diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation.rst index 3f85894..4576d7e 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/installation.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/installation.rst @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ .. _Installation: Installation ============ Download -------- A tar archive of the HEJ 2 source code can be downloaded and decompressed with the command:: curl https://hej.hepforge.org/downloads?f=HEJ_2.2.tar.gz | tar -xz To obtain the latest stable HEJ version, `HEJ_2.2.tar.gz` should be replaced by `HEJ.tar.gz`. Alternatively, the HEJ source code can be obtained by installing the `git version control system `_. and running: .. code-block:: sh git clone https://phab.hepforge.org/source/hej.git We also provide a `Docker image `_ containing a HEJ 2 installation (including the HEJ Fixed Order Generator). This image can be pulled with: docker pull hejdock/hej When using the Docker image the remaining installation steps can be skipped. In addition to working with Docker, these images will also work with `apptainer`_/ `singularity`_. Users can also make use of the MPI libraries included in the images for efficient fixed order event generation for HEJ input using Sherpa which is configured with MPI support. Note that HEJ itself does not provide support for MPI. -This comes with a caviat that you may need to source the software before running +This comes with a caveat that you may need to source the software before running HEJ: source /cvmfs/pheno.egi.eu/HEJV2/HEJ_env.sh Prerequisites ------------- Before installing HEJ 2, you need the following programs and libraries: - `CMake `_ version 3.1 - A compiler supporting the C++17 standard, for example `gcc `_ 7 or later - `FastJet `_ - `CLHEP `_ version 2.3 - `LHAPDF `_ version 6 - The `IOStreams` and `uBLAS` `boost `_ libraries - `yaml-cpp `_ - `autoconf` and `automake` for `FORM `_ In addition, some optional features have additional dependencies: - `Version 2 of QCDLoop `_ is required to include finite top mass corrections in Higgs boson + jets production. - `HepMC versions 2 and 3 `_ enable event output in the respective format. - `Rivet `_ version 3.1.4 or later together with HepMC 2 or 3 allow using Rivet analyses. - `HighFive `_ has to be installed in order to read and write event files in the `HDF5 `_-based format suggested in `arXiv:1905.05120 `_. We strongly recommend to install these programs and libraries to standard locations: - The executable files should be inside one of the directories listed in the `PATH` environment variable. This concerns `cmake`, the C++ compiler, and the executables contained in `autoconf` and `automake`. - The library header files ending with `.h`, `.hh`, or `.hpp` should be in a directory where they are found by the C++ compiler. For `gcc` or `clang`, custom locations can be specified using the `CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH` environment variable. - The compiled library files ending with `.a`, `.so`, or `.dylib` should be in a directory where they are found by the linker. Custom locations can be set via the `LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable. For shared object libraries (`.so` or `.dylib`) custom locations should also be part of `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` on linux and `DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH` or `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` on macOS. Compilation ----------- To compile and install HEJ 2 run:: cmake source/directory -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=target/directory make install :file:`source/directory` is the directory containing the file :file:`CMakeLists.txt`. If you omit :code:`-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=target/directory` HEJ 2 will be installed to some default location. In case some of the aforementioned prerequisites are not found by :code:`cmake` you can give a hint by adding an additional argument :code:`-Dlibname_ROOT_DIR=/directory/with/library`, where :code:`libname` should be replaced by the name of the library in question. For example, if `FastJet` is installed in the subdirectory `.local` of your home directory with the `libfastjet.*` library files in `.local/lib` and the header files ending with `.hh` in `.local/include/fastjet` you can pass :code:`-Dfastjet_ROOT_DIR=$HOME/.local` to `cmake`. If :code:`cmake` fails to find (the correct) boost path, try setting :code:`-DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost`, this will force :code:`cmake` to search for boost only in :code:`/path/to/boost`. To not include specific packages one can add :code:`-DEXCLUDE_packagename=TRUE` to :code:`cmake`, e.g. by setting :code:`-DEXCLUDE_rivet=TRUE` HEJ 2 will not be interfaced to Rivet even if it is available on the system. Testing ------- To test your installation, download the NNPDF 2.3 PDF set with:: lhapdf install NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119 and run:: make test The test data of HEJ are stored in a `Git Large File Storage `_ format. :code:`git clone` therefore requires :code:`git-lfs` to download the data correctly.