Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/usefulbits_HS.f90 =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/usefulbits_HS.f90 (revision 507) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/usefulbits_HS.f90 (revision 508) @@ -1,496 +1,496 @@ !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This file is part of HiggsSignals (TS 03/03/2013) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- module usefulbits_HS !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none - character(LEN=9),parameter :: HSvers='1.3.1' + character(LEN=9),parameter :: HSvers='1.4.0' integer,parameter :: f_dmh=94 character(LEN=4) :: runmode character(LEN=100) :: Exptdir !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--IN TESTING PHASE: (do not change this in official version) logical :: withcorrexpsyst = .True. !(correlated experimental systematics) logical :: additional_output = .False. !--END !------------------------Control parameters ------------------------- ! Values can be changes with specific user subroutines. logical :: usetoys = .False. logical :: usescalefactor = .False. logical :: useSMweights = .False. logical :: correlations_mu = .True. logical :: correlations_mh = .True. logical :: minimalchisq = .False. logical :: maximalchisq = .False. logical :: useSMtest = .False. logical :: SLHAdetailed = .True. logical :: newSLHAfile = .False. logical :: symmetricerrors = .False. logical :: anticorrmu = .True. logical :: anticorrmh = .True. logical :: absolute_errors = .False. logical :: THU_included = .True. logical :: useaveragemass = .True. logical :: normalize_rates_to_reference_position = .False. double precision :: eps double precision :: assignmentrange = 1.0D0 ! This gives the mass range ! (in standard deviations), in which ! the Higgs is forced to be assigned to ! a peak observable. double precision :: assignmentrange_massobs = 1.0D0 ! This gives the mass range ! (in standard deviations), in which ! the Higgs is forced to be assigned to ! peak observables, which have a mass ! measurement. integer :: output_level = 0 integer :: iterations = 0 ! default value: 0 ! 1 -> try to assign as many Higgs bosons as possible to ! the observable, Higgs-to-peak assignment is based on ! Higg mass covariance matrices with maximal ! correlations. ! >1 -> use the covariance matrix of previous iteration. integer :: pdf = 2 ! default value: 2 ! will automatically be set to 2 if not changed by the user ! via using subroutine set_pdf before. ! (1,2,3) = (box, gaussian, theory-box + exp-gaussian) integer :: Nparam = 0 ! Number of free model parameters (entering the Pvalue) ! Can be specified directly here or via the subroutine ! setup_nparam !-------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nanalys !Total number of relevant analyses double precision, parameter :: vlarge=1000000000000.0D0 !--------------------- Default rate uncertainties ------------------- type rate_uncertainties !- dCS_SM and dBR_SM for the SM !- (from LHC HXSWG Yellow Report 3, arXiv:1307.1347) !- dCS and dBR hold the model's rate uncertainties. Can be changed by user !- with subroutine setup_rate_uncertainties. Default values are those of the SM. double precision :: dCS_SM(5) = (/ 0.147D0, 0.028D0, 0.037D0, 0.060D0, 0.12D0 /) double precision :: dCS(5) = (/ 0.147D0, 0.028D0, 0.037D0, 0.060D0, 0.12D0 /) ! double precision :: dBR_SM(5) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0 /) ! double precision :: dBR(5) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0 /) !- EDIT (TS 21/06/2013): Add new decay modes: !- Channels: gammagamma, WW, ZZ, tautau, bb, Zgamma, cc, mumu, gg double precision :: dBR_SM(9) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0,& & 0.090D0, 0.122D0, 0.060D0, 0.100D0 /) double precision :: dBR(9) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0,& & 0.090D0, 0.122D0, 0.060D0, 0.100D0 /) !--- IMPORTANT NOTE: !- !- The arrays dCS_SM, dCS, dBR_SM, dBR have been introduced in HiggsSignals-1.0.0 !- to hold the estimated theoretical uncertainties. These do not include correlations !- via parametric uncertainties (e.g. scale, PDFs,...) or correlations in the BRs introduced !- by the uncertainty of the total widths. !- !- Since HiggsSignals-1.1.0 the theoretical uncertainties for the cross sections and !- branching ratios are evaluated with toy MC scripts including the correlations of !- parametric error sources. The resulting covariance matrices are included per default !- if the files "" and "" are present in the main HiggsSignals directory. !- If not, HiggsSignals will give a warning and use the old method. !- The covariance matrices can also be re-evaluated by the user with the scripts !- "smearErrorsBR.cpp" and "smearErrorsXS.cpp", which can be found in the directory !- <HiggsSignals-main-directory>/supplements/ !- !--- logical :: BRcov_ok=.False. logical :: CScov_ok=.False. logical :: usecov =.True. double precision, dimension(9,9) :: BRcovSM = 0.0D0 double precision, dimension(9,9) :: BRcov = 0.0D0 double precision, dimension(5,5) :: CScovSM = 0.0D0 double precision, dimension(5,5) :: CScov = 0.0D0 !--- ILC cross section uncertainties (under development) !--- (none, none, WBF, ZH, ttH) double precision :: dCS_ILC_SM(5) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0 /) double precision :: dCS_ILC(5) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.01D0, 0.005D0, 0.01D0 /) end type type(rate_uncertainties), save :: delta_rate !-------------- Type definitions of internal structures -------------- type neutHiggs double precision :: m, dm, mu integer :: mp_test ! This variable is set to 1 (0) if the Higgs is (not) being tested in the m-pred chi^2 method. integer :: id end type !-Will contain info about all neutral Higgs for every considered observable, i.e. !-neutHiggses has dimensions (number(observables),nH) type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: neutHiggses(:,:) type mutable integer :: id,nx,particle_x !see usefulbits.f90 for key to particle codes n.b. they're NOT pdg character(LEN=45) :: label character(LEN=100) :: desc character(LEN=3) :: expt character(LEN=10) :: collider character(LEN=10) :: collaboration double precision :: lumi,dlumi,energy ! dlumi in % !--TESTING correlated experimental systematics: ! double precision, dimension(4) :: correxpsyst !--END double precision :: xmax,xmin,sep,deltax double precision :: deltam character(LEN=100) :: assignmentgroup integer :: mhchisq double precision, allocatable :: mass(:) double precision, allocatable :: mu(:,:) ! in mu(a,b), a=row, b=1,2,3 for low,obs,up integer :: Nc ! Number of channels integer, allocatable :: channel_id(:) ! Considered channels array, dim(Nc) character(LEN=10),allocatable :: channel_description(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: channel_eff(:) ! Channel efficiencies, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_eff_ratios(:) ! Channel efficiency ratios (model vs. SM), dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_w(:,:) ! Channel weights, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_corrected_eff(:,:) ! Channel weights, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_systSM(:,:) ! Channel systematics of SM, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_syst(:,:) ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu(:,:) ! SM normalized channel rates, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision :: eff_ref_mass ! Reference Higgs mass for quoted efficiency integer :: npeaks double precision, allocatable :: Toys_mhobs(:) double precision, allocatable :: Toys_muobs(:) double precision :: scale_mu end type type mupeak integer :: id integer :: ilow,iup,ipeak double precision :: mpeak double precision :: dm double precision :: mu double precision :: mu_original double precision :: scale_mu!, scale_mh double precision :: dmuup,dmulow ! Upper and lower cyan band double precision :: dmuup0sq, dmulow0sq ! Cyan band squared subtracted by correlated uncertainties !-Peak object should contain everything needed for constructing the covariance matrices integer :: Nc ! Number of channels integer, allocatable :: channel_id(:) ! Considered channels array, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_eff(:) ! Channel efficiencies, dim(Nc) integer, allocatable :: Higgs_comb(:) ! Assigned Higgs combination, dim(NHiggs) character(LEN=100) :: assignmentgroup type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:) integer :: domH ! index of dominantly contributing Higgs integer :: NHiggs_comb ! Number of combined Higgses integer :: Higgs_assignment_forced integer :: undo_assignment !--These arrays contain only the information about all Higgs bosons !--(need to have this for every peak separately because it can depend on the efficiencies !-- which are given for each peak separately) double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_allH(:,:) ! Channel weights, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(:,:) ! Channel weights with corrected efficiencies, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_systSM_allH(:,:) ! Channel systematics of SM, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_syst_allH(:,:) ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc, NHiggs) double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu_allH(:,:) ! SM normalized channel rates, dim(Nc, NHiggs) !--These arrays contain only the information about the chosen Higgs combination: double precision, allocatable :: channel_w(:) ! Channel weights, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_corrected_eff(:) ! Channel weights with corrected efficencies, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_systSM(:) ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_syst(:) ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu(:) ! SM normalized channel rates, dim(Nc) double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_model(:) double precision :: total_mu double precision :: dlumi !-- Chisq values (mu and mh parts, total) after taking into account correlations with !-- other peaks: double precision :: chisq_mu double precision :: chisq_mh double precision :: chisq_tot double precision :: chisq_max integer :: internalnumber end type type mp_neutHiggs !-This object is a Higgs or Higgscluster which are separately !-tested with the predicted mass chi^2 method. type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:) double precision :: m, dm, mu integer :: mp_test double precision :: mu_obs, dmu_low_obs, dmu_up_obs, dmu_low0_obs, dmu_up0_obs, m_obs double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_model(:) double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu(:) double precision :: total_mu integer :: Higgscomb integer :: domH double precision :: chisq !-n.b. these are the smeared observed signal strengths for this Higgs boson end type type mpred type(mp_neutHiggs), allocatable :: mp_Higgses(:) double precision :: mupred end type type observable integer :: id integer :: obstype type(mupeak) :: peak type(mutable) :: table type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:) end type type(observable), allocatable :: obs(:) type tablelist integer :: Npeaks integer :: id type(mutable) :: table type(mupeak), allocatable :: peaks(:) type(mpred) :: mpred type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:) ! This object holds primarily the Higgs boson predictions ! corresponding to tablelist%table. It corresponds to the full ! muplot if it is implemented (to enable the mpred-method). end type type(tablelist), allocatable :: analyses(:) type HSresults double precision :: Pvalue = -1.0D0 double precision :: Chisq double precision :: Chisq_mu, Chisq_mpred, Chisq_peak_mu double precision :: Chisq_mh double precision, allocatable :: mupred(:) integer, allocatable :: domH(:) integer, allocatable :: nH(:) integer, allocatable :: obsID(:) integer :: nobs, nobs_mpred, nobs_peak_mu, nobs_peak_mh, nanalysis end type type(HSresults), allocatable :: HSres(:) !----------------------- Covariance matrices ---------------------- double precision, allocatable :: cov(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: cov_mhneut(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: cov_mhneut_max(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: cov_mh_av(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: cov_mh_av_max(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: cov_mp(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: cov_mu_tot(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: mu_vector(:) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine HiggsSignals_info !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none write(*,*) write(*,*)"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ HiggsSignals "//adjustl(HSvers)//" ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ Philip Bechtle, Sven Heinemeyer, Oscar Stål, ~" write(*,*)"~ Tim Stefaniak, Georg Weiglein ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ arXiv:1305.1933 (Manual) ~" write(*,*)"~ arXiv:1403.1582 (application + more details) ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ It is based on the HiggsBounds-4 Fortran library. ~" write(*,*)"~ Please consult and cite also the following references ~" write(*,*)"~ for the HiggsBounds program ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ arXiv:0811.4169, arXiv:1102.1898, arXiv:1311.0055 ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ For updates, additional material, release notes, see: ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~ ~" write(*,*)"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" write(*,*) write(*,*)" HiggsSignals collects together results from " write(*,*) write(*,*)" * the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations" write(*,*)" * the CDF and D0 Collaborations" write(*,*)" * the program HDECAY (arXiv:hep-ph/9704448)" write(*,*)" * LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group" write(*,*)" (arXiv:1101.0593, arXiv:1201.3084, " write(*,*)" arXiv:1307.1347 and ref. therein)" write(*,*) end subroutine HiggsSignals_info !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine print_dble_matrix(mat, title) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: mat(:,:) character(LEN=50), intent(in), optional :: title integer :: i if(present(title)) then write(*,*)"#*************************************************************************#" write(*,*)"# ",trim(title) endif write(*,*) "#*************************************************************************#" do i=lbound(mat,dim=1),ubound(mat,dim=1) write(*,*) mat(i,:) enddo write(*,*) "#*************************************************************************#" end subroutine print_dble_matrix !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine deallocate_usefulbits_HS !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer :: i ! deallocate(neutHiggses) if(allocated(HSres)) then do i=lbound(HSres, dim=1), ubound(HSres, dim=1) if(allocated(HSres(i)%mupred)) deallocate(HSres(i)%mupred) if(allocated(HSres(i)%domH)) deallocate(HSres(i)%domH) if(allocated(HSres(i)%nH)) deallocate(HSres(i)%nH) enddo deallocate(HSres) endif call deallocate_covariance_matrices end subroutine deallocate_usefulbits_HS !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine deallocate_covariance_matrices !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov) if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) deallocate(cov_mhneut) if(allocated(cov_mhneut_max)) deallocate(cov_mhneut_max) if(allocated(cov_mh_av)) deallocate(cov_mh_av) if(allocated(cov_mh_av_max)) deallocate(cov_mh_av_max) if(allocated(cov_mp)) deallocate(cov_mp) if(allocated(cov_mu_tot)) deallocate(cov_mu_tot) if(allocated(mu_vector)) deallocate(mu_vector) end subroutine deallocate_covariance_matrices !-------------------------------------------------------------------- function int_in_array(number, array) integer, intent(in) :: number integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array logical :: int_in_array integer :: i int_in_array = .False. do i=lbound(array,dim=1),ubound(array,dim=1) if(number.eq.array(i)) int_in_array = .True. enddo end function int_in_array !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !:sdoc+: ! ! NAME: ! StrCompress ! ! PURPOSE: ! Subroutine to return a copy of an input string with all whitespace ! (spaces and tabs) removed. ! ! CALLING SEQUENCE: ! Result = StrCompress( String, & ! Input ! n = n ) ! Optional Output ! ! INPUT ARGUMENTS: ! String: Character string to be compressed. ! UNITS: N/A ! TYPE: CHARACTER(*) ! DIMENSION: Scalar ! ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN) ! ! OPTIONAL OUTPUT ARGUMENTS: ! n: Number of useful characters in output string ! after compression. From character n+1 -> LEN(Input_String) ! the output is padded with blanks. ! UNITS: N/A ! TYPE: INTEGER ! DIMENSION: Scalar ! ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL ! ! FUNCTION RESULT: ! Result: Input string with all whitespace removed before the ! first non-whitespace character, and from in-between ! non-whitespace characters. ! UNITS: N/A ! TYPE: CHARACTER(LEN(String)) ! DIMENSION: Scalar ! ! EXAMPLE: ! Input_String = ' This is a string with spaces in it.' ! Output_String = StrCompress( Input_String, n=n ) ! WRITE( *, '( a )' ) '>',Output_String( 1:n ),'<' ! >Thisisastringwithspacesinit.< ! ! or ! ! WRITE( *, '( a )' ) '>',TRIM( Output_String ),'<' ! >Thisisastringwithspacesinit.< ! ! PROCEDURE: ! Definitions of a space and a tab character are made for the ! ASCII collating sequence. Each single character of the input ! string is checked against these definitions using the IACHAR() ! intrinsic. If the input string character DOES NOT correspond ! to a space or tab, it is not copied to the output string. ! ! Note that for input that ONLY has spaces or tabs BEFORE the first ! useful character, the output of this function is the same as the ! ADJUSTL() instrinsic. ! ! CREATION HISTORY: ! Written by: Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 18-Oct-1999 ! ! !:sdoc-: !-------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION StrCompress( Input_String, n ) RESULT( Output_String ) ! Arguments CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: Input_String INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: n ! Function result CHARACTER(LEN(Input_String)) :: Output_String ! Local parameters INTEGER, PARAMETER :: IACHAR_SPACE = 32 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: IACHAR_TAB = 9 ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, j INTEGER :: IACHAR_Character ! Setup ! ----- ! Initialise output string Output_String = ' ' ! Initialise output string "useful" length counter j = 0 ! Loop over string contents character by character ! ------------------------------------------------ DO i = 1, LEN(Input_String) ! Convert the current character to its position ! in the ASCII collating sequence IACHAR_Character = IACHAR(Input_String(i:i)) ! If the character is NOT a space ' ' or a tab '->|' ! copy it to the output string. IF ( IACHAR_Character /= IACHAR_SPACE .AND. & IACHAR_Character /= IACHAR_TAB ) THEN j = j + 1 Output_String(j:j) = Input_String(i:i) END IF END DO ! Save the non-whitespace count ! ----------------------------- IF ( PRESENT(n) ) n = j END FUNCTION StrCompress !-------------------------------------------------------------------- end module usefulbits_HS !-------------------------------------------------------------------- \ No newline at end of file Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/create_package.bat =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/create_package.bat (revision 507) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/create_package.bat (revision 508) @@ -1,192 +1,196 @@ #!/bin/bash vers=$1 echo '*************************************' echo 'Creating package HiggsSignals-'$vers startdir="$PWD" namedir=`basename $PWD` echo '*************************************' echo ' ' echo './configure, then run example :' echo ' ' ./configure >temp.txt make HSwithSLHA > temp.txt cd example_programs ./HSwithSLHA 1 ../example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh 2> temp_error.txt 1> temp_output.txt echo 'Is there anything between here...' grep 'hello' temp_output.txt grep 'WARNING' temp_output.txt grep 'Interrupt' temp_error.txt grep 'Error' temp_error.txt grep 'stop' temp_error.txt rm temp_output.txt rm temp_error.txt echo '... and here?' cd .. echo '*************************************' echo ' ' echo 'make hyperclean :' echo ' ' make hyperclean > temp.txt echo 'remove the makefile:' echo ' ' rm makefile echo ' ' echo '*************************************' echo ' ' echo 'CHECK THE HIGGSSIGNALS SETTINGS' echo ' ' grep 'logical :: withcorrexpsyst' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: additional_output' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: usetoys' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: usescalefactor' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: useSMweights' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: correlations_mu' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: correlations_mh' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: minimalchisq' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: maximalchisq' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: useSMtest' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: SLHAdetailed' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: newSLHAfile' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: symmetricerrors' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: anticorrmu' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: anticorrmh' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: absolute_errors' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: THU_included' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'logical :: normalize_rates_to_reference_position' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'double precision :: eps' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'double precision :: assignmentrange' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'integer :: output_level' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'integer :: iterations' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'integer :: pdf' usefulbits_HS.f90 grep 'integer :: Nparam' usefulbits_HS.f90 echo ' ' echo '*************************************' copyfiles=`ls COPYING\ README\ *.f90\ *.F90\ *.F\ *.f\ *.bat\ *.in\ example_data/SLHA/SLHA_heavyH.fh.*\ example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.*\ example_data/random/*.dat\ example_data/mhmax/*.dat\ example_programs/*.f90\ example_programs/*.F\ example_programs/results/*.gnu\ supplements/*\ Expt_tables/latestresults/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.0.0/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.0.0_inclusive/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.1.0/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.2.0/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.3.0/*.txt\ + Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.2.0-CMSgaga125p7/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.2.0-LHCinclusive/*.txt\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.3.0-LHCinclusive/*.txt\ + Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/*.txt\ Expt_tables/legacy/latestresults-1.0.0-old/*.txt\ Expt_tables/CMS-13-005-gaga-125p7/*.txt\ Expt_tables/README` # Expt_tables/CMS-13-005-125p7/*.txt\ # Expt_tables/LHC300/*.txt\ # Expt_tables/LHC3000/*.txt\ # Expt_tables/ILC250/*.txt\ # Expt_tables/ILC500/*.txt\ # Expt_tables/ILC1000/*.txt\ #echo $copyfiles tempdir="$namedir-$vers" #echo 'tempdir=' $tempdir cd .. mkdir "$tempdir" listdir="example_data\ example_data/SLHA\ example_data/random\ example_data/mhmax\ example_programs\ example_programs/results\ example_programs/results/tmp\ supplements\ Expt_tables\ Expt_tables/legacy\ Expt_tables/legacy/latestresults-1.0.0-old\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.0.0_inclusive\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.0.0\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.1.0\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.2.0\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.3.0\ + Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.2.0-CMSgaga125p7\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.2.0-LHCinclusive\ Expt_tables/latestresults-1.3.0-LHCinclusive\ + Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive\ Expt_tables/CMS-13-005-gaga-125p7\ Expt_tables/latestresults" # Expt_tables/CMS-13-005-125p7\ # Expt_tables/LHC300\ # Expt_tables/LHC3000\ # Expt_tables/ILC250\ # Expt_tables/ILC500\ # Expt_tables/ILC1000\ for direcname in $listdir ; do mkdir "$tempdir"/"$direcname" done cp "$namedir"/pubconfigure "$tempdir"/configure for filename in $copyfiles ; do cp "$namedir"/"$filename" "$tempdir"/"$filename" done echo 'removing some of the files not needed in the package' removefiles="create_package.bat\ example_data/random/*_peakobservables.dat\ example_data/random/*_HiggsSignals_results.dat\ example_data/mhmax/*_peakobservables.dat\ example_data/mhmax/*_HiggsSignals_results.dat\ supplements/\ supplements/smearErrorsXS_cpp.d\ supplements/\ supplements/smearErrorsBR_cpp.d" for filename in $removefiles ; do rm "$tempdir"/"$filename" done echo 'create ../'$namedir'.tar.gz :' rm "$tempdir".tar.gz tar czf "$tempdir".tar.gz "$tempdir" rm -r "$tempdir" cd $namedir echo '*************************************' echo ' ' echo 'Is this the correct version number? ' grep 'HSvers=' usefulbits_HS.f90 echo ' ' echo '*************************************' echo ' ' echo 'finished' echo ' ' echo '*************************************' Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.1 =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.1 (revision 507) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.1 (revision 508) @@ -1,1991 +1,1991 @@ BLOCK SPINFO 1 FeynHiggs 2 2.8.6 2 built on Feb 23, 2012 BLOCK MODSEL 1 1 # Model 3 0 # Content 4 0 # RPV 5 2 # CPV 6 0 # FV BLOCK SMINPUTS 1 1.28936827E+02 # invAlfaMZ 2 1.16639000E-05 # GF 3 1.18000000E-01 # AlfasMZ 4 9.11870000E+01 # MZ 5 4.25000000E+00 # Mb 6 1.75000000E+02 # Mt 7 1.77703000E+00 # Mtau 11 5.10998902E-04 # Me 13 1.05658357E-01 # Mmu 21 6.00000000E-03 # Md 22 3.00000000E-03 # Mu 23 9.50000000E-02 # Ms 24 1.28600000E+00 # Mc BLOCK MINPAR 1 0.00000000E+00 # M0 2 0.00000000E+00 # M12 3 1.00000000E+01 # TB 4 1.00000000E+00 # signMUE 5 -0.00000000E+00 # A BLOCK EXTPAR 0 4.84786694E+02 # Q 1 3.00000000E+02 # M1 2 6.00000000E+02 # M2 3 1.00000000E+03 # M3 11 1.00000000E+03 # At 12 3.00000000E+02 # Ab 13 2.00000000E+02 # Atau 23 1.00000000E+02 # MUE 24 1.40000000E+05 # MA02 25 1.00000000E+01 # TB 26 3.74165739E+02 # MA0 27 3.82704682E+02 # MHp 31 2.06630723E+02 # MSL(1) 32 2.06645846E+02 # MSL(2) 33 1.34514453E+02 # MSL(3) 34 1.43872558E+02 # MSE(1) 35 1.43838140E+02 # MSE(2) 36 2.10401949E+02 # MSE(3) 41 5.64892619E+02 # MSQ(1) 42 5.64902784E+02 # MSQ(2) 43 4.58749215E+02 # MSQ(3) 44 5.47790210E+02 # MSU(1) 45 5.47775859E+02 # MSU(2) 46 5.89079372E+02 # MSU(3) 47 5.47601268E+02 # MSD(1) 48 5.47594947E+02 # MSD(2) 49 5.47471349E+02 # MSD(3) BLOCK MASS 1000012 1.96522387E+02 # MSf(1,1,1) 2000012 1.00000000+123 # MSf(2,1,1) 1000011 1.50049429E+02 # MSf(1,2,1) 2000011 2.12028169E+02 # MSf(2,2,1) 1000002 5.46684341E+02 # MSf(1,3,1) 2000002 5.62350503E+02 # MSf(2,3,1) 1000001 5.48153556E+02 # MSf(1,4,1) 2000001 5.67955726E+02 # MSf(2,4,1) 1000014 1.96538288E+02 # MSf(1,1,2) 2000014 1.00000000+123 # MSf(2,1,2) 1000013 1.50015405E+02 # MSf(1,2,2) 2000013 2.12043684E+02 # MSf(2,2,2) 1000004 5.46585835E+02 # MSf(1,3,2) 2000004 5.62283026E+02 # MSf(2,3,2) 1000003 5.48147074E+02 # MSf(1,4,2) 2000003 5.67966013E+02 # MSf(2,4,2) 1000016 1.18401567E+02 # MSf(1,1,3) 2000016 1.00000000+123 # MSf(2,1,3) 1000015 1.42403224E+02 # MSf(1,2,3) 2000015 2.14862660E+02 # MSf(2,2,3) 1000006 3.29129281E+02 # MSf(1,3,3) 2000006 6.76789745E+02 # MSf(2,3,3) 1000005 4.50942677E+02 # MSf(1,4,3) 2000005 5.51183125E+02 # MSf(2,4,3) 25 1.22651152E+02 # Mh0 35 3.74749649E+02 # MHH 36 3.74165739E+02 # MA0 37 3.82764933E+02 # MHp 1000022 8.77717849E+01 # MNeu(1) 1000023 1.05731705E+02 # MNeu(2) 1000025 3.06628639E+02 # MNeu(3) 1000035 6.11331282E+02 # MNeu(4) 1000024 9.60565070E+01 # MCha(1) 1000037 6.11309165E+02 # MCha(2) 1000021 1.00000000E+03 # MGl BLOCK DMASS 0 1.75000000E+02 # Q 25 9.72174332E-01 # Delta Mh0 35 1.06946442E-02 # Delta MHH 36 0.00000000E+00 # Delta MA0 37 8.06715487E-02 # Delta MHp BLOCK NMIX 1 1 1.47271688E-01 # ZNeu(1,1) 1 2 -1.13979916E-01 # ZNeu(1,2) 1 3 7.30717872E-01 # ZNeu(1,3) 1 4 -6.56788414E-01 # ZNeu(1,4) 2 1 -0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(2,1) 2 2 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(2,2) 2 3 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(2,3) 2 4 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(2,4) 3 1 9.86458640E-01 # ZNeu(3,1) 3 2 4.16346543E-02 # ZNeu(3,2) 3 3 -6.05146385E-02 # ZNeu(3,3) 3 4 1.46642030E-01 # ZNeu(3,4) 4 1 -1.92855611E-02 # ZNeu(4,1) 4 2 9.89795429E-01 # ZNeu(4,2) 4 3 3.54417152E-02 # ZNeu(4,3) 4 4 -1.36663681E-01 # ZNeu(4,4) BLOCK IMNMIX 1 1 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(1,1) 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(1,2) 1 3 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(1,3) 1 4 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(1,4) 2 1 -6.95590979E-02 # ZNeu(2,1) 2 2 7.47003613E-02 # ZNeu(2,2) 2 3 6.79067931E-01 # ZNeu(2,3) 2 4 7.26944381E-01 # ZNeu(2,4) 3 1 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(3,1) 3 2 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(3,2) 3 3 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(3,3) 3 4 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(3,4) 4 1 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(4,1) 4 2 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(4,2) 4 3 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(4,3) 4 4 0.00000000E+00 # ZNeu(4,4) BLOCK UMIX 1 1 -4.97233578E-02 # UCha(1,1) 1 2 9.98763029E-01 # UCha(1,2) 2 1 9.98763029E-01 # UCha(2,1) 2 2 4.97233578E-02 # UCha(2,2) BLOCK VMIX 1 1 -1.92962310E-01 # VCha(1,1) 1 2 9.81206170E-01 # VCha(1,2) 2 1 9.81206170E-01 # VCha(2,1) 2 2 1.92962310E-01 # VCha(2,2) BLOCK STAUMIX 1 1 9.98486400E-01 # USf(1,1) 1 2 5.49991646E-02 # USf(1,2) 2 1 -5.49991646E-02 # USf(2,1) 2 2 9.98486400E-01 # USf(2,2) BLOCK STOPMIX 1 1 8.23605275E-01 # USf(1,1) 1 2 -5.67163425E-01 # USf(1,2) 2 1 5.67163425E-01 # USf(2,1) 2 2 8.23605275E-01 # USf(2,2) BLOCK SBOTMIX 1 1 9.99954439E-01 # USf(1,1) 1 2 9.54568581E-03 # USf(1,2) 2 1 -9.54568581E-03 # USf(2,1) 2 2 9.99954439E-01 # USf(2,2) BLOCK ALPHA -1.17451823E-01 # Alpha BLOCK DALPHA 1.46801249E-03 # Delta Alpha BLOCK VCKMIN 1 2.25300000E-01 # lambda 2 8.08000000E-01 # A 3 1.32000000E-01 # rhobar 4 3.41000000E-01 # etabar BLOCK MSL2IN 1 1 4.26962557E+04 # MSL2(1,1) 2 2 4.27025057E+04 # MSL2(2,2) 3 3 1.80941381E+04 # MSL2(3,3) BLOCK MSE2IN 1 1 2.06993129E+04 # MSE2(1,1) 2 2 2.06894105E+04 # MSE2(2,2) 3 3 4.42689801E+04 # MSE2(3,3) BLOCK MSQ2IN 1 1 3.19103671E+05 # MSQ2(1,1) 2 2 3.19115155E+05 # MSQ2(2,2) 3 3 1.99881446E+05 # MSQ2(3,3) BLOCK MSU2IN 1 1 3.00074114E+05 # MSU2(1,1) 2 2 3.00058392E+05 # MSU2(2,2) 3 3 3.16134306E+05 # MSU2(3,3) BLOCK MSD2IN 1 1 2.99867149E+05 # MSD2(1,1) 2 2 2.99860226E+05 # MSD2(2,2) 3 3 3.03181540E+05 # MSD2(3,3) BLOCK TEIN 1 1 5.89936191E-04 # Tf(1,1) 2 2 1.21980083E-01 # Tf(2,2) 3 3 2.05153926E+00 # Tf(3,3) BLOCK TUIN 1 1 1.73171465E-01 # Tf(1,1) 2 2 7.42328349E+01 # Tf(2,2) 3 3 9.53077892E+03 # Tf(3,3) BLOCK TDIN 1 1 1.03902879E-02 # Tf(1,1) 2 2 1.64512892E-01 # Tf(2,2) 3 3 1.56232003E+01 # Tf(3,3) BLOCK CVHMIX 1 1 9.99984377E-01 # UH(1,1) 1 2 5.58985436E-03 # UH(1,2) 1 3 0.00000000E+00 # UH(1,3) 2 1 -5.58985436E-03 # UH(2,1) 2 2 9.99984377E-01 # UH(2,2) 2 3 0.00000000E+00 # UH(2,3) 3 1 0.00000000E+00 # UH(3,1) 3 2 0.00000000E+00 # UH(3,2) 3 3 1.00000000E+00 # UH(3,3) BLOCK PRECOBS 1 4.58620642E-04 # DeltaRho 2 8.03985711E+01 # MWMSSM 3 8.03727370E+01 # MWSM 4 2.31309273E-01 # SW2effMSSM 5 2.31452470E-01 # SW2effSM 11 1.47612393E-09 # gminus2mu 21 0.00000000E+00 # EDMeTh 22 0.00000000E+00 # EDMn 23 0.00000000E+00 # EDMHg 31 7.83340682E-04 # bsgammaMSSM 32 3.84151628E-04 # bsgammaSM 33 2.29365346E+01 # DeltaMsMSSM 34 2.19915791E+01 # DeltaMsSM DECAY 25 4.66729789E-03 # Gamma(h0) 1.67729727E-03 2 22 22 # BR(h0 -> photon photon) 1.72630719E-02 2 23 23 # BR(h0 -> Z Z) 1.49508769E-01 2 -24 24 # BR(h0 -> W W) 4.98888879E-02 2 21 21 # BR(h0 -> gluon gluon) 5.91016012E-09 2 -11 11 # BR(h0 -> Electron electron) 2.62892978E-04 2 -13 13 # BR(h0 -> Muon muon) 7.57524936E-02 2 -15 15 # BR(h0 -> Tau tau) 1.71225452E-07 2 -2 2 # BR(h0 -> Up up) 2.39510771E-02 2 -4 4 # BR(h0 -> Charm charm) 9.86900853E-07 2 -1 1 # BR(h0 -> Down down) 2.47844298E-04 2 -3 3 # BR(h0 -> Strange strange) 6.81446502E-01 2 -5 5 # BR(h0 -> Bottom bottom) DECAY 35 7.83706554E-01 # Gamma(HH) 3.06707834E-06 2 22 22 # BR(HH -> photon photon) 1.74379832E-03 2 23 23 # BR(HH -> Z Z) 3.80819738E-03 2 -24 24 # BR(HH -> W W) 6.56064077E-04 2 21 21 # BR(HH -> gluon gluon) 7.54257349E-09 2 -11 11 # BR(HH -> Electron electron) 3.35617824E-04 2 -13 13 # BR(HH -> Muon muon) 9.73136619E-02 2 -15 15 # BR(HH -> Tau tau) 3.26751691E-11 2 -2 2 # BR(HH -> Up up) 4.57357974E-06 2 -4 4 # BR(HH -> Charm charm) 2.51100369E-02 2 -6 6 # BR(HH -> Top top) 1.00572923E-06 2 -1 1 # BR(HH -> Down down) 2.52571792E-04 2 -3 3 # BR(HH -> Strange strange) 6.71514561E-01 2 -5 5 # BR(HH -> Bottom bottom) 8.67236607E-02 2 -1000024 1000024 # BR(HH -> Chargino1 chargino1) 4.30707320E-02 2 1000022 1000022 # BR(HH -> neutralino1 neutralino1) 9.07746163E-03 2 1000022 1000023 # BR(HH -> neutralino1 neutralino2) 1.60515467E-02 2 1000023 1000023 # BR(HH -> neutralino2 neutralino2) 3.42640993E-02 2 25 25 # BR(HH -> h0 h0) 4.05662328E-04 2 -1000011 1000011 # BR(HH -> Selectron1 selectron1) 3.21302032E-10 2 -1000011 2000011 # BR(HH -> Selectron1 selectron2) 3.21302032E-10 2 -2000011 1000011 # BR(HH -> Selectron2 selectron1) 4.03871097E-04 2 -1000013 1000013 # BR(HH -> Smuon1 smuon1) 1.37454954E-05 2 -1000013 2000013 # BR(HH -> Smuon1 smuon2) 1.37454954E-05 2 -2000013 1000013 # BR(HH -> Smuon2 smuon1) 1.80571224E-04 2 -1000015 1000015 # BR(HH -> Stau1 stau1) 4.52587015E-03 2 -1000015 2000015 # BR(HH -> Stau1 stau2) 4.52587015E-03 2 -2000015 1000015 # BR(HH -> Stau2 stau1) DECAY 36 8.89538917E-01 # Gamma(A0) 6.11274373E-06 2 22 22 # BR(A0 -> photon photon) 6.30977419E-04 2 21 21 # BR(A0 -> gluon gluon) 6.58260322E-09 2 -11 11 # BR(A0 -> Electron electron) 2.92902511E-04 2 -13 13 # BR(A0 -> Muon muon) 8.49304516E-02 2 -15 15 # BR(A0 -> Tau tau) 1.88836298E-11 2 -2 2 # BR(A0 -> Up up) 2.64328808E-06 2 -4 4 # BR(A0 -> Charm charm) 1.16717546E-01 2 -6 6 # BR(A0 -> Top top) 8.77995484E-07 2 -1 1 # BR(A0 -> Down down) 2.20493704E-04 2 -3 3 # BR(A0 -> Strange strange) 5.86468722E-01 2 -5 5 # BR(A0 -> Bottom bottom) 1.14286977E-01 2 -1000024 1000024 # BR(A0 -> Chargino1 chargino1) 7.10303312E-02 2 1000022 1000022 # BR(A0 -> neutralino1 neutralino1) 8.23874194E-04 2 1000022 1000023 # BR(A0 -> neutralino1 neutralino2) 1.29641313E-02 2 1000023 1000023 # BR(A0 -> neutralino2 neutralino2) 3.87218821E-03 2 23 25 # BR(A0 -> Z h0) 6.41227277E-35 2 25 25 # BR(A0 -> h0 h0) 2.72541936E-10 2 -1000011 2000011 # BR(A0 -> Selectron1 selectron2) 2.72541936E-10 2 -2000011 1000011 # BR(A0 -> Selectron2 selectron1) 1.16605248E-05 2 -1000013 2000013 # BR(A0 -> Smuon1 smuon2) 1.16605248E-05 2 -2000013 1000013 # BR(A0 -> Smuon2 smuon1) 3.86422166E-03 2 -1000015 2000015 # BR(A0 -> Stau1 stau2) 3.86422166E-03 2 -2000015 1000015 # BR(A0 -> Stau2 stau1) DECAY 37 5.77103523E-01 # Gamma(Hp) 1.09735497E-08 2 -11 12 # BR(Hp -> Electron nu_e) 4.69153370E-04 2 -13 14 # BR(Hp -> Muon nu_mu) 1.32702162E-01 2 -15 16 # BR(Hp -> Tau nu_tau) 1.30918860E-06 2 -1 2 # BR(Hp -> Down up) 3.32233240E-04 2 -3 4 # BR(Hp -> Strange charm) 8.18940930E-01 2 -5 6 # BR(Hp -> Bottom top) 1.11828834E-03 2 1000022 1000024 # BR(Hp -> neutralino1 chargino1) 1.56473147E-02 2 1000023 1000024 # BR(Hp -> neutralino2 chargino1) 6.98960586E-03 2 -25 24 # BR(Hp -> H0 W) 7.69953813E-08 2 -35 24 # BR(Hp -> HH W) 1.07948719E-07 2 -36 24 # BR(Hp -> A0 W) 1.33187463E-09 2 -1000011 1000012 # BR(Hp -> Selectron1 snu_e1) 5.69556904E-05 2 -1000013 1000014 # BR(Hp -> Smuon1 snu_mu1) 2.27100515E-03 2 -1000015 1000016 # BR(Hp -> Stau1 snu_tau1) 1.96608875E-02 2 -2000015 1000016 # BR(Hp -> Stau2 snu_tau1) DECAY 6 1.42276225E+00 # Gamma(top) 1.00000000E+00 2 5 24 # BR(top -> bottom W) # Block HiggsBoundsInputHiggsCouplingsBosons # For exact definitions of NormEffCoupSq see HiggsBounds manual 1.01380 3 25 24 24 # higgs-W-W effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.224092E-03 3 35 24 24 # higgs-W-W effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.00000 3 36 24 24 # higgs-W-W effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 1.01380 3 25 23 23 # higgs-Z-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.224092E-03 3 35 23 23 # higgs-Z-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.00000 3 36 23 23 # higgs-Z-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.842307 3 25 21 21 # higgs-gluon-gluon effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.303613E-01 3 35 21 21 # higgs-gluon-gluon effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.415637E-01 3 36 21 21 # higgs-gluon-gluon effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.00000 3 25 25 23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised 0.00000 3 35 25 23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised 0.00000 3 35 35 23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised 0.344859E-03 3 36 25 23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised 0.952528 3 36 35 23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised 0.00000 3 36 36 23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised 0.00000 4 25 21 21 23 # higgs-gluon-gluon-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.00000 4 35 21 21 23 # higgs-gluon-gluon-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.00000 4 36 21 21 23 # higgs-gluon-gluon-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM # Block HiggsBoundsInputHiggsCouplingsFermions # For exact definitions of NormEffCoupSq see HiggsBounds manual # ScalarNormEffCoupSq PseudoSNormEffCoupSq NP IP1 IP2 IP3 # Scalar, Pseudoscalar Normalised Effective Coupling Squared 1.4201311968339043 0.0000000000000000 3 25 5 5 # higgs-b-b eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 94.055378696286240 0.0000000000000000 3 35 5 5 # higgs-b-b eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 2.11691722613467644E-042 93.199701998261276 3 36 5 5 # higgs-b-b eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 1.0099456255672334 0.0000000000000000 3 25 6 6 # higgs-top-top eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 1.33592532043404228E-002 0.0000000000000000 3 35 6 6 # higgs-top-top eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.0000000000000000 1.00000000000000019E-002 3 36 6 6 # higgs-top-top eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 1.4359623579970071 0.0000000000000000 3 25 15 15 # higgs-tau-tau eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 100.92889030196287 0.0000000000000000 3 35 15 15 # higgs-tau-tau eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM 0.0000000000000000 100.00000000000000 3 36 15 15 # higgs-tau-tau eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM Block HiggsBoundsResults # results from HiggsBounds # HBresult : scenario allowed flag (1: allowed, 0: excluded, -1: unphysical) # chan id number: most sensitive channel (see below). chan=0 if no channel applies # obsratio : ratio [sig x BR]_model/[sig x BR]_limit (<1: allowed, >1: excluded) # ncomb : number of Higgs bosons combined in most sensitive channel # Note that the HB channel id number varies depending on the HB version and setting "whichanalyses" # 0 4.2.0 ||LandH|| # version of HB used to produce these results,the HB setting "whichanalyses" # #CHANNELTYPE 1: channel with the highest statistical sensitivity 1 1 509 # channel id number 1 2 1 # HBresult 1 3 0.54906166219839148 # obsratio 1 4 2 # ncombined 1 5 ||(pp)->h3->tautau, using -2ln(L) reconstruction ([hep-ex] arXiv:1408.3316 (CMS))|| # text description of channel # BLOCK HiggsSignalsResults - 0 ||1.3.1|| # HiggsSignals version + 0 ||1.3.2|| # HiggsSignals version 1 ||latestresults|| # experimental data set 2 1 # Chi-squared method ("peak"(1) or "mass"(2)-centered or "both"(3)) 3 2 # Parametrization of Higgs mass uncertainty (1:box, 2:gaussian, 3:box+gaussian) 4 77 # Number of signal strength peak observables 5 4 # Number of Higgs mass peak observables 6 0 # Number of mass-centered observables 7 81 # Number of observables (total) 8 112.37328414 # chi^2 from signal strength peak observables 9 3.96043659 # chi^2 from Higgs mass peak observables 10 0.00000000 # chi^2 from mass-centered observables 11 112.37328414 # chi^2 from signal strength (total) 12 116.33372072 # chi^2 (total) 13 0.00616809 # Probability (total chi^2, total number observables) BLOCK HiggsSignalsPeakObservables # OBS FLAG VALUE # DESCRIPTION 1 1 201406002 # Analysis ID 1 2 ||ATL-CONF-2014-060|| # Reference to publication 1 3 ||(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu(VBFenhanced)|| # Description (Search channel) 1 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 1 5 24.80 # Luminosity 1 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 1 7 8.