diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/vertices.py b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/vertices.py --- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/vertices.py +++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/vertices.py @@ -1,889 +1,894 @@ from __future__ import print_function import sys,pprint from .helpers import CheckUnique,getTemplate,writeFile,coupling_orders,def_from_model from .converter import py2cpp from .collapse_vertices import collapse_vertices from .check_lorentz import tensorCouplings,VVVordering,lorentzScalar,\ processTensorCouplings,scalarCouplings,processScalarCouplings,scalarVectorCouplings,\ processScalarVectorCouplings,vectorCouplings,processVectorCouplings,fermionCouplings,processFermionCouplings,\ RSCouplings from .general_lorentz import convertLorentz,generateEvaluateFunction,multipleEvaluate from .helpers import SkipThisVertex,extractAntiSymmetricIndices,isGoldstone # prefactors for vertices lfactors = { 'FFV' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok 'VVV' : 'complex(0,1)', # changed to fix ttbar 'VVVS' : 'complex(0,1)', # should be as VVV 'VVVV' : 'complex(0,1)', 'VVS' : '-complex(0,1)', 'VSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # changed to minus to fix dL ->x1 W- d 'SSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok 'VVSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok 'VVT' : 'complex(0,2)', 'VVVT' : '-complex(0,2)', 'SSSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok 'FFS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok 'SST' : 'complex(0,2)', 'FFT' : '-complex(0,8)', 'FFVT' : '-complex(0,4)', 'RFS' : 'complex(0,1)', 'RFV' : 'complex(0,1)', } genericVertices=['FFFF','FFVV','FFSS','FFVS','VVVV','VVVT','FFVT', 'RFVV','RFVS','RFSS','SSST','VVST','FFST'] skipped5Point=False # template for the header for a vertex VERTEXHEADER = """\ #include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/{spindirectory}/{lorentztag}Vertex.h" """ GENERALVERTEXHEADER = """\ #include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/Abstract{lorentztag}Vertex.h" """ # template for the implmentation for a vertex VERTEXCLASS = getTemplate('Vertex_class') GENERALVERTEXCLASS = getTemplate('GeneralVertex_class') # template for the .cc file for vertices VERTEX = getTemplate('Vertex.cc') vertexline = """\ create Herwig::FRModel{classname} /Herwig/{modelname}/{classname} insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/{classname} """ def get_lorentztag(spin): """Produce a ThePEG spin tag for the given numeric FR spins.""" spins = { 1 : 'S', 2 : 'F', 3 : 'V', 4 : 'R', 5 : 'T', -1 : 'U' } result=[] for i in range(0,len(spin)) : result.append((spins[spin[i]],i+1)) def spinsort(inVal): output=0 vals=['U','R','F','V','S','T'] for val in vals: if inVal==val : break output+=1 return output result = sorted(result, key=spinsort) order=[] output="" for i in range(0,len(result)) : (a,b) = result[i] order.append(b) output+=a return (output,order) def unique_lorentztag(vertex): """Check and return the Lorentz tag of the vertex.""" unique = CheckUnique() for l in vertex.lorentz: (lorentztag,order) = get_lorentztag(l.spins) unique( lorentztag ) lname = l.name[:len(lorentztag)] if sorted(lorentztag) != sorted(lname): raise Exception("Lorentztags: %s is not %s in %s" % (lorentztag,lname,vertex)) return (lorentztag,order) def colors(vertex) : try: unique = CheckUnique() for pl in vertex.particles_list: struct = [ p.color for p in pl ] unique(struct) except: struct = [ p.color for p in vertex.particles ] pos = colorpositions(struct) L = len(struct) return (L,pos) def coloursort(a) : return int(a[4]) def colorfactor(vertex,L,pos,lorentztag): def match(patterns,color=vertex.color): result = [ p == t for p,t in zip(patterns,color) ] return all(result) label = None l = lambda c: len(pos[c]) if l(1) == L: label = ('1',) if match(label): return ("SINGLET",('1.',)) elif l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and l(1) == L-2: nums = [pos[3][0], pos[-3][0]] label = ('Identity({0},{1})'.format(*sorted(nums)),) if match(label): return ("DELTA",('1.',)) elif l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and l(1) == L-2: nums = [pos[6][0], pos[-6][0]] label = ('Identity({0},{1})'.format(*sorted(nums)),) if match(label): return ("DELTA",('1.',)) elif l(6) == l(-6) == 2 and L==4: sys.stderr.write( 'Warning: Unknown colour structure 6 6 6~ 6~ ( {ps} ) in {name}.