diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index cdbf309..88f1073 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -1,83 +1,84 @@ stages: - build - test variables: LCG_VERSION: "98" BUILD_ROOFIT_TASK: "OFF" .production_image: variables: LCG_OS: x86_64-centos7 image: gitlab-registry.cern.ch/ci-tools/ci-worker:cc7 tags: - cvmfs .lcg_setup: before_script: - set +e && source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/setupViews.sh LCG_$LCG_VERSION $LCG_OS-$LCG_COMPILER; set -e .build_template: stage: build extends: - .lcg_setup script: - mkdir install - mkdir build && cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=$BUILD_TYPE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/install -DLAURA_BUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=ON -DLAURA_BUILD_DOCS:BOOL=ON -DLAURA_BUILD_ROOFIT_TASK:BOOL=$BUILD_ROOFIT_TASK $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cmake --build . - cmake --build . --target install build_clang10_opt: variables: LCG_COMPILER: "clang10-opt" BUILD_TYPE: "Release" extends: - .production_image - .build_template build_gcc10_opt: variables: LCG_COMPILER: "gcc10-opt" BUILD_TYPE: "Release" BUILD_ROOFIT_TASK: "ON" extends: - .production_image - .build_template allow_failure: true build_gcc9_opt: variables: LCG_COMPILER: "gcc9-opt" BUILD_TYPE: "Release" extends: - .production_image - .build_template build_gcc9_dbg: variables: LCG_COMPILER: "gcc9-dbg" BUILD_TYPE: "Debug" extends: - .production_image - .build_template artifacts: paths: - install expire_in: 1 day test_placeholder: stage: test variables: LCG_COMPILER: "gcc9-dbg" extends: - .production_image - .lcg_setup dependencies: - build_gcc9_dbg script: - - mkdir runtests && cd runtests - export PATH=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/bin:$PATH - - Test_Dpipi gen QFS - - Test_Dpipi gen CPEven + - mkdir runtests && cd runtests + - curl -O https://laura.hepforge.org/CI-files/histogram.root + - Test_Dpipi gen QFS --hist + - Test_Dpipi gen CPEven --hist - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/examples/runTimeDepTest.sh 1 0 2 1 1 diff --git a/examples/runTimeDepTest.sh b/examples/runTimeDepTest.sh index cf2541c..91c56d7 100755 --- a/examples/runTimeDepTest.sh +++ b/examples/runTimeDepTest.sh @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash # Copyright 2020 University of Warwick # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Laura++ package authors: # John Back # Paul Harrison # Thomas Latham # Number of experiments to fit, number of the first experiment, number of tasks to run, fit id, number of experiments generated if [ $# -lt 5 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi nexpt=$1 firstexpt=$2 numtasks=$3 i=$4 nExptGen=$5 if [ $numtasks -lt 2 ] then echo "Number of task must be at least 2" exit 1 fi echo " $# --- nexpt $nexpt firstexpt $firstexpt numtasks $numtasks i $i nexptgen $nExptGen" echo "Running fit $i" SimFitCoordinator $i $nexpt $firstexpt $numtasks > coordinator-log-$i.out 2>&1 & echo "Initialised coordinator process for fit $i" sleep 10 port=`tail -1 coordinator-log-${i}.out | awk '{print $NF}'` echo "Coordinator is listening on port $port" echo "Initialising tasks..." sleep 1 -Test_Dpipi fit CPEven $port $i $firstexpt $nexpt $nExptGen > task-CPEven-perevt-${i}.log 2>&1 & +Test_Dpipi fit CPEven $port $i $firstexpt $nexpt $nExptGen --hist > task-CPEven-perevt-${i}.log 2>&1 & sleep 1 -Test_Dpipi fit QFS $port $i $firstexpt $nexpt $nExptGen > task-QFS-perevt-${i}.log 2>&1 +Test_Dpipi fit QFS $port $i $firstexpt $nexpt $nExptGen --hist > task-QFS-perevt-${i}.log 2>&1 echo "Fit completed"