Index: trunk/NEWS =================================================================== --- trunk/NEWS (revision 571) +++ trunk/NEWS (revision 572) @@ -1,689 +1,692 @@ Version 4.9.0 - development * Added "integratePoly" and "jointIntegral" methods to the AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D class. * Added utility functions "truncatedInverseSqrt" and "matrixIndexPairs". * Added a number of functions to "orthoPoly1DVProducts.hh". +* Added classes ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st and ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd inheriting + from AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D. + Version 4.8.0 - Jul 9 2018, by I. Volobouev * Added ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D class. * Added Lanczos method to generate recurrence coefficients for the ContOrthoPoly1D class. * Added npstat/stat/orthoPoly1DVProducts.hh file with various utilities for statistical analyis of chaos polynomials. Version 4.7.0 - Jan 13 2018, by I. Volobouev * Added "UniPareto1D" distribution (uniform with Pareto tail to the right). * More coordinate/weight cases for the GaussLegendreQuadrature class. * Added ContOrthoPoly1D class -- continuous orthogonal polynomials with discrete measure. * Added functions "linearLeastSquares" and "tdSymEigen" to the Matrix class. * Added OSDE1D class. * Added classes LocationScaleFamily1D and SinhAsinhTransform1D. * Added new functors (CdfFunctor1D, etc) as AbsDistribution1D helpers. * Small fix in Version 4.6.0 - Jan 23 2017, by I. Volobouev * Updated 1-d LOrPE cross validation code (classes AbsBandwidthCV, BandwidthCVLeastSquares1D, BandwidthCVPseudoLogli1D) for use with weighted samples in the case the sample itself is available at the point cross validation is run. Version 4.5.0 - Aug 01 2016, by I. Volobouev * A small fix in OrthoPolyND.icc (switched from cycling over unsigned to unsigned long in the scalar product function). * Implemented Gauss-Hermite quadrature with Gaussian density weight. * Changed the meaning of Quadratic1D and LogQuadratic1D parameters to be consistent with Legendre polynomial coefficients on [-1, 1] (new parameters are 1/2 of old). * Added class MinuitUnbinnedFitFcn1D (to interfaces). * Added function "findRootNewtonRaphson". * Added "statUncertainties" header with various functions. Version 4.4.0 - May 9 2016, by I. Volobouev * Added "timestamp" function. * Improved implementation of BinnedDensity1D::unscaledQuantile function. Certain problems caused by round-off errors are now fixed. * Added the capability to use the single closest parameter cells (thus disabling actual interpolation between parameter values, for speed) to "GridInterpolatedDistribution". Version 4.3.0 - March 19 2016, by I. Volobouev * Put additional assert statements inside OrthoPolyND.icc to prevent phony "array subscript is above array bounds" messages in g++ 4.9.2. * Improved CmdLine.hh. * Additional methods in CopulaInterpolationND and GridInterpolatedDistribution. * Added function "volumeDensityFromBinnedRadial". * Added convenience method "globalFilter" to the OrthoPoly1D class. * Initiated the transition of the Python API from Python 2 to Python 3. Version 4.2.0 - October 29 2015, by I. Volobouev * Added interpolation methods for the marginals to classes "CopulaInterpolationND" and "GridInterpolatedDistribution". * Removed assert on underflow in the "igamc" function. Now in such cases this function simply returns 0.0. Version 4.1.0 - July 27 2015, by I. Volobouev * Made a few additional methods virtual in AbsNtuple. * Declared methods "columnIndices" of AbsNtuple const (as they should be). * Added function "weightedCopulaHisto" to build copulas for samples of weighted points. * Added function "weightedVariableBandwidthSmooth1D" to use variable bandwidth smoothing with weighted histograms. * Added "AbsWeightedMarginalSmoother" interface class for smoothing samples of weighted points. Modified classes ConstantBandwidthSmoother1D, JohnsonKDESmoother, and LOrPEMarginalSmoother to support this interface. * Added class "VariableBandwidthSmoother1D" which implements both AbsMarginalSmoother and AbsWeightedMarginalSmoother interfaces. * Implemented cross-validation for weighted samples. * Implemented "buildInterpolatedCompositeDistroND" for generic construction of multivariate transfer functions. * Implemented "buildInterpolatedDistro1DNP" for generic construction of univariate transfer functions. Version 4.0.1 - June 17 2015, by I. Volobouev * Added "dump_qmc" example executable. Version 4.0.0 - June 10 2015, by I. Volobouev * Complete overhaul of 1-d filter-building