\n' .format(name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) ) raise SkipThisVertex() elif l(8) == l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and l(1) == L-3: label = ('T({g},{q},{qb})'.format(g=pos[8][0],q=pos[3][0],qb=pos[-3][0]),) if match(label): return ("SU3TFUND",('1.',)) elif l(8) == l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and l(1) == L-3: label = ('T6({g},{s},{sb})'.format(g=pos[8][0],s=pos[6][0],sb=pos[-6][0]),) if match(label): return ("SU3T6",('1.',)) elif l(6) == 1 and l(-3) == 2 and L==3: label = ('K6({s},{qb1},{qb2})'.format(s=pos[6][0],qb1=pos[-3][0],qb2=pos[-3][1]),) if match(label): return ("SU3K6",('1.',)) elif l(-6) == 1 and l(3) == 2 and L==3: label = ('K6Bar({sb},{q1},{q2})'.format(sb=pos[-6][0],q1=pos[3][0],q2=pos[3][1]),) if match(label): return ("SU3K6",('1.',)) elif l(3) == L == 3: colors=[] for color in vertex.color : order,sign = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(color,"Epsilon(") colors.append("Epsilon(%s,%s,%s)" % (order[0],order[1],order[2])) label = ('Epsilon(1,2,3)',) if match(label,colors): return ("EPS",('1.',)) # TODO check factor! elif l(-3) == L == 3: colors=[] for color in vertex.color : order,sign = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(color,"EpsilonBar(") colors.append("Epsilon(%s,%s,%s)" % (order[0],order[1],order[2])) label = ('EpsilonBar(1,2,3)',) if match(label): return ("EPS",('1.',)) # TODO check factor! elif l(8) == L == 3: colors=[] for color in vertex.color : order,sign = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(color,"f(") colors.append("f(%s,%s,%s)" % (order[0],order[1],order[2])) # if lorentz is FFV get extra minus sign if lorentztag in ['FFV'] : sign *=-1 label = ('f(1,2,3)',) if match(label,colors): return ("SU3F",('-complex(0,1.)*(%s)'%sign,)) elif l(8) == 3 and l(1)==1 and L == 4: colors=[] for color in vertex.color : order,sign = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(color,"f(") colors.append("f(%s,%s,%s)" % (order[0],order[1],order[2])) if(pos[1][0]==1) : label = ('f(2,3,4)',) elif(pos[1][0]==2) : label = ('f(1,3,4)',) elif(pos[1][0]==3) : label = ('f(1,2,4)',) elif(pos[1][0]==4) : label = ('f(1,2,3)',) if match(label,colors): return ("SU3F",('-complex(0,1.)*(%s)'%sign,)) elif l(8) == L == 4: colors=[] for color in vertex.color : f = color.split("*") (o1,s1) = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(f[0],"f(") (o2,s2) = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(f[1],"f(") if(o2[0]id()=={id1} && p2->id()=={id3} && p3->id()=={id2}) || (p1->id()=={id2} && p2->id()=={id1} && p3->id()=={id3}) || (p1->id()=={id3} && p2->id()=={id2} && p3->id()=={id1})) {{ sign *= -1.; }} norm(norm()*sign); """ if(not "p1" in couplingptrs[0]) : couplingptrs[0] += ' p1' if(not "p2" in couplingptrs[1]) : couplingptrs[1] += ' p2' if(not "p3" in couplingptrs[2]) : couplingptrs[2] += ' p3' if("Bar" not in vertex.color[0]) : order,sign = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(vertex.color[0],"Epsilon(") else : order,sign = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(vertex.color[0],"EpsilonBar(") subs = {"id1" : vertex.particles[int(order[0])-1].pdg_code, "id2" : vertex.particles[int(order[1])-1].pdg_code, "id3" : vertex.particles[int(order[2])-1].pdg_code, "epssign" : sign } append+=EPSSIGN.format(**subs) return couplingptrs,append class VertexConverter: 'Convert the vertices in a FR model to extract the information ThePEG needs.' def __init__(self,model,parmsubs,defns) : 'Initialize the parameters' self.verbose=False self.vertex_skipped=False self.ignore_skipped=False self.model=model self.all_vertices= [] self.vertex_names = {} self.modelname="" self.no_generic_loop_vertices = False self.parmsubs = parmsubs self.couplingDefns = defns self.genericTensors = False self.hw_higgs = False def readArgs(self,args) : 'Extract the relevant command line arguments' self.ignore_skipped = args.ignore_skipped self.verbose = args.verbose self.modelname = args.name self.no_generic_loop_vertices = args.no_generic_loop_vertices self.include_generic = args.include_generic self.genericTensors = args.use_generic_for_tensors self.hw_higgs = args.use_Herwig_Higgs def should_print(self) : 'Check if we should output the results' return not self.vertex_skipped or self.ignore_skipped def convert(self) : 'Convert the vertices' if(self.verbose) : print('verbose mode on: printing all vertices') print('-'*60) labels = ('vertex', 'particles', 'Lorentz', 'C_L', 'C_R', 'norm') pprint.pprint(labels) # extract the vertices self.all_vertices = self.model.all_vertices # find the SM Higgs boson higgs=None if(self.hw_higgs) : for part in self.model.all_particles: if(part.pdg_code==25) : higgs=part break # convert the vertices vertexclasses, vertexheaders = [], set() ifile=1 icount=0 for vertexnumber,vertex in enumerate(self.all_vertices,1) : # process the vertex (skip,vertexClass,vertexHeader) = \ self.processVertex(vertexnumber,vertex) # check it can be handled if(skip) : continue # check if Higgs and skip if using Hw higgs sector if higgs in vertex.particles : nH = vertex.particles.count(higgs) # skip trilinear and quartic higgs vertices if ( nH == len(vertex.particles) ) : vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True continue elif (len(vertex.particles)-nH==2) : p=[] for part in vertex.particles : if(part!=higgs) : p.append(part) if(nH==1 and p[0].pdg_code==-p[1].pdg_code and abs(p[0].pdg_code) in [1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13,15,24]) : vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True continue elif((nH==1 or nH==2) and p[0].pdg_code==p[1].pdg_code and p[0].pdg_code ==23) : vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True continue elif(nH==2 and p[0].pdg_code==-p[1].pdg_code and abs(p[0].pdg_code)==24) : vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True continue # add to the list icount +=1 vertexclasses.append(vertexClass) vertexheaders.add(vertexHeader) WRAP = 25 if icount % WRAP == 0 or vertexHeader.find("Abstract")>=0: write_vertex_file({'vertexnumber' : ifile, 'vertexclasses' : '\n'.join(vertexclasses), 'vertexheaders' : ''.join(vertexheaders), 'ModelName' : self.modelname}) vertexclasses = [] vertexheaders = set() icount=0 ifile+=1 # exit if there's vertices we can't handle if not self.should_print(): sys.stderr.write( """ Error: The conversion was unsuccessful, some vertices could not be generated. The new --include-generic option should be able to generate these. Otherwise, if you think the missing vertices are not important and want to go ahead anyway, use --ignore-skipped. Herwig may not give correct results, though. """ ) sys.exit(1) # if still stuff to output it do it if vertexclasses: write_vertex_file({'vertexnumber' : ifile + 1, 'vertexclasses' : '\n'.join(vertexclasses), 'vertexheaders' : ''.join(vertexheaders), 'ModelName' : self.modelname}) print('='*60) def setCouplingPtrs(self,lorentztag,qcd,append,prepend) : couplingptrs = [',tcPDPtr']*len(lorentztag) if lorentztag == 'VSS': couplingptrs[1] += ' p2' elif lorentztag == 'FFV': couplingptrs[0] += ' p1' elif (lorentztag == 'VVV' or lorentztag == 'VVVS' or lorentztag == "SSS" or lorentztag == "VVVT" ) \ and (append or prepend ) : couplingptrs[0] += ' p1' couplingptrs[1] += ' p2' couplingptrs[2] += ' p3' elif (lorentztag == 'VVVV' and (qcd < 2 or append)) or\ (lorentztag == "SSSS" and prepend ): couplingptrs[0] += ' p1' couplingptrs[1] += ' p2' couplingptrs[2] += ' p3' couplingptrs[3] += ' p4' return couplingptrs def processVertex(self,vertexnumber,vertex) : global skipped5Point # get the Lorentz tag for the vertex lorentztag,order = unique_lorentztag(vertex) # check if we should skip the vertex vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = checkGhostGoldstoneVertex(lorentztag,vertex) # check the order of the vertex and skip 5 points if(len(lorentztag)>=5) : vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True if(not skipped5Point) : skipped5Point = True print("Skipping 5 point vertices which aren\'t used in Herwig7") if(vertex.herwig_skip_vertex) : return (True,"","") # check if we support this at all if( lorentztag not in lfactors and lorentztag not in genericVertices) : msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \ 'is not supported.