Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/usefulbits_HS.f90
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/usefulbits_HS.f90	(revision 507)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/usefulbits_HS.f90	(revision 508)
@@ -1,496 +1,496 @@
 ! This file is part of HiggsSignals (TS 03/03/2013)
 module usefulbits_HS
  implicit none
- character(LEN=9),parameter :: HSvers='1.3.1'
+ character(LEN=9),parameter :: HSvers='1.4.0'
  integer,parameter :: f_dmh=94
  character(LEN=4) :: runmode
  character(LEN=100) :: Exptdir
 !--IN TESTING PHASE: (do not change this in official version)
  logical :: withcorrexpsyst = .True. !(correlated experimental systematics)
  logical :: additional_output = .False.
 !------------------------Control parameters -------------------------
 ! Values can be changes with specific user subroutines.
  logical :: usetoys = .False.
  logical :: usescalefactor = .False.
  logical :: useSMweights = .False.
  logical :: correlations_mu = .True.
  logical :: correlations_mh = .True. 
  logical :: minimalchisq = .False.
  logical :: maximalchisq = .False.
  logical :: useSMtest = .False.
  logical :: SLHAdetailed = .True.
  logical :: newSLHAfile = .False.
  logical :: symmetricerrors = .False.
  logical :: anticorrmu = .True.
  logical :: anticorrmh = .True.
  logical :: absolute_errors = .False.
  logical :: THU_included = .True.
  logical :: useaveragemass = .True.
  logical :: normalize_rates_to_reference_position = .False.
  double precision :: eps 
  double precision :: assignmentrange = 1.0D0  ! This gives the mass range
                                               ! (in standard deviations), in which
                                               ! the Higgs is forced to be assigned to
                                               ! a peak observable.
  double precision :: assignmentrange_massobs = 1.0D0  
                                               ! This gives the mass range
                                               ! (in standard deviations), in which
                                               ! the Higgs is forced to be assigned to
                                               ! peak observables, which have a mass
                                               ! measurement.
  integer :: output_level = 0
  integer :: iterations = 0		! default value: 0
  								! 1 -> try to assign as many Higgs bosons as possible to
  								! the observable, Higgs-to-peak assignment is based on
  								! Higg mass covariance matrices with maximal
  								! correlations.
  								! >1 -> use the covariance matrix of previous iteration.
  integer :: pdf	= 2				! default value: 2
  								! will automatically be set to 2 if not changed by the user
  								! via using subroutine set_pdf before.
  								! (1,2,3) = (box, gaussian, theory-box + exp-gaussian)
  integer :: Nparam = 0			! Number of free model parameters (entering the Pvalue)
  								! Can be specified directly here or via the subroutine
  								! setup_nparam 								
  integer :: nanalys 			!Total number of relevant analyses                       
  double precision, parameter :: vlarge=1000000000000.0D0
 !--------------------- Default rate uncertainties -------------------
  type rate_uncertainties 
 !- dCS_SM and dBR_SM for the SM 
 !- (from LHC HXSWG Yellow Report 3, arXiv:1307.1347)
 !- dCS and dBR hold the model's rate uncertainties. Can be changed by user
 !- with subroutine setup_rate_uncertainties. Default values are those of the SM.
   double precision :: dCS_SM(5) = (/ 0.147D0, 0.028D0, 0.037D0, 0.060D0, 0.12D0 /)  
   double precision :: dCS(5) = (/ 0.147D0, 0.028D0, 0.037D0, 0.060D0, 0.12D0 /)  
 !  double precision :: dBR_SM(5) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0 /)
 !  double precision :: dBR(5) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0 /)
 !- EDIT (TS 21/06/2013): Add new decay modes:
 !- Channels: gammagamma, WW, ZZ, tautau, bb, Zgamma, cc, mumu, gg
   double precision :: dBR_SM(9) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0,&
 &                                    0.090D0, 0.122D0, 0.060D0, 0.100D0 /)  
   double precision :: dBR(9) = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0,&
 &                                    0.090D0, 0.122D0, 0.060D0, 0.100D0 /)
 !- The arrays dCS_SM, dCS, dBR_SM, dBR have been introduced in HiggsSignals-1.0.0
 !- to hold the estimated theoretical uncertainties. These do not include correlations
 !- via parametric uncertainties (e.g. scale, PDFs,...) or correlations in the BRs introduced
 !- by the uncertainty of the total widths.
 !- Since HiggsSignals-1.1.0 the theoretical uncertainties for the cross sections and
 !- branching ratios are evaluated with toy MC scripts including the correlations of
 !- parametric error sources. The resulting covariance matrices are included per default
 !- if the files "" and "" are present in the main HiggsSignals directory.
 !- If not, HiggsSignals will give a warning and use the old method.
 !- The covariance matrices can also be re-evaluated by the user with the scripts
 !- "smearErrorsBR.cpp" and "smearErrorsXS.cpp", which can be found in the directory
 !- <HiggsSignals-main-directory>/supplements/
   logical :: BRcov_ok=.False.
   logical :: CScov_ok=.False.
   logical :: usecov =.True.
   double precision, dimension(9,9) :: BRcovSM = 0.0D0
   double precision, dimension(9,9) :: BRcov = 0.0D0
   double precision, dimension(5,5) :: CScovSM = 0.0D0
   double precision, dimension(5,5) :: CScov = 0.0D0
 !--- ILC cross section uncertainties (under development)  
 !--- (none, none, WBF, ZH, ttH)
   double precision :: dCS_ILC_SM(5) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0 /)  
   double precision :: dCS_ILC(5) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.01D0, 0.005D0, 0.01D0 /)  
  end type  
  type(rate_uncertainties), save :: delta_rate 
 !-------------- Type definitions of internal structures --------------
  type neutHiggs
   double precision :: m, dm, mu
   integer :: mp_test	! This variable is set to 1 (0) if the Higgs is (not) being tested in the m-pred chi^2 method.
   integer :: id
  end type
  !-Will contain info about all neutral Higgs for every considered observable, i.e.
 !-neutHiggses has dimensions (number(observables),nH)
  type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: neutHiggses(:,:)
 type mutable
   integer :: id,nx,particle_x !see usefulbits.f90 for key to particle codes n.b. they're NOT pdg
   character(LEN=45) :: label
   character(LEN=100) :: desc
   character(LEN=3) :: expt  
   character(LEN=10) :: collider 
   character(LEN=10) :: collaboration   
   double precision :: lumi,dlumi,energy			! dlumi in %
 !--TESTING correlated experimental systematics:
 !  double precision, dimension(4) :: correxpsyst
   double precision :: xmax,xmin,sep,deltax
   double precision :: deltam
   character(LEN=100) :: assignmentgroup
   integer :: mhchisq
   double precision, allocatable :: mass(:)
   double precision, allocatable :: mu(:,:) ! in mu(a,b), a=row, b=1,2,3 for low,obs,up 
   integer :: Nc								  ! Number of channels
   integer, allocatable :: channel_id(:)		  ! Considered channels array, dim(Nc)
   character(LEN=10),allocatable :: channel_description(:,:)  
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_eff(:) 	  ! Channel efficiencies, dim(Nc) 
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_eff_ratios(:) 	  ! Channel efficiency ratios (model vs. SM), dim(Nc)   
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w(:,:) ! Channel weights, dim(Nc, NHiggs)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_corrected_eff(:,:) ! Channel weights, dim(Nc, NHiggs)  
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_systSM(:,:) ! Channel systematics of SM, dim(Nc, NHiggs)  
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_syst(:,:) ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc, NHiggs)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu(:,:) ! SM normalized channel rates, dim(Nc, NHiggs)											  
   double precision :: eff_ref_mass			  ! Reference Higgs mass for quoted efficiency
   integer :: npeaks
   double precision, allocatable :: Toys_mhobs(:)
   double precision, allocatable :: Toys_muobs(:)
   double precision :: scale_mu
  end type
  type mupeak
   integer :: id      
   integer :: ilow,iup,ipeak
   double precision :: mpeak
   double precision :: dm
   double precision :: mu
   double precision :: mu_original  
   double precision :: scale_mu!, scale_mh  
   double precision :: dmuup,dmulow			  ! Upper and lower cyan band 	
   double precision :: dmuup0sq, dmulow0sq	  ! Cyan band squared subtracted by correlated uncertainties
   !-Peak object should contain everything needed for constructing the covariance matrices
   integer :: Nc								  ! Number of channels
   integer, allocatable :: channel_id(:)		  ! Considered channels array, dim(Nc)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_eff(:) 	  ! Channel efficiencies, dim(Nc)   
   integer, allocatable :: Higgs_comb(:)		  ! Assigned Higgs combination, dim(NHiggs)
   character(LEN=100) :: assignmentgroup  
   type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:)
   integer :: domH							  !	index of dominantly contributing Higgs
   integer :: NHiggs_comb					  ! Number of combined Higgses
   integer :: Higgs_assignment_forced
   integer :: undo_assignment
   !--These arrays contain only the information about all Higgs bosons
   !--(need to have this for every peak separately because it can depend on the efficiencies
   !-- which are given for each peak separately)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_allH(:,:)      ! Channel weights, dim(Nc, NHiggs)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(:,:) ! Channel weights with corrected efficiencies, dim(Nc, NHiggs)  
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_systSM_allH(:,:) ! Channel systematics of SM, dim(Nc, NHiggs)  
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_syst_allH(:,:)   ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc, NHiggs)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu_allH(:,:)     ! SM normalized channel rates, dim(Nc, NHiggs)											  	
   !--These arrays contain only the information about the chosen Higgs combination:
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w(:)             ! Channel weights, dim(Nc)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_corrected_eff(:) ! Channel weights with corrected efficencies, dim(Nc)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_systSM(:)        ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc)  
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_syst(:)          ! Channel systematics, dim(Nc)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu(:)            ! SM normalized channel rates, dim(Nc)
   double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_model(:)
   double precision :: total_mu
   double precision :: dlumi
   !-- Chisq values (mu and mh parts, total) after taking into account correlations with
   !-- other peaks:
   double precision :: chisq_mu
   double precision :: chisq_mh  
   double precision :: chisq_tot
   double precision :: chisq_max
   integer :: internalnumber
  end type
 type mp_neutHiggs
 !-This object is a Higgs or Higgscluster which are separately
 !-tested with the predicted mass chi^2 method.
  type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:)
  double precision :: m, dm, mu
  integer :: mp_test
  double precision :: mu_obs, dmu_low_obs, dmu_up_obs, dmu_low0_obs, dmu_up0_obs, m_obs
  double precision, allocatable :: channel_w_model(:)
  double precision, allocatable :: channel_mu(:)
  double precision :: total_mu
  integer :: Higgscomb
  integer :: domH
  double precision :: chisq 
 !-n.b. these are the smeared observed signal strengths for this Higgs boson
 end type
 type mpred
  type(mp_neutHiggs), allocatable :: mp_Higgses(:) 
  double precision :: mupred
 end type
 type observable
  integer :: id
  integer :: obstype
  type(mupeak) :: peak
  type(mutable) :: table
  type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:)
 end type
 type(observable), allocatable :: obs(:)
 type tablelist
  integer :: Npeaks
  integer :: id
  type(mutable) :: table
  type(mupeak), allocatable :: peaks(:)
  type(mpred) :: mpred
  type(neutHiggs), allocatable :: Higgses(:)	
 	! This object holds primarily the Higgs boson predictions
  	! corresponding to tablelist%table. It corresponds to the full 
  	! muplot if it is implemented (to enable the mpred-method).
 end type
 type(tablelist), allocatable :: analyses(:)
 type HSresults                  
  double precision :: Pvalue = -1.0D0           
  double precision :: Chisq
  double precision :: Chisq_mu, Chisq_mpred, Chisq_peak_mu
  double precision :: Chisq_mh
  double precision, allocatable :: mupred(:)
  integer, allocatable :: domH(:)    
  integer, allocatable :: nH(:)  
  integer, allocatable :: obsID(:)  
  integer :: nobs, nobs_mpred, nobs_peak_mu, nobs_peak_mh, nanalysis
 end type            
 type(HSresults), allocatable :: HSres(:)
 !----------------------- Covariance matrices ----------------------
  double precision, allocatable :: cov(:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: cov_mhneut(:,:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: cov_mhneut_max(:,:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: cov_mh_av(:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: cov_mh_av_max(:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: cov_mp(:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: cov_mu_tot(:,:)
  double precision, allocatable :: mu_vector(:)
  subroutine HiggsSignals_info
   implicit none
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"
   write(*,*)"~      	      HiggsSignals "//adjustl(HSvers)//"	          ~"
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"
   write(*,*)"~      Philip Bechtle, Sven Heinemeyer, Oscar Stål,      ~"
   write(*,*)"~              Tim Stefaniak, Georg Weiglein             ~"
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"
   write(*,*)"~       arXiv:1305.1933 (Manual)                         ~"
   write(*,*)"~       arXiv:1403.1582 (application + more details)     ~"
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"  
   write(*,*)"~ It is based on the HiggsBounds-4 Fortran library.      ~"
   write(*,*)"~ Please consult and cite also the following references  ~"
   write(*,*)"~ for the HiggsBounds program                            ~"
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"  
   write(*,*)"~    arXiv:0811.4169, arXiv:1102.1898, arXiv:1311.0055   ~"  
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"    
   write(*,*)"~ For updates, additional material, release notes, see:  ~"    
   write(*,*)"~               ~"
   write(*,*)"~                                                        ~"
   write(*,*)" HiggsSignals collects together results from "
   write(*,*)"    * the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations"
   write(*,*)"    * the CDF and D0 Collaborations"
   write(*,*)"    * the program HDECAY (arXiv:hep-ph/9704448)"  
   write(*,*)"    * LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group"
   write(*,*)"      (arXiv:1101.0593, arXiv:1201.3084, "
   write(*,*)"       arXiv:1307.1347 and ref. therein)"
  end subroutine HiggsSignals_info
  subroutine print_dble_matrix(mat, title)
   implicit none
   double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: mat(:,:)
   character(LEN=50), intent(in), optional :: title
   integer :: i
   if(present(title)) then
    write(*,*)"# ",trim(title)
   write(*,*) "#*************************************************************************#"
   do i=lbound(mat,dim=1),ubound(mat,dim=1)
 	write(*,*) mat(i,:)
   write(*,*) "#*************************************************************************#"
  end subroutine print_dble_matrix
  subroutine deallocate_usefulbits_HS
   implicit none
   integer :: i
 !  deallocate(neutHiggses)
   if(allocated(HSres)) then
    do i=lbound(HSres, dim=1), ubound(HSres, dim=1)
     if(allocated(HSres(i)%mupred)) deallocate(HSres(i)%mupred)
     if(allocated(HSres(i)%domH)) deallocate(HSres(i)%domH)
     if(allocated(HSres(i)%nH)) deallocate(HSres(i)%nH)   
   call deallocate_covariance_matrices
  end subroutine deallocate_usefulbits_HS
  subroutine deallocate_covariance_matrices
   implicit none
   if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov)
   if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) deallocate(cov_mhneut)
   if(allocated(cov_mhneut_max)) deallocate(cov_mhneut_max)
   if(allocated(cov_mh_av)) deallocate(cov_mh_av)
   if(allocated(cov_mh_av_max)) deallocate(cov_mh_av_max)
   if(allocated(cov_mp)) deallocate(cov_mp)
   if(allocated(cov_mu_tot)) deallocate(cov_mu_tot)
   if(allocated(mu_vector)) deallocate(mu_vector)
  end subroutine deallocate_covariance_matrices
 function int_in_array(number, array) 
  integer, intent(in) :: number
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
  logical :: int_in_array
  integer :: i
  int_in_array = .False.
  do i=lbound(array,dim=1),ubound(array,dim=1)
   if(number.eq.array(i)) int_in_array = .True.
 end function int_in_array
 ! NAME:
 !       StrCompress
 !       Subroutine to return a copy of an input string with all whitespace
 !       (spaces and tabs) removed.
 !       Result = StrCompress( String,  &  ! Input
 !                             n = n    )  ! Optional Output
 !       String:         Character string to be compressed.
 !                       UNITS:      N/A
 !                       TYPE:       CHARACTER(*)
 !                       DIMENSION:  Scalar
 !                       ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(IN)
 !       n:              Number of useful characters in output string
 !                       after compression. From character n+1 -> LEN(Input_String)
 !                       the output is padded with blanks.
 !                       UNITS:      N/A
 !                       TYPE:       INTEGER
 !                       DIMENSION:  Scalar
 !                       ATTRIBUTES: INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL
 !       Result:         Input string with all whitespace removed before the
 !                       first non-whitespace character, and from in-between 
 !                       non-whitespace characters.
 !                       UNITS:      N/A
 !                       TYPE:       CHARACTER(LEN(String))
 !                       DIMENSION:  Scalar
 !       Input_String = '  This is a string with spaces in it.'
 !       Output_String = StrCompress( Input_String, n=n )
 !       WRITE( *, '( a )' ) '>',Output_String( 1:n ),'<'
 !   >Thisisastringwithspacesinit.<
 !       or
 !       WRITE( *, '( a )' ) '>',TRIM( Output_String ),'<'
 !   >Thisisastringwithspacesinit.<
 !       Definitions of a space and a tab character are made for the
 !       ASCII collating sequence. Each single character of the input
 !       string is checked against these definitions using the IACHAR()
 !       intrinsic. If the input string character DOES NOT correspond 
 !       to a space or tab, it is not copied to the output string.
 !       Note that for input that ONLY has spaces or tabs BEFORE the first
 !       useful character, the output of this function is the same as the
 !       ADJUSTL() instrinsic.
 !       Written by:     Paul van Delst, CIMSS/SSEC 18-Oct-1999
  FUNCTION StrCompress( Input_String, n ) RESULT( Output_String )
     ! Arguments
     CHARACTER(*),      INTENT(IN)  :: Input_String
     ! Function result
     CHARACTER(LEN(Input_String)) :: Output_String
     ! Local parameters
     ! Local variables
     INTEGER :: i, j
     INTEGER :: IACHAR_Character
     ! Setup
     ! -----
     ! Initialise output string
     Output_String = ' '
     ! Initialise output string "useful" length counter
     j = 0
     ! Loop over string contents character by character
     ! ------------------------------------------------
     DO i = 1, LEN(Input_String)
       ! Convert the current character to its position
       ! in the ASCII collating sequence
       IACHAR_Character = IACHAR(Input_String(i:i))
       ! If the character is NOT a space ' ' or a tab '->|'
       ! copy it to the output string.
       IF ( IACHAR_Character /= IACHAR_SPACE .AND. &
            IACHAR_Character /= IACHAR_TAB         ) THEN
         j = j + 1
         Output_String(j:j) = Input_String(i:i)
       END IF
     END DO
     ! Save the non-whitespace count
     ! -----------------------------
     IF ( PRESENT(n) ) n = j
   END FUNCTION StrCompress
 end module usefulbits_HS                        
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/create_package.bat
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/create_package.bat	(revision 507)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/create_package.bat	(revision 508)
@@ -1,192 +1,196 @@
 echo '*************************************'
 echo 'Creating package HiggsSignals-'$vers
 namedir=`basename $PWD`
 echo '*************************************'
 echo ' '
 echo './configure, then run example :'
 echo ' '
 ./configure >temp.txt
 make HSwithSLHA > temp.txt
 cd example_programs
 ./HSwithSLHA 1 ../example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh 2> temp_error.txt 1> temp_output.txt
 echo 'Is there anything between here...'
 grep 'hello' temp_output.txt
 grep 'WARNING' temp_output.txt
 grep 'Interrupt' temp_error.txt
 grep 'Error' temp_error.txt
 grep 'stop' temp_error.txt
 rm temp_output.txt
 rm temp_error.txt
 echo '... and here?'
 cd ..
 echo '*************************************'
 echo ' '
 echo 'make hyperclean :'
 echo ' '
 make hyperclean > temp.txt
 echo 'remove the makefile:'
 echo ' '
 rm makefile
 echo ' '
 echo '*************************************'
 echo ' '
 echo ' '
 grep 'logical :: withcorrexpsyst' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: additional_output' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: usetoys' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: usescalefactor' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: useSMweights' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: correlations_mu' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: correlations_mh' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: minimalchisq' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: maximalchisq' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: useSMtest' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: SLHAdetailed' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: newSLHAfile' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: symmetricerrors' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: anticorrmu' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: anticorrmh' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: absolute_errors' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: THU_included' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'logical :: normalize_rates_to_reference_position' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'double precision :: eps' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'double precision :: assignmentrange' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'integer :: output_level' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'integer :: iterations' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'integer :: pdf' usefulbits_HS.f90
 grep 'integer :: Nparam' usefulbits_HS.f90
 echo ' '
 echo '*************************************'
 copyfiles=`ls COPYING\
+              Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/*.txt\
+              Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/*.txt\
 #               Expt_tables/CMS-13-005-125p7/*.txt\
 #               Expt_tables/LHC300/*.txt\
 #               Expt_tables/LHC3000/*.txt\
 #               Expt_tables/ILC250/*.txt\
 #               Expt_tables/ILC500/*.txt\
 #               Expt_tables/ILC1000/*.txt\
 #echo $copyfiles
 #echo 'tempdir=' $tempdir
 cd ..