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 1 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 1 9 1.2700 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 1 10 0.4500 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 1 11 0.5300 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 1 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 1 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 1 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 1 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 1 16 0.8080 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 1 17 0.8080 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 1 18 0.9060 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 1 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 1 20 0.9060 # Chi-squared value (total) 1 21 8.0463 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 2 1 201406001 # Analysis ID 2 2 ||ATL-CONF-2014-060|| # Reference to publication 2 3 ||(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu(ggFenhanced)|| # Description (Search channel) 2 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 2 5 24.80 # Luminosity 2 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 2 7 8.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 2 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 2 9 1.0100 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 2 10 0.2500 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 2 11 0.2700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 2 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 2 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 2 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 2 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 2 16 0.7074 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 2 17 0.7074 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 2 18 1.1159 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 2 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 2 20 1.1159 # Chi-squared value (total) 2 21 17.9750 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 3 1 519103 # Analysis ID 3 2 ||arXiv:1408.5191|| # Reference to publication 3 3 ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(VBF/VH-like)|| # Description (Search channel) 3 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 3 5 25.30 # Luminosity 3 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 3 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 3 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 3 9 0.2600 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 3 10 0.9400 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 3 11 1.6400 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 3 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 3 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 3 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 3 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 3 16 0.7654 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 3 17 0.7654 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 3 18 0.1028 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 3 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 3 20 0.1028 # Chi-squared value (total) 3 21 0.0764 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 4 1 519102 # Analysis ID 4 2 ||arXiv:1408.5191|| # Reference to publication 4 3 ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(ggH-like)|| # Description (Search channel) 4 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 4 5 24.80 # Luminosity 4 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 4 7 0.52 # Mass resolution (GeV) 4 8 124.51 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 4 9 1.6600 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 4 10 0.4400 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 4 11 0.5100 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 4 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 4 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 4 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 4 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 4 16 0.6939 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 4 17 0.6939 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 4 18 4.8733 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 4 19 0.1657 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 4 20 5.0390 # Chi-squared value (total) 4 21 16.0800 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 5 1 708405 # Analysis ID 5 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 5 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBF-loose)|| # Description (Search channel) 5 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 5 5 20.30 # Luminosity 5 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 5 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 5 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 5 9 1.3270 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 5 10 0.7732 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 5 11 0.9150 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 5 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 5 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 5 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 5 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 5 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 5 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 5 18 2.9708 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 5 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 5 20 2.9708 # Chi-squared value (total) 5 21 2.9708 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 6 1 708406 # Analysis ID 6 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 6 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBF-tight)|| # Description (Search channel) 6 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 6 5 20.30 # Luminosity 6 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 6 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 6 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 6 9 0.6820 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 6 10 0.5082 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 6 11 0.6670 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 6 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 6 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 6 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 6 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 6 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 6 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 6 18 1.8075 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 6 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 6 20 1.8075 # Chi-squared value (total) 6 21 1.8075 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 7 1 708408 # Analysis ID 7 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 7 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VH-ETmiss)|| # Description (Search channel) 7 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 7 5 20.30 # Luminosity 7 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 7 7 1.56 # Mass resolution (GeV) 7 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 7 9 3.5100 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 7 10 2.4170 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 7 11 3.3040 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 7 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 7 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 7 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 7 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 7 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 7 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 7 18 2.1147 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 7 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 7 20 2.1147 # Chi-squared value (total) 7 21 2.1147 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 8 1 708407 # Analysis ID 8 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 8 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VH-dijet)|| # Description (Search channel) 8 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 8 5 20.30 # Luminosity 8 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 8 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 8 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 8 9 0.2268 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 8 10 1.3878 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 8 11 1.6742 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 8 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 8 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 8 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 8 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 8 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 8 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 8 18 0.0267 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 8 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 8 20 0.0267 # Chi-squared value (total) 8 21 0.0267 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 9 1 708409 # Analysis ID 9 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 9 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VH-onelepton)|| # Description (Search channel) 9 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 9 5 20.30 # Luminosity 9 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 9 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 9 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 9 9 0.4080 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 9 10 1.0560 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 9 11 1.4270 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 9 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 9 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 9 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 9 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 9 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 9 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 9 18 0.1493 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 9 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 9 20 0.1493 # Chi-squared value (total) 9 21 0.1493 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 10 1 708402 # Analysis ID 10 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 10 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(central-highpT)|| # Description (Search channel) 10 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 10 5 20.30 # Luminosity 10 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 10 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 10 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 10 9 1.6190 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 10 10 0.8311 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 10 11 1.0030 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 10 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 10 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 10 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 10 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 10 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 10 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 10 18 3.8902 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 10 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 10 20 3.8902 # Chi-squared value (total) 10 21 3.8902 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 11 1 708401 # Analysis ID 11 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 11 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(central-lowpT)|| # Description (Search channel) 11 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 11 5 20.30 # Luminosity 11 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 11 7 0.50 # Mass resolution (GeV) 11 8 125.98 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 11 9 0.6244 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 11 10 0.3976 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 11 11 0.4246 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 11 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 11 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 11 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 11 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 11 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 11 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 11 18 2.5294 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 11 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 11 20 2.5294 # Chi-squared value (total) 11 21 2.5294 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 12 1 708404 # Analysis ID 12 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 12 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(forward-highpT)|| # Description (Search channel) 12 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 12 5 20.30 # Luminosity 12 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 12 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 12 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 12 9 1.7290 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 12 10 1.1800 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 12 11 1.3430 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 12 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 12 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 12 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 12 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 12 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 12 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 12 18 2.1763 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 12 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 12 20 2.1763 # Chi-squared value (total) 12 21 2.1763 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 13 1 708403 # Analysis ID 13 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 13 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(forward-lowpT)|| # Description (Search channel) 13 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 13 5 20.30 # Luminosity 13 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 13 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 13 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 13 9 2.0340 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 13 10 0.5260 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 13 11 0.5700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 13 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 13 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 13 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 13 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 13 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 13 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 13 18 17.5779 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 13 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 13 20 17.5779 # Chi-squared value (total) 13 21 17.5779 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 14 1 708410 # Analysis ID 14 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 14 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttH-hadronic)|| # Description (Search channel) 14 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 14 5 20.30 # Luminosity 14 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 14 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 14 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 14 9 -0.8424 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 14 10 1.2503 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 14 11 3.2294 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 14 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 14 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 14 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 14 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 14 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 14 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 14 18 0.0681 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 14 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 14 20 0.0681 # Chi-squared value (total) 14 21 0.0681 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 15 1 708411 # Analysis ID 15 2 ||arXiv:1408.7084|| # Reference to publication 15 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttH-leptonic)|| # Description (Search channel) 15 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 15 5 20.30 # Luminosity 15 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 15 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 15 8 125.40 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 15 9 2.4230 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 15 10 2.0681 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 15 11 3.2120 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 15 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 15 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 15 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 15 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 15 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 15 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 15 18 1.3851 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 15 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 15 20 1.3851 # Chi-squared value (total) 15 21 1.3851 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 16 1 201406106 # Analysis ID 16 2 ||ATLAS-CONF-2014-061|| # Reference to publication 16 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF,hadhad)|| # Description (Search channel) 16 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 16 5 24.80 # Luminosity 16 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 16 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 16 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 16 9 1.4000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 16 10 0.7000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 16 11 0.9000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 16 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 16 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 16 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 16 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 16 16 1.0965 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 16 17 1.0965 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 16 18 0.0676 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 16 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 16 20 0.0676 # Chi-squared value (total) 16 21 4.0180 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 17 1 201406105 # Analysis ID 17 2 ||ATLAS-CONF-2014-061|| # Reference to publication 17 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(boosted,hadhad)|| # Description (Search channel) 17 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 17 5 24.80 # Luminosity 17 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 17 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 17 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 17 9 3.6000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 17 10 1.6000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 17 11 2.0000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 17 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 17 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 17 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 17 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 17 16 1.0235 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 17 17 1.0235 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 17 18 2.3090 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 17 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 17 20 2.3090 # Chi-squared value (total) 17 21 5.2142 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 18 1 201406104 # Analysis ID 18 2 ||ATLAS-CONF-2014-061|| # Reference to publication 18 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF,lephad)|| # Description (Search channel) 18 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 18 5 24.80 # Luminosity 18 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 18 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 18 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 18 9 1.0000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 18 10 0.5000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 18 11 0.6000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 18 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 18 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 18 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 18 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 18 16 1.1211 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 18 17 1.1211 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 18 18 0.0956 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 18 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 18 20 0.0956 # Chi-squared value (total) 18 21 3.9914 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 19 1 201406103 # Analysis ID 19 2 ||ATL-CONF-2014-061|| # Reference to publication 19 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(boosted,lephad)|| # Description (Search channel) 19 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 19 5 24.80 # Luminosity 19 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 19 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 19 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 19 9 0.9000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 19 10 0.9000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 19 11 1.0000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 19 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 19 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 19 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 19 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 19 16 1.0168 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 19 17 1.0168 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 19 18 0.0537 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 19 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 19 20 0.0537 # Chi-squared value (total) 19 21 0.9988 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 20 1 201406102 # Analysis ID 20 2 ||ATL-CONF-2014-061|| # Reference to publication 20 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF,leplep)|| # Description (Search channel) 20 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 20 5 24.80 # Luminosity 20 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 20 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 20 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 20 9 1.8000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 20 10 0.9000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 20 11 1.1000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 20 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 20 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 20 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 20 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 20 16 1.1245 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 20 17 1.1245 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 20 18 0.4413 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 20 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 20 20 0.4413 # Chi-squared value (total) 20 21 4.0219 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 21 1 201406101 # Analysis ID 21 2 ||ATL-CONF-2014-061|| # Reference to publication 21 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(boosted,leplep)|| # Description (Search channel) 21 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 21 5 24.80 # Luminosity 21 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 21 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 21 8 125.36 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 21 9 3.0000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 21 10 1.7000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 21 11 1.9000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 21 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 21 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 21 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 21 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 21 16 1.0204 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 21 17 1.0204 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 21 18 1.0228 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 21 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 21 20 1.0228 # Chi-squared value (total) 21 21 3.1714 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 22 1 621201 # Analysis ID 22 2 ||arXiv:1409.6212|| # Reference to publication 22 3 ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb(0lepton)|| # Description (Search channel) 22 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 22 5 25.00 # Luminosity 22 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 22 7 15.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 22 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 22 9 -0.3500 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 22 10 0.5200 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 22 11 0.5500 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 22 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 22 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 22 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 22 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 22 16 1.1325 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 22 17 1.1325 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 22 18 7.1209 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 22 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 22 20 7.1209 # Chi-squared value (total) 22 21 0.4020 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 23 1 621202 # Analysis ID 23 2 ||arXiv:1409.6212|| # Reference to publication 23 3 ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb(1lepton)|| # Description (Search channel) 23 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 23 5 25.00 # Luminosity 23 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 23 7 15.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 23 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 23 9 1.1700 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 23 10 0.6000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 23 11 0.6600 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 23 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 23 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 23 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 23 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 23 16 1.1325 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 23 17 1.1325 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 23 18 0.0009 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 23 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 23 20 0.0009 # Chi-squared value (total) 23 21 3.8027 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 24 1 621203 # Analysis ID 24 2 ||arXiv:1409.6212|| # Reference to publication 24 3 ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb(2lepton)|| # Description (Search channel) 24 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 24 5 25.00 # Luminosity 24 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 24 7 15.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 24 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 24 9 0.9400 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 24 10 0.7900 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 24 11 0.8800 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 24 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 24 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 24 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 24 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 24 16 1.1325 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 24 17 1.1325 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 24 18 0.0528 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 24 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 24 20 0.0528 # Chi-squared value (total) 24 21 1.4138 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 25 1 201307501 # Analysis ID 25 2 ||ATL-CONF-2013-075|| # Reference to publication 25 3 ||(pp)->Vh->VWW|| # Description (Search channel) 25 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 25 5 25.40 # Luminosity 25 6 4.40 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 25 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 25 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 25 9 3.7000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 25 10 2.0000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 25 11 1.9000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 25 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 25 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 25 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 25 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 25 16 0.8413 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 25 17 0.8413 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 25 18 1.8960 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 25 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 25 20 1.8960 # Chi-squared value (total) 25 21 3.4351 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 26 1 130166683 # Analysis ID 26 2 ||arXiv:1301.6668|| # Reference to publication 26 3 ||(ppbar)->h->WW|| # Description (Search channel) 26 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 26 5 9.70 # Luminosity 26 6 6.00 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 26 7 30.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 26 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 26 9 0.0000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 26 10 1.7800 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 26 11 1.7800 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 26 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 26 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 26 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 26 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 26 16 0.7351 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 26 17 0.7351 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 26 18 0.1848 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 26 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 26 20 0.1848 # Chi-squared value (total) 26 21 0.0000 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 27 1 130166682 # Analysis ID 27 2 ||arXiv:1301.6668|| # Reference to publication 27 3 ||(ppbar)->h->gammagamma|| # Description (Search channel) 27 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 27 5 9.70 # Luminosity 27 6 6.00 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 27 7 5.