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag, name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) sys.stderr.write(msg) vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True self.vertex_skipped=True return (True,"","") # get the factor for the vertex generic = False try: lf = lfactors[lorentztag] if( self.genericTensors and "T" in lorentztag) : raise KeyError() except KeyError: if(not self.include_generic) : msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \ 'is not supported.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag, name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) sys.stderr.write(msg) vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True self.vertex_skipped=True return (True,"","") else : lf=1. generic=True # get the ids of the particles at the vertex plistarray = [ ','.join([ str(vertex.particles[o-1].pdg_code) for o in order ]) ] # parse the colour structure for the vertex try: L,pos = colors(vertex) cs,cf = colorfactor(vertex,L,pos,lorentztag) except SkipThisVertex: msg = 'Warning: Color structure for vertex ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \ 'is not supported.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag, name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) sys.stderr.write(msg) vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True self.vertex_skipped=True return (True,"","") ### classname classname = 'V_%s' % vertex.name if(not generic) : try : return self.extractGeneric(vertex,order,lorentztag,classname,plistarray,pos,lf,cf,cs) except SkipThisVertex: if(not self.include_generic) : msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \ 'is not supported, may have a non-perturbative form.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag, name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) sys.stderr.write(msg) vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True self.vertex_skipped=True return (True,"","") else : try : return self.extractGeneral(vertex,order,lorentztag,classname,plistarray,pos,cf,cs) except SkipThisVertex: msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \ 'is not supported, may have a non-perturbative form.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag, name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) sys.stderr.write(msg) vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True self.vertex_skipped=True return (True,"","") else : try : return self.extractGeneral(vertex,order,lorentztag,classname,plistarray,pos,cf,cs) except SkipThisVertex: msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \ 'is not supported, may have a non-perturbative form.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag, name=vertex.name, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles))) sys.stderr.write(msg) vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True self.vertex_skipped=True return (True,"","") def extractGeneric(self,vertex,order,lorentztag,classname,plistarray,pos,lf,cf,cs) : classes="" headers="" # identify the maximum colour flow and orders of the couplings maxColour=0 couplingOrders=[] self.vertex_names[vertex.name] = [classname] for (color_idx,lorentz_idx),coupling in vertex.couplings.items(): maxColour=max(maxColour,color_idx) orders = coupling_orders(vertex, coupling, self.couplingDefns) if(orders not in couplingOrders) : couplingOrders.append(orders) # loop the order of the couplings iorder = 0 for corder in couplingOrders : iorder +=1 cname=classname if(iorder!