 mkdir "$tempdir"
+         Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0\
+         Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive\
 #          Expt_tables/CMS-13-005-125p7\
 #          Expt_tables/LHC300\
 #          Expt_tables/LHC3000\
 #          Expt_tables/ILC250\
 #          Expt_tables/ILC500\
 #          Expt_tables/ILC1000\
 for direcname in $listdir ; do
  mkdir "$tempdir"/"$direcname"
 cp "$namedir"/pubconfigure "$tempdir"/configure
 for filename in $copyfiles ; do
  cp "$namedir"/"$filename" "$tempdir"/"$filename"
 echo 'removing some of the files not needed in the package'
 for filename in $removefiles ; do
  rm "$tempdir"/"$filename"
 echo 'create ../'$namedir'.tar.gz :'
 rm "$tempdir".tar.gz
 tar czf "$tempdir".tar.gz "$tempdir"
 rm -r "$tempdir"
 cd $namedir
 echo '*************************************'
 echo ' '
 echo 'Is this the correct version number? '
 grep 'HSvers=' usefulbits_HS.f90
 echo ' '
 echo '*************************************'
 echo ' '
 echo 'finished'
 echo ' '
 echo '*************************************'
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.1
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.1	(revision 507)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/example_data/SLHA/SLHA_FHexample.fh.1	(revision 508)
@@ -1,1991 +1,1991 @@
      1   FeynHiggs
      2   2.8.6
      2   built on Feb 23, 2012
          1                  1   # Model
          3                  0   # Content
          4                  0   # RPV
          5                  2   # CPV
          6                  0   # FV
          1     1.28936827E+02   # invAlfaMZ
          2     1.16639000E-05   # GF
          3     1.18000000E-01   # AlfasMZ
          4     9.11870000E+01   # MZ
          5     4.25000000E+00   # Mb
          6     1.75000000E+02   # Mt
          7     1.77703000E+00   # Mtau
         11     5.10998902E-04   # Me
         13     1.05658357E-01   # Mmu
         21     6.00000000E-03   # Md
         22     3.00000000E-03   # Mu
         23     9.50000000E-02   # Ms
         24     1.28600000E+00   # Mc
          1     0.00000000E+00   # M0
          2     0.00000000E+00   # M12
          3     1.00000000E+01   # TB
          4     1.00000000E+00   # signMUE
          5    -0.00000000E+00   # A
          0     4.84786694E+02   # Q
          1     3.00000000E+02   # M1
          2     6.00000000E+02   # M2
          3     1.00000000E+03   # M3
         11     1.00000000E+03   # At
         12     3.00000000E+02   # Ab
         13     2.00000000E+02   # Atau
         23     1.00000000E+02   # MUE
         24     1.40000000E+05   # MA02
         25     1.00000000E+01   # TB
         26     3.74165739E+02   # MA0
         27     3.82704682E+02   # MHp
         31     2.06630723E+02   # MSL(1)
         32     2.06645846E+02   # MSL(2)
         33     1.34514453E+02   # MSL(3)
         34     1.43872558E+02   # MSE(1)
         35     1.43838140E+02   # MSE(2)
         36     2.10401949E+02   # MSE(3)
         41     5.64892619E+02   # MSQ(1)
         42     5.64902784E+02   # MSQ(2)
         43     4.58749215E+02   # MSQ(3)
         44     5.47790210E+02   # MSU(1)
         45     5.47775859E+02   # MSU(2)
         46     5.89079372E+02   # MSU(3)
         47     5.47601268E+02   # MSD(1)
         48     5.47594947E+02   # MSD(2)
         49     5.47471349E+02   # MSD(3)
    1000012     1.96522387E+02   # MSf(1,1,1)
    2000012     1.00000000+123   # MSf(2,1,1)
    1000011     1.50049429E+02   # MSf(1,2,1)
    2000011     2.12028169E+02   # MSf(2,2,1)
    1000002     5.46684341E+02   # MSf(1,3,1)
    2000002     5.62350503E+02   # MSf(2,3,1)
    1000001     5.48153556E+02   # MSf(1,4,1)
    2000001     5.67955726E+02   # MSf(2,4,1)
    1000014     1.96538288E+02   # MSf(1,1,2)
    2000014     1.00000000+123   # MSf(2,1,2)
    1000013     1.50015405E+02   # MSf(1,2,2)
    2000013     2.12043684E+02   # MSf(2,2,2)
    1000004     5.46585835E+02   # MSf(1,3,2)
    2000004     5.62283026E+02   # MSf(2,3,2)
    1000003     5.48147074E+02   # MSf(1,4,2)
    2000003     5.67966013E+02   # MSf(2,4,2)
    1000016     1.18401567E+02   # MSf(1,1,3)
    2000016     1.00000000+123   # MSf(2,1,3)
    1000015     1.42403224E+02   # MSf(1,2,3)
    2000015     2.14862660E+02   # MSf(2,2,3)
    1000006     3.29129281E+02   # MSf(1,3,3)
    2000006     6.76789745E+02   # MSf(2,3,3)
    1000005     4.50942677E+02   # MSf(1,4,3)
    2000005     5.51183125E+02   # MSf(2,4,3)
         25     1.22651152E+02   # Mh0
         35     3.74749649E+02   # MHH
         36     3.74165739E+02   # MA0
         37     3.82764933E+02   # MHp
    1000022     8.77717849E+01   # MNeu(1)
    1000023     1.05731705E+02   # MNeu(2)
    1000025     3.06628639E+02   # MNeu(3)
    1000035     6.11331282E+02   # MNeu(4)
    1000024     9.60565070E+01   # MCha(1)
    1000037     6.11309165E+02   # MCha(2)
    1000021     1.00000000E+03   # MGl
          0     1.75000000E+02   # Q
         25     9.72174332E-01   # Delta Mh0
         35     1.06946442E-02   # Delta MHH
         36     0.00000000E+00   # Delta MA0
         37     8.06715487E-02   # Delta MHp
      1   1     1.47271688E-01   # ZNeu(1,1)
      1   2    -1.13979916E-01   # ZNeu(1,2)
      1   3     7.30717872E-01   # ZNeu(1,3)
      1   4    -6.56788414E-01   # ZNeu(1,4)
      2   1    -0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(2,1)
      2   2     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(2,2)
      2   3     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(2,3)
      2   4     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(2,4)
      3   1     9.86458640E-01   # ZNeu(3,1)
      3   2     4.16346543E-02   # ZNeu(3,2)
      3   3    -6.05146385E-02   # ZNeu(3,3)
      3   4     1.46642030E-01   # ZNeu(3,4)
      4   1    -1.92855611E-02   # ZNeu(4,1)
      4   2     9.89795429E-01   # ZNeu(4,2)
      4   3     3.54417152E-02   # ZNeu(4,3)
      4   4    -1.36663681E-01   # ZNeu(4,4)
      1   1     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(1,1)
      1   2     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(1,2)
      1   3     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(1,3)
      1   4     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(1,4)
      2   1    -6.95590979E-02   # ZNeu(2,1)
      2   2     7.47003613E-02   # ZNeu(2,2)
      2   3     6.79067931E-01   # ZNeu(2,3)
      2   4     7.26944381E-01   # ZNeu(2,4)
      3   1     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(3,1)
      3   2     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(3,2)
      3   3     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(3,3)
      3   4     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(3,4)
      4   1     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(4,1)
      4   2     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(4,2)
      4   3     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(4,3)
      4   4     0.00000000E+00   # ZNeu(4,4)
      1   1    -4.97233578E-02   # UCha(1,1)
      1   2     9.98763029E-01   # UCha(1,2)
      2   1     9.98763029E-01   # UCha(2,1)
      2   2     4.97233578E-02   # UCha(2,2)
      1   1    -1.92962310E-01   # VCha(1,1)
      1   2     9.81206170E-01   # VCha(1,2)
      2   1     9.81206170E-01   # VCha(2,1)
      2   2     1.92962310E-01   # VCha(2,2)
      1   1     9.98486400E-01   # USf(1,1)
      1   2     5.49991646E-02   # USf(1,2)
      2   1    -5.49991646E-02   # USf(2,1)
      2   2     9.98486400E-01   # USf(2,2)
      1   1     8.23605275E-01   # USf(1,1)
      1   2    -5.67163425E-01   # USf(1,2)
      2   1     5.67163425E-01   # USf(2,1)
      2   2     8.23605275E-01   # USf(2,2)
      1   1     9.99954439E-01   # USf(1,1)
      1   2     9.54568581E-03   # USf(1,2)
      2   1    -9.54568581E-03   # USf(2,1)
      2   2     9.99954439E-01   # USf(2,2)
               -1.17451823E-01   # Alpha
                1.46801249E-03   # Delta Alpha
          1     2.25300000E-01   # lambda
          2     8.08000000E-01   # A
          3     1.32000000E-01   # rhobar
          4     3.41000000E-01   # etabar
      1   1     4.26962557E+04   # MSL2(1,1)
      2   2     4.27025057E+04   # MSL2(2,2)
      3   3     1.80941381E+04   # MSL2(3,3)
      1   1     2.06993129E+04   # MSE2(1,1)
      2   2     2.06894105E+04   # MSE2(2,2)
      3   3     4.42689801E+04   # MSE2(3,3)
      1   1     3.19103671E+05   # MSQ2(1,1)
      2   2     3.19115155E+05   # MSQ2(2,2)
      3   3     1.99881446E+05   # MSQ2(3,3)
      1   1     3.00074114E+05   # MSU2(1,1)
      2   2     3.00058392E+05   # MSU2(2,2)
      3   3     3.16134306E+05   # MSU2(3,3)
      1   1     2.99867149E+05   # MSD2(1,1)
      2   2     2.99860226E+05   # MSD2(2,2)
      3   3     3.03181540E+05   # MSD2(3,3)
      1   1     5.89936191E-04   # Tf(1,1)
      2   2     1.21980083E-01   # Tf(2,2)
      3   3     2.05153926E+00   # Tf(3,3)
      1   1     1.73171465E-01   # Tf(1,1)
      2   2     7.42328349E+01   # Tf(2,2)
      3   3     9.53077892E+03   # Tf(3,3)
      1   1     1.03902879E-02   # Tf(1,1)
      2   2     1.64512892E-01   # Tf(2,2)
      3   3     1.56232003E+01   # Tf(3,3)
      1   1     9.99984377E-01   # UH(1,1)
      1   2     5.58985436E-03   # UH(1,2)
      1   3     0.00000000E+00   # UH(1,3)
      2   1    -5.58985436E-03   # UH(2,1)
      2   2     9.99984377E-01   # UH(2,2)
      2   3     0.00000000E+00   # UH(2,3)
      3   1     0.00000000E+00   # UH(3,1)
      3   2     0.00000000E+00   # UH(3,2)
      3   3     1.00000000E+00   # UH(3,3)
          1     4.58620642E-04   # DeltaRho
          2     8.03985711E+01   # MWMSSM
          3     8.03727370E+01   # MWSM
          4     2.31309273E-01   # SW2effMSSM
          5     2.31452470E-01   # SW2effSM
         11     1.47612393E-09   # gminus2mu
         21     0.00000000E+00   # EDMeTh
         22     0.00000000E+00   # EDMn
         23     0.00000000E+00   # EDMHg
         31     7.83340682E-04   # bsgammaMSSM
         32     3.84151628E-04   # bsgammaSM
         33     2.29365346E+01   # DeltaMsMSSM
         34     2.19915791E+01   # DeltaMsSM
 DECAY        25     4.66729789E-03   # Gamma(h0)
      1.67729727E-03   2        22        22   # BR(h0 -> photon photon)
      1.72630719E-02   2        23        23   # BR(h0 -> Z Z)
      1.49508769E-01   2       -24        24   # BR(h0 -> W W)
      4.98888879E-02   2        21        21   # BR(h0 -> gluon gluon)
      5.91016012E-09   2       -11        11   # BR(h0 -> Electron electron)
      2.62892978E-04   2       -13        13   # BR(h0 -> Muon muon)
      7.57524936E-02   2       -15        15   # BR(h0 -> Tau tau)
      1.71225452E-07   2        -2         2   # BR(h0 -> Up up)
      2.39510771E-02   2        -4         4   # BR(h0 -> Charm charm)
      9.86900853E-07   2        -1         1   # BR(h0 -> Down down)
      2.47844298E-04   2        -3         3   # BR(h0 -> Strange strange)
      6.81446502E-01   2        -5         5   # BR(h0 -> Bottom bottom)
 DECAY        35     7.83706554E-01   # Gamma(HH)
      3.06707834E-06   2        22        22   # BR(HH -> photon photon)
      1.74379832E-03   2        23        23   # BR(HH -> Z Z)
      3.80819738E-03   2       -24        24   # BR(HH -> W W)
      6.56064077E-04   2        21        21   # BR(HH -> gluon gluon)
      7.54257349E-09   2       -11        11   # BR(HH -> Electron electron)
      3.35617824E-04   2       -13        13   # BR(HH -> Muon muon)
      9.73136619E-02   2       -15        15   # BR(HH -> Tau tau)
      3.26751691E-11   2        -2         2   # BR(HH -> Up up)
      4.57357974E-06   2        -4         4   # BR(HH -> Charm charm)
      2.51100369E-02   2        -6         6   # BR(HH -> Top top)
      1.00572923E-06   2        -1         1   # BR(HH -> Down down)
      2.52571792E-04   2        -3         3   # BR(HH -> Strange strange)
      6.71514561E-01   2        -5         5   # BR(HH -> Bottom bottom)
      8.67236607E-02   2  -1000024   1000024   # BR(HH -> Chargino1 chargino1)
      4.30707320E-02   2   1000022   1000022   # BR(HH -> neutralino1 neutralino1)
      9.07746163E-03   2   1000022   1000023   # BR(HH -> neutralino1 neutralino2)
      1.60515467E-02   2   1000023   1000023   # BR(HH -> neutralino2 neutralino2)
      3.42640993E-02   2        25        25   # BR(HH -> h0 h0)
      4.05662328E-04   2  -1000011   1000011   # BR(HH -> Selectron1 selectron1)
      3.21302032E-10   2  -1000011   2000011   # BR(HH -> Selectron1 selectron2)
      3.21302032E-10   2  -2000011   1000011   # BR(HH -> Selectron2 selectron1)
      4.03871097E-04   2  -1000013   1000013   # BR(HH -> Smuon1 smuon1)
      1.37454954E-05   2  -1000013   2000013   # BR(HH -> Smuon1 smuon2)
      1.37454954E-05   2  -2000013   1000013   # BR(HH -> Smuon2 smuon1)
      1.80571224E-04   2  -1000015   1000015   # BR(HH -> Stau1 stau1)
      4.52587015E-03   2  -1000015   2000015   # BR(HH -> Stau1 stau2)
      4.52587015E-03   2  -2000015   1000015   # BR(HH -> Stau2 stau1)
 DECAY        36     8.89538917E-01   # Gamma(A0)
      6.11274373E-06   2        22        22   # BR(A0 -> photon photon)
      6.30977419E-04   2        21        21   # BR(A0 -> gluon gluon)
      6.58260322E-09   2       -11        11   # BR(A0 -> Electron electron)
      2.92902511E-04   2       -13        13   # BR(A0 -> Muon muon)
      8.49304516E-02   2       -15        15   # BR(A0 -> Tau tau)
      1.88836298E-11   2        -2         2   # BR(A0 -> Up up)
      2.64328808E-06   2        -4         4   # BR(A0 -> Charm charm)
      1.16717546E-01   2        -6         6   # BR(A0 -> Top top)
      8.77995484E-07   2        -1         1   # BR(A0 -> Down down)
      2.20493704E-04   2        -3         3   # BR(A0 -> Strange strange)
      5.86468722E-01   2        -5         5   # BR(A0 -> Bottom bottom)
      1.14286977E-01   2  -1000024   1000024   # BR(A0 -> Chargino1 chargino1)
      7.10303312E-02   2   1000022   1000022   # BR(A0 -> neutralino1 neutralino1)
      8.23874194E-04   2   1000022   1000023   # BR(A0 -> neutralino1 neutralino2)
      1.29641313E-02   2   1000023   1000023   # BR(A0 -> neutralino2 neutralino2)
      3.87218821E-03   2        23        25   # BR(A0 -> Z h0)
      6.41227277E-35   2        25        25   # BR(A0 -> h0 h0)
      2.72541936E-10   2  -1000011   2000011   # BR(A0 -> Selectron1 selectron2)
      2.72541936E-10   2  -2000011   1000011   # BR(A0 -> Selectron2 selectron1)
      1.16605248E-05   2  -1000013   2000013   # BR(A0 -> Smuon1 smuon2)
      1.16605248E-05   2  -2000013   1000013   # BR(A0 -> Smuon2 smuon1)
      3.86422166E-03   2  -1000015   2000015   # BR(A0 -> Stau1 stau2)
      3.86422166E-03   2  -2000015   1000015   # BR(A0 -> Stau2 stau1)
 DECAY        37     5.77103523E-01   # Gamma(Hp)
      1.09735497E-08   2       -11        12   # BR(Hp -> Electron nu_e)
      4.69153370E-04   2       -13        14   # BR(Hp -> Muon nu_mu)
      1.32702162E-01   2       -15        16   # BR(Hp -> Tau nu_tau)
      1.30918860E-06   2        -1         2   # BR(Hp -> Down up)
      3.32233240E-04   2        -3         4   # BR(Hp -> Strange charm)
      8.18940930E-01   2        -5         6   # BR(Hp -> Bottom top)
      1.11828834E-03   2   1000022   1000024   # BR(Hp -> neutralino1 chargino1)
      1.56473147E-02   2   1000023   1000024   # BR(Hp -> neutralino2 chargino1)
      6.98960586E-03   2       -25        24   # BR(Hp -> H0 W)
      7.69953813E-08   2       -35        24   # BR(Hp -> HH W)
      1.07948719E-07   2       -36        24   # BR(Hp -> A0 W)
      1.33187463E-09   2  -1000011   1000012   # BR(Hp -> Selectron1 snu_e1)
      5.69556904E-05   2  -1000013   1000014   # BR(Hp -> Smuon1 snu_mu1)
      2.27100515E-03   2  -1000015   1000016   # BR(Hp -> Stau1 snu_tau1)
      1.96608875E-02   2  -2000015   1000016   # BR(Hp -> Stau2 snu_tau1)
 DECAY         6     1.42276225E+00   # Gamma(top)
      1.00000000E+00   2         5        24   # BR(top -> bottom W)
 Block HiggsBoundsInputHiggsCouplingsBosons
 # For exact definitions of NormEffCoupSq see HiggsBounds manual
      1.01380         3    25    24    24 # higgs-W-W effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
     0.224092E-03     3    35    24    24 # higgs-W-W effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
      0.00000         3    36    24    24 # higgs-W-W effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
      1.01380         3    25    23    23 # higgs-Z-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
     0.224092E-03     3    35    23    23 # higgs-Z-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
      0.00000         3    36    23    23 # higgs-Z-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
     0.842307         3    25    21    21 # higgs-gluon-gluon effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
     0.303613E-01     3    35    21    21 # higgs-gluon-gluon effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
     0.415637E-01     3    36    21    21 # higgs-gluon-gluon effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
      0.00000         3    25    25    23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised
      0.00000         3    35    25    23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised
      0.00000         3    35    35    23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised
     0.344859E-03     3    36    25    23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised
     0.952528         3    36    35    23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised
      0.00000         3    36    36    23 # higgs-higgs-Z effective coupling^2, normalised
      0.00000         4    25    21    21    23 # higgs-gluon-gluon-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
      0.00000         4    35    21    21    23 # higgs-gluon-gluon-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
      0.00000         4    36    21    21    23 # higgs-gluon-gluon-Z effective coupling^2, normalised to SM
 Block HiggsBoundsInputHiggsCouplingsFermions
 # For exact definitions of NormEffCoupSq see HiggsBounds manual
 # ScalarNormEffCoupSq PseudoSNormEffCoupSq    NP    IP1      IP2      IP3 # Scalar, Pseudoscalar Normalised Effective Coupling Squared
    1.4201311968339043        0.0000000000000000                3          25           5           5 # higgs-b-b eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
    94.055378696286240        0.0000000000000000                3          35           5           5 # higgs-b-b eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
   2.11691722613467644E-042   93.199701998261276                3          36           5           5 # higgs-b-b eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
    1.0099456255672334        0.0000000000000000                3          25           6           6 # higgs-top-top eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
   1.33592532043404228E-002   0.0000000000000000                3          35           6           6 # higgs-top-top eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
    0.0000000000000000       1.00000000000000019E-002           3          36           6           6 # higgs-top-top eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
    1.4359623579970071        0.0000000000000000                3          25          15          15 # higgs-tau-tau eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
    100.92889030196287        0.0000000000000000                3          35          15          15 # higgs-tau-tau eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
    0.0000000000000000        100.00000000000000                3          36          15          15 # higgs-tau-tau eff. coupling^2, normalised to SM
 Block HiggsBoundsResults      # results from HiggsBounds
 # HBresult   : scenario allowed flag (1: allowed, 0: excluded, -1: unphysical)
 # chan id number: most sensitive channel (see below). chan=0 if no channel applies
 # obsratio   : ratio [sig x BR]_model/[sig x BR]_limit (<1: allowed, >1: excluded)
 # ncomb      : number of Higgs bosons combined in most sensitive channel
 # Note that the HB channel id number varies depending on the HB version and setting "whichanalyses"
     0    4.2.0     ||LandH||            # version of HB used to produce these results,the HB setting "whichanalyses"
 #CHANNELTYPE 1: channel with the highest statistical sensitivity
     1           1         509                  # channel id number
     1           2           1                  # HBresult
     1           3  0.54906166219839148         # obsratio
     1           4           2                  # ncombined
     1           5 ||(pp)->h3->tautau, using -2ln(L) reconstruction  ([hep-ex] arXiv:1408.3316 (CMS))|| # text description of channel
 BLOCK HiggsSignalsResults
-    0                 ||1.3.1||               # HiggsSignals version
+    0                 ||1.3.2||               # HiggsSignals version
     1         ||latestresults||               # experimental data set
     2                         1               # Chi-squared method ("peak"(1) or "mass"(2)-centered or "both"(3))
     3                         2               # Parametrization of Higgs mass uncertainty (1:box, 2:gaussian, 3:box+gaussian)
     4                        77               # Number of signal strength peak observables
     5                         4               # Number of Higgs mass peak observables
     6                         0               # Number of mass-centered observables
     7                        81               # Number of observables (total)
     8              112.37328414               # chi^2 from signal strength peak observables
     9                3.96043659               # chi^2 from Higgs mass peak observables
    10                0.00000000               # chi^2 from mass-centered observables
    11              112.37328414               # chi^2 from signal strength (total)
    12              116.33372072               # chi^2 (total)
    13                0.00616809               # Probability (total chi^2, total number observables)
 BLOCK HiggsSignalsPeakObservables
 #  OBS   FLAG                         VALUE   # DESCRIPTION
      1     1                      201406002   # Analysis ID
      1     2     ||ATL-CONF-2014-060||        # Reference to publication
      1     3     ||(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu(VBFenhanced)||      # Description (Search channel)
      1     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      1     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
      1     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      1     7                           8.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      1     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      1     9                         1.2700   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      1    10                         0.4500   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      1    11                         0.5300   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      1    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
      1    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      1    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      1    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
      1    16                         0.8080   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
      1    17                         0.8080   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      1    18                         0.9060   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      1    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      1    20                         0.9060   # Chi-squared value (total)
      1    21                         8.0463   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      2     1                      201406001   # Analysis ID
      2     2     ||ATL-CONF-2014-060||        # Reference to publication
      2     3     ||(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu(ggFenhanced)||      # Description (Search channel)
      2     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      2     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
      2     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      2     7                           8.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      2     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      2     9                         1.0100   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      2    10                         0.2500   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      2    11                         0.2700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      2    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
      2    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      2    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      2    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
      2    16                         0.7074   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
      2    17                         0.7074   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      2    18                         1.1159   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      2    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      2    20                         1.1159   # Chi-squared value (total)
      2    21                        17.9750   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      3     1                         519103   # Analysis ID
      3     2     ||arXiv:1408.5191||        # Reference to publication
      3     3     ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(VBF/VH-like)||      # Description (Search channel)
      3     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      3     5                          25.30   # Luminosity
      3     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      3     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      3     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      3     9                         0.2600   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      3    10                         0.9400   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      3    11                         1.6400   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      3    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
      3    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      3    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      3    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
      3    16                         0.7654   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
      3    17                         0.7654   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      3    18                         0.1028   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      3    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      3    20                         0.1028   # Chi-squared value (total)
      3    21                         0.0764   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      4     1                         519102   # Analysis ID
      4     2     ||arXiv:1408.5191||        # Reference to publication
      4     3     ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(ggH-like)||      # Description (Search channel)
      4     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      4     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
      4     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      4     7                           0.52   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      4     8                         124.51   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      4     9                         1.6600   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      4    10                         0.4400   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      4    11                         0.5100   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      4    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
      4    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      4    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      4    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
      4    16                         0.6939   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
      4    17                         0.6939   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      4    18                         4.8733   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      4    19                         0.1657   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      4    20                         5.0390   # Chi-squared value (total)
      4    21                        16.0800   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      5     1                         708405   # Analysis ID
      5     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
      5     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBF-loose)||      # Description (Search channel)
      5     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      5     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
      5     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      5     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      5     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      5     9                         1.3270   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      5    10                         0.7732   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      5    11                         0.9150   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      5    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
      5    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      5    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      5    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
      5    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
      5    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      5    18                         2.9708   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      5    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      5    20                         2.9708   # Chi-squared value (total)
      5    21                         2.9708   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      6     1                         708406   # Analysis ID
      6     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
      6     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBF-tight)||      # Description (Search channel)
      6     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      6     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
      6     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      6     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      6     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      6     9                         0.6820   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      6    10                         0.5082   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      6    11                         0.6670   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      6    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
      6    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      6    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      6    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
      6    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
      6    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      6    18                         1.8075   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      6    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      6    20                         1.8075   # Chi-squared value (total)
      6    21                         1.8075   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      7     1                         708408   # Analysis ID
      7     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
      7     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VH-ETmiss)||      # Description (Search channel)
      7     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      7     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
      7     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      7     7                           1.56   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      7     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      7     9                         3.5100   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      7    10                         2.4170   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      7    11                         3.3040   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      7    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
      7    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      7    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      7    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
      7    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
      7    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      7    18                         2.1147   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      7    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      7    20                         2.1147   # Chi-squared value (total)
      7    21                         2.1147   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      8     1                         708407   # Analysis ID
      8     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
      8     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VH-dijet)||      # Description (Search channel)
      8     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      8     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
      8     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      8     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      8     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      8     9                         0.2268   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      8    10                         1.3878   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      8    11                         1.6742   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      8    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
      8    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      8    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      8    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
      8    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
      8    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      8    18                         0.0267   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      8    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      8    20                         0.0267   # Chi-squared value (total)
      8    21                         0.0267   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
      9     1                         708409   # Analysis ID
      9     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
      9     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VH-onelepton)||      # Description (Search channel)
      9     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
      9     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
      9     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
      9     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
      9     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
      9     9                         0.4080   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
      9    10                         1.0560   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      9    11                         1.4270   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
      9    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
      9    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
      9    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
      9    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
      9    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
      9    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
      9    18                         0.1493   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
      9    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
      9    20                         0.1493   # Chi-squared value (total)
      9    21                         0.1493   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     10     1                         708402   # Analysis ID
     10     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
     10     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(central-highpT)||      # Description (Search channel)
     10     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     10     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
     10     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     10     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     10     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     10     9                         1.6190   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     10    10                         0.8311   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     10    11                         1.0030   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     10    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     10    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     10    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     10    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     10    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     10    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     10    18                         3.8902   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     10    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     10    20                         3.8902   # Chi-squared value (total)
     10    21                         3.8902   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     11     1                         708401   # Analysis ID
     11     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
     11     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(central-lowpT)||      # Description (Search channel)
     11     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     11     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
     11     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     11     7                           0.50   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     11     8                         125.98   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     11     9                         0.6244   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     11    10                         0.3976   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     11    11                         0.4246   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     11    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     11    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     11    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     11    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     11    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     11    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     11    18                         2.5294   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     11    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     11    20                         2.5294   # Chi-squared value (total)
     11    21                         2.5294   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     12     1                         708404   # Analysis ID
     12     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
     12     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(forward-highpT)||      # Description (Search channel)
     12     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     12     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
     12     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     12     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     12     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     12     9                         1.7290   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     12    10                         1.1800   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     12    11                         1.3430   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     12    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     12    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     12    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     12    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     12    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     12    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     12    18                         2.1763   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     12    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     12    20                         2.1763   # Chi-squared value (total)
     12    21                         2.1763   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     13     1                         708403   # Analysis ID
     13     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
     13     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(forward-lowpT)||      # Description (Search channel)
     13     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     13     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
     13     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     13     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     13     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     13     9                         2.0340   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     13    10                         0.5260   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     13    11                         0.5700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     13    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     13    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     13    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     13    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     13    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     13    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     13    18                        17.5779   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     13    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     13    20                        17.5779   # Chi-squared value (total)
     13    21                        17.5779   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     14     1                         708410   # Analysis ID
     14     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
     14     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttH-hadronic)||      # Description (Search channel)
     14     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     14     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
     14     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     14     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     14     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     14     9                        -0.8424   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     14    10                         1.2503   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     14    11                         3.2294   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     14    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     14    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     14    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     14    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     14    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     14    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     14    18                         0.0681   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     14    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     14    20                         0.0681   # Chi-squared value (total)
     14    21                         0.0681   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     15     1                         708411   # Analysis ID
     15     2     ||arXiv:1408.7084||        # Reference to publication
     15     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttH-leptonic)||      # Description (Search channel)
     15     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     15     5                          20.30   # Luminosity
     15     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     15     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     15     8                         125.40   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     15     9                         2.4230   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     15    10                         2.0681   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     15    11                         3.2120   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     15    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     15    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     15    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     15    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     15    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     15    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     15    18                         1.3851   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     15    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     15    20                         1.3851   # Chi-squared value (total)
     15    21                         1.3851   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     16     1                      201406106   # Analysis ID
     16     2     ||ATLAS-CONF-2014-061||        # Reference to publication
     16     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF,hadhad)||      # Description (Search channel)
     16     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     16     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
     16     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     16     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     16     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     16     9                         1.4000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     16    10                         0.7000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     16    11                         0.9000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     16    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     16    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     16    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     16    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     16    16                         1.0965   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     16    17                         1.0965   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     16    18                         0.0676   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     16    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     16    20                         0.0676   # Chi-squared value (total)
     16    21                         4.0180   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     17     1                      201406105   # Analysis ID
     17     2     ||ATLAS-CONF-2014-061||        # Reference to publication
     17     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(boosted,hadhad)||      # Description (Search channel)
     17     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     17     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
     17     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     17     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     17     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     17     9                         3.6000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     17    10                         1.6000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     17    11                         2.0000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     17    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     17    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     17    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     17    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     17    16                         1.0235   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     17    17                         1.0235   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     17    18                         2.3090   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     17    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     17    20                         2.3090   # Chi-squared value (total)
     17    21                         5.2142   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     18     1                      201406104   # Analysis ID
     18     2     ||ATLAS-CONF-2014-061||        # Reference to publication
     18     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF,lephad)||      # Description (Search channel)
     18     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     18     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
     18     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     18     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     18     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     18     9                         1.0000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     18    10                         0.5000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     18    11                         0.6000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     18    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     18    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     18    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     18    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     18    16                         1.1211   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     18    17                         1.1211   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     18    18                         0.0956   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     18    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     18    20                         0.0956   # Chi-squared value (total)
     18    21                         3.9914   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     19     1                      201406103   # Analysis ID
     19     2     ||ATL-CONF-2014-061||        # Reference to publication
     19     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(boosted,lephad)||      # Description (Search channel)
     19     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     19     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
     19     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     19     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     19     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     19     9                         0.9000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     19    10                         0.9000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     19    11                         1.0000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     19    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     19    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     19    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     19    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     19    16                         1.0168   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     19    17                         1.0168   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     19    18                         0.0537   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     19    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     19    20                         0.0537   # Chi-squared value (total)
     19    21                         0.9988   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     20     1                      201406102   # Analysis ID
     20     2     ||ATL-CONF-2014-061||        # Reference to publication
     20     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF,leplep)||      # Description (Search channel)
     20     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     20     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
     20     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     20     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     20     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     20     9                         1.8000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     20    10                         0.9000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     20    11                         1.1000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     20    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     20    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     20    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     20    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     20    16                         1.1245   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     20    17                         1.1245   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     20    18                         0.4413   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     20    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     20    20                         0.4413   # Chi-squared value (total)
     20    21                         4.0219   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     21     1                      201406101   # Analysis ID
     21     2     ||ATL-CONF-2014-061||        # Reference to publication
     21     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(boosted,leplep)||      # Description (Search channel)
     21     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     21     5                          24.80   # Luminosity
     21     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     21     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     21     8                         125.36   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     21     9                         3.0000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     21    10                         1.7000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     21    11                         1.9000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     21    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     21    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     21    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     21    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     21    16                         1.0204   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     21    17                         1.0204   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     21    18                         1.0228   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     21    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     21    20                         1.0228   # Chi-squared value (total)
     21    21                         3.1714   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     22     1                         621201   # Analysis ID
     22     2     ||arXiv:1409.6212||        # Reference to publication
     22     3     ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb(0lepton)||      # Description (Search channel)
     22     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     22     5                          25.00   # Luminosity
     22     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     22     7                          15.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     22     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     22     9                        -0.3500   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     22    10                         0.5200   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     22    11                         0.5500   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     22    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     22    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     22    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     22    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     22    16                         1.1325   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     22    17                         1.1325   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     22    18                         7.1209   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     22    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     22    20                         7.1209   # Chi-squared value (total)
     22    21                         0.4020   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     23     1                         621202   # Analysis ID
     23     2     ||arXiv:1409.6212||        # Reference to publication
     23     3     ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb(1lepton)||      # Description (Search channel)
     23     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     23     5                          25.00   # Luminosity
     23     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     23     7                          15.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     23     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     23     9                         1.1700   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     23    10                         0.6000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     23    11                         0.6600   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     23    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     23    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     23    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     23    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     23    16                         1.1325   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     23    17                         1.1325   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     23    18                         0.0009   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     23    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     23    20                         0.0009   # Chi-squared value (total)
     23    21                         3.8027   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     24     1                         621203   # Analysis ID
     24     2     ||arXiv:1409.6212||        # Reference to publication
     24     3     ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb(2lepton)||      # Description (Search channel)
     24     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     24     5                          25.00   # Luminosity
     24     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     24     7                          15.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     24     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     24     9                         0.9400   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     24    10                         0.7900   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     24    11                         0.8800   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     24    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     24    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     24    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     24    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     24    16                         1.1325   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     24    17                         1.1325   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     24    18                         0.0528   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     24    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     24    20                         0.0528   # Chi-squared value (total)
     24    21                         1.4138   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     25     1                      201307501   # Analysis ID
     25     2     ||ATL-CONF-2013-075||        # Reference to publication
     25     3     ||(pp)->Vh->VWW||      # Description (Search channel)
     25     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     25     5                          25.40   # Luminosity
     25     6                           4.40   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     25     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     25     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     25     9                         3.7000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     25    10                         2.0000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     25    11                         1.9000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     25    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     25    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     25    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     25    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     25    16                         0.8413   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     25    17                         0.8413   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     25    18                         1.8960   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     25    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     25    20                         1.8960   # Chi-squared value (total)
     25    21                         3.4351   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     26     1                      130166683   # Analysis ID
     26     2     ||arXiv:1301.6668||        # Reference to publication
     26     3     ||(ppbar)->h->WW||      # Description (Search channel)
     26     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     26     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     26     6                           6.00   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     26     7                          30.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     26     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     26     9                         0.0000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     26    10                         1.7800   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     26    11                         1.7800   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     26    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     26    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     26    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     26    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     26    16                         0.7351   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     26    17                         0.7351   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     26    18                         0.1848   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     26    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     26    20                         0.1848   # Chi-squared value (total)
     26    21                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     27     1                      130166682   # Analysis ID
     27     2     ||arXiv:1301.6668||        # Reference to publication
     27     3     ||(ppbar)->h->gammagamma||      # Description (Search channel)
     27     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     27     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     27     6                           6.00   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     27     7                           5.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     27     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     27     9                         7.8100   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     27    10                         4.4200   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     27    11                         4.6100   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     27    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     27    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     27    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     27    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     27    16                         0.6591   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     27    17                         0.6591   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     27    18                         2.6223   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     27    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     27    20                         2.6223   # Chi-squared value (total)
     27    21                         3.1939   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     28     1                      130166684   # Analysis ID
     28     2     ||arXiv:1301.6668||        # Reference to publication
     28     3     ||(ppbar)->h->tautau||      # Description (Search channel)
     28     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     28     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     28     6                           6.00   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     28     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     28     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     28     9                         0.0000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     28    10                         8.4400   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     28    11                         8.4400   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     28    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     28    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     28    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     28    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     28    16                         1.0080   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     28    17                         1.0080   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     28    18                         0.0154   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     28    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     28    20                         0.0154   # Chi-squared value (total)
     28    21                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     29     1                      130166685   # Analysis ID
     29     2     ||arXiv:1301.6668||        # Reference to publication
     29     3     ||(ppbar)->Vh->Vbb||      # Description (Search channel)
     29     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     29     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     29     6                           6.00   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     29     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     29     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     29     9                         1.7200   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     29    10                         0.8700   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     29    11                         0.9200   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     29    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     29    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     29    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     29    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     29    16                         1.1325   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     29    17                         1.1325   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     29    18                         0.4462   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     29    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     29    20                         0.4462   # Chi-squared value (total)
     29    21                         3.9140   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     30     1                      130166681   # Analysis ID
     30     2     ||arXiv:1301.6668||        # Reference to publication
     30     3     ||(ppbar)->tth->ttbb||      # Description (Search channel)
     30     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     30     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     30     6                           6.00   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     30     7                          30.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     30     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     30     9                         9.4900   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     30    10                         6.2800   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     30    11                         6.6000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     30    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     30    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     30    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     30    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     30    16                         1.1282   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     30    17                         1.1282   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     30    18                         1.7735   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     30    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     30    20                         1.7735   # Chi-squared value (total)
     30    21                         2.3432   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     31     1                      131211291   # Analysis ID
     31     2     ||arXiv:1312.1129||        # Reference to publication
     31     3     ||(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu(0/1jet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     31     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     31     5                          25.30   # Luminosity
     31     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     31     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     31     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     31     9                         0.7400   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     31    10                         0.2000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     31    11                         0.2200   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     31    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     31    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     31    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     31    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     31    16                         0.7238   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     31    17                         0.7238   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     31    18                        -0.0361   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     31    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     31    20                        -0.0361   # Chi-squared value (total)
     31    21                        13.8348   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     32     1                      131211292   # Analysis ID
     32     2     ||arXiv:1312.1129||        # Reference to publication
     32     3     ||(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu(VBF)||      # Description (Search channel)
     32     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     32     5                          25.30   # Luminosity
     32     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     32     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     32     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     32     9                         0.6000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     32    10                         0.4600   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     32    11                         0.5700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     32    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     32    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     32    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     32    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     32    16                         0.8080   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     32    17                         0.8080   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     32    18                         0.1624   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     32    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     32    20                         0.1624   # Chi-squared value (total)
     32    21                         1.6969   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     33     1                        1400901   # Analysis ID
     33     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009,arXiv:1312.5353||        # Reference to publication