code. Addition of new boundary methods is a lot easier now. The user API for choosing a LOrPE boundary method is encapsulated in the new "BoundaryHandling" class. * Implemented a number of new filter builders with different boundary treatments. * Updated the "LocalPolyFilter1D" class so that it holds the local bandwidth factors derived by the filter builders. Version 3.8.0 - June 1 2015, by I. Volobouev * Implemented class ConstSqFilter1DBuilder (declared in the header file npstat/stat/Filter1DBuilders.hh). The "BoundaryMethod" enum has been extended accordingly. Other files using this enum have been updated. * Implemented class FoldingSqFilter1DBuilder. Similar to ConstSqFilter1DBuilder but it also folds the kernel in addition to stretching it. * Added virtual destructors to a number of classes. * Added "externalMemArrayND" with various signatures to allow the use of ArrayND with memory not managed by ArrayND. * Added move constructors and move assignment operators to ArrayND and Matrix classes. Version 3.7.0 - May 10 2015, by I. Volobouev * Better numerical derivative calculation in * Added class "LocalMultiFilter1D" for fast generation of filters which correspond to each orthogonal polynomial separately. * Added a function calculating the area of n-dimensional sphere. * Added I/O capabilities to the RadialProfileND class. * Added class "LogRatioTransform1D". * Added utility function "multiFill1DHistoWithCDFWeights" (header file histoUtils.hh). * Avoiding underflow of the incomplete gamma in "convertToSphericalRandom". Version 3.6.0 - April 6 2015, by I. Volobouev * Fixed Marsaglia's code calculating the Anderson-Darling statistics (it was breaking down for large values of z). * Added high-level driver function "simpleVariableBandwidthSmooth1D" to automatically build the pilot estimate for "variableBandwidthSmooth1D". * Swithched to log of sigma as Minuit parameter in "minuitFitJohnsonCurves" instead of sigma (linear sigma would sometimes break the fit when Minuit would come up with 0 or negative trial value for it). * Extended "MinuitDensityFitFcn1D" class so that it could be used to fit non-uniformly binned histograms. * Adapted "minuitFitJohnsonCurves" function so that it could be used with histograms templated upon DualHistoAxis. * Added functions "fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas" and "canFillArrayCentersPreservingAreas". * Implemented an interface to monotonous coordinate transformations with the intent of using them in constructing densities. Implemented a number of transforms. * Implemented class "TransformedDistribution1D". * Added class "VerticallyInterpolatedDistro1D1P". * Added utility function "fill1DHistoWithCDFWeights". Version 3.5.0 - February 21 2015, by I. Volobouev * Added "symPDEigenInv" method to the Matrix class. * Added "variableCount" method to unfolding bandwidth scanner classes. * Increased the tolerance parameters in JohnsonSu::initialize and in JohnsonFit constructor. * Bug fix in function "fillHistoFromText". Version 3.4.4 - January 13 2015, by I. Volobouev * Corrected handling of some "assert" statements so that the code compiles correctly with the -DNDEBUG option. Version 3.4.3 - January 5 2015, by I. Volobouev * Implemented class MirroredGauss1D. * Added method "getOracleData" to class UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D. * Bug fix in FoldingFilter1DBuilder::makeOrthoPoly. Version 3.4.2 - December 15 2014, by I. Volobouev * Implemented InterpolatedDistro1D1P class. Version 3.4.1 - November 07 2014, by I. Volobouev * Implemented "divideTransforms" function for deconvolutions. * Implemented the Moyal distribution. * Added "fillHistoFromText" utility function. * Added "apply_lorpe_1d" example. Version 3.4.0 - October 01 2014, by I. Volobouev * Implemented Hadamard product and Hadamard ratio for matrices. * Bug fix in the "solve_linear_system" lapack interface function. Version 3.3.1 - August 08 2014, by I. Volobouev * Terminate iterative refinement of the unfolding error propagation matrix early in case the solution does not seem to improve. Version 3.3.0 - August 05 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added correction factors to the determination of the number of fitted parameters in various unfolding procedures. Version 3.2.0 - July 25 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added "gaussianResponseMatrix" function for non-uniform binning. * Added Pareto distribution. * Implemented EMS unfolding with sparse matrices. * Added methods "getObservedShape" and "getUnfoldedShape" to the AbsUnfoldND class. * Bug fix in the assignment operator of