diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
@@ -1,372 +1,377 @@
 // -*- C++ -*-
 // SplittingFunction.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
 // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
 // Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
 // Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
 #ifndef HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H
 #define HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H
 // This is the declaration of the SplittingFunction class.
 #include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
 #include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerConfig.h"
 #include "ThePEG/EventRecord/RhoDMatrix.h"
 #include "Herwig/Decay/DecayMatrixElement.h"
 #include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh"
 #include "ThePEG/EventRecord/ColourLine.h"
 #include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
 #include "SplittingFunction.fh"
 namespace Herwig {
 using namespace ThePEG;
   /** \ingroup Shower
    * Enum to define the possible types of colour structure which can occur in
    * the branching.
   enum ColourStructure {Undefined=0,
 			TripletTripletOctet  = 1,OctetOctetOctet    =2,
 			OctetTripletTriplet  = 3,TripletOctetTriplet=4,
 			SextetSextetOctet    = 5,
 /** \ingroup Shower
  *  This is an abstract class which defines the common interface
  *  for all \f$1\to2\f$ splitting functions, for both initial-state
  *  and final-state radiation. 
  *  The SplittingFunction class contains a number of purely virtual members
  *  which must be implemented in the inheriting classes. The class also stores
  *  the interaction type of the spltting function.
  *  The inheriting classes need to specific the splitting function 
  *  \f$P(z,2p_j\cdot p_k)\f$, in terms of the energy fraction \f$z\f$ and
  *  the evolution scale. In order to allow the splitting functions to be used
  *  with different choices of evolution functions the scale is given by
  * \f[2p_j\cdot p_k=(p_j+p_k)^2-m_{jk}^2=Q^2-(p_j+p_k)^2=z(1-z)\tilde{q}^2=
  *   \frac{p_T^2}{z(1-z)}-m_{jk}^2+\frac{m_j^2}{z}+\frac{m_k^2}{1-z},\f]
  *  where \f$Q^2\f$ is the virtuality of the branching particle,
  *  $p_T$ is the relative transverse momentum of the branching products and
  *  \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ is the angular variable described in hep-ph/0310083.
  *  In addition an overestimate of the 
  *  splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}(z)\f$ which only depends upon \f$z\f$, 
  *  the integral, inverse of the integral for this overestimate and
  *  ratio of the true splitting function to the overestimate must be provided
  *  as they are necessary for the veto alogrithm used to implement the evolution.
  * @see \ref SplittingFunctionInterfaces "The interfaces"
  * defined for SplittingFunction.
 class SplittingFunction: public Interfaced {
    * The default constructor.   
    * @param b All splitting functions must have an interaction order
   SplittingFunction(unsigned int b)
     : Interfaced(), _interactionType(ShowerInteraction::UNDEFINED),
       _colourStructure(Undefined), _colourFactor(-1.),
       angularOrdered_(true) {}
    *  Methods to return the interaction type and order for the splitting function
    *  Return the type of the interaction
   ShowerInteraction::Type interactionType() const {return _interactionType;}
    *  Return the order of the splitting function in the interaction
   unsigned int interactionOrder() const {return _interactionOrder;}
    *  Return the colour structure
   ColourStructure colourStructure() const {return _colourStructure;}
    *  Return the colour factor
   double colourFactor(const IdList &ids) const {
       return _colourFactor;
     else if(_colourStructure<0) {
       if(_colourStructure==ChargedChargedNeutral ||
 	 _colourStructure==ChargedNeutralCharged) {
 	return sqr(double(ids[0]->iCharge())/3.);
-      else {
+      else if(_colourStructure==NeutralChargedCharged) {
 	return sqr(double(ids[1]->iCharge())/3.);
+      else if(_colourStructure==EW) {
+	return 1.;
+      }
+      else
+	assert(false);
    *  Purely virtual method which should determine whether this splitting
    *  function can be used for a given set of particles.
    *  @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
   virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const = 0;
    *  Method to check the colours are correct
   virtual bool checkColours(const IdList & ids) const;
    *   Methods to return the splitting function.
