diff --git a/Shower/Dipole/Utility/ConstituentReshuffler.cc b/Shower/Dipole/Utility/ConstituentReshuffler.cc --- a/Shower/Dipole/Utility/ConstituentReshuffler.cc +++ b/Shower/Dipole/Utility/ConstituentReshuffler.cc @@ -1,602 +1,602 @@ // -*- C++ -*- // // ConstituentReshuffler.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator // Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Herwig Collaboration // // Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // // // This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member // functions of the ConstituentReshuffler class. // #include #include "ConstituentReshuffler.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h" #include #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h" #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h" #include "DipolePartonSplitter.h" #include "Herwig/Utilities/GSLBisection.h" #include "Herwig/Shower/Dipole/DipoleShowerHandler.h" #include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h" using namespace Herwig; ConstituentReshuffler::ConstituentReshuffler() : HandlerBase() {} ConstituentReshuffler::~ConstituentReshuffler() {} IBPtr ConstituentReshuffler::clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } IBPtr ConstituentReshuffler::fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } double ConstituentReshuffler::ReshuffleEquation::aUnit() { return 1.; } double ConstituentReshuffler::ReshuffleEquation::vUnit() { return 1.; } double ConstituentReshuffler::DecayReshuffleEquation::aUnit() { return 1.; } double ConstituentReshuffler::DecayReshuffleEquation::vUnit() { return 1.; } double ConstituentReshuffler::ReshuffleEquation::operator() (double xi) const { double r = - w/GeV; for (PList::iterator p = p_begin; p != p_end; ++p) { r += sqrt(sqr((**p).dataPtr()->constituentMass()) + xi*xi*(sqr((**p).momentum().t())-sqr((**p).dataPtr()->mass()))) / GeV; } return r; } double ConstituentReshuffler::DecayReshuffleEquation::operator() (double xi) const { double r = - w/GeV; for (PList::iterator pIt = p_begin; pIt != p_end; ++pIt) { r += sqrt(sqr((**pIt).dataPtr()->constituentMass()) + xi*xi*(sqr((**pIt).momentum().t())-sqr((**pIt).dataPtr()->mass()))) / GeV; } for (PList::iterator rIt = r_begin; rIt != r_end; ++rIt) { r += sqrt(sqr((**rIt).momentum().m()) + xi*xi*(sqr((**rIt).momentum().t())-sqr((**rIt).momentum().m()))) / GeV; } return r; } void ConstituentReshuffler::reshuffle(PList& out, PPair& in, PList& intermediates, const bool decay, PList& decayPartons, PList& decayRecoilers) { - assert(!ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->retConstituentMasses()); + assert(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->retConstituentMasses()); if ( !decay ) { if (out.size() == 0) return; if (out.size() == 1) { PPtr recoiler; PPtr parton = out.front(); if (DipolePartonSplitter::colourConnected(parton,in.first) && DipolePartonSplitter::colourConnected(parton,in.second)) { if (UseRandom::rnd() < .5) recoiler = in.first; else recoiler = in.second; } else if (DipolePartonSplitter::colourConnected(parton,in.first)) { recoiler = in.first; } else if (DipolePartonSplitter::colourConnected(parton,in.second)) { recoiler = in.second; } else assert(false); assert(abs(recoiler->momentum().vect().perp2()/GeV2) < 1e-6); double sign = recoiler->momentum().z() < 0.*GeV ? -1. : 1.; Energy2 qperp2 = parton->momentum().perp2(); if (qperp2/GeV2 < Constants::epsilon) { // no emission off a 2 -> singlet process which // needed a single forced splitting: should never happen (?) assert(false); throw Veto(); } Energy2 m2 = sqr(parton->dataPtr()->constituentMass()); Energy abs_q = parton->momentum().vect().mag(); Energy qz = parton->momentum().z(); Energy abs_pz = recoiler->momentum().t(); assert(abs_pz > 0.*GeV); Energy xi_pz = sign*(2.*qperp2*abs_pz + m2*(abs_q + sign*qz))/(2.*qperp2); Energy x_qz = (2.*qperp2*qz + m2*(qz+sign*abs_q))/(2.*qperp2); Lorentz5Momentum recoiler_momentum (0.*GeV,0.