diff --git a/src/LauTimeDepFitModel.cc b/src/LauTimeDepFitModel.cc index 783321b..22ec471 100644 --- a/src/LauTimeDepFitModel.cc +++ b/src/LauTimeDepFitModel.cc @@ -1,2890 +1,2880 @@ /* Copyright 2006 University of Warwick Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* Laura++ package authors: John Back Paul Harrison Thomas Latham */ /*! \file LauTimeDepFitModel.cc \brief File containing implementation of LauTimeDepFitModel class. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TFile.h" #include "TMinuit.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TVirtualFitter.h" #include "LauAbsBkgndDPModel.hh" #include "LauAbsCoeffSet.hh" #include "LauAbsPdf.hh" #include "LauAsymmCalc.hh" #include "LauComplex.hh" #include "LauConstants.hh" #include "LauDPPartialIntegralInfo.hh" #include "LauDaughters.hh" #include "LauDecayTimePdf.hh" #include "LauFitNtuple.hh" #include "LauGenNtuple.hh" #include "LauIsobarDynamics.hh" #include "LauKinematics.hh" #include "LauPrint.hh" #include "LauRandom.hh" #include "LauScfMap.hh" #include "LauTimeDepFitModel.hh" #include "LauFlavTag.hh" ClassImp(LauTimeDepFitModel) LauTimeDepFitModel::LauTimeDepFitModel(LauIsobarDynamics* modelB0bar, LauIsobarDynamics* modelB0, LauFlavTag* flavTag) : LauAbsFitModel(), sigModelB0bar_(modelB0bar), sigModelB0_(modelB0), kinematicsB0bar_(modelB0bar ? modelB0bar->getKinematics() : 0), kinematicsB0_(modelB0 ? modelB0->getKinematics() : 0), usingBkgnd_(kFALSE), flavTag_(flavTag), nSigComp_(0), nSigDPPar_(0), nDecayTimePar_(0), nExtraPdfPar_(0), nNormPar_(0), nCalibPar_(0), nTagEffPar_(0), nEffiPar_(0), nAsymPar_(0), coeffsB0bar_(0), coeffsB0_(0), coeffPars_(0), fitFracB0bar_(0), fitFracB0_(0), fitFracAsymm_(0), acp_(0), meanEffB0bar_("meanEffB0bar",0.0,0.0,1.0), meanEffB0_("meanEffB0",0.0,0.0,1.0), DPRateB0bar_("DPRateB0bar",0.0,0.0,100.0), DPRateB0_("DPRateB0",0.0,0.0,100.0), signalEvents_(0), signalAsym_(0), cpevVarName_(""), cpEigenValue_(CPEven), evtCPEigenVals_(0), deltaM_("deltaM",0.0), deltaGamma_("deltaGamma",0.0), tau_("tau",LauConstants::tauB0), phiMix_("phiMix", 2.0*LauConstants::beta, -LauConstants::threePi, LauConstants::threePi, kFALSE), sinPhiMix_("sinPhiMix", TMath::Sin(2.0*LauConstants::beta), -1.0, 1.0, kFALSE), cosPhiMix_("cosPhiMix", TMath::Cos(2.0*LauConstants::beta), -1.0, 1.0, kFALSE), useSinCos_(kFALSE), phiMixComplex_(TMath::Cos(-2.0*LauConstants::beta),TMath::Sin(-2.0*LauConstants::beta)), signalDecayTimePdf_(), backgroundDecayTimePdfs_(), curEvtDecayTime_(0.0), curEvtDecayTimeErr_(0.0), sigExtraPdf_(), sigFlavTagPdf_(), bkgdFlavTagPdf_(), AProd_("AProd",0.0,-1.0,1.0,kTRUE), ARaw_("ARaw",1.0,0.0,2.0,kTRUE), iterationsMax_(500000), nGenLoop_(0), ASq_(0.0), aSqMaxVar_(0.0), aSqMaxSet_(1.25), storeGenAmpInfo_(kFALSE), signalTree_(), reuseSignal_(kFALSE), sigDPLike_(0.0), sigExtraLike_(0.0), sigFlavTagLike_(0.0), bkgdFlavTagLike_(0.0), sigTotalLike_(0.0) { // Set up ftag here? // Make sure that the integration scheme will be symmetrised sigModelB0bar_->forceSymmetriseIntegration(kTRUE); sigModelB0_->forceSymmetriseIntegration(kTRUE); } LauTimeDepFitModel::~LauTimeDepFitModel() { for (LauPdfList::iterator pdf_iter = sigExtraPdf_->begin(); pdf_iter != sigExtraPdf_->end(); ++pdf_iter) { delete *(pdf_iter); } for (std::vector::iterator iter = bkgndTree_.begin(); iter != bkgndTree_.end(); ++iter){ delete *(iter); } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setupBkgndVectors() { UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); BkgndDPModels_.resize( nBkgnds ); BkgndPdfs_.resize( nBkgnds ); bkgndEvents_.resize( nBkgnds ); bkgndAsym_.resize( nBkgnds ); bkgndTree_.resize( nBkgnds ); reuseBkgnd_.resize( nBkgnds ); bkgndDPLike_.resize( nBkgnds ); bkgndExtraLike_.resize( nBkgnds ); bkgndTotalLike_.resize( nBkgnds ); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents(LauParameter* nSigEvents) { if ( nSigEvents == 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : The LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( signalEvents_ != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : You are trying to overwrite the signal yield." << std::endl; return; } if ( signalAsym_ != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : You are trying to overwrite the signal asymmetry." << std::endl; return; } signalEvents_ = nSigEvents; signalEvents_->name("signalEvents"); Double_t value = nSigEvents->value(); signalEvents_->range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0),2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0)); signalAsym_ = new LauParameter("signalAsym",0.0,-1.0,1.0,kTRUE); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents(LauParameter* nSigEvents, LauParameter* sigAsym) { if ( nSigEvents == 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : The event LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( sigAsym == 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : The asym LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( signalEvents_ != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : You are trying to overwrite the signal yield." << std::endl; return; } if ( signalAsym_ != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNSigEvents : You are trying to overwrite the signal asymmetry." << std::endl; return; } signalEvents_ = nSigEvents; signalEvents_->name("signalEvents"); Double_t value = nSigEvents->value(); signalEvents_->range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0), 2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0)); signalAsym_ = sigAsym; signalAsym_->name("signalAsym"); signalAsym_->range(-1.0,1.0); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents(LauAbsRValue* nBkgndEvents) { if ( nBkgndEvents == 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBgkndEvents : The background yield LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( nBkgndEvents->name() ) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << nBkgndEvents->name() << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( nBkgndEvents->name() ); if ( bkgndEvents_[bkgndID] != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : You are trying to overwrite the background yield." << std::endl; return; } if ( bkgndAsym_[bkgndID] != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : You are trying to overwrite the background asymmetry." << std::endl; return; } nBkgndEvents->name( nBkgndEvents->name()+"Events" ); if ( nBkgndEvents->isLValue() ) { Double_t value = nBkgndEvents->value(); LauParameter* yield = dynamic_cast( nBkgndEvents ); yield->range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0), 2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0)); } bkgndEvents_[bkgndID] = nBkgndEvents; bkgndAsym_[bkgndID] = new LauParameter(nBkgndEvents->name()+"Asym",0.0,-1.0,1.0,kTRUE); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents(LauAbsRValue* nBkgndEvents, LauAbsRValue* bkgndAsym) { if ( nBkgndEvents == 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : The background yield LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( bkgndAsym == 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : The background asym LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( nBkgndEvents->name() ) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << nBkgndEvents->name() << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( nBkgndEvents->name() ); if ( bkgndEvents_[bkgndID] != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : You are trying to overwrite the background yield." << std::endl; return; } if ( bkgndAsym_[bkgndID] != 0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : You are trying to overwrite the background asymmetry." << std::endl; return; } bkgndEvents_[bkgndID]->name( nBkgndEvents->name()+"Events" ); if ( nBkgndEvents->isLValue() ) { Double_t value = nBkgndEvents->value(); LauParameter* yield = dynamic_cast( nBkgndEvents ); yield->range(-2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0), 2.0*(TMath::Abs(value)+1.0)); } bkgndEvents_[bkgndID] = nBkgndEvents; bkgndAsym_[bkgndID]->name( nBkgndEvents->name()+"Asym" ); if ( bkgndAsym->isLValue() ) { LauParameter* asym = dynamic_cast( bkgndAsym ); asym->range(-1.0, 1.0); } bkgndAsym_[bkgndID] = bkgndAsym; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setSignalDtPdf(LauDecayTimePdf* pdf) { if (pdf==0) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setSignalDtPdf : The PDF pointer is null, not adding it."<validBkgndClass( bkgndClass) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDPModel : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl; return; } UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass ); BkgndDPModels_[bkgndID] = model; usingBkgnd_ = kTRUE; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setSignalPdfs(LauAbsPdf* pdf) { // These "extra variables" are assumed to be purely kinematical, like mES and DeltaE //or making use of Rest of Event information, and therefore independent of whether //the parent is a B0 or a B0bar. If this assupmtion doesn't hold, do modify this part! if (pdf==0) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setSignalPdfs : The PDF pointer is null."<push_back(pdf); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf(const TString& bkgndClass, LauAbsPdf* pdf) { if (pdf==0) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf : PDF pointer is null." << std::endl; return; } // check that this background name is valid if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl; return; } UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass ); BkgndPdfs_[bkgndID].push_back(pdf); usingBkgnd_ = kTRUE; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setPhiMix(const Double_t phiMix, const Bool_t fixPhiMix, const Bool_t useSinCos) { phiMix_.value(phiMix); phiMix_.initValue(phiMix); phiMix_.genValue(phiMix); phiMix_.fixed(fixPhiMix); const Double_t sinPhiMix = TMath::Sin(phiMix); sinPhiMix_.value(sinPhiMix); sinPhiMix_.initValue(sinPhiMix); sinPhiMix_.genValue(sinPhiMix); sinPhiMix_.fixed(fixPhiMix); const Double_t cosPhiMix = TMath::Cos(phiMix); cosPhiMix_.value(cosPhiMix); cosPhiMix_.initValue(cosPhiMix); cosPhiMix_.genValue(cosPhiMix); cosPhiMix_.fixed(fixPhiMix); useSinCos_ = useSinCos; phiMixComplex_.setRealPart(cosPhiMix); phiMixComplex_.setImagPart(-1.0*sinPhiMix); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise() { // From the initial parameter values calculate the coefficients // so they can be passed to the signal model this->updateCoeffs(); // Initialisation if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { this->initialiseDPModels(); } //Flavour tagging flavTag_->initialise(); if (!this->useDP() && sigExtraPdf_->empty()) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise : Signal model doesn't exist for any variable."