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 27 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 27 9 7.8100 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 27 10 4.4200 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 27 11 4.6100 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 27 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 27 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 27 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 27 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 27 16 0.6591 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 27 17 0.6591 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 27 18 2.6223 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 27 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 27 20 2.6223 # Chi-squared value (total) 27 21 3.1939 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 28 1 130166684 # Analysis ID 28 2 ||arXiv:1301.6668|| # Reference to publication 28 3 ||(ppbar)->h->tautau|| # Description (Search channel) 28 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 28 5 9.70 # Luminosity 28 6 6.00 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 28 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 28 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 28 9 0.0000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 28 10 8.4400 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 28 11 8.4400 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 28 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 28 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 28 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 28 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 28 16 1.0080 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 28 17 1.0080 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 28 18 0.0154 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 28 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 28 20 0.0154 # Chi-squared value (total) 28 21 0.0000 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 29 1 130166685 # Analysis ID 29 2 ||arXiv:1301.6668|| # Reference to publication 29 3 ||(ppbar)->Vh->Vbb|| # Description (Search channel) 29 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 29 5 9.70 # Luminosity 29 6 6.00 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 29 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 29 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 29 9 1.7200 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 29 10 0.8700 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 29 11 0.9200 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 29 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 29 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 29 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 29 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 29 16 1.1325 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 29 17 1.1325 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 29 18 0.4462 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 29 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 29 20 0.4462 # Chi-squared value (total) 29 21 3.9140 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 30 1 130166681 # Analysis ID 30 2 ||arXiv:1301.6668|| # Reference to publication 30 3 ||(ppbar)->tth->ttbb|| # Description (Search channel) 30 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 30 5 9.70 # Luminosity 30 6 6.00 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 30 7 30.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 30 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 30 9 9.4900 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 30 10 6.2800 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 30 11 6.6000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 30 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 30 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 30 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 30 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 30 16 1.1282 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 30 17 1.1282 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 30 18 1.7735 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 30 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 30 20 1.7735 # Chi-squared value (total) 30 21 2.3432 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 31 1 131211291 # Analysis ID 31 2 ||arXiv:1312.1129|| # Reference to publication 31 3 ||(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu(0/1jet)|| # Description (Search channel) 31 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 31 5 25.30 # Luminosity 31 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 31 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 31 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 31 9 0.7400 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 31 10 0.2000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 31 11 0.2200 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 31 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 31 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 31 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 31 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 31 16 0.7238 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 31 17 0.7238 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 31 18 -0.0361 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 31 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 31 20 -0.0361 # Chi-squared value (total) 31 21 13.8348 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 32 1 131211292 # Analysis ID 32 2 ||arXiv:1312.1129|| # Reference to publication 32 3 ||(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu(VBF)|| # Description (Search channel) 32 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 32 5 25.30 # Luminosity 32 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 32 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 32 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 32 9 0.6000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 32 10 0.4600 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 32 11 0.5700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 32 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 32 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 32 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 32 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 32 16 0.8080 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 32 17 0.8080 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 32 18 0.1624 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 32 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 32 20 0.1624 # Chi-squared value (total) 32 21 1.6969 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 33 1 1400901 # Analysis ID 33 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009,arXiv:1312.5353|| # Reference to publication 33 3 ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(0/1jet)|| # Description (Search channel) 33 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 33 5 24.70 # Luminosity 33 6 2.80 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 33 7 0.45 # Mass resolution (GeV) 33 8 125.63 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 33 9 0.8830 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 33 10 0.2720 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 33 11 0.3360 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 33 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 33 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 33 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 33 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 33 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 33 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 33 18 11.7565 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 33 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 33 20 11.7565 # Chi-squared value (total) 33 21 11.7565 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 34 1 1400902 # Analysis ID 34 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009,arXiv:1312.5353|| # Reference to publication 34 3 ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(2jet)|| # Description (Search channel) 34 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 34 5 24.70 # Luminosity 34 6 4.40 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 34 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 34 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 34 9 1.5490 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 34 10 0.6610 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 34 11 0.9530 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 34 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 34 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 34 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 34 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 34 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 34 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 34 18 5.7125 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 34 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 34 20 5.7125 # Chi-squared value (total) 34 21 5.7125 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 35 1 55805 # Analysis ID 35 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 35 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet0)|| # Description (Search channel) 35 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 35 5 5.10 # Luminosity 35 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 35 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 35 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 35 9 4.8470 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 35 10 1.7590 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 35 11 2.1700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 35 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 35 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 35 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 35 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 35 16 0.7296 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 35 17 0.7296 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 35 18 4.9774 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 35 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 35 20 4.9774 # Chi-squared value (total) 35 21 7.7092 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 36 1 55816 # Analysis ID 36 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 36 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet0)|| # Description (Search channel) 36 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 36 5 19.60 # Luminosity 36 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 36 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 36 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 36 9 0.8170 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 36 10 0.5780 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 36 11 0.7520 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 36 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 36 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 36 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 36 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 36 16 0.7323 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 36 17 0.7323 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 36 18 0.0211 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 36 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 36 20 0.0211 # Chi-squared value (total) 36 21 1.9996 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 37 1 55806 # Analysis ID 37 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 37 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet1)|| # Description (Search channel) 37 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 37 5 5.10 # Luminosity 37 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 37 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 37 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 37 9 2.6000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 37 10 1.7570 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 37 11 2.1610 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 37 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 37 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 37 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 37 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 37 16 0.7059 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 37 17 0.7059 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 37 18 0.8237 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 37 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 37 20 0.8237 # Chi-squared value (total) 37 21 2.2027 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 38 1 55817 # Analysis ID 38 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 38 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet1)|| # Description (Search channel) 38 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 38 5 19.60 # Luminosity 38 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 38 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 38 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 38 9 -0.2090 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 38 10 0.6890 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 38 11 0.7460 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 38 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 38 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 38 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 38 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 38 16 0.7190 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 38 17 0.7190 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 38 18 1.7406 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 38 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 38 20 1.7406 # Chi-squared value (total) 38 21 0.0783 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 39 1 55818 # Analysis ID 39 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 39 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet2)|| # Description (Search channel) 39 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 39 5 19.60 # Luminosity 39 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 39 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 39 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 39 9 2.5960 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 39 10 0.9940 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 39 11 1.3260 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 39 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 39 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 39 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 39 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 39 16 0.7002 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 39 17 0.7002 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 39 18 3.5806 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 39 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 39 20 3.5806 # Chi-squared value (total) 39 21 6.9631 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 40 1 55808 # Analysis ID 40 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 40 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHETmiss)|| # Description (Search channel) 40 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 40 5 5.10 # Luminosity 40 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 40 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 40 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 40 9 4.3240 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 40 10 4.1520 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 40 11 6.7180 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 40 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 40 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 40 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 40 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 40 16 0.7482 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 40 17 0.7482 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 40 18 0.7141 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 40 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 40 20 0.7141 # Chi-squared value (total) 40 21 1.0860 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 41 1 55821 # Analysis ID 41 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 41 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHETmiss)|| # Description (Search channel) 41 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 41 5 19.60 # Luminosity 41 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 41 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 41 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 41 9 0.0760 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 41 10 1.2770 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 41 11 1.8620 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 41 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 41 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 41 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 41 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 41 16 0.7341 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 41 17 0.7341 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 41 18 0.1265 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 41 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 41 20 0.1265 # Chi-squared value (total) 41 21 0.0035 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 42 1 55809 # Analysis ID 42 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 42 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHdijet)|| # Description (Search channel) 42 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 42 5 5.10 # Luminosity 42 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 42 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 42 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 42 9 7.8550 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 42 10 6.3990 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 42 11 8.8550 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 42 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 42 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 42 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 42 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 42 16 0.7197 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 42 17 0.7197 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 42 18 1.1502 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 42 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 42 20 1.1502 # Chi-squared value (total) 42 21 1.5109 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 43 1 55822 # Analysis ID 43 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 43 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHdijet)|| # Description (Search channel) 43 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 43 5 19.60 # Luminosity 43 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 43 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 43 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 43 9 0.3920 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 43 10 1.4820 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 43 11 2.1580 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 43 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 43 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 43 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 43 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 43 16 0.7175 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 43 17 0.7175 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 43 18 0.0269 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 43 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 43 20 0.0269 # Chi-squared value (total) 43 21 0.0699 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 44 1 55807 # Analysis ID 44 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 44 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHloose)|| # Description (Search channel) 44 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 44 5 5.10 # Luminosity 44 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 44 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 44 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 44 9 3.1000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 44 10 5.3420 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 44 11 8.2890 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 44 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 44 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 44 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 44 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 44 16 0.7497 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 44 17 0.7497 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 44 18 0.1855 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 44 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 44 20 0.1855 # Chi-squared value (total) 44 21 0.3369 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 45 1 55820 # Analysis ID 45 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 45 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHloose)|| # Description (Search channel) 45 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 45 5 19.60 # Luminosity 45 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 45 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 45 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 45 9 1.2430 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 45 10 2.6240 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 45 11 3.6940 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 45 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 45 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 45 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 45 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 45 16 0.7510 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 45 17 0.7510 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 45 18 0.0326 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 45 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 45 20 0.0326 # Chi-squared value (total) 45 21 0.2244 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 46 1 55819 # Analysis ID 46 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 46 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHtight)|| # Description (Search channel) 46 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 46 5 19.60 # Luminosity 46 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 46 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 46 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 46 9 -0.3430 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 46 10 0.6290 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 46 11 1.3000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 46 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 46 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 46 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 46 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 46 16 0.7539 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 46 17 0.7539 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 46 18 0.7796 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 46 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 46 20 0.7796 # Chi-squared value (total) 46 21 0.0696 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 47 1 55824 # Analysis ID 47 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 47 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttHmultijet)|| # Description (Search channel) 47 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 47 5 19.60 # Luminosity 47 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 47 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 47 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 47 9 1.2430 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 47 10 2.6970 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 47 11 4.2350 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 47 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 47 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 47 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 47 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 47 16 0.7466 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 47 17 0.7466 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 47 18 0.0264 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 47 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 47 20 0.0264 # Chi-squared value (total) 47 21 0.2127 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 48 1 55823 # Analysis ID 48 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 48 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttHlepton)|| # Description (Search channel) 48 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 48 5 19.60 # Luminosity 48 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 48 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 48 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 48 9 3.5210 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 48 10 2.4500 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 48 11 3.8920 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 48 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 48 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 48 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 48 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 48 16 0.7515 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 48 17 0.7515 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 48 18 0.7731 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 48 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 48 20 0.7731 # Chi-squared value (total) 48 21 2.1101 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 49 1 55810 # Analysis ID 49 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 49 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttHtags)|| # Description (Search channel) 49 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 49 5 5.10 # Luminosity 49 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 49 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 49 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 49 9 0.7140 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 49 10 3.5630 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 49 11 6.1970 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 49 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 49 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 49 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 49 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 49 16 0.7465 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 49 17 0.7465 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 49 18 0.0001 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 49 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 49 20 0.0001 # Chi-squared value (total) 49 21 0.0402 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 50 1 55801 # Analysis ID 50 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 50 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged0)|| # Description (Search channel) 50 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 50 5 5.10 # Luminosity 50 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 50 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 50 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 50 9 1.9730 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 50 10 1.2500 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 50 11 1.5050 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 50 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 50 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 50 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 50 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 50 16 0.6551 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 50 17 0.6551 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 50 18 1.1040 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 50 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 50 20 1.1040 # Chi-squared value (total) 50 21 2.5354 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 51 1 55811 # Analysis ID 51 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 51 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged0)|| # Description (Search channel) 51 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 51 5 19.60 # Luminosity 51 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 51 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 51 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 51 9 0.1300 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 51 10 0.7440 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 51 11 1.0940 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 51 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 51 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 51 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 51 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 51 16 0.6614 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 51 17 0.6614 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 51 18 0.2602 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 51 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 51 20 0.2602 # Chi-squared value (total) 51 21 0.0304 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 52 1 55802 # Analysis ID 52 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 52 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged1)|| # Description (Search channel) 52 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 52 5 5.10 # Luminosity 52 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 52 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 52 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 52 9 1.2330 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 52 10 0.8800 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 52 11 0.9790 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 52 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 52 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 52 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 52 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 52 16 0.6409 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 52 17 0.6409 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 52 18 0.4934 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 52 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 52 20 0.4934 # Chi-squared value (total) 52 21 1.9918 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 53 1 55812 # Analysis ID 53 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 53 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged1)|| # Description (Search channel) 53 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 53 5 19.60 # Luminosity 53 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 53 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 53 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 53 9 0.9190 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 53 10 0.4870 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 53 11 0.5670 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 53 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 53 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 53 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 53 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 53 16 0.6498 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 53 17 0.6498 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 53 18 0.3093 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 53 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 53 20 0.3093 # Chi-squared value (total) 53 21 3.6185 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 54 1 55803 # Analysis ID 54 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 54 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged2)|| # Description (Search channel) 54 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 54 5 5.10 # Luminosity 54 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 54 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 54 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 54 9 1.6020 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 54 10 1.1740 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 54 11 1.2460 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 54 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 54 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 54 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 54 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 54 16 0.6409 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 54 17 0.6409 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 54 18 0.7373 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 54 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 54 20 0.7373 # Chi-squared value (total) 54 21 1.8916 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 55 1 55813 # Analysis ID 55 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 55 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged2)|| # Description (Search channel) 55 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 55 5 19.60 # Luminosity 55 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 55 7 0.34 # Mass resolution (GeV) 55 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 55 9 1.1020 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 55 10 0.4400 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 55 11 0.4770 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 55 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 55 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 55 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 55 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 55 16 0.6424 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 55 17 0.6424 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 55 18 1.0220 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 55 19 3.7947 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 55 20 4.8167 # Chi-squared value (total) 55 21 6.5393 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 56 1 55804 # Analysis ID 56 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 56 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged3)|| # Description (Search channel) 56 4 7.00 # Center-of-mass energy 56 5 5.10 # Luminosity 56 6 2.20 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 56 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 56 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 56 9 2.6120 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 56 10 1.6530 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 56 11 1.7380 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 56 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 56 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 56 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 56 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 56 16 0.6406 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 56 17 0.6406 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 56 18 1.4492 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 56 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 56 20 1.4492 # Chi-squared value (total) 56 21 2.5569 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 57 1 55814 # Analysis ID 57 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 57 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged3)|| # Description (Search channel) 57 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 57 5 19.60 # Luminosity 57 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 57 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 57 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 57 9 0.6480 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 57 10 0.8870 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 57 11 0.6530 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 57 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 57 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 57 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 57 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 57 16 0.6420 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 57 17 0.6420 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 57 18 -0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 57 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 57 20 -0.0000 # Chi-squared value (total) 57 21 0.5338 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 58 1 55815 # Analysis ID 58 2 ||arXiv:1407.0558|| # Reference to publication 58 3 ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged4)|| # Description (Search channel) 58 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 58 5 19.60 # Luminosity 58 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 58 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 58 8 124.