diff --git a/MatrixElement/FxFx/FxFxFileReader.cc b/MatrixElement/FxFx/FxFxFileReader.cc --- a/MatrixElement/FxFx/FxFxFileReader.cc +++ b/MatrixElement/FxFx/FxFxFileReader.cc @@ -1,914 +1,929 @@ // -*- C++ -*- // // FxFxFileReader.cc is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation // Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Leif Lonnblad // // ThePEG is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // // // This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member // functions of the FxFxFileReader class. // #include "FxFxFileReader.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h" #include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h" #include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h" #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h" #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h" #include #include using namespace ThePEG; FxFxFileReader:: FxFxFileReader(const FxFxFileReader & x) : FxFxReader(x), neve(x.neve), ieve(0), LHFVersion(x.LHFVersion), outsideBlock(x.outsideBlock), headerBlock(x.headerBlock), initComments(x.initComments), initAttributes(x.initAttributes), eventComments(x.eventComments), eventAttributes(x.eventAttributes), theFileName(x.theFileName), theQNumbers(x.theQNumbers), theIncludeFxFxTags(x.theIncludeFxFxTags), theIncludeCentral(x.theIncludeCentral), theDecayer(x.theDecayer) {} FxFxFileReader::~FxFxFileReader() {} IBPtr FxFxFileReader::clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } IBPtr FxFxFileReader::fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } bool FxFxFileReader::preInitialize() const { return true; } void FxFxFileReader::doinit() { FxFxReader::doinit(); // are we using QNUMBERS if(!theQNumbers) return; // parse the header block and create // any new particles needed in QNUMBERS blocks string block = headerBlock; string line = ""; bool readingSLHA = false; int (*pf)(int) = tolower; unsigned int newNumber(0); do { line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n"); if(line[0]=='#') continue; // are we reading the SLHA block if(readingSLHA) { // reached the end of slha block ? if(line.find(" split = StringUtils::split(line,"#"); // check for a qnumbers block transform(split[0].begin(), split[0].end(), split[0].begin(), pf); // if not contine if(split[0].find("block qnumbers")==string::npos) continue; // get name from comment string name; if(split.size()>=2) { name = StringUtils::stripws(split[1]); } else { ++newNumber; ostringstream tname; tname << "NP" << newNumber; name = tname.str(); } // extract the PDG code split = StringUtils::split(split[0]," "); istringstream is(split[2]); long PDGCode(0); is >> PDGCode; // get the charge, spin, colour and whether an antiparticle int charge(0),spin(0),colour(0),anti(0); for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) { line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n"); int dummy[2]; istringstream is(line); is >> dummy[0] >> dummy[1]; switch (dummy[0]) { case 1: charge = dummy[1]; break; case 2: spin = dummy[1]; break; case 3: colour = dummy[1]; break; case 4: anti = dummy[1]; break; default: assert(false); } } // check if particles already exist PDPair newParticle; newParticle.first = getParticleData(PDGCode); if(newParticle.first) Throw() << "Particle with PDG code " << PDGCode << " whose creation was requested in a QNUMBERS Block" << " already exists. Retaining the original particle" << Exception::warning; if(anti) { newParticle.second = getParticleData(-PDGCode); if(newParticle.second) Throw() << "Anti-particle with PDG code " << -PDGCode << " whose creation was requested in a QNUMBERS Block" << " already exists. Retaining the original particle" << Exception::warning; if(( newParticle.first && !newParticle.second ) || ( newParticle.second && !newParticle.first ) ) Throw() << "Either particle or anti-particle with PDG code " << PDGCode << " whose creation was requested in a QNUMBERS Block" << " already exists, but not both the particle and antiparticle. " << " Something dodgy here stopping" << Exception::runerror; } // already exists continue if(newParticle.first) continue; // create the particles // particle with no anti particle if( anti == 0 ) { // construct the name if(name=="") { ostringstream temp; temp << PDGCode; name = temp.str(); } // create the ParticleData object newParticle.first = ParticleData::Create(PDGCode,name); } // particle anti-particle pair else { // construct the names string nameAnti; if(name=="") { ostringstream temp; temp << PDGCode; name = temp.str(); ostringstream temp2; temp << -PDGCode; nameAnti = temp2.str(); } else { nameAnti=name; for(string::iterator it=nameAnti.begin();it!=nameAnti.end();++it) { if(*it=='+') nameAnti.replace(it,it+1,"-"); else if(*it=='-') nameAnti.replace(it,it+1,"+"); } if(nameAnti==name) nameAnti += "bar"; } // create the ParticleData objects newParticle = ParticleData::Create(PDGCode,name,nameAnti); } // set the particle properties if(colour==1) colour = 0; newParticle.first->iColour(PDT::Colour(colour)); newParticle.first->iSpin (PDT::Spin (spin )); newParticle.first->iCharge(PDT::Charge(charge)); // register it generator()->preinitRegister(newParticle.first, "/Herwig/Particles/"+newParticle.first->PDGName()); // set the antiparticle properties if(newParticle.second) { if(colour==3||colour==6) colour *= -1; charge = -charge; newParticle.second->iColour(PDT::Colour(colour)); newParticle.second->iSpin (PDT::Spin (spin )); newParticle.second->iCharge(PDT::Charge(charge)); // register it generator()->preinitRegister(newParticle.second, "/Herwig/Particles/"+newParticle.second->PDGName()); } } // start of SLHA block ? else if(line.find("> id >> mass; // skip resetting masses on SM particles // as it can cause problems later on in event generation if(abs(id)<=6 || (abs(id)>=11 && abs(id)<=16) || abs(id)==23 || abs(id)==24) { // Throw() << "Standard model mass for PID " // << id // << " will not be changed." // << Exception::warning; block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n"); line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); continue; } // magnitude of mass for susy models mass = abs(mass); // set the mass tPDPtr particle = getParticleData(id); if(!particle) throw SetupException() << "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - Particle with PDG code not" << id << " not found." << Exception::runerror; const InterfaceBase * ifb = BaseRepository::FindInterface(particle, "NominalMass"); ostringstream os; os << mass; ifb->exec(*particle, "set", os.str()); // read the next line block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n"); line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); }; } // found a decay block else if(line.find("decay") == 0) { // get PGD code and width istringstream iss(line); string dummy; long parent(0); Energy width(ZERO); iss >> dummy >> parent >> iunit(width, GeV); // get the ParticleData object PDPtr inpart = getParticleData(parent); if(!inpart) { throw SetupException() << "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - A ParticleData object with the PDG code " << parent << " does not exist. " << Exception::runerror; return; } if ( abs(inpart->id()) == 6 || abs(inpart->id()) == 15 || abs(inpart->id()) == 23 || abs(inpart->id()) == 24 || abs(inpart->id()) == 25 ) { Throw() << "\n" "************************************************************************\n" "* Your LHE file changes the width of " << inpart->PDGName() << ".\n" "* This can cause serious problems in the event generation!\n" "************************************************************************\n" "\n" << Exception::warning; } else if (inpart->width() > ZERO && width <= ZERO) { Throw() << "\n" "************************************************************************\n" "* Your LHE file zeroes the non-zero width of " << inpart->PDGName() << ".\n" "* If " << inpart->PDGName() << " is a decaying SM particle,\n" "* this can cause serious problems in the event generation!\n" "************************************************************************\n" "\n" << Exception::warning; } // set the width inpart->width(width); if( width > ZERO ) { inpart->cTau(hbarc/width); inpart->widthCut(5.*width); inpart->stable(false); } // construct prefix for DecayModes string prefix(inpart->name() + "->"), tag(prefix),line(""); unsigned int nmode(0); // read any decay modes line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); while(line[0] != 'D' && line[0] != 'B' && line[0] != 'd' && line[0] != 'b' && line[0] != '<' && line != "") { // skip comments if(line[0] == '#') { block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n"); line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); continue; } // read decay mode and construct the tag istringstream is(line); double brat(0.); unsigned int nda(0),npr(0); is >> brat >> nda; while( true ) { long t; is >> t; if( is.fail() ) break; if( t == abs(parent) ) throw SetupException() << "An error occurred while read a decay of the " << inpart->PDGName() << ". One of its products has the same PDG code " << "as the parent particle in FxFxFileReader::doinit()." << " Please check the Les Houches file.\n" << Exception::runerror; tcPDPtr p = getParticleData(t); if( !p ) throw SetupException() << "FxFxFileReader::doinit() -" << " An unknown PDG code has been encounterd " << "while reading a decay mode. ID: " << t << Exception::runerror; ++npr; tag += p->name() + ","; } if( npr != nda ) throw SetupException() << "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - While reading a decay of the " << inpart->PDGName() << " from an SLHA file, an inconsistency " << "between the number of decay products and the value in " << "the 'NDA' column was found. Please check if the spectrum " << "file is correct.\n" << Exception::warning; // create the DecayMode if( npr > 1 ) { if( nmode==0 ) { generator()->preinitInterface(inpart, "VariableRatio" , "set","false"); if(inpart->massGenerator()) { ok = false; Throw() << inpart->PDGName() << " already has a WidthGenerator set" << " this is incompatible with using QNUMBERS " << "Use\n" << "set " << inpart->fullName() << ":Width_generator NULL\n" << "to fix this." << Exception::warning; } unsigned int ntemp=0; for(DecaySet::const_iterator dit = inpart->decayModes().begin(); dit != inpart->decayModes().end(); ++dit ) { if((**dit).on()) ++ntemp; } if(ntemp!=0) { ok = false; Throw() << inpart->PDGName() << " already has DecayModes" << " this is incompatible with using QNUMBERS " << "Use\n" << "do " << inpart->fullName() << ":SelectDecayModes none\n" << " to fix this." << Exception::warning; } } inpart->stable(false); tag.replace(tag.size() - 1, 1, ";"); DMPtr dm = generator()->findDecayMode(tag); if(!theDecayer) Throw() << "FxFxFileReader::doinit() Decayer must be set using the " << "FxFxFileReader:Decayer" << " must be set to allow the creation of new" << " decay modes." << Exception::runerror; if(!dm) { dm = generator()->preinitCreateDecayMode(tag); if(!dm) Throw() << "FxFxFileReader::doinit() - Needed to create " << "new decaymode but one could not be created for the tag " << tag << Exception::warning; } generator()->preinitInterface(dm, "Decayer", "set", theDecayer->fullName()); ostringstream br; br << setprecision(13) << brat; generator()->preinitInterface(dm, "BranchingRatio", "set", br.str()); generator()->preinitInterface(dm, "Active", "set", "Yes"); if(dm->CC()) { generator()->preinitInterface(dm->CC(), "BranchingRatio", "set", br.str()); generator()->preinitInterface(dm->CC(), "Active", "set", "Yes"); } ++nmode; } tag=prefix; // read the next line block = StringUtils::cdr(block,"\r\n"); line = StringUtils::car(block,"\r\n"); }; if(nmode>0) { inpart->update(); if(inpart->CC()) inpart->CC()->update(); } } } // start of SLHA block ? else if(line.find("() << "The file associated with '" << name() << "' does not contain a " << "proper formatted Les Houches event file. The events may not be " << "properly sampled." << Exception::warning; } //vector FxFxFileReader::optWeightNamesFunc() { return optionalWeightsNames; } vector FxFxFileReader::optWeightsNamesFunc() { return optionalWeightsNames; } void FxFxFileReader::open() { if ( filename().empty() ) throw FxFxFileError() << "No Les Houches file name. " << "Use 'set " << name() << ":FileName'." << Exception::runerror; cfile.open(filename()); if ( !cfile ) throw FxFxFileError() << "The FxFxFileReader '" << name() << "' could not open the " << "event file called '" << theFileName << "'." << Exception::runerror; cfile.readline(); if ( !cfile.find(" attributes = StringUtils::xmlAttributes("LesHouchesEvents", cfile.getline()); LHFVersion = attributes["version"]; //cout << LHFVersion << endl; if ( LHFVersion.empty() ) return; bool readingHeader = false; bool readingInit = false; headerBlock = ""; // char (cwgtinfo_weights_info[250][15]); string hs; // int cwgtinfo_nn(0); // Loop over all lines until we hit the tag. bool readingInitWeights = false, readingInitWeights_sc = false; string weightinfo; while ( cfile.readline() ) { // found the init block for multiple weights if(cfile.find(""; erase_substr(sub, str_arrow); scalename = sub; } ++ws; } while (isc); /* now get the relevant information * e.g. scales or PDF sets used */ string startDEL = ">"; //starting delimiter string stopDEL = ""; //end delimiter unsigned firstLim = hs.find(startDEL); //find start of delimiter // unsigned lastLim = hs.find(stopDEL); //find end of delimitr string scinfo = hs.substr(firstLim); //define the information for the scale - erase_substr(scinfo,stopDEL); erase_substr(scinfo,startDEL); scinfo = StringUtils::stripws(scinfo); + //cout << "scinfo = " << scinfo << endl; /* fill in the map * indicating the information to be appended to each scale * i.e. scinfo for each scalname */ scalemap[scalename] = scinfo.c_str(); string str_id = "id="; string str_prime = "'"; erase_substr(scalename, str_id); erase_substr(scalename, str_prime); optionalWeightsNames.push_back(scalename); } } if ( cfile.find("") ) { //cout << "found init block" << endl; // We have hit the init block, so we should expect to find the // standard information in the following. But first check for // attributes. initAttributes = StringUtils::xmlAttributes("init", cfile.getline()); readingInit = true; cfile.readline(); if ( !( cfile >> heprup.IDBMUP.first >> heprup.IDBMUP.second >> heprup.EBMUP.first >> heprup.EBMUP.second >> heprup.PDFGUP.first >> heprup.PDFGUP.second >> heprup.PDFSUP.first >> heprup.PDFSUP.second >> heprup.IDWTUP >> heprup.NPRUP ) ) { heprup.NPRUP = -42; LHFVersion = ""; return; } heprup.resize(); for ( int i = 0; i < heprup.NPRUP; ++i ) { cfile.readline(); if ( !( cfile >> heprup.XSECUP[i] >> heprup.XERRUP[i] >> heprup.XMAXUP[i] >> heprup.LPRUP[i] ) ) { heprup.NPRUP = -42; LHFVersion = ""; return; } } } if ( cfile.find("> sub; if(we==2) { npLO = atoi(sub.c_str()); } if(we==5) { npNLO = atoi(sub.c_str()); } ++we; } while (ievat); optionalnpLO = npLO; optionalnpNLO = npNLO; std::stringstream npstringstream; npstringstream << "np " << npLO << " " << npNLO; std::string npstrings = npstringstream.str(); /* the FxFx merging information * becomes part of the optionalWeights, labelled -999 * for future reference */ if(theIncludeFxFxTags) optionalWeights[npstrings.c_str()] = -999; string ecomstring = "ecom"; optionalWeights[ecomstring.c_str()] = heprup.EBMUP.first+heprup.EBMUP.second; if ( !cfile.readline() ) return false; // The first line determines how many subsequent particle lines we // have. if ( !( cfile >> hepeup.NUP >> hepeup.IDPRUP >> hepeup.XWGTUP >> hepeup.SCALUP >> hepeup.AQEDUP >> hepeup.AQCDUP ) ) return false; hepeup.resize(); // Read all particle lines. for ( int i = 0; i < hepeup.NUP; ++i ) { if ( !cfile.readline() ) return false; if ( !( cfile >> hepeup.IDUP[i] >> hepeup.ISTUP[i] >> hepeup.MOTHUP[i].first >> hepeup.MOTHUP[i].second >> hepeup.ICOLUP[i].first >> hepeup.ICOLUP[i].second >> hepeup.PUP[i][0] >> hepeup.PUP[i][1] >> hepeup.PUP[i][2] >> hepeup.PUP[i][3] >> hepeup.PUP[i][4] >> hepeup.VTIMUP[i] >> hepeup.SPINUP[i] ) ) return false; if(std::isnan(hepeup.PUP[i][0])||std::isnan(hepeup.PUP[i][1])|| std::isnan(hepeup.PUP[i][2])||std::isnan(hepeup.PUP[i][3])|| std::isnan(hepeup.PUP[i][4])) throw Exception() << "nan's as momenta in Les Houches file " << Exception::eventerror; if(hepeup.MOTHUP[i].first -1==i || hepeup.MOTHUP[i].second-1==i) { throw Exception() << "Particle has itself as a mother in Les Houches " << "file, this is not allowed\n" << Exception::eventerror; } } // Now read any additional comments and named weights. // read until the end of rwgt is found bool readingWeights = false, readingaMCFast = false, readingMG5ClusInfo = false; while ( cfile.readline() && !cfile.find("")) { if(cfile.find("> sub; if(wi==1) { string str_arrow = ">" ; erase_substr(sub, str_arrow); weightName = sub; } if(wi==2) weightValue = atof(sub.c_str()); ++wi; } while (iss); // store the optional weights found in the temporary map + //cout << "weightName, weightValue= " << weightName << ", " << weightValue << endl; optionalWeightsTemp[weightName] = weightValue; } /* reading of aMCFast weights */ if(readingaMCFast) { std::stringstream amcfstringstream; amcfstringstream << "aMCFast " << cfile.getline(); std::string amcfstrings = amcfstringstream.str(); string str_newline = "\n"; erase_substr(amcfstrings,str_newline); optionalWeights[amcfstrings.c_str()] = -111; //for the aMCFast we give them a weight -111 for future identification } /* read additional MG5 Clustering information * used in LO merging */ if(readingMG5ClusInfo) { string hs = cfile.getline(); string startDEL = ""; //end delimiter unsigned firstLim = hs.find(startDEL); //find start of delimiter // unsigned lastLim = hs.find(stopDEL); //find end of delimitr string mg5clusinfo = hs.substr(firstLim); //define the information for the scale erase_substr(mg5clusinfo,stopDEL); erase_substr(mg5clusinfo,startDEL); string str_arrow = ">"; erase_substr(mg5clusinfo,str_arrow); string str_quotation = "\""; erase_substr(mg5clusinfo,str_quotation); string str_newline= "\n"; erase_substr(mg5clusinfo,str_newline); optionalWeights[mg5clusinfo.c_str()] = -222; //for the mg5 scale info weights we give them a weight -222 for future identification } //store MG5 clustering information if(cfile.find("::const_iterator it=optionalWeightsTemp.begin(); it!=optionalWeightsTemp.end(); ++it){ + string itfirst = it->first; + erase_substr(itfirst, "'"); + erase_substr(itfirst, "\""); for (map::const_iterator it2=scalemap.begin(); it2!