<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { // Check that we have all the Dalitz-plot models if ((sigModelB0bar_ == 0) || (sigModelB0_ == 0)) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise : the pointer to one (particle or anti-particle) of the signal DP models is null."<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Next check that, if a given component is being used we've got the // right number of PDFs for all the variables involved // TODO - should probably check variable names and so on as well //UInt_t nsigpdfvars(0); //for ( LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = sigExtraPdf_.begin(); pdf_iter != sigExtraPdf_.end(); ++pdf_iter ) { // std::vector varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames(); // for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) { // if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { // ++nsigpdfvars; // } // } //} //if (usingBkgnd_) { // for (LauBkgndPdfsList::const_iterator bgclass_iter = BkgndPdfsB0_.begin(); bgclass_iter != BkgndPdfsB0_.end(); ++bgclass_iter) { // UInt_t nbkgndpdfvars(0); // const LauPdfList& pdfList = (*bgclass_iter); // for ( LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = pdfList.begin(); pdf_iter != pdfList.end(); ++pdf_iter ) { // std::vector varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames(); // for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) { // if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { // ++nbkgndpdfvars; // } // } // } // if (nbkgndpdfvars != nsigpdfvars) { // std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise : There are " << nsigpdfvars << " signal PDF variables but " << nbkgndpdfvars << " bkgnd PDF variables." << std::endl; // gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // } //} // Clear the vectors of parameter information so we can start from scratch this->clearFitParVectors(); // Set the fit parameters for signal and background models this->setSignalDPParameters(); // Set the fit parameters for the decay time models this->setDecayTimeParameters(); // Set the fit parameters for the extra PDFs this->setExtraPdfParameters(); // Set the initial bg and signal events this->setFitNEvents(); // Handle flavour-tagging calibration parameters this->setCalibParams(); // Add tagging efficiency parameters this->setTagEffParams(); // Add the efficiency parameters this->setEffiParams(); //Asymmetry terms AProd and ARaw added in setAsymmetries()? //this->setAsymParams(); // Check that we have the expected number of fit variables const LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); if (fitVars.size() != (nSigDPPar_ + nDecayTimePar_ + nExtraPdfPar_ + nNormPar_ + nCalibPar_ + nTagEffPar_ + nEffiPar_)) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise : Number of fit parameters not of expected size."<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (sigModelB0_ == 0) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : B0 signal DP model doesn't exist"<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Need to check that the number of components we have and that the dynamics has matches up const UInt_t nAmpB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getnTotAmp(); const UInt_t nAmpB0 = sigModelB0_->getnTotAmp(); if ( nAmpB0bar != nAmpB0 ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Unequal number of signal DP components in the particle and anti-particle models: " << nAmpB0bar << " != " << nAmpB0 << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( nAmpB0bar != nSigComp_ ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Number of signal DP components in the model (" << nAmpB0bar << ") not equal to number of coefficients supplied (" << nSigComp_ << ")." << std::endl; gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Initialising signal DP model"<initialise(coeffsB0bar_); sigModelB0_->initialise(coeffsB0_); fifjEffSum_.clear(); fifjEffSum_.resize(nSigComp_); for (UInt_t iAmp = 0; iAmp < nSigComp_; ++iAmp) { fifjEffSum_[iAmp].resize(nSigComp_); } // calculate the integrals of the A*Abar terms this->calcInterferenceTermIntegrals(); this->calcInterTermNorm(); // Add backgrounds if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = BkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != BkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->initialise(); } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::calcInterferenceTermIntegrals() { const std::vector& integralInfoListB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getIntegralInfos(); const std::vector& integralInfoListB0 = sigModelB0_->getIntegralInfos(); // TODO should check (first time) that they match in terms of number of entries in the vectors and that each entry has the same number of points, ranges, weights etc. LauComplex A, Abar, fifjEffSumTerm; for (UInt_t iAmp = 0; iAmp < nSigComp_; ++iAmp) { for (UInt_t jAmp = 0; jAmp < nSigComp_; ++jAmp) { fifjEffSum_[iAmp][jAmp].zero(); } } const UInt_t nIntegralRegions = integralInfoListB0bar.size(); for ( UInt_t iRegion(0); iRegion < nIntegralRegions; ++iRegion ) { const LauDPPartialIntegralInfo* integralInfoB0bar = integralInfoListB0bar[iRegion]; const LauDPPartialIntegralInfo* integralInfoB0 = integralInfoListB0[iRegion]; const UInt_t nm13Points = integralInfoB0bar->getnm13Points(); const UInt_t nm23Points = integralInfoB0bar->getnm23Points(); for (UInt_t m13 = 0; m13 < nm13Points; ++m13) { for (UInt_t m23 = 0; m23 < nm23Points; ++m23) { const Double_t weight = integralInfoB0bar->getWeight(m13,m23); const Double_t eff = integralInfoB0bar->getEfficiency(m13,m23); const Double_t effWeight = eff*weight; for (UInt_t iAmp = 0; iAmp < nSigComp_; ++iAmp) { A = integralInfoB0->getAmplitude(m13, m23, iAmp); for (UInt_t jAmp = 0; jAmp < nSigComp_; ++jAmp) { Abar = integralInfoB0bar->getAmplitude(m13, m23, jAmp); fifjEffSumTerm = Abar*A.conj(); fifjEffSumTerm.rescale(effWeight); fifjEffSum_[iAmp][jAmp] += fifjEffSumTerm; } } } } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::calcInterTermNorm() { const std::vector& fNormB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getFNorm(); const std::vector& fNormB0 = sigModelB0_->getFNorm(); LauComplex norm; for (UInt_t iAmp = 0; iAmp < nSigComp_; ++iAmp) { for (UInt_t jAmp = 0; jAmp < nSigComp_; ++jAmp) { LauComplex coeffTerm = coeffsB0bar_[jAmp]*coeffsB0_[iAmp].conj(); coeffTerm *= fifjEffSum_[iAmp][jAmp]; coeffTerm.rescale(fNormB0bar[jAmp] * fNormB0[iAmp]); norm += coeffTerm; } } norm *= phiMixComplex_; interTermReNorm_ = 2.0*norm.re(); interTermImNorm_ = 2.0*norm.im(); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet(LauAbsCoeffSet* coeffSet) { // Is there a component called compName in the signal models? TString compName = coeffSet->name(); TString conjName = sigModelB0bar_->getConjResName(compName); const LauDaughters* daughtersB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getDaughters(); const LauDaughters* daughtersB0 = sigModelB0_->getDaughters(); const Bool_t conjugate = daughtersB0bar->isConjugate( daughtersB0 ); if ( ! sigModelB0bar_->hasResonance(compName) ) { if ( ! sigModelB0bar_->hasResonance(conjName) ) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0bar signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<name( compName ); } if ( conjugate ) { if ( ! sigModelB0_->hasResonance(conjName) ) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0 signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<hasResonance(compName) ) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0 signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<::const_iterator iter=coeffPars_.begin(); iter!=coeffPars_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->name() == compName) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : Have already set coefficients for \""<index(nSigComp_); coeffPars_.push_back(coeffSet); TString parName = coeffSet->baseName(); parName += "FitFracAsym"; fitFracAsymm_.push_back(LauParameter(parName, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)); acp_.push_back(coeffSet->acp()); ++nSigComp_; std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : Added coefficients for component \""<acp(); LauAsymmCalc asymmCalc(fitFracB0bar_[i][i].value(), fitFracB0_[i][i].value()); Double_t asym = asymmCalc.getAsymmetry(); fitFracAsymm_[i].value(asym); if (initValues) { fitFracAsymm_[i].genValue(asym); fitFracAsymm_[i].initValue(asym); } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setSignalDPParameters() { // Set the fit parameters for the signal model. nSigDPPar_ = 0; if ( ! this->useDP() ) { return; } std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setSignalDPParameters : Setting the initial fit parameters for the signal DP model." << std::endl; // Place isobar coefficient parameters in vector of fit variables LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; ++i) { LauParameterPList pars = coeffPars_[i]->getParameters(); for (LauParameterPList::iterator iter = pars.begin(); iter != pars.end(); ++iter) { if ( !