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 58 9 1.4570 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 58 10 1.2380 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 58 11 1.2890 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 58 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 58 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 58 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 58 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 58 16 0.6400 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 58 17 0.6400 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 58 18 0.3786 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 58 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 58 20 0.3786 # Chi-squared value (total) 58 21 1.4010 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 59 1 1300701 # Analysis ID 59 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-007|| # Reference to publication 59 3 ||(pp)->h->mumu|| # Description (Search channel) 59 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 59 5 25.40 # Luminosity 59 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 59 7 2.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 59 8 125.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 59 9 2.9000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 59 10 2.7000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 59 11 2.8000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 59 12 000 # Assigned Higgs combination 59 13 0 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 59 14 NaN # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 59 15 NaN # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson 59 16 NaN # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson 59 17 0.0000 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 59 18 1.1680 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 59 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 59 20 1.1680 # Chi-squared value (total) 59 21 1.1680 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 60 1 1300401 # Analysis ID 60 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004|| # Reference to publication 60 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(0jet)|| # Description (Search channel) 60 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 60 5 24.30 # Luminosity 60 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 60 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 60 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 60 9 0.4000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 60 10 1.1300 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 60 11 0.7300 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 60 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 60 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 60 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 60 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 60 16 0.9686 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 60 17 0.9686 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 60 18 0.7361 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 60 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 60 20 0.7361 # Chi-squared value (total) 60 21 0.1244 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 61 1 1300402 # Analysis ID 61 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004|| # Reference to publication 61 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(1jet)|| # Description (Search channel) 61 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 61 5 24.30 # Luminosity 61 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 61 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 61 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 61 9 1.0600 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 61 10 0.4700 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 61 11 0.4700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 61 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 61 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 61 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 61 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 61 16 1.0040 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 61 17 1.0040 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 61 18 -0.0178 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 61 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 61 20 -0.0178 # Chi-squared value (total) 61 21 5.1188 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 62 1 1300404 # Analysis ID 62 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004|| # Reference to publication 62 3 ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF)|| # Description (Search channel) 62 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 62 5 24.50 # Luminosity 62 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 62 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 62 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 62 9 0.9300 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 62 10 0.4100 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 62 11 0.4100 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 62 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 62 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 62 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 62 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 62 16 1.1139 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 62 17 1.1139 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 62 18 0.2726 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 62 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 62 20 0.2726 # Chi-squared value (total) 62 21 5.1208 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 63 1 131211293 # Analysis ID 63 2 ||arXiv:1312.1129|| # Reference to publication 63 3 ||(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu(VH)|| # Description (Search channel) 63 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 63 5 25.30 # Luminosity 63 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 63 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 63 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 63 9 0.3900 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 63 10 1.8700 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 63 11 1.9700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 63 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 63 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 63 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 63 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 63 16 0.7597 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 63 17 0.7597 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 63 18 0.0411 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 63 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 63 20 0.0411 # Chi-squared value (total) 63 21 0.0435 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 64 1 1301701 # Analysis ID 64 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-017|| # Reference to publication 64 3 ||(pp)->Vh->VWW(hadronicV)|| # Description (Search channel) 64 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 64 5 25.40 # Luminosity 64 6 4.40 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 64 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 64 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 64 9 1.0000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 64 10 2.0000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 64 11 2.0000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 64 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 64 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 64 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 64 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 64 16 0.7548 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 64 17 0.7548 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 64 18 0.0083 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 64 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 64 20 0.0083 # Chi-squared value (total) 64 21 0.2502 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 65 1 1301201 # Analysis ID 65 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-012|| # Reference to publication 65 3 ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb|| # Description (Search channel) 65 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 65 5 24.00 # Luminosity 65 6 4.40 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 65 7 12.50 # Mass resolution (GeV) 65 8 125.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 65 9 1.0000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 65 10 0.4857 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 65 11 0.5070 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 65 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 65 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 65 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 65 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 65 16 1.1325 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 65 17 1.1325 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 65 18 0.0923 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 65 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 65 20 0.0923 # Chi-squared value (total) 65 21 4.2236 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 66 1 1300403 # Analysis ID 66 2 ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004|| # Reference to publication 66 3 ||(pp)->Vh->tautau|| # Description (Search channel) 66 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 66 5 24.30 # Luminosity 66 6 4.40 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 66 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 66 8 125.70 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 66 9 0.9810 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 66 10 1.4960 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 66 11 1.6800 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 66 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 66 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 66 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 66 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 66 16 1.0871 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 66 17 1.0871 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 66 18 0.0063 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 66 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 66 20 0.0063 # Chi-squared value (total) 66 21 0.4298 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 67 1 131211294 # Analysis ID 67 2 ||arXiv:1312.1129|| # Reference to publication 67 3 ||(pp)->h->WW->3l3nu(WH)|| # Description (Search channel) 67 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 67 5 25.30 # Luminosity 67 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 67 7 20.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 67 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 67 9 0.5600 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 67 10 0.9500 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 67 11 1.2700 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 67 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 67 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 67 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 67 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 67 16 0.8413 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 67 17 0.8413 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 67 18 0.0534 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 67 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 67 20 0.0534 # Chi-squared value (total) 67 21 0.3473 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 68 1 168204 # Analysis ID 68 2 ||arXiv:1408.1682|| # Reference to publication 68 3 ||(pp)->tth->2leptons(samesign)|| # Description (Search channel) 68 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 68 5 19.60 # Luminosity 68 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 68 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 68 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 68 9 5.3000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 68 10 1.8000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 68 11 2.1000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 68 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 68 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 68 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 68 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 68 16 0.9231 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 68 17 0.9231 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 68 18 6.1994 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 68 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 68 20 6.1994 # Chi-squared value (total) 68 21 9.5729 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 69 1 168205 # Analysis ID 69 2 ||arXiv:1408.1682|| # Reference to publication 69 3 ||(pp)->tth->3leptons|| # Description (Search channel) 69 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 69 5 19.60 # Luminosity 69 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 69 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 69 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 69 9 3.1000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 69 10 2.0000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 69 11 2.4000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 69 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 69 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 69 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 69 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 69 16 0.9256 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 69 17 0.9256 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 69 18 1.1139 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 69 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 69 20 1.1139 # Chi-squared value (total) 69 21 2.4628 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 70 1 168206 # Analysis ID 70 2 ||arXiv:1408.1682|| # Reference to publication 70 3 ||(pp)->tth->4leptons|| # Description (Search channel) 70 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 70 5 19.60 # Luminosity 70 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 70 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 70 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 70 9 -4.7000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 70 10 1.3000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 70 11 5.0000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 70 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 70 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 70 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 70 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 70 16 0.9447 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 70 17 0.9447 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 70 18 1.2673 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 70 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 70 20 1.2673 # Chi-squared value (total) 70 21 0.8920 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 71 1 168202 # Analysis ID 71 2 ||arXiv:1408.1682|| # Reference to publication 71 3 ||(pp)->tth->tt(bb)|| # Description (Search channel) 71 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 71 5 24.50 # Luminosity 71 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 71 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 71 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 71 9 0.7000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 71 10 1.9000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 71 11 1.9000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 71 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 71 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 71 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 71 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 71 16 1.1282 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 71 17 1.1282 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 71 18 0.0622 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 71 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 71 20 0.0622 # Chi-squared value (total) 71 21 0.1354 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 72 1 168201 # Analysis ID 72 2 ||arXiv:1408.1682|| # Reference to publication 72 3 ||(pp)->tth->tt(gammagamma)|| # Description (Search channel) 72 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 72 5 19.60 # Luminosity 72 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 72 7 15.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 72 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 72 9 2.7000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 72 10 1.8000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 72 11 2.6000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 72 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 72 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 72 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 72 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 72 16 0.7514 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 72 17 0.7514 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 72 18 1.1084 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 72 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 72 20 1.1084 # Chi-squared value (total) 72 21 2.3054 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 73 1 168203 # Analysis ID 73 2 ||arXiv:1408.1682|| # Reference to publication 73 3 ||(pp)->tth->tt(tautau)|| # Description (Search channel) 73 4 8.00 # Center-of-mass energy 73 5 24.50 # Luminosity 73 6 2.60 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 73 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 73 8 125.60 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 73 9 -1.3000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 73 10 5.5000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 73 11 6.3000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 73 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 73 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 73 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 73 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 73 16 1.1492 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 73 17 1.1492 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 73 18 0.1540 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 73 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 73 20 0.1540 # Chi-squared value (total) 73 21 0.0426 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 74 1 130308232 # Analysis ID 74 2 ||arXiv:1303.0823|| # Reference to publication 74 3 ||(ppbar)->h->WW|| # Description (Search channel) 74 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 74 5 9.70 # Luminosity 74 6 6.10 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 74 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 74 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 74 9 1.9000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 74 10 1.5200 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 74 11 1.6300 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 74 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 74 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 74 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 74 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 74 16 0.7351 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 74 17 0.7351 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 74 18 0.5558 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 74 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 74 20 0.5558 # Chi-squared value (total) 74 21 1.5777 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 75 1 130308234 # Analysis ID 75 2 ||arXiv:1303.0823|| # Reference to publication 75 3 ||(ppbar)->h->bb|| # Description (Search channel) 75 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 75 5 9.70 # Luminosity 75 6 6.10 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 75 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 75 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 75 9 1.2300 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 75 10 1.1700 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 75 11 1.2400 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 75 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 75 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 75 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 75 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 75 16 1.1325 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 75 17 1.1325 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 75 18 0.0072 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 75 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 75 20 0.0072 # Chi-squared value (total) 75 21 1.1049 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 76 1 130308231 # Analysis ID 76 2 ||arXiv:1303.0823|| # Reference to publication 76 3 ||(ppbar)->h->gammagamma|| # Description (Search channel) 76 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 76 5 9.70 # Luminosity 76 6 6.10 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 76 7 5.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 76 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 76 9 4.2000 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 76 10 4.2000 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 76 11 4.6000 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 76 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 76 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 76 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 76 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 76 16 0.6591 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 76 17 0.6591 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 76 18 0.6985 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 76 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 76 20 0.6985 # Chi-squared value (total) 76 21 1.0071 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) 77 1 130308233 # Analysis ID 77 2 ||arXiv:1303.0823|| # Reference to publication 77 3 ||(ppbar)->h->tautau|| # Description (Search channel) 77 4 1.96 # Center-of-mass energy 77 5 9.70 # Luminosity 77 6 6.10 # Luminosity uncertainty (in %) 77 7 25.00 # Mass resolution (GeV) 77 8 125.00 # Mass value at peak position (in GeV) 77 9 3.9600 # Observed signal strength modifier (mu) 77 10 3.3800 # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 77 11 4.1100 # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu 77 12 001 # Assigned Higgs combination 77 13 1 # Index of dominant Higgs boson 77 14 25 # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson 77 15 122.6512 # Mass of dominant Higgs boson 77 16 1.0080 # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson 77 17 1.0080 # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu 77 18 0.7419 # Chi-squared value (mu-part) 77 19 0.0000 # Chi-squared value (mh-part) 77 20 0.7419 # Chi-squared value (total) 77 21 1.3860 # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0) Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/pc_chisq.f90 =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/pc_chisq.f90 (revision 507) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/pc_chisq.f90 (revision 508) @@ -1,2475 +1,2490 @@ !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This file is part of HiggsSignals (TS 03/03/2013) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- module pc_chisq use numerics use combinatorics use usefulbits_hs implicit none integer :: i,j,k double precision,parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979323846264338328D0 integer, allocatable :: peakindices_best(:,:) contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine set_toyvalues(ii, peaks) ! This subroutine sets the mass and mu measurements of the peak observable(s) of analyses ii ! to those values which are given by the user using assign_toyvalues_to_observables. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_hs, only: obs, mupeak integer, intent(in) :: ii type(mupeak),dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks integer :: i if(obs(ii) then stop 'Error in subroutine set_toyvalues: Number of peaks does not match!' endif do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1) peaks(i)%mpeak = obs(ii)%table%Toys_mhobs(i) peaks(i)%mu = obs(ii)%table%Toys_muobs(i) enddo end subroutine set_toyvalues !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !subroutine scale_uncertainties(ii, peaks) !! Scales the uncertainty of the signal strength and mass measurement of the peak !! observables of analysis ii by the scalefactors which have been set via the subroutine !! assign_uncertainty_scalefactors_to_observables. !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits_hs, only : obs, mupeak ! ! integer, intent(in) :: ii ! type(mupeak),dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks ! integer :: i ! ! if(obs(ii) then ! stop 'Error in subroutine scale_uncertainties: Number of peaks does not match!' ! endif ! ! do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1) ! peaks(i)%dmuup = obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i)*peaks(i)%dmuup ! peaks(i)%dmulow = obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i)*peaks(i)%dmulow ! peaks(i)%dm = obs(ii)%table%scale_mh(i)*peaks(i)%dm ! enddo ! !end subroutine scale_uncertainties !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !subroutine restore_uncertainties(ii, peaks) !! Restores the uncertainty of the signal strength and mass measurement of the peak !! observables of analysis ii after scaling. !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits, only : vsmall ! use usefulbits_hs, only : obs, mupeak ! ! integer, intent(in) :: ii ! type(mupeak),dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks ! integer :: i ! ! if(obs(ii) then ! stop 'Error in subroutine restore_uncertainties: Number of peaks does not match!' ! endif ! ! do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1) ! if(obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i).ge.vsmall) then ! peaks(i)%dmuup = peaks(i)%dmuup/obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i) ! peaks(i)%dmulow = peaks(i)%dmulow/obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i) ! else ! write(*,*) 'WARNING: scale_mu is (too close to) zero!' ! endif ! if(obs(ii)%table%scale_mh(i).ge.vsmall) then ! peaks(i)%dm = peaks(i)%dm/obs(ii)%table%scale_mh(i) ! else ! write(*,*) 'WARNING: scale_mh is (too close to) zero!' ! endif ! enddo ! !end subroutine restore_uncertainties !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks_with_correlations(iter) ! Do this only for pdf = 2 ! ! NOTE: This is possibly still buggy. Only use it with iter=0. ! TODO: Have to extend this here for assignment-groups. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_HS, only : neutHiggses, nanalys use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iter integer :: i, ii, iii, n, jjj character(LEN=100), allocatable :: assignmentgroups(:) integer, allocatable :: assignmentgroups_Higgs_comb(:,:) !! allocate(assignmentgroups(nanalys)) !! allocate(assignmentgroups_Higgs_comb(nanalys,np(Hneut))) !! write(*,*) "Running assign_Higgs_to_peaks_with_correlations." if( write(*,*) "WARNING: Iterations in the Higgs-to-peaks assignment are ",& & "still under development." jjj = 1 do n=1, iter call create_covariance_matrices() iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%internalnumber = iii enddo call assign_Higgs_to_peaks(analyses(i)%table, analyses(i)%peaks, n) enddo enddo end subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks_with_correlations !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks(table, peaks, iterstep) ! This subroutine assigns the best combination of Higgs bosons to each peak observable ! found in ONE mutable/analysis. ! It calculates for every possible assignment of the Higgs bosons to the peaks a ! chi-squared value. It takes care that each Higgs boson is used for at most one peak. ! The combination with the minimal chi-squared value is selected. The relevant information ! about the assigned Higgs bosons is then saved in each peak object. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : div, np, Hneut implicit none type(mutable), intent(in) :: table type(mupeak), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks(:) integer, intent(in) :: iterstep integer, allocatable :: peakindices_best(:,:), domH(:), domH_tmp(:) integer, allocatable :: Higgs_to_be_assigned(:),Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(:) integer :: Npeaks, nH, a, i, j, ii,jj, Hindex, NHiggs integer :: Higgs_assignment_forced,Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp double precision :: pccsq, pccsq_tmp, chisq_fp !! integer, allocatable :: indices_best(:) double precision :: force_in_range chisq_fp = 10000000.0D0 nH=np(Hneut) Npeaks=size(peaks) ! write(*,*) 'DEBUG: Calling assign_Higgs_to_peaks for' ! write(*,*) 'table ID = ',table%id ! write(*,*) 'table expt, desc = ',table%expt, table%desc if(Npeaks.le.0) then if(iterstep.eq.0) then write(*,'(A,1X,A,1X,A,1X,A,F4.2,A,I12,A)') ' No peaks defined for ', & & trim(adjustl(table%collaboration)),trim(adjustl(table%desc)),'(',table%energy, & & " TeV) search (analysis ID = ",table%id,")." endif else !-Create indices matrix from combinatorics module containing all possible !-peak-Higgs combinations: call create_peakindices(Npeaks,nH) allocate(peakindices_best(Npeaks,nH)) allocate(domH(Npeaks),domH_tmp(Npeaks)) allocate(Higgs_to_be_assigned(nH),Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(nH)) ! (TS 11/01/2013: Give some default values) Higgs_assignment_forced = 1 call copy_matrices(peakindices(1,:,:),peakindices_best(:,:)) do k=lbound(domH_tmp,dim=1),ubound(domH_tmp,dim=1) domH_tmp(k) = 0 enddo ! write(*,*) 'DEBUG: print peakindices before start...' ! do a=lbound(peakindices,dim=1),ubound(peakindices,dim=1) ! write(*,*) ' a = ',a ! write(*,*) peakindices(a,:,:) ! enddo if(table%mhchisq.eq.1) then force_in_range = assignmentrange_massobs else force_in_range = assignmentrange endif if(pdf.eq.1) force_in_range = 1.0D0 ! (TS 09/09/2012: Add the criterium that if the Higgs bosons masses are close enough to ! the peaks they have to be assigned. ) !-First, find out which Higgs bosons have to be assigned. For this, we loop over all peaks !-and check which Higgses lie close enough (i.e. the mass difference is less than the !-total (gaussian) mass uncertainty). In that case, we tag this Higgs to be assigned. do i=lbound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1), ubound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1) Higgs_to_be_assigned(i)=0 enddo do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1) do j=lbound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1), ubound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1) if(abs(peaks(i)%Higgses(j)%m-peaks(i)%mpeak).le. & & force_in_range*sqrt(peaks(i)%Higgses(j)%dm**2 + table%deltam**2)) then if(useaveragemass.and.peaks(i)%Higgses(j)%mu.le.1.0D-03) then ! if(useaveragemass) then Higgs_to_be_assigned(j)=0 else Higgs_to_be_assigned(j)=1 endif else !-If the chisq contribution from the Higgs masses is not used, we do NOT want ! to assign Higgs bosons which are far away from peak. if( Higgs_to_be_assigned(j)=-1 ! if( Higgs_to_be_assigned(j)=-1 endif enddo enddo ! write(*,*) 'Higgs_to_be_assigned = ',Higgs_to_be_assigned !-Loop over all possible combinations, calculate the chisq and find the best combination. do a=lbound(peakindices,dim=1),ubound(peakindices,dim=1) pccsq_tmp = 0 !--Loop over all peaks, i.e. rows of the combination matrices: do i=lbound(peakindices,dim=2),ubound(peakindices,dim=2) !---Calculate the chi squared value for this combination assigned to peak i: call calc_pc_chisq(pccsq, peaks(i), table%mhchisq, peaks(i)%Higgses, domH(i), & & peakindices(a,i,:),iterstep) pccsq = pccsq + csq_mass_separation_weighted(peakindices(a,i,:), peaks(i)) !---Add the calculated value to the total chi-squared value for all peaks: pccsq_tmp = pccsq_tmp + pccsq enddo ! write(*,*) 'a = ',a,' temporary chisq contribution = ', pccsq_tmp !--Determine the best Higgs-to-peaks assignment: if( then ! write(*,*) 'pccsq_tmp is below chisq_fp = ', chisq_fp do i=lbound(Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment,dim=1), & & ubound(Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment,dim=1) Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(i)=0 enddo Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp = 0 do j=lbound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1),ubound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1) if(Higgs_to_be_assigned(j).eq.1) then do ii=lbound(peakindices,dim=2),ubound(peakindices,dim=2) do jj=lbound(peakindices,dim=3),ubound(peakindices,dim=3) if(peakindices(a,ii,jj).eq.j) then Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(j)=1 Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp = 1 endif enddo enddo else if(Higgs_to_be_assigned(j).eq.-1) then Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(j)=1 do ii=lbound(peakindices,dim=2),ubound(peakindices,dim=2) do jj=lbound(peakindices,dim=3),ubound(peakindices,dim=3) if(peakindices(a,ii,jj).eq.j) then Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(j)=0 endif enddo enddo else Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(j)=1 endif enddo ! write(*,*) 'Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment = ', Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment if(sum(Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment).eq.nH) then chisq_fp = pccsq_tmp Higgs_assignment_forced = Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp call copy_matrices(peakindices(a,:,:),peakindices_best(:,:)) if(a.eq.1) then do k=lbound(domH_tmp,dim=1),ubound(domH_tmp,dim=1) domH_tmp(k) = 0 enddo else domH_tmp(:) = domH(:) endif ! write(*,*) 'Assignment taken over: ', peakindices_best endif endif enddo !--Save information in peak object do i=lbound(peakindices_best,dim=1),ubound(peakindices_best,dim=1) !--Best Higgs Combination: peaks(i)%Higgs_comb(:) = peakindices_best(i,:) ! write(*,*) "hello: Higgs assignment of ID = ",peaks(i)%id, ": ", peaks(i)%Higgs_comb,& ! & "Higgs_assignment_forced: ",Higgs_assignment_forced peaks(i)%domH = domH_tmp(i) peaks(i)%Higgs_assignment_forced = Higgs_assignment_forced call evaluate_peak(peaks(i),table) enddo deallocate(peakindices, peakindices_best, domH, domH_tmp) deallocate(Higgs_to_be_assigned,Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment) endif end subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine evaluate_peak(peak, table) ! Evaluates the peak information for a given Higgs boson combination and dominant Higgs ! (both have to be assigned to the peak before calling this subroutine!) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : div, np, Hneut, small, vsmall implicit none type(mupeak) :: peak type(mutable) :: table integer :: j,k integer :: NHiggs,Hindex double precision :: normalization NHiggs=0 do j=lbound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1),ubound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1) if(peak%Higgs_comb(j).ne.0) NHiggs=NHiggs+1 enddo peak%NHiggs_comb = NHiggs !--Chose dominant Higgs in the best Higgs combination for weights and systematics !-------------- ! In rare cases there appears a segmentation fault, ! because peak%domH seems not to be initialized. ! HERE: Check that it is in a reasonable range. if( then peak%channel_w(:) = peak%channel_w_allH(:,peak%domH) peak%channel_w_corrected_eff(:) = peak%channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(:,peak%domH) peak%channel_syst(:) = peak%channel_syst_allH(:,peak%domH) peak%channel_systSM(:) = peak%channel_systSM_allH(:,peak%domH) else !-Part of fix: peak%domH=0 !-------------- call get_weights_at_peak(peak, table) !! If no Higgs is assigned we don't correct the efficiencies... peak%channel_w_corrected_eff(:) = peak%channel_w(:) !! peak%channel_w(:) = peak%channel_w_allH(:,1) peak%channel_syst(:) = peak%channel_syst_allH(:,1) peak%channel_systSM(:) = peak%channel_systSM_allH(:,1) endif !--Subtract the correlated uncertainties from mu uncertainty: call correct_mu_uncertainty_of_peak(peak, table) !--Add the channel contributions of the Higgses and adjust them to the "averaged weights": peak%total_mu=0 !--n.b.: Have to set channel_mu to zero in case this subroutine is called several times. do k=lbound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1) peak%channel_mu(k)=0.0D0 peak%channel_w_model(k)=0.0D0 enddo !--Loop over Higgses in best combination do j=lbound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1),ubound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1) if(peak%Higgs_comb(j).ne.0) then Hindex=peak%Higgs_comb(j) !----Loop over the channels and add rates do k=lbound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1) peak%channel_mu(k)=peak%channel_mu(k)+ & & peak%channel_mu_allH(k,Hindex)*peak%channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(k,Hindex) peak%total_mu = peak%total_mu + & & peak%channel_mu_allH(k,Hindex)*peak%channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(k,Hindex) enddo endif enddo do k=lbound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1) !---Calculate channel weights of the model, using the possibly combined rates. ! (TS 20/04/2013) peak%channel_w_model(k)=div(peak%channel_mu(k),peak%total_mu,0.0D0,1.0D9) !--Reweight the rates to obtain the channel_mu peak%channel_mu(k)=div(peak%channel_mu(k),peak%channel_w_corrected_eff(k),0.0D0,1.0D9) enddo !--If no Higgs boson has been assigned, use the SM weight at the peak position for ! the channel weight of the model (TS26/04/2013): if(peak%domH.eq.0) then peak%channel_w_model = peak%channel_w endif !--In the (unphysical) case of negative channel rates, we have to take care that the ! model channel weights are still positive and between 0 and 1: normalization = 0.0D0 do k=lbound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1) normalization = normalization + abs(peak%channel_w_model(k)) enddo if(abs(normalization).gt.small) then do k=lbound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1) peak%channel_w_model(k) = div(abs(peak%channel_w_model(k)),& & normalization,1.0D0/peak%Nc,1.0D0) enddo else !--If the predicted signal strength is zero, use SM weights peak%channel_w_model = peak%channel_w endif if(abs(sum(peak%channel_w_model)-1.0D0).gt.small) then write(*,*) "WARNING: Channel weights of the model are not correctly normalized:" write(*,*) peak%channel_w_model endif end subroutine evaluate_peak !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine calculate_total_pc_chisq(csq_tot, csq_mu, csq_mh, N, Nmu, Nmh) ! Calculates the total chi^2 value with the peak-centered chi^2 method. This ! subroutine is called from evaluate_model in the HiggsSignals run. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision, allocatable :: csq_mu_in(:), csq_mh_in(:,:), csq0(:), csq0_nocorr(:) double precision, intent(out) :: csq_tot, csq_mu, csq_mh integer, intent(out) :: N, Nmu, Nmh integer :: i, ii, iii, j,jj, iter, Niterations logical :: iterate ! Need to do iterations of the following procedure. Due to modifications in the ! Higgs-to-peak assignments necessary for so-called assignment groups (i.e. a set of ! observables which should take over the assignment our their leading observable, ! which should be the one with a mass measurement), the covariance matrices of the Higgs ! mass part change, and therefore also the chi^2 contribution from the Higgs mass. ! Since a cutoff chi^2(tot) < chi^2(max) applies in specific cases, this cutoff has to be ! re-evaluated a few times to converge to the correct total chi^2 evaluation. iterate=.True. Niterations=0 do while(iterate) call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0, Nmu, 2) !--Debugging ! call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0_nocorr, Nmu, 2) ! csq0 without correlations !-- call calculate_mu_chisq(csq_mu_in, Nmu, 0) call calculate_mh_chisq(csq_mh_in, Nmh) !--Debugging ! write(*,*) "chi2 values (i, max with corr, max without corr, csq_mu, csq_mh)" ! do i=1,size(csq0) !! write(*,*) i, csq0(i), csq0_nocorr(i), csq_mu_in(i), csq_mh_in(1,i) ! write(*,*) i, csq0(i), csq_mu_in(i), csq_mh_in(1,i) ! enddo iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 ! write(*,*) "analyses(",i,")%peaks(",ii,")%Higgs_assignment_forced = ",analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced if(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.0.and.(.not.maximalchisq).or.& & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.1.and.(.not.maximalchisq).and.pdf.eq.1) then if((csq_mu_in(iii)+sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii))).gt.csq0(iii).and.& & analyses(i)%peaks(ii) then analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%undo_assignment=1 !---Now, undo Higgs-to-peak-assignment for the whole group (if existent) if(len(trim(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%assignmentgroup)).ne.0) then do j=1, size(analyses) do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1) if(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%assignmentgroup.eq.& & analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%assignmentgroup) then analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%undo_assignment=1 endif enddo enddo endif endif endif enddo enddo call correcting_Higgs_to_peak_assignment(iterate) if(iterate) Niterations = Niterations + 1 deallocate(csq_mu_in, csq_mh_in) enddo !! if( write(*,*) "Ran ",Niterations," iterations to determine Higgs to peak assignment." ! After these iterations, the code should know the correct assignments. call calculate_mh_chisq(csq_mh_in, Nmh) ! This will undo the assignments, if necessary ! call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0, Nmu, 1) ! call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0_nocorr, Nmu, 2) ! csq0 without correlations call calculate_mu_chisq(csq_mu_in, Nmu, 0) ! Need to evaluate this again with new assignments !Calculate total ndf: N = Nmu + Nmh csq_mu = 0.0D0 csq_mh = 0.0D0 csq_tot = 0.0D0 iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 !--Only allow positive chisq contributions if wanted if(minimalchisq) then if(csq_mu_in(iii).lt.0.0D0) csq_mu_in(iii) = 0.0D0 do j=lbound(csq_mh_in, dim=1), ubound(csq_mh_in, dim=1) if(csq_mh_in(j,iii).lt.0.0D0) csq_mh_in(j,iii) = 0.0D0 enddo endif !--Assign chisq_mu and chisq_mh such that the total chisq does not exceed the maximum !--chisq csq0 if(maximalchisq) then analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = min(csq_mu_in(iii),csq0(iii)) analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = min(csq0(iii)-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu, & & sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii))) !TESTING: comment out this --> ! elseif(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.0) then ! analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = min(csq_mu_in(iii),csq0(iii)) ! analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = min(csq0(iii)-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu, & !& sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii))) !! write(*,*) csq0(iii),csq_mu_in(iii),sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii)) ! NEW FOR CORRECTED ASSIGNMENTS: ! elseif(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.1.and.& !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%domH.eq.0) then elseif(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%domH.eq.0) then analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = csq0(iii) analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = 0.0D0 else !! write(*,*) "HtP assignment is forced for analysis: ",iii analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = csq_mu_in(iii) analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii)) !! write(*,*) csq0(iii),csq_mu_in(iii),sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii)) endif analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_tot = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu + & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_max = csq0(iii) csq_mu = csq_mu + analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu csq_mh = csq_mh + analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh csq_tot = csq_tot + analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_tot enddo enddo deallocate(csq_mu_in, csq_mh_in) ! write(*,*) "End of subroutine calculate_total_pc_chisq." end subroutine calculate_total_pc_chisq !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine correcting_Higgs_to_peak_assignment(iterate) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut implicit none integer :: i, ii, k logical, intent(inout) :: iterate iterate=.False. do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) if(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%undo_assignment.eq.1.and.analyses(i)%peaks(ii) !! write(*,*) "Correcting HtP." iterate=.True. do k=1,np(Hneut) analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k)=0 enddo analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%domH=0 call evaluate_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii),analyses(i)%table) !! analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%undo_assignment=0 endif enddo enddo end subroutine correcting_Higgs_to_peak_assignment !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine create_covariance_matrices() !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(.not.allocated(analyses)) then stop 'Error in subroutine create_covariance_matrices: analyses is not allocated.' endif write(*,*) "hello: Called subroutine create_covariance_matrices..." if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov) call create_covariance_matrix_mu(0) if(pdf.eq.2) then ! if(useaveragemass) then if(allocated(cov_mh_av)) deallocate(cov_mh_av) call create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(0) if(allocated(cov_mh_av_max)) deallocate(cov_mh_av_max) call create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(1) ! else if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) deallocate(cov_mhneut) call create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(0) if(allocated(cov_mhneut_max)) deallocate(cov_mhneut_max) call create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(1) ! endif endif end subroutine create_covariance_matrices !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine calculate_mu_chisq(csq_mu, N, domax) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits_hs, only : peaklist, cov use numerics, only : invmatrix, matmult integer :: i, ii, iii double precision, allocatable :: v(:), vmat(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:) double precision, allocatable, intent(out) :: csq_mu(:) character(LEN=50) :: title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mu" integer, intent(out) :: N integer, intent(in) :: domax ! if 1, then calculate maximal chisq if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov) call create_covariance_matrix_mu(domax) if(allocated(mu_vector)) deallocate(mu_vector) N = size(cov,dim=1) allocate(v(N), vmat(N,1),invcov(N,N), v2(N), csq_mu(N)) allocate(mu_vector(N)) !! write(*,*) ' domax = ',domax !-First construct the vector (mupred - muobs)_iii iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses, dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if( then v(iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu else v(iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu endif vmat(iii,1) = v(iii) !! write(*,*) 'v(',iii,') = ',v(iii) enddo enddo ! Copy vector into global module vector (for later access) mu_vector = v call invmatrix(cov,invcov) call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1) !! write(*,*) "Calculating mu chi^2. domax = ", domax do i=1, N csq_mu(i) = v(i)*v2(i) !! write(*,*) i, analyses(i)%peaks(1)%total_mu,csq_mu(i) enddo !! write(*,*) "sum = ", sum(csq_mu(:)) deallocate(v,vmat,invcov,v2) end subroutine calculate_mu_chisq !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine calculate_mh_chisq(csq_mh_out, ndf) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits_hs, only : peaklist - use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut + use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut, vsmall use numerics, only : invmatrix, matmult integer, intent(out) :: ndf integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:), vmat(:,:) double precision, allocatable, intent(out) :: csq_mh_out(:,:) double precision :: m_av_iii, dm_av_iii if((pdf.eq.1).or.(pdf.eq.3)) then !-First, determine number of peaks: N = 0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) N = N + 1 enddo enddo nH = np(Hneut) if(useaveragemass) then allocate(csq_mh_out(1,N)) else allocate(csq_mh_out(nH,N)) endif !-First, fill the chisq vector with zeros: csq_mh_out(:,:) = 0.0D0 iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if(useaveragemass) then call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii) - if( then + if( then !!! BUG FIX (TS 03/02/2015) csq_mh_out(1,iii) = csq_mh(m_av_iii, analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak, dm_av_iii, & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm) endif else do k=1,nH Hindex = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k) if( then csq_mh_out(Hindex,iii) = csq_mh(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%m, & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak,analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%dm, & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm) endif enddo endif enddo enddo else if(pdf.eq.2) then if(useaveragemass) then if(allocated(cov_mh_av)) deallocate(cov_mh_av) call create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(0) N = size(cov_mh_av,dim=1) allocate(v(1,N), v2(N), csq_mh_out(1,N), vmat(N,1)) do i=1,N v(1,i) = 0.0D0 enddo iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii) if( then v(1,iii) = m_av_iii - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak endif enddo enddo call invmatrix(cov_mh_av(:,:),invcov) vmat(:,1)=v(1,:) call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1) do i=1, N csq_mh_out(1,i) = v(1,i)*v2(i) enddo else if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) deallocate(cov_mhneut) call create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(0) nH = size(cov_mhneut,dim=1) N = size(cov_mhneut,dim=2) allocate(v(nH,N), v2(N), csq_mh_out(nH,N), vmat(N,1)) !-Construct the vector (mhpred - mhobs)_iii. Do this for every Higgs boson !-of the model. If the Higgs boson (Hindex) is not assigned to the peak, we set !-the entry of the vector to zero. !-First, fill the vectors with zeros: do k=1,nH do i=1,N v(k,i) = 0.0D0 enddo enddo do k=1,nH iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 Hindex = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k) if( then v(Hindex,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%m - & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak endif enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nH !-n.b.: this loops now over Hindex call invmatrix(cov_mhneut(k,:,:),invcov) vmat(:,1)=v(k,:) ! call matmult(invcov,v(k,:),v2,N,1) call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1) do i=1, N csq_mh_out(k,i) = v(k,i)*v2(i) if(csq_mh_out(k,i).ge.0.00001D0) then !! write(*,*) "hello: ",k,i,v(k,i),sign(1.0D0,v(k,i)), csq_mh_out(k,i) endif enddo enddo endif deallocate(v,v2,vmat,invcov) endif if(useaveragemass) then !--Calculate additional chi^2 contribution from the mass separation iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then csq_mh_out(1,iii) = csq_mh_out(1,iii) + csq_mass_separation_weighted( & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, analyses(i)%peaks(ii)) endif enddo enddo endif ! write(*,*) "before deallocate csq_mh_out" ! deallocate(csq_mh_out) ! write(*,*) "after deallocate csq_mh_out" !--Determine number of observables ndf. This checks for each peak whether the mass !--resolution is less than a huge number and thus the chisq evaluation from the mass !--measurement is enabled. ndf=0 if(pdf.eq.2.or.pdf.eq.3) then do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) ndf=ndf+1 enddo enddo endif ! write(*,*) "End of subroutine calculate_mh_chisq." end subroutine calculate_mh_chisq !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(domax) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut implicit none double precision :: dratesq, dmu0sq, dmtemp character(LEN=50) :: title integer, intent(in) :: domax ! = 0 or 1. If set to 1, then fill all off-diagonal elements ! with squared theoretical mass uncertainty, corresponding to ! a complete Higgs-to-peaks assignment integer :: Npeaks,i,ii,iii,j,jj,jjj,k,Hindex_i, Hindex_j !! write(*,*) "Create Higgs mass covariance matrix" Npeaks = 0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) Npeaks = Npeaks + 1 enddo enddo if(domax.eq.0) then allocate(cov_mhneut(np(Hneut),Npeaks,Npeaks)) elseif(domax.eq.1) then allocate(cov_mhneut_max(np(Hneut),Npeaks,Npeaks)) else stop'ERROR in subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mhneut. Specify domax correctly!' endif !-First, fill all elements of the covariance matrices with zero except the diagonal !-elements which contain the experimental mass resolution squared do k=1,np(Hneut) iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 jjj=0 do j=1, size(analyses) do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1) jjj=jjj+1 if(domax.eq.0) cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) = 0.0D0 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) = 0.0D0 if(iii.eq.jjj) then !-----Deactivate mh chisq contributions for those analysis which are tagged mhchisq==0 !-----by setting the uncertainty to a very large value. if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then if(domax.eq.0) cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2 else if(domax.eq.0) cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) = vlarge**2 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) = vlarge**2 endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo !-Now, look for Higgs bosons shared by 2 peaks and fill the corresponding cov. matrix !-element with the theoretical uncertainty squared of this Higgs boson. do k=1,np(Hneut) iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 jjj=0 do j=1, size(analyses) do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1) jjj=jjj+1 ! Hindex_i = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k) ! Hindex_j = analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb(k) ! if((Hindex_i.eq.Hindex_j).and.( then if(int_in_array(k,analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb).and.int_in_array(k, & & analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb).and.domax.eq.0) then ! write(*,*) 'debug: k = ',k,', jjj = ',jjj,' comb1 =, ', & ! & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb,' comb2 = ',analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then ! if(anticorrmh) then ! cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj)=cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) + & !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak))* & !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak))* & !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2 ! else cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj)=cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) + & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2 ! endif endif elseif(domax.eq.1) then if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then ! !NEW TEST (sign dependence): ! if(anticorrmh) then ! cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj)= cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) + & !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak))* & !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak))* & !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2 ! else cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj)= cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) + & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2 ! endif endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo !! title = "mass covariance matrix for maximal assignment, first Higgs boson" !! if(domax.eq.1) call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut_max(1,:,:), title) ! title = "covariance matrix for mh1" ! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut(1,:,:), title) ! title = "covariance matrix for mh2" ! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut(2,:,:), title) !! title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mh3" !! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut(3,:,:), title) end subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mhneut !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(domax) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut implicit none double precision :: dratesq, dmu0sq, dmtemp character(LEN=50) :: title integer, intent(in) :: domax ! = 0 or 1. If set to 1, then fill all off-diagonal elements ! with squared theoretical mass uncertainty, corresponding to ! a complete Higgs-to-peaks assignment integer :: Npeaks,i,ii,iii,j,jj,jjj,k,Hindex_i, Hindex_j integer, dimension(np(Hneut)) :: ones double precision :: m_av_iii, m_av_jjj double precision :: dm_av_iii, dm_av_jjj ! write(*,*) "Create Higgs mass covariance matrix" ones = 1 Npeaks = 0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) Npeaks = Npeaks + 1 enddo enddo if(domax.eq.0) then allocate(cov_mh_av(Npeaks,Npeaks)) elseif(domax.eq.1) then allocate(cov_mh_av_max(Npeaks,Npeaks)) else stop'ERROR in subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mh_av. Specify domax correctly!' endif !-First, fill all elements of the covariance matrices with zero except the diagonal !-elements which contain the experimental mass resolution squared ! do k=1,np(Hneut) iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 jjj=0 do j=1, size(analyses) do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1) jjj=jjj+1 if(domax.eq.0) cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) = 0.0D0 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) = 0.0D0 if(iii.eq.jjj) then if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then if(domax.eq.0) cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2 else if(domax.eq.0) cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) = vlarge**2 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) = vlarge**2 endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !enddo !-Now, look for Higgs bosons shared by 2 peaks and fill the corresponding cov. matrix !-element with the theoretical uncertainty squared of this Higgs boson. do k=1,np(Hneut) iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii) ! write(*,*) "Higgs comb = ",analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb," average mass = ",m_av_iii, dm_av_iii jjj=0 do j=1, size(analyses) do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1) jjj=jjj+1 call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb, & & analyses(j)%peaks(jj), m_av_jjj, dm_av_jjj) if(int_in_array(k,analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb).and.int_in_array(k, & & analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb).and.domax.eq.0) then if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then ! if(anticorrmh) then ! cov_mh_av(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) + & !& sign(1.0D0,(m_av_iii-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak)) * & !& sign(1.0D0,(m_av_jjj-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak)) * & !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * & !& analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * & !& dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj ! else cov_mh_av(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) + & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * & & analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * & & dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj ! endif endif elseif (domax.eq.1) then if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then call get_average_mass_for_peak(ones, analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii) call get_average_mass_for_peak(ones, analyses(j)%peaks(jj), m_av_jjj, dm_av_jjj) ! if(anticorrmh) then ! cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) + & !& sign(1.0D0,(m_av_iii-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak)) * & !& sign(1.0D0,(m_av_jjj-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak)) * & !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * & !& analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * & !& dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj ! else cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) + & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * & & analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * & & dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj ! endif endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! title = "mass averaged covariance matrix" !! if(domax.eq.1) call print_dble_matrix(cov_mh_av_max(1,:,:), title) !! title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mh2" ! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mh_av(:,:), title) !! title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mh3" !! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mh_av(3,:,:), title) end subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mh_av !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine correct_mu_uncertainty_of_peak(peak, table) ! The mu uncertainty as given in the mutable contains also systematic uncertainties for ! the luminosity and signal rate. These uncertainties are highly correlated to other ! analyses. Therefore, we subtract them here to obtain the intrinsic mu uncertainty of ! this peak. The correlated uncertainties enter later via the covariance matrix. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_hs, only : usescalefactor, output_level,symmetricerrors,& & absolute_errors, THU_included!, withcorrexpsyst implicit none type(mupeak), intent(inout) :: peak type(mutable), intent(in) :: table ! double precision, intent(in) :: dlumi ! Uncertainty of Luminosity (relative) integer :: j double precision :: dcsq, dmulow0sq, dmuup0sq, allsystsq, dmuaverage, dmuaverage0sq, mu dcsq = 0 do j=1, peak%Nc dcsq = dcsq + peak%channel_systSM(j)**2 enddo if(absolute_errors) then mu=peak%mu_original else mu=peak%mu endif ! if(.not.symmetricerrors) then if(THU_included) then ! if(withcorrexpsyst) then ! allsystsq = 0.0D0 ! do j=lbound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1),ubound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1) ! allsystsq = allsystsq + table%correxpsyst(j)**2 ! enddo ! dmulow0sq = (peak%dmulow)**2-(allsystsq + dcsq)*mu**2 ! dmuup0sq = (peak%dmuup)**2-(allsystsq + dcsq)*mu**2 ! else dmulow0sq = (peak%dmulow)**2-(table%dlumi*mu)**2-dcsq*mu**2 dmuup0sq = (peak%dmuup)**2-(table%dlumi*mu)**2-dcsq*mu**2 ! endif else !- In the case of future projections we usually use measurements !- without theoretical uncertainty included: dmulow0sq = (peak%dmulow)**2 dmuup0sq = (peak%dmuup)**2 endif if(usescalefactor) then dmulow0sq = peak%scale_mu**2*dmulow0sq dmuup0sq = peak%scale_mu**2*dmuup0sq endif if(.not.symmetricerrors) then peak%dmulow0sq = dmulow0sq peak%dmuup0sq = dmuup0sq else if( then write(*,*) "WARNING: squared intrinsic mu uncertainty is negative!" endif peak%dmulow0sq = (sqrt(abs(dmulow0sq))+sqrt(abs(dmuup0sq)))**2/4.0d0 peak%dmuup0sq = (sqrt(abs(dmulow0sq))+sqrt(abs(dmuup0sq)))**2/4.0d0 endif ! else ! dmuaverage = (peak%dmulow+peak%dmuup)/2. ! if(withcorrexpsyst) then ! allsystsq = 0.0D0 ! do j=lbound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1),ubound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1) ! allsystsq = allsystsq + table%correxpsyst(j)**2 ! enddo ! dmuaverage0sq = (dmuaverage)**2-(allsystsq + dcsq)*peak%mu**2 ! else ! dmuaverage0sq = (dmuaverage)**2-(table%dlumi*peak%mu)**2-dcsq*peak%mu**2 ! endif ! if(usescalefactor) then ! dmuaverage0sq = peak%scale_mu**2*dmuaverage0sq ! endif ! peak%dmulow0sq = dmuaverage0sq ! peak%dmuup0sq = dmuaverage0sq ! endif ! if( then if( then write(*,*) "WARNING: Negative intrinsic (lower) error squared for observable ID = ",& peak%ID,", with value ",peak%dmulow0sq endif if( then write(*,*) "WARNING: Negative intrinsic (upper) error squared for observable ID = ",& peak%ID,", with value ",peak%dmuup0sq endif ! endif !! write(*,*) "Original / Corrected uncertainties (low): ",peak%dmulow, sqrt(dmulow0sq) !! write(*,*) "Original / Corrected uncertainties (up): ",peak%dmuup, sqrt(dmuup0sq) end subroutine correct_mu_uncertainty_of_peak !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mu(domax) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_hs, only : withcorrexpsyst, absolute_errors use expt_syst, only : get_expt_syst_corr_for_peaks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: domax ! if 1, then use predicted mu == 0 double precision :: dratesq, dmu0sq, s1, s2, mu_iii, mu_jjj, corrsyst, corrsystSM integer :: Npeaks integer :: i,ii,iii,j,jj,jjj character(LEN=50) :: title logical :: corr integer csqmax !---TRY TO EVALUATE THE MAX CHISQ WITHOUT CORRELATIONS---! if(domax.eq.1) then csqmax = 1 corr=correlations_mu elseif(domax.eq.2) then csqmax = 1 corr=.False. else csqmax = 0 corr=correlations_mu endif !--------------------------------------------------------! Npeaks = 0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) Npeaks = Npeaks + analyses(i)%Npeaks enddo allocate(cov(Npeaks,Npeaks)) iii=0 !--Loop twice over all peaks to construct matrix do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if(absolute_errors) then mu_iii=analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu_original else mu_iii=analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu endif jjj=0 do j=1, size(analyses) do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1) jjj=jjj+1 if(absolute_errors) then mu_jjj=analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mu_original else mu_jjj=analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mu endif if(usescalefactor) then s1 = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%scale_mu s2 = analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%scale_mu else s1 = 1.0D0 s2 = 1.0D0 endif cov(iii,jjj)=0.0D0 if(corr.or.(.not.corr.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then call get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks(dratesq,analyses(i)%peaks(ii),& & analyses(j)%peaks(jj),analyses(i)%table%collider, analyses(j)%table%collider) if(anticorrmu) then !-----Treat luminosity uncertainty as correlated systematic error if same collaboration: if(analyses(i)%table%collaboration.eq.analyses(j)%table%collaboration) then cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+(s1*analyses(i)%table%dlumi*s2*analyses(j)%table%dlumi)& & *(mu_iii*mu_jjj) endif corrsyst=0.0D0 !------Include correlated experimental systematic uncertainties (TS 2013-11-21) if(withcorrexpsyst) then if(iii.eq.jjj) then call get_expt_syst_corr_for_peaks(corrsystSM, analyses(i)%peaks(ii),& & mu_iii, analyses(j)%peaks(jj),mu_jjj, 0) cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj) - corrsystSM endif call get_expt_syst_corr_for_peaks(corrsyst, analyses(i)%peaks(ii),& & mu_iii, analyses(j)%peaks(jj),mu_jjj, 1) cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj) + corrsyst endif !------ if(useSMweights) then cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ & & (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mu) else cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ & & (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu) endif else !-----Treat luminosity uncertainty as correlated systematic error if same collaboration: if(analyses(i)%table%collaboration.eq.analyses(j)%table%collaboration) then cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+(s1*analyses(i)%table%dlumi*s2*analyses(j)%table%dlumi)& & *abs(mu_iii*mu_jjj) endif if(useSMweights) then cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ & & (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mu) else cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ & & (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu) endif endif endif !----Add the intrinsic (uncorrelated) uncertainty of this peak to the diagonal elements: if(iii.eq.jjj) then call get_dmu0sq_peak(dmu0sq,analyses(i)%peaks(ii),csqmax) cov(iii,jjj) = cov(iii,jjj) + dmu0sq endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !! write(*,*) "signal strength covariance matrix:" !! do iii=lbound(cov,dim=1),ubound(cov,dim=1) !! write(*,*) "(",iii,",",iii,") = ",cov(iii,iii) !! enddo end subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mu !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks_old(dratesq, peak1, peak2) ! Returns the sum of the squared theoretical uncertainties of the common ! production and decay rates of the two peak observables. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak, delta_rate, useSMweights type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak1, peak2 double precision, intent(out) :: dratesq integer :: i,j,id1,p1,d1,id2,p2,d2 double precision :: res res=0.0D0 do i=1,peak1%Nc do j=1,peak2%Nc id1 = peak1%channel_id(i) p1 = int((id1-modulo(id1,10))/dble(10)) d1 = modulo(id1,10) id2 = peak2%channel_id(j) p2 = int((id2-modulo(id2,10))/dble(10)) d2 = modulo(id2,10) ! if(p1.eq.p2) res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) ! if(d1.eq.d2) res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) if(p1.eq.p2) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif endif if(d1.eq.d2) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif endif enddo enddo dratesq=res end subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks_old !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks(dratesq, peak1, peak2, collider1, collider2) ! Returns the sum of the squared theoretical uncertainties of the common ! production and decay rates of the two peak observables. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak, delta_rate, useSMweights type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak1, peak2 character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: collider1, collider2 double precision, intent(out) :: dratesq integer :: i,j,id1,p1,d1,id2,p2,d2 double precision :: res !, delta res=0.0D0 ! delta=0.0D0 do i=1,peak1%Nc do j=1,peak2%Nc id1 = peak1%channel_id(i) p1 = int((id1-modulo(id1,10))/dble(10)) d1 = modulo(id1,10) id2 = peak2%channel_id(j) p2 = int((id2-modulo(id2,10))/dble(10)) d2 = modulo(id2,10) ! if(p1.eq.p2) res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) ! if(d1.eq.d2) res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) if(( then if('ILC''ILC') then if(delta_rate%CScov_ok.and.delta_rate%usecov) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%CScov(p1,p2)*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%CScov(p1,p2)*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif else if(p1.eq.p2) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif endif endif else if(collider1.eq.'ILC'.and.collider2.eq.'ILC') then if(p1.eq.p2) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%dCS_ILC(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%dCS_ILC(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif endif endif endif ! if('ILC''ILC') then ! delta=delta_rate%dCS(p1) ! else !