Index: trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB.plot =================================================================== --- trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB.plot (revision 0) +++ trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB.plot (revision 465) @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/chfrac_rat +LogY=0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/JetMass +LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d01-x01-y01 +XLabel=$M_\text{ch jet}\ [\text{GeV}^2]$ +YLabel=$1/N_\text{jets}\ \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}M_\text{ch jet}\ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-2}]$ +Title=$60\,\mathrm{GeV} < p_{\perp,\,\text{ch jet}} < 80\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - 0-10 Pb+Pb +LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d02-x01-y01 +XLabel=$M_\text{ch jet}\ [\text{GeV}^2]$ +YLabel=$1/N_\text{jets}\ \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}M_\text{ch jet}\ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-2}]$ +Title=$80\,\mathrm{GeV} < p_{\perp,\,\text{ch jet}} < 100\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - 0-10 Pb+Pb +LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d03-x01-y01 +XLabel=$M_\text{ch jet}\ [\text{GeV}^2]$ +YLabel=$1/N_\text{jets}\ \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}M_\text{ch jet}\ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-2}]$ +Title=$100\,\mathrm{GeV} < p_{\perp,\,\text{ch jet}} < 120\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - 0-10 Pb+Pb +LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/JetpT +RatioPlotYMin=0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/jetpT +RatioPlotYMin=0 +# END PLOT Index: trunk/code/ALICE_CHPART.plot =================================================================== --- trunk/code/ALICE_CHPART.plot (revision 464) +++ trunk/code/ALICE_CHPART.plot (revision 465) @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ # BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_CHPART/d01-x01-y01 #Title=[Uncomment and insert title for histogram d01-x01-y01 here] #XLabel=[Uncomment and insert x-axis label for histogram d01-x01-y01 here] #YLabel=[Uncomment and insert y-axis label for histogram d01-x01-y01 here] # + any additional plot settings you might like, see make-plots documentation # END PLOT # ... add more histograms as you need them ... # BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_CHPART/* +XMin=2. FullRange=1 # END PLOT Index: trunk/code/ =================================================================== --- trunk/code/ (revision 464) +++ trunk/code/ (revision 465) @@ -1,520 +1,719 @@ // -*- C++ -*- #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh" #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh" #ifndef MODE #warning MODE not defined, using default #define MODE 0 #endif namespace Rivet { using namespace fastjet; + + struct PJetComp { + bool operator() (const PseudoJet& pj1, const PseudoJet& pj2) const + {return; if (p->status() == 3) { PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),,mom.pz(),mom.E()); thermom.push_back(pjet); } } return thermom; } + map buildRecoilMap(const Event & event, const PseudoJets & thermom) { + map recmap; + size_t j(0); + foreach (const HepMC::GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) { + FourMomentum mom(p->momentum()); + if (mom.E() == 1e-6) { + PseudoJet pj(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.E()); + if (j == thermom.size()) { + cout<<"Error: number of dummies does not match number of subtractions, will veto Event"< 1e-4) continue; + recmap[pj]=sc; + j++; + } + } + return recmap; + } + + /// 4-momentum subtraction FourMomentum SubtractJetMom(Jet jet, PseudoJets * thermom, double fac = 1.) { if (thermom->empty()) return jet.momentum(); FourMomentum sub(0.,0.,0.,0.); foreach (Particle part, jet.constituents()) { if (part.E() < 1e-5 && part.E() > 1e-7) { FourMomentum test(part.momentum()); test *= 10000.; //cout<<"Found dummy :"< & recmap) { + FourMomentum jetmom(Get4Mom(pjet)); + if (recmap.size() == 0) return jetmom; + FourMomentum sub(0.,0.,0.,0.); + foreach (PseudoJet pj, pjet.constituents()) { + if (pj.E() == 1e-6) { + map::iterator mapit; + mapit = recmap.find(pj); + if (mapit == recmap.end()) cout<<"Error: did not find matching scattering centre in map.\n"; + else { + FourMomentum submom(Get4Mom(mapit->second)); + if (submom.mass2() < 0.) sub -= submom; + /*{ + if ((submom.E() < 0. && submom.eta() == -Get4Mom(pj).eta()) || (submom.E() >= 0. && submom.eta() == Get4Mom(pj).eta())) sub -= submom; + else sub += submom; + }*/ + else sub += submom; + } + } + } + jetmom -= sub; + return jetmom; + } + + + /// Constituent subtraction + FourMomentum ConstSubJetMom(PseudoJet pjet, map & scmap) { + // sort constituents into two vectors: particles and ghosts (subtraction momenta) + vector parts; + vector ghosts; + foreach (PseudoJet pj, pjet.constituents()) { + if (fuzzyEquals(pj.E(),1e-6,1e-4)) { + map::iterator mapit; + mapit = scmap.find(pj); + if (mapit == scmap.end()) cout<<"Error: did not find matching scattering centre in map.