ProductDistributionND class. Made class ProductDistributionND persistent. * Bug fix in the error propagation for unfolding, in the code which takes into account the extra normalization constant. * Added "productResponseMatrix" function to assist in making sparse response matrices. * Bug fix in the factory constructor of the Cauchy1D class. * Completed implementation of the "RatioOfNormals" class. Version 3.1.0 - June 29 2014, by I. Volobouev * Improved (again) random number generator for the 1-d Gaussian distribution. Something about expectation values of normalized Hermite polynomials over random numbers made by this generator is still not fully understood. The standard deviation of these expectations decreases with the polynomial order (while it should stay constant). It is possible that the numbers of points used are simply insufficient to sample the tails correctly. * Implemented smoothed expectation-maximization (a.k.a. D'Agostini) unfolding for 1-d distributions in classes SmoothedEMUnfold1D and MultiscaleEMUnfold1D. In certain usage scenarios, MultiscaleEMUnfold1D can be more efficient than SmoothedEMUnfold1D. * Implemented smoothed expectation-maximization unfolding for multivariate distributions in a class SmoothedEMUnfoldND. * Added class "UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D" to study 1-d unfolding behavior as a function of filter bandwidth. * Added class "UnfoldingBandwidthScannerND" to study multivariate unfolding behavior as a function of provided bandwidth values. * Added DummyLocalPolyFilter1D class useful when a filter is needed which does not smooth anything. * Added function "poissonLogLikelihood" (header file npstat/stat/arrayStats.hh). * Added function "pooledDiscreteTabulated1D" (header file npstat/stat/DiscreteDistributions1D.hh). * Implemented class UGaussConvolution1D (convolution of uniform distribution with a Gaussian). * Implemented gamma distribution (class Gamma1D). * Defined interface for comparing binned distributions, AbsBinnedComparison1D. * Implemented several comparison classes for comparing binned distributions: PearsonsChiSquared, BinnedKSTest1D, BinnedADTest1D. Class BinnedKSTest1D pulled in dependence on the "kstest" package. * Made classes LocalPolyFilter1D, LocalPolyFilterND, and SequentialPolyFilterND persistent. * Added code generating dense filter matrices to LocalPolyFilterND and SequentialPolyFilterND (as needed for unfolding). * Made class MemoizingSymbetaFilterProvider persistent. * Implemented function goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid (header file npstat/nm/goldenSectionSearch.hh). * Implemented function parabolicExtremum (header npstat/nm/MathUtils.hh). * Added class DistributionMix1D (header npstat/stat/DistributionMix1D.hh). * Added interface to solving A*X = B, with matrices X and B, to the Matrix class (method "solveLinearSystems"). * Added "reshape" methods to the ArrayND class. * Added "gaussianResponseMatrix" function. * Added a section on unfolding to the documentation. * Added "ems_unfold_1d" example program. Version 3.0.0 - March 14 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added interface to the LAPACK SVD routines. * Added function "lorpeMise1D" to calculate MISE for arbitrary distributions. * Added FoldingFilter1DBuilder class. * Changed interfaces for several high-level functions to use FoldingFilter1DBuilder. The major version number got bumped up. * Split DensityScan1D.hh away from AbsDistribution1D.hh. Version 2.7.0 - March 10 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added code to optimize operations with diagonal matrices. * Added discretizedDistance.hh file for simple L1 and L2 distance calculations with numeric arrays. * Added base class for future unfolding code. * The "reset" method of the Matrix class was renamed into "uninitialize" in order to be consistent with ArrayND. * Added function "multinomialCovariance1D". * Added "polyTimesWeight" method to the OrthoPoly1D class. * Added methods "TtimesThis" and "timesT" to the Matrix class. These methods are more efficient than transpose followed by multiplication. Version 2.6.0 - January 30 2014, by I. Volobouev * Added function "lorpeBackgroundCVDensity1D" which linearizes calculation of the cross validation likelihood in semiparametric fits. Argument "linearizeCrossValidation" was added to MinuitSemiparametricFitFcn1D constructor, "lorpeBackground1D" function, etc. * Added the ability to build filters with center point removed to classes WeightTableFilter1DBuilder and StretchingFilter1DBuilder. The function "symbetaLOrPEFilter1D" now has an appropriate switch. * Added "removeRowAndColumn" method to the Matrix class. * Added CircularBuffer class. * Added various plugin bandwidth functions which work with non-integer polynomial degrees. * Switched to the Legendre polynomial basis for calculating all 1-d orthogonal polynomials (instead of monomial basis). * Added MemoizingSymbetaFilterProvider class. * Added "operator+=" method to the MultivariateSumAccumulator class. * Simplified implementation of the PolyFilterCollection1D class. File PolyFilterCollection1D.icc is removed. * Added "RatioOfNormals" 1-d distribution function. Only the density is currently implemented but not the CDF. * Added ExpMapper1d class. Version 2.5.0 - October 15 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added "getFilterMatrix" method to the LocalPolyFilter1D class. * Added "genEigen" method to the Matrix class (for determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general real matrices). * Refactored the LAPACK interface so that interface functions to floats are automatically generated from interface functions to doubles. See the comment at the end of the "lapack_interface.icc" file for the shell commands to do this. Version 2.4.0 - October 6 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added functions "lorpeBackground1D", "lorpeBgCVPseudoLogli1D", and "lorpeBgLogli1D". * Added minuit interface classes "MinuitLOrPEBgCVFcn1D" and "MinuitSemiparametricFitFcn1D". * Added "ScalableDensityConstructor1D" class for use with Minuit interface functions. * Added classes AbsSymbetaFilterProvider and SymbetaPolyCollection1D. Version 2.3.0 - October 1 2013, by I. Volobouev * Allowed point dimensionality to be larger than the histogram dimensionality in the "empiricalCopulaHisto" function. * Added "keepAllFilters" method to AbsFilter1DBuilder and all derived classes. * Implemented exclusion regions for WeightTableFilter1DBuilder and StretchingFilter1DBuilder. * "symbetaLOrPEFilter1D" function (in the header LocalPolyFilter1D.hh) is updated to take the exclusion mask argument. * Added "continuousDegreeTaper" function which can do something meaningful with the continuous LOrPE degree parameter. Version 2.2.0 - June 30 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added classes DiscreteBernsteinPoly1D and BernsteinFilter1DBuilder. * Added classes DiscreteBeta1D and BetaFilter1DBuilder. * Added BifurcatedGauss1D class to model Gaussian-like distributions with different sigmas on the left and right sides. * Added virtual destructors to the classes declared in the Filter1DBuilders.hh header. * Added a method to the Matrix template to calculate Frobenius norm. * Added methods to the Matrix template to calculate row and column sums. * Added "directSum" method to the Matrix template. * Added constructor from a subrange of another matrix to the Matrix template. * Added code to the LocalPolyFilter1D class that generates a doubly stochastic filter out of an arbitrary filter. * Added "npstat/nm/definiteIntegrals.hh" header and corresponding .cc file for various infrequently used integrals. * Added "betaKernelsBandwidth" function. Version 2.1.0 - June 20 2013, by I. Volobouev * Fixed couple problems which showed up in the robust regression code due to compiler update. * Fixed CensoredQuantileRegressionOnKDTree::process method (needed this-> dereference for some member). Version 2.0.0 - June 15 2013, by I. Volobouev * Updated to use "Geners" version 1.3.0. A few interfaces were changed (API for the string archives was removed because Geners own string archive facilities are now adequate) so the major version number was bumped up. Version 1.6.0 - June 12 2013, by I. Volobouev * Updated some documentation. * Updated fitCompositeJohnson.icc to use simplified histogram constructors. * Bug fix in the "minuitLocalQuantileRegression1D" function. * Changed the "quantileBinFromCdf" function to use unsigned long type for array indices. * Added "weightedLocalQuantileRegression1D" function (namespace npsi) for local regression with single predictor on weighted points. Version 1.5.0 - May 23 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added interfaces to LAPACK routines DSYEVD, DSYEVR, and corresponding single precision versions. * Added the "symPSDefEffectiveRank" method to the Matrix class for calculating effective ranks of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices. * Added converting constructor and assignment operator to the Matrix class. * Run the Gram-Schmidt procedure twice when orthogonal polynomials are derived in order to improve orthogonality. Version 1.4.0 - May 20 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added