(*iter)->clone() ) { fitVars.push_back(*iter); ++nSigDPPar_; } } } // Obtain the resonance parameters and place them in the vector of fit variables and in a separate vector // Need to make sure that they are unique because some might appear in both DP models LauParameterPSet& resVars = this->resPars(); resVars.clear(); LauParameterPList& sigDPParsB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getFloatingParameters(); LauParameterPList& sigDPParsB0 = sigModelB0_->getFloatingParameters(); for ( LauParameterPList::iterator iter = sigDPParsB0bar.begin(); iter != sigDPParsB0bar.end(); ++iter ) { if ( resVars.insert(*iter).second ) { fitVars.push_back(*iter); ++nSigDPPar_; } } for ( LauParameterPList::iterator iter = sigDPParsB0.begin(); iter != sigDPParsB0.end(); ++iter ) { if ( resVars.insert(*iter).second ) { fitVars.push_back(*iter); ++nSigDPPar_; } } } UInt_t LauTimeDepFitModel::addParametersToFitList(std::vector theVector) { UInt_t counter(0); LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); // loop through the map for (std::vector::iterator iter = theVector.begin(); iter != theVector.end(); ++iter) { // grab the pdf and then its parameters LauDecayTimePdf* thePdf = *iter; // The first one is the tagging category LauAbsRValuePList& rvalues = thePdf->getParameters(); // loop through the parameters for (LauAbsRValuePList::iterator pars_iter = rvalues.begin(); pars_iter != rvalues.end(); ++pars_iter) { LauParameterPList params = (*pars_iter)->getPars(); for (LauParameterPList::iterator params_iter = params.begin(); params_iter != params.end(); ++params_iter) { // for each "original" parameter add it to the list of fit parameters and increment the counter if ( !(*params_iter)->clone() && ( !(*params_iter)->fixed() || (this->twoStageFit() && (*params_iter)->secondStage()) ) ) { fitVars.push_back(*params_iter); ++counter; } } } } return counter; } UInt_t LauTimeDepFitModel::addParametersToFitList(LauPdfList* theList) { UInt_t counter(0); counter += this->addFitParameters(*(theList)); return counter; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setDecayTimeParameters() { nDecayTimePar_ = 0; std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setDecayTimeParameters : Setting the initial fit parameters of the DecayTime Pdfs." << std::endl; LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); // Loop over the Dt PDFs LauAbsRValuePList& rvalues = signalDecayTimePdf_->getParameters(); // loop through the parameters for (LauAbsRValuePList::iterator pars_iter = rvalues.begin(); pars_iter != rvalues.end(); ++pars_iter) { LauParameterPList params = (*pars_iter)->getPars(); for (LauParameterPList::iterator params_iter = params.begin(); params_iter != params.end(); ++params_iter) { // for each "original" parameter add it to the list of fit parameters and increment the counter if ( !(*params_iter)->clone() && ( !(*params_iter)->fixed() || (this->twoStageFit() && (*params_iter)->secondStage()) ) ) { fitVars.push_back(*params_iter); ++nDecayTimePar_; } } } if (usingBkgnd_){ nDecayTimePar_ += this->addParametersToFitList(backgroundDecayTimePdfs_); } if (useSinCos_) { fitVars.push_back(&sinPhiMix_); fitVars.push_back(&cosPhiMix_); nDecayTimePar_ += 2; } else { fitVars.push_back(&phiMix_); ++nDecayTimePar_; } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraPdfParameters() { // Include the parameters of the PDF for each tagging category in the fit // NB all of them are passed to the fit, even though some have been fixed through parameter.fixed(kTRUE) // With the new "cloned parameter" scheme only "original" parameters are passed to the fit. // Their clones are updated automatically when the originals are updated. nExtraPdfPar_ = 0; std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraPdfParameters : Setting the initial fit parameters of the extra Pdfs." << std::endl; if (sigExtraPdf_){ nExtraPdfPar_ += this->addFitParameters((*sigExtraPdf_)); } if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = BkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != BkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) { nExtraPdfPar_ += this->addFitParameters(*iter); } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setFitNEvents() { nNormPar_ = 0; std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setFitNEvents : Setting the initial fit parameters of the signal and ackground yields." << std::endl; // Initialise the total number of events to be the sum of all the hypotheses Double_t nTotEvts = signalEvents_->value(); this->eventsPerExpt(TMath::FloorNint(nTotEvts)); LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); // if doing an extended ML fit add the signal fraction into the fit parameters if (this->doEMLFit()) { std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setFitNEvents : Initialising number of events for signal and background components..."<useDP() == kFALSE) { fitVars.push_back(signalAsym_); ++nNormPar_; } // TODO arguably should delegate this //LauTagCatParamMap& signalTagCatFrac = flavTag_->getSignalTagCatFrac(); // tagging-category fractions for signal events //for (LauTagCatParamMap::iterator iter = signalTagCatFrac.begin(); iter != signalTagCatFrac.end(); ++iter) { // if (iter == signalTagCatFrac.begin()) { // continue; // } // LauParameter* par = &((*iter).second); // fitVars.push_back(par); // ++nNormPar_; //} // Backgrounds if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) { std::vector parameters = (*iter)->getPars(); for ( LauParameter* parameter : parameters ) { if(!parameter->clone()) { fitVars.push_back(parameter); ++nNormPar_; } } } for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndAsym_.begin(); iter != bkgndAsym_.end(); ++iter) { std::vector parameters = (*iter)->getPars(); for ( LauParameter* parameter : parameters ) { if(!parameter->clone()) { fitVars.push_back(parameter); ++nNormPar_; } } } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setAsymParams() { nAsymPar_ = 0; LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); if (!AProd_.fixed()){ fitVars.push_back(&AProd_); nAsymPar_+=1; } if (!ARaw_.fixed()){ fitVars.push_back(&ARaw_); nAsymPar_+=1; } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setTagEffParams() { nTagEffPar_ = 0; Bool_t useAltPars = flavTag_->getUseAveDelta(); std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setTagEffParams : Setting the initial fit parameters for flavour tagging efficiencies." << std::endl; if (useAltPars){ std::vector tageff_ave = flavTag_->getTagEffAve(); std::vector tageff_delta = flavTag_->getTagEffDelta(); LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); for(std::vector::iterator iter = tageff_ave.begin(); iter != tageff_ave.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* eff = *iter; if (eff->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(eff); ++nTagEffPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = tageff_delta.begin(); iter != tageff_delta.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* eff = *iter; if (eff->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(eff); ++nTagEffPar_; } } else { std::vector tageff_b0 = flavTag_->getTagEffB0(); std::vector tageff_b0bar = flavTag_->getTagEffB0bar(); LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); for(std::vector::iterator iter = tageff_b0.begin(); iter != tageff_b0.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* eff = *iter; if (eff->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(eff); ++nTagEffPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = tageff_b0bar.begin(); iter != tageff_b0bar.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* eff = *iter; if (eff->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(eff); ++nTagEffPar_; } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setCalibParams() { Bool_t useAltPars = flavTag_->getUseAveDelta(); std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setCalibParams : Setting the initial fit parameters of the flavour tagging calibration parameters." << std::endl; if (useAltPars){ std::vector p0pars_ave = flavTag_->getCalibP0Ave(); std::vector p0pars_delta = flavTag_->getCalibP0Delta(); std::vector p1pars_ave = flavTag_->getCalibP1Ave(); std::vector p1pars_delta = flavTag_->getCalibP1Delta(); LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); for(std::vector::iterator iter = p0pars_ave.begin(); iter != p0pars_ave.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p0 = *iter; if (p0->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p0); ++nCalibPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = p0pars_delta.begin(); iter != p0pars_delta.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p0 = *iter; if (p0->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p0); ++nCalibPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = p1pars_ave.begin(); iter != p1pars_ave.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p1 = *iter; if (p1->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p1); ++nCalibPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = p1pars_delta.begin(); iter != p1pars_delta.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p1 = *iter; if (p1->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p1); ++nCalibPar_; } } else { std::vector p0pars_b0 = flavTag_->getCalibP0B0(); std::vector p0pars_b0bar = flavTag_->getCalibP0B0bar(); std::vector p1pars_b0 = flavTag_->getCalibP1B0(); std::vector p1pars_b0bar = flavTag_->getCalibP1B0bar(); LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); for(std::vector::iterator iter = p0pars_b0.begin(); iter != p0pars_b0.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p0 = *iter; if (p0->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p0); ++nCalibPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = p0pars_b0bar.begin(); iter != p0pars_b0bar.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p0 = *iter; if (p0->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p0); ++nCalibPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = p1pars_b0.begin(); iter != p1pars_b0.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p1 = *iter; if (p1->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p1); ++nCalibPar_; } for(std::vector::iterator iter = p1pars_b0bar.begin(); iter != p1pars_b0bar.