\n"; + else { + FourMomentum submom = Get4Mom(mapit->second); + My4Mom ghost; + = submom.pT(); + ghost.mdelta = sqrt(submom.mass2() + sqr(submom.pT())) - submom.pT(); + ghost.phi = submom.p3().phi(); + ghost.y = submom.rapidity(); + ghosts.push_back(ghost); + } + } + else { + FourMomentum partmom = Get4Mom(pj); + My4Mom part; + = partmom.pT(); + part.mdelta = sqrt(partmom.mass2() + sqr(partmom.pT())) - partmom.pT(); + part.phi = partmom.p3().phi(); + part.y = partmom.rapidity(); + parts.push_back(part); + } + } + //cout<<"number of particles: "< dists; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + for (size_t j=0; j < ghosts.size(); ++j) { + //cout<<"i, j = "<::iterator liter=dists.begin(); liter != dists.end(); ++liter) { + //cout<<"dealing with dist "<dR<ipart; + size_t gnum = liter->ighost; + double ptp = parts[pnum].pt; + double ptg = ghosts[gnum].pt; + //cout<<"pts: "< ptg) { + parts[pnum].pt -= ptg; + ghosts[gnum].pt = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].pt -= ptp; + parts[pnum].pt = 0.; + } + double mdp = parts[pnum].mdelta; + double mdg = ghosts[gnum].mdelta; + //cout<<"masses: "< mdg) { + parts[pnum].mdelta -= mdg; + ghosts[gnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].mdelta -= mdp; + parts[pnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + } + + //sum up resulting 4-momenta to get subtracted jet momentum + FourMomentum partmom, ghostmom, jetmom; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + if (parts[i].pt > 0.) partmom += FourMomentum((parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*cosh(parts[i].y), + parts[i].pt*cos(parts[i].phi), + parts[i].pt*sin(parts[i].phi), + (parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*sinh(parts[i].y)); + } + for (size_t i=0; i < ghosts.size(); ++i) { + if (ghosts[i].pt > 0.) ghostmom += FourMomentum((ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*cosh(ghosts[i].y), + ghosts[i].pt*cos(ghosts[i].phi), + ghosts[i].pt*sin(ghosts[i].phi), + (ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*sinh(ghosts[i].y)); + } + //cout<<"particle component: "< > fillGrid(const Event & event, std::set > & gridevent) { // initialise grid vector > grid; grid.resize(_nphibins); for (size_t i = 0; i < _nphibins; ++i) { grid[i].resize(_netabins); for (size_t k = 0; k < _nphibins; ++k) { grid[i][k] = FourMomentum(0., 0., 0., 0.); } } // fill grid foreach (const HepMC::GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) { FourMomentum mom(p->momentum()); if (fabs(mom.eta()) < 4. && mom.E() > 1e-5) { size_t phibin, etabin; phibin = int(mom.phi(ZERO_2PI)*_nphibins/(2.*M_PI)); etabin = int((mom.eta() + 4.)*_netabins/8.); if (phibin < 0 || phibin > _nphibins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "< _netabins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "<status() == 3) { grid[phibin][etabin] -= mom; } else { grid[phibin][etabin] += mom; }*/ double cellphi((phibin+0.5)*2*M_PI/_nphibins), celleta((etabin+0.5)*8./_netabins-4.); double celltheta(2.*atan(exp(-celleta))); if (p->status() == 3) { double rho(grid[phibin][etabin].E() - mom.E()); grid[phibin][etabin].setE(rho); grid[phibin][etabin].setPx(fabs(rho)*sin(celltheta)*cos(cellphi)); grid[phibin][etabin].setPy(fabs(rho)*sin(celltheta)*sin(cellphi)); grid[phibin][etabin].setPz(fabs(rho)*cos(celltheta)); } else { double rho(grid[phibin][etabin].E() + mom.E()); grid[phibin][etabin].setE(rho); grid[phibin][etabin].setPx(rho*sin(celltheta)*cos(cellphi)); grid[phibin][etabin].setPy(rho*sin(celltheta)*sin(cellphi)); grid[phibin][etabin].setPz(rho*cos(celltheta)); } gridevent.insert(std::pair(phibin,etabin)); } } return grid; } /// determine fraction of pt carried by charged particles in jet double getScaleFac(const Jet jet, double ptcut, const FinalState * fs = NULL) { Particles parts; if (fs) parts = fs->particles(); else parts = jet.constituents(); double scalefac; double ntracks(0.), nparts(0.); FourMomentum chmom(0.,0.,0.,0.), allmom(0.,0.,0.,0.); foreach (Particle part, parts) { if (deltaR(part,jet) < _jetR && part.momentum().E() > 1e-5) { nparts += 1.; allmom += part.momentum(); if (PID::charge(part.pdgId()) != 0 && part.pT() > ptcut) { ntracks += 1.; chmom += part.momentum(); } } } scalefac = (nparts>0.?ntracks/nparts:1); //scalefac = (allmom.pT()>0.?chmom.pT()/allmom.pT():1.); return scalefac; } /// initialise and fill grid for grid subtration version 1 void fillJetGrid(Jet jet, PseudoJets * thermom, vector > & grid, vector > & thgrid, std::set > & gridevent) { // fill grid foreach (Particle part, jet.constituents()) { FourMomentum mom(part.momentum()); size_t phibin, etabin; if (mom.E() < 1e-5 && mom.E() > 1e-7) { /*FourMomentum test(mom); test *= 10000.; //cout<<"Found dummy :"< _nphibins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "< _netabins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "<(phibin,etabin)); } else cout<<"Error: did not find scattering centre matching dummy.\n";*/ } else { phibin = int(mom.phi(ZERO_2PI)*_nphibins/(2.*M_PI)); etabin = int((mom.eta() + 4.)*_netabins/8.); if (phibin < 0 || phibin > _nphibins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "< _netabins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "<(phibin,etabin)); } } foreach (PseudoJet pjet, *thermom) { FourMomentum mom = Get4Mom(pjet); double dR(deltaR(mom, jet)); if (dR < _jetR) { size_t phibin, etabin; phibin = int(mom.phi(ZERO_2PI)*_nphibins/(2.*M_PI)); etabin = int((mom.eta() + 4.)