---Set the theoretical uncertainty of production mode to zero if collider==ILC ! delta=0.0D0 ! endif ! if(useSMweights) then ! res=res+delta**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) ! else ! res=res+delta**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) ! endif ! endif if(( then if(delta_rate%BRcov_ok.and.delta_rate%usecov) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%BRcov(d1,d2)*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%BRcov(d1,d2)*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif else if(d1.eq.d2) then if(useSMweights) then res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j) else res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j) endif endif endif endif enddo enddo dratesq=res end subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_cov_mu(matrix) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: matrix if(allocated(cov)) then if(size(cov,dim=1).eq.size(matrix,dim=1).and.size(cov,dim=2).eq.size(matrix,dim=2)) then ! allocate(matrix(size(cov,dim=1),size(cov,dim=2))) matrix = cov else write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mu: different dimensions." endif else write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mu: cov not allocated." endif end subroutine get_cov_mu !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_cov_mh(Hindex,matrix) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: matrix integer, intent(in) :: Hindex if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) then if(size(cov_mhneut,dim=2).eq.size(matrix,dim=1)& & .and.size(cov_mhneut,dim=3).eq.size(matrix,dim=2)) then if(,dim=1).and.Hindex.le.ubound(cov_mhneut,dim=1)) then matrix = cov_mhneut(Hindex,:,:) else write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mh: Hindex not in range." endif else write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mh: different dimensions." endif else write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mh: cov not allocated." endif end subroutine get_cov_mh !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_cov_mu_to_file use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 implicit none character(LEN=20):: formatstring open(file_id_common3, file='cov_mu.txt', form='formatted') write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov,dim=2),'F20.10)' do i=lbound(cov,dim=1),ubound(cov,dim=1) write(file_id_common3, formatstring) cov(i,:) enddo close(file_id_common3) end subroutine print_cov_mu_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_corr_mu_to_file use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 implicit none character(LEN=20):: formatstring open(file_id_common3, file='corr_mu.txt', form='formatted') write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov,dim=2),'F20.10)' do i=lbound(cov,dim=1),ubound(cov,dim=1) ! TS fix 14/08/2013: Took square root of this! write(file_id_common3, formatstring) (cov(i,j)/sqrt(cov(i,i)*cov(j,j)), & & j=lbound(cov,dim=2),ubound(cov,dim=2)) enddo close(file_id_common3) end subroutine print_corr_mu_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_inverse_cov_mu_to_file use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 implicit none character(LEN=20):: formatstring double precision, allocatable :: invcov(:,:) allocate(invcov(size(cov,dim=1),size(cov,dim=2))) call invmatrix(cov,invcov) open(file_id_common3, file='inverse_cov_mu.txt', form='formatted') write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(invcov,dim=2),'F20.10)' do i=lbound(invcov,dim=1),ubound(invcov,dim=1) write(file_id_common3, formatstring) invcov(i,:) enddo close(file_id_common3) open(file_id_common3, file='mu_vector.txt', form='formatted') do i=lbound(mu_vector,dim=1),ubound(mu_vector,dim=1) write(file_id_common3, '(1F20.10)') mu_vector(i) enddo close(file_id_common3) end subroutine print_inverse_cov_mu_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_inverse_cov_mh_to_file(Hindex) use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 implicit none character(LEN=20):: formatstring, filename integer, intent(in) :: Hindex double precision, allocatable :: invcov(:,:) allocate(invcov(size(cov_mhneut,dim=2),size(cov_mhneut,dim=3))) if(useaveragemass) then call invmatrix(cov_mh_av(:,:),invcov) open(file_id_common3, file='inverse_cov_mh_average.txt', form='formatted') write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(invcov,dim=2),'F20.10)' do i=lbound(invcov,dim=1),ubound(invcov,dim=1) write(file_id_common3, formatstring) invcov(i,:) enddo close(file_id_common3) else call invmatrix(cov_mhneut(Hindex,:,:),invcov) write(filename,'(A14,I1,A4)') 'inverse_cov_mh',Hindex,'.txt' open(file_id_common3, file=trim(adjustl(filename)), form='formatted') write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(invcov,dim=2),'F20.10)' do i=lbound(invcov,dim=1),ubound(invcov,dim=1) write(file_id_common3, formatstring) invcov(i,:) enddo close(file_id_common3) endif end subroutine print_inverse_cov_mh_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_cov_mh_to_file(Hindex) use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 implicit none character(LEN=20):: formatstring, filename integer, intent(in) :: Hindex + if(useaveragemass) then + write(filename,'(A10)') 'cov_mh.txt' + open(file_id_common3, file=trim(adjustl(filename)), form='formatted') + write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov_mh_av,dim=2),'F20.10)' + do i=lbound(cov_mh_av,dim=1),ubound(cov_mh_av,dim=1) + write(file_id_common3, formatstring) cov_mh_av(i,:) + enddo + close(file_id_common3) + else write(filename,'(A6,I1,A4)') 'cov_mh',Hindex,'.txt' open(file_id_common3, file=trim(adjustl(filename)), form='formatted') write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov_mhneut,dim=3),'F20.10)' do i=lbound(cov_mhneut,dim=2),ubound(cov_mhneut,dim=2) write(file_id_common3, formatstring) cov_mhneut(Hindex,i,:) enddo close(file_id_common3) + endif end subroutine print_cov_mh_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_peakinformation !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits_HS, only : peaklist implicit none do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) write(*,*) write(*,*)'#*************************************************************************#' write(*,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)') ' # Analysis ',i, & & ' Peak ',j,' #' write(*,*)'#*************************************************************************#' write(*,'(A25,1I10)') 'ID =', analyses(i)%id write(*,'(A25,4X,A3)') 'Collaboration =', analyses(i)%table%collaboration write(*,'(A25,1F10.2)') 'Energy =', analyses(i)%table%energy write(*,'(A25,4X,A45)') 'Reference =', analyses(i)%table%label write(*,'(A25,4X,A100)') 'Description =', analyses(i)%table%desc write(*,'(A25,1F10.3)') 'mass resolution =',analyses(i)%table%deltam write(*,'(A25,1F10.3)') 'peak mass =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak write(*,'(A25,1F10.4)') 'peak mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu write(*,'(A25,2F10.4)') 'cyan band(low,high) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup ! write(*,'(A25,2F10.4)') 'dmu0 (low,high) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow0, & !& analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup0 write(*,'(A25,4X,$)') 'Higgs combination =' do k=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgs_comb,dim=1), & & ubound(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgs_comb,dim=1) write(*,'(1I3,$)') analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgs_comb(k) enddo write(*,*) write(*,'(A25,7X,1I3)') 'Dominant Higgs =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH write(*,'(A25,1F10.4)'), 'Total pred. mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq for mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mu write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq for mh =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mh write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq (total) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_tot write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq (max) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_max write(*,*)'#------------------------ Channel information ----------------------------#' write(*,*) ' ID prod. decay mu weight syst.err. ' write(*,*)'#-------------------------------------------------------------------------#' do k=1, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Nc write(*,'(1I5,5X,2A,3F15.6)') analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id(k),& & analyses(i)%table%channel_description(k,:),& & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_mu(k),analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_w_model(k),& & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_syst(k) enddo write(*,*)'#-------------------------------------------------------------------------#' enddo enddo end subroutine print_peakinformation !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_peakinformation_essentials !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !x use usefulbits_HS, only : peaklist implicit none do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) write(*,*) write(*,*)'#*************************************************************************#' write(*,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)') ' # Analysis ',i, & & ' Peak ',j,' #' write(*,*)'#*************************************************************************#' write(*,'(A25,1I10)') 'ID =', analyses(i)%id write(*,'(A25,7X,A3)') 'Collaboration =', analyses(i)%table%collaboration write(*,'(A25,4X,F6.2)') 'cms energy =', analyses(i)%table%energy write(*,'(A25,4X,A45)') 'Reference =', analyses(i)%table%label write(*,'(A25,4X,A100)') 'Description =', analyses(i)%table%desc write(*,'(A25,1F10.2)') 'mass resolution =',analyses(i)%table%deltam write(*,'(A25,1F10.2)') 'peak mass =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak write(*,'(A25,1F10.4)') 'peak mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu write(*,'(A25,2F10.4)') 'cyan band(low,high) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup write(*,*)'#------------------------ Channel information ----------------------------#' write(*,*)' ID prod. decay efficiency' write(*,*)'#-------------------------------------------------------------------------#' do k=1, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Nc write(*,'(1I5,5X,2A,1F15.6)') analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id(k), & & analyses(i)%table%channel_description(k,:),analyses(i)%table%channel_eff(k) enddo write(*,*)'#-------------------------------------------------------------------------#' enddo enddo end subroutine print_peakinformation_essentials !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_peaks_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 use usefulbits_hs, only : StrCompress implicit none character(LEN=100) :: formatspec integer :: kk kk=0 formatspec='(I3,7X,I10,1X,F6.2,1X,4F8.4,1X,A3,1X,F6.2,1X,F6.2,1X,I3,1X,A,5X,A)' open(file_id_common3,file="peak_information.txt") write(file_id_common3,*) "#HiggsSignals-"//trim(adjustl(HSvers))// & & " with experimental dataset '"//trim(adjustl(Exptdir))//"'" write(file_id_common3,*) "#Number Analysis-ID mh_obs mu_obs dmu_low dmu_high ", & & "dmh_exp collaboration energy luminosity description reference" write(file_id_common3,*) "#" do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) kk=kk+1 write(file_id_common3,formatspec)kk,analyses(i)%id,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup, & & analyses(i)%table%deltam,analyses(i)%table%collaboration, analyses(i)%table%energy, & & analyses(i)%table%lumi, analyses(i)%table%mhchisq, & & trim(strcompress(analyses(i)%table%desc)), analyses(i)%table%label enddo enddo close(file_id_common3) end subroutine print_peaks_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_peaks_to_LaTeX !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 use usefulbits_hs, only : StrCompress implicit none character(LEN=100) :: formatspec integer :: kk, N, ii, id, p double precision :: weights(5) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0 /) kk=0 open(file_id_common3,file="peak_information.tex") write(file_id_common3,*) "\begin{tabular}{lcrrrrr}" write(file_id_common3,*) "\hline" write(file_id_common3,*) "Analysis & Signal strength & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Signal contamination [in \%]} \\" write(file_id_common3,*) "& & ggH & VBF & WH & ZH & $t\bar{t}H$ \\" write(file_id_common3,*) "\hline" do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) kk=kk+1 N = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Nc weights = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0 /) do ii=1,N id = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id(ii) p = int((id-modulo(id,10))/dble(10)) weights(p) = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_w_model(ii) enddo write(formatspec,"(A,I1,A,I1,A)") '(A3,1X,A,A,A,A,A,F6.2,A,F6.2,A,F6.2,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,',N,'I3)' write(file_id_common3,formatspec) analyses(i)%table%collaboration, & & "$",trim(strcompress(analyses(i)%table%desc)), "$~\cite{", & & trim(strcompress(analyses(i)%table%label)),"} & $", & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, "\substack{+",analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup,"\\ -",& & abs(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow),"}$ & $",100*weights(1),"$ & $",100*weights(2),& & "$ & $",100*weights(3),"$ & $",100*weights(4),"$ & $",100*weights(5),"$\\ %", & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id enddo enddo write(file_id_common3,*) "\hline" write(file_id_common3,*) "\end{tabular}" end subroutine print_peaks_to_LaTeX !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine print_peaks_signal_rates_to_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 use usefulbits_hs, only : HSres implicit none character(LEN=100) :: formatspec,formatspec2 integer :: kk double precision :: mh_pull, mu_pull, dmu kk=0 formatspec='(I3,7X,I10,1X,4F8.2,1X,6F10.4)' formatspec2='(I3,7X,I10,1X,2F8.2,1X,A7,1X,A7,1X,A7,1X,5F10.4)' open(file_id_common3,file="peak_massesandrates.txt") write(file_id_common3,*) "#HiggsSignals-"//trim(adjustl(HSvers))// & & " with experimental dataset '"//trim(adjustl(Exptdir))//"'" write(file_id_common3,*) "#pull = (predicted - observed)/(gaussian uncertainty)" write(file_id_common3,*) "#Number Analysis-ID mh_obs dmh_exp mh_pred dmh_theo mh_pull",& & " mu_obs dmu_low dmu_high mu_pred mu_pull" write(file_id_common3,*) "#" do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) kk=kk+1 if(analyses(i)%peaks(j) then mh_pull = (analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%m - & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak)/ & & sqrt(analyses(i)%table%deltam**2+ & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%dm**2) endif call get_dmu_peak(dmu,analyses(i)%peaks(j)) mu_pull = (analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu - analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu)/dmu if(analyses(i)%peaks(j) then write(file_id_common3,formatspec)kk,analyses(i)%id,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak, & & analyses(i)%table%deltam, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%m, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%dm, mh_pull, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu, mu_pull else write(file_id_common3,formatspec2)kk,analyses(i)%id,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak, & & analyses(i)%table%deltam, 'NAN','NAN','NAN', & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup, & & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu, mu_pull endif enddo enddo close(file_id_common3) end subroutine print_peaks_signal_rates_to_file !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_peakchi2(obsID, csqmu, csqmh, csqmax, csqtot) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, intent(in) :: obsID double precision, intent(out) :: csqmu, csqmh, csqmax, csqtot integer :: i, j do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) if(obsID.eq.analyses(i)%peaks(j)%id) then csqmu = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mu csqmh = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mh csqmax = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_max csqtot = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_tot endif enddo enddo end subroutine get_peakchi2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_masschi2_from_separation(csq) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision, intent(out) :: csq integer :: i, ii, iii ! write(*,*) "Calling get_masschi2_from_separation." csq =0.0D0 iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then csq = csq + csq_mass_separation_weighted( & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, analyses(i)%peaks(ii)) ! write(*,*) 'analyses(',i,')%peaks(',ii,')%Higgs_comb = ',analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb endif enddo enddo ! write(*,*) 'csq_sep =', csq end subroutine get_masschi2_from_separation !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine add_peaks_to_HSresults(r) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits_hs, only : HSresults, peaklist implicit none type(HSresults), intent(out) :: r integer :: i,j, iii if(allocated(r%obsID)) deallocate(r%obsID) if(allocated(r%mupred)) deallocate(r%mupred) if(allocated(r%domH)) deallocate(r%domH) if(allocated(r%nH)) deallocate(r%nH) !-The number of peaks should maybe be saved in a global usefulbits_HS variable in order ! to avoid multiple loops over the peaklist. iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 enddo enddo allocate(r%mupred(iii), r%domH(iii), r%nH(iii), r%obsID(iii)) iii=0 do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1) do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 r%mupred(iii)=analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu r%domH(iii)=analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH r%nH(iii)=analyses(i)%peaks(j)%NHiggs_comb r%obsID(iii)=analyses(i)%peaks(j)%id enddo enddo ! write(*,*) "End of subroutine add_peaks_to_HSresults." end subroutine add_peaks_to_HSresults !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_dmu0sq_peak(dmu0sq,peak,domax) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak, symmetricerrors, absolute_errors implicit none integer, intent(in) :: domax ! if 1, then use predicted mu == 0 double precision, intent(out) :: dmu0sq double precision :: pred_mu, mu type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak ! TESTING: ! if(absolute_errors) then ! mu=peak%mu_original ! else mu=peak%mu ! endif if(domax.eq.1) then pred_mu = 0.0D0 else pred_mu = peak%total_mu endif if(.not.symmetricerrors) then if( then dmu0sq = peak%dmulow0sq else if( then dmu0sq = peak%dmuup0sq endif else if( then write(*,*) "WARNING: squared intrinsic mu uncertainty is negative!" dmu0sq= (sqrt(abs(peak%dmulow0sq))+sqrt(abs(peak%dmuup0sq)))**2/4. else dmu0sq = (sqrt(peak%dmulow0sq)+sqrt(peak%dmuup0sq))**2/4. endif endif !! write(*,*) 'DEBUG: ',peak%dmulow0sq, peak%dmuup0sq, (sqrt(peak%dmulow0sq)+sqrt(peak%dmuup0sq))**2/4. end subroutine get_dmu0sq_peak !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_dmu_peak(dmu,peak) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak implicit none double precision, intent(out) :: dmu double precision :: pred_mu type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak pred_mu = peak%total_mu if(pred_mu.le.peak%mu) then dmu = peak%dmulow else if( then dmu = peak%dmuup endif end subroutine get_dmu_peak !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine calc_pc_chisq(pc_chisq,peak,mhchisqflag,Higgses,Higgs_dom,indices_in,iterstep) ! This subroutine calculates the chisq value for a given Higgs combination assigned ! to one peak. ! Parameters: ! ! pc_chisq: Return value (double precision) ! peak: Peak observable the Higgs bosons are assigned to (type mupeak) ! Higgses: neutral Higgs bosons considered for the assignment (type neutHiggs(:)) ! Hdom: dominantly contribution Higgs boson (int) ! indices_in: Higgs boson combination the chi squared value is evaluated for (int(:)) ! iterstep: Iteration-step of Higgs-to-peak assignment !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak type(neutHiggs), dimension(:), intent(in) :: Higgses(:) ! integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: indices_best(:) ! integer, intent(in), optional :: Nindices_in integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:) integer, intent(in) :: mhchisqflag, iterstep integer, intent(out) :: Higgs_dom double precision, intent(out) :: pc_chisq !--Internal parameters: double precision :: mutot,dmu,csq0,csq_mh_tot,csq_tot,csq_tot_tmp,csq_mh_tmp,mumax double precision :: deltam integer :: nH double precision :: m, dm call check_pdf(pdf) nH=size(Higgses) !--Calculate the maximal chisq value for this peak csq0 = csq_mu(0.0D0,peak%mu,peak%dmuup,peak%dmulow) mumax = -1.0D6 mutot = 0.0D0 csq_mh_tot=0.0D0 Higgs_dom=0 ! Calculate mutot and find dominant Higgs do i=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1) if(indices_in(i).ne.0) then mutot = mutot + Higgses(indices_in(i))%mu if(Higgses(indices_in(i)) then mumax = Higgses(indices_in(i))%mu Higgs_dom = indices_in(i) endif endif enddo if(allocated(cov_mhneut_max).and.iterstep.eq.1) then !-In the first iterated step, use a Higgs mass covariance matrix, where all Higgs bosons !-are assumed to be assigned. ! write(*,*) "Warning!! called csq_mh_with_max_corr!" csq_mh_tot = csq_mh_with_max_corr(indices_in, peak%internalnumber) elseif(allocated(cov_mhneut) then !-In the second (and succeeding) iterated steps, use a the Higgs mass covariance matrix !-based on the the previous Higgs-to-peaks assignment. ! write(*,*) "Warning!! called csq_mh_with_corr!" csq_mh_tot = csq_mh_with_corr(indices_in, peak%internalnumber) else if(useaveragemass) then call get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, peak, m, dm) if(mhchisqflag.eq.1) then deltam = peak%dm csq_mh_tot = csq_mh(m, peak%mpeak, dm, peak%dm) else csq_mh_tot = 0.0D0 endif else do i=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1) if(indices_in(i).ne.0) then if(mhchisqflag.eq.1) then deltam = peak%dm csq_mh_tmp = csq_mh(Higgses(indices_in(i))%m, peak%mpeak, & & Higgses(indices_in(i))%dm,deltam) else csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0 endif csq_mh_tot = csq_mh_tot + csq_mh_tmp endif enddo endif endif if(allocated(cov)) then csq_tot = csq_mh_tot + csq_mu_with_corr(mutot, peak%internalnumber) else csq_tot = csq_mh_tot + csq_mu(mutot, peak%mu, peak%dmuup, peak%dmulow) endif pc_chisq = csq_tot end subroutine calc_pc_chisq !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function csq_mh_with_max_corr(indices_in, peaknumber) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:) integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber double precision :: csq_mh_with_max_corr double precision, allocatable :: csq_mh_per_Higgs(:) integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:) nH = size(cov_mhneut,dim=1) N = size(cov_mhneut,dim=2) allocate(v(nH,N), v2(N), csq_mh_per_Higgs(nH)) do k=1,nH iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 v(k,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak if(iii.eq.peaknumber) v(k,iii) = 0.0D0 ! Will be filled later... enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nH iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if(iii.eq.peaknumber) then Hindex=indices_in(k) if( then v(Hindex,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak endif endif enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nH !-n.b.: this loops now over Hindex call invmatrix(cov_mhneut_max(k,:,:),invcov) call matmult(invcov,v(k,:),v2,N,1) csq_mh_per_Higgs(k) = v(k,peaknumber)*v2(peaknumber) enddo csq_mh_with_max_corr = sum(csq_mh_per_Higgs) deallocate(v,v2,csq_mh_per_Higgs) end function csq_mh_with_max_corr !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function csq_mh_with_corr(indices_in, peaknumber) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:) integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber double precision :: csq_mh_with_corr double precision, allocatable :: csq_mh_per_Higgs(:) integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:) nH = size(cov_mhneut,dim=1) N = size(cov_mhneut,dim=2) allocate(v(nH,N), v2(N), csq_mh_per_Higgs(nH)) !-First, fill the vectors with zeros: do k=1,nH do i=1,N v(k,i) = 0.0D0 enddo enddo do k=1,nH iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 Hindex = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k) if(iii.eq.peaknumber) Hindex=indices_in(k) if( then v(Hindex,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%m - & & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak endif enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nH !-n.b.: this loops now over Hindex call invmatrix(cov_mhneut(k,:,:),invcov) call matmult(invcov,v(k,:),v2,N,1) csq_mh_per_Higgs(k) = v(k,peaknumber)*v2(peaknumber) enddo csq_mh_with_corr = sum(csq_mh_per_Higgs) deallocate(v,v2,csq_mh_per_Higgs) end function csq_mh_with_corr !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function csq_mu_with_corr(mu, peaknumber) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! use usefulbits_hs, only : peaklist, cov use numerics, only : invmatrix, matmult integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber double precision, intent(in) :: mu integer :: i, ii, iii, N double precision, allocatable :: v(:), vmat(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:) double precision :: csq_mu_with_corr if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov) call create_covariance_matrix_mu(0) N = size(cov,dim=1) allocate(v(N), vmat(N,1),invcov(N,N), v2(N)) !-First construct the vector (mupred - muobs)_iii iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 v(iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu if(iii.eq.peaknumber) v(iii) = mu - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu vmat(iii,1) = v(iii) enddo enddo call invmatrix(cov,invcov) call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1) csq_mu_with_corr = v(peaknumber)*v2(peaknumber) deallocate(v,vmat,invcov,v2) end function csq_mu_with_corr !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine check_pdf(pdf) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: pdf if(.not.((pdf.eq.1).or.(pdf.eq.2).or.(pdf.eq.3))) then write(*,*) 'WARNING: pdf not properly specified. Will be set to pdf=2 (gaussian-shape)' pdf=2 endif end subroutine check_pdf !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function csq_mu(x, x0, dx_up, dx_low) !- x: model predicted value !- x0: observed value !- dx_up: difference between observed and upper 1sigma band (always positive) !- dx_low: difference between observed and lower 1sigma band (always positive) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits_hs, only : symmetricerrors implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: x, x0, dx_up, dx_low double precision :: csq_mu, dx if(.not.symmetricerrors) then if( then dx = dx_up else dx = dx_low endif else dx = (abs(dx_up)+abs(dx_low))/2. endif csq_mu=chisq(x, x0, dx) end function csq_mu !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function csq_mh(x,x0,dx1,dx2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: x, x0, dx1, dx2 double precision :: csq_mh, dx if(pdf.eq.1) then ! box pdf dx = dx1 + dx2 ! Add exp. and th. uncertainties linearly if( then csq_mh = 0.0D0 else csq_mh = 100000.0D0 !Large number endif else if(pdf.eq.2) then ! gaussian pdf dx = sqrt(dx1**2+dx2**2) ! Add uncertainties in quadrature csq_mh = chisq(x,x0,dx) !---------------------------- Have to verify boxgaussian... else if(pdf.eq.3) then ! box+gaussian pdf if( then csq_mh = 0.0D0 else if( then csq_mh = chisq(x,x0+dx1,dx2) else if(x.le.(x0-dx1)) then csq_mh = chisq(x,x0-dx1,dx2) endif endif end function csq_mh !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function csq_mass_separation_weighted(indices_in, peak) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- use usefulbits, only : vsmall implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:) type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak double precision :: csq_mass_separation_weighted double precision :: mutotal,csq,csq_mh_tmp, m, dm - integer :: i,k + integer :: i,k,NHiggs !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +NHiggs = 0 mutotal = 0.0D0 + do k=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1) i = indices_in(k) - if( mutotal = mutotal + peak%Higgses(i)%mu + if( then + mutotal = mutotal + peak%Higgses(i)%mu + NHiggs=NHiggs+1 + endif enddo call get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, peak, m, dm) csq = 0.0D0 -if(abs(mutotal).gt.vsmall) then +if(abs(mutotal) then do k=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1) i = indices_in(k) csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0 if( then if(pdf.eq.1) then ! box pdf if(peak%Higgses(i) & & peak%Higgses(i)%m.le.(m+peak%Higgses(i)%dm+peak%dm)) then csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0 else csq_mh_tmp = 100000.0D0 !Large number endif else if(pdf.eq.2) then csq_mh_tmp = chisq(peak%Higgses(i)%m,m,sqrt(peak%dm**2+peak%Higgses(i)%dm**2)) ! write(*,*) "m, m_av, dm = ",peak%Higgses(i)%m,m,sqrt(peak%dm**2+peak%Higgses(i)%dm**2) ! write(*,*) "i, csq_mh_tmp = ", i , csq_mh_tmp else if(pdf.eq.3) then if(peak%Higgses(i) & & peak%Higgses(i)%m.le.(m+peak%Higgses(i)%dm)) then csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0 else if(peak%Higgses(i) then csq_mh_tmp = chisq(peak%Higgses(i)%m,m+peak%Higgses(i)%dm,peak%dm) else if(peak%Higgses(i) then csq_mh_tmp = chisq(peak%Higgses(i)%m,m-peak%Higgses(i)%dm,peak%dm) endif else stop "Error: Unknown pdf!" endif csq = csq + abs(peak%Higgses(i)%mu/mutotal)*csq_mh_tmp endif enddo endif csq_mass_separation_weighted = csq end function csq_mass_separation_weighted !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function chisq(x,x0,dx) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: x,x0,dx double precision :: chisq if( then chisq=(x-x0)**2/dx**2 else write(*,*) 'WARNING, dx = 0' chisq=100000. endif end function chisq !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_ncomb(ncomb, indices_truncated, indices_best) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_best(:) integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: indices_truncated(:) integer, intent(out) :: ncomb integer :: i,j ncomb=0 do i=lbound(indices_best,dim=1),ubound(indices_best,dim=1) if(indices_best(i).ne.0) ncomb=ncomb+1 enddo allocate(indices_truncated(ncomb)) j=1 do i=lbound(indices_best,dim=1),ubound(indices_best,dim=1) if(indices_best(i).ne.0) then indices_truncated(j)=indices_best(i) j=j+1 endif enddo end subroutine get_ncomb !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_weights_at_peak( peak, mutab ) ! This subroutines fills the channels weights array of the peak object with the ! Standard Model weights obtained at the peaks position. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use usefulbits, only : div, small ! use theory_XS_SM_functions use usefulbits_HS, only : mutable type(mupeak), intent(inout) :: peak type(mutable), intent(in) :: mutab integer :: i, id, p, d double precision :: SMrate, mass double precision :: SMCS_lhc7_gg_H,SMCS_lhc7_bb_H,SMCS_lhc7_vbf_H,SMCS_lhc7_HW, & & SMCS_lhc7_HZ, SMCS_lhc7_ttH, SMCS_lhc8_gg_H,SMCS_lhc8_bb_H,SMCS_lhc8_vbf_H, & & SMCS_lhc8_HW, SMCS_lhc8_HZ, SMCS_lhc8_ttH, SMCS_tev_gg_H,SMCS_tev_bb_H, & & SMCS_tev_vbf_H, SMCS_tev_HW, SMCS_tev_HZ, SMCS_tev_ttH,SMBR_Hgamgam,SMBR_HWW, & & SMBR_HZZ, SMBR_Htautau, SMBR_Hbb,SMBR_HZgam,SMBR_Hcc, SMBR_Hmumu,SMBR_Hgg ! Check experiment and energy flag to choose the relevant dataset mass = peak%mpeak do i=1,mutab%Nc id = mutab%channel_id(i) p = int((id-modulo(id,10))/dble(10)) d = modulo(id,10) !--Do the production rate for the relevant experiment and cms-energy if(mutab%collider.eq.'LHC') then if(abs(mutab%energy-7.0D0).le.small) then if(p.eq.1) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc7_gg_H(mass)+SMCS_lhc7_bb_H(mass) else if(p.eq.2) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc7_vbf_H(mass) else if(p.eq.3) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc7_HW(mass) else if(p.eq.4) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc7_HZ(mass) else if(p.eq.5) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc7_ttH(mass) endif else if(abs(mutab%energy-8.0D0).le.small) then if(p.eq.1) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc8_gg_H(mass)+SMCS_lhc8_bb_H(mass) else if(p.eq.2) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc8_vbf_H(mass) else if(p.eq.3) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc8_HW(mass) else if(p.eq.4) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc8_HZ(mass) else if(p.eq.5) then SMrate=SMCS_lhc8_ttH(mass) endif endif else if(mutab%collider.eq.'TEV') then if(p.eq.1) then SMrate=SMCS_tev_gg_H(mass)+SMCS_tev_bb_H(mass) else if(p.eq.2) then SMrate=SMCS_tev_vbf_H(mass) else if(p.eq.3) then SMrate=SMCS_tev_HW(mass) else if(p.eq.4) then SMrate=SMCS_tev_HZ(mass) else if(p.eq.5) then SMrate=SMCS_tev_ttH(mass) endif endif !--Multiply now by the decay rate if(d.eq.1) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_Hgamgam(mass) else if(d.eq.2) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_HWW(mass) else if(d.eq.3) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_HZZ(mass) else if(d.eq.4) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_Htautau(mass) else if(d.eq.5) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_Hbb(mass) else if(d.eq.6) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_HZgam(mass) else if(d.eq.7) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_Hcc(mass) else if(d.eq.8) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_Hmumu(mass) else if(d.eq.9) then SMrate=SMrate*SMBR_Hgg(mass) endif peak%channel_w(i)=peak%channel_eff(i)*SMrate enddo SMrate=sum(peak%channel_w(:)) do i=1,mutab%Nc peak%channel_w(i)=div(peak%channel_w(i),SMrate,0.0D0,1.0D9) enddo end subroutine get_weights_at_peak !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_average_mass(indices_in, peaknumber, m, dm) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:) integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber double precision, intent(out) :: m, dm integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex double precision :: num1, num2, denom nH = size(indices_in,dim=1) num1 = 0.0D0 num2 = 0.0D0 denom = 0.0D0 iii=0 do i=1, size(analyses) do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1) iii=iii+1 if(iii.eq.peaknumber) then call get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m, dm) endif enddo enddo if( then m = num1 / denom dm = num2 / denom else m = 0.0D0 dm = 0.0D0 endif end subroutine get_average_mass !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, peak, m, dm) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:) type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak double precision, intent(out) :: m, dm integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex double precision :: num1, num2, denom nH = size(indices_in,dim=1) num1 = 0.0D0 num2 = 0.0D0 denom = 0.0D0 do k=1,nH Hindex=indices_in(k) if( then num1 = num1 + peak%Higgses(Hindex)%mu * & & peak%Higgses(Hindex)%m num2 = num2 + peak%Higgses(Hindex)%mu * & & peak%Higgses(Hindex)%dm denom = denom + peak%Higgses(Hindex)%mu endif enddo if( then m = num1 / denom dm = num2 / denom else m = 0.0D0 dm = 0.0D0 endif end subroutine get_average_mass_for_peak !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module pc_chisq !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ No newline at end of file Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/example_programs/HSwithToys.f90 =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/example_programs/HSwithToys.f90 (revision 507) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/example_programs/HSwithToys.f90 (revision 508) @@ -1,198 +1,198 @@ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- program HSwithToys ! ! This example program is part of HiggsSignals (TS 25/01/2013). !