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* p1 = *iter; if (p1->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(p1); ++nCalibPar_; } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setEffiParams() { nEffiPar_ = 0; LauParameterPList& fitVars = this->fitPars(); std::vector& effiPars = signalDecayTimePdf_->getEffiPars(); for(std::vector::iterator iter = effiPars.begin(); iter != effiPars.end(); ++iter){ LauParameter* par = *iter; if (par->fixed()){continue;} fitVars.push_back(par); ++nEffiPar_; } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars() { // Set-up other parameters derived from the fit results, e.g. fit fractions. if (this->useDP() != kTRUE) { return; } // First clear the vectors so we start from scratch this->clearExtraVarVectors(); LauParameterList& extraVars = this->extraPars(); // Add the B0 and B0bar fit fractions for each signal component fitFracB0bar_ = sigModelB0bar_->getFitFractions(); if (fitFracB0bar_.size() != nSigComp_) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (UInt_t i(0); iExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (UInt_t i(0); igetFitFractions(); if (fitFracB0_.size() != nSigComp_) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (UInt_t i(0); iExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (UInt_t i(0); icalcAsymmetries(kTRUE); // Add the Fit Fraction asymmetry for each signal component for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) { extraVars.push_back(fitFracAsymm_[i]); } // Add the calculated CP asymmetry for each signal component for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) { extraVars.push_back(acp_[i]); } // Now add in the DP efficiency values Double_t initMeanEffB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getMeanEff().initValue(); meanEffB0bar_.value(initMeanEffB0bar); meanEffB0bar_.initValue(initMeanEffB0bar); meanEffB0bar_.genValue(initMeanEffB0bar); extraVars.push_back(meanEffB0bar_); Double_t initMeanEffB0 = sigModelB0_->getMeanEff().initValue(); meanEffB0_.value(initMeanEffB0); meanEffB0_.initValue(initMeanEffB0); meanEffB0_.genValue(initMeanEffB0); extraVars.push_back(meanEffB0_); // Also add in the DP rates Double_t initDPRateB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getDPRate().initValue(); DPRateB0bar_.value(initDPRateB0bar); DPRateB0bar_.initValue(initDPRateB0bar); DPRateB0bar_.genValue(initDPRateB0bar); extraVars.push_back(DPRateB0bar_); Double_t initDPRateB0 = sigModelB0_->getDPRate().initValue(); DPRateB0_.value(initDPRateB0); DPRateB0_.initValue(initDPRateB0); DPRateB0_.genValue(initDPRateB0); extraVars.push_back(DPRateB0_); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setAsymmetries(const Double_t AProd, const Bool_t AProdFix, const Double_t ARaw, const Bool_t ARawFix){ AProd_.value(AProd); AProd_.fixed(AProdFix); ARaw_.value(ARaw); ARaw_.fixed(ARawFix); //this->setAsymParams(); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::finaliseFitResults(const TString& tablePrefixName) { // Retrieve parameters from the fit results for calculations and toy generation // and eventually store these in output root ntuples/text files // Now take the fit parameters and update them as necessary // i.e. to make mag > 0.0, phase in the right range. // This function will also calculate any other values, such as the // fit fractions, using any errors provided by fitParErrors as appropriate. // Also obtain the pull values: (measured - generated)/(average error) - std::cout<<"Debug 1"<useDP() == kTRUE) { for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; ++i) { // Check whether we have "a > 0.0", and phases in the right range coeffPars_[i]->finaliseValues(); } } - std::cout<<"Debug 2"<doEMLFit()) { signalEvents_->updatePull(); } if (this->useDP() == kFALSE) { signalAsym_->updatePull(); } - std::cout<<"Debug 3"<updatePulls(); // and for backgrounds if required if (usingBkgnd_){ for (std::vector::iterator iter = backgroundDecayTimePdfs_.begin(); iter != backgroundDecayTimePdfs_.end(); ++iter) { LauDecayTimePdf* pdf = *iter; pdf->updatePulls(); } } - std::cout<<"Debug 4"<checkMixingPhase(); } if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) { std::vector parameters = (*iter)->getPars(); for ( LauParameter* parameter : parameters ) { parameter->updatePull(); } } for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndAsym_.begin(); iter != bkgndAsym_.end(); ++iter) { std::vector parameters = (*iter)->getPars(); for ( LauParameter* parameter : parameters ) { parameter->updatePull(); } } } - std::cout<<"Debug 5"<updateFitParameters(*(sigExtraPdf_)); } if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = BkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != BkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) { this->updateFitParameters(*iter); } } - std::cout<<"Debug 6"<useDP() == kTRUE) { this->updateCoeffs(); sigModelB0bar_->updateCoeffs(coeffsB0bar_); sigModelB0bar_->calcExtraInfo(); sigModelB0_->updateCoeffs(coeffsB0_); sigModelB0_->calcExtraInfo(); LauParArray fitFracB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getFitFractions(); if (fitFracB0bar.size() != nSigComp_) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::finaliseFitResults : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (UInt_t i(0); iExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } LauParArray fitFracB0 = sigModelB0_->getFitFractions(); if (fitFracB0.size() != nSigComp_) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::finaliseFitResults : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (UInt_t i(0); iExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } - std::cout<<"Debug 7"<getMeanEff().value()); meanEffB0_.value(sigModelB0_->getMeanEff().value()); DPRateB0bar_.value(sigModelB0bar_->getDPRate().value()); DPRateB0_.value(sigModelB0_->getDPRate().value()); this->calcAsymmetries(); // Then store the final fit parameters, and any extra parameters for // the signal model (e.g. fit fractions, FF asymmetries, ACPs, mean efficiency and DP rate) this->clearExtraVarVectors(); LauParameterList& extraVars = this->extraPars(); for (UInt_t i(0); iprintFitFractions(std::cout); this->printAsymmetries(std::cout); } - std::cout<<"Debug 8"<fitPars(); const LauParameterList& extraVars = this->extraPars(); LauFitNtuple* ntuple = this->fitNtuple(); ntuple->storeParsAndErrors(fitVars, extraVars); // find out the correlation matrix for the parameters ntuple->storeCorrMatrix(this->iExpt(), this->fitStatus(), this->covarianceMatrix()); // Fill the data into ntuple ntuple->updateFitNtuple(); // Print out the partial fit fractions, phases and the // averaged efficiency, reweighted by the dynamics (and anything else) if (this->writeLatexTable()) { TString sigOutFileName(tablePrefixName); sigOutFileName += "_"; sigOutFileName += this->iExpt(); sigOutFileName += "Expt.tex"; this->writeOutTable(sigOutFileName); } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::printFitFractions(std::ostream& output) { // Print out Fit Fractions, total DP rate and mean efficiency // First for the B0bar events for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) { const TString compName(coeffPars_[i]->name()); output<<"B0bar FitFraction for component "<useDP() == kTRUE) { // print the fit coefficients in one table coeffPars_.front()->printTableHeading(fout); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) { coeffPars_[i]->printTableRow(fout); } fout<<"\\hline"<name(); resName = resName.ReplaceAll("_", "\\_"); fout< =$ & $"; print.printFormat(fout, meanEffB0bar_.value()); fout << "$ & $"; print.printFormat(fout, meanEffB0_.value()); fout << "$ & & \\\\" << std::endl; if (useSinCos_) { fout << "$\\sinPhiMix =$ & $"; print.printFormat(fout, sinPhiMix_.value()); fout << " \\pm "; print.printFormat(fout, sinPhiMix_.error()); fout << "$ & & & & & & & \\\\" << std::endl; fout << "$\\cosPhiMix =$ & $"; print.printFormat(fout, cosPhiMix_.value()); fout << " \\pm "; print.printFormat(fout, cosPhiMix_.error()); fout << "$ & & & & & & & \\\\" << std::endl; } else { fout << "$\\phiMix =$ & $"; print.printFormat(fout, phiMix_.value()); fout << " \\pm "; print.printFormat(fout, phiMix_.error()); fout << "$ & & & & & & & \\\\" << std::endl; } fout << "\\hline \n\\end{tabular}" << std::endl; } if (!sigExtraPdf_->empty()) { fout<<"\\begin{tabular}{|l|c|}"<printFitParameters(*(sigExtraPdf_), fout); if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE && !BkgndPdfs_.empty()) { fout << "\\hline" << std::endl; fout << "\\Extra Background PDFs' Parameters: & \\\\" << std::endl; for (LauBkgndPdfsList::const_iterator iter = BkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != BkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) { this->printFitParameters(*iter, fout); } } fout<<"\\hline \n\\end{tabular}"<updateSigEvents(); // Check whether we want to have randomised initial fit parameters for the signal model if (this->useRandomInitFitPars() == kTRUE) { this->randomiseInitFitPars(); } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::randomiseInitFitPars() { // Only randomise those parameters that are not fixed! std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::randomiseInitFitPars : Randomising the initial values of the coefficients of the DP components (and phiMix)..."<randomiseInitValues(); } phiMix_.randomiseValue(-LauConstants::pi, LauConstants::pi); if (useSinCos_) { sinPhiMix_.initValue(TMath::Sin(phiMix_.initValue())); cosPhiMix_.initValue(TMath::Cos(phiMix_.initValue())); } } LauTimeDepFitModel::LauGenInfo LauTimeDepFitModel::eventsToGenerate() { // Determine the number of events to generate for each hypothesis // If we're smearing then smear each one individually // NB this individual smearing has to be done individually per tagging category as well LauGenInfo nEvtsGen; // Signal // If we're including the DP and decay time we can't decide on the tag // yet, since it depends on the whole DP+dt PDF, however, if // we're not then we need to decide. Double_t evtWeight(1.0); Double_t nEvts = signalEvents_->genValue(); if ( nEvts < 0.0 ) { evtWeight = -1.0; nEvts = TMath::Abs( nEvts ); } Double_t sigAsym(0.0); if (this->useDP() == kFALSE) { sigAsym = signalAsym_->genValue(); //TODO fill in here if we care } else { Double_t rateB0bar = sigModelB0bar_->getDPRate().value(); Double_t rateB0 = sigModelB0_->getDPRate().value(); if ( rateB0bar+rateB0 > 1e-30) { sigAsym = (rateB0bar-rateB0)/(rateB0bar+rateB0); } //for (LauTagCatParamMap::const_iterator iter = signalTagCatFrac.begin(); iter != signalTagCatFrac.end(); ++iter) { // const LauParameter& par = iter->second; // Double_t eventsbyTagCat = par.value() * nEvts; // if (this->doPoissonSmearing()) { // eventsbyTagCat = LauRandom::randomFun()->Poisson(eventsbyTagCat); // } // eventsB0[iter->first] = std::make_pair( TMath::Nint(eventsbyTagCat), evtWeight ); //} //nEvtsGen[std::make_pair("signal",0)] = eventsB0; // generate signal event, decide tag later. nEvtsGen["signal"] = std::make_pair( nEvts, evtWeight ); } std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::eventsToGenerate : Generating toy MC with:"<first); // Type const TString& type(iter->first); // Number of events