*_netabins/8.); if (phibin < 0 || phibin > _nphibins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "< _netabins-1) {std::cout<<"Error: "< "<(phibin,etabin)); } } return; } /// 4-momentum adapter FourMomentum Get4Mom(PseudoJet pjet){ FourMomentum mom(pjet.E(), pjet.px(),, pjet.pz()); return mom; } /// Perform the per-event analysis void analyze(const Event& event) { const double weight = event.weight(); const double cent = (event.genEvent()->heavy_ion()?event.genEvent()->heavy_ion()->impact_parameter():-1.); if (cent > 0.1) vetoEvent; -#if MODE==0 +#if (MODE==0 || MODE==4 || MODE==5) // cout<<"Karo: event number "<event_number()< _ptmin*GeV; Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < 2.0 && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; const Jets jets = applyProjection(event, "FullJets").jetsByPt(cuts); PseudoJets thermom = extractThermalMomenta(event); - foreach (Jet jet, jets) { + map scmap = buildRecoilMap(event, thermom); + if (scmap.size() != thermom.size()) { + cout<<"Error: size of map does not match number of momenta: "<fill(scalefac, weight); - FourMomentum jetsub = SubtractJetMom(jet, &thermom, 1.); + //FourMomentum jetsub = SubtractJetMom(jet, &thermom, 1.); +#if (MODE==0 || MODE==4) + FourMomentum jetsub = SubtractJetMom2(jet, scmap); +#else + FourMomentum jetsub = ConstSubJetMom(jet, scmap); +#endif + //FourMomentum jetsub = jet.momentum(); // if (jet.momentum().pT() > 100.) { // cout<<"Karo: "< "<0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); //mass *= scalefac; mass *= _massscalefac; //double jetpt(scalefac*jetsub.pT()); double jetpt(jetsub.pT()); _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); jetpt *= _ptscalefac; _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]) _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); } } if (jetsub.pT() > 100.*GeV) { // cout<<"Karo: "<0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); _h_JetpT->fill(jetsub.pT(),weight); } } #elif MODE==1 //Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < _etaloose && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < 2.0 && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; const Jets jets = applyProjection(event, "FullJets").jetsByPt(cuts); PseudoJets thermom = extractThermalMomenta(event); // initialise grid vector > grid, thgrid; grid.resize(_nphibins); thgrid.resize(_nphibins); for (size_t i = 0; i < _nphibins; ++i) { grid[i].resize(_netabins); thgrid[i].resize(_netabins); for (size_t k = 0; k < _nphibins; ++k) { grid[i][k] = FourMomentum(0., 0., 0., 0.); thgrid[i][k] = FourMomentum(0., 0., 0., 0.); } } std::set > gridevent; foreach (Jet jet, jets) { fillJetGrid(jet, &thermom, grid, thgrid, gridevent); } double negenergy(0.); PseudoJets pevent; for (set >::iterator it=gridevent.begin(); it!=gridevent.end(); ++it) { size_t i,k; i = it->first; k = it->second; FourMomentum diff(grid[i][k] - thgrid[i][k]); if (grid[i][k].pT() > thgrid[i][k].pT() && diff.E() > 0.) { PseudoJet pjet(diff.px(),,diff.pz(),diff.E()); pevent.push_back(pjet); } else negenergy += diff.E(); } JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, _jetR); ClusterSequence cs(pevent, jet_def); PseudoJets pjets = sorted_by_pt(cs.inclusive_jets(_ptmin)); //cout<<"size comparison: "<0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); mass *= _massscalefac; double jetpt(jetsub.pT()); _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); jetpt *= _ptscalefac; _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]){ _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); } } } if (jetsub.pT() > 100.*GeV) { double mass2(jetsub.mass2()); double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); _h_JetpT->fill(jetsub.pT(),weight); } } #elif MODE==2 const FinalState parts = applyProjection(event, "FS"); PseudoJets pevent, pjets; std::set > gridevent; vector > grid = fillGrid(event, gridevent); for (set >::iterator it=gridevent.begin(); it!=gridevent.end(); ++it) { size_t i,k; i = it->first; k = it->second; if (grid[i][k].E() > 0. ) { PseudoJet part(grid[i][k].px(),grid[i][k].py(),grid[i][k].pz(),grid[i][k].E()); pevent.push_back(part); } } JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, _jetR); ClusterSequence cs(pevent, jet_def); pjets = sorted_by_pt(cs.inclusive_jets(_ptmin)); foreach (PseudoJet pjet, pjets) { FourMomentum jetsub = Get4Mom(pjet); if (abs(jetsub.eta()) < _etamax) { //double scalefac; //scalefac = getScaleFac(Jet(pjet),0.,&parts); //_h_scalefac->fill(scalefac,weight); double mass2(jetsub.mass2()); double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); //mass *= scalefac; mass *= _massscalefac; //double jetpt(scalefac*jetsub.pT()); double jetpt(jetsub.pT()); _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); jetpt *= _ptscalefac; _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]){ _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); } } } if (jetsub.pT() > 100.