=scalemap.end(); ++it2){ //find the scale id in the scale information and add this information - if(it->first==it2->first) { + string it2first = it2->first; + erase_substr(it2first, "'"); + erase_substr(it2first, "\""); + //cout << "itfirst, it2first = " << itfirst << "\t" << it2first << endl; + if(itfirst==it2first) { string info = it2->second; string str_newline = "\n"; erase_substr(info, str_newline); //set the optional weights optionalWeights[info] = it->second; } } } /* additionally, we set the "central" scale * this is actually the default event weight */ string central = "central"; if (theIncludeCentral) optionalWeights[central] = hepeup.XWGTUP; if ( !cfile ) return false; return true; } void FxFxFileReader::close() { cfile.close(); } void FxFxFileReader::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const { os << neve << LHFVersion << outsideBlock << headerBlock << initComments << initAttributes << eventComments << eventAttributes << theFileName << theQNumbers << theIncludeFxFxTags << theIncludeCentral << theDecayer; } void FxFxFileReader::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) { is >> neve >> LHFVersion >> outsideBlock >> headerBlock >> initComments >> initAttributes >> eventComments >> eventAttributes >> theFileName >> theQNumbers >> theIncludeFxFxTags >> theIncludeCentral >> theDecayer; ieve = 0; } ClassDescription FxFxFileReader::initFxFxFileReader; // Definition of the static class description member. void FxFxFileReader::Init() { static ClassDocumentation documentation ("ThePEG::FxFxFileReader is an base class to be used for objects " "which reads event files from matrix element generators. This class is " "able to read plain event files conforming to the Les Houches Event File " "accord."); static Parameter interfaceFileName ("FileName", "The name of a file containing events conforming to the Les Houches " "protocol to be read into ThePEG. A file name ending in " ".gz will be read from a pipe which uses " "zcat. If a file name ends in | the " "preceeding string is interpreted as a command, the output of which " "will be read through a pipe.", &FxFxFileReader::theFileName, "", false, false); interfaceFileName.fileType(); interfaceFileName.rank(11); static Switch interfaceQNumbers ("QNumbers", "Whether or not to read search for and read a QNUMBERS" " block in the header of the file.", &FxFxFileReader::theQNumbers, false, false, false); static SwitchOption interfaceQNumbersYes (interfaceQNumbers, "Yes", "Use QNUMBERS", true); static SwitchOption interfaceQNumbersNo (interfaceQNumbers, "No", "Don't use QNUMBERS", false); static Switch interfaceIncludeFxFxTags ("IncludeFxFxTags", "Include FxFx tags", &FxFxFileReader::theIncludeFxFxTags, true, true, false); static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeFxFxTagsYes (interfaceIncludeFxFxTags, "Yes", "Use the FxFx tags", true); static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeFxFxTagsNo (interfaceIncludeFxFxTags, "No", "Don't use the FxFx tags", false); static Switch interfaceIncludeCentral ("IncludeCentral", "Include definition of central weight", &FxFxFileReader::theIncludeCentral, false, true, false); static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeCentralYes (interfaceIncludeCentral, "Yes", "include definition of central weight", true); static SwitchOption interfaceIncludeCentralNo (interfaceIncludeCentral, "No", "Don't include definition of central weight", false); static Reference interfaceDecayer ("Decayer", "Decayer to use for any decays read from the QNUMBERS Blocks", &FxFxFileReader::theDecayer, false, false, true, true, false); } void FxFxFileReader::erase_substr(std::string& subject, const std::string& search) { size_t pos = 0; while((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) { subject.erase( pos, search.length() ); } } diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2herwig b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2herwig old mode 100755 new mode 100644 --- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2herwig +++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2herwig @@ -1,474 +1,475 @@ #! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, pprint, argparse, re,copy from string import Template # add path to the ufo conversion modules modulepath = os.path.join("@PKGLIBDIR@",'python') sys.path.append(modulepath) from ufo2peg import * # set up the option parser for command line input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create Herwig model files from Feynrules UFO input.' ) parser.add_argument( 'ufodir', metavar='UFO_directory', help='the UFO model directory' ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", help="print verbose output" ) parser.add_argument( '-n','--name', default="FRModel", help="set custom nametag for the model" ) parser.add_argument( '--ignore-skipped', action="store_true", help="ignore skipped vertices and produce output anyway" ) parser.add_argument( '--split-model', action="store_true", help="Split the model file into pieces to improve compilation for models with many parameters" ) parser.add_argument( '--no-generic-loop-vertices', action="store_true", help="Don't include the automatically generated generic loop vertices for h->gg and h->gamma gamma" ) parser.add_argument( '--include-generic', action="store_true", help="Include support for generic spin structures" ) parser.add_argument( '--use-Herwig-Higgs', action="store_true", help="Use the internal Herwig SM modeling and vertices for Higgs interactions, there may be sign issues but some UFO models have very minimal Higgs interactions" ) parser.add_argument( '--use-generic-for-tensors', action="store_true", help="Use the generic machinery for all tensor vertices (debugging only)" ) parser.add_argument( '--forbidden-particle-name', action="append", default=["eta","phi"], help="Add particle names not allowed as names in UFO models to avoid conflicts with"+\ "Herwig internal particles, names will have _UFO appended" ) parser.add_argument( '--convert', action="store_true", default=False, help="Convert the UFO model for python2 to python3 before loading it." ) # get the arguments args = parser.parse_args() # convert model to python 3 if needed if(args.convert) : + prepForConversion(args.ufodir) convertToPython3(args.ufodir) # import the model try : import importlib,importlib.util try : path,mod = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(args.ufodir)) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(mod,os.path.join(os.path.abspath(args.ufodir),"__init__.py")) FR = spec.loader.load_module() except : print ("Could not load the UFO python module.\n", "This is usually because you are using python3 and the UFO model is in python2.\n", "The --convert option can be used to try and convert it, but there is no guarantee.\n", "As this modifies the model you should make sure you have a backup copy.\n") quit() except : print ("Newer python import did not work, reverting to python 2 imp module") import imp path,mod = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(args.ufodir)) FR = imp.load_module(mod,*imp.find_module(mod,[path])) ################################################## ################################################## # get the Model name from the arguments modelname = args.name libname = modelname + '.so' # define arrays and variables #allplist = "" parmdecls = [] parmgetters = [] parmconstr = [] doinit = [] paramstoreplace_ = [] paramstoreplace_expressions_ = [] # get external parameters for printing parmsubs = dict( [ (p.name, p.value) for p in FR.all_parameters if p.nature == 'external' ] ) # evaluate python cmath def evaluate(x): import cmath return eval(x, {'cmath':cmath, 'complexconjugate':FR.function_library.complexconjugate, 'im':FR.function_library.im, 're':FR.function_library.re}, parmsubs) ## get internal params into arrays internal = ( p for p in FR.all_parameters if p.nature == 'internal' ) #paramstoreplaceEW_ = [] #paramstoreplaceEW_expressions_ = [] # calculate internal parameters for p in internal: parmsubs.update( { p.name : evaluate(p.value) } ) # if 'aS' in p.value and p.name != 'aS': # paramstoreplace_.append(p.name) # paramstoreplace_expressions_.append(p.value) # if 'aEWM1' in p.value and p.name != 'aEWM1': # paramstoreplaceEW_.append(p.name) # paramstoreplaceEW_expressions_.append(p.value) parmvalues=copy.copy(parmsubs) # more arrays used for substitution in templates paramsforstream = [] parmmodelconstr = [] # loop over parameters and fill in template stuff according to internal/external and complex/real # WARNING: Complex external parameter input not tested! if args.verbose: print ('verbose mode on: printing all parameters') print ('-'*60) paramsstuff = ('name', 'expression', 'default value', 'nature') pprint.pprint(paramsstuff) interfacedecl_T = """\ static Parameter<{modelname}, {type}> interface{pname} ("{pname}", "The interface for parameter {pname}", &{modelname}::{pname}_, {value}, 0, 0, false, false, Interface::nolimits); """ # sort out the couplings couplingDefns = { "QED" : 99, "QCD" : 99 } try : for coupling in FR.all_orders: name = coupling.name.upper() couplingDefns[name]= coupling.expansion_order except: for coupling in FR.all_couplings: for name,value in coupling.order.items(): if(name not in couplingDefns) : couplingDefns[name]=99 # sort out the particles massnames = {} widthnames = {} for particle in FR.all_particles: # skip ghosts and goldstones if(isGhost(particle) or isGoldstone(particle)) : continue if particle.mass != 'ZERO' and particle.mass.name != 'ZERO': if(particle.mass in massnames) : if(abs(particle.pdg_code) not in massnames[particle.mass]) : massnames[particle.mass].append(abs(particle.pdg_code)) else : massnames[particle.mass] = [abs(particle.pdg_code)] if particle.width != 'ZERO' and particle.width.name != 'ZERO': if(particle.width in widthnames) : if(abs(particle.pdg_code) not in widthnames[particle.width]) : widthnames[particle.width].append(abs(particle.pdg_code)) else : widthnames[particle.width] = [abs(particle.pdg_code)] interfaceDecls = [] modelparameters = {} for p in FR.all_parameters: value = parmsubs[p.name] if p.type == 'real': assert( value.imag < 1.0e-16 ) value = value.real if p.nature == 'external': if p not in massnames and p not in widthnames: interfaceDecls.append( interfacedecl_T.format(modelname=modelname, pname=p.name, value=value, type=typemap(p.type)) ) else: interfaceDecls.append('\n// no interface for %s. Use particle definition instead.\n' % p.name) if hasattr(p,'lhablock'): lhalabel = '{lhablock}_{lhacode}'.format( lhablock=p.lhablock.upper(), lhacode='_'.join(map(str,p.lhacode)) ) if p not in massnames and p not in widthnames: parmmodelconstr.append('set %s:%s ${%s}' % (modelname, p.name, lhalabel)) else: parmmodelconstr.append('# %s is taken from the particle setup' % p.name) modelparameters[lhalabel] = value parmsubs[p.name] = lhalabel else: if p not in massnames and p not in widthnames: parmmodelconstr.append('set %s:%s %s' % (modelname, p.name, value)) else: parmmodelconstr.append('# %s is taken from the particle setup' % p.name) parmsubs[p.name] = value if p not in massnames and p not in widthnames: parmconstr.append('%s_(%s)' % (p.name, value)) else: parmconstr.append('%s_()' % p.name) else : parmconstr.append('%s_()' % p.name) parmsubs[p.name] = value elif p.type == 'complex': value = complex(value) if p.nature == 'external': parmconstr.append('%s_(%s,%s)' % (p.name, value.real, value.imag)) else : parmconstr.append('%s_(%s,%s)' % (p.name, 0.,0.)) parmsubs[p.name] = value else: raise Exception('Unknown data type "%s".' % p.type) parmdecls.append(' %s %s_;' % (typemap(p.type), p.name)) parmgetters.append(' %s %s() const { return %s_; }' % (typemap(p.type),p.name, p.name)) paramsforstream.append('%s_' % p.name) expression, symbols = 'return %s_' % p.name, None if p.nature != 'external': expression, symbols = py2cpp(p.value) text = add_brackets(expression, symbols) text=text.replace('()()','()') doinit.append(' %s_ = %s;' % (p.name, text) ) if(p.type == 'complex') : doinit.append(' if(std::isnan(%s_.real()) || std::isnan(%s_.imag()) || std::isinf(%s_.real()) || std::isinf(%s_.imag())) {throw InitException() << "Calculated parameter %s is nan or inf in Feynrules model. Check your input parameters.";}' % (p.name,p.name,p.name,p.name,p.name) ) else : doinit.append(' if(std::isnan(%s_) || std::isinf(%s_)) {throw InitException() << "Calculated parameter %s is nan or inf in Feynrules model. Check your input parameters.";}' % (p.name,p.name,p.name) ) if p in massnames: for idCode in massnames[p] : doinit.append(' resetMass(%s,%s_ * GeV);' % (idCode, p.name) ) if p in widthnames: for idCode in widthnames[p] : doinit.append(' getParticleData(%s)->width(%s_ * GeV);' % (idCode, p.name) ) doinit.append(' getParticleData(%s)->cTau (%s_ == 0.0 ? Length() : hbarc/(%s_*GeV));' % (idCode, p.name, p.name) ) doinit.append(' getParticleData(%s)->widthCut(10. * %s_ * GeV);' % (idCode, p.name) ) elif p.nature == 'external': if p in massnames: for idCode in massnames[p] : doinit.append(' %s_ = getParticleData(%s)->mass() / GeV;' % (p.name, idCode) ) if p in widthnames: for idCode in widthnames[p] : doinit.append(' %s_ = getParticleData(%s)->width() / GeV;' % (p.name, idCode) ) if args.verbose: pprint.pprint((p.name,p.value, value, p.nature)) pcwriter = ParamCardWriter(FR.all_parameters) paramcard_output = '\n'.join(pcwriter.output) ### special treatment # if p.name == 'aS': # expression = '0.25 * sqr(strongCoupling(q2)) / Constants::pi' # elif p.name == 'aEWM1': # expression = '4.0 * Constants::pi / sqr(electroMagneticCoupling(q2))' # elif p.name == 'Gf': # expression = 'generator()->standardModel()->fermiConstant() * GeV2' paramconstructor=': ' for ncount in range(0,len(parmconstr)) : paramconstructor += parmconstr[ncount] if(ncount != len(parmconstr) -1) : paramconstructor += ',' if(ncount%5 == 0 ) : paramconstructor += "\n" paramout="" paramin ="" for ncount in range(0,len(paramsforstream)) : if(ncount !=0 ) : paramout += "<< " + paramsforstream[ncount] paramin += ">> " + paramsforstream[ncount] else : paramout += paramsforstream[ncount] paramin += paramsforstream[ncount] if(ncount%5 == 0 ) : paramout += "\n" paramin += "\n" parmtextsubs = { 'parmgetters' : '\n'.join(parmgetters), 'parmdecls' : '\n'.join(parmdecls), 'parmconstr' : paramconstructor, 'getters' : '', 'decls' : '', 'addVertex' : '', 'doinit' : '\n'.join(doinit), 'ostream' : paramout, 'istream' : paramin , 'refs' : '', 'parmextinter': ''.join(interfaceDecls), 'ModelName': modelname, 'calcfunctions': '', 'param_card_data': paramcard_output } ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## # set up the conversion of the vertices vertexConverter = VertexConverter(FR,parmvalues,couplingDefns) vertexConverter.readArgs(args) # convert the vertices vertexConverter.convert() cdefs="" couplingOrders="" ncount=2 for name,value in couplingDefns.items() : if(name=="QED") : couplingOrders+=" setCouplings(\"%s\",make_pair(%s,%s));\n" %(name,1,value) elif (name=="QCD") : couplingOrders+=" setCouplings(\"%s\",make_pair(%s,%s));\n" %(name,2,value) else : ncount+=1 cdefs +=" const T %s = %s;\n" % (name,ncount) couplingOrders+=" setCouplings(\"%s\",make_pair(%s,%s));\n" % (name,ncount,value) # coupling definitions couplingTemplate= """\ namespace ThePEG {{ namespace Helicity {{ namespace CouplingType {{ typedef unsigned T; /** * Enums for couplings */ {coup} }} }} }} """ if(cdefs!="") : cdefs = couplingTemplate.format(coup=cdefs) parmtextsubs['couplings'] = cdefs parmtextsubs['couplingOrders'] = couplingOrders # particles plist, names = thepeg_particles(FR,parmsubs,modelname,modelparameters,args.forbidden_particle_name,args.use_Herwig_Higgs) particlelist = [ "# insert HPConstructor:Outgoing 0 /Herwig/{n}/Particles/{p}".format(n=modelname,p=p) for p in names ] # make the first one active to have something runnable in the example .in file particlelist[0] = particlelist[0][2:] particlelist = '\n'.join(particlelist) modelfilesubs = { 'plist' : plist, 'vlist' : vertexConverter.get_vertices(libname), 'setcouplings': '\n'.join(parmmodelconstr), 'ModelName': modelname } # write the files from templates according to the above subs if vertexConverter.should_print(): MODEL_HWIN = getTemplate('LHC-FR.in') if(not args.split_model) : MODEL_CC = [getTemplate('Model.cc')] else : MODEL_EXTRA_CC=getTemplate('Model6.cc') extra_names=[] extra_calcs=[] parmtextsubs['doinit']="" for i in range(0,len(doinit)) : if( i%20 == 0 ) : function_name = "initCalc" +str(int(i/20)) parmtextsubs['doinit'] += function_name +"();\n" parmtextsubs['calcfunctions'] += "void " + function_name + "();\n" extra_names.append(function_name) extra_calcs.append("") extra_calcs[-1] += doinit[i] + "\n" for i in range(0,len(extra_names)) : ccname = '%s_extra_%s.cc' % (modelname,i) writeFile( ccname, MODEL_EXTRA_CC.substitute({'ModelName' : modelname, 'functionName' : extra_names[i], 'functionCalcs' : extra_calcs[i] }) ) MODEL_CC = [getTemplate('Model1.cc'),getTemplate('Model2.cc'),getTemplate('Model3.cc'), getTemplate('Model4.cc'),getTemplate('Model5.cc')] MODEL_H = getTemplate('Model.h') print ('LENGTH',len(MODEL_CC)) MODELINFILE = getTemplate('FR.model') writeFile( 'LHC-%s.in' % modelname, MODEL_HWIN.substitute({ 'ModelName' : modelname, 'Particles' : particlelist }) ) modeltemplate = Template( MODELINFILE.substitute(modelfilesubs) ) writeFile( '%s.h' % modelname, MODEL_H.substitute(parmtextsubs) ) for i in range(0,len(MODEL_CC)) : if(len(MODEL_CC)==1) : ccname = '%s.cc' % modelname else : ccname = '%s.cc' % (modelname + str(i)) writeFile( ccname, MODEL_CC[i].substitute(parmtextsubs) ) writeFile( modelname +'.template', modeltemplate.template ) writeFile( modelname +'.model', modeltemplate.substitute( modelparameters ) ) # copy the Makefile-FR to current directory, # replace with the modelname for compilation with open(os.path.join(modulepath,'Makefile-FR'),'r') as orig: with open('Makefile','w') as dest: dest.write(orig.read().replace("FeynrulesModel.so", libname)) print('finished generating model:\t', modelname) print('model directory:\t\t', args.ufodir) print('generated:\t\t\t', len(FR.all_vertices), 'vertices') print('='*60) print('library:\t\t\t', libname) print('input file:\t\t\t', 'LHC-' + modelname +'.in') print('model file:\t\t\t', modelname +'.model') print('='*60) print("""\ To complete the installation, compile by typing "make". An example input file is provided as LHC-FRModel.in, you'll need to change the required particles in there. """) print('DONE!') print('='*60) diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/__init__.py b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/__init__.py --- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/__init__.py +++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/__init__.