpolatedDistribution. * Added function "volumeDensityFromBinnedRadial". * Added convenience method "globalFilter" to the OrthoPoly1D class. * Initiated the transition of the Python API from Python 2 to Python 3. Version 4.2.0 - October 29 2015, by I. Volobouev * Added interpolation methods for the marginals to classes "CopulaInterpolationND" and "GridInterpolatedDistribution". * Removed assert on underflow in the "igamc" function. Now in such cases this function simply returns 0.0. Version 4.1.0 - July 27 2015, by I. Volobouev * Made a few additional methods virtual in AbsNtuple. * Declared methods "columnIndices" of AbsNtuple const (as they should be). * Added function "weightedCopulaHisto" to build copulas for samples of weighted points. * Added function "weightedVariableBandwidthSmooth1D" to use variable bandwidth smoothing with weighted histograms. * Added "AbsWeightedMarginalSmoother" interface class for smoothing samples of weighted points. Modified classes ConstantBandwidthSmoother1D, JohnsonKDESmoother, and LOrPEMarginalSmoother to support this interface. * Added class "VariableBandwidthSmoother1D" which implements both AbsMarginalSmoother and AbsWeightedMarginalSmoother interfaces. * Implemented cross-validation for weighted samples. * Implemented "buildInterpolatedCompositeDistroND" for generic construction of multivariate transfer functions. * Implemented "buildInterpolatedDistro1DNP" for generic construction of univariate transfer functions. Version 4.0.1 - June 17 2015, by I. Volobouev * Added "dump_qmc" example executable. Version 4.0.0 - June 10 2015, by I. Volobouev * Complete overhaul of 1-d filter-building code. Addition of new boundary methods is a lot easier now. The user API for choosing a LOrPE boundary method is encapsulated in the new "BoundaryHandling" class. * Implemented a number of new filter builders with different boundary treatments. * Updated the "LocalPolyFilter1D" class so that it holds the local bandwidth factors derived by the filter builders. Version 3.8.0 - June 1 2015, by I. Volobouev * Implemented class ConstSqFilter1DBuilder (declared in the header file npstat/stat/Filter1DBuilders.hh). The "BoundaryMethod" enum has been extended accordingly. Other files using this enum have been updated. * Implemented class FoldingSqFilter1DBuilder. Similar to ConstSqFilter1DBuilder but it also folds the kernel in addition to stretching it. * Added virtual destructors to a number of classes. * Added "externalMemArrayND" with various signatures to allow the use of ArrayND with memory not managed by ArrayND. * Added move constructors and move assignment operators to ArrayND and Matrix classes. Version 3.7.0 - May 10 2015, by I. Volobouev * Better numerical derivative calculation in * Added class "LocalMultiFilter1D" for fast generation of filters which correspond to each orthogonal polynomial separately. * Added a function calculating the area of n-dimensional sphere. * Added I/O capabilities to the RadialProfileND class. * Added class "LogRatioTransform1D". * Added utility function "multiFill1DHistoWithCDFWeights" (header file histoUtils.hh). * Avoiding underflow of the incomplete gamma in "convertToSphericalRandom". Version 3.6.0 - April 6 2015, by I. Volobouev * Fixed Marsaglia's code calculating the Anderson-Darling statistics (it was breaking down for large values of z). * Added high-level driver function "simpleVariableBandwidthSmooth1D" to automatically build the pilot estimate for "variableBandwidthSmooth1D". * Swithched to log of sigma as Minuit parameter in "minuitFitJohnsonCurves" instead of sigma (linear sigma would sometimes break the fit when Minuit would come up with 0 or negative trial value for it). * Extended "MinuitDensityFitFcn1D" class so that it could be used to fit non-uniformly binned histograms. * Adapted "minuitFitJohnsonCurves" function so that it could be used with histograms templated upon DualHistoAxis. * Added functions "fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas" and "canFillArrayCentersPreservingAreas". * Implemented an interface to monotonous coordinate transformations with the intent of using them in constructing densities. Implemented a number of transforms. * Implemented class "TransformedDistribution1D". * Added class "VerticallyInterpolatedDistro1D1P". * Added utility function "fill1DHistoWithCDFWeights". Version 3.5.0 - February 21 2015, by I. Volobouev * Added "symPDEigenInv" method to the Matrix class. * Added "variableCount" method to unfolding bandwidth scanner classes. * Increased the tolerance parameters in JohnsonSu::initialize and in JohnsonFit constructor. * Bug fix in function "fillHistoFromText". Version 3.4.4 - January 13 2015, by I. Volobouev * Corrected handling of some "assert" statements so that the code compiles correctly with the -DNDEBUG option. Version 3.4.3 - January 5 2015, by I. Volobouev * Implemented class