*GeV) { double mass2(jetsub.mass2()); double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); _h_JetpT->fill(jetsub.pT(),weight); } } #elif MODE==3 const FinalState parts = applyProjection(event, "FS"); Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < _etaloose && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; const Jets jets = applyProjection(event, "TrackJets").jetsByPt(cuts); foreach (Jet jet, jets) { //double scalefac; //scalefac = getScaleFac(jet, 0., &parts); //_h_scalefac->fill(scalefac, weight); PseudoJets thermom = extractThermalMomenta(event); //FourMomentum jetsub = SubtractJetMom(jet, &thermom, scalefac); FourMomentum jetsub = SubtractJetMom(jet, &thermom, _ptscalefac); if (abs(jetsub.eta()) < _etamax) { double mass2(jetsub.mass2()); double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); double jetpt(jetsub.pT()); _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]) _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); } } } #endif } /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run void finalize() { //normalize(_h_scalefac); for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { normalize(_h_jetmass[i]); } scale(_h_jetpt, crossSection()/sumOfWeights()); scale(_h_jetpt_resc, crossSection()/sumOfWeights()); normalize(_h_JetMass); scale(_h_JetpT, crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights()); } private: double _jetR, _ptmin, _etamax, _etaloose; double _massscalefac, _ptscalefac; size_t _netabins, _nphibins; vector _ptedges; //Histo1DPtr _h_scalefac; Histo1DPtr _h_jetmass[3]; Histo1DPtr _h_jetpt, _h_jetpt_resc; Histo1DPtr _h_JetMass, _h_JetpT; }; // The hook for the plugin system #if MODE==0 DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB); #elif MODE==1 DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_GRIDSUB1); #elif MODE==2 DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_GRIDSUB2); #elif MODE==3 DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_CHARGED); +#elif MODE==4 + DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_QSUB); +#elif MODE==5 + DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB); #endif } Index: trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB.yoda =================================================================== --- trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB.yoda (revision 0) +++ trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB.yoda (revision 465) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d03-x01-y01 +Path=/REF/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d03-x01-y01 +Type=Scatter2D +# xval xerr- xerr+ yval yerr- yerr+ +1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.086430e-03 5.228280e-04 5.228280e-04 +3.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.294190e-02 1.837800e-03 1.837800e-03 +5.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.749750e-02 5.917910e-03 5.917910e-03 +7.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 7.599270e-02 6.524830e-03 6.524830e-03 +9.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 8.285680e-02 6.417800e-03 6.417800e-03 +1.100000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 8.237070e-02 5.847080e-03 5.847080e-03 +1.300000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 6.405460e-02 4.978030e-03 4.978030e-03 +1.500000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.619970e-02 3.900820e-03 3.900820e-03 +1.700000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.804550e-02 3.062930e-03 3.062930e-03 +1.900000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.277020e-02 3.882870e-03 3.882870e-03 +2.100000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.399770e-02 3.005680e-03 3.005680e-03 +2.300000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 7.978950e-03 2.001770e-03 2.001770e-03 +2.500000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 9.291080e-03 4.007000e-03 4.007000e-03 +# END YODA_SCATTER2D + +# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d02-x01-y01 +Path=/REF/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d02-x01-y01 +Type=Scatter2D +# xval xerr- xerr+ yval yerr- yerr+ +1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.359830e-03 7.934830e-04 7.934830e-04 +3.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 3.265260e-02 3.863630e-03 3.863630e-03 +5.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 8.170510e-02 6.688520e-03 6.688520e-03 +7.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.142880e-01 8.765130e-03 8.765130e-03 +9.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 9.762640e-02 6.271090e-03 6.271090e-03 +1.100000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 6.621720e-02 3.868830e-03 3.868830e-03 +1.300000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.486070e-02 3.064840e-03 3.064840e-03 +1.500000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.358060e-02 1.847140e-03 1.847140e-03 +1.700000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.451600e-02 1.717860e-03 1.717860e-03 +1.900000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 9.825020e-03 1.861690e-03 1.861690e-03 +2.100000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 7.520780e-03 2.315770e-03 2.315770e-03 +2.300000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.568950e-03 4.567960e-04 4.567960e-04 +2.500000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 3.940780e-04 1.718860e-04 1.718860e-04 +# END YODA_SCATTER2D + +# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d01-x01-y01 +Path=/REF/ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB/d01-x01-y01 +Type=Scatter2D +# xval xerr- xerr+ yval yerr- yerr+ +1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.902490e-03 4.382700e-04 4.382700e-04 +3.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.526230e-02 3.077680e-03 3.077680e-03 +5.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.138460e-01 6.931320e-03 6.931320e-03 +7.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.342230e-01 5.855050e-03 5.855050e-03 +9.