    * Purely virtual method which should return the exact value of the splitting function,
    * \f$P\f$ evaluated in terms of the energy fraction, \f$z\f$, and the evolution scale 
    * @param z   The energy fraction.
    * @param t   The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
    * @param rho The spin density matrix
   virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
 		   const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const = 0;
    * Purely virtual method which should return
    * an overestimate of the splitting function,
    * \f$P_{\rm over}\f$ such that the result \f$P_{\rm over}\geq P\f$. This function
    * should be simple enough that it does not depend on the evolution scale.
    * @param z   The energy fraction.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
   virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const = 0; 
    * Purely virtual method which should return
    * the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
    * \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
    * @param z   The energy fraction.
    * @param t   The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
    * @param rho The spin density matrix
   virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
 			const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const = 0;
    * Purely virtual method which should return the indefinite integral of the 
    * overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
    * @param z         The energy fraction.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
    *                  0 is no additional factor,
    *                  1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
   virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids, 
 			    unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const = 0; 
    * Purely virtual method which should return the inverse of the 
    * indefinite integral of the 
    * overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$ which is used to
    * generate the value of \f$z\f$.
    * @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
    *                  0 is no additional factor,
    *                  1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
   virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids, 
 			       unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const = 0;
    * Purely virtual method which should make the proper colour connection 
    * between the emitting parent and the branching products.
    * @param parent The parent for the branching
    * @param first  The first  branching product
    * @param second The second branching product
    * @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
    * @param back Whether this is foward or backward evolution.
   virtual void colourConnection(tShowerParticlePtr parent,
 				tShowerParticlePtr first,
 				tShowerParticlePtr second,
 				ShowerPartnerType::Type partnerType, 
 				const bool back) const;
    * Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
    * @param z The energy fraction
    * @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
    * @return The weight
   virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> > 
   generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
 		     const RhoDMatrix &) = 0;
    * Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
    * @param z The energy fraction
    * @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @return The weight
   virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> > 
   generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
 		      const RhoDMatrix &) = 0;
    * Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
    * @param z The energy fraction
    * @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
    * @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
    * @param phi The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
    * @param timeLike Whether timelike or spacelike, affects inclusive of mass terms
   virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t, 
 				   const IdList & ids, const double phi,
                                    bool timeLike) = 0;
    *  Whether or not the interaction is angular ordered
   bool angularOrdered() const {return angularOrdered_;}
    *  Functions to state scales after branching happens
    *  Sort out scales for final-state emission
   void evaluateFinalStateScales(ShowerPartnerType::Type type,
 				Energy scale, double z,
 				tShowerParticlePtr parent,
 				tShowerParticlePtr first,
 				tShowerParticlePtr second);
    *  Sort out scales for initial-state emission
   void evaluateInitialStateScales(ShowerPartnerType::Type type,
 				  Energy scale, double z,
 				  tShowerParticlePtr parent,
 				  tShowerParticlePtr first,
 				  tShowerParticlePtr second);
    *  Sort out scales for decay emission
   void evaluateDecayScales(ShowerPartnerType::Type type,
 			   Energy scale, double z,
 			   tShowerParticlePtr parent,
 			   tShowerParticlePtr first,
 			   tShowerParticlePtr second);
   /** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
    * Function used to write out object persistently.
    * @param os the persistent output stream written to.
   void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
    * Function used to read in object persistently.
    * @param is the persistent input stream read from.
    * @param version the version number of the object when written.
   void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
    * The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
    * Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
    * before the main function starts or
    * when this class is dynamically loaded.
   static void Init();
   /** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
    * Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
    * EventGenerator to disk.
    * @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
   virtual void doinit();
    *  Set the colour factor
   void colourFactor(double in) {_colourFactor=in;}
    * The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
    * In fact, it should not even be implemented.
   SplittingFunction & operator=(const SplittingFunction &);
    *  The interaction type for the splitting function.
   ShowerInteraction::Type _interactionType;
    *  The order of the splitting function in the coupling
   unsigned int _interactionOrder;
    *  The colour structure
   ColourStructure _colourStructure;
    *  The colour factor
   double _colourFactor;
    *  Whether or not this interaction is angular-ordered
   bool angularOrdered_;
 #endif /* HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H */