diff --git a/src/YAMLreader.cc b/src/YAMLreader.cc index e5ce822..dc2e36c 100644 --- a/src/YAMLreader.cc +++ b/src/YAMLreader.cc @@ -1,464 +1,465 @@ /** * \authors Jeppe Andersen, Tuomas Hapola, Marian Heil, Andreas Maier, Jennifer Smillie * \date 2019 * \copyright GPLv2 or later */ #include "HEJ/YAMLreader.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HEJ/ScaleFunction.hh" #include "HEJ/event_types.hh" #include "HEJ/output_formats.hh" namespace HEJ{ class Event; namespace{ //! Get YAML tree of supported options /** * The configuration file is checked against this tree of options * in assert_all_options_known. */ YAML::Node const & get_supported_options(){ const static YAML::Node supported = [](){ YAML::Node supported; static const auto opts = { "trials", "min extparton pt", "max ext soft pt fraction", "FKL", "unordered", "non-HEJ", "scales", "scale factors", "max scale ratio", "import scales", "log correction", "event output", "analysis" }; // add subnodes to "supported" - the assigned value is irrelevant for(auto && opt: opts) supported[opt] = ""; for(auto && jet_opt: {"min pt", "algorithm", "R"}){ supported["resummation jets"][jet_opt] = ""; supported["fixed order jets"][jet_opt] = ""; } for(auto && opt: {"mt", "use impact factors", "include bottom", "mb"}){ supported["Higgs coupling"][opt] = ""; } for(auto && opt: {"name", "seed"}){ supported["random generator"][opt] = ""; } return supported; }(); return supported; } fastjet::JetAlgorithm to_JetAlgorithm(std::string const & algo){ using namespace fastjet; static const std::map known = { {"kt", kt_algorithm}, {"cambridge", cambridge_algorithm}, {"antikt", antikt_algorithm}, {"cambridge for passive", cambridge_for_passive_algorithm}, {"plugin", plugin_algorithm} }; const auto res = known.find(algo); if(res == known.end()){ throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown jet algorithm " + algo); } return res->second; } EventTreatment to_EventTreatment(std::string const & name){ static const std::map known = { {"reweight", EventTreatment::reweight}, {"keep", EventTreatment::keep}, {"discard", EventTreatment::discard} }; const auto res = known.find(name); if(res == known.end()){ throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown event treatment " + name); } return res->second; } } // namespace anonymous namespace detail{ void set_from_yaml(fastjet::JetAlgorithm & setting, YAML::Node const & yaml){ setting = to_JetAlgorithm(yaml.as()); } void set_from_yaml(EventTreatment & setting, YAML::Node const & yaml){ setting = to_EventTreatment(yaml.as()); } void set_from_yaml(ParticleID & setting, YAML::Node const & yaml){ setting = to_ParticleID(yaml.as()); } } // namespace detail JetParameters get_jet_parameters( YAML::Node const & node, std::string const & entry ){ assert(node); JetParameters result; fastjet::JetAlgorithm jet_algo = fastjet::antikt_algorithm; double R; set_from_yaml_if_defined(jet_algo, node, entry, "algorithm"); set_from_yaml(R, node, entry, "R"); result.def = fastjet::JetDefinition{jet_algo, R}; set_from_yaml(result.min_pt, node, entry, "min pt"); return result; } RNGConfig to_RNGConfig( YAML::Node const & node, std::string const & entry ){ assert(node); RNGConfig result; set_from_yaml(result.name, node, entry, "name"); set_from_yaml_if_defined(result.seed, node, entry, "seed"); return result; } HiggsCouplingSettings get_Higgs_coupling( YAML::Node const & node, std::string const & entry ){ assert(node); static constexpr double mt_max = 2e4; #ifndef HEJ_BUILD_WITH_QCDLOOP if(node[entry]){ throw std::invalid_argument{ "Higgs coupling settings require building HEJ 2 " "with QCDloop support" }; } #endif HiggsCouplingSettings settings; set_from_yaml_if_defined(settings.mt, node, entry, "mt"); set_from_yaml_if_defined(settings.mb, node, entry, "mb"); set_from_yaml_if_defined(settings.include_bottom, node, entry, "include bottom"); set_from_yaml_if_defined(settings.use_impact_factors, node, entry, "use impact factors"); if(settings.use_impact_factors){ if(settings.mt != std::numeric_limits::infinity()){ throw std::invalid_argument{ "Conflicting settings: " "impact factors may only be used in the infinite top mass limit" }; } } else{ // huge values of the top mass are numerically unstable settings.mt = std::min(settings.mt, mt_max); } return settings; } FileFormat to_FileFormat(std::string const & name){ static const std::map known = { {"Les Houches", FileFormat::Les_Houches}, {"HepMC", FileFormat::HepMC} }; const auto res = known.find(name); if(res == known.end()){ throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown file format " + name); } return res->second; } std::string extract_suffix(std::string const & filename){ size_t separator = filename.rfind('.'); if(separator == filename.npos) return {}; return filename.substr(separator + 1); } FileFormat format_from_suffix(std::string const & filename){ const std::string suffix = extract_suffix(filename); if(suffix == "lhe") return FileFormat::Les_Houches; if(suffix == "hepmc") return FileFormat::HepMC; throw std::invalid_argument{ "Can't determine format for output file " + filename }; } void assert_all_options_known( YAML::Node const & conf, YAML::Node const & supported ){ if(!conf.IsMap()) return; if(!supported.IsMap()) throw invalid_type{"must not have sub-entries"}; for(auto const & entry: conf){ const auto name = entry.first.as(); if(! supported[name]) throw unknown_option{name}; /* check sub-options, e.g. 'resummation jets: min pt' * we don't check analysis sub-options * those depend on the analysis being used and should be checked there * similar for "import scales" */ if(name != "analysis" && name != "import scales"){ try{ assert_all_options_known(conf[name], supported[name]); } catch(unknown_option const & ex){ throw unknown_option{name + ": " + ex.what()}; } catch(invalid_type const & ex){ throw invalid_type{name + ": " + ex.what()}; } } } } } // namespace HEJ namespace YAML { Node convert::encode(HEJ::OutputFile const & outfile) { Node node; node[to_string(outfile.format)] = outfile.name; return node; }; bool convert::decode(Node const & node, HEJ::OutputFile & out) { switch(node.Type()){ case NodeType::Map: { YAML::const_iterator it = node.begin(); out.format = HEJ::to_FileFormat(it->first.as()); out.name = it->second.as(); return true; } case NodeType::Scalar: out.name = node.as(); out.format = HEJ::format_from_suffix(out.name); return true; default: return false; } } } // namespace YAML namespace HEJ{ namespace detail{ void set_from_yaml(OutputFile & setting, YAML::Node const & yaml){ setting = yaml.as(); } } namespace{ void update_fixed_order_jet_parameters( JetParameters & fixed_order_jets, YAML::Node const & yaml ){ if(!yaml["fixed order jets"]) return; set_from_yaml_if_defined( fixed_order_jets.min_pt, yaml, "fixed order jets", "min pt" ); fastjet::JetAlgorithm algo = fixed_order_jets.def.jet_algorithm(); set_from_yaml_if_defined(algo, yaml, "fixed order jets", "algorithm"); double R = fixed_order_jets.def.R(); set_from_yaml_if_defined(R, yaml, "fixed order jets", "R"); fixed_order_jets.def = fastjet::JetDefinition{algo, R}; } // like std::stod, but throw if not the whole string can be converted double to_double(std::string const & str){ std::size_t pos; const double result = std::stod(str, &pos); if(pos < str.size()){ throw std::invalid_argument(str + " is not a valid double value"); } return result; } using EventScale = double (*)(Event const &); void import_scale_functions( std::string const & file, std::vector const & scale_names, std::unordered_map & known ) { auto handle = dlopen(file.c_str(), RTLD_NOW); char * error = dlerror(); if(error != nullptr) throw std::runtime_error{error}; for(auto const & scale: scale_names) { void * sym = dlsym(handle, scale.c_str()); error = dlerror(); if(error != nullptr) throw std::runtime_error{error}; known.emplace(scale, reinterpret_cast(sym)); } } auto get_scale_map( YAML::Node const & yaml ) { std::unordered_map scale_map; scale_map.emplace("H_T", H_T); scale_map.emplace("max jet pperp", max_jet_pt); scale_map.emplace("jet invariant mass", jet_invariant_mass); scale_map.emplace("m_j1j2", m_j1j2); if(yaml["import scales"]) { if(! yaml["import scales"].IsMap()) { throw invalid_type{"Entry 'import scales' is not a map"}; } for(auto const & import: yaml["import scales"]) { const auto file = import.first.as(); const auto scale_names = import.second.IsSequence() ?import.second.as>() :std::vector{import.second.as()}; import_scale_functions(file, scale_names, scale_map); } } return scale_map; } // simple (as in non-composite) scale functions /** * An example for a simple scale function would be H_T, * H_T/2 is then composite (take H_T and then divide by 2) */ ScaleFunction