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 9.829660e-02 3.887810e-03 3.887810e-03 +1.100000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 6.168980e-02 2.436980e-03 2.436980e-03 +1.300000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.564310e-02 1.312140e-03 1.312140e-03 +1.500000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.025280e-02 7.268920e-04 7.268920e-04 +1.700000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.897520e-03 9.256550e-04 9.256550e-04 +1.900000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 5.489800e-04 9.620230e-05 9.620230e-05 +2.100000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.355450e-04 2.104840e-04 2.104840e-04 +# END YODA_SCATTER2D + Index: trunk/code/ =================================================================== --- trunk/code/ (revision 0) +++ trunk/code/ (revision 465) @@ -0,0 +1,934 @@ +// -*- C++ -*- +#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" +#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh" +#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh" + +namespace Rivet { + + using namespace fastjet; + + struct PJetComp { + bool operator() (const PseudoJet& pj1, const PseudoJet& pj2) const + {return parts; + vector ghosts; + + foreach (PseudoJet pj, pjparts) { + FourMomentum partmom = Get4Mom(pj); + if (partmom.E() - fabs(partmom.pz()) > 0.) { + My4Mom part; + = partmom.pT(); + part.mdelta = sqrt(partmom.mass2() + sqr(partmom.pT())) - partmom.pT(); + part.phi = partmom.p3().phi(); + part.y = partmom.rapidity(); + //if (abs(part.y) > 5.) { + // cout<<"particle rapidity: "< 0.) { + My4Mom ghost; + = submom.pT(); + ghost.mdelta = sqrt(submom.mass2() + sqr(submom.pT())) - submom.pT(); + ghost.phi = submom.p3().phi(); + ghost.y = submom.rapidity(); + //cout<<"ghost rapidity: "< dists; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + for (size_t j=0; j < ghosts.size(); ++j) { + //cout<<"i, j = "< M_PI) Deltaphi = 2.*M_PI - Deltaphi; + dist.dR = sqrt(sqr(Deltaphi) + sqr(parts[i].y-ghosts[j].y)); + dist.ipart = i; + dist.ighost = j; + //cout<<"distance: "<::iterator liter=dists.begin(); liter != dists.end(); ++liter) { + //cout<<"dealing with dist "<dR<dR > 0.3) break; + size_t pnum = liter->ipart; + size_t gnum = liter->ighost; + double ptp = parts[pnum].pt; + double ptg = ghosts[gnum].pt; + //cout<<"pts: "< ptg) { + parts[pnum].pt -= ptg; + ghosts[gnum].pt = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].pt -= ptp; + parts[pnum].pt = 0.; + } + double mdp = parts[pnum].mdelta; + double mdg = ghosts[gnum].mdelta; + //cout<<"masses: "< mdg) { + parts[pnum].mdelta -= mdg; + ghosts[gnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].mdelta -= mdp; + parts[pnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + + } + + //sum up resulting 4-momenta to get subtracted jet momentum + int nparts(0); + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + if (parts[i].pt > 0.) { + FourMomentum mom((parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*cosh(parts[i].y), + parts[i].pt*cos(parts[i].phi), + parts[i].pt*sin(parts[i].phi), + (parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*sinh(parts[i].y)); + //cout<<"particle rapidity: "< 0.) { + FourMomentum mom((ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*cosh(ghosts[i].y), + ghosts[i].pt*cos(ghosts[i].phi), + ghosts[i].pt*sin(ghosts[i].phi), + (ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*sinh(ghosts[i].y)); + //cout<<"ghost rapidity: "< parts; + vector ghosts; + + foreach (Particle p, particles) { + FourMomentum partmom = p.momentum(); + if (fuzzyEquals(partmom.E(),1e-6)) continue; + if (partmom.E() - fabs(partmom.pz()) > 0.) { + MyPart part; + =; + = partmom.pT(); + part.mdelta = sqrt(partmom.mass2() + sqr(partmom.pT())) - partmom.pT(); + part.phi = partmom.p3().phi(); + part.y = partmom.rapidity(); + //if (abs(part.y) > 5.) { + // cout<<"particle rapidity: "< 0.) { + My4Mom ghost; + = submom.pT(); + ghost.mdelta = sqrt(submom.mass2() + sqr(submom.pT())) - submom.pT(); + ghost.phi = submom.p3().phi(); + ghost.y = submom.rapidity(); + //cout<<"ghost rapidity: "< dists; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + for (size_t j=0; j < ghosts.size(); ++j) { + //cout<<"i, j = "< M_PI) Deltaphi = 2.*M_PI - Deltaphi; + dist.dR = sqrt(sqr(Deltaphi) + sqr(parts[i].y-ghosts[j].y)); + dist.ipart = i; + dist.ighost = j; + //cout<<"distance: "<::iterator liter=dists.begin(); liter != dists.end(); ++liter) { + //cout<<"dealing with dist "<dR<dR > 0.5) break; + size_t pnum = liter->ipart; + size_t gnum = liter->ighost; + double ptp = parts[pnum].pt; + double ptg = ghosts[gnum].pt; + //cout<<"pts: "< ptg) { + parts[pnum].pt -= ptg; + ghosts[gnum].pt = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].pt -= ptp; + parts[pnum].pt = 0.; + } + double mdp = parts[pnum].mdelta; + double mdg = ghosts[gnum].mdelta; + //cout<<"masses: "< mdg) { + parts[pnum].mdelta -= mdg; + ghosts[gnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].mdelta -= mdp; + parts[pnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + + } + + //sum up resulting 4-momenta to get subtracted jet momentum + int nparts(0); + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + if (parts[i].pt > 0.) { + FourMomentum mom((parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*cosh(parts[i].y), + parts[i].pt*cos(parts[i].phi), + parts[i].pt*sin(parts[i].phi), + (parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*sinh(parts[i].y)); + //cout<<"particle rapidity: "< 0.) { + FourMomentum mom((ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*cosh(ghosts[i].y), + ghosts[i].pt*cos(ghosts[i].phi), + ghosts[i].pt*sin(ghosts[i].phi), + (ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*sinh(ghosts[i].y)); + //cout<<"ghost rapidity: "< & scmap) { + // sort constituents into two vectors: particles and ghosts (subtraction momenta) + vector parts; + vector ghosts; + foreach (Particle p, jet.constituents()) { + PseudoJet pj(p.px(),, p.pz(), p.E()); + if (fuzzyEquals(pj.E(),1e-6,1e-4)) { + map::iterator mapit; + mapit = scmap.find(pj); + if (mapit == scmap.end()) cout<<"Error: did not find matching scattering centre in map.