     33     3     ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(0/1jet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     33     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     33     5                          24.70   # Luminosity
     33     6                           2.80   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     33     7                           0.45   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     33     8                         125.63   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     33     9                         0.8830   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     33    10                         0.2720   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     33    11                         0.3360   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     33    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     33    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     33    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     33    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     33    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     33    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     33    18                        11.7565   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     33    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     33    20                        11.7565   # Chi-squared value (total)
     33    21                        11.7565   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     34     1                        1400902   # Analysis ID
     34     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009,arXiv:1312.5353||        # Reference to publication
     34     3     ||(pp)->h->ZZ->4l(2jet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     34     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     34     5                          24.70   # Luminosity
     34     6                           4.40   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     34     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     34     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     34     9                         1.5490   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     34    10                         0.6610   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     34    11                         0.9530   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     34    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     34    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     34    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     34    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     34    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     34    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     34    18                         5.7125   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     34    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     34    20                         5.7125   # Chi-squared value (total)
     34    21                         5.7125   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     35     1                          55805   # Analysis ID
     35     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     35     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet0)||      # Description (Search channel)
     35     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     35     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     35     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     35     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     35     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     35     9                         4.8470   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     35    10                         1.7590   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     35    11                         2.1700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     35    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     35    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     35    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     35    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     35    16                         0.7296   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     35    17                         0.7296   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     35    18                         4.9774   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     35    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     35    20                         4.9774   # Chi-squared value (total)
     35    21                         7.7092   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     36     1                          55816   # Analysis ID
     36     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     36     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet0)||      # Description (Search channel)
     36     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     36     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     36     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     36     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     36     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     36     9                         0.8170   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     36    10                         0.5780   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     36    11                         0.7520   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     36    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     36    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     36    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     36    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     36    16                         0.7323   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     36    17                         0.7323   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     36    18                         0.0211   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     36    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     36    20                         0.0211   # Chi-squared value (total)
     36    21                         1.9996   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     37     1                          55806   # Analysis ID
     37     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     37     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet1)||      # Description (Search channel)
     37     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     37     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     37     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     37     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     37     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     37     9                         2.6000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     37    10                         1.7570   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     37    11                         2.1610   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     37    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     37    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     37    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     37    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     37    16                         0.7059   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     37    17                         0.7059   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     37    18                         0.8237   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     37    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     37    20                         0.8237   # Chi-squared value (total)
     37    21                         2.2027   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     38     1                          55817   # Analysis ID
     38     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     38     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet1)||      # Description (Search channel)
     38     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     38     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     38     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     38     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     38     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     38     9                        -0.2090   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     38    10                         0.6890   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     38    11                         0.7460   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     38    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     38    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     38    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     38    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     38    16                         0.7190   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     38    17                         0.7190   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     38    18                         1.7406   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     38    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     38    20                         1.7406   # Chi-squared value (total)
     38    21                         0.0783   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     39     1                          55818   # Analysis ID
     39     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     39     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VBFdijet2)||      # Description (Search channel)
     39     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     39     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     39     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     39     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     39     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     39     9                         2.5960   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     39    10                         0.9940   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     39    11                         1.3260   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     39    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     39    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     39    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     39    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     39    16                         0.7002   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     39    17                         0.7002   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     39    18                         3.5806   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     39    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     39    20                         3.5806   # Chi-squared value (total)
     39    21                         6.9631   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     40     1                          55808   # Analysis ID
     40     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     40     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHETmiss)||      # Description (Search channel)
     40     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     40     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     40     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     40     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     40     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     40     9                         4.3240   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     40    10                         4.1520   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     40    11                         6.7180   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     40    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     40    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     40    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     40    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     40    16                         0.7482   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     40    17                         0.7482   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     40    18                         0.7141   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     40    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     40    20                         0.7141   # Chi-squared value (total)
     40    21                         1.0860   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     41     1                          55821   # Analysis ID
     41     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     41     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHETmiss)||      # Description (Search channel)
     41     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     41     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     41     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     41     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     41     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     41     9                         0.0760   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     41    10                         1.2770   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     41    11                         1.8620   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     41    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     41    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     41    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     41    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     41    16                         0.7341   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     41    17                         0.7341   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     41    18                         0.1265   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     41    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     41    20                         0.1265   # Chi-squared value (total)
     41    21                         0.0035   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     42     1                          55809   # Analysis ID
     42     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     42     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHdijet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     42     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     42     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     42     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     42     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     42     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     42     9                         7.8550   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     42    10                         6.3990   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     42    11                         8.8550   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     42    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     42    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     42    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     42    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     42    16                         0.7197   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     42    17                         0.7197   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     42    18                         1.1502   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     42    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     42    20                         1.1502   # Chi-squared value (total)
     42    21                         1.5109   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     43     1                          55822   # Analysis ID
     43     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     43     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHdijet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     43     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     43     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     43     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     43     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     43     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     43     9                         0.3920   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     43    10                         1.4820   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     43    11                         2.1580   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     43    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     43    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     43    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     43    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     43    16                         0.7175   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     43    17                         0.7175   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     43    18                         0.0269   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     43    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     43    20                         0.0269   # Chi-squared value (total)
     43    21                         0.0699   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     44     1                          55807   # Analysis ID
     44     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     44     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHloose)||      # Description (Search channel)
     44     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     44     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     44     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     44     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     44     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     44     9                         3.1000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     44    10                         5.3420   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     44    11                         8.2890   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     44    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     44    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     44    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     44    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     44    16                         0.7497   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     44    17                         0.7497   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     44    18                         0.1855   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     44    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     44    20                         0.1855   # Chi-squared value (total)
     44    21                         0.3369   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     45     1                          55820   # Analysis ID
     45     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     45     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHloose)||      # Description (Search channel)
     45     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     45     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     45     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     45     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     45     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     45     9                         1.2430   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     45    10                         2.6240   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     45    11                         3.6940   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     45    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     45    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     45    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     45    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     45    16                         0.7510   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     45    17                         0.7510   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     45    18                         0.0326   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     45    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     45    20                         0.0326   # Chi-squared value (total)
     45    21                         0.2244   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     46     1                          55819   # Analysis ID
     46     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     46     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(VHtight)||      # Description (Search channel)
     46     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     46     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     46     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     46     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     46     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     46     9                        -0.3430   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     46    10                         0.6290   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     46    11                         1.3000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     46    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     46    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     46    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     46    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     46    16                         0.7539   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     46    17                         0.7539   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     46    18                         0.7796   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     46    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     46    20                         0.7796   # Chi-squared value (total)
     46    21                         0.0696   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     47     1                          55824   # Analysis ID
     47     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     47     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttHmultijet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     47     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     47     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     47     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     47     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     47     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     47     9                         1.2430   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     47    10                         2.6970   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     47    11                         4.2350   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     47    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     47    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     47    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     47    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     47    16                         0.7466   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     47    17                         0.7466   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     47    18                         0.0264   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     47    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     47    20                         0.0264   # Chi-squared value (total)
     47    21                         0.2127   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     48     1                          55823   # Analysis ID
     48     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     48     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttHlepton)||      # Description (Search channel)
     48     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     48     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     48     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     48     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     48     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     48     9                         3.5210   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     48    10                         2.4500   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     48    11                         3.8920   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     48    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     48    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     48    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     48    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     48    16                         0.7515   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     48    17                         0.7515   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     48    18                         0.7731   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     48    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     48    20                         0.7731   # Chi-squared value (total)
     48    21                         2.1101   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     49     1                          55810   # Analysis ID
     49     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     49     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(ttHtags)||      # Description (Search channel)
     49     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     49     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     49     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     49     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     49     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     49     9                         0.7140   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     49    10                         3.5630   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     49    11                         6.1970   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     49    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     49    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     49    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     49    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     49    16                         0.7465   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     49    17                         0.7465   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     49    18                         0.0001   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     49    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     49    20                         0.0001   # Chi-squared value (total)
     49    21                         0.0402   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     50     1                          55801   # Analysis ID
     50     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     50     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged0)||      # Description (Search channel)
     50     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     50     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     50     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     50     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     50     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     50     9                         1.9730   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     50    10                         1.2500   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     50    11                         1.5050   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     50    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     50    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     50    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     50    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     50    16                         0.6551   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     50    17                         0.6551   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     50    18                         1.1040   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     50    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     50    20                         1.1040   # Chi-squared value (total)
     50    21                         2.5354   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     51     1                          55811   # Analysis ID
     51     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     51     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged0)||      # Description (Search channel)
     51     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     51     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     51     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     51     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     51     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     51     9                         0.1300   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     51    10                         0.7440   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     51    11                         1.0940   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     51    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     51    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     51    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     51    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     51    16                         0.6614   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     51    17                         0.6614   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     51    18                         0.2602   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     51    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     51    20                         0.2602   # Chi-squared value (total)
     51    21                         0.0304   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     52     1                          55802   # Analysis ID
     52     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     52     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged1)||      # Description (Search channel)
     52     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     52     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     52     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     52     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     52     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     52     9                         1.2330   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     52    10                         0.8800   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     52    11                         0.9790   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     52    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     52    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     52    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     52    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     52    16                         0.6409   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     52    17                         0.6409   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     52    18                         0.4934   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     52    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     52    20                         0.4934   # Chi-squared value (total)
     52    21                         1.9918   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     53     1                          55812   # Analysis ID
     53     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     53     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged1)||      # Description (Search channel)
     53     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     53     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     53     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     53     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     53     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     53     9                         0.9190   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     53    10                         0.4870   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     53    11                         0.5670   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     53    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     53    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     53    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     53    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     53    16                         0.6498   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     53    17                         0.6498   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     53    18                         0.3093   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     53    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     53    20                         0.3093   # Chi-squared value (total)
     53    21                         3.6185   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     54     1                          55803   # Analysis ID
     54     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     54     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged2)||      # Description (Search channel)
     54     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     54     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     54     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     54     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     54     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     54     9                         1.6020   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     54    10                         1.1740   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     54    11                         1.2460   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     54    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     54    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     54    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     54    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     54    16                         0.6409   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     54    17                         0.6409   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     54    18                         0.7373   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     54    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     54    20                         0.7373   # Chi-squared value (total)
     54    21                         1.8916   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     55     1                          55813   # Analysis ID
     55     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     55     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged2)||      # Description (Search channel)
     55     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     55     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     55     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     55     7                           0.34   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     55     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     55     9                         1.1020   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     55    10                         0.4400   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     55    11                         0.4770   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     55    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     55    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     55    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     55    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     55    16                         0.6424   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     55    17                         0.6424   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     55    18                         1.0220   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     55    19                         3.7947   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     55    20                         4.8167   # Chi-squared value (total)
     55    21                         6.5393   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     56     1                          55804   # Analysis ID
     56     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     56     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged3)||      # Description (Search channel)
     56     4                           7.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     56     5                           5.10   # Luminosity
     56     6                           2.20   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     56     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     56     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     56     9                         2.6120   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     56    10                         1.6530   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     56    11                         1.7380   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     56    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     56    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     56    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     56    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     56    16                         0.6406   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     56    17                         0.6406   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     56    18                         1.4492   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     56    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     56    20                         1.4492   # Chi-squared value (total)
     56    21                         2.5569   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     57     1                          55814   # Analysis ID
     57     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     57     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged3)||      # Description (Search channel)
     57     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     57     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     57     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     57     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     57     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     57     9                         0.6480   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     57    10                         0.8870   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     57    11                         0.6530   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     57    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     57    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     57    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     57    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     57    16                         0.6420   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     57    17                         0.6420   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     57    18                        -0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     57    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     57    20                        -0.0000   # Chi-squared value (total)
     57    21                         0.5338   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     58     1                          55815   # Analysis ID
     58     2     ||arXiv:1407.0558||        # Reference to publication
     58     3     ||(pp)->h->gammagamma(untagged4)||      # Description (Search channel)
     58     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     58     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     58     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     58     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     58     8                         124.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     58     9                         1.4570   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     58    10                         1.2380   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     58    11                         1.2890   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     58    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     58    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     58    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     58    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     58    16                         0.6400   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     58    17                         0.6400   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     58    18                         0.3786   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     58    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     58    20                         0.3786   # Chi-squared value (total)
     58    21                         1.4010   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     59     1                        1300701   # Analysis ID
     59     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-007||        # Reference to publication
     59     3     ||(pp)->h->mumu||      # Description (Search channel)
     59     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     59     5                          25.40   # Luminosity
     59     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     59     7                           2.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     59     8                         125.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     59     9                         2.9000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     59    10                         2.7000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     59    11                         2.8000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     59    12                            000   # Assigned Higgs combination
     59    13                              0   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     59    14                            NaN   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     59    15                            NaN   # Mass of the dominant Higgs boson
     59    16                            NaN   # Signal strength modifier of the dominant Higgs boson
     59    17                         0.0000   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     59    18                         1.1680   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     59    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     59    20                         1.1680   # Chi-squared value (total)
     59    21                         1.1680   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     60     1                        1300401   # Analysis ID
     60     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004||        # Reference to publication
     60     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(0jet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     60     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     60     5                          24.30   # Luminosity
     60     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     60     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     60     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     60     9                         0.4000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     60    10                         1.1300   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     60    11                         0.7300   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     60    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     60    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     60    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     60    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     60    16                         0.9686   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     60    17                         0.9686   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     60    18                         0.7361   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     60    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     60    20                         0.7361   # Chi-squared value (total)
     60    21                         0.1244   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     61     1                        1300402   # Analysis ID
     61     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004||        # Reference to publication
     61     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(1jet)||      # Description (Search channel)
     61     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     61     5                          24.30   # Luminosity
     61     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     61     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     61     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     61     9                         1.0600   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     61    10                         0.4700   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     61    11                         0.4700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     61    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     61    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     61    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     61    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     61    16                         1.0040   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     61    17                         1.0040   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     61    18                        -0.0178   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     61    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     61    20                        -0.0178   # Chi-squared value (total)
     61    21                         5.1188   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     62     1                        1300404   # Analysis ID
     62     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004||        # Reference to publication
     62     3     ||(pp)->h->tautau(VBF)||      # Description (Search channel)
     62     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     62     5                          24.50   # Luminosity
     62     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     62     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     62     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     62     9                         0.9300   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     62    10                         0.4100   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     62    11                         0.4100   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     62    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     62    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     62    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     62    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     62    16                         1.1139   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     62    17                         1.1139   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     62    18                         0.2726   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     62    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     62    20                         0.2726   # Chi-squared value (total)
     62    21                         5.1208   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     63     1                      131211293   # Analysis ID
     63     2     ||arXiv:1312.1129||        # Reference to publication
     63     3     ||(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu(VH)||      # Description (Search channel)
     63     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     63     5                          25.30   # Luminosity
     63     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     63     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     63     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     63     9                         0.3900   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     63    10                         1.8700   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     63    11                         1.9700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     63    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     63    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     63    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     63    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     63    16                         0.7597   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     63    17                         0.7597   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     63    18                         0.0411   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     63    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     63    20                         0.0411   # Chi-squared value (total)
     63    21                         0.0435   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     64     1                        1301701   # Analysis ID
     64     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-017||        # Reference to publication
     64     3     ||(pp)->Vh->VWW(hadronicV)||      # Description (Search channel)
     64     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     64     5                          25.40   # Luminosity
     64     6                           4.40   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     64     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     64     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     64     9                         1.0000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     64    10                         2.0000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     64    11                         2.0000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     64    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     64    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     64    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     64    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     64    16                         0.7548   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     64    17                         0.7548   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     64    18                         0.0083   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     64    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     64    20                         0.0083   # Chi-squared value (total)
     64    21                         0.2502   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     65     1                        1301201   # Analysis ID
     65     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-012||        # Reference to publication
     65     3     ||(pp)->Vh->Vbb||      # Description (Search channel)
     65     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     65     5                          24.00   # Luminosity
     65     6                           4.40   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     65     7                          12.50   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     65     8                         125.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     65     9                         1.0000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     65    10                         0.4857   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     65    11                         0.5070   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     65    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     65    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     65    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     65    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     65    16                         1.1325   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     65    17                         1.1325   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     65    18                         0.0923   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     65    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     65    20                         0.0923   # Chi-squared value (total)
     65    21                         4.2236   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     66     1                        1300403   # Analysis ID
     66     2     ||CMS-PAS-HIG-13-004||        # Reference to publication
     66     3     ||(pp)->Vh->tautau||      # Description (Search channel)
     66     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     66     5                          24.30   # Luminosity
     66     6                           4.40   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     66     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     66     8                         125.70   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     66     9                         0.9810   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     66    10                         1.4960   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     66    11                         1.6800   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     66    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     66    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     66    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     66    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     66    16                         1.0871   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     66    17                         1.0871   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     66    18                         0.0063   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     66    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     66    20                         0.0063   # Chi-squared value (total)
     66    21                         0.4298   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     67     1                      131211294   # Analysis ID
     67     2     ||arXiv:1312.1129||        # Reference to publication
     67     3     ||(pp)->h->WW->3l3nu(WH)||      # Description (Search channel)
     67     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     67     5                          25.30   # Luminosity
     67     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     67     7                          20.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     67     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     67     9                         0.5600   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     67    10                         0.9500   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     67    11                         1.2700   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     67    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     67    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     67    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     67    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     67    16                         0.8413   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     67    17                         0.8413   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     67    18                         0.0534   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     67    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     67    20                         0.0534   # Chi-squared value (total)
     67    21                         0.3473   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     68     1                         168204   # Analysis ID
     68     2     ||arXiv:1408.1682||        # Reference to publication
     68     3     ||(pp)->tth->2leptons(samesign)||      # Description (Search channel)
     68     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     68     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     68     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     68     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     68     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     68     9                         5.3000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     68    10                         1.8000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     68    11                         2.1000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     68    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     68    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     68    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     68    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     68    16                         0.9231   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     68    17                         0.9231   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     68    18                         6.1994   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     68    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     68    20                         6.1994   # Chi-squared value (total)
     68    21                         9.5729   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     69     1                         168205   # Analysis ID
     69     2     ||arXiv:1408.1682||        # Reference to publication
     69     3     ||(pp)->tth->3leptons||      # Description (Search channel)
     69     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     69     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     69     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     69     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     69     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     69     9                         3.1000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     69    10                         2.0000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     69    11                         2.4000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     69    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     69    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     69    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     69    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     69    16                         0.9256   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     69    17                         0.9256   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     69    18                         1.1139   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     69    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     69    20                         1.1139   # Chi-squared value (total)
     69    21                         2.4628   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     70     1                         168206   # Analysis ID
     70     2     ||arXiv:1408.1682||        # Reference to publication
     70     3     ||(pp)->tth->4leptons||      # Description (Search channel)
     70     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     70     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     70     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     70     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     70     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     70     9                        -4.7000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     70    10                         1.3000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     70    11                         5.0000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     70    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     70    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     70    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     70    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     70    16                         0.9447   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     70    17                         0.9447   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     70    18                         1.2673   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     70    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     70    20                         1.2673   # Chi-squared value (total)
     70    21                         0.8920   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     71     1                         168202   # Analysis ID
     71     2     ||arXiv:1408.1682||        # Reference to publication
     71     3     ||(pp)->tth->tt(bb)||      # Description (Search channel)
     71     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     71     5                          24.50   # Luminosity
     71     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     71     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     71     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     71     9                         0.7000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     71    10                         1.9000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     71    11                         1.9000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     71    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     71    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     71    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     71    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     71    16                         1.1282   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     71    17                         1.1282   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     71    18                         0.0622   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     71    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     71    20                         0.0622   # Chi-squared value (total)
     71    21                         0.1354   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     72     1                         168201   # Analysis ID
     72     2     ||arXiv:1408.1682||        # Reference to publication
     72     3     ||(pp)->tth->tt(gammagamma)||      # Description (Search channel)
     72     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     72     5                          19.60   # Luminosity
     72     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     72     7                          15.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     72     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     72     9                         2.7000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     72    10                         1.8000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     72    11                         2.6000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     72    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     72    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     72    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     72    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     72    16                         0.7514   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     72    17                         0.7514   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     72    18                         1.1084   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     72    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     72    20                         1.1084   # Chi-squared value (total)
     72    21                         2.3054   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     73     1                         168203   # Analysis ID
     73     2     ||arXiv:1408.1682||        # Reference to publication
     73     3     ||(pp)->tth->tt(tautau)||      # Description (Search channel)
     73     4                           8.00   # Center-of-mass energy
     73     5                          24.50   # Luminosity
     73     6                           2.60   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     73     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     73     8                         125.60   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     73     9                        -1.3000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     73    10                         5.5000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     73    11                         6.3000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     73    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     73    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     73    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     73    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     73    16                         1.1492   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     73    17                         1.1492   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     73    18                         0.1540   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     73    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     73    20                         0.1540   # Chi-squared value (total)
     73    21                         0.0426   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     74     1                      130308232   # Analysis ID
     74     2     ||arXiv:1303.0823||        # Reference to publication
     74     3     ||(ppbar)->h->WW||      # Description (Search channel)
     74     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     74     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     74     6                           6.10   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     74     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     74     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     74     9                         1.9000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     74    10                         1.5200   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     74    11                         1.6300   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     74    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     74    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     74    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     74    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     74    16                         0.7351   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     74    17                         0.7351   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     74    18                         0.5558   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     74    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     74    20                         0.5558   # Chi-squared value (total)
     74    21                         1.5777   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     75     1                      130308234   # Analysis ID
     75     2     ||arXiv:1303.0823||        # Reference to publication
     75     3     ||(ppbar)->h->bb||      # Description (Search channel)
     75     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     75     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     75     6                           6.10   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     75     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     75     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     75     9                         1.2300   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     75    10                         1.1700   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     75    11                         1.2400   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     75    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     75    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     75    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     75    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     75    16                         1.1325   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     75    17                         1.1325   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     75    18                         0.0072   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     75    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     75    20                         0.0072   # Chi-squared value (total)
     75    21                         1.1049   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     76     1                      130308231   # Analysis ID
     76     2     ||arXiv:1303.0823||        # Reference to publication
     76     3     ||(ppbar)->h->gammagamma||      # Description (Search channel)
     76     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     76     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     76     6                           6.10   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     76     7                           5.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     76     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     76     9                         4.2000   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     76    10                         4.2000   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     76    11                         4.6000   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     76    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     76    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     76    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     76    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     76    16                         0.6591   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     76    17                         0.6591   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     76    18                         0.6985   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     76    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     76    20                         0.6985   # Chi-squared value (total)
     76    21                         1.0071   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
     77     1                      130308233   # Analysis ID
     77     2     ||arXiv:1303.0823||        # Reference to publication
     77     3     ||(ppbar)->h->tautau||      # Description (Search channel)
     77     4                           1.96   # Center-of-mass energy
     77     5                           9.70   # Luminosity
     77     6                           6.10   # Luminosity uncertainty (in %)
     77     7                          25.00   # Mass resolution (GeV)
     77     8                         125.00   # Mass value at peak position (in GeV)
     77     9                         3.9600   # Observed signal strength modifier (mu)
     77    10                         3.3800   # Lower 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     77    11                         4.1100   # Upper 68%C.L. uncertainty on observed mu
     77    12                            001   # Assigned Higgs combination
     77    13                              1   # Index of dominant Higgs boson
     77    14                             25   # pdg number of dominant Higgs boson
     77    15                       122.6512   # Mass of dominant Higgs boson
     77    16                         1.0080   # Signal strength modifier of dominant Higgs boson
     77    17                         1.0080   # Total predicted signal strength modifier mu
     77    18                         0.7419   # Chi-squared value (mu-part)
     77    19                         0.0000   # Chi-squared value (mh-part)
     77    20                         0.7419   # Chi-squared value (total)
     77    21                         1.3860   # Chi-squared value for no predicted signal (mu=0)
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/pc_chisq.f90
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/pc_chisq.f90	(revision 507)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/pc_chisq.f90	(revision 508)
@@ -1,2475 +1,2490 @@
 ! This file is part of HiggsSignals (TS 03/03/2013)
 module pc_chisq
  use numerics
  use combinatorics
  use usefulbits_hs
  implicit none
  integer :: i,j,k
  double precision,parameter :: pi=3.14159265358979323846264338328D0
  integer, allocatable :: peakindices_best(:,:)
 subroutine set_toyvalues(ii, peaks)
 ! This subroutine sets the mass and mu measurements of the peak observable(s) of analyses ii
 ! to those values which are given by the user using assign_toyvalues_to_observables.