=1) : cname= "%s_%s" % (classname,iorder) self.vertex_names[vertex.name].append(cname) header = "" prepend="" append="" all_couplings=[] for ix in range(0,maxColour+1) : all_couplings.append([]) # loop over the colour structures for colour in range(0,maxColour+1) : for (color_idx,lorentz_idx),coupling in vertex.couplings.items() : # check colour structure and coupling order if(color_idx!=colour) : continue if(coupling_orders(vertex, coupling, self.couplingDefns)!=corder) : continue # get the prefactor for the lorentz structure L = vertex.lorentz[lorentz_idx] prefactors = calculatePrefactor(lf,cf[color_idx]) # calculate the value of the coupling value = couplingValue(coupling) # handling of the different types of couplings if lorentztag in ['FFS','FFV']: all_couplings[color_idx] = fermionCouplings(value,prefactors,L,all_couplings[color_idx],order) elif 'T' in lorentztag : append, all_couplings[color_idx] = tensorCouplings(vertex,value,prefactors,L,lorentztag,pos, all_couplings[color_idx],order) elif 'R' in lorentztag : all_couplings[color_idx] = RSCouplings(value,prefactors,L,all_couplings[color_idx],order) elif lorentztag == 'VVS' or lorentztag == "VVSS" or lorentztag == "VSS" : all_couplings[color_idx] = scalarVectorCouplings(value,prefactors,L,lorentztag, all_couplings[color_idx],order) elif lorentztag == "SSS" or lorentztag == "SSSS" : prepend, header, all_couplings[color_idx] = scalarCouplings(vertex,value,prefactors,L,lorentztag, all_couplings[color_idx],prepend,header) elif "VVV" in lorentztag : all_couplings[color_idx],append = vectorCouplings(vertex,value,prefactors,L,lorentztag,pos, all_couplings[color_idx],append,corder["QCD"],order) else: raise SkipThisVertex() # final processing of the couplings symbols = set() if(lorentztag in ['FFS','FFV']) : (normcontent,leftcontent,rightcontent,append) = processFermionCouplings(lorentztag,vertex, self.model,self.parmsubs, all_couplings,order) elif('T' in lorentztag) : (leftcontent,rightcontent,normcontent) = processTensorCouplings(lorentztag,vertex,self.model, self.parmsubs,all_couplings,order) elif(lorentztag=="SSS" or lorentztag=="SSSS") : normcontent = processScalarCouplings(self.model,self.parmsubs,all_couplings) elif(lorentztag=="VVS" or lorentztag =="VVSS" or lorentztag=="VSS") : normcontent,append,lorentztag,header,sym = processScalarVectorCouplings(lorentztag,vertex, self.model,self.parmsubs, all_couplings,header,order) symbols |=sym elif("VVV" in lorentztag) : normcontent,append,header =\ processVectorCouplings(lorentztag,vertex,self.model,self.parmsubs,all_couplings,append,header) else : SkipThisVertex() # set the coupling ptrs in the setCoupling call couplingptrs = self.setCouplingPtrs(lorentztag.replace("General",""), corder["QCD"],append != '',prepend != '') ### do we need left/right? if 'FF' in lorentztag and lorentztag != "FFT": #leftcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(leftcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_) #rightcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(rightcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_) leftcalc, sym = py2cpp(leftcontent) symbols |= sym rightcalc, sym = py2cpp(rightcontent) symbols |= sym left = 'left(' + leftcalc + ');' right = 'right(' + rightcalc + ');' else: left = '' right = '' leftcalc = '' rightcalc = '' #normcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(normcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_) normcalc, sym = py2cpp(normcontent) symbols |= sym # UFO is GeV by default if lorentztag in ['VVS','SSS']: normcalc = 'Complex((%s) * GeV / UnitRemoval::E)' % normcalc elif lorentztag in ['GeneralVVS']: normcalc = 'Complex(-(%s) * UnitRemoval::E / GeV )' % normcalc elif lorentztag in ['FFT','VVT', 'SST', 'FFVT', 'VVVT' , 'VVVS' ]: normcalc = 'Complex((%s) / GeV * UnitRemoval::E)' % normcalc norm = 'norm(' + normcalc + ');' # finally special handling for eps tensors if(len(vertex.color)==1 and vertex.color[0].find("Epsilon")>=0) : couplingptrs, append = epsilonSign(vertex,couplingptrs,append) # define unkown