\n"; + else { + FourMomentum submom = Get4Mom(mapit->second); + My4Mom ghost; + = submom.pT(); + ghost.mdelta = sqrt(submom.mass2() + sqr(submom.pT())) - submom.pT(); + ghost.phi = submom.p3().phi(); + ghost.y = submom.rapidity(); + ghosts.push_back(ghost); + } + } + else { + FourMomentum partmom = Get4Mom(pj); + My4Mom part; + = partmom.pT(); + part.mdelta = sqrt(partmom.mass2() + sqr(partmom.pT())) - partmom.pT(); + part.phi = partmom.p3().phi(); + part.y = partmom.rapidity(); + parts.push_back(part); + } + } + //cout<<"number of particles: "< dists; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + for (size_t j=0; j < ghosts.size(); ++j) { + //cout<<"i, j = "< M_PI) Deltaphi = 2.*M_PI - Deltaphi; + dist.dR = sqrt(sqr(Deltaphi) + sqr(parts[i].y-ghosts[j].y)); + dist.ipart = i; + dist.ighost = j; + //cout<<"distance: "<::iterator liter=dists.begin(); liter != dists.end(); ++liter) { + //cout<<"dealing with dist "<dR<ipart; + size_t gnum = liter->ighost; + double ptp = parts[pnum].pt; + double ptg = ghosts[gnum].pt; + //cout<<"pts: "< ptg) { + parts[pnum].pt -= ptg; + ghosts[gnum].pt = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].pt -= ptp; + parts[pnum].pt = 0.; + } + double mdp = parts[pnum].mdelta; + double mdg = ghosts[gnum].mdelta; + //cout<<"masses: "< mdg) { + parts[pnum].mdelta -= mdg; + ghosts[gnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].mdelta -= mdp; + parts[pnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + } + + //sum up resulting 4-momenta to get subtracted jet momentum + FourMomentum partmom, ghostmom, jetmom; + int nparts(0); + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + if (parts[i].pt > 0.) { + partmom += FourMomentum((parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*cosh(parts[i].y), + parts[i].pt*cos(parts[i].phi), + parts[i].pt*sin(parts[i].phi), + (parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*sinh(parts[i].y)); + nparts++; + } + } + int nghost(0); + for (size_t i=0; i < ghosts.size(); ++i) { + if (ghosts[i].pt > 0.) { + ghostmom += FourMomentum((ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*cosh(ghosts[i].y), + ghosts[i].pt*cos(ghosts[i].phi), + ghosts[i].pt*sin(ghosts[i].phi), + (ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*sinh(ghosts[i].y)); + nghost++; + } + } + //cout<<"particle component: "< 60. && nghost > 0) cout< & scmap) { + // sort constituents into two vectors: particles and ghosts (subtraction momenta) + vector parts; + vector ghosts; + foreach (Particle p, jet.constituents()) { + if (fuzzyEquals(p.E(),1e-6,1e-4)) { + PseudoJet pj(p.px(),, p.pz(), p.E()); + map::iterator mapit; + mapit = scmap.find(pj); + if (mapit == scmap.end()) cout<<"Error: did not find matching scattering centre in map.\n"; + else { + FourMomentum submom = Get4Mom(mapit->second); + My4Mom ghost; + = submom.pT(); + ghost.mdelta = sqrt(submom.mass2() + sqr(submom.pT())) - submom.pT(); + ghost.phi = submom.p3().phi(); + ghost.y = submom.rapidity(); + ghosts.push_back(ghost); + } + } + else { + FourMomentum partmom = p.momentum(); + MyPart part; + =; + = partmom.pT(); + part.mdelta = sqrt(partmom.mass2() + sqr(partmom.pT())) - partmom.pT(); + part.phi = partmom.p3().phi(); + part.y = partmom.rapidity(); + parts.push_back(part); + } + } + //cout<<"number of particles: "< dists; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + for (size_t j=0; j < ghosts.size(); ++j) { + //cout<<"i, j = "< M_PI) Deltaphi = 2.*M_PI - Deltaphi; + dist.dR = sqrt(sqr(Deltaphi) + sqr(parts[i].y-ghosts[j].y)); + dist.ipart = i; + dist.ighost = j; + //cout<<"distance: "<::iterator liter=dists.begin(); liter != dists.end(); ++liter) { + //cout<<"dealing with dist "<dR<ipart; + size_t gnum = liter->ighost; + double ptp = parts[pnum].pt; + double ptg = ghosts[gnum].pt; + //cout<<"pts: "< ptg) { + parts[pnum].pt -= ptg; + ghosts[gnum].pt = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].pt -= ptp; + parts[pnum].pt = 0.; + } + double mdp = parts[pnum].mdelta; + double mdg = ghosts[gnum].mdelta; + //cout<<"masses: "< mdg) { + parts[pnum].mdelta -= mdg; + ghosts[gnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + else { + ghosts[gnum].mdelta -= mdp; + parts[pnum].mdelta = 0.; + } + } + + Particles subevent; + for (size_t i=0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { + if (parts[i].pt > 0.) { + FourMomentum mom((parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*cosh(parts[i].y), + parts[i].pt*cos(parts[i].phi), + parts[i].pt*sin(parts[i].phi), + (parts[i].pt+parts[i].mdelta)*sinh(parts[i].y)); + //cout<<"particle rapidity: "< 0.) { + FourMomentum mom((ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*cosh(ghosts[i].y), + ghosts[i].pt*cos(ghosts[i].phi), + ghosts[i].pt*sin(ghosts[i].phi), + (ghosts[i].pt+ghosts[i].mdelta)*sinh(ghosts[i].y)); + //cout<<"ghost