*GeV,xi_pz,xi_pz < 0.*GeV ? - xi_pz : xi_pz); recoiler_momentum.rescaleMass(); Lorentz5Momentum parton_momentum (parton->momentum().x(),parton->momentum().y(),x_qz,sqrt(m2+qperp2+x_qz*x_qz)); parton_momentum.rescaleMass(); PPtr n_parton = new_ptr(Particle(parton->dataPtr())); n_parton->set5Momentum(parton_momentum); DipolePartonSplitter::change(parton,n_parton,false); out.pop_front(); intermediates.push_back(parton); out.push_back(n_parton); PPtr n_recoiler = new_ptr(Particle(recoiler->dataPtr())); n_recoiler->set5Momentum(recoiler_momentum); DipolePartonSplitter::change(recoiler,n_recoiler,true); intermediates.push_back(recoiler); if (recoiler == in.first) { in.first = n_recoiler; } if (recoiler == in.second) { in.second = n_recoiler; } return; } } Energy zero (0.*GeV); Lorentz5Momentum Q (zero,zero,zero,zero); for (PList::iterator p = out.begin(); p != out.end(); ++p) { Q += (**p).momentum(); } Boost beta = Q.findBoostToCM(); list mbackup; bool need_boost = (beta.mag2() > Constants::epsilon); if (need_boost) { for (PList::iterator p = out.begin(); p != out.end(); ++p) { Lorentz5Momentum mom = (**p).momentum(); mbackup.push_back(mom); (**p).set5Momentum(mom.boost(beta)); } } double xi; // Only partons if ( decayRecoilers.size()==0 ) { ReshuffleEquation solve (Q.m(),out.begin(),out.end()); GSLBisection solver(1e-10,1e-8,10000); try { xi = solver.value(solve,0.0,1.1); } catch (GSLBisection::GSLerror) { throw DipoleShowerHandler::RedoShower(); } catch (GSLBisection::IntervalError) { throw DipoleShowerHandler::RedoShower(); } } // Partons and decaying recoilers else { DecayReshuffleEquation solve (Q.m(),decayPartons.begin(),decayPartons.end(),decayRecoilers.begin(),decayRecoilers.end()); GSLBisection solver(1e-10,1e-8,10000); try { xi = solver.value(solve,0.0,1.1); } catch (GSLBisection::GSLerror) { throw DipoleShowerHandler::RedoShower(); } catch (GSLBisection::IntervalError) { throw DipoleShowerHandler::RedoShower(); } } PList reshuffled; list::const_iterator backup_it; if (need_boost) backup_it = mbackup.begin(); // Reshuffling of non-decaying partons only if ( decayRecoilers.size()==0 ) { for (PList::iterator p = out.begin(); p != out.end(); ++p) { PPtr rp = new_ptr(Particle((**p).dataPtr())); DipolePartonSplitter::change(*p,rp,false); Lorentz5Momentum rm; rm = Lorentz5Momentum (xi*(**p).momentum().x(), xi*(**p).momentum().y(), xi*(**p).momentum().z(), sqrt(sqr((**p).dataPtr()->constituentMass()) + xi*xi*(sqr((**p).momentum().t())-sqr((**p).dataPtr()->mass())))); rm.rescaleMass(); if (need_boost) { (**p).set5Momentum(*backup_it); ++backup_it; rm.boost(-beta); } rp->set5Momentum(rm); intermediates.push_back(*p); reshuffled.push_back(rp); } } // For the case of a decay process with non-partonic recoilers else { assert ( decay ); for (PList::iterator p = out.begin(); p != out.end(); ++p) { PPtr rp = new_ptr(Particle((**p).dataPtr())); DipolePartonSplitter::change(*p,rp,false); Lorentz5Momentum rm; // If the particle is a parton and not a recoiler if ( find( decayRecoilers.begin(), decayRecoilers.end(), *p ) == decayRecoilers.end() ) { rm = Lorentz5Momentum (xi*(**p).momentum().x(), xi*(**p).momentum().y(), xi*(**p).momentum().z(), sqrt(sqr((**p).dataPtr()->constituentMass()) + xi*xi*(sqr((**p).momentum().t())-sqr((**p).dataPtr()->mass())))); } // Otherwise the parton is a recoiler // and its invariant mass must be preserved else { rm = Lorentz5Momentum (xi*(**p).momentum().x(), xi*(**p).momentum().y(), xi*(**p).momentum().z(), sqrt(sqr((**p).momentum().m()) + xi*xi*(sqr((**p).momentum().t())-sqr((**p).momentum().m())))); } rm.rescaleMass(); if (need_boost) { (**p).set5Momentum(*backup_it); ++backup_it; rm.boost(-beta); } rp->set5Momentum(rm); intermediates.push_back(*p); reshuffled.push_back(rp); } } out.clear(); out.splice(out.end(),reshuffled); } void ConstituentReshuffler::hardProcDecayReshuffle(PList& decaying, PList& eventOutgoing, PList& eventHard, PPair& eventIncoming, PList& eventIntermediates) { // Note, when this function is called, the particle pointers // in theDecays/decaying are those prior to the showering. // Here we find the newest pointers in the outgoing. // The update of the PPtrs in theDecays is done in DipoleShowerHandler::constituentReshuffle() // as this needs to be done if ConstituentReshuffling is switched off. //Make sure the shower should return constituent masses: - assert(!ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->retConstituentMasses()); + assert(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->retConstituentMasses()); // Find the outgoing decaying particles PList recoilers; for ( PList::iterator decIt = decaying.begin(); decIt != decaying.end(); ++decIt) { // First find the particles in the intermediates PList::iterator pos = find(eventIntermediates.begin(),eventIntermediates.end(), *decIt); // Colourless particle or coloured particle that did not radiate. if(pos==eventIntermediates.end()) { // Check that this is not a particle from a subsequent decay. // e.g. the W from a top decay from an LHE file. if ( find( eventHard.begin(), eventHard.end(), *decIt ) == eventHard.end() && find( eventOutgoing.begin(), eventOutgoing.end(), *decIt ) == eventOutgoing.end() ) continue; else recoilers.push_back( *decIt ); } // Coloured decaying particle that radiated else { PPtr unstable = *pos; while(!unstable->children().empty()) { unstable = unstable->children()[0]; } assert( find( eventOutgoing.begin(),eventOutgoing.end(), unstable ) != eventOutgoing.end() ); recoilers.push_back( unstable ); } } // Make a list of partons PList partons; for ( PList::iterator outPos = eventOutgoing.begin(); outPos != eventOutgoing.end(); ++outPos ) { if ( find (recoilers.begin(), recoilers.end(), *outPos ) == recoilers.end() ) { partons.push_back( *outPos ); } } // If no outgoing partons, do nothing if ( partons.size() == 0 ){ return; } // Otherwise reshuffling needs to be done. // If there is only one parton, attempt to reshuffle with // the incoming to be consistent with the reshuffle for a // hard process with no decays. else if ( partons.size() == 1 && ( DipolePartonSplitter::colourConnected(partons.front(),eventIncoming.first) || DipolePartonSplitter::colourConnected(partons.front(),eventIncoming.second) ) ) { // Erase the parton from the event outgoing eventOutgoing.erase( find( eventOutgoing.begin(), eventOutgoing.end(), partons.front() ) ); // Perform the reshuffle, this update the intermediates and the incoming reshuffle(partons, eventIncoming, eventIntermediates); // Update the outgoing eventOutgoing.push_back(partons.front()); return; } // If reshuffling amongst the incoming is not possible // or if we have multiple outgoing partons. else { // Create a complete list of the outgoing from the process PList out; // Make an empty list for storing the new intermediates PList intermediates; // Empty in particles pair PPair in; // A single parton which cannot be reshuffled // with the incoming. if ( partons.size() == 1 ) { // Populate the out for the reshuffling out.insert(out.end(),partons.begin(),partons.end()); out.insert(out.end(),recoilers.begin(),recoilers.end()); assert( out.size() > 1 ); // Perform the reshuffle with the temporary particle lists reshuffle(out, in, intermediates, true, partons, recoilers); } // If there is more than one parton, reshuffle only // amongst the partons else { assert(partons.size() > 1); // Populate the out for the reshuffling out.insert(out.end(),partons.begin(),partons.end()); assert( out.size() > 1 ); // Perform the reshuffle with the temporary particle lists reshuffle(out, in, intermediates, true); } // Update the dipole event record updateEvent(intermediates, eventIntermediates, out, eventOutgoing, eventHard ); return; } } void ConstituentReshuffler::decayReshuffle(PerturbativeProcessPtr& decayProc, PList& eventOutgoing, PList& eventHard, PList& eventIntermediates ) { // Separate particles into those to be assigned constituent masses // i.e. non-decaying coloured partons // and those which must only absorb recoil // i.e. non-coloured and decaying particles PList partons; PList recoilers; //Make sure the shower should return constituent masses: - assert(!ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->retConstituentMasses()); + assert(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->retConstituentMasses()); // Populate the particle lists from the outgoing of the decay process for( unsigned int ix = 0; ixoutgoing().size(); ++ix) { // Identify recoilers if ( !decayProc->outgoing()[ix].first->coloured() || ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->decaysInShower(decayProc->outgoing()[ix].first->id() ) ) recoilers.push_back(decayProc->outgoing()[ix].first); else partons.push_back(decayProc->outgoing()[ix].first); } // If there are no outgoing partons, then no reshuffling // needs to be done if ( partons.size() == 0 ) return; // Reshuffling needs to be done: else { // Create a complete list of the outgoing from the process PList out; // Make an empty list for storing the new intermediates PList intermediates; // Empty incoming particles pair PPair in; // SW - 15/06/2018, 31/01/2019 - Always include 'recoilers' in // reshuffling, regardless of the number of partons to be put on their // constituent mass shell. This is because reshuffling between 2 partons // frequently leads to a redoShower exception. This treatment is // consistent with the AO shower // Populate the out for the reshuffling out.insert(out.end(),partons.begin(),partons.end()); out.insert(out.end(),recoilers.begin(),recoilers.end()); assert( out.size() > 1 ); // Perform the reshuffle with the temporary particle lists reshuffle(out, in, intermediates, true, partons, recoilers); // Update the dipole event record and the decay process updateEvent(intermediates, eventIntermediates, out, eventOutgoing, eventHard, decayProc ); return; } } void ConstituentReshuffler::updateEvent( PList& intermediates, PList& eventIntermediates, PList& out, PList& eventOutgoing, PList& eventHard, PerturbativeProcessPtr decayProc ) { // Loop over the new intermediates following the reshuffling for (PList::iterator p = intermediates.begin(); p != intermediates.end(); ++p) { // Update the event record intermediates eventIntermediates.push_back(*p); // Identify the reshuffled particle assert( (*p)->children().size()==1 ); PPtr reshuffled = (*p)->children()[0]; assert( find(out.begin(), out.end(), reshuffled) != out.end() ); // Update the event record outgoing PList::iterator posOut = find(eventOutgoing.begin(), eventOutgoing.end(), *p); if ( posOut != eventOutgoing.end() ) { eventOutgoing.erase(posOut); eventOutgoing.push_back(reshuffled); } else { PList::iterator posHard = find(eventHard.begin(), eventHard.end(), *p); assert( posHard != eventHard.end() ); eventHard.erase(posHard); eventHard.push_back(reshuffled); } // Replace the particle in the the decay process outgoing if ( decayProc ) { vector >::iterator decayOutIt = decayProc->outgoing().end(); for ( decayOutIt = decayProc->outgoing().begin(); decayOutIt!= decayProc->outgoing().end(); ++decayOutIt ) { if ( decayOutIt->first == *p ){ break; } } assert( decayOutIt != decayProc->outgoing().end() ); decayOutIt->first = reshuffled; } } } // If needed, insert default implementations of virtual function defined // in the InterfacedBase class here (using ThePEG-interfaced-impl in Emacs). void ConstituentReshuffler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream &) const { } void ConstituentReshuffler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream &, int) { } ClassDescription ConstituentReshuffler::initConstituentReshuffler; // Definition of the static class description member. void ConstituentReshuffler::Init() { static ClassDocumentation documentation ("The ConstituentReshuffler class implements reshuffling " "of partons on their nominal mass shell to their constituent " "mass shells."); }