Int_t nEvtsGen( iter->second.first ); // get the event weight for this category const Double_t evtWeight( iter->second.second ); for (Int_t iEvt(0); iEvtsetGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue( "evtWeight", evtWeight ); if (evtCategory == "signal") { this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSig",1); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue( bkgndClassNamesGen[iBkgnd], 0 ); } // All the generate*Event() methods have to fill in curEvtDecayTime_ and curEvtDecayTimeErr_ // In addition, generateSignalEvent has to decide on the tag and fill in curEvtTagFlv_ genOK = this->generateSignalEvent(); } else { this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSig",0); UInt_t bkgndID(0); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { Int_t gen(0); if ( bkgndClassNames[iBkgnd] == type ) { gen = 1; bkgndID = iBkgnd; } this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue( bkgndClassNamesGen[iBkgnd], gen ); } genOK = this->generateBkgndEvent(bkgndID); } if (!genOK) { // If there was a problem with the generation then break out and return. // The problem model will have adjusted itself so that all should be OK next time. break; } if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { this->setDPDtBranchValues(); // store DP, decay time and tagging variables in the ntuple } // Store the event's tag and tagging category this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("cpEigenvalue", cpEigenValue_); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(flavTag_->getTrueTagVarName(),curEvtTrueTagFlv_); std::vector tagVarName = flavTag_->getTagVarNames(); std::vector mistagVarName = flavTag_->getMistagVarNames(); // Loop over the taggers - values set via generateSignalEvent for (Int_t i=0; igetNTaggers(); ++i){ this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue(tagVarName[i],curEvtTagFlv_[i]); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(mistagVarName[i],curEvtMistag_[i]); } // Store the event number (within this experiment) // and then increment it this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("iEvtWithinExpt",evtNum); ++evtNum; // Write the values into the tree this->fillGenNtupleBranches(); // Print an occasional progress message if (iEvt%1000 == 0) {std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::genExpt : Generated event number "<useDP() && genOK) { sigModelB0bar_->checkToyMC(kTRUE); sigModelB0_->checkToyMC(kTRUE); std::cout<<"aSqMaxSet = "<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (UInt_t i(0); iExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } LauParArray fitFracB0 = sigModelB0_->getFitFractions(); if (fitFracB0.size() != nSigComp_) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::generate : Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (UInt_t i(0); iExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (UInt_t i(0); igetMeanEff().value()); meanEffB0_.value(sigModelB0_->getMeanEff().value()); DPRateB0bar_.value(sigModelB0bar_->getDPRate().value()); DPRateB0_.value(sigModelB0_->getDPRate().value()); } } // If we're reusing embedded events or if the generation is being // reset then clear the lists of used events if (reuseSignal_ || !genOK) { signalTree_->clearUsedList(); } for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) { if (reuseBkgnd_[bkgndID] || !genOK) { for (std::vector::iterator iter = bkgndTree_.begin(); iter != bkgndTree_.end(); ++iter){ LauEmbeddedData* temp = *(iter); temp->clearUsedList(); //*(iter)->clearUsedList(); } } } return genOK; } Bool_t LauTimeDepFitModel::generateSignalEvent() { // Generate signal event, including SCF if necessary. // DP:DecayTime generation follows. // If it's ok, we then generate mES, DeltaE, Fisher/NN... Bool_t genOK(kTRUE); Bool_t generatedEvent(kFALSE); Bool_t doSquareDP = kinematicsB0bar_->squareDP(); doSquareDP &= kinematicsB0_->squareDP(); LauKinematics* kinematics(kinematicsB0bar_); if (this->useDP()) { if (signalTree_) { signalTree_->getEmbeddedEvent(kinematics); //curEvtTagFlv_ = TMath::Nint(signalTree_->getValue("tagFlv")); curEvtDecayTimeErr_ = signalTree_->getValue(signalDecayTimePdf_->varErrName()); curEvtDecayTime_ = signalTree_->getValue(signalDecayTimePdf_->varName()); if (signalTree_->haveBranch("mcMatch")) { Int_t match = TMath::Nint(signalTree_->getValue("mcMatch")); if (match) { this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",1); this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",0); } else { this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genTMSig",0); this->setGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSCFSig",1); } } } else { nGenLoop_ = 0; // generate the decay time error (NB the kTRUE forces the generation of a new value) curEvtDecayTimeErr_ = signalDecayTimePdf_->generateError(kTRUE); // clear vectors curEvtTagFlv_.clear(); Int_t ntaggers = flavTag_->getNTaggers(); std::vector tageffB0 = flavTag_->getTagEffB0(); std::vector tageffB0bar = flavTag_->getTagEffB0bar(); for(Int_t position=0; positionRndm(); if (randNo <= tageffB0[position]->unblindValue()) { curEvtTagFlv_.push_back(1); // B0 tag } else if (randNo <= (tageffB0[position]->unblindValue() + tageffB0bar[position]->unblindValue())){ curEvtTagFlv_.push_back(-1); // B0bar tag } else { curEvtTagFlv_.push_back(0); // Untagged } } while (generatedEvent == kFALSE && nGenLoop_ < iterationsMax_) { curEvtMistag_.clear(); curEvtTrueTagFlv_ = 0; + // Should we be smarter about this? Should match the Flavour tag X% of the time? if (signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBd || signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBs){ // First let define the tag flavour CONVENTION WARNING Double_t random = LauRandom::randomFun()->Rndm(); if (random < 0.5) { curEvtTrueTagFlv_ = 1; // B0bar tag } else { curEvtTrueTagFlv_ = -1; // B0 tag } } // Generate the DP position Double_t m13Sq(0.0), m23Sq(0.0); kinematicsB0bar_->genFlatPhaseSpace(m13Sq, m23Sq); // Next, calculate the total A and Abar for the given DP position sigModelB0_->calcLikelihoodInfo(m13Sq, m23Sq); sigModelB0bar_->calcLikelihoodInfo(m13Sq, m23Sq); // Retrieve the amplitudes and efficiency from the dynamics const LauComplex& Abar = sigModelB0bar_->getEvtDPAmp(); const LauComplex& A = sigModelB0_->getEvtDPAmp(); Double_t eff = sigModelB0bar_->getEvtEff(); // Next calculate the DP terms Double_t aSqSum = A.abs2() + Abar.abs2(); Double_t aSqDif = A.abs2() - Abar.abs2(); LauComplex inter = Abar * A.conj() * phiMixComplex_; Double_t interTermIm = 2.0 * inter.im(); Double_t interTermRe = 2.0 * inter.re(); // Generate decay time const Double_t tMin = signalDecayTimePdf_->minAbscissa(); const Double_t tMax = signalDecayTimePdf_->maxAbscissa(); curEvtDecayTime_ = LauRandom::randomFun()->Rndm()*(tMax-tMin) + tMin; // Calculate all the decay time info signalDecayTimePdf_->calcLikelihoodInfo(curEvtDecayTime_,curEvtDecayTimeErr_); // ...and check that the calculation went ok, otherwise loop again if (signalDecayTimePdf_->state() != LauDecayTimePdf::Good) { std::cout<<"signalDecayTimePdf_ state is bad"<getEffiTerm(); // First get all the decay time terms Double_t dtCos = signalDecayTimePdf_->getCosTerm(); Double_t dtSin = signalDecayTimePdf_->getSinTerm(); Double_t dtCosh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getCoshTerm(); Double_t dtSinh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getSinhTerm(); // Get flavour tagging terms with per event mistag Double_t ftOmegaTrig(1.); Double_t ftOmegaHyp(1.); for (Int_t position=0; positiongetEtaGen(position)); Double_t omega(0); Double_t omegabar(0); - //TODO check B0 = +1 flav tag is consistent here omega = flavTag_->getCapitalOmegaGen(position,curEvtMistag_[position],curEvtTagFlv_[position],1); omegabar = flavTag_->getCapitalOmegaGen(position,curEvtMistag_[position],curEvtTagFlv_[position],-1); - ftOmegaTrig *= ((1 - AProd_.unblindValue())*omegabar - (1 + AProd_.unblindValue())*omega); - ftOmegaHyp *= ((1 - AProd_.unblindValue())*omegabar + (1 + AProd_.unblindValue())*omega); + ftOmegaTrig *= ((1 - AProd_.unblindValue())*omega - (1 + AProd_.unblindValue())*omegabar); + ftOmegaHyp *= ((1 - AProd_.unblindValue())*omega + (1 + AProd_.unblindValue())*omegabar); } // Combine all terms Double_t cosTerm = dtCos * ftOmegaTrig * aSqDif; Double_t sinTerm = dtSin * ftOmegaTrig * interTermIm; Double_t coshTerm = dtCosh * ftOmegaHyp * aSqSum; Double_t sinhTerm = dtSinh * ftOmegaHyp * interTermRe; if (curEvtTrueTagFlv_!=0 && (signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBd || signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBs)){ cosTerm *= curEvtTrueTagFlv_; sinTerm *= curEvtTrueTagFlv_; } if ( cpEigenValue_ == CPOdd ) { sinTerm *= -1.0; sinhTerm *= -1.0; } // ... to get the total and multiply by the efficiency Double_t ASq = coshTerm + cosTerm - sinTerm + sinhTerm; //if (curEvtTrueTagFlv_ !=0 && curEvtTagCat_>0 && curEvtTagFlv_==-1){ // std::cout<<"##### Event details #####"<getNormTerm(); ASq *= eff; ASq *= dtEff; //std::cout << "Total Amplitude Eff: " << ASq << std::endl; //Finally we throw the dice to see whether this event should be generated //We make a distinction between the likelihood of TM and SCF to tag the SCF events as such Double_t randNum = LauRandom::randomFun()->Rndm(); if (randNum <= ASq/aSqMaxSet_ ) { generatedEvent = kTRUE; nGenLoop_ = 0; if (ASq > aSqMaxVar_) {aSqMaxVar_ = ASq;} } else { nGenLoop_++; } } // end of while !generatedEvent loop } // end of if (signalTree_) else control } else { if ( signalTree_ ) { signalTree_->getEmbeddedEvent(0); //curEvtTagFlv_ = TMath::Nint(signalTree_->getValue("tagFlv")); curEvtDecayTimeErr_ = signalTree_->getValue(signalDecayTimePdf_->varErrName()); curEvtDecayTime_ = signalTree_->getValue(signalDecayTimePdf_->varName()); } } // Check whether we have generated the toy MC OK. if (nGenLoop_ >= iterationsMax_) { aSqMaxSet_ = 1.01 * aSqMaxVar_; genOK = kFALSE; std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::generateSignalEvent : Hit max iterations: setting aSqMaxSet_ to "< aSqMaxSet_) { aSqMaxSet_ = 1.01 * aSqMaxVar_; genOK = kFALSE; std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::generateSignalEvent : Found a larger ASq value: setting aSqMaxSet_ to "<updateKinematics(kinematicsB0bar_->getm13Sq(), kinematicsB0bar_->getm23Sq() ); this->generateExtraPdfValues(sigExtraPdf_, signalTree_); } // Check for problems with the embedding if (signalTree_ && (signalTree_->nEvents() == signalTree_->nUsedEvents())) { std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::generateSignalEvent : Source of embedded signal events used up, clearing the list of used events."