rapidity: "<momentum()); + if (p->status() == 3) { + PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),,mom.pz(),mom.E()); + thermom.push_back(pjet); + } + } + return thermom; + } + + + map buildRecoilMap(const Event & event, const PseudoJets & thermom) { + map recmap; + size_t j(0); + foreach (const HepMC::GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) { + FourMomentum mom(p->momentum()); + if (mom.E() == 1e-6) { + PseudoJet pj(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.E()); + if (j == thermom.size()) { + cout<<"Error: number of dummies does not match number of subtractions, will veto Event"< 1e-4) continue; + recmap[pj]=sc; + j++; + } + } + return recmap; + } + + + +/// determine fraction of pt carried by charged particles in jet + double getScaleFac(const Jet jet, double ptcut, const FinalState * fs = NULL) { + Particles parts; + if (fs) parts = fs->particles(); + else parts = jet.constituents(); + double scalefac; + double ntracks(0.), nparts(0.); + FourMomentum chmom(0.,0.,0.,0.), allmom(0.,0.,0.,0.); + foreach (Particle part, parts) { + if (deltaR(part,jet) < _jetR && part.momentum().E() > 1e-5) { + nparts += 1.; + allmom += part.momentum(); + if (PID::charge(part.pdgId()) != 0 && part.pT() > ptcut) { + ntracks += 1.; + chmom += part.momentum(); + } + } + } + scalefac = (nparts>0.?ntracks/nparts:1); + //scalefac = (allmom.pT()>0.?chmom.pT()/allmom.pT():1.); + return scalefac; + } + + + + + +/// 4-momentum adapter + FourMomentum Get4Mom(PseudoJet pjet){ + FourMomentum mom(pjet.E(), pjet.px(),, pjet.pz()); + return mom; + } + + +/// PseudoJet adapter + PseudoJet GetPseudoJet(FourMomentum mom){ + PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.E()); + return pjet; + } + + + + + /// Perform the per-event analysis + void analyze(const Event& event) { + const double weight = event.weight(); + const double cent = (event.genEvent()->heavy_ion()?event.genEvent()->heavy_ion()->impact_parameter():-1.); + + if (cent > 0.1) vetoEvent; + +#if (MODE==0) +// jet-wise subtraction based on momenta + //Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < _etaloose && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; + Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < 2.0 && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; + const Jets jets = applyProjection(event, "FullJets").jetsByPt(cuts); + + PseudoJets thermom = extractThermalMomenta(event); + map scmap = buildRecoilMap(event, thermom); + if (scmap.size() != thermom.size()) { + cout<<"Error: size of map does not match number of momenta: "<fill(scalefac, weight); + //FourMomentum jetsub = SubtractJetMom(jet, &thermom, 1.); + FourMomentum jetsub = ConstSubJetMom(jet, scmap); + if (abs(jetsub.eta()) < _etamax) { + double mass2(jetsub.mass2()); + double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + //mass *= scalefac; + mass *= _massscalefac; + //double jetpt(scalefac*jetsub.pT()); + double jetpt(jetsub.pT()); + _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); + jetpt *= _ptscalefac; + _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); + for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { + if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]) _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); + } + } + if (jetsub.pT() > 100.*GeV) { +// cout<<"Karo: "<0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); + _h_JetpT->fill(jetsub.pT(),weight); + } + } + +#elif (MODE==1) +// event-wise subtraction based on momenta + + PseudoJets parts, ghosts, pevent; + + foreach (const HepMC::GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) { + FourMomentum mom(p->momentum()); + if (fabs(mom.eta()) < _etaloose) { + if(p->status() == 1) { + PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),,mom.pz(),mom.E()); + if (mom.E() > 1e-6) parts.push_back(pjet); + pevent.push_back(pjet); + } + else if (p->status() == 3) { + PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),,mom.pz(),mom.E()); + ghosts.push_back(pjet); + } + else if(p->status() == 4) { + PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),,mom.pz(),mom.E()); + parts.push_back(pjet); + } + } + } + + PseudoJets newevent; + newevent = ConstSubEvent(parts, ghosts); + + + JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, _jetR); + ClusterSequence cs(newevent, jet_def); + PseudoJets pjets; + pjets = sorted_by_pt(cs.inclusive_jets(_ptmin)); + + + foreach (PseudoJet pj, pjets) { + FourMomentum jet(Get4Mom(pj)); + + if (fabs(jet.eta()) < _etamax) { + double mass2(jet.mass2()); + double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + //mass *= scalefac; + mass *= _massscalefac; + //double jetpt(scalefac*jet.pT()); + double jetpt(jet.pT()); + _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); + jetpt *= _ptscalefac; + _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); + for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { + if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]) _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); + } + } + if (jet.pT() > 100.