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ from .particles import thepeg_particles +from .helpers import prepForConversion from .helpers import convertToPython3 from .helpers import CheckUnique, getTemplate, writeFile, def_from_model from .helpers import add_brackets, typemap,isGhost,isGoldstone from .converter import py2cpp from .write_paramcard import ParamCardWriter from .vertices import VertexConverter diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/helpers.py b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/helpers.py --- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/helpers.py +++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/helpers.py @@ -1,312 +1,338 @@ from __future__ import print_function from string import Template from os import path import sys,cmath,glob import re """ Helper functions for the Herwig Feynrules converter """ class CheckUnique: """Uniqueness checker. - + An object of this class remembers the value it was called with first. Any subsequent call to it will only succeed if the same value is passed again. For example, >>> f = CheckUnique() >>> f(5) >>> f(5) >>> f(4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError """ def __init__(self): self.val = None def __call__(self,val): """Store value on first call, then compare.""" if self.val is None: self.val = val else: assert( val == self.val ) def is_number(s): """Check if a value is a number.""" try: float(s) except ValueError: return False return True def getTemplate(name): """Create a python string template from a file.""" templatename = '{name}.template'.format(name=name) # assumes the template files sit next to this script moduledir = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)) templatepath = path.join(moduledir,templatename) with open(templatepath, 'r') as f: templateText = f.read() return Template( templateText ) def writeFile(filename, text): """Write text to a filename.""" with open(filename,'w') as f: f.write(text) def coupling_orders(vertex, coupling, defns): # if more than one take QCD over QED and then lowest order in QED if type(coupling) is list: print('not sure this happens') quit() qed = 0 qcd = 0 for coup in coupling : qed1 = coup.order.get('QED',0) qcd1 = coup.order.get('QCD',0) if qcd1 != 0: if qcd == 0 or (qcd1 != 0 and qcd1 < qcd): qcd=qcd1 qed=qed1 else: if qed == 0 or (qed1 != 0 and qed1 < qed): qed=qed1 else: output={} for ctype in defns : output[ctype]=coupling.order.get(ctype,0) return output def def_from_model(FR,s): """Return a C++ line that defines parameter s as coming from the model file.""" if("hw_kine" in s) :return "" stype = typemap(getattr(FR.parameters,s).type) return '{t} {s} = model_->{s}();'.format(t=stype,s=s) _typemap = {'complex':'Complex', 'real':'double'} def typemap(s): return _typemap[s] def add_brackets(expr, syms): result = expr for s in syms: pattern = r'({symb})(\W|$)'.format(symb=s) result = re.sub(pattern, r'\1()\2', result) return result def banner(): return """\ =============================================================================================================== -______ ______ _ __ _ _ _ -| ___| | ___ \ | | / /| | | | (_) _ _ -| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ | |_/ /_ _ | | ___ ___ / / | |_| | ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _| |_ _| |_ +______ ______ _ __ _ _ _ +| ___| | ___ \ | | / /| | | | (_) _ _ +| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ | |_/ /_ _ | | ___ ___ / / | |_| | ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _| |_ _| |_ | _|/ _ \| | | || \_ \ | /| | | || | / _ \/ __| / / | _ | / _ \| \__|\ \ /\ / /| | / _` ||_ _||_ _| -| | | __/| |_| || | | || |\ \| |_| || || __/\__ \ / / | | | || __/| | \ V V / | || (_| | |_| |_| -\_| \___| \__, ||_| |_|\_| \_|\__,_||_| \___||___//_/ \_| |_/ \___||_| \_/\_/ |_| \__, | - __/ | __/ | - |___/ |___/ +| | | __/| |_| || | | || |\ \| |_| || || __/\__ \ / / | | | || __/| | \ V V / | || (_| | |_| |_| +\_| \___| \__, ||_| |_|\_| \_|\__,_||_| \___||___//_/ \_| |_/ \___||_| \_/\_/ |_| \__, | + __/ | __/ | + |___/ |___/ =============================================================================================================== generating model/vertex/.model/.in files please be patient! =============================================================================================================== """ #################### ??? ####################### # function that replaces alphaS (aS)-dependent variables # with their explicit form which also contains strongCoupling def aStoStrongCoup(stringin, paramstoreplace, paramstoreplace_expressions): #print stringin for xx in range(0,len(paramstoreplace)): #print paramstoreplace[xx], paramstoreplace_expressions[xx] stringout = stringin.replace(paramstoreplace[xx], '(' + PyMathToThePEGMath(paramstoreplace_expressions[xx],allparams) + ')') stringout = stringout.replace('aS', '(sqr(strongCoupling(q2))/(4.0*Constants::pi))') #print 'resulting string', stringout return stringout # function that replaces alphaEW (aEW)-dependent variables # with their explicit form which also contains weakCoupling def aEWtoWeakCoup(stringin, paramstoreplace, paramstoreplace_expressions): #print stringin for xx in range(0,len(paramstoreplace)): #print paramstoreplace[xx], paramstoreplace_expressions[xx] stringout = stringin.replace(paramstoreplace[xx], '(' + PyMathToThePEGMath(paramstoreplace_expressions[xx],allparams) + ')') stringout = stringout.replace('aEWM1', '(1/(sqr(electroMagneticCoupling(q2))/(4.0*Constants::pi)))') #print 'resulting string', stringout return stringout if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() if False: - + # Check if the Vertex is self-conjugate or not pdgcode = [0,0,0,0] notsmvertex = False vhasw = 0 vhasz = 0 vhasf = 0 vhasg = 0 vhash = 0 vhasp = 0 # print 'printing particles in vertex' for i in range(len(v.particles)): # print v.particles[i].pdg_code pdgcode[i] = v.particles[i].pdg_code if pdgcode[i] == 23: vhasz += 1 if pdgcode[i] == 22: vhasp += 1 if pdgcode[i] == 25: vhash += 1 if pdgcode[i] == 21: vhasg += 1 if pdgcode[i] == 24: vhasw += 1 if abs(pdgcode[i]) < 7 or (abs(pdgcode[i]) > 10 and abs(pdgcode[i]) < 17): vhasf += 1 if pdgcode[i] not in SMPARTICLES: notsmvertex = True - -# treat replacement of SM vertices with BSM vertices? + +# treat replacement of SM vertices with BSM vertices? if notsmvertex == False: if( (vhasf == 2 and vhasz == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhasw == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhash == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhasg == 1) or (vhasf == 2 and vhasp == 0) or (vhasg == 3) or (vhasg == 4) or (vhasw == 2 and vhash == 1) or (vhasw == 3) or (vhasw == 4) or (vhash == 1 and vhasg == 2) or (vhash == 1 and vhasp == 2)): #print 'VERTEX INCLUDED IN STANDARD MODEL!' v.include = 0 notincluded += 1 #continue - - + + selfconjugate = 0 for j in range(len(pdgcode)): for k in range(len(pdgcode)): if j != k and j != 0 and abs(pdgcode[j]) == abs(pdgcode[k]): selfconjugate = 1 #print 'self-conjugate vertex' # print pdgcode[j] # if the Vertex is not self-conjugate, then add the conjugate vertex # automatically scfac = [1,1,1,1] if selfconjugate == 0: #first find the self-conjugate particles for u in range(len(v.particles)): if v.particles[u].selfconjugate == 0: scfac[u] = -1 # print 'particle ', v.particles[u].pdg_code, ' found not to be self-conjugate' - + if selfconjugate == 0: plistarray[1] += str(scfac[1] * v.particles[1].pdg_code) + ',' + str(scfac[0] * v.particles[0].pdg_code) + ',' + str(scfac[2] * v.particles[2].pdg_code) - if len(v.particles) is 4: + if len(v.particles) == 4: plistarray[1] += ',' + str(scfac[3] * v.particles[3].pdg_code) #print 'Conjugate vertex:', plistarray[1] class SkipThisVertex(Exception): pass def extractAntiSymmetricIndices(instring,funct) : terms = instring.strip(funct).strip(")").split(",") sign=1. for iy in range(0,len(terms)) : for ix in range(-1,-len(terms)+iy,-1) : swap = False if(len(terms[ix])==1 and len(terms[ix-1])==1) : swap = int(terms[ix])("\g<2>")', text) + text = open(os.path.join(model_dir, 'object_library.py'),'w').write(text) + text = open(os.path.join(model_dir, '__init__.py')).read() + mod = False + to_check = ['object_library', 'function_library'] + for lib in to_check: + if 'import %s' % lib in text: + continue + mod = True + text = "import %s \n" % lib + text + if mod: + open(os.path.join(model_dir, '__init__.py'),'w').write(text) + def convertFileToPython3(fName,names) : output="" inFile=open(fName) line=inFile.readline() isInit = "__init__.py" in fName tNames=[] for val in names : tNames.append(val) while line : # iteritems -> items line=line.replace("iteritems","items") - # fix imports + # fix imports if("import" in line) : for val in names : if("import %s" %val in line) : line=line.replace("import %s" %val, "from . import %s" %val) if(val in tNames) : tNames.remove(val) if("from %s" %val in line) : line=line.replace("from %s" %val, "from .%s" %val) # add brackets to print statements if("print" in line) : if line.strip()[0:5] == "print" : line=line.strip("\n").replace("print","print(")+")\n" output += line line=inFile.readline() inFile.close() if(isInit) : if "__init__" in tNames : tNames.remove("__init__") temp="" for val in tNames : temp+= "from . import %s\n" % val output = temp+output with open(fName,'w') as dest: dest.write(output) diff --git a/Shower/Dipole/Merging/MergingFactory.cc b/Shower/Dipole/Merging/MergingFactory.cc --- a/Shower/Dipole/Merging/MergingFactory.cc +++ b/Shower/Dipole/Merging/MergingFactory.cc @@ -1,680 +1,679 @@ // -*- C++ -*- // // MergeboxFactory.cc is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator // Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The Herwig Collaboration // // Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // // // This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member // functions of the MergeboxFactory class. // #include "MergingFactory.h" #include "Node.h" #include "ThePEG/Repository/Repository.h" #include "ThePEG/Utilities/ColourOutput.h" using namespace Herwig; using std::ostream_iterator; IBPtr MergingFactory::clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } IBPtr MergingFactory::fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } void MergingFactory::doinit(){ MatchboxFactory::doinit(); if (subProcessGroups()) { throw InitException() << "There are no subprocess groups in merging!"; } } void MergingFactory::productionMode() { if(M()<0) for ( vector::ptr>::iterator amp = amplitudes().begin(); amp != amplitudes().end(); ++amp ) { Repository::clog() << "One-loop contributions from '" << (**amp).name() << "' are not required and will be disabled.\n" << flush; (**amp).disableOneLoop(); } MatchboxFactory::productionMode(); } void MergingFactory::fillMEsMap() { olpProcesses().clear(); assert( getProcesses().size() == 1 ); processMap[0] = getProcesses()[0]; if ( MH()->M() >= 0 ) setHighestVirt(processMap[0].size()+MH()->M()); MH()->N0(processMap[0].size()); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= MH()->N() ; ++i ) { processMap[i] = processMap[i - 1]; processMap[i].push_back("j"); } for ( int i = 0 ; i <= MH()->N() ; ++i ) { const bool below_maxNLO = i < MH()->M() + 1; vector ames = makeMEs(processMap[i], orderInAlphaS() + i, below_maxNLO ); copy(ames.begin(), ames.end(), back_inserter(pureMEsMap()[i])); } } #include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/DipoleRepository.h" void MergingFactory::prepare_BV(int i) { // check if we have virtual contributions bool haveVirtuals = true; for ( auto born : pureMEsMap()[i]) { prepareME(born); if ( born->isOLPTree() ) { int id = orderOLPProcess(born->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::treeME2); born->olpProcess(ProcessType::treeME2,id); id = orderOLPProcess(born->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2); born->olpProcess(ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2,id); bool haveGluon = false; for ( const auto & p : born->subProcess().legs ) if ( p->id() == 21 ) { haveGluon = true; break; } if ( haveGluon ) { id = orderOLPProcess(born->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::spinColourCorrelatedME2); born->olpProcess(ProcessType::spinColourCorrelatedME2,id); } } if ( born->isOLPLoop() && i <= MH()->M() ) { int id = orderOLPProcess(born->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::oneLoopInterference); born->olpProcess(ProcessType::oneLoopInterference,id); if ( !born->onlyOneLoop() && born->needsOLPCorrelators() ) { id = orderOLPProcess(born->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2); born->olpProcess(ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2,id); } } haveVirtuals &= born->haveOneLoop(); } // check for consistent conventions on virtuals, if we are to include MH()->M() if (!(i > MH()->M()||haveVirtuals)) throw InitException() << MH()->M() << " NLO corrections requested,\n" << "but no virtual contributions are found."; } void MergingFactory::prepare_R(int i) { for ( auto real : pureMEsMap()[i]) prepareME(real); } #include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/DipoleRepository.h" void MergingFactory::getVirtuals(MatchboxMEBasePtr nlo, bool clone){ const auto & partons = nlo->diagrams().front()->partons(); for ( auto I : DipoleRepository::insertionIOperators(dipoleSet()) ) if ( I->apply(partons) ){ auto myI = I; if ( clone ) myI = I->cloneMe(); nlo->virtuals().push_back(myI); } for ( auto PK : DipoleRepository::insertionPKOperators(dipoleSet()) ) if ( PK->apply(partons) ){ auto myPK = PK; if ( clone ) myPK = PK->cloneMe(); nlo->virtuals().push_back(myPK); } } void MergingFactory::pushB(MatchboxMEBasePtr born, int i) { MatchboxMEBasePtr bornme = born->cloneMe(); bornme->maxMultCKKW(1); bornme->minMultCKKW(0); string pname = fullName() + "/" + bornme->name() + ".Born"; if ( !(generator()->preinitRegister(bornme, pname)) ) throw InitException() << "Born ME "<< pname << " already existing."; NodePtr clusternode = new_ptr(Node(bornme, 0, MH())); clusternode->deepHead(clusternode); MH()->firstNodeMap(bornme,clusternode); bornme->merger(MH()); vector current = {{clusternode}}; vector children; unsigned int k = 1; while ( ! thePureMEsMap[i - k].empty() ) { for ( auto tmp : current ){//j tmp->birth(thePureMEsMap[i - k]); for ( auto tmpchild : tmp->children() ) {//m children.push_back(tmpchild); } } current = children; children.clear(); ++k; } if ( MH()->N() > i ) bornme->needsCorrelations(); else bornme->needsNoCorrelations(); bornme->cloneDependencies(); MEs().push_back(bornme); } void MergingFactory::pushV(MatchboxMEBasePtr born, int i) { MatchboxMEBasePtr nlo = born->cloneMe(); string pname = fullName() + "/" + nlo->name() + ".Virtual"; if ( !(generator()->preinitRegister(nlo, pname)) ) throw InitException() << "Virtual ME "<< pname << " already existing."; ////////////////////////////////////NLO/////////////////////////// nlo->virtuals().clear(); getVirtuals(nlo , false); if ( nlo->virtuals().empty() ) throw InitException() << "No insertion operators have been found for " << born->name() << ".\n"; nlo->doOneLoopNoBorn(); ////////////////////////////////////NLO/////////////////////////// NodePtr clusternode = new_ptr(Node(nlo, 0,MH())); clusternode->deepHead(clusternode); clusternode->virtualContribution(true); MH()->firstNodeMap(nlo,clusternode); nlo->merger(MH()); vector current = {{clusternode}}; vector children; unsigned int k = 1; while ( ! thePureMEsMap[i - k].empty() ) { for ( auto tmp : current ){ tmp->birth(thePureMEsMap[i - k]); for ( auto tmpchild : tmp->children()) children.push_back(tmpchild); } current = children; children.clear(); ++k; } if ( nlo->isOLPLoop() ) { int id = orderOLPProcess(nlo->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::oneLoopInterference); nlo->olpProcess(ProcessType::oneLoopInterference,id); if ( !nlo->onlyOneLoop() && nlo->needsOLPCorrelators() ) { id = orderOLPProcess(nlo->subProcess(), born->matchboxAmplitude(), ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2); nlo->olpProcess(ProcessType::colourCorrelatedME2,id); } } nlo->needsCorrelations(); nlo->cloneDependencies(); MEs().push_back(nlo); } void MergingFactory::pushR(MatchboxMEBasePtr born, int i) { MatchboxMEBasePtr bornme = born->cloneMe(); string pname = fullName() + "/" + bornme->name() + ".Real"; if ( !(generator()->preinitRegister(bornme, pname)) ) throw InitException() << "Subtracted ME " << pname << " already existing."; NodePtr clusternode = new_ptr(Node(bornme, 1, MH())); clusternode->deepHead(clusternode); clusternode->subtractedReal(true); MH()->firstNodeMap(bornme,clusternode); bornme->merger(MH()); vector current = {{clusternode}}; vector children; unsigned int k = 1; while ( ! thePureMEsMap[i - k].empty() ) { for ( auto tmp : current ){ tmp->birth(thePureMEsMap[i - k]); for ( auto tmpchild : tmp->children()) children.push_back(tmpchild); } current = children; children.clear(); ++k; } if(clusternode->children().empty()){ // This is a finite real contribution. // This process is included in the LO merging. return; } if ( MH()->N() > i ) bornme->needsCorrelations(); else bornme->needsNoCorrelations(); bornme->cloneDependencies(pname); MEs().push_back(bornme); } // MergingFactory should never order OLPs here, // they're done elsewhere. void MergingFactory::orderOLPs() {} #include "ThePEG/Utilities/StringUtils.h" vector MergingFactory::parseProcess(string in) { vector process = StringUtils::split(in); if ( process.size() < 3 ) throw Exception() << "MatchboxFactory: Invalid process."<< Exception::runerror; for ( string & p : process) { p = StringUtils::stripws(p); } theN = 0; bool prodprocess = true; vector result; for ( const string & p : process ) { if ( p == "->" ) continue; if (p=="[") { prodprocess = false; } else if (p=="]") { prodprocess = false; // TODO what if there's stuff after the bracket? assert( p == process.back() ); break; } else if (p=="[j") { prodprocess = false; ++theN; } else if (p=="j" && !prodprocess) { ++theN; prodprocess = false; } else if (p=="j]") { ++theN; prodprocess = false; // TODO what if there's stuff after the bracket? assert( p == process.back() ); break; } else if ( prodprocess ) { result.push_back(p); } else { throw InitException() << "Unknown particle class \"" << p << '"' << " in the process definition merging bracket.\n" << "Only jets (\"j\") are supported at the moment."; } } return result; } #include "Herwig/Utilities/Progress.h" void MergingFactory::setup() { useMe(); DipoleShowerHandlerPtr dsh=dynamic_ptr_cast(this->CKKWHandler()); if(! dsh )throw InitException() << "The showerhandler for the MergingFactory must be the DipoleShower. "; dsh->setMerger(MH()); MH()->setFactory(this); MH()->setDipoleShower(dsh); if(!ransetup){ generator()->log() <<"\nStarting merging setup.\n\n"; olpProcesses().clear(); externalAmplitudes().clear(); // We set the couplings in the ME to be fixed // and reweight in the history weight for this. setFixedCouplings(true); setFixedQEDCouplings(true); // rebind the particle data objects, can't use rebind() function for ( auto & g : particleGroups()) { for ( auto & p : g.second) { p = getParticleData(p->id()); } } const PDVector& partons = particleGroups()["j"]; unsigned int nl = 0; for ( const auto p : partons ) { const Energy mass = p->hardProcessMass(); const long pid = p->id(); if ( abs(pid) < 7 && mass == ZERO ) ++nl; if ( pid > 0 && pid < 7 && mass == ZERO ) nLightJetVec( pid ); if ( pid > 0 && pid < 7 && mass != ZERO ) nHeavyJetVec( pid ); } nLight(nl/2); const PDVector& partonsInP = particleGroups()["p"]; for ( const auto pip : partonsInP ) if ( pip->id() > 0 && pip->id() < 7 && pip->hardProcessMass() == ZERO ) nLightProtonVec( pip->id() ); // fill the amplitudes if ( !amplitudes().empty() ) fillMEsMap(); // Use the colour basis of the first element of amplitudes // to set the large N colour basis for the MergingHelper assert(!amplitudes().empty() ); - if ( !amplitudes()[0]->colourBasis() ) - throw Exception() << "MergingFactory::setup(): Expecting a colour basis object." - << Exception::runerror; - auto largeNBasis = - amplitudes()[0]->colourBasis()->cloneMe(); - largeNBasis->clear(); - largeNBasis->doLargeN(); - MH()->largeNBasis(largeNBasis); + if ( amplitudes()[0]->colourBasis() ) { + auto largeNBasis = + amplitudes()[0]->colourBasis()->cloneMe(); + largeNBasis->clear(); + largeNBasis->doLargeN(); + MH()->largeNBasis(largeNBasis); + } // prepare the Born and virtual matrix elements for ( int i = 0 ; i <= max(0, MH()->N()) ; ++i ) prepare_BV(i); // prepare the real emission matrix elements for ( int i = 0 ; i <= MH()->N() ; ++i ) prepare_R(i); if (MH()->N()<=MH()->M()) { throw InitException() << "Merging: The number of NLOs need to be" << "\nsmaller than the number of LO processes.