diff --git a/src/LHE-FxFx.in b/src/LHE-FxFx.in --- a/src/LHE-FxFx.in +++ b/src/LHE-FxFx.in @@ -1,148 +1,150 @@ ################################################## # Example generator based on LHC parameters # For FxFx merging with MadGraph5/aMC@NLO # usage: Herwig read FxFx.in ################################################## +#read snippets/PPCollider.in +################################################## # Technical parameters for this run ################################################## cd /Herwig/Generators set EventGenerator:NumberOfEvents 100000000 set EventGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator:Seed 31122001 set EventGenerator:PrintEvent 1 set EventGenerator:MaxErrors 10000 ################################################################## # Create the Les Houches file handler and reader for FxFx events ################################################################## cd /Herwig/EventHandlers library HwFxFx.so create Herwig::FxFxEventHandler LesHouchesHandler # set the various step handlers set LesHouchesHandler:PartonExtractor /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor set LesHouchesHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler set LesHouchesHandler:DecayHandler /Herwig/Decays/DecayHandler # set the weight option (for MC@NLO) set LesHouchesHandler:WeightOption VarNegWeight # set event hander as one to be used set /Herwig/Generators/EventGenerator:EventHandler /Herwig/EventHandlers/LesHouchesHandler # Set up an EMPTY CUTS object # Normally you will have imposed any cuts you want # when generating the event file and don't want any more # in particular for POWHEG and MC@NLO you must not apply cuts on the # the extra jet create ThePEG::Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts # Create a LH reader specialised for FxFx events cd /Herwig/EventHandlers create Herwig::FxFxFileReader FxFxLHReader insert LesHouchesHandler:FxFxReaders[0] FxFxLHReader # Create the FxFxHandler for merging with the shower cd /Herwig/Shower library HwFxFxHandler.so create Herwig::FxFxHandler FxFxHandler set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler:SplittingGenerator /Herwig/Shower/SplittingGenerator set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler:KinematicsReconstructor /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler:PartnerFinder /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LesHouchesHandler:CascadeHandler /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler ################################################################################### # PDF settings # # You may wish to use the same PDF as the events were generated with # ################################################################################### create ThePEG::LHAPDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF ThePEGLHAPDF.so set /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF:PDFName NAME_OF_PDF set /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer:AllowTop Yes set /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF:RemnantHandler /Herwig/Partons/HadronRemnants set /Herwig/Particles/p+:PDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF set /Herwig/Particles/pbar-:PDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:FirstPDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF set /Herwig/Partons/PPExtractor:SecondPDF /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF # We would recommend the shower uses the default PDFs with which it was tuned. # However it can be argued that the same set as for the sample should be used for # matched samples, i.e. MC@NLO (and less so POWHEG) set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF # You can in principle also change the PDFs for the remnant extraction and # multiple scattering. As the generator was tuned with the default values # this is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED without retuning the MPI parameters # create the reader and set cuts set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:FileName NAME_OF_FILE #(the file can be compressed (gziped,bziped)) set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:WeightWarnings false set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:AllowedToReOpen No set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:InitPDFs 0 set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:Cuts /Herwig/Cuts/NoCuts # option to ensure momentum conservation is O.K. due rounding errors (recommended) set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:MomentumTreatment RescaleEnergy # set the pdfs set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:PDFA /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:PDFB /Herwig/Partons/LHAPDF # if using BSM models with QNUMBER info #set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:QNumbers Yes #set /Herwig/EventHandlers/FxFxLHReader:Decayer /Herwig/Decays/Mambo ################################################## # Shower parameters # ################################################## # normally, especially for POWHEG, you want # the scale supplied in the event files (SCALUP) # to be used as a pT veto scale in the parton shower set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MaxPtIsMuF Yes set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:RestrictPhasespace Yes # Shower parameters # treatment of wide angle radiation set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:PartnerMethod Random set /Herwig/Shower/PartnerFinder:ScaleChoice Partner # with MC@NLO these parameters are required for consistency of the subtraction terms set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialInitialBoostOption LongTransBoost set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:ReconstructionOption General set /Herwig/Shower/KinematicsReconstructor:InitialStateReconOption Rapidity set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:SpinCorrelations No ############################################################# # Set up the FxFxHandler # ############################################################# cd /Herwig/Shower set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler:MPIHandler /Herwig/UnderlyingEvent/MPIHandler set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler:RemDecayer /Herwig/Partons/RemnantDecayer set /Herwig/Shower/FxFxHandler:ShowerAlpha AlphaQCD # set the heavy quark decay product vetoing process on/off set FxFxHandler:HeavyQVeto Yes # Automatic detection of the hard process (experimental) set FxFxHandler:HardProcessDetection Automatic # No. of light jets in maximum-multiplicity FxFx process set FxFxHandler:njetsmax MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PARTONS_IN_LHE_FILE # Make sure this is set correctly! # Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation. set FxFxHandler:drjmin 0 # Recommended key merging parameters below cd /Herwig/Shower # turn the Vetoing On or Off completely set FxFxHandler:VetoIsTurnedOff VetoingIsOn # merging mode: in this case FxFx: set FxFxHandler:MergeMode FxFx # merging scale set FxFxHandler:ETClus 20*GeV # jet radius used in clustering in merging. set FxFxHandler:RClus 1.0 # Max |eta| for jets in clustering in merging. set FxFxHandler:EtaClusMax 10 # Default 1.5 factor used to decide if a jet matches a parton # in merging: if DR(parton,jet)