  use usefulbits_hs, only: obs, mupeak
  integer, intent(in) :: ii
  type(mupeak),dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks
  integer :: i
  if(obs(ii) then
   stop 'Error in subroutine set_toyvalues: Number of peaks does not match!'
  do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1)
   peaks(i)%mpeak = obs(ii)%table%Toys_mhobs(i)
   peaks(i)%mu = obs(ii)%table%Toys_muobs(i)
 end subroutine set_toyvalues
 !subroutine scale_uncertainties(ii, peaks)
 !! Scales the uncertainty of the signal strength and mass measurement of the peak
 !! observables of analysis ii by the scalefactors which have been set via the subroutine
 !! assign_uncertainty_scalefactors_to_observables.
 ! use usefulbits_hs, only : obs, mupeak
 ! integer, intent(in) :: ii
 ! type(mupeak),dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks
 ! integer :: i
 ! if(obs(ii) then
 !  stop 'Error in subroutine scale_uncertainties: Number of peaks does not match!'
 ! endif
 ! do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1)
 !  peaks(i)%dmuup = obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i)*peaks(i)%dmuup
 !  peaks(i)%dmulow = obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i)*peaks(i)%dmulow
 !  peaks(i)%dm = obs(ii)%table%scale_mh(i)*peaks(i)%dm
 ! enddo
 !end subroutine scale_uncertainties 
 !subroutine restore_uncertainties(ii, peaks)
 !! Restores the uncertainty of the signal strength and mass measurement of the peak
 !! observables of analysis ii after scaling.
 ! use usefulbits, only : vsmall
 ! use usefulbits_hs, only : obs, mupeak
 ! integer, intent(in) :: ii
 ! type(mupeak),dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks
 ! integer :: i
 ! if(obs(ii) then
 !  stop 'Error in subroutine restore_uncertainties: Number of peaks does not match!'
 ! endif
 ! do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1)
 !  if(obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i).ge.vsmall) then
 !   peaks(i)%dmuup = peaks(i)%dmuup/obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i)
 !   peaks(i)%dmulow = peaks(i)%dmulow/obs(ii)%table%scale_mu(i)
 !  else
 !   write(*,*) 'WARNING: scale_mu is (too close to) zero!'
 !  endif
 !  if(obs(ii)%table%scale_mh(i).ge.vsmall) then
 !   peaks(i)%dm = peaks(i)%dm/obs(ii)%table%scale_mh(i)
 !  else
 !   write(*,*) 'WARNING: scale_mh is (too close to) zero!'
 !  endif   
 ! enddo
 !end subroutine restore_uncertainties 
 subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks_with_correlations(iter)
 ! Do this only for pdf = 2
 ! NOTE: This is possibly still buggy. Only use it with iter=0.
 ! TODO: Have to extend this here for assignment-groups.
  use usefulbits_HS, only : neutHiggses, nanalys
  use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: iter
  integer :: i, ii, iii, n, jjj
  character(LEN=100), allocatable :: assignmentgroups(:)
  integer, allocatable :: assignmentgroups_Higgs_comb(:,:)
 !! allocate(assignmentgroups(nanalys))
 !! allocate(assignmentgroups_Higgs_comb(nanalys,np(Hneut))) 
 !! write(*,*) "Running assign_Higgs_to_peaks_with_correlations."
  if( write(*,*) "WARNING: Iterations in the Higgs-to-peaks assignment are ",&
 &                         "still under development."
  jjj = 1
  do n=1, iter
   call create_covariance_matrices()
   do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%internalnumber = iii
    call assign_Higgs_to_peaks(analyses(i)%table, analyses(i)%peaks, n)
 end subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks_with_correlations
 subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks(table, peaks, iterstep)
 ! This subroutine assigns the best combination of Higgs bosons to each peak observable
 ! found in ONE mutable/analysis.
 ! It calculates for every possible assignment of the Higgs bosons to the peaks a
 ! chi-squared value. It takes care that each Higgs boson is used for at most one peak.
 ! The combination with the minimal chi-squared value is selected. The relevant information
 ! about the assigned Higgs bosons is then saved in each peak object.
  use usefulbits, only : div, np, Hneut
  implicit none
  type(mutable), intent(in) :: table
  type(mupeak), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: peaks(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: iterstep
  integer, allocatable :: peakindices_best(:,:), domH(:), domH_tmp(:)
  integer, allocatable :: Higgs_to_be_assigned(:),Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment(:)
  integer :: Npeaks, nH, a, i, j, ii,jj, Hindex, NHiggs
  integer :: Higgs_assignment_forced,Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp
  double precision :: pccsq, pccsq_tmp, chisq_fp
 !! integer, allocatable :: indices_best(:)
  double precision :: force_in_range
  chisq_fp = 10000000.0D0
 ! write(*,*) 'DEBUG: Calling assign_Higgs_to_peaks for'
 ! write(*,*) 'table ID = ',table%id
 ! write(*,*) 'table expt, desc = ',table%expt, table%desc
  if(Npeaks.le.0) then 
   if(iterstep.eq.0) then
    write(*,'(A,1X,A,1X,A,1X,A,F4.2,A,I12,A)') ' No peaks defined for ', &
 &   trim(adjustl(table%collaboration)),trim(adjustl(table%desc)),'(',table%energy, &
 &   " TeV) search (analysis ID = ",table%id,")."
   !-Create indices matrix from combinatorics module containing all possible 
   !-peak-Higgs combinations:
   call create_peakindices(Npeaks,nH)
 ! (TS 11/01/2013: Give some default values)
   Higgs_assignment_forced = 1
   call copy_matrices(peakindices(1,:,:),peakindices_best(:,:))
   do k=lbound(domH_tmp,dim=1),ubound(domH_tmp,dim=1)
    domH_tmp(k) = 0
 ! write(*,*) 'DEBUG: print peakindices before start...'
 !  do a=lbound(peakindices,dim=1),ubound(peakindices,dim=1)
 !   write(*,*) ' a = ',a
 !   write(*,*) peakindices(a,:,:)
 !  enddo
  if(table%mhchisq.eq.1) then
   force_in_range = assignmentrange_massobs
   force_in_range = assignmentrange
  if(pdf.eq.1) force_in_range = 1.0D0
 ! (TS 09/09/2012: Add the criterium that if the Higgs bosons masses are close enough to 
 !  the peaks they have to be assigned. )
 !-First, find out which Higgs bosons have to be assigned. For this, we loop over all peaks
 !-and check which Higgses lie close enough (i.e. the mass difference is less than the
 !-total (gaussian) mass uncertainty). In that case, we tag this Higgs to be assigned.
   do i=lbound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1), ubound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1)
   do i=lbound(peaks,dim=1),ubound(peaks,dim=1)
    do j=lbound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1), ubound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1)  
     if(abs(peaks(i)%Higgses(j)%m-peaks(i)%mpeak).le.									&
 &	   force_in_range*sqrt(peaks(i)%Higgses(j)%dm**2 + table%deltam**2)) then
     if(useaveragemass.and.peaks(i)%Higgses(j)%mu.le.1.0D-03) then
 !    if(useaveragemass) then    
      !-If the chisq contribution from the Higgs masses is not used, we do NOT want
      ! to assign Higgs bosons which are far away from peak.
      if( Higgs_to_be_assigned(j)=-1       
 !     if( Higgs_to_be_assigned(j)=-1     
 ! write(*,*) 'Higgs_to_be_assigned = ',Higgs_to_be_assigned
 !-Loop over all possible combinations, calculate the chisq and find the best combination.
   do a=lbound(peakindices,dim=1),ubound(peakindices,dim=1)
    pccsq_tmp = 0
 !--Loop over all peaks, i.e. rows of the combination matrices:
    do i=lbound(peakindices,dim=2),ubound(peakindices,dim=2)
 !---Calculate the chi squared value for this combination assigned to peak i:
     call calc_pc_chisq(pccsq, peaks(i), table%mhchisq, peaks(i)%Higgses, domH(i),		&
 &					   peakindices(a,i,:),iterstep)
     pccsq = pccsq + csq_mass_separation_weighted(peakindices(a,i,:), peaks(i))
 !---Add the calculated value to the total chi-squared value for all peaks:	
     pccsq_tmp = pccsq_tmp + pccsq
 !   write(*,*) 'a = ',a,' temporary chisq contribution = ', pccsq_tmp
 !--Determine the best Higgs-to-peaks assignment:	
    if( then
 !    write(*,*) 'pccsq_tmp is below chisq_fp = ', chisq_fp
      do i=lbound(Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment,dim=1), 									&
 & 	      ubound(Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment,dim=1)
      Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp = 0
      do j=lbound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1),ubound(Higgs_to_be_assigned,dim=1)
       if(Higgs_to_be_assigned(j).eq.1) then
        do ii=lbound(peakindices,dim=2),ubound(peakindices,dim=2)
         do jj=lbound(peakindices,dim=3),ubound(peakindices,dim=3)
          if(peakindices(a,ii,jj).eq.j) then
          Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp = 1
       else if(Higgs_to_be_assigned(j).eq.-1) then
        do ii=lbound(peakindices,dim=2),ubound(peakindices,dim=2)
         do jj=lbound(peakindices,dim=3),ubound(peakindices,dim=3)
          if(peakindices(a,ii,jj).eq.j) then
 !     write(*,*) 'Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment = ', Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment 
    	 if(sum(Higgs_fulfills_req_assignment).eq.nH) then
       chisq_fp = pccsq_tmp
       Higgs_assignment_forced = Higgs_assignment_forced_tmp
       call copy_matrices(peakindices(a,:,:),peakindices_best(:,:))
 	  if(a.eq.1) then
 	   do k=lbound(domH_tmp,dim=1),ubound(domH_tmp,dim=1)
         domH_tmp(k) = 0
         domH_tmp(:) = domH(:)   
 !      write(*,*) 'Assignment taken over: ', peakindices_best  
 !--Save information in peak object
   do i=lbound(peakindices_best,dim=1),ubound(peakindices_best,dim=1)
 !--Best Higgs Combination:
    peaks(i)%Higgs_comb(:) = peakindices_best(i,:)
 !   write(*,*) "hello: Higgs assignment of ID = ",peaks(i)%id, ": ", peaks(i)%Higgs_comb,&
 !   & "Higgs_assignment_forced: ",Higgs_assignment_forced
    peaks(i)%domH = domH_tmp(i)
    peaks(i)%Higgs_assignment_forced = Higgs_assignment_forced
    call evaluate_peak(peaks(i),table)
   deallocate(peakindices, peakindices_best, domH, domH_tmp)
 end subroutine assign_Higgs_to_peaks
 subroutine evaluate_peak(peak, table)
 ! Evaluates the peak information for a given Higgs boson combination and dominant Higgs
 ! (both have to be assigned to the peak before calling this subroutine!)
  use usefulbits, only : div, np, Hneut, small, vsmall
  implicit none
  type(mupeak) :: peak
  type(mutable) :: table
  integer :: j,k
  integer :: NHiggs,Hindex
  double precision :: normalization
  do j=lbound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1),ubound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1)
   if(peak%Higgs_comb(j).ne.0) NHiggs=NHiggs+1
  peak%NHiggs_comb = NHiggs
 !--Chose dominant Higgs in the best Higgs combination for weights and systematics 
 !  In rare cases there appears a segmentation fault, 
 !  because peak%domH seems not to be initialized.
 !  HERE: Check that it is in a reasonable range.
  if( then
   peak%channel_w(:) = peak%channel_w_allH(:,peak%domH)
   peak%channel_w_corrected_eff(:) = peak%channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(:,peak%domH)  
   peak%channel_syst(:) = peak%channel_syst_allH(:,peak%domH)
   peak%channel_systSM(:) = peak%channel_systSM_allH(:,peak%domH)
 !-Part of fix: 
   call get_weights_at_peak(peak, table)
 !! If no Higgs is assigned we don't correct the efficiencies...  
   peak%channel_w_corrected_eff(:) = peak%channel_w(:)
 !!  peak%channel_w(:) = peak%channel_w_allH(:,1)        
   peak%channel_syst(:) = peak%channel_syst_allH(:,1)     
   peak%channel_systSM(:) = peak%channel_systSM_allH(:,1)     													   
 !--Subtract the correlated uncertainties from mu uncertainty:   
  call correct_mu_uncertainty_of_peak(peak, table)
 !--Add the channel contributions of the Higgses and adjust them to the "averaged weights":
 !--n.b.: Have to set channel_mu to zero in case this subroutine is called several times.
  do k=lbound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1)
 !--Loop over Higgses in best combination
  do j=lbound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1),ubound(peak%Higgs_comb,dim=1)
   if(peak%Higgs_comb(j).ne.0) then
 !----Loop over the channels and add rates
    do k=lbound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1)
     peak%channel_mu(k)=peak%channel_mu(k)+									&
 &   peak%channel_mu_allH(k,Hindex)*peak%channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(k,Hindex)
     peak%total_mu = peak%total_mu + 											&
 &	 peak%channel_mu_allH(k,Hindex)*peak%channel_w_corrected_eff_allH(k,Hindex)
    do k=lbound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_mu,dim=1)
 !---Calculate channel weights of the model, using the possibly combined rates.
 !   (TS 20/04/2013)
 !--Reweight the rates to obtain the channel_mu 
 !--If no Higgs boson has been assigned, use the SM weight at the peak position for
 !  the channel weight of the model (TS26/04/2013):
    if(peak%domH.eq.0) then
     peak%channel_w_model = peak%channel_w
 !--In the (unphysical) case of negative channel rates, we have to take care that the
 !  model channel weights are still positive and between 0 and 1:
    normalization = 0.0D0
    do k=lbound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1)
     normalization = normalization + abs(peak%channel_w_model(k))
    if(abs(normalization).gt.small) then
     do k=lbound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1),ubound(peak%channel_w_model,dim=1)
      peak%channel_w_model(k) = div(abs(peak%channel_w_model(k)),&
 &                                  normalization,1.0D0/peak%Nc,1.0D0)
 !--If the predicted signal strength is zero, use SM weights   
     peak%channel_w_model = peak%channel_w 
    if(abs(sum(peak%channel_w_model)-1.0D0).gt.small) then
     write(*,*) "WARNING: Channel weights of the model are not correctly normalized:"
     write(*,*) peak%channel_w_model
 end subroutine evaluate_peak
 subroutine calculate_total_pc_chisq(csq_tot, csq_mu, csq_mh, N, Nmu, Nmh)
 ! Calculates the total chi^2 value with the peak-centered chi^2 method. This 
 ! subroutine is called from evaluate_model in the HiggsSignals run.
  implicit none
  double precision, allocatable :: csq_mu_in(:), csq_mh_in(:,:), csq0(:), csq0_nocorr(:)
  double precision, intent(out) :: csq_tot, csq_mu, csq_mh
  integer, intent(out) :: N, Nmu, Nmh
  integer :: i, ii, iii, j,jj, iter, Niterations
  logical :: iterate
 ! Need to do iterations of the following procedure. Due to modifications in the
 ! Higgs-to-peak assignments necessary for so-called assignment groups (i.e. a set of
 ! observables which should take over the assignment our their leading observable,
 ! which should be the one with a mass measurement), the covariance matrices of the Higgs
 ! mass part change, and therefore also the chi^2 contribution from the Higgs mass.
 ! Since a cutoff chi^2(tot) < chi^2(max) applies in specific cases, this cutoff has to be
 ! re-evaluated a few times to converge to the correct total chi^2 evaluation.
  do while(iterate)
   call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0, Nmu, 2)
 !  call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0_nocorr, Nmu, 2)      ! csq0 without correlations  
   call calculate_mu_chisq(csq_mu_in, Nmu, 0)	
   call calculate_mh_chisq(csq_mh_in, Nmh)
 !  write(*,*) "chi2 values (i, max with corr, max without corr, csq_mu, csq_mh)"
 !  do i=1,size(csq0)
 !!  write(*,*) i, csq0(i),  csq0_nocorr(i), csq_mu_in(i), csq_mh_in(1,i)
 !  write(*,*) i, csq0(i), csq_mu_in(i), csq_mh_in(1,i)  
 !  enddo
   do i=1, size(analyses)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
 !    write(*,*) "analyses(",i,")%peaks(",ii,")%Higgs_assignment_forced = ",analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced
 &      analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.1.and.(.not.maximalchisq).and.pdf.eq.1) then
 &         analyses(i)%peaks(ii) then
 !---Now, undo Higgs-to-peak-assignment for the whole group (if existent)	 
  	  if(len(trim(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%assignmentgroup)).ne.0) then
  	   do j=1, size(analyses)
         do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1)
 &           analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%assignmentgroup) then
   call correcting_Higgs_to_peak_assignment(iterate)
   if(iterate) Niterations = Niterations + 1
   deallocate(csq_mu_in, csq_mh_in) 
 !! if( write(*,*) "Ran ",Niterations," iterations to determine Higgs to peak assignment."
  ! After these iterations, the code should know the correct assignments.
  call calculate_mh_chisq(csq_mh_in, Nmh)	! This will undo the assignments, if necessary
 ! call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0, Nmu, 1)
 ! call calculate_mu_chisq(csq0_nocorr, Nmu, 2)      ! csq0 without correlations
  call calculate_mu_chisq(csq_mu_in, Nmu, 0)	! Need to evaluate this again with new assignments
  !Calculate total ndf:
  N = Nmu + Nmh
  csq_mu = 0.0D0 
  csq_mh = 0.0D0  
  csq_tot = 0.0D0
  do i=1, size(analyses)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
 !--Only allow positive chisq contributions if wanted   
    if(minimalchisq) then
     if(csq_mu_in(iii).lt.0.0D0) csq_mu_in(iii) = 0.0D0 
     do j=lbound(csq_mh_in, dim=1), ubound(csq_mh_in, dim=1)
      if(csq_mh_in(j,iii).lt.0.0D0) csq_mh_in(j,iii) = 0.0D0 
 !--Assign chisq_mu and chisq_mh such that the total chisq does not exceed the maximum
 !--chisq csq0
    if(maximalchisq) then	
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = min(csq_mu_in(iii),csq0(iii))
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = min(csq0(iii)-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu,		&
 &									    sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii)))
 !TESTING: comment out this -->
 !   elseif(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.0) then
 !    analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = min(csq_mu_in(iii),csq0(iii))
 !    analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = min(csq0(iii)-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu,		&
 !&									    sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii)))
 !!	write(*,*) csq0(iii),csq_mu_in(iii),sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii))
 !   elseif(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_assignment_forced.eq.1.and.&
 !&         analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%domH.eq.0) then
     elseif(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%domH.eq.0) then
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = csq0(iii)
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = 0.0D0
 !!    write(*,*) "HtP assignment is forced for analysis: ",iii   
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu = csq_mu_in(iii)
     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh = sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii))
 !!	write(*,*) csq0(iii),csq_mu_in(iii),sum(csq_mh_in(:,iii))    
    analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_tot = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu + 					&
 &									 analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh
    analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_max = csq0(iii)
    csq_mu = csq_mu + analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mu
    csq_mh = csq_mh + analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_mh
    csq_tot = csq_tot + analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%chisq_tot
  deallocate(csq_mu_in, csq_mh_in)
 ! write(*,*) "End of subroutine calculate_total_pc_chisq."
 end subroutine calculate_total_pc_chisq
 subroutine correcting_Higgs_to_peak_assignment(iterate)
  use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut
  implicit none
  integer :: i, ii, k
  logical, intent(inout) :: iterate
   do i=1, size(analyses)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
 !!     write(*,*) "Correcting HtP."
      do k=1,np(Hneut)
      call evaluate_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii),analyses(i)%table)
 !!     analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%undo_assignment=0
 end subroutine correcting_Higgs_to_peak_assignment
 subroutine create_covariance_matrices()
  if(.not.allocated(analyses)) then
   stop 'Error in subroutine create_covariance_matrices: analyses is not allocated.'
  write(*,*) "hello: Called subroutine create_covariance_matrices..."
  if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov)
  call create_covariance_matrix_mu(0)  
  if(pdf.eq.2) then
 !  if(useaveragemass) then
    if(allocated(cov_mh_av)) deallocate(cov_mh_av)
    call create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(0)
    if(allocated(cov_mh_av_max)) deallocate(cov_mh_av_max)
    call create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(1)
 !  else
    if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) deallocate(cov_mhneut)
     call create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(0)
    if(allocated(cov_mhneut_max)) deallocate(cov_mhneut_max)
     call create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(1)
 !   endif 
 end subroutine create_covariance_matrices
 subroutine calculate_mu_chisq(csq_mu, N, domax)
 ! use usefulbits_hs, only : peaklist, cov
  use numerics, only : invmatrix, matmult
  integer :: i, ii, iii
  double precision, allocatable :: v(:), vmat(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:)
  double precision, allocatable, intent(out) :: csq_mu(:)
  character(LEN=50) :: title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mu"
  integer, intent(out) :: N
  integer, intent(in) :: domax   ! if 1, then calculate maximal chisq
  if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov)
  call create_covariance_matrix_mu(domax) 
  if(allocated(mu_vector)) deallocate(mu_vector)
  N = size(cov,dim=1)
  allocate(v(N), vmat(N,1),invcov(N,N), v2(N), csq_mu(N))
 !! write(*,*) ' domax = ',domax
  !-First construct the vector (mupred - muobs)_iii
  do i=1, size(analyses, dim=1)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    if( then
     v(iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu
     v(iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu
    vmat(iii,1) = v(iii)
 !!   write(*,*) 'v(',iii,') = ',v(iii)
 ! Copy vector into global module vector (for later access)
  mu_vector = v
  call invmatrix(cov,invcov)   
  call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1)
 !! write(*,*) "Calculating mu chi^2. domax = ", domax
  do i=1, N
   csq_mu(i) = v(i)*v2(i)
 !!  write(*,*) i, analyses(i)%peaks(1)%total_mu,csq_mu(i)
 !! write(*,*) "sum = ", sum(csq_mu(:))
 end subroutine calculate_mu_chisq
 subroutine calculate_mh_chisq(csq_mh_out, ndf)
 ! use usefulbits_hs, only : peaklist
- use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut
+ use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut, vsmall
  use numerics, only : invmatrix, matmult
  integer, intent(out) :: ndf
  integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex
  double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:), vmat(:,:)
  double precision, allocatable, intent(out) :: csq_mh_out(:,:)
  double precision :: m_av_iii, dm_av_iii
  if((pdf.eq.1).or.(pdf.eq.3)) then
 !-First, determine number of peaks: 
   N = 0
   do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
    do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
     N = N + 1
   nH = np(Hneut)
   if(useaveragemass) then
 !-First, fill the chisq vector with zeros:
   csq_mh_out(:,:) = 0.0D0
   do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
     if(useaveragemass) then
      call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, &
 &                                   analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii)
-	 if( then
+	 if( then  !!! BUG FIX (TS 03/02/2015)
       csq_mh_out(1,iii) = csq_mh(m_av_iii, analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak, dm_av_iii, &
 &                               analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm) 
      do k=1,nH
       Hindex = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k)
       if( then 
        csq_mh_out(Hindex,iii) = csq_mh(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%m, 			&
 &         analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak,analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%dm,			&
 &		  analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm)
  else if(pdf.eq.2) then
   if(useaveragemass) then
    if(allocated(cov_mh_av)) deallocate(cov_mh_av)
    call create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(0)
    N = size(cov_mh_av,dim=1)
    allocate(v(1,N), v2(N), csq_mh_out(1,N), vmat(N,1))
    do i=1,N
     v(1,i) = 0.0D0
    do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
     do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
      call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, &
 &                                   analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii)         
      if( then     
       v(1,iii) = m_av_iii - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak
    call invmatrix(cov_mh_av(:,:),invcov) 
    call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1)   
    do i=1, N
     csq_mh_out(1,i) = v(1,i)*v2(i)
    if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) deallocate(cov_mhneut)
    call create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(0)
    nH = size(cov_mhneut,dim=1)
    N = size(cov_mhneut,dim=2)
    allocate(v(nH,N), v2(N), csq_mh_out(nH,N), vmat(N,1))
 !-Construct the vector (mhpred - mhobs)_iii. Do this for every Higgs boson
 !-of the model. If the Higgs boson (Hindex) is not assigned to the peak, we set
 !-the entry of the vector to zero.