\n"; } // Order the external Amplitudes. orderOLPs(); // start creating matrix elements MEs().clear(); // count the subprocesses size_t numb = 0; size_t numv = 0; size_t numr = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= max(0, MH()->N()) ; ++i ) { for ( auto born : thePureMEsMap[i] ) { if (bornContributions() ) { numb++; } } } for (int i = 0 ; i <=max(0, MH()->N()); ++i ) for ( auto virt : thePureMEsMap[i] ) if ( virtualContributions() && i <= MH()->M()) { numv++; } for (int i = 1; i <= max(0, MH()->N()) ; ++i ) for ( auto real : thePureMEsMap[i] ) if (realContributions() && i <= MH()->M() + 1 ){ numr++; } if(int(numb+numv+numr) < theChunk){ throw InitException() << "You try to chunk (Chunk="< 0 && theChunkPart == 0 ) throw InitException() <<" Set the ChunkPart ( = "<log() << ANSI::yellow << "\n\nWarning: \nYou split up the runs into theChunks. This is no standard feature." << "\nYou are now responsible to make sure to run all theChunk parts." << "\nThis setup run is for: " << theChunkPart << "/" << theChunk<<"\n\n "; generator()->log() << ANSI::red << "Preparing Merging: "; generator()->log() << ANSI::green << numb << " x Born " << ANSI::red; if (MH()->M()>-1) { generator()->log() << ANSI::yellow << numv << " x Virtual "; generator()->log() << ANSI::blue << numr << " x Real " << ANSI::red << flush; } int countchunk=0; progress_display progressBar{ numb+numv+numr, generator()->log() }; // insert the born contributions to ME vector for (int i = 0; i <= max(0, MH()->N()) ; ++i ) for ( auto born : thePureMEsMap[i]) if (bornContributions() ){ countchunk++; // theChunkPart is in [1,...,theChunk] if ( theChunk == 0 || theChunkPart == countchunk ) pushB( born , i ); if ( countchunk == theChunk ) countchunk=0; generator()->log() << ANSI::green; ++progressBar; generator()->log() << ANSI::reset; } // insert the virtual contributions to ME vector for (int i = 0 ; i <=max(0, MH()->N()); ++i ) for ( auto virt : thePureMEsMap[i]) if ( virtualContributions() && i <= MH()->M()){ countchunk++;// theChunkPart is in [1,...,theChunk] if ( theChunk == 0 || theChunkPart == countchunk ) pushV(virt, i); if ( countchunk == theChunk ) countchunk=0; generator()->log() << ANSI::yellow; ++progressBar; } // insert the real contributions to ME vector for (int i = 1; i <= max(0, MH()->N()) ; ++i ) for ( auto real : thePureMEsMap[i] ) if (realContributions()&& i <= MH()->M() + 1 ){ countchunk++;// theChunkPart is in [1,...,theChunk] if ( theChunk == 0 || theChunkPart == countchunk ) pushR(real, i); if ( countchunk == theChunk ) countchunk=0; generator()->log() << ANSI::blue; ++progressBar; } generator()->log() << ANSI::reset; if ( !externalAmplitudes().empty() ) { generator()->log() << "Initializing external amplitudes." << endl; progress_display progressBar{ externalAmplitudes().size(), generator()->log() }; for ( const auto ext : externalAmplitudes() ) { if ( ! ext->initializeExternal() ) { throw InitException() << "error: failed to initialize amplitude '" << ext->name() << "'\n"; } ++progressBar; } generator()->log() << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl; } if ( !olpProcesses().empty() ) { generator()->log() << "Initializing one-loop provider(s)." << endl; map::tptr, map, int> > olps; for (const auto oit : olpProcesses()) { olps[oit.first] = oit.second; } progress_display progressBar{ olps.size(), generator()->log() }; for ( const auto olpit : olps ) { if ( !olpit.first->startOLP(olpit.second) ) { throw InitException() << "error: failed to start OLP for amplitude '" << olpit.first->name() << "'\n"; } ++progressBar; } generator()->log() << "---------------------------------------------------\n" << flush; } generator()->log() <<"\nGenerated "<log() << "---------------------------------------------------\n" << flush; generator()->log() <<"\n\n" << ANSI::red <<"Note: Due to the unitarization of the higher " <<"\nmultiplicities, the individual cross sections " <<"\ngiven in the integration and run step are not" <<"\nmeaningful without merging." << ANSI::reset << endl; ransetup=true; } } #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h" #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h" void MergingFactory::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const { os << theonlymulti << ransetup << processMap << theMergingHelper <> theonlymulti >> ransetup >> processMap >> theMergingHelper >>theM>>theN>>theNonQCDCuts>>theChunk>>theChunkPart; } #include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h" #include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h" #include "ThePEG/Interface/Command.h" void MergingFactory::Init() { static Parameter interfaceonlymulti("onlymulti", "Calculate only the ME with k additional partons.", &MergingFactory::theonlymulti, -1, -1, 0, false, false, Interface::lowerlim); static Switch interface_Unitarized("Unitarized", "Unitarize the cross section (default is unitarised. NLO merging must be unitarised).", &MergingFactory::unitarized, true, false, false); static SwitchOption interface_UnitarizedYes(interface_Unitarized, "Yes", "Switch on the unitarized cross section.", true); static SwitchOption interface_UnitarizedNo(interface_Unitarized, "No", "Switch off the unitarized cross section.", false); static Reference interfaceMergingHelper("MergingHelper", "Pointer to the Merging Helper.", &MergingFactory::theMergingHelper, false, false, true, true, false); static Parameter interfaceaddNLOLegs("NLOProcesses", "Set the number of virtual corrections to consider. 0 is default for no virtual correction.", &MergingFactory::theM, 0, 0, 0, false, false, Interface::lowerlim); static Reference interfaceNonQcdCuts("NonQCDCuts", "Cut on non-QCD modified observables. Be carefull!", &MergingFactory::theNonQCDCuts, false, false, true, true, false); static Parameter interfacetheChunk("Chunk", "Cut the number of subprocesses into n theChunks.", &MergingFactory::theChunk, -1, -1, 0, false, false, Interface::lowerlim); static Parameter interfacetheChunkPart("ChunkPart", "If theChunk is larger then 0, set this parameter to the n'th part. Make sure to add the ChunksParts afterwards.", &MergingFactory::theChunkPart, -1, -1, 0, false, false, Interface::lowerlim); } // *** Attention *** The following static variable is needed for the type // description system in ThePEG. Please check that the template arguments // are correct (the class and its base class), and that the constructor // arguments are correct (the class name and the name of the dynamically // loadable library where the class implementation can be found). DescribeClass describeHerwigMergingFactory("Herwig::MergingFactory", "HwDipoleShower.so"); diff --git a/Shower/Dipole/Merging/Node.cc b/Shower/Dipole/Merging/Node.cc --- a/Shower/Dipole/Merging/Node.cc +++ b/Shower/Dipole/Merging/Node.cc @@ -1,457 +1,458 @@ // -*- C++ -*- // // This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member // functions of the Node class. // #include "Node.h" #include "MergingFactory.h" #include "Merger.h" using namespace Herwig; Node::Node(MatchboxMEBasePtr nodeME, int cutstage, MergerPtr mh) :Interfaced(), thenodeMEPtr(nodeME), thedipol(), theparent(), theCutStage(cutstage), theSubtractedReal(false), theVirtualContribution(false), theMergingHelper(mh) { nodeME->maxMultCKKW(1); nodeME->minMultCKKW(0); } Node::Node(NodePtr deephead, NodePtr head, SubtractionDipolePtr dipol, MatchboxMEBasePtr nodeME, int cutstage) :Interfaced(), thenodeMEPtr(nodeME), thedipol(dipol), theparent(head), theDeepHead(deephead), theCutStage(cutstage), theSubtractedReal(false), theVirtualContribution(false), theMergingHelper() //The subnodes have no merging helper { } Node::~Node() { } SubtractionDipolePtr Node::dipole() const { return thedipol; } /** returns the matrix element pointer */ const MatchboxMEBasePtr Node::nodeME() const { return thenodeMEPtr; } /** access the matrix element pointer */ MatchboxMEBasePtr Node::nodeME() { return thenodeMEPtr; } pair Node::getInOut( ){ PVector in; const auto me= nodeME(); const auto pd=me->mePartonData(); for( auto i : {0 , 1} ) in.push_back(pd[i]->produceParticle( me->lastMEMomenta()[i] ) ); PVector out; for ( size_t i = 2;i< pd.size();i++ ){ PPtr p = pd[i]->produceParticle( me->lastMEMomenta()[i] ); out.push_back( p ); } return { in , out }; } int Node::legsize() const {return nodeME()->legsize();} NodePtr Node::randomChild() { return thechildren[UseRandom::irnd(thechildren.size())]; } bool Node::allAbove(Energy pt) { for (NodePtr child : thechildren) if ( child->pT() < pt ) return false; return true; } Energy Node::maxChildPt(){ Energy maxi=-1*GeV; for (NodePtr child : thechildren)maxi=max(child->pT(),maxi); return maxi; } bool Node::isInHistoryOf(NodePtr other) { while (other->parent()) { if (other == this) return true; other = other->parent(); } return false; } void Node::flushCaches() { if (didflush) return; didflush=true; for ( auto const & ch: thechildren) { ch->xcomb()->clean(); ch->nodeME()->flushCaches(); ch->flushCaches(); } } void Node::setKinematics() { for (auto const & ch: thechildren) { ch->dipole()->setXComb(ch->xcomb()); ch->dipole()->setKinematics(); ch->nodeME()->setKinematics(); ch->setKinematics(); } } void Node::clearKinematics() { for (auto const & ch: thechildren) { ch->dipole()->setXComb(ch->xcomb()); ch->nodeME()->clearKinematics(); ch->dipole()->clearKinematics(); ch->clearKinematics(); } } bool Node::generateKinematics(const double *r, bool directCut) { didflush=false; // If there are no children to the child process we are done. if(children().empty()) return true; assert(parent()); if ( ! directCut && pT() < deepHead()->MH()->mergePt()) { // Real emission: // If there are children to the child process, // we now require that all subsequent children // with pt < merging scale are in their ME region. // Since the possible children of the real emission // contribution are now in their ME region, // it is clear that a second clustering is possible // -- modulo phase space restrictions. // Therefore the real emission contribution // are unitarised and the cross section is // hardly modified. auto inOutPair = getInOut(); NodePtr rc = randomChild(); rc->dipole()->setXComb(rc->xcomb()); if(!rc->dipole()->generateKinematics(r))assert(false); // If not in ME -> return false if(!deepHead()->MH()->matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first , inOutPair.second , rc->pT() , deepHead()->MH()->mergePt() ) )return false; } for (auto & ch : children() ) { ch->dipole()->setXComb(ch->xcomb()); if ( !ch->dipole()->generateKinematics(r) ) { assert(false); } ch->generateKinematics( r, true); } return true; } bool Node::firstgenerateKinematics(const double *r, bool directCut) { didflush=false; // This is called form the merging helper for the first node. So: assert(!parent()); assert(xcomb()); if(MH()->treefactory()->nonQCDCuts()){ tcPDVector outdata(xcomb()->mePartonData().begin()+2, xcomb()->mePartonData().end()); vector outmomenta(xcomb()->meMomenta().begin()+2, xcomb()->meMomenta().end()); if ( !MH()->treefactory()->nonQCDCuts()->passCuts(outdata,outmomenta, xcomb()->mePartonData()[0], xcomb()->mePartonData()[1]) ) return false; } ///// This should not be needed!!! ///// ( Warning inMerger::matrixElementRegion gets triggered.) flushCaches(); //Set here the new merge Pt for the next phase space point.( Smearing!!!) MH()->smearMergePt(); // If there are no children to this node, we are done here: if (children().empty()) return true; // directCut is for born and for virtual contributions. // if directCut is true, then cut on the first ME region. // call recursiv generate kinematics for subsequent nodes. if ( directCut ){ auto inOutPair = getInOut(); NodePtr rc = randomChild(); rc->dipole()->setXComb(rc->xcomb()); if ( !rc->dipole()->generateKinematics(r) ) { return false; } rc->nodeME()->setXComb(rc->xcomb()); if(!MH()->matrixElementRegion( inOutPair.first , inOutPair.second , rc->pT() , MH()->mergePt() ) ){ return false; } } for (auto const & ch: thechildren) { ch->dipole()->setXComb(ch->xcomb()); if ( !ch->dipole()->generateKinematics(r) ) { cout<<"\nCould not generate dipole kinematics";;return false; } if( ! ch->generateKinematics(r,directCut) )return false; } return true; } StdXCombPtr Node::xcomb() const { assert(thexcomb); return thexcomb; } StdXCombPtr Node::xcomb(){ if(thexcomb)return thexcomb; assert(parent()); thexcomb=dipole()->makeBornXComb(parent()->xcomb()); xcomb()->head(parent()->xcomb()); dipole()->setXComb(thexcomb); return thexcomb; } void Node::setXComb(tStdXCombPtr xc) { assert ( !parent() ); thexcomb=xc; assert(thexcomb->lastParticles().first); } #include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/DipoleRepository.h" void Node::birth(const vector & vec) { // produce the children vector dipoles = nodeME()->getDipoles(DipoleRepository::dipoles( nodeME()->factory()->dipoleSet()), vec, true); for ( auto const & dip : dipoles ) { dip->doSubtraction(); NodePtr node = new_ptr(Node(theDeepHead, this, dip, dip->underlyingBornME(), theDeepHead->cutStage())); thechildren.push_back(node); } } vector Node::getNextOrderedNodes(bool normal, double hardScaleFactor) const { vector temp = children(); vector res; for (NodePtr const & child : children()) { if(deepHead()->MH()->mergePt()>child->pT()) { res.clear(); return res; } } for (NodePtr const & child: children()) { if (parent()&& normal) { if ( child->pT() < pT() ) { continue; } } if ( child->children().size() != 0 ) { for (NodePtr itChild: child->children()) { if( itChild->pT() > child->pT()&&child->inShowerPS(itChild->pT()) ) { res.push_back(child); break; } } } else { const auto sc=child->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice(); sc->setXComb(child->xcomb()); if ( sqr(hardScaleFactor)* sc->renormalizationScale() >= sqr(child->pT()) && child->inShowerPS(hardScaleFactor*sqrt(sc->renormalizationScale()))) { res.push_back(child); } } } return res; } bool Node::inShowerPS(Energy hardpT)const { // Here we decide if the current phase space // point can be reached from the underlying Node. // Full phase space available -> Tilde Kinematic is always fine. if(deepHead()->MH()->openZBoundaries()==1) return true; double z_ = dipole()->lastZ(); // restrict according to hard scale if(deepHead()->MH()->openZBoundaries()==0){ pair zbounds = dipole()->tildeKinematics()->zBounds(pT(), hardpT); return (zbounds.first temp = getNextOrderedNodes(normal, hardScaleFactor); Energy minpt = Constants::MaxEnergy; Selector subprosel; while (temp.size() != 0) { minpt = Constants::MaxEnergy; subprosel.clear(); for (NodePtr const & child : temp) { - assert(deepHead()->MH()->largeNBasis()); + // colour basis is not strictly needed for evaluating the colour correlator + //assert(deepHead()->MH()->largeNBasis()); if( child->dipole()->underlyingBornME()->largeNColourCorrelatedME2( {child->dipole()->bornEmitter(), child->dipole()->bornSpectator()}, deepHead()->MH()->largeNBasis()) != 0. ) { double weight = 1.; if ( deepHead()->MH()->chooseHistory() == 0 ) weight = abs(child->dipole()->dSigHatDR()/nanobarn); else if ( deepHead()->MH()->chooseHistory() == 1 ) weight = abs(child->dipole()->dSigHatDR()/child->nodeME()->dSigHatDRB()); else if ( deepHead()->MH()->chooseHistory() == 2 ) weight = 1.; else if ( deepHead()->MH()->chooseHistory() == 3 ) weight = 1_GeV/child->pT(); else assert(false); if(weight != 0.) { subprosel.insert(weight , child); minpt = min(minpt, child->pT()); } } } if (subprosel.empty()) return res; res = subprosel.select(UseRandom::rnd()); temp = res->getNextOrderedNodes(true, hardScaleFactor); } return res; } pair Node::calcDipandPS(Energy scale)const { return dipole()->dipandPs(sqr(scale), deepHead()->MH()->largeNBasis()); } CrossSection Node::calcPs(Energy scale)const { return dipole()->ps(sqr(scale), deepHead()->MH()->largeNBasis()); } CrossSection Node::calcDip(Energy scale)const { return dipole()->dip(sqr(scale)); } IBPtr Node::clone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } IBPtr Node::fullclone() const { return new_ptr(*this); } #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h" void Node::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const { os << thexcomb<< thenodeMEPtr<< thedipol<< thechildren<< theparent<< theProjector<< theDeepHead<< theCutStage<< ounit(theRunningPt, GeV)<< theSubtractedReal<< theVirtualContribution<< theMergingHelper; } #include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h" void Node::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) { is >> thexcomb>> thenodeMEPtr>> thedipol>> thechildren>> theparent>> theProjector>> theDeepHead>> theCutStage>> iunit(theRunningPt, GeV)>> theSubtractedReal>> theVirtualContribution>> theMergingHelper; } // *** Attention *** The following static variable is needed for the type // description system in ThePEG. Please check that the template arguments // are correct (the class and its base class), and that the constructor // arguments are correct (the class name and the name of the dynamically // loadable library where the class implementation can be found). #include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h" DescribeClass describeHerwigNode("Herwig::Node", "HwDipoleShower.so"); void Node::Init() { static ClassDocumentation documentation("There is no documentation for the Node class"); } diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-L.in b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-L.in --- a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-L.in +++ b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-L.in @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ # -*- ThePEG-repository -*- ################################################## # select the analyses ################################################## # ATLAS top insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2016_I1468168 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2017_I1495243 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2018_I1705857 +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2019_I1759875 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-SL.in b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-SL.in --- a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-SL.in +++ b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-Top-SL.in @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ # -*- ThePEG-repository -*- ################################################## # select the analyses ################################################## insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2016_I1491950 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2017_I1614149 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2018_I1662081 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2018_I1663958 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2018_I1656578 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2018_I1690148 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2018_I1705857 insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2019_I1724098 -insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2019_I1764472 \ No newline at end of file +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 CMS_2019_I1764472 +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2019_I1750330 diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-VBF-ZZ.in b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-VBF-ZZ.in --- a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-VBF-ZZ.in +++ b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-VBF-ZZ.in @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # -*- ThePEG-repository -*- ################################################## # select the analyses ################################################## # ATLAS gg -> H -> ZZ -insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2014_I1310835 +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2020_I1790439 do /Herwig/Particles/h0:SelectDecayModes h0->Z0,Z0; diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-8-WH-ZZ.in b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-WH-ZZ.in copy from Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-8-WH-ZZ.in copy to Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-WH-ZZ.in --- a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-8-WH-ZZ.in +++ b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-WH-ZZ.in @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # -*- ThePEG-repository -*- ################################################## # select the analyses ################################################## # ATLAS gg -> H -> ZZ -insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2014_I1310835 +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2020_I1790439 do /Herwig/Particles/h0:SelectDecayModes h0->Z0,Z0; diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ZH-ZZ.in b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ZH-ZZ.in --- a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ZH-ZZ.in +++ b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ZH-ZZ.in @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # -*- ThePEG-repository -*- ################################################## # select the analyses ################################################## # ATLAS gg -> H -> ZZ -insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2014_I1310835 +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2020_I1790439 do /Herwig/Particles/h0:SelectDecayModes h0->Z0,Z0; diff --git a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-8-ggH-ZZ.in b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ggH-ZZ.in copy from Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-8-ggH-ZZ.in copy to Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ggH-ZZ.in --- a/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-8-ggH-ZZ.in +++ b/Tests/Rivet/LHC/LHC-13-ggH-ZZ.in @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # -*- ThePEG-repository -*- ################################################## # select the analyses ################################################## # ATLAS gg -> H -> ZZ -insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2014_I1310835 +insert /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Analyses 0 ATLAS_2020_I1790439 -do /Herwig/Particles/h0:SelectDecayModes h0->Z0,Z0; +#do /Herwig/Particles/h0:SelectDecayModes h0->Z0,Z0; diff --git a/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets b/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets --- a/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets +++ b/Tests/python/merge-LHC-Jets @@ -1,1706 +1,1711 @@ #! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import logging, sys, math if sys.version_info[:3] < (2,4,0): print ("rivet scripts require Python version >= 2.4.0... exiting") sys.exit(1) import os, yoda # ############################################# def rescale(path,scale) : if(path not in outhistos) : return outhistos[path].scaleW(scale) def fillAbove(scale,desthisto, sourcehistosbyptmin) : pthigh= 1e100 ptlow =-1e100 for pt, h in sorted(sourcehistosbyptmin.items(),reverse=True): ptlow=pt if(type(desthisto)==yoda.core.Scatter2D) : for i in range(0,h.numPoints()) : xMin = h.points()[i].x()-h.points()[i].xErrs().minus if( xMin*scale >= ptlow and xMin*scale < pthigh ) : desthisto.addPoint(h.points()[i]) elif(type(desthisto)==yoda.core.Profile1D) : for i in range(0,h.numBins()) : if(h.bins()[i].xMin()*scale >= ptlow and h.bins()[i].xMin()*scale < pthigh ) : desthisto.bins()[i] += h.bins()[i] elif(type(desthisto)==yoda.core.Histo1D) : for i in range(0,h.numBins()) : if(h.bins()[i].xMin()*scale >= ptlow and h.bins()[i].xMin()*scale < pthigh ) : desthisto.bins()[i] += h.bins()[i] elif(type(desthisto)==yoda.core.Counter) : desthisto += h else : logging.error("Can't merge %s, unknown type" % desthisto.path()) sys.exit(1) pthigh=pt def mergeByPt(hpath, sqrts, scale=1.) : global inhistos_pt global outhistos try: fillAbove(scale,outhistos[hpath], inhistos_pt[hpath][float(sqrts)]) except: pass def mergeByMass(hpath, sqrts, scale=1.): global inhistos_mass global outhistos try: fillAbove(scale,outhistos[hpath], inhistos_mass[hpath][float(sqrts)]) except: pass def useOnePt(hpath, sqrts, ptmin): global inhistos_pt global outhistos try: ## Find best pT_min match ptmins = inhistos_pt[hpath][float(sqrts)].keys() closest_ptmin = None for ptm in ptmins: if closest_ptmin is None or \ abs(ptm-float(ptmin)) < abs(closest_ptmin-float(ptmin)): closest_ptmin = ptm if closest_ptmin != float(ptmin): logging.warning("Inexact match for requested pTmin=%s: " % ptmin + \ "using pTmin=%e instead" % closest_ptmin) outhistos[hpath] = inhistos_pt[hpath][float(sqrts)][closest_ptmin] except: pass def useOneMass(hpath, sqrts, ptmin): global inhistos_pt global outhistos try: ## Find best pT_min match ptmins = inhistos_mass[hpath][float(sqrts)].keys() closest_ptmin = None for ptm in ptmins: if closest_ptmin is None or \ abs(ptm-float(ptmin)) < abs(closest_ptmin-float(ptmin)): closest_ptmin = ptm if closest_ptmin != float(ptmin): logging.warning("Inexact match for requested mass=%s: " % ptmin + \ "using mass=%e instead" % closest_ptmin) outhistos[hpath] = inhistos_mass[hpath][float(sqrts)][closest_ptmin] except: pass # ####################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import logging from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog name") verbgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity control") parser.add_option("--with-ue", action='store_true' , dest="ue", default=True, help="Include UE analyses") parser.add_option("--without-ue", action='store_false', dest="ue", default=True, help="Don\'t include UE analyses") verbgroup.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="LOGLEVEL", default=logging.INFO, help="print debug (very verbose) messages") verbgroup.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=logging.WARNING, dest="LOGLEVEL", default=logging.INFO, help="be very quiet") parser.add_option_group(verbgroup) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=opts.LOGLEVEL, format="%(message)s") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() ## Check args if len(args) < 1: logging.error("Must specify at least the name of the files") sys.exit(1) yodafiles=["-7-Bottom-0.yoda","-7-Bottom-1.yoda","-7-Bottom-2.yoda", "-7-Bottom-3.yoda","-7-Bottom-4.yoda","-7-Bottom-5.yoda","-7-Bottom-6.yoda", "-7-Charm-1.yoda","-7-Charm-2.yoda", "-7-Charm-3.yoda","-7-Charm-4.yoda","-7-Charm-5.yoda", "-7-Top-SL.yoda","-7-Top-L.yoda", "-8-Top-SL.yoda","-8-Top-L.yoda","-8-Top-All.yoda", "-13-Top-L.yoda","-13-Top-SL.yoda","-13-Top-All.yoda"] for i in range(1,11) : for j in [7,8,13] : yodafiles.append("-%1.1i-Jets-%1.1i.yoda" % (j,i)) for i in range(1,4) : yodafiles.append("-2760-Jets-%1.1i.yoda" % i) if(opts.ue) : yodafiles += ["-7-Jets-0.yoda" ,"-8-Jets-0.yoda" , "-900-UE.yoda" ,"-2360-UE.yoda" , "-2760-UE.yoda" ,"-7-UE.yoda" , "-900-UE-Long.yoda" ,"-8-UE.yoda" , "-7-UE-Long.yoda","-13-UE.yoda","-13-UE-Long.yoda", "-7-UE-Cent.yoda","-13-UE-Cent.yoda"] ## Get histos inhistos_pt = {} inhistos_mass = {} outhistos={} weights = {} for f in yodafiles: file='Rivet-'+args[0]+f ptmin=0. sqrts=7000 # CMS energy if(file.find("-900-")>0) : sqrts=900 elif(file.find("-2360-")>0) : sqrts=2360 elif(file.find("-2760-")>0) : sqrts=2760 elif(file.find("-7-")>=0) : sqrts=7000 elif(file.find("-8-")>=0) : sqrts=8000 elif(file.find("-13-")>0) : sqrts=13000 # pT min if(file.find("UE")>0) : ptmin=0. elif(file.find("Jets-0")>0) : ptmin=4. elif(file.find("Jets-10")>0) : ptmin=1900. elif(file.find("Jets-1")>0) : if( not opts.ue) : ptmin = 10. else : ptmin = 20. elif(file.find("Jets-2")>0) : ptmin=40. elif(file.find("Jets-3")>0) : ptmin=80. elif(file.find("Jets-4")>0) : ptmin=110. elif(file.find("Jets-5")>0) : ptmin=210. elif(file.find("Jets-6")>0) : ptmin=260. elif(file.find("Jets-7")>0) : ptmin=400. elif(file.find("Jets-8")>0) : ptmin=600. elif(file.find("Jets-9")>0) : ptmin=900. elif(file.find("Bottom-0")>0) : ptmin=0. elif(file.find("Bottom-1")>0 or file.find("Charm-1")>0) : ptmin=10. elif(file.find("Bottom-2")>0 or file.find("Charm-2")>0) : ptmin=20. elif(file.find("Bottom-3")>0 or file.find("Charm-3")>0) : ptmin=30. elif(file.find("Bottom-4")>0 or file.find("Charm-4")>0) : ptmin=70. elif(file.find("Bottom-5")>0 or file.find("Charm-5")>0) : ptmin=100. elif(file.find("Bottom-6")>0 or file.find("Charm-6")>0) : ptmin=130. elif(file.find("Top-SL.yoda")>0 or file.find("Top-L.yoda")>0 or \ file.find("Top-All.yoda")>0): ptmin=0. if not os.access(file, os.R_OK): logging.error("%s can not be read" % file) continue try: aos = yoda.read(file) except: logging.error("%s can not be parsed as YODA" % file) continue ## Get histos from this YODA file for aopath, ao in aos.items() : if("RAW" in aopath) :continue if(aopath.find("S8924791")>0 or aopath.find("S8971293")>0 or aopath.find("S8817804")>0 or aopath.find("I1082936")>0 or aopath.find("S8994773")>0 or aopath.find("S8918562")>0 or aopath.find("S8624100")>0 or aopath.find("S8625980")>0 or aopath.find("S8894728")>0 or aopath.find("S8957746")>0 or aopath.find("S9126244")>0 or aopath.find("S9120041")>0 or aopath.find("S8950903")>0 or aopath.find("S9086218")>0 or aopath.find("S9088458")>0 or aopath.find("I919017" )>0 or aopath.find("I926145" )>0 or aopath.find("S8941262")>0 or aopath.find("S8973270")>0 or aopath.find("I1118269")>0 or aopath.find("I1188891")>0 or aopath.find("I1082009")>0 or aopath.find("I1087342")>0 or aopath.find("S9035664")>0 or aopath.find("I1125575")>0 or aopath.find("I1094564")>0 or aopath.find("I930220" )>0 or aopath.find("I1224539")>0 or aopath.find("I1273574")>0 or aopath.find("I1261026")>0 or aopath.find("I1307243")>0 or aopath.find("I1325553")>0 or aopath.find("I1298810")>0 or aopath.find("I1298811")>0 or aopath.find("I1208923")>0 or aopath.find("I1305624")>0 or aopath.find("I1419070")>0 or aopath.find("I1394679")>0 or aopath.find("I929691" )>0 or aopath.find("I1393758")>0 or aopath.find("I1459051")>0 or aopath.find("I1487277")>0 or aopath.find("I1421646")>0 or aopath.find("I1111014")>0 or aopath.find("I1605749")>0 or aopath.find("I1682495")>0 or aopath.find("I1609253")>0 or aopath.find("1385107" )>0 or aopath.find("I1486238")>0 or aopath.find("1634970" )>0 or aopath.find("I1604271")>0 or aopath.find("I1598460")>0 or aopath.find("I1643640" )>0 or aopath.find("1724098" )>0 or aopath.find("I1719955")>0 or aopath.find("ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_092")>0 or aopath.find("CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010")>0) : if("1419070" in aopath and ("forward" in aopath or "central" in aopath )) : continue if aopath not in inhistos_pt: inhistos_pt[aopath] = {} tmpE = inhistos_pt[aopath] if sqrts not in tmpE: tmpE[sqrts] = {} if ptmin not in tmpE[sqrts]: tmpE[sqrts][ptmin] = ao else: tmpE[sqrts][ptmin] += ao #raise Exception("A set with ptmin = %s already exists" % ( ptmin)) else : if("1509919" in aopath and "Ctr_cut" in aopath) : continue elif "I1393758" in aopath and ("d02" in aopath or "d04" in aopath or "d06" in aopath or "d08" in aopath or "d10" in aopath or "d12" in aopath) : continue elif "1387176" in aopath and "y02" in aopath: continue elif "1454211" in aopath and "cutflow" in aopath : continue elif("ATLAS_2016_I1468168" in aopath) : newPath=aopath.replace("Passed_events","d02-x01-y01") outhistos[newPath] = ao ao.setPath(newPath) elif(aopath.find("I1243871")>0) : if(aopath.find("x01")>0 and file.find("-7-Top-L.yoda")>0 ) : outhistos[aopath] = ao elif(aopath.find("x02")>0 and file.find("-7-Top-SL.yoda")>0 ) : outhistos[aopath] = ao elif(aopath.find("1467230")>0 or aopath.find("1419652")>0) : if(aopath.find("y01")>0 and file.find("Long")>0 ) : outhistos[aopath] = ao elif(aopath.find("y02")>0 and file.find("Long")<0 ) : outhistos[aopath] = ao elif("CMS_2017_I1471287" in aopath) : if("CMS_2017_I1471287/d" in aopath) : outhistos[aopath] = ao elif("ATLAS_2018_I1705857" in aopath ) : ihist = int(aopath.split("/d")[1].split("-")[0]) if "-SL" in file : if ihist in [9,10,11,12,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,33,34,35,36,37,38,45,46,47,48,49,50] : outhistos[aopath] = ao elif "-L" in file : if ihist in [3,4,5,6,7,8,13,14,15,16,17,18,27,28,29,30,31,32,39,40,41,42,43,44] : outhistos[aopath] = ao if ihist in [1,2] : if aopath not in outhistos : outhistos[aopath] = ao else : title="" path="" if hasattr(ao, 'title'): title=ao.title() if hasattr(ao, 'path'): path=ao.path() temp = yoda.core.Histo1D(path,title) for i in range(0,ao.numBins()) : temp.addBin(ao.bins()[i].xMin(),ao.bins()[i].xMax()) if("-SL" in file) : temp.bins()[0] += outhistos[aopath].bins()[0] temp.bins()[1] += outhistos[aopath].bins()[1] temp.bins()[2] += ao.bins()[2] temp.bins()[3] += ao.bins()[3] temp.bins()[2] += ao.bins()[2] temp.bins()[3] += ao.bins()[3] else : temp.bins()[0] += ao.bins()[0] temp.bins()[1] += ao.bins()[1] temp.bins()[2] += outhistos[aopath].bins()[2] temp.bins()[3] += outhistos[aopath].bins()[3] temp.bins()[2] += outhistos[aopath].bins()[2] temp.bins()[3] += outhistos[aopath].bins()[3] outhistos[aopath] = temp else : outhistos[aopath] = ao yodafiles=["-7-Bottom-7.yoda","-7-Bottom-8.yoda","-7-Bottom-9.yoda"] for i in range(1,8) : yodafiles.append("-7-DiJets-%1.1i-A.yoda" % i) yodafiles.append("-7-DiJets-%1.1i-B.yoda" % i) yodafiles.append("-7-DiJets-%1.1i-C.yoda" % i) for i in range(1,12) : yodafiles.append("-13-DiJets-%1.1i-A.yoda" % i) # for i in range(6,12) : # yodafiles.append("-13-DiJets-%1.1i-B.yoda" % i) for f in yodafiles: file='Rivet-'+args[0]+f if "-7-Jets" in file or "-7-DiJets" in file or "-7-Bottom" in file : sqrts = 7000 elif "-13-Jets" in file or "-13-DiJets" in file : sqrts = 13000 if(file.find("-DiJets-2")>0) : mass=250 elif(file.find("-DiJets-3")>0) : mass=500 elif(file.find("-DiJets-4")>0) : mass=800 elif(file.find("-DiJets-5")>0) : mass=1000 elif(file.find("-DiJets-6")>0) : mass=1600 elif(file.find("-DiJets-7")>0) : mass=2200 elif(file.find("-DiJets-8")>0) : mass=2800 elif(file.find("-DiJets-9")>0) : mass=3900 elif(file.find("-DiJets-10")>0) : mass=4900 elif(file.find("-DiJets-11")>0) : mass=5900 elif(file.find("-DiJets-1")>0) : mass=100 elif(file.find("-Bottom-7")>0) : mass=110 elif(file.find("-Bottom-8")>0) : mass=370 elif(file.find("-Bottom-9")>0) : mass=550 elif(file.find("-Jets-1")>0) : mass=0 if not os.access(file, os.R_OK): logging.error("%s can not be read" % file) continue try: aos = yoda.read(file) except: logging.error("%s can not be parsed as YODA" % file) continue ## Get histos from this YODA file for aopath, ao in aos.items() : if("RAW" in aopath) :continue if(aopath.find("8817804")>0 or aopath.find("8968497")>0 or aopath.find("1082936")>0 or aopath.find("I930220")>0 or aopath.find("1261026")>0 or aopath.find("1090423")>0 or aopath.find("1268975")>0 or aopath.find("1519995") >0 or aopath.find("1663452") >0 or aopath.find("1634970" )>0 or aopath.find("CMS_2013_I1208923")>0) : if aopath not in inhistos_mass: inhistos_mass[aopath] = {} tmpE = inhistos_mass[aopath] if sqrts not in tmpE: tmpE[sqrts] = {} tmpP = tmpE[sqrts] if mass not in tmpP: tmpP[mass] = ao else: print (aopath) print (sqrts,mass,file) raise Exception("A set with mass = %s already exists" % ( mass)) ## Make empty output histos if needed for hpath,hsets in inhistos_pt.items(): if( hpath.find("8924791")>0 or hpath.find("8971293")>0 or hpath.find("8817804")>0 or hpath.find("8968497")>0 or (hpath.find("9120041")>0 and (hpath.find("d01")>0 or hpath.find("d02")>0)) or hpath.find("9126244")>0 or hpath.find("926145") >0 or hpath.find("9086218")>0 or hpath.find("1082936")>0 or hpath.find("8941262")>0 or hpath.find("1118269")>0 or hpath.find("1087342")>0 or hpath.find("1188891")>0 or hpath.find("919017")>0 or hpath.find("9035664")>0 or hpath.find("1125575")>0 or hpath.find("1094564")>0 or hpath.find("I930220")>0 or hpath.find("S9088458")>0 or hpath.find("I1273574")>0 or hpath.find("I1261026")>0 or hpath.find("I1090423")>0 or hpath.find("QCD_11_010")>0 or hpath.find("1298811" )>0 or hpath.find("I1325553" )>0 or hpath.find("I1298810" )>0 or hpath.find("1307243" )>0 or hpath.find("I1419070")>0 or hpath.find("I1394679")>0 or hpath.find("I1487277")>0 or hpath.find("I1604271")>0 or hpath.find("I1598460")>0 or hpath.find("CMS_2013_I1208923")>0 or hpath.find("1393758")>0 or hpath.find("ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_092")>0 or hpath.find("1111014")>0 or hpath.find("1385107")>0 or hpath.find("I1486238") or hpath.find("1459051")>0 or hpath.find("1634970")>0) : title="" path="" histo = list(list(hsets.values())[0].values())[0] if hasattr(histo, 'title'): title=histo.title() if hasattr(histo, 'path'): path=histo.path() if(type(histo)==yoda.core.Counter) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Counter(path,title) elif(type(histo)==yoda.core.Scatter2D) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Scatter2D(path,title) elif(type(histo)==yoda.core.Profile1D) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Profile1D(path,title) for i in range(0,histo.numBins()) : outhistos[hpath].addBin(histo.bins()[i].xMin(), histo.bins()[i].xMax()) elif(type(histo)==yoda.core.Histo1D) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Histo1D(path,title) for