MirroredGauss1D. * Added method "getOracleData" to class UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D. * Bug fix in FoldingFilter1DBuilder::makeOrthoPoly. Version 3.4.2 - December 15 2014, by I. Volobouev * Implemented InterpolatedDistro1D1P class. Version 3.4.1 - November 07 2014, by I. Volobouev * Implemented "divideTransforms" function for deconvolutions. * Implemented the Moyal distribution. * Added "fillHistoFromText" utility function. * Added "apply_lorpe_1d" example. Version 3.4.0 - October 01 2014, by I. Volobouev * Implemented Hadamard product and Hadamard ratio for matrices. * Bug fix in the "solve_linear_system" lapack interface function. Version 3.3.1 - August 08 2014, by I. Volobouev * Terminate iterative refinement of the unfolding error propagation matrix early in case the solution does not seem to improve. Version 3.3.0 - August 05 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added correction factors to the determination of the number of fitted parameters in various unfolding procedures. Version 3.2.0 - July 25 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added "gaussianResponseMatrix" function for non-uniform binning. * Added Pareto distribution. * Implemented EMS unfolding with sparse matrices. * Added methods "getObservedShape" and "getUnfoldedShape" to the AbsUnfoldND class. * Bug fix in the assignment operator of ProductDistributionND class. Made class ProductDistributionND persistent. * Bug fix in the error propagation for unfolding, in the code which takes into account the extra normalization constant. * Added "productResponseMatrix" function to assist in making sparse response matrices. * Bug fix in the factory constructor of the Cauchy1D class. * Completed implementation of the "RatioOfNormals" class. Version 3.1.0 - June 29 2014, by I. Volobouev * Improved (again) random number generator for the 1-d Gaussian distribution. Something about expectation values of normalized Hermite polynomials over random numbers made by this generator is still not fully understood. The standard deviation of these expectations decreases with the polynomial order (while it should stay constant). It is possible that the numbers of points used are simply insufficient to sample the tails correctly. * Implemented smoothed expectation-maximization (a.k.a. D'Agostini) unfolding for 1-d distributions in classes SmoothedEMUnfold1D and MultiscaleEMUnfold1D. In certain usage scenarios, MultiscaleEMUnfold1D can be more efficient than SmoothedEMUnfold1D. * Implemented smoothed expectation-maximization unfolding for multivariate distributions in a class SmoothedEMUnfoldND. * Added class "UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D" to study 1-d unfolding behavior as a function of filter bandwidth. * Added class "UnfoldingBandwidthScannerND" to study multivariate unfolding behavior as a function of provided bandwidth values. * Added DummyLocalPolyFilter1D class useful when a filter is needed which does not smooth anything. * Added function "poissonLogLikelihood" (header file npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh). * Added function "pooledDiscreteTabulated1D" (header file npstat/stat/DiscreteDistributions1D.hh). * Implemented class UGaussConvolution1D (convolution of uniform distribution with a Gaussian). * Implemented gamma distribution (class Gamma1D). * Defined interface for comparing binned distributions, AbsBinnedComparison1D. * Implemented several comparison classes for comparing binned distributions: PearsonsChiSquared, BinnedKSTest1D, BinnedADTest1D. Class BinnedKSTest1D pulled in dependence on the "kstest" package. * Made classes LocalPolyFilter1D, LocalPolyFilterND, and SequentialPolyFilterND persistent. * Added code generating dense filter matrices to LocalPolyFilterND and SequentialPolyFilterND (as needed for unfolding). * Made class MemoizingSymbetaFilterProvider persistent. * Implemented function goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid (header file npstat/nm/goldenSectionSearch.hh). * Implemented function parabolicExtremum (header npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh). * Added class DistributionMix1D (header npstat/stat/DistributionMix1D.hh). * Added interface to solving A*X = B, with matrices X and B, to the Matrix class (method "solveLinearSystems"). * Added "reshape" methods to the ArrayND class. * Added "gaussianResponseMatrix" function. * Added a section on unfolding to the documentation. * Added "ems_unfold_1d" example program. Version 3.0.0 - March 14 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added interface to the LAPACK SVD routines. * Added function "lorpeMise1D" to calculate MISE for arbitrary distributions. * Added FoldingFilter1DBuilder class. * Changed interfaces for several high-level functions to use FoldingFilter1DBuilder. The major version number got bumped up. * Split DensityScan1D.hh