 !-First, fill the vectors with zeros:
    do k=1,nH
     do i=1,N
      v(k,i) = 0.0D0
    do k=1,nH
     do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
      do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
       Hindex = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k)
       if( then     
        v(Hindex,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%m - &
 &  	                   analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak
    do k=1,nH 		!-n.b.: this loops now over Hindex
     call invmatrix(cov_mhneut(k,:,:),invcov) 
 !   call matmult(invcov,v(k,:),v2,N,1)
     call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1)   
     do i=1, N
      csq_mh_out(k,i) = v(k,i)*v2(i)
      if(csq_mh_out(k,i).ge.0.00001D0) then
 !!     write(*,*) "hello: ",k,i,v(k,i),sign(1.0D0,v(k,i)), csq_mh_out(k,i)
  if(useaveragemass) then
 !--Calculate additional chi^2 contribution from the mass separation
    do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
     do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
      if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then
       csq_mh_out(1,iii) = csq_mh_out(1,iii) + csq_mass_separation_weighted( &
 &      analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, analyses(i)%peaks(ii))
 ! write(*,*) "before deallocate csq_mh_out"
 ! deallocate(csq_mh_out)
 ! write(*,*) "after deallocate csq_mh_out"
 !--Determine number of observables ndf. This checks for each peak whether the mass
 !--resolution is less than a huge number and thus the chisq evaluation from the mass
 !--measurement is enabled.
   if(pdf.eq.2.or.pdf.eq.3) then
    do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
     do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
  	if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) ndf=ndf+1
 ! write(*,*) "End of subroutine calculate_mh_chisq."
 end subroutine calculate_mh_chisq
 subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mhneut(domax)
  use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut
  implicit none
  double precision :: dratesq, dmu0sq, dmtemp
  character(LEN=50) :: title 	
  integer, intent(in) ::  domax   ! = 0 or 1. If set to 1, then fill all off-diagonal elements
  							! with squared theoretical mass uncertainty, corresponding to
  							! a complete Higgs-to-peaks assignment
  integer :: Npeaks,i,ii,iii,j,jj,jjj,k,Hindex_i, Hindex_j
 !! write(*,*) "Create Higgs mass covariance matrix" 
  Npeaks = 0
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    Npeaks = Npeaks + 1
  if(domax.eq.0) then
  elseif(domax.eq.1) then
   stop'ERROR in subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mhneut. Specify domax correctly!'
 !-First, fill all elements of the covariance matrices with zero except the diagonal
 !-elements which contain the experimental mass resolution squared
  do k=1,np(Hneut)
   do i=1, size(analyses)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
     do j=1, size(analyses)
      do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1)
 	  if(domax.eq.0) cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) = 0.0D0
 	  if(domax.eq.1) cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) = 0.0D0
 	  if(iii.eq.jjj) then
  !-----Deactivate mh chisq contributions for those analysis which are tagged mhchisq==0
  !-----by setting the uncertainty to a very large value. 
 	   if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then
 	    if(domax.eq.0) cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2
 	    if(domax.eq.1) cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2
 	    if(domax.eq.0) cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) = vlarge**2
 	    if(domax.eq.1) cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) = vlarge**2	    
 !-Now, look for Higgs bosons shared by 2 peaks and fill the corresponding cov. matrix
 !-element with the theoretical uncertainty squared of this Higgs boson.
  do k=1,np(Hneut)
   do i=1, size(analyses)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
     do j=1, size(analyses)
      do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1)
 !      Hindex_i = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k)
 !      Hindex_j = analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb(k)      
 !	  if((Hindex_i.eq.Hindex_j).and.( then
       if(int_in_array(k,analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb).and.int_in_array(k, &
 &        analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb).and.domax.eq.0) then
 !      write(*,*) 'debug: k = ',k,', jjj = ',jjj,' comb1 =, ', &
 !      & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb,' comb2 = ',analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb 
 	   if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then
 !        if(anticorrmh) then
 !         cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj)=cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) + 					&
 !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak))*  &
 !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak))*  &
 !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2
 !         else
           cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj)=cov_mhneut(k,iii,jjj) + 					&
 & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2 
 !         endif
 	  elseif(domax.eq.1) then
 	   if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then
 !NEW TEST (sign dependence):
 !        if(anticorrmh) then
 !         cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj)= cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) + 							&
 !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak))*  &
 !& sign(1.0D0,(analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%m-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak))*  &
 !& analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2
 !        else
         cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj)= cov_mhneut_max(k,iii,jjj) + 							&
 & analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%dm**2
 !        endif
 !! title = "mass covariance matrix for maximal assignment, first Higgs boson"
 !! if(domax.eq.1) call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut_max(1,:,:), title)
 ! title = "covariance matrix for mh1"
 ! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut(1,:,:), title)
 ! title = "covariance matrix for mh2"
 ! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut(2,:,:), title)
 !! title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mh3" 
 !! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mhneut(3,:,:), title) 
 end subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mhneut
 subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mh_av(domax)
  use usefulbits, only : np, Hneut
  implicit none
  double precision :: dratesq, dmu0sq, dmtemp
  character(LEN=50) :: title 	
  integer, intent(in) ::  domax   ! = 0 or 1. If set to 1, then fill all off-diagonal elements
  							! with squared theoretical mass uncertainty, corresponding to
  							! a complete Higgs-to-peaks assignment
  integer :: Npeaks,i,ii,iii,j,jj,jjj,k,Hindex_i, Hindex_j
  integer, dimension(np(Hneut)) :: ones
  double precision :: m_av_iii, m_av_jjj
  double precision :: dm_av_iii, dm_av_jjj  
 ! write(*,*) "Create Higgs mass covariance matrix" 
  ones = 1 
  Npeaks = 0
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    Npeaks = Npeaks + 1
  if(domax.eq.0) then
  elseif(domax.eq.1) then
   stop'ERROR in subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mh_av. Specify domax correctly!'
 !-First, fill all elements of the covariance matrices with zero except the diagonal
 !-elements which contain the experimental mass resolution squared
 ! do k=1,np(Hneut)
  do i=1, size(analyses)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    do j=1, size(analyses)
     do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1)
 	 if(domax.eq.0) cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) = 0.0D0
 	 if(domax.eq.1) cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) = 0.0D0
      if(iii.eq.jjj) then
       if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then
 	   if(domax.eq.0) cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2
 	   if(domax.eq.1) cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%dm**2
        if(domax.eq.0) cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) = vlarge**2
 	   if(domax.eq.1) cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) = vlarge**2	    
 !-Now, look for Higgs bosons shared by 2 peaks and fill the corresponding cov. matrix
 !-element with the theoretical uncertainty squared of this Higgs boson.
  do k=1,np(Hneut)
   do i=1, size(analyses)
    do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
     call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, &
 &                                  analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii)
 !    write(*,*) "Higgs comb = ",analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb," average mass = ",m_av_iii, dm_av_iii    
     do j=1, size(analyses)
      do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1)
       call get_average_mass_for_peak(analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb, &
 &                                    analyses(j)%peaks(jj), m_av_jjj, dm_av_jjj) 	  
       if(int_in_array(k,analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb).and.int_in_array(k, &
 &        analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgs_comb).and.domax.eq.0) then              
 	   if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then
 !        if(anticorrmh) then
 !         cov_mh_av(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) + 					           &
 !&         sign(1.0D0,(m_av_iii-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak)) *                 &
 !&         sign(1.0D0,(m_av_jjj-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak)) *                 &
 !&         analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * &
 !&         analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * &
 !&         dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj
 !         else
           cov_mh_av(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av(iii,jjj) + 	                           &
 &         analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * &
 &         analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * &
 &         dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj
 !         endif
 	  elseif (domax.eq.1) then
 	   if(correlations_mh.or.(.not.correlations_mh.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then
         call get_average_mass_for_peak(ones, analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m_av_iii, dm_av_iii)    
         call get_average_mass_for_peak(ones, analyses(j)%peaks(jj), m_av_jjj, dm_av_jjj)
 !        if(anticorrmh) then
 !         cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) + 					           &
 !&         sign(1.0D0,(m_av_iii-analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak)) *                 &
 !&         sign(1.0D0,(m_av_jjj-analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mpeak)) *                 &
 !&         analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * &
 !&         analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * &
 !&         dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj
 !         else
           cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj)=cov_mh_av_max(iii,jjj) + 	                           &
 &         analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu * &
 &         analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%Higgses(k)%mu/analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu * &
 &         dm_av_iii * dm_av_jjj
 !         endif
 ! title = "mass averaged covariance matrix"
 !! if(domax.eq.1) call print_dble_matrix(cov_mh_av_max(1,:,:), title)
 !! title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mh2"
 ! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mh_av(:,:), title)
 !! title = "covariance matrix for signal strength mh3" 
 !! call print_dble_matrix(cov_mh_av(3,:,:), title) 
 end subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mh_av
 subroutine correct_mu_uncertainty_of_peak(peak, table)
 ! The mu uncertainty as given in the mutable contains also systematic uncertainties for
 ! the luminosity and signal rate. These uncertainties are highly correlated to other
 ! analyses. Therefore, we subtract them here to obtain the intrinsic mu uncertainty of
 ! this peak. The correlated uncertainties enter later via the covariance matrix.
  use usefulbits_hs, only : usescalefactor, output_level,symmetricerrors,&
 & absolute_errors, THU_included!, withcorrexpsyst
  implicit none
  type(mupeak), intent(inout) :: peak
  type(mutable), intent(in) :: table
 ! double precision, intent(in) :: dlumi  	! Uncertainty of Luminosity (relative)
  integer :: j
  double precision :: dcsq, dmulow0sq, dmuup0sq, allsystsq, dmuaverage, dmuaverage0sq, mu
  dcsq = 0
  do j=1, peak%Nc
   dcsq = dcsq + peak%channel_systSM(j)**2
  if(absolute_errors) then
 ! if(.not.symmetricerrors) then
  if(THU_included) then
 !  if(withcorrexpsyst) then
 !   allsystsq = 0.0D0
 !   do j=lbound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1),ubound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1)
 !    allsystsq = allsystsq + table%correxpsyst(j)**2
 !   enddo 
 !   dmulow0sq = (peak%dmulow)**2-(allsystsq + dcsq)*mu**2
 !   dmuup0sq = (peak%dmuup)**2-(allsystsq + dcsq)*mu**2
 !  else 
    dmulow0sq = (peak%dmulow)**2-(table%dlumi*mu)**2-dcsq*mu**2
    dmuup0sq = (peak%dmuup)**2-(table%dlumi*mu)**2-dcsq*mu**2
 !  endif
 !- In the case of future projections we usually use measurements
 !- without theoretical uncertainty included:
   dmulow0sq = (peak%dmulow)**2
   dmuup0sq = (peak%dmuup)**2
   if(usescalefactor) then
    dmulow0sq = peak%scale_mu**2*dmulow0sq
    dmuup0sq =  peak%scale_mu**2*dmuup0sq
   if(.not.symmetricerrors) then
   peak%dmulow0sq = dmulow0sq
   peak%dmuup0sq = dmuup0sq
    if( then
     write(*,*) "WARNING: squared intrinsic mu uncertainty is negative!"
    peak%dmulow0sq = (sqrt(abs(dmulow0sq))+sqrt(abs(dmuup0sq)))**2/4.0d0
    peak%dmuup0sq = (sqrt(abs(dmulow0sq))+sqrt(abs(dmuup0sq)))**2/4.0d0
 ! else
 !  dmuaverage = (peak%dmulow+peak%dmuup)/2.
 !  if(withcorrexpsyst) then
 !  allsystsq = 0.0D0
 !   do j=lbound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1),ubound(table%correxpsyst,dim=1)
 !    allsystsq = allsystsq + table%correxpsyst(j)**2
 !   enddo 
 !   dmuaverage0sq = (dmuaverage)**2-(allsystsq + dcsq)*peak%mu**2
 !  else 
 !   dmuaverage0sq = (dmuaverage)**2-(table%dlumi*peak%mu)**2-dcsq*peak%mu**2
 !  endif
 !  if(usescalefactor) then
 !   dmuaverage0sq = peak%scale_mu**2*dmuaverage0sq
 !  endif
 !  peak%dmulow0sq = dmuaverage0sq
 !  peak%dmuup0sq = dmuaverage0sq
 ! endif
 ! if( then
   if( then
    write(*,*) "WARNING: Negative intrinsic (lower) error squared for observable ID = ",&
    			 peak%ID,", with value ",peak%dmulow0sq
   if( then
    write(*,*) "WARNING: Negative intrinsic (upper) error squared for observable ID = ",&
    			 peak%ID,", with value ",peak%dmuup0sq
 ! endif 
 !! write(*,*) "Original / Corrected uncertainties (low): ",peak%dmulow, sqrt(dmulow0sq)
 !! write(*,*) "Original / Corrected uncertainties (up): ",peak%dmuup, sqrt(dmuup0sq)
 end subroutine correct_mu_uncertainty_of_peak
 subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mu(domax)
  use usefulbits_hs, only : withcorrexpsyst, absolute_errors
  use expt_syst, only : get_expt_syst_corr_for_peaks
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: domax   ! if 1, then use predicted mu == 0
  double precision :: dratesq, dmu0sq, s1, s2, mu_iii, mu_jjj, corrsyst, corrsystSM
  integer :: Npeaks
  integer :: i,ii,iii,j,jj,jjj
  character(LEN=50) :: title
  logical :: corr
  integer csqmax
  if(domax.eq.1) then
   csqmax = 1
  elseif(domax.eq.2) then
   csqmax = 1
   csqmax = 0
  Npeaks = 0
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
    Npeaks = Npeaks + analyses(i)%Npeaks
  !--Loop twice over all peaks to construct matrix
  do i=1, size(analyses)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    if(absolute_errors) then
    do j=1, size(analyses)
     do jj=lbound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(j)%peaks,dim=1)
      if(absolute_errors) then
  	 if(usescalefactor) then
  	  s1 = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%scale_mu
    	  s2 = analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%scale_mu
    	  s1 = 1.0D0
    	  s2 = 1.0D0
  	 if(corr.or.(.not.corr.and.iii.eq.jjj)) then
       call get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks(dratesq,analyses(i)%peaks(ii),&
       &    analyses(j)%peaks(jj),analyses(i)%table%collider, analyses(j)%table%collider)
       if(anticorrmu) then
 !-----Treat luminosity uncertainty as correlated systematic error if same collaboration:
  	   if(analyses(i)%table%collaboration.eq.analyses(j)%table%collaboration) then
 & 		 	  					*(mu_iii*mu_jjj)
 !------Include correlated experimental systematic uncertainties (TS 2013-11-21)
        if(withcorrexpsyst) then       
         if(iii.eq.jjj) then
          call get_expt_syst_corr_for_peaks(corrsystSM, analyses(i)%peaks(ii),&
 &             mu_iii, analyses(j)%peaks(jj),mu_jjj, 0) 
          cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj) - corrsystSM
         call get_expt_syst_corr_for_peaks(corrsyst, analyses(i)%peaks(ii),&
 &            mu_iii, analyses(j)%peaks(jj),mu_jjj, 1) 
         cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj) + corrsyst
        if(useSMweights) then
         cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ &
 &       (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mu)
    	    cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ &
 &       (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu)
 !-----Treat luminosity uncertainty as correlated systematic error if same collaboration:
  	   if(analyses(i)%table%collaboration.eq.analyses(j)%table%collaboration) then
 & 		 	  					  *abs(mu_iii*mu_jjj)
        if(useSMweights) then
         cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ &
 &       (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%mu)
    	    cov(iii,jjj)=cov(iii,jjj)+ &
 &       (dratesq)*(analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu*analyses(j)%peaks(jj)%total_mu)
 !----Add the intrinsic (uncorrelated) uncertainty of this peak to the diagonal elements:	 
 	 if(iii.eq.jjj) then
   	  call get_dmu0sq_peak(dmu0sq,analyses(i)%peaks(ii),csqmax)
 	  cov(iii,jjj) = cov(iii,jjj) + dmu0sq
 !! write(*,*) "signal strength covariance matrix:"
 !! do iii=lbound(cov,dim=1),ubound(cov,dim=1)
 !!  write(*,*) "(",iii,",",iii,") = ",cov(iii,iii)
 !! enddo
 end subroutine create_covariance_matrix_mu
 subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks_old(dratesq, peak1, peak2)
 ! Returns the sum of the squared theoretical uncertainties of the common 
 ! production and decay rates of the two peak observables.
  use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak, delta_rate, useSMweights
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak1, peak2
  double precision, intent(out) :: dratesq
  integer :: i,j,id1,p1,d1,id2,p2,d2
  double precision :: res
  do i=1,peak1%Nc
   do j=1,peak2%Nc
    id1 = peak1%channel_id(i)
    p1 = int((id1-modulo(id1,10))/dble(10))
    d1 = modulo(id1,10)
    id2 = peak2%channel_id(j)
    p2 = int((id2-modulo(id2,10))/dble(10))
    d2 = modulo(id2,10)
 !   if(p1.eq.p2) res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j)
 !   if(d1.eq.d2) res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j)
    if(p1.eq.p2) then
     if(useSMweights) then
    if(d1.eq.d2) then
     if(useSMweights) then
 end subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks_old
 subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks(dratesq, peak1, peak2, collider1, collider2)
 ! Returns the sum of the squared theoretical uncertainties of the common 
 ! production and decay rates of the two peak observables.
  use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak, delta_rate, useSMweights
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak1, peak2
  character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: collider1, collider2
  double precision, intent(out) :: dratesq
  integer :: i,j,id1,p1,d1,id2,p2,d2
  double precision :: res !, delta
 ! delta=0.0D0
  do i=1,peak1%Nc
   do j=1,peak2%Nc
    id1 = peak1%channel_id(i)
    p1 = int((id1-modulo(id1,10))/dble(10))
    d1 = modulo(id1,10)
    id2 = peak2%channel_id(j)
    p2 = int((id2-modulo(id2,10))/dble(10))
    d2 = modulo(id2,10)
 !   if(p1.eq.p2) res=res+delta_rate%dCS(p1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j)
 !   if(d1.eq.d2) res=res+delta_rate%dBR(d1)**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j)
    if(( then
     if('ILC''ILC') then
      if(delta_rate%CScov_ok.and.delta_rate%usecov) then
       if(useSMweights) then
       if(p1.eq.p2) then
        if(useSMweights) then
     else if(collider1.eq.'ILC'.and.collider2.eq.'ILC') then
      if(p1.eq.p2) then
       if(useSMweights) then
 !    if('ILC''ILC') then
 !     delta=delta_rate%dCS(p1)
 !    else
 !---Set the theoretical uncertainty of production mode to zero if collider==ILC     
 !     delta=0.0D0
 !    endif 
 !    if(useSMweights) then
 !     res=res+delta**2*peak1%channel_w(i)*peak2%channel_w(j)
 !    else
 !     res=res+delta**2*peak1%channel_w_model(i)*peak2%channel_w_model(j)
 !    endif 
 !   endif 
    if(( then
     if(delta_rate%BRcov_ok.and.delta_rate%usecov) then
      if(useSMweights) then
      if(d1.eq.d2) then
       if(useSMweights) then
 end subroutine get_rate_uncertainties_sq_peaks
 subroutine get_cov_mu(matrix)
  implicit none
  double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: matrix
  if(allocated(cov)) then
   if(size(cov,dim=1).eq.size(matrix,dim=1).and.size(cov,dim=2).eq.size(matrix,dim=2)) then
 !  allocate(matrix(size(cov,dim=1),size(cov,dim=2)))
    matrix = cov
   write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mu: different dimensions."
   write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mu: cov not allocated."
 end subroutine get_cov_mu
 subroutine get_cov_mh(Hindex,matrix)
  implicit none
  double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: matrix
  integer, intent(in) :: Hindex
  if(allocated(cov_mhneut)) then
 &    .and.size(cov_mhneut,dim=3).eq.size(matrix,dim=2)) then
    if(,dim=1).and.Hindex.le.ubound(cov_mhneut,dim=1)) then
     matrix = cov_mhneut(Hindex,:,:)
     write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mh: Hindex not in range."
    write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mh: different dimensions."
   write(*,*) "WARNING in subroutine get_cov_mh: cov not allocated."
 end subroutine get_cov_mh
 subroutine print_cov_mu_to_file
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  implicit none
  character(LEN=20):: formatstring
  open(file_id_common3, file='cov_mu.txt', form='formatted')
  write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov,dim=2),'F20.10)'
   do i=lbound(cov,dim=1),ubound(cov,dim=1)
    write(file_id_common3, formatstring) cov(i,:)
 end subroutine print_cov_mu_to_file
 subroutine print_corr_mu_to_file
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  implicit none
  character(LEN=20):: formatstring
  open(file_id_common3, file='corr_mu.txt', form='formatted')
  write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov,dim=2),'F20.10)'
   do i=lbound(cov,dim=1),ubound(cov,dim=1)
 ! TS fix 14/08/2013: Took square root of this!  