i in range(0,histo.numBins()) : outhistos[hpath].addBin(histo.bins()[i].xMin(), histo.bins()[i].xMax()) else : logging.error("Histogram %s is of unknown type" % hpath) sys.exit(1) ## Make empty output histos if needed for hpath,hsets in inhistos_mass.items(): if(hpath.find("1268975")>0 or hpath.find("1634970")>0) : title="" path="" histo = list(list(hsets.values())[0].values())[0] if hasattr(histo, 'title'): title=histo.title() if hasattr(histo, 'path'): path=histo.path() if(type(histo)==yoda.core.Counter) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Counter(path,title) elif(type(histo)==yoda.core.Scatter2D) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Scatter2D(path,title) elif(type(histo)==yoda.core.Profile1D) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Profile1D(path,title) for i in range(0,histo.numBins()) : outhistos[hpath].addBin(histo.bins()[i].xMin(), histo.bins()[i].xMax()) elif(type(histo)==yoda.core.Histo1D) : outhistos[hpath] = yoda.core.Histo1D(path,title) for i in range(0,histo.numBins()) : outhistos[hpath].addBin(histo.bins()[i].xMin(), histo.bins()[i].xMax()) else : logging.error("Histogram %s is of unknown type" % hpath) sys.exit(1) logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S8957746") useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8957746/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8957746/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8957746/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8957746/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8957746/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8957746/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2010_S8894728") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d01-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d01-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d01-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d02-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d02-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d03-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d03-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d03-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d04-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d04-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d05-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d07-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d09-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d09-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d09-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d10-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d10-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d11-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d11-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d11-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d12-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d12-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d13-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d13-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d13-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d13-x01-y04", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d14-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d14-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d14-x01-y04", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d15-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d15-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d15-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d15-x01-y04", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d16-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d16-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d16-x01-y04", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d17-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d17-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d17-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d18-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d18-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d18-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d19-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d19-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d19-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d20-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d20-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d20-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8894728/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_S8994773") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d01-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d03-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d13-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d13-x01-y02", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d13-x01-y03", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d14-x01-y02", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8994773/d14-x01-y03", "7000", "0" ) logging.info("Processing ALICE_2010_S8624100") useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8624100/d11-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8624100/d12-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8624100/d13-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8624100/d17-x01-y01","2360", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8624100/d18-x01-y01","2360", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8624100/d19-x01-y01","2360", "0" ) logging.info("Processing ALICE_2010_S8625980") useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8625980/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8625980/d04-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8625980/d05-x01-y01", "2360", "0" ) useOnePt("/ALICE_2010_S8625980/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2010_S8918562") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d01-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d02-x01-y01", "2360", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d04-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d06-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d08-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d09-x01-y01", "2360", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d11-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d13-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d15-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d16-x01-y01", "2360", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d18-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d19-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d20-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d22-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d24-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d26-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d27-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d28-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d29-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d30-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d31-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d32-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d33-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d34-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d35-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d36-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d37-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d38-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d39-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_S8971293") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y03", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y04", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y05", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y06", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y07", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y08", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8971293/d01-x01-y09", "7000", "600" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_S8924791") if( not opts.ue) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x01-y02", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x02-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x02-y02", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x03-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x03-y02", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x04-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x04-y02", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x05-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x05-y02", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x06-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x06-y02", "7000", "10" ) else : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x01-y02", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x02-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x02-y02", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x03-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x03-y02", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x04-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x04-y02", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x05-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x05-y02", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x06-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d01-x06-y02", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x02-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x02-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x03-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x03-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x04-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x04-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x05-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x05-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x06-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d02-x06-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x02-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x02-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x03-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x03-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x04-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x04-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x05-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x05-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x06-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d03-x06-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x01-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x02-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x02-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x03-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x03-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x04-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x04-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x05-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x05-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x06-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d04-x06-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x02-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x02-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x03-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x03-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x04-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x04-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x05-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x05-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x06-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d05-x06-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x02-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x02-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x03-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x03-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x04-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x04-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x05-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x05-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x06-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d06-x06-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x02-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x02-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x03-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x03-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x04-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x04-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x05-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x05-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x06-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d07-x06-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x01-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x02-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x02-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x03-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x03-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x04-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x04-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x05-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x05-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x06-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d08-x06-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x01-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x02-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x02-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x03-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x03-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x04-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x04-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x05-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x05-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x06-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d09-x06-y02", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x01-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x02-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x02-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x03-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x03-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x04-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x04-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x05-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x05-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x06-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d10-x06-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x01-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x02-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x02-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x03-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x03-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x04-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x04-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x05-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x05-y02", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x06-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S8924791/d11-x06-y02", "7000", "400" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2010_S8817804") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d04-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d05-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d06-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d07-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d08-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d09-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d10-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d11-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d12-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d13-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d14-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d15-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d16-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d17-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d18-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d19-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d20-x01-y01", "7000") useOneMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "650" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d24-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2010_S8817804/d26-x01-y01", "7000", "650" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_I930220") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d01-x01-y01", "7000" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d02-x01-y01", "7000" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d03-x01-y01", "7000" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d04-x01-y01", "7000" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d05-x01-y01", "7000" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d06-x01-y01", "7000" ) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d07-x01-y01", "7000") useOneMass("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOneMass("/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "370" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2012_I1082936") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y03", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y04", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y05", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y06", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d01-x01-y07", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y03", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y04", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y05", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y06", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d02-x01-y07", "7000") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y01", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y02", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y03", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y04", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y05", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y06", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y07", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y08", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d03-x01-y09", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y01", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y02", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y03", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y04", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y05", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y06", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y07", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y08", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2012_I1082936/d04-x01-y09", "7000", 