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This example program shows how HiggsSignals (HS) can be run on toy experiments. We ! first run HS with SM input with a Higgs mass of 126 GeV. From the result of this ! run we can obtain the predicted signal strength modifiers for each peak observable ! directly from HiggsSignals. As a demonstration, these are then set as observed (toy) ! signal rates of the various observables. We then re-run HiggsSignals on the new ! observables on the same model, i.e. observed and predicted signal rates are equal, ! thus the resulting chi^2 should be zero. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use theory_colliderSfunctions use usefulbits, only : vsmall use usefulbits_hs,only : analyses use pc_chisq, only : print_peaks_to_LaTeX,print_cov_mu_to_file use io, only : get_peakinfo_from_HSresults, get_number_of_observables,& & get_ID_of_peakobservable, HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output,& & HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output_default implicit none integer :: nH,nHplus,ndf, ii, jj, kk double precision :: Chisq, Chisq_mu, Chisq_mh, Pvalue double precision, allocatable :: dMh(:) double precision :: dCS(5),dBR(5),dggh, dbbh double precision :: SMGamma_h double precision :: Mh,GammaTotal,g2hjss_s,g2hjss_p,g2hjcc_s,g2hjcc_p,& & g2hjbb_s,g2hjbb_p,g2hjtt_s,g2hjtt_p,& & g2hjmumu_s,g2hjmumu_p,g2hjtautau_s,g2hjtautau_p,& & g2hjWW,g2hjZZ,g2hjZga,g2hjgaga,g2hjgg,g2hjggZ,& & g2hjhiZ,BR_hjhihi,BR_hjinvisible double precision :: mupred integer :: domH, nHcomb integer :: ntotal, npeakmu, npeakmh, nmpred, nanalyses, ID integer :: i,npoints character(len=8) :: istring character(len=300) :: inputfilename,outputfilename character(len=300) :: stem character(LEN=300) :: temp integer :: number_args, stat !---Note here: We only run HiggsSignals on the lightest Higgs boson. This can be easily !---extended to all 3 MSSM neutral Higgs bosons. In that case, the effective couplings !---and mass uncertainties have to be given as arrays of size=nH (Cf. the Higgsbounds !---manual for HB-3.x.x for how to call HiggsBounds_neutral_input_effC correctly!) nH=1 nHplus=0 allocate(dMh(nH)) !--Set the (relative!) rate uncertainties for your model: ! dCS(1) - singleH dBR(1) - gamma gamma ! dCS(2) - VBF dBR(2) - W W ! dCS(3) - HW dBR(3) - Z Z ! dCS(4) - HZ dBR(4) - tau tau ! dCS(5) - ttH dBR(5) - b bbar !--Here, we first set them to the SM. Later, we determine the uncertainty of singleH !--production, dCS(1), from the effective couplings. SM values are taken from !-- ! dCS = (/ 0.147D0, 0.028D0, 0.037D0, 0.051D0, 0.12D0 /) ! dBR = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0 /) !!--Set the rate uncertainties of gluon-gluon fusion and bb->H here: ! dggh = 0.147D0 ! dbbh = 0.200D0 !--n.b. have to set theoretical uncertainties on Higgs mass dMh (in GeV): dMh = (/ 0.0D0 /) !-------------------------- HiggsSignals ------------------------------! !---- Initialize HiggsSignals and pass the name of the experimental analysis folder ----! ! call initialize_HiggsSignals(nH,nHplus,"latestresults") call initialize_HiggsSignals(nH,nHplus,"latestresults") ! call setup_thu_observables(1) !---- Set the Higgs mass parametrization (1: box, 2:gaussian, 3:box+gaussian) ----! call setup_pdf(2) !---- Set the output level (0: silent, 1: screen output, 2: even more output,...) ----! - call setup_output_level(0) + call setup_output_level(1) !---- Pass the Higgs mass uncertainty to HiggsSignals ----! call HiggsSignals_neutral_input_MassUncertainty(dMh) !---- Use symmetric rate errors? (0: original(default), 1: averaged-symmetrical) ----! ! call setup_symmetricerrors(0) !---- Allow anti-correlated signal strength measurements? (0: no, 1: yes(default) ) ----! ! call setup_anticorrelations_in_mu(1) !---- Setup a wider assignment range ----! call setup_assignmentrange(1.0D0) ! call setup_assignmentrange_massobservables(2.0D0) !----HiggsBounds/Signals effective couplings input. ! These have to be inserted for the model which we want to test, i.e. we would have ! to write an interface to set via arguments in the executables call, or reading ! in a text file, etc. !----For now, we set them by hand to the SM values (for demonstration): g2hjss_s=1d0 g2hjss_p=0d0 g2hjcc_s=1d0 g2hjcc_p=0d0 g2hjbb_s=1d0 g2hjbb_p=0d0 g2hjtt_s=1d0 g2hjtt_p=0d0 g2hjmumu_s=1d0 g2hjmumu_p=0d0 g2hjtautau_s=1d0 g2hjtautau_p=0d0 g2hjWW=1d0 g2hjZZ=1d0 g2hjZga=1d0 g2hjgaga=1d0 g2hjgg=1d0 g2hjggZ=1d0 g2hjhiZ=0d0 BR_hjhihi=0d0 BR_hjinvisible=0d0 Mh=dble(125.8) GammaTotal=SMGamma_h(Mh) !-Calculate theoretical uncertainties of singleH production from ggh and bbh effective couplings. ! dCS(1) = get_singleH_uncertainty(dggh, dbbh, g2hjgg, g2hjbb_s+g2hjbb_p, mh) ! call setup_rate_uncertainties(dCS, dBR) !-Set the HiggsSignals input call HiggsBounds_neutral_input_effC(Mh,GammaTotal,& & g2hjss_s,g2hjss_p,g2hjcc_s,g2hjcc_p,g2hjbb_s,g2hjbb_p,& & g2hjtt_s,g2hjtt_p,& & g2hjmumu_s,g2hjmumu_p,g2hjtautau_s,g2hjtautau_p,& & g2hjWW,g2hjZZ,g2hjZga,g2hjgaga,g2hjgg,g2hjggZ,& & g2hjhiZ, BR_hjinvisible,BR_hjhihi) !-Run HS on the original experimental data in order to evaluate the model predictions call run_HiggsSignals(1, Chisq_mu, Chisq_mh, Chisq, ndf, Pvalue) !-Print out the observables to a LaTeX table ! call print_peaks_to_LaTeX - call print_cov_mu_to_file +! call print_cov_mu_to_file !-Get the number of the peak-observables (Don't care about ntotal, npeakmh, nmpred, nanalyses) call get_number_of_observables(ntotal, npeakmu, npeakmh, nmpred, nanalyses) !-We now want to set the measurements to those values predicted by the model. !-The mass measurement for each peak observable will be set to Mh here. !-Loop over the number of peak observables do kk=1,npeakmu !--Get for each peak observable its unique ID: call get_ID_of_peakobservable(kk, ID) !--Get the predicted signal strength modifier (mupred) for this peak observable: call get_peakinfo_from_HSresults(ID, mupred, domH, nHcomb) !--Assign this value as (toy) measurement for this peak observable: call assign_toyvalues_to_peak(ID, mupred, Mh) enddo call setup_output_level(0) !-Do a print-out to the screen !-Set the HiggsSignals input (again!) call HiggsBounds_neutral_input_effC(Mh,GammaTotal,& & g2hjss_s,g2hjss_p,g2hjcc_s,g2hjcc_p,g2hjbb_s,g2hjbb_p,& & g2hjtt_s,g2hjtt_p,& & g2hjmumu_s,g2hjmumu_p,g2hjtautau_s,g2hjtautau_p,& & g2hjWW,g2hjZZ,g2hjZga,g2hjgaga,g2hjgg,g2hjggZ,& & g2hjhiZ, BR_hjinvisible,BR_hjhihi) !-Now, we run on the toy observables with the same input, i.e. model predictions and !-measurements are equal and thus the chi^2 should be zero. call run_HiggsSignals(1, Chisq_mu, Chisq_mh, Chisq, ndf, Pvalue) !-Create a new SLHA file with the HiggsSignals output blocks. !-The second argument controls how much is written ! (0: only the BLOCK 'HiggsSignalsResults', 1: full HiggsSignals SLHA output) !-The new file must not exist: ! (note: this system call does not work with ifort) ! call system('rm -f results/HSwithToys.slha',status=stat) call HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output("results/HSwithToys.slha",0) !-Alternatively, we could use ! call HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output_default(0) !-where the filename is set to "HS-output.slha". call finish_HiggsSignals contains !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_singleH_uncertainty(dggh, dbbh, g2hgg, g2hbb, mh) ! This function evaluates the uncertainty of single Higgs production from an interpolation ! of the uncertainties on gg->H and bb->H, using the squared effective couplings g2hgg and ! g2hbb. It uses internal HiggsBounds functions from the module theory_colliderSfunctions. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision, intent(in) :: dggh, dbbh, g2hgg, g2hbb, mh double precision :: get_singleH_uncertainty if(g2hgg.le.vsmall.and.g2hbb.le.vsmall) then get_singleH_uncertainty = 0.0D0 else get_singleH_uncertainty = ( g2hgg*LHC8_rH_gg(mh)*dggh + g2hbb*LHC8_rH_bb(mh)*dbbh )/ & & ( g2hgg*LHC8_rH_gg(mh) + g2hbb*LHC8_rH_bb(mh) ) endif end function get_singleH_uncertainty !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end program HSwithToys !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results. +201500513 20150053 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (2l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +32 42 +1.0 0.345 +125.36 1.9 3.7 5.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results. +201500512 20150052 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (3l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +32 42 +1.0 0.269 +125.36 -0.38 0.72 2.02 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +201500511 20150051 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (4l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +1 -1 +42 + +125.36 1.8 4.9 9.5 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 4 lepton channel +# Lower error is taken to be the same as upper one. +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500614 20150064 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (4l) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 1.677 0.700 0.022 +125.0 -5.1 1.8 8.7 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1503.05066 +0506611 050661 1 +arXiv:1503.05066 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->tt(bb) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +1 -1 +55 + +125.0 0.4 1.5 2.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 2 lepton 0 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500611 20150061 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l0tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.305 0.638 0.0093 +125.0 0.9 2.8 4.9 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 2 lepton 1 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500613 20150063 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l1tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.465 6.026 0.011 +125.0 -2.9 -0.9 2.2 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 1 lepton 2 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500615 20150065 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (1l2tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +3 125.0 +52 54 55 +1.0 79.094 0.279 +125.0 -19.3 -9.6 0.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 3 lepton channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500612 20150062 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (3l) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.770 0.690 0.020 +125.0 1.0 2.8 5.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558111.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558111.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558111.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558111 055811 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 0) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 125.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 2.505 3.0594 2.7536 5.641 +124.7 -0.614 0.130 1.224 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558116.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558116.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558116.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558116 055816 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 0) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 73.235 0.377 0.325 1.263 +124.7 0.239 0.817 1.569 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061. +# Boosted lep-lep category. +# Assume 65% ggH, 25.7% VBF, 6.1% WH, 2.2% ZH +2014061101 201406101 1 +ATL-CONF-2014-061 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau (boosted, leplep) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +4 125.36 +14 24 34 44 +1.0 4.8 2.7 1.7 +125.36 1.3 3.0 4.9 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558102 055802 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 1) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.5674490906264574 0.6814451251304172 0.6373156996323018 0.38069231688568167 +124.7 0.353 1.233 2.212 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558106.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558106.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558106.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558106 055806 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 1) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 19.390326209223847 0.8218478608856342 0.8277512408105384 1.8365156914327632 +124.7 0.843 2.600 4.761 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results. +201500513 20150053 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (2l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +32 42 +1.0 0.345 +125.36 1.9 3.7 5.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_ttH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666811.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_ttH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666811.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_ttH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666811.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Data read in from Tab. 5. +1301666811 130166681 1 +arXiv:1301.6668 +TEV, CDF, CDF +(ppbar)->tth->ttbb +1.96 9.7 0.060 +1 0 +30.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +1 -1 +55 + +125.0 3.21 9.49 16.09 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag4_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558115.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag4_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558115.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag4_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558115.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558115 055815 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 4) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.616 0.721 0.684 0.483 +124.7 0.219 1.457 2.746 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558104.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558104.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558104.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558104 055804 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 3) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.5392541381373397 0.6799653311561926 0.6359317350294086 0.3798656234722491 +124.7 0.959 2.612 4.350 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-onelepton_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084109.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-onelepton_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084109.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-onelepton_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084109.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084109 708409 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (VH-onelepton) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 4.5324 4418.1 491.333 581.359 +125.4 -0.648 0.408 1.835 + Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084104.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084104.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084104.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +# 125.4 0.5475 1.7174 3.0684 +7084104 708404 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (forward-highpT) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 3.710 3.270 3.347 2.850 +125.4 0.549 1.729 3.072 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-mumu_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_13007101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-mumu_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_13007101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-mumu_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_13007101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Note, the H->mumu has channel identifier '8' in HiggsSignals. +13007101 1300701 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-007 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->mumu +8 25.4 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 +125.7 125.7 1.0 +2 -1 +18 28 + +125.7 0.2 2.9 5.7 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_0jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_0jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_0jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Result taken from an updated version of CMS-PAS-HIG 13-004 (Dec. 2013): +# +# Data taken from Fig. 27b. +# This is the 0 jet result. Assume 98.2% ggH, 1% VBF, 0.8% VH +13004101 1300401 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->tautau(0 jet) +8 24.3 0.026 +1 0 +25 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +14 24 34 44 +1.0 0.125 0.15 0.15 +125.0 -0.73 0.40 1.13 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-bb_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082314.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-bb_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082314.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-bb_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082314.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +1303082314 130308234 1 +arXiv:1303.0823 +TEV, D0, D0 +(ppbar)->h->bb +1.96 9.7 0.061 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +2 -1 +35 45 + +125.0 0.06 1.23 2.47 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.7GeV_13004103.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.7GeV_13004103.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.7GeV_13004103.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Published at Moriond 2013. Data taken from CMS-13-005: +# +13004103 1300403 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->Vh->tautau +8 24.3 0.044 +1 0 +20 +125.7 125.7 1.0 +4 125.7 +34 44 32 42 +1 1 0.1 0.1 +125.7 -0.515 0.981 2.661 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-tight_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084106.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-tight_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084106.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-tight_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084106.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084106 708406 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (VBF-tight) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 71.036 0.186 0.3203 1.242 +125.4 0.1738 0.682 1.349 + Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VBF-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004104.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VBF-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004104.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VBF-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004104.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Result taken from an updated version of CMS-PAS-HIG 13-004 (Dec. 2013): +# +# Data taken from Fig. 27b. +# This is the VBF result. Assume 17% ggH, 83% VBF +13004104 1300404 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->tautau (VBF) +8 24.5 0.026 +1 0 +20 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +2 125.0 +14 24 34 44 +1.0 60.0 +125.0 0.52 0.93 1.34 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112913.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112913.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112913.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Cut-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in +# arXiv:1312.1129. Assume roughly 56% ggH, 4.5% VBF, 39.5% VH. +1312112913 131211293 1 +arXiv:1312.1129 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu (VH) +8 25.3 0.026 +1 0 +20.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +4 125.6 +12 22 32 42 +1.0 1.0 12.8 12.8 +125.6 -1.48 0.39 2.36 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082312.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082312.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082312.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +1303082312 130308232 1 +arXiv:1303.0823 +TEV, D0, D0 +(ppbar)->h->WW +1.96 9.7 0.061 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +12 22 32 42 + +125.0 0.38 1.90 3.53 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_ggF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_ggF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_ggF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# WARNING: This observable should not be used with +# ATL_H-ZZ-4l_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191101.txt +# simultaneously (same ID and similar data)! +# +# Data is taken from Eq.6 in arXiv:1408.5191 for mu(ggF+bbH+ttH). +# The measurement was performed at mH=125.36GeV. +# In order to provide the possibility of using also the mass measurement +# of the H->ZZ channel, we implement this observable at the 124.51+-0.52 GeV. +# Mass uncertainty contains 0.6 GeV (stat) and 0.5 GeV (syst) error. +#(Gauss: 0.8, linear: 1.1) +5191102 519102 1 +arXiv:1408.5191 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (ggH-like) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 1 +0.52 ATLZZ +124.51 124.51 0.1 +5 124.51 +13 23 33 43 53 +1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 + 124.51 1.22 1.66 2.17 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_WH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112914.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_WH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112914.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_WH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112914.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Cut-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in +# arXiv:1312.1129. This channel is pure WH production. +1312112914 131211294 1 +arXiv:1312.1129 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->WW->3l3nu (WH) +8 25.3 0.026 +1 0 +20.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +1 -1 +32 + +125.6 -0.39 0.56 1.83 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1503.05066 +0506611 050661 1 +arXiv:1503.05066 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->tt(bb) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +1 -1 +55 + +125.0 0.4 1.5 2.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082313.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082313.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082313.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +1303082313 130308233 1 +arXiv:1303.0823 +TEV, D0, D0 +(ppbar)->h->tautau +1.96 9.7 0.061 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +14 24 34 44 + +125.0 0.58 3.96 8.07 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-2leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682104.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-2leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682104.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-2leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682104.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682 +1682104 168204 1 +arXiv:1408.1682 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->tth->2 leptons (same sign) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +25.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +3 125.6 +52 53 54 +1 0.4 1.08 +125.6 3.5 5.3 7.4 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558113.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558113.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558113.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +# This peak observable contains the mass measurement. +0558113 055813 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 2) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 1 +0.34 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 0.1 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.822 0.921 0.8898 0.740 +124.7 0.662 1.102 1.579 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-lepton_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558123.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-lepton_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558123.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-lepton_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558123.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558123 055823 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (ttH lepton) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +3 124.7 +31 41 51 +1.0 1.69773 330.148 +124.7 1.071 3.521 7.413 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-4leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682106.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-4leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682106.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-4leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682106.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682 +1682106 168206 1 +arXiv:1408.1682 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->tth->4 leptons +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +25.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +3 125.6 +52 53 54 +1 2.58 1.95 +125.6 -6.0 -4.7 0.3 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-hadronic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084110.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-hadronic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084110.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-hadronic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084110.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084110 708410 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (ttH-hadronic) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 1.3748 2.933 5.441 1220.85 +125.4 -2.0927 -0.8424 2.387 + Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results. +201500512 20150052 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (3l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +32 42 +1.0 0.269 +125.36 -0.38 0.72 2.02 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558114.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558114.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558114.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558114 055814 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 3) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 125 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.7663 0.8804 0.8859 0.7369 +124.7 -0.239 0.648 1.301 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 2 lepton 0 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500611 20150061 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l0tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.305 0.638 0.0093 +125.0 0.9 2.8 4.9 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666812.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666812.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666812.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Data read in from Tab. 5. +1301666812 130166682 1 +arXiv:1301.6668 +TEV, CDF, CDF +(ppbar)->h->gammagamma +1.96 9.7 0.060 +1 0 +5.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +11 21 31 41 + +125.0 3.39 7.81 12.42 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_1jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_1jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_1jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Result taken from an updated version of CMS-PAS-HIG 13-004 (Dec. 2013): +# +# Data taken from Fig. 27b. +# This is the 1-jet result. Assume 76% ggH, 15% VBF, 9% VH +13004102 1300402 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->tautau(1jet) +8 24.3 0.026 +1 0 +25 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +14 24 34 44 +1.0 2.42 2.19 2.19 +125.0 0.59 1.06 1.53 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# The signal strengths is measured at mH = 125.4 GeV. This peak observable +# carries the mass measurement of 125.98 +- 0.50 GeV presented in +# arXiv:1406.3827 from the H->gammagamma channel. +# 125.98 0.2252 0.6225 1.0464 +7084101 708401 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (central-lowpT) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 1 +0.50 ATLgagacat +125.98 125.98 0.1 +5 125.98 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.6978 0.5809 0.6255 0.2426 +125.98 0.2268 0.6244 1.049 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_0-1jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_0-1jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_0-1jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Published Summer 2014. Data is taken from CMS-PAS-HIG 14-009: +# +# Best-fit mass: 125.63 +- 0.45 GeV. (read off from Fig.2 left) +# This peak observable contains the mass measurement. +# Efficiencies are chosen such that we have about 10% VBF. +14009101 1400901 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009,arXiv:1312.5353 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (0/1jet) +8 24.7 0.028 +1 1 +0.45 CMSZZ +125.63 125.63 0.1 +2 125.63 +13 23 +1.00 1.40 +125.63 0.611 0.883 1.219 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061106.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061106.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061106.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061. +# VBF had-had category. +# Assume 25% ggH, 75% VBF +2014061106 201406106 1 +ATLAS-CONF-2014-061 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau (VBF, hadhad) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +14 24 +1.0 36.85 +125.36 0.7 1.4 2.3 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 1 lepton 2 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500615 20150065 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (1l2tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +3 125.0 +52 54 55 +1.0 79.094 0.279 +125.0 -19.3 -9.6 0.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666814.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666814.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666814.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Tab. 5. +# N.b: The measurement was restricted to positive mu values, therefore +# truncated at zero. Here, we use symmetric errors! +1301666814 130166684 1 +arXiv:1301.6668 +TEV, CDF, CDF +(ppbar)->h->tautau +1.96 9.7 0.060 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +14 24 34 44 + +125.0 -8.44 0.00 8.44 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_2jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_2jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_2jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Published Summer 2014. Data is taken from CMS-PAS-HIG 14-009: +# +# Mass resolution set to 2GeV. Mass measurement does not +# enter the mass chi^2. +# The assignment is linked to 0/1jet result (14009101), +# which holds the mass observable. +# Efficiencies are chosen such that we have about 30% VBF. +14009102 1400902 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009,arXiv:1312.5353 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (2jet) +8 24.7 0.044 +1 0 +2.0 CMSZZ +125.0 125.0 0.1 +2 125.0 +13 23 +1.00 5.00 +125.0 0.888 1.549 2.502 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-gaga_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-gaga_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-gaga_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682 +1682101 168201 1 +arXiv:1408.1682 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->tth->tt(gammagamma) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +15.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +1 -1 +51 + +125.6 0.9 2.7 5.3 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084103.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084103.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084103.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +# 125.4 1.5011 2.0221 2.6093 +7084103 708403 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (forward-lowpT) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.72028 0.7316 0.75624 0.2444 +125.4 1.508 2.034 2.604 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-tags_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558110.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-tags_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558110.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-tags_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558110.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558110 055810 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (ttH tags) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 4.4057932850559585 18.518088091245666 18.893326708454367 5208.343690292902 +124.7 -2.849 0.714 6.911 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061104.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061104.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061104.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061. +# VBF lep-had category. +# Assume 12.3% ggH, 87.7% VBF +2014061104 201406104 1 +ATLAS-CONF-2014-061 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau (VBF, lephad) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +14 24 +1.0 76.7 +125.36 0.5 1.0 1.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-dijet_8TeV_19.6fb-1_124.7GeV_0558124.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-dijet_8TeV_19.6fb-1_124.7GeV_0558124.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-dijet_8TeV_19.6fb-1_124.7GeV_0558124.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558124 055824 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (ttH multijet) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 3.498 6.549 12.71 5114.35 +124.7 -1.454 1.243 5.478 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558101 055801 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 0) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 1.5403713365045268 1.9619300438435257 1.9760226989274137 1.7536653594884284 +124.7 0.723 1.973 3.478 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558105.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558105.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558105.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558105 055805 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 0) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 51.530971766945115 0.4056010816028843 0.4668737568450262 0.9063633140361176 +124.7 3.088 4.847 7.017 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558118.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558118.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558118.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558118 055818 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 2) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 19.356 1.073 1.058 4.105 +124.7 1.602 2.596 3.922 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558107.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558107.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558107.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558107 055807 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH loose) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 3.7938775510204086 573.3359066735288 190.2251184834123 48.59114433582519 +124.7 -2.242 3.100 11.389 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +201500511 20150051 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (4l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +1 -1 +42 + +125.36 1.8 4.9 9.5 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558103.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558103.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558103.