    write(file_id_common3, formatstring) (cov(i,j)/sqrt(cov(i,i)*cov(j,j)), &
 &   j=lbound(cov,dim=2),ubound(cov,dim=2))   
 end subroutine print_corr_mu_to_file
 subroutine print_inverse_cov_mu_to_file
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  implicit none
  character(LEN=20):: formatstring
  double precision, allocatable :: invcov(:,:)
  call invmatrix(cov,invcov)  
  open(file_id_common3, file='inverse_cov_mu.txt', form='formatted')
  write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(invcov,dim=2),'F20.10)'
   do i=lbound(invcov,dim=1),ubound(invcov,dim=1)
    write(file_id_common3, formatstring) invcov(i,:)
  open(file_id_common3, file='mu_vector.txt', form='formatted')
   do i=lbound(mu_vector,dim=1),ubound(mu_vector,dim=1)
    write(file_id_common3, '(1F20.10)') mu_vector(i)
 end subroutine print_inverse_cov_mu_to_file
 subroutine print_inverse_cov_mh_to_file(Hindex)
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  implicit none
  character(LEN=20):: formatstring, filename
  integer, intent(in) :: Hindex
  double precision, allocatable :: invcov(:,:)
  if(useaveragemass) then
   call invmatrix(cov_mh_av(:,:),invcov)  
   open(file_id_common3, file='inverse_cov_mh_average.txt', form='formatted')
   write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(invcov,dim=2),'F20.10)'
    do i=lbound(invcov,dim=1),ubound(invcov,dim=1)
     write(file_id_common3, formatstring) invcov(i,:)
   call invmatrix(cov_mhneut(Hindex,:,:),invcov)  
   write(filename,'(A14,I1,A4)') 'inverse_cov_mh',Hindex,'.txt'
   open(file_id_common3, file=trim(adjustl(filename)), form='formatted')
   write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(invcov,dim=2),'F20.10)'
    do i=lbound(invcov,dim=1),ubound(invcov,dim=1)
     write(file_id_common3, formatstring) invcov(i,:)
 end subroutine print_inverse_cov_mh_to_file
 subroutine print_cov_mh_to_file(Hindex)
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  implicit none
  character(LEN=20):: formatstring, filename
  integer, intent(in) :: Hindex
+ if(useaveragemass) then
+  write(filename,'(A10)') 'cov_mh.txt'
+  open(file_id_common3, file=trim(adjustl(filename)), form='formatted')
+  write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov_mh_av,dim=2),'F20.10)'  
+  do i=lbound(cov_mh_av,dim=1),ubound(cov_mh_av,dim=1)
+   write(file_id_common3, formatstring) cov_mh_av(i,:)
+  enddo	
+ close(file_id_common3)
+ else
  write(filename,'(A6,I1,A4)') 'cov_mh',Hindex,'.txt'
  open(file_id_common3, file=trim(adjustl(filename)), form='formatted')
  write(formatstring,'(A1,I2,A7)') '(',size(cov_mhneut,dim=3),'F20.10)'
   do i=lbound(cov_mhneut,dim=2),ubound(cov_mhneut,dim=2)
    write(file_id_common3, formatstring) cov_mhneut(Hindex,i,:)
+ endif
 end subroutine print_cov_mh_to_file
 subroutine print_peakinformation
 ! use usefulbits_HS, only : peaklist
  implicit none
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    write(*,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)') ' #                        Analysis ',i,					&
 &							'   Peak ',j,'                          #'
    write(*,'(A25,1I10)') 'ID =', analyses(i)%id
    write(*,'(A25,4X,A3)') 'Collaboration =', analyses(i)%table%collaboration
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.2)') 'Energy =', analyses(i)%table%energy   
    write(*,'(A25,4X,A45)') 'Reference =', analyses(i)%table%label
    write(*,'(A25,4X,A100)') 'Description =', analyses(i)%table%desc      
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.3)') 'mass resolution =',analyses(i)%table%deltam   
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.3)') 'peak mass =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.4)') 'peak mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu
    write(*,'(A25,2F10.4)') 'cyan band(low,high) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow, 		&
 &						   analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup
 !   write(*,'(A25,2F10.4)') 'dmu0 (low,high) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow0,			&
 !&						   analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup0
    write(*,'(A25,4X,$)')   'Higgs combination ='
    do k=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgs_comb,dim=1),									&
 &		ubound(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgs_comb,dim=1)
     write(*,'(1I3,$)')		analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgs_comb(k)
    write(*,'(A25,7X,1I3)') 'Dominant Higgs =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.4)'), 'Total pred. mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu
    write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq for mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mu
    write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq for mh =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mh
    write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq (total) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_tot
    write(*,'(A25,1F15.9)'), 'Chisq (max) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_max
    write(*,*)'#------------------------ Channel information ----------------------------#'
    write(*,*) '  ID       prod.	decay 	       mu  	     weight  	 syst.err. '
    do k=1, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Nc
     write(*,'(1I5,5X,2A,3F15.6)') analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id(k),&
     &	analyses(i)%table%channel_description(k,:),&
     &	analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_mu(k),analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_w_model(k),&
     &	analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_syst(k)
 end subroutine print_peakinformation  
 subroutine print_peakinformation_essentials
 !x use usefulbits_HS, only : peaklist
  implicit none
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    write(*,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)') ' #                        Analysis ',i,					&
    &	 					'   Peak ',j,'                          #'
    write(*,'(A25,1I10)') 'ID =', analyses(i)%id
    write(*,'(A25,7X,A3)') 'Collaboration =', analyses(i)%table%collaboration   
    write(*,'(A25,4X,F6.2)') 'cms energy =', analyses(i)%table%energy   
    write(*,'(A25,4X,A45)') 'Reference =', analyses(i)%table%label
    write(*,'(A25,4X,A100)') 'Description =', analyses(i)%table%desc
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.2)') 'mass resolution =',analyses(i)%table%deltam         
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.2)') 'peak mass =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak
    write(*,'(A25,1F10.4)') 'peak mu =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu
    write(*,'(A25,2F10.4)') 'cyan band(low,high) =',analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow, 		&
 &							analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup
    write(*,*)'#------------------------ Channel information ----------------------------#'
    write(*,*)'  ID       prod.	decay 	    efficiency'
    do k=1, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Nc
     write(*,'(1I5,5X,2A,1F15.6)') analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id(k),					&
 &		analyses(i)%table%channel_description(k,:),analyses(i)%table%channel_eff(k)
 end subroutine print_peakinformation_essentials
 subroutine print_peaks_to_file
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  use usefulbits_hs, only : StrCompress
  implicit none
  character(LEN=100) :: formatspec
  integer :: kk
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#HiggsSignals-"//trim(adjustl(HSvers))//						&
 &						  " with experimental dataset '"//trim(adjustl(Exptdir))//"'" 
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#Number Analysis-ID mh_obs   mu_obs dmu_low dmu_high ",		&
  &				"dmh_exp  collaboration   energy	luminosity   description   reference"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#"
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
   write(file_id_common3,formatspec)kk,analyses(i)%id,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak,		&
   & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup,	&
   & analyses(i)%table%deltam,analyses(i)%table%collaboration, analyses(i)%table%energy,	&
   & analyses(i)%table%lumi, analyses(i)%table%mhchisq, 									&
   & trim(strcompress(analyses(i)%table%desc)), analyses(i)%table%label
 end subroutine print_peaks_to_file
 subroutine print_peaks_to_LaTeX
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3
  use usefulbits_hs, only : StrCompress
  implicit none
  character(LEN=100) :: formatspec
  integer :: kk, N, ii, id, p
  double precision :: weights(5) = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0 /)
  write(file_id_common3,*) "\begin{tabular}{lcrrrrr}"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "\hline"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "Analysis & Signal strength & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Signal contamination [in \%]} \\"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "& & ggH & VBF & WH &  ZH & $t\bar{t}H$ \\"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "\hline"
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
   N = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Nc
   weights = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0,0.0D0 /)
   do ii=1,N
    id = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id(ii)
    p = int((id-modulo(id,10))/dble(10))
    weights(p) = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_w_model(ii)
   write(formatspec,"(A,I1,A,I1,A)") '(A3,1X,A,A,A,A,A,F6.2,A,F6.2,A,F6.2,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,F6.1,A,',N,'I3)'
   write(file_id_common3,formatspec) analyses(i)%table%collaboration, &
   & "$",trim(strcompress(analyses(i)%table%desc)), "$~\cite{", &
   & trim(strcompress(analyses(i)%table%label)),"} & $", &
   & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, "\substack{+",analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup,"\\ -",&
   & abs(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow),"}$ & $",100*weights(1),"$ & $",100*weights(2),&
   & "$ & $",100*weights(3),"$ & $",100*weights(4),"$ & $",100*weights(5),"$\\ %", &
   & analyses(i)%peaks(j)%channel_id
  write(file_id_common3,*) "\hline"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "\end{tabular}"
 end subroutine print_peaks_to_LaTeX
 subroutine print_peaks_signal_rates_to_file
  use usefulbits, only : file_id_common3 
  use usefulbits_hs, only : HSres
  implicit none
  character(LEN=100) :: formatspec,formatspec2
  integer :: kk
  double precision :: mh_pull, mu_pull, dmu
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#HiggsSignals-"//trim(adjustl(HSvers))//						&
 &						  " with experimental dataset '"//trim(adjustl(Exptdir))//"'" 
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#pull = (predicted - observed)/(gaussian uncertainty)"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#Number Analysis-ID mh_obs dmh_exp mh_pred dmh_theo mh_pull",&
 &						  " mu_obs dmu_low dmu_high mu_pred mu_pull"
  write(file_id_common3,*) "#"
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
   if(analyses(i)%peaks(j) then
    mh_pull = (analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%m - 				&
 &			 analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak)/												&
 &			 sqrt(analyses(i)%table%deltam**2+											&
 &			 analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%dm**2)
   call get_dmu_peak(dmu,analyses(i)%peaks(j))
   mu_pull = (analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu - analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu)/dmu
   if(analyses(i)%peaks(j) then
   write(file_id_common3,formatspec)kk,analyses(i)%id,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak,		&
 &  analyses(i)%table%deltam, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%m,	&
 &  analyses(i)%peaks(j)%Higgses(analyses(i)%peaks(j)%domH)%dm, mh_pull,					&
 &  analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup,		&
 &  analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu, mu_pull
     write(file_id_common3,formatspec2)kk,analyses(i)%id,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mpeak,		&
 &  analyses(i)%table%deltam, 'NAN','NAN','NAN',											&
 &  analyses(i)%peaks(j)%mu, analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmulow,analyses(i)%peaks(j)%dmuup,		&
 &  analyses(i)%peaks(j)%total_mu, mu_pull
 end subroutine print_peaks_signal_rates_to_file
 subroutine get_peakchi2(obsID, csqmu, csqmh, csqmax, csqtot)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: obsID
  double precision, intent(out) :: csqmu, csqmh, csqmax, csqtot
  integer :: i, j
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    if(obsID.eq.analyses(i)%peaks(j)%id) then
     csqmu = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mu
     csqmh = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_mh
     csqmax = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_max
     csqtot = analyses(i)%peaks(j)%chisq_tot
 end subroutine get_peakchi2
 subroutine get_masschi2_from_separation(csq)
  implicit none
  double precision, intent(out) :: csq
  integer :: i, ii, iii
 ! write(*,*) "Calling get_masschi2_from_separation."
  csq =0.0D0
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    if(analyses(i)%table%mhchisq.eq.1) then
     csq = csq + csq_mass_separation_weighted( &
 &    analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb, analyses(i)%peaks(ii))
 !    write(*,*) 'analyses(',i,')%peaks(',ii,')%Higgs_comb = ',analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb
 ! write(*,*) 'csq_sep =', csq
 end subroutine get_masschi2_from_separation
 subroutine add_peaks_to_HSresults(r)
 ! use usefulbits_hs, only : HSresults, peaklist
  implicit none
  type(HSresults), intent(out) :: r
  integer :: i,j, iii
  if(allocated(r%obsID)) deallocate(r%obsID)
  if(allocated(r%mupred)) deallocate(r%mupred)
  if(allocated(r%domH)) deallocate(r%domH)
  if(allocated(r%nH)) deallocate(r%nH)
 !-The number of peaks should maybe be saved in a global usefulbits_HS variable in order
 ! to avoid multiple loops over the peaklist.
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
  allocate(r%mupred(iii), r%domH(iii), r%nH(iii), r%obsID(iii)) 
  do i=lbound(analyses,dim=1),ubound(analyses,dim=1)
   do j=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
 ! write(*,*) "End of subroutine add_peaks_to_HSresults."
 end subroutine add_peaks_to_HSresults
 subroutine get_dmu0sq_peak(dmu0sq,peak,domax)
  use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak, symmetricerrors, absolute_errors
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) :: domax   ! if 1, then use predicted mu == 0 
  double precision, intent(out) :: dmu0sq
  double precision :: pred_mu, mu
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak
 ! if(absolute_errors) then
 !  mu=peak%mu_original
 ! else
 ! endif
  if(domax.eq.1) then
   pred_mu = 0.0D0
   pred_mu = peak%total_mu 
  if(.not.symmetricerrors) then
   if( then
    dmu0sq = peak%dmulow0sq
   else if( then
    dmu0sq = peak%dmuup0sq
   if( then
    write(*,*) "WARNING: squared intrinsic mu uncertainty is negative!"
    dmu0sq= (sqrt(abs(peak%dmulow0sq))+sqrt(abs(peak%dmuup0sq)))**2/4.
   dmu0sq = (sqrt(peak%dmulow0sq)+sqrt(peak%dmuup0sq))**2/4.
 !! write(*,*) 'DEBUG: ',peak%dmulow0sq, peak%dmuup0sq, (sqrt(peak%dmulow0sq)+sqrt(peak%dmuup0sq))**2/4.
 end subroutine get_dmu0sq_peak
 subroutine get_dmu_peak(dmu,peak)
  use usefulbits_HS, only : mupeak
  implicit none
  double precision, intent(out) :: dmu
  double precision :: pred_mu
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak
  pred_mu = peak%total_mu 
  if(pred_mu.le.peak%mu) then
   dmu = peak%dmulow
  else if( then
   dmu = peak%dmuup
 end subroutine get_dmu_peak
 subroutine calc_pc_chisq(pc_chisq,peak,mhchisqflag,Higgses,Higgs_dom,indices_in,iterstep)
 ! This subroutine calculates the chisq value for a given Higgs combination assigned
 ! to one peak.
 ! Parameters:
 !  pc_chisq:       Return value (double precision)
 !  peak:           Peak observable the Higgs bosons are assigned to (type mupeak)
 !  Higgses:		   neutral Higgs bosons considered for the assignment (type neutHiggs(:))
 !  Hdom:		   dominantly contribution Higgs boson (int)	
 !  indices_in:     Higgs boson combination the chi squared value is evaluated for (int(:))
 !  iterstep:	   Iteration-step of Higgs-to-peak assignment
  implicit none
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak
  type(neutHiggs), dimension(:), intent(in) :: Higgses(:)
 ! integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: indices_best(:)
 ! integer, intent(in), optional :: Nindices_in
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: mhchisqflag, iterstep
  integer, intent(out) :: Higgs_dom
  double precision, intent(out) :: pc_chisq
 !--Internal parameters:
  double precision :: mutot,dmu,csq0,csq_mh_tot,csq_tot,csq_tot_tmp,csq_mh_tmp,mumax
  double precision :: deltam
  integer :: nH
  double precision :: m, dm
  call check_pdf(pdf)
 !--Calculate the maximal chisq value for this peak
  csq0 = csq_mu(0.0D0,peak%mu,peak%dmuup,peak%dmulow)
  mumax = -1.0D6
  mutot = 0.0D0
 ! Calculate mutot and find dominant Higgs
  do i=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1)
   if(indices_in(i).ne.0) then  
    mutot = mutot + Higgses(indices_in(i))%mu
    if(Higgses(indices_in(i)) then
     mumax = Higgses(indices_in(i))%mu
     Higgs_dom = indices_in(i)
  if(allocated(cov_mhneut_max).and.iterstep.eq.1) then
  !-In the first iterated step, use a Higgs mass covariance matrix, where all Higgs bosons
  !-are assumed to be assigned.
 !  write(*,*) "Warning!! called csq_mh_with_max_corr!"
   csq_mh_tot = csq_mh_with_max_corr(indices_in, peak%internalnumber)
  elseif(allocated(cov_mhneut) then
 !-In the second (and succeeding) iterated steps, use a the Higgs mass covariance matrix
 !-based on the the previous Higgs-to-peaks assignment.
 !  write(*,*) "Warning!! called csq_mh_with_corr!"
   csq_mh_tot = csq_mh_with_corr(indices_in, peak%internalnumber)  
   if(useaveragemass) then
    call get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, peak, m, dm)
    if(mhchisqflag.eq.1) then
     deltam = peak%dm
     csq_mh_tot = csq_mh(m, peak%mpeak, dm, peak%dm)
     csq_mh_tot = 0.0D0
    do i=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1)
     if(indices_in(i).ne.0) then
      if(mhchisqflag.eq.1) then
       deltam = peak%dm
       csq_mh_tmp = csq_mh(Higgses(indices_in(i))%m, peak%mpeak,							&
 & 	                      Higgses(indices_in(i))%dm,deltam)
       csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0
      csq_mh_tot = csq_mh_tot + csq_mh_tmp
  if(allocated(cov)) then
   csq_tot = csq_mh_tot + csq_mu_with_corr(mutot, peak%internalnumber)
   csq_tot = csq_mh_tot + csq_mu(mutot, peak%mu, peak%dmuup, peak%dmulow) 
  pc_chisq = csq_tot  
 end subroutine calc_pc_chisq
 function csq_mh_with_max_corr(indices_in, peaknumber)
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber
  double precision :: csq_mh_with_max_corr 
  double precision, allocatable :: csq_mh_per_Higgs(:)
  integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex
  double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:)
   nH = size(cov_mhneut,dim=1)
   N = size(cov_mhneut,dim=2)
   allocate(v(nH,N), v2(N), csq_mh_per_Higgs(nH))
   do k=1,nH
    do i=1, size(analyses)
     do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
       v(k,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak
       if(iii.eq.peaknumber) v(k,iii) = 0.0D0 ! Will be filled later...
   do k=1,nH
    do i=1, size(analyses)
     do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
      if(iii.eq.peaknumber) then
       if( then     
        v(Hindex,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(k)%m - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak
    do k=1,nH 		!-n.b.: this loops now over Hindex
    call invmatrix(cov_mhneut_max(k,:,:),invcov) 
    call matmult(invcov,v(k,:),v2,N,1)
    csq_mh_per_Higgs(k) = v(k,peaknumber)*v2(peaknumber)
 csq_mh_with_max_corr = sum(csq_mh_per_Higgs)
 end function csq_mh_with_max_corr
 function csq_mh_with_corr(indices_in, peaknumber)
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber
  double precision :: csq_mh_with_corr 
  double precision, allocatable :: csq_mh_per_Higgs(:)
  integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex
  double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:)
  nH = size(cov_mhneut,dim=1)
  N = size(cov_mhneut,dim=2)
  allocate(v(nH,N), v2(N), csq_mh_per_Higgs(nH))
 !-First, fill the vectors with zeros:
  do k=1,nH
   do i=1,N
    v(k,i) = 0.0D0
   do k=1,nH
    do i=1, size(analyses)
     do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
      Hindex = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgs_comb(k)
      if(iii.eq.peaknumber) Hindex=indices_in(k)     
      if( then     
       v(Hindex,iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%Higgses(Hindex)%m -							&
 &					  analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mpeak
   do k=1,nH 		!-n.b.: this loops now over Hindex
    call invmatrix(cov_mhneut(k,:,:),invcov) 
    call matmult(invcov,v(k,:),v2,N,1)
    csq_mh_per_Higgs(k) = v(k,peaknumber)*v2(peaknumber)
   csq_mh_with_corr = sum(csq_mh_per_Higgs)
  end function csq_mh_with_corr
 function csq_mu_with_corr(mu, peaknumber)
 ! use usefulbits_hs, only : peaklist, cov
  use numerics, only : invmatrix, matmult
  integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber
  double precision, intent(in) :: mu
  integer :: i, ii, iii, N
  double precision, allocatable :: v(:), vmat(:,:), invcov(:,:), v2(:)
  double precision :: csq_mu_with_corr
  if(allocated(cov)) deallocate(cov)
  call create_covariance_matrix_mu(0) 
  N = size(cov,dim=1)
  allocate(v(N), vmat(N,1),invcov(N,N), v2(N))
  !-First construct the vector (mupred - muobs)_iii
  do i=1, size(analyses)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    v(iii) = analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%total_mu - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu
    if(iii.eq.peaknumber) v(iii) = mu - analyses(i)%peaks(ii)%mu
    vmat(iii,1) = v(iii)
  call invmatrix(cov,invcov)   
  call matmult(invcov,vmat,v2,N,1)
  csq_mu_with_corr = v(peaknumber)*v2(peaknumber)
 end function csq_mu_with_corr
 subroutine check_pdf(pdf)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(inout) :: pdf
  if(.not.((pdf.eq.1).or.(pdf.eq.2).or.(pdf.eq.3))) then
   write(*,*) 'WARNING: pdf not properly specified. Will be set to pdf=2 (gaussian-shape)'
 end subroutine check_pdf
 function csq_mu(x, x0, dx_up, dx_low)
 !- x: model predicted value
 !- x0: observed value
 !- dx_up: difference between observed and upper 1sigma band (always positive)
 !- dx_low: difference between observed and lower 1sigma band (always positive)
  use usefulbits_hs, only : symmetricerrors
  implicit none
  double precision, intent(in) :: x, x0, dx_up, dx_low
  double precision :: csq_mu, dx
  if(.not.symmetricerrors) then
   if( then
    dx = dx_up
    dx = dx_low
   dx = (abs(dx_up)+abs(dx_low))/2.
  csq_mu=chisq(x, x0, dx)
 end function csq_mu 
 function csq_mh(x,x0,dx1,dx2)
  implicit none
  double precision, intent(in) :: x, x0, dx1, dx2
  double precision :: csq_mh, dx
  if(pdf.eq.1) then			! box pdf
   dx = dx1 + dx2			! Add exp. and th. uncertainties linearly
   if( then
    csq_mh = 0.0D0
    csq_mh = 100000.0D0	!Large number
  else if(pdf.eq.2) then		! gaussian pdf
   dx = sqrt(dx1**2+dx2**2)	! Add uncertainties in quadrature
   csq_mh = chisq(x,x0,dx)
 !---------------------------- Have to verify boxgaussian...
  else if(pdf.eq.3) then		! box+gaussian pdf
   if( then
    csq_mh = 0.0D0
   else if( then
    csq_mh = chisq(x,x0+dx1,dx2)
   else if(x.le.(x0-dx1)) then
    csq_mh = chisq(x,x0-dx1,dx2)
 end function csq_mh
 function csq_mass_separation_weighted(indices_in, peak)
  use usefulbits, only : vsmall
  implicit none
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:)
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak
  double precision :: csq_mass_separation_weighted
  double precision :: mutotal,csq,csq_mh_tmp, m, dm
- integer :: i,k
+ integer :: i,k,NHiggs
+NHiggs = 0
 mutotal = 0.0D0
 do k=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1)
  i = indices_in(k)
- if( mutotal = mutotal + peak%Higgses(i)%mu
+ if( then
+  mutotal = mutotal + peak%Higgses(i)%mu
+  NHiggs=NHiggs+1
+ endif 
 call get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, peak, m, dm)
 csq = 0.0D0
-if(abs(mutotal).gt.vsmall) then
+if(abs(mutotal) then
  do k=lbound(indices_in,dim=1),ubound(indices_in,dim=1)
   i = indices_in(k)
   csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0  
   if( then
    if(pdf.eq.1) then			! box pdf
     if(peak%Higgses(i) &
 &      peak%Higgses(i)%m.le.(m+peak%Higgses(i)%dm+peak%dm)) then
      csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0
      csq_mh_tmp = 100000.0D0	!Large number
    else if(pdf.eq.2) then
     csq_mh_tmp = chisq(peak%Higgses(i)%m,m,sqrt(peak%dm**2+peak%Higgses(i)%dm**2))
 !    write(*,*) "m, m_av, dm = ",peak%Higgses(i)%m,m,sqrt(peak%dm**2+peak%Higgses(i)%dm**2)
 !    write(*,*) "i, csq_mh_tmp = ", i , csq_mh_tmp
    else if(pdf.eq.3) then
     if(peak%Higgses(i) &
 &      peak%Higgses(i)%m.le.(m+peak%Higgses(i)%dm)) then
      csq_mh_tmp = 0.0D0  
     else if(peak%Higgses(i) then
      csq_mh_tmp = chisq(peak%Higgses(i)%m,m+peak%Higgses(i)%dm,peak%dm)
     else if(peak%Higgses(i) then
      csq_mh_tmp = chisq(peak%Higgses(i)%m,m-peak%Higgses(i)%dm,peak%dm)
     stop "Error: Unknown pdf!"
    csq = csq + abs(peak%Higgses(i)%mu/mutotal)*csq_mh_tmp    
 csq_mass_separation_weighted = csq 
 end function csq_mass_separation_weighted
 function chisq(x,x0,dx)
  implicit none 
  double precision, intent(in) :: x,x0,dx
  double precision :: chisq
  if( then 
   write(*,*) 'WARNING, dx = 0'
 end function chisq
 subroutine get_ncomb(ncomb, indices_truncated, indices_best)
  implicit none
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_best(:)
  integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: indices_truncated(:)
  integer, intent(out) :: ncomb
  integer :: i,j
  do i=lbound(indices_best,dim=1),ubound(indices_best,dim=1)
   if(indices_best(i).ne.0) ncomb=ncomb+1
  do i=lbound(indices_best,dim=1),ubound(indices_best,dim=1)
   if(indices_best(i).ne.0) then
 end subroutine get_ncomb 
 subroutine get_weights_at_peak( peak, mutab )
 ! This subroutines fills the channels weights array of the peak object with the
 ! Standard Model weights obtained at the peaks position.
  use usefulbits, only : div, small
 ! use theory_XS_SM_functions
  use usefulbits_HS, only : mutable
  type(mupeak), intent(inout) :: peak
  type(mutable), intent(in) :: mutab
  integer :: i, id, p, d
  double precision :: SMrate, mass
  double precision :: SMCS_lhc7_gg_H,SMCS_lhc7_bb_H,SMCS_lhc7_vbf_H,SMCS_lhc7_HW,	&
  &	SMCS_lhc7_HZ, SMCS_lhc7_ttH, SMCS_lhc8_gg_H,SMCS_lhc8_bb_H,SMCS_lhc8_vbf_H,		&
  &	SMCS_lhc8_HW, SMCS_lhc8_HZ, SMCS_lhc8_ttH, SMCS_tev_gg_H,SMCS_tev_bb_H,			&
  &  SMCS_tev_vbf_H, SMCS_tev_HW, SMCS_tev_HZ, SMCS_tev_ttH,SMBR_Hgamgam,SMBR_HWW,	&
  &  SMBR_HZZ, SMBR_Htautau, SMBR_Hbb,SMBR_HZgam,SMBR_Hcc, SMBR_Hmumu,SMBR_Hgg
  ! Check experiment and energy flag to choose the relevant dataset
  mass = peak%mpeak
  do i=1,mutab%Nc
   id = mutab%channel_id(i)
   p = int((id-modulo(id,10))/dble(10))
   d = modulo(id,10)
 !--Do the production rate for the relevant experiment and cms-energy 
   if(mutab%collider.eq.'LHC') then
    if(abs(mutab%energy-7.0D0).le.small) then
     if(p.eq.1) then 
     else if(p.eq.2) then
     else if(p.eq.3) then
     else if(p.eq.4) then
     else if(p.eq.5) then
    else if(abs(mutab%energy-8.0D0).le.small) then
     if(p.eq.1) then 
     else if(p.eq.2) then
     else if(p.eq.3) then
     else if(p.eq.4) then
     else if(p.eq.5) then
   else if(mutab%collider.eq.'TEV') then
     if(p.eq.1) then 
     else if(p.eq.2) then
     else if(p.eq.3) then
     else if(p.eq.4) then
     else if(p.eq.5) then
 !--Multiply now by the decay rate
   if(d.eq.1) then
   else if(d.eq.2) then
   else if(d.eq.3) then
   else if(d.eq.4) then
   else if(d.eq.5) then
   else if(d.eq.6) then
   else if(d.eq.7) then
   else if(d.eq.8) then
   else if(d.eq.9) then
  do i=1,mutab%Nc
 end subroutine get_weights_at_peak
 subroutine get_average_mass(indices_in, peaknumber, m, dm)
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: peaknumber
  double precision, intent(out) :: m, dm
  integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex
  double precision :: num1, num2, denom
  nH = size(indices_in,dim=1)
  num1 = 0.0D0
  num2 = 0.0D0 
  denom = 0.0D0
  do i=1, size(analyses)
   do ii=lbound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1),ubound(analyses(i)%peaks,dim=1)
    if(iii.eq.peaknumber) then
     call get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, analyses(i)%peaks(ii), m, dm)
  if( then
   m  = num1 / denom
   dm = num2 / denom
   m  = 0.0D0
   dm = 0.0D0   
 end subroutine get_average_mass 
 subroutine get_average_mass_for_peak(indices_in, peak, m, dm)
  integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices_in(:)
  type(mupeak), intent(in) :: peak
  double precision, intent(out) :: m, dm
  integer :: i, ii, iii, k, nH, N, Hindex
  double precision :: num1, num2, denom
  nH = size(indices_in,dim=1)
  num1 = 0.0D0
  num2 = 0.0D0 
  denom = 0.0D0
  do k=1,nH
   if( then
    num1 = num1 + peak%Higgses(Hindex)%mu * &
 &                peak%Higgses(Hindex)%m
    num2 = num2 + peak%Higgses(Hindex)%mu * &
 &                peak%Higgses(Hindex)%dm
    denom = denom + peak%Higgses(Hindex)%mu
  if( then
   m  = num1 / denom
   dm = num2 / denom
   m  = 0.0D0
   dm = 0.0D0   
 end subroutine get_average_mass_for_peak
 end module pc_chisq
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/example_programs/HSwithToys.f90
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/example_programs/HSwithToys.f90	(revision 507)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/example_programs/HSwithToys.f90	(revision 508)
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
 program HSwithToys
 ! This example program is part of HiggsSignals (TS 25/01/2013).