the "append" method to the AbsNtuple class. Version 1.3.0 - May 10 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added the code for Hermite polynomial series. * Improved random number generator for the 1-d Gaussian distribution. * Added a framework for discrete 1-d distributions as well as two concrete distribution classes (Poisson1D, DiscreteTabulated1D). * Added functions "readCompressedStringArchiveExt" and "writeCompressedStringArchiveExt" which can read/write either compressed or uncompressed string archives, distinguished by file extension. Version 1.2.1 - March 22 2013, by I. Volobouev * Improved CmdLine.hh in the "examples/C++" directory. * Added class QuantileTable1D. * Added classes LeftCensoredDistribution and RightCensoredDistribution. Version 1.2.0 - March 13 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added convenience "fill" methods to work with the ntuples which have small number of columns (up to 10). * Fixed a bug in AbsRandomGenerator for univariate generators making multivariate points. * Added LOrPEMarginalSmoother class. Version 1.1.1 - March 11 2013, by I. Volobouev * Added utility function "symbetaLOrPEFilter1D" which creates 1-d LOrPE filters using kernels from the symmetric beta family (and the Gaussian). * Added high level driver function "lorpeSmooth1D". * Allowed variables with zero variances for calculation of correlation coefficients in "MultivariateSumsqAccumulator". Such variables will have zero correlation coefficients with all other variables. * Added rebinning constructor to the HistoND class. Version 1.1.0 - March 8 2013, by I. Volobouev * Changed NUHistoAxis::fltBinNumber method to produce correct results with interpolation degree 0. It is not yet obvious which method would work best for higher interpolation degrees. * Added functions for converting between StringArchive and python bytearray. They have been placed in a new header: wrap/stringArchiveToBinary.hh. * Added methods "exportMemSlice" and "importMemSlice" to ArrayND. These methods allow for filling array slices from unstructured memory buffers and for exporting array slices to such memory buffers. * Added "simpleColumnNames" function (header file AbsNtuple.hh) to generate trivial column names when ntuple column names are not important. * Added functions "neymanPearsonWindow1D" and "signalToBgMaximum1D". They are declared in a new header npstat/neymanPearsonWindow1D.hh. Version 1.0.5 - December 17 2012, by I. Volobouev * Flush string archives before writing them out in * Added class TruncatedDistribution1D. Version 1.0.4 - November 14 2012, by I. Volobouev * Added utilities for reading/writing Geners string archives to files. * Added BinSummary class. * Doxygen documentation improved. Every header file in stat, nm, rng, and interfaces now has a brief description. Version 1.0.3 - September 27 2012, by I. Volobouev * Fixed some bugs related to moving StorableMultivariateFunctor code from "nm" to "stat". Version 1.0.2 - August 6 2012, by I. Volobouev * Added converting copy constructor to the "LinInterpolatedTableND" class. * Added StorableMultivariateFunctor class (together with the corresponding reader class). * Added StorableInterpolationFunctor class which inherits from the above and can be used with interpolation tables. * Added StorableHistoNDFunctor class which inherits from StorableMultivariateFunctor and can be used to interpolate histogram bins. * Added "transpose" method to HistoND class. * Created DualAxis class. * Created DualHistoAxis class. * Added conversion functions between histogram and grid axes. * Added "mergeTwoHistos" function for smooth merging of two histograms. * Added "ProductSymmetricBetaNDCdf" functor to be used as weight in merging histograms. * Added CoordinateSelector class. Version 1.0.1 - June 29 2012, by I. Volobouev * Implemented class LinInterpolatedTableND with related supporting code. Index: trunk/tests/ =================================================================== --- trunk/tests/ (revision 571) +++ trunk/tests/ (revision 572) @@ -1,179 +1,179 @@ #include "UnitTest++.h" #include "test_utils.hh" #include "npstat/nm/ContOrthoPoly1D.hh" #include "npstat/rng/MersenneTwister.hh" using namespace npstat; using namespace std; inline static int kdelta(const unsigned i, const unsigned j) { return i == j ? 