diff --git a/src/herwigopts.ggo b/src/herwigopts.ggo --- a/src/herwigopts.ggo +++ b/src/herwigopts.ggo @@ -1,104 +1,104 @@ ## args for the gengetopt call in Makefile.am args "--file-name=herwigopts --unamed-opts --long-help --no-handle-version" ################################################## purpose "Herwig is a multi-purpose Monte-Carlo event generator \ for particle physics. See arXiv:0803.0883 for a detailed manual, \ or arXiv:1101.2599 for a more general description of the physics \ behind MC event generation." usage " (read|build|integrate|mergegrids|run) [OPTIONS]... [FILE]" description "One of the commands 'read', 'build', 'integrate', 'mergegrids' or 'run' is required: read - reads an input file and creates a run file, build - reads an input file and creates matrix elements, integrate - integrate subprocesses after running `build', mergegrids - combine integration grids from parallel adaption, run - reads a run file and generates events." section "Event generation options" option "numevents" N "Number of events to generate." long optional option "seed" s "The random number generator seed." int optional option "tag" t "A tag to append to the run name." typestr="TAG" string optional default="" option "debug" d "Set the ThePEG debug level." int optional option "debug-fpe" D "Enable floating point exceptions." flag off option "quiet" q "Disable event counter." flag off -option "jobs" j "Number of jobs to run in parallel (max 10)." +option "jobs" j "Number of jobs to run in parallel." int optional option "setupfile" x "An input file to modify run parameters." typestr="FILE" string optional section "Build and integration options" option "cachedir" c "Matchbox cache directory." typestr="DIR" string optional default="Herwig-cache" option "jobsize" z "The number of subprocesses to integrate per job (build only)." typestr="NUMBER" long optional option "maxjobs" y "The maximum number of integration jobs to be created (build only)." typestr="NUMBER" long optional option "jobid" n "Integrate the given integration job." typestr="NUMBER" string optional text "\ -x, --setupfile=FILE An input file to modify run parameters. -t, --tag=TAG A tag to append to the run name (default=`')" section "Repository options" option "append-read" i "Append a search path for the read command." typestr="PATH" string optional multiple option "prepend-read" I "Prepend a search path for the read command." typestr="PATH" string optional multiple section "Plugin library options" option "append" l "Append a search path for dynamically loaded libraries." typestr="PATH" string optional multiple option "prepend" L "Prepend a search path for dynamically loaded libraries." typestr="PATH" string optional multiple text "\nUsage: Herwig init [OPTIONS] FILE\n" text " creates a new default repository (not useful for end users).\n" section "Advanced options" option "repo" - "Repository file to use." typestr="FILE" string optional default="HerwigDefaults.rpo" hidden option "noexitonerror" - "If set, ThePEG will not try to recover from \ failures, but will exit with a non-zero return code." flag off hidden option "resume" - "Try to resume execution from an earlier interrupted run." flag off hidden