away from AbsDistribution1D.hh. Version 2.7.0 - March 10 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added code to optimize operations with diagonal matrices. * Added discretizedDistance.hh file for simple L1 and L2 distance calculations with numeric arrays. * Added base class for future unfolding code. * The "reset" method of the Matrix class was renamed into "uninitialize" in order to be consistent with ArrayND. * Added function "multinomialCovariance1D". * Added "polyTimesWeight" method to the OrthoPoly1D class. * Added methods "TtimesThis" and "timesT" to the Matrix class. These methods are more efficient than transpose followed by multiplication. Version 2.6.0 - January 30 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added function "lorpeBackgroundCVDensity1D" which linearizes calculation of the cross validation likelihood in semiparametric fits. Argument "linearizeCrossValidation" was added to MinuitSemiparametricFitFcn1D constructor, "lorpeBackground1D" function, etc. * Added the ability to build filters with center point removed to classes WeightTableFilter1DBuilder and StretchingFilter1DBuilder. The function "symbetaLOrPEFilter1D" now has an appropriate switch. * Added "removeRowAndColumn" method to the Matrix class. * Added CircularBuffer class. * Added various plugin bandwidth functions which work with non-integer polynomial degrees. * Switched to the Legendre polynomial basis for calculating all 1-d orthogonal polynomials (instead of monomial basis). * Added MemoizingSymbetaFilterProvider class. * Added "operator+=" method to the MultivariateSumAccumulator class. * Simplified implementation of the PolyFilterCollection1D class. File PolyFilterCollection1D.icc is removed. * Added "RatioOfNormals" 1-d distribution function. Only the density is currently implemented but not the CDF. * Added ExpMapper1d class. Version 2.5.0 - October 15 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added "getFilterMatrix" method to the LocalPolyFilter1D class. * Added "genEigen" method to the Matrix class (for determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general real matrices). * Refactored the LAPACK interface so that interface functions to floats are automatically generated from interface functions to doubles. See the comment at the end of the "lapack_interface.icc" file for the shell commands to do this. Version 2.4.0 - October 6 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added functions "lorpeBackground1D", "lorpeBgCVPseudoLogli1D", and "lorpeBgLogli1D". * Added minuit interface classes "MinuitLOrPEBgCVFcn1D" and "MinuitSemiparametricFitFcn1D". * Added "ScalableDensityConstructor1D" class for use with Minuit interface functions. * Added classes AbsSymbetaFilterProvider and SymbetaPolyCollection1D. Version 2.3.0 - October 1 2013, by I. Volobouev * Allowed point dimensionality to be larger than the histogram dimensionality in the "empiricalCopulaHisto" function. * Added "keepAllFilters" method to AbsFilter1DBuilder and all derived classes. * Implemented exclusion regions for WeightTableFilter1DBuilder and StretchingFilter1DBuilder. * "symbetaLOrPEFilter1D" function (in the header LocalPolyFilter1D.hh) is updated to take the exclusion mask argument. * Added "continuousDegreeTaper" function which can do something meaningful with the continuous LOrPE degree parameter. Version 2.2.0 - June 30 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added classes DiscreteBernsteinPoly1D and BernsteinFilter1DBuilder. * Added classes DiscreteBeta1D and BetaFilter1DBuilder. * Added BifurcatedGauss1D class to model Gaussian-like distributions with different sigmas on the left and right sides. * Added virtual destructors to the classes declared in the Filter1DBuilders.hh header. * Added a method to the Matrix template to calculate Frobenius norm. * Added methods to the Matrix template to calculate row and column sums. * Added "directSum" method to the Matrix template. * Added constructor from a subrange of another matrix to the Matrix template. * Added code to the LocalPolyFilter1D class that generates a doubly stochastic filter out of an arbitrary filter. * Added "npstat/nm/definiteIntegrals.hh" header and corresponding .cc file for various infrequently used integrals. * Added "betaKernelsBandwidth" function. Version 2.1.0 - June 20 2013, by I. Volobouev * Fixed couple problems which showed up in the robust regression code due to compiler update. * Fixed CensoredQuantileRegressionOnKDTree::process method (needed this-> dereference for some member). Version 2.0.0 - June 15 2013, by I. Volobouev * Updated to use "Geners" version 1.3.0. A few interfaces were changed (API for the string archives was removed because Geners own string archive facilities are now adequate) so the major version number was bumped up. Version 1.6.0 - June 12 2013, by I. Volobouev * Updated some