1 : 0; } namespace { TEST(ContOrthoPoly1D_orthonormalization) { const double eps = 1.0e-15; const OrthoPolyMethod method[] = {OPOLY_STIELTJES, OPOLY_LANCZOS}; const unsigned nMethods = sizeof(method)/sizeof(method[0]); const unsigned npoints = 64; const unsigned maxdeg = 10; const unsigned ntries = 10; std::vector points(2U*npoints); std::vector measure; measure.reserve(npoints); std::vector coeffs(maxdeg + 1); MersenneTwister rng; for (unsigned imeth=0; imeth(kdelta(i, j)), d, eps); } measure.clear(); for (unsigned i=0; i(kdelta(i, 0)), coeffs[i], eps); } } TEST(ContOrthoPoly1D_weightCoeffs) { - const double eps = 2.0e-8; + const double eps = 1.0e-7; const unsigned maxdeg = 10; const unsigned ntries = 10; const unsigned npoints = maxdeg + 1U; std::vector points(2U*npoints); std::vector measure; measure.reserve(npoints); std::vector coeffs(maxdeg + 1); MersenneTwister rng; for (unsigned itry=0; itry points(npoints); for (unsigned itry=0; itry points(npoints); for (unsigned itry=0; itry #include #include #include "test_utils.hh" #include "npstat/nm/ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh" #include "npstat/nm/ContOrthoPoly1D.hh" #include "npstat/nm/GaussLegendreQuadrature.hh" #include "npstat/stat/Distributions1D.hh" #include "npstat/stat/SampleAccumulator.hh" #include "npstat/stat/orthoPoly1DVProducts.hh" #include "npstat/rng/MersenneTwister.hh" using namespace npstat; using namespace std; inline static double kdelta(const unsigned i, const unsigned j) { return i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0; } static double calculateExpectation( const JacobiOrthoPoly1D& jac, const unsigned nPoints, const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const bool highOrder) { const unsigned sumdeg = (unsigned)(jac.alpha()) + (unsigned)(jac.beta()) + 4U*std::max(m, n); const unsigned nGood = GaussLegendreQuadrature::minimalExactRule(sumdeg); assert(nGood); GaussLegendreQuadrature glq(nGood); return oracleEpsExpectation(jac, glq, nPoints, m, n, highOrder); } static double calculateCovariance( const JacobiOrthoPoly1D& jac, const unsigned nPoints, const unsigned m1, const unsigned n1, const unsigned m2, const unsigned n2, const bool highOrder) { const unsigned sumdeg = (unsigned)(jac.alpha()) + (unsigned)(jac.beta()) + 8U*std::max(std::max(m1, n1), std::max(m2, n2)); const unsigned nGood = GaussLegendreQuadrature::minimalExactRule(sumdeg); assert(nGood); GaussLegendreQuadrature glq(nGood); return oracleEpsCovariance(jac, glq, nPoints, m1, n1, m2, n2, highOrder); } static string eps_name(const unsigned m, const unsigned n, const bool isReal) { ostringstream os; if (isReal) os << "r_"; os << "eps_" << m << '_' << n; return os.str(); } template static void print_accumulator(const string& which, const Acc& acc, const double expMean) { const double m = acc.mean(); const double u = acc.meanUncertainty(); const double nsig = (m - expMean)/u; cout << which << " average is " << m << " +- " << u << ", expected " << expMean << " (" << nsig << " sigma)" << endl; } int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { if (argc != 10) { cout << "Usage: " << parse_progname(argv[0]) << " alpha beta pointsPerPseudo nPseudo m n p q highOrder" << endl; exit(1); } unsigned alpha, beta; if (parse_unsigned(argv[1], &alpha)) exit(1); if (parse_unsigned(argv[2], &beta)) exit(1); unsigned perpseudo; if (parse_unsigned(argv[3], &perpseudo)) exit(1); if (!perpseudo) { cerr << "pointsPerPseudo must be positive" << endl; exit(1); } unsigned npseudo; if (parse_unsigned(argv[4], &npseudo)) exit(1); if (npseudo < 2) { cerr << "nPseudo must be at least 2" << endl; exit(1); } unsigned m, n, p, q; if (parse_unsigned(argv[5], &m)) exit(1); if (parse_unsigned(argv[6], &n)) exit(1); if (parse_unsigned(argv[7], &p)) exit(1); if (parse_unsigned(argv[8], &q)) exit(1); const unsigned maxdeg = std::max(std::max(m, n), std::max(p, q)); bool highOrder; if (parse_bool(argv[9], &highOrder)) exit(1); vector rn; rn.reserve(perpseudo); Beta1D distro(-1.0, 2.0, beta+1, alpha+1); MersenneTwister rng; JacobiOrthoPoly1D jac(alpha, beta); OrthoPoly1DWeight jacWeight(jac); const unsigned sumdeg = (unsigned)(jac.alpha()) + (unsigned)(jac.beta()) + 2U*maxdeg; const unsigned integPoints = GaussLegendreQuadrature::minimalExactRule(sumdeg); SampleAccumulator acc0, acc1, acc2, acc3; acc0.reserve(npseudo); acc1.reserve(npseudo); acc2.reserve(npseudo); acc3.reserve(npseudo); for (unsigned ips=0; ips #include "UnitTest++.h" #include "test_utils.hh" #include "npstat/nm/ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh" #include "npstat/nm/GaussLegendreQuadrature.hh" #include "npstat/rng/MersenneTwister.hh" using namespace npstat; using namespace std; namespace { TEST(LegendreOrthoPoly1D_values) { const double eps = 1.0e-15; LegendreOrthoPoly1D leg; CHECK(leg.weight(0.123) == 0.5); CHECK(leg.weight(10.0) == 0.0); - unsigned deg = 3; + unsigned deg = 0; + CHECK_CLOSE(1.0, leg.poly(deg, 