 ! This example program shows how HiggsSignals (HS) can be run on toy experiments. We
 ! first run HS with SM input with a Higgs mass of 126 GeV. From the result of this
 ! run we can obtain the predicted signal strength modifiers for each peak observable
 ! directly from HiggsSignals. As a demonstration, these are then set as observed (toy)
 ! signal rates of the various observables. We then re-run HiggsSignals on the new
 ! observables on the same model, i.e. observed and predicted signal rates are equal,
 ! thus the resulting chi^2 should be zero.
  use theory_colliderSfunctions
  use usefulbits, only : vsmall 
  use usefulbits_hs,only : analyses
  use pc_chisq, only : print_peaks_to_LaTeX,print_cov_mu_to_file
  use io, only : get_peakinfo_from_HSresults, get_number_of_observables,&
  &              get_ID_of_peakobservable, HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output,&
  &              HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output_default
  implicit none
  integer :: nH,nHplus,ndf, ii, jj, kk
  double precision :: Chisq, Chisq_mu, Chisq_mh, Pvalue
  double precision, allocatable :: dMh(:)
  double precision :: dCS(5),dBR(5),dggh, dbbh
   double precision :: SMGamma_h
   double precision :: Mh,GammaTotal,g2hjss_s,g2hjss_p,g2hjcc_s,g2hjcc_p,&
 &                     g2hjbb_s,g2hjbb_p,g2hjtt_s,g2hjtt_p,&
 &                     g2hjmumu_s,g2hjmumu_p,g2hjtautau_s,g2hjtautau_p,&
 &                     g2hjWW,g2hjZZ,g2hjZga,g2hjgaga,g2hjgg,g2hjggZ,&
 &                     g2hjhiZ,BR_hjhihi,BR_hjinvisible  
   double precision :: mupred
   integer :: domH, nHcomb
   integer :: ntotal, npeakmu, npeakmh, nmpred, nanalyses, ID
   integer :: i,npoints
   character(len=8) :: istring
   character(len=300) :: inputfilename,outputfilename
   character(len=300) :: stem
   character(LEN=300) :: temp
   integer :: number_args, stat
 !---Note here: We only run HiggsSignals on the lightest Higgs boson. This can be easily
 !---extended to all 3 MSSM neutral Higgs bosons. In that case, the effective couplings
 !---and mass uncertainties have to be given as arrays of size=nH (Cf. the Higgsbounds
 !---manual for HB-3.x.x for how to call HiggsBounds_neutral_input_effC correctly!)
 !--Set the (relative!) rate uncertainties for your model:
 !  dCS(1) - singleH				dBR(1) - gamma gamma
 !  dCS(2) - VBF					dBR(2) - W W
 !  dCS(3) - HW					dBR(3) - Z Z
 !  dCS(4) - HZ					dBR(4) - tau tau
 !  dCS(5) - ttH					dBR(5) - b bbar
 !--Here, we first set them to the SM. Later, we determine the uncertainty of singleH
 !--production, dCS(1), from the effective couplings. SM values are taken from
 ! dCS = (/ 0.147D0, 0.028D0, 0.037D0, 0.051D0, 0.12D0 /)
 ! dBR = (/ 0.054D0, 0.048D0, 0.048D0, 0.061D0, 0.028D0 /)
 !!--Set the rate uncertainties of gluon-gluon fusion and bb->H here:
 ! dggh = 0.147D0
 ! dbbh = 0.200D0
 !--n.b. have to set theoretical uncertainties on Higgs mass dMh (in GeV):
   dMh = (/ 0.0D0 /)
 !-------------------------- HiggsSignals ------------------------------!
 !---- Initialize HiggsSignals and pass the name of the experimental analysis folder  ----!
 !  call initialize_HiggsSignals(nH,nHplus,"latestresults") 
   call initialize_HiggsSignals(nH,nHplus,"latestresults")   
 !  call setup_thu_observables(1)   
 !---- Set the Higgs mass parametrization (1: box, 2:gaussian, 3:box+gaussian)	 	 ----!
   call setup_pdf(2)
 !---- Set the output level (0: silent, 1: screen output, 2: even more output,...) 	 ----!
-  call setup_output_level(0)
+  call setup_output_level(1)
 !---- Pass the Higgs mass uncertainty to HiggsSignals							 	 ----!
   call HiggsSignals_neutral_input_MassUncertainty(dMh)
 !---- Use symmetric rate errors? (0: original(default), 1: averaged-symmetrical)     ----!
 ! call setup_symmetricerrors(0)
 !---- Allow anti-correlated signal strength measurements? (0: no, 1: yes(default) )  ----!
 ! call setup_anticorrelations_in_mu(1)
 !---- Setup a wider assignment range                                                 ----!
  call setup_assignmentrange(1.0D0)
 ! call setup_assignmentrange_massobservables(2.0D0)
 !----HiggsBounds/Signals effective couplings input. 
 !  	 These have to be inserted for the model which we want to test, i.e. we would have
 !    to write an interface to set via arguments in the executables call, or reading
 !    in a text file, etc.
 !----For now, we set them by hand to the SM values (for demonstration):
 !-Calculate theoretical uncertainties of singleH production from ggh and bbh effective couplings. 
 !  dCS(1) = get_singleH_uncertainty(dggh, dbbh, g2hjgg, g2hjbb_s+g2hjbb_p, mh)	
 !  call setup_rate_uncertainties(dCS, dBR)
 !-Set the HiggsSignals input
   call HiggsBounds_neutral_input_effC(Mh,GammaTotal,&
 &    g2hjss_s,g2hjss_p,g2hjcc_s,g2hjcc_p,g2hjbb_s,g2hjbb_p,&
 &    g2hjtt_s,g2hjtt_p,&
 &    g2hjmumu_s,g2hjmumu_p,g2hjtautau_s,g2hjtautau_p,&
 &    g2hjWW,g2hjZZ,g2hjZga,g2hjgaga,g2hjgg,g2hjggZ,&
 &    g2hjhiZ, BR_hjinvisible,BR_hjhihi)
 !-Run HS on the original experimental data in order to evaluate the model predictions	  
   call run_HiggsSignals(1, Chisq_mu, Chisq_mh, Chisq, ndf, Pvalue)
 !-Print out the observables to a LaTeX table
 !  call print_peaks_to_LaTeX
-  call print_cov_mu_to_file
+!  call print_cov_mu_to_file
 !-Get the number of the peak-observables (Don't care about ntotal, npeakmh, nmpred, nanalyses)
   call get_number_of_observables(ntotal, npeakmu, npeakmh, nmpred, nanalyses)
 !-We now want to set the measurements to those values predicted by the model.
 !-The mass measurement for each peak observable will be set to Mh here.
 !-Loop over the number of peak observables
   do kk=1,npeakmu
 !--Get for each peak observable its unique ID:
    call get_ID_of_peakobservable(kk, ID)
 !--Get the predicted signal strength modifier (mupred) for this peak observable:
    call get_peakinfo_from_HSresults(ID, mupred, domH, nHcomb)
 !--Assign this value as (toy) measurement for this peak observable:
    call assign_toyvalues_to_peak(ID, mupred, Mh)
   call setup_output_level(0)	!-Do a print-out to the screen
 !-Set the HiggsSignals input (again!)
   call HiggsBounds_neutral_input_effC(Mh,GammaTotal,&
 &    g2hjss_s,g2hjss_p,g2hjcc_s,g2hjcc_p,g2hjbb_s,g2hjbb_p,&
 &    g2hjtt_s,g2hjtt_p,&
 &    g2hjmumu_s,g2hjmumu_p,g2hjtautau_s,g2hjtautau_p,&
 &    g2hjWW,g2hjZZ,g2hjZga,g2hjgaga,g2hjgg,g2hjggZ,&
 &    g2hjhiZ, BR_hjinvisible,BR_hjhihi)
 !-Now, we run on the toy observables with the same input, i.e. model predictions and
 !-measurements are equal and thus the chi^2 should be zero.	  
   call run_HiggsSignals(1, Chisq_mu, Chisq_mh, Chisq, ndf, Pvalue)
 !-Create a new SLHA file with the HiggsSignals output blocks.
 !-The second argument controls how much is written
 !  (0: only the BLOCK 'HiggsSignalsResults', 1: full HiggsSignals SLHA output)
 !-The new file must not exist:
 ! (note: this system call does not work with ifort)
 !  call system('rm -f results/HSwithToys.slha',status=stat)
   call HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output("results/HSwithToys.slha",0)
 !-Alternatively, we could use
 !  call HiggsSignals_create_SLHA_output_default(0)
 !-where the filename is set to "HS-output.slha".
   call finish_HiggsSignals
  function get_singleH_uncertainty(dggh, dbbh, g2hgg, g2hbb, mh)
  ! This function evaluates the uncertainty of single Higgs production from an interpolation
  ! of the uncertainties on gg->H and bb->H, using the squared effective couplings g2hgg and
  ! g2hbb. It uses internal HiggsBounds functions from the module theory_colliderSfunctions.
  double precision, intent(in) :: dggh, dbbh, g2hgg, g2hbb, mh
  double precision :: get_singleH_uncertainty
  if(g2hgg.le.vsmall.and.g2hbb.le.vsmall) then
   get_singleH_uncertainty = 0.0D0
   get_singleH_uncertainty = ( g2hgg*LHC8_rH_gg(mh)*dggh + g2hbb*LHC8_rH_bb(mh)*dbbh )/ &
  & 	                        ( g2hgg*LHC8_rH_gg(mh)      + g2hbb*LHC8_rH_bb(mh)      )
  end function get_singleH_uncertainty
 end program HSwithToys
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results.
+201500513	20150053		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (2l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+32 42
+1.0 0.345
+125.36	1.9		3.7		5.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results.
+201500512	20150052		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (3l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+32 42
+1.0 0.269
+125.36	-0.38		0.72		2.02
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+201500511	20150051		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (4l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+1	-1
+125.36	1.8		4.9		9.5
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 4 lepton channel
+# Lower error is taken to be the same as upper one.
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500614	20150064		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (4l)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 1.677 0.700 0.022
+125.0	-5.1	1.8		8.7
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1503.05066
+0506611	050661		1
+8	20.3	 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+1	-1
+125.0	0.4		1.5		2.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 2 lepton 0 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500611	20150061		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l0tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.305 0.638 0.0093
+125.0	0.9		2.8		4.9
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 2 lepton 1 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500613	20150063		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l1tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.465 6.026 0.011
+125.0	-2.9		-0.9		2.2
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 1 lepton 2 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500615	20150065		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (1l2tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+3	125.0
+52 54 55
+1.0 79.094 0.279
+125.0	-19.3		-9.6		0.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/ATLAS/ATLAS-Moriond2015/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 3 lepton channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500612	20150062		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (3l)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.770 0.690 0.020
+125.0	1.0		2.8		5.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558111.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558111.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558111.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558111	055811		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 0)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	125.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 2.505 3.0594 2.7536 5.641
+124.7		-0.614	0.130		1.224
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558116.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558116.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558116.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558116	055816		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 0)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 73.235 0.377 0.325 1.263
+124.7		0.239		0.817		1.569
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061.
+# Boosted lep-lep category.
+# Assume 65% ggH, 25.7% VBF, 6.1% WH, 2.2% ZH
+2014061101	201406101	1
+(pp)->h->tautau (boosted, leplep)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+4	125.36
+14 24 34 44
+1.0 4.8 2.7 1.7
+125.36	1.3 	3.0		 4.9
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558102	055802		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 1)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.5674490906264574 0.6814451251304172 0.6373156996323018 0.38069231688568167
+124.7		0.353		1.233		2.212
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558106.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558106.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558106.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558106	055806		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 1)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 19.390326209223847 0.8218478608856342 0.8277512408105384 1.8365156914327632
+124.7		0.843		2.600		4.761
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results.
+201500513	20150053		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (2l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+32 42
+1.0 0.345
+125.36	1.9		3.7		5.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_ttH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666811.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_ttH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666811.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_ttH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666811.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Data read in from Tab. 5.
+1301666811	130166681	1
+1.96	9.7		0.060
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+1 -1
+125.0	3.21	9.49	16.09
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag4_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558115.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag4_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558115.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag4_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558115.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558115	055815		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 4)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.616 0.721 0.684 0.483
+124.7		0.219		1.457		2.746
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558104.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558104.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558104.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558104 055804		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 3)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.5392541381373397 0.6799653311561926 0.6359317350294086 0.3798656234722491
+124.7		0.959		2.612		4.350
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-onelepton_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084109.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-onelepton_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084109.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-onelepton_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084109.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084109	708409	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (VH-onelepton)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 4.5324 4418.1 491.333 581.359
+125.4	-0.648  0.408   1.835
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084104.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084104.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084104.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+# 125.4	0.5475   1.7174   3.0684
+7084104	708404	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (forward-highpT)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 3.710 3.270 3.347 2.850
+125.4	0.549   1.729   3.072
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-mumu_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_13007101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-mumu_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_13007101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-mumu_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_13007101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Note, the H->mumu has channel identifier '8' in HiggsSignals.
+13007101	1300701		1
+8	25.4 0.026
+1	0
+125.7 125.7 1.0
+2	-1
+18 28
+125.7	0.2		2.9		5.7
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_0jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_0jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_0jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Result taken from an updated version of CMS-PAS-HIG 13-004 (Dec. 2013):
+# Data taken from Fig. 27b.
+# This is the 0 jet result. Assume 98.2% ggH, 1% VBF, 0.8% VH
+13004101	1300401		1
+(pp)->h->tautau(0 jet)
+8	24.3	 0.026
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+14 24 34 44
+1.0 0.125 0.15 0.15
+125.0	-0.73	0.40	1.13
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-bb_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082314.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-bb_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082314.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-bb_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082314.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1303082314	130308234	1
+TEV, D0, D0
+1.96	9.7		0.061
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+2 -1
+35 45
+125.0	0.06	1.23	2.47
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.7GeV_13004103.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.7GeV_13004103.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.7GeV_13004103.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Published at Moriond 2013. Data taken from CMS-13-005:
+13004103	1300403		1
+8	24.3	 0.044
+1	0
+125.7 125.7 1.0
+4	125.7
+34 44 32 42
+1 1 0.1 0.1
+125.7	-0.515	0.981	2.661
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-tight_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084106.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-tight_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084106.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-tight_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084106.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084106	708406	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (VBF-tight)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 71.036 0.186 0.3203 1.242
+125.4	0.1738   0.682   1.349
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VBF-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004104.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VBF-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004104.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VBF-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004104.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Result taken from an updated version of CMS-PAS-HIG 13-004 (Dec. 2013):
+# Data taken from Fig. 27b.
+# This is the VBF result. Assume 17% ggH, 83% VBF
+13004104	1300404		1
+(pp)->h->tautau (VBF)
+8	24.5	 0.026
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+2	125.0
+14 24 34 44
+1.0 60.0
+125.0	0.52	0.93	1.34
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112913.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112913.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112913.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Cut-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in
+# arXiv:1312.1129. Assume roughly 56% ggH, 4.5% VBF, 39.5% VH.
+1312112913  131211293  1
+(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu (VH)
+8 25.3 0.026
+1 0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+4 125.6
+12 22 32 42
+1.0 1.0 12.8 12.8
+125.6	-1.48	0.39	2.36
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082312.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082312.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082312.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1303082312	130308232	1
+TEV, D0, D0
+1.96	9.7		0.061
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4 -1
+12 22 32 42
+125.0	0.38	1.90	3.53
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_ggF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_ggF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_ggF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# WARNING: This observable should not be used with
+# ATL_H-ZZ-4l_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191101.txt
+# simultaneously (same ID and similar data)!
+# Data is taken from Eq.6 in arXiv:1408.5191 for mu(ggF+bbH+ttH).
+# The measurement was performed at mH=125.36GeV.
+# In order to provide the possibility of using also the mass measurement
+# of the H->ZZ channel, we implement this observable at the 124.51+-0.52 GeV.
+# Mass uncertainty contains 0.6 GeV (stat) and 0.5 GeV (syst) error. 
+#(Gauss: 0.8, linear: 1.1)
+5191102	519102	1
+(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (ggH-like)
+8	24.8	0.028
+1	1
+0.52	ATLZZ
+124.51 124.51 0.1
+5	124.51
+13 23 33 43 53
+1.0 0.8	 0.8 0.8 1.0
+       124.51           1.22           1.66           2.17
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_WH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112914.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_WH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112914.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_WH-WW_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112914.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Cut-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in
+# arXiv:1312.1129. This channel is pure WH production.
+1312112914  131211294  1
+(pp)->h->WW->3l3nu (WH)
+8 25.3 0.026
+1 0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+1 -1
+125.6	-0.39	0.56	1.83
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1503.05066
+0506611	050661		1
+8	20.3	 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+1	-1
+125.0	0.4		1.5		2.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082313.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082313.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082313.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1303082313	130308233	1
+TEV, D0, D0
+1.96	9.7		0.061
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4 -1
+14 24 34 44
+125.0	0.58	3.96	8.07
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-2leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682104.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-2leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682104.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-2leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682104.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682
+1682104	168204		1
+(pp)->tth->2 leptons (same sign)
+8	19.6	 0.026
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+3	125.6
+52 53 54
+1	0.4	1.08
+125.6	3.5		5.3		7.4
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558113.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558113.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558113.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+# This peak observable contains the mass measurement.
+0558113	055813		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 2)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	1
+0.34	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 0.1
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.822 0.921 0.8898 0.740
+124.7		0.662		1.102		1.579
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-lepton_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558123.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-lepton_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558123.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-lepton_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558123.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558123 055823		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (ttH lepton)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+3	124.7
+31 41 51
+1.0 1.69773 330.148
+124.7		1.071		3.521		7.413
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-4leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682106.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-4leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682106.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-4leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682106.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682
+1682106	168206		1
+(pp)->tth->4 leptons
+8	19.6	 0.026
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+3	125.6
+52 53 54
+1	2.58	1.95
+125.6	-6.0	-4.7	0.3
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-hadronic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084110.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-hadronic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084110.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-hadronic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084110.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084110	708410	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (ttH-hadronic)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 1.3748 2.933 5.441 1220.85 
+125.4	-2.0927  -0.8424  2.387
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results.
+201500512	20150052		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (3l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+32 42
+1.0 0.269
+125.36	-0.38		0.72		2.02
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558114.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558114.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag3_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558114.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558114	055814		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 3)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	125
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.7663 0.8804 0.8859 0.7369
+124.7		-0.239	0.648		1.301
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 2 lepton 0 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500611	20150061		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l0tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.305 0.638 0.0093
+125.0	0.9		2.8		4.9
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666812.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666812.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666812.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Data read in from Tab. 5.
+1301666812	130166682	1
+1.96	9.7		0.060
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4 -1
+11 21 31 41
+125.0	3.39	7.81	12.42
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_1jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_1jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-tautau_1jet_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.0GeV_13004102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Result taken from an updated version of CMS-PAS-HIG 13-004 (Dec. 2013):
+# Data taken from Fig. 27b.
+# This is the 1-jet result. Assume 76% ggH, 15% VBF, 9% VH
+13004102	1300402		1
+8	24.3	 0.026
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+14 24 34 44
+1.0 2.42 2.19 2.19
+125.0	0.59	1.06	1.53
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# The signal strengths is measured at mH = 125.4 GeV. This peak observable
+# carries the mass measurement of 125.98 +- 0.50 GeV presented in
+# arXiv:1406.3827 from the H->gammagamma channel.
+# 125.98	0.2252   0.6225   1.0464
+7084101	708401	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (central-lowpT)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	1
+0.50	ATLgagacat
+125.98 125.98 0.1
+5	125.98
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.6978 0.5809 0.6255 0.2426
+125.98	0.2268   0.6244   1.049
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_0-1jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_0-1jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_0-1jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Published Summer 2014. Data is taken from CMS-PAS-HIG 14-009:
+# Best-fit mass: 125.63 +- 0.45 GeV. (read off from Fig.2 left)
+# This peak observable contains the mass measurement.
+# Efficiencies are chosen such that we have about 10% VBF.
+14009101	1400901		1
+(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (0/1jet)
+8 	24.7	0.028
+1	1
+0.45	CMSZZ
+125.63 125.63 0.1
+2	125.63
+13 23 
+1.00 1.40
+125.63	0.611	0.883	1.219
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061106.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061106.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061106.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061.
+# VBF had-had category.
+# Assume 25% ggH, 75% VBF
+2014061106	201406106	1
+(pp)->h->tautau (VBF, hadhad)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+14 24
+1.0 36.85
+125.36	0.7	1.4 2.3
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 1 lepton 2 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500615	20150065		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (1l2tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+3	125.0
+52 54 55
+1.0 79.094 0.279
+125.0	-19.3		-9.6		0.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666814.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666814.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-tautau_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666814.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Tab. 5.
+# N.b: The measurement was restricted to positive mu values, therefore
+# truncated at zero. Here, we use symmetric errors!
+1301666814	130166684	1
+1.96	9.7		0.060
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4 -1
+14 24 34 44
+125.0	-8.44	0.00	8.44
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_2jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_2jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-ZZ_2jet_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.7GeV_14009102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Published Summer 2014. Data is taken from CMS-PAS-HIG 14-009:
+# Mass resolution set to 2GeV. Mass measurement does not
+# enter the mass chi^2.
+# The assignment is linked to 0/1jet result (14009101), 
+# which holds the mass observable.
+# Efficiencies are chosen such that we have about 30% VBF.
+14009102	1400902		1
+(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (2jet)
+8 	24.7	0.044
+1	0
+2.0	CMSZZ
+125.0 125.0 0.1
+2	125.0
+13 23
+1.00 5.00
+125.0	0.888	1.549	2.502
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-gaga_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-gaga_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-gaga_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682
+1682101	168201		1
+8	19.6	 0.026
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+1	-1
+125.6	0.9		2.7		5.3
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084103.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084103.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_forward-lowpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084103.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+# 125.4	1.5011   2.0221   2.6093
+7084103	708403	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (forward-lowpT)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0 ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.72028 0.7316 0.75624 0.2444
+125.4	1.508   2.034   2.604
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-tags_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558110.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-tags_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558110.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-tags_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558110.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558110	055810		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (ttH tags)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 4.4057932850559585 18.518088091245666 18.893326708454367 5208.343690292902
+124.7		-2.849	0.714		6.911
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061104.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061104.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061104.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061.
+# VBF lep-had category.
+# Assume 12.3% ggH, 87.7% VBF
+2014061104	201406104	1
+(pp)->h->tautau (VBF, lephad)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+14 24
+1.0 76.7
+125.36	0.5	1.0	1.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-dijet_8TeV_19.6fb-1_124.7GeV_0558124.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-dijet_8TeV_19.6fb-1_124.7GeV_0558124.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_ttH-dijet_8TeV_19.6fb-1_124.7GeV_0558124.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558124	055824		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (ttH multijet)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 3.498 6.549 12.71 5114.35
+124.7		-1.454	1.243		5.478
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558101	055801		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 0)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 1.5403713365045268 1.9619300438435257 1.9760226989274137 1.7536653594884284
+124.7		0.723		1.973		3.478
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558105.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558105.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet0_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558105.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558105	055805		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 0)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 51.530971766945115 0.4056010816028843 0.4668737568450262 0.9063633140361176
+124.7		3.088		4.847		7.017
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558118.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558118.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet2_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558118.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558118	055818		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 2)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 19.356 1.073 1.058 4.105
+124.7		1.602		2.596		3.922
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558107.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558107.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558107.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558107	055807		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH loose)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 3.7938775510204086 573.3359066735288 190.2251184834123 48.59114433582519
+124.7		-2.242	3.100		11.389
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+201500511	20150051		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (4l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+1	-1
+125.36	1.8		4.9		9.5
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558103.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558103.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag2_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558103.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558103	055803		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 2)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.5539383979924941 0.6814451251304172 0.6863399842194019 0.38069231688568167
+124.7		0.428		1.602		2.848
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_hadronicV_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.0GeV_13017101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_hadronicV_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.0GeV_13017101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-WW_hadronicV_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.0GeV_13017101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Data taken from CMS-PAS-HIG-13-017
+# Signal composition is approximately 60% ggH, 4% VBF, 36% VH
+13017101	1301701		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (hadronic V)
+8	25.4 0.044
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125
+12 22 32 42
+1.000	0.819	11.594	10.181
+125.0	-1.0	1.0		3.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_0lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_0lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_0lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data is taken from arXiv:1409.6212, Fig. 22.
+# This is the combined 7+8 TeV data.
+# Efficiencies are approximated (for 7+8TeV) from Tab. 3.
+6212101	621201	1
+(pp)->Vh->Vbb (0 lepton)
+8 	25.0	0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+2	125.
+35 45
+0.067 0.44
+125.0	-0.87	-0.35	0.20
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_VBF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_VBF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_VBF_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# WARNING: Do not use together with
+# ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060100.txt
+# Data taken from Eq.(16) in ATL-CONF-2014-060.
+# Published in October 2014.
+2014060102	201406002	1
+(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu (VBF enhanced)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 0.1
+2	125.36
+12 22
+1.	50.
+       125.36	0.82	1.27	1.80
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084108.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084108.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084108.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084108	708408	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (VH-ETmiss)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+1.56	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 6.746 138.847 300.179 184.505
+125.4	1.093   3.51   6.814
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_1lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_1lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_1lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data is taken from arXiv:1409.6212, Fig. 22.
+# This is the combined 7+8 TeV data.
+# Efficiencies are approximated (for 7+8TeV) from Tab. 3.
+6212102	621202	1
+(pp)->Vh->Vbb (1 lepton)
+8 	25.0	0.026
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+2	125.
+35 45
+1.17 0.07
+125.0	0.57	1.17	1.83
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_2lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212103.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_2lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212103.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_VH-Vbb_2lep_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.0GeV_6212103.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data is taken from arXiv:1409.6212, Fig. 22.
+# This is the combined 7+8 TeV data.
+# Efficiencies are approximated (for 7+8TeV) from Tab. 3.
+6212103	621203	1
+(pp)->Vh->Vbb (2 lepton)
+8 	25.0	0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+1	-1
+125.0	0.15	0.94	1.82
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_0-1jet_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_0-1jet_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_0-1jet_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Shape-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in
+# arXiv:1312.1129. Assume roughly 83% ggH, 11% VBF, 6% VH.
+1312112911  131211291  1
+(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu (0/1jet)
+8 25.3 0.026
+1 0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+4 125.6
+12 22 32 42
+1.0 1.65 1.31 1.31
+125.6	0.54	0.74	0.96
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558122.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558122.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558122.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558122	055822		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH dijet)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 1.63 44.975 44.717 19.285
+124.7		-1.090	0.392		2.550
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_leplep_VBF_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061.
+# VBF lep-lep category.
+# Assume 12.3% ggH, 87.7% VBF
+2014061102	201406102	1
+(pp)->h->tautau (VBF, leplep)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+14 24
+1.0 87.6
+125.36	0.9   1.8   2.9
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 3 lepton channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500612	20150062		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (3l)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.770 0.690 0.020
+125.0	1.0		2.8		5.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082311.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082311.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/D0_H-gaga_1.96TeV_9.7fb-1_125GeV_1303082311.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1303082311	130308231	1
+TEV, D0, D0
+1.96	9.7		0.061
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4 -1
+11 21 31 41
+125.0	0.00	4.20	8.80
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 4 lepton channel
+# Lower error is taken to be the same as upper one.