documentation. * Updated fitCompositeJohnson.icc to use simplified histogram constructors. * Bug fix in the "minuitLocalQuantileRegression1D" function. * Changed the "quantileBinFromCdf" function to use unsigned long type for array indices. * Added "weightedLocalQuantileRegression1D" function (namespace npsi) for local regression with single predictor on weighted points. Version 1.5.0 - May 23 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added interfaces to LAPACK routines DSYEVD, DSYEVR, and corresponding single precision versions. * Added the "symPSDefEffectiveRank" method to the Matrix class for calculating effective ranks of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices. * Added converting constructor and assignment operator to the Matrix class. * Run the Gram-Schmidt procedure twice when orthogonal polynomials are derived in order to improve orthogonality. Version 1.4.0 - May 20 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added the "append" method to the AbsNtuple class. Version 1.3.0 - May 10 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added the code for Hermite polynomial series. * Improved random number generator for the 1-d Gaussian distribution. * Added a framework for discrete 1-d distributions as well as two concrete distribution classes (Poisson1D, DiscreteTabulated1D). * Added functions "readCompressedStringArchiveExt" and "writeCompressedStringArchiveExt" which can read/write either compressed or uncompressed string archives, distinguished by file extension. Version 1.2.1 - March 22 2013, by I. Volobouev * Improved CmdLine.hh in the "examples/C++" directory. * Added class QuantileTable1D. * Added classes LeftCensoredDistribution and RightCensoredDistribution. Version 1.2.0 - March 13 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added convenience "fill" methods to work with the ntuples which have small number of columns (up to 10). * Fixed a bug in AbsRandomGenerator for univariate generators making multivariate points. * Added LOrPEMarginalSmoother class. Version 1.1.1 - March 11 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added utility function "symbetaLOrPEFilter1D" which creates 1-d LOrPE filters using kernels from the symmetric beta family (and the Gaussian). * Added high level driver function "lorpeSmooth1D". * Allowed variables with zero variances for calculation of correlation coefficients in "MultivariateSumsqAccumulator". Such variables will have zero correlation coefficients with all other variables. * Added rebinning constructor to the HistoND class. Version 1.1.0 - March 8 2013, by I. Volobouev * Changed NUHistoAxis::fltBinNumber method to produce correct results with interpolation degree 0. It is not yet obvious which method would work best for higher interpolation degrees. * Added functions for converting between StringArchive and python bytearray. They have been placed in a new header: wrap/stringArchiveToBinary.hh. * Added methods "exportMemSlice" and "importMemSlice" to ArrayND. These methods allow for filling array slices from unstructured memory buffers and for exporting array slices to such memory buffers. * Added "simpleColumnNames" function (header file AbsNtuple.hh) to generate trivial column names when ntuple column names are not important. * Added functions "neymanPearsonWindow1D" and "signalToBgMaximum1D". They are declared in a new header npstat/neymanPearsonWindow1D.hh. Version 1.0.5 - December 17 2012, by I. Volobouev * Flush string archives before writing them out in * Added class TruncatedDistribution1D. Version 1.0.4 - November 14 2012, by I. Volobouev * Added utilities for reading/writing Geners string archives to files. * Added BinSummary class. * Doxygen documentation improved. Every header file in stat, nm, rng, and interfaces now has a brief description. Version 1.0.3 - September 27 2012, by I. Volobouev * Fixed some bugs related to moving StorableMultivariateFunctor code from "nm" to "stat". Version 1.0.2 - August 6 2012, by I. Volobouev * Added converting copy constructor to the "LinInterpolatedTableND" class. * Added StorableMultivariateFunctor class (together with the corresponding reader class). * Added StorableInterpolationFunctor class which inherits from the above and can be used with interpolation tables. * Added StorableHistoNDFunctor class which inherits from StorableMultivariateFunctor and can be used to interpolate histogram bins. * Added "transpose" method to HistoND class. * Created DualAxis class. * Created DualHistoAxis class. * Added conversion functions between histogram and grid axes. * Added "mergeTwoHistos" function for smooth merging of two histograms. * Added "ProductSymmetricBetaNDCdf" functor to be used as weight in merging histograms. * Added CoordinateSelector class. Version 1.0.1 - June 29 2012, by I. Volobouev * Implemented class LinInterpolatedTableND with related supporting code.