*GeV) { +// cout<<"Karo: "<0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); + _h_JetpT->fill(jet.pT(),weight); + } + } + +#elif (MODE==2) +// jet-wise subtraction based on particles + + Cut cuts = Cuts::abseta < 2.0 && Cuts::pT > _ptmin*GeV; + const Jets jets = applyProjection(event, "FullJets").jetsByPt(cuts); + + PseudoJets thermom = extractThermalMomenta(event); + map scmap = buildRecoilMap(event, thermom); + if (scmap.size() != thermom.size()) { + cout<<"Error: size of map does not match number of momenta: "<0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + double jetpt(jetsub.pT()); + _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); + for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { + if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]) _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); + } + } + + if (abs(fulljet.eta()) < _etamax) { + double jetpt(fulljet.pT()); + _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); + } + if (fulljet.pT() > 100.*GeV) { + double mass2(fulljet.mass2()); + double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); + _h_JetpT->fill(fulljet.pT(),weight); + } + } + + +#else +// event-wise subtraction based on particles + + const FinalState fs = applyProjection(event, "FS"); + const Particles origevent = fs.particles(); + + PseudoJets ghosts; + + foreach (const HepMC::GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) { + FourMomentum mom(p->momentum()); + if (fabs(mom.eta()) < _etaloose) { + if (p->status() == 3) { + PseudoJet pjet(mom.px(),,mom.pz(),mom.E()); + ghosts.push_back(pjet); + } + } + } + + Particles subevent = ConstSubPartEvent(origevent, ghosts); + + PseudoJets newevent; + foreach (Particle part, subevent) { + if (isCharged(part)) newevent.push_back(PseudoJet(part.px(),, part.pz(), part.E())); + } + + JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, _jetR); + ClusterSequence cs(newevent, jet_def); + PseudoJets pjets; + pjets = sorted_by_pt(cs.inclusive_jets(_ptmin)); + + ClusterSequence fullcs(subevent, jet_def); + PseudoJets fullpjets; + fullpjets = sorted_by_pt(fullcs.inclusive_jets(_ptmin)); + + + + foreach (PseudoJet pj, pjets) { + FourMomentum jet(Get4Mom(pj)); + + if (fabs(jet.eta()) < _etamax) { + double mass2(jet.mass2()); + double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + double jetpt(jet.pT()); + _h_jetpt_resc->fill(jetpt,weight); + for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { + if (jetpt > _ptedges[i] && jetpt <= _ptedges[i+1]) _h_jetmass[i]->fill(mass,weight); + } + } + } + + foreach (PseudoJet pj, fullpjets) { + FourMomentum jet(Get4Mom(pj)); + + if (fabs(jet.eta()) < _etamax) { + double jetpt(jet.pT()); + _h_jetpt->fill(jetpt,weight); + } + if (jet.pT() > 100.*GeV) { + double mass2(jet.mass2()); + double mass(mass2>0.?sqrt(mass2):-1.); + _h_JetMass->fill(mass,weight); + _h_JetpT->fill(jet.pT(),weight); + } + } +#endif + + + } + + + /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run + void finalize() { + + //normalize(_h_scalefac); + for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) { + normalize(_h_jetmass[i]); + } + scale(_h_jetpt, crossSection()/sumOfWeights()); + scale(_h_jetpt_resc, crossSection()/sumOfWeights()); + normalize(_h_JetMass); + scale(_h_JetpT, crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights()); + + } + + + private: + + double _jetR, _ptmin, _etamax, _etaloose; + double _massscalefac, _ptscalefac; + size_t _netabins, _nphibins; + vector _ptedges; + + + //Histo1DPtr _h_scalefac; + Histo1DPtr _h_jetmass[3]; + Histo1DPtr _h_jetpt, _h_jetpt_resc; + Histo1DPtr _h_JetMass, _h_JetpT; + + + }; + + + + // The hook for the plugin system +//#if MODE==0 + DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ALICE_2017_I1512107_CONSTSUB); +//#endif + + + +} Index: trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB.plot =================================================================== --- trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB.plot (revision 464) +++ trunk/code/ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB.plot (revision 465) @@ -1,28 +1,40 @@ # BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/chfrac_rat LogY=0 # END PLOT -# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/jetmass +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/JetMass LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/d01-x01-y01 XLabel=$M_\text{ch jet}\ [\text{GeV}^2]$ YLabel=$1/N_\text{jets}\ \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}M_\text{ch jet}\ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-2}]$ Title=$60\,\mathrm{GeV} < p_{\perp,\,\text{ch jet}} < 80\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - 0-10 Pb+Pb LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/d02-x01-y01 XLabel=$M_\text{ch jet}\ [\text{GeV}^2]$ YLabel=$1/N_\text{jets}\ \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}M_\text{ch jet}\ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-2}]$ Title=$80\,\mathrm{GeV} < p_{\perp,\,\text{ch jet}} < 100\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - 0-10 Pb+Pb LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/d03-x01-y01 XLabel=$M_\text{ch jet}\ [\text{GeV}^2]$ YLabel=$1/N_\text{jets}\ \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}M_\text{ch jet}\ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-2}]$ Title=$100\,\mathrm{GeV} < p_{\perp,\,\text{ch jet}} < 120\,\mathrm{GeV}$ - 0-10 Pb+Pb LogY=0 +NormalizeToIntegral=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/JetpT +RatioPlotYMin=0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /ALICE_2017_I1512107_4MOMSUB/jetpT +RatioPlotYMin=0 # END PLOT