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500614	20150064		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (4l)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 1.677 0.700 0.022
+125.0	-5.1	1.8		8.7
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_13012201.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_13012201.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_13012201.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+13012201	1301201		2
+8	24.0   0.044
+1	0
+110.0 135.0 0.1
+2	-1
+35 45
+       110.0          0.1429          0.4857          0.8429    
+       110.1          0.1371          0.4810          0.8393    
+       110.2          0.1314          0.4763          0.8357    
+       110.3          0.1257          0.4716          0.8321    
+       110.4          0.1200          0.4669          0.8286    
+       110.5          0.1143          0.4621          0.8250    
+       110.6          0.1086          0.4574          0.8214    
+       110.7          0.1029          0.4527          0.8179    
+       110.8          0.9714E-01      0.4480          0.8143    
+       110.9          0.9143E-01      0.4433          0.8107    
+       111.0          0.8571E-01      0.4386          0.8071    
+       111.1          0.8000E-01      0.4339          0.8036    
+       111.2          0.7429E-01      0.4291          0.8000    
+       111.3          0.6857E-01      0.4244          0.7964    
+       111.4          0.6286E-01      0.4197          0.7929    
+       111.5          0.5714E-01      0.4150          0.7893    
+       111.6          0.5143E-01      0.4103          0.7857    
+       111.7          0.4571E-01      0.4056          0.7821    
+       111.8          0.4000E-01      0.4009          0.7786    
+       111.9          0.3429E-01      0.3961          0.7750    
+       112.0          0.2857E-01      0.3914          0.7714    
+       112.1          0.2286E-01      0.3867          0.7679    
+       112.2          0.1714E-01      0.3820          0.7643    
+       112.3          0.1143E-01      0.3773          0.7607    
+       112.4          0.5714E-02      0.3726          0.7571    
+       112.5          0.4441E-15      0.3679          0.7536    
+       112.6         -0.5714E-02      0.3631          0.7500    
+       112.7         -0.1143E-01      0.3584          0.7464    
+       112.8         -0.1714E-01      0.3537          0.7429    
+       112.9         -0.2286E-01      0.3490          0.7393    
+       113.0         -0.2857E-01      0.3443          0.7357    
+       113.1         -0.3429E-01      0.3396          0.7321    
+       113.2         -0.4000E-01      0.3349          0.7286    
+       113.3         -0.4571E-01      0.3301          0.7250    
+       113.4         -0.5143E-01      0.3254          0.7214    
+       113.5         -0.5714E-01      0.3207          0.7179    
+       113.6         -0.6286E-01      0.3160          0.7143    
+       113.7         -0.6857E-01      0.3113          0.7107    
+       113.8         -0.7429E-01      0.3066          0.7071    
+       113.9         -0.8000E-01      0.3019          0.7036    
+       114.0         -0.8571E-01      0.2971          0.7000    
+       114.1         -0.9143E-01      0.2924          0.6964    
+       114.2         -0.9714E-01      0.2877          0.6929    
+       114.3         -0.1029          0.2830          0.6893    
+       114.4         -0.1086          0.2783          0.6857    
+       114.5         -0.1143          0.2736          0.6821    
+       114.6         -0.1200          0.2689          0.6786    
+       114.7         -0.1257          0.2641          0.6750    
+       114.8         -0.1314          0.2594          0.6714    
+       114.9         -0.1371          0.2547          0.6679    
+       115.0         -0.1429          0.2500          0.6643    
+       115.1         -0.1320          0.2621          0.6777    
+       115.2         -0.1211          0.2743          0.6911    
+       115.3         -0.1103          0.2864          0.7046    
+       115.4         -0.9943E-01      0.2986          0.7180    
+       115.5         -0.8857E-01      0.3107          0.7314    
+       115.6         -0.7771E-01      0.3229          0.7449    
+       115.7         -0.6686E-01      0.3350          0.7583    
+       115.8         -0.5600E-01      0.3471          0.7717    
+       115.9         -0.4514E-01      0.3593          0.7851    
+       116.0         -0.3429E-01      0.3714          0.7986    
+       116.1         -0.2343E-01      0.3836          0.8120    
+       116.2         -0.1257E-01      0.3957          0.8254    
+       116.3         -0.1714E-02      0.4079          0.8389    
+       116.4          0.9143E-02      0.4200          0.8523    
+       116.5          0.2000E-01      0.4321          0.8657    
+       116.6          0.3086E-01      0.4443          0.8791    
+       116.7          0.4171E-01      0.4564          0.8926    
+       116.8          0.5257E-01      0.4686          0.9060    
+       116.9          0.6343E-01      0.4807          0.9194    
+       117.0          0.7429E-01      0.4929          0.9329    
+       117.1          0.8514E-01      0.5050          0.9463    
+       117.2          0.9600E-01      0.5171          0.9597    
+       117.3          0.1069          0.5293          0.9731    
+       117.4          0.1177          0.5414          0.9866    
+       117.5          0.1286          0.5536           1.000    
+       117.6          0.1394          0.5657           1.013    
+       117.7          0.1503          0.5779           1.027    
+       117.8          0.1611          0.5900           1.040    
+       117.9          0.1720          0.6021           1.054    
+       118.0          0.1829          0.6143           1.067    
+       118.1          0.1937          0.6264           1.081    
+       118.2          0.2046          0.6386           1.094    
+       118.3          0.2154          0.6507           1.107    
+       118.4          0.2263          0.6629           1.121    
+       118.5          0.2371          0.6750           1.134    
+       118.6          0.2480          0.6871           1.148    
+       118.7          0.2589          0.6993           1.161    
+       118.8          0.2697          0.7114           1.175    
+       118.9          0.2806          0.7236           1.188    
+       119.0          0.2914          0.7357           1.201    
+       119.1          0.3023          0.7479           1.215    
+       119.2          0.3131          0.7600           1.228    
+       119.3          0.3240          0.7721           1.242    
+       119.4          0.3349          0.7843           1.255    
+       119.5          0.3457          0.7964           1.269    
+       119.6          0.3566          0.8086           1.282    
+       119.7          0.3674          0.8207           1.295    
+       119.8          0.3783          0.8329           1.309    
+       119.9          0.3891          0.8450           1.322    
+       120.0          0.4000          0.8571           1.336    
+       120.1          0.4023          0.8600           1.339    
+       120.2          0.4046          0.8629           1.343    
+       120.3          0.4069          0.8657           1.346    
+       120.4          0.4091          0.8686           1.349    
+       120.5          0.4114          0.8714           1.353    
+       120.6          0.4137          0.8743           1.356    
+       120.7          0.4160          0.8771           1.360    
+       120.8          0.4183          0.8800           1.363    
+       120.9          0.4206          0.8829           1.367    
+       121.0          0.4229          0.8857           1.370    
+       121.1          0.4251          0.8886           1.373    
+       121.2          0.4274          0.8914           1.377    
+       121.3          0.4297          0.8943           1.380    
+       121.4          0.4320          0.8971           1.384    
+       121.5          0.4343          0.9000           1.387    
+       121.6          0.4366          0.9029           1.391    
+       121.7          0.4389          0.9057           1.394    
+       121.8          0.4411          0.9086           1.397    
+       121.9          0.4434          0.9114           1.401    
+       122.0          0.4457          0.9143           1.404    
+       122.1          0.4480          0.9171           1.408    
+       122.2          0.4503          0.9200           1.411    
+       122.3          0.4526          0.9229           1.415    
+       122.4          0.4549          0.9257           1.418    
+       122.5          0.4571          0.9286           1.421    
+       122.6          0.4594          0.9314           1.425    
+       122.7          0.4617          0.9343           1.428    
+       122.8          0.4640          0.9371           1.432    
+       122.9          0.4663          0.9400           1.435    
+       123.0          0.4686          0.9429           1.439    
+       123.1          0.4709          0.9457           1.442    
+       123.2          0.4731          0.9486           1.445    
+       123.3          0.4754          0.9514           1.449    
+       123.4          0.4777          0.9543           1.452    
+       123.5          0.4800          0.9571           1.456    
+       123.6          0.4823          0.9600           1.459    
+       123.7          0.4846          0.9629           1.463    
+       123.8          0.4869          0.9657           1.466    
+       123.9          0.4891          0.9686           1.469    
+       124.0          0.4914          0.9714           1.473    
+       124.1          0.4937          0.9743           1.476    
+       124.2          0.4960          0.9771           1.480    
+       124.3          0.4983          0.9800           1.483    
+       124.4          0.5006          0.9829           1.487    
+       124.5          0.5029          0.9857           1.490    
+       124.6          0.5051          0.9886           1.493    
+       124.7          0.5074          0.9914           1.497    
+       124.8          0.5097          0.9943           1.500    
+       124.9          0.5120          0.9971           1.504    
+       125.0          0.5143           1.000           1.507    
+       125.1          0.5131           1.002           1.512    
+       125.2          0.5120           1.004           1.518    
+       125.3          0.5109           1.006           1.523    
+       125.4          0.5097           1.009           1.528    
+       125.5          0.5086           1.011           1.534    
+       125.6          0.5074           1.013           1.539    
+       125.7          0.5063           1.015           1.544    
+       125.8          0.5051           1.017           1.549    
+       125.9          0.5040           1.019           1.555    
+       126.0          0.5029           1.021           1.560    
+       126.1          0.5017           1.024           1.565    
+       126.2          0.5006           1.026           1.571    
+       126.3          0.4994           1.028           1.576    
+       126.4          0.4983           1.030           1.581    
+       126.5          0.4971           1.032           1.586    
+       126.6          0.4960           1.034           1.592    
+       126.7          0.4949           1.036           1.597    
+       126.8          0.4937           1.039           1.602    
+       126.9          0.4926           1.041           1.608    
+       127.0          0.4914           1.043           1.613    
+       127.1          0.4903           1.045           1.618    
+       127.2          0.4891           1.047           1.623    
+       127.3          0.4880           1.049           1.629    
+       127.4          0.4869           1.051           1.634    
+       127.5          0.4857           1.054           1.639    
+       127.6          0.4846           1.056           1.645    
+       127.7          0.4834           1.058           1.650    
+       127.8          0.4823           1.060           1.655    
+       127.9          0.4811           1.062           1.660    
+       128.0          0.4800           1.064           1.666    
+       128.1          0.4789           1.066           1.671    
+       128.2          0.4777           1.069           1.676    
+       128.3          0.4766           1.071           1.682    
+       128.4          0.4754           1.073           1.687    
+       128.5          0.4743           1.075           1.692    
+       128.6          0.4731           1.077           1.697    
+       128.7          0.4720           1.079           1.703    
+       128.8          0.4709           1.081           1.708    
+       128.9          0.4697           1.084           1.713    
+       129.0          0.4686           1.086           1.719    
+       129.1          0.4674           1.088           1.724    
+       129.2          0.4663           1.090           1.729    
+       129.3          0.4651           1.092           1.734    
+       129.4          0.4640           1.094           1.740    
+       129.5          0.4629           1.096           1.745    
+       129.6          0.4617           1.099           1.750    
+       129.7          0.4606           1.101           1.756    
+       129.8          0.4594           1.103           1.761    
+       129.9          0.4583           1.105           1.766    
+       130.0          0.4571           1.107           1.771    
+       130.1          0.4613           1.117           1.789    
+       130.2          0.4654           1.128           1.806    
+       130.3          0.4696           1.138           1.823    
+       130.4          0.4737           1.148           1.841    
+       130.5          0.4779           1.159           1.858    
+       130.6          0.4820           1.169           1.875    
+       130.7          0.4861           1.179           1.892    
+       130.8          0.4903           1.189           1.910    
+       130.9          0.4944           1.200           1.927    
+       131.0          0.4986           1.210           1.944    
+       131.1          0.5027           1.220           1.962    
+       131.2          0.5069           1.231           1.979    
+       131.3          0.5110           1.241           1.996    
+       131.4          0.5151           1.251           2.013    
+       131.5          0.5193           1.261           2.031    
+       131.6          0.5234           1.272           2.048    
+       131.7          0.5276           1.282           2.065    
+       131.8          0.5317           1.292           2.083    
+       131.9          0.5359           1.303           2.100    
+       132.0          0.5400           1.313           2.117    
+       132.1          0.5441           1.323           2.134    
+       132.2          0.5483           1.333           2.152    
+       132.3          0.5524           1.344           2.169    
+       132.4          0.5566           1.354           2.186    
+       132.5          0.5607           1.364           2.204    
+       132.6          0.5649           1.375           2.221    
+       132.7          0.5690           1.385           2.238    
+       132.8          0.5731           1.395           2.255    
+       132.9          0.5773           1.405           2.273    
+       133.0          0.5814           1.416           2.290    
+       133.1          0.5856           1.426           2.307    
+       133.2          0.5897           1.436           2.325    
+       133.3          0.5939           1.447           2.342    
+       133.4          0.5980           1.457           2.359    
+       133.5          0.6021           1.467           2.376    
+       133.6          0.6063           1.477           2.394    
+       133.7          0.6104           1.488           2.411    
+       133.8          0.6146           1.498           2.428    
+       133.9          0.6187           1.508           2.446    
+       134.0          0.6229           1.519           2.463    
+       134.1          0.6270           1.529           2.480    
+       134.2          0.6311           1.539           2.497    
+       134.3          0.6353           1.549           2.515    
+       134.4          0.6394           1.560           2.532    
+       134.5          0.6436           1.570           2.549    
+       134.6          0.6477           1.580           2.567    
+       134.7          0.6519           1.591           2.584    
+       134.8          0.6560           1.601           2.601    
+       134.9          0.6601           1.611           2.618    
+       135.0          0.6643           1.621           2.636    
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_VBF_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112912.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_VBF_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112912.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-WW_VBF_7-8TeV_4.9_19.4fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112912.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Shape-based result, taken from Fig. 23 in
+# arXiv:1312.1129. Assume roughly 20% ggH, 80% VBF.
+1312112912  131211292  1
+(pp)->h->WW->2l2nu (VBF)
+8 25.3 0.026
+1 0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+2 125.6
+12 22
+1.0 50.0
+125.6	0.14	0.60	1.17
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_VBFVH_7-8TeV_4.6fb-1_20.7fb-1_125.5GeV_2013013102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_VBFVH_7-8TeV_4.6fb-1_20.7fb-1_125.5GeV_2013013102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_VBFVH_7-8TeV_4.6fb-1_20.7fb-1_125.5GeV_2013013102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# WARNING: This observable should not be used with
+# ATL_H-ZZ-4l_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_124.51GeV_5191101.txt
+# simultaneously (same ID and similar data)!
+# Data is taken from Eq.6 in arXiv:1408.5191 for mu(VBF+VH).
+# The measurement was performed at mH=125.36GeV.
+# VBF and VH is expected to contribute 60-70% in this category.
+#1. 14.5 10. 10.
+5191103	519103	1
+8	25.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLZZ
+125.36 125.36 0.1
+4	125.36
+13 23 33 43
+1. 15. 15. 15.
+       125.36           -0.68           0.26           1.90
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558120.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558120.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-loose_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558120.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558120	055820		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH loose)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 6.493 968.406 360.281 124.859
+124.7		-1.381	1.243		4.937
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_ggH_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_ggH_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_ggH_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# WARNING: Do not use together with
+# ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_2014060100.txt
+# Data taken from Eq.(16) in ATL-CONF-2014-060.
+# Published in October 2014.
+2014060101	201406001	1
+(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu (ggF enhanced)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 0.1
+5	125.36
+12 22 32 42 52
+1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
+       125.36          0.76		1.01	1.28
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061105.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061105.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_hadhad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061105.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061.
+# Boosted lep-had category.
+# Assume 63.9% ggH, 15.8% VBF, 12.2% WH, 6.1% ZH
+2014061105	201406105	1
+(pp)->h->tautau (boosted,hadhad)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+4	125.36
+14 24 34 44
+1.0 3.05 5.5 4.9
+125.36	2.0	3.6	5.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558112.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558112.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_untag1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558112.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558112	055812		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (untagged 1)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 1.479 1.578 1.633 1.585
+124.7		0.432		0.919		1.486
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084107.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084107.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VH-dijet_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084107.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084107	708407	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (VH-dijet)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 1.162 23.885 25.621 0.251
+125.4	-1.161  0.2268   1.901
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-3leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682105.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-3leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682105.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-3leptons_8TeV_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1682105.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682
+1682105 	168205		1
+(pp)->tth->3 leptons
+8	19.6	 0.026
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+3	125.6
+52 53 54
+1	0.5	1.14
+125.6	1.1		3.1		5.5
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558117.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558117.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VBF-dijet1_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558117.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558117	055817		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VBF dijet 1)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 39.42 0.7066 0.4063 1.577
+124.7		-0.898	-0.209	0.537
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-tight_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558119.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-tight_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558119.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-tight_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558119.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558119	055819		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH tight)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 15.936 12905.7 5500.71 4157.8
+124.7		-0.972	-0.343	0.957
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682
+1682102	168202		1
+8	24.5	 0.026
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+1	-1
+125.6	-1.2	0.7		2.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666813.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666813.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_H-WW_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666813.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Tab. 5.
+# N.b: The measurement was restricted to positive mu values, therefore
+# truncated at zero. Here, we use symmetric errors!
+1301666813	130166683	1
+1.96	9.7		0.060
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4 -1
+12 22 32 42
+125.0	-1.78	0.00	1.78
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 2 lepton 1 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500613	20150063		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l1tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.465 6.026 0.011
+125.0	-2.9		-0.9		2.2
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_125.0GeV_13012101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_125.0GeV_13012101.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.0fb-1_125.0GeV_13012101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+13012101	1301201		1
+8	24.0   0.044
+1	0
+125.7 125.7 0.1
+2	-1
+35 45
+       125.7          0.5143           1.000           1.507    
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061103.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061103.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-tautau_lephad_boosted_7-8TeV_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_2014061103.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data read in from Fig.9 in ATL-CONF-2014-061.
+# Boosted lep-had category.
+# Assume 68.8% ggH, 16.2% VBF, 10.0% WH, 5.0% ZH
+2014061103	201406103	1
+(pp)->h->tautau (boosted,lephad)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+4	125.36
+14 24 34 44
+1.0 2.9 4.2 3.7
+125.36	0.0	0.9	1.9
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558121.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558121.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7GeV_0558121.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558121	055821		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH ETmiss)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 2.624 70.404 124.98 152.115
+124.7		-1.201	0.076		1.938
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-loose_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084105.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-loose_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084105.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_VBF-loose_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084105.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084105	708405	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (VBF-loose)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 24.405 0.5206 0.4484 0.5797
+125.4	0.5538   1.327   2.242
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558109.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558109.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-dijet_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558109.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558109	055809		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH dijet)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 1.2828676858197154 42.07724578532456 40.39836221821934 13.555315541654554
+124.7		1.456		7.855		16.710
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682103.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682103.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_ttH-tautau_7-8TeV_5.0fb-1_19.5fb-1_125.6GeV_1682103.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1408.1682
+1682103	 168203		1
+8	24.5	 0.026
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+1	-1
+125.6	-6.8	-1.3	5.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_VH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666815.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_VH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666815.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CDF_VH-bb_1.96TeV_9.45fb-1_125GeV_1301666815.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Data read in from Tab. 5.
+1301666815	130166685	1
+1.96	9.7		0.060
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+2 -1
+35 45
+125.0	0.85	1.72	2.64
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558108.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558108.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/CMS_H-gaga_VH-ETmiss_7TeV_5.0fb-1_124.7GeV_0558108.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# Efficiencies from composition in Table 3 divided by cross sections from LHC Higgs XS WG
+0558108	055808		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (VH ETmiss)
+7	5.1	 0.022
+1	0
+2.0	CMSgagacat
+124.7 124.7 1.0
+5	124.7
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 3.0351020408163274 240.6416194887631 446.52843601895745 318.7579068430133
+124.7		0.172		4.324		11.042
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084102.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084102.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_central-highpT_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084102.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+# 125.4	0.7859   1.6159   2.6181
+7084102	708402	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (central-highpT)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0  3.5834 2.8430 2.9710 3.7369
+125.4	0.7879   1.619   2.622
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-leptonic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084111.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-leptonic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084111.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0/ATL_H-gaga_ttH-leptonic_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125.4GeV_7084111.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Data extracted from the mu plot in Fig 17 of arXiv:1408.7084
+# aka ATLAS-HIGG-2013-08 aka CERN-PH-EP-2014-198
+# They analyze 7 and 8 TeV but only present combined mu's for both.
+# We here assume only 8 TeV and the 8 TeV luminosity.
+# Assignment follows the mass-sensitive observable 7084101.
+7084111	708411	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (ttH-leptonic)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	0
+2.0	ATLgagacat
+125.4 125.4 1.0
+5	125.4
+11 21 31 41 51
+1.0 0.18885 60.0198 27.759 1954.01
+125.4	0.3549   2.423   5.635
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.7fb-1_2013075101.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.7fb-1_2013075101.txt	(revision 507)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.7fb-1_2013075101.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Contributions from ZH->Ztautau in the 3-lepton analysis is small and
-# therefore neglected here.
-2013075101	201307501		1
-8	25.4 0.044
-1	0
-125.0 125.0 1.0
-2	-1
-32 42
-125.0	1.70	3.70	5.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_3l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500512.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results.
+201500512	20150052		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (3l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+32 42
+1.0 0.269
+125.36	-0.38		0.72		2.02
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-3l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500612.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 3 lepton channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500612	20150062		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (3l)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.770 0.690 0.020
+125.0	1.0		2.8		5.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-4l_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500614.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 4 lepton channel
+# Lower error is taken to be the same as upper one.
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500614	20150064		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (4l)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 1.677 0.700 0.022
+125.0	-5.1	1.8		8.7
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-bb_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_0506611.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from arXiv:1503.05066
+0506611	050661		1
+8	20.3	 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+1	-1
+125.0	0.4		1.5		2.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_4l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500511.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+201500511	20150051		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (4l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+1	-1
+125.36	1.8		4.9		9.5
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l1tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500613.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 2 lepton 1 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500613	20150063		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l1tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.465 6.026 0.011
+125.0	-2.9		-0.9		2.2
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_VH-WW_2l_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500513.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Contribution from VH->Vtautau is non-negligible, however,
+# it is treated as background, assuming SM strength. Therefore,
+# these results are based on an additional model-assumption.
+# Efficiencies derived from Tab. 3 from the 8 TeV results.
+201500513	20150053		1
+(pp)->Vh->VWW (2l)
+8	24.8 0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	125.36
+32 42
+1.0 0.345
+125.36	1.9		3.7		5.6
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-2l0tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500611.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 2 lepton 0 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->ZZ (53), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500611	20150061		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (2l0tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	125.0
+52 53 54 55
+1.0 0.305 0.638 0.0093
+125.0	0.9		2.8		4.9
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults/ATL_ttH-1l2tau_8TeV_20.3fb-1_125GeV_201500615.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ATLAS ttH multilepton search results
+# This is the 1 lepton 2 tau(hadronic) channel
+# Implemented channels: 
+# ttH->WW (52), ttH->tautau (54), ttH->bb (55)
+201500615	20150065		1
+(pp)->tth->multilepton (1l2tau_had)
+8	20.3 0.028
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+3	125.0
+52 54 55
+1.0 79.094 0.279
+125.0	-19.3		-9.6		0.0
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500713.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500713.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-WW-lnulnu_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500713.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# WARNING: Do not use together with category measurements!
+# Data taken from Tab. 2 in ATLAS-CONF-2015-007.
+201500713	20150073	1
+(pp)->h->WW->lnulnu (inclusive)
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 0.1
+5	-1
+12 22 32 42 52
+       125.36          0.95		1.16	1.40
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_201500714.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_201500714.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_24.8fb-1_125.36GeV_201500714.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Data read in from Tab.2 in ATL-CONF-2015-007.
+2014061100	201406100		1
+8 	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+4	-1
+14 24 34 44
+125.36	1.06  1.43	1.86
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-gaga_incl_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558100.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-gaga_incl_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558100.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-gaga_incl_8TeV_19.7fb-1_124.7_0558100.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This observable should not be used together with the category results!!!
+# Data extracted from the mu plot at 124.7 GeV of arXiv:1407.0558
+# Corresponding note: CMS-PAS-HIG-13-001
+# NOTE: No mass measurement comes with this observable, since the ATLAS H->gamma gamma
+# observable (201500711) includes the ATLAS+CMS combined mass observable!
+0558100	055800		1
+(pp)->h->gamma gamma (inclusive)
+8	19.6	0.026
+1	0
+124.7 124.7 0.1
+5	-1
+11 21 31 41 51
+124.7		0.91		1.14		1.40
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_18.9fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652721.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_18.9fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652721.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_VH-bb_7-8TeV_5.1fb-1_18.9fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652721.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Data taken from CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005, Fig. 3b.
+1401652721	140165272		1
+8	17.1	 0.044
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+2	-1
+35 45
+125.0	0.5 	1.0		1.5
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-WW_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-WW_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-WW_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312112911.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1312112911	131211291		1
+8	25.4 0.044
+1	0
+125.6 125.6 1.0
+4	-1
+12 22 32 42
+125.6	0.54	0.72	0.92
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-gaga_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.09GeV_201500711.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-gaga_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.09GeV_201500711.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-gaga_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.09GeV_201500711.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# The signal strengths is measured at mH = 125.36 GeV.
+# NOTE: This observable carries the ATLAS+CMS combined mass measurement (arXiv:1503.07589).
+# of 125.09 +- 0.21 (stat) +- 0.11 (syst) GeV. Here, we add these uncertainties linearly.
+201500711	20150071	1
+(pp)->h->gammagamma (inclusive)
+8 	20.3	0.028
+1	1
+125.09 125.09 0.1
+5	-1
+11 21 31 41 51
+125.09	0.90   1.17   1.44
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-ZZ_7_8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312535311.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-ZZ_7_8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312535311.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-ZZ_7_8TeV_5.1fb-1_19.6fb-1_125.6GeV_1312535311.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Should not be used together with category measurements!
+# Signal measured at 125.7GeV, but
+# best-fit mass implemented here is 125.63 +- 0.45.
+# NOTE: No mass measurement comes with this observable, since the ATLAS H->gamma gamma
+# observable (201500711) includes the ATLAS+CMS combined mass observable!
+1312535311	131253531		1
+8 	24.7	0.026
+1	0
+125.63 125.63 0.1
+4	-1
+13 23 33 43
+125.63	0.68	0.93	1.22
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_VH-Vbb_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500715.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_VH-Vbb_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500715.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_VH-Vbb_7-8TeV_4.7fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500715.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Taken from Tab. 2 in ATLAS-CONF-2015-007.
+201500715	20150075	1
+(p p)->Vh->Vbb
+8 	25.0	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 1.0
+2	-1
+35 45
+125.36	0.12   0.52   0.92
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500712.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500712.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/ATL_H-ZZ-4l_incl_7-8TeV_4.5fb-1_20.3fb-1_125.36GeV_201500712.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# WARNING: This observable should not be used together with the
+# category results.
+# Data is taken from Tab. 2 in ATLAS-CONF-2015-007.
+# The measurement was performed at mH=125.36GeV.
+# This observable does not come with a mass measurement, since the combined
+# mass measurement is already implemented in the H->gamma gamma observable (201500711) 
+201500712	20150072	1
+(pp)->h->ZZ->4l (inclusive)
+8	24.8	0.028
+1	0
+125.36 125.36 0.1
+5	-1
+13 23 33 43 53
+       125.36           1.11           1.44           1.84
Index: trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652711.txt
--- trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652711.txt	(revision 0)
+++ trunk/HiggsSignals/Expt_tables/latestresults-1.4.0-LHCinclusive/CMS_H-tautau_7-8TeV_4.9fb-1_19.7fb-1_125.7GeV_1401652711.txt	(revision 508)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+1401652711	140165271		1
+8	24.3	 0.044
+1	0
+125.0 125.0 1.0
+4	-1
+14 24 34 44
+125.0	0.51	0.78	1.05