symbols from the model symboldefs = [ def_from_model(self.model,s) for s in symbols ] couplingOrder="" for coupName,coupVal in corder.items() : couplingOrder+=" orderInCoupling(CouplingType::%s,%s);\n" %(coupName,coupVal) ### assemble dictionary and fill template subs = { 'lorentztag' : lorentztag, # ok 'classname' : cname, # ok 'symbolrefs' : '\n '.join(symboldefs), 'left' : left, # doesn't always exist in base 'right' : right, # doesn't always exist in base 'norm' : norm, # needs norm, too 'addToPlist' : '\n'.join([ 'addToList(%s);'%s for s in plistarray]), 'parameters' : '', 'couplingOrders' : couplingOrder, 'colourStructure' : cs, 'couplingptrs' : ''.join(couplingptrs), 'spindirectory' : spindirectory(lorentztag), 'ModelName' : self.modelname, 'prepend' : prepend, 'append' : append, 'header' : header } # ok # print info if required if self.verbose: print('-'*60) pprint.pprint(( classname, plistarray, leftcalc, rightcalc, normcalc )) headers+=VERTEXHEADER.format(**subs) classes+=VERTEXCLASS.substitute(subs) return (False,classes,headers) def extractGeneral(self,vertex,order,lorentztag,classname,plistarray,pos,cf,cs) : eps=False classes="" headers="" # check the colour flows, three cases supported either 1 flow or 3 in gggg # or multiple wierd ones in FFFF cidx=-1 gluon4point = (len(pos[8])==4 and vertex.lorentz[0].spins.count(3)==4) FFFF = (len(pos[3])==2 and len(pos[-3])==2 and vertex.lorentz[0].spins.count(2)==4) couplingOrders=[] colours={} for (color_idx,lorentz_idx),coupling in vertex.couplings.items() : orders = coupling_orders(vertex, coupling, self.couplingDefns) if(orders not in couplingOrders) : couplingOrders.append(orders) if(gluon4point) : color = vertex.color[color_idx] f = color.split("*") (o1,s1) = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(f[0],"f(") (o2,s2) = extractAntiSymmetricIndices(f[1],"f(") if(o2[0]1 and i!=2) : mult[i] = [] for i in range(0,imax) : (evalHeader,evalCC) = generateEvaluateFunction(self.model,vertex,i,values,defns[i],vertexEval[i],cfactor,order) if(i!=0 and spins[i-1] in mult) : if(len(mult[spins[i-1]])==0) : mult[spins[i-1]].append(evalHeader) evalHeader=evalHeader.replace("evaluate(","evaluate%s(" % i) evalCC =evalCC .replace("evaluate(","evaluate%s(" % i) mult[spins[i-1]].append(evalHeader) header+=" "+evalHeader+";\n" impls+=evalCC # combine the multiple defn if needed for (key,val) in mult.items() : (evalHeader,evalCC) = multipleEvaluate(vertex,key,val) if(evalHeader!="") : header += " "+evalHeader+";\n" if(evalCC!="") : impls += evalCC impls=impls.replace("evaluate", "FRModel%s::evaluate" % cname) couplingOrder="" for coupName,coupVal in corder.items() : couplingOrder+=" orderInCoupling(CouplingType::%s,%s);\n" %(coupName,coupVal) ### assemble dictionary and fill template subs = { 'lorentztag' : lorentztag, 'classname' : cname, 'addToPlist' : '\n'.join([ 'addToList(%s);'%s for s in plistarray]), 'ModelName' : self.modelname, 'couplingOrders' : couplingOrder, 'colourStructure' : cstruct, 'evaldefs' : header, 'evalimpls' : impls} newHeader = GENERALVERTEXHEADER.format(**subs) if(eps) : newHeader +="#include \"ThePEG/Helicity/epsilon.h\"\n" headers+=newHeader classes+=GENERALVERTEXCLASS.substitute(subs) return (False,classes,headers) def get_vertices(self,libname): vlist = ['library %s\n' % libname] for v in self.all_vertices: if v.herwig_skip_vertex: continue for name in self.vertex_names[v.name] : vlist.append( vertexline.format(modelname=self.modelname, classname=name) ) if( not self.no_generic_loop_vertices and not self.hw_higgs ) : vlist.append('insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_GenericHPP\n'.format(modelname=self.modelname) ) vlist.append('insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_GenericHGG\n'.format(modelname=self.modelname) ) # add Hw higgs vertices if required if(self.hw_higgs) : for vertex in ["FFH","HGG","HHH","HPP","HZP","WWHH","WWH"]: vlist.append('insert %s:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/Vertices/%sVertex\n' % (self.modelname,vertex) ) return ''.join(vlist)