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558103 055803 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 2) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.5539383979924941 0.6814451251304172 0.6863399842194019 0.38069231688568167 +124.7 0.428 1.602 2.848 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_hadronicV_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.0GeV_13017101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_hadronicV_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.0GeV_13017101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_hadronicV_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.0GeV_13017101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Data taken from CMS-PAS-HIG-13-017 +# Signal composition is approximately 60% ggH, 4% VBF, 36% VH +13017101 1301701 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-017 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->Vh->VWW (hadronic V) +8 25.4 0.044 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125 +12 22 32 42 +1.000 0.819 11.594 10.181 +125.0 -1.0 1.0 3.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_0lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_0lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_0lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data is taken from arXiv:1409.6212, Fig. 22. +# This is the combined 7+8 TeV data. +# Efficiencies are approximated (for 7+8TeV) from Tab. 3. +6212101 621201 1 +arXiv:1409.6212 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->Vbb (0 lepton) +8 25.0 0.028 +1 0 +15. +125.0 125.0 1.0 +2 125. +35 45 +0.067 0.44 +125.0 -0.87 -0.35 0.20 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_VBF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_VBF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_VBF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# WARNING: Do not use together with +# ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060100.txt +# Data taken from Eq.(16) in ATL-CONF-2014-060. +# Published in October 2014. +2014060102 201406002 1 +ATL-CONF-2014-060 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu (VBF enhanced) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +8.0 +125.36 125.36 0.1 +2 125.36 +12 22 +1. 50. + 125.36 0.82 1.27 1.80 + \ No newline at end of file Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084108.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084108.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084108.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084108 708408 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (VH-ETmiss) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +1.56 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 6.746 138.847 300.179 184.505 +125.4 1.093 3.51 6.814 + Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_1lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_1lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_1lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data is taken from arXiv:1409.6212, Fig. 22. +# This is the combined 7+8 TeV data. +# Efficiencies are approximated (for 7+8TeV) from Tab. 3. +6212102 621202 1 +arXiv:1409.6212 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->Vbb (1 lepton) +8 25.0 0.026 +1 0 +15. +125.0 125.0 1.0 +2 125. +35 45 +1.17 0.07 +125.0 0.57 1.17 1.83 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_2lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212103.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_2lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212103.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_2lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212103.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data is taken from arXiv:1409.6212, Fig. 22. +# This is the combined 7+8 TeV data. +# Efficiencies are approximated (for 7+8TeV) from Tab. 3. +6212103 621203 1 +arXiv:1409.6212 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->Vbb (2 lepton) +8 25.0 0.028 +1 0 +15. +125.0 125.0 1.0 +1 -1 +45 + +125.0 0.15 0.94 1.82 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_0-1jet_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_0-1jet_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_0-1jet_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Shape-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in +# arXiv:1312.1129. Assume roughly 83% ggH, 11% VBF, 6% VH. +1312112911 131211291 1 +arXiv:1312.1129 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu (0/1jet) +8 25.3 0.026 +1 0 +20.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +4 125.6 +12 22 32 42 +1.0 1.65 1.31 1.31 +125.6 0.54 0.74 0.96 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558122.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558122.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558122.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558122 055822 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH dijet) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 1.63 44.975 44.717 19.285 +124.7 -1.090 0.392 2.550 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061. +# VBF lep-lep category. +# Assume 12.3% ggH, 87.7% VBF +2014061102 201406102 1 +ATL-CONF-2014-061 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau (VBF, leplep) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +14 24 +1.0 87.6 +125.36 0.9 1.8 2.9 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 3 lepton channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500612 20150062 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (3l) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.770 0.690 0.020 +125.0 1.0 2.8 5.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082311.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082311.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082311.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +1303082311 130308231 1 +arXiv:1303.0823 +TEV, D0, D0 +(ppbar)->h->gammagamma +1.96 9.7 0.061 +1 0 +5.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +11 21 31 41 + +125.0 0.00 4.20 8.80 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 4 lepton channel +# Lower error is taken to be the same as upper one. +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500614 20150064 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (4l) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 1.677 0.700 0.022 +125.0 -5.1 1.8 8.7 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_13012201.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_13012201.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_13012201.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +13012201 1301201 2 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-012 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->Vh->Vbb +8 24.0 0.044 +1 0 +12.5 +110.0 135.0 0.1 +2 -1 +35 45 + + 110.0 0.1429 0.4857 0.8429 + 110.1 0.1371 0.4810 0.8393 + 110.2 0.1314 0.4763 0.8357 + 110.3 0.1257 0.4716 0.8321 + 110.4 0.1200 0.4669 0.8286 + 110.5 0.1143 0.4621 0.8250 + 110.6 0.1086 0.4574 0.8214 + 110.7 0.1029 0.4527 0.8179 + 110.8 0.9714E-01 0.4480 0.8143 + 110.9 0.9143E-01 0.4433 0.8107 + 111.0 0.8571E-01 0.4386 0.8071 + 111.1 0.8000E-01 0.4339 0.8036 + 111.2 0.7429E-01 0.4291 0.8000 + 111.3 0.6857E-01 0.4244 0.7964 + 111.4 0.6286E-01 0.4197 0.7929 + 111.5 0.5714E-01 0.4150 0.7893 + 111.6 0.5143E-01 0.4103 0.7857 + 111.7 0.4571E-01 0.4056 0.7821 + 111.8 0.4000E-01 0.4009 0.7786 + 111.9 0.3429E-01 0.3961 0.7750 + 112.0 0.2857E-01 0.3914 0.7714 + 112.1 0.2286E-01 0.3867 0.7679 + 112.2 0.1714E-01 0.3820 0.7643 + 112.3 0.1143E-01 0.3773 0.7607 + 112.4 0.5714E-02 0.3726 0.7571 + 112.5 0.4441E-15 0.3679 0.7536 + 112.6 -0.5714E-02 0.3631 0.7500 + 112.7 -0.1143E-01 0.3584 0.7464 + 112.8 -0.1714E-01 0.3537 0.7429 + 112.9 -0.2286E-01 0.3490 0.7393 + 113.0 -0.2857E-01 0.3443 0.7357 + 113.1 -0.3429E-01 0.3396 0.7321 + 113.2 -0.4000E-01 0.3349 0.7286 + 113.3 -0.4571E-01 0.3301 0.7250 + 113.4 -0.5143E-01 0.3254 0.7214 + 113.5 -0.5714E-01 0.3207 0.7179 + 113.6 -0.6286E-01 0.3160 0.7143 + 113.7 -0.6857E-01 0.3113 0.7107 + 113.8 -0.7429E-01 0.3066 0.7071 + 113.9 -0.8000E-01 0.3019 0.7036 + 114.0 -0.8571E-01 0.2971 0.7000 + 114.1 -0.9143E-01 0.2924 0.6964 + 114.2 -0.9714E-01 0.2877 0.6929 + 114.3 -0.1029 0.2830 0.6893 + 114.4 -0.1086 0.2783 0.6857 + 114.5 -0.1143 0.2736 0.6821 + 114.6 -0.1200 0.2689 0.6786 + 114.7 -0.1257 0.2641 0.6750 + 114.8 -0.1314 0.2594 0.6714 + 114.9 -0.1371 0.2547 0.6679 + 115.0 -0.1429 0.2500 0.6643 + 115.1 -0.1320 0.2621 0.6777 + 115.2 -0.1211 0.2743 0.6911 + 115.3 -0.1103 0.2864 0.7046 + 115.4 -0.9943E-01 0.2986 0.7180 + 115.5 -0.8857E-01 0.3107 0.7314 + 115.6 -0.7771E-01 0.3229 0.7449 + 115.7 -0.6686E-01 0.3350 0.7583 + 115.8 -0.5600E-01 0.3471 0.7717 + 115.9 -0.4514E-01 0.3593 0.7851 + 116.0 -0.3429E-01 0.3714 0.7986 + 116.1 -0.2343E-01 0.3836 0.8120 + 116.2 -0.1257E-01 0.3957 0.8254 + 116.3 -0.1714E-02 0.4079 0.8389 + 116.4 0.9143E-02 0.4200 0.8523 + 116.5 0.2000E-01 0.4321 0.8657 + 116.6 0.3086E-01 0.4443 0.8791 + 116.7 0.4171E-01 0.4564 0.8926 + 116.8 0.5257E-01 0.4686 0.9060 + 116.9 0.6343E-01 0.4807 0.9194 + 117.0 0.7429E-01 0.4929 0.9329 + 117.1 0.8514E-01 0.5050 0.9463 + 117.2 0.9600E-01 0.5171 0.9597 + 117.3 0.1069 0.5293 0.9731 + 117.4 0.1177 0.5414 0.9866 + 117.5 0.1286 0.5536 1.000 + 117.6 0.1394 0.5657 1.013 + 117.7 0.1503 0.5779 1.027 + 117.8 0.1611 0.5900 1.040 + 117.9 0.1720 0.6021 1.054 + 118.0 0.1829 0.6143 1.067 + 118.1 0.1937 0.6264 1.081 + 118.2 0.2046 0.6386 1.094 + 118.3 0.2154 0.6507 1.107 + 118.4 0.2263 0.6629 1.121 + 118.5 0.2371 0.6750 1.134 + 118.6 0.2480 0.6871 1.148 + 118.7 0.2589 0.6993 1.161 + 118.8 0.2697 0.7114 1.175 + 118.9 0.2806 0.7236 1.188 + 119.0 0.2914 0.7357 1.201 + 119.1 0.3023 0.7479 1.215 + 119.2 0.3131 0.7600 1.228 + 119.3 0.3240 0.7721 1.242 + 119.4 0.3349 0.7843 1.255 + 119.5 0.3457 0.7964 1.269 + 119.6 0.3566 0.8086 1.282 + 119.7 0.3674 0.8207 1.295 + 119.8 0.3783 0.8329 1.309 + 119.9 0.3891 0.8450 1.322 + 120.0 0.4000 0.8571 1.336 + 120.1 0.4023 0.8600 1.339 + 120.2 0.4046 0.8629 1.343 + 120.3 0.4069 0.8657 1.346 + 120.4 0.4091 0.8686 1.349 + 120.5 0.4114 0.8714 1.353 + 120.6 0.4137 0.8743 1.356 + 120.7 0.4160 0.8771 1.360 + 120.8 0.4183 0.8800 1.363 + 120.9 0.4206 0.8829 1.367 + 121.0 0.4229 0.8857 1.370 + 121.1 0.4251 0.8886 1.373 + 121.2 0.4274 0.8914 1.377 + 121.3 0.4297 0.8943 1.380 + 121.4 0.4320 0.8971 1.384 + 121.5 0.4343 0.9000 1.387 + 121.6 0.4366 0.9029 1.391 + 121.7 0.4389 0.9057 1.394 + 121.8 0.4411 0.9086 1.397 + 121.9 0.4434 0.9114 1.401 + 122.0 0.4457 0.9143 1.404 + 122.1 0.4480 0.9171 1.408 + 122.2 0.4503 0.9200 1.411 + 122.3 0.4526 0.9229 1.415 + 122.4 0.4549 0.9257 1.418 + 122.5 0.4571 0.9286 1.421 + 122.6 0.4594 0.9314 1.425 + 122.7 0.4617 0.9343 1.428 + 122.8 0.4640 0.9371 1.432 + 122.9 0.4663 0.9400 1.435 + 123.0 0.4686 0.9429 1.439 + 123.1 0.4709 0.9457 1.442 + 123.2 0.4731 0.9486 1.445 + 123.3 0.4754 0.9514 1.449 + 123.4 0.4777 0.9543 1.452 + 123.5 0.4800 0.9571 1.456 + 123.6 0.4823 0.9600 1.459 + 123.7 0.4846 0.9629 1.463 + 123.8 0.4869 0.9657 1.466 + 123.9 0.4891 0.9686 1.469 + 124.0 0.4914 0.9714 1.473 + 124.1 0.4937 0.9743 1.476 + 124.2 0.4960 0.9771 1.480 + 124.3 0.4983 0.9800 1.483 + 124.4 0.5006 0.9829 1.487 + 124.5 0.5029 0.9857 1.490 + 124.6 0.5051 0.9886 1.493 + 124.7 0.5074 0.9914 1.497 + 124.8 0.5097 0.9943 1.500 + 124.9 0.5120 0.9971 1.504 + 125.0 0.5143 1.000 1.507 + 125.1 0.5131 1.002 1.512 + 125.2 0.5120 1.004 1.518 + 125.3 0.5109 1.006 1.523 + 125.4 0.5097 1.009 1.528 + 125.5 0.5086 1.011 1.534 + 125.6 0.5074 1.013 1.539 + 125.7 0.5063 1.015 1.544 + 125.8 0.5051 1.017 1.549 + 125.9 0.5040 1.019 1.555 + 126.0 0.5029 1.021 1.560 + 126.1 0.5017 1.024 1.565 + 126.2 0.5006 1.026 1.571 + 126.3 0.4994 1.028 1.576 + 126.4 0.4983 1.030 1.581 + 126.5 0.4971 1.032 1.586 + 126.6 0.4960 1.034 1.592 + 126.7 0.4949 1.036 1.597 + 126.8 0.4937 1.039 1.602 + 126.9 0.4926 1.041 1.608 + 127.0 0.4914 1.043 1.613 + 127.1 0.4903 1.045 1.618 + 127.2 0.4891 1.047 1.623 + 127.3 0.4880 1.049 1.629 + 127.4 0.4869 1.051 1.634 + 127.5 0.4857 1.054 1.639 + 127.6 0.4846 1.056 1.645 + 127.7 0.4834 1.058 1.650 + 127.8 0.4823 1.060 1.655 + 127.9 0.4811 1.062 1.660 + 128.0 0.4800 1.064 1.666 + 128.1 0.4789 1.066 1.671 + 128.2 0.4777 1.069 1.676 + 128.3 0.4766 1.071 1.682 + 128.4 0.4754 1.073 1.687 + 128.5 0.4743 1.075 1.692 + 128.6 0.4731 1.077 1.697 + 128.7 0.4720 1.079 1.703 + 128.8 0.4709 1.081 1.708 + 128.9 0.4697 1.084 1.713 + 129.0 0.4686 1.086 1.719 + 129.1 0.4674 1.088 1.724 + 129.2 0.4663 1.090 1.729 + 129.3 0.4651 1.092 1.734 + 129.4 0.4640 1.094 1.740 + 129.5 0.4629 1.096 1.745 + 129.6 0.4617 1.099 1.750 + 129.7 0.4606 1.101 1.756 + 129.8 0.4594 1.103 1.761 + 129.9 0.4583 1.105 1.766 + 130.0 0.4571 1.107 1.771 + 130.1 0.4613 1.117 1.789 + 130.2 0.4654 1.128 1.806 + 130.3 0.4696 1.138 1.823 + 130.4 0.4737 1.148 1.841 + 130.5 0.4779 1.159 1.858 + 130.6 0.4820 1.169 1.875 + 130.7 0.4861 1.179 1.892 + 130.8 0.4903 1.189 1.910 + 130.9 0.4944 1.200 1.927 + 131.0 0.4986 1.210 1.944 + 131.1 0.5027 1.220 1.962 + 131.2 0.5069 1.231 1.979 + 131.3 0.5110 1.241 1.996 + 131.4 0.5151 1.251 2.013 + 131.5 0.5193 1.261 2.031 + 131.6 0.5234 1.272 2.048 + 131.7 0.5276 1.282 2.065 + 131.8 0.5317 1.292 2.083 + 131.9 0.5359 1.303 2.100 + 132.0 0.5400 1.313 2.117 + 132.1 0.5441 1.323 2.134 + 132.2 0.5483 1.333 2.152 + 132.3 0.5524 1.344 2.169 + 132.4 0.5566 1.354 2.186 + 132.5 0.5607 1.364 2.204 + 132.6 0.5649 1.375 2.221 + 132.7 0.5690 1.385 2.238 + 132.8 0.5731 1.395 2.255 + 132.9 0.5773 1.405 2.273 + 133.0 0.5814 1.416 2.290 + 133.1 0.5856 1.426 2.307 + 133.2 0.5897 1.436 2.325 + 133.3 0.5939 1.447 2.342 + 133.4 0.5980 1.457 2.359 + 133.5 0.6021 1.467 2.376 + 133.6 0.6063 1.477 2.394 + 133.7 0.6104 1.488 2.411 + 133.8 0.6146 1.498 2.428 + 133.9 0.6187 1.508 2.446 + 134.0 0.6229 1.519 2.463 + 134.1 0.6270 1.529 2.480 + 134.2 0.6311 1.539 2.497 + 134.3 0.6353 1.549 2.515 + 134.4 0.6394 1.560 2.532 + 134.5 0.6436 1.570 2.549 + 134.6 0.6477 1.580 2.567 + 134.7 0.6519 1.591 2.584 + 134.8 0.6560 1.601 2.601 + 134.9 0.6601 1.611 2.618 + 135.0 0.6643 1.621 2.636 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_VBF_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112912.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_VBF_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112912.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_VBF_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112912.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Shape-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in +# arXiv:1312.1129. Assume roughly 20% ggH, 80% VBF. +1312112912 131211292 1 +arXiv:1312.1129 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu (VBF) +8 25.3 0.026 +1 0 +20.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +2 125.6 +12 22 +1.0 50.0 +125.6 0.14 0.60 1.17 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_VBFVH_7-8TeV_4.6fb-1_20.7fb-1_125.5GeV_2013013102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_VBFVH_7-8TeV_4.6fb-1_20.7fb-1_125.5GeV_2013013102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_VBFVH_7-8TeV_4.6fb-1_20.7fb-1_125.5GeV_2013013102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# WARNING: This observable should not be used with +# ATL_H-ZZ-4l_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191101.txt +# simultaneously (same ID and similar data)! +# +# Data is taken from Eq.6 in arXiv:1408.5191 for mu(VBF+VH). +# The measurement was performed at mH=125.36GeV. +# VBF and VH is expected to contribute 60-70% in this category. +#1. 14.5 10. 10. +5191103 519103 1 +arXiv:1408.5191 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(VBF/VH-like) +8 25.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLZZ +125.36 125.36 0.1 +4 125.36 +13 23 33 43 +1. 15. 15. 15. + 125.36 -0.68 0.26 1.90 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558120.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558120.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558120.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558120 055820 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH loose) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 6.493 968.406 360.281 124.859 +124.7 -1.381 1.243 4.937 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_ggH_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_ggH_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_ggH_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# WARNING: Do not use together with +# ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060100.txt +# Data taken from Eq.(16) in ATL-CONF-2014-060. +# Published in October 2014. +2014060101 201406001 1 +ATL-CONF-2014-060 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu (ggF enhanced) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +8.0 +125.36 125.36 0.1 +5 125.36 +12 22 32 42 52 +1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 + 125.36 0.76 1.01 1.28 + \ No newline at end of file Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061105.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061105.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061105.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061. +# Boosted lep-had category. +# Assume 63.9% ggH, 15.8% VBF, 12.2% WH, 6.1% ZH +2014061105 201406105 1 +ATLAS-CONF-2014-061 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau (boosted,hadhad) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +4 125.36 +14 24 34 44 +1.0 3.05 5.5 4.9 +125.36 2.0 3.6 5.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558112.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558112.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558112.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558112 055812 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 1) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 1.479 1.578 1.633 1.585 +124.7 0.432 0.919 1.486 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084107.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084107.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084107.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084107 708407 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (VH-dijet) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 1.162 23.885 25.621 0.251 +125.4 -1.161 0.2268 1.901 + Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-3leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682105.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-3leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682105.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-3leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682105.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682 +1682105 168205 1 +arXiv:1408.1682 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->tth->3 leptons +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +25.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +3 125.6 +52 53 54 +1 0.5 1.14 +125.6 1.1 3.1 5.5 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558117.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558117.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558117.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558117 055817 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 1) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 39.42 0.7066 0.4063 1.577 +124.7 -0.898 -0.209 0.537 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-tight_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558119.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-tight_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558119.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-tight_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558119.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558119 055819 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH tight) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 15.936 12905.7 5500.71 4157.8 +124.7 -0.972 -0.343 0.957 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682 +1682102 168202 1 +arXiv:1408.1682 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->tth->tt(bb) +8 24.5 0.026 +1 0 +25.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +1 -1 +55 + +125.6 -1.2 0.7 2.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666813.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666813.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666813.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Tab. 5. +# N.b: The measurement was restricted to positive mu values, therefore +# truncated at zero. Here, we use symmetric errors! +1301666813 130166683 1 +arXiv:1301.6668 +TEV, CDF, CDF +(ppbar)->h->WW +1.96 9.7 0.060 +1 0 +30.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +12 22 32 42 + +125.0 -1.78 0.00 1.78 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 2 lepton 1 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500613 20150063 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l1tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.465 6.026 0.011 +125.0 -2.9 -0.9 2.2 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_125.0GeV_13012101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_125.0GeV_13012101.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_125.0GeV_13012101.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +13012101 1301201 1 +CMS-PAS-HIG-13-012 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->Vh->Vbb +8 24.0 0.044 +1 0 +12.5 +125.7 125.7 0.1 +2 -1 +35 45 + + 125.7 0.5143 1.000 1.507 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061103.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061103.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061103.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061. +# Boosted lep-had category. +# Assume 68.8% ggH, 16.2% VBF, 10.0% WH, 5.0% ZH +2014061103 201406103 1 +ATL-CONF-2014-061 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau (boosted,lephad) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +4 125.36 +14 24 34 44 +1.0 2.9 4.2 3.7 +125.36 0.0 0.9 1.9 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558121.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558121.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558121.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558121 055821 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH ETmiss) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 2.624 70.404 124.98 152.115 +124.7 -1.201 0.076 1.938 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-loose_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084105.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-loose_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084105.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-loose_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084105.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084105 708405 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (VBF-loose) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 24.405 0.5206 0.4484 0.5797 +125.4 0.5538 1.327 2.242 + Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558109.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558109.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558109.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558109 055809 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH dijet) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 1.2828676858197154 42.07724578532456 40.39836221821934 13.555315541654554 +124.7 1.456 7.855 16.710 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682103.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682103.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682103.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682 +1682103 168203 1 +arXiv:1408.1682 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->tth->tt(tautau) +8 24.5 0.026 +1 0 +25.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +1 -1 +54 + +125.6 -6.8 -1.3 5.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_VH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666815.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_VH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666815.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_VH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666815.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Data read in from Tab. 5. +1301666815 130166685 1 +arXiv:1301.6668 +TEV, CDF, CDF +(ppbar)->Vh->Vbb +1.96 9.7 0.060 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +2 -1 +35 45 + +125.0 0.85 1.72 2.64 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558108.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558108.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558108.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG +0558108 055808 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH ETmiss) +7 5.1 0.022 +1 0 +2.0 CMSgagacat +124.7 124.7 1.0 +5 124.7 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 3.0351020408163274 240.6416194887631 446.52843601895745 318.7579068430133 +124.7 0.172 4.324 11.042 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084102.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084102.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084102.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +# 125.4 0.7859 1.6159 2.6181 +7084102 708402 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (central-highpT) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 3.5834 2.8430 2.9710 3.7369 +125.4 0.7879 1.619 2.622 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-leptonic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084111.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-leptonic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084111.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-leptonic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084111.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084 +# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198 +# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both. +# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity. +# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101. +7084111 708411 1 +arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (ttH-leptonic) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +2.0 ATLgagacat +125.4 125.4 1.0 +5 125.4 +11 21 31 41 51 +1.0 0.18885 60.0198 27.759 1954.01 +125.4 0.3549 2.423 5.635 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.7fb-1_2013075101.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.7fb-1_2013075101.txt (revision 507) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.7fb-1_2013075101.txt (revision 508) @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Contributions from ZH->Ztautau in the 3-lepton analysis is small and -# therefore neglected here. -2013075101 201307501 1 -ATL-CONF-2013-075 -LHC, ATL, ATL -(pp)->Vh->VWW -8 25.4 0.044 -1 0 -25.0 -125.0 125.0 1.0 -2 -1 -32 42 - -125.0 1.70 3.70 5.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results. +201500512 20150052 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (3l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +32 42 +1.0 0.269 +125.36 -0.38 0.72 2.02 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 3 lepton channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500612 20150062 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (3l) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.770 0.690 0.020 +125.0 1.0 2.8 5.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 4 lepton channel +# Lower error is taken to be the same as upper one. +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500614 20150064 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (4l) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 1.677 0.700 0.022 +125.0 -5.1 1.8 8.7 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from arXiv:1503.05066 +0506611 050661 1 +arXiv:1503.05066 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->tt(bb) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +1 -1 +55 + +125.0 0.4 1.5 2.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +201500511 20150051 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (4l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +1 -1 +42 + +125.36 1.8 4.9 9.5 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 2 lepton 1 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500613 20150063 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l1tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.465 6.026 0.011 +125.0 -2.9 -0.9 2.2 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however, +# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore, +# these results are based on an additional model-assumption. +# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results. +201500513 20150053 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->Vh->VWW (2l) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 125.36 +32 42 +1.0 0.345 +125.36 1.9 3.7 5.6 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 2 lepton 0 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500611 20150061 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l0tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 125.0 +52 53 54 55 +1.0 0.305 0.638 0.0093 +125.0 0.9 2.8 4.9 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results +# This is the 1 lepton 2 tau(hadronic) channel +# Implemented channels: +# ttH->WW (52), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55) +201500615 20150065 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-006 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->tth->multilepton (1l2tau_had) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 0 +20.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +3 125.0 +52 54 55 +1.0 79.094 0.279 +125.0 -19.3 -9.6 0.0 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500713.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500713.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500713.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# WARNING: Do not use together with category measurements! +# Data taken from Tab. 2 in ATLAS-CONF-2015-007. +201500713 20150073 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-007,arXiv:1412.2641,ATLAS-CONF-2015-005 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu (inclusive) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +8.0 +125.36 125.36 0.1 +5 -1 +12 22 32 42 52 + + 125.36 0.95 1.16 1.40 + \ No newline at end of file Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_201500714.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_201500714.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_201500714.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Data read in from Tab.2 in ATL-CONF-2015-007. +2014061100 201406100 1 +ATL-CONF-2015-007,arXiv:1501.04943 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->tautau +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +4 -1 +14 24 34 44 + +125.36 1.06 1.43 1.86 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-gaga_incl_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558100.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-gaga_incl_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558100.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-gaga_incl_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558100.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# This observable should not be used together with the category results!!! +# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558 +# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001 +# +# NOTE: No mass measurement comes with this observable, since the ATLAS H->gamma gamma +# observable (201500711) includes the ATLAS+CMS combined mass observable! +# +0558100 055800 1 +arXiv:1407.0558 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->gamma gamma (inclusive) +8 19.6 0.026 +1 0 +0.34 +124.7 124.7 0.1 +5 -1 +11 21 31 41 51 + +124.7 0.91 1.14 1.40 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_18.9fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652721.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_18.9fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652721.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_18.9fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652721.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Data taken from CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005, Fig. 3b. +1401652721 140165272 1 +arXiv:1401.6527 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->Vh->bb +8 17.1 0.044 +1 0 +25.0 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +2 -1 +35 45 + +125.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-WW_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-WW_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-WW_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +1312112911 131211291 1 +arXiv:1312.1129 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->WW +8 25.4 0.044 +1 0 +25.0 +125.6 125.6 1.0 +4 -1 +12 22 32 42 + +125.6 0.54 0.72 0.92 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-gaga_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.09GeV_201500711.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-gaga_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.09GeV_201500711.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-gaga_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.09GeV_201500711.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# The signal strengths is measured at mH = 125.36 GeV. +# +# NOTE: This observable carries the ATLAS+CMS combined mass measurement (arXiv:1503.07589). +# of 125.09 +- 0.21 (stat) +- 0.11 (syst) GeV. Here, we add these uncertainties linearly. +201500711 20150071 1 +ATLAS-CONF-2015-007,arXiv:1408.7084 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->gammagamma (inclusive) +8 20.3 0.028 +1 1 +0.32 +125.09 125.09 0.1 +5 -1 +11 21 31 41 51 + +125.09 0.90 1.17 1.44 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-ZZ_7_8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312535311.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-ZZ_7_8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312535311.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-ZZ_7_8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312535311.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Should not be used together with category measurements! +# Signal measured at 125.7GeV, but +# best-fit mass implemented here is 125.63 +- 0.45. +# +# NOTE: No mass measurement comes with this observable, since the ATLAS H->gamma gamma +# observable (201500711) includes the ATLAS+CMS combined mass observable! +# +1312535311 131253531 1 +arXiv:1312.5353 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->ZZ->4l +8 24.7 0.026 +1 0 +0.45 +125.63 125.63 0.1 +4 -1 +13 23 33 43 + +125.63 0.68 0.93 1.22 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_VH-Vbb_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500715.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_VH-Vbb_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500715.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_VH-Vbb_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500715.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Taken from Tab. 2 in ATLAS-CONF-2015-007. +201500715 20150075 1 +ATLAS-CONF-2015-007,arXiv:1409.6212 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(p p)->Vh->Vbb +8 25.0 0.028 +1 0 +20 +125.36 125.36 1.0 +2 -1 +35 45 + +125.36 0.12 0.52 0.92 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500712.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500712.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500712.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# WARNING: This observable should not be used together with the +# category results. +# +# Data is taken from Tab. 2 in ATLAS-CONF-2015-007. +# The measurement was performed at mH=125.36GeV. +# This observable does not come with a mass measurement, since the combined +# mass measurement is already implemented in the H->gamma gamma observable (201500711) +201500712 20150072 1 +ATLAS-CONF-2015-007,arXiv:1408.5191 +LHC, ATL, ATL +(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (inclusive) +8 24.8 0.028 +1 0 +1.0 +125.36 125.36 0.1 +5 -1 +13 23 33 43 53 + + 125.36 1.11 1.44 1.84 Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652711.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652711.txt (revision 0) +++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652711.txt (revision 508) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +1401652711 140165271 1 +arXiv:1401.6527 +LHC, CMS, CMS +(pp)->h->tautau +8 24.3 0.044 +1 0 +20 +125.0 125.0 1.0 +4 -1 +14 24 34 44 + +125.0 0.51 0.78 1.05