parse_simple_ScaleFunction( std::string const & scale_fun, std::unordered_map const & known ) { assert( scale_fun.empty() || (!std::isspace(scale_fun.front()) && !std::isspace(scale_fun.back())) ); const auto it = known.find(scale_fun); if(it != end(known)) return {it->first, it->second}; try{ const double scale = to_double(scale_fun); return {scale_fun, FixedScale{scale}}; } catch(std::invalid_argument const &){} throw std::invalid_argument{"Unknown scale choice: " + scale_fun}; } std::string trim_front(std::string const & str){ const auto new_begin = std::find_if( begin(str), end(str), [](char c){ return ! std::isspace(c); } ); return std::string(new_begin, end(str)); } std::string trim_back(std::string str){ size_t pos = str.size() - 1; // use guaranteed wrap-around behaviour to check whether we have // traversed the whole string for(; pos < str.size() && std::isspace(str[pos]); --pos) {} str.resize(pos + 1); // note that pos + 1 can be 0 return str; } ScaleFunction parse_ScaleFunction( std::string const & scale_fun, std::unordered_map const & known ){ assert( scale_fun.empty() || (!std::isspace(scale_fun.front()) && !std::isspace(scale_fun.back())) ); - const size_t delim = scale_fun.find_first_of("*/"); + // parse from right to left => a/b/c gives (a/b)/c + const size_t delim = scale_fun.find_last_of("*/"); if(delim == scale_fun.npos){ return parse_simple_ScaleFunction(scale_fun, known); } const std::string first = trim_back(std::string{scale_fun, 0, delim}); const std::string second = trim_front(std::string{scale_fun, delim+1}); if(scale_fun[delim] == '/'){ return parse_ScaleFunction(first, known) / parse_ScaleFunction(second, known); } else{ assert(scale_fun[delim] == '*'); return parse_ScaleFunction(first, known) * parse_ScaleFunction(second, known); } } EventTreatMap get_event_treatment( YAML::Node const & yaml ){ using namespace event_type; EventTreatMap treat { {no_2_jets, EventTreatment::discard}, {bad_final_state, EventTreatment::discard}, {FKL, EventTreatment::reweight}, {unob, EventTreatment::keep}, {unof, EventTreatment::keep}, {nonHEJ, EventTreatment::keep} }; set_from_yaml(treat.at(FKL), yaml, "FKL"); set_from_yaml(treat.at(unob), yaml, "unordered"); treat.at(unof) = treat.at(unob); set_from_yaml(treat.at(nonHEJ), yaml, "non-HEJ"); if(treat[nonHEJ] == EventTreatment::reweight){ throw std::invalid_argument{"Cannot reweight non-HEJ events"}; } return treat; } Config to_Config(YAML::Node const & yaml){ try{ assert_all_options_known(yaml, get_supported_options()); } catch(unknown_option const & ex){ throw unknown_option{std::string{"Unknown option '"} + ex.what() + "'"}; } Config config; config.resummation_jets = get_jet_parameters(yaml, "resummation jets"); config.fixed_order_jets = config.resummation_jets; update_fixed_order_jet_parameters(config.fixed_order_jets, yaml); set_from_yaml(config.min_extparton_pt, yaml, "min extparton pt"); config.max_ext_soft_pt_fraction = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); set_from_yaml_if_defined( config.max_ext_soft_pt_fraction, yaml, "max ext soft pt fraction" ); set_from_yaml(config.trials, yaml, "trials"); set_from_yaml(config.log_correction, yaml, "log correction"); config.treat = get_event_treatment(yaml); set_from_yaml_if_defined(config.output, yaml, "event output"); config.rng = to_RNGConfig(yaml, "random generator"); set_from_yaml_if_defined(config.analysis_parameters, yaml, "analysis"); config.scales = to_ScaleConfig(yaml); config.Higgs_coupling = get_Higgs_coupling(yaml, "Higgs coupling"); return config; } } // namespace anonymous ScaleConfig to_ScaleConfig(YAML::Node const & yaml){ ScaleConfig config; auto scale_funs = get_scale_map(yaml); std::vector scales; set_from_yaml(scales, yaml, "scales"); config.base.reserve(scales.size()); std::transform( begin(scales), end(scales), std::back_inserter(config.base), [scale_funs](auto const & entry){ return parse_ScaleFunction(entry, scale_funs); } ); set_from_yaml_if_defined(config.factors, yaml, "scale factors"); config.max_ratio = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); set_from_yaml_if_defined(config.max_ratio, yaml, "max scale ratio"); return config; } Config load_config(std::string const & config_file){ try{ return to_Config(YAML::LoadFile(config_file)); } catch(...){ std::cerr << "Error reading " << config_file << ":\n "; throw; } } } // namespace HEJ