1000.) logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S8968497") useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "1700" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "1700" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "1100" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "1100" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "650" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "650" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2011_S8968497/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_S9126244") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d01-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d02-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d03-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d04-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d04-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d05-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d05-x01-y02", "7000") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d06-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d07-x01-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d08-x01-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d09-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d10-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d11-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d12-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d13-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d14-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d15-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d15-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d16-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d17-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d18-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d18-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d19-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d20-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d24-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d26-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d26-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d27-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d27-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d28-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d28-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d29-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d29-x01-y02", "7000") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d30-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d31-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d32-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d33-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d34-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d35-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d36-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d37-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d37-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d38-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d38-x01-y02", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d39-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d39-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d40-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d40-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d41-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d41-x01-y02", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d42-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d42-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d43-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_S9126244/d43-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) # CMS_2011_S9120041 UE analysis logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S9120041") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d02-x01-y01", "7000") if(opts.ue) : useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d03-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d04-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d11-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d12-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d13-x01-y01", "900", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "20" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "20" ) else : useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S9120041/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) # CMS dijet decorrelation logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S8950903") useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8950903/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8950903/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8950903/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "110" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8950903/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8950903/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) # CMS jet cross section logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S9086218") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9086218/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9086218/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9086218/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9086218/d04-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9086218/d05-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9086218/d06-x01-y01", "7000") # CMS 2/3 jet cross section ratio logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S9086218") mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S9088458/d01-x01-y01", "7000",500.) # ATLAS track jet logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_I919017") for d in range(1,3) : for y in range(1,5) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I919017/d0%s-x01-y0%s" % (d,y), "7000") if( opts.ue) : for x in range(2,6) : for y in ["01","02","06","07","11","12","16","17","21","22"] : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_I919017/d0%s-x0%s-y%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "0" ) for y in ["03","04","08","09","13","14","18","19","23","24"] : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_I919017/d0%s-x0%s-y%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "4" ) for y in range(5,30,5) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_I919017/d0%s-x%02d-y%02d" % (d,x,y) , "7000", "20" ) else : for x in range(2,6) : for y in range(5,30,5) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2011_I919017/d0%s-x%02d-y%02d" % (d,x,y) , "7000", "10" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_I926145") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I926145/d01-x01-y01", "7000",1.5) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I926145/d02-x01-y01", "7000",1.5) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_I926145/d03-x01-y01", "7000",1.5) logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S8941262") useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8941262/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8941262/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) mergeByPt("/CMS_2011_S8941262/d02-x01-y01", "7000",1.5) logging.info("Processing CMS_2011_S8973270") useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8973270/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "70" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8973270/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "100" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8973270/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "130" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8973270/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "70" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8973270/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "100" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2011_S8973270/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "130" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2012_I1082009") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082009/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082009/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082009/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082009/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082009/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1082009/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2012_I1118269") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1118269/d01-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1118269/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "10" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2012_I1188891") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d04-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d05-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d06-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2012_I1087342") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_I1087342/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_I1087342/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_I1087342/d03-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010/d04-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_S9035664") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d11-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d12-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d13-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d14-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d15-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d16-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d17-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d18-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d20-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d21-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d22-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2011_S9035664/d23-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2012_I1125575") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x02-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x02-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x03-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x03-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x04-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x04-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x05-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d01-x05-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x02-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x02-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x03-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x03-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x04-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x04-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x05-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d02-x05-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x02-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x02-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x03-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x03-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x04-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x04-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x05-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d03-x05-y02", "7000") for d in range(4,7) : for x in range(1,6) : if(opts.ue) : for y in range(1,9) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d0%s-x0%s-y0%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "0" ) for y in ["09","10","11","12","13","14","15","16"] : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d0%s-x0%s-y%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "0" ) for y in range(17,19) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d0%s-x0%s-y%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "20" ) else : for y in range(17,19) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d0%s-x0%s-y%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "10" ) for y in range(19,21) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1125575/d0%s-x0%s-y%s" % (d,x,y), "7000", "40" ) # ATLAS_2012_I1094564 useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d15-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d18-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d19-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d20-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d24-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d26-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d27-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d28-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d29-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d30-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d31-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d32-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d33-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d34-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d35-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2012_I1094564/d36-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET") useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d15-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d18-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d19-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d20-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "260" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d24-x01-y01", "7000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d26-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d27-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET/d28-x01-y01", "7000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d02-x01-y01", "7000",1.) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d07-x01-y01", "7000",1.) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d09-x01-y01", "7000",1.) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/CMS_2013_I1273574/d11-x01-y01", "7000",1.) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d10-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d15-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2013_I1261026/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2012_I1090423") useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "2900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d02-x01-y01", "7000", "2300" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "1700" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d04-x01-y01", "7000", "1100" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "1100" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d06-x01-y01", "7000", "650" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "650" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d08-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2012_I1090423/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "250" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2014_I1298811") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d01-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d02-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d03-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d04-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d04-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d05-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d05-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d06-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d06-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d07-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d07-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d08-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d08-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d09-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d09-x01-y02", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d10-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d10-x01-y02", "7000") useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d12-x01-y01", "7000", "0" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d13-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d14-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d15-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d15-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d25-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d26-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d26-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d27-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d27-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d16-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d17-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d18-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d18-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d28-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d28-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d29-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d29-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d30-x01-y01", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d30-x01-y02", "7000", "4" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d19-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d19-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d20-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d20-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d21-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d31-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d31-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d32-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d32-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d33-x01-y01", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d33-x01-y02", "7000", "40" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d22-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d23-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d24-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d24-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d34-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d34-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d35-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d35-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d36-x01-y01", "7000", "210" ) useOnePt("/ATLAS_2014_I1298811/d36-x01-y02", "7000", "210" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2014_I1268975") mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d01-x01-y01", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d01-x01-y02", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d01-x01-y03", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d01-x01-y04", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d01-x01-y05", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d01-x01-y06", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d02-x01-y01", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d02-x01-y02", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d02-x01-y03", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d02-x01-y04", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d02-x01-y05", "7000", 1000.) mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2014_I1268975/d02-x01-y06", "7000", 1000.) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2014_I1307243") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d01-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d02-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d03-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d04-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d05-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d06-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d07-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d08-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d09-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d10-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d11-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d12-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d13-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d14-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d15-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d16-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d17-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d18-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d19-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d20-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d21-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d22-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d23-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d24-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d25-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d26-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d27-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d28-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d29-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d30-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d31-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d32-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d33-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d34-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d35-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d36-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d37-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d38-x01-y01", "7000") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d39-x01-y01", "7000", "80" ) mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1307243/d40-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2014_I1325553") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d01-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d02-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d03-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d04-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d05-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d06-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d07-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d08-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d09-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d10-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d11-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2014_I1325553/d12-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2016_I1419070") for i in range(1,13) : if(i<10) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d0%s-x01-y01" % i, "8000") else : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d%s-x01-y01" % i, "8000") # remake differences and sums for ihist in range(1,4) : if not ("/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d0%s-x01-y01" % ihist) in outhistos : continue h1 = outhistos["/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d0%s-x01-y01" % ihist ] h2 = outhistos["/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d0%s-x01-y01" % (ihist+3)] sstring = "/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d%s-x01-y01" % (9+ihist) dstring = "/ATLAS_2016_I1419070/d0%s-x01-y01" % (6+ihist) hdiff = yoda.Scatter2D(dstring,dstring) hsum = yoda.Scatter2D(sstring,sstring) outhistos[dstring]= hdiff outhistos[sstring]= hsum for nbin in range(0,h2.numBins()) : bsum = h1.bins()[nbin]+h2.bins()[nbin] try: ydiff = h2.bins()[nbin].mean()-h1.bins()[nbin].mean() except: ydiff = 0 try: ysum = bsum.mean() bstderr = bsum.stdErr() except: ysum = 0 bstderr = 0 try: yerr = math.sqrt(h1.bins()[nbin].stdErr()**2+h2.bins()[nbin].stdErr()**2) except: yerr = 0 x = h1.bins()[nbin].xMid() xerr = 0.5*h1.bins()[nbin].xWidth() hdiff.addPoint(x,ydiff,xerr,yerr) hsum.addPoint(x,ysum ,xerr,bstderr) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2015_I1394679") for i in range(1,5) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d0%s-x01-y01" % i, "8000") for i in range(5,11) : if(i<10) : useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d0%s-x01-y01" % i, "8000", "110" ) else : useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % i, "8000", "110" ) for i in range(0,4) : useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (11+4*i), "8000", "110" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (12+4*i), "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (13+4*i), "8000", "600" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (14+4*i), "8000", "900" ) for i in range(0,5) : useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (27+4*i), "8000", "110" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (28+4*i), "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (29+4*i), "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2015_I1394679/d%s-x01-y01" % (30+4*i), "8000", "400" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2013_I1208923") for i in range(1,6) : mergeByPt ("/CMS_2013_I1208923/d01-x01-y0%s" % i, "7000") mergeByMass("/CMS_2013_I1208923/d02-x01-y0%s" % i, "7000", 1.) logging.info("Processing CMS_2014_I1298810") for i in range(1,19) : if(i<10) : mergeByPt("/CMS_2014_I1298810/d0"+str(i)+"-x01-y01", "7000") else : mergeByPt("/CMS_2014_I1298810/d"+str(i)+"-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2014_I1305624") for x in range(1,6) : useOnePt( "/CMS_2014_I1305624/d01-x%02d-y01" % x, "7000", "110" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2014_I1305624/d01-x%02d-y02" % x, "7000", "110" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2014_I1305624/d01-x%02d-y03" % x, "7000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2014_I1305624/d01-x%02d-y04" % x, "7000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2014_I1305624/d01-x%02d-y05" % x, "7000", "400" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2011_I929691") for x in range(0,3) : useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 1), "7000", "20" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 2), "7000", "40" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 3), "7000", "40" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 4), "7000", "80" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 5), "7000", "110" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 6), "7000", "110" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 7), "7000", "210" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 8), "7000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+ 9), "7000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2011_I929691/d%02d-x01-y01" % (10*x+10), "7000", "400" ) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2015_I1393758") for i in range(1,13) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2015_I1393758/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "8000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2016_I1459051") for i in range(1,15) : mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1459051/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "13000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_092") for i in range(1,7) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_092/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "13000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2017_I1609253") useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d01-x01-y01", "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d02-x01-y01", "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d03-x01-y01", "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d04-x01-y01", "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d05-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d06-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d07-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d08-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d09-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d10-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d11-x01-y01", "8000", "600" ) useOnePt( "/ATLAS_2017_I1609253/d12-x01-y01", "8000", "600" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2016_I1487277") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d01-x01-y01", "8000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d02-x01-y01", "8000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d03-x01-y01", "8000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d04-x01-y01", "8000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d05-x01-y01", "8000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d06-x01-y01", "8000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1487277/d07-x01-y01", "8000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2016_I1421646") useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d01-x01-y01", "8000", "210" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d02-x01-y01", "8000", "260" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d03-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d04-x01-y01", "8000", "400" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d05-x01-y01", "8000", "600" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d06-x01-y01", "8000", "900" ) useOnePt( "/CMS_2016_I1421646/d07-x01-y01", "8000", "900" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2017_I1605749") for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,16] : useOnePt("/CMS_2017_I1605749/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "8000", "400" ) for i in [11,14,17]: useOnePt("/CMS_2017_I1605749/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "8000", "600" ) for i in [12,15,18]: useOnePt("/CMS_2017_I1605749/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "8000", "900" ) def CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j) : if(i+j<100) : return "/CMS_2012_I1111014/d%02d-x01-y01" % (i+j) else : return "/CMS_2012_I1111014/d%03d-x01-y01" % (i+j) logging.info("Processing CMS_2012_I1111014") for j in [0,22,44,66,87,106]: for i in [1,2,3] : useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j), "7000", "20" ) for i in [4,5,6,7]: useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j), "7000", "40" ) for i in [8,9,10]: useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j), "7000", "80" ) for i in [11,12,13,14,15,16]: useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j), "7000", "110" ) for i in [17,18]: useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j), "7000", "210" ) useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(19,j), "7000", "260" ) if(j<87) : for i in [20,21]: useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(i,j), "7000", "400" ) if(j<66) : useOnePt(CMS_2012_I1111014_name(22,j), "7000", "600" ) for i in [126,127,128] : for j in [1,2] : mergeByPt("/CMS_2012_I1111014/d%03d-x01-y%02d" % (i,j), "7000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2018_I1682495") for i in [0,1,2,3] : useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 1), "13000", "110" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 2), "13000", "260" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 3), "13000", "260" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 4), "13000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 5), "13000", "400" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 6), "13000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 7), "13000", "600" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 8), "13000", "900" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+ 9), "13000", "900" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+10), "13000", "900" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+11), "13000", "900" ) useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1682495/d%02d-x01-y01" % (12*i+12), "13000", "900" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2015_I1385107") for i in range(1,9) : mergeByPt("/CMS_2015_I1385107/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "2760") logging.info("Processing CMS_2018_I1663452") useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d01-x01-y01", "13000", "5900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d02-x01-y01", "13000", "4900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d03-x01-y01", "13000", "3900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d04-x01-y01", "13000", "3900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d05-x01-y01", "13000", "2800" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d06-x01-y01", "13000", "2800" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2018_I1663452/d07-x01-y01", "13000", "2200" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2017_I1519995") useOneMass("/CMS_2017_I1519995/d01-x01-y01", "13000", "3900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2017_I1519995/d02-x01-y01", "13000", "3900" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2017_I1519995/d03-x01-y01", "13000", "2800" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2017_I1519995/d04-x01-y01", "13000", "2800" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2017_I1519995/d05-x01-y01", "13000", "2200" ) useOneMass("/CMS_2017_I1519995/d06-x01-y01", "13000", "1600" ) logging.info("Processing CMS_2016_I1486238") for i in [1,5,9,10,12,13,14,16,17] : useOnePt("/CMS_2016_I1486238/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "7000", "20" ) mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1486238/d11-x01-y01", "7000") mergeByPt("/CMS_2016_I1486238/d15-x01-y01", "7000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2018_I1634970") for i in range(1,7) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2018_I1634970/d%02d-x01-y01"%i, "13000") for i in range(7,13) : mergeByMass("/ATLAS_2018_I1634970/d%02d-x01-y01"%i, "13000", 1.) logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2017_I1604271") for i in range(1,13) : mergeByPt("/ATLAS_2017_I1604271/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "8000") logging.info("Processing CMS_2017_I1598460") for i in range(1,7) : mergeByPt("/CMS_2017_I1598460/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "8000") logging.info("Processing ATLAS_2019_I1724098") for i in range(1,45) : if(i<=6 or (i>=23 and i<=28)) : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2019_I1724098/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "13000", "400") else : useOnePt("/ATLAS_2019_I1724098/d%02d-x01-y01" % i, "13000", "0") logging.info("Processing CMS_2018_I1643640") for i in range(0,5) : if i == 0 : ioff = 0 else : ioff = 8*i+1 useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+1), "13000", "110") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+2), "13000", "260") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+3), "13000", "400") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+4), "13000", "400") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+5), "13000", "600") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+6), "13000", "600") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+7), "13000", "600") useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+8), "13000", "900") if(i==0) : useOnePt("/CMS_2018_I1643640/d%02d-x01-y01"%(ioff+9), "13000", "900") logging.info("Processing CMS_2019_I1719955") for i in range(0,2) : useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+1), "13000", "110") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+2), "13000", "260") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+3), "13000", "400") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+4), "13000", "400") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+5), "13000", "600") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+6), "13000", "600") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+7), "13000", "600") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+8), "13000", "900") useOnePt("/CMS_2019_I1719955/d%02d-x01-y01"%(9*i+9), "13000", "900") # rescaling for semi-leptonic top decays (we only simulate 1 charge combination) for i in range(96,116,2) : rescale("/ATLAS_2018_I1656578/d%s-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(15,29,2) : rescale("/ATLAS_2017_I1614149/d%s-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(1,23,2) : rescale("/ATLAS_2015_I1404878/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) rescale("/ATLAS_2015_I1397637/d01-x01-y01",2.) for i in range(1,22,1) : rescale("/ATLAS_2015_I1345452/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(1,10,1) : rescale("/ATLAS_2014_I1304688/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(1,82) : rescale("/CMS_2018_I1663958/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(169,173,1) : rescale("/CMS_2018_I1663958/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(8,15) : rescale("/CMS_2018_I1662081/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(1,41) : rescale("/CMS_2016_I1491950/d%02d-x02-y01" % i,2.) for i in range(1,13) : rescale("/CMS_2016_I1454211/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) rescale("/CMS_2017_I1518399/d01-x01-y01",2.) +for i in [4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,75,76,77,78,79] : + rescale("/ATLAS_2019_I1750330/d%02d-x01-y01" % i,2.) +for i in [115,116,117,118,119,155,156,157,158,159,189,190,191,192,212,213,214,235,236,237,238,263,264,265,266,291,292,293,294,319,320,321,322,347,348,349,350,375,376,377,378,403,404,405,406,426,427,428,449,450,451,452,477,478,479,480,505,506,507,508,843,847,851,855,859,863,867,871,875,879,883,887,899,900,901,913,914,923,924,933,934,943,944,957,958,959,975,976,977,993,994,995,1007,1008,1021,1022,1023,] : + rescale("/ATLAS_2019_I1750330/d%s-x01-y01" % i,2.) + # Choose output file name = args[0]+"-Jets.yoda" yoda.writeYODA(outhistos,name) sys.exit(0)