0.3), eps); + + deg = 3; CHECK_CLOSE(-71/343.0L*sqrtl(2*deg+1.0L), leg.poly(deg, 1/7.0L), eps); deg = 7; CHECK_CLOSE(-326569/1771561.0L*sqrtl(2*deg+1.0L), leg.poly(deg, 1/11.0L), eps); GaussLegendreQuadrature glq(10); for (unsigned i=0; i<5; ++i) for (unsigned j=0; j<5; ++j) CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), leg.empiricalKroneckerDelta(glq, i, j), eps); CHECK_CLOSE(3374/715.0L, leg.integratePoly(3, 4), eps); unsigned degs[3] = {3, 4, 5}; CHECK_CLOSE(1.051943782704350297, leg.jointIntegral(degs, 3), eps); } TEST(JacobiOrthoPoly1D_values) { const double eps = 1.0e-15; JacobiOrthoPoly1D jac(3, 4); long double x = 1/3.0L; CHECK_CLOSE(35/32.0L*powl(1-x,3)*powl(1+x,4), jac.weight(x), eps); GaussLegendreQuadrature glq(10); for (unsigned i=0; i<5; ++i) for (unsigned j=0; j<5; ++j) { CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), jac.empiricalKroneckerDelta(glq, i, j), eps); unsigned degs[2]; degs[0] = i; degs[1] = j; CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), jac.jointAverage(glq, degs, 2), eps); } JacobiOrthoPoly1D jac2(2, 5); for (unsigned i=0; i<5; ++i) for (unsigned j=0; j<5; ++j) { CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), jac2.empiricalKroneckerDelta(glq, i, j), eps); unsigned degs[2]; degs[0] = i; degs[1] = j; CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), jac2.jointAverage(glq, degs, 2), eps); } JacobiOrthoPoly1D jac3(0, 0); CHECK_CLOSE(0.5, jac3.weight(0.123), eps); CHECK(jac3.weight(10.0) == 0.0); unsigned deg = 7; CHECK_CLOSE(-326569/1771561.0L*sqrtl(2*deg+1.0L), jac3.poly(deg, 1/11.0L), eps); MersenneTwister rng; const unsigned npoints = 64; const unsigned maxdeg = 7; const unsigned ntries = 5; std::vector points(npoints); for (unsigned itry=0; itry avemat(jac.sampleProductAverages(&points[0], npoints, maxdeg)); std::vector averages(maxdeg + 1); jac.sampleAverages(&points[0], npoints, &averages[0], maxdeg); CHECK_EQUAL(maxdeg + 1, avemat.nRows()); CHECK_EQUAL(maxdeg + 1, avemat.nColumns()); for (unsigned i=0; i<=maxdeg; ++i) { CHECK_CLOSE(averages[i], avemat[i][0], eps); CHECK_CLOSE(averages[i], avemat[0][i], eps); for (unsigned j=0; j<=maxdeg; ++j) { unsigned degs[2]; degs[0] = i; degs[1] = j; const double ave = jac.jointSampleAverage(&points[0], npoints, degs, 2); CHECK_CLOSE(ave, avemat[i][j], eps); CHECK_CLOSE(ave, avemat[j][i], eps); } } // Test "twoJointSampleAverages" method const double degmax = maxdeg + 0.99; unsigned degs0[3]; for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) degs0[i] = rng()*degmax; unsigned degs1[4]; for (unsigned i=0; i<4; ++i) degs1[i] = rng()*degmax; const double ave0 = jac.jointSampleAverage(&points[0], npoints, degs0, 3); const double ave1 = jac.jointSampleAverage(&points[0], npoints, degs1, 4); const std::pair& ave2 = jac.twoJointSampleAverages( &points[0], npoints, degs0, 3, degs1, 4); CHECK_CLOSE(ave0, ave2.first, eps); CHECK_CLOSE(ave1, ave2.second, eps); } } + + TEST(ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd_values) + { + const double epsVal = 1.0e-15; + const double epsKron = 1.0e-7; + ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd cheb; + + unsigned deg = 3; + CHECK_CLOSE(-0.54810495626822157434L, cheb.poly(deg, 1/7.0L), epsVal); + + deg = 7; + CHECK_CLOSE(-0.66835314371696127673L, cheb.poly(deg, 1/11.0L), epsVal); + + GaussLegendreQuadrature glq(1024); + for (unsigned i=0; i<5; ++i) + for (unsigned j=0; j<5; ++j) + CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), cheb.empiricalKroneckerDelta(glq, i, j), epsKron); + } + + TEST(ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st_values) + { + const double epsVal = 1.0e-15; + const double epsKron = 0.005; + const double norm = 1.0/sqrt(2.0); + ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st cheb; + + unsigned deg = 0; + CHECK_CLOSE(1.0, cheb.poly(deg, 0.3), epsVal); + + deg = 3; + CHECK_CLOSE(-0.41690962099125364431L/norm, cheb.poly(deg, 1/7.0L), epsVal); + + deg = 7; + CHECK_CLOSE(-0.59498215518301758629L/norm, cheb.poly(deg, 1/11.0L), epsVal); + + GaussLegendreQuadrature glq(1024); + for (unsigned i=0; i<5; ++i) + for (unsigned j=0; j<5; ++j) + CHECK_CLOSE((i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0), cheb.empiricalKroneckerDelta(glq, i, j), epsKron); + } } Index: trunk/npstat/nm/ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh =================================================================== --- trunk/npstat/nm/ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh (revision 571) +++ trunk/npstat/nm/ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh (revision 572) @@ -1,102 +1,160 @@ #ifndef NPSTAT_CLASSICALORTHOPOLYS1D_HH_ #define NPSTAT_CLASSICALORTHOPOLYS1D_HH_ /*! // \file ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh // // \brief Some classical orthogonal polynomials with known // recurrence coefficients // // Author: I. Volobouev // // July 2018 */ #include #include "npstat/nm/AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D.hh" namespace npstat { - /** Legendre polynomials on [-1, 1] */ + /** Orthonormal Legendre polynomials on [-1, 1] */ class LegendreOrthoPoly1D : public AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D { public: inline virtual LegendreOrthoPoly1D* clone() const {return new LegendreOrthoPoly1D(*this);} inline virtual ~LegendreOrthoPoly1D() {} inline long double weight(const long double x) const {return (x >= -1.0L && x <= 1.0L) ? 0.5L : 0.0L;} inline double xmin() const {return -1.0L;} inline double xmax() const {return 1.0L;} protected: inline std::pair recurrenceCoeffs(const unsigned k) const { long double sqb = 1.0L; if (k) sqb = 1.0L/sqrtl(4.0L - 1.0L/k/k); return std::pair(0.0L, sqb); } }; - /** Legendre polynomials on [0, 1] (that is, shifted) */ + /** Orthonormal Legendre polynomials on [0, 1] (that is, shifted) */ class ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D : public AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D { public: inline virtual ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D* clone() const {return new ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D(*this);} inline virtual ~ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D() {} inline long double weight(const long double x) const {return (x >= 0.0L && x <= 1.0L) ? 1.0L : 0.0L;} inline double xmin() const {return 0.0L;} inline double xmax() const {return 1.0L;} protected: inline std::pair recurrenceCoeffs(const unsigned k) const { long double sqb = 1.0L; if (k) sqb = 0.5L/sqrtl(4.0L - 1.0L/k/k); return std::pair(0.5L, sqb); } }; /** // The weight function for Jacobi polynomials is proportional // to (1 - x)^alpha (1 + x)^beta */ class JacobiOrthoPoly1D : public AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D { public: JacobiOrthoPoly1D(double alpha, double beta); inline virtual JacobiOrthoPoly1D* clone() const {return new JacobiOrthoPoly1D(*this);} inline virtual ~JacobiOrthoPoly1D() {} inline double alpha() const {return alpha_;} inline double beta() const {return beta_;} long double weight(long double x) const; inline double xmin() const {return -1.0L;} inline double xmax() const {return 1.0L;} protected: std::pair recurrenceCoeffs(const unsigned k) const; private: double alpha_; double beta_; long double norm_; }; + + /** Orthonormal Chebyshev polynomials of the 1st kind */ + class ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st : public AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D + { + public: + inline virtual ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st* clone() const + {return new ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st(*this);} + + inline virtual ~ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st() {} + + inline long double weight(const long double x) const + { + const long double Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338L; + return (x > -1.0L && x < 1.0L) ? 1.0/sqrtl(1.0L - x*x)/Pi : 0.0L; + } + inline double xmin() const {return -1.0L;} + inline double xmax() const {return 1.0L;} + + protected: + inline std::pair + recurrenceCoeffs(const unsigned k) const + { + long double sqb = 0.5L; + if (k == 0U) + sqb = 1.772453850905516027298167483L; // sqrt(Pi) + else if (k == 1U) + sqb = 0.7071067811865475244008443621L; // 1/sqrt(2) + return std::pair(0.0L, sqb); + } + }; + + /** Orthonormal Chebyshev polynomials of the 2nd kind */ + class ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd : public AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D + { + public: + inline virtual ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd* clone() const + {return new ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd(*this);} + + inline virtual ~ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd() {} + + inline long double weight(const long double x) const + { + const long double PiOver2 = 1.57079632679489661923132169L; + return (x > -1.0L && x < 1.0L) ? sqrtl(1.0L - x*x)/PiOver2 : 0.0L; + } + inline double xmin() const {return -1.0L;} + inline double xmax() const {return 1.0L;} + + protected: + inline std::pair + recurrenceCoeffs(const unsigned k) const + { + long double sqb = 0.5L; + if (!k) + sqb = 1.25331413731550025120788264L; // sqrt(Pi/2) + return std::pair(0.0L, sqb); + } + }; } #endif // NPSTAT_CLASSICALORTHOPOLYS1D_HH_