<clearUsedList(); } return genOK; } Bool_t LauTimeDepFitModel::generateBkgndEvent(UInt_t bkgndID) { // Generate Bkgnd event Bool_t genOK(kTRUE); //LauAbsBkgndDPModel* model(0); //LauEmbeddedData* embeddedData(0); //LauPdfList* extraPdfs(0); //LauKinematics* kinematics(0); //model = BkgndDPModels_[bkgndID]; //if (this->enableEmbedding()) { // // find the right embedded data for the current tagging category // LauTagCatEmbDataMap::const_iterator emb_iter = bkgndTree_[bkgndID].find(curEvtTagCat_); // embeddedData = (emb_iter != bkgndTree_[bkgndID].end()) ? emb_iter->second : 0; //} //extraPdfs = &BkgndPdfs_[bkgndID]; //kinematics = kinematicsB0bar_; //if (this->useDP()) { // if (embeddedData) { // embeddedData->getEmbeddedEvent(kinematics); // } else { // if (model == 0) { // const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(bkgndID); // std::cerr << "ERROR in LauCPFitModel::generateBkgndEvent : Can't find the DP model for background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl; // gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // genOK = model->generate(); // } //} else { // if (embeddedData) { // embeddedData->getEmbeddedEvent(0); // } //} //if (genOK) { // this->generateExtraPdfValues(extraPdfs, embeddedData); //} //// Check for problems with the embedding //if (embeddedData && (embeddedData->nEvents() == embeddedData->nUsedEvents())) { // const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(bkgndID); // std::cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::generateBkgndEvent : Source of embedded " << bkgndClass << " events used up, clearing the list of used events." << std::endl; // embeddedData->clearUsedList(); //} return genOK; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setupGenNtupleBranches() { // Setup the required ntuple branches this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("evtWeight"); this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch("genSig"); this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch("cpEigenvalue"); - //TODO loop over taggers std::vector tagVarName = flavTag_->getTagVarNames(); for (Int_t position=0; positiongetNTaggers(); ++position){ this->addGenNtupleIntegerBranch(tagVarName[position]); } if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { // Let's add the decay time variables. this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch(signalDecayTimePdf_->varName()); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch(signalDecayTimePdf_->varErrName()); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m12"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m23"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m13"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m12Sq"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m23Sq"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("m13Sq"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("cosHel12"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("cosHel23"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("cosHel13"); if (kinematicsB0bar_->squareDP() && kinematicsB0_->squareDP()) { this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("mPrime"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("thPrime"); } // Can add the real and imaginary parts of the B0 and B0bar total // amplitudes seen in the generation (restrict this with a flag // that defaults to false) if ( storeGenAmpInfo_ ) { this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("reB0Amp"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("imB0Amp"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("reB0barAmp"); this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch("imB0barAmp"); } } // Let's look at the extra variables for signal in one of the tagging categories if ( sigExtraPdf_ ) { for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = sigExtraPdf_->begin(); pdf_iter != sigExtraPdf_->end(); ++pdf_iter) { for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { this->addGenNtupleDoubleBranch( (*var_iter) ); } } } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setDPDtBranchValues() { // Store the decay time variables. this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(signalDecayTimePdf_->varName(),curEvtDecayTime_); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(signalDecayTimePdf_->varErrName(),curEvtDecayTimeErr_); // CONVENTION WARNING // TODO check - for now use B0 for any tags //LauKinematics* kinematics(0); //if (curEvtTagFlv_[position]<0) { LauKinematics* kinematics = kinematicsB0_; //} else { // kinematics = kinematicsB0bar_; //} // Store all the DP information this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m12", kinematics->getm12()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m23", kinematics->getm23()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m13", kinematics->getm13()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m12Sq", kinematics->getm12Sq()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m23Sq", kinematics->getm23Sq()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("m13Sq", kinematics->getm13Sq()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("cosHel12", kinematics->getc12()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("cosHel23", kinematics->getc23()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("cosHel13", kinematics->getc13()); if (kinematics->squareDP()) { this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("mPrime", kinematics->getmPrime()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("thPrime", kinematics->getThetaPrime()); } // Can add the real and imaginary parts of the B0 and B0bar total // amplitudes seen in the generation (restrict this with a flag // that defaults to false) if ( storeGenAmpInfo_ ) { if ( this->getGenNtupleIntegerBranchValue("genSig")==1 ) { LauComplex Abar = sigModelB0bar_->getEvtDPAmp(); LauComplex A = sigModelB0_->getEvtDPAmp(); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("reB0Amp", A.re()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("imB0Amp", A.im()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("reB0barAmp", Abar.re()); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("imB0barAmp", Abar.im()); } else { this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("reB0Amp", 0.0); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("imB0Amp", 0.0); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("reB0barAmp", 0.0); this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue("imB0barAmp", 0.0); } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::generateExtraPdfValues(LauPdfList* extraPdfs, LauEmbeddedData* embeddedData) { // CONVENTION WARNING LauKinematics* kinematics = kinematicsB0_; //LauKinematics* kinematics(0); //if (curEvtTagFlv_<0) { // kinematics = kinematicsB0_; //} else { // kinematics = kinematicsB0bar_; //} // Generate from the extra PDFs if (extraPdfs) { for (LauPdfList::iterator pdf_iter = extraPdfs->begin(); pdf_iter != extraPdfs->end(); ++pdf_iter) { LauFitData genValues; if (embeddedData) { genValues = embeddedData->getValues( (*pdf_iter)->varNames() ); } else { genValues = (*pdf_iter)->generate(kinematics); } for ( LauFitData::const_iterator var_iter = genValues.begin(); var_iter != genValues.end(); ++var_iter ) { TString varName = var_iter->first; if ( varName != "m13Sq" && varName != "m23Sq" ) { Double_t value = var_iter->second; this->setGenNtupleDoubleBranchValue(varName,value); } } } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::propagateParUpdates() { // Update the complex mixing phase if (useSinCos_) { phiMixComplex_.setRealPart(cosPhiMix_.unblindValue()); phiMixComplex_.setImagPart(-1.0*sinPhiMix_.unblindValue()); } else { phiMixComplex_.setRealPart(TMath::Cos(-1.0*phiMix_.unblindValue())); phiMixComplex_.setImagPart(TMath::Sin(-1.0*phiMix_.unblindValue())); } // Update the total normalisation for the signal likelihood if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { this->updateCoeffs(); sigModelB0bar_->updateCoeffs(coeffsB0bar_); sigModelB0_->updateCoeffs(coeffsB0_); this->calcInterTermNorm(); } // Update the signal events from the background numbers if not doing an extended fit // And update the tagging category fractions this->updateSigEvents(); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::updateSigEvents() { // The background parameters will have been set from Minuit. // We need to update the signal events using these. if (!this->doEMLFit()) { Double_t nTotEvts = this->eventsPerExpt(); Double_t signalEvents = nTotEvts; signalEvents_->range(-2.0*nTotEvts,2.0*nTotEvts); for (LauBkgndYieldList::iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) { LauAbsRValue* nBkgndEvents = (*iter); if ( nBkgndEvents->isLValue() ) { LauParameter* yield = dynamic_cast( nBkgndEvents ); yield->range(-2.0*nTotEvts,2.0*nTotEvts); } } // Subtract background events (if any) from signal. if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndYieldList::const_iterator iter = bkgndEvents_.begin(); iter != bkgndEvents_.end(); ++iter) { signalEvents -= (*iter)->value(); } } if ( ! signalEvents_->fixed() ) { signalEvents_->value(signalEvents); } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::cacheInputFitVars() { // Fill the internal data trees of the signal and background models. // Note that we store the events of both charges in both the // negative and the positive models. It's only later, at the stage // when the likelihood is being calculated, that we separate them. LauFitDataTree* inputFitData = this->fitData(); evtCPEigenVals_.clear(); const Bool_t hasCPEV = ( (cpevVarName_ != "") && inputFitData->haveBranch( cpevVarName_ ) ); UInt_t nEvents = inputFitData->nEvents(); evtCPEigenVals_.reserve( nEvents ); LauFitData::const_iterator fitdata_iter; for (UInt_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < nEvents; iEvt++) { const LauFitData& dataValues = inputFitData->getData(iEvt); // if the CP-eigenvalue is in the data use those, otherwise use the default if ( hasCPEV ) { fitdata_iter = dataValues.find( cpevVarName_ ); const Int_t cpEV = static_cast( fitdata_iter->second ); if ( cpEV == 1 ) { cpEigenValue_ = CPEven; } else if ( cpEV == -1 ) { cpEigenValue_ = CPOdd; } else { std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::cacheInputFitVars : Unknown value: "<cacheInputFitVars(inputFitData); if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { // DecayTime and SigmaDecayTime signalDecayTimePdf_->cacheInfo(*inputFitData); } // ...and then the extra PDFs if (sigExtraPdf_){ this->cacheInfo((*sigExtraPdf_), *inputFitData); } if(usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE){ for (LauBkgndPdfsList::iterator iter = BkgndPdfs_.begin(); iter != BkgndPdfs_.end(); ++iter) { this->cacheInfo((*iter), *inputFitData); } } if (this->useDP() == kTRUE) { sigModelB0bar_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData); sigModelB0_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData); if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = BkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != BkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->fillDataTree(*inputFitData); } } } } Double_t LauTimeDepFitModel::getTotEvtLikelihood(const UInt_t iEvt) { // Find out whether the tag-side B was a B0 or a B0bar. curEvtTagFlv_ = flavTag_->getCurEvtTagFlv(); // Get the CP eigenvalue of the current event cpEigenValue_ = evtCPEigenVals_[iEvt]; // Get the DP and DecayTime likelihood for signal (TODO and eventually backgrounds) this->getEvtDPDtLikelihood(iEvt); // Get the flavour tagging likelihood from eta PDFs (per tagging category - TODO backgrounds to come later) sigFlavTagLike_ = 1.0; //this->getEvtFlavTagLikelihood(iEvt); // Get the combined extra PDFs likelihood for signal (TODO and eventually backgrounds) this->getEvtExtraLikelihoods(iEvt); // Construct the total likelihood for signal, qqbar and BBbar backgrounds Double_t sigLike = sigDPLike_ * sigFlavTagLike_ * sigExtraLike_; //std::cout << "DP like = " << sigDPLike_ << std::endl; //std::cout << "flav tag like = " << sigFlavTagLike_ << std::endl; //std::cout << "extra like = " << sigExtraLike_ << std::endl; // TODO Double_t signalEvents = signalEvents_->unblindValue(); if (this->useDP() == kFALSE) { //signalEvents *= 0.5 * (1.0 + curEvtTagFlv_ * signalAsym_->unblindValue()); } if ( ! signalEvents_->fixed() ) { sigLike *= signalEvents; } return sigLike; } Double_t LauTimeDepFitModel::getEventSum() const { Double_t eventSum(0.0); eventSum += signalEvents_->unblindValue(); return eventSum; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::getEvtDPDtLikelihood(const UInt_t iEvt) { // Function to return the signal and background likelihoods for the // Dalitz plot for the given event evtNo. if ( ! this->useDP() ) { // There's always going to be a term in the likelihood for the // signal, so we'd better not zero it. sigDPLike_ = 1.0; const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) { if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 1.0; } else { bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0; } } return; } // Calculate event quantities // Get the dynamics to calculate everything required for the likelihood calculation sigModelB0bar_->calcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt); sigModelB0_->calcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt); // Background part // TODO add them into the actual Likelihood calculations const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) { if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) { bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = BkgndDPModels_[bkgndID]->getLikelihood(iEvt); } else { bkgndDPLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0; } } // Retrieve the amplitudes and efficiency from the dynamics const LauComplex& Abar = sigModelB0bar_->getEvtDPAmp(); const LauComplex& A = sigModelB0_->getEvtDPAmp(); Double_t eff = sigModelB0bar_->getEvtEff(); // Next calculate the DP terms Double_t aSqSum = A.abs2() + Abar.abs2(); Double_t aSqDif = A.abs2() - Abar.abs2(); LauComplex inter = Abar * A.conj() * phiMixComplex_; Double_t interTermIm = 2.0 * inter.im(); Double_t interTermRe = 2.0 * inter.re(); // First get all the decay time terms signalDecayTimePdf_->calcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt); // TODO Backgrounds // Get the decay time acceptance Double_t dtEff = signalDecayTimePdf_->getEffiTerm(); // First get all the decay time terms Double_t dtCos = signalDecayTimePdf_->getCosTerm(); Double_t dtSin = signalDecayTimePdf_->getSinTerm(); Double_t dtCosh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getCoshTerm(); Double_t dtSinh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getSinhTerm(); // Get flavour tagging terms flavTag_->updateEventInfo(iEvt); Double_t ftOmegaTrig(1.); Double_t ftOmegaHyp(1.); Int_t ntaggers = flavTag_->getNTaggers(); for (Int_t position=0; positiongetCapitalOmega(position,1); omegabar = flavTag_->getCapitalOmega(position,-1); ftOmegaTrig *= ((1 - AProd_.unblindValue())*omega - (1 + AProd_.unblindValue())*omegabar); ftOmegaHyp *= ((1 - AProd_.unblindValue())*omega + (1 + AProd_.unblindValue())*omegabar); } Double_t cosTerm = dtCos * ftOmegaTrig * aSqDif; Double_t sinTerm = dtSin * ftOmegaTrig * interTermIm; Double_t coshTerm = dtCosh * ftOmegaHyp * aSqSum; Double_t sinhTerm = dtSinh * ftOmegaHyp * interTermRe; curEvtTrueTagFlv_ = flavTag_->getCurEvtTrueTagFlv(); if (curEvtTrueTagFlv_!=0 && (signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBd || signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBs)){ cosTerm *= curEvtTrueTagFlv_; sinTerm *= curEvtTrueTagFlv_; } if ( cpEigenValue_ == CPOdd ) { sinTerm *= -1.0; sinhTerm *= -1.0; } // ... to get the total and multiply by the efficiency (DP and decay time) Double_t ASq = coshTerm + cosTerm - sinTerm + sinhTerm; ASq *= eff; ASq *= dtEff; //std::cout<<"Cosh Cos Sin Sinh "<< coshTerm<< " " << cosTerm << " " << sinTerm << " " << sinhTerm << std::endl; //std::cout << "Total Amplitude : " << ASq << std::endl; // Calculate the DP and time normalisation Double_t normTermIndep = sigModelB0bar_->getDPNorm() + sigModelB0_->getDPNorm(); Double_t normTermCosh(0.0); Double_t norm(0.0); if (signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::ExpTrig || signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitNormBd || signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::SimFitSigBd){ normTermCosh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getNormTermExp(); norm = normTermIndep*normTermCosh; //Test // norm *= dtEffN; } if (signalDecayTimePdf_->getFuncType() == LauDecayTimePdf::ExpHypTrig){ normTermCosh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getNormTermCosh(); Double_t normTermDep = interTermReNorm_; Double_t normTermSinh = signalDecayTimePdf_->getNormTermSinh(); norm = normTermIndep*normTermCosh + normTermDep*normTermSinh; } // Calculate the normalised signal likelihood //std::cout << "ASq = " << ASq << std::endl; //std::cout << "norm = " << norm << std::endl; sigDPLike_ = ASq / norm; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::getEvtExtraLikelihoods(const UInt_t iEvt) { // Function to return the signal and background likelihoods for the // extra variables for the given event evtNo. sigExtraLike_ = 1.0; //There's always a likelihood term for signal, so we better not zero it. // First, those independent of the tagging of the event: // signal if (sigExtraPdf_) { sigExtraLike_ = this->prodPdfValue( (*sigExtraPdf_), iEvt ); } // Background const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t bkgndID(0); bkgndID < nBkgnds; ++bkgndID ) { if (usingBkgnd_) { bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID] = this->prodPdfValue( BkgndPdfs_[bkgndID], iEvt ); } else { bkgndExtraLike_[bkgndID] = 0.0; } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::getEvtFlavTagLikelihood(const UInt_t iEvt) { // Function to return the signal and background likelihoods for the // extra variables for the given event evtNo. sigFlavTagLike_ = 1.0; //There's always a likelihood term for signal, so we better not zero it. // Loop over taggers Int_t ntaggers = flavTag_->getNTaggers(); for (Int_t position=0; positioncalcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt); sigFlavTagLike_ = sigFlavTagPdf_[position]->getLikelihood(); } } if (sigFlavTagLike_<=0){ std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::getEvtFlavTagLikelihood : Event with 0 FlavTag Liklihood"<antiparticleCoeff()); coeffsB0_.push_back(coeffPars_[i]->particleCoeff()); } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::checkMixingPhase() { Double_t phase = phiMix_.value(); Double_t genPhase = phiMix_.genValue(); // Check now whether the phase lies in the right range (-pi to pi). Bool_t withinRange(kFALSE); while (withinRange == kFALSE) { if (phase > -LauConstants::pi && phase < LauConstants::pi) { withinRange = kTRUE; } else { // Not within the specified range if (phase > LauConstants::pi) { phase -= LauConstants::twoPi; } else if (phase < -LauConstants::pi) { phase += LauConstants::twoPi; } } } // A further problem can occur when the generated phase is close to -pi or pi. // The phase can wrap over to the other end of the scale - // this leads to artificially large pulls so we wrap it back. Double_t diff = phase - genPhase; if (diff > LauConstants::pi) { phase -= LauConstants::twoPi; } else if (diff < -LauConstants::pi) { phase += LauConstants::twoPi; } // finally store the new value in the parameter // and update the pull phiMix_.value(phase); phiMix_.updatePull(); } void LauTimeDepFitModel::embedSignal(const TString& fileName, const TString& treeName, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinEnsemble, Bool_t reuseEventsWithinExperiment) { if (signalTree_) { std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::embedSignal : Already embedding signal from file."<findBranches(); if (!dataOK) { delete signalTree_; signalTree_ = 0; std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::embedSignal : Problem creating data tree for embedding."<validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauSimpleFitModel::embedBkgnd : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl; std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl; return; } UInt_t bkgndID = this->bkgndClassID( bkgndClass ); LauEmbeddedData* bkgTree = bkgndTree_[bkgndID]; if (bkgTree) { std::cerr << "ERROR in LauSimpleFitModel::embedBkgnd : Already embedding background from a file." << std::endl; return; } bkgTree = new LauEmbeddedData(fileName,treeName,reuseEventsWithinExperiment); Bool_t dataOK = bkgTree->findBranches(); if (!dataOK) { delete bkgTree; bkgTree = 0; std::cerr << "ERROR in LauSimpleFitModel::embedBkgnd : Problem creating data tree for embedding." << std::endl; return; } reuseBkgnd_[bkgndID] = reuseEventsWithinEnsemble; if (this->enableEmbedding() == kFALSE) { this->enableEmbedding(kTRUE); } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::setupSPlotNtupleBranches() { // add branches for storing the experiment number and the number of // the event within the current experiment this->addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch("iExpt"); this->addSPlotNtupleIntegerBranch("iEvtWithinExpt"); // Store the efficiency of the event (for inclusive BF calculations). if (this->storeDPEff()) { this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("efficiency"); } // Store the total event likelihood for each species. this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigTotalLike"); if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { TString name( this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd) ); name += "TotalLike"; this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name); } } // Store the DP likelihoods if (this->useDP()) { this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch("sigDPLike"); if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { TString name( this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd) ); name += "DPLike"; this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name); } } } // Store the likelihoods for each extra PDF const LauPdfList* pdfList( sigExtraPdf_ ); this->addSPlotNtupleBranches(pdfList, "sig"); if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); const LauPdfList* pdfList2 = &(BkgndPdfs_[iBkgnd]); this->addSPlotNtupleBranches(pdfList2, bkgndClass); } } } void LauTimeDepFitModel::addSPlotNtupleBranches(const LauPdfList* extraPdfs, const TString& prefix) { if (!extraPdfs) { return; } // Loop through each of the PDFs for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = extraPdfs->begin(); pdf_iter != extraPdfs->end(); ++pdf_iter) { // Count the number of input variables that are not // DP variables (used in the case where there is DP // dependence for e.g. MVA) UInt_t nVars(0); for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { ++nVars; } } if ( nVars == 1 ) { // If the PDF only has one variable then // simply add one branch for that variable TString varName = (*pdf_iter)->varName(); TString name(prefix); name += varName; name += "Like"; this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name); } else if ( nVars == 2 ) { // If the PDF has two variables then we // need a branch for them both together and // branches for each TString allVars(""); for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { allVars += (*var_iter); TString name(prefix); name += (*var_iter); name += "Like"; this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name); } TString name(prefix); name += allVars; name += "Like"; this->addSPlotNtupleDoubleBranch(name); } else { std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::addSPlotNtupleBranches : Can't yet deal with 3D PDFs."<begin(); pdf_iter != extraPdfs->end(); ++pdf_iter) { // calculate the likelihood for this event (*pdf_iter)->calcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt); extraLike = (*pdf_iter)->getLikelihood(); totalLike *= extraLike; // Count the number of input variables that are not // DP variables (used in the case where there is DP // dependence for e.g. MVA) UInt_t nVars(0); for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { ++nVars; } } if ( nVars == 1 ) { // If the PDF only has one variable then // simply store the value for that variable TString varName = (*pdf_iter)->varName(); TString name(prefix); name += varName; name += "Like"; this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name, extraLike); } else if ( nVars == 2 ) { // If the PDF has two variables then we // store the value for them both together // and for each on their own TString allVars(""); for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { allVars += (*var_iter); TString name(prefix); name += (*var_iter); name += "Like"; Double_t indivLike = (*pdf_iter)->getLikelihood( (*var_iter) ); this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name, indivLike); } TString name(prefix); name += allVars; name += "Like"; this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name, extraLike); } else { std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauAllFitModel::setSPlotNtupleBranchValues : Can't yet deal with 3D PDFs."<useDP()) { nameSet.insert("DP"); } for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = sigExtraPdf_->begin(); pdf_iter != sigExtraPdf_->end(); ++pdf_iter) { // Loop over the variables involved in each PDF for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { // If they are not DP coordinates then add them if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { nameSet.insert( (*var_iter) ); } } } return nameSet; } LauSPlot::NumbMap LauTimeDepFitModel::freeSpeciesNames() const { LauSPlot::NumbMap numbMap; if (!signalEvents_->fixed() && this->doEMLFit()) { numbMap["sig"] = signalEvents_->genValue(); } if ( usingBkgnd_ ) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); const LauAbsRValue* par = bkgndEvents_[iBkgnd]; if (!par->fixed()) { numbMap[bkgndClass] = par->genValue(); if ( ! par->isLValue() ) { std::cerr << "WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::freeSpeciesNames : \"" << par->name() << "\" is a LauFormulaPar, which implies it is perhaps not entirely free to float in the fit, so the sWeight calculation may not be reliable" << std::endl; } } } } return numbMap; } LauSPlot::NumbMap LauTimeDepFitModel::fixdSpeciesNames() const { LauSPlot::NumbMap numbMap; if (signalEvents_->fixed() && this->doEMLFit()) { numbMap["sig"] = signalEvents_->genValue(); } if ( usingBkgnd_ ) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); const LauAbsRValue* par = bkgndEvents_[iBkgnd]; if (par->fixed()) { numbMap[bkgndClass] = par->genValue(); } } } return numbMap; } LauSPlot::TwoDMap LauTimeDepFitModel::twodimPDFs() const { LauSPlot::TwoDMap twodimMap; const LauPdfList* pdfList = sigExtraPdf_; for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = pdfList->begin(); pdf_iter != pdfList->end(); ++pdf_iter) { // Count the number of input variables that are not DP variables UInt_t nVars(0); for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = (*pdf_iter)->varNames().begin(); var_iter != (*pdf_iter)->varNames().end(); ++var_iter ) { if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { ++nVars; } } if ( nVars == 2 ) { twodimMap.insert( std::make_pair( "sig", std::make_pair( (*pdf_iter)->varNames()[0], (*pdf_iter)->varNames()[1] ) ) ); } } if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); const LauPdfList& pdfList2 = BkgndPdfs_[iBkgnd]; for (LauPdfList::const_iterator pdf_iter = pdfList2.begin(); pdf_iter != pdfList2.end(); ++pdf_iter) { // Count the number of input variables that are not DP variables UInt_t nVars(0); std::vector varNames = (*pdf_iter)->varNames(); for ( std::vector::const_iterator var_iter = varNames.begin(); var_iter != varNames.end(); ++var_iter ) { if ( (*var_iter) != "m13Sq" && (*var_iter) != "m23Sq" ) { ++nVars; } } if ( nVars == 2 ) { twodimMap.insert( std::make_pair( bkgndClass, std::make_pair( varNames[0], varNames[1] ) ) ); } } } } return twodimMap; } void LauTimeDepFitModel::storePerEvtLlhds() { std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::storePerEvtLlhds : Storing per-event likelihood values..."<fitData(); // if we've not been using the DP model then we need to cache all // the info here so that we can get the efficiency from it if (!this->useDP() && this->storeDPEff()) { sigModelB0bar_->initialise(coeffsB0bar_); sigModelB0_->initialise(coeffsB0_); sigModelB0bar_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData); sigModelB0_->fillDataTree(*inputFitData); } UInt_t evtsPerExpt(this->eventsPerExpt()); LauIsobarDynamics* sigModel(sigModelB0bar_); for (UInt_t iEvt = 0; iEvt < evtsPerExpt; ++iEvt) { // Find out whether we have B0bar or B0 flavTag_->updateEventInfo(iEvt); curEvtTagFlv_ = flavTag_->getCurEvtTagFlv(); curEvtMistag_ = flavTag_->getCurEvtMistag(); // the DP information this->getEvtDPDtLikelihood(iEvt); if (this->storeDPEff()) { if (!this->useDP()) { sigModel->calcLikelihoodInfo(iEvt); } this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("efficiency",sigModel->getEvtEff()); } if (this->useDP()) { sigTotalLike_ = sigDPLike_; this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigDPLike",sigDPLike_); if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { TString name = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); name += "DPLike"; this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name,bkgndDPLike_[iBkgnd]); } } } else { sigTotalLike_ = 1.0; } // the signal PDF values sigTotalLike_ *= this->setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(sigExtraPdf_, "sig", iEvt); // the background PDF values LauBkgndPdfsList* bkgndPdfs(0); if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { const TString& bkgndClass = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); LauPdfList& pdfs = (*bkgndPdfs)[iBkgnd]; bkgndTotalLike_[iBkgnd] *= this->setSPlotNtupleBranchValues(&(pdfs), bkgndClass, iEvt); } } // the total likelihoods this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue("sigTotalLike",sigTotalLike_); if (usingBkgnd_) { const UInt_t nBkgnds = this->nBkgndClasses(); for ( UInt_t iBkgnd(0); iBkgnd < nBkgnds; ++iBkgnd ) { TString name = this->bkgndClassName(iBkgnd); name += "TotalLike"; this->setSPlotNtupleDoubleBranchValue(name,bkgndTotalLike_[iBkgnd]); } } // fill the tree this->fillSPlotNtupleBranches(); } std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::storePerEvtLlhds : Finished storing per-event likelihood values."<